Animal Breeding Policy

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Draft Animal Breeding Policy

Objectives: With a long term objective of attaining and improving food security in Jharkhand state, following broad objectives covering different livestock species for meeting long term goals are as follows: 1. Improving milk production and reproduction potential of Cattle & Buffaloes. 2. Improving growth (body weight) and reproductive potential of goats/sheep for more meat production besides Improving yield and quality of wool/fiber of sheep. 3. Improving body weight and reproductive potentials of local pigs for better return. 4. Improving egg and meat production of local birds. 5. Conserving and improving breeds of livestock/birds found in Jharkhand. 6. Improving load carrying capacity of ox & He buffaloes.

Strategies: The above objectives will be addressed with an approach focused in the following areas: 1. Building participatory institutions of collective action for small scale farmers that allow them to get vertically integrated with livestock processors and input suppliers

2. Creating an environment to attract long term investment in livestock sectors to improve livestock productivity and profitability.

3. Promoting effective regulatory institutions to deal with the threat of environment and health crisis stemming from livestock.

In order to meet the objectives and the focused approach, following step wise STATEGIES are required: 1. Survey, evaluation and characterization of native livestock and poultry. 2. Formulation of implementable and result oriented location specific need based livestock Breeding Policy. 3. Developing mechanism for implementation of Livestock Breeding Policy.

Improvement of milk yield and draft potential (load carrying capacity) of non-descript or low producing local cattle & buffaloes through crossbreeding and upgrading with improved Indian breeds.

5. Improvement of goats for meat production and reproductive potential through crossbreeding and selective breeding. 6. Improvement of Sheep for meat, wool yield and quality as well as reproductive potential through crossbreeding, upgrading and selective breeding.

Improvement of local poultry (Chicken and ducks) for egg and meat production through crossbreeding, upgrading and selective breeding.

In the light of above description, the following Livestock Breeding Policy Approach is proposed: Since Jharkhand state does not have well defined breeds of livestock expect of sheep i.e. Chottanagpur sheep, it is recommended to establish a Livestock Research institute with mandate to develop sustainable technologies for improving productivity and profitability of different livestock species like cattle, buffaloes, goat, sheep poultry and pig. This institutes will ensure coordinating species specific research and development aspects by undertaking required work on breeding, nutrition,

management, health, extension, economics and marketing as well as Human Resources Development at grass Root levels. This institutes will intensively work for ensuring improvement in overall performance of the species for assuring food security of the people of Jharkhand, Appropriate support from AGRIL. universities, Government Department of Animal Husbandry, NGOs and farmer community be sought for sharing the issues like research and training, service provision, development and marketing. Cattle and Buffalo development requires genetic up gradation of existing population. Since there is no defined and established breeds of cattle and buffalo breed in the state, Major thrust need be given on genetic up gradation of Indigenous /native cattle and buffaloes using high quality pedigreed bulls through expanding existing level of artificial Insemination, in A.I. inaccessible areas, strengthen natural service network to provide quality germless and other services at the farmers level is required in participatory mode by involving private breeders, goshalas, NGOs and Panchayats (local bodies) particularly in remote and hilly areas. PROPOSED LIVESTOCK BREEDING POLICY APPROCH: Livestock Breeding Policy should be location specific and need based for urban, semi urban and rural areas separately. Urban, semi Arban and Areas: Large Animals: in general, Cattle and buffaloes are categorized as large animals, proposed breeding policy for these animals are being defined below: Cattle: Due to existence of huge gap in milk production/availability and demand in the urban and semi urban including Industrial areas, crossbreeding of available cattle with Holstein Friesian/jersey through artificial insemination should be practiced with restriction that the level of exotic inheritance should not exceed more than 50%, Holstein - Friesian and jersey crossbred heifers/cows should be inseminated restrict their inheritance to 50 per cent only.

Buffaloes: To identify suitable breed, type and size with desired production levels, local/improved buffaloes should be upgraded with Murrah, surti and Mehsana buffalo semen through artificial insemination or bulls for natural mating as per situation and infrastructure facilities available. Rural areas: Cattle: (a) Less remote area: cattle improvidently by following upgrading of local cattle through Semen of proven Sahiwal, Red Sindhi and Gir bulls should be practiced to improve milk production of females as well draft power of males. (b) More remote area: cattle improvidently by following upgrading of local cattle through Semen of Tharparker and Hariana should be practiced to improvement in milk production and production of quality bullocks for agriculture purpose. Buffalo in rural areas: To identify suitable breed, type and size with desired production levels local/improved buffaloes should be upgraded with Murra, Surti and Mehsana buffalo semen through artificial insemination or bulls for natural mating as per situation and infrastructural facilities available. Note: To support breeding policy for cattle, Buffaloes and other livestock, the state must have. (a) (b) Calf and Heifer rearing station Bull mother farms for improver breeds under organized farm

(c) Veterinary Poly clinic with modern laboratories at regional levels for disease diagnosis and surveillance to cater the health need of quality animals. Small Animals: Goat and Sheep come under the category of small animal: Goats: The existing biodiversity of goat population in the state should be studied to understand the need of farmers preferred characters to decide appropriate selection criteria.

Plamau Division: Local goats should be improved by crossbreeding/upgrading with Beetal, Barberi, Sirohi and Jhakharana bucks. Other Division: Selective breeding of Black Bengal Should be practiced, Genetic evaluation, conservation and improvement of Black Bengal goats in their natural habitat should be strictly followed. Sheep: Plamau Division: Local Sheep should be improved through crossbreeding/upgrading with Muzaffarnagari Rams for improvement in mutton production and wool yield and its quality. Other Division: Selective breeding of Chhotanagpuri Sheep Should be restored. Pig: In Jharkhand pig enterprise is capable of playing an important role to improve the socio economic status of poor farmers. The popularity of pig rearing among farmers can be reflected by the density of pig in different districts of Jharkhand. The central Zone and North Zone of Jharkhand have dense population of pigs. This dense population indicates popularity of pig rearing among farmers which might be due to the fact that in Central Zone availability of improved variety of pigs, regular training and awareness programme by Ranchi Veterinary college, different NGOs and KVKs situated in this area, availability of marketing facility and also due to proper health coverage. The North Zone the popularity for pig rearing might be due to the dense tribal population and training and awareness programme by KVKas and NGOs. Since feeding cost is the main constraint in pig rearing among farmers hence the proposed institute will have a separate unit of Animal Nutrition which will develop region specific economic feeds to farmers so that pig rearing can be made more economical and thus more profitable amongst farmers. Strategies for Pig improvement:1. Local pigs should be crossed/upgraded with Tamworth and Russian Charmukha breeds. Since success of pig improvement program depends on regular supply of T&D pigs to second line of breeders, the same be insured.

2. Establishment of pig farm in different zones should be undertaken for supplying T&D pigs, services and imparting training to farmers to boost the pig production of the region for improving the rural economy. 3. Starting of bacon factory at Ranchi and organized slaughter houses in different districts should be considered to boost pig production. Poultry: Poultry includes Chicken, Ducks and other avian species Out of total avian species only chicken and ducks are important for the people of Jharkhand.

Chicken: (i) Local birds should be improved through crossbreeding/upgrading with RIR, Black Australorp cocks. (ii) Grampriya /Vanraja varieties of dual purpose poultry breeds should be promoted for improvement in eggs and meat production. (iii) Poultry breeds i.e. Hazra, Aseel should be conserved under in situ conditions. Ducks: (i) Local ducks should be improved by utilizing khaki Campbell breed for improving egg production. (ii)Local ducks should be improved by utilizing White Peking breed for improving meatproduction. Strategies for fodder development:1. Maximizing forage production in the existing area by cultivating high yielding crop varieties:For getting maximum production of forge from per unit land area, growers should be endowed with good quality seed / planting material of grasses and forage crops. Beside, grasses/forage crops should be identified properly according to different climatic/rainfall conditions and their package of cultivation.

2. On account of heavy pressure of human population, fodder production hardly finds its place in the common cropping patters. Consequently there is acute shortage of fodder in the state. Hence it is suggested that research be focused on identifying dual purpose crop varieties for augmenting the production of forage in Jharkhand.

3. Renovation of grass lands with improved variety of grasses:The present productivity of grasslands located in the different parts of the state is low because of uncontrolled grazing and grass cover of local grass species. In addition to renovation of grasslands appropriate management is taken for achieving maximum advantage from the grasslands.

Dog & Other Pet Animal:There is no need to define any breeding policy for pet animals including dogs. Livestock Farms:A separate committee has been constituted by the department to suggest measure for improvement of existing livestock and other farms of the state Animal Husbandry Department.

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