Group 3 - Integrated Learning

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Educators are adults who are responsible for the
implementation of education in providing knowledge and guiding
the child to be able to move towards maturity with a picture of
maturity that is always imagined by the child in the educator, in
the association between educators and students, in Langeveld’s
terms it is called educational situation.
• The authority that radiates from him towards students. Authority
is an influence that is recognized as a truth and greatness, not
something that is forced.
• An educator must know students specifically so that their
education can suit each child individually, this can be learned
from developmental psychology.
• Every student wants to be himself, wants to be independent,
wants to be responsible for himself and wants to determine for
himself, for that educators should not be too imposing their will
but remember the wishes of their students.
The function of the teacher can also be described as follows:
a) CORRECTORS, teachers must be able to distinguish between good grades
and bad grades.
b) INSPIRATION, teachers must be able to provide good inspiration for the
learning progress of students. Learning problems are the main problem for
c) INFORMATORS, Teachers must be able to provide information on the
development of science and technology, in addition to a number of lesson
materials for each subject that has been programmed in the curriculum.
d) ORGANIZER, In this field, teachers have activities in managing academic
activities, compiling school rules, compiling academic calendars and so on.
Everything is organized, so as to achieve the effectiveness and efficiency of
learning in students.
e) MOTIVATORS, teachers should be able to encourage students to be
passionate and active in learning. In an effort to provide motivation, teachers
can analyze the motives behind students being lazy to study and decreasing
their performance at school.

• In educational activities, students become the foundation of

hope to become complete human beings, moral and moral
humans, responsible for life, both for themselves and for society.
Students show an immature human being, who will be guided by
their educators to reach maturity.
B.Analyzing the need for teaching materials, supporting
infrastructure, learning resources and learning media

1.Teaching materials
Teaching materials have a very important role in learning, including integrated
learning. Therefore, integrated learning is basically a combination of various
disciplines included in the natural sciences, so this learning requires teaching
materials that are more complete and comprehensive than monolithic learning.
2.Supporting facilities and infrastructure

• In integrated learning, various learning facilities and

infrastructure are needed which are basically the same as other
learning, it's just that it has its own peculiarities in several
respects. In integrated learning, the teacher must choose
carefully the media to be used, in this case the media must have
uses that can be utilized by various related fields of study and of
course integrated.
3.Learning Resources

• In a narrow sense, learning resources are

defined as all teaching tools that can present
messages that can be heard (auditively) and
can be seen (visually)..
4.Benefits of Learning Resources
A.Can provide a more concrete and direct learning experience.
-Children in elementary school age are in the phase of concrete thinking,
meaning that children at that age have not been able to think beyond the limits
of their five senses (in abstract). Giving real or concrete learning will increase
meaningfulness in the child's learning process.
B.Utilization of learning resources can overcome the limitations of space, time
and senses.
Sometimes the teacher has to explain things that are impossible to hold, visit or
see in person.
C.Increase children's knowledge and experience.
Efforts to broaden children's horizons through the use of learning resources are
also another added value of learning resources. This insight can be obtained if
students are faced with the actual environment in the learning process.
5.Instructional Media
learning media is a tool or vehicle for conveying
information or messages in the teaching and learning


A.Concrete abstract concepts.
The concepts that are felt are still abstract and difficult to explain directly to
children, can be concreted or simplified through the use of learning media. For
example, to explain about the human circulatory system, electric current, wind
blowing, and so on, you can use pictures or simple charts.
B. Presenting objects that are too dangerous or difficult to obtain in the learning
For example, the teacher explains these dangerous objects using pictures or
television programs about wild animals, such as tigers, elephants, bears, giraffes,
or even extinct animals, such as dinosaurs.
C. Displays objects that are too large.
Through the media, the teacher can convey an image of a ship, airplane, market,
temple, and so on in front of the class or display objects that are too small, such as
bacteria, viruses, ants, mosquitoes.
C.Learning Method Selection Strategy
This learning strategy is very much needed in the world of education, so that the
teaching and learning system in the classroom does not become monotonous or
boring and can help students develop their thinking patterns.
Definition of market segmentation according to experts.
1.Hilda Taba
Learning strategy is a sequence or pattern of teacher behavior to be able to
accommodate all learning variables consciously and systematically.
2. Superman
The learning strategy is a combination of several series of activities, how to
organize student subject matter, materials, equipment and time used for the
learning process in achieving the objectives of the learning activities that
have been determined.
Types of learning strategies
In the implementation of education, of course, there are many examples of learning strategies
that can be used. For example, if a learning strategy has positive and negative sides, it is
necessary to know what the negative and positive sides are. to make it easier to control. Here's
the explanation:
1. Lecture method
The type of learning strategy using the lecture method is the narrative of the material in the
teaching materials orally carried out by the teacher. There are advantages and disadvantages in
implementing this one learning method. Namely:
•This is an easy and inexpensive method.
•Can present subject matter broadly and in more detail.
•The teacher can control the class situation more easily.
•The material that students absorb is only what the teacher teaches.
•There is no special demonstration of any material presented.
•Students also often feel bored if the teacher does not have good language skills.
•It is more difficult to detect students' level of understanding
2. Demonstration method
The demonstration method is a type of learning that presents
subject matter to students combined with explanations. The goal is
that students can more easily understand the learning material
• Students will not miss understanding because the explanation
is accompanied by practice.
• The learning process will also be more interesting because
students don't just listen.
• With the process of observing, students can develop their
thinking patterns in connecting between theory and practice.
Requires more mature preparation in terms of materials,
equipment and also materials and places because if not, it will
have an impact on the ineffectiveness of the learning process. This
can only be done by teachers who have special abilities and skills.
3. Discussion method learning strategies
Another type of learning strategy is to use the discussion method, namely
by confronting students with a problem to find the right solution.
• Can stimulate students to think more creatively.
• Can train students in expressing their opinions.
• Can train students to respect each other's point of view.
• Discussion activities are often only controlled by certain people.
• Can obscure conclusions in a lesson, because the topic can be
• Often there are differences of opinion that lead to emotions.
• It takes a long time to learn a certain subject.
4. Simulation method
While the simulation method in the learning strategy is to
present an imitation situation so that each student can more
easily understand the concepts and also the material
• Can be a provision for students in dealing with a real
• Can develop the creative side of a student during the
learning process.
• Can foster courage and self-confidence.
• Can increase students' enthusiasm for learning.
There are several psychological factors of students, such as
shyness when doing the simulation.

general, the model or shape of the classroom in SD is the same,

namely a square. The teacher should identify and list all existing
objects and place them in the classroom. Things to note are as
a. Display Area
Students' work should be displayed in a place designated by the teacher. Make the
best use of existing classrooms. The teacher can paste the student's work on
materials that are easily obtained from the surrounding environment
b. Ease of Movement
Ease of movement for teachers and students also needs to be considered. Teachers
and students can freely move from one group to another, from student to student, from
and to learning resources without causing significant disruption.
c. Ventilation
Students should not sit in a place that is exposed to direct sunlight.
The ventilation in the classroom is quite good. If there is a place that
is not exposed to heat and humidity, for example, in a corner, give
special attention by asking students to clean or not to put anything
in that corner.
d. Whiteboard
• use of two whiteboards in PKR would be better.
• a movable whiteboard for group work would be greatuseful
• The blackboard is installed at a height that students can reach.
• Do not place the blackboard over a window or in a place where
students would normally be exposed to glare.
f. Benches and Chairs
Do not use the bench and chair together. This will make it
difficult to arrange benches and chairs during group work.
g. Teacher's desk
The teacher's desk is placed in a place where the teacher can
see all the students when the teacher sits down. But an
effective teacher definitely won't sit in his chair all the time,
because he has to move around to help his students with
h. Activity angle
Think of an activity corner, so students can work or study in
that corner without disturbing other students. If necessary,
make insulation from simple materials, for example insulated
with wood, bamboo, palm/sago leaves.

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