LDM Process Flows and Algorithms

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Based on DM-CI-2020-00162 or Suggested Strategies in Implementing Distance Learning Delivery Modalities for School Year 2020-2021


1.1 Printed Modular Distance Learning (PMDL)
The Printed Modular Distance Learning is implemented for learners with no gadgets and internet connection, suitable
for schools with no internet and/or computer support and infrastructure. Below is the PMDL process flow for school typologies:
REGULAR-MONOGRADE (rural to urban type; regular curriculum to schools implementing Specialized Curricular Programs).
Preparation and Distribution Phase Teaching and Learning Phase Assessment Phase

Start Assistance Teachers check and record answer

of learning sheets, portfolio (authentic), and
Learners facilitator project-based assessments
accomplish the

( )
Teachers SLMs/PLRs
download SLMs based on the
from LR Portal budgeted time Progress
SLMs, MELC- monitoring Do students Yes
aligned passed the End
Textbooks, and Teachers assessment?
Activity Sheets reproduce Retrieval Phase
Parents submit

( )
their children’s Teachers prepare
Teachers sort SLMs and ILMP and
learning kits and answer sheets to remedial
developed WHLP school activities
Processes: Activity Sheets
Distribution of LEGEND: WHLP - Weekly Home Learning Plan
Meeting D.O. learning
Plaza kits and
Gov’t Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, Agusan delModule
SLM - Self-learning Sur GPTA - General Parent-Teacher Association
quarterly WHLP
🌐 deped.agusandelsur.gov.ph
LR - Learning Resource PLR - Printed Learning Resources
MELC - Most Essential Learning Competencies ILMP - Individual Learning Monitoring Plan
📞 (085) 839-5456
Preparation and Distribution Phase
1. Teachers, through the School and District ICT, shall download the complete SLMs from the LR Portal or DepEd
Commons[1]. Teachers shall also pool all textbooks and locally-made activity sheets which are aligned to the MELC.
2. SLMs are recommended to be the primary printed learning resources (PLRs) for PMDL[1], however if resources for printing
and reproduction are limited, mapped textbooks with activity sheets may substitute printed SLMs[2] and only the needed
SLMs shall be printed in the absence of MELC-based PLRs. Reproduction of SLMs is chargeable against available MOOE[3].
3. Teacher-advisers shall sort the SLMs and other PLRs and prepare learning kits (bags) together with the developed Weekly
Home Learning Plans[4].
4. During quarterly GPTA Meeting, the school shall communicate and provide copy of the the quarterly WHLP to the parents[5].
During distribution of learning kits containing the SLMs and PLRs, school classrooms are designated as pick-up and drop-
off sites, shall accommodate specific number of parents or guardians vis-a-vis IATF guidelines on minimum public health

Teaching and Learning Phase

5. Learners will answer the SLMs or PLRs within the budgeted time. They will read the discussions and answer all the activities
in a separate sheet of paper. Parents, prior to the distribution of SLMs, shall be reminded that their children should not write
anything in the SLM since it will be reused by other learners. It is recommended that a learning facilitator or a household
partner like parent, guardian, sibling, or other community members considered as a responsible adult should be available to
guide and support the learning process of the child at home as well as provide guidance in accomplishing given home learning
tasks[6]. Timely and appropriate monitoring and feedback for consultation and intervention purposes shall be put in place
through various touch points such as text messaging, and audio/video calls, whichever is accessible to the learner. If possible
and allowed, face-to-face interaction may be utilized for this purpose[7] specially for SPEd-LSENS and learners who need
guided learning. Teachers and learning facilitators may be provided with communication allowance chargeable to available
School MOOE[8].

Retrieval Phase
5. After the learners answer the SLMs intended for the specified time, parents will submit both learner’s answer sheets and
SLMs/PLRs to school drop-off sites. Teachers must ensure that SLMs are retrieved, free from any markings, and are kept
well. Traveling expenses for the teachers and learning facilitators are chargeable against available School MOOE[9].
Involvement of the community shall be communicated for the proper distribution and retrieval of learning kits and LRs.
References and locators from DM-CI-2020-00162:
[1] Appendix A, item 5 (DM-CI-2020-00162) [4] Appendix D (DM-CI-2020-00162) [7] Appendix B, item 5, (DM-CI-2020-00162)
[2] Appendix C, Notes, item 2 (DM-CI-2020-00162) [5] Appendix D, item 4 (DM-CI-2020-00162) [8] Appendix A, item 13 (DM-CI-2020-00162)
[3] Item i, 1.4, provision 1 of Chapter V (DO No. 015, s. 2020) [6] Appendix A, item 12 (DM-CI-2020-00162) [9] Appendix A, item 13 (DM-CI-2020-00162)
📌 D.O. Plaza Gov’t Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur
🌐 deped.agusandelsur.gov.ph
📞 (085) 839-5456
Assessment Phase
6. Teachers will then check the retrieved answer sheets, portfolios, performance outputs for product-based and authentic
assessment. Each SLM contains rubrics for checking, teachers may also use the SLM’s answer key as their reference. All
points from SLM activities shall be recorded as formative assessment, while the post-test shall be recorded as summative
7. To determine if the learner mastered the MELC, teachers must compare post-test from the pre-test result. If the post-test
result is lower than the passing score, the learner will be given remedial activity sheets (division-made and/or School-based
Quality Assured LMs) together with the Individual Learning Monitoring Plan (ILMP). ILMP is used only for learners who are
not showing progress in meeting the required learning competencies. Teachers with these kinds of learners are advised to
prepare the Individual Monitoring Plan and communicate with their parents regularly through home visitation. Teachers may
also call the parents for a meeting to discuss the intervention strategies and what they can do to strengthen their involvement
in their child’s learning[10]. The division-made activity sheets can be downloaded from the Division LR Portal while the school-
based QA LMs are stored in the school library.
8. While the remedial activities and ILMP are given to learners who have not mastered the MELC, learners who passed the post-
test shall be given enrichment activity (embedded in the SLMs or shall be in the form of locally-made activity sheets). Learners
who met the learning requirements as indicated in the WHLP shall proceed to the next MELC following the abovementioned

References and locators from DM-CI-2020-00162:

[10] Appendix D, item 11 (DM-CI-2020-00162)
📌 D.O. Plaza Gov’t Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur
🌐 deped.agusandelsur.gov.ph
📞 (085) 839-5456
IP Schools have specific curricular delivery and resource needs appropriate to their Indigenous Knowledge Practices and
Tradition (IKSP). Thus, the process flow for IP Schools are in accordance to ICC Norms and learning competencies have to be
communicated at their context.
Preparation and Distribution Phase Teaching and Learning Phase Assessment Phase

Start Assistance Teachers check and record answer

(IP Community GPTA
of learning sheets, portfolio (authentic), and
Engagement) Meeting
Learners facilitator
project-based assessments
accomplish the
SLMs/PLRs based
Conduct Free & on the budgeted
Distribute SLMs to time Progress
Prior Informed
Parents either in: monitoring
Consent (FPIC) &
1.) School 2.) Home Do students Yes
Consultation thru passed the End
Delivery with the
dialogue to assessment?
help of BLGU & 3.)
Recognized IP
Designated Pick Up
Elders in the
Centers Retrieval Phase

( )
Parents submit Teachers prepare
Planning & Reproduction and their children’s ILMP and
Orientation of Sorting of SLMs and answer remedial
Teachers, Parents Contextualized sheets to 1) School activities
& BLGU Officials, PLRs, textbooks, 2) via Home Pick- Division-made
SGC, IP Elders and and developed up 3)Designated Activity Sheets
other stakeholders WHLP Pick-up Centers

Orientation and Localization and SLM - Self-learning Module

Training of Indigenization of LR - Learning Resource
IP - Indigenous Peoples
Community SLMs, Activity MELC - Most Essential Learning Competencies
BLGU - Barangay Local Government Unit
Learning Sheets, and other WHLP - Weekly Home Learning Plan
SGC - School Governing Council
Facilitators Printed LRs GPTA - General Parent-Teacher Association

( )
PLR - Printed Learning Resources
SLMs, MELC- ILMP - Individual Learning Monitoring Plan
Teachers download SLMs from LR Portal aligned Textbooks,
and Activity Sheets
📌 D.O. Plaza Gov’t Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur
🌐 deped.agusandelsur.gov.ph
📞 (085) 839-5456
Preparation and Distribution Phase
1. The School Personnel, spearheaded by the School Head, will conduct Free and Prior Informed Consent (FPIC)/Consultation
to Recognize IP Elders in the community and submit to certain cultural protocols specially during COVID-19 pandemic.
2. School Personnel conduct orientation to Parents, BLGU Officials, School Governing Council (SGC), IP Elders and other
stakeholders about the Modular Distance Learning (MDL) Delivery. Together, they will make plan of actions for the
implementation of MDL.
3. The school shall conduct capacity building/orientation/training to Community Learning Facilitators and More
Knowledgeable Others (MKOs) in the implementation of Modular Distance (MDL) Delivery.
4. Teachers, through the School and District ICT, shall download the complete SLMs from the LR Portal or DepEd
Commons[1]. Teachers shall also pool all textbooks and locally-made activity sheets which are aligned to the MELC.
5. The school Learning Resource (LR) Quality Assurance (QA) Team shall ensure that the SLMs content are suited to the
context of IP Community. If necessary, the school LR Quality Assurance (QA) Team shall contextualized (either localized or
indigenized) the Self-Learning Modules (SLMs) fitted to the context of IP Community (i.e Manobo, Banwaon, Higaonon, and
Talaandig) where the school is located.
6. SLMs are recommended to be the primary printed learning resources (PLRs) for PMDL[1], however if resources for printing
and reproduction are limited, mapped textbooks with activity sheets may substitute printed SLMs[2] and only the needed
SLMs shall be printed in the absence of MELC-based PLRs. Reproduction of SLMs are chargeable against available MOOE[3].
7. Teacher-advisers shall sort the SLMs and other PLRs and prepare learning kits (bags) together with the developed Weekly
Home Learning Plans[4].
8. During quarterly GPTA Meeting, the school shall communicate and provide copy of the the quarterly WHLP to the parents[5].
Teacher-advisers shall turn over the SLM, PLRs, and learning kits to the teachers in-charge in each Purok. In cooperation
with the Purok/Sitio Leaders, teachers shall distribute the SLMs in the drop-off centers while the Barangay Health Workers,
Purok In-charge/Parents of the Day, and Barangay Officials will ensure health protocols of the parents who will receive the
SLMs. Parents will then pick up the modules good for one week from the Purok Centers. Parents may also pick up the
modules from the school or Barangay Offices, whichever is convenient and appropriate based on school and community
context (demographics and geography).

References and locators from DM-CI-2020-00162:

[1] Appendix A, item 5 (DM-CI-2020-00162) [3] Item i, 1.4, provision 1 of Chapter V (DO No. 015, s. 2020) [5] Appendix D, item 4 (DM-CI-2020-00162)
[2] Appendix C, Notes, item 2 (DM-CI-2020-00162) [4] Appendix D (DM-CI-2020-00162)
📌 D.O. Plaza Gov’t Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur
🌐 deped.agusandelsur.gov.ph
📞 (085) 839-5456
Teaching and Learning Phase
5. Learners will answer the SLMs or PLRs within the budgeted time. They will read the discussions and answer all the activities
in a separate sheet of paper. Parents, prior to the distribution of SLMs, shall be reminded that their children should not write
anything in the SLM since it will be reused by other learners. It is recommended that a learning facilitator or a household
partner like parent, guardian, sibling, or other community members considered as a responsible adult should be available to
guide and support the learning process of the child at home as well as provide guidance in accomplishing given home learning
tasks[6]. Timely and appropriate monitoring and feedback for consultation and intervention purposes shall be put in place
through various touch points such as text messaging, and audio/video calls, whichever is accessible to the learner. If possible
and allowed, face-to-face interaction may be utilized for this purpose[7]. Teachers and learning facilitators may be provided
with communication allowance chargeable to available School MOOE[8].

Retrieval Phase
5. After the learners answer the SLMs intended for the specified time, parents will submit both learner’s answer sheets and
SLMs/PLRs to Purok Centers or drop-off sites for teachers’ retrieval. Teachers must ensure that SLMs are retrieved, free from
any markings, and are kept well. Traveling expenses for the teachers and learning facilitators are chargeable against available
School MOOE[9]. Involvement of the community shall be communicated for the proper distribution and retrieval of learning
kits and LRs.

Assessment Phase
6. Teachers will then check the retrieved answer sheets, portfolios, performance outputs for product-based or authentic
assessment. Each SLM contains rubrics for checking, teachers may also use the SLM’s answer key as their reference. All
points from SLM activities shall be recorded as formative assessment, while the post-test shall be recorded as summative
7. To determine if the learner mastered the MELC, teachers must compare post-test from the pre-test result. If the post-test
result is lower than the passing score, the learner will be given remedial activity sheets (division-made and/or School-based
Quality Assured LMs) together with the Individual Learning Monitoring Plan (ILMP). ILMP is used only for learners who are
not showing progress in meeting the required learning competencies. Teachers with these kinds of learners are advised to
prepare the Individual Monitoring Plan and communicate with their parents regularly through home visitation. Teachers may
also call the parents for a meeting to discuss the intervention strategies and what they can do to strengthen their involvement
References and locators from DM-CI-2020-00162:
[6] Appendix A, item 12 (DM-CI-2020-00162) [8] Appendix A, item 13 (DM-CI-2020-00162) [9] Appendix A, item 13 (DM-CI-2020-00162)
[7] Appendix B, item 5, (DM-CI-2020-00162) [11] Appendix B, Part B, item 4 (DM-CI-2020-00162)
📌 D.O. Plaza Gov’t Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur
🌐 deped.agusandelsur.gov.ph
📞 (085) 839-5456
8. in their child’s learning[10]. The division-made activity sheets can be downloaded from the Division LR Portal while the school-
based QA LMs are stored in the school library.
8. While the remedial activities and ILMP are given to learners who have not mastered the MELC, learners who passed the post-
test shall be given enrichment activity (embedded in the SLMs or shall be in the form of locally-made activity sheets). Learners
who met the learning requirements as indicated in the WHLP shall proceed to the next MELC following the abovementioned


Because there will be no Face-to-Face Learning Modality in midst of COVID-19. The instructional approach of multigrade
learners under distance learning will be similar to monograde, until Face-to-Face Learning is permitted. Multigrade Schools may
adopt the PMDL for regular-monograde schools (page 1 to 3) or PMDL for IPEd Schools (page 4 to 7) depending on the community
context. When Face-to-Face is permitted with specific regulations on learning delivery, multigrade schools may adopt Blended
Learning of PMDL+Limited F2F (page 20-23).

References and locators from DM-CI-2020-00162:

[10] Appendix D, item 11 (DM-CI-2020-00162)
📌 D.O. Plaza Gov’t Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur
🌐 deped.agusandelsur.gov.ph
📞 (085) 839-5456
1.2 Digitized Modular Distance Learning (DMDL)
The Digitized Modular Distance Learning is suitable for learners with gadgets (cellphone, tablet, or USB-enabled
televisions) but with limited to no internet connection. The PMDL is suitable for learners regardless of the grade levels.
Where feasible, learners may also be provided with printed copies of SLMs in consideration of the allowable screen time by key
stage or as a support should there be a power interruption[11]. DMDL is suitable for school with the following typologies:
REGULAR-MONOGRADE with computer resources (rural to urban type; regular curriculum to schools implementing
Specialized Curricular Programs).
Preparation and Distribution Phase Teaching and Learning Phase Assessment Phase

Start Assistance Teachers check

of learning and record
Learners facilitator answer sheets
accomplish the
Teachers DSLMs/DLRs

( ) download digital
DSLMs from LR
based on the
budgeted time Progress
monitoring Do students Yes
DSLMs, DLRs passed the End
(educational assessment?
videos, apps,
simulations) Teachers sort Retrieval Phase
learning kits and No
developed WHLP Parents submit

( )
their children’s Teachers prepare
answer sheets to ILMP and
school remedial
Teachers upload
DSLMs/DLRs in Division-made
GPTA learners’ flash Activity Sheets
Meeting drive and
distribute it with LEGEND: WHLP - Weekly Home Learning Plan
the learning kits DSLM - Digitized Self-learning Module GPTA - General Parent-Teacher Association
and WHLP LR - Learning Resources DLR - Digital Learning Resources
MELC - Most Essential Learning Competencies ILMP - Individual Learning Monitoring Plan

References and locators from DM-CI-2020-00162:

[12] Appendix B, item 3 (DM-CI-2020-00162)
📌 D.O. Plaza Gov’t Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur
🌐 deped.agusandelsur.gov.ph
📞 (085) 839-5456
Preparation and Distribution Phase
1. Teachers, through School and District ICT, shall download the complete Digitized SLMs from the Division LR Portal or
DepEd Commons[1]. Teachers shall also pool all textbooks and locally-made activity sheets which are aligned to the MELC.
The provision of printed LRs shall only be done in consideration of the allowable screen time by key stage or as a support
should there be a power interruption[11].
2. Teacher-advisers shall sort the DSLMs and other LRs and prepare learning kits (bags) together with the developed Weekly
Home Learning Plans[4].
3. During quarterly GPTA Meeting, the school shall communicate and provide copy of the the quarterly WHLP to the parents[5].
Teacher-advisers shall distribute the flash drive, CDs containing the uploaded DSLM, DLRs, and learning kits to the

Teaching and Learning Phase

5. Learners will answer the DSLMs or LRs within the budgeted time. They will read the discussions and answer all the activities
in a separate sheet of paper. It is recommended that a learning facilitator or a household partner like parent, guardian,
sibling, or other community members considered as a responsible adult should be available to guide and support the learning
process of the child at home as well as provide guidance in accomplishing given home learning tasks[6]. Timely and
appropriate monitoring and feedback for consultation and intervention purposes shall be put in place through various touch
points such as text messaging, and audio/video calls, whichever is accessible to the learner. If possible and allowed, face-to-
face interaction may be utilized for this purpose[7] specially for SPEd-LSENS and learners who need guided learning.. Teachers
and learning facilitators may be provided with communication allowance chargeable to available School MOOE[8].

Retrieval Phase
5. After the learners answer the DSLMs intended for the specified time, parents will physically submit learner’s answer sheets to
Purok Centers or drop-off sites for teachers’ retrieval (may be done alongside with the retrieval schedule for PMDL). Physical
submission shall be done for those who have no internet. For learners with internet connection, they may send their outputs
or answer sheets through email and other social media apps. Traveling expenses for the teachers and learning facilitators are
chargeable against available School MOOE[9]. Involvement of the community shall be communicated for the physical retrieval
of answer sheets and LRs.

References and locators from DM-CI-2020-00162:

[1] Appendix A, item 5 (DM-CI-2020-00162) [6] Appendix A, item 12 (DM-CI-2020-00162) [9] Appendix A, item 13 (DM-CI-2020-00162)
[4] Appendix D (DM-CI-2020-00162) [7] Appendix B, item 5, (DM-CI-2020-00162)
[5] Appendix D, item 4 (DM-CI-2020-00162) [8] Appendix A, item 13 (DM-CI-2020-00162)
📌 D.O. Plaza Gov’t Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur
🌐 deped.agusandelsur.gov.ph
📞 (085) 839-5456
Assessment Phase
6. Teachers will then check the retrieved answer sheets, portfolios, performance outputs for product-based and authentic
assessment. Each DSLM contains rubrics for checking, teachers may also use the DSLM’s answer key as their reference. All
points from SLM activities shall be recorded as formative assessment, while the post-test shall be recorded as summative
7. To determine if the learner mastered the MELC, teachers must compare post-test from the pre-test result. If the post-test
result is lower than the passing score, the learner will be given remedial activity sheets (division-made and/or School-based
Quality Assured LMs) together with the Individual Learning Monitoring Plan (ILMP). ILMP is used only for learners who are
not showing progress in meeting the required learning competencies. Teachers with these kinds of learners are advised to
prepare the Individual Monitoring Plan and communicate with their parents regularly through home visitation. Teachers may
also call the parents for a meeting to discuss the intervention strategies and what they can do to strengthen their involvement
in their child’s learning[10]. The division-made activity sheets can be downloaded from the Division LR Portal while the school-
based QA LMs are stored in the school library.
8. While the remedial activities and ILMP are given to learners who have not mastered the MELC, learners who passed the post-
test shall be given enrichment activity (embedded in the DSLMs or shall be in the form of locally-made activity sheets).
Learners who met the learning requirements as indicated in the WHLP shall proceed to the next MELC following the
abovementioned processes.

References and locators from DM-CI-2020-00162:

[10] Appendix D, item 11 (DM-CI-2020-00162)
📌 D.O. Plaza Gov’t Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur
🌐 deped.agusandelsur.gov.ph
📞 (085) 839-5456
2.1 Synchronous Online Distance Learning (SODL)
The learning delivery through Synchronous Online Distance Learning is offered to learners who have gadgets (cellphone,
tablet, or laptop) and good internet connection. The SODL is suitable for guided learning or for learners who need direct
support from the teachers. A Learning Management System (or its pseudo-software equivalent) and teleconferencing software are
necessary for the posting of learning instructions, resources, assessment, and online class. SODL is suitable for school with the
following typologies: REGULAR-MONOGRADE with computer and internet support (rural to urban type; regular curriculum to
schools implementing Specialized Curricular Programs).
Preparation Phase Teaching and Learning Phase Assessment Phase

( )
Start Teachers, with the Teachers post
help of technical learning instructions Students answer
expert, create virtual in the LMS (i.e. online assessment
classes using LMS URLs, deadlines)

( ) and teleconferencing DSLMs, videos,

software articles,
simulations, DLRs
Teachers host
LMS (i.e. Edmodo, recorded online class Do students Yes
Google based on regular passed the
Classroom), Teachers
communicate virtual class scheduling assessment?
Pseudo-LMS (i.e. with consideration to
Facebook) class details (i.e.
account, passwords, screen time No
schedules) guidelines

Assistance Teachers prepare

of learning ILMP and remedial
Teachers prepare Learners accomplish facilitator
MELC-based online the budgeted activities
lesson and learning activities
assessment during online class

( )
or using LMS Progress
monitoring End

GPTA Communicate
Weekly Home Division-made
Learning Plan Activity Sheets
📌 D.O. Plaza Gov’t Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur
🌐 deped.agusandelsur.gov.ph
📞 (085) 839-5456
Preparation Phase
1. Teachers who are equipped to facilitate asynchronous online distance learning creates account in teleconferencing softwares
(i.e. Google Meet, Zoom) and DepEd Learner Management System (LMS) with the help of the technical experts (i.e. School,
District, or Division IT Coordinator). DepEd-recognized LMS, like Edmodo and Google Classroom, or pseudo-LMS like
Facebook may be used by the school[12].
2. Teacher communicates LMS Class passwords to students and parents. Students shall also be provided with session links and
password for the online classes. Students’ use LMS to follow learning instructions, download learning resources, watch
educational videos, and answer assessment. Parents’ use LMS to check the learner’s progress. In the LMS, a pre-taped video
orienting the use of LMS[13] and the roles of the teachers, learners, and parents, including Data Privacy Regulations are
uploaded for viewing.
3. Teacher prepares the MELC-based lesson budgeted for the week. Teacher must pool all necessary LRs, and design
4. Teacher cascades the designed lessons to the Weekly Home Learning Plan. The WHLP will be posted in the LMS for learners’
reference on budgeted lessons, activities, and assessment they will take throughout the week across all subjects. The WHLP
will be communicated to parents during GPTA Meeting. Parents will also be oriented about the online security and protection,
digital footprint, promotion of digital honesty, and parental guidance and supervision[13].

Teaching and Learning Phase

5. Teacher posts all learning resources in the LMS with directions on how to accomplish them. Directions should include how
the activity shall be done, what URLs should be visited, and deadlined of the activities and assessment. Assessment may also
be posted but teacher has to make sure that the turn-in dates and closing dates are set. LMS automatically scores and
generates assessment result which may be viewed by the parents using their accounts.
6. Teachers launch the online class where learners join to participate the synchronous online class. The duration of the online
class should consider the Screen Time Guidelines[14], while the rest of the activities shall be done by the learners through LMS
(learners may download activity sheets posted in the LMS, and accomplish them offline to reduce screen time). During online
class, teachers deliver key concepts of the MELC so that learners can accomplish the activities in the LMS.
7. Students accomplish the learning tasks based on teacher’s instruction within the budgeted time. Teacher-learner feedbacking
supplements the self-paced learning through group chats.

References and locators from DM-CI-2020-00162:

[12] Appendix B, item 3 (DM-CI-2020-00162) [13] Appendix B, item 9 (DM-CI-2020-00162)
📌 D.O. Plaza Gov’t Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur
🌐 deped.agusandelsur.gov.ph
📞 (085) 839-5456
Assessment Phase
8. Learners turn in to their assessments. They shall answer the teacher-made assessments within the set period. Learners may
also upload their outputs and other performance task and authentic assessments to be evaluated via rubrics and designed
pointing system. The scores from these type of assessments shall be manually checked and recorded by the teachers. Score
recording shall be done in the LMS so that parents can track the scores of their learners. Only selection type and alternative
response assessments can be automatically checked by the LMS.
9. To determine if the learner mastered the MELC, teachers must identify the learner passed the summative assessment. If the
summative assessment result is lower than the passing score, the learner will be given remedial activity sheets (division-made
and/or School-based Quality Assured LMs) and/or remedial online class together with the Individual Learning Monitoring
Plan (ILMP). ILMP is used only for learners who are not showing progress in meeting the required learning competencies.
Teachers with these kinds of learners are advised to prepare the Individual Monitoring Plan and communicate with their
parents regularly through video call. Teachers may also call the parents for a meeting to discuss the intervention strategies
and what they can do to strengthen their involvement in their child’s learning[10]. The division-made activity sheets can be
downloaded from the Division LR Portal.
10.While the remedial activities and ILMP are given to learners who have not mastered the MELC, learners who passed the
summative test shall be given enrichment activity. Learners who met the learning requirements as indicated in the WHLP
shall proceed to the next MELC following the abovementioned processes.

References and locators from DM-CI-2020-00162:

[10] Appendix D, item 11 (DM-CI-2020-00162)
📌 D.O. Plaza Gov’t Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur
🌐 deped.agusandelsur.gov.ph
📞 (085) 839-5456
2.2 Asynchronous Online Distance Learning (AODL)
The learning delivery through Asynchronous Online Distance Learning is offered to learners who have gadgets
(cellphone, tablet, or laptop) and limited to good internet connection. The AODL is suitable for learners who can do self-
paced learning. A Learning Management System (or its pseudo-software equivalent) is necessary for the posting of learning
instructions, resources, and assessment. Because teacher and students don’t meet in the same virtual venue, and time, teachers
will just set deadlines for the submission of activity outputs and assessment. AODL is suitable for school with the following
typologies: REGULAR-MONOGRADE with computer and internet support (rural to urban type; regular curriculum to schools
implementing Specialized Curricular Programs).
Preparation Phase Teaching and Learning Phase Assessment Phase

( )
Start Teachers post
learning instructions Students answer
in the LMS (i.e. online assessment
URLs, deadlines)
DSLMs, videos,

( )
Teachers, with the articles,
help of technical simulations, DLRs
expert, create virtual
classes using LMS Do students Yes
LMS (i.e. Edmodo, Assistance passed the
Google of learning assessment?
Classroom), facilitator
Pseudo-LMS (i.e. Teachers Learners accomplish
Facebook) the budgeted No
communicate LMS
class details (i.e. learning activities
account and Progress Teachers prepare
passwords) monitoring ILMP and remedial

Teachers prepare
MELC-based lesson
and assessment
( ) End

LMS - Learning Management System Division-made

MELC - Most Essential Learning Competencies Activity Sheets
GPTA Communicate GPTA - General Parent-Teacher Association
Meeting Weekly Home URL - Uniform Resource Locator DLR - Digitized Learning Resource
Learning Plan DSLM - Digitized Self-learning Module ILMP - Individual Learning Monitoring Plan
📌 D.O. Plaza Gov’t Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur
🌐 deped.agusandelsur.gov.ph
📞 (085) 839-5456
Preparation Phase
1. Teachers who are equipped to facilitate asynchronous online distance learning creates account in DepEd Learner
Management System (LMS) with the help of the technical experts (i.e. School, District, or Division IT Coordinator). DepEd-
recognized LMS, like Edmodo and Google Classroom, or pseudo-LMS like Facebook may be used by the school[12].
2. Teacher communicates LMS Class passwords to students and parents. Students’ use LMS to follow learning instructions,
download learning resources, watch educational videos, and answer assessment. Parents’ use LMS to check the learner’s
progress. In the LMS, a pre-taped video orienting the use of LMS[13] and the roles of the teachers, learners, and parents,
including Data Privacy Regulations are uploaded for viewing.
3. Teacher prepares the MELC-based lesson budgeted for the week. Teacher must pool all necessary LRs, and design
4. Teacher cascades the designed lessons to the Weekly Home Learning Plan. The WHLP will be posted in the LMS for learners’
reference on budgeted lessons, activities, and assessment they will take throughout the week across all subjects. The WHLP
will be communicated to parents during GPTA Meeting. Parents will also be oriented about the online security and protection,
digital footprint, promotion of digital honesty, and parental guidance and supervision[13].

Teaching and Learning Phase

5. Teacher posts all learning resources in the LMS with directions on how to accomplish them. Directions should include how
the activity shall be done, what URLs should be visited, and deadlined of the activities and assessment. Assessment may also
be posted but teacher has to make sure that the turn-in dates and closing dates are set. LMS automatically scores and
generates assessment result which may be viewed by the parents using their accounts.
6. Students accomplish the learning tasks based on teacher’s instruction within the budgeted time. Because it is asynchronous,
learners can visit the LMS and do the activity anytime within the set WHLP.
7. Teacher-learner feedbacking supplements the self-paced learning through group chats or online meeting for the generalization
of lesson’s key concepts, and to make sure that learners have no misconceptions about the topic.

Assessment Phase
8. Learners turn in to their assessments. They shall answer the teacher-made assessments within the set period. Learners may
also upload their outputs and other performance task, output-based, and authentic assessments to be evaluated via rubrics.
The scores from these type of assessments shall be manually checked and recorded by the teachers. Score recording shall be
done in the LMS so that parents can track the scores of their learners. Only selection type and alternative response
References and locators from DM-CI-2020-00162:
[12] Appendix B, item 3 (DM-CI-2020-00162) [13] Appendix B, item 9 (DM-CI-2020-00162)
📌 D.O. Plaza Gov’t Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur
🌐 deped.agusandelsur.gov.ph
📞 (085) 839-5456
9. assessments can be automatically checked by the LMS.
9. To determine if the learner mastered the MELC, teachers must identify the learner passed the summative assessment. If the
summative assessment result is lower than the passing score, the learner will be given remedial activity sheets (division-made
and/or School-based Quality Assured LMs) together with the Individual Learning Monitoring Plan (ILMP). ILMP is used only
for learners who are not showing progress in meeting the required learning competencies. Teachers with these kinds of
learners are advised to prepare the Individual Monitoring Plan and communicate with their parents regularly through video
call. Teachers may also call the parents for a meeting to discuss the intervention strategies and what they can do to
strengthen their involvement in their child’s learning[10]. The division-made activity sheets can be downloaded from the
Division LR Portal.
10.While the remedial activities and ILMP are given to learners who have not mastered the MELC, learners who passed the
summative test shall be given enrichment activity. Learners who met the learning requirements as indicated in the WHLP
shall proceed to the next MELC following the abovementioned processes.

References and locators from DM-CI-2020-00162:

[10] Appendix D, item 11 (DM-CI-2020-00162)
📌 D.O. Plaza Gov’t Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur
🌐 deped.agusandelsur.gov.ph
📞 (085) 839-5456
Blended distance learning is a combination of any of the sub-categories of distance learning. The combination maybe, but
not limited to, ODL and PMDL, ODL and DMDP, ODL and TV-Video (SLM-based), ODL and TV-Video (MELCs- Mapped), MDL and
TV-Video (SLM-based), MDL and TV-Video (MELCs- Mapped) and others. Schools which adopt any of these combinations must
meet the requirements of each type of distance learning[15].
2.1 Printed Modular Distance Learning blended with School On-Air (Radio/TV-based Instruction)
The PMDL blended with SOA is suitable for communities with radio OR TV reception. This modality is suitable for schools
with the following typologies: REGULAR-MONOGRADE (rural to urban type; GIDAs; and regular curriculum to schools
implementing Specialized Curricular Programs) IPEd Schools (using PMDL designed for IPEd), and Multigrade with good radio/
TV signal reception. This modality provides guided learning via radio or TV-based instruction. Below is the process flow for

Preparation Phase Teaching and Learning Phase Assessment Phase

Start Learners Assistance Teachers check and

accomplish the of learning record answer sheets,
SLMs/PLRs based facilitator portfolio (authentic),

( )
on the budgeted and project-based
Teachers download SLMs from LR Portal time assessments

Subject Teachers Div. Broadcasting
aligned Textbooks, Learners listen to
and Advisers Team Progress
and Activity radio/TV-
monitoring Do students Yes
Sheets broadcasted
Teachers reproduce Teachers write passed the
NEEDED SLMs MELC-based script lessons assessment?

Retrieval Phase No
Teachers sort Teachers rehearse
learning kits and the radio/TV script Parents submit Teachers prepare
developed WHLP and storyboard their children’s ILMP and remedial
SLMs and answer activities
sheets to school

GPTA Distribution of Teachers broadcast

Meeting learning kits and
quarterly WHLP
lessons ( ) End

Activity Sheets
📌 D.O. Plaza Gov’t Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur
References and locators from DM-CI-2020-00162:
[15] Appendix🌐B, deped.agusandelsur.gov.ph
part D, item 1 (DM-CI-2020-00162)
📞 (085) 839-5456
Preparation and Distribution Phase
1. Teachers, through the School and District ICT, shall download the complete SLMs from the LR Portal or DepEd
Commons[1]. Teachers shall also pool all textbooks and locally-made activity sheets which are aligned to the MELC. The
Division, through the Curriculum Implementation Division shall organize a Division Broadcasting Team who will produce
and broadcast MELC-based radio and TV lessons through partner local radio and TV stations.
2. SLMs are recommended to be the primary printed learning resources (PLRs) for PMDL[1], however if resources for printing
and reproduction are limited, mapped textbooks with activity sheets may substitute printed SLMs[2] and only the needed
SLMs shall be printed in the absence of MELC-based PLRs. Reproduction of SLMs are chargeable against available MOOE[3].
The Division Broadcasting Team shall also prepare a radio or TV script and TV storyboard based on the MELC. The script
and storyboard together with the pooled media elements shall be quality assured by the CID personnel and other technical
experts. Media elements shall be properly acknowledged per Intellectual Property Rights and Fair Use Regulations
3. Teacher-advisers shall sort the SLMs and other PLRs and prepare learning kits (bags) together with the developed Weekly
Home Learning Plans[4]. The Division Broadcasting Team on the other hand, conduct rehearsals and necessary revisions to
the MELC-based RBI/TVBI. After several rehearsals, the team, with the help of the local radio or TV station, broadcasts the
4. During quarterly GPTA Meeting, the school shall communicate and provide copy of the the quarterly WHLP to the parents[5].
The school shall also communicate the schedule of the radio or TV-based lessons. Teacher-advisers shall turn over the
SLM, PLRs, and learning kits to the teachers in-charge in each Purok. In cooperation with the Purok Leaders, teachers shall
distribute the SLMs in the drop-off centers while the Barangay Health Workers, Purok In-charge/Parents of the Day, and
Barangay Officials will ensure health protocols of the parents who will receive the SLMs. Parents will then pick up the
modules good for one week from the Purok Centers.

Teaching and Learning Phase

5. Learners will answer the SLMs or PLRs within the budgeted time. They will read the discussions and answer all the activities
in a separate sheet of paper. Parents, prior to the distribution of SLMs, shall be reminded that their children should not write
anything in the SLM since it will be reused by other learners. It is recommended that a learning facilitator or a household
partner like parent, guardian, sibling, or other community members considered as a responsible adult should be available to
guide and support the learning process of the child at home as well as provide guidance in accomplishing given home learning

References and locators from DM-CI-2020-00162:

[1] Appendix A, item 5 (DM-CI-2020-00162) [3] Item i, 1.4, provision 1 of Chapter V (DO No. 015, s. 2020)
[2] Appendix C, Notes, item 2 (DM-CI-2020-00162) [4] Appendix D (DM-CI-2020-00162)
📌 D.O. Plaza Gov’t Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur
🌐 deped.agusandelsur.gov.ph
📞 (085) 839-5456
6. tasks[6]. Timely and appropriate monitoring and feedback for consultation and intervention purposes shall be put in place
through various touch points such as text messaging, and audio/video calls, whichever is accessible to the learner. If possible
and allowed, face-to-face interaction may be utilized for this purpose[7] specially for SPEd-LSENS and learners who need
guided learning. Teachers and learning facilitators may be provided with communication allowance chargeable to available
School MOOE[8].

Retrieval Phase
6. After the learners answer the SLMs intended for the specified time, parents will submit both learner’s answer sheets and
SLMs/PLRs to Purok Centers or drop-off sites for teachers’ retrieval. Teachers must ensure that SLMs are retrieved, free from
any markings, and are kept well. Traveling expenses for the teachers and learning facilitators are chargeable against available
School MOOE[9]. Involvement of the community shall be communicated for the proper distribution and retrieval of learning
kits and LRs.

Assessment Phase
7. Teachers will then check the retrieved answer sheets, portfolios, performance outputs for product-based and authentic
assessment. Each DSLM contains rubrics for checking, teachers may also use the DSLM’s answer key as their reference. All
points from SLM activities shall be recorded as formative assessment, while the post-test shall be recorded as summative
8. To determine if the learner mastered the MELC, teachers must compare post-test from the pre-test result. If the post-test
result is lower than the passing score, the learner will be given remedial activity sheets (division-made and/or School-based
Quality Assured LMs) together with the Individual Learning Monitoring Plan (ILMP). ILMP is used only for learners who are
not showing progress in meeting the required learning competencies. Teachers with these kinds of learners are advised to
prepare the Individual Monitoring Plan and communicate with their parents regularly through home visitation. Teachers may
also call the parents for a meeting to discuss the intervention strategies and what they can do to strengthen their involvement
in their child’s learning[10]. The division-made activity sheets can be downloaded from the Division LR Portal while the school-
based QA LMs are stored in the school library.
9. While the remedial activities and ILMP are given to learners who have not mastered the MELC, learners who passed the post-
test shall be given enrichment activity (embedded in the SLMs or shall be in the form of locally-made activity sheets). Learners
who met the learning requirements as indicated in the WHLP shall proceed to the next MELC following the abovementioned
References and locators from DM-CI-2020-00162:
[7] Appendix B, item 5, (DM-CI-2020-00162) [9] Appendix A, item 13 (DM-CI-2020-00162)
[8] Appendix A, item 13 (DM-CI-2020-00162) [10] Appendix D, item 11 (DM-CI-2020-00162)
📌 D.O. Plaza Gov’t Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur
🌐 deped.agusandelsur.gov.ph
📞 (085) 839-5456
2.2 Printed Modular Distance Learning blended with Face-to-Face Learning Modality
Starting January 2021, when the public health situation of the country permits limited face-to-face learning modality for
low-risk areas, Blended Learning through PMDL + F2F can be implemented to schools with typologies like, Geographically
Isolated and Disadvantaged Areas (GIDAs), Multigrade, IPEd (highlands), or SPEd. Below is the process flow for PMDL + F2F:
Preparation and Distribution Phase Teaching and Learning Phase Assessment Phase

Start F2F Learning Teachers check and record answer

Session sheets, portfolio (authentic), and
project-based assessments
GPTA Assistance
Conduct pre- Meeting of learning
consultation with Learners facilitator
local health accomplish the
officers. SLMs/PLRs during Do students Yes
independent passed the
Distribute SLMs to
Parents either in: Progress assessment?
Planning & 1.) School 2.) Home monitoring
Orientation of Delivery with the
Teachers, Parents help of BLGU & 3.) No
& BLGU Officials Designated Pick Up
Retrieval Phase

( )
and other Centers Teachers prepare
ILMP and
Parents submit remedial
their children’s activities
Submission of BL Reproduction and SLMs and answer Division-made
Implementation Sorting of sheets to 1) School Activity Sheets
Plan to local Contextualized 2) via Home Pick-
COVID-19 Task PLRs, textbooks, up 3)Designated
Force and developed Pick-up Centers LEGEND:
WHLP BLGU - Barangay Local Government Unit
SLM - Self-learning Module
Teachers download LR - Learning Resource
SLMs from LR MELC - Most Essential Learning Competencies
Portal WHLP - Weekly Home Learning Plan
F2F - Face-to-Face

( )
SLMs, MELC- GPTA - General Parent-Teacher Association
aligned Textbooks, PLR - Printed Learning Resources
and Activity Sheets
📌 D.O. Plaza Gov’t Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur
🌐 deped.agusandelsur.gov.ph
📞 (085) 839-5456
Preparation and Distribution Phase
1. Schools implementing PMDL with F2F shall consider all necessary minimum public health standards set by the IATF and
DOH specially that learners will report to school once to twice a week, depending on the designed class organization of the
school. Schools shall conduct pre-consultation with the local health unit, and conduct school readiness assessment to
school facilities including the accustomed classroom with floor markings, well-distributed chairs in compliance to physical
distancing, hand washing facility, and availability of hand sanitizers and foot bath.
2. School Personnel conduct orientation to Parents, BLGU Officials, School Governing Council (SGC), and other stakeholders
about the Blended Learning Delivery. Together, they will make plan of actions on all the things to be considered in
implementing the BL (PMDL + F2F).
3. The Plan of Action shall be submitted to local COVID-19 Inter-agency Task Force and Local Health Unit for periodic
monitoring on planned learning delivery management consonance to public health standards.
4. Teachers, through the School and District ICT, shall download the complete SLMs from the LR Portal or DepEd
Commons[1]. Teachers shall also pool all textbooks and locally-made activity sheets which are aligned to the MELC.
5. SLMs are recommended to be the primary printed learning resources (PLRs) for PMDL[1], however if resources for printing
and reproduction are limited, mapped textbooks with activity sheets may substitute printed SLMs[2] and only the needed
SLMs shall be printed in the absence of MELC-based PLRs. Reproduction of SLMs are chargeable against available MOOE[3].
6. Teacher-advisers shall sort the SLMs and other PLRs and prepare learning kits (bags) together with the developed Weekly
Home Learning Plans[4].
7. During quarterly GPTA Meeting, the school shall communicate and provide copy of the the quarterly WHLP to the parents[5].
Teacher-advisers shall turn over the SLM, PLRs, and learning kits to the teachers in-charge in each Purok. In cooperation
with the Purok/Sitio Leaders, teachers shall distribute the SLMs in the drop-off centers while the Barangay Health Workers,
Purok In-charge/Parents of the Day, and Barangay Officials will ensure health protocols of the parents who will receive the
SLMs. Parents will then pick up the modules good for one week from the Purok Centers. Parents may also pick up the
modules from the school or Barangay Offices, whichever is convenient and appropriate based on school and community

References and locators from DM-CI-2020-00162:

[1] Appendix A, item 5 (DM-CI-2020-00162) [3] Item i, 1.4, provision 1 of Chapter V (DO No. 015, s. 2020)
[2] Appendix C, Notes, item 2 (DM-CI-2020-00162) [4] Appendix D (DM-CI-2020-00162)
📌 D.O. Plaza Gov’t Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur
🌐 deped.agusandelsur.gov.ph
📞 (085) 839-5456
Teaching and Learning Phase
5. Teachers and learners will have an actual or face-to-face teaching and learning session according to the designed class
program and class organization. During F2F session, key concepts of the MELCs shall be communicated together with the
long-week independent learning activities the learner will accomplish while at home. During F2F session, teacher may also
distribute the sanitized learning kits to the learners. Teacher must ensure that learners wear face mask and/or face shield.
6. At home, learners will answer the SLMs or PLRs within the budgeted time. They will read the discussions and answer all the
activities in a separate sheet of paper. Prior to the distribution of SLMs, learners shall be reminded not to write anything in
the SLM since it will be reused by other learners. It is recommended that a learning facilitator or a household partner like
parent, guardian, sibling, or other community members considered as a responsible adult should be available to guide and
support the learning process of the child at home as well as provide guidance in accomplishing given home learning tasks[6].
Timely and appropriate monitoring and feedback for consultation and intervention purposes shall be put in place through
various touch points such as text messaging, and audio/video calls, whichever is accessible to the learner. If possible and
allowed, face-to-face interaction may be utilized for this purpose[7] specially for SPEd-LSENS and learners who need guided
learning. Teachers and learning facilitators may be provided with communication allowance chargeable to available School

Retrieval Phase
5. After the learners answer the SLMs intended for the specified time, parents will submit both learner’s answer sheets and
SLMs/PLRs to school drop-off sites. Teachers must ensure that SLMs are retrieved, free from any markings, and are kept
well. Traveling expenses for the teachers and learning facilitators are chargeable against available School MOOE[9].
Involvement of the community shall be communicated for the proper distribution and retrieval of learning kits and LRs.

Assessment Phase
6. Teachers will then check the retrieved answer sheets, portfolios, performance outputs for product-based and authentic
assessment. Each SLM contains rubrics for checking, teachers may also use the SLM’s answer key as their reference. All
points from SLM activities shall be recorded as formative assessment, while the post-test shall be recorded as summative
7. To determine if the learner mastered the MELC, teachers must compare post-test from the pre-test result. If the post-test
result is lower than the passing score, the learner will be given remedial activity sheets (division-made and/or School-based
Quality Assured LMs) together with the Individual Learning Monitoring Plan (ILMP). ILMP is used only for learners who are
not showing progress in meeting the required learning competencies. Teachers with these kinds of learners are advised to
References and locators from DM-CI-2020-00162:
[7] Appendix B, item 5, (DM-CI-2020-00162) [8] Appendix A, item 13 (DM-CI-2020-00162) [9] Appendix A, item 13 (DM-CI-2020-00162)
📌 D.O. Plaza Gov’t Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur
🌐 deped.agusandelsur.gov.ph
📞 (085) 839-5456
8. prepare the Individual Monitoring Plan and communicate with their parents regularly through home visitation. Teachers may
also call the parents for a meeting to discuss the intervention strategies and what they can do to strengthen their involvement
in their child’s learning[10]. The division-made activity sheets can be downloaded from the Division LR Portal while the school-
based QA LMs are stored in the school library.
9. While the remedial activities and ILMP are given to learners who have not mastered the MELC, learners who passed the post-
test shall be given enrichment activity (embedded in the SLMs or shall be in the form of locally-made activity sheets). Learners
who met the learning requirements as indicated in the WHLP shall proceed to the next MELC following the abovementioned

References and locators from DM-CI-2020-00162:

[10] Appendix D, item 11 (DM-CI-2020-00162)
📌 D.O. Plaza Gov’t Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur
🌐 deped.agusandelsur.gov.ph
📞 (085) 839-5456

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