God Is Viewed As An Omnipotent

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God is viewed as an omnipotent, benevolent, and omniscient.

We all perceive him as the creator of the

universe and the beginning of all things. And the concept of God has led humanity to create religions that
reflects the truth of all the existence, and a place for personal development and spiritual growth. But the
creation of religions, not only unites people for a collective goal and belief but also shows a negative
impact of it in a multifaceted aspect. It is undeniable that religion serves as the ground for unification of
humans for the same goal and belief system, religion became the way on how they develop their
spirituality as well as the improvement of their values. But we can’t deny that through religion, it
intensifies the division of people when it comes to their belief creating a disparity of various
discrimination, hate, corruption, and so much more.
In the second semester of taking the course of Intro to the world religion and belief system, we’ve
discussed how religion can change the people and the system of the society, where we’ve identified its
positive and negative effects on the multifaceted aspects such as the cultural, social, behavioral, spiritual,
and even mental. We’re tasked to make a presentation showcasing the positive effect of the existence of
religion where I portray the character of Jesus Christ reflecting his goodness to the people and his power
to make impossible, possible. This artifact has been chosen as one of the best outputs because of its
overall creativity, excellence and effort of the presentation, and the impact that it has brought not only to
our teacher but also to the people who watched the presentation.
All in all, religion may play a pivotal part in developing our values as well as our spirituality. Church
which signifies to hold religions which is considers as one of the institutions that make up a society,
which has a responsibility to develop the value and morality of individuals, according to structural-
functionalist theory. But we must always remember that having a religion does not make you superior or
good enough, but the application of the values, teaching and spreading love, equality and peace makes
you a better person. Religion is a place of spiritual development, and our faith is the symbol of trust and
love to our almighty God.

In the beginning of second semester, we’ve discussed the different religions that exist currently, and
we’ve identified the major religions that has been molded the culture, values and belief system that we
have until now. The Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam, these great religions have been existed
in a long time ago possessing the different way of preaching, belief system, and even the God or Gods
that they follow. Which is why we are tasked, to showcase the different major religion through making a
poster surrounding the theme of unification of different religion.
Delving into the world of major religion seems a challenge to me because of the large coverage of
the topic, but I’ve learned many concepts and nature that make them different from one another. But this
topic become an opening eye to me on how religions hold a pivotal part in all of the history of all of the
continents and even the nations. I really learn how they differ in terms of showing their own way of
preaching at the same time in belief system. Like in Confucianism we’re I really like their own values and
ethics we’re they uphold the concept of filial piety were showing respect to the elders and to your parents.
All in all, different existence of religion may serve as a start of division due to the difference in belief and
practices. But we must also remember that unity starts with respect and understanding of their own way
of self-expression of their faith. In my own realization, existence of different religion is a part of our
development, testing the ability of people to accept, respect and even adapt on their own practices. Maybe
we are different in having our own religion but let us keep on our mind that we are the same human in
this world who deserve to be respected and also accepted, and I am pretty sure that unification of different
religion will start here.
In the latter of my journey taking the introduction to the world religion, we’ve discussed the different
major religions, but the hardest for me is the discussion of the Gods in Hinduism where it comprises with
333 million of Gods. The wide array of Gods in Hinduism makes it interesting at the same time
challenging to us HUMSS learners. In this part of the discussion, we’re tasked by our teacher to draw a
God under the religion of Hinduism. This kind of performance is very hard for me because of the millions
of Gods that will be your possible options. But the God that hooks my interest is the elephant God named
Ganesha, it is just very interesting to see that Hinduism has a God portraying a Half elephant and Half
Human. Moreover, the most interesting to the God I picked is the concept that he portrays the prosperity
and wisdom. Wisdom is a gold that we always want to find, as we delve deeper into the world of
academia, which is why Ganesha became my subject in this performance.
This output is one of the best outputs that I have made because of its qualities that signify an excellent
and amazing output. First is that this output has been graded as one of the highest in our section. Second,
this output that I have made showcases my determination and effort that I have exerted in creating the
masterpiece. And lastly, this output made me realize that the 333 million of God not just a showcase of
big number but shows a meaningful representation that influence how people live and think as the
follower of Hinduism.
All in all, despite the difficulties studying the nature of Hinduism, I’ve come to enjoy and love learning it.
Every God holds an important representation on their belief system and practices shaping the followers on
the best version of themselves. I’ve come to the conclusion of religion have their own way of belief
system, which makes them unique, amazing, and interesting.

Though reporting is just a normal daily routine of being a HUMSS student, for me this reporting is one of
the best things that I’ve showcased. With strong collaboration and teamwork, this reporting becomes so
interactive, fun and also informative. In the first week of second semester, we’re tasked to report the
theories of some famous person that contributed in understanding to the nature of religion.
In this performance, I’ve realized how teamwork and collaboration make a difference in the overall
outcome. It serves as an integral part, reflecting the team’s determination, accepting the differences of one
another, and willingness to learn and exert their maximum potential. And with this performance, I’ve
come to learn the different theories that help me to understand the concept of religion. Especially with the
theory of animism where it shows how our ancestors believed on the spirits of all objects living or non-
living. It helps me understand how our ancestor passed the belief of anito.

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