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NCPDP Handbook '






First Edition
Construction Manpower Development Foundation
Department of Trade and Industry
Republic of the Philippines

No part of this handbook, except for brief quotations in research studies may be produced or transmitted in
any form or by any means without permission from the Construction Manpower Development Foundation.

Some of the drawings and examples in this handbook are taken from various technical books about formwork
and should not be used as working drawings or in place of making calculations for a particular local job. The
recommendations contained herein are intended only as a general guide that would be helpful in the
preparation of complete formwork plans which should be in accordance with the local conditions and conform
with all applicable legal requirements. In no way is this handbook intended to supplant the qualified designer
or engineer to whom formwork should be entrusted.

Published by the Construction Manpower Development Foundation

6th Floor, Prudential Bank Building, 2182 Chino Roces Avenue,
1231 Makati City, Metro Manila

in collaboration with

Japan International Cooperation Agency

Shinjuku Maynds Tower Building
1-1 Yoyogi, 2-Chome
Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, f 51 Japan

Editorial Board Alicia A. Tiongson, Eiji Teramoto, Florencio G. Sison, and Yoshihiro Watabe
Editor Alicia A. Tiongson
Technical Writer Joji C. Valenciano, C.E., M.C.M.
Researcher Domingo Basilio R. Navera, Yoshihiro Watabe, Abelardo E. Aureada, and
Joji C. Valenciano
Layout Jeffrey F. Gumasing

Inside Back Cover Illustration:

Productivity improvement(s) at the plant or project site must address critical issues on Production capacity
(quantity), Quality, Cost, and Delivery of products and services, as well as for the Safety and Morale of the
workers. Productivity is the concern ofeveryone in the organization -- top management, middle management,
staff, supervisors and workers. It is based on communication and cooperation among the total project

Productivity improvement remains a crucial need in the Philippine construction industry

today as it faces the formidable challenge of global competitiveness. This need is heightened by
the rising demand and the accelerated pace of technological change in the world construction

To be competitive in such a market, one must be highly productive, that is, able to
produce more and better quality products and/or services with the same (or even less) amount
of resources or inputs available to other competitors. One way, therefore, of gaining a
competitive advantage in the construction market is productivity improvement at the firm level
through the efficient and effective management of construction resources (manpower, methods,
materials, machines, and money).

As part of its commitment to governmental efforts toward global competitiveness of the

construction industry through the development of a competent and productive industry work
force, the Construction Manpower Development Foundation (CMDF), under a technical
cooperation grant received in January 1993 from the Government of Japan through the Japan
International Cooperation Agency (TICA), launched the National Construction Productivity
Development Project (NCPDP) to promote continuous improvement of productivity in the
construction industry. The major components of the NCPDP are as follows:

1. Total Quality Management (TQM) in Construction involving the installation and

institutionalization of a firm-level TQM which encompasses the overriding concern for quality
by management and work force in the firm's entire operation;

2. Supervisory Skills Training which entails the development of highly competent

engineers, supervisors, and managers for the industry through training and career path
development; and
3. Construction Managers' Training and Certification Program (COMTCP) which
trains, evaluates and certifies construction engineers at supervisory and managerial levels who
have/had been engaged in general building works through an organization or agency recognized
by the Philippines Contractors' Accreditation Board (PCAB).

Each of the above components of the NCPDP centers on six (6) productivity
improvement factors at the firm level, namely, production capacity (quantity), quality, cost,
delivery, safety, and morale of workers (PQCDSM). This total quality focus and the TQM
approach highlight both hardware (product, plant & equipment, materials & energy, and
technology) and software (people, organization, work methods or processes, and management
styles) elements in a firm's internal environment that are vital considerations in improving
productivity. The NCPDP training and these handbooks, which are part and parcel of the
NCPDP's promotional activities, were designed on the basis of this framework.

The contents of the NCPDP handbooks are focused on building construction project
management and are intended for those in the supervisory and managerial ranks of construction
firms. The handbooks consists of two (2) series: first, Construction Management; and second,
Construction Methods.

The Construction Management Series delves on the management aspects of the three stages
of the project management cycle, i.e., pre-construction, construction, and post-construction. The
Series provides selected and vital infonnation on the construction industry and pertinent rules and
regulations governing project development and operation. It provides a thorough discussion on
contract administration and includes a variety of applicable management tools and techniques for
project planning, execution, and control.
The Construction Methods Series consists of technical handbooks which provide a detailed
treatment of the major work areas in building construction. It presents construction methods and
techniques designed to improve project-site productivity. The major work areas are Piling,
Excavation, Concreting, Formworks, Rebar, Structural Steel, Electrical, and Mechanical Works.

Aside from focusing on the PQCDSM productivity improvement framework, both series
of handbooks apply a basic tool in total quality management, i.e., the POCA cycle or the Plan, Do,
Check, and Act cycle throughout the different stages of a construction project.

It is envisioned that through the publication of these handbooks and the continuing
application of a firm-level systematic management approach, increases in productivity levels
sufficient for the construction industry to acquire a competitive edge in the domestic and foreign
markets will soon be realized.



The First Edition of the NCPDP Handbook on Formworks in Building

Construction is part of an ongoing concern of CMDF to continuously improve and update
its training courses and reference materials to better serve the needs of the Philippine
construction industry. This Handbook serves as a guide for formworks in building construction
sites, as it covers com~on materials used in formworks, codes and standards, the planning
process in formworks, work execution process, and the control checkpoints during work
execution. The development of the material harnessed the expertise of the short-term experts
dispatched by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (TICA), as well as the professional
advice of various practitioners from the construction industry.

Formworks in Building Construction in the Philippines faces several challenges. One

of these is the dearth of materials on planning, execution and control of formworks. Another
is the strict observance of the National Structural Code of the Philippines (NSCP). This
Handbook seeks to provide information on the various tools available for the planning,
execution and control of formworks as well as an awareness on the application of the Code
in construction sites.

The Handbook Contains four parts: Part I covers common materials about forrnwork,
and selected codes and standards; Part 2 contains the various types of work plans needed to
carry out the work effectively and efficiently and these include work execution plans, resource
a]J.ocation plans and control plans; Part 3 con~ns the work process typical to formwork; Part
4 presents work control checkpoints and recommendations to implement the plan and this
includes control for quality, cost (materials, manpower, equipment), delivery and safety.

It is the NCPDP's aim to improve productivity by developing quality construction

projects and consistently keep the quality of construction works. This way, productivity
improvement will facilitate the delivery of quality projects at reduced cost, timely delivery, and
with an assurance of safety.

We hope that the Handbook will serve as a guide for supervisors and managers in
equipping human resources of construction projects with the necessary knowledge, skills and
attitudes in initiating and sustaining the task of productivity improvement. We also hope that
the Handbook will be instrumental in the continuous development of productive formwork
construction work execution in the industry.


The management and staff of the National Construction Productivity Development

Project (NCPDP) of the Construction Manpower Development Foundation (CMDF) wish to
acknowledge the contributions of the individuals, group of individuals. contractors,
organizations and institutions who in one way or another helped in the realization of this
NCPDP Handbook on Formwork for Building Construction. In particular, we like to
acknowledge the contribution of the following:

1. M<i. Alicia A. Tiongson, Executive Director of the Construction Industry Authority

of the Philippines (CIAP) and concurrently, Officer-in-Charge of CMDF for providing the
inspiration, direction and support not only for this handbook but for the entire NCPDP

2. Messrs. Domingo Basilio R. Navera, Abelardo E. Aureada and Jaji C. Valenciana

of CMDF and Yoshihiro Watabe of JJCA, for doing the bulk of the research works for
materials used, and for formulating the form and layout of the handbook;

3. Contractors, namely: AG&P, C-E Construction Corp., F.F. Jr. (Filsystem), and
Kanlaon Construction Enterprises, for being cooperative with the NCPDP and for allowing
the CMDF and JICA staff to visit and observe operations at their project sites;

4. The NCPDP Subcommittee on Formworks, chaired by Ms. Remedios Belleza of

the Department of Public Works and Highways with members, Messrs. Jesse Orbase
~ .
of E.
Ganzon Inc., Nolasco Pasion of Philippine Gas Pressure Welding Inc., Ronito Mercado of
Concrete Aggregates Corp., Efren Gatmaitan of EEi Corp., Orlando Dizon of C.P. Dizon
Construction, Yoshihiro Watabe JICA Advisor, and Domingo Basilio R. Navera and Joji C.
Valenciana of CMDF for the guidance in the conceptualization of this handbook so it will be
useful as practical reference for contractors.

5. The Government ofJapan through the Japan International Cooperation Agency

(JICA), for the technical cooperation assistance to the CMDF's Productivity Development
Program for the construction industry;

6. The long-term and short-tern Japanese experts dispatched by JICA to CMDF, for
the technical advice and information on Japanese Methodologies in formworks; and

7. The other Philippine contractors who found time to sit in NCPDP's various
consultative seminar series during the formulation of this handbook.

Lastly, we acknowledge the various technical writers and authors of the reference
materials used in this handbook, without which our research work would have been more


• ofTables -xi-

of Figures -xiii-

One: Fundamentals of Formworks 2

O:!:pter l: Objectives and Fundamentals of Formwork 3

I.I Definitions .................................................................................... . 3

1.2 Materials ......................................... ............................................ 5
1.3 Shoring and Scaffolding ........................................................... .. 9

Cl::3~2: Codes and Standards 15

2.1 Formwork Design ........................................................................ . 15

2.2 Materials and Components ............................................................ . 15
2.3 Fabrication and Installation of Formwork .................................... . 15
2.4 Tolerances 16
2.5 Construction Joints ....................................................................... .. 16
2.6 Removal of Forms and Shores .............................. ..... ............. . 16

Two: Work Planning ......................................................................... 19

Cmpta-3: Preliminary Survey 23

3.1 Contract Plans and Drawings ··~ ....................................................... .. 23

3.2 Contract Specification ................................................................. . 23
3.3 Contract Terms and Conditions ........................................., ..... .. 24
3.4 External and Site Conditions ............................................................ . 25

Work Execution Plan ........................................................................ . 27

4.1 Selection Methods 27

4.2 Selection of Materials ..................................................................... . 28
4.3 Formwork Design ....................................................................... .. 30
4.4 Design Criteria ............................................................................ . 31
4.5 Determination of Time for Form Stripping ................................... .. 38
4.6 Planning for Maximum Re-use ................................................... .. 39
4.7 Formwork Fabrication Area/Shop ................................................ . 41

Cs:11Jle[5: Resource Plan 45

5.1 Schedule Plan 45

5.2 Budget Allocation ........................................................................ .. 50
5.3 Manpower Allocation Plan ............................................................ . 51

5.4 Materials Allocation Plan 51
5.5 Equipment Allocation Plan 54

Chapter 6: Control Plan .................................................................................... . 55

6.1 Cost and Schedule Plan 55

6.2 Quality Control Plan 56
6.3 Safety Control Plan 57

!' Part Three: Work Execution ......................................................................... 63

Chapter 7: Plans and Drawings 65

7.1 Formwork Drawings ....................................................................... .. 65

7.2 Checklist .... ............................................................................... .. 69

Chapter 8: Formwork Fabrication Practices 71

8.1 Fabrication ····················································································· 71

.Chapter 9: Practice for Inking/Markj ng 75

9.1 Formwork Inking/Marking ····························································· 75

Chapter 10: Installation Practice ········································································· 81

11 I

10.1 Ground Forms 82

10.2 Column Forms 89
10.3 Bracing Column Formwork ............................................................ . 1o,
10.4 Hoisting Column Forms ................................................................ . IOt
10.5 Wall Forms .................................................................................... . 109
10.6 Beam or Girder Forms ................................................................... . 131
10.7 Slab Forms ................................................................................... .. 141

Chapter 11: Construction Joints ......................................................................... 145

Chapter 12: Formwork Stripping Practice 149

Chapter 13: Formwork Care and Maintenance 151

Part Four: Work Control ......................................................................... 155

Chapter 14: Work Monitoring ····························••0;••········································ 157

14.1 Data Gathering ......................................................................... 158

14.2 Monitoring of Work Budget ............................................................. 160

- VI II-
Chapter 15: Quality Control 167

15.1 Quality of Formwork 167

15.2 Material Inspection 168
15.3 Work Inspection 168
15.4 Allowable Tolerance 170
15.5 Common Problems Encountered in Formwork ........................ . 170
15.6 Quality Control Schedule ............................................................ . 171

Chapter 16: Cost Control .......... .......................................................................... . 175

16.1 Work Progress Report ............................................................ . 175

16.2 Material Cost .................................................................................... . 178
16.3 Labor Cost 180
16.4 Equipment Cost ........................................................................ . 181
16.5 Problem Areas in Cost Control ............................................... .. 181
16.6 Efforts for Reducing Construction Cost 183

Ciapter 17: Safety Control 185

17.1 Analysis of the Factors Contributing to Accidents ......................... 185

17 .2 Accident Reporting .. .... ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... ... .... .. . .. . .... .. . .. ... ... ... .. .. .. ...... . 186
J7.3 Safety Problems in Construction ................................................. 186

pendix 1: Sample Computation for Design Work ..................................... 19J

pendix 2: Special Formwork System ............................................................. 201
pendix 3: Checkpoints in Formwork <;onstruction ..................................... 207






of Tables

One: Fundamentals of Formworks

J- 1: Commonly Used Nails for Formworks ................................................. 8

2- 1: Permitted Gradual or Abrupt Irregularities in Formed
Surface .............................. .................................................................. . 16
2-2: Minimum Remaining Time 17

Two: Work Planning

4-1: Comparison Between ACT and JASS 5 for Dead and

Live Loads .. ..... .. .. ... .. .. .. . ... .. ..... .. ... .. .. .. .. .. ... .... ........... ... .. .... ... ... .. .... .. .. ... 31
4-2: Formula for Maximum Bending Moment and
Maximum Deflection .. ... . .... . .................... . ..... .. ... ... .... ... . .. ....... .... .... .. 34
4-3: Working Stress for Common Formwork Materials .............................. 35
4-4: Minimum Safety Factors for Formwork Accessories ............................ 35
5-1: Material Procurement Schedule ........................................................... 53

Three: Work Execution

7-1: Example oflnstallation Drawings ....................................................... . 67

9-1 : Inking Locations on the Building Structure ........................................ . 75
9-2: Marking Symbols ....................................................................... . 77
9-3: Tools and Instruments for Inking ............................................... . 78
10-1: Application of Edge Joints .......................................................... .. 83
10-2: Procedure in Formwork Installati® for Tied Columns ..................... . 90
10-3: Various Types and Method for Clamping Tied
Column Formwork .......................................................... ............... . 91
10-4: Various Formwork Methods for Round Column ............................ .. 102
10-5: Various Ways of Hoisting Column Form ......................................... .. 107
10-6: Two Types of Wall Formwork ........................................................... . 109
10-7: Three (3) Broad Groupings of Wall Ties .................................. .. 111
10-8: Installation Procedures of Wall Ties .............................. .. .............. .. 116
10-9: Various Examples of Corner Tying ............................................... .. 119
10-10: Bracing Wall Forms ...................................................................... .. 123
10-11 : Various Ways of Constructing Beam Bottom ................................ .. 132
e 10-1 2: Slab Form Erection Procedure ......................................................... . 142
le 11 -1: Construction Joints Methods 145

Four: Work Control

le 14-1: Sample of Field Monitoring Report for Fabrication of Forms 161

le 14-2: Sample of Field Monitoring Report for Installation of Forms 162
.J>le 14-3: Sample of Field Monitoring Report for Stripping of Forms 163
able 14-4: Sample of Work Summary Sheet for Formwork Material 164

- XI-
Table 14-5: Sample of Work Summary Sheet for Labor-
Installation of Forms ........................................................... ............ . 165
Table 14-6: Sample of Cost Monitoring Report .............................................. .. 166
Table 15-1: Inspection Items (Checklist ofForrnworks) .................................. .. 169
Table 15-2: Allowable Tolerance (ACI Standard) ............................................... . 170
Table 15-3: QC Schedule for Formwork .......................................................... . 172
Table 16-1: Sample of Work Progress Report ..................................... .......... . 176
Table 16-2: Sample of Material Status Report .............................................. .. 179
Table 16-3: Sample of Direct Labor Hours Report .............................................. .. 182
Table 17-1: Standard Insurance Report of Accident Form ................................... . 187

Appendix Ill: Checkpoints in Formwork Construction

Table III-A: Checkpoints in Forrnwork Construction 208


- X II-
· of Figures

·Oac: Fundamentals of Formworks

1-1: Application of Precast Concrete Panel ................................................ 6

1-2: Excess Water flowing Out ............................................................ 7
-3: Movement of Air and Surplus Water ................................................ 7
1-4: Types of Screws Used in Formwork ................................................ 9
1-5: Metal Adjustable Shore Jack Fitting That Slips Over
the End of a 4 x 4 or 6 Wood Planks ................................................ 10
1-6: Parts of Pipe Support and Wing Support ............................................ I0
1-7: A Detachable Wing Support ............................................................ 11
1-8: A Typical Scaffold - Type Shoring ................................................ 11
1-9: Expandable Beam Support ................ ............................................ 12
1-IO:Commonly Available Single Member Ties .................................... 13
1-11 :Other Single Member Ties which Have Tube Sleeves to
Prevent Tie from Bonding with Concrete ........ .................. ..... ..... 13

: Work Planning

-1 : A Typical Processs of Making a Work Plan for Formworks ............... . 21

0-:!: Interrelationship of Various Plans for Concrete Works ..................... . 22
,... ~.......-.-1 : Calculation Flowchart .. ........................................................................ . 37
,.,.,.,~,.::,_2: Typical Shop Layout for Large Project ................................................ . 44
S-1: Process Flowchart in Scheduling ....................................................... . 46
S-2: The Framework of a Master Schedule ................................................ 47
S-3: Activity Flow of Formwork 49

ne: Work Execution

I: Cutting Workbed .................................................................................... 71

2: Tools Used in Formworks Fabrication ................................................ 72
10-1: Tools for Formwork Installation ...................................................... 81
2: Details of Shallow and Deep Edge Forms ........................................ 82
10-3: Integral Pour of Base and Pedestal ...................... ....... ..... .............. 89
. Yoke for Plastic and Metal Forms ................................................ 101
5: Unfixed Column Formwork Bracing ................................................ 104
: Form Bracing Fixed at Both Ends ................................................ 105
7: Bracing for Edge of Slab Columns ................................................ 106
: Simple Form face Hoisting Point ................................................ 106
9: Basement Walls ....................................... ........................................ 109
10: Electrical Corner Opening 117
10-11: Plan of Corner Junction 118
10-1 2: Plan of Comer Junction 118

Figure 10-1 3: Internal Corner Tightening .................... ...................................... .. 122
Figure 10-14: Metal Angle at Internal Corner ................................................... .. 122
Figure I 0-15: Plan of Forms at a Tee Joint .......................................................... .. 125
Figure 10-16: Construction Joint for Tee Joint ............... ............................ .... . 125
Figure 10- 17: Groove Form for Tee Joint ........................................................... . 125
1111 Figure 10-18: Clamping to Existing Concrete Wall ............................................... . 126
Figure 10-19: Rectangular Penetration Form ....................................................... .. 126
Figure 10-20: Penetration Form Removal .......................................................... .. 127
Figure 10-2 1: Penetration Form for a Door ............................................................ . 127
Figure 10-22: Small Penetration Form ........................................................... . 128
Figure 10-23: Large Circular Penetration ........................................................... . 128
Figure 10-24: Small Pipe Penentration ............................................................... . 128
Figure 10-25: Hoisting Arrangements .......................................................... .. 129
1 1111
Figure 10-26: Wall Form Hoisting Fittings-I ...................................................... . 130
Figure 10-27: Wall Form Hoisting Fittings-4 ..................................................... . 130
Fi'gure I 0-28: Gussets for Comers of Formwork .............. .................................. 130
Figure 10-29: Gussets for Internal Framing .......................................................... .. 130
• I
Figure 10-30: Typical Components of Beam Formwork with Slab
Framing In .......................................................................................... . I31
Figure 10-31: Floor Centres Seated on Beam Sides .............................................. .. 134
Figure 10-32: Packing Under Floor Centrss ......................................................... .. 135
Figure I 0-33 : Joists Seating on the Beam Sides ............................................... . 135
figure I 0-34: Separate Supports for Beam and Soffit Form Systems ................. . 136
Figure I 0-35: The Changing Forces at the Base .............................................. .. 137
Figure I 0-36: Deep Beams with Two Rows of Ties ............................................... . 138
Figure 10-3 7: Junction of Different Form Levels .............................................. .. 138
Figure 10-38: End Cutting to Beam Soffit Form ............................................... . 139
Figure 10-39: Junction of Beam Side Forms ......................................................... .. 139
Figure 10-40: Closure Angle at Beam Side Junctions ... ...................................... . 139
Figure I 0-41: Typical Edge Beam Formwork ............................................... . 140
Figure 10-42: Section of Deep Edge Beam Form work .................................. .. 140
I 1111 Figure I 0-43: Typical Flat Slab Formwork Components ................................... . 141
Figure 10-44: Three Level Multi-Storey Shoring ............................................... . 14~
Figure 12-1 : Formwork Stripping Tools .......................................................... .. 150

Part Four: Work Control

Figure 14.1: Typical Monitoring System 157

Appendix 2: Special Formwork System

Figure II-A: Typical Slipform with Deck and Finishing Scaffold Supported
on Wales ........... ....................................... ....................... ........... 203
Figure 11-B: Traveling Formwork ........................................................................ 204
Figure II-C: Flying Form with the Combination of Wall and Slab Forms ............. 206

- XIV-

Appendix 1





Basic assumptions

Columns 80cm x 80 cm x 3.0m high

Pouring speed 20m'/hour
Tolerance 1/360 of span(] )

Material selection

Sheathing Board Plywood 120cm x 240cm x 12mm thickness

Stud Coco Lumber 50mm x 100mm
Waler Coco Lumber 50mm x 100mm double
Tie Steel Bar 9mm diameter

Working Stress Unit: kgf/cm2

Sheat~ g Board Coco Lumber 63% Steel Bzr
(Plywood) Stress Medium

80 51.0 2100
Modules of Rupture in Bending

Modulus of Elasticity I05 x I 0~ 2.35 X 104

Compression (Parallel to Grain) 14.8 35.2

Shear (Parallel to Grain) 4.0 4.4

Step-I: Find Pressure

As pouring speed is 20111 2/hour, lateral pressure of columns is calculated based on the

P = 0.24 x 3.0 = 0.72 kgf/cm2

P = 0.72 kgf/cm 2

Step-2 Sheathing Board (considered as simply supported beam, uniform load)

There are two ways to check bending and deflection:

( 'ase-1: Predetermine span of support and check bending stress and cor.1pare allowable

Case-2: Directly compute maximum span of support.

A. Calculate S (Section module) and I (moment o.f interior)

S = hh~ = 240 x ( t.2f = 57_6 cm.1

6 6
I = hh 1 = 240 x (l.2)' =34.56cnr'
12 12

(Procedure Based on Step-1)

As column size is 80cm x 80cm, span of stud is predetermined to be 80/4--=20crn.

B. Check Bendinf{

Sheathing is considered as simply supported beam, uniformed load, then using Equation 4-
5 in part two, bending stress is

wf 172.8 X 20~
l =- =- - - = 150 > 108 kgf/cm2 not 0.K
· 8S 8 x 57.6

from above result, span of stud is adj usted and determined to be 80/5 =16cm

Using Equation 4-5 in part two, bend in~ stress is

wt 172.8 X 162 , J
J = - = - - - = 96 < 108 kgftcm- O.K
8S 8 x 57.6

( ·. Check Deflection

As span of stud is determined as 16cm, maximum allowable deflection is 16/360 = 0.045 cm.

Use Equation 4-9 in part two and get deflection

5 w/4 5 172.8 X ] 64
~ """ = 384 x EI = 384 x I.OS x I05 x 34.56 = 0,04 lcm <0.0 cm

Procedure Based on Step-2

8. Check Bending

Sheathing is considered as simply supported beam, uniform load, then maximum allowable
span, by Equation 4-5 is:

C. Check Deflection

As maximum al lowable deflection is 1/360, maximum allowable span. by Equation

from part two is:

By result of above and size of column 80cm, space of stud will be 16.0 cm

Step-3 Stud Size and Spacing of Waler

There are also two ways to check bending and deflection in the same way as sheathing. p1rediclll111
mine span of support and compare with allowable figure, and directly compute maxi mum
support. This section shows directly computed maximum span of support.

Find the maximum span where the lateral pre~ure is greatest; -0.72 kgf/cm 2• Equivalent
load w for design of studs will be the maximum lateral pressure times the stud spacing.

c,> (stud) = 0.72 x 16.0 = 11 .52 kgf/cm

A. Calc:ulate S (Section module) and I (moment of'interior)

2 2
s = hh = 5 X I0 = 83.3
6 6

I = hh l = s x Ioi = 4 16.7
12 12

B. Check Bending

Stud is considered as continuous beam, uniform load, then maximum allowable

Equation 4-8 from part two is:

l = 3.16 x {7s =3.16 x SI.OxSJ.3 = 60.7c:m

f;,- 11.52

( ·. Check Deflection

As maximum allowable deflection is 1/360, maximum allowable span. by Equati

from part two is:

4 16 7 235
I = 0.74 x -' {EI= 0.74 x 3 · x x I0 = 70.1cm
v-;.- 11.sJ

Coniparing the stud spans computed above shows that the span based on bending strength is the
shortest at. 60.7cm. It means that the waler, which are the stud supports, can be spaced no more than
60. 7 cm. apart where there is maximum pressure. Increased wale spacing is theoretically correct
near the top of the form because from the bottom up to the top of the design pressure declines from
maximum to zero.

In addition, the sample shows that stud facing affects the structural calculation of sectional
module and moment of interior.

hh 2 1oxs~
S =- = - - = 41.7
6 6

blr' 1oxs·'
! =- = - - = 104.2
12 12

Based on the above fi gure, the result of computation becomes:

Check bending 42.9 cm

Check deflection 43.6 cm

Step-4 Wale Size and Tie Spacing

As the span of stud is I 6 cm and the span of wale is 60cm where the lateral pressure is grt:atcsl
- 0.72 kgfi'cm2 , the eq uivalent concentrated load for design of waler will be

P = 0.72 x 16 x 60 = 691.2 kg

Besides assuming that 2, I 00 kg (safe working load) ties are to be used, and the maximum lateral
pressure is 0. 72 kgf/cm1 , maximum area by one tie material wil I be

2.100 ,
- - = ,.,916.7cnr
0.72 "" '

and as spacing of wale is 60 cm, maximum spacing of tie will be

291 6.7
~ = 48.6cm

Based on the above, considered as case-B in table formula for checking bending and C~UII
deflection are as follows:


M =- for bending check

= 324£/ for deflection check
t ~ ma,

AS M=fS.

r M 2PI
/ =-S = -9S from Table .:/-2, case 2 in part two

A. Calculate S (\·ection module) and I (moment,?{ Interior)

sx Io~
S = 2X = 166.7

hh S x 101
I = 2x- = - - = 833.4
12 6

B. ( ,'heckB end.mg, by equation.

. f = -M = -lPI
S 9S

2x Px I 2 x 691.2 x 48
f = xS = x _ = 44.3 kgf/cm2 <51.0 O.K.
9 9 166 6

C•. ( 'heck Defl,ection

7 P/1 7 x 691.2 x 481 48

~ = - - = - - - - -- 4 - = 0.08 :5 0.13 = - OK
ma, 324 £/ 324 X 2.35 X I 0 X 833.4 360 • •

(2) SLAB

Basic Assumptions

Slab thickness 15cm

Pouring speed 20m' /hour
Tolerance I /360 of span())

Material Selection

Sheathing Board Plywood I 20cm x 240cm x 12mm thickness

.Joist Coco Lumber 50mm x I 00mm
Stringer Coco Lumber 50mm x 100mm double
Shore Steel Shore 50mm diameter

Working Stress Unit: kgf/cm 2

Sheathing Board Coco Lumber 63% Steel Bar
(Plywood) Stress Medium

80 51.0 1400 kg
Modules of Rupture in Bending
Modulus of Elasticity 105 x 101 2.35 X IQ~ 2.) X IQ"

Compression (Parallel to Grain) 14.8 35.2

Shear (Parallel to Grain) 4.0 4.4

Step - l: Find Pressure

Based on ACL estimated load is : ....


Dead Load 0.24 x 15 360 kgf/m 2

Form Load 40 kgf/m 2
Construction Live Load = 244 kgf/m 2
Total Form Design Load = 644 kgf/m 2 jJ

Step - 2 : Sheathing Board

A. Cu/cu/ate S (section module) and I (moment of interior)

Using strong plywood. with face grain paralle l to span;

hh~ 120 x ( 1.2 )~
S =- = - - - - = 28.8
6 6

bh' 120 x (l.2)'

! =- = - - - = 17.28
12 12

B. Check hendin~

As width of plywood is 120cm,

w = 644 kgf/m 2 x 120cm = 7. 73 kgf/cm 2

Sheathing is considered as simply supported beam, uniform load, then maximum allowable span,
by Equation 4-6 from part two is:

{7s I 08 x 28.8
I = 2.83 xv-; = 2.83 x 7.73 = 56.8cm

C. Check Defl.ection

As maximum allowable deflection is 1/360, maximum allowable span. hy Equaf

from part two is:

,{Et 17.28 x l.05x 105

l = 0.60 xv--;- = 0.60 x ~ 7.73 = 37.0cm

D. Result

Based on the result of the above check and the size of plywood, it will be determined
space ofjoist will be 30.0 cm

Step-3: Joist Size and Spacing of Stringers to Support the Joist

Find the maximum span where load is 544 kgf/m 2 • Equivalent uniform load ro for design
will be the maximum lateral pressure times the stud spacing.

ro Uoist) = 0.0644 x 30.0 = 1.932 kgf/cm


A. Calculate S (Section module) and I (moment of interior)

s = hh = 5 X I O~ = 833
6 6

l = hh' = Sxl0· = 416_7
12 12

B. Check Bending

Stud is considered as continuous beam, uniform load, then maximum allowable

Equation 4-8 from part two is:

{7s 51.0 X 83.J

I = 3.16 xv--; = 3.16 x 1.932 = 148.2cm

C Check De,fiection

As maximum allowable deflection is 1/360, maximum allowable span, by Equati

from part two is:

D. Result

Comparison o the three spans calculated above shows that bending governs design and the
maximum spacing of stringer is 127 cm. However size of plywood is 120cm x 240cm, therefore
it is determined that spacing of stringer is 120 cm

Step-4: Stringer Size and Shore Spacing 1w

Find their maximum span where load is 644 kgf/m2• Equivalent uniform load w for design ofjoist
will be the load times the stringer spacing.

O> (joist)= 0.0644 x 120.0 = 7. 728 kgf/cm

A. Calculate S (seclion module) and I (moment of fnlerior)

5X (Q~
S =2 X 6
= 166.7

bh' 5 x 10·1
I = 2x- =- - = 833.4
12 6

B. Check Bending

Stringer is considered as continuous beam, uniform load, then maximum allowable span, by
Equation 4-8 from part two is:

C. Check De.flee/ion

As maximum allowable deflection is 1/360, maximum allowable span, by Equation 4-12

from part two is:

833.4 X 2.35 X 10~

I = 0.74 x = 0.74 x .1 - - - - -- = 100.9cm

D. Result

Comparison of the three spans calculated above shows that bending governs design and the
maximum spacing of shore is I 00.9 cm and it will be determined that spacing of shore is I00 cm.

Step - 5: Shore Design

St-ringers are spaced at I 20cm, supported by shore spaced at I 00cm. This gives an area
x I .Om of form load to be carried by each shore. Total load per shore will be:

1.2 x 1.0 x 644 = 772.8 < 1400 kgf O.K.

Appendix 2


S lipform construction also frequently referred to as sliding form construction is similar

extrusion process. Plastic concrete is placed in the forms and the forms act as dies to s
concrete. The rate of movement of the form is regulated so that the concrete after it is strong ~---
to retain its shape is suppo11ing its own weight. Vertical slipforming can be performed on aco:::.t.1119!
ous basis or can he planned to stop at desired elevations, resuming the later with rcsulting jo·
different from those between lifts of fixed-form construction.

Slipform construction can be used for structures such as silos, storage bins, shearwall bui,............
and for high-rise elevators, stairways, and utility cores. It is also suitable for bridges, piers. rmctG■
containment vessels. chimneys, underground shafts, and for horizontal structures such as
inverts. water conduits. drainage channels. canal linings. and highway pavements.

Major advantages of slipforms are speed and economy, plus the fact that continuous slid.in_
produce a monolithic structure. if desired. In many cases, the cost of materials and building
slipforms are about the same as for fixed forms that would do the same job. The economy
from shorter construction time.

Slipform construction is most efficient if there are few projections to the direction of •
must also be remembered that the process requires a more experienced crew at all level
should be designed and built by indi viduals experienced in slipform work, and the s liding o._.-11111
must be carried out under careful. experienced supervision. Slipping also requires complete
ning ofdelivery and installation of all embedded items-dowels. rebar, weld plates. door bucks, pl•,,_.._..
blockouts and the like.

Vertical Slipforms

Vertical slipforms are moved upward by jacks ·which ride on smooth rods or stru.:.
tubing embedded in the hardened concrete. These jacks may be manual. pneumatic, el
hydraulic. Working decks and finishers ' scaffolds are attached to and carried up with the
as shown in Fi~urc II-A.

The form is made up of three sections-yokes. wales, and sheathing. The yoke's fil llli:tii•
are to keep the forms from spreading and to transfer the load of the forms to the jack. The
stiffen the forms and are braced to carry the load to the yokes. Finishers' scaffolds and UMri,_.
deck are connected to the wales. and the wale-yoke connections should be designed to
stand these loads. Plywood or board sheathing is attached to the wales with vertical face_
so as to cause the least drag when it turns to move up.


Traveling forms are reusable forms mounted on movable frames or scaffolding called rd,.Qll:..l
Once the concrete has been cured suffi ciently, the forms are re leased and moved to the next sc::bl■
to he concreted. This type of special formwork system offers maximum reuse of forms with
mum labor.

Rcinfon:ing stccl-4
.lock rod

Slipform jack IITTff-- Rchar h:mplatc

Lighting ~~=~~~;5-----r1-Wirc support In yokc

l _..-Upper catwalk

Wood blocking al lining points

++---+-- sIipform

+--- Fini~hcrs scaffold

Figure II-A: Typical Slipform with Deck and Finishing Scaffold Supported on Wales

The basic principles on the appl ication of traveling forms are relatively simple. al though details
may become complex for large. long span travelers. The forms are attached to a traveler \-vhich is
mounted on skids or wheels. which in turn travel on a concrete pad. or any suitable surface. Move-
ment of the travel ing form can be done by hand. crane, tractor. or any means compatible with the sizl.'
of the traveler. design of the structure. and the available equipment. In this regard . the traveler must
he able to move freely and easily in order to obtain th~ maximum benefits from thi s type of operation.

The traveling form is built to be backed off from the hardened concrete. moved to a new posi-
tion. and precisely adjusted for concreting the next section. Jacks between the traveler and form s arc
usually used to back off the forms and make adjustments. Care in planning and building is necessary
so that form units do not become keyed into the concrete and complicate this stripping operation.
After the bond with the hardened concrete has been broken and the forms ha.vr het:n backed off.

slightly additional movement or the forms may he necessary to clear beams. columns. and othl.'r
structural features. for form s like these for fo lded plates shown in Figure /1-/J. a stra ight vertical
drop of a !cw feet is sufficient to force the forms for lateral movement.

Traveling form work designs vary widely. as shown by the three different methods or vertical
fonn movement for essentially similar folded plate hangar roofs. TOP-glue-laminated wond 1:llseworh:
wnc:: rnised 6ft. with 12-ton hydraulic jacks. one on each of eight columns. then shnrl·d nn tripnd,
during concrete placement. Forms are lowered the same way. except that the lirst 4 ½ in. or drop is
made by draining sand jacks atop the tripods. CENTER- Wood framed traveler made in two part -.;
with an inclined plane as the common face between top and bottom sections. To raise the roor l'orrn·,
6 fl.. the bottom section is forced under the top section which is guyed to prevent lall'ral rnoli111 .
BOTTOM- Wood fa lsework raised and lowered about 12 fl. wi th scissors jack which carry total llKlu
including fresh concrete when the forms are up.

_______ <,o ·-------■,

'oncrctc roor

~ <>d tn,ss
4 1'

Sand jack
0 11steel
~ pod


..__ _ _ _ _ _74 ·______...





Figure 11-B. Traveling Formwork


Flying form s are large mechanically handled sections of formworks which frequently includes
supporting trusses. beams, or scaffolding units. Although the term can be applied to any form which
is mechanically lifted and moved through the air. it is most widely used to describe unitized slab
forming systems. One-way and two-way joist span forms can be attached to the deck surfaces and
"flown" right along with many of these systems. There are three principal types of support for the
fl ying s lab forms now in common use:

I . Truss-supported slab forms- Trusses may be made of steel, but aluminum trusses are used
increas ingly because of their weight advantage. Wood joists, or aluminum joists with c.1
nailer strip on top. are fastened to the trusses and plywood deck surface is attached to the
joists. The trusses. commonly 5 or 6 ft deep, are supported on shores or jacks resting on a
previously cast floor. For stripping, the form is lowered by jack adjustment. In some cases
the shore may be telescoped or folded out of the way before the entire truss assembly is
rolled out and lifted by crane to the next casting position. Figure II-C is another version of
flying form combined wall and slab forms with necessary bracing and shoring in a single unit
called tunnel form, for use in bearing wall structures. Wall forms are hinged or adjustable to
move inward in a small amount so that the form assembly can be stripped for movement to
the next casting position. These forms are similar to some used repetitively in rectangular
culvert construction, but instead of moving only horizontally to the next position they are
" fl own" upward by crane.

2. Slab forms supported by column- of wall-mounted hardware - Deck panels are usually
framed by wide flange beams carrying adjustable shoring beams, open web steel joists, or
other transverse members to which plywood or other deck surface is fastened. Load on the
deck form is carried directly to previo0sly cast walls or columns, and vertical shores are not
required. Various support devices are used. usually bolted through preformed holes or an-
chored to inserts set in place when the concrete is cast. One device has both high capacity
screw jacks and rollers. To strip.jacks are lowered until the framing beam of the deck form
rests on the rollers. and the entire form assembly is rolled out on dollies.

3. Decks supported by metal frame shoring - A conventionally built slab form is fastened to
one or more towers of metal frame shoring. The towers sit on and are fastened to ~ontinu-
ous ledger members which rest on the supporting floor. The deck is lowered by screw on
the supporting floor. The deck is lowered by screw jacks in the shoring towers and the
entire unit is moved horizontally by dollies or other devices until it is in a pos ition to be
picked up by crane. A lighter, smaller version of this method uses cross-braced post shores
instead of shoring towers.
Figure 11-C. Flying Form with the Combination of Wall and Slab Form
Appendix 3

Table III-A: Checkpoints in Formwork Construction

Check Item Discussion l llustrat ion

◄◄ First concrete pour

Construction joints near the

midspan of the formwork fram-
ing may deflect on the second
pouring stage. To prevent this FIRSTSTl\(iE
deflection, an extra line bearer
a nd propping may be requ ired Second concrete paur
Construction join~i◄
along the line of the construc-
tion joints.

Formwork <lcllccts further an<l
grout penetrates under slab


Joist span 2 Joist spans Joisa

1• I 111 .1. I

Do not slack materials here


Precautions must be observed

when placing heavy loads on the
partially completed fonnwork .



Table 111-A:· (con't.)

Check Item Discussion Illustration

Nc~t concrete pour Stacked material
A further problem can occur ••
'.vith the stacking of materials
alongside a construction joint.
The three stages of this arc il-
lustrated diagrammatically.
At first. the material has been
stacked alongside the construc- 1
tion joint before the first pour:
the forms deflect dowmvards
Concrete slab
under this load and hog upwards
in the adjacent span. When the l
concrete is placed it tends to
slightly offset this hogging but
it still develops its strength on a
form which is deflected up-
When the material load is re-
Slab not supported
moved so that the next pour can Material removed
be ready. the formwork reverts
to a generally level shape. This l
leaves the slab ,vithout support.
Depending on its age. cracking
of the slab mav result.

earer tills and

Uplifting of form on one side prop ta II s over
may occur if overloading of one
span on a two span continuous Dcllccted shape of
beam occur. If the prop is not bearer
secured. it will fall over.


Table III-A: (con'q
Check Item Discussion Illustration

If the progress ofdepositing con-

crete is concentrated on one side,
the form wi 11 be subject to a large
eccentric load. This method is
dangerous and should not be
used (Case I).

Ecccn ricity



Upl ili fi1ilurc

t- - - , 1}
Another potentially dangerous
,.--7: u
case of asymmetrical loading is
Propping illustrated in Case II. A form
for a very wide beam has been
constructed on a support frame
which is narrower than the beam.
Some parts of the soffit are car-
ried on the edge ofthe wide beam

If the progress of the concrete

pour is from one side, then the
I ight weight of the empty
formwork will usually be insuf-
ficient to counter the eccentric Beam form
action of the concrete covered 1
soffit form. Failure will result.
For safety, the points of appli-
cation of the loads must always
lie ins ide the base of support. Supports

1 2 3
Case Ill is the general framing
arrangement which is recom- LOAD ALWAYS INSIDE THE SUPPORTS


Table Ill-A: (con't.)
Check Item Discussion Illustration

rp of , lab ~reeded bd f°"" "'"" misalig"'d

If supports are seated on a sus- .,L·;"'Y~•·h '' ·..:•~,-.-.... :;:: (':~•~:'.:.'t!·,;.

pended concrete structure, the r
loads on the form will cause
some deflection of the structure
(see Case I). This deflection
may be insignificant or it may
be quite large.

4- I
Supporting slruclun: ddkcls

Sollil formwork

1+--+1+--+1~-ttt+- 1-'ormwork
.,,._.,,=>., supporls
To minimize the load on the sup-
porting slab and reduce this sup- 11t--H+---111+-+-t-tt-Shorcs
porting slab and reduce this de-
flection, the load from the ne~
work can be shared by other sus-
pended slabs below (see Case II).
11+----i---tt.-+-HI<>-_- Shores

1J. l
I.owcr supporling slahs
L.l l..



21 1
Table Ill-A: (con't.)
Check Item Discussion Illustration
40 mm maxi
20 mm maximum
Eccentricity of load action can
quite readily occur at both the
cap-plate and the base plate of
the props. Perfection in the ac-
curacy of erection of props and
framing members is simply not
realistic. Formworkers must
develop an understanding of
what is a sensible dividing line
between normal trade practice
and negligent workmanship.
Two good standards to adopt are:
maximum top eccentricity 20
mm and maximum out of plumb
I in 200 and 40 mm. ECCENTRICITY OllT OF PLUMB


Figure here shows the lateral ro~

Propping tation, in the direction ' A', of the
base of the support in response
to a hard point of bearing in a
generally soft area. The light
steel tubular support is the only
thing endeavoring to inhibit this
rotation. For safety reasons. all
but the hardest soils must be re-
garded as soft when wet, and of-
fering little restraint to this rota-

A Ithough most concrete slabs are

intended to have smooth even
surfaces, variations in the con- Limited
crete surfaces do occur. These
variations can cause eccentric
loading and limited rotation of
the base plate to the formwork
If uneven patches like this are
prevalent on the concrete sur- ..,. '~.r~."-~-1i;-r:.~::_-•. ~-'._._ "·
face, then soleplates under the Uneven slab

baseplates will be needed to pro-

vide an even level beaming.

Table III-A: (con't.)
Check Item Discussion Illustration

To enlarge the foundation area.

reduce the bearing pressures and Frame kg
minimize sinking. the soleplate
must be made stiffer. This can
be done by adding members to
the top of the soleplate. To be
effective. they will also need to
he stiff. Members similar in size
to the bearers are used in the sof-
fit framing arc usually suitable.
However, if only one is used there
are potential stabi lity problems

I -Frame leg
As Case 11 shows, the possibil- I

Propping ity of relative movement is re- I /\djustahle serewjack

duced by fixing the baseplate to I.edger (soleplate) / nailed to hearers
the stiffening timbers. The use
of two or more stiffening beams
provides width of bearing. and - Bearer-size timhers
greater stability resu lts. Note
also that the soleplate must bear
evenly on the ground. Care must /

be taken to trim the bearing sur- SOLE PLATE WITH DOUBLE STIFFENER
face accurately. (CASE Ill

Poor compaction of the backfill

to strip footings can cause a sim i-
lar problem for formwork sup-
ports that are adjacent to walls.
These problems of variations in
bearing capacity can occur in all
soils and all construction sites.
- ~ - Poorly compm:tcd
As wet I as the soft areas that can haeklill
come from drainage and footing
work, the surface area as a whole
may be disturbed by the traffic Strip footing
of de livery vehicles and
earthmoving plant. Proof roll-
ing of the surface may be neces-
sar in this case.

Table Ill-A: (con't.)
Check Item Discussion 111 ustration

Wider fom1work areas will need

a line of double span bearers. If
they are lapped as shown in Fi}{- ,~cam IT --u-- head is c::cccntrically
t ure A, the support in the middle
of each double bearer span wi II
LJ I ch a
have the full load act111g eccen-

: 'i □
The staggered laps shown in Fig-
ure B effectively elim inate this lkarcrs lap ldl to right --lr
rhead is concentrically
mid-length eccentricity. In both
cases the laps between adjacent FiKure 8
bearers cause each of the bear-
ers to act eccentrically. THE LAPPING OF BEARERS

Where there is only one bearer

on a support, or the double bear-
ers do not totally fill the avail-
able width of the 'U' head, the
Propping. bearers may move sideways on
the head during formwork con-
[ Nail
struction or concrete placing.
This movement can be inhibited
and general concentricity main-
tained, by rotating the ' U' head
as shown in here. To prevent it
from drifting back during con-
®1 I
--u·· head turned ID sil
structi<;m, it should be fixed with tightly against bcMr
a nail through at least one of the
holes provided in its sides. CENTRALISI NG A SINGLE BEARER

If only single span bearers are

used. the staggered laps shown
in Case I can be disadvantage.
The problem occurs when the
progress of the slab pour is on a
Iine at right angles to the bearer
line. As the pour progresses. in
the same direction as that which
occurred initially on the previ-
ously loaded support, the
progress of the pour past each
support generally balances out
the eccentric moments, as the full
load is reached on each support.
Neve1theless, there is an over-
turning moment continuously

Table. Ill-A: (con't.)
Check Item Discussion Illustration
acting the one way. at the edge
of the processing pour. This has
the potential. together with other
innuences. to destabilize the
formwork structure.
The danger can be minim ized by
lapping the single span bearers Progn:ss of concrete placement
as shown in Case 11. 1n this ar-
rangement each succeedi ng
bearer causes an initial eccentric
moment on the support which
111 ~1
acts in the opposite way to that
which acted on the previously ~ 1P J)s -
Propping loaded o ne. Thi s method of
bearer framing has less risk than Iecentric act ion I
the previous one.
The importance of the control of (CASE II)
defiection of the bearers was
noted previously. To this must II

be added considerations of ma-

terial strength and section stabil-
ity in the determination of size.
The factors that control material
strength and the need to re-as-
sess the cond ition of the timber
at each and every use should be
Plywood deflect ·

Clamping of forms to a previ- Grout penetration

ously poured concrete wal I re-
Wall quires the same attention to ply- Construction joint 7
Fonns wood deflection that is needed -=-'l";!!~~--
for stop ends. Packer studs are
needed to stop the grout and
moisture loss.

Extra packing studs to stop plywood deflection

Table III-A: (con't.)
Check Item Discussion 111 ustration

Where two wall s meet at a cor-

ner, the form work to the outside,
at the external corner, requ ires
special attention. Case I is a plan
view showi ng the problem in
principle. The wall forms on the
outside canti lever beyond the last
line of ties. Unless provisions is
made to prevent this cantilever
nction. the forms will deflect
apart and severe grout losses will Pressure dcJccts formwork ut
united corner
Wall occur.

For minimum grout loss at the

corner, there must be a positive
tying force to hold the form work
/ Tight joint
assemblies together at their junc- ~
Grout tight formwork corners
start with a tight junction be-
tween the two plywood faces.
Case 11 shows the corner inter- I I
Wall fonn
face which is also common ly
used in column formwork. PLAN OF CORNER JUNCTION

Care should be taken in tighten-

ing the wingnut. Two problems
can occur from ovc1tightening
the wingnut. Firstly, the cone can
Tie Rods
crush the surface veneer of the
plywood and thus reduce its
working life.


2 16
Table III-A: (con't.)
Check Item Discussion 111 ustration

If the walers are located above

the bottom plate, even ifonly at
a short distance, the tightening
of the ties to clamp the forms to
the kicker wi ll resu lt in the bend-
ing of the forms. Even a small
amount of flexure in the
Ove,t igh-
form faces wi ll produce a notice-
tening of
able misalignment in the final ______,___.:;;.: - l> 6"; . ......~:
Tie Rods ·"l. :,"!-~--'!"""!'!~
concrete faces . The curved ·•.'~~:;. ~· ...·o·.:~-§ ·:/
shape of the forms also moves Ovcrtighlcning she-holls lends
the point of appl ication of the lo hcnd forms inwards
clamping action to the top cor-
ner of the kicker. Crushing of INCORREC T B OTTOM W A LER L OC ATION
the formface and local fractur-
ing of the edge of the kicker can

On most projects. there is crane

handling of bundles of material,
concrete buckets and large
formwork components. Al-
though the probability may be
small, there is always the possi-
bil ity of collision between these IMPAC T WITH WALL FORMS

crane loads and parts of the

The crane loads can horizontally
Impact from concrete buckets
strike the tops of wall or col-
unins, and the edges of soffit
fonns. Vertical impact loads can
shatter the formface of soffit
forms. The effect of these im- HORI ZONTAL IMPACT ON SOFFIT FORMS
pact loads must be considered
when arranging the formwork
Vertical impact from
system. These three situations
concrete buckets
are illustrated here.
ti, ;'l~ !I II


Table III-A: (con 't.)
Check Item Discussion Illustration

Malti.mction of the discharge gate

of a concrete bucket can easily
cause mounding. (Case I) Even
more common is the case where
the concrete pump operator does
not respond to signals to stop the
pumP.ing of concrete.


(CASE ll


The mounding of concrete from

~oncrete boom pumps and buck-
ets may even be deliberate. If Lim it of boom pump radius
the boom will not reach the far
co rne r of th e s la b then th e
concretor may mound the con-
crete as near as possible to the
corner. From there it is shovelled
into position (Case II ).



Table Ill-A: (con't.)
Check Item Discussion Illustration

Of a more serious and danger-

ous nature arc cases where struc-
tural stability is involved. Fig-
ure here shO\.VS fom1\vork for a
slab that cantilevers beyond its
base of support.
If the pour starts from the right-
hand side then the situation will
be STABLE. The load of the
fresh concrete will increase the
stability of the fom1\vork assem-
bly. When the last concrete is
Stage placed out on the cantilever, its
overturning effect will be resisted
by the weight of the concrete
placed _earlier on the right hand
But ifthe pour commcnc1.s at the
left-hand side. then the weight of II

the empty fom1 ofother end will

not be able to resist overturning. IMPORTANCE OF DIRECTION OF POUR

The form will be UNSTABLE

and failure will result. Safety,
in this case. can only be assured
ifthe right hand end is adequately
anchored down.

All structural members deflect

when loaded, and this includes
the state when only carrying their
own weight. Sometimes, this
deflection is very small. but it
Reverse bending in slab
occurs nevertheless. Figure here
diagrammatically illustrates a
cross section through a beam and
Stripping slab structure where the beams
have been stripped first. The
beams arc partly carried by the
edges of the slab fom1s and a re-
verse bending action has oc-
curred. This bending action is
Unpropped beam deflects

not compatible with the rein-

forcement pattern in the concrete.
Unacceptable cracking can re-

Table Ill-A: (con't.)
Check Item Discussion Illustration

Whe n the s labs a re stripped be-

fore the beams. the bend ing ac-
tion on the concrete fo llows that
designed for in the reinforcement
pattern. The slab deflects to its
expected shape, with its load be-
ing passed onto the beams, then
the beam is stripped and deflects

under load.

Stripping For the RESHORI NG proce-

dure, the s lab is completely
stripped first and then the beams
are completely stripped. Follow-
ing this the beams are reshored
and the n the slabs.

BACK PROPPIN G starts with

the back propping of the beams
and the n the slab. At the second
stage. the backprops to the slab
are stripped first, to be followed
by those to the beams.

Incorrect place for

stacked materials
Whe n the surface of a form face I
is fini shed. materia l fo r the next
trade, the reinforcement fixing,
Mate rial
is often stacked on it. If the sup-
port structure is not complete,
then care must be taken in select-
ing the pos ition for placing the
reinforcement bundle.



Table Ill-A: (con't.)

Check Item Discussion Illustration

Stacked materials
Formwork being
placed bt:forc forms

Another dangerous loading prob-

Material lem can come from stockpiling
Loads materials for later tradework in
multi-storey buildings.
in place

.---;-,,__- Props stri ppcd



Technical Series:
Excavation Work for Building Construction
Piling Work.for Building Construction
Structural Steel Work for Building Construction
Electrical Work for Building Construction
Mechanical Work for Building Construction
Concrete Work for Building Construction
Rebar.for Building Construction

Construction Management Series:

Introduct ion to the Construction Industry
Construction Planning
Project Control
Construction Execution Management
Contract Administration
Chapter 4


building construction is one ofthe most critical jobs during the roughing-in stage. Major
• includes rebar, concrete, and electro-mechanical works depend on its timely comple-
cootractor handles his plan of formwork can make or break his profitability.

·11·mum cost in the use offormwork in construction, it must be treated as an integral part
--.111""""'.r - - The over-all constru~ion sequence must be planned to use formwork in the most
and to pennit the optimum investment in formwork and meet schedule requirements.
mst oflocal labor and materials should also be considered in developing the plan.

should plan the formwork and job sequence at the time of making a bid. Failure to study
aJOUgh to arrive at the most efficient plan may cause loss ofthe contract. Even worse, to
•••act in reply to bid based on a superficial analysis, and then to find that some aspect ofthe
- impractical so that actual costs will.be much higher than anticipated, can be financially
.M.a1::e planning will also help to ensure the unqualified safety ofpersonnel engaged in formwork
ent and the integrity ofthe finished structure.


plan must be adapted to the layout ofthe concrete structure to a practical construction
job will have some feature or combination offeatures that will tend to establish, more or
, the basis of an efficient formwork plan. These features may exist in the design ofthe
conditions, or in other factors. The most efficient methods can be determined initially
•11a•~"S-isoffabrication and installation schedules and stripping time requirements, but practical
be imposed by accessibility and site conditions and the capacity of equipment available to
sections and materials. Among the major factors to be considered are:

o.m·tv ofmixing and placing equipment

o:i•ruc:n·,onjoints(ifspecified) which limit size oflifts or placement units
construction details and facilities for form building
of forms as affected by stripping time and another requirements
aa::am·re merits ofjob-built, shop-built, and ready-made forms
ofsurface on which formwork is supported (concrete, sand, clay, wet, frozen)
KC!ibor.ing requirements, ifmulti-storey construction is involved
lallbel:ice ofweather on protection requirements and stripping time, which will in tum affect reuse
~ oring practices.
Comparison of Alternate Methods

Different basic objectives, or alternative plans and methods for achieving the same objective,
should be examined in detail so that overall costs can be compared. Initial form construction costs,
savings through reuse, and costs of setting and stripping are compared to arrive at the lowest-cost
formwork plan. In addition, for each plan a comparative analysis should be made on the estimated
number and types ofrigs, hoists, and other equipment required, and the efficiency with which concreting
crews, reinforcing crews, and others will fit into the schedule. In determining total cost for each plan,
allowance must be made for preparation and familiarization time at the beginning ofthe project and
finishing up "loose ends" at its conclusion.

Examination of Form Plan in Relation to Total Job

After selecting the most efficient plan, the contractor should review his formwork plan along with
the specifications to make sure there are no special requirements or conflicts that would make some
detail ofhis plan or intended form design impractical. He also should review the plan in relation to the
whole project to make sure that other site activities will not interfere with transport of form sections,
cause placing delays, or otherwise upset the schedule so that much ofthe plans efficiency is lost on the
job. The concrete contractors schedule may have to be adjusted to the schedules ofother trades, and
this should be taken into account. The critical path method ofscheduling can be advantageously used
to coordinate complex projects.

Economical Form Construction

In evaluating different schemes to get maximum reuse of forms and an efficient construction
sequence, the contractor must make an estimate of form construction cost for each plan. He also may
choose between building the forms himself and buying or renting them. One plan may require many
forms while another uses fewer forms for a more expensive type. A reasonable cost estimate requires
a practical construction plan to determine which is more economical.


Selection of materials for formwork suitable for a given job must consider the economical aspect,
without sacrificing the quality and safety of the required work. The methods selected as discussed in
Section 4.1, has a major impact on the selection of materials. Forms are usually tom down after single
·used, and salvage is limited to individual boards or timber. This practice still prevails where labor costs are
low and industrial technoloh'Y is not greatly advanced.

As discussed in Chapter 1, form work requires the use oflumber as its major material. Reusable form
panels and shoring have become popular. Tying, fastening, bracing, and support accessories continue to
increase in number and variety. New materials have been adapted ro form construction, and new ways to
use conventional materials have been found. The introduction of plywood for sheathing has been solely
responsible for major changes in form planning and building.

Steel, aluminum, fiber glass, and plastics both as raw materials and in patented, prefabricated shapes
have simplified the forms of concrete structures.
discusses in more detail the various materials commonly used in formwork.

tive, and Economy in the Selection of Materials

cost Ul:r.t:iecompleted formwork, the materials for its construction must play its part in providing an ·
:ed for the fluid concrete carrying its weight, and simultaneously resisting the forces from
:ting activity.
·on ofmaterials for formwork, the three general principals of QUALITY, SAFETY
must be paramount. Materials quality can ensure safety, and significantly contribute
nts ofeconomy. Formwork failure can result in loss oflife, and always cause cata-
511mci.ial loss.

gmera1 guidelines can be given for formface and framing materials, and for the associated
1~■•--=nm:s. These can be covered under the headings of strength, stiffness, impact resistance, dura-
) the
a:::a accuracy and compatibility.
ons, - The material strength must be adequate to resist the forces anticipated. This is not only
te:Xll:zral requirement, but also an essential safety aspect.
used •!i,z:SJ - The structural movement under load must be small and predictable. These deforma-
acim;md deflections can be a significant part ofthe total deviations in the formed concrete sur-
rhen the formwork designer is planning the formwork system, decisions must be made on
._,_.._. deviation that will be acceptable, and to what extent workmanship errors and structural
.,.r...-·.,...ns will each contribute to this. To ensure that the total deviations do not exceed the
:tion mii~m:ies. the material stiffness and the workmanship accuracy must be consistent.
1any ac:a':lresistance - The forms must be buftt to ensure that the damaged form, although unser-
uires CJ=itile. does not generate falling debris. It follows, that the way in which the formwork material
determine this. To comply with this important safety aspect, materials exhibiting ductile
are far superior to those that fall in a precipitate and brittle manner.

.:-111r:tlul.ity - In the interest of economy and the achievement of a quality concrete product at
r:&use ofthe formwork, its materials must be durable. Formwork is almost always built and
)ect, out in the open. Between re-uses, its materials and components are commonly stored out in
~din •:1t1!'.dber. Ideally, framing components and form facer materials should be resistant to the
ingle '2i.3i!i:J~ of the environment. They should have a slow rate of deterioration under the effects of
s are · and rain. Their resistance to deterioration can be enhanced by proper care and main-
m::Ja:e. Materials durability is not only important in achieving good quality concrete surface
nlf:l:s. but in ensuring that formwork structures are always safe.
.1e to , - In the installation of formwork, most individual members and components are moved
ysto ;,osition by hand. This occurs even when the completed formwork installation is so heavy
olely can only be moved and positioned by crane. Ideally, for efficiency and economy, framing
:bers, formwork components and formface materials should be sized such that their weight is
the lifting ability ofone carpenter. Ifthe weight exceeds that which can be carried by two
1apes :ei~imeL crane handling is called for. The next level offormwork weight restrictions is set by the
limitations ofthe on-site crane.
6. Accuracy- For economy, it should be possible to install formwork with the minimum of fittings
and cutting ofmaterials. Consistency ofsize of materials, plywood sheets and framing members.
is important to this aim.

7. ( 'ompatihility- The materials ofthe formwork must not be incompatible with either the fluid
concrete or the hardened concrete. At the form face. the constituents of the fonn materials must
not react with the hydrating cement of the concrete. For example, some timber contain wood
sugars that break down the cement. After the concrete hardens timber, such as eucalypti. can
severely stain the concrete. When water runs over this timber and onto the concrete. dark brown
stains usually result.

8. Workahility- Workability of material is also an important item in the selection of material.


In most cases, the contractor will plan and design the formwork, except for unusual or complex
structures, such as haunch slabs having tremendous thickness. This is desirable since the contractor is in
the best position to evaluate men, materials, equipment, and procedures, and arrive at a design that is both
structurally sound and adapted to efficient erection and concreting.

Design Considerations

Design requires investigation before d~iding on the most suitable type ofapplication lo be con-
sidered. Sometimes. most contractors rely on the experiences and recommendations of reputable
form fabrication specialists.

The factors that must be taken into consideration in the design of the formwork are not limited
to the following:

a. Probable weather condition that may be encountered during the planned schedule of form work.
b. Installation schedule sequence, restrictions and method ofdepositing and consolidating con-
c. Number, size, height, and profile oflifts in each pouring stages (typical for long colu!11n and
d. Degreeoffom1 flexibility. reusability,and methods of form handling~ allowable deflections.
e. Estimated cost.

Design Considerations to Minimize Formwork Costs

I. Structural and architectural designers prepare their plans at the same time to be compatible with
an economical system offormwork.
2. Keep structural system uncomplicated so that work may be simple and economically erected
and removed.
3. Use same size ofcolumns if possible to pem1it reuse of beam and column forms.
4. Space columns unifom1ly or retain the -;ame pattern from floor to floor.
ittings oolumns ifpossible, to fit the use of plywood sheets for decking without cutting.
nbers. same width for columns and column-supported girders to eliminate cutting and fitting of
mm into column forms.
: fluid ~1:1:11·ry beams ofthe same size and depth for each floor and choose depths that will permit stan-
; must sizes oflumber for beam sides.
ti, can

mplex Vatical loads on form work include the following loads:

is both Dead Load (the weight ofreinforced concrete freshly placed and the weight of

Live Load (materials storage, workmen and equipment runway impact for
concrete placing)
>utable Table .J-1 is comparison table between ACI and JASS 5 for dead and live loads.

Lateral Pressure ofFresh Concrete

limited ~

Factors affecting lateral pressures on fom1s

nwork. 1. Weight ofconcrete
rig con- 2. Rate ofplacing concrete
3. Vibration
nm and
4. Temperature
:!ctions. 5. Other variables

e 4-1: Comparison Table Between ACI and JASS 5 for Dead and Live Loads
Dead Loads (Form Weight) Live Loads
Jle with 244 kg/cm:
40 kg/c m2 -slab
380 kg/cm 2 w/ motorizcd
carts are used
o us version) Not specified 150 kg./cmz -live loads
1 ectural 2 x dead load -impact load

l Jnkss the conditions on heam formulas and allowable stresses are met. fonnwork slioulu be
designed for the lateral pressure of the fresh concrete given to Equation (4- 1). Maximum and
minimum values given for other pressure formulas do not apply to Equation (4-1 ).

PM= 0.24 h,i Equation (4-1)

Equation (4-1 )

where: P A, lateral pressure. kgf/cm~

Ps, lateral pressure, KPa
hs, = height of fresh concrete above point cons idered

For column or other forms that may be filled rapidly before any stiffening of the concrete takes
place. h should be taken as the full height of the form, or the distance between construction jo ints
when more tha n one placement of concrete is to be made.

For concrete made with Type I cement. conta ining no pozzolans or adm ixturcs. having a slump
of IO cm or less and norma l interna l v ibration to a depth of 120 cm. or less. form work may be
designed for a lateral pressure as follows:

... a. For colu11111s

PAI= 0.073 + 0· + 17.8 Equation 4-2

(maximum of 1.47 kgf/cm2 or0.24hs,, whichever is less)

or Ps, = 7.2 + 0· + 17.8 Equation 4-2

(maximum of 144 kPa or 23.Shs, . whichever is less)

h. For wall, rate <?fplacement not exceeding 2 m/hr

PAI = 0.073 + 0· + 17.8 Equation 4-3

(maximum of0.98 kgti'cm2 or0.24hs,' whichever is less)

or I\ , = 7.2 + .,.. + 17 8
'c .
Equation 4-4

(maximum of95.8 kPa or 23.Shs, . whichever is less)

I be c. For wall. rate ofplacement 2 to 3 mlhr
11.78 2.49 R.,·,
PAl = o.o + 7;.+17.8 + 7; . +17.8 Equation 4-4

(maximum of0.98 kgf/cm2 or0.24h.v , whichever is less)

1156 244Rs,
or Ps, = 7 ·2 + J;. + 17.8 + 7;. + 17.8 Equation 4-4

(maximum of95.8 kPaor 23.Sh.,., , whichever is less)

where: PAI = lateral pressure. kgf/cm2
Ps, = lateral pressure, kPa
mp R.w = rate ofplacement, m/hr
T, . = temperature of concrete in the forms, degree C
h.,·, = height of fresh concrete above point considered


Structural calculations to be based on:

* Vertical Loads
* Horizontal Loads
* Lateral Pressure of Fresh Concrete
Vertical Load shall include weight ofconcrete, reinforcing bars. fo1111work. workmen. con-
struction machinery, and other materials- external forces in the vertical direction which
varies according to actual conditions.
Horizontal Loads - external forces in the horizontal direction such as wind pressure, eccen-
bic loads due to concrete placing, forces due to starting, running and stopping machineries.

Lateral pressure of concrete varies according to speed and height of pour.

•cl"!DM:lteis pumped from the base ofform, the form should be designed for full hydrostatic head of
a minimum allowance of25 percent for pump surge pressure. In certain instances, pressures·
lrJSlbi-~ as the face pressure of the pump position.


two consideration- the approximate nature ofmany of the design assumptions. plus simpli-
llCID.:lnofmany ofthe design assumptions, and simplified modular approach desirable for actual con-
mldiDEl -justify a simplified approach to form design. Tahle :/-2 contains several fomrnlae to arrive
a"j11et:mw·num bending momynt and maximum deflection .

. ., . .. '
I . All loads are assumed to be uniformly distributed . The loads on sheathing, joists, and studs
are in fact always distributed, though not always uniformly. Loads on wales and ledgers
are applied at points where the studs or joists bear on them, but it is convenient and
generally sufficiently accurate to use an equivalent unifonn load for design, so that the spac
ing and the number of point loads can be neglected.
2. Beam supported over three or more spans are regarded as continuous and approximate
formulas are used.
3. For continuous beams over two spans, design values for simple spans may be used safely
when the deflection or bending moment governs the span.
4. Strength ofnailed connections is neglected in determining size ofmain form members.

Table 4-2: Formulas for Maximum Bending Moment and Maximum Deflection
Simple Beam Continous Beam
Load Ma:x Bending Ma:x Bending
Ma:x Deflection Ma:x Deflection
Moment Moment
(M) (M)
Pl' = 5/>/-'
M = Pl tJ. = -- M 3/ '/
4 l1Hl\ 48/:"/ 16 /j. lll,l\ = 3 84 /'.'/


M = Pl 23/>/ 1 M = 2PI 7 P/ 1
tJ. = -- 9 /j. IIIH.\ = 324 I'.'/
"E 3 "'"' 648 1'.'/

I' I' I' 19/>l .l
Ill: II➔ /14 II➔ 114 M = Pl M = IIPI 23PI'
tJ. =-- tJ. = --
2 """ 384 /:"/ 32 "'"-' 768FI


M = wP )W'/ I M = wF tJ. = --
2 /j. lllil\ = 384 I:"/ 10 Ill,l\ 1451:'/

\ "ot<': I' ( ',mc,·111mt<'d load , I l ·,m1ppo1·t<'d span o(heam , /:' .\ lod11l11s o(clmtici/1·. I ,\ !om,·111 o(i11C'rlia
11· I ·1111i,n11h·dis1nh111,·d load
studs Siresses
•"'-- stresses for some ofthe common form work materials are given in Table 4-3.
!spac Ii le 4-3: Working Stresses for Common Formwork Materials (Kg/cm2 )
Bending Compression to Gain
imate Modulus of Shear Stress
Stress Elasticity Parallel to Gain
Parallel Perpendicular

117 7.91 x I 0 4 86.7 23.0 9.70
94.3 6.83 X )04 70.4 19.4 8.20
3.06 X (04 35.2 11.4 4.40

74.5 5.97 X (04 57.1 18.4 6.80

51.0 3.52xl04 35.2 11.4 4.40
32.1 2.35 x I 0 4 23.5 8.20 3.10
83.1 1.05 X 105 14.8 4.00

I• 1600 2.( X (0''

....,.,.,·rnum safety factors for accessories are also recommended by ACI as shown in Tahle 4-4.

Table 4-4 : Minimum Safety Factors for Formwork Accessories

Type of Construction Safety Factor

I' All applications 2.0

Formwork supporting form weight and concrete pressure only 2.0

Form work supporting form weight and concrete construction live 3.0
loads and impact

All applications 2.0

·gn for bending is based on the allowable or working stress in flexure for the material being
_...._..,... lowable flexural stresses for various kinds oft umber. plywood. and other materials are given.
• ·ng moment of the member being designed is:

Mr fS
Mr resisting moment in kgf-cm, ,
f allowable stress in extreme fiber in bending kgf/cm ·
• l
s section modulus of th(; member, cm .
I span
E Modulus o f elastic it)'.
I Moment of inertia
Since the resisting moment provided must equal or exceed th_e applied bending moment. the maximum
allowable span is detennined by equating Mr to Mnrnx and solving for I; thus fora simple beam.

wP Equation 4-5
./S 8

I= ✓ 8·/S = 2.83v~
{]s Equation 4-6

For continuous beam

.IS=IO Equation 4-7

Equation 4-8


Tolerances for the finishing work must be considered in detennining allowable deflection of
fonnwork; deflection will be specified in the contract document. In the deflection fommlas that fol low,
the factor E. modulus of elasticity, appears. This is a measure of stiffness and has been determined by
tests for many construction materials.

For example, for a simple beam, the maximum deflection is:

s r
~ =- x- Equation 4-9
'""' 384 El

When the allowable deflection is 1/360, substitute that value fort:,,. ltHI'< and solve for I to find the
allowable span of a form member. with deflection as the governing criterion:

I 5 w x /4
- =- x--
360 384 El

I = 11 -x-El- = 0.60 1 -
5w x 360 w
ff' Equation 4- l 0
mum .1c1C11rn continuous over three or more span is:

wr Equation 4-11
= 145£/
•,11:ettJeallowable deflection is 1/360. result is:

--= - x--
145 El

I =J
wx 360
EI = p;1
0.74-1 -
Equation 4-12

•ldlmt~deflection is set in figure. a check should be made to s-ee-ifthat limit is exceeded. FiRure
calculation flowchart.

ertical form Horizontal form

...---1 Pressure for design / Design Loa,__...,

on of Sheathing thickness and Sheathing thickness and

s acin ofstud s acin of · oist
1ed by BEN DINCi Cl 11:CK


d size and spacing of wales Joist size and spacing of stringe



Stringer size and

1d the Wale size and spacing of tie
of shore



Tie design

Check bending stress Check bending stress

Lateral bracing for

Lateral bracing for shore
vertical form

F.igure 4-1 : Calculation Flowchart


Bending Check

A. If thickness or size of material is fixed, calculate and determine its maximum allowable span which is the
required spacing of supports.

B. If the spacing of supports is fixed or predetermined, calculate to solve the required section module S of the
material to carry the load, and select type of material to meet this requirement, and then select a member size
with the required section module S.

De_/lection Check

A. Ifthe thickness or size of material is fixed or predetermined, calculate the maximum allowable span which
satisfies deflection requirement.

B. If the span or spacing of supports is fixed, calculate the deflection equation to solve for the required
moment of inertia/. Then select the type of material to meet this requirement. Appendix I

Appendix 1, found at the end of this handbook discusses a sample problem in the computation of
column forms.


Since early form removal is usually desirable so that forms can be reused, a reliable basis for determin-
ing the earliest proper stripping time is necessary. When forms are stripped there must be no excessive
deflection or distortion and no evidence ofcracking, or other damage to the concrete, due either to re-
moval of support or to the stripping operation. Supporting forms and shores must not be removed from
beams. floors. and walls until these structural units are strong enough to carry their own weight and any
approved superimposed load, unless provision has been made to allow for anticipated temporary con-
stmction loads, as for example in multi-storey work

Stripping Time Based on Concrete Strength

Strength ofconcrete necessary before form stripping and the time required to attain it vary widely
with job conditions. Generally forms for vertical members such as columns and piers may be removed
earlier than those for beams and slabs. ACI 347 recommends removal of fonnwork support from
horizontal members only after 70 percent of the design strength has been reached, unless otherwise
approved by the engineer-architect. Even ifconcrete is strong enough to show no immediate distress
or deflection under load, it is possible to damage corners and edges during stripping and to develop
excessive creep deflection with time. The individual who designed the structure and understands its
behavior under load is best prepared to decide what strength is required for stripping.

Ifstrength tests are to be the basis for the engineer-architect's instructions to the contractor on
fonn removal. the type oftest, method of evaluating, and minimum standards of strength should be
stated clearly in the specifications. The number of test specimens as well as who should make them
and perform the tests should also be specified. The most widely used method is to test standard
on the job under conditions no better than the least favorable curing conditions for
ofthe structure which the test specimens represent. If such specimens are used it is
a curing record including time, temperature, and method for both the concrete
k test specimens. This information together with the weather record assist both the
ich is mntractor in determining when forms can be safely stripped. Thus they offer a conser-
determining stripping time. A more direct method of strength evaluation is to test
structure. However, core test results must be carefully evaluated.

advances in testing technology have brought the development ofseveral non-destructive

- -h·.t1"¥.::ttuating hardened concrete, including:

pdse velocity
rebound hammer
penetration resistance
maturity measurement

_,.,.....,·"' measurement method requires development of strength-maturity factor relptionship

laboratory conditions using the particular mix to be placed in the structufe. It also
•••iS~'lllliewhat detailed time-temperature record ofthe concrete in place.

~ re the engineer has made no provision for approval ofshore and fonn removal based
and other considerations peculiar to the job, and where local codes do not establish
ing standards. refer to Part 1 Codes and Standard Section 2.6.

r.,.._,,....._ r's approval should be based on an assessment of strength ofconcrete in the structure
ansideration ofweather, placing conditions. and time and quality ofcuring. The total load of
siructure. including freshly placed concrete. fonnwork, workmen, placing equipment, run
r driven buggies, must not exceed the Iive load which the lower structure is capable of
the strengths then available.


procedure to be followed in getting maximum reuse of forms will vary greatly depending
•-itiCIIIS ofthe individual job. Generally the sooner the forms can be stripped, the more cconomi-
it becomes to schedule its many reuses. Thus specifications or local code requirements
.-1 reshoring are an important factor in planning form reusage. In multi-storey buildings
shores will be supported by the recently built structural members, special problems must

a Practical Reuse Plan

·actor on
hould be ·mum numberof forms is established by the numberofdifferent shapes, sizes. and comhina-
1kethem ,...,_,.,.,.a,ncrete members in the structure. Where the same size, shape, or combination is repeated

li !l1 there is an opportunity for reuse. but placing schedule. stripping time. and other factors related to a
specific job make it impractical to take advantage ofall theoretical opportunities to reuse forms. Thus.
ifthcsamesizecolumn appears JOO times in a building. theoretically all ofthesccolumnscould he cast
by reusing one form 100 times. but this would not permit a.smooth work flow and would extend the
construction over an unreasonably. long time.

In most cases. it is necessary to make a detailed study of work flow and construction sequence to
decide on a practical numberofreuses that will result in a fast. smooth. efficient job with lowest over-
all cost. In simpler cases. it may be possible to see immediately the number of forms required and the
number of reuses that can be planned. Divide the total structure into unit areas and mark on a key plan
the days for erection fom1s. setting steel. installing mechanical and electrical work. and placing con-
crete. Experiment with various sizes ofarea to maintain steady progress. This will detennine the reuse

Comparing Reuse Schemes

In comparing different schemes. the contractor may calculate the size and numberof fom1s re-
quired in each case and find the ratio of form contact area to total area of concrete structure. This ratio
is an indicatorofover-all reuse efficiency, although it does not necessarily indicate the number of
reuses ofa particular fom1 in the plan. In comparing two plans. where one has more reuses than the
other. the contractor should take into account the time and cost of repairs and reconditioning between
uses. Forms often have to be cleaned betw~n reuses, and a vibrating tool, for example. may damage
the contact surface of a form so that a panel must be replaced before the form can be reused.

Steps in Planning for Maximum Reuse

The builder must first review all contract requirements for factors such as architectural details
which would influence the form work plan. At this early stage, it is sometimes possible to suggest
changes which will permit better form use and reuse. Any approved changes can then be incorporated
early in the planning phase.

Next a sketch is developed to aid in visualizing the problem. The sketch should show the place-
ments ofrequired concrete including its location dimension and elevation. On other jobs. this sketch
could be a plan or elevation or whatever helps most to understand the problem. The next steps are:

I . Find the placement that wi 11 require the greatest number of forms, and decide what fom1 sizes
will be used. List all the forms that will be required for this placement.
2. Check for possible reuses. Can any of the forms be used elsewhere without modification?
Which fom1s can be used elsewhere with only minor modification?
3. Consider using fom1s available from other parts of the job. Find out how many other forms
will be needed to complete all of the placements.
4. Make a fom1 flow schedule, based on both logic and fom1 availability.
5. A placement analysis flow diagram. also based on logic and form availability. helps under-
stand the form flow schedule.

:itoa poposed fom1 flow schedule must be checked against the prqjcct schedule. Sometimes
fhus. fonns may be needed to keep the work on target, instead of getting the maximum
ecast from each fonn.
d the

11ce to '-a'Y small jobs it is customary to set up a carpentry shop or mill where fo,111 parts or entire
over- •_A..,~u,,...iently
fabricated and moved to the site for assembly and erection. Where to put the
1d the to make it. what equipment is needed-all these depend on the size and conditions of the
yplan How much ofthe fonnwork can be prefabricated and how much must be built in place help
.!,COll- ofshop required .
Cll:liir-ttll'ISic.:leration should be given to achieving, the best possible area in safety and comfort ofthe
- - -...----lo maintaining high productivity.

achjob has its own special requirements determined by local conditions. consideration of
..._,.~...,~!'ml requirements which apply to most all larger jobs aid in planning the mi 11 for a specific
ns re-
s ratio
ber of
an the
tween ,_.....__...ly. the mill should be placed as close as possible to the area under construction. but space
lmage allowed for storage offinished fom1s. Availability of power supply and consideration or
to job will also be factors in locating the mill. Ifa large percentage or fom1 lumber passes
mill. it should be located near the material receiving point or storage point. If very little
-~--h the mill, the mill can be located closer to the construction work. The space avai lable
a:!Clcnofthe building site in relation to aqjoining streets influence mill layout. Ifat all possible. the
details be so located so that the operation -ts progressive from the point where Ium bet' is received
uggest where finished forms are delivered to the erection crew. Similar considerations affect the
10rated 1-a•l!lr~l.J')ot of the mil I.

building oecupiesan entire site. and there is no aqjoining vacant land. the mill must ollen he
place- along the building site on the sidewalk. A space IO to 12 ft wide. long enough to accom-
sketch equipment. is required. The mill should he placed next to the street to allow delivery of
ps are: without interfering with pedestrians. A covered walkway for pedestrians is then placed
mill and the bu:lding. and a light fence is erected on the street side to protect workers from
11 sizes multi-storey building work, it is often desirable to place the mill inside the building. particu-
·or space is limited.


r forms storage space required for incoming lumber depends on job size and whether materials can
short notice in small lots, or whether carload lots will have to he stored. 'l'hc receiving yard
convenient to saws to reduce handling of material. It should also be convenient to assembly
•1ttc..because much of the material will not require sawing.
·al should be stock-piled according to sizes as soon as it is received so that no time will be
ing a desired size. On very large jobs. it may be desirable to label pi ks lo hcl p carpenter,

find the desired stock quickly with a minimum ofcutting. Lumber and other materials should be
palletized for mass handling ,whenever conditions warrant:

Next to the mill and as close as possible to the lifting equipment, space should be provided for
storage ofcompleted panels or partially assembled forms ready for erection. This space should be
convenient to the benches within the mill or just outside the mill where the panels are built.

Lockers should be available for special tools or for the personal tools belonging to workmen.
Neat. tidy nail storage and rod storage houses or containers are desirable, as well as storage bins for
wedges or other parts that are made up in quantity. Form oil storage rack and steel storage rack to
hold rods. bars, and angles should also be kept on the job. Within the shop there should be storage
bins for scrap pieces which may be used for cleats. shims, and the like. as well as a rack for long items
such as rustication. chamfer. or grade strips that are made up in volume.

Equipment and Layout

The well equipped mill for an average job will require all or part ofthe following:

cut-off saw
rip saw
portable electric saw
band saw
boring machine

Equipment for Saw Filing and Tool Sharpening

One saw may be available that will perform both ripping and cut-offoperations: usually a swing
type cut-off saw is best if separate saws are used. The saws should be capable of handling. at least
4 in. Material. and adjustable to cut or rip at any angle. Ifthere is to be considerable ornament. a hand
saw will reduce the amount of handwork. Roller conveyors to facilitate handling long or heavy pieces
to the power tools may be desirable.
,. ,
The mill should have a roof to protect the equipment and men, but the sides should be as open as
climatic conditions will permit. Good Iighting, either artificial or through skylights. and adequate ven-
tilation are essential. A clear space of 4 or 5 ft around the table saws with their haul-off tables is
sutlicient: more than this is undesirable. There should be 3- or 4-ft aisles between benches so carpen-
ters do not interfere with each other.

A smooth. flat. level platform for form assembly is frequently placed just outside the mi 11: for some
large form work components outdoor assembly is absolutely necessary because of their size. Adjust-
able assembly benches made by laying planks on sawhorses are better than pennanent benches,
because of difficulty in working around panels of varying, sizes when the bench is made large enough
for the largest fo1m panels. Outdoor assembly areas allow more room for working around the benches.
hut inclement weather may halt the work. If the assembly area is under cover. work can proceed on
panels in preparation for the erection crew when outside work is resumed. If this is done. a few extra
men in the erection crew can often make up for time lost in bad weather.

j be
sbop or storage areas should include facilities for wetting down prefabricated parts to prevent
shrinkage before use. Fil{ure 4-2 illustrates a typical shop layout for a large project.
I for bere are enclosed shop and outdoor assembly platform. and showing also access road and
d be •1m11rcJirc;is for materials and equipment.

\.S1::0Jth. flat. level platform for form assembly is frequently placed just outside the mill. For

nen. fonnwork components outdoor assembly is absolutely necessary because of their si7e
s for E>embly benches made by laying planks on sawhorses are better than permanent benches.
::k to llllall!IC<,idifficulty in working around panels of varying, sizes when the bench is made large enough
•rage ---...::.;~st form panels. Outdoor assembly areas allow more room for working around the
terns inclement weather may halt the work. If the assembly area is under cover. work can
panels in preparation for the erection crew when the outside work is resumed. If it is
extra men in the erection crew can often make up for time lost in bad weather.

shop or storage areas should include facilities for wetting down prefabricated parts to prevent
shrinkage before use.

mill area should be kept free ofrippings, sawdust. and shavings. A dust collector may be
~;•--•~to carry dust and chips from the shop. An outdoor collecting point for scraps to be hauled
be required on a large job. A neat, clean mill and shop area improve production and reduce
•taco:r. but adequate fire extinguishers or other fire protection are advisable.


>en as
lcs is

!Cd on
, extra


Sl OR,\GE FOR Sa\\du~t and

FINISII ED ITE7' 1S scrap pilc

't Racks for Ion!! items

Form oil Bin for
~ Storagc \\Cdgcs.ctc.
- □-c
~ ~
·-- - Work \Vork bcnch
machine p crap pieces for cleats. tc.
ks- --T!•+---:....:..---,! 1
J'!' •J_. c 115 I--~ d,·£ LZzi· 5 •
"Rollcr come~ o rs Tabk saw

SHOP. approximate!~ I 00 x 60 ft.

Q .-3andsa"


Jig and template


f' ""Ej I I
srnR T AruA

1 1 1

Figure 4-2: Typical Shop Layout for Large Project

Chapter 5


defining the formwork schedule of the project, allocating the available resources, money,
. . . . .Iliff. materials and equipment, should determine its optimal combination in order to perform the
Meeting the schedule is possible iflabor, materials, and equipment on which the duration
are based are available on time. The analysis that compares these requirements against the
rces forms the physical feasibility check for a work plan.

cases, activities should be completed by certain dates, that is, to meet contract date. Nor-
• activities cannot begin until its preceding activities are completed. Slab rebar works cannot
-•-,... slabs form are installed. Concreting works will not proceed without the completed rebar and

~lm:.irdir.lf!philosophy refers to the selection ofthe scheduling system.For example, will we use bar
? How many activities are there? Which activity must finish first?

a.mining reasonable activity duration estimates is important in scheduling. Tables showing crew
their productivity, historical data for various formwork activities, and consultations with
supervisors are helpful in this task.

a defined quantity formwork to be performed ( as described in the plans and specifica-

md the resources available, the time required to do the work can be determined by dividing
~mtt·tv of work by the labor and equipment productivity.

nnally, target completion date is stipulated on the contract, so we may say that this is the
schedule. The owner's schedule is a macro schedule stressing the strategic planning goals.
amtractor's schedule is a fully detailed operational schedule covering all the construction work
-"-·.., and finishing within the owner's strategic schedule.

the case offormworks, the basis ofits schedule plan is the target concreting completion date.
the owner's macro schedule, the project is first divided into roughing-in and finishing works by
ctor. Then the contractor sets target dates for the completion of roughing-in and finishing
The roughing-in works.which is known as structural works is again broken down into floor
levels. depending on the volume of the work, again target dates are set on each floor. For extremely
large floor areas. form work is usually done phase by phase in relation to segmentation of areas to be

Based on the target concreting dates. formworks and rebarworks activities nom,ally have a very
tight schedule of meeting the target concreting dates.

Given the target dates, the computed area of fom1work, and the historical record of work rates.
the objective is to determine the number of workers necessary to complete the work on time. It must
be noted that the estimated time or the number ofworkers necessary to complete the work should not
be based only on quantity of materials and work rate. Some allowances should be given to other
factors such as site condition; methods to be employed, flow oflabor and materials as well as super-

Process for Scheduling

The planners primary objective is to develop an ihstrument that will enable management to
exercise control over planning and performance on a project. To meet this objective. the planner must
consider the project situation in a logical manner. This structured method must enable management
to expeditiously receive information it requires at various stages of the project in an adequately
detailed manner relevant to the required level of management so that decisions may quickly be
applied to the project. FiKure 5-/ illustrates t~e process flow chart in scheduling.

Master Schedule Target completion dates of major

stages of work

Milestone shedule Target dates of major events

Detailed Schedule Duration and target completion
dates of activities

Figure 5-1: Process Flow Chart in Scheduling

Master Schedule

During the policy making for quality, cost. delivery (schedule), and safety ofa project. the
contractor should prepare the master schedule which shows the stages of major work. These
major stages of work are broken down as shown in Figure 5-2. The duration of each stage of
work will vary depending on the size, type, and finishes ofthe building. A master schedule is
nonnally shown in a bar chart showing only the m~jor stages ofwork.
nely Building Project

very Roughing-in /
Finishing Work
Structural Work

J not

Substructure Superstructure

:it to
:1.tely Basements Podium Typical floor
y be

Figure 5-2 : The Framework of a Master Schedule

files/one Schedule

Once the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) has been developed, the next stage in the
lution of a network is to consider the major events or key points constituting the project.
·or events are the start and finish ofimportant series of activities. Their importance depend
n the project management involved. These events enable the various level of management to
evaluate the overall progress of the project in areas ofresponsibility. Such events are known as
estones, and their description are usually in the past tense. Milestone have no schedule. They
however, have target times associated with them, against which actual progress ofthe project
be measured. A milestone schedule comprises a selected number of key events, perhaps
nty out ofa few thousands, for reporting to management.

Key events that may included in a milestone are rebar, formwork, electromechanical, con-
.aete work, equipment supply, and so on. Concrete work completion dates are usually set as
et dates for the other roughing-in works. The actual progress ofconcrete works will take
o account other roughing-in work including rebar, formwork, and electro-mechanical work.

t. the There are basically two ways to compute and determine the milestone schedule:
geof 1. by ratio ofeach floor area to total floor area.
ule is 2. by ratio of major material quantity .

This schedule should he adjusted hy the number of worker allocated lo a p~rticular area.
q 'I If working area becomes smaller, the numberofworkers will be reduced.

In making a milestone schedule. the following execution plan for reinforced concrete works
must be reviewed .

a. segmentation of areas to be concreted

b. formwork methods
c. rehar installation methods
d. constructionjoints
e. manpower
f materials
g. equipment

Detailed Schedule

In order to gain control over the project schedule. preparation of a detailed schedule based
on the mi lestone schedule should be made. For reinforced concrete building structures. the
rehar. fom,work. electro-mechanicaL and concrete work are very much interrelated with each
other. Even if the reinforcing bars for columns are installed, concrete work cannot begin
without fixing first the forms. This also holds true for beams and slabs. where reinforcing bars
may not he fully installed until fom,work has been laid and fully supported.

In the case of fonnwork. majority of the details of its work activities are focused under
fabrication and installation of work. However. to accomplish these two major work component
of fom,work. the various activities necesary for fabrication and installation must be identified.
Figure 5-3 shows the typical activity flow common to formwork.

We recommend the following steps in establishing the schedule for formwork activities.

Step- I Identification of detailed quantities of concrete, rebar, per floor basis preferably
by element basis. which will be the basis in establishing the activities.
Step-2 Identification of sequence of each work activities and their relationship. It is
very important to clarify the relation of each work activities and to establish
preceding work and succeeding work.
Step-3 Computation of duration based on the quantities or each work demcnt. and
data of work performance rates. It is very important to know work perfor-
mance rate in order to compute the duration of each activities. Consider now
working days and decide on start and completion date.
Step-4 Identification ofcritical process(Critical Path).
Step-5 Computation of total duration ofone cycle ofconcrete pouring. If total duration
is more than planned. it is necessary to review all the assumptions such as work
procedure and manpower resources. and to revise the concrete cycle to meet
the planned schedule.
Step-6 Review and plot allocated resources such as materials, manpower and equip-
ment based on the above schedule. Delivery and hoisting ofmaterials should be
plotted to adjust schedule if necessary.
Make Construction Management Planning

ks Make Construction Drawings

Selection of Sub-Contractors

Study and Approve Construction Manual

Delivery and Storage of Materials

Prefabri cation

1e echanica l & Inking/Marking Rein forcement Work

:h Electrical Work

Erection of Column Fonnwork

Erect ion of Wall Formwork

y Insta llation of Slab Formwork Reinforcement Work

llaneous Work

Concreti ng
Attendant During Concreting Concrete Strength Test

Stripping of Form

Check of Concrete

Figure 5-3: Activity Flow of Formwork

Step-7 Computation ofnon-working days from basic assumption ofthe master plan schedule.
Step-8 Decision on commencement and completion day
Step-9 Plot all work activities on schedule sheet


Project duration and cost are the two most important o~jectives of pr~ject management. It is observed
that unless the estimate is related to the schedule and converted into a project cost budget it is not a very
usetlll for project cost control. The basic question that arises here is, how are the cost estimates and
project schedule combined for use as a reference point for cost control?

Budget allocatio1~ has the following o~jectives:

a. To provide analytical methods and procedures and to establish a reference point for monitoring
and controlling work cost;
b. To serve as a basis for the provision of funds.as wel I as for disbursement of progress payment;
c. To help develop forecasting and trends of work cost.

Budget Breakdown

The contractor views the cost of the project at the work item level. This doubly ensures the
soundness ofthe result: first. by increasing the accuracy ofthe bid and second, by guaranteeing there
will be no "surprises" once the job is won and construction begins.

Since the concern is with work items. a contractor is interested in estimating the cost of work
items such as fabrication. installation work and stripping fonns. In arriving at the cost per unit quantity
of work item, the contractor totals the contributing costs from all ditlerent aspects of the job to come
up with a single figure.

Approach in Budgeting

l .1nl ike estimating which assigns a cost to each itern of work. cost budgeting assigns or allocates
money to cover the cost of each item of work. Determining budget is the process of forecasting
expected expenditures of money during the course ofa work. To arrive at a cost budget. it is necessary
to know the predicted duration of the pr~ject and to account for the labor and materials to be directly
consumed by the specified work. Since all organizations have different priorities and policies. the
degree of detai I required for cost budgets wi 11 differ from organization to organization.

At the lowest level where budget figures originate, the estimator makes estimates oflabor hours
required by class (e.g., ski lled and unskilled workers) and converts their hours and rates in peso
ligun.:s. The estimator determines as well what materials and equipment are needed. what their costs
amount to. and adds this sum to the figure for labor. This effort provides the basis ftlr the cost budget.

( 'on tractors often use the contract schedule and their estimates in the bid as a starting point for
their cost budget. Whereas in the estimate, the cost was arrived at for each work item. in the cost
the contractor's interest in the cost will shift more toward a time base. That is. the contractor
&:knnine what expenditures must be allowed for monthly basis, what portion of any and all
_....,..__occurs within each budget period. and total these figures to arTive at a monthly cost budget.
a>ntractor must find the cost ofeach work item. Through this. a further breakdown of cost
1111111~.Jor manpower, materials and equipment can be obtained.

Chis point the patterns by which cost budgets are obtained should be clear. Network plans
;erved 5dleduling, scheduling is followed by estimating, these cost estimates are aided by the schedule.
:1 very
•11511:a&:d into cost budgets: the cost budgets provide a basis ofcomparison for actual expenditures:
:sand =:::!.:~~discrepancy between cost budgets and expenditures providing inputs for the control process.


---.,~•~nt is often defined as "getting things done through people", but ''people." or manpower is
toring •--~Ndle resources available to management. It is difficult to find a construction activity in which the
..,..m1 · not instrumental in the completion ofthe work. The labor skills required to pertonn construction
ment depending on the type of work involved. As a result ofthis variability, the contractor when
construction task. often must determine the optimal combination oflabor skills to perform a
tion activity.

llllla:::.,nresources for construction generally breaks down into three major categories·as fr>l lows:

lame office personnel

:anstruction personnel (field supervision and labor)
onstruction subcontractors
work -a:ond category is the most critical amoni the three and should be given much attent_ion. For the
antity •-=ofdiscussion. we will focus more on field labor resources.
spoductivity on a construction activity is less than deterministic since a human being·s productivity
by his surrounding environment. As a result, it is difficult to predict and plan the optimal labor
be used for a construction activity. Owing to the contractor's inability to control the project
the labor productivity is often uncertain. Uncertain labor productivity is also partly cause9 by
>Cates ~....ahi ·ty of the types ofwork, labor is expected to perform.
s. the 'la::irt·a1 allocation is an important element in work planning and control. Materials represent a major
construction, so minimizing presents important opportunities for reducing costs during
First, if materials are purchased early. capital may be tied up and interest charges incurTed on
,ours •N:11.:c-;:s inventory materials. Second, delays and extra expenses may be incurred if materials required
peso activities are not available. Accordingly. ensuring a timely flow of material is an important
·s materials plan is usually a detailed document listing by account code the qunntities ofrcq11ircci
-~P"Dl'~ isa description. their field required date. responsible supplier. and the like. Columns are also
.nt fo r
....,d.T'1el1dors. purchase orders. promised delivery, partial shipments, delivery mode, as that infom1ation
: cost

Material Procurement Schedule

Materials must he made progressively available during the construction period. As is usually the
case. ordering procedures and construction activities are dovetailed. One very obvious problem that
most project organiz.ations face at one time or another is that of delays due to the late arrival of vital
materials. Of course. in many cases these delays are due to factors that are beyond the control or the
project manager (e.g.• strikes). Another mqjor problem is that of materials arriving too early. This
may not seem Iike a great concern. but there are a number of consequences that result from materials
arriving on site hefore they are needed. First of all. some means of storing these materials must be
found. The possibility of deterioration, and re-handling is also much higher when the materials arc on
the site too long.

Obviously then. the timely delivery of materials is a factor of extreme importance: late delivery
can disrnpt the construction schedule. while early delivery incurs extra handling and storage costs.

a. Data Required in the Preparation olMaterial Procurement Schedule

To prepare the Material Procurement Schedule, all pertinent information about fom1work and the
necessary materials must be compiled. All materials to be used in formwork must be tabulated.

An up-to-date physical inventory of stocked materials is required. All data needed by the planner
are included in the inventory record. Ph~sical inventory has to be taken regularly to update this record.

Finally. a bill of materials is needed. This isa complete list ofall the mate,ials. stating the quantity
or each to be used.
h. Preparing the Material Procurement Schedule

The first requirement of a material procurement schedule is to establish that materials required by
the schedule can be obtained on time. Ifthey are not, negative float/slack will appear on all the activities
leading to the delivery orthe expected materials and cause the delay.

Another requirement is that the schedule must provide complete infom1ation on the status ofeach
material at any time as it progresses through the procurement process. A schedule against which
actual progress can be checked is needed. If any discrepancies occur. they can be spotted in time to
take remedial action. The mate,ial procurement schedule shown in Tahle 5-1 provides this info,mation.
Each entry from the bill of materials is included as well as the event times (activity dates) on which
action must be taken to ensure atTival at the required time.

Purchased or Rented Forms

The contractor's estimated cost for building fom1s may be compared with a quotations or esti-
mates from suppliers or subcontractors as in the case of renting prefabricated frmns or building the

Most contractors find that rental offom1s fora specific usage allow better flexibility in regulating
the volume or work. thus assuming reliability. Passing on the risk. investment cost, and some or the

(') Q '" r. ~
::r--> 0 ::r ::r a.. ::S.....(')
V ......

I •I

Foun- Pl~" ood 1/h-t' x 8' pcs. 1000 Pl~ 11 ood 1:2 \ ➔' "8' pcs. 500 Pl~wooJ 112 X ➔' X 8' pcs. 500 19 Aug 2 1 Aug. 10 27 Aug. to
dation 31 Aug. 10 Sept.
Lumber 2"x 3"\ 12' bft. 700 Lumber 2" x 3" .\ 12" bft. 150 Lumber 2"x3°x 12 bft. 550

I.umber 3" X 6" \ 8' bft. 700 Lumber 3" \ 6" X 8' bft. 200 Lumber 3"\6"-.;8' bft. 500

Tie rod pcs. 2000 Tie rod pcs . 600 Tie rod pcs. 1.-t00

Form liter -t000 Form liter l'"orm lite, -t.000

release rekasc rckase
Agent Agent Agent
(oi l) (oill (oil)
so forth
so forth


management responsibility to a formwork sub-contractor may reduce the burden. but perhaps
may increase coordination work for the contractors.

The contractor may find that consulting with form suppliers will help develop an imaginative
approach to formwork planning that will save time and cost.

A careful analysis of all formwork required may show that the contractor can economically build
some ofthe forms while others should be obtained from the specialists.The purchase price or rental of
the forms plus handling or preparation expenses should be figured on a per square meter of fonned
area a<; basis to make a valid comparison with other alternatives.


Unlike other materials. forn1work equipment does not enter into the final product ofa prqject. But this
is a very important physical resource worthy of early planning. The time to finish the given work load will
depend on each type ofmachines you plan to use including the skill of the workers.

At the time an estimate is being prepared. it is uni ikely that the estimator wi II have an exact Iisting ofthe
machines or equipment that will be used on the job. The estimator must know enough about the work in
question to make appropriate assumptions concerning types and amounts of its use.•

Source of Equipment

The use of equipment may be secured through purchase or rental. For each method. there are
several plans. When equipment is purchased. either one of the following plans may be used:

a. cash purchase
b. purchase on a deferred-payment plan

Equipment may be rented under one ofthe following plans:

a. The lessee will pay a specified price per month, week. day, or hour for the use.ofeach
b. The lessee will pay a specified price for each unit of work perfom1ed by the equipment
c. The lessee will pay a specified rental rate for the use of the equipment. with an option to
purchase the equipment at a later date, with the provision that all or a part of the money
paid for rent shall apply toward the purchase of the equipment.
Chapter 6


111e1:::u;ethe planning phase provides fundamental guidelines for the prqject. careful management control
'!lei:.-st:lblished. In addition, since planning is an on-going activity, management guidelines must be
on a company wide basis in order to achieve unity and coherence. Without clear definitions
planning phase, many projects run off in a variety ofdirections.


~~-n,p supervision of fom1work requires that a well-organized cost and control system be designed.
•ldl:tit::dand implemented so that immediate feedback can be obtained in order that the up-to-date
......... !\!SOllfCeS can be compared to those which were established as target objective. The requirements
·vecost and schedule control plan should include

ugh planning of formwork to be performed;

i:,Ood estimation of time. labor and costs:
dear communication of scope of required tasks:
iplined budget and authorization ofexpenditures;
ly accounting of physical progress anti cost expenditures;
·ooic re-estimation of time and cost to complete remaining work;
uent. periodic comparison of actual progress and expenditures to schedules and budgets.
at the time of comparison and at prqject completion.

feach ust compare the time, cost and performance of the program to the budgeted time. cost and
lllill!!.ax:e not independently. hut in an integrated manner. Being within one's budget at the proper time
fut purpose ifperformance is only 75 percent. Likewise, having a formwork output of exactly
planned. loses its significance if a 50 percent cost overrun was incurred. All three resource
tion to 111-e21s(time. cost and performance) must be analyzed as a group or else we might "win the battle hut
11oney ai1H1..-1::i.~"'. An effective control system must be an established cost and schedule plan that can monitor
performance as well as costs by setting budgets, measuring expenditures against budgets and
variances, assuring that the expenditures are proper, and taking corrective action when required.

purpose ofan effective control system therefore becomes a verification process accomplished
, parison of actual performance to date with the predetermined plans and standards set fo11h.
· n serves to verify that:

objectives have been successfully translated into performance standards:

perfom1ance standards are in fact, a reliable representation ofactivities and events:
meaningful budgets are established such that actual versus planned comparison can be made.
In other words. the comparison verifies that the correct standards were selected and that they are
properly used. ·

The second purpose of an effective control system is that of decision making. Three reports are
required to make effective and timely decisions. These are:

* the work plan. schedule and budget prepared;

* a detailed comparison between resources expended to date and those pre-detennined. Thi
includes an estimate of remaining work and the impact on activity completion;
* a projection of resources to be expended out through work completion.


The quality control plan assures that the systematic approaches to be used for quality control are
based primarily on process design and control, including control of procured materials, and the work itself
Also examined is the integration ofquality control with continuous quality improvement.

The qua Iity control plan is created by breaking down the form work into lower-level activities unti
specific quality actions can be identified. These actions must be documented and implemented in th
sequence that will meet the requirements. This enables the contractor to assure the prqject owner that he
has a road map in delivering a quality work.

Quality is created in the planning stage and no1 in the control stage. M~jority ofquality-related prnhlems
are caused by poor or unsuitable planning and design processes. In the quality control plan, the process i
reorganized as defined by its input of people, machines. materials. method, management and environment

A good quality control plan will:

* cause the design of a process that produces the desired quality of work;
* bring in suppliers early in the process;
* prove that the process is working and that quality goals are being met.

The Cost of Quality

Measurement ofthe cost ofquality is necessary to verify that form work meets what it was specifi
and required. For simplicity's sake, the cost can be classified as the "the cost of conformance"
"the cost ofnon-conformance''. Conformance costs include items such as training, verification. validati
testing, maintenance, calibration, and audits. Non-conforming costs include items such as wasta~
re-work. and repairs. Another common method to classify costs includes the following:

a. Prewntion C'osts- Prevention costs are the up-front costs oriented toward the satisfacti
of requirements with the first and all succeeding works. Included in this costs arc review
contract documents. training. quality planning, survey of formwork material supplier
subcontractors. process studies, and other related preventive activities. Quality assurance i
a prevent ion-based system. improves workmanship and increases productivity hy placi _
emphasis on the material. work and process design. By concentrating on source activities,
stops non-conforming material and workmanship. This is a proactive approach comp
with detection, which is reactive.
Changing from detection to prevention requires not just the use of a set of quality
management tools and techniques, but the development of a new operating philosophy and
approach, which requires a change in management style and way ofthinking. Quality plaiming
and improvement truly begins when top management includes prevention. as opposed to
detection. in organizational policy and o~jectives. and starts to integrate the improvement
efforts ofvarious departments. This leads to the next level. that ofTotal Quality Management.

Inspection and Appraisal Cost - Inspection and appraisal costs are those costs associated
with the failure ofthe work process to make the required fonnwork as specified. Included in
this are such costs as inspection ofmaterials. inspection during work process. material testing.
in-process testing, and internal-external design review.

Internal Failure Costs - Internal failure costs are those costs associated with the failure of
the process to make what is required or specified. Included in this area are wastage. re-work
and repairs. downtime. defect evaluation. evaluation of waste. and corrective actions for
these failures.

External Failure Costs- External failure costs are those cost associated with the dete1rnination
by the project owner that their requirements have not been satisfied. Included are replacement.
evaluation ofowner's complaints. and necessary c01Tective action .

....---=,.,.- working in construction has been ingrained with the concept ofconstruction safety for as long
can remember. but construction is still ranked among the highest accident-risk industries
~ .
in the
..--.... "There are a number of reasons that these high numbers are endemic to the construction industry
found in most other businesses.

the industry is highly splintered into a formidable number of very diverse operating entities.
a plethora of individual owners. contractors. subcontractors. A & E firms. and the like directly
--~lhi in the business of building facilities. This diverse group is underlain hy an impressive lineup of
,__ _.._,t agencies. trade unions. trade associations. equipment manufacturers and insurers. al I playing a
ccified role to the main players. Collectively. these organizations have some sort of responsibility or
:" and . .tc:ir:(.'!'ibuting to the construction safety picture. but not necessarily with the sanie safety goals in mind.
istage. "gh rate ofemployee turnover endemic to the constrnction industry is another problem area when
executing an effective safety program. A high percentage ofconstmction firms serving a widely
market rarely see the same craftspeople on successive projects.
icw of makes it difficult to properly train the craft labor in the fim1 's safety programs and standards.
er and also leads to unknowingly hiring a percentage ofaccident-prone workers who have to be retrained
lll1CC IS •we~ldout. Small local contractors with long-tenn supervisory and craft-labor employees don ·r have
,lacing i..-. ...:w-~problems. On the negative side. smaller contractors inherently place less emphasis on safety

ities. it 'Jll•:ir.:~and on programs that tend to adversely aflect their accident statistics.

Safety Program

There are many mitigating factors supporting the need for effective construction safety programs
today. Generally they fall into humanitarian and economic categories. Present day construction
safety programs must also stress accountahility for safety throughout the organization.

A safety program at a construction site includes four basic categories:

a. Safety and accident-prevention measures implemented for the benefit ofall workers at
the job-site and in accordance with the construction contract requirements;
b. Compliance with all local and governmental safety regulations;
c. Protection of structures and equip!Tient from damage due to accidents or from fire and
severe weather such as flood or storms:
d. Protection of the public and adjacent buildings

A proper safety program will address each of these concerns.

All constmction firms need a carefully planned and directed safety program to minimize accidents
and ensure compliance with safety regulations. However, no safety program will be successful without
the active support oftop management. Job-site supervisors have traditionally neglected safety in their
haste to get the job done on time and within tmdget. Only when supervisors are convinced by higher
management that safety is equally as important as production will the benefits oran e!lcctive safoty
program be achieved. An effective safety pro1:,rrarn must instill a sense ofsafety consciousness in every

a. Humanitarian Factors in Safety

The humanitarian factors in safety are quite straightforward. No one connected with the
industry wants to see co-workers killed or i~jured on the job. Everyone working on the job must
make a personal commitment to perform in a manner that doesn't endanger the lives an<l pro petty
of others. This is especially tme for the various management groups involved in the construction
project because they are responsible for managing the safety environment.

h. Economic Factors in Safety

Construction-accident costs have been estimated in a variety of ways. No matter what

manner it has been estimated, accidents cost the industry millions of pesos. Fur lltis reason,
constmction safety and accident reduction offerone of the best cost-reduction routes available to
meet the construction industries vital goal ofreducing overall costs.

In the final analysis, the above economic factors force owners and contractors into taking a
more pragmatic approach to construction safety. It's always easier to sell a humanitarian approach
ifone can ofter economic advantages as well. When one considers the direct and indirect costs
for accidents, an effective safety program wins handsdown on the factory floor and the construction

The direct costs ofa high accident rate are fairly obvious and easy to evaluate. Some ofthe
direct ccsts attributable to high accident rates are:
tion I. High worker's compensation insurance rates;
2. Higher liability insurance rates;
3. Losses not covered by insurance policies;
4. Government agency fines;
rs at S. Depressed craft-labor productivity rates;
6. Cost ofinvestigation and filing accident reports.

and Indirect costs are a bit harder to evaluate but typically add up to more than the direct costs.
ofthe more obvious indirect costs are:

I. Increased employee turnover;

2. Lost time ofinjured workers;
3. Training cost ofreplacement workers;
4. Tune lost on schedule (possible liquidated damages);
1etr S. Lowered worker morale;
her 6. Loss of workers efficiency;
e1y 7. Lowered morale and efficiency ofsupervisors;
8. Damage to owner's property;
9. Damage to tools and equipment;
10. Litigation support costs not covered by insurance;
the 11. Loss ofnew business and damage to corporate image.
!tty ts in a Safety Program
are several key ingredients in a safety program, but perhaps the key is to involve the

Regularly schedule meetings with required attendance and heavy employee participation from
hat planning to presentation help generates enthusiasm and spread the word.
Incentives also work well. Ifemployee safety saves the contractor money, let the employees
share in the savings through cash incentives, time off, or department social functions.
Recognize employees complying with safety rules by rewarding them and letting their fellow
workers know oftheir safety record.
tch Even small organizations can afford a full time qualified safety officer. Or, if not one oftheir
sts own, several smaller groups can share the services of single individual. Even ifthe contractor
10n does not recruit an experienced and trained full time safety professional, the imponant thing is
to delegate the responsibility ofcoordinating the safety program to one staff member.

c. Give that person a more challenging assignment than simply defending the organi;ration against
workers' compensation and medical insurance claims (this is ollen the job or personnel and
risk management ofticers ).
t: Investigating who was at fault (and who should pay) is not a potentially productive as heading
off accidents before they happen.
g. Effective supervision is the key to a successful employee's safety program. Management
should support a supervisors' safety program. Management's support on supervisors' safety
initiative and management's recognition of supervisors' performance in the safety field are
h. Supervisors are sometimes recognized because their crews "get the job done" economically-
but the cost of crew injuries and illness, avoidable equipment damages, and property damage
should be included in the calculations that are used to evaluate the economy and efficiency of
the s\.1pervisors. At the sta11 of a project the safety record for their crews should he included
as a !actor in your evaluation or theirjoh performance.
1. The supervisors should be given the training. tools. and equipment they will need to improve
the safety record of their crews. Do not forget to monitor systematically the results of this
J A fo1mal safety training program for all new employees and a periodic refresher training for
each worker.
k. A program of regular site visits by safety personnel to review and control job hazards.

I. Provision of adequate personal protective equipment first aid equipment and trained
emergency personnel.
m. J\n established procedure for the emergency evacuation of injured workers
n. Provision for maintaining safety records and reporting accidents.

l Iere are some points to remember:

I. Safety experts have come to recognize that the old slogan "sqfetyfirs(· is not actually
observed. Rather, production comes first.
2. Getting the job done in a sate manner is a realistic goal.
3. The interest of employee's health and safety can be linked with production.
4. Employees will usually help identify safety hazards ifthey are given the opportunity and incentive.

The Contractor's Role in Site Safety

The number one duty ofany contractor is to bring all phases of his or her specific scope of work
to a strong commitment to the owner's safety philosophy. It has been said that an effective safety
program is a strong sales weapon in promoting the contractor's services in the marketplace.

The contractor must formulate the safety portion in writing and organized the sakty group to
dlectively cmTy out the corporate policies. Accountability for safety throughout the organization is
a vital part ofany safety program. A.safety group is obligated to commit the resources, suppo11, and
leadership necessary to meet the goals.
:1inst ·ve training techniques for all levels of the field organiz.ation lie at the heart ofany successful
and program. The contractor's field-safety officers usually analyze the proposed field operation
-n>.1sand the haz.ards expected to be encountered on that specific construction site.
respective safety staff handle the collection and reporting of the various company ·s accident
from the on-going projects. They also inte1iace with various government inspection bodies to
nent • finn in compliance with the applicable safety and health laws and regulations. The safety
Jety ••:::nimt also maintains a staffof field safety engineers for assignment to the firm's construction
tare . .1110!:ts The field safety engineers report administratively to the safety department and functionally to
-~~cmruction manager.
1age safety program for each pn~ject typically is worked out among the owner·s field representative.
yof -iwner and contractor field safety engineers. all
within the guidelines laid down by their respective
ded dq,artments. It is impo1tant to have the field safety program carefully planned. with specific
responsibilities assigned to the participants to meet the proposed project safety goals.
this of Construction Supervisors in Site Safety

· supervisory level is on the cutting edge of the site-safety programs. If these people don "t
for safety program work. all the management backing. sophisticated safety procedures. and
tions will have been wasted. These people must be properly trained in delivering the co1Tect
messages to the craftspeople working under their direction. They also need tu c.:ontinuously
-....-.·--their areas to ensure that proper safety procedures are practiced during construction.
:Jien they are planning the execution of their work. they have to keep safety in mind to ensure
~me:ct workers using safe equipment are available to safely perform the task as planned. Field
11a.....,....,w1uctivity can be seriously hampered ~ hen the constmction process must be stopped for
misons after work has begun. The field safety engineer a nd the superintendent each has the
• to stop the work ifunsafc construction practices are observed.

field construction superintendent and area supervisors arc responsible for delivering the site
procedures to the craftspeople through the general and craft foremen. Because safety procedures
way street. the supervisors also get feedback from the craftspeople about unsafe working
· n. The feedback may be in the form of worker complaints about unsafe practices. wl'!ich
_.__.... be investigated and resolved to all parties· satisfaction.
le of Craft Labor in the Site-Safety Process

e have now reached the level with greatest exposure to danger and where most of the accidents
)rk happened. This is the level where 100 percent of the people should be most concerned about
ety safely. A lthough most craft labor is self-interested enough to be salety-conscious, there will
be a certain percentage who are not all that interested in safety on the job. T hese are the
who willingly bend the safety rules or who may be just plain accident prone.
I IS personnel people should give speci fic attention to each worker' s safety record during the
ind process. Those with poor safety performance should not be hired. Some poor-risk employees

will still slip through in the initial hiring process. so everyone's ~ety perfonnance must unde1go continuous
monitoring. If the problem workers don't respond to training, they should be weeded out quickly
before they cause an accident. This may seem a hard-hearted attitude. but unsafe workers can endure
themselves just as readily as their safety-minded co-workers. The humanitarian side ofthis philosophy
is wo. th the effort alone, without considering the economic havoc unsafo workers can wreak.

ThP best-developed project safety plan in the world won't be effective if the information is not
transmitted to those doing the work. It's vital that all employees be indoctrinated with what they need
to know about the safety program that was developed for that specific project. This is especially true
for those contractors working over a large geographical area that don't usually get the same workers
on ~uccessive projects.

The key workers in this part ofthe safety change are the foremen, for they have the most detailed
picture of what and how the work crews are perfonning their tasks. They should know the goals of
the safety plan and should be experienced in the way the tasks should be safely performed.


is not


Part Three

Form work are only temporary structures in construction, but care must be taken by treating it as
a permanent work. because it is one major work area during the roughing-in stage with more strin-
gent requirements and greater responsibilities. Formwork must support all materials, equipment and
workers until the time concrete has already achieve<l its strength to support its designed load. The
l'ormwork must then be designed to suit as dictated by the design or the building. the restrictions of
the construction documents and the btii Ider· s decisions.

it as
Chapter 7
l and
1. S of

R THE FORM DESIGN has been prepared on the basis of the contract drawings and
·ons. formwork design information must be given to the men at the _job or mill so that thev
_,.._..._,..the forms. Much time and expense can be saved in the o1lice. shop, and on thcjoh if simple.
complete drawings are prepared. The ideal drawings contain essential notes and instruc-
constructing the forms. but they are not cluttered with unnecessary lines. marks. symbol s.

that are standard practice with the contractor are sometimes omitted to simplify the draw-
this requires draftsmen. designers, and a field force thoroughly fami Iiar with the contractor· s
_ _,,._..,._, procedures. With frequent changes of personnel being the rule rather than the ~xception
·s construction industry. it is much safer to provide a stamp. or preprinted paste to repeat the
practice items on each applicable drawing. or at least refer back to a standard drawing.

mnwork drawing is a definite order for workmen to perform certain operations in a speci-
complete maimer. With this mind, the su}'ervisor can materially improve the pres~ntation by
_ _ , the simple rules: I.) Use a standardized, large, clear title block with a wide space for full
ion of the part of the structure for which is form work is to be used. If possi ble. number the
. .llr'.ii'iMik drawing sheets in order of their use 2.) Make all drawings large and bright ( a scale of 1I
ft.) including the dimensions and label them clearly. 3.) Use standard symbols and abbrevia-
·cating their the meanings on one of the drawing sheets and 4.) Issue orders as commands
ead of say ing "this column is to be chamfered at the corners" rather say "chamfer column
with I inch skewback." To help the workmen visuali ze the job more rapidly. use the isomet-
particularly where new methods are being tried or new shapes are being formed.

truction Drawings

The construction drawing should be provided prior to formwork construction. The con-
ion drawings/ framing plan are not only for the formwork but also for other works. The
wing should be carefully studied and checked:

1. Waterproqfing

a. Details for internal waterproofing work ( bathroom and toilet)

b. Pipes to pit for underground water and expansion joint
c. Sloping ofroof floor and details for parapet wall

2. Mechanical and Electrical Works

a. Openings for sanitary wares and ducts

b. Pipes for pits and sloping for pit slab '
C. Base of mechanical and electrical equipment
d. Size and position of manhole
e. Box-out for beams and walls
r Elevator work relating to structure

3. Position ,?f"structure. shape and dimension

a. Intersection of structure and point of construction joint

b. Levelling of upper floor slab and beam and levelling ofline from benchmark
c. Dimension, shape. layout and symbol of structure element
d. Main setting line and outer line structure

-I. Finishes

a. Opening sizes and shape

b. Embedment

c. Inserting accessories. dowel bar for CHB
d. Surface of concrete and position of groove
e. Additional concrete and position of groove

5. Temporary.facilities

a. Openings for equipment and for material transportation and lifting

b. Accessories embedment for scaffolding supports.

Formwork Fabrication Drawings

After the form design is prepared on the basis of the contract drawings and speci Ii cations.
information on formwork design should be given to the form workers. Ideally, the drawing
should contain important notes and instructions for making the forms but these should not be
clutter with the unnecessary lines, symbols, and dimensions.

While making the formwork fabrication drawings, the contractor may have ideas on the
actual quantity of materials to be used and maximize or recycle these materials.

Based on the concrete drawings. the contractor may provide the drawings of the form work
fabrication that include information about the position of the form. shape and dimension. and
the position and spacing of the waler with material size that fits with the design of formwork.
With these. the drawings are now ready for execution.

'Oflllwork mstallation drawings are drawings that shows the position, locatton, number and
-.ii.-.,.,'° of vertical and
horizontal supports of the form ties. It shows the details of the prescribed
~CDrtl·ng system, its parts and components.

f panel forms or other pre-built form components are to be used for an entire job, or for a
part of it, an installation drawing showing location of panels is essential. Such a drawing
a mere skeleton or outline, showing only major dimensions needed for locating formwork
.:oi=:;,onents. Each panel should be given an appropriate identifying mark to aid in positioning it
the forms are erected. Panels of the same size and shape will all bear the same mark. By
'11111:.UDOf subscripts or other identifying n.umbers the order in which panels are to be used can
be indicated if desired.

To supplement the installation drawing, a detail or "make up" drawing of each panel or form
•"'"'.....,.,....nent must be prepared, showing all essential dimensions so that bench carpenters or mill
need not refer to the architect's drawings. The detailed drawing should indicate the mark
•~...,..l'W" corresponding to the basic installation drawing,and indicate how many of any given unit
uired. Various additional details are needed to show how to handle intersections, cor-
bulkheads, inserts , and other special items. Details frequently are shown on the same
-:ng with the layout and other components, but it simplifies shop work if a single sheet is
-~rPrl for each panel or other component to be built.

When non-standard, complex items are required, the designer or detailer can often help
the work by giving the carpenter a simple pictorial sketch to supplement the conventional
and elevation. Jahle 7-/ illustrates the various samples of an installation drawings of the
,:1111'"·-int structural sections of a building. ~ ·

Table 7-1: Example of Installation Drawings

Item Illustration

,lkam ass..:mhlv

, •• , • L'
. . . •-~~- ,
I • ' • · -•

be i j . Ii'\ "-., .n11--n--t'1-'\~~1,,;·~\~4·e+-'/_hH:~··..':-"~-_ ,..'"'1"---..---

~ \ " Pip rjoisl -......; .--- : -~ j
I~'-. t<mgc.:r h " ~ __,H
1 ... ,
the >

rk. l:~~: -:. ·-~ ;_ <--::·:·.-- =.:: ·._->: --_·..::_·...·:·-: . . :_ ·:. : ...... 6:<--:-:.-.: ::·-:· _.._.. .-.-:_-_·-~·-::·-. -
Table 7-1: Example of Installation Drawings
Item II Iustration


2. Installation Drawing .loisl - (pipe)

of Beam

Pipe ~upport

3. Installation Drawing
of Stair

16. Dimc:nsioned chamfer strips for exposed corners if not for standard practice: if chamfers are
standard practice. and show only locations where ti-icy are prohibited.
17. Camber or adjusted elevations to compensate for settlement or deflections of forms, as well
as any camber specified by structural designer
18. Mudsills or other formwork foundations.
19. Special provisions such as protection from ice and debris at stream crossings~ fire protec-
tion: and safety program for the entire formwork operation.
20. Formwork coatings, and how often to apply them.
21. Notes to formwork erectors for conduits and pipes embedded in concrete.
22. Temporary openings or attachments for climbing crane or other material handling equip-

Rechecking Structural Drawings

Structural and contract drawings and specifications are the formwork designer's major source
of information concerning the job being formed. A number of items in the foregoing check list
arc derived directly from the contract drawings. and when the formwork plans have been com-
pleted. a final recheck for agreement with the contract documents is advisable. The following
arc important items to cover:

1. Number, location, and details of all construction joints, contraction joints, and expan-
sion joints that are required or pem1itted.
2. Locations of and details for architectural concrete; any special architectural patterns
3. Intermediate supports under permanent form s (such as forms of metal decking, insula-
tion board.), supports required by the structural engineer's design for composite action,
It and any other supports.
4 . Spcci fied location and order of erection and removal of shores for composite construc-
tion. The same type of specification may apply to shell structures where proper deflec-
tion sequence is necessary for the structure to assume its proper stress pattern and
loaded shape.
5. Essential provisions for specialized construction techniques.
6. Location and amount of camber specified to compensate for deflections in the com-
pleted structure.
7. Requirements for inse11s. built-in frames for openings. holes through concrete. and the
work of other trades to be attached to or supported by formwork.

Chapter 8


the first step in any form work job is the fabrication. At this stage the production of a

· and accurate form that can be easily handled in erection is the primary objective.
• - ~ materials must be worked on correctly in accordance with the positions. shapes. and
.._._""'"Of the numbers shown in the installation drawings and fabricated rigidly to withstand the
Imai loads.
forms with the use of nails and screws are not part of the load path on wall formwork
placement of concrete for they do not have a purpose in the structural action. Even the
hold the plywood to the studs and the studs to the waters have no part too in the resis-
pressures of the concrete that act on the form face. The purpose of keeping formwork
y is to make the formwork intact while it is being made, raised. and put up by workers.
small forms, minor fixings such as nails do not usually give enough strength to resist
aane. Attention must be g iven to the type and spacing of he plywood fixing if crane lifting
•J~:,,.: number of reuses is expected.

lhe cutting lines have been marked by the bench carpenters on the same surface of form
-r;.E.ll._cutting may be done with several types of cutting tools available. The ' 'cross-cut" saw is
most indispensable and versatile cutting tools still widely used today. In cutting ply-
electric driven circular saw would give a high cutting rate than the.any other manually
· g tools. Assembling a workbed for this particular work as illustrated in Figure 8-1 would
'Cf' the job. The workbed shows two heavy ledgers mounted on saw tools. To avoiJ
twist into the form. the ledgers should be set level and parallel. Waters can be used for
'gel's but it should not be fixed to the studs. As an alternative to the ledgers, an accurate
•lflc: floor serves equally well.

Wall formwork framing

Figure 8-1: Cutting Workbed

A typical fabrication sequence for form work assembly. would start with the assembly of
studs. the top and bottom plates. Uniformity of the depth of the studs and plates is essential tog
true form face. The fixing used to connect the cut members will depend on the size of the form
the way it is intended to be handled and transported. At least, they must be securely nailed toge

In addition to load and span for the selected plywood, stud spacing mµst suit the sizes of
plywood sheets being used and the intended position of the junction of the plywood sheets.

Care should be taken during nailing to ensure that the carpenter·s weight does not cause
deflections on the forms being assembled. Such composite action would introduce a built-in mi
alignment on the completed form which can be nearly impossible to correct without at least parti
dismantling of the form.

Fi~ure 8-2 shows several tools used in formwork fabrication.

Figure 8-2: Tools Used in Formworks Fabrication

Fabrication Checklist

Preparation Work

I. Check all workshop drawings and quantity take off for the day
2. Check all tools and equipment prior to the daily work.

Execution <~/'Fabrication

1. Measure con-ectly and mark the material in accordance with the form work fabri
tion drawings.

. the Cut materials accurately with marking.
:et a l. Prepare full size drawings of such parts of concrete forms as deemed necessary
and such as round shape.
. Nail supporting material such as waler in accordance to formwork fabrication draw-
. the ing. (1 .5 times sheathing board thickness nail is recommended to be used for fixing).
5. In order to avoid misplacement offonnwork on the site, fabricated materials should
-·•·_. ....,ed to show the symbol, position to be used and direction ofthe form.


2. Cut materials accurately with marking.
3. Prepare full size drawings of such parts of concrete forms as deemed necessary
such as round shape.
4. Nail supporting material such as waler in accordance to formwork fabrication draw-
ing. (1.5 times sheathing board thickness nail is recommended to be used for fixing).
S. In order to avoid misplacement offormwork on the site, fabricated materials should
ed to show the symbol, position to be used and direction ofthe form.



Chapter 9


are various procedures for inking or marking. Some of these are the main inking. inking
work, inking on a blinding concrete, batterboard, layouting and inking for finishing. Main
shows the center lines and the height of the upper concrete surface. Inking for form work
location of columns, walls. openings and others. Inking on a blinding concrete shows the
ines and the location of the foundations and also the height of the blinding concrete surface.
dis a temporary mark that shows the center lines of the building while lay-outing deter-
location of the building. Inking for finishing shows the locations that need finishings such
- ·ons and others.

on the concrete plan. the location and dimension of columns and the location and thick-
walls should be marked on the concrete surface. The marking of the height of 1,000 mm
the floor would he done on the rebars or steel frames which are permanently fixed into posi-

le 9-1 illustrates several points to consWer and the proper inking locations of a building
,!tl•:tlD:e. Tahle 9-2 shows several marking symbols with their corresponding meanings. Tools and
nts used for inking and markings are shown in Tahle 9-3.

Table 9-1: Inking Locations on the Building Structure

111 ustration

lt:nghtcncd J0-50 cm.

for investigation alkr

Table 9-1: (con't.)
Structural Sections/
Fl . 1.000
{l!d trapl! or ink

Co lumns and Walls

.. ' ""- ' '\

or l!r llll!
llorder line of hasl!llll!llt
or base beam
·., .><
Oll s1:t linl!
,~\J '"
Center line

_,,..llm 150, 150

Upper Floors

Table 9-2: Marking Symbols
Level Marking Datum Line Marking

V FL+ 1000 the line wi th

dot is right

Off-set Line Mark ing Marking Correction

150 Shows right
Shows the
distanceor 150
mm lo the linish
0 X

Erasing Marking Sign of Corners

.. ...

!erasing mark
Sign or corner

Sign of Opening Marking for Anchor/Insert

t -t

Table 9-3: Tools and Instruments for Inking
Item Description 111 ustration


Theodolite and Used to establish Theodolite

Auto Level elevation line

Auto Level

Ink Pot Sometimes, called

snapping line, is used
to make straight lines
on almost every surface
using a water proof ink.
Ink pot

Used to establish ver-

Spirit L!.!vd tical and horizontal ref- Level

erence lines of points

Table 9-3: (con't.)
ban Description Illustration

Used to check and

b Bob establish the vertical
alignment of a cor-
ner or surface

Used to measure dis-

tances, dimensions,
sizes. ..

Chapter 10


The erection of rigid and accurate forms that can be easily stripped and successively reused is
_....,,In<." the primary concern in formwork installation. In almost every project, the formworker
carefully analyze how the total form structure can be broken down into separate elements to
_..,.,,,...,e the most economical formwork construction procedure.

The instal led or erected form must withstand the vigorous actions of the farmworkers. rein-
--~-..ment fixers and connectors. Formwork installation should keep the joints tight, fix the fom1work
bly in such a manner for easy stripping in order that it will be fully recov~red as much as
mle for re-use.

Figure JO-/ shows several tools used in formwork installation.

Figure 10-1 : Tools for Formwork Installation


Although concrete work underground are usually hidden from view, the need for accuracy ·
formwork associated with it should not be treated lightly. The lines, levels, positions of the founda-
tion structure set the starting accuracy of the fo llowing work on columns and walls. Careless wo
during this stage. creates the later problem of correcting levels and alignments to obtain the specifi
requirements for the exposed concrete work. The needless expense should be avoided.

Work in the ground can he difficult. the workspace is often very confined. and it can be almo
impossible to kept the excavations, reinforcement and the formwork clean, particularly in wet weath
Where ground is hard. it can be difficult to drive pegs for the support of forms. When the ground ·
soft even quite long pegs, driven deeply. many not give the needed support. For rocky ground, p
penetration and alignment are hard to achieve. Like formwork. in excavations for footings. w
weather can make work difficult and dirty.

Edge Forms

The basic requirements of an edge is that it should be straight. and strong; stiff straightn
is needed to achieve an accurate line. Adequate strength is necessary to resist the loads that
on it. Workers usually walk on it. concretors screed on it, often heavy vibrating screeds use it
a guide and the concrete pressure pushes it outwards. Under these loads. accurate lines
plumbs face must be maintained. Foi.,this edge form should be stiff.

Edge forms span continuously along a line of pegs. The peg maintains the lines. level
plumb of the forms, and transmit the loads to the ground. Peg spacing are dependent on ed
construction. the concrete depth and the soil characteristics. FiKure 10-2 illustrates the const
tion details of a shallow and deep edge form . Tahfe JO-I illustrates the various applicati
and methods in construction edge joints.

Top and bottom

Solid timber
plates and studs
edge form

"" - - - ~,, J
~ - 1
\ J I
V I I ,I ,
Pegs --►\._ ~
i ,

Shallow Edge Form ...\ ., I
:- .. 'lf
Deep Edge Form " ,..
f 1,-

Figure 10-2: Details of Shallow and Deep Edge Forms

Table 10-1: Application of Edge Joints
Discussion 111 ustration

Expansion cap Dowel har nailed to

mo /
Dowelled joint is a
tther. method of inhibiting rela-
tive vertical movement
pegs between adjacent slabs. It
, W e[ a lso permits horizontal DOWELS NAILED TO TIMBER STRIP

thermal expansion and An e ffective method is to install a timber alignment strip pegged to
contraction in the slab the ground at a line and level to suit the dowels. The steel dowels
are held hy nailing lo the strip and passing through holes drilled in
joint. It is important that the edge form
the steel dowel bars be
nes.s kept in Iine and para Ilei to
lt act each other. This is needed
in the first instance fo r
it as
ease of stripping the edge
and form, and later for the ef-
ficient operation of the
expansion joint
!dge Dowels welded to two
:ruc- reinforcing bars

Another ctlcctive alignment method. is that where dowelled hars arc

held parallel. and in line. by being we lded in sets lo two long. rein-
forcing hars. Attention still needs lo he paid in aligning the dowel
bar sets. but the task is easier than with loose dowel bars.

Two piece edge form for

reinforcement continuity

For construction joints in

slabs and crack-control
joints, continu ity of the
reinforcing mesh is often
required. In these cases a
two piece edge form can
give effective results.
For mesh reinforceme nt. a simple two part edge form can he used.
As longitudinal wires of the mesh are usually small. two plain rect-
angular pieces oftimher can he used and the grout loss past the wires
wi ll usua lly nol be s ig nificant. The lower part of the edge form is
fi xed to the pegs. sci with a small gap underneath ii lo ease its strip-
ping. The upper part of the edge form is nailed to tho.: l1nvcr.

Table 10-1 : (con't.)
Type of
Discussion Illustration
Reinforcement thru
split edge form

Continuity of
Edge form drilled and
Reinforcement sawn in two


For reinforcing bars . 12 111111 and larger. the edge form can be
drilled and then saw cul on the centerline or these holes to spl"
the form in two. The holes should he drilled 4 111111 oversize 11
ea~e or bar installation.
The lower part or the edge limn is nailed to the pegs. The rein-
forcing hars are then placed and the top part or the edge fonr,
nailed on. On stripping. the small amount or slurry that penetrat
around the hars and between the two parts or the edge form ·
~ readily cleaned off. As before. a gap below the lower part aids
stripping the lower part of the edge form. This type or form is al
a suitable form dowelled joints.

Wate1tops are frequently used in

_joints in swimming pools. water
tanks and storm water channels. A
two part edge form is an effective Grout penetration here
Timbers rebated
way to hold the waterstop in place. to he cleaned off when
to hold water stop
edge form is stripped
To fit the waterstop. both parts of
the edge form should be rebated '•··.-,~, ...
Watcrstops in to suit the profi le of the waterstop. ~,; ._
Edge Forms This effectively limits horizontal
movement of the waterstop dur-
ing concrete placing.

" The outstanding part o f the

waterstop, which is to be embed-
ded in the concrete. shou Id be sup- I
ported on its outer edge to stop it Peg---+t 1

from curling over during the pour. t-1

Wiring to the top reinforcement \ /
is one common method. During \I
conc rete p lacement. a smal l V
amount of grout penetrates around
the waterstop into the rebates in EOOE FORM WITH WATERSTOP
the edgeform. However, this is
easily broken away after stripping.

Table 10-1: (con't.)

Discussion IIlust ration

Edge form




The edge l'orm is nailed to a continuous ledger which is hcddcd

continuously on the grou nd. The steel pegs (usually 20mm dia.)
arc driv.-:n into the ground through the large holes (50111111 dia.) in
Often hard or rocky surfaces can- the ledger. The aim is to place them centra lly in th.-: holes. I low-
not be penetrated by sharpened cver. the rough ground olkn forces the pegs uff posi tion and the
timber pegs, pine or hardwood. oversize holes cater to this.
Further. when steel pegs are used /\Her pegging. the edge limn can he aligned and its position li.,ed
it is usua ll y difficult to contro l the hy wedging between the steel pegs and the appropriate edges or
accuracy of their position due to the holes.
rocks in the ground. M is best to have the 50 di:uncter hoks in thc ledger at quitc close
centres. say 300mm. even though only every third one wi ll he used.
If penetration or the ground is impossible at om: hole. then the
next one can be tried.

Edge form Steel peg

. "' .......
.1, Plywood washer-
/ tight lit to peg



( M ETHOD 2)

Tightly fitting plywood washers arc placed on the steel pegs be-
fore they arc driven. After driving the pegs. the edge form is
aligned and the plywood washers then nailed to the ledger to lix
its position.

Table 10-1: (con't.)
Type of
Discussion 11 lustration

Bridging beam

Many slabs are specified to be

placed on waterproof membranes,
also called moisture barriers or
vapour barriers. To enable an ef-
ficient lap joint to be made in the
Moisture Barrier
membranes under adjacent slab
Laps at Edge
,, Forms
pours, it is usually necessary to Waterproof mem rane
extend the membrane beyond the extended for joining
slab joint. To maintain watertight-
ness. it is common for the specifi-
cation to prohibit the piercing of
the membrane by pegs for the edge To avoid piercing of the waterproofing membrane hy pegs, the edge
form. form is seated on the waterproof membrane and held to line b
cantilever bridging beams similar to the peg spacing discussed
previously. As will be shown below, the support oft he edge forms
on th is cantilever arrangement is a common techni4ue.
Bridging beam

The pegs at the edge form arc extended upwards to provide for the:
cantilevering bridging beams which carry the step form. They art
tied down at their outer ends by deep pegs. Note that wh
concretors stand on the step. these outer tie-down pegs will
Cantilever The cantilever arrangement also subject to considerable uplifl.
Supports to provides a solution to forming a
Edge Forms step in the top of the slab near its


A double bridging hcam arrangement is needed to support

step around a corner. The ligures show the underside o f the bridg-
ing beam localed above the slab surface. This gap (usually 25
or more) gives access for trowclling tht: surface.

Table 10-1: (con't.)
Discussion 11 lustration

Bridging beam

Bafllc wall poured

with slab


Jgc If the haflle wall is specified to he poured integrally with the slab
by then a canti levered edge form is needed. This has the peg far
,cd enough away from the face of the excavat ion for the halllc wall.
ms that it will not eausc a cave-in.

Edge form

en Baflle wall pburcd before
be edge forms arc constructed

/\ change in the construction procedure can give sign ificant sav-

ings. If the bafllc wall can be excavated and poured before the
slab. the edge form construction need not commence until the con-
crete of the batlle wall has set. Then a simple edge form is a ll
that is required.

Rebate form
For deeper excavations. and those Bridging beam
that require a large part of the edge
to be formed. fabricated edge forms
of plywood and timber are usually
needed. Bracing of the edge form I I
may also be needed to prevent twist- ~
ing of the face as the concrete pour- I I
ing progresses. V peg


Table 10-1: (con't.)
Type of
Discussion Illustration

Special provision has to be made

to support the corner of the canti-
levered edge forms. This method
extends one edge form beyond the
corner to a support peg. The other
edge form is cleated onto this ex-
tended eedge form.



Another method is to carry the cor-

ner of the edge form on a diago-
nally placed bridging beam which
is carried on support pegs which
are placed well away from the ex-
cavation. Hangers from this beam
shou ld extend down to the bottom
plates of the edge forms.
This second corner detail involves 111
suspension of the formwork. This w I•
is very common in formwork in the v - supporting Supporting--tl f
ground. peg peg V



Forms for Footings

Although forms for footing are sometimes not necessary on most building constructio
the excavated face of the ground wall a lready serves, the face function of a form in confinin
the concrete during pouring work. However when it is specified that concrete to the base anc
the pedestal are to be placed integrally, then the pedestal form must be suspended in positio
(Figure 10-3) The pedestal form is shown suspended from bridging beams which are carried
pegs. To avoid caving-in the face of the excavation, the pegs must be located well back from t
faces of the excavation. Braces should be fitted in two directions to prevent the form fro
moving sideways.

Bridging beam

I I 11
I I 11
Peg - { ; II
'I( V


Figure 10-3: Integral Pour of Base and Pedestal


Columns formwork enables the construction of columns that perfectly align to other adjacent
ns. wall and building facades. These columns will have the specified surface quality and accu-
shape and position. The requirements for the accuracy of columns vary according to their
·on in the project documentation. These should cover plumb, twist, face steps and its relation-
to the entire position. If the column is located outside of the building, each successive pour
d be an extension of the previous pour.

Erecting the column forms should be made carefully to avoid twisting from the square or rectan-
cross section. To prevent this, there is a need to alternate the direction of members of yokes or
direction of tensioning for some types of cla~ps. Line and thickness tolerances will not control
twisting unless referenced to grid on the floor such as column center lines. Column tolerances for
h and thickness should not be based on a reference point on the column form or from a single
on the floor.

The real height of the column form is equal to the ~tory height minus the slab thickness if the slab
rmed with columns, the slab sheathing thickness should also be subtracted. The made-up panels
frequently cut shorter than the true height which is about one-half or more, and then shimmed up
bottom or pieced at the top to the exact height in the field. The exact amount of reducing
t depends on local field practice and job conditions. Sometimes, grade is checked at the base
any necessary corrections indicated by a mark on the template, or elevation may be checked at
top of the form to make final adjustments.

If columns are formed and casted and stripped independently before the forming of other struc-
members, a common practice to allow columns to take initial shrinkage on the adjusted form
be little higher than the true of column to further allow shrinkage and variations that can occur
11n other member are already framed in. Some contractors allow about half an inch of concrete to
r small shrinkage and any irregularities , but the exact amount depends on local conditions.
uently, specifications require the contractors to chisel or sandblast I/ 16 in. or more from the top
concrete to remove laitance before casting the next lift.

Tied Columns

Tied columns in the shape of a square or rectangle are generally built in four panels.
Spacing for the clamps should be marked on each panels as they are built. Tied column forms
may be installed and erected in place, panel by panel, or the forms may be assembled into a
complete column box erected in place as a complete unit. The latter method is preferred if
equipment is available to lift the assembled form because it saves some of the work of temporary

Table 10-2 illustrates the detailed procedure in erecting a typical light and heavy column
formwork for tied column. Table 10-3 shows various types and methods for clamping formwork
for tied columns.

Table 10-2: Procedure in Formwork Installation for Tied Columns

Light Columns

Step No. Discussion Illustration

Set in place on the floor slab

Chamlcr strip*
or footing the template to lo-
cate the column form accu-
rately. Interior dimensions of
the template should be slightly
larger (3 mm or so) than the
outside measurements of the
assembled form panel to
make it easier to fit the form
into proper position.

Erect the fom1 panels, with

2 the i1mer panel first before the
outer panels.

Cut panel tor \ icmpl,t, to,

Install the battens while se-
3 clcanout ·'door·· positioning lonn
curing it with tics.

Make a clean out ..door·· for

4 cleaning at the bottom of the Nole: This melhod is suitable 011~v.fo1'formi11g li1;h1
colunms, up to 300 mm x 300 mm.
inner panel.
* ,·l// tied coh111111fom1s should have clwn!fer strips
in 1he com er (1111/ess archi1ec111ral limitations pm-
hihit ii), hecause sl,a,p ed1;es are like~\' 10 he
chipped o,· damaged while 1111! co11cm1e is 1;n'e11.

Table 10-2: (con't.)
Heavy Columns

· Discussion Illustration
Set in place on the floor slab
or footing the template. to lo- ~Chamti.:r strip
cate the column form accu- Plywood w lunm sides
rately. Interior dimensions of stilkncd by vertii.:al 2 x 4"s
the template should be slightly
larger (3 mm or SQ) than the Adj ustahle
outside measurements of the wlumn damps
assembled form panel to
make it easier to fit the fonn
into proper position.

Erect the fom1 panels. with

2 the i1mer panel first before the
outer panels while securing it
with the column changes
Install the battens while se-
Template for
curing it with tics .
positioning limn
Make a clean out "door'' for
3 cleaning at the bottom of the
inner panel.

Table 10-3: Various Types and Method for Clamping Tied Column Formwork
Type Discussion Illustration
This type of column clamp fits
around the fommork assembly.
bearing tightly on the comer angles
and the panel edges. These provide
a tensile capacity along all four col-
umn faces to resist the tendency of
the fluid concrete pressure on the
forms to burst op~n at the comers.
The clamps also a·id in holding the
comers of the fonnwork assembly W EDGE AND SLOTTED H OLE COLUMN CLAMP
The bas ic proprietary column
clamp and fonn assembly is made
of standard steel fra_p1c. plywood
or metal face fom1 panels that span
between the comers ,, here they a rc
connected to slotted comer angles
\\ith the scre,, clamps or double
,,edges used in \\all fom1s.
Modular pand Slotted i.:om er

Table 10-3: (con't.)
Type Discussion Illustration

Tubular pipes are used as waler

in place of other clamping mate-
rials. The pipes are held together
Proprietary by tie rods securing it in place.
Column Chain is sometimes used as added ·-..,__
Clamp support usually located near the /
', l'ic.: rods
Walcrs (~h:cl
bottom part of the column form pipes)
where most of the concrete pres-
sure is expected to occur.

Turn huc.:kk

Column damp
Steel column clamps arc used on
conventional plywood and timber

column forms for sma ll columns. I

Conventional In the first instance, the nuid con- n

Timber crete pressures arc carried on the
plywood which spans horizon-
Forms with
Propricta1y tally between the studs. In turn. I

Clamp the studs span ve11ically between ..
the horizontal column clamps. At Plan
I '
this stage an impoi1ant point must
he made on the selection of ply- Elevation
wood for this case.

Table 10-3: (con't.)
Discussion Illustration

This type of column c lam ring re-

duces the timber stresses at the
interface with the na,Tow steel
column clamps. In this case.
studs are used 0n ly at the corners
and horizontal packer he11ms. or
"entional a depth that Imes flu.\. \\'ith the
1mber stud faces, arc frami.:d between
the studs at each clamp position.
The plywood spans two ways,
horizontally bet ween the studs
and ve11ically between the packer
beams. This method gives the
greatest possible hearing area for
the clamp and. therefore. the least
crushrng. Further. the packer
beams lessen the bending action
on the metal clamps and there is
less form face deflection.


Column forms built with horizon-

tal walers have many details that
arc similar to horizontal v.aler
wall forms.

The load path starts with the ply-

wo0d spanning horizontally be-
tween the studs, which in turn
carry the load vertically to the
double \\alers. The walers then
span between the ties which are HORIZONTAL WALER

located on the outside of the


This method of forming columns

has a number of advantages.
17irstly. the large bearing area at
the interface between the studs
and the walers result in low bear-
ing stresses and minimal crush-
ing. Secondly, the bar-tics be-
tween opposite sets of walers can
be very readily installed and re- ~ - - Douoh: 1rnlcrs cnahk quick installa-

~ l il>n and ~tripping or

Table 10-3: (con't.)
Type Discussion Illustration

Walers bolted
to corner ~t uds
If the walers are bolted in place lll
they' remain on the forms at all
times and the ties are the only
items to be separated from the
forms on stripping.
Walers Bolted to Studs

With the walers bolted in place a

Column form
further advantage can be the abil-
ity to bolt the bracing system per-
manently to the back of the walers. Brace bolted---+
to walers \

Forms with


Part of the corner plan holes are

drilled down through the pairs of
walers where they cross at the cor-
ner. During column form erection
a steel peg is placed in the holes Waler.
to hold the adjacent loose form
sides together. Note that the hole I

is inside the centerline of both the

bar-ties to avoid conflict with IrnllI
these ties and not impede their in-
stallation or removal.

Th is pegging system also enables Walcrs

a safe procedure during the strip-
ping ofthe individual column fonn

Table 10-3: (con't.)
Discussion 111 ustration
It is not possible to cover the great
variety ofcolumn tying and clamp-
ing systems that can be seen on
construction sites. However, two
more examples will be given. Both
utilise prefabricated steel compo-
nents made to suit the column size.

Both of these methods can be

erected one side at a time or hoisted,
completely assembled. over the re- Clamp fixed to form
inforcement cage.

I. The first, uses pairs of steel

clamp members, with stop-ends,
that are fixed to opposing form
faces. These provides tension ty- Part l-:lcvation
ing on the face they are fixed to.
They also hold beams that are
wedged across the ends of the
clamps members. These loose
cross beams, of steel or timber,
carry the loads from the form face
studs to the clamp members. This
set effectively clamps one pair of
opposing form faces inwards.

2. This second type set clamps the

other pair of formfaces at right

By incorporating bar-ties into the

equipment the hardware is simpli-

The member with the stop-ends is

made as a double waler. It pro-
vides both bending and tension ca-
pacity across the form face that is
fixed. Bending strength across the
other faces is provided by the loose
beams that are wedged inside the
stop en<is. The tension capacity SPECIAL STEEL CLAMP- 2
comes from the bar-ties.

Table 10-3: (con't.)
Type Discussion 11 lustration
Steel strap


To determine the number of ties that are

required for a particular size and height
of column form, reference should be
• made to the technical literature from the
strapping manufacturer. These are not
a high capacity tying system, and the
spacing can often be quite close.
Stripping is quite simple: the ties are
merely cut with tin strips. Two consid-
erations arise here. Firstly, the high Straps tighten
tensile steel straps are very springy and
eye protection must be worn. Secondly,
the straps are not re-usable and a large
amount of rubbish is generated.

Plywood dcfkct~

If the studs in the middle (,fthc fnrmf'ae-:s do not have any pack-
ing. the straps cannot provide any inward acting restraint until
the plywood deflects outwards. The loads an.: then jointly resisted
by the deflected plywood and the tension force in the strap.

For columns of450 mm sides and larger,

these forms are usually constructed with
plywood form faces, vertical timber studs
Ste.:! waler frame
a nd prefabricated horizontal steel
The walers can be single rectangular Studs
hollow sections, double steel channels
or universal beams. The first is the most
popular. Clamping is usually done with
Two Part short lenghts of bar-tie at the end of the
Column walers. This framing method can per-
Form mit relatively wide spacing of the walers.
Column forms 3 meters tall may only
have five levels of walers. With only
ten ties to undo. the stripping operation
can be quite fast.
The right-angled shape of each of the STEEL WALER FRAME

two pat1s makes them reasonably stable

during erection and temporary erection
bracing is usually only needed in high
wind locations.

Table 10-3: (con't.)
Type Discussion Illustration

For smaller column sizes, the two

part form can simply be folded Edges holtcd
from sheet metal, and the two parts
bolted along their edges. However,
the required steel thickness may
result in a form work weight which
is too great for manual handling.


A lighter form results if the sheet

metal is fabricated with horizontal
stiffening ribs at vertical spacings
equal to half the column size or
less, and the vertical stiffeners at
the middle of the sides.
However, fabricating the steel fonn
with stiffeners involves welding. In
most cases, the minor surfaced is-
tortion that occurs with welding
will be reflected in the concrete sur-
I.- face. This usually makes this type
Iii of form unsuitable for high quality STEEL COLUMN FORM WITH STIFFENERS
:d concrete surfaces.

External angle from modular

Similar to the bolted edge forms. wall and column system '\,
the connection and later disman-
tling of column forms with bolted
edges is time consuming. The fig-
ure shown here has a faster con-
nection and dismantling detai l. Steel wedges


Edge connection with bar-ties is

another method of speeding up as-
sembly and stripping.
Here, simplification is in the reduc-
tion in the number of fasteners. The
fabrication ofthe column fom, with
a stiffened edge, in this case shown
as a rectangular hollow section
(RHS), can reduce the edge fasten-
ing to a small number of high
strength bar-ties. EDGE CONNECTION WITH BAR liES

Table 10-3: (con't.)
Type Discussion 1llustration

The figure on the right diagrama-

tically indicates, that the com-
mencement of the opening of the
clamp there is abrasion at the col-
umn corners as the formface and
the concreteface slide in relation-
ship to one another. Hinged clamps
of this type should not be used
where a high quality surface 1s


Steel waler frai e

A typical sectional plan of a hinged

form is shown here. Its construe- ~
tion is similar in many ways to the
two part form, in this detail the
Hinged corner ties are shown as bar ties.



llinged walers lap al corm::r

In this detail, a corner tie arrange-
ment that is permanently attached
to the walers is shown. These
hinged anchors are a "quick strip"
type enabling fast formwork re-

Table 10-3: (con't.)
Type Discussion 1llustration

The figure gives plan details of the

principles ofan eccentric hinge pin.
Rotation or hinge pin
The vertical, full height, hinge pin
Wa ler in expanded
connects all waler hinges together.
At each waler hinge. one leg of the
waler has a concentric bearing and
the other has a bearing eccentric to
the first bearing. The top of the
- -]
1 ~ition

vertical hinge pin is fitted with a -----

locking arm. As a first operation

in stripping. the locking arm is re-
leased and rotated through 180 de- I

grees. This effectively expands the

forms by 3 mm or more in both
directions. As a result of this in-
crease in form size. when the other ECCENTRIC HtNOE TO A ID STRIPPI NG

corner is unlocked and the forms

are swung open. surface abrasion
can be avoided.

Forms can be made with two or llingc

t'con 't.)
three hinge points and these offer
advantages for particular cases.
They can be used with grooved face
columns and are often useful for ~
columns that have protruding bolts.
The sectional plan as shown g ives
I .nose panel
the genera l principle of a two
hinged column formwork. The ---n---~ Corner
hinges connect three sides together ,(}- lilstcning
with o ne form face separate.

ll ingc ll inge
r o f ' - - - - - - , ro;::i,

The principle ofa three hinge form

is illustrated here. In this case. the
hinges and the corner fastening can
be fabricated similar to those on the
single hinge form.

{J. Corner l11sl~ning.

Table 10-3: (con't.)
Type Discussion Illustration
Maintianing a right-angled shape.
calls for braces on at least two hinges.
at both the botto111 and the top of the
form. If the forms arc not used for
external colu111ns. then the braces
should be adjustable in length so any
accumulated twist can be corrected.
This is an advantage over the rigid
Hinged two part. single hinge types of forms.
To achic\'c accuracy in the adjustment
of the braces. turning buckles with at
least one lock nut arc the most cffcc-
ti\'C dc\'icc. The braces must ha\'C a
rc111ovable pin or bolt at one end so BRACING TO H I NG E D C O L U MN FORM

that they can be swung out of the way

during formwork stripping.

Steel milers. for large column si1.cs.

arc a satisfactory solution up to the
tensile capacity of the external tics.
Beyond this. internal tics can be fit-
ted. The fi gure here shows an in-
stalled com·cntional timber horizon-
tal waler form with one line of inter-
nal tics for each direction. To a\'oid
conflict where they intersect on the
column centre line. there must be a
small difference in the le\'cl of the
tics. The gap between the walers.
nonnall) JO mm. should be increased
to .rn 111111 to accommodate this. In
addition. while the tics arc situated
on the centerline. it must be offset if INTERNAL TIES FOR LARGE C O L U MNS

Internal Tics reinforce ment is fixed on the

centerline. For a symmetrical appear-
ance of the cone holes. a pair of tics
on each colu11111 side will be needed.
Inte rnal tics can also be fitted to
hinged forms. The fi gure here sho,, s
a sect ional plan for this single hinged
form. As shown. the walcrs arc made htrn llar-Tit:
as pairs for the s~·mmctrical seating l
of the washers to the tics. Altcrna-
ti\'cl~. single hori1.ontal ,,alcrscan be
used if they arc wide rectangular hol-
lo,, sect ions. These wa lcrs arc drilled
for the tics.
I )ouhlt: ,,akr


Table 10-3: (con't.)
Type Discussion 111 ustration

• -Vertical double waler

A method that does not dictate that

the ties must all be at the same lev-
mal els as the walers is shown here.
Ties Outer vertical double walers are
installed centrally. The ties can be
positioned anywhere on these

Single horizoLll


Round Columns

There are various methods of forming round columns with the use of proprietary products
or normal construction r.1aterials. Generally. these proprietary products are those disposable or
single-use column form work systems while the construction materials are those used for spirally
wound. cylindrical forms; plastic and steel.

Plastic and galvanized sheet steel forms are spirally wound from one layer of material and
neither of these two have any problem with moisture. These metal and plastic forms require
support to maintain their circular shape while all others require support to maintain plumb and
vertical line. Thin forms are easily distorted out when the wedges are tightened. therefore. this
type of yoke is not suited. FiKure 10-./ illustrates the sectional plan of a yoke that is suited to
flex ible forms.

Plywood Y < kc Timber Frame

J 111111 gap for plastic for111s

Figure 10-4: Yoke for Plastic and Metal Forms

For the metal forms. two pieces of plywood that are cut to halves of the round form shape
and then cleated. can tightly tit to the form. When used wi'th plastic forms. a clearance gap o
approximately 3 mm should be provided as allowance for the stretching of the plastic form
caused by the fluid concrete pressure. An arrow pointing to the top marks the plastic spiral
forms' direction wall, flange and stiffeners thickness are greater. In both case. these are usual!
fitted to the stiffening ribs and the fabricated sections would incorporate fixing for braces.

Bolts or propriety wedges provide the connection of the two halves. It was noted earlier
that wedges enable faster assembly and stripping of the form. Tahle 10-./ illustrates severaJ
methods of formwork for round column.

Table 10-4: Various Formwork Methods for Round Column

Method Discussion Illustration

One type of proprietary round column fom,

is both reusable and adjustable in diameter.
In addition. it has the advantage of being
suited for the production of high quality
concrete surfaces. The form consists of a
large sheet of tough flexible plastic that is
rolled into a multi layer cylindrical shaBe.
A plan section is shown diagrammatically

The size of the column form can be selected,

within a range by the form worker. The
tightly rolled sheet is then held at that diam-
Rolled eter, and against internal fluid concrete pres-
Plastic sure, by a strap and buckle system . Refer-
Sheet ence should be made to the manufacturer's
literature for data to determine the spacing
ofthe straps relative to column diameter and
the height of the pour. Plastic Sheet Rolled to Cylindrical Shape

Similar to the spirally wound columns, the

1 rolled sheet requires yokes at bracing points COL U MN FO RM OF R O L LED PLASTIC S H E ET

to maintain its shape. For slender column

forms. bracing is also needed at intermedi-
ate heights.

Stripping is very simple. The straps are re-

leased and the sheet unwound. Although its
first wst is high. this forming can often be
the most economical due to its versatility
and the large number of re-uses that are

Table 10-4: (con't.)
Discussion Illustration
Conventional column forming techniques
for plywood and timber can also be adapted Column clamp
to round columns. Figure shown here is the
sectional plan of one example of this type
of forming. Thin plywood is curved to shape
as two semi-circular pieces supported on
closely spaced vertical battens. Plywood as
thin as 4 mm can be used for diameters
down to 355 mm. The load from the bat-
tens is carried onto thick horizontal plywood
yokes which have square timber studs at
each corner.

Proprietary column clamps provide the

Plywood yoke
needed tensile capacity around the outside
of the yokes to resist fluid concrete pres-
sures. The size of the plywood yokes must 11MBER AND PLYWOOD COLUMN FORM

be selected, relative to their thickness and

strength grade, to provide the needed bend-
ing strength between the corners.

Advantage can be taken of the natural

springiness of high tensi le steel to fabricate
a one piece round column form. TheJtigh
tensile steel, usually 450 Grade steel sheet,
2 mm or more thick, is rolled to a diameter
12 mm greater than the column size and
the gap at the joint fabricated to 38 mm.
Note that the angles at the joint are posi-
tioned to mate properly to each other when
the gap is closed.

The form is installed by hoisting over the

reinforcement and the joint clamped tightly
closed with bolts or proprietary wedges.
Because sheet metal is flexible, the attach-
ment for the braces should incorporate a Rolled sheet metal
yoke that maintain the circular shape.

Stripping starts with the removal of the bolts

or wedges. With this release, the form
springs open to a size larger than the co l-
umn, and can be withdrawn vertically off
the column. Note that some surface abra-
sion may occur at this time.

Table 10-4: (con't.)
Method Discussion 1llustration

Round column forms can also be fabricated

in two halves from steel of glass reinforced
plastic (GRP). GRP forms are simi lar but
the wall, flange and stiffeners thicknesses
Two Part are greater. In both cases the fabricated sec-
Form tions would incorporate fixing for braces.
These are usually fitted to the stiffening
ribs. The connection of the two halves is
either by bolts or proprietary wedges. As
noted earlier. wedges e nable faster assem-
bly and stripping of the form.


Two functions are performed by column form bracing: maintenance of the accuracy of the c -
umn form position and plumb, and protection of either the column formwork or the bracing fro
.. impact or wind. Collision of crane hoisting bundles of materials or concrete (kibble) buckets
produce these impact forces. These impact force~ can happen as a result of the collision of concr
(kibble) buckets or the bundles of materials hoisted by the crane. Sometimes, the form and its brac-
ing cannot withstand these impact without resulting to damage and misalignment.

The illustrations shown below on column bracing are suited for tall and slender columns. F
large and heavily-reinforced columns which are often used in the lower levels of high-rise building:
the widths of the column form and the strength of the reinforcement may be such that only adjust-
ment devices for the form base are required. With this. reinforcement and form assembly should ha
the necessary strength within itself to withstand any expected impact.

Column bracing that is unattached to both the form and the base will only generate debris und
impact forces. Figure 10-5 shows only the propping, in one out of the two required directio
Although this method of column bracing is not highly recommended. many are still practicing it.

Column form

dtt--tt-tttQ-r.,,- Prop tightened against


co lumn clamp

Wooden block

Figure 10-5: Unfixed Column Formwork Bracing


In reference to the illustration, the telescopic props are only wedged between the column form
ps and the blocks and is shot-set to the floor slab. With this, even a small or weak impact on
props can result to dislodgement which could cause injury. Moreover. the column forms which
placed at the edge of the floor slab can also pose real danger to the public. However, if fitted with
ection devices, these telescopic props can be suitable for column bracing ( see riure I 0-6).
bolted hinges at the end of the props will help in preventing these props to fall against any
pact. If the prop has tension force, the lock pin will sl ide to the other end of the lot and so the prop
I have the resistance against tension loads and a good deal of impact's energy will have been
rbed during this movement.

I linge to top of prop

bolted to column form

l I lingc to bottom of
Face of form work
pmp red '" slah


Figure 10-6: Form Bracing Fixed at Both Ends

The horizontal sliding, which will be resisted by the column reinforcement, can result from the
pact on this assembly. T he who le assembly will have the tendency to rotate on the o ute r base of
.. braces and the column form wi ll tend to lift upwards if the horizontal impact is at the top of the
nn. T his will be resisted partly by the weight of the assembly and the forces that are needed to bend
distort the reinforcement. It should be noted a lso that the over tightened sloping brace adjust-
t will result to lifting the column form work out of its base and also severe grout loss.

For internal columns, enough braces are needed to resist forces in any directions. For rectangu-
or four-sided columns, it is conve11ient to have four sets of braces due to fi xing considerations
ile thrt!e t:!qually-spaced braces are sufficient for round columns.

Usuall y. it is not possible to provide bracing to all sides ofa column that is located at the edge of
suspended fl oor. T he solution here is to fit a tension compression brace to the inner side and then
tit to the slab (see FiKure I 0-7). A large counterweight can be attached to the assembly if bolting
not allowable. On the other hand, this counterweight becomes part of the potential debris which
es this solution ineffecti ve.

Compression hrace


Figure 10-7: Bracing for Edge of Slab Columns


As shown in FiKure I 0-8. a simple fom1 face hoisting point can be a bolt between two studs n
the top of the form. This is used for the individual form faces of conventional column formwork.

Nail fixing of the plywood to these studs will not be adequate to cater to the impacted loads
crane hoisting. At the very least, screw fixing will be needed. The bolt between the two studs sho
be adequate to cater to the weight of the formwork. At the least it should be 12 mm diameter
locknutted at the end. The practice of using a plain rod for the bolt must be avoided. With a high
impact load it can be pulled out. causing an accident.

Column form side Screw fi xings


ngure 10-8: Simple Formface Hoisting Point

Other Hoisting Techniques

Depending on the type and the manner in which column forms are constructed. hoisting
method should vary. Tah/e 10-5 illustrates several ways of hoisting various types of column

Table 10-5: Various Ways of Hoisting Column Form

Discussion Illustration

ind ividual fom1 face is fitted

a bolted bracing assembly.
can be used for slinging. Fig-
shown illustrates the sling
under the top end ofthe rak-


Bolt heads
_ re here shows a method of pro-
g hoisting fitting to a horizon-
waler column form face. The
·ng eyebolt should he fitted with
adequate hearing washer at its
er end. The walers must be ~~·~Bi...- Walcrs oohed
ed to the studs. The bolt heads lo slltds

washers are shown recessed

the studs to avoid penetration
the form face.


Table 10-5: (con't.)
Discussion 111 ustration

h ---Lifting sling

Eyebolts can also be used for hoist-

ing the completely assembled column
formwork unit. To avoid conflict with lal---Reinforcemcnl
the vertical column reinforcement, a
spreader should be fitted between the
lifting cables.
Column form


Hinged forms can also be lifted by

ho isting points on the top walers.
Hoisting for installation over the re-
... inforcement can take place with the
form clamped closed.
Alternatively. it can be wedged partly
open when being retracted in strip-
ping. This is done to avoid abrasion
between the faces of the concrete col-
umns and the form faces.
Lining points on
hinged walcrs


More efficient hoisting of complete

forms can be achieved with a specially
made steel lifting. frame . As shown
here the frame must be dimensioned
to avoid any conflict with the extended
column reinforcement.
The security of the formwork assem-
bly during hoisting is paramount. One cnl
necessary precaution is to provide the
lifting frame with steel locat ing pegs
that penetrate the walers. These pegs
must be sufficiently robust and long Column form
Lifting frame
that a disturbance or impact to the peg to form
form during hoisting does not dislodge ELEVATION


There are two types of wall formwork in general. The first of these type require only one face of
work. Walls for basement building is a typical example of this one face wall form. The cut
oond surface would serve as the other form face for the wall. (see Figure 10-9).

On the other hand, double faced formwork assembly consist of two opposing form faces tied
ther in some regular pattern, and with both face or one face closed. In conventional formwork
form face is usually plywood with a sealed face. In some cases the form face may be solid timber
:wding. The form face spans onto a grid of timber framing members to bring the loads to the cross
I ties.

Tahle 10-6 illustrates the two types of wall formwork.

Figure 10-9: Basement Walls

Table 10-6: Two Types of Wall Formwork

Type Discussion 111 ustration
Figure shown here gives the cross
section of a horizontal waler form.
For this type of form , the vertical
studs are fixed directly to the back
of the form face material, in this
Horizontal case plywood. At the ends of the
aler studs, horizontal top and bottom
plates are fixecl. Wedges under the
bottom plate hold the wall forms to
Pairs of horizontal walers are fixed
to the outer face of the studs. The
wall ties connect between the waters
on opposing wall form s.

Table 10-6: (con't.)
Type Discussion · Illustration

Stud span
hetween waler.;


Wall lies not shown

Here the plywood spans vertically

to pass the concrete pressure loads
onto the joists. These span horizon-
tally to carry the loads to the verti-
ca l wa lers. In turn, the walers span
vertically to carry the loads to the
tics w here the forces a re ba lanced
by the eq ual and opposing forces
from the other formed face.

l 10
Wall Tying
Formwork tying system's primary function is to connect the two faces of the double faced
forms together and affect the balance of pressure between them during concrete pouring. The
very distinctive characteristics of each type of wall ties need a sequence of installation to suit
each particular case. Wall ties, also known as tie rods, tie bars and tie bolts, can be described
under three broad groupings: He-bolts, She-bolts and Through ties.
Tahle I 0-7 illustrates these three broad groupings of wall ties.

Table 10-7: Three (3) Broad Groupings of Wall Ties

Group Discussion Illustration

He-bolts are so named because the

connection to the form work fram-
ing is with a male threaded bolt. The
simplest example, shown here is
used with a type of all-metal pro-
prietary formwork.
The male threaded bolts connect,
through the formwork framing, to
steel cones. These connect across Indentation prevents
the wall with a high-tensile tie rod.
T ie rods are available in a variety
of lengths to suit common wall
rotation of tie rod
Steel Cl ne

thicknesses. The tie assembly not 1 le-bolt

on ly resists the tensile forces from
the forms to effectively hold the wall
forms together, but the shoulders of ~
the cones also hold the form faces Formwork
the correct distance apart at a l I I lexagonal recess

Removal of the bolts enables strip- Thread for

ping of the forms. The cones are Thread for tie rod
recovered by screw ing them off the I le-bolt
tie rod with an Allen key inserted in
the hexagonal recess on their outer
face. The tie rod remains in the wall HE-BOLT FOR PROPRIETARY FORMWORK
and is provided with an indentation
or kink to prevent it rotating when
the cones are being screwed out.

The removal ofthe cones, or at least

their loosening, shou ld be done soon
after the forms are stripped. To de-
lay this may result in the cones be-
ing very difficult to remove. This
will be due to drying shrinkage of
the concrete. Later, the cone holes
are either grout packed or plugged
with pre-made cones bonded into

Table 10-7: (con't.)
Group Discussion IIlust ration

Figure shown here shows the He-bolt

style adapted for conventional timber
framed formwork system. The He-bolt Tic rod scn:ws
is extended to have a larger shaft with into cone
a threaded section for a large wingnut
and washer. The outer end of the bolt Wing nut
has two flats so that a spanner can be
used to screw it out of the cone. This
unit effectively clamps the formwork
framing to the plywood and the tight
interface between the cone and the ply-
into cone
wood face can prevent grout loss at the
form face.
. 1.
However. care should be taken in tight- Washer k . .1
1·onnwor · I ram mg
ening the wingnut to achieve this
clamping action. Two problems can
occur from over tightening the
wi ngnut. Firstly. the cone can crush
the surface veneer of the plywood and
thus reduce its working life.

Coil ties. shown here. are another ver-

He-Rolts sion of the He-bolt. The tie. which re- ~
mains in the concrete. consists of two
side rods which are welded to tightly
wound helical coils of thick wire. The
bolts (He-bolts) thread into these coils.
and have the sharp pointed thread pro-
file shown to fit the spaces between
the wires.
Pl ast ic com:
Plastic cones screw over the outside
I lc-holt I le-bolt
of the coils at their ends. The cones
provide a good seal against grout loss
at the form face. They arc available in
a variety of lengths (color coded) to
suit the specilicd reinforcement cover 1lcxagonnl recess.
and give overall tie length adjustment.
When the concrete is placed it encases ~ Coil tic •'
the end of the bolt. and grout usually
penetrates between the bolt and the COIL liE
inside of the coil. Two matters arise
from this.
Firstly, the concrete encasement orthe
bolt means that as it is being screwed
out there is abrasion and wear of the
thread. After a number of uses the
sharp tips of the threads can be well
worn. This weakens the bolt and in-
creases the chance of failure under
load. At each use. bolt for coil tics must
be carefully examined for wear.

Table 10-7: (con't.)
Discussion II lustration

The installation of the she-bolts can

also be done in the same way that the
he-bolts have been installed. However.
a more simple sequence is possible Wing nil
because of the absence of a cone at the
form face. As shown here. both form
Bolts faces and rei nforcement can first be
carefully erected to keep the reinforce-
ment clear of the she-bolt positions. +..---l'lywoo<l form fo<.:c
The whole she-bolt assembly can be
inserted from one side if the wingnut
and washer were removed from one ~ kf
I·onnwor · rammg
end. These washers and wing nut are
fitted to complete the wall tics. SHE-BOLT WITH liMBER FORMS

Through ties are so named because the Twisted wire loor

tensile loads are carried on one single
member that passes th rough the
formwork-wall-formwork assembly
from end fixing to end fixing. The old-
est of these, and still occasionally used
these days for in-ground work. is the
twisted wire loop.

Other long established through ties,

Through that are still occasionally used despite
Ties their low load capacity. are those com-
prising a plain round rod as the ten-
sion member, with end anchors de-
vices. To ease removal of the rod, a
plastic tube. with its length cut to the
wall thickness. can be placed over the
rod. The figure shows one of these
where the rod is held by a bolt tapped
into the anchor plate. Because the bolt
kinks the rod sideways. it is more ef-
fective than the conventional grub- Waler
screw. By nailing the anchor plate to
the formwork framing this type of tie
can also give some control over the STEEL ROD AS WALL liE • I
wall thickness.

Table 10-7: (con't.)
Group Discussion 1llustration

In this second example. the rod is an- Wedge

chored with a grooved wedge. As the
wedge is driven in the multiple grooves Tie rod
deform the outside of the rod. This sur-
face deformation of the rod greatly in-
creases the anchoring action created by
the wedge.


Snap-ties are a type of through tie

which enables the ends of the ties. that
protrude from the concrete face. to be
removed by breaking them off. These
ties are provided with a weak point. a
short distance from the concrete faces.
at which the break can be effected.
This snapping action also breaks some
Through of the concrete away. The resulting
Rod flattened .
Ties jagged areas must be patched. This also
makes this type of tie quite unsuitable Twist out
for the production of high quality con-
crete surfaces.
Examples numbered I and 2 are used
with proprietary modular formwork
systems. Example I is fabricated from
high tensile rod and a flattened. and
weakened, section is formed just within Break downwards
the concrete. Twisting the tie breaks
it. At the same time some of the con-
crete is broken out. Example 2 made 3
from a steel flat is weakened by notch-
ing. Bending the tie downwards, usu-
ally by striking with a hammer. breaks
the tie.
The third example is made from a steel
rod with an enlarged head formed on THREE 1YPES OF $NAP-11ES
each end and thin sections located at
the required break point. The ties are
usually fitted with a metal washer lo-
cated at the form face. Their tighten-
ing action is achieved with a slotted
steel wedge that fits over the enlarged
ends of the tie. Therefore. these ties
not only provide tensile capacity but
also control the wall thickness and
clamp the formwork framing and ply-
wood together.

Table 10-7: (con't.)
Group Discussion Illustration
These ties come in a range of sizes with the wash-
ers located to suit common wall thicknesses, and Wedge
Tic rod
the distance between the washers and the ends
sized to suit typica l training dimensions. If the
framing is thinner than this, each wedge can be
packed with an appropriate piece of plywood. Collar controls
wall width


The through tie shown in the previous example

has quite a low tensile capacity. In contrast the
type of through tic illustrated here and the bar
tie, has the highest tensile capacity of the tying
systems currently avai lable.
The tie is a threaded high tensile rod which is
cut from a stock length to suit the particular use.
The thread is of the rounded "rope-thread" type
which is not read ily prone to wear. The figure
shows the complete assembly consisting of a plas-
rough tic tube fitted with plastic cones at its ends, the
Ties bar tie passing through the tube with washers
Plastic cone lits
and wing nuts at the ends.
Wing nut into tuhc
The tube and cone assembly holds the form faces Bar tic passes
apart in the correct distance, and the tie bar and through tuhc
wingnuts prov ide the needed tensile capacity and
thereby clamp the whole assembly together.
Plastic tube
However, because there is no connection between
the bar tie and the tube assembly, there is no in- Plywood fonnl:11.:e
div idual clamping action on the formwork as-
semblies at each side. When used with a climb-
ing formwork procedure, it cannot be relied on lwlSTED WIRE LOOP WA L L TIE

to clamp form to the previously poured concrete

wall like a he-bolt can.
In this respect it is different to the he-bolt, but
like the he-bolt and the coi l tie, the cones give a
grout tight junction at the plywood faces. These
cones and the tube. being plastic, can only be
compressed to a limited amount and this has the
advantage of minimizing any ov~r tightening and
the resultant dimpling of the form face.
The bar tie with its continuously threaded rod,
wing nuts and washers is use ful in oth er
formwork appl ications where a tensile tie is
needed. One example is external ties for column

Procedures in Wall Ties Installation

The particular characteristics of each of the types of wall ties calls for a sequence of ins
lation to suit each case. The illustrations of these procedures, given in Table 10-8, fail to sho
any bracing to the forms in order to simplify the diagrams. However, for reasons of safety, it
needed at al I times.

Table 10-8: Installation Procedures of Wall Ties

Types of 11 lustration
Wall Ties

The figure shows the installation se-

quence for he-bolts and coil-ties. Once
the face of the formwork is erected. the
tie rods and cones are installed on this
face with one set of he-bolts. washers
and wingnuts. After reinforcement ty-
ing. the opposite formface is erected
and the other ends of the he-bolt as-
He-Bolts semblies can then be installed.
This last operation is not always
straightforward. and some juggling oi 1 2 3
the he-bolts may be needed to success- Erect one side of Erect other Complete
fully insert them into the cones. Posi- forms and ties side of forms l lc-holls
tioning the walers to aid this opera- and cones
tion is discussed under 'Typical Wall
Form work Fabrication and Erection·. INSTALLATION OF HE·BOLTS

For coil- ties the operation is usually a

little easier than for He-bolts due to the
design of the plastic cones and the
pointed ends of the bolts.

She-bolts can be installed in the same

way as he-bolts. However, the absence
of a cone at the forrnfaces and rein-
forcement can be erected first with care
being taken to keep the reinforcement
She-Bolts clear of the she-bolt positions.

With the wing nut and washer removed

from one end. the whole she-bolt as- 2
sembly can be inserted from one side. Insert complele she- Complete
1-:rect hoth rorms
Then these washers and wing nuts are hnlt rrorn one side she-bolts
fitted to complete the wall ties.

I i6
Table 10-8: (con't.)

Discussion 11 lustration
Bar ties are installed similarly to he-
bolts. However. the lack of any posi-
tive connections between the bar and
the tube/cones makes the procedure
more difficult. After the erection of
Bar Ties one formface and the reinforcement,
the bar ties are inserted through the
formface with the cones and tube 1 3
placed loosely over the protruding
Erect other Complete
ends. The bars are retracted so that Erect one side of forms side o r Ii.inns
and cones and tubes har-tics
they project only a short distance be- insert har-t ies
with bar-tics retracted
yond the cone.

External Corners of Wall Forms

Special attention is needed when two walls meet at the external or the outside corner of the
fom1work. Figure JO-/ 0 shows this situation and unless necessary, fixing is made to prevent this
cantilever action, the forms will deflect apart and severe grout losses will happen. To minimize
grout loss at the corner, there must be a positive tying force to hold the two formwork assem-
hlies together at their junction. Formwork,.corners with tight grout start with a tight junction
between the two plywood faces, Figure 10-11 shows the corner interface which is also com-
monly used in column formwork .


Pressure <lcllecls
forrnwork at united corner

Figure 10-10: Electrical Corner Opening

/ Tight joint

Wall form

Figure 10-11: Plan of Corner Junction

FiKure I 0-12 shows a basic detail common to many methods to securely clamp the corners.
A cutaway view of the corner of horizontal waler form work shows the lapping in part of the
double walers at the corner. On the other hand, for vertical waler forms , the horizontal joists can
be extended in the same manner and can also use most of the details shown in FiKure I 0-1 2.

Tah/e I 0-9 shows various examples of corner tying.

Figure 10-12: Plan of Corner Junction

Table 10-9: Various Examples of Corner Tying
Discussion Illustration


Walers lapped a(
res show the methods for tying corners corner
h are based on the extension and lapping METHOD - I
gitudinal timbers at the corner. The sim-
of these methods is method I.
Inner Formwork and
will be a strain movement that can re- Tics not Shown .._Waler
in small open ing at the plywood corner
ion although bolting can effectively pre-
large corner denections when the bolts Plywood
under lead. This can also result to grout
To achieve the best result. pre-tighten-
the corner is necessary. A similar method
standard wall ties is shown in method-3
ng fabricated steel angle cleats notched into

Lappcd corner with packcr

Angle hearing plate}
d1ccked into waler


Inner Fonnwork and

T ics not Shown
Tic locutcd
hetwccn walcrs

l stccl angle ,lcal no1d1cd into wah.:rs


Table 10-9: (con't.)
Discussion Illustration

Inner Forn1\\orl,, and

Tics not Shown

Method-4 shows the plan of a corner vertical

waler wall fo rms. If the diagonal ties at the
corner are installed through vertical ledgers. Vertical ledger
then the bolting of the horizonta l joists is not
usually needed.

Extend and lap joints

Vertical wakr


Method-5 shows that forces in the inner forms

can be balanced aga inst those on the outer Tic thru vertical
forms. Two vertical ledgers are used. one in ✓ledger
the inner corner and one on the outer. These
bear against the horizontal wafers. She-bolts
and threaded tie rods are placed diagonally
between them .

t\ Ithough th is can be an effective method it is

not in common use. The holes for the ties
are difficult to drill and. as the diagram shows.
there is considerable congestion at the inner


Inner Formwork and

Tics not Shown
The tics that strain the vertical ledger onto
the wafers can also be placed along the li nes
of the wall forms. Method-6 shows a popu-
lar method us ing telescopic props. With the l'rop
pin placed on the underside in the adjusting Solid blocking hct1w~n
collar, the prop becomes an e ffective tension studs al prop I ic
member. The prop cap plate hooks over a
stud. While this may appear to be clumsy. it
is a very effective and frequently used method.


Table 10-9: (con't.)
Discussion 11 lustration

Inner Fonnwork and

cornertying method-7 uses a similar tech- Tics not Shown
. Two pairs of vertical walers are linked
bar-ties to the wall ties of vertical walers
r along the wal I form. The joists only
a short distance past each other at the cor-
• They are cut off approx imately 20 mm
of the waler's inner face to give clear-
for tightening the ties.

to wall tic
Vertical walcrs at
corner METHOD - 7

Inner Formwork and

T ii.:s not Shown

rangt: of hardware needed for the details

n in Method-7 is not always available.
dhod-8 wi ll only involve bolts and timber.
walers are extended with vertical ledgers
lied to their ends. Timber struts are then
e tightened between the ledgers to de-
the walers and to tighten the corner.
~Lapped walcrs

+- Bolt


Method-9. the tie is not at right angle to

wall. Usually, bar ties are best for these
use the plastic cone can e ither accom-
.:Nlate them isalignment or can be cut to line
give a snug fit to the formface. On the
ide of the walers, timber wedges are used
give the wall tie wing nuts a square bear-

t\lignmi.:nt wedges
lixcd lo walcrs


12 1
Internal Corners of Wall Forms

It should be noted that the self-tightening action would result from the concrete pressure on
the forms at the internal corners. The sectional plan shown in Fi~ure I 0-13 is suitable if grout
tightness is important. The fluid concrete pressure causes a closing action at the corner. A
closed cell polyurethane tape, which must be fully compressed, can be used to fill all minor ir-
regularities for a grout-tight joint. The gap between the faces of the two studs is needed to
ensure that they do not come into contact and prevent this compression.

Se·1l edge
Compressed foam tape · '

(;ap for tightening

Figure 10-13: Internal Corner Tightening

The illustration shown in Fi~ure 10-1.J can be used when only an average standard of grout
tightness at the internal corner is needed. Because plywood sheets do not meet at the corner, it
is easier to be stripped. A thickness of at least 1.2 mm for the sheet metal angle is fixed to one
form (usually with 15 mm clouts) and lapped onto the other. The concrete pressure holds it tight
to the plywood faces which results to an acceptable degree of grout tightness.


Angle tixcd to one form

Figure 10-14: Metal Angle at Internal Corner

Bracing Wall Forms

There are two possible crane-hoisted loads on wall fonns that need to be resisted by the
braces. First. is the wind which is acting form any direction at all times and the second is the
possibility of impact during construction while building the fonnwork or pouring the concrete.
Un less securely-fixed in place, it is dangerous to brace the wall forms with adj ustable telescopic
props. Failure to do so will knock them out of place even with a light blow thus. the wall form
may collapse. Table 10-10 illustrates various ways of bracing wall forms.

Table 10-10: Bracing Wall Forms ul

\1ethods Discussion Illustration

IL is essential that it should not be

Bolt brace to walcrs
possible for the bracing to be dis-
lodge by im pact. If impact occurs
the bracing can be badly bent. but, ( ·ompn:ssion/l o.:nsion
as long as it is still attached to its strut as hracc

ble Acting connect ion then it will prevent

p catastrophic collapse and the gen-
Holt hracc
eration of dangerous debris. Bolt-
ing to the wa lers and the slab
means that bending or the brace
from impact will unlikely totally
remove the brace. However. this Slah
method is costly and Lime consum-

This involves the bolting of sets ~

of bracing frames to both sides of
the wall formwork assembly. Most
wall forms would require at least
two sets on each side, long forms
wou Id need more. Each set com-
prises a raking strut up to the top
of the wall form and two low level
struts, all connected together and Compression/
to the wall form. This triangular tl:!nsion strut
Bracing Frame framing can give resistance to im-
pact from al l directions.
Even if impact badly distorts the
frame, it will still give some brac-
ing effect provided the fixings do
not fail. Sliding of the whole form
assembly will be prevented by the
wall kicker or the wall reinforce-
ment. The important point is that
impact should not be able to to- DOUBLE ACTI NG PROP BOLTED IN PLACE

tally remove the bracing.

Table 10-10: Bracing Wall Forms
Methods Discussion 11 lustration

One face of the forms is now hoisted

into position and braced. This brac-
ing may be temporary, with the fi-
nal bracing system being completed
later. To prevent rotation of the
form under wind load, the bottom
as well as the top should be braced.
The reinforcement is now tied,
stopends, penetrations and built-in
fittings fixed in place and the in- Wnll form
Typical Wall
stallation of the ties started (if the
Form Bracing
tie rods are she-bolts they can be
installed later).
The other side of the form work can
now be hoisted, the tie installation
completed. the stop-ends and final
bracing compl e ted and the
fonnwork' s line, level and plumb
adjusted. The line of the bottom is
fixed by the kicker. The line of the
top and the plumb of the wall is cor-
rected by adjusting the bracing. ~
The levels of the forms are usually
adjusted with wedges at their base.

"Tee" .Junctions Between Walls

When a monolithic junction is needed at a "tee" junction between two walls, the fo
become more complex and costly. The illustration in Figure I 0-15 shows one of the meth
for constructing the forms at the junction. Care is needed in aligning the wall formwork to
other side since the extension of the ends of the plywood is usually flexible. A kicker, or
equivalent to it is needed at the base of the wall forms in order to control the bottom whil
plywood gusset or brace across the top line of walers can control the top line and the mid-hei
This form work is complex and includes the cutting of the wall form s to fit to either side of
wall junction. To economize on cost, this should be avoided whenever possible.

The two methods shown in Figures I 0-16 and / 0-1 7 can be used if construction joint
needed at the junction so as to save straight wall forms from cutting. The " tee"- shaped wall
poured in two parts. This technique is similar with that used for the connection of floor slabs
slip-formed walls. It enables starter to be installed for joining the "tee" wall without defacing
form face with holes. A groove form is inserted in the wall on the form face. This cont ·
reinforcement bars which, after stripping the wall form, are bent out to the starter bars to
joining wall. Usually this groove form cannot be recovered for another use since destructi
usually results when this form is removed.




Figure 10-15: Plan of Forms at a Tee Joint

Groove joint!'
Starter bar First wall pour

Second wall pour

Figure 10-16: Construction Joint for Tee Joint

Walers and ties

not shown
Wall form
- Bars bent up a11er wall
forms stripped
- Groove form then
stripped out

Figure 10-17: Groove Form for Tee Joint

At the second pour, the detail given in Figure /0-18 can be used to clamp the form s tight!
to the first wall.

Walers not shown

_jM,..___ Wall tie

Pack r


Figure 10-18: Clamping to Existing Concrete Wall

Penetrations and Openings Through Walls

Pent:tration through walls vary in sizes ~ om small openings for pipes and conduits to larg
door openings. The following are the objectives of the penetration forms:

a. accuracy in size and position

b. case of stripping
c. necessary fixing to resist floating and sideways movement due ~o concrete pressure
d. if possible, recovery of penetration formwork

With the limitation from the concrete. penetration forms are more difficult to strip th
others because of the shrinkage on the concrete. Moreover, if the forms are made of timber, t
penetratio n of the waler can result to swelling of the timber which would then add up tot
stripping form that can be easily dismantled (see Figure /0-/9) .

Internal blocking

Form faces can rotate about one

end after blocking is removed

Figure 10-19: Rectangular Penetration Form

t I

Internal blocking holds the form to shape and this blocking is also fixed to one form face of
wall formwork to maintain its position while the outer form face are lapped over each other
-uccessive comers for easy stripping. Stripping will start from the wall face opposite to the
· with fixed blocking. The blocking becomes accessible and then can be stripped off. After
the fonnwork to the other wall face can then be stripped. The outer faces of the penetration
s can be rotated for removal as shown in Figure 10-20.

Figure 10-20: Penetration Form Removal

T he larger forms needed for door openings can also be built in the same manner, but because
:heir size, a different technique of tying can be used as shown in Figure l 0-21.

Backing joist

~ F o rm
Section A-A
t---+-ffl~ Stru II in g

Wall kicker

Figure 10-21: Penetration Form for a Door

Similar to the other case, the interior is braced with backing joists and strutting, the struts
g fixed to one form face, to control the penetration form in position. The top form face is
e with a scarf cut in it. During stripping, this internal framing is readily removed. The shrink-
-induced tightening is relieved by the scarf cut. For easy removal. providing a small stripping
(about 3 mm) at the bottom of the side forms will help.

A more simple method can be used for small rectangular penetration but this method is not
mmended for use because of its being messy and inaccurate. Figure 10-22 shows a section
wall penetration.

Extra bar on top of foam ,_ ___,,._ Rein forccmcnt

Cut foam 3 mm wider than wall

Low density rigid

plastic foam I\ 7'
Form faces

Figure 10-22: Small Penetration Form

Circular penetration is often used for large sizes. For these, the shape can be maintained .
strutting (see FiKure I 0-23). The circular edge can be formed by cardboard forms or, for larg
curve, metal strips can be used.

Curved steel strip or

cardboard void form


Figure 10-23: Large Circular Penetration

For pipes, air conditioning ducts, and drains, circular penetration are usually needed.
shown in FiKure 10-24, small holes can be formed with the use of a plastic tube suspended on
rod. The tube should be cut slightly longer (about 1 mm) than the wall thickness so that tight
ing the wall ties will help to hold the tube in position. Unless this will be done, some movem
may occur.



Figure 10-24: Small Pipe Penetration

vision for Hoisting Wall Forms

With the increased use of cranes on building sites. only the small forms are being manually
died into position. However. for all ofthese. the special requirements of designing the fom1work
hoisting have to be taken into consideration. There are two matters that should be considered
. First, the fixing within the form structure to give it enough strength and sti ffoess for hoist-
, and second, is the provision of properly-designed hoisting points.

For the forms which need to be hoisted by crane, the waters should be securely fi xed to the
framing, studs or joists. At the least, coach screws or bolts are needed. On the other hand.
lted angle cleats to the studs will be needed if the hoisting is applied to the walers.

For long wall forms, the hoisting setup should be arranged to prevent the forms from hend-
og. Firstly, the hoisting points should be spaced at about 60% of the length of the form. Sec-
!Odly, long lifting sl ings should be used to minimi ze the compression induced in the top of the
.arm by the inclined sling forces (see Figure 10-25). But. if shorter slings are used. the compres-
n force will increase and will result to twisting of the top of the form.


Compression l
I ~ '

Forn!teight Form ~ eight

About 60% of foam length

Figure 10-25: Hoisting Arrangements

There are two examples of hoi sting connection for this case. Figure 10-26 illustrates the
ifting eyes bolted to studs and plywood of a horizontal waler form. To give a flush form face, a
~ountersunk-headed bolts are used. The walers are not part of the support structure. but by
ing coach screwed or bolted to the studs. they provide longitudinal stiffness to the overall
onn assembly. The strength and stiffness of the walers should be matched by the size and type
fthis waters' fixing to the studs. The stiffness of the walers is impottant during the lifting of the
nn from horizontal to vertical. The waters resist the tendency of the form to bend as the
isting starts and also flexing from the effects of wind loads while being hoisted. Figure 10-27
sents a suitable hoisting point at the end of a short wall form. Extra screw fixings through the
ywood to the end stud are needed as the lifting plates are bolted only to the end studs and have
direct connection to the face of the plywood. The framing should be gusseted at the corner as
Lifting eyes made from steel flat

Lifting plate bolted

to end stud

Coach screws to
fix walers
Screw fix plywood•
to studs

Corner gusset

Figure 10-26: Wall Form Hoisting Fittings- 1 Figure 10-27: Wall Form Hoisting Fittings-

Fixing between framing members; stLiils, joists, plates and walers, must also be adequ
Figure 10-2R shows plywood gussets for the corner of the forms. Figure 10-29 shows a simi
gusset for use at internal studs.

screwed to framing

Figure 10-28: Gussets for Corners of Figure 10-29: Gussets for Internal Framin:


The construction of a beam or girder formwork consists of the bottom and two sides. with the
cssary ties and braces, and the vertical shores holding the beam soffit. Beam sides overlap the
m form and also rest on the shore heads. Details of beam formwork assembly may vary depend-
on the stripping plans as well as materials to be used, location of the structural member in the
ing, and the anticipated loads to be carried.

Figure I 0-30 shows a typical beam form work with slab forms supported on the beam sides. The
·ng indicates plywood for beam sides and bottom. Several 50 mm x I 00 mm timber support the
bottom longitudinally. Ledger and blocking supports the beam sides.

Alternate Details at "A"

Figure 10-30: Typical Components of Beam Formwork with Slab Framing In

13 1
Beam Bottom (Soffit)

Beam or girder bottoms are frequently made of plywood with the attached supporting
bers running the length of beam bottom. Spacing of supporting members will depend on
form design and the load to be carried by the beam bottom. Table /0-11 illustrates various
of constructing beam bottom forms.

Table 10-11: Various Ways of Constructing Beam Bottom

Method Illustration

Scaffold plank

Narrow Based Beam


Plywood full width

Wide Based
Beam Form
"r.-;.l::c::::::..=-i_ Ledger
, ~ - - Blocking or stiffener
Beam bottom
"' 4 x 4 header

4 x 4 shores

Another less common hcam forming method. Beam sides rest on beam hottom. which is ·
on stringers resting on douhle post shores. Thi s design permits wider shon: spacing and
resi stance to tipping when loading is unhalanecd.

Table 10-11: (con't.)
Method 11 lustration

Cleated board beam sides

Solid beam bottom



Beam form details when cleated boards serve as beam sides and beam bottom is a sol id piece
of dimension lumber.

Slab sheating

i-----Beam s ides

~~-Beam bottom

'- ./
' ,./ ./ - - - Double post shore

/ - - - - - - - Bracing

Heavy ledgers and stiffe ners supported directly on head of double post shore carry the
relatively heavier slab load transferred from long span horizontal shoring members

Beam Sides

Perhaps the next stage in beam or girder form construction is the beam sides. Plywood beam
sides e liminate the cleats. but may require vertical stiffeners, or vertical blocking to transfer deck.
load to the shores. For either wood or plywood sides the ledger is nailed to the beam s ide at
distance below the top to allow for the depth of slab forming joists that may be supported on the
beam sides.

Fi~ure I 0-3 I prevents the cross section of a telescopic spanning between beam forms. The
beam sides are framed with top and bottom plates and studs to carry the vertical loads and to
resist the concrete pressures. The spacing of these studs does not exceed 600 mm.

Usually. this happens when the materials are needed to be moved and also when there is
need for the workers access under the formwork. The figure further shows that much of the load
from the center going to the beam sides can be diverted directly down to the supports by provid-
ing extra joints to the edge of the form base and packing between the center and the form base
Braces Not Shown
Floor centres
Top plate

Figure 10-31: Floor Centres Seated on Beam Sides

This packing. shown in Figure 10-32, must be done carefully. If the packing was done t
tight. the ends of the floor centers will lift off the top of the beam side. Without the sidewa
restraints on its top, the centers may roll over. So, to prevent this, thin spacer strips fixed tot
tip of the beam sides between the centers are necessary.

The application of the packing to the floor center is another important matter. As Figure 10-
32 illustrates. that packing should be placed under a panel point of the framing of the fl
center. In each case. the manufacturer's direction to the recommended instal lation procedure
this packing should be strictly followed by the form worker. Lateral restraint is also required fi
the packing of the bottom of the floor center. As shown, the lateral strain is provided by the
blocking between the center which is fixed to the packing members.

Floor centre

Figure 10-32: Packing Under Floor Centres

Figure 10-33 shows the cross section of a beam form with the joists seated on and fixed to
beam sides. As indicated, strutting can be placed, between the joists and the beam form base,
relieve some of the load that would otherwise be totally carried on the beam sides.

There are some alternatives given for the details on the top of the beam sides. On a plywood
m er junction, a gap is left at the end of the joist for easy stripping. However, jamming of the
w ood can still occur.

The alternative detail gives a solution to this. A sheet metal angle, usually 0.8 mm thick,
s off the small gap between the ends of the two plywood faces. To prevent movement of
angle during concrete placement, it is shown fixed with short clouts to the soffit form ply-
ood. This angle also provides a tolerance gap for the control of the width oft he soffit form work.

Gap Gap
~ Closure angle ~

h re

Figure 10-33: Joists Seating on the Beam Sides

Another common technique for limiting the load soffit ~cting on the beam sides is to provi
separate support systems for the soffit forms and the beam forms. Fif{ure I 0-3-1 shows sectio
views of the two associated heamside to soffit form junction: one at right-angles to the soffi':
f'orm bearers and the other parallel to them.

Brace for beam side fom1s Strut for horizontal forces

Figure 10-34: Separate Supports for Beam and Soffit Form Systems

In both cases, the only load on the beamsides is from the narrow strip of plywood that spans
t.vo systems. To ensure that no instability can occur during the progressive loading of the
forms, the cantilevers of ends of the bearers and joists must be kept to a safe minimum.

Consider-ation must also be given to the ability ofthe form work to transmit horizontal forces
ai:~ its construction. The plywood to plywood junction shown in Figure I 0-29 is not ad-
e for this. The detail shows additional struts from the beam form up to the soffit form
-ni·mg to transmit the horizontal loads. These struts are not a substitute for braces to the beam
They are also needed; both are shown on the detail.

Attention is drawn to the details of support of the soffit form plywood on the beam sides.
constructed this way to minimize any grout penetration under the plywood.

One special feature of formwork for deep beam 1s its capacity to withstand the greater
nntal concrete pressure that might occur. With this, only the tie rod system that can both
. .Tl·

the form faces together and apart should be used. Special consideration is necessary to the
• gs of the beam sides to the beam base if only a single line of tie rod will be used. Figure I 0-
illustrates the change in forces and reactions at the base as the pouring of concrete proceeds
to the beam.

Figure 10-35: The Changing Forces at the Base

The concrete pressure forces the bottom of the beam sides apart as it is filled and so the
·ng must hold them togetJler. This force diminishes as the concrete pouring becomes deeper
Jhen reverses when the beam is nearly full. From there. the bottom fixing will hold the
om of the beam side upart. This reversal of action will never create a problem with two rows
ties (see Figure 10-36). Take note that instead of the braces. the ties resist the concrete pres-
s but struts are needl!d to any other horizontal forces across the beam form . In addition,
struts also maintain the plumb of the beam side.

Figure 10-36: Deep Beams with Two Rows of Ties

Internal Beams of Differing Depth

One of the best recommendations to economize on fom1work cost is to have the same soffi
level for all concrete beams. This is so be~ause the formwork ' s intersection of two concrete
b~ams with different depths can complicate the formwork.

Fi~ure I 0-3 7 shows the plywood base of the shallower beam form laps over that of
deeper beam form. This plywood extends up to the face of the deeper concrete beam and
packer on the ends is fixed on the same line. The end of this upper plywood sheet is cut to fit
ends of the deeper concrete beam sides (see Figure 10-38). After this, the plywood face of
shallower beam form side can then lap over the end of the deeper form. Figure I 0-39 shows t
arrangement with a plan section of the comer junction.

/ Beam section profile



Figure 10-37: Junction of Different Form Levels

Based on a plan section indicated in Figure I 0-..JO, a sheet of metal closure angle can be used
prevent the beam sides from being locked up at their ends by a tight interface with the con-

Figure 10-38: End Cutting to Beam Soffit Form

Figure 10-39: Junction of Beam Side Forms

<3 ~ / Closure angle

Edge of plywood bas/

Figure 10-40: Closure Angle at Beam Side Junctions

Edge Beams
Figure I 0-41 shows a typical detail of an edge beam. Braces on the outer beam side fo
need to be stronger to resist the pressure from the deeper concrete. Usually, horizontal ·
i between the beam form supports and the soffit forms are needed to hold the two formw
systems together. Figure I 0-42 presents the cross section of a deep edge beam with two rows
ties. As shown. the outside waters have vertical joists while the form face has horizontal joi
As an alternative, the outside forms can be framed similar to the inner forms. These have hori-
zontal waters and a stud and plate framed on the form face. Struts are needed from the base
to the framing of the soffit forms to prevent horizontal.forces and maintain the plumb of

Outer beam side form

Figure 10-41: Typical Edge Beam Formwork

- - - - - - -- - .. 4

Figure 10-42: Section of Deep Edge Beam Formwork


Slab or soffit forms are defined as level or near level, single-faced formwork surfaces that are
to serve as moulds under the reinforced conc..ete structures such as suspended floor slabs.
form surfaces are used as a place for storing formwork components and reinforcements. Aside
that, it also functions as a working area for all the construction workers. A complete form
~ , r f , ,orp includes guardrails at its perimeter and ladders or stairs.

Figure I 0-43 illustrates the components of a typical flat slab. Table I 0-12 give the procedure in
erection of slab forms:


Use positive I
between shores \.,__1-.J.1....--r Bracing recom-
and stringers mended through-
I out syste m

Figure 10-43: Typical Flat Slab Formwork Components

To minimize the load on the supporting slab and reduce deflection, the load from the new
work can be shared by other suspended slabs below as shown in Figure 10-.:/-1.

Table 10-12: Slab Form Erection Procedure
Procedure Checkpoint

I. Establish slab elevation * Established slab elevation from column or bea1"'!1 bench marks.

, --t )
;, \
Beam surface

n I

Pipe upport,..

2. Instal I stringers * A stringer may be made of timber or square steel pipe around 200
shorter than inside measurement of span.
* The pitch of the stringer can be decided from calculation.
* Stringers may be held and connected to pipe supports with nail.
* Braces should be installed next.
* The height of supports must be adjusted.

3. lnsta lljoists and sheathing * Joists must be connected to the stringers.

board * The pitch ofjoists can be decided from calculation.
* A sheathing board may be installed from the end, correcting the tram
formation and error of columns and beams.
* A sheathing board may be set first at the side of s ub-beams.
* A timber should be installed beneath the joint of boards.

4. Inspection * The slab elevation shou ld be leveled after installing slab bars and
must be corrected prior to concreting.


Soffit formwork

,._--1-1+---1-h-l--1+l+-- Formwork supports

114---ll+--M+-~- :Shores

11'---+l+---+l+--H-flt-= Shores

_$.«$-,,':• ~ .. ~... ;•~-:., l.<'! ;;;l:--• •"••-:-,,-..·•~i.-•. .. •• •~- ·.,·•· . --.,.,.~•eJ ., .:,.::-">•..~
, ~ .......

l ~ w
Lower supporting slabs


Figure 10-44: Three Level Multi-Storey Shoring

Chapter 11


Construction joints are·planned interruptions to continuous concrete structure. Reinforcement

lly continuous through the joint.

ACI Committee 347 recommends that construction joints be located between form panels when-
feasible. If the architect-engineer has not positively specified construction joint locations, the
ctor should make a proposal indicating locations and submit this for approval.

Table 11- 1 illustrates various construction joints common to structural members in a building

Table 11-1: Construction Joints Methods

Discussion Illustration


A common method ofresist-

ing forces on the stop-end is
by wedging it offthe wall ties.
all A considerable amount of
friction is created between PLAN
Packer s tuds
stop-end and form faces with
the tightening of the wall ties.

Wedge Waler


Table 11-1: (con't.)
Member/ Discussion Illustration

Plywood bearing strips can

also be used to carry the loads
on the stop-end to the ties. If
bar ties are used they can be
fitted with extra wingnuts to
clamp the plywood bearing
strips to the form faces. Stopend _ _ ___..,
In this case, the stop-end is
" - - - Exira wing
shown made of plywood
lo clamp
spanning between the bear- hearing stri;:
ing-strips. This is usually
quite satisfactory for wal Is up
to 250 111111 thick. For thicker
walls the stop-end may need
framing to the plywood.
Stud at stop end


Bar-tic thru
end stud

A lternatively. the stop-end

can be tied back to the wall
ties within the form. Figure
here shows bar ties fitted with
'--''---1-- Studs to
a popular brand of bar tie nut stopcnd
which is used as a hook. This
links the bar ties to the wall
tie. A pair of short walers
bridges the bar ties to hold the
stop-end in place. Bar-tie rod
hooked to
wall tie Stud at stopend Short walers


Table 11-1: (con't.)

Discussion Illustration

Packer studs on line or

stop-end lo prevent
For vertical waler forms, short plywood dellt:ction
vertical packers are placed be-
tween the joists and beside the
stop end. Ideally, a vertical
waler should coincide with

Wall tics not shown -i


At construction jo ints, stop- Saw cut on line or holes

_/ split stop-end
ends usually have to accommo-
date reinforcement. To aid
stripping, the stop-end can be
made in pieces as shown here.
This component is fabricated by
drilling lines of holes in a single
piece of timber and then saw-
ing it lengthwise. Small cleats
are used to hold the parts to- Cleats hold stop-end together
I loles to hi: tight lit lo hars

Another method involves using

fine expanded meta I mesh for the
stop-end. Some loss of fines and
moisture occurs but this has
been found to be acceptable for
general formwork use. These
proprietary mesh stop-ends arc
usually produced with ribs to l~dgc distance equal to
give them the strength to span rcinfon.:cmi:nl cover
across the width of the wall. Re- Cleats lixcd
inforcement can readily pen- to fonnli1ce
etrate the mesh. In most cases
its removal is not required for
the pouring of the next section.
For this reason, this mesh is kept
back from the form face a dis-
tance equal to the reinforcement PROPRIETARY MESH STOP-ENOS


Table 11-1: (con't.)
Member/ Discussion Illustration
The figure here shows a keyed
construction joint formed from Concn.:te our
three continuous timber strips.
The reinforcement passes be-
tween these strips. The lower Reinlorccmenl

strip is equal in height to the re-

inforcement cover as is the top
one. Short braces are provided
to maintain the verticality of the
form. When the concrete is de-
posited, some concrete wi II in-
trude into the gaps between the . Batten

A constant joint shown here is

much easier to remove. The
fonn face comprises an optional
key form fixed to a plywood
face. The plywood is slotted at
the reinforcement positions .
This form is held to line by a
continuous timber block on the
~: I Sho~
soffit form, between the rein-
forcement. Short braces to the
top timber maintain the top line
and plumb of the face
Slotted plywood edge form

One method that can be used for

beam construction joint is the
air hose balloon. The figure
here shows the beam cross sec-
tion. These air hose balloon are
placed in-between stirrups.
After concrete has been initially
Beam set, it is recommendable to de-
flate and remove the air hose
balloon to adhere with the con- BEAM AIR HOSE

crete after it dries which will

make removal difficult.
Note: Most of the method s
shown for walls and s labs can
be applied to beam constant
joints. Re-bar spacer

Chapter 12


Forms and shoring should be designed for easy, safe removal in a way that permits the concrete
take its load gradually and uniformly without impact or shock. Stripping was formerly referred to
...wrecking," and this description was often given a literal interpretation when forms were re-
ved: there was little or no salvage of materials. Today, with increasing emphasis on panel sys-
s, modular formwork components, and economy through maximum reuse of forms, much more
ntion is given to building forms that can be removed intact. The larger weight and surface areas
flying forms on ganged panel units that are handled by crane present some difficulties in achieving
desired gradual removal, and special devices and techniques may be needed.

Considerable damage can be done to formwork which has not been planned for orderly disman-
ing . The sequence of stripping is a consideration in how the forms are to be made or assembled.
r example. column forms should be made so that they can be stripped without disturbing adjacent
I-earn and girder forms. Column panels can be pried out from the bottom so that they can drop down
ree of beam form. Beam and girder side forms may be made to come out before slab soffits. The
igner should provide crush plates or key strips to facilitate removal ofdifficult form intersections
where there is danger of damage from stripping tolls. Small form openings to permit introduction
fair or water under pressure sometimes simplify stripping. Bolted nitrogen has also been used to
ak forms loose. where large form areas required pressure not available from the normal construc-
·on site compressor.

Special attention required for removal oflarge ganged panels or flying forms is frequently planned
advance. for example hinging part of the form which can be released before the entire from is
oved. Jacks may be used for support and adjustment so that the form can be gradually freed by
oosening the jacks. Ifit is necessary to let a slab form fall free, a platform or other support should be
laced to reduce the drop to a minimum distance. Special hardware can be developed to help out
hen forms stick and refuse to drop as planned.

When stripping large wall form sections, it is advisable to leave a few ties connected until the
crane has secure hold, thus preventing it from breaking loose accidentally. Stripping of wall gangs
can be speeded by attaching a second crane line to exert an orchard pull at the same time the boom
·tch is pulling upward.

Special considerations for stripping architectural ornament or long span thin shells and similar
structures are discussed in the section on structures or techniques to which they relate.

Time devoted to training the stripping crew in both the order and method of form removal
be -;pent. Stripping requires considerable care on the part of workmen to avoid damage to the
concrete. which can be marred by scratching and shipping even though it has sufficient struc
load bearing strength. The contractor is advised both to protect the concrete and to extend the u
life of his forms by careful handling. Not only must the forms hold together. they must re
dimensionally accurate and edges should stay in good condition to make accurate alignment
clean joints possible.

Form panels and shoring components should not be dropped but should be handed down
lowered on stretched ropes, cables, or other devices to avoid damage. Various rigs on wheels can
devised for different kinds of strippingjobs to improve the safety and speed of the workers: travel
suspended scaffolds are particularly helpful in bridge work.

Fi~ure 12-1 shows several commonly used tools in formwork stripping.

Figure 12-1: Formwork Stripping Tools

Chapter 13


Fonnwork is usually the most costly part of the concrete construction process. To minimize its
do not treat it as an expendable item. It is planned even though it often has only a short life. It
da·.oental to get the longest effective life out of it through care and appropriate maintenance.

After stripping, either as large form units or as individual components, the formwork should be
ved away from the work area. If left there, it can be damaged and will be an obstruction to other
es. It should be stored where it will not deteriorate, preferably not exposcJ tv the elements. To
·d surface damage, brge wall forms should be placed in racks, facing away from direct sunlight.

All formwork assemblies and components become encrusted with some concrete. There will be
teast dust on the form faces, hardened slurry on the edge of plywood sheets and concrete in the
hanism of equipment. All this must be removed before it hardens further.

Mechanism and locking devices of equipment must be cleaned and coiled. Fixings must be checked
repaired on large formwork assemblies. Hardened slurry on the edges of plywood sheets should
removed, the surface cleaned and given one coat of release agent. Care must be taken not to
ge the presealed surface of the plywood. Only-ti soft brush is suitable for dust removal. If larger
·c1es of concrete have adhered then don't remove them with a metal tool. A softwood timber
.:dge is best; use it carefully so the surface is not broken.

In summary, care of fonnwork will prolong its useful life and, greatly reduce formwork costs.

Points in Formwork Care and Maintenance

* Forms and other accessories should be thoroughly cleaned of all dirt mortar and foreign
* Building materials must not be thrown, dropped or piled on the fonn and/or formwork
in such manner as to damage or overload it.
* Form sheathing should be fixed adequately between framing members.
* Forms should be made standing on their edge so as not to be damaged by foot traffic and
to avoid deterioration.
* Whenever and wherever applicable , provide load strips for stripping so as not to dam-
age the-forms.
* When stripping, forms and its accessories should not be dropped and should be stacked

* Metal forms should be repainted and repaired periodic.ally.
* All moving parts of formwork and its accessories should be oiled or greased periodi-

Care and Maintenance of Scaffolds

* A scaffold should not be erected, substantially altered or dismantled except by or under

the supervision of a competent person.
* Every scaffold ·should be maintained in good and proper condition, and every part should
be kept fixed or secured so that no part can be displaced in consequence of normal use
* No scaffold should be partly dismantled and left so that it is capable of being us
unless it continues to be safe for use.
* The employer should provide competent supervision to ensure that all scaffolds are
used appropriately and only for the purpose for which they are designed or erected.
transferring heavy loads on or to a scaffold, a sudden shock should not be transmitt
to the scaffold.
* When necessary to prevent danger, loads being hoisted on or to scaffolds should be co
trolled, e.g. by a hand rope (tag line), so that they cannot strike against the scaffold.
* The load on the scaffold should not be evenly distributed as far as practicable, and in
case should be so distributed as to avoid.-disturbance of the stability of the scaffold.
* During the use of a scaffold, care should constantly be taken that it is not overloaded
otherwise misused.
* Scaffolds should not be used for the storage of material except that required
immediate use.
* Workers should not be employed on external scaffolds in weather conditions that threatm
their safety.
* Alloy and steel tubing should not be intermixed on the same scaffold.

Formwork House Keeping Practices

* A suitable housekeeping programme should be established and continuously impleme

on each construction site which should include provision for:

(a) The proper storage of materials and equipment;

* Stack all waste materials according to material type.

* Stack form panels according to dimension size and form mark.
* Stack all accessories according to type and use.
* Label all storage bins/boxes according to form mark.

(b) The removal of scrap, waste and debris at appropriate intervals.

* Loose materials which are not required for use should not be placed or allowed to
accumulate on the site so as to obstruct means of access to and egress to work
places and passageways.
* Workplaces and passageways that are slippery owing to ice, snow, oil or other
causes should be cleaned up or strewn with sand, sawdust, ash or the like.

onnwork Materials Handling

* All materials should not be thrown or dropped so as not to damage them.

* Small accessories should be placed in labeled boxes or bags that is strong enough to
withstand construction impact.
* Form sheating, lumber, pipes, scaffolding, adjustable pipe support, should be stacked
with appropriate supports across its length to prevent bending or warping.
* Materials should not be exposed to weather to prevent deterioration.
* Fixing within the form structure should be adequate for hoisting.
* Design the hoisting points properly.
* Fixing between framing members should be adequate.
* Provide gussets for the comer and internal studs of the form.
* Hoisting points should be·spaced at about 60% of the form length.
* Long lifting slings should be used to minimize the compression induced on the top
of the form by the inclined sling forces.

* The size and type of this fixing of the walers to the studs must match the strength
and stiffness of the walers.

Part Four

There are four objectives for supervising and controlling the work, namely, "Good'' whi
doing a good job for the ordering party, "Economical'' so as to be within the desired cost "Fast
that the work is completed within schedule and off course "Safety". These operations are reall
basis of corporate management.

Good Quality Control

Fast delivery Schedule Control
Economical Cost Control
Safe Safety Control

Controlling is a three-step process of measuring progress toward an objective, evaluating

remains to be done, and taking the necessary corrective action to achieve or exceed the obj
These three steps of measuring, evaluating and correcting are defined below:

1. Measurin~ - determining through formal and informal reports the degree to which p11
toward objectives is being made.
2. Evaluating- determining the cause of and possible ways to act upon significant devi
from planned performance.
3. CorrectinK- taking control action to correct an unfavorable trend or to take advantage
unusually favorable trend.

Planning and organizing are certainly important in leading us toward meeting our project
but effective work control is absolutely essential. We might be a little off-target on plannint
organizing and get away with it, but we can't fail even a little bit in control and hope to come tlut--i
. .
m one piece.

Once a project has been planned; it must be implemented in such a manner that the
objective is attained. This is achieved by monitoring progress and expenditures comparing it
planned o~jectives and, if necessary, taking corrective action. To effect this, one must have a th
knowledge of standards (quality control), cost C(?ntrol. process control (schedule control), incl
safety control so that a comparison is possible between operating results and pre-established stancttR•

Chapter 14


Keeping track of the fieldwork by setting up a monitoring system to measure the performance of
field forces is the first step in controlling. A good work monitoring system will serve as a tool to
ge whether you are on the right track in achieving your target plan. 1
If we are to control work, we must monitor progress against the time scale. We break the work
wn into specific tasks (work activities) as a convenient way to check elements of our work against
e. The average completion status of these work activities is our measure of overall physical
gress on the total work. Figure 1-1-1 shows the flow of a typical monitoring system.

Daily Monitoring
* Accomplishment I Pr~ject Summary
* ·Material (Historical Data)
* Labor
* Equipment

For Future
Per period
Planning Estimate

Cost Monitoring Sheet

_ _ _ _ .J

Schedule Cost Cost Control

Material Control Labor Control Equipment Control Subcontract Control

Figure 14-1 : Typical Monitoring System


One of the main functions of field engineers is to gather information on what is actually ha
ing on site relative to the progress of work. This data gathering is one important task by
engineers as it will be the basis of their weekly report. On the other hand, reports are forwar
top management for their evaluation and analysis of the project status. It is one way in
management could make decisions and take the necessary action needed.

Field Monitoring Report

The daily work progress status must be put together by on-site field supervisors (us
foreman) regularly and relayed to the superintendent. Obtaining feedback from the output
comparing it with the designed performance level is an essential feature of the control pr

We devised it not only to monitor progress, but also to see how such progress has
achieved through the input of man-hours. Having the man-hour data is essential in me"""',_
performance. Such performance measurement is needed by management to take action
planned performance is falling-off the track.

Three types of Field Monitoring Report are prepared, Fabrication, Installation and Stri
(Tahle I-I-I. 1.:/-2. and /.:/-3).
Each column in Above Reports are explained and described as follows:

For Fahrication (Table /-1-I)

I. lahor

a. Group Name and Numher <?{Workers - for Formwork, all works such as fa
tion, installation and stripping of form may be done by groups, i.e., by both s
and unski lled workers. Given this data, one can compare the performance ruJh'.:
each group performing simi lar tasks. Such comparison would g ive one an i
the best combination in terms of number of skilled and unskilled workers that
best perform a pa11icular task. This method is sometimes called "crew balanci
It is also recommended to indicate the names of workers to avoid confusion d
monitoring especially when they are assigned to perfom1 various tasks for the
b. Hours Expended - the performance of workers does not rely only on how
they have done, but also how long they did the work. This may be a very ted
process and added work for field engineers, but such information is neces .
check whether you have the adequate manpower supply to complete the wo
c. Mark - Reference to panels to be fabricated
d. Shape - the exact sketch in proportion of shape or area of panel to be fabri
e. Size - the over all dimension of panels in meters.

t: Required Quantity - exact number or square meter of particular panel as per re-
g. Accomplishment - accomplishment is a measure of quantity fabricated, in terms of
number of pieces and square meter indicating how much progress on Form work
fabrication has taken place.
h. Due-date - specific date required to deliver to site
1. Material consumption - a measure of materials consumed. in terms of number of
pieces of each material, kilogram indicating how much was used.

For Installation I Stripping (Tahle 14-2, 1.:/-3)

a. Estimated Form Area - estimated Form Area is the computed Area of a structural
member/section obtained from detailed estimate.
b. Accomplishment - accomplishment is a measure of quantity installed and stripped in
terms of square meter indicating how much progress on Form work installation or
stripping has taken place.
c. Number o.f Workers - for Form work, all works such as fabrication. installation and
stripping of formwork may be done by groups, i.e., by both skilled and unskilled
workers. Given this data, one can compare the performance among each group
performing similar task. Such comparison would give one an idea the best combi-
nation in terms of number of skilled and unskilled that would best perfom1 a par-
ticular task. This method is sometimes called "crew balancing." It is also recom-
mended to indicate names of workers to avoid confusion during monitoring espe-
cially when they are assigned to perform various tasks for the day.
d. Hours Expended- the performance't)f workers does not rely only on how many
they have done, but also how long they did the work. This maybe a very tedious
process and added work for field engineers, but such information is necessary to
check whether you have the adequate manpower supply to complete the work on

Work Accomplishment Report (Summary of Field Monitoring Sheet)

Field Monitoring Reports will be summarized in a monthly basis or a per floor basis. Sum-
mary by month is mainly used for control and summary by floor is used as historical data for
analysis of the next project.

Tables 14-.:/ and 14-5 are samples of summary sheet of field monitoring report for historical
data, one for material and the other for labor.

Tahle 14-4 is one sample of work summary sheet for formwork material. An important
factor of this monitoring sheet is the ratio of loss and material wastage. In getting the raw data
for this, it is necessary to compare the estimated quantity of materials against the actual materi-
als consumed.

Table 14-5 is a sample of work summary sheet for labor in the installation of forms.
important factor for this monitoring sheet is the performance of workers doing each work
ment such as column, wall, beam, and slab. Skilled and unskilled workers should have a sep
data in terms of manhours expended per floor and per work element.

For fabrication and stripping of forms, similar sheet may be adapted.


During the construction period until the end of the project, comparing working budget with
actual expenses at least on a monthly basis is absolutely essential. The purpose of the wo •
budget is to set a c_ost, or money target for each material, labor, equipment and sub-contract cost
the total work. Since all the financial aspects of the work revolve around it. the budget must
realistic when compared to the actual expected cost. In addition, it should be clarified that mon·
ing working budget is different from monitoring cashtlow of the project. Monitoring working buct
is to focus on how much is expended for the work completed while cashtlow focus as on how
is paid to trade.

To organize the budget for better control, it should be broken down into code of accoun
terms of material, labor, equipment and subcontract.

Budget Monitoring Report

To have a better understanding on how to organize and monitor a working budget, we

deviced a budget monitoring report as shown in Table 14-6. The following are discussions
each column of the monitoring sheet.

a. Code - reference of description

b. Description - required resources broken down into code of accounts.
c. Unit - unit of resources in terms of pieces, square meter, kilogram, manhour.
d. OriKinal Estimated - this is an originally estimated quantity based on original b
allocation before executing the work. (A)
e. Current Estimated - Latest estimated quantities amended by change order other
specified on the contract that could add or deduct to the original estimated quarr ·
f. Purchased - total quantities of purchased materials or equipment. This is only a
ence for record purposes.
g. Expended - shows the actual quantities expended for the work accomplishment.
are two columns, one for current month (C) and an accumulated total figure (D).

Table 14-5 is a sample of work summary sheet for labor in the installation of forms.
important factor for this monitoring sheet is the performance of workers doing each work
ment such as column, wall, beam, and slab. Skilled and unskilled workers should have a se
data in terms of manhours expended per floor and per work element.

For fabrication and stripping of forms, similar sheet may be adapted.


During the construction period until the end of the project, comparing working budget with
actual expenses at least on a monthly basis is absolutely essential. The purpose of the work
budget is to set a c_ost, or money target for each material, labor, equipment and sub-contract cost
the total work. Since all the financial aspects of the work revolve around it. the budget must
realistic when compared to the actual expected cost. In addition, it should be clarified that mo ·
ing working budget is different from monitoring cash flow of the project. Monitoring working b
is to focus on how much is expended for the work completed while cashtlow focus as on how m
is paid to trade.

To organize the budget for better control, it should be broken down into code of accounls
terms of material, labor, equipment and subcontract.

Budget Monitoring Report

To have a better understanding on how to organize and monitor a working budget. we

deviced a budget monitoring report as shown in Table 14-6. The following are discussio
each column of the monitoring sheet.

a. Code - reference of description

b. Description - required resources broken down into code of accounts.
c. Unit - unit of resources in terms of pieces, square meter, kilogram, manhour.
d. OriKinal Estimated - this is an originally estimated quantity based on original
allocation before executing the work. (A)
e. Current Estimated - Latest estimated quantities amended by change order other
specified on the contract that could add or deduct to the original estimated quanb.tlll
f. Purchased - total quantities of purchased materials or equipment. This is only a
ence for record purposes.
g. Expended - shows the actual quantities expended for the work accomplishment.
are two columns, one for current month (C) and an accumulated total figure (D).

Table U-2: Sample of Field Monitoring Report for Installation of Forms


Project Location: Formwork - Installation Prepared by:

I. Work Element Footing Column Wall Beam Slab Stairs/Misc. Total Remarks
Estimated Form Area

Accomplishment Previous
To Date
Total to Date

2. Labor No. of Workers No. of Hours

Group Name Skill Unskill Total Footing Column Wall Beam Slab Stairs/Misc. Total

3. Material 3. Equipment

Code Items Quantity Code Items Quantity Code Items Quantity

- - - -"---'
I able 14- ' mpl oft i •Id 011 turl11g I po t or trt1>ping u rm


Project Location: formwork - Stripping of form Prepared by:

I. Work Element Footing Column Wall Beam Slab Stairs/Misc. Total Remarks

Estimated Form Area


Accomplishment Previous
To Date
Total to Date

2. Labor No. of Workers No. of Hours

Group Name Skill Unskill Total Footing Column Wall Beam Slab Stairs/Misc. Total

3. Material 3. Equipment

Code Items Quantity Code Items Quantity Code Items Quantity

Table 14-4: Sample of Work Summary Sheet for Formwork Material

Project Name: Date:

Project Location: Prepared by:
Formwork - Material

Footing BIF IF 2F 3F 4F 5F 6F 7F 8F PIF Total Rem arks

Actual Consum ption


Loss 'Wastage

- - - - ·--·--=·= - - ~
Table 14-S: ample of Work Summary beet for Lubor -ln tullutlon of l•ort

Project Name: WORK SUMMARY SHEET Page of:

Project LOcation: Le"eltLocation:
Formwork - Installation Prepared by:
Quantity (m 1}
Foundation Beam f R. Wall
Data Installation (Manhour} Skill Unsk ill Total Skill Unskill Total Ski ll Unskill Total Skill Unski ll Total
\forking Da~ ( Da~)
Man/da~ (man)
Manhour - f /R. Wall
Column •
Total (Bl
Performance Rate (M H/m1) Skill Unskill Total Skill Unskill Total Skill Unskill Total Skill Unskill Total
Foundation Beam / R. Wall
Total (A)

Sote : This form is also applicable /or fabrica,ion a11d stripping offorms

.. .......... .
Table 14-6: Sample of Cost Monitoring Report


Work Item: Period Ending:
Prepared by: Pag~:
Quantities Work Element
Code Description Current Expended Original Current
Unit Estimate Estimate Purchased Current Total Required Unit Rate Budget Budget Current
(A) {B) Month (D) Quantity (E)
(F = AxE) (G= BxE) Month
(H = CxE) (1 = DxE)


- --·~= 1.----=--.--~-----....-· --- ~·-- - --- -----~-

= ·-·- , .-
- ~---;:: ,_ ~ ........ ~- - - ......- - -- ,_
Chapter 15


Quality control is a collective term for activities and techniques within the process that are
tended to create specific quality characteristics. Such activities include continually monitoring
ess. identifying and eliminating problem causes. use of statistical process control to reduce
·ability and to increase the efficiency process. Quality control certifies that the project's quality
·ectives are being met.

With quality control. there have been some developments from the basic inspection activity in
1s of sophistication of methods and systems. and the quality management tools and techniques.
hich are employed.

Project team members who have specific technical expertise on the various aspects of the project
lay an active role in quality control. They set up the technical processes and procedures to ensure
teach step of the project provides a quality output from design and development through implc-
ntation and maintenance. Each step's output must conform to the overall qual ity standards and a
uality plan. thus ensuring that quality is achieved.

Finding and solving a problem after non-conformance has been created is not an effective route
ward eliminating the root cause of a problem. A lasting and continuous improvement is essential
n quality plans. thus ensuring that quality is achieved.

A good quality control system will :

a. Select what to control;

b. Compare the actual results to the quality standards;
c. Act to bring non-conforming processes and materials back to the standard based on the
information collected.
d. Monitor and calibrate measuring devices

Quality is created in the design stage and not in the control stage. Majority of quality-related
problems is caused by poor or unsuitable design and processes. In the prevention approach, the
process is reorganized as defined by its input of manpower. machines, materials. method. and man-


Quality of form work refers to two aspects: the accuracy of the concrete shape and the quality of
the surface of concrete.

For the accuracy of concrete. form work must remain a~ceptable not only at the installation
but also in concrete pouring stage. The loads come from the fresh concrete and the work in pl
and compacting that concrete.

For quality of surface. selection of material for sheathing board and form releasing agent m
affected. Lack of stiffness in the form face can also affect surface quality of the concrete in two
fluctuation and leaking at joint.


On the delivery of material and prior to fabrication and installation, all materials sho
inspected to conform to requirements. the following are points to consider during material i

(I) Sheathing board

* Kind and quantity of material
* Thickness of material
* Color. flatness of material
* Cleaning and surface condition of material when re-used

(2) Lumber
* Kind and quantity of material
* Size of material ~
* Flatness of material
(3) Tie rod
* Kind and quantity of material
* Size of material
* Strength of material checked by test report

(4) Shores

* Kind and quantity of material

* Size of material
* Strength of material checked by test report
* Damage. rust and transformation of material

(5) Form releasing agent

* Kind and quantity of material
* Specification of agent


Fabrication Inspection

Following items should be inspected during and on completion of fabrication:

* Shape, size and quantities of form

* Spacing of supporting material such as joist
* I lole layout for tie rod
Marking Inspection

On completion of marking. accuracy of marking should be carefully ins pected. Marking is

o ne of the most important factors for the quality of concrete and floor layout and vertica) level
marking should be within the tolerance of marking. ;

Installation Inspection
Three stages of inspections before concrete pouring are recommended. Table 15-1 dis-
cusses several inspection checklist.

I. Preliminary - after forms are built, but prior to oiling or rebar placement.
2. Semi-final - just prior to final clean-up.
3. Final - Immediately before concreting; check forms, spreaders, inserts and fixtures for
dislocation, and whether surfaces are clean. oiled and if specified wetted.

..• Table 15-1: Inspection Items (Checklist of Formworks)

· sign and dimension of sheathi ng board
· location ofjoint fi llet, shutter and others location of sheathing board
Column · location and pitch of soldier waling. location and pitch of tie rod
· c leaning hole
· plumbing and datum line
I · treatment of column base

· location and dimension of s leeves and pipes
· w idth and height of beam ~
· sign and dimension of sheathing board
· locatio n of wooden block
· cleaning ho le at the bottom of the beam
· location and pitch of solder walling
tie-rod and separator
· location and pitch of pipe support
· horizontal brace

· bottom of wall panel

· location and dimension of sleeve and box
· location, dimension and reinforcement of openings
Wall · location ofjoint fillet
· wooden block location
· pitch of solder walling
· location of separator and tie rod
· plumbing and datum line cleaning hole
Location and pitch of pipe support
brace and horizonta l brace
pitch ofjoist and s leeper
level of sheathing board
· height of eaves end
· cleaning

Vertical Column Wall
Corner of Column
Horizontal Bottom of slab and beam ±6mmperCYel)' 31nda"
± IO mm for each column span or evuy 10
± 13 mm for overall building length

Parapet walI ±6 mm for each column span or eveo- 10

Trench ± 13 mm for overall building length
Location (position from datum line) ± 6 mm per every 3 meter
± IO mm for each column span
± 13 mm for Maximum

Sleeve Size ±6 mm
Opening o f wall / ~lab Position ± 13 mm
Dimension of co1umn, beam and wall Less than 30 cm: + 10 to -6 mm
Thickness of slab More than 30 cm: + 13 to -10 mm

Dimension Use Forms : +5 1 to -1 3 mm

Without form s : +76 mm
Eccentricity 2% of width of footing and ±51 mm

Thickness More than -5%

Riser ±3 mm
Thread ±6 mm
Surface of slab Class AA : 3 mm per every 3 meter
Class A : 5 mm per every 3 meter
Class B: 8 mm per every 3 meter
Class C : 13 mm per every 3 meter


1. Inadequate diagonal bracing of shores.

2. Instability of soil under mud si lls.
3. Insufficient connection offormwork, including insufficient nailing.
4. Failure to provide for lateral pressure imposed by the plastic concrete.
5. Shoring out of plumb, inducing lateral loading.
6. Locking devices on metal shoring not properly installed or missing.

7. Vibration from moving loads or load carriers.
8. Failure to adequately tighten or secure the form ties or wedges.
9. Loosening re-shores from forms below.
I 0. Premature removal of supports, especially under structural sections.
11. Improper positioning of forming from floor to floor, imposing loads not anticipated.
12. Inadequate support, allowing rotation of beam forms, particularly where slabs frame into
them only on one side.
13. Inadequate anchorage against uplift, particularly in trough or trench forms.


Quality control schedule is one tool of Quality Control, and it shows the manner of inspection
clearly in each process of activities from commencement to completion. Some of the important
· ems to be considered in quality control schedule are the following:

What is to be inspected (Inspection items)

What is the basis ofjudgment (Point in evaluation)
Who will do the inspection (Inspector)
When to do inspection (Time of inspection)
How to conduct inspection (Inspection method)
How to undertake countermeasures for correction (Countermeasures)

One sample of quality control schedule is provided as Table 15-3.


N Table 15-3: QC Schedule for Formwork
Checklist Inspection Item Point for Evaluation Inspector Time of Inspection Inspection Method Countermeasure

Prepare the Work Execution Plan which speci-

1) Structural computations verifying At the planning stage Confirmation of Work Correction
Work Execution strength and rigidity of Formwork Execution Plan
Plan 2 } Measures for preventing displacement
for forrnwork supports(props)
3} Details for construction joints
Other items as required

Planning Prepare Formwork Detail Plan which speci-


1} Planning of props which can prevent

formwork from collapsing, lifting and
Formwork Detail At the planning stage Confirmation Formwork Correction
Plan torsion during concrete pouring ~ Detail Plan
2 ) Planning of focmwork which
can withstand loads, side pressure and
impact imposed during concrete pour-
3) Other items as required

During and on Correction of

Fabrication Accuracy Not to exceed ±3 mm completion of form Measure form dimension
fabricat ion

Marking Upon completion of Establish the center line b} Correction of

Accuracy Deviation from center line ±3mm or less
marking other methods for com- marking line

Cleaning inside
Clean ing Prior to forms By visual inspection Re-cleaning
wall and columns Must be fre~ of unnecessary things or dust
- - - - -- ~
Table 15-3: ( on t.)
Checklist Inspection Item Point for Evaluation Inspector Time of Inspection Inspection Method Countermeasure
Correction forms
Accuracy of During and on
For each span: not to exceed ±5mm Measure the layout. (Dismantle forms
layout (span) completion of form
to corrects, by
chain. etc.)

During and on Measure verticality with ( Dismantle forms

Accuracy of Not to exceed 11750 of story heights
and not to exceed ±3mm of heights completion of form plumb bob, level and to corrects. by
installation theodolite chain. etc.)

Column Fixing of form During and on

Fixed by concrete nail or other material completion of form All by visual inspection Correction
and Wall base
Installation installation

Gap of form base Covered properly to avoid leaking of mortar On completion of Correction,
All by visual inspection
paste form installation provide seals

Tie rod spacing Confirm to formwork details drawings During and on All by visual inspection Correction
" completion of form Measure layout
Accuracy of Not to exceed ±5mm on vertical and horizon- During and on
Measure the layout Correction
opening tal completion of form

Attachment During and on Replace with regu-

Confirm that regular attachments are used All by visual inspection
completion of form lar attachment

Accuracy of For each span: not to exceed ±5mm During and on Dismantle forms to
Measure the layout
layout (span) At center of span: within +O ~ - I 0mm completion of form corrects
Beam and
slab instal-
lation Slab / Beam soffit For each span: not to exceed ±5mm During and o n Measure with level Correction by
completion of form end (comers) and center of adjusting shores
deflection At center of span: within +O ~ -10mm
installation beam (slab)

Confirm with forrnwork detailed drawings During and on By visual inspection and
completion of form measurement

Table 15-3: (con't.)
Checklist Inspection Item Point for Evaluation Inspector Time of Inspection Inspection Method Countermeasure
Beam and Tightening and All shores are tightened On completion of Check with shaking Correction by
slab instal- bracing of shores Bracing for shores are provided form installation shores tigtening shores
Ia t i o n By visual inspection and provide bracing

Construe- Cleanout hole at Ascertain cleanout hole is provided After installation of By visual inspection Provide cleanout
tion joint in bottom of beam beam forms hole
beam formwork

Opening Shapes and As per drawings During and on By visual inspection and Correction forms
for pipe at dimension completion of form measurement as necessary
roof top installation
Parapet Shape and As per drawings During and on By visual inspection and Correction forms
wall dimension of completion of form measurement as necessary
installation parapet wall for installation
water-proofing ~

Construction Position: Not less than I00mm above form During and on By visual inspection and Correction forms
joint for parapet slab concrete level completion of fonn measurement as necessary
wall installation
Concrete Maintain forms Arrangement of carpenters to maintain forms During and on By visual inspection Arrange properly
Pouring completion of form
Disman- Tim e for dismantl~ As per specification Prior to dismantle Confirming by age of con- Postpone of d is-
tli ng of of sheathing boar< Confirming the concrete has attained crete and/or by test result of mantle
forms and props compression strength as required concrete compression test
of on-site cured test-pieces
or age of concrete

Accuracy of As per specification After formwork Measurement Correction
structural shell stripped off

' - - - -~-~-- - •· - ·- -
- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -

- - - -- - --=-----~- - - - -
Chapter 16


Cost control, despite its simple name, means a lot of different things to different people. Some
en heard synonyms are cost engineering, cost reporting, value engineering, and cost reduction. ..
one of them alone is equivalent to cost control. Cost control means the purposeful control of all
sts in every way possible. That means that every member of the project team has a part to play in
reducing and controlling costs.


The costs for each work area incurred on a project arises from materials, labor, equipment and
sub-contract costs. The first three can be measured best by field personnel. Thus it is necessary to
ve a system for collecting data at the grass roots level and it will be prepared by the specified cost
monitoring sheets. These data are analyzed, organized, and summarized into the various report
formulae but must be submitted at the same time as reports on progress.

To have a better understanding on how to organize and control a working budget, two impor-
tant factors are observed: work accomplishment and the other is cost. We devised a cost progress as
shown in Table 16-1. The following are discu~sions on each column of the cost progress report

A. Work Accomplishment - accomplishment is a percent of quantity installed and stripped against

of total quantity based on the bill of quantity in the contract document. There are four column as

1. Previous
2. Current period
3. Total to-date
4. Variance

The first three columns have two sub-columns, planned and actual and last column has two sub-
columns, variance of current and variance of total.

B. Cost Report

a. Code - reference of the description

b. Description - required resources broken down into code of accounts.
c. Original Budget - this is a planned budget originally allocated before executing the work.

Table 16-1: Sample of Work Progress Report
Project Name:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Run Date:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Work Ite.n: _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Period Ending: _ __ _ __ _
No._ _ __
Prepared by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Page:
Previous Current Period Total to-Date riance {Plan-Actual)

Plan Actual Plan Actual Plan Actual C nt Total

Work Accomplishment

Current Completion Cost Forecast Forecast

Budget Current Month Total to-Date to Project Variance
Code Description Budget Variance Remarks
(A) Plan Actual (D=C-B) Complete Cost (G=A-F)
Plan Actual (E) (F=C+E)
(B) (C)

a. Material Cost

b. Labor Cost

c. Equipment Cost

d. Sub-Contract Cost
d. Current Budget - the amended budget by change orders covering changes other than speci-
fied on the contract that could add or deduct to the original contract price.
e. Work accomplishment - accomplishment is a percent of measures of quantity installed and
stripped of total quantity based on the bill of quantity in the contract document. There are
two columns of planned and actual.
f Completion Cost - shows the cost spent for the work accomplishment in the period against
each account. There are two columns of current month and total to-date and each column
has sub-columns on planned and actual.
g. Variance - Difference between total to-date of completion cost, planned (B) minus actual
h. Forecast to Completion - represents the cost of bringing that account to completion in
accordance with the scope of work, in other words "how much will be spent to complete the
remaining work. This information is very important for control of working budget. The
following information from previous work will be helpful in forecasting the completion of
remaining work.

* Ratio of loss and wastage of materials

* Work performance rate
* Working conditions (weather, working environment)
* Contract price of subcontractors
* Rental price of equipment
* Scheduling of work affecting rental periods

1. Forecast Projected Cost - this is a forecast on the total cost ofwork, computed Actual total
amount_of completion cost (C) plus Forecast to completion (E). If this information is not
correct, countermeasures for keeping flle budget will be going to the wrong direction.
J. Variance -the difference between theforecast projected cost (F) and the current budge (A).
A positive number is an overrun and a negative one is an under-run.

The actual cost based on the work accomplishment is the same or within the cost planned by
working budget based on the work accomplishment, and the forecast project cost after forecast for
completion of balance of work is within the total working budget. This does not pose any problem
and the balance of work might be executed as planned. However, if the actual cost is over the cost
planned by working budget and the forecast project cost after forecast for completion of balance of
work is over the total working budget, it is very important to know the reason for over budgeting
and to undertake countermeasure to avoid further over budgeting.

1. Study "Budget balancing book" to identify items which cause over budgeting.
2. Analyze previous data and identify the reason of over budgeting.
3. Make a plan for countermeasures or amend previous work plan in order to avoid further
over budgeting.
4. Undertake the necessary effort according to the action plan
5. Check the efficiency of action plan and analyze new data.
6. If the efficiency is not suf:ticient, proceed again to meet the target.
Construction management would be simple if all we had to do was look at one number.
doesn't work that way. Even if the total variance number is negative, we need to analyze
accounts to see how it got that way. A negative value is definitely a good sign, but here it's no
for complacency. Perhaps the number is not really factual; perhaps it should not be so low or
or perhaps we could even improve on it. Proving that the number really is a correct statement
cost picture is the only way to avoid nasty surprises at the end of the project.


Material cost feedback is generated mainly through a purchase requisition control proced
good definitive estimate and a bill of materials provide excellent control documents by whi
material cost can be kept in check on a project. If an item does not appear in the budget estimak
is a strong indication that it was not within the scope of work. For control to be exercised
appropriate time, it is essential that a record of purchases be maintained. If the quantity and <A......, ~ -

tbe materials for a particular work item do not match its estimates, then the reasons for the di
ancy must be determined. Each requisition must be sent to the purchasing depattment to proc
materials. The completion of a purchase order constitutes a commitment of funds.

Materials are charged to work items by means of a costing code. With many distinct m
and components, this is easily done. However, if no efforts is made to record the use of
materials and allocate them to specific work items, the looseness and lack of knowledge con,._.-
them will be perpetuated, and misplaced costs will make attempts at accuracy elsewhere ·
estimating and cost control futile. It, therefore, needs to be emphasized that material s sh
charged to work items as soon as they are received on the site.

For materials that cannot be charged in this way, an inventory of materials on site is taken
end of the week. After deducting these quantities from the materials received, the materials ~
be determined. Table 16-2 is another good example of a material status report used as basis
progress report. Each column in the sample report are explained and described as follows:

a. Code - reference of the description.

b. Description - material with its particular specification
c. Unit - unit of material in description, in terms of square meter, meter, pieces and kil
d. OriRinal Estimated - this is the originally estimated quantities based on original budg
cation before executing the work.
e. ( 'urrent Estimated - Latest estimated quantities amended by change order, which are cm~
other than specified on the contract, that could add or deduct to the original e.nu.i.wa•
quantities. (A)
f. Material Purchased Quantity- Total quantities of purchased material.
g. Material Used - shows the actual quantities expended for the work accomplishment.
are three columns, one for current month and second accumulated total and variance
h. Forecast quantity lo Completion - represents the cost of bringing that account to ,.....,.....,...
tion in accordance with the scope of work, in other words " how much will be s
complete the remaining work. This information is very important for control of wo

Table 16-2: ample of Material tatu R •port


Work Item: Period Ending:
Prepared by: Page:
Material Used Forecast Forecast
Code Description Unit Original Current Material
Budget Purchased Current Month Total Quantity Total Variance Remarks
Quantity to Quantity
Plan Actual Plan Actual Variance Complete



1. Forecast Total quantity- this is a forecast on the total cost of work, computed actual
quantity of material used (C) plus Forecast quantity to completion (E). If this informab
not correct, countermeasures for keeping the budget will be going to the wrong di~_,_,.
J. Variance - the difference between the forecast total quantity (F) and the current bud
A positive number is an overrun and a negative one is an under-run.

i Categories of Material Cost

Once materials for formworks are purchased, they already represent cost and in"""-
used during the construction process. The following are the major categories of material

1. Purchase Cost - the purchase cost of formwork materials is the unit price
external source including delivery costs. In construction, it is common to receR
counts for bulk purchases, so the unit purchase cost declines as quantity inCRallllli
These reductions may reflect ~anufacturers' marketing policies.
ii. Order Cost - the order costs reflects the administrative expense of issuing a p
order to an outside supplier. Order costs includes expenses of making requisit
analyzing alternative vendors, writing purchase orders, receiving materials, ins
materials, checking an order, maintaining records of the entire process. Ordec
are usually only a small portion of total cost of material although ordering may
substantial time.
111. Holding Cost - the holding costs or carrying costs are primarily the result of
cost, handling, storage, and deterioration. Capital costs results from the oppon
• cost or financial expense of capital tied up in inventory. Once payment for g
made, borrowing costs are incurred or capital must be diverted from the pr--- ..
uses. Handling and storage represent the movement and protection charges ~ w· ..

for materials. Deterioration reflects a change in material quality due to age or

mental degradation. Many of these holding costs component are difficult to p
iv. Unavailability Cost - the unavailability cost is incurred when a desired material
available at the desired time. Material shortage may delay work, thereby wasting
resources or delaying the completion of work. Again, it may be difficult to fo,...,__
advance exactly when material may be required or when a delivery will be re ·
the material required for one activity is not available, it may be possible to
workers to other activities and, depending upon which activities are critical, the
may not be delayed.


Variances in labor budgets can stem from three possible sources:

* An original hourly takeoff error

* A variation in the assumed labor rates
* A variation from standard in actual labor productivity

Design and construction oflabor budgets usually are controlled in the same way on a monthly or
weekly basis. Any possible error in the original estimate is evaluated by projecting the number of
hours needed to complete the work during each reporting period. If overruns start to appear early in
the reports, it is a strong indication that the hours in that area may have been under estimated. An
early investigation into such a symptom is vital. Later in the project. labor-hour estimating errors are
harder to detect and prove.

Tahle 16-3 is another good example of report that can be generated by computer that can be
used for controlling labor hours. The labor hour estimates can be based on the contractor's histori-
cal data and prior experience on several previous projects of the same type.


It is observed that there are two cases for monitoring equipment cost renting and own (pur-

When equipment is to be rented. it should include the cost in the estimate. It is net:essary to
clari fy the elements of rent cost such as transportation cost, period of rent and cost of consumable

When equipment is purchased. it is necessary to determine the cost of owning and operating
each unit that will include all or several of the following items:

a. Deprrciation - this recognizes that a piece of equipment losses its value with time due to a
combination of wear and obsolescence. The owner of equipment must recover the original
cost of the equipment during its useful life.
b. Interest Changes - equipment purchased with loaned funds or an installment purchase plan
will have interest charges as an item of ~ wncrship expense. A simple procedure for han-
dling interest charges is to average them over the economic life of the equipment.
c. Maintenance - the costs of maintenance include the expenditures for repairs, replacements
of parts and the labor required to keep the equipment in good working condition. Company
experience is the best guide on maintenance costs and they are best handled as an average
over the lifo of the equipment.
d. /m•estment Cost - it costs money to own equipment, regardless of the extent to which it is
used. These costs. which are frequently classified as investment costs. include interest on
the money invested in the equipment and taxes of all types that are assessed against the
equipment, insurance and storage.
e. Operating Costs - most equipment used in Formwork are driven by electricity. which should
be considered as an operating cost. Whereas the amounts consumed and the unit cost of
each will vary with the type and size of equipment, the condition under which it is operated.
and the location, it is possible to estimate the cost reasonably accurately for a given condi-


No matter how good the cost and control system is, problems can still occur. Below are com-
mon causes of cost problems:

IV Table 16-3: Sample of Direct Labor Hours Report
Project Name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ Run Date:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Work Item: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Period Ending: _ _ _ _ _ __
No._ _ _ __
Prepared by: _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ Page:
Previous Current Period Total to-Date ariance (Plan-Actual)

Plan Actual Plan Actual Plan Actual Current Total

Work Accomplishment

Labor Expended Forecast Forecast

Original Current Quantity
Current Month Total Total Variance Remarks
Code Description Budget Budget Variance to
Plan Actual (D=C-B) Complete Quantity (G=A-F)
Quantity Quantity Plan Actual
(B) (C) (F=C+E)
(A) (E)
* Poor estimating techniques and/or standards result in unrealistic budgets.
* Out of sequence starting and completion of activities and events
* No management policy on reporting and control practices
* Poor work description at the lower levels of the organization
* Management reduces budgets or bids to be competitive
* Inadequate formal planning which results in unnoticed or often uncontrolled increase in
scope of effort
* Poor comparison of actual versus planned costs
* Unforeseen technical problems
* Schedule delays that require overtime or idle time costing
* Unrealistic material escalation factors


The basic objective of reducing the construction cost can be summarized as four categories and
supervisor should pay attention these items.

Rationalization of Purchasing

It is natural that the price of materials differ depending on various conditions such as quan-
tity of transaction, time of purchase, place of delivery, material quality, payment scheme. There
are several possibilities to reduce material cost:

o Purchase material by large quantity for bargaining;

o Timely delivery to the site by timely ordering;
o Purchase the proper quantity;
o Purchase the right material - if material is under specifications it would be useless even
the price is low once rejected.

Reduction of Labor Cost

o Selection of the right workers;

o Strict enforcement of technical guidance and supervision;
o Reduction of waiting time through proper planning of work
o Coordination and cooperation between superiors and subordinates;
o Communication and cooperation among related work trade;
o Adequate work facility;
o Training and mastering of work;
o Standardization of equipment/tools used in the work.

•· Decreases in Loss and Wastage of Materials

o Strict inspection prior in acceptance of materials upon delivery;

o Proper storage facility;
o Careful guidance and supervision to prevent wastage of materials;
o Using cheap material s which are within specification ;
o Proper care and handling of materials to prevent damage;
o Records kept in order.

Shortened Construction Period

o A void rush ideas;

o Timely commencement of work;
o Establishment of proper schedule;
o Reasonable manpower allocation;
o Strict supervision of work schedules;
o Timely action against delay in schedule;
o Support safety program.

Chapter 17

Accidents cost money in lost production and insurance costs, not to mention the human suffer-
ings and miseries involved. The construction industry has some of the most dangerous jobs. Con-
struction related accidents are quite high in the country.

Most employees want to work safely, but safety is not the main thing on their minds. It is this
lack of consciousness about safety that leads to accidents, and it is safety consciousness that must be
raised in employees' minds and be reinforced constantly. This heightened awareness takes organiza-
tion and effort.

On very large projects, it is not unusual to have an on-site safety director and possibly other
safety engineers. In that case on-site inspectors will play little or no part in this activity, other than ..
reporting to the safety director obvious safety violations observed in the performance of their in-
spection duties. On smaller construction projects, where a full-time safety staff is not employed,
these duties will fall to other supervisory personnel on the site, and the inspector may be called upon
to assist in reporting and monitoring of safety rules and regulations. A clean job site is a safe job
site, and an inspector's report will generally include comments on project cleanliness - one of the
basic constituents of quality control. The imp~rtance of implementing and enforcing a safety and
accident-prevention program on a construction site cannot be overemphasized. Aside from human
considerations safety makes sense. When work crews on a construction site suffer the temporary
loss of one member because of an accident, productivity suffers as well until a new crew member can
be trained.


It is not enough merely to report the facts surrounding an accident. Se<:1rching· for the factors
contributing to the accident may provide a cause-and-effect situation whereby future accidents of a
similar nature can be reduced or eliminated. The following factors will provide a matrix for a cause-
effect analysis of an accident:

Working conditions
State of housekeeping
Adequacy ofl ighting in area
Working temperature Hot_ __ Cold. _ __

Building and structure conditions

Exitways properly identified
Exitways unblocked - ------· ··-·---·· - - - .

Sufficient fire protection

Stairs, openings. perimeters protected
..• Equipment, tools and machinery
Faulty tools
Faulty equipment or machinery
Improper maintenance of above
Improper or missing guards
Attempted shortcuts
Dis..raction from work task
No interest in work task
Physical and mental condition
Weak, sick
Emotionally upset
Personal problems
Substance abuse
Employee dress and safety equipment status
Protective headgear not in place
Protective foot and hand wear worn
Protective eye and face guards not in place
Improper clothing, type, size
Shoelaces untied


All accidents must be reported. All reporting is to be done by the superintendent

designated safety officer. It is this individual's responsibility to be aware of and strictly co
all reporting requirements. If this function is not performed correctly, the company may be mr.,,...11
assume extreme and disproportionate amounts of liability with respect to the injured party.

For any injury to a company's employee while working, a workers Compensation Re

must be completed and filed immediately with the appropriate insurance carrier. An example
report form is shown in Table 17-1.

All serious accidents must be investigated. These includes all individuals employed by
pany and any subcontractor, and every accident involving any amount of property damage.
ately after all appropriate emergency measures, first aid, and ·damage containment meas
been taken, every effort must be made to immediately:

1. preserve the physical evidence;

11. take photographs and secure other evidence as appropriate;
iii. take statements from the accident victim, any eyewitness, and anyone who may have
ledge of definite or possible cause(s) of the accident;
1v. assist insurance carrier with their investigation in any way they need.


1. Workers are temporary and constantly changing, as a result, there is often a tende2art1
take shortcuts.

Table 17-1: Standard Insurance Report of Accident Form ..
To be completed for all accidents, even if no injuries was sustained

I. Date and time of accident - -- -- - - - - -- - AM - -- PM

2. Location of accident (Area / Dept.) _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _____._ _ __
3. Equipment involved _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ __ _ __ __ _ __
4. Ernployee(s) involved :
If Injured
Classification First Aid Given Medical Attention

5. First aid administered by: _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _

6. Medical attention authorized by: _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ __
7. Who witnessed accident?
8. - -of-injury.
Describe accident and nature - -- - --
if any: _ _ -
_-- --__
_ __ --_-
__ -
_ _----
__ _ _

9. What happened? _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

10. How did it happen? _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _

11. What unsafe act is committed? _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _

12. List any unsafe conditions which contributed to accident/injury:
D Complete check-list of possible causes on other side
IJ . Could this accident have been prevented? Ex~lain:

14. What should be done to prevent similar accident?

15. Responsibility for this accident: D Employee _ __ __ _ __ _ _ __ __ __

(Explain reason) 0 Supervision - - -- - -- -- - - -- -
□ ------------------ -
16. Additional investigation O is needed O is not needed

Date of Report_ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ Prepared by _ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ __ _

Supervisor _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ __

0 First aid only required, non-recordable injury

0 Medical treatment required / physician to indicate if injury is recordable
0 Recordable injury. File or log No. ___

2. Each site includes many contr~ctors performing different types of work.in close p
imity to each other.
3. Work surfaces, machinery, trenching, scaffolding are constantly moving, being
sembled and modified, and new hazards are continually emerging.
4. Workers often do not have control over the physical hazard present on the worksite.
5. Environmental hazards are often encountered by the workers. These include toxic
generated as by-products of combustion, dust from cutting saws, vapors from solv
and noise from equipment.
6. Workers and other personnel are exposed to the weather.

Some Reasons Why the Philippine Construction Industry Lag in Safety

1. Failure of contractors, builders, and owners to realize that freedom from accidents · a
major step toward construction efficiency.
2. Persistent use of inefficient and unsafe construction methods, aside from seeming
sence of work planning.
3. Lack of formal training and education of construction personnel and workers in sa&h
4. Difficulty or laxity in implementing government regulations, codes, and standards g -
eming construction safety. •
5. Inadequate government control of safety practices in construction sites.

Typical and Most Common Hazards and Accidents

1. Falls/collapse: ground in trenches

2. Falls: structures, scaffolds, ladders, stairways
3. Falls of person: workplaces or means ofaccess, roofs, walls, scaffoldings, ladders, o
ing in floors or walls, fragile roofs (asbestos), trenches.
4. Falls of persons (same level): uneven surface, littere~ workplace
5. Falls: objects, tools, materials
6. Mechanical hazards
7. Manual handling hazards
8. Foot injuries
9. Electrical hazards
10. Fire hazards
11 . Environmental hazards



1. Ahuja, Hira N.. "J>ro;ecl Management: Techniques in Planning and Con/rolling

( 'onstruction Pn?iect ", John Wiley and Sons, Inc. , (Canada), 1984.

2. Architectural Institute of Japan. "Recommendation for Design and Construction Practice

of' Formwork ··, (Tokyo. Japan). 1988.

3. Association of Structural Engineer of the Philippines, "National Structural Code of' the
Philippines, Fourth Edition", (Philippines), 1992.

4. Hurd, M.K.. "Formwork /hr Concrete. Sixth Edition", American Concrete Institute
(U.S.A.). 1995).

5. Kerzner. Harold, Ph.D., "Prqiecl Management: A System Approach lo Planning Scheduling

and Controlling 5th Edition .. , Van Nostrand Reinhold-International Thomson Publishing
Co .. (New York, NY), 1995.

6. McAdam, Peter S., Ph.D .. MIEAust. CPEng. "Formwork: A Practical Approach". Stuart
Publications (B risbane. Australia), 1993.

7. Ritz. George .I.. "Total Construc:tion Pt~Jiecl Management .. , McGraw-Hill, Inc .. (USA).

Part One
39 "





The development of formwork has brought abolit the growth of concrete construction throughout
the twentieth century. Lumber was once the predominar,l ft rm material, but developments in the use of
plywood. metal. plastics. and other materials, together wi ~h t :,c use or specialized accessories has been
im:reasing rapidly. Fonn designers and builders must be always aware ofthe advancing technology in other
'II fields ofmaterials in order to develop creat'ive innovations required to maintain quality and economy in the
face of new formwork challenges.

One of the objectives of this handbook is to make reference materials available to contractors in
planning. execution and control in the use of fo1111works. In no way will it supplant the experienced fom1
designer or builder; it can however give considerable help for construction suggestions. ror the architect/
engineer. it offers opportunities for improving details in execution through a better understanding of the
process and possible problems in form building. For the novice. this handbook may serve as an introduc-
tion to many common fom1work practices, explaining basic principles ofdesign and encouraging a rational
rather than a rule-of-thumb approach.
I 11111
Chapter 1


....,..,~::,...,n111 the deposited concrete to the desired size and shape assuring the
required position and
f'umwork is a temporary structure needed to support the freshly placed concrete. all live loads
. .111111: .xr:s:roct·ion including its own dead weight.

~:a:al objectives in formworks can be simply described as follows:

1out the design of every form work system contributes highly in achieving the required cast
;eof concrete finish.
>een a form work system should have the full capacity of supporting all the loads imposed on
1ther it during construction and up to the time it is necessary to remove it.
l the
....50:::!D)P - aside from being workable, savings on time to construct, materials as well as the required
labor should be considered.
onn ~O!IIIDY is probably the major concern of e;iery contractor. This could already have b~en resolved
tect/ _Ill(_....,.._.. ·ng stage during the selection ofthe right materials and equipment needed for its fabrication
form anchors are devices used to secure formwork to previously placed concrete of
a.gr;nor -
&JCQUate strength, normally embedded in the concrete during placement. Two basic parts are the
cmbtxided anchoring device and the external fastener which are removed after use.
ler board- pairs of horizontal boards nailed to wood stakes used as a guide to the elevation
axlto theoutlineofthe building.
&am bottom - soffit or bottom form for a beam
&am pocket - opening left in a vertical member in which a beam is to rest. Also an opening in the
mlwnn or girder fonn where fonns for intersecting bean1s will frame in.
&am Side - side forms, in vertical panels as sides of a beam form.
Bulkhead- a partition in the forms b1ocking fresh concrete from a section or a form or closing the
end ofa form such as at a construction joint..
Ca/walk - a narrow elevated walkway.
h Centering- fonnwork used in the construction ofarches, shells, space strufture, or any continous
structure where the entire false works is lowered as a unit. In a general sense, these are supports
for all forms and general concrete. ·
i. Chamfer - refers to beveled comer which is formed in a concrete work by placing a three comer
piece ofwood strip inthe fonn comer.
j. Column clamp - any ofvarious types oftying or fastening units used to hold column form sides
k. Column Side - one ofthe vertical panel fonn component ofa column form.
l Construction Joints - the structure where two successive placement of concrete meet, frequen-
tly with a key way or the reinforcement across the joint.
m Decentrer - to lower or remove centering or shoring.
n Deck - the form upon which concrete for a slab is placed, also the floor or roof slab itself
o. False work- the temporary structure erected to support work in the process of construction. In
discussion of concrete construction, the tenn may be used the same as formwork, to include
shores, or vertical post, forms for beams and slab and lateral bracing.
p. Form - interchangeably used with fonnwork, but in a more restricted sense it indicates the sup-
porting members in direct contact with the freshly placed concrete.

q. Formwork- (ACI Definition) the total ~stem of support for freshly placed concrete including
the mold or sheathing which contacts the concrete as well as all supporting members, hardware,
and necessary bracing. False work is also used with essentially the same meaning.
r. 'G 'Ganged Forms - prefabricated panels joined to make a much larger unit (up to 30' x 50')
11:i for convenience in erecting, stripping and reusing, usually placed with wales, strong backs or
special lifting hardware.
11, s. 'J 'Jack- a mechanical device used for adjusting elevation of forms or form supports.
t. Jack Shore - telescoping, or otherwise adjustable single post metal shores, same as a straight
11111 i prop, across post.
1 llli I I
u Joist - a horizontal structural member supporting deck forms usually resting on stringers and
V. 'K 'Keyed - fastened or fixed in position in a notch or recess as forms become keyed in the
concrete they support.
W. Keyway - a recess or groove in one lift or placement ofconcrete which is filled with concrete on
the next lift.
X. Sheathing- the covering (usually wood boards, plywood er wallboards) placed over the stud-
ding ofa formwork panel.
y. Stringer - a long, heavy horizontal timber which connects the posts in a frame which supports a

~£11::ncated. reusable form panels and shoring jacks are somewhat the basic standard materials for
er •-mes Practically all formworkjobs require the use oflumber as its major material. Frequently, the
species is a question oflocal availability and cost. On the other hand, there are several
serve equally well for a given job. It is now a practice to use any lumber that is structurally
es SDUDd without regard to its species.

:Famdace sheathing materials are basically those that are designed to have contact with the concrete.
ra:=-a sheathing materials dictate the result ofconcrete surfaces. Boards are sometimes used for
_,..,;, ig although plywood sheathing dominates. All ofthese materials require the application of
"1:11:::t,eagents to prevent them from bonding with the concrete. The following are discussions on
a:ia:ssheathing materials that are generally applied on building construction.

Ip- Plywood is the most widely used for prefabricated form panel system. Plywood is a flat
made ofa number ofthin sheets ofwood. A layer may consist of a single ply or more plies
together. The layers or plies are joined together by the application of wood glues under
pressure making it strong or stronger than the wood itself.

iO') Steei is commonly used for the fabrication of special-purpose forms. It is used for framing
;or and bracing ofwood or plywood panel ~stems. Steel is basically a standard construction item,
horizontal and vertical shores of steel are widely used today.

Standard lightweight structural steel members such as angulars, channels and I-beams are
mcreasing in popularity among other materials for formworks. Steel permits greater spans or
c:anies heavier loads than timber members.
Aluminum nowadays are more used on slabs and walls as a form panel system. Although
~ .m e ofaluminum entails initial higher material cost, it can be offset by reducing handling costs
~on service life. Reducing handling costs means, a small number ofworkers are needed to
--.,..i:i insaa.1.1 this kind ofform system. Longer service life proves that aluminum alloys resist
:ud- -.~:ir·1n both from concrete and the atmosphere.

Steel (Metal Deck)

:ts a
Ribbed or corrugated metal deck sheet is popularly used for steel structural building slab
fi:>rm and can also be used as formwork for reinforcing concrete as a permanent form.
Glass-Fiher-Reinfi,rced Plastic

Glass-fiber-reinforced plastic fom,s are popularly described both as plastic fo1ms and fiber
glass fo nns. but neither abbreviated tern, is completely correct. They are truly a combination of
materials. up to about one-third being fiber glass. Such forms are generally strong but Iightweight.
capable of achieving a high quality of concrete surfaces. and generally lasts through numerous

Precast Concrete

Precast concrete panel is used for fom,s of column, beam, wall and slab. Figure /-/ show
three type of precast form. (a) shows precast panel not considered as structural members and (h)
and (c) shows panel considered as structural members. In this case. rebar is pre-assembled
with precast concrete panel.

w w w
l r


b... .J)_ ..o...,..d

( a)







Cl c[ (c)

,, __ ,, .--- .. - ...-
l I
I l
1 I
1...... .......
1 w
l (b)
'ii. w.
111 I

I 111111
W.D: Required Structural ~ Prccast concrete panel

Figure 1-1: Application of Precast Concrete Panels


Special textile material are used in forrns to reduce air void and bleeding that affects concrete
durability. This method brings a smooth concrete surface finish.

Figure 1-2 shows excess water flowing out, in Figure 1-3, it dramatically shows the movement
ofair and excess water.

Figure 1-2: Excess Water Flowing Out

3-5mm. Air...__

Exec. Prcssurcr

Figure 1-3: Movement of Air and Surplus Water

2:::::~ for fonnwork are constructed to stiffen the sheathing materials making it rigid and
fiamings are usually made of timber, steel or aluminum, and these materials are re-

Pl::'::=slbe most commonly used framing material is timber. Although. nowadays. timber
scarce, use of alternative materials and the development of a framing system
other than timber has become popular. When used as framing material. it should
ease ofhandling, strong enough to resist the load imposed and durable for maximum

-..-.. spikes are the most commonly mechanical fasteners used in fonnwork construction.
Forms must be substantial and their componem 1J~1i s held together securely.

Nails and Fasteners

Nails and fasteners are mechanical fasteners that are typically used in the construction of
wood formwork and bracing. Since all component parts must be held together, the use of too
many nails must be avoided. The labor required for fabrication., erection, and stripping offorms
1111 111
will be reduced by keeping the number of nails to a safe minimum, and by selecting the best nail
types on given formwork requirements. Table 1-1 illustrates several nails commonly used in

Table 1-1: Commonly Used Nails for Formworks

Item Description Illustration
Box nails have a shank that is thinner
Box than a nail's head, generally it leaves the ~ t Mhd CJ◄ _, - ~

I ,, Nails smallest impression on the finished

concrete surface.
Common nails are used in assembly of I

form panels and other components for

multiple use, or wherever nails need not
Common be removed in stripping. 111eir holding
Nails power makes them relatively difficult to
remove and their heads lea-...c a. more ~~= ?>
noticeable impression in the concrete
surface than the other special purpose
Double head nails are a must for nailing
kickers, blocks, braces, and reinforcing
Double wales. It is desirable to use on almost
Head any part ofthe form structure because ~RWEO ~
Nails ofits considerable holding power. This
type of nails can be removed readily
when forms are stripped.


Where more robust fixings than nails are needed, screws can be used. These can be ordinary
screws, power driven screws or coach screws. Figure 1-4 shows the different types ofscrews used
in formwork.

Hand driven wood screws, countersunk or round heads have largely been superseded by power
driven screws for formwork. Power driven countersunk or buglehead screws are used for plywood
fixing to the timber or steel framework. They can, also, be used for fixings between framing members,
but this is often better done with hex-head screws. Hex-head screws are also used for fixing steel
framing and fittings to timber.

Coac!1 screws, both hexagonal and square head, are used when the strongest screw fixings to
timber are needed. They are normally used for fixing steel framing or fittings to timber.
n of
~ in

Figure 1-4: Types of Screws Used in Formwork

-----Sim and high strength bolts are used in fonnwork framing. These can be designed as
r••Nir'.tmpalhs discussed previously. Bolts should be hot dip galvanised for longevity and ease
used with timber framing, large square washers should be fitted to minimize the
,,2••111111[:foesorfaces ofthe timber.
:c?qJ:hbohs ar~ confined to metal-to-metal joints. Their most c-.ommon use is found in
friction grip at adjustment points.


:=a• •~c:npamoted shoring systems havel>een developed with adjustable legs which eliminate
and wedging. There is also the so-called horizontal shoring which provides a relatively
➔ horizontal support for fonn.s. Most ofthese items are available either for rental or

shores or methods ofshoring are used, manufacturers' recommendations as to load-

be followed, but they should be supported by test reports from a qualified an4

used sevual types of adjustable individual shores. The simplest of these is based on a
- which pennits the over!.ipping oftwo 4" x 4" members. A portablejacking tool is
111£:amoan from one shore to another to make vertical adjustments. Special hardware for
)wer ...----shores facilitates joining them to stringers with a minimum ofnailing.
hers, --...-.-,iacldittings are available to fitovertheendof 4"x4" or 6"x6" wo~shore, thus
steel piece oflumber into an adjustable shore. These devices (Figure J-5f tlevelop full
b:ober, and have threaded adjusting members capable ofvarying the sh9re height as


An all-metal individual adjustable shore. sometimes described as a jack shore or simply as a jack.
is also available from a number of manufacturers in adjustable heights. There are the usual individual
variations in fittings and adjusting devices from one product to another including metal bracing brackets
with holes. FiKure 1-6 illustrates the various parts of a pipe suppo1t and wing support pipe. Figure
1- 7 depicts the application of a wing suppott pipe. This type of support can be attached to pipe
support. Formwork can be removed with out removing the shore.


I '

Figure 1-5: Metal Adjustable Shore Jack Fitting that Slips Over
the End of a 4 x 4 s,r 6 x 6 Wood Planks


- l'ressing wing


( for round or square

shaped pipes)
Lower tube
Base plate - 60.S dia. (STK-41 )

'Weight: 3,900g

Figure 1-6: Parts of Pipe Support and Wing Support Pipe

Jal .. : • : ••: . ·•· •.•..• =. .!· . ...
ets W:11!:i:;;::llad Sheathing board
,re Joist

Figure 1-7: A Detachable Wing Support

t=tmmsteel frame scaffolding was first introduced. it was designed to suppott the
loads involved in getting men to the work area. Later contractors began to try out
as a support for formwork because of the apparent advantages of its modular
SJ"Stcln ofjacks for leveling and adjusting elevations. As this shoring application
p,pular. it was necessary to develop more accurate data on the carrying capacity
since the loads of concrete and fo1111ing materials were much greater than the
supported as straight scaffolding. As a result ofthis concern for carrying capacity.
E:!:~were designed and placed on the market specifically for shoring installations .
.::sttates a typical scaffold-type s~oring with its patts.

Figure 1-8: A Typical Scaffold-Type Shoring

Horizontal Shoring

Adjustable beam, truss. or beam and truss combination members which support formwork over
a clear span and eliminate intermediate vertical supports are referred to as horizontal shoring. Fixed
length metal support beams (either I- or box-type) which replaces timber ledgers. are sometimes
included in this category too. The advantage ofhorizontal shoring is it can support a wide area without
intem1cdiate shore that provide a wide work floor area.

One disadvantage of horizontal shoring is that the high end loads may cause the member to "bite"
into suppo1ting timbers unless special bearing plates are provided. Figure 1-9 shows an expandable
beam support. Note that it requires only shoring at each end leaving the middle vacant.

- + - - - - - -- -- Span
Slab concrete S~cathing hoard for slab cm11
- -- - - -:,,,• '-- - - -

~ -- Beam receiver--....,

~ ~ b o o ooooeoooT
lc'(ternal beam Internal beam _ __ ___, lorimntal bracing-- -~

~67&¥" ' ail tsj§iiy\lSP""
oo a Shoring pipe Shori ng pipe
i-:,tcmal heam Internal beam l·.xtcrnal hcam


. ... . . . . , . .. .. . . .. .. ... . . . .. : ·.. : : .. : ..:... .

. . . .. . . . . ...... .
1111111 I
Figure 1-9: Expandable Beam Support

Tying System

A concrete form tie is a tensile unit adapted to holding concrete forms. It secures against the
lateral pressure of unhardened concrete, with or without provision for spacing the forms to a definite
distance apart. and with or without provision for removal of metal to a specified distance back from
the concrete surfaces. Some form spreading devices are an integral part of the tying system as shown
in Figure 1-10.

Some single member ties may be pulled as an entire unit from the concrete. ( See Figure /-/ I)

Washer end
:O\CI' (optional)
times ·~ No



er. -sc
_·_al...(-f~-p-tio_n_a-=I=)9 ~

---DI C R I MPED FOR BREAK BACK ~====x~=::;.:::.)~


~ 1._.___.....;3a•:=====t1EE---===f}> Cil""'"'"


Figure 1-10: Commonly Available Single Member Ties

Coil tiolt


$l j/m



H::Wedge shaped holder -'---~

'\f I):,

1st the Nut washer or other May have hole for

!finite locking unit nailing to stud

; from
;hown ~-- I


1-11 )
II: Other Single Member Ties Which Have Tubes or Sleeves to Prevent Tie from
Bonding with Concrete
Chapter 2


in a final structure that conforms to shapes, lines, and dimensions ofthe members as
~...... chwings and specifications.

• supports shall be designed so as not to damage previously placed structure.

u:~akshall include consideration of the following factors:

t.m~.:!lldmethod of placing concrete

,:r::::::ructi<J·111 loads, including vertical, horizontal and impact loads
•:ctillbm requirements for construction of shells, folded plates, domes, architectural
~~m:iz.or simi lar types of elements.


design or desired finish requi,es special attention. the engineer/architect specify in the
formwork materials and such other features necessary to attain the objectives. If
1111.-:~~!!ddoes not call for specific materials or accessories. the contractor may propose any
ffC:tt•:1:oontract requirement and seek approval ofauthorized representative. When structural
use of commercially available fom1 units in standard sizes such as one-way or two-
•.■..-=r-.:s.s;:ilms should be drawn to make use of available shapes and sizes. Some latitude must
.:ttlD:tl·ions of fom1 units to other framing or centering to reflect the tolerances and normal
ofthe form type anticipated.


,::;~:ea setting-out shall be performed prior to installation and the most important setting
m;;:;:uiae.iby the Supervisor.

be substantial .and sufficiently tight to prevent leakage of mortar paste.

Forms and their supports shall be designed so a~ not to damage previously placed structure.

Sheathing boards shall be installed in accordance with the location, shape and dimension ofconcrete
to be molded.

Forms shall not be connected to other temporary works such as scaffolding or batter boards.

''''I'!! Concrete fonns shall be inspected by the supervisor prior to concrete placement.
Shores shall be fixed vertically above other shores in the lower story as a general rule.


Tolerance is a pe1missible variation from lines, grades or dimensions given in contract drawings (concrete
body drawings approved by Supervisor). Suggested tolerance for concrete structures can be found on
Tahle 2-1.

The C()J1tractor is expected to set and maintain concrete forms so as to insure completed work within
the tolerance limits.

Table 2-1: Permitted Gradual or Abrupt Irregularities in Formed Surface

Class of Surface

Class A Class B Class C C lass D

Permanently exposed Coarse-textu red concrete General standard for per- Minimum quality require-
to public view surface intended to re- manently exposed sur- ments for surfaces that
111 ceive plaster, stucco face where other finishes will be permanently con-
1111 are not specified. cealed.

3mm 6mm 12mm 25 mm


Surface ofconcrete construction joints shall be cleaned and laitance removed.

Immediately before new concrete is placed. all construction joints shall be wetted and standing water

Construction joints in floors shall be located within the middle third of spans of slabs, beams. and
girders. Joints in girders shall be offset by a minimum distance oftwo times the width of intersecting beams.


No construction loads shall be supported on, nor any shoring removed from, any patt of the structure
under construdion except when that portion of the structure in combination with remaining fonning and
shoring system has sufficient strength to support safely its weight and load planned thereon.

shall be demonstrated by structural analysis considering proposed loads, strength of
~!::-~system. and concrete strength data. Concrete strength data shat I be based on tests of
1crere .....__....or. when approved by, the Building Official, on other procedures to evaluate concrete
~~'l.!:..r:.:::.:!malysis and concrete strength test data shall be furnished to the Building Official when

ofthe time of form removal should be based on the resulting effect on the concrete.
r::saa1a1 there must be no excessive deflection or distortion and no evidence of damage to
,:U:~bcs"to removal of support to the stripping operation. When forms are removed before
is completed, measures should be taken to continue the curing and provide adequate
for the concrete. Supporting forms and shores must not be removed from beams,
mil these structural units are strong enough to carry their own weight and any approved
In no case should supporting forms and shores be removed from horizontal members
11crete is at least 70 percent ofdesign strength, as determined by field-cured cylinders or
nd on -ll!l'l"·~lmlhods.

the engineer docs not specify minimum strength required of concrete at the time of
vithin a:~1191~ time shown in Tahle 2-2 may be used under ordinary conditions. The time shown
• •,~rr:r:::a:n·re number of days or hours, but it may not necessarily be consecutive. If high-early
is used, these periods may be reduced as approved by the engineer.

Table 2-2: Minimum Remaining Time

uire- 12 hours
con- 12 hours
12 hours

Structural Iive load less Structural live load more

than structural dead load than structural dead load

14 days 7 days

girder soffits between

.dear span 7 days 4 days
14 days 7 days
21 days 14 days
s, and
eams. slabs between support:
clear span 4 days 3 days
dear span 7 days 4 days
dear span 10 days 7 days

. .
No construction load exceeding the combination of superimposed dead load plus speci tied live loads
shall be supported 011 any unshored portion of the structure unoer construction. unless analysis indicates
adequate strength to support such additional loads.

Forms shall he removed in such manner as not to impair safety and serviceability of the structure. All
concrete to be exposed by form removal shall have sufficient strength not to be damaged thereby.
~ loads

re. All

Part Two



The purpose ofplanning is to visualize all the operations ofthe project, arrange these operations in their
proper sequence, ensure that each operations is understood with the confidence it will he completed on
time, acquire the know-how and means necessary to pertorm it, and be convinced that the method thought
for perfom,ing each operation is the most economical.

There are several good definitions of planning and each delivers a slightly different message:
I '

* Planning is a bridge between the experience of the past and the proposed action that produces a
favorable result in the future.
* Planning is a precaution by which we can reduce undesirable effects or unexpected happenings
and thereby eliminate confusion, waste, and loss ofefticiency.

I 111r1, * Planning is the prior determining and specifying ofthe factors, forces, effects, and relationships
necessary to reach the desiredioals.

The first definition makes use ofour prior experience, often gained from past mistakes, to avoid repeat-
ing them in our present endeavor. It also says that we should not reinvent the wheel on each pr~ject. The
second definition cites the advantages of increased productivity by planning the unexpected and undesir-
able happenings out ofexistence before starting work. The third stresses making a conscious effort to find
and control the variables in a capital project. We must do that before starting work if we are to meet our
prqject goals. lt also indicates the need for an organizational phase if we are to execute the plan.

All ofthe definitions point to the obvious conclusion that the first move in any project assignment is to do
the necessary planning. Furthermore, this applies to every one ofthe activities throughout the project.

Figure II-I shows a typical process in making a work plan for formwork.

A fundamental steps in planning for fonnworks involves careful examination of the interrelationship
among the design drawing, quality requirement and construction period, to allow for adjustments in the
various operations, and to evaluate progress of planning activities from the basic plan to the detailed
bluepiints. These factors are interconnected in very intricate ways making it extremely difficult to show this
highly complicated procedure in just one flow chart.

Figure 11-2 shows a simplified procedure to illustrate the various interrelationships among the different
aspects of construction work.

* Plans and Spccilkations
Preliminary Survey
I * Contract Terms & l'tmditions I
I * Site Conditions I
I * (iovernment Regulations I
• Requin.:ments ol"Owners and I
1 Designer
L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .J
Project Organization

Work Execution Plan

in their * Selection of Method
* Selection of Materials
:ted on
* Forrnworks Design
l10ughl * Determination of Time for Form
* Formwork Re-Use Plan
* Plan ofFabrication Yard

Resources A Ilocation Plan
* Schedule
emngs * Budget
* M aterial
* Manpower
1nships * Equipment

Control Plan
* Cost
;t. The * Schedu le
ndesir- * Quality
to find * Safety

iect. No

sin the
etailed Detailed Plan
ow this

Work Execution

11-1: A Typical Process of Making a Work Plan for Formworks


l'rd im inary llasic Allocation Plan
Survey Policy - - -..~ Basic Plan

Work Execution

A~scssmcn I.
Adjustment or Development or Approval
lksign Concept Techniques
Control Plans F

Collect inn ofTcchnical Construction

Figure 11-2: Interrelationship of Various Plans for Concrete Works

1 111 Items to be exam ined in the above process include:

mu 1 A. Preliminary Survey C. Resource Allocation Plan

* Design Specifications and Drawings * Schedule
* Contract Terms and Conditions * Budget
* Site Conditions * Manpower
* Needs of Project Owner and Designer * Material
* Company Management Policies * Equipment
* Permits and Licenses Required
Government Regulations D. Control Plan
* Priority Policies Regarding Quality, Costs, * Cost
Construction Period and Safety * Schedule
* Quality
B. Work Execution Plan * Safety
* Activity Plan
* Construction Methods Plan

Chapter 3


~'.'ll~llllll:lll:UllJl'DIOalllllt13gg,er to be successful in undertaking the construction project particularly formworks

a preliminary survey to examine the interrelationship among the various phases of
include a review ofthe following:

.__,_.. Specifications
ulC:actTenns and Conditions
C-::-.~lmlnt Regulations
11c::.,;:u:marts ofOwners and Designers
show the project's structural, architectural, plumbing, mechanical and electrical work

:] Derived from these plans are work items that are required to build the project in proper
-.s~-..- idle intended looks as designed by the Architect. The extent of a particular work item is
~;:mnrm·~ and/or measuring ·it from the plan. This could be in the form of area volume, length,
,eces/sets or assembly. ,.

Drawings serve as the most basic plan of construction. They indicate the type offacilities
•••ES 1nbe made and the execution method to be utilized. They also represent the concrete idea
project owner and designer. Theoretically, drawings that are necessary for construction
from the design drawings. In reality, however, design drawings sometimes do not express
the designer's intention. Problems might occur ifthe design drawings were the only source
h the production ofthe construction drawings and blueprints.

SF;ealilcati.ons describe in words the materials and construction methods required for the project.
with the type of project and skills ofthe specification writer. Construction specifications
••ae-M specific objectives to augment and amplify the plans and the contract by enumerating and
ddail each and every item or thing within the performance ofthe work involved in the contract;
e, definite and established basis of competition for the awarding of the contract and to
~mact book ofinstructions for the resident engineer, inspectors, draftsmen and contractors

~~n-to ACI Committee 347, formwork specifications have much to do with the over-all economy
aflinished work. Such specifications tailored to a particular job, must indicate what exactly will
Chapter 3


manager to be successful in undertaking the construction project particularly forrnworks

a preliminary survey to examine the interrelationship among the various phases of
include a review ofthe following:

C:tmict Terms and Conditions
· ·ons
r ....,.,_.,,.,..,.... Regulations
ts ofOwners and Designers


c...::a:1p1ans show the project's structural, architectural, plumbing, mechanical and electrical work
Derived from these plans are work items that are required to build the project in proper
in the intended looks as designed by the Architect. The extent of a particular work item is
QJUDting and/or measuring ·it from the plan. This could be in the form of area volume, length,
pieces/sets or assembly. ,.

D:!;iJ!-,-Drawings serve as the most basic plan of construction. They indicate the type offacilities
to be made and the execution method to be utilized. They also represent the concrete idea
••Olofthe project owner and designer. Theoretically, drawings that are necessary for construction
-..-:,dll!Zdfrom the design drawings. In reality, however, design drawings sometimes do not express
~ID!softhe designer's intention. Problems might occur ifthe design drawings were the only source
for the production ofthe construction drawings and blueprints.

~mications describe in words the materials and construction methods required for the project.
-..--.::=me!y with the type of project and skills of the specification writer. Construction specifications
•~ae::a.J specific objectives to augment and amplify the plans and the contract by enumerating and
detail each and every item or thing within the performance ofthe work involved in the contract;
3ingle, definite and established basis of competition for the awarding of the contract and to
act book ofinstructions for the resident engineer, inspectors, draftsmen and contractors
..._ .._.,,:'Ork process.

'-::~il!Rto ACI Committee 347, formwork specifications have much to do with the over-all economy
offinished work. Such specifications tailored to a particular job, must indicate what exactly will
be expected from the contractor, and must be written as to result in economy and safety. A well-prepared
formwork specification is of value to the field superintendent and to the subcontractors for other work

There are two general types of specifications. These are:

Common Specifications

The common specifications list includes the equipment standard, quality, construction methods
and other technical facts that cannot be described by the drawing. The contents of the common
specifications must be well understood before planning the construction and the applicable items
incorporated into the plans.

Special Specifications

Since the special specifications indicate important items for each work type which the common
specifications do not have, these documents must be checked carefully. The items listed below
need special attention.

I. Scope ofwork
ll. Construction methods
Ill. Equipment to be used, special specific;tions of materials, test methods
IV. Supplied equipment
V. Specific brand ofthe equipment, materials and manufacturing companies
VI. Processing of excess materials

In cases where the special specification items are different from the contents of the common
specifications, the former takes precedence over the latter. It should be understood that the common
specifications apply to everything except to the special specification items.


This defines the responsibilities ofboth the CONTRACTOR and the OWNER during the execution
of the project. It also contains both the legal and financial parameters which influence the value of the
contract amount. It is, therefore, important that its contents are fully understood by the Project Managers
to achieve a smooth implementation ofthe contract.

The construction contract provides the basic information regarding the qualifications ofthe construction
company, subcontractors, borrowed items, supplied materials, work site management, change ofprocess,
insurance, guarantee against defects, and other items. The contract is an important set ofdocuments that
helps the project owner and the construction company cooperate on an equal stance to execute the
construction work as agreed upon. To ensure this, all the items in the contract as well as their relationship
with the terms and conditions ofthe contract must be checked carefully.

The following contract items should be carefully considered:

a) Scope ofwork and contract amount

b) Start and completion of construction
~pared and date of payment
·work Paa=ss·in2 of changes in design and conditions
Mi!BJRSfor cost fluctuations caused by change in economic conditions
of supplied materials and equipment, and methods of delivery
for problem caused to the surrounding areas


•-:.az...-al and existing conditions which should be considered during the preparation ofplans
'ibese conditions have different degrees ofeffect and they can be classified into two groups:

umttirlns that are certain

Onfition of road
Capacity ofroads and bridges
Ani'ability of staging area
IJnilabi1ity and capacity ofexisting facilities such as water, distribution line, power line, telephone
and drainage line
1iaflic conditions ofthe area
Environmental restrictions particularly those adjacent to the project
.R,,quired permits
&isling laws and regulations related to construction
Awilability ofmedical facilities
Taxes imposed by both the local and national government
Cost ofliving in the community

conditions (though known, predit!tion of them impact is hardly determined)

a. Climatic condition
Political condition
Economic condition
Soil condition

• n to an understanding of external and site conditions, an understanding of site description

· ed. Site description are supplementary expl&nations regarding temporary facilities,
and design drawings. They are provided before bidding. Since these documents are part of
truction used for producing estimates, insufficient understanding ofthese by the project manager can
)focess, process control and costs. The person who received the oral explanation must produce a written
mts that confirm the items in order to prevent possible problems in the future.


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