Unit 5
Unit 5
Analysis of transistor circuit becomes easier
when it is represented in terms of hybrid
parameters of the device. In this unit you will
learn about how to analyse transistor circuits
using these parameters. CIRCUIT
5.1 Introduction 5.5 Analysis of Common Base Amplifier
Expected Learning Outcomes 5.6 Analysis of Common Collector Amplifier
5.2 h-Parameters 5.7 Summary
Interpretation of h-parameters 5.8 Terminal Questions
5.3 Equivalent Circuit of a Transistor 5.9 Solutions and Answers
5.4 Analysis of Common Emitter Amplifier
Current Gain
Voltage Gain
Input Impedance
Output Impedance
So far you have learnt about different semiconductor devices. When we want to use them in various
applications, it is important to know their behaviour in advance under various current and voltage
conditions. An equivalent circuit of a device in the form of basic components, like resistors, capacitors,
voltage/current sources is very handy for this purpose.
In this unit, you will learn about the equivalent circuit of the bipolar junction transistor and express its
circuit in the form of hybrid-parameters (h-parameters in short).
You will require the basic knowledge of calculus and first order differential equations for studying this
unit. You should attempt all the SAQs and Terminal Questions given in this unit on your own, before
turning to the answers and hints provided at the end of the unit.
Block 1 Physics of Semiconductor Devices
In the earlier units you have learnt about different electronic devices. When
you use them for some applications and you want to analyse the circuit, it is
possible to do so by replacing these devices by some equivalent circuit.
Therefore, in this unit, we will discuss how this can be done for a bipolar
junction transistor.
You have learnt in Unit 4 that the transistor is a three-terminal device, and we
can apply supply voltages to these terminals by treating one of them as the
common terminal. So, we have three basic configurations of transistor biasing,
namely, CB, CC and CE configurations. In each of these configurations, one
side is treated as input part and another as output part.
In Sec. 5.3, you will study about the representation of a transistor in its
equivalent circuit form. You will also learn how to express various transistor
parameters (like gains) in terms of h-parameters. In Sec. 5.4, you will learn
how to analyse the common emitter (CE) configuration of the transistor and
obtain expressions for voltage gain, current gain, input and output impedances
in terms of h-parameters.
You will also apply a similar process for analysing common base (CB) and
common collector (CC) configurations in Secs. 5.5 and 5.6, respectively.
Based on the relations obtained for different configurations, you will be able to
compare the transistor configurations on the basis of their properties like gains
and impedances and choose a suitable configuration for the intended
derive the expressions for voltage gain, current gain, input impedance
and output impedance in terms of h-parameters for common-emitter
configuration of the transistor; and
obtain the expressions for the gains and impedances for common base
and common collector configurations of the transistor.
To obtain the circuit parameters, let us begin by representing the circuit in a
simple form. Circuit analysis becomes straightforward if we treat the circuit as
a black box with two ends or ports, i.e., 4 terminals corresponding to input and
output sides, as shown in Fig. 5.1.
We can write the input and output voltages in terms of input and output
currents as given below:
i 2 y 21 v1 y 22 v 2 (5.2b)
The coefficients h11, h12 , h21 and h22 are called the hybrid parameters or
h-parameters. It is possible to obtain different characteristics of transistor
circuits like current or voltage gains and input or output impedances using
these parameters.
Fig. 5.3 shows the circuit with h-parameters.
v1 h11 i1 (5.5)
h11 1 (with output short circuited) (5.7)
h21 2 (with output short-circuited) (5.8)
Since this is a ratio of output and input currents, h21 represents the current
gain of the circuit, when output is short-circuited.
After learning about the input impedance and current gain, let us find out the
significance of remaining two h-parameters. For this purpose, we take the
input terminals (1-1) in Fig. 5.3 to be open as shown in Fig. 5.5. With this, we
get zero current entering the circuit from input side and so i1 0. Hence,
Eqs. (5.3) and (5.4) take the following form:
h22 2 (with input terminal open) (5.12)
Block 1 Physics of Semiconductor Devices
Here the parameter is the ratio of current to voltage; hence, it represents
admittance (reciprocal of impedance). The unit of admittance is siemens,
indicated by S (also referred to as mho, as it is reciprocal of ohm.)
Now, you have learnt the significance of all the h-parameters in terms of
electrical quantities. Table 5.1 summarizes the meaning of each h-parameter
and the required condition.
SAQ 1 – h-parameters
a) In the circuit shown in Fig. 5.4, v1 50 mV, i1 20 A and
i 2 4 mA. Calculate the input impedance and current gain of the circuit.
Now that you are familiar with the h-parameters for any general circuit
represented by a 2-port (4-terminal) network, we will apply them to bipolar
junction transistor circuits. For this purpose, we first represent the transistor in
its equivalent circuit form.
The same is true for a transistor circuit. We can replace the transistor by
equivalent circuit components and then apply the circuit laws to obtain various
transistor parameters.
v iR
Av out L (5.13)
v in v in
and the current i can be obtained from the Kirchhoff voltage law for the loop
containing the generator, R and R L . Hence,
Av in iR iRL 0
Av in
or i (5.14)
v iR Av inRL
Av out L
v in v in (R RL )v in
or Av A (5.15)
R RL 113
Block 1 Physics of Semiconductor Devices
We see that the voltage gain depends on A, R and R L , and only as
R L becomes very large compared to R we get Av A.
This was a very simplistic approach just for understanding the treatment
involved in working with equivalent circuits. But, in general, we consider the
device to be a black box with four terminals. Two of these terminals act as
input while the other two as output. You know that the transistor has three
terminals, whereas our black box from which the equivalent circuit is
developed has four. Hence, for the equivalent circuit to be applied to a
transistor, one transistor terminal must be common between the input and
output. This can either be the emitter, the collector or the base called
respectively the “common emitter” (CE), “common collector” (CC) or the
“common base” (CB) configurations. You have learnt about these
configurations in Unit 4.
Consider the transistor shown in Fig. 5.8, where we have taken the CE
configuration. Here 1, 1 are the input terminals and 2,2 are the output
terminals, i b and v be are the input current and input voltage while i c and v ce
are the corresponding values of current and voltage in the output circuit,
respectively. Thus, we have four quantities, two of which are currents and two
are voltages. Of these four quantities, we can take two as dependent
quantities and the other two as independent quantities. Then we express the
dependent quantities in terms of the independent ones. For a transistor, an
equivalent circuit by the selection of i b and v ce as independent and i c , v be as
dependent is widely used due to the simplicity involved. Thus, we write
i c f (i b , v ce ) (5.16)
and v be f (i b ,v ce ) (5.17)
The input resistance h11 is a resistance in the input circuit. The term h12 v 2
is the amplitude of a voltage generator in the input; it represents how much of
the output voltage v 2 is transferred or fed back to the input and h12 is also
called reverse voltage transfer ratio. The parameter h21 represents how much
of the input current i1 is transferred to the output, i.e., the current gain. The
higher the value of h21, the larger is the change in output current for a given
input current change. We call h22 the output admittance because it is an
admittance or conductance directly across the output terminals parallel to the
load resistor rL .
The h-parameters of transistor can be listed as follows:
hi h11
hr h12
hf h21
ho h22
where hi = input impedance with output shorted
hr = reverse voltage gain with input open
hf = forward current gain with output shorted
ho = output admittance with input open
To remember this, notice that the subscript is the first letter of the description.
i = input
r = reverse
f = forward
o = output 115
Block 1 Physics of Semiconductor Devices
The h-parameters of a transistor depend on the configuration: CE, CC or CB.
Because of this, the letter e is included for CE configuration, c for CC
configuration and b for CB configuration. Table 5.2 summarises the notation
for commonly used transistor h-parameters. As you can see, the parameters
corresponding to CE are hie, hre , hfe and hoe .
Parameter CE CC CB
h11 hie hic hib
The general h-parameter equivalent circuit of Fig. 5.9 and Eqs. (5.3) and (5.4)
are widely used to calculate the voltage gain, current gain, input impedance
and output impedance of the transistor amplifier in its three configurations.
You will now learn how to obtain the expression for these transistor
Notice that the ac output voltage is inverted with respect to the ac input
voltage, meaning that it is 180 out of phase with the input. During the positive
half cycle of input voltage, the base current increases, causing the collector
current to increase. This produces a larger voltage drop across the collector
resistor. Therefore, the collector voltage decreases, and we get the first
negative half cycle of output voltage.
Conversely, on the negative cycle of input voltage, less collector current flows
and the voltage drop across the collector resistor decreases. For this reason,
the collector-to-ground voltage rises and we get the positive half cycle of the
output voltage.
Unit 5 Transistor Circuit Analysis
Now that you have learnt the working of CE amplifier, let us obtain the
expressions for the circuit characteristics in terms of h-parameters. For this we
represent the CE circuit in its h-parameter model shown in Fig. 5.11.
h i h22v 2 v
Ai 21 1 h21 h22 2
i1 i1
From Fig. 5.9 you can see that, output voltage v 2 i 2rL . (The negative sign
of current i 2 is because it is considered to be coming out of the output port
and flowing into the load resistor.) Substituting this in Eq. (5.18), we get
i r
Ai h21 h22 2 L h21 Ai h22rL
Solving for Ai , we get
Ai (5.19)
1 h22rL
Block 1 Physics of Semiconductor Devices
5.4.2 Voltage Gain
The voltage gain of an amplifier is defined as the ratio of the ac output voltage
to ac input voltage:
Av 2 (5.20)
Zin 1 (5.22)
h i h v h v
Zin 111 12 2 h11 12 2
i1 i1
h i r
Zin h11 12 2 L
However, Ai , hence
h h r
Zin h11 12 21 L (5.23)
1 h22 rL
Zout 2 (5.24)
Zout (5.25)
h21i1 h22v 2
Applying Ohm’s law on the input side in Fig. 5.12 we can write:
h12 v 2
rs h11
rs h11
Zout (5.26)
(rs h11) h22 h12h21
Thus, for a CE amplifier, the h formulas can be written using the symbols from
Table 5.2 as follows:
Ai (5.27a)
1 hoerL
hfe rL
Av (5.27b)
hie (hiehoe hrehfe ) rL
h h r
Zin hie re fe L (5.27c)
1 hoerL
rs hie
Z out (5.27d)
(rs hie ) hoe hre hfe
The base terminal is common to both the input and the output. The input is at
the emitter, and the output is taken off the collector, i.e., across the collector
resistor RC .
In the common base configuration, the output is in phase with the input. A
positive input makes the emitter more positive, that is v be reduces, and
hence, the collector current decreases. This decrease in the collector current
causes the output voltage at the collector to rise, thus giving a higher positive
For calculating the current gain, voltage gain, input impedance and output
impedance, we need to use the CB parameters hib, hrb, h jb and hob as shown
in Fig. 5.14.
As the input goes more positive, the current flows in the transistor and IE
increases, which means that the output also goes more positive. In other
words, the output voltage is in phase with the input voltage. The common
collector amplifier is thus often called the “emitter follower” because the output
voltage on the emitter “follows” the input voltage at the base.
To sum up, in Table 5.3 we give comparison among three types of amplifier
Table 5.3: Comparative study of three types of amplifier circuits
Concept Description
4-terminal device A four terminal (two port) network can be analysed by considering it to
be a black box with two specified currents (input-output) and two
specified voltages (input-output).
h-parameters If input current and output voltage are taken to be independent, we get
hybrid (or h-) parameters. The basic equations are:
v1 h11 i1 h12 v 2
v h21rL
Voltage gain, AV 2
v1 h11 (h11h22 h12h21) rL
v h h r
Input impedance, Zin 1 h11 12 21 L
i1 1 h22 rL
v rs h11
Output impedance, Zout 2
i 2 (rs h11) h22 h12h21
h-parameters for
different transistor
Parameter CE CC CB
h11 hie hic hib
For CE configuration:
i) Current gain
hfe 200
1 hoerL 1 10 10 6 2 10 3
200 200
1 2 10 2 1.02
hfe rL
hie (hie hoe hre hfe ) rL
200 2 103
(5 103 ) (5 103 10 10 6 ) (1.2 10 4 200) (2 103 )
Unit 5 Transistor Circuit Analysis
400 10 3
5 10 3 [0.05 0.024] (2 10 3 )
400 10 3 400
(5 10 ) (0.052 10 )
3 3 5 .052
hfb rL
hib (hib hob hrb hfb ) rL
0.98 1 103
20 [(20 0.5 10 6 ) (3 10 4 ( 0.98)] (1 103 )
0.98 103
20 [(10 10 6 ) (2.94 10 4 )] 103
= 48.27
hrbhfb rL
Zin hib
1 hob rL
= 20.29
Terminal Questions
1. For the common base circuit, the input current is i e , whereas output
current is i c . Hence hfb c . The relation between the collector and
emitter current is given by Eq. (3.1a):
ie ic ib
Now, from Eq. (4.2b), you know that the current gain of the transistor is
given by
Block 1 Physics of Semiconductor Devices
Current gain = hfe c ( )
ie i b ic ic 1
i ic hfe
hfb c
ie 1 1 hfe
ic 1
1 hocrL
100 100
1 (20 10 50) 1.001
rs hic
Output impedance, Zout
(rs hic ) hoc hrc hfc
10.5 103
(10.5 103 20 10 6 ) 100