4202en-O Optima User Manual

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Legal notices / Intellectual property rights comments

Original user manual
© 2023 by MRU
No part of this manual my be published in any form (print, fotocopy,
electronic media or any other publication form) without a written
approval by the publisher.
All user trade marks and name mark descriptions, even those which are
not marked as such, are properties of the respective owners.

Edition: 2023-07-03,V.1.15.EN

MRU GmbH, D-74172 2/


Table of contents
1 Information for product and safety................................................7
1.1. Safety manual...................................................................................................7
1.2. Safety precautions...........................................................................................7
1.3. Ensure safety.....................................................................................................8
1.4. Important general information (EN 50379 and VDI 4206)..............8
1.5. User guideline for rechargeable batteries.....................................9

2 Introduction.....................................................................................10
2.1. Intended use...................................................................................................10
2.2. About us...........................................................................................................11
2.3. Packaging.........................................................................................................12
2.4. Return of hazardous materials.................................................................12
2.5. Return of electronic equipment..............................................................12

3 Description.......................................................................................13
3.1. Gas flow diagram..........................................................................................13
3.2. Analyser............................................................................................................14
3.3. Condensate seperator (water trap)........................................................15
3.4. Extraction probes..........................................................................................19

4 Operating.........................................................................................20
4.1. Display...............................................................................................................20
4.2. Keypad..............................................................................................................21
4.3. Menu structure..............................................................................................22

5 First usage........................................................................................23
5.1. Preparatory steps..........................................................................................23
5.2. Customize settings.......................................................................................23
5.3. Export and import settings.......................................................................25

Export user settings.............................................................................................25

Import user settings.............................................................................................26

5.4. Set measurement...........................................................................................26

5.5. Set Bluetooth parameters..........................................................................28
5.6. Setting date and time.................................................................................29
5.7. Configure measurement program.........................................................29
5.8. Set CO-Limit....................................................................................................30
5.9. Change measurement program name.................................................30
5.10. Select fuel types and O2 reference.........................................................31

Add fuels to fuel type selection......................................................................31

Set O2-reference...................................................................................................32

5.11. Define user fuel type...................................................................................32

5.12. Define measurement window.................................................................34
5.13. Configure zoom window............................................................................35

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6 Prepare measurement....................................................................36
6.1. Perform overall visual inspection............................................................36
6.2. Ensure power supply...................................................................................36
6.3. Automatic Auto-off function....................................................................36
6.4. Measuring with grid power supply / Battery charging..................36
6.5. Measurements in battery mode (battery monitoring)...................36
6.6. Operating temperature...............................................................................37
6.7. Control Condensate separator................................................................37
6.8. Connections and tightness........................................................................37
6.9. Automatic zero point...................................................................................38

Repeat zeroing.......................................................................................................38

7 Performing measurement..............................................................39
7.1. Perform Gas measurement.......................................................................39

Core flow search....................................................................................................39

Select Measurement program..........................................................................40
Measurement window........................................................................................42
CO purging..............................................................................................................42

7.2. Performing measurements with measurement assistant...............43

Switch on the measurement assistant..........................................................43

Use templates.........................................................................................................43
Collect measurement...........................................................................................44
Reset collected measurements.........................................................................46
Print collected measurements.........................................................................47
Individualise function key F2............................................................................48
Transmitting measurements to MRU4u.......................................................49
Transmitting measurements to MRU4u via QR code.............................50
Transmitting measurements via QR code ZIV...........................................50
Store measurements............................................................................................51
Send messages as E-Mail..................................................................................52

7.3. Temporary buffer..........................................................................................52

Store values into temporary buffer...............................................................53

Overwrite measured values in temporary buffer.....................................55

7.4. Perform Annular-gap test..........................................................................56

7.5. Perform Test program.................................................................................57
7.6. CO/H2 and CO high (optional)................................................................57
7.7. Non-continuous draft measurement......................................................57
7.8. Perform pressure measurement..............................................................58
7.9. Perform Differential temperature measurement..............................59
7.10. Store measurement values........................................................................60

Enter T-boiler, Soot and Derivative................................................................61

7.11. Print measurement values.........................................................................62

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Open menu print-out..........................................................................................62
Print measurement results with Speedprinter...........................................63
Print measurement results with Highspeed-Bluetooth-

7.12. Stop measurement.......................................................................................66

7.13. Last measured values..................................................................................66

8 Data storage....................................................................................67
8.1. Organize data storage................................................................................67
8.2. Call up information about Memory info..............................................67
8.3. Sites administration......................................................................................68

Create new site......................................................................................................68

View sites.................................................................................................................69
Change sites...........................................................................................................69
Delete sites..............................................................................................................70

8.4. Transfer data via using SD card...............................................................71

Import sites.............................................................................................................72
Export sites..............................................................................................................73
Export measurements.........................................................................................74

8.5. Measurements in Data storage...............................................................75

View measurements.............................................................................................75
Delete measurements.........................................................................................76

9 Extras / Adjustment........................................................................78
9.1. Service menu..................................................................................................78
9.2. Default settings..............................................................................................79
9.3. Service values.................................................................................................80
9.4. Performing leak test....................................................................................81
9.5. Contents SD card..........................................................................................83
9.6. Device info.......................................................................................................84

Options list..............................................................................................................84
Service history........................................................................................................85

10 Maintenance and care.................................................................86

10.1. Cleaning and care.........................................................................................86
10.2. Maintenance...................................................................................................86
10.3. Service messages..........................................................................................86

11 Option Gas flow measurement..................................................87

11.1. Connect Prandtl (Pitot) tube.....................................................................87
11.2. Open menu Gas flow measurement......................................................88
11.3. Define settings and parameters..............................................................89

11.4. Enter Cross section area.............................................................................90

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11.5. Perform measurement................................................................................90

12 Option: Monitoring flow rate.....................................................92

13 Option: Auto-measurement........................................................93
14 Option: Perform measurements with Extraction box.............95
14.1. Attach Extraction box to analyser...........................................................95
14.2. Connect Extraction box to analyser.......................................................96
14.3. Activate Extraction box...............................................................................97
14.4. Perform measurement................................................................................98

15 Prefilter for high dust concentrations.......................................99

16 Appendix....................................................................................100
16.1. Technical data..............................................................................................100
16.2. Analysis and calculation............................................................................105
16.3. Reset analyser..............................................................................................107
16.4. Troubleshooting..........................................................................................108

Troubleshooting on the analyser.................................................................108

Troubleshooting condensate separator....................................................109

16.5. Update firmware..........................................................................................110

Check current firmware version....................................................................110

Prepare SD card..................................................................................................110
Perform firmware update................................................................................110
Check new firmware version...........................................................................111

16.6. Display your own logo..............................................................................113

Create your own logo.......................................................................................113

Import logo into analyser................................................................................115

MRU GmbH, D-74172 6/


1 Information for product and safety

1.1. Safety manual

All general information and safety precautions of MRU products are
listed in the supplied separate safety manual.
Therefore, this manual must be read and observed before the first use
of the instrument.
Instrument-specific safety and warning requirements in this manual are
prefixed before dangerous actions.

1.2. Safety precautions

The used categories of safety precautions are here explained once

Identifies an immediate, impending hazard that, if
ignored, will result in severe bodily injuries or death.

Identifies an immediate, impending hazard that, if
ignored, may result in severe bodily injuries, material
damage or death.

Identifies a possibly dangerous situation that, if
ignored, may result in minor injuries.

Identifies a possibly harmful situation that, if ignored,
may result in damages to the device or its

Identifies user tips and other especially important infor-
The explanation of safety notices:

HOT – danger of burns and fire hazards from gas
extraction probe.
Physical harm and property damage can be caused.
► Cool down the probe tube.

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1.3. Ensure safety

► Please read the user manual completely before the first use.
► Only use the analyser for the intended use and within the
parameters specified in the technical data.
► Do not use any violence.
► Avoid falls
► Do not put the analyser into use, if the housing, power supply unit
or supply leads are damaged.
► Do not store the analyser together with solvents. Do not
use desiccants.
► Only carry out maintenance and service work on this analyser as de-
scribed in the User Manual. Observe the prescribed action steps.
► Operate the analyser only in closed, dry rooms and protect it
from rain and moisture.
► When operating the analyser on mains power, operate it only
with the mains adapter supplied.
► Do not use the metal tube of the gas sampling probe or other
metal- lic parts / accessories as electrical conductors.
► The analyser must not be located in the immediate vicinity of
open fire or great heat.
► The specified temperature range of the gas sampling probe must
not be exceeded, otherwise the probe tube and temperature sensor
will be destroyed.

1.4. Important general information (EN 50379 and VDI 4206)

 The analyser is not designed to be used for continuous
measure- ments
 Before using the analyser verify the condition of the various parts of
the analyser, such as the probe, the ambient air conditions, the
con- densate separator, star filter and the connectors for damage
and/or blockages.
 When starting the analyser up it will take between 1 – 3 minutes to
set to zero depending on the condition of the sensors and
ambient conditions. (Zeroing).
 The minimum zeroing time of the analyser to achieve correct
meas- urement values can be expected by 1.5 minutes!
 Exposure to acids; aggressive gases such as Sulphur; vapours such as
thinners, gasoline, alcohol and paint, etc. can damage, reduce the
life of, or destroy the sensors
 Die Lebenserwartung der Sensoren beträgt, abhängig von Nutzung,
Wartung und Pflege des Messgerätes bei dem O2 Sensor ca. 2 Jahre
und bei dem CO Sensor ca. 2-3 Jahre.
 The life of the sensors depends on how they are used, maintained
and treated. Typical average life expectations are: O2 - 2 years; CO
- 2 - 3 years and NO - 3 years.

MRU GmbH, D-74172 8/


 The use of the analyser for regulatory purposes is subject to special

regulations (for example a periodical examination of the analyser).
Please obtain the appropriate regulations from your local
responsible authority.

1.5. User guideline for rechargeable batteries

The rechargeable batterie is installed inside the ana-
lyser and is not accessible to the end customer. How-
ever, the following instructions must generally be ob-
served when handling lithium-ion rechargeable

► The rechargeable battery can only be used in this analyser.

► Do not throw the rechargeable battery into a fire, charge it at
high temperatures and store it in a hot environment.
► Do not deform, short-circuit or modify the rechargeable battery.
► The rechargeable battery must not be used in or under water.
► Do not expose the rechargeable battery to strong mechanical
forces and do not throw it.
► Do not cut or squeeze the connecting cables of the rechargeable
bat- tery.
► Do not carry or store the battery together with sharp-edged objects.
► Do not connect the (+) contact to the (-) contact or metal.
► Non-observance of the above guidelines can cause heat, fire and
ex- plosions

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2 Introduction
 This manual enables you to understand and safely operate this
MRU Analyser.
 Please read this manual with great vigilant and get familiar with
the product before using it.
 This Analyser may only be operated by competent personnel and
for its intended use.
 Please pay special attention to all safety directions and warnings
to prevent personal injuries and damaging of the product.
 We can’t be held responsible for any injuries and/or damages that
occur by not following the instructions in this manual.
 Always keep the manual near you when working with the analyser,
to be able to read instructions as needed
 Please ensure to hand over all documents to when handing the
ana- lyser over to others.

2.2. Intended use

The analyser is intended for short-term measurements within the scope
of emission measurements at small combustion plants and industrial
combustion plants. The analyser measures the measurements provided
by VDI4206 and EN50379 metrics and stores them for further pro-
The analyser is specifically not intended as a safety device or personal
protective equipment.
The analyser should not be used as a warning device to warn people
against the presence of harmful gases.
The analyser must be used according to instructions for the intended
Our analysers are checked according to the following regulations:
VDE 0411 (EN61010) and DIN VDE 0701 before they leave the MRU
GmbH factory.
MRU technical products are designed and manufactured according to
DIN 31000/ VDE 1000 and UVV = VBG 4 of the professional guilds for
fine mechanics and electrical engineering.
MRU GmbH assures that the analyser complies to the essential require-
ments of the legal regulations of the member states of the electro-mag-
netic compatibility (2014/30/EU) and to the low-voltage regulations

MRU GmbH, D-74172 10 /


Risk from manipulations to the measuring device
Operational safety hazard
► Modifications or changes to the measuring device
are not allowed.

2.3. About us
The analyser is produced by the MRU GmbH in Neckarsulm, Germany
(Founded in 1984), a medium sized company that specializes in devel-
oping, producing and marketing high quality emission monitoring
MRU GmbH produces a wide range of instruments, from standard
analysers up to tailor made industrial analysers.

Plant 1: Sales, Service, R&D

Werk 2: Production

MRU GmbH, D-74172 11 /


Fuchshalde 8 + 12
74172 Neckarsulm - Obereisesheim

Fon +49 71 32 99 62 0 (Zentrale)

Fon +49 71 32 99 62 61 (Kundendienst)
Fax +49 71 32 99 62 20
Email: [email protected]
Internet: www.mru.eu

2.4. Packaging
Save the original carton and packing materials to prevent damage
in transit in case you need to return the unit to the factory.

2.5. Return of hazardous materials

Waste Disposal/Returns/Warranty - MRU is required to accept the re-
turn of hazardous waste such as electro-chemical sensors that cannot
be disposed of locally.
Hazardous waste must be returned to MRU prepaid.

2.6. Return of electronic equipment

MRU is required to accept the return, for proper disposal, of all
analys- ers delivered after 13th of August 2005. Analysers must be
returned to MRU prepaid.

MRU GmbH, D-74172 12 /


3 Description
The main task of the analyser is to support the following applications:

 Exact flue gas measurements for almost all industrial

combustion types
In addition, by activating appropriate options or connecting external
ac- cessories, the analyser can be used for a wide range of measuring
tasks, such as

 Flow measurement
 Differential measurements of pressure and temperature

3.1. Gas flow diagram

In combination with the extraction probe (inserted in the stack) the in-
ternal gas pump of the analyser extracts a portion of the flue gas and
analyses it using electro-chemical sensors.
The thermo-element in the probe tube measures the flue gas tempera-
ture and due to the construction of the probe pressure (draft) can be
measured as well.

Position Description
1 Sampling probe
2 Triple hose
3 Condensate separator
4 Star filter
5 Non return valve
6 Gas pump
7 Sensor chamber
8 O2-Sensor
9 Further electrochemical sensors optional*
10 NDIR *
11 CO Purge pump * / not available with CO2-NDIR
12 Pressure sensor *

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3.2. Analyser

The analyser consists of a compact and robust glass-fiber reinforced plastic

housing. All connections relevant for the measurement are located on the bot-
tom of the analyser.

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Position Description Position Description

1 Keypad 10 Gas outlet
2 Condensate separator 11 Temperature connection
T1 / T-Ambient air
3 Display 12 Temperature connection
T2 / T-gas
4 IR-Interface 13 Connector AUX
5 USB-Port / Charging port 14 Sampling probe connec-
Condensate separator
6 SD-card reader (Only by 15 Pressure connection 1
using an MRU-SD card (Differential Pressure)
we can assure the com-
patibility of all analyser
7 Analyser feet 16 Pressure connection 2
8 Holding magnets 17 Pressure connection
9 Handle strip

Gas outlet:
During measurement the gas outlet must not be cov-

3.3. Condensate seperator (water trap)

Condensate is acidic
The condensate from the container can be slight acidic
and can cause chemical burn.
► Immediately clean with plenty of water once you
have encountered acid

Condensate accumulating during the measurement is collected in the

condensate separator.
Note that there are two variants of the condensate separator.

 Without water stop filter

 With water stop filter

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Condensate separator
without water stop filter

Remove the condensate separator by lifting it out from the groove (1)
of the analyser. Then pull out the condensate separator downwards (2).
Liquid discharged from the condensate separator may be slightly acidic.

Condensate vessel and plug are screwed into each other. To change the
pocket star filter and dry and clean the condensate separator, it can be
easily disassembled and screwed back together.

After cleaning, a leak test must be performed.

 See also chapter 9.4 Performing leak test, Page 81.

An exhaust gas filter is installed in the condensate separator of the

analyser. This filters out the first coarse dirt.

This pocket star filter is washable and can be used approx. 4-5 times.
Frequent measurement results in a high degree of contamination,
which requires regular replacement of the pocket star filter.

MRU GmbH, D-74172 16 /


Condensate separator with

water stop filter

Position Description
1 Water stop filter
2 Sealing ring

The water stop filter protects the analyser from moisture.

The water stop filter closes as soon as there is a risk that condensate is
sucked into the analyser.
A closed water stop filter can be indicated, for example, by the fact that
the flow rate is too low.

 See also chapter 12Option: Monitoring flow rate, Page 92. If

the flow monitoring option is installed in your analyser, the
corre- sponding message could indicate a closed water stop

MRU GmbH, D-74172 17 /


► Check in the water stop filter

► Replace the water stop filter if necessary.
► Remove the condensate separator with water stop from the
analyser as described above.
► Unscrew the condensate separator.
► Replace the water stop filter.

Observe the direction when installing the water stop filter

The side with the sealing ring must point upwards.
Due to the arrangement of the membrane in the filter, the water stop
filter will quickly become defective if inserted in the wrong direction due
to excessive pressure.

The water stop filter should be replaced annually.

MRU GmbH, D-74172 18 /


3.4. Extraction probes

In combination with the analyser, gas sampling probes are offered in
different versions with fixed probe tube or with exchangeable probe
tube. For a complete overview of accessories, see the company's current
price list.

Here two variants are shown as examples:

Probe ST Probe SF
With 180 mm probe pipe With 300 mm exchangeable
(fixed) probe pipe and 2,7 m sam-
and 1,5 m sampling line pling line

1 Probe tube 4 Connector for sample gas

2 Probe cone (high grade steel) 5 Connector for draft measurement
3 Hose and cable routing 6 Connector for temperature

MRU GmbH, D-74172 19 /


4 Operating

4.1. Display
All the information needed for the operation of the analyser can be ob-
tained from the analyser's display, which contains the following infor-

Position Description
1 Menu bar
2 Display panel
- Menu
- Measurement values
3 Function key bar
4 Battery charge condition
5 SD-Card in the slot

Display yellow

 write-protected
 read-only access

6 Zeroing active

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4.2. Keypad
Description of the keys and their functions:

Key Function
A short press switches the
analyser on without delay.
Switching off the device is
delayed to protect the sen-
sor when no ambient air is
present. Then purging is
recommended before
switching off.
Function keys Activates the function that is
shown in the function key
bar on the display.

Will show all available

Menu Key functions in the window
that is currently in use –
also those which have an
individual key on the key
pad like the printer and
the three function keys.
ESC Abort or return to the
menu above

Arrow keys Move cursor,

change values

OK Confirmation key, selection

of the marked menu item

Printer Activates the printer func-

tion in the measurement
and service window. .

MRU GmbH, D-74172 21 /


4.3. Menu structure

The analyser organizes all available actions into three main menus:

 Menu Measurement
Here you will find all actions for the measuring tasks of the
analyser. In particular, all installed measuring tasks are listed here
and can be selected.
 Menu Storage
All available storage options will be displayed and can be se-
lected here.
 Menu Extra
All other actions are available here to manage and customize the

The topic „Gas The The menu Extras is

measurements“ is
a standard
feature in every
analyser and is
explained in
chapter 7
Perform- ing
measurement ,
Page 39. Other
menu points are
optional and will
menu Storage
be explained in
this manual or in

You can jump in between the 3 main menus with the 3 function keys
(according to the displayed name on the screen).

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5 First usage
After ensuring that the analyser is ready for operation, you can make
some customer-specific adjustments during the initial startup.
All settings can be changed at any time later.

5.1. Preparatory steps

► Unpack the analyser.
► Read the User Manual completely.
► The analyser leaves the factory assembled and ready for use.
Nevertheless, check the device for completeness and
► Charge the battery of the analyser for about 8 hours.
► Check date and time. Modify if needed.

5.2. Customize settings

Press F3.

 The Extras menu appears.

► Select Settings.
► Press OK.
 The menu Settings appears.
► Select the desired setting.
► Change the desired setting.
► Press ESC.
 The change is saved.
 The Extras menu appears.

In the "Settings" menu you can make the following customizations:

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Setting Range Description

LCD brightness 5 – 100 % Setting the display contrast
Country Option By switching the country,
the set O2 reference values
are lost.
The fuel list is
reset. Country-specific de-
fault settings and measur-
ing procedures are also set.
Language Option Selection of the analyser
LED condensate trap OFF, 50%, 100% Change the brightness of
the condensate trap LED
Helpful hints ON / OFF Some helpful hints which
are very useful for an inex-
perienced user but are not
needed by experienced
users, can be activated or
deactivated. The following
hints will be affected:
“Zeroing finished, Sensors
are ready. Analyser ready
for measurement.”
“Reminder! Charge batter-
ies at regular intervals!”
Font Change font.
You can choose between
Standard and Extra.

Cursor colour Change cursor colour.

You can choose between
Standard, Eye-Catching
and Colour filled.
Power-ON protection ON / OFF If you have activated the
power-on protection and
press the ON key, the dis-
play will show a
a 20-second countdown.
Press F2 to turn the ana-
lyser on.
Keyboard beep ON / OFF Set signal tone when key is
400 DH (ext. Sonde) ON / OFF Activation of the external
probe 400 DH

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5.3. Export and import settings

You have the possibility to export saved settings to an SD card and im-
port these settings to another analyser.

Export user settings

► Make sure that there is an SD card in the analyser.

► Go to the menu Settings.
 See also chapter 5.2 Customize settings, Page 23.

► Press the menu key.

 A selection list appears.
► Select Export user settings.
► Press OK.
 The settings are exported to the SD card.
 The settings are saved on the SD card as SETTINGS.USR

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Import user settings

► Insert the SD card with the exported settings into the

desired analyser.
► Go to the menu Settings.
 See also chapter 5.2 Customize settings, Page 23.

► Press the menu key.

 A selection list appears.
► Select Import user settings.
► Press OK.
 The settings are imported.

5.4. Set measurement

► Go to the menu Settings.

 See also chapter 5.2 Customize settings, Page 23.

► Press F3.
 The menu Measurement settings appears.
► Select the desired setting.
► Change the desired setting.
► Press ESC.
 The change is saved.
 The menu Settings appears.

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In the menu "Measurement settings" menu you can make the following

Setting Range Description

Temperature unit °C, °F Select temperature unit
Diff. press. unit hPa/Pa, hPa, kPa/Pa, Select pressure unit
kPa, mbar, mmH2O,
cmH20, inchH2O, mmHG,
inHg, PSI, bar,
MPa, Pa
Draft unit hPa/Pa, hPa, kPa/Pa, kPa, Select draft unit
mbar, mmH20, cmH20,
inchH20, mmHG, inHG, PSI,
bar, MPa, Pa,
Unit for P-abs. hPa, KPa/Pa, kPa, mbar, Select unit for P-abs.
cmH2O, inchH2O, mmHG,
inHG, PSI, bar,MPa, Pa
Mass flow mg/s,lb/yr,Tpy, Select unit for Mass flow
Unit density mg/m3, grain/ft3 Select Unit density
Mass/Energy mg/MJ, lb/MMBtu Select unit for Mass/ Energy
Mass/Capacity mg/kWh, g/bhp-hr Select unit for Mass/Capacity
Factor NO zu NOx 1.00 – 2.00 Enter factor for conversion
from NO to NOx.
O2 resolution 0.1%, 0.01% Enter value for O2 resolution
Core flow search ON / OFF Core flow search before start
of each gas measurement:
activated or deactivated
Add soot&T-boiler ON / OFF Add soot and T-boiler after
each gas measurement:
activated or deactivated
Annular -gap test ON / OFF Annular gap test:
activated or deactivated
Combustion calculation ON / OFF If the combustion calculation
is switched off following
items will be changed:
- no fuel types,
respectively always "Sample
- no measuring values
losses, ETA, ETAcond, Dev.
- no measuring value
CO2, except it will be
- no measuring
values CO/NO/,,,. in
- no fuel type will be
shown on the menu bar
and print- out
QR-Code QR-ZIV / QR-4u Selection of the created QR
code for ZIV or QR-4u (App.)

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5.5. Set Bluetooth parameters

Depending on the features, the analyser can be used to exchange meas-
urement data wirelessly with external devices:

 With MRU4U (App for Android and iOS Smartphones)

 With MRU4Win
 With MRU Bluetooth-Printer

Depending on the software version of the danalyser and the technical

realization of the Bluetooth interface, settings for data transfer may
be required.

► Please check in the following menu:

► Go to the menu Settings.

 See also chapter 5.2 Customize settings, Page 23.

► Press F2.
 The menu Bluetooth appears.

If "DUAL MODE (ANDROID/IOS)" appears in the settings window, the

Bluetooth module supports all applications without any further settings.

If "DUAL MODE (ANDROID/IOS)" appears in the settings window in-

stead of "ANDROID/IOS", a settings window appears in which you can
select between the ANDROID/IOS modes, select whether you want to
connect the analyser to an Android or iOS smartphone.
A connection to the Bluetooth printer or to MRU4WIn is realized with
the "ANDROID" setting.

MRU GmbH, D-74172 28 /


5.6. Setting date and time

If the built-in rechargeable battery is completely discharged, a new setting
of these values is required

► Press F3.
 The Extra menu appears.
► Select Date / Time.
► Press OK.
 The menu Date/Time appears.
► Press F2.
 The menu Set clock appears.
► Set the desired Date
► Set the desired Time.
► Press F2.
 The change is saved.

5.7.Configure measurement program

For each of the programs the following parameters can be configured:
1. CO ppm limit: adjustable value for the CO sensor protection. If
the CO value in the flue gas is higher than the adjusted value
in the analyser, the purge pump will be activated and the
sensor will be protected against high CO concentrations.
2. Selectable fuel types: choose and select from the available
fuel type list
3. Measurement windows: configuration of what and where
will be displayed in the 3 measurement value windows.
4. Zoom – window: select what will be displayed in the zoom
- window
5. Program name

The following program is pre-configured:

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“Test Program” indented for use at instrument maintenance and calibration.

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5.8. Set CO-Limit

► Select Gas measurements.

► Press OK.
 The menu Selection meas. program appears.
► Select the desired measuring program from which the CO limit
value is to be set
► Press F1.
 The menu Co-Limit appears.
► Set the desired CO-limit [ppm].
► Press OK.
 The desired CO-limit [ppm] is stored.

5.9. Change measurement program name

You have the possibility to change the name of the measurement

► Select Gas measurements

► Press OK.
 The menu Selection meas. program appears.
► Press F3.
► Change the name of the measurement program to your needs.
► Press OK.
 The changed name is displayed in the menu Selection meas. pro-

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5.10. Select fuel types and O2 reference

Note that you can only select the Fuel type selection if
the combustion calculation has been switched on.

 See also chapter 5.4 Set measurement, Page 26

Each time a measuring program for flue gas measurement is called up, a
fuel can be selected from a list. Which fuel is available for selection can
be selected from a fuel type list.

Add fuels to fuel type selection

► Select Gas measurements.

► Press OK.
 The menu Selection meas. Program appears.
► Select the desired measurement program.
► Press OK.
 The menu fuel type selection appears.
► Press F2.
 The menu Fuel type list appears.
► Select the fuel which should be added to the menu Fuel type
selec- tion.
► Press F1.
 The selected fuel is marked with a check mark.
► Select other fuels if necessary.
► Press OK.
 The selected fuels are displayed in the menu Fuel type selection.

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Set O2-reference

► Go the menu Fuel type list.

 See also chapter Add fuels to fuel type selection, Page 31.

► Select the desired fuel.

► Press F3.
 The menu Info fuel type appears.
► Stellen Sie den gewünschten O2-Bezug ein.
► Set the desired O2-reference
► Press OK.
 The set O2 reference is saved.

5.11. Define user fuel type

Note that you can only select the Fuel type selection if
the combustion calculation has been switched on.

 See also chapter 5.4 Set measurement, Page 26

You can define four fuels to your individual needs.

You can define the name and the fuel parameters.
Like the other fuels, you can add user fuels to the menu Fuel type selec-

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The last 4 fuels in the menu Fuel type list are the user
fuels. The user fuels are indicated in the menu Fuel
Type list in green colour.

► Go the menu Fuel type list.

 See also chapter Add fuels to fuel type selection, Page 31.

► Select the user fuel type you want to define.

► Press F3.
 The menu Define user fuel type appears.
► Press F1.
 A window appears.
► Change the name of the user fuel type to your needs.
► Press OK.
 The changed name is displayed in the menu Define user fuel type.
 After you have changed the name of the user fuel, you can
define the fuel parameters.

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► Select the desired fuel parameter.

► Change the desired fuel parameter.
► Press OK.
 The defined user fuel appears in the menu Fuel type list.
 You can add the defined user fuel to the menu Fuel type
selec- tion.
 See also chapter Add fuels to fuel type selection, Page 31.

5.12. Define measurement window.

► Start a measuring program.

In this example Program 1, Sample gas.
► Select one of three measurement windows.
► Press the menu key
 A selection list appears.
► Select Define measuring window.
► Press OK.
 The measurement window appears
► Select the desired measured value that you want to change.
► Press the menu key.
 A selection list appears.
► Select Save measuring window.
► Press OK.
 The change is saved.

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5.13. Configure zoom window

In each measuring program, a zoom window is available for the en-
larged display of measured values.
You can choose between two zoom views.

► Press the arrow key at the top to display four measured values
with the respective curve. The scaling is automatic. The x-axis
shows the last 150 seconds
► Press the down arrow key to display two measured values without
a curve.
The following example shows the configuration of the zoom window
with four measured values. The configuration of the zoom window with
two measured values is done in the same way.

► Start a measuring program.

In this example Program 1, Sample gas.
► Press the arrow key up.
 The zoom window appears.
► Press the menu key.
 A selection list appears.
► Select define measuring window.
► Press OK.
► Select the desired measured value that you want to change.
► Press the menu key.
 A selection list appears.
► Select Save measuring window.
► Press OK.
 The change is saved.

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6 Prepare measurement

6.1. Perform overall visual inspection

Before using the analyser, perform an overall visual inspection to ensure
that the analyser is operating correctly.

6.2. Ensure power supply

The analyser can be used with:

 with the internal MRU battery (provided)

 with the MRU battery charger (provided)

External equipment may only be connected while the analyser is

switched off!

6.3. Automatic Auto-off function

The auto-off function switches the analyser off after 60 minutes without
any key operation.

The auto-off function is deactivated during a measurement or the

charger/USB connection, the auto-off function is deactivated.

6.4. Measuring with grid power supply / Battery charging

Whenever you connect the analyser with external battery
charger (90...260 V / 50/ 60Hz) the battery will be charged
Once the battery is fully charged the analyser will switch to trickle
charge mode.

6.5. Measurements in battery mode (battery monitoring)

The battery symbol in the top right corner displays the current battery
charge condition.
Approximately 15 minutes (depending on the analyser configuration)
before the battery is drained, the battery symbol will start to blink red
(about once per second).
When the battery is almost drained and the analyser is not connected to
the battery charger within one minute, then the analyser will switch off
automatically to prevent deep discharge of the battery.

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6.6. Operating temperature

If the analyser has been stored at low temperatures, it will require some
time to equilibrate to the ambient temperature before being switched
on. If it does not equilibrate, condensation will occur inside the
analyser! If the temperature is out of its operation range you will see
messages on the display:

Once one of these messages appears you will not be
able to use the analyser, it will give an acoustic sig-
nal until it has reached the specified operation tem-
perature between +5°C and +45°C

6.7. Control Condensate separator

Acid from the condensate
Acid burns may result from weakly acidic liquids from
the condensate.
► If you come into contact with acid, wash the area
im- mediately using a lot of water.

► Control the condensate separator before and after each

measure- ment
► Check that the condensate separator is empty.
► Check the star filter.
 Star filter white = ready for use
 Star filter dark = renew
When switching off, a warning message is displayed:

6.8. Connections and tightness

Check all plug connections for correct fitting.

Check all hoses, hose connections, condensate containers (from the
probe tip to the gas connection on the analyser) for tightness.
The analyser has a built-in automatic test to check the tightness of the
gas paths.

 See also chapter 9.4 Performing leak test, Page 81

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6.9. Automatic zero point

The probe must not be in the exhaust gas during the

► Switch on the analyser.

 The analyser autonomously carries out a zero-point measurement.
 During zeroing, the -> 0.0 <- symbol flashes in the upper
right corner of the display.
 After zeroing is complete, the analyser is ready for measurement.
 If sensors are faulty, the error is identified during zeroing and
an error message is displayed.

Repeat zeroing

The zeroing can be repeated at any time as long as the probe is not in-
side the stack

► Go to the Measurement menu

► Select Zeroing
► Press OK.
 Zeroing is started.

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7 Performing measurement

In the basic configuration, each analyser has the complete functionality

you need for gas measurement.
The process of gas measurement is described below.
The description of other optionally available measuring programs can
be found in the appendix or on separate supplementary sheets.

7.1. Perform Gas measurement

Core flow search

Note that you have to switch on the core flow search in
the menu Measurement settings before starting a gas

 See also chapter 5.4 Set measurement, Page 26

You can preselect whether a core flow search is to be carried out in the
measuring programs before the start of the measurements.

The core flow search will help you to find the optimal measurement
point in the stack. The core flow can be identified by the maximum flue
gas temperature. In high reaction time the analyser displays the trend of
the flue gas temperature. Insert the probe pipe slowly into the stack and
position your probe tube when you have reached the maximum flue gas
temperature that is displayed

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Positioning the probe in the core flow:

Insert the probe pipe slowly into the stack and position your probe pipe
when you have reached the maximum flue gas temperature that is dis-
Maximum temperature has been reached when the arrows (left picture)
disappear, max. (Right picture) appears in place of the arrow, and the
beeper signal stops. Moving away from the max. Temperature will result
in the bars moving away from the max. Once the right core flow has
been achieved, the probe is fixed with the probe cone screw.

Select Measurement program

Rick due to toxic gases
There is a risk of poisoning.
Noxious gases are sucked in by the measuring device
and released into the ambient air.
► Only use the measuring device in well
ventilated spaces.

Wrong measuring results
The extracted flue gas must be able to evacuate the ana-
lyser without obstruction.
► The exhaust outlet at the rear of the analyser may
never be covered during a measurement, never oper-
ate the analyser in a transport case.

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► Go to the Measurement menu.

► Select Gas measurements.
► Press OK.
 The menu Selection meas. program appears.
► Select the desired measurement program.
► If necessary, change the CO-Limit.
 See also chapter 5.8 Set CO-Limit, Page 30.

► If necessary, change the measurement program name.

 See also chapter 5.9Change measurement program name, Page

► Press OK.
 The menu Fuel type selection appears.
► Select the desired fuel.
► If necessary, add fuels from the fuel type list to the menu Fuel
type selection.
 See also chapter Add fuels to fuel type selection, Page 31.

► Press OK.
 If activated the menu Core flow search appears.
► Perform the Core flow search and then press F1.
 See also chapter Core flow search, Page 39.

 The Measurement is started.

You can start a measurement with the previously set
measurement parameters directly from the
Measurement menu.

► Press F1.
 If activated, the menu Core flow search appears.
 The Measurement is started.

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Measurement window

The measured values are organised in three windows of 7 measured val-

ues each.
Which measured value is displayed at which position in the window is

 See also Chapter 5.12, Page 34 and chapter 5.13Configure zoom

window, Page 35.

Direct measured variables such as oxygen content or temperature are

available as measured values, as are calculated values such as
dew point, CO2 content, etc. The same measured value is also available
in different conversions, such as CO as ppm or mg/kWh.
Measured values that are not available are shown as dashes. Reasons
for unavailability can be:

 Electrochemical sensor was detected as faulty during zeroing.

 External temperature sensors are not plugged in.
The measured value T-gas is primarily derived from the connection "T-
gas / AUX" (depending on the equipment) or, if not available, from
the connection "T1".

CO purging

If the configured CO threshold is exceeded during the gas measure-

ment, the analyser activates the purge function. This protects the CO
sensor from excessive CO values without falsifying other measured val-
During the purging, the CO measured value has no meaning and is
therefore replaced by dashes. These are red as long as the CO measured
value is still above the set CO threshold and then turn black when purg-
ing is successful.
Purging does not end automatically, but must be switched off by the
To do this, select the menu key and the subitem "purge pump OFF”

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7.2. Performing measurements with measurement assistant

With the help of the measurement assistant, you can collect several in-
dividual measurements. You can export the collected measurements via
Bluetooth or QR code to the app MRU4u (or other management pro-
grammes) and/or print them out. The printout can be viewed in a pre-
view printout.

Switch on the measurement assistant

Before you can use the measurement assistant, you have to switch on
the measurement assistant in the menu Setting Measurement.

► Go to the menu Measurement settings.

 See also chapter 5.4 Set measurement, Page 26.

► Select assist.
► Switch on assist.

Use templates

If you have switched on the measurement assistant, you can select

spe- cific templates in the Menu Selection meas. program to adapt this
meu to your needs.

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► Go to the Measurement menu.

► Press OK.
 The menu Selection meas. program appears.
► Press the menu key.
 A selection list appears.
► Select the desired template.
► Press OK.
 The menu changes accordingly.

Collect measurement

After you have activated the measurement assistant, you can select and
"collect" the desired measurements.

► Go to the Measurement menu.

► Select Gas measurements.
► Press OK.
 The menu Selection meas. program appears.
► If necessary, select a desired template.
 See also chapter Use templates, Page 43.

► Select the desired measurement program.

In this example, an Annular-gap test, a Program 2 and a Program 1
measurement are collected.
► Select Annular-gap test.
► Press OK.
 The menu Fuel type selection appears.
► Select the desired fuel.
► If necessary, add fuels from the fuel type list to the menu fuel
type selection.

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Users who start with the Annular-gap test first can se-
lect a fuel when selecting the Annular-gap test. This
fuel is then also used for the following measurements
(e.g. Program 2, Program 1).

 See also chapter Add fuels to fuel type selection, Page 31.

► Press OK.
 The Annular-gap test starts.
► Perform the Annular-gap test.
► Press F2 after you have finished the Annular-gap test.
 The menu assist appears.
 The Annular-gap test is collected in the measurement assistant.

► Select Program 2
► Press OK.
 If activated, the core flow search appears.
► Perform the core flow search and then press F1.
 See also chapter Core flow search, Page 39.

 The measurement starts.

► Perform the measurement.
► Press F2, after you have performed the measurement.
 The menu assist appears.
 The measurement is collected in the measurement assistant.

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► Select Program 1.
► Press OK.
 If activated, the core flow search appears.
► Perform the core flow search and then press F1.
 See also chapter Core flow search, Page 39.

► Press F2, after you have performed the measurement.

 The menu assist appears.
 The measurement is collected in the measurement assistant.

Reset collected measurements

You have the possibility to reset measurements already collected in the

measurement assistant.

► Press the menu key.

 A selection list appears.
► Select Collect reset.
► Press OK.
 A message appears.
► Select YES.
► Press OK.
 The collected measurements are reset.

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You can also reset the collected measurements directly
via the function key bar.

► Press F3.
 A message appears.

Print collected measurements

Before printing the collected measurements, you have the possibility to

display a print preview.

► Press F1.
 The menu preview appears.
► Press the Printer key.
 The printout is created.
 See also chapter 7.11 Print measurement values, Page 62.

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Individualise function key F2

Before you can export the collected measurements via QR code or

Blue- tooth or save them in the data memory, you must individualise
the function key F2.

► Press the context menu.

 A selection list appears.
► Select Setting assist.
► Press OK.
 The menu Setting assist appears.
► Select the desired setting.

Setting Use Representation in the display

Bluetooth Transferring
measurement data
to the MRU4u via
QR-4u Transferring meas-
urement data via QR
code to MRU4u
QR-ZIV Transmission of
measurement data
in ZIV format
store Saving the measure-
ment data in the
data storage

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If you set Bluetooth to F2 "If re-
quired", measurement data will al-
ways be transmitted to MRU4u as
soon as there is a connection be-
tween the analyser and MRU4u.
The display in the measurement as-
sistant changes automatically as soon
as a connection is established be-
tween the analyser and MRU4u.

Transmitting measurements to MRU4u

Before you can transmit measurements to MRU4u via Bluetooth, you

must adjust the F2 function key accordingly.

► Open the menu Setting assist.

 See also chapter Individualise function key F2, Page 48.

► Set Use for F2 key to Bluetooth.

► Exit the menu Setting assist.
► Connect the analyser to MRU4u.

► Press F2.
 The measurements are transmitted to MRU4u.

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Transmitting measurements to MRU4u via QR code

Before you can transmit measurements to MRU4u via Bluetooth, you

must adjust the F2 function key accordingly.

► Open the menu Setting assist.

 See also chapter Individualise function key F2, Page 48.

► Set Use for F2 key to QR-4u.

► Exit the menu Setting assist.

► Press F2.
 The QR-Code appears.
► Scan the QR-Code with MRU4u.

Transmitting measurements via QR code ZIV

Before you can transmit measurements to MRU4u via Bluetooth, you

must adjust the F2 function key accordingly.

► Open the menu Setting assist.

 See also chapter Individualise function key F2, Page 48.

► Set Use for F2 key to QR-ZIV.

► Exit the menu Setting assist.

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► Press F2.
 The QR-Code appears.
► Scan the QR-Code with MRU4u.

Store measurements

Before you can transmit measurements to MRU4u via Bluetooth, you

must adjust the F2 function key accordingly.

► Open the menu Setting assist.

 See also chapter Individualise function key F2, Page 48.

► Set Use for F2 key to Data store.

► Exit the menu Setting assist.

► Press F2.
 The menu Select site appears.
► Select the desired site.
► Pres F3.
 The measured values have been stored.
 See also chapter View measurements, Page 75.

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Send messages as E-Mail

You have the possibility to scan the measurements by OR code and

send them as an e-mail. The email is sent from the smartphone using the
MRU4u app.

► Press the menu key.

 A selection list appears.
► Select Send Mail …(QR).
► Press OK.
 A message appears.
► Press OK.
 The menu QR-Code appears.
► Scan the QR-Code with the app MRU4u.
 You can send the measurements as E-Mail.

7.3. Temporary buffer

The analyser offers you the possibility to store all momentary measured
values in a temporary buffer while the measurement is running and to
continue the measurement.

► Later on, the values can be brought back from the temporary buffer
to the measuring window in order to print them out or / and to
save them.

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Store values into temporary buffer

During a running measurement you can store the store the current val-
ues in the temporary memory.

► Start a Gas measurement.

 See also chapter 7.1 Perform Gas measurement, Page 39.

► Press the menu key.

 A selection list appears.
► Select values to clipboard.
 The measured values are stored in the temporary buffer.

When the measurement is stopped, you can compare the currently dis-
played measured values with the measured values in the temporary

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► Stop the Measurement.

 The measuring window is greyed out.
► Press F3.
 The measured values stored in the temporary memory are
dis- played.

If you have stopped a measurement without first storing the measured

values in the temporary buffer, you can store the measured values
directly in the temporary buffer from the function key bar.

► Stop the measurement.

 The measuring window is greyed out.
► Press F3.
 The measured values are stored in the temporary buffer.

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Overwrite measured values in temporary buffer

You can overwrite the measured values stored in the temporary buffer
with the currently displayed measured values

► Press the menu key.

 A selection list appears.
► Select overwrite clipboard.
► Press OK.
 The temporary buffer is overwritten.
► You can overwrite the temporary buffer with current measured
values at any time.
If necessary, you can process the currently displayed measured values
further, e.g., print or store them

 See also chapter 7.10 Store measurement values, Page 60 and

7.11 Print measurement values, Page 62.

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7.4. Perform Annular-gap test

The annular gap test checks whether the exhaust system is tight by
measuring the O2 value of the combustion air.

► Select Gas measurements.

► Press OK.
 The menu Selection meas. Program appears.
► Select Annular-gap test.
► Press OK.
 If necessary, an automatic zero-point measurement is
is performed.
 The menu Annular-gap test appears.
► Press F3.
 The currently measured values for Draft and T-gap are displayed.

The MRU annular gap multi-hole probe No. 56352 is suitable for annu-
lar gap measurement. The silicone hose is attached to the condensate
separator of the analyser.
Optionally, the annular gap multi-hole probe can be attached to the
measuring probe of the analyser with the probe coupling MRU No.

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7.5. Perform Test program

The test program is used by test facilities to check the analyser by
means of test gas in the measuring program.
No calculations are performed during the test program.

► Select Gas Measurements.

► Press OK.
 The menu Selection meas. program appears.
► Select Test program.
► Press OK.
 The Test program is started.

7.6. CO/H2 and CO high (optional)

If that exceeds CO the CO threshold, then to CO high, the measured
value is red indicated - also the calculated values - is switched.
The CO value exceeds 10.000 ppm to % is in such a way switched (ex-
ample 1.00%).
If the CO value sinks below the CO threshold, then the red CO value be-
comes again black
Starting from this moment the purge pump can be switched off over
the menu key again.

7.7. Non-continuous draft measurement

The analyser provides for a non-continuous draft measurement. The
draft measurement is disabled when a maximum time after zeroing
has elapsed or a significant change in temperature has been detected
by the instrument. The maximum time is configured to 10 minutes.
If the draft measurement is disabled it is displayed with “--.-“. The draft
measurement can be enabled again by zeroing the draft: F3 key “zero
To indicate that the draft measurement is not continuously available it is
displayed in colour red.

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The user can freeze the draft data by means of the F3 key “hold draft”.
The frozen data is displayed in green.
The unfreeze the measurement one has to exit the menu and enter
All other measurements are processed continuously independent of the
draft measurement status.

7.8. Perform pressure measurement

Pressure (4 values) is measured and saved to the selected measurement
name. The actual measured value is displayed in the middle of the dis-play.
The 4 measurement names can be changed as desired.
The hose on the draft + connector must be connected for draft measure-
The second hose on the Delta P- connector must be connected for differ-
ential measurement.

► Go to the measurement menu.

► Select Pressure measurement.
► Press OK.

► Press the menu key.

 A selection list appears.
► Select the desired item from the selection list.
For example, select the Parameter to set the unit as well as the damp-
ing (T90/s).

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7.9. Perform Differential temperature measurement

In the differential temperature measurement menu two temperatures can
be measured simultaneously by using the T1 and T2 connectors. Both
measured temperatures and the difference between the temperatures will
be displayed.

► Plug a temperature sensor into the T1 connection.

► Plug a temperature sensor into the T2 connection.

The accuracy of the difference temperature measure-
ment is guaranteed only on use of the MRU
tempera- ture sensors.

► Go to the Measurement menu.

► Select Diff. Temp. measurement.
► Press OK.
 The menu Diff. temp. measurement appears.
 The temperatures T1, T2 and the difference appears.

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► Press the menu key.

 A selection list appears.
► Select the desired item from the selection list.
For example, select the print-out (Pr) item to print the measurement.

7.10. Store measurement values

If "store" is displayed in the function key bar, you can save measure-
ment results to the data memory using the related function key F2 or
The function of the data storage is displayed in chapter 8 Data storage,
Page 67.

► Press F1.
 The measurement is stopped.
 The measurement window is greyed out.
► Press F2.
 The menu Select a site appears.
► Select the desired site.
► If necessary, press F1 to select a new site.
 See also chapter Create new site, Page 68.

► Press F3.
 The measured values have been stored.
 See also chapter View measurements, Page 75.

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Enter T-boiler, Soot and Derivative

The analyser does not have a soot measurement.

► However, you can enter determined soot data to save or print

them together with the measurement data.

Before you can enter the soot data, you have to acti-
vate the setting “Add soot & T-boiler” in the menu
Measurement settings.

 See also chapter 5.4 Set measurement, Page 26.

► After a successful measurement, you can enter the externally

deter- mined measured values.

The input of soot numbers and derivative is only possi-
ble for fuel oil / diesel.

► Press F2.
 The menu Enter appears.
► Enter the determined value for the T-boiler and, if available, the
de- termined values for soot number 1, soot number 2, soot
number 3 and derivative.
► Press F1 to create a printout.
► Press F2 to display an OR code of the measurement.
► Press F3 to store the measurement.

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7.11. Print measurement values

You have the possibility to print measurement results via the following
optionally available printers.

 Speed printer (IR desktop printer)

 HSP 580 (Highspeed-Bluetooth-Thermoprinter)

Before you can print measurement results, you must
select and configure the appropriate printer (printer
type) in the menu printout.
Open menu print-out

► Open the menu Settings.

 See also chapter 5.2 Customize settings, Page 23.

► Press F1.
 The menu print-out appears.
► Set the desired settings.

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Setting Description
Printer type Selection of the printer type

Print site lines Line 1 (plant number) is required. The

other lines (free text lines) can be
printed if required.
Print analyser info Measurement printouts can be made
shorter by omitting the analyser.
However, in some printouts (calibra-
tion, service, etc.) the info is still

Print measurement results with Speedprinter

► Go to the menu print-out.

 See also chapter Open menu print-out, Page 62.

► Select Speed-Printer as Printer type.

► Align the printer as follows:

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► Press the printer key. Optionally, press the context menu key and
se- lect Printout (Pr.)
 A print-out is created.

Further technical specifications as well as battery and paper rolls changes

please see separate printer manual.

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Print measurement results with Highspeed-Bluetooth-Thermoprinter

► Go to the menu print-out.

 See also chapter Open menu print-out, Page 62.

► Select Bluetooth-HSP as Printer type.

► Press F2.
 The connection between analyser and the printer is established.
 After the connection between the analyser and the printer has
been established, the Bluetooth address (BT address) appears
in the display.
An existing connection to a printer is indicated by a printer icon
and a Bluetooth icon.

► Press F3 to disconnect the analyser from the printer.

You can also disconnect an existing connection between Bluetooth and
printer in the Measurement menu:

► Go to the Measurement menu.

► Press the Press the menu key.
 A selection list appears.
► Select Disconnect printer.
► Press OK
 The printer is disconnected.

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7.12. Stop measurement

A running measurement can be stopped at any time by pressing the F1
key. The window changes colour and the measured values are frozen. All
measured values available at the time of stopping are available in the ana-
lyser and can still be displayed. By pressing the ESC key, the analyser re-
turns to Measurement menu.

7.13. Last measured values

The analyser offers the possibility to continue working with the last meas-
ured values after the end of a measurement.

► Go to the Measurement menu.

► Select Last measured values
 The measuring window with the last measured values appears.
► Press F1.
 The measurement is continued.

MRU GmbH, D-74172 66 /


8 Data storage

8.1. Organize data storage

The basis for the data storage of the analyser is saved sets of sites inside
the analyser. Each site has a distinct site number as well as 8 additional free
text lines for names and address.

The analyser can store up to 32,000 different sites.

Sites can be newly created and changed in the analyser, or are

transferred e.g., via a PC - program by means of ZIV - module.

New sites created in the analyser will NOT be transferred
back to the computer program. When transferring data
from the analyser to the computer only measurement
data will be transferred, identified by the site number
that has been assigned to the measurement, when the
measurement was saved.

Measurements are stored by assigning them to a site. Measurements can

be gas measurements or other measuring programs available in the ana-

8.2. Call up information about Memory info

In the menu item "storage" you select „memory info“ to get information
about the actual memory volume. The part of free memory, the total num-
ber of the stored sites and the number of the measurements stored all to-
gether, split in the kind of the measurement is listed.

► Go to the Measurement menu.

► Press F2.
 The Storage menu appears.
► Select Memory info.
► Press OK.

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 Das Menü Speicher Info erscheint.

 The menu Memory info appears.
 Information about the data storage is listed.

8.3. Sites administration

In the sub menu Sites administration, you can:
Im Menüpunkt Anlagenstamm können Sie
 View all data of the stored sites
 Create new sites
 Change data on existing sites
 Delete sites
New sites created in the analyser will NOT be trans-
ferred to a PC program

Create new site

► Go to the Storage menu.

► Press F2
 The menu Sites administration appears.
► Press F1.
 The menu Modify site appears.
► Press F1 to assign manually a site number to the site.
► Press F2 to assign automatically a site number to the site.
 The site is assigned a site number.
► Select the free text lines that you want to edit.
► Press F1.
 A window appears.
► Enter the desired content.
► If necessary, select free text lines and fill them with content.
► Press F3.
 The site is stored.

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View sites

► Go to the Storage menu.

► Select Sites administration.
 The menu Sites administration appears.
 Each stored site is displayed on a page with the colored site
num- ber and eight additional free text lines.
► If necessary, scroll through the sites until you have found the
desired site.
Change sites

► Go to the Storage menu.

► Select Site administration.
► Press OK.
 The menu Sites administration appears.
► Select the site that you want to change.
► Press F2.
 The menu Modify site appears.
► Select the free text line that you want to change.
► Press F1.
 A window appears.
► Enter the desired changes.
► If necessary, select further free text lines and change the
correspond- ing free text lines.
► Press F3.
 The changes are stored.

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Delete sites

You can delete sites individually or delete all sites simultaneously

Delete sites individually

► Go to the Storage menu.

► Select Sites administration.
► Press OK.
 The menu Sites administration appears.
► Select the site you want to delete.
► Press F3.
 A message appears.
► Select continue to delete the site.
► Select abort to retain the site.
► Press OK.
 Depending on the selection, the site is deleted or retained.

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Delete all sites

► Go to the Storage menu.

► Select Delete all sites.
► Press OK.
 A message appears.
► Select continue to delete all sites.
► Select abort to retain all sites.
► Press OK.
 Depending on the selection, the sites are deleted or retained.

8.4. Transfer data via using SD card

The data exchange format is CSV. A character-separated values (CSV) file is

a simple text format for a database table. Each record in the table is one
line of the text file. Each field value of a record is separated from the next
by a character. The analyser uses a semi-colon ‘;’ as value separator (other
implementations use sometimes a comma). Implementations of CSV can
often handle field values with embedded line breaks or separator charac-
ters by using quotation marks or escape sequences. CSV is a simple file
for- mat that is widely supported, so it is often used to move tabular data
be- tween different computer programs, for example Microsoft Excel™ or
Ac- cess™, that support the format. Also, other computer programs offer
this type of interface because it is widely spread and easy to use.

The following functions are available:

 Import sites
 Export sites
 Export measurements

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Import sites

With this function you can import Sites which have been created on a
computer or another Analyser.
The File name must have the name “anlagen.csv“(anlagen = German for
sites). The file has no column heading that means that the first line al-
ready has user data. Each line has a minimum of 9 columns (with 8
semi-colons) and the first field in the line will be the site number. All
data will be imported as long a site number is available. Per field a maxi-
mum of 24 characters will be imported, too long words will be cut off.

Before you can import sites via a CSV file, you have to
rename the desired CSV file to anlagen.csv. Save the re-
named CSV file in the root directory of the SD card.

While importing data from the SD Card to the analyser
there is no check for double site numbers (Line 1), nei-
ther inside of the file that is imported nor between the
file and the sites already inside the analyser. The ana-
lyser can easily handle double site numbers but you
could face problems with double site numbers when
exporting them again to a computer program

► Go to the Storage menu.

► Select Sites from SD card.
 The menu Sites from SD card appears.
► Press F2.
 The sites are imported.

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Export sites

This function can be used for an analyser back up or if you wish to sup-ply
the analyser information to a computer program or another ana-lyser. This
is very handy if you have made some modifications inside the analyser
(site) for example if you have modified the phone number of a customer
and this modification needs to be updated in the computer software, or if
a second analyser needs to have the same site information.
The File format it’s the same as described above „Import sites“.
Only the file name is different, the file name will be ‚ANLxxxxx.csv’, in which
the xxxxx are continuing 5-digit numbers with leading zeros.

► Go to the Storage menu.

► Select Sites onto SD card.
► Press OK.
 The menu Sites onto SD card appears.
► Drücken Sie F2.
► Press F2.
 The sites are exported onto SD card.

If the file must be imported into another analyser, the file must first be re-
named into “anlagen.csv”.

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Export measurements

With this function, the analyser can make its stored measurements
avail- able to a PC.
Attention, this function is not suitable as a backup or for transferring the
measurements to other measuring devices, as the measurements cannot
be imported again.

► Go to the Storage menu.

► Select Measurements to SD card.
► Press OK.
 The menu Measurements to Sd card appears.
► Select the measurement type you want to
export. In this example, gas measurements are
► Press F2.
 The measurements are exported.

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8.5. Measurements in Data storage

View measurements

► Go to the Storage menu.

► Select View measurements.
 The menu View measurements appears.
 An overview of the number of stored measurements
depending on the measurement type appears.
► Select the desired measurement type.
In this example, gas measurements are selected.
► Press F2.
 Then you first get a page with context information about
the saved measurements
► Select the desired measurement.

You have the possibility to select only the measure-
ments that are stored for a site by selecting
F1 = "this site" while a measurement of the desired site
is displayed. With F1 = "all sites" you cancel this filter

► Press F2.
 The measured values of the stored measurements are displayed in
► Press F3 to display gas measurements as an OR Code

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Delete measurements

You can

 Delete single measurements

 Delete all measurements or delete all measurements of a
measure- ment type

Delete single measurements

► Go to the Storage menu.

► Select View measurements.
► Drücken Sie OK.
► Press OK.
 The menu View measurements appears.
 An overview of the number of stored measurements
depending on the measurement type appears.
► Select the desired measurement type.
► Press F2.
 The stored measurements are displayed.
► Select the measurement you want to delete.
► Press F3.
 A message appears.
► Select continue to delete all sites.
► Select abort to retain all sites.
► Press OK.
 Depending on the selection, the measurements are deleted or
re- tained.

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Delete all measurements

► Go to the Storage menu.

► Select Delete measurements.
► Press OK.
 The menu Delete measurements appears.
► Select which measurement type you want to delete.
► Press F2.
 A message appears.
► Select continue to delete all sites.
► Select abort to retain all sites.
► Press OK.
 Depending on the selection, the measurements are deleted or
re- tained.

MRU GmbH, D-74172 77 /


9 Extras / Adjustment
The analyser is delivered with a standard preset software, which should
cover your needs in most cases. However, the settings are highly flexible
and customizable.
If you want to change various settings, we recommend that you do so
with a little thought. The better you plan the settings, the less often you
will have to correct them and the more comfortable you will be working
with the analyser.
Use the possibilities of the individually configurable measuring meth-
ods, measuring displays, pressure outputs and self-selecting fuels in
such a way that all your practical requirements are met as far as possi-
ble. Then you will rarely have to make changes to the settings again. Af-
ter making changes to the settings, you should switch off the analyser
once briefly so that the changes are permanently saved and take effect
when you restart the analyser.

9.1. Service menu

The Service menu is protected by a PIN code against unauthorized
For the PIN code, contact an MRU service center (www.mru.eu).
If you have started the PIN code query by mistake, press the ESC key.
You will return to the Extras menu.

► Go to the Extras menu.

► Select Service menu.
► Press OK.
 A window for entering the PIN-code appears.
► Enter the PIN-Code.
 If you enter the PIN-code correctly, you will have access to
the service menu.
 If the PIN-code is entered incorrectly, you will be returned to
the Extras menu.

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9.2. Default settings

The analyser is reset to the default settings.

With the default settings, all individual settings are lost.

► Go to the Extras menu.

► Select Default settings.
► Press OK.
 A window appears.
► Select "No" to not reset the default settings.
► Select "Yes" to reset the analyser to default settings.
► Press OK.
 Depending on the selection, the analyser is reset to the
default settings or not.

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9.3. Service values

Should your analyser display an error message after zeroing (for exam-ple:
„O2-Sensor not OK"), then you can use the Service value menu to get de-
tailed information about possible defects. In this menu you will see all ser-
vice values of the sensors and also other parameters.
In case of a defect contact the MRU service department. The MRU ser-vice
technician will ask you about these values or he will ask you to send them
by fax or email.

► Go to the Extras menu.

► Select Service values.
► Press OK.
 The Menu Service values appears.
► If necessary, press F1 to switch on the function test of the Gas pump
► If necessary, press F2 to switch on the function test of the
Purge pump.
► Press OK.
 A window for entering the Pin-Code appears.

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For the PIN code, contact an MRU service center

► Enter the Pin-Code.

 The selected function test is switched on or off.

9.4. Performing leak test

With the leak proof test, the system is checked by the device (incl. the con-
densate separator) on undensity. The internal gas pump generates in addi-
tion a subpressure which is measured over the built-in draft sen-sor and is
observed for a period of 10 seconds. Based on the decrease of pressure
the leakiness of the system will be determined.

► Plug the supplied hose onto the unit as shown in the illustration.

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► Go to the Extras menu.

► Select Leak proof test.
► Press OK.
 The menu Leak proof test appears.
► Ensure that the hose is plugged on.
 Pressure is established.
 A 10-second test is running.
 A message appears.
► Remove the hose.

If the leak proof test is not passed, the device must be checked.

If no leakage is detected, the device must be checked at a service centre.

The silicone hose (#50482) is suitable

NOfor multiple use. The silicone hose
(#50482) can be used for the leak test and as a connection on the fer-
menter nipple. Use the adapter #11810 for multiple use.

Position Description
1 Silicone hose (#50482)
2 Extraction hose (#65130)
3 Adapter (#11810)

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9.5. Contents SD card

► Go to the Extras menu.

► Select Contents SD card.
► Press OK.
 The menu Contents SD card appears.
 The files stored on the SD card are displayed.
► If necessary, press F2 to refresh.
► If necessary, press F3 to open the file.

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9.6. Device info

► Go to the Extras menu.

► Select Device info.
► Press OK.
 The menu Device info appears.
 Information about the analyser is displayed, for example
serial number and firmware version.

You have the option of scanning the device information
via OR code and sending it as an e-mail. Use a QR-
CODE scanner for this function.

► If necessary, press the menu key.

 A selection list appears.
► Select Send Mail … (QR).
► Press OK.
► The menu Type of QR-Code appears.
► Scan the QR-Code.
 You can the device information as E-Mail.
Options list

► Go to the Extras menu.

► Select Device info.
 The menu Device info appears.
► Press F2.
 The menu Options list appears.

You have the option of scanning the Options list via OR
code and sending it as an e-mail. Use a QR-CODE scan-
ner for this function.

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► If necessary, press the menu key.

 A selection list appears.
► Select Send Mail … (QR).
► Press OK.
► The menu Type of QR-Code appears.
► Scan the QR-Code.
 You can send the Options list as E-Mail.

Service history

► Go to the Extras menu.

► Select Device info.
 The menu Device info appears.
► Press F1.
 The menu Service history appears.
 Information about the date of the last seven service
operations appears.

MRU GmbH, D-74172 85 /


10 Maintenance and care

10.1. Cleaning and care

The analyser requires very little maintenance to maintain its value for a
long time:

 occasionally: Cleaning the probe and the probe tube

 after each measurement: Pull off the gas sampling hose on the
analyser, so that the hose can dry
 If not used for a longer time, charge the battery first.
 Charge the battery approximately every 4 weeks, if the analyser
was not used

10.2. Maintenance
An annual inspection and, if necessary, calibration of the sensors by an
MRU service centre is recommended.

Please note that correct operation of the
The measuring device can only be operated correctly if
the sensors are adjusted/calibrated regularly

► Have the sensors adjusted/calibrated 1-2 times

a year depending on the frequency of use.

10.3. Service messages

The message "Recommendation Customer Service..." is displayed after
1,000 hours or after 11 months at the latest.

If the analyser has an optional 60-month warranty extension, this is dis-

played in another window. Confirm these messages with F2= OK.
The next time you switch on, you will again be reminded to carry out
the annual service.

A complete check at an MRU service centre (MRU service centres can be

found at www.mru.eu) includes the function check and calibration or
cleaning of the following components:
Sensors, pumps, internal / external hose lines, battery, draught, elec-
tronics, time and date, temperature inputs, gas sampling probe, con-
densate separator.

MRU GmbH, D-74172 86 /


11 Option Gas flow measurement

This option enables the measurement of the flow velocity in flue pipes
or flue gas stacks

11.1. Connect Prandtl (Pitot) tube

1 2

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The illustration shows the connection of a Prandtl (Pi-
tot) tube type L without temperature measurement.

► Note that different Prandtl (Pitot) pipes can be

con- nected.
► Check your Prandtl (Pitot) tube if necessary.

Description Pitot factor Illustration

Pitot tube type L - with- 1
out temperature meas-
Pitot tube type L - with 1
11.2. Open menutemperature
Gas flow measurement
Pitot tube type S 0,84

► Go to the Measurement menu.

► Select Gas flow measurement.
► Press OK.
 The menu Gas flow measurement appears.

MRU GmbH, D-74172 88 /


If you have not connected a temperature sensor, the
following message appears: ATTENTION! The actual
gas temperature must be measured for correct
read- ings!

► If necessary, connect a temperature

sensor via the temperature connection
T2 on the analyser to measure the ac-
tual temperature.

If you do not connect a temperature sen-

sor, a value for T-gas of 20°C is automatically as-

11.3. Define settings and parameters

► Press F1.
 The menu Settings appear.
► Setup the desired measurement units.
► Set the desired parameter.
 For the Pitot factor of the Prandtl (Pitot) tube see Pitot
factor, page 88.

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► Select Gas composition (OK) to adjust the gas composition to

your needs.
► Press OK.
 A list of the gas composition appears.
► Select standard.
► Select the desired gas type.
► Set the desired values for O2, CO2, CH4, H20.
 The values for N2 and molar mass adjust automatically.
► If necessary, press F1 to set default values.
► If necessary, press F1 to set standard values.
► Press F2 to exit the menu

11.4. Enter Cross section area

Before you can perform a flow measurement, you must
select the desired cross-section and enter the corre-
sponding side length

► Press the arrow keys left/right in the menu Gas flow measurement.
 The menu Cross-sect. area appears.
► Select the desired Cross-sect. area.
► Enter the corresponding side lengths.
► Press F2.
 The menu Gas flow measurement appears.

11.5. Perform measurement

The Prandtl tube is inserted vertically into the canal.
The probe tip is held against the direction of flow

The total pressure is determined at the tip of the Prantdl pipe.

The static pressure is determined at the pressure inlets of the Prantdl

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The dynamic pressure corresponds to the difference between the total

pressure and the static pressure.

P dyn. = P tot. - P stat.

The flow velocity is calculated according to the following formula:

P stat << P baro
v = flow velocity [m/s]
P baro = Barometric pressure [hPa]
T = gas temperature
P stat = Static pressure [Pa]
P dyn. = Dynamic pressure [Pa]

► Press F2 as soon as the measurement for measuring point no. 1 is

fin- ished.
 The measured values for measuring point no. 1 are taken over.
 Measuring point no. 2 appears in the menu.
► If necessary, carry out measurements for further measuring points
and accept the measured values with F2. The measuring point no.
is raised accordingly.
► Press F1.
 The measurement is stopped.
► Press F2, to store the measurement.

MRU GmbH, D-74172 91 /


12 Option: Monitoring flow rate

The flow rate of the sample gas in the analyser is continuously
moni- tored. In the event of an error, the following message appears
in the display:

If the flow rate is too low, this message is displayed every 8

seconds. Folgende Fehler können die Ursache sein:

 Water stop filter blocked in the condensate trap (if installed)

 Hose line kinked
 Pump defective

It is recommended to check the filter elements.

If these filter elements are OK, please contact the customer service.

MRU GmbH, D-74172 92 /


13 Option: Auto-measurement
With the automatic measurement option, the analyser can log continu-
ous measurements independently. You can largely adapt the properties
of the automatic measurement to your individual requirements. The
data is stored in the internal data memory and can then be transferred
to the SD card.

As the size of the data memory is limited, the ratio between total dura-
tion and interval is also subject to certain limits if the automatic measur-
ing system is to store values in the data memory. The analyser displays
the required memory.
If the required memory is too high, reduce the measurement duration
or increase the interval to minimize the required memory.
If there is not enough free memory available, delete the measuring data

When starting a measurement, the Auto-measurement is switched off in

principle. You must consciously activate the Auto-measurement via the
menu key.

► Start a gas measurement.

 See also chapter 7.1Perform Gas measurement, Page 39.

► Press the menu key.

 A selection list appears.
► Select Auto-measurement.
► Press OK.
 The menu Auto-measurement appears.
► Set the desired values and select the desired site.

MRU GmbH, D-74172 93 /


Setting Average values:
Yes: Analyser calculates the mean during each interval
and stores this value.
No: Analyser stores the values being measured at the
end of the interval.

► Press F1.
 The measurement starts.
 The display shows the remaining time of the measurement.
 After the set measuring time has elapsed, the measurement
stops automatically.
► Press F2, to store the measurement.
 See also chapter 7.10 Store measurement values, Page 60.
 For exporting measurements see also chapter Export measure-
ments, Page 74.

MRU GmbH, D-74172 94 /


14 Option: Perform measurements with Extraction box

The Extraction box is a clip-on box that extracts the gas at the outlet
grid. With the Extraction box you can prevent toxic gases from escaping
at the outlet grille during a gas measurement. With a hose connected,
you can discharge toxic gases into a safe environment.

Position Description
1 Connection sample gas discharge
2 Plug 4-pin
3 Holding magnets

14.1. Attach Extraction box to analyser

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The Extraction box is attached to the back of the ana-
lyser. The Extraction box is attached to the analyser via
holding magnets.
You do not need any further attachment material.

► Guide the Extraction box to the back of the analyser.

► Pay attention to the position of the holding magnets on the analyser.
 See also chapter 3.2 Analyser, page 14.

 The Extraction box is attached to the analyser.

14.2. Connect Extraction box to analyser

► Insert the Plug 4-pin into the connector Tgas/Aux.

Ensure that the red markings on the Plug 4-pin and the connector
Tgas/Aux match.

► Plug a hose onto the Connection sample gas discharge.

► Guide the hose into a safe environment.
 The Extraction box is connected to the analyser.
 The hose for discharging the sample gas is attached and laid
out- side.

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14.3. Activate Extraction box

Before you can use the Extraction box, you must activate the Extraction
box in the menu Settings.

► Go to the menu Settings.

 See also chapter 5.2 Customize settings, page 23.

► Search for the menu item Extraction box.

► Activate the Extraction box.
 An icon appears in the menu bar.
 The menu item Trailing extraction box appears.

The Trailing of the extraction box can be set from 10 to
120 seconds.
As soon as the gas pump of the analyser stops, the Ex-
traction box remains switched on for the set overrun
time so that any remaining sample gas can be ex-
The icon in the menu bar that the monitoring of the
Extraction box is activated. The suction pump is off.

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14.4. Perform measurement

► Perform the desired measurement.

 See also chapter 7.1 Perform Gas measurement, page 39.


The icon in the menu bar indicates that the

Extraction box is in operation. The suction pump
is running.

Monitoring whether the Extraction box is connected

and extracting does not take place.

As long as the suction pump is in operation, not all

menu items can be selected. Only after the set time for
trailing has elapsed can all menu items be selected
In this example, Particul. matter measur. and AUX
Anemometer are not selectable as long as the
Extraction box is in operation.

MRU GmbH, D-74172 98 /


15 Prefilter for high dust concentrations

The pre-filter (article no. 56356A) is inserted into the hose line directly
after the probe handle if required.

Before you can insert the pre-filter, you must shorten the hose line
(gas line).

► Pull the hose line (gas line) out of the probe handle.
► Shorten the hose line (gas line) by approx. 9 cm.
► Insert the pre-filter between the hose line (gas line) and the
probe handle.

► Check the pre-filter before and after each measurement.

► Replace the filter tablets (art. no.# 52798) if necessary.

For the handling with filter tablets from glass wool we recommend the
use according to the IPCS safety data sheet:

 Safety googles
 Mouth/nose mask
 Protective gloves

MRU GmbH, D-74172 99 /


16 Appendix

16.1. Technical data

General data
Operating temperature +5°C … +45 °C /
+41°F … +113 °F
Rel. Humidity, non-condensing 95%
Storage Temperature -20°C - +50°C /
-4°F … 122° F
Internal Battery Pack, operating hours (typical) Li-Ion, 16 h

Power supply 100 – 240 V / 5V DC / 1.200

Weight with 2 sensors 750 g / 1.65 lbs.
Size 244 x 113 x 54 mm /
4.3x 8.8 x2.04 in
Housing material PA6
IP protection with protection cap IP30
Max suction range gas pump 150 hPa
gas flow typ. 60 l/h
Bluetooth frequency and range output power BLE:
2.402 GHz to 2.480 GHz
3.3* dBm (3.8 dBm)
*typical value
IEEE 80211 b/g/n
2.412 GHz to 2.484 GHz
802.11b (16.7 / 17.5 dBm)
802.11g (18.3 / 13.0 dBm)
802.11n (17.5 / 12.5 dBm)
Measured values
Electrochemical Sensor O2
Measuring Range 0..21 %
Resolution (standard) 0,1 %
Resolution (optional) 0,01 %
Abs. Accuracy ± 0,2 Vol.%
Response Time T90 < 20s
Years expected lifetime (@air) 2
CO2 tolerance 20 Vol.%
Electrochemical Sensor O2 Long Life
Measuring Range 0- 21 Vol.%
Resolution (standard) 0,1 %
Resolution (optional) 0,01 %
Abs. Accuracy. ± 0,2 Vol.%
Response Time T90 < 20s
Years expected lifetime (@air) 3

MRU GmbH, D-74172 100 /


CO2 tolerance up to 100 Vol.%

Electrochemical Sensor O2 Very Long-Life
Measuring Range 0 – 21 Vol.%
Resolution (standard) 0,1 %
Resolution (optional) 0,01 %
Abs. Accuracy ± 0,2 Vol.%
Response Time T90 < 20s
Years expected Life Time (@air) 4
CO2tolerance up to 100 %
(requires recovery time of double the exposure
time for CO2> 20 Vol%)

Electrochemical Sensor Measuring range extension

up to 25% (Option #62414)
Measuring Range 0..25 Vol%
Resolution 0,1 %
Abs. Accuracy ± 0,2 Vol.%
Response Time T90 <20s
Electrochemical Sensor CO
H2 – compensated
Nom. Measuring Range 0 – 10000 ppm
Overload Range < 20000 ppm
Resolution 1 ppm
Accuracy abs. / reading ± 10 ppm
5% (0 – 4000 ppm)
10% (> 4000 ppm)
Response Time T90 < 40s

Option CO low
Measuring Range 500 ppm
Resolution 0,1 ppm
Accuracy ± 2ppm / 5 %
Electrochemical Sensor CO high (Option #63057)
Nom. Measuring Range 0 – 4000 ppm
Overload Range < 20000 ppm
Resolution 1 ppm
Accuracy abs. / reading ± 10 ppm /
5% (0 – 4000 ppm)
10 % (> 4000 ppm
Response Time T90 < 40s
Electrochemical Sensor CO very high (Option
Nom. Measuring Range 0..40.000 ppm/ (0..4%)
Overload Range <100.000 ppm / (<10%)

MRU GmbH, D-74172 101 /


Resolution 0.10000:1

>=1%:10ppm /(0,001%)/

Accuracy abs. / reading ± 200 ppm /

5% (0..40.000 ppm /
10% (>100.000 ppm/
Response Time T90 <40s
Electrochemical Sensor NO (Option #63058)
Nom. Measuring Range 0 – 1000 ppm
Overload Range < 5000 ppm
Resolution 1 ppm
Accuracy abs./reading ± 5ppm
5% (0 – 1000 ppm)
10% (> 1000 ppm)
Response Time T90 < 30s
Option NO low
Measuring Range 0..300 ppm
Resolution 0,1 ppm
Accuracy 2ppm / 5%

Electrochemical Sensor NO2

Nom. Measuring Range 0..200ppm
Overload Range <1000 ppm
Resolution 1 ppm
Accuracy abs./reading ± 5ppm
5% (0-200ppm)
10% (>200 ppm)
Response Time T90 < 60 s
Option NO2 low
Measuring Range 0.. 300 ppm
Resolution 0,1 ppm
Accuracy 4ppm / 5%
Electrochemical Sensor SO2
Nom. Measuring Range 0..2000ppm
Overload Range <5000 ppm
Resolution 1 ppm
Accuracy abs. / reading ± 10 ppm/
5% (0..2000 ppm)
10% (>2000 ppm)

Option SO2low
Measuring Range 0..300 ppm
Resolution 0,1 ppm

MRU GmbH, D-74172 102 /


Accuracy 4 ppm / 5%
Electrochemical Sensor H2
Nom. Measuring Range 0..1000 ppm
Overload Range < 2000 ppm
Resolution 1 ppm
Accuracy abs. / reading ± 5 ppm /
5 % (0..500 ppm)
10% (>500 ppm)
Electrochemical Sensor placed on addi- H2S
tional position
(depending on configuration)
Nom. Measuring Range 0..500 ppm
Overload Range < 2000 ppm
Resolution 1 ppm
Accuracy abs. / reading ± 5 ppm /
5% (0.. 500ppm)
10 % (>500 ppm)
Response Time T90 <40s
Electrochemical Sensor placed on addi- H2S
tional position
(depending on configuration)
Nom. Measuring Range 0..2000 ppm
Overload Range <5000 ppm
Resolution 1 ppm
Accuracy abs. / reading ± 10 ppm / 10%
Response Time <40s
Non-dispersive Infrared Measurement CO2
Nom. Measuring Range 0..40 Vol%
Resolution 0,01 Vol%
Accuracy abs. / reading ± 0,3 Vol% / 3%
Response Time T90 <35s
Non-dispersive Infrared Measurement CH4
Nom. Measuring Range 100..40000 ppm
Resolution 10 ppm
Accuracy abs. / reading ± 400 ppm / 5%
Response Time T90 < 35 s
Temperature measurement T1, T2
Number of thermocouple type K input 2
Measuring Range -40 °C - 1200 °C
Accuracy abs. / reading ±2°C/
Flue gas temperature (using MRU probe) TA
Measuring Range with high grade steel 0 - 800°C

MRU GmbH, D-74172 103 /


probe pipe
Measuring range with Inconel probe pipe 0 - 1100°C
Accuracy abs. / reading ±2°C/
Ambient temperature Tl
(using MRU sensor)
Measuring Range with ambient temperature 0 - 100°C
Accuracy. 1 °C
Accuracy abs./reading ±1°C
Measuring Range ± 100 hPa
Accuracy abs. / reading 0,02 hPa /
Differential Pressure
Measuring Range ± 100 hPa
Accuracy abs. / reading 0,02 hPa oder 1%

Calculated values
Measuring range (fuel type dependant) 0 - CO2max
Accuracy abs. ± 0,3 Vol. %
Air ratio
Measuring Range 1 - 20
Excess Air
Measuring Range 0 - 999%
PI (Poison Index / Ratio)
The PI represents the ratio between CO and
Measuring Range 0.0001 - 10.0
Dew point
Losses qA
Measuring Range 0 - 99,9%
Measuring Range 0 - 120%
Measurement values available as Mg/Nm3
O2 Ref
NOX: mg/Nm3 NO2

MRU GmbH, D-74172 104 /


Velocity v
Based on differential pressure measurement
with Pitot tube

Measuring range differential pressure 100 hPa

Accuracy differential pressure ±0.5 Pa / 1% with

<5°C temp. change
<30 min meas. time
Measuring range absolute pressure 600 hPa ... 1150 hPa

Accuracy of absolute pressure measurement ± 10 hPa

Measuring range velocity measurement 1 m/s ... 100 m/s

Accuracy without error of Pitot tube ±1 m/s ( 0<v<2m/s)

±0.2 m/s (2<v<10m/s)
±0.5% (v>10m/s)

16.2. Analysis and calculation

Continuous conversions to NO NO
[ ppm ] related to. on 0% rest O2 (undiluted) X
[ ppm ] related to. on fuel type dependent O2 reference value X

[ mg/m3 ] X
[ mg/kWh] X
[ mg/MJ] X
[ mg/m3 ] on fuel type dependent O2 reference value X

MRU GmbH, D-74172 105 /


Calculated values
Measuring range (fuel type dependant) 0 - CO2max
Accuracy abs. ± 0,3 Vol. %
Air ratio
Measuring Range 1 - 20
Excess Air
Measuring Range 0 - 999%
PI (Poison Index / Ratio)
Measuring Range 0.0001 - 10.0
Dew point
Losses qA
Measuring Range 0 - 99,9%
Measuring Range 0 - 120%
Measurement values available as Mg/Nm3
O2 Ref
NOX: mg/Nm3 NO2

Measured values Unit

O2 [%]
CO [ppm]
CO [%]
NO [ppm]
NO2 [ppm]
SO2 [ppm]
Temp. Ambient air (Thermo-Element) [°C] [°F]
Temp. Flue gas (Thermo-Element) [°C] [°F]
CO [ppm]
Draft [hPa]

MRU GmbH, D-74172 106 /

Continuous conversions to CO CO
[ ppm ] related to. on 0% rest O2 (undiluted) X
[ ppm ] related to. on fuel type dependent O2 reference value X

[ mg/m3 ] X
[mg/kWh] X
[ mg/MJ] X
[ mg/m3 ] on fuel type dependent O2 reference value X

Further continuously calculated measured values Unit

CO2 [%]
Efficiency ETA [%]
Efficiency ETA condensed [%]
Losses [%]
Losses condensed [%]
Lambda -
Dew point [°C] [°F]
CO / CO2 ratio [%]

For optional measurements at combined heat and power plants (CHP),

the measurand K according to VDMA 6299 is available:
The measurand K is the fraction of NO2 in the total -NOx.
K=NO / (NO+NO2)

16.3. Reset analyser

If the analyser no longer responds, you can perform a reset.

► Press the ESC button and the ON/OFF button simultaneously.

MRU GmbH, D-74172 107 /


16.4. Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting on the analyser

Effect Error Cause Solution

Analyser does Device does not react on Press ESC and
not respond any key. Power-ON buttons at
to any key the simultaneously.
Undercooling Display indica- e.g. analyser was stored in a Put the device to a
inside the an-tion: cold place during winter. warm room and wait
alyser, the an-
“Device too .
alyser is not cold” or
usable. audible sound
every 5 sec. .
Measured val- Error when tak- Sensors are already ex- Vent the analyser
ues are not ing zero point posed to gas when taking with fresh air and re-
correct the zero point. start.
Analyser does Battery discharged. Connect the
not switch on analyser to the line
or does not power in order to
react after charge the battery.
switching on.
Measurement Temperature Thermoelement defective, Call our after-sales
without exact indication: balancing network inter- service.
temperature rupted or not connected. Remove probe from
values. the gas duct and
condensate from the
probe tube. .
Wrong Measuring Connection probe – device Perform leak proof
measuring range not correct. Leakage at test.
values exceeded: probe / tube / condensate By visual control of
Value O2 too separator, pump does not probes, tubes
high suck correctly condensate separa-
Values CO and tor, leaking parts
CO2 to low . could be found.
Wrong Gas tempera- Probe is not plugged in Check probe plug re-
measuring ture is too hot correctly, defective cable in spectively probe line
values or alternates the probe line, formation regarding dam-ages
of condensate at the probe (loose connection),
tip. remove condensate
from the probe tip.

MRU GmbH, D-74172 108 /


Troubleshooting condensate separator

1. Effect 2. Cause 3. Solution

Dirt and / or humidity in- Fine filters are wet and / Check filters more
side the device or dirty. often
No filter effects Renew them if
Sensor failure necessary
Pump failure white = OK
Brown-black = re-
Wrong measuring values Cover, intermediary Check tight-
unit, plexiglass tube ness with
and locking pieces are every filter
not tightly fixed change.
respec- tively screwed .

MRU GmbH, D-74172 109 /


16.5. Update firmware

Check current firmware version

► Go to the Extras menu.

► Select Device info.
 The menu Device info appears.
 The current firmware version appears. In this example, the
firm- ware version is 3.00.02.

In case there are any problems with updating the firmware, we need
some information from you.

► Write down the current Firmware version.

► Write down the Serial number.

Prepare SD card

If you have not received the new firmware on an SD card, but for exam-
ple by e-mail, you must copy the file "All 1122.fwb" to the root directory
(not to a subdirectory) of the SD card. You may have received this file
packed in a ZIP file. Unpack the file before you copy the file to the SD

Perform firmware update

► Copy the file "All 1122.fwb." to an SD card into the main

directory (not into any subdirectory).
► Switch on the analyser.
► Wait until the zero-point measurement is finished.
► Insert the prepared SD card into the analyser
 A message appears.

MRU GmbH, D-74172 110 /


► Select install firmware.

► Press OK.
 The update is performed.
 After the update has been performed, a message appears.

► Confirm the message with OK.

► Switch the analyser off again after the successful update.
 All functions are available the next time the analyser is
switched on.

Check new firmware version

MRU GmbH, D-74172 111 /


► Go to the Extras menu.

► Select Device info.
► Press OK.
 The menu Device info appears.
 The new Firmware version is displayed.
► Repeat the update process if the old firmware version is still
dis- played.

In case of error
What to do if there were problems during the update?
In the event of an error, the red LED of the condensate separator flashes.
The inserted SD card was then not recognized.
(Check whether the SD card is inserted correctly and perform a reset by
pressing the ESC and ON keys simultaneously).

Where can I get help if the update was not successful?

Contact your local sales representative or via email:
Email: [email protected]

MRU GmbH, D-74172 112 /


16.6. Display your own logo

You have the option of importing your own start logo into the analyser
and having it displayed when you switch the analyser on.

Create your own logo

► Create your own logo.

The following is an example of how to create a logo using MS Paint®.
You can also create your logo with another graphics program.

► Open the graphics program.

► Adjust the file size.

The file size must be 480 pixels (horizontal)x 800 pixels (vertical).

MRU GmbH, D-74172 113 /


► Save your logo to an SD card with the file name logo4u.jpg.

When saving/exporting, pay attention to the file format

If you use a graphics programme other than MS Paint,

you must observe the following points:

The JPG decoder in the unit works according to this


 JPEG compression standard (JPEG ISO/IEC10918-

 JFIF file format standard (JPEG file interchange
for- mat)

Note the following settings in the graphics programme:

 Do not use arithmetic coding

 Deselect progressive
 Do not save preview and colour profile

► If necessary, change the settings in your graphics


MRU GmbH, D-74172 114 /


Import logo into analyser

► Insert the SD card with the file logo4u.jpg into the analyser.

► Go to the menu Contents SD card.

 See also chapter 9.5 Contents SD card, page 83.

► Search for the file LOGO4U.JPG

► Press F3.
 A window appears.
► Select Yes
► Press OK.
 The Logo image is saved.

If you want to import a different logo, repeat the pro-
cedure described here with a new logo.

MRU GmbH, D-74172 115 /

MRU • Messgerate fi.ir Rauchgase
und Umweltschutz GmbH
Fuchshalde 8 + 12
74172 Neckarsulm-Obereisesheim
Fon 07132 99620 • Fax 07132 996220
[email protected] • www.mru.eu

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