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Utilization of Agricultural Wastes as Substrates for Vermicomposting

Research · August 2019

DOI: 10.9790/2380-1208017984


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3 authors:

Saratendra Bajal Sandesh Subedi

Bowling Green State University Agriculture and Forestry University


Suraksha Baral
University of Georgia


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IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science (IOSR-JAVS)
e-ISSN: 2319-2380, p-ISSN: 2319-2372. Volume 12, Issue 8 Ser. I (August 2019), PP 79-84

Utilization of Agricultural Wastes as Substrates for

Saratendra Bajal*, 1Sandesh Subedi, 1Suraksha Baral
Bachelor Graduate, Agriculture and Forestry University, Nepal
Corresponding author: Saratendra Bajal

Abstract: Vermicomposting is the process of conversion of bio-degradable wastes into high quality manure
through the use of earthworms. It is a cost effective method of producing organic fertilizer and a reliable means
of bio-waste management. A research was carried out at Agriculture and Forestry University, Nepal, to identify
the manuring potential of different agricultural wastes through vermicomposting. Eisenia foetida, an epigeic
species of earthworm was used for the conversion of these wastes into manure. The research consisted of eight
treatments with three replications for each treatment in completely randomized design. Plastic bins of diameter
43 cm and height 16 cm were used for composting purpose where 200 earthworms of similar size were
introduced in all bins except in control treatment. The substrates used in vermicomposting were Lantana
camara, Ageratum conyzoides, banana pseudo stem, garden waste, vegetable waste and cow dung. Cow dung
alone and mixture of cow dung with respective substrates were subjected to vermicomposting. Vermicompost
samples collected after seventy five days upon the completion of process were analyzed for NPK content and
compared with each other. All vermicompost samples were high in nutrient content than the control; however,
nutrient content varied significantly among the substrates. Similarly, all other samples were superior to sole
cow dung vermicompost. Lantana camara, mycostraw and Ageratum conyzoides contained highest percentage
of Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium respectively. In an Overall comparison, Lantana was found most
effective with 2.53% N, 1.38% P and 2.28% P.
Keywords:Vermicomposting, earthworms, substrate, agricultural waste, waste management, organic farming
Date of Submission: 09-08-2019 Date of Acceptance: 23-08-2019

I. Introduction
In agriculture, after making use of economic parts, large amount of biological yield is neglected in the
form of waste. Agricultural waste results in the form of crop residues, weeds, undesired plant parts, leaf litter,
bedding materials of animals, crop and livestock by-products. Such wastes are produced during the intercultural
operations, harvesting or any other managerial practices. An estimated 3.8 billion tons of crop residues is
generated every year by the world’s agricultural sector (Lal, 2005). India alone generates about 620 million tons
agricultural residue out of which more than half remains unutilized (Singh & Nain, 2014). Such wastes are
generally burned in the field by farmers without considering its negative impacts that disturbs the soil physical,
chemical and biological properties altering the microbial activities as well as causes an imbalance in agro
ecosystem due to air pollution (Singh & Prabha, 2017). In Nepal, organic waste from plant based product is
estimated to be 2.5 million ton/year which can be potentially used as the source of organic fertilizer production
(Pokhrel & Viraraghavan, 2005).
Similarly, the urban areas produce green waste from garden or park. Waste from hedge trimming,
flower cutting, domestic and commercial food waste, vegetable and fruit market waste which is accumulated
haphazardly worsen hygiene and sanitary condition of cities mainly in the developing countries (Pattnaik &
Reddy, 2010). Furthermore, large amount of bio-degradable waste is generated in the form of kitchen and
household waste that poses a great challenge in waste management mainly in the urban areas. Over 70% of the
city waste by volume in Nepal is decomposable and recyclable in the ground (Dhital, Sharma, & Adhikari,
2016). Vermicomposting is one of the eco-friendly way of converting such bio-degradable wastes into high
quality manure (Patrabansh, 2002).
Vermicomposting is the process of conversion of organic wastes by certain species of earthworms to
valuable humus like material which is used as natural soil conditioner (Dominguez & Edwards, 2004). Epigeic
species of earthworm are commonly used earthworms for vermicomposting. Due to their natural ability to feed
organic wastes, high reproduction rate and short life cycle epigeic species are considered suitable for
vermicomposting. Among different species of epigeic type,Eisenia foetida is extensively used for
vermicomposting (Garg, Satya, & Gupta, 2006; Aalok, Soni, & Tripathi, 2009).

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Utilization of Agricultural Wastes as Substrates for Vermicomposting
Vermicomposting is an environment friendly and cost effective techniques for solid waste management
and sustainable agriculture (Manaig, 2016). Vermicomposting is beneficial to us in two ways as it helps in
degradation of solid waste and the worm cast can be used as organic fertilizer(Mehta & Karnwal, 2013).
Vermicompost is finely divided manure with high porosity, aeration, organic matter content and high water
holding capacity and rich in microbial activities due to the interaction between earthworm and micro-organisms
(Dominguez & Edwards, 2004). It is rich in NPK, micronutrients, beneficial microbes and contain plant
hormones and enzymes as well in contrast to the conventional compost. It is proving to be a wonderful growth
promoter as well as plant protector from diseases and pests (Sinha & Herat, 2002). When the whole world is
hopefully looking for economically viable, socially acceptable and environmentally safe and sustainable
alternative to chemical method of farming due to the adverse effect of chemicals on soil health as well as on
human health, vermicomposting can offer the best path towards desired organic farming (Adhikary, 2012).
Different biological and agricultural wastes can be used as substrates for vermicomposting. The
judicious use of such organic wastes might enhance the quality of compost formed. Quality of vermicompost
mainly depends upon types of raw material used and species of earthworm used (Jafarpour, Pessarakli, &
Kazemi, 2017). Selection of substrates and their combination is an important step in vermicomposting as it
influence the activity of worms and alters the quality of manure formed. The efficiency of vermicompost is
measured by number of worms, time taken for conversion and biomass produced (Manaig, 2016). Besides, this
the lowering of C: N ratio by conversion of organic carbon into carbon dioxide which is lost to the atmosphere
and excretion of nitrogenous wastes by earthworms enhance the nutritional efficiency of manure produced
(Mahanta & Jha, 2009). This research aimed to utilize various garden and field crop wastes as substrates for
vermicomposting to identify their manuring potential.

II. Materials And Methods

Experimental site
The research was carried out in 2018 AD under the shed house of horticulture farm at Agriculture and Forestry
University, Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal.
Collection of Substrate and Earthworm
The substrates required for vermicomposting were collected within the premises of Agriculture and Forestry
University and earthworms were brought from a nearby vermicompost farm.
Substrates used
Cow dung
Cattle manure is an excellent food for earthworms in vermicomposting. It acts as a cake for earthworm during
composting purpose (Munroe, 2007). In this research cow dung was used as basic food material in each compost
bin. Fifteen days old partially decomposed cow dung was used in this research as fresh cow dung could be
harmful to earthworms due to heating process.
Lantana camara
Lantana camara is a common and aggressive shrubby weed found in different parts of Nepal. Due to its highly
allopathic nature it can cause toxicity in grazing animals. However, vermicomposting can eliminate toxicity of
this weed and can turn it into excellent organic fertilizer (Hussain, Abbasi, & Abbasi, 2015).

Ageratum conyzoides
Ageratum conyzoides is an annual, herbaceous weed of many annual and perennial crops and also the host of
many crop diseases. Use of Ageratum and other obnoxious weed is economical for low cost vermicomposting
technology (Chaudary & Suri, 2018).
Banana pseudo stem
Banana pseudo stem is trunk of banana which is formed by tightly packed leaf sheaths. Once the fruits are
harvested this pseudo stem is discarded in the form of biomass waste (Subagyo & Chafidz, 2018). For every ton
of banana fruit harvested about four tons of biomass (pseudo stem, leaf, peel, rhizome etc.) is wasted. This
banana waste can be utilized to make quality compost using epigeic earthworms (Kavitha, Ravikumar, &
Manivannan, 2010).
Garden waste
Garden waste comprised of lawn grass and hedge trimmings such as Justiceaand Duranta.
Vegetable waste
Crop residues of cauliflower, cabbage and broccoli after harvesting were used as substrate for vermicomposting.
Such harvested residues were collected from the field where pesticides and insecticides were not used during the
cropping period.
Mycostraw is the residue of mushroom farming. Paddy straw is used as substrate in cultivation of oyster
mushroom. After the mushroom is harvested this residue is rejected in the form of waste. This rejected waste

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Utilization of Agricultural Wastes as Substrates for Vermicomposting
containing mushroom pieces is a good organic carbon rich component to use as a substrate for
vermicomposting. This makes mushroom cultivation and vermicomposting complementary to each other (Tah,

Bedding material
Rice straw
Bedding is any material which provides hospitable living material and stable environment for earthworms. In
general, bedding material must have high absorbency, good bulking potential and high carbon to nitrogen ratio
(Munroe, 2007). Paddy straw is commonly available agricultural waste as it is most widely cultivated cereal
crop in Nepal (MOALD, 2017). It is cheap source of organic fertilizer, contains high C: N ratio; therefore
making it a good bedding material for vermicomposting (Manaig, 2016).

Experimental setup
Preparation of compost bin
The experimental setup consisted of eight different treatments with three replications for each
treatment, arranged in completely randomized design. Pre-composting was done for about ten days and the
substrates were introduced to plastic bins of diameter 43 cm and height 16 cm. Chopped paddy straw was used
as bedding material in each treatment. The substrates used for vermicomposting were Cow dung, leaves of
Lantana camara, Ageratum conyzoides, banana pseudo stem, garden waste, vegetable waste and mycostraw. The
control treatment consisted of cow dung and was devoid of earthworms. In another treatment earthworms were
fed solely with cow dung while other treatments consisted of one kg cow dung as base food material and two kg
of required substrate according to the treatment. The detail of treatments and composition of substrates is
presented in table 1.
Eisenia foetida species of earthworm were used for vermicomposting with 200 worms of almost same
size in each bins except in control. Gunny bags were used to cover the bins to create dark condition favored by
the worms. The Vermi liquor seeping out of the holes drilled at the bottom of bin was collected in the vessel
underneath the compost bin. Vermi wash thus collected was poured into the same bin until the compost was
fully prepared.

Table 1: Composition of treatments

Treatment Substrate used Amount of Cow dung Amount of substrate Number of
used(kg) used (kg) earthworms used
T1 Leaves of Lantana 1 2 200
T2 Whole plant of Ageratum 1 2 200
T3 Banana pseudo stem 1 2 200
T4 Garden waste 1 2 200
T5 Vegetable waste 1 2 200
T6 Mycostraw 1 2 200
T7 Cowdung 3 0 200
T8 control 3 0 0

Maintenance of moisture and temperature

Adequate moisture was maintained by sprinkling enough water at a regular basis. The temperature range of
experimental site was 30-35 degree Celsius during this research.
Collection of sample
The process of vermicomposting was carried out for a period of 75 days. At the end of experiment total
earthworm count in each treatment was calculated and vermicompost sample was collected for nutrient analysis.
Nutrient Analysis
The samples were analyzed for Nitrogen (N), Phosphorous (P) and Potassium (K) at Regional Soil Testing Lab
Pokhara, Nepal.
Statistical Analysis
The data were entered in MS-excel and analysis was done using Rstudio.

III. Resultand Discussions

A fine, granular, odorless, black peat like structured compost was obtained after seventy five days in all
treatments which marked the potentiality and suitability of all the substrates for vermicomposting purpose.
Thus, collected sample were analyzed for nutrient content. The vermicompost from different substrates were
found rich in N, P, and K contents. However, Nutritional composition of vermicompost varied with substrate
Comparison of NPK content of vermicompost sample is presented in table 2.
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Utilization of Agricultural Wastes as Substrates for Vermicomposting
Table 2: Analysis of NPK content of vermicompost samples of different substrates
Treatment Nitrogen content
Substrate medium
Lantana camara 2.53a
Banana Pseudo stem 2.49a
Ageratum Conyzoides 1.91b
Garden Waste 1.87b
Vegetable Waste 1.85b
Mycostraw 1.81b
Cowdung 1.26c
Control 0.48d
Sem(±) 0.13
LSD(0.05) 0.324
CV 11
F-test ***
*** indicates significance at 0.01%

Treatment Phosphorous content

Substrate medium
Mycostraw 1.46a
Vegetable Waste 1.43a
Lantana Camara 1.38a
Ageratum Conyzoides 1.33a
Garden Waste 1.32a
Banana Pseudo stem 1.31ab
Cowdung 1.08b
Control 0.30c
Sem(±) 0.08
LSD(0.05) 0.235
CV 11.1
F-test ***
*** indicates significance at 0.01%

Treatment Potassium content

Substrate medium
Ageratum Conyzoides 3.29a
Banana Pseudo stem 2.46b
Lantana Camara 2.28bc
Mycostraw 2.01bc
Garden Waste 1.87bc
Vegetable Waste 1.64cd
Cowdung 1.04de
Control 0.29e
Sem(±) 0.19
LSD(0.05) 0.793
CV 24.3
F-test ***
*** indicates significance at 0.01%

The result showed that nutrient content of all the samples were significantly higher than that of control.
It might be due the reason that control treatment lacked earthworms; therefore, it was similar to conventional
compost while in other substrates earthworms were used for vermicomposting. It was found that no matter
whatever was the substrate used for composting, NPK content of vermicompost was higher than that of
Farmyard manure (Pattnaik & Reddy, 2010).
Nitrogen content was found significantly more in those vermicompost samples which contained
additional substrate than cow dung alone. Cow dung alone (1.26% N) had also significantly higher nitrogen
content than control (0.48% N); however, mixture of any plant material along with cow dung was found better
in terms of percentage of nitrogen. Highest amount of nitrogen was recorded in Lantana camara (2.53%).
However, both Lantana camara (2.53% N) and banana pseudo stem (2.49 % N) were statistically equivalent to
each other but superior to other samples. Similarly Ageratum conyzoides, garden waste, vegetable waste and
mycostraw were equivalent to each other in terms of nitrogen content.
Highest amount of phosphorous was recorded in mycostraw (1.46%) and lowest was recorded in
control treatment (0.30%). However, no significant difference was found between mycostraw, vegetable waste,
Lantana camara, Ageratum conyzoides, and garden waste. Cow dung alone as a substrate was also significantly
superior to control; however, all the other treatments were found superior even to cow dung.

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Utilization of Agricultural Wastes as Substrates for Vermicomposting
In case of potassium, Ageratum conyzoides (3.29%)contained significantly higher amount of potassium
than any other samples. There was not much difference between other substrates used for vermicomposting;
however, all the samples were found superior to control treatment.
Vermicomposting is the result of both physical and biochemical action of earthworms. Physical action
includes mixing up, loosening, aeration, maintenance of aerobic condition and the grinding of waste by
earthworms whereas biochemical action includes breakdown of substrates by useful micro-organisms in the gut
of earthworm. Thus, the earthworms act to modify physical and chemical status of waste, reduces C: N ratio
making it an odorless, finely divided peat like material with high porosity and water holding capacity along with
enhanced nutrient contents. (Dominguez & Edwards, 2004; Lazcanoa & Domínguez, 2011).
Panta & Yami, 2008, found that decomposition process was enhanced and nutrient content was
increased due to the presence of earthworms and aerobic heterotrophic population of microbes. The increased
content of plant useable form of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium might be due to rapid mineralization of
wastes due to the action of earthworms (Aalok, Soni, & Tripathi, 2009; Manaig, 2016). It was cited as well as
explained that quality of vermicompost always depend on the type of substrate used for composting (Garg,
Satya, & Gupta, 2006; Manaig, 2016; Panta & Yami, 2008) However, the mixture of plant waste and cow dung
was suitable for preparation of high quality compost. It was superior in terms of NPK content than the cow dung
or the substrate alone. (Mistry, Mukhopadhyay, & Baur, 2015).

IV. Conclusions
Vermicomposting is a cost effective technology to produce high quality manure from bio-degradable
solid wastes with the help of earthworms. Therefore it has a great role in waste management and in promoting
organic agriculture. Discarded crop residues and menacing crop weeds can be utilized as substrates for
vermicomposting to produce a nutrient rich soil conditioner. Vermi- composting of leaf litter, crop residues and
weeds can be an effective solution to waste and weed management in the farm, forest and urban areas.
Furthermore it can be a great source for the much needed organic fertilizer (Aalok, Soni, & Tripathi, 2009). The
type of substrate used can influence the quality and nutrient content of vermicompost. This study found that any
suitable substrate subjected to vermicomposting makes better compost than the conventional cow dung compost.
Furthermore, mixture of cow dung with other plant residues makes a better substrate which yield vermicompost
with enhanced nutrient content. Among different substrates used for vermicomposting Lantana camara was
found most effective which contained highest nitrogen content (2.53%) followed by banana pseudo stem
(2.49%). Though the phosphorous content (1.38%) was not highest in Lantana but it was significantly equal to
mycostraw (1.46%) and vegetable waste (1.43%). In case of potassium content, Ageratum has highest amount
(3.29%) followed by Banana pseudo stem (2.46%) and Lantana (2.28%). Thus, Lantana, Ageratum and Banana
pseudo stem seemed to be richer in NPK content than others.However, it can be concluded that all the substrates
used in this research have high manuring potential and can be effectively utilized through vermicomposting.

We would like to acknowledge Agriculture and Forestry University Nepal for providing us the research
site. We express our heartfelt gratitude to Prof. Dr. Kalyani Mishra Tripathi for her support, guidance and
valuable suggestions. We are thankful to our friends Divya, Sarita, Sarmila, Shristi, Sudarshan and Sushant for
their help during the research period.

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Saratendra Bajal. "Utilization of Agricultural Wastes as Substrates for Vermicomposting.

"IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science (IOSR-JAVS) 12.8 (2019): PP- 79-84.

DOI: 10.9790/2380-1208017984 84 | Page

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