American Language Hub 3 Workbook Key

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Answer key American Language Hub Level 3 Workbook 

1.1 Communication today C

2 Can you understand
GRAMMAR 3 Which/What
4 Is it difficult
5 how is it
1 do you speak 5 am looking
6 How do you make
2 take 6 are becoming
7 Will you teach
3 is learning 7 doesn’t contain
8 why are you
4 seems 8 is thinking

Stative Dynamic A
1 e 2 d 3 g 4 a 5 c 6 b 7 f
believe, belong, cost, include, bring, complain, get, relax,
know, mean, need, own, prefer, show, take, watch, write B
1 phrase 5 accent
seem, understand, want
2 idiom 6 accurately
C 3 fluently 7 bilingual
1 am/’m relaxing 5 travel 4 monolingual
2 need 6 love
3 have 7 am/’m smiling
4 don’t think 8 snows A
1 b 2 a 3 b 4 a 5 a
A 1.3 Reading
1 looks 5 am/’m watching
2 listen 6 are/’re looking
3 hear 7 sounds A
4 see 8 look 1 In many African countries, hundreds of languages are spoken.
2 Some people, known as hyperglots, are capable of learning
B 50 or 60 languages.
1 b 2 c 3 a 4 b 5 c 3 Learning new languages increases the size of the brain.

A 1 c 2 e 3 a
1 We speak a lot of English at home.
2 The Spanish exam was difficult, but I think I passed. 1.4 L istening; Functional Language
3 I don’t usually listen to podcasts.
4 A photo doesn’t always show the real you.
5 I met up with an old friend at the park. A
6 That’s me in the photograph with my family. 1 part of a radio show
2 a new selfie app

1.2 Who owns English? B

GRAMMAR 1 b 2 b

1 What do Did you guys go out the other night? 1 F (It’s new in the US, but it was originally launched in 2014.)
2 Which What do you want, an ice-cream cone? 2 F (It’s available throughout the world.)
What Jack What does Jack want to do for his birthday next
3  3 T
week? 4 T
4 How much How long did she have to wait at the bank? 5 F (The technology is similar to that used by airport security
5 Who Whose shoes are these? companies.)
6 How Why doesn’t Laura come to the party with us? 6 F (Many apps access and collect personal information.)
2 Where did Danny learn Spanish?
3 When is the language lab open? A
4 How can I improve my English? 1 mind giving
5 Should we ask the teacher what this word means? 2 to (help)
6 Who is considered the greatest writer of modern English? 3 to do
7 What are you studying this semester? 4 would be
8 What language do you speak at home? 5 you wouldn’t/don’t
6 go

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B 2.1 Important decisions

1 hand 2 help 3 easy 4 amazing 5 favor
1.5 Write a report about trends A
1 We 5 He’s
WRITING 2 I’ve 6 They
B 3 They’ve 7 She
Introduction: a and c 4 I 8 We’ve
Paragraph 1: g GRAMMAR
Paragraph 2: d
Paragraph 3: e and f
Conclusion: b
1 have (you ever) made 6 was
2 wrote 7 have/’ve (never) made
C 3 haven’t done 8 has/’s written
1 f 2 e 3 b 4 have (you) done 9 has/’s learned
5 went 10 went
1 conducted B
2 Many claimed 1 still 5 has been
3 a lack of interest in 2 went 6 never
4 due to the fact that 3 have ever been 7 went
5­ It seems that 4 just 8 yet


Model answer 1 take 6 make
Report about trends in the use of technology for education 2 put 7 work
This report examines how people are using technology as 3 turn 8 stay
part of the educational process. We asked one hundred young 4 set 9 make
people about their experiences of technology in education 5 lose
and what they believe its advantages are.
Individual learning 1 lose heart 6 a decision
Not everybody is successful at learning using traditional 2 motivated 7 his/a goal
methods of study, and digital tools such as computers, iPads 3 into action 8 into reality
and digital whiteboards. This means that both teaching and 4 the break 9 short-term goals
learning can be adapted to suit individual students’ various 5 the next step
styles of learning.

Distance learning 2.2 You can do it!

Access to online learning allows teachers to reach ­students
in different places at the same time. It also allows ­people
who work to pursue educational goals in their free A
time. In this way, learning has become available to anyone 1 c 5 e
and everyone. 2 g 6 b
3 a 7 d
Motivation 4 f 8 h
Most of the people we asked said that with computer-based
courses they felt more in control of their learning. Digital B
methods make learning more fun, and students are less afraid 1 aware of 5 working for
of making mistakes. 2 suitable for 6 proud of
3 typical of 7 asked for
Conclusion 4 looking for 8 preparing for
No one suggested that technology should replace teachers,
but it seems that the trend toward computer-based and C
distance learning has made educational opportunities 1 deal 5 solve
available to more people and students can learn more by 2 causing 6 analyze
engaging in motivating educational activities. 3 suggest 7 agree
4 coming

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A 1 must be
Verbs with stress on first syllable: focus, manage, study 2 can call
Verbs with stress on second syllable: achieve, regret, 3 if I ask
suggest 4 Can we start
5 I’m sorry
GRAMMAR 6 Would it be
7 I’m afraid
8 I’d like
1 couldn’t 5 are able to
2 am able to 6 managed to
3 managed to 7 can 2.5 Write an informal email
4 Was she able to 8 couldn’t WRITING
1 does Kate manage to 5 Could you speak Sentences 2, 4, 5, 7 and 8
2 being able to work 6 didn’t manage to find
3 not able to prepare 7 imagine being able B
4 able to spend 1 Sorry I haven’t written / didn’t write sooner.
2 Thanks for the advice.
3 I hope you’re well. / How are you?
2.3 Reading 4 I didn’t go because I was sick.
5 I haven’t found anywhere (nice/cheap/etc) to live yet.
1 want a simpler life 1 regularly 2 good 3 not sure 4 will
2 a TV announcer
3 for some people
1 Hi Adriana; Love to you & Dave & the baby
B 2 So what to do?; Great new café near me
1 c (without an internet connection, without electricity, 3 !!!; –; …
without a car) 4 What’s; It’s been; a lot of stuff’s been happening; I’d made;
2 f (the security of a nine-to-five routine, left … behind in I’ve been; don’t know; They’re both; The other one’s; I’ll be far
order to find a way of life that is simpler) away; I’ll have to find; it’s a great opportunity
3 a (by helicopter) 5 What’s up?; stuff; magazines; Woo-hoo; cool; get it?; lol
4 b (food, fuel, clothing and bedding) 6 
5 d (Things are regularly broken or damaged by the wind
6 e (They are able to deal with change on a daily basis, ability B
to accept new situations.) Model answer
Hiya Lottie,
1 T accessible by helicopter.) Thanks for the birthday present. The Necks! You know me so
2 F (They have left the ‘rat 4 T well! It’s their best so far. Thanks again J!! The card was great,
race’ behind.) 5 T too. Really funny!
3 F (The island is only 6 T Guess what? You know how you’re always trying to persuade
me to go skydiving? Well, … ta-da … Pete got me a ride in
2.4 Listening; Functional Language a hot-air balloon for my birthday! Trouble is, I have a thing
about heights – really scared of them actually! I so want to go
but at the same time I’m really frightened – terrified! I know
A that it will be an amazing experience but … will I have the
Answers will vary, but 1, 3 and 4 are the most likely. courage to do it? Plus, I don’t want to hurt Pete’s feelings by
refusing his gift. What should I do? Help!
1 adults 4 pressure BTW, when do you next get a break? Maybe I can come to
2 support 5 solve Germany for a visit, or you can come over here – you know
3 dealing 6 decisions you’re always welcome. Anyway … give me a call if you get
the chance. Tell me what I should do about the whole hot-air
C balloon thing!
1 life-changing decisions 5 long-term goals
That’s all for now, but write and tell me all your news.
2 family troubles 6 advice
3 list 7 time, energy Hugs and kisses,
4 don’t agree Tonia

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3.1 Travel experiences PRONUNCIATION

Students underline these phrases:
1 a lot of
1 a 5 c
2 a few
2 b 6 b
3 many
3 c 7 c
4 too much
4 b 8 a
5 enough
B 6 little
2 hadn’t seen 6 suddenly found
3 had been 7 saw
4 decided 8 had never noticed A
5 left 1 really 4 furious
2 a little 5 extremely
VOCABULARY 3 very 6 very funny
1 f 5 h 1 ✗ 2 ✗ 3 ✓ 4 ✗ 5 ✗ 6 ✗ 7 ✓ 8 ✓
2 c 6 b
3 g 7 a C
4 d 8 e 1 impossible
2 brilliant
B 3 enormous
1 connection 4 action 4 furious
2 decision 5 reaction 5 filthy
3 pollution 6 situation 6 hilarious

1 decision 4 situation 3.3 Reading
2 connection 5 reaction READING
3 pollution 6 action
PRONUNCIATION Suggested answers
1 Maybe it will be about the use of technological advances in
A road transportation.
2 Speaker B 5 Speaker B
2 Probably positive.
3 Speaker B 6 Speaker B
4 Speaker A B
1 d 2 c 3 a 4 e 5 b

3.2 Travel smart C

GRAMMAR 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 b

1 a 5 – 3.4 Listening; Functional Language
2 the 6 a
3 – 7 the
4 an 8 – B
1, 2, 4 and 5.
1 much 5 a little C
2 enough 6 a lot of 1 less
3 little 7 Few 2 Older
4 plenty of 8 too much 3 live dangerously
4 confident
C 5 Different groups of people
1 a lot 4 little/no 6 different stages
2 much 5 A lot 7 wait until they are older
3 enough 6 very
1 guess 2 had/’d 3 thing 4 while 5 happened
6 best 7 kidding 8 end

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3.5 Write an email of complaint PRONUNCIATION

1 not interested
2 excited
a 3 b 4 c 2 d 1
3 determined
B 4 positive
1 extremely 4 unnecessarily 5 sarcastic
2 regularly 5 seriously 6 thoughtful
3 totally 6 definitely 7 curious
8 ironic
Model answer A
Dear Sir or Madam, 1 cut 4 keep/make/break
2 make/break/keep 5 quit
I am writing to complain about the disastrous vacation 3 reach 6 break/make/keep
package to Majorca we booked with your company. It is the
worst vacation we have ever had. B
1 quit a bad habit 4 reach a target
First of all, there was no bus to meet us at the airport to take 2 break a resolution 5 cut down on something
us to the hotel. We had to wait five hours for one to arrive, and 3 make a resolution 6 keep a resolution
when we arrived at the hotel, the kitchen was closed so we
went to bed without having dinner. C
1 down 5 resolution
The extremely loud noise of building work woke us up very 2 quit/stop 6 achieve
early since the hotel is having an extension built. This went on 3 keep 7 set
for our whole stay, making it totally impossible to relax by the 4 reach 8 stick
hotel pool or beach.

The service was completely unacceptable, too – beds not 4.2 Social change
made or changed, rooms not cleaned – and the staff was very GRAMMAR
rude. Also, the planned trips to sites of interest either didn’t
happen or we had to pay extra for them. A
1 is going to 5 could
This is to inform you that I am seeking compensation for 2 may 6 are going to
a ruined vacation, because what was promised by your 3 definitely 7 might not
representative at the travel agency was nothing like the reality. 4 will 8 will probably

I hope to hear from you soon regarding this matter. B

Harold Purly 1 will 5 might/may
2 going 6 could/will
4.1 Personal change 3
A 1 Hannah probably will probably get the job.
1 I am / I’m meeting Sarah I will / I’ll try 2 It depends how busy Lisa and Alan are, but they definitely
2 We are / We’re having or We 5 I will / I’ll do will probably come tonight.
are / We’re going to have 6 What are you doing 3 The weather probably might be good this weekend.
3 she is / she’s going to run 7 he is / he’s going to buy 4 My neighbors could to at least try to keep the noise
4 I am / I’m going to try or 8 I will / I’ll turn down a little!
5 The local soccer club won’t definitely won’t win the league
this season.
1 am/’m going to learn you learning
2 will/’ll make sure 6 are going PRONUNCIATION
3 will/’ll lend 7 will not / won’t be
4 am/’m starting 8 Are you doing
1 b 2 a 3 a 4 b 5 b
5 Are you going to learn / Are
1 that in 2 What other 3 is overpaid 4 That’s a
1 a 2 b 3 a 4 a 5 b
5 don’t understand

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VOCABULARY 4.5 Write a short essay

1 c 5 b
2 a 6 c
a 3 b 4 c 2 d 1
3 c 7 a
4 b 8 c C
1 Washing machines and dishwashers.
2 The elderly will need more help in the home.
2 rebuild
3 Because we will want more free time to develop
3 disagree
personal interests.
4 overpopulated
5 disappeared D
6 misunderstand 1 and so 4 because
2 because of 5 because
3 as a result / consequently 6 as a result / consequently
4.3 Reading
1 a review 2 real people 3 India and the UK Model answer
For some time now, robots have been used to build
B products such as cars and medical equipment, but how
2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 and 9. long will it be before they do the jobs we think only humans
can do? Computers are becoming more intelligent, and as
a result they regularly beat humans at chess. What else could
Suggested answers
they be taught to do?
2, 3, 5, 8 and 9 should be included.
4 and 7 are not relevant to the main idea of the program. Medicine is one area in which robots will be used much
more. You can already see a doctor online, which is an
D important development, because people in remote areas
1 documentary 4 India
can easily speak to a doctor. Consequently, healthcare
2 British boys 5 deal with the challenge
will improve greatly. Robots can even be used to perform
3 failed
difficult operations, which will allow a surgeon in Germany
to operate on a patient in Japan.
4.4 Listening; Functional Language Another area where robots will change traditional ways of
LISTENING working is farming. Farm workers will not be needed any
B more because driverless tractors, GPS devices and robotic fruit
b, c, d and f. pickers will do their jobs. However, some people worry that
this kind of development will cause unemployment.
1 a 2 b 3 a 4 a To sum up, because of new developments in robotics
and technology, there will be both positive and negative
D consequences, and we humans will have to find new ways
1 b to live in the new world of machines.
2 c
3 a
4 b
5.1 At work
6 b A
1 communication skills 5 reliable
2 creative 6 pressure
1 up
3 teamwork 7 time management
2 going
4 people
3 what
4 catch B
5 lost 1 I was pleased that the manager let me to use my digital
6 Leave technology skills.
2 Did you encourage him to look looking for a new job?
3 She’s tired because her boss made her she come to work at
7 am today!
4 Our company allows us to work from home one day a week.

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5 She persuaded them to that they cancel the meeting at the 4 The 100-meter record was broken by Usain Bolt.
last minute. 5 The painting had been completed by the artist’s assistant.
6 Mrs. Carter told to me to improve my time management skills.
7 I advised my colleague to speak for speaking to our C
­manager about the problem. 1 Sheila had set off the alarm.
8 Mr. Jones doesn’t want me to that I give the 2 Zaha Hadid designed the building.
presentation today. 3 Russia held the championship.
4 Moonlight won the Oscar for Best Picture.
C 5 The government’s policies are destroying communities.
1 allow
2 encourage D
3 making 1 started
4 telling 2 is collected
5 lets 3 is used
6 persuaded 4 have been received
7 wants 5 is being turned into
8 advise 6 are picked up
7 are cleaned / have been cleaned
PRONUNCIATION 8 can be made
A 9 died
1 ✓ 10 ran
2 – 11 made
3 – 12 were taken
4 ✓ 13 were sold
5 ✓
6 ✓
7 – A
8 ✓ 1 d 2 b 3 a 4 c 5 e

1 running, business
2 launched a campaign
1 used to be
3 build a brand
2 used to work
4 attract new customers
3 didn’t use to have
5 make a profit
4 used to work
5 would leave / used to leave PRONUNCIATION
6 would rarely get
7 would leave / used to leave B
1 Who launched this campaign to protect the environment?
2 We should talk on Wednesday.
1 Did you use to
3 The sign on the door said knock, so I did, but there was
2 never used to
no answer.
3 used to enjoy
4 I can’t eat a whole sandwich – do you want half?
4 would meet
5 He’s written a lot but I doubt that he knows everything.
5 didn’t use to have
6 We listened for an hour but his foreign accent made it hard.
6 used to work
7 When they gave the design prize, it went to the wrong person.
8 To be honest, I’d say that psychology would not be a good
5.2 In business subject for you.
A 5.3 Reading
1 was set up READING
2 have been sold
3 are usually bought A
 ot just a job
4 be ordered
5 are being trained B
6 have not been proven Suggested answers
Perks and benefits of working for a modern firm and how
1 Christopher’s house was robbed last night.
these affect employees’ well-being and productivity.
2 The correct technique can be learned.
3 The necklace has been stolen.

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C Paragraph 2: His suitability for the role

1 company owners Paragraph 3: Why he is applying for this job in particular
2 tech firms’ work environment Paragraph 4: When he is available for an interview
3 employees in general
4 the game developer’s website C
5 employees 1 d
6 at the clothing company 2 a
7 make a difference 3 c
4 b
1 a 2 b 3 a 4 a 5 b WRITING PRACTICE
5.4 Listening; Functional Language Model answer
Dear Ms. McMahon,
I am writing to apply for the position of Assistant Manager
which is currently advertised on (Ref: 273A).
1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9.
I have attached my résumé. I recently graduated with
C a degree in Sports Marketing and Management and wish to
1 200, week start a career in the health and fitness industry.
2 exams, grades
I believe my experience and skills, gained both in college and
3 vacancies, high
working at health clubs during the vacations, make me an
D ideal candidate for the job. While in college I was chairman
1 30% / thirty percent of the Athletics Committee and oversaw inter-university
2 science teachers sports competitions, which required great organizational and
3 leaving their jobs leadership skills. Working at health clubs gave me an insight
4 10,000 / ten thousand into how they were run.
5 3/three (coursework, oral exams, written exams)
Working for your company would be a great opportunity
6 grade 200 notebooks every week
for me to share my passion for health and fitness and to
7 exams and grades
put my skills and knowledge in sales and marketing into
8 when there were end-of-year exams
practice in an industry I have always had an ambition to
1 for coming
Thank you for considering my application. I am available
2 purpose
for interview at any time and look forward to hearing
3 presentation
from you.
4 first of all
5 take a look Sincerely yours,
6 move on Philip Stevens
7 From
8 brings
9 question
6.1 Take part!
10 do you have GRAMMAR
5.5 Write a cover letter for a job 1
2 a
application 3 b
5 b
6 a
Suggested answers
1 Customer service, dealing with people, selling vacations, B
working in an office. 1 shouldn’t
2 No – a degree and some work experience is enough. 2 don’t need to
3 Good people skills, being persuasive, knowledge of the 3 must not
travel business. 4 must
5 shouldn’t
6 don’t have to
Suggested answers
7 don’t need to
Paragraph 1: Which job he is applying for and why
8 don’t have to
­(including where he saw the job ad and its
­reference number)

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VOCABULARY 6 have not / haven’t achieved

7 has/’s just come in
8 has/’s been working out
1 competitive
2 massive B
3 aggressive 1 ‘s/has been living here for
4 effective 2 ‘s/has been playing tennis since
5 creative 3 have not been going
6 impressive 4 ‘ve/have been training for a

1 stadium 1 I didn’t need to buy a yoga mat because my sister lent
2 champion me hers.
3 players 2 We had have to have lessons before we could jump out of
4 final the plane for the first time.
5 trophy 3 Julio needed to practice a lot before he became good at
6 fan fly fishing.
7 medal 4 Kayleigh didn’t have hadn’t to watch the ukulele teacher
8 league because she already knew how to play the song.
9 tournament 5 She didn’t have had to do anything yesterday so she spent
10 spectator the day relaxing at home.
6 I had to spend a lot of money to buy this stamp, but I’m
C pleased that I did.
1 coach
7 The coach said we needed to practice more, so we did.
2 trophy
8 I had to use my friend’s Ping-Pong paddle last week because
3 league
I broke mine.
4 stadium
5 tournament PRONUNCIATION
6 fans
7 champion
1 I’ve never been to India.
8 players
2 Tanya’s been playing tennis for hours.
9 spectator
3 He’s been very quiet all day.
10 final
4 How long have you been captain of the club?
PRONUNCIATION 5 We’ve been training since last year.
6 Have you been surfing before?
Stay tuned, (/) folks. (/) We have an exciting show for you today. (/)
Later on in the show, (/) Lionel Messi (//) – world famous athlete, 6.3 Reading
(/) considered by some to be the greatest soccer player of all READING
time – (/) will be joining us to talk about his life and career. (/) We’ll
speak about the challenges he’s faced, (//) both on and off the A
field, (/) and how he overcame them to be who he is today. brass bands

6.2 Hobbies 1 b 2 a 3 c
A 1 b 4 c
1 escape 4 collecting 2 c 5 b
2 relaxing 5 close 3 a 6 a
3 get 6 are

B 6.4 Listening; Functional Language

1 society 4 member LISTENING
2 hobby 5 active
3 thing 6 fan B
a 3 d 6
GRAMMAR b 5 e 2
A c 1 f 4
1 have/’ve never known
2 has/’s been playing
1 c 4 a
3 have you been taking part
2 b 5 a
4 has/’s been training
3 b 6 c
5 has/’s completed

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1 for instance A
2 another example 1 try out
3 If you 2 giving up
4 my opinion 3 shows up
5 don’t think 4 serve up
6 brutally honest 5 took off
7 probably right 6 started off
7 set up
6.5 Write an article for a magazine B
WRITING 1 disgusting
2 raw
B 3 watery
a 2 b 3 c 1 d 5 e 4 4 salty/savory
5 filling
6 tasty
1 f
7 rich
2 c
8 cheesy
3 a
9 fruity
4 d
10 spicy
5 b
6 e C
WRITING PRACTICE Positive Neutral Negative
B rich cheesy disgusting
Model answer
Fishing may not sound exciting, but I can tell you that there’s tasty fruity raw
nothing like the thrill you get when you feel the pull on your raw rich
line as a fish takes the bait.
salty/savory salty
One of the great things about fishing is that you spend time
outdoors – either in the peace and quiet of the country or by spicy watery
the ocean. You can relax and think and leave the worries of
everyday life behind. GRAMMAR
Another thing I like about fishing is how it helps the
1 That can’t must not be our bill – we only had a snack!
environment. One good thing about our hobby is that we
2 We should call and make a reservation – there might not
keep rivers and waterways clean and trash-free. As for the fish,
don’t be a table.
most of us usually throw them back into the water. Although,
3 You must to think I’m very rude eating with my fingers!
and this is another great thing about it, you may go home
4 You may/might/could maybe be right about this food – it
with a delicious fish for supper!
doesn’t taste good.
Another good reason to take up fishing is that you don’t need 5 Let’s try this new restaurant – it may/might/could could
any expensive gear to enjoy it, just a simple rod and some bait maybe be good.
and a little stool to sit on. 6 This place might not have not the best food, but it’s good
enough and very cheap.
Everyone wants to escape from the stress of their busy lives,
and fishing is an inexpensive and peaceful way to do it. I’m B
hooked – and I think you will be, too, once you try it! 2 may/might/could contain
3 can’t (possibly) want
might not taste
7.1 Eating out 4
5 can’t/couldn’t be; must be
PRONUNCIATION 6 must/may/might think
1 could be 5 might not be 7.2 Food fads
2 can’t be 6 can’t be
3 must be 7 must be
4 might be/could be 8 might take/could take A
1 the least salt
B 2 cooks better than
1 d 2 b 3 g 4 c 5 a 6 f 7 e 3 the spicier the

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4 tastes fruitier than

7.5 Write a reply in an online
5 more / the most calories
6 worse than me discussion forum
1 c 2 b 3 a 4 c 5 a 6 c 7 c 8 b B
1 SloppyJoe
A 3 Gourmand
1 b 2 a 3 a 4 b 5 b 6 b 7 a 8 b 4 SloppyJoe
5 SloppyJoe, Sylvya
1 recycled 1 quieter
2 wasted 2 the most popular
3 reuse 3 more casual
4 garbage 4 I’d recommend
5 reduce 5 than
6 use up 6 nicer
7 You should
B 8 Why don’t you
1 can
2 away
3 of B
4 down Model answer
5 garbage I think you should go for the restaurant option. So many
6 up things can go wrong with a barbecue – not just the weather.
Your guests might be tired after a long trip, and it’s more
C comfortable and relaxing to be seated at a table and waited
Across: 2 wastebasket 4 reduce 6 throw away 7 reuse on than it is to stand around trying to balance a paper plate in
Down: 1 trash 3 recycle 5 waste one hand and a drink in the other. Besides, in my experience
it’s just as expensive and time-consuming to have a barbecue
7.3 Reading as it is to dress up and go out to a restaurant. You can relax
and talk rather than attend to the cooking. So, I’d recommend
READING going to a nice restaurant. Better to be safe than sorry!
1 Angela, Jason 5 Yoko
2 Yoko, Angela 6 Yoko
8.1 Making a difference
3 Angela 7 Angela VOCABULARY
4 Jason, Yoko 8 Jason A
1 scientist
7.4 Listening; Functional Language 2 engineering
3 succeed
LISTENING 4 innovative
B 5 design
1 O 2 F 3 F 4 O 5 F 6 F 7 F 8 O 6 product
7 inventive
César 2, 6 Olivia 3, 5 Wing Shan 1, 4 B
1 b 2 a 3 a 4 c 5 b 6 c 7 c 8 a 9 b 10 a
2 Have 1 ✓ 2 – 3 – 4 ✓ 5 ✓ 6 –
3 about
4 were GRAMMAR
5 plan/idea A
6 try/shot 1 who
7 Why 2 which
8 suggestion/idea 3 that
4 when
5 whose

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6 where 3 don’t try

7 who 4 should we still
8 when 5 come and see
6 must be prepared
B 7 can always borrow
1 whose 8 can go
2 who
4 which A
5 when 1 if you want to 5 I enjoy
6 which 2 you’ll really like it 6 we’ll have a nice time
3 I want to go 7 I won’t miss it
8.2 Must-have gadgets 4 I’ll lend 8 I’ll call them
A 8.3 Reading
1 unique READING
2 gorgeous B
3 fascinating 1 B 2 C 3 D 4 A
4 sensible
5 unforgettable C
6 suitable Suggested answers
7 impressive a 4 b 3 c 1 d 2
8 practical
9 incredible D
10 sophisticated 1 F (We take them for granted today.)
2 T
B 3 T
1 sophisticated 4 F (They had to take out the ashes, not the coal.)
2 practical 5 T
3 unique 6 F (The ice blocks stayed frozen, even in the summer.)
4 impressive 7 F (There was no running water. / They had to carry the water
5 incredible some distance.)
6 sensible 8 T
7 gorgeous
8.4 Listening; Functional Language
1 keep 1, 4, 5 and 6.
2 tell
3 will have to C
4 don’t charge 1 b 2 c 3 a 4 c 5 a 6 b
5 won’t buy
6 doesn’t work/isn’t working
1 first
B 2 When
1 If you’ll listen to next week’s podcast, you’ll hear about some 3 say
more amazing gadgets. 4 let
2 Will Are you be angry if I cancel our plans 5 how
for tonight? 6 After
3 correct 7 mean
4 I won’t go out tomorrow unless the weather is will good. 8 Make
5 correct
6 correct
7 I never buy gadgets unless I don’t really need them.
8.5 Write a short biography
8 correct WRITING
1 can wait 1 A pioneer in the field of computer science.
2 might help 2 Meeting Charles Babbage.

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Answer key American Language Hub Level 3 Workbook 

3 She wrote and published notes about the first calculating 3 tell
machine (computer) including how to give it instructions. It 4 advantage
was the first-ever computer program. 5 friends with
6 keep
B 7 come
a 2 b 1 c 5 d 3 e 4 8 pay
9 make
10 wrong
1 Although
2 However GRAMMAR
3 despite
WRITING PRACTICE 1 b 2 c 3 a 4 b 5 a 6 c 7 b 8 b

Model answer 1 worked, would/’d become
Trevor Baylis 2 had, would/’d learn
Trevor Baylis is best known for his invention of the wind-up 3 would/’d go, were/was
radio, which brought information, education and 4 couldn’t, would be
entertainment to millions of poor people around the world. 5 were, would/’d take
6 would/’d have, didn’t spend
 e was born in 1937 and raised in London. From a very young
age, Baylis enjoyed making things. However, his education PRONUNCIATION
was disrupted by the Second World War, and he failed his A
school exams. Despite this setback, he was able to study 2 research, chemist, technology; a
mechanical and structural engineering at the local 3 child, mechanic, Charley; b
technical college. 4 choices, choir, orchestra; b
5 challenge, techniques, machine; b
The idea for his most famous invention came to him in a flash 6 church, chemical; a
when he was watching a TV show about the poor in Africa.
He realized that communication and education would help
them enormously. Radio was the answer – but in many parts 9.2 Tell me a story
of Africa, there was no electricity. So, he decided to invent a GRAMMAR
wind-up radio.
His invention has brought information, communication and 1 him what time he was
education to millions of people around the world who most 2 they had never read / they had not read / they hadn’t read /
needed them. they hadn’t ever read
3 (that) she had/’d made
He once said, ‘Anyone can have a good idea and turn it into 4 couldn’t understand why
something that works. If you find yourself trying to solve 5 where the manager was
a problem, you are halfway to inventing something’. That’s 6 if / whether I wanted to go
something for us to think about. 7 wouldn’t come the next/following
8 if / whether Aisha was there

9.1 Art for everybody B

VOCABULARY 1 I have/’ve read
2 can borrow
A 3 have to finish
1 studio 4 Is it good
2 musician 5 it is
3 concert
4 rehearsed C
5 orchestra 6 was about
6 performed 7 would spoil
7 exhibit 8 following/next
8 instrument 9 had read
9 choir 10 if / whether he wanted
10 stage
1 part in 1 b 2 c 3 b 4 a 5 a 6 b 7 c 8 a
2 fell

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B 8 metal, stone
1 added that 9 drawings/illustrations
2 us
4 to come 1 like
5 me to go 2 actor
6 me 3 ending
7 that it would snow 4 tearjerker
8 them to leave 5 worth
9 to go 6 follow
10 to 7 scene

9.3 Reading 9.5 Write a short review

1 e 2 a 3 d 4 b 5 c Suggested answers
1 To describe a book for others in order to persuade them to
C read it, or possibly to discourage them from reading it.
Students check 2, 3 and 5. 2 In a newspaper, a magazine or a website about books.
3 Students’ own answers.
D 4 Movies, plays, concerts, exhibits, etc.
1 F (The writer says that
mega-events have gotten out of control, especially the B
huge crowds.) 1 Mainly positive.
2 T 2 The reviewer thinks it’s like a collection of short stories.
3 T 3 They have a similar theme.
4 T 4 There are no fully rounded female characters.
5 F (There’s gypsy music, funk and jazz.)
6 F (The writer believes that the two experiences C
complement each other.) a 2 b 1 c 4 d 3
7 F (These events are friendly and noncompetitive.)
8 T
1 c 2 b 3 a

9.4 Listening; Functional Language WRITING PRACTICE

Model answer
1 No, they haven’t seen each other in a long time. Val McDermid’s new psychological thriller, Insidious Intent, will
2 Not really. She liked learning about different kinds of art, but be a big hit with fans of crime-busting duo, DCI Carol Jordan
didn’t enjoy doing conceptual art. and profiler Tony Hill. Once again, they are on the hunt for
3 She studied many. a bright and terrifying criminal.
4 She thought it was silly.
5 Yes, she is. It all starts on a quiet country road with a car engulfed in
flames and a body in the driver’s seat. They realize that this
C is no ordinary accident and discover a series of similar cases.
1 bridge More lives are at risk, and Tony and Carol must go to extreme
2 examples lengths to catch the evil genius behind the crimes. They are
3 subject forced to question the very idea of justice.
4 idea
5 wool As you would expect from this writer, the plot is complex
6 pressing and intriguing and will grip you from start to finish. But it’s
7 attractive not all about plot with Val McDermid – her books are as
character-driven as many so-called literary novels. The difficult
D relationship between Tony and Carol is beautifully done, and
1 transition period her writing displays her descriptive powers and psychological
2 range insight.
3 different
I needed no persuading: this is a first-class thriller by a master
4 the 60s (1960s)
of the genre. If you haven’t read her yet, go out and buy this
5 a sheep
book: you’re in for a treat.
6 a video
7 interesting

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10.1 Making up your mind 7 yourself

8 themselves
1 encourage/persuade 1 cleaning
2 affects/influences 2 keep
3 tempted 3 scheduled
4 tricking 4 objective
5 regret 5 store
6 attract 6 action point
7 assume 7 sorted
8 avoid 8 task

1 made A
2 in Students underline
3 never 1 helped
4 bear 2 yourself
5 two 3 himself
6 put 4 herself
7 changed 5 set
8 Would 6 treated

1 Speaker A 1 b 2 c 3 b 4 b 5 c 6 a 7 c 8 c
2 Speaker B
3 Speaker B B
4 Speaker B 1 wish, had planned
5 Speaker A 2 hope, can remember; hope, goes
6 Speaker A 3 wishes, weren’t/wasn’t; wish, could have
4 hopes, can meet; hope, gives
A 10.3 Reading
1 ’d have gotten, hadn’t gone
2 ’d known, wouldn’t have paid
3 had told, could have/’ve spent B
4 wouldn’t have chosen, ’d thought 1 T
5 hadn’t assumed, might have/’ve made 2 F (Anxiety can be triggered by everyday events.)
6 might not have been tempted, hadn’t gone 3 T
7 could have/’ve avoided, ’d read 4 F (This strategy does not solve the overall problem.)
8 ’d realized, wouldn’t have bought 5 T
6 T
1 You should have/’ve asked me C
2 You should have/’ve checked 1 d 2 e 3 b 4 a 5 c
3 I should have/’ve waited
4 you shouldn’t have bought 10.4 L istening; Functional Language
5 I should have/’ve done
6 I should have taken
1, 2, 3, 5 and 7.
10.2 Wish lists
1 all over the world
2 a quarter of the population
1 ourselves
3 discrimination
2 yourself
4 less likely
3 himself
5 not violent
4 yourselves
6 charities
5 myself
7 not allowed
6 herself

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Answer key American Language Hub Level 3 Workbook 


1 time The mobile library was set up to satisfy a demand to provide
2 need books to rural areas in the county. It is a subscription service,
3 worry yet despite the initial demand, we can barely afford to pay
4 sorry running costs. This report explores the problem.
5 about
6 fault
We provide a library service to areas where there is no easy
7 such
access to books, magazines, DVDs and music CDs. A survey
8 things
suggested that the service was much needed, yet the actual
number of subscribers is far short of what we expected.
10.5 Write a report
WRITING 1 Lack of information: Not enough people are paying the
A subscription, usually because they did not realize that they
1 To discuss problems which occurred at Downey Town Fair. had to. Also, many did not know that such a service existed.
2 It was financially a success, but not in terms of organization. 2 Reading habits: Some have complained about the limited
3 Not enough parking space and problems with traffic on choice of reading matter available. While it is difficult to
the roads. please everybody, we should stock a wider variety of books
4 Larger number of parking spaces, more areas (e.g. fields) and magazines.
allocated for parking, volunteers to direct traffic and parking.
B • An advertising campaign to publicize the service. Send out
1 b 2 f 3 c 4 d 5 a 6 e
flyers through the mail and hold a town hall meeting
• Conduct a survey in the area to establish reading habits and
tastes to provide a better service.
Model answer
Report on The Huffington and District Mobile Library

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