Exp6 1

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6A.1 Program Outcomes (POs) Addressed by the Activity

b. ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data
d. ability to function on multidisciplinary teams
e. ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
g. ability to communicate effectively

6A.2 Activity’s Intended Learning Outcomes (AILOs)

At the end of this activity, the student shall be able to:
a. measure properly the voltage and current in a series RLC circuit.
b. calculatethe reactance, total impedance, current component voltage drops, and phase
angle of a series RLC circuit by using standard electronic formulas.
c. evaluate results by comparing measured and calculated values.

6A.3 Objectives of the Activity

The objectives of this activityare to:
1. calculate the reactance, total impedance, current component voltage drops, and phase
angle of a series RLC circuit by using standard electronic formulas.

2. verify the results with a sine wave generator and an oscilloscope.

6A.4 Principle of the Activity

RLC circuit is a network created by resistors (R), inductors (L) and capacitors (C)
connected in various ways to perform useful functions such as filtering, phase shifting, or
impedance matching; also called LCR circuits.

Figure 4.1-1 shows a series RLC circuit connected to a source of ac. The total impedance
offered to current flow in this circuit is a combination of the oppositions offered to
current flow in this circuit is a combination of the oppositions offered by the resistance
(R), inductive reactance (X1), and capacitive reactance (XC). Using the values in Figure
4.1-1, you can calculate the reactances as follows:


X L = 2fL = 6.28(20 x103 )(10 x10−3 ) = 1256
1 1
XC = = = 3619
2fC 6.28(20 x10 (0.0022x10−3 )

Figure 6.1-1

Knowing the reactances and resistance, you can compute the total circuit impedance (Z):

Z = R22 + ( X C1 − X L1 ) 2 = (1000) 2 + (3619 − 1256) 2 = 2565

Z = 2, 565 ohmsBBEcause the impedance formula is the same as
the used to compute right triangles, the resistance, reactance, and impedance can be
illustrated graphically, as in Figure 6.1-1. Note that the side of the triangle representing
reactance (XC1- XL1). If XL1 is greater than XC1’ then the reactance side of the triangle
would be XL’ the difference between the inductive and capacitive reactances (XL1- XC1).
The lengths of the sides of the triangle are proportional to the resistance, reactance, and
impedance values.

Figure 6.1-1

One way to tell if a series RLC circuit is inductive or capacitive is simply to note which
reactance is larger. In this example, XC1 is larger; therefore, the circuit is capacitive. In


the impedance computation, the smaller inductive reactance was subtracted from the
larger capacitive reactance. The result was 2363 ohms net capacitive reactance. The
circuit acts like 1000 ohm resistor connected in series with an equivalent capacitor having
a reactance of 2,363 ohms.

Figure 6.1-3

If XL1 had been greater than XC1’ the total reactance would have been inductive. The
equivalent circuit would be a resistor connected in series with an equivalent inductor.

Knowing the impedance and the applied voltage, you can compute the total circuit
current with Ohm’s law

IT = 15 / 2,565
IT = 5,850mA

The voltage drops across each component in Figure 6.1-1 can also be computed by
Ohm’s law now that total circuit current is known. These voltage are

VR2 = IR2
VR2 = 5.85 x 10-3 x 1000
VR2 = 5.85 volts
VL1 = IXL1
VL1 = 5.85 x 10-3 x 1256
VL1 = 7.35 volts
VC1 = IXC1
VC1 = 5.85 x 10-3 x 3619
VC1 = 21.2 volts

Another way to tell if series RLC circuit is inductive or capacitive is of measure the
voltage drops across the inductor and capacitor. The one with the highest voltage drop
determines the total reactive effect. In this example, VC1 is higher than VL1’ so the circuit
is capacitive.


The sum of the voltage drops around a series circuit equals the source voltage. In a series
RLC circuit, the component drops cannot be added directly because the voltage are out of
phase with one another. The sum of the voltages will equal the source voltage only when
the voltages are added with phasors, done with the help of a phasor diagram like the one
shown in Figure 6.1-4.

The phasors represent voltage drops across the resistance, reactance, and total impedance.
Notice that the voltage across the resistance (VR2) is in phase with the circuit current (I).
The voltage across the inductor (VL1) leads the circuit current by 90 degrees. You could
also say that the current lags the voltage across the inductor. The voltage across the
capacitor (VC1) lags the circuit current by 90 degrees, or in other words, the circuit
current leads the capacitor voltage by 90 degrees.

Figure 6.1-5 (a and b) shows the sine waves represented by the phasors in the Figure 6.1-
4. The sine wave of VC [in Figure 6.1-5 (b)] is the composite voltage you would see
across the equivalent capacitor of Figure 4.1-3.

Figure 6.1-4

As the Phasor diagram in Figure 6.1-4 shows the total reactive effect in the circuit is
capacitive because the capacitive reactance is larger than the inductive reactance. The net
circuit reactance is capacitive; therefore, the current leads the applied voltage (VGEN).

VGEN can be computed by the phasor sum of the equivalent capacitor voltage (VC) and the
resistor voltage (VR2).

VGEN = √(VR2 2 + VC2 2

VGEN = √[(5.85) 2 + (13.85)2
VGEN = 15.0 V

The total voltage is applied generator voltage 15 volts.


You can compute the phase shift in the circuit by using the phasor diagram. In Figure 6.1-
4, the lengths or magnitudes of the sides of the triangle determine the phase angle A.

Figure 4.1-5

VC1 − VL1
A = tan −1
VR 2

You will also see tan-1 referred to as arctan.

In this example, the phase angle is:

A = tan-1 (13.85 / 5.85)

A = tan-1 (2.367)
A = 67.10 degrees
The current, therefore, leads the applied voltage by 67.10 degrees.

An important fact to remember is that the circuit values depend upon the frequency of the
applied voltage. The reactance values and the total impedance we computed are valid
only at 20 kHz. Changing the frequency will change the reactance values and other
factors in the circuit. For example, increasing the frequency will increase the value of
inductive reactance and decrease the value of capacitive reactance. At higher frequencies,
XL1 will become greater than XC1’ and the circuit will appear inductive. VL1 will be
greater than VC1’ and the current will lag the applied voltage.

In the following procedure, you will be using the ADD-INVERT method of measuring.
This method eliminates the need to connect the oscilloscope ground to some voltage


point in the experiment circuit (no such connection would normally result in a short). The
method is based on the idea that the voltage across a component (with respect to ground)
and the voltage at the other end of the component. The oscilloscope computes the
difference by inverting channel 2 and algebraically adding the two voltages. See
appendix B for more information on the ADD-INVERT method of measuring, as well as
for information on phase angle measurement.

6A.5 Materials/Equipment

1 – F.A.C.E.T. Base Unit

1 – AC 2 FUNDAMENTALS Circuit Board
2 – 15Vdc Power Supply
1 – Generator, sine wave
1 – Oscilloscope, dual trace

6A.6 Procedure/s

1. Adjust the dc power sources to +15Vdc and -15Vdc. Turn the power sources off.
Insert the AC 2 FUNDAMENTALS circuit board into the base unit. Turn on the power

2. Locate the RLC/ RESONACE/ POWER circuit block and connect the circuit
shown in Figure 6.1-6. If your generator does not have a 50-ohm output impedance, plug
GENERATOR BUFFER into the AC 2 FUNDAMENTALS circuit board and connect
the buffer between your generator and the circuit.

NOTE: R3 is provided to simplify the measurement is provided to simplify the

measurement of the circuit current. To measure the total circuit current (IT), measure the
voltage across R3 and divide by 10. When not measuring current, short R3 by placing two
–post connector across R3.

Figure 6.1-6


3. Adjust the sine wave generator frequency to 20 kHz.

NOTE: Most generator dials are calibrated but are not highly accurate. For best
experimental results set the generator frequency with an oscilloscope by observing the
time between two adjacent peaks of the sine wave. That time should be equal to the
period (t) of the sine wave, computed by the expression
t = 1 / f. The Period of the 20-kKz sine wave is micro seconds (t = 1/20 kHz).Therefore,
the generator dial should be adjusted so that one complete cycle equals 50 is on the

4. Adjust the output amplitude of the sine wave generator or GENERATOR

BUFFER to 15 Vpk-pk

5. Verify the operations of the experimental circuit by measuring IT’ VR2’ VL1’ and
VC1. Record your result in Table 6.1-1.

NOTE: To determine IT measure the voltage across R3 and divide by 10. To determine
VC1 measure directly with the oscilloscope probe across C1 and ground. To measure VL1
and VR2’ you will use the ADD-INVERT method on a dual trace oscilloscope. Use the
following procedure.

a. Connect the probe of channel 1 to one end of the component of the probe of
channel 2 to the other end of the component. Both ground clips should be connected to
circuit ground.
b. Set the vertical gain controls on both channels to display the waveform on the
screen. Both controls should be set to the same gain.
c. Set the channel 2 input to INVERT.
d. Set the vertical mode to ADD.
e. Read the peak-to-peak value of the voltage displayed on the screen of the
oscilloscope. This is the voltage drop across the component.

Table 6.1-1.
20 kHz
50 kHz

6. Calculate the total impedance using your measured values (Z = VGEN / IT)
Z = ___________Ω


7. Measure the phase relationship between the generator voltage and the total
circuit current.
NOTE: Use the following procedure on your dual trace oscilloscope.

a. Connect the probe of channel 1 to the generator output. Sync on this channel.
Make sure channel 2 is not in the INVERT mode.
b. Connect the probe of channel 2 across R3. Use a X1 probe.
c. Switch the vertical mode to ALT
d. Adjust the vertical gain controls of channel 1 and 2 until the wave forms are
equal in amplitude and centered on the zero amplitude grid on the graticule.
e. Adjust the horizon sweep frequency and triggering until the waveforms are
expanded as much as possible. Measure the time shift (ts) between the zero crossing
points of the corresponding portions of the waveforms. See Figure 4.1-7.
f. Convert the time into degrees. Because the period, or time (t) for one cycle equals
360 degrees , the number of degrees of phase shift can be computed from the following
360˚ × time shift (𝑡𝑠 )
Phase shift =
Period (T)

What is the time between zero crossings? What is the phase shift?

tzero = ___________ second, tphase shift = ___________ degrees

6. Does the waveform across R3 (IT) lead or lag the generator output (VGEN)?
9. Set CM switch 10 to the ON position to change the value of C1 to
0.0044μF. Readjust the generator voltage to 15 Vpk-pk.

10. Measure the new voltage drops across the capacitor (VC1) and the inductor (VL1).
Remember to use the ADD-INVERT method to measure VL1. VC1 can be measured
directly when R3 is shorted out by a two post connector.

VC1 = __________ V, VL1 = __________ V

11. The frequency and inductance did not change. However, the capacitance doubled
to 0.0044 if the reactance (XC1) dropped by one-half to 1,809 ohms. Is VC1 greater or less
than VL1? Does this cause the circuit to be inductive or capacitive? ________________

12. Turn OFF CM switch10.


13. Using an oscilloscope, set the generator frequency of 50 kHz. Readjust the
amplitude of the output voltage to 15 Vpk-pk’ if necessary. Measure the voltage drops
across resistor R2 (VR2), the inductor (VL1), and the capacitor (VC1).Record your result in
Table 6.1-1.

14. The frequency was increased. However, the capacitance remained the same. Is
VC1 greater or less than VL1? Is the circuit inductive or capacitive? _____________

15. Calculate the phase shift from the measured value in Step 13.

VC1 −VL1
Phase equation = tan−1 VR2

Phase shift = ________ degrees

16. Measure and record the phase angle between the applied voltage and the circuit
current. Use the method in step 7 of this procedure to measure the phase angle.Isthe
current leading or lagging the applied voltage?

Phase angle = ________ degrees

17. The computed value in step 15. Do they agree within a ±30% tolerance?

16. Do not turn off the power sources. The F.A.C.E.T. setup will be used for two
review question.

6A.8 Activity Report

Section: Date Performed:

Course Code: Date Submitted:
Course Title:
Group No.: Activity No.:

Group Members: Signature:



6A.6.1 Data and Results

6A.6.2 Calculations


6A.6.3 Observations (if applicable)

6A.6.4 Conclusion/s


6A.6.5 Rating(See Attached Rubric)


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