3RS Module 7.2 - One Plastic Bag

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One Plastic Bag

Module 7.2
Author: Miranda Paul
Illustrated by: Elizabeth Zunon
Genre: biography
Grade 3 Semester 1, 2023 ELA Course Pack
Module 7: Week 2 Story Elements
The story of One Plastic Bag: Isatou Ceesay and the Recycling Women of Gambia is
a biography.
Genre Focus: Nonfiction
What evidence can you find from the text to prove that it is both biography and

Genre: Biography

Evidence sentences:

Evidence sentences:

Genre: Nonfiction

Evidence sentences:

Evidence sentences:

Module 7: Week 2 Vocabulary

One Plastic Bag

1. forage POS:

When animals forage, they search through an area to find food.

Example sentence:

2. recycled POS:

When something is described as recycled, it has been used again or

used in a different way.
Example sentence:

3. confesses POS:

Admits that one has done something wrong.

Example sentence:

4. survive POS:

Continue to live or exist, especially in spite of danger or hardship.

Example sentence:

5. ignore POS:

Refuse to take notice of or acknowledge; disregard intentionally.

Example sentence:

Module 7: Week 2 Vocabulary

One Plastic Bag

6. fetches POS:

Goes for and then brings back (someone or something) for someone.

Example sentence:

7. scurries POS:

Walks or runs quickly, usually worried or scared.

Example sentence:

8. tumbles POS:

Falls suddenly and helplessly, often end over end.

Example sentence:

9. rubbish POS:

Another name for trash or garbage.

Example sentence:

10. plastic POS:

A synthetic material used to make things. It can be hard or soft.

Example sentence:

Module 7: Week 2 Spelling Words

One Plastic Bag Irregular plurals

No. Word POS Definition
1. geese Plural of goose: a kind of bird that can swim
and fly, bigger than a duck.
Example sentence:

2. teeth Plural of teeth: the things in our mouth we

use to chew.
Example sentence:

3. men Plural of man: an adult boy.

Example sentence:

4. deer Plural of deer: a kind of animal that often

lives in a forest or woods.
Example sentence:

5. halves Plural of half: 50%.

Example sentence:

6. feet Plural of foot: a part of the body;

: 12 inches/30 centimeters
Example sentence:

7. loaves Plural of loaf: a large mass of bread.

Example sentence:

Module 7: Week 2 Spelling Words

One Plastic Bag

No. Word POS Definition
8. hooves Plural of hoof: the foot of a horse, goat,
deer, zebra etc.
Example sentence:

9. offspring Plural of offspring: the child or baby of a

person, animal, or plant.
Example sentence:

10. sheep Plural of sheep: the animal that gives us

wool. Usually white, sometimes black.
Example sentence:

11. women Plural of woman: an adult girl.

Example sentence:

12. species Plural of species: a class of animal or plant.

Humans are one species.
Example sentence:

13. cacti Plural of cactus: a leafless, often spiky plant

that grows in a dry place like a desert.
Example sentence:

14. people Plural of person: a human - man, woman,

boy or girl.
Example sentence:

Module 7: Week 2 Spelling Words

One Plastic Bag

No. Word POS Definition
15. children Plural of child: a boy or girl.

Example sentence:

16. scarves Plural of scarf: a long cloth that people

wear around their neck to keep warm.
Example sentence:

17. oxen Plural of ox: a bovine, usually male, used

to pull or carry something.
Example sentence:

18. quizzes Plural of quiz: a small or quick test.

Example sentence:

19. series Plural of series: a number of events or

things that happen in order.
Example sentence:

20. aircraft Plural of aircraft: a vehicle that travels

thought the air.
Example sentence:

Module 7: Week 2 Important Sentences

One Plastic Bag

No. Sentences
P: ___
1. Something silky dances past her eyes, softening her anger.
L: ___

2. Isatou slides the strange fabric through her fingers and discovers it P: ___
can carry things inside. L: ___

P: ___
3. The basket is useless now. She drops it, knowing it will crumble
and mix back in with the dirt. L: ___

P: ___
4. She barely notices the ugliness growing around her… until the
ugliness finds its way to her. L: ___

P: ___
5. “The bags twist around their insides, and the animals cannot
survive.” L: ___

6. Peggy finds clothespins, and they clip the washed bags on the line. P: ___
L: ___

P: ___
7. The women cut bags into strips and roll them into spools of plastic
thread. L: ___

8. The women crochet by candlelight, away from those who mock

P: ___
them … until a morning comes when they will no longer work in
L: ___
P: ___
9. Fingers sore and blistered, Isatou hauls the recycled purses to the
city. L: ___

P: ___
10. When she passes by the pile of rubbish, she smiles because it is
smaller now. L: ___

Module 7: Week 2 Author’s Purpose

One Plastic Bag

Author’s Purpose
Please read One Plastic Bag, and complete this page.


Author’s Purpose: to inform, to persuade, to entertain

Evidence sentences:

Evidence sentences:

Evidence sentences:

Module 7: Week 2 Generative Vocabulary

One Plastic Bag

Generative Vocabulary:
(base word)

Suffixes: -ness and -able

-ness -able
Changes a word Changes a word
into a noun. into an adjective.

kindness loveable
awareness distractable
willingness usable

Module 7: Week 2 Generative Vocabulary

One Plastic Bag

No. Word POS Definition Prefix

1. kindness (n) The state of being nice, generous, or

Example sentence:

2. loveable (adj) When something or someone is easy to

Example sentence:

3. willingness (n) The state of wanting and being ready to

do something.
Example sentence:

Can you find more words that end with -ness or -able?

Draw some of your new words


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