Internet of Things (Iot) Applications and Security Challenges: A Review
Internet of Things (Iot) Applications and Security Challenges: A Review
Internet of Things (Iot) Applications and Security Challenges: A Review
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Abstract-The Internet of Things (IoT) revolutionized the breakfast, there’s not a lot a hacker can do to cause you
global network comprising of people, smart devices, grief. The market is currently focusing on the vertical
intelligent objects, information, and data. It is no secret that domains of IoT since it is in relatively early phases of
as more and more devices connect to the internet, the development. But IoT cannot be treated as a single thing,
challenges of securing the data that they transmit and the
communications that they initiate are becoming more
or single platform, or even a single technology. In order to
profound. Over the years, we have seen a surge in IoT devices, achieve the expected rapid growth from IoT opportunities,
broadly in 2 areas – in homes and in manufacturing. With the more focus needs to be put on interfaces, platforms, mobile
former, we have seen an entire ecosystem built around applications and common/dominant standards [1][2].
Amazon's Echo devices using the Alexa Voice Service. Google,
Microsoft, and Apple have followed suit as well. Since these IoT in the education sector has already started to make the
are independent and closed platforms, the responsibilities of conventional education system more automated —
securing the devices rest with the platform providers. In this interactive smart classrooms are helping students learn and
paper, we highlights cyber security in manufacturing and participate more, whilst automatic attendance and various
related industries. Industries such as manufacturing, oil &
gas, refining, pharmaceuticals, food & beverage, water
student tracking systems could help to make schools more
treatment, and many more are constantly looking to add the secure. Internet-enabled remote classrooms will be a
right layers of security, as they bring an increasing number of milestone for developing countries, making deep
equipment and devices online. Device manufacturers and penetration in areas where setting up a traditional school
plant operations managers constantly face pressure to protect infrastructure is not possible. Internet-enabled
their physical assets from cyber threats. Moreover, for each of manufacturing and industrial units are giving
these industries, the nature of the data, topologies of IoT differentiating results, making them safer and more
devices, and complexities of threat management and ensuring efficient through automated process controls. Plant and
compliance vary widely. energy optimization, health and safety control and security
Keywords-- Internet of Things, Cyber-attack, Security threats.
management are now increasingly being provided by
advanced sensors, networked with sophisticated
I. INTRODUCTION microcomputers [3][4]. Financial services are already
leveraging the internet for many of their services.
The recent rapid development of the Internet of Things Exponential improvement in digital infrastructure and the
(IoT) and its ability to offer different types of services have next generation of IoT enabled products could further lead
made it the fastest growing technology, with huge impact the growth of the financial sector, with innovations, such as
on social life and business environments. Internet of Things smart wearable and smart monitoring devices, helping
(IoT) devices are rapidly becoming ubiquitous while IoT customers to keep better track of their money and
services are becoming pervasive. Their success has not investments. Telcos could face a surge in data usage due to
gone unnoticed and the number of threats and attacks IoT-enabled devices, thus raising their ARPU (average
against IoT devices and services are on the increase as revenue per user), while on the other hand, they will also
well. have to deal with some concerns, such as privacy and
The Internet of Things (IoT) is an idea that could radically infrastructure security. While the possibilities of these new
alter our relationship with technology. The promise of a technologies are mind-boggling, they also reveal severe
world in which all of the electronic devices around us are IoT cybersecurity challenges. During the last few years,
part of a single, interconnected network was once a thing of we’ve seen a dramatic increase in the number and the
science fiction. But IoT has not only entered the world of sophistication of attacks targeting IoT devices. The
nonfiction; it’s taking the world by storm. IoT devices are interconnectivity of people, devices and organizations in
no longer a niche market. They have started to move from today’s digital world, opens up a whole new playing field
our workspaces into our (smart) homes, where IoT devices of vulnerabilities — access points where the cyber
are expected to have the most significant impact on our criminals can get in. The overall risk “landscape” of the
daily lives. Most smart home devices will be benign, organization is only a part of a potentially contradictory
everyday appliances like kettles and toasters. Even if these and opaque universe of actual and potential threats that all
devices are hacked and compromised, short of ruining your too often come from completely unexpected and
unforeseen threat actors, which can have an escalating product experience smart. Consider Misfit Shine, a fitness
effect. In this paper discussed various security challenges tracker, compared to Nest’s intelligent thermostat. The
in IOT. The main contribution of this paper is to provide an Shine experience distributes compute tasks between a
overview of the current state of IoT security challenges [5]. smartphone and the cloud. The Nest thermostat has more
compute horsepower for the AI that make them smart.
(b) Connectivity
The internet of things, or IoT, is a system of interrelated Connectivity empowers Internet of Things by bringing
computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, together everyday objects. Connectivity of these objects is
objects, animals or people that are provided with unique pivotal because simple object level interactions contribute
identifiers (UIDs) and the ability to transfer data over a towards collective intelligence in IoT network. It enables
network without requiring human-to-human or human-to- network accessibility and compatibility in the things. With
computer interaction A thing in the internet of things can this connectivity, new market opportunities for Internet of
be a person with a heart monitor implant, a farm animal things can be created by the networking of smart things and
with a biochip transponder, an automobile that has built- applications. Connectivity in the IoT is more than slapping
in sensors to alert the driver when tire pressure is low or on a WiFi module and calling it a day. Connectivity
any other natural or man-made object that can be assigned enables network accessibility and compatibility.
an IP address and is able to transfer data over a Accessibility is getting on a network while compatibility
network[6][7]. provides the common ability to consume and produce data.
If this sounds familiar, that’s because it is Metcalfe’s Law
Increasingly, organizations in a variety of industries are and it rings true for IoT [10].
using IoT to operate more efficiently, better understand
customers to deliver enhanced customer service, improve (c) Dynamic Nature
decision-making and increase the value of the business [9]. The primary activity of Internet of Things is to collect data
from its environment, this is achieved with the dynamic
The internet of things (IoT) is a computing concept that changes that take place around the devices. The state of
describes the idea of everyday physical objects being these devices change dynamically, example sleeping and
connected to the internet and being able to identify waking up, connected and/or disconnected as well as the
themselves to other devices. The term is closely identified context of devices including temperature, location and
with RFID as the method of communication, although it speed. In addition to the state of the device, the number of
also may include other sensor technologies, wireless devices also changes dynamically with a person, place and
technologies or QR codes. time.
III. CHARACTERISTICS OF INTERNET The state of devices change dynamically, e.g., sleeping and
OF THINGS (IOT) waking up, connected and/or disconnected as well as the
context of devices including location and speed. Moreover,
Some most popular characteristics of Internet of things are: the number of devices can change dynamically [11].
(f) Heterogeneity
Heterogeneity in Internet of Things as one of the key
characteristics. Devices in IoT are based on different
hardware platforms and networks and can interact with
other devices or service platforms through different
networks. IoT architecture should support direct network
connectivity between heterogeneous networks. The key
design requirements for heterogeneous things and their
environments in IoT are scalabilities, modularity,
extensibility and interoperability. The devices in the IoT
are heterogeneous as based on different hardware platforms
and networks. They can interact with other devices or
service platforms through different networks [14].
Figure 1: Connected Health
(g) Security
IoT devices are naturally vulnerable to security threats. As Connected healthcare yet remains the sleeping giant of the
we gain efficiencies, novel experiences, and other benefits Internet of Things applications. The concept of connected
from the IoT, it would be a mistake to forget about security healthcare system and smart medical devices bears
concerns associated with it. There is a high level of enormous potential not just for companies, but also for the
transparency and privacy issues with IoT. It is important to well-being of people in general. Research shows IoT in
secure the endpoints, the networks, and the data that is healthcare will be massive in coming years. IoT in
transferred across all of it means creating a security healthcare is aimed at empowering people to live healthier
paradigm. life by wearing connected devices. The collected data will
help in personalized analysis of an individual’s health and
IV. APPLICATIONS OF INTERNET OF THINGS provide tailor made strategies to combat illness. The video
(IOT) below explains how IoT can revolutionize treatment and
medical help.
Some useful applications of Internet of Things (IOT) are:
(b) Smart City
(a) Connected Health Smart city is another powerful application of IoT
(b) Smart City generating curiosity among world’s population. Smart
(c) Connected Cars surveillance, smarter energy management systems,
(d) Smart Home automated transportation, water distribution, urban security
(e) Smart Farming and environmental monitoring all are examples of internet
(f) Smart Retail of things applications for smart cities. IoT will solve major
(g) Smart Supply Chain problems faced by the people living in cities like pollution,
traffic congestion and shortage of energy supplies etc.
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trash will send alerts to municipal services when a bin
needs to be emptied [17].
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