General Catalogue - COSMO Products

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Compact Body with Excellent Feasures.

Differential Pressure Type Air Leak Tester
specialized in Operability and Cost performance

Air Leak Tester

“LS-1866” is not only compact and lightweight
but simple and easy to use Air Leak Tester.
Compact size body with the latest functions such
as Master Preset, Multi-channel and mL/min
display of Leak Rate etc

Master-Preset Clamp Output

Extracts the real leakage out of drift or noise factors that DC24V is output from the beginning to the end of test. Using this
affecting measurement. This function allows the improvement signal allows the control of clamp jig by Air Leak Tester
of production ratio and shortening of cycle time
D1-D2 = Drift Amount
Pressure (Master Preset value)
Difference Drift Amount+Leak

Leak only


(1) (1) (2) (2)

Leak Calibration Quick Attachment Bracket

Calibration port, is located on the front panel of Air Leak Tester, Installation or Removal of Air Leak Tester can be easily
allows easy check of the leak rate by installing Leak Master etc carried out with only two threads.

COSMO INSTRUMENTS CO.,LTD 2974-23 Ishikawa, Hachioji, Tokyo, Japan 192-0032

Phone:+81-(0)42-642-1357 Fax:+81-(0)42-646-2439

(1) LS-1866-985B1-A
■ Functions
High Serial communication port (RS-232C) is
The minimum resolution capability is 0.1Pa Data Output
Sensitivity equipped
(Only when the unit is Pressure)
0.1Pa Display
Distinguish small & large leak in NG judgment
16 channels available to deal with various Limit Setting
Differential pressure sensitivity is automatically
Shorten the test time and improve the checked by Blow check in every test
accuracy by removing a drift from detection Prevent foreign material such as water/oil etc
Master-Preset value, also adjusting to environmental change. Air Circuit
from entering to WORK by the air blow at
Only one MASTER is required even when Cleaning
exhaust time
testing multiple WORK have volume difference Test Pressure
NR mode Remove noises, caused by individual Upper/Lower limit setting of Test pressure
(Noise variability, by repeating measurements. That Quick
Reduction) allow more detailed limit setting Allow installation/removal of Air Leak Tester
from the front. No side space required
Convert the pressure difference into the leak Bracket
Leak Rate
rate to display mL/min unit, by a calibration Allow easy calibration or judgment check by
Display Leak Calibration
using Leak Master (LM-1B) connecting Leak Master to the calibration port
Prevention of Prevent the interference noise caused by the
Exhaust exhaust time lag when equipping multiple External Prevent water/oil from entering. However,
Interference Air Leak Tester in the same machine Exhaust Valve Exhaust valve unit is separately required.
DC24V is output for activating the air cylinder
Clamp Output Common I/O NPN and PNP available for I/O
(externally installed)

■ Model Classification

① A1 Intelligent 1 Pneumatic Circuit
Pneumatic Circuit AS01 Pneumatic Circuit Specialized in Minute Volume WORK
L Low Pressure MAX95kPa (with Regulator) (10kPa~95kPa)
M Medium Pressure MAX800kPa (with Regulator) (50kPa~800kPa)
Vacuum MAX-100kPa(with Regulator) (-5kPa~-100kPa)
②Test Pressure V
(With Limitation, Depending on Barometric Pressure)
H10 High Pressure MAX990kPa (with Regulator) (100kPa~990kPa)
H15 High Pressure MAX1.5MPa(with Regulator) (0.5MPa~1.5MPa)
③ Option D4 Wide Range : DPS Range 10kPa

■ Specification
Minimum Reading 0.1Pa

Display Range ±999Pa

Proof Pressure 5MPa
Leak Rate Display Range 0.00~±999 (Pa、mL/min)(Auto Range)
Limit Setting Range 0~±999
Channel Number 16
Timer Setting Range 0~999.8 s (999.9 s means no time limitation)
Power Source AC100~240V±10% 50/60Hz Power Consumption 70VA
Pressure Source Clean air sufficiently higher than the test pressure.
Pilot Pressure Source Clean air from 400~700kPa
Rc1/4(Pressure Source, WORK and Master Ports), 6mm one-touch joint (Pilot pressure
Tubing Port Inner Diameter
source) (Pressure Range M, L is connected to Pressure source by 6mm tube)
Communication Function Serial Port RS-232C (Print mode is available)
5 to 40℃、80%RH max, but no condensation
Weight Approx 6.3kg (H Type: Approx. 8kg)

Standard Equipment and (Standard) Regulator, Oil-mist separator, Filter regulator for Pilot regulator
Accessory (Accessory) Quick attachment bracket, Inspection report, Operation manual

(2) LS-1866-985B1-A
■ I/O Port Table
●Input NO: Normal Open NC:Normal Close ●Output (Open Collector)
Terminal Terminal
Name Signal Type Name Signal Type
No. No.
Start (START) 2 NO Pulse During Operation (BUSY) 36 NO Pulse/Hold
Stop (STOP) 3 NO/NC Pulse End of Operation (END) 35 NO Pulse
Charge Hold OK (GO) 14 NO Pulse/Hold
4 NO Hold
MASTER NG (Lo-NG) 32 NO Pulse/Hold
Master Preset 5 NO Pulse
MASTER NG (LL-NG) 33 NO Pulse/Hold
External Power Input 10
WORK NG (Hi-NG) 13 NO Pulse/Hold
Channel♯3 21 NO Pulse
WORK NG (HH-NG) 31 NO Pulse/Hold
Channel♯2 22 NO Pulse
Error (ERR) 16 NO Pulse/Hold
Channel♯1 23 NO Pulse
Output Common 19
Channel♯0 24 NO Pulse
Stage ♯1 17 NO Pulse
Stage ♯0 18 NO Pulse
※NPN, PNP both available for I/O Time Extension 34 NO Pulse

■ Pneumatic Circuit
F2 V2
Pressure Source S1

Pilot Port for
P External Exhaust Valve
Pilot Pressure
Standard Circuit for Medium・Low Pressure

■ External Dimension

Behind Rear Panel 200

Depth 240

165 (Unit: mm)

※Behind rear panel, 200mm of space required for the installation of air filter and regulator etc

(3) LS-1866-985B1-A
Peripheral Equipment

MC Master Chamber G3-ME External Exhaust Valve Unit

Master Chamber is a part without any leakage. Small shape and Install External Exhaust Valve between Air Leak Tester and
great at air tightness. Easy to adjust its volume so that it can be WORK in order to prevent water/oil etc from entering to
used for various type of WORK. Master Chamber specialized in WORK. Directly activated by Air Leak Tester.
Mastering purpose is also available

LM-1B Leak Master LC Leak Calibrator

QLC Quick Leak Calibrator
Leak Master intentionally generate a certain amount of
leakage. Used for Air Leak Tester sensitivity check and the
measurement of Equivalent Internal Volume etc Generate the pressure difference by changing a volume.
Used for Air Leak Tester sensitivity check and the
measurement of Equivalent Internal Volume. QLC is activated
by one easy action


NL NL Select Valve RC Remote Control BOX

NL Select Valve is the selectable valve that minimize the

Compact controller externally operate Air Leak Tester. Models
external factors affecting measurement such as leakage,
temperature and small volume change etc are available, depending on usage

Cosmo Super Gel KS Machine (Base Machine Type)

Cosmo Super Gel has been developed in a way we pursue KS series designed to maximize Air
the seal technology of Air Leak Testing. Great in flexibility and Leak Tester performance and can be
stretching properties easily connected. This machine reflect
Can be formed in various sizes, configurations due to its our seal technology and jig clamp
thermoplasticity method that we have been developed
in 40 years of experience. We offer this
machine in a reasonable price so that
customers can take advantage of it.

Tokyo (042)639-7874 Kitakanto(0285)30-0401

COSMO INSTRUMENTS CO.,LTD Nagoya(052)772-8787 Hamamatsu(053)430-5073
2974-23 Ishikawa, Hachioji, Tokyo, Japan 192-0032 Osaka (06)6395-2671 Hiroshima(082)264-5259
TEL(042) 642-1357 FAX(042) 646-2439 Tohoku (022)246-8701 Kyushu(092)403-1357 Overseas : China, USA, Korea, Taiwan,

Malaysia, Thai, Indonesia, Vietnam,
India, Brazil, Australia, England
(4) LS-1866-985B1-A
Air Leak Tester that is Sophisticated yet Easy-to-Use


■ Features
Easy-to navigate and intuitive interface with User selectable multi-language capability:
simple menu configuration English, Japanese and Chinese
Waveform Display of Test pressure and USB Port for easy test data management
Differential pressure
Mastering feature provides highly accurate
test results

Intuitive operation makes test Measurement screens are Settings Menu is easy-to-follow.
parameter programming easy. selectable among 3 depending on The Guidance Bar at the bottom
the situation. gives you a simple explanation what
the item is.

Color 3.5-inch LCD Air-Blow (Intelligent Pneumatic Circuit):

Selectable from 3 different measurement screens The pneumatic circuit is cleaned at the end of
Sensor Protection every leak test.
Intelligent Comes with self-check features: Sensor sensitivity,
Pneumatic Circuit Air-valve performance External Exhaust Valve Ready: Valve is sold
K(Ve) can be setup using Leak Master to measure separately.
leak coefficient to convert measured pressure to a Exhaust Interference Exhaust timing will be controlled for the cases
Automatic Setup
flow rate. Prevention where multiple cavities are tested simultaneously.
Two sets of leak limits: Medium/Small leaks on Tester pressurizes the tested part continuously.
Leak Limits Charge Hold
Work-side (UL/UL2) and Master-side (LL/LL2) Used to locate leaks.
Electro-pneumatic For the models come with Electro-pneumatic Serial Communication RS-232C: (Rear panel) USB: (Front panel)
Control of regulator, different test pressure can be set Other Display Error Code, I/O Monitor, Channel Title, Counter
Test Pressure independently for each channel. Maximum Idle Time, Day of Week, Interval,
Mastering Settings
Eliminates noise by repeating the DET stage when Iteration, Consecutive Triggers, Mastering Limits
Noise Reduction
readings falls between DET UL and DET UL2. Tester can be mounted/removed with only two
NR Quick Mounting
(For canceling Cycle over settings) screws. Good for mounting the tester in the
Offset and span check of Differential Pressure Sensor limited space.
Inspection and
(DPS) Both for NPN-PNP
Offset and span check of Pressure Sensor (PS) Control I/O Phoenix Contact connector: wire connection can
Mastering, Auto-Drift Compensation, be done with a flat-bladed screwdriver.
Fixed Compensation

Air-operated valve performance, DPS/PS Offset, CPU

performance and others
■ Pneumatic Circuit
(Intelligent 1 Pneumatic Circuit)

■ Specifications
Resolution 0.1 Pa Clean air regulated to the test pressure.
Test Pressure
Differential ±999.9 Pa The source pressure must be sufficiently higher than the
Display Range source
Pressure (Accuracy Guaranteed: ±1000 Pa) test pressure.
Sensor ±2.5% of rdg ±1Pa
(Standard) Reading Accuracy Pilot Pressure Clean air regulated from 400 to 700 kPa
50Pa or lower: ±2Pa
Proof Pressure 5 MPa Rc(PT) 1/4: Test pressure, WORK and MASTER ports
Tube Diameter
kPa, MPa, PSI, kg/cm2, bar, mbar, 6mm quick disconnect fitting: Pilot pressure
Test Pressure Unit
mmHg, cmHg, inHg CPU SH-2A 144MHz DRAM 8MB
Pa, kPa, mL/s, mL/min, L/min, Pa•m3/s,
I/F fixed length Test parameters are transmitted as
Display Unit Leak Unit E-3 Pa•m3/s, Pa/s, Pa/min, *Pa/s, *Pa/min
RS-232C ID/F fixed length well as test results.
mmH2O, inH2O, mmHg, in3/min, in3/d, , ft3/h
(D-SUB 9 pins)
K(Ve) Unit T/F fixed length Only test results are transmitted
mL, L, in3, ft3
(Leak Coefficient) Other formats
Leak Display 4 digits Sampling Rate: 10 times/s Judgment, Leak, Test pressure,
Test Data Output
Leak Limit Range ±999.9Pa Channel#, Timers and others
USB Port
Number of Channels 32 channels (#0 to #31) Copy all the test parameters in a
Test Parameters
Timers Up to 999.9 s (Resolution: 0.1 s) csv file
Power Source 100 to 240 VAC ±10% at 50/60 Hz, 80 VA max Oil mist separator and regulator for Test pressure, Filter
Ambient Temperature 5~45 °C regulator for Pilot pressure, Quick mounting brackets,
Humidity 80 %RH or less / no dew condensation Control I/O connector, Power cord, Inspection Record,
Mass Approx. 10 kg (Standard model) Operation manual, Traceability related documents

■ LS-R700 – ABC-D
A1: Intelligent 1 Pneumatic Circuit, A2: Intelligent 2 Pneumatic Circuit
A Pneumatic Circuit
AS1: Small Volume A1 Circuit, AS01: Micro Volume Circuit, C: Secondary Pressure Circuit
L02: 5 to 20 kPa, L: 10 to 100 kPa, M: 50 to 800 kPa, V: -5 to -100 kPa,
Precision Regulator
B Pressure Range H20: 2.0MPa or lower (H20 models come with no regulator.)
EP Regulator LR: 10 to 95 kPa, MR: 50 to 800 kPa, VR: -5 to -75 kPa
J: Leak Master Ready, B: Bypass Circuit Ready (without Precision Regulator and filter), B1: Bypass
C Options Circuit Ready (with Precision Regulator), D4: DPS Range: 10 kPa, W: Come with Stop Valve
Open/Close Check Switch, PX2: Rechargeable Battery (CE not conformed)
D Power Cord VA: 125VAC/7A Length: 3 m, VE: 250VAC/10A Length: 2 m (CE conformed)

■ External Appearance
195 304.7

150 (mm)

* The contents in this Product Information are as of October 2016. The information is subject to change without prior notice.
Cosmo Instruments Co., Ltd.
2974-23 Ishikawa, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-0032 Japan Phone: +81-(0)42-642-1357 Fax: +81-(0)42-646-2439

China: Cosmo (Shanghai) Trading Co., Ltd. +86-(0)21-6575-6880 India: Cosmo Instruments India Pvt. Ltd. Head Office +91-(0)124-421-0946
Shanghai, Tianjin, Guangzhou, Chongqing, Changchun, and Wuhan Cosmo Instruments India Pvt. Ltd. South Zone Regional Office +91-(0)9663384423
Korea:Cosmo Korea Co., Ltd. +82-(0)32-623-6961 Cosmo Instruments India Pvt. Ltd. Pune - Chakan Office +91-(0)20-6933-2345
Taiwan:Diafriend Corporation +886-(0)2-27121050 Germany: Cosmo EU Solutions Technology GmbH +49-(0)212-383671-71
Malaysia:Wave Electronics & Electrical System Sdn. Bhd. +60-(0)3-51626677 UK: Fletcher-Moorland Ltd. +44-(0)1782-411021
Thailand:Cosmowave Technology Co., Ltd. +66-(0)2-7361667 USA: Cosmo Solutions Technology, Inc. +1-248-488-2580
Indonesia:Pt. Cosmowave +62-(0)21-42900043 Mexico: Cosmo De Mexico +52 472 748 62 94
Vietnam:Cosmowave Technology Co.,Ltd. Vietnam Representative Office +84-(0)47876085 Brazil: Tex Equipamentos Eletronicos Ind. Com. Ltda. +55-(0)11-4591-2825
Australia: Industrial Research Technology Pty. Ltd. +61-(0)412-176-674

Air Leak Tester with more versatility and capability



Loaded with advanced features evolved throughout

our extensive knowledge and experiences
Easy-to-navigate and intuitive interface with simple menu configurations


Selectable from English, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, German, Spanish and Portuguese.


Graphical display of the test pressure and measured differential pressure


Detects blockage of select valves and exhaust valves connected to the LS-R902.
* The effect varies depending on the conditions.


Supports initial test parameter programming by determining stage timers.


Test results can be automatically copied to a USB Memory after every test, test
parameters and System data backup can be stored as well


Provides faster and more accurate test results by compensating for environmental drifts
Using the Mastering feature, variety of parts can share a Master Chamber as a reference.


Easy-to-navigate configuration with icons Selectable Measurement Screens

Measurement screen is selectable from 6 different

Intuitive operation makes test parameter screens. For four measurement screens, “Standard”,
programming easy. “Simple”, “Waveform” and “4-Channel”, the items to
be displayed can be customized.

Settings Menus Helpful User-Support Features

Wide variety of user-support features such as

Large numeric keyboard pops up for easy test Information, Troubleshooting, Calculation tools and
parameter setting. List of common peripherals.

■Other Features
Full-color 5.7-inch LCD touch-screen The pneumatic circuit is
Air-Blow (Intelligent
Display cleaned at the end of
Pneumatic Circuit):
Selectable from 6 different measurement screens Sensor every leak test.
External Exhaust Valve
Intelligent Comes with self-check features: Sensor sensitivity, Valve is sold separately.
Pneumatic Circuit Air-valve performance
K(Ve) can be set up using a calibrator, Leak Master Exhaust timing is controlled for the cases where
K(Ve) Auto Setup or Auto-Leak Calibrator (ALC) to convert measured multiple cavities are tested simultaneously.
pressure to a flow rate.
Tester pressurizes the tested part continuously.
Charge Hold
Two sets of leak limits: Medium/Small leaks on Used to locate leaks.
Leak Limits
Work-side (UL/UL2) and Master-side (LL/LL2)
Both for NPN-PNP
For the models come with Electro-pneumatic Control I/O Port For Phoenix Contact connector, wire connection
Electro-pneumatic can be done with a flat-bladed screwdriver.
regulator, different test pressure can be set
independently for each channel.
Serial RS-232C: 2 ports (On the front and rear panels)
Noise Reduction Eliminates noise by repeating the DET stage when Communication USB: 1 port
(NR) the reading falls between DET UL and DET UL2.
Day of Week, Interval, Iteration, Max Idle Time,
Consecutive Triggers, Mastering Comp Value,
Operation manual Operation manual in each language can be Setting
Mastering Limits, Mastering Iterations
download downloaded through the USB port.
Error Message, Troubleshooting, I/O Monitor,
Drift Mastering, Auto-Drift Compensation, Compensation Display/Messages
Channel Title, Counter etc.
Compensation Limits, Number of Samples
Tester can be mounted/removed with only two
Air-operated valve performance, DPS/PS Offset, Quick Mounting
Self Check screws. Good for mounting the tester in a limited
CPU performance and others Brackets

■Pneumatic Circuit (Intelligent 2 Pneumatic Circuit)

■General Specifications
Resolution 0.1 Pa Test Clean air.
Pressure The source pressure must be sufficiently higher than the
Accuracy Guaranteed
±1000 Pa Source test pressure and the pilot pressure.

Pilot Set by the installed filter regulator for pilot pressure: 400 to
±2.5% of rdg ±1 Pa,
Accuracy Pressure 700 kPa
50 Pa or lower: ±2 Pa
Rc(PT) 1/4 (Test pressure, Work and Master ports)
Sensor Proof Pressure 5 MPa Port Size
Rc(PT) 1/4 (Pilot pressure)
Test Pressure kPa,MPa (kg/cm , psi, bar, etc.)
I/F fixed length Test parameters as well as test
Pa, kPa, mL/s, mL/min, L/min, Pa・m3/s,
Display Unit

RS-232C ID/F fixed length results are transmitted.

Leak E-3 Pa・m3/s, Pa/s, Pa/min, *Pa/s, 2 ports Only test results are
*Pa/min(mmH2O, mmHg, inH2O, etc.) (D-sub 9 T/F fixed length
Equivalent Internal Others Other formats
mL, L (in3, ft3)
Judgment, Leak,
3 to 5 digits (Floating point) Compensation value, Test
Leak Display Test Data
Sampling Rate: 10 times/s pressure, Channel#, Timers,
USB Port
Leak Limit Up to ±999.9 Pa etc.

Number of Channels 32 channels (#00 to #31) Copy CSV to USB csv file
Timers Up to 999.9 s (Resolution: 0.1 s) Oil mist separator and regulator (Except H20 and H49),
Filter regulator for Pilot pressure, Power cord,
100 to 240 VAC ±10 % at 50/60 Hz,
Power Source Accessories Quick mounting brackets, Control I/O connector,
80 VA max
Inspection record / Traceability related documents,
Operation Temp.: 5 to 45 °C Operation manual
Ambient Temperature
Storage Temp.: -20 to 60 °C
Humidity 80 %RH or less / no dew condensation
Regulator and power cords are not included in the scope of the CE declaration.
Weight Approx. 10 kg (Standard model)
The units in ( ) are not available for SI unit restriction models.

■Model LS-R902 - (1) Pneumatic Circuit (2) Pressure Range (3) Options - (4) Power Cord

Pneumatic A1: Intelligent 1 Pneumatic Circuit, A2: Intelligent 2 Pneumatic Circuit

(1) Circuit AS1: Small Volume A1 Circuit, AS01: Micro Volume Circuit, C: Secondary Pressure Circuit
L02: 5 to 20 kPa, L: 10 to 100 kPa, M: 50 to 800 kPa, V: -5 to -100 kPa,
Pressure Precision Regulator
H20: 2.0 MPa or lower *1, H49: 4.9 MPa or lower *1
(2) Range
E/P Regulator LR: 10 to 95 kPa, MR: 50 to 800 kPa, VR: -5 to -75 kPa
J: Comes with CAL Driving Valve for Leak Master, K05: Comes with ALC-05 0.5 mL, K1: Comes with ALC-1 1 mL,
K4: Comes with ALC-4 4 mL, K10: Comes with ALC-10 10 mL, B: Bypass Circuit Ready without regulator,
B1: Bypass Circuit Ready with regulator, D4: Differential Pressure Sensor Range: ±10 kPa,
(3) Options
PV1: Pressure/Vacuum Pressure Sensor, UX3: UL conformed, N*: Industrial Field Network (Industrial EtherNet / Fieldbus)
RX09: TCU ports (IN, OUT) provided on the rear panel without TCU,
RX10: TCU ports (IN, OUT) + TCU (Temperature Compensation Unit), sensors and cables sold as a set, RX11: 100 Channels
VA: 125 VAC/7A Length: 3 m, VE: 250 VAC/10A Length: 2 m (CE conformed),
(4) Power Cord
VK: 250 VAC Length: 2 m (Only for Chinese customers)

* 1 H20 and H49 models come with no regulator.

■External Appearance

Temperature Compensation
Significantly reduces the setup time by more than 50%. (Compared with our conventional testers)
Samples the temperatures of the environment, tested parts etc. to derive the optimum Compensation value.

Industrial Field Network (Option)

Supports smooth communication with PLC with fewer cables.
Test results can be output to the network.

I/O wiring not needed → Dedicated connectors used

Peripherals for Air Leak

Master Chamber Leak Master / Calibrator



Pneumatic Bypass Circuit Unit I/O Conversion Cable


PC Link Software 4
NL Select Valve G3 External
Exhaust Valve

* The contents of this catalog are as of August 2018. The specifications are subject to change without prior notice.

Cosmo Instruments Co., Ltd.

Cosmo Instruments Co., Ltd.
2974-23 Ishikawa, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-0032 Japan Phone: +81-(0)42-642-1357 Fax: +81-(0)42-646-2439
2974-23 Ishikawa, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-0032 Japan Phone: +81-(0)42-642-1357 Fax: +81-(0)42-646-2439
China: Cosmo (Shanghai) Trading Co., Ltd. +86-(0)21-6575-6880 India: Cosmo Instruments India Pvt. Ltd. Head Office +91-(0)124-421-0946
Shanghai, Tianjin, Guangzhou, Chongqing, Changchun, and Wuhan Cosmo Instruments India Pvt. Ltd. South Zone Regional Office +91-(0)9663384423
Korea: Cosmo Korea Co., Ltd. +82-(0)32-623-6961 Cosmo Instruments India Pvt. Ltd. Pune - Chakan Office +91-(0)20-6933-2345
Taiw an: Taiw an Cosmo Instruments Co., Ltd. +886-(0)2-2707-3131 Germany: Cosmo EU Solutions Technology GmbH +49-(0)212-383671-71
Malaysia: COSMOWAVE SDN.BHD. +60-(0)3-51626677 USA: Cosmo Solutions Technology, Inc. +1-248-488-2580
Thailand: Cosmow ave Technology Co., Ltd. +66-(0)2-7361667 Mexico: Cosmo De Mexico +52 472 748 62 94
Indonesia: Pt. Cosmow ave +62-(0)21-42900043 Brazil: Tex Equipamentos Eletronicos Ind. Com. Ltda. +55-(0)11-4591-2825
Vietnam: Cosmow ave Technology Co.,Ltd. Vietnam Representative Office +84-(0)47876085 Australia: Industrial Research Technology Pty. Ltd. +61-(0)412-176-674

LS-R902-985B1-A 1808-010-BF



 Accurate
 Stable Model LM-1C
 Compact and handy

Provides Fast and Easy leak

tester sensitivity checks. Production accuracy is
Ideal for the daily maintenance 5% of required flow
of your Air leak testers! For 2mL/min or less, accuracy is within 10 - 20%
Plug Adapter

 Comes in 2 models: LM-1C: customized to the specified test pressure and flow and LM-1C-J1 series: Standardized model.

 Enables fast and easy leak tester sensitivity checks

 LM-1C will maintain the same flow for long period of time.

 Can be used for the External pressure testers.

 Can be connected to the CAL port of Cosmo's Air Leak Testers.

The dedicated adapter is available for putting it in the circuit between the tested part
and the tester.

 Use of the dedicated plug enables to restore the seal-tight circuit in seconds.

 A traceability certificate is available upon request.

Customized to the specified test pressure and flow.

Flow Test Pressure Range
Model: LM-1C (A)(B,C) 0.1 - 20 mL/min 1 - 9.9 kPa
A Adapter Diameter: R1: R1/8 or R2: R1/4 0.1 - 300mL/min Pressure 10 - 99 kPa
B Required Flow: xx mL/min 0.1 - 500mL/min 100 - 999 kPa
Please specify the flow as the follows: 0.1 - 20 mL/min -1 - -9.9 kPa
Flow ≥ 20mL/min: 1mL/min
0.1 - 100 mL/min Vacuum -10 - -49 kPa
Flow < 20mL/min: 0.1mL/min
0.1 - 200 mL/min -50 - -89 kPa
C Test Pressure: xxx kPa
ig. Adapter Diameter:R1/4,
Production Accuracy
Flow: 2.5mL/min and Test pressure: 150kPa
 Required flow is 2mL/min or larger: within ±5%
LM-1C(R2)( 2.5mL/min,150kPa )
 Required flow is 0.8mL/min or larger: within ±10%
 Required flow is smaller than 0.8mL/min: within ±20%
Enclosed Items
 LM-C with a filter joint fitting and an acrylic cover attached * For test pressure 1MPa or higher, please order LM-1AH.
 1 adapter * Special order for the ranges above is available upon request.
 1 plug * Annual check of Leak Master is recommended.
 1 filter element Please contact your local Cosmo representative.
 1 o-ring

LM-1C is manufactured to the required flow in the equivalent flow however, the conversion flow is mentioned as well.
Equivalent Flow: Flow measured at 20°C and 1atm.
The flow is not affected by the environmental condition.
Conversion Flow: Flow measured at the ambient temperature and pressure that is converted to the flow at 20°C and 1atm.
Flow varies depending on the environmental condition
LM-1C-J1 Series are standardized Leak Masters as shown on the table below. A data sheet showing actually measured or
calculated flows at the test pressure points in the table below will be enclosed. This series is an ideal standard for the
calibration of the air leak tester sensitivity.
Model: LM-1C-J1-( ) : A standard flow in mL/min at the test pressure of 100kPa. (1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 200)

Data sheet example of flows at different test pressure points

Test Press LM-1C LM-1C LM-1C LM-1C LM-1C LM-1C LM-1C LM-1C
(kPa) -J1-1 -J1-2 -J1-5 -J1-10 -J1-20 -J1-50 -J1-100 -J1-200
Leak Masters for different purposes:
10 0.08 0.16 0.39 0.78 1.60 4.66 10.33 23.0 For Daily check-up of a particular case
20 0.16 0.32 0.78 1.56 3.19 9.32 20.7 45.9 Select a Leak Master whose flow is close to
30 0.25 0.50 1.24 2.48 5.03 14.46 31.0 65.3 the actual leak limit.
40 0.34 0.68 1.70 3.39 6.87 19.60 41.4 84.7 For sensitivity calibration
50 0.43 0.87 2.16 4.31 8.71 24.7 51.8 105.8 Select a Leak Master with a large flow. If the
60 0.54 1.09 2.70 5.40 10.84 29.8 61.7 126.8 flow is too small, the ratio of the noises in
70 0.65 1.31 3.25 6.49 12.96 34.9 71.6 145.3 flow will be large causing an error in
80 0.77 1.52 3.79 7.57 15.09 40.0 81.2 163.8 calibration.
90 0.88 1.74 4.34 8.66 17.21 45.1 90.8 182.0
100 0.99 1.96 4.88 9.75 19.34 50.2 100.4 200.1
Production Accuracy
150 1.74 3.31 8.18 16.42 31.7 61.1 147.1
 Within ±5% of each standard flow at test
200 2.49 4.65 11.47 23.1 44.0 102.0 193.7
pressure of 100kPa except for 1mL/min
250 3.49 6.54 15.52 31.0 58.0 128.6
(LM-1C-J1-1), which is ±10%.
300 4.50 8.44 19.57 39.0 71.9 155.3
 For the vacuum range, please contact a
350 5.50 10.33 23.6 46.9 85.9
Cosmo representative.
400 6.50 12.22 27.7 54.9 99.9
450 7.75 14.45 32.2 63.9 115.2 Enclosed Item
500 9.01 16.68 36.7 72.9 130.5  LM-C with a filter joint fitting and an
550 10.26 18.90 41.2 81.9 145.8 acrylic cover attached
600 11.51 21.1 45.7 90.9 161.2  1 filter element
 1 o-ring
Actually measured value Calculated value

For LM-1C-J1 series, the adapter and plug are options.

The follows are available upon a request.

Part Code Male Female Usage

7201ALAL R1/8 M10 x 1.5 Connecting LM-1C in the circuit between the part and the WORK port (Rc1/8). *1
7201ALAZ R1/4 M10 x 1.5 Connecting LM-1C in the circuit between the part and the WORK port (Rc1/4). *2
7201ALAQ NPT1/8 M10 x 1.5 Connecting LM-1C in the circuit between the part and the WORK port (US standard NPT 1/8).
7201ALAX M10 x 1.5 Rc1/4 Connecting R1/4 tube to the Calibration (CAL) port of Cosmo's Leak tester.
7201ALAV M10 x 1.5 Rc1/8 Connecting R1/8 tube to the Calibration (CAL) port of Cosmo's Leak tester.
7201ALAW M10 x 1.5 NPT1/8 Connecting US standard NPT1/8 tube to the Calibration (CAL) port of Cosmo's Leak tester.
*1. Enclosed with LM-1C(R1) but won't be enclosed with LM-1C-J1
*2. Enclosed with LM-1C(R2) but won't be enclosed with LM-1C-J1

Cosmo Instruments Co., Ltd.

2974-23 Ishikawa Hachioji, Tokyo 192-0032 Japan Phone: +81-(0)426-42-1357 Fax: +81-(0)426-46-2439

China: Cosmo (Shanghai) Trading Co., Ltd. +86-(0)21-6575-6880 Vietnam: Cosmowave Technology Co., Ltd. Vietnam Rep. Office +84-(0)43-7876085
USA: Cosmo Solutions Technology Inc. (CST) +1-248-488-2580 India: Cosmo Instruments India Pvt. Ltd. +91-(0)124-421-0946
Korea: Cosmo Korea Co., Ltd. +82-(0)32-623-6961 Brazil: TEX Equipamentos Eletronicos Ind. Com. Ltda. +55-(0)11-4591-2825
Taiwan: Diafriend Corporation +886-(0)2-27121050 Germany: P+K GmbH +49-(0)212-24836-0
Malaysia: Wave Electronics & Electrical System Sdn. Bhd. +60-(0)3-51626677 Australia: Industrial Research Technology Pty Ltd. (IRT) +61-(0)3-9469-6888
Thailand: Cosmowave Technology Co., Ltd. +66-(0)2-7361667 UK: Fletcher Moorland Ltd. +44-(0)1782-411021
Indonesia: Pt. Cosmowave +62-(0)21-42900043
New product
To be released on Jun. 15, 2015

Digital Pressure Gauge

DP Gauge

DP-340BAis applicable to a wide range of

pressures from a micro pressure (500Pa) to a high
pressure (50MPa). It is a digital pressure gauge
with a high-accuracy sensor that has excellent DP GAUGE
overpressure resistance.

DP-340BA front panel DP-340BA rear panel

* The wiring of the I/O connector is the same as that

 Application examples
of DP-330BA. However, the top and bottom sides
of the I/O connector should be inverted (180
degrees) to insert the connector.
• Pressure value display in testing machine
• Test pressure monitoring of leak or flow test, etc.
• Pressure decay method
• Hole diameter & dimension test by pressure deviation
• Pressure monitoring inside of tubing or container
• Differential pressure test of orifice, pilot tube

• With a wide range of pressures, applicable to various types of tests.
• Easy replacement by current DP-320 and DP-330.
• Internal or external sensor can be selected according to your requirement.
• Conforms to the CE (The model with external sensor does not conform.)
• Traceability certification and inspection report will be attached to all the models.
• Power supply is DC24V and can be used for AC100-240V with included adaptor.

 Table of features
Feature Description
With RS-232C and the parallel binary coded decimal (BCD), data can be
Digital output
transferred to external devices.
Upper/Lower limit level settings Limits can be set in 4 levels (Upper limits (HH, HI), Lower limits (LO, LL)) for
Comparator criteria for judgment.
Digital display digit 3.5-digit or 4.5-digit can be selected.
Analog output Analog voltage output in proportion to the displayed value
Current displayed reading can be changed to Zero, and after that measures
the pressure difference.
Zero adjustment Zero-point adjustment by just pushing a button.
Display hold Display hold, Peak hold or Bottom hold can be selected.
Keyboard lock Keyboard lock to prevent false operation.

 Models Classification. Description

A Pressure range See the “Pressure ranges” below.
N Pressure sensor inside (Standard)
DP-340BA- A - B - C S1 Pressure sensor outside
Sensor type
Pressure sensor outside with drip-proof
(Gauge pressure type only)
L1 3 m (Standard)
B Sensor cable length
LX 1 m to 10 m (in units of m)
F1 Analog output F.S.5V
Analog output F2 Analog output F.S.10V
For pressure ranges, see the “Pressure A Analog current output 4 to 20 mA
ranges” below. Interface Q1 Input of 5V supported (Standard: 24V)
With power adaptor VG AC100V with power cable 3 m
(Standard) VH AC240V with power cable 2 m
Without power Without power adaptor. Separately 24VDC
adapter need to be prepared

■ Pressure ranges
Range Measurement Display Range Measurement Display
Pressure type Pressure type
code range digit at F.S. code range digit at F.S.
5PD Differential pressure 0 to 500Pa 500 5MG Gauge pressure 0 to 5MPa 5.00
1KD Differential pressure 0 to 1kPa 1.000 10MG Gauge pressure 0 to 10MPa 10.00
2KD Differential pressure 0 to 2kPa 1.999 20MG Gauge pressure 0 to 20MPa 19.99
5KD Differential pressure 0 to 5kPa 5.00 50MG Gauge pressure 0 to 50MPa 50.0
10KD Differential pressure 0 to 10kPa 10.00 V1KD Vacuum differential pressure 0 to -1kPa -1.000
20KD Differential pressure 0 to 20kPa 19.99 V2KD Vacuum differential pressure 0 to -2kPa -1.999
50KD Differential pressure 0 to 50kPa 50.0 V5KD Vacuum differential pressure 0 to -5kPa -5.00
100KD Differential pressure 0 to 100kPa 100.0 V10KD Vacuum differential pressure 0 to -10kPa -10.00
50KG Gauge pressure 0 to 50kPa 50.0 V20KD Vacuum differential pressure 0 to -20kPa -19.99
100KG Gauge pressure 0 to 100kPa 100.0 V50KD Vacuum differential pressure 0 to -50kPa -50.0
200KG Gauge pressure 0 to 200kPa 199.9 V100KD Vacuum differential pressure 0 to -100kPa -100.0
500KG Gauge pressure 0 to 500kPa 500 V50KG Vacuum gauge pressure 0 to -50kPa -50.0
1MG Gauge pressure 0 to 1MPa 1.000 V100KG Vacuum gauge pressure 0 to -100kPa -100.0
2MG Gauge pressure 0 to 2MPa 1.999 -- -- -- --
NOTE: Pressure/Vacuum is also available. (500PD,1KD, 2KD, 5KD, 10KD, 20KD, 50KD, 100KD, 50KG, 100KG, 200KG, 500KG)

Differential pressure Gauge pressure
Pressure media Air/Noncorrosive gases Air/Noncorrosive gases and liquid
Sensing element Beryllium copper SUS630
Transducer type Inductance type Capacitance type
Accuracy ±0.3% of F.S. ±1digit ±0.25% of F.S. ±1digit

±0.03% of F.S./ °C
characteristic: Zero
±0.03% of F.S./ °C
characteristic: Span
Ranges 50kPa or lower: Ten times of F.S Ranges 5MPa or lower: Two times of F.S
Allowable pressure
Range 100kPa: Five times of F.S Other ranges: 1.5 times of F.S
Maximum line pressure Twice of the proof pressure -
Response time ≤ 300 ms (99% of F.S.) ≤ 30ms (99% of F.S.)
Display digits 3.5 digits 000 to ±1999
Sampling time 250 ms/50 ms (Togglable)
0.5, 1 or 2 VDC. The specified voltage corresponding to the display reading for the pressure range is
Analog output
output. / Analog output accuracy Differential Pressure:±0.3% of F.S. Gauge Pressure: ±0.25% of F.S.
BCD output Equipped as standard
Power source 24VDC 0.3A (with 100 to 240VAC power adaptor)
Operating temperature 5 to 40°C
Pressure connection port Rc1/8
Outline dimensions 140(W) x 66(H) x 172(D) mm
Panel-cut dimensions 133(W) x 61(H) mm

* The contents in this PRODUCT INFORMATION are as of April 2015. The specifications are subject to change without prior notice

Cosmo Instruments Co., Ltd.

Head Office: Overseas Contact:
2974-23 Ishikawa, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-0032 China, Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia
Phone: +81-(0)42-642-1357 Fax: +81-(0)42-646-2439 Vietnam, India, Germany, UK, USA, Mexico, Brazil, Australia


Optimum for testing discharge flow and airtightness.

Flow sensor is selectable from Laminar Flow or Mass Flow.

■ Features ■ Application Examples

Easy-to-navigate configuration with icons Each menu opens by
simply touching an icon.

Test pressure and flow can be monitored in charts.

Language is selectable among English, Japanese, Chinese and Engine assembly leak tests

Test results analysis is available.

Test results can be easily stored in a USB Memory.

Display of equivalent flow rate at 1 atm, 20 °C

(When option K is selected, the actual atmospheric pressure is Flow and leak tests for Auto parts
automatically measured for the calculation.)

Flow Check (C-CHK) as standard feature

Gas equipment flow

Flow Optimizer. When test pressure fluctuates, the flow at the tests
specified test pressure is displayed.

Main Menu Measurement Screen (Waveform) X-Chart/List and Statistics for


■ Flow Optimizer ■ Language Menu
Multi-Point Optimizer sampling screen

■ USB Port
• Test Data
• Waveform Data
• Parameter Backup/Restore
• System Backup/Restore
• Copy CVS to USB
• Tester version upgrade
• Copy Operation Manual

■ Flow sensor is selectable from Laminar Flow or Mass Flow .

Take advantages of excellent features of each Flow Sensor.
Laminar Flow Sensor (Laminar Flow Tube)
► Wide variety of ranges (F.S.10 mL/min to 100 L/min)
► Allows measurement of discharge flow rate of pulsative parts such as pumps
► Durable & robust with no moving part

Mass Flow Sensor

► Allows measurement with different/variable test pressure
► No temperature compensation required
► No atmospheric compensation required
► High response speed

■ Standard Features
Measurement screen is selectable from 6 different Up to 5000 data are stored.
Display Data Acquisition
screens. USB can be used for data storing.
Sensor The pneumatic circuit is cleaned at the Data Analysis Counter, Statistics, Waveform display
Protection end of every flow test. Span value is either manually entered or automatically
User Span
After the flow test, the fill valve is EXH Interference Exhaust timing will be controlled for the cases where
Blow Check
opened to check there is flow. Prev multiple cavities are tested at the same time.
Test Reliability Averages the readings for more stable readings with less
Digital Filter
The flow is compared with the value of
Flow Master. The flow rate when air is flown in an environment of 1 atm
Equivalent Flow
at 20 °C is displayed. When the atmospheric sensor
The measured flow is compared with Display
(option) is used, this feature can be automatically used.
F-CHK the value of Flow Master in every test.
(Option: CX) Flow Limits Upper limits; UL2/UL, Lower limits: LL2/LL
When the flow is in the range between “S-DET LL and
Formula Samples the flows at Target Test Press
DET Extension S-DET LL2” or “S-DET UL an S-DET UL2”, the DET is
Optimizer (P1) to displays the optimized flow.
Samples the flows at two pressure External Exhaust Valve (Exhaust valve unit is sold
points, Target Test Press (P1) and Optional Feature separately)
Off-Target Test Press (P2), to optimize Bypass circuit ready (Bypass circuit unit is sold separately.)
Flow Optimizer the measured flow when the test
pressure is off target.
Samples the flows at Target Test Press
(P1) and other multiple pressure points
within the allowable range to optimize
the flow when the test pressure is off

■ Specifications
Pressure Media Air Pressure source / Pilot pressure source Rc 1/4
■ Laminar Flow Sensor (Laminar Flow Model 100L only: Rc 3/8)
Port Size
±1.5% of F.S. ±1 digit (Specified pressure) WORK Port 200 mL/min or less: Rc 1/4
Accuracy 500 mL/min or more: Rc 1/2
■ Mass Flow Sensor
±1.5% of F.S. ±1 digit (Specified pressure) CPU ARM9 400 MHz, DRAM 128 MB
±3.0% of F.S. ±1 digit (Pressure not specified) Front panel port Fixed-length output: T, IL, ML, D, P
Rear panel port Fixed-length output: T, IL, ML, D, P
Micro (L01): 1 to 10 kPa (Regulator not enclosed)
Flow, Pressure, Comp value, Air
Micro low (L03): 10 to 30 kPa (Mass Flow only) RS-232
Specified Test data temp, Flow limits, Atm press, and
Micro low (L05): 10 to 50 (Laminar Flow only)
Pressure Range others
Low (L): 30 to 80 kPa
CSV Copy to
Medium (M): 30 to 700 kPa csv file
Vacuum (V): -10 to -70 kPa (Laminar Flow 20L or less)
Parameter Backup
Number of System Backup
32 channels (#0 to #31) USB Port Software update
Copy Operation Manual (PDF)
100 to 240 VAC±10%, 50/60 Hz,60 VA max
Power Source
(Use the enclosed power cord at 125 VAC or less) L/min, mL/min, L/s, mL/s, L/h, m3/h,
Flow Unit
USP (User Span)
Timer Setting Up to 999.9 s (Resolution: 0.1 s)
kPa, MPa, (psi, kg/cm2, bar, mbar, mmHg, cmHg, inHg,
Clean air Pressure Unit mmH2O) The units in ( ) are not available for SI unit
Pressure Source The source pressure must be sufficiently higher than the restriction models.
test pressure.
Standard Quick mounting brackets, Interface connectors, Power
5 to 45 °C Accessories cord (3 m), Inspection record, Operation Manual
Humidity 80 % RH or less / no dew condensation
Weight Approx. 15 kg

■ External Appearance

■ Peripheral Equipments

External Exhaust Valve Unit External Bypass Circuit Unit Remote Control Box

Prevents contamination when Reduces test time when testing Externally controls START, STOP
testing parts having water, oil or parts with a large internal volume at and CHG Hold.
other foreign matter on them. low test pressure.

■ Model

AF-R220 F4 1L M - BG W CX ••• ( L, KP, S )

A Flow Sensor
Mass Flow Sensor Laminar Flow Sensor
F3 F4
B Flow Sensor Range
Mass Flow Sensor 500ML 2L 5L 20L 50L 100L
Laminar Flow Sensor 10ML 20ML 50ML 100ML 200ML 500ML 1L 2L 5L 10L 20L 30L 50L 100L

C Test Pressure Range

Micro Micro Low Micro Low Low Medium Vacuum
Test Pressure
1 to 10 kPa 10 to 30 kPa 10 to 50 kPa 30 to 80 kPa 30 to 700 kPa -10 to -70 kPa
L03 L05
Code L01 L M V
Mass Flow only Laminar Flow only
* Regulator is not enclosed for L01.
D Option
Effective for large-volume parts Pressurizes Dual Range Calibration L Range and U Range calibrations are
B1 Built-in Bypass Circuit FR
the tested part during CHG stage. (Only for F4) available for 1L or higher ranges.
Exhaust Valve is set in the tester. Prevents
G1 Built-in Exhaust Valve W Stop Valve Monitoring Checks open/close of stop valve
testers from oils and dusts
Reduces pressurization time by applying a
Dual Pressure (Bypass
pressure higher than the test pressure for a
F circuit unit is sold A Filter Option Filter with Auto-drain
predetermined period of time (or to a target
pressure) during CHG.
The atmospheric pressure is automatically
Secondary Flow The flow coming out of the tested part is Atmospheric Pressure captured with a high performance
Measurement measured and judged. Sensor (For F4 only) atmospheric pressure sensor and
Dual pressure EP Specify this option when EP Regulator is Rechargeable Battery. The rechargeable
R1 PX2 Battery Option
Regulator connector selected in option F. battery does not conform to the CE.
Automatically checks sensitivity with flow
CX Automatic CAL Check

E Flow range F Test pressure

Mass flow Laminar Flow
E Flow range F Pressure Range E Flow range F Pressure Range
Code Flow Range Pressure Vacuum Code Flow Range Pressure Vacuum
500ML 0 to 500 mL/min 10 to 700 kPa -10 to -70 kPa 10ML 0 to 10 mL/ min 10 to 700 kPa -10 to -70 kPa
2L 0 to 2 L/min 10 to 700 kPa -10 to -70 kPa 20ML 0 to 20 mL/ min 10 to 700 kPa -10 to -70 kPa
5L 0 to 5 L/min 10 to 700 kPa -10 to -70 kPa 50ML 0 to 50 mL/ min 10 to 700 kPa -10 to -70 kPa
20L 0 to 20 L/min 10 to 700 kPa -10 to -70 kPa 100ML 0 to 100 mL/ min 10 to 700 kPa -10 to -70 kPa
50L 0 to 50 L/min 10 to 700 kPa --- 200ML 0 to 200 mL/ min 10 to 700 kPa -10 to -70 kPa
100L 0 to 100 L/min 10 to 700 kPa --- 500ML 0 to 500 mL/ min 10 to 700 kPa -10 to -70 kPa
1L 0 to 1 L/min 10 to 700 kPa -10 to -70 kPa
• Select the range from the lists above.
2L 0 to 2 L/min 10 to 700 kPa -10 to -70 kPa
• Specify the test pressure within each pressure range.
5L 0 to 5 L/min 10 to 700 kPa -10 to -70 kPa
• Consult Cosmo for unspecified ranges
10L 0 to 10 L/min 10 to 700 kPa -10 to -70 kPa
20L 0 to 20 L/min 10 to 700 kPa -10 to -70 kPa
G Conversion temperature 30L 0 to 30 L/min 10 to 700 kPa ---
20 °C 0 °C 50L 0 to 50 L/min 10 to 500 kPa ---
S N 100L 0 to 100 L/min 10 to 500 kPa ---

The contents in this product information are as of Sep 2016. The specifications are subject to change without prior notice.

Cosmo Instruments Co., Ltd.

2974-23 Ishikawa, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-0032 Japan Phone: +81-(0)42-642-1357 Fax: +81-(0)42-646-2439

China: Cosmo (Shanghai) Trading Co., Ltd. +86-(0)21-6575-6880 India: Cosmo Instruments India Pvt. Ltd. Head Office +91-(0)124-421-0946
Shanghai, Tianjin, Guangzhou, Chongqing, Changchun, and Wuhan Cosmo Instruments India Pvt. Ltd. South Zone Regional Office +91-(0)9663384423
Korea: Cosmo Korea Co., Ltd. +82-(0)32-623-6961 Cosmo Instruments India Pvt. Ltd. Pune - Chakan Office +91-(0)20-6933-2345
Taiwan: Diafriend Corporation +886-(0)2-27121050 Germany: Cosmo EU Solutions Technology GmbH +49-(0)212-383671-71
Malaysia: Wave Electronics & Electrical System Sdn. Bhd. +60-(0)3-51626677 UK: Fletcher-Moorland Ltd. +44-(0)1782-411021
Thailand: Cosmowave Technology Co., Ltd. +66-(0)2-7361667 USA: Cosmo Solutions Technology, Inc. +1-248-488-2580
Indonesia: Pt. Cosmowave +62-(0)21-42900043 Mexico: Cosmo De Mexico +52 472 748 62 94
Vietnam: Cosmowave Technology Co.,Ltd. Vietnam Representative Office +84-(0)47876085 Brazil: Tex Equipamentos Eletronicos Ind. Com. Ltda. +55-(0)11-4591-2825
Australia: Industrial Research Technology Pty. Ltd. +61-(0)412-176-674

Product Information MASS FLOW GAUGE
DF-231BA equips highly responsive (99% response 300 ms) Mass Flow Sensor.
Extensive flow ranges from 500mL/min to 500L/min.

Mass Flow Gauge

 Features  Application Examples

• With Mass Flow Sensor, no need to correct temperature and pressure. Flow test under various test pressures
• Highly responsive sensor allows instant flow measurement. Pass/Fail judgment based on flow rate
Flow measurement of many types of products
• Multi-function indicator is ideal for various measurements.
Test data acquisition, Data management with PC

500 mL/min Number of Channels 10 channels
Flow Range
2, 5, 20, 50, 200, 500 L/min Upper/Lower limits 4 levels (HH, HI, LO, LL)
media Air (*1) and specified gases (*2) Zero Adjustment One-push zero-adjusting method
F.S. to ±3% of rdg ±1 digit Auto-Zero Auto Zero button
20% 200, 500 L/min: ±5% of rdg ±1 digit
20% ±1% of F.S. ±1 digit Display Hold Hold button
or less
Operating 0 to 50°C Display Response Digital Filter (High, Medium, Low)
Temperature (Accuracy is guaranteed only for +10 to 35°C)
Pressure Range -70 kPa to 1 MPa RS-232C 1200, 9600 and 19200 bps switchable
200, 500 L/min: -35 kPa to 1 MPa
Pressure 1.5 MPa BCD Output Open collector
3.5 digits (1999) and 4.5 digits (19999)
Response Approx. 300 ms/step response to 99% Display Digits switchable
Pressure Loss Up to 2 kPa Sampling Time 250 ms and 50 ms selectable
Port Size 50 L/min or less: Rc(PT)1/4 User Span 0.001 to 9.999 (Default: 1.000)
200 L/min or more: Rc(PT)1/2
Indicator Unit: W140 × H66 × D172
24 VDC ±10%, 0.3 A max Dimensions Sensor: Refer to the next page.
Power Source
AC adapter enclosed
Panel Cutting Size W133 x H61 mm
(*1) Provide a filter on the upstream side of the Sensor to prevent entry of mist or contaminants
(*2) Specified gases include argon, carbon dioxide, natural gas 13A, methane, propane and butane. The gas coefficient is specified.
However, the accuracy is not guaranteed.


(1) Flow Range (2) Option (3) Power Source

Code Measurement Display Code Description Code Description

500ML 0 to 500 mL/min 000 to 500 F1 5 V analog output VG AC adapter
100 V cable (3 m)
AC adapter
2L 0 to 2 L/min .000 to 1.999 F2 10 V analog output VH 240 V cable (2 m)
5L 0 to 5 L/min 0.00 to 5.00 VJ AC adapter not enclosed
20L 0 to 20 L/min 0.00 to 19.99
50L 0 to 50 L/min 00.0 to 50.0
200L 0 to 200 L/min 00.0 to 199.9
500L 0 to 500 L/min 000 to 500

 Related Products

Mass Flow Sensors MF-130

MF-130 Mass Flow Sensors used for DF-231BA are available also as
single products.
< Features >
● High responsiveness: 99% response 300 ms
● Compact, robust body with full 4-digit flow indicator
● Argon, carbon dioxide, natural gas 13A, methane, propane and
butane can be measured as well as air.
● Flow display can be switched from Instantaneous to Total flow rate.

MR-130 Range Code

Range Code Measurement Range Primary Specifications
500ML 0 to 500 mL/min Port Size 500ML to 50L (PT1/4)
200L to 500L (PT1/2)
2L 0 to 2 L/min
500ML to 50L: ±3% of rdg
5L 0 to 5 L/min Accuracy 200L to 500L: ±5% of rdg
20L 0 to 20 L/min Less than 20% of F.S.: ±1% of F.S.
50L 0 to 50 L/min Driving Power 12 to 24 VDC
200L 0 to 200 L/min Output Voltage 0 to 5VDC
Measurement Media Air and Designated gases
500L 0 to 500 L/min
Enclosed Cable Standard cable (3 m)


4 – φ4.5 500ML to 200L 500L

A 50L
A 55 72 72
B 48 75 75



C 58 87 87
瞬時 EV1


積算 EV2

D 91 98.6 98.6
E 69.1 82.1 96.1
F 37 50 59
Mounting hole 4.5 φ Unit: mm

Quick Flange Couplers QF-C10A The couplers were developed for attaching/removing the
sensor. The sensor can be easily attached/removed with the
thumbscrew. The coupler can be sealed tightly by tightening
without any tool.
< Features >
 Easy attachment/removal of the sensor
 The coupler can be used for both positive and negative
 Withstand pressure: From vacuum to 1 MPa
 Port size: 1/2 and 1/4 are available.
 Can be used as a substitute for union fitting.

Diameter Model Specifications Applicable range of MF-130

QF-C10A-FF02 Rc1/4- Rc1/4 (Female) --
1/4 QF-C10A-MM02 R1/4- R1/4 (Male) 500ML to 50L
QF-C10A-MF02 R1/4- Rc1/4 (Male-Female) 500ML to 50L
QF-C10A-FF04 Rc1/2- Rc1/2 (Female) --
1/2 QF-C10A-MM04 R1/2- R1/2 (Male) 200L to 500L
QF-C10A-MF04 R1/2- Rc1/2 (Male-Female) 200L to 500L

* The contents in this Product Information are as of June 2016. The specifications are subject to change without prior notice.

Cosmo Instruments Co., Ltd.

Head Office: Overseas Contact:
2974-23 Ishikawa, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-0032 China, Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia
Phone: +81-(0)42-642-1357 Fax: +81-(0)42-646-2439 Vietnam, India, Germany, UK, USA, Mexico, Brazil, Australia


Highly accurate and resp

ponsive sensor instantly m
measures flow
w rate.
s ideal for flow
DF-241BA is w or leak testt in productio
on line.

nar Flow Gauge

 Feature
es  Appliccation Exam
High accuraccy: ±2% of F.S
S. High speed flow measurement
Highly respon
nsive with Lam
minar Flow Tube Pass/Fail juddgment based
d on flow rate
Various flow ranges available Leak test byy flow rate
ng highly accurate and high proof pressurre DPS
Stability and durability usin Flow data coollection, PC data
d recording
Temperature sensor for au
utomatic tempe
erature compe
al display designed to meett various meassurement requ
Multifunctiona uirements

 Specification  Multifuncttional Displaay

Laminar Flow Tube 10, 200, 50, 100, 200, 50
00 mL/min Number of Channells 10 chaannels
Flow Range 1, 2, 5,
5 10, 20, 30, 50, 100,
1 200, 500 L/m
min Upper/Lower limits 4 Setttings HH, HI, LO, LL
Pressure Media Air Zerro Adjustment One ppush Zero Method
Accuracy ±2 % of
o F.S. ±1 digit Auto-Zero Auto Z
Zero button
20C (or
( 0C), Flow ra ate is based on 1
Temperature / Dis
splay Hold Hold bbutton
atmosspheric pressure
Atmospheric PPressure
Operating Tem
mperature 5 to 35
5 °C Dis
splay Response Digitall Filter (High, Med
dium, Low)
Test Pressure Depen
nds on the selecte
ed range RS
S-232C 1200, 9600 and 19200 bps switchable
n the Laminar Flow
Built in w Tube or conneccted to the
Temperature S
Sensor BC
CD Output Open collector
outlet of Laminar Flow Tube
Generated Diff
ox. 0.6 kPa at F.S. flow Dis
splay Digits 3.5 diggits (1999) and 4.5 digits (19999)
Pressure Loss
s 150% of Measured Diffe
erential Pressure Sam
mple Rate 250 m
ms and 50 ms switchable
ential Pressure Co
onnection Port: Rcc1/8 User Span 0.001 to 9.999 (Default: 1.000)
Port Size Flor Sensor
S Connection
n Port: Refer to “Laaminar
Flow Tube
T Ranges” on the next page. Panel Cutting Dime
ension W1333 x H61 mm

Displaay: W140 x H66 x D172 mm

1 MPaa (PT-110FC-A)
DPS Proof Pre
essure Extternal Dimension
ns Sensoor: Refer to “External Appearances ofo
10 kPa (PT-103B-A)
Laminnar Flow Tube & DPS”
D on the next page.
DC ±10 %, 0.3 Amax
24 VD Analog Output F1: F.S
S / 5V, F2: F.S / 10V, F3:
Power Source
With A/C
A Adapter (Op
ption) Matchh with display

 Model C
, )--
 Flow Rang
ge  Linee Pressure  Option  Power/Voltage  Conversion Temperature
Code U
Unit Code Unit Code Desscription Code De
escription Code Description
Low line prressure sensor A/C
C adapter
ML L/min
mL KP kPa B VG S Conversion
C at 20 °C
*1 100 V cable (3 m)
C adapter
L L
L/min MP MPa F1 5 V anaalog output VH N Conversion
C at 0 °C
240 V cable (2 m)
F2 10 V annalog output VJ Withou
ut A/C adapter
F3 Match w
with display

*1 Low line pressure senso

or (PT-103B-A) is used at 10 kP
Pa or lower.

Laminar Flow
w Tube Rang
The table (left) sshows the flow ran
nges when used att the
Flow range Port atmospheric presssure.
Model line Temp. sen
nsor When to be usedd at a line pressurre, use the followin
(Atm prressure) size
ssure formula to selectt the flow range.
LF-104 N - 10C 0 to 10 mL/min
LF-104 N - 20C 0 to 20 mL/min Laminar flow rannge: X (mL/min)
LF-104 N - 5
50C 0 to 50 mL/min Line pressure: a)
P (kPa
0 kPa Max. flow(atm prressure): Q (atm
m mL/min)
LF-104 N -1000C 0 to 100
0 mL/min
LF-104 N -2000C 0 to 200
0 mL/min R1/4 101.3
LF-104 N -5000C 0 to 500
0 mL/min X Q
LF-104 N - 1L 0 to 1 L/min Built in the Lam
minar Flow
101.3  P
LF-104 N - 2L 0 to 2 L/min 700
0 kPa Tube
The table (below w) shows the Laminar Flow Tubes to o be
LF-104 N - 5L 0 to 5 L/min used under speccific flow range and line pressure
LF-104 N - 10L 0 to 10
0 L/min conditions. The ffirst digits of the flo
ow ranges are inn the
LF-104 N - 2
20L 0 to 20
0 L/min 500
0 kPa order of 1, 2, 5.
LF-104 N - 3
30L 0 to 30
0 L/min R1/2 (E.g.)
Test pressure: 3000 kPa, Max. flow w rate: 500 mL/minn
LF-105B N - 550L 0 to 50
0 L/min
0 kPa See the point whhere 300 kPa (x-ax xis) and 500 mL/m
LF-105B N -100L 0 to 100 L/min (y-axis) cross eaach other. The poin nt shows 200C.
LF2-200L 0 to 200 L/min Connected to the outlet LF-104N-200C iss the most approp priate choice.
50 kPa R3/4
LF2-500L 0 to 500 L/min ow Tube
of Laminar Flo

Selecttion of Laminar The point where the line pressure ((x-axis) and the flo
ow range (y-axis) cross each other shows the approp
priate choice. The “-”
Flow T
Tube means unavailabble.
ne pressure -61 to -51 to -41 to -3
35 to -1 to 0 too 51 to 68 to 101 to 151 to 20
01 to 236 to 301 to 351 to 401 to 501 to 701 to 91
11 to
Code (kPa)
Flow ra
-70 -60 -50 -40 -34 500 67 100 150 200 235
2 300 3500 400 500 700 910 9
10 ML 10 m
mL/min 50 C 50 C 20 C 20
2 C 20 C 10 C 10 C 10 C 10 C 10 C 10 C 10 C 10 C
C 10 C 10 C 10 C 10 C 10 C
20 ML 20 m
mL/min 100 C 50 C 50 C 50
5 C 50 C 20 C 20 C 20 C 10 C 10 C 10 C 10 C 10 C
C 10 C 10 C 10 C 10 C 10 C
50 ML 50 m
mL/min 200 C 200 C 100 C 10
00 C 100 C 50 C 50 C 50 C 50 C 20 C 20
2 C 20 C 20 C
C 20 C 10 C 10 C 10 C 10 C
100 ML 100 mL/min 500 C 500 C 200 C 20
00 C 200 C 100 C 100 C 100 C 50 C 50 C 50
5 C 50 C 50 C
C 50 C 20 C 20 C 20 C 10 C
200 ML 200 mL/min 1L 500 C 500 C 50
00 C 500 C 200 C 200 C 200 C 100 C 100 C 10
00 C 100 C 50 C
C 50 C 50 C 50 C 50 C 20 C
500 ML 500 mL/min 2L 2L 1L 1L 1L 500 C 500 C 500 C 500 C 200 C 20
00 C 200 C 200 C 200 C 100 C 100 C 100 C 50
5 C
1L 1 L/min 5L 5L 2L 2L 2L 1L 1L 1L 500 C 500 C 50
00 C 500 C 500 C 500 C 200 C 200 C 200 C 10
00 C
2L 2 L/min 10 L 5L 5L 5L 5L 2L 2L 2L 1L 1L 1L 1L 500 C 500 C 500 C 500 C 500 C 20
00 C
5L 5 L/min 20 L 20 L 10 L 10
1 L 10 L 5L 5L 5L 5L 2L 2L 2L 2 LL 2L 1L 1L -- 50
00 C
10 L 10
0 L/min 50 L 50 L 20 L 20
2 L 20 L 10 L 10 L 10 L 5L 5L 5L 5L 5 LL 5L 2L 2L -- --
20 L 20
0 L/min 100 L 50 L 50 L 50
5 L 30 L 20 L 20 L 20 L 10 L 10 L 10 L 10 L 5 LL 5L 5L 5L -- --
30 L 30
0 L/min 100 L 100 L 100 L 50
5 L 50 L 30 L 20 L 20 L 20 L 20 L 10 L 10 L 10 LL 10 L 10 L -- -- --
50 L 50
0 L/min -- -- 100 L 100 L 100 L 50 L 50 L 30 L 30 L 20 L 20
2 L 20 L 20 LL 20 L 10 L -- -- --
100 L 100
0 L/min -- -- -- -- -- 1000 L 100 L 100 L 50 L 50 L 50
5 L 30 L 30 LL 30 L 20 L -- -- --
200 L 200
0 L/min -- -- -- -- -- 200 L -- -- 100 L 100 L 10
00 L 100 L 50 LL -- -- -- -- --
500 L 500
0 L/min -- -- -- -- -- 500 L -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

 Externa
al Appearan
nces of Laminar Flow Tu
ube & DPS

LF-104N φ50 × 230 mm


LF-105BN φ64 × 300 mm

LF2-200L φ59.55 × 334 mm
LF2-500L φ89.55 × 448.5 mm
W70 × H108 × D66 m

* The contentss in this Product Information are

e as of Decembe
er 2016. The sp
pecifications are subject to channge without prio
or notice.

o Instrum
ments Co., Ltd. http:///www.cosmo-k
2974-23 Ish
hikawa, Hachio
oji, Tokyo 192-0032 Japan Phone
e: +81-(0)42-642-1357 Fax: +81-(0)42-646-2
+ 2439

China: Cosm mo (Shanghai) Trading Co o., Ltd. +86-(0)21-65

575-6880 India: Cosmo Instrume ents India Pvt. Ltd. Head Office
O +9
Shan nghai, Tianjin, Guangzhou
u, Chongqing, Changchun, and Wuhan Cosmo Instrume ents India Pvt. Ltd. South Zone
Z Regional Office +9
Korea: Cosm mo Korea Co., Ltd. 23-6961
+82-(0)32-62 Cosmo Instrume ents India Pvt. Ltd. Pune - Chakan Office +9
Taiwan: Taiwwan Cosmo Instruments Co., Ltd. +886-(0)2-27
707-3131 Ge
ermany: Cosmo EU Soluttions Technology GmbH +4
Malaysia: Wavve Electronics & Electrical System Sdn. Bhd. +60-(0)3-516
626677 UK: Fletcher-Moorlan nd Ltd. +4
Thailand: Cosm mowave Technology Co., Ltd. +66-(0)2-736
61667 USA: Cosmo Solutions s Technology, Inc. +1-248-488-2580
Indonesia: Pt. Cosmowave
C +62-(0)21-42
2900043 Mexico: Cosmo De Mexic co 52 472 748 62 94
Vietnam: Cosm mowave Technology Co.,L Ltd. Vietnam Representatiive Office +84-(0)4787
76085 Brazil: Tex Equipamenttos Eletronicos Ind. Com. Ltda. +5
ustralia: Industrial Resea
Au arch Technology Pty. Ltd. +6


Digital Flow Meter

Various applications from in-line test to lab use.

Large LCD screen displays a lot of info besides flow.
Accuracy ±1% of reading supported.
* Flow range: 1 L/min or more
■ Features
Easy-to-navigate configuration with icons Each menu opens by simply
touching an icon.

Test pressure and flow can be monitored in charts.

Language is selectable among English, Japanese and Chinese.

Various Hold functions

Provides desired data.

Test results can be easily stored in a USB Memory.

Full 4-digit display

Temperature Sensor, Line Pressure Sensor and Atmospheric Pressure

Sensor provided as standard.
Display of equivalent flow rate at 1 atm, 20 °C

FTP function (Option)

■ Application Examples Automotive Filter Gas

 High-accuracy flowmeter for labs
 Flow and leak tests for auto parts
 Flow test for gas equipment
 Flow test for valves Engine assembly Muffler
Air filter Gas stove

 Flow test for medical devices

 Flow test for pumps and pipes
 Others
Oil filter Fuse gas Gas meter
Valve seat

● Measurement screen can be selected from “Advanced”, “Waveform”, and “Simple”

● Japanese, English, and Chinese ● Large numeric keyboard pops up for

easy test parameter settings.

● Temperature, Line Pressure and Atmospheric ● Various Hold functions

Pressure Sensors provided.Compensation features
realize higher accuracy.

 The sensors can

be calibrated.
 “Direct Hold”, “Max Value Hold”, “Min Value Hold”,
and “Peak-to-Peak”

● Test parameters and results can be output ● FTP Function

to the USB memory.
Test results can be directly output in CSV format.

Share the quality data via Ethernet.

IP Address
Subnet Mask
Parameters User Name
FTP Directory

Quality data stored FTP parameters

■ Features
From the Main Menu, sub menus “Measure
Color LCD
Screen”,“Settings”, ”System”, ”Comp”, Language English, Japanese, Chinese
”Analysis”, etc. are accessible.
Can be selected from “Advanced”,
Measure Screen Flow Range 10 mL/min to 500 L/min
“Waveform”, and “Simple”.
Temperature Sensor, Line Pressure Sensor
Settings Tap the items on the touch screen. Sensor and Atmospheric Pressure Sensor provided
as standard.

Two sets of leak limits: Conversion

Flow Limits 0 °C, 15 °C, 20°C, 25 °C, (70 °F)
Upper limits (UL2/UL), Lower limits ( LL2/LL) Temperature

・ Converted flow rate

(Value converted to volume at 1 atm at The filter constant (1 to 99) averages the
Flow Display conversion temperature) Digital Filter display values which gives stabler
・ Equivalent Flow Display measurement.
(Flow rate when air is flown at 1 atm, 20 °C)
USB Port Provided as standard (1 port) User Span Adjusts to desired flow rates.
2 ports as standard
RS-232C Internal memory 16 G for Ethernet (Option)
Compatible with DF-2820

■ Specifications
Line Pressure
Flow Sensor Laminar Flow Sensor (Laminar Flow Tube) Automatic compensation with pressure sensor
Pressure Media Air
Atm Pressure Automatic compensation with atmospheric
Flow Range Up to 16 ranges for 8 Laminar Flow Tubes Compensation pressure sensor
Atmospheric Range: 700 to 1200 hPa Operating
5 to 45 °C
Pressure Sensor Accuracy: ± 0.5% of F.S. + 1digit Temperature
Proof Pressure 50 kPa or less: F.S. Range x 10 Humidity 80 % RH or less / No dew condensation
Line Pressure
100 kPa or less: F.S. Range x 2 Differential Pressure
Sensor Port Size
Accuracy: ± 0.15% of F.S. + 1digit
Number of Weight Approx. 11 kg
100 channels (0 to 99)
Channels Dimensions (mm) (W) 283 x (H) 189 x (D) 382
mL/min, L/min, mL/s, L/s, L/h, m3/h, (CFH、CFM) Two-way
Flow Unit Data calling and writing
The units in ( ) are not available for SI unit models. communication
kPa, MPa, (PSI、kg/cm2, Bar, mbar, mmHg, cmHg, DF Format (Various data)
Pressure Unit inHg, mmH2O) Fixed length output 28 Format
The units in ( ) are not available for SI unit models. Same format as for DF-2800
100 to 240 VAC ±10%, 50/60 Hz,100 VA max
Power Source 1200, 9600, 19200, 38400,
Select 125 V or 250 V Baud rate (bps)
57600, 115200
I/O D-SUB DF-2820 compatible
USB Data storage, writing, backup, etc.
(Option) Analog Output Flow rate + Line pressure LAN FTP installed
Internal memory 16 G (For FTP) Interface Phoenix Contact (DFMC 1,5/20-ST-3,5-LR)

Quick Mounting Brackets, Connectors, Inspection

record, Traceability documents, Operation manual,
Standard Accessories
Power cord, Fitting/Piping for connecting
differential pressure

■ Model DF-R280-A.BBʻCD-E-F (Conversion temperature, Flow range・Unit, Accuracy, Line Pressure Sensor)
Classification Code Function
Number of Laminar
A 1 to 8 Number of Laminar Flow Tubes
Flow Tubes
Laminar Flow Tube
BBʼ 10ML to 500L Enter all the ranges.

See the “Flow Ranges” below for flow ranges. L01 1 to 10 kPa
L05 10 to 50 kPa
For 1 L/min or above ranges: C
Line Pressure
L 10 to 100 kPa (Standard)
2-range calibrations (L Range and U Range) are available. M 30 to 500 kPa

(The price for the calibration of L Range will be charged separately.) V -10 to -70 kPa
A Analog output (Flow, Line pressure)
D Option
Ranges of Line Pressure Sensor D Memory 16 G (For FTP)
UX1 SI units (Mandatory for Japan)
10 kPa, 50 kPa, 100 kPa, 500 kPa, -100 kPa E Unit (Mandatory)
UX2 All units (Only for overseas)
VA 125 V (3 m)
VE 250V (2 m)
F Power Cord
250 V (2 m) (Only for Chinese

Laminar Flow Sensor (Laminar Flow Tube)

Select from many ranges. F.S.10 mL/min to 100 L/min

Can measure pulsating flow such as pump discharge flow.
Same performance as the flow sensors used in the conventional DF-2820/2810.
Robust and durable with no moving parts.

■ Flow Ranges (Laminar Flow Tube are sold separately)

Line pressure
Code Model Ranges and number of display digits Accuracy
10ML LF-104N-10C 0.00 to 10.00 mL/min
20ML LF-104N-20C 0.00 to 20.00 mL/min At atmospheric pressure:
50ML LF-104N-50C 0.00 to 50.00 mL/min ±1.0 % of F.S.±1 digit
990 kPa
100ML LF-104N-100C 0.0 to 100.0 mL/min At Line pressure:
200ML LF-104N-200C 0.0 to 200.0 mL/min ±3.0 % of F.S.±1 digit
500ML LF-104N-500C 0.0 to 500.0 mL/min
Accuracy range (R.D.)
1-range (F.S) accuracy L Range & D isplay Line pressure
Code Model U Range & D isplay Accuracy
range & Display digits digits (Max.)
1L LF-104N-1L 0.000 to 1.000 L/min 0.000 to 0.300 L/min 0.300 to 1.000 L/min
■ 1 range (R.D) / U Range
2L LF-104N-2L 0.000 to 2.000 L/min 0.000 to 0.600 L/min 0.600 to 2.000 L/min
700 kPa At atmospheric pressure:
5L LF-104N-5L 0.000 to 5.000 L/min 0.000 to 1.500 L/min 1.500 to 5.000 L/min ±1.0 % of rdg. ±1 digit
10L LF-104N-10L 0.00 to 10.00 L/min 0.000 to 3.000 L/min 3.00 to 10.00 L/min At Line pressure:
20L LF-104N-20L 0.00 to 20.00 L/min 0.000 to 6.000 L/min 500 kPa
6.00 to 20.00 L/min ±3.0 % of rdg. ±1 digit
30L LF-104N-30L 0.00 to 30.00 L/min 0.000 to 9.000 L/min 9.00 to 30.00 L/min ■ 1 range (F.S.) / L Range
50L LF-105BN-50L 0.00 to 50.00 L/min 0.00 to 15.00 L/min 15.00 to 50.00 L/min At atmospheric pressure:
350 kPa ±1.0 % of F.S.±1 digit
100L LF-105BN-100L 0.0 to 100.0 L/min 0.00 to 30.00 L/min 30.0 to 100.0 L/min
200L LF2-200L 0.0 to 200.0 L/min 0.00 to 60.00 L/min 60.0 to 200.0 L/min At Line pressure:
50 kPa ±3.0 % of F.S.±1 digit
500L LF2-500L 0.0 to 500.0 L/min 0.0 to 150.0 L/min 150.0 to 500.0 L/min
Note 1: The above ranges are the flow ranges at atmospheric pressure.
Note 2: For the Laminar Flow Tubes whose model name has “N” in it, new temperature sensor connectors are being used from April 2011.
Note 3: For single range (1 range) Laminar Flow Tubes of 1 L/min or above, the accuracy of “0 to full range (F.S.)” or “30% to full range (R.D)” can be selected.
Note 4: The standard number of display digit: 4 digits. For models of high Line Pressure: 3 digits.

■ Option

Analog Output DF-2820 compatible cable Internal memory 16 G (for FTP)

CX-R160 CX-R260

Analog values of flow and Line pressure DF-R280 => DF-2820 DF-2820 => DF-R280
Can amplify up to 10 V
Can be viewed

External Appearance

The contents in this product information are as of September 2020. The specifications are subject to change without prior notice.

Cosmo Instruments Co., Ltd.

2974-23 Ishikawa, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-0032 Japan Phone: +81-(0)42-642-1357 Fax: +81-(0)42-646-2439
China: Cosmo (Shanghai) Trading Co., Ltd. +86-(0)21-6575-6880 India: Cosmo Instruments India Pvt. Ltd. Head Office +91-(0)124-421-0946
Shanghai, Tianjin, Guangzhou, Chongqing, Changchun, and Wuhan Cosmo Instruments India Pvt. Ltd. South Zone Regional Office +91-(0)9663384423
Korea: Cosmo Korea Co., Ltd. +82-(0)32-623-6961 Cosmo Instruments India Pvt. Ltd. Pune - Chakan Office +91-(0)20-6933-2345
Taiwan: Taiwan Cosmo Instruments Co., Ltd. +886-(0)2-2707-3131 Cosmo Instruments India Pvt. Ltd. - Chennai Office +91-(0)9994364454
Malaysia: COSMOWAVE SDN.BHD. +60-(0)3-51626677 Germany: Cosmo EU Solutions Technology GmbH +49-(0)212-383671-71
Thailand: Cosmowave Technology Co., Ltd. +66-(0)2-7361667 USA: Cosmo Solutions Technology, Inc. +1-248-488-2580
Indonesia: Pt. Cosmowave +62-(0)21-42900043 Mexico: Cosmo De Mexico +52 472 748 62 94
Vietnam: Cosmowave Technology Co.,Ltd. Vietnam Representative Office +84-(0)47876085 Brazil: Tex Equipamentos Eletronicos Ind. Com. Ltda. +55-(0)11-4591-2825
Australia: Industrial Research Technology Pty. Ltd. +61-(0)412-176-674

Air Leak Tester
PRODUCT INFORMATION for small sealed products


LS-R740ZL tests the airtightness of sealed products.

The part to be tested is placed in a capsule and
pressurized to measure the pressure change caused
by leak flowing into the part.


Easy-to-navigate and intuitive interface with User selectable multi-language capability:

simple menu configuration English, Japanese and Chinese
Waveform Display of Test pressure and
USB Port for easy test data management
Differential pressure
Easy volume compensation when the tested part Closer placement of sensor section to the
and the reference part have a volume difference. target capsule

Resolution 0.1 Pa Clean air regulated to the test pressure.
Test Pressure
The source pressure must be sufficiently higher than

Display Range ±999.9Pa, (Accuracy guaranteed range ±1000Pa) Source


the test pressure.

±2.5% of rdg ±1Pa, 50Pa or lower: ±2Pa Set using the pilot pressure filter regulator mounted.
Accuracy Pilot Pressure
Range: 400 to 700kPa
Sensor Proof
5 MPa
Pressure Special joint is used only for WORK and
kPa, MPa MASTER port tubing
Test Pressure Port Size
(kg/cm2, PSI, bar, mmHg, etc.) Rc(PT) 1/4: (Air pressure source, WORK
Display Unit

Pa, kPa, mL/s, mL/min, L/min, Pa m3/s, and MASTER ports
Leak E-3 Pa m3/s, Pa/s, Pa/min, *Pa/s, *Pa/min CPU SH-2A 144MHz, DRAM8MB
(mmH2O, mmHg, inH2O, etc.) Limit values as well as Large Leak
K(Ve) ID2 format limit and Small Leak limit are
mL, L (in3, ft3)
(Leak coefficient) transmitted.
Leak Display 4 digits Sampling rate: 10 times/s L-DET and S-DET test results are
(D-sub 9 pins) L2 format
Leak Limit Up to ±999.9 Pa transmitted
Number of Channels 32 channels (#0 to #31) Others Four formats
Timers Up to 999.9 s (Resolution: 0.1 s) Judgment, Leak, Test pressure,
Test data
Channel#, Timers, etc.
Power Source 100 to 240 VAC ±10% at 50/60 Hz, 70 VA max USB Port
Test parameters of all the settings
Ambient Temperature 5 to 45°C Test parameter
Humidity 80 %RH or less / No dew condensation Pilot pressure filter regulator, Quick Mounting Brackets,
Controller: about 2.6 kg Control I/O connector, Power cord, Inspection record,
Weight Accessories
Pneumatic unit: about 7.1 kg Operation manual CD, Traceability documents
Model Classification LS-R740ZL-1 2 3 4
Small Volume M1K1 For micro-volume parts. *Tester internal volume: 0.7 mL
1 Test Circuit
Medium Volume M3K4 For medium volume parts. *Tester internal volume: 8.0 mL
Low L Test pressure range: 10 to 100 kPa
2 Test Pressure Medium M Test pressure range: 50 to 500kPa
Vacuum V Test pressure range: -5 to -100 kPa
Panel mount P The controller is designed to be panel-mounted.
3 Option NPT Fittings PX1 Connecting port thread is NPT.
Nylon Filter Housing RX02 Filter housing for the pilot pressure port is nylon.
Unit-to-unit cable 3 m S3 Standard
Cable Length
4 Unit-to-unit cable 5 m S5 Option
Unit-to-unit cable 10 m S10 Option

F3 V2
Pneumatic Circuit SV1 AV1 MASTER
F4 V3

F2 G

External Appearance
< Controller >
170 206

C O M1

1 20

21 40

. .2
1 1
3 4
5 6 100- 240 V A C 50/ 60 Hz
70 V A MA X, 1p h D C24 V
T2. 5 A- 250 V



< Pneumatic Unit >

151.2 192.5

DC 24V







36.1 120

* The contents in this PRODUCT INFORMATION is as of December 2014. The specifications are subject to change without prior notice.

Cosmo Instruments Co., Ltd.

Head Office: Overseas Contact:
2974-23 Ishikawa, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-0032 China, Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia
Phone: +81-(0)42-642-1357 Fax: +81-(0)42-646-2439 Vietnam, India, Germany, UK, USA, Mexico, Brazil, Australia


elps reduce
e measurement errorrs and false rejects due to part temperatuure effects.
CCompensattion graphs s viewed oon large LC
CD screen.
Easy settting for maapping of th
he graphs.

Air Leakk Tester with

Temperaturee Compen nsation

L 902(AT

Any trrouble with leak test after

a wash ing proces
To sollve problemms with temmperature,, consult Cosmo.
C We
e have abu ndant experience
and exxcellent tecchnology.

■ Autom
matic Mapp

1) Collecting data on the

e ambient-ttemperature
e parts and
d after-wash
hing parts

Carrries out leak test

t under th
he same conddition as the
production line too determine Temperature
T e Compensation
value e.
 Usses non-leaking parts for sampling.
 Co o the ambient-temperatu
ollects data on ure parts andd
aftter-washing parts.
 Coollected data can be chec cked on the S
Sampling Da ata
(Sccatter plot) screen.

2) Checking tthe Samplin

ng Data

ected data ca an be checke
ed on the Sa
ampling Dataa (List)
Unneecessary datta (such as abnormal
a vallues) can be
deletted on this screen.

3) Determinin
ng the Temperature Co
on value

Deteermines the Temperature

T e Compensattion value using the
Sammpling Data.
ecting “Least--square Methhod” or “Averraging Metho
automatically dettermines the Temperaturre Compensa ation
ast-square Method” is selected in this screen.

A 1
■ Adva

■ Mech
hanism off False reje
ects due tto Temperrature Effe

When thhe part temperrature is higher than the amb bient temperaature in such a case as afterr washing proc cess, the
temperature change of o the parts as a result of theermal exchang ge with the cla
amp fixture affeects the leak measurement
m .
To cope with it, the meeasured value es can be com mpensated usin ng the correlattion between tthe differential pressure
change a and part tempperature that caauses measurrement errors.. The Tempera ature Compennsation realize es highly precisse
leak testts and reducess false rejects.
Note: WWater accumula ated on the paart interferes w
with the correla
ation. Remove e water as mu ch as possible e to maximize
Tempera ature Compen nsation.

Washing Leak
k Test

Thermal exxchange with the

ashing raises the part
environment lowers the part

Air temperature
e inside the pa
art drops

Pressure insid
de the part cha

Frrequent Partt (+) Fails oc


■ Conffiguration of LS-R90
02(ATC) S

Part (Work)) Fixture/Masteer Co

onnecting cable
Temperaturre Sensor Temperature Sensor
Air Leak Te
ester with Temp
perature mperature
Tem TS-302EG TS-301E
Compensa ation Com
mpensation Unitt

A 2
■ Overrview of Te
emperature Compe
ensation System

The temp
perature difference betwe
een the part a
and the envirronment (fixture, Master C Chamber or atmosphere)
is measurred to carry out
o the Temp
perature Com mpensation according
a to the correlatioon between the
ure difference and measuurement erroors.
 Basis off Compens
Raw data off temperature e difference
and differenttial pressure

 Exam
mple of Te
emperaturre Compen
nsation Data

● Tested part: Oil pan (Whole)

Test condition
(1) Te
est pressure: 100 kPa
(2) Eq
quivalent interrnal volume: 2500
2 mL
(3) Le
eak specificatiion: 10 mL/minn
(4) Te
est timers:
Pressurization 22 secs.
Equalization 3 secs.
Stabilization 5 secs.
Detection 3 secs.

A 3
■ Mode
el Classifiication LS-R9 02-(1)(2))(3)
(1) P
Pneumatic Circcuit A1, A2
2, AS01, AS1, C
(2) Precisiion Regulator (L02, L, M)
E/P Reegulator (LR, MMR)
(3) Calibra
ator (J, K05, K
K1, K4, K10), Bypass
B Circuitt Ready (B), D
Differential Pre
essure Sensorr
Range e: 10 kPa (D4) , Pressure/Va acuum Pressurre Sensor (PV V1), etc.
Option TCU ports (IN, OUT ) provided on the rear panel without TCU U (RX09)
TCU ports (IN, OUT ) + TCU (Tem mperature Com mpensation Unnit), sensors and cables sold d as
a set (RX10) Forr details, referr to the catalog
g of LS-R902.

■ Spec
s (TCU-900
Maxx. Part
80 ºC Weight Approx. 1.8 kg
Temp perature
Temp perature 50 ºC Place
P to Use Indoor
24 VDC adaapter, Power cord
c (Withstand
Powerr Source 24 VDC ±10 % Accessories
A voltage 125 V, Length 3 m),
m Operation
mbient perating tempe
Op erature: 5 to 4
40 ºC, High pressuure power cord
d (CE compliant,
Tempperature Sto
orage tempera
ature: -20 to 7
70 ºC 240 VAC or lower, Lengthh 2 m)
midity 80 %RH or less / no dew cond densation

■ External Appe


* The conttents of this PR

RMATION are ass of August 2018. The specifica
ations are subjeect to change wiithout notice.

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