Pur Com Performance Task FINALS

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Performance Task: Book Review

Task Description: Write a comprehensive book review of a novel or non-fiction book of your choice. Your review should provide a summary of
the book's content, an analysis of its themes, characters, and writing style, and your personal evaluation of its strengths and weaknesses.


Needs Improvement
Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2) (1)

Thorough summary and

insightful analysis of the Summary and analysis Summary and analysis
book's themes, characters, cover most key aspects of are present but lack Summary and analysis
and writing style. Provides the book. Some insights detail and depth. are incomplete or
original insights and provided but may lack Limited insights inaccurate. Lacks
Content perspectives. depth. provided. original insights.

Well-structured review Mostly well-organized Organization is

with clear introduction, with a clear introduction, somewhat unclear, Poorly organized,
body paragraphs, and body, and conclusion. with some sections lacking clear structure
conclusion. Ideas flow Some minor issues with lacking coherence or and coherence. Ideas
Organization logically and coherently. transitions or structure. logical flow. are disjointed.

Writing is unclear,
Writing is generally clear Writing is somewhat confusing, or poorly
Writing is clear, concise, and coherent with few unclear or awkward at constructed.
and engaging. Shows a errors. Language and times. Some errors in Numerous errors in
Writing strong command of grammar are mostly grammar or language grammar and language
Quality language and grammar. correct. usage. usage.

Critical Demonstrates Shows evidence of critical Analysis demonstrates Analysis lacks critical
Thinking sophisticated critical thinking, but analysis may limited critical thinking. Limited or no
thinking skills, offering lack depth or originality. thinking. Connections connections or
thoughtful and nuanced Connections and and interpretations are interpretations made.
Needs Improvement
Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2) (1)

analysis of the book. Makes

insightful connections and interpretations are
interpretations. somewhat superficial. simplistic or obvious.

Provides a compelling and

persuasive review that Presents a positive Review is somewhat
Overall encourages others to read review with some room lukewarm or lacks Review is unconvincing
Impression the book. for improvement. enthusiasm. or negative i

2. Project Proposal

Task: Identify a real-world problem or issue within your field of study or interest. Develop a detailed project proposal that outlines the problem
statement, objectives, methodology, timeline, budget, and expected outcomes of your proposed project. Your proposal should be well-
researched, feasible, and demonstrate a clear understanding of project management principles.


Criteria Excellent (5) Good (4) Satisfactory (3) Improvement (2) Unsatisfactory (1)

Identifies the Identifies the Problem

Clearly identifies and problem problem statement is vague Lacks a clear
Problem articulates the statement with statement, but or unclear, and problem statement
Statement problem clarity and lacks depth lacks and understanding

statement and its

significance. relevance. in understanding. significance. of the problem.

Objectives Sets specific, Defines clear Establishes Objectives are Objectives are
measurable, objectives that are objectives, but they unclear or not missing or
Criteria Excellent (5) Good (4) Satisfactory (3) Improvement (2) Unsatisfactory (1)

achievable, relevant, specific, may lack clarity aligned with the irrelevant to the

achievable, or alignment with
and time-bound relevant, and time- the problem problem
(SMART) objectives. bound. statement. statement. problem statement.

Provides a Describes the Outlines the Methodology is Methodology is

comprehensive and methodology with methodology but vague, incomplete, missing or
Methodology well-structured clarity and may lack details or or not unrelated to the

methodology for
addressing the
problem. coherence. structure. feasible. problem statement.

Presents a
Develops a realistic reasonable Includes a timeline, Timeline is Timeline is missing
and detailed timeline timeline with key but it may lack unrealistic, lacks or irrelevant to the
Timeline for milestones detail or key milestones, or project

project is poorly
implementation. and deadlines. specificity. organized. objectives.

Presents a well- Provides a budget Provides a budget, Budget is Budget is missing or

defined budget with with reasonable but it may lack unrealistic, lacks irrelevant to the
Budget clear estimates and detail or justification for project

justifications for all justifications for expenses, or is

expenses. expenses. justification. poorly organized. objectives.

Expected Describes clear and Describes Outlines expected Expected Expected outcomes
Criteria Excellent (5) Good (4) Satisfactory (3) Improvement (2) Unsatisfactory (1)

expected outcomes are

achievable expected outcomes that are outcomes, but they unrealistic, poorly are missing or
Outcomes outcomes achievable may lack defined, irrelevant to

alignment with
that align with and aligned with objectives or or not aligned with
project objectives. project objectives. clarity. objectives. project objectives.

Feasibility of the
Demonstrates Demonstrates Presents feasibility, project is Project feasibility is
feasibility of the feasibility with but may lack questionable due not addressed or
Feasibility proposed project evidence-based evidence or to unclear

with evidence and lack of evidence or

rationale. rationale. rationale. rationale. in the proposal.
3. Research Report

Task: Conduct a research study on a topic of your choice within your field of study. Write a detailed research report that includes an
introduction, literature review, methodology, findings, discussion, conclusions, and recommendations. Your report should demonstrate a
thorough understanding of research methods, critical analysis of literature, and clear presentation of findings.


Needs Improvement
Criteria Excellent (5) Good (4) Satisfactory (3) (2) Unsatisfactory (1)

Presents the research Lacks a clear

Clearly articulates the problem with clarity Introduces the research Introduction is vague or introduction and
Introduction research problem, and problem, but may lack unclear, and lacks understanding of

objectives, and
significance of the
study. relevance. depth or relevance. significance. the research problem.

Provides a Presents a thorough Literature review is

comprehensive review review of relevant Includes a literature Literature review lacks missing or irrelevant to
Literature Review of relevant literature, review, but it may lack depth, critical analysis, the

literature with critical but may lack critical critical analysis or or synthesis of
analysis and synthesis. analysis or synthesis. synthesis. literature. research problem.

Describes the research Outlines the research

Describes the research methodology with methodology, but it Methodology lacks Methodology is missing
Methodology methodology in detail, clarity may detail, clarity, or or unrelated to the

including data
collection and analysis
procedures. and coherence. lack detail or clarity. coherence. research problem.

Findings Presents clear and well- Presents findings Presents findings, but Findings are Findings are missing or
Needs Improvement
Criteria Excellent (5) Good (4) Satisfactory (3) (2) Unsatisfactory (1)

disorganized, unclear,
organized findings clearly with appropriate they may lack clarity or or lack irrelevant to the

supported by evidence evidence and data evidence and data

and data analysis. analysis. organization. analysis. research problem.

Analyzes findings
critically and relates Analyzes findings and Discusses findings, but Discussion lacks critical Discussion is missing or
Discussion them to relates them to the may lack critical analysis, coherence, or unrelated to the

the research problem research problem and analysis or integration integration with
and literature. literature. with literature. literature. research problem.

Draws logical Conclusions are

conclusions based on Presents conclusions Offers conclusions, but illogical, unsupported, Conclusions are missing
Conclusions the findings that are logical and they may lack depth or or or irrelevant to the

and discussion,
addressing research supported by the connection to research unrelated to the
objectives. findings and discussion. objectives. findings. research problem.

Provides clear and Offers Includes

relevant recommendations that recommendations, but Recommendations are Recommendations are
Recommendations recommendations for are relevant to the they may lack vague, impractical, or missing or irrelevant to

future research or research findings and specificity or unrelated to the

practice. implications. practicality. research findings. the research problem.

Demonstrates Shows proficiency in Writing style is

exemplary writing style, writing style, clarity, adequate with some Writing style is poor, Writing style is
Writing Style clarity, and minor errors. unclear, or lacks inconsistent, difficult to
Needs Improvement
Criteria Excellent (5) Good (4) Satisfactory (3) (2) Unsatisfactory (1)

and coherence follow, or lacks

throughout the report. coherence. coherence. coherence.

4. Position Paper

4. Position Paper

Task: Choose a controversial issue or topic relevant to your field of study or personal interest. Write a well-researched position paper that
presents your stance on the issue, supported by evidence, logic, and reasoning. Your paper should anticipate opposing arguments and effectively
refute them, while providing a compelling argument for your position.


Needs Improvement
Criteria Excellent (5) Good (4) Satisfactory (3) (2) Unsatisfactory (1)

Clearly articulates a Presents a clear Presents a position Position on the issue Lacks a clear position
Clarity of well-defined position on the on the issue, but it is unclear or on the issue or fails
Position position on issue with some may lack ambiguous, and to

the issue, with a

strong thesis clarity in thesis lacks a strong thesis present a thesis
statement. statement. specificity or clarity. statement. statement.

Provides extensive Provides evidence Provides some Evidence and Lacks evidence or
Evidence and evidence and and support for evidence and support are support for the
Support support for the position support for the insufficient or not position, and
Needs Improvement
Criteria Excellent (5) Good (4) Satisfactory (3) (2) Unsatisfactory (1)

the position, drawn position, but it may

from credible from credible lack depth or drawn from credible relies on unreliable
sources. sources. credibility. sources. sources.

Anticipates and opposing Addresses some Refutation of Fails to address or
Refutation of effectively refutes arguments and opposing arguments, opposing arguments refute opposing
Opposing opposing provides but may lack is superficial arguments

arguments with some refutation or lacks logical

logical reasoning with logical thoroughness or reasoning and
Arguments and evidence. reasoning. effectiveness. evidence. effectively.

Demonstrates Shows logical Logic and reasoning Logic and reasoning

Logic and logical reasoning reasoning and Shows some logical are flawed or are missing or
Reasoning and critical critical thinking reasoning and critical illogical, and irrelevant to

thinking in
presenting in presenting thinking, but may arguments lack
arguments. arguments. lack coherence. coherence. the arguments.

Presents arguments arguments Organizes Organization of Lacks organization
in a well-structured coherently with arguments, but the arguments is unclear and coherence in
Organization and clear structure may lack or presenting

transitions coherence or transitions between

coherent manner. between ideas. transitions. ideas. arguments.

Writing Style Demonstrates Shows proficiency Writing style is Writing style is poor, Writing style is
exemplary writing in writing style, adequate with some unclear, or lacks inconsistent, difficult
Needs Improvement
Criteria Excellent (5) Good (4) Satisfactory (3) (2) Unsatisfactory (1)

style, clarity, clarity, and minor errors. clarity, to

and coherence
throughout the follow, or lacks
paper. coherence. coherence. coherence.

Note: The rubrics provided are meant to assess the performance tasks based on specific criteria relevant to each topic. Adjustments to the
rubrics may be made depending on the specific requirements and expectations of the teacher or institution.

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