A Companion To Biological Anthropology - Clark Spencer Larsen - Wiley Blackwell Companions To Anthropology, 2, 2023 - Wiley-Blackwell - 9781119828044 - Anna's Archive

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A Companion to

Biological Anthropology
The Wiley Blackwell Companions to Anthropology offers a series of comprehensive syntheses
of the traditional subdisciplines, primary subjects, and geographic areas of inquiry for the
field. Taken together, the series represents both a contemporary survey of anthropology
and a cutting edge guide to the emerging research and intellectual trends in the field as a
1. A Companion to Linguistic Anthropology, edited by Alessandro Duranti
2. A Companion to the Anthropology of Politics, edited by David Nugent and Joan Vincent
3. A Companion to the Anthropology of American Indians, edited by Thomas Biolsi
4. A Companion to Psychological Anthropology, edited by Conerly Casey and Robert B. Edgerton
5. A Companion to the Anthropology of Japan, edited by Jennifer Robertson
6. A Companion to Latin American Anthropology, edited by Deborah Poole
7. A Companion to Biological Anthropology, Second Edition edited by Clark Spencer Larsen
8. A Companion to the Anthropology of India, edited by Isabelle Clark-Decès
9. A Companion to Medical Anthropology, Second Edition edited by Merrill Singer, Pamela I.
Erickson, and César E. Abadía-Barrero
10. A Companion to Cognitive Anthropology, edited by David B. Kronenfeld, Giovanni Bennardo,
Victor C. de Munck, and Michael D. Fischer
11. A Companion to Cultural Resource Management, edited by Thomas King
12. A Companion to the Anthropology of Education, edited by Bradley A. Levinson and Mica Pollock
13. A Companion to the Anthropology of the Body and Embodiment, edited by Frances E.
14. A Companion to Paleopathology, edited by Anne L. Grauer
15. A Companion to Folklore, edited by Regina F. Bendix and Galit Hasan-Rokem
16. A Companion to Forensic Anthropology, edited by Dennis Dirkmaat
17. A Companion to the Anthropology of Europe, edited by Ullrich Kockel, Máiréad Nic Craith, and
Jonas Frykman
18. A Companion to Border Studies, edited by Thomas M. Wilson and Hastings Donnan
19. A Companion to Rock Art, edited by Jo McDonald and Peter Veth
20. A Companion to Moral Anthropology, edited by Didier Fassin
21. A Companion to Gender Prehistory, edited by Diane Bolger
22. A Companion to Organizational Anthropology, edited by D. Douglas Caulkins and Ann T. Jordan
23. A Companion to Paleoanthropology, edited by David R. Begun
24. A Companion to Chinese Archaeology, edited by Anne P. Underhill
25. A Companion to the Anthropology of Religion, edited by Janice Boddy and Michael Lambek
26. A Companion to Urban Anthropology, edited by Donald M. Nonini
27. A Companion to the Anthropology of the Middle East, edited by Soraya Altorki
28. A Companion to Heritage Studies, edited by William Logan, Máiréad Nic Craith and Ullrich
29. A Companion to Dental Anthropology, edited by Joel D. Irish and G. Richard Scott
30. A Companion to Anthropology of Environmental Health, edited by Merrill Singer
31. A Companion to South Asia in the Past, edited by Gwen Robbins Schug and Subhash R. Walimbe
32. A Companion to Anthropology of Africa, edited by Roy Richard Grinker, Stephen C. Lubkemann,
Christopher B. Steiner, and Euclides Goncalves
33. A Companion to Anthropological Genetics, edited by Dennis H. O’Rourke
34. The New Wiley Blackwell Companion to Linguistic Anthropology, edited by Alessandro Duranti,
Rachel George, and Robin Conley Riner


A Companion to the Anthropology of Reproductive Medicine and Technology, edited by Cecilia

Van Hollen and Nayantara Appleton
A Companion to
Biological Anthropology
Edited by
Clark Spencer Larsen

Second Edition
This edition first published 2023
© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Edition History
Blackwell Publishing Ltd. (1e 2012)
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Dedicated to biological anthropologists and
Companion to Biological Anthropology authors and friends

Phillip L. Walker (1947–2009)

Robert W. Sussman (1941–2016)
Gary D. James (1954–2020)

Notes on Contributors x

1 The Breadth and Vision of Biological Anthropology1

Clark Spencer Larsen

Part I: History 13
2 Foundation and History of Biological Anthropology 15
Michael A. Little and Jane E. Buikstra

Part II: The Present and the Living 39

3 Evolution: What It Means and How We Know41
Kenneth M. Weiss and Anne V. Buchanan
4 Systematics, Taxonomy, and Phylogenetics: Ordering Life, Past and Present 55
Alexis Uluutku and Bernard Wood
5 Diversity, Ancestry, and Evolution: The Genetics of Human Populations 73
John H. Relethford
6 Human Population Genomics: Diversity and Adaptation 87
Dennis H. O’Rourke
7 Race, Racism, and Racial Thinking: Implications for Biological Anthropology103
Rachel Caspari
8 Human Life History Evolution: Growth, Development, and Senescence  122
Douglas E. Crews and Barry Bogin
9 Climate-Related Human Biological Variation 140
Cynthia M. Beall
viii  contents
10 Infectious Disease and Epidemiology: Dealing with the Present
and Preparing for Future New Epidemics 167
Lisa Sattenspiel and Carolyn Orbann
11 Evolutionary Insights into the Social and Environmental Drivers of Health
Inequality: The Example of the Global Epidemic of Overweight
and Cardiovascular Diseases 184
Christopher W. Kuzawa and Melissa B. Manus
12 Ancient DNA and Disease 199
Anne Stone
13 Paleogenomics: Ancient DNA in Biological Anthropology210
C. Eduardo Guerra Amorim
14 Demography, Including Paleodemography 223
Lyle W. Konigsberg George R. Milner, and Jesper L. Boldsen
15 Nutritional Anthropology: Contemporary Themes in Food, Diet,
and Nutrition244
Darna L. Dufour and Barbara A. Piperata
16 Ongoing Evolution: Are We Still Evolving?262
Fabian Crespo
17 Primates Defined277
W. Scott McGraw
18 Primate Behavior, Social Flexibility, and Conservation 300
Karen B. Strier
19 Behavioral Ecology: Background and Illustrative Example 314
James F. O’Connell and Kristen Hawkes
20 Brain, Cognition, and Behavior in Humans and Other Primates 329
Elaine N. Miller and Chet C. Sherwood

Part III: The Past and the Dead 345

21 Taphonomy and Biological Anthropology347
Luis L. Cabo, Dennis C. Dirkmaat, and Andrea M. Zurek-Ost
22 Primate Origins: The Earliest Primates and Euprimates and Their Role
in the Evolution of the Order 365
Mary T. Silcox and Sergi López-Torres
23 Catarrhine Origins and Evolution 381
David R. Begun
24 The Human Journey Begins: Origins and Diversity in Early Hominins400
Scott W. Simpson
25 Early Homo: Systematics, Paleobiology, and the First Out-of-Africa Dispersals 421
G. Philip Rightmire
26 Panmixis in Middle and Late Pleistocene Human Subspecies:
The Genetic/Genomic Revolution in Paleoanthropology 440
Fred H. Smith and Whitney M. Karriger
contents  ix

27 Bioarchaeology: Transformations in Lifestyle, Morbidity, and Mortality 458

George R. Milner and Clark Spencer Larsen
28 Paleopathology: A Twenty-first Century Perspective474
Jane E. Buikstra
29 Forensic Anthropology: Current Issues494
Douglas H. Ubelaker
30 Diet reconstruction and Ecology510
Margaret J. Schoeninger and Laurie J. Reitsema
31 Current Concepts in Bone Biology 527
Mary E. Cole, James H. Gosman, and Samuel D. Stout
32 Deducing Attributes of Dental Growth and Development from Fossil
Hominin Teeth 544
Debbie Guatelli-Steinberg
33 Skull: Function – New Directions 559
Qian Wang and Rachel A. Menegaz
34 Dental Microwear Analysis: Wear We Are Going, Wear We Have Been 572
Christopher W. Schmidt and Peter S. Ungar
35 Primate Locomotion: A Comparative and Developmental Perspective 587
Michael C. Granatosky and Jesse W. Young
36 Teaching Biological Anthropology: Pedagogy of Human Evolution
and Human Variation 603
Briana Pobiner

Index 622
Notes on Contributors

C. Eduardo Guerra Amorim is Assistant Professor of Biology at California State University

Northridge. His research uses genetic data from ancient and present-day humans to study
local adaptation and resistance against pathogens. Recent research projects include the
study of the peopling of the Andes and host-pathogen coevolution using ancient DNA.

Cynthia M. Beall is Distinguished University Professor and the S. Idell Pyle Professor of
Anthropology at Case Western Reserve University. Her scientific focus is to understand
human biological variation, past and present. Her research deals with the processes result-
ing in the different patterns of adaptation to high-altitude hypoxia on the three major pla-
teaus. She serves as the Editor-in-Chief of Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health. She is a
Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and Member of the
National Academy of Sciences, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the
American Philosophical Society.

David R. Begun is a Professor in the Department of Anthropology at the University of

Toronto. His main interests are the functional anatomy, phylogeny, and paleobiogeography
of Miocene apes and the emergence of Pliocene hominins. He served as the co-editor of the
Journal of Human Evolution. He is the author of The Real Planet of the Apes (2015) and the
editor or co-editor of Function, Phylogeny and Fossils: Miocene Hominoid Origins and
Adaptations (1997), Geology and Vertebrate Paleontology of the Miocene Hominoid Locality
of Çandır (2003), The Evolution of Thought: Evolutionary Origins of Great Ape Intelligence
(2004), and A Companion to Paleoanthropology (2013).

Barry Bogin is a Professor Emeritus of Biological Anthropology of the School of Sport,

Exercise & Health Sciences at Loughborough University, the William E Stirton Professor
Emeritus of Anthropology of the University of Michigan-Dearborn, and an active member
of The Center for Academic Research and Training in Anthropogeny. Bogin has expertise
in human physical growth and development, nutritional ecology, evolutionary biology,
Maya people, and human adaptation. The focus of his research is to explain how Social-
Economic-Political-Emotional (SEPE) forces influence human physical development.
notes on contributors  xi

Among his publications are the books Patterns of Human Growth, 3rd edition (2021),
Human Biology: An Evolutionary and Biocultural Approach, 2nd edition (2012), The
Growth of Humanity (2001), and Human Variability and Plasticity (2005).

Jesper L. Boldsen is Professor of Forensic and Biological Anthropology and a faculty

member in the Department of Forensic Medicine at the University of Southern Denmark.
His research interests are in the history of human health and human skeletal biology with a
particular focus on age estimation, paleodemography, and paleoepidemiology. He is the
founder and present head of the skeletal collection (ADBOU) at the University of Southern
Denmark. He actively promotes trans-Atlantic scientific collaboration and has hosted many
senior researchers and graduate students from North America and Europe. He is a former
Vice President of the European Anthropological Association.

Anne V. Buchanan served a Research Associate in the Department of Anthropology at the

Pennsylvania State University. She has a long-standing interest in complex traits, including
disease, and has worked on many projects in genetic epidemiology and developmental

Jane E. Buikstra is Regents’ Professor of Bioarchaeology and Founding Director of the

Center for Bioarchaeological Research at Arizona State University. Her research focuses on
the changing human condition over time, as documented through human remains recov-
ered from archaeological contexts. She is a former president of the American Association of
Physical Anthropologists1 and the American Anthropological Association and is a Fellow of
the American Association of the Advancement of Science and Member of the National
Academy of Sciences and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. She is the co-author
of The Bioarchaeology of Tuberculosis: A Global View on a Reemerging Disease (2003) and
editor of Bioarchaeologists Speak Out (2019) and Ortner’s Identification of Pathological
Conditions in Human Skeletal Remains (2019).

Luis L. Cabo is the Director of the Forensic and Bioarchaeology Laboratory and serves as
the Graduate Research Director at the Department of Applied Forensic Sciences at
Mercyhurst University. With a background in zoology and systems biology, his interests
span forensic anthropology, bioarchaeology, zooarchaeology, and human paleontology,
with a focus on quantitative applications in taphonomy, evolutionary anatomy, and biological
profile estimation methods.

Rachel Caspari is Professor of Anthropology at Central Michigan University. She has

worked on fossil human remains from Europe, Africa, and Asia. Her research focusses on
the role of changes in population structure and life history in the Middle/Upper Paleolithic
transition and the origin of modern Homo sapiens. She has a long-standing interest in the
relationship between race and epistemology in paleoanthropology and is the co-author of
Race and Human Evolution.

Mary E. Cole is a biological anthropologist and skeletal biologist in the Skeletal Biology
Research Laboratory, Injury Biomechanics Research Center at Ohio State University’s
College of Medicine. Her research interests pertain to the microstructural determinants of
bone quality and strength. Her methodological focus is the development of new micro-
scopic visualization techniques for bone tissue microstructure, especially bone loss. She has
published in Interdisciplinary Reviews Forensic Science and The Anatomical Record.
xii  notes on contributors
Fabian Crespo is Associate Professor of Anthropology at the University of Louisville. He
received his PhD in Biology from University of Buenos Aires and conducted his postdoc-
toral research in human immunology at the School of Medicine, University of Louisville.
His research addresses the role of infectious diseases in shaping inflammatory responses and
immune competence in humans. His reconstructions of past epidemics and pandemics in
the context of complex biosocial landscapes combines experimental immunology, bioar-
chaeology, and history. His publications have appeared in the American Journal of Biological
Anthropology2, International Journal of Paleopathology, and Centaurus: International
Journal of the History of Science and Its Cultural Aspects.

Douglas E. Crews is Professor of Anthropology and Public Health at The Ohio State
University. He is a biomedical anthropologist specializing in human adaptability, aging,
senescence, stressor responses, and allostatic load and frailty among elders in Japan, Kuwait,
American Samoa, and Poland. Recent publications have appeared in PLoS One, American
Journal of Physical Anthropology, General and Comparative Endocrinology, and Stress. He
co-edited Biological Anthropology and Aging: Perspectives on Human Variation over the Life
Span (1994), co-authored Introduction to Biological Anthropology Laboratory Manual
(2021), and authored Human Senescence: Evolutionary and Biocultural Perspectives (2003).

Dennis C. Dirkmaat is Professor in the Department of Applied Forensic Sciences,

Mercyhurst University. He is a Diplomate in the American Board of Forensic Anthropology.
In 2020, he received the first-awarded Outstanding Mentor Award from the Anthropology
Section of the American Academy of Forensic Science. In 2021, he was awarded the sec-
tion’s T. Dale Stewart Award for Lifetime Achievement in Forensic Anthropology. He serves
as the national forensic anthropologist for the National Center for Missing and Exploited
Children (NCMEC) and as the forensic anthropologist for Singapore and Puerto Rico.
Since 1986, Dirkmaat has conducted 1,000 forensic anthropology cases throughout the
United States. He is the editor of A Companion to Forensic Anthropology (2012) and co-
author of the chapter on forensic archaeological practices in the United States in Forensic
Archaeology: A Global Perspective (2015).

Darna L. Dufour is Professor Emeritus of Anthropology at the University of Colorado

Boulder. Her research interests focus on biocultural aspects of nutrition in contemporary
human populations. She has completed long-term field projects in Latin America in both
the Amazon region and urban environments. She is a co-author of Disasters in the Field:
Preparing for and Coping with Unexpected Events and co-editor of Nutritional Anthropology:
Biocultural Perspectives on Food and Nutrition.

James H. Gosman is Adjunct Professor of Anthropology at The Ohio State University. His
research interests encompass skeletal biology and bioarchaeology. His publications and pre-
sentations focus on human trabecular bone growth and development related to locomo-
tion. In a parallel career path, he serves as a consulting physician, being supported by an
MD and Board Certification in Orthopedic Surgery. He currently serves as the co-director
of the global health research arm of the nonprofit foundation, ConnectMed International.

Michael C. Granatosky is Assistant Professor of Anatomy at the New York Institute of

Technology. His research interests pertain to functional morphology and evolutionary bio-
mechanics with a focus on the origins and evolution of quadrupedal locomotion in primates
and other animal taxa.
notes on contributors  xiii

Debbie Guatelli-Steinberg is Professor of Anthropology at The Ohio State University.

Her research area is dental anthropology, with a focus on developmental, morphological,
and functional aspects of nonhuman primate and hominin teeth. Currently, she is engaged
in projects on growth rhythms in enamel, functional aspects of dental form in monkeys, and
patterns of enamel growth disruption in nonhuman primates and hominins. She is a Fellow
of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the author of What Teeth
Reveal About Human Evolution (2016).

Kristen Hawkes is Distinguished Professor of Anthropology at the University of Utah.

Her research uses comparisons among people (especially hunter–gatherers) and other pri-
mates with evolutionary modeling to develop and test hypotheses about the evolution of
human life history and social behavior. She is a member of the Scientific Executive
Committee of the Leakey Foundation, the National Academy of Sciences, the American
Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the American Philosophical Society.

Leslea J. Hlusko is an Investigator at the National Center for Research on Human

Evolution (CENIEH) in Spain and holds a full professorship at the University of California
Berkeley. Her research uses quantitative genetics to identify how genes influence skeletal
variation. She applies this knowledge to the fossil and bioarchaeological records to gain new
insights to human evolution and adaptation. Her paleontological fieldwork has primarily
focused on sites in eastern Africa. She is a Fellow of the American Association for the
Advancement of Science, and former Vice President (2020–2022) and current President
(2022–) of the American Association of Biological Anthropologists.

Whitney M. Karriger is a faculty member at the Auburn campus of the Edward Via College
of Osteopathic Medicine where she taught anatomy and has now joined the Department of
Biomedical Sciences at the College. She earned her PhD in Anthropology from Tulane
University and has conducted research on Neandertal dental microwear and on craniofacial
ontogeny in Neandertals and modern humans.

Lyle W. Konigsberg is Professor of Anthropology and a faculty member in the Carle

Illinois College of Medicine at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His research
interests are in human skeletal biology with a focus on age estimation in forensic anthropology
and paleodemography. He is a co-author with James H. Mielke and John H. Relethford of
Human Biological Variation, 2nd edn. (2011), a former Vice President and former
Secretary/Treasurer of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, and the
Editor-in-Chief of the Yearbook of Biological Anthropology (2019–2023).1

Christopher W. Kuzawa is a biological anthropologist with interests in developmental

biology, human evolution, and health. He is Professor of Anthropology and Faculty Fellow
with the Institute for Policy Research at Northwestern University, and Member of the US
National Academy of Sciences and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He received
his PhD in Anthropology and MSPH in Epidemiology from Emory University. His research
explores developmental influences on adult biology and health, the psychobiology of
human fatherhood, non-genetic forms of biological inheritance, and the energetics and
evolution of the human brain.

Clark Spencer Larsen is Distinguished University Professor at The Ohio State University.
His research focusses on bioarchaeology, examining adaptive transitions in a range of global
xiv  notes on contributors
settings. He co-directs the Global History of Health Project, a study of worldwide trends
in health over the last 10,000 years of human evolution. He is the author of Bioarchaeology:
Interpreting Behavior from the Human Skeleton, 2nd Edition (2015) and Our Origins:
Discovering Biological Anthropology, 5th Edition (2020). Larsen is a Fellow of the American
Association for the Advancement of Science and Member of the National Academy of
Sciences and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He served as the Vice President
and President of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists and as Editor of the
American Journal of Physical Anthropology.1

Michael A. Little is Distinguished Professor Emeritus at Binghamton University, State

University of New York. He is a human biologist who has conducted research in the
Peruvian Andes on cold and hypoxic adaptation in Quechua-speaking Native Americans,
and then in the northwestern Kenyan savanna on the ecology of Turkana pastoral nomads.
Within recent decades, he has pursued historical and biographical research in biological
anthropology. He has edited Man in the Andes (Baker and Little, 1973), Turkana Herders
of the Dry Savanna (Little and Leslie, 1999), and Histories of American Physical Anthropology
in the Twentieth Century (Little and Kennedy, 2010).

Sergi López-Torres is Assistant Professor of Evolutionary Biology at the University of

Warsaw, Poland. His work focuses on understanding the evolutionary relationships among
early members of Euarchontoglires, including the study of the earliest stages in the evolu-
tion of Primates and Glires. His research interests also encompass functional anatomy of
primitive euarchontogliran groups, as well as reconstructing their dietary behavior and
brain evolution.

Melissa B. Manus is a postdoctoral fellow at the Children’s Hospital Research Institute at

the University of Manitoba. Her research uses ecological and evolutionary perspectives to
investigate connections between early life environments, the microbiome, and health. She
received an MSc in Global Health from Duke University and a PhD in Biological
Anthropology from Northwestern University, where her dissertation explored the influence
of the social environment on the development of the infant microbiome. Her broader inter-
ests include applying microbiome science to address social and health inequities.

W. Scott McGraw is a Professor of Anthropology and Chair of the Department of

Anthropology at The Ohio State University. He is co-director of the Taï Forest Monkey
Project in the Ivory Coast where he has worked since 1992. He has also carried out field-
work in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Ghana. His research combines aspects of
behavior, anatomy, and evolution and he has published on a variety of topics including pri-
mate positional behavior, feeding and foraging, locomotor morphology, cranio-dental
anatomy, and predator–prey dynamics. As a member of the Primate Specialist Group in the
International Union for the Conservation of Nature, he is actively involved in African pri-
mate conservation, including contributing to the recently published Red colobus (Piliocolobus)
Conservation Action Plan 2021–2026 (IUCN 2021).

Rachel A. Menegaz is Assistant Professor of Anatomical Sciences at the University of

North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth. Her research program is focused on the
biomechanics, growth, and function of the mammalian feeding apparatus. She uses experi-
mental approaches to better understand the relationship between diet and morphology
during mammalian evolution.
notes on contributors  xv

Elaine N. Miller is a doctoral candidate at the Center for the Advanced Study of Human
Paleobiology at The George Washington University in Washington, DC. She is broadly
interested in human brain evolution and the neuroanatomical substrates that give rise to
human sociality. Her dissertation work is an examination of how social adversity experi-
enced in early life can impact neural development in chimpanzees and rhesus macaques. She
is a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow.

George R. Milner is a Distinguished Professor of Anthropology at The Pennsylvania State

University. His research combines archaeology and biological anthropology, with an
emphasis on the population structure and disease experience of past societies. His work
with human skeletal remains also has forensic significance, especially regarding age and sex
estimation. He has conducted archaeological excavations in North America, Europe, Africa,
and Oceania. He is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science
and Member of the National Academy of Sciences.

James F. O’Connell is Distinguished Professor (Emeritus) of Anthropology, University of

Utah, Salt Lake City. He has extensive ethnographic and archaeological field experience in
western North America, central Australia, and East Africa. His research deals with variation
in hunter–gatherer foraging and food sharing practices, the relationship between hunter–
gatherer behavior and its archaeological consequences, and the implications of both for
ideas about human ecology and evolution in the Pleistocene. He is a Member of the
National Academy of Sciences, Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of
Science, Honorary Fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities, and Foreign
Associate of the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies.

Carolyn Orbann is Associate Teaching Professor of Health Sciences at the University of

Missouri-Columbia. Her current research interests include infectious disease in historic
human populations and the impact of culture on disease spread. She uses historic data,
including primary and secondary sources, to understand epidemics in the past, primarily
1918 influenza and diseases of colonization in eighteenth-century California. She uses
computer simulation models to test ideas about the impact of human culture on infectious
disease dynamics.

Dennis H. O’Rourke is Foundation Distinguished Professor of Anthropology at the

University of Kansas. He is an anthropological geneticist whose research focuses on the use
of ancient DNA to reconstruct regional population histories and early human dispersal in the
Americas, especially the North American Arctic, and on the use of sedimentary ancient DNA
in paleoenvironmental reconstruction. He is a Fellow of the American Association for the
Advancement of Science and Past-President and Vice-President of the American Association
of Physical Anthropologists and of the American Association of Anthropological Geneticists.

Barbara A. Piperata is Professor of Anthropology at The Ohio State University. Her

research program focuses on nutritional anthropology and how resource insecurities affect
maternal mental health and child growth and development. Her field research in the
Brazilian Amazon explored how cultural beliefs and practices in the postpartum affect
maternal reproductive energetics, as well as the role of poverty alleviation programs in
driving the nutrition transition in rural communities. Ongoing research in Brazil and
Nicaragua explored how food and water insecurity influence children’s gut and oral micro-
biomes during critical windows of development.
xvi  notes on contributors
Briana Pobiner is a research scientist and museum educator in the Human Origins Program
at the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of Natural History. Her zooarchaeologi-
cal and taphonomic research centers on the role of meat-eating in the evolution of Stone
Age human diets with a focus on the use of bone surface modifications including human
butchery marks and predator tooth marks on modern and fossil bones. She also leads the
Human Origins Program’s education and outreach efforts, including managing public pro-
grams, website content, social media, and exhibition volunteer training.

Laurie J. Reitsema is Associate Professor of Anthropology at the University of Georgia.

Her research pertains to the links between biology, culture, and environment, focusing on
stable isotope analysis and the study of human stress, disease, and nutrition. Her bioar-
chaeological work is informed by ties to human biology and primatology.

John H. Relethford is SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor Emeritus at the Department

of Anthropology, State University of New York College at Oneonta. His research and
teaching interests are human evolution, human biological variation, and human population
genetics. Much of his research has focused on global patterns of craniometric variation,
modern human origins, and the population history of Ireland. He is a former Vice President
and President of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists and has received the
Gabriel W. Lasker Distinguished Service Award from that organization. He is a Fellow of
the American Association for the Advancement of Science. His books include 50 Great
Myths of Human Evolution and Reflections of Our Past, Second Edition, co-authored with
Deborah Bolnick. He retired from teaching in 2020.

G. Philip Rightmire is Research Associate in the Department of Human Evolutionary

Biology at Harvard University and Distinguished Professor of Anthropology (Emeritus) at
Binghamton University (SUNY). His interests encompass the evolution of earliest Homo,
first dispersals from Africa, species origins, and systematics. He has studied human fossils
and participated in field excavations in southern and eastern Africa, western Asia, Europe,
and the Far East. For all the support and opportunities that have come his way, he thanks
his lucky stars!

Lisa Sattenspiel is Professor of Anthropology at the University of Missouri-Columbia. Her

research focuses on understanding the impact of social and demographic factors on patterns
of interaction of people from various walks of life and has involved work on hepatitis A,
HIV, measles, the 1918 influenza pandemic, and COVID-19. Her two most recent projects
are a comparison of the 1918 influenza and 2020 COVID-19 pandemics in rural vs. urban
counties in the US state of Missouri and a study of the 1918 influenza pandemic among
indigenous peoples in Alaska, USA and Labrador, Canada. She is a Fellow of the American
Association for the Advancement of Science and is the author of The Geographic Spread of
Infectious Diseases: Models and Applications (2009).

Christopher W. Schmidt is Professor of Anthropology and Chair of the Department of

Anthropology at the University of Indianapolis. His research focuses on human diet and
subsistence and includes dental microwear texture analysis (DMTA). One of his primary
initiatives is the DENTALWEAR project, which has generated DMTA data from over
1,000 predominantly Holocene humans from around the globe. His recent books include
Long “on” the Tooth: Dental Evidence of Diet and Dental Wear in Evolutionary and
Biocultural Contexts (co-edited with James T. Watson).
notes on contributors  xvii

Margaret J. Schoeninger is Professor Emeritus of Anthropology and Co-Director of the

Center for Academic Research and Training in Anthropogeny (human origins) at the
University of California at San Diego. Her research centers on subsistence strategies of
humans and nonhuman primates to address the social, behavioral, and ecological aspects of
human uniqueness. She has participated in archaeological, paleontological, and ethno-
graphic fieldwork projects in North America, Mesoamerica, Peru, Pakistan, India, Kenya,
and Tanzania. Her laboratory analyzes carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen stable isotope ratios
in various biological materials including hair, bone collagen, and bone carbonate. She is a
Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

Chet C. Sherwood is Professor of Anthropology at the George Washington University.

His research investigates how brains differ among primate species and how this variation is
correlated with behavior, shaped by the rules of developmental biology, impacted by expe-
rience, and encoded in the genome. He co-directs the National Chimpanzee Brain Resource
and the Great Ape Neuroscience Project. He received a James S. McDonnell Foundation
Scholar Award in Understanding Human Cognition. He is a member of the National
Academy of Sciences.

Mary T. Silcox is Professor of Anthropology at the University of Toronto, Canada. Her

research program focusses on characterizing and interpreting the earliest phases of primate
evolution from both a phylogenetic and an adaptive perspective. In addition to doing
­fieldwork in the western North America, her research program involves the use of high-
resolution X-ray computed tomography to uncover previously unavailable aspects of
anatomy. She is particularly interested in methods of quantifying dental anatomy to study
diet through time and in refining our study of the evolution of the brain using endocasts.

Scott W. Simpson is a Professor of Anatomy in the Case Western Reserve University School
of Medicine. His current research involves study of the biology and context of late Miocene
to Pleistocene hominins including paleoanthropological field research experience with the
Middle Awash and Gona Research Projects and currently he is the Principal Investigator of
the Galili Paleobiology Project in the Afar region of Ethiopia. He is a member of the
African Rift Valley Research Consortium and co-edited the volume Methods in Paleoecology
(2018) with D. A. Croft and D. F. Su.

Fred H. Smith is a paleoanthropologist whose research focusses on Neandertals and the

origin of modern people. He is University Distinguished Professor of Anthropology and
Biological Sciences Emeritus at Illinois State University and an adjunct professor at the
University of Colorado, Boulder. He is the author of numerous scholarly publications,
including his book co-authored with Matt Cartmill, The Human Lineage, Second Edition
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2022). Smith has received awards for his work from institutions in the
United States, Ireland, Germany, and Croatia.

Anne Stone is an anthropological geneticist whose research and teaching focuses on the
evolutionary history of humans and our pathogens. She is a Regents’ Professor in the
School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and a member
of the Center for Bioarchaeological Research, the Center for Evolution and Medicine, and
the Institute of Human Origins. Stone was elected Fellow of the American Association for
the Advancement of Science in 2011 and to the National Academy of Sciences, USA in
xviii  notes on contributors
2016. She currently serves on the scientific executive committee of The Leakey Foundation,
the advisory board for the Center of Excellence for Australian Biodiversity and Heritage,
and as Associate Editor for Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society.

Samuel D. Stout is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Anthropology at The Ohio

State University. His research interests are in skeletal biology, focusing upon the micro-
scopic (histomorphological) level of structural organization of bone, and its applications in
bioarchaeology, paleopathology, and forensic anthropology. He is a Fellow of the American
Association for the Advancement of Science and the American Academy of Forensic
Sciences. He is co-editor (with Christian Crowder) of Bone Histology: An Anthropological
Perspective (2015, CRC Press).

Karen B. Strier is the Vilas Research Professor and Irven DeVore Professor of Anthropology
at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her main research interests are to understand the
behavioral ecology of primates from a comparative perspective and to contribute to
conservation efforts on their behalf. She leads a long-term field study on the critically
endangered muriqui monkey in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. She is a Fellow of the American
Association for the Advancement of Science and Member of the National Academy of
Sciences and American Academy of Arts and Sciences. She is the author of Primate
Behavioral Ecology, 6th edition (2021).

Douglas H. Ubelaker received his PhD from the University of Kansas in 1973. He serves
as Curator and Senior Scientist in the Department of Anthropology of the National Museum
of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC. He has reported on over 980
forensic cases, primarily at the request of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, USA. He has
published extensively on topics related to forensic anthropology and bioarcheology. He
served as the 2011–2012 President of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences and has
received numerous awards.

Alexis Uluutku is a PhD candidate at The George Washington University studying at the
Center for the Advanced Study of Human Paleobiology under Bernard Wood. She is inter-
ested in the effects of competition between early Homo and Paranthropus in eastern Africa
during the Pleistocene. She uses geometric morphometrics to test for sympatry and mor-
phological change through time as they relate to ecological incumbency and character

Peter S. Ungar is Distinguished Professor of Anthropology and Director of Environmental

Dynamics at the University of Arkansas. His main research interests focus on the evolution
of diet in and impacts of environmental change on humans and other mammals. Much of
this work involves the study of microscopic use-wear of teeth for traces of past diet, as well
as dental topography for evidence of adaptations for specific sorts of foods. He is a Fellow
of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and a member of the American
Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the author of Evolution’s Bite (2017), Teeth: A Very
Short Introduction (2014), and Mammal Teeth (2010).

Qian Wang is Professor of Anatomy at the Texas A&M University School of Dentistry. His
research concerns adaptation, function, disease, and evolution. He is involved in studies
examining craniofacial bone elastic properties and the biology and biomechanics of
notes on contributors  xix

craniofacial sutures using a variety of research methods, including an ultrasonic technique

and finite element analysis. He is the editor of Bones, Genetics, and Behavior of Rhesus
Macaques: Macaca mulatta of Cayo Santiago and Beyond (2012). His current research
focuses on paleopathology of recent human populations in the context of environmental
and socioeconomic factors.

Kenneth M. Weiss is Evan Pugh Professor Emeritus at Pennsylvania State University. His
research is on evolution as a process, and specifically on how it generates the genetic basis
of complex morphological traits such as the teeth and the skull. He has written widely on
how simple biological principles, which go beyond basic Darwinian ones, produce com-
plexity on both the developmental and evolutionary timescales. He is a Fellow of the
American Association for the Advancement of Science and the author of Genetic Variation
and Human Disease: Principles and Evolutionary Approaches (1995).

Bernard Wood is University Professor of Human Origins at George Washington University.

He is the author or co-author of 20 books ranging from a 1991 door-stopping monograph
on the hominid cranial remains from Koobi Fora to the nontechnical Human Evolution, A
Very Short Introduction (2019), the author of over 240 scientific articles and book chapters,
and a slew of commentaries in Nature and other journals. His research interests are tax-
onomy, phylogeny reconstruction, and comparative morphology. He is an Honorary Fellow
of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. In his spare time, he looks after a 1799 house
in rural Virginia where he curates his collection of English salt-glaze stoneware.

Jesse W. Young is an organismal biologist with broad interests in understanding the devel-
opmental and evolutionary biomechanics of the mammalian locomotor system. Specific
research foci include: (1) the functional, and adaptive, links between somatic growth and
locomotor development in mammals and (2) the evolutionary biomechanics of primate
arboreal locomotion. He is the author of Skeletal Anatomy of the Newborn Primate (2020).

Andrea M. Zurek-Ost is a PhD candidate at the University of North Carolina at Chapel

Hill. Her research in the Basque Country focuses on the intersection of transience and
skeletal health in the past through stable isotope methods. Her past research has explored
the efficacy of morphological traits of the pelvis in age-at-death estimations, the application
of taphonomic principles to crime scene reconstructions, and the role of the forensic
anthropologist at fatal fire scenes. She has assisted with forensic casework across the north-
eastern United States and Puerto Rico and is a team member with Kenyon International
Emergency Services. She has also overseen the curation of donated human and zooarchaeo-
logical skeletal collections at Mercyhurst University.

My thanks and my gratitude go to all the authors for their contributions to the second
edition of Companion to Biological Anthropology. Their individual chapters provide compre-
hensive overviews of the past and recent advances in the science of biological anthropology,
from the study of evolution and variation from the appearance of the first primate-like ani-
mals living 65 million years ago to the origins of human-like ancestors beginning some six
to seven million years ago. The individual and collective leadership, knowledge, and com-
mitment over the course of the development of the book made this an especially enjoyable
project for me personally. The authors’ wide span and depth of expertise and skills in key
areas of research and investigation in biological anthropology ensured a flawless process in
the preparation, production, and publication of the book. Thanks go to all authors for their
superb contributions and steadfast commitment to the book project.
The book chapter drafts were evaluated by reviewers representing all areas of biological
anthropology. I thank the following biological anthropologists and authorities from allied
­disciplines for their reading and recommendations for revisions of manuscripts: Leslie Aiello,
Eduardo Amorim, Katherine Baloia, Daniel Benyshek, Tracy Betsinger, Michelle Bezanson,
Claudio Bravi, Daniel Brown, Noel Cameron, David Cooper, Douglas Crews, Deborah
Cunningham, Eric Delson, Darna Dufour, Arthur Durband, Heather Edgar, Leslie Eisenberg,
Mohammed Elsalanty, John Fleagle, Laura Fulginiti, Teresa Gildner, Anne Grauer, Drew
Halley, Ashley Hammond, Kristin Hedges, Michael Hermanussen, Nick Herrmann, David
Himmelgreen, Daryl Holman, Daniel Hruschka, Keith Hunley, Richard Kay, Annie Katzenberg,
Kristen Krueger, Susan Larson, Pierre Lemelin, Lee Lyman, Jonathan Marks, Thomas McDade,
Stephanie Melillo, George Milner, Monique Borgerhoff Mulder, Rob O’Malley, John
Relethford, Neil Roach, Dennis O’Rourke, Michael Plavcan, James Rilling, Alex Robling, Eric
Seiffert, Katerina Semendeferi, Lynette Sievert, David Strait, Daniel Temple, Adam Van
Arsdale, Bruce Winterhalder, Todd Yokley, and Sonia Zakrzewski. It was very nice to be able
to interact with this group of biological anthropologists. We covered quite a lot of territory in
our various discussions.
I give a special acknowledgement to the staff at Wiley-Blackwell for their continuous and
unwavering support at all stages of the book’s development. I thank Rachel Greenberg who
extended the invitation to me to develop and edit a second edition of Companion to
Biological Anthropology and for her support in preparing the proposal for the book project.
acknowledgments  xxi

Thanks go to Charlie Hamlyn and Clelia Petracca for their guidance and advice and leading
me through the myriad of details and all matters relating to areas ranging from invitations
to prospective authors, the questions prospective authors had for me, and the preparation
of the content and plethora of inquiries that I had for authors over the course of the last
several years. I thank Verity Stuart who advised me on selection of images for figures for the
book’s cover. The development of the book had challenges for everyone involved on both
sides of the Atlantic, made especially demanding owing to the unprecedented circumstances
of the pandemic.
One of the first things I learned when I started taking anthropology courses in my fresh-
man year at my undergraduate alma mater, Kansas State University, and reinforced ever
since, is the remarkable biocultural and behavioral resiliency of humans, their ability to
address challenges, to develop solutions to these challenges, and to adapt. For me, working
on this book with all the authors reinforced that sense of resiliency. Everyone involved in
the book made it possible to meet the challenges of the past several years. I cannot imagine
a more collaborative and committed group than all who I have worked with from the
beginning to the end of the book project.
Thank you everyone!

Leslea J. Hlusko

In this second edition of A Companion to Biological Anthropology, Larsen and colleagues

have compiled 36 beautifully written chapters that introduce the reader to the latest science,
essential concepts, and perspectives spanning the discipline. I have been a biological
anthropologist for over 20 years and still found myself enthralled by the interconnections
across these chapters. I would love to invite the authors over for dinner and an evening of
brainstorming. How interesting it would be to have Sattenspiel and Orbann talking about
modern pandemics alongside Stone’s knowledge of ancient pathogens. It turns out that we
have been living with diseases such as tuberculosis and plague for thousands of years longer
than scientists originally thought. This certainly changes one’s perspective on how and
when the Covid19 pandemic will “end.” Let’s also bring in Amorim’s expertise on ancient
DNA, O’Rourke’s deep knowledge of human populations, and Beall’s classic examples of
human environmental adaptation. What a conversation we would have about how pan-
demics and environmental adaptation shaped the last 100,000 years of human evolution.
But it does not stop there. Imagine we also invite Kuzawa and Manis to bring to the
conversation their interdisciplinary perspective on today’s obesity and cardiovascular dis-
ease, which, of course, also calls for invitations to Dufour and Piperata, as nutritional varia-
tion is essential to understanding all these observed trends. We also want to consider the
role inflammatory response plays in health, well-being, and adaptation, so let us invite
Crespo to the dinner. Keep in mind that all of this varies over the course of a lifetime and
across species, so we need the life history perspective of Crews and Bogin and the biodiver-
sity perspectives of McGraw, Silcox, and López-Torres. We are going to need a very large
dinner table indeed, and we have only just begun the guest list!
Many of the chapter topics are classic, such as taxonomy and adaptation, but the methods
applied today are innovative and new. This edition of the Companion also includes research
genres that were only a pipe dream a decade or two ago, but now, with technological advances,
they represent entirely new subdisciplines such as ancient DNA, the microbiome, epigenetics,
and genome-wide association studies. The level of technological sophistication within our sci-
ence always impresses me, but the true heart of biological anthropology is in the meaningful
interconnections the anthropologist makes between biology, social science, and humanity.
foreword  xxiii

The past decade has been a watershed moment for the discipline’s humanity in ways that
extend far beyond the science. The scholarly community pushed to the forefront concerns
about who is doing the science and how it is being done. In Chapter 2, Little and Buikstra
provide perspective on this, noting that the founders of the discipline in the eighteenth and
nineteenth centuries primarily considered race as a valid taxonomic category within humans.
This research helped to justify racism within the Unites States and the inequity that con-
tinues to exist today (Blakey 1996, 2021; Fuentes 2012). Because of this history, biological
anthropologists are, perhaps, especially aware of the social impact of their science. Although
there have always been biological anthropologists pushing against racist tropes (e.g., Cobb
1936; Juan Comas 1961; Marks 1995; Jackson 2000; Fuentes 2012), the recent disci-
plinary shift towards antiracism is notable (as defined by Kendi 2019). I want to highlight
some of the recent major events.
In 2021, the flagship association for biological anthropologists in the United States com-
pleted the years-long process of changing its name from the American Association of
Physical Anthropologists (AAPA) to the American Association of Biological Anthropologists
(AABA), distinguishing between the origins of the science that focused on racial distinc-
tions (“physical”) and the more interdisciplinary and biological approach employed today.
Alongside this name change came a more coordinated effort to communicate the antiracist
implications of the science to the public. Pages of peer-reviewed research journals were ded-
icated to articles about the broader context, advice, and calls-to-action. In 2020, the journal
Human Biology, the official publication of the American Association of Anthropological
Genetics (AAAG), published a special issue on Race, Racism, and the Genetic Structure of
Human Populations (Malhi 2020). In 2021, the American Journal of Biological Anthropology
dedicated an issue to the interpretation and communication of biological variation and race
(Raff and Mulligan 2021), including an article on how White nationalists use anthropolog-
ical genetics research to justify their racism (Panofsky et al. 2021),
Changes have also been taking place within the discipline. As Antón et al. (2018) reported
that 87 percent of members of the then-AAPA identified as white (an astonishing bias of
representation for a discipline aimed at understanding variation), two new cross-institu-
tional training programs had already been developed to reach a broader cohort of students:
IDEAS (Increasing Diversity in Evolutionary Anthropological Sciences, Malhi et al. 2019)
and SING (Summer Internship for INdigenous peoples in Genomics Consortium, Bardill
et al. 2018; Claw et al. 2018). While individual scholars have long made the case that with
more diverse perspectives comes a richer science (e.g., Cobb 1936; Jackson 2000; Jackson
et al. 2016, 2014; TallBear 2014), over the last few years there has been a flurry of sym-
posia, peer-reviewed journals, and edited volumes dedicated to the topic (e.g., the American
Anthropologists’ Vital Topics Forum: How academic diversity is transforming scientific
knowledge in biological anthropology, Bolnick et al. 2019; see also Athreya and Ackermann
2019; Poor and Matthews 2020).
Biological anthropologists are also working to improve academic culture. For example,
Clancy, Nelson, and colleagues conducted surveys to quantify sexual harassment in the field
(Clancy et al. 2014; Nelson et al. 2017), an important step towards addressing it, and in
February 2022, the American Journal of Human Biology published a special issue on the
theme of #Hackademics: Hacks Towards Success in Academia (Ocobock et al. 2022), arti-
cles born out of a series of podcasts from the Sausage of Science (https://www.humbio.
org/podcasts) that then became fodder for a webinar series hosted by AABA (https://
xxiv  foreword
However, there is still much to do and many conversations to be had. As biological
anthropologists developed best practices for data-sharing (Turner and Mulligan 2019), col-
leagues raised the need to more deeply engage with Indigenous data sovereignties (Tsosie
et al. 2020). Recent reflections on the ethics of our science have aimed to open up addi-
tional discussions (MacClancy and Fuentes 2013; Turner et al. 2018). The new science of
ancient DNA raises a swath of ethical issues (Alpaslan-Roodenberg et al. 2021; Tsosie et al.
2021; Wagner et al. 2020), and now, engagement with the descendant communities is con-
sidered an essential component of ethically sound research on human DNA, especially
within biological anthropology. While the Native American Graves Protection and
Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) of 1990 provided a framework for managing the human
remains of Indigenous people housed in museum collections (Nash and Colwell 2020),
biological anthropologists are now returning to a conversation started by one of the
founders of the discipline, W. Montague Cobb, who first noted the disproportionate repre-
sentations of human remains kept in museum collections, including African Americans
(Cobb 1933; Jackson et al. 2016; and see Blakey and Watkins 2022). Biological anthropol-
ogists are now much more cognizant of the fact that these biases are primarily the result of
social and cultural marginalization (de la Cova 2019).
These academic shifts are hard to capture within a volume like A Companion of Biological
Anthropology, but this groundswell of change is shaping the biological anthropology of
today even more so than did the technological advances of the past decade. While I am in
awe at the evolution of biological anthropology since the publication of the 1st edition of
the Companion, I am already looking forward to where seeing where we will be when it is
time for the 3rd edition.


1 The official name of the professional organization was changed from the American Association
of Physical Anthropologists to the American Association of Biological Anthropologists in 2021.
The Association’s journal name was changed from the American Journal of Physical Anthropology
to the American Journal of Biological Anthropology in 2022 and its annual publication from the
Yearbook of Physical Anthropology to the Yearbook of Biological Anthropology in 2022.


Alpaslan-Roodenberg, S., D. Anthony, H. Babiker, et al. “Ethics of DNA Research on Human

Remains: Five Globally Applicable Guidelines.” Nature 599 (2021): 41–46.
Antón, S. C., R. S. Malhi, and A. Fuentes. “Race and Diversity in U.S. Biological Anthropology: A
Decade of AAPA Initiatives.” American Journal of Biological Anthropology 165 (2018): 158–180.
Athreya, S., and R. R. Ackermann. “Colonialism and Narratives of Human Origins in Asia and
Africa.” In Interrogating Human Origins: Decolonisation and the Deep Human Past, edited by
Martin Porr and Jacqueline Matthews, 72–95. Routledge, 2019.
Bardill, J., A. C. Bader, N. A. Garrison, D. A. Bolnick, J. A. Raff, A. Walker, and R. S. Malhi.
“Summer Internship for INdigenous Peoples in Genomics (SING) Consortium. Advancing the
Ethics of Paleogenomics.” Science 360, no. 6387 (2018): 384–385.
Blakey, M. L. “Skull Doctors Revisited: Intrinsic Social and Political Bias in the History of American
Physical Anthropology, with Special Reference to the Work of Aleš Hrdlička.” In Race and Other
Misadventures: Essays in Honor of Ashley Montagu in His Ninetieth Year. Edited by L. T. Reynolds
and L. Lieberman, 64–95. Lanham, Maryland: Altamira Press, 1996.
Blakey, M. L. “Understanding Racism in Physical (Biological) Anthropology.” American Journal of
Biological Anthropology 175 (2021): 316–325.
foreword  xxv

Blakey, M. L., and R. Watkins. “William Montague Cobb: Near the African Diasporic Origins of
Activist and Biocultural Anthropology.” The Anatomical Record 305, no. 4 (2022): 838–848.
Bolnick, D. A., R. W. Smith, and A. Fuentes. “How Academic Diversity Is Transforming Scientific
Knowledge in Biological Anthropology.” American Anthropologist 2 (2019): 464-464.
Clancy, K. B., R. G. Nelson, J. N. Rutherford, and K. Hinde. “Survey of Academic Field Experiences
(SAFE): Trainees Report Harassment and Assault.” PloS One 9, no. 7 (2014): e102172.
Claw, K. G., M. Z. Anderson, R. L. Begay, et al. Summer internship for INdigenous peoples in
Genomics (SING) Consortium. “A Framework for Enhancing Ethical Genomic Research with
Indigenous Communities.” Nature Communications 9, no. 1 (2018): 2957.
Cobb, W. M. “Human Materials in American Institutions Available for Anthropology Study.”
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 17, no. 4 (Supplement April–June 1933): 1–45.
Cobb, W. M. “Race and Runners.” The Journal of Health and Physical Education 7, no. 1 (1936):
Comas, J. ““Scientific” Racism Again?” Current Anthropology 2, no. 4 (1961): 303–340.
de la Cova, C. “Marginalized Bodies and the Construction of the Robert J. Terry Anatomical Skeletal
Collection: A Promised Land Lost.” In Bioarchaeology of Marginalized People, edited by Madeleine
Mant and Alyson Holland, 133–155. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Academic Press, 2019.
Fuentes, A. Race, Monogamy and Other Lies They Told You: Busting Myths about Human Nature.
Berkeley: University of California Press, 2012.
Jackson, F., L. Jackson, C. Cross, and C. Clarke. “What Could You Do with 400 Years of Biological
History on African Americans? Evaluating the Potential Scientific Benefit of Systematic Studies of
Dental and Skeletal Materials on African Americans from the 17th Through 20th Centuries.”
American Journal of Human Biology 28, no. 4 (2016): 510–513.
Jackson, F., C. M. Lee, and S. Taylor. “Let Minority-serving Institutions Lead.” Science 345, no.
6199 (2014): 885.
Jackson, F. L. “Anthropological Measurement: The Mismeasure of African Americans.” The ANNALS
of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 568, no. 1 (2000): 154–171.
Kendi, I. X. How to Be an Antiracist. New York: One World, 2019.
MacClancy, J., and A. Fuentes. Ethics in the Field: Contemporary Challenges. New York: Berghahn,
Oxford, 2013. ISBN 978-0-85745-962-6.
Malhi, R. S. “Contributions to Anti-Racist Science: Introduction to Race, Racism, and the Genetic
Structure of Human Populations Special Issue.” Human Biology 92, no. 3 (2020): 133–134.
Malhi, R. S., S. C. Antón, and A. Fuentes. “Increasing Diversity in Evolutionary Anthropological
Sciences – The IDEAS Program.” American Anthropologist 121, no. 2 (2019): 478–479.
Marks, J. Human Biodiversity: Genes, Race, and History. Piscataway, NJ: Aldine Transaction, 1995.
Nash, S. E., and C. Colwell. “NAGPRA at 30: The Effects of Repatriation.” Annual Review of
Anthropology 49 (2020): 225–239.
Nelson, R. G., J. N. Rutherford, K. Hinde, and K. B. H. Clancy. “Signaling Safety: Characterizing
Fieldwork Experiences and Their Implications for Career Trajectories.” American Anthropologist
119, no. 4 (2017): 710–722.h.
Ocobock, C., C. Owens, E. Holdsworth, et al. “# Hackademics: Hacks Toward Success in Academia.”
American Journal of Human Biology 34 (2022): e23653.
Panofsky, A., K. Dasgupta, and N. Iturriaga. “How White Nationalists Mobilize Genetics: From
Genetic Ancestry and Human Biodiversity to Counterscience and Metapolitics.” American Journal
of Physical Anthropology 175, no. 2 (2021): 387–398.
Poor, M., and J. M. Matthews, eds. Interrogating Human Origins: Decolonisation and the Deep
Human Past, 500 pp. Abingdon, Oxon, and New York, NY: Routledge, 2020. ISBN
Raff, J. A., and C. J. Mulligan. “Race Reconciled II: Interpreting and Communicating Biological
Variation and Race in 2021.” American Journal of Physical Anthropology 175, no. 2 (2021):
TallBear, K. “Standing with and Speaking as Faith: A Feminist-Indigenous Approach to Inquiry.”
Journal of Research Practice 10, no. 2 (2014): N17.
Tsosie, K. S., A. Bader, K. Fox, et al. “Ancient DNA Researchers Write Their Own Rules.” Nature
600, no. 2, December (2021): 37.
xxvi  foreword
Tsosie, K. S., J. M. Yracheta, J. Kolopenuk, and R. W. Smith. “Indigenous Data Sovereignties and
Data Sharing in Biological Anthropology.” American Journal Physical Anthropology 174 (2020):
Turner, T. R., and C. J. Mulligan. “Data Sharing in Biological Anthropology: Guiding Principles and
Best Practices.” American Journal of Physical Anthropology 170, no. 1 (2019): 3–4.
Turner, T. R., J. K. Wagner, and G. S. Cabana. “Ethics in Biological Anthropology.” American
Journal of Physical Anthropology 165, no. 4 (2018): 939–951.
Wagner, J. D., C. Colwell, K. G. Claw, et al. “Fostering Responsible Research on Ancient DNA.”
American Journal of Human Genetics 107, no. 2 (2020): 183–195.
CHAPTER 1 The Breadth and
Vision of Biological

Clark Spencer Larsen

Since the publication of the first edition of A Companion to Biological Anthropology in 2010
(Larsen 2010), there have been considerable advances made in biological anthropology1, the
discipline devoted to the study of the evolution and variation of all primates, ancestral and
contemporary, nonhuman and human. New and developing knowledge underscores pri-
mates’ remarkable record of adaptability, resiliency, and success. The temporal, geographic,
and biological span is vast, encompassing some 65 million years of evolution, all inhabitable
continents, and thousands of genera and species. It is the record of the span of 65 million
years that biological anthropologists observe and interpret the extraordinary record of ori-
gins and adaptations. Of those 65 million years, early hominins – the ancestor of all of us
living today – are represented in the last six to eight million years of primate evolution.
The contributing authors to the new edition of A Companion to Biological Anthropology
are excited to share with you the many advances made within the broad scope of biological
anthropology. All 57 contributing authors involved in preparing contributions to the book
are thrilled to be able to present the content of key subareas of the discipline. In my role as
both the editor and a contributing author, it is especially exciting to engage readers with
new knowledge that is continuing to build on centuries of discovery. You will be reading
chapters prepared by leading authorities in biological anthropology, all of whom engage in
research and study.
The discipline of biological anthropology owes its origin to a number of pioneers. Franz
Boas (1858–1942), the founder of the discipline of anthropology in the United States, was
committed to a comprehensive approach to understanding the human condition, both
from cultural and biological perspectives. His interest in human biology and behavior
played a key role in the development of biological anthropology as it is represented in the
United States. It was Boas’ vision for the study of the human condition that laid the
foundation for the growth and development of biological anthropology as a distinctive and
compelling discipline in the broad context of the natural, social, and behavioral sciences. It
was also the vision and leadership of two other key pioneering scientists that started the
field – Aleš Hrdlička (1869–1943) of the Smithsonian Institution and Earnest Albert

A Companion to Biological Anthropology, Second Edition. Edited by Clark Spencer Larsen.

© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
2  clark spencer larsen

Hooton (1887–1954) of Harvard University (see Little and Buikstra, Chapter 2). Hrdlička
founded the professional journal, the American Journal of Physical Anthropology, in 1918.
More than a century later it was renamed the American Journal of Biological Anthropology,
reflecting the content and focus of the journal and the modern scientific discipline that it
has become. Hrdlička was the driving force in the founding and organization of the disci-
pline’s professional society in 1928 (American Association of Physical Anthropologists, now
the American Association of Biological Anthropologists). Hooton taught and trained all of
the first generation of PhDs who would in turn educate the next generation of professional
biological anthropologists. Most of the chapter authors contributing to A Companion to
Biological Anthropology trace their academic genealogies back to Hooton. Between the two
of them, Hrdlička and Hooton engaged with every subject area in biological anthropology.
Simply put, it was their collective intellectual vision that laid the foundation for the diverse
and growing discipline that we see thriving in the twenty-first century.
As with science in general, much has changed in the field. These changes reflect new
interests, building on long-standing concerns, developing new hypotheses, and seeking
answers to old and newly emerging questions. As expected in any mature science, para-
digms and theoretical perspectives change with new discoveries and new research. Biological
anthropology is no exception. The biggest change for the discipline is the shift from descrip-
tion to the application of evolutionary theory and key biological principles, especially
beginning in the mid-1950s. It is the energy and commitment of all generations of biological
anthropologists, however, that have put this discipline on the path towards discovery and
exploration of new subjects, developing an increasingly informed understanding of pri-
mates, and addressing hypotheses and answering questions about evolution and variation.
The contributors to this book are the direct beneficiaries of these earlier, remarkable sci-
entists – Hrdlička, Hooton, and all of those that followed – who pioneered areas discussed
by Michael Little and Jane Buikstra in their opening chapter on the history of biological
anthropology (Chapter 2). Little and Buikstra cover considerable ground, introducing the
beginnings and history of key themes in the discipline and the origins of many of the areas
discussed in this book, ranging from genetics and genomics, bioarchaeology, and the last
10,000 years of human evolution, the record of the first primates, and the origins of the
human lineage.
Biological anthropology is a highly diverse science, both in its temporal breadth and top-
ical scope. The focus on evolution and variation is what gives biological anthropology such
a robust approach to the study of humankind, past and present. More than a century-and-
a-half ago, the central mechanism underlying evolution – natural selection – was first
described by Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace, working independently of one another
(Weiss and Buchanan, Chapter 3). It was the force of natural selection that has shaped var-
iation and evolution. To make sense of the complexity of past and present primates, the
development of systematics and taxonomy were well under way by the time Darwin and
Wallace thought about evolution. Although taxonomy was originally built on the notion
that past and present life is static, Darwin’s and Wallace’s pioneering work showed that life
is dynamic, and that earlier ancestral species gave rise to later descendant species. Today, the
reconstruction of phylogeny – evolutionary trees showing ancestral-descendant relation-
ships – serves as the framework for interpreting biology of past and present organisms
(Uluutku and Wood, Chapter 4).
The mechanisms that drive evolution are few – natural selection, mutation, genetic drift,
and gene flow – but complex in operation (Weiss and Buchanan, Chapter 3; Relethford,
Chapter 5; and others in the book). As Relethford points out, these forces interact in many
the breadth and vision of biological anthropology  3

different combinations and often in complex ways. It is the interaction of these evolu-
tionary forces that determines patterns of genetic and phenotypic variation both within and
between populations. As the implications of these evolutionary forces became realized in
the first half of the twentieth century, a group of early geneticists, especially Sewall Wright,
Ronald Fisher, and J. B. S. Haldane, tackled key issues by using mathematics and statistics,
founding a new area of study called population genetics (Relethford, Chapter 5).
Population genetics is fundamental to documenting and interpreting patterns of genetic
change. Biological anthropologists have been at the forefront of the continued development
of this area of study as it applies to humans and nonhuman primates. More than any other
discipline, biological anthropology recognizes the importance of the record of DNA,
ancient and modern, for interpreting evolutionary change in primates, including humans.
The DNA revolution transformed the field of genetics, occasioning the development of
genomics, the study of the entire record of DNA at the individual and population levels.
Newly discovered genetic markers provide an essential supplement to the rough maps of
genetic variation identified using traditional markers (e.g., blood group polymorphisms,
PTC tasting, and lactase deficiency) (O’Rourke, Chapter 6). The application of genetics
and genomics to the study of dental and skeletal variation has extended back in time to our
understanding of the operation of evolutionary forces in earlier human populations. These
analyses have also shown that to compartmentalize human variation into discrete groups
called “races” is incorrect, inappropriate, and harmful both socially and individually
(Caspari, Chapter 7). Although biological anthropologists have long recognized that
biological variation in humans cannot be categorized, the race concept based on classification
still permeates the public’s perception and in various disciplines and some areas of scientific
investigation. Simply, the concept of race – types of humans – has engendered discrimination
and isolation of most of humanity in profound and harmful ways across the globe. It remains
a major threat to human health, wellbeing, and access to fundamental resources.
Boas recognized early in his career that the study of growth and development provides
special and important insights into understanding human variation in the context of
adaptation and adaptability. Ever since Boas’s early studies, biological anthropologists have
investigated the entirety of the human life span from conception through senescence and
death (Crews and Bogin, Chapter 8). Humans are unique in the way they mature, both
prior to and following birth. For example, humans are the only primate to have menopause.
Moreover, it is now well recognized that poor health deriving from undernutrition and dis-
ease in the youngest stages of growth and development – beginning well prior to birth –
predicts poor health in adulthood and earlier death. Indeed, biological anthropologists are
at the forefront of documenting undernutrition, exposure to infectious diseases, and poor
living conditions globally.
Biological anthropologists are learning that adaptation to extreme environments and the
spread of humans into a remarkably wide spectrum of terrestrial habitats in later human
evolution have been key to understanding biological variation in today’s populations (Beall,
Chapter 9). As with the origin of hominins, the origin of Homo sapiens was in an equatorial
setting in Africa. By at least 200,000 years ago, these earliest incipient modern humans
provided the basis for the rapid spread throughout Africa and subsequently across Europe
and Asia, including in those regions with extreme conditions – cold, heat, high altitude,
ultraviolet radiation, and other circumstances. Biological anthropologists have been leaders
in showing how and under what circumstances these adaptations shaped body and limb
proportions, facial and dental morphology, nutrition, skin pigmentation, and many other
factors that characterize the biology of and variation in living and past humans.
4  clark spencer larsen
The evolution of humans has also been shaped in many ways by the myriad of infectious
diseases that have plagued humanity since the earliest hominins first appeared millions of
years ago (Sattenspiel and Orbann, Chapter 10). The kinds of infectious diseases have
changed dramatically over time, especially regarding the interaction between various path-
ogens and social and behavioral structures of human populations. We know, for example,
that population concentration and size is a crucial factor in explaining the timing and degree
of spread of disease-causing pathogens. That is, large, densely occupied communities pro-
vide circumstances that promote the evolution and person-to-person transfer of pathogens.
Mechanisms associated with the spread of pathogens have been a focus of study by biological
anthropologists for a range of infectious diseases in archaeological, historical, and modern
populations. Anthropologists are especially well positioned to contribute to the growing
discussion of infectious disease epidemiology owing to their insights into the relationship
between pathogens and social and behavioral factors. Newly emerging research in bioar-
chaeology is revealing the cost of living in large, densely crowded communities in the con-
text of the origins of agriculture, the increasing reliance on domesticated plant carbohydrates,
increasing community size and density, permanent residencies in communities, and the
burdens of poor health now shared by most populations globally in the twenty-first century.
Anthropologists track the record of deep history, documenting the rise in population, espe-
cially in the last 10,000 years, and the costs of living in large, agglomerated settings.
Today, considerable effort has been undertaken by biological anthropologists towards
the development and understanding of the molecular records of infectious diseases and the
pathogens that cause them. As I write this in July 2022, never has there been such a need
for understanding the dynamics between pathogens and their human hosts than with the
documentation of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19 and other novel infectious
diseases having profoundly negative outcomes for human beings around the world in the
twenty-first century. The stakes for health and wellbeing have never been higher. It is truly
a life and death concern for many millions around the world. At this writing, more than one
million persons have died in the United States and six million globally owing to this disease,
beginning in 2020 when COVID-19 was declared a pandemic.
In large measure, much of the world’s population has seen a dramatic increase in obesity
and cardiovascular disease in clear association with circumstances associated with social
inequality and unequal access to resources necessary for health and wellbeing (Kuzawa and
Manus, Chapter 11). The rapid rise globally in illnesses relating to dominance of carbohy-
drates in diets globally has caused an epidemic of cardiovascular disease. The remarkable
increases in weight gain in every corner of the globe characterize a worldwide spread of an
obesity pandemic.
The growing number of individuals suffering from infectious diseases are linked to the
ready movement from person to person in close, crowded living conditions made possible
via the growth and increased density of population, and insufficient nutrition and access to
necessary resources. These circumstances of population growth have their roots in the ori-
gins of agriculture and permanent settlement, which have fueled the growth of population
globally from 10 million individuals in the late Pleistocene – mostly widely dispersed, small
groups of people to highly sedentary, densely occupied settlements to the mega-cities of
today. Along with the trend of overcrowding and increased vulnerability of individuals to
infectious disease, both long-standing and newly emerging pathogens are causing chal-
lenges to wellbeing. As I write this in July 2022, biological anthropologists are document-
ing a range of pathogens via the study of ancient DNA (aDNA) recovered from skeletal
remains globally, especially about tracking the origin, evolution, and spread of infectious
diseases, such as those associated with tuberculosis, venereal diseases, and bubonic plague,
the breadth and vision of biological anthropology  5

also known as the Black Death (Stone, Chapter 12). Important breakthroughs in the study
of the aDNA of disease-causing pathogens documented in human remains from archaeo-
logical contexts are moving the science of biological anthropology towards the development
of a deeper understanding of infectious disease, both long-existing and newly emerging.
Other discoveries from the study of aDNA are also serving to develop an unprecedented
knowledge of community and population history, especially in archaeological and past con-
texts in general (Amorim, Chapter 13). All human populations are structured in their age
profiles, which are highly influenced by a preponderance of earlier deaths in some societies
and later deaths in others (Konigsberg, Milner, and Boldsen, Chapter 14). Insights into
genetic and demographic profiles are also informed by the records of diet and nutrition. In
this regard, diet and nutrition have long been a central focus of study in biological
anthropology (Dufour and Piperata, Chapter 15). Humans, like nonhuman primates, are
omnivorous and have nutritional requirements that are derived from a wide range of foods,
including fruits, vegetables, and animal sources of protein. Humans have adopted a remark-
able variety of technologies and means of acquiring and processing food that provide the
calories and nutrition necessary for survival. Although humans share common nutritional
needs and capacities, there nonetheless is an astonishing diversity in the foods humans eat.
This diversity suggests that human dietary adaptations have emerged rapidly, and much of
it in the recent past. For example, overnutrition – leading to today’s obesity epidemic across
much of the world – is quite recent in human history. Although the causes of obesity are
multifactorial, the availability of an overabundance of various foods, especially plant carbo-
hydrates, combined with the low physical effort needed to acquire these foods, is central to
understanding the global pandemic of obesity and the obesogenic environment in the
twenty-first century in many places around the globe. This is a novel and new near-universal
trend in human evolution, and one that will continue in our increasingly poorly nourished
world. In the big picture, adequate food intake and the energy that it provides are essential
for normal reproductive and work functions.
As with all animals, humans are continuously evolving. In this regard, the human immune
system is a superb example of the record of ongoing evolution (Crespo, Chapter 16). The
immune system provides the essential role of the body’s defense against pathogens, and as
such gives insights into natural selection at the molecular level. As Crespo points out, ge-
netic variation has a dominant influence on the relative degree of susceptibility to a wide
range of infectious disease-related pathogens. The record for ongoing evolution is espe-
cially abundant in consideration of various responses comparing populations exposed to an
increasing diversity of pathogens engendered by increasing connectivity between humans
around the globe. This and other evidence reveal the strong record of ongoing evolution as
it pertains to infection and infectious diseases.
The study of nonhuman primates has long held a central place in biological anthropology.
Research on nonhuman primates is a crucial element for understanding behavior, adaptation,
locomotor patterns, and evolution of both nonhuman and human primates. McGraw
(Chapter 17) emphasizes that while anthropologists and others have debated the character-
istics of the Order Primates – and few diagnostic traits stand out – it is the presence of spe-
cialized combinations of features that define primates, making them distinctive from other
mammals. The growing consensus is that the central complex of features that distinguish
the primates as an order relates to their visual/neural system, appendicular skeleton, and life
history. Primates also show a number of trends in anatomy, physiology, and behavior that
are either minimized or absent in other mammals. Key to understanding primates is these
evolutionary trends, especially in relation to arboreal adaptation.
6  clark spencer larsen
The study of behavior in nonhuman primates provides a potential pathway for under-
standing the origins and evolution of human sociality and behavior (Strier, Chapter 18).
A key finding based on a growing record of especially field-related observations and
consideration of all primates is their remarkable adaptability. Although the majority of the
more than seven hundred species and subspecies of nonhuman primates across the globe
are facing extinction to one extent or another, they are nonetheless remarkably flexible,
giving the adaptive edge to survival and the ability to navigate challenging circumstances.
Virtually all primates spend their time in the company of other members of their social
group – primates are highly social. Why are primates social? Although a variety of answers
to this question have been forthcoming in primate studies over the last half century, key
reasons include protection from predation and competition for food resources. In large
part, the size and social unit is a compromise between safety and subsistence issues.
Regardless of the characteristics of the social group, social behavior is closely tied to evolu-
tionary success. If the study of primate behavior is to continue, then it is becoming increas-
ingly important that the world pay close attention to the conservation of primates, especially
considering the encroachment into the various habitats globally where nonhuman primates
reside often near human populations. As human population grows, so do the threats to the
health and wellbeing of nonhuman primates.
As with nonhuman primates, the study of behavior and ecology in humans has become
increasingly important in addressing questions regarding adaptation and success. The
record of behavioral ecology is centered on the notion that natural selection operating on
individual variants is central to understanding diversity in human evolution. Behavioral
ecology focuses on a range of issues that gives us insights into adaptive success (O’Connell
and Hawkes, Chapter 19). As applied to the study of living societies globally, especially with
reference to availability of and success in obtaining resources, the field focusses in part on
what foods and food types are selected for in the records of consumption, competition,
sexual selection, and life history.
The evolutionary changes in the brains of primates, including humans, provide insights
into social and other behaviors. Advanced cognition and intelligence are defining character-
istics of the primates. To understand the evolution of the brain and nervous system is to
understand the broader picture of primate and human evolution, including sociality, manip-
ulative skills, language, and intelligence. Numerous analytical methods have been devel-
oped in the study of the evolution of the primate brain and cognitive functions, including
comparative methods, endocasts from fossils, communication (including language in
humans), and theory of mind. As Miller and Sherwood discuss in Chapter 20, the study of
primate brain size and organization, including humans, gives a broad comparative perspec-
tive on key functions that characterize specific groups or species of primates and the evolu-
tion of a range of behaviors. Importantly, specific areas of the brain and diverse neural
substrates offer insights into social and other behaviors. Humans have a distinctive neural
anatomy that may provide insights into their social behavior, including social conformity.
Interestingly, new advances in the study of neurological function reveals areas of the brain
associated with patterns of empathy and the presence of pain in individuals observing others
in pain. These and many other behaviors linked to sociality are providing new insights into
the human condition. New developments in neurological function are also offering insights
into uniquely human behavior, such as language and language-related tasks. Most impor-
tantly, biological anthropologist studies of neural anatomy provide new insights into
cognitive function having broad implications for hominin cognition. Although much is yet
to be learned, several key observations stand out, including similarity of neural organization
among the primates in general, but as expected with greater complexity in humans. Only
the breadth and vision of biological anthropology  7

humans have speech and the evolution of the neurological pathways leading to it is an
exciting area of investigation. New findings strongly suggest that the neurological basis for
language derives from areas of the brain that evolved for reaching and grasping functions.
In the next six chapters, Companion contributors outline the details of the intriguing
evolutionary record and its context as represented in the hominin past. The growing fossil
record gives us insights into the anatomical record, facilitating the development of behavioral
inferences. Because this record pertains to fossils, paleontologists rely on key issues that
relate to the alteration and preservation of remains of once-living organisms, ranging from
early primates to modern humans. As Cabo, Dirkmaat, and Zurek-Ost point out (Chapter
21), it is important to consider the range of circumstances that influence the composition
of a fossil record from a specific site or series of sites to determine what is represented.
Understanding these circumstances helps to address the questions regarding the degree to
which the composition of a set of fossil remains represents the once-living community and
the extent to which there has been a loss of key information. Does the fossil assemblage
represent life as it once was?
Primate paleontologists have been highly active in the discovery of a fossil record that
serves to identify the origins and evolution of the first primates, especially with a focus on
the Paleocene and Eocene epochs (ca. 37–65 million years ago). Although the molecular
record has provided important understanding of key phylogenetic developments, it is the
burgeoning fossil record that gives us a picture of what these early ancestors looked like,
what their behaviors may have been, and their relative degree of success and failure. Silcox
and López-Torres (Chapter 22) make the argument that the first primates are the plesi-
adapiforms, a highly diverse and abundant group found throughout Europe, Asia, and
North America beginning some 65 million years ago. They suggest that the origin for the
Order Primates can be traced to North America, having evolved from an arboreal ancestor.
The first modern-looking primates had hallmark characteristics of orbital closure, ocular
convergence, and nails instead of claws, and rapidly diversified in the Eocene, providing the
basis for all later primate evolution.
Out of this proliferation of Eocene primates came the higher primates of the Old World,
the catarrhines (Begun, Chapter 23). This fascinating record is a rich one but focuses on the
remarkable sequence dating the earliest catarrhines in the Oligocene epoch, as represented
at the Fayum in Egypt. The origin of hominoids is unclear, but the record is best docu-
mented from geological deposits dating to at least 20 million years ago in the early Miocene
with the fossil primate, Proconsul. Following is a new and highly successful adaptive radia-
tion and proliferation of ape-like taxa that were found in Africa, Europe, and Asia. The
spread of apes to Europe and Asia by 17 million years ago sets the foundation for the evo-
lution of higher primates and the later appearance of human-like hominins, traditionally
called hominids (Simpson, Chapter 24).
One of the most interesting and controversial records of evolution is that of humans and
human-like ancestors (Simpson, Chapter 24). Thirty years ago, the record of hominin evo-
lution extended back to just over four million years ago. In the last 20 years, this record has
been increased to at least seven million years ago. The record of the first hominins derives
from Africa and contains a phylogenetic succession of preaustralopithecines, early australo-
pithecines, and late australopithecines over a period of some six million years. Much of the
record pertains to one evolving lineage, diversifying in an adaptive radiation in later austra-
lopithecines. The hallmark attribute of the hominins is obligate bipedality associated with
the shift from an arboreal to a terrestrial context facilitated by dominance of bipedality as a
central locomotor adaptation.
8  clark spencer larsen
During the evolution of the later australopithecines, there is a concurrent appearance of
the genus Homo, a larger-brained hominin but having smaller teeth than the australopithe-
cines. It is also during this time that we see the origins of stone tool manufacture and use.
Dating to about 2.5 million years ago, these stone tools represent the earliest record of
human material culture. Whatever the causes or motivations, increasing reliance on material
culture, brain expansion, and complete dedication to a fully terrestrial adaptation signals the
beginning of the rise of humans and their remarkable evolutionary success based in part on
The appearance of the Homo lineage forms the foundation for all the anatomical and
behavioral developments linked with humans and humanness (Rightmire, Chapter 25).
Beginning with brain expansion, the anatomical package of reduction in tooth size and the
masticatory complex, and the appearance of increasingly complex tools and dependence on
material culture and associated technology, sets the course for the eventual domination of
humans over most of the landscapes they occupy. Soon following the appearance of Homo
erectus in Africa, hominins migrated out of Africa to Asia and Europe. This hominin was the
first to expand its adaptive niche so dramatically, geographically, and ecologically, from
tropical to temperate locations where climates were severe, at least on a seasonal basis. The
key to this remarkable success lies in the increasing focus on intelligence, dependence on
culture and technology, and the ability to adapt to new and novel circumstances ranging
from deserts to high altitude settings. In many ways, at this point in hominin evolution, we
see the beginnings of their ecological, behavioral, and biological dominance.
It is out of the evolution of the earliest Homo erectus in Europe and Asia that we see the
rise by 400,000 years ago of distinctive morphological variation, especially in the craniofa-
cial complex (Smith and Karriger, Chapter 26). Their commitment to culture as an adaptive
strategy, increase in brain size, and reduction in masticatory size unifies them as a distinctive
ancestral-descendant lineage. Predictably, increased habitat diversity is associated with mor-
phological diversity. Post-Homo erectus evolution sees the rise of archaic Homo sapiens and
what Smith and Karriger call Homo heidelbergensis (the “Heidelbergs”). Relative to earlier
hominins, later hominins show marked brain size expansion and skeletal features, reflecting
their tropical adaptation. In Europe, craniofacial changes seen in later Homo foreshadow
that seen in the Neandertals. In Africa, archaic Homo sapiens evolve. However, in contrast
to biological and behavioral developments in Europe and Asia, their facial characteristics are
decidedly modern. Documented from the site of Herto (Ethiopia), this early modern
anatomy is present by at least 160,000 years ago. The record – both fossil and molecular –
shows that these earliest modern humans left Africa and migrated to Asia and then to
Europe. By the late Pleistocene, these early modern Homo sapiens occupied a new frontier,
expanding into geographical spaces previously not occupied (e.g., high altitude; see Beall,
Chapter 9). Some authorities believe there was a complete replacement of the indigenous
Neandertals by these newcomers, whereas others regard this as an example of migration and
gene flow. Smith and Karriger (Chapter 26) argue that assimilation is the more likely
development whereby much of the anatomical variation we see in living humans in Europe
and Asia derives from an African ancestor.
The concluding section of the book focuses on key areas that inform our understanding
of mostly Holocene human populations and skeletal and dental biology. Milner and Larsen
(Chapter 27) outline developments pertaining to bioarchaeology, the study of human
remains from archaeological contents, mostly represented by the last 10,000 years of human
evolution. The large samples of skeletal remains in Holocene contexts provide key insights
into a population level of understanding of diet, health, lifestyle, and quality of life through
the breadth and vision of biological anthropology  9

a variety of recently developed analytical methods. Similarly, the expanding understanding

of human health in recent populations via paleopathology provides new tools for disease
diagnosis. Buikstra (Chapter 28) makes the compelling case that the study of ancient path-
ogens gives a new perspective for understanding infectious diseases in not just past humans,
but those living today. Paleopathologists have made extraordinary gains in the development
of tools for diagnosis of disease and the placement of disease in interpreting health condi-
tions in regional and global settings. Among these tools is the identification of ancient
pathogens via the record of ancient DNA (see Chapter 12). Indeed, it is the population
perspective that has made the study of ancient disease such an important part of modern
biological anthropology.
Forensic anthropology is an area of expertise that has contributed a key record of
knowledge and methods to the legal community, especially as it pertains to the identification
of victims of violence and nonviolence circumstances (Ubelaker, Chapter 29). While most
of the focus has been on identification pertaining to age, sex, and personage, forensic
anthropologists have developed new and compelling approaches to the reconstruction and
identification of those recently deceased. As with a number of areas discussed by other
authors in this book, a central focus is accuracy in age identification, use of reliable methods,
and documentation of the variation in age and senescence in older adults. It is now well
understood that older adults age at different rates and that they express increased variation
in physical manifestations of senescence (also see Crews and Bogin, Chapter 8). New
methods and approaches are rapidly contributing to more accurate means of age estimation,
especially for older adults. In addition, ancestry is fundamental to at least initial identification
of remains of the deceased.
Biological anthropologists have been especially sensitive to the issue of “race” in public
misperceptions of human variation (also see Caspari, Chapter 7). The typologies and cate-
gories of race were developed by anthropologists in the nineteenth century based on earlier
precedents. Today’s biological anthropologists are aware of the public perceptions of the
social dimensions of understanding race as a taxonomic record of human variation. That
said, biological anthropologists do not classify humans into categories. Rather, today’s
biological anthropologists recognize that human variation is due to evolutionary forces and
other processes associated with climate and environmental circumstances such as heat, cold,
and altitude. There are of course geographic tendencies of biological variation discussed
throughout the Companion volume, all of which are related to the circumstance of evolu-
tion and adaptation to local and regional circumstances. Forensic anthropologists have con-
tributed to understanding the underlying biological variation for ancestral identification.
New methods are providing important tools for identification of geographical origins, such
as stable isotope analysis and inferences drawn from the sources of food and water ingested
prior to death (also see this application in Chapter 29 by Ubelaker).
All these areas strongly overlap with and complement the discussions in the final chapters
of the book. Individual identifications through analysis of DNA from bones, teeth, and
other tissues in ancient settings provide the opening of a new window on to a range of
issues that interest biological anthropologists. The new subdiscipline of paleogenetics,
sometimes called molecular archaeology, uses a range of techniques developed for the study
of biomolecules in living populations and applies that knowledge to the study of ancient
biomolecules to past populations (Chapter 13, Amorim). This part of the molecular revo-
lution is possible because of the remarkable advances in molecular biology, including
genomic mapping. Like so many areas discussed in this book, biological anthropologists
have addressed long-standing issues about humans, primates, and the evolutionary record.
10  clark spencer larsen
Much of this paleogenetic record pertains to new advances in the study of nuclear
DNA, including Y-chromosome sequences for a range of important issues, such as sex
identification, familial relationships and social organization, movement of persons, conti-
nuity of lineages, and identification of pathogens. Although preservation and contamina-
tion issues continue to make the enterprise a challenging one, the developments in sampling
and analysis are beginning to allow the kinds of studies not possible even just a few years ago.
Similarly, advances in skeletal and dental chemistry – especially stable isotopes of nitrogen
and carbon – have been applied to study of Holocene humans in the last several decades
(Schoeninger and Reitsema, Chapter 30). In this regard, research advances provide an
unprecedented insight into diet and inferences about dietary ecology, subsistence practices,
and nutrition quality. Analysis of some key isotopes of carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen,
strontium, and oxygen has given a remarkably detailed picture of relative consumption of
specific dietary plants and insights into major shifts in diet, such as those associated with the
foraging-to-farming transition, the amount of meat in a diet, and trophic interpretations
relating to age-of-weaning and interpretation about the social behavior of mothers and
their offspring. Bone chemistry is beginning to provide far more knowledge about the
human past than just diet, especially with respect to forensic identification, migratory his-
tory and residential movement, environment, gender, and long-term trends in ecological
adaptation in a range of nonhuman primates.
The study of the biology of bones and teeth is a crucial endeavor in biological anthropology.
Cole, Gosman, and Stout (Chapter 31) make clear the importance of understanding the
biology of bone for many of the areas addressed in the book, including paleoanthropology,
bioarchaeology, forensic anthropology, and paleopathology. This chapter focuses on current
mechanical/structural concepts for understanding the biology of bone, focusing especially
on bone as a living tissue and its structural properties. Without an understanding of the
underlying developmental processes in bone tissues, these areas of endeavor become in part
a mere description. Although growth, development, and process may not be included in
any one study in bioarchaeology or paleopathology, the biological anthropologist who
studies past or present skeletons, understands bone as a tissue – the skeleton grows, adapts
to various circumstances, and maintains itself.
Similarly, the study of teeth has had a central role to play in the study of past and present
populations. As so well emphasized by Guatelli-Steinberg (Chapter 32), the enamel of teeth
has a vastly different developmental biology than bone. In this regard, enamel forms via a
process of enamel matrix deposition and mineralization and is less dynamic than bone. In
some ways, teeth are like a living fossil in that only about 4% of the tissue is nonmineral.
Thus, it comes as no surprise that teeth tend to endure in paleontological and archaeolog-
ical contexts, more so than bones. In large part, it is the composition of teeth that facilitate
their preservation in many archaeological and paleontological contexts.
The information packed into teeth regarding their growth is highly valuable to the
biological anthropologist. In particular, the incremental growth of teeth provides a diary of
the development, disturbances during growth, and insight into the pace of growth. The
applications of dental growth and biology present a fund of data on when physiological
stresses occur and the duration of stress episodes during growth and development.
As the next three chapters reveal, function is a highly significant area of study in biological
anthropology. Built on the premise that “form follows function,” this general area of inquiry
provides a perspective on a range of issues for addressing questions about functional and
evolutionary adaptation in primates and humans. With respect to the skull, Wang and
Menegaz (Chapter 33) place function within the context of protection of the brain and
sensory functions, mastication, respiration, and speech production. Much of the focus in
the breadth and vision of biological anthropology  11

biological anthropology is on functional morphology, especially in relation to mastication,

in large part because of the role of diet and dietary reconstruction as they apply to a range
of areas of the discipline.
The dentition is central to the study of masticatory function. It is the teeth that meet
food and provide a record of kinds of foods eaten and how they are initially processed prior
to digestion. In Chapter 34, Schmidt and Ungar present an overview of the various
approaches to understanding the role, function, and process of diet and mastication in pri-
mates, including issues that biological anthropologists deal with regarding interpreting
tooth structure and microwear.
As a number of chapters point out, one of the most significant contributions of biological
anthropology is the understanding of function as it pertains to the postcranial skeleton.
Function as it relates to everything below the neck is dominated by locomotion (Granatosky
and Young, Chapter 35). The primate arboreal adaptation discussed by McGraw (Chapter
17) guides our understanding of the general Bauplan of postcranial skeletal structure, yet it
is the range of specializations and adaptations in this general structure that provides the per-
spective on the evolution of primates over the last 65 million years. Primates are hindlimb
dominated, but this is coupled with remarkable mobility of joints for movement in trees and
ability to grasp with varying degrees of opposability for holding on to curved surfaces – such
as branches. Moreover, all primates climb, including the terrestrial ones. The study of
locomotor function in primates presents an important perspective for understanding the very
specialized adaptation of the most terrestrial primate – bipedality in humans. This adaptation
arose quickly and involved a complete reorientation of the lower limb and back, occasioning
a reduction from use of support of four limbs to full dependence on just two limbs.
Pobiner concludes the book with some good news and some challenges regarding
teaching and learning of biological anthropology (Chapter 36). The good news: biological
anthropology has provided a remarkable record for understanding primate evolution and
variation and evolution in general. Pobiner emphasizes facts supporting evolution but are
not enough to break the education barrier. Rather, biological anthropologists need to focus
on increasing science literacy to provide the public with an understanding of how science
works through education. How should biological anthropologists accomplish the goal of
more broadly educating the public about science? Pobiner argues that teachers of biological
anthropology should use evolution – including the remarkable record of primates – to pro-
vide students with a context for understanding why evolution is such an important and
strong theory. By focusing on the process of science and placing evolution in its context,
students will be far better prepared to understand the meaning of evolution (and them-
selves) in the natural world. Moreover, the understanding of evolution provides a platform
for the student to view human variation as a product of adaptation to conditions both local
and regional. This understanding allows the student to think like a biological anthropologist.
For example, skin pigmentation and much of biology does not develop in the context of
racial categories but as local and regional adaptations to region-specific environments
related to heat, cold, exposure to ultraviolet light, and many other conditions and circum-
stances, leading to the remarkable degree of human variation we see around all of us.

Note on General Organization of the Book

I have long felt that understanding of biology of the past – derived from the fossil record –
is informed by understanding of the biology of the present. Indeed, the founders of evolu-
tionary theory in the nineteenth century had a limited fossil record from which to reconstruct
12  clark spencer larsen
and interpret biological change. In large measure, their ideas were derived from the study
of living variation. Therefore, much of the book is organized along the lines of study of the
present for informing our understanding of the past. Authors present an historical overview
of biological anthropology (Chapter 2) and key aspects of the living, ranging from genetics
and phylogeny to behavior and ongoing evolution in humans and primates (Chapters 3 to
11). We then follow with a series of chapters on ancient DNA as pertaining to disease and
population history (Chapters 12 and 13), age structure viewed from past and present
­contexts, nutrition, and foodways (Chapters 14 and 15), ongoing evolution (Chapter 16),
and chapters presenting syntheses of the study of living primates (Chapters 17 to 20), of
other areas that are broadly applicable to past and living humans, especially regarding the
fossil record in particular and the past in general (Chapters 21 to 30), the biology and
function of skeletal and dental hard tissues (Chapters 31 to 35), and science education,
especially as applied to biological anthropology and evolutionary science in general (Chapter
36). Other sources and perspectives pertaining to the broad scope of biological anthropology
are ­presented in Trevathan (2018) and Cartmill (2018).


1 For the better part of a century, the traditional disciplinary term has been physical anthropology,
used by its founders and commonly presented in textbooks and curricula in the United States.
Given the focus on biology and evolutionary science in general, it is increasingly referred to as
biological anthropology. A key indicator of the shift is represented by the name change in 2021 when
the official name of the professional organization was changed from the American Association
of Physical Anthropologists to the American Association of Biological Anthropologists. The
­Association’s journal name was changed from the American Journal of Physical Anthropology
to the American Journal of Biological Anthropology in 2022 and its annual publication from the
Yearbook of Physical Anthropology to the Yearbook of Biological Anthropology in 2022.


Cartmill, M. “Celebrating 100 Years of the AJPA: 1918–2018: A Special Centennial Issue of the
American Journal of Physical Anthropology.” American Journal of Physical Anthropology 165
(2018): 615–951.
Larsen, C. S., ed. A Companion to Biological Anthropology. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
Trevathan, W., ed. The International Encyclopedia of Biological Anthropology. Chichester: John Wiley
& Sons, 2018.
PART I History
CHAPTER 2 Foundation and
History of Biological

Michael A. Little and

Jane E. Buikstra

Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Origins of Physical Anthropology

The fundamental subject matter of biological (formerly physical) anthropology focuses on

human origins and human variation. Such interests date back to antiquity, but systematic
observations and publications began with the eighteenth century Natural Philosophers of the
Enlightenment, such as George-Louis Leclerk, Comte de Buffon (1707–1788) and James
Burnett, Lord Monboddo (1714–1799). During this period, human races were defined and
various racial classification systems were proposed (Brace 2005: 22 ff.). “Race” as a typological
characterization of human variation was to become a dominant theme in physical anthropology
until the mid-twentieth century. Classification, an elemental building block of all sciences, was
first formalized for humans by Carl von Linné (“Linnaeus” 1707–1778), the great Swedish
taxonomist. He identified the close relationships between humans and nonhuman primates,
classified Homo sapiens as a member of this primate category Anthropomorpha (later, Primates),
and identified several “racial” varieties, both known and mythical (Broberg 1983). Johann
Friedrich Blumenbach (1752–1840), the German physician and anatomist, followed Linné’s
geographic four-fold classification system of human varieties from America, Asia, Africa, and
Europe, later adding a fifth variety, Malay, to represent Pacific populations (Gould 1996: 401
ff.). Some identify Blumenbach as a founder of physical anthropology because of his interest
in “human varieties” and human craniology (Burns 2003: 29–30; Shapiro 1959).
In the United States, the Enlightenment was represented by several scholar/scientists,
e.g., Benjamin Franklin (1709–1790). The one most closely linked to physical anthropology
was Samuel Stanhope Smith (1751–1819). Smith, as a natural philosopher and Presbyterian
minister, was on the faculty and later President of Princeton University (Brace 2005: 50 ff.).
He saw all humans as the same species with continuous variation. “Smith reduced the chief
causes of the variation in the human species to three: climate, the state of society, and the
manner of living” (Hudnut 1956: 544). His Lamarckian and monogenetic (a single human

A Companion to Biological Anthropology, Second Edition. Edited by Clark Spencer Larsen.

© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
16  michael a. little and jane e. buikstra
species origin) view differed from the “fixed-race” and even “separate species origins” – the
polygenism typologies of many of his contemporaries.
A very significant figure from Philadelphia who has been deconstructed in recent years is
Samuel G. Morton (1799–1851) (Gould 1996: 82 ff.). Morton was a highly respected phy-
sician and scientist during his time who made many contributions to paleontology, geology,
anatomy, and human craniometry (Brace 2005: 77 ff.; Buikstra 2009; Stanton 1960: 25
ff.). Craniology was his principal contribution to physical anthropology; he had collected
more than 900 crania, which he had identified within Blumenbach’s five racial varieties. A
major work, Crania Americana on Native Americans (Morton 1839), was described by
Brace (2005: 82) as “… a monumental piece of scholarship…,” particularly with Morton’s
development of a variety of metrics to characterize and measure the dimensions of the skull
(Brace 2005: 82). Aleš Hrdlička (1869–1943), who also held Morton in high esteem, had
Morton’s photograph as the frontispiece of his history and status of physical anthropology
and identified him as the “father of American physical anthropology” (Hrdlička 1919).
Gould’s (1981, 1996) critique of Samuel Morton was based on his conviction that
Morton’s calculations of cranial capacity were unconsciously biased because of Morton’s
belief in racial superiority. Gould’s critique, however, has been refuted by Michael (1988)
and Lewis and colleagues (2011) in careful restudies of Morton’s materials.
Charles R. Darwin’s (1809–1882) publication of the Origin of Species (1859) and ideas
linked to evolution encouraged changed perspectives among ethnologists (and evolution-
ists) and physical anthropologists. In England, a mid-nineteenth century rift influenced the
nascent British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) and probably led to the
separation of physical anthropology from ethnology and evolution in both the United
Kingdom and the United States (Stocking 1987: 248 ff.).
Physical anthropology or “anthropology,” as it was known on the Continent in the mid-
to late-1800s, was most highly developed in France and Germany (Stocking 1988), where
most of the physical anthropologists were trained through medical studies (Proctor 1988).
“Anthropology” in France was established by Paul Broca (1824–1880), a celebrated physi-
cian and anatomist who founded the Société d’Anthopologie de Paris (SAP) in 1859,
Laboratoire d’Anthropologie of the Ècole Practique des Hautes Ètudes (LA-EPHE) in 1867,
and the Ècole d’Anthropologie in 1876 (Spencer 1997a). Paul Broca greatly admired Samuel
Morton’s ideas (Brace 2010). Morton (and Broca) thus indirectly influenced Aleš Hrdlička
who studied with Broca’s student, Léonce-Pierre Manouvrier (1850–1927), in Paris at the
Laboratoire d’Anthropologie in 1896 (Buikstra et al. n.d.). Impressed with the laboratory,
Hrdlička unsuccessfully sought to develop a research/teaching institute of physical
anthropology according to the French model in the US (Spencer 1979; Stewart 1981).
In Germany, the history of studies in physical anthropology has been badly tarnished by
extreme racism, “racial cleansing,” and anti-Semitism, beginning in late nineteenth century
and the “scientific racism” of the twentieth century (Barkan 1992; Proctor 1988; Spencer
1997b). As in France, physical anthropology was taught in medical schools. The founder of
American anthropology, Franz Boas (1858–1942), was trained in physics and geography in
Germany during a period of relative liberalism, and experienced little anti-Semitism during
his school days, that is, before anti-Semitism began to rise and liberalism declined after
1879 (Cole 1999: 58, 87). His basic training in physical anthropology came in 1881–1883
under the direction of Rudof Virchow (1821–1902); he also studied ethnography with
Adolf Bastian (1826–1905) in Berlin. Both Virchow’s and Bastian’s anti-Darwinian per-
spectives and Virchow’s liberal views on race probably influenced Boas’s early ideas (Massin
1996). Academic chairs in physical anthropology were established in Munich in 1886 and
Berlin in 1888 (Spencer 1997b: 428).
foundation and history of biological anthropology  17

In England, interests in physical anthropology were held outside medical science and
often in paleontology, evolution, and archaeology. Thomas Huxley, a distinguished biologist
as well as Darwin’s friend and supporter, authored Evidence as to Man’s Place in Nature
(1863), which might be considered the first text in physical anthropology. It included a
synthesis of comparative anatomy of human and nonhuman primates, a summary of fossil
evidence up to that time, and a review of the natural history of nonhuman primates. Francis
Galton (1822–1911), Darwin’s cousin and a great biometrician, began conducting body
measurements of children in 1873. Arthur Keith (1866–1955), widely respected in the UK
and the US, influenced physical anthropology from the nineteenth century to post-World
War II physical anthropology, although his ideas largely reflected the nineteenth century.
Keith, who spent most of his career at the Royal College of Surgeons in London, studied
comparative anatomy of primates, nonhuman primate and human paleontology, primate
locomotion, and human evolution (Spencer 1997c).

Twentieth Century Beginnings and The Rise of Professionalism

Physical Anthropology in Europe

While Germany was pre-eminent in physical anthropology at the turn of the twentieth
century, there were important figures in France, Switzerland, and England. Léonce-Pierre
Manouvrier demonstrated that differences in male and female cranial capacities were simply
a function of body size and established skeletal indices that are still in use today (Spencer
1997d). Rudolph Martin (1864–1925), who joined the faculty at the University of Zurich
in 1899, published the Lehrbuch der Anthropologie (Handbook of Physical Anthropology)
(Martin 1914), which became a classic reference work and textbook. Spencer (1997b)
identified 11 major centers of physical anthropology in German cities at the end of the
Weimar Period (1918–1933). The following National Socialist Period of 1933–1945, with
the rise of Adolf Hitler and Nazism, was marked by an obsession with “race,” racial purity,
anti-Semitism, and deplorable atrocities.
English scientists made substantial contributions to comparative primate anatomy in the
early part of the twentieth century, including Grafton Elliot Smith (1871–1937) in
Manchester and Arthur Keith (1866–1955) in London. Smith was an Egyptologist and a
specialist in comparative primate brain anatomy. In 1907, Smith, Frederic Wood Jones
(1879–1954), and others studied several thousand Egyptian mummies prior to elevation of
the Aswan Dam, thus advancing knowledge of ancient disease (Armelagos 1997; Baker and
Judd 2012). Both Smith and Keith played important roles in training and mentoring
American physical anthropologists, including T. Wingate Todd (1885–1938) and Earnest
A. Hooton (1887–1954). Prior to the twentiethth century, studies of primate behavior
included only Keith’s casual observations of gibbons in Thailand in the late 1890s. More
recently, Sir Solly Zuckerman’s (1904–1993) influential book, The Social Life of Monkeys
and Apes (1932), was published. Much work was done by UK scientists in what is now
known as paleoanthropology, including the Piltdown discovery in 1912 and its refutation
in 1953 (Weiner 1955); the Swanscombe remains were discovered in the 1930s.

Physical Anthropology in the United States

Three individuals were instrumental in founding physical anthropology during the first half
of the twentieth century: Franz Boas, Aleš Hrdlička, and Earnest A. Hooton.
Franz Boas had a broad vision of anthropology as a four-field science and contributed to
each of these fields. His research in physical anthropology and biometrics alone led to the
18  michael a. little and jane e. buikstra
publication of more than 180 works that ranged from anthropometrics and osteometrics,
to race and racial origins, to environmental influences, and to human growth and
development of children (Little 2010). He is best known in anthropology for his study of
migrants from Europe to the United States (Boas 1912), but his most significant and last-
ing research was in child growth (see Figure 2.1).
Aleš Hrdlička, the second of the three, was committed to physical anthropology and
determined to advance it as a science (see Figure 2.2). He founded the American Journal
of Physical Anthropology (AJPA) in 1918 and was the principal organizer and first President
of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists in 1930 (Little 2018a). His energy
and enthusiasm were instrumental in “securing the discipline’s identity” and securing a
continuing place for it within the broader field of anthropology (Buikstra et al. n.d.; Spencer
1982a: 6).
The third individual, Earnest Hooton, was considerably junior to Boas and Hrdlička. He
spent his entire professional career at Harvard University, beginning in 1913 (see Figure 2.3),
where he supervised 28 PhD students. Hooton’s students dominated the profession and
played important roles in developing physical anthropology through the 1970s and early
1980s (Giles 2012).
Boas’s primary contributions were in creative and forward-looking research design,
Hrdlička’s contributions were in a resolute and persistent promotion of the profession, and
Hooton’s contributions were in training the first generation of physical anthropologists to

Figure 2.1 Franz Boas posing in Inuit garb in Minden, Germany, after his return from Baffin Island
in 1985–1986. Courtesy of the American Philosophical Society.
foundation and history of biological anthropology  19

Figure 2.2 The Department of Anthropology at the US National Museum in 1904. Aleš Hrdlička
is third from the left. Courtesy of the US National Museum, Smithsonian Institution.

Figure 2.3 Earnest A. Hooton in 1926 about the time that he trained his first PhD student.
Courtesy of the Peabody Museum, Harvard University.
20  michael a. little and jane e. buikstra
fill the expanding faculty of universities around the US. Each of these three prominent
anthropologists were either trained in Europe or strongly influenced by European
Other important figures from this period were Raymond Pearl (1879–1940), T. Wingate
Todd, and Adolph Schultz (1891–1976). Pearl was a Michigan-trained biologist with broad
interests in human population biology and strong mathematical training who worked at
Johns Hopkins University (Kingsland 1984; Little and Garruto 2010). Pearl contributed to
the development of human population biology and also founded two journals that would
define this field: Quarterly Review of Biology (in 1926) and Human Biology (in 1929). Todd
established a documented skeletal collection of several thousand individuals (The Hamann
Todd Collection) and conducted substantial research on skeletal development and matura-
tion in humans (Kern 2006; Todd 1937). Both Pearl and Todd were Presidents of the
American Association of Physical Anthropologists. Schultz was a comparative anatomist
trained at the University of Zürich who secured an appointment at Johns Hopkins University
as a physical anthropologist in the Department of Anatomy (Erikson 1981). His principal
contributions were in comparative primatology and he co-founded the journal, Folia
Formative areas of physical anthropology were beginning to emerge, namely child
growth and development from Boas’s 1880s and 1890s research and his later migrant
studies; centers of bone growth and formation, skeletal maturation, and child development
from Todd’s 1920s and 1930s work; anthropometrics and osteometrics from Manouvrier,
Hrdlička, and Martin; comparative primate anatomy and behavior and paleoanthropology
from Keith, Schultz, and Hooton in the early 1920s and 1930s; and demography, genetics,
epidemiology, and statistics from Pearl throughout the early 1900s. Human population
biology was not yet a formal area of study at the beginning of the century, yet Franz Boas’s
early studies and Pearl’s involvement in physical anthropology and editorship of Human
Biology helped to define this emerging field. During the early twentieth century physical
anthropology, Boas and Pearl were major figures in encouraging scientific approaches to
inquiry. Field primatology was yet to emerge as an interest to physical anthropologists
(Sussman 2007).

Physical Anthropology as a Profession

At the turn of the twentieth century there were virtually no physical anthropologists in US
academia. Harvard, with the oldest anthropology program in the US, produced only three
PhDs in physical anthropology through 1925. Only two other PhDs were granted in physical
anthropology (Pennsylvania and Columbia). During roughly the same period (1900–1925),
there were 34 PhDs awarded in archaeology and ethnology at the four PhD degree-granting
institutions (Harvard, Pennsylvania, Columbia, and Berkeley) (Spencer, 1982a).
Gradually, physical anthropologists of distinction emerged during the second quarter of
the twentieth century, including Theodore D. McCown (1908–1969), Wilton M. Krogman
(1903–1987), and W. Montague Cobb (1904–1990). Cobb was the first and only African
American physical anthropology PhD trained in the US prior to World War II (Rankin-Hill
and Blakey 1994; Watkins 2007).

Early Basic Themes of Inquiry in Physical Anthropology

There are several basic areas or themes of inquiry that characterize the first half of the twen-
tieth century. These include studies of race, eugenics, human growth and development of
children, human origins, primates, and skeletal biology. Race as a preoccupation and an
foundation and history of biological anthropology  21

essentialist or typological framework for viewing human population variation was largely
discarded after World War II (Washburn 1984). The eugenics movement began in the
nineteenth century, developed in England by Francis Galton (1822–1911). Its impact on
human population studies declined in the US during the late 1920s and 1930s (Pearl
1927). Genetics was developed largely outside of physical anthropology in the early twen-
tieth century, whereas early human genetics was closely allied with eugenics during this
period (Davenport 1921). Franz Boas (1897) had established the tradition of research on
human growth and development in children in anthropology during the late 1800s (Little
2010; Tanner 1981). Studies of human origins and paleoanthropology were more highly
developed in Europe than in the US, while the origins of New World populations were
studied by Hrdlička (1912). Research on primates continued into the twentieth century,
including the first behavioral studies of nonhuman primates in zoos. Early naturalistic
behavior research emerged in the 1930s, with considerable early work by psychologists
(Carpenter 1964). Descriptive skeletal biology continued, supplemented by such researchers
as Washington Matthews (1843–1905), who explicitly addressed archaeological questions
(Buikstra 2006). Studies of ancient diseases such as tuberculosis and syphilis also had
nineteenth century roots, carried into the first half of the twentieth century by researchers
such as Hrdlička, Stewart, and Williams (Buikstra and Roberts 2012; Buikstra et al. 2012;
Powell and Cook 2005).
Race: Prevailing interests during the late 1800s, early 1900s, and between the two world
wars were in identifying races through careful anthropometric measurements and morpho-
logical observation; determining the effects of race mixture on behavior and biology; and
ascertaining origins and history of different racial groups. Races were believed by many to
be fixed entities that could be identified as pure groups with some races clearly superior to
others in biology and intelligence. These ideas were carried over from nineteenth century
beliefs that supported slavery in the US and led to poor treatment of Native Americans.
Eugenics: Eugenics reflected Francis Galton’s late nineteenth century Victorian view that
“good breeding” would give the “better” races an advantage over the “poorer” or “inferior”
ones (Brace 2005: 178; see also Gregory 1919). More broadly, eugenics beliefs centered on
improvements in the human species (Marks 1997). Examples of extreme eugenics, including
forced sterilization and “racial cleansing,” are documented in Gould (1996). The eugenics
movement in the US developed during the 1920s when many geneticists and physical
anthropologists participated in the movement. Hrdlička (1919), who believed that the
growing science of eugenics would essentially be transformed into a form of applied
anthropology, was critical of eugenics (Spencer 1979). Charles B. Davenport (1866–1944),
later president of the AAPA in 1943–1944, was an early proponent of eugenics and sup-
ported it enthusiastically. He established the Carnegie Institution-funded Eugenics Record
Office at Cold Spring Harbor.
Human Growth and Development of Children: In 1891, Boas conducted the first
longitudinal study of the growth of Worcester, Massachusetts schoolchildren. His observa-
tions of the growth and likely growth outcomes (Boas 1897) supported his view that race
was not fixed but was instead a highly variable process. This research further reinforced his
belief in human plasticity. He explored this more than two decades later with a migration
study designed to test the assertion by many that the cephalic index of the head was fixed by
race and unchanged by the environment. This assertion had also influenced public views
about US immigration policy. From measurements of thousands of immigrants from Europe,
Boas found that there were generational differences in cephalic index, which were
22  michael a. little and jane e. buikstra
statistically significant (Boas 1912). He also reported that children of immigrants were taller
and that children from large families with limited resources were shorter than their age
cohorts from small families with equally limited resources. Although Boas’s carefully
designed and statistically analyzed studies of growth and of migrants demonstrated the plas-
ticity of race, the impact of these ideas was only appreciated after World War II (Little 2010).
Human Origins: US anthropologists tended to focus on the origins of New World popula-
tions, particularly Native Americans from North America. European anthropologists were
active in England, France, other parts of Europe, and Asia. Important work was also done
in South Africa by Raymond A. Dart (1893–1988), the discoverer of Australopithecus in the
1920s (Dart 1925). In East Africa, Louis Leakey (1903–1972) began explorations of human
ancestors in the 1930s (Leakey 1931). Hrdlička devoted considerable effort to exploring the
Neanderthal origins problem and argued (incorrectly) that Neanderthals were unilineal
ancestors to modern Homo sapiens (Hrdlička 1927; Spencer and Smith 1981). His major
interest, however, was the origin and prehistory of Native Americans (Hrdlička 1912).
Primatology: Considerable work was done in comparative anatomy, paleontology, and nat-
uralistic behavior of primates before World War II. William King Gregory (1876–1970), a
dedicated evolutionist, wrote on fish, birds, and mammals, and also on fossil primates,
human dentition, and comparative primate anatomy and growth (Schultz 1924). An impor-
tant publication from the late 1920s was The Great Apes (Yerkes and Yerkes 1929), a compi-
lation of knowledge up to that time, although almost nothing was known of primate natural
history (Sussman 1997, 2007). C. Raymond Carpenter (1905–1975) was trained as a psy-
chologist. After working with Robert Yerkes as a post-doctoral fellow at Yale, Carpenter
studied the behavior of howler monkeys on Barro Colorado Island in Panama. Several years
later, in 1937, Carpenter (1964) participated in the famous multidisciplinary study of gib-
bons in Thailand.
Skeletal Biology: Studies of the human skeleton have been a mainstay of physical anthropology
since the mid-nineteenth century, beginning with Morton’s craniometric analyses (1839,
1844). Interests in the anatomy of the skeleton were derived from both the need to under-
stand the bases for variation in the human body and to explore human origins. When Aleš
Hrdlička was hired by the Smithsonian Institution his skills in skeletal biology were needed
to curate a large skeletal sample moved from the Army Medical Museum to the Smithsonian
(Little 2018a). A part of Hrdlička’s later career at the Smithsonian was devoted to building
these skeletal collections. Other areas of skeletal biology are associated with remains uncov-
ered by archaeological excavation or bioarchaeology; studies of ancient disease or paleopa-
thology; and human remains identification linked to law enforcement or forensic anthropology.
Hooton’s interests in human variation extended to archaeological skeletal populations,
including his Pecos Pueblo monograph (Hooton 1930), which illustrated the need to con-
sider change through time in health and demographic patterns. Hooton’s students were
central players in the description and publication of large series of human remains (Buikstra
2006). Methods and interests in population biology were developed in a range of archaeo-
logical settings in North America (Larsen 2012, 2015).

The Science Matures: Post-World War II

In 1941, a private foundation was established in the US with substantial funding to support
anthropological research and other activities (Lindee and Radin 2016). The Viking Fund
Foundation was endowed by Axel Wenner-Gren (1881–1961), a wealthy Swedish
foundation and history of biological anthropology  23

industrialist, and directed by Paul Fejos (1897–1963). Fejos was a physician and distin-
guished film-maker of Hollywood, European, and ethnographic films who led the
Foundation for its first 22 years (Dobbs 1963, 1973). Now known as the Wenner-Gren
Foundation for Anthropological Research, it was, during the 1940s and 1950s, a vital
source of financial and organizational support for anthropology (Szathmáry 1991), which
continues today.
In 1945, the Viking Fund/Wenner-Gren Foundation sponsored the Summer Seminars
in Physical Anthropology, which were “state of the art” occasions to bring together younger
and more senior anthropologists to discuss the most current and exciting research in the
profession (Little and Kaplan 2010). Held in New York City, they were organized largely
by Sherwood Washburn. Washburn, along with Gabriel Lasker, a new PhD (both trained
by Hooton), initiated the Yearbook of Physical Anthropology that same year, both to report
on the Summer Seminars and to review the important research that had been conducted
during the previous year (Lasker was the Yearbook editor). The Summer Seminars continued
through 1955, whereas the Yearbook, as an annual supplement to the AJPA, continues to
be published.
In June 1950, a watershed symposium was held at the Cold Spring Harbor Institute for
Quantitative Biology on Long Island, New York. Organized by Sherwood Washburn and
the distinguished population geneticist, Theodosius Dobzhansky (1900–1975), the 15th
Cold Spring Harbor Symposium on Quantitative Biology was entitled The Origin and
Evolution of Man (Warren 1951). The meeting was attended by more than 100 of the most
influential anthropologists, geneticists, evolutionary biologists, scientists from the Institute,
and students. Of these, 22 were women. Both the Viking Fund/Wenner-Gren Foundation
and the Carnegie Corporation funded the conference. In many ways, the symposium sig-
naled the end of the old era of descriptive science, while ushering in modern concepts of
evolutionary biology. The talks at the symposium focused more on the population as a unit
of evolution than on fixed races, and there was a sense of scientific problem-solving and
breadth of inquiry that suggested a change in perspectives and directions for physical

The “New Physical Anthropology” of Washburn

About a year after the Cold Spring Harbor Symposium, Sherwood Washburn published a
seminal paper on the “New Physical Anthropology” (Washburn 1951), which he later
elaborated in a chapter published in the massive Kroeber compendium, Anthropology Today
(Washburn 1953). Washburn’s ideas, built on the Summer Seminars and the 1950 Cold
Spring Harbor Symposium, were formative and original. His “new physical anthropology”
focused on primate and human evolution and human variation, but with a return to
Darwinian evolutionary theory and with genetics as an important unifying perspective
(Stini 2010). Also, races were to be studied as populations rather than as essentialist
“types,” and the more common descriptive studies were to shift to studies employing
scientific design and hypothesis testing. These ideas were both a driving force in transform-
ing the profession of physical anthropology and a reflection of changes that were already
taking place.

“Race” in the 1950s and 1960s

Despite Washburn’s contention that the concept of “race” was inappropriate as a means of
studying human variation and that the broader concept of “population” was more produc-
tive, the concept of “race” as a more or less concrete and identifiable unit was still fixed in
24  michael a. little and jane e. buikstra
many scientists’ minds, e.g., Coon et al. (1950). For example, Boyd (1950) produced a
classification of six races according to their blood group genetics. About a decade later,
Garn (1961) refined these classifications and identified geographical, local, and micro-races,
in a hierarchy of populations and subpopulations. These three works were different from
previous efforts at classification in that they attempted to apply contemporary evolutionary,
genetic, and ecological principles to the identification of racial population variation around
the world.
A year earlier in 1949, Julian Huxley, Thomas Huxley’s grandson and then Director
General of UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization),
recommended that a committee be convened to study and report on race (Marks 2010;
Shipman 1994). The raporteur for the committee was Ashley Montagu (1905–1915), who
was well known for having written a book on race called Man’s Most Dangerous Myth: The
Fallacy of Race (1942). While this group produced a document that attracted outside criti-
cism, following a series of less liberal iterations, a modern revised statement of the UNESCO
document was prepared many years later by an AAPA committee chaired by Solomon Katz
in 1993 (AAPA Statement 1996; see also Cartmill 1998).
Another significant event was the controversy over Carleton Coon’s 1962 book on The
Origin of Races (1962). He asserted that there were five races – Congoid, Mongoloid,
Caucasoid, Capoid, and Australoid – and that all of them crossed the threshold to Homo
sapiens at different times, which caused a storm of controversy. Stimulated by this contro-
versy, several early 1960s papers were published in Current Anthropology by established evo-
lutionary scientists and physical anthropologists Theodosius Dobzhansky, Ernst Mayr, Loring
Brace, Juan Comas, and Frank Livingstone, who argued for and against the concept of race
as a biological unit of study. In some cases, the older concept of a fixed race was conflated
with a more recent view of race-as-population, which confused some of the arguments.
One of the notable exceptions in the contemporary treatment of race is among forensic
anthropologists, who are commonly associated with law enforcement identification of
human remains. Law enforcement agencies continue to request an identification of race or
ancestry, which encourages the use of the concept, whereas some forensic anthropologists
argue that even the idea of “ancestry” perpetuates a false concept of “race” (DiGangi and
Bethard 2021). Other forensic anthropologists have identified the assignment of an
individual to a specific race or ancestral group as an assignation to a “particular socially con-
structed ‘racial’ category” (Kennedy 1995; Sauer 1992). This remains a contentious issue.

Increasing Specialization and Development in the 1960s, 1970s, and

The period of the 1960s through the 1980s was one of considerable training of doctoral
students and research in biological anthropology. The National Science Foundation (NSF)
had been established in 1950, and science was being promoted in the US, partly as a result
of competition with the Soviet Union (Baker and Eveleth 1982). Before World War II,
physical anthropologists could, in some sense, be generalists and conduct studies of skeletal
biology, measure living populations, and deal with prehistory and current research in human
paleontology. During the 1960s, graduate training incorporated increasing specialization
and focus on subareas of biological anthropology, including population genetics, living
population biology, child growth and development, primatology, paleoanthropology, and
skeletal biology, including bioarchaeology, paleopathology, and forensic anthropology.
Population Genetics: A center of human population genetics was the University of Michigan
with James V. Neel (1915–2000), the founder of the Department of Human Genetics,
foundation and history of biological anthropology  25

James Spuhler (1917–1992), and Frank B. Livingstone (1928–2005) in the Department of

Anthropology. This powerful group of scientists engaged in innovative research and training
in anthropological genetics. Livingstone’s work on malaria and sickle-cell prevalence in
Liberia became a classic example of culture (subsistence) influencing evolution via changes
in gene frequencies (Livingstone 1958). As Weiss and Chakraborty (1982: 383) pointed
out: “The major thrust of Livingstone’s synthesis, namely, the ongoing effect of culture in
molding human evolution, is a point still largely misunderstood or ignored by many
researchers without anthropological training.” Identified as the founder of anthropological
genetics (Lasker 1994), Spuhler (1951) conducted original research on Native American
origins and genetic variations.
Alice Brues (1913–2007), a Hooton student, was a biological anthropologist whose con-
ceptualization of race included elements both of typology and population genetics. She was
also marvelously creative and innovative in the modern sphere of biological anthropology.
She researched the ABO blood groups, which were one of the polymorphic systems thought
to be neutral, that is, not under strong selective pressure (Brues 1954). She demonstrated,
however, that the worldwide distribution of these blood groups was not uniform and
strongly suggested natural selection.
James Neel also made substantial contributions in anthropological population genetics
through his studies of South American tropical forest natives in Brazil and Venezuela, par-
ticularly with his work with the Yanomamo (Neel and Salzano 1966). This pioneering mul-
tidisciplinary research was done under the aegis of the International Biological Programme
IBP Human Adaptability HA projects, in collaboration with Napoleon Chagnon (1938–
2019), a sociocultural anthropologist with interests in population, culture, and ecology
(Chagnon 1967).
By the late 1970s, population genetics was in a state of transformation. New laboratory
methods permitted DNA to be studied directly, replacing the traditional method of deter-
mining the genotype from a protein separation phenotype. Both nuclear and mitochondrial
DNA studies were being used to establish “precise” phylogenic relationships among the
primates, including humans, and the “Mitochondrial Eve” hypothesis on human origins
was first presented a decade or so later (Cann et al. 1987). The culmination of the new
DNA research was the completion of the Human Genome Project shortly after the turn of
the new millennium.
Human Population Biology: The late 1950s and 1960s witnessed a fusion of human
ecology, adaptation, and evolution in the scientific maturation of human population biology.
Joseph Birdsell (1908–1994) and Paul Baker (1927–2007) in the US and Derek Roberts
(1925–2016) in the UK were early pioneers in human ecology, demography, and biogeog-
raphy (Garruto et al. 2009; Little 2018b; Mai et al. 1981). At this time, anthropologists
from the subfields of sociocultural anthropology, archaeology, and biological anthropology
united in pursuing a common theoretical perspective – adaptation to the environment in the
context of human ecology (Vayda and Rappaport 1968). There was also receptivity to
integrated, collaborative research, and a rise in international exchange and communication
enriched the advancement of this research (Weiner 1977).
In 1964, several distinguished British human biologists published a new text, Human
Biology: An Introduction to Human Evolution, Variation, and Growth (Harrison et al.
1964). This important book coincided with the initiation of the International Biological
Programme (IBP), which was to continue from 1964 through 1976 and to focus on a
worldwide study of ecology and human welfare. The human study component of this
program was called “human adaptability” (Baker and Weiner 1966); the international head
26  michael a. little and jane e. buikstra
was Joseph Weiner of the UK (Weiner 1965). Studies (Collins and Weiner 1977; Little et
al. 1997) centered on multidisciplinary and multinational research, moving human
population biology forward in a quantum leap. When the IBP ended in the early 1970s, a
new international program (Man and the Biosphere – MaB) was established through
UNESCO to continue some of the worldwide ecological research initiated by IBP Human
Adaptability projects.
Growth and Development: Major post-war figures in human growth studies were James
Tanner (1981), who was working on adolescent growth in the UK, and Wilton Krogman,
who established the Philadelphia Center for Research in Child Growth and Development
at the University of Pennsylvania in 1947. Several physical anthropologists, including
Stanley Garn, conducted studies of longitudinal growth and body composition at the Fels
Research Institute in the years following World War II, and Garn later became the leading
anthropologist at the University of Michigan Center for Human Growth and Development.
Primatology: There was remarkable expansion of primate studies during the late 1950s and
1960s. The earliest post-war research was conducted by biologists on the Barro Colorado
howler monkeys originally studied by C. R. Carpenter; the Japanese set up a colony of
Japanese macaques to begin longitudinal studies of this native species and a colony of
Rhesis macaques was established on Cayo Santiago, a coastal island near Puerto Rico.
Sherwood Washburn led the resurgence of primatology in the US after his observations of
baboons in the wild in the mid-1950s (Ribnick 1982). The first study of the social behavior
of baboons was conducted by Washburn and DeVore (1961) at the Amboseli Game Reserve
in southern Kenya. Washburn was a major influence on the development of primate field
biology. By 2007, over 60 percent of the field primatologists active in the US were derived
from Washburn’s academic lineage (Kelley and Sussman 2007).
A growing knowledge of primate ecology was linked to concerns about the number of
endangered primate species in both the Old World and New World tropics. Conservation
became an important issue, which led to a practical need to gather information on primate
ecology, habitats, diets, and declining land resources (Cowlishaw and Dunbar 2000;
Wolfheim 1983). A major trend that began in the 1980s was the reclassification of numerous
primate species based on DNA.
Paleoanthropology: By the early 1950s, Australopithecines were clearly accepted as the ear-
liest ancestors of humans and a more modern view of human evolution emerged. Mary
Leakey’s (1913–1996) and Louis Leakey’s (1903–1972) discoveries of Zinjanthropus (an
Australopithecine) in 1959 (Leakey 1960) and Homo habilis in 1964 at Olduvai Gorge in
Tanzania placed the Leakeys and East hominids in the spotlight of paleoanthropology
(Tobias 2006). The Australopithecines, Homo habilis and Homo erectus specimens, were
found at a number of sites in East Africa throughout the 1960s to 1980s. Work in the Omo
Valley in southern Ethiopia began in 1967 with a team of French, American, and Kenyan
investigators. An American contingent headed by F. Clark Howell (1925–2007) led to
many fossil discoveries (Johanson 2018). Around that time, Richard Leakey, the son of
Mary and Louis, discovered the hominid fossil-bearing site of Koobi Fora, on the eastern
shore of Lake Turkana in northwest Kenya, and in 1972, Donald Johansen began working
with French scientists in Hadar, Ethiopia. Also in Ethiopia, the Awash River Valley project
was begun in 1981 and produced specimens from pre-Australopithecines up to early
modern Homo. In 1974, Mary Leakey’s Laetoli discoveries, including those of
Australopithecine footprints, added to the accumulating evidence for early hominin evolu-
tion in East Africa.
foundation and history of biological anthropology  27

Two major sites outside of Africa became prominent during the 1970s and 1980s.
Atapuerca in northern Spain produced rich fossils of archaic Homo dated as early as 800,000
years ago. Dmanisi in the Republic of Georgia produced hominids dated to 1.8 million
years ago. Both the Spanish and Georgian paleoanthropological sites continue to produce
hominin specimens.
Early research in nonhuman primate evolution was conducted by vertebrate paleontolo-
gists or by general mammalian anatomists. Since the 1960s, however, Elwyn Simons (1930–
2016), of Yale and Duke Universities, had the greatest influence on paleoprimatology.
Simons revived the discipline in the early 1960s with his reviews of the primate fossil record.
He is responsible for training most primate paleontologists during this period (Fleagle and
Hartwig 1997).
Skeletal Biology and Bioarchaeology: Craniology and skeletal biology have been traditional
pursuits of biological anthropologists. Considerable early twentieth century effort had been
devoted to the “racial-typological model” of skeletal analysis (Armelagos et al. 1982). By
the 1970s, papers in skeletal biology had increased to more than half of the published
papers in the American Journal of Physical Anthropology, and half of these skeletal papers
were classified as descriptive rather than analytical in scope (Lovejoy et al. 1982). However,
by the late 1960s and early 1970s, scientific papers were dealing increasingly with paleode-
mography, biomechanics, growth, and skeletal maturation, rather than anatomical descrip-
tion. In addition to these developing areas were new methods of analysis of bone material
for dating purposes and dietary analyses (Ubelaker 1982). Studies of craniofacial growth
expanded during the 1960s and 1970s, as did work in bone density by use of a variety of
X-ray and physical methods (Baker 1961; Garn 1981). The shift from description to under-
standing past populations and individuals, contextually enriched and from a biocultural
perspective, was a fundamental development (Buikstra 1977; Buikstra and Beck 2006;
Larsen 2015).
Bioarchaeology (Buikstra 1977) continued an earlier twentieth century tradition that was
either collaboration between biological anthropologists and archaeologists or biological
anthropologists who had substantial training and field experience in archaeology. Developed
as a population biology of the past, more recent developments in the study of individual
lives have been heavily influenced by social theories centered on identity (Buikstra et al.
2022). The growth and importance of bioarchaeology within biological anthropology
cannot be overestimated. Current papers published in the American Journal of Physical
Anthropology in skeletal biology and bioarchaeology constitute about 50 percent of the
journal’s content (report of the Editor-in-Chief, 2020).
Paleopathology: Paleopathology in the US is considered a part of bioarchaeology, although
in the UK and elsewhere paleopathology and “osteoarchaeology” are considered to be sep-
arate specialties (Grauer 2018; Jarcho 1966). Along with bioarchaeology, paleopathology
was revitalized in the post-World War II era along with the associated “New Archaeology”
and “New Physical Anthropology.” With these new approaches incorporating anthropology,
hypothesis testing was applied to investigations of skeletal biology, bioarchaeology, and
paleopathology. The medical side of paleopathology was brought into anthropology with
the organization of the Paleopathology Association (PPA) by Aiden and Eve Cockburn in
1973 (Roberts et al. 2012). The PPA continues to meet with the AAPA.
Forensic Anthropology: While Aleš Hrdlička testified at trials on medico-legal issues and
served as a Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI consultant (Hunt 2006; Ubelaker 2018),
modern forensic anthropological skeletal analyses began with Wilton Krogman’s (1939)
28  michael a. little and jane e. buikstra
guide on skeletal identification for the FBI and its application in identifying war dead from
World War II. Another physical anthropologist who participated in war dead identification
was Mildred Trotter (1899–1991), who developed stature estimates from long bones.
These activities further stimulated forensic publications by T. Dale Stewart (1901–1997),
Harry L. Shapiro (1902–1990), J. Lawrence Angel (1915–1986), and Wilton Krogman
(Thompson 1982). Reflecting the growing importance of the field, the 8th Wenner-Gren
Summer Seminar in 1955 was devoted to forensic anthropology and was held at the
Smithsonian Institution in Washington at the end of the Korean War. After Krogman’s
(1962) book was published, forensic anthropology began to be recognized as an appro-
priate applied science in anthropology. The American Academy of Forensic Sciences was
founded in 1948 and established a new section on physical anthropology in 1972, which
changed its name to the Anthropology Section. This stimulated increased professional
identification by many physical anthropologists as forensic anthropologists. Forensic
anthropologists are now increasingly involved in the inter-related fields of forensic
taphonomy (skeletal assemblages), forensic archaeology, and forensic trauma analysis. These
are subfields concerned with the reconstruction of events surrounding death (Dirkmaat
et al. 2008).

Journals and Professional Societies

At the end of World War II, two journals, the American Journal of Physical Anthropology
(AJPA) and Human Biology (HB), were dedicated to physical/biological anthropology.
Only one profession society, the AAPA, represented the field. A pre-World War II analysis
of the two journals found that the articles in AJPA were predominantly anatomical and
dealt more with individuals than populations. In contrast, HB tended more toward
population studies (Goldstein 1940). In 2019, before the Covid-19 pandemic struck, the
AAPA was the largest association of biological anthropologists in the world and had a mem-
bership of nearly 2000. Reflecting the trend to change the use of “physical anthropology”
to “biological anthropology,” at the annual business meeting on 14 April 2021, the AAPA
membership voted to change its name to the American Association of Biological
Anthropologists (AABA). This was followed by renaming the journal as the American
Journal of Biological Anthropology (AJBA). The quarterly journal, Human Biology, has been
edited by biological anthropologists since shortly after the end of World War II. The annual
Yearbook of Physical Anthropology, published in 1945 and edited by Gabriel Lasker, reprinted
articles from abroad and non-anthropological journals, and served to broaden the topical
coverage of the profession (Little and Kaplan 2010).
Table 2.1 lists the largely American journals and societies from the twentieth and into the
twenty-first centuries. There are numerous additional societies and their publications
outside of the US, some of which are largely international and others with national reader-
ships (Little 2018c). This proliferation of professional societies and specialized journals in
the US over the past several decades reflects the continuing division of biological
anthropology into subfields that require increasingly specialized training programs.

Gender and Ethnic Diversity in Biological Anthropology

During the first half of the twentieth century, gender and ethnic diversity among those who
identified as physical anthropologists was limited. The 84 charter members of the American
Association of Physical Anthropologists in 1930 included only two women: Mildred
Trotter and Ruth Sawtell Wallis (Powell et al. 2006; Szathmáry 2010; Wilson 2019)
foundation and history of biological anthropology  29

Table 2.1 Founding of some journals and societies in biological/physical anthropology. (Associ-
ated societies and journals are linked in parallel columns.)

Year Journal Year Society

1918 American Journal of 1930 American Association of Physical

Physical Anthropology Anthropologists (AAPA)
1945 Yearbook of Physical 1930 AAPA
2021 American Journal of 2021 American Association of Biological
Biological Anthropology Anthropologists (Renamed, formerly
(Renamed, formerly AJPA) AAPA)

1929 Human Biology 1974– Human Biology (Council)

1988 American Journal of 1988 Human Biology Association

Human Biology

1972 Journal of Human 1972 Physical Anthropology (now Anthro-

Evolution pology) Section of the American
Academy of Forensic Sciences

1973 Paleopathology Newsletter 1973 Paleopathology Association

1977 American Board of Forensic Anthro-

pology (Diplomate established)

1981 American Journal of 1981 American Society of Primatologists


1986 Dental Anthropology Association

1992 Evolutionary Anthropology

2003 Paleoanthropology 1992 Paleoanthropology Society

1994 American Association of Anthropo-

Logical Genetics (Became affiliated
with Human Biology)

2011 International Journal of 1973 Paleopathology Association


2017 Bioarchaeology International

2018 Forensic Anthropology

30  michael a. little and jane e. buikstra

Figure 2.4 Important women in physical anthropology during the early-to-mid-twentieth century.
Left: Mildred Trotter; Right: Alice Brues.

(see Figure 2.4). At that time, Trotter was a young anatomist at Washington University,
who was interested in skeletal biology, and Sawtell was a new PhD from Columbia
University, who had worked with Hooton and then with Boas studying the growth of chil-
dren. Most of the charter members were European or European-American men. These two
young women constituted only 2.4 percent of the AAPA membership at its beginning, but
women members were 9.7 percent a decade later, and by 2014 had risen to about 70 per-
cent of the membership (Wilson 2019). Alice Brues was another pre-World War II PhD (in
1940) who conducted research in skeletal biology, forensic anthropology, and population
genetics. She was a distinguished physical anthropologist with a research and academic
career that spanned more than 40 years (Sandford 2018).
W. Montague Cobb (see Figure 2.5), an influential African American physical anthropologist
and physician, was President of the AAPA (1957–1959), and later became President of the
National Association for the Advancement of Colored Persons (NAACP) (1978–1982).
Trotter was the first woman to serve as AAPA President and Cobb was the first African American
elected as President. Cobb taught at Howard University throughout most of his career: his
research productivity was high with numerous papers on anatomy, the health and wellbeing of
African Americans, and human rights and equality (Rankin-Hill and Blakey 1994). Another
African American, Caroline Bond Day (1886–1948), suffered the dual stigma during the first
half of the twentieth century of being a woman and being a mixed race African-American and
European-American (see Figure 2.5). She studied mixed-race couples at Radcliffe under
Hooton’s direction and demonstrated that racially mixed couples did not have children who
were in any way aberrant or inferior when compared with like-race couples (Curwood, 2012).
Trudy Turner and her colleagues (2018) prepared a detailed overview of women in
biological anthropology from several surveys of AAPA members during the years between
1970 and 2014. They found that women were increasingly employed in academic
­tenure-track positions during this period of more than 40 years. Although slightly more
women than men were in tenure-track faculty positions in 2014 (54.5 percent vs. 45.5 per-
cent), women tended to fall into the lower ranks of assistant and associate professor while
more men were in the highest rank (professor). With the high percentage of women
foundation and history of biological anthropology  31

Figure 2.5 African American physical anthropologists from the twentieth century. Top: W. Mon-
tagu Cobb; Bottom: Caroline Bond Day.

members of the AAPA at roughly 70 percent (Wilson 2019), and their growing majority in
tenured academic positions, gender equity in the profession is moving forward. Race and
ethnic diversity in biological anthropology is still low, with 87% of the AAPA members
identifying as white (Antón et al. 2018). In order to increase the diversity within the
­profession, the AAPA established a standing committee (Committee on Diversity, COD) in
2011 with several programs designed to achieve this objective (Antón et al. 2018).

Into The Twenty-First Century

Research, discoveries, and expansion of professionals in biological anthropology in the late

twentieth and early twenty-first centuries are testimony to the health and importance of the
science. The biological anthropological perspectives that maintain the viability of the sci-
ence continue to be: (1) a biocultural/biobehavioral approach that can solve scientific
problems that are intractable by unidisciplinary social or biological scientists; (2) a theoret-
ical perspective and process applied to humans – evolution – whose explanatory power is
truly remarkable; (3) an ability to view humans and their biobehavior in deep time and
evolutionary perspective and to use this information to foresee problems in contemporary
societies; (4) the exploration of human biology and behavior within a population perspec-
tive, also an essential element for evolutionary studies; (5) the application of the compara-
tive approaches to human societies, nonhuman primate relatives, and to our evolutionary
antecedents; and (6) the applied value of biological anthropology in human health and
human variation in DNA, the microbiome, child growth, forensics, and other sciences. Use
of these valuable tools, along with application of the scientific method, has enabled
biological anthropologists to make substantial progress in its several subfields in the years
bracketing the millennium and well into the twenty-first century.

Archival and Published Sources

Useful bibliographic sources for the history of physical/biological anthropology have been
cited in earlier sections of this chapter, and are summarized here. By far the most significant
historical research has been done by the late Frank Spencer (Spencer 1982b, 1997e; Boaz
and Spencer 1981). His mentor, C. Loring Brace (2005), did substantial work on race, as
32  michael a. little and jane e. buikstra
did Ashley Montagu (1942, 1961, 1972), Stephen Jay Gould (1996), and Pat Shipman
(1994). Other sources of biographical information on biological anthropologists can be
found in: (1) several autobiographical prefatory articles in the Annual Review of Anthropology;
(2) Biographical Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences; (3) festschriften (volumes in
honor of individuals) published by students and colleagues; (4) autobiographical memoirs;
(5) obituaries; and (6) unpublished letters, papers, photographs, and other documents at
the National Anthropological Archives of the Smithsonian Institution and other institu-
tional archives (Little et al. 1995). Finally, there are several published histories of professional
organizations and journals. These include: the American Association of Physical
Anthropologists (Alfonso and Little 2005; Comas 1969), the Human Biology Association
(Little and James 2005), the Annals of Human Biology (Tanner 1999), Human Biology
(Crawford 2004), and the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research (Lindee
and Radin 2016; Szathmáry 1991). There are also histories of subdisciplines of biological
anthropology (Buikstra and Roberts 2012). Most recently, Wenda Trevathan and six asso-
ciates (2018) edited a three volume International Encyclopedia of Biological Anthropology
that supplements Frank Spencer’s (1997e) earlier History of Physical Anthropology: An


In this brief historical review, we acknowledge, with thanks, those who have already written
extensively on the history of biological anthropology. We also recognize the major contri-
butions of the late Robert W. Sussman (1941–2016), who was co-author of the first edition
of this chapter. Our gratitude also goes out to Clark Spencer Larsen who invited us to revise
this chapter on the history of our profession for the 2nd edition of this volume.


AAPA Statement. “AAPA Statement on the Biological Aspects of Race.” American Journal of Physical
Anthropology 101 (1996): 569–570.
Alfonso, M. P., and M. A. Little, transl. and eds. “Juan Comas’s Summary History of the American
Association of Physical Anthropologists 1928–1968.” Yearbook of Physical Anthropology 48 (2005):
Antón, S. C., R. S. Malhi, and A. Fuentes. “Race and Diversity in U.S. Biological Anthropology: A
Decade of AAPA Initiatives.” American Journal of Physical Anthropology Yearbook No. 65, 165
(2018): 158–180.
Armelagos, G. J. “Smith, Sir Grafton Elliot 1871–1937.” In History of Physical Anthropology: An
Encyclopedia. Edited by F. Spencer, 955–957. New York: Garland, 1997.
Armelagos, G. J., D. S.Carlson, and D. P. Van Gerven. “The Theoretical Foundations and
Development of Skeletal Biology.” In A History of American Physical Anthropology, 1930–1980.
Edited by F. Spencer, 305–328. New York: Academic Press, 1982.
Baker, P. T. “Human Bone Mineral Variability and Body Composition Estimates.” In Techniques for
Measuring Body Composition. Edited by J. Brožek and A. Henshel, 69–75. Washington, DC:
National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, 1961.
Baker, T. S., and P. B.Eveleth. “The Effects of Funding Patterns on the Development of Physical
Anthropology.” In A History of American Physical Anthropology, 1930–1980. Edited by F. Spencer,
31–48. New York: Academic Press, 1982.
Baker, B. J., and M. A.Judd. “Development of Paleopathology in the Nile Valley.” In The Global
History of Paleopathology: Pioneers and Prospect. Edited by J. E. Buikstra and C. A. R. Roberts,
209–234. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012.
foundation and history of biological anthropology  33

Baker, P. T., and J. S. Weiner, eds. The Biology of Human Adaptability. London: Clarendon Oxford
University Press, 1966.
Barkan, E. The Retreat of Scientific Racism: Changing Concepts of Race in Britain and the United
States Between the World Wars. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992.
Boas, F. “The Growth of Children.” Science 5 (1897): 570–573.
Boas, F. Changes in the Bodily Form of Descendants of Immigrants. New York: Columbia University
Press, 1912.
Boyd, W. C. Genetics and the Races of Man. Boston: Little, Brown, 1950.
Boaz, N. T., and F.Spencer, eds. “1930–1980: Jubilee Issue.” American Journal of Physical
Anthropology 56 (1981): 327–557.
Brace, C. L. “Race” Is a Four-Letter Word: The Genesis of the Concept. New York: Oxford University
Press, 2005.
Brace, C. L. “Physical Anthropology at the Turn of the Last Century.” In Histories of American
Physical Anthropology in the Twentieth Century. Edited by M. A. Little and K. A. R. Kennedy,
25–53. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2010.
Broberg, G. “Homo sapiens: Linnaeus’s Classification of Man.” In Linnaeus: The Man and His Work.
Edited by T. Frängsmyr, 156–194. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1983.
Brues, A. M. “Selection and Polymorphism in the ABO Blood Groups.” American Journal of Physical
Anthropology 12 (1954): 559–597.
Buikstra, J. E. “Biocultural Dimensions of Archaeological Study: A Regional Perspective.” In
Biocultural Adaptation in Prehistoric America Edited by R. L. Blakely, 67–84. Southern
Anthropological Society Proceedings, No. 11. University, MS: University of Mississippi, 1977.
Buikstra, J. E. “History of Research in Skeletal Biology.” In Handbook of the North American Indians,
vol. 3: Environment, Origins, and Population. Edited by D. Ubelaker, 67–84. Washington, DC:
Smithsonian Institution Press, 2006.
Buikstra, J. E. “Introduction to the 2009 Reprint Edition Crania Americana; or a Comparative View
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PART II The Present and
the Living
CHAPTER 3 Evolution: What It
Means and How We

Kenneth M. Weiss and

Anne V. Buchanan

A Matter of Time

Evolution is change over time, a process that generates a history of relatedness among all
living things. The connectedness of life on Earth had been noticed for centuries, but, 150
years ago, Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace suggested a mechanism, natural selec-
tion, to explain how that connectedness, and the functional traits of organisms, could come
about. Their brilliantly simple insight made their theory of evolution both new and
enduring. Many aspects of evolution are still debated, including the nature and relative
importance of selection, but no evolutionary biologist doubts that individuals who can’t
survive don’t survive and that species today have their ancestry in ancient species.
Evolution happens on a vast time scale, but evolutionary changes usually start small and
on a much shorter scale. Changes are passed from the cells in which they first arise to their
descendant cells, in a process of inheritance with memory: what you and your individual cells
are today depends on their immediate cellular ancestors. This is because inherited control
involves the nucleotide-sequence nature of genes. Cellular memory is encoded by the
functional elements in the DNA, and changes in DNA are transmitted to descendant cells.
This is memory because organisms and cells die and their traits must be regenerated by their
descendants – dramatically so in organisms like humans, who begin life as a single cell, a
fertilized egg. It is the accumulated changes from cell to cell, in an unbroken chain that
stretches back four billion years to the origins of life on Earth, that has produced the Tree
of Life, whose branch tips comprise the species that are alive today.
Organisms as well as genes evolve, and an objective of biology is to understand how the
functions and diversity of organisms, as well as their genes, have evolved. The modern theory

A Companion to Biological Anthropology, Second Edition. Edited by Clark Spencer Larsen.

© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
42  kenneth m. weiss and anne v. buchanan
of evolution has been formulated around genes, on the assumption that traits are due to, and
made by, genes, even if it is organisms that are born, live, and die. If this assumption is right,
then the processes that change genes also change organisms. However, this means that we
need to pay particular attention to the relationship between genotypes and phenotypes.
Traditionally, the means of genetic change are grouped into four categories. Together
they provide a formal mathematical theory of evolution, called population genetics. This
theory is presented at various levels in many fine textbooks (for instance, Hartl and Clark
2007; Ridley 2004; Templeton 2006) and with special focus on humans (Boyd and Silk
2006; Jobling et al. 2004; Relethford 2003). However, these categories are not as distinct
or discretely different as their traditional treatment suggests, and they also depend on the
reality of populations as biological units. While the following description keeps the standard
categories, we put their names in quotes, to indicate that they are not so neat – an issue to
which we will return later.
1. “Mutation”: change in the DNA sequence itself, the ultimate source of new variation.
Because of inheritance with memory, a mutational change that arises in a cell is (if viable and
lucky enough) transmitted to the descendant cells. However, other changes, including
modifications that affect the way in which DNA is used without changing its sequence, also
occur and are inherited, and many non-DNA aspects of a cell are transmitted as well.
2. “Gene flow”: the movement of genes over space from one generation to the next, as
individuals choose mates or produce offspring in places other than those where they were
born. Typically, most humans and other primates reproduce near their own birthplace, with
the fraction diminishing as the distance between natal locales increases. Long-distance
migration by land or water mainly seems to have occurred in incursions into areas that were
uninhabited by other humans, especially in post-agricultural times beginning roughly
10,000 years ago. Migration on a very large scale is even more recent, but of course it has
larger and more immediate effects, especially when the indigenous population is decimated
as a result of the immigrant colonization.
3. “Genetic drift”: countless factors, including Mendelian parent–offspring transmission,
that introduce probabilistic effects on each individual’s reproductive success. The factors
can be intentional (for instance, choosing to be celibate for cultural reasons) or purely due
to environmental happenstance. They are called “chance” because they occur indepen-
dently of the genotypes they affect. The frequency of a genetic variant (an “allele”) from
one generation to the next in a given population is always susceptible to change for such
probabilistic reasons, which are a predominant source of reproductive variation in any gen-
eration. Since each generation is the foundation for the succeeding ones, chance is impor-
tant in long-term evolution as well.
Some forms of chance are unique events, like lightning strikes, but many involve repeat-
able events, for which one can assign probabilities. For example, under most circumstances,
an Aa heterozygote has a 50 percent chance of transmitting its a allele to a given offspring.
Thus, even among genetically identical individuals in the same environment, who have the
same chance of reproducing, there can – and usually there will – be differences in their
achieved reproductive output or their completed family size.
Thus, change in allele frequency does not by itself imply that anything other than chance
is involved. Indeed, reproduction always has stochastic aspects. When the observed amount
of change is not unusually large in relation to its probabilistic likelihood, we characterize the
change as genetic drift. “Unusually” is a subjective term, but it is important because the
core of Darwin’s and Wallace’s theory was about systematic change – change that, by some
criterion, is not due to chance alone.
evolution: what it means and how we know  43

4. “Natural selection”: when one genetic variant reproduces systematically more than
another because of some causal factor(s), we say that the variant has higher Darwinian fitness
and that natural selection occurs. The phrase “natural selection” implies differences not
simply due to chance. From Darwin to the present, natural selection invokes force-like
notions of relative inherent value attached to genetic variants. Darwin’s basic rationale for
his view was that populations typically over-reproduce, forcing a competition among con-
temporaries that provides opportunity for the worst of them to be weeded out through
early mortality or failure to acquire mates or to reproduce, and for the favored to advance
through a better survival or reproduction.
Selection can act in various ways. Most commonly, it seems, new mutations that disrupt
existing function are usually harmful and removed from the population through “puri-
fying” or “negative” selection. Occasionally, a mutation confers an advantage in the envi-
ronment in which it arises and increases in frequency through “positive” or “directional”
selection. If more than one variant in a system are harmful by themselves, yet their
combination in individuals confers some relative advantage, the variants can be maintained
in the population through “balancing” selection, also known as “heterosis” or heterozy-
gote advantage. Many or even most traits may, for example, be harmful at the extremes (for
instance low and high birthweights) and, to the extent that these trait-values are genetically
based, balancing selection maintains genetic variation in the population.
Identifying selecting factors in the environment is usually much more difficult than iden-
tifying statistical evidence of selection from genetic variation data. Like reproduction, a
selective factor can act probabilistically: individuals with the same expected reproductive
output (which is greater, say, than that of a competing variant) can have a different number
of achieved offspring. Again, the individuals are probabilistically equal. Only if, in this sense,
genotypes retain their unequal, if probabilistic, fitness values do we attribute the differences
to selection. Variants that are probabilistically equivalent are said to be selectively “neutral.”
Because selection and drift are both probabilistic, and especially since selection seems
generally to be very slow and weak, the distinction between the two is often subjectively
based on our judgment of the relative likelihood of an observed change, which is based on
some chosen statistical significance test.
When selective differences are very small, the expected offspring sizes between variants
would be difficult to detect with statistical significance under most circumstances, even in
large samples and especially in small ancestral human demes. A further complication is that
natural selection is inherently relative. Fitness is not an inherent property of an allele. If
conditions change – and they often do – selective differences among the same set of com-
peting alleles can also change: a favored variant may find itself disfavored, or in competition
with new mutations that are better than the former competitors. To the extent that condi-
tions are unstable in relation to weak selective differences, selection is much less force-like
and deterministic, less certain to drive a population in a predictable direction, more likely
to be but one out of several equally “fit” alternatives, and on the whole much closer to the
effects of chance alone (for some similar ideas from a population genetics viewpoint, see
Lynch 2007).
Contrary to the usual and sometimes unspoken assumption, Malthusian overpopulation
does not imply that selection will occur or will be important. Overpopulation provides one
way for competing variants to be favored by selection, but they may not be. There may not
be particularly advantageous variants in the population. Overpopulation could just cause
misery for everyone. However, experimental situations in the laboratory or in agriculture
show that in most populations there is enough standing genetic variation for deliberate,
44  kenneth m. weiss and anne v. buchanan
strong selection to produce a response in the favored direction. Presumably environments
could do the same. Antibiotic and pesticide resistance are somewhat artificially accelerated,
but rapid major climate change, infectious epidemics, and the like could also produce
change that fits the usual Darwinian model well. However, even then, the selective effect
may not just favor a single adaptive genotype.
Darwin thought of evolution by natural selection as a very slow, gradualistic, quantitative,
force-like deterministic process, which molds organisms to their circumstances. There were
problems reconciling this view with the large, sometimes qualitative, variation within or
among species, like the number of vertebrae or of teeth. These discrete differences did not
seem possible under Darwinian gradualism, where one would expect intermediate states to
occur during the process: one cannot have 6 V fingers – which raised a problem for evolu-
tionary explanations of closely related species with different numbers of fingers. Evolutionary
ideas were made more perplexing by Gregor Mendel’s demonstration, in plants, that inher-
itance worked through stable, discrete particles (eventually to be called “genes”). In prin-
ciple, that could explain discontinuous inheritance, for instance different colored peas or
even different numbers of fingers, but it was hard to relate to the evolution of continuously
varying traits that Darwin thought mostly about.
These ideas were reconciled by the 1940s in what was known as the “modern evolu-
tionary synthesis.” Quantitative traits were understood to be compatible with small contri-
butions from large numbers of discrete Mendelian genes. Such many-gene, or polygenic,
traits could also be affected by the environment. This could generate quantitative variation,
but it is also possible that, when the quantitative levels of some factor(s) exceed a threshold,
a state change – such as in the number of cusps, teeth, or vertebrae – would occur.
On the basis of the understanding that genes control traits, the modern synthesis defined
evolution, theoretically, as change in the frequency of genetic variation, and early theorists
developed the four basic evolutionary phenomena. The theory was centrally Darwinian in
its outlook, stressing the formative power of selection. This view acknowledged chance,
mutation, and gene flow – but mainly as statistical noise or as modifiers around the true,
selective signal. Then, as now, biologists said such things as “when I see order, I see selec-
tion,” or “selection fine-tunes a trait,” or “if this had no function, it would have been
removed by selection, because it has an energy cost to the organism.”
These notions are, at best, overstatements of the ubiquity and power of natural selection.
The idea that other factors, including drift of various kinds, could also be quite important
has arisen and has been debated; it even prevails when it comes to “non-functional” ele-
ments in the DNA, which, by definition, must change through chance alone (since there is
no function for selection to work on), or through “hitchhiking” along with variation on the
same chromosome that is being driven by selection. With a steady march of new knowledge
in genetics, it has become less clear just what is functional in the DNA and what is not.
However, many or even most biologists resist challenges to the sacrosanct principle – or
rather assumption – that anything with a function has to have selective value.
Even under this view, however, we are facing new levels of unexpected complexity in the
phenogenetic relationships associated with most biological traits, that is, the relationships
between genotypes and phenotypes. The indications are that future knowledge will place
more emphasis on drift and less on selection at the level of individual genetic elements,
even when selection is molding the net result – the phenotypes of individuals. Phenotypic
variation that is of no interest to natural selection can change by chance alone – a process
called phenotypic drift.
evolution: what it means and how we know  45

Genotypes are only transmitted by individuals with successful phenotypes, whether they
succeeded by luck or with selection’s help. Competition and drift jointly produce successful
function in organisms, which goes by the name “adaptation.”
On the shorter time scale of the trees of cellular descent within an organism, a rather dif-
ferent kind of evolution occurs. The somatic (body, or non-germline) cells of an organism
contain essentially the same genotype, which was inherited in the single fertilized egg cell
with which the organism’s life began. Mutations do occur and are transmitted from cell to
cell. However, change in function within an organism is largely based on change in gene
usage, not in gene sequence; that is, different tissues use different subsets of the same set of
available genes (the others being inactive in that cell). To be differentiated into a tree-like
relationship among organs and tissues, gene usage is based on cooperation rather than com-
petition among cells with similar genomes but different gene usage. Cells respond to their
environment, which, in an individual, largely involves signaling molecules coded by genes
and sent from one type of cell to other cells (hormones are an example). These signals are
produced by the sending cell’s gene usage and received by receptor molecules coded by
genes used by the receiving cells. An organism functions only to the extent that its thou-
sands of genes and their actions interact successfully in such ways during embryogenesis,
homeostasis, detection, and response to the outer and inner world.
The distinction is important. Cooperation is what most life, on a continuing and daily
basis, is all about. Competition is only a part of the evolutionary story, applying mainly to
the accumulation of long-term effects. However, since Darwin, and perhaps due to the
transformative nature of his dramatic theory and to the role of social competition in our
culture, the appeal of a competitive perspective typically obscures the more important,
more prevalent, and at least as vital, cooperative nature of life in the short term.
Population genetics is a rigorous mathematical theory and is key to understanding pat-
terns of genetic variation that we observe today, to designing experimental breeding for the
improvement of agriculture, to understanding the ecology and history of infectious dis-
eases, and to much more. It works by extrapolating events at any given time over long
periods of time, under its particular assumptions, and, to the extent that such an extrapola-
tion is imprecise, deviation from the theory will occur and the amount of error – usually
unknown – will be proportional to the imprecision. This makes it difficult to interpret the
why and how of the evolutionary histories of organisms, even if the what can be recon-
structed from fossils, present morphology, biology, and genetics.
The four traditional categories of the evolutionary process are not as different as an item-
ized list would suggest, because the theory depends on the definition (and reality) of
“population.” As stated earlier, even when a population can be concisely defined, selection
and drift are part of a probabilistic spectrum of change. In a similar way, mutation is not the
only source of new variations, only of variation in DNA sequences. Recombination and
intrusion from outside the population, as well as epigenetic modification of the DNA,
which changes its use but not its sequence, also introduce new variations into a population.
Gene flow is not just a sometime process among distinct, isolated populations. Almost all
transition from one generation to the next includes the movement of genes from the par-
ents’ birthplace to where their children are born. This is true even if the “flow” is between
adjacent demes, or lineages within demes, and most demes are not watertight, with stable
discrete boundaries. The diffusion of variation is more or less continuous across space,
without rigid population boundaries and hence without rigid populations (there are some
exceptions, like truly isolated populations). With more gradual change in frequency over
space and time, gene flow, and even mutation, are seen as aspects of the same spectrum of
46  kenneth m. weiss and anne v. buchanan
change. This is one reason why categories related to humans – “races” for example – are not
as rigid, as discrete, or even as easy to define as is often uncritically believed. They are cul-
turally defined concepts designed to chop the more continuous variation into categories.
A gene-centered theory of evolution largely rests on the tacit assumption that genes are
closely connected to phenotypes, although phenogenetic connections often prove to be
very complex and indirect, weakening simplified notions of evolutionary change and deter-
minism. Categorical concepts can lead to oversimplified thinking and to correspondingly
inaccurate conclusions. A more fluid view of evolution and of phenogenetic relationships
can help to explain a number of important issues.

The Gene as Icon and Metaphor

The working assumption in biology, that genes “cause” traits, can have two basic meanings.
The first is the mechanistic one, according to which genes code for proteins and proteins
make traits. The second is the meaning related to population, whereby genetic variation is
associated with variation in relevant traits.
Under this assumption, genes have become iconic metaphors for ultimate causation in
life. One hears of genes for language, for upright posture, and so on, but we don’t really
know what the genetic basis of – or genes “for” – language or upright posture are. In fact,
we don’t know the genetic basis of most traits, especially traits more complex than those
dominated by a single protein – for instance, melanin production related to skin color;
hemoglobin genes that may be associated with malarial resistance; or the lactase enzyme
that digests milk sugar. We do know, however, that, even in these instances, our under-
standing is incomplete, while environment, chance, and other unidentified contributory
factors (including genes) affect the trait.
Similarly, reconstructing evolutionary origins is necessarily indirect, since we cannot
observe the past. The degree of indirectness is almost always such that our reconstructions
are much more problematic than we would like to admit or be aware of if we didn’t recog-
nize the metaphoric use of evolutionary language. Often, without really convincing evi-
dence, we assign selective advantage to present function: “thumbs evolved to manipulate
tools” is implicitly intended to mean “hominids with variation in genes for thumbs had
more children than hominids without those variants, because they were able to use tools.”
There is a big difference between these sentences and the actual evidence, which is that
“thumbs can be used to manipulate tools.” The difference is easy to see: given thumbs, we
design tools that can be manipulated by thumbs. Because we do not know the genetic basis
of complex traits like thumbs, when we use evolutionary–genetic rhetoric we are almost
forced to explain such traits metaphorically or, worse, to commit the sin of circularity,
assuming what we want to prove.
Genes-for and selection-for evolutionary stories may get media attention, but they can be
poor science. Understanding real evolution is much more challenging. Most of the genetic
evidence we actually have is comparative. We compare DNA sequences among individuals
within species or between species, and both genetic causation and fitness are statistical in
nature, as described earlier. We look for parts of the genome in which the amount of varia-
tion statistically suggests that natural selection played a role in its evolution. We can either
search the whole genome for such regions, identify the functional elements, and try to
determine what their evolutionary history may have been, or we can look for such evidence
in candidate genes that we think are involved in a trait of interest. Bioinformatic methods
evolution: what it means and how we know  47

for computer-based analysis of DNA sequence data are rapidly advancing, and we have
many tests for statistical signatures of the result of natural selection, such as unusually little
or unusually large amounts of change between species, or variation within species, the
former perhaps reflecting purifying selection and the latter, positive directional selection.
However, building a solid selective explanation is still problematic, especially in terms of a
specific selective “force.”

The Central Dogma: It Is Not a Dogma Any More, But Is It Central?

Of the many roads that might have been taken, discovery in genetics has gone where the
territory is paved. Mendel started us down the genetics road and a series of focused studies,
building on his discoveries, gradually led by the mid-twentieth century to an understanding
of genes that became known as “the central dogma” of biology – the DNA codes for pro-
tein via a messenger RNA (mRNA) intermediate – and this information flows from DNA
to protein, but not the other way.
It turns out that, like any dogma, this is an incomplete understanding, a consequence of
the road taken. There are other roads on the genetic map. For example, DNA has many
other functions beyond coding for proteins, including DNA packaging, protection, and
copying, and the differential usage of genes (gene expression) referred to earlier. Because of
the expanding understanding of what DNA does, the definition of a “gene” itself has been
dizzolving into fuzziness under the microscope of modern molecular technology (e.g.,
Gerstein et al. 2007). Protein coding remains an important function of DNA, to be sure,
but whether it is “central” is debatable. Therefore, when we speak of genes “for thumbs,”
we need to be careful what we mean.

Another Dogma That Is Not

Evolution by competition is a watchword of our times, but, as noted earlier, biology is pre-
dominantly about cooperation, about components interacting at the proper time and place.
Internally and externally, cells work through the interaction of proteins with each other and
with non-protein substrates, including the RNA and the DNA. These interactions are not
incidental. Gene expression is based on cascades of regulatory factors (coded by other
genes), on cells interacting with each other via cell-surface receptor molecules detecting
external signal molecules, and so on. Similar mechanisms at the gene and cell level are
involved in ecological interactions among species and between organisms and their environ-
ments on the basis of sensory and neural systems. Since contemporary mechanisms set the
stage and determine branchpoints for the future legacy, cooperation is much more impor-
tant – even on the evolutionary time scale – than is generally credited.
This is not a reference to cooperation in the sense of social behaviors, sharing, and
altruism. They are real parts of nature, but a competition-centered evolutionary worldview
demands an individual-based selective explanation in terms of (metaphoric or real) genes.
Strong Darwinians object to words like “cooperation” as referring to nothing but compe-
tition in disguise (“I share only because there’s something in it for me”). According to that
view, cooperation is a socially loaded term, which seems to be a wishful thinking retreat
from cold Darwinian materialism. However, “competition” is equally loaded culturally, and
has at least as much potential to mislead.
48  kenneth m. weiss and anne v. buchanan
The Consequences of Evolution By Phenotype

Whole organisms are born, compete, reproduce, and die. It is the traits borne by organisms
that are screened through selection. The genetic basis of a trait is only affected indirectly.
The slippage between genotype and phenotype adds statistical noise in evolutionary sys-
tems. Since most traits are the result of the aggregate contributions of many genes, many
genotypes yield similar phenotypes. The effect of natural selection working on phenotypes,
on any one of the contributing genes, may be very small. Individually, each allele may essen-
tially be evolving by drift, or nearly so.
With this type of redundancy, a trait can be conserved by selection; but, over time, dif-
ferent genes or alleles can come to be responsible. This is called phenogenetic drift (Weiss
and Fullerton 2000). There are many examples. The presence of teeth has been maintained
in vertebrates for hundreds of millions of years, but the genetic basis of teeth has changed
(Kawasaki et al. 2005).

Some Controversies That Are Not

People, including scientists, enjoy controversy. Whether it is good for good science can be
debated, but we can look at some current controversies involving evolution to see the
extent to which they are real or exaggerated.
Is speciation adaptive? Darwin felt that his main contribution was the idea that species
arise because of adaptation: due to natural selection, populations of organisms diverged in
the details of their functionality or ecological niche. Leaving aside the problems with the
definition of species itself, the basic requirement is reproductive isolation, because that is
what allows divergent adaptation to take place.
Darwin essentially felt that adaptation came first, but speciation can occur initially
through isolation (individuals never meet to mate, so they never do the latter), with traits
diverging subsequently. Chromosomal or other genetic change that interferes with fertiliza-
tion can lead to the required isolation as much as geographic barriers or distance can,
among groups whose other traits and behavior are identical. These changes can arise by
chance and by drift, especially in small populations, and need not involve natural selection
or new adaptation. Divergent adaptation to environmental conditions may occur later but
need not be part of the speciation process itself.
What is “orderly” life? It is widely argued that the orderly appearance of organisms is due
to adaptation through natural selection, on the grounds that otherwise only religious expla-
nations could account for such traits. There is some truth to that. For example, really
disorderly traits seem to be eliminated through natural selection (organisms bearing them
simply cannot survive), but there are other ways for orderliness to evolve that are not due
to natural selection, or at least not to a simple version of it.
We discussed above how both drift and selection launch one generation probabilistically
into the next. Phenotypic drift can occur among variations in which selection has no interest,
but, even under the watchful eye of selection, at any given time there may be a range of
phenotypes that are equally advantageous. Such traits, and the genes that affect them, are
neutral and will change by drift in relation to each other. Anthropological examples of phe-
notypic drift include head shape differences among related primate species (Ackermann and
Cheverud 2000); these may not demand adaptive explanation.
Organisms are not just passively screened by the environment and judged more or less fit.
They are adaptable and usually exploratory, responding to circumstances; they seek, or
evolution: what it means and how we know  49

construct, the circumstances they like. Choosing favorable circumstances is called organ-
ismal selection when it is genetically based: organisms that like a given environment from
among the ones available to them will aggregate there and mate. Over time, it will appear
as if the genes responsible for the preference have been favored by selection, but they need
not have had any competitive advantage relatively to the genotypes that aggregated else-
where as a result of different preferences. The building of suitable micro-environments is
called niche construction. Bird nests and human houses are examples.
Now there is a curious fact. Those who hold a strongly selectionist world view rely on the
fact that evolutionary time periods are long in order to argue that highly organized traits,
like eyes or brains, could have been – were – produced through gradual selection. This is
because, without long time periods, we would have to accept saltational evolution – the
sudden appearance of new, organized traits – which seems implausible. When the weak
nature of most selection and the consequent relative importance of drift are raised as a
challenge to strong selectionism, a common response is as follows: yes, today’s organized
traits might be modified slightly here and there by drift, but they must have been driven to
their current, highly by the ever-present, always-acting, fine-tuning systematic force of
selection. The flaw in this argument is that it assumes that we are living at a special time in
the history of life. Instead, selection may always have been weak and slow, and, if viewed at
any given time in the past, then-current traits would have seemed highly organized and
adapted. The importance of drift can, and perhaps must, apply back to the history of life,
leaving adaptation to be the result of chance much more than is generally believed.
Is life adaptive? In a similar vein, it is said that organisms are obviously suited to their
circumstances, which is supposed to show the truth of adaptive–evolutionary explanations.
How else could they have got here? Yet the truth of the statement is not as obvious as it may
seem. Adaptation is a kind of tautology. If an organism (or at least its ancestors) were not
suitable for life, it would not be here today. We can see the reasons why it survives today,
but this is not the same as the reasons why it is here today. To equate present function to
past adaptive selection is a mistake known as the naturalistic fallacy.
We usually cannot know what selective reasons (if any) applied in the past. Classically,
Darwinian adaptive evolution certainly occurs and may even be a part of the story most of
the time, but selection of a specific type need not have been the key agent, and much less the
only one. Enumerating the reasons why an adaptation is good is to make the same mistake as
the proponents of the “intelligent design” view in religion. Not all of an organism’s functions
need to work all that well – all we know is that they have worked well enough in the past.
How deterministic is evolution? Darwin was very clear that he viewed natural selection in
essentially Newtonian deterministic terms, as a force, or as a law of nature. He said several
times that selection detects the “smallest grain in the balance” (meaning the smallest grain
on the scale) of competition (Weiss 2004). Yet, when we try to identify the genetic basis of
a trait or to detect selection in real time, there is always variation, noise, and subtlety. If
selection is typically weak, its existence may be undetectable at any given time – and perhaps
at every time – in the course of a trait’s evolution.
Adaptation occurs, but less determinedly, requiring less precision in the screening ability
of nature, and it occurs with greater flexibility and tolerance. More organisms have a chance
to do well, and populations are not as threatened with poor fitness as they might otherwise
be. Chance is part of that process. This is a more sanguine and epistemologically more
sound view of evolution than an argument about determinism versus chance – selection
versus drift – would imply (see, for instance, Lynch 2007).
What is the source of adaptive variation? Over the years, there have been many debates
about the source of new variations – numerous enough to serve as fuel for the idea of a
50  kenneth m. weiss and anne v. buchanan
“creative” (not creationist!) evolution. In the early twentieth century there were debates as
to whether an existing variation, variation plus recombination, or a new mutation was most
important. Mutation was thought to be too rare to drive response to changing environ-
ments (if those changed rapidly – another unstated assumption?). However, standing vari-
ation and its rearrangement or recombination through sexual reproduction readily and
steadily present new combinations of existing variants to nature, and selection screens whole
organisms, not individual genes.
There has been a growing recognition that chromosomal duplication events of various
kinds have produced new genes. A duplicate gene is a redundant one and is the potential
source of a new function. Correlations between the time of gene duplication events and the
appearance of new traits such as body plans have been attributed to this process.
Another debate is about whether adaptive evolution occurs through selected change in the
protein-coding regions of the genome or in regions affecting gene regulation, which is a
function versus expression debate (see, for instance, Carroll et al. 2005; Hoekstra and Coyne
2007). Many, if not most, proteins are pleiotropic: they have many different functions. One
idea is that, if the DNA code for a protein suffers mutation, the protein will not function well
in all (if in any) of its many uses, and the likely result will be a very unhappy organism. On
the other hand, the expression of a gene is controlled by numerous short DNA sequences
(only a few nucleotides long) near its protein-coding region. When these regulatory
sequences are physically bound by other proteins called transcription factors, the binding
event causes the gene to be used – transcribed into mRNA – or its expression level is altered.
Short regulatory sites can arise easily in random sequence among the tens of thousands of
bases flanking protein-coding regions, and hence they can come and go by mutation. In any
cell that is producing the transcription factor protein itself, such modifications in the
regulatory region of other genes could change the time or place of expression of those genes.
Many transcription factors are needed to induce (or repress) the expression of a gene, and
the cooperative nature of life is such that many different proteins must interact with each
other and with the flanking DNA to accomplish gene expression. This means that those
genes must already be expressed earlier in the cell in question. This is cooperation in action.
However, either by altering the expression of the transcription factor gene itself or by those
genes that the transcription factor protein activates, phenotypic change can evolve, and
fairly rapidly.
Variation arises in all of these ways. Which one is “more important” is rather a nonques-
tion – like what is more important, food or water?
Is there too much evidence for selection? Finally, the argument over whether evolution hap-
pens by selection or drift, which is sometimes couched as Darwinian versus non-Darwinian
evolution, is misplaced. From a neutralist perspective, selected variation is quickly lost or
fixed in the population, while neutral variation can stay – drift – around for a long time
before being fixed or lost. If so, then most of the variation one sees at any given time, for
example in current genetic data, has been evolving neutrally. The argument is important as
a way to explain the total amount of variation observed among individuals within a species,
or accumulated between species. If all the observed variation were being maintained in the
population through balancing selection, the amount of over-reproduction needed to com-
pensate for individuals who are eliminated through selection (called the “genetic load”)
could be beyond sustaining. Individuals would simply be unable to have enough children
to ensure that one could survive to replace each parent. However, the weak nature of selec-
tion in which most variation is evolving neutrally (or nearly so) at any given time relieves
this argument, since change due to drift requires no excess reproduction.
evolution: what it means and how we know  51

chr9: 1050000
RefSeq Genes
RefSeq Genes
Vertebrate Multiz Alignment & PhastCons Conservation (28 Species)

Mammal Cons


Figure 3.1 Widespread conservation of a non-protein-coding sequence in the human genome. This
is a random selection of 100,000 basepairs (0.003 percent) of the human genome starting 1,000,000
nucleotides from the end of chromosome 9. Key: Topline shows basepair position. RefSeq repre-
sents exons and introns of known gene (a transcription factor called DMRT2); Mammal Cons shows
degree of sequence conservation among mammals. Final lines show positions of conservation in each
of many species going back to fish (stickleback).

Yet one question does still pertain, though it is little noticed. If one aligns the genomes
of related species, even distant vertebrate species, there is a huge amount of conserved
sequence, in addition to the protein-coding sequence, across the genome. A randomly
chosen segment of just 0.003 percent of the human genome is shown in Figure 3.1. The
figure shows the extensive amount of sequence that has been very deeply conserved, even
between humans and fish. If not natural selection, then what could conserve this sequence
for so long? How is the selective burden, the genetic load, being maintained? This remains
a major question for the future.

Phenogenomic vs. Phenogenetic Evolution: A Reconceptualization of


The usual idea of evolution is that, if a new mutation helps the organism to outcompete its
peers, it steadily rises to high frequency. Yet the fundamentally cooperative aspect of nature
seems to be at odds with such a world view. When we examine the evidence for genetic
contributions to biological traits, we find that a substantial fraction of variation seems heri-
table (that is, is passed from parent to offspring, so that relatives resemble each other more
than would be expected to happen by chance). Yet intensive searches of the genome identify
only modest numbers of genes influencing traits of interest, and variation in those genes
accounts for only a fraction of the total heritability (Weiss 2008). It seems that traits are
affected by many genes whose individual variation from person to person contributes too
little to be identified by available methods, amidst the sea of contributing factors.
A view on the nature of life has been growing under the name of “systems biology.” It is
a recognition that much of life is about interaction – cooperation – among large numbers
of gene products. Networks have alternate pathways and, in systems thinking, it is the net-
work of interactions as a whole that is functionally important. This could be the case for
complex traits like the mammalian skull or social behavior, to which many genes contribute
and each one may contribute in multiple ways.
If a network has a great many factors, hundreds or even thousands, selection’s impact on
any one of them could be so slight that the variant evolves basically by drift – a point we
52  kenneth m. weiss and anne v. buchanan
made earlier. The trait could evolve adaptively, being driven in some particular direction,
such as toward upright posture, language ability, or useful thumbs. Overall, the genome as
a whole will have changed so as to accumulate the variation in the many genes responsible
for the trait, but the individual underlying genetic variants may have changed mainly by
drift; it would suffice to say that at any time there was an appropriate mix of them to
respond to selection. This could be called phenogenomic rather than the usual phenogenetic
evolution. If accurate, it is a picture of evolution very different from the one that has been
in place since the discovery of the protein-coding nature genes, in which the focus on
function has perhaps inaccurately resulted in a focus on the importance of individual genes
as the main factors in evolution.

The Collapse of Possibilities and Oversimplification of Evolution

Looking forward from any given time to the future, there will usually be many comparably
viable ways in which a species or an ecosystem can change. Chance will be an essential, even
a major part, in the mix of possibilities. Indeed, the mix changes every generation. This
greatly limits the power of long-term predictions, but it accurately reflects the nature of life.
Looking backward in time from the present, evolution seems to have taken a much sim-
pler, more direct, or even environmentally directed path. The reason is that all the possibil-
ities have collapsed into one – what actually happened. With a long-term retrospective
viewpoint, evolution and its processes can look much simpler, and it may seem easier to
assert the values that nature has placed upon the traits of organisms. This, then, leads to a
state of confidence about those values today, with all the societal dangers associated with it
when the subject is our own species.

Social Misuses of Darwinian Reflexes

Darwinian evolution is a concept so simple and generic as to be easy to invoke, without

technical knowledge, as if to assume it were the same as to prove it. Major and sometimes
catastrophic consequences have resulted from an uncritically “Darwinian” assertion that life
is made of inherently good and bad things engaged in vital competition with each other and
that the inherent characteristics of individuals are written in their genes. The ideas of
inherent worth, deterministic selection, and identifiable, discrete populations are all abstrac-
tions that derive from an assumed theory, and the consequences of that theory may subtly
depend on assumptions.
In the case of humans, the obvious and historically ample examples relate to racism and
eugenics, in which a group of people in power decide what is good and bad, attribute the
same judgment to natural selection, and justify engineering society and interfering with
people on the basis of their presumed inherent worth. Behavioral traits, especially intelli-
gence and deviant behavior, are among the favorite targets of these value judgments.
Genocide has been a result, and a wise person would always keep in mind the dangers of
equating personal views with nature’s views, theory with reality, and determinism with
probabilism. The temptation to be armchair Darwinians is great; the news media, and even
scientists, routinely indulge in drawing speculative value-laden scenarios. Thus, if evolution
has been a transformative idea in modern thought, it has also had its downside.
evolution: what it means and how we know  53

Finally, Do Genes Matter?

If evolution is driven by genetic changes, we can ask, what does it mean, then, to “under-
stand” the evolution of a trait? Do we need to identify every gene? Or every variant in every
gene in every population of every species? Is it enough to know just the pattern of gene-by-
gene interactions and how they are conserved among species or not, or do we need to iden-
tify the specific genotype in each individual? There are no objective answers to these
questions, although complete enumeration seems literally impossible. Perhaps, for many
purposes, we do not need to know.
Not every question we want to answer, not even every functional or evolutionary
question, is a genetic question, even though everything about life involves genes and
inheritance in one way or another. For geneticists, understanding the contribution of
genes to any given trait may be fascinating and relevant. However, for understanding
many aspects of evolution, function, adaptation, and the like, making lists of genes that
contribute to a trait may be as irrelevant as enumerating bricks would be for under-
standing the purpose for which a building was built. In their own place, genes are irre-
placeable, but in our evolution not everything of interest is best explained in terms of
genes. This is especially true of human behavior, which is largely, if not predominantly,
molded by culture.
Darwin was interested in embryology, the way fertilized eggs “evolve” – the earlier use
of the term – into adults, but he used comparative embryology to reinforce his main interest:
the long-term evolution of adaptations and species. His theory was about phenotypes and
it worked, even though his genetic ideas were thoroughly incorrect. Today, too, unless one
is a geneticist or interested in mechanisms, the phenotypes of organisms are still the most
important aspect of evolution.
However, ever since Darwin changed the focus of biology, the notion of evolutionary
change has been restricted to the long term, but, as we have described, evolution also
occurs on shorter developmental and ecological time scales (Weiss and Buchanan 2009).
There the processes are substantially different from the canon of four factors that have
occupied evolutionary thinking for the last century. The picture has been changing because
of advances in molecular technologies, which have greatly enhanced what can be learned
about these time scales of life.
Since long-term evolution is the accumulation of short-term changes that occur from
cell to cell, a perspective that includes the understanding of those short-term changes
should illuminate traditional evolutionary studies. In fact, when we look at life on all of its
time scales, a set of simple, general principles emerges (Weiss and Buchanan 2009).
Beyond Darwin’s processes for species evolution, these general principles reflect the many
ways in which functional change, the branching divergence of function and species, com-
munication and cooperation, and other characteristics of life operate on scales ranging
from those of cells to those of ecosystems. With a broader perspective, an understanding
of change and variation in life will continue to challenge and excite our interest for gen-
erations to come.
NOTE: “Evolution” and the points discussed in this chapter comprise a vast subject. We
cite only a few references, because an exhaustive bibliography would be impossible. These
topics and ideas can most profitably be pursued by searching the many sources on the
54  kenneth m. weiss and anne v. buchanan

Ackermann, R. R., and J. M. Cheverud. “Phenotypic Covariance Structure in Tamarins (Genus

Saguinus): A Comparison of Variation Patterns Using Matrix Correlation and Common Principal
Component Analysis.” American Journal of Physical Anthropology 111, no. 4 (2000): 489–501.
Boyd, R., and J. Silk. How Humans Evolved. New York: Norton, 2006.
Carroll, S. B., J. K. Grenier, and S. Weatherbee. From DNA to Diversity: Molecular Genetics and the
Evolution of Animal Design. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2005.
Gerstein, M. B., C. Bruce, J. S. Rozowsky, et al. “What Is a Gene, Post-ENCODE? History and
Updated Definition.” Genome Research 17, no. 6 (2007): 669–681.
Hartl, D., and J. A. Clark. Principles of Population Genetics. Sunderland, MA: Sinauer, 2007.
Hoekstra, H. E., and J. A. Coyne. “The Locus of Evolution: Evo Devo and the Genetics of
Adaptation.” Evolution 61, no. 5 (2007): 995–1016.
Jobling, M., M. Hurles, and C. Tyler-Smith. Human Evolutionary Genetics: Origins, Peoples and
Disease. New York: Garland, 2004.
Kawasaki, K., T. Suzuki, and K. M. Weiss. “Phenogenetic Drift in Evolution: The Changing Genetic
Basis of Vertebrate Teeth.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 102, no. 50
(2005): 18063–18068.
Lynch, M. The Origin of Genome Architecture. Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates, 2007.
Relethford, J. The Human Species: An Introduction to Biological Anthropology. New York: McGraw-
Hill, 2003.
Ridley, M. Evolution. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2004.
Templeton, A. Population Genetics and Microevolutionary Theory. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley, 2006.
Weiss, K. M. “The Smallest Grain in the Balance.” Evolutionary Anthropology 13, no. 4 (2004):
Weiss, K. M. “Tilting at Quixotic Trait Loci (QTL): An Evolutionary Perspective on Genetic
Causation.” Genetics 179, no. 4 (2008): 1741–1756.
Weiss, K. M., and A. V. Buchanan. The Mermaid’s Tale: Four Billion Years of Evolution in the Making
of Living Things. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2009.
Weiss, K. M., and S. M. Fullerton. “Phenogenetic Drift and the Evolution of Genotype- Phenotype
Relationships.” Theoretical Population Biology 57, no. 3 (2000): 187–195.
CHAPTER 4 Systematics,
Taxonomy, and
Ordering Life, Past
and Present

Alexis Uluutku and

Bernard Wood


Systematics includes all of the activities involved in the study of the diversity and origins of
living and extinct organisms. This review focuses on: (A) identification and comparison of
specimens, (B) species-level classification, (C) phylogeny reconstruction, and (D)
classification above the level of the species. These activities should be carried out in the
order in which they are listed; thus (A) must precede (B), and (A) and (B) must precede
(C), etc. The first two, “identification and comparison of specimens” and “species-level
classification,” constitute what Mayr et al. (1953) referred to as “alpha taxonomy.” The
fourth activity, “classification above the level of the species,” corresponds to the way those
authors define “beta taxonomy” (ibid: 19). While some researchers have used (C), phylo-
genetic reconstruction, to inform (B), species-level taxonomic hypotheses, reversing the
order of the analyses is an exercise in circular reasoning.
In biological anthropology, “identification” means making sure a fossil is a primate and
deciding what region of the body it comes from. “Comparison” involves recording its mor-
phology as thoroughly and objectively as possible, comparing the specimen with appro-
priate extant and fossil taxa, and then either assigning it to an existing phenetically coherent
group, or to a novel group. “Phenetic coherence” implies that the distributions of the
observed morphological characteristics of a group of organisms are sufficiently nonoverlap-
ping with those of other groups that those observations can be used to securely assign
individual specimens to the correct group. The second activity, “species-level classification,”
involves the recognition of those phenetically coherent groups as species and then giving
them formal names. The third activity, “phylogeny reconstruction,” uses either all of the

A Companion to Biological Anthropology, Second Edition. Edited by Clark Spencer Larsen.

© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
56  alexis uluutku and bernard wood
phenetic evidence, or a subset – as in cladistic analytical methods – to generate relatively
simple hypotheses about the relationships among the taxa (for instance, a cladogram), or
more complex hypotheses that include specifying ancestors and descendants (for instance,
a phylogenetic tree) (Baum and Offner 2008). Phylogeny reconstruction aims to recover
what some researchers refer to as the “natural” relationships among taxa (i.e., the branching
pattern of the Tree of Life). The fourth activity, “classification above the level of the
species,” involves using the results of phylogenetic reconstruction to allocate species to a
genus, tribe, etc., and then assembling these taxa into a hierarchical classification.
Taxonomy is the study of the principles and theory that inform the process of classification.
Nomenclature, which straddles classification and taxonomy, includes the principles that
should be used when formal names (such as a Linnaean binomial) are assigned to taxa, as
well as the rules (priority, synonymy, and the like) and recommendations that govern the
application of those principles.
The classification system used by contemporary biologists was developed by Carl Linnaeus
(he was not raised to the nobility as Carl von Linné until the 12th edition of the Systema
Naturae) in the late eighteenth century and is referred to as “Linnaean taxonomy.” It is
also called the “binomial system” because two (= bi-) of the categories, the genus and the
specific name, make up the Latinized name given to each species (e.g., Homo sapiens, Pan
The system introduced by Linnaeus recognized five basic levels, or categories: kingdom,
class, order, genus, and species. Since the introduction of the binomial system, biologists
have found that more than five categories are needed to reflect the complexity of the living
world. Consequently, Linnaeus’s original categories have been supplemented by adding
new ones (for instance, the tribe has been inserted between the genus and family) and by
adding the prefix “super-” (above), and the prefixes “sub-” and “infra-” (below) to some
categories. These additions increase the potential number of taxonomic categories below
the level of order to a total of 12 (see Table 4.1). At the heart of the Linnaean hierarchy is
its least inclusive category, the species. It comes from the Latin word specio, meaning “to
look”: specimen and inspect have the same origin.
A group at any level in the Linnaean hierarchy is called a “taxon” (plural “taxa”). The
term “taxa” must be distinguished from the various “categories” in the Linnaean hierarchy:
Homo sapiens is a taxon in the species category. Taxa are the actual groups in nature to
which we give names (Homo sapiens, Primates). They are then assigned to the appropriate
categorical rank in the hierarchy (species, genus, family). The names of taxa function like
the names of people; they are a kind of shorthand reference system for the identification of
an individual biological entity (species, person). Lower taxa are those in the species and
genus categories; higher taxa are in the categories above the level of the genus. When the
Linnaean system is applied to a group of related organisms, the resulting scheme is called a
“classification” or a “taxonomy” of that group.
There is confusion about the proper use of the terms “diagnosis” and “definition” in
relation to taxonomy. Diagnosis is what medical doctors do when they use your symptoms
and signs to identify the likely cause of your illness. Diagnosis in taxonomy is a similar
exercise. It is a list of the features that (A) permits one taxon to be distinguished from
another and (B) facilitates the correct assignment of individual organisms (or specimens) to
a taxon. A definition, on the other hand, concentrates on the morphology the members of
a taxon have in common. It is a list of the features that binds the organisms of a taxon
together; it does not necessarily discriminate one taxon from others (modern humans are
bipeds, but without further qualification this attribute does not distinguish us from species
in the extinct genus Australopithecus).
systematics, taxonomy, and phylogenetics: ordering life, past and present  57

Table 4.1 List of the categories used in a Linnaean taxonomy. Higher taxa are in bold type


Identification and Comparison

The first task facing anyone claiming to have found a fossil primate is to make sure the
specimen really belongs to a primate and is not the hard-tissue evidence of another type of
nonprimate mammal.
The next step is to identify the specimen anatomically as precisely as the preserved mor-
phology allows and then to determine its ontogenetic status. For example, a complete
femur is difficult to confuse with a complete humerus, but an undiagnostic piece of long-
bone shaft or a fragment of tooth enamel may not be so easy to locate on the skeleton or
in the tooth row. For parts of the body that are serially homologous (e.g., teeth and ver-
tebrae that have a repetitive resemblance in a series of structures with the same evolu-
tionary origin), researchers must use whatever evidence they can to locate a mandibular
molar in the tooth row or a thoracic vertebra to the upper, middle, or lower part of the
thoracic spine. Precise anatomical identification is important because it determines which
other fossils and which components of the extant comparators should be used to help
make decisions about whether the new fossil belongs to an existing species. Once the ana-
tomical part is correctly identified, it can be compared with the same part in the appro-
priate comparative groups to make sure it is assigned to an existing taxon, or to a new
taxon, using the appropriate diagnostic criteria. If the specimen is very scrappy this can be
a difficult, sometimes inconclusive, process; better-preserved or more complete speci-
mens are more likely to result in a correct taxonomic assignment than poorly-preserved
or fragmentary ones.
58  alexis uluutku and bernard wood
It is important to determine the specimen’s ontogenetic status, because a newly discov-
ered juvenile fossil primate mandible should be compared with other juvenile mandibles,
and not with adult mandibles.

Reassembly and Reconstruction

Bones and teeth that are fragmented but undistorted can be reassembled; researchers sit
down with the original pieces and fit them together by hand or they manipulate images of
the pieces on a computer screen. If only part of an undistorted fossil bone or tooth has been
preserved, the whole can be reconstructed. Reconstruction may involve duplication if the
missing piece is a bilateral structure and the other side (called the antimere) is preserved, or
it may involve extrapolation if there is no antimere, or if only part of a structure is pre-
served. In general, the more complete a bone or tooth is and the more contact points there
are between the fragments, the more reliable is the reconstruction. More difficult problems
are when cracks run through a fossil and the cracks are filled with matrix or if it has been
affected by plastic deformation (i.e., the bone has behaved like a plastic material and has
permanently deformed when subjected to pressure from rocks fallen from the roof of a
cave). If the deformation has affected only one side of a bilateral structure, then the unde-
formed side can be used to reconstruct the deformed side. If both sides are deformed, then
researchers must either painstakingly remove the matrix between the fragments and physi-
cally reassemble them or digitally image the fossil and use software programs to estimate
and restore the undeformed shape (Lautenschlager 2016). However, the problem with
creating “virtual fossils” is that it is easy to forget, especially when looking at the image of
an impressively complete fossil on a screen, which parts of the new virtual fossil are “real”
and which are reconstructed, and it is all too easy to begin to assume that a reconstructed
virtual fossil has the same value as a well-preserved “real” fossil. There is also the problem
that if more complete fossils are used to guide reconstructions, there is a danger that the
reconstructed fossils regress in the direction of the well-preserved fossils, thus artificially
reducing the variation with a fossil taxon. Gunz et al. (2020) and Wu et al. (2021) provide
recent examples of the utility of virtual reconstruction.
Relatively few fossil specimens totally escape damage from breakage, loss, erosion, and/
or deformation, processes that result in the loss or distortion of information. The recovery
of information through reassembly, restoration, and reconstruction are important early
steps in the analysis of a fossil.

Capturing Morphology for Comparison

The morphological characteristics of fossils need to be captured as comprehensively and as
objectively as possible. The morphology of a fossil can be divided into two overlapping sets
of categories, external and internal, and macroscopic and microscopic.
Information about internal morphology and microstructure can be obtained nondestruc-
tively or destructively. Nondestructive techniques employ X-rays (high-energy photons with a
very short wavelength), other forms of invisible radiation, and ultrasound (acoustic frequencies
above the range audible to the modern human ear, i.e., > 20,000 hertz). Researchers exploit
the sophisticated imaging techniques that are used in clinical medicine such as Computed
Tomography (CT) and micro-CT. These techniques allow researchers to visualize structures
such as the bony labyrinth (Braga et al. 2021; Spoor et al. 2000) hidden within bones, as well
as the internal morphology of trabecular bone (Skinner et al. 2015). Synchrotron radiation
microtomography (SR-µCT) has been used to recover information about dental microstruc-
ture in intact teeth (Le Cabec et al. 2015; Tafforeau and Smith 2007).
systematics, taxonomy, and phylogenetics: ordering life, past and present  59

Most destructive studies of the microstructure of fossils involve the dentition. For in-
stance, Dean et al. (1993) used a diamond saw to take very thin slices through a tooth and
then re-cemented the parts of the tooth crown, adding a thin layer of acrylic cement to
make sure that the reassembled tooth had the same linear dimensions as it did before the
thin section was removed.

Metrical and Nonmetrical Methods for Capturing Morphology

Two systems of recording morphology are commonly in use. One, called metrical or mor-
phometric analysis, uses measurements; the other, called nonmetrical analysis, records mor-
phology by using presence/absence criteria, or by comparing the fossil with a series of
standards, or by characterizing the morphology qualitatively. Examples of nonmetrical traits
include the numbers of cusps or roots on a tooth and the presence or absence of markings
for cranial venous sinuses.
Measurements are traditionally made between standardized locations, called landmarks.
Many of these are defined as the places where sutures meet on bones, or where fissures meet
on teeth, or are points that can be located with the minimum of ambiguity (for example,
the width of the shaft of a well-preserved long bone at 50 percent of its total length), but
not all such landmarks have the same evolutionary origin, that is, they are not all homolo-
gous. The measurements taken are usually the shortest distance between the points; these
are known as chord distances. If the surface between the landmarks is curved, a tape laid
between the two points will record the arc distance, and the difference between the chord
and arc reflects the degree of curvature. It is also possible to use angles to record mor-
phology. These record the orientation of a structure relative to the sagittal or coronal planes,
or to a reference plane such as the Frankfurt Horizontal or the orbital plane.
Recently introduced techniques, usually referred to as geometric morphometrics, collect
data in three dimensions. Data capture is not restricted to traditional landmarks, and the use
of semi-landmarks between traditional landmarks allows researchers to capture more of the
original morphology. The position of each reference point is recorded using a
three-dimensional coordinate system and the distances between any two of the recorded
points can be recovered if needed. Four types of morphological landmarks are recognized.
The first, Type 1, uses an intersection between two structures. For example, bregma, the
intersection between the sagittal and coronal sutures on the top of the cranium, is a Type 1
landmark with a high degree of repeatability. Type 2 landmarks are either maxima or
minima, such as the most superior and inferior points on the greater trochanter on a femur.
Type 3 landmarks depend on a minimum of two Type 1 or Type 2 landmarks. For example,
the “middle of the greater trochanter” is a Type 3 landmark that depends on two Type 2
landmarks – the superior and inferior extent of the greater trochanter. The final type of
landmark is known as a semi-landmark. For example, the shape of a ridge joining the tips of
dentine horns (two Type 2 landmarks) can be captured by a series of landmarks placed dig-
itally at equidistant intervals along the ridge curve by 3D GM software.
The three-dimensional coordinates of Types 1–3 landmarks were initially mostly cap-
tured using machines called “digitizers.” These machines have a mobile arm with a fine
point at the end. The tip is placed on the reference point and the machine automatically
records its location in three dimensions (3D). Newer techniques capture data from complex
surfaces using laser triangulation, structured light, and laser pulse-based 3D scanning tech-
nologies, as well as various imaging modalities that give access to morphology not visible on
the surface of a fossil, such as the boundary between the dentine and enamel in an intact
tooth crown (Davies et al. 2021), the roots of teeth embedded in the mandible (Kupczik et
60  alexis uluutku and bernard wood
al. 2019), and the size and shape of the bony labyrinth (Braga et al. 2021). These methods
capture 3D data more densely than is possible with digitizers and allow for internal and/or
external measurements without damage to the fossil specimens through cutting, drilling, or
the use of calipers. Data captured using 3D scanning technologies have the advantage that
researchers do not have to decide in advance what landmarks to use; they can place as many
as they wish on the digital reconstruction. Traditional landmarks can be located in 3D on
the virtual fossils, and semi-landmarks can be used to capture the shape of curved surfaces
and ridges between traditional landmarks. Special software programs such as Morphologika,
http://hyms.fme.googlepages.com/resources, MorphoJ (Klingenberg 2011), and geo-
morph (Adams et al. 2021) can be used to remove overall size, so that researchers can focus
on shape differences.

Comparing Specimens
Observations can be compared one at a time – univariate analysis – or by plotting two var-
iables against each other – bivariate analysis. It is also possible to analyze many variables
simultaneously – multivariate analysis. The latter method compares known groups by sum-
marizing multiple variables in the form of a smaller number of factors, or axes. One type of
multivariate analysis allows researchers to compute the distance between individuals in mul-
tivariate space, and this “multivariate distance” can be used to compare differences between
fossils with those observed within, and between, samples from comparative groups. Other
multivariate methods are designed to identify clusters of similar fossils by simplifying the
patterns of correlation and variance, and a subgroup of multivariate methods allows the
form of a structure to be broken down into size and shape components. When analyses are
based on traditional linear measurements between reference points, the morphological
information they capture is only a small part of the potential information available, and con-
ventional multivariate techniques provide no visual image of how organisms differ in size
and shape, and nor do they preserve the spatial relationships among measurements. The
new generation of geometric morphometric analytical methods use grids or vector arrows
to show how the reference specimen needs to be deformed, or warped, in order to assume
the shapes of the specimens with which it is being compared (Weaver and Gunz 2018).
Morphological differences can be resolved into differences in size and differences in shape.
Comparative analyses have been consistent in showing that shape differences are consis-
tently more taxonomically valent than differences in overall size, so a common feature of
many metrical methods is scaling the data using a surrogate for overall size, such as the
geometric mean. There is, however, a difference between correcting for overall size and
removing the “effects” of size. Size and shape are seldom independent, for most of the rela-
tionships among metrical variables in organisms are allometric. In such a relationship, a
change in overall size results in a predictable difference in shape. Thus, in these circum-
stances, even if isometric size is removed from an analysis, the effect of overall size differ-
ences on shape (i.e., the allometric component) will not necessarily be removed.

Species-Level Classification

Classifying individual fossils is not a valid endeavor. First, a newly discovered fossil must be
assigned to a group and then the group can be classified. If the fossil is within the inferred
limits of variation of an existing species, then it can be added to the hypodigm – that is, the
list of specimens assigned to that species. However, if the specimen falls beyond the range
systematics, taxonomy, and phylogenetics: ordering life, past and present  61

of variation of known species, then it may warrant the erection of a new species. The new
species must be given an appropriate name, a holotype (the type specimen) needs to be
designated, and then the classification needs to be modified to accommodate it.

What Is a Species?
It may seem counter-intuitive, but biologists have devised many different ways of defining
species. Smith (1994) divides contemporary, nontypological, species concepts into process-
related and pattern-related. The former emphasize the processes involved in the generation
and maintenance of species boundaries, whereas the latter emphasizes the operations biol-
ogists use to demarcate species boundaries.
The three main species concepts in the process category are the biological species concept
(BSC), the evolutionary species concept (ESC), and the recognition species concept (RSC). The
BSC, as promulgated by Mayr (1942, 1982), defined species as “groups of interbreeding
natural populations reproductively isolated from other such groups.” There are two prob-
lems with the BSC. First, it is a relational definition, in the sense that to delimit one species
reference has to be made to at least one other species, and, second, it stresses mechanisms
for maintaining reproductive (and hence genetic) isolation, rather than emphasizing the
factors that bind the individuals within a species together. The ESC was an attempt by
Simpson (1961) to add a temporal dimension to the BSC. Wiley (1978) developed
Simpson’s concept and defined the ESC as “a single lineage of ancestor-descendant popula-
tions which maintain its identity from other such lineages and which has its own evolu-
tionary tendencies and historical fate.” Some use the term chronospecies to refer to a segment
of the type of evolving lineage implied in the ESC definition. The boundaries of the seg-
ment can be defined by discontinuities in the fossil record, or a lineage can be subdivided
because the fossil sample exceeds the degree and/or the pattern of variation within closely
related, living, species. A problem with the ESC is that it assumes pre-existing knowledge
of phylogeny, which logically should follow and not precede alpha taxonomy. The third
concept in the process category, the RSC, focuses on the factors that promote inter-breed-
ing. Paterson (1985) suggested that under the RSC a species is “the most inclusive
population of individual, biparental organisms which shares a common fertilization system.”
The latter, which he termed the specific mate recognition system, or SMRS, comprises the
mechanisms organisms use to recognize potential mates and ensure fertilization; this may
be a distinctive external morphological feature, a characteristic coloration, a distinctive call,
or even an odor. Paterson claims that the RSC is, at least potentially, applicable to the fossil
record as long as a species’ SMRS fossilizes.
The three main pattern-based species concepts are the phenetic species concept (PeSC), the
phylogenetic species concept (PySC), and the monophyletic species concept (MSC). When
applied to the fossil record all three are morphospecies concepts in that they emphasize dif-
ferent aspects of an organism’s morphology. The PeSC as interpreted by Sokal and Crovello
(1970) gives equal weight to all aspects of the phenotype and uses multivariate analysis to
detect clusters of individual specimens that share a similar phenotype. Under the PySC
introduced by Cracraft (1983), the emphasis is on those aspects of the phenotype that are
diagnostic. According to Nixon and Wheeler (1990), a PySC species is “the smallest
aggregation of populations diagnosable by a unique combination of character states.”
Lastly, under the MSC, the morphological emphasis is narrower still, with species defined
not on the basis of unique combinations of characters, but only on uniquely derived char-
acters. The problem with the MSC is that it assumes researchers know which characters are
uniquely derived. However, to know this you must have performed a cladistic analysis and
62  alexis uluutku and bernard wood
to do that you must have already decided on the taxa to include in the analysis. The MSC
is thus undermined by circular reasoning.
Eldredge (1993) developed Ghiselin’s (1972) proposal that a species taxon should be
regarded as an “entity.” Eldredge suggested that an individual species taxon has the
equivalent of a “life,” with a beginning (the result of the speciation process), a middle (that
lasts as long as the species persists), and an end (either extinction or participation in another
speciation process). In this interpretation, when we observe living species we are looking at
the equivalent of a snapshot taken during the course of its life. Biological anthropologists
must decide whether a collection of fossils spanning perhaps several hundred thousand or
even a million years consists of samples of several different taxa or several samples of the
same taxon. One of the many factors that biological anthropologists must take into account
in addition to the time represented in their sample is that they have to work with a fossil
record that is confined to remains of the hard tissues (bones and teeth). We know from
living animals that many uncontested species are difficult to distinguish using bones and
teeth (e.g., Cercopithecus or Hylobates species). Thus, there are reasons to suspect that a
hard tissue-bound fossil record is always likely to underestimate the number of species.
In Eldredge’s formulation, all species begin at the point of speciation when they and their
sister taxon – that is, the other taxon that arose from the same speciation event – arise from
a common ancestor. A species may then change during the course of its history (anagen-
esis), but its existence will come to an end when it either becomes extinct or becomes the
common ancestor of daughter taxa. Eldredge also acknowledges the reality that the mor-
phological characteristics of a living, or neontological, species, or of an evolutionary lineage,
are never uniformly distributed across its range, and he follows Sewall Wright in recog-
nizing the existence of distinctive local populations, or demes. Related demes would share
the same SMRS and Eldredge suggests their morphological distinctiveness could, in some
cases, justify them being regarded as separate species. He also acknowledges that the same
logic could be applied to the chronospecies that make up a lineage because the incomplete-
ness of the fossil record suggests that splitting events are more likely to be underestimated
than overestimated. Thus, within the fossil record it may be possible to identify several
paleospecies (sensu; Cain 1954) within the equivalent of a neontological biological, or recog-
nition species concept, species. De Queiroz (2007) includes a useful figure (De Queiroz
2007, Figure 1: 882) emphasizing that the various properties researchers have suggested as
criteria for recognizing species may arise at different stages in the speciation process. When
looking at the gradual change of a metapopulation during a speciation event, all taxono-
mists, despite their preferred species concept, will see the start of that speciation event as a
single species and the end as two separate species. However, due to differences in their
applied secondary species criteria (i.e., phenetic distinguishability, monophyly, or ecological
niche separation) taxonomists using different species concepts will inevitably place their
“cut off” for when one species becomes two at different places along the continuum. De
Queiroz (2007) suggests that despite having different secondary species criteria, all species
concepts have at least one thing in common: a species is a lineage of a separately evolving

What Happens in Practice?

Most primatologists use either the phylogenetic species concept (although often without
specifically acknowledging it) or the evolutionary species concept. If they use the former,
they search for the smallest cluster of individual organisms that is diagnosable on the basis
of the preserved morphology. Because in the primate fossil record most of that morphology
systematics, taxonomy, and phylogenetics: ordering life, past and present  63

is craniodental, most diagnoses of fossil primate taxa inevitably emphasize craniodental


What Are the Most Appropriate Comparators?

How different does a new fossil have to be from specimens in the existing fossil record
before a researcher can reasonably assume it represents a new species? Once a researcher has
been assured that any observed differences are not due to its state of preservation (the
effects of plastic deformation or an increase or decrease in size due to matrix-filled cracks or
erosion, respectively), ontogeny (comparing a young individual with an old individual), sex
(comparing a male with a female), within-species geographical variation, etc., then the
decision rests on the range of morphological variation they are prepared to tolerate within
a species. In practical terms, paleontologists usually use the extent of size and shape varia-
tion within closely related living species as the criterion for judging whether the variation
within a collection of fossils merits the fossils being assigned to more than one species (see,
for instance, Wood 1991). However, the museum collections used as samples of these con-
temporary species capture variation at what is effectively an instant in geological time,
whereas fossil taxa are usually sampled across geological time. No consensus has been
reached about what, if any, “extra” variation needs to be added to the variation observed in
the museum collections to make them more comparable to a fossil taxon.

A Very Different Interpretation: Reticulate Evolution

All of the species concepts considered thus far subscribe to a bifurcating model of specia-
tion; one species splits into two, each of those species bifurcates, and so on. In this model,
speciation is a process in which most new species arise in geographically isolated subpopu-
lations. This is called “allopatric” speciation, which means speciation in another territory.
These subpopulations gradually develop distinctive combinations of genes that eventually
result in their carrier’s reproductive isolation from the parent population. Proponents of the
recognition species concept would argue that this occurs when the new species develops a
distinctive specific mate recognition system.
In reticulate evolution, new species arise when two existing species undergo hybridiza-
tion. Under this model, species are seen as components of a complex network, hence the
term reticulation. This model of evolution is close to how some researchers interpret evo-
lution in geographically widespread groups like baboons. There are peaks of morphological
distinctiveness among contemporary baboon populations; these differences are equivalent
to those that in other taxa are interpreted as species differences. The location and nature of
these peaks will change over time and new species may form in the hybrid zones between
the peaks due to migration, genetic drift, or even natural selection conferring a selective
advantage (Jolly 2001).

The steps involved in naming a new species, genus, or higher taxon are collectively referred
to as “nomenclature” and the process is controlled by rules and recommendations set out
in the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, otherwise known as the ICZN, or
just “the Code” (Ride et al. 1999). The stipulations in the Code are designed to ensure that
everyone who takes part in discussions about issues involving classification and nomencla-
ture do so with a common understanding. They are also designed to make sure that: (a) the
names given to new taxa are appropriate; (b) the proposed name has not already been used
64  alexis uluutku and bernard wood
for an existing taxon (in other words, there is no homonymy); (c) that only one name is
given to a taxon (in other words, synonymy is satisfied), and (d) the principle of priority is
followed (i.e., the name that was used first takes priority and cannot be replaced).
The Code also sets out the conventions used when writing about taxa. Genus and species
names are both italicized. The genus name always begins with a capital letter, but in print it
can be abbreviated to just the initial letter of the genus name after its first mention. Thus, for
our own species, Homo sapiens, the abbreviated form is H. sapiens. However, when the
genus name is used alone, it must always be given in full (Homo, not H.). The names of the
taxa in all the ranks above the genus are not italicized, but they always begin with a capital
letter (Table 4.2). Such taxa usually take the root of the name of the earliest validly named
genus included within it, with an ending that reflects the rank of the taxon. The informal
way to describe the classification of the species Homo sapiens in the scheme used here is, in
order of decreasing inclusivity, a “hominoid” (superfamily), a “hominid” (family), a “homi-
nine” (subfamily), a “hominin” (tribe), and a “homininan” (subtribe) (see Table 4.2). Thus,
Homo sapiens is one of several species in the genus Homo, which is the only genus in the
subtribe Hominina, and one of several genera in the tribe Hominini. An example of a con-
temporary classification that reflects the molecular (Bradley 2008) and other evidence that
points to a close relationship between chimpanzees/bonobos and modern humans is given
in Table 4.3, which is typical of taxonomies that recognize the close genetic links between
Pan and Homo. This consensus classification is unsatisfactory in that Australopithecus is
almost certainly paraphyletic, but it must suffice until we can resolve relationships among
hominin taxa more reliably than is presently the case. In Table 4.3, the fossil-only taxa are in
bold type.

Phylogeny Reconstruction

Relationships Among Taxa

No matter how many species are recognized in the primate fossil record, researchers must
tackle the task of working out how primate species are related. This is because a well-sup-
ported hypothesis of relationships is necessary to reconstruct most of the important details
of primate evolutionary history.
Hypotheses about the relationships among fossil taxa can be divided into three categories
based on their complexity (Baum and Offner 2008; Tattersall and Eldredge 1977). The
least complex statement about relationships groups taxa together based on whether they
share any novel characteristics. This enables them to be located as “sister taxa” in a hierar-
chical branching diagram. Such diagrams are called “cladograms” (from the ancient Greek

Table 4.2 Terminology for the higher taxonomic categories immediately involved in the
classification of Homo sapiens

Category -ending For example, for Homo Informal name

Superfamily -oidea Hominoidea hominoid
Family -idae Hominidae hominid
Subfamily -inae Homininae hominine
Tribe -ini Hominini hominin
Subtribe -ina Hominina homininan
systematics, taxonomy, and phylogenetics: ordering life, past and present  65

Table 4.3 A typical taxonomy that recognizes the close genetic links between Pan and Homo. The
fossil-only taxa are in bold type. This consensus classification is unsatisfactory in that Australo­pithecus
is almost certainly paraphyletic, but it must suffice until we can resolve the evolutionary relationships
among hominin taxa more reliably than is presently the case

Superfamily Hominoidea
Family Hylobatidae
Genus Hylobates
Family Hominidae
Subfamily Ponginae
Genus Pongo
Subfamily Gorillinae
Genus Gorilla
Subfamily Homininae
Tribe Panini
Genus Pan
Tribe Hominini
Subtribe Australopithecina
Genus Ardipithecus
Genus Australopithecus
Genus Kenyanthropus
Genus Sahelanthropus
Genus Orrorin
Genus Paranthropus
Subtribe Hominina
Genus Homo

word for branch, klados). Note that a cladogram is free of absolute time, unlike a phyloge-
netic tree. At the nodes linking two sister taxa, common ancestors are implied but not spec-
ified. Cladograms are generated using a method called “cladistic analysis” or “cladistics.”
Remember that even though phylogenetic analysis is often used as a synonym for cladistics,
cladistic methods generate cladograms not phylogenetic trees. The methods for generating
hypotheses of relationships, together with the specialized terminology linked with those
methods, were set out by Willi Hennig in the 1950s, but they were not widely adopted
until they were published in English (Hennig 1966).
The intermediate category expresses hypotheses about relationships in the form of phylo-
genetic or phyletic trees. Phylogenetic trees contain more information than cladograms. As
well as specifying the hierarchy of the relationships (in the form of sets of nested taxa), trees
place the taxa in ancestor/descendant sequences in absolute time. This category of
hypotheses goes beyond those generated using cladistic methods, and they require reliable
information about the age of the fossils. Several different phylogenetic trees may be consis-
tent with a single cladogram.
The most complex category of hypothesis about evolutionary relationships is the evolu-
tionary scenario. It not only specifies a particular phylogenetic pattern, but also furnishes
process-level explanations of why and how evolution took a particular course. Some of
these explanations involve factors intrinsic to the taxa themselves (for example, develop-
mental constraints). Others involve factors external to the organism, which are either
biological (also known as “biotic”) or nonbiological (also known as “abiotic”). Examples of
66  alexis uluutku and bernard wood
the former include the effects of competition with other animals for resources. Global and
regional climate change and changes in paleoenvironments are interrelated examples of
potential abiotic influences on human evolutionary history.

Principles of Cladistics
The intrinsic resemblances between any two species can be crudely resolved into three ele-
ments called “patristic,” “cladistic,” and “homoplasic” (Cain 1954).
Patristic similarities are those that reflect relatively remote evolutionary history. In the
case of modern humans and chimpanzees, these would include discrete parts of the pheno-
type – called “character states” – that make them both vertebrates, or mammals, or pri-
mates. These patristic features (also called “primitive” or “symplesiomorphic”) are useful
for generating a hypothesis about the nature of the relationships between a modern human,
a chimpanzee, and a snail, but they are incapable of resolving the relationships among, say,
modern humans, chimpanzees, and gorillas. In the example given above, the cladistic
element of the phenotype is the part that is expressed differently in modern humans, chim-
panzees, and gorillas. The shared possession of cladistic (also called “shared-derived” or
“synapomorphic”) character states can then be used to develop hypotheses about the evo-
lutionary relationships among those taxa. Taxa that share characters inherited from a recent
common ancestor belong to the same clade. A pair of linked taxa that are each other’s clos-
est relatives based on these shared-derived traits are “sister taxa.” A monophyletic group, or
clade, comprises all of the descendants of a recent common ancestor. A clade can comprise
any number of pairs of sister taxa, as long as they can all be traced back to a common
ancestor from which they inherited at least one shared derived character state that is not
present in a closely related clade. A “polyphyletic group” is a group that includes taxa
belonging to more than one clade. For example, savannah (Papio), forest (Mandrillus), and
mountain (Theropithecus) baboons appear, at least from genetic evidence, to be a polyphy-
letic group, for they did not inherit their long muzzles from their most recent common
ancestor. A “paraphyletic group” is a taxonomic grouping that omits one or more member(s)
of a monophyletic group.
The third type of resemblance is referred to as “homoplasy,” and the characters involved
are called “homoplasic” or “homoplastic.” The three causes of homoplasy are convergent
evolution, parallel evolution, and character reversal. Convergent and parallel evolution are
the same in principle. Both generate parts of the phenotype that look similar in two taxa,
yet those similarities were not inherited from the most recent common ancestor of the
taxa. The difference between parallel and convergent evolution is that “parallelism is the
production of apparently identical traits by the same generative system and convergence
involves the production of similar traits by different generative systems” (Wake 1996: xix).
In other words, parallelisms occur in paraphyletic groups where the same character state
evolves independently from similar starting points, both genetically and morphologically.
Convergences occur in polyphyletic groups, where similar character states evolve from
different ancestral states. A character reversal is when a character reverts to its more prim-
itive condition, which gives the false impression that taxa are more closely related than
they really are.
There is a fourth, potentially confusing, component to adult morphology. This comprises
phenetic features that can alter in size and shape according to how active an individual
organism is. For example, some of the phenotype linked with mastication will be modified
if the teeth are lost on one side, so that chewing is concentrated on the remaining teeth.
Likewise, the thickness of the shafts of long bones will increase if activity levels are
systematics, taxonomy, and phylogenetics: ordering life, past and present  67

chronically high. For instance, the cortical bone of the humerus in the dominant arm/hand
of tennis players is thicker than that of the non-dominant side and hockey players on average
have a more equal distribution of cortical bone around their femoral shafts than long-distance
runners due to their greater range of movement both forwards and backwards as well as
side to side (Jones et al. 1977; Saers et al. 2021). These are examples of plasticity. Plasticity
refers to the ability to change in shape, size, or physiology in response to an extrinsic
influence, such as the organism’s environment. For example, plasticity in modern humans
can be seen when comparing how individuals raised at different latitudes respond differ-
ently to hypoxic, low-oxygen, conditions. Some examples of phenotypic plasticity can also
be caused by environmentally induced epigenetic effects, where an environmental trigger
can change the expression of genes within an organism. This is common in plants, such as
the Arabidopsis, which alters its response to nutrient levels using this mechanism, but it can
also occur in human disease responses (Feinberg 2007; Flavahan et al. 2017). Function-
related morphological differences (also known as “homoiologies”) are a potential sources
of the character conflict (the presence of characters consistent with a cladogram that is dif-
ferent from the most parsimonious one) that occurs in many cladistic analyses.

Cladistic Analysis: Where to Begin?

The first decision is what taxa (the cladistic term for each of the taxa included in a cladistic
analysis is an “operational taxonomic unit” or OTU) to include in a cladistic analysis. These
taxa make up the ingroup. The next step is to determine the morphology whose expression
will be compared among the OTUs. The cladistic method requires that the phenotype be
broken down into morphological units that provide information that is independent of all
the other units. In practice, it is difficult to comply with this requirement. It is also in some
ways counter-intuitive for, as we shall find, cladistic analysis depends on the fact that a
particular branching pattern is supported by more than one character. However, the desir-
able correlations are those that are due to shared phylogenetic history; the correlations to
be avoided are the ones that are due to reasons other than shared recent common ancestry
(for instance, descriptive redundancy, homoplasy, or homoiology).
The morphological units are called “characters” and their different morphological expres-
sions, which must vary among at least some of the taxa included in the analysis, are called
“character states.” Characters must have the same evolutionary and developmental basis
among the OTUs included in the cladistic analysis. Character states must also be capable of
being assessed objectively. This can be achieved by careful description, but some claim that
the only objective way to assess character states is to use size or shape measurements.

Determining a Morphocline
The next task in a cladistic analysis is to determine the sequence of the states of each
character, ranging from its most “primitive” expression – that is, its expression in the
common ancestor of all the ingroup taxa – to the most “derived,” or specialized, expression
of that character. This is known as “polarization.” Two criteria, “ontogenetic” and “out-
group,” can be used to establish which of the character states is the primitive one, which is
the most derived, and the sequence of different character states that connects them. The
ontogenetic criterion assumes that a character state that more closely resembles the early
stages of the ontogeny of an animal will be towards the primitive end of the morphocline.
For example, no matter how complex the morphology of a tooth root eventually becomes,
early in ontogeny all teeth have a single root. Thus, the ontogenetic criterion suggests that
a single root is the primitive condition for the teeth of primates.
68  alexis uluutku and bernard wood
The outgroup criterion is based on the assumption of parsimony. This suggests that if any
of the character states seen in the ingroup taxa are also seen in one or more closely related
outgroup taxa, then that state is likely to have been the primitive condition for the ingroup.
Outgroup taxa are chosen because of their previously determined close phylogenetic rela-
tionship to the OTUs being investigated as part of the “ingroup,” and not on the basis of
their phenetic resemblance to the taxa under investigation. Thus, the appropriate outgroup
for a study of cetaceans (whales, dolphins, and porpoises) would be another mammal, not
a bony fish, and the appropriate outgroup for a cladistic analysis of the living great apes
would be one of the taxa in the clade that contains the extant gibbons and siamangs.

Generating and Comparing Cladograms

Once the character states are recorded and their polarity determined, the “topology” or
shape of the cladogram can be determined. The two ways to do this are the Hennig method,
in which the cladograms are based on a single character’s expression across all taxa, and the
Wagner method, in which cladograms are generated by comparing the distributions of all
the characters, taxon by taxon. As a practical matter, most cladistic studies focus on analyses
of all of the characters simultaneously.
There are two main methods for assembling a “consensus cladogram” from the individual
character cladograms for the suite of characters used in an analysis of morphology (other
methods exist, but they are typically applied to genetic data). The “maximum parsimony”
method minimizes the independent acquisition of character states (or homoplasy) and the
number of times when character states have to be reversed, so the consensus cladogram
will be the cladogram with the fewest character state changes. Maximum likelihood anal-
ysis is another variant. The most recent development is Bayesian analysis, which optimizes
branch lengths rather than tree length (Dembo et al. 2015). According to the second
method – which is the “compatibility method” – the consensus cladogram is the one sup-
ported by the largest group of compatible characters (that is characters that result in the
same cladogram). Most of the modern cladistic studies dealing with anatomical data focus
on parsimony analysis.
Cladograms are conventionally compared using indices, either the “consistency index”
(CI) or the “retention index” (RI). The consistency index is calculated so as to represent
the minimum number of steps (or character state changes) necessary to explain the distri-
bution of character states in the OTUs being analyzed, divided by the observed number
of steps in a cladogram. The retention index is calculated as the maximum number of steps
possible on a tree minus the observed number of steps, divided by the maximum number
of steps possible on a tree, minus the minimum number of steps calculated from the data.
The RI contains additional information about homoplasy compared to the CI and is not
inversely related to tree length, as is the CI; both indices have their uses (Farris 1989).
The third commonly used measure of the quality and information content of a cladogram,
the “rescaled consistency index” (RCI), is the product of the RI and the CI. An index
value of 1 suggests a “perfect” fit (that is one with no character conflict) and an index of
0.5 would mean that half the character appearances on the cladogram are due to reasons
other than inheritance from the most recent common ancestor (reasons such as homo-
plasy or homoiology).
Once the shape, or topology, of a cladogram has been determined, the distribution of the
character states can then be assessed. The shared primitive characters at the base of the clad-
ogram are known, in Hennigian terminology, as “symplesiomorphies.” So-called shared
derived characters limited to the smaller, terminal, clades are called “synapomorphies.”
systematics, taxonomy, and phylogenetics: ordering life, past and present  69

Synapomorphies and symplesiomorphies are rank-specific homologies. That is, a synapo-

morphy that unites three taxa in a monophyletic group will be symplesiomorphic for any
monophyletic taxa within the group. Unique character states that only appear in one taxon
are known as “autapomorphies.” As mentioned earlier, character states that arise indepen-
dently (in other words, they appear in more than one clade, but they are not present in the
most recent common ancestor of those clades) are known as “homoplasies.”
A “total group” is a monophyletic group that includes every taxon that is more closely
related to a living taxon than it is to any other living taxon. Fossil hominins are a total
group, for they contain all the taxa more closely related to modern humans than to chim-
panzees and bonobos. A “crown group” is the smallest monophyletic group that includes
the living taxon in a clade. A “stem group” is a total group minus its crown group. In the
case of hominids, the crown group would include modern humans, chimpanzees, bonobos,
gorillas, orangutans, and all of their extinct branches leading back to their common ancestor,
to the exclusion of extant lesser apes, or any stem taxa after the hominid root. This term is
not easily defined within the hominin clade due to modern humans being the only living
taxon. If H. neanderthalensis were still living, then the crown group for hominins could be
easily defined as H. sapiens, H. neanderthalensis, and any branching taxa on each of their
lineages leading back to the ancestral root of the two species.


Once hypotheses about the relationships among taxa have been generated – most are gen-
erated by using cladistic methods or by applying phenetic methods to 3D data – they can
be used to inform the way species are grouped into genera and into higher taxa.

What Is a Genus?
A genus should be both a clade and a grade. To be a clade, a species grouping must consist
of all the members of a monophyletic group. It should not contain species belonging to
other monophyletic groups and it should not be missing any species that belong to a mono-
phyletic group. To be a grade, all of the species in a species grouping must share the same
adaptive regime. A clade is analogous to a make of car (all Ford cars share a recent common
ancestor, the “Model T,” not shared with any other make of car), whereas a grade is analo-
gous to a type of car (the SUVs made by Lexus, Porsche, and Land Rover are functionally
similar, yet they have different evolutionary histories and therefore have no recent exclusive
common ancestor). However, not all species in the same grade have to be in the same
genus, for a grade may contain species belonging to more than one monophyletic group or
clade. The African apes, plus modern humans, are a clade, but not a grade; baboons are a
grade, but not a clade. Others have suggested that genera should be defined by a certain
time depth, but that would mean genera would be prone to additional, external, causes of
instability. Under this scenario, comparable stipulations should apply to more inclusive tax-
onomic categories (tribe, family).

How Should Higher Taxa Be Defined?

Higher taxa should also be both clades and grades, and the same criteria that were used to
define genera can be used to sort genera into higher taxa. Some researchers insist that cla-
distic hypotheses should be rigidly reflected in any classifications above the species level, but
the problem with this approach is that the results of cladistic analyses are hypotheses and if
70  alexis uluutku and bernard wood
a new classification had to be generated every time a new cladistic hypothesis was generated,
it would result in classifications that are unhelpfully unstable. A particularly difficult
classification problem concerns stem taxa, which are notoriously difficult to sort easily into
groups that are both grades and clades. Some researchers have proposed using the category
of “plesion,” which allows taxa to be placed within a taxonomic hierarchy without assigning
it a formal rank.

Different Perspectives Can Affect Taxonomic Hypotheses

It is obvious that at each stage in the complicated process just described, researchers can
quite legitimately make different decisions and judgments that result in different conclu-
sions about how many species should be recognized and how those species should be
assembled into genera and higher taxa. It is often difficult to tell whether disagreements
among biological anthropologists about classification are due to genuine differences in the
way they interpret a particular part of the primate fossil record or whether they reflect dif-
ferent perspectives about what a species or a genus is.
Usually, close textual analysis of such wrangles reveals that both reasons play a part.
Researchers who favor a more “anagenetic,” or gradualistic, interpretation of the primate
fossil record generally stress the importance of continuities in the fossil record and they tend
to opt for fewer species. They are referred to informally as “lumpers.” Researchers who
favor a more “cladogenetic” – or punctuated equilibrium-based – interpretation of the pri-
mate fossil record generally stress the importance of discontinuities within the fossil record
and tend to opt for more speciose taxonomic hypotheses. These latter are called “taxic”
interpretations and the researchers who favor these interpretations are referred to infor-
mally as “splitters.”
When all is said and done, taxonomic proposals, phylogenetic reconstructions, and
classifications are hypotheses that will inevitably be tested and corroborated or revised as
new evidence accumulates and as more effective analytical methods are developed. Such is
the nature of science.


We are grateful to David Strait for his helpful suggestions.


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CHAPTER 5 Diversity, Ancestry, and
Evolution: The Genetics
of Human Populations

John H. Relethford


Population genetics is the mathematical theory of genetic changes in a population from one
generation to the next. Like Mendelian genetics, population genetics is also concerned with
the transmission of genetic information from one generation to the next – but for the entire
breeding population, and not just for a specific pair of mates. The underlying models of
population genetics can be applied to all organisms, including humans. The study of the
genetics of human populations also incorporates the cultural dimension of human existence.
The study of human population genetics today includes research on genetic diversity within
and among populations, patterns of genetic ancestry and history in populations, the
long-term evolution of the human species, and selection and genetic adaptation.
Population genetics theory looks at genetic change in a population by focusing on the
frequency of different alleles (the different forms of a gene or DNA sequence) and on the
way these frequencies change over time. Imagine, for example, that you are looking at the
frequencies of two alleles, A and B, for a hypothetical genetic locus. You visit a population
and you note that the frequency of the A allele is 60 percent and the frequency of the B
allele is 40 percent. Assume that you come back a generation later to find that the frequencies
of these alleles are now 58 percent A and 42 percent B. A small amount of evolution has
taken place – the frequency of A has gone down a little bit and the frequency of B has gone
up. Population genetics looks at the mechanisms by which this type of allele frequency
change could take place. Studies of genetic variation within and among populations can
then provide data to confirm the mechanism(s) of evolutionary change by comparing reality
with theoretical expectations, a standard method of scientific research. The purpose of the
present chapter is to review the application of population genetics theory and methods used
to study genetic variation in human populations, present and past.

A Companion to Biological Anthropology, Second Edition. Edited by Clark Spencer Larsen.

© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
74  john h. relethford
Principles of Population Genetics

Before looking more closely at how genetic change takes place within populations, it is use-
ful to consider what is meant by a population. In an idealized sense, a population corre-
sponds to a breeding population. In this context the population is usually defined as the
local unit within which most mating takes place (keeping in mind that “most” is subjective).
For many organisms, including humans, distinct geographic units are often used to delin-
eate populations, such as different towns or villages. This works well in most contexts
because, as in the case of many bisexual species, much of human mating is constrained by
geography; you are more likely to choose a mate from nearby than one from farther away.
Human mate choice can often be more complex, however, and the definition of a population
may often have to be reconsidered if one has to deal with other influences on mate choice,
such as ethnicity, religion, and social class (among others). In such cases, we often consider
a larger population to be subdivided; that is, made up of a number of smaller groups.
What causes genetic change in populations? A principle of population genetics known as
the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium states that, under certain conditions, allele and genotype
frequencies will remain constant from one generation to the next. When these conditions
are not met, then change can occur in genotype and allele frequencies. One of the condi-
tions of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium is random mating within the population. When this
condition is violated, as, for instance, when significant inbreeding (mating between close
relatives) occurs within a population, the genotype frequencies are changed in the next gen-
eration. Specifically, inbreeding increases the frequencies of homozygotes and decreases the
frequency of heterozygotes relative to the case of complete random mating. (Individuals
who have inherited the same allele from both parents are homozygotes and individuals who
have inherited a different allele from their parents are heterozygotes.) Deviations from
random mating affect only the genotype frequencies, but not the underlying allele
Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium assumes no changes in allele frequencies over time (that is,
it assumes there is no evolution). Students first learning about Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
often wonder about the importance of learning about a mathematical model that predicts
no evolutionary change (Weiss and Kurland 2007). The key point here is to remember that
the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium provides population geneticists with a null model by
which they were able to figure out exactly how evolutionary change could occur.
In population genetics, evolution is defined as a change in allele frequencies over time.
By examining the assumptions of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, population geneticists were
able to derive four mechanisms that cause changes in allele frequencies, known as the evo-
lutionary forces:
1. Mutation: random change in the DNA sequence, which is the ultimate source of all
new genetic variation (where new alleles come from).
2. Genetic drift: random change in allele frequency due to the sampling effect (the allele
frequencies of an offspring generation are not likely to be the same as the parent gen-
eration). For example, an allele in the parental generation might be 40 percent but drift
to 37 percent due to chance in the offspring generation. The direction of change is
random; allele frequencies can drift up or down. Smaller populations are more likely to
show the effect of genetic drift than larger populations in a given generation.
3. Natural selection: differences in the survival and reproduction of different genotypes,
causing changes in allele frequencies. Some individuals are more likely to survive and
reproduce, and therefore pass along their alleles more often. Selection acts on genetic
differences in mortality and/or fertility.
diversity, ancestry, and evolution: the genetics of human populations  75

4. Gene flow: the mixing of gene pools from different populations due to migration bet-
ween them. Gene flow tends to make populations more similar to each other genetically.
Gene flow can also introduce new alleles into a population.
Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium assumes that there is no mutation, drift, selection, or gene
flow, making it a baseline for evaluating possible patterns of evolutionary change.
It is important to remember that the evolutionary forces can interact in many different
and often complex ways. For example, a new mutation will often be lost in a small population
because of genetic drift, but in some cases a mutation can actually increase dramatically due
to genetic drift. To consider another example, genetic differences between populations may
increase as a result of genetic drift, but are reduced by gene flow, which leads to little net
change. New mutations may also decrease or increase in frequency due to selection.
Evolutionary biologists continue to debate the relative impact of drift and selection on ge-
netic variation.
The interaction of evolutionary forces affects the level of genetic diversity within a
population. Mutation increases diversity within a population through the introduction of
something new (the mutation itself), which was not there before. Gene flow can also
increase diversity in a population when new alleles enter it from another population (for
instance, a mutation appears in one group and then spreads to another group via gene
flow). On the other hand, genetic drift reduces variation because drift will lead over time to
alleles becoming fixed (= 100 percent) or extinct (= 0 percent). Either way, the level of ge-
netic diversity will tend to decline over time in a population due to genetic drift. Finally,
natural selection can act to increase or decrease genetic variation, depending on initial allele
frequencies and on the specific direction of natural selection in a given population.
The interaction of the evolutionary forces also affects the level of variation among popula-
tions. (Here, variation is the differences in allele frequencies among populations.) In general,
gene flow reduces the genetic difference between a pair of populations because, as popula-
tions mix, they become more similar to each other, by analogy with the mixing of different
colors of paint. Although gene flow tends to decrease genetic differences among populations,
genetic drift tends to increase genetic differences over time, as drift occurs randomly in each
population. Natural selection can act to increase or decrease genetic differences among popu-
lations, depending on the nature of selection and on differences in environments. In human
populations, for example, differences in skin color have increased between some populations
because, in our past, darker skin has been selected in populations at or near the equator,
whereas lighter skin has been selected in populations further away from the equator.
Although it is mathematically and pedagogically useful to learn about the different evo-
lutionary forces one at a time, we need to remember that the genetic makeup of a population,
and the genetic relationship between populations within a species, are the net effect of all
of the evolutionary forces acting at the same time. As demographic and/or environmental
conditions change, the net balance of the evolutionary forces can also change. Changes in
human cultural adaptations can also affect this balance, as illustrated in several examples
later in this chapter. See Relethford (2012) for further discussion of the mathematics of
human population genetics.

A Brief History of Human Population Genetics

The mathematical theory of population genetics developed in the early twentieth century
due largely to the work of Sewall Wright, Sir Ronald Fisher, and J. B. S. Haldane (Provine
1971). Population genetics theory provided a link between Darwin’s model of natural
76  john h. relethford
selection and Mendelian inheritance. These theoretical developments, combined with field
studies and laboratory experiments on microevolution, led to a synthesis that combined
evolutionary insights from a variety of fields, including zoology, botany, ecology, and pale-
ontology. As population genetics developed, application to human populations also became
more common. See Szathmary (2018) for a detailed history of population genetics research,
specifically in anthropology, over the past century.
Many initial studies of human populations focused on red blood cell groups, which are
genetic traits defined by antibody–antigen reactions on the surface of red blood cells,
including well-known systems such as the ABO, Rhesus, and MN blood groups, as well as
many others. By the early 1950s, blood group analysis was being used to address questions
of population affinity and history (Boyd 1950). These traits were the first discovered ge-
netic markers. (Genetic markers are defined broadly here as genes or DNA sequences whose
location can be identified in the genome.)
By the early 1970s, the use of laboratory methods such as electrophoresis (the separation
of proteins on the basis of molecular size and electrical charge) had led to the discovery of
a large number of red blood cell proteins and enzymes as well as blood plasma proteins
showing variation among human populations (Crawford 1973). At the same time, the
anthropological nature of studies of human population genetics became more widely
apparent and the phrase “anthropological genetics,” first coined by Derek Roberts (1965),
became more widespread. The scope of investigations in human population genetics was
outlined in the classic edited volume Methods and Theories of Anthropological Genetics
(Crawford and Workman 1973). Several other key works show the continued growth of
human population genetics and the vast array of studies resulting from an expanding body
of data on blood cell and plasma protein genetic markers (collectively referred to as classical
genetic markers). Other key works presented then-emergent approaches in human
population genetics, including Morton (1973), Mielke and Crawford (1980), and Crawford
and Mielke (1982).
By the late 1980s, the primary focus of human population genetics began to move away
from classical genetic markers. With the development of new methods in molecular biology
that allowed discovery of a huge number of DNA markers, a more precise view on human
genetic variation developed, as seen in more recent reviews of the field (Crawford 2007;
O’Rourke 2019). The direct assessment of genetic variation down to the level of specific
base pairs was now possible, compared with the classic genetic markers that had provided
an indirect view of genetic diversity by focusing on blood group, protein, and enzyme
genotypes. In addition, the analysis of DNA markers that are not subject to recombination,
such as mitochondrial DNA (inherited only from one’s mother) and Y-chromosome DNA
(inherited only from father to son), has further revolutionized studies of human migration
and ancestry.
Literally millions of new genetic markers are now being described and our species’ entire
genome is being compared with those of our close relatives, the African apes. Further, the
ability to extract ancient DNA (aDNA) from fossils has provided data on human genetic
variation in the past, which has helped address questions concerning past evolutionary rela-
tionship to other human relatives, such as the Neandertals (Liu et al. 2021).

The Scope of Human Population Genetics Research

There have been several major areas of study in human population genetics. One area is the
study of population structure, which looks at the effect of geographic, demographic, and
cultural influences on the genetic relationship between individuals and populations. How is
diversity, ancestry, and evolution: the genetics of human populations  77

a population structured and how does this affect genetic variation? Populations are not typ-
ically homogeneous groups within which random mating takes place. Instead, they are fre-
quently subdivided into a number of smaller units. As noted earlier, human populations are
frequently subdivided by geographic location, social class, ethnicity, language differences,
and other factors, and the study of population structure seeks to determine the genetic
impact of these factors. Population structure was a major focus of much early work in
anthropological genetics (Crawford and Mielke 1982; Morton 1973).
Another major (though related) area of study is the analysis of population origins and
history. That is, what are the ancestral origins of a population? How are populations related
to one another over time? Which populations are most closely related to each other and
what are the historical reasons for these relationships? Our focus here is on the origin and
evolution of populations, and quite often such studies are used to help answer historical and
prehistorical questions.
Studies of population structure and history both focus on overall patterns of genetic simi-
larity among groups that reflect the interaction between mutation, gene flow, and genetic drift.
Where possible, the objective is to get an estimate of genetic similarity averaged over as many
different loci as possible and to look at neutral traits – those not affected by natural selection
(or presumed to be unaffected, or minimally affected, by it). Natural selection in this context
is noise interfering with the ability of the researcher to discover the signal, which is a picture of
population structure or history. For example, one would not want to base interpretations of
population affinity on the frequency of the lactase persistence allele that facilitates digestion of
milk, which has been selected for in populations with a history of dairy farming. If we find two
populations that have a high and similar frequency of the lactase persistence allele and we do
not take into account the action of natural selection, we might incorrectly infer that the two
populations are related, when in fact they may both have higher frequencies because of a sim-
ilar adaptation to diet. As another example, consider skin color. Both sub-Saharan Africans and
Melanesians have dark skin color, but this common phenotype cannot be used to argue for a
close historical connection between the two, because both populations have dark skin color
because of adaptation to a similar environment: they live near the equator, where dark skin
helps protect against the damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation.
In studies of human population structure and history, we want to exclude such traits
because they would distort the signal of population relatedness that we are seeking. In other
cases, however, the situation will be reversed, and the objective will be to detect and analyze
natural selection. In such cases, what counts as signal and what counts as noise is reversed.
Studies of natural selection are interested in the history of a specific trait and in how it orig-
inated and evolved rather than the overall genetic history of a population (Relethford
2004a). Several examples of recent natural selection in human populations are described
later in this chapter.
In addition to advances in studies of DNA markers, progress has also been made using
information on quantitative traits such as craniofacial, dental, and anthropometric measures in
a population-genetic context. Analysis of such traits is sometimes ignored in studies of
population genetics because these traits are affected by environmental and developmental
factors. Although genetic markers are preferred for many studies, analysis of quantitative traits
can also be valuable (Relethford 2007). Comparison of patterns of variation in quantitative
traits and genetic markers provides information on the relative influence of genetics and envi-
ronment on quantitative traits. A number of studies have shown that, although quantitative
traits are affected by environmental and developmental factors, this influence does not erase
patterns of genetic relationship between populations (Relethford 2004a). Thus, quantitative
traits can be used successfully in analyses of population structure and history, often in studies
of skeletal biology, where adequate samples of ancient DNA may not be available.
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All of the areas of research in human population genetics are clearly anthropological in
nature, and not just because the species of interest are human beings. The anthropological
nature of human population genetics is apparent in every avenue of study. Mate choice, for
example, is something that is affected by cultural factors. Marriage preferences and rules
affect levels of inbreeding, and sociocultural variables such as ethnicity, religion, and social
class (among others) can have a direct genetic impact in terms of inbreeding and gene flow.
Culture also affects demography, specifically the size and growth of the population, which
in turn can affect the action of genetic drift. Cultural adaptations can change the nature of
genetic adaptations, thus having a direct effect on patterns of natural selection; as humans
change their cultural and physical environment, they can change the rate and direction of
natural selection. In short, human population genetics is yet one more way of looking at the
traditional anthropological view of interactions between culture, biology, and nature.
Although much of the underlying genetic and mathematical basis of human population
genetics is the same as that of any other organisms, be they fruit flies or guinea pigs, there
are also methods that apply specifically to humans. Gene flow, for example, is often much
easier to study in human populations because one can simply ask a person about the birth-
place of one’s parents, whereas tracking gene flow in other species is more complicated. A
number of demographic measures (births, deaths, population size) are also often easier to
track in human populations, particularly where there are written records.
The specific nature of demographic data from human populations allows additional
population genetic methods. One example is migration matrix analysis, where predictions
of the balance between gene flow and genetic drift are made on the basis of migration pat-
terns and population size (see Rogers and Harpending 1986). This method allows for the
comparison between patterns of genetic variation that are based on recent demographic
patterns and those observed from genetic data (e.g., Jorde et al. 1982). Genealogical data
are also useful in studies of human population genetics, providing insight into patterns of
inbreeding and genetic drift (e.g., Cavalli-Sforza et al. 2004). An additional source of data
on human population genetics that is uniquely human is surnames, which can be used to
reconstruct inbreeding and population affinities to a limited extent in populations where
surname inheritance mimics genetic inheritance (Lasker 1985; Relethford 1988). For
example, in some cultures one’s last name is inherited through the father’s line, analogous
to the inheritance in males of the Y chromosome.
The remainder of this chapter focuses on selected examples of some of the past and
current studies of human population genetics conducted by anthropologists. These exam-
ples are not meant to provide either a comprehensive review of the literature or a detailed
examination of selected case studies. Instead, the purpose here is to give a flavor of some of
the three major avenues of research in human population genetics: population structure,
population history, and natural selection.

Examples of Studies of Human Population Structure

As noted earlier, human populations are not homogenous randomly mating units, but are
instead divided into a number of subpopulations. We want to know how much the subpop-
ulations are genetically different and if there is any pattern in genetic differences (such as
those reflecting geography, for example). Two measures are of interest in studies of subdi-
vided populations. One is the degree of genetic differentiation among the subpopulations,
FST, where higher values of FST indicate a greater genetic impact of subdivision (although
see Long and Kittles 2003 for a discussion of limitations on inferences based on FST). The
diversity, ancestry, and evolution: the genetics of human populations  79

second measure of interest is the pattern of genetic differentiation, usually assessed using a
measure of genetic distance (differences among populations) that tells us which subpopula-
tions are most closely related to each other, and by how much.
As noted above, subdivision can occur because of sociocultural factors. For example,
studies of human population structure have looked at religion (Crawford et al. 1995), social
class (Harrison 1995), and language differences (Friedlaender 1975), among other factors.
By far the most widely studied aspect of population structure has been the effect of geo-
graphic distance. As shown in numerous studies, geographic distance limits gene flow, such
that human populations in many cases tend to be genetically most similar to their geographic
neighbors and less similar to populations farther away – a phenomenon known as isolation
by distance, which is also seen in many other organisms. Greater amounts of geographic iso-
lation result in greater levels of genetic differentiation among populations. Isolation by dis-
tance also results in a correlation between measures of geographic and genetic distance.
Some of the many early studies of isolation by distance in human populations are referenced
in Jorde (1980), Crawford and Mielke (1982), and Cavalli-Sforza et al. (1994).

Examples of Studies of Human Population History

Genetic data have been used to investigate questions of historical origin for local, regional,
continental, and global levels of analysis. (See Rutherford 2017 and Relethford and Bolnick
2018 for general surveys.) Many early studies of population history used classical genetic
markers and quantitative traits, most often drawing inferences regarding population origins
and affinities from analyses of genetic distance. The rapid discovery of an immense number
of DNA markers allowed even greater precision in answering questions of ancestral origin,
in part because of their use in tracking mutations across time and space, providing a record
of past migrations.
In the past decade, the study of human population history has advanced even farther with
studies of ancient DNA, which have provided a direct window into past genetic variation.
Before the advent of ancient DNA analysis, events in a population’s past were inferred from
patterns of present-day (or very recent) variation. We would look at the present to see if an
observed variation was compatible with likely past events, such as population expansions,
migration, changes in population size, and others. Present-day genetic variation was thus
interpreted as “reflections of our past” (Relethford and Bolnick 2018). Obviously, this can
get tricky if a number of different models can realistically explain observed variation. Ancient
DNA gives us a picture of genetic variation at more than one point in time. This window
on the past, combined with the fine-grained assessment of genetic variation (such as DNA
sequences), has meant that ancient DNA analysis has provided, and continues to provide,
unique insights into past population history. At present, we are still seeing the beginnings
of this revolution in the reconstruction of population history.
Many studies of population history focus on the initial origin of populations. One
example is the origin of the first Americans. For decades, biological data – including cranial
measures, dental measures, classical genetic markers – and archaeological evidence have
pointed to an origin in Northeast Asia (Crawford 1998). DNA markers (mitochondrial,
Y-chromosome, and autosomal) from present-day populations have confirmed this hypo-
thesis (see Relethford and Bolnick 2018 for a summary). Further, studies of ancient DNA
dating back thousands of years ago support genetic continuity between past and present
Native Americans and Siberian populations, again reflecting a Northeast Asian origin
(Raghavan et al. 2015; Rasmussen et al. 2014). Genetic and archaeological studies continue
80  john h. relethford
to seek greater resolution of the movement of humans into the New World, including ques-
tions concerning the number, route(s), and timing of migration events. Recent studies of
ancient DNA suggest a model of a single wave of migration into Beringia (the region bet-
ween Siberia and the northwestern part of the Americas). A current view is that human
populations remained in Beringia for a period of time, followed by divergence and movement
into the Americas around 20,000 years ago (Moreno-Mayar et al. 2018).
Another example of genetics and population history concerns the origin of Polynesian popu-
lations. Archaeological evidence shows that humans dispersed out of Southeast Asia eastward
into the Pacific starting about 5,000 years ago. Seafaring skills and outrigger canoes allowed
the ancestors of modern-day Polynesians to spread rapidly across the Pacific Ocean, settling as
far away as New Zealand, Hawaii, and Easter Island. Because the early Polynesians expanded
past Melanesia, a region settled tens of thousands of years earlier, the question has arisen as to
exactly how fast the Polynesians expanded and if they interbred with Melanesian populations
during their expansion. The origin of Polynesians has often been discussed in terms of a rapid
expansion with little if any interbreeding (the express train model) versus a slower expansion
with more Melanesian gene flow (the slow boat model). Early genetic studies were difficult to
resolve, as analyses of mitochondrial DNA supported the express train model and analyses of
Y-chromosome DNA supported the slow boat model. One difficulty of mitochondrial DNA
and Y-chromosome DNA studies is that they each rely on a single locus and may not always
provide a clear picture of overall genetic affinity. More recent studies based on autosomal DNA
markers point to the majority of ancestry coming from an expansion out of East Asia from west
to east across the Pacific, as well as some mixture with Melanesian populations (Choin et al.
2021; Ioannidis et al. 2021; Kayser et al. 2008; Wollstein et al. 2010). It has also been sug-
gested that the differences between mitochondrial and Y-chromosome DNA might reflect sex
differences in migration and Melanesian admixture following an initial Polynesian expansion
(Relethford and Bolnick 2018).
Genetic analysis of population history has also been used to investigate hypotheses gen-
erated from archaeological evidence. An example is the nature of the spread of agriculture
into Europe. The archaeological record shows that agriculture began spreading out of the
Middle East into Europe about 9,000 years ago, moving in a northwest direction over the
next several thousand years. What was less clear, however, was exactly how this happened.
One model (demic diffusion) proposes that farming populations expanded out of the
Middle East into Europe, spreading both agriculture and their genes as they mixed with
pre-existing populations in Europe. Another model (cultural diffusion) suggests that agri-
culture spread as a new idea adopted by more and more populations over time, but without
the actual movement of populations. Both models account for the spread of agriculture as
a new cultural idea, but under the demic diffusion model, both genes and culture spread
across Europe, whereas under cultural diffusion only the idea spread. Therefore, the demic
diffusion model predicts that genetic traits should show the same geographic pattern (a
gradient from southeast to northwest), whereas there would be no correlation with genetics
under cultural diffusion. Spatial analysis of allele frequencies of classical genetic markers has
shown a gradient from southeast to northwest, paralleling the spread of agriculture and
supporting the demic diffusion model (Cavalli-Sforza et al. 1993). However, genetic studies
of both classical and DNA markers have also shown that there were also other major migra-
tions that shaped the genetic history of European populations, including migrations from
east to west across Eurasia that might be associated with the spread of Indo-European lan-
guages. Studies of ancient DNA have been instrumental in showing the complex population
history of Europe over many millennia that has involved much more than just an expansion
out of the Middle East (De Barros Damgaard et al. 2018; Olalde et al. 2018).
diversity, ancestry, and evolution: the genetics of human populations  81

Studies of human population history often look at the admixture of different human
groups that come together for a variety of historical reasons; these include, but are not
limited to, colonization, slavery, warfare, and trade. The result is admixed populations with
complex patterns of ancestry, often from source populations that are widely scattered. The
contact of Europeans with native populations in the New World led to varying degrees of
mixture between Native American, European, and African populations (Relethford and
Bolnick 2018).
One example of admixture analysis has been the study of the population genetics of
African American populations. The enslavement and transportation of Africans to the New
World led to gene flow between African and European populations. Admixture studies have
long used classical genetic markers to estimate the approximate percentage of European
ancestry in African American populations, with further insight provided by more recent
analysis of DNA markers. Although all of these studies show that the African American ge-
netic diversity has been affected by varying levels of European admixture, they also show
that this variation cannot be characterized by a single number for all African Americans.
Instead, genetic studies show that there is a great deal of variation in European ancestry,
varying not only from one population to the next, but also among individuals within popu-
lations (Parra et al. 1998, 2001). More recent DNA analyses show that the level of European
ancestry in African Americans varies across individuals from zero to a majority of ancestry
(Bryc et al. 2010, 2015). These studies show that a culturally defined group such as African
Americans actually encompasses a wide range of genetic histories and that treating African
Americans (or any other group) as biologically homogeneous is incorrect.

Global Patterns of Genetic Variation and the Origin of

Modern Humans

An increasing number of studies have looked at the relationship between genetic variation,
history, and geography on a global basis, using the findings to make inferences regarding
the origin and dispersal of our species (Relethford 2013). Most anthropologists interpret
the fossil record as showing an African origin, as the earliest known anatomically modern
human forms are found in Africa at least 200,000 years ago, much earlier than elsewhere in
the world. (Some recent fossil data suggest that some modern anatomical traits emerged
even earlier in Africa.) Over the past two decades, population-genetic analyses have pro-
duced several lines of evidence that support an African origin of our species. Analytic
methods have been developed that use DNA sequences to reconstruct gene trees, which
show the evolutionary history of genetic mutations and how these mutations are related.
Gene trees can be used to estimate information on the geographic origin and timing of our
most recent common ancestor. In essence, researchers look at the geographic distribution
of mutations to infer where the oldest mutations arose (and when). A number of studies
have shown an African root (origin) for these gene trees, which is compatible with the idea
of an African origin of our species.
An African origin is also compatible with the observation that DNA markers (as well as
some quantitative traits) show higher levels of diversity in Africa than elsewhere. These
regional differences in diversity have been interpreted as a reflection of the evolutionary
history of our species. Under an African origin model, human populations existed for a
longer time in Africa than elsewhere, and these populations had more time to accumulate
mutations, which led to an increase in genetic diversity over time. Later, when modern
human populations began expanding out of Africa, the initially small group of founders
who dispersed out of Africa would have had reduced diversity, as small founding groups
82  john h. relethford
usually lose diversity because of genetic drift. Thus, modern human populations outside of
Africa would have had less time to accumulate as many mutations, and therefore the pattern
would be the one we see today, of higher diversity in Africa. Further, there is a geographic
pattern of diversity in our species, with levels of genetic diversity decreasing with geo-
graphic distance from Africa. This pattern might be due to a series of sequential founding
events, whereby new populations split off from older populations as our species dispersed
(Ramachandran et al. 2005).
Globally, there is a strong relationship between genetic distance and geographic distance,
particularly after adjusting for known routes of migration of early humans (for instance,
using the geographic distance associated with movement from Asia to the New World via
Siberia rather than a straight-line distance across the oceans). The correlation between
genetics and geography is seen in classical genetic markers, DNA markers, and craniometric
traits (Relethford 2004b). This relationship is due to a geographic pattern structured by the
dispersal of modern humans out of Africa and the limiting effect of geographic distance on
gene flow (isolation by distance).
Although by the early 2000s, genetic and fossil evidence pointed to an initial African
origin, debate continued as to what happened after modern humans began expanding out
of Africa and encountered archaic humans outside of Africa, such as the Neandertals of
Europe and the Middle East. For years, some argued for complete replacement of archaic
humans by modern humans whereas others suggested some degree of interbreeding,
whereby archaic genes were assimilated into the gene pool of modern humans (Smith et al.
2005). In recent years, ancient DNA analysis has settled the question by showing us that
there was admixture with non-African archaic human populations such as the Neandertals.
For example, the sequencing of a Neandertal genome (Green et al. 2010) revealed that
Neandertals interbred with early modern humans before the Neandertals died out. As a
consequence, present-day human populations outside of sub-Saharan Africa typically have
an average of about two percent Neandertal ancestry. This geographic pattern can be
explained by the first modern humans dispersing out of Africa interbreeding with Neandertals
in the Middle East after they had left Africa. Thus, all populations expanding into Eurasia
and beyond carried Neandertal genes with them.
The genetic history of ancient modern humans has more recently shown even greater
complexity, with genetic evidence of ancestry in modern humans that came from the
Denisovans, an ancient population that lived in Eastern Asia for which we have ancient
DNA but few directly associated fossils. Some present-day human populations have
Denisovan ancestry in addition to Neandertal ancestry, whereas some (e.g., western
Eurasians) have only Neandertal ancestry, and sub-Saharan Africans have neither. Ancient
DNA also shows us that the Neandertals and Denisovans interbred with each other in
addition to modern human ancestors. Finally, there is DNA evidence that points to other,
thus far unknown, populations (often referred to as ghost populations). It appears that we
are converging on a picture of an expansion out of Africa by the first anatomically modern
humans, followed by varying low levels of admixture from pre-existing archaic human pop-
ulations (Liu et al. 2021; Slon et al. 2018).

Studies of Recent Natural Selection in Human Populations

Studies of the history of specific genes often focus on the role of natural selection, particu-
larly in recent human evolution, where population dispersals, adaptations to widely differ-
ent environments, and cultural revolutions, such as the origin and spread of agriculture and
diversity, ancestry, and evolution: the genetics of human populations  83

civilization, could lead to genetic changes in human populations. For example, the dispersal
of humans into different environments has led to major differences in human skin color
because of varying levels of ultraviolet radiation. In populations at or near the equator,
selection has favored darker skin for protection against the damaging effects of too much
ultraviolet radiation, such as folate deficiency, sunburn, and skin cancer. For populations
whose ancestors dispersed far from the equator, where ultraviolet radiation levels are lower,
the problem was that they had too little exposure to ultraviolet radiation, which would have
led to a reduction in vitamin-D levels; hence selection for lighter skin (Jablonski and Chaplin
Genetic responses to changing cultural conditions have also been a focus of studies of
natural selection in human populations. A classic example in anthropology is Livingstone’s
(1958) analysis of the distribution of the sickle cell hemoglobin allele (S) in West Africa.
Higher frequency of the sickle cell allele is found in populations that have experienced fre-
quent malaria, because individuals with one copy of this allele are resistant to malarial infec-
tion and have higher fitness than individuals with either no S alleles (normal hemoglobin,
but prone to malaria) or two S alleles (leading to the genetic disease sickle cell anemia). The
case of the sickle cell allele and malaria is a classic example of balancing selection, where
having one copy of an allele gives higher fitness than having none or two copies. Livingstone
went further in his analysis, outlining the way in which humans changed the environment
by bringing horticulture into the area several thousand years ago; this created more favor-
able conditions for the spread of the mosquito population that carried the malaria parasite.
As malaria spread, people with one copy of the S allele were selected for, leading to an
increase in the frequency of S. Thus, cultural change led to environmental change, which in
turn led to genetic change.
Another example of recent human evolution through natural selection is lactase persis-
tence in populations with a history of dairy farming. As mammals, humans produce the
enzyme lactase to digest milk sugar from breastfeeding. The normal pattern is to cease pro-
duction of lactase early in life after weaning. In human populations that have become reliant
on dairy farming, there has been selection for an allele that allows for the production of
lactase throughout adult life, as the ability to digest milk ensures additional nutrition and
water. Recent analyses show that different mutations leading to lactase persistence have
been selected for in different parts of the world over the past 7,000 years, which is the esti-
mated age of these mutations (Tishkoff et al. 2007).
Diet-related natural selection has also been explored in studies of copy number variants
of the salivary amylase gene (AMY1), involved in starch digestion. (Copy number variants
are repeated sections of the genome.) Perry et al. (2007) found that people from popula-
tions with a high-starch diet have more copies of AMY1 than people in populations with a
low-starch diet. This genetic difference might reflect adaptation to diet, although this hy-
pothesis has been questioned (Fernández and Wiley 2017).
As research on molecular genetics continues, we are likely to see an increasing number of
examples of recent selection in human evolution. Statistical analysis of the human genome
suggests that more of our genome has been shaped by natural selection than was thought
to be the case several decades ago. Contrary to the oft-stated view that human evolution no
longer occurs, natural selection will continue and, given the huge size of our species, the
potential for new mutations with every generation is higher than ever (Hawks et al. 2007).
As is the case for the study of population history, continuing research using ancient DNA
will undoubtably provide the necessary time depth for assessing past natural selection in
human populations more accurately.
84  john h. relethford

The study of human population genetics has grown considerably since the 1960s, as has our
knowledge of the cultural, demographic, geographic, and ecological factors that affect ge-
netic variation at different levels, ranging from local populations to the entire species. New
sources of data have continued to provide new windows on genetic variation, as have new
analytic methods and advances in the mathematical theory of genetic change. At present,
the field is increasingly focused on the immense amount of data becoming available from
the revolution in molecular genetics. The challenge for future generations is to find new
and efficient ways of analyzing these data without drowning in them.


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CHAPTER 6 Human Population
Genomics: Diversity
and Adaptation

Dennis H. O’Rourke


Anthropological geneticists have been documenting patterns of genetic variation in the

study of population history and human adaptability for over 75 years (Crawford 2007;
O’Rourke 2003). Originally this research effort was focused on classical markers typed in
human blood samples (O’Rourke 2006), but the field was transformed beginning in the
mid-1980s by what has come to be known as the “molecular revolution.” The earlier reli-
ance on primary (proteins) or secondary (e.g., blood groups) gene products has given way
to a direct assessment of variation in DNA sequences that underlie both the downstream
products of genes and various complex phenotypes, including documenting variation in
regions of the genome not involved in protein coding.

Some Molecular Basics

In a practical sense, the molecular revolution began with Watson and Crick’s (1953) dis-
covery of the now well-known double-helical structure of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA,
Figure 6.1). This structural insight made sense of the previously observed equality among
the four bases (adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine) that were the components of
DNA. In any DNA preparation, the amount of adenine (A) always equaled thymine (T),
while the concentrations of guanine (G) and cytosine (C) were also equivalent. Given the
new insight regarding DNA structure, it became clear that guanine and cytosine were com-
plementary and existed in paired form, as did adenine and thymine. Thus, G and C are
paired, as are A and T in any DNA double-stranded sequence. Subsequently, the fact that
three adjacent nucleotide bases in a DNA sequence determined a specific amino acid, the
building blocks of proteins, helped reveal the molecular and biochemical dynamics of pro-
tein synthesis. By the 1980s, more efficient molecular and biochemical methods had been

A Companion to Biological Anthropology, Second Edition. Edited by Clark Spencer Larsen.

© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
88  dennis h. o’rourke

Figure 6.1 (a) Double-stranded DNA indicating complementarity of bases, G-C and T-A. (b)
Normal human karyotype showing the full complement of chromosomes in the nucleus during
cell division. Each chromosome has already been duplicated, resulting in the “X” shapes of each
chromosome. (c) The circular structure of mitochondrial DNA. (d) Gene structure illustrating
placement of promoter, exons, and introns in a DNA strand, and the relationship of each to protein
synthesis. Figure by R. W. O’Rourke.

developed to isolate DNA from tissue and blood samples, and technological innovations
were introduced to facilitate the generation of DNA sequence data and ultimately the doc-
umentation of genomic diversity among individuals.
A development that had a particularly important impact in anthropological genetics was
the introduction of the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) by Mullis in 1984. PCR emu-
lates a normal cellular function. During cell division, DNA molecules need to be duplicated
in order for each new daughter cell to contain the full complement of chromosomes
required for normal cellular function. This duplication is accomplished by the “unzipping”
of double-stranded DNA into single strands and, under the influence of an enzyme (a poly-
merase), the complementary nature of DNA bases (A-T and C-G) results in the generation
of a new, synthetic strand of DNA complementary to the original strand. This new strand
human population genomics: diversity and adaptation  89

and the original template strand reestablish the double-stranded structure of the original
molecule. PCR performs a very similar series of reactions, first by using heat to dissolve the
bonds holding the DNA double-helix together, yielding single-stranded DNA, a process
known as denaturation. By designing short DNA fragments of around 20 bases (oligonu-
cleotides) that are complementary to known DNA sequences, the addition of an appro-
priate polymerase will result in the creation of a new, synthetic strand complementary to an
existing single strand.
The PCR process is achieved by three separate steps, each taking place at a specific tem-
perature. First, as already noted, is denaturation, to produce single-stranded DNA tem-
plates. The second step is annealing, which takes place at a lower temperature that allows
the short oligonucleotide fragments, known as “primers,” to bind (anneal) to their comple-
mentary sequences on the template strand. The final step, termed extension, involves the
introduction of the appropriate polymerase to catalyze the synthesis of the new, comple-
mentary strand from the sites of the existing primers. Careful primer design results in the
production of two double-stranded DNA molecules that contain the same specific sequence,
bounded by the primers. Repeating this three-step procedure through multiple cycles
results in a geometric increase in the amount of DNA sequence of interest.
This procedure became the workhorse of molecular genetic labs around the world
starting in the 1980s and helped make the molecular revolution accessible to anthropolog-
ical genetic laboratories. It also made it possible to manipulate and study specific DNA
sequences extracted from prehistoric source material, such as skeletal elements, teeth, dental
calculus, etc. (De la Fuente et al. 2012; Gilbert et al. 2004; Hofreiter et al. 2001; O’Rourke
2007; Weyrich et al. 2015). Although this DNA (now known as ancient DNA or aDNA) is
routinely degraded to a small size and is often acquired in conjunction with enzymatic
inhibitors and contaminants, the sensitivity of PCR made it possible to study the genetic
variation in prehistoric populations or pathogens directly, rather than relying on indirect
methods (see Chapter 12 by Stone and Chapter 13 by Amorim).

The Human Genomes

Each individual actually possesses two independent genomes. The nuclear genome located
in the nucleus of each cell is comprised of DNA packaged into 23 pairs of linear structures
called chromosomes. The full complement of chromosomes is called the karyotype and is
shown in Figure 6.1b during cell division. It is biparentally inherited, with half of the
genome coming from each parent. It is also quite large with approximately 3 billion base
pairs (bp). The second genome is located within the mitochondria, small organelles respon-
sible for cellular metabolism in the cytoplasm of each cell that contain their own unique
genome. The mitochondrial genome differs from the nuclear genome in important ways. It
is a comparatively small, circular molecule of just over 16,500 base pairs (Figure 6.1c). It is
exclusively maternally inherited and is comprised almost entirely of a coding sequence. This
contrasts sharply with the nuclear genome, where the majority of the sequence is not
involved in coding for the protein product. The mitochondrial genome contains genes
involved in electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation (important steps in oxidative
metabolism), as well as the ribosomal and transfer RNA genes required to synthesize those
proteins. It should be noted that the majority of the genes required for oxidative metabo-
lism are found in the nuclear genome, are synthesized outside the mitochondria, and are
later imported into the mitochondria.
90  dennis h. o’rourke
Three important aspects of the mitochondrial genome that initially made it so useful to
human population geneticists is its high copy number per cell, it is less prone to degradation
post-mortem, and has a higher substitution rate compared to the nucleus. Although the
nuclear genome is much larger than the mitochondrial genome, there is only one diploid
copy of it in each cell. However, each cell may contain many mitochondrial organelles, each
with multiple copies of its genome, such that there are typically hundreds to thousands of
copies of the mitochondrial genome per cell. This high copy number helps explain why the
mtDNA genome has been so widely used in ancient DNA studies (Hagelberg et al. 2015;
see Amorim, Chapter 13). Like all organic material, nucleic acids degrade post-mortem.
However, the very high number of mtDNA molecules per cell makes it much more likely
that at least some proportion of a target sequence of interest will persist for some time after
death of the organism. The likelihood it can be accessed, amplified via PCR, and sequenced
is greater than is true for the single cellular copy of the nuclear genome. Second, the circular
structure of mtDNA seems less prone to post-mortem degradation than the linear nuclear
chromosomes (Allentoft et al. 2012). The ring structure of mtDNA may make it less acces-
sible to the degrading effects of exonuclease activity, which enhances the availability of
mtDNA sequences in ancient samples in a fashion complementary to the effects of a higher
copy number.
The third important property of mtDNA, a higher mutation rate than in the nuclear
genome, means the mitochondrial genome evolves at a more rapid rate than does the
nuclear genome. This difference in evolutionary rate was once thought to be the result of a
lack of molecular editing capability (correcting errors in mtDNA replication, for example),
which are well known in the nucleus. However, it is now clear that the mitochondrial
genome also has these molecular repair mechanisms (Kazak et al. 2012). Nevertheless, as a
result of the elevated evolutionary rate, mtDNA sequences provide insight into population
dynamics and evolutionary events in the comparatively recent past. The temporal window
into which we can look with mtDNA sequence data is approximately the same as that
afforded by archaeology – on the order of centuries or millennia. The slower evolutionary
rate of the nuclear genome provides a window into the deeper past. However, in addition
to providing a window to the deeper past, the nuclear genome can also reveal more recent
population dynamics, such as gene flow and admixture between different populations
(Borda et al. 2020) or even recent positive selection (Sabeti et al. 2002).
The uniparental inheritance of mtDNA also means that diversity in this molecule only
informs us about the history of maternal lineages. Fortunately, there is an analog in the
nuclear genome for paternal lineages, the Y-chromosome. Among other things,
Y-chromosome genes are involved in sex determination during embryogenesis and are
transmitted from fathers to sons. Thus, while everyone possesses mtDNA inherited from
their mothers, only males possess a Y-chromosome in the nuclear genome inherited from
their fathers. These two uniparentally inherited genomes therefore permit historical tracking
of maternal and paternal lineages, respectively, over time. Because the Y-chromosome is
part of the nuclear genome, the two genomes evolve at different rates, occasionally leading
to inferred disparities in male and female evolutionary histories.
In addition to being much larger in size than the mtDNA genome, the nuclear genome
is also more complex in other ways. The 3 billion plus bases that constitute the nuclear
genome are arrayed in 46 linear chromosomes: 23 pairs of autosomes and two sex
chromosomes (X and Y). The traditional view is that the DNA sequences that comprise
each chromosome define a series of genes that determine the production of protein, or
other gene products, important for normal cellular function. In this view, genes are thought
of as being arrayed along the chromosomes like “beads on a string.” Moreover, the genes
human population genomics: diversity and adaptation  91

were considered to be unitary entities of DNA sequence, with variations arising through
changes in nucleotide sequences. The modern view of the genome differs substantially from
this historic, traditional characterization.
We now appreciate that the structure of genes is more complex and dynamic than once
thought. Genes are DNA sequences that contain both sequences that are involved in the
translation of proteins, called exons, and stretches of intervening, noncoding sequence,
called introns, that are not involved in the translation of DNA sequence to protein (see
Figure 6.1d). The average gene in the human genome has just over eight exonic regions
and a comparable number of introns. Both exons and introns are translated during protein
synthesis, but the intronic sequences are spliced out of the transcripts prior to translation of
the exonic sequences into protein. Indeed, alternative splicing sites within genes and bet-
ween exons and introns are likely to provide much of the genetic diversity we see in the
constellation of proteins produced. This helps explain, in part, why the human genome
appears to have only ~20,000 genes, rather than the 100,000 genes hypothesized prior to
the sequencing of the human genome (Lander et al. 2001).
Of the known genes, the function of nearly half remains unknown. Moreover, genes tend
to be clustered in apparently random sections in the genome, separated by large tracts of
noncoding DNA. Indeed, less than 2 percent of the nuclear genomic sequence codes for
protein products. A large fraction of the genome (~50 percent) is composed of noncoding
repeat sequences. The repeats may be characterized by short (e.g., 2–6 bases, microsatel-
lites), medium (10–70 bases, minisatellites), or long (hundreds to thousands of bases,
SINES and LINES) repeat motifs. The shorter repeat motifs are usually repeated in tandem
fashion, while the longer repeat motifs are dispersed throughout the genome. Although
most of the noncoding sequence, including repeat sequences, is of an unknown function, it
is becoming clear that they are likely to be involved in gene regulation and expression. For
example, there are substantial stretches of DNA sequence in noncoding regions that are
known to be conserved across species. Such conservation of DNA sequences across differ-
ent individuals and species is typically associated with important cellular functions to the
organism. Thus, these conserved noncoding regions (CNRs) are generally thought to be
involved in some fundamental regulatory pathway that we have yet to identify. It is known
that areas of the genome where coding regions are clustered tend to be bounded by long
tracts of GC repeats. The repeated guanine–cytosine base pairs (called CpG islands) are
subject to chemical modification, methylation. Methylation is the binding of a methyl
group to a cytosine in the DNA sequence. Methylation of multiple cytosines in a sequence
can serve to down-regulate gene action, thus the extent of methylation is important in
turning genes on and off during periods of development, and is therefore clearly involved
in gene regulation and expression. Thus, many of the non-coding regions, repeats, and
CNRs alike are involved in basic regulatory functions that we are still learning to appreciate.
Such regulatory activity by noncoding regions would contribute to the phenotypic diversity
we see as a result of alterations in, for example, growth and development that would not be
reflected in protein diversity.

Genomics, Adaptability, and Anthropology

Genes, Language, and Geography

Anthropological geneticists have long been interested in using patterns of genetic variation
to more clearly reconstruct population histories, particularly the population and demo-
graphic details of colonizing populations (e.g., Arredi et al. 2007; O’Rourke and Raff 2009;
92  dennis h. o’rourke
Tishkiff and Gonder 2007). A major question that has occupied the time and efforts of
geneticists interested in reconstructing population histories is whether geography or lan-
guage plays a greater role in structuring population genetic variation. A strong case for
either one can be made, a priori, as a significant force in patterning genetic variation.
There is a rich, quantitative area of population genetic theory that predicts that geog-
raphy should be a dominant factor in the distribution of genetic variation. The logical basis
of this is clear. Many demographic studies have demonstrated that individuals tend to select
mates that live nearer to them, rather than farther away. If that is generally true, and is a
practice followed over time, then individuals residing in geographic proximity will tend to
be more closely genetically related than those residing at greater distances. This is known as
isolation by distance in population genetics and predicts that geography should be a pri-
mary factor in the distribution of genetic variation. It is useful to note that correlations
between genetics and geography may also be due to population history. For example, pat-
terns of population expansion, not just mate selection practices, may also result in
geographical neighbors being genetically related. A case also can be made for language as a
factor in the patterning of genetic variation. It seems intuitively obvious that individuals are
more likely to select mates with whom they can easily communicate, that is, who speak the
same, or a similar, language. If this is true, then language, and related cultural aspects of
mate selection, may be important modifiers of the distribution of genetic variation,
independent of geography. Since languages, and language families, also exhibit geographic
structure, it has been difficult to unequivocally document the relative importance of either.
In an early study of classical marker variation in Native American populations, Spuhler
(1972) argued that the pattern of variation between tribal groups reflected geographic
distances between them better than did the distribution of genetic variation between lan-
guages or language groups. With the advent of molecular markers, it has become possible
to investigate the relative contributions on a finer scale. In most instances, geography does
seem to have a greater effect on the distribution of genetic variation than language, but the
latter is not without effect.
Hunley and Long (2005) investigated mitochondrial DNA variation in many Native
American populations distributed throughout the Americas. They found that irrespective of
the language classification system used, language was a worse predictor of genetic affinity
than was geography. Later, Novembre and colleagues (Novembre et al. 2008) studied the
pattern of variation at over 500,000 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) distributed
across the genome in almost 3,200 individuals from across Europe. Not all of the single
nucleotides assayed were equally informative or polymorphic, and the final analysis focused
on over 197,000 loci. Similarly, the final sample size of individuals was reduced to just fewer
than 1,400 individuals after controlling for those with ancestry outside Europe and with
grandparental ancestry from more than one European location. Analyses of the resulting
data set show clearly that the pattern of genetic variation in Europe replicates the geography
of Europe. Principal Components Analysis, which reduces large data arrays to a smaller set
of independent factors, resulted in observed correlations between the first two principal
components and latitude and longitude of greater than 0.85. Indeed, using multiple regres-
sion methods to predict geographic origin from these genetic data resulted in over 50 per-
cent of individuals being placed within 310 kilometers of their actual place of origin, and
over 90 percent within 700 km of their point of origin (Novembre et al. 2008). This is
remarkable geographic precision from genetic data on a continental scale.
In a simultaneous and independent study, Lao et al. (2008) reached similar conclusions.
These authors also used the Affymetrix 500K SNP chip to assay genetic variation in over
human population genomics: diversity and adaptation  93

2,500 individuals distributed across 23 European subpopulations. The results of this study
found strong correlations between geographic and genetic distances between the European
subpopulations, reflecting the strong influence of geography on the genetic structure of the
European continent. That the effects of geography are so evident here, despite the lack of
overall genetic variation, suggests that the effects of geography on patterns of genetic vari-
ation might be even more easily documented in other regions (e.g., Africa, Asia) as
large-scale genetic surveys are completed in these continental areas.
It is important to note that the strong role of geography in structuring genetic variation
in Europe does not mean that other factors are unimportant. In a worldwide survey of 377
microsatellite loci, Belle and Barbujani (2007) found that while genetic differences between
populations more closely reflect geographic distances than linguistic differentiation bet-
ween them, linguistic diversity did have an observable, although small, effect independent
of geography. In the European survey of Novembre et al. (2008), reducing the scale of
analysis from continental to a more regional scale resulted in the observation that the dis-
tribution of variation in Switzerland corresponded to the distribution of linguistic areas
within the country, which, of course, were also correlated with geography.
In comparing studies such as those described above, several issues should be kept in
mind. First, the scale of analysis is of considerable importance. It makes a difference whether
the geographical scale is regional, continental, or global. For example, Henn et al. (2012)
used genome-wide SNP arrays to identify segments of DNA shared between unrelated indi-
viduals that were identical by descent (IBD). In a collection of over 20,000 genomes that
spanned three continents, these authors found that the level of IBD sharing was signifi-
cantly different if populations were defined ethnolinguistically rather than by continent of
origin. Not surprisingly, greater IBD sharing, and hence more genealogical relatedness,
could be identified in smaller regional or ethnolinguistically defined populations than those
defined by continent of origin. Even among the former groups, IBD and consanguinity was
not uniformly distributed (Henn et al. 2012; Leutenegger et al. 2011).
Second, the type of molecular genetic marker studied can also be important. Lao et al.
(2008) and Novembre et al. (2008) assayed variation in a large number of SNPs in European
populations. Belle and Barbujani (2007) studied microsatellite (STR) variation. The latter
evolves much more rapidly than the former due to different mutational mechanisms. Thus,
the nature of the variation being studied, and the evolutionary history of the markers, may
be quite different and need to be accommodated in any population level analysis.
Nevertheless, analytical methods have been developed to accommodate the different types
of molecular markers in population genetic and genomic scale studies. The scope, volume
of data, and level of resolution afforded by genomic data is substantially greater than
anything that could have been imagined by earlier workers studying genetic variation in
classical marker systems.

Genomics, Human Adaptability, and Diet

PUFAs & FADS: Human populations inhabit every ecological region of the globe, from
the hot and humid tropics to the cold and arid Arctic. Given the ecological diversity that
characterizes human settlement patterns it should come as no surprise that diets across
human societies differ dramatically, correlated with the differential availability of resources
determined by the local ecology. One of the more extreme environments that human
populations have occupied for millennia is the circumarctic regions of the northern
94  dennis h. o’rourke
The inhabitants of this high latitude environment in North America, the Inuit, are well
documented to subsist on a diet high in protein. These groups have historically relied on
sea mammal hunting, such that protein and fatty acids comprise a substantial portion of
their diet. The fatty acids are primarily omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). Using
scans of Inuit genomes, Fumagalli et al. (2015) detected evidence of natural selection at a
number of loci, but the strongest signal of selection and adaptation among the Inuit
occurred in a cluster of genes determining fatty acid desaturases (FADS), loci whose
function determine PUFA levels. The alleles with the strongest selection signal are also
related to other complex phenotypes, including metabolic and anthropometric variation,
e.g., height and weight. Fumagalli and colleagues (2015) also analyzed membrane lipids
and discovered that the alleles with strong selection signals were involved in fatty acid com-
position with possible effects on growth hormones. These results suggest that the Inuit,
and perhaps other long-time residents of Arctic environments, have genetic adaptations to
their PUFA rich diets.
The results of the Fumagalli et al. (2015) study also led to an inference that the selection
on the fatty acid desaturases that proved to be adaptive in the Greenlandic Arctic may be a
record of past selection in a source population that lived in the Arctic long ago. To investi-
gate this evolutionary hypothesis, Amorim et al. (2017) examined genomic diversity in
FADS in other populations, including non-Arctic Native American populations. They
showed that the signal of FADS-positive selection is widely observed throughout Indigenous
American populations, not just the Arctic. These authors concluded that the shared history
of FADS-related selection in diverse populations across diverse ecologies and dietary
regimes indicated that selection must have occurred in the ancestral population of people
prior to their dispersal and differentiation into the peoples and cultures now present in the
Western Hemisphere (Amorim et al. 2017). This local selection episode and its effects on
human adaptation must have occurred prior to human migration into North and South
America over 18,000 years ago.
Lactase persistance: Human biologists have long known that most human populations
follow the general mammalian pattern of losing the ability to digest lactose shortly after
weaning. However, a few populations of the world, notably European and some African
groups, maintain their ability to digest lactose into adulthood. Exactly how and when this
dietary adaptation arose has long been of interest to those studying human adaptation and
dietary evolution (Holden and Mace 1997; Simoons 1978).
Lactose is a disaccharide found in milk. It is digested to monosaccarides (simple sugars)
more usable in the gut by the enzyme lactase-phlorizin hydrolase (LPH). In most human
populations the production of LPH declines following weaning, such that after about age
5 most people can no longer digest the lactose in milk. It has long been observed that the
ability to consume milk into adulthood is correlated with a history of herding and dairying
(Holden and Mace 1997). Although it seemed obvious that the genetic basis of the ability
to continue to digest lactose after childhood must involve variation in the gene encoding
lactase (LCT located at 2q21) but no such polymorphism had been identified. With the
advent of molecular screening, the genetic basis of this important adaptive trait has been
clarified (Wooding 2007).
Enattah et al. (2002) demonstrated that while variation in LCT sequences were not obvi-
ously associated with LPH persistence, a single nucleotide polymorphism in a neighboring
gene, MCM6, was strongly associated with lactase persistence. This SNP is a C-to-T
transition in intron 13 of the MCM6 gene (C/T-13910) and is located 14 kb (kb = a thou-
sand bases) from LCT. Although not located in the LCT gene itself, this remote
human population genomics: diversity and adaptation  95

polymorphism appears to have a regulatory effect on LCT promoter activity. Curiously, this
strong association between marker and lactase persistence is only predictive of lactose diges-
tion phenotype in Europeans, but not for lactase persistent populations elsewhere. In a
subsequent study of molecular diversity and lactose absorption phenotypes in East African
populations, Tishkoff and colleagues (2007) identified three additional SNPs (G/C-14010,
T/G-13915, and C/G-13907), also in the 13th intron of MCM6, associated with LPH
persistence in African populations. Of these three SNPs, only the G/C-14010 variant is
widely distributed at appreciable frequency in multiple African populations. None of the 43
African populations studied by Tishkoff et al. (2007) possessed the C/T-13910 SNP pre-
dictive of lactase persistence in Europeans.
The results of these molecular analyses indicate that the genetic basis for lactase persis-
tence and the adaptation to adult consumption of the nutritionally rich milk of domesti-
cated animals have arisen at least twice. The European and African forms of lactase
persistence are the result of separate and independent mutations brought to high frequency
by natural selection. Both mutations appear to have regulatory roles on LCT, although they
are not found within the lactase gene (LCT) itself. Indeed, both mutations are found within
intronic sequences of a neighboring gene. The simple story of selection for persistent lac-
tase production via LCT variants in herding populations is now known to be more com-
plex, with at least two separate molecular bases for the trait in different geographic regions.
The picture may be even more complicated, as Enattah and colleagues (2008) identified yet
a third genetic variant, a compound allele of two different SNPs (also occurring in MCM6
introns) that is associated with lactase persistence in Middle Eastern populations. Thus,
similar but distinct molecular mechanisms may account for three separate and independent
origins for lactase persistence in humans.
AMY1 copy number: Another example of the molecular underpinnings of dietary evolu-
tion is the salivary enzyme amylase and its role in starch hydrolysis. Starch is a significant,
and increasing, component of diet in agricultural populations and some arid land small-scale
societies but is of lesser significance in tropical forest or arctic populations. Salivary amylase
is responsible for starch hydrolysis and is controlled by the gene AMY1, known to be char-
acterized by variable copy numbers in humans (Groot et al. 1989).
Perry et al. (2007) demonstrated that the number of AMY1 copies in individual genomes
correlated strongly with the amylase protein level in human saliva, and that individual popu-
lations characterized by high starch diets have, on average, more copies of the AMY1 gene
than individuals in populations characterized by low starch diets. These investigators studied
three populations with high starch diets (European-Americans, Japanese, and the Hadza)
and four populations with low starch diets (Biaka and Mbuti tropical forest groups, Datog
pastoralists, and Yakut pastoralist/fishers). Results of the AMY1 copy number analysis
across these populations indicated that the high starch diet populations had significantly
more copies of the AMY1 gene than the low starch populations. The proportion of individ-
uals in the high starch diet populations that had at least six copies of the AMY1 gene was
70 percent, whereas the comparable figure for the low starch populations was only about
35 percent. Since both the high and low starch diet populations were widely distributed,
with both including African and Asian populations, the result is unlikely due to simple
models of geography or shared ancestry. Rather, it appears that diet predicts AMY1 copy
number better than geography, suggesting that selection based on dietary starch has driven
AMY1 copy number up in high starch diet populations.
Perry et al. (2007) extended their analysis to chimps and bonobos to clarify the origin of
the increased copy number observed in some human populations. In a sample of 15 wild
96  dennis h. o’rourke
chimpanzees, all exhibited two diploid copies of AMY1. Among bonobos, a gain in AMY1
copy number was observed, but the sequence data suggest the copies may not be functional.
Thus, among the great apes tested, which consume only small amounts of starch in their
diets, AMY1 copy number has apparently not expanded as it has in humans, strengthening
the inference of copy number expansion as a result of dietary selection. Moreover, sequence
diversity in AMY1 gene sequences suggest that the copy number expansion has occurred in
humans within the past 200,000 years or so (Perry et al. 2007). If true, it means that this
may be an example of direct selection acting during the time of the evolutionary transition
to modern humans.
PTC taste sensitivity: Finally, the ability to taste PTC has long intrigued biological anthro-
pologists and geneticists. This synthetic compound was found to taste bitter to some indi-
viduals but was tasteless to others following an accidental laboratory release of the compound
(Fox 1932). The taste sensitivity to the compound appeared to be familial and the pheno-
types of tasting and nontasting led to the inference of a simple, single, biallelic locus for
control of the sensory polymorphism (Wooding 2006). At first, although a genetic system
controlling the ability to taste a synthetic compound was puzzling, it ultimately became
clear that the compound resembled compounds found in the Brassica family of plants that
occasionally acted as thyroid stressors. Thus, the system was viewed as another case of die-
tary adaptation at the genetic level.
Although R. A. Fisher documented early that the taste polymorphism for PTC also
existed in the great apes (Fisher et al. 1939) and inferred an ancient origin for the polymor-
phism and any associated adaptation, the genetic basis for the taste sensitivity remained
elusive. The general model was one of a single locus with two alleles, where one allele con-
ferred the ability to taste PTC (and closely related compounds), while the alternative allele,
presumably damaged or nonfunctional, resulted in an inability to taste the compounds. The
molecular genetic architecture of the trait was finally elucidated by Kim et al. (2003) and
Drayna et al. (2003), who demonstrated that 50–80 percent of variation in PTC taste sen-
sitivity is accounted for by molecular variation at the TAS2R38 locus. This locus is involved
in discrimination of ligands (a molecule that binds to another, typically larger, molecule) in
the thiourea group (which includes PTC) and a compound in many cruciferous vegetables
(goitrin) (Feeney 2011; Wooding et al. 2010, summarized in Veilleux 2019). The variation
at this locus accounting for PTC taste sensitivity derives from two haplotypes, a “taster” and
a “nontaster” haplotype, which differ by three SNPs. These two haplotypes are among the
five resulting from the three SNPs at TAS2R38.
Knowing the molecular genetic basis for PTC taste sensitivity has led to a change in per-
spective on this sensory polymorphism. Molecular characterization of each haplotype
revealed that the “non-taster” variant was not simply a damaged or nonfunctional version
of the “taster” haplotype. Rather, the “taster” and “nontaster” haplotypes differ by only
three amino acids, and both appear to be fully functional. The “nontaster” haplotype may
be the basis for a functional receptor of some family of compounds that does not contain
PTC. While no specific ligand for the “nontaster” haplotype has been identified, some plant
compounds have been identified that are “tasted” by PTC nontasters, but not by PTC
tasters. Further functional studies of a variety of plant compounds and their relationships to
taste sensitivity and molecular characterization are required to elucidate more fully the evo-
lutionary history of this interesting sensory and dietary polymorphism (Veilleux 2019).
One additional component to the PTC story has also been clarified by newer molecular
genetic studies. Fisher and colleagues (1939), having documented PTC taste sensitivity in
the great apes, concluded that the PTC taste polymorphism was of ancient origin, predating
human population genomics: diversity and adaptation  97

the human–ape divergence. Molecular analysis has again refined our understanding of the
evolution of this system. While the analysis of TAS2R38 sequence variation in human popu-
lations led to the inference of balancing selection as the origin of the observed variation
(Wooding et al. 2004), it cannot account for the PTC taste sensitivity pattern observed in
chimpanzees. Like humans, chimps have two PTC taste sensitivity alleles at TAS2R38.
However, the two alleles are much more similar in chimps than in humans. In chimps, the
“nontaster” allele derives from a single SNP in the start codon, changing it from ATG to
AGG, and resulting in a nonfunctional protein. This origin of the “nontaster” allele in
chimps is quite different from the functional, but still “non-taster” allele in humans, which
differs by three amino acid substitutions from the “taster” allele. Thus, Wooding et al.
(2004) demonstrated that while humans and chimps both possess “taster” and “nontaster”
alleles at TAS2R38 in roughly equivalent frequencies, the nontaster alleles are quite differ-
ent in structure and molecular mechanism and indicate that in the primate lineage “non-
tasting” alleles at this locus have evolved twice independently (Wooding 2006; Wooding
et al. 2004).

Population Genomics and Morphological Variation

The role of morphological variation in documenting human population history and evolu-
tion is the subject of treatment in other chapters in this volume, so little time or space need
be allotted to it here. Interested readers in the analysis of quantitative variation can consult
recent review papers in the field (e.g., von Cramon-Taubadel 2019). However, it is worth
observing that the metric and meristic variation that has for over a century characterized
biological anthropological investigations of human diversity and evolution are now being
augmented by genomic analyses. It has often been assumed that metric variation (e.g.,
stature, weight, cranial and dental metrics, etc.), as well as discrete traits (meristic variants
in the crania and dentition), reflected variation in underlying genes affecting morphological
development, and therefore were informative analogs for genetic variation (e.g., Cheverud
1982, 1988; Lande 1977; Relethford and Blangero 1990; Roseman and Weaver 2007).
Based on heritability estimates, for example, 80 percent of the variation in adult stature may
be genetically determined (McEvoy and Visscher 2009; Silventoinen et al. 2003). Certainly,
human stature is a complex, multifactorial trait that results from the interaction of alleles at
multiple loci, along with environmental variation in diet, prenatal environment, and disease
exposure, among others. Recently, the molecular technology afforded by large-scale marker
screening and the use of Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS) has begun to identify
some of the specific genes responsible for adult stature.
The first GWAS study of adult stature by Weeden et al. (2007) indicated that common
variants in the HMGA2 gene were associated with variation in stature in both adults and
children, but that they accounted for very little of the observed variation in stature. Sanna
and colleagues (2008) examined over 2 million SNPs in over 6,500 individuals in Finland
and Sardinia to investigate additional sources of genetic variation for stature. These authors
identified two linked genes on chromosome 20, GDF5 (growth differentiation factor 5)
and UQCC (a ZIC-binding protein suppressed by a fibroblast growth factor), that were
found to contribute to variation in adult stature in these samples (Sanna et al. 2008). Both
genes have functional roles in growth such that alterations in them could plausibly have
effects on not only growth rates and trajectories, but also human adult height. The variants
identified by Sanna et al. (2008) are also important to risk for osteoarthritis. Their effects
were estimated to have an additive effect on stature of 0.44 cm, a fairly small effect on the
overall variation in human stature.
98  dennis h. o’rourke
Shortly thereafter, three research groups (Gudbjartsson et al. 2008; Lettre et al. 2008;
Weedon et al. 2008) published three additional GWAS on human height that added at least
an additional 40 new genomic variants with significant effects on variation in stature. The
sample sizes employed in these studies are daunting, ranging from nearly 15,000 to over
30,000 individuals in the initial screening phase (which identified 95 promising variants), to
approximately half those sample sizes in the validation stage. Using a SNP chip array to
screen over 500,000 markers in each individual, the 54 variants ultimately identified have an
average effect size of 0.4 cm on stature (Visscher 2008). Even taken together, this is still a
small proportion of variation in adult stature. However, in GWAS, increasing sample sizes
routinely led to increases in the number of SNPs found to be significantly associated with
complex traits. Recently, Yengo et al. (2018) combined the data from Wood et al.’s (2014)
study of genes for human stature and Locke et al.’s (2015) assay for genes contributing to
the body mass index (BMI) with a new GWAS of height and BMI using participant data in
the UK Biobank for a total sample of over 700,000 individuals of European ancestry. This
meta-analysis resulted in the identification of 3,290 and 941 near independent SNPs associ-
ated with human stature and BMI, respectively. The genome-wide SNPs identified in this
large-scale GWAS explained nearly 25 percent of the variance in human stature and 6 per-
cent of the variance in BMI. The proportion of variance explained in this meta-analysis was
substantially greater than those observed in smaller-scale GWAS – a result that is not unex-
pected. Although confirming the traditional view of stature (and BMI) as a complex character
with many underlying genes, identification of such genomic variants for complex traits is
important in speeding the discovery of functional gene products involved in the develop-
mental pathways contributing to height, BMI, and other complex phenotypes of interest.
Large genomic scans on large samples is an expensive enterprise, taking such projects
beyond the scope of most individual investigators. It is worth noting, however, that the
GWAS for height described in the above studies was not always undertaken to investigate
the genetic architecture of stature. Rather, the samples were often pooled from earlier
studies where genomic screens had been performed to identify disease susceptibility genes
for various diseases (Visscher 2008). However, in each of those studies, height had been
recorded, permitting a subsequent meta-analysis of the combined genomic data with the
recorded statures. This emphasizes for our discipline the potentially fruitful nature of col-
laborative research with investigators of diverse interests, and the importance of training in
statistical and quantitative analyses in the future of biological anthropology. These studies
also emphasize the developing capacity to rapidly screen large population samples for ever
larger arrays of molecular markers, making it likely that the genetic architecture of complex
morphological traits like stature, among others (e.g., BMI, Willer et al. 2009; obesity,
Thorleifsson et al. 2009), will succumb to molecular genetic analysis in the foreseeable
future, thus providing greater precision and resolution to the historical data on human
morphological variation.
Finally, the study of morphological variation in the human dentition has constituted a
large proportion of the research into human diversity by bioarchaeologists and biological
anthropologists. Dental variation, both metric and discrete traits, have high heritabilities,
suggesting that although we know little about the genetic architecture of such traits, they
are appropriate analogs to direct measures of genetic variation when genetic or genomic
data are unavailable (Irish et al. 2020).
One of the dental characteristics that has been widely studied in global populations is
incisor shoveling. This discrete character exhibits lateral ridges of enamel on the lingual sur-
face of maxillary incisors such that when viewed from the occlusal surface the shoveled
incisor looks like the blade of a shovel. The distribution of this character is highest in Asian
human population genomics: diversity and adaptation  99

and Indigenous American populations, reaching a frequency of nearly 100 percent in some
Native American populations. It is essentially absent in Europeans. This distinct distribu-
tion has suggested the action of natural selection on the shoveling trait in Asian and Asian
derived populations, but no adaptive function has been associated with the trait.
Kimura et al. (2009) demonstrated that the genetic determinant of incisor shoveling was
the ectodysplasin A receptor gene (EDAR), which has pleiotropic effects in a number of
morphological and developmental pathways, which in addition to incisor shoveling includes
sweat gland density and mammary gland ductal branching. Hlusko and colleagues (2018)
noted that since both the EDAR V370A variant and incisor shoveling are uniquely elevated
in populations of North and East Asia and the Americas, the latter could be used as a proxy
for the distribution of the EDAR variant across a broad geographic region. This is useful
since many more populations, both contemporary and ancient, have been studied for the
distribution of the shoveling trait than have been characterized genetically for EDAR
­variation. Moreover, the very high frequency of shoveling in Indigenous American popula-
tions suggests that the EDAR variant was at an even higher frequency prior to European
Hlusko et al. (2018) hypothesized that it was selection on the EDAR V370A variant in
an ancestral population of Indigenous American populations during a period of isolation in
Beringia (known as the Beringian Standstill) that resulted in both the elevated frequency of
the EDAR variant and the shoveling trait. Selection on this variant in an arctic environment
makes intuitive sense since it is an environment of reduced UV radiation and, hence, vitamin
D-deficient conditions. The role of EDAR V370A in increasing ductal branching may have
been the substrate for positive selection on the variant as it would result in increasing
delivery of critical nutrients to infants via mother’s milk in such challenging environments.
The hypothesized selection on the EDAR V370A variant in Hlusko et al. (2018) is likely
to be related to the documented selection on the FADS gene cluster discussed above, since
this genomic region is known to regulate lipid profiles transmitted to mother’s milk given
the vitamin D-rich diet from consumption of omega-3 fatty acids in modern arctic popula-
tions. In this scenario, shoveling of incisors is a byproduct of selection on the EDAR V370A
variant, which makes the dental discrete trait appropriate as a proxy for EDAR V370A
­frequency estimation in populations for which genetic or genomic data have yet to be


The growth of genomic scale analyses has been rapid in recent years. The pace of that
growth shows no sign of slowing down; indeed, it continues to increase. Genomic analyses
provide a far more robust and detailed understanding of human diversity, gene function,
and our evolution than could be imagined not long ago. From the whole genomic SNP
arrays now available to the sequencing of whole individual genomes, we have a powerful
toolkit to deploy in order to understand gene function, cellular biology at the micro-scale,
details of evolutionary adaptive strategies, and how different environments and human
behavior affect our history – and our future.
Certainly, genomic analyses hold great promise to more fully enable an understanding of
the mechanisms of infectious and chronic diseases, of the underpinning of morphological
diversity, and the myriad ways natural selection has molded the human genome. However,
with such rapid progress comes new challenges. The size and complexity of genomic data-
bases requires new, more powerful analytical methods. Many have been developed, but as the
100  dennis h. o’rourke
scale of genomic data becomes greater new and more powerful statistical and bioinformatic
methods will also be required. Importantly, ethical issues attendant to genomic data collec-
tion and analysis are also growing in importance and complexity. Biological anthropology
has much to contribute and much to gain from continuing research in these areas.
Genomics has become an indispensable part of the anthropological geneticist’s toolkit.
The methods attendant to that enterprise are now equally a part of the discipline, as are the
ethical dimensions that must be accommodated. It promises to be an exciting and challeng-
ing future.


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CHAPTER 7 Race, Racism, and
Racial Thinking:
Implications for

Rachel Caspari


Over the last century, anthropological discourse about race changed dramatically. Once a
core concept in anthropology, it is now widely accepted as the “myth” coined by Ashley
Montagu (1942) to denote that race is a social construction with no basis in biology. In
Man’s Most Dangerous Myth: The Fallacy of Race, Montagu (1942) was participating in a
long and important history of anti-racist public activism by biological anthropologists, a
history that continues to this day (e.g., Fuentes 2022; Marks 2017, and many others). The
social constructivist view of race was new in that it not only argued for racial equality, the
insignificance of racial differences, and against the type concept, although it did all three.
Montagu (1942) made the public case that race did not exist, and since it was a social
construction, the word “race” with its biological connotations should be retired in favor of
“ethnic groups.”
The biological race concept that Montagu attempted to depose, sometimes called the
Western race concept, or simply, the race concept, applies the biological category of subspe-
cies to socially constructed races, in the guise of “continental races.” Formally constructed
in the eighteenth century (Linnaeus 1758), races were defined as part of a biological tax-
onomy, with essentialized physical and behavioral characteristics that conformed to
European prejudices. This taxonomy was later extended to include smaller social groups, so
that at the time of Montagu’s 1942 publication, some nations, tribes, or religions, such as
Jews, were considered races by many. As part of a biological taxonomy, there are assump-
tions about the nature and cause of perceived differences between groups that are part of
the embedded meanings of race. These contribute to the racial thinking discussed in this

A Companion to Biological Anthropology, Second Edition. Edited by Clark Spencer Larsen.

© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
104  rachel caspari
The social constructivist view of race was long in the making in American anthropology.
The underpinnings, in terms of the insignificance of racial differences and racial equality in
abilities, were discussed by Franz Boas as early as 1894 and had a public impact, influencing
the ideas of some progressives including W. E. B DuBois and other Black intellectuals (Levy
Zumwalt and Willis 2008). However, calls for the elimination of the race concept post-
World War II, if accepted, would strike at the very heart of racism. To anthropologists sup-
porting the social constructivist view, it was understood that the biological race concept
itself was not only scientifically invalid, but racist, because it naturalizes or “biologizes”
social inequality. As has been well discussed in many venues (e.g., Blakey 1999; Marks
1995), the race concept was born of colonialism, rationalizing European subjugation and
exploitation of others through the false belief in the natural (biological) superiority of
Europeans. Therefore, the idea that races do not exist in nature was not only biologically
supported, it also undermined the very foundation of white supremacy, and this was recog-
nized by some factions within the American anthropological community.
Yet, the social constructivist view of race remained very controversial in biological
anthropology until surprisingly recently. Some were overtly racist, but many anthropolo-
gists and other scientists argued against the innate inequality of races while accepting (or
even arguing for) the existence of biological races. For example, the 1951 UNESCO state-
ment on race (co-authored and cited by Juan Comas (1961) to counter a resurgence of
white supremacist scientific racism in the early 1960s) emphasized the lack of evidence for
racial differences in intellectual ability or any support for the biological ranking of races but
did not engage the race concept itself. As discussed in this chapter, this is because the race
concept has been conflated with both social races and the obvious existence of geographic
variation. The assumptions about the nature and causes of that variation that are embedded
in the race concept were unrecognized. The recent Statement on Race published by the
American Association of Physical Anthropologists (Fuentes et al. 2019) may be the first
published by biological anthropologists to formally reject the race concept and its imbedded
meanings regarding the structure of human populations past and present.
The racial thinking, the embedded meanings associated with the race concept about the
cause and nature of human population differences, are used to “otherize” and validate
discrimination against many biologized ethnic/social groups globally, not only the social
groups associated with continental races. Therefore, although the Western race concept was
created in the colonial context, the rejection of the race concept as an idea applies not only
to the social races (e.g., Black, White, Asian, Native American) constructed in that context,
but also, more generally, where it has also been used to rationalize subjugation, exploita-
tion, and genocide. While most biological anthropologists reject the Western race concept,
specifically the idea that continental groups represent subspecies of humans, racial thinking
is far more intractable for reasons explored here. It is a product of systemic racism that is
compatible with the psychological essentialism associated with the human mind. However,
the culture of biological anthropology is changing along with its demographics (Antón et
al. 2018; Bolnick et al. 2019; Fuentes 2019) and while I am optimistic that our ideas of race
and racism are evolving, it remains to be seen if the vestiges of the race concept will be fully
confronted and eliminated.
Typological thinking about human variation persists in science and society and race con-
tinues to be important to biological anthropologists in many ways. This chapter explores
three of them. First, the race concept is not dead. The race concept is widely believed, and
racial thinking also persists in the public mind and in various scientific studies. In fact, racial
thinking may be a part of the human condition, like essentialism itself, and therefore can
race, racism, and racial thinking: implications for biological anthropology  105

only be eradicated (or mitigated, if eradication is impossible) through education. Since race
and geographic variation are so often conflated, race should be directly addressed when
teaching biological variation.
Second, racial thinking may still influence our understanding of human variation,
population relationships, and human evolution. Lewontin’s seminal work (1972) showed
minimal average population structure in the human species, and subsequent studies likewise
showed relatively little variation among groups (e.g., Barbujani and Belle 2006; Nei and
Roychoudhury 1982; Rosenberg et al. 2002; Serre and Pääbo 2004). This work appeared
to drive the final nails in the coffin of the race concept. However, there is debate about the
nature of human population structure, and evolutionary trees, rather than networks, are
commonly used to denote population relationships, eclipsing the importance of gene flow.
Finally, while social races are not genealogical entities, they have biological dimensions.
Phenotypic associations with social races reify the race concept and present a dilemma for
forensic anthropology. There are many negative health outcomes associated with race and
inequality, of increasing importance to biocultural anthropologists and public health
workers. The medical community continues to grapple with race-based medicine that can
contribute to poor health outcomes in minority communities and represents one of the
most dangerous effects of the perpetuation of the race concept. Unfortunately, because of
the primacy of racial thinking, these biological attributes of social groups help to reify the
race concept.

The Race Concept is Not Dead

The race concept is currently alive and well in the general public, providing fodder for neo-
fascists globally (Panofsky et al. 2021), but it has also persisted in biological anthropology
until very recently. Although challenged by some anthropologists since the inception of the
discipline, it was largely intractable because it lay at the foundation of physical anthropology.
In fact, in the early twentieth century, race was used as the raison d’etre for the emerging
discipline; eugenics and race science were promoted as applied physical anthropology and
used by Aleš Hrdlička and others to secure support for the emerging discipline (Blakey
1987; Caspari 2018a).
In the 1960s, seminal papers were published on the nonexistence of human races (Brace
1964; Livingstone 1962), and throughout the next few decades, population genetics
increasingly provided evidence against the race concept (Barbujani and Belle 2006;
Lewontin 1972; Nei and Roychoudhury 1982; Rosenberg et al. 2002; Serre and Pääbo
2004). Yet, controversy surrounding the existence of human races persisted; less than two
decades ago, surveys found that between 20 and 30 percent of American biological anthro-
pologists did not reject the biological race concept and in European biological anthropology,
more scientists accepted the race concept than in the previous post-war generation (Kaszycka
et al. 2009, Lieberman et al. 2004). This may not have been the result of a resurgence of
racism in European academia, but rather a lack of critical thinking about race.
Despite a long history of challenges, and increasingly compelling evidence against it, the
race concept is surprisingly resistant. If people are not actively taught that races do not exist,
the race concept re-emerges. This may be because race is much more than a bad idea about
geographic variation; it has psychological and social dimensions that make it a bad idea
about geographic variation that is exceptionally difficult to depose. It may be that, left to
their own devices, humans think taxonomically and, hence, racially.
106  rachel caspari
Why Won’t Race Die? Essentialism and the Psychology of Taxonomy
It may be part of the human condition to construct naïve taxonomies of the natural and
social worlds, predisposing us to racial thinking (Atran 1990, 1994; Atran et al. 2002; Gil-
White 2001; Hirschfeld 1996, 1998; Hirschfeld and Gelman 1994; Prentice and Miller
2007). Essentialism is a critical component of all such taxonomies. Moreover, the western
race concept, by conflating biological and social taxonomies, by fiat “biologizes” social cat-
egories (Blakey 1999) may make the western race concept more insidious than other forms
of social classification.
Humans create taxonomies of the biological, social, and physical world in similar ways,
cross-culturally (Atran 1990, 1994; Atran et al. 2002; Gil-White 2001; Hirschfeld 1996,
1998; Hirschfeld and Gelman 1994; Prentice and Miller 2007). These taxonomies are
knowledge structures that allow many inferences to be made (beyond the information
given) about constituent categories. Some categories are more inferentially rich than others,
allowing stereotypes to form without empirical basis. These categories have been termed
“natural kinds,” because people believe them to be part of the natural world – “real;” they
do not recognize them as mental or cultural constructions (Hirschfeld and Gelman 1994).
It is thought that “natural kinds” are produced through cognitive mechanisms that are
specific to particular domains (based on different mental modules); some domains allow
people to subconsciously construct naïve theories (and associated inferences) about aspects
of the physical world, while competence in another domain governs living things. “Natural
kinds” that reflect the biological world have been termed “living kinds,” which people learn
through different cognitive processes than those used to learn inanimate things or the
processes that relate to them (naïve physics). Hirschfeld (1996, 1998) and others (Gil-
White 2001; Prentice and Miller 2007) note that in addition to a cognitive domain that
governs “living kinds,” humans have a separate domain that allows them to easily learn
“human kinds” and the traits that make up the essence of a particular kind. These “human
kinds” are social categories that are particularly important to a culture; they are thought by
members of that culture to be intrinsic to a person’s identity. Just as biological categories
carry information about the essence of a species, genus, or class, “human kinds” carry
information about the “essence” of a type of person – what they are supposed to look like,
think like, or act like. The fact that many members of a category do not conform to the
stereotype does not dispel the stereotype: this is a hallmark of essentialism.
“Human kinds,” then, are groups whose members are believed to share some fundamental
essence, considered to be inheritable and relatively unchangeable. In western society and,
to some extent, globally, because of cultural interconnection, western dominance, and the
legacies of colonialism, “race” is a “human kind” and therefore has a psychological
dimension. We may be psychologically, and evolutionarily, disposed to racial thinking.
However, races are also “living kinds.” The Western race concept was constructed as a
biological taxonomy, based loosely on ideas about geographic variation, variation that has
great social meaning because of the history of colonialism and slavery that continues to link
differences in power and privilege to geographic ancestry. It developed in part through sci-
ence in the age of discovery, as racial classifications were developed to make sense of new
social groups, effectively “biologizing” relationships between Europeans and other people
they encountered, and even relationships between different European groups (Blakey
1999). Incorporated into the natural history tradition, race was a taxonomy of “living
kinds,” even as it was simultaneously a taxonomy of “human kinds.” While race is clearly
social, its “naturalness” has been validated by incorporating racial categories into a biological
race, racism, and racial thinking: implications for biological anthropology  107

It is likely that this psychological dimension of race contributes to the persistence of the
race concept; in addition to very influential sociopolitical factors, it explains why stereotypes
are so difficult to dispel and why racial thinking remains so dominant in science and society.
Anthropology’s long struggle with the race concept underscores this. In the nineteenth
century, Topinard himself, disciple of the polygenist Paul Broca and a major influence on
the founders of American physical anthropology, struggled with the type concept. Although
he was the pre-eminent student of types and a staunch promoter of the type concept,
Topinard recognized that the concept of racial “essence” was undermined by the lack of
homogeneity of populations, and that any continuity with supposed once pure racial types
was at best “a hypothesis … convenient for study, impossible to demonstrate.”(Topinard
1892) Yet, while he considered races to be an abstraction, Topinard was simultaneously
convinced of their reality and of the reality of racial assumptions underlying human varia-
tion. As cited by Stocking (1968: 59):

“We cannot deny them, our mind sees them, our labor separates them out; if in thought we
suppress the intermixtures of peoples, their interbreedings, in a flash we see them stand forth –
simple, inevitable, a necessary consequence of collective heredity.” (Topinard 1885: 202)

Topinard’s dilemma (Caspari 2018a), the conflict between the type concept he believed in
and the reality he observed, is one shared by many workers and continues to be an obstacle
to reconciling race within biological anthropology; racial thinking may be so entrenched
that anthropological work that refutes the race concept may be unrecognized even by the
workers themselves. Brown and Armelagos (2001) point out a modern example of the same
conflict: while Nei and Roychoudhury’s (1982) paper undermined racial categorization
(they found only 9–11 percent of the total genetic heterozygosity at 86 loci attributable to
racial classifications), they nevertheless discuss the evolution of Mongoloid, Caucasoid, and
Negroid racial groups. As Brown and Armelagos (2001: 36) put it: “This speaks to the
logical disconnect shown by many researchers who simultaneously prove the irrelevance of
genetic race and then proceed to discuss the genetic evolution of races.”
This psychological dimension of race is of interest to biological anthropologists in several
ways. The evolutionary basis of essentialism and race, as a product of mind, is an interesting
issue for evolutionary psychologists and has implications for human evolution. It also
explains why the race concept does not die and why even when race seems dead it is so easily
resurrected. Racial thinking applied to many social groups may explain alterity – the ten-
dency to “otherize.” Therefore, although “races” are no longer objects of study, race
remains an important topic within biological anthropology that affects us as scientists and
educators. Our students may arrive with naïve taxonomies that are at odds with current
understandings of human variation and, perhaps more importantly, our understandings of
human variation may be influenced by our own naïve taxonomies.

Tree Thinking: Vestige of the Race Concept

The biological race concept is not synonymous with human variation; it is a specific way of
interpreting variation consistent with racial thinking. It incorporates essentialism (which, as
discussed above, is intrinsic to taxonomies and itself may have a biological basis), biological
determinism (a part of essentialized social categories), and the assumption that human
intra-specific relationships are tree-like, providing a model that explains the existence of
separate essences. Isolation and independent histories are important aspects of the race
­concept, and these can be tested. This (along with demonstration of the nonconcordance
108  rachel caspari
of racial features) led to the demise of the biological race concept, yet tree structures are still
often used to depict relationships.
The eighteenth century natural history tradition was descriptive, and the Western race
concept developed within it to delineate and describe the primary divisions of humankind
(Brace 2005; Caspari 2018b; Marks 1995). While there were debates within science about
the number and constituents of the divisions (three, five, or more), there was little question
about what they represented: subspecies, or perhaps species. From its very inception, the
race concept embodied both essentialism (as discussed above) and biological determinism,
the linking of behavioral traits such as intelligence, criminality, industriousness, and other
personality traits to the essences of racial categories. The categories and their essences, with
both physical and behavioral components believed to be stable and unchanging, were
defined by science as natural groups, even as if they were part of a stratified social system.
Isolation is also a component of the race concept. While race concepts held by members
of society are rarely deconstructed, scientific explanations of human variation would need
to be consistent with the type concept for biological races to be valid. The earliest debates
in anthropology were over just how this isolation developed: polygenists argued that races
were created separately by God, while monogenists thought they diverged after the creation
of Adam and Eve, going their separate ways from Eden, or after the biblical flood (Stanton
1960; Stocking 1968). After the acceptance of Darwinian evolution in the second half of
the nineteenth century, these religious ideas were replaced by evolutionary polygenism,
which explained racial differences as the product of separate evolutionary histories (Caspari
2010, 2018b, 2018c).
Trees, as the way taxonomic hierarchies are conceived and depicted, express how types
can exist – they embody an explanation for the concordance of the physical and behavioral
traits that are believed to be the essence of a race. Races have been depicted as clades on an
evolutionary tree – as phylogenetic units. Historically, racial trees incorporated and
“explained” racist stereotypes as products of separate evolutionary histories; different selec-
tion pressures and rates of evolutionary change were thought to affect each separate branch,
and branch length could also reflect supposed evolutionary development (see reviews in
Caspari 2010, 2018b, 2018c). While tree models, in themselves, do not necessarily repre-
sent racism (for instance, short branches have been used to underscore human similarities
and the “brotherhood of man,” depicting a recent common ancestor of all populations),
they are nevertheless reflections of racial thinking – vestiges of the race concept. Branches,
whatever their length, imply divergence and isolation, a pattern that does not depict rela-
tionships between human populations that are interconnected by gene flow.
Therefore, race is not simply geographic variation or differences between populations;
because of the history of the concept and the psychology of racial thinking, race is a taxo-
nomic way of viewing human variation. Because of the relationship between taxonomy
and phylogeny, the existence of race in a scientific sense implies that racial differences are
phylogenetic – that they can be modeled as a tree. It is telling that the phylogenetic
assumption has been used, untested, throughout the history of anthropology; tree models
are often used whether or not they are valid (Templeton 1998). Because of the power and
prevalence of the race concept, phylogenetic relationships among human populations have
often been simply assumed. In the last decade, however, there have been far more complex
discussions of the kinds of models best used to represent human genetic diversity; gene
flow (although often discussed as “admixture”) is represented and has had a large and
positive impact on our understanding of human variation past and present (e.g., Hunley
et al. 2009, 2016).
race, racism, and racial thinking: implications for biological anthropology  109

Can Differences Between Human Groups be Understood


Can tree-thinking be applied to human variation? Can biological differences between popu-
lations be explained phylogenetically? There are two issues here. First, do the races of the
Western race concept exist in that there are continental groups that can be considered
human subspecies? Second lies the deeper issue of whether racial thinking is supported by
patterns of geographic variation – is there any human taxonomy below the species level –
can tree structures validly be used to model human population relationships?
Genetics had a strong influence on the changing race concept, especially the population
genetics of the modern synthesis that focused on the dynamics of intra-specific evolution.
Population geneticists through the years have provided compelling evidence for human
unity. Perhaps the most cited scientific challenge to the race concept is Lewontin’s (1972)
paper emphasizing that very little human genetic variation is attributable to racial or even
populational differences. Using Sewall Wright’s F-statistic, originally developed to assess
inbreeding, Lewontin showed that an assumed hierarchical population structure explained
very little of the genetic variation in humans. Fst, the proportion of the total variation attrib-
utable to between-group genetic differences was very low: about 6 percent for regional
differences and 8 percent at the subpopulation level. The vast majority, about 85 percent,
of the variation was found within subpopulations. These low levels of interpopulational
diversity have been supported by a large number of studies since then (e.g., Barbujani and
Belle 2016; Manica et al. 2005; Nei and Roychoudhuri 1982; Rosenberg et al. 2002; Serres
and Pääbo 2004). By showing a minimal population structure on several levels, this work
undermines the phylogenetic assumption not only on the level of subspecies, but also on
the level of populations. This has been underscored by Templeton (1998), who has argued
that human populations have such little structure that “treeness” is not demonstrated and
phylogenetic models are invalid. A number of more recent studies have underscored the
fluidity of populations, showing strong correlations between genetic variation and geo-
graphic distance (e.g., Manica et al. 2005), some conforming to an isolation by distance
model, with few discrete boundaries between populations (Serre and Pääbo 2004). By chal-
lenging the phylogenetic assumption, these studies refute not only the western race con-
cept, but also racial thinking in general.
However, whether there is a phylogenetic pattern to population relationships is still dis-
cussed (Hunley et al. 2016). While some workers interpret the correlation of genetic varia-
tion with geography as clinal (Serre and Pääbo 2004), other studies have found such
correlations consistent with a nested hierarchical pattern (Ramachandran et al. 2005). This
underscores a problem pointed out by Long et al. (2009), that the choice of model used in
an analysis biases the results. This is the core of a critique of Fst that has been challenged as
an oversimplification of apportionment of human genetic diversity (Long et al. 2009; Long
and Kittles 2003). These authors have argued that, contra to Lewontin (1972), population
structure may still explain human diversity, but not the very simple structure assumed in
Wright’s Fst model as used by Lewontin. They highlight several problems. Because Fst
expresses average diversity found between subpopulations, it does not adequately express
variation in diversity: some populations may vary a lot, while others very little. Thus,
population structure may better explain the diversity among some populations but not
others. Moreover, it has been argued that aspects of Fst may be circular – that the actual
deviance from the population structure assumed in the model affects the apportionment of
diversity estimated by Fst. Long and Kittles (2003) point out the violated assumption of the
110  rachel caspari
evolutionary independence of populations (intrinsic to population structure models – i.e.,
trees) may have the consequence of increasing the gene identity estimation (the probability
of homozygosity) for the total population. Since Fst measures the gene identity of subpop-
ulations relative to the total population, this would serve to artificially depress Fst
Nevertheless, the conclusions of virtually all studies using various approaches to the
assessment of genetic diversity agree that human subspecies do not exist, most on the basis
of low levels of diversity and the geographic patterning of that diversity (Relethford 2009;
Rosenberg et al. 2002; Serre and Pääbo 2004).
For some, the claim against race has been taken to mean there is no geographically struc-
tured biological variation and that any genetic clustering of populations (or classically
defined races) indicates that races exist (Reich 2018; Risch et al. 2002) or that it is valid to
model them phylogenetically. Thus, studies finding genetic differences among populations
are widely circulated (Caspari 2014) and commonly appropriated by neo-fascist hate groups
to justify ideas of “racial purity” and white superiority (Panofsky et al. 2021). This is a straw
man argument: of course, there are biological differences between myriad human groups.
This has always been clear; even the low levels of intergroup variation suggested by Lewontin
are significant (Hunley et al. 2009). At issue for the race concept is how important
population structure is in characterizing relationships between populations, and whether
they should be considered taxonomic.
Genetic studies have underscored the complexities of the causes of human diversity,
complexity caused by variation in gene flow and selection that undermines taxonomic
assumptions. Since the genetics of populations are based on population histories (including
large-scale migrations, population fissioning and reticulation, marriage patterns, and an
assortment of other social variables) and natural selection, the apportionment of diversity is
extremely variable. This was demonstrated in a 2009 study where the genetic diversity at a
number of neutral microsatellite loci was compared to computer simulations of the genetic
variation predicted for different demographic models: isolation-by-distance, independent
regions, serial fissions, and nested regions (Hunley et al. 2009). Results indicated that none
of the models completely fit the data and that a combination of isolation by distance and
nested regions seemed to fit the data best. Moreover, while most genetic studies involving
the apportionment of human variation have focused on neutral loci, the pattern of spread
of recent alleles under selection may also contribute to our understanding of population
relationships (Coop et al. 2009; Hawks et al. 2007), including the evolution and spread of
mutations of regional adaptive significance. Trees may explain local patterns of diversity for
short periods of time, but genetic data to date indicate that there is a broader clinal pattern
for both neutral and adaptive genetic variation, which is affected by variable population
expansions and population structure. This complexity undermines the taxonomic assump-
tions of the race concept.

Biological Dimensions of Social Races

Links Between Biological and Social Race

While social races are constantly redefined, they are loosely tied to the impugned and non-
existent biological races of the Western race concept. They cannot be truly separated from
them; social races are believed to be biological races. As discussed below, this has had pro-
found effects, especially in medicine. Moreover, there are biological consequences of racism
race, racism, and racial thinking: implications for biological anthropology  111

that affect socially defined racial groups. The conundrum for anthropologists is that recog-
nizing biological dimensions of social races also serves to reify the race concept.

Race and Ancestry

Although we are accustomed to constructing family trees, individual ancestry, like group
ancestry, is complex. We tend to think we have a unique individual genealogical ancestry
that in turn is conflated with genetic ancestry (Mathieson and Scally 2020; Van Arsdale
2019). These are different things. In fact, only some of our genealogical ancestors from just
seven generations ago contribute any genes to us, and our ancestors even a few generations
ago are shared by huge numbers of people. Some studies have suggested that most people
alive today share the same set of genealogical ancestors only a few millennia ago – in other
words, those ancestors are the only set of people from their generation that have living
descendants, and virtually everyone currently on Earth descends from all of them (Chang
1999; Ralph and Coop 2013a, 2013b; Rhode et al. 2004). It is inevitably the case that
there is a time in the past when all humans share that set of common ancestors; what is sur-
prising is how recent this ancestry appears to be. We are not equally related to everyone in
that set of ancestors, of course; an individual may be connected to some ancestors through
numerous ancestor-descendant pathways (generally those in the same geographic area as
the individual and their immediate ancestors), while perhaps having only one or a few path-
ways to ancestors in more distant regions. This pattern is due to both inbreeding and wide-
spread gene flow throughout the human species that is antithetical to the race concept,
connecting everyone through a complex network rather than a tree. That pattern of ancestry
helps explain why biological races did not develop in humans (Van Arsdale 2019).
Nevertheless, racial thinking affects public and scientific understanding of ancestry in
multiple ways (Benn Torres 2020). Few of us know our genealogical history in much detail
and it may appear tree-like for the few generations we are aware of. Yet, we extend our
family trees, commonly with genetic testing, to identify with real or presumed ancestral
groups that are sometimes conflated with social races.
The conflation of social race and ancestry is a particular problem for forensic anthropology,
with current debates about whether ancestry is a useful part of the biological profile at all
(Albanese and Saunders 2006; Bethard and DiGangi 2020, 2021; Stull et al. 2021).
Forensic anthropologists have long argued that race (or ancestry) is important, in part
because race (or ancestry) is used as an identifier by law enforcement and others in the
medico-legal community within which they work. The use of ancestry has been thought to
be an effective tool in individual identification, therefore serving a significant social good.
This idea is being challenged. There are arguments about the effectiveness of ancestry
assessment (Bethard and DiGangi 2021; Ousley 2009; Sauer 1992; Stull et al. 2021), but
the primary argument against the use of ancestry in the biological profile is that this practice
reifies race; it biologizes social groups and contributes to systemic racism. It can be argued
that perpetuating the race concept is particularly dangerous in the field of law enforcement
(Bethard and DiGangi 2021).
As biological anthropology as a discipline came to reject the race concept, forensic
anthropology replaced the term “race” with “ancestry.” However, by “ancestry” forensic
anthropologists really mean social race; they are looking for evidence of social identity. Race
and ancestry are not the same, although there may be elements of ancestry associated with
social race, and races are presumed to be based on shared ancestry. Social race can be thought
of as that aspect of ancestry (either real or imagined) that is most important to identity
(either self-identity or socially imposed identity). This underlies institutions of hypodescent,
112  rachel caspari
such as the “one-drop” rule, so that a “mixed-race” person is assigned the social race of the
minority group. There is often a phenotypic component to social races (used in forensic
anthropology) and this underscores the “naturalness” or presumed biological basis of the
category. People scrutinize each other for clues of racial identity; hence, the slightest African
feature could prevent a person from “passing for white” in highly racialized early twentieth
century US society. Students sometimes ask why subordinate racial features are “dominant”
in mixed race people: they are not. We are just good at looking for them. It may be a part
of the human condition that we seek biological cues of social identity.
Perhaps because social races are presumed to be biological races, people often think
about their ancestry in terms of “pure races.” Thus, a person might speak of their ancestry
as “half Black, a quarter White, and a quarter Native American,” when speaking of the
social races of their grandparents. Of course, each grandparent may also have had mixed
ancestry, but this is obscured by the system of racial classification. Racial thinking often
occurs even when “race” is not used to define ancestry; more delineated ancestral groups,
such as countries or nations, are thought of racially. For example, direct to the consumer
genetic testing promotes a racial view of ancestry by encouraging consumers to conceive of
reference samples as “pure” source populations (Benn Torres 2020; Bolnick 2008). The
vision of ancestry offered, while more refined than continental racial classifications, never-
theless promotes a typological view of human variation that can be easily abused. Applying
racist interpretations to the results of ancestry testing has been used to advance ideas of
racial purity by white nationalists (Panofsky et al. 2021).
Race therefore obscures ancestry, and ancestry is also racialized. Even when the race con-
cept is rejected, it is common to think of ancestral groups as discrete categories, although
this is not true. We understand that for the most part, populations have always been fluid;
gene flow is a part of the human condition (Athreya and Ackerman 2019; Fuentes et al.
2019; Wolpoff and Caspari 1997). Franz Weidenreich, an early proponent of multiregional
evolution, once argued against race, describing ancient human groups as having multiple
ancestors and multiple descendants (Wolpoff and Caspari 1997). This nonracial view of
deep ancestry has been borne out with recent genetic data corroborating ubiquitous “mix-
ing” throughout the Pleistocene (Athreya and Ackermann 2019; Slatkin and Racimo 2016).
Although Pleistocene populations were smaller and for the most part more isolated than
living humans, gene flow was nevertheless common. As geneticists Slatkin and Racimo
(2016: 6385) put it: “Admixture among archaic groups and between them and modern
humans seems to have occurred whenever they came into geographic proximity.” We are all
the products of widespread gene flow; yet tree thinking regarding recent human evolution
persists and contributes to a reification of race. This racial view of ancestry may have conse-
quences, particularly regarding research into health disparities among different racial groups.

Health Consequences
In May 2022 the American Academy of Pediatrics issued a policy statement against the use
of race-based medicine, based on the recognition that race is a social construction (Wright
et al 2022). They point out that the biological race concept and its conflation with social
race has influenced medical practices to the present day, resulting in deleterious conse-
quences for the health of minority communities, especially African Americans. Many of
these medical practices derive from unfounded beliefs that are holdovers from slavery, such
as ideas of racial differences in pain tolerance (Hoffman et al. 2016) and that African
Americans have “deficient” lung capacity (Lujan and DiCarlo 2018). Similar prejudices led
to the expectation that African Americans have larger muscle mass than whites, causing
race, racism, and racial thinking: implications for biological anthropology  113

higher normal serum creatine levels. Among other things, these biases have resulted in race-
based modifications to diagnostic tests including algorithms used to interpret eGFR tests of
kidney function, resulting in inaccurate kidney disease staging and delayed referral for
treatment for African Americans (Diao et al. 2021). Lung function assessments are likewise
biased; race correction factors of 10–15 percent are programmed into spirometers, affecting
the diagnosis and treatment of lung disease, while obscuring environmental causes for racial
disparities in lung health (Bhakta et al. 2022; Lujan and DiCarlo 2018). In their policy
statement, Wright et al (2022) also draw attention to the race-based modifiers in the clinical
algorithm used to assess risk associated with vaginal delivery following cesarian births. The
modification indicates a higher risk when applied, so African American women are more
likely to be discouraged from attempting vaginal births after cesarians. Globally, unneces-
sary surgical deliveries are associated with risks to both mothers and offspring, potentially
resulting in poor health outcomes for the infants later in life (Rosenberg and Trevathan
2018). The expectation that African Americans might have higher risk appears to be based
on antiquated racial ideas about pelvic differences and recent studies indicate that the racial
modifier is not useful (Grobman et al. 2021). Nevertheless, it is still used and, in the US
non-white women have higher rates of cesarian deliveries and poorer birthing outcomes
than their white counterparts. While race-based disparities in maternal health have many
causes (some discussed below), race-based medicine may contribute to them. These, and
other examples of race-based medicine, contribute to health disparities between social races
and demonstrate the dangers associated with the biological race concept.
The American Academy of Pediatrics issued a set of recommendations, most important
of which is to critically examine all practices where race-based differences in diagnosis and
treatment are recommended, and they encourage others in the medical community to do
the same (Wright et al. 2022). American medicine has been slow to recognize that race is
not biological, but recent change is very encouraging and is due in large part to the inter-
section between biological anthropology and medicine, especially through the public health
literature (e.g., Tsai et al. 2020). Slowly, the medical community is recognizing that the
race concept itself is a major source of racism in the health delivery system.
Race-based medicine reflects some of the many practical dangers of the biological race
concept. It also obscures the major cause of real health disparities – differences in the lived
experience of members of different social races (Benn Torres and Torres Colon 2015).
Indeed, of the ways in which race is relevant to biological anthropology, the biomedical
implications of social race may have the largest social importance (Gravlee and Sweet 2008).
While races do not exist as genealogical entities, there are significant biological differences
between social groups caused by a variety of factors and their inter-relationships. A few
factors may relate to genetics and ancestry; there is endogamy within social groups (although
this is highly variable), and there are some elements of a partially shared, complex ancestry
that may result in observable phenotypic differences between social groups, including those
affecting health. Most importantly, however, there are the biological consequences of shared
social factors, especially income inequality, discrimination, and systemic racism itself that
result in disparate health outcomes for members of different socially defined racial groups.
There is a significant literature on health inequalities among different social races in the
US and globally. In the US, African Americans are most disadvantaged (Gravlee 2009).
They present significantly higher age-adjusted death rates than whites from a variety of dis-
orders, such as kidney disease, hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, some forms of
cancer, infections, and trauma. These have been linked to a number of social and environ-
mental variables associated with systemic racism. Anthropologists and epidemiologists are
114  rachel caspari
focusing on the importance of biocultural interactions, including the biological conse-
quences of poverty, to explain many of these disparities (e.g., Dressler et al. 2005; Gravlee
2009; Schell 1997). Residential and environmental discrimination have been shown to have
serious health outcomes including obesity, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, low birth
weight, some forms of cancer, tuberculosis, and poisoning from environmental pollutants
including heavy metals (Schell 1997; Williams and Collins 2001).
All of these factors interact and have a compounding effect, resulting in disease patterns
that have been described as syndemic, where epidemics have their greatest impact on com-
munities with concentrated underlying health problems (Gravlee 2020). COVID-19, a
disease that has disproportionately affected poor and minority communities, provides an
excellent example of the ways that overlapping epidemics may have a synergistic effect,
increasing risk of hospitalization and death from both COVID and the underlying morbid-
ities associated with systemic racism, such as diabetes or cardiovascular disease (Gravlee
2020; Raine et al. 2020).
In addition, the psychosocial effects of racism and discrimination have been associated
with negative mental and physical health outcomes, including depression, obesity, cardio-
vascular disease, and other conditions previously listed (Borrell et al. 2006; Jackson et al.
2018; Kaholokula et al. 2012; Krieger 2004; Nelson 2009).
There is a complex relationship between social race and biology that may be best reflected
in the impact of socially defined race on genetic expression. The impact of social trauma,
including racism, on epigenetic changes has been the subject of considerable recent research
in social and behavioral epigenetics, recently reviewed by Mulligan (2016, 2021). Epigenetic
modifications to the genome occur in response to many external stressors, including socially
induced trauma, and these changes alter the expression of genes, potentially across genera-
tions. There are many studies that indicate that maternal stressors affect the epigenome of
offspring (Mulligan 2016, 2021) and it has been shown that some are transferred intergen-
erationally to a second generation (e.g., Lehrner and Yehuda 2018). Mulligan (2021)
points to studies that suggest these modifications may potentially persist even in subsequent
generations, known as transgenerational epigenetic inheritance. Thus, social trauma may
affect biology for generations.
There is evidence that racial discrimination is a trauma that causes epigenetic changes
(Barcelaona DiMendoza et al. 2018), that populations subjected to racism and discrimination
accumulate a larger number of epigenetic marks and these changes may be perpetuated into
future generations (Mulligan 2021).
Many of the modifications consist of altered DNA methylation, where a methyl group
(an epigenetic mark) attaches to a nucleotide that affects the expression of genes and their
associated phenotypes. The accumulation of these marks due to trauma may be associated
with increased poor health outcomes, but other marks may mitigate risk; some epigenetic
modifications may be the result of positive factors associated with healing (Brody et al.
2016; Jackson et al. 2018). Moreover, there is likely to be a feedback loop between the
sociocultural environment and health. As Mulligan (2021: 400–401) puts it:

…. one can imagine a situation in which poverty and homelessness influence DNA methylation
changes in genes that lead to an increased risk of depression or other mental illness that further
increases the risk of poverty and homelessness … Conversely, positive factors like resilience may
modify DNA methylation changes in genes such as those involved in immune function, which
would then lead to reduced inflammation, improved health and greater resiliency (Jackson
et al. 2018).
race, racism, and racial thinking: implications for biological anthropology  115

Therefore, it is possible that increasing social equality would mitigate some of the detri-
mental effects of trauma, potentially even historical trauma.
Despite the fact that racial disparities in health may be best understood as the biological
consequences of social conditions, racial disparities in health are too often presumed to be
the result of genetic factors (Braun 2006; Duster 2005), a consequence of overt racism and
the primacy of racial thinking. Because taxonomic meanings of race are so entrenched,
many health workers and researchers assume without evidence that racial differences in
health outcomes are the consequence of (untested) genetic differences between groups,
and, for some, the fact that there are racial differences is the evidence for a genetic basis for
a condition (Gravlee 2009). As discussed above, there are dangers in uncritically applying a
racial-genetic model in medicine. It can obscure actual genetic factors; because of the dom-
inance of racial thinking, those aspects of ancestry not a part of social identity may be unrec-
ognized or ignored. It also overlooks the cultural stressors associated with negative health
outcomes. Because race and variation are so often conflated, any biological differences bet-
ween socially defined racial groups can serve to reify the race concept.


Since its inception, American biological anthropology’s turbulent and complex relationship
with race has mirrored that of the broader society, with progressive individuals and factions
promoting racial equality, even as reactionary forces within the field endorsed segregationist
racist agendas. Science is a human activity and social views of race have affected biological
anthropology directly as the science of human variation past and present: social views of
scientists affect their science, even as the results of science are used to support political
agendas. As Haraway (1988) argued decades ago in a feminist context, practice and results
of science are situated knowledges; knowledge is situated in the perspectives of the knower.
The many identities of practitioners affect their worldviews, and therefore diversity is
essential for the growth of intellectual thought and mediation of bias in a discipline.
Biological anthropology was dominated by white men for most of its history; Montagu
Cobb, one of the few African American biological anthropologists in the first half of the
twentieth century, described the field as “lily-white.” (Rankin-Hill and Blakey 1994;
Watkins 2007). Although systemic racism affects knowledge structures that influence scien-
tists from all backgrounds, for racial thinking in biological anthropology to meaningfully
change, the field must diversify.
There are still relatively few People of Color in biological anthropology and they face
unique challenges (Nelson 2019). However, the field is in the process of diversifying and
the process is accelerating (Antón et al. 2018; Bolnick et al. 2019; Fuentes 2019). The ways
biological anthropologists engage with race are also diversifying. Unlike the anti-racism of
earlier periods, this engagement not only involves recognition and discussion of our well-
recorded and fraught racist history but applies greater emphasis on the effects of systemic
racism on the structures of science. Influenced by American anthropology more broadly
(Harrison et al. 2010; Mullings 2005) and biological anthropologists (e.g., Blakey and
Rankin-Hill 2009), this approach includes, among other things, visiting the ways and by
whom science is practiced, the effects of research on marginalized groups, and the often-
unrecognized impact of racial thinking on our ideas – in this case how we think about
human variation.
116  rachel caspari
While many social scientists consider the race concept irrelevant, focusing on the lived
experience of socially defined races, it remains critical to biological anthropology in
particular and science in general. The race concept is not dead and is unlikely to die soon.
Racial thinking may be a part of the human condition, like essentialism itself, and so is dif-
ficult to eradicate. Race and geographic variation continue to be conflated, influencing
understandings of biological diversity. While there are clearly differences among popula-
tions, the pattern of morphological and genetic variation within our species is not phyloge-
netic, and genetic studies continue to undermine both the concept of large geographic
races and the basis of racial thinking by revealing the complexities of human genetic rela-
tionships. Nevertheless, biological race models remain prevalent in science and society,
influencing, among other things, the interpretation and treatment of health disparities
among socially defined racial groups.
Because of the primacy of racial thinking, the study of populational variation itself may
serve to reify race. In the public mind, when the biology of socially defined races is dis-
cussed (often in the context of health disparities), or when ancestry is scientifically identified
using biological cues, it reinforces the taxonomic assumptions and the biological deter-
minism that are part of the race concept. Since races are unequal social categories, the
assumptions that underlie race (biological determinism and separate biological histories),
subtly “explain” the social inequality. As “biologized” social categories, social inequality
becomes the consequence of inferior biology in the minds of many, the very premise of
social Darwinism. Thus, the reification of race gives rise to biological determinism and is,
in itself, racist (Blakey 1999). This is a conundrum that faces biological anthropologists and
other human biologists today; since the assumptions of race are so deeply embedded, the
recognition of the biological attributes of social categories, from health risks associated with
poverty and racism to those associated with aspects of an individual’s ancestry, may serve to
reify race. Although the study of population disparities is of critical importance, reification
of race may make social equality even more difficult to achieve. This underscores the impor-
tance of an understanding of race, in all its many dimensions, to the study of human


I thank Clark Larsen for the invitation to contribute to this volume and the students and
colleagues, too many to name, who have helped me formulate the ideas on race and racism
expressed here.


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CHAPTER 8 Human Life History
Evolution: Growth,
Development, and

Douglas E. Crews and

Barry Bogin

The human lifecycle, which for convenience may be said to begin with fertilization of an
ovum by a spermatozoan and to end with death in the ninth or tenth decade, seems long,
but human longevity pales with other species, such as giant sequoia trees (Sequoiadendron
giganteum) that are more than 3,000 years of age and at least one Great Basin bristlecone
pine (Pinus longaeva) that is nearly 5,000 years old. The transformation of a human fertil-
ized egg cell into an adult with 30 trillion cells, organized into tissues and organ systems
capable of artistic and athletic performance from ballet to basketball, as well as intellectual
performance ranging from poetry to mathematical proofs, seems wonderous, but is it any
more wonderous than the life cycle of mites in the genus Adactylidium? A pregnant adult
female mite carries several female mite larvae plus a single male larva. These larvae develop
within the body of the mother where the male mates with the females. The larvae eat the
mother from the inside and females emerge pregnant, ready to start their truncated lifestyle
again. Closer to our human “home,” as members of the Order Mammalia, the marsupials
(pouched mammals such as Australasian kangaroos, wombats, koalas, Tasmanian devils, the
American opossums) have remarkable life histories, which may be described as truly “born
again.” One example are Tammar wallabies (Notamacropus eugenii). The mother gestates
the fertilized ovum for just 26.5 days – human gestation lasts about 10 times longer, or 266
days. At that time the joey wallabies (the babies) are born the first time via vaginal delivery.
The joeys use their partially developed front limbs to crawl from the mother’s vagina to her
pouch, following a line of saliva that the mother supplied by licking her fur. The newborn
joey is, essentially, a partially formed embryo and must develop within the mother’s pouch
before being born again as an independent youngster. At the time of its first birth the joey
weighs 393 +/– 13 mg. By the time the joey leaves the pouch it will weigh about 3 kg – a
10,000-fold increase! Those joeys arriving to the pouch successfully (some are lost in

A Companion to Biological Anthropology, Second Edition. Edited by Clark Spencer Larsen.

© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
human life history evolution:   123
transit) latch on to a nipple and nurse continuously for about 100 days. During this time,
they undergo rapid development of organs and systems including the respiratory system,
lymphoid system, and nervous system. At this stage of development, the joey may be
described as a fetus and for the next 100 days will detach and reattach to the nipple inter-
mittently but remains in its mother’s pouch. During its next phase of development, the joey
is born again and may leave the pouch to feed on plant material and return to the pouch to
suckle. During this final phase of development, the joey also experiences its most dramatic
changes in morphology and growth, and when fully weaned at 300–350 days becomes
independent of maternal care.
Despite diversity in growth, development, and aging across species, the human life cycle
is unusual. Biological anthropologists and human biologists have long investigated how
humans differ from other apes, our closest phylogenetic relatives, other nonhuman pri-
mates, and other mammals. Documenting such differences is easy; altricial slow growing
offspring, childhood and adolescence stages, late commencement of reproduction, meno-
pause in midlife, survival to ten decades, and maximum life spans of 115+ years (Arking
2006; Bogin 2021; Crews 2003). Determining evolutionary forces underlying these aspects
of human life history has proved more difficult. Here, we review the general pattern of
human growth and development, reproductive adulthood, aging and senescence, and asso-
ciated theoretical models for why humans came to be slowly maturing, reproductively suc-
cessful, and long-lived large-bodied primates.
As described in the biology literature, life history represents a species’ multiple adapta-
tions for allocating their limited resources and energy toward growth, maintenance,
reproduction, raising offspring, and avoiding death (Bogin 2009; Stearns 1992). However,
since energy and effort allocated to one physiological requirement limits its availability for
other activities, trade-offs across physiological systems and life history stages are inherent to
living systems. Herein we review theories of why birthing slow-maturing altricial offspring
became a reproductively successful hominin adaptation, extending to humankind’s timing
of growth, development, reproductive adulthood, and survival, and correlates of those
changes. We first review human growth, development, aging, and life history; these are
detailed more fully in Bogin (2021) and Crews (2003, 2019). The second section explores
the evolution of hominin biocultural interactions and how these furthered the development
of humankind’s life history and biobehavioral separation from other apes.

Human Life History

During life all mammals experience at least two post-natal life history stages: infancy and
adulthood. Those living in social groups, including many nonhuman primates, frequently
show three post-natal life history stages, infant, juvenile, adult (Bogin 2021; Pereira and
Fairbanks 1993, 2002). Humans experience four life history stages between birth and
adulthood, the infancy and juvenile stages common to many mammals, as well as the
novel stages of childhood after infancy and adolescence after the juvenile stage. Life his-
tory stages are definable by biological (tooth eruption patterns) and behavioral (feeding)
characteristics. Feeding methods are salient demarcations for life history stages. Among
most mammals, infants feed mainly via mother’s lactation. The infants become juveniles
when they cease nursing and must locate, eat, and digest an adult-type diet. This requires
adult-like teeth, making first permanent molar tooth eruption a marker of infant–juvenile
transition. Juveniles continue growing and may require adult supervision while acquiring
124  douglas e. crews and barry bogin
local ecological knowledge, but are neither fully grown nor sexually mature. Juvenility
reflects a mammalian life history trade-off between growth/development and reproduc-
tive activity. The adaptive value of juvenility remains a theoretical question for life history
theory (see Bogin 2021; Evans and Harris 2008; Pereira and Fairbanks 1993, 2002).
Juveniles mature into reproductive adulthood, a period of sexual maturity during which
adults reproduce and care for offspring. Originally, primate life history patterns were
modelled using a linear system based on three life history stages: infancy, juvenile, and
adult (Figure 8.1: see Smith 1989, 1991). Accumulated evidence now supports a four-
stage human life history pattern between birth and adulthood, including childhood and
adolescence stages (Figure 8.1: see also Bogin 1988, 2021; Bogin and Smith 1996; Bogin
et al. 2018).
Following birth, human life history stages are relatively extended, requiring twice as
many years to attain reproductive adulthood than do other apes (Bogin 2021; Thompson
and Nelson 2011). Humans gestate only slightly longer (266 days) than other apes
(chimpanzee/bonobo ~237 days, gorilla ~257 days, orangutangs ~260 days: average 255
days), suggesting a similar length in their common ancestor and a possible limit on the
mother’s ability to provide nutrients supporting fetal growth without self-harm. Following
birth, humans progress through a month of neonatal development, followed by early
infancy to about 12 months, and then later infancy which ends at about 36 months (Bogin
et al. 2018). These earliest periods of post-natal human life history span are defined, in large
part, by lactation feeding. The age at termination of breast-feeding in traditional, pre-
modern societies averaged 30–36 months. In contrast, chimp infancy continues to a mean
age of 56 months.
Readers should note that all ages given here are averages, or the typical chronological age
at which an event of growth or maturation occurs for boys and girls. The pace of
development/maturation for any individual girl or boy, often referred to as her or his devel-
opmental tempo (using the musical connotation of the speed at which a piece is played), is
variable. Furthermore, girls usually have a faster developmental tempo throughout life than
boys. Tempo is influenced by a complex matrix of genomic, nutritional, disease, social, and
emotional factors. Particularly relevant in the contemporary discussion about nutrition and
obesity, for example, is that it is well known that nutritional status modifies tempo. Starvation
slows tempo and obesity accelerates tempo. Variations in developmental tempo during the
early periods of life certainly influence the onset of sexual maturation and may have conse-
quences for the onset and pace of senescence and aging later in life.
After feeding by lactation ends chimps immediately enter their juvenile stage. In contrast,
human infants transition to the childhood period of growth and development. Human
childhood is a period of slow steady growth lasting about four years and is a life history
stage shared with no other primate or mammal.

Figure 8.1 Life history stages in human and nonhuman primates. Source: M. Clark, E. Lagan,
M. O’Hara, M. Hubbe, and D. E. Crews. Biological Anthropology Laboratory Manual. Toronto:
TopHat Online Publishing, 2021.
human life history evolution:   125
The end of the childhood period at about age 6.9 years is characterized by a mature level
of bipedal walking and brain volume that is nearly complete, although the organization of
the brain and learning will continue for more than four decades. The youngster is now less
dependent on older people for feeding due to eruption of the first permanent molar (the
M1 or “6-year molar”) and the central incisors. One of the endocrine events that occurs
near the end of the childhood stage is adrenarche. This is the post-natal onset of secretion
of the androgen hormones dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and DHEA sulfate (DHEA-S)
from the adrenal gland. In humans and chimpanzees adrenarche occurs between the ages
of 6 and 10 years. In humans, adrenal androgens seemingly cause small amounts of axillary
and pubic hair to appear and may be associated with a small acceleration in skeletal growth
velocity, the mid-growth spurt in height, and deepening of the voice, changes producing
the more “adult-like” physique of the juvenile. Adrenarche may also promote a transition
to a more adult-like brain and behavior, called the “5- to 7-year-old shift” by some psychol-
ogists, or the shift from the preoperational to concrete operational stage, using the termi-
nology of Piaget. This shift leads to new learning and work capabilities in the older child
and juvenile. There is more abstract thinking and inhibition of impulsive behaviors. In
traditional societies, older children and juveniles learn and practice important economic
and social skills, such as food gathering, food preparation, and “baby-sitting,” that is, the
care of infants and younger children. In many industrial societies, older children may also
engage in these economic–social activities and may enter formal school education (Bogin
et al. 2018).
Another event initiating the juvenile stage of human life history is puberty, which we
define as an event of relatively short duration (1–2 months). Other researchers consider
puberty to be a life history stage of several years’ duration, using the words “puberty” and
“adolescence” interchangeably. Here we make a distinction between puberty as a life his-
tory transition event and adolescence as a life history stage of growth and development. The
biological changes of puberty begin in the brain and involve the hypothalamic–pituitary–
gonadal axis, its hormones, and their effects on sexual maturation. Puberty leads to a mas-
sive increase in sex hormone secretion, which takes the person from the immaturity of the
child and early juvenile to the incipient adult-like phenotype of the young adolescent.
The biological, environmental, and sociocultural regulation of puberty is a topic of
much current research (Bogin 2021). What is known is that the production of sex
hormones results in the maturation of ovaries or testes, secondary sexual characteristics
(for example, breasts in females, muscularity in males, and genitalia in both sexes), and a
suite of changes in physiological and behavioral characteristics, many of which are sex
specific or appear in a different sequence for each sex. One uniquely human characteristic
is the adolescent growth spurt. The transition from juvenile to adolescent is marked by a
change in skeletal growth rate from deceleration to acceleration. Girls typically experience
this growth rate change at about age 10 years and boys at about age 12 years, which is
about the same age as the eruption of the second permanent molar tooth. As shown in
Figure 8.2 for boys, height growth rate reaches its peak at about age 13–14 years and then
decelerates until age 18 or later. Girls peak at a mean age of ~12 years and end growth at
~16 years. Across the range of variation, virtually all early to late maturing girls have a peak
adolescent growth rate in the final 9–12 months prior to menarche (first menstruation).
The sex steroid hormones underlying menarche are also associated with the sharp decrease
in growth velocity of the long bones after the peak. In total, the adolescent stage lasts
about six years in both sexes. Boys begin producing motile spermatozoa by about age 13
years, and some notorious cases of fatherhood confirm that those sperm are fertile! Girls
126  douglas e. crews and barry bogin

Figure 8.2 Patterns of human and chimpanzee growth. Source: M. Clark, E. Lagan, M. O’Hara,
M. Hubbe, and D. E. Crews. Biological Anthropology Laboratory Manual. Toronto: TopHat Online
Publishing, 2021.

experience menarche (first menstruation) between about 12 and 14 years, but do not
achieve an adult level of ovulation and fertility until about age 17. Not coincidentally, this
is also the age at which the birth canal (internal pelvic dimensions) reaches its mature size.
The end of adolescence is marked by eruption of the third, and final, permanent molar,
which occurs, on average, between the ages of 19.27 and 20.88 years for European,
Bangladeshi, and South African populations (Liversidge 2008). Biologically, young women
and men are now adults, but in most societies, it will take more years for them to mature
socially, economically, and emotionally and become fully successful reproductive and pro-
ductive adults (Bogin 2021).
Adulthood may be subdivided into the separate stages of Prime (also referred to as
maximum performance age), Transition or degeneration age, and Senescence or old age.
The latter two stages, including the menopause of women, are discussed below. The Prime
stage of adulthood is characterized by optimal reproductive performance, including success
in mating, reproduction, and care of offspring. Prime adults also have a high level of homeo-
stasis, that is, resilience to insults from injury and illness and the ability to maintain cognitive,
physical, social, and economic skills to achieve maximum performance. During the transition
and senescence stages of adulthood the ability to reproduce usually declines, but contribu-
tions to care of offspring may remain high.
Biocultural Reproduction Prior to developing agriculture or metallurgy, humans
inhabited every continent on Earth excepting Antarctica. Survival across diverse environ-
ments depended on humankind’s highly developed sociocultural systems, including biocul-
turally constructed settings and a life history including economic, social, political, and
emotional contributions from pre-reproductive but productive older children, juveniles,
and adolescents and post-reproductive “grandparents.” This survival strategy likely included
communal food procurement, defense, niche construction, and maintenance of microenvi-
ronments wherein adults could provision altricial offspring while participating in biocul-
tural reproduction and childcare (see Bogin et al. 2014; Crews 2003). Today, human
offspring require parental investment over almost two decades to mature physically and
human life history evolution:   127
become sufficiently socially adept to not only produce, but to nurture and fledge their off-
spring. As part of this life history evolution, human offspring became more dependent on
parents and others for their long-term survival and new life history stages evolved in the
hominin lineage. From this communal cultural production, language, tool use, future
planning, built environments, and biocultural reproduction arose, while the tempo of all
latter life history periods slowed.
In biology, cooperative breeding occurs when individuals other than the mother assist in
rearing offspring, a behavioral pattern observed among multiple species of insects, birds,
fish, and mammals (e.g., wolves and hyenas). Both highly productive and deteriorated envi-
ronmental settings may favor family living with cooperative foraging and cooperative
breeding (Koenig 2017). Among such species, cooperative breeding increases net repro-
ductive output (Bergmüller et al. 2007). In such species and many human groups, but not
all, cooperative breeders are close maternal relatives (Clutton-Brock 2016). By helping
mothers in caring for their offspring, related helpers increase their inclusive fitness (the ge-
netic material they share with other individuals), thereby increasing representation of their
own DNA in the next generation (Hawkes et al. 1997, 1998; Paine and Hawkes 2006).
In contrast to other species, human societies define kinship relations through genetic
and social relationships. Humans use language and cultural institutions, such as marriage,
divorce, stepparents, and even residence, to define kinship categories, providing an over-
arching system of culturally categorized relationships across our species. In traditional
living societies (foragers, horticulturalist, pastoralists, and pre-industrial agriculturalists)
kinship is the central social organizing principle and theme across economic production,
social organization, ideology, marriage, and childrearing. All societies, industrial, agrarian,
western, eastern, remote, and cosmopolitan, use fictive kinship (apply kinship terms to
people unrelated by descent or marriage) in social relationships to establish rights and
responsibilities, along with accepted behaviors toward others, including immatures.
Addressing a close friend of one’s mother using a fictive kinship term (“Aunt Maria”) may
establish social ties and a pattern of parent-like investment from the fictive relative toward
the child. Fictive relatives may be obligated to feed, supervise, protect, or gift a genetically
unrelated person and behave toward them according to local cultural rules regarding
family members. These types of behaviors go far beyond the cooperative breeding of other
animals. Human childrearing patterns are better described as “biocultural reproduction,”
as the human pattern enhances the social, economic, political, religious, and ideological
“fitness” of the social group as much as it contributes to individual genetic fitness (Bogin
et al. 2014, Bogin 2021).
Over hominin evolutionary history, biocultural reproduction operated interactively with
life history. The evolution of human childhood required provisioning by family and group
members. One result was freeing mothers from being the sole caretaker of offspring prior
to their independence. Biocultural reproduction and childhood provide women time and
energy to rebuild their somas (self-maintenance), sequester resources for reproductive
effort at a later time, and build somatic reserves (Bogin 2021; Crews 2003, 2019; Larke
and Crews 2006), thereby benefitting reproduction of the local kindred and social group
and providing women with greater Reserve Capacity (RC), that is, the sum of resources and
energy available to an organism currently not needed to sustain somatic function and main-
tenance, further slowing the tempo of human life history (see Crews 2003: 77). Examples
of somatic RC include energy stores, or lung, kidney, and immune function above current
survival needs (Crews 2003, 2019). Within cells, RC helps maintain balance between cel-
lular tissue repair and tumor suppression (see Weinstein and Ciszek 2002). In humans,
128  douglas e. crews and barry bogin
building of RC begins as early as gestation and continues through infancy and into adult-
hood. Living in bioculturally constructed niches, with limited external stressors, and a sur-
feit of nutrients, provides much of humankind opportunities to achieve their lifespan
potential (Bogin 2009; Crews 2003, 2007, 2008; Larke and Crews 2006).

Later Life Transition and Senescence

Early human life is a 20+ year period of canalized growth, development, and maturation,
followed by reproductive prime adulthood. Women end their reproduction at about ages
40–50 years, although both sexes may enjoy continued health and well-being through age
60 years and beyond. During early life and prime adulthood, evolved trade-offs, evolu-
tionary compromises, and natural selection tend to favor continued somatic maintenance
in iteroparous (multiple birth events over the female lifespan) species providing continuing
parental investment to offspring after their birth setting a consistent tempo for life (Crews
2003, 2005, 2008; Hamilton 1964, 1966; Larke and Crews 2006). Conversely, as life
continues past this period of maximum reproductive potential, investments in somatic
maintenance become less of a priority, as maintaining one’s soma at older ages yields trivial
fitness benefits, thereby introducing additional variability to the tempo of aging. Fitness
benefits decline as age increases, providing an evolutionary model for reduced cellular and
DNA repair, senescent changes across systems, increasing infectious and chronic condi-
tions, and increased cell cycle arrest with age. As we outlive our reproductive capabilities,
selection for systems maintaining one’s soma declines and dysregulation proceeds, for
some rapidly, for others slowly, but all cells, organs, and systems eventually show senescent
phenotypes. A senescent life history stage and phenotype are unusual across lifeforms.
Most mammals succumb to extrinsic causes (predation, accidents, disease, starvation) well
before experiencing senescence.
From birth through adolescence, energetic resources are strategically invested into
growing and developing a reproductive adult to replicate the immortal germline (see Crews
2019; Drenos et al. 2004; Kirkwood 1977, 1990). Among iteroparous species with high
parental investment post-reproduction, evolution promotes maintenance of adult somas as
multiple offspring require longer support than do semelparous (single birthing event over
the life span) species without extensive parental investment. Among species experiencing
high lifelong extrinsic mortality, selection against senescent biology is low and few organ-
isms survive sufficiently long to show reduced fitness. Conversely, with low extrinsic
mortality, selection against senescent changes will be stronger as longer life may improve
fitness significantly. As a rule, natural selection acts against processes that reduce total life-
time fitness. However, it is unlikely that natural selection generally influences length of
post-reproductive life, as older organisms do not greatly influence the fitness of others nor
do they retain significant reproductive ability to influence selective pressures (see Stearns
1992). However, eventually all individuals die. Natural selection is only partly responsible
for timing of deaths as a general outcome of selection on other life history variables. In
addition to reflecting genetic propensities and phylogenetic inertia, individual length of life
reflects multiple intrinsic properties: maternal and generational factors, internal stressors,
somatic capacities built during life, quality of one’s genome, and which of multiple extrinsic
stressors they experienced during life. These set the tempo of one’s individual life course.
Evolution of childhood and adolescence provided humans with greater time for building
stable reproductive somas with significant RC. Living in bioculturally constructed niches
human life history evolution:   129
and social settings contributed to new life history stages during hominin evolution, while
socioculturally constructed lifeways provided adequate resources and support for long-term
growth of offspring, likely accounting for significant proportions of our current longevity
(Bogin 2009; Crews 2003, 2007, 2008; Larke and Crews 2006).
Late Life and Senescence As late as 40 thousand years ago few humans may have lived past
about their 40th birthday (see Caspari and Lee 2004), leaving few to experience meno-
pause, i.e., “…the sudden or gradual cessation of the menstrual cycle subsequent to the loss
of ovarian function…” (see Bogin 2021). As a general concept, we may define the later life
portion of human life spans as commencing once most women have experienced meno-
pause, approximately aged 50 in today’s settings. Prior to 40 thousand years ago, it is likely
that only a small proportion of women achieved this life history stage, with few men sur-
viving as long either. Nor is 50 years achieved by any nonhuman primates in their natural
environments. Significant proportions surviving into their sixth decade is a phenomenon of
modern Homo sapiens secondary to biocultural evolution and life in bioculturally con-
structed niches (Crews 2007, 2008, 2019).
Worldwide in the twenty-first century, most men and women survive to their 60th birth-
day, with over 75 percent of Japanese men and 88 percent of women surviving to 70 years,
while 29 and 59 percent respectively survive to 85 years; conversely, in India only 41 per-
cent of men and 47 percent of women survive to age 70 (Crews 2021). Estimated ages in
modern foraging/hunting populations suggest those surviving to 20 years are likely to
survive into their fifth and sixth decades of life (see Carey and Judge 2001; Hawkes et al.
1997, 1998). Since 40 KYA, most human groups are likely to have included some persons
aged 50+ years, but it is unlikely many survived past 60, ages to which many do not survive
today. Unfortunately, without actual birth and death dates, survival probabilities in the past
and among many of today’s foraging populations are not fully reliable. Still, demographic
analyses among populations currently relying on hunting, gathering, foraging, and/or hor-
ticultural resource acquisition suggest a modal age at death of around 70 years among
adults (see Gurven and Kaplan 2007). Their life expectancy at birth is shorter due to
relatively high infant and childhood mortality, with only 57–67 percent of births surviving
to 15 years (Gurven and Kaplan 2007). Among Tsimane, life expectancy at birth was 43
years 1950–1989; in 2002 it was closer to 53 years (Gurven et al. 2017), similar to survival
patterns in nineteenth century Europe (Gurven et al. 2017). Of those surviving 15 years,
among traditional hunter-gatherers 64 percent survived 45 years, forager horticulturalists
61 percent, and acculturated hunter-gatherers 79 percent (see Gurven and Kaplan 2007).
Women surviving to post-reproductive life (45+ years) experienced about 2 to 2.5 addi-
tional decades of life (Gurven and Kaplan 2007). Such results in contemporary settings
suggest among our more recent ancestors (circa post-40 KYA) adult survival likely averaged
about 5–6 decades, with those surviving to age 45 years perhaps enjoying as much as 20+
more years of life.
Among contemporary populations, life expectancy exceeds 85 years only among women
in Sweden and Japan (Crews 2021; Larke and Crews 2006). This survival pattern suggests
that a late-life senescent LH phase is expressed by humans in built environments of the late
twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. Such data also suggest that biocultural evolution,
lifestyles, and constructed niches have had greater influences on recent increases in human
survival than have genetic modifications. Indeed, life expectancy is a statistical term, and
strongly relies on neonatal/infant/child survival. When the rate of neonatal/infant/child
mortality is high, life expectancy (average age at death) of the entire population is low. The
increase in life expectancy among many human populations during the twentieth century
130  douglas e. crews and barry bogin
was due, primarily, to reductions in neonatal/infant/child death caused by infectious dis-
ease, contaminated water, and poor sanitation (Bogin 2001). Nevertheless, high survival
probabilities to ages 70+ years in the contemporary world and for some human groups in
the past suggest that a post-reproductive period, characterized by investments of remaining
RC into somatic maintenance, survival, and into younger generations is a human LH
characteristic (Figure 8.1, Bogin and Smith 1996; Hawkes et al. 1998).
After about age 70, the senescent LH phase includes exponentially increasing risks of
mortality, decreasing reproductive capability among men and cessation of ovulation
among women in their sixth decade. Concurrently, physiological, neurological, and struc-
tural systems show declines from optima achieved during prime adulthood as dividing and
nondividing cells succumb to external and internal stressors (see Arking 2006; Austad
1997b; Rose 1991; Rose et al. 2005). As a biological process, senescence reflects multiple
somawide alterations. Loss of cells and cell cycle arrest lead to declining tissue and organ
functionality. These reduce physiological abilities to mount responses to stressors, push
somatic function away from previous homeostatic equilibria, and thereby reduce the
likelihood of additional reproductive effort, while increasing one’s probability of death
(see Arking 2006).
Among lifeforms surviving sufficiently long, senescence is cumulative, increasing organ-
ismal vulnerability to challenges; progressive with gradual functional and somatic losses;
intrinsic, not due to external factors; and deleterious, reducing function and increasing
mortality over time (Arking 2006). Senescence is not a chronological process dependent on
time, rather it occurs in biological time as measured by DNA transcription and cell cycles
(Arking 2006). Other measures of biological time are physiological biomarkers, cascades of
metabolic events, disintegration of physiological pathways, and cumulative alterations in
gene expression and cellular proteomes (Arking 2006; Hayflick 2007). Contrary to growth
and development, senescence reflects losses of attained competencies, organismal
integration, and abilities to perceive and receive signals modulating cellular function (Finch
and Rose 1995). Human senescence reflects processes and mechanisms observed across
earthly organisms, including worms, insects, and rodents. Major differences separating
these species lifespans from humankind’s are our primate heritage of slow life histories,
extended offspring care, sociality, and our biocultural adaptations.
Menopause As women survive through their fifth decade, they experience declining fecun-
dity (the biological capability for producing offspring) and eventually complete cessation of
ovulation. Across modern industrialized settings the tempo of reproductive decline and
cessation may differ significantly. European-descent women show average ages at meno-
pause between 50 and 52 years, while women in Latin America, Indonesia, Singapore, and
Pakistan tend to experience natural menopause several years earlier, with reports of 47–48
years among Filipino and Malay and 45 years in Maya women (reviewed by Gold 2011).
Among Bangladeshi sedentees, age at menopause was earlier (45.8 years) than among
Bangladeshi migrants (47.5 years) and women of European origin in London (49.1 years),
but above the 43.6 years previously reported for Bangladesh (see Murphy et al. 2012).
Overall, women in urban areas tend toward later natural menopause than those in rural set-
tings. Differences in ages at natural menopause reflect variation across individuals and pop-
ulations in genetic, socioeconomic, environmental, familial, racial/ethnic, lifestyle, parity,
maternal ages, oral contraceptives use, occupational, physical activity, and malnourishment
(see Gold 2011). Findings clearly indicating age at menopause and tempo of reproductive
cessation are responsive to sociocultural influences.
human life history evolution:   131
Evolved trade-offs and allometric constraints on size of ovaries and number of primary
oocytes may underlie declining reproduction with age among large-bodied mammals (see
Austad 1994; Graham 1979; Leidy 1994; Packer et al. 1998; Tully and Lambert 2011).
Previously, it was suggested that human reproductive decline and menopause were unique
among mammals (Hawkes et al. 1997, 1998; Pavelka et al. 1991). However, oocyte deple-
tion appears universal among aging female mammals (Austad 1997a; Graham 1979; Leidy
1994; Packer et al. 1998). Most mammals surviving beyond 35 years, including killer
whales (Orcinus orca), short-finned pilot whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus), Beluga
whales (Delphinapterus leucas), and narwhals (Monodon monoceros), show declining
reproduction and individuals living past 50 years in the wild experiencing menopause (Brent
et al. 2015; Ellis et al. 2018). As described by Austad (1994, 1997b), reproductive decline
with increasing age is likely to be a plesiomorphic mammalian and primate LH trait (see also
Packer et al. 1998). A major reason menopause is seldom seen among most female mam-
mals is their limited survival past 50 years, when most women are post-menopausal (see
Crews 2003: 114). There are reports of captive, but not wild-living, long-lived chimpanzee
females reproducing into their mid-50s (Thompson et al. 2007), although most die during
their third and fourth decades (see Hawkes et al. 2009).
Decreased circulating estrogen and progesterone, lack of ovulation, and increased folli-
cle-stimulating hormone characterize human menopause. Menopause also presages senes-
cent age-related changes within multiple physiological systems. Decreased estrogen
associates significantly with the presence of cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, bone loss,
and cancer. Many female cell and tissue types increase and decrease in response to patterns
of reproductive hormones, including vaginal and uterine tissues, which show hyperplasia
during puberty and hypoplasia following menopause (Arking 2006). Menopause is fol-
lowed by increased susceptible to circulatory diseases and cancers of reproductive tissues.
Those who experience early natural menopause (before age 44) show higher mortality rates
than those with natural menopause at 50–54 years (Snowden et al. 1989). Reproductive
senescence is also reflected as reduced homeostatic control across interacting systems pro-
moting additional alterations across the soma. For example, prior to menopause, women
show only slightly higher bone loss than do same-aged men. After menopause, their rate of
bone loss is two to three times that of same-age men (Stini 1990). Consequently, elderly
women experience osteoporosis and hip fractures at three to four times the rate of same-age
men. Declining bone mineral content, along with increasing arteriosclerosis as people age,
provide additional examples of biological senescence (Arking 2006; Crews 2008). Where
women remain physically active following menopause, they show fewer declines in their
physiological and physical functioning with age. Conversely, bone loss, arteriosclerosis, and
frailty generally progress more rapidly among the less active. Such observations suggest
maintenance of physical activity may reduce detrimental impacts of menopause on late-life

Chronic Conditions and Late Life

Generally, encompassing our third through sixth decades, one’s reproductive prime adult-
hood is a period of maximum health, physical fitness, and energetic capabilities. It is also
a time when we are best equipped to obtain resources to sustain our own wellbeing and
that of our offspring. However, physiological, functional, and physical abilities begin
declining during the latter years of reproductive adulthood. Still, in modern constructed
132  douglas e. crews and barry bogin
environments, most individuals survive more than sufficiently long to reproduce and
fledge offspring, while retaining sufficient physiological capacity to survive into their
eighth decade. Unfortunately, over our later years, we also experience multiple chronic
and degenerative conditions, reflecting underlying senescent changes in cellular and organ
biology, lifelong wear and tear, and somatic damage (see Tchkonia and Kirkland 2018;
Zenin et al. 2019). Multiple chronic/degenerative conditions occur secondary to the
inherent biology of life. These tend to reflect long-term evolutionary trade-offs and com-
promises interacting with our environmental settings and exposures, sociocultural factors,
interactions with others, and lifestyle choices. Today, variation among individuals and
across populations in their genomic attributes, environments, sociocultural systems, and
lifeways underlie broad variability in late life health and survival. Given multiple pathways
by which our genomes, microbiomes, epigenomes, and somas have interacted with and
responded to our environments and stressor exposures, over time we all experience chronic
degenerative and senescent biological processes, illnesses, cellular losses and breakdowns,
and physiological alterations as we age.
Across most populations today, chronic and degenerative conditions lead morbidity and
mortality statistics. Frequencies of these conditions, particularly types of cancer, chronic
conditions, and infectious/parasitic exposures (e.g., HIV, COVID-19, SARS, malaria, hel-
minths) vary widely across environments and sociocultural settings. Multiple factors,
including local genomic and epigenome variants, contribute to population variation in dis-
ease risks and individual survival times. Some are likely to influence rates and patterns of
senescence, others pathogen susceptibility and lifespan, but not directly rates of senescence
(see Passarino et al. 2016; Tchkonia and Kirkland 2018; Zenin et al. 2019). Many well-
established high risk genomic factors, such as BRCA 1 and 2 alleles, breast cancer, apolipo-
protein E*4, hyperlipidemia, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease, mutated mismatch
repair genes, Lynch syndrome colorectal cancer, mutated LDL-receptor, and familial hyper-
cholesterolemia, limit lifespan, but may not alter one’s rate of senescence or cell-cycle arrest.
Conversely, there are rare conditions wherein specific mutations determine a premature
aging phenotype, such as Hutchinson-Gilford (childhood) and Werner progeria (adult-
hood), comprising fewer than 400 known cases. Overall, genomic predispositions to
chronic and constitutional conditions are relatively rare, and only about 25 percent of
observed lifespan variations appear to reflect genomic factors (Passarino et al. 2016). Thus,
most of our risk for mortality during life reflects environmental, sociocultural, and lifestyle
factors and conditions such as Lynch syndrome. Some of these may occur early in life but
only express as chronic conditions and low resilience during later life.
Skeletal Senescence As described briefly here, bones lose calcium and minerals as age
increases. Loss of bone mineral density (BMD) leads to a less interstitial matrix, osteopo-
rosis, increasingly brittle and porous bone, and greater breakage risk. Low BMD increases
risk for hip and other fractures. These in turn may reduce mobility and promote bed con-
finement, low physical activity, muscular atrophy, additional fractures, bed sores, secondary
infections, and death (see Cummings and Nevitt 1989). Low BMD and osteoporosis also
may underlie vertebral collapse and spinal compression, leading to additional loss of
mobility. Degenerative joint disease increases with age, most often affecting our weight-
bearing joints as articular cartilage on our knee joints is lost, eburnation of articulating bone
occurs, and calcification and buildup of bone spurs follow. Finally, age-related loss of lean
body mass (i.e., muscle and bone) and decreasing height secondary to loss of BMD in the
spine and knees may lead to inflammation and stiffness of joints, contributing to osteoar-
thritis and phenotypic frailty.
human life history evolution:   133
With age and bipedality comes osteoarthritis (OA: joint pain, cartilage loss, bone spurs,
eburnation) of major weight-bearing and frequently used joints. This often is aggravated by
concurrent osteoporosis (low bone mineral density). Jointly, these reduce mobility and
strength, and compromise self-care as assessed by abilities to complete basic Activities of Daily
Living (ADLs: Katz et al. 1963) and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs: Brock
et al. 1990; Miles and Brody 1994). Osteoarthritis becomes common after age 50, but may
occur at much younger ages, and is almost universal after 70 years (Clark et al. 2019; Kim and
Jazwinski 2015). Osteoarthritis begins as cartilage lubricating and protecting joints are lost and
bones begin articulating with bony surfaces, leading to bony spurs, and eventually eburnation,
a process aggravated by previous injuries. Cumulatively, senescent alterations weaken bones,
reduce skeletal integrity, and increase risks for falls, fractures, accidents, frailty, and death.
Physiological Senescence With increasing age, cells senesce. Their function and output
decline secondary to mutations and stressors altering their genome. Some die, some con-
tinue functioning, others survive to experience senescence and cell-cycle arrest (Arking
2006; van Deursen 2014). Concurrently, physiological, neurological, skeletal, and repro-
ductive systems decline in function and stressor response capabilities. Cellular senescence
and cell-cycle arrest may not reflect the end of cellular activity. Arrest may reflect a state of
low activity as arrested cells continue showing diverse internal states indicative of continued
activity (see van Deursen 2014; Kumari and Jat 2020).
Arteriosclerosis and Atherosclerosis Arteriosclerosis, specifically atherosclerosis, is a
chronic degenerative condition characterized by arterial narrowing secondary to plaque
accumulation: a composite of cell debris, lipids, amyloid, cross-linked collagen, elastin, and
other components adhering to artery walls. Atherosclerosis is so common it exemplifies a
senescing phenotype (Arking 2006; Machado-Oliveira et al. 2020). Humans have experi-
enced atherosclerosis at least since Egyptians were mummifying their dead. Additionally,
arteriosclerosis is observed in nonhuman primates, including both captive and feral chim-
panzees, possibly representing a shared senescent process across long-lived primates.
Among United States residents aged 70+ years, over 50 percent show amyloid deposits
in their arteries. This coincides with half of all United States heart failure cases and 90 per-
cent of all deaths occurring at ages 70+ years, making atherosclerosis a disease of elders
(Strait and Lakatta’s 2012) and suggesting that heart failure may be a senescent process. As
an intrinsic, cumulative, and debilitating condition, atherosclerosis is influenced by genomic
predispositions and aggravated by atherogenic environments. Atherosclerosis elevates blood
pressure and contributes to mortality from heart disease and stroke, the leading and sixth
highest causes of death in the US in 2020 (Ahmad and Anderson 2021).
Neurological Senescence and Dementia Dementia represents a heterogeneous
assortment of conditions affecting the brain and central nervous system. Senescent
brain cells and age-related neurological conditions, including Parkinson’s and
Alzheimer’s diseases, are significantly related. Across diagnosed dementias, chronic
inflammatory processes apparently underlie neurological deterioration (see Swenson
et al. 2019). Effectiveness of macrophage and microglia in modulating CNS neuronal
repair and regeneration decreases as age increases, as does peripheral immune system
activity (Swenson et al. 2019), suggesting that cellular senescence alters cognitive
function. As terminally differentiated nondividing cells, neurons accumulate age-related
alterations and show irreversible cell-cycle arrest and senescence with increasing age.
Via paracrine activity, they also may influence cells without senescent biomarkers to
exhibit senescent phenotypes (Swenson et al. 2019). Multiple types of diagnosed
134  douglas e. crews and barry bogin
dementias exist: Alzheimer’s dementia (AD), Parkinson’s dementia, vascular dementias,
pharmacological and alcohol-induced dementias, and non-Alzheimer’s senile demen-
tias. All show similar symptoms, namely reduced cognitive function, loss of time and
space orientation, muscular control, and long- and short-term memory, and impaired
neurological abilities, with language, attention, memory, and higher-order executive
functions being most affected. Dementia is a general dysfunctional endpoint resulting
from variable age-related neurological alterations in primate brains that often co-occur
with strokes. For all dementias, vascular and neurological sites wherein alterations occur
determine disablement and specificity of individual dysfunction. During normal aging
without dementia, neurons also show alterations in molecular signaling patterns, as
overall cell numbers remain relatively stable; conversely, neurodegenerative dementias
may associate with neuronal loss (Swenson et al. 2019).
Interestingly, dementias do not necessarily show familial aggregation or suggest private
familial alleles. Still, multiple loci harbor mutations predisposing to AD and its familial
forms: Apolipoprotein E*4 chromosome 19, presenilins 1 and 2 chromosomes 14 and 1,
mutated amyloid precursor proteins, and amyloid beta (Aβ) protein chromosome 21. Most
dementia risk likely reflects environmental exposures, lifestyle attributes, and biological
fragility. Alzheimer’s dementia shows both early-onset forms, initiating symptoms before
65 years and late-onset ones occurring at later ages. Familial dementia also shows both
early- and late-onset forms. Because dementias, particularly AD, continually increase in
frequency as age increases, one hypothesis is that all who live sufficiently long will experi-
ence dementia. Based on the 2010 US census, at 65–74 years 3.0 percent suffered from
AD; this rate increased to 17.6 percent among those aged 75–84 years, and to 32.3 per-
cent in those 84 years and older (Hebert 2003). In general, women exhibit higher preva-
lences of AD than men, accounting for two-thirds of all diagnosed cases in the United
States and are diagnosed at slightly later ages than men (Beam et al. 2018). Continually
increasing in frequency with age, dementias are among the leading causes of morbidity and
mortality among older adults worldwide. In the USA, AD is currently the eighth leading
cause of death (Ahmad and Anderson 2021). Although the suggestion is we will all suffer
AD if we survive sufficiently long, many people, about half, do not experience dementia
during their lives.
Frailty Frailty is an observable phenotype composed of multiple assessments indicating
limited physical and functional capabilities (see review, Walston and Bandeen-Roche 2015).
Developed originally by Fried and colleagues (2001, 2005) and Rockwood et al. (2005),
frailty indices commonly include physical assessments of strength, mobility, endurance, and
physical activity. The original index included recent unintentional weight loss of ten-plus
pounds, slow walking speed, self-reported exhaustion, weakness, and low physical activity
(Fried et al. 2001). Frailty indices reflect lifelong outcomes of physical and sociocultural
stressors encountered and altered somatic capabilities, which also increase with age, peaking
at the oldest ages (see Crews 2005, 2022; Walston 2005).
Everyone experiences multiple stressors over their lives. Even in utero and during growth
and development our tissues, organs, and bones respond to stressors, e.g., malnutrition,
lifestyle and social settings, oxygen intake, and trauma. In stressful settings those surviving
to early childhood may already show signs of frailty: poor skeletal growth, short height, low
bone density or organ size, and health issues. With age, indicators of frailty increase in
scope, severity, and prevalence, cellular losses and malfunctions progress and our mobility,
physical, and task performance abilities are hampered (Crews 2021). Not only seniors, but
people with physical limitations, those with congenital issues and injuries also may show
human life history evolution:   135
high frailty. Human frailty may be an example of evolutionary inertia (Fried et al. 2005).
Frailty indices provide clinically recognizable and valid assessments of current functional
abilities and reveal variability in capabilities across age, sex, social, environmental, and
cultural settings (Crews 2021).


A major difference between human longevity and the longevity of other primates and ani-
mals is humankind’s reliance on biocultural reproduction in socioculturally constructed
niches to provide a microenvironment capable of supporting secondarily altricial offspring.
Socioculturally constructed niches allowed hominins to avoid many extrinsic stressors and
develop multiple kinship relationships based on both genetically and socially defined roles,
promoting biocultural reproduction, a special form of cooperative breeding. Thereby,
enhancing hominin reproductive output and favoring genomic variants promoting slow
inter- and extra-uterine growth and development. Incipient reliance on sociocultural inter-
actions within hominin social groups provided the early life opportunities to build somatic
capacity. This capacity ultimately led to insertion of human childhood and adolescence
phases into our life history pattern and today underlies our extended growth, development,
and life spans.
Combined, constructed niches, extended preadult growth and development periods, and
sociocultural developments largely explain why a higher percentage of modern human
young, and likely the young of earlier hominins, survive to a longer reproductive adulthood
than any other primate species. Our life history pattern, requiring offspring to experience
two additional stages, stretches our lives out, which likely accounts for much of our extended
longevity. Additionally, bioculturally enhanced residential settings and foraging skills have
likely provided an improved nutritional base supporting extended periods of dependency
during growth. Over time, investments in prereproductive young allowed evolving homi-
nins to build larger, stronger, and healthier somas while also contributing to their
development of biological, behavioral, and cultural resilience prior to achieving sexual
maturity (Bogin 2009; Crews 2003). Early life investments in somatic, cognitive, and emo-
tional reserves – jointly contributing to hominin reserve capacity (RC) – likely led to
improved adult health, fitness, and longevity, characteristics most fully represented among
today’s humans living in bioculturally constructed niches. Extended post-reproductive lives
among women and late-life survival of men are derivatives of our evolved early-life propen-
sity to grow slowly over two-plus decades, build and develop the RC needed to reproduce
over an extended span, and survive till our last offspring matures. Today, in less stressful and
bioculturally built environments, we have sufficient energetic, economic, social, educational,
and emotional inputs to build RC not only during growth and development, but throughout
our prime reproductive adult years, jointly providing opportunities to maintain our somas
into late life. This is a period now extending to twice the maximum age observed among
other great apes.
Prior to the advent of modern constructed settings, in the environment of evolutionary
adaptation, opportunities to build RC were probably hampered by lower energetic inputs,
higher intrinsic and extrinsic mortality, and few survivors past their fourth decade. The
advent of modern human life histories reflects our ancestors’ increasing reliance on cultur-
ally constructed biobehavioral niches that provided less uncertain and more benign living
environments. This shift extended opportunities to attain nutritious foods, increase our
136  douglas e. crews and barry bogin
period of growth and development, acquire extensive RC during growth, development,
and prime adulthood, and ultimately shifted our life history tempo to support a vigorous
and healthy post-reproductive life (see also Bogin 2021; Crews 2019, 2021; Drenos et al.
2006; Sterling 2020).
Senescence occurs as genetic, protein, cellular, tissue, organ, and organ systems main-
taining our somas begin to fail. Thus, biological senescence is an outcome of event-driven
deleterious processes affecting all organs and bodily systems, that incrementally and con-
tinually increase one’s probability of death. Residing in protected environments less
exposed to multiple extrinsic stressors and causes of death reduces event frequencies, slows
rates of dysfunction, reduces investment to repair damage, and thereby allows increased
Reserve Capacity sufficient to maintain somatic stability into late life. Although not
dependent on chronological time, senescent changes accumulate over an organism’s life
span and are thus age-related (Arking 2006), partly because early life history events pace
the timing of later events and senescence (Crews 2003, 2019), and partly because loss of
function is dependent upon cellular processes of replication and differentiation occurring
in biological time (Arking 2006). One hallmark of human senescence is the variable pat-
terning and timing of specific events and its variable tempo in relation to chronological age
across human settings and societies.
Keys to understanding human life history and life spans likely are evolution of biocul-
tural reproduction and development of culturally constructed niches and residences. By
reducing extrinsic stressors and mortality, these developments allowed humans to evolve
new life history phases, build stronger more resilient somas, and retain physical, cognitive,
and emotional RC into late life. Across all existent human populations, a majority of
humans live sufficiently long to reproduce and fledge offspring, grow old, develop dis-
eases specific to aging and related conditions, including frailty and allostatic load, that
ultimately hamper individual physical capabilities and limit life span. We also live suffi-
ciently long to meet our grand- and great-grandchildren and die of old age in our eighth
and later decades of life.


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CHAPTER 9 Climate-Related
Human Biological

Cynthia M. Beall

The impressive worldwide variation in human biology prompts biological anthropologists

to ask why it exists and how it came about. Answers come from applying evolutionary prin-
ciples: variation arises from evolution, adaptation, and life history (Gluckman et al. 2009,
2019; Pomeroy et al. 2021; Washburn 1951; Wells et al. 2019). That deceptively simple
response glosses over many complexities of how populations and individuals change over
time. Anthropologists have approached these questions by examining the effects of stressful
environments, such as climate extremes exerting physiological stresses that elicit biological
responses, adaptations, and human variation.
Global and local approaches to answering the “why” and “how” questions have emerged.
The global survey approach applies correlation-regression analyses of the variation in human
biology and climate variables: with a, often temperature or a surrogate variable (Katzmarzyk
and Leonard 1998; Pomeroy et al. 2021; Roberts 1973). Body size, morphology,
development, and metabolism vary clinally across geographic space. The International
Biological Program of the 1960s and 1970s took a local approach using case studies of
communities in stressful environments (Baker and Weiner 1966; Harrison 1966). In the
genomic era (since the first sequencing of a human genome; see International Human
Genome Sequencing Consortium 2001), research straddles and extends the two approaches.
Research in this era compares variation across populations by analyzing clines in allele
frequencies, signals of selection, and intrapopulation variation (Coop et al. 2010; Fan et al.
2016; Reich 2018; Tishkoff 2015; Werren et al. 2021).
Both global and local approaches acknowledge the role of behavior and culture in
buffering people from climate. The widely used phrase “adaptation to the environment”
is the process or state of achieving better function than an alternative and usually refers
to biological responses occurring when behavioral buffering is inadequate. The study of
adaptation to climate rests on the concept of homeostasis – a compensatory physiological
mechanism maintaining a dynamic narrow range of internal characteristics, such as core
temperature or the partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood, under widely varying

A Companion to Biological Anthropology, Second Edition. Edited by Clark Spencer Larsen.

© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
climate-related human biological variation  141

environmental circumstances. We recognize multiple modes of adaptation, including ge-

netic, developmental, and acclimatization. Populations adapt over a range of time frames
and may do so on an ongoing basis or more than once and in more than one way.
Progress in identifying the modes of adaptation has been slow, partly due to our limited
understanding of how genetics, the environment, and individual life history influence
the traits of interest. The genetic mode of adaptation occurs when a heritable trait
increases in frequency over generations, owing to natural selection due to the fact that
the resulting form of the trait confers higher reproductive success. The developmental
mode refers to “an irreversible trait acquired during the process of growth and
development that reflects cellular or organ system plasticity in response to early …
exposure” (Brutsaert 2016: 102). The acclimatization mode of adaptation consists of
immediate (seconds to weeks or months) physiological processes that reverse when the
stress is removed. Cultural adaptation refers to behaviors, practices, or technologies that
buffer individuals from stress or improve their biological response. It is challenging to
determine whether an intriguing biological characteristic (phenotype) is an adaptation
and, if so, by what mode it arose. One approach uses “migrant models” comparing
populations with different exposure histories to distinguish among the various modes of
adaptation (Baker 1969; Harrison 1966; Lasker 1969; Kiyamu et al. 2015; McGarvey
1991; Moore 2021; Smith et al. 2021; Zamudio et al. 1995). Nuanced models combining
genetic and developmental approaches, such as predictive adaptive developmental ori-
gins and predictive adaptive response models, acknowledge the intertwined genetic and
developmental origins of traits (Gluckman et al. 2009, 2019). New methods for collect-
ing biological traits and population genetics and genomics analyses expand the tools
available to detect adaptations.
This chapter briefly describes the current understanding of climate and human variation
using global and local approaches, and considers the emerging topics of epigenetic analyses
and climate change. It characterizes stresses, describes human biological variation, and pres-
ents evidence for modes of adaptation.


“Climate in a narrow sense is usually defined as the average weather, or more rigorously, as
the statistical description in terms of the mean and variability of relevant quantities over a
time ranging from months to thousands or millions of years” (IPCC (Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change) 2012). Anthropologists operationalize climate broadly to
include temperature and humidity, ultraviolet radiation (UVR) intensity, and altitude above
sea level. Derek Roberts explained why climate interests evolutionary biologists. “Climate
tends to remain constant over long periods of time (by comparison with organism lifespan);
consequently, selection pressures operate in the same direction generation after generation.
Macroclimatic factors usually change rather slowly over wide areas, except where altitude is
involved…. Hence characters that vary with climate tend to show clinal variation, by con-
trast to the variation that is produced in response to other types of environmental variation.
Moreover, climatic gradients occur in parallel in different continents so that interconti-
nental comparisons can be made, and if populations long separated genetically show parallel
morphological gradients, the case that they are associated with climate is strengthened”
(Roberts 1973: 34–35). Subsequent scholars built on this perspective using new types of
data and models.
142  cynthia m. beall

Thermal stress, like all stresses, can be described in terms of magnitude, frequency, and
duration. Combinations of these features suggest a variety of responses. For instance, the
response to a rare, fleeting heat wave may differ from the response to daily walking in the
sun, heavy seasonal agriculture work in humid heat, or lifelong exposure to ambient tem-
peratures above 25 °C (77 °F) (Ioannou et al. 2021).
Thermoneutrality refers to the ambient temperature at which a nude, inactive adult
maintains core temperature without engaging behavioral and biological thermoregulation.
The thermoneutral range is approximately 25–27 °C (77–80 °F). Maintaining core temper-
ature within a narrow range represents thermal homeostasis. The core–shell–environment
model of thermoregulation explains how people lose heat to the environment when core
and skin temperatures are higher than ambient temperatures and vice versa when ambient
temperatures are high. Consider the body core (organs) as the source of heat generation
and the cooler shell (fat and skin) as the section of the body through which heat passes to
the body surface and the environment. Cold temperatures can establish a temperature gra-
dient from a warm core to a cooler shell to the cold environment and result in heat loss
from the core. A warm environment can do the opposite and raise core temperature.
Behavior buffers may maintain core temperature; for example: physical activity, heating,
fans and air conditioning. If these measures fail to maintain homeostasis, biological thermo-
regulation is engaged. For example, the constriction of blood vessels from the warm core
to the cooler shell restricts heat loss; metabolism, shivering, and nonshivering thermogen-
esis increase heat production in cold climates. In contrast, blood vessels vasodilate and heart
rate rises to increase blood flow to the body surface in hot environments; the heat required
to evaporate sweat also reduces body temperature.
The average human core temperature is 37 °C (98.6 °F) with a range from 36.2 to
37.5 °C (97.2 to 99.5 °F). Unexpectedly, two recent studies suggested that core tem-
perature may not be a static trait. One reported that the average core temperature in
the United States decreased by 0.05 °C/decade over the past two centuries. Another
study found that the average core temperature of lowland Bolivian forager farmers
decreased even faster: ~ 0.05 °C/year over the past two decades (Gurven et al. 2020;
Protsiv et al. 2020).
An enduring research method introduced in the 1950s is to plot the mean values of
certain traits of indigenous populations against temperature measured by mean annual
temperature. Heavier bodies and shorter legs characterized samples from colder cli-
mates collected both before and after 1950 (Figure 9.1A and B) (Katzmarzyk and
Leonard 1998). These findings confirm Bergmann’s and Allen’s rules in people. In
1847, German biologist Carl Bergmann observed that birds and mammals in cold
regions were bulkier than individuals of the same species in warm regions. In 1877,
American ornithologist Joel Asaph Allen added that animals in cold regions had shorter
limbs than animals adapted to warm climates. American anthropologist Howells (1960:
118) explained the reason for these observations: “As an animal of a given shape gets
larger, its inner bulk increases faster than its outer surface, so the ratio of heat produced
to heat dissipated is higher in larger individuals.” Data kindly provided by the authors
of the 1998 paper illustrate this phenomenon. The five samples living in the coldest cli-
mate (average mean annual temperature of –13.9 °C (7 °F)) were compared with the
nine samples living in the warmest climates (average mean annual temperature of 28.2
°C (83 °F)). The cold climate samples had an average ratio of weight to body surface
climate-related human biological variation  143

Body Mass (Kg)
Roberts' Males African
Y = 65.80 – 0.55X
90 r = -0.59 Australian
70 European
Cen. Asia
60 E. Mongoloid

50 Polynesian
S. Asian
40 Indian

–20 –15 –10 –5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Mean Annual Temperature (Celcius)

Body Mass (Kg)
90 Y = 66.86 – 0.26X
r = -0.27 Australian
80 Melanesian
Cen. Asia
E. Mongoloid
50 Polynesian
S. Asian
–20 –15 –10 –5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Mean Annual Temperature (Celcius)

Figure 9.1 Body mass of men plotted against mean annual temperature using studies published before
(top) and after (bottom) 1950. (Katzmarzyk and Leonard 1998)

area of ~ 38 kg/m2 compared with 33 kg/m2 for the hot climate samples. The samples
residing in the cold climate had approximately 15 percent larger “inner bulk” – and heat
generating potential – relative to their body surface area. The local studies described in
Figure 9.1 the increased influence of non-climatic factors.
Other authors used a variety of climate measures, including maximum and minimum
annual temperatures, year-to-year volatility of mean annual temperature, maximum
relative humidity, net primary productivity, and annual precipitation, and confirmed
the general principle of morphological adaptation to temperature (Pomeroy et al.
2021). Some studies found that a few geographical and ecological factors explained
almost 50 percent of the between population variation based on height. This is remark-
able because many factors influence body size (Bernstein 2010; Little 2020; Mummert
et al. 2011).
144  cynthia m. beall
The pattern of larger bodies occurring at higher and colder latitudes has a deep history
over the past million years in the genus Homo, including among Neandertals and other
Pleistocene hominins (Will et al. 2021). The long existence of the height cline is note-
worthy because ancient DNA (aDNA) evidence showed that our ancestors moved long
distances around the Old World, including in and out of zones with different temperatures
(Reich 2018). This implies that populations can adapt quickly to temperature changes via
acclimatization or developmental adaptation to local climate alone or in concert with
natural selection.
How do the larger bodies and shorter legs in colder climates come about? A cline of allele
frequencies shows a high frequency of variants associated with short stature in southern
Europe that slowly transitions to a high frequency of alleles associated with tall stature in
the North, providing evidence of natural selection (Lango Allen et al. 2010; Turchin et al.
2012). However, genetic drift in the form of serial founder effects could account for the
cline (Berg et al. 2019; Hruschka et al. 2015; Turchin et al. 2012). The serial founder effect
refers to the net effect on genetic variation when a population gives rise to another
population with less genetic variation and that population, in turn, gives rise to another
with even less variation. Over time, the repeated founder events randomly reduce genetic
variation, and later populations have fewer genetic variants than the parent population. In
this case, the reduction in genetic variation related to height does not appear to be random.
The serial founder effect and natural selection may both account for the finding (Berg et al.
2019; Sohail et al. 2019). An aDNA analysis concluded that taller height among Northern
Europeans resulted partly from the migration of populations with tall alleles followed by
selection for taller height (Mathieson et al. 2015).
Alternatively, developmental plasticity may connect climate to phenotype without genetic
changes. The range of body sizes could reflect the range of possible phenotypes for height
arising from one gene pool. Body size can change dramatically in a single generation. For
instance, Maya children growing up in the US average nearly 12 cm (~ 4½ in) taller than
those growing up in Guatemala and had proportionately longer legs, showing that “height
and body proportions are sensitive indicators of the quality of the environment for growth”
(Bogin et al. 2002: 753). Temperature, along with public health factors, may be one of
many environmental contributors to growth. This example does not exclude genetic con-
tributions to the range of human height, although it reminds us of the complexity of
quantitative traits. Genes with large effects contribute to stature in some populations. For
example, the very short stature of low-latitude African rainforest hunter-gatherers is partly
attributable to a high frequency of one variant at the hyaluronidase 2 HYAL2 locus (Perry
et al. 2014; Zoccolillo et al. 2020).
Global studies do not consider the actual exposure to heat or cold that elicits behavioral
and biological responses. Turning from global clines and correlations to local studies by
comparing populations adapting to climate stress provides a more realistic, nuanced
assessment of thermal stress.
Heat exposure occurs when a high environmental temperature imposes a physiological
load or physical exertion increases the metabolic rate. The evolutionary history of heat
stress may extend to ~ 2 million years ago, when Homo erectus foraged and engaged in per-
sistence hunting (when hunters pursue prey until it is exhausted) in the open landscape of
East Africa. Lieberman explains that “…humans have a specially elaborated system of cuta-
neous sweat glands that differs in several important respects from other mammals, including
those that also sweat” (Lieberman 2015: 105). The Engrailed Homeobox 1 (EN1) tran-
scription factor plays a role in sweat gland formation and has variants specific to humans
climate-related human biological variation  145

(Aldea et al. 2021). The capacity to substantially increase sweat output may correlate with
the requirement of replacing lost water.
Cold exposure occurs when low air or water temperature results in heat loss from the
warm body to the cooler environment. Skin temperature falls and may lead to a fall in core
temperature. The evolutionary history of cold exposure stretches back to H. erectus, which
was found 1.8 mya in Dmanisi, Georgia, at 41°N latitude, where the mean annual temper-
ature was ~ 11 °C (52 °F) (Lordkipanidze et al. 2013). By 45,000 years ago, Homo sapiens
lived above the Arctic Circle (66.7°N) (Pitulko et al. 2016). Cold exposure varies widely
from whole body overnight cold exposure in hot deserts by Aborigines in the Australian
outback to hours-long immersion in cold water by Korean and Japanese diving women, to
peripheral (feet and hands) cold exposure during hunting and fishing.
Types of cold responses include raising metabolism (e.g., Alacaluf Native Americans of
South America), insulating the core by vasoconstriction (e.g., coastal Aborigines of
Australia), allowing the core temperature to drift downward (e.g., Kalahari San), and com-
binations thereof. Diving women in Japan and Korea are traditionally known for having
high basal metabolic rates (BMRs) and effective vascular adaptations to prevent heat loss to
cold water. When the divers replaced the traditional cotton bathing suit with wetsuits buff-
ering them from the cold, BMR fell to that predicted by age and body size (Hong 1973;
Hong and Rahn 1967). These findings suggest that restudies of other classic local adapta-
tions are warranted.
Genome scans reveal signals of selection at loci related to sensing moderate cold,
increasing muscle tone and energy output, and increasing nonshivering thermogenesis
in brown adipose tissue. More than a half dozen loci are associated with latitude and
brown adipose tissue thermogenesis (Sellayah 2019). For example, there is a cline for
increasing the frequency of derived variants at the Transient Receptor Potential Cation
Channel Subfamily M Member 8 (TRPM8) locus from less than 10 percent among
African samples to over 80 percent in Northern European samples (Iftinca and Altier
2020; Key et al. 2018). A high frequency of variants at loci involved in metabolic heat
generation occurs among Inuit people from Greenland. The cold-adapted variants
moved into that population through interbreeding with archaic Neandertals and
Denisovans (Racimo et al. 2017).
Physiological traits vary with temperature. Comparing populations, heat generation mea-
sured as basal and resting metabolic rates increased with lower temperatures (Leonard et al.
2002; Roberts 1973). In a cold-water stress test, people with certain Actinin Alpha 3
(ACTN3) variants maintained a higher core temperature by generating more heat in skeletal
muscles (Wyckelsma et al. 2021). Shivering in the cold generates heat (Ocobock 2016).
Nonshivering thermogenesis generates heat in brown adipose tissue. The mechanism
involves molecules, called uncoupling proteins, in the mitochondria of brown adipose tissue
that short-circuit the respiratory chain producing ATP and produce heat instead. Variants
of genes encoding uncoupling proteins 1 and 3 (UCP1 and UCP3) increase protein expres-
sion. The allele frequencies of these genes form a cline from 0 percent near the equator to
40 percent at higher latitudes and colder temperatures (Figure 9.2) (Hancock et al. 2011).
UCP1 variants associated with brown adipose tissue thermogenesis also vary inversely with
temperature (Nishimura et al. 2017). Nishimura and colleagues (2017) tested the change
in oxygen consumption (to measure metabolic heat generation) by a group of Japanese
male students clad in t-shirts and shorts who sat quietly through a 90-minute exposure to
16 °C (61 °F). Students with one particular variant exhibited a four-fold higher increase in
oxygen consumption than the others, suggesting that the cline in variants reflects a cline in
adaptive response. Other work on brown adipose tissue thermogenesis suggested the
146  cynthia m. beall
(a) (b)


frequency of UCP1 – 3826 A


frequency of UCP3 – 55T




50 100 150 200 250 –40 –20 0 10 20
Solor Radiation (W/m2) Minimum Temperature (degrees C)

Africa Europe Middle East West Asia East Asia Oceania Americas

Figure 9.2 Clinal variation in allele frequencies of uncoupling proteins. (Hancock, et al. 2011)

existence of seasonal acclimatization among residents of temperate regions of the US

(Niclou and Ocobock 2021) and of developmental adaptation among Siberian reindeer
herders (Levy et al. 2021; Levy and Leonard 2021).
Heat stress elicits responses that limit a rise in core temperature. The responses include
an increase in heart rate and blood flow to the body surface and heat dissipation to the
environment. Sweat evaporation has a cooling effect because body heat provides the energy.
Sweating is not effective when the vapor pressure of water on the skin is close to the dew
point, the temperature at which the relative humidity is 100 percent of the air. Acclimatization
to heat stress is reflected by smaller increases in heart rate and enabled by a more rapid
onset of sweating (Lee et al. 2019). Our capacity to sweat as much as one liter of water per
hour increases the risk of dehydration. As a result, conserving water is another challenge in
hot environments. One study that requires replication reported findings consistent with
selection based on genes associated with thyroid function. Variants of thyroid binding
globulin (TBG) with signals of selection dampened swings in metabolism (and thus caloric
expenditure) in the laboratory among desert-dwelling Australian aborigines exposed to
39 °C (~ 102 °F) (Malaspinas et al. 2016; Qi et al. 2014).
Elevated mortality rates during cold snaps or heat waves reveal that heat and cold stress
adaptations can fail. People with lower socioeconomic status have a higher risk of thermal-
related mortality, which suggests the influence of behavioral factors (Berko et al. 2014; Min
et al. 2021). Young and old individuals are particularly vulnerable (O’Neill and Ebi 2009).

Ultraviolet Radiation

“The UVR [ultraviolet radiation] content of sunlight is relevant to human biology because
different wavelengths of UVR have diverse effects on different biochemical pathways in the
body, and these effects have an impact on health and reproductive success” (Beall et al.
climate-related human biological variation  147

2012: 205). UVR penetrates the outer layers of the skin, where melanin and other mole-

cules either reflect or absorb radiation. UVB (ultraviolet B radiation) initiates the photo-
conversion of a precursor molecule to previtamin D. After that occurs in the skin, the liver
and the kidney metabolize previtamin D to produce active vitamin D. Synthesis was the
primary source throughout human evolution because few foods apart from oily fish and
animal liver provide vitamin D. Vitamin D contributes to calcium and phosphorous homeo-
stasis, bone metabolism, and immune and endocrine function (Dusso et al. 2005). Vitamin
D deficiency increases vulnerability to infections, cancers, and cardiovascular disease. Severe
deficiency can cause poor bone calcification (rickets in children, osteomalacia in adults) (Gil
et al. 2018; Holick 2017; Pike and Christakos 2017). Some UVR is needed; however, too
much UVR can physically damage skin, cause mutations, suppress the immune system, and
destroy nutrients circulating in the blood. The nutrients vulnerable to photo destruction
include folate (vitamin B9) and vitamin D itself (Lucock et al. 2018).
The average annual ultraviolet radiation or variability across the year describes its magni-
tude, frequency, and duration. Annual UVR energy is maximal near the equator and declines
at higher and lower latitudes (Figure 9.3A) (Jablonski and Chaplin 2010a, 2010b). High
UVR levels remain relatively stable throughout the year near the equator; in contrast, UVR
fluctuates around lower levels at higher latitudes (Figure 9.3B) (Jablonski and Chaplin
2000). For example, the mean UVB level is more than four times higher in equatorial
Yemen than in high-latitude Norway (https://apps.who.int/gho/data/view.main.35300,
accessed November 1, 2021). Ultraviolet A penetrates the dermis to degrade vitamin D and
folate in circulation. Thus, the climate stress from UVR at high latitudes is vitamin D defi-
ciency during months when little or no UVB reaches the Earth’s surface, while the stress
near the Equator is related to photodamage to many systems throughout the year. A global
cline in skin color – darkest near the equator and gradually lightening moving north or
south away from the equator – evolved in response to the gradual variation in UVR
(Figure 9.3C) (Jablonski and Chaplin 2000).
People make two types of melanin: red/yellow pheomelanin makes up approximately ¼
of our melanin and brown/black eumelanin makes up the rest (Del Bino et al. 2015).
Pheomelanin readily degrades upon UVR exposure and releases reactive oxygen species
that damage DNA and proteins. Discussion of skin color variation generally centers on
eumelanin because it can be photoprotective (Del Bino et al. 2015). Melanin granule syn-
thesis and packaging into organelles known as melanosomes occurs in cells called melano-
cytes located at the base of the epidermis. Melanosomes are transferred to cells called
keratinocytes that make up most of the epidermis. Melanosomes full of UVA-absorbing
melanin pigment reduce photodamage by clustering above the nuclei in keratinocytes. The
number of pigment granules and the sizes and shapes of melanosomes in keratinocytes
influence skin color. An individual’s melanin content varies with genotype and exposure to
sunlight (acclimatization in the form of sun-tanning).
Dark skin absorbs a high proportion of incident UVR, leaving a small proportion to pen-
etrate the epidermis and initiate the photoconversion to previtamin D. Light skin absorbs a
small proportion “… and incrementally lighter pigmentation maximizes penetration of
UVR into the skin under conditions of highly seasonal or mostly low UVR outside of the
tropics” (Beall et al. 2012: 220).
Skin pigmentation is a quantitative polygenic adaptive trait with solidly established geno-
type associations (Werren et al. 2021). Figure 9.4 illustrates variation over the range from
low skin melanin content to high content variation for two populations and the overlap
between them to emphasize the quantitative nature of this trait (Crawford et al. 2017;
Hernandez-Pacheco et al. 2017; Shriver and Parra 2000).
148  cynthia m. beall

Figure 9.3 Global variation in UVR radiation intensity and variability and skin color (Jablonski and
Chaplin 2000, 2010a, 2010b).

Figure 9.4 The distribution of the melanin index for Hispanics/Latinos from Puerto Rico (blue)
and African American (yellow) samples, and the overlap of observations (brown); the y-axis represents
the number of observations. (Hernandez-Pacheco, et al. 2017)
climate-related human biological variation  149

Regarding the polygenic nature of this trait, more than one hundred pigment-related loci
have human phenotypes (Baxter 2019) and some have hundreds of known DNA sequence
variants (genecards.com accessed November 1, 2021). Some loci have large effects, and
others have small effects on melanin content (Ju and Mathieson 2021). The vast genetic
variation underlies the potential for phenotypic variation in skin color and natural selection.
Genes and variants arose at different times in the past and show individual patterns of global
spread. Old World populations have had both dark and light skin color variants for at least
one million years (Crawford et al. 2017). Different combinations of light and dark variants
occur together in populations and result in a smooth cline for skin color (Figure 9.3C). The
microevolutionary histories of four genes encoding melanocyte or melanosome membrane
proteins illustrate the variety.
The major facilitator superfamily domain containing 12 (MFSD12) gene encodes a pro-
tein that transports molecules into melanosomes (Adelmann et al. 2020). A variant of
MFSD12 results in a very high melanin content and very dark skin. It arose approximately
500,000 years ago in East Africa and spread to Southern India, Melanesia, and Australia
(Crawford et al. 2017).
The OCA2 melanosomal transmembrane protein locus encodes a melanosome mem-
brane protein influencing melanin synthesis (Wiriyasermkul et al. 2020). A geographically
localized OCA2 variant came under selection approximately 15,000 years ago and underlies
light skin in NE Asia (Yang et al. 2016).
The solute carrier family 24-member 5 (SLC24A5) locus encodes a melanocyte mem-
brane protein influencing melanin synthesis (Wilson et al. 2013). SLC24A5 was poly-
morphic for light and dark alleles a million years ago in South Africa. The lightly melanized
variant came under selection in Eurasia approximately 30,000 years ago, followed by a
strong selective sweep between 6,000 and 5,000 years in Europe, where it is now fixed or
nearly fixed. The recent selection for light skin is noteworthy because it suggests that highly
melanized populations thrived at high latitudes in Eurasia until recently. The light variant
appeared in India in the past 5,000 years and was reintroduced to East Africa approximately
2,000 years ago, where it remains under selection (Crawford et al. 2017; Wilde et al. 2014).
In contrast to the localized OCA2 variant for light skin in Asia, SLC24A5 variants for light
skin are widespread. Notably, the light variants at OCA2 and SLC24A5 show that Northern
Asian and Northern European populations evolved light skin color independently.
The melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) gene encodes a melanocyte receptor protein that
initiates the synthesis of pheomelanin and eumelanin and contributes to DNA repair.
Europeans are highly polymorphic at the locus. The MC1R variants include one associated
with a combination of red hair, very lightly melanized (primarily pheomelanin) skin, and a
high risk of melanoma. In contrast, Africans show slight variation at this locus (Makova and
Norton 2005). The highest frequency (10–12 percent) of the recessive variants for red hair
and fair skin occur in very high latitude populations, such as the United Kingdom, with a
low annual UVR (Morgan et al. 2018).
The trade-off between vitamin D synthesis and folate degradation may have emerged
nearly two million years ago with early Homo erectus, the first hominin to spend significant
amounts of time unclothed in year-round hot and open equatorial grasslands, rather than
in forests. The resulting heat stress may have selected for the loss of fur, enabling evapora-
tion of sweat and exposing skin with little melanin to continuously high annual UVR
(Jablonski 2010a, 2010b; Lieberman 2015). Those hominins presumably could tan; how-
ever, tanned skin offers less protection against UVR damage than skin with a constitutively
high melanin content. Furthermore, DNA damage is the signal for tanning. This scenario
suggests that deeply melanized skin evolved quickly, and lightly melanized skin evolved
150  cynthia m. beall
later as Homo erectus and subsequent Homo groups expanded north into higher latitudes
with progressively less annual UVR.
How does variation in skin melanin content contribute to differential survival and
reproduction? Hypotheses based on logical reasoning prevail because we do not have direct
biological tests of the hypothesis of a selective advantage of the local adaptations in skin
color under various UVR exposures.
Global variation in skin color arises from the convergence of ultraviolet radiation influ-
ences on both folate and vitamin D levels. In turn, those levels are associated with repro-
ductive success (Franasiak et al. 2017; Tamura and Picciano 2006).
The vitamin D-folate hypothesis suggests that the role of light skin at higher latitudes is
to enable sufficient vitamin D synthesis to maintain DNA integrity, bone health, and repro-
ductive function (Franasiak et al. 2017; Jablonski and Chaplin 2010a, 2010b; Luk et al.
2012). During the 1700s and 1800s in England, the misshapen pelves of women with
rickets, indicative of severe vitamin D deficiency, was a common cause of obstructed labor
and maternal and child death (Loudon 1986). However, the lack of earlier evidence of
vitamin D deficiency weakens that hypothesis. The vitamin D-folate hypothesis also hypoth-
esizes that high melanin content protects circulating folates from photodegradation by
UVB. “Natural selection has, thus, affected varied genetic and physiological mechanisms to
protect folate and 5-MTHF [the form of folate vulnerable to photo destruction] in the face
of high UVR. The primary role of constitutive dark skin colour in hominin and modern
human evolution is that of a natural sunscreen to conserve folate” (Jablonski and Chaplin
2017: 3). Folates play a direct role in synthesizing and repairing DNA, DNA methylation,
and male and female reproduction (Tamura and Picciano 2006).
Debate continues as to whether skin cancer mortality drove selection for high melanin
content at equatorial latitudes. The skin-cancer hypothesis explains why high melanin
content reduces vulnerability to DNA damage leading to sunburn, which increases the risk
of cutaneous malignant melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer (Greaves 2014a,
2014b; Osborne and Hames 2014). Some authors explain that deaths due to melanoma
occur mainly during the post-reproductive years and therefore would not influence repro-
ductive success (Jablonski and Chaplin 2014). Others counter that post-reproductive peo-
ple contribute to the survival and reproduction of their younger relatives (Osborne and
Hames 2014). Other counter-arguments note that pre-reproductive deaths from skin can-
cer do occur. In the US, 1 in 230 males and 1 in 156 females develop melanoma before the
age of 45 (American Cancer Society 2021).
Less well-supported is the skin barrier hypothesis arguing that high melanin content
reduces vulnerability to dehydration and sunburn (Elias and Williams 2016). The skin
forms microbiome, chemical, and immune system barriers in addition to a physical barrier
(Eyerich et al. 2018). Surprisingly, these hypotheses do not incorporate perspectives from
photoimmunology. Ultraviolet radiation suppresses many immune functions (Bernard et al.
2019; Del Bino et al. 2018) and thus may influence morbidity and mortality.
Vitamin D exerts its effects by binding with the vitamin D receptor, a transcription factor
that induces the transcription of hundreds of genes with many functions (Hanel and Carlberg
2020). The vitamin D receptor gene (VDR) has a latitudinal cline (Tiosano, et al. 2016).
VDR polymorphisms have been associated with the risk of polycystic ovary syndrome and
female idiopathic infertility (Djurovic et al. 2020; Reis et al. 2017). The folate synthesis
gene methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) shows clines with UVR. MTHFR reg-
ulates bioavailable folate; its variants are associated with different serum levels (Hiraoka and
Kagawa 2017), risk of coronary heart disease (Lao et al. 2008), osteoporosis (Agueda et al.
2008), and infertility (Bezold et al. 2001; Callejón et al. 2007; Reyes-Engel et al. 2002).
climate-related human biological variation  151

Much remains to be learned about adaptation to UVR and its biological effects. For
example, recent work detected a role for dietary antioxidants among the factors described
here (Lucock et al. 2022).

High-Altitude Hypoxia

The air we breathe supplies the oxygen required for our mitochondria to produce the
energy necessary for life via aerobic respiration. At sea level (0 m altitude) and on top of Mt.
Everest (8,848 m, 29,032 ft), oxygen makes up 21 percent of the air; that is, 1 liter of air
contains 0.21 liter of oxygen at all altitudes. Ascending from sea level to higher altitudes,
the air column shortens and weighs less, causing the barometric pressure to fall. As a result,
the air is less dense and has fewer total molecules in a liter of air, with components in the
usual proportion. Imagine a trip from New Orleans, Louisiana, at 0 m to Denver, Colorado
(1,500 m, 5,280 ft), followed by a day trip to Leadville, Colorado (3,000 m, 10,141 ft),
and another day trip to Pike’s Peak, Colorado (4,300 m, 14,115 ft). At Denver, Leadville,
and Pike’s Peak, the amount of oxygen in a lungful of air will be approximately 84, 69, and
60 percent of that in New Orleans (Figure 9.5).
The decrease in the partial pressure of oxygen lessens the pressure difference between the
air and the lungs’ alveoli. In turn, the oxygen pressure difference between the alveoli and
the blood flowing around them lessens, diffusion lessens, and this effect ripples along the
oxygen delivery cascade (Figure 9.6). Less than the “usual” (near sea level where we
evolved) oxygen availability owing to lower pressure is called hypobaric hypoxia, referred to
simply as hypoxia. That is, hypoxia stresses most biological systems and elicits responses that
offset the stress to varying degrees. Scientific convention considers 2,500 m to be the
threshold at which responses are engaged, although very large samples have revealed small
responses at lower altitudes (Staub et al. 2020). High-altitude hypoxia stress can be charac-
terized by its magnitude (altitude above sea level), frequency e.g., once, occasional, regular,
seasonal and duration (acute - days to weeks or months - chronic lifelong, or generational
Unlike temperature and ultraviolet radiation, behavior buffering of the climate stress due
to oxygen levels was not traditionally possible and, even now, it is used only under specific

Figure 9.5 Ambient oxygen levels, measured by the partial pressure of oxygen (solid line) or as a per-
cent of sea-level values (dashed line), decrease with increasing altitude, a situation called high-altitude
or hypobaric hypoxia. The atmosphere contains ≈ 21 percent of oxygen at all altitudes. (Beall 2007)
152  cynthia m. beall

Figure 9.6 Oxygen is transported from atmospheric air to the mitochondria of tissue cells along a
pathway with several diffusive and convective steps. The steps in this oxygen cascade are breathing,
oxygen diffusion across the blood–gas interface, circulation of oxygen throughout the body, oxygen
diffusion across the blood–tissue interface to the mitochondria, and oxygen utilization to generate
ATP by oxidative phosphorylation. (Storz, et al. 2010)

circumstances. The use of oxygen tanks remains confined to medicine and high-altitude
expeditions. The distribution of hypoxic stress does not follow a global latitudinal pattern
as does that of temperature and ultraviolet radiation. Instead, the Andean, East African, and
Tibetan plateaus are the home of indigenous populations with millennia of residence and
the opportunity for selection and the other evolutionary forces to act. Studies on adaptation
to high altitude often compare local populations living at very different altitudes to obtain
the largest contrast in stress. Another approach compares populations living on different
plateaus to obtain contrasts in microevolutionary history. In addition to hypoxic stress,
high-altitude areas experience more ultraviolet and cold stress than lowland areas at the
same latitudes.
In contrast to ultraviolet and thermal stress that changes magnitude slowly with latitude,
highlands occur on the landscape abruptly and discontinuously. The founders of the high-
land populations shared an ancient conserved oxygen homeostasis system consisting of
genes encoding oxygen sensors, transcription factors called hypoxia inducible factors
(HIFs), and target genes encoding proteins functioning to maintain cellular oxygen levels
(Semenza 2012). Each continental population of upward migrants experienced hypoxia
after a unique evolutionary history of adapting to other stresses at low altitudes. This may
help to explain why Andean, East African, and Tibetan highland populations have different
suites of responses.
The acclimatization of people from low altitude regions visiting high altitude areas for
days to weeks provides evidence of the “unselected” responses not modified by evolu-
tionary forces over generations of chronic, lifelong exposure. The extent to which the
indigenous populations depart from the unselected responses suggests the possibility of
other modes of adaptation. Specific responses to acute hypoxia occur in seconds: a plunge
in the oxygen saturation of hemoglobin, an increased drive to breathe (called the hypoxic
climate-related human biological variation  153

ventilatory response), and an increase in minute ventilation compared to the low altitude
baseline (Beall et al. 1997; West et al. 2013). Other responses occur within minutes: vaso-
constriction (narrowing) of the blood vessels to the lung and vasodilation (widening) of
those to the brain and other organs (Fatemian et al. 2016; Rhodes 2005; Wolff et al.
2002; Xu and Lamanna 2006). Pulmonary vasoconstriction remains while cerebral vaso-
dilation returns to baseline during the first week (Beall and Strohl 2021). The ventilatory
responses return to the pre-exposure baseline over months (Powell et al. 1998). Within
hours and days of exposure, oxygen homeostasis genes increase the transcription of pro-
teins, stimulating the production of more red blood cells, the absorption and transport of
iron, and the synthesis of iron-containing hemoglobin. These and other responses may
contribute to the elevated basal metabolic rate that returns to baseline after approximately
three weeks (Butterfield et al. 1992; Grover 1963; Mawson et al. 2000). These responses
enable more or less usual, but not maximal, function. Maximal aerobic work capacity, a
measure of the maximum amount of oxygen an individual can use during exercise, falls
immediately and remains low. During the first weeks at altitude, acutely exposed low-
landers metabolize more oxygen to support vital processes and have a smaller capacity to
meet the increased oxygen demands of physical work. Early visitors and settlers to the
high-altitude plateaus would have mounted these responses, which provided the pheno-
typic variation for natural selection.
The East African Plateau The earliest evidence of accessing the East African highlands
comes from sites dated to 47,000–31,000 years ago (ya) at 3,500 m (Ossendorf et al.
2019). The earliest evidence of permanent settlement dates to approximately 5,000 ya
(Aldenderfer 2003). The Amhara ethnic group inhabits the plateau in northeast Ethiopia
that was settled approximately 5,000 ya. According to historical records, the Oromo ethnic
group migrated to the plateau in southern Ethiopia approximately 500 ya. The two ethnic
groups are genetically closely related yet show different patterns of adaptation. The more
recent arrivals at high altitude qualitatively resemble acutely exposed individuals. Oromo
men and women have lower saturation and higher hemoglobin concentrations than their
low-altitude counterparts (Alkorta-Aranburu et al. 2012; Lundgrin et al. 2013). The
Amhara, with the longer residence, resemble unstressed lowlanders, although not com-
pletely. They have slightly lower oxygen saturation and an unelevated hemoglobin
concentration. A partial explanation for the lower hemoglobin concentration may be higher
levels of the hepcidin protein that inhibits iron absorption from the gut and may limit the
synthesis of iron-requiring hemoglobin molecules. The assumption is that 500 years is not
sufficient for evolutionary forces to influence oxygen delivery phenotypes among the
Oromo, while over 5,000 years, phenotypic effects have evolved among the Amhara.
Unelevated hemoglobin concentrations, compared to elevated ones, are beneficial because
they do not raise blood viscosity and stress the cardiovascular system.
As with adaptation to temperature and UVR stress, genomic studies have included tests
of hypotheses about genetic adaptations to hypoxia. The genomic studies of Amhara and
Oromo populations require replication and, thus, interpretation of the results is tentative.
Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) found associations with lower hemoglobin con-
centrations and higher hepcidin levels among Amhara (Alkorta-Aranburu et al. 2012;
Lundgrin et al. 2013). GWAS detected no genome-wide significant associations in the
Oromo samples. However, the Oromo exhibited evidence of altitude differences in DNA
methylation (Alkorta-Aranburu et al. 2012).
The Tibetan Plateau Archaeological evidence indicated the presence of humans on the
Tibetan Plateau approximately 45,000–30,000 years ago (Zhang et al. 2018) and
154  cynthia m. beall
permanent occupation by humans starting approximately 12,000–7,400 ya (Meyer et al.
2017). Archaeological and genetic evidence indicated that ascent to the plateau likely
occurred from the Northeast and probably took longer than that to the East African
Plateau because the Tibetan Plateau is higher and ringed with barriers, including the
Himalayas. The early populations arrived at altitude after exposure to varying degrees of
heat, cold, UVR, and different types of food and disease while expanding from northeast
Africa to northeast Asia. In addition, the gene pool likely reflected bouts of random ge-
netic drift and genetic immigration since splitting with the ancestors of the African popu-
lations. For instance, Tibetans show evidence of the introgression of an oxygen homeostasis
gene variant from archaic hominins called Denisovans, first found in a cave in Siberia
(Huerta-Sanchez et al. 2014).
Compared to temporarily exposed lowlanders, Tibetan highlanders have low saturation
and unelevated hemoglobin concentrations in the expected sea-level range (similar to
Amhara). Two loci in the oxygen homeostasis pathway, one of which is from the Denisovans,
are associated with an unelevated hemoglobin concentration. They are Egl-9 family hypoxia
inducible factor 1 (EGLN1), encoding a cellular oxygen sensor called PHD2, and endothe-
lial PAS domain protein 1 (EPAS1), encoding a protein that is part of the transcription
factor HIF2 (Jeong et al. 2018). Notably, the associations of EGLN1 and EPAS1 with ele-
vated hemoglobin concentrations have been replicated many times, strengthening
confidence in the finding (Beall and Strohl 2021). Recent evidence indicates that the unel-
evated hemoglobin concentration of Tibetans results from dilution by a large plasma volume
rather than a lower total mass of hemoglobin (Stembridge et al. 2019).
Other distinctive Tibetan phenotypes include less vasoconstriction of the lungs and no
vasodilation of cerebral blood flow, a brisk drive to breathe, and a high minute ventila-
tion (Groves et al. 1993; Hoit et al. 2006). Tibetans have the BMR and work capacity
expected for their age, sex, and body size (Beall et al. 1996; Huang et al. 1992). This
results in a minimum and maximum capacity to deliver oxygen similar to that of low-
landers at low altitudes.
Some genotypes and phenotypes are associated with reproductive success among
Tibetans. Phenotypes associated with reproductive success include higher uterine artery
blood flow during pregnancy, which correlates with heavier birthweights (Browne et al.
2015). Heavier babies have a greater chance of survival. Among post-reproductive Tibetan
women, an unelevated hemoglobin concentration is associated with a higher chance of their
pregnancies resulting in livebirths (Cho et al. 2017).
The Andean Plateau People first accessed the Andean Plateau approximately 13,000 ya
(Rademaker et al. 2014). These people descended from ancestors that migrated from NE
Asia through Beringia and North America and halfway down South America. They would
have had another unique history of adaptation to changing environments and evolutionary
processes. The earliest permanent residences date to approximately 7,000 ya (Haas et al.
2017). Compared with lowlanders acutely exposed for days to weeks, Andean highlanders
have a low drive to breath, low minute ventilation, very large lung volumes, elevated hemo-
globin concentration, vasoconstriction of blood vessels to the lungs and vasodilation of
those to the brain (Beall and Strohl 2021). Similar to that of Tibetans, their BMR and
physical work capacity are predicted by age, sex, and body weight (Beall and Strohl 2021;
Brutsaert 2016).
The explanation for a distinctive trait of Andean highlanders, a large lung volume, became
apparent in a study using a “migrant model” comparing residents and migrants from one
altitude to another. Based on the model, differences between high-altitude residents and
climate-related human biological variation  155

upward migrants in the mean values are interpretated as evidence of a trait associated with
good function. The study compared two samples of individuals of highland Andean ancestry
born and raised at high and low altitudes with two samples of individuals of lowland
European ancestry also born and raised at high and low altitudes. Both Andean and
European individuals had larger lung volumes measured as Forced Vital Capacity (FVC) if
they grew up at high altitudes. However, a larger effect among those of Andean descent
indicated that both developmental exposure to hypoxia and genetic ancestry contributed to
the notably large FVC (Brutsaert et al. 1999).
The genomes of Andean highlanders have revealed intriguing associations with adaptive
phenotypes. Variants in the EGLN1 loci encoding a cellular oxygen sensor are associated
with maximal exercise capacity (Brutsaert et al. 2019). Two oxygen homeostasis-related
genes, PRKAA1 and EDN, are associated with uterine artery diameter and birthweight,
and are likely to be linked to reproductive success (Bigham et al. 2014).
Population Comparisons Andean and Tibetan highlanders living at the same altitude dif-
fer quantitatively with respect to numerous traits, thus leading to the hypothesis that there
are at least two successful patterns of adaptation to the same stress. More evidence from
East Africa may support a hypothesis of three successful patterns. Compared with Tibetans,
Andean highlanders have significantly (7–9 percent) higher hemoglobin concentrations,
approximately 20 percent lower drive to breathe and minute ventilation, 18 percent lower
cerebral blood flow, and lower uterine artery blood flow. Despite these quantitative differ-
ences at some points in the oxygen delivery process, the Tibetan and Andean highlanders
share similar traits considered integrated functional measures: healthy birthweight and
expected-for-age-and-sex physical work capacity (Beall and Strohl 2021).

Emerging Topic

The science of epigenetics deals with molecular processes that change gene expression “…
in the context of the same DNA sequence” (Cavalli and Heard 2019: 489). The processes
can arise from one’s behavior and environment. Epigenetic processes remain poorly studied
in the context of adaptation to the environment. However, future work is likely to turn to
this intriguing area for an understanding of the mechanisms of adaptation. For example,
UVB damages DNA by adding molecules in ways that increase the risk of skin cancer and
immune suppression (Johann To Berens and Molinier 2020; Prasad and Katiyar 2017).
Another example addresses hypoxia. Adults who grew up at high altitudes exhibit different
epigenetic patterns from those acutely exposed or unexposed, implying different gene
expression levels. Andean highlanders with different EPAS1 variants had different epige-
netic modifications. These findings suggest the benefits of adding epigenetic analyses to
genotype–phenotype association studies (Childebayeva et al., 2019a, 2019b, 2021a,

Climate Change

Our understanding of past climate change obtained from the geologic record is
coarse-grained compared with the year-to-year information available for the past few cen-
turies. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) defines climate change as
“A change in the state of the climate that can be identified (e.g., by using statistical tests)
156  cynthia m. beall
by changes in the mean and/or the variability of its properties and that persists for an
extended period, typically decades or longer” (IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change) 2012). Biological anthropologists know little about biological adaptation to cli-
mate change; however, past works provide some insights.
The global surface temperature rose approximately 7 °C (about 13 °F) in the past 24,000
years (Figure 9.7) (Marcott and Shakun 2021). The goal of the 2015 Paris Agreement on
climate change was “to limit global warming to well below 2, preferably to 1.5 °C (about
3.6 and 2.7 °F, respectively), compared to preindustrial levels” (https://unfccc.int/process-
and-meetings/the-paris-agreement/the-paris-agreement). A change of that size carries
implications for human biology, adaptation, evolution, and health.
Warming will not occur uniformly; modeling efforts consistently report that human pop-
ulations will experience abrupt changes in the magnitude, duration, and frequency of heat,
cold, water availability, and ultraviolet radiation (Raymond et al. 2020). Central Asia is the
only area of the world likely to experience more cold events. The number of extreme cold
events will fall elsewhere, and heat events will increase in magnitude, frequency, and dura-
tion. For instance, children under 10 years of age in 2020 may experience a fourfold increase
in the number of lifetime extreme heat events (Thiery et al. 2021). Mortality rises during
heat waves, despite the buffers of technology and modern conveniences found in high- and
middle-income countries (Alahmad et al. 2020; Chen et al. 2018). Furthermore, areas with
combined heat and humidity that are beyond human thermal tolerance (usually cited as
35 °C (95 °F) wet-bulb temperature) already exist in tropical areas and will increase (Pal
and Eltahir 2016; Raymond et al. 2020). Examples of institutional adaptations include the
Israeli Defense Force regimes for acclimatizing to heat (Yanovich et al. 2020), the France
National Heatwave Plan (Plan National Canicule available at https://ghhin.org/resources/
plan-national-canicule-2017), and the [US] National Integrated Heat Health Information
System (Keith et al. 2021).
Climate warming has knock-on effects for other stressors, including effects on the
ozone layer and ultraviolet radiation. The ultraviolet radiation index will decrease by

Figure 9.7 Changes in the global mean surface temperature over the past 24,000 years relative to the
average for the preindustrial period of the past millennium (1,000–1,850). (Marcott and Shakun 2021)
climate-related human biological variation  157

9 percent in latitudes above 60 °N, including parts of Alaska, Canada, Greenland,

Scandinavia, and Russia. It will increase by 4 percent in the tropics (Hegglen and
Shepherd 2009). These changes have implications for vulnerability to vitamin D defi-
ciency at high latitudes, skin cancers, and other health consequences of high ultraviolet
radiation in the tropics.
Climate change will alter the water supply for human and agricultural use, including pre-
cipitation, ground, and surface sources; “the quantity and quality of our water are woven
into the intersections between human health, culture, and human biology, just as they are
for food” (Rosinger and Brewis 2020). Water needs decreased throughout the evolution of
the genus Homo (Pontzer et al. 2021; Hora et al. 2019). Water sufficiency is an important
emerging area of research.
We have both vulnerabilities and strengths. Some vulnerabilities are part of our evolu-
tionary heritage, such as the vulnerability of kidneys to prolonged heat stress and dehydra-
tion (Barraclough et al. 2017; de Lorenzo and Liaño 2017). Can we anticipate how to
buffer ourselves behaviorally and biologically from the multiple anticipated stresses?
Conservation biologists use the concept of genomic vulnerability to climate change. It
refers to the difference between a population’s current allele frequencies and those in locales
where populations are already well adapted (Hoffmann et al. 2021). The concept may have
limited use among human populations because variants at individual loci typically explain a
small percentage of the variance in complex traits and because multiple loci are usually
involved. However, as noted above, some variants have large quantitative effects on traits.
Information on the reaction norms of such traits could help plan behavioral responses or
identify particularly vulnerable individuals.
Phenotypic vulnerability refers to the existing range of variations that may increase the
risk of a poor response to abrupt stress. Higher levels of UVR damage could increase the
risk of skin cancer among populations with light skin color, for example. The prevalence of
chronic diseases may increase the risk of a poor outcome if many are ill with diseases inter-
fering with thermoregulation (Barraclough et al. 2017; de Lorenzo and Liaño 2017). The
vulnerability may arise from limited energy resources. For instance, acclimatization to heat,
cold, and high altitude have metabolic energy costs requiring calories (Green et al. 1992;
Mawson et al. 2000; Ocobock 2016).
Demographic vulnerability could arise from the size or age–sex composition of a
population. For instance, children and the elderly are among the most vulnerable to extreme
thermal stress (Smith 2019). Natural selection may favor children with more effective
responses. The globally growing number of people over 60 or 80 years of age directs
attention to offsetting age-related changes such as loss of melanocytes or sweat glands that
may hobble adaptation (Gildner and Levy 2021).
Human biological strengths in the face of climate change include the modes of
adaptation, plasticity, acclimation (acclimatization arising from deliberate laboratory
exposure), cross-adaptation, and preconditioning. Cross-adaptation refers to exposure
and acclimatization to stress that benefits from exposure to a different stress. Prior heat
and cold acclimatization may benefit the response to acute high-altitude hypoxia (Gibson
et al. 2017). For example, Australian Aborigines adapted to daytime hot desert condi-
tions and night-time temperatures below freezing. Evidence that the TRPM8 locus senses
both warm and cool stresses suggests avenues for exploring cross-adaptation there and
elsewhere (Iftinca and Altier 2020). Preconditioning refers to exposure and acclimatiza-
tion to a stress that provides benefits upon re-exposure. For instance, recent prior
exposure to high altitudes decreases the risk of acute mountain sickness upon subsequent
158  cynthia m. beall
exposure (Muza et al. 2010). Preconditioning may become helpful in the context of
abrupt extreme climate events.
The relevant outcomes of the trade-offs among vulnerabilities and strengths from an
evolutionary standpoint are survival and reproduction. The human adaptability stand-
point adds homeostasis and functional outcomes, while a health perspective incorporates
wellbeing as a valued outcome. Climate change introduces an urgent research agenda in
biological anthropology. Adding to the urgency is that indigenous populations with many
generations of exposure to these conditions are shrinking in numbers, owing to migra-
tion, urbanization, and climate change. A vanishing reservoir of human behavioral and
biological adaptation to the environment may be lost to science unless we act soon.


This chapter addressed human biological variation from the standpoint of adaptation to
climate. The environmental stresses of temperature and ultraviolet radiation vary slowly
across geographical space, and biological variation corresponds in ways that apparently
improve survival and reproduction. Global analyses demonstrating progressively larger
body size with colder temperatures or lower skin melanization with lower UVB have been
replicated using a variety of approaches. Research on adaptation to high-altitude hypoxia
has generally taken the local approach, identified different adaptations on different conti-
nents, and included phenotypes associated with function and reproductive success. There
has been some success in identifying the genetic bases of adaptive phenotypes. Concepts of
adaptation are changing as anthropology moves away from the typological thinking under-
lying the “modes of adaptation” model to population thinking and acknowledging that
traits and their variation emerge from multiple pathways. Studies of adaptation to climate
usually report data from living people. Incorporating evidence from paleoanthropology, on
the one hand, and from cellular and molecular biology, on the other hand, can yield a better
understanding of the reasons and mechanisms of human biological variation and its relation
to climate. Climate change already stresses human biology and this will most likely increase
in the future.


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CHAPTER 10 Infectious Disease and
Epidemiology: Dealing
with the Present and
Preparing for Future
New Epidemics

Lisa Sattenspiel and

Carolyn Orbann

In the first edition of this book, the infectious disease chapter began with a discussion of a
new disease called severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), caused by a brand-new coro-
navirus, SARS-CoV-1, that emerged in 2003. Fast forward almost 20 years and we are
dealing with yet another brand-new coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, that has spread throughout
the world. So far, this virus and the disease it causes, COVID-19, have killed more Americans
than died in another notorious pandemic, the 1918 influenza pandemic1. We have watched
as the death toll mounted, schools shut down, borders closed and travel stopped, and work
for many people was either moved completely online or was put on hold. This pandemic
began in late 2019 or early 2020 in most parts of the world and at the time of writing
(February 2022) it is still not clear when it will end. Where did it come from? Why are so
many people dying from infectious disease outbreaks now? How can these outbreaks be
controlled more effectively? What does the future hold for us?
A chapter like this cannot answer all these questions, but it can help you to understand
how scientists are trying to find their answers. To do this, we will focus on major issues that
are at the center of research in infectious diseases today: (1) the evolution of new pathogens
and how that process is affected by global climate change, (2) approaches that have been
used to control and deal with recent epidemics, and (3) strategies to communicate effec-
tively about infectious disease issues. These are not the only concerns related to infectious
diseases in the twenty-first century, but due to space limitations we have chosen to center
our discussions on these issues.
The roots of the field of epidemiology, the study of the transmission, distribution, and
control of diseases, most likely extend back into prehistory, but the modern discipline really

A Companion to Biological Anthropology, Second Edition. Edited by Clark Spencer Larsen.

© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
168  lisa sattenspiel and carolyn orbann
got its start during the latter part of the nineteenth century, after the acceptance of the
germ theory of disease. Much of the credit for this theory is given to Louis Pasteur, who
showed in the 1860s that disease could be produced after certain microorganisms (germs)
were introduced into the body. His theory was the culmination of several earlier ideas. For
example, an important concept was the Hippocratic idea that disease resulted from an
imbalance in essential elements in the body (the bodily humors of phlegm, yellow bile,
blood, and black bile), as well as the recognition that health is strongly influenced by cli-
mate and the environment. Modern epidemiology was also influenced by the concept of
contagion, or the belief that diseases can be transferred from person to person via invisible
particles in the air, an idea that was formalized by Girolamo Fracastoro in the sixteenth
The work of John Snow, who conducted one of the first detailed studies linking a
particular environmental risk factor to the development of disease, is often considered the
beginning of modern epidemiology. Snow plotted deaths during an 1854 cholera outbreak
on a map of London and was able to show convincingly that these deaths were connected
to water coming from one source. He was not able to isolate the real cause of cholera, how-
ever. An Italian, Filippo Pacini, first discovered the causal bacterium that same year, but his
work was ignored by scientists. It was not until 1884 when Robert Koch isolated the
bacterium, Vibrio cholerae, in pure culture that the scientific world began to accept it as
the cause, although the actual causal relationship was not formally proven until 1959, when
the toxin that is responsible for the disease was discovered (Lippi and Gotuzzo 2014).
Koch’s work, which resulted in a set of guidelines for determining the link between a
specific pathogen and a disease (called Koch’s postulates) solidified the role of Pasteur’s
germ theory of disease in modern epidemiology.
Initially epidemiology centered on the study of infectious disease epidemics. As the appli-
cation of germ theory and improved sanitation led to more effective control of epidemics,
reduced mortality, especially among children, and increased life expectancy, emphasis
shifted to the study of chronic and noninfectious health conditions, such as cancer or heart
disease. For a while, in the high-income countries of the world, infectious diseases were
thought to be a thing of the past. Consequently, active research on infectious diseases
declined, at least until the HIV/AIDS pandemic emerged. Now with the emergence and
worldwide spread of many new pathogens, including SARS-CoV-2, as well as resurgent
pathogens such as drug-resistant tuberculosis, epidemiologists are expending renewed
energy on understanding the distribution, spread, and control of infectious diseases.
Why do we have so many new diseases now? One major reason is that life in the twenty-
first century is marked by significant increases in rates of worldwide travel and trade and
increased interactions among individuals who were once isolated from one another because
of distance and cultural barriers such as differing languages. As a result, diseases like
COVID-19 can spread through global networks in a matter of weeks or days, and, in
addition, there are new opportunities for the evolution and spread of emerging pathogens.
For example, the pressures of global markets may encourage the growth of poultry farms,
leading to increased contact between poultry and humans and setting the stage for the evo-
lution of new strains of avian influenza that become capable of infecting humans. Other
attributes of modern life also contribute to the evolution of new pathogens, especially
global climate change, overpopulation, deforestation, social and economic inequalities, and
globalization of markets. Scientists studying infectious diseases are playing increasingly
important roles in modern endeavors to continue improving the health and wellbeing of all
infectious disease and epidemiology  169

Anthropologists and epidemiologists have worked in parallel and in collaboration for

much of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, sharing conceptual and theoretical affin-
ities, qualitative and quantitative methods, and an interest in international health, but at the
same time they have retained boundaries and some healthy skepticism about each other’s
research (Janes et al. 1986; Trostle 2006). In this chapter, we focus on important questions
related to present-day infectious diseases, but biological anthropologists have made relatively
few contributions; rather, most of the work has been done by disease ecologists, epidemiol-
ogists, and culturally oriented medical anthropologists (recent examples of the last include
Ennis-McMillan and Hedges 2020; Farmer 2020; Gomez-Temesio 2018; Singer and
Rylko-Bauer 2021). Given the nature of this volume, however, we highlight whenever pos-
sible the work of biological anthropologists and illustrate ways in which biological
anthropology can use epidemiological theory and methods to address questions of interest.
One area related to infectious diseases of humans that has been a long-standing focus in
biological anthropology is the study of disease in prehistoric populations, made possible by
analyses of skeletal remains. This type of work is covered in Chapters 11, 26, and 27 of this
book; to avoid duplication we limit our discussion to historical and modern populations. It
is worth noting, however, that the study of skeletal remains in an archaeological context has
led biological anthropologists to expand Omran’s (1971) classic model of the epidemiolog-
ical transition, a model of great importance to scientists studying health and disease in pres-
ent-day populations. In its original formulation, Omran focused on data from preindustrial
Western Europe, Japan, Chile, and Ceylon (Sri Lanka). Biological anthropologists have
addressed a number of weaknesses in the model and extended it back to the Paleolithic to
offer a framework for understanding how major shifts in social and demographic conditions
have shaped human disease patterns from prehistory to the present (Barrett et al. 1998;
Harper and Armelagos 2010). For example, the progressive reliance on food production
during the Neolithic period led to increased social complexity and stratification, larger
population sizes and density, growing sedentism, and widening trade networks that
increased rates of contact among humans from different communities and facilitated the
spread of new types of pathogens between humans and from animals to humans. Social
inequalities have mediated all epidemiological transitions in human history, resulting in
higher burdens of disease and death among relatively less affluent people within societies,
as well as between societies.
A growing number of biological anthropologists focus on epidemiology in more recent
historic and modern populations. Many of the classic disease studies by biological anthro-
pologists centered on the epidemiology of chronic diseases, including diabetes in native
communities in North America (see, for example, Neel 1962; Szathmáry 1994). Much of
the recent research in epidemiological approaches within biological anthropology (including
our own) has focused on infectious diseases, however. Within a historical context, for
example, recent studies have considered the impact of several epidemics in Gibraltar and
Malta (e.g., Sawchuk and Tripp 2021), the 1918 influenza pandemic and other early twen-
tieth century disease outbreaks in Newfoundland, Labrador, and Alaska (e.g., Mamelund
et al. 2013; van Doren and Sattenspiel 2021), and a variety of epidemics in historical
Quebec (e.g., Bruckner et al. 2018). Examples of recent epidemiological studies in contem-
porary human groups include Hurtado and colleagues’ (2008) studies of helminths in the
Ache of Paraguay; Littleton and King’s (2008) analysis of the political ecology of tubercu-
losis in New Zealand; Gurven et al.’s (2007) study of mortality in the Tsimane Amerindians
of Bolivia; and Dinkel et al.’s (2019) and Houck et al.’s (2019) studies of the relationship
between water improvements and usage on health in small-scale societies. In addition, the
170  lisa sattenspiel and carolyn orbann
entire September/October 2020 issue of the American Journal of Human Biology (Volume
32, number 5) centers on biological anthropologists’ contributions to understanding and
dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic.
To illustrate in more depth how biological anthropology can aid in the study of infectious
diseases, we turn now to the discussion of our three chosen topics: (1) newly emerging
infectious diseases and climate change, with mosquito-borne diseases used to illustrate the
problem; (2) understanding and controlling the spread of recent epidemics, including
COVID-19 and the 2014–16 Ebola epidemic, and dealing with the growing problem of
vaccine hesitancy; and (3) how to prepare for future epidemics by communicating more
effectively to the public the risks and strategies that might control them.

Newly Emerging Infectious Diseases: Sources, Detection, and

Climate Change

The phrase “emerging infectious disease” refers to diseases that either are new to a
population or show an increase in the number of cases, in association with a rapid expansion
of their range (Morse 1993). While media attention to emerging infections has generated
panic and a tendency to connect this phrase with exotic and frightening viruses such as
Ebola or SARS-CoV-2, the phrase is appropriately applied to many commonplace diseases
such as influenza, which have ebbed and flowed over the course of human history. The
phrase came into fashion in the 1990s, in the wake of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, which
demonstrated that infectious diseases were not a feature of the past, but an ever-present and
inevitable aspect of everyday life.
A significant proportion of new human infectious diseases begin as zoonoses, or diseases
of other animals that become capable of infecting humans. Many of these diseases originate
in the tropical regions of the world following environmental or human behavioral change
and increased human interactions with wildlife or domesticated animals that interact with
wildlife (Cunningham et al. 2017; Petrovan et al. 2021). Human diseases that have emerged
from wildlife in the twenty-first century include SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome),
MERS (Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome), new strains of avian influenza, and many
others. Bats appear to be reservoirs (natural sources) for many zoonotic viruses (Cunningham
et al. 2017), as are non-human primates and rodents (Petrovan et al. 2021). Human inter-
actions with these reservoirs likely provide the necessary opportunities for a shift from the
reservoir to a human host. Examples of factors that influence these opportunities are
changes in land-use patterns, agricultural intensification, loss of natural hosts of vectors due
to urbanization and other human activities (which can force the vectors to bite humans
more regularly), and recreational or subsistence activities that increase rates of contact bet-
ween humans and wildlife. Biological anthropology as a discipline stresses a strong under-
standing of both human biology and the role and importance of these types of behaviors for
human existence; thus, this is one important area where biological anthropologists con-
tribute to the study of infectious disease origins and spread (see, for example, Amoroso and
Nunn 2021; Herrera et al. 2020).
Infectious diseases spread through a population in multiple ways. Some pass directly from
person-to-person, some are transmitted through contaminated water or soil, and many are
spread by means of a vector, or living organism that transfers a pathogen from one human
to another or from other animals to humans (WHO 2020). The most common vectors are
insects (e.g., mosquitoes, ticks, fleas, etc.). Diseases transmitted by means of vectors are
infectious disease and epidemiology  171

referred to as vector-borne diseases. Vectors are implicated in some of the most serious
human infectious diseases, including malaria (Anopheles mosquitoes), dengue fever (Aedes
mosquitoes), yellow fever (Aedes mosquitoes), and African trypanosomiasis (sleeping
sickness) (tsetse flies) (WHO 2020).
One of the big questions associated with newly emerging diseases is how to detect their
presence. Since they are new, it can be difficult to recognize them until there are a substan-
tial number of cases, by which time an epidemic is likely to have taken hold and begun to
spread. Such was the case with the 2016 Zika epidemic in Brazil. The disease itself was first
reported in Nigeria in the early 1950s (Plourde and Bloch 2016), although it was uncommon
until recent outbreaks in the Pacific and the Americas in the mid-2010s (Musso and Gubler
2016). The epidemic in Brazil is thought to have begun in 2013 or 2014, but it remained
undetected and circulated for over a year and a half before it was connected to severe cases
of microcephaly in newborns, a new manifestation of the disease. By that time, it had
already spread to over 40 countries, leading the World Health Organization to declare a
public emergency at the beginning of February in 2016, and it has continued to circulate
in some parts of the world (Faria et al. 2017; Grubaugh et al. 2019; Lowe et al. 2018).
It is generally acknowledged that the recognition of novel pathogens can only be achieved
at the community level due to the difficulty at larger geographic scales of conducting the
intense surveillance needed to detect a rare pathogen. Globally, however, many regions
with the highest potential to be sources for new pathogens struggle, even at the community
level, with insufficient disease surveillance capabilities, laboratory facilities, and trained per-
sonnel needed for the identifications. Furthermore, ill individuals may be most comfortable
first turning to local healers and may either avoid or not have access to biomedical clinics
and hospitals until they have already spread a pathogen to others. This delay may also limit
the information about a new pathogen that comes to the attention of biomedical practi-
tioners, making it more difficult for a new pathogen to be recognized by organizations such
as the WHO. Good communication between biomedical and traditional practitioners can
help to facilitate quicker identification of significant new pathogens – another potential role
for biological anthropologists, who can use their anthropological training as well as their
understanding of biological issues to communicate effectively with both parties.
Most of the efforts to detect new pathogens focus on molecular techniques such as PCR
and whole genome sequencing (see Bird and Mazet 2018 for a review of these methods).
Another approach, sentinel surveillance systems, relies on observations of specific types of
animals to warn of potential human problems (e.g., die-offs of rodents in the southwestern
US can signal potential plague outbreaks). Syndromic surveillance methods, which analyze
daily reports of general practitioners for unusual human illness patterns, are used in some
countries (e.g., Randrianasolo et al. 2010). Computer models can analyze potential risk
situations such as climatic changes, spillover of infections from other animals to humans
(e.g., cases of avian influenza in human farmers), or spatial variation in characteristics known
to influence the risk for a particular disease. In recent years, in an attempt to better gauge
risks for the spread of COVID-19, bioaerosol sampling has been conducted in high traffic
situations such as airports, and wastewater near communities has been sampled to detect
and identify new variants of SARS-CoV-2, the virus causing COVID-19 (Oeschger et al.
2021; Sims and Kasprzyk-Hordern 2020).
These techniques all aid in detecting new pathogens, but the fact remains that there really
is no way to know for sure where and when the next pathogen capable of causing another
human pandemic will evolve. As the history of SARS-CoV-2 has shown, when faced with a
new pathogen, even the most basic biological characteristics of the pathogen and its
172  lisa sattenspiel and carolyn orbann
interaction with the host cannot be understood until a significant number of people have
already become infected. In addition, the response of humans to a new pathogen is complex
and impossible to predict. Nonetheless, these new techniques and increased recognition of
the potential threats of new pathogens have led to better communication and collaboration
among health authorities and governments worldwide, which will help to ensure rapid
responses to pathogens of the future.

The Impact of Climate Change

New pathogens are evolving all the time, but the world is facing a major environmental
problem, climate change, that is likely to result in significant new shifts in human interac-
tions with potential pathogens, other hosts of those pathogens, and disease vectors such as
mosquitoes that facilitate transmission of the pathogens among humans. Here we briefly
mention the most important consequences of climate change on the distribution, transmis-
sion, and prevalence of human infectious diseases. The breadth of pathogen diversity is such
that space does not allow consideration of this topic for all kinds of human diseases.
Consequently, we limit our discussion here to the effects of climate change on vector-borne
diseases such as malaria and dengue fever. Vector-borne diseases are responsible for over
17 percent of all cases of infectious disease in humans and cause over 700,000 deaths world-
wide every year (WHO 2020) and, in addition, have clear ties to both environmental and
social factors. Readers interested in more in-depth discussions of the impacts of climate
change on vector-borne and other kinds of diseases than can be presented here are encour-
aged to consult some of the many recent reviews of this topic (e.g., Bartlow et al. 2019;
Ellwanger et al. 2020).
Many of the changes expected to occur in vector-borne diseases following climate change
will result from adjustments in vector characteristics that influence their ability to effectively
transfer pathogens from one human to another. These characteristics include rates of vector
survival, biting rates, rate of development, and length of the vector reproductive period.
Almost all these characteristics are sensitive to variations in temperature, rainfall, and
humidity, with most showing maximum values at intermediate levels of the climate variables
(Mordecai et al. 2019). For example, many mosquitoes have a well-defined temperature
range that is ideal for their survivorship. If temperatures rise too far above or too far below
this range, survivorship drops.
Computer models have been developed to explore the impacts of defined climate changes
(e.g., Colón-González et al. 2021; Mordecai et al. 2019; Ryan et al. 2019) and these pro-
vide some insight into what we might expect to happen with vector-borne diseases as the
global climate warms. Some of these studies and observations of present disease and vector
distributions indicate that the distribution of malaria in East Africa is shifting toward higher
altitudes, which are becoming warm enough to allow survival of the mosquito vector, and
there are suggestions that transmission in lower altitudes could be lessened due to poorer
survivorship of the malaria vector in hotter temperatures.
As another example, because of warmer temperatures in southern Europe, Aedes aegypti
mosquitoes (the vector of dengue fever, yellow fever, Zika virus, and other diseases) are
increasing their range into that region and may even overtake Anopheles mosquitoes (the
malaria vector) in some areas. This means that in these areas the diseases transmitted by
Aedes mosquitoes may become much more problematic. In addition, due to less suitable
conditions for survivorship of the malaria vector as well as competition between the two
types of vectors (Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes), there may be further reductions in
infectious disease and epidemiology  173

malaria in these regions (Mordecai et al. 2020). An additional consideration is that Aedes
mosquitoes bite during the day (when bug spray is a preferred prevention strategy), while
Anopheles mosquitoes bite at night (when bed nets are more effective). Thus, a shift in the
predominant mosquito species means the types of public health efforts most effective could
change due to the differing ecology of dengue fever, yellow fever, and Zika virus as well as
the Aedes vector (Mordecai et al. 2020), leaving populations with inadequate strategies and
resources to deal with the new disease risks (Colón-González et al. 2021). Another compli-
cation is that in such a situation, communications about how to prevent the disease may be
outdated and focus on the prior species of mosquito that was most prevalent rather than the
newly predominant mosquitoes, a situation that was observed during the 2016 Zika epi-
demic (Kristin Hedges, personal communication, January 4, 2022). In addition, the limited
prior exposure of these populations to malaria may mean that they have few of the genetic
adaptations to malaria (e.g., carriers of sickle cell hemoglobin) observed in areas with
long-standing exposure to the disease and they may also have limited levels of immunity
built up from exposure at young ages.
Changes are also likely to occur in the pathogens themselves as well as in environmental
conditions that affect disease transmission rates. Most pathogens go through some of their
life stages within their vectors (i.e., the vectors are not just conduits for them to get from
one human to another but are necessary for the pathogen to complete its life cycle). Changes
in temperature, humidity, and rainfall can alter the reproduction rate of a pathogen in its
vector and/or host and can also change the length of time it takes for a newly infected host
to become infectious and be able to transmit the pathogen to a new vector and ultimately
another host. Changes in these climatic variables can also influence the length of transmis-
sion season, allowing for more or fewer generations of the vector and/or the pathogen in a
given year, and environmental shifts can lead to changes in the number and/or distribution
of vector breeding sites. For example, environmental shifts can lead to increased rainfall,
which can cause increases in standing water, prime breeding locations for many types of
Finally, many changes in the human environment can occur due to climate change. If
drought occurs, humans may need more water storage containers; these are prime breeding
locations for Aedes mosquitoes. Extreme climate events can lead to a destabilization of
infrastructure related to sanitation and public health, especially in regions with inadequate
infrastructure to begin with. Deforestation and habitat fragmentation often accompany
climate change – these can upset the natural cycles of disease that occur in wild animals
and result in increased human risk as vectors and pathogens seek alternate hosts. This pro-
cess is exacerbated by increasing encroachment of humans on wildlife habitat, agricultural
intensification and land use changes, mining, dam building, urbanization-related destruc-
tion of the natural environment, increased hunting and consumption of wild game (which
also reduces the availability of an important source of protein in low-resource popula-
tions), and a growing international trade of animals and animal products. It is important
to note, however, that some of these changes may have some positive consequences for a
region. In particular, mining, dam building, and urbanization often result in improve-
ments in the local road system and water supplies, which can make it easier to access med-
ical facilities and clean water (although often these upgrades do not come with funds to
maintain them beyond the short term and may result in more problems down the line).
It is essential to carefully assess the overall consequences, both negative and positive, of
human impacts on the environment in attempts to determine the ultimate impacts of
­climate change2.
174  lisa sattenspiel and carolyn orbann
Understanding and Controlling Infectious Disease

Small pre-agricultural human populations were likely troubled primarily by parasites or

environmentally acquired infections rather than the kinds of infectious diseases most
prominent in high-income countries today. As human groups increased in size, new oppor-
tunities arose for pathogens that are transmitted directly from individual to individual, from
domesticated animals to the human population, or through the detritus associated with
larger more sedentary human populations. Diseases like measles, influenza, and polio can
circulate regularly if a supply of susceptible hosts is available. Humans have responded to
the threat of infectious disease outbreaks with both technological solutions, like vaccines
and medications, and behavioral changes designed to control outbreaks of disease, like
quarantine or avoidance behaviors.
Before an infectious disease can be controlled, basic information about it must be under-
stood, including the means of transmission, how a pathogen can be transmitted to others,
the probability that transmission occurs, how long an infected person is likely to be sick, and
what, if any, treatments work to manage symptoms or cure the disease. In the scientific
approach used in biomedicine it is understood that diseases are caused by specific patho-
gens. The human–pathogen environment is envisioned as an ecosystem containing environ-
ment, host, and infectious agent. This framework, known as the socioecological model,
allows scientists to think about specific parts of the disease process and their effects on
population-level outcomes. For example, influenza transmission from person to person is
highly impacted by season and by social behaviors and cultural structures. The disease
spreads more readily in winter because people spend more time indoors where they share
more air. Influenza also spreads in family and other co-habiting groups more frequently
because their contacts are stronger (they spend more time together, often closer together
than groups of strangers).
Another way to consider infectious disease is with a One Health model, which looks
more closely at the connection of human, animal, and environment. A One Health model
might look at the way that influenza circulates in wild and domestic bird populations and
how and when it is likely to move into human populations in order to apply appropriate
public health measures. In both of these models, successful control of infectious disease
requires consideration of both biological and sociocultural factors.
One of the most effective ways to stop an outbreak of infectious disease is to deny the
pathogen access to susceptible hosts. This can be achieved through methods like vaccina-
tion, which reduce the numbers of susceptible people, or movement controls like quaran-
tine, isolation, and border control. Social norms, including stigmas (Brewis et al. 2020) and
emotions such as disgust related to the consequences of infections (Cepon-Robins et al.
2021), can also influence disease control by discouraging mixing of infectious and suscep-
tible individuals or encouraging self-moderating of risky behavior. For example, sneezing
directly into another person’s face is a risky behavior in terms of pathogen transfer and is
also seen as a violation of social norms. In this way, culture can promote behaviors that limit
disease spread. Note, however, that stigmas may further isolate vulnerable populations and
often become morally coded so that people with certain types of infectious disease become
shunned or scapegoated. Stigma can also be implicated in reduced use of health care
resources by people who have or fear they have stigmatized conditions.
Border closure, travel restriction, quarantine, and isolation have all been in use for cen-
turies. Quarantine is the enforced separation of a group of people whose disease status is
unknown; isolation is the process of separating out an infected (and presumably infectious)
infectious disease and epidemiology  175

person and keeping them from passing the contagion along to others in their community.
Quarantines are recorded as far back as the twelfth century in Venice as a measure to pre-
vent disease from spreading due to contact with traders from other parts of the world
(McDonald 1951). They were common throughout the Mediterranean and British Isles in
the sixteenth through ninetenth centuries and became a standard way that countries con-
trolled the spread of disease from other locations. The quarantine period is determined by
disease attributes – typically it should last long enough to confirm that someone is not
infected before allowing them to mix within a larger population. Isolation is enforced dur-
ing the time a sick person could possibly transmit a pathogen, which can vary widely
depending on the disease. Border controls are typically intended to prevent the entrance of
infected people into a susceptible community, but often are not implemented in time to
totally prevent pathogen spread. Each of these actions can be effective in slowing the pace
of new infections and can be very useful, particularly in cases where medical options are
limited and prevention is of vital importance.
Recent outbreaks of new infectious diseases have varied in size, but all have had severe
morbidity and mortality effects, severe economic effects, or both. In the remainder of this
section, we use case studies of COVID-19 and Ebola to illustrate some specific tools used
in the control of infectious disease and how anthropological thought has and can continue
to contribute to infectious disease control.

COVID-19 is clearly the most significant infectious disease to emerge in recent history. As
of this writing, the pandemic is entering its third year and has caused widespread mortality,
morbidity, and economic disruption. The WHO estimates over 430 million cases and nearly
6 million deaths worldwide as of late February 2022 (WHO 2022). The disease was first
detected in China in late 2019, and quickly spread to Europe and North America in early
2020; by April 2020 it had been detected in most countries around the world.
COVID-19 causes respiratory symptoms, including a cough and fever. The risk of
mortality is highest among people over age 50 (as of late February 2022, over 93 percent
of COVID-19 deaths in the US were among people in this age group) (CDC 2022).
Disparities in COVID-19 deaths have also been recorded by gender (Bambra et al. 2021),
racial and ethnic identities (both in the US and in other countries) (Bentley 2020; Gross
et al. 2020), and disability status (Bosworth et al. 2021). Disparities are largely driven by
social features, such as access to care, insurance coverage, and employment in public facing
jobs or other workplaces where distancing or working from home is not possible. Some
people have also reported experiencing long COVID, in which symptoms continue for sev-
eral months past the initial infection (Callard and Perego 2021).
In the earliest days of the pandemic, most countries attempted to control spread by first
imposing travel restrictions, including cancellation of flights, mass-transit, and individual
domestic travel. This typically was followed by lockdowns, during which schools, busi-
nesses, and public places were closed. People were advised to work from home and avoid
nonessential movement in their communities. These movement restrictions were often cou-
pled with mandated wearing of masks, testing protocols, and other nonpharmaceutical
interventions (NPIs) designed to increase understanding of the spread of COVID-19 and
prevent new infections.
The NIH announced the first Phase I trial of a viable vaccine candidate in March 2020
(NIH 2020), only weeks after the viral genetic sequence was released to the international
community. By late 2020, the US government was close to giving emergency approval to a
176  lisa sattenspiel and carolyn orbann
vaccine. This represents the fastest development of a vaccine for an infectious disease to
date, and while it is a significant achievement, the speed also contributed to the problem of
vaccine hesitancy for specific parts of the population (Kim et al. 2020).
Even as vaccines were being made available to frontline workers, issues of vaccine equity
arose. Within the US, native English-speaking people with higher incomes, health insur-
ance, and better access to health care were likely to get vaccinated earliest (Crane et al.
2021). Internet access was almost always necessary to book vaccine appointments, so peo-
ple with low technical literacy or lack of high-speed Internet were less likely to be able to
successfully book vaccine appointments. Other factors, like work schedules, transportation
access, and childcare availability also played a role in people’s ability to make use of
Globally, issues of vaccine equity were even more significant. High-income nations pur-
chased billions of doses of vaccines, sometimes more than was required to vaccinate their
entire populations. Middle- and low-income nations have had challenges getting doses even
for frontline healthcare workers. As of February 2022, the WHO COVID dashboard indi-
cates that most African nations continue to have much lower rates of vaccination than the
rest of the world. Measures to increase equity have been recommended, including devel-
oping internal infrastructure related to vaccine storage and distribution in low- and middle-
income nations, the relaxation of patents covering the vaccines so that more manufacturers
can start production, and calling on high-income nations to hold off on distributing
boosters until more people can get their first set of doses (The Lancet Infectious Diseases
Many anthropological journals released special issues on COVID-19 in which they shared
the ways that anthropological methodologies might be useful for researchers working with
populations during the pandemic (e.g., American Journal of Human Biology, Volume 32
(5): “Human Biologists Confront the COVID-19 Pandemic” and Open Anthropological
Research, Volume 1 (1) special issue: “Pathogenic Politics: Life, Death, and Social Responses
to the COVID-19 Pandemic”). Anthropological research has also directly addressed issues
like systemic racism, structural inequalities, and the relationship between patients and health
systems in the context of the pandemic (e.g., Medical Anthropology, Volume 39 (5):
“COVID-19 and other Crises: On Risk and Repercussion”), as well as how anthropologists
can leverage the strengths of the field during health emergencies like COVID-19 (Ali 2020;
Gray et al. 2020).

Prior to the emergence of COVID-19, Ebola was one emerging infectious disease of con-
cern to the international infectious disease community. Identified in the 1970s, Ebola is
related to other viruses that cause hemorrhagic disease and it infects humans, nonhuman
primates, and possibly other animal species. It has been reported primarily in West African
nations and is likely to have a wild reservoir in bats (Leendertz et al. 2016), though its
specific reservoir species is still unknown. Ebola spreads through bodily fluids and transmis-
sion often occurs during care-giving or mortuary practices, like washing a body, cleaning
body fluids, or otherwise coming into direct contact with an infected person (Rewar and
Mirdha 2014).
Sporadic outbreaks of Ebola have been recorded since its discovery, but the long and
widespread epidemic of 2014–2016 was of greatest concern to international health author-
ities and one case in particular where anthropologists were able to contribute to control
efforts. Travel restrictions were widely implemented and prevented or limited travel from
infectious disease and epidemiology  177

West Africa to other parts of the world, but the epidemic ultimately spread to 10 countries
and caused the deaths of over 11,000 people (Kamorudeen et al. 2020). Domestic travel
controls in countries hardest hit by the outbreak were implemented incompletely and often
encountered local resistance. Additionally, protocols were put in place to ensure safe burials
and handling of potentially infectious materials, like used hospital supplies. These precau-
tions, recommended by health workers, also encountered resistance as local communities
often were not included in planning processes and their concerns were not considered by
international health actors.
Clearly, control of Ebola is important, as the pace of outbreaks has been increasing since
the 1990s, and the numbers of people impacted is also increasing (Rugarabamu et al. 2020).
At the same time, global health professionals found that they were having increasing diffi-
culty implementing control programs because they had not established a strong working
relationship with affected communities. Anthropologists helped to identify major commu-
nication barriers that were limiting adherence to NPI (non-pharmaceutical intervention)
policies and suggested alternative and amended policies that were more consistent with
local norms (Venables and Pellecchia 2017). Almost as importantly, anthropologists were
able to illuminate ways that global health practitioners were themselves underprepared for
dealing with the social and emotional aspects of a deadly pandemic (Moran 2017).
Anthropologists’ work on Ebola was notable because it provides a blueprint for how to
successfully incorporate anthropological methods at a larger than usual scale in a health
emergency. One important development was the use of rapid ethnographic assessments to
help in control efforts. Infectious disease outbreaks are often fast moving and information
is needed quickly to be useful. The Ebola Response Anthropology Platform, developed in
2014, is one example of how to implement a resource that is accessible and up to date for
use by health workers (Martineau et al. 2017). This platform was later developed into the
Epidemic Response Anthropology Platform (http://archive.ids.ac.uk/epr/index.html),
an expanded site that contains resources for public health professionals for a variety of
infectious disease scenarios. Both platforms include cultural information, research studies,
and recommendations on topics like mortuary practices, communication, and tools for
health workers to improve their cultural competency skills.
Since the end of the 2014–2016 pandemic, anthropologists have continued to work with
Ebola survivors on topics like stigma (Minor 2017; Smith-Morris 2017) and resistance to
ongoing public health work in affected areas (Fairhead 2016). Two FDA-approved vaccines
for Ebola are now available, but like the COVID-19 vaccine, resistance to vaccination is
emerging and is now a priority for social scientists in global public health.

Vaccine Hesitancy
Vaccine hesitancy, the decision to delay or forgo recommended vaccinations, is a major
obstacle to the control of infectious disease, and this phenomenon is not new. In fact, resis-
tance to vaccines goes back as far as the development of the earliest smallpox vaccines
(Schwartz 2012). Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the incidence of vaccine-preventable
illnesses was increasing worldwide, with notable outbreaks of measles, pertussis, mumps,
and the continuing persistence of polio (Kubin 2019). In the US, recent outbreaks have
been driven by spread in groups of people who were unvaccinated by choice, sometimes
spilling over into the public through breakthrough infections.
Hesitancy toward vaccines started as a kind of outspoken avoidance of vaccines (Schwartz
2012), but these behaviors sometimes manifest as public protests (Leask 2020) and may
occasionally include violence (Berman 2021). In many places, vaccine hesitancy has a longer
178  lisa sattenspiel and carolyn orbann
history among underserved communities or within populations that suffered previous med-
ical harms. Vaccine hesitancy has gained adherents among specific social groups, including
higher-income, high-education people and people concerned with government intrusion,
or who question the role of big pharma in vaccine design and production (Dubé et al.
2014). The ideas and attitudes that underly these behaviors are complex and varied. That
is, not everyone who is hesitant has the same reasons for being hesitant, and anthropolo-
gists can and have played an important role in deepening the understanding of these beliefs
and behaviors (e.g., Dubé et al. 2015; Sobo 2016). The Communivax program, which will
be discussed further below, is one way that anthropologists are using their strengths to
address the problem of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy.

Science Communication

Communication about infectious disease has traditionally been left to public health and
community health workers, or to specialists in communication. However, anthropologists
have increasingly found it important to get more involved in communicating their work to
the public (Manderson 1998). The Ebola epidemic illustrated the potential role that anthro-
pologists have as interlocutors between people trying to survive an epidemic and the global
health practitioners trying to help them. During this epidemic, anthropologists were able
to identify communication barriers and suggest ways to improve communication and coop-
eration between international health workers and local communities experiencing the epi-
demic. This can help with acceptance of health policies and practices.
During COVID-19, a wide array of experts on the 1918 influenza pandemic were called
on to draw parallels and share lessons from that pandemic that might apply today. In this
case, anthropologists were able to provide historical and cultural context to COVID-19 by
sharing information about the use of interventions like masking and closure orders in the
past. This helps the public see public health actions as being effective and having past pre-
cedent, which can assist in adherence and acceptance of these measures. Conversely, anthro-
pologists studying vaccine hesitancy or inequities in the health care system have valuable
expertise that has been used to help design vaccination campaigns, for example the
Communivax program (https://www.communivax.org), a multidisciplinary coalition aim-
ing to increase vaccine equity in the US. Communivax is a “national coalition of social sci-
entists, public health experts, and community advocates” working together to advance the
cause of vaccine equity. They have sites in five states in which multidisciplinary groups work
to listen to community concerns about vaccines and help design vaccine programs that are
responsive to the needs of local communities. They pay special attention to underserved
populations and have published a number of reports on their work with specific culture and
language groups, as well as providing ready-to-use tools on their website.
Communicating one’s findings to the public is increasingly recognized as an important
part of being a scientist and academic (Ocobock and Lynn 2020). Individual anthropolo-
gists have cultivated strong web-presences and have used their platforms to share research,
both their own and that of colleagues across disciplines. More importantly, anthropologists
must strive to build structures that bridge the divide between the public and paywalled
scientific literature. New genres of communication have provided avenues for engagement
with a wider public interested in anthropological issues, who may not have the access or
ability to dig into the peer-reviewed literature. Anthropological professional associations
sponsor discipline-oriented podcasts (e.g., This Anthro Life and The Sausage of Science),
infectious disease and epidemiology  179

many of which have featured one or more episodes on infectious disease and health. The
Wenner Gren Foundation’s Sapiens magazine has a website, teaching tools, and podcasts,
and has engaged with topics on infectious disease. It also has a robust presence on social
media. Given the clear communication failures during the COVID-19 and Ebola epidemics,
communication needs to be included in infection control planning, and the anthropological
community can and has played an important role.
Humans are highly social animals and, as such, we will always provide good opportu-
nities for the transmission of infectious diseases. Further population growth, coupled with
more intensive use of natural resources and climate change, will likely make the issue of
infectious disease more severe. Communication between the public and the scientists who
study infectious disease is essential for successful control of future epidemics that will inev-
itably occur. We hope the lessons we have learned when dealing with the COVID-19,
Ebola, and other recent epidemics will provide guidance for when we must face the next
new epidemic.


1 It is important to note that the size of the US population in 1918 was only one third of what it
is today, and so the mortality rate now is only a fraction of the rate observed in 1918.
2 Gurven et al. (2007) present an excellent anthropological example of how the health of human
populations may be impacted by changes in access to healthcare resources.


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CHAPTER 11 Evolutionary Insights
into the Social and
Environmental Drivers
of Health Inequality:
The Example of the
Global Epidemic of
Overweight and
Cardiovascular Diseases

Christopher W. Kuzawa and

Melissa B. Manus

Evolutionary Insights into Obesity and CVD: Moving Beyond

“Thrifty Genes” as Adaptations to Famine

Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) like hypertension, diabetes, heart attack, and stroke are
now the leading causes of premature death globally, which has been tied to the rapid global
rise of overweight and obesity as major public health issues. As individuals gain excess
weight, this can lead to a constellation of metabolic disruptions that include elevated blood
pressure, insulin resistance, poor glucose control and diabetes, changes in cholesterol pro-
files, and inflammation (Jayedi et al. 2020). These in turn elevate risk for outcomes like
heart attack, stroke, and renal failure. In 2016, it was estimated that nearly two billion
adults were overweight or obese, with those numbers projected to increase to nearly three
billion by 2025 (Collaboration 2016). This represents a tripling of obesity prevalence – and
a correspondingly rapid rise in the burden of CVDs – in recent generations.

A Companion to Biological Anthropology, Second Edition. Edited by Clark Spencer Larsen.

© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
evolutionary insights into the social and environmental drivers 185
Sixty years ago, Neel (1962) proposed an evolutionary explanation to shed light on the
rapid modern emergence of widespread obesity and metabolic diseases. He argued that,
prior to the domestication of crops and development of agricultural subsistence, human
ancestors would have been faced with cycles of “feast” and “famine” that would have
selected for a genetic capacity to deposit body fat. Given what he perceived to be the unpre-
dictable nature of food availability in natural ecologies, Neel suggested that a “thrifty”
metabolism that efficiently stores excess dietary energy as stored fat when food was abun-
dant would have provided a survival edge during later periods of shortage. By this reasoning,
genes contributing to metabolic traits that encourage fat deposition during periods of
nutritional abundance would have allowed survival during subsequent periods of famine,
and thus become more common in the human gene pool. These genetic traits that evolved
as adaptations to periodic food shortage are now thrust into modern environments in which
there is often a persistent surplus of calorie-dense foods, thus leading to cumulative weight
The idea that humans are adapted to cycles of feast–famine has intuitive appeal and con-
tinues to be cited widely in textbooks and the medical literature focused on the causes of
obesity (Moini 2020; Wadden et al. 2018). Despite this, there is little evidence to support
the idea that famine was an important force of selection on human metabolism during
much of hominin evolution (Benyshek and Watson 2006; Kuzawa 2010). One line of evi-
dence comes from ecological studies among contemporary hunter–gatherers, who do not
rely on industrialized market-based food economies and share presumed dietary and life-
style similarities with ancestral hominin populations. Anthropological research shows that
these groups use a wide and flexible array of foraged and hunted foods, including “fallback
foods” that may be used as backup food sources when more favorable foods are scarce.
Elaborate forms of food sharing and cooperation are also hallmarks of social organization
in modern human foragers and are assumed to have been important among hominin ances-
tors pursuing a similar foraging strategy. The breadth and flexibility of the human diet,
combined with the universal practice of food sharing, would have provided important
insurance against extreme or periodic food shortages in early foragers.
In fact, the routine threat of feast–famine cycles is believed to have emerged more recently
with the rise of agriculture and reliance upon a smaller variety of more intensively harvested
crops. This is supported by skeletal evidence from archaeological sites that straddle the ori-
gins of agriculture, which generally point to a deterioration in health as hunter–gatherers
adopted a sedentary, agricultural lifestyle (Cohen et al. 1984; Larsen 1995). Finally, there
is no evidence that contemporary foragers living a traditional lifestyle, and with a traditional
foraged diet, put on excess fat during periods of abundance as Neel’s theory presumes.
Indeed, most studies of contemporary foragers report that these populations tend to be
very lean, even when healthy and well-nourished (Howell 2010).
In this chapter we review current research that is helping revise understandings of the
evolutionary forces and processes that are contributing to the rise of overweight and meta-
bolic disease. To that end, we first review recent updates to our understanding of the role
of diet and activity – reflecting the major influences on energy intake and expenditure – to
these conditions, with work increasingly pointing to the primacy of diet and diet composi-
tion as major influences on weight gain. We then discuss newer evidence that one’s risk for
gaining excess weight, and the metabolic and health impacts triggered by that weight gain,
may be modified by a range of biological but nongenetic processes that include develop-
mental plasticity, epigenetic sensitivity, and the gut microbiome. These environmentally
sensitive pathways can modify one’s risk for gaining weight, while also altering how
186  christopher w. kuzawa and melissa b. manus
biological systems respond to that weight gain to drive disease development. As we will dis-
cuss, these newer understandings of contributing pathways demonstrate biological sensitiv-
ities that interact with, and come to embody, the cumulative impact of the environments
that we inhabit and experience. They influence disease risk in the exposed generation, but
can in some instances also have nongenetic but biological effects on development that may
be transmitted to offspring to influence disease risk across multiple generations.
These newly appreciated domains of biology not only help explain the rise of obesity gen-
erally, but also clarify why these conditions differentially impact lower socioeconomic or
minoritized subgroups in high income societies. They also shed light on the common ten-
dency for lower- and middle-income countries (LMICs) to be particularly hard hit with a
rapid increase in CVD in the span of a mere generation or two in response to lifestyle and
diet transition. We conclude with a discussion of some of the historical and policy develop-
ments that have played an important role in shaping contemporary diets, and associated
social and health inequities. This review underscores the need to prioritize structural and
policy change, rather than targeting individual behavior, if we hope to reduce the mismatch
between our evolved biology and modern lifestyle and attenuate the public health impact
of these conditions.

Background Primer: Why High Heritabilities for a Trait Tell us

Nothing About the Causes of Inequality in the Burden of Disease
Between Groups

In this chapter, we have the task of explaining differences in disease risk through time, as
environments change rapidly, or between groups that are faced with markedly distinct envi-
ronments and experiences. At the outset, it is important to point out the common but
erroneous tendency to view group-level health inequality as tracing to genes rather than to
differences in experiences. As a common example of this, in the United States, Americans
with African ancestry tend to have higher rates of hypertension compared to Americans
with predominantly European or Asian family backgrounds. Through the years, many phy-
sicians and medical researchers have assumed – incorrectly – that this difference has a ge-
netic basis (Pickering 2001). In fact, Wilson and Grim (1991) went so far as to propose that
this predisposition may have resulted from the African slave trade itself. Their idea is that
the high mortality related to salt-depletion during captivity on the long sea voyage would
have increased survival of those individuals with salt-retaining genes, which would now
increase genetic hypertension risk in today’s salt-rich environment among their descen-
dants. This so-called “slavery hypertension hypothesis” has been widely discussed in med-
ical textbooks despite having little basis in the peer-reviewed scientific literature (Kaufman
and Hall 2003), while historical, evolutionary, and biological evidence all soundly under-
mine its premise (Armelagos 2005; Poston et al. 2001). This is one example of how assump-
tions about the genetic basis of a health condition can conflate genes and ethnicity or
socially defined race and, in doing so, obscure the role of social and physical environments
in structuring health inequities.
How does the idea that genes contribute to health inequality prove insufficient? On the
one hand, genes and genetic heritability clearly influence all aspects of human biology and
disease risk to varying degrees. With the example of hypertension, studies typically calculate
heritabilities for blood pressure of 0.5–0.6, which indicates that genetic variants account for
50–60 percent of the variance in these traits within any given population (Snieder et al. 2003).
evolutionary insights into the social and environmental drivers 187
Because genes and environments collectively explain all trait variance, these heritabilities also
imply that the other 40–50 percent of variance in these traits trace to the environment.
Although informative about the biological contributions to a disease in a specific population,
the way that heritabilities are calculated limits their utility for inferring the causes of differ-
ences in disease burden between groups. Heritabilities are calculated by comparing traits in
closely related individuals, such as parents and offspring, or by comparing the strength of
correlations between a trait in mono- versus dizygotic twins. Such studies can only detect an
impact of the range of environmental variation that distinguishes such closely related individ-
uals. As a helpful thought experiment, it is in theory possible for a trait like blood pressure to
have nearly 100 percent heritability within two groups (owing to the fact that environments
and experiences within each group are largely shared and similar between individuals), but
for differences in the average experiences and environments between those groups to drive
even large group-level inequalities in disease burden. This hypothetical example illustrates
why it is important to not interpret evidence for high heritabilities for a disease (a within-
group measure) as evidence that genes likely drive inequalities in that disease (a between-
group measure).
Additional problems with assuming that genes underlie health disparities come from the
way that individuals are categorized, which almost always reflects cultural, socioeconomic,
and historical forces rather than an objective grounding in genetic ancestry. Again using the
US as an illustration, the “race” to which an individual is labeled is based largely upon social
criteria that have little grounding in genetics, such as the tendency to see any evidence of
admixture of African ancestry as a basis for labeling that individual as Black or African
American, even if the majority of their genes are descended from European ancestors (the
so-called “one drop rule” or hypodescent; Harris 1964). Further, the true genetic ancestry
of people deemed non-White is often obfuscated by the use of phenotypic traits to deter-
mine race. This is particularly salient in the example of using skin color, a characteristic that
exists on a spectrum, to group people of varied ancestry into broad racial categories like
Black or Brown. However, while there is generally little evidence for genetic contributions
to major health inequalities related to conditions like weight gain and metabolic disease,
there is an extensive and ever-growing public health literature documenting the importance
of social determinants of these health patterns (Braveman et al. 2011). For example, we
know that chronic activation of stress physiology has myriad effects, from influencing
regulation of immunity and inflammation, to mobilizing glucose, elevating blood
pressure, altering patterns of fat deposition, and even affecting appetite and caloric intake.
As such, when experiences of chronic stress vary by dimensions of experience, like social
status, gender, sexuality, or socially imposed race, this can contribute to persistent health
differences across these groups.
In this chapter, we are concerned primarily with the evolved, biological mechanisms that
link human social and environmental experiences to weight gain, and that also influence
how weight gain negatively impacts health through effects on outcomes like diabetes and
heart disease. We approach weight gain as a biological response to environmental inputs
that is influenced, but not primarily driven by, genes. As we will see, recent research has
started to provide a firmer foundation for understanding the evolutionary roots of weight
gain and CVDs. As an example of one line of this work, there is growing evidence that the
dietary environment matters; for example, the quantity of calories may be more important
to weight gain than levels of physical activity or energy expenditure. In turn, evolutionary
perspectives are showing how the composition of our diet, such as the relative proportions
of fats, carbohydrates, and protein, may be particularly important as an influence on how
much we eat. We will further see that there are multiple biological means, operating for
188  christopher w. kuzawa and melissa b. manus
instance through maternal nutrients or hormones during pregnancy or through the gut
microbiome, by which weight gain in one generation can increase risk for similar adverse
health outcomes in future generations. Understanding these pathways and their evolution
helps us to understand the complex biological processes that link inequalities in metabolic
and chronic disease burden to social, political, and economic realities that shape diet, life-
style, and experience.

Beyond Thrifty Genes: Newer Evolutionary Perspectives into the

Rise of Weight Gain and CVD

Is Dietary Intake or Physical Activity More Important to Weight Gain?

Because each gram of fat represents 9 kcal of stored energy, weight gain requires that the
calories consumed exceed those expended on other body functions. Thus, research into the
origins of obesity has been dominated by an energetic model in which rising food intake,
reduced energy expenditure, or both, are assumed to drive chronic energy excess, leading
to weight gain (Ulijaszek and Lofink 2006). Although there have been debates about the
relative importance of changing intake and expenditure to weight gain, recent work has led
to the surprising insight that total energy expenditure (TEE) looks almost identical in pop-
ulations from widely varied settings. Using the doubly labeled water method, studies show
similar TEE across relatively sedentary populations from high income subsets of the US,
but also in rural settings and among highly active hunter–gatherers (Pontzer et al. 2012;
Urlacher et al. 2021). What this work shows is that, despite remarkable differences in the
level of physical activity and calories burned through exercise, the total energy expended by
these populations is basically the same. This work underscores that physical activity is just
one of the many functions to which energy is allocated in the body, and that increases in
activity tend to be matched by proportionate decreases in other functions, with no net
change in total expenditure.
Based upon these findings, it has recently been argued that it is excess caloric intake –
above the total expenditure on the body’s functions – that drives excess weight gain. If this
model is correct, what accounts for individual or group-level differences in how many cal-
ories are consumed? On the one hand, we know that experiences like stress can motivate
appetite and increase intake (Adam and Epel 2007). It is widely appreciated that the avail-
ability of inexpensive, high calorie foods is likely to be important (Popkin et al. 2012), and
recent work is showing how recent shifts in the composition of the diet in particular may
play a key role. Work in a range of species has shown that animals often eat to reach a target
level of protein intake (Mayntz et al. 2005). As the composition of the diet shifts, and espe-
cially as the concentration of protein versus other macronutrients changes, this means that
individuals will need to eat more or less of that food to reach the same protein target.
Experiments in which humans were given diets of varying nutrient composition generally
support the idea that they tend to eat to meet protein requirements (Gosby et al. 2011;
Simpson et al. 2003; Skov et al. 1999). For instance, in one experiment, human volunteers
were fed foods that were either high or low in protein (Simpson et al. 2003). On the low
protein diet, they ended up eating more total calories than on their regular diet, and with
findings the opposite on the high protein diet. These findings support a model in which
people will tend to eat more as the protein content of their diet goes down, which could
help explain why high fat or high carbohydrate foods tend to be associated with larger por-
tion sizes and increased total energy intake (Martinez Steele et al. 2018). As we will return
to later, this work points to the wide availability and affordability of highly caloric but low
evolutionary insights into the social and environmental drivers 189
protein foods, and the policies that reinforce this availability, as a potentially important cul-
prit in population differences in weight gain.

The Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD) Framework

Excess weight gain has public health relevance owing to the many adverse health effects that
it can trigger. As individuals gain weight, skeletal muscle and other tissues may become
insulin resistant, which elevates glucose levels and increases the risk for type 2 (adult-onset)
diabetes. Weight gain is also associated with other biological changes like elevated blood
pressure, which can contribute directly to the risk of heart attack and stroke. Adipose tissue
can also harbor immune cells called macrophages, which secrete signals that trigger inflam-
mation throughout the body. Inflammation is an important means by which the body
defends itself against infection, and is also crucial to other processes like repairing tissues or
organs. However, when chronically elevated, inflammation can carry costs in the form of
oxidative damage and aging.
These various examples illustrate why gaining excess weight tends to increase risk for a
wide range of chronic degenerative diseases, most notably including cardiovascular diseases
(CVDs). In recent decades it has become clear that the biological response of the body to
weight gain, and the intensity of the biological changes that are induced, may be modified in
response to one’s nutrition much earlier in the lifecycle, and even prior to birth. Starting in
the late 1980s, the British epidemiologist David Barker and his colleagues started to show
that risk for CVDs not only is elevated by being overweight as an adult – which we have
known for some time – but also in relation to being born small or thin (Barker et al. 1989).
Barker showed that an individual’s risk for conditions like diabetes, hypertension, heart
attacks, and stroke relates inversely to their birth weight. Because nutrition is a major influence
on fetal growth rate, they hypothesized that the level of prenatal nutrition might influence
long-term risk for developing chronic diseases by altering development of organs like the
liver and kidneys. Since then, experiments in species like rats and sheep have shown that
restricting the diet during fetal development can replicate many of these findings. Collectively
this work on the “developmental origins of health and disease” (DOHaD) has shown that
the so-called “diseases of overnutrition” are also linked to lower nutrition experienced prior
to birth or early in infancy (Benyshek et al. 2001; Gluckman and Hanson 2006).
Consistent with this general framework, in human studies there is evidence that the
risks of adverse health outcomes that accompany weight gain and obesity tend to be more
pronounced among individuals who experienced reduced nutrition and slow fetal growth
during prenatal life. As an analog to Neel’s thrifty genotype, Hales and Barker (1992)
proposed that prenatal undernutrition could thus induce a “thrifty phenotype,” operating
not through inherited genes but through developmental responses to in utero conditions
of undernutrition that persist into later life to influence risk for weight gain and condi-
tions like diabetes. This set of findings inspired more general speculation that the fetus
might use maternal nutrition as a “cue” to predict the level of nutrition that it is likely to
experience after birth: if conditions are similar to those predictions, this would result in
favorable health, but in the event that postnatal conditions exceed those expectations this
could then lead to a distinct form of “mismatch” – this type based not in genes but in
development – that elevates risk for metabolic disease (Bateson 2001; Gluckman and
Hanson 2004).
Much like the original thrifty genotype hypothesis, this hypothesis has an intuitive appeal
and has generated much discussion and interest in both the scientific and popular litera-
tures. Also like the thrifty genotype, tests of the hypothesis have generally not supported it
190  christopher w. kuzawa and melissa b. manus
(Lea et al. 2017). Studies have shown, for instance, that experiencing poor nutrition early
in life has negative consequences for later health and genetic fitness, irrespective of whether
favorable or lean conditions are experienced. This is not what we would expect if early
undernutrition increased one’s ability to thrive in lean conditions later. Instead, it suggests
that biological adaptations to early nutritional insufficiency may be primarily geared toward
surviving early life conditions (Kuzawa and Quinn 2009), or alternatively that early under-
nutrition simply impairs development in nonadaptive ways that have lingering, adverse
effects on later function and health (Hayward et al. 2013).
Irrespective of whether these effects are adaptive in some sense, what is clear is that the
biological and health consequences of rapid weight gain will tend to vary inversely in rela-
tion to one’s weight at birth. This means that socioeconomic conditions that juxtapose
rapid childhood or adult weight gain with poor early life nutrition can lead to a particularly
rapid rise of chronic diseases like CVD. This can occur, for instance, because the causes of
infancy undernutrition in many LMICs tend to relate to issues like water quality and risk for
infectious diseases like diarrheal illnesses that are the major causes of nutritional stress at this
age (Kuzawa 2007). As immune systems gradually develop and are better capable of pro-
tecting against these pathogens by childhood, these nutritional impacts are greatly reduced.
At the same time, exposure to higher fat or low protein diets may increase the potential for
weight gain, even among individuals whose growth faltered due to infections earlier in life.
In this way, the broader adoption of so-called “Western” diets, or those common in the
Global North, that are high in carbohydrates and fats may lead to an especially rapid rise in
chronic metabolic disease in populations in the Global South.
In addition to the effects of undernutrition as an amplifier of the negative health impacts
of rapid weight gain, there are also distinct and arguably even more important effects of
being born at the other end of the birth weight distribution – being born larger than
normal. This is in fact one important means by which overweight and obesity in one gen-
eration can elevate risk for developing those same outcomes in the next generation. This
works through a process of nongenetic but biological inheritance. When a mother is over-
weight or obese during pregnancy, she will tend to have elevated glucose during pregnancy.
This increases delivery of glucose across the placenta, which stimulates fetal growth and
increases the size and body fat of the newborn. Exposure to high levels of glucose in utero
also has the effect of modifying that individual’s metabolism to increase their own risk of
excess postnatal weight gain and obesity. In this way, conditions that increase the chances
of obesity in one generation can lead to increased risk of obesity in the next – not simply
because they inherit a similar obesogenic postnatal environment, but also because they are
exposed to an obesogenic intrauterine environment in which glucose levels are dysregulated
and unusually high.

The Role of the Microbiome

Another factor that influences how the body responds to a particular diet or lifestyle is the
gut microbiome (GM), the collection of microorganisms (and their genes) that inhabit the
human gut. The GM mediates interactions with myriad factors in the environment and
dietary differences between individuals are linked to marked variation in the GM. In an
experimental study that introduced different diets to study participants, researchers
detected variation in microbial community composition and gene expression between indi-
viduals consuming plant-based and animal-based diets (David et al. 2014). Global compar-
ative studies report similar results. Tanzanians who practice a hunter–gatherer subsistence
strategy harbor different gut microbial communities than individuals living in the USA,
evolutionary insights into the social and environmental drivers 191
including an increased capacity for digesting plant carbohydrates (Smits et al. 2017). The
ability to adjust the GM’s composition in response to dietary changes may reflect the
importance of dietary flexibility for survival in ancestral hominin lifeways. If fluctuations in
food availability and quality are buffered by a GM that responds to changing environ-
mental conditions, then plasticity in the composition and function of the GM may have
played a considerable role in the evolution of human dietary flexibility (Amato et al. 2019).
How does the GM affect the relationship between host dietary variation, energy, and
weight gain? Since certain aspects of our diet directly feed the GM, changes to what we eat
can also alter our microbial communities. For example, dietary fiber is a key compound that
serves as a carbon source for gut microbes, yet is significantly reduced in Western-style diets
that are increasingly being adopted globally. Reduced dietary fiber leads to considerable
differences in GM composition and diversity (De Filippo et al. 2010; Obregon-Tito et al.
2015), some of which can only be reversed if both dietary fiber and specific microbial taxa
are reintroduced into the gut (Sonnenburg et al. 2016). This suggests a mismatch scenario
in which gut microbes do not receive the dietary inputs that are required to maintain a bal-
anced community, leading to a disturbed state of dysbiosis. Experimental studies in animal
models support this notion. Mice fed a soybean oil-infused diet exhibited marked changes
in their GM, including an enrichment in microbial taxa and metabolic pathways that are
associated with atherosclerosis and CVD in humans (Korach-Rechtman et al. 2020).
Similarly, a high-fat/low-fiber diet led to compositional changes in the GM of pigs,
including elevated abundances of microbial taxa that are linked to type 2 diabetes (Heinritz
et al. 2016). This mismatch-induced dysbiosis may contribute to the elevated incidence of
obesity and metabolic syndrome in Global North populations who consume a low fiber/
high fat diet (Howarth et al. 2001), as well as populations in other parts of the world whose
exposure to a Western-style diet is increasing (Agyemang et al. 2015; Luhar et al. 2020; Wu
et al. 2021).
As microbes break down compounds in our diet, they also extract energy that may be
stored by the host in adipose tissue (Bäckhed et al. 2004). There is growing evidence that
the elevated energy harvest that is associated with obesity is in part modulated by the GM.
In seminal work by Turnbaugh et al. (2006), germ-free mice (that lack their own GM)
received gut microbes either from obese or lean mice. The mice who received microbes
from obese donors gained significantly more weight than their counterparts, despite no
increase in food consumption. The GM’s effect on host energy and weight gain is largely
mediated by bioactive nutrients, including short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) that are pro-
duced during microbial fermentation of dietary compounds. Certain SCFAs can activate a
pathway in the liver that improves glycemic control (den Besten et al. 2013), while others
can induce obesity and insulin resistance (Perry et al. 2016). Altered SCFA profiles have
been detected in obese humans compared to lean individuals (see Angelakis et al. 2012),
which is intriguing given that SCFAs can both stimulate (Larraufie et al. 2018) and sup-
press (Frost et al. 2014) host appetite. If the diversity of dietary components helps shape
GM activity and host energy balance, then a thorough understanding of disparities in obe-
sity and metabolic syndrome must consider the drivers of variation in food access, avail-
ability, and consumption, which we discuss in more detail below.
Since the GM plays an important role in regulating our physiology and metabolism,
many researchers are now interested in understanding how we first acquire our microbes in
early life. In line with the DOHaD model, there is evidence that early life environments,
beginning in utero, affect both short- and long-term health outcomes related to the GM
(Amato et al. 2021). A key finding from studies of the vertical (mother to fetus or infant)
transmission of microbe-mediated phenotypes is that pregnant individuals display decreased
192  christopher w. kuzawa and melissa b. manus
GM diversity in the third trimester of pregnancy. In a study that transplanted microbes
from individuals in their first and third trimesters of pregnancy into healthy germ-free
mice, those who received the third trimester GM displayed insulin resistance and adiposity
(Koren et al. 2012). Intriguingly, individuals in this study with prepregnancy obesity expe-
rienced the most dramatic reduction in microbial diversity in the third trimester. This sug-
gests a cascade of effects through which an individual’s physiology and nutritional
environment influences their GM during pregnancy, which can then directly affect their
offspring’s GM. There is also evidence that maternal metabolites, such as folate produced
by Bifidobacteria, can influence the epigenetics of fetal intestinal cells and adipocytes,
which in turn shapes the expression of genes that influence lipid metabolism and fat storage
(Mischke and Plösch 2013). Further, maternal microbes continue to shape the assembly of
the infant GM during infancy and childhood (Asnicar et al. 2017; Ferretti et al. 2018;
Korpela et al. 2018; Lou et al. 2021): for instance, offspring of overweight or obese
mothers have been shown to have altered GM composition (Collado et al. 2010; Kalliomäki
et al. 2008), including lower levels of beneficial bacteria that predict reduced weight gain
among children (Luoto et al. 2011).

The Social, Political, Historical, and Economic Determinants of

Contemporary Diet and Lifestyle

Our discussion of the biology of obesity has focused on pathways that result in weight
gain and that alter the body’s biological response to that weight gain. In general, work is
highlighting the importance of diet composition to caloric intake and weight gain, which
has variable effects that are modified by factors like prenatal experiences and the gut
microbiome. This work is emphasizing the importance of shifts in diet composition,
which tend to stray from the types of low-fat/high-fiber foods typically available to for-
aging populations in natural ecologies, and increasingly include refined nutrients like
simple sugars and saturated fats. Collectively, this dietary change is driving mismatches
between contemporary food environments and our evolved metabolism and physiology,
leading to greater total caloric intake and increased weight gain. Importantly, these mis-
matches also extend to more recently described physiological pathways that mediate our
interactions with the surrounding environment, including developmental plasticity, epi-
genetic sensitivity, and the malleability of the gut microbiome. In light of these factors,
we next turn to what drives variation in diet across individuals and populations. We
explore some of the historical and political dimensions of this question in the United
States, where the ongoing epidemic of overweight and obesity is intricately linked to agri-
cultural and food policies as well as systemic inequities. This review highlights the need
for structural, policy-based changes rather than a focus on modifying individual behavior
related to diet or physical activity.
Since 1933, the US government has shaped agriculture, rural development, and nutrition
programs (Ayazi and Elsheikh 2015) through the Farm Bill, which influences agricultural
production by providing subsidies to farmers who grow certain crops. As a result, 96 per-
cent of cropland in the US is dedicated to growing only eight main crops, with corn and
soybeans accounting for roughly 60 percent of that crop area (Jackson et al. 2009). This
leads to the mass production of soybean oil and high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), which
are then used extensively in inexpensive, high-fat/high-sugar food items, including soft
drinks, frozen meals, condiments, canned goods, desserts, and cereals. Experimental studies
in rats show that a diet high in HFCS leads to weight gain, an increase in adiposity, and
evolutionary insights into the social and environmental drivers 193
elevated circulating triglyceride levels (Bocarsly et al. 2010), just as a maternal diet high in
HFCS can contribute to obesity in offspring (Kisioglu and Nergiz-Unal 2020). There is
also evidence that HFCS-sweetened beverages can change lipid profiles in ways that elevate
CVD risk (Stanhope et al. 2015). Furthermore, subsidized corn production has led to wide
availability of cheap feed for livestock, in turn resulting in easily accessible, low-cost meats
that are high in fat and thus an important influence on weight gain. While meat was likely
to be a critical protein source for human ancestors, and continues to be an important food
item both nutritionally and culturally in many contemporary populations, the overcon-
sumption of processed, high-fat meat is associated with elevated BMI (body mass index),
waist circumference, obesity (Wang and Beydoun 2009), and type 2 diabetes (Fung et al.
2004; Vang et al. 2008). The global demand for processed meat is also rising, and fast-food
chains like Kentucky Fried Chicken, Taco Bell, and McDonald’s, or locally inspired emula-
tors, are increasingly present in many African and Asian nations. Alongside changing econ-
omies and increased sedentism, accessibility of these foods, coupled with strategic marketing
of the Western lifestyle, has undoubtedly contributed to the increase of obesity and meta-
bolic disorders in the Global South (Agyemang et al. 2015; Luhar et al. 2020; Wu et al.
2021). In fact, a comparative study of 170 countries found that meat consumption was the
largest predictor of overweight and obesity, independent of physical inactivity or total
calorie consumption (You and Henneberg 2016).
It is crucial to emphasize that the diets that individuals eat are often dictated by structural
forces and barriers, whether monetary or otherwise. In the US, wide availability of high-
fat/high-sugar foods, coupled with a paucity of fresh nutritious options, are powerful con-
tributors to inequalities in weight gain and related disease risk. “Food deserts” – areas
where there is limited (or sometimes, no) availability of fresh foods – are disproportionately
concentrated in low-income communities of color in the US (Block et al. 2004; Morland
et al. 2002). One contributor to the emergence of food deserts was geographic and
economic segregation along racial lines in the 1970s and 1980s (Alwitt et al. 1997; Guy
et al. 2004). As wealthy and middle-class families moved out of cities and into the suburbs,
larger supermarket chains followed. Smaller grocery stores in inner-city settings struggled
to compete, causing many to close and allowing fast-food chains and convenience stores to
take their place. Moreover, policies that reduce people’s educational, economic, and
employment opportunities limit their purchasing power, further de-incentivizing supermar-
kets from investing in their neighborhoods (Zenk et al. 2005). As one example, a study in
the highly segregated city of New Orleans found that predominantly black neighborhoods
had six times more fast-food restaurants per square mile than did white neighborhoods
(Block et al. 2004). One result is that individuals in food deserts face increased exposure to
obesogenic environments, including diets rich in processed, energy-dense foods and fac-
tory-farmed meats (Drewnowski and Specter 2004).
Even in areas where fresh foods are available, barriers to access can also affect people’s
diets. This may include limited financial resources for purchasing fresh foods, lack of a
personal vehicle and/or dependence on public transportation to travel to the supermarket,
or constraints on free time to be used for shopping and cooking (Rose and Richards 2004).
Further, structural barriers to engaging in physical activity can also contribute to poor
health outcomes. This can include a lack of public resources like sidewalks, green spaces, or
streetlamps, as well as increased police presence that makes it unsafe for minoritized groups
to play outdoors.
Critically, though barriers to healthy diets and active lifestyles are structural, people with obe-
sity and metabolic disorders are often blamed for individual shortcomings, such as poor decision
making or “bad genes.” Instead, as we have discussed, a constellation of social, structural, and
194  christopher w. kuzawa and melissa b. manus
biological (but nongenetic) determinants contributes to the experience of minoritized groups
living in obesogenic environments. Moving forward, it is imperative that interdisciplinary
research across medicine, public health, and policymaking addresses the structural and social
determinants of food environments, dietary variation, and subsequent weight gain.


Overweight and obesity, and the related conditions of cardiovascular diseases, rose to global
prominence as causes of morbidity and mortality in the short span of several generations.
This points to the overwhelming role of environments and experiences, and the mismatch
between our evolved genomes and current environments, as the cause of these patterns.
While early formulations of evolutionary explanations for the rise of overweight and obesity
assumed that humans are afflicted by genetic adaptations to past feast–famine conditions,
current work is pointing instead to a likely mismatch between ancestral and contemporary
diets as important to excess caloric intake and weight gain (Figure 11.1). There is also evi-
dence that experiences early in life, even beginning prior to birth, can influence our ten-
dency to put on weight while also moderating the adverse health impacts of weight gain.
This is seen in the finding that weight gain has more adverse effects on health among indi-
viduals who experienced reduced nutrition or growth faltering prior to birth or during
infancy. This could be an especially important factor in LMICs, where common

Figure 11.1 The main drivers of gene-environment mismatch and pathways of biological plasticity
that contribute to the rapid modern rise and social disparities in obesity and related metabolic dis-
eases. A. The discordance between ancestral and contemporary diets and lifestyles can result in mis-
matches with the human genome and microbiome. B. These mismatches promote adult weight gain
that can influence a person’s risk for CVD. Maternal weight gain, glucose, and related alterations in
the gut microbiome can then influence the biology and health of offspring. C: Pre- and post-natal
influences on physiology and the microbiome may also alter the metabolic and health impacts of any
weight that is gained. D. Structural inequalities underpin the dietary and lifestyle mismatches that
contribute to adult weight gain. E. Structural inequalities also directly shape early life nutritional and
infectious disease environments that influence early patterns of developmental/epigenetic/microbial
plasticity (Source: Kuzawa and Manus).
evolutionary insights into the social and environmental drivers 195
underweight and lower birth weight may be followed by rapid weight gain as energy dense
foods are increasingly consumed later in childhood or adulthood. In addition, overweight
or obese mothers are more likely to have elevated glucose during pregnancy, which can lead
to the opposing problem of babies that are born larger than is healthy, which can increase
the risk of gaining weight during childhood and beyond. We also see how the gut microbi-
ome is shaped by dietary mismatches that also influence how likely we are to gain excess
weight, with some evidence for similar intergenerational pathways linking maternal experi-
ences to disease predisposition in the next generation.
In contemporary populations, the availability of specific food types is often powerfully
shaped by food policies. In the United States, those policies reward production of foods
that are high in calories but low in protein and fiber. This reduces the cost of obesogenic
diets and encourages weight gain across society. Because all human populations inhabit
environments that are shaped by social, political, and economic forces, these factors operate
as a prism through which our changing lifestyles are refracted – patterning harmful expo-
sures and opportunities for healthy behaviors, including access to healthy diets and oppor-
tunities to lead a physically active lifestyle. An evolutionary perspective thus emphasizes the
crucial importance of structural solutions, rather than targeting individual behavior, if we
hope to reduce the burden of common chronic diseases.


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CHAPTER 12 Ancient DNA
and Disease

Anne Stone

Introduction and Background

While SARS-Cov2 is currently at the forefront of attention because of the COVID-19

pandemic, it is one of many pathogens to make the jump into humans during our evolu-
tionary history. How and when pandemics begin, how pathogens adapt over time, and
how human actions and adaptations affect pathogen spread are some of the interesting
questions that can be examined using ancient DNA methods and data. What is ancient
DNA? A basic definition is simply degraded DNA. Ancient DNA may be thousands of
years old with significant degradation from environmental exposure, as is typical for DNA
from archaeological samples, or it may be only a few years old yet fragmented and dam-
aged, such as found in formalin-fixed paraffin embedded medical samples. In both cases,
standard DNA analyses are generally not successful. Over the past two decades, technolog-
ical developments in DNA recovery, enrichment, and sequencing have enabled the analysis
of ancient pathogen genome sequences and revolutionized our understanding of many
ancient pathogens and their effects on human populations. Significant challenges for
retrieving ancient pathogen DNA remain, however. These include DNA preservation,
which can depend on the burial environment, as well as pathogen load and location in the
body. Distinguishing pathogens from close relatives ubiquitous in the environment or
identifying a now extinct (or now commensal) pathogen as causing disease are additional
challenges. Finally, ancient DNA data have to be placed in an evolutionary context, and
thus an additional challenge for research is that sufficient modern pathogen data, as well
as information about pathogen ecology and population dynamics, are needed.


At death, pathogen DNA is only a small subset of the DNA found in an individual and deg-
radation reduces this endogenous DNA even further. How can we retrieve pathogen DNA
from an individual? First, a decision has to be made about where to sample. Common

A Companion to Biological Anthropology, Second Edition. Edited by Clark Spencer Larsen.

© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
200  anne stone
sources for DNA analyses of pathogens include bone (particularly near lesions if present),
the tooth pulp (for systemic pathogens), coprolites (for parasites and gut microbiomes),
and dental calculus (for oral microbiomes). Next, ancient DNA research should be under-
taken in a clean room with dedicated equipment to reduce the likelihood of contamination
by modern sources of DNA (Cooper and Poinar 2000; Malmstrom et al. 2007; Pilli et al.
2013). Early attempts to recover pathogen DNA from ancient contexts used fairly standard
DNA extraction methods followed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analyses and then
Sanger sequencing (Stone and Ozga 2019). These recovered small fragments of the genome
that typically were not amenable to answering the interesting questions posed above.
Instead, these studies usually focused on confirming the identification of a pathogen, such
as Mycobacterium tuberculosis or Treponema pallidum, thought to have caused a specific
paleopathological lesion (in these examples, causing the diseases tuberculosis and syphilis,
respectively) (e.g., Donoghue et al. 2005; Salo et al. 1994; Taylor et al. 1996). PCR uses
polymerase and primers to copy a specific locus in the genome so that it can be further ana-
lyzed, but because ancient DNA is fragmented and usually < 100 base pairs in length, it
must target very small regions. As a result, many sequenced PCR fragments must be pieced
together to examine a gene or region of interest. PCR can be used to piece together the
genomes of viruses, which are small. For example, RNA from the 1918 influenza pandemic
was recovered from formalin-fixed lung tissue and from lung tissue of an individual buried
in permafrost using reverse transcribed PCR (rtPCR), and all eight gene segments com-
prising the genome were recovered (Tumpey et al. 2005).
However, newer methods of DNA recovery and sequencing have revolutionized the field
and facilitated the analysis of ancient pathogen genome sequences (see Orlando et al. 2021,
for an in-depth review). Briefly, these methods include extraction methods, such as that by
Dabney et al. (2013), which have been refined to recover small fragments of DNA <70 bp
in size. In addition, the extracted DNA is typically used to make a library, which effectively
immortalizes the sample since it can be amplified for multiple uses. The DNA fragments in
the library can be single or double stranded, and in both cases have an adaptor and an index
ligated to each end. The index or “barcode” is used to distinguish one sample from another
if multiple libraries are pooled for subsequent analyses, while the adaptors are a specific
sequence used for library amplification and sequencing. The choice of single vs. double
stranded library construction is based generally on the preservation characteristics of the
DNA and cost. Specifically, double stranded libraries are cheaper and often faster to con-
struct, while single stranded libraries can facilitate DNA recovery of samples that are partic-
ularly degraded (Carøe et al. 2018; Gansauge et al. 2017).
Once a library is made, it can be sequenced directly (known as shotgun sequencing)
using Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technology. Shotgun sequencing gives the user
DNA reads that are generally reflective of the overall DNA composition of the sample. For
ancient samples, this can be a problem since the overwhelming majority of DNA will likely
be from bacteria and viruses in the burial environment rather than from the host or a path-
ogen in the host. Shotgun sequencing is most successfully used for samples from excep-
tional contexts, such as permafrost or an intact, protected context (such as a crypt) (Orlando
et al. 2013; Sabin et al. 2020a; Schuenemann et al. 2013). It is also useful for screening a
sample for pathogen DNA and for microbiome DNA. Since most samples do not contain
high proportions of pathogen DNA relative to environmental DNA, capture, also known as
targeted enrichment, is the method used to target specific DNA of interest, increasing the
amount sequenced. This requires the use of DNA or RNA baits that bind to complemen-
tary sequences in the DNA extract. These are then “fished out” or captured such that the
DNA sequences of interest are enriched among the reads that are obtained with NGS.
ancient dna and disease   201
Regardless of whether shotgun sequencing or enrichment is used, the resulting
sequencing reads are first analyzed using bioinformatic programs that sort reads by their
index sequences, trim away adaptors and indexes, remove duplicates that result from
library construction or enrichment steps, and assess read quality and damage. Next, the
sequences that pass quality checkpoints are mapped to reference sequences or assembled
using de novo methods. In the case of shotgun sequencing, the initial analyses could
include using programs such as MALT (Vagene et al. 2018) for taxonomic assignment.
These use many reference sequences to determine where reads best map, and that then
put them in “taxonomic bins” for further analyses. These can then be used to characterize
the taxa present in the microbiome of dental calculus or coprolites or identify the
proportion of DNA from a specific pathogen in the sample. Such analyses can also reveal
the presence of an unexpected pathogen and thus guide the design of baits for subsequent
capture. In particular, capture may be required to recover more reads in order to increase
the depth of coverage of that pathogen genome (i.e., the average number of sequence
reads that cover a site in the genome), as well as the coverage of the genome (i.e., the
percentage of the total genome that is covered by mapped reads). Ideally, greater than
5–10× depth of coverage as well as 90–95 percent genome coverage is obtained since such
data enable better statistical support in subsequent analyses. While most DNA analyses of
ancient pathogens use mapping to reconstruct genome sequences, occasionally de novo
assembly can be used. This makes no assumption about the genome structure (which can
be useful for pathogens with inserted or deleted regions or with different plasmids when
compared to the modern reference), but it also requires a greater depth of coverage
(>30–50×). For example, Schuenemann et al. (2013) used de novo assembly to generate
a >100× genome sequence of Mycobacterium leprae from a well-preserved medieval
Danish individual.
Additional analyses of the resulting data depend upon the questions of interest to the
researcher (for examples, see Bos et al. 2019; Orlando et al. 2021; Stone and Ozga 2019;
Warinner et al. 2015, 2017). For microbiome analyses, these can include an assessment of
community structure, functional diversity, or even genome reconstructions of specific taxa.
If focusing on a specific pathogen, phylogenetic analyses, assessments of diversity, and tests
of selection may be of interest. The following case examples illustrate the range of questions
and analyses used to address them.


The Microbiome The pathogenic and commensal microorganisms on and within a human
host are collectively referred to as the microbiome, and many studies have revealed its
importance for health as well as its influence on disease when perturbed (e.g., Davenport et
al. 2017; Gilbert et al. 2018; Goodrich et al. 2017; Sedghi et al. 2021). In the archaeolog-
ical record, there are two primary sources of microbiome data: dental calculus preserves
DNA of the oral microbiome, while coprolites and latrine sediments provide a window into
the gut microbiome (e.g., Adler et al. 2013; Sabin et al. 2020b; Tito et al. 2012; Warinner
et al. 2014). Early ancient microbiome research often used PCR to amplify 16S ribosomal
RNA (rRNA) segments that were then sequenced using NGS in order to identify the
microbes present. However, this method limits data recovery since fragments >200 bp are
generally needed for amplification of the 16S rRNA variable regions, and it misses species
that have mismatches to the primer sequences or that do not have the 16S rRNA gene at
all. Shotgun sequencing (i.e., shotgun metagenomics) solves these problems though
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mapping small fragments to specific taxa may be challenging and the cost can be high
(Jacobson et al. 2020; Velsko et al. 2017; Warinner et al. 2017).
Ancient DNA analyses of the oral microbiome have focused on how it has changed over
human evolutionary history, the extent to which it reflects the environment (including
diet), and the taxa linked to disease, particularly periodontal disease. Dental calculus pre-
serves both host and oral microbiome DNA (Black et al. 2011; De la Fuente et al. 2012;
Mann et al. 2018; Ozga et al. 2016; Warinner et al. 2014). Identification of pathogens in
the oral microbiome has included members of the so-called “red-complex” of bacteria
(Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella forsythia, Treponema denticola) that have been linked
by some studies to periodontal disease, though recent research has also questioned this
linkage (Rocas et al. 2001; Socransky et al. 1998; Velsko et al. 2019). Bravo-Lopez et al.
(2020) screened 53 tooth and dental calculus samples for pathogens using shotgun
sequencing. After identifying the taxa present, they used capture to recover partial genomes
(~8 percent) of T. forsythia from seven Pre-Hispanic and five Colonial period individuals
from central Mexico. Their analyses showed that Colonial period T. forsythia sequences
clustered with those recovered from ancient Europeans (from the United Kingdom and
Germany) and with two modern sequences from the United States. The Pre-Hispanic
T. forsythia sequences grouped together and diverged separately, likely reflecting the sepa-
ration of American and Eurasian populations in the late Pleistocene prior to the expansion
of first peoples into the Americas (Willerslev and Meltzer 2021). Additional studies could
reveal whether the T. forsythia biogeography mirrors that of human populations and
whether pre-contact strains were replaced or are still found today. In addition, studies of
primate dental calculus microbiomes (including great apes, humans, and Neandertals) point
to the presence of red complex taxa as a common component, so further research may help
us understand when and if these do indeed act as pathogens and the characteristics and
drivers of oral microbiome dysbiosis (Fellows Yates et al. 2021; Jacobson et al. 2020; Ozga
et al. 2019; Weyrich et al. 2017).
In addition to “normal” components of the microbiome, dental calculus may also incor-
porate pathogens found in the nose and throat, such as respiratory pathogens (Eerkens et
al. 2018; Fotakis et al. 2020). For example, Fotakis et al. (2020) obtained M. leprae genomic
and proteomic data from the dental calculus of a sixteenth century individual from
Trondheim, Norway. The data show that this woman, who had some skeletal changes per-
haps consistent with the early stages of Hansen’s disease (or leprosy), had a strain of
M. leprae belonging to branch 3 and related to other ancient strains from Northern Europe
as well as modern strains currently found in the Americas. How often pathogens are incor-
porated into dental calculus and under what conditions are not yet clear.
Tuberculosis Some pathogens, including those causing the mycobacterial diseases tuber-
culosis (TB) and Hansen’s disease, as well as treponemal diseases such as yaws, bejel, and
syphilis, can result in characteristic changes to the skeleton in those with chronic disease.
The recovery and analysis of ancient TB DNA are facilitated by focusing on such individ-
uals, but can be challenging because of the many species of environmental mycobacteria
found in soil and water that can contaminate samples. TB can be caused by any of the mem-
bers of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC), which affects a range of mam-
mals. Today, most human cases are caused by M. tuberculosis, which was the leading cause
of death by a single pathogen worldwide prior to the SARS-CoV2 pandemic (CDC https://
www.cdc.gov/globalhealth/newsroom/topics/tb/index.html). Tuberculosis (TB) was
long thought to be an ancient disease, perhaps dating to the time when cattle were domes-
ticated, since M. bovis is a close relative within the MTBC (Cockburn 1963). However,
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genetic analyses of modern MTBC strains shows that the TB strains affecting domesticated
animals are derived when compared with human strains (Brosch et al. 2000; Hershberg et
al. 2008). Research examining the diversity of modern strains suggested that TB may have
been present prior to the Neolithic and even during the expansion of our species out of
Africa (Comas et al. 2013; Hughes et al. 2002). Ancient DNA analyses have aided in cali-
brating the molecular clock to obtain a more accurate estimate of the time to the most
recent common ancestor (TMRCA) of M. tuberculosis and other members of the MTBC.
These analyses point to a more recent origin (Bos et al. 2014; Sabin et al. 2020a; Vågene
et al. 2022) roughly 3000–6000 years ago.
One major puzzle about the geographic distribution of ancient TB strains was the cause
of TB in the Americas prior to European contact, as well as its apparent first appearance in
South America, where the oldest cases have been documented in the archaeological record
(Buikstra 1999; Roberts and Buikstra 2003; Stone et al. 2009). Initial assessment of an
infected Peruvian mummy using PCR of the IS6110 repeat element found that this was
indeed present, indicating the presence of a member of the MTBC (Salo et al. 1994). The
identity of this MTBC member was not revealed until 2014, when Bos et al. recovered
three ancient genomes from three ~800–1000-year-old sites in the Osmore River Valley of
Peru. This research showed that these cases were caused by M. pinnipedii, a type of TB
affecting southern hemisphere seals and sea lions. In addition, these data offered the first
good calibration of the MTBC phylogeny and pointed to the TMRCA of M. tuberculosis
(including human and animal strains) 3000–6000 years ago. Subsequent analyses of indi-
viduals from further inland in the Osmore River Valley and in the highlands of Colombia
indicate that the ancient M. pinnipedii strains were not only present at sites near the coast
and suggest that human-to-human transmission likely occurred (Vågene et al. 2022).
These studies explain the source of TB in South America and why it appears there first, but
additional research is needed to examine the history of TB in North America before
contact as well as the turnover of these strains to European M. tuberculosis lineage 4 strains
after contact.
The Plague Most pathogens do not leave clear indicators of disease on the skeleton, but
they may leave archaeological indicators such as mass graves when many people die over a
short time period. Vibrio cholerae, variola virus, and Yersinia pestis, causing cholera,
smallpox, and the plague, respectively, are examples of pathogens that have caused major
pandemics. Ancient DNA analyses have focused particularly on Y. pestis, showing that it
caused both the Justinian plague (541–549 AD) and the Black Death (1346–1353 AD) as
well as the third plague pandemic in the twentieth century (Bos et al. 2011; Schuenemann
et al. 2011; Wagner et al. 2014). This was also the first ancient pathogen investigated using
the new capture and NGS methods. Specifically, in 2011, DNA was recovered from the
tooth pulp of individuals buried in the East Smithfield Black Death plague pits in London.
Y. pestis DNA was first recovered from the pPCP1 virulence-associated plasmid followed
soon thereafter by the rest of the genome (Bos et al. 2011; Schuenemann et al. 2011).
These studies found that while the Black Death was caused by a now extinct strain of
Y. pestis, it did not appear to be appreciably different from modern strains. The severe
impact of this plague pandemic is likely due to the introduction of what appeared to be a
new pathogen combined with changes in transmission (i.e., affected by shifts in vectors and
trade routes), susceptibility, and frailty resulting from the proceeding famine and comor-
bidities (e.g., Dean et al. 2018; DeWitte 2015; DeWitte and Wood 2008; Immel et al.
2021). The Black Death strains examined in subsequent research show that this was a very
rapid spread with few differences among strains (Bramanti et al. 2021; Spyrou et al. 2019).
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After the Black Death, periodic outbreaks occurred over a period of about 500 years
(fourteenth to nineteenth centuries AD). However, there is debate about whether these
stemmed from local reservoirs or reintroductions from the east (Bos et al. 2016; Bramanti
et al. 2021; Namouchi et al. 2018; Schmid et al. 2015; Seifert et al. 2016; Spyrou et al.
2016). These outbreaks became less severe over time, perhaps due to decreased human sus-
ceptibility as well as changes in the pathogen itself (Immel et al. 2021; Susat et al. 2020). For
example, Susat et al. (2020) found that two seventeenth century Y. pestis genomes from Riga
each had two types of pPCP1 plasmids, with the pla gene and without it, at an approximately
1:10 ratio, and they suggest that this could account for a decline in virulence. Bramanti et al.
(2021) also note a decrease in pla copy number in other post-Black Death strains. However,
it is unclear how low copy number of pla affects virulence, but research suggests that the pla
gene is required for bubonic plague (Sebbane et al. 2020; Zimbler et al. 2015).
The Black Death was not, in fact, the first time that plague affected Europe. The Justinianic
Plague started the first historically recorded pandemic (sixth–eighth centuries AD), but
ancient DNA analyses show earlier cases in the late Neolithic and early Bronze ages that shed
light on the evolution of Y. pestis from Y. pseudotuberculosis. Specifically, Y. pestis was identified
in DNA sequences (retrieved from tooth pulp) of late Neolithic and early Bronze Age individ-
uals from central Asia and the Caucasus (including Siberia, Armenia, and Russia) and Europe
(including Germany, Sweden, Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, Russia, and Croatia) (Andrades
Valtuena et al. 2017; Rascovan et al. 2019; Rasmussen et al. 2015; Spyrou et al. 2018). The
genome sequences of these strains showed that the Late Neolithic/Bronze Age Y. pestis strains
are diverse with many lacking the murine toxin gene (ymt), which enables Y. pestis to survive
in the gut of fleas that have a broad range of mammalian hosts, including humans (Bland
et al. 2021). This gene is one requirement for the bubonic form of the disease, suggesting that
the main types of plague affecting these early individuals were septicemic and pneumonic.
However, Spyrou et al. (2018) found strains in Late Bronze Age (~3800 BP) individuals from
the Samara region of modern-day Russia that do have the ymt gene, as well as some other
changes needed for adapting to fleas and increasing virulence in humans (though not the
derived version of the pla gene in the PCP1 plasmid). These strains appear to be at the base of
the branch in the phylogeny leading to the strains causing historical pandemics, including the
first recorded pandemic, the plague of Justinian.
Ancient DNA analyses also provide insight into the dynamics of the first plague pan-
demic, showing that it was independent of subsequent pandemics (Feldman et al. 2016;
Harbeck et al. 2013; Wagner et al. 2014). The Justinianic plague (AD 541–544) kicked off
the first pandemic, which then lasted for another two hundred years. Interestingly, some
strains from the later years of the first pandemic also show changes consistent with reduced
virulence like the later second pandemic strains (Bramanti et al. 2021; Keller et al. 2019).
Y. pestis is the most intensively studied pathogen from ancient individuals, but, at present,
these data are from Western and Central Eurasia and a better understanding of the evolu-
tion of Y. pestis from Y. pseudotuberculosis, as well as the reach and impact of the plague
pandemics in Africa and East Asia, are particularly needed.


Ancient DNA analyses of pathogens provide new insights into their evolution as well as our
understanding of human disease patterns over time. For example, there have been significant
debates about the antiquity of specific pathogens as well as the pace and pattern of the first
epidemiological transition after the shift to agriculture (Cohen and Armelagos 1984; Gage
ancient dna and disease   205
and DeWitte 2009; Pearce-Duvet 2006; Stone 2020) that ancient DNA studies can help
address. This research also offers the opportunity to examine the process of pathogen adap-
tion when there is a “jump” into humans and to observe the evolution of human immune
loci in response. Taking advantage of these opportunities for research, however, should not
result in taking advantage of or ignoring living, descendant communities by discounting
their concerns. There are many examples of diseases that can be stigmatizing, such as
Hansen’s disease, HIV/AIDS, and syphilis, and there are many reasons why communities
may be troubled by specific research. Ancient DNA research must be collaborative and
researchers must engage descendent communities and other stakeholders with respect
(Bardill et al. 2018; Wagner et al. 2020). While scientists interested in ancient pathogens
typically have some expertise in anthropology, evolutionary biology, population genetics,
biostatistics, human genetics, bioinformatics, and/or pathogen genetics, the research bene-
fits from collaboration with other scholars from different perspectives and backgrounds,
including clinicians, ecologists, historians, and indigenous scholars, since pathogens can
impact many facets of human life (and human actions can affect pathogen dynamics in turn).
Challenges remain for ancient DNA analyses of many pathogens. Specifically, the majority
of aDNA data from pathogens are from European contexts, giving a biased view of their
biogeography and evolution. Biodiversity is greater in warmer, wetter places on our planet
(Brown 2014), and despite our lack of information about ancient pathogens from such
regions of the world, it is likely that many originated there. In addition, our knowledge is
biased against those pathogens that are less likely to preserve, such as single-stranded RNA
viruses, or that are poorly understand (or absent) in modern contexts. New methods may
help address some of these issues, though not all.
Ancient DNA research has progressed significantly in the last 35 years with the technical
advances of molecular genetics and bioinformatics, and it holds great promise for address-
ing many long-standing questions about pathogen evolutionary histories and their impact
on humans.


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CHAPTER 13 Paleogenomics:
Ancient DNA in

C. Eduardo Guerra Amorim


In recent years, novel technology for obtaining DNA molecules from archaeological material,
museum specimens, and sediments has opened up new horizons within the genomic sci-
ences, culminating in the development of the field of paleogenomics. Compared to tradi-
tional population genetic datasets, composed of a single time point, ancient DNA (aDNA)
enables the direct assessment of genetic diversity in different time transects and allows for the
recovery of lost genetic lineages. In biological anthropology, aDNA has been used – together
with population genetics methods (see Chapter 6) – to infer human migration routes, char-
acterize past population structure, reconstruct phenotypes of ancient and archaic humans,
determine biological sex from human remains, and infer biological relatedness in ancient
communities. This chapter discusses the techniques used to obtain aDNA from archaeolog-
ical material, the analytical methods used in paleogenomics, and the applications of aDNA
data in biological anthropology. The focus of this chapter is human aDNA. For a detailed
discussion of the uses of aDNA for the study of ancient pathogens see Chapter 12.
One common question we hear from students being introduced to aDNA is “how old
does DNA need to be to be considered ancient?” In practice, many scholars use the term
“ancient DNA” to denote the DNA of organisms that died decades to millions of years ago.
At the time of this chapter, the oldest specimen from which DNA has been recovered is a
1.6-million-year-old mammoth (van der Valk et al. 2021). Human aDNA has been success-
fully recovered from Homo sapiens remains dated from a few hundred up to 45,000 years ago
(Fu et al. 2016; Liu et al. 2021), as well as from archaic humans (Green et al. 2010; Reich
et al. 2010). Although the label “ancient DNA” has a clear temporal meaning, the term is,
in fact, more related to the condition of the DNA molecule than to its age. Below, the char-
acteristics of aDNA and its differences from DNA obtained from fresh tissues are discussed.

A Companion to Biological Anthropology, Second Edition. Edited by Clark Spencer Larsen.

© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
paleogenomics: ancient dna in biological anthropology  211

The Characteristics of Ancient DNA

In humans, DNA is found in the cell nucleus and the mitochondria. After the death of an
individual, DNA molecules start to degrade due to the effect of the environment – temper-
ature, water, and oxygen – and due to spontaneous damage. As a result, aDNA molecules
found in archaeological specimens are fragmented into shorter DNA stretches. The length
of these aDNA fragments is very variable and depends on several factors, including the age
of the sample, its preservation status, and the environmental conditions in which the
specimen is found or stored. In general, the mean aDNA molecule length observed in
sequencing experiments is between 40 and 150 base pairs (Knapp and Hofreiter 2010).
Shorter DNA molecules may exist in the same sample, but the sequencing of very short
fragments, typically smaller than 30 base pairs, is often challenging and thus these extremely
short molecules are often not identified in aDNA studies.
In addition to being fragmented, aDNA molecules also reveal a peculiar characteristic
that clearly contrasts with DNA obtained from fresh tissues and living organisms – that is,
aDNA exhibits an accumulation of specific types of mutations toward the ends of the DNA
fragment (Dabney et al. 2013). Those mutations are identified in sequencing experiments
as an excess of C-to-T and G-to-A mutations, where A stands for adenine, C for cytosine,
G for guanine, and T for thymine. These are the four bases that compose DNA. These types
of mutations are common in living organisms and happen in specific DNA sequence con-
texts known as CpG sites. Because of the random nature of DNA mutations, we would
expect C-to-T and G-to-A mutations (also known as transitions) to happen anywhere along
the extent of a DNA molecule in a living organism. In aDNA molecules, however, transi-
tions happen more often in the ends (Dabney et al. 2013). This spontaneous mutation bias
results in the typical aDNA damage signature depicted in Figure 13.1a, known as the post-
mortem damage pattern.
The existence of post-mortem damage in aDNA molecules has at least two important
implications in paleogenomics. The first one is that aDNA data are biased toward an
excess of transitions (i.e., C-to-T and G-to-A mutations). In other words, aDNA datasets
present errors relative to those containing DNA sequences obtained from fresh, pres-
ent-day samples. In practice, these errors, if uncorrected, will result in the misspecification
of the genetic diversity of the studied individuals, which could then lead to biases in the

(a) (b)




5 15 25 25 15 5 5 15 25 25 15 5

5'–position 3'–position 5'–position 3'–position

Figure 13.1 Damage profile of the terminal nucleotides of two samples treated in different ways
during genomic library preparation: (a) no UDG treatment and (b) partially UDG-treated. The
frequencies (y-axis) of nucleotide misincorporation are plotted as a function of the distance (x-axis)
from the ends of the sequencing read. In this plot, C-to-T and G-to-A misincorporations are shown
in black. Other types are shown in grey.
212  c. eduardo guerra amorim
interpretation of the data in aDNA studies. While these sorts of errors are undesirable, an
excess of transitions at the ends of the sequencing reads is indicative of the authenticity of
aDNA samples – this being the second key implication of post-mortem aDNA damage in
paleogenomics studies. In other words, the very existence of this type of signature in
aDNA and its absence in DNA data obtained from fresh tissues are used to confirm that
the DNA extracted from an archaeological specimen is indeed aDNA, as opposed to con-
tamination resulting from the handling of the remains by living humans in the laboratory
or in the field.
In order to address the issues resulting from post-mortem damage, when analyzing
aDNA, one may (a) exclude C-to-T and G-to-A transitions from their dataset, (b) use prob-
abilistic models to infer the DNA sequence on a given locus while controlling for post-
mortem damage (Hofmanová et al. 2016), or (c) use uracil–DNA–glycosylase (UDG) to
chemically fix these mutations (Briggs et al. 2010). However, because post-mortem damage
is utilized for the authentication of aDNA samples, as mentioned in the previous paragraph,
full UDG treatment may not be an optimal choice, as it can completely erase the aDNA
signature from the sequences being analyzed. As an alternate solution, partial UDG
treatment protocols have been developed, according to which post-mortem damage is
eliminated in the interior of the DNA molecules, while it is kept in its terminal regions
(Figure 13.1b, Rohland et al. 2015). One may then computationally “trim” the ends of the
sequencing reads, where the great majority of the transitions resulting from post-mortem
damage are found. In doing so, any variants observed in the internal part of the sequencing
read can be included in the dataset, regardless of whether they are transitions or not. Given
that aDNA data usually contains a great amount of missing data, partial UDG treatment is
often preferable over the option of excluding C-to-T and G-to-A transitions from the data-
set. However, UDG treatment (full or partial) should be avoided when DNA preservation
is precarious because it tends to decrease the DNA concentration in a sample.
DNA degradation also results in the complete loss of some of the DNA molecules avail-
able in samples. Because of that, aDNA sequencing data usually present a large amount of
missing data and a low depth of coverage, i.e., the average number of sequencing reads
covering a base pair in the genome. It is not rare to see aDNA sequencing data with a depth
of coverage of 1× or less (Amorim et al. 2018; Clemente et al. 2021; Margaryan et al. 2020;
Maróti et al. 2022 – to cite a few). In the cases in which a locus is covered by a single
sequencing read, it is technically impossible to call a diploid genotype. As a consequence,
heterozygous loci (i.e., those in which two different alleles are observed) are miscalled as
homozygous. This introduces additional biases in aDNA data analysis. To address this issue,
aDNA data is often analyzed in a “pseudo-haploid” format. This means that aDNA data are
computationally made homozygous, usually by selecting a random allele at each heterozy-
gous locus. This is obviously not needed for the mtDNA and Y-chromosome, as these loci
are haploid by nature. For some population genetic inference methods, when comparing
aDNA with present-day DNA data, it is important to have the whole dataset in the pseudo-
haploid format. Alternatively, one may impute diploid genotypes using a reference dataset
comprising high-quality DNA sequences. However, it is still unclear whether imputation
methods perform well with aDNA data due to its typically low coverage and the presence
of post-mortem damage.
Because DNA is usually found in low concentrations due to DNA degradation, contam-
inant DNA from modern sources may be present in relatively high amounts in the samples
under analysis. Contamination may also bias research conclusions and should be assessed in
each sample in every study. Low levels of contamination, typically less than 5 percent, are
usually tolerated. However, any research conclusions based on contaminated samples
paleogenomics: ancient dna in biological anthropology  213

should be considered with caution. Contamination in aDNA samples is commonly identi-

fied using haploid loci such as the mtDNA and the X-chromosome in XY males. Roughly
speaking, these methods are based on the identification of heterozygous sites in the data,
which should not be observed for haploid genetic loci. Other methods leverage information
from post-mortem damage patterns in order to isolate reads of interest from present-day
Another type of contaminant is non-human DNA molecules mixed in the sample. These
can be ancient pathogens and environmental microbes, and they can be filtered from the
dataset with the use of computational techniques. These techniques, for instance, align
sequencing reads for a given sample against a human reference genome and filter out the
sequencing reads that do not map to the reference genome. The sequencing reads that do
map to the reference genome, and are thus not filtered out, are referred to as endogenous
DNA. The endogenous DNA content is indicative of the preservation status of the sample,
and after initial screening, it is taken into account for the inclusion of a sample in an aDNA
study. There is no consensus on the acceptable threshold of endogenous DNA content in a
sample for its inclusion in a study. However, this is often factored in when deciding what
type of sequencing strategy is best performed with a given sample.
In order to prevent contamination, aDNA is usually analyzed in aDNA-dedicated clean
laboratories, where positive pressure is present, the air is HEPA-filtered, and surfaces are
routinely cleaned with bleach and UV light (Fulton and Shapiro 2019). These aDNA-
dedicated laboratories are typically located far from other genetic and molecular biology
laboratories where, for instance, DNA from fresh tissues is handled. Personnel should also
use personal protective equipment such as lab coats or coveralls, shoe covers, gloves, face
shields, and facemask. In addition, one should avoid going to an aDNA lab if one has
recently been in other DNA laboratories.

Obtaining DNA from Archaeological Material

Ancient DNA molecules can be obtained from organic remains such as teeth, bones, soft
tissues like skin, and coprolites. DNA can also be obtained from objects used by humans
or from the soil. The two most common aDNA sources are teeth and bones, in particular
the petrous portion (pars petrosa) of the temporal bone (“petrous bone” hereafter). The
petrous bone is one of the densest bones in the human body and is considered the
optimal source of DNA for paleogenomics studies due to its high endogenous DNA
yield (Pinhasi et al. 2015). The amount of human aDNA available in the petrous bone is
very variable and depends on the preservation of the sample and its exposure to weather
conditions. In general, tooth samples present a lower DNA yield relative to the petrous
bone. However, because teeth are vascularized, they are the prime material for recov-
ering both ancient pathogen and human endogenous DNA (see Chapter 12). Once bone
or tooth samples are obtained, they need to be pulverized. Then DNA can be extracted
from tooth/bone powder in the laboratory using protocols designed for these types of
tissues, which partially differ from those designed for extraction of DNA from blood or
buccal swab. Minimally invasive techniques are available for reducing the damage caused
during sampling, which may be detrimental to other archaeological and anthropological
analyses, such as those based on bone/tooth morphology and stable isotope
Ethical considerations when dealing with DNA obtained from human remains include,
but are not limited to, reducing damage to the remains and engaging the stakeholder
214  c. eduardo guerra amorim
communities in the scientific process (Fleskes et al. 2022). Traditional notions of informed
consent in biomedical research with human subjects and corresponding legislation often
do not directly translate to paleogenomics research, even when the materials being analyzed
are human remains. Moreover, it is often challenging to identify who are the present-day
communities that descend from the ancient individuals being studied. In the United
States of America, official regulations, such as the Native American Graves Protection
and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), outline the characteristics of descendent or culturally
affiliated Indigenous communities. Scholars must be aware of the consequences of their
study for these communities and carefully examine the results of open data sharing, con-
sidering its potential social harms and political implications. For a detailed view of the
ethical issues involving paleogenomics research, see Fleskes et al. (2022) and references

Paleogenomics Applications in Biological Anthropology

To date, more than six thousand ancient human genomes have been reconstructed, mostly
from Europe and Asia (Liu et al. 2021). These genomes have been analyzed together with
present-day human genetic data for different applications in biological anthropology. These
include, for instance, the inference of past human migrations and the interactions between
modern and archaic humans. Ancient DNA data has also been used to examine local
adaptation events and to characterize phenotypic evolution in modern humans. More
importantly, aDNA allowed, for the first time, the direct assessment of some important
hypotheses of human evolution that were developed years before, based on genetic data
from present-day people, morphology, historical texts, and archaeology. The uses of aDNA
in biological anthropology are unlimited. This chapter focuses on four main applications
that are most relevant to the field of biological anthropology. Additional examples and
applications can be found in the literature (reviewed by Irving-Pease et al. 2021; Liu et al.
2021; Marciniak and Perry 2017).

Characterizing Ancient Human Migration and Population Structure

Early paleogenomics studies revealed that part of the genetic ancestry of human popula-
tions from the past was not seen in present-day people (Bramanti et al. 2009; Liu et al.
2021). These data highlighted major population turnover events across the globe and have
shown that admixture has been pervasive throughout human history. In Europe, for
­instance, hunter-gatherer populations were partially replaced by Neolithic farmers with
origins in the Near East (Goldberg et al. 2017; Hofmanová et al. 2016). At the beginning
of the Bronze Age, Europe witnessed an additional major demographic change. This
change is related to the spread of the Yamnaya Steppe pastoralist culture on the continent,
and it is likely associated with the emergence of the Indo-European languages (Haak et al.
2015). The Steppe migration had a great impact throughout Europe, with varying levels
of replacement of the local genetic ancestry depending on the specific region (Clemente
et al. 2021; Haak et al. 2015; Liu et al. 2021), in some cases replacing approximately
90 percent of the local gene pool (Olalde et al. 2018). Interestingly, genetic evidence from
aDNA shows that the Steppe migration was strongly male-biased (Clemente et al. 2021;
Goldberg et al. 2017).
Because aDNA provides direct evidence of demographic shifts and population turn-
overs, paleogenomic data can shed light on the dating of demographic events associated
paleogenomics: ancient dna in biological anthropology  215

with the peopling of different regions of the globe. In a study involving 89 ancient South
American individuals, Nakatsuka et al. (2020) were able to detect a clear population
structure separating northern and southern populations from the region that ­encompasses
the Andes and the Pacific Coast of South America. The age of the remains corresponding
to each individual was inferred from radiocarbon dating and was used to build a time-
series dataset that revealed that the observed North–South population structure must
have emerged at some time between 4,200 and 5,800 years before the present. The
dating of this demographic shift, inferred from the combined analysis of aDNA and
radiocarbon dates, roughly corresponds to the onset of the late preceramic period, which
is associated with a shift toward a stronger reliance on agriculture in the region. Authors
hypothesize that a greater reliance on plant cultivation could have, for instance, contrib-
uted to reduced mobility and therefore reduced gene flow between the North and the
South (Nakatsuka et al. 2020).
Non-human DNA has also a place in biological anthropology. When humans migrate,
they bring together crops, domesticated animals, and pathogens. Coanalysis of dog and
human aDNA has revealed, for instance, that the dog population history mirrors that
of humans (Bergström et al. 2020). Because of this intimate relationship between dogs and
humans, dog aDNA data have been used to characterize human history and migration. For
instance, Feuerborn et al. (2021) used dog aDNA to infer the origins and timing of major
trading events between northwestern Siberia and populations living in distant regions.
According to this study, amongst the populations that seem to have traded with north-
western Siberians is the Near East, suggesting a wide continental trading network involving
peoples from different geographical origins (Feuerborn et al. 2021). Ancient DNA evi-
dence also points to the origins of domesticated dogs approximately 23,000 years before
the present (Perri et al. 2021), shedding light on the dating of major prehistoric events,
even in the absence of direct genetic evidence from humans.
More recent population replacement and admixture events have also been evidenced
with ancient DNA. These include, for instance, key events during the post-classical era that
are associated with the origins of some of the modern European nations (Amorim et al.
2018; Margaryan et al. 2020; Maróti et al. 2022). A common subject in these studies is
whether historical migrations inferred from the archaeological record indeed correspond to
the movement of people across regions or are a result of cultural diffusion that does not
involve the migration of people. One can imagine, for instance, that two populations could
present similar material cultures, even though they descend from independent groups
(Olalde et al. 2018). Genetic evidence provides the means to directly assess these questions
by allowing for testing the hypothesis of genetic continuity between geographically distant
populations. For instance, genetic data has validated the historical hypothesis that Huns and
Avars originated in present-day Mongolia and that they are related to Asian Hun groups,
such as the Xiongnus (Maróti et al. 2022). In another study, for instance, the origin of the
barbarian group known as the Longobards, which had previously only been described in
historical texts (Paul the Deacon 2011), was suggested as being in northern Europe with
the analysis of aDNA (Amorim et al. 2018). This work corroborated the idea of long-distance
migrations during the so-called “Barbarian Invasions” and revealed complex interactions
between the migrant Longobards and the local populations, including Romans (Amorim
et al. 2018). In sum, aDNA studies with historical period samples may furnish evidence of
long-distance migration – sometimes involving cross-continental dispersal – and may pro-
vide a means to assess existing hypotheses of human history based on written and archaeo-
logical records.
216  c. eduardo guerra amorim
Assessing Biological Relatedness in Archaeological Contexts
Initially, aDNA studies focused on generating data for one or a couple of individuals per
archaeological site (Veeramah 2018). Dense population sampling in paleogenomics studies
is hindered, in part, because of the inherent challenges of aDNA analysis, compromised
sample preservation, and ethical concerns related to the destruction of the archaeological
material. While these datasets with reduced sample sizes per time period, region, and culture
are very useful for reconstructing human history, they say little to nothing about more local
and fine-scale processes. Around the year 2015, we start to see human aDNA studies
including larger sample sizes per archaeological site (Veeramah 2018). A few examples of
such studies following this denser sampling approach are the studies by Amorim et al.
(2018), Mathieson et al. (2015), and Yaka et al. (2021), where sample sizes are in the range
of tens. This shift from a sparser to a denser sampling strategy has opened up new doors in
paleogenomics research and furnished the opportunity for interdisciplinary collaborations
to address novel questions in human history and evolution (Veeramah 2018). One example
of a research question that is possible to be addressed with denser sampling is the inference
of biological relatedness, or kinship, between pairs of individuals. Assessing kinship in
archaeological contexts can provide unique insights into the social habits of past human
communities. In this chapter, “kinship” refers to “biological kinship,” which is the
phenomenon in which two individuals share genetic loci that are inherited from a common
ancestor (synonym to “biological relatedness”). While other types of kinship exist, genetic
data have little or no relationship with it.
Initial attempts to infer kinship with aDNA focused on the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)
and were based on amplification by the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) (reviewed in Vai
et al. 2020). Because each human cell contains a very large number of mitochondria, in the
order of hundreds to thousands, amplification of mtDNA from human remains is relatively
more successful than that of nuclear loci. More details about the use of mtDNA in human
population genetics analyses are described in Chapter 6 by O’Rouke. For kinship inference,
specifically, mtDNA is used to establish maternal relationships between individuals.
However, these relationships are rather unspecific because two unrelated individuals may
share an mtDNA haplotype. Because of this, kinship is not always possible to be confirmed
with mtDNA analysis. In some cases, at best, mtDNA data can be used to rule out maternal
relationships when individuals do not share the same mtDNA haplotype.
A more efficient approach to infer biological relatedness with aDNA data is based on
Next Generation Sequencing (NGS). High-throughput sequencing platforms, in a timely
and cost-effective manner, generate data for billions of DNA fragments per sequencing run.
As a result, multiple genetic markers can be analyzed for a large number of individuals and
used for biological kinship inference in biological anthropology studies. There are two main
types of data generated through NGS platforms. One is whole-genome sequencing, com-
monly referred to as “shotgun sequencing,” and the other is target capture enrichment.
The latter consists of sequencing selected loci in the genome that are known to present a
genetic variant (single nucleotide polymorphism, or SNP) in at least one human population
worldwide. The number of SNPs analyzed in human paleogenomic studies varies, but the
most widely used SNP set consists of ~1.2 million loci (Fu et al. 2015; Mathieson et al.
2015). This SNP set is known in the literature as the “1240K” dataset. It was developed
with the intent of capturing global human genetic variation, and it has been widely used in
biological anthropology.
Statistical methods to infer kinship are based on the sharing of genetic variants by identity-
by-descent (IBD). IBD means that two individuals inherit an allele from the same ancestor
paleogenomics: ancient dna in biological anthropology  217

in the past. The probability of IBD between two individuals is proportional to the degree to
which two individuals are related. Its patterns across the genome – i.e., the proportion of
loci in which zero, one, or two alleles are shared – are indicative of the type of relationship
between them. For instance, full siblings are expected to share one and two alleles in IBD in
50 and 25 percent of the loci across their genomes, respectively. In the remaining 25 percent
portion of their genome, full siblings are expected to share no allele by IBD. In contrast, a
parent and child share only one allele in IBD in 100 percent of their genome. The same can
be calculated for every other possible lineal and collateral bond between two individuals (Vai
et al. 2020). In paleogenomics studies, these IBD allele-sharing patterns can be analyzed
across multiple individuals in a population and used for the inference of pedigrees potentially
involving multiple generations (Amorim et al. 2018). Thus, using methods to infer IBD,
one can gain an insight into how related two individuals are and reconstruct the exact
biological relationship between them, if a sufficient number of genetic markers are covered
in both of them. It is estimated that ~ 50 SNPs have a similar informative power to that of
10 STRs, which are genetic markers commonly used in forensics analyses (Amorim and
Pereira 2005). However, in practice, more accurate inferences can be made with a hundred
thousand SNPs.
In inferring biological relatedness with aDNA, one should be aware of the problems
introduced by low coverage sequences. Traditional NGS-based methods to infer kinship
were meant to be applied on diploid sequences and, as mentioned above, aDNA is usu-
ally analyzed as pseudo-haploid data. Several methods have been developed more recently
to infer IBD patterns with low-coverage data. These include software such as READ
(Monroy Kuhn et al. 2018) and lcmlkin (Lipatov et al. 2015). Most of these methods
rely on population genetics datasets, often from present-day individuals, to infer the
allele frequencies used to calculate the probabilities of IBD (Vai et al. 2020). Up to
third-degree relatedness may be detected by some methods, even with low coverage data
(Lipatov et al. 2015).
Ancient DNA has been successfully used to infer kinship between individuals in Early
Medieval graveyards in Europe, showing that graves with biologically related individuals
more often shared elements of mortuary practice than those with unrelated individuals
(Amorim et al. 2018; O’Sullivan et al. 2018). Similarly, Sánchez-Quinto et al. (2019) have
analyzed the genomes of 24 ancient individuals from five European megalithic tombs of the
fourth millennium BC. Their data show close kin relationships among individuals buried
within the same megalith and, in some cases, even among individuals from different mega-
liths, and suggest these funerary monuments were associated with patrilineal kindred
groups. Interestingly, Amorim et al. (2018) reconstructed four pedigrees in a medieval
archaeological site in present-day Hungary and observed one single instance in which a
pedigree completely lacked adult women, suggesting varying funerary practices depending
on both sex and kinship status. Ancient DNA evidence has also been used to study funerary
practice in Neolithic villages in Anatolia dated to the ninth to seventh millennia BC (Yaka
et al. 2021). Results show contrasting funerary practices across time, where parent–­offspring
co-burials were common in the earlier societies and rare in the more recent ones. In another
study, kinship inference based on aDNA was used to characterize Viking burials, revealing
that Viking expeditions often involved biologically related individuals (Margaryan et al.
2020). This study also identified two instances where closely related individuals were exca-
vated from sites located hundreds of kilometers apart from each other, illustrating the high
mobility of individuals during the Viking Age. Studies such as these highlight the key role
biological kinship played in burial organization, mortuary practice, and other social aspects
of past human communities.
218  c. eduardo guerra amorim
Inferring Social Organization and Local Population Histories
Genetic data can be combined with the written record, linguistic, stable isotope, and other
archaeological data into an interdisciplinary framework in order to provide a more nuanced
picture of the social organization and cultural habits of past human populations. This does
not mean that genetic variation underlies variation in culture, but rather that it can be lev-
eraged alongside other types of data to furnish insights into how biological relatedness bet-
ween individuals and populations might have shaped certain habits of past human societies,
in particular those related to the mortuary practice. For instance, Amorim et al. (2018)
have generated data for over 60 individuals from two cemeteries associated with the
Longobard culture (Paul the Deacon 2011), located in western Hungary and northern
Italy and dated to the sixth century AD. These data were combined with mobility and diet
stable isotopes, as well as a detailed description of grave goods, to provide a better picture
of their social organization and history, including aspects that were not described in the
written record. For instance, genetic data evidenced that these Longobard populations
were composed of people with two distinct genetic ancestries: one associated with southern
European populations (such as the one seen in present-day Italians) and the other with
northern European populations (such as the one seen in present-day Norwegians). The
latter was associated with specific grave furnishing, including weapons, pottery, and beads,
whereas most of the graves bearing individuals with southern European ancestry were
devoid of such grave goods and mostly contained common articles such as clothing items
and coins. The grave structure was also clearly distinct between groups. Northern European
genetic ancestry was associated with deeper graves with ledge walls, while graves for indi-
viduals with a major southern European ancestry component were relatively shallower and
did not present structured or adorned walls. Dietary stable isotopes indicated that individ-
uals with northern European ancestry had access to relatively higher amounts of protein
than the others. Additionally, strontium stable isotope signatures suggested adults from
both groups were not locals, but instead recent immigrants. Altogether, these data pointed
to the existence of a structured, mobile population containing two groups with distinct ge-
netic origins, diet, and culture. Approaches such as this, leveraging information from mul-
tiple sources in addition to aDNA data, require the collaboration of people with different
expertise, which can be challenging. Moreover, a dense aDNA sampling strategy is not
always possible due to the challenges that are inherent to aDNA. However, they can prove
extremely valuable, especially when the studied group did not leave any written record and
when archaeological data are scarce.

Local Adaptation and Phenotypic Reconstruction

Ancient DNA offers the opportunity to directly measure allele frequency changes associated
with events of local adaptation, additionally providing a better notion of the timing of such
events. Ancient DNA also aids in reconstructing the phenotypes of ancient and archaic
humans, even when the phenotype per se is not directly observed. One of the first studies to
take advantage of the full potential of aDNA to characterize local adaptation in humans used
the 1240K SNPs to identify targets of natural selection in Europe (Mathieson et al. 2015).
Amongst the genetic loci identified by the study as targets of natural selection are genes asso-
ciated with variation in pigmentation and height, resistance against pathogens, and diet. The
strongest natural selection signal in this study was found in a genetic variant associated with
lactase persistence (Mathieson et al. 2015). Similar observations were made in posterior
studies with aDNA and present-day populations (Marciniak and Perry 2017; Margaryan et al.
2020), highlighting the importance of diet as a key element in recent human evolution.
paleogenomics: ancient dna in biological anthropology  219

Genetic diversity underlying human phenotypic variation has been leveraged from aDNA
datasets to offer a better picture of our ancestors (Clemente et al. 2021; Margaryan et al.
2020; Olalde et al. 2014). Skin, hair, and eye pigmentation are among the most common
phenotypes that are reconstructed using aDNA because their genetic architecture is
relatively well-known and dominated by mutations with large effects. However, the extent
to which these reconstructions are accurate remains uncertain (Irving-Pease et al. 2021), at
least in part due to the fact that the genetic architecture of these traits can vary across popu-
lations and time (Duncan et al. 2019; Marciniak et al. 2022). To assess the potential of
predicting phenotype from aDNA, height has been inferred from bone measurements in
over a thousand individuals and then compared to the predicted height based on genetic
variants (Cox et al. 2019). Although height is a polygenic characteristic thought to be
determined by a number of genetic variants with small effects and a strong influence from
the environment, this study concluded that the height of an ancient individual can be
partially predicted by aDNA (Cox et al. 2019). In addition to genetic effects, these results
also highlight shifts in height that are more likely to be environmentally driven. Being one
of the first studies to attempt combining phenotypic and genetic data from ancient humans,
this research provided a model for interpreting phenotypic changes predicted from aDNA
data. In a more recent study, the discrepancy between predicted and measured height in
over 150 prehistoric Europeans was used to infer the impact of subsistence shifts on human
health in the past (Marciniak et al. 2022). Combining osteological stature measurements
with aDNA data, Marciniak et al. (2022) have found that early European farmers were
relatively shorter than expected based on genetic variation. Authors hypothesize that this is
likely to be the result of poorer nutrition and an increased infectious disease burden associ-
ated with agriculture.
Beyond phenotypic predictions of ancient Homo sapiens, attempts have been made in
order to characterize the phenotypic diversity of archaic humans using genetic data. For
instance, Gokhman et al. (2020) used aDNA to reconstruct the skeletal morphology and
facial anatomy of Denisovans. This enigmatic archaic human, distinct from Homo nean-
derthalensis and Homo sapiens, was initially described solely based on its DNA extracted
from the pinky bone and a few molars of a young female who lived around 41 thousand
years ago (Reich et al. 2010). Because of the incomplete fossil record available for this
specimen, scholars were left wondering, for over a decade, about what Denisovans looked
like. To solve this enigma, Gokhman et al. (2020) inferred the DNA methylation map of
Denisovans from post-mortem DNA damage patterns observed in aDNA. DNA methyl-
ation is one of the types of epigenetic changes that can affect phenotypic diversity through
the regulation of gene expression. Results of this work showed that, for instance,
Denisovans presented an elongated face and a wide pelvis, similar to Neanderthals, as well
as unique characteristics such as an increased dental arch and lateral cranial expansion
(Gokhman et al. 2020). This study illustrates the potential of paleogenomics for the
reconstruction of phenotypes of ancient and archaic humans, even those phenotypes that
do not survive in the fossil record.
Another aspect of human evolution that began to be studied with the advent of paleoge-
nomics is the detection of adaptive archaic introgression in humans (Green et al. 2010;
Marciniak and Perry 2017; Reich et al. 2010). Genetic introgression from archaic into ana-
tomically modern humans is shown to have had a great impact on human adaptation to
environmental pressures and is widespread in European, Asian, and Melanesian populations
(Racimo et al. 2015). Candidate genes implicated in adaptive introgression involve
traits such as high-altitude adaptation, resistance against pathogens, muscular function,
220  c. eduardo guerra amorim
pigmentation, and metabolism, among others (Marciniak and Perry 2017; Racimo et al.
2015). Because these archaic humans inhabited their environments for thousands of years
before the worldwide dispersal of anatomically modern humans, the introgression of alleles
associated with locally adapted phenotypes is thought to have promoted fast-paced local
adaptation of humans to novel environments.
Because aDNA allows for the direct assessment of allele frequencies in the past, it has
been proposed that time-series aDNA datasets should shed new light on the strength
and timing of selective events that happened in the human lineage (Dehasque et al.
2020). For instance, observed allele frequency changes – directly measured using aDNA
data – suggested an increase in the frequency of lactase persistence around 4,000–4,500
years ago in Eurasia (Mathieson et al. 2015), corresponding to the arrival of the Steppe
pastoralist migrations in Europe (Haak et al. 2015). Despite the great promise of aDNA
for the timing of evolutionary events and the dynamics of complex trait evolution
(Dehasque et al. 2020; Irving-Pease et al. 2021), the small sample sizes that are typically
obtained in aDNA studies may be an obstacle to the implementation of methods based
on time-series data.


From providing the means to recover lost genetic lineages to aiding in the reconstruction
of ancient and archaic human phenotypes, aDNA has revolutionized the way that we can
study the human past. This chapter summarizes the challenges and some of the main appli-
cations of the study of aDNA in biological anthropology. Genomic data for thousands of
ancient individuals are now available, and this number is rapidly increasing with the advent
of more efficient and cost-effective DNA extraction and sequencing techniques. The future
of aDNA studies is very promising. More robust statistical methods, together with the gen-
eration of an increasing amount of ancient genomic data, will shed new light on important
aspects of human evolution, history, and health. A few recent advances in paleogenomics
are the study of the ancient proteome based on dental calculus (Scott et al. 2022) and the
possibility of imputing the complete DNA sequence of ancient genomes from low-coverage
data (Rubinacci et al. 2021).
Despite the promises of further development of the field, paleogenomics faces key chal-
lenges. One main challenge is the ethical concerns related to the identification and engage-
ment of descendant communities and stakeholders, to the social and political consequences
of genetic research, and, in some cases, to the lack of acknowledgment of Indigenous peo-
ples’ sovereignty over data and human remains. Additionally, paleogenomics currently suf-
fers from an underrepresentation of non-European genomes in study sets. This lack of
diversity results in a biased and incomplete notion of human evolution and can limit the
reach of potential biomedical applications of aDNA data. The lack of communication
among geneticists, archaeologists, and social scientists may further hinder the development
of the field; however, recent studies that take an interdisciplinary approach have pointed to
a potential paradigm shift that should propel the field of paleogenomics into novel venues.
As we, as a community, overcome these challenges, we should ensure a more equitable and
ethical future for paleogenomics. Because this discipline is a relatively young field of inquiry,
we can expect significant transformations in the years to come. These transformations
should have profound consequences for anthropological genetics and the study of human
evolution more broadly.
paleogenomics: ancient dna in biological anthropology  221


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CHAPTER 14 Demography,

Lyle W. Konigsberg,
George R. Milner, and
Jesper L. Boldsen

Demography is the study of a group’s age and sex structure. “Group,” although vague, is
intentionally used because we may study a species, a village, a large sociopolitical unit, such
as a nation, or a population, although what constitutes a population is often ambiguous as
well. In biological anthropology, demography may refer to nonhuman primates or to
humans, although in this chapter we focus on the latter. By prefixing “paleo” to demog-
raphy, we refer to the demography of past groups, generally understood to pertain to work
with archaeological skeletons, but also to studies of sites and radiocarbon dates when mon-
itoring regional population growth (or decline). While skeletal analyses often cover relatively
recent periods in human history (DeWitte 2010, 2012; DeWitte and Hughes-Morey 2012),
they may focus on earlier time horizons, such as the Neolithic (Bocquet-Appel 2011;
Bocquet-Appel and Naji 2006; Eshed et al. 2004), and even as far back as those of our
hominin ancestors (Bocquet-Appel and Arsuaga 1999; Caspari and Lee 2004; Mann 1975).
In this chapter, we focus primarily on the life table and its continuous form, known as a
hazard or survivorship model. The life table can be thought of as a spreadsheet of deaths.
Some attribute the first life table to John Graunt (1662), such as Ciecka (2008: 66), who
notes that Graunt “engaged in a great deal of guess work because age at death was unre-
corded and because London’s population was growing in an un-quantified manner due to
migration.” The first true life table, however, can be attributed to Halley (1693). It was a
complete life table in that it showed survivorship in yearly intervals. In bioanthropology, it
is more common to see abridged life tables (Shryock and Siegel 1976: 249), which typically
feature age intervals in years of 0–1, 1–5, 5–10, and so on in five-year intervals. Life tables
can also be classified as generation or current tables (Dublin and Spiegelman 1941), or
more often cohort versus period life tables. In cohort life tables, a birth cohort is followed
through time, while in a period life table, deaths during a certain period are used to

A Companion to Biological Anthropology, Second Edition. Edited by Clark Spencer Larsen.

© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
224  lyle w. konigsberg, george r. milner, and jesper l. boldsen
construct the life table. In that instance, no single cohort might experience precisely what
is captured by the life table parameters because living conditions, such as diseases and their
treatment, change over time.

An Abridged Life Table

Table 14.1 shows an abridged life table, which for the moment is assumed to be a cohort
life table. We simulated 500 deaths using a model life table from Séguy and Buchet (2013),
the details of which are described in the Appendix. The first two columns in Table 14.1,
labelled “open” and “close,” represent the beginning and ending of age intervals. The third
column, designated “wDx”, represents the number of deaths within each age interval. The
complete notation for the first four intervals is 1D0, 4D1, 5D5, 5D10, and for the last interval
is 15D75, assuming nobody lives beyond the age of 90, or, more generally, wDx or nDx, where
x is the start of the interval and w or n is the interval width (“close” minus “open”). The
bottom of the third column shows the sum of deaths; in this instance, the 500 simulated
individuals. The fourth column, labelled lx, gives survivorship to the beginning (“open”) of
each age interval. This column begins at the “radix,” which here is the total number of
deaths. Other values can be used for the radix. For example, had we divided all the numbers
in column 4 by 500 the column could be interpreted as the probability of surviving to the
beginning of the age interval. Because survivorship refers to survivors at the start of the age
interval, there is no notation to the left; in other words, the first four values are l0, l1, l5, and
l10. The fifth column, labelled wqx (the complete notation for the first four intervals is 1q0,
4q1, 5q5, and 5q10), is the age-specific probability of death in the age interval. In other words,
it is the probability of an individual alive at age x dying before the end of the interval at
x + w. It is equal to wDx/lx, the number of deaths in an interval divided by the number of
individuals entering the interval, where lx uses the radix equal to the sum of the Dx values.
Column 6, labelled wLx, contains the person-years lived in an age interval of a given width
(w), and is one of the more difficult calculations to follow. As a historical note, wLx is the only
life table function given by Halley (1693). The calculation is based on the idea that individ-
uals who die in an interval are uniformly distributed across the age interval. Consequently,
individuals who die in the interval contribute half the width of the age interval, while
­individuals who survive contribute the full interval width. For example, for 5L5 we have
l5 − l10 = 320 − 289 = 31 individuals who contribute w/2 = 2.5 years, while l10 = 289
individuals contribute 5 years. This gives 5L5 = (l5 − l10 ) × w/2 + l10w = (l5 + l10 )/2 × w so
that 5L5 is the average of l5 and l10 times the age interval width. Having uniform ages at
death is not a good assumption for the young, but it is made for simplicity’s sake. Column 8,
Tx, is “the total years to be lived (person years) by those reaching age X until all are dead”
(Weiss 1973: 37, emphasis in the original). It lists the person-years to be lived at the opening
of an age interval and beyond and can be found by summing the w L x values from the bot-
tom up. Note that T0 = 9, 877.5 , the sum from the bottom of column 6. Dividing Tx by the
corresponding l x gives the average years yet to be lived at the opening of the age interval;
that is, life expectancy as given in column 9 as e x . We see that e 75 = 7.5 , which is logical
given that everyone dies by 90 in the example, a uniform distribution of ages at death is
assumed between 75 and 90, and (90 − 75) / 2 = 7.5 . The 10th column shows the
­person-years to be lived in an interval divided by the total person-years to be lived by the 500
individuals. The symbol wc x is for the proportion of the living population in the age interval.
The 11th column shows the products of the 10th column entries with the midpoint of each
age interval. The sum of this column is an estimate of the mean age in the living (MAL). The
demography, including paleodemography  225

mean age at death (MAD) is the same as the life expectancy at birth (the first entry of 19.76
in the 9th column). The crude death rate, the number of deaths (at any age) per annum
divided by the mid-year population size, is shown as d = 0.051 , which is the inverse of the
mean age at death (life expectancy at birth). As zero population growth is assumed, the
intrinsic rate of increase (r) is zero, so the crude birth rate is also 0.051 (r = b – d).
Not mentioned so far, but relevant to the later discussion of hazards analysis, is the central
mortality rate, shown as wmx in column 7. While in the abridged life table, as well as in the
complete yearly life table, age is placed into ordered “bins,” age is really a continuous v­ ariable
that could be measured in years, months, days, or even shorter intervals. The hazard rate
when applied to the continuous variable of age at death is the instantaneous rate of death,
and as such it can be greater than 1.0, unlike the age-specific probability of death ( wq x ). The
central mortality rate is assumed to be a constant throughout the age interval. The simplest
calculation, and the one used here, assumes that survivorship is linear throughout the age
interval. The central mortality rate can be estimated as (Keyfitz 1985: 35)

l x − l x +w
wm x = (14.1)
w Lx

where w is the age interval width. More simply, the central mortality rate can be obtained
by solving Equation 1 from Greville (1943):

2 wq x
w mx = (14.2)
w (2 − w q x )

For both young and old age intervals, the assumption of a linear decline in survivorship is
problematic. In the first edition of Coale and Demeny (1966), a linear decline in survivor-
ship was assumed when calculating 5L5 through 5L75, though in the second edition (Coale
and Demeny 1983) they give 5L x = 2.6 × l x + 2.4 × l x +5 for x from 5 to 75. Weiss (1973:
37) uses 1L0 = 0.35 × l 0 + 0.65× l1 and 4 L1 = 1.361×l1 + 2.639 × l5 from some of the
values in Coale and Demeny (1966: 20). Both equations represent curvilinear decreasing
values for survivorship. The life table in Table 14.1 is simplified by assuming a linear decrease
in survivorship for all age intervals.

Fertility for The Abridged Life Table

For the moment we can treat Table 14.1 as a period life table, instead of a cohort life table,
for a stable population. A stable population is one that has fixed fertility and mortality
schedules and “that neither gains nor loses by migration” (Coale 1972: 3). With sufficient
time, such populations reach a fixed age distribution. Weiss (1975: 56) states that “…we
can at least be reasonably confident of average vital rates determined from ostensibly mini-
mally disturbed populations.” We can further simplify by assuming that the population is
stationary; in other words, crude birth and death rates are equal so that the population size
is neither shrinking nor expanding. A stationary population is thus a special case of a stable
population, the characteristics of which are discussed in Keyfitz (1985).
Under the condition that Table 14.1 is a stationary period life table, we can extend it to
the one in Table 14.2 to consider fertility, following Weiss (1973). The first column has
five-year age intervals starting at 15 years and ending with the interval 45–50, capturing the
age span during which females are fertile. The second column is the l x column from
Table 14.1 A stationary life table

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
open close w Dx lx wq x w Lx wm x Tx ex wc x years
0 1 115 500 0.2300 442.5 0.2599 9877.5 19.76 0.0448 0.022
1 5 65 385 0.1688 1410.0 0.0461 9435.0 24.51 0.1427 0.428
5 10 31 320 0.0969 1522.5 0.0204 8025.0 25.08 0.1541 1.156
10 15 33 289 0.1142 1362.5 0.0242 6502.5 22.50 0.1379 1.724
15 20 46 256 0.1797 1165.0 0.0395 5140.0 20.08 0.1179 2.064
20 25 41 210 0.1952 947.5 0.0433 3975.0 18.93 0.0959 2.158
25 30 31 169 0.1834 767.5 0.0404 3027.5 17.91 0.0777 2.137
30 35 23 138 0.1667 632.5 0.0364 2260.0 16.38 0.0640 2.081
35 40 27 115 0.2348 507.5 0.0532 1627.5 14.15 0.0514 1.927
40 45 27 88 0.3068 372.5 0.0725 1120.0 12.73 0.0377 1.603
45 50 20 61 0.3279 255.0 0.0784 747.5 12.25 0.0258 1.226
50 55 14 41 0.3415 170.0 0.0824 492.5 12.01 0.0172 0.904
55 60 9 27 0.3333 112.5 0.0800 322.5 11.94 0.0114 0.655
60 65 6 18 0.3333 75.0 0.0800 210.0 11.67 0.0076 0.475
65 70 3 12 0.2500 52.5 0.0571 135.0 11.25 0.0053 0.359
70 75 3 9 0.3333 37.5 0.0800 82.5 9.17 0.0038 0.275
75 90 6 6 1.0000 45.0 0.1333 45.0 7.50 0.0046 0.376

500 9877.5 MAL = 19.57

MAD = 19.76
b = 0.051
d = 0.051
r= 0
demography, including paleodemography  227

Table 14.2 Calculation of fertility

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Age lx 5L x Kx K x × 5L x FB = K x × B 5L x × FB Years
15 0.5120 2.3300 0.64199 1.496 0.061 0.141 2.48
20 0.4200 1.8950 1.73859 3.295 0.164 0.312 7.01
25 0.3380 1.5350 1.74068 2.672 0.165 0.253 6.95
30 0.2760 1.2650 1.41042 1.784 0.133 0.169 5.49
35 0.2300 1.0150 0.98137 0.996 0.093 0.094 3.53
40 0.1760 0.7450 0.40670 0.303 0.038 0.029 1.22
45 0.1220 0.3050 0.08418 0.026 0.008 0.002 0.12

ave(B) = 0.095 0.663

TFR = 3.31 NRR = 1.00 T = 26.79

Table 14.1, but here divided by 500 so that l 0 = 1.000 ; in other words, the radix is 1.000.
The third column, L x , is calculated as in Table 14.1. The fourth column, 5K x , lists age-
specific fertility rates from Weiss’ (1973) populations in his Table 12. Age-specific fertility
rates are the observed number of births to women in a five-year interval divided by the
observed number of woman-years in that interval (Wood 1994: 25). These are annual rates,
so they need to be multiplied by the five-year widths to get the rates per interval. Column
5 is the product K x × 5L x combining fertility with mortality. The inverse of the sum of the
column is the “‘mean’ fertility rate” (Weiss 1973: 31). Column 6 contains the products of
K x (column 4) with the “mean” fertility rate, which Weiss (1973) refers to as “FB” for
“female births.” The sum of column 6 multiplied by five for the interval width gives the
Total Fertility Rate, “the expected number of offspring ever born to a randomly selected
woman who survives to the end of the reproductive span” (Wood 1994: 27). Column 7 is
the product of 5L x and FB, and its sum is the net reproduction rate (NRR) (Shryock and
Siegel 1976: 315): “a measure of the number of daughters that a cohort of newborn girl
babies will bear during their lifetime assuming a fixed schedule of age-specific fertility rates
and a fixed set of mortality rates.” Because we have assumed a stationary life table, the
NRR = 1. Column 8, labelled “Years,” is the product of the entries in column 7 with the
midpoint of the age interval. The sum of this column is the generation length, which is the
“mean age of mothers at the birth of their daughters” (Shryock and Siegel 1976: 317).

A Nonstationary Life Table

In Table 14.3 the life table, in contrast to the Table 14.1 cohort life table, represents a
period life table with an intrinsic rate of increase of r = 0.02 . The main calculations follow
Asch (1976: Table 5), though some calculations are also given in Carrier (1958) and Bennett
(1973). We need to be aware that there are two ways of making calculations that include
non-zero population growth (or decline). One way uses “annual compounding.” If we start
with a population of N 0 = 100 and an intrinsic rate of increase of r = 0.02 (a 2 percent
Table 14.3 Life table with an intrinsic rate of increase of 0.02

r= 0.02
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
ra −ra
open close w Dx e ra w Dx e lx w Lx Tx ex w Lx e wc x Years
0 1 115 1.01005 116.1558 807.9511 749.9 23177.6 28.69 742.41 0.0483 0.024
1 5 65 1.061837 69.01938 691.7953 2629.1 22427.7 32.42 2476.03 0.1611 0.483
5 10 31 1.161834 36.01686 622.776 3023.8 19798.5 31.79 2602.64 0.1694 1.270
10 15 33 1.284025 42.37284 586.7591 2827.9 16774.7 28.59 2202.34 0.1433 1.792
15 20 46 1.419068 65.27711 544.3863 2558.7 13946.8 25.62 1803.11 0.1173 2.054
20 25 41 1.568312 64.3008 479.1091 2234.8 11388.1 23.77 1424.97 0.0927 2.087
25 30 31 1.733253 53.73084 414.8083 1939.7 9153.3 22.07 1119.12 0.0728 2.003
30 35 23 1.915541 44.05744 361.0775 1695.2 7213.6 19.98 884.99 0.0576 1.872
35 40 27 2.117 57.159 317.0201 1442.2 5518.4 17.41 681.25 0.0443 1.663
40 45 27 2.339647 63.17047 259.8611 1141.4 4076.2 15.69 487.84 0.0317 1.349
45 50 20 2.58571 51.71419 196.6906 854.2 2934.8 14.92 330.34 0.0215 1.021
50 55 14 2.857651 40.00712 144.9764 624.9 2080.6 14.35 218.66 0.0142 0.747
55 60 9 3.158193 28.42374 104.9693 453.8 1455.7 13.87 143.69 0.0094 0.538
60 65 6 3.490343 20.94206 76.54556 330.4 1002.0 13.09 94.65 0.0062 0.385
65 70 3 3.857426 11.57228 55.6035 249.1 671.6 12.08 64.57 0.0042 0.284
70 75 3 4.263115 12.78934 44.03122 188.2 422.5 9.60 44.14 0.0029 0.208
75 90 6 5.20698 31.24188 31.24188 234.3 234.3 7.50 45.00 0.0029 0.242

500 807.9511 23177.6 15365.77 MAL = 18.02

MAD = 19.63
b = 0.053
d = 0.033
demography, including paleodemography  229

increase), the population size N t at t = 50 years later is N 50 = N 0 (1 + r )50 ≅ 269.16. This

gives a doubling time of about 35.00 years. This method is used by Moore et al. (1975) and
Swedlund and Armelagos (1976: 52), among others. Carrier (1958) and Bennett (1973)
divide the number of deaths by powers of 1−r. A similar method is continuous compound-
ing where N 50 = N 0 exp(r × 50) ≅ 271.83, which gives a doubling time of about 34.66
years. The difference between annual compounding and continuous compounding is trivial
for relatively short periods of time. We use the latter simply because it extends easily to
hazard models where age is a continuous variable.
The first three columns of Table 14.3 are the same as in Table 14.1. The fourth column in
Table 14.3 pertains to population growth, and is exp(ra), where a is the middle of the age
interval, the average of “open” and “close” (the first two columns), and r = 0.02. This column
deals with a growing population (positive value of r) where individuals in older age intervals
came from smaller birth cohorts than those in younger age intervals. The number of deaths
consequently must be adjusted upward in later age intervals. The fifth column shows these
adjusted numbers of deaths as w D x exp(ra), which is exactly equal to w D x / exp(−ra). Such
is not the case for “annual compounding,” where w D x (1 + r )a is only approximately equal
to w D x / (1− r )a . Note that the sum of the numbers of deaths has now increased and serves
as the first number in the survivorship column (column 6). Columns 6 through 9 in Table
14.3 are calculated, as were columns 4, 6, 8, and 9 in Table 14.1. Column 10 in Table 14.3
is w L x exp(−ra), which is the same as column 7 divided by column 4 from this table. Column
11, the living age distribution, lists the elements of column 10 divided by its sum. The 12th
column, “years,” has the elements from column 11 times the midpoint of the age intervals.
The sum of column 12 is an estimate of the mean age in the living population (MAL). The
crude birth rate is estimated by the sum of column 5 divided by the sum of column 7. The
crude death rate is then b − r . From the crude death rate, MAL, and growth rate, we can find
the MAD using Equation (14.14), below.

Life Tables from Extant Anthropological Samples

For an extant group it may be possible to obtain information on ages-at-death, although

generally it is more common to have census information on the living (a cross-sectional
sample). Either way, it would be unusual to have vital registration information; that is,
records of date of birth for an accurate census or both the dates of birth and death for ages-
at-death. Unlike national census or death records, anthropological samples tend to be small
and subject to stochastic (random) effects. Both problems often require some form of
smoothing to calculate a life table.
Wood (1987: 179), for example, comments that for the Gainj, a group from the high-
lands of Papua New Guinea, “age- and sex-specific life tables have been estimated by the
Brass two-parameter logit method.” The Brass (1971) two-parameter logit model assumes
that there is a common shape for human survivorship. Consequently, observed survivorship
values beyond l 0 = 1.0 can be converted to logits:

1− l x 
ln   (14.3)
 l x 

as is also done in Brass’ Table 4. Others invert so that the term in parentheses is l x / (1− l x ) .
Brass multiplied his logits by one-half, but this unnecessary step was taken to look up values in
230  lyle w. konigsberg, george r. milner, and jesper l. boldsen
an old set of statistical tables. The two parameters in Brass’ model are the intercept and slope
from a linear regression of the observed survivorship logits on Brass’ logits. If y are the esti-
mated logits, as in Equation (14.3), from predicting the sample logits from Brass’ logits, then
the estimated survivorships are l x = 1/(1 + exp(y x )) . Brass’ two-parameter logit model is not
always sufficient to fit survivorship. For example, it does not give a good fit to the life table in
Table 14.1. Ewbank et al. (1983) give a four-parameter logit model that uses a different stan-
dard life table from that of Brass for ages below 15 years. In addition to the intercept and slope
in Brass’ two-parameter logit model, the Ewbank model contains a parameter κ that adjusts
survivorship at younger ages and λ that adjusts survivorship at older ages. As shown in Figure
14.1A, the Brass two-parameter model does not fit the Table 14.1 life table as well as the
Ewbank four-parameter model.
Single census life table estimates for anthropological samples are made additionally diffi-
cult because growth rates may be unknown. The samples might not be drawn from stable
populations because fertility and mortality schedules have changed, there is immigration or
emigration, or both. Weiss (1973: 20) gives an example of calculating survivorship for the
Guarani of Brazil from a single census and assuming a stationary population. Under this
assumption, survivorship can be found from the decrease in the number of individuals when
moving from one age interval to the next older one of equal width. Because of small sample
size and stochastic variation, subtracting the number of individuals in the older age interval
from the adjacent younger age interval can yield negative numbers. To correct for this,
Weiss smoothed the data using running averages (moving averages or rolling means). Doing
so replaces individual values with the mean of a “window” of values, usually three of them,
leaving the first and last values unchanged. This method of “rolling means” was previously
often used in paleodemography to smooth the number of skeletons in age intervals (e.g.,
Palkovich 1981).
A single census with a previous population size some known number of years earlier can
be used to fit a stable, but non-stationary, life table. If there are two censuses separated by
a known number of years, a non-stable life table can be estimated (Gage et al. 1984, 1986).

4-parameter logit

2-parameter logit

0 20 40 60

Figure 14.1A A Brass (1971) two-parameter logit and Ewbank et al. (1983) four-parameter logit
fit to survivorship.
demography, including paleodemography  231

Hazard Models

A hazard model generalizes the life table so that age is a continuous variable. The survivor-
ship, in column 4 of Table 14.1, could have been written using a radix of 1.0. Survivorship
then starts at l 0 = 1.0 , proceeds through l 75 = 6 /500 = 0.012 , and ends with l 90 = 0.0 .
In a hazard model there is a continuous hazard of death, and survivorship is likewise a con-
tinuous function. One of the first hazard models was from Gompertz (1825), who intended
his function to apply to adults. The Gompertz function can be fitted to Table 14.1, starting
at age 15 and continuing to 90. The Gompertz function is

µ(t ) = a3 exp(b3 (t − 15)) (14.4)

where the minus 15 allows the function, in this instance, to start at age zero. The subscript
numbering follows that from the Siler model (Gage 1988, 1991; Gage and Dyke 1986;
Siler 1979). The log Gompertz hazard forms a straight line, but we will work in the original
scale. The survival function from the Gompertz hazard is
a 
S (t ) = exp  3 (1 − exp(b3 (t − 15))) (14.5)
 b3 
where the function, and others to follow, are from Wood et al. (2002). Holman (2003)
provides a plethora of hazard models, the survival functions, and the probability density
functions. The probability density functions are the continuous density functions for ages-
at-death, which, like any proper probability density function, integrate to 1.0. Hazard
functions can be fit using maximum likelihood and survival functions. The parameters a3
and b3 (Equation 14.5) are searched across until the maximum log-likelihood is found, as
we show in the R code available at http://faculty.las.illinois.edu/lylek/Demog/
Demography.html. Figure 14.1B shows the Gompertz survivorship and the l x values from
the life table between ages 15 to 75 years. Makeham (1860) added an additional term to
the hazard function, yielding



20 30 40 50 60 70

Figure 14.1B A Gompertz survivorship model fit from ages 15 to 75.

232  lyle w. konigsberg, george r. milner, and jesper l. boldsen

µ(t ) = a2 + a3 exp(b3 (t − 15)) (14.6)

but given the good fit of the Gompertz function the additional term is unnecessary for
current purposes.
The Siler hazard function (Gage 1988; Gage and Dyke 1986; Siler 1979) is intended to
cover the entire human lifespan, and is written as
µ(t ) = a1 exp(−b1t ) + a2 + a3 exp(b3t ) (14.7)

where the first component is a negative Gompertz function that represents decreasing
mortality during early life, the a2 component represents a constant hazard and the third
component is a Gompertz function that represents increasing mortality with old age.
Together the constant hazard and the old age Gompertz function are a Makeham hazard.
The constant hazard is often not necessary to fit the model, and indeed this is the case in
Figure 14.1C, which shows the life table l x and the Siler survivorship without the a2 param-
eter. Wood et al. (2002) describe a mixed-Makeham model that can also be fitted to the life
table data from Table 14.1. This would ordinally be a five-parameter model like the Siler, but
in the case of fitting the life table data from Table 14.1 we used a four-parameter model. The
first term is a mixture parameter while the next three terms are for a Makeham model for
individuals at high risk of death and the last two terms are for a Gompertz model represent-
ing mortality in low-risk individuals. As the mixed model gives a fit that is nearly identical to
the Siler model without the constant term (see Figure 14.1D), we use the latter model.
We hasten to add that there is an interpretive complication in paleodemographic recon-
structions. Differences in mortality profiles derived from archaeological skeletons that accu-
mulated over time, often several centuries or more, are commonly interpreted as mainly
reflecting overall fertility, not mortality. If one has adequate samples of skeletons, a challenge
in itself, both population growth and the age-independent Siler component, a2, affect the
mortality profile. Because population growth over centuries must have approximated zero
(balanced fertility and mortality rates), age-independent mortality contributes potentially
meaningful variation among samples in skeletal age distributions.



0 20 40 60

Figure 14.1C A negative and positive Gompertz survivorship (Siler model less the a2 parameter)
fit from ages zero to 75.
demography, including paleodemography  233




0 20 40 60

Figure 14.1D A mixed Makeham and Gompertz survivorship fit to age zero to 75.

In our model fitting we have assumed that there is no under-enumeration of any age
class; consequently, we can use the survivorship data to fit the models. We did this using
maximum likelihood estimation as done previously. The very young are commonly under-
enumerated in paleodemographic samples, affecting subsequent survivorship values but not
mortality values (Moore et al. 1975). It is for this reason that Gage (1988) recommends
using mortality functions to fit hazard models if there is reason to suspect that the young
are underenumerated. As the simulated data are from a model life table, there is no under-
enumeration and the survivorship function can be used to fit the hazard model.

Nonstationary Use of a Hazard Model

One benefit of hazard models is they can be extended to nonstationary cases. We would say
that they can be “easily” extended, but calculus is required and, more specifically, the use of
integrals. We do this in R (R Core Team 2022) using the “integrate” function. The crude
birth rate is (Keyfitz 1985: 79)

b= ω
∫ exp (−rt )S (t )dt

where S (t ) is the survivorship to age t from the hazard model, ω is the maximum possible
age, and r is the intrinsic rate of increase. Table 14.3 gives a crude birth rate of 0.053, while
Equation (14.8) gives an identical value of 0.053. The crude death rate is

∫ exp (−rt ) µ (t )S (t )dt

d= ω
∫ exp (−rt )S (t )dt
234  lyle w. konigsberg, george r. milner, and jesper l. boldsen

although it can be found more simply as d = b − r , giving 0.033. The distribution of age
in the living is (Keyfitz 1985: 78)

c (t ) = b exp(−rt )S (t ) (14.10)

so that the mean age in the living is

aL = b ∫ t exp(−rt )S (t )dt (14.11)

Equation (14.11) gives 18.15 years versus 18.02 in Table 14.3. The distribution of ages at
death is

exp (−rt ) µ (t )S (t )
f (t ) = ω
∫ exp (−rt ) µ (t )S (t )dt

so the mean age at death is

∫ t exp (−rt ) µ (t )S (t )dt

aD = ω
∫ exp (−rt ) µ (t )S (t )dt

which is 19.30 versus 19.63 in Table 14.3.

The mean age-at-death can also be obtained from the third equation in Sattenspiel and
Harpending’s (1983) appendix as

1 − r × aL
aD = (14.14)
Unfortunately, Horowitz and colleagues’ paper (1988) contains typographical errors, so
their Equation 9, with some simplification and substitution, reads as

1 − r ×aL
aD = (14.15)
(r − d )(1 − r /(r − d ))
where it should have read as

r ×aL − 1
aD = (14.16)
(r − d )(1 − r /(r − d ))
which simplifies to Equation (14.14).
Sattenspiel and Harpending (1983) importantly noted that when the intrinsic rate of
increase is unknown, the inverse of the mean age-at-death is much closer to the crude birth
rate than to the crude death rate. As the intrinsic rate of increase is generally unknown in
paleodemographic settings, this means that the inverse of the mean age-at-death tells us
more about fertility than mortality. Paleodemographers had previously assumed the
demography, including paleodemography  235

reverse: the mean age-at-death was more informative about mortality than about fertility.
While Johansson and Horowitz (1986) and Horowitz et al. (1988) argued against
Sattenspiel and Harpending’s (1983) finding, there does appear to be a stronger relation-
ship between the inverse of the mean age-at-death and crude birth rate. Buikstra et al.
(1986) also used the Coale and Demeny (1966) model “West” life tables to show there
was a stronger relationship between the inverse of mean age-at-death and the crude birth rate.

Demographic Estimators

To this point, we have blithely assumed that ages-at-death are known. This is a problematic
assumption in the absence of vital records and it certainly causes difficulties for paleodemo-
graphic studies. Bocquet and Masset (1977) suggested using the ratio D5−14 /D20−ω , where
the capital Ds represent the number of deaths in the given intervals, in place of paleodemo-
graphic estimates derived from abridged life tables. The advantage of this ratio is that it
excludes individuals under age five years that may be underenumerated and it only requires
making decisions about relatively well-defined age thresholds, avoiding the problem of
inaccurate and biased adult age estimates. Later Bocquet-Appel and Bacro (1997) referred
to a similar ratio as the “juvenility index.” Proportions were considered in Buikstra et al.
(1986), but both these and the “juvenility index” were found wanting by Paine and
Harpending (1996). Bocquet-Appel (2002, 2011) used a proportion he referred to as “P”,
D5−19/D5−ω , interpreted as indicating an increase in fertility with the Neolithic transition.
Paine and Boldsen (2002) used a death rate ratio, defined as 1 − [S (18)/S (5)] divided by
1 − [S (5)/S (2)] , to show an increase from the Mesolithic to the Iron Age and then a
decrease to the late medieval period. They interpreted this as indicating a decrease in the
span between epidemics during the Iron Age. More recently, McFadden and Oxenham
(2018) have used what they refer to as the D0−14 /D ratio as an estimator for the Total
Fertility Rate. As this is the number of deaths between ages 0 and 14 divided by the total
number of deaths, it is a proportion, not a ratio. McFadden and Oxenham (2019) argue
that the proportion is resistant to underenumeration and age misestimation, the reason
researchers such as Bocquet and Masset (1977) used demographic estimators rather than
abridged life tables as much as 40 years earlier. Because of unknown, indeed unknowable,
sampling issues with archaeological skeletons, such indicators are only interpretable as gen-
eral tendencies in large numbers of cemetery samples.

Are Reliable Abridged Life Tables or Hazard Model Parameters Possible

in Paleodemography?

Shortly after paleodemography began to gain traction, Petersen (1975: 232) delivered a
cutting remark on the still-developing field when he wrote that “the direct evidence on the
mortality of ancient man depends mainly on skeletal remains, from which rather little can be
deduced with reasonable certainty.” Although this critique has rightly been viewed as com-
ments from an expert in one field venturing into another discipline, the response was not
helped by Armelagos and colleagues (1975: 461) writing that Petersen “should have focused
less on techniques for ageing skeletal material.” Ignoring a problem that continues to vex
researchers does not make it go away. Shortly thereafter Howell (1976) called for uniformi-
tarianism in paleodemography, noting that skeletal data should not show large departures
236  lyle w. konigsberg, george r. milner, and jesper l. boldsen
from what is known about the structure of anthropological populations. From that perspec-
tive, the paleodemographic reconstruction for Libben (Lovejoy et al. 1977) called for
continued “research on techniques of aging and sexing skeletons” (Howell 1982: 269). The
Libben life table showed much lower survival estimates at older ages than was the case for
model life tables. Meindl et al. (2008) have since re-examined the Libben analysis and found
a number of complicating factors in comparing this site to the demography of extant anthro-
pological populations. Nevertheless, their estimates still indicated that few adults at Libben
had survived into their sixth decade or beyond, a common finding (and we would argue an
erroneous one) in paleodemographic work.
Bocquet-Appel and Masset (1982) in their “Farewell to Paleodemography” levelled sev-
eral critiques against the reliability of life tables generated from skeletons. Their article’s
title suggested a retreat from the field, but four decades later the paper is more properly
viewed as a clarion call for a paradigm shift, much of which involved Bocquet-Appel’s own
work (Bocquet-Appel 1994, 2002, 2005, 2011; Bocquet-Appel and Bacro 2008). One of
their main critiques involved the way ages were estimated using reference sample skeletons.
Ages were tabulated against ordered skeletal stages in a reference sample, with the end
result being that the age distribution for a paleodemographic (target) sample tended to
recapitulate the age distribution of the reference sample. Mensforth (1990) referred to this
problem as “age mimicry.” Several authors (Aykroyd et al. 1997, 1999; Hoppa and Vaupel
2002; Konigsberg and Frankenberg 1992; Konigsberg et al. 1997), as well as Bocquet-
Appel and Masset (1982) in their original article, noted that “age mimicry” arose because
the causality was reversed in the original reference work. Ordinal skeletal stages depend on
age, not vice versa. Our bones look older because we get older, not that we get older
because our bones look older. This problem of using reversed causality had been noted in
the fisheries literature (Kimura 1977) and it was largely solved by Kimura and Chikuni
(1987). Their method failed to take account of sampling variance due to small reference
sample sizes, but Hoenig and Heisey (1987), using a similar method, accounted for this
As originally applied in paleodemography, the solution was to find a life table structure
that best reproduced the distribution of skeletal stages using information from the reference
sample (Bocquet-Appel and Bacro 1997; Konigsberg and Frankenberg 1992). The problem
could then be framed as one of maximum likelihood estimation. The “Rostock Manifesto”
(Hoppa and Vaupel 2002) extended this approach by estimating hazard parameters that
best approximated the count of skeletal stages, again using the reference sample. An
immediate problem with this approach was the reliance on a single age indicator. Holman
et al. (2002) developed a method that used multiple age indicators, while Boldsen et al.
(2002) developed “transition analysis” also based on multiple age indicators. An advantage
of this method is that it controlled for correlations between age indicators that existed even
after the effect of age had been removed. The method has proved useful, but not ideal
(Bullock et al. 2013; Getz 2020; Godde and Hens 2012, 2015; Jooste et al. 2016; Milner
and Boldsen 2012; Sironi and Taroni 2015). Caussinus and Courgeau (2010) and Séguy et
al. (2013) have developed a novel Bayesian estimation method for obtaining life tables.
Although Gowland and Chamberlain (2002) had previously applied Bayesian age estimation
to perinatal remains, their method used the likelihood (information on bone stages against
age in a reference collection) and a prior age distribution to estimate the “posterior” age
distribution. The method from Caussinus and Courgeau (2010) and Séguy et al. (2013)
uses multiple updating of the prior to obtain the “posterior” age distribution, but as pres-
ently developed it still relies on a single age indicator.
demography, including paleodemography  237

Applications in Paleodemography

We can only scratch the surface here. Much more detail can be found in Boldsen et al.
(2022). Some of the most useful applications in paleodemography have come from using
the Cox (1972) proportional hazard method. Godde et al. (2020) write the model as

h (t ) = h0 (t )exp(b1x 1 + b2 x 2 +…+ b p x p ) (14.17)

where h0 (t ) is a baseline hazard at age t, the x values are covariates (such as sex or cemeteries
formed during epidemic versus epidemic-free periods), and the b values are regression coef-
ficients. Rearranging slightly shows why this is referred to as a proportional hazards model:
h (t )
= exp(b1x 1 + b2 x 2 +…+ b p x p ) (14.18)
h0 (t )

Taking the logarithms of both sides shows the relationship to regression analysis:
ln(h (t )) − ln(h0 (t )) = b1x 1 + b2 x 2 +…+ b p x p (14.19)

Using the Cox proportional hazards method Godde et al. (2020) demonstrated that for
individuals who died during the Black Death there was a significant effect for individuals
with skeletal markers of “frailty,” but not for sex. DeWitte (DeWitte 2010, 2014; DeWitte
and Hughes-Morey 2012) has used the proportional hazards model in several different
analyses of medieval people.
Two other fruitful areas in paleodemography have been in the use of “cementochronol-
ogy” (Naji et al. 2016) and in differentiating attritional from catastrophic death assem-
blages (Bocquet-Appel and Arsuaga 1999; de Castro et al. 2004; Gowland and Chamberlain
2005; Margerison and Knüsel 2002). The former makes use of annual lines in tooth
cementum, which surrounds tooth roots. The accuracy of cementochronology continues to
be debated; if accurate, age estimation then becomes a matter of counting lines and adding
them to the age of root formation. The question of whether a death assemblage formed
through gradual attrition or a catastrophic event is a matter of whether the life table or
hazard model results approximate the ages in a normal accumulation of deaths or those in
a living population. The distinction boils down to whether deaths were largely independent
of age, which can occur in mass disasters, or not.
Although there have been advances in how data are handled, such as hazards models,
there still remains a need for better age-informative skeletal indicators. Inaccurate and
biased skeletal age estimates, especially for adults, continue to plague paleodemographic
work. This state of affairs underscores the importance of the Séguy and colleagues (2013)
approach because some sense can finally be made of data collected with widely used age-
estimation methods. Fortunately, there are promising developments in adult age estimation
that, when implemented, will allow that aspect of paleodemographic work to catch up with
analytical developments (Milner et al. 2021). Doing so will permit our understanding of
demography to be extended from relatively recent times into the deep past.


Like much of biological anthropology, demography is inherently mathematical, including

both algebra and calculus. To circumvent calculation difficulties, we provide R code (R
238  lyle w. konigsberg, george r. milner, and jesper l. boldsen
Core Team 2022) at http://faculty.las.illinois.edu/lylek/Demog/Demography.html. This
code can be pasted into R (https://cran.r-project.org) or RStudio (https://www.rstudio.
In this chapter we began with a stationary abridged life table. This is essentially a spread-
sheet of deaths categorized into age classes (consequently “abridged” rather than having
yearly intervals). “Stationary” refers to a sample where fertility and mortality are balanced
so that the population stays a constant size. From this point of departure, we showed how
various measures of fertility can be constructed, and we then turned to nonstationary life
tables where the population is growing or decreasing in size. This led to a discussion of
hazard models where age is measured on a continuous scale. Finally, we considered some
applications in paleodemography where ages are unknown and must be estimated.
While we focused on calculations, they are only part of the story. Meaningful interpreta-
tions of anthropological data only come about through a careful consideration of sample
origins (not just size) and cultural and social contexts. In short, numbers alone do not speak
for themselves. They are, however, a solid basis for furthering our understanding of the
human experience and how we got to where we are today.


The simulated data on counts of deaths in age intervals for Table 14.1 came from a model
life table using Séguy and Buchet’s (2013) regression of the log of the probability of death
in the first year of life on the log of Bocquet-Appel’s (2002) P, deaths between ages 5 and
19 divided by all deaths over five years. We used a value of P = 0.1 and a growth rate of
0.0 (no change in group size over time) from Séguy and Buchet’s (2013: 129) Table 8.3.
Subsequent age-specific probabilities of death were obtained from Séguy and Buchet’s
(2013: 132) Table 8.5. The 500 deaths were simulated through 500 random uniform var-
iates between zero and one, which were then compared to survivorship.


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CHAPTER 15 Nutritional
Contemporary Themes
in Food, Diet, and

Darna L. Dufour and

Barbara A. Piperata


Nutritional anthropology encompasses a wide range of interests in food, diet, and nutrition.
Biological anthropologists approach the subject from both evolutionary and biocultural
perspectives. In the former, they are particularly interested in understanding how diet
shaped the evolution of the genus Homo and, in the latter, how inter-relationships between
diet and environmental factors (physical, biological, social, and cultural) shape the nutri-
tional health of individuals and populations.
Foods, of course, are the plants and animals considered edible and chosen for consump-
tion by a given population. They are always a subset of all the plants and animals in any
environment, and in historic and contemporary populations are imbued with meaning.
Diet refers to what is consumed and provides the majority of an individual’s or population’s
energy (calories) and nutrients. Nutrition is a broadly defined term. In biological
anthropology, it is short for nutritional status, i.e., the biological condition of the organism
with respect to diet. Hence it includes things like child growth, over- and undernutrition,
and nutrient deficiencies.
Nutritional anthropology developed from two separate, but complimentary, threads.
One was anthropologists’ long-standing interest in the diets of ancestral populations.
Indeed, when Raymond Dart “discovered” the Taung child in 1924, he immediately
suspected that it had a diet different from that of other apes (Sponheimer and Dufour
2009). The Harris and Ross (1987) volume, Food and Evolution: Toward a Theory of
Human Food Habits, was a major contribution that brought together researchers from

A Companion to Biological Anthropology, Second Edition. Edited by Clark Spencer Larsen.

© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
contemporary themes in food, diet, and nutrition  245

across the discipline to demonstrate that diets were not static and that biological and
nutritional requirements were rooted in our evolutionary background. The subtitle of
the book indicates the continuing interest in food habits within cultural anthropology,
but the editors (Harris and Ross) make it clear that this interest should “not obscure” the
material realities of diet.
The second thread was the deeply rooted interest of anthropologists in the food and
food-related behavior of the peoples they studied. The classic example is Richard’s (1939)
study, Land, Labour and Diet in Northern Rhodesia, a study that systematically emphasized
the inter-relationship of food and cultural/social processes. In the 1940s the war effort in
both the USA and Europe sparked interest in understanding both what people were wil-
ling to eat from a social point of view, i.e., their food habits, and what their food needs
actually were from a biological point of view. Margaret Mead is well known for her research
on the former. In the early 1970s, a group of anthropologists doing food and nutritionally
related research in the USA formed an interest group within the Society for Medical
Anthropology of the American Anthropological Association (Wilson 2002). The rostering
of the group within medical anthropology is noteworthy as it demonstrated the emphasis
on health-related aspects of nutrition, not just food habits, i.e., it linked food habits to
biological outcomes.
These two threads have continued to frame core assumptions within nutritional
anthropology: (1) evolutionary history matters; (2) diets change over time; (3) the foods
people consume have social meaning but are also related to biological outcomes. In this
essay we will consider examples of research by biological anthropologists that demonstrate
current understanding of these core assumptions. First, we will focus on studies that attempt
to understand diet in our evolutionary past, specifically the Paleolithic period of human
evolution and the Neolithic, i.e., the transition to agriculture. Second, we will consider
foods, diets, and nutrition in contemporary populations, including the transitions in diet
that accompany economic changes and globalization, the problems of food insecurity that
plague many groups, ongoing increases in overweight and obesity across the globe, and
infant feeding. In ending, we will briefly note an exciting new direction in research: the
relationship of diet to the gut microbiome.

Foods and Diets in Past Populations

What did our ancestors eat? How did those foods shape the evolution of the genus Homo?
Does our evolutionary heritage matter in terms of our current nutritional requirements and
health? These are important questions because diet has long been considered a driving force
in human evolution. They are also difficult questions to answer and ones we may never be
able to answer with the precision desired (Ungar 2007). Here we consider three issues that
have received much attention. The first is the relationship of diet to the increases in body
size and especially brain size (encephalization) that characterize the early evolution of our
lineage, the genus Homo. The second is the transition from hunting–gathering to agricul-
ture and its impact on human diet and health. The third is the relevance of ancestral diets
to modern health concerns.

Early Evolution of Diet and the Question of a Larger Body and Brain Size
Our understanding of the diets of early hominins (humans and their direct ancestors) comes
from the fossils themselves, the archaeological record, and the conceptual frameworks
246  darna l. dufour and barbara a. piperata
developed to interpret various lines of evidence. Early hominins, like the Austrolopithecines,
lived in Africa about 4 mya (millions of years ago). Fossil teeth of these animals provide
important clues to diet. One clue is the morphology of their dentition, which indicates an
omnivorous diet. A second clue comes from the microscopic wear patterns on their teeth
(dental microwear), which suggests a diet dominated by soft fruits or other foods of similar
texture (Ungar 2012). A third clue comes from the chemical elements in foods that have
become incorporated into dental enamel. One of these elements is carbon. The analysis of
carbon isotopes (different forms of carbon) indicates that early hominins had relatively
broad diets that included both forest-derived foods, like fruits, as well as savannah plants
like grasses and sedges, and/or the animals that ate those grasses and sedges (Sponheimer
et al. 2013). This method of analysis relies on the fact that some plants use the C3 photo-
synthetic pathway (trees, shrubs, bushes, herbs) while others use the C4 photosynthetic
pathway (grasses and sedges). The method cannot tell us exactly what plants were ­consumed,
nor can it distinguish diets based solely on C4 plants from those that included animals, like
zebras, that ate those C4 grasses and sedges (Sponheimer et al. 2013).
Later fossil hominins assigned to the genus Homo, and referred to as early Homo, are
characterized by a larger average body size and most significantly a notably larger brain size
(Antón et al. 2014). They include a number of different species, of which one of the best
known is Homo erectus (about 1.8 mya). For Homo erectus we have fossilized remains, an
archaeological record containing evidence of the foods assumed to have been part of the
diet, as well as the artifacts used to process those foods. The fossilized remains of teeth are
still indicative of an omnivorous diet, but the dentition is smaller and less robust than that
of early hominins, like the Australopithecines. This suggests Homo erectus consumed a dif-
ferent diet. The dental microwear suggests a more mixed diet (Ungar 2012). The carbon
isotope data indicate a greater emphasis on grasses and sedges, and/or the animals con-
suming those plants (Sponheimer 2013). The archaeological record for sites occupied by
early Homo, including Homo erectus, provides evidence of the consumption of animals in
the form of butchery marks on animal bones, as well as percussion marks to break long
bones and access marrow (Blumenschine and Pobiner 2007). The record also contains evi-
dence of plant consumption in the form of wear marks on stone tools consistent with the
processing of roots/tubers, grasses, and sedges (Lemorini et al. 2014). Remains of the
plants themselves were not preserved; they rarely are. This archaeological evidence is con-
sistent with the isotopic evidence showing a shift toward C4 plants.
Can we link the expanded brain and body size observed in early Homo, especially Homo
erectus, to the changes in diet? To answer this question, scholars have developed conceptual
frameworks to integrate nutritional requirements with evidence in the fossil and archaeo-
logical records. In essence they argue that the morphological changes observed in early
Homo would have required a higher quality diet – that is, a diet that was more energy and
nutrient dense (i.e., calories and nutrients per unit weight). One of the conceptual frame-
works is Leonard and Robertson’s (1994) comparison of human diets and energy require-
ments with those of other primates. Using diets of contemporary hunter–gatherers as a
proxy for the subsistence strategy of early Homo, they assessed diet quality of both humans
and contemporary nonhuman primates in terms of energy and nutrient density and found
that humans have a higher quality diet than expected for a primate of their size. They sug-
gest that the higher quality diet of humans was linked to the high metabolic (energy) cost
of the large human brain, a trait that appeared early in the evolution of the genus Homo.
Another influential conceptual framework for linking diet with body/brain size in early
Homo is Aiello and Wheeler’s (1995) “expensive tissue hypothesis.” They reasoned that
since brain tissue has a high metabolic cost, highly encephalized animals like humans should
contemporary themes in food, diet, and nutrition  247

have a higher-than-expected basal metabolic rate (BMR) for their body size, and since
humans do not, something else must have changed in the course of evolution. They posited
that a reduction in the size (and hence metabolic cost) of the gastrointestinal tract would
have allowed more energy for brain function and hence compensated for the increase in
brain size. Further, they argued that the reduction in the size of the gut would have required
the adoption of a high-quality diet such as one that contained animal products, nuts, and
tubers because a smaller gut would not provide the space necessary for processing bulky,
nutrient poor foods like leaves and stems.
A third influential framework is Wrangham’s (2017) “cooking hypothesis.” Wrangham
argues that meat was a smaller part of the diet of early Homo, and that the process of
cooking, especially the cooking of roots/tubers, was the basis of the improved diet quality
responsible for the increased body and brain size. Why cooking? Because cooking can
increase the digestibility and hence energy value of foods. It seems obvious that cooking
became important at some point in our evolutionary history since all human groups cook
at least some of their food. The unresolved question is when the advent of cooking occurred.
Although Wrangham has consistently associated cooking with the morphological changes
in early Homo, the archaeological evidence for the regular use of fire post-dates those mor-
phological changes.
Lastly, Broadhurst et al. (2002) also argue for the necessity of a high-quality diet to
support the evolution of the large brain in Homo, but focus on a single type of food: aquatic
foods. Their argument rests on the fact that the brain is composed almost entirely of two
polyunsaturated fatty acids, arachidonic acid (AA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which
are more abundant in aquatic than terrestrial food chains. They hypothesize that AA and
DHA could have been limiting to the development of a large brain in Homo unless marine-
based dietary sources of AA and DHA were available.
In summary, for the diets of early Homo we have various lines of evidence, most of which
are not very specific. Taken together, however, they suggest that humans evolved as omni-
vores on a diet higher in quality than that of the Australopithecines and our nearest living
relatives, the apes. This higher quality diet coincided with the increases in body and brain
size evident in early Homo, suggesting that this higher quality diet was a driving force in the
increase in body size and encephalization. Although the consumption of animal tissues is
often assumed to play a central role in this higher quality diet, a recent analysis of the zoo-
archaeological record by Barr et al. (2022) calls this interpretation into question. There is
much we still need to know.

From Wild Foods to Domesticated Crops and Animals

The transition from gathering wild plants and hunting animals for food in the Paleolithic
(Old Stone Age) to farming domesticated plants and animals was a major shift in subsistence
strategies. This early period of plant and animal domestication is commonly referred to as
the Neolithic (New Stone Age) and sometimes as the Neolithic Revolution because it was
a dramatic change from the millions of years humans had spent as hunter gatherers, and was
accompanied by significant changes in diet, settlement patterns, lifestyle, and population
The transition to farming (both plants and animals) included three food crops that now
provide over 60 percent of the food energy in human diets (FAO n.d.): wheat, rice, and
maize (corn). These crops, along with other plants, were domesticated independently in
different parts of the world. Wheat, barley, and lentils were domesticated in the Near East
about 10,000 years ago (Brown et al. 2009). Rice (paddy rice) was domesticated in China
248  darna l. dufour and barbara a. piperata
about 8,000 years ago (Zong et al. 2007), and maize and squash were domesticated in
Mesoamerica at about the same time (Piperno et al. 2009). Animals like cattle, sheep, and
goats were also domesticated in the Near East around the same time as food plants. Pigs
were domesticated in China around the same time as paddy rice.
The process of domestication was no doubt slow and, as would be expected, certain wild
plants were relied on before they were domesticated. For example, in the Levant (Near
East) there is archaeological evidence in the form of stone tools used to pound wild seeds
as early as 14,000 BC (Eshed et al. 2004), well before seeds like wheat and barley were con-
sidered domesticated. The adoption of domesticated plants and animals, could, however,
be quite rapid. For example, in coastal Britain carbon isotopes in bone collagen indicate a
rapid change from diets based on wild marine resources to domesticated plants and animals
between about 5,200–4,500 years ago, a period of only 700 years (Richards et al. 2003).
Archaeological evidence of plant remains indicates that the plants were predominately
wheat and barley (McClatchie et al. 2014), plants that were domesticated in the Near East
and then spread west across Europe to Britain.
The major question biological anthropologists ask is, how did the dietary changes asso-
ciated with the transition to farming affect human health? Evidence for changes in the
actual foods consumed comes largely from plant remains at archaeological sites. Evidence
for changes in health comes from human skeletal remains. Some of the main health indica-
tors are dental caries, skeletal markers of infectious disease, and nonspecific indicators of
stress (cribra orbitalia and porotic hyperostosis). Health is also assessed in terms of adult
stature, which is a proxy for child growth, itself an indicator of the combined effect of die-
tary adequacy and infectious disease experience.
Most, but not all, studies have shown an association between the transition to farming
and declines in health (Cohen and Armelagos 1984; Larsen 2006; Mummert et al. 2011).
Some of the studies showing little or no change in health were associated with longer
periods of transition (Mummert et al. 2011), suggesting that the gradual nature of the
transition allowed for a period of adjustment. This was the case in the Levant, where the
transition to farming occurred over a period of about 20,000 years. In this region the main
difference in health was increased evidence of infectious disease, which was attributed to the
increased population density that occurred with the more sedentary lifestyle and, perhaps,
the proximity to domesticated animals (Eshed et al. 2010). It is also clear that the agricul-
tural transition could affect the health of children as well as adult males and females differ-
ently. For example, in the Levant, male life expectancy increased while female life expectancy
decreased (Eshed et al. 2010).
The actual role of specific foods in the diet in the transition to agriculture is hazy. The
assumption is that dietary diversity decreased, but there is little actual evidence to demon-
strate that. There is, however, compelling evidence that foods associated with the adoption
of agriculture and animal husbandry acted as selective forces shaping human genetic varia-
tion. For example, Tishkoff and colleagues (2007) identified several genetic variants in
African pastoralists that allowed adults to digest lactose (milk sugar). The most common
variant originated in Africa in the past 2,700–6,800 years and is consistent with the archae-
ological evidence of the spread of pastoralism in Kenya and Tanzania 3,300 to 4,500 years
ago (Ambrose 1998). This is a clear example of recent genetic change due to selective
pressure from a dietary element (lactose), and hence human adaptation to the diet.
The second example is the work of Perry et al. (2007) on the gene coding for amylase,
an enzyme required for starch digestion. They found that human populations historically
reliant on starchy staple foods (e.g., maize, millet, rice, sorghum, tubers, and wheat) had
contemporary themes in food, diet, and nutrition  249

more copies of the amylase gene, and, hence, produced more of the enzyme, than groups
more dependent on animal products (e.g., pastoralists). This suggests that human popula-
tions may have enhanced their ability to digest carbohydrates in the recent past.

Linking Ancestral to Modern Diets

In 1985 Eaton and Konner made ancestral diets relevant to modern health concerns in an
influential paper entitled “Paleolithic nutrition: A consideration of its nature and current
implications.” It was the first in a series of papers arguing that we are genetically adapted to
the characteristics of Paleolithic diets – diets based on minimally processed wild foods – and,
hence, not well-matched to the diets and lifestyles that began with the transition to farming.
This mismatch is argued to negatively impact our health and contribute to diet-related
chronic disease. Eaton and Konner (1985) described the diets of pre-agricultural Homo as
higher in nutrients including protein, especially animal protein, calcium, vitamin C, and
dietary fiber, and lower in saturated fats and sodium than many processed foods in our con-
temporary diets.
The Paleolithic diet model is based largely on the diets of known hunter–gatherer popu-
lations like the !Kung San, Hadza, Australian Aborigines, Inuit, and Tasaday. Unfortunately,
our understanding of the diets of these groups is limited, and they are unrepresentative of
the ecological and geographic variation of preagricultural human populations. These limi-
tations acknowledged, the Paleolithic diet is a model of the pattern of nutrient intake
expected on a wild food diet, and this pattern is different than that of a diet based on plants
and animals grown on factory farms and industrially processed.
The idea that Paleolithic-type diets are more healthy than modern diets has captured the
imaginations of many people and led to the popularity of “paleo diet” regimes. It has also
stimulated medical studies designed to evaluate the effects of a Paleolithic-style diet on
chronic disease risk. While most studies to date have looked at these effects over a relatively
short period of time, many have demonstrated beneficial effects on markers of chronic non-
communicable diseases, like cardio-vascular disease and diabetes (see the review in Ghaedi
et al. 2019). Further, within anthropology the Paleolithic diet model has stimulated a re-
thinking of the evolution of the human diet. For example, Ulijaszek (2002) uses primate
diets and foraging behaviors as a “template” for understanding human preference for sweet
tasting and high fat foods. He argues that our taste for sugar is linked to our evolutionary
heritage of frugivory (fruit eating), particularly the consumption of ripe fruits, which are
highly palatable foods for large primates. Regarding dietary fat, he argues that hominins
would have selected foods that maximized energy intake, like higher fat foods.

Foods, Diet, and Nutrition in Contemporary Populations

Biological anthropologists have examined a variety of different, but inter-related topics, in

the food, diet, and nutrition of contemporary populations. Here we will consider four. First,
human diets have changed over time. That is clear. Few populations still produce all their
own food in their own local ecosystem by foraging, hunting/fishing, agriculture, and/or
pastoralism. Most buy at least some foods in local marketplaces, and these markets are inva-
riably connected to global trade networks dominated by industrialized food products. These
trade networks overcome local limiting factors, such as lack of arable land and seasonal var-
iation in agricultural potential, and, coupled with industrialized food production systems,
have served to generally increase food availability globally year-round. How else, for
250  darna l. dufour and barbara a. piperata
example, could residents of Siberia enjoy strawberries in January? However, this modern
globalized food system has also disrupted local food production, especially of staple food
crops, and encouraged people to rely on markets. Further, economic crises can disrupt
trade, as happened with the global economic crisis of 2008, and the corona virus pandemic
of 2020–2022, leaving some populations vulnerable to food insecurity.
Second, is the larger problem of food insecurity itself, a problem that is not only the
result of global crises, but an outcome of the inequitable distribution of food at global,
national, and local levels. In some places people do not have enough to eat. They talk of
difficulties getting access to food, having to eat less, having to eat less-desirable foods, and
not being able to satisfy their hunger (Moreno-Black and Guerrón-Montero 2005). In
other places food is very available and some people suffer from overnutrition and obesity.
Third, is the much talked about problem of obesity. The popular press paints a picture of
everyone being obese, but this portrait is less accurate for the food insecure and not com-
pletely accurate for the food secure. Fourth, is the fact that the very first food in the diets
of infants, milk, exemplifies our mammalian heritage. For most of our evolutionary history
that milk was human milk, a food we do not completely understand. Only later, as infants
mature, do their diets begin to mirror those of the contemporary populations to which they

Dietary Changes in Contemporary Populations

A model developed to explain the phenomenon of dietary change is known as the Nutrition
Transition (Popkin et al. 2011). According to this model, economic development along
with the industrialization of food production and expansion of global trade networks has
led to an increased consumption of highly processed carbohydrates, vegetable oils, simple
sugars, and animal source foods, and a decrease in the consumption of roots/tubers and
grains like millet. These dietary changes, and concomitant decreases in physical activity,
have contributed to an increase in the global prevalence of overweight/obesity and associ-
ated diet-related chronic disease such as hypertension and diabetes. The Nutrition Transition
model has shaped thinking about dietary change, and anthropologists have applied it to
understanding dietary shifts in local populations living in a variety of geographic and
economic contexts.
One example is research in Colombia, a rapidly developing country where the Nutrition
Transition model would predict dietary changes, and an increase in overweight/obesity.
Research between 1990–1995 and 2008 documented an increased prevalence of over-
weight/obesity in urban women (Olszowy et al. 2012). The question then is, how did diet
change over this same time interval? Dufour et al. (2015) studied the diets of low-income
women who purchased food in local markets and had a diet based on rice, processed grains
(e.g., bread, crackers), potatoes, plantains, beans, fruits, and beef. Data on dietary intake
collected using direct observation and 24-hour recalls indicated no change in overall dietary
composition, except for an increase in vegetable oil as a percent of total dietary energy, a
change predicted by the Nutrition Transition model. However, the model also predicts an
increase in animal source foods and sugared beverages, which researchers did not observe.
The authors of the Colombian study point to economic constraints on food purchases as a
potential explanation for the minimal dietary change observed.
Nutritional transitions look different in rural populations, which historically produced
all, or most, of their own food. In these populations, overweight/obesity are usually absent,
and the incorporation of purchased foods into the diet is often gradual. Dietary changes
tend to go hand in hand with other lifestyle changes, such as reductions in the physical work
contemporary themes in food, diet, and nutrition  251

of local food production and increased reliance on markets. Below we provide two examples
of the early stages of nutrition transitions in rural populations.
The first example is the Hadza of Tanzania. Known historically as hunter–gatherers, the
Hadza have increased their reliance on market foods in the past 10–20 years. In 2005,
Pollom et al. (2021) found that residents of “bush camps” subsisted on a diet consisting
primarily of wild plants (e.g., roots/tubers, baobab fruit, stone fruits, berries, figs, legumes)
and game meat (e.g., birds, rodents, impala, kudu, dik dik). In contrast, the residents of
“villages” had a mixed diet that included wild plant and animal foods, as well as grains such
as maize, barley, and wheat, which they obtained from markets and/or donations. By 2017,
both groups were consuming mixed diets, but residents of bush camps continued to con-
sume more wild foods. Data on the height and weight of children 0–17 years of age indi-
cated growth improved in both groups, i.e., children were taller, but not heavier, in
comparison to international standards (WHO Multicentre Growth Reference Study Group
2006). It is unclear if the improved growth was attributable to an increase in total food
intake or the nutritional qualities of the foods consumed because researchers knew the
types, but not the amounts, of food consumed.
The second example is from research with rural riverine communities, Ribeirinhos, in the
eastern Brazilian Amazon (Piperata et al. 2011a, 2011b). In 2002, the Ribeirinho diet was
largely (87 percent of food energy) based on locally produced foods, including bitter
manioc (cassava), fruits (including the palm fruit açaí), and fish, but also included some (13
percent) purchased foods such as beans and crackers. Dietary data from 2009 indicated a
greater consumption of food energy from purchased, nonlocal foods, including vegetable
oil, beans, rice, processed wheat products (crackers), and processed canned meats. Indeed,
the calories in the diet from purchased foods tripled. These changes coincided with increases
in income and declines in agricultural production and associated physical work. The changes
in diet and physical activity were associated with modest increases in the child growth
(males) and body fatness in both children and adults. It is noteworthy that, although the
types of foods in the diet changed, actual dietary energy intake declined. In fact, in this
setting, the early stage of the nutrition transition could be characterized as one of food
instability rather than excess.
In summary, the examples here show that changes in diet in local populations are vari-
able, and not all are consistent with predictions of the Nutrition Transition model. The
urban Colombian example demonstrates the increased prevalence of overweight/obesity
expected, but it is dissociated from changes in the types of foods consumed. In the rural
populations, diets shifted away from roots/tubers and toward grains, and especially more
processed grains, changes in keeping with the model. However, changes in anthropometry
were modest, and there was no indication of increases in overweight/obesity.

Food Security for Some, Food Insecurity for Others

Food security refers to the ability to obtain sufficient food. The inability to obtain sufficient
food, i.e., being food insecure, has far-reaching biological as well social consequences.
Unfortunately, the number of food insecure people in the world is large, an estimated 30
percent of the global population in 2020. While it is true that the majority (96 percent) of
the food insecure live in lower income countries (FAO et al. 2021), food insecurity is also
a reality for some citizens of high-income countries. In the USA, for example, an estimated
14 percent of children live in food insecure homes (Coleman-Jensen et al. 2020).
What exactly is food security? The most oft cited definition is that of the Rome Declaration
on World Food Security: “Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical and
economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food
252  darna l. dufour and barbara a. piperata
preferences for an active and healthy life” (FAO 1996). Food insecurity is understood as the
absence of one or more of these conditions. As conceptualized by the FAO et al. (2013),
food security has four dimensions: availability, access, utilization, and stability. The avail-
ability dimension is concerned with food production, food stocks, and trade. The access
dimension recognizes that while food may be available, it may not be physically, economi-
cally, or socially accessible. The third dimension, utilization, is complex and has two com-
ponents. One is food utilization itself, specifically food choice, preparation, and distribution
within the household. These food-related behaviors capture the strategies people use to
cope when they are unable to access sufficient food to meet their dietary needs and/or pref-
erences. The other component of utilization includes the health outcomes that are a
function of the biological utilization of food. Most often these are defined in terms of nutri-
tional status. The final dimension, stability, adds a time element to the other three dimen-
sions and refers to the constancy of food at global, national, local, and household scales.
The magnitude and pervasiveness of food insecurity has inspired a growing body of
scholarship on the relationship between food insecurity and human health. Dominating this
research are large surveys that measure food insecurity in the access dimension specifically
in terms of economic access to food (see the review by Piperata and Dufour 2021). For
children, these surveys offer inconclusive evidence of the linkages between food insecurity
and health assessed as physical growth, although the expectation is that food insecurity neg-
atively impacts growth. For adult women the data are more limited but consistent: in low-
income countries food insecurity is associated with underweight and anemia, while in some
middle-income countries it is associated with overweight and anemia.
Biological anthropologists have been particularly interested in how people cope with
food insecurity and identifying the pathways linking food insecurity and health. Here we
provide examples of this work. We limit our examples to the food-related components of
the utilization domain: food choice, food preparation, and intra-household food
Food choice under conditions of food insecurity was addressed by Dufour et al. (1997)
in their study among urban Colombian women who lived in a state of chronic income
uncertainty due to reliance on work in the informal economy. When money was in short
supply, they altered meal composition. A common strategy was substituting eggs, or even
less expensive chicken feet, for more valued meat, and omitting vegetables. The choice of
eggs did not necessarily affect the protein or energy content of the diet, but the choice of
chicken feet did reduce protein intake. For most women these meal alterations were inter-
mittent and were not associated with nutritional status.
Food preparation methods are also opportunities for managing inadequate access to
food. One method is food-stretching. Hampshire et al. (2009) describe the stretching of
the dietary staple, boule, during the 2004–2005 food crisis in Niger. Boule is a porridge of
millet, water, sugar, and curdled milk, and as food insecurity worsened, women increased
the water-to-millet ratio and/or eliminated the sugar and milk. Piperata et al. (2020)
reported that Nicaraguan mothers altered the staple dish, gallo pinto (rice, beans, fried
onion), by increasing the ratio of rice-to-beans when money was inadequate. In both cases
the stretching lowers dietary quality, which can have health consequences.
The distribution of food within the household is a third component of utilization. A
common assumption is that adults, particularly mothers, buffer children from food insecu-
rity by eating less than their share. One example of buffering is Leonard’s (1991) study in
highland Peru where he documented adults buffering children in the pre-harvest food scar-
city season and its positive association with children’s nutritional status and level of physical
activity. A second example is Piperata et al.’s (2013) study of mother–child pairs in rural
contemporary themes in food, diet, and nutrition  253

Amazonian communities. They demonstrated that children’s energy and protein intakes
were more adequate than those of their mothers, and that younger children were buffered
more than older children. Interestingly, they also showed that buffering was most evident
when households had some food but not enough to meet the needs of all members, and less
pronounced when food supplies were extremely low (severe food insecurity) or adequate
(food secure).
In summary, food security is a complex, multidimensional construct. Most of the food
security–health literature has been focused on the access dimension, specifically economic
access, and a very limited range of health outcomes, specifically nutritional status. Research
on the utilization dimension is still underexplored but has provided insights into the path-
ways linking food insecurity to health. As the number of food-insecure people continues to
rise, anthropologists working in affected communities worldwide will be witness to the
impacts on individuals and households and well-positioned to draw attention to the
problem, as well as to inform interventions.

Overnutrition and Obesity

Obesity is a new phenomenon in human evolutionary history (Ulijaszek and Lofink 2006).
From a purely biological view, obesity, a body mass index > 30, is simply the result of a his-
tory of positive energy balance – that is, a history of food intake exceeding energy needs.
From an anthropological vantage point, the current situation raises interesting questions.
Why at this point in history and in so many different places are so many people obese? What
is it about our current environment that has made this possible and/or inevitable? What
factors in our evolutionary past may have predisposed us to responding to our current envi-
ronment in a manner that results in obesity?
A key assumption that has guided the search for answers to these questions is that, for
most of our history, humans have lived in and adapted to environments in which food avail-
ability fluctuated. Under such conditions, there would have been selection for fat storage in
times of food abundance. James Neel (1962) formalized this idea as the “thrifty gene”
hypothesis. It is now clear that the genetic predisposition to obesity is complex and that
there is significant population variation (Qasim et al. 2018). It is also clear that environ-
mental factors are critical because the development of obesity requires that food be regu-
larly available, as well as easily accessible in terms of physical effort and/or money. In
addition, cultural norms also need to permit, or encourage, overeating relative to need. The
first two conditions, regular availability and easy access, are assumed to be novel from an
evolutionary point of view and have been labelled “obesogenic” environments (Swinburn
et al. 1999). These environments are found in high-income countries and increasingly in
low-and-middle-income countries. In these environments, industrially processed foods
have become more pervasive (Lang and Heasman 2015: 28). These foods tend to be energy
dense (i.e., high in calories per unit weight), which makes them easy to overconsume
relative to need (Ulijaszek 2007). Hence, the consumption of these kinds of foods is often
assumed to be a causal factor in the development of obesity.
Lieberman (2006) argues that optimal foraging theory can help make sense of the current
obesogenic environment. Optimal foraging theory posits that an organism will forage in a
way that maximizes their food energy intake per unit time (Macarthur and Pianka 1966). If
maximizing energy intake is our evolutionary heritage and access to food in modern environ-
ments requires little human energy expenditure (e.g., drive your car to the grocery store), it
makes sense that we are becoming more obese. Indeed, Ulijaszek (2007) has referred to
obesity as a “disorder of convenience.” However, as Mintz (1985) reminds us in his classic
254  darna l. dufour and barbara a. piperata
work on the history of sugar consumption, foods are social things. Hence, in an obesogenic
environment, we are not just foraging optimally, we are responding to the socially defined
qualities of foods, i.e., markers of status and identity. The association of foods with social
status is clear in ethnographic accounts of modernization. For example, Ribeirinho popula-
tions in the Amazon want to eat beef and not just the fish that was traditionally the basis of
their diet (Murrieta 1998). In the high Andes, rural children “cry for bread” – the white
wheat bread purchased at the market and consumed by people in town – and show distain
for the homegrown barley gruel that was part of their traditional diet (Weismantel 1989).
In summary, our understanding of the occurrence of obesity in contemporary societies is
incomplete. The concept of obesogenic environments is a helpful starting point, but narrow.
Anthropological insights into factors like social norms and food-related behaviors can add
an important dimension to our understanding of these kinds of environments.

Infant Diets: The Transition from Human Milk to Family Foods

In all human societies, parents must choose how to feed their infants. Whether mothers
breastfeed or bottle feed with human milk substitutes and how they pattern those feedings
are not arbitrary decisions. Rather, they are decisions in keeping with local customs (Van
Esterik 2002). Similarly, the kinds of weaning foods mothers introduce, when they intro-
duce them, and how frequently they feed them are not arbitrary decisions but are shaped
by local food availability, household food security, beliefs about the healthfulness of foods,
as well as the broader social, cultural, and environmental context in which infant feeding is
imbedded (Macharia et al. 2018; Pelto and Armar-Klemesu 2011; Thompson et al. 2020).
Biological anthropologists have been interested in many aspects of infant and young child
feeding. Here we will highlight current understanding of evolutionary aspects and the char-
acteristics of the foods in infant diets. These foods, as well as the feeding practices associated
with them, have health consequences because adequate nutrition during infancy and early
childhood is crucial for optimum growth and development (Black et al. 2013).
From an evolutionary perspective, humans are like other mammals in that they breastfeed
their newborns. However, humans, unlike almost all other mammals and most other pri-
mates, also have a relatively long period of weaning during which liquid and solid foods are
gradually added to the breast milk diet. It is a major period of transition referred to as com-
plementary feeding and generally occurs between about 6 and 24 months of age. The
beginning, at about 6 months of age, is the point at which human milk alone is no longer
adequate to meet infants’ needs, but the infant is not developmentally ready to consume the
foods in the family diet. The evolution of this pattern of a relatively short period of exclusive
breast feeding followed by a long period of complementary feeding is hypothesized to have
evolved early in the genus Homo to lessen the energetic cost of breast feeding for the
mother and thus increase fitness (Sellen 2007). Exactly what complementary foods mothers
may have chosen or how they might have prepared them to make them suitable for infants
is not known. Pelto et al. (2010) have posited that in the Paleolithic, mothers would have
premasticated (i.e., pre-chewed) foods in the adult diet and then fed them to infants.
Human Milk, The First Food The guiding assumption is that human milk was optimized
to meet infants’ biological needs during evolution (Hinde and German 2012; Sellen 2007).
It is a complex fluid that contains all the elements required for infant growth and
development (Dror and Allen 2018). These elements include macronutrients (carbohy-
drates, fats, proteins) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals), as well as an array of
bioactive components that promote infant growth and development.
contemporary themes in food, diet, and nutrition  255

The macro- and micronutrient composition of human milk is similar in all populations,
despite variations in maternal nutritional status (Black et al. 2008; Prentice et al. 1995). Of
the macronutrients, fats are the most variable component in terms of total amounts, as well
as the types of fatty acids (Ballard and Morrow 2013). For example, research with Filipino
women demonstrated that DHA, a type of fatty acid, was higher in women who consumed
fish more regularly (Quinn and Kuzawa 2012). The authors did not measure infant out-
comes, but it is well known that DHA is important in neurological growth.
The bioactive components of human milk are less well understood. These components
include growth factors like IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor), immunological factors like
maternal antibodies, and human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs), which are carbohydrates
that support growth of the infant gut microbiome. One goal of current research is to iden-
tify factors associated with population variation in bioactive components and define how
these components are related to infant growth and health. For example, Miller (2018)
compared concentrations of four anti-inflammatory proteins, i.e., proteins with immune-
related functions, in the milk of mothers living in two very different environments, urban
USA and rural Kenya. Concentrations of the four proteins differed significantly between
the two populations, suggesting differences in local disease ecologies. One of them, TGF-
β2, was consistently associated with infant growth in length in both populations. A second
example comes from the research of Davis et al. (2017) in The Gambia. They found that
certain HMOs in the milk of Gambian mothers was associated with lower rates of morbidity
in their infants. The authors proposed that the HMOs enhanced the gut microbiome that
protected against gastrointestinal infection and that lower rates of infection would be asso-
ciated with better growth.
Complementary Foods, The Second Foods Complementary foods, especially those fed in
the 6–12-month age range, are soft-textured foods like homemade porridges or industrially
produced purees and strained foods. In low-income countries, particularly under condi-
tions of food insecurity, the first complementary foods are typically porridges made from
locally available cereal grains. In Ghana, for example, these porridges are often based on
millet, a dominant grain crop (Pelto and Armar-Klemesu 2011). These kinds of porridges
are usually thin and watery, and hence low in energy and nutrient density. They are subop-
timal from a nutritional point of view and, further, are associated with increased illness,
especially from diarrheal diseases due to food contamination (Dewey and Adu-Afarwuah
2008). The combination of suboptimal dietary quality and illness events contributes to
growth faltering, i.e., failure of infants to meet expectations for growth in length and weight
(Onyango et al. 2014). Intervention studies that provided high-quality complementary
food supplements (e.g., chickpea, soy, or peanut-based therapeutic foods) have demon-
strated improvements in infant growth, indicating that the quality of the typical diet was
suboptimal (Panjwani and Heidkamp 2017).
In high-income countries, complementary foods are typically industrially produced, pas-
teurized, and quality is more in keeping with infant nutritional requirements. Hence, infant
growth in length and weight tends to follow expectations. However, there is concern that
some industrially produced complementary foods are too energy dense, as they contain
high amounts of sugars, saturated fat, and protein, and could lead to overweight/obesity.
Although this issue is not fully resolved, current data do not support the idea (Thompson
In summary, infant feeding is at once an ancient mammalian adaptation and a reflection
of contemporary contexts and diets. Research on milk composition continues to deepen
our understanding of the bioactive components, their variation among human populations,
256  darna l. dufour and barbara a. piperata
and their effects on infant health. The quality of complementary foods, which reflects the
quality of the adult diet, is equally critical for normal growth and development. Although
the quality of infant foods themselves is important, anthropological studies show that infant
“feeding” is a process that cannot be divorced from the larger social, cultural, and environ-
mental contexts in which it occurs.

Emerging Theme: Diet and Gut Microbiome

A new and exciting research area for nutritional anthropology is the human gut microbi-
ome, i.e., the colonies of microbes, especially bacteria, that populate the gastrointestinal
tract, primarily the large intestine. The gut microbiome is largely shaped by diet because the
foods ingested provide the major source of energy for bacterial colonies. The metabolic
activities of the gut microbiota, in turn, have consequences for human health (Chow et al.
The effect of human milk on the infant gut microbiome is a good example. At birth, the
infant gut is microbe free – a tabula rasa. It is only through contact with the environment,
including food, that the gut microbiome is seeded and subsequently develops. A diet of
human milk is important to this development because it contains HMOs. In fact, HMOs
make up the third largest component of breastmilk, surpassed only by lactose (milk sugar)
and fat (Bode 2012). Despite their abundance in breastmilk, HMOs cannot be digested by
the infant. Rather, they are the sustenance of a group of bacteria called bifidobacteria known
to support newborn nutrient absorption, as well as intestinal immune system maturation
and brain development (Nijman et al. 2018).
Determining the effects of diverse diets on the microbiomes of children and adults across
human populations is an area of active research, and an arena where anthropologists, in col-
laboration with microbiologists and other scientists, are making important contributions.
Good examples are the studies of Schnorr et al. (2014) in Africa and Obregon-Tito et al.
(2015) and Stagaman et al. (2018) in South America.

Summary and Concluding Thoughts

Humans evolved as omnivores over a period of more than 2 million years. Omnivory, as a
dietary strategy, provided enormous flexibility and allowed humans to thrive on a wide
variety of plant and animal foods. Although in most instances we do not know exactly what
these plant and animal foods were, they must have varied from place to place depending on
local ecological conditions, and that variation no doubt increased as Homo migrated out of
Africa and into Europe, Asia, and eventually the Americas.
Between about 7,000 and 10,000 years ago, humans began to add domesticated plants
and animals to their wild food diets. The transition to agriculture is considered a revolu-
tionary change in diet, as well as lifestyle. It was, however, based on many of the foods that
had been part of the hunter–gatherer diets in the Paleolithic. The revolutionary aspect was
intensification of dependence on a limited range of these previously wild foods. The addition
of a new type of food, animal milks, occurred in some populations and was accompanied by
genetic changes that allowed adults to digest lactose.
More recently, the past 200 years or so, food production and processing has become
increasingly industrialized. That is, foods have been increasingly mass produced on factory
contemporary themes in food, diet, and nutrition  257

farms, and extensively processed in factories into a variety of new forms. In essence it is
another revolution in diet. Highly processed foods tend to be energy dense, nutrient poor,
and seemingly high in variety, although many are based on a small number of the same
plants domesticated thousands of years ago. For example, today we consume not only fresh
corn kernels and the same corn meal that could be produced with an ancient grinding
stone, but also corn oil, corn starch, corn syrup, corn chips, corn flakes, and high-fructose
corn syrup. These industrially processed foods, along with changes in lifestyles, have led to
nutrition transitions in contemporary populations, and are associated with negative health
outcomes such as obesity and diet-related chronic disease. At the same time, food insecu-
rity, as well as undernutrition, persist in some populations. The appearance of obesity in so
many populations is novel in evolutionary terms. Determinants are multiple, but the idea of
obesogenic environments is a useful framework for thinking about the potential contribu-
tions of the environmental context as well as factors like social norms, local food availability,
and household food security. These same kinds of factors influence the complementary
foods used in infants’ diets because those diets reflect adult diets. In contrast, the initial diet
of infants is assumed to be an ancient mammalian adaptation that has not changed over
millions of years. New research on milk composition is expanding our understanding of the
complexity of human milk and how it functions to support infant growth and development.
Finally, research on the gut microbiome is adding new dimensions to our understanding
of dietary change, and the health impact of those changes. It is interesting to consider how
this new focus on the gut takes us back to earlier conversations regarding the importance of
changes in gut size and anatomy in the evolution of our species.


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CHAPTER 16 Ongoing Evolution:
Are We Still Evolving?

Fabian Crespo


In the first edition of Companion to Biological Anthropology, Lorena Madrigal and Jessica
Willoughby (2010) explored the concept of ongoing evolution in humans with a special
focus on how different evolutionary forces (natural selection, genetic drift, and gene flow)
affected human evolution (Madrigal and Willoughby 2010). One of the emerging ques-
tions that the authors asked was How do we detect if natural selection has acted on the
human species? Madrigal and Willoughby described the several ways that can be used to
detect natural selection. One way is to explore changes in population frequencies of ­genetic
polymorphisms that have a functional impact on an organism. The authors suggested that
if the distribution of genetic polymorphisms in a population is the result of natural selec-
tion, then we should find a cline associated with different biological roles (i.e., differential
mortality or differential fertility) and probably associated with different environmental
contexts. One of the genetic polymorphisms analyzed by Madrigal and Willoughby is asso-
ciated with a chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5-Δ32) and how its interaction with infectious
diseases could be correlated with a selective process impacting our immune system in
recent human history.
The immune system is constantly trained and reshaped by biological, ecological, and
social factors. If the environment changes, then the immune system will try to adjust, and
if possible, maintain homeostasis. Simply put, the immunological competence of an
individual is a reflection of its biological, environmental, and social history, especially where
different factors (biotic and abiotic) play a significant role in constantly reshaping the
immune response and immune competence (Crespo and Lawrenz 2014). The immune
system must maintain a delicate and complex balance because deficient responses may result
in increased susceptibility to pathogens while excessive ones may result in pathologic con-
sequences to the host. In this chapter, we revisit the ongoing evolution in humans utilizing
the immune system as a model to show that we are still evolving, and we must continue
evolving in order to adjust to different physiological, environmental, and social circum-
stances. This chapter focusses on the human immune system and explores how admixture

A Companion to Biological Anthropology, Second Edition. Edited by Clark Spencer Larsen.

© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
ongoing evolution: are we still evolving?  263

between early humans and Neanderthals could have reshaped our immune responses. The
chapter re-examines how different infectious diseases have influenced CCR5-Δ32 allele dis-
tribution in human populations; how over-reactive or abnormal immune responses observed
today could be the legacy of past infectious diseases; and finally, to propose how the study
of ancient human remains helps us to reconstruct changes in skeletal inflammatory pheno-
types in past populations and explore the ongoing evolution of our immune system.

Immunogenetics, Neanderthals, and Modern Humans

The immune system is involved in the body’s defense against pathogens. Therefore, it is not
surprising that genes within the immune system provide some of the best-documented evi-
dence of natural selection at the molecular level (Hughes 2008). For example, twin studies
showed that there was a significant host genetic influence on susceptibility to different dis-
eases such as tuberculosis and poliomyelitis (Hill 1999). Human genetic variation, espe-
cially related to the immune system, exerts a major influence on the course of disease caused
by different pathogens. The strength of the pathogen hypothesis when trying to explain the
diversity at the molecular level observed in the immune system could be associated with the
apparent explosion in infectious disease diversity in the last 10,000 years, clearly marked by
a major transitional stage for the evolutionary forces acting on human populations (Baum
and Bar Gal 2003), especially as humans made the transition from hunting and gathering
to life in settled agricultural communities (Armelagos et al. 1998; Larsen 2006). For
example, genes associated with the human leukocyte antigen system – HLA are among the
most variable gene family in our species, where HLA alleles codify for immune cell mem-
brane proteins that are involved in the display of cell-associated antigens to lymphocytes (T
cells) allowing the immune system to recognize self or nonself proteins (Abbas and Lichtman
2005). An emerging question when testing ongoing evolution in the human immune
system is Did a differential macroscale pathogen distribution shape a different immune
­genetic make-up in different human populations? It seems that the answer is “yes,” especially
from lessons that we are learning from genes of the major histocompatibility complex (HLA
in humans) (Parham 2005).
Human populations exposed to higher diversity of pathogens display higher genetic
diversity of the HLA genes than can be expected under a neutral model or no selection
(Guegan et al. 2008). Pathogens that occur in tropical and temperate zones are generally
directly transmitted viruses, bacteria, and fungi, which are internal to the host and therefore
little affected by environmental variability. In contrast, pathogens with external stages (hel-
minth worms, vector-transmitted pathogens, and reservoir-borne diseases) are more
strongly influenced by environmental conditions (Guegan et al. 2008). Thus, it could be
hypothesized that the immune response that will be mounted will be different depending
on latitude. The rapid expansion of human populations can be traced back to 50,000 years
ago and accelerated after the agriculture explosion to 10,000 years ago. Both phenomenon
or processes are (evolutionary speaking) recent events (Cochran and Harpending 2009).
Interestingly, decades ago it was proposed that, in general, proteins from the immune
system evolve faster than other proteins (Hughes 1997; Murphy 1993), suggesting that
natural selection could have played (or constantly plays) a “recent” role in shaping the ge-
netic make-up of the human immune system. Fascinating research in recent decades sug-
gests that admixture with other hominin species could have also had an impact on the
evolution of our immune system.
264  fabian crespo
After the first Neanderthal DNA (short sequence of a hypervariable part of the mtDNA
control region) was published in 1997, a new window was opened to study the DNA from
our ancestors and other hominins (Krings et al. 1997). Subsequently, a team of researchers
revealed the first draft of the Neanderthal genome. When analyzing DNA mutations
(nucleotide substitutions) that change the protein-coding capacity of genes, they found a
gene that codes for a protein modulator of the immune response that carried the ancestral
form in the Neanderthal (“chimpanzee-like” DNA sequence) but presents new amino
acid substitutions that are fixed in contemporary human populations (Green et al. 2010).
One year later, another team explored the possibility that our immune system was also
shaped by admixture with archaic humans, suggesting that modern humans acquired the
HLA-B*73 allele from archaic ones (Denisovans) in Asia around 50,000 years ago, along
with other HLA alleles (B*07, B*51, C*07:02, and C*16:02) (Abi-Rached et al. 2011).
More recent investigations have increased the number of Neanderthal’s single nucleotide
polymorphisms (SNPs) that were detected in human genomes, such as IL-18 (cytokine
involved in innate responses against bacteria) and Toll-like receptors (TLRs), which play
a role in microbe recognition (Dannemann et al. 2016; Sankararaman et al. 2014).
Aligned with these findings, it was proposed that the persistence of such functional poly-
morphisms might have conferred modern humans with an acquired advantageous
immune-related genetic variation, a process called adaptive introgression (Ségurel and
Quintana-Murci 2014).
Using modern DNA from 52 populations, researchers studied the caspase-12 poly-
morphic gene, where caspases are directly involved in apoptosis and other nonapoptotic
functions crucial for the expression of immune proteins. A caspase-12 polymorphic gene
presents two alternatives, namely active (ancestral) and inactive (recent or derived), where
those who carry the inactive form are more resistant to severe sepsis and avoid overreactive
immune responses against bacterial infections. It was proposed that the inactive form arose
and evolved in Africa around 100,000–500,000 years ago and was probably exposed to
positive selection beginning around 60,000–100,000 years ago due to the advantageous
phenotype offered by this inactive form when decreasing the possibility of sepsis during
more frequent exposure and prevalence of bacterial infections (Xue et al. 2006)
A different group of researchers gave us more evidence on the potential evolutionary
impact of admixture between archaic hominins on the recent evolution of our immune
system. Remarkably, these studies included not only genomic analysis but immune gene
expression (transcriptional level) in human populations with European or African descent
from two different countries: Canada and Belgium (Nédélec et al. 2016; Quach et al. 2016).
One study used RNA sequencing to characterize immune activation of TLRs in monocytes
exposed to bacterial lipopolysaccharides in 200 individuals with self-reported African or
European ancestry living in Belgium. The results showed significant differences in transcrip-
tional responses to immune stimulation, where individuals with European ancestry showed
a decreased expression of pro-inflammatory genes. The researchers detected a Neandertal
genetic signature in modern Europeans that could be potentially associated with admixture
of both populations in the Pleistocene, where Neandertal populations introduced regulatory
variants that decreased hyperinflammatory responses in European genomes that could have
facilitated immunological adaptation for pathogenic microbial ecologies in European envi-
ronments (Quach et al. 2016). The second study, using a similar methodological approach,
compared transcriptional responses of macrophages from individuals of European and
African ancestry living in Canada when cells were exposed to live bacteria. The results shows
that some genetic variants account for the differences in innate immune responses observed
ongoing evolution: are we still evolving?  265

in both populations. It was observed that the stronger inflammatory response was gener-
ated in cells from individuals of African descent. The authors proposed that one explanation
is that after modern human populations migrated out of Africa during the Pleistocene they
were exposed to lower pathogen levels (or perhaps to different pathogenic microbiota),
thus reducing the need for strong pro-inflammatory responses (Nédélec et al. 2016). As
observed by Quach and colleagues, this study revealed the potential introgression of
Neanderthal genetic variants that may have contributed to reshaping the immunogenetic
identity and evolution of ancient European populations.
Another study explored introgressed immunogenetic variants in present day human
genomes. Again, a cluster of different TLRs showed unusually high allele frequencies (with
some haplotypes very similar to those found in Neanderthal genomes), suggesting that
there were recurrent introgressions in modern humans moving into European environ-
ments, which immediately underwent local positive selection (Dannemann et al. 2016).
Importantly, these studies suggest that the admixture between ancient hominin populations
generated descendant populations in Europe with more strongly regulated inflammatory
responses, whereas African populations retained more robust inflammatory responses,
showing the ongoing evolutionary process of the immune system in association with differ-
ent microbial pathogenic landscapes.
For the current circumstances, the COVID-19 pandemic is showing us another potential
immunogenetic legacy of the admixture between modern and archaic hominins thousands
of years ago. In this regard, Hugo Zeberg and Svante Pääbo (2020, 2021) observed two
contrasting results where different genetic variants (in different chromosomes) were prob-
ably inherited by past admixtures with Neanderthals and their dissimilar genetic risk for
severe COVID-19 (Zeberg and Pääbo 2021, 2020). First, exploring the COVID-19 Host
Genetics Initiative database, they found that a genetic locus in chromosome 3 has a
significant association with developing severe COVID-19. In addition, they found evidence
that these genetic variants could have entered human populations via gene flow from
Neanderthals or Denisovans around 40,000–60,000 years ago (Zeberg and Pääbo 2020).
This Neanderthal derived genetic locus shows a high frequency (30 percent) in South Asia
but is almost absent in East Asia. Using this genomic evidence, the researchers are trying to
unveil the recent heterogenous evolutionary history of this locus, which shows alternative
positive selection (or genetic drift?) and negative selection depending on the geographical
region and is probably related to exposure to different pathogens (Zeberg and Pääbo
2020). Conversely, the same authors, using data from the Genetics of Mortality in the
Critical Care Consortium, found that a different genetic variant localized in chromosome
12 (and potentially inherited from admixture with Neanderthals) offers protection against
severe COVID-19. This genetic locus encodes proteins that activate enzymes that break
down viral RNA and is found in populations in Asia, Europe, and America, which in some
cases exceed 50 percent. The researchers proposed that this genetic variant offered some
selective immunological advantage and is probably not only related to coronaviruses (SARS-
Cov-2 is a recent phenomenon) but to other RNA viruses as well, such as West Nile virus
or hepatitis C virus, proving a recent and complex evolution of our immune system (Zeberg
and Pääbo 2021).
However, the observed differences associated with inflammatory gene expression (e.g.,
after pathogen exposure) across continental groups or populations does not solely imply
that all differences are simply genetically inherited, as many other developmental, behavioral,
and social inputs influence the regulation of inflammation. Moreover, the evolution of a
single immunogenetic locus, such as CCR5-Δ32, is far more complex, showing that this
chemokine receptor probably had multiple selective factors that varied in time and space.
266  fabian crespo
Infectious Diseases and Recent Evolution of the Human Immune System:
Revisiting the Complex History of CCR5-Δ32

Plague pandemics are usually described as three major pandemics, where the second plague
pandemic that probably started around 1347 (see the discussion for an earlier start in Green
2020) is well recognized because of its first outbreak or wave, known as the “Black Death.”
The Black Death pandemic was probably the first semi-global phenomenon, and the
mortality caused by this pandemic can be considered as one of the highest of any global
catastrophe known to humankind, with an estimate of 40 to 60 percent of all people in
Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa (Green 2014).
A catastrophic event with a high mortality, such as the Black Death, can be seen as a pro-
cess or phenomenon that will change the species culturally and biologically. Although we
cannot know exactly how many individuals were exposed and survived, still from an evolu-
tionary perspective, an infectious disease that generates such high mortality can be associ-
ated with a natural selection process or because of the changes in population size via genetic
drift. If natural selection or genetic drift (as well as gene flow) acted during and after the
pandemic, then changes in allele frequencies within a population, especially alleles related
to the immune system, should be detected. Using skeletal information when exploring dif-
ferent osteological markers that inform about individual frailty, it was shown that in some
medieval populations, Black Death did not kill indiscriminately, suggesting that the pan-
demic was selective with respect to frailty (DeWitte and Wood 2008).
As presented in the previous edition of the book by Madrigal and Willoughby, the
CCR5-Δ32 high-frequency function-altering deletion in some human populations remains
a matter of intense debate (Madrigal and Willoughby 2010). The CCR5 protein is used by
the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) to gain access into immune cells (T-lymphocytes),
but the CCR5-Δ32 variant offers resistance to HIV (Liu et al. 1996). The CCR5-Δ32 var-
iant is older than HIV infection in humans, and HIV infection cannot be used as the pri-
mary factor to explain the high frequencies observed across Eurasia. Therefore, bubonic
plague (second pandemic), especially Black Death, was one of the first candidates to explain
the recent evolutionary changes in Δ32 frequencies (Stephens et al. 1998). A. Galvani and
M. Slatkin developed a genetic model that considers the temporal pattern and age-depen-
dent nature of plague and smallpox (with a higher prevalence in children) and concluded
that the recent evolution of CCR5-Δ32 variant is consistent with an allele conferring dom-
inant resistance to smallpox (Galvani and Slatkin 2003). Interestingly, plague has not been
a significant source of mortality (especially in Europe) for the last 250 years. However,
smallpox has a more chronic selective pressure, probably for more than 2,000 years, and
after smallpox eradication the emergence of HIV infection continued the selective pressure
for CCR5-Δ32 (Galvani and Slatkin 2003). The hypothesis for CCR5-Δ32 recent positive
selection due to the protective effect against smallpox was also associated with Viking
expansion between the eighth and tenth centuries (Lucotte 2002). The hypothesis that
Black Death or smallpox were the main (primary) selective forces for the evolution of the
CCR5-Δ32 allele was challenged by Duncan and colleagues, who asserted that (considering
the older age for the emergence of the Δ32 allele) sporadic epidemics of hemorrhagic fever
(viral infection) could have generated and kept the high allele frequency before the arrival
of Black Death or smallpox (Duncan et al. 2005).
Two questions emerge in the study of the evolution of a genetic variant or allele, namely,
When did the mutation that ended in the new genetic variant happen? and Does the new
­genetic variant have a functional impact? (This last question is crucial when exploring any
potential role of natural selection.) Two investigations used different genetic models to
ongoing evolution: are we still evolving?  267

determine the origin of the CCR5-Δ32 allele and revealed significant differences: 700 years
ago with a 95 percent confidence interval of 275–1,875 years (Stephens et al. 1998) or
2,000 years ago with an interval from 375 to 4,800 years (Libert et al. 1998). Both chal-
lenged the idea that the increase of the allele frequency was due to a single selective event
around the fourteenth century (the Black Death outbreak). If natural selection was the
evolutionary force behind the high CCR5-Δ32 allele frequency in Europe, then the selective
force should have started much earlier. In the early twentieth century, other scholars joined
the exploration of the recent natural selection hypothesis for the protective CCR5-Δ32
allele. Sabeti and colleagues expanded the genetic analysis and estimated the origin of the
allele to around 5,000 years ago. They concluded that there is no genetic evidence support-
ing strong recent selection for this allele but explained that the lack of support does not
exclude the possibility of selection for the allele or locus (Sabeti et al. 2005). However,
results of the study of ancient DNA from 2,900-year-old skeletal samples from different
sites in Germany and Italy revealed that this chemokine allele was already prevalent among
ancient Europeans, providing more evidence to exclude Black Death (or the whole second
plague pandemic) as the major force for the rapid increase in the CCR5-Δ32 allele fre-
quency in European populations (Hummel et al. 2005). Another argument against the
Black Death outbreak as the primary selective force was that the gradient that (hypotheti-
cally) Black Death mortality generated dropped in the opposite direction from present-day
genotype frequencies for CCR5-Δ32 (Cohn and Weaver 2006). A comparative analysis of
human ancient DNA (eleventh to fourteenth centuries) and human contemporary DNA in
Poland (affected by plague in the Middle Ages) implies, again, that the allele frequency in
medieval Poland predates the medieval plague pandemic (Zawicki and Witas 2008).
Similarly, analysis of ancient DNA from individuals interred in a medieval German cemetery
confirms the presence of a more ancient origin for the CCR5-Δ32 allele, suggesting that the
allele frequency probably remained unchanged in Central Europe over the last millennium
(Bouwman et al. 2017).
Exploring the functional (protective) role of the CCR5-Δ32 allele, Joan Mecsas and col-
leagues also challenged the idea that plague was the selective force when they infected both
normal and CCR5-deficient mice with the bacterium causative of plague. They found no
difference in either bacterial growth or survival time between the two groups (Mecsas
et al. 2004). These experiments were conducted in a nonhuman animal model, and
although we cannot rule out pathogenic differences between mice and humans, this evi-
dence shows no evidence for the role of the selective power of plague on the CCR5-Δ32
frequency increase in European populations. However, comparison of the CCR5-Δ32
allele contemporary frequency in Lopar (island of Rab) and Komiža (island of Vis), two
isolated island communities in Croatia, reached different conclusions. Historical records
show that the island of Rab was affected by a plague epidemic in 1449 and 1456, but the
island of Vis was spared those major epidemics (Smoljanović et al. 2006). The frequency
of CCR5-Δ32 allele is significantly lower in Vis when compared to Rab, suggesting that
the plague epidemic could have exerted some positive selective pressure for the allele fre-
quency in Rab. The authors also argued that other infectious diseases may have played a
role. In consideration that both populations are confined to isolated island communities,
we cannot rule out the effect of genetic drift to reduce the allele frequency in Vis
(Smoljanović et al. 2006). Tollenaere and colleagues also explored the potential protective
effects of the CCR5 variant in black rats from Madagascar (the rodent that is considered
today’s main Yersinia pestis reservoir in the island). The authors compared CCR5 geno-
types of dying and surviving plague-infected rats and analyzed the allele frequency in rats
from plague-focus areas compared to plague-free areas. Their results show a higher
268  fabian crespo
prevalence of the allele variant in resistant animals and higher frequencies of the allele in
plague-focus areas, suggesting (at least in black rats) the potential correlation between
CCR5 genotypes and plague resistance (Tollenaere et al. 2008).
Knowing the origin and age of the HIV protective CCR5-Δ32 allele is important for us
to start the discussion on the temporality of the evolutionary factor/s that drove the high
allele frequency in European populations. However, as proposed by Hedrick and Verelli, an
earlier age predating plague or smallpox epidemics should not rule out the CCR5-Δ32
allele adaptive or protective value against those infectious diseases, conferring, as it happens,
with HIV today (Hedrick and Verrelli 2006). We should also consider that the CCR5-Δ32
allele might represent an unusual selected variant because it results in a nonfunctional ge-
netic variant with a selective advantage. The selective advantage is likely to be associated
with resistance to more than one infectious disease (Hedrick and Verrelli 2006). In this
regard, the CCR5-Δ32 allele frequency varied (and still varies) among human populations.
The effects and involvement of this allele in different infectious diseases are also complex
and varied, which should not be generalized or oversimplified (Ellwanger et al. 2020). We
must also consider that the immune competence of the host (immune resistance or suscep-
tibility) is not solely determined by the genetics of the host or the genetics of the microbial
pathogen or determined by a single genetic variant. That is, the construction and ongoing
evolution of the immune competence of the host is also a reflection of the complex interac-
tion of genetic, epigenetic, environmental, and social factors.

Today’s Inflammatory Phenotypes as Legacies of Past

Infectious Diseases?

As discussed above, the immune system plays a fundamental role in protecting us from
pathogens. Many of its mechanisms, particularly inflammation, are also major contribu-
tors to tissue damage and disease, especially when those responses are exaggerated or
directed against our own cells or their components. In fact, inflammatory responses need
to achieve an optimal balance in their anti- and pro-inflammatory mechanisms, largely
because deficient responses may result in increased susceptibility to pathogens, whereas
excessive responses may result in heightened inflammation and pathologic consequences
to the host. Immune and inflammatory responses are known to be regulated by multiple
genes and proteins among which cytokines, the soluble mediators of the immune system,
play a very important role (Cronkite and Strutt 2018; Smale and Natoli 2014). Indeed,
genetic defects or polymorphisms in cytokine genes often influence the strength of
immune/inflammatory responses and susceptibility of individuals to certain pathogens.
Pathogens usually try to overcome the host immune response by different mechanisms,
including immune suppression. At the population level, some hosts will be able to mount
a stronger immune response commonly associated with hyper-inflammation and there-
fore overcome the immune suppression generated by pathogens. However, under these
circumstances, the surviving population could face the negative and pathological conse-
quences of a hyper-inflammatory phenotype as legacy of the selective process against
microbial pathogens. It was proposed that the persistence and increasing prevalence of
conditions or diseases associated with pathological inflammation is an enigmatic aspect of
the human diversified immune responses. In this regard, these conditions or diseases
could be partially linked to the roles of some immune genes and proteins against patho-
genic microbes that underwent a strong natural selection in humans (Brinkworth 2017;
Brinkworth and Barreiro 2014).
ongoing evolution: are we still evolving?  269

It cannot be overstated that diversity in the immune system can be associated with the
apparent explosion in infectious disease variety in the last 10,000 years. This event is asso-
ciated with a major change in subsistence as humans made the transition from mobile
hunter–gatherers to settled small agricultural communities. Changes in our biology and
behavior likely led to the emergence of new diseases, where the spatial distribution of dif-
ferent pathogens has been shaped by subsistence strategies, migration, and other anthropo-
genic factors. Several ecological factors likely played an important role in determining
pathogen distribution and consequently shaping the evolution of immune responses of
human populations. It was proposed that antimicrobial hereditary immunity in all modern
populations reflects the ongoing co-evolutionary process with a myriad of different patho-
gens (Karlsson et al. 2014; Rumyantsev 2011). Consequently, the immunological profile of
an individual or population still reflects the evolutionary history of that individual or
population. From an evolutionary perspective, disease or abnormal inflammatory responses
can be produced by a mismatch between the evolutionary history of an individual or
population and the environment in which they live today (Gluckman et al. 2009). For
example, inflammation under specific conditions or pathogenic insults usually has a
protective mechanism. However, if it is still present when those conditions are absent or
change, excessive or undesired inflammation can be considered pathogenic (Okin and
Medzhitov 2012). An over-reactive immune system is part of a natural process, largely
because the immune system may be driven to self-destruction or over-reaction through the
ever-changing strategies of the pathogens it is attempting to deter. This is especially the case
where some pathogens may cause chronic disease because “long-term” disturbances on the
body machinery persist even after the pathogen is gone (Ewald 2002). Thus, the self-­
destructive or over-reactive immune response could be still the legacy of different past path-
ogenic experiences.
An interesting example of this kind of response has emerged from the recent co-evolu-
tion between leprosy and TLRs (Hart and Tapping 2012; Krutzik et al. 2003). Leprosy
is considered to be one of the oldest infectious diseases and has probably been endemic
to nonhuman primates for millions of years, and it appears that the Hansen’s disease
(modern clinical denomination) pathogen Mycobacterium leprae has infected humans or
human ancestors during the last 100,000 years (Han and Silva 2014). However, recent
evidence suggests that it chronically infected humans no longer than 5,000 years ago
(Schuenemann et al. 2013). The TLR1 locus, which is linked to protection against lep-
rosy, is significantly differentiated in human populations (Wong et al. 2010). The
protective dysfunctional 602S allele is rare in Africa but is dominant among individuals of
European descent (Wong et al. 2010). Therefore, in the context of medieval endemic
leprosy in Europe, this infectious disease probably contributed to reshape the allele fre-
quency of one of the TLR genes in European populations during the selective process,
leading to successful antimicrobial immunity. Nevertheless, it is important to also con-
sider that the recent evolution of the immune system could have been shaped by the
­co-existence of more than one infectious disease (synergistically or counter-synergisti-
cally). Innovative studies on leprosy and psoriasis can help us to understand changes in
the immunological profile of populations over time – what is called an “immunological
shift.” As with leprosy, psoriasis is a human disease. It is a hereditary inflammatory skin
disease with higher prevalence in populations with northern European ancestry
(Gudjonsson and Elder 2007). Interestingly, areas in which psoriasis is currently highly
prevalent overlap with most geographical areas of past leprosy epidemics. It has been sug-
gested that the exacerbated inflammatory response present in psoriasis (called by some
270  fabian crespo
scholars “psoriasis genotype”) could have reduced the clinical progression of leprosy. This
observation leads to the argument that the “psoriasis genotype” expanded in different
human populations under the selective pressure of historical leprosy epidemics (Bassukas
et al. 2012). Moreover, latent infections may create a polarized cytokine environment and
develop a prolonged state of cross-protection when the host faces different pathogens
(Barton et al. 2007). For example, in vitro experimental findings suggests that chronic
exposure to the tuberculosis pathogen (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) or leprosy pathogen
(Hansen’s disease, M. leprae) can permanently shift inflammatory responses that can
affect systemically other inflammatory processes (Crespo et al. 2017). A recent study on
leprosy explored the association between childhood nonspecific osteological markers of
stress and leprosy immunity in Medieval England, finding that immune processes were
likely to be more influenced by maternal and early physiological stress than environmental
factors later in life (Filipek-Ogden 2014).
The study and identification of genetic factors influencing variation in the immune system
is still in the initial steps. At this point, we cannot rule out some genetic polymorphisms in
immune-related genes having been selected and evolved to maintain some levels of devel-
opmental and ecological plasticity (Lagou et al. 2018; Liston and Goris 2018). Moreover,
attempts to identify the genetic or environmental influence on variation of immune
responses revealed that parameters of immune innate responses are more controlled by
­genetic factors than those of adaptive responses (Patin et al. 2018). Thus, although genetics
plays a significant role in individual heterogeneity of immune responses, most of the varia-
tion observed at the population level cannot be fully explained by the genetics of the
immune system (Barreiro and Quintana-Murci 2020).
Clearly, then, the immune system presents a high degree of plasticity, and marked fluc-
tuations in the immune response occur as a reaction to environmental and social factors
during an individual’s lifetime (French et al. 2009). Ecological immunology helps us to
study and explore the dynamic nature of the immune response (McDade 2003, 2005b),
showing that we cannot extrapolate genetic and experimental data without carefully con-
sidering social and ecological factors. Ecological immunology reveals that shaping the
immunological phenotype of an individual starts early in life (McDade 2005a; McDade
et al. 2010). Therefore, when feasible, there is a clear need for consideration of early eco-
logical and social contexts for the life of each individual. Another emerging factor poten-
tially involved in the evolution of the immune system is epigenetic variation, where DNA
methylation has been shown to alter the immune responses to infection (Barreiro and
Quintana-Murci 2020). Social and environmental factors during early development can
also influence DNA methylation and modify the expression of inflammatory genes in
young adulthood (McDade et al. 2017). Importantly, it has already been proposed that
the epigenetics of host–pathogen interactions not only impact life-history traits in the host
during a single generation but may also have transgenerational consequences, adding
another crucial factor to the ongoing evolution of the immune system in humans (Gómez-
Díaz et al. 2012; Jablonka 2017).
The ongoing evolution of the immune system should not be restricted to genetic and
physiological factors. Rather, it should also consider the complex interaction of social and
environmental factors that can influence functional changes of the immune system over
generations. As proposed for the study of human health, we should incorporate a syndemics
approach that will consider historical contexts and interactions that are not readily apparent,
allowing us to connect bioecological and social environments that will determine differential
health outcomes (Singer et al. 2021, 2017). We should extrapolate the syndemics approach
ongoing evolution: are we still evolving?  271

when exploring the evolution of the immune system, and perhaps reconceptualize a more
comprehensive concept of immune competence rather than immunity. Moreover, the inter-
action of different disciplines, such as immunology, bioarchaeology, and history, provides a
unique opportunity to take syndemics into the past – paleosyndemics – and helps to unveil
the ever-evolving nature of the immune system (Larsen and Crespo 2022).

Future Research

As presented in previous sections of this chapter, ancient and contemporary DNA analysis
of human populations proved the ongoing evolution of humans, especially for our immune
systems. Ancient DNA analysis is a powerful tool that allows us to reconstruct ancient
immunological genotypes and how they changed over generations. The emerging question
here is “Can we reconstruct ancient immunological phenotypes using skeletal samples and test
how they changed over generations?”
Most diseases that involve chronic inflammation start at a local site, but ultimately involve
many other organs owing to long-term activation of the immune system (Straub 2011;
Straub and Schradin 2016). Immune and inflammatory responses are confined to local tis-
sues or organs, but when inflammation is chronic and strong, there can be a spillover of
pro-inflammatory proteins and activated cells that significantly affect systemic responses,
leading in some cases to chronic inflammatory systemic diseases (i.e., rheumatoid arthritis;
systemic lupus, multiple sclerosis). In recent decades, various disciplines have grappled with
understanding the underlying mechanisms and ultimate ongoing evolution of chronic
inflammation in humans (Buckley 2011; Medzhitov 2008; Straub 2012), but longitudinal
studies in human populations face substantial logistical barriers, such as sampling and
recording of immunological responses along the life course of an individual. At the same
time, bioarchaeology is expanding the analysis of past populations and moving beyond sim-
plistic interpretations of skeletal lesions as markers of ill health as well as considering what
those markers might really tell us about underlying physiological processes, such as inflam-
mation and immune responses.
In recent decades, the study of the interplay between immune and skeletal systems moti-
vated the emergence of a new discipline, osteoimmunology (Arron and Choi 2000; Lorenzo
et al. 2011; Nakashima and Takayanagi 2009). Biological anthropologists proposed that
osteoimmunology should be considered one of the new frontiers in bioarchaeology
(Gosman et al. 2011; Klaus 2014). As expressed by Haagen Klaus, chronic infections pro-
mote long-term inflammatory responses, and wherever inflammatory conditions or diseases
occur, systemic impacts on bone develop on some level (Klaus 2014).
Using a systemic perspective for each individual, we propose that the expression of
chronic inflammatory processes in skeletal tissues are far from simple and do not adhere to
the generally stagnant and isolated conception that one local inflammatory lesion cannot be
separate from the whole organism (a local inflammatory process can influence a distant
inflammatory process and vice versa). Consequently, we must consider that chronic skeletal
inflammatory processes that have a different cause or origin (infection, trauma) are still
interconnected through systemic immune responses. The first steps into this area were
made by bioarchaeologists DeWitte and Bekvalac, who observed associations between peri-
odontitis, periostosis, and early life stress in a Medieval English skeletal sample. They pro-
vocatively considered that an abnormally heightened immune response connected these
disparate conditions (DeWitte and Bekvalac 2011).
Aligned with this rationale, it can be proposed that systemic stress (i.e., chronic infection)
can generate systemic inflammation, leaving a mark on local and distant persistent
272  fabian crespo
Generation/Time 1 Generation/Time 2 Generation/Time 3

Inflammation (increased
severity) in periodontal




Chronic exposure to an Chronic exposure to an

inflammatory stimuli inflammatory stimuli

Inflammation (increased
severity) in degenerative
joint disease

Inflammation (increased
severity) in periostosis

Bone lesions/alterations with mild/low inflammation Bone lesions/alterations with severe inflammation

Figure 16.1 Diagram showing how systemically, before and after chronic inflammatory insult
(chronically over generations), different bone lesions could increase bone alteration or resorption,
informing about a hyper- or hypo-inflammatory phenotype (IP). (Modified from Crespo 2020).

infections, such as periodontitis and periostosis. Therefore, we can predict an elevated lesion
severity and correlation between most inflammatory lesions in individuals (populations)
that were exposed to a chronic inflammatory insult. Moreover, from an evolutionary per-
spective, and to test ongoing evolution of our immune system, we can predict changes in
skeletal inflammatory phenotypes through different generations if the chronic inflammatory
insult/s persist over time (Figure 16.1).
The key concept behind this newly proposed skeletal inflammatory index (SINDEX) is to
consider as many inflammatory lesions as possible, related to infections or not, and to use
different criteria to quantify the severity of the inflammatory process in each lesion or bone
alteration (not only presence/absence) in order to reconstruct more comprehensive skeletal
inflammatory phenotypes (Crespo 2020). If feasible, it is also proposed that this inflammatory
index should include an ancient proteomic analysis (expression of inflammatory proteins)
and an osteoimmunological analysis (experimental in vitro analysis) to explore cross-talk
between immunity and bone cells (Crespo 2018, 2020). Biological anthropology will be a
unique protagonist when reconstructing SINDEX and comparing the evolutionary process
between populations in time and space. The integration of different disciplines will help us
to recognize that past populations experienced complex heterogeneous biosocial land-
scapes, consequently allowing us to predict the development of equally heterogeneous and
constantly evolving immunological landscapes. SINDEX will provide another piece to study
the complex evolutionary history of inflammatory responses, where, as presented in this
chapter, selective processes at the genetic level, admixture with ancient populations,
co-evolution with infectious diseases, and ecological and social factors, all act in concert to
continually shape our immune system.


I thank Clark Spencer Larsen for the invitation to contribute to the new edition of this
volume. I also thank Sharon DeWitte, Molly Zuckerman, Kathryn Marklein, and Haagen
Klaus for their help when trying to design and extrapolate the reconstruction of skeletal
inflammatory phenotypes in archaeological samples and to study how to score changes in
ongoing evolution: are we still evolving?  273

skeletal inflammatory processes in past populations. I thank all comments from an anony-
mous reviewer that helped to improve the final version of this chapter.


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CHAPTER 17 Primates Defined

W. Scott McGraw

Unguiculate, claviculate placental mammals, with orbits encircled by bone; three kinds of
teeth, at least one time of life; brain always with a posterior lobe and calcarine fissure; the
innermost digit of at least one pair of extremities opposable; hallux with a flat nail or none;
a well-developed caecum; penis pendulous; testes scrotal; always two pectoral mammae
(Mivart 1873)

Although probably more intensely studied than any other mammalian order, the
classification and nomenclature of the Primate has been, and to some extent still is, a
matter for adverse comment, for strong differences of opinion, and in some respects even
for despair
(Hill 1953: 20)

In fact, it is not easy to give a clear-cut definition of the order as a whole … and there is
no single distinguishing feature which characterizes them all …. While many other mam-
malian order can be defined by conspicuous specializations of a positive kind which readily
mark them off from one another, the Primates … are to be mainly distinguished from
other orders by a negative feature – their lack of specialization
(Le Gros Clark 1959: 42)

… the order Primates must be defined, not by the shared inheritance of any particular
anatomical features, but by an inborn tendency to evolve in a monkey-like direction
(Cartmill 2018: 3)

Defining Issues

Groups of organisms are typically classified by a single or set of uniquely shared traits.
Primates are among the most well-known animals; however, compiling a list of their distinc-
tive characters is challenging. The main obstacle is the fact that lemurs, lorises, tarsiers,
monkeys, and apes possess a modest number of specialized features and those they do have

A Companion to Biological Anthropology, Second Edition. Edited by Clark Spencer Larsen.

© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
278  w. scott mcgraw
are often shared with other mammals. Most mammal groups have acquired enough unique
modifications to make distinguishing one group from another relatively straightforward.
This is not the case with primates; viewed from a comparative mammalian perspective,
humans and their relatives display a modest number of uniquely defining traits. Nevertheless,
while individual diagnostic traits are relatively few, specialized combinations of features
readily distinguish primates from other mammals. Among the most important feature
complexes are those pertaining to the visual/neural system, the appendicular skeleton, and
life history, and it is the interaction of features within these complexes that sets primates
apart from other mammalian groups (Ross and Martin 2007). In addition, primates display
several dramatic trends in anatomy, physiology and behavior that are less pronounced or
absent in other mammalian groups. Understanding the direction, magnitude, and signifi-
cance of these trends is central to defining primates. This chapter reviews the most impor-
tant characters, character complexes and trends that characterize members of the primate

Modern and Archaic Primates

Class Mammalia contains about 6,400 living species arranged into approximately 26 orders
(Wilson and Reeder 2005). Linnaeus was the initial architect of this ordering and the first
order he created – the Primates (meaning “of the first rank”) – began with four genera:
Homo (humans, plus a form known as troglodytes), Simia (monkeys and tarsiers), Lemur
(lemurs and lorises), and Vespertilio (bats).1 Bats have since been relegated to their own
order (Chiroptera); however, the basic gradistic scheme recognized by Linnaeus – lemur–
monkey–ape – remains today. Linnaeus’ original criteria for defining primates consisted of
two characters: Dentes primores superiors iv paralleli; mamammae pectorals ii, i.e., (1) upper
front teeth four in number, parallel and (2) two pectoral mammary glands. The suite of
features used to distinguish primates from other mammals has grown in the last 250 years;
however, the group bracketed by Linnaeus’ definition has remained relatively stable during
that time (Gregory 1910; Hill 1953).
The fossil record of primate evolution extends at least 65 million years BP. Many author-
ities contend the best candidate for the ancestor of modern primates lies within or near a
group of early mammals known as plesiadapiformes (Bloch and Boyer 2002; Chester et al.
2015; Gingerich 1976; Silcox et al. 2015, 2017; Szalay 1968). The plesiadapiformes were
a diverse and successful radiation that flourished throughout the 10 million years of
Paleocene and into the first few million years of the Eocene epochs. They are suitable can-
didates for ancestral primates because their tooth cusp morphology was more similar to
modern primates than the dentition of other Paleocene mammals. Although their dental
anatomy makes them good potential ancestors, plesiadapiformes lack many features found
in subsequent “true primates.” For this reason, most authorities do not place plesiadapi-
formes within the order Primates, but instead refer to them as Archaic primates in recogni-
tion of their role as precursors of true primates. Mammals meeting the minimum
requirements for primate status are called Euprimates, or “primates of modern aspect” to
emphasize their possession of all features found in modern primates (Simons 1972). Several
spectacular finds have fueled debate about the relationship between Archaic primates and
Euprimates and exactly which taxa constitute the first members of the primate order. The
stakes are significant because they bear directly on the priority given to features that bracket
the Order as well as where we draw the primate–non-primate boundary. Some authorities
primates defined  279

maintain that because plesiadapiformes share derived features with modern primates, they
should be included within the Order (Bloch et al. 2007; Chester et al. 2015; Silcox 2007;
Silcox et al. 2007, 2015, 2017). Others contend that because these basal forms did not
possess all features found in modern forms (Euprimates), they cannot be considered as true
primates (Kirk et al. 2003; Soligo and Martin 2006; Tavare et al. 2002) and/or they are in
fact more closely related to Dermoptera (colugos) (Beard 1990, 1993; Kay et al. 1990,
1992; Ni et al. 2013). Part of the problem is the difficulty of applying a definition of
modern primates to the fossil record, a point Osman Hill made explicit nearly 60 years ago:
“The level at which the distinguishing line is drawn between Primates and non-Primates
depends on what definition is given to that order … the inclusion of such a fossil family as
the Plesiadapidae involves the discarding of some classic Primate diagnostic features” (Hill
1953: 5). This chapter attempts to resolve none of these issues and proceeds from the posi-
tion that while the plesiadapiformes represent the most likely group from which modern
primates arose, the definition of primates pertains to monophyletic Euprimates and their
descendants. Readers interested in a discussion of plesiadapiformes and primate origins
should consult Chapter 22 by Silcox and López-Torres.

Primitive Eutherian Mammals: Baseline for Characters, Complexes,

and Trends

Descriptions of primates often begin with statements similar to the following: primates are
generalized mammals that have retained a primitive body plan with comparatively few mod-
ifications. The statement is accurate; by and large, modern primates preserve a primitive
anatomical configuration consisting of many ancestral features, and they are not as special-
ized as many other mammalian groups such as, for example, whales and porpoises
(Cetaceans), seals and walruses (Pinnipeds), bats (Chiropterans), pangolins (Pholidontans),
or aardvarks (Tubulidentans). How do we know this? The answer comes from appreciating
the anatomical diversity of living (extant) mammals and comparing this diversity to that
found in the extinct animals from which modern forms evolved. The fossil record provides
the referential baseline for highlighting which descendants have become most specialized
and which are anatomically more conservative.
Mammals with placentas are known as Eutherian mammals. Eutherian mammals com-
prise the great majority of Class Mammalia and are distinct from two other major mamma-
lian groups: those that lay eggs, the monotremes (Prototheria), and those with pouches, the
marsupials (Metatheria). Excavations from Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous-aged
deposits in China have yielded exquisitely preserved fossils that provide critical information
about the structure of early mammals, including the oldest and most primitive eutherians
(Hu et al. 2009; Ji et al. 2002; Luo et al. 2011). These discoveries reveal that early euthe-
rians were tiny, quadrupedal, agile, scansorial animals whose diets consisted largely of
insects. These shrew-sized animals had long tails, long, pointed snouts, small brains, five
digits on their hands and feet, and claws on the tips of their digits. Studies of their limb
structure suggest that these precursors of modern mammals were well adapted to climbing
and could move with ease amid small branches in arboreal habitats.
Many descendants of this or some similarly configured early mammal became specialized
to move in environments other than trees. Primates did not. Primates are, and always have
been, an arboreal radiation and many features that distinguish them from other mammalian
groups are adaptations for life in the canopy. Making a living in the trees is difficult and
dangerous, so selection should favor traits that decrease the risk of falling and increase the
280  w. scott mcgraw
chances of finding food while avoiding predators. Although primates have solved the prob-
lems of moving in arboreal habitats in a number of ways, a core of generalized features
related to limb mobility and overall agility – inherited from the primitive ancestor – is found
in all primates and accounts for some of their most striking differences from other mam-
mals. It should be emphasized that while these limb adaptations facilitate an arboreal
existence, adoption of an arboreal lifestyle does not require them. There are highly success-
ful arboreal mammals such as squirrels, sloths, pangolins, and possums that lack many of
these features and are, obviously, not primates. Thus, while arboreality alone cannot explain
the evolution of primate features, it is almost certainly the case that many characteristics of
primates are associated in some fashion with the adaptive landscape of trees (Cartmill 1972;
Jones 1916; Kay 2018; Le Gros Clark 1959; Sussman 1991).

The Primate Bauplan

Postcranial Features

Hands and Feet Primitive eutherian mammals had five digits on their hands and feet and
primates retain five digits on their cheiridia.2 Although pendactyly is an ancient mamma-
lian feature retained in a number of extant mammal groups, primate hands and feet are
distinguished by a major difference: an enhanced ability to grasp. This grasping or prehen-
sile ability is brought about by a combination of features. First, the fingers and toes (or
rays) of primates are characterized by increased mobility and the ability to act indepen-
dently of one another. Second, primate rays tend to be longer relative to the rest of the
hand and foot (respectively) and this increased length, combined with an enhanced ability
to flex or bend the fingers, promotes effective grasping. Third, the digits of most mammals
with five digits tend to be oriented in a single plane. In primates, however, the first digits
on the hand and feet are not in the same plane with the other toes and fingers. Instead, the
fleshy surfaces at the tips of the hallux (big toe) and pollex (thumb) lie, to varying degrees,
at angles to the remaining digits. Because the hallux and pollex are divergent and lie in
different planes from the other digits, they can be more easily brought into contact with,
or be opposed to, the rest of the foot or hand. Because primates use their hands for so
many activities, an opposable thumb combined with comparatively long and indepen-
dently moving fingers is one of the most important primate characteristics. For example,
unlike most mammals that bring their mouth to their food, primates tend to use their
hands to bring their food to their mouth (Napier 1993). Grasping feet with opposable big
toes are useful for moving through the trees and are found in all primates except one:
humans.3 “Acquirement of prehensility of the hands and feet and of ‘opposability’ of the
thumb and big toe are among the most striking and important evolutionary trends of the
primates (Napier and Napier 1967: 10).”
Nails Instead of Claws The tips (apices) of the fingers and toes in primates differ in sev-
eral important ways from those of other living mammals and from those of the eutherian
ancestors. Early mammals had claws on their digits, but primates have replaced claws with
flattened nails.4 Also, the apices of primate fingers and toes are characterized by soft-tissue
expansions containing enriched nerve endings and capillary beds resulting in a widening of
the cheiridial tip. These expanded, apical tufts, in combination with the replacement of
claws with nails, provide primates with an enhanced sense of touch and the ability to grasp
branches using a friction grip rather than one involving clawed contact/penetration. The
appearance of nails in the fossil record is central to identifying the first primates of modern
primates defined  281

aspect, but the adaptive significance of claw loss continues to be debated (Soligo and Muller
1999). A growing consensus is that claws enable their possessor to grasp and ascend/
descend relatively large vertical supports, an important arboreal challenge for small-bodied
Forearm Mobility The forearm is that portion of the upper limb between the elbow and
the wrist. In primitive Eutherians, the two bones of the forearm – the radius and ulna –
were unfused. These bones have become fused or greatly reduced, with the ulna becoming
a splint attached to the radius and the latter becoming the principal weight-bearing member
in a number of mammalian groups, but in primates they remain large and unfused. Radio-
ulnar fusion significantly limits the range of motion below the elbow and, therefore, by
retaining unfused forelimb bones, primates can more easily rotate their forearms and hands
about their long axis so as to contact the ground substrate (a process known as pronation)
or to position the palm face up (referred to as supination) than most other mammals. The
capacity for flexible, rotatory movement of the hands is important for grasping branches,
for collecting, inspecting and opening different foods, and for grooming conspecifics. In
addition, the two bones of the leg (the portion of the lower limb between the knee and
ankle) known as the tibia and fibula remain unfused in all living primates except tarsiers. In
other mammals, these bones are frequently fused or the fibula is reduced.
Clavicle The clavicle or collar bone is an S-shaped bone that runs between the manu-
brium (top of the breast bone) and scapula (shoulder blade) and to which attach several
muscles that move the arm. The clavicle acts as a strut that helps stabilize the shoulder area
while providing for a great range of motion. A clavicle was present in the primitive mamma-
lian ancestor but this bone has been lost in many descendent groups. Primates have retained
a clavicle and, in doing so, are afforded great mobility at the shoulder and, more generally,
of the entire upper limb. A high degree of forelimb flexibility is important for animals that
move in environments with discontinuous supports (trees) and that require enhanced
manipulative abilities for obtaining food. The significance of clavicles (and claws) was so
profound as to prompt Mivart (1873) to begin his famous definition of primates with these
features (see the introductory quote).
Quadrupedal Idiosyncrasies Many mammals move on the ground or in the trees by
placing weight on their four limbs in a locomotor mode known as quadrupedalism. Most
primates also move quadrupedally; however, the quadrupedal locomotion of primates is
different from that of virtually all other mammalian quadrupeds in at least three ways
(Larson 2017). First, primates practice an uncommon kind of gait (the order or sequence
in which the limbs contact the substrate). During walking, most primates employ a
diagonal sequence gait (i.e., a foot touches the ground followed by the opposite hand,
followed by the other foot) whereas most non-primates use a lateral-sequence gait (i.e., a
foot touches the ground, followed by the hand on the same side, followed by the other
foot). Second, compared to other mammals, primates tend to protract their arms, reach-
ing them further forward, when the forelimbs contact the substrate. This feature, in
combination with an increased limb length, may have evolved as a means of increasing
speed without increasing stride frequency. Finally, primates experience lower substrate
reaction forces in the forelimbs than the hindlimbs when they land, a characteristic likely
to be related to the greater manipulative role of primate forelimbs. This combination of
quadrupedal peculiarities is likely to be the product of successful invasion of the small
branch niche and was probably a key innovation in the radiation of primates (Larson et al.
2000; Schmitt and Lemelin 2002).
282  w. scott mcgraw
Truncal Erectness Primates have evolved an array of locomotor adaptations that include
quadrupedalism, forelimb suspension, knuckle-walking, vertical clinging and leaping, and
bipedality. Despite this diversity in locomotor strategies, primates are all characterized by a
common postural element – a tendency for the trunk to be oriented more upright so that
the long axis of the vertebral column is more perpendicular to the ground. In locomotor
modes such as brachiation, vertical clinging and leaping, and bipedalism, the trunk is main-
tained in an erect or semi-erect position, but even primates that move quadrupedally usually
adopt upright postures when feeding, resting, or socializing. This tendency for primates to
adopt upright postures required modification of several skeletal regions, and one obvious
benefit of these changes is that doing so liberated the hands from a purely supportive role
to one involving more explorative and manipulative activities.

Features of the Skull

Decreased Reliance on Olfaction In most mammalian groups, the sense of smell is the
principal mechanism for obtaining information related to feeding, mating, predator avoid-
ance, and communication. Primates are still “smelling animals,” but, compared to other
mammals, primates have decreased their reliance on olfaction in favor of increased visual
acuity. Animals with a highly developed sense of smell are characterized by features including
a projecting snout and enlargement of those neural regions – the olfactory bulbs – respon-
sible for processing chemical signals. Increased facial prognathism can be achieved via for-
ward projection of bones in the nasal region; expansion of the nasal cavity provides more
surface area for nasal turbinates. Turbinates provide the platform for the tissues and neural
cells (epithelium) involved in capturing chemical signals: the more surface area for turbi-
nates, the better the ability to smell. The progressive shortening of the snout in primates,
therefore, almost certainly reflects a relaxed emphasis on the sense of smell. In addition to
reducing the size of structures that capture smells, primates have reduced that part of the
neural circuitry that transmits chemical signals from olfactory cells in the nasal cavity to the
brain. These switching stations for smell are known as olfactory bulbs and there is a strong
correlation across primates between the size of the olfactory bulbs and reliance on olfactory
communication (Nero and Heymann 2015). Prosimians, particularly nocturnal forms that
communicate with various scent glands, have relatively large olfactory bulbs while monkeys,
apes, and humans have more diminutive bulbs.
Orbital Frontation and Convergence The eyeballs sit within bony structures known as
orbits. The orbits of primitive mammals, and those of many non-primate mammals today,
are positioned on the sides of the skull, which results in expansive, lateral visual fields, or
enhanced peripheral vision. In primates, the orbits and their contents have undergone two
significant changes: they have migrated toward the front of the skull, a process known as
orbital convergence, and the orbital apertures have become more vertically oriented (i.e.,
have tilted to align with the long axis of the cranium), a process known as orbital frontation
(Noble et al. 2000). The forward and vertical shifts in eye socket orientation bring the
visual fields from the sides of the skull forward so that the fields overlap. In so doing, both
eyes are able to focus on the same object or area, a feature known as binocular vision. This
results in stereopsis or the ability to see in three dimensions. Primates have the greatest
orbital convergence and largest binocular visual fields of all mammals (Heesy 2004, 2005).
The ability to see in three dimensions and judge distances is particularly important for ani-
mals that make their living within the structurally discontinuous environments of trees.
primates defined  283

Other mammals such as carnivores and bats also have highly convergent orbits, but the
particular combination of high orbital convergence, greatly enlarged brains, and a modified
visual system is seen only in primates (Ross and Martin 2007).
Post-orbital Bars In many mammals, the bony socket housing the eyeball does not form
a complete ring, i.e., the lateral aspect of the orbital margin remains open. A number of
mammalian groups – including primates – have evolved a bar of bone on the orbit’s lateral
aspect so that the eyeball is surrounded by a complete ring. What purpose does this addi-
tional bar serve? The reorientation (frontation and convergence) of the orbits facilitates
binocular vision, a trait that should have adaptive value for animals living in trees and
requiring acute depth perception. A progressive shifting of the orbits from the sides to the
front of the skull changes how chewing muscles act on the orbits when they are being used.
Recent comparative analyses suggest that the forward migration of the orbits makes them
susceptible to deformation by a powerful masticatory muscle known as the temporalis.
These studies suggest that the post-orbital bar functions as a strut to reinforce or stiffen the
orbital cavity, preventing the orbital margin from being deformed by the chewing muscula-
ture. In other words, the post-orbital bar may prevent disruption of normal visual functions
in mammals with highly convergent orbits. Post-orbital bars are found in a number of
mammalian groups; however, because this is a derived feature of Euprimates (relative to
Archaic primates), an animal cannot be considered a primate if it lacks a post-orbital bar.
Petrosal Bulla The middle ear of mammals contains three bones: the incus, malleus, and
stapes. These bones are housed in a bubble-like outgrowth of bone known as an auditory
bulla, which protects the base of the inner and middle ear. In most mammals, the auditory
bulla is formed from the tympanic bone or it is not encased by bone at all; in primates, how-
ever, the auditory bulla is derived from the petrous (petrosal) part of the temporal bone.
A petrosal bulla is considered the only feature of the basicranium unique to primates
(Rasmussen 2002) and its recognition in the fossil record has figured prominently in the
classification of Euprimates (Cartmill 2018; Silcox et al. 2017).
Dentition Primate teeth are characterized by a combination of trends generally not found
in other mammals. Primate teeth are functionally differentiated into four types, known as
incisors, canines, premolars, and molars. While most primates have at least one of each
tooth type, primates have reduced the total number of teeth in their mouth, a process
known as dental reduction. The primitive Eutherian (placental mammal) dental formula is
3–1–4–3, meaning that each quadrant of the mouth contained three incisors, one canine,
four premolars and three molars. Living primates have lost at least one incisor and at least
one premolar in each of the four mouth quadrants. While there is a diversity of dental for-
mulae within the primate Order, all primates have fewer teeth than their mammalian ances-
tors and fewer teeth generally than most non-primate mammals. Primate teeth also tend to
be less specialized than those of other mammals. Primates are best described as omnivores,
capable of eating a variety of food items including fruit pulp, leaves, seeds, nuts, meat,
insects, bark, and tree exudate. Primates have evolved adaptations to help facilitate the
processing of specific food types; no primate, however, has evolved teeth so specialized that
they are capable of processing only a single food type. On the contrary: primate teeth are
comparatively generalized and designed for processing foods across a range of sizes, shapes,
and mechanical properties.
Brain Expansion One of the most significant features distinguishing primates from other
mammals is brain size: primates have very large brains for their body size. The average pri-
mate brain is approximately 2.3 times larger than that of non-primate mammals of similar
284  w. scott mcgraw
body size. That portion of the brain that has expanded the most is the outermost layer,
known as the neocortex (Latin for “new bark”), and it is this region that is responsible for
higher cognitive functions, including the coordination of sensory perception with motor
commands and spatial reasoning. All mammals possess a neocortex, but that of primates is
both enlarged and characterized by many convolutions, wrinkles, and fissures, all of which
provide additional surface areas. The neocortex of humans, for example, comprises nearly
80 percent of total brain volume. Because the development and maintenance of brain tissue
is metabolically costly (the brains of nonhuman primates consume approximately
8–9 ­percent of the total energy budget while the human brain, even at rest, consumes
20–25 percent of the energy budget), the tremendous expansion in brain (neocortex) size
must have provided a significant adaptive advantage for primates.
The primate brain is characterized by additional changes, beyond great neocortical
expansion. Compared to other mammals, primates have decreased their reliance on smell
and reduced the size of those neural regions that process olfactory signals. As primates
became more reliant on vision, those regions of the brain responsible for transmitting and
interpreting visual signals and integrating them with motor commands expanded and
became more sophisticated. These regions are known as the primary visual cortex and lat-
eral geniculate nucleus. Recent comparative analyses have demonstrated a strong association
between the size of these brain structures and the degree of binocularity or stereopsis across
primates. This evidence suggests that the increase in brain size among primates is strongly
associated with enhanced visual specialization (Barton 2004; Ross and Martin 2007). In
addition, primates are the only eutherian mammals capable of trichromatic color vision
(Bowmaker 1998; Leonhardt et al. 2008). The selective pressures responsible for increased
brain expansion continue to be debated. Most authorities contend that the large brains of
primates are a consequence of ecological factors, especially those related to diet (Clutton-
Brock and Harvey 1980; DeCasien et al. 2017; Harvey et al. 1980; Martin 1984; Milton
1981; Powell et al. 2017) or pressures associated with increased sociality (Cheney and
Seyfarth 1990; Dunbar 1992; Dunbar and Schultz 2007; Jolly 1966).

Life History and Reproduction

Prolongation of Prenatal and Postnatal Life Primates are distinguished from other
mammals by a combination of trends related to reproduction and life history. First, the ges-
tation period of primates tends to be longer than those in other mammals of equivalent
body size and fetal nourishment is more efficient. Many mammals give birth to multiple
offspring, a practice not found in the majority of primates. Primates have reduced the
number of offspring they produce while increasing the amount of care given to individuals.
This results in decreased levels of infant mortality among primates. Compared to most
mammals, primates are born developmentally advanced, or precocial. Nevertheless, they are
completely dependent on parental (usually maternal) care for long periods of time. The
extended period of infant dependency helps establish strong bonds between mother and
infant and it is during this period that young primates acquire much of the knowledge they
need to survive. After infancy, primates typically are characterized by long periods of growth
during the juvenile period. The length of this period is strongly associated with species lon-
gevity: those primates that live longer take longer to reach adulthood. The length of the
adult period is also comparatively long in primates. This combination of extended infant,
juvenile, and adult periods means that primates tend to live longer lives than other mam-
mals of equivalent body size. For example, the average lifespan for a five kg dog is 12 years
primates defined  285

while that of a similarly sized primate is upwards of 25 years. Primates with comparatively
short life spans tend to reach adulthood sooner. Large primates tend to reach maturity later
and live longer than smaller primates. Comparative analyses have also revealed associations
between the lengths of the prenatal and postnatal periods and patterns of brain growth
(Leigh 2004).
Development of Complex Social Systems Like many other organisms, primates live in
groups. What distinguishes the group-living of primates is the tendency for individuals
within groups to form differentiated social relationships. A large percentage of the daily,
monthly and lifetime activity budget of most primates is devoted to learning and cultivating
relationships with other group members. One of the most fascinating aspects of primate
sociality is the diversity of ways individuals are arranged within social systems and the
selective pressures responsible for this diversity (Kappeler and van Schaik 2002). Primates
can be found living in (1) single-male/multi-female groups, (2) single-female/multi-male
groups, (3) multi-male/multi-female groups, (4) male–female pairs, (5) fission–fusion
communities, and (6) multi-level societies containing one-male units within multi-male/
multi-female groups. Importantly, a species’ social system does not necessarily correspond
to its mating system (Henzi 1988). For example, throughout most of the year, Blue mon-
keys (Cercopithecus mitis) live in single-male, multi-female groups; during the breeding
system, however, these polygynous groups may be invaded by extra-group males, resulting
in a polygynandrous mating system in which members of both sexes mate with multiple
individuals of the opposite sex (Cords 2002).
Behavioral Flexibility   Primates are characterized by big brains and high levels of intelli-
gence. The high intelligence of primates is manifest in many ways across the order: pri-
mates solve complex ecological problems, they readily distinguish relatives from
non-relatives, they devise mechanisms for deception, they show capacities for symbolic
thought (a prerequisite for language), they have a concept of self, they develop friendships,
and they make and use tools in innumerable ways. Like other mammals, much of a pri-
mate’s knowledge base is hard wired or inherited genetically. What distinguishes primates
from many other mammals, however, is the quantity of information that is obtained
through learning: many basic survival skills are acquired via observation of and learning
from other group members. The fact that so much critical information is not innate under-
scores the importance of the mother–infant bond for transmitting important social and
ecological skills. One of the most intriguing developments in this arena concerns the extent
to which socially transmitted behaviors vary in space and time. Several decades of research
indicate that some behavioral variation between primate groups cannot be accounted for
genetically or as responses to local ecological conditions, but rather is due to differences in
learned behavior (e.g., Watson et al. 2018; Whiten and de Waal 2018). Comparative
studies of chimpanzees, orangutans, gorillas, and several monkey species have highlighted
group differences in tool use and other cultural traditions rooted in social learning (Krutzen
et al. 2011; Luncz et al. 2012). Recognition of this has forced anthropologists to rethink
what features are uniquely human.

Classification: Grades vs. Clades

Modern taxonomy strives to have classifications that reflect patterns of ancestry and descent,
grouping animals strictly on the basis only of shared derived traits. This approach is known
as cladistic classification, with resultant groups called clades. Older classification schemes
286  w. scott mcgraw
grouped animals on the basis of similarity, with groups known as grades. For example, in
the old scheme, humans would be classified as one group and great apes as another based
on overall similarity (i.e., an ape grade and a human grade). The modern, gradistic
classification scheme recognizes that chimpanzees and humans share a common ancestor
(e.g., comprising the Hominini clade), and therefore does not recognize a great ape group,
exclusive of humans, in its classification. Understanding the distinction between gradistic
(classifying based on similarity, or level of complexity) and cladistic (classifying based on
shared derived features) classifications will become apparent shortly.
The basic features presented in the preceding sections are characteristics that distinguish
primates from non-primate mammals. Within the Order, members can be grouped
according to overall levels of complexity, shared features, and biogeography. In the older
classification based on overall similarity, the Order Primates is divided into two suborders,
called Prosimii and Anthropoidea. The prosimian–anthropoid division is a gradistic one
that separates lower primates from higher primates based on levels or grades of morpholog-
ical complexity (similarity). The prosimian grade contains lemurs, lorises, galagos, and tar-
siers. Because these primates lack many of the derived features found in monkeys and apes,
they are said to occupy a level of specialization most similar to the earliest true primates
(Euprimates) found in the fossil record. Living prosimians, or lower primates, are recog-
nized by their retention of ancestral features combined with the absence of more specialized
features found in higher primates. Prosimians are evolutionarily successful mammals char-
acterized by a stage of morphological complexity similar to that seen in the first true pri-
mates approximately 50 million years ago. The other primate grade – Anthropoidea – contains
monkeys, apes, and humans. These primates, like prosimians, also possess the minimum
requirements for admission to the primate Order; however, they have evolved additional
features resulting in greater divergence from the first Euprimates. Their suite of derived
features not only unites anthropoids, but also results in a more advanced level of com-
plexity. For this reason, anthropoids are said to have achieved a stage of evolutionary
development beyond the prosimian grade.
The prosimian–anthropoid classification makes no attempt to establish ancestor-­descendant
relationships; it is a means of dividing primates based on overall morphological similarity
(Fleagle 2013). An alternative scheme is to sort primates according to lines of descent.
Descendants of a single common ancestor are said to comprise a monophyletic group. If pri-
mate classification were neat and tidy, members of Anthropoidea and Prosimii would each be
descended from a common ancestor (i.e., each would be monophyletic). This may be the case
for anthropoids, and a growing body of fossil evidence suggests that the ancestor shared by all
monkeys and apes emerged in India or North Africa approximately 45–50 million years ago
(Beard 2016; Seiffert 2012; Williams et al. 2010). The members within Prosimii, in contrast,
are believed to have been descended from two ancestors. That is, Prosimii is paraphyletic. The
primates preventing prosimian monophyly are tarsiers. Tarsiers (the genera Tarsius, Carlito,
and Cephalopachus) are small, nocturnal primates found in the forests of southeast Asia
(Wright et al. 2003). These enigmatic primates possess a number of features that ally them
with prosimians but are absent in anthropoids. Such features are primitive (ancestral) for pri-
mates and include an unfused mandibular symphysis, grooming claw on the second digit of
the foot, multiple nipples, and a bicornuate uterus. A newly discovered feature concerns the
pathway of a nerve known as the chorda tympani involved in the sense of taste. In prosimians,
this nerve passes over a muscle – the tensor tympani – that tightens the eardrum (tympanic
membrane), while in anthropoids, the nerve passes below the muscle (Maier 2008).
In addition to sharing primitive features with other prosimians, tarsiers share several
derived features with anthropoids, suggesting phyletic affinities between them. Features
shared by tarsiers and anthropoids – and to the exclusion of other non-tarsier
primates defined  287

Strepsirhines Haplorhines
Monkeys Apes Humans


Lemurs Lorises Prosimians

Figure 17.1 Alternative schemes for dividing the primate order. The prosimian/anthropoid divi-
sion emphasizes general stages – or grades – of evolution. The alternative classification emphasizes
descent from common ancestors and divides primates into two monophyletic groups: Strepsirhines
and Haplorhines.

prosimians – include a mobile upper lip, lack of a tapetum lucidum (reflective layer of retinal
cells facilitating night vision), a hemochorial placenta, nose covered by skin (vs. naked, wet
rhinarium), reduced nasal turbinates, a reduced sphenoethmoid (or olfactory) recess, novel
features of the auditory bulla including the presence of an accessory middle ear chamber,
partial closing off by bone of the connection between the orbit and the chewing muscles
(i.e., partial post-orbital closure), blood supply to the brain via the promontory branch of
the internal carotid artery, and similar dental proportions.5
The fact that tarsiers possess shared derived features with anthropoids (while all other
prosimians do not) implies that tarsiers are descended from a different ancestor than that
which gave rise to lemurs, lorises, and galagos. All current genetic data support a Tarsier–
Anthropoid clade (Perelman et al., 2011; Springer et al. 2012). Thus, despite shared
organizational (gradistic) similarities, prosimians cannot be a monophyletic group because
one group, the tarsier, has a different ancestor. In the alternative classificatory scheme that
emphasizes shared descent from a common ancestor, the non-tarsier prosimians (lemurs,
lorises, and galagos) are placed in a clade known as Strepsirrhini, while tarsiers are grouped
with anthropoids in a clade known as Haplorhini. The pivotal primates in the higher-order
division of the Order are the tarsiers and their evolutionary position continues to be a
source of exploration and debate (Kawashima et al. 2013; Smith et al. 2013). The key
features associated with the Strepsirrhine and Haplorhine clades are reviewed below
(Figure 17.1).

Strepsirrhine Features and Distribution

Strepsirrhines possess the primitive primate features such as a simple post-orbital bar, two
mobile bones in the forearm, and five digits. They also retain a number of primitive mam-
malian features that have been lost in anthropoids. These include:
288  w. scott mcgraw
Prognathic Face and Reliance on Olfaction The sense of smell is still well-developed in
strepsirrhines. Most stepsirrhines have projecting nasal bones that provide more surface
area for the nasal turbinates and specialized neural cells that detect olfactory signals in the
Rhinarium The skin on the end of the nose of most mammals differs from normal skin
by being wet, hairless, and containing specialized glands for receiving chemical signals. This
wet, naked region is called a rhinarium and is involved in the collection of olfactory cues
from the environment. The rhinarium communicates with the brain via an intimate connec-
tion with the vomeronasal (Jacobson’s) organ housed in the roof of the mouth (Hill 1972).
This communication is facilitated by a cleft in an immobile (anchored to the underlying
gum) upper lip. Most mammals, including strepsirrhines, possess a rhinarium and an immo-
bile, clefted upper lip, features that have been lost in haplorhines.
Tapetum Lucidum and Nocturnality Most strepsirrhines are nocturnal (active at night).
In addition to enlarged orbits, the night vision in strepsirrhines is facilitated by a specialized
layer of retinal cells called a tapetum lucidum (“eye-shine”), which allows enhanced vision
even when light levels are quite low. A tapetum is found in many living mammal groups and
is likely to be a primitive mammalian character.
In addition to these primitive traits, the strepsirrhine clade is defined by several derived
characteristics including:
Toothcomb In strepsirrhines, the incisors and canines of the mandible (lower jaw) are elon-
gated, parallel, and project forward much like the tines on a fork or a comb. This structure,
called a toothcomb, is used for grooming and feeding in several strepsirrhine species.
Maxillary Incisors The front teeth (incisors) in the upper jaw (maxilla) of strepsirrhines
are distinctive in that they are small, vertically oriented, and separated in the midline
(median) by a gap.
Toilet Claw Strepsirhines possess a claw on the second digit of their feet that is used for
grooming purposes.
The members of the strepsirrhine clade are the lemurs, lorises, and galagos (Table 17.1).
Ancestors of living stepsirrhines ranged widely throughout the Old and New Worlds; today,
however, they are restricted to Asia, Africa, and Madagascar. There are seven families of
living stepsirrhines. The five families of lemurs are found only on the island of Madagascar
and include some of the world’s rarest and most endangered primates (Mittermeier et al.
2008). Each lemur family is characterized by a number of anatomical and behavioral idio-
syncrasies (Mittermeier et al. 1994; Tattersall 1982). The galagids, or bush babies, are con-
fined to Africa while members of the lorisids are found in both Africa (potto, angwantibo)
and Asia (slender loris, slow loris).

Haplorhine Features and Distribution

Haplorhines also possess the minimum primate characteristics described above, but have
lost several primitive mammalian features retained by Strepsirrhines, many of which are
associated with a decreased reliance on smell and increased reliance on vision. Neither a
nasal rhinarium nor a tapetum lucidum is present in haplorhines, which also show reduced
facial prognathism, have smaller olfactory bulbs, and possess fewer turbinates in their nasal
cavity. An increased reliance on vision is reflected in more frontated and convergent orbits.
primates defined  289

Table 17.1 The diversity of living primates

Order Primates

Suborder Strepsirhini

Family Cheirogalidae
Microcebus mouse lemur Madagascar
Allocebus hairy-eared dwarf lemur Madagascar
Mirza giant mouse lemur Madagascar
Cheriogaleus greater dwarf lemur Madagascar
Phaner fork-marked lemur Madagascar
Family Lepilemuridae
Lepilemur sportive lemurs Madagascar
Family Lemuridae
Hapalemur bamboo lemur Madagascar
Prolemur greater bamboo lemur Madagascar
Lemur ring-tailed lemur Madagascar
Eulemur brown lemur Madagascar
Varecia ruffed lemur Madagascar
Family Indriidae
Avahi avahi Madagascar
Propithecus sifaka Madagascar
Indri indri Madagascar
Family Daubentoniidae
Daubentonia aye-aye Madagascar
Family Loridae
Loris slender loris Asia
Nycticebus slow loris Asia
Arctocebus angwantibo Africa
Perodicticus potto Africa
Family Galagidae
Galagoides dwarf galago Africa
Galago lesser galago/ bushbaby Africa
Sciurocheirus squirrel galago Africa
Eoticus needle-clawed bushbaby Africa
Sciurocheirus Allen’s galago Africa
Otolemur greater galago Africa
290  w. scott mcgraw
Table 17.1 (Continued)

Order Primates

Suborder Haplorhini

Infraorder Tarsiiformes
Family Tarsiidae
Tarsius tarsiers Asia
Cephalopachus Western tarsiers Asia
Carlito Philippine tarsiers Asia
Infraorder Platyrrhini
Family Cebidae
Cebus gracile capuchins Neotropics
Sapajus robust capuchins Neotropics
Saimiri squirrel monkeys Neotropics
Subfamily Callitrichinae
Leontopithecus golden lion tamarins Neotropics
Saguinus tamarins Neotropics
Callithrix Atlantic marmosets Neotropics
Mico Amazonian marmosets Neotropics
Callimico Goeldi’s marmoset Neotropics
Cebuella pygmy marmoset Neotropics
Callibella Roosmalens' dwarf marmoset Neotropics
Family Pitheciidae
Pithecia sakis Neotropics
Chiropotes bearded sakis Neotropics
Cacajao uakaris Neotropics
Subfamily Aotinae
Aotus owl monkeys Neotropics
Subfamily Callicebinae
Callicebus titi monkeys Neotropics

Family Atelidae
Alouatta howler monkeys Neotropics
Ateles spider monkeys Neotropics
Brachyteles woolly spider monkeys Neotropics
Lagothrix woolly monkeys Neotropics
Oreonax yellow-tailed woolly monkey Neotropics
primates defined  291

Table 17.1 (Continued)

Order Primates

Suborder Haplorhini

Infraorder Catarrhini
Family Cercopithecoidea
Subfamily Cercopithecinae
Macaca macaques Asia (Africa)
Lophocebus arboreal mangabeys Africa
Cercocebus terrestrial mangabeys Africa
Rungwecebus Kipunji mangabey Africa
Mandrillus mandrills and drills Africa
Papio baboons Africa
Theropithecus gelada Africa
Allenopithecus swamp monkey Africa
Miopithecus talapoin monkeys Africa
Erythrocebus patas monkeys Africa
Cercopithecus guenons Africa
Allochrocebus terrestrial guenons Africa
Chlorocebus vervets/green monkeys Africa
Subfamily Colobinae
Nasalis proboscis monkey Asia
Presbytis surilis Asia
Simias pig-tailed langurs Asia
Pygathrix douc langusr Asia
Rhinopithecus snub-nosed monkeys Asia
Semnopithecus Indian or gray langurs Asia
Trachypithecus Luntung Asia
Procolobus olive colobus Africa
Piliocolobus red colobus monkeys Africa
Colobus black and white colobus monkeys Africa
Family Hylobatidae
Hoolock hoolock gibbons Asia
Hylobates lar or white-handed gibbons Asia
Nomascus concolor or black-crested gibbons Asia
Symphalangus siamangs Asia
Family Hominida
Pongo orangutans Asia
Pan chimpanzee, bonobo Africa
Gorilla gorillas Africa
Homo humans global
Source: Website of IUCN/SSC Primate Specialist Group (http://www.primate-sg.org/diversity.htm).
292  w. scott mcgraw
Compared to strepsirrhines, haplorhines are characterized by increased brain size, increased
body size, and more conservative dentition, at least in lacking a tooth comb. In addition to
these trends and departures from the primitive condition, haplorhines are distinguished by
several derived features, as follows.
Fused Mandible In strepsirrhines and tarsiers, the right and left halves of the mandible are
connected by cartilage and remain unfused. In all haplorhines except tarsiers, the halves fuse
at the midline, resulting in a rigid mandible.
Fused Frontal Bones Among strepsirrhines and tarsiers, the right and left halves of the
frontal bone are not fused and the bones usually remain unfused throughout adulthood. In
all haplorhines except tarsiers, the right and left halves fuse at the midline, obliterating the
metopic suture and forming a single frontal bone.
Post-orbital Closure In addition to a post-orbital bar, haplorhines have walled off the
back of the orbital cavity with contributions from the frontal, zygomatic, and sphenoid
bones. This results in a condition known as post-orbital closure. Tarsiers display partial
post-orbital closure.
Diurnality and Color Vision With two exceptions (tarsiers and owl monkeys), haplo-
rhine primates are active during daylight hours, i.e., they are diurnal. Most haplorhines have
three kinds of cones that permit trichromatic color vision. Strepsirrhines, by contrast, are
generally able to see only in varying shades of black and white.
Uterus Haplorhines have a single-chambered uterus. The tarsier is exceptional in that it
has a bicornate uterus like that found among strepsirrhines.
Blood to Brain The brain is supplied by branches of the internal carotid artery (ICA).
One branch of the ICA passes through the stapes (stirrup) bone in the middle ear. A stape-
dial branch of the ICA is a primitive feature for mammals and all strepsrrihines retain one
throughout adulthood. Among haplorhines, a stapedial branch is fetally present; however,
this artery becomes obliterated and lost during development. In tarsiers, monkeys, and
apes, the major source of blood to the brain is via another branch of the ICA known as the
promontory artery (Ankel-Simons 2000).
Living members of the Haplorhine clade consist of the Tarsioidea (with three genera of
living tarsiers), Platyrrhini (New World monkeys), and Catarrhini (Old World monkeys and
apes) (Table 17.1). The platyrrhine monkeys are found in the Neotropics (South and
Central America) while living non-human catarrhines are found in Africa, Asia, and are mar-
ginally present in Europe. In addition to the basic biogeographic distinction, platyrrhines
are distinguished from catarrhines by several features. The nostrils of New World monkeys
are flat, widely spaced, and point sideways (platyrrhine means broad nosed). In catarrhines,
the nostrils are more closely approximated and converge toward the midline. Platyrrhines
have one more premolar in each oral quadrant than do catarrhines and most New World
monkeys have a dental formula of 2133.6 The bones in the temporal region of platyrrhines
display a zygomatic-parietal articulation, while in catarrhines the frontal and sphenoid artic-
ulate thus precluding a zygomatic-parietal articulation. Platyrrhines do not possess the
long, bony tube that exits the ear cavity in catarrhines; among platyrrhines, this feature is a
simple ring. Platyrrhines range in body size from about 100 grams (pygmy marmosets) to
over 11 kilograms (male Mexican black howler monkey) (Smith and Jungers 1997). All
platyrrhines are predominantly arboreal and some have evolved specialized adaptations for
movement in the trees, including secondarily derived claws for clinging (the callitrichids)
and prehensile tails (the atelines).
primates defined  293

The catarrhines are divided into Cercopithecoidea (Old World monkeys) and Hominoidea
(apes and humans) (Table 17.1). It is not necessary to say Old World apes because apes have
never existed anywhere but in the Old World. The superfamily Hominoidea is comprised of
the lesser apes (gibbons and siamangs) and the great apes (chimpanzees, gorillas, orangu-
tans, humans). All hominoids are distinguished from cercopithecoids by features including
relatively larger brains, simple molars, absence of a tail, broader nose and face, and numerous
postcranial adaptations for suspension and climbing, including short trunks, long forelimbs,
mobile shoulder joints, and long fingers. The lesser apes are monkey-sized and their weights
range between 5.5 kg (pileated gibbon) and 12 kg (siamang). Great apes are much larger
and include the largest living primate, the gorilla, which can weigh upwards of 200 kg
(Smith and Jungers 1997).
Members of the Family Cercopithecoidea are distinguished from apes by their possession
of a tail, bilophodont molars, narrower faces, and longer trunks. The family is divided into
two subfamilies: Cercopithecinae, omnivorous monkeys whose diets are usually dominated
by fruit, and Colobinae, the leaf eating monkeys. Field studies have shown that the fruit-
eating vs. leaf-eating designation obscures significant dietary variation within each group;
however, several features that distinguish the two cercopithecoid subfamilies are functionally
related to the requirements of obtaining and processing fruits versus leaves. Colobine mon-
keys possess complex, multichambered (ruminant) stomachs, molars with high shearing
crests, narrow incisors, deep jaws, reduced (or absent) thumbs, shortened nasal bones, and
greater leaping capabilities. Cercopithecine monkeys have cheek pouches, wider incisors,
shallow jaws, greater pollical opposability, and limbs of more equal size (Fleagle 2013;
Schultz 1969; Strasser and Delson 1987). The smallest cercopithecoids (talapoin monkeys)
weigh just over 1 kg while the largest (mandrills and some baboons) weigh over 35 kg
(Smith and Jungers 1997).

A Note on Conservation

As researchers continue to explore the features that bound the Primate order, the contents
of the order expand as well. Depending on the source referenced (Wilson and Reeder 2005,
IUCN, ITIS, Mittermeier et al. 2013), there are currently between 500 and 700 species of
living primates and the number continues to rise: 39 lemur species have been described
since 2000 (Mittermeier et al. 2008). Such increases might suggest that the planet’s
population of non-human primates is growing, but the reverse is very much the case. While
the number of primate taxa has grown, the number of individuals occupying them is falling
sharply. Expansion of the primate roster is not the result of growing populations or the dis-
covery of new ones, but rather due to the recognition of “cryptic” diversity within existing
taxa (e.g., elevating subspecies to full species). Arguments of taxonomic inflation notwith-
standing (e.g., Meiri and Mace 2007; Tattersall 2007), the world’s primates are disappear-
ing because most cannot withstand the pace of human activities (Estrada et al. 2017). Two
factors on the rise in tropical regions – habitat loss and hunting – are most responsible for
the increasing number of taxa at risk of disappearing. Given primates’ reliance on trees, the
continued loss of forest as a consequence of agricultural expansion, wood harvesting, and
livestock farming/ranching is a death knell for many taxa. Table 17.2 provides a summary
of threatened taxa in each region; the trajectory of these data is not encouraging. Indeed, a
comparison of these data with those in the 2010 version of this table (McGraw 2010)
underscores how much the number of threatened taxa has increased over the last decade
(Estrada et al. 2017). Seventy percent of species are in decline and 60 percent are now
294  w. scott mcgraw
Table 17.2 Summary of primate taxa threatened within each major biogeographic region

Region Genera Species/Subspecies % Threatened

Africa 27 107 58.8%

Asia 20 132 72.5%
Madagascar 15 108 93.8%
Neotropics 22 176 62.8%
Source: Website of IUCN/SSC Primate Specialist Group (http://www.primate-sg.org/summary_primate_

threatened with extinction. Aggressive, coordinated, targeted efforts are needed to halt this
trend, and to that end, various actions plans identifying specific threats and outlining
detailed recommendations at priority sites have been assembled to save the most imperiled
taxa (e.g., IUCN SSC Primate Specialist Group 2020; Linder et al. 2021; Schwitzer et al.
2013). As we strive to understand the world’s lemurs, lorises, monkeys, and apes, let us
hope that these “last-ditch” efforts will not be required to save our primate relatives in the
coming years.


Living primates include forms commonly referred to as lemurs, lorises, galagos, tarsiers,
monkeys, apes, and humans. Based on an understanding of the fossil record of early mam-
mals and features found in living non-primate mammals, morphologists can identify those
features that unite primates. Compared to many other mammalian groups, primates have
not diverged significantly from the primitive mammalian condition and retain a generalized,
unspecialized morphology. Many “specializations” of primates are present in other mam-
malian groups. Although the list of distinctly primate features is not extensive, the group is
distinguished via unique suites of features combined with several important trends in anatomy
and behavior that are less pronounced or absent in other mammalian groups. Many features
are related to the demands of arboreal living and include an increased reliance on vision (vs.
olfaction), enhanced brain power, and skeletal adaptations that facilitate movement through
the trees.
The unique combination of primitive and derived features that are found in members of
the primate Order include: decreased reliance on smell, reduced facial prognathism,
reduction in the size of nasal turbinates and olfactory bulbs, increased reliance on vision,
enhanced orbital frontation and orbital convergence, brain expansion (especially of the neo-
cortex), generalized flexible limb structure, retention of a clavicle, grasping hands and feet
with enhanced manipulative abilities, replacement of claws by nails, tendency for an upright
posture, a prolonged gestation period, longer periods of infant dependency, extended
juvenile and adult periods, development of varied and complex social organizations empha-
sizing individual relationships, and an increased capacity for culture and learning.
The Order Primates can be divided in several ways. A gradistic classification emphasizing
an overall level of organization places lemurs, lorises, galagos, and tarsiers in the suborder
Prosimii. Higher primates, or anthropoids, include monkeys, apes, and humans. These
forms have become more specialized compared to the first Euprimates. Because tarsiers
primates defined  295

share several features with anthropoids, prosimians cannot be considered monophyletic

given that their members are not descended from a single common ancestor. A second
means of classifying primates emphasizing shared descent from a common ancestor also
exists and, in this scheme, primates are divided into two monophyletic clades: the
Strepsirrhini containing lemurs, lorises, and galagos and the Haplorrhini containing tar-
siers, monkeys, apes, and humans. In addition to features primitive to all primates,
Strepshrrhines retain other primitive mammalian features including a tapetum lucidum,
rhinarium, and a greater reliance on olfaction. Derived features of strepsrrhines include a
grooming claw on the second pedal digit and a tooth comb. The derived features and
trends found in Haplorrhines include a fused mandible, fused frontal bones, post-orbital
closure, blood supply to the brain via a promontory branch of the internal carotid artery, a
single-chambered uterus, and an enlarged brain. Strepsirhines are found only in the Old
World and include the lemurs of Madagascar, the galagos of Africa, and the lorises present
in both Africa and Asia. Haplorrhines are found in both the New and Old World. Tarsiers
are restricted to southeast Asia. Aside from humans, the only Haplorrhines in the New
World are monkeys: monkeys of the New World are referred to as Platyrrhines. Old World
Haplorrhines are known as Catarrhines and this group includes monkeys (Family
Cercopithecoidea) and apes (Family Hominoidea).


Thanks to Richard Kay, Michael Plavcan, Walter Hartwig, Pierre Lemelin, John Fleagle,
Randall Susman, Matt Cartmill, Larissa Swedell, and Clark Larsen who provided valuable
comments on an earlier version of this manuscript.


1 Linneaus’ ability to correctly group closely related organisms was remarkable for its time. His
Lemur genus contained prosimians as well as what we now refer to as Cynocephalus volans, a species
of flying lemur. Flying lemurs are not lemurs (nor do they fly) and they are now placed in their own
Order, Dermoptera. However, recent molecular studies have shown that they are the closest living
relatives of primates (Janecka et al. 2007).
2 A handful of primates, including spider monkeys, wooly spider monkeys and colobus monkeys have
greatly reduced or absent thumbs. The adaptive significance of pollical reduction is unclear.
3 Humans have realigned their hallux with the other toes in order to facilitate our unique locomotor
mode of bipedality.
4 Several primate groups have secondarily evolved claws. These include the callitrichids (marmosets
and tamarins) of the Neotropics and the bizarre, yet spectacular, aye-aye of Madagascar.
5 To further complicate matters, tarsiers are unique in several respects. They have a unique dental
formula (2–1-3–3/1–1-3–3), have claws on both the second and third digits (only) of their feet,
and are the only totally animalivorous (diet consisting entirely of insects or fauna) primate.
6 The callitrichines (except Callimico) have lost a molar and have a dental formula of 2–1-3–2.


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CHAPTER 18 Primate Behavior,
Social Flexibility, and

Karen B. Strier


The behavior of nonhuman primates holds a special interest for biological anthropologists
because our closest living relatives provide comparative perspectives into the origins of human
sociality. Pioneering field studies include those conducted on mantled howler monkeys
(Alouatta palliata) in Panama in the early 1930s (Carpenter 1934) and on Japanese macaques
(Macaca fuscata) at various locations since the mid-1950s (Imanishi 1960). Subsequently,
research focused more explicitly on particular primates with either ecological or phylogenetic
affinities with hominins. Savanna-dwelling, semi-terrestrial baboons (Papio anubis) were among
the first of these research subjects because the ecological selection pressures that shape their
social adaptations were also thought to resemble those of human ancestors occupying similar
habitats (Washburn and DeVore 1961; Figure 18.1). The great apes, which include chimpan-
zees (Pan troglodytes: Goodall 1971), gorillas (Gorilla gorilla: Fossey 1983), and orangutans
(Pongo pygmaeus: Galdikas 1995), were also targeted early on because of the behavioral conti-
nuities that could be expected to persist as a result of our shared common ancestry.
Baboons and the great apes, which also include bonobos (Pan paniscus), continue to be
among the most intensively studied primates, and long-term research on these taxa from
multiple study sites continues to provide invaluable insights that inform our understanding
of human behavioral evolution. Nowadays, however, most biological anthropologists also
appreciate the value of broader, more comprehensive comparisons that take into account
the diversity of social patterns exhibited across the Order Primates. Indeed, these broader
comparative analyses have brought into focus the effects of ecology and phylogeny on social
behavior, and are stimulating new investigations into the ways in which other factors con-
tribute to both inter- and intraspecific behavioral variation (Strier 2009). Not surprisingly,
with >60 percent of the more than 700 species and subspecies of primates recognized today
currently threatened with extinction, there is growing appreciation for the importance of
understanding intraspecific behavioral flexibility (e.g., Riley 2020; Strier 2017). Indeed, the
ability of primates to adjust their behavior under diverse local ecological and demographic

A Companion to Biological Anthropology, Second Edition. Edited by Clark Spencer Larsen.

© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
primate behavior, social flexibility, and conservation  301

Figure 18.1 Yellow baboons (Papio cynocephalus) accompanied by the author in Amboseli National
Park, Kenya, a savanna woodland habitat. Source: Karen B. Strier, All rights reserved©.

conditions has direct implications for their adaptive potential in the anthropogenic land-
scapes in which many of them now live, as well as for the development of effective
conservation and management efforts on their behalf (McLennan et al. 2017; Strier 2018).
Methodological advances, such as the use of field experiments to investigate cognitive
capabilities for solving ecological and social problems (e.g., Cheney and Seyfarth 1990) and
the development of noninvasive procedures for measuring hormones (e.g., Ziegler and
Wittwer 2005), genetic relationships (e.g., Di Fiore 2003), and gut microbiomes (e.g.,
Amato et al. 2019) have provided essential tools for evaluating the mechanisms and conse-
quences of primate behavior (Setchell and Curtis 2011). At the same time, ethnoprimato-
logical approaches have emphasized the complexity of human-nonhuman primate
interactions and the impact of these interactions on primate behavior, biology, and
conservation (Ellwanger 2017; Fuentes 2012). Even earlier, however, observational studies
were enhanced by the widespread adoption of systematic methods of behavioral sampling,
which made it possible to control for potential observer biases and compare the behavior of
individuals within and between groups of the same and different species (Altmann 1974).
These methods have helped to transform the study of primate behavior from a largely
descriptive endeavor into the more rigorous, quantitative science that it is today.
Although many important discoveries about primates have come from captive studies, in
this overview of primate social patterns I will emphasize findings from field studies because
of the insights they provide into how ecological and demographic variables influence
behavior. I begin by describing the basic characteristics of primate groups, which include
their size and composition, and the degree to which group members maintain cohesive or
fluid associations with one another (Kappeler 2019). Much of the variation in group size
and grouping patterns can be explained by local ecological or demographic conditions,
which differ between species as well as across populations of the same species and within
populations over time. Other characteristics, such as whether groups are comprised of
extended networks of female or male kin or unrelated adults, tend to cluster differently
within phylogenetic clades (Di Fiore and Rendall 1994) and coincide with other basic life
history traits related to maturation and reproductive rates (Lee and Kappeler 2003).
Distinguishing behavioral adaptations from traits that are shared among closely related
302  karen b. strier
species requires the use of phylogenetic controls, which are now widely employed in com-
parative analyses (Nunn and Barton 2001). Yet even phylogenetically conservative traits,
such as dispersal patterns, can vary in response to local conditions (Moore 1984).
In the second section of this chapter, I consider the various social options that different
types of groups provide and the extent to which observed social patterns are consistent with
or deviate from predictions based on evolutionary and ecological theories. In principle,
social behavior should be subject to the same kinds of selection pressures as other types of
traits, and therefore behavior patterns that enhance fitness, or an individual’s genetic con-
tribution to future generations, should be favored over those that do not. Competition and
cooperation over access to limited resources, such as food or mates, should dictate whether
groups are comprised of biological kin or nonkin and the types of relationships that these
individuals maintain with one another. In practice, however, it is difficult to evaluate the
fitness consequences of behavior without long-term demographic and genetic data. In
addition, because primates adjust their behavior in response to local conditions and as a
result of their individual experiences, many researchers now regard their social flexibility to
be an adaptation that distinguishes primates from other animals with more conservative –
and predictable – behavioral repertories (Barrett and Henzi 2005).
It is not surprising that primates exhibit such high levels of phenotypic plasticity in their
social lives considering the long length of their life spans compared to most other mammals
of similar body size. Primate life spans generally scale with body size within phylogenetic
clades, but most primates live long enough to experience a variety of social and ecological
conditions over the course of their lives. The ability to respond to fluctuating conditions
and unpredictable events has obvious advantages, but it also requires enhanced cognitive
abilities that have been associated with the correspondingly large size of primate brains.
One hypothesis for the expansion of the neocortex, where most higher-level thought
processes occur, relates directly to the social flexibility required to keep track of multiple
social relationships and social networks as the sizes of their groups increase (Dunbar 2003).
Enhanced cognitive abilities include the facility to learn, and long lives and group living
provide the necessary time and contexts in which life-long social learning can occur.
In the final section of this chapter, I turn to some of the greatest challenges for contem-
porary and future studies of primate behavior. These challenges begin and end with the
precarious status of so many primates, which can be attributed to human activities that are
threatening primate habitats and populations at an unprecedented pace (Estrada et al.
2017). The urgency of conservation concerns has become a driving force behind the growth
of primate field research and has influenced the directions that many of our research ques-
tions now take (Cowlishaw and Dunbar 2000; Wich and Marshall 2016). Ironically, how-
ever, the same human activities that are altering primate habitats and endangering their
populations are also inadvertently creating unique opportunities to investigate how pri-
mates respond to different types of environmental change. Studies that are sensitive to the
behavioral variation within and between populations can therefore provide insights into the
adaptive potentials of primates and the ways in which their social flexibility can contribute
to their future survival in a rapidly changing world (Strier 2021a).

Characteristics of Social Groups

Most primates spend all or most of their lives in the company of other members of their
species. Their groups vary in size and composition, which can range from small families
consisting of a single adult male and female with dependent offspring, to mixed sex and age
primate behavior, social flexibility, and conservation  303

classes of tens or even hundreds of individuals, to multilevel societies in which one-male

units with multiple females associate with one another and bachelor males within larger
clans and even larger troops or herds (Swedell 2012). Even when adults are most frequently
encountered on their own or with dependent young, as is the case for orangutans, they are
still members of larger communities comprised of familiar individuals that interact with one
another differently than they do with strangers (van Schaik 2004). Both the quality of social
interactions and the amount of time individuals spend together distinguish social groups
from aggregations of individuals that form for their mutual safety from predators or because
of their mutual attraction to concentrated resources.
Predator pressures tend to favor larger groups over smaller ones because the chances of
detecting and ultimately avoiding a predator are usually improved by the presence of extra
ears and eyes. Some researchers regard the safety that group-living provides as the foundation
for the evolution of primate sociality in general (Hart and Sussman 2009). However, com-
petition for access to food resources can exert an opposing force on group size if preferred
foods, such as energy-rich fruits, are distributed in small patches that cannot feed as many
individuals as would benefit by associating together if protection from predators was the
only factor involved. Often, the ideal group size for many primates is a compromise bet-
ween these safety and subsistence concerns (van Schaik 1983).
Primates cope with the problem of competition at small food patches either by living
alone or in small, cohesive groups that can feed together without conflict, or by living in
large, fluid communities, known as fission–fusion societies, in which party sizes shrink and
swell according to the sizes of food patches available at any particular time. The maintenance
of large, cohesive groups, by contrast, usually requires the capacity to switch to more abun-
dant, but less preferred foods, such as leaves, grasses, or herbaceous vegetation, when large,
preferred fruit patches are scarce. Although most primates consume a combination of fruit,
which is prized for its readily digestible energy, and either insects or leaves, which are rich in
protein, they vary in their morphological and physiological capabilities to process foods
whose high-fiber content make them more difficult than fruit to digest (Lambert and
Rothman 2015). Even with the physical traits needed to process low-quality foods, the
nutritional costs of diet switching should only be tolerated when they are outweighed by the
benefits of staying together instead of fissioning. High-predation risks represent one such
benefit of remaining together; cooperating with other group members to defend high-qual-
ity food patches from other groups of conspecifics represents another (Wrangham 1980).
When cooperation over food is involved, females are usually found living in groups with
their kin. To understand the power of food over females, it helps to step back a bit and con-
sider the differences between male and female reproductive potential, or the number of
offspring each is physically capable of producing over the course of their lives. Obviously,
both males and females need to survive in order to reproduce, but only females bear the
time and energetic burdens of gestation and lactation (Altmann 1980). The time devoted
to pregnancy and, with some notable exceptions, nursing sets biological limits on the
maximum number of offspring that females can produce. These limits do not apply to
males, whose reproductive potentials are limited by their access to fertile females and the
number of fertilizations they achieve. In a small number of primates, such as marmosets
(Callithrix spp.) and tamarins (Saguinus spp.), females can conceive again soon after giving
birth, and can therefore be nursing one set of offspring while they are pregnant with the
next. However, these are also unusual primates because males and other group members do
much of the infant carrying, providing some relief from the energetic burdens that other
lactating mothers who carry their infants must bear on their own.
304  karen b. strier
There is little that female primates can do to reduce the time that gestation and lactation
require without compromising their offsprings’ survival, but they can offset the high ener-
getic demands of these vital activities by satisfying their nutritional needs. Better-fed females
tend to have longer reproductive life spans, faster reproductive rates, and healthier offspring
compared to poorly-fed females, and the amount and quality of food that a female con-
sumes affects her nutritional status. The energetic costs of female reproduction make food
a limiting resource on female reproductive success, in much the same way that fertilizable
females are a limiting resource for males. If cooperation with group members provides
access to more and better food in competitive confrontations against other groups, then
females may fare better by cooperating with kin, with whom they also share some proportion
of their genes.
These biological sex differences explain why the distribution of food is thought to
influence whether females distribute themselves alone or in groups, and why the distribu-
tion of fertile females dictates the optimal distribution and behavior patterns of males
(Emlen and Oring 1977; Wrangham 1979). When the distribution of food favors or per-
mits females to live together, it may be possible for a single male to defend a group of
females, or the foods that attracts them, resulting in what is referred to as either female-
defense or resource-defense polygyny, respectively. However, as the size of female groups or
the number of groups in an area increase, pressure from unattached males in the neighbor-
hood to join or take over a female group can make it difficult for a single male to repel
intruders and retain his position for very long. One solution to this dilemma is to gain the
females’ support by proving one’s superiority as an ally in defending food resources or in
preventing other conspecifics from harassing females and their infants. Another solution is
to join forces with one or more male allies. For the same genetic reasons that cooperation
among females is more likely to involve close biological relatives, male kin are often one
anothers’ allies of choice.
Cooperating with male kin is also an alternative when females maintain fluid, fission–
fusion dynamics that result in their foraging at least some of the time on their own. The
amount of time females spend by themselves or with one another and the density of females
within an area determine the feasibility of male options, which range from associating with
a single female, to monitoring multiple independent females simultaneously, to cooperating
with other males to monopolize a larger number of females than he could on his own.
The effects of predators in general, and of food on females and of females on males, can
explain some of the variation in the number of adults of each sex that primate groups con-
tain, whether groups with multiple adults of the same sex are biological kin or not, and the
degree of cohesiveness or fluidity in their associations (Foley and Lee 1989). However, the
boundaries between these so-called group “types” are often blurred in different ways. For
example, a single species can have more than one type of group, such as in the case of
mountain gorillas (Gorilla gorilla), where unimale and multimale groups live side-by-side
in the same population. The composition of any group can change due to specific demo-
graphic events, such as deaths or the immigration or emigration of individuals, and as a
result of more encompassing demographic conditions, such as fluctuations in adult sex ra-
tios within the local population. Because of these dynamics, a single individual can spend
different times of his or her life in different types of groups (Robbins 2001).
Similarly, although some species are more likely, on average, to occur in certain types of
groups, fluctuations in the distribution of food resources and local demographic conditions
can lead to differences in their normative grouping patterns. For example, when I first
started studying northern muriqui monkeys (Brachyteles hypoxanthus) in 1982, the
primate behavior, social flexibility, and conservation  305

22 members in my main study group traveled together as a cohesive, multimale, multife-

male unit. Within 15 years, the group had grown to more than 2½ times its initial size, and
grouping patterns had shifted to more fluid, fission–fusion associations, which have per-
sisted ever since as both the group and the population have continued to grow (Strier
2021b). Some of the same individuals that were present in 1982 were responsible for this
behavioral change, but other, younger, individuals have never experienced life in a cohesive
group, and therefore have never had the opportunity to see and interact with all members
of their group on a daily basis.

Social Options

The frequencies with which group members associate and interact with one another vary
within different groups as well as between groups of different types. To decipher the
strength and quality of their relationships with one another, we rely on systematic observa-
tions, which can then be used to calculate the proportion of time individuals spend in close
proximity and the rates and directionality of their affiliative and agonistic interactions.
Primate spatial associations are rarely random, and just as in humans, most primates spend
more of their time with close friends, family, or mates than with other individuals when they
have the chance. Even when pursuing their own activities, higher rates of proximity imply a
higher level of tolerance, and generally lead to higher rates of affiliative interactions, such as
grooming or embracing. When the pattern of initiating and maintaining spatial and affilia-
tive interactions between pairs of individuals is symmetrical, we can infer that the relation-
ship is mutually beneficial to both, whereas asymmetrical effort implies that one individual
stands to benefit more from the relationship than the other. Variation in age, sex, health and
reproductive conditions, and social rank contribute to the asymmetries in primate social
relationships, which can change over the course of each individual’s lifetime.
Maintaining close spatial and affiliative relationships is useful whenever having allies
nearby increases the chances of gaining their support in aggressive interactions with other
group members. In many cercopithecines, for example, females spend their lives in their
natal groups, surrounded by their female relatives. Females can be individually ranked based
on whether they win or lose in agonistic interactions with other females in their matrilines,
and matrilines can be ranked relative to one another. Cultivating allies that are likely to
come to one’s aid if the need should arise can be a good social investment, particularly in
hierarchical societies where encounters with higher-ranking females, as well as with males,
can pose risks. Females with close social bonds have higher offspring survivorship than
females that are less socially integrated in their groups (Silk et al. 2009). Not surprisingly,
though, the importance of maintaining allies is proportional to the levels of within group
competition. In societies with female dispersal and egalitarian relationships, such as those of
northern muriquis, the threat of being targeted for aggression by another group member is
slim, and social relationships among females are less differentiated than they are in matrilo-
cal, hierarchical societies (Strier 2011).
Dispersal patterns determine the extent to which extended kin are available as potential
social partners and allies (Strier 2008). Whether males, females, or both sexes disperse from
their natal groups varies with phylogeny and with local ecological and demographic condi-
tions. For example, although male-biased dispersal with female philopatry characterizes most
cercopithecines, some colobines, white-faced capuchin monkeys (Cebus imitator) and many
lemurs, female-biased dispersal with male philopatry is found in chimpanzees and bonobos,
as well as the New World atelines, which include spider monkeys (Ateles spp.), woolly
306  karen b. strier
monkeys (Lagothrix spp.), and muriquis. In other primates, such as gorillas, howler mon-
keys, callitrichines, and several prosimians, bisexual dispersal is more common. However,
many of these species also exhibit variation in their dispersal patterns that reflect local demo-
graphic conditions. For example, extended matrilines have been observed in red howler
monkeys (Alouatta seniculus, Pope 2000) and buffy-headed marmosets (Callithrix flaviceps,
Ferrari and Digby 1996) when demographic conditions result in the retention of daughters
in their natal groups. Similarly, although female western gorillas typically disperse from their
natal groups, genetic evidence indicates that many remain in their natal neighborhoods,
where the potential for future interactions among female kin persist (Bradley et al. 2007).
Females that remain in their natal groups have the opportunity to bias their affiliative
interactions and agonstic support in favor of their kin, but whether they do so depends on
the relative fitness costs and benefits involved. Among female Japanese macaques, there
appears to be a “relatedness threshold,” and distantly related kin that fall below this threshold
are generally not favored over unrelated females (Chapais 2001). However, we do not yet
understand whether this threshold reflects a limit on the ability of primates to recognize
distant kin or the minimal fitness gains that would accrue by helping more distant relatives.
In both rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) and yellow baboons (Papio cynocephalus),
females favor close maternal kin over close paternal kin, which are themselves favored over
nonkin (Widdig 2007). Familiarity is known to play an important role in kin recognition,
but other mechanisms of phenotypic matching using chemical cues may also be involved.
Examples of kin-biased relationships among males in patrilocal societies are not as clear-cut
as those among females in matrilocal societies, perhaps because fertilizations cannot be
shared in the same way as food. In the patrilocal societies of chimpanzees, for example, males
maintain hierarchical relationships with one another, and genetic studies have shown that
higher-ranking males achieve more fertilizations than females. However, there is no evidence
that paternally related male kin associate or affiliate preferentially with one another relative
to other males within their communities in the same way that maternally related female
macaques and baboons do in their matrilocal societies (Langergraber et al. 2007).
Although the persistence of life-long associations and alliances with same-sexed kin
requires co-residence in the same natal groups, both males and females can maintain some
associations with kin if they transfer into the same groups with paternal kin in their age
cohorts, or into the same groups that older maternal or paternal kin have previously joined.
Related males that disperse together sometimes form cooperative alliances against other
males, even if the fitness benefits of doing so are indirect. Coalitions between related male
red howler monkeys (Alouatta seniculus) are more successful in defending groups of females
than single males or coalitions among unrelated males, even though genetic data have
shown that often only one of the males sires the infants in their group (Pope 1990). Equally
high levels of reproductive skew occur when pairs of related male moustached tamarins
(Saguinus mystax) cooperate in defending a single breeding female and caring for her off-
spring in their group (Huck et al. 2005).
The reproductive monopolies that the dominant male in multimale groups of red howler
monkeys and moustached tamarins are known to achieve illustrate how misleading it can be
to assume that mating systems are accurately reflected by the number of adults in a group.
Both males and females in pair-bonded societies have been observed to engage in extra-pair
copulations, and genetic studies of fork-marked lemurs (Phaner furcifer) have shown that
not all of the infants are sired by their mother’s so-called mate (Shülke et al. 2004). In
multimale groups of western lowland gorillas, paternity is biased heavily, but not entirely, in
favor of alpha silverback males (Bradley et al. 2005). In the matrilineal, multimale societies
of yellow baboons (Papio cynocephalus), paternity can be strongly skewed in favor of some,
primate behavior, social flexibility, and conservation  307

but not all, alpha males, depending on the length of time an alpha male can retain his status
and how stable or unstable male group membership is during these times (Altmann et al.
1996). Demographic conditions affect the number of male challengers, and male competi-
tive abilities vary individually and as their physical and social skills change with age.
A male’s physical condition and social skills affect not only his relationships with other
males but also his attractiveness to females as mates. Male olive baboons (Papio anubis) that
invest time and energy in befriending females can improve their chances of being chosen as
preferred mating partners (Smuts 1985). In many other primates, a male’s ability to provide
protection extends beyond females and can make the difference between saving and losing
an infant to infanticide before it is weaned. The risks of infanticide are predicted to be high
whenever a male without any genetic relationship to an infant can increase his chances of
fertilizing the mother by interrupting lactation and its inhibitory effect on ovulation (Hrdy
1977). These conditions are ripe when a new, unrelated male takes over an established group
with females that are nursing infants sired by his predecessor. In some species, such as moun-
tain gorillas, female groups may disintegrate when a silverback dies or is ousted by a maraud-
ing male, but in others, such as Hanuman langurs (Semnopithecus entellus), females may mate
and conceive their next infant with the same male whose aggression led to her previous
infant’s death but who is more likely to protect than to harm his own progeny (Borries et al.
1999). Nonetheless, high rates of male replacements can result in fewer surviving offspring,
affecting both female fitness and, potentially, group sizes, as simulations in white-faced capu-
chin monkeys (Cebus imitator) have shown (Fedigan et al. 2021).
Females can reduce the risks of losing their infants to male aggression by confusing males
about their potential paternity (Hrdy 1981). Mating with multiple males is not always an
option if only one male is present, nor is it always advantageous, especially if male qualities vary
and the costs of conceiving with a less preferred male are high. However, when multiple males
are available and conception probabilities are low, then the protection that promiscuity can
provide for her infant should, theoretically, offset other risks. Although we do not yet know
whether male primates can recognize their own offspring, or what cues they rely on to do so,
male yellow baboons have been found to support their juvenile offspring over non-offspring
in agonistic interactions, and appear to bias their support based on the frequencies with which
they mated with the infant’s mother during her most fertile times (Buchan et al. 2003).
It is easier to assess conception probabilities in some primates than others. In baboons
and chimpanzees, for example, females have patches of skin on their rumps that visually
inflate and deflate in response to hormonal fluctuations associated with their ovarian cycles.
In most primates, however, males must rely on pheromonal or behavioral cues to assess a
female’s reproductive condition. Although females cannot manipulate the pheromonal sig-
nals they emit any more than they can control their sexual swellings, they can – and do –
alter their behavior to encourage or discourage the attentions of males. A number of field
studies, conducted by measuring hormone levels in urine or more commonly fecal samples
collected noninvasively from females in the wild, have shown that many female primates
mate with different partners at times in their cycles when the chances of conception are low.
The decoupling of sex from reproduction per se was long thought to be one of the hall-
marks of human relationships, yet we now know that sex can serve important social functions
in other primates as well. In bonobos, for example, relatedness among philopatric males
should reduce the risks of male infanticide and therefore minimize the benefits of promis-
cuous mating that confuse paternity in primates where males pose threats to unrelated
females and infants. Instead, the high frequencies and contexts with which female bonobos
engage in sexual interactions with both males and one another suggest that sex may function
to ease social tensions in their societies (Clay and de Waal 2015).
308  karen b. strier
Future Challenges

The growth of primate field studies over the last half a century has brought new insights
into the diversity of primate social patterns from which our own sociality evolved (Strier
2018). The initial emphases on ecological and phylogenetic determinants of behavior have
been refined as new empirical data have been incorporated into theories of behavioral evo-
lution. Contemporary approaches to primate sociality are increasingly sensitive to the
effects of local demographic conditions (Struhsaker 2008) and are attentive to the under-
lying hormonal and physiological mechanisms and developmental processes that regulate
behavior (Thierry 2008). Although the focus of most behavioral studies continues to be
on individuals and their interactions within groups and communities, there is increasing
greater recognition that primate groups and communities are situated within populations
whose dynamics and histories should not be ignored (Henzi and Barrett 2005; Strier
2009). These histories, along with contemporary conservation concerns, have also stimu-
lated closer scrutiny of the effects of past and ongoing anthropogenic activities and inter-
actions with primates on local primate populations and their communities (Dore et al.
2017; McLennan et al. 2017).
Expanding our comparative analyses to include populations represents a significant
departure from past conventions that focused on identifying normative, species-specific pat-
terns. It is also an important next step in the process of interpreting intraspecific variation
relative to the interspecific variation upon which anthropological interest in primates was
initially based. For example, comparisons of different populations of chimpanzees have
revealed a combination of consistent social patterns, such as male philopatry, and differ-
ences, which include the associations between males and females and the levels of aggres-
sion exhibited between communities (Boesch et al. 2008). Our ability to distinguish
phylogenetically conservative behavior patterns from more labile ones requires these types
of within-species comparisons as much as it requires between-species comparisons.
Populations are also of critical importance to assessing the conservation status of
endangered species. We know that large, continuous populations are less vulnerable to
extinction because their size buffers them from demographic fluctuations, including high
mortality caused by unpredictable events, such as epidemics, droughts, or devastating
storms, and from the genetic risks that arise from the loss of alleles due to genetic drift and
inbreeding depression in small, isolated populations. Human activities, such as habitat
fragmentation, hunting, logging, and other forms of disturbances, are often a result of
global consumerism (Estrada et al. 2019), yet they negatively impact the size, composition,
and connectivity of primate populations, and thus their demographic and genetic struc-
tures, at local scales. When these populations become too small and isolated from one
another, their long-term viabilities are severely compromised. Even primates inhabiting the
most remote, undisturbed areas are not immune from the effects of global climate change,
which are predicted to transform many habitats that are currently suitable for primates into
ones that can no longer support them (Stewart et al. 2020).
Conservation efforts to protect primates and their habitats can produce promising results
if they are implemented in time. Some of the most compelling success stories have involved
primatologists, who have used their discoveries about the behavior of primates to attract
attention to the conservation cause. Results have included the establishment of the
Ranomafana National Park in Madagascar, which is now a sanctuary for at least 12 species
of lemurs in addition to other endangered wildlife (Wright 1992), and the reintroduction
of captive-bred golden lion tamarins (Leontopithecus rosalia) into what remains of their
native habitat in southeastern Brazil (Kleiman and Rylands 2002; Ruiz-Miranda et al.
primate behavior, social flexibility, and conservation  309

2019). In another protected fragment of Brazil’s Atlantic Forest, one population of

northern muriquis grew from about 50 individuals to over 350 individuals in less than
35 years (Strier 2021b), in large part thanks to the commitment to conservation made by
the owners of the forest.
The muriquis’ population recovery has been fascinating to follow because it has given us
glimpses into which of their behavior patterns are most susceptible to change. In addition
to adopting fluid, fission–fusion dynamics, they also began to spend increasing amounts of
their time on the ground. We presumed that the expansion of their vertical niche was ini-
tially driven by demographic pressures and ultimately became established as a new behavioral
tradition, which has spread among the male-biased social networks in their patrilocal society
(Tabacow et al. 2009). Yet, perhaps because they still have ecological options, the unusual
affiliative, peaceful egalitarian relationships among group members have not yet shown any
signs of change (Strier 2021b).
While such an extreme type of social transformation may seem implausible, this is exactly
what happened, although in the opposite direction, in one troop of olive baboons at the
Masai Mara Reserve in Kenya after all of the troop’s most aggressive male members died
from disease (Sapolsky and Share 2004). The surviving males in the troop were among the
most pacifistic and their interactions with one another and with females became measurably
more affiliative once the composition of their group had changed.
The effects of local demographic and ecological events on social patterns may have even
more significant consequences in small, isolated populations because they lack access to
immigrants that can import their own behavior along with their genes. For example, while
the peaceful tradition that has become established in the baboon troop could potentially be
reversed by the immigration of more aggressive males from other troops in their population,
any future shift in the muriquis’ breeding sex ratios will be entirely dependent on the
number of males and females that are born and survive within the borders of the forest that
supports their isolated population (Figure 18.2).

Figure 18.2 Adult male northern muriquis (Brachyteles hypoxanthus) at the Reserva Particular
­Patrimônio Natural Feliciano Miguel Abdala, in Caratinga, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Low rates of in-
tra-group aggression and strong affiliative associations among philopatric males characterize social
­relationships in their egalitarian society. Photo by Carla B. Possamai/Muriqui Project of Caratinga,
All rights reserved©.
310  karen b. strier
As populations of other primates become more fragmented and their habitats become
increasingly altered, opportunities to identify the underlying causes of their behavioral differ-
ences will become even more numerous than they are today. Longitudinal studies can provide
historical perspectives on the processes that lead to behavioral changes over time, and there-
fore contribute, along with comparative studies of multiple populations, to a better under-
standing of behavioral plasticity and intraspecific variation in behavior. Nonetheless, although
flexible behavior patterns may permit primates to occupy disturbed, fragmented habitats,
they are still highly vulnerable to regional threats, such as the outbreak of sylvatic yellow fever
that caused severe mortality in many populations of brown howler monkeys (Alouatta guar-
iba; Bicca-Marques et al. 2020) as well as in recovering populations of other primates
including the golden lion tamarins and northern muriquis (Dietz et al. 2019; Strier et al.
2019). Even greater uncertainties can be anticipated as primates are impacted by the effects
of climate change on both local and global scales (Meyer and Pie 2021; Zhang et al. 2019).
The integration of comparative knowledge of intraspecific and interspecific variations in
primate social patterns is essential to evaluating conservation priorities and developing
informed management programs for the most threatened populations and species. However,
we also now recognize that our conservation efforts are unlikely to succeed unless we can
also address the underlying threats to primate survival that we humans continue to pose.
Insights from anthropology, which have been critical to advances in ethnoprimatology, are
increasingly relevant for understanding and addressing the human dimensions of primate
conservation (Dore et al. 2017; Riley 2020; Strier 2014). These insights have also contrib-
uted to heightened concern and attention to the ethical impacts on both the primates we
study and seek to conserve and the human communities that are affected by these efforts
(Bezanson and McNamara 2019; Bezanson et al. 2013; Riley and Bezanson 2018).
Ultimately, the potential for future generations of primatologists to answer questions about
human social evolution will be dependent on securing a future for the primates and the
clues about our shared ancestry that they hold.


I am grateful to Clark Larsen for the invitation to contribute to this volume. I also thank
Jon Marks for comments on the first edition of this chapter, and Jon and Michelle Bezanson
for their comments on the present edition.


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CHAPTER 19 Behavioral Ecology:
Background and
Illustrative Example

James F. O’Connell and

Kristen Hawkes

Behavioral ecology (BE), also called evolutionary ecology, is a field of study based on the idea
that a continuous process of natural selection among individual variants explains both the
diversity of living things and their adaptive intricacy. Here we provide background on the
overall enterprise and then review its treatment of one of the most fundamental problems
in human evolution, the development of a distinctive pattern of life history, one that struc-
tures all aspects of our behavior from the Early Pleistocene onward.


Behavioral ecologists are concerned with phenotypes, the observable characteristics of indi-
viduals that result from the interaction of their genotypes with their developmental and
socioecological environments. This strategy has been called the phenotypic gambit. While
population genetics necessarily underlies BE, the genetics of most observed phenotypic var-
iations remain poorly known. Behavioral ecologists assume that whatever the molecular
pathways, a history of natural selection on small heritable variations has designed individ-
uals’ morphology, physiology, and behavior to serve their contribution to descendent gene
pools, i.e., their inclusive fitness (Grafen 1991).
Recognizing that the world is infinitely complex, most behavioral ecologists focus on just
a few aspects of phenotypic variation at a time. The usual process is to build simple models
that identify a likely fitness-related goal, the decision variable associated with achieving it,
the tradeoffs connected with the decision variable, the currencies in which those tradeoffs
are measured, and the constraints that limit the actor’s response, thus generating contin-
gent hypotheses that can be assessed empirically. The models themselves are tautologies,
always true by definition; it is hypotheses drawn from them that are tested. At risk in any

A Companion to Biological Anthropology, Second Edition. Edited by Clark Spencer Larsen.

© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
behavioral ecology: background and illustrative example  315

analysis are situationally specific propositions, not only about the fitness-related behavioral
goal but also about currencies, tradeoffs, and constraints. When observations are inconsis-
tent with hypotheses, the latter must be reassessed.
Fitness-related goals and tradeoffs have been seen by some as proxies for actual fitness, but
behavioral ecologists usually seek to explain more immediate fitness-related goals and trad-
eoffs in phenotypic variants. Actual fitness itself, the relative representation of variants in future
generations, is always subject to chance and ever-changing circumstances. As emphasized in
George Williams’ (1966) Adaptation and Natural Selection, the useful focus in behavioral
ecology is on design for fitness because that results from a history of selection in the past.
Explanations for variation can take several forms. Following Niko Tinbergen (1963),
behavioral ecologists identify four. Full explanation for any observed variation would
require attention to all of them but they are not competing alternatives. Each entails differ-
ent research agendas, different lines of evidence, and – especially important – answers to
one are not answers to the others. Proximate explanations focus on the immediate triggers
and machinery for an individual’s tendency and capacity to do certain things in certain con-
texts. Ontogenetic explanations pertain to the development of those capacities and ten-
dencies as individuals mature and experience their socioecologies. Phylogenetic explanations
seek the deeper evolutionary genealogy of capacities and tendencies of interest: when in
evolutionary history they emerged to persist and be shared among descendants of their
common ancestors. Tinbergen called a fourth category survival explanations. These are
concerned with the fitness effects of behavioral variation, appealing explicitly to natural
selection: why those tendencies and capacities resulted in more descendants and so shifted
descendant populations from the ancestral condition. These explanations are typically
framed in terms of the model form outlined above, identifying likely fitness-related goals
and tradeoffs, which then provide a series of contingent hypotheses amenable to test. BE
explanations for phenotypic variation in physiology, morphology, and behavior are
functional or adaptive in this sense. While fitness-related considerations are the primary
focus in these analyses, phylogenetic, ontogenetic, and even proximate factors may some-
times be relevant for identifying constraints and the fitness-related costs and benefits of
available alternatives.
Behavioral ecology emerged as a self-identified field of study beginning in the 1960s
(Parker 2006). Comprehensive reviews of its form and development have been provided in
several volumes edited by John Krebs and Nicholas Davies entitled Behavioural Ecology: An
Evolutionary Approach (1978, 1984, 1991, 1997), which comprise chapters by specialists;
and who also wrote a widely used student text, An Introduction to Behavioural Ecology
(first edition by Krebs and Davies 1981 and fourth edition co-authored with Stuart West:
Davies et al. 2012).
Applications in the study of human behavior began early in the development of the field
(e.g., Chagnon and Irons 1979; Wilmsen 1973). Colleagues have distinguished a human
behavioral ecology (e.g., Borgerhoff Mulder 1991; Cronk et al. 2000; Hames 2014; Nettle
et al. 2013; Smith and Winterhalder 1992; Winterhalder and Smith 2000), with topical
coverage now including resource choice, competition, ownership, parental effort, sexual
selection, cooperation, sharing, collective action, and life history. Archaeological applica-
tions have focused on subsistence, technology, habitat modification, colonization processes,
demography, agricultural origins, hereditary inequality, and material signaling of social
identity (Bird and O’Connell 2006). Paleoanthropological treatments remain limited but
are promising (see below).
316  james f. o’connell and kristen hawkes
Review of all this work or even a significant part of it is well beyond this chapter. Instead,
we identify a broad problem in human evolutionary history, show how we and others have
attacked it from a BE perspective, and indicate how it might be further pursued going for-
ward. The goal is to illustrate the scale of approach possible as well as the benefits for situ-
ating the exercise in evolutionary/behavioral ecology rather than a narrower human
behavioral ecology.

Evolution of Human Life History

We use the definition of life history employed in evolutionary/behavioral ecology: age-

specific fertility and age-specific mortality across the lifespan. Those features are evident in
population age structures. The problem can be framed by a selective summary of differ-
ences between our closest living relatives, members of genus Pan – best studied in chimpan-
zees (Pan troglodytes) (Muller et al. 2017) – and human hunter–gatherers, especially the
Tanzanian Hadza (Blurton Jones 2016; Marlowe 2010) who occupy the closest modern
analog for ecologies in which genus Homo evolved.
Chimpanzees live in communities that may include more than 100 members but are
encountered in much smaller parties varying in age/sex composition. Infants begin to pick
food for themselves while they are carried along by their still-nursing mothers and become
independent feeders at four to five years. While diets are broadly similar between the sexes,
adult males also hunt and consume small animals. Sexual maturity is about age 12 when
females usually leave their natal community. While females solicit copulations with multiple
mates, males aggressively coerce female preferences (van Schaik and Janson 2000).
Adolescent males gain paternities on just-maturing females as adult males prefer older
mates, the highest ranked male monopolizing access to older females when conception is
most likely (Muller et al. 2020). Lifespans seldom exceed 45 years. Aging faster than
humans, females usually die before menopause.
Most living hunter–gatherers are also part of larger communities, usually numbering sev-
eral hundred members, but are typically encountered in smaller, often changing, coresident
clusters commonly numbering 25–50 individuals of mixed ages and sexes (Kelly 2013).
Like chimpanzees, these break into smaller parties throughout the day. Unlike chimpan-
zees, nuclear families – one adult male and female and their children – are core components
of residential clusters and are often identified as units of common economic and reproduc-
tive interest. Food acquisition among adults is structured by gender, females generally tar-
geting plants and small game, males pursuing larger prey (Bliege Bird et al. 2009). Products
of men’s hunting are shared widely within local groups; those of women’s foraging much
less so. Juveniles are weaned at ages 2–4 years, well before they reach nutritional
independence. Though they may contribute part of their own nutritional needs as early as
age five, they are routinely provisioned by adults, including but not limited to close kin.
Even as adults, people do not acquire all they eat or eat all they acquire. Females bear their
first offspring at about age 18, with age-specific fertility declining to zero before 50 (Blurton
Jones 2016; Hill and Hurtado 1996; Howell 1979). First offspring is later in males and
some men win paternities well into their sixties. Though life expectancy at birth in the best-
known populations averages less than 40 years, lifespans are much longer than in chimpan-
zees. In these same hunter–gatherer populations, those reaching age 45 enjoy on average
an additional 20 years of life. As in all other human populations, child-bearing ends by
about 45 but women remain physically active well past that threshold.
behavioral ecology: background and illustrative example  317

It is commonly assumed that the modern chimpanzee pattern represents something close
to the ancestral hominin condition, prevalent before chimpanzee and modern human line-
ages diverged about 5–8 million years ago (5–8 Ma) and persisting in descendant hominins
until the evolution of genus Homo 2–3 Ma. It is further assumed that at least some elements
of the human pattern, notably later maturity, longer lifespans, and nuclear family social
organization began to develop about two million years ago, prompted by long-term
increases in aridity and seasonality in African hominin homelands (Antón et al. 2014). The
question is how to account for the emergence of that pattern. The argument most widely
favored, called the hunting hypothesis, holds that changes in climate and environment
restricted tropical forests and fostered the spread of savannas, increasing the abundance of
prey not previously taken by hominins, notably large ungulates (Washburn and Lancaster
1968). A sexual division of labor developed as ancestral males hunted newly available large
animal prey and brought them to a home base to share with mates and offspring in exchange
for relatively exclusive sexual access. Provisioning enabled mothers to raise more offspring;
hunting favored larger brains and delayed maturity for more learning and practice of skills
that benefited from improved cognitive capabilities. Nuclear families were a product of
these developments. Archaeological evidence of access to large ungulates through some
combination of hunting and aggressive scavenging, roughly coincident with the emergence
of large-bodied, large-brained Homo, is seen to offer strong support for the overall hypo-
thesis (Isaac 1978). Versions of this argument have been the predominant model of early
human evolution for the last six decades (Alger et al. 2020; Hill 1982; Kaplan et al. 2000;
Washburn and Lancaster 1968).
Behavioral ecologists have critiqued these ideas along several lines, drawing on aspects of
hunter–gatherer ethnography, life history theory, and related formal modeling, as well as
the integration of the results with hominin fossil and archaeological evidence. Five lines of
evidence and argument are salient.

Food Choice

Formal models collectively called optimal foraging theory (prey and patch choice, marginal
value) are central here. Models most widely cited are deterministic, ignoring variance and
assuming that a forager’s fitness-related goal is to maximize the average rate of nutrient
acquisition, although risk-sensitive foraging models have also been useful (Stephens and
Krebs 1986). Analysts employing the classic models hypothesize that hunter–gatherers
choose among foraging sites and potential prey to meet that mean rate maximizing goal.
Charnov’s (1976) version of the basic prey or optimal diet model is the one most fre-
quently employed in anthropology. It makes the simplifying assumption that foragers
encounter potential prey of various types at random in an otherwise undifferentiated envi-
ronment. Prey are ranked by average rate of energy gain during the time required to pursue,
collect, and process them for consumption. At each encounter with a food item, foragers
decide whether to handle it or continue to search for one of higher rank, a decision based
on their familiarity with the environment and assessment of those options. Declines in
encounter rates for high-ranked prey prompt the forager to handle a broader range of
resources, adding them to the diet in order by rank to the point that returns from handling
the next lowest ranked item fall below those expected from continuing to search for and
handle higher ranked ones. Changes in encounter rates may result from shifts in the inten-
sity of forager predation or environmental variation independent of forager action. Among
318  james f. o’connell and kristen hawkes
the potentially counter-intuitive implications are: (1) prey choice depends on the encounter
rates for higher ranked prey and is independent of the abundance of lower ranked items;
(2) investments in search efficiency are advantageous when diets are narrow, those in
handling technology when diets are broad – as more different types of resources are added
to the diet, more time is spent handling, raising payoffs for handling efficiency and techno-
logical diversification (Hawkes and O’Connell 1992)
Ethnographic research has shown that foraging women are concerned with their daily
production; sensitive to hungry children, they tend to target resources for which success is
reliable (Hawkes 1991, 1992). Children’s size and strength affect their foraging capacities:
they take resources that adults usually pass by because their slower walking speeds reduce
their encounter rates with high-ranked prey (Bird and Bliege Bird 2002). Mothers some-
times take advantage of their children’s abilities by choosing resources that provide team
returns greater than those they could earn by maximizing their own personal return rates
(Blurton Jones et al. 1994; Hawkes et al. 1995).
Men’s choices often do not fit this pattern. Data from the Hadza are especially relevant
here. During an 11-month observation period (September 1985 to July 1986), Hadza men
devoted 20-fold more time to the pursuit of large game (adult weights >40 kg) rather than
small, even though their success rates for the former average one animal acquired every 30
hunter-days versus two of every three hunter-days for the latter (Hawkes et al. 1991). The
average body size of their large prey – 5 to >100 times greater than the small ones – meant
that far more meat was acquired on average annually because of the hunters’ big game
emphasis. However, their sporadic success rate meant that meat from big game was often
unavailable to their families and other co-resident group members for days, occasionally
weeks at a time. This counters a key element of the hunting hypothesis that men’s focus on
large animal prey is an effective day-to-day provisioning strategy. Moreover, most of the
meat from a hunter’s kill went to consumers other than his own family while that eaten by
his own household often came from kills made by other hunters, a further challenge to the
idea that this focus represents an effective form of paternal provisioning (Hawkes et al.
2001a, 2001b; cf. Hawkes et al. 2014; Wood and Marlowe 2014).
The wide sharing of big animal carcasses can be explained by Nicholas Blurton Jones’s
(1987) behavioral ecology defendability model of tolerated theft. The model identifies the
difference in utility that the same share will have to different individuals depending on how
much they have already claimed. Once any claimants have some, the next shares are worth
less to them than to those without. Costs of not allowing other members of the local group
to claim shares of large-package, divisible resources they value more would be more than
they are worth.
As Blurton Jones noted, widespread observations of sharing are commonly seen as risk
reduction for the group or as a form of reciprocal exchange among individuals – “I give to
you now when I’m successful so you will repay me later when fortunes are reversed.” Hadza
data show that even with wide sharing, the risk of having no meat remains substantial.
Children must eat nearly every day to thrive, yet the 1985–1986 data show that even with
as many as 8–10 active hunters in a camp enjoying frequent but generally unsuccessful
encounters with big game, “no meat” periods of a week or more were not uncommon. The
exchange hypothesis is also countered by Hadza data and other hunter–gatherer sharing
data sets as well (Hawkes et al. 2001a; Kaplan and Hill 1985), showing that shares go to
consumers regardless of whether they have given to the successful hunter in the past or are
likely to do so in the future. Moreover, hunters who are more successful spend more time
hunting, continuing to supply more that will be claimed by others.
behavioral ecology: background and illustrative example  319

This begs the obvious question: why did Hadza men devote so much time to big game
hunting to the near-complete exclusion of many other foraging opportunities? If we assume
a hunter’s fitness-related goal is to feed his own household, then the choice between largely
ignoring small animals and focusing on big ones takes the form familiarly known in game
theory as the prisoner’s dilemma (Hawkes 1992, 1993; Hawkes et al. 1991). There is more
overall when more hunters target big game, but a hunter does better for his family to take
smaller prey he could keep exclusively for them. Since shares of big game are claimed by all,
those carcasses are like public goods, engaging long-recognized problems of collective
action (Olson 1965). A hunter prioritizing food for his own household does better by
spending his limited time on things he can keep for them alone while they also consume
public goods supplied by others.

Life History

Recall those aspects of female reproduction that together distinguish humans, not just from
chimpanzees and other primates but from all other mammals: long post-menopausal lifespans,
weaning well before offspring are nutritionally independent, and stacking juvenile dependents.
It is generally recognized that food provided by others covers the nutritional shortfall of those
still-dependent juveniles, a practice now often called cooperative breeding (Hrdy 2009). As
indicated, mid-1980s observations among the Hadza show that men’s big game hunting does
not meet this provisioning need in the modern environments most like those in which the
early stages of human evolution unfolded. The absence in earlier times of the powerful bow
and arrow technology used by the Hadza probably made meeting this goal even more unlikely.
Parallel observations further suggest that the critical provisioning role is filled by grand-
mothers. Post-menopausal Hadza women are active, effective foragers into their seventies
(Hawkes et al. 1989). They acquire high-value plant foods at daily low-variance rates equal
to those achieved by childbearing-age women but with higher overall production because
they spend more time at it. Their effect on grandchildren’s nutritional welfare is evident:
those children’s weight gains correlate with mother’s time spent foraging, except when
mother has a newborn and her foraging effort is reduced. At those times, children’s weight
gains correlate with their grandmother’s foraging effort (Hawkes et al. 1997). Older Hadza
women’s residence locations show them choosing to go where their productivity contrib-
utes most to dependent grandchildren; demographic analysis shows the substantial effects
that living grandmothers have on children’s survival (Blurton Jones 2016). All this directs
analytic attention to multi-generational sets of closely related, interdependent women. This
is a common pattern not just among hunter–gatherers but in a wide range of historical and
modern societies (Sear 2016).
The economic productivity of foraging women past their childbearing years plus the fact
that post-menopausal lifespans are ubiquitous features of living human populations makes
explaining our longevity an important issue. Why did it evolve? While female fertility ends
about the same age in humans and great apes, great apes age faster than humans and usually
die while still cycling. Post-menopausal lifespans are not a consequence of public health
institutions and modern medicine. In the demographically best-studied hunter–gatherer
societies, all remote from those advantages, life expectancy at birth falls well below 40 years
due to the short lives of many babies and children. However, girls who reach adulthood are
much more likely than not to outlive their fertility.
Charnov’s (1991, 1993; Charnov and Berrigan 1993) mammalian life history model
provides a framework for addressing the question of why human longevity evolved. The
320  james f. o’connell and kristen hawkes
model identifies adult mortality as the main determinant of other aspects of life history.
Broadly speaking, when adult mortality is lower, selection favors variants that delay maturity
to gain the benefits of growing longer to reach a larger adult size with greater productive
capacity. However, that delay risks dying before reproducing. The greater that risk, the
more selection favors variants for beginning fertility earlier, at a smaller body size. Charnov
built his model informed by accumulating life history data across the class Mammalia,
showing that lower adult mortality and later age at first offspring are correlated with each
other as well as with lower rates of baby production. In taxa that mature later, mothers
invest more in a singleton or litter before bearing the next one. Humans conform to this
pattern of greater longevity paired with later maturity. Adult lifespans are longer and age at
first birth later in humans than in great apes. But unlike them and other primates, as well as
most other mammals, human females have a distinctive post-fertile life stage. Also, unlike
them, later first birth in humans is not paired with longer birth intervals. Human intervals
are shorter and weaning earlier compared to our great ape cousins.
The grandmother hypothesis (Hawkes and Coxworth 2013; Hawkes et al. 1998) suggests
a possible explanation. Imagine an environmental change that spread habitats which favored
resources that could give reliably high returns to adult foragers but not to infants and juve-
niles too small to exploit them. Mothers that committed to those habitats would have to
provision their dependent offspring. That would lengthen their birth intervals and reduce
their fertility. However, older females nearing the end of their own fertility would still be
earning high reliable returns. Not bearing new offspring, their productivity could subsidize
dependent grandchildren. Reliable subsidies would make selection favor mothers investing
less in each offspring themselves and moving to next pregnancy sooner. More vigorous
older females subsidizing more grandchildren would leave more descendants. Slower aging
and greater peri- and post-menopausal vigor would spread in succeeding generations.
Limitations on habitat choice imposed by youngsters’ foraging capabilities would be
relaxed, opening access to habitats previously unavailable to ancestral populations.
Roots, tubers, and corms (collectively geophytes) are among the resources this scenario
suggests may have been exploited more intensively across this transition. Their abundance
and distribution were favored in the highly seasonal arid and semi-arid settings that became
more common over the last several million years. Many of them store water and carbohy-
drates that allow their persistence through periods of seasonal stress. This makes them
potentially attractive to a wide range of consumers. A history of selection has given geo-
phytes tactics to defend themselves, including living well below the ground surface, having
a high fiber content, and accumulating chemical compounds that make them difficult to
digest, in some cases even poisoning potential consumers. These qualities discourage many
of those consumers, including great apes and human juveniles, but are readily circumvented
with simple technologies, including sturdy digging sticks and cooking. Many taxa, even
those that are heavily defended, are exploited by human foragers worldwide at rates high
enough to support both the collector and 1–2 others. In the Hadza case, geophytes are key
to mothers’ and grandmothers’ provisioning efforts year-round, especially during resource-
poor dry seasons (Crittenden 2009; Hawkes et al. 1997).

Mammalian Brain Scaling and Infant Development

The proposal that grandmothers’ foraging productivity drove the evolution of human lon-
gevity and with it longer developmental duration and shorter birth intervals has other con-
sequences implied by regularities across the mammals and by comparative studies of primate
behavioral ecology: background and illustrative example  321

infants. Barbara Finlay and colleagues (e.g., Finlay and Uchiyama 2017) have found aston-
ishing regularity in the sequence of neuro-developmental events across the wide mamma-
lian range of variation in brain size. Final brain size depends on the duration of development:
when that lengthens, brains expand. Components that finish developing later are larger
fractions of that final size. With adult mortality setting the duration of development in
Charnov’s mammal model, the size and scaling regularities in mammalian neural ontogeny
exposed by Finlay and colleagues are the foundation for seeing shifts in ancestral hominin
brain size as markers of changes in longevity.
If the evolution of human longevity was propelled by grandmother effects, then as lon-
gevity and the duration of development increased and brain size expanded, mothers were
shortening birth intervals. Shorter intervals were part of a shift in our evolution away from
the independent mothering of other great apes. Sarah Hrdy (2009) has highlighted the
survival challenges that shift posed for ancestral infants. While great ape infants are already
feeding themselves and become fully independent at it before their mothers bear the next
offspring, ancestral infants in our lineage found their mothers’ attention elsewhere while
they were still entirely dependent on adults for survival. Other ape babies need not actively
attract attention and engagement since they have their mother’s full commitment. If ances-
tral infants in our radiation faced these novel survival challenges with brains that were
maturing more slowly, then strong cumulative selection for the distinctive social precocious-
ness so evident in otherwise helpless human babies came along with the evolution of our
grandmothering life history (Hawkes 2020).

Modeling Outcomes

An obvious question is whether the evolutionary scenario outlined above is realistic; that is,
whether the proposed provisioning model could lead to the transition from a chimpanzee-
like life history that might approximate the ancestral hominin pattern to the one characteristic
of modern humans. Charnov’s mammal model aimed to explain the evolution of female life
histories. Quantitative modeling exercises building on it have assumed the allometries he
identified and used them to explore the sufficiency of grandmother effects to derive human-
like longevity from a great ape-like ancestral condition. These exercises have entailed several
mathematical forms and stipulations about key variables, including mortality, conception,
and mutation rates, and have shown that it can (Chan et al. 2017; Kim et al. 2012, 2019).
Among the more important findings are that: (1) the addition of grandmothers’ subsidies
for dependents can extend longevity under a wide range of circumstances, (2) grandmother
effects both increase longevity and also maintain the end of female fertility before 50 years
when both are allowed to vary, and (3) depending on mutation rates that affect longevity,
the transition from a great ape-like to a modern human-like life history may be complete
from within tens of thousands of years to more than a million.
Note that these are two-sex models, opening the door to the sexual conflict and sexual
selection that behavioral ecologists expect in sexually reproducing organisms. Across the
mammals, females develop a finite set of oocytes very early in life, then lose them continu-
ously. Mammalian males, on the other hand, continue to produce sperm throughout adult-
hood. Consequently, as aging slows and the fraction of post-menopausal females expands
with grandmothering, the fraction of older, still-fertile males grows as well. That shifts the
sex ratio in the fertile ages from a female bias that is typical of mammals including chimpan-
zees to a male bias. Across well-studied hunter–gatherer populations, pair bonds are shorter
where paternity opportunities are greater (Blurton Jones et al. 2000). Formal modeling and
322  james f. o’connell and kristen hawkes
observations among a wide array of species show that when mating sex ratios are female-
biased males gain more descendants by competing for each available paternity, but when the
mating pool is male-biased, the increased competition favors mate guarding (Coxworth
et al. 2015). Male strategies that claim and guard a mate usually win more paternities
(Loo et al. 2017). Pair-bonded nuclear families typical of humans are an outcome.

Application to the Paleoanthropological Record

This requires evidence of changes in (1) hominin life history, (2) climate and environment
of the sort flagged as essential elements of the grandmother hypothesis, and (3) hominin
subsistence indicating the use of resources that younger juveniles cannot take for them-
selves but that adults can gather reliably at relatively high rates.
Brain sizes in the earliest known hominins, Ardipithecus ramidus (4.4–4.2 Ma),
Australopithecus anamensis (4.2–3.8 Ma), and Au. afarensis (3.9–2.9 Ma), overlap those of
modern chimpanzees: 300–500 cc. versus 300–450 cc. for the latter (Cofran 2018; Du et
al. 2018; Haile-Selassie et al. 2019), implying similar adult life expectancies for all four. The
earliest available brain size values for Australopithecus-derived Homo, 2.1–1.8 Ma, are nearly
all in the 600–800 cc. range, indicating an increase in longevity in this lineage by this time.
Data on early human age at maturity and weaning age are patchier but so far consistent with
the grandmother variant of Charnov’s model: maturity delayed relative to the chimpanzee
pattern by 1.8 Ma (Dean 2016) and weaning age reduced by 2.0 Ma (Tacial et al. 2019).
Although fully modern human life histories are not indicated, these data imply that the shift
toward the human pattern had begun by 2.1–1.8 Ma, coincident with the earliest evidence
for H. erectus, the first clear-cut representative of genus Homo. Significant from the perspec-
tive of the Charnov model, H. erectus is also estimated to have been 20–50 percent heavier
than its Late Pliocene and Early Pleistocene antecedents (Ruff et al. 2018). How much
earlier the transition began is unclear: a date just before 2.1 Ma is possible and so is one of
up to 2.8 Ma, the earliest age assigned to pre-erectus Homo based on (contested) mandib-
ular data (Villmoare et al. 2015; cf. Hawks et al. 2015). New data on human brain sizes
>2.1 Ma should help resolve this issue.
Over the past several million years, major changes in climate have been driven by shifts in
Earth’s orbital geometry. Knowledge of the timing of these shifts paired with geological
and biological proxies for climate change point to multimillennial periods of markedly high
aridity and seasonality every few hundred thousand years from 5.0 Ma onward (Potts and
Faith 2015). Those dated 2.7–2.5 Ma were especially dramatic and may have been the
trigger that promoted departure from the chimpanzee and earlier hominin life history
pattern. Why that transition should have occurred then rather than with earlier pulses in
aridity and seasonality, at least one similar in scale, requires explanation, but none is imme-
diately obvious. Nevertheless, the expected match between climate and life history change
may be indicated.
Tracking the use of plant foods in the past, particularly geophytes that juveniles cannot
take for themselves, is a difficult task, especially for the early Pleistocene. Recent develop-
ments in plant microfossil analysis may produce relevant data but have not yet done so
(Hather 2016).
Archaeological evidence for human consumption of large ungulates, central to the hunting
hypothesis, first appears in North and East Africa as early as 2.5 Ma (Pobiner 2020; Thompson
et al. 2019). It becomes markedly more abundant after 2.0 Ma, but whether this shows a real
change in early human diets is disputed: it may be a function of larger archaeological sample
behavioral ecology: background and illustrative example  323

sizes rather than an index of more meat consumption (Barr et al. 2022). Archaeological data
from 2.0 to 1.6 Ma show that early humans (probably H. erectus) acquired large animals in
complete or nearly complete condition at this time, mainly during dry seasons (Linares Matás
and Clark 2021; O’Connell et al. 1999, 2002). Whether earlier, non-erectus hominins could
have done the same is unclear. Archaeo-faunal data from 2.5 to 2.0 Ma may reflect infre-
quent passive scavenging of large ungulate kills made and abandoned in heavily ravaged
condition by those other predators. If so, the nutritional returns would have been minor
(Blumenschine 1987; O’Connell et al. 1988).
If the apparent 2.0–1.9 Ma threshold is real, then it implies a significant increase in big
game hunting and aggressive scavenging success after, possibly well after, the transition
toward human life histories began. This change in large carcass access might have been a
consequence of the life history shift but could not have been its cause. Even if it began in
earnest coincident with that shift, it still might not have been the determining factor. The
day-to-day unreliability of Hadza big game hunting in a modern setting like that in which the
initial life history change began indicates the need for caution in drawing that inference.
This brings us back to the question raised above: if big game hunting is as unreliable as
the 1985–1986 Hadza data indicate and most of the meat goes to non-family members,
why do men devote so much time to it, to the near-complete exclusion of attention to small
game they could take more consistently and keep for their own households? And why did
post-2.0 Ma Homo do something similar, as suggested by the large archaeo-faunal assem-
blages from Olduvai and other East African localities, when comparatively limited early
Pleistocene weaponry and the presence of a more diverse large carnivore guild (van
Valkenburgh 2001) would have made the practice even less reliable and more dangerous
than it is for the Hadza?
An argument for the Hadza appeals to sexual selection: successful hunters intermittently
provide large quantities of a highly valued, widely shared resource, making them favored
members of their communities, deserving of respect and deference (Hawkes 2004; Hawkes
and Bliege Bird 2002; Smith 2004). The fact that big game hunting and aggressive inter-
action with large carnivores are dangerous further enhances the appeal of successful hunters
as attractive allies and potentially formidable competitors. In short, men’s status competi-
tion is the game and large ungulate hunting and aggressive scavenging an especially impor-
tant venue in which to play it. Bonanzas that are widely consumed are a consequence, an
important collective good supplied by that competition. The private fitness benefit for
individual hunters, what Olson (1965) called a selective incentive, is credit for supplying
that collective good. The fitness-related benefit is not improved differential welfare of the
hunter’s own offspring but the advantage he gains in mating competition (Blurton Jones
2016; Loo et al. 2020). Preference for younger females accompanied the evolution of post-
menopausal longevity (Muller et al. 2020). Hunting reputations earn others’ deference to
the proprietary mate guarding that allows better hunters to claim and hold fertile wives
through more of their adulthood (Blurton Jones 2016).
The same rationale applies in the Early Pleistocene. Post-menopausal longevity changed
the fertile-age sex ratio from female- to male-biased, favoring a shift in male strategies from
multiple mating to mate guarding. With more males competing, proprietary claims
depended on others’ deference. A reputation for success in acquiring big game meat – a
highly valued, widely shared resource – earned that deference. By this reading of the evi-
dence, longer lifespans driven by peri- and post-menopausal women’s reliable foraging pro-
ductivity ultimately led to the formation of nuclear families. Increased attention to big
game hunting and scavenging was a product of that life history transition, not its cause
(Coxworth et al. 2015). Instead of paternal provisioning, big game hunting was favored in
324  james f. o’connell and kristen hawkes
ancestral populations as the socioecology of our evolution increased paternity competition,
making others’ deference to proprietary mating claims the effective way our male ancestors
left more descendants (Loo et al. 2020).


Evolutionary/behavioral ecology has become a well-established, productive framework for

explaining phenotypic variation including among humans. The example reviewed here illus-
trates its form and the gains available from taking advantage of its reach. In addressing one
of the most important problems in our own evolution, it draws on research in mammalian
life history and neural ontogeny, sexual selection and mating strategies, social and economic
behavior, quantitative modeling grounded in those fields, modern hunter–gatherer ethnog-
raphy and chimpanzee ethology, and the fossil and archaeological records of hominin mor-
phology and behavior from the late Pliocene onward. That broad reach exposes evolutionary
regularities in phenotypic variation not evident in a more narrowly defined human behavioral
In the process, it has yielded unexpected findings, among them: that one can develop
theoretically and empirically well-grounded expectations about patterning in features of life
history and brain development rather than simply relying on discovering them in an inevi-
tably incomplete fossil record; that contrary to conventional wisdom, brain size has not
necessarily been a direct focus of selection in the hominin line but more likely a product of
extended longevity; that post-menopausal women are critical players in the economics of
foraging societies and probably have been since the Early Pleistocene – this in contrast to
their invisible status in most hunter–gatherer ethnographies and nearly all models of human
evolution; that big game hunting is not necessarily the reliable family provisioning strategy
commonly assumed; that nuclear families are not the units of common economic and repro-
ductive interest that paleoanthropologists and others take for granted; and that their emer-
gence may have had more to do with the male mating competition aspect of sexual selection
than is generally recognized.
We expect this expansion in perspective driven by evolutionary/behavioral ecology to
continue – not just in reference to life history, neural development, and social appetites, but
to an ever-widening range of problems in human ecology and evolution.


Nicholas Blurton Jones and Eric Charnov, two anonymous reviewers and members of the
University of Utah Archaeological Center discussion group, offered useful comments.


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CHAPTER 20 Brain, Cognition, and
Behavior in Humans
and Other Primates

Elaine N. Miller and

Chet C. Sherwood

Section 1: Measurement of Brains

Absolute Brain Size, Encephalization, and Neocorticalization

Nonhuman primate brains can be as tiny as the 2-gram brain of mouse lemurs or as big as
the 500-gram brain of gorillas (Stephan et al. 1981). Because brain size is tightly linked to
body size, comparative neuroscientists often use methods to examine relative brain size, or
“encephalization.” Encephalization refers to how much larger a species’ brain size is relative
to what would be expected for their body size based on the typical brain–body relationship
for a comparative phylogenetic group (Jerison 1973). For example, primates are character-
ized by a high degree of encephalization compared to other mammals, meaning they have
relatively large brains for their body sizes. From the earliest stages of prenatal development,
a fetal primate has approximately twice the brain mass of a nonprimate fetus (Count 1947;
Halley 2016). Notably, the rate of fetal brain growth is similar between primates and other
mammals, indicating that primate fetal encephalization may be mostly attributed to a
relatively slower rate of early somatic growth, causing the developing body to be propor-
tionally small compared to the brain (Halley 2017; Sacher and Staffeldt 1974).
Three major grade shifts have occurred throughout primate evolution concerning relative
brain size. First, strepsirrhines have brains that are approximately double in mass than would
be expected for a mammal of the same body size; second, anthropoids have brains that are
up to two times greater in mass than would be expected for a strepsirrhine of the same body
size; third, modern humans demonstrate an exceptionally high degree of encephalization,
with a brain up to four times greater in mass than would be expected for an anthropoid of
the same body size (Halley and Deacon 2017). There is ongoing debate about the evolu-
tionary drivers of relative brain size variation. The highly social lifestyle observed in many
primate species is thought to impact encephalization, but more recent studies point to

A Companion to Biological Anthropology, Second Edition. Edited by Clark Spencer Larsen.

© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
330  elaine n. miller and chet c. sherwood
ecological or dietary correlates; specifically, that frugivores tend to have larger relative brain
sizes (DeCasien et al. 2017). Particular hypotheses have been put forth to explain how
humans evolved to be exceptionally encephalized. The expensive tissue hypothesis proposes
that humans increased the quality of their diet and reduced the size of high-energy con-
suming digestive organs to afford the metabolic needs of a large brain (Aiello and Wheeler
1995). Another hypothesis proposes that the exceptional degree of human encephalization
is a result of developing unique skills in social cognition and the capacity for culture
(Herrmann et al. 2007).
Although the concept of encephalization has long held significant influence in evolutionary
neuroscience by providing a simple means of comparison for a wide range of species, it fails
to consider size variation between parts of the brain such as the neocortex, thalamus, cere-
bellum, and brainstem. More recent studies have analyzed structures within the brain to
compare species. Notably, primates have an enlarged neocortex relative to other brain parts
(Barton and Harvey 2000; Finlay and Darlington 1995), which is thought to contribute to
behavioral and cognitive functions. The neocortex includes primary sensory and motor areas,
higher-order sensory and motor areas (which receive and process information from primary
areas), and association areas. Cortical association areas function to integrate multimodal
information from primary areas and higher-order secondary areas for advanced cognitive
processes. One way in which an expanded neocortex can change brain function is by increasing
the number of direct synaptic connections from the cerebral cortex to subcortical structures.
For example, in humans, neurons of the motor cortex make more direct synaptic connections
to neurons in the brainstem nucleus that controls muscles of the larynx (nucleus ambiguus)
than has been observed in other primates. This rewiring of brain parts is believed to facilitate
better vocal control for speech production in humans (Simonyan and Horwitz, 2011).

Gray Matter, White Matter, and Wrinkles

In larger mammalian brains, like those observed in large-bodied primates, the distance
between brain areas increases, which introduces new challenges to coordinating neuronal
signaling between functionally linked regions. In primates, white matter, which contains
myelinated axon fiber bundles, hyperscales to the rest of the brain (i.e the volume of
white matter increases at a disproportionately greater rate compared to the rest of the
brain) (Barton and Harvey 2000). Although larger brains have a higher proportion of
white matter compared to gray matter (Rilling and Insel 1999; Zhang and Sejnowski
2000), the cost of slower neurotransmission across long distances is still significant
(Rilling and Van Den Heuvel 2018). To compensate, larger brains tend to have a higher
proportion of wider axons with a more rapid conduction velocity, but these make only a
small fraction of the total axons (Phillips et al. 2015; Wang et al. 2008). Another way to
maintain efficient processing in a large brain is by simple reorganization of networks.
Large brains have evolved small-world networks, with predominantly short-range local
connections, made up of a few nodes, that can reach other networks in a few steps via a
select few long-range projections. These long-range connections increase efficiency of
communication by acting as shortcuts between nodes (Bassett and Bullmore 2006; Watts
and Strogatz 1998).
Dynamics of gray matter growth relative to white matter have been theorized to influence
folding patterns of the cerebral cortex (Mota and Herculano-Houzel 2015; Van Essen 1997).
Gyrification refers to a high degree of cortical folding, which can be observed as the occurrence
of wrinkling patterns on the outside of the cerebrum. Among primates, gyrification predictably
brain, cognition, and behavior in humans and other primates  331

increases as brain size increases (Zilles et al. 1989). Human cortical gyrification is generally in
the range of what would be predicted for a primate of our brain size, with the exception of the
prefrontal cortex, which is more gyrified than expected (Rilling and Insel 1999).

Section 2: Primate Brains

Olfaction in Primate Brains

Early primates were small-bodied, nocturnal, and solitary creatures that evolved to fill the
fine-branch niche in tropical forest habitats. With a new lifestyle came new adaptations and
changes in brain organization. For example, over the course of evolution in the haplorrhine
lineage, reliance on olfactory cues waned, resulting in the reduction of the olfactory bulb
(Baron et al. 1983; Stephan and Andy 1964). Catarrhines effectively lost a functional
vomernasal organ and accessory olfactory bulb, structures involved in detecting the water-
soluble compounds used in sociosexual communication (Smith et al. 2001). However,
some argue that primates remain olfactory-oriented to an extent that is underappreciated,
as the number of olfactory bulb neurons in monkeys, apes, and humans is comparable to
that of highly olfactory-oriented mammals (Ribeiro et al. 2014). Nevertheless, among the
sensory modalities, it is undisputed that primates have remarkable visual adaptations that
have changed how they see and interact with their environment.

Color Vision in Primate Brains

The visual pathway begins with the retina, which sits along the back of the eyeball. The
retina contains rods, which are sensitive to low-light conditions, and cones, which contain
particular opsin proteins that are sensitive to different wavelengths or colors. Early noc-
turnal primates, like other mammals, probably had a rod-dominated retina and were dichro-
matic, meaning they had a retina with only two color opsins: one that detects short
wavelengths and the other that detects medium–long wavelengths. Of considerable impor-
tance to retinal evolution in primates is the acquisition of trichromacy. In some primate
lineages, trichromatic vision, which enables further discrimination of colors between the
red–green range, has evolved through opsin gene duplication events or heterozygous opsin
alleles on the X chromosome. The common ancestor of catarrhines evolved routine trichro-
matic vision through opsin gene duplication. Similarly, the platyrrhine howler monkeys
(Alouatta) also acquired trichromatic vision through an independent opsin gene duplica-
tion event. Other platyrrhine species have evolved polymorphisms for the medium–long
opsin on the X chromosome. With two X chromosomes, females can be heterozygous at
this locus and have trichromatic vision (Jacobs 2008). Similarly, several diurnal lemur taxa
show variation in X-linked opsin alleles to enable trichromatic vision in females (Jacobs et
al. 2017).
The evolution of trichromatic vision is believed to have transformed life for primates by
allowing them to detect ripe fruits, vibrant flowers, and young protein-rich leaves that vary
in shades of red, green, and yellow. Haplorrhines further refined high-acuity color vision for
fine-grained spatial discrimination by developing a fovea, which is a depression in the center
of the retina that is densely packed with cones (Bringmann et al. 2018).

Visually-Guided Reaching in Primate Brains

Beyond seeing in three colors, other visual adaptations enabled success in the fine-branch
niche for early primates by providing advantages for moving in forest canopies and
332  elaine n. miller and chet c. sherwood
foraging for animal and plant foods. As primates have forward-facing eyes, each retina
receives input from both the left and right visual hemifields with substantial binocular
overlap from the center of the visual field. Visual input is carried from the optic nerve to
the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) of the thalamus and then to cortical layer IV of the
primary visual cortex (V1). The axons of the optic nerve in primates leave the retina and
before reaching the LGN are crossed such that the visual cortex of each hemisphere
receives information from both eyes. This particular organization of crossing optic fibers
enables stereoscopic depth perception. From V1, visual information can be further pro-
cessed in either the ventral stream, which takes place in the temporal cortex, or dorsal
stream, which takes place in the posterior parietal cortex (PPC) (Mishkin et al. 1983;
Ungerleider and Mishkin 1982). The ventral stream functions to process perception of an
object’s features such as its color, size, and shape, and is involved in facial recognition. The
dorsal stream functions to drive motor movements for skilled actions to engage with
objects (Goodale and Milner 1992).
One of the first anatomical areas to process visual information in the dorsal stream is
the middle temporal area (MT), which is believed to be a unique innovation of primate
brains that is important for visual motion processing (Allman and Kaas 1971; Krubitzer
and Kass 1990). MT, and other visual areas, make connections to the PPC (Baizer et al.
1991) and the PPC makes connections with the frontal cortex to form parietal-frontal
networks (Kaas and Stepniewska 2016). These connections drive visually guided reach-
ing and grasping behaviors that aid primates in obtaining food resources as they collect
fruit and leaves or hunt for prey (Goodale and Milner 1992). For example, in macaques,
it has been shown that the lateral intraparietal area shifts gaze to fields of interest through
its connections to the frontal eye fields (Blatt et al. 1990; Colby et al. 1996). The cau-
domedial intraparietal area drives reach movements through its connections to the dorsal
premotor area (Batista et al. 1999; Caminiti et al. 1996). There are multiple parietal–
frontal connections that facilitate grasping movements (Gharbawie et al. 2011), but the
connections between the anterior intraparietal area and ventral premotor area make up
the primary network for grasping action (Luppino et al. 1999; Sakata et al. 1995) (Figure
20.1). These parietal–frontal networks are unique in primates as most mammals have
few, relatively small, cortical areas that are homologous to the numerous and expanded
primate posterior parietal and premotor cortices (Krubitzer 2009; Remple et al. 2007;
Wu et al. 2000).

Learning and Problem Solving in Primate Brains

As parietal–frontal networks evolved in primates, the prefrontal cortex (PFC) appears to
have expanded. Early primates evolved a novel set of prefrontal areas and anthropoids
further expanded the PFC with additional areas (Preuss and Goldman‐Rakic, 1991a,
1991b, 1991c). At the onset of primate evolution, stem euprimates emerged with two
novel prefrontal areas: the granular orbitofrontal cortex and the caudal PFC. The gran-
ular orbitofrontal cortex is specialized in tracking the changes in value of predicted out-
comes, which allows primates to optimize decision-making (Rhodes and Murray 2013;
Rudebeck et al. 2013). The caudal PFC, including the frontal eye fields, was initially
defined by its role in controlling eye movements, but now has been shown to play a role
in searching and attending to valuable items in chaotic surroundings (Armstrong and
Moore 2007). Anthropoids further expanded the prefrontal areas of the neocortex that
are involved with rapid learning and problem solving (Browning et al. 2007; Bussey et al.
2001, 2002).
brain, cognition, and behavior in humans and other primates  333

Figure 20.1 Parietal-frontal networks that control visually-guided reaching and grasping. Macaque
monkey gazing, reaching, and grasping for grapes and macaque monkey brain with arrows that show
connections between the posterior parietal cortex and frontal cortex. The caudomedial intraparietal
area (CIP) and dorsal premotor area (PMd) shown in light gray are specialized for reach movements,
lateral intraparietal area (LIP), and frontal eye fields (FEF) shown in medium gray are specialized
for gaze, and anterior intraparietal area (AIP) and ventral premotor area (PMv) shown in dark gray
are specialized for grasp movements. Image of macaque monkey gazing, reaching, and grasping for
grapes created in BioRender. Image of parietal-frontal networks is modified from J. H. Kaas, H. X.
Qi, and I. Stepniewska, “Evolution of Parietal-Frontal Networks in Primates,” in Evolution of Nervous
Systems, Edited by Jon H. Kaas, 287–295. London: Academic Press, 2017.

Section 3: The Human Brain

Hominin Fossil Endocasts

Unfortunately, brains and other soft tissues do not fossilize. Therefore, neuroscientists rely on
methods of paleoneurology to cautiously glean information regarding neuroanatomical
changes of the deep past from the size, shape, and impressions made inside fossil crania of
extinct species. Apart from two exceptions (Homo naledi and Homo floresiensis) known to date,
cranial capacity has gradually increased over the course of hominin evolution since the human
lineage split from a common ancestor with chimpanzees and bonobos (Du et al. 2018).
Modern humans and Neandertals exhibit the largest endocranial volumes among homi-
nins, which range in size from ~1,000 to 1,800 cc. Modern humans have a globular cra-
nium unlike Neandertals who have a long, low cranium. Morphometric analyses demonstrate
that human endocranial globularity is related to expansion of parietal and cerebellar regions
(Pereira-Pedro et al. 2020). This is likely to be a genetically regulated phenotype; recent
studies show that modern humans that carry certain introgressed Neandertal genetic vari-
ants tend to have a less globular brain shape (Gunz et al. 2019).
Endocasts from archaic hominins and some early members of the genus Homo display
postorbital constriction (narrowing of the neurocranium behind the eye sockets) and deep
334  elaine n. miller and chet c. sherwood
temporal fossae (concavity in the area of cranium that covers THE temporal lobe), which
suggests relatively less endocranial space for the frontal lobe. In contrast, endocasts from
modern humans and Neandertals demonstrate wider prefrontal areas evidenced by broader
anterior cranial fossae at Broca’s cap (area of cranium that covers Broca’s area) (Bruner and
Holloway 2010). Additionally, the crania of modern humans have bulging frontal squama
(area of cranium that is referred to as the forehead) (Bruner et al. 2013). As the overall
frontal lobe size of modern humans is unexceptional when scaled to overall brain size
(Semendeferi et al. 1997, 2002), the wide prefrontal area and anterior fossae are thought
to be associated with a redistribution of structures within the frontal lobe volume.
Additional hypotheses regarding cortical reorganization have emerged from interpreting
the location of sulcal impressions on endocasts. For example, the lunate sulcus of Australopithecus
africanus has been described as posteriorly positioned relative to that of chimpanzees, sug-
gesting that the occipital lobe was reduced in size and the parietal association cortex was
expanded. With this evidence, some have concluded that cortical reorganization was occur-
ring before brain size increased substantially (Holloway et al. 2004). However, other analyses
challenge this view. For example, Gunz et al. (2020) argue for an ape-like positioned lunate
sulcus in DIK1-1, a three-year-old Australopithecus afarensis (Gunz et al. 2020).

Specialization of Human Brain Development

Comparative studies have shown that modern humans are exceptionally encephalized com-
pared to other primates and the majority of hominins. This leads to questions regarding
how such large brains develop. Humans and other primates undergo the same course of
neurodevelopmental events (e.g., generation of neurons, myelination of neurons, and syn-
apse formation/elimination) that are common to all vertebrate species, but the onset, peak,
and completion of these milestones and the timing of birth relative to brain development
varies widely (Workman et al. 2013). For highly encephalized humans, fetal development
requires only a few weeks longer than chimpanzees and a few months longer than rhesus
macaques. At birth, humans have larger brains compared to other primates, approximately
twice the size of newborn great apes (Sakai et al. 2013; Sherwood and Gómez-Robles
2017). Despite spending more time in utero and having larger brains at birth, humans are
born in a relatively underdeveloped state neurologically compared to other primates, which
makes human infants especially dependent on caregivers (Trevathan and Rosenberg 2016).
After birth, humans maintain a longer period of postnatal accelerated brain growth com-
pared to other primates, during which time white matter volume expansion and myelina-
tion are primarily occurring (Halley 2017; Sakai et al. 2012, 2013). In all mammals, the
brain continues to develop after birth, which allows for sensory stimuli to shape various
neural circuits from the visual system to complex cognitive networks. In humans, this is the
time when individuals acquire the capacity for sensory-dependent functions such as joint
attention and acquisition of first words (Sherwood and Gómez-Robles 2017).
Two human-specific gene variants have recently garnered considerable interest for their
involvement in human cortical development: ARHGAP11B and NOTCH2NLB. Both of
these genes were duplicated in the human lineage and evolved new functions that affect neo-
cortical development. ARHGAP11B was detected as a partial paralog to ARHGAP11A and
is expressed in human neural stem cells. Functional assays in which ARHGAP11B was
expressed in mouse neural stem cells resulted in a thicker proliferative zone in the fetal brain
and increased mitoses to generate a greater number of cells. ARHGAP11B expression also led
to increased folding of the cortical plate (Florio et al. 2015). NOTCH2NLB has been shown
to maintain progenitor status in neural stem cells and produced a greater abundance of
brain, cognition, and behavior in humans and other primates  335

cortical neurons (Fiddes et al. 2018; Suzuki et al. 2018). The various mechanisms that increase
overall brain size through enlarging the pool of proliferating neurons are key to understanding
how evolution has acted to shape brain architecture and connectivity in humans.

Composition of the Human Brain

With the human brain being the largest of all primates, it predictably contains the greatest
number of neurons (Herculano-Houzel et al. 2015). With ~ 16 billion neurons in the
human cerebral cortex, it has been interpreted by some that the sheer magnitude of neurons
in human brains forms the neural basis for the emergence of unique cognitive capacities
(Herculano-Houzel 2009, 2011). Complicating this argument is the observation that at
least one species has been reported to have nearly three-fold more cortical neurons than
humans – the long-finned pilot whale who has 29–46 billion neurons in the cerebral cortex
(Mortensen et al. 2014). It is therefore more probable that distinct cognitive capacities arise
from a combination of factors including neuron numbers, as well as variation in other traits
like cellular morphologies, gene and protein expression profiles, and connectivity patterns.
As the human brain is the largest of the primates and contains the most neurons, further
studies have investigated the organization of cortical and subcortical areas. Humans have
expanded association areas in terms of the proportion of total cortical volume. Morphometric
studies have identified four “hotspots” in the association areas as regions of greatest expan-
sion in the human brain compared to the brains of other species, including chimpanzees
and macaque monkeys: inferior parietal cortex, superior and middle temporal cortex, lateral
anterior PFC, as well as dorsomedial frontal cortex (Van Essen and Dierker 2007; Wei et al.
2019) (Figure 20.2). Of all the association areas, the PFC has attracted considerable
attention because of its critical role in primate evolution. Volumetric studies based on archi-
tectonic delineations show that monkeys, apes, and humans display grade-level changes in
PFC size relative to other parts of the brain, and that prefrontal white matter volumes are
expanded in humans compared to great apes, gibbons, and cercopithecid monkeys
(Passingham and Smaers 2014; Smaers et al. 2017). There is ongoing debate about whether
the expansion of human cortical association areas is an expected outcome of brain scaling
effects, or whether enlargement of certain association regions is beyond what is predictable
for a primate of human brain size (Barton and Montgomery 2019; Smaers et al. 2017).

Figure 20.2 Association areas are expanded in human brains compared to chimpanzees and rhesus
macaques. Cortical areas are shaded: primary somatosensory cortex (darkest gray), primary motor
cortex (medium dark gray), primary visual cortex (medium gray), premotor cortex (light gray), pri-
mary auditory cortex (lightest gray). Unshaded cortex represents association areas.
336  elaine n. miller and chet c. sherwood
In addition to size variation in cortical areas, there is also growing evidence for significant
variation in subcortical structures between humans and other species. The hippocampus,
which is critical for memory formation, is conserved across species in its general structure,
but the human hippocampus is considerably larger than would be predicted for an ape of
human brain volume (Barger et al. 2014). Further investigation has demonstrated that only
specific subregions of the human hippocampal formation, including CA3, subiculum, and
adjacent rhinal cortex, are relatively larger compared to other anthropoids. These volu-
metric changes in hippocampal subregions have been speculated to enhance the capacity for
episodic memory and imagining oneself in different points of time, which is critical as one
plans for the future (Vanier et al. 2019).
The amygdala can be subdivided into several nuclei, with four being most critical in social
and emotional function: the lateral nucleus, basal nucleus, accessory basal nucleus, and
central nucleus. In humans, the lateral nucleus is especially large while the basal and central
nuclei are comparatively small, and the accessory basal nucleus falls within the range of what
is expected for great apes. These changes in amygdala volume have been hypothesized to be
linked to sociality in humans. The corticobasolateral area of the amygdala, which includes
the expansive lateral nucleus, positively scales with social group size across primates and has
been shown to be affected in social disorders in human patients (Barger et al. 2007).
Differences have also been observed in the size of nuclei that compose the dorsal thala-
mus. For example, mediodorsal thalamic nuclei are highly connected to association cortices
and accordingly are relatively large and contain disproportionately more neurons in humans
compared to apes (Armstrong 2012).

Sociality, Empathy, and Imitation

Understanding the neural substrates associated with a social lifestyle is key to defining how
primates, and humans in particular, are adapted for living in large groups, sharing resources,
and cooperating. Although many primates display social behaviors, modern humans are
characterized by their extremely prosocial way of life and cultural practices. It has been
hypothesized that a key subcortical structure called the striatum plays a critical role in pro-
moting the evolution of human affiliative behaviors. The human striatum as a whole is
smaller in size relative to what would be expected for an anthropoid of human brain size
(Barger et al. 2014). However, humans are distinct from other primates as they display a
higher degree of striatal dopaminergic innervation and a lower degree of striatal cholinergic
innervation. These changes in the human striatal neurochemical profile might be associated
with greater social conformity behaviors because the striatum is a key node in the social
reward network (Hirter et al. 2021; Raghanti et al. 2018).
A major benefit of social living is acquiring information from the experience of others
through functions such as empathy. The anterior insula and the anterior cingulate cortex
are two key regions that allow an individual to experience empathic emotional under-
standing (Fan et al. 2011). For example, the anterior insula encodes disgust in an individual
who is simply observing another individual express disgust (Krolak‐Salmon et al. 2003;
Phillips et al. 1997). This mechanism allows an observer to have a viscerosensory (i.e.,
interoceptive) model based on another individual’s experience. Furthermore, humans
­experience pain when they observe a loved one experience pain. This empathic response
activates the anterior insula and anterior cingulate cortex while the other components of the
pain network remain inactivated (Singer et al. 2004). Notably, the anterior insula and cin-
gulate cortex are both regions that contain large, spindle-shaped cells called Von Economo
neurons (VENs) (Von Economo 1926) that are more numerous in humans compared to
other primates (Allman et al. 2011). Although VENs have been described in several species
brain, cognition, and behavior in humans and other primates  337

(Raghanti et al. 2015), they appear to be especially critical for social understanding because
their selective degeneration in human patients with frontotemporal dementia leads to a pro-
found loss of empathy while sparing other cognitive abilities (Pasquini et al. 2020).
Beyond the acquisition of knowledge or experience of empathy, an individual can imitate
conspecifics by learning to perform actions from the observation of others. Humans and
chimpanzees tend to imitate, or precisely copy actions, whereas other primates, such as
macaques, are known to emulate the product at the endpoint of action. Imitation involves
the “mirror system”, which is a network of frontal, parietal, and temporal brain areas that
respond to observed and performed actions. In macaques and chimpanzees, this circuitry
largely includes frontal–temporal connections whereas humans have more robust fontal–
parietal and temporal–parietal connections. Notably, in both humans and chimpanzees
these connections reach the inferior temporal cortex, whereas only in humans these connec-
tions are extended to reach the superior parietal cortex (Hecht et al. 2013).

The human brain is remarkably specialized for speech and the syntactic properties of lan-
guage. Classic hypotheses regarding the neural substrates associated with human lan-
guage production and comprehension focus on two important nodes in the network:
Broca’s area in the inferior frontal gyrus and Wernicke’s area in the posterior superior
temporal lobe. Comparative studies have shown that Broca’s and Wernicke’s homologs
are present in nonhuman primates, including apes and rhesus macaques (Rilling 2014).
Compared to chimpanzees, Broca’s area in humans is more enlarged than Wernicke’s
area (Sherwood et al. 2012), which might be related to increasing the neural resources
devoted to syntax functions that create meaning from the ordering of words. Neuroimaging
methods that allow for analysis of pathways in the brain have revealed that the arcuate
fasciculus, the bundle of white matter axons that project between Broca’s area and
Wernicke’s area, is common to anthropoid primates, but there are some pronounced dif-
ferences among species. In macaques, projections of the arcuate fasciculus reach only the
superior temporal sulcus, while in chimpanzees these projections extend further ventrally
in some individuals to also reach the middle temporal gyrus. In humans, the arcuate fas-
ciculus extends ventrally to the middle temporal gyrus and continue to reach ventrally
into the inferior temporal gyrus (Rilling et al. 2008) (Figure 20.3). This area of the ven-
trolateral temporal cortex that is uniquely connected to the language network in humans
is associated with semantic processing important for attaching meanings to words (Binder
et al. 2009).
Brain areas associated with language display hemispheric specializations in function and
structure. The majority of people demonstrate left-lateralized activity during language-
related tasks (Frost et al. 1999). Furthermore, in humans, connections between Broca’s
area and temporal language areas tend to be stronger in the left hemisphere compared to
the homologous tracts in chimpanzees and rhesus macaques (Rilling et al. 2008). This lat-
eralized organization likely evolved to prioritize intra-hemispheric connections between
language areas in order to minimize conduction delays. In humans, Broca’s area is charac-
terized by a lower global connection strength to other brain regions compared to chimpan-
zees, but also a relatively higher connection strength with other language areas (Ardesch
et al. 2019). This finding reflects the specializations of the human brain connectome to
enhance the performance of complex cognitive functions such as language.
Understanding the genomic basis of human language evolution has been an area of
exciting research and the gene FOXP2 has attracted considerable attention. FOXP2 encodes
a transcription factor that is crucial to the development of speech motor control in humans,
338  elaine n. miller and chet c. sherwood

Figure 20.3 Humans show unique connectivity patterns between language areas. Black arrows repre-
sent the arcuate fasciculus – the white matter tract that connects prefrontal language areas to temporal
language areas. Dark gray regions represent Broca’s area (human) or Broca’s homolog (chimpanzee and
rhesus macaque). Medium gray regions represent a portion of Wernicke’s area (human) or Wernicke’s
homolog (chimpanzee and rhesus macaque). Light gray regions represent middle and inferior temporal
gyri (human) and middle temporal gyrus (chimpanzee). Images of language networks are modified
from J. K. Rilling, M. F. Glasser, T. M. Preuss, et al., “The Evolution of the Arcuate Fasciculus Revealed
with Comparative DTI,” Nature Neuroscience, 11 (2008): 426–428.

and has also been shown to be involved in vocalization in mice, as well as song learning in
birds (Chabout et al. 2016; Lai et al. 2001; Xiao et al. 2021). Humans have evolved a novel
FOXP2 variant that is characterized by two fixed, nonsynonymous mutations and is associ-
ated with changes in the development and structure of the cortex, basal ganglia, and cere-
bellum that affects orofacial motor control (Enard et al. 2009). The derived version of
FOXP2 has also been observed in Neandertals and Denisovans, indicating that certain
aspects of brain plasticity important for the acquisition of speech and language may have
been shared by several late hominin species (Krause et al. 2007; Meyer et al. 2012).


Biological anthropologists and neuroscientists have uncovered fascinating neural features

that distinguish primates from other species. This has led to a greater understanding of how
primates navigate their world and perform unique cognitive functions. With continued
exploration, we will continue to answer questions about how variation IN brain size, struc-
ture, cellular composition, and connectivity patterns enable the traits that make primates,
and especially humans, stand out in the animal kingdom.


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PART III The Past and the Dead
CHAPTER 21 Taphonomy and

Luis L. Cabo, Dennis C.

Dirkmaat, and Andrea M.

Assemblage formation, alteration, and preservation are central issues to most biological
anthropology interpretations regarding past populations or forensic settings. When consid-
ering demographic, behavioral, or biological community interaction patterns, we must
ponder to what extent the composition of the recovered assemblage reflects that of the
actual living community, and how much of it is the result of the differential deposition and
degradation processes that the deposit experienced through time. When trying to date an
assemblage, it is key to know if it was originally deposited at the recovery location or instead
represents a secondary deposit transported there from another, older location by water or
other transport agents or processes. One must also assess whether the whole assemblage is
likely to have been deposited very rapidly, even as a single event, and thus represents a
cross-section of a single, contemporary population, or if it instead may be the result of slow
accumulation through maybe tens of millennia, containing an admixture of remains from
individuals from very different times, generations, and even populations. In all forensic,
paleontological, and bioarchaeological settings, the first step of bone trauma interpretation
is determining which alterations were likely inflicted around the time of death and which
ones occurred much later, when the organic matrix of the bone has been significantly
degraded. The second task is determining which alterations are likely to have been inflicted
by humans and which ones can be better explained as the action of nonhuman, natural deg-
radation processes and agents.
In short, it is indeed hard to find examples of any forensic, archaeological, or evolu-
tionary applications relating to biological anthropology that do not require prior inference
on deposit formation and preservation issues.
Taphonomy is the scientific discipline that addresses these types of issues, focusing on the
study of all processes, agents, and transformations affecting an organism from the time of

A Companion to Biological Anthropology, Second Edition. Edited by Clark Spencer Larsen.

© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
348  luis l. cabo, dennis c. dirkmaat, and andrea m. zurek-ost
its death and deposition to the time that its preserved remains reach the analyst’s desk. In
this chapter, we will review some examples of its main, primary applications in biological
anthropology, how they came into being within biological anthropology, and how they
have helped to transform and revitalize the discipline. We will also highlight some tapho-
nomic literature to introduce and delve deeper into a variety of aspects of the field.

The Origin Story of Taphonomy

It is almost mandatory to start any review of taphonomy by mentioning that the term was
coined by the Russian paleontologist Ivan Efremov (1908–1972) to describe the branch of
paleontology devoted to “the study of the transition (in all its details) of animal remains
from the biosphere into the lithosphere” (Efremov 1940: 85).
Not including plant remains in this definition is likely to have been an accident as, at least
in the English translation of the original Russian article, botany is mentioned alongside
zoology early in the paper. That omission hints at something that even the most superficial
examination of the structure of the paper can confirm rather unequivocally: that Efremov
did not intend that mid-text sentence as a formal definition of the field. Maybe for that
reason, though it does provide a superbly concise overall description of the field as under-
stood today, it does not work well as a standalone definition, and requires some clarifica-
tions to prevent common misinterpretations. For example, its mention of the transition to
the lithosphere as the apparent endpoint may lead to the interpretation that lithification
(the formation of true fossils via the substitution of all organic tissues with rock materials)
is the primary target of the field. Were that to be the case, it would diminish the potential
relevance of taphonomy for biological anthropology, as heavily lithified hominin assem-
blages are more the exception than the rule.
However, this is one of those cases in which one must follow the proverbial admonition
to read the fine print, as the seemingly humble parenthetical “in all its details” is probably
the most important part of that definition. Indeed, Efremov (1940) was entirely devoted to
showing how the study of fossil formations cannot be limited to fossil diagenesis narrowly
understood as the study of sedimentation and lithification processes, but must incorporate
the study of all embedding processes, from the manner of death to decomposition, dismem-
berment, transport, and all remaining alterations suffered by the assemblage before and
after interment.
Efremov’s scientific background and the historical context in which his 1940 paper was
written are essential to understanding its scope, and with it that of taphonomy as originally
conceived. The first relevant element is that the creation of taphonomy was far from
Efremov’s main focus or contribution to paleontology, and the new field was conceived
more as a tool than as an end. Both before and after his 1940 taphonomy paper, his main
line of research focused on Permian terrestrial vertebrate faunas. In the three years before
his seminal 1940 taphonomy paper, he had proposed the first classification of the Permian
assemblages of land vertebrates from Eastern Europe (Golubev 2000, and references
therein). He would keep improving this classification and remain a key contributor to the
paleontology of that period for the rest of his career. Thus, taphonomy was originally con-
ceived from the perspective of vertebrate paleontology, deeply influencing both the scope
of taphonomy and its later intimate relationship with biological anthropology.
In the broader context of paleontology, the decades preceding Efremov’s 1940 article
had been profoundly impacted by the discovery of lagerstätten, such as the Burgess Shale
fauna. Broadly speaking, lagerstätten (singular lagerstätte) are deposits showing exceptional
taphonomy and biological anthropology  349

fossil preservations, resulting in either large accumulations of well-preserved mineralized

skeletal elements (konzentrat-lagerstätten) or the fossilization of soft tissues preserving their
anatomical and even histological structures in delicate detail (konservat-lagerstätten)
(Allison 1988). The Burgess Shale is a Middle Cambrian (~530 Ma) konservat-lagerstätte
discovered in the Canadian Rockies in 1909, which had an extraordinary impact on bring-
ing the importance of understanding assemblage formation and preservation processes to
the forefront of paleontological research. Gould (1989) provides a detailed, delightful, and
very accessible in-depth discussion of all matters relating to the Burgess Shale.
Before the Burgess Shale, trilobites were thought to absolutely dominate benthic and
pelagic faunas during the first half of the Cambrian. Trilobites are extinct arthropods with
sclerotized exoskeletons that typically represented over three-quarters of the species in most
previously known Early and Middle Cambrian assemblages. In the Burgess Shale deposits
only 37 percent of the recovered taxa are arthropods, including a notable representation of
lightly sclerotized nontrilobite species, many from previously unknown arthropod classes
(Morris 1979). Contrary to the image of the period portrayed by previous sites, around 80
percent of the Burgess Shale fauna was soft-bodied, revealing a previously unknown, fasci-
nating, Cambrian diversity in groups such as polychaeta, priapulids, or sponges. In sum, the
Burgess Shale provided a startling demonstration of the impact of preservation biases on
palaeoecological reconstruction.
Most of the resulting research on those and other similar invertebrate deposits represent-
ing early aquatic environments targeted two processes that were very familiar to early twen-
tieth century geologists following the chemistry revolution and the advances in stratigraphy
and sedimentology of the second half of the previous century: sedimentation and chemical
preservation (fossil diagenesis) processes.
The central argument in Efremov (1940), and thus the main impetus for the definition
of taphonomy, is that the approach based primarily on those two elements (sedimentology
and diagenesis) is neither sufficient nor appropriate for the study of terrestrial vertebrate
deposits. After commenting on the incompleteness of the fossil record and the impact of
preservation biases, Efremov introduces the interplay of complex processes that would
become some of the central areas of taphonomic research in later decades: manner of death
(necrology), disarticulation and transport processes, and time resolution issues derived
from mode of deposition and burial.
If sedimentology and fossil diagenesis did not suffice to understand assemblages, then
what fields should be invoked to complement them? Efremov (1940) was particularly
open in recognizing that, in his proposal of taphonomy as a new scientific field, he was not
creating any new methodologies, but simply advocating for the integration of already
existing ones into a cohesive discipline. He was also very candid in detailing the sources of
his ideas and rationale, crediting two German paleontologists, namely Johannes Weigelt
and Rudolf Ritcher.
Weigelt (1890–1948) defined biostratinomy (originally biostratanomy) in 1919 as a dis-
cipline that studied all changes and processes of an organism from its death to its initial
interment (Jablonski and Fairbridge 1979). In 1927 he published what may arguably be
considered the first taphonomy monograph, translated into English as Recent Vertebrate
Carcasses and Their Paleobiological Implications (Weigelt 1989). Rudolf Richter (1881–
1956) proposed the discipline of actualistic paleontology (Aktuo-paläontologie) in 1928 as
a science devoted to the study of current-day modes of formation of future fossils, in the
broadest sense (Jablonski and Fairbridge 1979). Richter’s actualistic paleontology overlaps
widely with Weigelt’s biostratinomy, but Richter’s construct offered a much more rigorous,
articulated, and scientific rationale, solidly anchored in the classic uniformitarianism of
350  luis l. cabo, dennis c. dirkmaat, and andrea m. zurek-ost
Hutton and Lyell. Efremov (1940) recognized the value of Richter’s view by devoting a
very large portion of his paper to comprehensively explaining and discussing it.
In summary, as originally proposed by Efremov (1940), taphonomy was a discipline pri-
marily defined by the scope and needs of vertebrate paleontologists studying terrestrial
faunas and focusing on site formation processes. The main goal behind this perspective was
controlling preservation biases in palaeoecological reconstruction, relying on two major
components: (i) biostratinomy, focusing on all processes from death to deposition, and (ii)
diagenesis, the classic approach focusing on physical and chemical alteration after burial.

A Slow Start in the West

Aside from defining taphonomy and its scope with admirable clarity and depth, Efremov
(1940) listed several specific lines of research that he considered key to advancing
taphonomy as a scientific field. In the years immediately following that publication, the
end of World War II marked the start of what Norman D. Newell (1987) called the golden
age of paleobiology, characterized by an abundance of funds for scientific research (first
directly resulting from the war effort and later further stimulated by the Sputnik launches)
and the fruits of the evolutionary synthesis, which brought together paleontology, genetics,
and systematic biology.
However, Efremov’s proposed agenda of field-advancing studies remained largely
untouched in the West by the early 1960s, with the bulk of what nowadays would be con-
sidered taphonomic studies still focusing on the diagenetic context of invertebrate faunas,
examined from the traditional diagenetic scope combining geochemistry and sedimen-
tology. A very notable exception is Johnson (1960), who examined the formation of shal-
low-water marine assemblages from an actualistic and, basically, fully taphonomic approach,
but without using the term taphonomy or citing Efremov’s or Richter’s work. In his 1961
review of the state of paleontology at the time, George Gaylord Simpson mentioned biost-
ratinomy and taphonomy only to comment that “it may be a little premature to designate
as distinct sciences fields in which, unfortunately, there is as yet little concrete accomplish-
ment” (Simpson 1961: 1683). That dismal situation would start to change the following
year with the publication of Olson (1962), a landmark that Dodson (1980) considered the
first real introduction of Efremov’s ideas in the USA. Like Efremov, Everett C. Olson spe-
cialized in Permian vertebrate communities. The volume includes a section on taphonomy,
including that of terrestrial vertebrate faunas (Olson 1962: 134–139).
Olson’s dissemination efforts seem to have rendered mixed initial results, because mono-
graphs published in subsequent years by some of his colleagues at the Field Museum did
contain sections on the biostratinomy of vertebrate deposits, but still no mention of the
term taphonomy or Efremov. Olson (1962: 134) noted how the term taphonomy had been
scarcely used in the anglophone literature by 1962 and the paleoecologist David R.
Lawrence repeated the same remark, in almost the exact same terms, almost a decade later
(Lawrence 1971: 595). Most biostratinomic interpretations published in English before
1969 were still much more conjectural than empirical, lacking the actualistic scope central
to Efremov’s conception. The most notable exception came from German paleontology.
The year1962 witnessed the publication of a second landmark contribution to
taphonomy, this time applied to marine environments, with the publication by German
zoologist Wilhelm Schäfer of Aktuo-Paläontologie: nach Studien in der Nordsee, later trans-
lated into English as Ecology and Palaeoecology of Marine Environments (Schäfer 1972).
Schäfer applied the fruits of three decades of Richter’s actualistic vision to the study of
taphonomy and biological anthropology  351

current mortality, accumulation, and embedding patterns and processes in extant ecosys-
tems of the North Sea. This introduced the concept of biofacies and related all those ele-
ments to species habitat and ecology. Schäfer’s rationale and approach to link taphonomy
and ecology are still relevant today. Indeed, Schäfer (1972) may be one of the more illumi-
nating references to understanding some of the main elements of the original conception of
C. K. Brain (1967a, 1967b) published what may be the first two clear contributions to
taphonomy from biological anthropology, although the term taphonomy was not referenced.
Brain (1967a) demonstrated how some bone fragments with acute points or sharp edges,
which had been considered as potential hominin-made tools, were actually natural artifacts
(pseudotools) created by environmental factors such as sun exposure, eolic and sedimento-
logical abrasion, and trampling. Brain (1967b) published a second study in which he exam-
ined skeletal representation patterns in a systematically collected faunal assemblage generated
by an extant Hottentot community. This built on earlier work by Dale Guthrie (1967), who
suggested that some mammal bones had a tendency to preserve better than others. Brain
observed that the relative frequency with which each anatomical feature appeared in the
bone assemblage simply reflected how resistant they were to natural degradation rather
than human consumption or utilization patterns, finding marked differences between the
patterns observed in the contemporary human assemblage and South African australopith-
ecine sites (Brain 1967b, 1969, 1972, 2007).
According to Dodson (1980: 6), Lawrence (1968) represents the first appearance of the
term taphonomy in the title of an article in a major Western journal. The study compared
species representation in a living community of aquatic invertebrates versus that of the
death assemblage collected from it (one of the types of studies proposed in Efremov 1940).
Still, it was not until the very end of the decade that Voorhies (1969) published what prob-
ably represents the first Western publication, which clearly checks all boxes of taphonomy
as proposed by Efremov (1940), including citation and discussion of his work. The study
addressed a fully taphonomic question: reconstructing the depositional origin of a Pliocene
vertebrate deposit, focusing squarely on the mechanisms of deposition of the type of terres-
trial vertebrate accumulations that had inspired Efremov to propose the new field. Voorhies
(1969) comprehensively discussed and recognized Efremov (1940) and Schäfer (1972) as
key reference sources for the design of the study and, even more importantly, comple-
mented the field and laboratory observations of the deposit with a set of experiments to test
the hypothesis that the bone accumulation had been created by fluvial transport.
Aside from the type of materials addressed in the Voorhies (1969) study, and its actualis-
tic scope, assemblage formation by water transport in terrestrial environments was one of
the subjects explicitly mentioned in Efremov (1940) as one of the key areas in need of
actualistic research. More importantly, Voorhies (1969) came to be more than a historical
landmark and represents the first English study to fully embrace Efremov’s (1940) subjects,
materials, hypotheses, methods, and scope. Unlike most of the Efremov- or Richter-inspired
studies discussed above, Voorhies (1969) had a very strong, immediate impact on the
development and popularization of taphonomy, inspiring a flurry of follow-up studies on
the depositional characteristics derived from water transport during the 1970s and 1980s.

Biological Anthropology and the Development of Modern Taphonomy

Following Voorhies (1969) and Brain (1967a, 1967b, 1969), the volume of taphonomy
studies would explode in the 1970s, as the field underwent an adaptive radiation that would
result in the definition of most broad study areas that we recognize today as classic
352  luis l. cabo, dennis c. dirkmaat, and andrea m. zurek-ost
taphonomic subjects in vertebrate paleontology, zooarchaeology, and biological
anthropology. This growth spurt continued during the 1980s, as taphonomy gradually
merged into those disciplines, not only as a useful tool, but as one of their essential compo-
nents. Biological anthropology was at the front and center of that process, first through
contributions to and from human paleontology, and later from zooarchaeology and
Part of that leadership is explained by attempts to refute Shotwell (1955) in his support of
Raymond Dart’s series of papers on his proposed osteodontokeratic culture (Dart 1949; Dart
and Wolberg 1971; Mason et al. 1958; Wolberg 1970). These studies provided the nascent
1970s taphonomy with a set of highly visible, contested hypotheses to address, as well as an
opportunity to showcase how Efremov’s taphonomic approach provided the most effective
tools and scope to do so by highlighting the interpretation errors rendered by some of the ear-
lier approaches.
Shotwell (1955) had proposed that taxa representing proximal (i.e., local) communities
would appear as more anatomically complete in an assemblage than those representing distal
communities, which had been transported to the deposit from distant locations. Voorhies
(1969) pointed to a diverse number of taphonomic sources of bias that would invalidate that
view, demonstrating how actualistic sampling and experimental designs could be used to factor
the effects of biostratinomic processes into quantitative interpretations.
Biostratinomy was also at the heart of Dart’s osteodontokeratic culture hypothesis.
Raymond Arthur Dart (1893–1988) studied the first australopithecine fossil, the
famed Taung’s Child from the homonymous site in South Africa, and defined the genus
Australopithecus, alongside the species Au. africanus (Dart 1925). In his first description of the
Taung remains (Dart 1925: 197), Dart already hypothesized that the combination of
bipedalism and reduced canine size suggested that Au. africanus was a toolmaker. In his
view, the release of the hands from their locomotory function indicated that they had
adapted to complex manipulation. The loss of the large canines seen in other primate species
suggested that Au. africanus had other defensive and offensive weapons, in the form of
some sort of tool culture (Dart 1925, 1934).
However, the question of the inflicting tools remained since no lithic industry appeared
associated with the australopithecine remains. During his work at Makapansgat, Dart
thought he had found those tools in the faunal assemblage itself: he interpreted some bone
fracture patterns of baboon skulls and surface alterations as intentional modifications, and
thus altered bones as part of the australopithecine toolkit. To Dart, this was evidence that
australopithecines were not only mighty hunters, but creatures viciously inclined toward
interpersonal violence and cannibalism (Brain 1972).
This led to his proposal of an osteodontokeratic (bone, teeth, and antler) australopithe-
cine culture in a long series of articles (Dart and Wolberg 1971, and references therein).
Dart’s complex osteodontokeratic construct faced criticism from the beginning.
Contemporary reviews of the most relevant arguments for and against Dart’s construct for-
mulated up to the mid-1970s (e.g., Read-Martin et al. 1975; Wolberg 1970) reveal that
most falsification attempts followed what we can term the faunal analysis approach.
Traditionally, the study of faunal remains from archaeological sites was largely segregated
from that of vertebrate paleontology, being alternatively described as zooarchaeology,
archaeozoology, osteoarchaeology, or ethnozoology (Olsen and Olsen 1981). The com-
monality between the studies spanning all of these different scopes was that they all could
be grouped under the broader, more inclusive, and noncontroversial umbrella of faunal
analysis, addressing a common set of topics that Lyman (1982: 179) characterized as
taphonomy and biological anthropology  353

“subsistence, diet, economy, hunting practices, butchery practices, seasonality, domestica-

tion, paleoenvironments, bone artifacts, and taxonomic identity.”
Methodologically, most traditional faunal analysis approaches had been characterized by
a focus on taxonomic identification and skeletal part representation, with the main classic
references being essentially identification guides, annotated with some general comments
on basic interpretations of species or skeletal part frequencies (e.g., Chaplin 1971; Cornwall
1956; Olsen 1971). The necessity of taxon identification resulted in many pre-1980s faunal
analyses presenting as taxonomic “laundry lists” (but see Lyman 2015). In many cases, only
a subset of the total assemblage was considered. Authors such as Olsen (1961) recom-
mended methods to select only those taxa, skeletal elements, and individual specimens
deemed subjectively relevant for identification and interpretation, thus introducing sam-
pling biases into faunal analyses (Lyman 1979). The discipline was young, and zooarchae-
ologists were themselves in the process of learning how to learn, or as some historians of
science have described it, learning how to see, the information that would prove to be use-
ful in studies of bone surface modification.
Highly quantitative approaches during this time tended to add refined frequency analyses
of taxonomic, demographic, and skeletal part representation, and in some cases also econo-
metric or body-size estimates based on regression models when seeking to address a variety
of explicit questions beyond species representation (Lyman 1982). Other studies that may
be considered relevant to Dart’s hypothesis were focused on whether the assemblage or
some of its elements had been deposited and/or modified by humans or by other agents
and natural processes.
Nevertheless, studies were based primarily on laboratory examinations of the assemblage,
akin to what in the forensic anthropology field has been termed the box of bones approach
(Cabo and Dirkmaat in press; Dirkmaat and Cabo 2016). In this scenario, analysts are the
recipients of a box of bones to examine, without input into the context, including sampling
and excavation designs. Consequently, key information was missing for both depositional
context and, importantly, the specific hypotheses derived from it. Within this framework,
the interpretation of whether an element or assemblage reflected human activities or natural
processes was often based on broad contextual assumptions, potential activity markers, or
ethnoarchaeological analogs. This model-centered approach (rather than a hypothesis-cen-
tered approach, such as that employed in actualistic taphonomy) can result in the propaga-
tion of untested aprioristic assumptions from one site to the next.
Dart’s osteodontokeratic construct was built on the classic model of seeking confirma-
tory information in support of an initial formal hypothesis, seeking to increase internal
consistency rather than testability. To young biological anthropologists, Dart’s osteodon-
tokeratic culture may sound like just a historical curiosity that inspired the opening scene
of Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey in 1968, or the “killer ape” theories that resur-
face periodically in different forms. However, in the early 1970s, it was still a seriously
debated theory in human paleontology (Brain 1972, 2007; Dart and Wolberg 1971;
Wolberg 1970). While up to that point most attempts to debunk it had relied on offering
alternative hypotheses from a faunal analysis scope (Wolberg 1970), studies such as Voorhies
(1969) or Brain (1967a, 1967b, 1969) showcased a different approach to that sort of
site formation questions, by presenting not only suitable hypotheses, but via experi-
mental and actualistic sampling strategies to test them. Other authors soon joined them
in that approach. Anna K. (“Kay”) Behrensmeyer and biological anthropologist Noel T.
Boaz had soon followed Voorhies’ (1969) lead with their own flume experiments on water
transport (Behrensmeyer 1975; Boaz and Behrensmeyer 1976), discussing potential water
transport markers beyond sorting.
354  luis l. cabo, dennis c. dirkmaat, and andrea m. zurek-ost
There are very good arguments to support Behrensmeyer’s candidacy as the most impor-
tant contributor to the development of modern taphonomy, as evidenced by her ground-
breaking work during the 1970s and 1980s. She studied the geology of paleontological
sites from a wide variety of chronologies early in her career, ultimately becoming the
Research Curator in Paleobiology at the National Museum of Natural History within the
Smithsonian Institution in 1981. There she founded a multidisciplinary program devoted
to the evolution of land ecosystems and continues to contribute to taphonomy and paleo-
anthropology to this day.
Her interest in water transport derives from her East Turkana studies, where she attempted
to explain the depositional origin of deposits (Behrensmeyer 1975). She quickly expanded
her studies to the recognition and analysis of taphonomic signatures left by other deposi-
tional agents and processes in terrestrial environments. In 1974, she assisted Diane Gifford-
Gonzalez on an actualistic study following the evolution of a modern human-generated
assemblage from deposition to burial, documenting the signatures of a variety of tapho-
nomic processes, such as transport, trampling, and mode of burial. She also noted the inter-
actions between all of the processes and the precise characterization of the sedimentological
setting (Gifford and Behrensmeyer 1977; Gifford-Gonzalez 1977). Soon after,
Behrensmeyer (1978) published a bone weathering scale that is still widely used.
These two sets of studies brought the paleontological taphonomy and sedimentology
traditions into the same subjects and approaches at which Brain had arrived from his paleo-
anthropological scope. They reflected actualistic comparisons with ethnological analogs
(Gifford-Gonzalez 1989) provided by assemblages from modern human populations with
traditional, preindustrial economies (Brain 1967b, 1969; Gifford and Behrensmeyer 1977;
Gifford-Gonzalez 1977) and bone surface modification by natural agents (Behrensmeyer
1978; Brain 1967a). Even more importantly, the intersection of both subjects (humans as
taphonomic agents and bone modification) in human paleontology introduced a com-
pletely new element to Efremov’s original conception of taphonomy, as a field primarily
aimed at removing preservation biases from palaeoecological interpretation.
In July 1976, Behrensmeyer, alongside Andrew Hill, C. K. Brain, and Alan Walker, orga-
nized the Wenner-Gren symposium Taphonomy and Vertebrate Paleoecology, With Special
Reference to the Late Cenozoic of Sub-Saharan Africa, at the Burg Wartenstein Center in
the Austrian Alps. This meeting was extremely influential for popularizing taphonomy,
through the success and wide dissemination of the volume compiling the symposium’s
talks, Fossils in the Making (Behrensmeyer and Hill 1980). It brought together researchers
who approached taphonomy from classic paleontology, as well as from paleoanthropology
and zooarchaeology, from a variety of different regions.
During this time, taphonomy also saw significant methodological advances. In the early
1970s, Richard G. Klein developed robust sampling and analytical methodologies for
quantitative assemblage analyses and ethnoarchaeological comparisons. Those methods
became the backbone of his influential volume, co-authored with Kathryn Cruz-Uribe, The
Analysis of Animal Bones from Archaeological Sites (Klein and Cruz-Uribe 1984), which
introduced many students of the 1980s to rigorous quantitative faunal analysis methods
and, especially, to computer applications for that purpose. The term taphonomy, however,
was not employed in the body of any of those contributions, even when citing Voorhies
(1969) (see Klein 1976).
Pat Shipman and Jane E. Phillips (1976, 1977), challenged Dart’s interpretation
of the Makapansgat assemblage on the basis of their study, which combined actualistic data
on animal behavior, taxonomic and skeletal part representation, fracture (breakage),
and surface modification patterns of deposits formed by modern hyenas at the Awash
taphonomy and biological anthropology  355

National Park in Ethiopia (Shipman and Phillips 1976; Shipman and Phillips‐Conroy
1977). They were also able to examine the ecological, behavioral, and biostratinomic
aspects of assemblages generated under drought conditions (Shipman 1975). They com-
pared the Makapansgat specimens proposed to represent hominin tools directly with
those in their natural, carnivore-produced assemblage. They concluded that both the
breakage patterns and surface modifications (polishing) were indistinguishable (Shipman
and Phillips‐Conroy 1977).
Before the 1970s were over, Behrensmeyer addressed yet another key subject in Efremov’s
(1940) list of research areas by examining the differences between the actual composition
of an extant terrestrial faunal community and its death assemblage (Behrensmeyer et al.
1979). Behrensmeyer et al. (1979) is an actualistic study of an extant mammal community
from the Amboseli National Park in Kenya. Following a spatial transect design, they studied
species representation of carcasses found on the surface. The study found that approxi-
mately one-quarter of the species in the community was missing from the bone assemblage,
and estimated abundances differed significantly from the actual community composition,
with clear biases linked to body size. The authors also examined transport and accumulation
mechanisms, and the spatial and skeletal representation patterns derived from them.
The dozens of citations that Behrensmeyer et al. (1979) had accumulated by 1985
serve to illustrate the explosive growth and diversification of applications and study areas
that vertebrate taphonomy experienced in the 1980s. Between 1979 and 1985, literature
covered a whole set of typical taphonomic problems that Behrensmeyer (1984: 562) pro-
posed as “the identification of specific processes that leave marks on organic remains, the
circumstances that preserve some species but not others in fossil assemblages, the trans-
port of organic remains, and ‘time-averaging,’ or the amount of time represented in single
fossil samples.”
This adaptive radiation originally ignited by the 1970s taphonomic studies served to
link to paleoanthropology and paleontology. Soon after, the conversion of zooarchaeol-
ogy into the taphonomic gospel finally set modern vertebrate taphonomy into full throttle.

1980s–1990s: The Rise of Modern Zooarchaeology and the

Information Gains Approach

Many of the first generation of zooarchaeologists in North America were professionally

trained biologists or paleontologists, and research questions often focused on advances in
quantitative methodologies – particularly those related to which quantitative units were
most appropriate for measuring taxonomic abundances (Lyman 2008, 2016). The earliest
journal article which we have been able to find and access which applies taphonomic studies
to a classic modern-human archaeological site, mentions the field by name, and references
taphonomic literature belongs to Noe-Nygaard (1977). While earlier studies on butchery
and marrow extraction exist (e.g., Guilday et al. 1962), the explicit tie between analysis of
tool marks from intentional disarticulation and the term taphonomy anticipated what
would become a flourishing area of study in the discipline.
We have already discussed some early actualistic studies on the natural disarticulation,
dispersion, and modification of modern fauna carcasses by authors such as Behrensmeyer
et al. (1979), Shipman and Phillips (1976), and Shipman and Phillips‐Conroy (1977). They
were immediately followed by a flurry of studies on terrestrial carcass decomposition, disar-
ticulation, animal modification, and dispersal during the 1980s (e.g., Andrews and Cook
1985, 1985; Berger 1983; Haynes 1988; Hill and Behrensmeyer 1984; Richardson 1980).
356  luis l. cabo, dennis c. dirkmaat, and andrea m. zurek-ost
The study of hyena deposits is particularly useful in illustrating the evolution of taphonomic
carnivore studies. Surface marks and breakage patterns are important considerations when
trying to distinguish between assemblages generated by humans and those generated by
carnivores, particularly hyenas. Hyenas break bones, typically long bone ends, to extract
marrow by crushing them under the pressure of their amazing bite force, while humans do
so by percussion, typically to long bone shafts. In biomechanical terms, hyenas crush bone
through static loads (sustained pressure), while humans use dynamic loads (sudden impacts),
which result in different fracture dynamics. Among the latter, the study of highly diagnostic
byproducts such as toothmarks, cutmarks, or impact notches, benefit enormously from the
use of microscopy.
Another major contributor to the development of modern vertebrate taphonomy, Pat
Shipman, revolutionized bone modification research through her introduction and popu-
larization of scanning electron microscopy protocols as a tool to assess the origin and nature
of surface marks on bone (Potts and Shipman 1981; Shipman 1981a). Through the 1980s,
Shipman joined other authors in expanding the application of her methods to differentiate
between cutmarks and pseudo-cutmarks (Olsen and Shipman 1988; Shipman and Rose
1984) and between cutmarks and bone modification patterns derived from a growing array
of cultural practices.
Shipman also contributed decisively to the growing list of influential reviews and ­volumes
that helped to popularize taphonomy among a wider audience during the early 1980s
(Behrensmeyer and Hill 1980; Binford 1981; Brain 1981; Gifford 1981) with her Life
History of a Fossil (Shipman 1981b). This can be considered as the first introductory volume
to taphonomy. It was written in a manner that made it accessible to a wider audience of stu-
dents and professionals from almost any field. This combination of factors, with increasing
overlap into archaeological subjects, resulted in the integration of taphonomy into zooar-
chaeology, consolidating zooarchaeology and transforming it into the discipline we recog-
nize today. Lyman (1987) mentions taphonomy by name and provides a spectacular, in-depth
discussion of the intimate relationship between taphonomy and modern zooarchaeology,
and, importantly, includes a comprehensive and extremely informative bibliography list.
Taphonomy also witnessed a conceptual evolution during the 1980s. With a much
broader list of practitioners and deeper knowledge base now accumulated, more theoretical
papers discussing conceptual underpinnings joined the literature. The most important
conceptual innovation of taphonomy during that time was the acknowledgment that
taphonomy was not just focused on identifying biases and information losses, but also inter-
preting information gains. In 1985, Anna K. Behrensmeyer and Susan Kidwell proposed a
new working definition of taphonomy as “the study of processes of preservation and how
they affect information in the fossil record. This encompasses not only information loss and
bias, but also the more positive contributions that taphonomy is now making to the study
of organisms and environments through time” (Behrensmeyer and Kidwell 1985: 105).
The information-based definition of taphonomy (Behrensmeyer and Kidwell 1985) is far
from Susan Kidwell’s only contribution during those years. Alongside Behrensmeyer, she
may be the only author who contributed most decisively to the development of modern
taphonomy’s deeper conceptual framework, with a long list of contributions on various
aspects of taphonomic inference that were invariably characterized by a special depth and
insight (e.g., Kidwell 1985, 1986; Kidwell and Behrensmeyer 1988).
All of these developments led taphonomy to emerge during the 1990s as an almost
fully mature field. Some authors even cheered in their titles that “taphonomy has come of
age!” (Allison 1991). The 1990s witnessed an ever-accelerating growth in the field, which
reaped some spectacular fruits of the work carried out during the previous two decades,
further enhancing its visibility. Still, the event that most clearly signaled the full maturity
taphonomy and biological anthropology  357

of the field would likely have to be the publication of Lyman’s Vertebrate Taphonomy
(Lyman 1994).
The explosive growth and diversification of taphonomy from the 1970s had raised
some new problems. One of the most important of these was a diminishing cohesiveness
in terminology, methodological structure, and precise definitions. Arriving at taphonomy
from the highly quantitative zooarchaeological tradition, Lee Lyman (1982, 1987)
addressed those inconsistencies for more than a decade. His comprehensive effort to stan-
dardize terminology and quantitative indices, as well as to delineate and coherently orga-
nize the subfields, study areas, and methods of taphonomy, and define, as he would later
put it “what taphonomy is” (Lyman 2010), crystallized in the monumental book (Lyman
1994). His work was the first full-blown textbook on taphonomy, which became
something akin to the Bible to many 1990s graduate students. This work presented
taphonomy not just as an application of paleontological techniques that could be useful
to other fields and chronologies, but as an integral part of biological anthropology and
zooarchaeology. It presented taphonomy as a mature scientific field that was an essential
component of a variety of disciplines, rather than as a set of techniques and applications.
Since this publication, the maturity of taphonomy has been reflected in such works as
Rogers et al. (2007), Sincerbox and DiGangi (2018), Fernández-Jalvo and Andrews
(2016), and Noto (2011), as well as Sahle et al.’s discussion of equifinality and crocodiles
as taphonomic agents (2017), and even in the creation of a taphonomy board game
(Martindale and Weiss 2020).

Forensic Taphonomy and Future Research

Forensic anthropology was a late adopter of taphonomy, with the first two important mono-
graphs on forensic taphonomy appearing in the late 1990s and early 2000s (Haglund and
Sorg 1997, 2002). In its defense, forensic anthropology remains a rather young field itself.
Even though biological anthropologists were sporadically involved in the analysis of human
remains for forensic investigation purposes since the early twentieth century, we can trace
the establishment of forensic anthropology as a distinct, viable discipline to the early 1970s
(Dirkmaat et al. 2008). Thus, modern forensic anthropology developed at nearly the same
time as modern vertebrate taphonomy.
The reservation of a special section to the subject of forensic taphonomy is partly due to
personal bias (the authors are forensic practitioners), but also because (i) there are few other
scientific fields in which taphonomy has had such a transformational impact and (ii) we
honestly believe that forensic taphonomy has a special role to play in the future of the field
of taphonomy.
Originally, forensic anthropology was defined exclusively as a laboratory field, with the
primary focus of aiding in victim identification. The first applications of taphonomy to
forensic anthropology, as conceived by Marcie Sorg and Bill Haglund, date back to the
1980s, and were related to decomposition and scavenger modifications to forensic human
remains (Sorg et al. 2012). However, the first article with the word taphonomy in its title,
abstract, or keywords in the Journal of Forensic Sciences would not appear until 1989, and
only five other papers included the term during the following five years (Haglund et al.
1989; Haglund and Sorg 1997). It would be the progressive introduction of forensic
archaeology, with the detailed contextual field (scene) information that it brought to the
table, that would allow for a full integration of taphonomy into forensic anthropology, and
thus the birth of forensic taphonomy during the 1990s (Cabo and Dirkmaat 2015, in press;
Dirkmaat and Cabo 2016; Dirkmaat et al. 2008; Sorg et al. 2012).
358  luis l. cabo, dennis c. dirkmaat, and andrea m. zurek-ost
The adoption of forensic taphonomy represented a true paradigm shift in forensic
anthropology, as it brought about a decisive change to its study goals, objectives, and mate-
rials. The introduction of taphonomic inference transformed forensic anthropology from an
applied field exclusively devoted to aiding in victim identification, into a scientific field
that, in addition, sought to reconstruct the events surrounding death and deposition,
operating with a rigorous research component (Beary and Lyman 2012; Cabo and Dirkmaat
2015, in press; Dirkmaat et al. 2008). Haglund and Sorg (1997) defined forensic taphonomy
as “the use of models, approaches, and analyses in forensic contexts to estimate the time
since death, reconstruct the circumstances before and after deposition, and discriminate the
products of human behavior from those created by the Earth’s biological, physical, chemical,
and geological subsystems” (Haglund and Sorg 1997).
Questions posed to an investigator at an outdoor scene represent a familiar set of sub-
jects, such as site formation and deposition processes, including transport, human versus
animal agency, natural versus artificial bone modification, behavioral and cultural patterns
of modification, and quantitative taphonomy questions. Every single inference in modern
forensic anthropology, other than victim identity, refers to classic taphonomic issues.
However, forensic taphonomy contains a key novel trait that distinguishes it from classic
taphonomy as approached from other fields. While taphonomic applications in paleoecology,
paleontology, paleoanthropology, and archaeology seek to reconstruct past environments,
forensic taphonomy also seeks to reconstruct past events and conditions that transpired, but
in current environments. This means that, while at archaeological or paleontological sites
we are exclusively interested in the environmental information captured in the sedimento-
logical medium, at an outdoor forensic case scene we are also interested in all elements,
factors, and conditions of the current environment (flora, fauna, soils, slope, shade, etc.).
Forensic taphonomy is actualistic, not in the uniformitarian, comparative sense, but in and
of itself; each forensic anthropology case is a natural experiment examining the death,
decomposition, disarticulation, dispersion, and modification of large vertebrate “carcasses”
under known contextual and environmental conditions. Importantly, these natural experi-
ments are (unfortunately) continuously replicated across locations and climate regimes
spanning entire continents and, carefully documented under the appropriate recovery pro-
tocols (Dirkmaat 2012; Dirkmaat and Adovasio 1997; Dirkmaat and Cabo 2016; Dirkmaat
et al. 2008), contain a wealth of information impossible to match in traditional research.
Classic actualistic taphonomy studies are still alive and well. This includes initiatives such
as that of the INCUAPA-CONICET from the Universidad Nacional del Centro de la
Provincia in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The INCUAPA team has been conducting both
observational and experimental research on a wide variety of interrelated taphonomic agents
and processes, from experiments on water transport or weathering under controlled condi-
tions, to carnivore feeding behavior studies at a local zoo. They have also constructed actu-
alistic sampling designs targeting carnivore and rodent accumulations, preservation biases,
and carcass disarticulation and dispersal along transects in different patterns throughout a
variety of environments (Gutiérrez et al. 2018; and references therein).
The information retrievable from these studies and, importantly, information that can be
brought to bear to address a wide variety of hypotheses regarding past taphonomic events
at that scene, pales in comparison to the depth and breadth of information standardly
retrieved from a properly approached and processed outdoor forensic scene – effectively an
actualistic taphonomic study. Information is obtained from the earliest of the times in the
taphonomic interval (around the time of death) and into extended timeframes. It is pri-
marily for these reasons that forensic taphonomy has unparalleled transformative potential
to advance taphonomic inference.
taphonomy and biological anthropology  359

Perhaps the best example of that potential comes from modern forensic bone trauma
analysis. Fracture analysis in taphonomy has traditionally relied on breakage patterns and
overall fracture morphology (e.g., Johnson 1985; Villa and Mahieu 1991). The demanding
evidentiary standards of criminal justice has led to the utilization of microscopic tech-
niques to infer the fracture dynamics by precisely identifying the distribution of tension
and compression failure areas, as well as some inferences on the timing of the fracture
(peri- or post-mortem) based on changes of the mechanical properties of bone and its bio-
mechanical reaction under stress as it gradually loses its viscoelastic properties during
decomposition (Dirkmaat et al. 2008; Symes et al. 2012, 2021). These forensic tech-
niques permit the reconstruction of the exact direction of forces and strains that combine
to create the fracture (i.e., the exact manner and direction in which the bone bent and
broke), as well as inferences regarding postural reconstructions. An analysis of the Au.
sediba Malapa assemblage in South Africa (L’Abbe et al. 2015) serves to illustrate the
promise of these techniques for paleoanthropological inference. Based on geological
information, it had been hypothesized that the depositional process behind the Malapa
assemblage was a natural trap (Dirks et al. 2010). The forensic trauma analysis techniques
of the broken upper limb bones suggested that the two Au. sediba individuals displayed
peri-mortem fractures that were highly consistent with a fall from height, and also that one
of them was necessarily alive, awake, and actively bracing themselves during the fall at the
time of impact (L’Abbé et al. 2015).
Thus, we firmly believe that a larger interest and participation in forensic taphonomy of
taphonomists from other fields, as well as from researchers from other areas, such as systems
ecology, entomology, and molecular biology, could have a transformative impact in the
future development of taphonomy.

Final Thoughts

Using a historical approach to outline a scientific field has some risks and inconveniences,
the main one being that it is impossible to do justice to all relevant contributors. We are
sure we have unfairly omitted many authors who contributed decisively to the development
of taphonomy during its formative years, from the early 1960s to the early 1990s. Although
we have tried to avoid it, the attention devoted to particular subfields and authors is also
irremediably biased by our personal experiences, background, and memories. In our review
we did not even touch upon some important areas of taphonomic research, such as fire
alteration or domestication studies. For those of us who still remember those not so ancient
times during which it was possible to have read basically all existing volumes and key refer-
ences in taphonomy, the current impossibility to even list them is probably the best testa-
ment to the explosive and fruitful development of taphonomy during the last five decades.
However, while fully aware of all its risks and shortcomings, when pondering what might
be the best approach to outlining the field of taphonomy for the audience of A Companion
to Biological Anthropology, we still decided to settle for a historical approach. Looking back
at key landmarks gives us a perspective of both the approaches that were more successful to
advance the field, and the mistakes and obstacles that slowed its advancement, and, with it,
a view of what to avoid and seek in the future.
In our historical review of taphonomy, we found some recurring themes. The first is how
the incorporation of the actualistic, hypothesis-centered approach repeatedly solved
previous analytical problems and misinterpretations – from Dart’s hypothesis to faunal
interpretations in zooarchaeology, pseudo-tools, pseudo-cutmarks, or hunting versus
360  luis l. cabo, dennis c. dirkmaat, and andrea m. zurek-ost
scavenging questions. With the vast body of literature now available for comparisons and
interpretations, it is important to remember that taphonomy, as with any science, is defined
by its methods and scope rather than simply by the gradual accumulation of a body of
knowledge. Thus, it is crucial to continue to stress the actualistic approach and to base our
interpretations on testable hypotheses.
A second major recurring theme is the importance of a fluid communication between
fields. C. K. Brain or the zooarchaeologists of the 1970s were aware of the sampling biases
outlined by Efremov three decades earlier, and were trying to address them on their own,
while largely unaware of the advances already made by paleontologists, including human pale-
ontologists. It was not until initiatives such as the Burg Wartenstein meeting started bringing
together paleoanthropologists from different regions that volumes such as Behrensmeyer and
Hill (1980), Binford (1981), Brain (1981), or Shipman (1981a, 1981b) started introducing
the field to a wider audience in the early 1980s, and the analysis of bone modification started
addressing hypotheses increasingly intersecting archaeological matters (e.g., Bonnichsen and
Sorg 1989; Gifford-Gonzalez 1989; Hill and Behrensmeyer 1985; Shipman et al. 1981;
Shipman and Rose 1983). Only then did researchers working on archaeological chronologies
start to fully benefit from the advances in taphonomy of the previous three decades. Thus, the
history of taphonomy also teaches us that it is crucial to prevent the atomization of the field
into separate, poorly interconnected lines and traditions.
This risk is further exacerbated today by a third recurring theme in taphonomy, namely
the need to rely on more than one line of evidence, and breaking the problem into a set of
simple testable hypotheses that require examination from different approaches, materials,
and independent information sources. This adds an additional subdivision between
researchers approaching taphonomy from paleontology, paleoanthropology, archaeology,
or forensic anthropology, as the increased sophistication of analytical techniques promotes
ever higher levels of specialization in different subjects, techniques, and materials. We
believe that maintaining a common core of literature, relevant to all subfields and approaches,
is the first step in preventing the atomization of taphonomy and ensuring its future growth
as a cohesive field. We feel that the classic references listed in this chapter are the best
starting point to build that core.
Even though taphonomy has spectacular applications to social sciences such as archaeology
and paleoecology, as a scientific field, taphonomy has one foot in biology and the other in
geology, including paleontology and sedimentology. While it plays an integral role in
modern biological anthropology, the most fruitful taphonomic experimentations and devel-
opments have systematically emerged at the intersection of different disciplines.


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CHAPTER 22 Primate Origins: The
Earliest Primates and
Euprimates and Their
Role in the Evolution
of the Order

Mary T. Silcox and Sergi



The extinction of the non-avian dinosaurs at the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) boundary

approximately 66 million years ago heralded the start of a fundamental shift in the verte-
brate ecosystem that has often been called the “Beginning of the Age of Mammals” (e.g.,
Rose 2006). Within a relatively short time frame following the extinction event (O’Leary et
al. 2013), placental mammals are inferred to have radiated into diverse new niches. Although
these shifts constituted the first steps in creating a familiar world, many of the mammals that
were successful in the first epoch following the extinction event represent groups whose
relationships (if any) with modern orders of mammals remain in debate. These groups are
sometimes referred to as “archaic” because they lack the specializations characteristic of
modern taxa (e.g., Rose 2006). Whether or not this is a fair characterization, it is clear that
relating groups such as “Condylarthra” (a wastebasket for early ungulates), Creodonta (car-
nivorous forms of debatable relation to modern carnivorans), and Mesonychia (carnivorous
taxa that had been thought to be ancestors of early whales but probably are not) to the
modern mammalian orders is challenging.
Not so, however, with taxa that begin to appear at the beginning of the next geologic
epoch, the Eocene. Within a relatively short timeframe, inarguable members of modern
groups such as Perissodactyla (odd-toed ungulates such as horses) and Artiodactyla (even-
toed ancestors of deer and cows) appear in deposits across the northern continents (i.e.,
Laurasia), likely in association with a transient warming event called the Paleocene–Eocene

A Companion to Biological Anthropology, Second Edition. Edited by Clark Spencer Larsen.

© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
366  mary t. silcox and sergi lópez-torres
Thermal Maximum (PETM; e.g., Gingerich 2006). To a time-traveler, the world would
still have seemed strange (e.g., the earliest known horses were the size of a housecat and had
four toes on the front foot and three on the back; Rose 2006), but with more hints of famil-
iarity than if they had visited the preceding Paleocene epoch.
What of the fossil record for Primates? Inarguable members of the order (called here
Euprimates following Hoffstetter 1977) form part of the fauna whose spread across Laurasia
has been tied to the PETM (Gingerich 2006), although technically the oldest known likely
euprimate is slightly older (Altiatlasius from the late Paleocene of Morocco; Sigé et al.
1990). Within the first one–two million years of the Eocene, two groups of euprimates, the
Adapoidea and the Omomyoidea, had begun to radiate in parts of North America, Europe,
and Asia (Dunn et al. 2016; Godinot 2015; Morse et al. 2019; see Table 22.1), with the
former also appearing in the middle Eocene of Africa (Godinot et al. 2018). When known,
these adapoids and omomyoids have all the hallmarks of “proper” primates, including con-
vergent orbits with postorbital bars, nails on most digits (e.g., see Rose 1994: figure 3), and
brains with some expansion of the neocortex and proportionally small olfactory bulbs
(Harrington et al. 2016, 2020; Ramdarshan and Orliac 2016). There is really no debate
about the primate status of adapoids and omomyoids, although (as discussed below) their
ultimate fate in primate phylogeny is still a source of some dispute.
What is still very much in debate is the source of Euprimates, both phylogenetically and
biogeographically, and the adaptive basis for the origin of Primates as an order. In particular,
there is a diverse array of “archaic” taxa that make up part of the Paleocene fauna (extend-
ing in some cases into the Eocene) who have been linked to Primates. These potential stem
Primates, often referred to as “Plesiadapiformes”, underwent their own radiation in the ~
10-million-year period between the extinction of the dinosaurs and the first appearance of
the Euprimates (Silcox et al. 2017).
In this chapter we will provide an overview of the fossil record for the key early euprimate
groups, and for the plesiadapiforms, and we will discuss how this record relates to Primate
Origins and to the origins of Strepsirrhini and Anthropoidea.

Early Euprimates

Adapis was the first fossil primate to be named (Cuvier 1812), although the reference in its
name to Apis, the sacred Egyptian bull, implies some initial confusion about its identity. For
most anthropologists, the image they have of adapoids probably originates with one of the
great classic works in Paleoprimatology, Gregory’s 1920 monograph on Notharctus, an
extremely well documented genus from the early Eocene of North America. The impres-
sion given by Notharctus is that adapoids were larger than their contemporary omomyoids,
with lemur-like adaptations for arboreal quadrupedalism with some leaping, an omnivorous
diet, and a diurnal activity period. This perspective over-simplifies the impressive diversity
of adapoids currently known, including over 100 species (Godinot 2015), with body masses
(~100–6,900 g; Soligo 2006) that overlap the omomyoid range, and an impressive diversity
of adaptations in terms of activity period, locomotion, and diet. As one example, the
European Caenopithecus was a folivorous, slow arboreal quadruped with loris-like postcra-
nial features (Seiffert et al. 2015). Adapoids also provide the oldest evidence of sexual
dimorphism in the primate fossil record (Alexander 1994; Krishtalka et al. 1990), differing
in this way from most known strespsirrhines.
primate origins  367

Table 22.1 Classification of Early Primates. Plesiadapiforms follow the taxonomic framework in
Silcox et al. (2017), adapoids as in Godinot (1998, 2015), and omomyoids as in Godinot (2015).
Some additions were made necessary by recent discoveries (Chavasseau et al. 2019; Dunn et al.
2016; Ni et al. 2016)

Purgatoriidae (North America)
Micromomyidae (North America, ?Asia)
Microsyopidae (North America, Europe)
Toliapinidae (Europe)
Picromomyidae (North America)
Paromomyidae (North America, Europe, Asia)
Palaechthonidae (North America, ?Asia)
Picrodontidae (North America)
Plesiadapidae (North America, Europe)
Carpolestidae (North America, Asia)
Saxonellidae (North America, Europe)

Notharctinae (North America, Europe)
Cercamoniinae (Europe)
Caenopithecinae (North America, Europe, Asia, Africa)
Adapinae (Europe)
Asiadapidae (Asia)
Ekgmowechashalidae (North America, Asia)
Hoanghoniinae (Asia)
Sivaladapinae (Asia)
Anthradapinae (Asia)
Omomyinae (North America, Asia)
Anaptomorphinae (North America)
Microchoerinae (Europe, Asia)
368  mary t. silcox and sergi lópez-torres
Primitive adapoids and omomyoids are very similar dentally, although adapoids do
possess two apparently derived features of the dentition that allows them to be distin-
guished (the loss of the postmetaconule crista on the upper molars and the presence of
a buccally shifted hypoconulid on the lower first and second molars; see Rose 1994:
figures 1 and 2). Discoveries of postcranial material of primitive adapoids and omomy-
oids from India, which may constitute the oldest (~54.5 mya) well preserved skeletal
remains for Euprimates (Dunn et al. 2016), also suggest that the two groups may have
also been similar postcranially at their inception. Although the Indian specimens show
adaptations for arboreal quadrupedalism, they lack features for leaping, which is some-
what surprising since that locomotor mode is often inferred to be primitive for Euprimates
(e.g., Silcox et al. 2015).
Most large-scale analyses find that adapoids exist as a series of branches off the strepsir-
rhine stem (e.g., Seiffert et al. 2015, 2018). As discussed below, an alternative, minority
view would consider them haplorhines rather than strepsirrhines, with relevance to
anthropoid origins rather than strepsirrhine evolution (Franzen et al. 2009; Gingerich et al.
2010). In recent years, the geographic scope of the family has expanded considerably, with
discoveries in Egypt, Namibia, India, Vietnam, Thailand and Myanmar (e.g., Beard et al.
2007; Chaimanee et al. 2008; Chavasseau et al. 2019; Godinot et al. 2018; Rose et al.
2009; Seiffert et al. 2018), demonstrating that adapoids were broadly distributed not only
in Laurasia, but also in Africa. The temporal range of the superfamily is also incredibly long,
stretching from the earliest Eocene in Europe and North America (see Figure 22.1 and
Godinot 2015) around 56 mya (Dunn et al. 2016) to the Miocene of China at about 8
million years ago (Pan and Wu 1986; Wu and Pan 1985). As such, Adapoidea is arguably
the longest-lived primate superfamily. The North American record includes literally thou-
sands of specimens of the genus Cantius, which provides one of the best-documented
examples of gradual evolution in the fossil record (O’Leary 2021). The latest occurring

Figure 22.1 Temporal ranges for plesiadapiform, adapoid and omomyoid families. E: early; M:
middle; L: late. Approximate age ranges based on Godinot (1978), Wu and Pan (1985), Gingerich
(1986), Pan and Wu (1986), Wilson (1986), Beard et al. (1994), Köhler and Moyà-Solà (1999), Sei-
ffert (2007); Hooker (2010, 2012), Marigó et al. (2013), Samuels et al. (2015); Dunn et al. (2016),
Silcox et al. (2017), and Rust (2018). Source: Sergi López-Torres
primate origins  369

endemic North American primate, Ekgmowechashala philotau, is now considered to be an

adapoid, persisting until ~ 26 mya (Samuels et al. 2015).
The most complete specimen of a fossil primate known also pertains to an adapoid,
Darwinius massillae, from the middle Eocene (~47 mya) Lagerstätten deposits of Messel,
Germany. Among the extraordinary discoveries possible from the Darwinius skeleton is
the first evidence of stomach contents for a fossil primate (Franzen and Wilde 2003),
consisting of fruit and leaves. Interestingly, no evidence of insect remains were found,
even though they are common elements of Messel stomach contents. The Darwinius
skeleton (aka “Ida”) pertained to a subadult of perhaps just over 1 year old (López-
Torres et al. 2015) that is assumed to be female based on the lack of an os baculum
(Franzen et al. 2009). Adaptively, Darwinius is inferred to have been a nocturnal arbo-
real quadruped, without particular specializations for leaping (Franzen et al. 2009).
Interpretation of the Darwinius skeleton has brought debates about the role of adapoids
in the larger picture of primate evolution into sharp relief (see below; Gingerich et al.
2010; Williams et al. 2010b).

Traditionally, omomyoids have been viewed as tarsier-like, in contrast to the lemur-like
adapoids. However, the current knowledge of omomyoid biology shows that they were not
uniformly tarsier-like, but instead filled a wider range of adaptive niches, with many forms
being more similar to present-day bushbabies (Gunnell and Rose 2002). Omomyoids are
characterized by having large orbits, a tubular ectotympanic (a feature seen in tarsiers and
catarrhines), and a short snout, and were generally small in body mass (22 g – 2.5 kg;
Fleagle 2013; Strait 2001). The large orbits in omomyoids are interpreted as adaptations to
nocturnality, even though the earliest members of this group were reconstructed as diurnal,
visually oriented predators, making nocturnality likely to be a derived adaptation of later-
occurring omomyoids (Ankel-Simons and Rasmussen 2008; Godinot 2015; Ni et al. 2004).
Most omomyoids are also characterized by having large incisors and small canines, but
there are some notable exceptions, such as Washakius, which had small anterior teeth
(Covert and Williams 1991). The postcranial skeleton of most omomyoids shows hallmarks
of leaping behaviour; however, there is a significant diversity in modes of locomotion, rang-
ing from the Cheirogaleus-like type of generalized arboreal quadrupedalism of the most
primitive forms to tarsier-like extreme leapers (Boyer et al. 2013; Dunn et al. 2016; Godinot
2015). As in modern strepsirrhines and tarsiers (and likely some adapoids; Koenigswald et
al. 2012), some omomyoids (including the very primitive Teilhardina brandti) also had a
grooming claw (Boyer et al. 2018).
There are over 120 species of omomyoids found across North America, Europe, and
Asia. The rich North American dental record includes evidence of the evolution of one
genus (Tetonius) into another (Pseudotetonius), which represents a compelling example of
gradual evolution (Rose and Bown 1984). With respect to diet, most omomyoids were
either strict insectivores or were omnivores (Strait 2001), but the evolution of larger taxa
after the extinction of large-bodied adapoids by the late middle Eocene (Jones et al. 2014)
brought more folivorous behaviours to the fore (Covert 1986). As mentioned earlier, dur-
ing the early Eocene, primitive adapoids and omomyoids were very similar dentally (Rose
1994; Rose and Bown 1991). However, omomyoids can be distinguished from adapoids by
a slight mesiodistal compression of the lower antemolar series. This compression occurs due
to the relatively more reduced canine and first lower premolar (p1), loss of one root from
the second lower premolar (p2), and compaction of the third and fourth lower premolars
(p3–4) (Rose 1994).
370  mary t. silcox and sergi lópez-torres
The question of the relationships of omomyoids with modern-day tarsiers has sparked
considerable debate, with some authors considering that, due to the lack of clear features
linking omomyoids to tarsiers, omomyoids should be considered a separate group from
Tarsiiformes, for which the name Omomyiformes is sometimes used (Godinot 2015;
Williams et al. 2010a). Some cladistic analyses recover omomyoids as stem haplorhines
(e.g., Holroyd and Strait 2008; Ni et al. 2004), but most large-scale phylogenetic analyses
find that omomyoids exist as a series of branches off the tarsiiform stem (Morse et al. 2019;
Ni et al. 2016; Seiffert et al. 2015, 2018), favouring historical osteological interpretations
tying omomyoids to tarsiers (e.g., Cope 1882; Stehlin 1916). As such, omomyoids might
represent a paraphyletic grouping (Godinot 2015). Alternatively, some have viewed omo-
myoids as a monophyletic sister group to adapoids (Martin 1990). The omomyoid
temporal range (see Figure 22.1) stretches from the earliest Eocene of Wyoming around
56 mya (Teilhardina brandti; Gingerich 1993; Morse et al. 2019; Rose et al. 2011),
appearing around the same time as adapoids as part of the PETM fauna (Gingerich 2006),
to the early Oligocene of Catalonia, Spain, around 31 mya (Pseudoloris godinoti; Köhler
and Moyà-Solà 1999).

Possible Stem Primates (Plesiadapiforms)

While there is no real debate about the primate status of adapoids and omomyoids,
whether any earlier taxa can be considered primates is still in question. The earliest forms
that have been linked to Primates belong to the family Purgatoriidae and the genus
Purgatorius (Wilson Mantilla et al. 2021). The purgatoriids comprise but one of 11 fam-
ilies that are clustered together as “plesiadapiforms” (Silcox et al. 2017). The oldest well-
dated material for Purgatorius comes from northeastern Montana and is likely to be within
105–139 kya of the K–Pg boundary; a possible Cretaceous record (Van Valen and Sloan
1965) is from a fauna that is now considered to be of mixed age (Wilson Mantilla et al.
2021) and in any case is not particularly diagnostic (i.e., it consists of a single fragmented
molar). Therefore, there is no clear evidence of coexistence of primates with any nonavian
dinosaurs. Quantitative analysis of the dentition of the earliest purgatoriids (Wilson
Mantilla et al. 2021) show that they already had features consistent with omnivory and
frugivory. Indeed, plesiadapiforms generally share with euprimates a similar overall pattern
of molar dental morphology, with relatively low trigonids and broad talonid basins (e.g.,
see Rose 1994: figure 1).
Known from across Laurasia (Beard and Wang 1995; Russell 1964; Silcox and Gunnell
2008), nine of the 11 plesiadapiform families originate in the Paleocene (see Figure 22.1
and Table 22.1), forming part of the archaic fauna alluded to in the Introduction. In North
America some families became extinct near the Paleocene–Eocene boundary in what could
be considered the first major primate extinction event, the basis of which is still in debate
(Prufrock et al. 2016). However, several families do survive the Paleocene–Eocene boundary
and coexist with euprimates, with two families being documented only in the Eocene
(Toliapinidae and Picromomyidae; see Figure 22.1). There are large collections of some
plesiadapiform families known from the Paleocene and Eocene of North America. Indeed,
the members of one family, the Plesiadapidae, are used as critical index taxa in North
American Paleocene biostratigraphy (Gingerich 1976). Another Paleocene family, the
Carpolestidae, provides a nice example of directional adaptive evolution in the increasing
size and elaboration of its large, mitten-like fourth premolar through time (Rose 1977:
figure 1). The carpolestid p4 also serves as one of several examples of the ways in which the
primate origins  371

dentitions of plesiadapiforms exceed the adaptive boundaries of modern euprimates, being

more similar to that tooth in Mesozoic multituberculates and some modern marsupials
(recognized by Simpson 1933 as a particular adaptive type, the “plagiaulacoid” dentition).
Other examples include the peculiar enlarged m1 of picrodontid plesiadapiforms, which is
similar to the fig-eating bat genus Ariteus (Burger 2013), and the pointed p4 of paromo-
myid plesiadapiforms, which has been likened to the specialized puncturing teeth of modern
petaurid marsupials (Gingerich 1974).
In general, plesiadapiforms were small mammals – indeed the group includes several con-
tenders for the smallest primate, with Toliapina vinealis in particular being a strong candi-
date with an estimated body mass of only ~ 6.6 g (Hooker et al. 1999; Silcox et al. 2017).
The largest plesiadapiform weighed only ~ 3.5 kg (Megadelphus lundeliusi; Silcox et al.
2017). All plesiadapiforms are characterized by enlarged upper and lower incisors. Although
this would have given them a somewhat rodent-like appearance, the incisors lack the
restricted enamel of rodent incisors, and were not ever-growing.
Much of the fossil record of plesiadapiforms is dental, but at least some postcranial
material is known for seven of the 11 families (Silcox et al. 2017). What is arguably the old-
est primate skeleton pertains to the plesiadapiform Torrejonia wilsoni (Chester et al. 2017,
2019) from the early Paleocene of New Mexico. This species would have had highly mobile
ankle joints and habitually flexed fore and hind limbs, consistent with nonleaping arboreal-
ity. Indeed, all plesiadapiforms known from postcranial material were nonleaping arboreal-
ists, but with a diversity of locomotor behaviours within that general framework. For
example, the genus Plesiadapis is sometimes treated as a good proxy for the entire plesi-
adapiform radiation, since it has been well known from cranial, postcranial, and dental
material for more than 50 years (e.g., see Russell 1964). This approach is problematic,
however, in under-representing the diversity of plesiadapiforms generally, and even plesiad-
apids specifically. Plesiadapis would likely have been more specialized for moving on large
vertical supports than other plesiadapiforms, with Plesiadapis cookei in particular showing
adaptations for suspensory behavior such as very deep manual unguals (Boyer and Gingerich
2019). However, other members of the family were better adapted for manual grasping
(suggesting greater use of smaller supports), as evidenced by variation in humeral anatomy
and hand proportions (Bloch and Boyer 2007). One of the best represented plesiadapi-
forms postcranially is Carpolestes simpsoni, known from a remarkably complete partial skel-
eton, which demonstrates that the species had a divergent big toe with a flat nail (Bloch and
Boyer 2002). If this represents a trait shared with the common ancestor to euprimates it
would form some of the most compelling evidence for the primate affinities of plesiadapi-
forms (see the discussion below).
There are at least some cranial remains known for members of all but four families of
plesiadapiforms (Silcox et al. 2017). These specimens demonstrate a quite different Bauplan
from the euprimate cranium (Figure 22.2), with orbits that face fairly far laterally, no
complete postorbital bars, and quite long snouts (Bloch et al. 2016; Bloch and Silcox 2006;
Kay et al. 1990; Russell 1964; Silcox et al. 2020). The makeup of the auditory bulla in
plesiadapiforms remains a matter of debate. While the paromomyid plesiadapiform Ignacius
had a nonpetrosal bulla (probably formed from an entotympanic element; Bloch and Silcox
2001; Kay et al. 1990; Silcox 2003) and microsyopids may not have had a bulla (Silcox et
al. 2020), some other families (Carpolestidae, Plesiadapidae, Micromomyidae) show conti-
nuity between at least part of the bulla and the petrosal (Bloch and Silcox 2006; Bloch et
al. 2016; Boyer et al. 2012; Russell 1964) and so might exhibit the distinctively primate-
like feature of a petrosal bulla. The endocasts of plesiadapiforms indicate that the brain had
not yet evolved a euprimate-like expansion of the neocortex, with notably larger olfactory
372  mary t. silcox and sergi lópez-torres

Figure 22.2 Reconstructions of crania in oblique dorsal view based on high-resolution X-ray mi-
croCT data. (A) Microsyops annectens (UW 12362); (B) Ignacius graybullianus (USNM 421608);
(C) Smilodectes gracilis (USNM UM 32773); (D) Necrolemur antiquus (MaPhQ 289); (E) Rooneyia
viejaensis (TMM 406887). Scale bar = 5 mm. Source: Mary T. Silcox.

bulbs relative to the overall size of the brain compared to even the most primitive eupri-
mates (Gingerich and Gunnell 2005; Orliac et al. 2014; Silcox et al. 2009, 2010).

But Are They Primates?

Of course, the million-dollar question for plesiadapiforms is whether they can be considered
members of our order. Two papers published in Nature in 1990 (Beard 1990; Kay et al.
1990) seemed to tell a compelling tale of nonprimate affinities for one group of plesiadapi-
forms, the Paromomyidae, based on apparent cranial and postcranial similarities to the
modern Southeast Asian gliding mammals of the order Dermoptera (i.e., colugos or “flying
lemurs”), which even led to the suggestion that paromomyids may have been gliders (Beard
1990). Subsequently, more complete discoveries (Bloch and Silcox 2001; Bloch et al.
2007), as well as the study of the cranial material with modern high-resolution X-ray CT
(Silcox 2003), have brought these conclusions into question. With better-associated post-
cranial material, it is now clear that paromomyids were not gliders (Boyer and Bloch 2008),
but were instead callitrichine-like, active arborealists capable of bounding behaviours (Bloch
et al. 2007; Boyer and Bloch 2008).
In some analyses incorporating these new discoveries (e.g., Bloch et al. 2007; Chester et
al. 2017; Silcox 2008), plesiadapiforms fall out as more closely related to primates than are
any other taxa – as such, they could be considered stem primates. However, in others, they
fall out as euarchontans (i.e., members of the group including Primates, Dermoptera, and
Scandentia [treeshrews]) but not as stem primates per se (e.g., Ni et al. 2016). We have
argued (Silcox et al. 2017) that analyses explicitly designed to answer questions about plesi-
adapiform relationships are more likely to produce correct answers about plesiadapiform
relationships than analyses designed with other purposes in mind, because they include
characters and taxa that are critical to form correct inferences about the primitive states of
plesiadapiform groups. While we (unsurprisingly) continue to hold that view, we do also
offer another observation. The fossil record for nonprimate members of Euarchonta con-
tinues to be extremely poor (Silcox et al. 2005). Therefore, reconstructing relationships on
the euarchontan stem is very challenging, since it is effectively mixing highly derived
modern taxa (colugos and treeshrews) that have been evolving away from their common
ancestor with primates for probably at least 65 million years (Upham et al. 2019), with
forms much less removed from the euarchontan common ancestor. Until we know more
about primitive euarchontans, the relationships of plesiadapiforms are likely to continue to
be contentious.
primate origins  373

A different approach to the question of the primate status of plesiadapiforms is to com-

pare what we know of the group to definitions of Primates based on characters that are
either universally present in living members of the order, or have been deduced to have
been present in their common ancestor. Such an approach was taken, for example, by
Martin (1968) and Cartmill (1972, 1974). It is certainly true that plesiadapiforms lack
some of the features that would appear on such a list, including, for example, the postorbital
bar, nails on most digits, and convergent orbits. Certainly, a concept of “Primates” that
excludes plesiadapiforms is easier to define, both in a formal taxonomic sense and adap-
tively. However, as our knowledge of both plesiadapiforms and early primates has grown,
these lines have begun to blur. As one example, a distinctive primate trait, pedal grasping,
can now be inferred to have evolved through a series of steps in the course of plesiadapiform
evolution (Bloch et al. 2007; Sargis et al. 2007). Similarly, an enlarged brain (relative to
body mass) is often cited as a distinctively primate trait (e.g., Cartmill 1992), but as our
knowledge of endocranial anatomy in early euprimates has grown it has become increas-
ingly clear that primitive forms were less encephalized than would be expected from the
modern record (Harrington et al. 2020). Simply put, an approach that requires taxa to have
all of a list of defining traits becomes problematic as more intermediate forms are found.
For these reasons, we will continue to argue that the best evidence that exists supports
the inference that plesiadapiforms were indeed primates, with some primitive features com-
pared to modern members of the order, but sharing features of the dentition associated
with omnivory, and the postcranium associated with a primate-like mode of arboreality
(i.e., see Bloch et al. 2007: figure 5).

Looking Backwards and Looking Forwards

Explaining Primate Origins

There are several scenarios that attempt to explain coordinated shifts in primate traits
through the lens of overarching changes in the primate niche. Historically (e.g., Le Gros
Clark 1959), the key to such change was thought to be the transition to arboreality.
However, this model is now widely discredited because there is solid evidence that the
ancestors of primates of modern aspect were already arboreal (Szalay and Drawhorn 1980).
Arboreality in and of itself cannot explain many primate features (Cartmill 1974) and early
primates show arboreal characteristics long before other primate traits appear (Chester et al.
2015, 2017, 2019). Four ecological scenarios that variously emphasize particular behav-
iours arose out of the ashes of the arboreality hypothesis and continue to frame many dis-
cussions about Primate Origins: (1) visual predation (Cartmill 1974, 1992), which
emphasizes visually directed capture of prey (primarily insects) as the catalyst to shifting the
primate niche; (2) grasp-leaping locomotor behaviours, preceded by a shift toward greater
consumption of plant material (including fruit, leaves, nectar, gums, etc.), emphasizing a
sequence of adaptive changes that eventually led to the unique suite of specializations seen
in primates (Szalay 1968); (3) terminal branch feeding, tying more intense use of angio-
sperm resources, like fruit and flowers, to major adaptive shifts in primate evolution
(Sussman 1991), perhaps through diffuse coevolution between primates and fruiting trees;
and (4) a combination involving terminal branch feeding being followed by visual predation
(Rasmussen 1990). The sequence of change in characters in primitive primates is most con-
sistent with the terminal branch feeding hypothesis (Bloch et al. 2007; Silcox et al. 2015;
Silcox and López-Torres 2017). However, this conclusion fails to provide a clear explana-
tion for the unique visual system in primates (but see Changizi and Shimojo 2008) or to
374  mary t. silcox and sergi lópez-torres
consider shifts in ecology between plesiadapiforms and euprimates (e.g., to incorporate
more leaping), demonstrating that more work needs to be done to explain both primate
and euprimate origins.

The Origins of Anthropoidea and Strepsirrhini

The origins of anthropoids have been a matter of extensive discussion in the literature. The
main contenders for the anthropoid stem have been (1) the Eosimiiformes and (2) the
Adapoidea. These two models lead to different perspectives on what the earliest anthro-
poids should look like – more tarsier-like in the first case and more like early definitive
anthropoids in the second.
Eosimiiforms include two families of middle Eocene to early Oligocene primates: the
Eosimiidae and the Afrotarsiidae. Eosimiids were a family of diminutive primates from
the middle Eocene of China and Myanmar (Beard et al. 1994; Jaeger et al. 1999) and the
Oligocene of Pakistan (Marivaux et al. 2005) that are very tarsier-like in morphology, but with
some traits, such as vertically implanted incisors, obliquely oriented premolar roots, and a deep
mandible, that are more anthropoid-like. The most broadly accepted view is that eosimiids are
stem anthropoids (Beard et al. 1994; Kay et al. 1997; Marivaux et al. 2005; Williams et al.
2010a), which is supported by comprehensive phylogenetic analyses (e.g., Bajpai et al. 2008;
Rose et al. 2009). In light of the widespread acceptance of the relationship between modern
tarsiers and anthropoids, eosimiids are, perhaps, close to what one might predict an anthropoid
ancestor might look like. However, other authors disagree with this placement (e.g., Godinot
1994; Gunnell and Miller 2001), in part because of the deep morphological chasm between
members of this group and unquestionable early anthropoids from the Fayum of Egypt
(Gunnell and Miller 2001). Afrotarsiids, also from the Fayum, have been interpreted by some
as being anthropoids closely related to the Asian taxa (Beard 2016), despite their name being
more suggestive of tarsier affinities, and having originally been described as tarsiids (Simons
and Bown 1985).
Most contemporary authors have supported a closer relationship of adapoids to strepsir-
rhines (i.e., Adapoid–Strepsirrhine Hypothesis; see Dagosto 1988; Gregory 1920;
Hoffstetter 1977; Kay et al. 1997), but the Adapoid–Anthropoid Hypothesis has a long
history in the literature on this subject (e.g., Bloch et al. 1997; Gingerich and Schoeninger
1977; Rasmussen and Simons 1988; Wortman 1903–1904), and gained some attention
recently in the context of the description of Darwinius, as mentioned above (Franzen et al.
2009; Gingerich et al. 2010). The authors argued that its short rostrum, deep mandibular
ramus, partially fused mandible, vertical and spatulate incisors, talus with a steep talofibular
facet, apparently absent grooming claw (but see Koenigswald et al. 2012), lack of a tooth-
comb, mediolaterally compressed cuneiform, and long fourth pedal digit supported ties
with halporhines and anthropoids (Franzen et al. 2009; Gingerich et al. 2010). However,
the short rostrum, symphyseal fusion, and deep mandible have evolved many times in pri-
mate evolution, and other characters could be interpreted as primitive for euprimates
(Williams et al. 2010b). For example, as mentioned above, the omomyoid Washakius is
known to have small anterior teeth, somewhat similar to that of adapoids and anthropoids
(Covert and Williams 1991). This suggests that this feature might actually be a plesiomor-
phic trait of the euprimate ancestor, and anthropoids simply inherited this primitive trait.
Additionally, grooming claws are well documented in other adapoids (Boyer et al. 2018;
Maiolino et al. 2012). The Adapoid–Strepsirrhine Hypothesis is supported by most recent
large-scale phylogenetic analyses (e.g., Ni et al. 2016; Seiffert et al. 2015, 2018). However,
it is important to note that despite the consistent support for adapoids as stem strepsirrhines,
primate origins  375

adapoids do lack many of the typical strepsirrhine features, like the toothcomb. The oldest
evidence of a toothcomb in the fossil record is found in the early late Eocene stem lorisoid
Karanisia (Seiffert et al. 2003), making it the first known primate that actually looks like a
modern strepsirrhine, implying a large gap in the known record of early strepsirrhine evo-
lution between adapoids primitive enough to be strepsirrhine ancestors and the first defin-
itive member of the group.


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CHAPTER 23 Catarrhine Origins and

David R. Begun


The history of paleoprimatology effectively begins in the early nineteenth century with the
discovery of a fossil from the gypsum quarries of Paris. Georges Cuvier, whom many con-
sider the founder of vertebrate paleontology, described an odd-looking skull with cresty
teeth and a long snout, Adapis parisiensis, which he considered to be a primitive artiodactyl
(even-toed ungulates like cows, pigs, and deer). It was the first fossil primate ever pub-
lished, though not as such. In Cuvier’s defense, the teeth of Adapis resemble those of artio-
dactyls from the same time period – the Eocene. In the Eocene primates and artiodactyls
were not so far removed from their common ancestor so, if you have never seen a fossil
primate you might mistake one for an artiodactyl.
In 1836 Pliopithecus, a fossil that no one could deny was a primate, was described from
a site in France (Begun 2002a). Throughout the remainder of the nineteenth century, fos-
sils linked to living Old World monkeys and apes1 were described from South Asia, Egypt,
and Europe (Begun 2002a, 2002b; Kelley 2002; Rasmussen 2002). In the twentieth
century, our knowledge of fossil catarrhines expanded to include new sites in sub-Saharan
Africa, Asia, and Europe. Table 23.1 lists the fossil catarrhines included in this review and
their geological ages. The classification of living catarrhines adopted in this chapter is in
Table 23.2.

The Earliest Catarrhines

The largest collection of early catarrhines comes from the Fayum deposits of Egypt, from
which early primates have been described for more than 100 years (Harrison 2013;
Rasmussen 2002). Propliopithecus was the first catarrhine described from Fayum. Since
then, a spectacular diversity of primates has been discovered (Beard 2013; Rasmussen 2002,
2007; Seiffert 2012). Proplioithecus was originally viewed as a small ape related to gibbons,

A Companion to Biological Anthropology, Second Edition. Edited by Clark Spencer Larsen.

© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
382  david r. begun
Table 23.1 Fossil catarrhines and their geological ages and geographic distributions

Taxon Age Country/Region

Catopithecus Late Eocene, 35.5–36 Maa Egypt

Oligopithecus Late Eocene, 34–35 Ma Egypt
Aegyptopithecus Early Oligocene, 33–33.5 Ma Egypt
Propliopithecus Early Oligocene, 33–34 Ma Egypt
Saadanius Late Oligocene, 28–29 Ma Saudi Arabia
Pliopithecus Middle–Late Miocene, 16–10 Ma Europe
Epipliopithecus Middle Miocene, 14 Ma Slovakia
Anapithecus Late Miocene, 10 Ma Hungary, Austria, Germany
Pliobates Late Miocene, 10.6 Ma Spain (Catalonia)
Rukwapithecus Late Oligocene, 26 Ma Tanzania
Kamoyapithecus Late Oligocene, 26 Ma Kenya
Dendropithecus Early Miocene, 20–17 Ma Kenya
Rangwapithecus Early Miocene, 20–17 Ma Kenya
Limnopithecus Early Miocene, 20–17 Ma Kenya
Micropithecus Early Miocene, 20–17 Ma Kenya, Uganda
Proconsul Early Miocene, 20–19 Ma Kenya, Uganda
Ekembo Early Miocene, 19–17 Ma Kenya
Afropithecus Early Miocene, 17 Ma Kenya
Morotopithecus Early or Middle Miocene, 20–15 Ma? Uganda
Heliopithecus Early Miocene, 17.5 Ma Saudi Arabia
Griphopithecus Latest Early Miocene, 16–16.5 Ma Germany, Slovakia, Turkey
Equatorius Middle Miocene, 15 Ma Kenya
Nacholapithecus Middle Miocene, 15 Ma Kenya
Kenyapithecus Middle Miocene, 15–16 Ma Kenya, Turkey
Nakalipithecus Late Miocene, 9.8 Ma Kenya
Chororapithecus Late Miocene, 8 Ma Ethiopia
Samburupithecus Late Miocene, 9.6 Ma Kenya
Sivapithecus Middle/Late Miocene, 12.5–7 Ma India, Pakistan, Nepal
Khoratpithecus Late Miocene, 11–9 Ma Thailand, Manmar
Ankarapithecus Late Miocene, 10 Ma Turkey
Indopithecus Late Miocene, 6.5 Ma India
Gigantopithecus Pleistocene, 1–0.3 Ma China
Dryopithecus Middle/Late Miocene, 12.5–11.9 Ma France, Spain, Austria
Pierolapithecus Middle Miocene, 11.9 Ma Spain
Anoiapithecus Middle Miocene, 11.9 Ma Spain
Danuvius Late Miocene, 11.6 Ma Germany
Hispanopithecus Late Miocene, 10–9.5 Ma Spain
Rudapithecus Late Miocene, 10 Ma Hungary
Neopithecus Late Miocene, ~10 Ma Germany
catarrhine origins and evolution  383

Table 23.1 (Continued)

Taxon Age Country/Region

Udabnopithecus Late Miocene, 8.5 Ma Georgia

Ouranopithecus Late Miocene, 9.5 Ma Greece
Graecopithecus Late Miocene, 7.2 Ma Greece, Bulgaria
Lufengpithecus Late Miocene, 9 Ma China
Oreopithecus Late Miocene, 8–6.7 Ma Italy
Nyanzapithecus Middle/Late Miocene, 18–9.8 Ma Kenya
Sahelanthropus Late Miocene, 6–7 Ma Chad
Orrorin Late Miocene, 6 Ma Kenya
Ardipithecus Late Miocene/Early Pliocene, 5.7–4.4 Ma Ethiopia
Nsungwepithecus Late Oligocene, 26 Ma Tanzania
Alophia Early Miocene, 22 Ma Kenya
Prohylobates Early Miocene, ~19 Ma Egypt
Zaltanpithecus Middle Miocene, ~15 Ma Libya
Noropithecus Early Miocene, >17.2–14.5 Ma Kenya
Victoriapithecusd Early/Middle Miocene, 19–12.5 Ma Kenya, Uganda
Mesopithecus Late Miocene–Pliocene, 8–5 m Europe, Iran, Afghanistan
Ma Mega-annum, or million years.
Other pliopithecoid genera are known from Europe and Asia.
A number of small East African Early and Middle Miocene catarrhines are not listed here. See Harrison (2010)
for a more complete list.
Discussion of the numerous fossil cercopithecoids is restricted to a few key species. See Benefit and McCrossin
(2002) and Jablonski (2002) for more details.

Table 23.2 Taxonomy of living catarrhine genera. The cercopithecid taxonomy is simplified for clarity

Infraorder Catarrhini
Superfamily Hominoidea
Family Hominidae
Subfamily Homininae
Genus Homo (humans)
Genus Gorilla (gorillas)
Genus Pan (chimpanzees and bonobos)
Subfamily Ponginae
Genus Pongo (orangutans)
Family Hylobatidae
Genera Hylobates, Nomascus, Hoolock (gibbons)
Genus Symphalangus (siamangs)
Superfamily Cercopithecoidea
Family Cercopithecidae
Subfamily Cercopithecinae
Genera Papio, Macaca, Cercocebus, Cercopithecus, Theropithecus (baboons, macaques,
mangabeys, guenons, geladas)
Subfamily Colobinae
Genera Colobus, Semnopithecus, Nasalis (colobus, langurs, odd nosed monkeys)
384  david r. begun
by way of Pliopithecus. More recent discoveries have shown, however, that the story is quite
different and more complicated. The Fayum catarrhines are distinguished from other
Fayum primates in details of their dental anatomy, but mainly in having only two premolars
on each side of each jaw (a dental quadrant). This is the most obvious difference between
catarrhines and the other major group of anthropoids, the platyrrhines or New World mon-
keys, which have three premolars per quadrant.
The best known Fayum catarrhine is Aegyptopithecus, with multiple crania, mandibles,
and limb bones preserved (Rasmussen 2002; Seiffert 2012). It was the size of a small
monkey or gibbon, about six kilograms. Aegyptopithecus has a hominoid-like dentition, with
two premolars, upper molars with four cusps (as in many other primates), and lower molars
with five cusps and grooves forming a Y-5 pattern (Figure 23.1). Though a “dental ape,”
Aegyptopithecus is not a hominoid but a catarrhine that predates the divergence of Old
World monkeys and apes. Old World monkeys have more recently evolved specialized
molars (see below) while hominoids retain the ancient pattern.
Beyond the Y-5 lower molar morphology, not much else ties Aegyptopithecus to more
advanced catarrhines. Aegyptopithecus is a good example of a missing link – a transitional
form between prosimians, which still exist today, and living catarrhines. Like all anthropoids
(and tarsiers), Aegyptopithecus has a bony wall separating the orbits posteriorly. However, it

Figure 23.1 Extinct and living catarrhine molars. From left to right, top row, baboon lower molar,
Rudapithecus lower molar, chimpanzee upper molar; middle row, Aegyptoppithecus, Epipliopithecus,
Proconsul upper molars; lower row, Griphopithecus, Rudapithecus upper molar. The trigon and hypo-
cone are illustrated on the chimpanzee upper molar. Images are not to scale. Aegyptopipthecus mod-
ified from Rasmussen (2002); Epipliopithecus modified from Zapfe (1960); Proconsul modified from
Harrison (2002); Griphopithecus modified from Kelley (2002).
catarrhine origins and evolution  385

is more like prosimians in other attributes of the skull – for instance the size of the snout,
which is large, and of the brain, which is small. This probably reflects behaviors more
characteristic of living prosimians than catarrhines, including a greater reliance on the sense
of smell and a simpler social organization. It also lacked a bony ear tube found in all living
catarrhines (see below). Nevertheless, Aegyptopithecus was like all living catarrhines in being
active during the day (diurnal), which we can tell from the size of their eye sockets. We sus-
pect that they lived in social groups, as opposed to being solitary, as in many prosimians,
because they are sexually dimorphic in body mass and canine dimensions, two attributes
commonly associated with social catarrhines.
While the brain of Aegyptopithecus, known indirectly from the interior of the brain case,
is similar in size to that of prosimians of the same body size, in a few details it is more
advanced. For example, the frontal lobes, responsible for many higher-level cognitive
functions, including the mediation of complex social interactions, are intermediate in size
between those of living prosimians and catarrhines. The olfactory lobes, responsible for the
sense of smell, are relatively small compared with prosimians, which suggests that the sense
of smell was less developed than in prosimians and more like catarrhines (Begun and Kordos
2004; Simons et al. 2007).
The limbs of Aegyptopithecus are relatively short and stout, unlike the elongated and
often relatively slender limbs of catarrhines (Beard 2013; Rasmussen 2002). The skeleton
of Aegyptopithecus suggests that it was a cautious climber, spending most of its time in the
trees. One primitive feature in Aegyptopithecus is the entepicondylar foramen, a hole in the
lower end of the humerus (upper arm bone) through which a nerve and blood vessels pass.
Most mammals have this foramen, but it has been lost in living catarrhines.
Other Fayum anthropoids have a less secure claim to catarrhine status. Catopithecus and
Oligopithecus are more primitive than Aegyptopithecus. They are small, weighing about 500
g, the size of the smallest living anthropoids (Beard 2013; Harrison 2013; Rasmussen
2007; Seiffert 2012). Catopithecus, the better known of the two, is sexually dimorphic in
body mass and canine size, like Aegyptopithecus. Both Catopithecus and Oligopithecus have
teeth that are difficult to distinguish from those of prosimians, though they do have only
two premolars per quadrant. They also lack mandibular symphysis fusion, which means that
each side of their lower jaw remains separate during life. In all other anthropoids the two
sides of the mandible are fused together. The catarrhine status of Catopithecus and
Oligopithecus is still debated.
Saadanius, about 28–29 Ma, from Saudia Arabia, partially bridges the gap between
Aegyptopithecus and more modern catarrhines. The ancestors of Saadanius dispersed into
Saudi Arabia, which was still part of Africa at the time, from northern Africa (the Arabian
and African plates began to separate around 25 Ma). Saadanius resembles Aegyptopithecus
in the development of the snout but shares with living catarrhines a tubular ectotympanic,
the bony canal mentioned earlier leading from the ear drum inside the ear to the outer ear
hole (or external auditory meatus). This suggests that Saadanius is closer to the divergence
of Old World monkeys and apes than are the propliopithecoids (Harrison 2013; Zalmout
et al., 2010).

The Pliopithecoidea
There is a substantial gap in time and space between the propliopithecoids and the next
most primitive catarrhine group, the pliopithecoids. Pliopithecoids are a diverse and suc-
cessful group of catarrhines that ranged from Spain to China between about 18 to 9 Ma
(Begun 2002a). They resemble living anthropoids in the anatomy of the skull and limbs,
386  david r. begun
but their claim to catarrhine status is still mostly confined to their dental formula, which has
two premolars in each quadrant. Their teeth are more modern looking than those of
Aegyptopithecus. One difference is the development of cingula – ridges of enamel that run
along the cheek side of lower molars and the tongue side of the upper molars. Aegyptopithecus
has broad, shelf-like cingula while Pliopithecus has thinner, ridge-like cingula, more like
those of the earliest apes (Figure 23.1).
Unlike propliopithecoids and most noncatarrhine primates, pliopithecoids have ectotym-
panic tubes but they are only partially ossified (that is, the tube was probably present but
partly composed of cartilage, which does not preserve in fossils). A partial tube might be an
intermediate condition, although Saadanius, which is otherwise more primitive, has a
complete tube. In pliopithecoids the partial tube might instead be a unique variation.
Many pliopithecoid species are known, but here the focus is on the best-known taxon,
Epipliopithecus, of which three partial skeletons were found at a site in Slovakia (Zapfe
1960). The face of Epipliopithecus is shorter and the brain larger and more modern anthro-
poid-like than in Aegyptopithecus (Begun and Kordos 2004). The teeth of Epipliopithecus
are more modern, most like the teeth of living catarrhines that mainly consume soft fruits
(Figure 23.1). However, they retain well-developed cingula, not found in the teeth of living
apes. The canines are sexually dimorphic, but the degree of body mass dimorphism is not
known. The fact that pliopithecoids are often found in large numbers suggests that they
lived in large groups.
Epipliopithecus is most like living New World monkeys in having relatively long and
slender limbs, long and flexible backs, and strongly grasping hands and feet, indicating that
they were arboreal. Unlike living catarrhines but like Aegyptopithecus, Epipliopithecus has an
entepicondylar foramen. Other large samples of pliopithecoids are known from Spain,
Austria, Hungary and China (Alba et al. 2010; Begun 2002a). A small, pliopithecoid-sized
catarrhine, Pliobates cataloniae from Catalonia (Spain), was initially described as a homi-
noid (Alba et al. 2015). However, Pliobates retains a primitive dentition and an incom-
pletely ossified ectotympanic, and is positioned among more primitive catarrhines in the
analysis of Nengo et al. (2017).
Pliopithecoids represent another step in catarrhine evolution. They are monkey-like in
overall anatomy but superficially gibbon-like in their skull, resembling living catarrhines
more than propliopithecoids. Pliopithecoids branched off from Old World monkeys, apes,
and humans before Old World monkeys and hominoids branched off from one another (see
Figure 23.2). Since Old World monkeys and hominoids probably diverged at least 30 Ma
(Pozzi et al. 2014), pliopithecoids must have diverged before 30 Ma, and since catarrhines
are only known from Africa at that time, the pliopithecoids probably came from Africa as
well. Their early history is unknown until about 18 Ma when they appear in China and soon
after in Europe; this is what may be called a “ghost lineage,” which is uncommon among

The Hominoidea

Early Apes in Africa

Hominoid origins are difficult to pinpoint in the fossil record. Two African sites between
25 and 26 Ma contain fragments of the earliest known possible hominoids. Kamoyapithecus
from Kenya and Rukwapithecus from Tanzania resemble Aegyptopithecus (Leakey et al.
1995; Stevens et al. 2013). The upper molars of Kamoyapithecus are broad with well-
developed cingula, but they are larger. A few details of the lower teeth of Rukwapithecus
catarrhine origins and evolution  387

Hylobates Pongo Gorilla Homo Pan Cercopithecids

Gigantopithecus Paranthropus



Indopithecus Sahelanthropus Lufengpithecus
Lacopithecus Chororapithecus
Khoratpithecus Ouranopithecus
Anapithecus Sivapithecus Rudapithecus 10
Samburupithecus Ankarapithecus
Pliobates Danuvius

Pliopithecus Kenyapithecus
Zaltanpithecus 15


Ekembo Afropithecus Prohylobates


Rukwapithecus Nsungwepithecus 25





Figure 23.2 A phylogeny of many of the taxa discussed in the text. The phylogeny depicted here
represents one scenario of catarrhine evolution consistent with the text. Portions of this scenario
differ from other hypotheses (see Alba 2012; Harrison 2010; Almécija et al. 2021). Anoiapithecus,
closely related to Pierolapithecus and Dryopithecus, is omitted for space limitations. Aegyptopithecus
and Saadanius are early stem catarrhines. The pliopithecoids branch off next, radiating into a plethora
of taxa, only some of which are represented here. The position of Pliobates is unclear, the dotted lines
representing the two most likely possibilities, that it is either a stem hominoid or a pliopithecoid. The
crown catarrhines begin with the divergence of the cercopithecoids and the hominoids (blue circle).
388  david r. begun
suggest it might be a hominoid. More specimens of both are needed to confirm their hom-
inoid status. The oldest fossils that most researchers more confidently attribute to the
Hominoidea are assigned to the genera Ekembo and Proconsul, from early Miocene deposits
in Kenya (Begun 2015; Harrison 2010; McNulty et al. 2015).
Ekembo is the best known of the many fossil apes from the early Miocene of East Africa.
The closely related genus Proconsul is a bit older on average and is also known from many
sites, but generally less well preserved. Ekembo and Proconsul were components of a diverse
and successful group, which lasted roughly 12 million years, from about 22 to 10.5 Ma,
though it is mostly known from the early Miocene, becoming rare after about 17.5 Ma
(Begun 2015; McNulty et al. 2015). There are three widely recognized species of Proconsul
and two of Ekembo, ranging from the size of a female baboon (about 10 kg) to that of a
female gorilla (about 80 kg). Many other fossil catarrhines, perhaps related to Ekembo and
Proconsul, lived at the same time in East Africa (Table 23.1; see also Harrison 2010 and
Begun 2015 for more comprehensive lists), but I will focus here on Ekembo, as it is the best
known and represents a plausible candidate for the earliest known hominoid. Ekembo has
the definitive catarrhine characters of two premolars, a complete ectotympanic tube, and a
humerus without an entepicondylar foramen.
The richest collection of Ekembo sites is from Rusinga Island, in Lake Victoria, western
Kenya. Over a century of research has led to the discovery of well-preserved crania, mandi-
bles, and partial skeletons (Begun 2015; Harrison 2010; McNulty et al. 2015; Walker
1997; Walker and Teaford 1989). Ekembo has a short face and a large brain in comparison
with earlier catarrhines. The brain and body mass are within the size ranges of papionins
(baboons and their relatives). Ekembo’s relative brain size (the size of the brain once body
mass is taken into account) is close to that of gibbons and siamangs (hylobatids) as well,
which are otherwise smaller in body mass (Begun and Kordos 2004). Ekembo’s cognitive
capabilities were probably comparable to those of the most intelligent living monkeys. Old
World monkeys are highly intelligent and generally form complexly organized groups. They
are very adaptable and able to exploit a wide range of resources. Ekembo was probably sim-
ilar and had achieved a monkey-like grade or level of behavioral complexity.
The molars of Ekembo have low, cone-shaped cusps and small basins, suggesting a diet of
soft fruits. Ekembo lacks the specialized front teeth, molar crests, or enlarged molars of later,

Figure 23.2 (Continued) Rukwapithecus and Kamoyapithecus may be stem hominoids. The rela-
tionship between them is unresolved so they are depicted here as branching off together. Undoubted
hominoids diverge into multiple lineages beginning with Proconsul before 22 Ma, representing the
first major radiation of hominoids (black circle). Following the divergence of the hylobatids around
18 Ma, a second radiation of hominoids begins some time before 17 Ma with the dispersal of apes
into Eurasia (red circle). The remnants of this radiation persist into the late Miocenewith Sambu-
rupithecus, Chororapithecus, and Nakalipithecus. The third radiation of hominoids is that of crown
hominids (great apes and humans) (green circle). The pongines branch off first, probably at least
16 million years ago. Stem hominines represent a fourth hominoid radiation in Europe and possi-
bly Asia with Lufengpithecus (yellow circle). Crown hominines appear as Gorilla diverges from the
Pan-Homo clade. Hominins (humans and fossil relatives postdating the divergence of Pan) represent
the fifth great radiation of hominoids, beginning in the late Miocene and continuing well into the
Pleistocene (purple circle). Circling back to the cercopithecoids, following a sparce record until about
20 Ma, stem cercopithecoids radiate, but only one taxon, Victoriapithecus, is well known. There is a
gap between the youngest Victoriapithecus at about 15 Ma and the oldest crown cercopithecoid, the
long-lived primitive colobine Mesopithecus. Cercopithecines and colobines radiate broadly during the
late Miocene and into the Plio-Pleistocene. The branches at the end of each living catarrhine clade
represent multiple known taxa or hypothetical taxa yet to be discovered.
catarrhine origins and evolution  389

more specialized hominoids. The jaws are also relatively slender and were incapable of
resisting the powerful chewing forces needed to consume hard or tough foods, as in many
later apes.
More of the skeleton of Ekembo is known than in any other fossil ape. Ekembo has a
narrow and deep thorax, like most quadrupeds including monkeys, and its limbs are posi-
tioned beneath the body. Ekembo and living monkeys are described as pronograde quadru-
peds, with arms and legs of equal length and a backbone oriented parallel to the substrate
(in the case of Ekembo, usually a branch). This is the type of limb orientation of most mam-
mals familiar to us all (dogs, cats, horses, cows, sheep, and the like). However, unlike most
pronograde mammals, Ekembo and primates generally walk on the palms of their hands
(palmigrade) and the soles of their feet, in contrast to the digitigrade locomotion of most
other mammals, walking on their toes rather than their palms. This almost certainly results
from the arboreal heritage of primates, most of which remain largely arboreal to this day.
Modern apes and humans differ in that, unlike monkeys, the arms are positioned on the
side of the trunk. This is possible because in modern hominoids the thorax is broad and flat,
allowing the shoulder blade (scapula) to move from the side of the thorax (as in pronograde
quadrupeds) to the back. Instead of facing down as in a typical pronograde quadruped, the
shoulder joint in hominoids faces out, shifting the arms from beneath the body to the side.
This position gives modern apes a more mobile arm and allows them to swing below
branches with ease. Humans retain modern ape-like arm position despite our commitment
to life on the ground. It gives us our highly mobile arms, which are useful for carrying and
throwing (among many other manipulative capacities). There are a few ape-like features in
Ekembo, the most obvious of which is the presence of a coccyx or tail bone in place of an
external tail. Ekembo also had powerfully gripping hands and feet. The hips and wrists of
Ekembo show indications of higher levels of mobility than in monkeys, and are more like
those of apes.
Ekembo is a primitive or stem ape, which means that it is more closely related to living
apes and humans than it is to Old World monkeys, but not specifically related to any single
living ape lineage. It is at the stem of the radiation of apes but not in the crown – that is,
not in those parts of the radiation that led to each living ape. In other words, Ekembo is an
extinct side-branch of the early hominoids, but one that probably looks like the common
ancestor of apes and humans.
As noted, many other fossil catarrhines lived around the same time as Proconsul and Ekembo.
They were broadly similar in anatomy, though often with unique dental specializations.
They include Limnopithecus, Lomorupithecus, Kogolepithecus, Micropithecus, Rangwapithecus,
Simiolus, Dendropithecus, Turkanapithecus, and Kalepithecus. Often fragmentary in preserva-
tion and primitive in morphology, it is difficult to decide which if any among these other taxa
are actually hominoids and which are stem catarrhines. For this reason, they are not included
in Figure 23.2. Together with Ekembo, Proconsul, and two more taxa described next
(Morotopithecus and Afropithecus), they represent the first great radiation of Miocene catar-
rhines. We cannot be sure which, if any, of these fossil taxa are related to later, more modern
apes, but Ekembo currently seems to be the best candidate.
Morotopithecus is a contemporary of Proconsul and Ekembo that may provide us with
additional clues about great ape origins. It is from Uganda and is dated to about 19 Ma
(MacLatchy 2004; MacLatchy et al. 2019). Morotopithecus specimens include a partial
face, femur, scapula, and a lower back (lumbar) vertebra. The face and teeth are broadly
like those of Afropithecus and suggest a similar diet (see below). However, based on the
postcrania, which are interpreted by some as more ape-like (a short, stiff back and more
mobile limbs), Morotopithecus has been called an early great ape, that is, specifically in
390  david r. begun
the great ape line after it diverged from the hylobatids (Maclatchy 2004.) However,
other researchers question this interpretation, suggesting that the anatomy is not espe-
cially ape-like or that certain attributes may have evolved in parallel with great apes
(Begun 2015; Nakatsukasa 2008). If Morotopithecus is a great ape instead of a stem hom-
inoid like Ekembo and Afropithecus, it means that great apes (hominids) origins are much
older than generally accepted. Given the uncertainties about the postcranial anatomy
and its more primitive craniodental morphology, Morotopithecus is best considered to be
another early stem ape.
Afropithecus is another large fossil ape (close in size to Morotopithecus and the largest
species of Proconsul and Ekembo) known from ~17 Ma sites in Kenya. Afropithecus has dis-
tinctive thick incisors and canines and powerfully built jaws. The chewing muscles are large,
indicative of a very powerful bite, allowing Afropithecus to consume foods with tough or
hard outer coverings – a dietary strategy known as “hard-object feeding” (Leakey and
Walker 1997). Studies of the internal anatomy of Afropithecus teeth reveal that it grew more
slowly than Ekembo and was in this way more like great apes, which grow more slowly and
take longer to reach maturity than do monkeys (Smith et al. 2003). This has profound
implications concerning the biology of apes compared with that of monkeys (see below).
While some researchers have concluded that Afropithecus and Morotopithecus are in the
same taxon, differences in craniodental and postcranial anatomy support the genus-level
distinction adopted here (Maclatchy 2004; MacLatchy et al. 2019).
The face of Afropithecus is longer and wider than in Ekembo due to the presence of large
chewing muscles and robust front teeth. The lower jaw is built to withstand powerful
chewing forces. The front of the cranium, which is smooth in Ekembo, is marked by strong
ridges and is deeply constricted behind the orbits (postorbital constriction). This and the
massive face indicate large chewing muscles in Afropithecus, much stronger than in Ekembo.
However, the limbs of Afropithecus were like those of Ekembo, more like monkeys than
The main differences between Afropithecus and Ekembo are in dietary strategy and
growth, changes that may have allowed Afropithecus or one of its descendants to expand
into Eurasia. In both cases, these changes may signal a greater degree of adaptability.
Afropithecus, with its powerful jaws and large teeth, was able to exploit a wider range of
foods than Ekembo, including foods that were inaccessible to Ekembo because the outer cov-
erings were too difficult for the teeth to penetrate. This may have allowed Afropithecus to
range beyond the areas in which Ekembo could survive and may have given its descendants
an adaptive advantage in the more seasonal and variable environments of Eurasia. In
addition, the slower rate of growth in Afropithecus is associated in living apes with a larger
brain and an extended period of infant dependency, which affords more time to learn about
the social and ecological environment. This is a major distinction from other primates,
accounting for much of the cognitive superiority of apes compared with monkeys. We do
not know to what extent Afropithecus resembled the great apes in behavior, but we can
speculate that it may have been just different enough to exploit environments into which
Proconsul and Ekembo could not expand.
Around 17 Ma, an ape from Saudi Arabia called Heliopithecus was the first to leave Africa.
The Arabian Peninsula, which by this time had separated from the African plate, was much
more humid than today. Like African early Miocene apes, Heliopithecus was probably a
forest-dweller. It is only known from a crushed upper jaw and a few isolated teeth, resem-
bling Afropithecus. Shortly afterwards a new type of hominoid appears in the eastern
Mediterranean and Europe.
catarrhine origins and evolution  391

Expansion into Eurasia

Around 17 Ma, early apes from Africa/Arabia expanded their range into Eurasia. They are
first documented in Germany, at about 16.5 Ma, just before the beginning of the middle
Miocene and somewhat later in Anatolia, the Asian part of Turkey (Begun et al. 2003;
Heizmann and Begun 2001). These apes, known as Griphopithecus, differ from their African
predecessors in their more modern-looking dentition, with reduced cingula, thickly enam-
eled molars, and broad cusps that wear flat (Kelley 2002; see Figure 23.1). These attributes
suggest a diet heavy in abrasives. A thick layer of enamel may also be related to forceful
crushing and grinding. We find similar-looking molars in later fossil apes, and in most
hominins (humans and all taxa more closely related to humans than to chimpanzees).
Modern orangutans and some New World monkeys have similar teeth. Griphopithecus may
have eaten hard/tough objects and foods with grit, possibly from more terrestrial sources,
indicating a change in diet and habitat use from early Miocene apes.
Griphopithecus is known mostly from isolated teeth, but a few jaw and limb fragments
have been described. The jaws also point to a diet that required heavy mastication, and the
limb fragments indicate a skeleton like that of Ekembo and Afropithecus, a generalized arbo-
real quadruped without any of the enhanced suspensory abilities of living hominoids (Ersoy
et al. 2008). A similar genus, Equatorius, from Kenya, is about 15 Ma (Ward and Duren
2002). Another taxon in this group is Nacholapithecus, also from Kenya at about 15.5 Ma.
It resembles the others dentally but is better known postcranially. Most telling are the
enlarged elbow and wrist joints, which are not known in other middle Miocene apes.
Although enlarged, these joints look like Ekembo and not like living apes, in which the joints
are modified in shape to allow modern apes to effortlessly hang from branches, which
Ekembo did not do. The combination of large joints that retain primitive morphology is
difficult to interpret, but it may be a sign of more modern ape-like use of the forelimbs.
Nacholapithecus probably used its forelimbs for climbing more than early Miocene apes but
without the hanging component of living apes (Nakatsukasa and Kunimatsu 2009). Finally,
a closely related form, Kenyapithecus, appears in Kenya and possibly Turkey, at around 13.5
Ma (Kelley et al. 2008; McCrossin and Benefit et al. 1997). It has subtle indications of a
more modern upper jaw and elbow that may presage the next phase of ape evolution
(Begun, 1992, 2015).
The impressive diversity of middle Miocene taxa shows that the area extending from
Europe to East Africa was inhabited by a successful radiation of more modern-looking apes,
endowed with powerful jaws and thickly enameled teeth. This could be the core area from
which the ancestors of the living great apes arose. By around 12.5 Ma we find the earliest
members of each of the living groups of great apes: the pongines (orangutans and their
fossil relatives) and the hominines (African apes, humans, and their fossil relatives). The
earliest hominines and pongines are only known from Eurasia, and it is likely that they
evolved on that continent.

The oldest known pongines are about 12.7 Ma, from the Chinji Formation in India and
Pakistan. These and other specimens from the Indian subcontinent, dated to between 12.7
and 7 Ma, belong to the genus Sivapithecus (Kelley 2002, 2005). Sivapithecus has been
known since the nineteenth century, but until the 1980s its place in ape and human evolu-
tion was not well understood. Sivapithecus has large molars with broad, flat cusps and thick
enamel, and its jaws are powerfully built. Overall, the jaws and the back teeth resemble fossil
392  david r. begun
humans such as Australopithecus, but also Griphopithecus. A well-preserved face of
Sivapithecus reveals that it is closely related to living orangutans (Pilbeam 1982). Among
the unique features shared between Pongo and Sivapithecus are tall, narrow eye sockets
(orbits), separated by a narrow space between them, and a very elongated and concave face.
The front part of the upper jaw, the premaxilla, which holds the incisor teeth, is elongated,
horizontal, and continuous with the floor of the nasal cavity. These highly distinctive fea-
tures, shared exclusively between Sivapithecus and Pongo, are strong evidence that
Sivapithecus is a fossil relative of the orangutan (Kelley 2002). While the oldest known
Sivapithecus is about 12.7 Ma, genetic evidence suggests that pongines and hominines may
have diverged before 16 Ma (Pozzi et al. 2014).
Sivapithecus was well adapted to feeding on a diversity of foods types. It was probably capable
of generating more power in its jaws than modern chimpanzees, which may have allowed it to
exploit foods with hard or tough outer coverings, perhaps in times of food scarcity. This effec-
tive dental adaptation allowed Sivapithecus and its relatives to survive for more than 6 Ma in
Asia. They have been found as far west as Turkey (Ankarapithecus) and as far south and east as
Thailand (Khoratpithecus) (Begun 2005; Chaimanee et al. 2004). A large relative of Sivapithecus,
Indopithecus, is known from sites in India that are about 6.5 Ma. Indopithecus may be ancestral
to Gigantopithecus, the largest primate ever to have lived. Gigantopithecus survived until about
300,000 years ago and lived contemporaneously with fossil humans (Homo erectus) in China
(Kelley 2002; Zhang and Harrison 2017). A recent analysis of fossil proteins confirmed the
relationship of Gigantopithecus to Pongo (Welker et al. 2019).
Unlike the face, the limbs of Sivapithecus are not especially orangutan-like (Madar et al.
2002). Sivapithecus probably had a body type generally like that of apes, with a broad chest
and arms hanging from the side rather than supporting the body from below, but it was not
a suspensory ape. Sivapithecus probably spent more time on the ground, possibly engaging
in a modified form of knuckle-walking (Begun and Kivell 2011), though it was probably an
excellent climber. Sivapithecus grew like modern great apes, with a lengthy period of matu-
ration, dependence on parents, and a large and slowly growing brain (Kelley 2004).

While pongines were evolving in Asia, hominines were evolving in Europe. The oldest
known hominine, Dryopithecus, is found in sites in France, Spain, and Austria dating to bet-
ween about 12.5 and 11.9 Ma (Begun 2002b; Casanovas-Vilar et al. 2011). Like
Sivapithecus, the role of Dryopithecus in ape and human evolution was not clear until better
specimens were discovered.
Discoveries of fossil apes in Spain, Germany, Hungary, and Greece have greatly expanded
our knowledge of ape evolution. Spectacular discoveries in Catalonia (northern Spain)
include partial skeletons of two genera and well-preserved cranial remains of a third (Alba
2012). Dated to between 12.5 and 11.9 Ma, Dryopithecus, Anoiapithecus, and Pierolapithecus
are the most primitive members of the dryopithecins, an early hominine clade (Begun
2015.) The most informative specimen is a partial skeleton of Pierolapithecus (Moyà-Solà et
al. 2004). The vertebrae and ribs indicate an ape-like body form, and the wrists and hands
show that this animal was a strong climber with highly mobile limbs, as in living apes.
Pierolapithecus was orthograde (more upright backbone, walking with modified hand pos-
tures) and at least partly suspensory, as in modern apes.
Pierolapithecus is fundamentally different from early and middle Miocene apes, repre-
senting a huge step in the evolution of ape modernity. Later dryopithecins take this even
further. The jaws and teeth of Dryopithecus, Anoiapithecus, and Pierolapithecus resemble
those of chimpanzees. The structure of the teeth, with their thin enamel and widely spaced
catarrhine origins and evolution  393

cusps, was adapted to a diet of soft fruits, as in living chimpanzees. The jaws are slenderer
than in Sivapithecus, as are all the muscle attachment sites, indicating that dryopithecins
were not hard object feeders.
A partial skeleton and additional teeth and limb remains of another dryopithecin,
Danuvius, are known from a site in Bavaria, Germany (Böhme et al. 2019). Bones of the
forearm and shin (ulna and tibia, respectively) are nearly complete, telling us that Danuvius
was suspensory and probably adopted bipedal postures in the trees, a new form of positional
behavior called extended limb clambering. Vertebrae indicate a broad ribcage and a short
back as in modern apes (see below).
Later dryopithecins, after 10 Ma, are even more modern-looking. Dozens of dryopithe-
cin fossils of Rudapithecus have been described from the 10 Ma site of Rudabánya, Hungary
(Kordos and Begun 2001, 2002). Rudapithecus had a chimpanzee-sized brain, the first
direct fossil evidence of modern great ape brain size (Begun and Kordos 2004; Gunz et al.
2020). The face of Rudapithecus is like that of African apes. The premaxilla is raised above
the level of the palate (stepped subnasal fossa), as in African apes. The face is tilted down-
ward as in hominines. In pongines the face is tilted upward. Rudapithecus grew at great ape
rates, which is consistent with its large brain and means that Rudapithecus and relatives
behaved probably more like modern great apes (Smith et al. 2019). Along with Sivapithecus
and its relatives, these are the first modern great apes. Their adaptations set the stage for the
evolution of living great apes and humans.
Two partial skeletons of Hispanopithecus, a contemporary of Rudapithecus from Spain,
have ape attributes even more modern than Pierolapithecus (Moyà-Solà and Köhler 1996;
Alba 2012). The lumbar vertebrae are more modern, and along with a well-preserved pelvis
of Rudapithecus, show that these apes had a shorter back than monkeys, Ekembo, and
Nacholapithecus (the only fossils in which the lumbar number can be assessed), like gibbons
and humans, though not as short as in great apes (Susanna et al. 2014; Ward et al. 2019).
Both Rudapithecus and Hispanopithecus have mobile wrists and long, curved phalanges
with prominent attachments for strong muscles, all reliable indicators of suspensory
positional behavior. In short, Hispanopithecus and Rudapithecus are the first apes we know
of with modern ape jaws, teeth, brains, and bodies.
Other dryopithecins, Ouranopithecus and Graecopithecus, are found in Greece, Bulgaria,
and Turkey, ranging in age between 9.5 and 7.2 Ma (Bonis and Koufos 1994; Fuss et al.
2017; Güleç et al. 2007). A well-preserved face, upper jaws, and mandibles tell us that, like
Rudapithecus, Ouranopithecus has an African ape-like skull, but its jaws and teeth are much
larger and more robust than in other dryopithecins, mirroring the differences between
Australopithecus and Paranthropus. Graecopithecus, the youngest of these dryopithecins,
inhabited a dry, open habitat, unlike that of older dryopithecins (Böhme et al. 2017; Fuss
et al. 2017). The ability of Graecopithecus to survive under these conditions attests to the
ecological diversity of European Miocene hominines, which may account for their ability to
disperse back into Africa (Begun 2015; Begun et al. 2012).
Lufengpithecus, from sites in China dated to between 9 and 6 Ma, was long thought to
be a pongine, but it may be more closely related to European late Miocene apes or it may
be an independent lineage (Begun 2015; Ji et al. 2013). It lacks the distinctive morphology
of the face of Sivapithecus and Pongo, resembling Rudapithecus in its face, front teeth, and
limb morphology. If Lufengpithecus is a hominine, this extends the range of the earliest
hominines from Spain to China, essentially the entire expanse of Eurasia.
Chororapithecus, Nakalipithecus, and Samburupithecus are fossil apes from Kenya and
Ethiopia dated to between 9.6 to 10 Ma (Ishida and Pickford 1997; Kunimatsu et al. 2007;
Suwa et al. 2007). They are thought by some to be more closely related to living hominines
394  david r. begun
than any Eurasian ape. Unfortunately, they are poorly preserved, but where comparisons
are possible, they share attributes with African early and middle Miocene apes. They are
more likely to be remnants of the radiation of early and middle Miocene African hominoids
than anything else.

Oreopithecus is a hominoid from Italy dated to between 6.7 and 8 Ma (Begun 2015). The
combination of unique dental morphology, a primitive skull and a skeleton mixing primitive
and advanced attributes make it hard to place. Oreopithecus may be a member of a lineage from
Africa that diverged before hominines and pongines separated (Begun 2015; Nengo 2017).

The Cercopithecoidea

Based on genetic evidence, it is estimated that hominoids and cercopithecoids diverged

from one another before 30 Ma, but the oldest known widely accepted Old World monkey
fossils date to about 22 Ma. One fossil, a jaw fragment with one molar from the Rukwapithecus
site, Nsungwepithecus, may be the oldest known Old World monkey at about 25 Ma (Stevens
et al. 2013). More fossils are needed to confirm this attribution.
Alophe is a primitive Old World monkey from a 22 Ma site in Kenya (Rasmussen et al.
2019). Like modern cercopithecoids, its molar cusps are arranged in two transverse pairs
(Figure 23.1). Unlike modern cercopithecoids, the paired cusps are not joined by the sharp
crests that form “lophs” and produce the bilophodont morphology of modern Old World
monkeys. Bilophodont molars, unique to Old World monkeys among anthropoids, allow
them to efficiently slice fibrous foods such as leaves and also to crush seeds. Old World
monkeys also have more evolved digestive systems than apes, allowing them to extract
nutrients from relatively nutrient-poor foods like leaves.
Noropithecus, Prohylobates, and Zaltanpithecus are early cercopithecoids from North and
East Africa showing varying degrees of bilophodonty, but represented only by fragmentary
fossils (Miller et al. 2009; Rasmussen et al. 2019; Stevens et al. 2013). By far the best
known early cercopithecoid is Victoriapithecus, from sites in Kenya and Uganda (Benefit
and McCrossin 2002). Victoriapithecus is a stem cercopithecoid, not specifically related to
either of the main groups of living cercopithecoids, the colobines and the cercopithecines.
In Victoriapithecus the molar lophs are less completely formed than in living forms, but are
more developed than in the earliest cercopithecoids (Benefit and McCrossin 2002).
Victoriapithecus has a relatively large snout and small brain, resembling Aegyptopithecus,
though it is not so primitive. Its body plan is essentially monkey-like, with arms and legs of
equal length, and a back positioned parallel to the ground or to branches (pronograde, see
above). Victoriapithecus first appears in the early Miocene, becoming more common in the
middle Miocene. In the late Miocene, more modern Old World monkeys evolve in Eurasia
and Africa. Microcolobus is the oldest modern monkey, a member of the colobines or leaf-
eating monkeys (Benefit and Pickford 1986). Mesopithecus, a colobine as well, is the first
known monkey to disperse into Eurasia, and would become highly successful for millions
of years (Jablonski 2002). Mesopithecus became widespread in Europe and Asia after 10 Ma,
as the climate became drier and more seasonal. Mesopithecus was better equipped to cope
with the climate changes occurring during the Miocene in Europe and survived there while
the apes died out. Mesopithecus is known from many fossils and was a typical-looking monkey
from head to toe. It probably spent more time on the ground than most monkeys, espe-
cially colobines, do today.
catarrhine origins and evolution  395

Many other Miocene Old World monkeys are known, varying in size and anatomy. All
the major subgroups of Old World monkeys evolve in the Pliocene and early Pleistocene
(starting around 5.1 Ma). Fossil species range in size from the smallest living Old World
monkeys (~1 kg) to the size of small gorillas (~70 kg) (Delson et al. 2000). Many develop
impressive specializations to exploit a wide range of resources, especially in open country
settings in East Africa, where many Old World monkeys are found in association with early
human sites. The radiation of Old World monkeys is among the most impressive among
primates or any other mammal family, which attests to their flexibility and adaptability.
There were probably more monkeys in the Pliocene, both in numbers of individuals and
species diversity, than apes in the Miocene. They were more terrestrial early on, and the
largely arboreal nature of the group today is a relatively recent development.

Summary and Conclusions

The fossil record allows us to unravel the evolutionary transformation from prosimian to
catarrhine (Figure 23.2). Aegyptopithecus is a transitional form, with a snout and a brain
more prosimian than anthropoid. Ekembo had clearly made the transition to a catarrhine
grade of organization, but they were more monkey-like than ape-like in most attributes.
Afropithecus evolved a more modern dentition and pattern of growth and development,
which may have allowed it or its descendants to expand its range into Eurasia. Once in
Eurasia, the descendants of this pioneering ape experienced a series of adaptive radiations:
first a centralized core group of apes ranging from central Europe to east Africa, with pow-
erful jaws and thickly enameled teeth; and then two branches, one in Asia, the pongines,
and one in Europe, the hominines. As these evolutionary events unfolded, the basic attrib-
utes of the living great apes and of the ancestors of humans were developing in the context
of the ecological conditions of Europe and Asia. The seasonal and variable ecology selected
for a hominid pattern of behavior, large brains, complex social relations, and elaborate strat-
egies of foraging and reproductive biology. As the environment of Eurasia became increas-
ingly seasonal and drier, apes were replaced by monkeys, which, after a lengthy period of
slow evolution in Africa, explode on the scene. By 7 Ma the evidence of apes in Europe, like
the climate, dries up, while the monkeys live on. The apes that survived moved south,
tracking the milder conditions, becoming the founding populations of pongines in southeast
Asia and hominines in Africa (Begun et al. 2012; see Alba 2012 and Almécija et al. 2021 for
alternative interpretations). Most hominoids remain confined to tropical forests today. One
lineage, evolved beyond the trends initiated in the Miocene (orthogrady, suspension, big-
ger brains, slower growth), developing a more terrestrial, eventually bipedal lifestyle, per-
haps with the ability to range across a wider range of environments and exploit a greater
diversity of resources. This is, of course, our own lineage. Aside from humans, the most
successful descendants of the fossil catarrhines are the Old World monkeys.


1 In this chapter apes refers to all taxa more closely related to each other than to the next closest
taxon, the Old World monkeys (Cercopithecoidea) (Figure 23.2). It is used synonymously with
hominoid (Hominoidea). In the past “apes” has sometimes been used to include taxa with ape-
like attributes that predate the divergence of cercopithecoids and hominoids, such as Aegypto-
pithecus, referred to as a “dental ape” because it shares the primitive catarrhine molar cusp pattern
with hominoids (see text for a further discussion).
396  david r. begun

Alba, D. M. “Fossil Apes from the Vallès-Penedès Basin.” Evolutionary Anthropology 21 (2012):
Alba, D. M., S. Moyà-Solà, A. Malgosa, et al. “A New Species of Pliopithecus Gervais, 1849 (Primates:
Pliopithecidae) from the Middle Miocene (MN8) of Abocador de Can Mata (els Hostalets de
Pierola, Catalonia, Spain).” American Journal of Biological Anthropology 141 (2010): 52–75.
Alba, D. M., S. Almécija, D. DeMiguel, et al. “Miocene Small-Bodied Ape from Eurasia Sheds Light
on Hominoid Evolution.” Science 350 (2015): aab2625.
Almécija, S., A. S. Hammond, N. E. Thompson, et al. “Fossil Apes and Human Evolution.” Science
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CHAPTER 24 The Human Journey
Begins: Origins and
Diversity in Early

Scott W. Simpson

Paleontological field research conducted during recent decades has led to the discovery of
many new hominin fossils that document the remarkable taxonomic diversity and distinc-
tive paleobiology of our earliest ancestors. Hominins include humans, our ancestors, and
our many extinct relatives that all shared a common ancestor separate from our closest
living relatives – the chimpanzees and bonobos – about 7–10 million years ago (Ma). In
very broad terms, we can organize our ancestors into three phases: the earliest hominins,
the australopiths, and the rise of Homo. These can be loosely considered as time-successive
groups that evolved in Africa (Figure 24.1) and span the last 7 million years with each
exhibiting distinctive adaptations and geographical distributions. The earliest hominins
exhibit adaptations to some degree of terrestrial bipedality and a craniodental anatomy to a
generalized diet that arose before 7 Ma and were replaced by the australopiths about 4.2
Ma. The australopiths are competent terrestrial bipeds, have craniodental adaptations to
eating a coarse or hard diet, are small brained and went extinct after 1 Ma. The australo-
piths coexisted with the earliest Homo that appeared prior to 2.8 Ma. The australopiths did
not share a singular adaptation and these can be grouped into more generalized and spe-
cialized taxa. Here, we will focus on the earlier hominins including the australopiths. The
origins and evolution of the genus Homo will be covered elsewhere in this volume.

Before The Australopiths: The Hominin Fossil Record Before 4.2 Ma

The earliest hominins include three groups (Sahelanthropus, Orrorin, and Ardipithecus)
dated between 7 and 4.3 Ma. These fossils are identifiable as hominins (humans and our
extinct relatives that shared a common ancestor separate from the chimpanzees) by

A Companion to Biological Anthropology, Second Edition. Edited by Clark Spencer Larsen.

© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
the human journey begins  401

Figure 24.1 Locations of major hominin localities. 1 = Toros Menalla & Koro Toros, Chad;
2 = Afar, Ethiopia (Middle Awash, Gona, Woranso Mille, Hadar, Galili); 3 = Omo, Ethiopia; 4 = East
Turkana, Kenya; 5 = West Turkana, Kenya (Lothagam); 6 = Tugen Hills, Kenya; 7 = Laetoli &
Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania; 8 = Makapansgat, South Africa; 9 = Sterkfontein, Swartkrans, Drimolen,
Gladysvale, South Africa; and 10 = Taung, South Africa. The Konso, Ethiopia locality is slightly east
of Omo, Ethiopia (3).

exhibiting the two signature adaptations of our lineage: a smaller, nonsectorial maxillary
canine and evidence of adaptations to terrestrial bipedality. Where it can be measured, their
brain and body size approximate those of modern chimpanzees.

Sahelanthropus tchadensis (Brunet et al. 1996, 2002)

Sahelanthropus tchadensis is currently the oldest identified hominin, known from a collec-
tion of dentognathic fossils from the now hyper-arid Toros-Menalla area of northern Chad
and dated to between 7.2 and 6.8 Ma (Lebatard et al. 2008). The type specimen is a dis-
torted but nearly complete cranium with a brain size of 360–370 ml, or about the same size
as a modern chimpanzee. These fossils, including three partial mandibles, exhibit a smaller,
nonsectorial canine with apical wear, and reduced subnasal prognathism with a very thick
supraorbital torus (Brunet et al. 2002, 2005; Guy et al. 2005; Zollikofer et al. 2005).
The evidence for bipedalism is inferred from the inferiorly oriented foramen magnum
and basicranial anatomy. Like later bipedal hominins and unlike apes, the plane of the
foramen magnum opening is oriented inferiorly, allowing the head to be positioned atop a
vertical spine. A functionally ambiguous partial femur and two ulnae have also been attrib-
uted to this species (Macchiarelli et al. 2020, although see also Daver et al. 2022).

Orrorin tugenensis (Senut et al. 2001)

The 5.7–6.0 Ma (Sawada et al. 2002) species Orrorin tugenensis is documented by a series
of dentognathic and post-cranial fossils (Senut et al. 2001) from the Tugen Hills and
Lukeino in Kenya. The large triangular maxillary canine has a disto-lingually facing wear
facet described as “almost sectorial” (Senut et al. 2001: 140) and the molar crown enamel
has an intermediate thickness (Pickford and Senut 2005) similar to that of Ardipithecus (see
402  scott w. simpson
below) and Sahelanthropus. Perhaps the most significant fossils of Orrorin are three proximal
femora (Galik et al. 2004; Pickford et al. 2002). One (BAR 1002ʹ00) has a complete
femoral head and neck, anatomy necessary to reconstruct locomotor behavior indicating
adaptations to some form of bipedality.

Ardipithecus kadabba (Haile-Selassie et al. 2004)

These 5.8–5.2 Ma Ardipithecus kadabba fossils from the Afar Depression of Ethiopia are
broadly similar to the previously named 4.8-4.3 Ma Ar. ramidus (see below) although being
1.0–1.5 million years older. These fossils are from the Middle Awash (Haile-Selassie and
WoldeGabriel 2009) and Gona (Simpson et al. 2015) study areas and include dental and
post-cranial remains. Significantly, a pedal proximal phalanx exhibits anatomy seen in
bipedal hominins that experience hyperdorsiflexion at the metatarsophalangeal joint while
walking. The triangular maxillary canine (ASK-VP-3/400) and the mandibular third pre-
molar (from a different individual) show that the C/P3 complex was primitive but not
sectorial (honing) as in the living apes.

Ardipithecus ramidus (White et al. 1994, 1995)

Beginning in the 1990s, the discovery of 4.8-4.3 Ma fossils in the Middle Awash (White et
al. 1994) and the Gona (Semaw et al. 2005; Simpson et al. 2019) study areas in Ethiopia
provided the first substantial evidence for a hominin older than 4 Ma. These fossils led to
the naming of a new genus (“Ardipithecus,” combining the local Afar word for “ground”
and Greek word for “ape”) and species (“ramidus,” from the word “root” in the Afar lan-
guage). A 4.41–4.48 Ma mandibular fragment (Deino et al. 2002; Hill 1985) from the
Tugen Hills of Kenya may also be reasonably assignable to Ar. ramidus (White et al. 2009).
In addition to the usual collection of isolated elements, this sample includes three partial
skeletons including “Ardi” (ARA-VP-6/500). Relative to the later australopiths, this small-
brained hominin (Figure 24.2) has smaller molar teeth with thinner enamel, larger canines,
and a more anteriorly (relative to apes) positioned foramen magnum. Detailed descriptions
of the fossils (Lovejoy et al. 2009a, 2009b, 2009c; Simpson et al. 2019; Suwa et al. 2009a,
2009b; White et al. 2009, 2015) indicate advanced but incomplete adaptations to terrestrial
bipedality (pelvis, lateral foot) while retaining climbing adaptations (long forelimbs, hamstring
muscle function, grasping big toe). Body size is estimated to have been about 50 kg with
limited skeletal size sexual dimorphism present – about the same as the extant chimpanzees.
The anterior teeth lack the ape-like C/P3 honing complex and the magnitude of canine size
sexual dimorphism is no greater than that observed in humans (Suwa et al. 2009b, 2021).

Late Miocene and Early Pliocene Hominin Evolution Overview

These three late Miocene taxa had non-sectorial canines, were bipeds to some degree, and
had a significant temporal and spatial distribution across north-central and eastern Africa.
Sahelanthropus and most of the Orrorin fossils were found in perilacustrine environments
with significantly open (wooded grassland) habitats (Pickford and Senut 2001; Vignaud
et al. 2002) whereas Ar. kadabba was more commonly found in wooded or forested habi-
tats (Haile-Selassie and WoldeGabriel 2009; Simpson et al. 2015). This indicates that the
hominins (either as a single lineage or multiple independent lineages that adopted bipe-
dality and canine reduction) were, soon after diverging from the chimpanzee–human last
common ancestor, widely dispersed across Africa and capable of exploiting a diversity of
habitats. Ecological reconstructions of the three Ar. ramidus localities include forests to
the human journey begins  403

Figure 24.2 Virtual reconstruction of the 4.4 Ma composite skull of Ardipithecus ramidus (ARA-
VP-6/500 & ARA-VP-1/500) recovered from the Aramis area, Ethiopia. Image provided by Gen
Suwa and the Middle Awash research team.

more open habitats in the Tugen Hills (Pickford and Senut 2001; Pickford et al. 2004),
humid, cool, grassy woodlands at Aramis (WoldeGabriel et al. 2009), and woodland to
grassy woodland at Gona (Levin et al. 2008, 2022; Semaw et al. 2005). The vast majority
of terrestrial mammals were grazing (grass-eating) herbivores at Gona and the Middle
Awash areas although the hominins have a carbon isotopic signature indicating a diet
including grassy woodland resources (Cerling et al. 2013; Suwa et al. 2009b).
While similarities in anatomy, such as similarities in tooth crown dimensions and enamel
thickness, link the two Ardipithecus species (Haile-Selassie and WoldeGabriel 2009) into a
coherent phyletic group, the relatedness of these three genera remains unclear. Aside from
the issues of biological variation due to broad spatial and temporal distribution is the
unfortunate fact that the three samples tend to document different portions of their
anatomy, making direct comparisons difficult. For example, bipedalism is proposed for all
three groups although each species’ locomotion is inferred from a different part of the skel-
eton, thus rendering difficult our understanding to both the degree of adaptation to bipe-
dality as well as the nature of their bipedalism. Where the anatomy does overlap (e.g.,
maxillary canine), only preliminary descriptions have been published to date, thus pre-
cluding formal comparisons between the samples. While Haile-Selassie and colleagues
(2004) raised the possibility that all three taxa are part of a single lineage, until further
studies are conducted (e.g., Macchiarelli et al. 2020), it is reasonable and useful to retain
the separate taxonomic names.

What is the Significance of Bipedality and Canine Reduction?

The anatomical and behavior transition to bipedality by hominins required significant reor-
ganization of the musculoskeletal system that is unique among mammals. These changes
decreased their capacity to exploit arboreal resources – the historical adaptive niche of the
404  scott w. simpson
apes – reflecting a transition of dietary focus with decreased reliance on the protection
offered by trees from terrestrial predators. Therefore, the challenges imposed by terrestrial
bipedality must have been overcome by the resulting increase in fitness and survivorship of
the ancient hominins that adopted these behaviors. While it is most parsimonious to sug-
gest bipedality only arose once and would unite these early hominins into a single phyloge-
netic unit (i.e., hominins), multiple independent origins of bipedalism are possible with
early hominins having polyphyletic origins.
The loss of the large, sectorial canine in hominin male documents changes in male–male
competition for dominance and reproductive and resource access that is characteristic of the
great apes and many monkeys. These competitions are often mediated by biting so a
reduction in canine size suggests novel behaviors were adopted by hominins that altered the
nature of male intrasexual competition. This, in tandem with female mate choice of males,
is crucial to these behavioral changes as females may have mated preferentially with males
lacking the behaviors and anatomy associated with aggression.
A model where males provision females (Lovejoy 1981, 2009, 2014) attempts to link
fitness, anatomy, and behavior. Provisioning of food by males – best pursued bipedally –
builds strong bonds between mating pairs (as is common in other pair-bonded mammals
and birds) and has the benefit of ensuring paternity and a reproductive return on these
paternal investments. Female choice of mates and pair-bonding is central in this model and
competition by males for reproductive access to females with hidden signs of ovulation
(unique in humans) is perhaps best achieved by emphasizing intersexual social bonds rather
than male–male physical competition as in many other primates.

The Early Australopiths: 4.2–2.95 Ma

Hominins from this period have been recovered from the East African Rift System (EARS)
in Kenya and Ethiopia, South Africa, and from the Djurab Desert in Chad. Characteristics
that unite these small-brained hominins, that will be collectively called australopiths
(derived from the genus name Australopithecus that means “southern apes”) to distinguish
them from the older Ardipithecus, include an increase in size of the post-canine teeth with
thicker occlusal enamel, a trend of decreasing size of the canines, a broader midface, and
further musculoskeletal adaptations to bipedality. Previously, the two best-known early
australopiths, Australopithecus anamensis and Au. afarensis, were considered time-succes-
sive species representing a single anagenetic lineage (Haile-Selassie et al. 2010; Kimbel
et al. 2006) that could be derived from Ar. ramidus and ended with the radiation into the
specialized robust australopiths and Homo. The discovery of additional australopith and
australopith-like hominins (Au. bahrelghazali, Au. deyiremeda, Kenyanthropus platyops),
and the enigmatic 3.4 Ma partial foot skeleton from the Woranso-Mille study area in
Ethiopia, has demonstrated that hominin diversity and evolution were more complex and
interesting than first suggested.

Australopithecus anamensis (Leakey et al. 1995)

Australopithecus anamensis fossils have been recovered from Kenya (4.17–4.07 Ma Kanapoi
and ca. 3.9 Ma Allia Bay deposits in the Turkana Basin (Leakey et al. 1995; Ward et al.
2001, 2017)) and Ethiopia (4.2–4.1 Ma Asa Issie, Middle Awash study area (White et al.
2006), 3.8 Ma cranium from the Woranso-Mille study area (Haile-Selassie 2021; Haile-
Selassie et al. 2019), associated teeth from Fejej (Ward 2014) with some additional teeth
provisionally assigned to Au. anamensis from the Mulu Basin (also known as Galili, 3.9–3.8
Ma) (Haile-Selassie and Asfaw 2000)).
the human journey begins  405

This species has thick-enamelled and larger post-canine teeth and robust mandibles with
a distinctive receding symphysis (~ “chin”) with parallel tooth rows. The few post-cranial
fossils (Ward et al. 2001, 2020; White et al. 2006) indicate an adaptation to terrestrial
bipedality although additional fossils are needed to better understand the full scope of the
changes to their musculoskeletal system. The presence of larger and smaller elements
(Ward et al., 2017) may indicate a greater degree of body size sexual dimorphism than in
Ar. ramidus.
The habitats occupied by these hominins appears to have been “closed to grassy wood-
lands” (White et al. 2006: 885) at Asa Issie and more open habitats near a “large, slow-
moving body of water” (Field 2017: 1) in Kenya with a nearby gallery forest (Leakey et al.
1995). The carbon isotopic signal from the teeth of the 4.4 Ma Ar. ramidus from the
Middle Awash area and that of Ar. ramidus may reflect similar diets (Levin et al. 2015;
although see Quinn 2019) of leaves and fruits despite marked differences in dental size and

Australopithecus afarensis (Johanson et al. 1978)

Field research in the 3.4–2.95 Ma Hadar study area in the Afar region of Ethiopia has
yielded many well-preserved fossils including partial skeletons, of which “Lucy” (A. L. 288-
1) is the best known, as well as a rich collection of bones from at least 13 individuals at the
A. L. 333 site, ranging in age from young adolescents to older adults (see American Journal
of Physical Anthropology 1982, volume 57(4) for descriptions of the 1973–1977 collections;
Kimbel and Delzene, 2009; Kimbel et al. 2004). A juvenile “Selam” (DIK-1-1) (Alemseged
et al. 2006) partial skeleton from the nearby Dikika study area is a significant contribution
to our understanding of Au. afarensis development. More recent finds from Ethiopia, such
as the A. L. 444-1 skull (Kimbel et al. 2004) from Hadar, the well-preserved 3.4 Ma man-
dibles and teeth from Maka in the Middle Awash Study area (White et al. 2000), the partial
skeleton (KSD-VP-1/1) and dentognathic remains from Woranso-Mille (Haile-Selassie et
al. 2010, 2016a; Haile-Selassie and Su 2016; Melillo et al. 2021) have broadened our
knowledge of the species. More recent discoveries in the highlands of Kenya (Mbua et al.
2016) further broadens the range and habitats of the species.
In 1974, Mary Leakey and her team recovered a number of primitive 3.85–3.63 Ma
hominin fossils including a well-preserved mandible (L. H. [Laetoli Hominid] 4) (Harrison
2011; Leakey and Harris 1987) from Laetoli, Tanzania. Undoubtedly the most important
fossils from Laetoli are the 3.66 Ma multiple hominin trackways preserved in a solidified
volcanic tuff. These footprints clearly demonstrate a modern-like gait pattern. Comparison
of the Laetoli and Hadar fossils suggested that they shared many similarities, which were all
attributed to a newly named species, Australopithecus afarensis. The combination of the
Tanzanian trackways and the Ethiopian post-crania indicated that this ancient hominin was
fully bipedal. Curiously, recent research (McNutt et al. 2021) has recognized two distinct
footprint forms and gait patterns between the different trackways at Laetoli, suggesting that
a second unidentified bipedal hominin may also have been present at the site.

Australopithecus deyiremeda (Haile-Selassie et al. 2015)

Hominin diversity increased with the announcement of a series of 3.5–3.3 Ma fossils from
the Woranso-Mille study in Ethiopia. While demonstrably an australopith (thick-enamelled
post-canine teeth), it differed from the synchronic and sympatric Au. afarensis by having
smaller maxillary post-canine teeth with very thick enamel and more anterior origins of the
zygomatic root and mandibular ramus. It is distinguishable from Kenyanthropus platyops
406  scott w. simpson
(see below) by details of facial anatomy with a more anterior position of the maxillary inci-
sors (Haile-Selassie et al. 2015; Spoor et al. 2016). Some of its anatomy (e.g., mandibular
corpus robusticity) is shared with later Homo and Paranthropus. It is difficult to determine
if it bears any phyletic relation to these taxa although it does highlight the possibility of
homoplasy (independent acquisition of characters) in the hominins.

Kenyanthropus platyops (Leakey et al. 2001)

These 3.5–3.2 Ma fossils attributed to Kenyanthropus platyops (“flat-faced human from
Kenya”) were discovered at Lomekwi on the west side of Lake Turkana in Kenya. The type
specimen is a highly fragmented and distorted, but mostly complete, cranium (KNM-WT
40000) (Leakey et al. 2001). The cranium, although similar in size to both Au. afarensis
and Au. africanus, exhibits a number of traits (such as flattened midface, less facial progna-
thism, a transversely and sagittally flattened subnasal clivus, a small external auditory meatus,
and tooth proportions) that distinguish it from either species to the extent that the recog-
nition both of a new species and of a new genus was proposed. Unfortunately, the post-
fossilization deformation of the holotype cranium obscures anatomical details of the face
and vault to a degree such that reservations about its taxonomic distinctiveness have been
raised (White 2003). Ecologically, K. platyops seems to overlap with the Ethiopian Au. afa-
rensis habitat types, although it may have lived in somewhat wetter and more vegetated
zones (Villaseñor et al. 2020).
A number of other hominin remains were recovered from Lomekwi that could represent
this species (although they have not been assigned to K. platyops) or another group (Skinner
et al. 2020). Significantly, the oldest stone tools of the Lomekwian type have been found in
nearby sediments (Harmand et al. 2015).

Australopithecus africanus (Dart 1925)

Australopithecus africanus (“the southern ape of Africa”) was the first truly ancient hominin
known when it was discovered in 1924. At a time when the large-brained, primitive-jawed
“Piltdown”-based model of human evolution was dominant, Dart’s announcement of a small-
brained juvenile fossil skull from the site of Taung in South Africa ran counter to expectations,
both by its anatomy (small brain and less “ape-like” teeth) and where it was found. At that time
Asia – and not southern Africa – was widely considered to be the home of the earliest hominins.
Since the 1920s, hundreds of fossils assigned to Au. africanus have been recovered from karstic
caves in South Africa, most notably from the sites of Sterkfontein (Members 2 and 4),
Makapansgat, and Gladysvale. Most of these underground caverns were accessible via vertical
shafts that had trees and shrubs at their openings on the otherwise grassy landscape that
provided resting and feeding spots for terrestrial (Brain 1981) and avian (Berger and Clarke
1995) predators. Recent research (Granger et al. 2022) has redated the hominin-rich Member
4 and Jacovec Cavern at Sterkfontein to 3.7–3.4 Ma, indicating that the Au. africanus sample
is much older than previously thought (2.6–2.0 Ma) and coexisted in time with the earlier
australopiths. These newly proposed earlier dates for the South African have been challenged
(Frost et al. 2022) with the biochronological data supporting an age less than 2.8 Ma.
The Au. africanus collections are extensive and include multiple male, female, and juvenile
crania and mandibles; hundreds of teeth; and post-crania – notably the small-bodied Sts 14
and the larger-bodied Stw 431 partial skeletons. The crania have small-brained (435–560
ml) globular vaults with a prognathic face and larger molar and premolar teeth and smaller
canines. The chewing muscles can be large, but they are not hypertrophied to the extent
observed in the “robust” australopiths (e.g., P. robustus, P. aethiopicus, P. boisei). These indi-
viduals are fully adapted to bipedalism with requisite pelvic and vertebral specializations, a
the human journey begins  407

valgus knee, and a permanently adducted great toe. In many anatomical details, their post-
crania are similar to those of the more northern Au. afarensis, although Au. africanus
exhibits larger post-canine teeth and smaller canines. It is possible that the Member 4 fossils
represent two species (Clarke and Kuman 2019; Lockwood and Tobias 2002).

Australopithecus prometheus (Dart 1948)

A partial hominin foot (Stw 573 “Little Foot”) was reconstructed from fossils recovered
from the cave breccia of Sterkfontein Member 2 (Clarke 2019). Following extensive and
difficult excavation, a nearly complete hominin skeleton of that individual was recovered.
While the specimen exhibits many similarities to the Au. africanus fossils from other
deposits at Sterkfontein, it was assigned to the previously named taxon Au. prometheus
based on anatomical details of the cranium (Clarke and Kuman 2019) and suggested simi-
larities to fossils recovered from Makapansgat. The preferred date of the breccia is 3.67 Ma
(Granger et al. 2015) based on cosmogenic dating. There is professional disagreement
about the fossil’s age (Bruxelles et al. 2019; Herries and Shaw 2011; Frost et al. 2022) and
distinctiveness (Price 2018), such that the anatomical differences do not warrant separation
from Au. africanus (Rak et al. 2021) or that the taxon name Au. prometheus is invalid for
technical reasons (Berger and Hawks 2019). The contentious redating of the Au. africa-
nus-bearing deposits at Sterkfontein to between 3.7–3.4 Ma (Granger et al. 2022) and
acceptance of the older dates for Member 2 may be possible support for including these and
other specimens from Sterkfontein and Makapansgat (e.g., StW 505, StW 252, MLD1)
into a single taxon. Alternatively, this could be evidence of taxic diversity and sympatry that
is evident at Woranso-Mille, Ethiopia (Au. afarensis and Au. deyiremeda).

Australopithecus bahrelghazali (Brunet et al. 1996)

Australopithecus bahrelghazali is notable for expanding the range of australopiths beyond
eastern and South Africa into the paleo-Lake Chad basin in North–Central Africa. Recent
geochronological analyses (Lebatard et al. 2008) suggest an age near 3.6 Ma for the now
hyper-arid Koro Toro area in the Djurab Desert of Chad. Unfortunately, this taxon has few
known specimens, including an anterior mandible fragment nicknamed “Abel” (KT 12/
H1) and associated maxillary P3 (KT 12/H2) and two additional mandibles. While some
aspects of its anatomy distinguish it from other hominins (Guy et al. 2008), it is possible to
be a regional variant of Au. afarensis (Kimbel et al. 2006).
The habitats sampled at Koro Toro were dominated by tropical C4 grasses and grazing her-
bivores (alcelaphine and antilopine bovids, notochoerine suids, equids) (Zazzo et al. 2000).

Taxon indeterminate – “Burtele Foot” (Haile-Selassie et al. 2012)

A 3.4–3.3 Ma partial hominin foot was discovered at the Burtele locality within the
Woranso-Mille, Ethiopia, study area (Haile-Selassie et al. 2012). While teeth found in the
same area are demonstrably australopith (Au. deyiremeda), the foot is unlike any australo-
pith foot known by retaining a grasping hallux and unusual metatarsal lengths. Only the
older Ardipithecus fossils have a grasping hallux although they are larger in size. This fossil
was a bipedal hominin as it was regularly dorsiflexed at the lateral metatarsophalangeal
joints as in all hominins.
The implications for this are that this foot demonstrates that a more arboreally adept
hominin was occupying the same landscape as the terrestrial biped Au. afarensis and pre-
sumed biped Au. deyiremeda, providing evidence of unexpected locomotor and phyletic
408  scott w. simpson
Early Australopiths Overview

In the period between 4.3 and 4.1 Ma, a new type of small-brained, bipedal hominin
arose – the australopith – that differed from the earlier hominins and are known from
EARS and North–Central Africa and southern Africa prior to 3.0 Ma. They are distin-
guishable from the older Ardipithecus by an increase in the size and enamel thickness of
the post-canine teeth and continuing reduction of maxillary canine crown size. The aus-
tralopiths also differ by further anatomical refinement of bipedal locomotion and perhaps
an increase in body size sexual dimorphism.
Currently, Au. anamensis is the only species recognized between 4.2 and 3.9 Ma
(although see Haile-Selassie et al. (2019) for possibility of overlap with early Au. afarensis).
In Ethiopia there is close spatial and temporal proximity and ecological similarity between
Ar. ramidus and Au. anamensis (White et al. 2006), suggesting an in situ transition bet-
ween the species despite numerous anatomical differences. However, the possibility of an
allopatric origin of Au. anamensis with a subsequent invasion into the Afar region cannot
be ruled out.
Five hominin species are currently identified between 3.8 and 2.9 Ma: Au. afarensis, Au.
africanus, Au. deyiremeda, Au. bahrelghazali, and K. platyops (six species if the Burtele foot
is a distinct group). While anatomical differences between Au. anamensis, Au. afarensis,
and Au. africanus are evident, the distinctiveness is primarily a matter of degree rather than
of fundamental differences in form and adaptation. Organizing the fossils of Au. anamensis
and Au. afarensis in chronological order (Kanapoi→Allia Bay→Laetoli→Hadar) strongly sug-
gests phyletic relatedness and evolutionary anagenesis (Kimbel et al. 2006). In such circum-
stances, the species boundary may be a product of the sequence of discovery and sample
composition. The discovery of additional, chronologically intermediate, fossils has blurred
the species’ boundary even further (Haile-Selassie 2008). More recent discoveries suggest
that these two species overlapped in time, challenging the hypothesis of anagenesis (Haile-
Selassie et al. 2019).
The possible redating of the Au. africanus-bearing Sterkfontein deposits (Granger et al.
2022) to 3.7–3.4 Ma may lead to a reconsideration of the phyletic role of this species as well
as the biogeography of the early australopiths. Australopithecus africanus exhibits a broadly
similar adaptive complex with the other early australopiths, although some traits appear to
link Au. africanus with the younger P. robustus (Lockwood and Tobias 1999), and the
younger age originally suggested for this species (2.6–2.0 Ma) lent credence to this pro-
posal. Cave infilling is a complex process and difficult to reconstruct, leading to differing
interpretations (Sewell et al. 2022). The absence of volcanism in the region requires use of
multiple dating approaches including the cosmogenic nuclide approach (Granger et al.
2015, 2022). While in some ways this redating may simplify our understanding of the early
australopiths, additional research must continue on the karstic deposits to reconcile
alternative dating methods such as biochronology (Frost et al. 2022), U/Pb dating, and
paleomagnetism that have previously supported the 2.6–2.0 Ma ages.
Although the K. platyops holotype cranium is crushed and distorted, it is considered to
retain enough distinctive anatomy to allow it to be reliably distinguished from other homi-
nins. This led to two phyletic proposals about K. platyops: first, that it was phyletically dis-
tinct from the contemporary and near-sympatric Au. afarensis and second, it was uniquely
ancestral to Homo rudolfensis – a taxon that includes the larger-brained, flatter-faced,
approximately 1.9 Ma KNM-ER 1470 cranium. However, other researchers (for example,
White 2003) suggested that the magnitude of distortion of the cranium introduced by
significant amount of fragmentation rendered its original shape difficult to assess.
the human journey begins  409

The fact that Kenyanthropus and Au. deyiremeda (Spoor et al. 2016), in addition to Au.
afarensis, Au. bahrelghazali, Au. africanus, and the “Burtele foot,” are distinct taxa has
significant implications for our understanding of hominin diversity, adaptations, and distri-
bution in the middle Pliocene EARS, Chadian basin, and southern Africa. It also raises the
question of phyletic origins (where and when did they originate, and who are their ances-
tors) and ecological niche partitioning (Haile-Selassie et al. 2016b).
The middle Pliocene hominins in the EARS appear to occupy more mixed woodland and
grassland habitats (Villaseñor et al. 2020) or very open habitats such as Laetoli (Harrison
2011). While carnivory and the use and manufacture of stone tools was widely considered to
coincide with the origins of the genus Homo, recent discoveries of pre-Oldowan tools
(Harmand et al. 2015) and cut-marked bone (McPherron et al. 2010) may push these behav-
iors back to 3.3–3.4 Ma, suggesting an australopith-grade hominin had these capacities. The
early cut-marked bones are compelling, although some suggest that the marks were due to
crocodile biting and not stone tools (Sahle et al. 2017). Currently, no early australopith has
been found in association with the stone tools or with evidence of carnivory.

The Later Australopiths: 3.0–<1.0 Ma

These australopiths are known from the EARS and the karstic caves in South Africa. They
range from more generalized forms (Au. sediba) to taxa exhibiting significant masticatory
specializations (Paranthropus aethiopicus, P. boisei, P. robustus) that are colloquially called
“robust” australopiths1. Although Au. garhi also exhibits these craniodental traits, it has
not been characterized as a “robust” australopith. All of these small-brained hominins are
terrestrial bipeds with large, thick-enamelled post-canine teeth, robust mandibles, and evi-
dence of hypertrophy of the chewing muscles. These fossils were recovered in more open
environments occupied by grazing herbivores.

Australopithecus garhi (Asfaw et al. 1999)

This enigmatic 2.5 Ma cranium from the Hata Member in the Middle Awash (Ethiopia)
project area defies simple phyletic allocation. This cranium is clearly Australopithecus due to
its small brain size (about 450 ml) and thick-enamelled, very large crowned post-canine
dentition; yet it also contains some characters found in later Homo, such as similar canine/
post-canine tooth proportions and a rounded anterior alveolar margin. The type specimen
is unique in possessing a canine with a large occlusal area and unusual morphology. A major
contributing factor to the lack of understanding of this species is the paucity of hominin
fossils from this period. While other hominin fossils were found at the same level, they have
not been assigned to Au. garhi; therefore, a complete sense of the species’ degree of
anatomical variation is unknown. Also found at this stratigraphic level were cut-marked
bones and stone tools, suggesting some degree of carnivory. These fossils were recovered in
a perilacustrine zone with edaphic grasslands, occupied by a diversity of grazing bovids (de
Heinzelin et al. 1999).
One of the proposed phyletic possibilities of this species was for it to be a transitional
taxon between Australopithecus afarensis and early Homo. However, similarly aged deposits
from the Middle Awash study area have yielded additional, more gracile hominin fossils,
which are not assignable to Au. garhi as the latter is currently defined – a fact that raises the
possibility that multiple taxa were present in the Afar Depression about 2.5 Ma.
410  scott w. simpson
Australopithecus sediba (Berger et al. 2010)
Additional investigations of the karstic caves in the Malapa site of South Africa has yielded
two partial skeletons (Berger et al. 2010) dated to ca. 2.0 Ma (Dirks et al. 2010) that add
significantly to our understanding of the later nonrobust australopiths. The original descrip-
tions focused on its mixture of derived or Homo-like features (aspects of pelvic morphology,
humeral-femoral length ratio) and primitive features (overall body plan, small brain, cranial
anatomy, larger thick-enamelled teeth) highlighting the complexity and diversity of earlier
hominin evolution. The lower limb shows some unexpected anatomy, perhaps reflecting a
distinctive gait pattern (DeSilva et al. 2013).
The phyletic relationship of Au. sediba with other hominins is unclear, although it is most
likely linked in some way to Au. africanus (Kimbel and Rak 2017).

Paranthropus robustus (Broom 1938)

The discovery of ancient hominins in South Africa prompted others – notably Robert
Broom – to look for hominin fossils in the karstic caves. Broom’s discoveries at the site
known as Kromdraai led to the naming of a new species, Paranthropus robustus, in 1938.
Subsequently, the name of the genus Paranthropus was considered to be a junior syn-
onym to Australopithecus. More recently, the consensus view recognizes the distinctive-
ness of the species and its original generic name is now adopted for the group. The fossils
from the cave sites of Kromdraai, Swartkrans, Gondolin, and Drimolen (Keyser 2000)
have depositional histories and a preservational quality similar to those of the Au. africa-
nus fossils.
Significant fossil collections are known, especially from Swartkrans, consisting primarily
of dentognathic remains. Paranthropus robustus is readily distinguishable from the older
Au. africanus through the enlargement of their post-canine teeth, the reduction of their
canines and incisors, a flatter, less prognathic face, and the hypertrophied temporalis muscle
that commonly form a boney sagittal crest atop the small-brained (less than 550 ml) cranial
vault (Rak et al. 2021). The thick-enamelled teeth generally wear flat. Unfortunately, few
undistorted post-crania are known.
The dating of these sites suffers from the same limitations as the other South African cave
sites, although a review of the data (Herries and Adams 2013) has suggested that this hom-
inin is found in deposits dated between ca. 2 Ma and perhaps less than 1 Ma, with more
recent research indicating an earlier first appearance datum of 2.22 Ma at Swartkrans
(Kuman et al. 2021).

Paranthropus aethiopicus (Arambourg and Coppens 1968)

This species was named on the basis of an edentulous mandible from the Shungura
Formation sediments that outcrop along the Omo River in southern Ethiopia that are part
of the Lake Turkana basin spanning Kenya and Ethiopia. This approximately 2.3 Ma man-
dible has a very thick corpus and a buttressed symphysis, with large post-canine tooth roots
and small anterior tooth alveoli. Poorly known and often overlooked, the species languished
until the recovery in 1985 of the KNM-WT 17000 cranium (Walker et al. 1986). This
small-brained (410 ml) cranium, nicknamed “Black skull,” is distinctive for its large post-
canine dentition, unflexed cranial base, prognathic lower midface, and large sagittal crest.
Unfortunately, the species is still poorly represented by fossils (primarily dental remains)
and is known only from the 2.7–2.3 Ma Turkana basin deposits.
the human journey begins  411

Paranthropus boisei (Leakey 1959)

In 1959 at Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania, Mary Leakey discovered a well-preserved 1.8 Ma cra-
nium, (Olduvai Hominid 5 [OH-5]). This iconic specimen was the first major discovery of a
hominin in eastern Africa and had the resulting effect of stimulating hominin paleontological
research in the EARS. Initially the cranium was assigned to the newly created genus
Zinjanthropus. It was subsequently allocated to Australopithecus, although currently it is
most commonly assigned to Paranthropus. The OH-5 cranium (Tobias 1967) has among
the largest hominin post-canine teeth known; very small, vertically implanted canines and
incisors; a tall but not prognathic lower midface; anteriorly positioned and laterally flaring
zygomatic arches; prominent sagittal and nuchal crests; and a small brain size. Additional P.
boisei fossils dated between 2.3 and 1.34 Ma have been recovered from Olduvai Gorge, the
Turkana basin deposits in Ethiopia and Kenya, the well-preserved 1.4 Ma skull from the
southern Ethiopia site of Konso (Suwa et al. 1997) (Figure 24.3), and Malawi in the southern
portion of the East African Rift (Kullmer et al. 1999). Unfortunately, few post-crania of this
species are available (although see Dominguez-Rodrigo et al. 2013; Richmond et al. 2020),
so details of its species’ stature, bodily form, and body size dimorphism remain poorly known.

The Later Australopiths: Overview

Between 3.0 and 2.6 Ma, a hominin radiation occurred (Suwa et al. 1996), leading to the
origins of Homo and the robust australopiths. Although where in Africa this speciation
event occurred is currently unknown, the event itself resulted in at least two (and probably

Figure 24.3 The 1.4 Ma Paranthropus boisei skull (KGA10-525) from Konso, Ethiopia. Image
provided by Gen Suwa and the Konso Project research team.
412  scott w. simpson
more) lineages that exhibited fundamental differences in adaptation and that rapidly spread
throughout Africa. These two adaptive roles are characterized by the elaboration and
enlargement of the dentognathic structures – namely in the “robust” australopiths and Au.
garhi – and by a lineage (the genus Homo) that ultimately reduced its tooth crown dimen-
sions and enlarged its brain.
Australopithecus afarensis seems to be a reasonable stem hominin from which the eastern
African robust lineages (P. aethiopicus→P. boisei), Au. garhi, and the early Homo lineage
arose, although the simplicity of this model has been undercut by the possible redating of
Au. africanus and the discovery of new taxa. Resolving the phyletic position of the South
African australopiths (Au. africanus, Au. sediba, and P. robustus) to both each other and the
eastern African has been especially difficult. Australopithecus africanus, while a likely
ancestor of Au. sediba, has been identified variously as the LCA of the robust and Homo
lineages, replacing Au. afarensis in this role (Skelton et al. 1986), or as uniquely ancestral
to the robust lineage (Johanson and White 1979, although see Villmoare and Kimbel
2011). The phyletic role of Au. africanus is made especially difficult by disagreements as to
whether it represents one species or two (Clarke and Kuman 2019) and the unresolved age
of the Sterkfontein deposits.
The robust australopiths include Paranthropus robustus, P. aethiopicus, and P. boisei, who
share a common dentognathic adaptation (large, thick-enamelled molars and premolars,
large and robust mandibular corpora with tall rami, reduced incisors and canines, “dished”
faces, laterally projecting and anteriorly positioned zygomatic arches, sagittal crests, and small
brains). Dentognathic evidence in these taxa indicates a dietary preference for an abrasive,
lower-quality herbivorous diet requiring intense masticatory preparation with an increased
reliance on C4 plants such as tropical grasses and sedges, occurring about 2.37 Ma (Wynn et
al. 2020). This is probably an adaptation to open terrestrial habitats, which were expanding
in Africa throughout the latter half of the Pliocene and early Pleistocene. Australopithecus
garhi also exhibits similar dental and cranial adaptations as the robust australopiths yet lacks
the distinctive facial morphology (Rak et al. 2021). indicating an independent acquisition of
these characters. Similar adaptations to occupying open habitats are also seen at that time in
other nonrobust hominins and fauna, including suid, bovid, and monkey species.
By approximately 2.3 Ma, changes in dental morphology and facial architecture are evident
that distinguish P. aethiopicus from P. boisei (Suwa et al. 1996). Phyletically, it appears that
these eastern African “robust” australopiths are part of a single, continuous lineage that prob-
ably arose from Au. afarensis. The origins of the South African P. robustus are more obscure.
The South African fossils defy the standard contention that more and better-preserved fossils
will resolve these issues (Haile-Selassie et al. 2016b), as many fossils are known of this species
but there is no consensus on phyletic origins or taxonomic diversity. A clarification of the
stratigraphy and dating of all of these cave sites should help to resolve these issues. Paranthropus
robustus has been variously identified as part of a monophyletic robust australopith radiation
assigned to the genus Paranthropus that includes the eastern African P. aethiopicus and P.
boisei, or as a separate and independently derived robust australopith species. Similarity with
the eastern African forms suggests a common phyletic origin (Paranthropus) and adaptation.
However, differences in anatomical detail, such as tooth morphology and craniofacial
anatomy, may indicate that these are adaptive parallelisms that arose independently in two
areas (southern Africa and the East African Rift) rather than shared specializations that
occurred in two places (southern Africa and the East African Rift).
Multiple hominin species (Homo, “robust” australopiths, and later australopiths)’ and
Oldowan stone tools and evidence of carnivory are known from a number of sites in South
Africa (such as Swartkrans, Drimolen, and perhaps Gladysvale) (Herries et al. 2020, although
the human journey begins  413

see recent research by Zannolli and colleagues 2022, which questions the assignment of
some teeth to Homo, notably at Drimolen) and in eastern Africa (Olduvai Gorge, Turkana
Basin, and Konso), indicating that the different hominin species had the potential for
encounters in their shared home ranges across a span that lasted at least 0.5 million years. It
is tempting to think that the dentognathic specializations of the “robust” australopiths is a
response to reducing competition for dietary resources by niche partitioning with the sym-
patric stone tool-using, more carnivorous Homo. The robust australopiths, unlike Homo,
did not expand out of Africa despite the absence of insurmountable physical barriers. This
biogeographical history suggests strong differences in adaptive ability and perhaps dietary
preferences between Homo and the “robust” australopiths, as the latter had less capacity to
invade and exploit novel habitats.
The extinction of the robust australopiths occurred after 1.0 Ma in South Africa and
somewhat earlier (~1.3 Ma) in eastern Africa. There is little evidence to indicate a wide-
spread turnover in open-adapted fauna at this time, which suggests that the extinction of
the “robust” australopiths may not have been the consequence of environmental changes.
Was their demise a consequence of competition with Homo? Their protracted sympatry sug-
gests that this may not be the case. However, as the technical sophistication of Homo erectus
improved, its members may have been able to adapt behaviorally to an increasing diversity
of environments, whereas the “robust” australopiths’ capacity to modify their behavior and
anatomy may have been insufficient in the face of the pervasive adaptive abilities of Homo.

Overview and Summary

To us, understanding what it means to be human is very straightforward and reflects our daily
experiences. We are large-brained, bipedal, tool-using individuals belonging to a single species
who are highly social and live across the Earth in dense, complex societies that share knowledge
through a symbols-based language. Significantly, there is no other species similar to us alive
today. Our current situation is the product of millions of years of evolution and adaptation,
including a diversity of now extinct relatives. How we got here is not very intuitive as our
small-brained arboreal ancestors had to reorganize their musculoskeletal system while adopt-
ing terrestrial bipedality and changing how they could exploit their landscape. These differ-
ences require us to take a longer look at the complex paths our ancestors and near relatives
took during the past seven or so million years. Fortunately, paleoanthropological field research
has produced the fossil and archeological evidence that documents this historical journey. We
know now that our origins date back to well before 6 Ma and the earliest adaptations were
bipedality and novel social behaviors. Sometimes these synchronic and sympatric species
could be very similar in overall adaptive pattern (e.g., Au. afarensis and Au. deyiremeda) or
display very different dietary specializations and behavioral capacities (e.g., Homo erectus [see
Chapter 25 on evolution of the genus Homo] and P. boisei). Overall, there were many differ-
ent ways to be a hominin that differ greatly from our recent history. The behaviors so central
to our current condition, such as tool use and language, arose late in our evolution and were
not a part of our origins. Knowledge of the behaviors and adaptations of our early ancestors
is insufficient to predict the diversity and adaptive paths of our ancestors. Our lineage did not
follow a straight adaptive path from a small-brained, bipedally inexpert woodland ape to
large-brained, socially complex, technologically dependent modern humans.
The transition to the australopith pattern appears to occur between 4.4 and 4.2 Ma and is
readily identifiable through changes in canine form and larger and thicker enameled post-
canine teeth. The adaptive motivation for this transition is unclear, although changes in the
414  scott w. simpson
dentition and masticatory muscles appear to be linked with diet as thickened occlusal enamel
and enlarged post-canine teeth seem to be associated with tougher consistency or with harder,
more brittle foodstuffs (Teaford and Ungar 2000), although the relationship between tooth
morphology and dietary consistency is more complex than initially proposed (Ungar, Grine
and Teaford 2008). Current evidence regarding locomotion adaptations in Ar. ramidus and
Au. anamensis support a broader model of changing land use between these taxa at about 4.2
Ma. The australopith dental morphotype continues, with minor changes (Kimbel et al. 2006),
until about 2.9 Ma, which is then followed by a phyletic radiation that resulted in multiple taxa
elaborating upon this adaptive complex with even larger and thicker enameled post-canine
teeth (Au. africanus, P. robustus, Au. garhi, P. aethiopicus, and P. boisei). In addition, at some
time between 2.9 and 2.6 Ma (or earlier), a new lineage (or lineages) arose that adopted stone
tool use and manufacture, increased carnivory, lacked extreme post-canine megadontia, and
subsequently enlarged their brains and dispersed across the Old World. The factors leading to
this origin and radiation of Homo are currently unknown but are of significant interest to all

Future Research

Even with the many recent advances, substantial and substantive questions about the early
stages of human evolution remain. Biomolecular estimates of the divergence dates of the
African ape lineages (gorilla–chimpanzee/human: about 9–7 Ma; chimpanzee–human: 7–5
Ma) (Scally et al. 2012) still require support from the fossil record, although it is clear that
hominins arose in Africa. Of the few fossil apes known between 5 and 10 million years in
Africa and Europe, Chororapithecus (Suwa et al. 2007); Samburupithecus (Ishida and
Pickford 1997); Hominoidea gen. et sp. indet. (Pickford et al. 2008); and Ouranopithecus
(Koufos and de Bonis 2005) (see Almécija et al. 2021 and elsewhere in this volume for a
more thorough review), none appears to be a possible hominin ancestor. In addition, the
near-complete absence of chimpanzee-like (McBrearty and Jablonski 2005) and gorilla-like
(or gorilloid: Chororapithecus, Suwa et al. 2007, or Nakalipithecus, Almécija et al. 2021)
fossils is a major gap in our understanding of when, where, and in what habitats our closest
relatives evolved. The biogeography of the earliest hominins remains poorly known and
requires paleontological prospecting in new areas throughout Africa – work that is best iden-
tified through the use of remote imaging and geospatial data analysis (Conroy et al. 2009).
Fossils still form the foundation of all of these studies. Our generation may be experi-
encing a “golden age” of field discoveries; however, this may not last long, due to the
depletion of the most easily accessible fossils (White 2004). Even extensive and well-pre-
served fossil collections, like those of Au. afarensis from Hadar, are insufficient to address
fully the issues of growth and populational variation. Thus, to further our understanding of
our ancestors, we must be more intensive in our surveys for additional fossils and more
ambitious in the development of novel means of assessing their biology.


1 If the robust australopiths were monophyletic (originated from a single common ancestor), then
the group can all be accommodated in the genus Paranthropus. Some researchers (e.g., Rak et
al. 2021) recognize the possibility that the east and South African robust australopiths may be
polyphyletic and adopted the more conservative taxonomy and include them within the genus
the human journey begins  415


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CHAPTER 25 Early Homo:
Paleobiology, and the
First Out-of-Africa

G. Philip Rightmire


Humans evolved in Africa over millions of years. This history is revealed through fossils and
artifacts, application of the geosciences, and analysis of ancient DNA and proteins. An
impressive suite of modern technologies can now be used to compare the anatomy of the
hominins, date the sites, reconstruct paleoenvironments, assay paleodiet, and trace
population ancestry. Relative to an antecedent species of Australopithecus, Homo is charac-
terized by an increase in encephalization, reduction of the posterior dentition, larger body
size, greater mobility, and the capacity to make tools and process food.
The most ancient fossils that show Homo-like features are a ca. 2.8 Ma old hemi-mandible
and a ca. 2.3 Ma old maxilla from the Afar region of Ethiopia. To date, information from
the period prior to ca. 2.1 Ma ago is limited to the dentognathic complex. We know little
about facial form and nothing of the neurocranium or cranial base. By 2.0 Ma ago, repre-
sentatives of Homo were becoming relatively abundant in eastern and in southern Africa.
The fossil inventory includes nearly complete crania and mandibles along with a scattering
of post-cranial remains. A fragile consensus holds that at least three species of Homo can be
identified in the late Pliocene and early Pleistocene records.
Before 2.0 Ma ago, hominins were dispersing from Africa into the Levant, across the
Arabian Peninsula, and eastward into Asia. It is widely accepted that the first populations to
leave Africa were representatives of Homo, but the biology of these early travelers is poorly
understood. Homo erectus emerging in eastern Africa has been regarded as the species ana-
tomically and behaviorally best equipped to adapt to novel Eurasian landscapes, but new
evidence offers alternatives to this hypothesis.

A Companion to Biological Anthropology, Second Edition. Edited by Clark Spencer Larsen.

© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
422  g. philip rightmire
Important problems have still to be resolved. Fossils are scarce and there is much ­variation
among the available skulls, teeth, and post-cranial elements. The sources of this variation, and
how it should be partitioned within and between populations, are unclear. The proper taxo-
nomic attributions of even relatively well-preserved adult specimens remain contentious, and
it is hardly surprising that experienced workers have not been able to agree on just where
species boundaries lie. In addition to systematics, there are questions about life history, rang-
ing behavior, energetics, and other aspects of early hominin biology. Answers to these ques-
tions bear not only on the emergence of Homo but also on the first out-of-Africa dispersals
and the evolution of H. erectus.

Earliest Homo

Early Homo specimens from African localities are listed in Table 25.1. The mandible from
Ledi-Geraru, partial maxilla from Hadar, ancient skull fragments and teeth from the Omo-
Turkana Basin, and damaged hemi-mandibles from Uraha in Malawi share some traits with
species of Australopithecus, but derived morphology said to be diagnostic for Homo can also
be identified (Grine et al. 2019; Kimbel et al. 1997; Schrenk et al. 2007; Villmoare et al.
2015). Additional specimens from the Omo-Turkana Basin are not so old but are more

Table 25.1 Early Homo fossils from Eastern and Southern Africa

skeletons and Stratigraphic
Crania and isolated provenience/
partial crania Mandibles elements dating (Ma)

Ledi- LD 350–1 2.8–2.75
Hadar AL 666–1 Kada Hadar, 2.33
Omo L894–1 Omo 75–69–14 Shungura G
Turkana KNM-ER 1470, KNM-ER 817, pelvic bone, Upper Burgi, KBS,
Basin 1590, 1805, 1482, 1483, 1501, femora, talus, ca. 2.09–1.75
1813, 3732, 1502, 1801, 1802, partial skeleton
62000 1805, 3734, 60000
Olduvai OH 7, 13, 16, OH 7, 13, 37 hand, foot, ulna, Bed I, Bed II, ca.
Gorge 24, 65 tibia, fibula, 1.9–1.65
partial skeleton
Uraha HCRP-U18–501 Chiwando Beds, ca.
Swartkrans SK 847 SK 45 Member 1,
early homo  423

numerous and, in some cases, quite complete. The KNM-ER 1470 braincase is relatively
large and globular in form and coupled with a tall but subnasally flattened face. The
KNM-ER 1813 cranium is much smaller, with a more prognathic face (Antón 2012;
Benazzi et al. 2014; Wood 1991). These individuals have become iconic for two distinct
“morphs” frequently, but not universally, attributed to Homo rudolfensis and Homo habilis.
Further to the south, joining hemi-mandibles have been discovered at Uraha in the
Malawi Rift. Correlations with faunal assemblages in East Africa point to a maximum age of
2.5 to 2.3 Ma (Zanolli et al. 2019), but the Uraha fossil might also be substantially younger.
The UR 501 mandible is very robust but Homo-like, while some tooth crown and root fea-
tures approach the Paranthropus condition. Size of the corpus and morphology of the
cheek teeth suggest similarities with KNM-ER 1802, a specimen that has been referred to
H. rudolfensis.
Fossils from Swartkrans in South Africa include the SK 847 partial face and left temporal
bone. Flowstones underlying the bones have U–Pb ages of ca. 2.25 Ma, while the capping
speleothem is dated to ca. 1.80 Ma (Pickering et al. 2011). There has been disagreement as
to how the fossils should be identified. SK 847 has been described as H. habilis, but other
workers find parallels with the KNM-ER 3733 H. erectus cranium from Kenya. These attri-
butions are questioned by Grine et al. (2009), who suggest that the Swartkrans hominin
may represent an unnamed species of Homo.

Homo habilis
A case can be made for lumping all of the East African early Homo specimens together, as
one highly dimorphic lineage (Suwa et al. 2007; Tobias 1991). However, there is substan-
tial agreement that the resulting hypodigm displays so much variation that partitioning is
warranted, and the fossils are usually assigned to several species. One is H. habilis, named in
1964 to accommodate the (then) newly discovered remains from Beds I and II at Olduvai
Gorge in Tanzania (Leakey et al. 1964). The ca. 1.8 Ma old parietal bones, damaged man-
dible, and hand bones of OH 7, along with the ca. 1.65 Ma old partial skull of OH 13,
suggested that H. habilis could be distinguished from Australopithecus by possessing a
larger brain and bucco-lingually narrow premolar and molar teeth. The hand is robust with
curved proximal and middle phalanges, but resembles H. sapiens in its metacarpo-­phalangeal
joints and broad terminal phalanges. Further fieldwork at Olduvai and in the Omo-Turkana
Basin has expanded the H. habilis inventory to include the KNM-ER 1805 partial skull, the
OH 24 and KNM-ER 1813 crania (Tobias 1991; Wood 1991), the OH 65 maxilla
(Blumenschine et al. 2003; Clarke 2012), the OH 62 fragmentary skeleton (Johanson et al.
1987), and a partial skeleton from Koobi Fora (Wood 1992). Fragmentary specimens from
the Omo region may also share affinities with this group (Grine et al. 2019).
The brain of H. habilis has been characterized as larger than in australopiths but small
relative to that of other Homo species. This assumption now seems incorrect. Spoor et al.
(2015) obtain volume (ECV) estimates from CT-based reconstructions of the OH 7
parietal endocranial surface, known to be strongly correlated with brain size. Predicted
ECVs range from 729 ml to 824 ml, with a mean value of 779 ml. This result substantially
exceeds previous estimates, and OH 7 is far more voluminous than OH 13 (650 ml), OH
24 (590 ml), and KNM-ER 1813 (509 ml). Homo habilis is comparable to some individuals
referred to as H. erectus.
Facial size is an important attribute distinguishing hominin taxa. Most notably in
Paranthropus but also in Australopithecus, the facial skeleton tends to be large in relation to
the braincase. In Homo, the size of the masticatory system is reduced, while encephalization
424  g. philip rightmire
is increased. This relationship can be tracked with the geometric mean (GM) (Coleman
2008). Here, 10 linear dimensions are used to construct a measure of overall size for the
face (GMface), and eight measurements allow a similar assessment for the neurocranium and
base (GMvault). Two of the H. habilis crania provide the necessary data. For OH 24,
GMface = 42.2 and GMvault = 84.5. Quantified in this way, facial size is 49.9 percent of brain-
case size. For KNM-ER 1813, this ratio is 52.8 percent. These individuals have face-to-
braincase ratios that are reduced in comparison to those for Paranthropus boisei (OH
5 = 64.3 percent) and Australopithecus africanus (Sts 5 = 57.5 percent).
In KNM-ER 1813, the nasal region is more prominent relative to the zygomatic arches
than in Australopithecus. The nasal sill is slightly guttered to either side of an anterior nasal
spine. Also, the maxillary clivus is convex in KNM-ER 1813, rather than transversely flat-
tened. Prognathism can be quantified by angles measured in the midsagittal plane. The
clivus angle (Lordkipanidze et al. 2013) is determined by the nasospinale-prosthion chord
and the alveolar plane. KNM-ER 1813 and OH 65 have similar angles (42o and 41o), reg-
istering slightly greater prognathism than in AL 666–1 (47o) but less than in Australopithecus
africanus (Sts 5 = 36o, Sts 71 = 35o).
The OH 7 mandible suggests that H. habilis possessed primitive gnathic morphology
more similar to that of A. afarensis than to H. erectus (Spoor et al. 2015). The relatively long
and narrow dental arcade is indicative of a subnasally prognathic face. As modeled from the
mandible, the OH 7 palate resembles that of KNM-ER 1813, but the two individuals lie “at
the extreme boundaries of the intraspecific shape differences” found in pair-wise compari-
sons within extant human and great ape populations (Spoor et al. 2015: 84). Whether these
differences can be attributed to sex dimorphism within H. habilis is presently unknown.
Two partial skeletons have been referred to H. habilis. Both OH 62 (Johanson et al.
1987) and KNM-ER 3735 (Leakey et al. 1989) are quite incomplete, leading to uncer-
tainty about limb proportions. OH 62 appears to have femoral/humeral strength propor-
tions that are more like those of a chimpanzee than a modern human (Ruff 2009). KNM-ER
3735 may also evince relatively greater upper limb mechanical loading (Haeusler and
McHenry 2004; Ruff 2009), and several features of the forelimb have been taken to imply
enhanced climbing abilities (Leakey et al. 1989).
The ca. 1.9 Ma old KNM-ER 5881 post-cranial remains clearly represent early Homo,
but species identification is uncertain. The ilium is well enough preserved to demonstrate
that the anterior border conforms to a human-like sigmoidal pattern. There is a distinct iliac
pillar, more pronounced than the weak buttresses of Australopithecus. The large femoral
head and antero-posteriorly expanded neck ally KNM-ER 5881 with African Homo.
However, the femoral shaft differs from that of other fossils, with the exception of OH 62
and probably KNM-ER 3735. The relatively small size of the ilium and femur and the ana-
tomical features shared with OH 62 appear to strengthen an argument for linking KNM-ER
5881 with H. habilis (Ward et al. 2015).
The OH 8 partial foot is routinely attributed to H. habilis. The specimen offers con-
vincing evidence that the first metatarsal was adducted. The Olduvai foot also preserves a
largely human-like pattern of metatarsal robusticity and torsion, indicating the presence of
a transverse tarsal arch (Aiello and Dean 1990; Pontzer et al. 2010). Venkadesan et al.
(2020) model the arch of OH 8 as an elastic shell, revealing curvature that is clearly human-
like and would have enabled effective walking and running. The talus of OH 8 has been
characterized as more ape-like (Harcourt-Smith and Aiello 2004), but given the derived
features of the midfoot, the significance of this finding remains unclear.
Body mass bears on encephalization, ranging behavior, and energy expenditure. Ruff
et al. (2018) use the femoral head and tibial plateau to predict mean body masses of 49.3
early homo  425

kg for A. afarensis, 39.3 kg for A. africanus, 45.9 kg for P. boisei, and 55.8 kg for early
Homo. This result anticipates the work of Püschel et al. (2021), who document an evolu-
tionary trend toward smaller body mass prior to the emergence of Homo, but an increase in
size after this event. It follows that early Homo would have required additional energy, likely
obtained by consumption of a higher quality diet including meat as well as plant material.
Access to more diverse food sources would have been facilitated by the ability to range over
longer distances (Antón et al. 2014; Pontzer 2012).

Homo rudolfensis
Homo rudolfensis was named by Valery Alexeev in 1986, with KNM-ER 1470 later
designated as the type. This ca. 2.06 Ma old cranium presents facial features that are
Australopithecus-like, and the cheek teeth may have been quite large. However, a volumi-
nous braincase places KNM-ER 1470 with Homo and has been taken as a feature distin-
guishing H. rudolfensis from H. habilis. The hypodigm was expanded by Wood (1992) to
encompass the KNM-ER 1590 and KNM-ER 3732 partial crania, along with the KNM-ER
1482 and KNM-ER 1802 mandibles. More recent discoveries include the KNM-ER 60000
adult mandible and the KNM-ER 62000 juvenile face. Reconstruction and analysis of the
latter have prompted Leakey et al. (2012) to exclude the KNM-ER 1802 mandible from
H. rudolfensis, based on a mismatch in dental arcade shape. The robust UR 501 mandible
from Malawi should also be set aside, as neutron microtomography scanning reveals that
the enamel-dentine junction in P4, M1, and M2 may be closer in form to South African
Australopithecus than to early Homo (Zanolli et al. 2019).
KNM-ER 1470 has routinely been emphasized in comparisons with specimens such as
OH 13, OH 24, and KNM-ER 1813. This practice has sustained the impression that
H. rudolfensis is big-brained compared to H. habilis. The neurocranium is indeed relatively
large and rounded, lacking either supratoral hollowing on the frontal bone or nuchal
muscular impressions on the rear of the vault. However, the ECV of 750 ml does not place
KNM-ER 1470 outside the range observed for H. habilis.
For KNM-ER 1470, GMface = 53.84, GMvault = 93.56, and the facial size is 57.5 percent
of the braincase size. This ratio is greater than in H. habilis and matches that of A. ­africanus,
although KNM-ER 1470 does not approach the condition seen in hyper-robust P. boisei.
As has been emphasized, the face of KNM-ER 1470 is quite orthognathic. Angles
measuring prominence of the subnasal region in relation to the bimaxillary chord are the
highest recorded for any specimen of early Homo, indicating extreme flattening in the
transverse plane. Alveolar prognathism as judged by the slope of the nasomaxillary clivus in
relation to the alveolar plane is much reduced (Leakey et al. 2012; Lordkipanidze et al.
2013). In both its transverse and sagittal profiles, the face of KNM-ER 1470 clearly differs
from the more projecting face of KNM-ER 1813.
The KNM-ER 1470 palate is broad and relatively short (Wood 1991). Tooth crowns are
not preserved, but the size and placement of the incisor and canine roots suggest a maxilla
that is flattened anteriorly. Because of damage, the shape of the dental arcade cannot be
documented with much confidence. More information is provided by the KNM-ER 62000
juvenile. In its transversely flat midface and highly orthognathic profile, KNM-ER 62000
shows a “striking similarity to KNM-ER 1470” (Leakey et al. 2012). Bone is missing from
the incisor and canine alveolar walls, but even when this minor truncation is accounted for,
the clivus is short and nearly vertical. In occlusal view, a well-defined P3 jugum marks the
“corner” between the anterior and lateral surfaces of the maxillary alveolar process, and the
palate is U-shaped rather than elongated as in H. habilis (Spoor et al. 2015).
426  g. philip rightmire
Variation in the African Assemblages

The first fossils attributed to H. habilis were found over a half century ago, and the ensuing
debate over the validity of this taxon is well documented. Continuing discoveries have
greatly expanded the record for early Homo and many researchers now envision a radiation
of Homo species beginning in Africa well before 2.0 Ma ago. However, as presently consti-
tuted, the hypodigms for H. habilis and particularly for H. rudolfensis remain small and in
many respects inadequate (Antón 2012; Antón et al. 2014; Grine et al. 2019; Wood and
Leakey 2011). There is much variation among individuals and it has been difficult to iden-
tify characters that are diagnostic. The composition of hypodigms has shifted repeatedly, as
varying emphasis is placed on characters such as brain size, facial prognathism, mandibular
form, and dental morphology.
As detailed by Tobias (1991), brain size distinguishes early Homo from Australopithecus.
ECV is less useful in sorting the Homo fossils into distinct lineages. Given their reconstruc-
tion of OH 7, Spoor et al. (2015) find little evidence for interspecific diversification in brain
size. Recent reviews reflect this conclusion, reporting ECV as one character varying among
Homo “morphs” but giving greater taxonomic weight to facial form and the dental arcade
(Antón 2012; Antón et al. 2014; Wood and Boyle 2016).
Facial proportions differ among species of Australopithecus and Homo. In A. afarensis
and A. africanus, the face is relatively broad at the level of the cheek bones. The incomplete
face of early Homo from Swartkrans (SK 847) appears to be similar. In OH 24, the midfacial
(bimaxillary) and upper facial (biorbital) breadths are about equal, whereas for KNM-ER
1813, the upper face is broader than the midface. In KNM-ER 1470, the biorbital breadth
clearly exceeds the bimaxillary dimension. These observations do not support the often-
stated claim that a wide midface distinguishes H. rudolfensis from H. habilis (Wood 1992;
Wood and Boyle 2016).

Western Asia

Hominin remains from Dmanisi are listed in Table 25.2. The fossils are dated to 1.78–1.77
Ma, while crude stone flakes and manuports confirm an earlier human presence ca. 1.85 Ma
ago (Ferring et al. 2011). It has been claimed that several taxa must be documented at the
site (Bermúdez de Castro et al. 2014), but resampling analyses and other evidence refute
this view and support the hypothesis that the five individuals are drawn from a single
population (Lordkipanidze et al. 2013; Rightmire et al. 2008). Within-group variation is
substantial but appears to reflect age differences, facial remodeling associated with dental
attrition, and sex dimorphism (Margvelashvili et al. 2013, 2016; Rightmire et al. 2019;
Zollikofer et al., 2014). Stratigraphic evidence demonstrates that the assemblage accumu-
lated in an extremely brief interval of time (Ferring et al. 2011), making Dmanisi the clear-
est example on record of a Homo deme from the Early Pleistocene.
The Dmanisi individuals combine remarkably small brains (mean ECV = 634 ml) with
robust faces. D2280 is the largest of the crania, bearing a thickened supraorbital torus and
a strongly flexed occipital bone. This specimen resembles early African H. erectus. Skull 2
(D2282/D211) is a young adult, with M3s coming into full occlusion. Its delicate supra-
orbital torus, small mastoid process, smooth occipital, and gracile mandible are in keeping
with female status (Figure 25.1).
early homo  427

Table 25.2 Skulls and postcranial remains from Dmanisi

Crania and Partial skeletons and Stratigraphic provenience/

partial crania Mandibles isolated elements dating (Ma)

D2280, D2282, D211, D2600, vertebrae, ribs, clavicles, Stratum B1, 1.77–1.78
D2700, D3444, D2735, D3900 scapula, humeri, femora,
D4500 tibia, foot bones of
several individuals

Figure 25.1 Three skulls from Dmanisi. (A) Skull 5 is likely a robust adult male with sagittal keel-
ing, strong mastoid cresting, a massive face, and a very large mandible. (B) Skull 2 is likely a female
with a more globular vault, reduced cresting, and a smaller face. (C) Skull 3 is a subadult. Further
growth would not have greatly altered its morphology. This Dmanisi cranium resembles KNM-ER 1813.

Skull 3 (D2700/D2735) is a late subadult with its M3 crown erupted and the root half
formed. D2700 is comparable in globularity, supraorbital development, post-orbital nar-
rowing, and rounding of the posterior braincase to KNM-ER 1813 (Figure 25.2). The face
is diminutive in comparison to that of H. erectus but similar in midsagittal profile, orbital
proportions, and palate shape to individuals referred to H. habilis. D2735 shares many fea-
tures with the small, but very robust, mandible of OH 13. Indeed, if skull 3 had been found
with the East African fossils, these specimens would almost certainly have been attributed
to the same taxon.
Skull 4 (D3444/D3900) is a small, edentulous adult with projecting supraorbital tori,
cranial cresting, and a blunt occipital transverse torus. Although there is advanced alveolar
bone atrophy associated with tooth loss, the face is robust, with large orbits and deep malar
bones. The D3900 mandibular body is highly attenuated, reflecting advanced age.
Skull 5 (D4500/D2600) is almost certainly an adult male (Figure 25.1). The cranium is
low, relatively broad, less globular than those of other early Homo, and carries massive crests
428  g. philip rightmire
and tori. GMface/GMvault is 56.1, close to that of KNM-ER 1470 and Sterkfontein
Australopithecus. Lower facial prognathism is comparable to that of D2700, KNM-ER
1813, and OH 65. The palate is slightly more elongated (“primitive”) than AL 666–1, but
both fossils share dentognathic traits with H. habilis. In supraorbital projection, facial pro-
file, midfacial breadths, and clivus angle, D4500 also resembles the SK 847 partial cranium
from Swartkrans.
Post-cranial remains from Dmanisi include the femur, patella, tibia, and partial foot of a
single adult individual. Relative to the estimated body mass, the Dmanisi hind limb is longer
than that of African apes and the AL 288–1 (“Lucy”) A. afarensis skeleton (Pontzer et al.
2010). The first metatarsal is robust and fully adducted, and the transverse tarsal arch
exhibits pronounced curvature (Venkadesan et al. 2020). In its size and overall morphology,
the Dmanisi talus is comparable to that of African H. erectus and later Homo, with a trochlea
that is broad and flat, suggesting an ankle joint with increased surface area for transmitting
joint reaction forces associated with walking and running.

Homo erectus in Africa

Skulls and postcranial remains attributed to H. erectus are known from localities in North
Africa, the Upper and Middle Awash regions of Ethiopia, the Omo-Turkana Basin, Olduvai
Gorge, Olorgesailie in Tanzania, and in South Africa (Table 25.3). The most ancient
specimen is from Drimolen in South Africa, dated at 2.04 to 1.95 Ma, (Herries et al. 2020).
The DNH 134 cranium is subadult, lacks the entire face and base, and retains little diag-
nostic architecture. Identification as H. erectus remains tentative, and DNH 134 might well
represent earlier Homo as documented nearby at Swartkrans. The KNM-ER 2598 occipital
fragment from Koobi Fora is > 1.85 Ma old (Hammond et al. 2021). Its morphology can
be matched in H. erectus and also in D2280 and D4500.
The KNM-ER 3733 cranium from Koobi Fora (Wood 1991) is ca. 1.63 Ma in age (Lepre
and Kent 2015). With an ECV of 848 ml, KNM-ER 3733 has a larger brain than earlier
Homo. The vault is relatively long and low with pronounced postorbital narrowing and a
flexed occipital bone (Figure 25.2). KNM-ER 3733 is slightly less globular than OH 24 or
KNM-ER 1470 but comparable in form to D2280 from Dmanisi. The prominent supraor-
bital torus is arched over the orbits, frontal midline keeling is evident, and a mound-like
transverse torus is well developed near the occipital midline.
The KNM-ER 3733 facial skeleton is larger (GMface = 53.5) than in earlier Homo and is
set well forward from the anterior cranial fossa. The neurocranium is also large
(GMvault = 98.6), resulting in a face-to-vault ratio (54.3 percent), comparable to H. habilis,
D2700, and D3444. The nasal sill is smooth and carries an anterior spine. Although the
front of the maxilla has been damaged, it is possible to estimate the clivus angle as 44o. The
palate is demonstrably quite short, narrow, and deep, differing from the longer and shal-
lower palate of KNM-ER 1813.
Other crania provide useful information. The ca. 1.55 Ma old DAN5/P1 partial cranium
from Gona is quite small, with an arching supraorbital torus, prominent temporal lines, and
moderate postorbital narrowing (Semaw et al. 2020). In sagittal profile, the occipital is
rounded, and there is little development of an occipital transverse torus. Of the face, only
the lower portion is preserved. The nasal floor passes smoothly on to the flattened maxillary
clivus, and prognathism is reduced relative to H. habilis. The form of the braincase suggests
that this individual is female. DAN5/P1 resembles several of the gracile crania from
Dmanisi, the ca. 1.55 Ma old KNM-ER 42700 subadult from Ileret (Neubauer et al. 2018)
and the small ca. 0.94 Ma old KNM-OL 45500 specimen from Olorgesailie (Potts et al.
2004). A second, larger cranium from Gona retains portions of a thickened supraorbital
early homo  429

Table 25.3 Localities yielding fossils attributed to Homo erectus1

Crania Mandibles Postcranial bones

Southeast Asia
Trinil Trinil 2 femur, femoral
Sangiran Sangiran 2, 4, 10, 12, 17, Sangiran 1b, 8, 9, 22, BK femora
27, 31, Skull IX 7905, BK 8606
Ngandong Nandong 1, 3, 6, 7, 10, tibia A, tibia B
11, 12
Sambungmacan Sambungmacan 1, 3, 4 tibia
Ngawi Ngawi 1
Mojokerto Perning 1
Zhoukoudian Skulls II, III, V, X, XI, XII A II, B I, G I, H I, H IV, clavicle, humeri,
K I, M II, PA 86 femora, tibia
Gongwangling PA 1051–6
Chenjiawo PA 102
Hexian PA 830
Yunxian EV 9001, 9002
Tangshan Nanjing 1, 2
North Africa
Ternifine Ternifine 4 Ternifine 1, 2, 3
Eastern Africa
Bouri BOU-VP-2/66
Gona DAN5/P1, BSN12/P1 vertebra, pelvis
Konso KGA10–1
Buia UA-31 pelvic bone
Koobi Fora and KNM-ER 730, 2598, KNM-ER 730, 820, 992 femora, tibia, talus,
Ileret 3733, 3883 42700 partial skeletons

Nariokotome KNM-WT 15000A KNM-WT 15000B skeleton

Olorgesailie KNM-OL 45500
Olduvai Gorge OH 9, OH 12 OH 22, OH 23, OH 51 pelvic bone, femur
South Africa
Drimolen DNH 134
Swartkrans SK 15
Listing is incomplete, as many fragmentary specimens are omitted.

torus and a parietal sagittal keel. BSN12/P1 is comparable to more robust and possibly
male African H. erectus fossils such as OH 9 (Rightmire 1990), BOU-VP-2/66 from Daka
(Asfaw et al. 2008), and UA-31 from Buia (Macchiarelli et al. 2004).
430  g. philip rightmire

Figure 25.2 Lateral views of crania referred to Homo habilis (KNM-ER 1813) and Homo erectus
(KNM-ER 3733, Sangiran 17). (A) KNM-ER 1813 has a brain volume of only 509 ml but dif-
fers from australopiths in its rounded vault, less massive face, and generally smaller cheek teeth.
(B) KNM-ER 3733 has an ECV of 848 ml. The vault is relatively low with prominent supraorbital
tori, an angled occipital, and a prominent nasal saddle. (C) Sangiran 17 has an ECV 1004 ml, an
elongated cranium with an expanded nuchal plane, and robust facial bones. Face size relative to the
neurocranium is reduced compared to earlier African Homo erectus.

The KNM-ER 992 mandible shows little indication of a bony chin. A flattened post-
incisive planum is bounded below by a strong superior transverse torus. On the external
aspect of the corpus, the lateral prominence is maximally thickened at the level of M2/M3.
Corpus robusticity in this region is lower than in H. habilis but greater than in KNM-ER
730 and comparable to several of the H. erectus mandibles from Java.
Locomotor habits of early H. erectus are revealed by the tracks of at least 20 individuals
preserved near Ileret and dated to ca. 1.5 Ma ago (Hatala et al. 2016). Many of these traces
show fine detail, indicating that they were hardened and then covered rapidly with sedi-
ment. The prints provide the oldest direct evidence for a human-like medial transfer of body
weight while walking, where the foot acts as a rigid lever with toe-off through the hallux
and second toe.
A nearly complete subadult skeleton from Nariokotome provides further insight into
body form for one early representative of H. erectus. Given a likely age at death of only 7.6
to 8.8 years (Dean and Smith 2009), KNM-WT 15000 is surprisingly tall and linear, with a
early homo  431

relatively small bi-iliac diameter and long legs. Ruff and Burgess (2015) use modern African
great apes as growth models, estimating an adult body mass of ca. 82 kg. While high, this
result for KNM-WT 15000 may not be unusually large when compared to other H. erectus
from East Africa.
The BSN49/P27 pelvis collected at Gona has been referred to as H. erectus (Simpson
et al. 2008). However, the postcranial material is not associated with a skull or teeth, and
there remains a possibility that it documents a taxon other than Homo. Apparently female,
the pelvis is quite small but has a relatively large bi-iliac diameter. The size of the acetab-
ulum indicates that the body mass must be much reduced in comparison to the Nariokotome
boy. This suggests a remarkably high level of sex dimorphism.
The average body mass for H. erectus exceeds that of H. habilis. Ruff et al. (2018) calcu-
late 73 kg as an average for KNM-WT 15000 and OH 28. It can be argued that this
increase relative to early Homo reflects a change in diet. Along with foraging for plants and
fruit, H. erectus probably consumed more meat and bone marrow (Patterson et al. 2019).
Such high protein foods and fat would have facilitated expansion of the larger and hence
energetically more “expensive” brain (Aiello and Wheeler 1995). Also, body proportions
and other musculoskeletal specializations can be read to show that H. erectus was capable of
endurance running. The ability to run over long distances at a moderate pace would have
been advantageous to early hominin scavengers or hunters (Bramble and Lieberman 2004).
Along with the tracks of H. erectus, the Ileret sites preserve traces left by many animals
(Roach et al. 2018). Although this community includes numerous water-dependent species,
the hominins show a pattern of association with marginal lacustrine habitats that is not
apparent for the other vertebrates. Given the evidence for increasing carnivorousness with the
emergence of H. erectus (Patterson et al. 2019), lake margin grasslands may have been impor-
tant for hunting while also providing access to aquatic plants, fish, shellfish, and turtles.

Homo erectus in Asia

The first fossils attributed to H. erectus were found by Eugene Dubois, who sailed to the
East Indies to search for the missing link. Shortly after starting to excavate at Trinil in 1891,
Dubois’ workers came across a skullcap, and later a complete femur. Many more specimens
from Mojokerto, Sangiran, Ngawi, Ngandong, and Sambungmacan have since been added
to this inventory (Table 25.3).
Within the Sangiran region, some fossils were found in the lower Grenzbank/Sangiran
stratigraphic levels, but most are derived from the overlying Bapang Formation. Many
researchers have accepted an age of ca. 1.7 Ma for the earliest remains, but some 40Ar/39Ar
dates on samples collected from the lowermost Bapang Formation center around 0.88 Ma.
The latter are consistent with magnetostratigraphy, implying a “short chronology” for the
Sangiran sequence (Hyodo et al. 2011). Matsu’ura et al. (2020) report U-Pb and fission-
track dates that confirm this chronology, setting ca. 1.27 Ma as the maximum age for the
hominins and ca. 0.79 Ma as the age of the youngest fossil-bearing sediments.
The ancient Sangiran 4 cranium is damaged, but estimated ECV (ca. 900 ml) is
comparable to early African H. erectus. The braincase is low rather than globular, quite mas-
sively constructed, and presents a mound-like parietal keel with parasagittal depressions.
These characters are shared with skull 5 from Dmanisi. The younger Sangiran 17 cranium
is complete, with an ECV of 1004 ml. Sangiran 17 is larger than KNM-ER 3733 and has a
much thicker supraorbital torus and a more strongly flexed occipital (Figure 25.2). The face
is wide with massive cheek bones, a broad but shallow palate, and relatively small teeth.
Face-to-braincase size is reduced relative to that of KNM-ER 3733.
432  g. philip rightmire
Kaifu et al. (2008, 2013) describe the more robust Grenzbank/Sangiran crania as “primi-
tive” in comparison to the gracile specimens from the same stratigraphic zone, but there is
overlap in the expression of most features. Mandibles from these deposits also display much
variation in corpus height and thickness, as well as the development of lateral prominences.
Sangiran 9 exhibits the relatively narrow, elongated dental arcade that is characteristic of
H. habilis, whereas Sangiran 1 and Sangiran 22 have more open, parabolic arcades as in African
H. erectus. Kaifu et al. (2013) attribute this high level of variation to sex dimorphism.
Teeth from Yuanmou in China that may belong to H. erectus are ca. 1.7 Ma in age (Zhu
et al. 2008). Additional cranial and dentognathic material is known from Lantian
(Gongwangling and Chenjiawo), Hexian, Yunxian, Nanjing (Tangshan), and Meipu (Wu
and Poirer 1995; Xing et al. 2021). Certainly, the most famous Chinese locality is
Zhoukoudian, where excavations of a karstic fissure revealed fossils including complete
braincases, mandibles, teeth, and postcranial elements. Shen et al. (2009) report cosmo-
genic 26Al/10Be ages for the lower strata of Locality 1 as 0.68 to 0.78 Ma, while the upper
levels date to 0.40 Ma. As is well known, nearly all of the original specimens were lost.
Fortunately, Franz Weidenreich’s monographs and carefully made casts provide a very
detailed anatomical record. The Zhoukoudian crania are relatively large and display the
prominent supraorbital tori and low, angular vault profiles that are associated with Middle
Pleistocene populations of H. erectus. Baab (2010) notes that the Zhoukoudian crania dif-
fer from the Sangiran specimens in their frontal and occipital widths and in prominence of
crests in the mastoid region, concluding that there is significant regional differentiation
among populations of Asian H. erectus.

Homo in the Middle Pleistocene

Skulls that differ from H. erectus are known from Middle Pleistocene localities at Irhoud in
Morocco, Bodo, Herto, and Omo (Kibish) in Ethiopia, Ndutu and Laetoli in Tanzania,
Broken Hill in Zambia, and at Florisbad and Elandsfontein in South Africa (Table 25.4).
ECVs are large (≥ 1100 ml). Relative to H. erectus, there is an increase in cranial height,
breadth of the frontal bone, and globularity of the parieto-occipital region. In Bodo, Broken
Hill, and Elandsfontein, the supraorbital torus is partitioned into medial and lateral seg-
ments. Nevertheless, the torus remains very massive. There is no reduction in overall face
size in relation to H. erectus, and the facial skeleton is “hafted” to the braincase in such a
way as to accentuate facial projection (Lieberman 2011). Other individuals including
Irhoud 2, Irhoud 10, Irhoud 11, Herto, Omo 1, and Laetoli 18 display more modern
Dates of ca. 600 Ka for Bodo, ca. 195 Ka for Omo 1, and ca. 155 Ka for Herto suggest
an evolutionary sequence in Africa from archaic H. heidelbergensis/H. rhodesiensis toward
anatomically modern H. sapiens. This scenario is called into question by a date of ca. 299
Ka for the Broken Hill cranium (Grün et al. 2020), placing this specimen at a time when
intermediate morphology might be expected. However, the massive face and low braincase
of Broken Hill appear archaic, and there are few of the derived traits that would be expected
in modern populations (Rightmire 2017). An alternative hypothesis is that the evolutionary
roots of H. sapiens predate Omo 1 and Herto and extend further back into the Middle
Pleistocene. This view is supported by the age of ca. 315 Ka obtained for the Jebel Irhoud
fossils, which possess more derived traits than Broken Hill (Hublin et al. 2017). African
populations seem to have displayed much morphological variation in this interval, perhaps
denoting the presence of distinct lineages.
Middle Pleistocene fossils from the Rising Star cave system in South Africa add to this
apparent diversity. Partial skulls, teeth, axial and limb elements, a nearly complete adult
early homo  433

Table 25.4 Homo fossils from Middle Pleistocene localities in Africa

Partial skeletons Stratigraphic

Crania and partial and isolated provenience/
crania Mandibles elements dating (Ka)

North Africa
Jebel Irhoud Irhoud 1,2,10 Irhoud 3,11 ribs, humerus, ca. 315
prox. femur, fibula
East Africa
Bodo Bodo 1,2 ca. 600
Herto BOU-VP-16/1, 160–154
Omo KHS Omo 1 Omo 1 partial skeleton Kibish
Formation, ca.
Omo PHS Omo 2 Kibish Formation
Baringo KNM-BK 67, Kapthurin
8518 Formation
Ndutu Ndutu 1
Laetoli LH 18
Broken Hill E686 femur, tibia? ca. 299
South Africa
Dinaledi DNH 1,2,3,4,5 DNH 1, UW partial skeletons 335–236
Lesedi LES 1 LES 1 partial skeletons
Florisbad Florisbad 1 ca. 259?
Elandsfontein Elandsfontein (or 1000–700?
Saldanha) 1

hand, and a foot from Dinaledi are referred to Homo naledi by Berger et al. (2015). At least
15 individuals are represented, and the Dinaledi assemblage is 335 to 236 Ka in age (Dirks
et al. 2017). Additional material including a cranium has been recovered from a second
depository within the same cave complex (Hawks et al. 2017).
The DH1 cranium has an ECV of 555 ml (Holloway et al. 2018). The supraorbital torus
is thin and shelf-like, and the contour of the frontal suggests a globular shape. There is slight
parietal bossing and the vault lacks strong ectocranial relief. DH1 differs from H. erectus and
resembles modern humans in displaying a raised external occipital protuberance. The man-
dibular fossa is situated almost entirely underneath the vault. The midface gives the impres-
sion of gracility. A little of the entrance to the nasal cavity is preserved and there is a
prominent anterior nasal spine. The subnasal region is flattened in the coronal plane and is
moderately prognathic. Palate shape is parabolic as in later humans.
The nearly complete mandible is quite robust. When the jaw is viewed from the side, it is
apparent that corpus height increases anteriorly, to reach a maximum at the symphysis. The
symphysis itself is vertical and flattened. On its internal aspect, there is hollowing below the
alveolar margin but little indication of the shelving post-incisive planum characteristic of
434  g. philip rightmire
archaic Homo. The teeth of H. naledi are small in comparison to samples of H. habilis and
H. erectus and more similar in their dimensions to later human populations.
H. naledi couples a small brain with primitive postcranial features. The cranially oriented
shoulder joint and australopith-like humerus depart sharply from the morphology present
in other Middle Pleistocene humans and H. sapiens. The wrist and thumb point to enhanced
manipulative ability relative to australopiths, but the relatively long, curved fingers indicate
frequent use of the hand during climbing and suspension in an arboreal environment. At
the same time, Homo naledi possessed an absolutely long lower limb. The foot differs only
slightly from modern humans in having a reduced medial longitudinal arch and a gracile
calcaneal tuber. Also, the proximal pedal phalanges are curved as in some apes and OW
monkeys (Harcourt-Smith et al. 2015). Homo naledi was probably capable of striding on
the ground but had a locomotor repertoire differing from that of contemporary humans.

Where Do We Stand?

Our knowledge of earliest Homo is far from complete. Homo habilis is documented by dam-
aged skulls, teeth, and partial skeletons, but this assemblage is in many respects inadequate.
Wood and Boyle (2016) express “moderate confidence” in the taxonomic distinctiveness of
H. habilis, but the precise makeup of the hypodigm has shifted repeatedly. Variation is sub-
stantial, and the differences in arcade form between OH 7 and KNM-ER 1813 stretch the
limits observed in extant human and great ape populations. Also, cranial and dentognathic
differentiation between H. habilis and early African H. erectus is incomplete (Baab 2016;
Mori and Harvati 2019; Suwa et al. 2007).
A key question is the extent to which differences can reasonably be interpreted as evi-
dence for taxonomic diversity, rather than as the variation to be expected within popula-
tions. Here, Dmanisi offers a unique guide. The five skulls exhibit a high level of
morphological variability, suggesting that changes due to growth, senescence, and sex
dimorphism are marked within this paleodeme. Skull 1 and skull 2 are like African
H. erectus, while other specimens resemble early Homo from the Turkana Basin and Olduvai
Gorge. The low braincase and massive face of skull 5 are unmatched in the hominin record
(Rightmire et al. 2017). It is difficult to read this evidence as supporting the recognition of
three or more species of Homo in the eastern Rift Valley and perhaps another in South
Evidence from genetics bears critically on these issues. Admixture has long shaped pat-
terns of variation in humans. Genomic comparisons document multiple interbreeding
events involving Neanderthals, Denisovans, and recent humans, and it has been possible to
extend such analyses further back in time. Rogers et al. (2020) postulate an ancient episode
of intermixture, in which the “neandersovan” antecedents to Neanderthals and Denisovans
interbred with a “superarchaic” population, ca. 2.3 Ma or ca. 1.9 Ma ago. These models
allow the superarchaics to have evolved either in Africa or from the first hominins dispersing
into Eurasia.
Mapping this genetic history on to phylogeny as inferred from fossils is difficult. It is not
known what species of Homo the “superarchaics” might represent, but the role of gene
exchange in shaping ancient populations is increasingly acknowledged. Reticulate evolu-
tion, defined as the mixing of lineages, may have “driven evolutionary innovation in our
hominin ancestors and perhaps contributed to bursts of exceptional phenotypic diversifica-
tion” (Ackermann et al. 2019). Introgressive hybridization implies the blurring of species
boundaries, so it is not surprising that defining Homo taxa has been problematic.
early homo  435

The origin of H. erectus remains unclear. If the DNH 134 juvenile and the KNM-ER
2598 occipital fragment are set aside, the most ancient fossil securely identified as H. erectus
is the KNM-ER 3733 cranium, dated at ca. 1.63 Ma. One hypothesis holds that H. erectus
originated in eastern Africa, probably from H. habilis. Bands of this new species then ven-
tured beyond Africa, leaving traces of their passing in the Sinai, the Jordan Valley, and the
Caucasus. From sites such as Dmanisi, the hominins would have spread across Asia to the
Far East. This scenario implies that differences between African H. erectus and the Dmanisi
people reflect geographic distance, adaptation to new environments, and drift in small
A problem with this “African origins” hypothesis is that the Dmanisi fossils predate
KNM-ER 3733 by ca. 150,000 years. It is apparent that the southern Caucasus was occu-
pied even earlier, ca. 1.85 Ma ago. An alternative view holds that small-brained, pre-erectus
Homo dispersed from Africa into western Asia prior to 2.0 Ma ago. These populations later
evolved the cranial characters and body build that define H. erectus. This “Asian origins”
hypothesis allows the possibility that H. erectus emerging in western Eurasia later returned
to Africa.
After dispersing across much of the Old World, H. erectus persisted longer in some geo-
graphic areas than others. At localities in China, the species survived until perhaps 350,000
years ago. At Ngandong in Java, the fossils are ca. 117,000 to 108,000 years old (Rizal
et al. 2019). The pattern documented for the Far East contrasts with that in Africa, where
H. erectus disappears from the record much earlier. This suggests that a western branch of
the species likely gave rise to later people, and it is in Africa and Europe where more
advanced hominins make their first appearance.


Colleagues at numerous museums and universities have allowed me access to hominin fos-
sils in their care, and I am very grateful for this help. The Leakey Foundation, the National
Science Foundation, and the American School of Prehistoric Research (Harvard University)
have funded much of the research on which this chapter is based.


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CHAPTER 26 Panmixis in Middle
and Late Pleistocene
Human Subspecies:
The Genetic/Genomic
Revolution in

Fred H. Smith and

Whitney M. Karriger

Data from recent years have substantially changed scientific understanding of Middle and
Late Pleistocene human evolution. Some are new fossil discoveries but more significant
are advances in chronology and analysis of ancient DNA. This time frame witnessed a
complex pattern of migration within and out of Africa. During the final 600,000 years
(600 ky) of the Pleistocene, regional populations became increasingly differentiated.
Additionally, there was at least one major “out of Africa” migration. This post-Erectine
migration reflects the spread of modern human anatomical form at some time between
~ 150 kya (thousand years ago) and ~ 100 kya, but genetic data suggest modern genes
radiate from Africa around 50 kya. These movements extended throughout Africa and
ultimately the remainder of the Earth (Bräuer 2015; Trinkaus 2005). Whether this
phenomenon represented the spread of a new species, which replaced archaic Homo
groups throughout Eurasia, or a novel population of a polytypic single species, continues
to be debated. In either case, a complex pattern of interaction between migrant and
indigenous populations characterized this part of the human evolutionary record, much
as it has more recently.
By 400 kya humans in Europe, Africa, and Asia exhibited prominent regional morpho-
logical differences. These humans were still similar across the continents in having expanded
brains and brain cases compared to Erectines (Figure 26.1). They also retained many prim-
itive (ancestral) features: lower crania, prognathic faces, prominent supraorbital tori,
receding mandibular symphyses with no “chin,” large anterior teeth, and robust postcrania.

A Companion to Biological Anthropology, Second Edition. Edited by Clark Spencer Larsen.

© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
panmixis in middle and late pleistocene human subspecies  441

Figure 26.1 Heidelberg specimens from Kabwe (Kabwe 1), Zambia (left); Sima de los Huesos 5
cranium (AT 700) articulated with a mandible from the same site (AT 888 + AT 721), Spain (right);
and Petralona (rear view), Greece (bottom left).

However, there are also differences in body shape and details of craniofacial anatomy from
region to region. By 100 kya, regional differentiation was clearly established, including the
distinctive Neandertals in Europe and much of Asia; early modern people in Africa and the
Levant; possibly late Erectines in Australasia; some form of archaic Homo in eastern Asia;
and several isolates with unusual or primitive morphology in various regions. For many
paleoanthropologists, there could be at least six species coexisting in the later Pleistocene.

The Species Issue

There are many ways to define a species in biology (Holliday 2003), but in paleontology
the Evolutionary Species Concept (ESC – Simpson 1961) is the most robust. An ES is
defined when morphological groupings can be established that are separated from other
groups by distinctive morphological gaps. The ESC extends these morphological patterns
over time, identifying an evolutionary lineage that has its own unique evolutionary fate.
The ESC might seem to incorporate reproductive exclusivity over time, but its basis is
entirely morphological. Identifying species in paleontology generally is based in cladistics,
which uses patterns of derived (apomorphic) and shared derived (synapomorphic)
442  fred h. smith and whitney m. karriger
morphological features to define taxa. While this is a robust methodology, the judicious use
of phenetic data can be pivotal in many cases (see Cartmill and Smith 2022).
The Biological Species Concept (BSC; Mayr 1963) defines species based on reproductive
isolation. This often occurs when peripheral populations of a species become physically iso-
lated from the body of that species. In such small, marginal populations, environmental
stresses are greater, and genetic changes are more likely to become established. Thus, the
biology of these populations may develop significant differences from the species’ main
body. While the BSC is often used, it actually works well only for some extant organisms,
including mammals, and complications are common. Consequently, paleontologists gener-
ally do not apply the BSC to fossil data even though reproductive exclusivity is often
implied. However, recent advances in ancient DNA analysis shed light on species
identification during later human biological history, reducing the need to rely on mor-
phology alone.
How much speciosity is expected in specific mammalian lineages depends on three
factors: geographic range, adaptive pattern, and body size. Mammals that are more likely to
speciate are those with large ranges covering multiple ecological zones, those in the tropics
compared to those in higher latitudes, and those with ranges extending to islands (Foley
1991). Foley (1991) notes that lineages with broad adaptive strategies show reduced speci-
osity and argues that, compared to earlier hominins, Erectines and later Homo exploited a
much wider range of dietary resources, including significant amounts of meat. Another
study asserts the probable high habitat tolerance of Middle and Late Pleistocene hominins,
based on a canid analogy, significantly limited hominin speciation (Arcadi 2006). Combined
with the more complex technological capabilities of Homo (Klein 2009), Middle/Late
Pleistocene Homo emerge as consummate generalists. Compared to specialized species,
generalized species exploit wider geographic and ecological ranges, show more intraspecific
variation, and exhibit less of a tendency to split (see Cartmill and Smith 2022).
The cultural capabilities of Middle and Late Pleistocene Homo bear special mention. In
the modern world, culture is seen more as a specializing agent, promoting separation bet-
ween groups (Klein 2009). However, as White (1949) emphasized many years ago, culture
is also a means of adaptation that defines a unique all-encompassing resource exploitation
strategy. Culture as an adaptive mechanism further defines humans as the consummate gen-
eralist and it is logical that this generalist adaptive strategy would have limited the speciosity
of the Middle and Late Pleistocene hominins.
Species diversity in mammals is tied to body mass, with larger forms exhibiting less taxo-
nomic diversity. Conroy (2002) found that mammals similar in body size to early Homo are
not speciose. He argues that recognition of more than two synchronic species in early Homo
would put the human lineage at odds with the pattern for similar-sized mammals.
Holliday and colleagues (Holliday 2006; Holliday et al. 2014) showed that mammalian
lineages need to be separated for at least 2 million years to become fully reproductively iso-
lated. Since the divergence times for none of the Late and most Middle Pleistocene hom-
inin lineages of interest here are this old, it is unlikely these groups would have been
reproductively isolated from each other – an assertion supported by genetic analyses.

The Genetic/Genomic Revolution

Advances in ancient DNA recovery and analysis techniques have revolutionized how we
understand genetic relationships among extinct hominins. While this revolution technically
began with the sequencing of Neandertal mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), the more
panmixis in middle and late pleistocene human subspecies  443

significant impact came with the first Neandertal draft genome by Green and colleagues in
2010. MtDNA revealed no Neandertal contribution to modern humans, but there were
some clues that Neandertals and early moderns were exchanging genes (see Cartmill and
Smith 2022). The genomic data demonstrated that Neandertals contributed on average
1–4 percent of the genetic material in living Eurasians but did not contribute to modern
Africans (Green et al. 2010). These results were challenged, but the conclusions of the
2010 paper were verified later (e.g., Prüfer et al. 2014, 2017). Subsequently, it was deter-
mined that although each individual Eurasian received about 2 percent of their genetic
material from Neandertals, between 35 and 70 percent of the Neandertal genome existed
in modern Eurasians (Vernot and Akey 2014). Small amounts of Neandertal genetic
material have been found in living Africans, reflecting introgression with Eurasians during
the last 20 kya (Chen et al. 2020). Early modern humans also contributed genes to late
Neandertal populations (Hubisz et al. 2020).
In Asia, the enigmatic Denisovans, represented by only a mandible and nondiagnostic
fragments (see Cartmill and Smith 2022) contributed as much as 6 percent to various
populations, especially in Southeast Asia, Tibet, and Papua-New Guinea (Browning et al.
2018; Prüfer et al. 2014). Also “ghost lineages” – lineages not currently associated with
a morphologically described hominin – are represented in the genetic record and con-
tribute to modern and other archaic human groups (Prüfer et al. 2014; Rogers et al.
2020). These “ghosts” may actually be known hominins, such as east Asian archaics (Dali,
Maba, etc.), Heidelbergs, Homo floresiensis or another isolate, or even Homo erectus
(Hubisz et al. 2020; Rogers et al. 2020). Genetic exchange among these archaic groups
(Schaefer et al. 2021) created an interconnected web throughout the Middle and Late
Pleistocene of the Old World.

Heidelbergs and the Origin of Regional Human Diversity

African post-Erectine humans are represented by remains from a geographically diverse

series of sites. Many paleoanthropologists place these remains in Homo heidelbergensis, but
not all agree. Africa may yield the earliest Heidelbergs, but dating of the African Heidelberg
sites is difficult. Among the oldest are Bodo and Saldanha at ca. 600 kya (Klein et al. 2006).
Broad estimates for most other specimens are 300–600 kya.
The most informative site is Kabwe, or Broken Hill, in Zambia, which produced a
complete cranium (Kabwe 1), a second maxilla, and a series of postcrania. Despite strong
chemical homogeneity, the association among the remains is not certain (see Cartmill and
Smith 2022). The Kabwe 1 cranium (Figure 26.1), like others of this group, combines
primitive and advanced (compared to Erectines) cranial features. The face is large and
exhibits Erectine-like total facial prognathism, or prognathism in both the mid- and lateral
face. Advanced features include a cranial capacity that is 30 percent larger than Erectines,
likely reflecting a significant shift in brain-to-body size patterning (Ruff et al. 1997).
Changes in the nose and palate are shared with other members of later Homo (Rightmire
2008). Postcrania have both primitive and more modern features (Pearson 2013). The
most complete specimen, a tibia, is relatively long, indicating body proportions reflecting a
warm environment. Other African Heidelbergs exhibit large anterior teeth, reduced poste-
rior teeth, and chinless mandibles. All specimens have relatively large supraorbital tori and
low, broad crania.
Heidelbergs also range all over Europe. Most date between 300 and 600 kya, but slightly
earlier and later dates are known (see Cartmill and Smith 2022). These European
444  fred h. smith and whitney m. karriger
Heidelbergs share some features with their African counterparts, such as their shared derived
features compared to Erectines in increased cranial capacity and expanded neurocrania
(Figure 26.1), as well as shared primitive retentions (prominent supraorbital tori, total facial
prognathism, absence of chins) (Rightmire 2008, 2015). However, the two samples differ
in some details. For example, European forms often exhibit features that are precursors to
Neandertal morphology, such as incipient suprainiac fossae and occipital bunning, and
infraorbital morphology. Aspects of the postcrania from Boxgrove and Sima de los Huesos
suggest body forms were more cold-adapted than African forms (Arsuaga et al. 1999;
Trinkaus et al. 1999). Based on synapomorphies, European Heidelbergs are clearly
Neandertal ancestors (Arsuaga at al 2014; Dean et al. 1998; Rightmire 2015; Wolpoff
1999). Certain Asian specimens are best considered Heidelbergs as well (see Cartmill and
Smith 2022).
It is difficult to determine the ultimate origin of the Heidelbergs. Some hold that
Heidelbergs evolved from Erectines in different regions of the Old World (Athreya 2019;
Wolpoff 1999) through gene flow among regional lineages of humans – in other words,
multiregional evolution. However, genetics suggest that Heidelbergs spread out of Africa
around 650 kya (Schaefer 2021; Templeton 2005). This is an intriguing idea, but the
current fossil record can neither support nor refute it.
Do Heidelbergs form a cohesive species separate from other Homo? Can the African and
European Heidelbergs be accommodated in one species? Some have argued that African
forms should be placed in a separate species from European Heidelbergs, with the latter
(H. heidelbergensis) being ancestral to Neandertals and the former (H. rhodesiensis) to
modern humans in Africa (Bermúdez de Castro et al. 1997). However, the morphometric
similarities among the African and European Heidelbergs argue against this dual species
model (Rightmire 2008, 2015). While the consensus is that H. heidelbergensis is the valid
taxon for these humans, it has not been defined using specific apomorphies. Rightmire
(2013, 2015) has marshaled the characteristic features for H. heidelbergensis, but, as he
notes, these features are a mosaic of traits shared either with more primitive or more
derived forms of Homo. While the concept of H. heidelbergensis plays an important role in
the quest for “bushiness” in human evolution, its existence as a distinctly defined taxon is

Isolates: New Players

Recent decades have witnessed the realization that some “populations” of hominins do not
fit morphologically in their time frame. This perspective emerged with the human remains
from Flores, Homo floresiensis. These extremely small-brained hominins with relatively
primitive crania and mandibles were probably the result of accidental arrival and subsequent
isolation on Flores and are considered a separate species of our genus (Aiello 2015). The
same scenario may also explain other specimens (e.g., Callao Cave in the Philippines). More
ancient examples of fossils with unexpectedly primitive anatomy for their time frame include
Gran Dolina (Spain), Ceprano (Italy), and Rising Star (South Africa). Ceprano was first
described as an Erectine, then as Homo antecessor, and now as a late surviving group of
more primitive humans at about 400 kya (Manzi et al. 2011). Rising Star yields a large
sample of remains exhibiting Erectine or earlier Homo morphology at 230–330 kya (Berger
et al. 2017). Finally, the enigmatic fossils from the Gran Dolina site are now interpreted as
an early incursion of Homo into Europe that became isolated and did not contribute to later
human evolution (Bermúdez de Castro et al. 2017).
panmixis in middle and late pleistocene human subspecies  445

It seems clear that there were pockets of hominins who were not part of the major lines
of human evolution, although some may represent the genetic “ghost lineages.” Whether
each of these should have their own species designations is a debatable question. These fos-
sils clearly complicate our understanding of human evolution, but such complications pro-
vide a more complete picture of our biological past.

Neandertals and Their “Contemporaries”

Neandertals are the best known and most intensely studied fossil humans. They are found
in all but northern-most Europe and in western and central Asia. An impressive amount is
known about their anatomy, behavior, adaptive pattern, and genome. In Europe, there is
consensus that Neandertals gradually emerge from European Heidelbergs, but there is dis-
agreement whether they emerged by accretion over time in isolation (Dean et al. 1998) or
as the European lineage in the multiregional perspective (Wolpoff 1999). Both viewpoints
agree that the boundary between European Heidelbergs and Neandertals is rather arbitrary.
Arsuaga and colleagues (2014) assert the Sima de los Huesos hominins should be classified
in the same taxon as the Neandertals. However, the Sima sample also exhibits features not
characteristic of Neandertals. Thus, there is value in maintaining them in the Heidlebergs,
while recognizing that European Heidelbergs are ancestral to Neandertals.
A case can be made that the hominins from the site of Ehringsdorf (Germany) represent the
earliest sample of unequivocal Neandertals at 210 kya, and a series of sites between 200 and
100 kya exclusively yield Neandertals. Higham and colleagues (2014) assert that Neandertals
(and their archaeological contexts) disappear in Europe between 41 and 39 kya. This conclusion
is based on the fact that new techniques applied to radiocarbon dating keep pushing Neandertal
fossil and archaeological sites further back in time (see Cartmill and Smith 2022).
As mentioned above, some Neandertal features derive from their Heidelberg ancestry,
including their large faces, chinless mandibles, pronounced supraorbital tori, low cranial
vaults, and large anterior teeth (Figure 26.2). In other ways, Neandertals are derived com-
pared to Heidelbergs. Neandertals exhibit expanded brains, resulting in the cranial vault
being expanded, the maximum breadth being higher relative to the cranial base, and the
brain case having a characteristic oval shape when viewed from the rear (Figure 26.2).
Other distinctive features include the form of the temporal bone, the inferior projection of
the occipitomastoid region of the cranial base, the presence of suprainiac fossae on the
occipital, the formation of occipital bunning on the rear of the cranium, and a series of man-
dibular details (Harvati 2015). Neandertals also have large nasal openings, oblique lower
cheek margins, and lack canine fosse (Figure 26.2). The most distinctive proposed
Neandertal apomorphy is their facial prognathism. Neandertals exhibit prognathism along
the midline of the face, but the lateral face is less forwardly projecting. One view holds that
the facial midline is moved forward relative to the lateral face, constituting an apomorphic
condition (Rak 1986). Another view is that the lateral face retreats relative to the facial mid-
line, defining an intermediate stage between the total facial prognathism of earlier humans
and the orthognathism of modern humans (Trinkaus 2006). Midfacial prognathism is
related to cold adaptation, because elongating the nasal chamber provides for warming and
humidifying inhaled air that is crucial for efficient respiration (Yokley et al. 2018).
Neandertals also have distinctive postcranial features, mostly primitive retentions. For
example, the thick cortical bone of Neandertal long bones reflects a pattern of heavy load-
ing, relating to locomotor and other activities. Most significant is their overall body form.
Neandertals had a barrel-shaped, broad thorax, and relatively short distal limb segments
(Holliday 1997; Ruff et al. 2002). These features indicate a cold-adapted body form, evolved
446  fred h. smith and whitney m. karriger

Figure 26.2 Neandertal cranial morphology. La Chapelle-aux-Saints, France – front, side, and rear
views. Frontal view: 1. absence of a canine fossa; 2. oblique lower cheek (zygomaticoalveolar) margin.
Side view: the vertical line approximates the front of the brain and illustrates the typical Neandertal
midline facial prognathism. Rear view: 1. suprainiac fossa; 2. occipitomastoid crest; 3. small mastoid

to enhance heat conservation. In fact, Neandertal body form has been called “hyper-arctic”
because it appears even more adapted to cold conditions than cold-adapted living people.
Neandertals in Asia are known from the Levant extending into Iraq and the Caucasus
region. Near Eastern Neandertals exhibit the distinctive features noted for European
Neandertals except they have higher cranial vaults, lack occipital bunning, and do not show as
extreme a pattern of distal element shortening in the arm. The morphology of fossils in Central
Asia is fundamentally Neandertal, an identity that is revealed in the genetics. MtDNA from
Teshik Tash, as well as subadult limb bones from the Okladnikov Cave, reveal the presence of
uniquely Neandertal sequences (Krause et al. 2007). A genome from the Chagyrskaya Cave
also demonstrates a Neandertal presence (Mafessoni et al. 2020). Thus, Neandertal influences
reached farther east than traditionally has been accepted. This is supported by the presence of
Neandertal features in the Xuchang hominins from China (Li et al. 2017).
panmixis in middle and late pleistocene human subspecies  447

In East Asia, the human fossil record has increased significantly in the past two decades. It
includes archaic folk that are distinct from Neandertals. Xuchang, for example, is not a
Neandertal although it exhibits some Neandertal characteristics. The Harbin cranium and a
series of others (Rosenberg and Wu 2013) are also relatively primitive but are certainly not
Neandertals. While they share features with Chinese Erectines, it is unclear if they primarily
evolved from Erectines in China (Rosenberg and Wu 2013; Wolpoff 1999) or derived from
a Heidelberg expansion into East Asia. The Jinniushan skull, for example, has an archaic
cranial vault and a cranial capacity comparable to other late archaic peoples. The face is
gracile but appears relatively flat (total facial prognathism), with a broad nose and interorbital
area. Detailed analysis of body form for Jinniushan shows a wide trunk, large body mass, and
short limbs, suggesting cold adaptation similar to Neandertals (Rosenberg et al. 2006).

Archaic Human Adaptation in Higher Latitudes

Neandertals and higher latitude archaic Asians are adapted for life in the cold but not just
in terms of anatomy. Based on analogy with modern circumpolar populations, Neandertals
likely had significantly higher basal metabolism rates (BMR) than more equatorial popula-
tions, due in part to the effects of temperature and day lengths on thyroid function (Leonard
et al. 2002). The combination of a bulky body build and generation of more internal heat
would seem to be key to high latitude archaic hominin survival. Some form of body cov-
ering and other cultural and biological factors provided additional buffering.
A large body and elevated BMR are energetically expensive. One model calculates that
adult Neandertals would have required a BMR 18 and 15 percent higher than in males and
females of recent peoples with similar ecologies (Frohle et al. 2013). Although plants were
also consumed, there is evidence from stable-isotope studies and archaeology that
Neandertals obtained most of their calories and protein from meat, a diet also rich in fat
(Kuhn and Steiner 2006; Richards et al. 2000; Speth 2012).
The total energy budget of an organism is expended on normal maintenance or survival
activities, growth and development, and reproduction (Sorenson and Leonard 2001).
Given their adaptation, maintenance or survival demands would have required almost all of
the energy the Neandertal diet could provide, leaving precious little energy for reproduction.
Thus, it is likely that Neandertals had lower long-term fertility rates than modern humans,
which translated into very small populations sizes. This is supported by archaeological evi-
dence (Holliday et al. 2014; Mellars and French 2011) and genetic evidence. Analyses of
mitochondrial and nuclear DNA of Neandertals and Denisovans (Mafessoni et al. 2020;
Prüfer 2014, 2017). indicate extremely low levels of genetic diversity, reflecting small
population sizes. Thus, Neandertals and other archaic folk were very rare on the landscape
(Churchill 2014; Smith 2013), a fact that certainly impacted their evolutionary fate.

Africa and the Origin of Modern Humans

While European Heidelbergs gave rise to Neandertals, the descendants of African

Heidelbergs are characterized by reduced faces that approach orthognathism, a modern-
like cheek region, canine fossa, and a smaller nasal opening. However, brain cases are still
primitive, with low cranial vaults and pronounced supraorbital tori. The single known man-
dible lacks a chin (Hublin et al. 2017). Cranial capacity is virtually identical to the European
Neandertal mean (Cartmill and Smith 2022). These African Heidelberg descendants are
found at a smattering of sites throughout Africa, including Florisbad, Ngaloba, Eliye
448  fred h. smith and whitney m. karriger
Springs, Guomde, Omo Kibish 2, and Jebel Irhoud and date from 315 to ~ 190 kya (Bräuer
2015; Cartmill and Smith 2022). There are almost no postcranial elements or teeth, but the
cranial mosaic indicates evolution toward modern human morphology. This sample has
been assigned to the species Homo helmei (see Stringer 1994) but is more informally known
as the African Transitional Group (ATG).
Whereas the ATG is widely spread in Africa, the earliest evidence of modern humans is
more restricted. However, based on the distribution of the ATG and genetic data, recent
studies suggest that all of Africa contributed to modern human origins (Hublin et al. 2017;
Scerri et al. 2018; Stringer 2016). Three sites in East Africa yield evidence of the earliest
modern anatomy. Herto (Ethiopia) has several crania that date between 154 and 160 kya.
The most complete adult (Herto 1) exhibits a high, rounded cranial vault, a modern face,
and a rear vault contour that shows a maximum breadth high on the parietals like recent
humans (Figure 26.3). The face is modern and orthognathic but still has a supraorbital
torus (White et al. 2003). The fragmentary Omo 1 skull from the Omo Kibish site KHS

Figure 26.3 Early modern human crania/skulls from Herto (Herto 1), Ethiopia (top left); Omo
Kibish 1 (rear view), Ethiopia (top right); Skhūl 5, Israel (bottom left); and Cro-Magnon 1, France
(bottom right).
panmixis in middle and late pleistocene human subspecies  449

clearly shows modern cranial form, a chin, and a modern face. The fragmentary postcranial
skeleton is described as modern and relatively tall (Pearson et al. 2008). The latter suggests
a tropical body form, but there is not enough data to be certain of this. The Omo 1 skeleton
was excavated just above the Nakaa’kire tuff, dated to 196 ± 2 kya (Brown and Fuller
2008). While the skeleton is likely close to this age, it could be younger. Finally, the Singa
cranium (Sudan) exhibits a modern overall form and dates between 133 and 160 kya
(Stringer et al. 1985).

The Modern Human Radiation

From East Africa, modern humans spread throughout Africa and ultimately into Eurasia.
The first extensive evidence of modern human morphology outside Africa is from the sites
of Skhūl and Qafzeh in southwest Asia (Franciscus and Holliday 2013). These sites yield an
informative sample of skeletal remains associated with Mousterian tools, very similar to
those associated with European and Asian Neandertals. A good “summary estimate” for the
dates of the Skhūl/Qafzeh sample is 80–100 kya (Franciscus and Holliday 2013). The total
morphology of the specimens is essentially modern. The crania have a vault shape similar to
early modern Africans, even in the maintenance of a supraorbital torus in most adults
(Figure 26.3) (Franciscus and Holliday 2013). There are also relatively complete mandi-
bles, which show the development of chins and other modern human features (Rak et al.
2002). The postcrania are modern and the body form is linear with relatively long distal
limb segments similar to recent African populations adapted to a more tropical climate.
However, one individual (Skhūl 5) is somewhat more like Neandertals in body form, and
this along with other features may mean that the biological boundary between Neandertals
and early moderns in western Asia is more porous than promoters of multiple species argue.
In fact, morphometric analysis of crania indicates the likelihood of a small degree of inter-
breeding between early moderns and Neandertals in the Near East (Thackeray et al. 2005).
Two sites may show modern human morphology at earlier dates in Eurasia. An adult
maxilla from Misliya Cave (Israel) exhibits morphology similar to some of the Skhūl homi-
nins. Dating of tooth enamel places Misliya 1 between 177 and 194 kya, while the dentine
of the same tooth and the crust adhering directly to the maxilla have yielded a minimum
age of 70.2 ± 1.6 kya (Hershkovitz et al. 2018). The Apidima 1 partial posterior cranium
from Greece dates to ~ 210 kya and may be the oldest known modern human. Harvati and
colleagues (2019) find that Apidima 1’s vault shape falls into the modern human range and
argue that it represents an early incursion of modern humans into Europe. This is a possi-
bility, but it requires additional evidence.
Early dates of 80–125 kya have been claimed for several sites in China, but accuracy of
these dates has been seriously challenged (Sun et al. 2021). Fragmentary remains from
Zhiren Cave (Zhirendong) comprising a mandibular symphysis and two lower molars
exhibit modern and archaic features (especially on the mandible fragment) and underlie
flowstone with a uranium-series date of > 100 kya (Liu et al. 2010). However, this date
probably suffers from the same uncertainties. The earliest well-dated modern specimen
from mainland East Asia is the 39–43 kya Tianyuan 1 skeleton, which preserves a partial
mandible and some 30 postcranial elements (Shang and Trinkaus 2010) exhibiting modern
features. Based on partially reconstructed elements, Tianyuan 1 also appears to a have lower
limb form that indicates a relatively tropical ancestry. Shang and colleagues (2007) con-
clude that substantial gene flow from early modern populations to the south and west likely
450  fred h. smith and whitney m. karriger
explains the origin of modern populations in this region, but they also note that the
Tianyuan 1 specimen preserves a few features that reflect some local archaic contributions
in China. Thus, it is not certain if modern humans reached eastern mainland Asia earlier
than ~ 40 kya, but it is possible.
In Australasia, controversial dates on the Willandra Lakes (Lake Mungo) 3 skeleton and
some archaeological sites indicate people could have reached Greater Australia (Sahulland)
by 62–65 kya (Clarkson et al. 2017; Thorne et al. 1999), but others argue that a more rea-
sonable time frame is 35–40 kya (Allen and O’Connell 2020). Extant Australian and Papuan
genomes indicate that they split from Eurasians between 51 and 72 kya and from each other
between 25 and 40 kya (Malaspinas et al. 2016). This latter split provides additional support
for the younger dates. The same study concludes that Australian/Papuans mixed with an
unknown archaic population before they split, yielding further evidence for widespread
introgression between archaic and early modern humans.
The earliest Australians are modern people morphologically (Durband and Westaway
2013) and the Willandra Lakes 3 skeleton suggests a relatively linear body build. Early
Australians exhibit considerable variability, with the Willandra Lakes 50 cranium having
morphology that is somewhat primitive and may reflect influence from archaic Australasians
(Wolpoff and Lee 2014). The oldest known modern specimen from Sundaland is the Niah
Cave (Borneo) juvenile, dated to at least 35 kya (Barker et al. 2007), although a tibia
fragment from the Tabon cave (Palawan Island) dates to 47 kya, but with a large error range
(Corny et al. 2016). The Sundaland specimens are also modern and there is no evidence of
post-Erectine archaic specimens here except possibly the Ngandong people.
Modern humans probably arrived in Europe about 45 kya or slightly earlier, based on
the Bacho Kiro site in Bulgaria, where fragmentary modern fossils are dated to ~ 47–44
kya (Fewlass et al. 2020). Thus, Europe is a late frontier for early modern people. The
earliest more complete fossil remains are from Peştera cu Oase (Romania) and comprise a
fundamentally modern cranium and mandible dated to between 37 and 42 kya (Trinkaus
et al. 2013). These are followed in age by specimens from several sites, including Zlatý
Kůň, Mladeč, Cioclovina, Muierii, Kostenki, and Ust’-Ishim, all older than 30 kya (see
Cartmill and Smith 2022). Early modern Europeans (EME) are modern in skull form and
are overall more similar to early modern West Asians and Africans than to the indigenous
Neandertals (Figure 26.3). EME also lack supraorbital tori, which are present in earlier
moderns from Asia and Africa. Additionally, the EME body form also differs from
Neandertals in being more linear with longer distal limb segments, suggesting an origin
for EME in warmer environs (Holliday 1997). These morphological differences have long
been interpreted as reflecting a migration of modern people into Europe, ultimately
replacing the Neandertals. However, a strong argument can be made that there is some
continuity with Neandertals in certain morphological details, but not in overall morpho-
logical form (Cartmill and Smith 2022).

The Pattern of Modern Human Origins

From the mid-1980s, two models dominated discussions of modern human origins. The
Recent African Origins model (RAO) posited that modern humans were a species distinct
from all archaic humans and that these archaics were almost (if not totally) replaced by
expanding modern humans. The RAO gained support from recent human genetics and the
mtDNA extracted from Neandertals (see Relethford 2001). The Multiregional Evolution
model (MRE) argued that modern human characteristics evolved in different areas of the
panmixis in middle and late pleistocene human subspecies  451

Old World and then spread by gene flow. These features coalesced at different times in dif-
ferent regions, depending on the pattern of gene flow, local selective environment, and
genetic drift. Thus, there was no specific region where modern human biology originated
and contributions by archaic peoples might be as much as 50 percent (Wolpoff et al. 2004).
Some geneticists suggested that not all genetic data supported complete replacement of
archaics and the “mostly out of Africa” model emerged (see Relethford 2001; Templeton
2005). However, this and other models had relatively minor impacts.
With the publication of the first Neandertal genome (Green et al. 2010), things changed –
at least somewhat. Various studies demonstrated that Neandertals, Denisovans, and other
archaic groups regularly exchanged genes with each other and with early modern humans.
The contribution of these archaic hominin groups was relatively small, seemingly always
below 10 percent, but many contributions were significant. Based on this introgression, the
Middle and Late Pleistocene evolution of humans has been presented as a braided stream
process, where groups split off and often rejoin over time. This model is particularly sup-
ported by scholars working in China, where arguments for continuity have a long history
(Athreya 2019; Athreya and Wu 2017; Rosenberg and Wu 2013). Recent assessments have
argued that all parts of Africa contributed to the emergence of modern humans (Scerri et
al. 2018). Both of these developments support the original ideas presented in Weidenreich’s
“trellis” model, the basis of the MRE (see Cartmill and Smith 2022; Wolpoff 1999).
However, Africa is still seen as the origin of modern humans (Scerri et al. 2018) and the
RAO still explains that origin and radiation.


The Assimilation model (AM) was developed in the late 1980s (Smith et al. 1989). It agrees
with the RAO that the preponderance of evidence indicates the origin of modern human
morphology in Africa. However, the AM accepts introgression between expanding modern
populations and the archaic Eurasians they encountered. The AM differs from the MRE by
positing that the archaic contribution to modern populations was always small, and thus
continuity would only be seen in limited anatomical details. The AM agrees with the MRE
that Neandertals and other archaic hominins should be classified in Homo sapiens. The AM
was initially developed on the basis of morphological features, not genetics, and the degree
to which morphological features reflect introgression continues to be debated (see Cartmill
and Smith 2022). In Europe, such features as occipital bunning, supraorbital form, midfa-
cial projection, cold-adapted limb proportions of the Lagar Velho child and other features
are argued to reflect the continuity in anatomical details the AM advocates. Opponents
generally consider such features to be non-homologous between Neandertals and early
modern humans. While these objections can be countered (Cartmill and Smith 2022),
uncertainty persists. Regardless, the genetic/genomic data affirm the basic tenants of the
AM (Figure 26.4).
There are two explanations for the paucity of archaic contributions to modern people.
The first is selection against archaic contributions, both genetic and morphological.
Neandertals have long been considered less intelligent than modern humans, and it was this
inferiority that led to their demise. Early modern humans certainly possessed a more sophis-
ticated cultural complex than the Neandertals (Klein 2009), but recent research shows the
difference between them is not qualitative, nor even as quantitative as once thought (Villa
and Roebroeks 2014). Negative genetic selection against Neandertal alleles seems to occur
in the first 10 generations after hybridization (Petr et al. 2019), although this has been chal-
lenged. Most early modern genomes show a 2–3 percent Neandertal contribution – about
452  fred h. smith and whitney m. karriger

Africa West and Europe East Australasia

Central Asia Asia


rn H

van s ?


nis o

Archaic Homo sapiens

Figure 26.4 Schematic diagram of the Assimilation Model. The arrows represent gene flow,
although modern gene flow into archaics is demonstrated only for Neandertals. Archaic humans were
also exchanging genes with each other, but this is not represented here. (Drawing by Graphic Design,
Illinois State University).

the same as in living Eurasians (see Cartmill and Smith 2022). However, the genome from
Peştera cu Oase (Romania) indicates a 6–9 percent Neandertal contribution (Fu et al.
2015). Southeast Central Europe also shows the strongest indication of Neandertal mor-
phological contributions to early modern Europeans (Cartmill and Smith 2022). Whether
the additional Neandertal genes were lost here through selection or genetic drift is
While early generation selection certainly targeted Neandertals in interaction with early
moderns, the paleodemographic factors are more significant. Neandertals were clearly “thin
on the ground,” and there are convincing reasons to accept that early modern human
populations were much larger (Churchill 2014; Holliday et al. 2014; Smith 2013). Their
small population densities are almost certainly the main reason Neandertals (and probably
other archaic Eurasians) did not have greater impacts on early modern humans. Nevertheless,
Neandertal influences, as well as those of Denisovans and other archaic people, were far
from insignificant.

Subspecies Not Species

Based on these factors, the argument that post-Erectine humans represent a single lineage
(species) is much more robust than it was 10 years ago. Neandertals (and other archaic
populations) are regional human groups with distinctive sets of anatomical and genetic fea-
tures, but they are not unequivocally different species as they systematically exchange genes.
panmixis in middle and late pleistocene human subspecies  453

These hominins and modern humans conform to the textbook definition of subspecies as
defined by Mayr (1963). Anthropologists have argued for some time that living humans do
not conform to the biological concept of race (see Larsen 2020) and genetic studies show
that living humans have truncated genetic diversity compared to other wide-ranging mam-
malian species. The fact is that all living humans (Homo sapiens sapiens) evolved from Late
Pleistocene African hominins. In Europe and Asia, early modern humans exchanged
relatively small but adaptively significant genetic material with Neandertals and other mor-
phologically undefined hominin groups.
To see regional differentiation of humans that equates to separate subspecies, one has to
go to the fossil record. It is the Neandertals (H. sapiens neanderthalensis), the Ngandong
people, archaic East Asians, and possibly others that reflect the original regional Eurasian
adaptations of humans. These earlier subspecies are extinct morphologically, but not in the
classic sense of the concept. Rather they have been assimilated into a larger human subspe-
cies – us. This “extinction” through assimilation (cf. Levin 2002) has been, and continues
to be, a common theme in recent human history. The evidence suggests it likely explains
the evolutionary history of Middle and Late Pleistocene humans as well.


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CHAPTER 27 Bioarchaeology:
Transformations in
Lifestyle, Morbidity,
and Mortality

George R. Milner and Clark

Spencer Larsen


Bioarchaeology, a highly contextualized study of human remains embedded in their cultural

and natural settings (Buikstra and Beck 2006; Buikstra et al. 2022; Larsen 2015), is a mul-
tidisciplinary study of past human biological variation that draws upon allied fields in the
natural, social, and medical sciences, as well as the humanities. For decades, the term has
designated a focus on human skeletons and mummified soft tissue, along with associated
funerary material (Buikstra 1977; Buikstra and Beck 2006; Buikstra et al. 2022; Charles
2013; Larsen 2015). In the United Kingdom, it is also applied to studies of all manner of
biological remains from archaeological sites, a use that predates by several years the singular
emphasis on human remains. Appropriately enough for a volume on biological anthropology,
this chapter focuses on how human remains enhance our knowledge about the lives of past
people, and hence provide a deep temporal context for a better understanding of the world
as it exists today. There is, however, much more to bioarchaeology, including studies of the
social and ritual significance of mortuary activities (Charles 2013; Goldstein 2006;
Zakrzewski 2015).
Bioarchaeology provides a perspective on how our ancestors dealt, successfully or not,
with challenges resulting from greater population size and density, aggregation into larger
settlements, institutionalization of socioeconomic distinctions, increased interregional
contact, and an intensification of food production with concomitant alterations of environ-
mental settings. These transformations in how people lived left distinctive skeletal signa-
tures revealing information about workload, infectious disease, nutritional deficiencies,
trauma, and population structure.

A Companion to Biological Anthropology, Second Edition. Edited by Clark Spencer Larsen.

© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
bioarchaeology: transformations in lifestyle, morbidity, and mortality  459

Present conditions are a consequence of lengthy histories rooted deep in the past. By
focusing on the lives of long-deceased people, bioarchaeological research adds a unique
dimension to our understanding of global diversity in the human experience and how we
got to where we are today. Although this research covers many aspects of human behavior
that leave indelible imprints on skeletons, here we emphasize topics that resonate in the
twenty-first century. They include population structure and change, migration, disease,
inequality, and conflict.


Bioarchaeologists direct most of their attention to human remains from the Holocene.
Although the last 10,000 years is short relative to seven million years of hominin evolution,
it encompasses major changes in how people lived, notably the development of agricultural
economies and organizationally complex societies. These transitions were accompanied by
anthropogenic transformations in natural settings, population growth, and profound alter-
ations in lifestyle and wellbeing.
As a coherent field of study, bioarchaeology dates back to the 1970s when there was a
marked uptick in research on human remains from archaeological contexts, much of which
was directed toward understanding life in the past as distinct from measuring bones and
assigning crania to idealized types (Angel 1971; Armelagos et al. 1982; Buikstra 1976,
1977; Ubelaker 1974). This shift followed on the heels of an upheaval in archaeology, the
New Archaeology of the 1960s and 1970s, when research emphasis turned from the
description and classification of stone tools, pottery, and architecture to a concern with
human behavior. This sea change set the stage for moving skeletons from archaeological
site-report appendices, an afterthought to the real purpose of the work, to their being an
integral part of research designs from the outset.
There is a rather obvious overlap between studies of human remains and mortuary con-
texts. In combination, they are informative about age and gender roles, funerary participant
activities and intentions, social organization, and belief systems. Nevertheless, bioarchaeol-
ogy has been criticized for an overemphasis on its “bio,” or skeletal, component (Goldstein
2006). Yet such concerns, at least when centered solely on mortuary studies, are themselves
too narrowly defined. The bigger objective is furthering an understanding of the entire life
experiences of people in the past. Reaching that goal requires the adoption of a holistic
community and regional-level perspective that incorporates inferences from a wide variety
of archaeological contexts, not just what can be learned from graves, their locations, and
their contents, or, indeed, bones alone.

Sampling Skeletons
Case reports of single, or perhaps a few, skeletons have always been an important part of
bioarchaeology. This is especially true of paleopathology, where the identification of specific
diseases, such as tuberculosis, has long been of interest (Buikstra 2019; see also Chapter 28).
Much of this work focuses on outliers, a useful entrée into what lies behind the diversity of
what might be found in skeletal samples. Archaeological samples are typically small – rarely
numbering more than a few hundred skeletons – so infrequently occurring pathological
processes, social positions, or life histories might be represented by only a few individuals,
and perhaps only one of them (Stodder and Palkovich 2012). Occasionally, these remains
are of known historical figures, providing an opportunity to integrate physical and docu-
mentary evidence (Knüsel et al. 2010). However, the lives of quite ordinary people are also
460  george r. milner and clark spencer larsen
of great interest (Mant et al. 2021; Zakrzewski 2015). They provide integrated perspectives
on what people as individuals experienced, as distinct from general tendencies in skeletal or
dental markers of ill-health, activity patterns, and the like, as understood through analyses of
entire skeletal samples. Quite aside from what can be learned from such studies, individual
life histories are important when disseminating research findings because they capture the
public’s attention in ways that reams of statistical data do not.
Bioarchaeological studies often focus on groups of skeletons from a cemetery or other
such context. Much like the situation with other archaeological remains, inferences drawn
from skeletons are based on small samples relative to the number of people who ever lived.
In fact, what is known about the past is disproportionately derived from a relatively few
contextually well-characterized skeletal series (e.g., Boldsen 2005a, 2005b, 2007; Klaus
and Toyne 2016; Larsen et al. 2019; Milner et al. 1991).
Skeletal samples are typically derived from burials that collectively span generations or
even centuries. Occasionally, however, they consist of deaths from specific events, such as
battles or outbreaks of disease. Regardless of a skeletal sample’s origin, defining the precise
segment of society that might be represented requires a firm grasp of the archaeological
context. Because cemeteries are often used by many generations of people, one must estab-
lish whether socioeconomic changes were sufficiently great to have fundamentally altered
the conditions of life during the period when the skeletons accumulated.
Human remains from archaeological settings are a highly selected sample of the people
who were once alive (Milner et al. 2019). That is true even when all skeletons came from a
single settlement and every person was interred in one cemetery. Sample selection starts
with death itself because everyone of a given age does not experience the same risk of dying.
Skeletal samples are weighted toward people who, for their age, were the sickest or most
prone to injury because of their behavior or occupation (DeWitte and Stojanowski 2015;
Wood et al. 1992). For example, a severely malnourished person, everything else being
equal, was more likely to die than someone of the same age who had access to a plentiful
and nutritionally complete diet. Other deficiencies in samples come about through
differential bone preservation; varied excavator skill; field project objectives where the exca-
vation of human remains can be a low priority; and institutional curation practices, such as
a retention of crania in favor of postcranial remains. Old collections, in particular, can con-
sist of remains that from the field onward underwent a selection process that favored path-
ological specimens or, alternatively, supposedly representative remains, the latter reducing
variation that might have once existed in the excavated skeletons.
It follows that one of the first challenges bioarchaeologists face is the definition of what
precisely is studied. As with other areas of biological anthropology, designing research –
that is, being able to derive reliable inferences from available evidence – requires coordination
among the questions guiding the work, methods employed, and samples examined. Sample
size is also a concern. Archaeological skeletal series tend to be small, with only a minority
consisting of more than several hundred individuals. However, despite problems posed by
relatively few skeletons, a more challenging issue is establishing the appropriateness of the
sample for the research question(s) being asked. The difficulty boils down to whether skel-
etons – the dead – are representative of the once-living people needed to address the
research goals (Saunders et al. 1995).
Uncertainty over what a group of skeletons represents highlights a rather slippery use of
“population” in bioarchaeology (Boldsen et al. 2022). As a contrast to case studies, population
is appropriate if it is understood that its use merely refers to inferences drawn from many skel-
etons, not just a handful of them. Defining what a skeletal sample represents temporally,
geographically, and socially is challenging. Doing so might start with determining if the age
bioarchaeology: transformations in lifestyle, morbidity, and mortality  461

and sex composition of the sample approximates what would be expected of the deaths that
would normally accumulate over time, but the process must rapidly progress to a detailed
consideration of the archaeological context. A partially excavated cemetery could mask
important variation if graves were spatially segregated for any number of reasons, such as by
social position. Completely excavated cemeteries could still be biased samples of a site’s
inhabitants if more than one burial ground was in simultaneous use. Even if the individuals
who died within a particular settlement are adequately sampled, they might not be represen-
tative of those who made up the society as a whole.
In short, numerous skeletons are not necessarily an unbiased sample drawn from a group
of individuals with readily defined temporal, geographical, and social boundaries. An
example of where it is possible to establish who was interred is a cemetery in one of the
short-lived seventeenth century Spanish missions on the south Atlantic coast of the United
States (Larsen 1990; Thomas 2008). The skeletons were from a geographically circum-
scribed group of individuals who were members of a single tribe prior to the Spaniards’
arrival. Yet not everyone was likely to have become a convert, and hence admitted to the
mission cemetery. Later in the mission period the situation is even more complicated
because once-separate communities coalesced and tribal affinities changed, resulting in
shifts in local group composition and identity (Stojanowski 2009).

It’s All about Context

Research results and their interpretation must be embedded within an appropriate cultural
setting. Regardless of a particular study’s objective – among others, clarifying population
structure, disease experiences, and habitual activities – skeletons are interpreted in light of
their archaeological context and, when available for the historic period, written sources.
Delineating the appropriate cultural context can be a formidable challenge when there is
little control over the sampling strategy (e.g., the sites or parts of them excavated), yet
interpretations depend on knowledge about the representativeness of skeletons with regard
to the group of people from which they were drawn.
There is a need to strengthen a community-level focus to characterize life experiences in
the past. Community, however, is an imprecise concept that must be tailored to the real-
ities of the research question(s) being addressed. Because culturally well-characterized
skeletal samples are generally from single cemeteries, community refers to people who
were predominately from one location, although the area’s spatial extent might be large,
perhaps encompassing more than a single settlement. The key point is that these people
maintained social, political, or economic associations with one another. In small-scale soci-
eties, many, and perhaps all, members of a community shared real or fictive kin relation-
ships (e.g., Pilloud and Larsen 2011). That would not have been true of large and
organizationally complex societies where other social and economic mechanisms knit
together multiple kin groups, although clusters of related people might be detectable in
the arrangement of cemetery space.
Characterizing the conditions under which community members actually lived is essential,
as opposed to simply referring to broad societal categories, such as hunter-gatherer, or to
region-specific archaeological cultures. Çatalhöyük in Turkey, for example, illustrates the
diversity in adaptations to dynamic ever-changing village life and subsistence practices
within a Neolithic existence (Larsen et al. 2019). The paths to agricultural economies were
long and varied, and so too were how people lived, as shown by their skeletons.
It cannot be stressed enough that skeletal samples typically reflect local social and natural
settings. They are not necessarily representative of what took place more widely, no matter
462  george r. milner and clark spencer larsen
how narrowly defined the cultural category. For example, considerable mortality from
repeated ambushes of small numbers of people in one late prehistoric village in the North
American Midwest – one-third of the adults were killed in such attacks – was not necessarily
typical of what took place in other contemporaneous, geographically proximate, and cultur-
ally similar societies (Milner et al. 1991).

Research Foci
Once bioarchaeological research began to gain traction, accelerating in the 1980s, the field
diversified into various areas of specialization (Larsen 2015). They include topics as diverse
as population structure (paleodemography); disease and trauma (paleopathology and paleo-
epidemiology); activity-associated modifications of bone structure (biomechanics); diet and
migration (stable isotopes and trace elements); and biological relatedness as understood
through skeletal morphology, dental characteristics, and ancient DNA (biodistance).
Increasingly sophisticated analyses require greater quantitative skills and specific laboratory
expertise, and hence an evolution in graduate student training.
Many researchers conducting different kinds of analyses have resulted in an explosion in
the number of bioarchaeological publications. This growth and, more importantly, what
has been learned about past people are remarkable advances in biological anthropology. In
fact, our understanding of human adaptation, biological relatedness, health, diet, and life-
style variation has advanced in ways that were not dreamed of just a few decades ago, but
the new-found knowledge comes at a price. The integration of work to describe life in the
past can suffer from a proliferation of narrowly defined areas of expertise. That leads to
tightly focused papers on specific aspects of skeletal morphology or bone composition
where both archaeological context and complementary research are given short shrift.
It is not easy to balance cutting-edge statistical and laboratory expertise, familiarity with
field methods, a secure grasp of cultural and natural contexts, and an appreciation for why
the research is undertaken in the first place. An example of such a research endeavor
focuses on the medieval Danish village of Tirup, where explicit questions have been
matched to appropriate samples and innovative methods (Boldsen 2005a, 2005b, 2007).
One solution is the development of long-term projects featuring interdisciplinary teams
that address not only what took place in individual communities but how and why life
experiences changed over great periods of time, such as has been done at Neolithic
Çatalhöyük (Larsen et al. 2019).

Research Objectives
Much of bioarchaeological research has focused on documenting trends in morbidity and
mortality associated with major shifts in ways of life. Of particular concern are the effects on
human wellbeing and lifestyles associated with the transition from foraging to farming and
the development of complex societies, especially those featuring urban settings (Cohen and
Armelagos 1984a; Steckel et al. 2019; Steckel and Rose 2002).
Research on human remains was initially dominated by comparisons of skeletons from
individual sites, with skeletal samples regarded as exemplars of particular ways of life defined
by some combination of subsistence strategy and sociopolitical organization, notably hunter-
gatherer and subsistence agriculturalist. There was variable, but generally limited, control
over specific community contexts. Little attention was directed toward how people actually
lived in specific cultural and natural settings when classifying skeletal collections as represen-
tative of particular societal categories, such as hunter-gatherers, or by archaeological period
bioarchaeology: transformations in lifestyle, morbidity, and mortality  463

or culture. Doing so failed to recognize the profound societal and environmental differ-
ences that existed among groups classified in such a manner. Nor did it adequately capture
variation in the processes that lay behind the evolution of sociopolitical and economic sys-
tems. For example, the transition from fully hunter-gatherer to agricultural subsistence
systems was long and varied wherever it took place independent of similar developments
elsewhere in the world (Smith 2001).
As a means of discovering patterning among differences in life experiences that once
existed, data have been compiled from large and diverse skeletal samples (Steckel et al.
2019; Steckel and Rose 2002). This work provides broad-brush characterizations of
long-term trends in human biology. Many samples are needed to detect underlying ten-
dencies because variation, not underlying sameness, should be regarded as the default
within societal or archaeological categories, no matter how narrowly they might be defined.
Tightly focused and integrative community-level analyses are an alternative to general
pictures of life in the past. At the community level, there is command over the details of
social, economic, and environmental settings that complement skeletally derived information
on age-at-death distributions, disease experience, and activity patterns. Such work high-
lights the complexity of human responses to ever-changing social and natural settings, as
well as the diversity of life within a particular cultural category, such as the Neolithic at
Çatalhöyük (Larsen et al. 2019). Multiple near-contemporaneous and culturally well-­
characterized communities can be investigated to identify variation within and among
­different segments of society, as has been done for heavy metal exposure and its relationship
to social position and settlement type in medieval Denmark and northern Germany
(Rasmussen et al. 2020, 2015).

Moving Forward
At this point, two approaches appear to be the especially promising. They include analyses
of large numbers of communities to delineate the general outline of health, behavior, and
other topics over great periods of time or large geographical areas. The second involves
studies of individual and regionally based communities that provide a rich record of
responses to constantly changing local conditions affecting, among others, pathogen trans-
mission, dietary adequacy, workload, and movement across long and short distances.
Research questions, although focused on furthering our understanding of the human
experience, necessarily change as the scale of investigation shifts from one to many
With regard to the grand narrative of human existence, comparisons of just a few sites
regarded as emblematic of dramatically different ways of life should be replaced by compi-
lations of large and diverse samples. After all, a central goal of biological anthropology is the
development of an understanding of human variation. Treating a skeletal sample as repre-
sentative of a category such as hunter-gatherer, an all too common approach, implies a
uniformity in life experience that simply did not exist. Further progress will entail devel-
oping summary measures with a demonstrable relationship to selected features of past soci-
eties. They must accommodate shortcomings having to do with the size and biased nature
of archaeological samples, as well as the requirements of extracting comparable and reliable
information from mortality samples. To date, that has been done most effectively with age-
distribution data that can be readily obtained from numerous studies. Notable among them
are ratios consisting of two age ranges interpreted as capturing changes in fertility or age-
independent mortality related to major changes in ways of life (Bocquet-Appel 2002;
Bocquet-Appel et al. 2008; Paine and Boldsen 2002).
464  george r. milner and clark spencer larsen
At the other end of the scale are analyses that feature a substantial and direct articulation
between both skeletons and other archaeological materials, along with historical sources
when available. There is a need to consider various aspects of life from different datasets
because explanatory variables are unlikely to be found in solely one dimension, such as diet,
sedentism, or population density (Larsen et al. 2019). Cemetery samples, after all, are local
samples of deaths of people whose life histories were largely determined by local circum-
stances and events. The rich contextual detail serves as a counterpoint to broad-brush
appraisals of general trends in human existence.

How We Got to Today

Patterning in age-at-death in large and well-characterized skeletal samples provides perspec-
tives on population structure and change that cannot be obtained from other sources.
At the outset, it must be said that humans, like our primate relatives, share similarities in
their life histories. What are of paleodemographic interest are the details of variation among
past human groups that are related to cultural and environmental challenges to survival.
Despite its potential contributions to our understanding of the human experience, the
decades-long development of paleodemography has been marked by controversy.
Considerable effort, which has met with mixed success, has centered on the development
of age-estimation methods capable of accurate and unbiased estimates, as well as how to
extract reliable information from age-at-death distributions (Bocquet-Appel and Masset
1982; Boldsen et al. 2022; Frankenberg and Konigsberg 2006; Konigsberg and Frankenberg
1994; Milner et al. 2019).
One of the more obvious questions that could be asked about age-at-death distributions
is whether people in the distant past ever lived to old age (Boldsen et al. 2022; Howell
1982; Milner et al. 2019). Quite aside from an inherent interest in tracking changes in
human longevity, the issue highlights a debate over the veracity of data, and hence the infer-
ences drawn from them. Most paleodemographic studies indicate that there was consider-
able early adult mortality, and few peopled survived past the age of 50 years. The issue here
is not life expectancy at birth, which was relatively short because of high childhood, espe-
cially infant, mortality, but how long people could be expected to live once they reached
adulthood. If almost all adults died during their prime productive and reproductive years,
as the overwhelming majority of paleodemographic studies indicate, critical household
functions must have been frequently disrupted, with attendant increases in mortality for
dependents. Few elderly people were available to help with childcare and serve as reposi-
tories of cultural knowledge. Their rarity calls into question the evolutionary significance of
lengthy post-reproductive female life, the Grandmother Hypothesis (Blurton Jones et al.
2002; Hawkes et al. 1998). There is, however, an alternative explanation: the lack of skele-
tons said to have been from individuals older than about 50 years is a problem with skeletal
age estimation. An underestimation of the ages of elderly individuals effectively hides any
people who indeed lived that long, while it simultaneously inflates the number of young
adults who are thought to have died.
Fortunately, quantitative methods are on the horizon that are capable of providing accu-
rate and unbiased estimates of age throughout adulthood (Milner et al. 2021). Much
remains to be learned about old-age mortality in the past, but it is likely some people lived
beyond the age of 50 in the preindustrial world, notably in the small-scale societies that
bioarchaeology: transformations in lifestyle, morbidity, and mortality  465

dominated most of the Holocene. Longer lives than anticipated from oddly truncated
paleodemographic results are indicated by mortality distributions generated from ages
based on transition analysis and experience, both of which permit estimates into the upper
reaches of adulthood (Boldsen et al. 2022; Bullock et al. 2013; Dangvard Pedersen et al.
2020; Milner and Ferrell 2011; Wilson 2014). These paleodemographic findings are rea-
sonably consistent with ethnographic data and demographic models, a major reason for
well-deserved skepticism about skeletal age distributions (Blurton Jones et al. 2002). In
short, common perceptions about the length of adult life in the distant past must be reas-
sessed using methods that yield unbiased results.
Lifting our gaze from the structure of individual communities to the long trajectory of
population growth, age-at-death data from many settings worldwide provide a perspective
on the overall pace of change at regional and continental scales. Numerous skeletal samples
are needed because the experiences of separate groups of people would have varied greatly,
as is also true of the excavation, preservation, and reporting of human remains.
A ratio of immature skeletons relative to all skeletons, excluding those who died during
the first several years of life, displays a sharp increase in early agricultural (Neolithic) soci-
eties (Bocquet-Appel 2002, 2011; Bocquet-Appel et al. 2008; Kohler and Reese 2014). It
has long been recognized that where agricultural economies developed independently there
was a lengthy transition spanning thousands of years separating foraging peoples from those
who relied mostly on agriculture (Smith 2001). The skeletal indicator – usually interpreted
as a measure of fertility, but also indicative of age-independent mortality – indicates this
transformation in human existence involved, at least in part, step-like changes in the pro-
cess. That is, it was not entirely, or perhaps even mostly, a gradual accumulation of
incremental adjustments in how people lived. A halting process featuring periods of stasis
interspersed with comparatively rapid change is consistent with Wood’s (1998) MaB Rachet
evolutionary model for population growth and technological innovation in preindustrial
societies, which emphasizes average wellbeing and its demographic consequences. However,
when viewed in terms of the entirety of hominin evolution – a process spanning several mil-
lion years – agricultural societies arose both extraordinarily late and quickly. Once again,
characterizations of what took place depend on one’s temporal frame of reference.

People have always moved across short or long distances, one consequence being continual
change in community composition. Primarily through analyses of stable isotopes, nonlocal
as opposed to local people have been identified in skeletal samples (e.g., Katzenberg and
Waters-Rist 2019; Knudson et al. 2012; Price et al. 2011). Although it is possible to iden-
tify people who came from somewhere other than the immediate vicinity of a cemetery, it
is much harder to determine their birthplace. Doing so requires comprehensive knowledge
of local and regional geochemistry, including the possible complicating effects of modern
agricultural contaminants (Thomsen et al. 2021). A single site, however, tells only part of
the migration story. In-migration can be identified, but not net-migration (movement both
in and out). Furthermore, isotopically nonlocal people might have been members of a
widely distributed, but socially cohesive, community.
Existing work, especially with stable isotopes, has made progress in showing who moved,
but little has been done to identify how many did so and what happened to them after-
wards. Estimating how many people moved involves not only numerous individual life his-
tories defined through bone chemistry, but also the definition of the boundaries of the
community from which the skeletons were drawn. Knowledge of migration outcomes with
466  george r. milner and clark spencer larsen
regard to health – for example, whether migrants experienced higher mortality than locally
born people – requires estimating the risk of dying of both groups of people. If large
enough samples can be obtained, a challenge in itself, one way to structure research about
the health consequences for migrants relative to local people would be to adapt what has
already been done for injuries (see Boldsen et al. 2015). The relative risk of dying for a
group identified by a skeletal (or cultural) marker, such as a chemical indicator for migrants,
can be contrasted with the remainder of the sample.
Çatalhöyük in Anatolia is one place where skeletal remains have contributed to knowledge
about how households were structured, with implications about the movement of people.
In this Neolithic village where the dead were interred in living spaces, heritable dental
morphology, stable isotopes, and mitochondrial DNA indicate that households often con-
sisted of biologically unrelated people (Chyleński et al. 2019; Larsen et al. 2019). This
finding is supported by nuclear DNA, although community members in Neolithic settle-
ments elsewhere in the region were often genetically related to one another (Yaka et al.
2021). Differences among otherwise similar Anatolian sites underscore the diversity in
how people structured their lives and, indeed, the situationally expedient manner in which
they coped with challenges to survival. Skeletons from several sites indicate greater
movement as people increasingly relied on agriculture with its attendant changes in village
life (Yaka et al. 2021).

Disease Experience
Furthering an understanding of the health of past peoples and its societal consequences
involves recognizing specific pathological conditions in skeletal samples, estimating their
prevalence among different segments of past communities, and identifying their social and
biological effects. That is not as easy as it might sound because mortality samples present
significant interpretive challenges for researchers interested in the lives of people in the past
(DeWitte and Stojanowski 2015; Wood et al. 1992). Disease prevalence will be underesti-
mated to the extent that bony lesions might not appear on skeletons or they are not distinc-
tive. However, conditions acquired during a lifetime, such as tuberculosis, also push
frequencies of affected skeletons in the other direction because the frailest members of each
age group are the ones most likely to enter the mortality sample. Healthy people tend to
survive to older ages when they too eventually die, perhaps with some illness acquired in
later life that affects the skeleton.
There is a great potential, as yet largely unrealized, for adding a public health dimension
to the long-standing archaeological interest in how communities were organized and func-
tioned. Doing so – that is, moving toward paleoepidemiology – requires going beyond
simple counts of skeletons with lesions (Milner and Boldsen 2017). Objectives include
quantifying the experiences of various segments of communities that are identifiable by sex,
social position, and pathological conditions. For example, in medieval to early modern
Denmark male survivors of cranial vault trauma had a higher risk of dying than uninjured
men (Boldsen et al. 2015). Healed cranial trauma serves as a proxy for something that
cannot be directly observed in skeletons, namely the debilitating consequences of traumatic
brain injuries. Long-lasting effects on adult mortality related to poor health experienced
early in life – for skeletons, it might be marked by developmental defects in tooth enamel –
have also been identified (Armelagos et al. 2009; Boldsen 2007).
Ever since the early 1980s, it has been generally believed that the transition to agriculture
was accompanied by greater illness and earlier death, and another such decline in the human
condition occurred with the development of societies centered on large settlements where
bioarchaeology: transformations in lifestyle, morbidity, and mortality  467

people were concentrated (Cohen and Armelagos 1984b). Quite apart from logical and
methodological problems with a universally applicable stepwise decline-in-health model,
the empirical evidence indicates a more complex story. One example is the interdisciplinary
work at Çatalhöyük where mobility, workload, diets, infectious diseases, and injuries varied
over time as the Neolithic community responded to altered environmental conditions, sub-
sistence-related activities, and settlement size (Larsen et al. 2019). A long, halting, and
nonlinear process that over millennia resulted in a transformation in how people fed them-
selves, and everything that came with it, is consistent with accumulating evidence for a
highly varied picture of health in past populations. Nevertheless, people who lived in large
and densely packed communities and relied on domesticated plants and animals experi-
enced challenges from infectious diseases that their mobile forager forebearers did not.

Bioarchaeology is well situated to track inequalities among community members as soci-
eties underwent a transition from small acephalous groups to the heavily populated and
organizationally complex states of the last several millennia. The latter featured a division
and specialization of labor, hierarchical control of decision-making, institutions that
reinforced inequality, differential access to the means of survival such as food and shelter,
and residential segregation into more or less salubrious settings. These changes in the
human experience are potentially measurable in archaeological skeletons through their
effects on workload, pathogen exposure, dietary adequacy, injury patterns, and mortality
(Larsen 2015; Mant et al. 2021). One aspect of inequality that has attracted recent bioar-
chaeological attention is violence. Violence experienced by certain segments of commu-
nities reflects how societies were structured, including differential rights, opportunities to
redress wrongs, and access to the levers of power (Martin and Harrod 2015).
Contact between Indigenous societies and colonizing nation-states highlights what can
happen when there are great disparities in power among different groups of people.
Native Americans, for example, were concentrated in seventeenth century Spanish mis-
sions in the North American Southeast, where their labor was appropriated for the pro-
duction of food, among other activities, required to support the newcomers (Larsen et al.
2001). In comparison to precontact settings, there was a dietary shift to less meat and
more maize, an increase in dental caries accompanying a greater consumption of carbohy-
drate-rich food, more childhood developmental disruptions of tooth enamel, and a higher
frequency of bony lesions attributable to infectious disease and poor nutrition. Long bone
cross-sectional geometric properties indicate that the labor required of people changed
over the course of the seventeenth century. Greater mobility is indicated for a number of
males, consistent with historical sources that indicate only some men took part in
long-distance travel.
Of great interest is when during the long course of human existence shifts in the material
conditions of life were sufficiently great to leave detectable traces on the bodies of people
of different social status. However, obtaining large and temporally equivalent samples for
comparisons of low- and high-status people is difficult because social positions are often
marked by separate burial locations, especially in organizationally complex societies.
Given the scattered nature of skeletal collections, especially problems with properly match-
ing low- and high-status samples, we have only an inexact appreciation of how and when
human health and wellbeing were affected by the evolution of organizationally complex
societies. When looking at published results from around the world, however, it is our
impression that with increasing sociopolitical complexity there is a disjunction between
468  george r. milner and clark spencer larsen
archaeological measures of inequality and skeletal evidence of the same. The former includes,
among others, the form and location of residential structures, symbols of authority, and the
quantity of elaborate objects fashioned from nonlocal materials. The skeletal evidence mainly
consists of indicators of diet, disease, and trauma. For convenience, here we use as a short-
hand the chiefdom societal category that is deeply embedded in anthropological studies. For
archaeological materials, there are widespread, unambiguous, and consistent signs of social
differentiation in the diverse societies classified as chiefdoms. For archaeological skeletons
that is not always the case. To some extent, the discrepancy reflects limitations in skeletal
analyses. Dietary composition, for example, estimated from isotopic studies that measure the
classes of food routinely consumed (meat as well as C3 versus C4 photosynthetic pathway
plants) might not capture the most relevant status-related distinctions, such as unequal
access to food during hard times. Nevertheless, the weight of evidence, although far from
ideal, indicates that from an evolutionary perspective hierarchical differentiation routinely
occurred in how people distinguished themselves through signs of high rank, including arti-
facts and architecture, before significant differences arose in access to the means of sus-
taining life as measured by experience with infectious diseases and nutritional disorders.

Prior to the 1990s, intergroup conflict was rarely a subject of concerted archaeological inves-
tigation (Keeley 1996; LeBlanc 2020). For the small-scale societies of the distant past,
­skeletons provide an important means of assessing both the existence and severity of warfare.
Human remains complement archaeological evidence of intergroup conflict, such as weapons,
artwork, and defensive structures, notably walls around settlements. Bioarchaeological
studies provide a way to determine how warfare was conducted, estimate its impact on com-
munities, and identify who was most likely to become a victim (Holst et al. 2018; Knüsel and
Smith 2014; Milner et al. 1991; Milner and Ferrell 2011; Schroeder et al. 2019; Willey
1990; Willey and Emerson 1993).
Semi-sedentary hunter–gatherers (Mesolithic) and village farmers (Neolithic) were often
embroiled in intergroup fighting, although its intensity varied over time and space (Keeley
1996; Milner 1999; Smith et al. 2020). It is clear that the members of small mobile hunter–
gatherer groups were also killed, but too few skeletons are preserved to provide a satisfac-
tory picture about the prevalence of such conflict. The overall picture from archaeological
sites resembles what might be expected from descriptions of warfare in historical and eth-
nographic sources. Massacres of numerous people took place along with more frequent
ambushes, each consisting of one or a few targets of opportunity. Both could result in con-
siderable mortality, either all at once or cumulatively over time.
A 700-year-old cemetery in the North American Midwest, Norris Farms, provides one of
the clearest views of the effect of ambushes on prehistoric village agriculturalists (Milner
et al. 1991; Milner and Ferrell 2011). Mostly adults were killed, about one-third of them,
with the sexes falling victim in roughly equal proportions. At the time of their deaths, many
victims were suffering from conditions that reduced their capacity to fight or flee. When
several victims were buried in a single grave, they tended to be of the same sex, presumably
reflecting the composition of work parties overwhelmed by their attackers. Differential
preservation and scavenger damage show that the amount of time between death and dis-
covery varied greatly, which would have reflected an attack’s location relative to the village.
The few adults who survived were women, probably because they spent more of their time
close to the village than men. Their skeletons indicate that victims sometimes managed to
struggle home before succumbing to wounds or exposure.
bioarchaeology: transformations in lifestyle, morbidity, and mortality  469

A mass attack resulting in the deaths of many villagers took place several decades later at
Crow Creek in the northern Plains (Willey 1990; Willey and Emerson 1993). The remains
of hundreds of people – men, women, and children – were damaged by scavenging animals
and, later, the disarticulated bones were picked up and buried in a defensive ditch surround-
ing the village. Some of these people showed signs of having survived earlier attacks, pre-
sumably ambushes much like what the Norris Farms villagers experienced. Archaeological
evidence indicates that the Crow Creek villagers were situationally vulnerable because their
palisade was being replaced when they were attacked.
Although these examples provide vivid pictures of the nature of conflict among village
agriculturalists, it is also clear from the bulk of archaeological, including skeletal, information
that these events did not take place everywhere, even among roughly contemporaneous and
culturally similar groups in the North American Midwest and Plains (Milner et al. 2013).
In fact, the weight of evidence indicates there was considerable temporal and geographical
variability in the extent to which warfare was a feature of life in such societies in North
America, Europe, and elsewhere. The distant past was neither a state of Hobbesian Warre
nor a Rousseauian Eden, despite what the public, and some scholars, stubbornly persist in
Conflict-related contexts can provide much more information than just how fighting was
conducted. One such example is the first century AD Iron Age site of Alken Enge in
Denmark (Holst et al. 2018). Disarticulated, weapon-damaged, and scavenger-gnawed
bones of over 80 individuals, mainly young adults and mostly, or entirely, males, were
deposited unceremoniously along with a few weapons in a wetland. Several times that
number of people are probably represented by scattered bones at the site, since only part of
it has been excavated. This unsuccessful war party must have been drawn from multiple set-
tlements because its size is larger than what could have been mustered from archaeologi-
cally known Iron Age villages in the region. In northern Germania, well beyond the reach
of Romans, there was apparently sufficient integration among communities to assemble
militarily formidable groups, although things did not always go well for them.
Ancient DNA can provide entirely new perspectives on life in the past, such as what has
been provided by 15 people of both sexes ranging from children to adults who had been
killed and carefully buried together at Koszyce, a Neolithic site in Poland (Schroeder et al.
2019). Members of several nuclear families, part of a larger descent group, were repre-
sented, indicating that such closely related people were the basis of residential groups.
There are rarely situations where it is possible to identify relationships among people who
were alive at precisely the same time. In this instance, it could be done because an episode
of violence was followed by group burial.


Although skeletons from archaeological settings are the central focus of bioarchaeological
studies, they are not the primary reason for the research. The work is undertaken to enrich
our appreciation of the diversity of the human experience, notably adaptive and behavioral
variation, as understood through contextualized studies of life during the Holocene.
It is only natural that research questions have changed over the years, often in tandem
with the development of methods that have grown in sophistication (Buikstra et al. 2022;
Larsen 2015). Despite such advances, to reach its full potential bioarchaeology must tackle
major challenges that, for convenience, might be divided into research needs and human
470  george r. milner and clark spencer larsen
resources. Among the former are developing rigorous quantitative methods to estimate past
population characteristics, including their composition (see Chapter 13) and disease expe-
rience (see Chapter 11) from mortality samples, as well as expanding temporal and
geographical coverages to document and interpret the variation that surely existed. Once
again, we return to the central role of cultural context, namely the archaeological and his-
torical source materials essential for the interpretation of skeletal findings. The second
challenge is a need for greater diversity, inclusion, and equity among practitioners. Also
essential is involving and listening to communities with a vested interest in what research
findings can say about our shared human experience. Meeting these two challenges will do
much to further our understanding of the long history of our species’ existence and how we
arrived at the world of today.


We are grateful to M. Anne Katzenberg and Sonia Zakrzewski whose thoughtful comments
sharpened this chapter.


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CHAPTER 28 Paleopathology: A
Twenty-first Century

Jane E. Buikstra


In studying ancient disease, bioanthropologists focus on two lines of evidence – primary

and secondary (Roberts 2002: 3). The former includes skeletal remains, mummified tissues,
and clinical studies of pathological conditions. Secondary sources encompass iconographic
representations, documents, archaeologically recovered non-primary materials, and ethno-
graphic information from traditional living groups. This chapter will emphasize primary
sources, while also including products of human alimentary processes (coprolites/colon
contents) and ancient organisms associated with remains (microorganisms/parasites).
Frequently attributed to the French physician and Egyptologist, Sir Marc Armand Ruffer, the
term “paleopathology” was coined by the American physician, Robert Wilson Schufeldt, in an
1892 article published in Popular Science Monthly. Schufeldt emphasized a broad-based paleo-
pathology: the study of pathological conditions in any extinct or fossil organism (Cook and
Powell 2006). Over time, however, the subject and its practitioners have increasingly focused
upon the human condition. As noted later in this chapter, however, animal paleopathology has
seen renewed interest, and an inclusive “ONE Paleopathology” approach has been proposed.
“Paleopathology” is frequently glossed as “the study of ancient disease,” a seemingly ele-
gant and straightforward characterization that nonetheless requires clarification of the
terms “disease” and “ancient.” “Disease” is generally defined as “an impairment of health
or a condition of abnormal functioning” (wordnet. princeton. edu/perl/webwn). Thus,
paleopathologists study not only infectious diseases, but also myriad other conditions that
affect health, such as the arthropathies (diseases of joints), congenital anomalies, circulatory,
endocrine, growth (dysplasias), hematological and metabolic disorders, oral pathologies,
neoplastic conditions, and trauma. Length constraints necessarily limit discussion here to
recent advances in studying ancient disease, referring the interested reader to excellent
comprehensive texts by Aufderheide and Rodríguez-Martín (1998), Buikstra (2019), and
Roberts and Manchester (2005).

A Companion to Biological Anthropology, Second Edition. Edited by Clark Spencer Larsen.

© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
paleopathology: a twenty-first century perspective  475

The term “ancient” might imply that paleopathology focuses exclusively upon archaeo-
logical and historical contexts. This is not the case. As the Paleopathology Association
motto states, “Mortui viventes docent” – the dead teach the living, symbolizing the growing
number of examples wherein the deep time perspective offered by paleopathology mean-
ingfully informs contemporary medical science. The following transdisciplinary1 examples
illustrate this point.

Transdisciplinarity in Paleopathology

The third decade of the twenty-first century will no doubt be known as the gateway to the
“COVID-19 Era,” a result of the pandemic caused by the SARS CoV-2 virus. We have
much to learn from past pandemics as we engage with our contemporary example (DeWitte
2016, 2019; DeWitte and Wissler 2022). One important lesson is that pandemics should
be conceptualized as long-term processes, whose impact is tempered by prior conditions,
with outcomes that can vary significantly, depending upon political, economic, and envi-
ronmental factors. Public health measures that ensure effective responses and health care
delivery can figure as heavily as biomedical advances, such as vaccine development.
Morbidity and mortality directly depend upon individuals mounting effective immune
responses, which are heavily influenced by life history stressors that begin in the womb.
Proactive initiatives to reduce global poverty and to encourage trust in responsible leader-
ship and science would also be significant steps in protecting humankind from pandemics
that will doubtless threaten our future.
Twentieth century archival tissue samples and frozen remains from the 1918–1919
“Spanish ‘flu” pandemic, which killed an estimated 40–50 million people, have served to
anchor ancient DNA (aDNA) studies of the deadly, causative virus. Results indicate that
this influenza strain is intermediate between mammals and birds, having been transmitted
to mammals only shortly before 1918. Such pioneering paleopathological research led to
complete sequencing and facilitated the development of antiviral drugs and vaccines
(Drancourt and Raoult 2005; Reid et al. 1999).
Archaeological skeletons have been studied to assess whether abnormal bone loss (osteo-
penia) and bone loss leading to increased risk of fractures (osteoporosis) are very recent
phenomena attributable to contemporary lifestyles or if today’s patterns extend into deep
time (Brickley et al. 2020). Bioarchaeological and historical evidence for nineteenth century
London, for example, identifies patterns of age-related bone loss and osteoporosis being
similar to today (Brickley 2002). By contrast, Medieval (eleventh–sixteenth century)
remains from North Yorkshire, United Kingdom, present age-related bone loss distinctly
different from more recent historical and contemporary models (Agarwal et al. 2004).
These and other comparative studies help inform our contemporary perspective on
­osteopenia and osteoporosis (https://asu.zoom.us/j/4524736341https://asu.zoom.us/
j/4524736341https://asu.zoom.us/j/4524736341). They also assist us in appreciating
variability across our species (Agarwal 2021).
Similarly, evaluating the nature of past neoplastic processes, especially for malignant con-
ditions (cancers) holds potential for assessing the degree to which cancer is a recent
phenomenon. Such knowledge will help us consider how today’s lifestyle choices, environ-
mental conditions, and industrialization have fostered an increasingly carcinogenic world
(Kirkpatrick et al. 2018). Presently, however, there is little consensus on the manner in
which cancer rates in the past should be estimated; this important topic requires further
thought and refining (Marques 2022; Marques et al. 2021). Thus, while today’s medical
476  jane e. buikstra
science would be usefully informed concerning cancer risk in the past, the important paleo-
pathological research topic is still a subject of debate.
American Indian tribes, such as the Omaha, are interested in how recent dietary changes
have affected their risk of disease. The Omaha Tribe and physical anthropologist Karl
Reinhard have collaborated in research centered upon ancestral Omaha human remains.
The Omaha have been particularly interested in Reinhard and colleagues’ dietary and
activity reconstructions, indicating that the current high diabetes rates among the Omaha
result from recent changes in lifestyle (Reinhard et al. 2012).
Expanding upon Ruffer’s 1911 studies of blood vessels in ancient Egyptian mummies,
the Horus Study Team (Thompson et al. 2013) has investigated atherosclerosis in a global
sample of mummies. The researchers conclude that this condition was common in ancient
peoples, including preindustrial hunter-gatherers. The paleopathological finding that ath-
erosclerosis is not a modern disease raises issues concerning measures for reducing risk in
contemporary groups and well illustrates the importance of using the archaeological record
as a natural laboratory for investigating predisposing factors.
Studies of climate change, such as those reported by Robbins Schug (2020), frequently
use health as a measure of resilience. These studies illustrate the diversity of human responses
to major stressors, including the sequelae of climate change. As they document myriad
biocultural responses, they also reaffirm that there are no easy solutions to the challenges
attendant to climate change. Neither violence nor migrations are inevitable outcomes.
Resilience responses depend upon numerous factors, as relevant to researchers as they are
to policy-makers.
These are but a few examples that illustrate why studying disease in deep time has rele-
vance for contemporary global health. The remainder of this chapter focuses upon recent
developments in the study of ancient diseases, beginning by briefly embedding today’s
research in historical contexts and then considering both invasive and noninvasive methods
for observing disease in human remains, including standardized gross descriptions, com-
puterization, imaging, histology, and molecular approaches. Following a discussion of three
specific, bone-seeking infectious diseases in a co-evolutionary perspective, an example of
recent changes in disease diagnosis is considered, followed by global comparative evalua-
tions of population health, which are based primarily upon markers of nonspecific stress. We
next address the rapidly developing field of mummy science and the related topic of paleo-
parasitology. Other subjects of salience, including animal disease, disability and identity,
violence, and ethics are also considered. We then briefly consider the way interdisciplinary
communication and collaboration are encouraged through professional associations, jour-
nals, and congresses and close by exploring likely future directions for paleopathology.


Although eighteenth century Renaissance scholars identified diseases in excavated bones

of animals such as elephants, amphibians, cave bears, hyenas, as well as humans, the first
systematic studies of ancient disease date to the nineteenth century (Aufderheide and
Rodríguez-Martín 1998; Cook and Powell 2006), primarily as initiatives by medical doc-
tors and anatomists who were focused upon documenting human morphological varia-
tion. Trauma, cranial deformation, arthropathies, infectious disease, congenital anomalies,
and tumors were, however, reported by the end of the nineteenth century (Buikstra
2006). Among the first systematic studies that focused specifically upon disease in ancient
communities were those of Joseph Jones, who explored evidence for syphilis in
paleopathology: a twenty-first century perspective  477

pre-Columbian American remains (Cook and Powell 2006). At the turn of the twentieth
century, Sir Marc Armand Ruffer (1859–1917) commenced pioneering studies of
Egyptian materials, including mummified remains, which set a high standard for future
researchers (Sandison 1967). For much of the subsequent half century, however, there
were few significant advances in the study of ancient disease. Medical historian Saul
Jarcho (1966) criticized paleopathologists for failing to (1) develop deep syntheses, (2)
generate truly significant contributions, (3) promote communication between medical
scientists and anthropologists, (4) advance the scientific study of mummies, and (5) cre-
ate systematic data retrieval systems, registries, or topical indices. The profession has
responded to such concerns, as demonstrated in contemporary paleopathology, discussed
in the remainder of this chapter.

Striking A Balance: Case Studies, Disease Diagnosis, and Population

Health in Comparative Perspective

Studies of ancient disease fall into four categories: (1) methodological and technological
advances; (2) case studies, which are detailed descriptions of individual or small numbers
of remains with the goal of providing new information to facilitate differential diagnoses
or to provide new evidence concerning temporal or geographic distributions in the past;
(3) specific diseases, including identification, comparisons across time and space, and­
host–parasite co-evolution; and (4) population health, consisting of characterizations and
comparisons. Each will be considered in turn, first considering the relative value of these
four subjects, in response to recent critiques.
Armelagos and van Gerven (2003) and Armelagos (2003) have argued for a problem-
oriented paleopathology, explicitly contrasting this approach with a field driven by biomed-
ical or clinical interests in disease diagnoses and distributions in time and space. Similarly,
they assert that technical advances have encouraged method-driven approaches and that
description is all too common (categories 1–3 above). They favor biocultural studies of
population health (category 4 above). In this chapter, we advocate for balance and rigor
(Appleby et al. 2015; Buikstra 2017), noting the remarkable impact of methodological
advances in imaging, histology, and especially molecular approaches. As Mays (2009) has
argued, case studies have an important role in paleopathology if they extend knowledge of
a condition by time or space, contribute substantially to ongoing debate in the field, hold
local historical or cultural significance, or provide key information concerning a condition
not well described in current texts. A model case study by Lagia et al. (2007) of a docu-
mented case of thalassemia from Greece fulfills most of Mays’ criteria. The study of ancient
rare diseases, illustrated in a series of papers organized by Julia Gresky and Emmanuele
Petiti (2021), demonstrates a rigorous approach that bridges case studies and population-
based approaches.

Assumptions and Methodologies

In interpreting ancient disease, certain assumptions about the relationship between ancient
and modern conditions are necessary, specifically that the two are sufficiently similar for a
contemporary label to be used. In certain cases, this is easily justified, as in healed fractures
and benign tumors. In less obvious examples, a rigorous protocol for observation and inter-
pretation of abnormal tissue changes must be applied.
478  jane e. buikstra
Studies of ancient disease necessarily begin with distinguishing evidence of pathology
from postmortem (taphonomic) changes. Next, using standard terminology, paleopathol-
ogists generate descriptions of abnormal changes observed grossly, through imaging tech-
niques, and by invasive methods, such as histology and molecular biology. Comprehensive
protocols applying standardized terminology to gross observations have been advanced by
Buikstra and Ubelaker (1994) and modified by Brickley and McKinley (2004) and the
“History of Health in Europe” Project (Roberts et al. 2019; Steckel et al. 2019). Databases
that facilitate data recording and analysis have been developed from such protocols. For
example, the Repatriation Office of the National Museum of Natural History has devel-
oped a comprehensive data entry system based on that of Buikstra and Ubelaker (1994).
This relational database (Osteoware), freely available, includes a module on pathology
osteoware). In the UK, more than 17,000 skeletons held by the Museum of London have
been entered into the Wellcome Osteological Research Database (or WORD, https://www.
centre-human-bioarchaeology/osteological-database). Pathology is part of this ­comprehensive
database, which emphasizes both description and subsequent classification as congenital,
infectious, joint disease, traumatic, metabolic, endocrine, neoplastic, or circulatory (White
In developing differential diagnoses, paleopathologists commonly follow either a clinical,
case-based approach or an epidemiological strategy. The former is illustrated in paleopa-
thology texts; the latter take several forms. In adapting clinical evidence, as Mays (2018; see
also Klaus 2017; Klaus and Lynnerup 2019; Lynnerup and Klaus 2019) emphasizes, pat-
tern-matching with images or descriptions is widely used in differential diagnoses, but
understanding pathophysiological processes is essential. One epidemiological perspective
involves explicitly adding demographic and contextual lines of evidence to differential diag-
noses, including pattern fit and key diagram models (Buikstra et al. 2017). The first is suit-
able for conditions that have high population prevalence, such as treponemal disease in
ancient North America; the second is appropriate for relatively rare conditions, such as
ancient tuberculosis. Researchers have also explicitly adapted epidemiological models to
discussion of disease prevalence (Pinhasi and Turner 2008; Waldron 2007).
Noninvasive methods available to enhance diagnostic specificity include sophisticated
imaging strategies drawn from the biomedical sciences, a tradition begun with the study of
human and animal mummies within a year after Röntgen’s development of the X-ray in
1895 (Aufderheide 2003). X-ray radiography (flat screen) continues to be used to investi-
gate disease in ancient bones and mummified materials, having been joined by other
methods, including computerized tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI) (Villa et al. 2019). Micro-CT is also appropriate for the study of materials less than
14 cm in diameter, providing pixel images in the micrometer range (Saab et al. 2008). Brain
tissue from the mummy Nakht has been explored through both CT and Micro-CT scans
(Chhem 2008), for example, while sixteenth century rheumatoid arthritis has been identi-
fied in a mummy from Italy through CT (Ciranni et al. 2002).
In imaging mummies, experimentation with MRI is a welcome advancement. Thus far,
results have been mixed, as basic MRI techniques require rehydration of desiccated tissues
and are inappropriate for dry bone. Recently, however, MRI studies of dry brain tissue
(Karlik et al. 2007) and full mummies (Rühli et al. 2007) using ultra-short-echo time
(UTE-MRI) suggest that MRI may be adapted to studies in paleopathology. MRI can be
considered a complement to CT, having potential to isolate the nature of mummification
methods in ancient Egyptian remains and appearing to function quite well in imaging
paleopathology: a twenty-first century perspective  479

Korean mummies from fifteenth–nineteenth century Joseon Dynasty tombs (Giovannetti

et al. 2016; Shin et al. 2010).
The challenge in applying such high-tech approaches, however, is to move past the
exploratory phase to the generation of new knowledge of past disease in a rigorous, scientific
manner, addressing issues relating to health in past societies. As O’Brien et al. (2009) dis-
covered in their survey of CT studies, 65 percent were driven by curiosity rather than
clearly articulated research questions or hypotheses. Disappointingly, a third of the authors
failed to describe their protocols in sufficient detail for the results to be reproduced by
other workers.
Another noninvasive method for studying mummies is endoscopy, whereby a flexible
fiberglass tube with a lens at the distal end is inserted through a small aperture (~2 cm in
diameter) into the body. Images are transmitted both to the operator and a video screen.
Endoscopic methods have been used to identify various conditions, including true disease
remnants such as hydatid cysts and pneumoconiosis, along with artifacts of the embalm-
ing process. Although this method is considered noninvasive, it may require creating a
small incision in the skin through which the tube is inserted. In addition, there is the risk
of damaging brittle tissues as the endoscope traverses the body (Aufderheide 2003;
Lynnerup 2019).
Two invasive methods, paleohistology and ancient DNA (aDNA) analysis, also enhance
current studies in paleopathology. Histological methods were first applied to the study of
early disease during in the nineteenth century, with the term “paleohistology” coined by
Moodie (1923a). While these early methods favored decalcification and embedding bone
in paraffin, contemporary techniques for hard tissues utilize different embedding agents
such as epoxy resins and light microscopy (Schultz 2011). This approach has been employed
in case studies of various diseases that disrupt remodeling processes, such as osteomyelitis,
tumors, osteopetrosis, metabolic diseases, infectious diseases, and Paget’s disease, as well as
for population-based inferences (Crowder and Stout 2011; Grupe and Garland 1993; Stout
et al. 2019). Histological studies of desiccated soft tissues complement osteological investi-
gations. As summarized by Aufderheide (2003: 373–374), diagnoses of various conditions,
unapproachable in skeletonized remains, have been strengthened through paleohistological
study of mummified soft tissues, including anthracosis, cirrhosis, colon adenocarconima,
pneumonia, and silicate pneumoconiosis.
Molecular methods have produced significant results in the study of ancient pathogen
DNA. Researchers have reported aDNA for the pathogens that cause Chagas’ disease, influ-
enza, leprosy, malaria, plague, bilharzia, syphilis, trench fever, tuberculosis, typhoid fever,
and various endo- and ecto-parasites (Nieves-Colón and Stone 2019; Orlando et al. 2021;
Stone and Ozga 2019).

Infectious Disease and Human Host–Pathogen Relationships

Did Columbus discover venereal syphilis along with the riches of the Americas, returning
with it to Europe at the wane of the fifteenth century? When this question, a seeming pre-
occupation of paleopathologists and the public alike, was posed to eminent paleopatholo-
gist Donald Ortner (2005: xix–xx), he opined that he would rather focus upon how the
treponematoses inform our understanding of human host/pathogen co-evolution, empha-
sizing that ancient human remains provide a “powerful source of information.”
Host–pathogen co-evolution has indeed emerged center stage in the study of infectious
diseases. With the “molecular revolution” has come a new appreciation for the intricate
480  jane e. buikstra
balance struck by pathogens and how they may evolve new adaptive mechanisms over time.
Here, we concentrate upon three of the infectious diseases that affect bone and have long
co-evolved with our species: treponematosis, tuberculosis, and leprosy. Rather than
describing bony changes, as these are thoroughly described in paleopathology texts, this
discussion will emphasize current knowledge concerning the history of these diseases in
relationship to the human condition.
A recent, multiscalar synthesis of information relevant to the natural history of trepone-
matosis (Baker et al. 2020) moves beyond the perennial preoccupation of origins to address
broad evolutionary questions while also encouraging researchers to focus upon the
individual impact of these infections across the broad landscape of human history.
Importantly, the authors conclude that pathophysiological syphilis, yaws, and bejel (endemic
syphilis) are caused by a single species of pathogen, Treponema pallidum. While the recovery
of ancient treponemal DNA remains challenging, high-throughput methods have, for
example, permitted the reconstruction of four ancient, highly diverse genomes from early
Modern Europe, including syphilis, yaws, and an unknown genome (Majander et al. 2020).
Majander and colleagues argue for a pre-Colombian presence of T. pallidum in Europe.
A spectacular development has been the generation of phylogenetic models that push the
origins of M. tuberculosis into deep time, perhaps 35,000 to 2.5–30 mya, with the human
pathogen being older than M. bovis (Brosch et al. 2002; Gagneux and Small 2007).
Prevailing wisdom had been that the zoonotic, bovine form adapted to humans from inten-
sified animal husbandry in the Eastern Mediterranean approximately 10,000 years ago, an
assertion supported by considerable archaeological evidence (Roberts and Buikstra 2003).
Startling is twenty-first century evidence that human–M. tuberculosis (or a progenitor strain)
relationships developed in Africa with an archaic human species, moving then to South and
Southeast Asia. Sometime during this process, selection for a virulent form led to the
European strain that moved thence from Europe during the Era of Exploration across the
globe, swamping the indigenous American M. tuberculosis, which had entered the hemi-
sphere transmitted to human by seals, who acquired the pathogen in Africa and transmitted
it to coastal communities in eastern South America (Bos et al. 2014).
While an African origin for tuberculosis is now accepted (Stone and Ozga 2019; Stone
et al. 2009), the course taken by leprosy is far less clear. There appears to have an ancient
division between two species, M. leprae and M. lepromatosis, with divergence times esti-
mated to be around 14 million years ago. M. lepromatosis is found today in the Americas
and has not been identified in archaeological materials, thus leaving its history enigmatic.
Variation in contemporary and ancient M. leprae genomes is much better documented than
the American form (Krause-Kyora et al. 2018; Schuenemann et al. 2018, Stone and Ogza
2019). Considerable genomic diversity in Medieval Europe has led Schuenemann and co-
workers (2018) to propose either a western Eurasian origin for leprosy or multiple intro-
ductions from varied sources. Still unresolved is a possible co-evolutionary relationship
between tuberculosis and leprosy, especially the proposed cross-immunity between the two
diseases with the rise of tuberculosis in Europe during Medieval times (Mancheser 1984;
Roberts 2020).

Metabolic Disease

The metabolic diseases, including rickets, osteomalacia, scurvy, the anemias, Paget’s dis-
ease, and osteopetrosis, require the full set of paleopathological skills for recognition,
differential diagnosis, and interpretation. The limited set of ways bones can respond to
paleopathology: a twenty-first century perspective  481

genetic and external challenges is fully represented, as skeletal structures may resorb, change
shape, coarsen, and add bone in abnormal ways. Conditions may express differently based
upon age at insult, while one biological sex may be more at risk than the other. Pattern
matching will not resolve alternative diagnoses; the researcher must be knowledgeable
about the pathophysiology of each disease, along with detailed familiarity with archaeolog-
ical and historical contexts. That said, important steps have been taken to resolve thorny
issues of differential diagnosis and rigorous ways to interpret cranial porosities, as exempli-
fied in recent contributions by Brickley (2018), Mays and Brickley (2018), Brickley and
Mays (2019), Brickley et al. (2020), and Crandall and Klaus (2014). Along with methodo-
logical advancements, studies are addressing important issues about childhood health. Why
did rickets, for example, increase markedly in post-medieval Europe? Other ­problem-oriented
studies have identified adults who died suffering from scurvy, such as sailors, workhouse
inmates during the Great Irish Potato Famine, and early European colonists in North
America (Mays 2014).

Global Health

The 1984 landmark publication Paleopathology at the Origins of Agriculture (Cohen and
Armelagos 1984) wedded archaeological interest in exploring the mechanisms that stimu-
lated agricultural intensification with the study of “nonspecific indicators of stress” in tem-
porally sequential, regionally derived skeletal series that represented the requisite time
periods. Such indicators include developmental enamel defects, stunting, cortical thickness
of long bones, cribra orbitalia, porotic hyperostosis, periosteal reactions on long bones,
trauma, osteoarthritis, and oral pathology.
This comparative study concluded that health in many parts of the globe health was com-
promised with this significant shift in subsistence strategy, and the editors asserted that
agricultural intensification had been stimulated by stress and need rather than choice and
invention. Subsequent research (Cohen and Crane-Kramer 2007) reaffirmed 1984 conclu-
sions and expanded the earlier database from primarily European and Western Hemisphere
sequences to include further samples from Africa and Southeast Asia. Thus, data drawn
from paleopathology were used in global tests of theoretical models for the intensification
of food production.
A second significant effort at global comparisons, influenced by the Cohen and Armelagos
study, has been the Global History of Health Project, focused first on the Western
Hemisphere (Steckel and Rose 2002) and then extended to Europe (Steckel et al. 2019).
In this case, two economic historians – Richard Steckel and Joerg Baten – and numerous
bioarchaeologists joined forces to evaluate the quality of human life through the study of
skeletal attributes similar to those recorded by Cohen’s bioarchaeological colleagues.
The Global History of Health Project has focused upon collecting extensive data sets
that measured qualitative factors such as climate, political complexity, location, and
subsistence, along with skeletal data reflecting nonspecific stress. As the project pertains to
the Western Hemisphere, a “health index” was proposed, as a quantitative comparative
measure based upon rating each skeletal variable on a scale of 0–100. The results of this
study argue that throughout the history of the human condition, health has declined. In
the closing chapter, the authors conclude that life became “nasty, brutish and short” for
the typical person with the rise of agriculture, government, and urbanization (Steckel and
Rose 2002: 573).
482  jane e. buikstra
The European component of the Global History of Health Project accumulated a massive,
standard set of health-related data on 15,119 skeletons dating between 300 and 1900 CE
(Steckel et al. 2019). Data were partitioned by age, sex, social status, urban vs. rural, occu-
pation, environment, and topography. The health index was refined to measure quality
adjusted life-years. Surprisingly, the authors discovered health improvement during the
Early Medieval Period (500–1000 CE), with declining health status thereafter, which they
(Baten et al. 2019) attribute to the long-term impact of the Justinian Plague. Thus, there
was no observable “urban [health] penalty” during the Early Medieval period. Less sur-
prising is their discovery of the health-related impacts of social inequality in urban areas, as
those with higher incomes presented fewer indicators of childhood health insults and sur-
vived. As with the Western Hemisphere project, coastal regions appeared more salubrious;
farmers present more skeletal evidence of occupational stress than craftsmen during the
Early Medieval Period. During the High and Late Medieval Periods 1000–1500 CE vio-
lence declined first in cities when compared to rural regions. Baten et al. (2019: 392) con-
clude that “the histories of health, nutrition, workload, and violence show a multifaceted
picture of European development over the last two millennia, with more positive aspects
represented by the movement from violence to personal security, and a dramatic decline in
health and nutritional quality (negative). The latter trend was remarkably reversed during
the late 19th century.”
The approaches taken by these projects have excited critique, both methodologically and
theoretically. Wood et al. (1992; see also DeWitte and Stojanowski 2015; McFadden and
Oxenham 2020; Seik 2013; Soltysiak 2015), for example, have suggested that there may be
a positive correlation between observed skeletal pathology and good health, given that one
must live sufficiently long to register a bony insult rather than dying precipitously, thus
providing bioarchaeologists with a seemingly “healthy” skeleton. From an epidemiological
perspective, Pinhasi and Turner (2008) criticized the statistical approach taken in construct-
ing the “health index.” Cook (2007) expressed concern over the use of stature as a proxy
for health, also noting discrepancies between historical accounts and inferences made by
using stature data to characterize health.
A further significant issue involves basic differences between the two approaches to study-
ing global health. The Western Hemisphere and European Health projects have empha-
sized geographic and temporal coverage. The strategy taken by Cohen and colleagues has
focused first on defining relatively nuanced, regional patterns. The productive tension bet-
ween these two contrastive research approaches will doubtless continue, adding to
knowledge of health, broadly defined. The European Health project reflects a growing
interest of bioarchaeologists and paleopathologists in addressing issues within complex,
urban settings (Betsinger and DeWitte 2021).
At present, in both the global and the regional-to-global examples, researchers have
focused upon finding universal or nearly universal patterns. In future studies, it may become
important to focus upon the explanatory power gained by exploring those cases where
expectations fail to be met.

Paleopathology, Mummy Studies, and Mummy Science

Mummies – either human or of other animals – have excited the interest of the lay public
and scientists alike since Napoleon invaded Egypt in 1798 (Aufderheide 2003; Buikstra and
Nystrom 2021; Cockburn et al. 1998; Lynnerup 2019; Nystrom 2018; Shin and Bianucci
paleopathology: a twenty-first century perspective  483

2021). For the paleopathologist, this has meant an opportunity to examine tissues other
than bones and teeth with the hope of obtaining information about disease and health
beyond that afforded by hard tissues. There are attendant challenges, however, because des-
iccation alters tissue form such that even very skilled anatomists are challenged to recognize
internal organs. Deposition in acid bogs produces tanned corpses or “bog bodies,” whose
apparent external integrity belies the demineralized osseous tissues within. Artificial
mummies inevitably present evidence of tissue destruction during preparation procedures,
while the viscera of naturally mummified corpses may be destroyed from within due to bac-
terial action. Even so, as noted above, there are diseases that have been identified in desic-
cated soft tissues that are presently unknowable in skeletonized remains. Exemplary is the
ongoing interdisciplinary study of Ötzi, “the Tyrolean iceman.” As recounted by Zink and
Maixner (2019), this desiccated set of remains, ~ 5,300 years old and discovered in Italy’s
alps in 1991, has been subject to ongoing biomolecular studies that have elucidated path-
ogen load, diet, ancestry, disease risk, and even eye color. Microbiome and immune system
studies are forthcoming.


Recovered from mummies (hair, tissues, and alimentary tracks), coprolites, and archaeolog-
ical deposits such as privies, the remains of parasites, their eggs, nits, and tracks provide key
evidence of disease, community health, host diet, and migration history, as well as cultural
and climatic change. Disease prevalence may be inferred through studies of egg frequencies
in coprolites (Dittmar 2009).
Begun with Ruffer’s 1910 recovery of blood fluke eggs in Egypt, methodological
advances have increased recovery and identification potential, including recent aDNA appli-
cations that have, for example, revealed the presence of parasitic pathogens from 9,000-year-
old mummified tissues without other overt evidence. Similarly, coprolites may serve as a
source of parasite aDNA. Among the diseases that have been identified by aDNA study are
Chagas’ Disease, leishmaniasis, and helminthic infections by whipworms, roundworms, and
pinworms, along with human fleas and head lice (Dittmar 2009).
Until the 1990s, there was little theory in the study of ancient parasites. Since that time,
theoretical developments have led to a proliferation of terms applied to the study, with
nuanced differences in emphasis: “Paleoparasitology,” typically emphasizes the biological
aspect of the study, while “archaeoparasitology” links to the social sciences, especially
archaeology and bioarchaeology. “Pathoecology” expressly focuses upon the environmental
determinants of disease and symbolized the explicitly interdisciplinary and collaborative
nature of the study of ancient parasites (Reinhard and Bryant 2008). Significant advances
in knowledge about the evolution and ecology of South American parasites have centered
at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Fiocruz, under the direction of Ferreira and Araújo,
beginning in 1978, frequently in collaboration with Reinhard at the University of Nebraska
(Corrêa Novo and Ferreira 2016).
As emphasized by Dittmar (2013) in her insightful guest editorial to a special issue on
paleoparasitology of the International Journal of Paleopathology, edited by Le Mort and
Mashkour (2013), paleoparasitology offers insights about human mobility, human migra-
tions, animal domestication, hygiene, epidemiology, and climate change. As we develop
perspectives from studying the human microbiome and the co-evolution of microbial
organisms and our species, a case can also be made for integrating microbial studies with
more traditional paleoparasitology as we develop comprehensive evolutionary models.
484  jane e. buikstra
Animal Paleopathology

The paleopathology envisioned by Schufeldt studied disease of any deceased organism

(Cook and Powell 2006). Moodie’s (1923a, 1923b) paleopathology was also broad and
comparative, while emphasizing animal disease. Although a few scholars, such as
Brothwell (Baker and Brothwell 1980), have steadfastly championed animal paleopa-
thology during the twentieth century, the field has become focussed upon human dis-
ease. This appears to be changing, however, and the field has moved toward explicitly
addressing theoretical and methodological concerns not unfamiliar to those who study
human paleopathology: (1) lack of integration with archaeological data and contexts; (2)
lack of consistent, standard scoring procedures; and (3) limited understanding of
fundamental biomedical processes that underlie pathological lesions (Thomas 2012).
Within the past 10 years, animal paleopathology has expanded markedly (e.g., see
Bartosiewicz and Gal 2013). Future goals include gaining more methodological sophis-
tication, understanding the nature of diseases for which there are currently no clinical
models, developing standardized recording systems, and appreciating greater biological
and epidemiological sensitivity to contexts (Thomas 2012, 2019). One great appeal of
the approach taken by animal paleopathologists and veterinarians is an emphasis upon
broad environmental and cultural contextual concerns in situating diseased animals, sim-
ilar in form to the ONE Medicine and ONE Health Approaches, associated with the US
veterinarian of tropical public health Calvin Schwabe (Dentinger 2018). A collaboration
between veterinary pathologist and animal paleopathologist Elizabeth Uhl and human
paleopathologist Jane Buikstra (Uhl et al. 2019) has led us to propose an inclusive
“ONE Paleopathology” (Buikstra and Uhl 2021).

Disability and Identity

The study of disability and identity as a form of paleopathology is in a nascent phase. Early
attempts to consider compassion and caring for infirm individuals have been effectively
critiqued by medical anthropologist Katherine Dettwyler (1991) as being anthropologi-
cally naïve and insensitive. In this context, there are two related but distinctive concepts
that require definition. For example, Cross (1999) contrasts impairment and disability.
The former can readily be estimated directly from studies of diseased bone, but the latter
requires consideration of social reactions to an impairment within specific cultural set-
tings. Contemporary definitions of disability are socially mediated and thus vary from
culture to culture or even among social classes (Buikstra and Scott 2009; Grauer and
Buikstra 2019). In studies of disease or disability in relationship to identity, reactions of
both the individual and society to a pathological condition are of central significance. More
recent studies of impairment and disability have sought further integration of disability
theory, interdisciplinarity, and quantitative approaches that step beyond the case study
(Byrnes and Muller 2017).
Within the past decade, a rigorous approach for addressing the physical support
required for the ill and infirm has developed, initiated and refined by Lorna Tilley
(Nystrom and Tilley 2019; Tilley 2015; Tilley and Oxenham 2011; Tilley and Shrenk
2016). The Bioarchaeology of Care method proceeds through a series of stages that
include rigorous differential diagnosis, consideration of cultural and environmental con-
texts, assessment of physical impairment, inference of required care for health mainte-
nance and quality of life. The emotional aspect of “care” or compassion is not the subject
paleopathology: a twenty-first century perspective  485

of this effort, thus avoiding a portion of Dettwyler’s critique. Extending this approach
beyond the richly developed case studies to broader contexts, such as institutions, has
proved challenging (e.g., Critcher et al. 2016).

Interpersonal Violence

During the past quarter century, paleopathologists have contributed significantly to issues
surrounding violence in the past. While many earlier researchers had accepted prevailing
wisdom concerning the lack of violent behaviors among earlier Native Americans, perhaps
introduced or at least encouraged by Europeans, recent years have witnessed convincing
evidence for warfare and other forms of interpersonal violence well before the fifteenth
century (Walker 2001, Milner 1999, 2007). Bioarchaeological evidence has, for example,
been used to argue for the presence of anthropophagy, including cannibalism in the
American Southwest (Billman et al. 2000; Turner and Turner 1999; White 1992), although
archaeologists and bioarchaeologists have proposed alternative interpretations (Darling
1999; Walker 1998). Extreme violence at sites such as Sacred Ridge has also been reported
(Osterholtz 2018).
Other studies have focused upon gender-specific violence. Martin and Akins (2001), for
example, infer a female underclass for 1000–1300 CE in SW Colorado, while extreme peri-
mortem violence has been conjectured as evidence for political intimidation within the
same region (Lekson 2002).

Structural Violence

Recently, combining social theory and evidence for ante-mortem and peri-mortem trauma,
paleopathologists and bioarchaeologists have focused upon structural violence (Buikstra
et al. 2022; de la Cova 2014; Tremblay and Reedy 2020). In such approaches, careful
contextualization combined with evidence for disease are used to explore the way institu-
tions create and perpetuate marginalized communities, frequently plagued with poor
health and nutrition.
Anchored by Galtung’s (1969) definition of structural violence as the institutional,
political, and societal limitations upon an individual’s ability to achieve their potential, bio-
archaeologists and paleopathologists have explored health outcomes associated with mar-
ginalization. For example, studies of embodied violence have focused on gendered and
racialized structural violence in comparative studies of African Americans and European
Americans from late nineteenth and early twentieth century documented skeletal collec-
tions (de la Cova 2010, 2011, 2012). A second form of structural violence investigation
focusses on postmortem treatment of bodies (Blakely and Harrington 1997; Nystrom
2017). As Watkins and Muller (2015) emphasize, the bodies of the socially marginalized
have frequently been dissected to serve educational needs of the white elite. These anony-
mous, anatomized treatments contrast with the autopsies more frequently directed to upper
class individual whose identity and respect are maintained.
In association with raised awareness about societal marginalization and structural vio-
lence are concerns raised by descendants and other communities concerned about the
exhumation and study of human remains. Laws in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and
the US require consultations and permissions, challenging paleopathologists, bioarchae-
ologists, and archaeologists to partner with these groups from early stages of research.
486  jane e. buikstra
Such outreach will doubtless enrich studies of past health and our appreciation of the
social outcomes of political actions. The African Burial Ground Project stands as a model
for public engagement in partnership with scientific inquiry (Blakey 2010; Blakey and
Rankin-Hill 2009).
Studies of aDNA are especially sensitive issues among indigenous communities. Scientists
and community members are actively working to establish appropriate procedures for
responsible research (Wagner et al. 2020).
Paleopathologists have additional ethical responsibilities, including data access and
sharing, along with minimizing destructive sampling procedures. Noninvasive alternatives
to standard, destructive autopsy procedures on mummified remains have been advocated
(Piombino-Mascali and Gill-Frerking 2019). Researchers specializing in mummy science
have raised additional ethical concerns relating to fieldwork and display of the dead (Shin
and Biannuci 2021).

Paleopathology as A Profession: Organizations, Congresses,

and A Journal

The cornerstone, international professional organization for paleopathologists is the

Paleopathology Association (PPA), begun in 1973 with an autopsy (PUM II) and symposium
attended by medical scientists and anthropologists (Powell 2012). The subject matter and col-
laborative spirit of the PPA has inspired other developments, including International Congresses
on the Epidemiology and Pathology of Infectious Disease. The first of these focused upon
syphilis (1993), followed by tuberculosis, leprosy, and plague (Dutour et al. 2012).
Those with special interests in mummified remains and bog bodies have also organized
a series of six World Congresses on Mummy Studies, with the inaugural meeting held in
1992. Each Mummy Congress has been well attended by medical and anthropological
scientists and practitioners, and a series of Proceedings volumes have been published
(Lynnerup et al. 2012).
Beginning in 2011, the Paleopathology Association has supported the publication of the
International Journal of Paleopathology, whose goal has been to bridge the various disci-
plines that contribute to the physical study of ancient health and disease (Buikstra 2011).
With four issues a year, including Special Topical Issues on specific conditions, such as met-
abolic diseases, paleoparasitology, violence, oncology, and geographical regions, including
the Andes and China, the journal is reaching an international audience and serving well its
community of interest.

Recent Advances and Future Directions

The field of paleopathology has obviously responded effectively to Jarcho’s (1966) critique.
There are numerous deep syntheses, both as general paleopathology texts and others
focussed upon mummy science and specific diseases. The recovery of ancient pathogen
DNA fulfills Jarcho’s “truly significant” category, including the 1918 influenza virus and
the way genomic approaches have truly revolutionized our phylogeographic histories of
infectious diseases. International organizations and congresses now regularly promote com-
munication between medical scientists and anthropologists, including mummy studies. The
twenty-first century has also witnessed the development of databases grounded in standard
terminology for skeletal gross anatomy.
paleopathology: a twenty-first century perspective  487

One of the key challenges remaining is to effectively integrate state-of-the-art biomedical

technology with the study of ancient disease, both in individual and population perspec-
tives. This is being most effectively accomplished in molecular and histological studies,
though in the former, issues of protocols and reporting remain. Non-invasive state-of-the-art
imaging technological applications largely remain at the case level, frequently without
explicit goals. Another concern is that the proliferating congresses dichotomize the field
between the medical sciences, who would naturally attend the mummy congresses, and the
anthropologists attending the meetings sponsored by the PPA. A special challenge is inte-
grating genomic studies with archaeological contexts, but the effective integration of these
approaches should permit us to truly develop global evolutionary perspectives on ancient
diseases as they moved between hosts, whether human or not. What the future holds
depends upon continued collaborations between biomedical and anthropological scholars,
taking advantage of the new technologies, but always maintaining an evolutionary perspec-
tive on disease in cultural and environmental contexts.


1 As used here, “Transdisciplinary” refers to studies of disease that explicitly address contemporary
issues that threaten wellbeing. Paleopathology is inherently interdisciplinary.


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CHAPTER 29 Forensic
Anthropology: Current

Douglas H. Ubelaker

With increasing frequency, biological anthropologists apply their knowledge and method-
ology to issues directed toward their laboratories by the medico-legal community.
Collectively, such applications, and the method and theory supporting them, represent the
rapidly expanding field of forensic anthropology. Much of this effort is directed toward the
identification and interpretation of recovered skeletal remains. More and more frequently,
forensic anthropologists also contribute to the evaluation of fleshed remains (especially
those in an advanced state of decomposition or other forms of soft tissue alteration) and
various issues relating to living persons, such as estimating the age of migrants.
Anthropologists have expanded roles at crime scene investigations and those involving mass
disasters, human rights, and humanitarian action. Toward these efforts, anthropologists
have received substantial support from the American Academy of Forensic Sciences
Humanitarian and Human Rights Resource Center and other granting institutions.
The applications of forensic anthropology are largely defined by the circumstances of the
cases and the nature of the remains presented. Each case presents unique challenges. To
meet these challenges, the forensic anthropologist must consult the supportive published
literature, available analytical methodology, and his or her experience to choose the most
relevant approaches. Such applications in the last few decades have defined the evolving
scientific needs of the field and stimulated considerable research. The result is a vigorous
subdiscipline of biological anthropology and forensic science that utilizes the scientific
methodology of the parent academic disciplines and includes substantial approaches and
databases specific to the field.
Chapter word limits do not allow an exhaustive treatment of the dynamic field of forensic
anthropology. Following a brief presentation of the history of the discipline, limited
discussion focuses on 10 issues: certification, legal concerns, the laboratory, age estimation,
ancestry, population variation, identification, overlap with other disciplines, facial imagery,
and emerging technology.

A Companion to Biological Anthropology, Second Edition. Edited by Clark Spencer Larsen.

© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
forensic anthropology: current issues  495

A Brief History

Historical developments in forensic anthropology generally can be traced to European ini-

tiatives in comparative anatomy and growth and development. The early history of forensic
anthropology is closely linked to the more general field of biological anthropology. Aspects
that are particular to forensic anthropology include the early work of Alphonse Bertillon,
who attempted to use a detailed system of anthropometry to facilitate medico-legal
identification (Spencer 1997).
In the United States, growth of forensic anthropology was initially stimulated by the
involvement of physicians and anatomists in local forensic cases. Well-known examples of
such involvement include analysis of remains and testimony by Oliver Wendell Holmes
(1809–1894) and Jeffries Wyman (1814–1874) in the John W. Webster trial for the murder
of Dr. George Parkman at Harvard University, as well as George Dorsey’s (1868–1931)
contributions to the Adolph Luetgert trial in Chicago (Stewart 1979).
This period also witnessed the beginnings of scholars in biological anthropology extend-
ing their research interests into forensic anthropology. Stewart (1979) bestowed the title
“the father of forensic anthropology in the United States” upon Thomas Dwight (1843–
1911) for his early contributions to the field (Dwight 1878, 1881, 1890a, 1890b, 1894a,
1894b, 1905). Other noteworthy contributors of this early era include Harris Hawthorne
Wilder (1864–1928), Paul Stevenson (1890–1971), and T. Wingate Todd (1885–1938),
and case involvement by Earnest A. Hooton (1887–1954) and Aleš Hrdlička (1869–1943).
Hrdlička initiated casework by the Smithsonian Institution for the FBI Headquarters in
Washington D.C. and published on forensic topics (Ubelaker 1999a).
The modern era of forensic anthropology is usually credited to the work of Wilton
Krogman (1903–1987), T. D. Stewart (1901–1997), and Mildred Trotter (1899–1991),
who among others published key works that provided recognition to the field (e.g.,
Krogman 1939, 1962; McKern and Stewart 1957; Stewart 1948, 1951, 1970, 1979;
Stewart and Trotter 1954, 1955; Trotter and Gleser 1952). Early pioneers also include
Alice Brues (1913–2007) and Sheilagh Brooks (1923–2008).
Key historical developments also include organizational advancements. In 1972, 14
founding members created a section of physical anthropology within the American Academy
of Forensic Sciences. This new section with its annual meeting provided a forum for research
presentation and case discussion focusing specifically on forensic issues and the anthropo-
logical application to matters of legal interest. Recently, this section was renamed
“anthropology” in recognition of contributions from other academic areas within the field.
With the leadership of Ellis R. Kerley (1924–1998) and others, the American Board of
Forensic Anthropology Inc. (ABFA) was formed in 1977. This Board offers certification for
forensic anthropologists who qualify by having the necessary degree credentials and passing
a written and practical examination.
Another significant development is the 2003 formation of the Forensic Anthropology
Society of Europe. This organization, affiliated with the International Academy of Legal
Medicine, offers to the European community training and scholarly interaction in forensic
anthropology (Baccino 2005).
By 2021, the field of forensic anthropology had grown dramatically to include many
educational initiatives, broad research addressing many issues distinct to the field, and active
involvement of forensic anthropologists in diverse applications. Noteworthy among these
initiatives are contributions to investigations of human rights abuses, natural disasters, and
other events leading to mass human fatalities. Employment has expanded beyond
496  douglas h. ubelaker
university/college teaching and museum research to opportunities in government and non-
governmental human rights organizations. Many medical examiner and coroner offices
employ or consult with forensic anthropologists as well.


As discussed above, the ABFA represents a key certification body. The ABFA seeks to
improve the practice of forensic anthropology and grant certificates to qualified individuals.
Diplomate status is limited to those who are permanent residents of the United States,
Canada, or their territories (or others by petition for a waiver), possess a PhD with an
emphasis in biological anthropology and training (waivers are considered), and have expe-
rience in those areas relevant for forensic applications. Candidates must also pass an exami-
nation administered by the ABFA. By November 2021, 149 anthropologists had been
granted diplomate status.
Diplomate status with the ABFA offers forensic anthropologists a key credential that
indicates to the legal system and to others who need forensic anthropological services that
the holder is qualified. Ultimately, however, the legal system represents the gatekeeper in
determining who is qualified to render opinions on forensic anthropology matters in a
court of law (Fulginiti et al. 2019).
For many years, the ABFA represented the only certifying body in forensic anthropology.
That is no longer the case. Since 2014, the Forensic Anthropology Society of Europe
(FASE) offers two levels of certification. The top level targets the independent practitioner
with either an MD or PhD degree. The other level focuses on those with casework experi-
ence who hold the equivalent of a master’s degree. Both levels also call for knowledge test-
ing (Forensic Anthropology Society of Europe 2020).
The Latin American Forensic Anthropology Association (ALAF) represents another
important organizational development within forensic anthropology that also offers
certification. Formed in 2003, this organization states among its goals the formation of an
“independent accreditation board that will certify qualified practitioners of forensic
anthropology” (Argentine Forensic Anthropology Team 2005). Discussion of the stan-
dards to be employed in certification emphasizes professional experience, noting the pau-
city of advanced degree programs in Latin America with a focus on forensic anthropology.
The ALAF certification program involves requirements of education and experience as well
as testing of applicants (Ubelaker 2018a).
Certification is also available in the United Kingdom sponsored by the Royal Anthropological
Institute, the Office of the Forensic Science Regulator, and the British Association of Forensic
Anthropology (MacKinnon and Harrison 2016). Like the other certification programs, the
British system involves both educational requirements and testing.
Debate continues on certification issues. While certification represents a valuable creden-
tial, it is not universally recognized as a prerequisite for casework involvement. Clearly,
many anthropologists who are not certified are active in the field and make valuable contri-
butions, including providing court testimony. However, in the absence of the certification
credential, decision makers in the medico-legal arena struggle to decide who is qualified.
The value of certification should be emphasized, especially to the legal system.
Maintenance of this system requires a great deal of effort for all involved, especially the offi-
cers of the relevant organizations. This effort should be rewarded with broader recognition
of the importance of certified status.
forensic anthropology: current issues  497

At the same time, new measures are needed, especially for those residing outside of
North America and Europe, to clarify the qualifications of those involved. Mechanisms
need to be established to recognize experience, training, formal education, and other forms
of preparation. Such recognition coupled with rigorous testing should aid the process of
determining who is qualified to participate in forensic anthropological investigations.

Legal Acceptance of Methodology

In recent years, issues have emerged regarding the use of forensic science expert testimony
in legal procedures. These issues cluster within two general categories: (1) heightened scru-
tiny and criticism of some aspects of forensic science by the general science community and
(2) court decisions that have attempted to define the use of experts and expert method-
ology in the courtroom.
In 2003, the editor of Science wrote an editorial titled “Forensic Science: Oxymoron?”
calling attention to growing scientific criticism targeting some areas of forensic science
(Kennedy 2003). Reactions have been strong on all sides of the issues raised, but these
developments have stimulated review by the National Research Council (2009), as well as
both research and discussion within the forensic community. The basic issue questions if
some aspects of forensic science are soundly rooted in good science or if they have evolved
over the years within the forensic framework in a manner that lacks scientific rigor.
In the legal arena, prior to 1993, most recognized that a 1923 court decision Frye v.
United States (293 F. 1013 [D.C. Cir. 1923]) offered guidelines regarding expert testi-
mony. If an expert was subject to a “Frye Hearing,” then the court examined whether the
methodology utilized was generally accepted within the scientific community.
In 1993, a Supreme Court decision in the case of Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals,
Inc. (509 US 579 [1993]) produced guidelines that superseded those of the Frye decision.
The Daubert decision shifted responsibility to determine acceptance from the scientific
community in the Frye ruling to the presiding judge. Acting as the scientific gatekeeper, the
judge must evaluate scientific testimony based on five primary criteria. These criteria involve
whether the scientific method utilized in a case (1) is testable and has been tested through
the scientific method, (2) was subject to peer-review, (3) is based on established standards,
(4) has a known error rate, and (5) is widely accepted by the scientific community.
An additional key legal development occurred in 1999 with a Supreme Court decision in
the case of Kumho Tire Co. v. Carmichael (526 US 137 [1999]). In this decision, the Court
concluded that (1) forensic experts can develop theories based on observation and experi-
ence and apply those to a case, (2) diverse aspects of forensic testimony should be evaluated
with the same degree of rigor, and (3) the Daubert guidelines should be regarded as being
flexible and not necessarily applicable universally to scientific testimony.
Although these developments have not targeted forensic anthropology directly, they have
stimulated considerable discussion and research within the field (Bohan and Heels 1995;
Cheng and Yoon 2005; Faigman et al. 1994; Grivas and Komar 2008; Kaiser 1998; Risinger
et al. 2002; Saks 2000; Sanders 2001). The general reactive tendency has been to reex-
amine techniques to make them more quantifiable and less subjective (Christensen 2004,
2005), as well as to examine accuracy and interobserver and intraobserver error and to rec-
ognize and minimize bias. While these developments are positive and have improved the
quality of forensic anthropology methodology, many aspects of anthropological analysis
remain interpretive. Experience continues to play a dominant role in case interpretation,
and most research indicates that holistic approaches produce more accurate results than the
498  douglas h. ubelaker
use of single techniques. Reducing complex anthropological interpretation to simplified
techniques that can easily be tested for error rates risks loss of much of the scholarly punch
of a more comprehensive analysis. As supported by the Kumho decision, much of diverse
anthropological analysis and interpretation must call upon experience and broad observa-
tion to maximize the information retrieved.

The Forensic Anthropology Laboratory

Biological anthropologists who choose to enter the world of forensic anthropology learn
quickly (hopefully) that major adjustments need to be made in the quality control of the
remains and items examined. Due to the legal context of forensic work, strict controls
must be maintained on equipment, evidence, and the environment in which the analysis
takes place. It is also critical to document if a breach occurred to any of the protocols
employed. Procedures should document the prevention of contamination and the inadver-
tent loss of evidence that could negatively impact a case interpretation. These concerns call
for thoughtful organization and protocols for the forensic anthropology laboratory
(Warren et al. 2008).
The bottom line in forensic laboratory management is that procedures need to be in
place that secure the evidence and document the chain of custody. Gone are the days when
cases could be left unattended on the laboratory table along with other collections of human
remains for extended periods of time, fully accessible to students, volunteers, and those
involved in unrelated activities. The chain of custody must be maintained to document the
location and personnel access to the remains at all times. Security systems need to be capable
of not only ensuring safety to the evidence but, if necessary, also to enable documentation
of that security (Warren et al. 2008).
To anthropologists accustomed to a more casual approach to the use of materials in their
laboratories, the forensic context requires some adjustment. If in the forensic analysis of a
complete human skeleton an extra metatarsal from a younger individual is found, does this
prove that a second victim is involved or merely that someone used the skeleton for teaching
purposes in the laboratory and accidentally mixed in another bone from the teaching col-
lection? If the forensic examiner finds a cut on a bone, then does it suggest a victim of stab-
bing or merely that a student tried to clean the bone in the laboratory and left the alteration
behind? These are the kinds of questions that emerge unless the laboratory has strict con-
trols that clarify the possibilities throughout the analysis process.

Age Estimation

The accurate estimation of age at death represents an important component of forensic

anthropological analysis (Rogers 2016). Such estimates can greatly aid the investigation
leading to identification of a recovered skeleton. They also can be useful in the exclusion of
missing persons mistakenly thought to perhaps be represented by remains. For these rea-
sons, it is essential that estimates advanced in forensic reports are both accurate and realistic,
given the nature of the evidence presented. The age range reported must be appropriate to
the methods utilized, as well as the skeletal attributes presented by the available evidence.
Research generally has documented that the extent of variation manifest in the skeletal
aging process increases with advancing age (Ubelaker 1999b). Thus, whereas it may be pos-
sible to estimate reliably the age at death within weeks of fetal remains (Fazekas and Kósa
forensic anthropology: current issues  499

1978), the age range of older adults may encompass decades. Throughout the aging pro-
cess, regional variation, lifestyle, diet, and various environmental factors influence the rate
and nature of age changes (Stinson et al. 2000). Thus, age estimation is a relatively complex
process that is enhanced by the experience of the examiner.
Coupled with the call for quantification, the establishment of error rates and the need for
standardization from the legal community, various innovative statistical approaches have
been advanced. Notable among these are tests of interobserver error (Bouvier and Ubelaker
1977), testing of different techniques on the same samples (Bouvier and Ubelaker 1977;
Galera et al. 1995; Martrille et al. 2007), testing of methods on different samples (Megyesi
et al. 2006; Prince and Ubelaker 2002; Ubelaker and Parra 2008), and Bayesian statistics
and transition analysis (Boldsen et al. 2002; Getz 2020; Milner et al. 2008). Many of these
developments are driven by the fact that individual methods reflect the nature of the sam-
ples they are derived from and tested upon. Problems arise when the underlying samples are
not representative of the cases the methods are applied to. Fortunately, this concern has
stimulated considerable research that has advanced the accuracy of age estimation signifi-
cantly (Adserias-Garriga 2019; Zapico et al. 2020).
Another key issue involves the selection of which methods to utilize, especially in the
estimation of adult age. Should the most accurate single method be employed (Saunders
et al. 1992) or are more accurate results obtained by using multiple age indicators (Acśadi
and Nemeskéri 1970; Bedford et al. 1993). Selection of aging methodology is complex and
should be guided by the nature of the skeletal remains available, as well as judgments
regarding method effectiveness. For example, in the analysis of the skeleton of a young
child, long bone length and dental eruption provide some useful age information. However,
the final estimate should be heavily influenced by the extent of dental formation since
research demonstrates that in that age group, dental formation has the highest correlation
with chronological age and the least population variation (Scheuer and Black 2000;
Ubelaker 1987).
Although research indicates that different adult age indicators are of varying accuracy and
are most applicable at different periods in the adult aging process, all offer some useful
information. Baccino and Zerilli (1997) suggested a procedure in which pubic symphysis
morphology is consulted first. If the initial phases of symphyseal development are found,
then they should be extensively relied upon for age determination since research has dem-
onstrated that assessment of pubic symphysis morphology is an effective technique in appli-
cations to younger adults. If later phases are found, Baccino and Zerilli (1997) recommend
relying more on the Lamendin dental technique (Lamendin et al. 1992), which offers
greater reliability in older adults.
In a blind test of four aging methods (pubic symphysis, sternal rib ends, bone histology,
and the Lamendin dental technique) on a French autopsy sample of known age at death,
two independent observers documented that experience plays a significant role in the accu-
racy of application, especially with complex histological techniques (Baccino et al. 1999).
This research also documented that for each observer, various methods of using multiple
techniques all produced more accurate results than any one individual technique.
Research also suggests that some consideration needs to be devoted to population varia-
tion in the nature and timing of aging. For example, an application of the Kerley method of
histological age determination based on a modern military sample from the United States
to a demographically very different sample from the Dominican Republic produced
significant variance in estimated ages (Ubelaker 1981). Schaefer and Black (2005) docu-
mented that age progression in epiphyseal union in a Bosnian sample differed from that
suggested by studies of samples of different populations.
500  douglas h. ubelaker
Concepts of Race

Most missing persons are described in regard to some sort of racial category. Thus, “race”
becomes an issue in forensic anthropological analysis. In attempting to be useful on this
issue, anthropologists need to recognize the social dimensions of public perceptions of
race and to communicate opinions appropriately. Analysis may reveal a pattern of attrib-
utes suggesting that during life the individual represented by the remains was related to
a particular group. The pattern may support opinions about the individual’s ancestry
(Sauer et al. 2016).
Because discussions of “race” stir passions within the scholarly community, word choice
is important. It can be argued that the word “race” is no longer a useful term since it seems
to mean different things to different people and because of its historical baggage.
Nevertheless, forensic anthropologists continue to make significant contributions on this
topic, both in casework and in research (Dunn et al. 2020). Recognizing the associated
problems, some forensic anthropologists avoid making such assessments. Others have been
challenged by these issues and designed research to target the inherent problems. Progress
relates to defining the specific groups targeted and developing databases and methods that
facilitate their assessment.
The term “Hispanic” is particularly problematic because it can refer to individuals of
Spanish heritage regardless of their ancestry, genotype, or phenotype. This and other related
issues can be dealt with through adequate description and careful wording in reports. The
challenge is to provide useful information that may aid an investigation without offering up
categories that are misleading. It is also important not to force an opinion when the data do
not permit an assessment. Skeletons (especially the fragmentary ones) of many individuals
present such a mixture of traits and measurements that it is not possible to suggest affinity
with a particular group.
Although thoughtful analysis of ancestry should utilize both observations and measure-
ments, many forensic anthropologists have utilized the measurement-based software
FORDISC 3.1 (Jantz and Ousley 2005). This system offers customized discriminant
function equations that utilize whatever measurements can be taken and deliver a
classification complete with the relevant statistics needed for interpretation. Although
FORDISC represents a valuable tool, it is limited by the nature of the database it draws
from. If a skeleton originates from an individual/population not well represented within
the database, the quality of the classification is affected (Ubelaker et al. 2002a). Fortunately,
the associated statistics can provide hints when such situations occur.

Regional Variation and Secular Change

Nearly all areas of forensic anthropology applications are impacted by morphological com-
ponents of regional variation and secular change. As documented collections and world-
wide research in this area increase, the importance of these factors becomes illuminated.
Historically, new methods have been developed from well-documented collections showing
great promise only to find their utility diminished later when applied to more diverse sam-
ples. A major emerging new frontier in forensic anthropology represents the development
of such collections and research.
The good news is that this challenge is being met. As interest and activity in forensic
anthropology grows worldwide, new collections (of both data and skeletons) are being
assembled (Ubelaker 2014a). As existing methods are tested with these new resources,
forensic anthropology: current issues  501

knowledge grows regarding the extent of variation involved. In scholarly areas in which
variation is strong (e.g., sexual dimorphism, ancestry assessment, stature calculation)
population specific methodology can be developed. Such progress has led the journal
Forensic Science International to create a section specifically for new emerging datasets
within forensic anthropology.
In regard to many of our techniques, decades have passed since their initial formulation.
Are these methods and the data they are based upon still relevant to modern applications?
To what extent has secular change occurred in the attributes examined? Within the United
States, this question can be examined to a limited extent through comparisons of modern
samples with the data from the older ones. Of particular value is the modern database con-
tributing to the development of FORDISC, discussed above. This database is constructed
using information collected from modern forensic cases that have been identified.
Comparison with the samples assembled in decades past reveals aspects of secular change
and documents the need to maintain currency in methodology (Jantz and Jantz 1999;
Meadows and Jantz 1995).

Identification Issues

Much of the effort in forensic anthropological analysis is geared toward identification.

Interpretations of age at death, sex, ancestry, living stature, time since death, medical his-
tory, and other attributes help narrow the search for the person represented by the recov-
ered remains. A scientific identification results when unique characteristics are found on
both recovered remains and the antemortem records of a once living person. Such identifi-
cations in forensic anthropology usually originate from radiographic comparisons (Morishita
et al. 2021), since images taken of the living person can reveal bony details that can be
detected within recovered remains (De Boer et al. 2020; Ubelaker 2018b).
The process of scientific identification involves several stages of interpretation. First,
matching attributes must be found in both the antemortem and postmortem materials.
Differences must be explained by such factors as quality of the images available, postmortem
alterations in the recovered remains, or changes in the living person that occurred between
death and the time the antemortem radiographs were taken. Once this process is complete
an assessment must be made regarding the uniqueness of the matching features. If the
assemblage of matching features is unique, then scientific identification results. If they are
judged not to be unique then a determination follows that the remains could be the sug-
gested individual, but the association cannot be proven by the comparison. Thus a “match”
does not automatically yield a scientific identification; uniqueness of the attributes being
compared must first be established.
In many cases, matching attributes are found but these fall somewhat short of the evi-
dence needed for scientific identification. This problem is especially acute in areas of the
world and socioeconomic contexts in which radiographs and other medical/dental records
are not available. The antemortem evidence available frequently involves memories of family
and friends and results in possible or putative identifications. Material culture also can con-
tribute (Birkby et al. 2008; Komar and Lathrop 2008). Judgments are required to decide
at what point the evidence is sufficient to justify identification. Inadequate evidence can
lead to errors in identification. While many medical examiner/coroner offices consider a
totality of circumstances, misidentification is tragic and can be avoided through science and
understanding of the identification process.
502  douglas h. ubelaker
Intellectual Borders

Although forensic anthropology has specific methodology and subject matter not shared
with other disciplines, it also involves some intellectual overlap with other areas of forensic
science. Many anthropologists work with fleshed remains, even those that are subject to
conventional autopsy. Although this usually is a cooperative venture with forensic patholo-
gists, it can involve overlapping areas of opinion, especially relating to trauma interpretation
(L’Abbe et al. 2019). Forensic pathologists are charged with making the determination of
cause and manner and death. However, particularly in skeletal cases, forensic anthropolo-
gists may glean the evidence supporting the opinion. Trauma analysis represents a major
contribution of forensic anthropologists, supported by extensive experimental research
(Dempsey and Blau 2020). Anthropologists are well qualified to differentiate perimortem
trauma, sustained at or about the time of death from postmortem alterations and develop-
mental features.
Some intellectual overlap is also apparent in the study of teeth. Forensic odontologists
uniquely have the expertise to assess products of dental practice, but forensic anthropolo-
gists share their knowledge of dental anatomy and dental age estimation techniques.
Anthropologists frequently work closely with and to some extent overlap expertise with
forensic entomologists, forensic botanists, DNA specialists, and tool mark examiners. In
analysis, such questions arise as “who is best qualified to interpret and report on tool marks
in bone, the forensic anthropologist who has experience in the nature of bone modification
or the tool mark examiner who specializes in correlations of tool markings with the tools
that produced them?” Answers to such questions vary depending on the experience of
those involved.

Facial Imagery

Facial approximation (estimating what the facial image of a person was from the evidence
of a recovered skull) and photographic superimposition (usually comparing an ante-
mortem photograph with a skull) represent two common areas of facial imagery that
frequently involve anthropologists. Facial approximation (also termed facial reproduction
and facial reconstruction) involves a combination of art and science and is employed only
as a last resort to reach out to the public for leads in an investigation. The technique is
not used directly, or exclusively, for identification purposes. A variety of approaches are
available involving clay modeling, sketches, and computer-generated images (Babacan
et al. 2021; Donato et al. 2020). The effort is challenging in that it can involve artists
who utilize data produced by anthropologists on the characteristics of the individual,
anthropologists who happen to have artist skills or a team approach involving collabora-
tion between the artist and anthropologist. The artist must stay focused on the particular
anatomy of the individual skull being examined, rather than ceding to artistic license.
This can be challenging.
Interpretations regarding photographic superimposition involve all of the concerns,
requirements, and caveats of all identification techniques. In the case of skull/photo-
graph comparisons, the technique is usually used for exclusion or to indicate the possi-
bility that the skull and image may represent the same person. Methodology has improved
dramatically with new technology, but the underlying concerns remain the same (Ubelaker
et al. 2019).
forensic anthropology: current issues  503

Recent Advances and Emerging Technology

Major advances in forensic anthropology stem from new databases, new technology, new
applications of existing technology, increased conversation among scientists, and sustained
experimental research (Zapico et al. 2021). As discussed above, growing collections and
databases throughout the world have enabled research and conclusions not possible only a
decade ago. The new knowledge on the impact of human variation on methodology greatly
augments the field and strengthens interpretation.
A database of analyses of many samples of bone, tooth, and other materials using scanning
electron microscopy/energy dispersive spectroscopy allows examiners to differentiate small
fragments of bone and tooth from other similarly appearing materials (Ubelaker et al.
2002b). Comparison of the forensic specimen can be made with the spectral database of
known materials primarily focusing on the proportions of calcium and phosphorus. This
technique will differentiate bone and tooth from most other materials but cannot distin-
guish human from non-human.
New applications of the technique of protein radio immunoassay (pRIA) allow species
identification of small bone and tooth fragments (Ubelaker et al. 2004). This procedure
will not only differentiate human from nonhuman fragments but will allow determination
of the species of the nonhuman material present. Using small samples (200 mg or less), the
technique involves protein extraction followed by a solid-phase double-antibody radioim-
munoassay employing controls of antisera produced in rabbits and radioactive-marked anti-
body of rabbit gamma globulin produced in donkeys.
Studies of cementum formation and racemization in teeth offer great promise for more
precise age estimation if taphonomic and other methodological issues can be worked out.
Microscopic study of the alternating bands of opaque and translucent dental cementum
shows potential in quantifying age at death (Wittwer-Backofen et al. 2004) and clarifying
season of death (Wedel 2007). However, reducing interobserver error in the counting of
the bands represents a challenge.
Another promising area of research involves racemization methodology assessing
changes of L-form amino acids to D-form in human proteins (Ohtani et al. 2005; Ohtani
and Yamamoto 2005). The challenge with this approach involves clarifying taphonomic
effects when applied to remains recovered from forensic contests of considerable time since
Analysis of radiocarbon, especially in regard to the modern bomb curve, enables deter-
minations of time since death more accurately than previously possible (Ubelaker 2001).
Atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons in the 1950s and early 1960s produced high levels
of artificial radiocarbon that through the food chain were incorporated in humans. Although
levels have been steadily reducing since the peak in 1963, they only now approach the pre-
1950 values. If radiocarbon analysis of recovered human samples reveals the higher levels,
then the investigator knows the tissue formed after 1950. Tissue-specific analysis potentially
can produce information regarding both the birth date and the death date (Lynnerup et al.
2008; Spalding et al. 2005; Ubelaker 2014b; Ubelaker and Buchholz 2006; Ubelaker et al.
New three-dimensional approaches to cranial morphology allow greater precision in
assessments of population affinities and ancestry (Ross and Ubelaker 2019; Ross et al.
2002, 2004). Moving beyond caliper-generated measurements, these computer-assisted
approaches involve more sophisticated shape analysis offering greater insight into potential
population relationships.
504  douglas h. ubelaker
Chemical approaches offer great promise in estimating geographical origins of individ-
uals. The value of isotopic analysis has long been recognized in dietary reconstruction
(Ambrose and Norr 1993; Katzenberg 1992; Schwarcz and Schoeninger 1991). Recently,
researchers have focused attention on isotopic analysis of human materials to assess
geographical origins in forensic contexts (Chesson and Berg 2021; Ubelaker and Francescutti
2020). The following two studies represent a case in point.
Beard and Johnson (2000) recognized that the quantities of strontium isotopes vary con-
siderably geologically and geographically. Due to dietary factors, strontium isotopes also
vary considerably in human bones and teeth, reflecting the geographical origins of the food
and water ingested. Thus, strontium isotope analysis of human tissues yields data providing
information regarding geographical origins. The authors note that analysis of bone samples
produces average values reflecting materials ingested during the last years of life, since bone
remodels and continuously incorporates new dietary strontium during the period of bone
formation. In contrast, strontium isotope analysis of dental enamel reveals information
about the geographic origins of dietary materials during the childhood of the individual
since dental enamel does not remodel.
Ehleringer et al. (2008) address the issue of geographic origins of human remains through
the analysis of hydrogen and oxygen isotope ratios in human hair. Like the strontium iso-
topes discussed above, hydrogen and oxygen isotope concentrations also vary geographi-
cally and become incorporated in human hair through the diet, especially drinking local tap
water. In a forensic context, hair, specifically keratin, analysis might reveal if the person
represented displayed values consistent with a local origin or likely originated elsewhere.
Analysis of different aspects of the hair might reflect the geographical history of the
individual in the relatively short periods of time before death represented by hair growth
The future remains particularly bright for forensic anthropology, not only because of
these technological developments but also primarily because of the growing student and
other scholarly interest in the field. This interest translates into new diverse cohorts of
emerging forensic anthropologists who through research and casework will continue to
transform the field. The surge of innovative research has led to the development of new
regional organizations, as well as new publications such as the Journal of Forensic
Anthropology sponsored by the University of Florida, Wiley’s online WIRE for forensic
anthropology, and various podcasts. Experimental research continues to focus on tapho-
nomic and trauma issues. Migrant aging has emerged as an important problem for forensic
anthropologists. Although forensic anthropology enjoys a solid scientific foundation and
rich history, it continues to evolve in positive ways.


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CHAPTER 30 Diet Reconstruction
and Ecology

Margaret J. Schoeninger
and Laurie J. Reitsema


Stable isotope ratio analysis revolutionized research on present and past diets and ecology,
particularly when combined with information from other sources (e.g., see Chapter 32).
Physicists discovered that some elements occur in more than one form (i.e., isotopes),
expanding their use during World War II. Following the war, chemists and geochemists
used them in non-military research, and some of those academics trained anthropologists.
In South Africa, geochemist John Vogel worked with archaeologist Nik van der Merwe,
and together they published one of the earliest papers on the use of carbon stable isotopes
determining the timing of maize introduction into North America (Vogel and van der
Merwe 1977). In the USA, geochemist Samuel Epstein trained Michael DeNiro, a zoolo-
gist (DeNiro and Epstein 1978, 1981b). DeNiro, in turn, trained a biological anthropologist
(Schoeninger and DeNiro 1984; Schoeninger et al. 1983).
The term isotope means “same place” on the periodic table (Hoefs 2009). In carbon, 12C
and 13C are stable carbon isotopes, whereas 14C is an unstable, or radioactive, isotope. All
three isotopes of carbon have the same number of electrons and protons but differ in the
number of neutrons in their nuclei. This chapter deals only with the stable forms. The iso-
topes of an element share the same chemical properties because chemical reactions are
determined largely by electron configurations, but they differ in mass (numbers of neu-
trons) and so molecules containing different isotopes (e.g., 13CO2 versus 12CO2) react at
different rates and the bond strengths differ between molecules containing different iso-
topes of the same element. The effects are most apparent among the light elements (H, C,
N, O) because the differential between the isotopes is large compared with the average mass
of the element. Among the light elements, molecules with the “lighter” isotope (12C) react
faster and the bonds break more easily than those molecules containing the “heavier” iso-
tope (13C). In other words, 12C–14N bonds form and break more rapidly than do bonds
consisting of 12C–15N, 13C–14N, or 13C–15N.

A Companion to Biological Anthropology, Second Edition. Edited by Clark Spencer Larsen.

© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
diet reconstruction and ecology  511

As the isotopes within an element circulate within the biosphere, these reaction rate dif-
ferences result in products that contain different relative amounts of each stable isotope
than those in the starting components (i.e., substrate) of a reaction. For example, bone
collagen is a protein made up of individual amino acids, each of which is a product result-
ing from reactions on starting components from food and the breakdown products from
an animal’s own tissues. The 13C/12C ratio of the carbon in an individual’s collagen (prod-
uct) differs depending on the 13C/12C ratio in the combination of consumed amino acids
of protein, specific carbohydrates, and lipids (substrate). Bone collagen normally has
relatively more 13C than in diet because bonds with 12C break more readily and more 12C
is eliminated as waste from the body. Hence, we say that bone collagen is enriched in 13C
relative to its substrate (diet), and that excreted materials are depleted in 13C relative to the
substrate. Similarly, the 18O/16O ratio in bone mineral (product) differs from the 18O/16O
ratio in the animal’s body water, which is the substrate for the oxygen in bone mineral. The
difference in isotope ratio between the product and substrate is largely due to fraction-
ation. For collagen synthesis, enzymatic control determines the magnitude of the fraction-
ation; this is a case of kinetic isotope fractionation. For bone mineral synthesis the
temperature of the reaction determines the magnitude of fractionation; this is an equilibrium
isotope fractionation.
Among heavier elements like strontium (mass of 87.62), the mass difference between the
isotopes is trivial compared to the overall mass of the element. Within strontium, metabolic
reactions such as photosynthesis, bone mineral synthesis, or amino acid synthesis do not
change the 87Sr:86Sr ratio of the product (plant tissue or bone mineral) relative to the ratio
within the substrate. Instead, the ratio of 87Sr:86Sr in biological tissues directly reflects the
substrate, which for strontium is a rock or soil, or the water in which soil or rocks have
Except for strontium, biological processes result in the transfer of elements from the
geosphere to the biosphere as well as between different compartments of each sphere. For
example, the transfer of carbon from the ocean to the atmosphere or from plant tissue to
animal tissue are associated with predictable, sequential changes from the natural abun-
dance isotope ratios through kinetic and equilibrium isotope fractionation (see Figures 3.1
and 3.2 in Fry 2006). These changes, however, are small so that direct reporting of isotope
ratios (e.g., 13C:12C) is impractical. For this reason, isotope ratios are represented as δ
values (e.g., δ 13C), i.e., the difference between the isotope ratio within the sample of
interest and that within an internationally recognized standard (e.g., PDB for carbon, AIR
for nitrogen, SMOW or PDB for oxygen). These δ values are expressed as per mil (‰)
(Hoefs 2009), according to the following equation:

Rsample − Rstandard
* 1, 000

where Rsample equals the 13C/12C ratio in the material of interest (e.g., bone, hair, plant,
etc.) and Rstandard equals the 13C/12C ratio in the standard used in comparison (e.g., for
carbon). The stable isotope data on primates, including humans, derive from a variety of
tissues including: feces, representing roughly 24 hours or less, hair, representing one year
or more, bone mineral (apatite) and organic (collagen), representing years, and tooth den-
tine and enamel (apatite), representing early life. The applications of the isotope approach
are worldwide, and any presentation of short length will necessarily be unable to cover all
of them.
512  margaret j. schoeninger and laurie j. reitsema
Carbon Isotope Ratios, Represented as δ13C

The majority of the world’s active cycling carbon is sequestered in the ocean as dissolved
carbonate. During the exchange between oceanic carbon with atmospheric carbon dioxide
(CO2), atmospheric CO2 (product) is depleted in 13C relative to oceanic carbon (substrate)
by equilibrium isotope fractionation. Today’s atmospheric CO2 has a δ13C value around
−8‰ while surface ocean CO2 has a value around 1‰ (Wahlen 1994). Plant δ13C values are
determined by kinetic isotope fractionation during photosynthetic fixation of atmospheric
CO2, which is the source of carbon for all terrestrial plants. The average value for today’s
plants that follow the dominant terrestrial C3 pathway (cool season grasses, herbaceous
plants, and trees) is around −26 to −28‰, those that utilize the C4 pathway (warm and dry
adapted tropical grasses like maize, amaranths, chenopods, setarias) average around −12‰,
and those that utilize the CAM pathway (succulents) commonly have values near those of
C4 plants (Kohn 2010; O’Leary 1988). The large range in C3 plant values is discussed
further below.
The δ13C value of terrestrial plants and animals dating to more than 100 years ago are
approximately 1.5‰ higher than those of today’s plants and animals. Large-scale forest
burning (i.e., combustion of C3 plants) and use of fossil fuels (mostly C3 plants) have
dumped huge amounts of 13C-depleted CO2 (~ −26‰) into our atmosphere, which is
termed the Suess effect (Keeling 1961; Keeling et al. 2017). The results are higher atmo-
spheric CO2 levels than any in the last 5+ million years and atmospheric δ13C values around
−8‰ rather than the −6.5‰ of the nineteenth century (Friedli et al. 1986). More recently,
the Suess effect is recognized as lowering dissolved inorganic carbon δ13C values by up to
0.8‰ in uppermost levels of subtropical regions of relatively shallow oceans currents like
the Gulf Stream (Eide et al. 2017). The impact, if any, on marine plants and animals located
in nearby regions is not yet known.
In contrast to plants on land, freshwater aquatic plants have multiple potential sources of
carbon. Particulate organic matter, from algae and detritus, has values ranging approxi-
mately from –18.5 to –22.0‰ (Hoefs 2009). The δ13C ratios of plants and animals occu-
pying freshwater aquatic niches fall between these values. Variables such as turbulence,
depth, and clarity all influence δ13C values of carbon in waters, even within the same water
body (Hecky and Hesslein 1995; Katzenberg and Weber 1999).
Marine plants, most of which follow the C3 photosynthetic pathway, utilize multiple
carbon sources including detritus from local terrestrial plants in nearshore and brackish
waters, dissolved CO2 (−7.0‰), and dissolved carbonic acid (0‰), and have δ13C values
between those of C3 and C4 terrestrial plants (Hoefs 2009). Thus, marine animals con-
suming nearshore marine plants have values closer to C3 plants whereas higher trophic level
marine fish and mammals have δ13C values that are less negative (Schoeninger and DeNiro
1984; Vika and Theodoropoulou 2012).
In archaeological applications of isotopic diet reconstructions, carbon isotope ratios differ
not only with foods consumed, but among different consumer tissue types. For example,
collagen and carbonate from the same bone exhibit different, albeit correlated, δ13C values,
owing to differences in how these tissues are formed (see above) (Ambrose and Norr 1993;
Tieszen and Fagre 1993). Understanding the relationships between the δ13C values of dif-
ferent tissue types has provided important complementary information about diet in cases
where multiple tissues can be analyzed, and permitted diet reconstructions in cases where
only one or another tissue type is available (e.g., where tooth enamel is preserved but bone
collagen is not). A meta-analysis (Kellner and Schoeninger 2007) compared experimental
diet reconstruction and ecology  513

data from rats, mice, and pigs (Ambrose and Norr 1993; Howland et al. 2003; Jim et al.
2004). The experimental studies show that δ13Cdiet is estimated accurately based on δ13Capatite
as suggested in each individual study. The meta-analysis also showed that δ13Ccollagen corre-
lated more tightly with δ13Cdiet than with δ13Cdiet protein, i.e., a significant amount of the
carbon in bone collagen is coming from the carbohydrate and lipid fraction of diet (i.e., diet
energy), and not the diet protein. Fernandes and colleagues (2012) and Froehle and col-
leagues (2010, 2012) estimate approximately 30–40 percent of the isotopic signature cap-
tured in collagen reflects these other dietary fractions rather than diet protein.
In addition, the meta-analysis demonstrated that a plot of δ13Ccollagen against δ13Capatite of
all experimental fauna revealed two parallel regression lines with individuals eating only C3
protein falling about 6‰ to the left (more negative) of those individuals eating only C4
protein. Those eating only C3 energy plotted at the lower (more negative) end of the graph
while those eating only C4 energy plotted at the top (less negative) end; those with mixed
sources of energy plotted midway along their respective regression lines. Archaeological
populations (Harrison and Katzenberg 2003; figure 2) selected for extensive floral and
faunal information on human diet largely adhered to the model described by the experi-
mental fauna. Archaeological populations with significant reliance on marine foods did not
separate clearly. Subsequent analyses including nitrogen isotope data (Froehle et al. 2009)
clarified the situation and is discussed further below.
Collagen and carbonate are the most common materials analyzed in stable isotope studies
in archaeology, but there is growing interest in the measurement of isotope ratios of specific
compounds, such as individual amino acids. Individual amino acids follow their own meta-
bolic pathways, offering more specific evidence linking consumers to their diets (Hare et al.
1991). For example, research in arid coastal and near-coastal regions of South Africa has
disentangled marine protein and C4 plants as possible sources of high δ13C values among
past humans using δ13C values of individual amino acids (Corr et al. 2005). Even in cases
where δ13CCollagen values are similar between groups, the Δ13CGlycine-Phenylalanine values of
marine protein consumers are higher than those of C4 consumers, because phenylalanine is
an essential amino acid routed to collagen with little fractionation (~1–2‰), whereas gly-
cine is a non-essential amino acid subject to fractionation between trophic levels when it is
synthesized de novo. Marine food webs have more trophic positions than terrestrial food
webs (Schoeninger and DeNiro 1984), making enrichment of 13CGlycine an indicator of
marine resource consumption in an otherwise ambiguous case.
Much of the δ13C variation within C3 plants that was mentioned above is associated with
the level of canopy cover, which affects both the δ13C value in the carbon dioxide available
to growing plants and the rate of photosynthesis (Kohn 2010). The δ13C value of CO2
within semi-evergreen tropical forests (i.e., more closed canopies) is >2‰ below well-mixed
atmospheric CO2. This is partially due to the addition of 13C-depleted CO2 respired from
microbial activity that varies dramatically both temporally and spatially, including vertically
(Pataki et al. 2003). Plant tissues integrate this variation (Bowling et al. 2003).
Studies among extant primates demonstrate that δ13C values in primate tissues track envi-
ronmental variables including canopy cover, foraging height, and precipitation (Blumenthal
et al. 2012; Carlson and Crowley 2016; Schoeninger et al. 1997, 1998, 2016). The
increasing frequency with which humans interact with nonhuman primates due to habitat
encroachment is impacting the microenvironmental characteristics of primate habitats and
has given rise to the field of ethnoprimatology. Stable isotope studies have focused on many
key aspects of human–nonhuman primate interactions, including crop raiding (Loudon
et al. 2014), provisioning (Schurr et al. 2012), and forest disturbance (Schillaci et al. 2014).
514  margaret j. schoeninger and laurie j. reitsema
Other research with extant primates focuses on behaviors that are otherwise difficult to
observe, such as weaning (Bădescu et al. 2017).
Additional work has used the δ13C values in various materials to reconstruct general
aspects of the ecology of past environments and the diets of our early hominin relatives.
Some estimated the presence of C3 and C4 plant types and shifting paleoenvironments by
analyzing combinations of proxy measures including the δ13C values in paleosols and car-
bonate nodules, and bone mineral and tooth enamel of various ungulate species (Kingston
2007; Kingston and Harrison 2007b; Lee-Thorp 2000b). Other studies caution against
relying on a single proxy like ungulate tooth enamel because of intrataxon variation in diets
(Robinson et al. 2021). Diagenesis (postmortem alteration of the carbonate fraction) can
be a significant problem (Koch 2007; Koch et al. 1997). In East Africa, some of the 3.9
million year old tooth enamels were extensively altered mineralogically whereas others,
from the same excavation site, were not (Kohn et al. 1999; Schoeninger et al. 2003) and in
South Africa, diagenetic alteration of 1–2‰ occurs (Lee-Thorp 2000a).
Still, some fascinating results are now available (summarized by Schoeninger 2014;
Sponheimer et al. 2013). One of our earliest relatives, Ardipithecus, lived in a wooded envi-
ronment eating C3 foods (White et al. 2009). Among East African Homo habilis and
Paranthropus boisei (van der Merwe et al. 2008), and South African Australopithecus afri-
canus and Paranthropus robustus (Sponheimer et al. 2005) all foraged in open country or
drought-type habitats rather than in closed canopy situations. Some individuals (especially
Paranthropus) apparently ate foods with a C4 signal although what those foods may have
been is still the subject of discussion. Among European Neandertals and early modern
humans, the δ13C values in collagen demonstrate that they foraged in open country habitats
(Richards and Trinkaus 2009), even though they may have inhabited forested regions.

Nitrogen Isotope Ratios, Represented as δ15N

The major nitrogen reservoir is the atmosphere and the δ15N of well-mixed atmosphere is
defined at 0.0‰. The transfer of inorganic nitrogen (N2 gas) into the biological realm
depends on specialized organisms such that those found in nodules on the roots of legumi-
nous plants (called nitrogen-fixing plants), which can have values close to zero although the
majority of plants take up soil nitrogen and are more positive than atmospheric nitrogen
(Virginia and Delwiche 1982). Marine organisms tend to have more positive δ15N values
than do terrestrial organisms except in environments like coral reefs, where nitrogen-fixing
blue-green algae comprise the base of the food chain (Schoeninger and DeNiro 1984). The
higher marine values result from bacterial activity and from the greater length of trophic
chains in the ocean than in terrestrial environments.
The δ15N values in the tissues of animals are positively correlated with the values in their
diets (DeNiro and Epstein 1981b; Schoeninger and DeNiro 1984; Minagawa and Wada
1984; Hare et al. 1991). The source of the nitrogen in bone collagen is largely ingested
with a minimal amount recycled from one’s own body (Ambrose 2000). There is an increase
of approximately 3.5‰ in δ15N values between trophic levels (Ambrose 2000; Minagawa
and Wada 1984; Schoeninger and DeNiro 1984), and human omnivory has been estimated
in broad relative terms in some regions (Ambrose et al. 2003) and in more specific terms in
other regions where plants are unavailable for much of the year (Richards et al. 2000).
Humans eating marine foods often show higher δ15N than those who do not in similar
regions (Sealy and van der Merwe 1986). Exceptions to this general rule occur in specific
situations of water or caloric stress (Ambrose and DeNiro 1986; Fuller et al. 2005; Heaton
diet reconstruction and ecology  515

et al. 1986; O’Connell et al. 2001; Sealy et al. 1987), and in warm-water reefs or other
areas with shallow coastal margins where blue-green algae directly fix atmospheric nitrogen
(Keegan and DeNiro 1988; Wallace et al. 2006).
The δ15N values and δ13C values from different tissue types reflect different, complementary
aspects of a consumer’s diet, and thus can be usefully combined for a more comprehensive pic-
ture of overall diet. Mixing models have been developed to account for these multiple lines of
evidence (reviewed by Cheung and Szpak 2021; Reitsema and Holder 2018). For example,
adding δ15Ncollagen values to Kellner and Schoeninger’s (2007) comparison of δ13Ccollagen and
δ13Capatite values in a multivariate model clarifies specific aspects of the diet of several popula-
tions (Froehle et al. 2009). Of C3-based foragers, those from Ontario had an average δ15Ncollagen
value of 12.2 ± 1.0‰ compared to 9.5 ± 2.1‰ in those from Georgia, demonstrating the
importance of freshwater fish from the Great Lakes in the former (Katzenberg 1989). Among
coastal foragers, those from Tierra del Fuego (14.8 ± 3.2‰, range = 10.6–18.8‰) are lower
than California islanders (17.8 ± 1.4‰, range = 14.9–20.8‰), and the former show a bi-model
distribution that is nonoverlapping (10.6–13.2‰ vs. 15.1–18.8‰) when plotted by region,
even though the carbon stable isotope values are virtually similar.
Because they reflect trophic position, δ15N values of dependent infants (hair; feces) are
higher than those of their mothers until the completion of weaning, aiding evaluations of
infant care, reproductive strategies, and life history variables (Bădescu et al. 2017; Beaumont
et al. 2015; Fuller et al. 2006; Katzenberg et al. 1996; Kendall et al. 2021; Reitsema 2012;
Reynard and Tuross 2015; Schurr 1998, 2018; Wright and Schwarcz 1998).

Hydrogen Isotope Ratios, Represented as δ2H or δ

Hydrogen is ubiquitous in the geosphere and the huge relative mass difference between its
two stable isotopes (2H or D and 1H) means that hydrogen exhibits the largest fraction-
ations among the light stable isotopes. As a result of massive equilibrium isotope fraction-
ations during the transfer of water from the ocean to the atmosphere and in precipitation,
δD2H values in rainwater and surface water, in the plants and animals that rely on them,
show patterned differences (White 1989; Ziegler 1989). First suggested over 40 years ago
as a tracer in food webs (Estep and Dabrowski 1980), the method was seldom used (Cormie
et al. 1994b) because of difficulties in controlling for the exchangeable hydrogen atoms
within organic material (Bowen et al. 2005) and the multiple sources of hydrogen in tissues
(DeNiro and Epstein 1981a). Recently, however, several laboratories demonstrated the
effectiveness of δ2H values in various tissues for identifying trophic position (Birchall et al.
2005), animal migration patterns (Hobson et al. 2004; Hobson and Wassenaar 1997),
paleoclimate (Leyden et al. 2006), human paleodiet (Reynard and Hedges 2008), and
forensic cases (Bowen et al. 2009), as well as other applications such as the identification of
CAM plants or beans in human diets (Sternberg 1989; Ziegler 1989).

Oxygen Isotope Ratios, Represented as δ18O

Oxygen has three stable isotopes (18O, 17O, and 16O), but 18O/16O is usually measured
because it affords the greater relative mass difference. The water cycle of evaporation and con-
densation produces the general, global patterns of δ18O in waters (Craig 1961; Gat 1980; Gat
and Gonfiantini 1981) and in animal tissues (Longinelli 1984). These studies demonstrate
that temperature of precipitation (summer versus winter, altitudinal and latitudinal variation),
516  margaret j. schoeninger and laurie j. reitsema
rainfall amount (e.g., El Niño vs. La Niña), air-circulation patterns, distance from the ocean,
and other variables affect the δ18O in waters must be considered in local situations.
The δ18O values of phosphate and carbonate in animal bone and tooth enamel show a
general correlation with local precipitation (Koch et al. 1989; Kohn 1996; Kohn et al.
1996) although physiological parameters vary across animal species in ways that can differ-
entially affect animal δ18O values (Bryant and Froelich 1995; Fricke and O’Neil 1996).
Animals that obtain the majority of their body water by drinking surface water ‘show a
strong correlation with the values in surface water’ (Huertas et al. 1995). Those that obtain
the majority of their body water from their diets show a correlation with local relative
humidity (Ayliffe and Chivas 1990; Cormie et al. 1994a). Seasonal variation in rainfall is
recorded by intratooth variation in δ18O values (Balasse et al. 2003; Fricke et al. 1998),
proving useful in reconstructing aspects of behavior within pastoral populations (Balasse
and Ambrose 2002) or paleoclimatic variables such as temperature, rainfall, and humidity
(Bryant et al. 1996, 1994; Fricke et al. 1995; Schoeninger et al. 2000). More recently, the
δ18O values of tooth enamel have been compared with that in bone mineral to determine
migration patterns in prehistoric human populations, particularly in Mesoamerica and
South America (Knudson and Buikstra 2007; Knudson and Price 2007; White et al. 2004).

Strontium Isotope Ratios: 87Sr/86Sr

The distribution of ratios of strontium isotopes differs from the discrimination of strontium
relative to calcium in biological systems. Because there is no measurable fractionation dur-
ing transfer between the geosphere and the biosphere, the 87Sr/86Sr ratio in animal bones
and teeth reflects an averaging of the 87Sr/86Sr ratios in an animal’s diet and drinking water
(Faure 1977). Very old rocks contain significantly more 87Sr than do rocks of recent origin
because 87Sr is a long-term decay product of the radioactive isotope 87Rb. This means that
in regions where there are distinctive 87Sr/86Sr ratios, it can be possible to identify the area
of origin. When there is no diagenetic alteration of the original biological level of strontium
(Hoppe et al. 2003; Nelson et al. 1986), intra-tooth variation in 87Sr/86Sr ratios or the
difference between tooth enamel and bone 87Sr/86Sr ratios can identify migratory behavior
in animals (Hoppe et al. 1999), including humans (Bentley 2006).
The application of 87Sr/86Sr ratios for understanding human behavior has been used across
many regions. The approach clarified the origin of a highly ranked individual from Tikal in
MesoAmerica (Wright 2005), suggested migratory behavior in archaeological and fossil pop-
ulations in South Africa (Sealy et al. 1991; Sillen et al. 1998), central Europe (Price et al.
1994a), Briton (Montgomery et al. 2003), and the southwestern US (Price et al. 1994b), and
revealed possible marriage patterns in South America (Ericson 1985) and warfare involving
foreign mercenaries in the ancient Mediterranean region (Reinberger et al. 2021). The most
detailed study, however, is in South America, where Knudson and colleagues have addressed
patterns of population and individual movements across the Peruvian highlands (Dahlstedt et
al. 2021; Knudson and Buikstra 2007; Knudson et al. 2014, 2004).

Sulfur Isotope Ratios, Represented as δ34S

There are three main reservoirs for sulfur on Earth: dissolved sulfate (SO4) in oceans
with δ34S values of approximately +20‰, sulfate in sediments formed by evaporites, with
δ34S values of approximately +16‰, and sulfide in rocks and soils, with δ34S values of
diet reconstruction and ecology  517

approximately −12‰ (Krouse 1980; Newton and Bottrell 2007). The δ34S values of
plants and animals in a particular region vary according to the varied input of these
sources in waters and soils. The mean δ34S value of sea water is uniquely high, at +20‰,
and does not vary greatly among regions, due to the sheer massiveness of the oceans as
a reservoir. Freshwater organisms have values spanning the range of δ34S in biological
systems (−22‰ to +20‰), due to the differential inputs of sulfates, weathering sedimen-
tary sulfides, porewater sulfates, and precipitation into waters, as well as the influence of
fractionation by anaerobic bacteria (Connolly et al. 2004; Nehlich 2015). Freshwaters
tend to have values of between −5‰ and +15‰ (Nehlich et al. 2012). As in freshwater,
the δ34S values of terrestrial plants and animals are varied but are lower than those of the
ocean, with a typical range of −5‰ to +10‰, clustering around 0‰ (Nehlich et al.
2012). Terrestrial δ34S values are the products of weathering of the sulfates and sulfides
in rocks, evaporites, and soils, and deposits of oceanic sulfur from sea spray and precipi-
tation (Krouse 1980). This latter factor, termed the “sea spray effect,” results in higher
terrestrial δ34S values in coastal regions. Because δ34S variation is linked both to geog-
raphy and to diet, the applications of δ34S values in archaeology tend to follow two paths:
reconstructing migration histories (e.g., Bataille et al. 2021), and disambiguating carbon
and nitrogen isotope evidence for aquatic foods in human diets (e.g., Nehlich et al.


Forty years ago, no one predicted the astounding range of applications that now use stable
isotope data within anthropology, and the same difficulty occurs now for predictions into
the future. A few areas, however, seem particularly promising. First, the development of
new technical methods is truly remarkable. Many of these are published in the Journal of
Archaeological Science and include residue analyses (Mukherjee et al. 2008), specific amino
acid analyses (Corr et al. 2009), and continued development of δ2H (δD) in climate studies
(Kirsanow et al. 2008).
In addition, there are several large overarching projects investigating human biological
and social change through time, where stable isotope analysis plays one of several interre-
lated parts. For example, the Global History of Health Project (co-directed by Clark Larsen,
Richard Steckel, and Paul Sciulli) compares estimates of ancient human health with human
diet (see Steckel et al. 2002, for a preliminary report) to provide the first rigorous evalua-
tion of the impact of human subsistence strategies on health. In the Andean highland and
lowland regions of South America several projects are beginning to clarify how the emer-
gence of two powerful states (Wari and Tiwanaku) combined with environmental change to
impact specific local communities. Stable isotope analyses are central to delineating climate
change (e.g., Magilligan et al. 2008), identifying migrants (e.g., Buzon et al. 2012; Knudson
and Torres-Rouff 2009), and elucidating the variable effect of imperial powers on the
subsistence strategies, health, and social structure of peripheral communities (Kellner and
Schoeninger 2008). For example, in the Andean region, the interactions between colonial
powers and their associated communities clearly differed within the Andean region and
across North America (e.g., Garland et al. 2018; Hutchinson 2004; Kellner and Schoeninger
2008; Larsen 2001).
Climate reconstruction both on the archaeological and the paleontological scale is
another exciting area given the importance of understanding climate change for today’s
world. Archaeological samples hold the promise of understanding the specifics of climate
change and its impact on actual human populations in the past, which should be useful
518  margaret j. schoeninger and laurie j. reitsema
in our present-day preparations and expectations. Physical and paleo-oceanographers,
atmospheric chemists, and geochemists might clarify the variables and processes that
cause climate change, but they lack the human scale that bioarcheology and paleoanthro-
pology provide. The Andean projects mentioned above are one example. Another
(among many) comprises paleoecology and paleoclimate reconstruction across Africa
and Eurasia during the time that the human lineage separated from ape-like ancestors,
radiated, and then resulted in the single lineage that we see today. In Africa, the pains-
taking work of John Kingston and colleagues (Kingston 2007; Kingston et al. 2007;
Kingston and Harrison 2007a) includes carbonate nodule and tooth enamel analyses,
mapping of modern environmental signatures, and consideration of orbital parameters
to provide a background for understanding East African Plio/Pleistocene hominin evo-
lution. Expanding these kinds of study to other geographical regions and placing fossils
from multiple time periods in a context was unanticipated prior to the present develop-
ments within stable isotope analysis (see Hallin et al. 2012; Hartman 2008; Lee-Thorp
and Sponheimer 2006, for examples).
Finally, primate behavioral ecology is also benefiting from stable isotope studies.
Combined with observations on diet and behavioral data from long-term field projects, like
that of Phillips-Conroy in the Awash National Park in Ethiopia, the dietary and ecological
variation recorded by stable isotope data in various samples, including feces (Bădescu et al.
2017; Blumenthal et al. 2012; Codron et al. 2006; Reitsema et al. 2020) and hair (Loudon
et al. 2016; Oelze et al. 2016; Schillaci et al. 2019), will establish predictive power that
enables isotope analysis of fossils, museum collections, and unhabituated primate popula-
tions to expand knowledge of diet and ecology in all these groups.
The list could go on and on, and while this chapter must end, the work will not. Stable
isotope data are such powerful proxy measures of multiple variables that it is now impos-
sible to account for the great diversity in applications of relevance to anthropology in a
single chapter. Perhaps that is the highest compliment that one can give to the two aca-
demics who started us all on this fascinating path with their presentation to the 1976
Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology (Vogel and van der Merwe 1976).
We wish they could both find satisfaction in that difficulty.


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CHAPTER 31 Current Concepts in
Bone Biology

Mary E. Cole, James H.

Gosman, and Samuel D. Stout


Bone tissue changes substantially in mass and shape during growth. During fetal
development, the genome provides positional information for the skeletal outline through
diffusible gradients of morphogens. These gradients direct the formation of mesenchymal
condensations and cartilage templates throughout the body, which are replaced with bone
during skeletal development. During subsequent growth, and throughout the lifespan,
mechanical demands on bone tissue alter its distribution, shape, and microstructural com-
position (Long and Ornitz 2013; Rauch and Schoenau 2001). The cross-sectional size and
shape of bone, and the morphometry of bone tissue microstructure, have found broad
application in biological anthropology for interpreting mechanical loading history (Ruff
and Larsen 2014) and assessing bone tissue quality and strength, particularly in the context
of aging and pathological conditions (Stout et al. 2019). To aid these interpretations, this
chapter outlines models for bone functional adaptation to mechanical demand, summarizes
cellular responses to mechanical loading, and reviews some physiological influences on
bone growth and bone loss.
Mechanical strain changes and microscopic tissue damage are sensed by osteocytes
embedded in bone tissue, which subsequently trigger modeling or remodeling processes.
Bone modeling refers to the uncoupled formative or resorptive actions of bone cells on
bone surfaces. Osteoblasts form new bone (formation modeling) under increased mechanical
loading, while osteoclasts resorb bone (resorptive modeling) under disuse conditions. Bone
remodeling refers to the coupled actions of osteoclastic bone resorption, followed by oste-
oblastic bone formation, at the same tissue location, carried out by a local group of cells
called a “Basic Multicellular Unit” (BMU). Bone remodeling can occur in high strain con-
ditions in response to microdamage (targeted remodeling) and in low strain conditions
(disuse-mediated remodeling) (Hughes et al. 2020). Bone cell differentiation, maturation,
and coupling within these processes is regulated by the local presence of paracrine factors,
produced by nearby cells, and autocrine factors, produced by the cell itself. Levels of local

A Companion to Biological Anthropology, Second Edition. Edited by Clark Spencer Larsen.

© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
528  mary e. cole, james h. gosman, and samuel d. stout
factors are also regulated by endocrine factors produced by distant cells, particularly systemic
hormone levels. Physiological conditions thereby modify the sensitivity and functioning of
bone cells in response to mechanical demand (Plotkin and Bruzzaniti 2019).

Bone Functional Adaptation

Bone functional adaptation is the concept that bone tissue adjusts its shape and structure in
response to its mechanical environment during life (Ruff et al. 2006). In the nineteenth
century, anatomist Georg Hermann von Meyer and engineer Karl Culmann suggested that
trabecular struts were aligned with principal stresses (von Meyer 1867). This work influenced
orthopaedic surgeon Julius Wolff (Wolff 1892), who hypothesized that both the internal
architecture and external form of bone were the consequence of the direction and pattern of
mechanical loads (Bertram and Swartz 1991). “Wolff’s Law” has persisted in cultural memory
as the basis for bone functional adaptation. However, Wolff assumed that bone adapts to static
loads in strict mathematical correspondence, altering bone architecture continually. It was
Wilhelm Roux (Roux 1885) who correctly identified bone structure as adaptive to dynamic
loads and self-regulating toward a functional stimulus (Lee and Taylor 1999; Roesler 1987).

Frost’s Mechanostat Model

Bone functional adaptation characterizes mechanical loading using a dimensionless quantity
of strain. When an external load causes bone to deform, or change in size or shape, strain is
measured as its relative change in length (Pivonka et al. 2018). Harold M. Frost (1987)
proposed the mechanostat model to describe how bone coordinates modeling and remod-
eling to keep these strains within an equilibrium range. This “Utah Paradigm” initially came
together at the University of Utah’s Hard Tissue Workshops in the 1960s. The mechano-
stat works like a thermostat regulates temperature, triggering heating or cooling until the
temperature returns to the set range. The underlying concept of the mechanostat is that
bone models and remodels to keep its typical strains within a preset range, or “setpoint.” If
mechanical loading changes enough to deform bone outside of that strain range, bone
models or remodels until the new distribution of tissue again deforms at the setpoint strain
(Frost 1987). The strain triggers for bone modeling and remodeling are what Frost terms
“minimum effective strain” thresholds (MES). Approximate ranges derived from strain
gage experiments (Frost 2003) include:
1. Disuse Window: Disuse-mode remodeling resorbs more bone than is formed.
2. Adapted Window: Conservation mode remodeling produces equal bone resorption
and formation above the remodeling threshold (MESr = 50–100 µε).
3. Mild Overload Window: Uncoupled bone formation begins at the modeling threshold
(MESm = 1,000–1,500 µε) and remodeling is suppressed.
4. Pathological Overload Window: Microdamage begins to accumulate faster than it can
be remodeled above the microdamage threshold (MESp = ~3,000 µε) until bone failure
at ultimate strength (~25,000 µε in young adults)

Models for Bone Functional Adaptation

Many predictive models have been proposed to explain the frequency and rate of bone
modeling and/or remodeling. Equilibrium models, following Frost’s mechanostat,
current concepts in bone biology  529

hypothesize that when a load changes, bone is added or removed until the tissue response
returns to a pre-set range. The equilibrium variable that bone seeks to maintain can vary
between models, including stress (Kummer 1988), daily tissue level stress (Beaupré et al.
1990), peak strains (Rubin and Lanyon 1984), strain energy density (Huiskes et al. 1987),
and a balance of mass, momentum, and energy (Cowin and Hegedus 1976). A challenge
for equilibrium models is that both loading environment and tissue response vary substan-
tially between skeletal sites, species, and life stages (Pearson and Lieberman 2004).
Consequently, most equilibrium models consider the target range to be inter- and intra-
skeletally variable, determined by factors including skeletal location, genetics, hormones,
and the breakdown of these physiological influences with senescence and disease (Skerry
2006). Turner (1999) explains intraskeletal variation through cellular accommodation,
where cells retain a memory of customary local strain patterns and adapt only to large,
abnormal loading deviations. Cell mechanosensivity can be altered through reorganization
of the cytoskeleton or extracellular receptors and microenvironment (Robling et al. 2006).
Bone curvature may further establish customary local strain, as it induces predictable strain
patterns across a range of dynamic load directions and magnitudes (Turner 1998). Carter
and Beaupré’s (2001) mechanobiology hypothesis accounts for variation with a biological
component, including genetic and hormonal regulation of intrinsic growth, and intraskel-
etal variation in precursor cell populations (Carter and Beaupré 2001). Intra-skeletal vari-
ability is more directly addressed by optimization models, which hypothesize that bone
remodels toward an optimal structure for a given load environment. This often involves
maximizing structural stiffness relative to the cost of adding bone mass (Bagge 2000;
Pearson and Lieberman 2004; Subbarayan and Bartel 1999). Lieberman and Crompton
use this approach to explain limb bone tapering. Distal limbs are more energetically costly
to accelerate and favor remodeling to repair strain damage over modeling to add bone mass
(Lieberman and Crompton 1998).

Principals of Bone Functional Adaptation

Starting in the 1970s, strain gauge measurements of varied species, skeletal elements,
and loading conditions established several important principles of bone functional
1. Bone adapts to dynamic strains, not static strains. A continuously applied load will
result in bone loss, while intermittent loading will result in bone apposition (Hert et al.
2. Bone adapts to local strains, not total strains. Lanyon and colleagues (1982) found that
when strain is distributed regionally, bone is modeled preferentially on the periosteal
surface of the region under higher strain, rather than uniformly around the circumfer-
ence of the bone (Lanyon et al. 1982). Over 70 percent of longitudinal forces on a
bone are not uniform axial compression, but are due to bending, where varying regions
of a cross-section are tensed or compressed by the same load (Biewener and Bertram
1993). Bone experiences higher strain (×1.9) under compression and fails more quickly
in tension (Lanyon and Baggott 1976). Bone tissue microstructure often varies mor-
phometrically between cross-sectional regions which typically experience higher-strain
compression or lower-strain tension (Stout et al. 2019).
3. Bone adaptation can be stimulated by low strains if they occur at high frequency.
Experimental strain stimulus is proportional to strain rate, which is the product of
strain magnitude and strain frequency (cycles per second). Strain rate can be increased
530  mary e. cole, james h. gosman, and samuel d. stout
either by increasing the frequency of loading or by increasing the magnitude of strain
(Turner 1998). Even extremely low-level strains (< 10 µε) stimulate bone formation at
high frequencies (20–50 Hz) (Rubin et al. 2002). While bone experiences relatively
few daily high-strain (2,000–3,000 µε), low-frequency (1–3 Hz) loading events, muscle
contractions associated with posture create continual low-strain (<5 µε), high-­frequency
(10–50 Hz) loads. Sarcopenia (muscle wasting) may contribute to age-associated bone
loss through this decline in high-frequency, low-magnitude stimuli (Ozcivici et al.
4. Bone becomes desensitized to strain, or “saturated,” after a fairly short number of load-
ing cycles (Turner 1998). Only four cycles per day are sufficient to prevent disuse-
associated bone loss, and minimal gains occur above ~40 cycles per day (Rubin and
Lanyon 1984). Numerous loading models have confirmed that inserting rest periods of
10–15 seconds between each loading cycle substantially improves adaptive response
(Meakin et al. 2014). Osteocytes sense mechanical loading through strain-induced
fluid flow within their lacunar-canalicular network. Repeated load cycles before the
fluid has redistributed may be perceived by the osteocyte as a static load, causing satu-
ration of adaptive response (Scheiner et al. 2016).

Accommodating Fatigue Repair in Equilibrium Models

In Frost’s original mechanostat model, the remodeling range does not have a high enough
setpoint to target and repair fatigue damage (Martin 2003). Human bone tissue releases
energy through creating “microcracks,” which it subsequently targets for remodeling. This
increases the total energy that the bone can withstand before fracturing (Ritchie 2011).
Estimates for the frequency of targeted remodeling range from 10 to 30 percent of all
remodeling activity (Burr and Martin 1993; Li et al. 2001), although it is theoretically pos-
sible that all BMUs are “steering” toward microdamage (Martin 2002). Hughes and col-
leagues (2020) recently refined the mechanostat model into four adaptive pathways. A
reduced strain stimulus can cause peripheral bone loss, preferentially at the endosteum,
through uncoupled resorption modeling. Bone loss can also occur through coupled disuse-
mediated remodeling, where bone formation does not equal bone resorption, increasing
cortical porosity or trabecular element thinning and loss. An increased strain stimulus
can cause peripheral, uncoupled formation modeling, preferentially at the periosteum.
High strains may also induce the coupled targeted remodeling of microdamage within the
cortex (Hughes et al. 2020).

Stochastic Remodeling and the Lazy Zone

In some equilibrium models, including the mechanostat and mechanobiology, remodeling
within the adapted range or “lazy zone” is stochastic, with minimal net change in bone
mass or architecture (Pearson and Lieberman 2004). Animal models have challenged the
concept of a strain range where bone is nonresponsive. When limbs are artificially loaded in
their natural configuration, bone adaptation tends to occur only when induced strains fall
outside the typical range. When limbs are artificially loaded in novel configurations, or with
natural loading removed, low to high strains stimulate bone resorption or formation in a
linear fashion, without an unresponsive “lazy zone.” This suggests that bone becomes non-
responsive to strain stimulus after it has adapted to the associated loading condition, rather
than being inherently unstimulated by a given strain range (Meakin et al. 2014; Sugiyama
et al. 2012).
current concepts in bone biology  531

Cellular Effectors of Bone Functional Adaptation

A cellular perspective is essential to understanding principles of bone functional adaptation.

Strain-induced fluid flow and microdamage-induced osteocyte apoptosis are the key mech-
anisms of mechanotransduction, whereby osteocytes are mechanically stimulated to trigger
bone formation or resorption. These mechanisms explain why adaptation is dynamic,
responsive to localized strain or damage, sensitive to strain frequency, and reaches loading
cycle saturation. Osteoblast and osteoclast differentiation and function are regulated by
osteocyte signaling, by self-regulation from their own cell type, by “cross-talk” from the
opposing cell type, and by endocrine factors from the physiological environment (Rauch
and Schoenau 2001).

Osteoblast Differentiation and Bone Formation

Osteoblasts deposit the organic matrix of bone, both during initial modeling and during
remodeling as replacement for resorbed bone. Their numerous cytoplasmic extensions pen-
etrate the osteoid, or unmineralized bone, as it is newly deposited. To create this osteoid,
osteoblasts secrete large amounts of type I collagen. Other chief products include osteocal-
cin, a non-collagenous protein that controls calcium deposition, and alkaline phosphatase,
which blocks pyrophosphates from inhibiting mineralization. These osteoblast-produced
factors mediate the accumulation of hydroxyapatite, or calcium phosphate, to mineralize
the matrix (Long 2012).
Osteoblasts arise from mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), which originate in the bone
marrow. Mesenchymal stem cells express RUNX2 (also called Cbfa1) as they commit to
become osteochondroprogenitors, and RUNX2 and OSX as they mature into osteopro-
genitors (Long 2012; Long and Ornitz 2013). Several families of growth factors regulate
RUNX2 expression, transcriptional activity, and downstream pathways, including BMPs
(bone morphogenetic proteins), TGF-β (transforming growth factor β), FGFs (fibroblast
growth factors), and IGFs (insulin-like growth factors). Locally produced parathyroid hor-
mone analog PTHrP (parathyroid hormone-related peptide) promotes expression of
RUNX2 and components of these growth factor pathways during early differentiation
(Plotkin and Bivi 2014; Plotkin and Bruzzaniti 2019).
RUNX2 is a transcription factor for ligands or receptors that promote osteoblast
differentiation, including hedgehog, fibroblast growth factor (FGF), parathyroid hormone-
related peptide (PTHrP), Dlx5, and Wnt signaling (Komori 2019). Canonical (β-catenin
dependent) Wnt signaling (Figure 31.1) induces OSX expression, which is necessary for
commitment to the osteoblast lineage (Long 2012). Inside the osteoblast progenitor, the
protein β-catenin is normally targeted by a multiprotein complex of Axin, APC, CK1α, and
GSK-3β. This complex phosphorylates β-catenin, marking it for proteasome-mediated deg-
radation. In canonical Wnt signaling, an extracellular Wnt ligand binds to transmembrane
proteins Frizzled and LRP5/6. DVL is recruited intracellularly and phosphorylates GSK-3,
rendering the multiprotein complex inactive. Accumulating β-catenin levels in the cytosol
stimulate its translocation to the nucleus, where it associates with TCF/LEF and CREB to
activate target gene promoters (e.g., RUNX2, OSX, Dlx5) and suppress inducers of other
mesenchymal stem cell pathways (PPARγ, C/EBPα) (Houschyar et al. 2019; Maeda et al.
2019). Canonical Wnt signaling can be inhibited by antagonists that bind to LRP5/6
receptors (sclerostin, Dickkopf-1/2, Wise/Sostdc1), accessory transmembrane proteins
that facilitate receptor inhibition (LRP4, Kremen), secreted factors that serve as decoy
receptors for Wnts (secreted Frizzled-related proteins, Wnt inhibitory factor 1), and
532  mary e. cole, james h. gosman, and samuel d. stout
secreted Wnt deacylaces that modify Wnts extracellularly (Tiki2, Notum). Wnt signaling
also self-downregulates as osteoblastogenesis progresses. The β-catenin gene targets include
the LRP5/6 antagonist sclerostin (SOST) and ubiquitin E3 ligases (ZNRF3, RNF43) that
degrade the FZD receptor (Brommage et al. 2019; Houschyar et al. 2019; Maeda et al.
2019; Plotkin and Bruzzaniti 2019).
Noncanonical (β-catenin independent) Wnt signaling promote cytoskeletal rearrange-
ment, cell polarity, and cell attachment and migration. The two major noncanonical path-
ways begin with Wnt5a (and perhaps other noncanonical Wnts), binding ROR 1/2
receptors in addition to Frizzled. In the Wnt/Ca2+ pathway, recruited DVL and G pro-
teins activate the membrane-bound enzyme PLC to cleave PIP2 into IP3 and DAG. IP3
activates the release of calcium from the endoplasmic reticulum. Increased intracellular
calcium triggers calmodulin, CaMKII, and DAG-activated PKC to cause transcription
factors NFAT, NFκB, and CREB to translocate to the nucleus. In the planar cell polarity
pathway (PCP), intracellular recruitment of DVL signals through Daam1, small GTPases
RhoA and Rac, and kinases ROCK and Jnk to promote cytoskeletal reorganization and to
activate transcription factors c-Jun and AP1 (Houschyar et al. 2019; Maeda et al. 2019;
Pivonka et al. 2018; Plotkin and Bruzzaniti 2019). Wnt binding to FZD can activate addi-
tional noncanonical pathways to increase LRP5/6 receptor expression and enhance energy
production (Maeda et al. 2019).

Osteoclast Differentiation and Bone Resorption

Osteoclasts are responsible for resorption of bone. They are polykaryons, meaning that
they have multiple nuclei resulting from the fusion of multiple progenitors. Osteoclasts
attach to the bone using integrins and seal to its surface with a podosome belt made
from rings of filamentous actin. Podosome clusters can assemble and disassemble within
minutes, promoting rapid osteoclast migration along the bone surface. Within this
sealing zone, the osteoclast plasma membrane takes on a “ruffled” appearance due to the
fusion of vesicles for secretion of its bone-resorbing products. Protons (H+) are pro-
duced from water and carbon dioxide by a carbonic anhydrase II enzyme and enter the
sealing zone through a vacuolar H+/ATPase (ATP6I). Extracellular chloride ions (Cl-)
are obtained with an HCO3-/CL- exchanger and enter the sealing zone through a chlo-
ride channel (CIC-7) in complex with transmembrane protein OSTM1. This HCl acid-
ifies the sealing zone, dissolving hydroxyapatite mineral. The exposed type I collagen is
digested through enzymes released from lysosomes, including cathepsin K, matrix metal-
loproteases, and tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP). After resorption, osteo-
clasts detach and undergo apoptosis, or cell death (Bellido et al. 2019; Plotkin and
Bruzzaniti 2019; Ross 2013).
Like osteoblasts, osteoclast progenitors are produced in bone marrow, arising from
hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs). Cytokines M-CSF and RANKL are essential for osteo-
clastogenesis (see Figure 31.1). M-CSF binds to the c-Fms receptor and signals through
ERK to transcription factor E2F, promoting proliferation of osteoclast precursors. M-CSF
induces expression of RANK on osteoclast precursor cell membranes, where it binds its
ligand RANKL. Both M-CSF and RANK signal through PI3K to AKT pathways to pro-
mote precursor survival and cytoskeletal reorganization, and through ERK to the transcrip-
tion factor MITF to promote osteoclast differentiation. RANK signaling pathways also
activate transcription factors (MITF, AP1, NFATc1, NF-κB) for osteoclast differentiation.
These signaling pathways are supported by extracellular matrix (ECM) interactions with
integrin αvβ3, and by the activation of TNF-α and IL-1 receptors. Gene targets promote
current concepts in bone biology  533

Figure 31.1 Cell signaling pathways involved in the differentiation or function of osteoblasts (top),
osteoclasts (middle), and osteocytes (bottom). Figure created with BioRender.com.
534  mary e. cole, james h. gosman, and samuel d. stout
osteoclast survival, differentiation, transmembrane proteins for fusion of mononuclear pre-
cursors (DC-STAMP, OC-STAMP), and proteins needed for acidifying the sealing zone
and resorbing the matrix (e.g., ATP6I, CIC-7, OSTM1, MMP9, TRAP, cathepsin K)
(Bellido et al. 2019; Plotkin and Bruzzaniti 2019; Takayanagi 2007).
Osteoblast lineage cells are important regulators of osteoclast differentiation. They can
promote osteoclastogenesis by secreting M-CSF and RANKL, or inhibit osteoclastogenesis
by secreting OPG (Osteoprotegerin), a decoy receptor that binds RANKL (Maeda et al.
2019) (Figure 31.1). The ratio of RANKL to OPG in the local osteoclast environment
determines whether RANKL remains in excess to bind RANK and initiate osteoclast
differentiation (Trichilo and Pivonka 2018). In osteocytes, mechanical loading suppresses
RANKL and increases OPG, inhibiting osteoclastogenesis and protecting concurrent bone
formation (Pivonka et al. 2018). In osteoblasts, OPG expression is increased through
canonical Wnt signaling, particularly Wnt16-mediated activation. Wnt16 binding to FZD
also inhibits osteoclastogenesis by blocking transcription factors NFATc1 and NF-κB.
Wnt5a binding to FZD and ROR 2 signals through JNK, recruiting c-Jun to Sp1 on the
RANK promoter to upregulate RANK expression. In mature osteoclasts, Wnt5a binding
recruits Rho through the Daam2 adapter protein, causing the Rho effector kinase PKN3
to bind to c-Src, triggering actin ring formation (Kobayashi et al. 2018; Maeda et al.
Apoptosis of osteoclasts is regulated, in part, by the release of calcium from the resorbed
matrix. Low calcium stimulates RANKL production by osteoblasts, increasing osteoclasto-
genesis. High calcium activates the osteoclast CaSR receptor and downstream pathways for
osteoclast apoptosis. Osteoblast lineage cells can also encourage osteoclast apoptosis by
down-regulating levels of RANKL and M-CSF and by secreting FasL, which binds the oste-
oclast death receptor Fas (Plotkin and Bruzzaniti 2019).

Osteocyte Mechanotransduction: Fluid Flow

Following bone formation, approximately 65 percent of osteoblasts die through apoptosis,
10 to 30 percent become embedded in the deposited osteoid and differentiate into osteo-
cytes, and the remainder differentiate into bone-lining cells or chondroid-depositing cells.
As osteocytes accumulate through many modeling and remodeling events, they compose
approximately 95 percent of all bone cells (Franz-Odendaal et al. 2006). Osteocyte cell
bodies are housed in lacunae, which are connected to other lacunae through canaliculi.
Osteocytes extend their ~ 50 dendrites into the canaliculi to communicate with other oste-
ocytes (Himeno-Ando et al. 2012).
Cowin, Weinbaum, and colleagues proposed that osteocytes sense the shear stress caused
by fluid flow within lacunar–canalicular networks (Cowin et al. 1991; Weinbaum et al.
1994). Mechanical loading creates pressure gradients that drive the flow of interstitial fluid,
causing shear stress on the osteocyte surface and drag force in its surrounding matrix.
Osteocytes are also responsive to fluid pressure, which is amplified at higher strain
frequencies, and which they may sense through the cytoskeleton. However, shear stress
appears to be the primary mechanosensory stimulus (Liu et al. 2015). Fluid flow on the
endosteal surface also promotes migration of osteoblasts and osteoclasts (Uda et al. 2017).
Hughes and colleagues suggest that this fluid flow shear stress is responsible for stimulating
formation modeling, while osteocyte apoptosis triggers resorption modeling and both dis-
use-mediated and targeted remodeling (Hughes et al. 2020).
Osteocytes sense fluid shear stress through focal adhesions and pericellular projections that
tether them to the extracellular matrix. Mineralized protrusions from the lacunar–canalicular
current concepts in bone biology  535

space form direct focal adhesions with transmembrane integrins (αVβ3) on the osteocyte cell
body and its dendrites. Pericellular transverse fibrils also extend from the osteocyte and
bridge the extracellular space. When the osteocyte is deflected against these adhesions by
fluid flow, cellular strain is amplified up to 100-fold (Liu et al. 2015; Verbruggen and
McNamara 2018).The cell volume stimulated by physiologically active strain (> 3,000 µε) is
amplified 10–40 percent by projections of the pericellular matrix and 50–420 percent by
focal adhesions of the extracellular matrix. Strain amplification is essential for osteocyte
function, as bone experiences mechanical strains of 1,000–2,000 µε, but osteocytes bio-
chemically respond to strains starting around 5,000 µε and generate a substantial response to
strains exceeding 10,000 µε (Verbruggen et al. 2012). A strain of 2,000 µε on bone is expe-
rienced as over 30,000 µε around osteocyte lacunae (Uda et al. 2017). Bending of the pri-
mary cilium of the osteocyte may also play a role in sensing fluid flow, although in a low
capacity, as such cilia exist on only ~4% of osteocytes and bone-lining cells (Verbruggen and
McNamara 2018).
Membrane stretch and strain causes an intracellular calcium influx through mechanosen-
sitive calcium channels (MSCCs) on the osteocyte plasma membrane (Hughes and Petit
2010) (Figure 31.1). Local depolarization causes further calcium influx through voltage-
sensitive calcium channels (VSCCs). ATP is then released extracellularly through vesicular
exocytosis or through hemi-channels such as Cx43. ATP binding to the ATP-gated cation
channel P2X causes further calcium influx. ATP binding to the G-protein coupled receptor
P2Y causes the membrane-bound enzyme PLC to cleave PIP2 into IP3, which activates the
release of additional calcium from the endoplasmic reticulum. Increased intracellular
calcium induces translocation of NF-κB to the nucleus, where it transcribes prostaglandin
synthase COX-2. PGE2 is synthesized by COX-2 and released extracellularly through
Cx43, where it promotes β-catenin mediated gene transcription in both osteocytes and
osteoblasts. PGE2 binding to receptor EP2 or EP4 receptors signal through cAMP/PKA
and PI3K/Akt pathways to inhibit GSK-3β, allowing β-catenin to translocate to the nucleus.
PI3K/Akt signaling is supported by estrogen (Erα) and nitric oxide. In osteocytes, β-catenin
complexed with TCF/LEF and CREB transcribes genes that support osteoblastogenesis
(Wnt3a), inhibit osteoclastogenesis (OPG), and promote osteocyte communication (Cx43),
while downregulating Wnt signaling antagonist sclerostin (Pivonka et al. 2018; Uda et al.
2017; Verbruggen and McNamara 2018).

Osteocyte Mechanotransduction: Apoptosis

Osteocyte apoptosis (cell death) can occur in response to local microdamage, triggering
targeted remodeling, or low strain, triggering resorption modeling or disuse-mediated
remodeling. Osteocyte apoptosis occurs as early as 24 hours after microdamage, with
resorption following 10 to 14 days later (Hughes et al. 2020). Linear microcracks dis-
rupt pulsatile fluid flow between osteocytes, which may cause osteocyte apoptosis by
impairing nutrient transport, destroying Cx43 gaps that facilitate osteocyte communica-
tion, and inducing hypoxia followed by oxidative stress (Ru and Wang 2020). Localized
osteocyte apoptosis triggers osteocytes in a 100–300 µm “penumbra” radius of the
damage site to upregulate RANKL and VEGF and decrease OPG expression, thereby
promoting osteoclastogenesis. These peripheral osteocytes protect themselves by
expressing the antiapoptotic protein Bcl-2 (Kennedy et al. 2012). Osteocyte apoptosis is
required for expression of osteoclastogenic factors in these “bystander” osteocytes
(Kennedy et al. 2014). The mechanism may involve the apoptotic release of extracellular
ATP through Panx1 channels (McCutcheon et al. 2020). Larger microcracks result in a
536  mary e. cole, james h. gosman, and samuel d. stout
greater RANKL increase (Mulcahy et al. 2011). Abnormally low strain also triggers oste-
ocyte apoptosis. Diffusion alone is not sufficient for osteocyte nutrient supply. In a state
of disuse, the absence of strain-induced fluid flow may cause osteocyte apoptosis through
nutrient deficiency and waste accumulation (Hughes and Petit 2010). Disuse-induced
osteocyte apoptosis also triggers expression of RANKL and downregulation of OPG
(Hughes et al. 2020).

Basic Multicellular Unit Structure and Phases of Remodeling

Remodeling requires osteocytes to coordinate action between osteoblasts and osteoclasts
through the formation of a BMU. In cortical bone, the BMU tunnels into the cortex, with
osteoclasts resorbing bone in a “cutting cone” and osteoblasts following behind in a “clos-
ing cone” to form new bone. In humans, osteons are approximately 250–300 µm in diam-
eter and up to 10 mm long and retain a central Haversian canal for the blood vessel. This
structure is called a secondary osteon, in contrast to the primary osteons that form when
modeled bone surrounds a blood vessel. In cancellous bone, the BMU sits on the exposed
surface of the trabecula. Osteoblasts resorb bone in a hemiosteon, forming a trench 60–70 µm
deep, which is then filled with bone by osteoblasts (Robling et al. 2006; Trichilo and
Pivonka 2018). The BMU is covered by a canopy of cells of mesenchymal origin, forming
the bone remodeling compartment (BRC). In cortical bone, the canopy forms over the
osteoblasts of the closing cone, and is penetrated by the central blood vessel. In cancellous
bone, the canopy forms through retraction of bone lining cells, and it is penetrated by
marrow capillaries (Eriksen 2010).
The remodeling cycle lasts about 120 days in cortical bone and 200 days in cancellous
bone, with most of this time (150 days in cancellous bone) occupied by bone formation
(Eriksen 2010). The phases of remodeling include (1) activation by osteocytes, (2) resorp-
tion by osteoclasts, (3) reversal, where resorption transitions to formation, (4) formation
by osteoblasts, (5) mineralization of the deposited osteoid, and (6) resting, or quiescence
(Verbruggen and McNamara 2018). The reversal phase, where bone resorption is coupled
to bone formation, has been a subject of recent inquiry and discovery. Baron and colleagues
(Baron 1977) identified the reversal phase when they observed large mononucleated cells
in resorption spaces (Howship’s lacunae) between the retreat of osteoclasts and the deposi-
tion of osteoid. It remained unknown for more than three decades whether these reversal
cells were post-osteoclasts or pre-osteoblasts (Dempster 2017). Immunohistochemistry
subsequently determined that reversal cells, which colonize as much as 80 percent of eroded
surfaces in bone, belong to the osteoblastic lineage. Reversal cells express Runx2 and
alkaline phosphatase, and begin to express the OSX characteristic of mature osteoblasts as
they approach the region of osteoid deposition (Andersen et al. 2013; Lassen et al. 2017).
Reversal cells clean up demineralized collagen, which is required for subsequent bone
formation, through synthesis of matrix metalloproteinases. Reversal cells also deposit the
osteopontin and collagen types I and III that compose the secondary osteon’s cement line,
which marks the extent of resorption before formation begins (Abdelgawad et al. 2016;
Andersen et al. 2013). The reversal phase is actually a “reversal–resorption” phase, as oste-
oclasts are also sparsely distributed amongst reversal cells. “Primary” osteoclasts in the tip
of the cutting cone are responsible for canal elongation, while “secondary” osteoclasts on
the walls widen the tunnel. Expansion of the canal diameter constitutes the most overall
resorption and is halted by osteoid deposition, which prevents further osteoclast activity
(Lassen et al. 2017).
current concepts in bone biology  537

Coupling Mechanisms
In order to maintain adult bone mass, the amount of bone resorbed by osteoclasts must be
“coupled” with the bone formed by osteoblasts. Sims and Martin (2014) identify four main
classes of coupling factors.
1. Matrix-derived signals: Stored growth factors are released from the bone matrix by
osteoclast resorption. These include TGF- β, BMP-2, IGFs, and platelet-derived
growth factor (PDGF-bb), which promote osteoblastic differentiation, as discussed by
Sims and Martin (2014).
2. Osteoclast-secreted factors: Active and inactive osteoclasts secrete factors that pro-
mote osteoblastogenesis and mature osteoblast function, including Wnt10b, CTHRC1
(a Wnt signaling modulator), BMP-6, cardiotrophin-1 (an IL-6 member), sphingo-
sine-1-phosphate (a lipid mediator), and complement factor 3a (Sims and Martin
2014). Nonresorbing osteoclasts also secrete afamin to stimulate pre-osteoblast migra-
tion (Kim et al. 2012). TRAP expressed by osteoclasts is taken up by adjacent reversal
cells and may promote their osteoblastogenesis (Abdelgawad et al. 2016).
3. Osteoclast membrane-expressed factors: Bidirectional signaling can occur through
the physical connection of factors expressed on osteoclast and reversal cell membranes.
Bone formation is promoted by osteoclast ephrinB2 and osteoblast EphB4 bidirec-
tional signaling, which increases osteoblastogenesis through Runx2 activation and
represses osteoclastogenesis through decreasing c-Fos and NFATc1 expression.
Osteoclastogenesis can also be inhibited by osteoclast neutrophilin-1 and plexin-A1
binding to osteoblast Semaphorin 3A (Plotkin and Bruzzaniti 2019). Conversely, the
transition to bone formation can be delayed by bidirectional signaling that inhibits
osteoblastogenesis and promotes osteoclastogenesis. This includes osteoclastic eph-
rinA2 to osteoblastic EphA2 signaling and osteoclastic semaphorin 4D to osteoblastic
plexin-B1 signaling (Abdelgawad et al. 2016; Plotkin and Bruzzaniti 2019).
4. Topographical changes: Osteoblast packing may be one mechanism by which osteo-
blasts sense the size and shape of resorption pits. Osteoid deposition appears to occur
only once osteoprogenitors have reached a threshold cell density. This may be associ-
ated with acquisition of a cuboidal shape by packed osteoblasts, which is associated with
collagen secretion. Slower osteoprogenitor recruitment extends the length of the
reversal–resorption phase and expands the osteon’s diameter (Lassen et al. 2017).

Physiological Influences on Bone Growth and Bone Loss

Hormones are key regulators of longitudinal growth. Long bones form through endochon-
dral ossification, where a hyaline cartilage template is replaced with bone, starting in pri-
mary (diaphyseal) and secondary (epiphyseal) ossification centers. The cartilage growth
plates at either end are ossified by osteoblasts adjacent to the primary ossification center,
mineralized by hypertrophic chondrocytes intermediately, and lengthened by proliferating
chondrocytes most distally (Long and Ornitz 2013; Mackie et al. 2011). Growth hor-
mone (somatotropin) induces the liver and growth plate chondrocytes to produce IGF-1,
which stimulates chondrocyte proliferation, along with osteoblastogenesis, as discussed.
IGF-2 is produced by growth plate chondrocytes directly and is required for embryonic
growth (Mackie et al. 2011). Growth hormone also directly stimulates pre-chondrocyte
proliferation at the growth plate. Thyroid hormone T3 downregulates proliferation and
538  mary e. cole, james h. gosman, and samuel d. stout
increases hypertrophy of growth plate chondrocytes, while promoting mature osteoblast
activity and osteoblast mediation of osteoclastogenesis. Sex steroids mediate the effects of
the growth hormone/IFG-1 axis on longitudinal bone growth. During puberty, low levels
of estrogen in females and testosterone aromatized to estrogen in males triggers growth
hormone and IGF-1 production for the growth spurt. In late puberty, rising estrogen levels
close the growth plate and stimulate epiphyseal fusion (Bellido and Gallant 2019).
Increasing bone length and body mass during growth increases bending strains on long
bones, triggering the radial expansion of their cross-sections (Rauch and Schoenau 2001;
Stout et al. 2019). Sex steroids play a key role in radial expansion and maintenance.
Testosterone promotes periosteal bone formation, but estrogen stimulates endosteal bone
formation while inhibiting periosteal formation. Estrogens are secreted by the ovaries in
females and aromatized from androgens in males (Bellido and Gallant 2019). Estrogen
receptor ERα may increase mechanical adaptation, particularly at the endosteum and in tra-
becular bone, by activating loading-induced β-catenin signaling, sensitizing PGE2 sig-
naling, and upregulating Cx43 expression for osteocyte communication. ERβ has been
suggested to compete with ERα to suppress mechanical adaptation at the periosteal surface.
Murine experiments suggest sex differences in estrogen-sensitized responses to loading
(Pivonka et al. 2018). When estrogen levels decline in females at menopause, the activation
frequency of resorption increases by 33 percent and the endosteum is increasingly resorbed
(Han et al. 1997). Testosterone is secreted mainly by the testes in males, and by the ovaries,
adrenal glands, and through sex steroid conversion in adipose and other peripheral tissues
in females (Bellido and Gallant 2019). Males exceed females in cross-sectional bone dimen-
sions during and after menopause, with testosterone-driven expansion of the periosteal
radius during aging (Martin 1993). Bone distributed further from the neutral axis is more
mechanically effective. Males only need to restore approximately 30 percent of endosteal
bone loss through periosteal apposition in order to retain bone bending strength (Martin
1993). However, starting around age 70, males can experience accelerated cortical bone
loss in association with declining levels of bioavailable testosterone and the estrogen hor-
mone estradiol (Khosla et al. 2005). Mechanically-induced bone turnover is also modulated
over the lifespan by hormones and other factors involved in calcium–phosphate balance
(parathyroid hormone, vitamin D), metabolism (insulin, leptin), the immune system (inter-
leukins), and stress (glucocorticoids) (Bellido and Gallant 2019; Takayanagi 2007).
The physiological disregulation of aging also alters the microstructural products of
remodeling. Bone resorption is accelerated through declining sex steroids, reduced physical
activity, and increased microdamage to brittle tissue. Bone formation is concurrently
reduced by osteoblast and osteocyte senescence in sensitivity, function, and survival (Infante
and Rodríguez 2018). By decoupling these cellular processes from their mechanical trig-
gers, bone tissue becomes less adapted to its typical loading environment, increasing fra-
gility and fracture risk. We have previously reviewed age-associated changes in the mechanical
patterning of cortical bone, including increased cortical porosity and pore system coales-
cence, decreased osteocyte lacunar density, smaller and more circular secondary osteons,
and accumulated microdamage (Stout et al. 2019). Studies of the ontogenetic patterning
of human trabecular bone indicate a broad similarity across mechanical sites (humerus,
femur, and tibia), with a significant mechanical influence from human bipedal locomotion
(Gosman et al. 2018). Trabecular bone loss begins during sex steroid sufficiency, potentially
due to declines in serum IGF-I and growth hormone secretion after age 20. Before age 50,
lifetime trabecular bone loss reaches 37 percent in females and 42 percent in males, com-
pared to lifetime cortical bone loss of 6 percent in females and 15 percent in males (Riggs
current concepts in bone biology  539

et al. 2008). Males preferentially experience trabecular thinning. Females tend to decline in
trabecular number, which reduces bone strength more than trabecular thinning. This may
contribute to a higher fracture risk in females (Khosla et al. 2005).


In this chapter, we summarized current mechanobiological concepts in skeletal biology. We

reviewed principles of bone functional adaptation, cellular effectors of mechanical loading,
and some physiological factors that modify mechanical adaptation over the lifespan. Bone
tissue can be a useful proxy of physical behavior, health, and aging. It is important to rec-
ognize the complex interplay of mechanical, genetic, and physiological influences on its


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CHAPTER 32 Deducing Attributes of
Dental Growth and
Development from
Fossil Hominin Teeth

Debbie Guatelli-Steinberg

In 1667, Niels Stensen (also known as “Steno”) had an epiphany while dissecting a shark.
Its teeth were uncannily similar to commonly found pieces of rock known as glossopetrae or
“tongue stones,” then considered to have magical powers. Steno recognized the true iden-
tity of these “tongue stones” as fossilized shark teeth (Maisey 1997). Indeed, much of the
vertebrate fossil record consists of teeth, largely because teeth are the hardest elements of
the skeleton (Hillson 1996). The same is true of the human fossil record (although fossil-
ized shark teeth are much more common than those of humans, as sharks lose hundreds of
teeth during their lives and have been around since the Devonian period).
The hardest component of teeth is enamel, the outer covering of dental crowns, where
96 percent of mature enamel is mineral, composed of hydroxyapatite – a crystalline calcium
phosphate (Nanci 2008). No cells are contained in mature enamel, so that, once it is
formed, enamel cannot regrow in the way bone can (Nanci 2008)). Incremental growth
layers in enamel, somewhat analogous to tree-rings, can therefore be preserved for millen-
nia in fossilized enamel. As enamel in different teeth is formed throughout the span of time
between the prenatal period and late childhood (Hillson 1996), the study of enamel growth
in human fossil ancestors provides a unique window into growth and development during
the early years of life.
Here, I will describe the basic biology of enamel growth and highlight three topics of
paleoanthropological inquiry to which the analysis of enamel growth layers yields insights.
The first of these is the evolution of human life history. In an evolutionary context, the
phrase “life history” most simply refers to “a series of growth and maturational phases ulti-
mately related to the scheduling of reproduction and lifetime reproductive output” (Kelley
and Smith 2003). These phases include, or are related to, the gestation period, age at wean-
ing, age at sexual maturity and first breeding, interbirth intervals, and longevity. Among

A Companion to Biological Anthropology, Second Edition. Edited by Clark Spencer Larsen.

© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
deducing attributes of dental growth and development  545

primates, humans have the most prolonged life histories, with particularly long periods of
juvenile growth, commonly referred to as “childhood” (Bogin 1997). Our protracted
periods of juvenile growth may be related to the very high energy requirements of growing
our large brains. Indeed, during childhood energy saved from reduced somatic growth rates
appears to be diverted to brain growth (Kuzawa et al. 2014). The study of enamel growth
in fossil hominins has made, and continues to make, major contributions to our under-
standing of when our extended period of childhood growth and development evolved.
While analyzing enamel growth in fossils, researchers have found differences among
species (or groups of hominins) in the way in which enamel is formed. Analyzing patterns
of enamel growth formation is therefore a second area of inquiry, related to the first, and
one that provides insight into differences in growth processes among various species. The
third area of research the study of enamel growth addresses is that of physiological stress in
fossil hominins. Periods of malnutrition or bouts of disease can disrupt enamel growth,
leaving permanent records of these events in fossilized enamel (Hillson 1996). A great deal
more has been accomplished in each of these three areas than can be touched upon in this
introductory essay. Nevertheless, this essay hits some of the high points involved in the
study of hominin enamel growth.

Background: The Incremental Nature of Enamel Growth

From inside out, a tooth crown consists of three major tissues: pulp, dentine, and enamel
(Figure 32.1). Pulp is a soft tissue surrounded by dentine, a hard tissue that is 70 percent
mineralized. The harder and more brittle enamel covering of the tooth crown gains some
protection from fracture through the shock-absorbing quality of the softer dentine, which
underlies it (Nanci 2008). The following general account of enamel formation is summa-
rized from descriptions by Nanci (2008) – except where otherwise noted.
Enamel begins to form at the cusp tip of a crown. In response to the first formed dentine,
enamel-forming cells called “ameloblasts” secrete an organic matrix of proteins that serves
the purpose of “accepting” minerals. Ameloblasts continue to differentiate from epithelial
cells sequentially, along the presumptive enamel–dentine junction, in response to the

Figure 32.1 Internal structure of a tooth.

546  debbie guatelli-steinberg
sequential formation of dentine along the length of the crown. The rate at which amelo-
blast differentiation occurs is known as the “enamel extension rate” (Shellis 1984). As ame-
loblasts become functional, they migrate away from the enamel–dentine junction and
toward what will eventually become the enamel surface, secreting the enamel matrix as they
go. During this first step, which is the secretory stage of enamel formation, enamel reaches
a state of 30 percent mineralization. After ameloblasts have formed the full thickness of the
enamel, they undergo morphological changes associated with the maturation stage of
enamel formation, as they cycle between removing water and organic components of the
matrix and introducing an additional mineral. Enamel reaches its fully mineralized state at
the end of the maturation stage.
The incremental nature of enamel growth is reflected in microstructural details of the
enamel formed during the secretory stage. Aside from a small portion of the enamel formed
first and last, the enamel formed by each ameloblast has a rod-like structure, and therefore
is often referred to as an enamel rod (or alternatively as an enamel prism; Dean 1987).
Enamel rods reflect the path of the ameloblasts which formed them (Risnes 1986) (Figure
32.2). In enamel thin sections viewed through a transmitted light microscope, fine lines
known as “cross-striations” cross-cut the enamel rods. Over the length of the rod cross-
striations appear to form at regular intervals (Dean 1987; see Figure 32.2). Experimental
studies from the 1930s first suggested that cross-striations are formed according to a circa-
dian rhythm (that is, a twenty-four-hour rhythm; for a review, see Dean 1987). Bromage
(1991) produced experimental confirmation of this rhythm. The exact physiological
mechanism(s) underlying this rhythm are not known, but daily variations in the metabolic
activity of ameloblasts may underlie the daily rhythm of cross-striations (Boyde 1979; Dean
1987; Fitzgerald 1998).
Cross-striations are sometimes referred to as short-period increments, so as to differen-
tiate them from a second kind of incremental growth, present in enamel, which is repre-
sented by long-period increments (Dean 2000). When viewed under a transmitted light
microscope, long-period increments in enamel appear as dark lines traversing a series of
enamel rods (Figure 32.2 is an idealized diagram). More commonly, long-period incre-
ments in the enamel are called “striae of Retzius” (Hillson 1996), after their discoverer
Anders Retzius, a Swedish anatomist of the nineteenth century.
Striae of Retzius are actually a series of growth layers in a three-dimensional tooth. These
growth layers are formed when all the ameloblasts along the enamel-forming front (Figure
32.2) simultaneously slow their secretion of the enamel matrix (Dean 1987). It has long

Figure 32.2 Diagram showing how enamel layers form during tooth formation. See the text for
further details.
deducing attributes of dental growth and development  547

been assumed that the simultaneous slowing of secretory ameloblasts occurs at regular
intervals throughout all of the teeth of an individual (Dean 1987; FitzGerald 1998),
reflecting a systemic physiological growth rhythm. Recent studies, however, have shown
that different tooth types (deciduous vs. permanent; anterior permanent vs. posterior
permanent) of the same individual may have slightly different long-period enamel growth
rhythms (e.g., Mahoney et al. 2016; McFarlane et al. 2021). Given that whole classes of the
dentition appear to retain a common rhythm, these recent studies are not entirely inconsis-
tent with the notion that there is yet a systemic growth rhythm underlying the formation of
straie of Retzius. It could be that this fundamental rhythm is altered locally, within tooth
types. The source of this rhythm is still a biological mystery, though it has been suggested
that it might originate from the suprachiasmic nucleus of the hypothalamus (SCN), an area
of the brain that is linked to circadian rhythms (Bromage et al. 2012).
In humans, the average stria of Retzius interval is eight or nine days, ranging from a
minimum of six to a maximum of 12 (Reid and Dean 2006). To determine this interval,
one counts the number of daily increments or cross-striations that fall between the striae of
Retzius. This count, in days, is then referred to as the “periodicity” of the striae.
In a tooth’s cuspal or occlusal enamel, the striae of Retzius (layers in three dimensions)
cover each other in a series of domes, and so they are not visible from the tooth’s surface
(Figure 32.3). Thus, in cuspal enamel, the striae of Retzius are sometimes called “hidden”
or “buried” increments. However, on the sides of a tooth, in a tooth’s lateral enamel, the
striae of Retzius form a series of layered planes in three dimensions, which are called
“Retzius planes.” These “growing planes” actually emerge on to the surface of enamel
(Figures 32.3 and 32.4). In the lateral enamel, the growth layers are no longer buried. The
surface manifestations of Retzius planes are known as “perikymata” (a plural form of the
noun “perikyma”). The name is based on the ancient Greek noun kyma (or kuma), meaning
“wave.” This choice was inspired by the wave-like “crests” and “troughs” which perikymata
exhibit (Hillson 1996; see Figures 32.3 and 32.4).
With the aid of a microscope, perikymata can be directly observed and counted on fossil
enamel surfaces, as long as they have not been worn or eroded away. As perikymata are sur-
face manifestations of the striae of Retzius, they have exactly the same periodicity of the
striae in any given tooth. By counting all the perikymata from the cusp of the tooth to its
cervix (the “bottom” of the tooth), and by considering a range of possible periodicities, an
estimated range can be calculated for the time a fossil tooth’s lateral enamel took to form.

Figure 32.3 Illustration of the relationship between internal and external enamel growth layers in
tooth enamel.
548  debbie guatelli-steinberg

Figure 32.4 Scanning electron micrograph of a Neanderthal incisor enamel surface showing the
wave-like horizontally oriented structures called perikymata.

Ideally, one would want to have a way of looking inside fossil teeth – through natural
fractures, thin-sectioning, or synchrotron techniques (Smith and Tafforeau 2008) – to be
able to determine the exact periodicity of the perikymata. The use of X-ray synchrotron
microtomography has transformed the study of enamel growth and development in our
ancestors (e.g., Smith et al. 2010; Smith and Tafforeau 2008; Xing et al. 2019), making it
possible to ascertain multiple aspects of enamel growth. Much of the foundational work on
this topic, however, was limited to enamel surfaces, relying on perikymata to obtain esti-
mates of lateral enamel formation time. These earlier studies of fossil teeth focused on
counting perikymata on anterior teeth (incisors and canines) rather than on posterior teeth
(premolars and molars) – since in the former a much smaller proportion of overall enamel
formation time is hidden in the cuspal region (Hillson and Bond 1997).

Enamel Growth and The Tempo of Fossil Hominin Life Histories

The pace of a primate species’ life history is related to its rate of dental development. B. H.
Smith (1989, 1991, and 1992) demonstrated this relationship clearly, particularly with
respect to the age at which the first permanent molar erupts. Her analyses of 21 species of
primates from diverse taxonomic groups showed that the age at which the first molar
emerges into the oral cavity is highly correlated with life history variables such as gestation
length, weaning age, and age at sexual maturity in females. This relationship exists largely
because skeletal growth is slower in species with bigger brains and longer life histories, so
that molars cannot emerge into the jaw until the jaw grows big enough to accommodate
them (Smith 1992). Larger-brained species with slow life histories tend to have later first
molar eruption ages than smaller-brained species with faster life histories. The first molars
erupt in humans at around six years of age (Hillson 1996). Hence some refer to these teeth
deducing attributes of dental growth and development  549

as our “six-year-old” molars. Chimpanzees, humans’ closest primate relatives, have brains
approximately one-fourth to one-third the size of human brains and an age of first molar
eruption that is two to three years earlier than that of humans (Zihlman et al. 2004).
The periodicity of striae of Retzius itself appears to have a relationship to the pace of life
history across living primates. Bromage et al. (2009, 2012) found strong positive correla-
tions between primate species’ average periodicities and several life history variables. Thus,
for example, fast growing ring-tailed lemurs have average periodicities of 2 to 3 days (Hogg
et al. 2015) and are weaned much earlier than orangutans, which have average periodicities
ranging from 9 to 12 days (McGrath et al. 2019) and are not fully weaned until 7 to 9 years
of age (Schuppli et al. 2016).
Armed with this comparative perspective that links aspects of enamel growth to life his-
tory, researchers have used, and continue to use, growth increments in fossil hominin tooth
enamel to track the evolution of human life histories. Early human ancestors, such as
Australopithecus, had small brains, not much larger than those of chimpanzees (Smith and
Tompkins 1995). Thus, on the basis of the relationship between brain size and first molar
eruption, Smith (1991) argued that Australopithecus would have had an age of first molar
eruption closer to that of chimpanzees than to that of humans. Bromage and Dean (1985)
and Beynon and Dean (1988) actually demonstrated that this was true by counting the
perikymata on the surfaces of the anterior (incisor and canine) teeth of early hominins.
Their analysis of Australopithecus afarensis specimen LH2 (from Laetoli, Tanzania, dated to
approximately 3.7 mya) illustrates their approach. This ancient hominin died at the point
when the lower central incisor crown had just completed its growth and when the first
molar had already erupted into the oral cavity. The lower central incisor had 130 perikymata
on its lateral surface. Assuming a seven-day periodicity, about average for early hominins
(Lacruz et al. 2008), these 130 perikymata represent approximately 2.5 years of growth.
Adding an estimate for the age at which the first incisor begins to calcify (approximately 0.5
years after birth in humans) and an estimate for the “buried” Retzius planes in the cuspal
enamel (approximately 0.5 years in human teeth), Beynon and Dean (1988) concluded that
the LH2 individual was approximately 3.5 years of age at death. Clearly, with a first molar
having already erupted at this age, this Australopithecus afarensis individual had a rate of
dental development far more similar to that of a chimpanzee than to that of a modern
human! Other specimens of Australopithecus and Paranthropus examined by these two
researchers were similarly accelerated in their dental development.
More recently, Smith et al. (2015) used X-ray synchrotron microtomography to examine
early hominin fossil teeth, finding greater variability in their enamel growth and development
than previously realized. The use of synchrotron imaging allowed them to obtain exact
periodicities for early hominin fossil teeth, to ascertain periods of growth in the cuspal
region of the tooth, and to ultimately produce precise estimates of age at death. (The only
unknown component of these authors’ estimates was the age of tooth initiation.) Comparing
the age at death of these fossil hominins with dental developmental charts of modern
humans, Smith et al. (2015) found that although all early hominins had achieved states of
dental development that were more advanced than similarly aged modern children, they
were not all equally advanced. Nevertheless, the point stands that early hominin dental
development was faster than that of modern humans. The median periodicities of early
hominins (Australopithecus, Paranthropus, and early Homo) also bear out this conclusion,
with those of early hominins having significantly lower periodicities than do people today
(Hogg et al. 2020). Because fast growing modern human primates have lower periodicities
than slower-growing primates, the lower average periodicities of early human ancestors also
suggest they had an overall more rapid pace of growth than we humans do today.
550  debbie guatelli-steinberg
The first glimmerings of growth prolongation in our ancestors occurred with Homo
­erectus, a species with a brain that was larger than that of Australopithecus but smaller than
our own brain (Smith and Tompkins 1995). Dean and colleagues (2001), using more com-
plex histological methods than can be described here on crown and root sections of the
Javanese Homo erectus specimen Sangiran S-37, estimated that, in this individual, the first
molar emergence would have occurred around 4.4 years of age. These researchers were also
able to count perikymata on the anterior teeth of WT-15000, the “Nariokotome boy” (a
remarkable, nearly complete skeleton of an African Homo erectus individual). Interestingly,
for this specimen, estimates of overall crown formation time based on these counts fell well
within the estimated range for Australopithecus, and below the estimated range for modern
humans (Dean et al. 2001). Furthermore, these researchers determined that enamel
formation in the Nariokotome boy’s lower canine was completed at the age of four years.
Dean and colleagues argued that, if the Nariokotome boy was like modern humans in com-
pleting enamel formation in his lower canine at the time of M1 emergence, then his first
molar would have emerged at approximately four years of age. Hence these data on the
enamel formation time and on the estimated first molar emergence in Homo erectus suggest
only a minimal shift toward the prolongation of growth in this species. Indeed, it is one of
the fascinating aspects of the Nariokotome boy that analysis of enamel yields an age at death
of eight years, with an approximate height of five feet, three inches. This is, perhaps needless
to say, a bit tall for an eight-year-old boy!
So, when did growth periods of the same length as those of modern humans evolve?
Bermúdez de Castro and colleagues (1999) reported a modern human pattern of dental
development in the 0.8-million-year-old hominins from Atapuerca-TD6 (Spain). The state
of relative development in pairs of each individual’s anterior and posterior teeth was similar
to that displayed by modern humans. Similarities in relative dental development can, how-
ever, belie differences in the absolute time it takes to form the dentition. For example, the
nearly simultaneous eruption of first molars and first incisors in both Paranthropus and
Homo sapiens (Bromage 1990) does not imply that these two taxa shared the same absolute
rate of development. Based on the work of Beynon and Dean (1988), we know that they
did not, despite this similarity in their relative dental development.
T. Smith and co-workers (Smith et al. 2007) used X-ray synchrotron microtomography
to “look inside” the teeth of the approximately 300,000-year-old remains of one of the
Jebel Irhoud specimens from Morocco, a site with the oldest known modern humans in the
fossil record. In so doing, they found this specimen to have the highest periodicity – ten
days – among all hominin fossils yet known. These researchers determined that overall
enamel formation times in the teeth of this specimen, which were large by modern human
standards, were actually greater than those of modern humans. Furthermore, Smith and
colleagues determined that this individual died at the age of 7.78 years, when its other teeth
(premolars and molars) were at stages of development comparable to those of a modern
European child of the same chronological age.
Our research team, led by Song Xing, used synchrotron X-ray microtomography to
examine dental growth and development in the more morphologically archaic but also
more recent Xujiayao fossil hominin juvenile from China, dated to between 100,000 and
224,000 years before present (Xing et al. 2019). Our analyses revealed an age at death of
approximately 6.5 years (Xing et al. 2019) and a stage of dental development comparable
to that of some modern human population groups (Xing et al. 2020). Notably, Xujiayao 1,
like Jebel Irhoud, had a periodicity of ten days.
If the archaic hominin Xujiayao and early modern humans like Jebel Irhoud had growth
periods similar to our own, then were Neandertals also like us in this regard? With brain
deducing attributes of dental growth and development  551

sizes similar to, or greater than, those of modern humans, Neandertals might be expected
to have had prolonged juvenile growth periods. Though much has been published on
dental growth and development in Neanderthals – perikymata studies: e.g., Ramirez-Rozzi
and Bermudez de Castro (2004); Guatelli-Steinberg et al. (2005); dental development and
eruption studies, e.g., Macchiarelli et al. (2006), Smith et al. (2010), Rosas et al. (2017) –
the answer to this question has proven surprisingly elusive. For example, Macchiarelli et al.
(2006) estimated the age of first molar eruption in the La Chaise Neandertal from France
(Macchiarelli et al. 2006) at 6.7 years of age, quite close to the 6.4 years of age which B. H.
Smith and Tompkins (1995) had predicted on the basis of the Neandertal brain size.
However, T. Smith and colleagues (2010) analyzed dental development in six Neanderthals
using X-ray synchrotron microtomography, revealing more accelerated rates of dental
development. Finally, Rosas et al. (2017) found the El Sidrón Neanderthal to have
comparable rates of dental development to that of modern humans. Are there methodolog-
ical differences that might explain these apparent contradictions? Or is it perhaps simply
that over time and space, Neandertals varied greatly in the amount of time their teeth took
to develop, some of them being more like modern humans than others?

Variation in Enamel Growth Patterns

While studying enamel growth in early hominins, Beynon and Dean (1988) noted a
difference between Australopithecus and Paranthropus. In the former, perikymata became
much more compact in the final (cervical) third of the crown to form. In the latter, periky-
mata were more evenly distributed, as well as absolutely more widely spaced over the entire
length of the crown. The authors attributed the wider spacing of perikymata in Paranthropus
to fast enamel extension rates (the rate at which new ameloblasts along the enamel–dentine
junction are recruited to form enamel). Beynon and Wood (1987) had previously examined
naturally fractured teeth of Paranthropus, finding very rapid extension rates in this genus.
Consistently faster extension rates in Paranthropus may have resulted in more widely spaced,
and thus fewer, perikymata on their enamel surfaces. Beynon and Wood (1987) noted that
the rapidity with which enamel was formed in Paranthropus was especially interesting given
the great thickness of this species’ enamel. Paranthropus was building large teeth with thick
enamel in a hurry!
Although the wide spacing of perikymata in Paranthropus appears to reflect its rapid rate
of enamel extension, one cannot assume as a rule that the spacing of perikymata along the
surface reflects the enamel extension rate along the enamel–dentine junction. Other vari-
ables such as periodicity, the rate of enamel secretion, enamel thickness, and the course of
the striae of Retzius may also affect the absolute spacing of perikymata on the enamel sur-
face (Schwartz and Dean 2001). Further, it is important to note that the absolute spacing
of perikymata on the enamel surface (perikymata per mm) is not the same thing as the
distribution pattern of perikymata over the tooth crown, which can be defined as the
percentage of total perikymata present in each tenth (decile) of a tooth’s crown height
(Dean and Reid 2001). Some species pack their perikymata in the more cervical deciles of
the tooth’s crown height, while others have perikymata distributed more evenly (Dean and
Reid 2001). Figure 32.4 shows a scanning electron micrograph image of a Neanderthal
tooth surface that has a more even distribution of perikymata than do modern humans, for
whom perikymata become very closely spaced toward the cervix, as depicted in Figure 32.3.
The distribution pattern of perikymata on any tooth reflects changes in the rate of enamel
formation as measured along the enamel surface, but again, that variation can be produced
552  debbie guatelli-steinberg
by several underlying mechanisms. Despite our uncertainty about what exact growth
processes underly the perikymata distribution patterns of different species, what has become
clear is that modern humans depart from most recent members of the Homo genus (from
Homo erectus on) in their enamel growth patterns (Guatelli-Steinberg et al. 2007; Modesto-
Mata et al. 2020; Ramirez-Rozzi and Bermudez de Castro, 2004). In other words, we
modern humans appear to be derived in this regard, as we are in many other aspects of our
anatomy, relative to these earlier members of our genus. It has been suggested that this
modern human growth pattern in enamel may reflect the longer periods over which modern
humans form their crowns (Modesto-Mata et al. 2020).
To complicate matters, our research team found that the recently discovered small-
brained hominin Homo naledi, a contemporary of Neanderthals and anatomically modern
humans, exhibits a unique perikymata distribution pattern (Guatelli-Steinberg et al. 2018),
with extremely packed perikymata in the cervical regions of its teeth. In essence, Homo
naledi appears to be even more derived in its perikymata distribution than are modern
humans, with an apparent greater slowing of enamel formation along the enamel surface as
the crown grows from cusp to cervix.
What we really need is some work on evaluating what these diverging patterns may mean –
do they represent changes in energy allocation during the span of enamel formation that
might ultimately tell us something about the evolution of life history? Do similar periky-
mata distribution patterns reflect similar underlying enamel growth mechanisms?
Alternatively, are these patterns simply features of enamel formation unrelated to life history
that change over time as species diversify?

Enamel Growth Disruptions

While different species exhibit different enamel growth patterns, another area of inquiry
into enamel growth involves the analysis of disruptions during the normal course of enamel
growth. Such disruptions can be caused by physiological stress, such as malnutrition, during
the period of tooth development. When these stresses disrupt ameloblasts (enamel-produc-
ing cells) during the secretory phase of enamel formation (Goodman and Rose 1990; Ten
Cate 1994), they can cause enamel hypoplasias – areas of reduced enamel thickness in the
form of pits, horizontal grooves, exposed enamel growth planes, and occasionally even
missing enamel (Hillson and Bond 1997; Fédération Dentaire Internationale 1982, 1992).
Once formed, these defects become permanent features of the crown, unless the defects are
worn away by abrasion or attrition. For these reasons, and because teeth are the most abun-
dant of skeletal remains, enamel hypoplasias have become one of the most important sources
of information about systemic physiological stress in fossil hominins (e.g., Bombin 1990;
Brennan 1991; Brunet et al. 2002; Guatelli-Steinberg 2003, 2004; Guatelli-Steinberg et al.
2004; Hutchinson et al. 1997; Molnar and Molnar 1985; Ogilvie et al. 1989; White 1978).
Linear enamel hypoplasia (LEH) is the most common type of hypoplastic defect; it takes
the form of “furrows” on the enamel surface (Hillson and Bond 1997). Among the differ-
ent types of hypoplastic defects, LEH has the greatest potential to reveal information about
the duration of enamel growth disturbances. This potential resides in the crucial facts about
enamel formation discussed earlier and in the nature of LEH defects themselves. In a LEH
defect, growth disruptions cause ameloblasts to prematurely stop secreting enamel matrix,
which results in the exposure of wider than normal portions of the Retzius planes at the
enamel surface. Thus, perikymata are clearly associated with LEH defects and can therefore
be used to estimate the duration of disruptions in enamel growth (Hillson and Bond 1997).
deducing attributes of dental growth and development  553

Figure 32.5 The internal anatomy of a linear hypoplastic furrow-form defect (see the text for an

In my earlier studies, I attempted to use the perikymata in LEH defects for estimating the
duration of growth disruptions in fossil hominins (Guatelli-Steinberg 2003, 2004; Guatelli-
Steinberg et al. 2004). Through microscopic investigation, Hillson and Bond (1997) deter-
mined that perikymata are more widely spaced than normal in the occlusal walls of
hypoplastic furrows, and that these “occlusal wall” perikymata therefore reflect the period
of disrupted growth. Perikymata in the cervical wall of a defect represent instead a return to
normal growth (Hillson and Bond 1997). Figure 32.5 is a diagram showing a linear defect’s
occlusal and cervical walls and the perikymata they comprise. If perikymata can be seen
within a defect on an actual tooth crown, then the duration of disrupted growth can be
Enamel hypoplasias in Neandertals are of particular interest because researchers have
argued that Neandertals lived under conditions of nutritional stress and were inefficient
foragers (e.g., Trinkaus 1986; but see Sorensen and Leonard 2001). Several early studies of
developmental defects in the enamel of Neandertals indicated that these hominins had
relatively high frequencies of enamel hypoplasia (Brennan 1991; Molnar and Molnar 1985;
Ogilvie et al. 1989; Skinner 1996). However, Hutchinson and colleagues (1997) found
that these high frequencies are matched by similar frequencies in various prehistoric for-
aging and horticultural populations.
I compared the LEH defects of Neandertals to those of Inupiaq inhabitants of Point
Hope, Alaska (Guatelli-Steinberg et al. 2004). Many of the Neandertal specimens included
in my study derived from unstable (Hutchinson et al. 1997) or cold environments (Schwartz
and Tattersall 2002). The marginal Arctic habitats of the Point Hope Inupiaq would also
have imposed harsh living conditions. Stable isotope analyses suggest that Neandertals may
have been predominantly, though not exclusively (e.g., Hardy et al. 2012), meat eaters
(Bocherens et al. 1999; Richards et al. 2000). The Inupiaq also included a large portion of
meat and fish in their diets (Larsen and Rainey 1948). If Neandertals were less efficient for-
agers than the Point Hope Inupiaq, then they might be expected to have recorded, in their
enamel, evidence of having withstood stress episodes of longer duration. The evidence I
obtained from counting perikymata within Neandertal defects did not, however, support
this view. In fact, based on counting perikymata within defects, the average estimated dis-
ruption time for Neandertals was slightly shorter than that for the Inupiaq.
It is obvious that Neandertals must have experienced physiological stress; the presence of
LEH makes this clear. The comparison with the Inupiaq, however, tells us that there may
be reason to doubt that Neandertals were more stressed (through malnutrition or disease)
than Inupiaqs. Hutchinson and colleagues (1997) essentially reached the same conclusion
554  debbie guatelli-steinberg
in their comparison of LEH frequencies in Neandertals and various modern human for-
aging groups: the Neanderthal stress experience may have been high, but is not so unusual.
Most recently, our research team, led by Kate McGrath (2021) analyzed the depth of
enamel defects in Neanderthals using 3-D enamel profilometry. Defect depth, in part, may
reflect the severity of stress (McGrath et al. 2021). Our study found that compared to many
modern human archaeological samples, Neanderthals did not have deeper defects, and that
was true even when the defects were scaled to the depth of normal perikymata on their
enamel surfaces (McGrath et al. 2021).
I have also examined linear enamel hypoplasias in early Homo, Australopithecus, and
Paranthropus (Guatelli-Steinberg 2003, 2004). Unfortunately, comparisons across these
genera are complicated by the large differences among them in the duration and manner in
which they form enamel. Thus, it is not at all clear exactly what the LEH differences among
them might mean in terms of differences in their experience of stress. For example, I found
that, of all these early hominins, Paranthropus has fewer average LEH defects per tooth.
However, I do not think that this result can be clearly interpreted to mean that Paranthropus
experienced less physiological stress than these other hominin species. In fact, Paranthropus
would be expected to exhibit fewer defects, simply because its teeth form so quickly,
providing a smaller “window of vulnerability” (Vrijenhoek 1985) to disruption than do the
longer-forming teeth of Australopithecus or early Homo. Slow-growing body structures of
slow-growing species therefore entail a potentially inherent disadvantage in their prolonged
exposure to disruptive influences on their growth.

Conclusions and Future Directions

The foregoing discussion highlights insights about our ancestors gained from studying
incremental growth in fossilized enamel. Analyses of these growth layers have enabled us to
trace the evolution of human childhood through the fossil record. It is now clear that a
prolonged period of childhood, equal in length to our own, did not evolve until fairly late
in human evolutionary history, in early Homo sapiens (Smith et al. 2007) and archaic Homo
(Xing et al. 2019, 2020). Periods of prolonged childhood growth may also have evolved in
Neandertals, but additional work is necessary to clarify whether this was so.
In the case of Neandertals, who are so closely related to modern humans, an under-
standing of dental growth may not be enough to resolve the question. Part of the problem
with resolving questions about Neandertal childhood is that the relationship between
overall juvenile growth periods and dental development is stronger at higher levels of the
taxonomic hierarchy than it is at lower levels (Dirks and Bowman 2007). For example, it is
clear that, compared to monkeys as a whole, lemurs have faster dental development as well
as an abbreviated period of juvenile growth (Smith 1989). However, a single monkey
species with a more rapid rate of dental development than another closely related monkey
species may not have had a shorter juvenile growth period than the latter. There may there-
fore be limits to what the study of dental development can tell us about juvenile growth in
our fossil ancestors, particularly in species that are most closely related to us.
The study of enamel growth increments in our ancestors has also revealed differences in
their patterns of enamel growth. In Paranthropus (particularly P. robustus), enamel extension
tended to occur more quickly and in an apparently more uniform manner down the crown
than it did in Australopithecus or Homo. Neandertals and modern humans differed in their
enamel growth patterns, as is reflected by differences in perikymata distribution. Exactly
why some hominin species had a more uniform distribution of perikymata than others is not
deducing attributes of dental growth and development  555

clear. The distribution of perikymata along the length of the crown can be related to changes
in extension rates, but it is also potentially related to other variables. Much work needs to
be done to discover the mechanisms that result in these different patterns. Our research
team made one small step in this direction by comparing perikymata distribution and under-
lying enamel growth variables in modern humans (Guatelli-Steinberg et al. 2012), but sim-
ilar studies in fossil hominins are needed.
Finally, the study of enamel growth has yielded insights into physiological stress in our
ancestors. Neandertals, for example, appear not to have differed from some modern human
foragers in their frequencies of linear enamel hypoplasia (Hutchinson et al. 1997), nor in
the duration (Guatelli-Steinberg 2004) or severity (McGrath et al. 2021) of the stress epi-
sodes these defects represent. The teeth of Paranthropus have fewer defects than those of
Australopithecus or Homo – possibly because, in the former, abbreviated crown formation
times prevented the enamel from recording multiple stress episodes (Guatelli-Steinberg
2004). Enamel formation variables, such as the duration of enamel formation, must there-
fore be considered when one uses linear enamel hypoplasias to try to understand stress in
our fossil ancestors.
Although Niels Stensen recognized, in 1667, the fact that teeth fossilized, it is doubtful
that he could have anticipated the kinds of information about growth and development that
has been gleaned from them. While many intriguing insights have been gained from the
study of enamel growth in our ancestors, new technologies promise that there is much
more to come.


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CHAPTER 33 Skull: Function – New

Qian Wang and Rachel A.


The human skull is a highly integrated structure, resulting from an interplay of multifunc-
tional anatomy, structural adaptations, and evolution. In the chapter titled “Understanding
skull function from a mechanobiological perspective” in the first edition of this book,
Daegling (2010) masterly summarized many research perspectives on skull function and
evolution. Since then, significant advances have been made on many fronts, such as bone
material properties, the functional roles of joints including craniofacial sutures and the tem-
poromandibular joint, the addition of new genetic data to inform the Masticatory–
Functional hypothesis, and the impact of agriculture and contemporary lifestyles on dietary
behavior and oral health, and so on. This chapter reviews these new research directions
along with recent investigative approaches, and important concepts and findings on skull
form and function that capture rapid developments that will broaden and deepen future
studies in both theoretical and practical senses.

Bone Material Properties – Variations and External–Internal


As a biomaterial building upon mineralized collagen fibers, bone has a particular hierar-
chical structure with up to seven distinctive levels, and the structure–mechanical relations at
each of the hierarchical levels have been recognized. Consequently, changes occurring at
lower hierarchical levels affect functionalities of higher hierarchical levels and the whole
bone as well (Weiner and Wagner 1998). Thus, the investigation of form and function
should be studied at all levels of organization, from molecules, tissue, to whole bone. Bone
material strength such as stiffness has been investigated through two approaches, nanoin-
dentation and ultrasonic methods, and both reveal that bone material properties vary
according to anatomical regions. Nanoindentation is an engineering technique during

A Companion to Biological Anthropology, Second Edition. Edited by Clark Spencer Larsen.

© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
560  qian wang and rachel a. menegaz
which a hard-tipped material with known material properties and a known force is pressed
into the bone surface, usually cortical bone, to assess the stiffness and hardness of the bone
(Oyen 2010). Meanwhile, their implications in functional adaptation have been investigated
in terms of regional differences associated with different functional demands or loading
regimes (Casanova et al. 2017). For example, Daegling et al. (2011) found spatial pattern-
ing of surface bone stiffness in facial skeletons of colobus monkeys, in which alveolar bone
was found to be less stiff than adjacent basal bone based on nanoindentation data, suggest-
ing a material solution for undertaking occlusal loads through the increase of the compli-
ance of alveolar bone. While density is known to correlate with bone stiffness (Wang and
Dechow 2006), density alone does not account for variation in features of cortical bone
quality, such as material directionality and anisotropy (Wang and Dechow 2006; Wang et al.
2006a, 2010a). The microstructure of bone reveals that bone is an anisotropic material –
the bone stiffness might be different in different directions. The directionality could be
linked to the principal orthogonal axes of the bone (longitudinal, transvers, and sagittal).
Ultrasonic investigations of human, rhesus macaque, baboon, chimpanzee, bonobo, and
gorilla skulls indicate that cortical density, thickness, elastic and shear moduli, and anisotropy
vary throughout the skull in different regions of the craniofacial skeletons (Peterson et al.
2006; Wang and Dechow 2006; Wang et al. 2006a, 2010a; Gharpure et al. 2016). These
skeletal properties have been related to the functional adaptations related to feeding (Wang
and Dechow 2006; Wang et al. 2010a). For example, there are area-specific patterns of cor-
tical thickness and elastic properties in the human and non-human primate mandibles. The
mandibular corpus has the highest elastic and shear stiffness, which might be a material adap-
tion for resisting bending and twisting forces during mastication with compression and shear
stress. The symphyseal cortex is thickest yet less stiff and less anisotropic than other regions,
which might be adapted to resisting “wishboning,” the symphyseal stress patterns produced
by lateral transverse bending of the mandible during mastication. The ramus has high density
and stiffness but is more anisotropic than that in the non-muscle bearing regions, which sug-
gest interactions between bone and adjacent muscular tissues (Wang et al. 2010a).
Evidence also exists that indicates significant correlations among external morphological
and internal material features of the craniofacial skeleton, including: (1) paralleling anatom-
ical axis of the bone or bone parts and the orientation of maximum stiffness; (2) an inverse
relationship between cortical thickness and density/elastic stiffness; and (3) bone elastic
property changes during ontogeny, aging, and sexual dimorphism (Wang and Dechow
2006; Wang et al. 2006a, 2010a; Dechow et al. 2008, 2010). These findings underline the
integration of morphology, material properties, and function of craniofacial skeleton. The
negative correlation between cortical density and thickness is also observed at the species
level. For example, baboons have thinner yet denser and stiffer cortical bone in the cranio-
facial skeleton than macaques and humans (Wang et al. 2006a). An inverse relationship
between thickness and stiffness may suggest a biomechanical mechanism for functional
adaptation adopted to maintain the stability and integrity of the structure in different parts
of the skeleton. If loads vary widely in orientation, then a thicker structure may help avoid
structural damages, while if the direction of loading varies less, a thinner yet more dense
structure may help the bone focus on the principal loading requirements.
The coupling of micro-CT imaging and ultrasonic assessment of 3D elastic properties in
human and baboons also reveals the important relationship between tissue elastic anisotropy
and the spatial configuration of osteons. The long axes of the osteons, as represented by the
Haversian canals, are aligned with the axes of maximum elastic stiffness of the cortical bone.
This also aligns with the long axis of the bone or bone parts (Dechow et al. 2008; Wang
et al. 2010), demonstrating the structural and material bases of bone mechanical properties
skull: function – new directions  561
at the tissue level. Moreover, comparison of the material properties of craniofacial cortical
bone has demonstrated that closely related species, such as rhesus monkeys and baboon,
have similar area-specific patterns of variation for density, maximum elastic and shear stiff-
ness, and anisotropy compared to humans (Wang et al. 2006a). This discovery suggests that
human and monkey skulls adapt to different masticatory and oral functions through adjust-
ments in cortical bone microstructure and density. The similarity of these two closely related
primate species is particularly important for studies of functional morphology, taxonomy,
and evolution in extant and extinct human and primate taxa, because mechanical related
properties, such as density and stiffness, cannot be measured in extinct species known only
from fossils. It is thus hypothesized that the living species could be used as a baseline to
study extinct taxa that are phylogenetically closely related (Wang et al. 2006a).

Craniofacial Sutures – A New Functional Concept

Sutures are fibrous joints in vertebrate craniofacial skeletons that function as growth cen-
ters. Sutural disturbances, such as premature closure, result in abnormal skull shape because
of adjustments to growth directions (Cohen 2000). Sutures also have potential biomechan-
ical roles. Their mechanical roles have been discussed and investigated using various exper-
imental and computer-aided techniques in both living and fossil species (Behrents et al.
1978; Byron 2009; Byron et al. 2004; Dzialo et al. 2014; Farke 2008; Herring 1972, 2008;
Rayfield 2005; Wang et al. 2008, 2010b, 2012; Wang and Dechow 2016). Originally, it
was proposed that sutures function as stress dampeners and thus protect the skull (Behrents
et al. 1978). This hypothesis would predict that patent sutures remain flexible relative to
the surrounding bone and serve as energy sinks in response to applied loads. However,
patent sutures fail at relatively modest stress levels (Popowics and Herring 2007). Computer-
aided sensitivity analyses of the mechanical effect of sutures in finite element models also
demonstrate that the presence of sutures does not profoundly influence global strain pat-
terns in relatively large primate skulls, and their capacity of absorbing the work induced by
functional loadings are limited, though local effects are detected (Wang et al. 2010b, 2012).
The new concept of sutures suggests that instead of serving to reduce stress in the skull,
the sutures instead are vulnerable structures that should be protected from high stress levels
in order to not disrupt normal skull growth timing and direction (Wang et al. 2012). Some
stress-reducing cranial structures may serve to shield sutures rather than bone (Dzialo et al.
2014; Wang et al. 2012; Zhang et al. 2019). Adaptations to reducing sutural stress and
strain may include increased sutural size, altered sutural morphology (e.g., overlapping
squamosal sutures) (Dzialo et al. 2014), or by variation in sutural position (Wang and
Dechow 2016). Within primates, the placement of some sutures (e.g., the maxillozygo-
matic suture) correspond to low stress zones, as seen in a FEA simulation of a cranial model
without sutures (Wang and Dechow 2016).
If sutures are biomechanically weak structures that need to be protected, then it is rea-
sonable to predict that sutures should not exist in areas where they would be under constant
high stress, or they should be properly protected if found in such an environment. However,
the presence of supernumerary sutures dividing the zygoma (divided zygoma – DZ), an
area of high stress during biting, directly challenges this hypothesis. A morphological and
biomechanical investigation of human and nonhuman primates demonstrated that the DZ
condition would alter overall morphology of the midface of the affected side, resulting in
facial asymmetry in unilateral DZ skulls (Wang and Dechow 2016). The superior division
of the divided zygoma was normally slender along with the adjacent frontal bone parts,
562  qian wang and rachel a. menegaz
while the inferior division of the divided zygoma was normally more robust, along with
stronger temporal and maxillary bones. The stresses incurred during normal masticatory
activities would be shunted from the upper face to the lower face, especially along the
zygomatic arch. These findings revealed that DZ disturbs the pattern of stress distribution
during mastication, with compensatory strengthening in the lower midface of the affected
side to withstand the increased stress level. Overall, the phenomenon of facial asymmetry in
unilateral DZ skulls challenges the protecting roles of sutures yet favors the protected status
of sutures (i.e., protected vs. being protected by bones). This knowledge of naturally occur-
ring supernumerary sutures on the facial skeleton brings new insights into the biology
sutures and the developmental instability of skulls. The new concept of sutures also opens
new insights to the understanding of craniofacial form, adaptation, developmental plas-
ticity, and evolution, and helps to improve therapeutic philosophies in corrective and regen-
erative medicine of the craniofacial skeleton (Wang and Dechow 2016; Zhang et al. 2019).

Masticatory–Functional Hypothesis – A Revisit

Within recent human evolution, there has been significant somatic change in the human
body along with behavioral changes. Since the Neolithic era, there has been a general trend
of decreasing body dimensions and cranial size and skull robusticity. The “Masticatory–
Functional Hypothesis” proposed by David Carlson pinpoints the decrease of the functional
demands placed on the masticatory complex during the transition from hunter–gatherer to
agricultural stages to explain the change of human skull form with diminishing skull robus-
ticity (Carlson 1976; Carlson and Van Gerven 1977, 1979). Carlson’s analysis of cranial
change from the Mesolithic horizon through the Christian horizon in the Nubian region of
Northern Africa shows clear patterns of craniofacial change including: (1) a relative increase
in height and decrease in length of the cranial vault; (2) a tendency for the midface and
lower face to become more inferoposteriorly located relative to the anterior cranial vault;
and (3) a decrease in the robusticity of the entire craniofacial complex, especially in those
features primarily associated with masticatory function. According to this interpretation, a
shift in subsistence adaptation of the Nubian population through time led to a decrease in
the functional demands placed on the masticatory complex, which in turn brought about
four related alterations of cranial morphology.
While the Masticatory–Functional hypothesis emphasizes the importance of decreasing
masticatory stress on the recent evolution of human skulls, there are other competing
hypotheses. These include the development of smaller masticatory muscles due to genetic
mutation (Stedman et al. 2004) and the decrease of the brain size due to increased roles in
collective intelligence with less reliance on the individual in cognition and information
management in large-scale societies (DeSilva et al. 2021). Hence, in recent human history,
cultural adaption might have become the major selective pressure in human biological evo-
lution (Carlson and Van Gerven 1979), with further roles played by population history,
subsistence type, and climate (Larsen 2015; von Cramon-Taubadel 2014; Wang et al.
2019). Moreover, ancient genome analyses charting migrations of early farmers in ancient
China reveals that there was movement and admixture of peoples during the Neolithic that
gave rise to modern-day populations in East Asia (Yang et al. 2020). This resulted in an
influx of agriculturalists to Southeast Asia and the replacement of the local gene pool such
that little trace of hunter–gatherer ancestry remains in the genes of people who live in the
region today. Similarly, farmers from northern China moved northward into Siberia and
supplanted the local gene pool, reducing the presence of the previous local hunter–gatherer
skull: function – new directions  563
ancestry (Yang et al. 2020). This suggests that the transition in morphology in East Asian
populations is not primarily due to dietary change as in North Africa, but by gene pool
replacement because of the overpowering influx of agriculturalists – which was likely to be
the ready-made result of functional masticatory adaptations elsewhere. Ancient DNA
studies probably provide more new insights for understanding morphological transition in
areas with possible migration and replacement.

Evolutionary Paradox and Mismatch Diseases

The application of the Masticatory–Functional Hypothesis to understand changes in die-

tary behavior has also recently become one of the major fronts in the study of early human
evolution due to methodological advances, including microwear analysis and finite element
analysis (Grine et al. 2010; Strait et al. 2013, 2009). These studies suggest that the variation
in the facial skeletons of australopiths are adaptations to various dietary behaviors including
the consumption of hard and/or tough foods. For example, the anterior pillar is a facial
strengthening structure for undertaking the stress generated by frequent use of premolars
(Strait et al. 2009). However, increasing masticatory force or efficiency is limited by the
need to maintain the integrity of the masticatory apparatus. A recent biomechanical analysis
revealed that Australopithecus sediba could not feed on hard foods on a consistent basis due
to increased possibility of failure of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) (Ledogar et al.
2016b). This finding suggests that TMJ integrity may be a major limiting factor in hominin
craniofacial evolution, demonstrating the need for new perspectives on the integrity of the
masticatory system in the study of functional morphology in human evolution. At the crux
of this debate is how TMJ stability has affected or been affected in recent human evolution,
especially during the facial shortening seen in the past several thousand years of modern
human history, which reflects the concept of “mismatch diseases,” a result of our body
inadequately adapted to our environment (Liberman 2013).
In the mammal-feeding apparatus, the overall safety rule is to minimize distractive
(tensile) TMJ reaction forces by reducing the activity levels of the chewing muscles on the
balancing (nonbiting) side of the skull based on a “constrained lever model” (Greaves
1978). Briefly, as summarized by Ledogar and colleagues (2016a, 2016b), this model pre-
dicts that bite force production is constrained by the risk of generating distractive forces at
the working (biting) side of the TMJ. During unilateral biting, reaction forces are produced
at the bite point, the working side TMJ and the balancing side TMJ. These three points
form a “triangle of support,” and the line of action of the resultant vector of the jaw
elevator muscle forces must intersect this triangle in order to produce a “stable” bite in
which compressive reaction forces are generated at all three points. The resultant vector lies
in the midsagittal plane when the muscles are recruited with equal force and will pass
through the triangle of support during bites. Importantly, molar biting alters the shape of
the triangle such that a midline muscle result may lie outside of the triangle of support,
generating distractive forces in the working-side TMJ. This force pulls the mandibular
condyle from the articular eminence. While the soft tissues of the TMJ are well suited to
resist compressive joint reaction forces, they are not configured to resist distractive joint
forces as the condyle is pulled away from the cranium (Greaves 1978).
Based on the “constrained lever model,” it has been argued that the TMJ has been an
“imperfecta”, the weakest link prone to failure due to unduly high distractive forces or
other conditions, during human evolutionary history, and hence an internal selective
pressure. However, the problem may be present in early robust types, gradually becoming
564  qian wang and rachel a. menegaz
more prominent in recent and contemporary modern humans characterized by the gra-
cilization of skulls. Morphological changes related to subsistence strategies include not only
jaw size and shape, but also the spatial relationship between upper and lower jaws, and
repositioning of masticatory muscles. These changes have led to decreases in bite force pro-
duction and decreases in the ability to withstand stresses generated by bite forces and
increases in oral disorders such as TMJ dysfunction (TMD) (Liberman 2013; Larsen 2015;
Wang et al. 2019). TMD might be an example of a “mismatch diseases”, along with osteo-
arthritis, lower back pain, flat feet, and hypertensive heart disease; these diseases suggest
that cultural and behavioral factors have altered the modern human environment away from
the evolutionarily context and selective pressures in which most of human evolution
occurred (Liberman 2013). Studies of oral disorders, along with other modern diseases,
could benefit from functional and evolutionary perspectives. For a better understand of the
etymology of TMD, careful research designs are warranted which consider the integrity of
the temporomandibular joint, the recruitment of muscle forces and positioning of biting
points, and overall morphology of the craniofacial skeleton.

Experimental Approaches for Understanding Skull Function

The laboratory has long represented an ideal environment in which to test hypotheses
about feeding biology derived from observations made in the field and in the museum.
Nearly a half century of technological and methodological advances has made it possible to
investigate how changes to dietary composition affect feeding behaviors, which in turn alter
the biomechanical stress applied to the craniofacial complex. The skeletal strain resulting
from these stresses can then be quantified and correlated to observed differential modeling
and remodeling of the hard and soft tissues in wild and laboratory species. Perhaps most
importantly, the theoretical model connecting diet, masticatory strain, and osteogenic
responses can be replicated among multiple primate and nonprimate mammalian species,
thus demonstrating the basic principles of functional morphology within the context of die-
tary ecology and evolution.
Understanding the relationship between diet and craniofacial form starts with a charac-
terization of dietary variation in terms of elastic (Young’s) modulus, or stiffness, toughness,
and hardness (Lucas et al. 2001; Williams et al. 2005). These dietary profiles can then be
recreated in the laboratory, allowing for feeding behaviors to be evaluated under more nat-
uralistic conditions. Feeding behavior can then be quantified through many parameters that
describe the interactions between anatomy and the food item. Aspects of the chewing cycle,
including cycle duration and frequency, have been correlated with both body size and die-
tary material properties (Ravosa et al. 2010b, 2015; Ross et al. 2009). Recruitment patterns
of jaw adductor musculature and the resultant bite forces can also vary with dietary prop-
erties (Hylander 1979b; Hylander et al. 2000; Vinyard et al. 2008), such that more
mechanically resistant food items require more chewing cycles and/or higher peak bite
forces to successfully reduce the food particle sizes for swallowing (Hylander 1979a,
Hylander 1979b; Ravosa et al. 2015). Dynamic imaging techniques, including fluoroscopy
and X-Ray Reconstruction of Moving Morphology (XROMM), can be used to quantify
feeding kinematics and the end results of these interactions among food items, teeth, and
musculoskeletal components (Menegaz et al. 2015; Montuelle et al. 2020; Orsbon et al.
2018; Ross et al. 2010). While many mammals exhibit stereotyped masticatory behaviors,
kinematic studies have demonstrated that some level of flexibility remains such that chewing
cycle dynamics are responsive to changes in food properties (Menegaz et al. 2015; Montuelle
skull: function – new directions  565
et al. 2020), which both aids in the reduction of food particle size and protects oral struc-
tures from excessive bite forces (Williams et al. 2005).
Any changes in feeding behavior – including muscle recruitment, bite force, or jaw kine-
matics – are predicted to change the distribution and magnitude of bone strain (deforma-
tion). In vivo studies have documented strain gradients in the mammalian skull, such that
strains during feeding are highest at skeletal sites proximal to the oral cavity (Ravosa et al.
1991; Ross and Metzger 2004). Furthermore, the magnitude of strains in regions such as
the mandibular corpus vary with food material properties, such that feeding on more resis-
tant food items results in increased bone strain (Hylander 1979b; Hylander et al. 1998).
The shear strains observed in mammalian mandibles are similar across a large range in body
sizes and, while absolutely less than experienced by the limbs during locomotion, are con-
sidered to be osteogenic – or of a sufficient magnitude to elicit a bone formation/remodel-
ing response (Ravosa et al. 2013). The presence of osteogenic strain levels is supported by
observations of increased bone mass in predicted high strain regions, e.g., the mandibular
corpus, condylar neck, and zygomatic arch (Daegling and Hotzman 2003; Hylander
The collection of in vivo strain data is, by its very nature, an invasive procedure, requiring
the surgical implantation of strain gauges directly on to bone. For this reason, it is not
always practical or desirable to obtain in vivo strain data for all primate species. In silico, FEA
combines digital models of skull architecture, often obtained from computed tomography,
with anatomical-based estimates of muscle and bite forces to generate predicted stress and
strain patterns. When validated by in vivo and in vitro strain data, FEA can be a useful tool
for testing hypotheses regarding the functional morphology of feeding (Smith et al. 2021;
Strait et al. 2009). Model validity can be strengthened by incorporating tissue heteroge-
neity data (e.g., material property differences within and among cortical bone, and trabec-
ular bone) (Strait et al. 2005; Wroe et al. 2007). Recent intraspecific applications of FEA
provide support for the idea that osteogenic responses to increased dietary loading result in
decreased craniofacial strain (Mitchell et al. 2021).
The laboratory setting provides yet another option for testing functional morphology
hypotheses through in vivo modification of dietary composition. These dietary manipula-
tion studies rely on the mechanism of phenotypic plasticity, or the ontogenetic modulation
of a phenotype across an environmental gradient (West-Eberhard 2005). Phenotypic plas-
ticity can function as a mechanism for the fine-tuning of form–function relationships across
an individual’s lifespan. In skeletal tissues, phenotypic plasticity is accomplished through
functional adaptation, or the dynamic processes by which bone tissue is modeled and
remodeled in order to maintain a skeletal element’s structural integrity in a given loading
environment (Biewener 1993; Frost 1987; Lanyon and Rubin 1985). Thus, it is possible to
test the biomechanical role of specific structures within the skull by modifying dietary
material properties of a single laboratory species and quantifying the resultant changes in
musculoskeletal morphology, all while controlling for other factors such as genetic varia-
tion, age, reproductive status, environment, nutrition, etc. While some early plasticity
studies used primate species (Bouvier and Hylander 1981, 1982, 1996b), for practical and
ethical reasons most modern plasticity research uses non-primate mammals (e.g., suids,
lagomorphs, rodents, and carnivorans). Such studies have contributed to our understanding
of the common responses of mammalian bone to loading and unloading, thus providing a
basis by which the functional significance of craniofacial morphologies can be understood
in wild and fossil primate taxa.
Experimental studies have shown that an increase in masticatory loading influences cra-
niomandibular size and shape, including but not limited to: temporomandibular joint
566  qian wang and rachel a. menegaz
morphology (Bouvier and Hylander 1981, 1984; Nicholson et al. 2006; Ravosa and Kane
2017; Ravosa et al. 2008a); mandibular corpus dimensions and cortical bone distribution
(Bouvier and Hylander 1984; Franks et al. 2016; Kiliaridis et al. 1996); mandibular sym-
physis morphology (Ciochon et al. 1997; Ravosa et al. 2007, 2008a); dental occlusion,
tooth row length, and placement of the bite point relative to the joint (Ciochon et al. 1997;
Menegaz et al. 2010; Organ et al. 2006); the size, shape, and cortical bone thickness at
attachment sites for jaw adductor musculature, including the sagittal crest, temporal fossa,
coronoid process, zygomatic arch, angular process, and pterygoid plates (Bouvier and
Hylander 1996a; Kiliaridis et al. 1996; Nicholson et al. 2006; Menegaz et al. 2010;
Menegaz and Ravosa 2017); and hard palate dimensions and cross-sectional morphology
(Franks et al. 2016; Menegaz et al. 2009).
In addition to shedding light on the functional significance of craniofacial skeletal mor-
phology at a macroscopic level, plasticity studies also provide the opportunity to collect data
that can be difficult to obtain from wild species or museum specimens. This includes bone
microstructure and material properties data, and morphological data for soft tissues such as
bone and cartilage. Modern experimental approaches highlight the various hierarchical levels
at which functional adaptation to diet and biomechanical loading may occur (Wang and
Dechow 2006; Wang et al. 2006a; Dechow et al. 2010). Changes in external morphology,
cross-sectional geometry (e.g., cortical bone thickness, trabecular density), biomineraliza-
tion, and bone material properties all represent potential functional adaptations to increased
loading. However, all of these parameters may not be seen simultaneously within a single
craniofacial region or structure (Franks et al. 2016). Thus, absence of macroscopic changes
in morphology (e.g., size/shape) does not necessarily indicate the absence of dietary adap-
tations at the microscopic level. This poses additional questions related to the utilization of
skeletal morphology to interpreting dietary behaviors and evolutionary relationships: Are
some craniofacial regions more canalized, or less plastic, with regards to masticatory loading
(Collard and Lycett 2008; Franks et al. 2016; Wood and Lieberman 2001)? Is the mecha-
nostat “set point,” or the level of strain above which bone demonstrates an osteogenic
response (Frost 1987), consistent across all regions of the craniofacial skeleton? Potential
insight into this latter question may come from the cranial vault, which despite exhibiting
low strain values relative to the facial skeleton during loading (Hylander and Johnson 1992)
has also been found to have elevated strains at sutural interfaces (Wang et al. 2008, 2010,
2012), and plastic responses to loading through increased cortical bone thickness in cranial
vault bones (Menegaz et al. 2010; Pearson and Lieberman 2004) and increased sutural com-
plexity (Byron et al. 2004). Additionally, soft tissues such as muscle and cartilage may
respond differentially to variation in masticatory loading. The consumption of mechanically
resistant diets is associated with increased masticatory muscle size, physiological cross-sec-
tional area (a proxy for muscle force), and altered fiber type distributions (Ciochon et al.
1997; Ravosa et al. 2010a; Taylor et al. 2006). Cartilages such as the articular cartilage at the
temporomandibular joint also show plastic responses to loading in terms of layer thickness,
chondrocyte apoptosis rates, and altered protein expression in the extracellular matrix
(Bouvier and Hylander 1982; Ravosa and Kane 2017; Ravosa et al. 2008a).
Finally, an individual’s ability to respond to changing loading conditions via musculoskel-
etal adaptations is strongly influenced by ontogeny. As aging progresses, morphological
plasticity may decrease as growth rates and bone modeling rates decrease (Bertram and
Swartz 1991; Pearson and Lieberman 2004; Ravosa et al. 2008b). Feeding behaviors also
change across ontogeny, suggesting that the growth and plasticity of structures involved in
different behaviors such as suckling and chewing may change as well (Menegaz and Ravosa
2017). Experimental studies provide support for decreasing plasticity during aging, with
skull: function – new directions  567
different mechanisms of skeletal adaptation seen in immature versus mature animals. Young
individuals may demonstrate more pronounced bone modeling, appositional growth, and
changes in bone geometry in response to increased loading. Adults or aged individuals may
primarily respond to changes in loading via remodeling, the redistribution of bone mass, or
changes in bone microstructure (Menegaz and Ravosa 2017; Mitchell et al. 2021; Pearson
and Lieberman 2004; Ruff et al. 1994; but see Scott et al. 2014). Due to the highly modular
nature of the craniofacial skeleton (Zelditch et al. 2008), experimental approaches such as
plasticity studies represent an opportunity to better understand the nature of aging and
functional adaptation within distinct regions of the primate skull.


There has been a rapid development in the study of skull form and function in terms of
theory, approaches, and concepts. Investigations have extended to a wider range of verte-
brate animals including humans and nonhuman primates. Studies have been conducted at
various material and theoretical perspectives, from tissue to individual bones and from bone
per se to joints and regional skeletons, from genetics to dietary behavior, and from hunt-
er-gatherers to modern agricultural populations. With new hypotheses and new research
techniques, the quest for functional mechanisms continues to broaden and deepen our
knowledge of the skull, especially in the context of genetic, developmental, behavioral,
cultural, and environmental diversity, conditions, and limitations.


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CHAPTER 34 Dental Microwear
Analysis: Wear We Are
Going, Wear We Have

Christopher W. Schmidt and

Peter S. Ungar

There is probably no more important element of craniofacial function than the role of the
dentition in mastication of food. The dentition provides the elements of tooth use as they
pertain to oral reduction of food into digestible elements. In our view, the record of dental
microwear provides a fundamental window on to dietary adaptation and masticatory
function in general and the role of dentition in reducing food in particular. In this regard,
there is a large and growing body of research that highlights the role of teeth as tribiological
structures, namely structures that include mechanical elements involving wear, friction, and
lubrication as it pertains to tooth use.

Dental Biotribology and Microwear Formation

Dental microwear research rests at the boundary between biology and engineering. More
specifically, it combines basic principles of ecology with tribology, “the science and tech-
nology of interacting surfaces in relative motion and the practices related thereto” (Jost
1966; see Zhou et al. 2013). Microwear forms during chewing as a result of interactions
between opposing surfaces and abrasives in or on foods between those surfaces. Aristotle
wrote around 350 BC, “teeth have one invariable office, namely the reduction of food.”
When we think about how teeth reduce foods, we need to consider that foods break in dif-
ferent ways depending on their fracture properties (Lucas 2004). Some foods are hard and
must be crushed with force to initiate cracks. Such foods are often brittle, resulting in cracks
easily spreading easily once started. Other foods are tough, and while they might be soft,
they require work to generate tension through shearing or slicing to spread cracks. In this

A Companion to Biological Anthropology, Second Edition. Edited by Clark Spencer Larsen.

© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
dental microwear analysis  573

sense, chewing is a problem of relative motion between opposing, interacting surfaces.

Indeed, as Simpson (1933) noted long ago, vertical movement of cusps into basins results
in crushing (he called it opposition), whereas vertical movement with steep crests running
parallel to the plane of motion results in shearing. Horizontal movements of opposing
crests or cusps across basins result in grinding.
The basic theory behind microwear interpretation begins with the notion that the relative
motions of food particles and opposing teeth vary with the fracture properties of the items
eaten. For example, abrasives in or on foods should cause pits when hard objects are crushed
between opposing enamel surfaces; scratches form when tough items are sheared between
enamel surfaces as they slide past one another (Gordon 1982). Consider the actions of
cutting paper with a pair of scissors and crushing a horseshoe between hammer and anvil.
Thus, a hard object diet (e.g., nuts or bone) should result in heavily pitted microwear sur-
faces whereas a tough food diet (e.g., leaves or meat) should leave long parallel striations on
tooth wear facets.
The idea of using microwear as an indicator of tooth–tooth movements is not new.
Simpson (1926) proposed nearly a century ago that the direction of scratches on molar
facets might be used to determine how past mammals chewed. This became a popular go-to
approach for inferring masticatory behaviors of fossil mammals in the 1950s and 1960s
(e.g., Butler 1952; Mills 1955 et seq.). The idea that feature shapes evince masticatory
movements (e.g., crushing causes pits, shearing or grinding causes scratches) came later
(e.g., Grine 1977) and paved the way to connecting microwear directly with food prefer-
ences. However, working out the details – “seeing” how tooth surfaces interact with each
other and the abrasives in or on foods with different properties – is a formidable task. Wear
facets can be less than a millimeter across and movements between them, precise to microns,
are masked by cheek or adjacent teeth. Wear facets are generally angled on the inside slopes
of cusps, making it even more difficult to work out occlusal dynamics and the relationships
of jaw movements and relative motions of contact surfaces. Then there is the challenge of
establishing and confirming relationships between microwear pattern and diet. There are
three approaches: (1) comparative analyses of teeth from individuals living under natural
conditions – typically specimens archived in museums or other research collections, (2) in
vitro studies simulating chewing with machines, and (3) in vivo experiments with live ani-
mals fed different foods.

Comparative Studies

The earliest studies to document relationships between microwear pattern and diet were
comparative in nature. The idea was to determine whether species with known food prefer-
ences had distinctive and predictable microwear signatures. Teaford and Walker (1984), for
example, used wild-shot primates from museum collections representing species reported
to be hard-object feeders, folivores, and frugivores. The ratios of pits to scratches on their
molar wear facets were high, low, and intermediate, respectively, as predicted. Studies of
other mammals followed, from antelope to zebra, bat to mole, pig to sheep, marsupials,
cats, and hyenas, etc. (e.g., Hayek et al. 1991; Mainland 1998; Rivals and Semprebon
2006; Robson and Young 1986; Silcox and Teaford 2002; Solounias and Hayek 1993;
Strait 1993; van Valkenbugh et al. 1990; Ward and Mainland 1999). The general patterns
were clear – among closely related mammalian species, those reported to consume tougher
foods tended to have more scratches on their molars, whereas those that ate harder ones
tended to have more pits. More recent work examining surface textures using metrological
574  christopher w. schmidt and peter s. ungar
techniques has confirmed that, among a broad spectrum of mammals, those reported to
consume softer, tougher foods tend to have higher wear surface anisotropy, and those that
crush hard, brittle foods tend to have higher texture complexity (e.g., Arman et al. 2019;
DeSantis et al. 2020; Donoghue et al. 2013; Haupt et al. 2013; Kubo and Fujita 2021;
Kubo et al. 2017; Purnell et al. 2013; Prideaux et al. 2009; Schubert et al. 2010; Scott
2012; Scott et al. 2012; Tanis et al. 2018; Ungar et al. 2007, 2010).
That said, many such studies have been based on museum specimens collected in the
early twentieth century, with little information on where they were trapped and no detail
on food preferences of individuals included in analyses. Diet-pattern associations were by
necessity general and broad given food preferences and availabilities to individuals over
time and space. The whole point of microwear analysis, and other “foodprints” (Ungar
2017) – remnant traces of actual feeding activity – is to understand what individuals eat on
a daily basis, not just to document general trends for populations or species. This has led
some to focus on samples collected at specific locations to determine the limits of microwear
for diet reconstruction (e.g., Stuhlträger et al. 2019; Teaford and Robinson 1989; Teaford
and Runestad 1992). Some researchers even began ambitious catch-and-release microwear
programs on wild primates to look for similarities and differences between groups and indi-
viduals within them (Nystrom et al.; 2004; Teaford and Glander 1996). Others have
attempted to connect microwear to stomach contents (Merceron et al. 2010; Purnell et al.
2012) or fat reserves (Ungar et al. 2021) of wild-caught individuals. Such studies have
produced varying results, but by and large have confirmed that microwear can provide
insights into diet, oftentimes with details related to variation by season, ecological zone, or
individual preference.

In Vitro Studies

While comparative studies are the cornerstone of microwear research – they provide the
baseline for inferring diet in fossil and bioarchaeological samples – there has also been a
push to understand the etiology of dental microwear by experimental means. How do
tooth–tooth movement, abrasive type and concentration, and food substrate properties
combine to form specific microwear patterns? Studies have involved a variety of approaches,
from scraping enamel surfaces with abrasives by hand to a myriad of mechanical masticators
or chewing simulators (e.g., Gügel et al. 2001; Hua et al. 2015, 2020; Karme et al. 2016;
Maas 1994; Peters 1982; Ryan 1979). These machines have varied in design, from those
producing single-stroke movements in a fixed plane (e.g., Karme et al. 2016; Ryan 1979)
to reciprocally rotating antagonistic wheels (Gügel et al. 2001) to a three-dimensional con-
traption wherein the angle of approach between opposing enamel samples can be varied
(Hua et al. 2015, 2020). In some cases, abrasives and food items are put into slurries and
in others foods are placed between opposing enamel surfaces (Figure 34.1).
While “real-world” oral environments are more complex with many variables difficult to
simulate in vitro, chewing machines do allow for control over conditions and easy testing of
effects of abrasive type and load, food material properties, etc. A variety of other instru-
ments, such as the atomic force microscope, microtribometer, and material testing system
have also been used to simulate wear with precise forces and to assess results (e.g., Daegling
et al. 2016; Lucas et al. 2013; Van Casteren et al. 2020; Xia et al. 2017, 2015). Results of
these studies have varied with methods employed and are sometimes contradictory, but a
few things are clear. First, it seems that different sorts of microscopic abrasives under differ-
ent loads can produce different and sometimes unexpected microwear patterns. That said,
dental microwear analysis  575

Figure 34.1 A = Bitemaster II chewing simulator with a sample of meat. B = microwear generated
with force perpendicular to the surface (crushing), C = microwear generated with force 45 degrees to
the surface, D = microwear formed with force near parallel to the surface (shearing). Note that there
are more small pits on B than on D. The top image of each surface is the baseline/pre-experiment
(see Hua et al. 2015 for details).

the angle of approach between opposing surfaces clearly drives feature shape: pits are caused
by compression and scratches by drag (e.g., Gügel et al. 2001; Hua et al. 2015). Other key
findings have been the observation that similar microwear patterns can occur with markedly
different levels of gross wear (Karme et al. 2016) and that microwear formation depends
both on mechanical properties of food and abrasives (Hua et al. 2020).

In Vivo Studies

Another increasingly popular approach to working out relationships between microwear

and diet involves feeding laboratory animals different foods with varying types and amounts
of abrasive under controlled conditions. While this approach does not replicate the
576  christopher w. schmidt and peter s. ungar
complexity of “real-world” natural settings either, it is a step closer than possible using a
chewing machine. Kay and Covert’s (1983) early study of opossums fed cat food supple-
mented with plants and insect chitin was pivotal in establishing protocols for quantitative
microwear analysis. Teaford and Oyen’s (1989a) benchmark work on vervet monkeys fed
wet and dry monkey chow was the first to demonstrate variation in microwear among lab-
oratory primates fed foods with different properties. It also demonstrated the fleeting lifes-
pans of individual features, which is on the order of days (e.g., Teaford and Oyen 1989b).
The rapid rate of microwear turnover was confirmed recently by Teaford et al. (2017, 2020,
2021) in studies of lemurs and capuchin monkeys. Human volunteers have also been used
to assess impacts of diet and rates of microwear turnover (Romero et al. 2012; Teaford and
Lytle 1996; Teaford and Tylenda 1991).
Indeed, the number of in vivo studies has increased in recent years and have expanded
to many other species, from fishes to rodents, rabbits, and sheep (Ackermans 2020; Baines
et al. 2014; Calandra et al. 2016; Gallego-Valle et al. 2020; Hoffman et al. 2015;
Kropacheva et al. 2019; Merceron et al. 2017, 2016; Mihlbachler et al. 2019; Muller et al.,
2014; Ramdarshan et al. 2017; Schulz et al. 2013; Winkler et al. 2019). As with in vitro
studies, results have varied depending on the questions asked, animals considered, and ana-
lytical protocols used. Some have considered abrasive size, composition, and concentration
as confounding factors that can throw a wrench into the works and confuse microwear
interpretation, whereas others have focused on how we can amplify the diet signal. Results
indicate that external abrasives added to the diet can affect microwear pattern in different
ways depending on concentration, size, and type. On the other hand, these differences
need not swamp the diet signal – animals fed different types of food tend to have distinc-
tive microwear patterns. Sheep fed clover differ from those fed grass, whether these foods
are covered in dust or not (Merceron et al. 2016). In vivo studies in aggregate speak to the
potential of microwear as a diet proxy, but caution that its formation is complex, and this
should be considered when using microwear to infer diets of bioarchaeological and pale-
ontological samples.

Phytoliths, Grit, and Inside Baseball

A major question debated recently in the literature is, “do phytoliths scratch teeth?” This
has been a surprisingly difficult question to answer. Some in vitro experiments have sug-
gested that phytoliths are too soft to scratch enamel (e.g., Atkins and Liu 2007; Lucas et al.
2013, 2014; Sanson et al. 2007). Other research focusing on relationships between tooth
wear and enamel thickness (Rabenold and Pearson 2011, 2014), grass components of the
diet (Kubo and Yamada 2014), the ability of other soft materials to scratch enamel (Xia
et al. 2016, 2018), and in vitro experiments (Schulz-Kornas et al. 2020; Winkler et al.
2019) suggest that phytoliths can wear teeth. Indeed, Rodriguez-Rojas and colleagues
(2020) recently confirmed that phytoliths and silica grit suspended in artificial saliva can
scratch teeth to a similar extent.
Another question involves the impact of large exogenous particles (e.g., sand) on the
microwear feature shape. Such particles have been implicated in the formation of microwear
pits in the absence of a hard food diet (e.g., Daegling and Grine 1999; Hoffman et al.
2015; Ackermans 2020). Other properties of food, such as water content (Winkler et al.
2019) and pliability and porosity (Hua et al. 2020) also play a role in feature formation; but
the arcane and esoteric details of microwear etiology are, for this review at least, “inside
baseball” (sensu Safire 1988), largely unintelligible and of little interest to nonexperts. What
dental microwear analysis  577

is important here is that while microwear formation is complex, the noise generally does not
overwhelm the diet signal (e.g., Burgman et al. 2016; Hedberg and Desantis 2017;
Merceron et al. 2016).

Interpretations of DMTA

The sources cited in this summary represent a fraction of the hundreds of papers published
in just the past few decades exploring microwear in extant and extinct primates, and modern
and ancient humans. The variety of animals studied with DMTA alone is quite impressive
and, to date, includes antelope, armadillos, bats, bears, cows, deer, dire wolves, dogs, ele-
phants, fishes, fossil mammals (including cave bears, diprotodons, flat-headed peccary, mas-
todons, Paraceratherians, saber-toothed cats, Xenarthrans), horses, hyenas, marsupials,
panthers, pigs, rabbits, reptiles, rodents, shrews, and sloths (e.g., DeSantis 2016; DeSantis
et al. 2012; Donohue et al. 2013; El Zaatari 2008; El Zaatari and Hublin 2014; Haupt
et al. 2013; Louys et al. 2021; Merceron et al. 2010; Percher et al. 2017; Prideaux et al.
2009; Purnell et al. 2013; Purnell and Darras 2016; Schmidt 2008; Schmidt et al. 2019;
Schubert et al. 2010; Schulz et al. 2013; Scott et al. 2009, 2012, 2005, 2006; Stynder et
al. 2012; Ungar et al. 2012, 2007, 2010; White et al. 2021). Although not exhaustive, the
list above exemplifies the scope of microwear application. Despite the concerns and limita-
tions described in this chapter, it is clear that microwear textures are useful indicators of the
foods that animals eat (e.g., Adams et al. 2020; Percher et al. 2018).
Of course, dietary information comes from many sources; for example, the animals
listed above have quite distinct dental morphologies, ranging from sharp carnassials to
flat cheek teeth. It is important to note, however, that gross dental shapes do not always
reflect the foods most often consumed by a particular species at a particular time (e.g.,
Ungar 2009, Ungar et al. 2016). Dental microwear indicates that cusp morphology and
enamel thickness do not invariably reflect the preferred foods of extant primates (e.g.,
Teaford and Oyen 1989a; Teaford and Robinson 1989; Teaford and Ungar 2014;
Teaford et al. 2017). Thus, morphology is an initial condition regarding what any fossil
creature, or ancient human, could eat or is adapted to eat, but it is dental wear that indi-
cates what an individual did eat, which may or may not agree with morphology (see
Ungar 2009). Disagreements between dental form and function are valued findings and
invoke a variety of considerations, including the dietary contributions of fallback foods,
individual nuances in food preference, and, at least among humans and their ancestors,
food preparation.

Interpretations in Humans and Human Ancestors

The teeth of human ancestors provide one such place where DMTA contradicted expecta-
tions. Ungar et al. (2008) found that the megadont hominin Paranthropus boisei, long
thought to be a hard food consumer, probably preferred softer foods. P. boisei had large flat
molars and muscular jaws capable of crushing hard seeds and nuts. By 1.5 to 2 million years
ago, P. boisei focused more on foods that generated fewer pits and more scratches. In the
end, it was the microwear texture analysis that changed the dietary paradigm for P. boisei
and opened the door for new interpretations of its way of life.
Sireen El Zaatari and colleagues have been instrumental in exposing the importance of
plant foods in Neandertal diets using microwear. Isotopic studies indicated Neandertals
578  christopher w. schmidt and peter s. ungar
were top predators, comparable to canids in their meat consumption, yet the texture data
indicated that Neandertal jaw movements were consistent with consuming tough, fibrous
plant foods that varied by the region in which they lived (e.g., Richards et al. 2000; El
Zaatari et al. 2011, 2016). Interpretations of Neandertal textures by Almudena Estalrrich,
Jessica Droke, and Whitney Karriger are similar in that they see regionally dependent pat-
terns of plant consumption (Droke et al. 2020; Estalrrich et al. 2017; Karriger et al. 2016;
Williams et al. 2018, 2019, 2021); interestingly the DMTA results are congruent with
reports of DNA and plant remains in Neandertal calculus (e.g., Weyrich et al. 2017; Power
et al. 2018).
Less surprisingly, Upper Paleolithic humans had DMTA evidence of plant consumption
(e.g., El Zaatari and Hublin 2014). Subsistence nuances of Upper Paleolithic peoples of the
Levant include a notable reliance on cereal grains prior to their domestication. Such a
situation occurred at the 19,000 year-old site of Ohalo II, which produced a sizable quantity
of wild barley and edible grasses, as well as processed starch grains, despite there being no
evidence of domestication (Kislev et al. 1992; Piperno et al. 2004). A young adult from the
site bore a microwear signature more typical of people consuming highly processed domes-
ticates (Mahoney 2006). A similar situation occurred among Natufian people, who imme-
diately preceded the origins of agriculture. Natufian microwear texture is nearly
indistinguishable from that of later Neolithic farmers, but dissimilar to pre-agricultural
groups around the globe (Mahoney 2006; Schmidt et al. 2019).
Interpreting meat in the diet remains difficult when using DMTA. Meat itself is not hard
enough to generate microwear features (Hua et al. 2015). Moreover, it is so pliant that
abrasives in or on it may sink into the tissue during mastication, preventing them from scor-
ing enamel in many cases. Currently, efforts are nevertheless underway in the field and lab
to better coax meat consumption signatures from DMTA data. El Zaatari (2008, 2010)
studied recent coastal and arctic foragers thought to have consumed a diet rich in meat.
Those foragers had high complexity and high anisotropy values, indicative of jaw move-
ments in consistent directions. This makes sense if meat consumption results in repeated
vertical and lateral excursion of the mandible to shear it. Schmidt et al. (2016) found a
similarly high anisotropy among Iron Age pastoralists, who also were thought to have con-
sumed meat and dairy products, but their complexities were quite low. Paleoindian for-
aging groups, thought to have consumed large amounts of meat based on their stable
isotope values, had high complexities and low anisotropies. For these foragers, the high
complexity is probably due to eating hard, wild foods like seeds and nuts, while the low
anisotropy is probably due to eating a diverse diet that leads to jaw movements in many
directions (e.g., Da Gloria and Schmidt 2020). Thus, high meat diets do not necessarily
generate consistent DMTA signatures and, in fact, they can be swamped by signatures of
other foods, particularly hard, abrasive ones (see Schmidt 2010, 2021; Schmidt et al.
2019). In order to refine our understanding of microwear’s relationship to the foods that
cause it, researchers are looking to new experimental approaches (e.g., Krueger et al. 2021;
see above) as well as expanding the micro-topographic variables studied. In recent years,
analysts have added to DMTA a battery of surface metrology parameters that calculate areal
distributions of height values in the z-plane (e.g., ISO 25178; see Leach 2013; Purnell
et al. 2013; Schulz et al. 2010).
Interpretations of human microwear texture are additionally obscured by the advent of
agriculture, because for millennia farmers have processed their foods in ways that signifi-
cantly alter the crop’s original physical properties (Figure 34.2). Foragers also processed
foods, via cooking and stone grinding (Shoemaker et al. 2017). However, in general,
farmers process foods far more than do their foraging counterparts; they tend to mill their
dental microwear analysis  579

(a) (b)

Figure 34.2 Microwear texture of food producers. The difference in dietary hardness may relate to
differences in food preference and/or processing. A = few pit features, B = more pit features. Scales
are in microns.

cereal grains to meals or flours and cook foods extensively in well-constructed ceramic ves-
sels (e.g., Briggs 2016; Feathers 2006). Early farming diets had some abrasive components,
particularly early on when stone grinding implements would contaminate ground grains
with grit particles, but over time, this kind of contamination diminished, particularly as
wooden implements became more common (e.g., Greenlee 2006). From the Early Bronze
age to the Iron Age of England, texture signatures decreased in complexity as milling tech-
nology improved (Schmidt et al. 2019). Diets also became softer in precontact North
America with the adoption of maize as the primary late precontact staple. However, some
very late precontact peoples of the Ohio River valley had diets creating microwear textures
that were far more complex than preceding groups. In fact, their microwear signatures
looked like they consumed primarily wild foods (i.e., see Holmes 2021; Schmidt 2021),
although their stable isotope values indicate maize consumption (Cook and Schurr 2009).
A possible explanation for this microwear signature is that the late precontact peoples sup-
plemented their domesticate-based diet with wild nuts (Emerson et al. 2005). Another
possibility is that they consumed dried maize kernals in the form of a coarsely ground
hominy. Although hominy was often prepared as a pudding-like dish or bread, it is plausible
that some preparations could have retained hard kernel fragments (Mihesuah 2015). If it is
determined that the cause of the elevated complexity values relates to nut consumption,
then we have another discrepancy between indicators of diet. In this case it would not be
between form and function, but rather between chemical and textural signatures. The
benefit of such discrepancies is that they serve as fertile ground for gaining greater insights
into questions of ancient diets.


Dental microwear analysis stems from an understanding of the manners by which dental
surfaces change as they contact other teeth, food, and anything else introduced into the
oral environment. In all, DMTA provides unique dietary insights that may or may not
agree with dental morphology, the archaeological record of foods consumed, or geochem-
istry of oral or skeletal remains. In the end, however, it may be that DMTA provides a data
source providing an essential record of diet and tooth use that may contradict earlier
580  christopher w. schmidt and peter s. ungar

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CHAPTER 35 Primate Locomotion:
A Comparative and

Michael C. Granatosky and

Jesse W. Young


The Primates have a long evolutionary history associated with the arboreal milieu (Cartmill
1985, 1992; Szalay 1968). While such a statement is almost cliché, the importance cannot
be understated. Most aspects of primate postcranial anatomy and locomotion are either a
direct response to the challenges of arboreality or phylogenetic holdovers from an arboreal
ancestor (Cartmill 1992; Chester et al. 2017). Arboreal environments can be generalized as
unpredictable. To effectively move through this environment (i.e., not fall) primates must
navigate across substrates of varying diameter, compliance, orientation, and gap-distance
(Preuschoft 2002). Accordingly, primates have evolved several anatomical and neuromus-
cular adaptations to mitigate these challenges (Gebo 2010). Here, we review these adapta-
tions and discuss current knowledge of primate locomotor biomechanics and behavior. This
chapter is not meant to be exhaustive; our goal rather is to excite a new generation of
biological anthropologists to the joys of primate locomotion.

Primate Locomotor Ontogeny

Field and laboratory investigations of primate locomotion have traditionally been limited to
observations of adult animals. To some degree, this focus on adults makes sense. Only
adults can reproduce and pass genetic material on to the next generation (i.e., maintain
evolutionary fitness). Additionally, limiting research to individuals of a single age class
reduces sample variability, thus increasing the likelihood of observing broad-scale

A Companion to Biological Anthropology, Second Edition. Edited by Clark Spencer Larsen.

© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
588  michael c. granatosky and jesse w. young
differences among species. However, recent reviews have highlighted primate locomotor
development as an important locus of investigation unto itself (Bezanson 2017; Young and
Shapiro 2018). Studies of primate locomotor development can contribute to our under-
standing of primate evolution and adaptation in two ways. First, locomotor development is
a critical component of primate life history variation. The pace at which a primate moves
from a being dependent, nonmobile infant to an ecologically independent juvenile influ-
ences how quickly it can forage for itself (i.e., wean), escape predation unaided, and partic-
ipate in larger group social interactions (Smith et al. 2020; Young and Shapiro 2018). In
fact, because (by definition) infants and juveniles have yet to reach reproductive age, imma-
turity could be viewed as something of an evolutionary bottleneck; an immature primate
that falls to its death or is captured by a predator before reaching puberty will never pass on
genetic material. Any functional aspect of ontogeny that serves to increase juvenile surviv-
ability – including locomotor behaviors – should therefore experience strong selective pres-
sures for improved performance. Moreover, because nonmobile primate infants must
depend on their mothers or other caregivers for transport, the pace of locomotor
development also has important ramifications for the energy budgets and fitness of adult
members of the group (Altmann and Samuels 1992; Gursky 2015).
Second, the infant/juvenile period is a time of rapid morphological change that takes
place alongside equally pronounced changes in locomotor behaviors. Anyone who has ever
watched a human toddler struggle to run on relatively short limbs, or watched older chil-
dren effortlessly glide across playground equipment that adults would hesitate to even
climb, knows how much the biomechanical properties of changing bodies can influence
locomotor development. As such, careful study growth and locomotor ontogeny offers a
“natural laboratory” in which to investigate how targeted changes in anatomy (i.e., relative
limb length, center of mass position, or overall body mass) dictate which locomotor behav-
iors are optimal, or even possible (Doran 1992; Shapiro and Raichlen 2006; Shapiro et al.
2014; Young and Shapiro 2018). In the sections below, we discuss several examples of how
studies of primate locomotor ontogeny have contributed to our understanding of primate
biology and adaptation.

Major Locomotor Modes

It is often asserted that primates display the highest locomotor diversity compared to any
other mammalian group (Vilensky and Larson 1989). However, quantitative analyses of
locomotor diversity reveal that primates display no greater locomotor diversity than other
arboreal lineages (Granatosky 2018). Of the 42 total locomotor modes that have been
reported across primates, quadrupedalism, climbing, suspension, leaping, and bipedalism
account for ~90 percent of the locomotor behaviors utilized (Granatosky 2018; Figure 35.1).
With these considerations in mind, and for purposes of expediency, we will limit our
discussion to these five most common locomotor modes.

Quadrupedal walking in primates is unusual compared to most other mammals, due to a
trio of gait characteristics (Granatosky 2020). Perhaps most noticeable are the extended
forelimbs at touchdown (Figure 35.2). Such a posture increases stride length, in turn
reducing the number of strides needed to travel a given distance and reducing branch
movement (Demes et al. 1990). Second, primates walk using a diagonal sequence gait
(Cartmill et al. 2002; Hildebrand 1967; Wimberly et al. 2021) where hindlimb footfalls are
primate locomotion: a comparative and developmental perspective  589


Percentage of total locomotor

behaviors observed






Distinct locomotor behaviors observed in primates

Figure 35.1 Bar plots (mean ± standard deviation) of percentages of various locomotor behaviors
(42 distinct locomotor modes reported) observed across Primates (157 published studies; 94 species)
(Granatosky 2018). Quadrupedalism (walking and running), leaping, climbing, suspensory (below
branch quadrupedalism and bimanual suspension), and bipedalism account for ~ 90 percent of the
locomotor behaviors utilized by species across the order.

Figure 35.2 Quadrupedal locomotion, (A) arboreal or (B) terrestrial, represents the most common
locomotor mode observed in Primates. Gorillas and chimpanzees use a specialized form of quadrupe-
dal locomotion referred to as (C) knuckle-walking. Images were made available by: (A and B) William
Warby, CC BY 2.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0, via Wikimedia Commons; and
(C) Soham Banerjee, CC BY 2.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0, via Wikimedia

followed by forelimb footfalls on the opposite side of the body (such that contacts proceed
“diagonally” beneath the body). In contrast, most other mammals use lateral sequence gaits
where hindlimb footfalls are followed by forelimb footfalls on the same side of the body
(such that contacts proceed laterally beneath the body). Cartmill et al. (2002) showed that
diagonal sequence gaits improve stability when moving on narrow, precarious arboreal sup-
ports. Third, unlike most other mammals, primates demonstrate hindlimb-biased weight
support, carrying the majority of body weight on their hindlimbs during locomotion
(Demes et al. 1994). Hindlimb dominance can be achieved in several ways, including an
active process of using hindlimb muscles to “lift” the anterior body (Reynolds 1985a) or
changes in the position of the limbs relative to the center of mass (Raichlen et al. 2009;
590  michael c. granatosky and jesse w. young
Young 2012). Shifting body weight on to the hindlimbs allows primates to reduce loads on
their highly mobile, but unstable, forelimb joints and “test” the stability of supports prior
to committing the entirety of their mass (Cartmill et al. 2002). Such a weight shift has been
hypothesized as an evolutionary precursor to bipedalism (Reynolds 1985a, 1985b).
Quadrupedal primates have a generalized anatomy with grasping hands and feet, fore-
limbs and hindlimbs of generally of equal lengths (i.e., intermembral index ~ 100 percent,
where the intermembral index is equal to the forelimb length expressed as a percentage of
hindlimb length), and a narrow, cylindrical thorax (Fleagle 2013). Compared to arboreal
species, terrestrial quadrupedal primates have relatively longer limbs, shorter, more robust
digits, cranially curved ulnae with large olecranon processes, restricted joint mobility, and
reduced tail lengths (Fleagle 2013; Milne and Granatosky 2021).
The African apes demonstrate a specialized form of quadrupedal locomotion referred to
as knuckle-walking (Tuttle 1967). During knuckle-walking, the proximal phalanges and
palms are elevated above the substrate, and weight is borne by the intermediate phalanges
and proximal phalangeal heads. The metacarpo-phalangeal joints are maintained in a near-
neutral position (i.e., ~180º) to a slightly hyper-extended position (Tuttle 1967). A dorsal
ridge on the distal radius is thought to reduce muscular stabilization of the wrist during the
stance phase (Richmond et al. 2001; Susman 1979). Knuckle-walking is believed to have
evolved as a consequence of subjecting an animal adapted to climbing/suspensory locomo-
tion to the heightened forces of terrestrial movement (Tuttle 1967).
The quadrupedal gait kinematics of immature primates are quite variable compared to
adults. In some ways, infant primate gait kinematics more closely resemble those of
nonprimate mammals, rather than following the modal patterns of adult primates. For
instance, young primates frequently use lateral sequence gaits and are initially forelimb
dominant in weight support (Rollinson and Martin 1981; Young 2012; Young and
Shapiro 2018). In both cases, this ephemeral use of “aberrant” gait kinematics appears to
be associated with allometric changes in relative limb length, whole-body center of mass
position, and joint postures – illustrating how primate locomotor development can serve
as a “natural experiment” through which to investigate the proximate determinants of
kinematic variation.

High-Speed Quadrupedalism in Primates: The Neglected Gaits

Recent work has also highlighted some unusual aspects of primate high-speed quadrupedal-
ism. Quadrupedal primates generally walk at the slowest speeds and use gallops or bounds
at the highest speeds. However, in the “transitional” zone between walks and gallops/
bounds, primates avoid the use of running trots that are characteristic of most other mam-
mals (Hildebrand 1967). Running trots tend to be high-impact “bouncy” gaits, potentially
upsetting arboreal stability and causing musculoskeletal injury (O’Neill and Schmitt 2012).
To avoid such loads, primates instead use ambles or canters, gaits that avoid the whole-body
aerial phases characteristic of running trots, thereby mitigating loading forces (Schmitt
et al. 2006).

Whereas larger primates span gaps between supports by bridging or suspensory locomo-
tion, smaller primates tend to cross such gaps by leaping (Figure 35.3). Leaping is a ballistic
activity: once an animal departs the launching support, how far it travels is solely dependent
on the animal’s velocity at launching (Napier and Walker 1967). Simply put, to leap high
primate locomotion: a comparative and developmental perspective  591

Figure 35.3 Musculoskeletal traits associated with leaping serve to maximize force production or
take-off distance prior to launching, thus maximizing take-off velocity. Both (A) small-bodied and
(B) large-bodied leapers have elongated hindlimbs and hypertrophied hindlimb extensor muscula-
ture. The smallest, most derived leaping species (e.g., galagids: A) further increase hindlimb length
by dramatically elongating the proximal tarsal bones of the foot. Images were made available by:
(A) David J. Stang, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0, via Wikime-
dia Commons; and (B) David Haring, Duke Lemur Center, permission for use granted to MCG.

or far an animal must maximally accelerate its center of mass prior to launch, either by exert-
ing high forces or undergoing large center of mass excursions during the take-off period.
Anatomical adaptations to leaping to primates can thus be understood as biomechanical
means of increasing take-off force or take-off distance (Napier and Walker 1967).
Musculoskeletal traits associated with high-force production in leaping primates include
hypertrophied extensor muscles (particularly at the knee and ankle; Demes et al. 1998),
with a high percentage of Type II “fast” muscle fibers, facilitating powerful high-speed con-
tractions to extend the hindlimb joints (Sickles and Pinkstaff 1981a, 1981b). Additionally,
primate leapers often have anteroposteriorly deep femoral condyles, increasing the
mechanical advantage (i.e., leverage) of the powerful quadriceps muscle. Chief among
the leaping traits associated with increased center of mass displacement are long hindlimbs
(Connour et al. 2000). The smallest, most derived leaping species further increase hindlimb
length by dramatically elongating the proximal tarsal bones of the foot. Second, unlike at
the knee joint, the hip and ankle joints of leaping primates typically provide low mechanical
advantage for extensor muscles (Anemone 1993). Though this may seem counter-intuitive,
low joint mechanical advantage is akin to a high gear in a wheeled vehicle, maximizing linear
displacement but requiring a relatively high input force to generate the torque required to
move the joint. Finally, the hindlimb joint surfaces of leaping primates are often relatively
large and highly curved (Dagosto 1988; Yapuncich and Boyer 2014). These expanded joint
surfaces serve two purposes. First, they increase the angular excursion at the joint, further
increasing displacement for a given muscle contraction. Second, expanded joint surfaces
relieve the articular stresses during the launching and landing phases of the leap.
Because leaping requires both high force production and high precision (particularly dur-
ing landing), leaping behaviors tend to develop relatively late during primate ontogeny. For
instance, sifakas, galagos, and tarsiers – all of whom are committed, highly specialized
vertical clingers and leapers as adults – are primarily quadrupedal walkers and climbers dur-
ing the first several months of life, and arboreal leaping is frequently the last locomotor skill
to be mastered (Smith et al. 2020).
592  michael c. granatosky and jesse w. young
Suspensory Locomotion
Suspensory locomotion is any form of forward progression in which the animal’s center of
mass is positioned below the substrate (Cartmill 1985; Fujiwara et al. 2011; Granatosky
et al. 2016; see Figure 35.4). These behaviors are often discussed with specific references to
the hominoids, atelines, and to some extent the Asian colobines (Byron et al. 2017; Fleagle
1974; Granatosky 2020). However, it should be noted that all primates can, and do, engage
in suspensory locomotion, although some lineages emphasize these behaviors more effec-
tively, or for longer periods of time (Mittermeier and Fleagle 1976; Stern 1975). For most,
suspensory locomotion brings to mind images of arm-swinging (i.e., brachiation), where
the animal hanging below a branch and the forelimbs provide the entirety of weight support
and propulsion (Bertram 2004; Byron et al. 2017; Chang et al. 2000; see Figure 35.4B).
Arm-swinging may involve the use of the tail in the atelines (Schmitt et al. 2005). The mor-
phology of arm-swinging primates has been studied extensively, and are often cited as a
functional suite of characteristics to improve efficient pendular locomotion (Byron et al.
2017; Larson 1998). Arm-swinging primates have long, curved digits, mobile wrist,
shoulder, hip, and ankle joints, a short olecranon process, relatively longer forelimbs than
hindlimbs (i.e., intermembral index > 100 percent), a broad, barrel-shaped thorax with a
dorsally positioned scapula, and a short, stable lumbar region (Byron et al. 2017; Erikson
1963; Fleagle 2013; Gebo 2014; Larson 1998; Milne and Granatosky 2021).
The fluid, swinging motion observed when brachiators move below branches naturally
recalls the oscillations of a pendulum and the repeated interchange of potential and kinetic
energy (Byron et al. 2017; Fleagle 1974; Schmitt et al. 2005). As such, it is tempting to
assert that arm-swinging primates use natural pendular movement to reduce energetic
expenditure necessary to travel (Bertram 2004; Chang et al. 2000; Fleagle 1974). Whereas

Figure 35.4 Suspensory locomotion in primates includes both (A) below-branch quadrupedal-
ism and (B) arm-swinging (i.e., brachiation). Primates are the only animal order that move using
arm-swinging. Several studies of catarrhine primates have repeatedly shown that infants and juve-
niles more frequently engage in suspensory locomotion than adults (C). This ontogenetic shift is
especially prevalent in the African apes. Images were made available by: (A) David Haring, Duke
Lemur Center, permission for use granted to MCG; (B) Bernard DuPont, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://­
creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0, via Wikimedia Commons; and (C) Charles J. Sharp, CC
BY-SA 4.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0, via Wikimedia Commons.
primate locomotion: a comparative and developmental perspective  593

some studies have demonstrated that arm-swinging primates can match the expectations
of a simple pendulum, this is only true during very slow speeds and continuous-contact
locomotion (Byron et al. 2017; Chang et al. 2000). Simple pendular locomotion is
restrictive and to optimize the energetic expenditure animals must limit themselves to a
narrow range of stride frequency and length. Arboreal environments are discontinuous
and characterized by supports of uneven distances. As such, brachiators often sacrifice
energetic efficiency for flexibility when locomoting (Byron et al. 2017; Chang et al. 2000).
The highly acrobatic gibbons take such deviations from pendular movement to an extreme
by adopting a ricochetal brachiation in which a full-body aerial phase is observed (Bertram
2004; Chang et al. 2000).
In addition to specialized arm-swinging locomotion, many primates – including lorises,
orangutans, platyrrhine monkeys, and extinct sloth lemurs – utilize a form of suspensory
movement called below-branch quadrupedalism, in which the torso is maintained in a pro-
nograde position and the fore- and hindlimbs are loaded in tension (Granatosky and Schmitt
2019; see Figure 35.4A). Compared to arm-swinging, no specific anatomical modifications
are required to adopt below-branch quadrupedalism beyond the ability to flex the digits
into a functional hook (Fujiwara et al. 2011). Specialized below-branch quadrupeds also
have increased forelimb flexor mass (Fujiwara et al. 2011), commensurate with the use of
the forelimb as the primary weight bearing and propulsive limb (Granatosky and Schmitt
2019). Such a finding has led some to suggest that below-branch quadrupedalism served as
a locomotor precursor prior to the evolution of more specialized bimanual suspensory
behaviors (Byron et al. 2017; Granatosky and Schmitt 2019).
Several studies of catarrhine primates have repeatedly shown that infants and juveniles
more frequently engage in suspensory locomotion than adults. The transition away from
predominantly forelimb-dominated suspensory locomotion toward arboreal and terrestrial
quadrupedalism is particularly dramatic in the African apes (Doran 1992, 1997; Sarringhaus
et al. 2014). For instance, in a fine-grained analysis of the ontogeny of locomotion in
common chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) in Uganda, Sarringhaus et al. (2014) found that
the incidence of suspensory locomotion declined 10-fold between infants and juveniles,
alongside a four-fold increase in the incidence of quadrupedalism. Similar ontogenetic tra-
jectories have been observed in bonobos (Doran 1992) and mountain gorillas (Doran
1997). Though less dramatic, developmental decreases in suspensory locomotion have also
been observed in cercopithecoid monkeys (Druelle et al. 2018; Workman and Covert 2005;
Zhu et al. 2015). The increased incidence of suspensory locomotion among young pri-
mates is probably due to a combination of smaller body size and relatively longer forelimbs
early in life (i.e., in most primates, the intermembral index decreases during development;
see Smith et al. 2020).

Climbing and Descent

As moving in a three-dimensional environment involves the vertical use of space, the ability
to climb, and accordingly descend, is essential (Fleagle 1976; Fleagle et al. 1981; Preuschoft
2002). Climbing is ubiquitous in primates and even terrestrially specialized species will
often climb rocky outcrops or trees to increase foraging potential and avoid terrestrial pred-
ators (Granatosky 2018; Preuschoft 2002). Whereas the importance of climbing to p ­ rimates
is well recognized, there are numerous and often conflicting opinions about what truly
constitutes the biomechanical necessities of ascending arboreal substrates. Preuschoft
(2002) provided a comprehensive perspective on the issue, specifically aiming to describe
the biomechanical necessities of climbing and moving on thin arboreal supports.
594  michael c. granatosky and jesse w. young
First, because climbing engenders force components parallel to the substrate, primates
must use their prehensile hands and feet to create the high grasping forces required to
increase friction and maintain adhesion (Cartmill 1985; Preuschoft 2002). Similarly, many
species also apply medially directed limb forces that further aid the ability to grasp the
support between limbs (Granatosky and Schmitt 2017). The South American callitrichids
and some strepsirrhines have “re-evolved” functional claws to increase adhesion on arbo-
real supports (Preuschoft 2002). Second, climbing creates a gravitational torque that could
pitch the animal away from the support (Cartmill 1985; Fleagle 1976; Fleagle et al. 1981).
To prevent falling, climbing animals must have at least one limb positioned cranial to the
center of mass that pulls the body toward the support and another limb caudal to the center
of mass that pushes. To gain height, both fore- and hindlimbs produce a net propulsive
function, whereas the hindlimb serves as the primary weight support (Hanna et al. 2017).
Generally, primates utilize two distinct forms of climbing. The first involves the primate
wrapping its forelimbs around the support while the hindlimbs are flexed and the foot is
held in a dorsiflexed position. This is most commonly observed among the callitrichids,
tarsiers, or in situations where the diameter of the support is larger than the diameter of the
body (Figure 35.5A). Progression is achieved by an asymmetrical bounding-like gait in
which as the hindlimbs are extending the forelimbs are quickly swung upwards synchro-
nously. Once the forelimbs are firmly anchored, the hindlimbs swing upwards (Nyakatura

Figure 35.5 Climbing is ubiquitous across primates. In (A) small-bodied species, or when the
diameter of substrate is larger than the size of the animal, the forelimbs and hindlimbs are wrapped
around the support, and progression is achieved by an asymmetrical bounding-like gait. The second
form of climbing (B) is a symmetrical gait common on small-diameter substrates and in the homi-
noids. While most species use their grasping hands and feet in inverted positions to maintain appro-
priate grip (A), many climbing catarrhines, including humans, use extreme dorsiflexed angle positions
to walk with the sole of the foot contacting the support (B). Images were made available by: (A) Kok
Leng Yeo, CC BY 2.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0, via Wikimedia Commons,
and (B) Abhishek Singh, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0, via Wi-
kimedia Commons.
primate locomotion: a comparative and developmental perspective  595

et al. 2008). The second form of climbing is a symmetrical gait most commonly observed
on small-diameter substrates and in the hominoids. However, compared to quadrupedal
locomotion (see above) lateral sequence diagonal couplet gaits are most common
(Granatosky et al. 2019). While most species use their grasping hands and feet in inverted
positions to maintain an appropriate grip, many climbing catarrhines, including humans,
use extreme dorsiflexed angle positions to walk with the sole of the foot contacting the
support (Isler 2005; Venkataraman et al. 2013).
Studies of primate locomotion often ignore that “what goes up must come down”
(Perchalski 2021). Descent in primates is likely to be as common as climbing behaviors, but
stark disparity in reported percentages of ascent versus descent probably indicates that such
movement is dismissed in studies of positional behavior (Granatosky 2018; see Figure
35.1). Perchalski (2021) demonstrated that strategies for descending substrates vary con-
siderably across species, with small-bodied species typically using head-first descent in all
cases, whereas species > 1 kg vary substantially in the type of descending behavior they
employ. Perchalski’s (2021) study was limited to strepsirrhines, and further work is needed
to identify broad descent strategies across primates.

Movement using only the hindlimbs for support and progression has been observed in
many non-human primates. However, some species are more adept than others (Granatosky
2018, 2020). When moving terrestrially, sifakas adopt a bipedal gallop in which the
hindlimbs produce a sideways hopping movement and the forelimbs are held up for
balance (Figure 35.6A), a gait observed in no other mammal (Wunderlich et al. 2014).
Bipedalism in other nonhuman primates is more facultative in nature, especially during
load-carrying (Hanna et al. 2015). Facultative bipedalism has been extensively studied in
chimpanzees, in the hope of unravelling the evolution of striding bipedalism in humans
(Demes et al. 2015). Both bipedal capuchin monkeys and bipedal chimpanzees use a com-
pliant bent-hip, bent-knee gait during bipedal locomotion characterized by short steps
and high stride frequencies (Demes 2011; Pontzer et al. 2014a). In both species, medio-
lateral forces are quite high, likely to prevent lateral falling when moving on one limb
during a single-limb stance phase (Hanna et al. 2015; Pontzer et al. 2014a). Considering
their crouched gait and high stride frequencies, it is not surprising that the bipedal walking
in chimpanzees is costly, requiring 41 percent more energy than expected for a mammal
of similar body mass (Pontzer et al. 2014a). However, knuckle-walking in chimpanzees is
equally inefficient, and bipedal and quadrupedal locomotion require similar metabolic
energy expenditure in chimpanzees. This finding led Sockol et al. (2007) to suggest that
small anatomical changes (see below) to improve the efficiency of bipedal locomotion
would have had large adaptive benefits.
Humans are the only obligate striding bipeds of the primate order (Figure 35.6D). As
reviewed above, bipedal locomotion in nonhuman primates is either facultative (e.g., capu-
chin monkeys, chimpanzees) or nonstriding (i.e., the bipedal galloping of sifakas). This
distinctive form of bipedalism is well suited to one particular function: efficient travel over
long distances. Sockol et al. (2007) showed that bipedal humans use less metabolic energy
to move a kilogram of body mass than either bipedal or quadrupedal chimpanzees. The
energetic efficiency of modern humans is predicated on unique aspects of our gait mechanics
and distinct features of our post-cranial anatomy.
First, bipedal humans keep their lower limbs erect and adducted during bipedal stance
and locomotion – particularly in comparison to other bipedal primates (O’Neill et al. 2015).
596  michael c. granatosky and jesse w. young

Figure 35.6 Bipedal locomotion has been extensively studied in primates and varies considerably
across species. Because of their specialized leaping anatomy, (A) sifakas use a bipedal galloping gait
when moving terrestrially. Many primates adopt facultative bipedalism when carrying objects (B) with
their forelimbs. This is especially prevalent in (B) capuchins and (C) hominoids. Humans (D) are the
only extant obligate striding biped. Images were made available by: (A) Moongateclimber, CC BY-
SA 3.0, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0, via Wikimedia Commons; (B) Rennett
Stowe, CC BY 2.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0, via flickr; (C) Eric Kilby, CC
BY-SA 2.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0, via Wikimedia Commons; (D) Lukáš
Rychvalský, CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0), https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0,
via shutterstock.

This limits the muscular effort required to maintain posture, saving metabolic energy with
every step (Biewener et al. 2004). Second, lower limb muscle contractions are isometric or
eccentric during bipedal walking, rather than concentric (Rose and Gamble 1994). Isometric
and eccentric contractions are metabolically cheaper, creating another energy-saving mech-
anism (McMahon 1984). Third, the rolling motion of the human foot effectively reduces
the mechanical (and metabolic) power required to redirect body mass during a walking step
(Adamczyk and Kuo 2013).
Humans also show morphological adaptations associated with improving energetic
efficiency during bipedalism. Perhaps the most obvious is limb length. Whereas all other
apes have intermembral indices of > 100 percent, modern humans have an intermembral
index of only 88 percent (Aiello and Dean 1990). Pontzer (2005) showed that long limbs,
and the longer strides they permit, reduce the metabolic cost of locomotion by allowing
humans to get more “bang for their buck” (i.e., any mechanism that carries the body
further with each step will naturally reduce the energy required to travel a given distance).
Additionally, human lower limb muscle fibers are typically much shorter than those of the
other great apes, reducing the overall volume of limb muscle that must be activated to effect
locomotion and thus decreasing overall energetic costs (Pontzer et al. 2009).
Additional distinctive features of the human skeleton are better explained as solutions to
the potential balance problems and increased musculoskeletal stresses of bipedalism (Aiello
et al. 1990). For instance, the spine is marked by posteriorly concave curvatures in the
cervical and lumbar regions (i.e., lordoses) and anteriorly concave curvatures in the thoracic
and sacral regions (i.e., kyphoses). The zig-zag pattern of curvatures balances the center of
mass over the hindlimb joints, ensuring that little metabolic energy is required to maintain
stance. The short, sagittally oriented iliac blades of modern humans redirect the pull of the
primate locomotion: a comparative and developmental perspective  597

lesser gluteal muscles, making it easier for a human to balance the trunk during periods of
single limb stance (Stern and Susman 1981). Similarly, a medially directed (i.e., valgus)
femoral shaft places the foot directly under the center of gravity during a single-limb stance,
further securing balance. Finally, lower limb joints are relatively large compared to those of
apes and monkeys, decreasing joint stress and the potential for injury (Jungers 1988).
It should also be noted that some features of the modern human musculoskeletal system
may be better associated with adaptation for bipedal running than walking per se. In their
review of endurance running in human evolution, Bramble and Lieberman (2004) listed 26
different features of the musculoskeletal system that could serve as adaptations to variably
stabilize the head, stabilize the trunk, reduce joint stresses, prevent overheating, and mini-
mize energetic cost during endurance running. For instance, the spring-like Achilles tendon
at the back of the ankle stores and releases energy during a running stride (Foster et al.
2021), but would be of little use during walking.

Future Directions

Though the study of primate locomotion has a long history (e.g., Muybridge 1957), there
remains much work to be done. Most quantitative research on primate locomotion has
focused on captive animals in laboratory environments. Though there is a long, distin-
guished history of studying primate locomotion in the field as well (Garber 2007), most of
this research has been observational and only broadly quantitative. The appeal of the
research laboratory is twofold. First, working in the laboratory more easily facilitates exper-
imental control, allowing the researcher to isolate specific factors thought to influence the
locomotor behavior in question (e.g., support diameter, compliance, orientation, or distri-
bution in space). Second, many of the standard techniques used to quantitively study pri-
mate locomotion have traditionally been feasible to use only in the laboratory (e.g.,
high-speed cameras, force plates, electromyography). However, primates did not evolve to
move on standardized poles in a laboratory environment. Only in the field is it feasible to
sample the rich environmental variability that primates face daily (Vereecke and D’Août
2011). Moreover, financial and ethical concerns continue to make in vivo research on cap-
tive primates increasingly difficult. Some species, due to remoteness, lack of biomedical
interest, or conservation status, might never be studied in the laboratory. Locomotor
research in the field could thus expand the taxonomic breadth of our knowledge.
How then should primate locomotor researchers interested in field work address the lack
of experimental control and measurement precision that would seem to be uniquely the pur-
view of laboratory environments? First, an alternative approach to experimental control is
statistical control. Through robust, quantitative sampling of the locomotor behaviors of
interest and the ecological and phylogenetic factors hypothesized to influence the behavior,
researchers can gain a mechanistic understanding of a biological system despite the lack of
experimental control. Second, modern recording technologies have advanced to the point
where collecting high-fidelity quantitative data collection is possible in natural environments.
High-speed video, laser scanning, and other photogrammetric methods can be used to
remotely sample primate locomotor kinematics, morphometrics, and environmental varia-
tion (Dunham et al. 2018). Tags and collars with integrated accelerometers and GPS units
can be used to get precise biomechanical data on animal movement during fitness-critical
activities in natural environments (Wunderlich et al. 2014). Even direct physiological mea-
surements of primate musculoskeletal function are possible in natural environments, as shown
598  michael c. granatosky and jesse w. young
by the work of Williams and colleagues (2008) on masticatory electromyography in free-
ranging howler monkeys. Vanguard technologies such as these will continue to advance our
understanding of primate locomotor evolution and adaptation for years to come.
One especially promising area of inquiry using these emerging technologies is primate
locomotor energetics. Locomotion is essential for survival, yet the energy that an animal
expends while moving can significantly decrease the amount that it has available for growth
and reproduction, or, more proximately, the reserve energy left for seeking a mate and
avoiding a predator (Halsey 2016). Therefore, it is likely that natural selection favors ani-
mals that move at speeds and select travel paths that allows them to traverse across the
landscape at the lowest energy cost possible. However, in the wild, where various interests
can compete, an animal may select a movement speed that does not optimize energy
economy, sacrificing this currency for an alternative (e.g., stability). Primates are ideal
model systems to understand the interplay between locomotor energetic economy and
alternative selective pressures. While studies of primate locomotor energetics are limited,
data suggest that primate locomotor strategies may not be particularly efficient (Sockol
et al. 2007). Further, arboreal environments are complex in nature, and the continuous
substrates necessary to maximize an animal’s locomotor efficiency are simply not present.
However, measurements of daily energy expenditure indicate that primates, including
humans, expend only half of the calories expected for mammals of a similar body size
(Pontzer et al. 2014b). Such a paradox suggests that primates are actively making decisions
about travel paths and/or movement patterns to keep total energy expenditure low. Indirect
measures of energy consumption, such as doubly labelled water (Speakman et al. 2019),
urinary C-peptide (Sacco et al. 2021), and accelerometers (Bryce et al. 2017), are becoming
more accurate and affordable, leading to the possibility of measuring locomotor energetics
outside the laboratory. Considerations of primate locomotor energetics in the field will
surely spark new and exciting investigations of how primates mitigate the challenges of their
complex arboreal environment.


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CHAPTER 36 Teaching Biological
Pedagogy of Human
Evolution and Human

Briana Pobiner


While biological anthropology intersects with science education via numerous topics, and
many practicing biological anthropologists are college or university faculty members, studies
of biological anthropology pedagogical best practices at the undergraduate level are scarce.
The purpose of this chapter is to (1) outline obstacles and opportunities in teaching two
content areas in biological anthropology perceived as “controversial”: human evolution and
human variation (sometimes understood as “race”) and (2) present evidence-based recom-
mendations for pedagogical best practices and approaches that US college and university
faculty members can use when teaching these topics in undergraduate classrooms.

Low Acceptance of Human Evolution in the Us

In 1982, Gallup began the longest running periodic poll of Americans on their acceptance
of (or attitudes toward) human evolution.1 The poll uses the following question and three
statements as choices for an answer: “Which of the following statements comes closest to
your views on the origin and development of human beings?” (1) “Human beings have
developed over millions of years from less advanced forms of life, but God guided this pro-
cess;” (2) “Human beings have developed over millions of years from less advanced forms
of life, but God had no part in this process;” and (3) “God created human beings pretty
much in their present form at one time within the last 10,000 years or so.” The proportion
of respondents who choose each of these statements has remained remarkably consistent in

A Companion to Biological Anthropology, Second Edition. Edited by Clark Spencer Larsen.

© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
604  briana pobiner
the total of 14 polls since that time, including the most recent poll in June 2019. Between
31 and 40 percent of respondents have agreed with the first statement; between 9 and 22
percent of respondents have agreed with the second statement, with an overall increase,
especially in the last decade or so; and between 38 and 47 percent have agreed with the
third statement. The only real change in the most recent poll is an increase – more than
doubling, in fact, since 1982 – of those who agree with the second statement. Those having
“no opinion” have fluctuated between 4 and 9 percent.
In addition to the increase in people agreeing with Gallup’s second statement, there is
more recent evidence regarding the acceptance of human evolution acceptance by the
American public, which Jon Miller and colleagues (Miller et al. 2021) analyzed via a series
of national surveys collected between 1985 and 2020 in which US adults were asked to
agree or disagree with the following statement: “Human beings, as we know them today,
developed from earlier species of animals.” They found that the level of public acceptance
of evolution in the US increased in the last decade, from 40 to 54 percent; and, in 2016,
for the first time, a majority of US adults agreed with this statement. They attributed this
change to increasing enrollment in baccalaureate-level programs, increased exposure to
college-level science courses, a declining level of religious fundamentalism, and a rising level
of civic scientific literacy (Miller et al. 2021).
The low acceptance of evolution in the US is unusual among Western countries and most
of the Global North. In 2006, Jon Miller and colleagues (Miller et al. 2006) published what
is still the most extensive comparative international study of human evolution acceptance,
including the United States, Japan, and 32 European countries. They found that only
Turkish adults were less likely to accept human evolution than American adults. Importantly,
though, relevant Pew Research Center data indicate that how a question about human evo-
lution acceptance is phrased can have a strong influence on how it is answered by people
from highly religious groups.2 Specifically, a two-question “branched choice format,” in
which survey respondents were first asked if they believe humans evolved over time and
then those who said “yes” were asked a second question about their views about the
processes behind evolution, including the role of God in those processes, led to 66 percent
of white evangelical Protestants and 59 percent of Black Protestants taking a “creationist”
stance, saying that “humans have always existed in their present form since the beginning
of time.” In contrast, when survey respondents were asked a single question about their
views on whether or not human evolution has occurred, the processes behind evolution,
and the role of God in those processes, the majority of white evangelical (62 percent) and
Black (71 percent) Protestants agreed with the position that humans evolved over time.
This indicates that highly religious people may feel uncomfortable agreeing with the idea
that humans evolved over time unless they can express their views about the role of God in
these natural processes.
Why is acceptance of evolution in the US so low relative to other Global North coun-
tries? Miller and colleagues (Miller et al. 2006) concluded that it is a combination of factors,
namely a low level of genetic literacy, the politicization of science, a tendency to see humans
as exceptions from the rest of the animal kingdom, and religious influence. Ranney (2012)
proposed Reinforced Theistic Manifest Destiny (RTMD) as an explanation. This concept
focuses on spiritually linked feedback regarding the US’s military and industrial prowess
and associations observed among beliefs regarding afterlife, theism, nationalism, global
warming, and the origins of species. Other studies have identified myriad factors in the low
acceptance of evolution among Americans, including religiosity, religious denomination,
openness to experience, educational attainment and focus, and evolutionary content
knowledge, along with demographic factors such as gender, age, and political affiliation.3
teaching biological anthropology  605

Especially pronounced, however, is the lack of understanding of the nature of science (e.g.,
Dunk et al. 2017; Heddy and Nadelson 2013). In addition to influences from specific reli-
gious or other culturally influenced worldviews, there are three common cognitive barriers
to understanding evolution. These are essentialism, which is a belief in immutable categories
or kinds, sometimes causing people to overlook the significance of individual differences
within a species (variation) and randomly occurring differences between parents and off-
spring (inheritance); teleology, meaning that explanations for the form of something assume
that its function or design are need-based or invoke an ultimate purpose; and intentionality,
which assumes that events are purposeful, progressive, or goal-directed, and may be caused
by an intentional agent (Gregory 2009; Pobiner 2016 and references therein). For a broader
and more extensive review of the challenges to understanding and accepting evolution,
including human evolution, see Pobiner (2016); for more international perspectives on
evolution education, see Harms and Reiss (2019).
Religious factors are central to public views on only a few science topics. Human evolu-
tion usually tops the list. However, are science and religion actually in conflict for Americans?
A 2014 Pew Research Center poll found that most Americans (59 percent) think science
and religion often conflict, but only 30 percent of Americans say their personal religious
beliefs conflict with science.4 Paradoxically, this “conflict view” is particularly common
among Americans who are not very religious (73 percent) or who have no religious affilia-
tion (76 percent), while only 50 percent of the most religious Americans – those who
attend services on a weekly basis – hold the conflict view. The proportion of Americans who
perceive a conflict between science and their own religious beliefs declined somewhat from
36 percent in 2009 to 30 percent in 2014.4
Data from different polls suggest that Americans accept evolution in plants and animals
at higher levels than evolution in humans, although this assumption has not been directly
tested in a comparative study. Yet, teaching about evolution in humans can paradoxically be
an opportunity for biological anthropologists to engage students in science. In this regard,
growing research demonstrates that a pedagogical focus on human examples along with
evolution of other organisms in high school and college biology classrooms can be an effec-
tive and engaging way to teach core concepts of evolution (e.g., Ashmore 2005; Pobiner
2012, 2016; Pobiner et al. 2018, 2019). However, a recent study found that student
acceptance of evolution and prior scientific content knowledge can affect student outcomes
(perceived content relevance, learning gains, students’ engagement, and level of discom-
fort) when teaching evolution using human versus nonhuman mammal examples in an
introductory college biology course (Grunspan et al. 2021).

Human Variation and “Race”

Human populations differ in their distribution and frequency of traits they display, which
are the result of both genetic and nongenetic forces, such as epigenetic and environmental
factors (Chakravarti 2015). The relationship between this variation and the concept of
“race” is complex; the concept of “race” has different meanings and practices depending on
the social, historical, and political context. One definition of “race” is that it refers to
“groupings of people according to common origin or background and associated with per-
ceived biological markers.”5 In racist physical anthropology scholarly work, human groups
were explicitly classified through biology and culture and then arranged hierarchically in
socioevolutionary terms, in an attempt to understand human variation in explicitly racial
terms (Benn Torres 2019; Van Arsdale 2019). Skin color is the primary physical criterion
606  briana pobiner
by which people have been classified into racial groups because it is visible – yet skin color
is generally not associated with other traits that have been used to characterize and classify
human races (Jablonski 2021). The current scientific understanding of the pattern and
amount of human variation is inconsistent with popular notions of race, because most
human traits vary on a continuous basis rather than separating people into discrete racial
groups and genetic diversity is greater within populations or geographic groups than bet-
ween them (Benn Torres 2019; Goodman et al. 2012; Graves 2015; Rivera 2019). Race is
a recent human invention and is largely a cultural construct; yet race and racism are
embedded in institutions and everyday life in the US and racial thinking is deeply entrenched
in the science of human biological variation and the subjective classification systems used
for human phenotypes (Benn Torres 2019; Fuentes 2021; Goodman et al. 2012; Graves
2015; Lasisi 2021; Van Arsdale 2019). The American Association of Biological
Anthropologists (formerly the American Association of Physical Anthropologists) 2019
statement on race and racism6 makes it clear that “race does not provide an accurate repre-
sentation of human biological variation” but is “a social reality that structures societies and
how we experience the world.” Both biological anthropology and human genetics as fields
of study are grappling with how to reconcile their legacies of scientific racism and continue
to struggle with conceptualizing and describing geographic and population-based genetic
variation, as racial categories are not products of human evolutionary history (e.g., Byeon
et al. 2021; Fuentes 2021; Graves 2015; Lasisi 2021).
Biological essentialism of race is “the belief the races are natural ‘biological kinds’ that
differ in humanly important ways (e.g., in complex psychological traits and abilities) because
each race possesses a different genetic or biological essence” (Donovan 2015: 1096).
Similarly, genetic essentialism is “the belief that a ‘race’ is a genetically homogenous group-
ing of people, and that races differ physically, cognitively, and behaviorally primarily because
they differ in a discrete manner at the genetic level” (Donovan 2022: 1). Consequently,
genetic essentialists believe that complex traits are only minimally influenced by the social
environment (Dar-Nimrod and Heine 2011). Biological and genetic essentialism are not
supported by scientific research; human groups do not possess a genetic essence that makes
members of one group highly uniform and different from other groups, as people of the
same group are different in their variable DNA, and racial groups are not discrete (Donovan
2015; Donovan et al. 2019; Fuentes 2021; Rosenberg 2011). The same pattern holds for
all other studies of human variation that is not under selection pressure in disparate popula-
tions – including skull shape, facial structure, and blood types (Relethford 2002).
Additionally, scientific data falsify racialized assertations about the causal role of genes in
complex human social outcomes and refute assertions of continental groupings as either
biologically meaningful or evolutionarily derived distributions of human genetic variation
(Fuentes 2021; Van Arsdale 2019). Yet biological essentialism of race causes people to per-
ceive more variation between racial groups and less variation within racial groups and facil-
itates social stratification based on race because it causes people to categorically differentiate
humans into nonoverlapping races (Chao et al. 2013). This essentialism has been used to
rationalize prejudice and justify the social acceptability of racial inequality (and inequity) for
a century (Donovan et al. 2019). Recent estimates suggest that 20 percent of non-Black US
citizens believe in genetic essentialism of race (Morning et al. 2019).
Human genetics education is not socially neutral because genetic arguments for the
existence of racial inequality have been used to oppose social policies that promote racial
equality for over a century, and students actively construct explanations for racial difference
in middle and high school (Donovan et al. 2019). This extends to undergraduate contexts
including business, sociology, nursing, health sciences, and pre-med curricula (Hubbard
teaching biological anthropology  607

2017b; McChesney 2015). Some current teaching material and approaches seem to sustain
racial inequality (Donovan 2017) and many teachers avoid the topic entirely – yet “the
sensitive topics we avoid in the classroom become the significant problems we avoid in our
communities” (Hubbard 2017b: 542). Intuitive thinking, teachers, textbooks, and the
media affect secondary students’ development of erroneous or outdated ideas related to
genetics (Stern and Kampourakis 2017). There is over a century-long history of discussing
race in American biology textbooks at the secondary and undergraduate levels (Donovan
2015, 2017). While social Darwinist and eugenicist framings of human racial difference
became less prevalent between 1940 and 1960, as recently as the 1960s the biology curric-
ulum continued to communicate a biological essentialist conception of race by explaining
the evolutionary origin and adaptive differences between races (Donovan 2015; Skoog
2005). Many high school biology textbooks published between 1993 and 2002 include
definitions and characterizations of different races and descriptions of how races originated,
and 90 percent of high school biology textbooks in use at the turn of the twenty-first
century included references to race (Morning 2008).
Unfortunately, it is possible to tacitly communicate biological essentialism of race in the
classroom even while attempting to challenge it (Donovan 2015). Experimental evidence
with 8th and 9th grade students indicates that simply reading about the association bet-
ween genetic disease and racial groups in biology textbooks activated students’ belief in
biological essentialism, and that students transfer this essentialist thinking to understand
racial difference in nondisease contexts such as differences in academic ability (Donovan
2014, 2015, 2016; Donovan et al. 2019). Donovan (2017) found that biology students in
7th to 9th grades who learned about human variation using repeated racial terminology
(e.g., “race,” “African Americans,” “Caucasians,” “Ashkenazi Jews”) inferred from their
curriculum that if races differ in genetic disease prevalence or skeletal structure, then ge-
netic difference would probably cause them to differ cognitively and behaviorally too – even
though this was not implied by the curriculum. This was not the case with students who
learned with an identical curriculum, but without racial terminology (the aforementioned
terms were replaced with “American(s)” and “healthy people”). These 7th to 9th graders
perceived 43 percent of genetic and phenotypic differences between racial groups and 57
percent within racial groups, while the scientific estimate of genetic variation across conti-
nents commonly associated with US census races is 4.5 percent (Donovan 2017). These
findings are consistent with nationally representative experimental findings demonstrating
that beliefs in racial essentialism in the American public are increased with subtle references
to race in journalistic reports about the genetic basis of disease (Condit et al. 2004; Phelan
et al. 2013). Other studies confirm that simply reading news articles about behavioral
genetics can activate genetic essentialism beliefs in adults (Morin-Chassé 2014, 2020).
When reading science texts that include “gene for” language, adults increase in genetic
essentialist beliefs (Lynch et al. 2008).
As noted above, students perceive far too little genetic variation within races and far too
much genetic variation across races (Donovan et al. 2019). Many middle and high school
student misconceptions about genetics exhibited in essays have their roots in deterministic
thinking and an overly simplified view of inheritance patterns, and at least 25 percent of
secondary science students exhibit gene-deterministic reasoning about the relationship bet-
ween genes and complex human traits (Mills Shaw et al. 2008; Stern and Kampourakis
2017). In the context of human genetics education, basic genomics literacy, which refers to
Mendelian and molecular genetics, tells a mechanistic story about the relatively rare human
traits that are influenced by a single gene with two alleles, is focused on inheritance patterns
within individuals or families, and is the easiest form of genomics literacy to use for
608  briana pobiner
essentialist arguments because the gene is conceptualized as the only cause of a trait
(Donovan 2022; Donovan et al. 2020; Fuentes 2021). Studies indicate that when students
learn genetic concepts in a curriculum oriented toward basic genetic literacy and Mendelian
inheritance, there is a greater probability that their genetic essentialist beliefs will increase
rather than decrease because they begin to view human variation as discrete rather than
continuous, which reinforces the idea that there are “genes for” traits (Donovan 2014,
2016, 2017; Donovan et al. 2020; Stern and Kampourakis 2017).
Standard genomics literacy focuses on the complex relationship between genetic and phe-
notypic variation within populations and is grounded in the concepts of population thinking,
which emphasizes that human populations are aggregates of genetically varying individuals
rather than genetic types, and multifactorial genetics, which contends that most human
traits are polygenic and influenced by tens or even thousands of alleles. It also includes the
understanding that physical, social, and ecological (environmental) factors strongly influence
complex traits and can moderate gene expression (Donovan 2022; Donovan et al. 2020).
This form of genomics literacy is more difficult to use for essentialist arguments, and a study
with 9th to 12th graders indicated that students with higher (versus lower) genomics
literacy exhibited greater reductions in the perception of racial differences and belief in ge-
netic essentialism after learning how patterns of human genetic variation refute genetic
essentialism via multifactorial genetics and population thinking (Donovan et al. 2021).
Humane genomics literacy differs from standard genomics literacy in purpose, not content.
It focuses on how population thinking and multifactorial genetics refute genetic essentialist
beliefs about race, is derived from anti-racist educational approaches, and makes humane
genomics literacy impossible to use for essentialist arguments (Donovan 2022; Donovan et
al. 2021). An education that helps students develop both standard and humane genomic
literacy could reduce the prevalence of genetic essentialism (Donovan et al. 2021).

The Undergraduate Student Audience

Students do not walk into college classrooms as blank slates. They may have stronger or
weaker science content knowledge or understanding of the broader nature of science. They
may also have had K-12 teachers reluctant to teach evolution or who taught evolution and
creationism as “both sides” of a (inappropriate) debate about the cause of the diversity of
life on Earth, whether they attended school in the US or elsewhere. They may have received
anti-evolution messaging from other parts of their lives including their family, religious
institutions, their peers, their K-12 teachers, books they have read, and the media (Bertka
et al. 2019; Glaze and Goldston 2015; Long 2011; Scott 1987; Tolman et al. 2021;
Winslow et al. 2011; Woods and Scharmann 2001). If they did not learn about evolution
until late in high school, or not at all, then they may experience significant cognitive disso-
nance when presented with information that strongly contradicts what they have been
taught to accept in other aspects of their lives. They may also feel threatened by the mere
idea of studying evolution (Reed 2017; Schrein 2017). They may be taking a biological
anthropology class in order to avoid another class in a “hard” science. Yet, while they bring
their religious worldviews and understandings to their science classes (Borgerding 2020), a
student’s understanding or acceptance of evolution cannot necessarily be predicted just
from knowing their educational background, their religion or religiosity, or their major.
What level of understanding and acceptance of evolution might be expected among
undergraduate students in biological anthropology classes? US college students’ religiosity
has been shown to be negatively correlated with their understanding of evolution (Hawley
teaching biological anthropology  609

et al. 2011) and predicts their understanding of evolution even more strongly than the evo-
lution content of their high school biology course (Moore et al. 2011; Rissler et al. 2014).
Yet the relationship between understanding evolution and accepting evolution is not
straightforward (Dunk et al. 2017). Some studies have found a positive correlation between
the two (e.g., Shtulman and Calabi 2012) and some have not (e.g., Sinatra et al. 2003). It
is possible for someone to understand evolution and not accept that it is true (e.g., Hermann
2012). It is also possible for someone to accept that evolution is true without actually
understanding it (e.g., Lord and Marino 1993). In sum, while there is likely to be a positive
relationship between understanding and accepting evolution, this relationship is complex
and rife with mitigating factors (e.g., Allmon 2011; Glaze and Goldston 2015; Nelson
2012; Pobiner 2016; Smith and Siegel 2004, and additional references therein). While
there is some variation, many teachers and evolution education researchers focus on the
goal of helping students understand evolution through classroom teaching, rather than
focusing on evolution acceptance (e.g., Barnes and Brownell 2016, 2017; Bertka et al.
2019; Meadows 2009; Reiss 2009; Scharmann 2005).
Research in high school and college biology classrooms has shown that when students’
worldviews include religious or other cultural concerns about engaging with evolution
content in the classroom, leaving these concerns unaddressed can be detrimental to student
learning because it can leave them feeling excluded and uncomfortable (Barnes and Brownell
2017; Hermann 2012; Southerland and Scharmann 2013). More recent approaches explic-
itly work toward reducing perceived conflicts undergraduate students might feel between
evolution and their religious faith (e.g., Barnes and Brownell 2017; Manwaring et al. 2015;
Truong et al. 2018). A recent study of students in 26 biology courses across 11 states found
that student perceived conflict between evolution and their religion was the strongest pre-
dictor of evolution acceptance among all variables measured (including religiosity, religious
affiliation, understanding of evolution, and demographics), and even mediated the impact
of religiosity on evolution acceptance (Barnes et al. 2021b).
Recent research exploring the experience of Christian undergraduate and graduate stu-
dents in biology determined that many Christian students think the biology community
holds strong negative stereotypes against Christians and sometimes conceal their Christian
identities to avoid them (Barnes et al. 2021a). Collectively, Christians are an under-repre-
sented religious group in science within the US (compared with Jewish, Buddhist, or
Muslim communities) (Ecklund and Scheitle 2007), and college students perceive a bias
against Christians in science that may reflect a real bias, at least in academic biology (Barnes
et al. 2020). Undergraduate biology students also reported adverse experiences when
instructors had negative dispositions toward religion and when they were rigid in their
instructional practices when teaching evolution (Barnes et al. 2017). While similar research
has not been undertaken among biological anthropology students, it should serve as a
signal that even “subtle and infrequent” negative interactions, such as highlighting the
conflict between religion and evolution, making fun of religious people who do not accept
evolution, making a joke at the expense of a religious individual, making anti-religious com-
ments, or trying to force students’ acceptance of evolution could have a significant negative
impact on Christian students in college classrooms. Even just the lack of acknowledging
religious students or their beliefs during relevant instruction can make students feel invisible
or excluded (Barnes et al. 2017). Instead, acknowledging religious students or their beliefs
and presenting evolution and religion as compatible can lead to positive experiences for
students (Barnes et al. 2017).
There have only been two studies that explore an understanding of the nature of science
and misconceptions about evolution among undergraduate biological anthropology
610  briana pobiner
students. Cunningham and Wescott (2009) created a survey that they gave to 547 under-
graduate students enrolled in an Introduction to Biological Anthropology class. The
authors characterized the students enrolled in the course as “generally averse to science and
intimidated by the other ‘hard’ science courses” (Cunningham and Wescott 2009: 513).
Barely over half (51 percent) of these students had been taught evolutionary principles in
high school without creationism, although most (77 percent) were exposed to evolutionary
theory in high school. A slim majority (55 percent) agreed that the theory of evolution cor-
rectly explains the development of life. The misconception that a scientific theory is a best
guess was fairly common (40 percent), the idea of “need”-driven evolution was widely
accepted (66 percent), as was the idea that the environment determines which new traits
will appear in a population (78 percent), and that “survival of the fittest” means “only the
strong survive” (64 percent). The authors concluded from the survey data that students
seem to be able to recognize the scientifically accurate answer when a statement is phrased
correctly, yet when a statement included a common misconception, students tended to
agree with the misconception. Still, these students did not exhibit other common miscon-
ceptions about the importance of population size and variation on species evolution,
Lamarckian explanations for skin color, and the importance of “wanting” to evolve. The
majority (59 percent) of students realized that evolution does not always result in an
improvement. In agreement with other studies, these students’ confidence in science was
unrelated to their competency (Cunningham and Wescott 2009).
Beggrow and Sbeglia (2019) explored whether the disciplinary context for learning
about evolution – anthropology (human evolution) versus biology – had an effect on under-
standing of and reasoning patterns related to evolution. They had 268 students in classes in
these two disciplines complete two widely used evolution knowledge instruments, the
CINS (Concept Inventory of Natural Selection) and ACORNS (Assessment of Contextual
Reasoning about Natural Selection). While scores on these measures of evolution under-
standing were generally poor for both groups of students, the anthropology students had
lower CINS scores, understood fewer key concepts, had more naive ideas, and displayed
lower frequencies of accurate reasoning models. Key concept scores were comparable when
background and demographic factors were controlled, but anthropology students continued
to display lower measures for the other variables. Additionally, anthropology students had
more trouble transferring concepts from a human/primate context to other contexts, mak-
ing them more novice-like in their evolutionary knowledge and reasoning patterns.
However, the anthropology and biology students had significantly different academic and
demographic backgrounds, making direct comparisons between the two student groups
complex (Beggrow and Sbeglia 2019).
As outlined in the previous section, many students are likely to enter college with
biological or genetic essentialist misconceptions about race. These misconceptions may
then be inadvertently reinforced in college biology courses that focus only on basic geno-
mics literacy, because focusing on rare, single-gene traits in genetics instruction leads to
student misconceptions that this fully describes inheritance and “is clearly not compatible
with modern understandings of genetics” (Dougherty 2009: 10). A study of genetics
instructors of undergraduate nonmajor biology courses found that they spent the greatest
amount of genetics lecture time on genetics transmission (meiosis and Mendel) and the
least amount of lecture time on “gene regulation,” the broad category that included mul-
tifactorial traits and the underlying genetics (Hott et al. 2002). An estimated 75 percent of
college students taking introductory biology and genetics courses do not know that there
is proportionally more genetic variation within groups that between them (Bowling et al.
2008). Similarly, the study described below found that 29 percent of biological anthropology
teaching biological anthropology  611

students believed that there is proportionally more biological difference between two races
than between individuals within a single race (Hubbard 2017b).
Hubbard conducted the only study to date on teaching about race in a biological
anthropology course (Hubbard 2017b). She explored data collected from 296 undergrad-
uate students in a large-enrolment, general education, natural science course surveying the
field of biological anthropology to assess how student understanding of four common mis-
conceptions about the nature of human biological and genetic variation in relation to
“human racial variation”7 changed between teaching interventions, and which concepts
were most pervasive. The misconceptions were: (1) individual traits (like skin color or hair
color) can be used to reliably distinguish people by race; (2) combinations of traits (like
skin color and hair color) can be used to reliably distinguish people by race; (3) there are
more biological/genetic differences between people of different races than between people
of the same race; and (4) racial differences are best explained by biology, not culture or
society. Before exposure to the course content, students generally believed that multiple
biological traits can be used to divide people into distinct racial groups, with slightly better
understanding that single traits cannot be used to define races; that there is more biological
variation among members of the same race; and that races are culturally variable categories.
After watching the first 50 minutes of Episode 1 of “Race: The Power of an Illusion,”8
correct student understanding increased by 16–32 percent (depending on the question).
On the same day, the students then attended a two-hour lab where they were shown a
series of photos and asked to assign a “race” and to describe specific physical features used
to categorize each individual. Through sharing of data among members of their lab group,
students were challenged to “prove” that there are individual traits or trait combinations
that can be used to reliably assign individuals to racial groups. A final reflective assignment
asked students to use these results to explain to a friend why racial differences have no basis
in biology. The next day the students attended a 50-minute lecture debunking the core
myths of the biological race concept. Student understanding did not change more than 6
percent after the lab and lecture. While students appear to have understood all concepts
equally well after a single exposure to the course materials, the idea that we cannot use
suites of biological traits to reliably assign individuals to racial groupings (misconception 2)
was a sticking point. Only 74–78 percent of students could recognize the fallacy presented
in misconception 2, as opposed to the 84–90 percent of students who recognized the fal-
lacies presented with the other three misconceptions. Still, these results suggest that a
single exposure to accurate pedagogical content about race might lead to a significant
change in student understanding.

Teaching Human Evolution and Variation in Us Biological Anthropology

Undergraduate Courses in Accurate, Effective, and Inclusive Ways

Barnes and Brownell (2017) recently introduced a framework called Religious Cultural
Competence in Evolution Education (ReCCEE), particularly for secular college instructors
when teaching evolution to religious college biology students. They describe cultural com-
petence as “the ability of individuals from one culture (in this case, primarily secular instruc-
tors who are teaching evolution) to bridge cultural differences and effectively communicate
with individuals from a different culture (in this case, primarily religious undergraduate
biology students)” (Barnes and Brownell 2017: 1). This framework is particularly relevant
for academic scientists, who are much less religious than the general US public. In this
regard, 52 percent of academic scientists in the Religion Among Academic Scientists study
612  briana pobiner
(RAAS) see themselves as having no religious affiliation, compared with 14 percent of the
adult US population (Ecklund and Scheitle 2007). University faculty members are highly
accepting of evolution, and knowledge of and acceptance of evolution are positively corre-
lated for university faculty, regardless of level of science education (Rice et al. 2015).
These culturally competent practices can help instructors reduce students’ perceived
conflict between evolution and religion, increase students’ acceptance of evolution, and
create more inclusive undergraduate biology classrooms (Barnes and Brownell 2017).
These approaches can, and should, be extended to students in biological anthropology
classes. They are outlined in Table 36.1, which has been adapted from Table 36.2 in Barnes
and Brownell (2017) and extended to include useful resources. Although it was developed
for Advanced Placement high school biology classrooms, another similar approach that
could be used to reduce perceived conflict between evolution and religion in biological
anthropology classrooms is the Cultural and Religious Sensitivity (CRS) Teaching Strategies
Resource described by Bertka et al. (2019). This freely downloadable resource focuses on
creating a classroom environment where individual worldviews are respected while encour-
aging a sound scientific understanding of evolution and includes in-class activities.9
It is possible to reduce belief in genetic essentialism among biology students if instruc-
tors teach genetics in a manner that helps students understand the flaws in such arguments
by orienting biology education toward humane genomics literacy instead of basic geno-
mics literacy. Humane genomics literacy is the story of how population thinking and mul-
tifactorial genetics refute genetic essentialist beliefs about race. Similar to the framework
outlined above for teaching evolution, humane genomics literacy can be considered a
cultural relevant pedagogy for teaching “when teaching genetics concepts that, if

Table 36.1 Culturally competent practices for teaching evolution and related resources available
for classroom use

Practice Description Resources

Acknowledge Acknowledge that students may see a conflict CRS Resource5

between evolution and their religious beliefs.
Explore Discuss and encourage the exploration of Borgerding (2020)
students’ personal views on evolution and
Teach the nature Explain to students the bounded nature of Understanding Science website,10
of science science and different ways of knowing. Borgerding (2020)
Outline the Explain that there are diverse viewpoints on CRS Resource5
spectrum of the relationship between evolution and
viewpoints religion, and that viewpoints are not restricted
to atheistic evolution and special creationism.
Provide role Highlight biological anthropologists and AAAS DoSER Profiles in Science
models other scientists who are religious. Engagement with Faith
Communities,11 National Academies
Science and Religion Resources12
Highlight Explicitly discuss the potential compatibility CRS Resource5, National Academies
potential between evolution and religion. Science and Religion Resources,8
compatibility Sager (2008), Martin (2010)
teaching biological anthropology  613

Table 36.2 Effective themes to emphasize and approaches to use when teaching about human
variation (especially as related to concepts of “race”)

Theme/Approach Description Reference

There are no biological The idea of biologically distinct races is not Hubbard (2017a)
human “races.” supported by research on genetic or physical
(biological) differences among humans.
“Race” is real in society and However, social and cultural constructions of Hubbard (2017a)
culture. race and its use as an identifier are real.
Racism impacts our biology. Race is not biologically determined, but Hubbard (2017a)
racism has impacts on our biology.
Racial inequality (and It is incorrect to infer that races differ socially Donovan (2017)
inequity) is not the inevitable or behaviorally for genetic reasons (on the
product of genes. basis that they differ medically for genetic
Genetic essentialism is Genetic essentialism is ontologically flawed Donovan (2022)
flawed. from a population genetics point of view.
Biologists and anthropologists discredited
essentialism in the mid-twentieth century by
challenging the epistemology of racialist
Racial groups are not Only 0.1 percent of human DNA varies Donovan et al.
discrete. between individuals. Most (95.7 percent) of (2019)
this human genetic variation occurs between
individuals within continental populations
commonly associated with US census racial
groups. Although some (7.53 percent) gene
variants are unique to a single group, on
average none of these variants are possessed
by > 1.65 percent of any population. Most
variants within the human genome are found
in two or more continental groups of humans.
The causes of within-group Even when trait differences between Donovan et al.
variation in a trait can be individuals within a population are entirely (2019)
different from the causes of inherited, differences between populations can
between-group variation in still be caused entirely by environmental
that same trait. factors.
Use refutational texts or Refutational texts explicitly challenge scientific Donovan (2015);
curriculum materials to misconceptions and explain the consensus Donovan et al.
challenge biological scientific understanding of a concept by (2019)
essentialism of race. triggering a misconception, labelling it as
incorrect, refuting it with evidence, and
providing an alternative way of understanding
the phenomenon originally explained by the
614  briana pobiner
Table 36.2 (Continued)

Theme/Approach Description Reference

Use only appropriate and Do not use gene-deterministic concepts and Hubbard (2017a);
accurate language and language when describing genes, such as Donovan (2022)
metaphors. “gene” for language or DNA as a “blueprint”
rather than a “recipe” metaphor.
Teach about the complexities Provide information that helps students Donovan (2022);
of human genetics. understand the genetic flaws in specificity, Donovan et al.
proximity, stability, immutability, (2019, 2020)
determination, uniformity, and/or
discreteness beliefs.
Teach a humane genetics A humane genetics education reduces racial Donovan et al.
education. bias by changing the way that students (2019)
perceive human genetic variation and helps
them understand that claims about race and
genetics are not socially neutral.

misunderstood, have damaging sociopolitical consequences” (Sparks et al. 2020). Donovan

et al. (2019) reported the results of a study in which 8th and 9th grade students learned
scientifically accurate information about genetic variation within and between the US
census races. This helped students to construct an accurate understanding of genetic vari-
ation within and between groups, which changed how students perceived between group
variation, which in turn reduced racial bias – causing a significant decrease in their scores
on instruments assessing cognitive forms of prejudice. They replicated these results with
adults and high school (9th–12th grade) biology students and assert that teaching about
human variation in the domain of genetics has potentially powerful effects on social cogni-
tion during adolescence.
Given the success of humane genomics instruction in decreasing belief in genetic essen-
tialism in middle and high school students and adults (Donovan et al. 2019, 2020), there
is ample reason and opportunity in undergraduate biological anthropology classrooms to
take this approach to learning about variation. An accurate understanding of genetic varia-
tion undermines the apparent validity of prejudiced beliefs because it refutes scientifically
flawed assumptions, including (1) people of the same race are genetically uniform; (2)
people of disparate races are categorically different (races are discrete, nonoverlapping cat-
egories); (3) biologically influenced abilities are immutable; and (4) genes are the single
best explanation for racial disparities (Donovan et al. 2019, 2021; Jackson and Depew
2017). Recommendations for effective themes to emphasize and approaches to take when
teaching about race using a humane genomics literacy framework are outlined in Table
36.2. Additionally, similar to the approach outlined previously for teaching human evolu-
tion, when teaching about race “simply stating what students are feeling allows space for
them to relax in such contexts” (Hubbard 2017a: 517).
It is important to choose words and phrases carefully in the classroom so as to not rein-
force misconceptions. Regarding evolution, this is particularly relevant for words that have
multiple meanings such as “select,” “adapt,” “pressure,” “need,” and “must” (Nehm et al.
2010; Pobiner 2016; Rector et al. 2013). Instructors also may need to provide a more clear,
concise, and accurate definition of evolution than what is presented in their anthropology
textbook. In this regard, a study concluded that anthropology textbooks often do not
teaching biological anthropology  615

provide a single, accurate definition of evolution and that none of the definitions of evolu-
tion provided in the textbooks studied mentioned both common ancestry and descent with
modification (White et al. 2009). These issues extend to representations of evolution in
K-12 textbooks and the media (Padian 2013). Rather than removing racial terminology
from the biology curriculum altogether (an approach not advocated by Donovan 2017),
Hubbard (2017a) advises to explicitly and correctly define terms often used when teaching
about race, including race/racial group, ethnicity/ethnic group, and genetic ancestry.
Wade (2021) also advises scientists communicating about race and genetics for the general
public not to avoid addressing race. Her advice is to explain what race is and what it is not,
and explain why you cannot tell what race someone is by looking at their genome, rather
than saying race is not real. She also suggests using humanizing language regarding scientific
“samples” to describe people, including the voices of people from the groups who were
studied, especially if they are racially marginalized, not playing into racist tropes, and
acknowledging that continental categories often used in modern ideas about race are not
consistent or eternal (Wade 2021). Fuentes (2021) admonishes that we cannot speak of
race without also speaking of racism; doing so reinforces racism and confuses public

Opportunities Beyond the College Classroom

While the proportion of US adults obtaining bachelor’s degrees has been steadily increasing
over the past 15 + years,13 high school biology is often the best and last formal evolution
education for many Americans (Long 2012). Additionally, most science learning for most
Americans happens outside of formal classroom settings (Falk and Dierking 2010). To
reach a broader audience beyond undergraduate students, and actively engage misrepresen-
tation and oversimplification of human evolution and genomics, biological anthropologists
will need to engage in concerted outreach efforts outside the academy (Fuentes 2021).
This might include signing up for the Skype a Scientist14 program that connects scientists
with classrooms across the globe through virtual classroom visits; writing an article for a
freely available online website aimed at a younger student audience, such as Frontiers for
Young Minds15 or Science News for Students16; offering a lecture or similar program at a
local library; volunteering for a local school, after-school, summer camp, or other organiza-
tion’s STEM program; engaging with the American Association for the Advancement of
Science’s Dialogue on Science, Ethics, and Religion Program (AAAS DoSER), especially if
you are a scientist of faith17; volunteering as a scientific consultant for the Clergy Letter
Project18; becoming familiar with the National Center for Science Education (NCSE)’s
work and activities supporting K-12 teachers helping students learn about evolution, cli-
mate change, and the nature of science19; or getting involved with the American Association
of Biological Anthropologists Education Committee20.


While biological anthropology college classrooms offer myriad opportunities to engage stu-
dents who do not see themselves as science oriented via relevant human-focused content,
some biological anthropology topics – including human evolution and variation – can be
challenging to teach accurately, effectively, and in sensitive ways that appeal to rather than
alienate students. This chapter draws on broader pedagogical scholarship to outline these
616  briana pobiner
challenges. It also describes culturally competent, inclusive approaches to teaching human
evolution and variation based on current evidence and best practices that instead create
opportunities for college faculty members to help students overcome misconceptions and
learn correct information.


I have drawn on the unpublished 2021 Smithsonian’s Human Origins Program’s Education
and Outreach Strategy document for parts of this chapter, and acknowledge the strong col-
laboration I had with Rick Potts in writing this document, which we recently updated from
the original 2009 version. I did not have the space in this chapter to do justice to the schol-
arly writing of biological anthropologists on studies of human variation and communication
about race, and I apologize for any unintended omissions of key literature in this area. I also
thank Rob O’Malley and an additional anonymous reviewer for their suggested edits and
comments, which greatly improved this chapter.


1 https://news.gallup.com/poll/21814/evolution-creationism-intelligent-design.aspx.
2 https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2019/02/06/how-highly-religious-americans-view-
3 https://www.pewforum.org/2013/12/30/publics-views-on-human-evolution.
4 http://www.pewinternet.org/2015/10/22/science-and-religion.
5 https://understandingrace.org/Glossary#r.
6 https://physanth.org/about/position-statements/aapa-statement-race-and-racism-2019.
7 Human racial variation is defined in this study as “the notion that phenotypic variation mirrors
underlying genetic variation, making the biological variants we see as racially specific produced by
underlying genetic differences between racial groups” (Hubbard 2017b).
8 https://www.racepowerofanillusion.org.
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Note: Page numbers followed by “f” and “t” indicate figures and tables, respectively.

abiotic factors, 65–66 aerobic respiration, 151

ABO blood groups, 25 Affymetrix 500K SNP chip, 92
abridged life table, 224–225 Africa and origin of modern humans, 447–449
fertility, 225–227 African apes, 590
paleodemography, 235–236 African Transitional Group (ATG), 448
acclimatization, 146 African trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness), 171
cultural adaptation, 141 Afropithecus, 390
developmental, 141 age estimation, 498–499
of people, 152 agricultural intensification, 170
Actinin Alpha 3 (ACTN3) variants, 145 agriculture and animal husbandry, 248
Activities of Daily Living (ADL), 133 alcohol-induced dementia, 134
Adapis parisiensis, 381 allele frequencies, 74
adapoids, 366–369, 368f, 370 Allen, Joel Asaph, 142
Adapoid–Strepsirrhine hypothesis, 374 Allen’s rule, 142
adaptation, 45, 48, 49–50 allometric relationship, 60
adapted window, 528 allopatric speciation, 63
adaptive introgression, 264 Alophe, 394
adenine, 87, 88f alpha taxonomy, 55
adipocytes, 192 Alzheimer’s dementia (AD), 134
aDNA. See ancient DNA (aDNA) AMY1 copy number, 95–96
adolescence, 125 ameloblasts, 545
adrenarche, 125 American Academy of Pediatrics, 112–113
adulthood, 123 American Association of Biological
Adult male northern muriquis (Brachyteles Anthropologists (AABA), 28
hypoxanthus), 309f American Journal of Biological Anthropology
Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, 172–173 (AJBA), 28, 29t
Aegyptopithecus, 384, 386, 394 American Journal of Human Biology, 29t
brain of, 385 American Journal of Physical Anthropology
limbs of, 385 (AJPA), 28, 29t

A Companion to Biological Anthropology, Second Edition. Edited by Clark Spencer Larsen.

© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
index  623

American Journal of Primatology, 29t arm-swinging locomotion, 593

amino acid, 87 arteriosclerosis, 133
anatomical identification, 57 Artiodactyla, 365
ancient disease, studies of, 477 assimilation, 451–452
ancient DNA (aDNA), 4–5, 9, 12, 76, 79, 89, assimilation model (AM), 451, 452f
144, 199, 462, 475, 479 Atapuerca-TD6, 550
ancient human migration and population atherosclerosis, 133, 191
structure, 214–215 Australoid race, 24
applications, 201–204 australopith, 400
archaeological material, 213–214 australopithecines, 7, 8, 26
biological relatedness in archaeological Australopithecus, 22, 56, 64, 392, 393,
contexts, 216–217 549, 551
characteristics of, 211–213 Australopithecus afarensis, 322, 404, 405, 409,
local adaptation and phenotypic 412, 549
reconstruction, 218–220 Australopithecus africanus, 334, 352, 406–407,
methods, 199–201 408, 514
microbiome, 201–202 Australopithecus anamensis, 322, 404–405,
paleogenomics applications in biological 408
anthropology, 214 Australopithecus bahrelghazali, 407
plague, 203–204 Australopithecus-derived Homo, 322
social organization and local population Australopithecus deyiremeda, 405–406
histories, 218 Australopithecus garhi, 409, 412
time-series dataset, 220 Australopithecus prometheus, 407
tuberculosis (TB), 202–203 Australopithecus sediba, 410, 563
Andean Plateau, 154–155 australopiths
Angel, J. Lawrence, 28 4.2–2.95 Ma, 404–407
animal-based diet, 190 early, 408–409
animal paleopathology, 484 latter, 409–413
Anoiapithecus, 392 Austrolopithecines, 246
Anopheles mosquitoes, 172 autapomorphies, 69
anterior intraparietal area (AIP), 333f autopsy (PUM II), 486
anthropoidea, 286, 374–375 avian influenza, 170
anthropological geneticists, 87 axons, 332
anthropometrics, 18, 20
Anthropomorpha, 15 Baker, Paul, 25
antibody–antigen reactions, 76 balancing selection, 43
antimere, 58 Barbarian Invasions, 215
anti-racist public activism, 103 Barker, David, 189
anti-semitism, 16, 17 basal metabolic rates (BMRs), 145, 247, 447
Apidima 1, 449 basic multicellular unit (BMU), 527
Apolipoprotein E*4 chromosome, 134 Bastian, Adolf, 16
aquatic foods, 247 Bayesian estimation method, 236
arabidopsis, 67 Beginning of the Age of Mammals, 365
arachidonic acid (AA), 247 behavioral ecology, 6, 314–316
arboreal habitats, 279–280 explanations for variation, 315
archaeological culture, 461 food choice, 317–319
archaeology, 17 human life history, evolution of, 316–317
Archaic human adaptation in higher latitudes, life history, 319–320
447 mammalian brain scaling and infant
Ardipithecus, 400 development, 320–321
Ardipithecus kadabba, 402 modeling outcomes, 321–322
Ardipithecus ramidus, 322, 402 paleoanthropological record, 322–324
Ardipithecus species, 403 behavioral traits, 52
ARHGAP11B, 334 below-branch quadrupedalism, 593
Ariteus, 371 Bergmann, Carl, 142
624  index
Bergmann’s and Allen’s rules, 142 bone functional adaptation, 528
beta taxonomy, 55 models, 528–529
bifidobacteria, 192, 256 principles, 529–530
binomial system, 56 cellular effectors of bone functional
bioaerosol, 171 adaptation, 531
bioarchaeology, 10, 27 coupling mechanisms, 537
context, 461–462 fatigue repair in equilibrium models, 530
disease experience, 466–467 Frost’s Mechanostat model, 528
inequality, 467–468 osteoblast differentiation and bone formation,
migration, 465–466 531–532
overview, 458–459 osteoclast differentiation and bone resorption,
population, 464–465 532–534
research foci, 462 osteocyte mechanotransduction, 534–535
research objectives, 462–463 apoptosis, 535–536
sampling skeletons, 459–461 basic multicellular unit structure, 536
warfare, 468–469 physiological influences, bone growth and
Bioarchaeology International, 29t bone loss, 537–539
biocultural reproduction, 126, 127 Stochastic remodeling and lazy zone, 530
biodiversity, 205 bonobos (Pan paniscus), 300, 305
biological anthropology, 1–12, 15, 351, 495 Boule, 252
college classroom, 615 box of bones approach, 353
gender and ethnic diversity, 28–31 Brace, Loring, 24
human variation and “race”, 605–608 Brain, C. K., 351
low acceptance of human evolution, 603–605 brain–body relationship, 329
teaching human evolution, 611–615 brains:
undergraduate student audience, 608–611 areas, 335f
biological race concept, 107 expansion, 283–284
biological species concept (BSC), 61, 441 gray matter, 330–331
biological taxonomy, 103, 106 human
biology of bones and teeth, 10 composition of, 335–336
biostratinomy, 349, 350, 352 development, 334–335
biotic factors, 65 hominin fossil endocasts, 333–334
bipedalism, 7, 595–597 language, 337–338
and canine reduction, 403–404 sociality, empathy, and imitation, 336–337
locomotion, 596f measurement of, 329–330
Birdsell, Joseph, 25 primate
birth, 123 color vision, 331
Bitemaster II chewing simulator, 575f learning and problem solving, 332–333
bivariate analysis, 60 olfaction, 331
Black Death, 5, 204f, 237, 266–267 visually-guided reaching, 331–332
blood group polymorphisms, 3 white matter, 330–331
Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich, 15 wrinkles, 330–331
Blumenbach’s five racial varieties, 16 brainstem, 330
BMI. See body mass index (BMI) breast milk diet, 254
Boas, Franz, 1, 16, 17, 18f, 20, 21, 104 British Association for the Advancement of
body mass index (BMI), 98, 193 Science (BAAS), 16
bone: Broca, Paul, 16, 107
collagen, 511 brown howler monkeys (Alouatta guariba),
material strength, 559 310
microstructure of, 560 Brues, Alice, 25
mineral density (BMD), 132 Buffon, Comte de, 15
remodeling, 527 buffy-headed marmosets (Callithrix flaviceps),
remodeling compartment (BRC), 536 306
tissues, 527 Burgess Shale fauna, 348
bone biology, 527–528 Burnett, James, 15
index  625

C3 and C4 photosynthetic pathway, 246 higher taxa, 69–70

C/12C ratio, 511 taxonomic hypotheses, 70
Caenopithecus, 366 classification system, 56
cancers, 147 clavicle, 281
Capoid race, 24 climate, 141
carbon isotope ratios, 512–514 change, 157
cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), 147, 184, 189, measures, 143
191 warming, 156
Carlson, David, 562 climate-related human biological variation,
Carnegie Corporation, 23 140–141
Carpenter, C. Raymond, 22, 26 Andean Plateau, 154–155
Carpolestes simpsoni, 371 climate, 141
caspase-12 polymorphic gene, 264 climate change, 155–158
catarrhines, 331, 381–385 East African Plateau, 153
evolution, 387f epigenetic processes, 155
genera, taxonomy, 383t high-altitude hypoxia, 151–155
molars, 384f population comparisons, 155
pliopithecoidea, 385–386 temperature, 142–146
Catopithecus, 385 Tibetan Plateau, 153–154
Caucasoid race, 24 ultraviolet radiation, 146–151
caudomedial intraparietal area (CIP), 333f climbing and descent, primate locomotion,
Cbfa1, 531 593–595
cell nucleus, 211 Cobb, W. Montague, 20, 30, 31f
cell signaling pathways, 533f cold exposure, 145
cellular effectors of bone functional adaptation, Cold Spring Harbor Symposium, 23
531 cold-water stress test, 145
cellular memory, 41 colobines, 305
cellular metabolism, 89 colonizing nation-states, 467
cellular senescence, 133 Colorado, Barro, 26
central mortality rate, 225 color vision, 331
cercopithecines, 305 Comas, Juan, 24, 104
cercopithecoidea, 293, 394–395 communivax program, 178
Cercopithecus species, 62 comparators, 63
cerebellum, 330 compatibility method, 68
Chagnon, Napoleon, 25 complementary foods, 255–256
character states, 66, 67 computerized tomography (CT), 478
chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5-Δ32), 262, 265, Condylarthra, 365
266–268 Congoid race, 24
childhood, 125 consensus cladogram, 68
chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), 300, 305, 316 conserved noncoding regions (CNRs), 91
chimpanzees growth pattern, 126f consistency index (CI), 68
cholera outbreak, 1854, 168 contemporary diet and lifestyle, 192–194
chord distances, 56, 59 continental races, 103
chromosomes, 89 convergences, 66
chronic diseases, 195 cooking hypothesis, 247
chronic inflammatory insult, 272f Coon, Carleton, 24
chronospecies, 61 cooperation, 47
Ciecka, 223 cooperative breeding, 127, 319
clades, 285 coprolites, 201
cladistics, 65 correlation-regression analyses, 140
analysis, 65, 67 cortical gyrification, 330–331
principles, 66–67 coupling mechanisms, 537
Cladograms, 65 COVID-19 pandemic, 4, 114, 167, 168, 170,
classification, 69 171, 175–176, 177–179, 199, 265
genus, 69 deaths, 175
626  index
respiratory symptoms, 175 dental biotribology and microwear formation,
vaccine equity, 176 572–573
Cox proportional hazards method, 237 dental calculus, 201, 202
CpG islands, 91 dental growth/enamel growth, 544–545
CpG sites, 211 disruptions, 552–554
crania, 372f incremental nature of, 545–548
Crania Americana, 16 pattern, 551–552
craniofacial sutures, 561–562 tempo of fossil hominin life histories,
Craniology, 16 548–551
Creodonta, 365 dental microwear analysis, 572
crude birth rate, 233 comparative studies, 573–574
crude death rate, 225, 233 dental biotribology and microwear formation,
C-to-T mutation, 211 572–573
cultural adaptations, 78 DMTA, interpretations of, 577–578
Cultural and Religious Sensitivity (CRS) humans and human ancestors, interpretations
Teaching Strategies Resource, 612 in, 578–579
CVDs. See cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) phytoliths, grit, and inside baseball,
cytokines M-CSF, 532 576–577
cytosine, 87, 88f in vitro studies, 574–575
in vivo studies, 575–576
Dam, Aswan, 17 dentition, 283
dark skin, 147 deplorable atrocities, 17
Dart, Raymond A., 22, 244, 351, 354 Dettwyler, Katherine, 484
Darwin, Charles, 2, 16, 41, 42, 43, 44, 52–53 Developmental Origins of Health and Disease
Darwinian evolution, 52, 108 (DOHaD) framework, 189–190, 191
Darwinian gradualism, 44 developmental plasticity, 144
Darwinius, 369, 374 DHEA sulfate (DHEA-S), 125
Darwinius massillae, 369 diabetes, 184, 250
Darwin’s model of natural selection, 75–76 diet. See also nutritional anthropology
Davenport, Charles B., 21 early evolution, 245–247
Davies, Nicholas, 315 gut microbiome, 256
Day, Caroline Bond, 31f dietary changes in contemporary populations,
deforestation, 173 250–251
degenerative joint disease, 132 dietary energy, 185
degree of plasticity, 270 diet-pattern associations, 574
dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), 125 diet reconstruction and ecology, 510–511
dementia, 133–134 carbon isotope ratios, 512–514
demographic estimators, 235 hydrogen isotope ratios, 515
demographic vulnerability, 157 nitrogen isotope ratios, 514–515
demography, 223–224 oxygen isotope ratios, 515–516
abridged life table, 224–225 strontium isotope ratios, 516
fertility, 225–227 sulfur isotope ratios, 516–517
paleodemography, 235–236 diet-related chronic disease, 248
defined, 223 digitizers, 59
demographic estimators, 235 diploid genotype, 212
hazard models, 231–233 directional selection, 43
nonstationary use, 233–235 disease-causing pathogens, 4, 5
life tables from extant anthropological diseases of overnutrition, 189
samples, 229–230 disuse window, 528
nonstationary life table, 227–229 diurnality and color vision, 292
paleodemography, 237 divergent adaptation, 48
denaturation, 89 dizygotic twins, 187
Dendropithecus, 389 DMRT2, 51f
dengue fever (Aedes osquitoes), 171 DMTA, interpretations of, 577–578
Denisovans, 443 DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), 147
index  627

adenine, 87, 88f enamel extension rate, 546

analyses of pathogens, 200 enamel growth disruptions, 552–554
bases, 87 Enamel hypoplasias, 553
codes, 47 enamel of teeth, 10, 544
cytosine, 87, 88f encephalization, 329, 330
damage, 150 endocasts, 333
degradation, 212 endothelial PAS domain protein 1 (EPAS1),
double-helix, 89 154
double-stranded sequence, 87, 88, 88f Engrailed Homeobox 1 (EN1) transcription,
guanine, 87, 88f 144
integrity, 150 enslavement of Africans, 81
markers, 77, 79, 80, 81–82 Eocene primates, 7
methylation, 150, 270 epidemic-free periods, 237
molecules, 211 epidemiology, 167
mutations, 211, 264 Epipliopithecus, 386
noncoding, 91 equilibrium models, 528–529
non-functional elements, 44 Erectines in Australasia, 441
packaging, 47 essentialism, 106, 605
preservation, 199 estrogens, 538
proteins, codes for, 50 eugenics, 21
recovery and sequencing, 200 euprimates, 278
repair, 127 adapoidea, 366–369
repairing, 150 omomyoidea, 369–370
revolution, 3, 41 European anthropology, 20
sequences, 42, 45, 46, 47, 50, 79, 81, 88, 89, Eutherian mammals, 279
155, 264 Evidence as to Man’s Place in Nature
sequence variants, 149 (Huxley), 17
single-stranded, 89 evolution, 17. See also ongoing evolution in
structure, 87 humans
thymine, 87, 88f chance, 42
Dobzhansky, Theodosius, 23, 24 consequences by phenotype, 48
docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), 247, 255 controversies, 48–51
domestication, 248 defined, 41–46
dorsal premotor area (PMd), 333f deterministic, 49
Double-stranded DNA, 87, 88, 88f dogma, 47
Dryopithecus, 392 gene as icon and metaphor, 46–47
DuBois, W. E. B, 104 gene-centered theory, 46
Dwight, Thomas, 495 genes, 53
dysbiosis, 191 oversimplification of, 52
phenogenomic vs. phenogenetic, 51–52
East African Plateau, 153 population genetics, 42
Ebola, 175–179 reconceptualization, 51–52
control, 177 theory of, 41–42
sporadic outbreaks, 176 Evolutionary Anthropology, 29t
EDAR gene, 99 evolutionary ecology. See behavioral ecology
EDAR V370A, 99 evolutionary forces, 74, 75, 123
Efremov, Ivan, 338 evolutionary species concept (ESC), 61, 441
Egl-9 family hypoxia inducible factor 1 Ewbank four-parameter model, 230
(EGLN1), 154, 155 extended limb clambering, 393
Egyptian mummies, 17
Ekembo, 388, 389, 390, 391, 395 facial prognathism, 282
Eldredge’s formulation, 62 family trees, 111
electrophoresis, 76 Farm Bill, 192
embryogenesis, 45 fasciculus, 338f
embryology, 53 fatigue repair in equilibrium models, 530
628  index
fatty acid desaturases (FADS), 93–94 Forensic Anthropology Society of Europe
faunal analysis approach, 352 (FASE), 496
Fayum catarrhine, 384 fork-marked lemurs (Phaner furcifer), 306
feast–famine cycles, 185 formalin-fixed paraffin, 199
feeding by lactation, 124 formation modeling, 530
female births, 227 fossil:
female-defense polygyny, 304 catarrhines, 382t–383t
female Japanese macaques, 306 crania, 333
female philopatry, 305 diagenesis, 349
fertility, 225–227 hominin life histories, 548–551
calculation for, 227t hominins, 246
rates, 227 record, 7
fertilization, 61, 122, 306 taxon, 63
fibroblast growth factor (FGF), 531 fossilization of soft tissues, 349
fibrous joints in vertebrate craniofacial skeletons, FOXP2 gene, 338
561 Fracastoro, Girolamo, 168
Fisher, Ronald, 75 Frankfurt Horizontal plane, 59
fission–fusion societies, 303 Franklin, Benjamin, 15
fitness-related behavioral goals, 315 frontal eye fields (FEF), 333f
fixed fertility, 225 Frost, Harold M., 528
folate degradation, 149 Frost’s Mechanostat model, 528
folates, 150 fused frontal bones, 292
food-related behavior, 245 fused mandible, 292
acquisition, 316 Galili, 404
choice, 252 gallo pinto, 252
deserts, 193 Galton, Francis, 21
diet, and nutrition in contemporary Galvani, A., 266
populations, 249–250 gene-environment mismatch, 194f
insecurity, 252 genes, 44
preparation, 252 encoding lactase, 94
food security, 251–253 encoding proteins, 152
access, 252 expression, 47, 190
availability, 252 flow, 42, 45, 75
stability, 252 regulation, 610
utilization, 252 genetics, 21
forced sterilization, 21 analysis of population history, 80
FORDISC 3.1, 500 defects, 268
forearm mobility, 281 differentiation, 78
forensic anthropology, 9, 10, 27–28, 357–359, drift, 42, 74
494 links between Pan and Homo., 65t
advances, 503–504 load, 50
age estimation, 498–499 polymorphisms, 262
certification, 496–497 relationships, 301
facial imagery, 502 surveys, 93
history, 495–496 variant, 42
identification issues, 501–502 variation, 87, 91
intellectual borders, 502 genocide, 52
laboratory, 498 genome scans, 145
legal acceptance of methodology, 497–498 Genome-wide association studies (GWAS), 97,
race, concept, 500 153
regional variation and secular change, genome-wide SNP arrays, 93
500–501 genomic factors, 132
Forensic Anthropology, 29t genomic mapping, 9
index  629

genomics literacy, 607–608 microbiome, 190–192

Genotypes, 45 obesity and CVD, 184–186
genus: physical activity, 188–189
clade, 69 heart attack, 184
grade, 69 heat:
genus Homo, 8 exposure, 144
geomorph, 59 stress, 146
geophytes, 320 heidelbergs, 443–444
germ theory, 168 hemoglobin, 152
giant sequoia trees (Sequoiadendron giganteum), hepcidin protein, 153
122 heritabilities, 187
Gigantopithecus, 392 Hermann von Meyer, Georg, 528
glossopetrae, 544 Herto (Ethiopia), 448
glucose levels, 189 heterosis, 43
Gompertz: heterozygote advantage, 43
function, 231–232 High-altitude hypoxia, 151
hazard, 231 high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), 192–193
survivorship model, 231, 231f, 232f Himalayas, 154
gorillas (Gorilla gorilla), 300, 306 histocompatibility complex, 263
Gould, Stephen Jay, 16 Hitler, Adolf, 17
Graecopithecus, 393 HIV/AIDS epidemic, 205, 170
grandmother hypothesis, 320 HMGA2 gene, 97
Graunt, John, 223 Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 495
gray matter, brains, 330–331 Holocene humans, 10
great apes, 300 homeostasis, 45, 126
Great Apes, The, 22 hominines, 7, 64, 322, 392–394
Great Basin bristlecone pine (Pinus longaeva), adaptation, 123
122 Australopithecus bahrelghazali, 407
Gregory, William King, 22 Australopiths: 4.2–2.95 Ma, 404–407
Griphopithecus, 391, 392 bipedality and canine reduction, 403–404
growth hormone, 537 evolution, 185
G-to-A mutation, 211 evolutionary history, 127
guanine, 87, 88f fossil endocasts, 333–334
guanine–cytosine base pairs, 91 fossil record before 4.2 Ma, 400–402
Guthrie, Dale, 351 late Miocene and early Pliocene hominin
gut microbiome (GM), 190–192, 245, 301 evolution, 402–403
gyrification, 330–331 Xujiayao, 550
hominin reserve capacity (RC), 135
Hadza of Tanzania, 251 Hominoid, 386
HYAL2 locus, 144 hominoidea:
Haldane, J. B. S., 75 early apes in Africa, 386–390
Hansen’s disease, 205, 269 expansion into Eurasia, 391
Hanuman langurs (Semnopithecus entellus), 307 hominines, 392–394
haplorhine features and distribution, 288–293 oreopithecus, 394
Haplorhini, 287 Pongines, 391–392
Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, 74, 75 hominoids, 7
hazard models, 231–235 Homo, 421–422
health index, 481 earliest Homo, 422–423
health inequality: Homo erectus
background primer, 186–188 in Africa, 428–431
contemporary diet and lifestyle, 192–194 in Asia, 431–432
Developmental Origins of Health and Disease in Middle Pleistocene, 432–434
(DOHaD) framework, 189–190 Homo habilis, 423–425
dietary intake, 188–189 Homo rudolfensis, 425
630  index
variation in African assemblages, 426 and human ancestors, interpretations in,
western Asia, 426–428 578–579
Homo erectus, 8, 26, 144, 145, 149, 150, 246, immune system, 5
413, 423, 431, 432, 434, 550 lifecycle, 122–123
in Africa, 428–431 arteriosclerosis, 133
in Asia, 431–432 atherosclerosis, 133
in Middle Pleistocene, 432–434 biocultural reproduction, 126–128
Homo floresiensis, 443, 444 chronic conditions and late life, 131–135
Homo fossils, 422t, 433t dementia, 133–135
Homo habilis, 26, 423, 427, 514 frailty, 134–135
Homo heidelbergensis, 8, 432 growth pattern, 126f
homoiologies, 67 late life and senescence, 129–130
Homo naledi, 433, 552 later life transition and senescence,
Homo neanderthalensis, 69 128–131
homoplasies, 66, 69 life history, 123–128, 124f
Homo rudolfensis, 423 menopause, 130–131
Homo sapiens, 3, 8, 15, 56, 64, 69, 129, 145, neurological senescence, 133
210, 432 physiological senescence, 133
classification, 64t puberty, 125
Hooton, Earnest Albert, 1–2, 17, 18, 19f, 20, skeletal senescence, 132–133
495 life history, evolution of, 316–317
hormones, 301 mating, 74
Howell, F. Clark, 26 metabolism, 185
Hrdlička, Aleš, 1–2, 16, 17, 18, 19f, 21, milk, 254–255
22, 27 and nonhuman primates, 15
Hrdy, Sarah, 321 origins, 21, 22
Human Biology (HB), 28, 29t plasticity, 21–22
Human Biology: An Introduction to Human population biology, 20, 25–26
Evolution, Variation, and Growth population genomics, 87
(Harrison), 25 genes, language, and geography, 91–93
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), 266 genomics, human adaptability, and diet,
human leukocyte antigen (HLA) system, 263 93–97
human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs), 255, human genomes, 89–91
256 molecular basics, 87–89
human–pathogen environment, 174 morphological variation, 97–99
humans: population structure, 79
adaptability, 25 racial variation, 611
behavioral ecology, 315–316 senescence, 130
biological strength, 157 sociality, 300
bone tissue, 530 societies, 127
brain variation, 108
composition of, 335–336 varieties, classification, 15
development, 334–335 human-specific gene variants, 334
hominin fossil endocasts, 333–334 hunter-gatherer culture, 461
language, 337–338 Hutchinson-Gilford phenotype, 132
sociality, empathy, and imitation, Huxley, Julian, 24
336–337 Huxley, Thomas, 17, 24
dietary adaptations, 5 hybridization, 63
diets and energy, 246 hydrogen isotope ratios, 515
evolution, 3–4 hydroxyapatite, 544
genetics, 606 Hylobates species, 62
genetic variation, 263 hyper-arctic body form, 446
genomes, 89–91 hyper-inflammatory phenotype, 268
gestation, 124 hypertension, 184, 250
growth and development in children, 21–22 hypobaric hypoxia, 151
index  631

hypoconulid, 368 isolates, 444–445

hypodescent. See one drop rule isolation, 79, 108
hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis, 125 isotopic diet reconstructions, 512
hypoxia, 151
hypoxia inducible factors (HIFs), 152 Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata), 300
hypoxic ventilatory response, 152 Jarcho, Saul, 477
Johansen, Donald, 26
ICZN. See International Code of Zoological Jones, Frederic Wood, 17
Nomenclature (ICZN) Journal of Human Evolution, 29t
identical by descent (IBD), 93 Journal of Physical Anthropology (AJPA), 18
identification, 57–58 juvenility, 123–124, 235
identity-by-descent (IBD), 216
IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor), 255 Kabwe 1 cranium, 443
Ignacius graybullianus, 372f Kalepithecus, 389
immune cells (T-lymphocytes), 266 Kamoyapithecus, 386, 388f
immune competence, 270 karyotype, 89
immune systems, 190, 262, 268 Keith, Arthur, 17, 20
immunogenetics, 263–265 Kenyanthropus platyops, 406
immunologica shift, 269 Kenyapithecus, 391
incisors, 283 Khoratpithecus, 392
INCUAPA-CONICET, 358 KNM-ER 1470 braincase, 423
Indigenous societies, 467 knuckle-walking, 590
Indopithecus, 392 Koch, Robert, 168
inequality, 467–468 Koch’s postulates, 168
infancy, 123 Kogolepithecus, 389
infant diets, 254–256 Krebs, John, 315
infant feeding, 255–256 Krogman, Wilton M., 20, 26, 28
infant–juvenile transition, 123 Kumho Tire Co. v. Carmichael, 497
infections, 147 kyma, 547
infectious disease and epidemiology, 4, 5,
167–170, 266–268 lactase deficiency, 3
climate change, 172–173 lactase gene (LCT), 95
COVID-19, 175–176 lactase persistance, 94–95
Ebola, 176–177 lactase-phlorizin hydrolase (LPH), 94
science communication, 178–179 landmarks, 59
sources, detection, and climate change, Lasker, Gabriel, 23
170–172 lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN), 332
understanding and controlling, 174–175 lateral intraparietal area (LIP), 333f
vaccine hesitancy, 177–178 Latin American Forensic Anthropology
influenza, 174 Association (ALAF), 496
pandemic, 1918, 169 lazy zone, 530
Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL), lcmlkin, 217
133 Leakey, Louis, 22, 26
intellectual ability, 104 Leakey, Mary, 26, 405
intentionality, 605 Leakey, Richard, 26
International Biological Programme (IBP), 25, leaping, 590–591, 591f
140 Leclerk, George-Louis, 15
International Code of Zoological Nomenclature Lehrbuch der Anthropologie (Handbook of
(ICZN), 63 Physical Anthropology) (Martin), 17
International Journal of Paleopathology, 29t Lemur (lemurs and lorises), 278, 305
interpersonal violence, 485 leprosy, 269
inuit genomes, 94 leprosy pathogen (Hansen’s disease, M. leprae),
IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate 270
Change), 141 Lewontin’s seminal work, 105
iron-containing hemoglobin, 153 life expectancy, 129, 225
632  index
life history evolution. See humans, lifecycle MCM6, 94
life history stages, 123 Mead, Margaret, 245
life tables from extant anthropological samples, mean age at death (MAD), 225
228t, 229–230 mean age in living, 234
Limnopithecus, 389 measles, 174
linear enamel hypoplasia (LEH), 552 mechanosensitive calcium channels (MSCCs),
Linnaean taxonomy, 56 535
categories, 57t Megadelphus lundeliusi, 371
taxon, 56 melanin index for Hispanics/Latinos, 148f
Linnaeus, Carl, 56 melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) gene, 149
living kinds taxonomy, 106 melanosome membrane protein, 149
Livingstone, Frank, 24, 25 membrane stretch and strain, 535
Livingstone’s analysis, sickle cell hemoglobin menarche, 125
allele, 25, 83 Mendel, Gregor, 44
locomotor ontogeny, 587–588 Mendelian genetics, 73
Lomorupithecus, 389 Mendelian inheritance, 75–76
Longobards, 215 menopause, 3, 122–123, 130–131
Lorena Madrigal, 271–272 menstrual cycle, 129
lower- and middle-income countries (LMICs), menstruation, 125
186 MERS (Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome),
Lufengpithecus, 393 170
Lynch syndrome, 132 mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), 531
Mesonychia, 365
Madrigal, Lorena, 262 Mesopithecus, 394
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 478 messenger RNA (mRNA), 47
major facilitator superfamily domain containing methylation, 91
12 (MFSD12) gene, 149 methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR),
Makeham hazard, 232 150
malaria (Anopheles mosquitoes), 171 metrical or morphometric analysis, 59
male moustached tamarins (Saguinus mystax), microbiome, 190–192, 201–202
306 Microcolobus, 394
MALT, 201 Micro-CT, 478
Malthusian overpopulation, 43 Micropithecus, 389
Mammalia, 320 microsatellite (STR) variation, 93
mammalian brain scaling and infant Microsyops annectens, 372f
development, 320–321 migrant models, 141
Manouvrier, Léonce-Pierre, 16, 17 migration, 465–466
Man’s Most Dangerous Myth: The Fallacy of Race mild overload window, 528
(Montagu), 24 mimics genetic inheritance, 78
mantled howler monkeys (Alouatta palliata), minimum effective strain (MES), 528
300 Miocene, 7, 402–403
marine food webs, 513 mirror system, 337
marmoset (Callithrix spp.), 303 mismatch-induced dysbiosis, 191
Martin, Rudolph, 17 mitochondria, 211
Masticatory–Functional hypothesis, 559, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), 76, 92, 216,
562–563 264, 442, 466
maternal antibodies, 255 Mitochondrial Eve hypothesis, 25
matrix-derived signals, 537 mitochondrial genome, 89, 90
Matthews, Washington, 21 mixed Makeham and Gompertz survivorship,
maxillary incisors, 288 233f
maximal aerobic work capacity, 153 mixed-Makeham model, 232
maximum parsimony, 68 modern evolutionary synthesis, 44
maximum performance age, 126 modern humans, 263–265, 449–450. See also
Mayr, Ernst, 24 humans
McCown, Theodore D., 20 molecular archaeology, 9
index  633

molecular genetic marker, 93 niche construction, 49

molecular revolution, 87, 479 nitrogen-fixing plants, 514
Monboddo, Lord, 15 nitrogen isotope ratios, 514–515
Mongoloid race, 24 nomenclature, 56
monophyletic species concept (MSC), 61 non-Alzheimer’s senile dementia, 134
Montagu, Ashley, 24, 103 noncoding DNA, 91
morphocline, 67–68 non-human DNA, 215
morphological characteristics of fossils, 58–59 nonhuman primates, 5–6, 123
Morphologika, 59 nonmetrical analysis, 59
morphology, metrical and nonmetrical methods, non-protein-coding sequence, 51f
59–60 nonstationary life table, 227–229
mortality schedules, 225 Noropithecus, 394
Morton, Samuel G., 15, 16, 22 northern muriqui monkeys (Brachyteles
Mortui viventes docent, 475 hypoxanthus), 304
mountain gorillas (Gorilla gorilla), 304 NOTCH2NLB, 334, 335
mtDNA. See mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) Notharctus, 366
5-MTHF, 150 Nsungwepithecus, 394
multiple age indicators, 236 nuclear DNA, 10, 466
Multiregional Evolution model (MRE), 450 nuclear genome, 89
multivariate analysis, 60 nutritional anthropology, 244–245
Mulu Basin, 404 complementary foods, 255–256
mummy studies, and mummy science, 482–483 diet, early evolution, 245–247
muriquis, 306 diet and gut microbiome, 256
mutation, 42, 45, 74 dietary changes in contemporary populations,
Mycobacterium leprae, 201, 269 250–251
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, 200, 480 foods, diet, and nutrition in contemporary
Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC), populations, 249–250
202–203 foods and diets in past populations, 245
myelinated axon fiber, 330 food security, 251–253
human milk, 254–255
nails, primates, 280–281 infant diets, 254–256
nanoindentation, 559 larger body and brain size, 245–247
National Science Foundation (NSF), 24 linking ancestral to modern diets, 249
Native American Graves Protection and overnutrition and obesity, 253–254
Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), 214 wild foods to domesticated crops and animals,
naturalistic fallacy, 49 247–249
natural kinds taxonomy, 106 nutritional status, 124
natural selection, 43, 74, 76 nutritional transitions, 250
Nazism, 17 Nutrition Transition model, 250, 251
Neandertals, 445–447, 551
cranial morphology, 446f O/16O, 511
morphology, 444 obesity, 184, 253–254
Neanderthals, 263–265, 548f epidemic, 5
Necrolemur antiquus, 372f in urban women, 250
Neel, James V., 24–25 obesogenic environments, 253–254
Neel’s theory, 185 OCA2 melanosomal transmembrane protein,
negative selection, 43 149
neocortex, 330 olfaction, 331
Neolithic transition, 235 olfactory bulbs, 282, 331
net reproduction rate (NRR), 227 Oligocene epoch, 7
neural anatomy, 6 Oligopithecus, 385
neuroimaging methods, 337 olive baboons (Papio anubis), 307
neuronal signaling, 330 omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs),
Newell, Norman D., 350 93–94
Next Generation Sequencing (NGS), 200, 216 omomyiformes, 370
634  index
omomyoidea, 368, 368f, 369–370 overweight:
omomyoid Washakius, 374 and metabolic disease, 185 (See also health
one drop rule, 187 inequality)
ONE Health approach, 484 and obesity, 194
ONE Medicine approach, 484 oxygen, 152f
ONE Paleopathology approach, 474. See also O/16O, 511
paleopathology homeostasis genes, 153
ongoing evolution in humans, 262–263. See also isotope ratios, 515–516
CCR5-Δ32, 266–268 Pääbo, Svante, 265
future research, 271–272 Pacini, Filippo, 168
immunogenetics, 263–265 paleoanthropological record, 322–324
infectious diseases, 266–268 paleoanthropology, 10, 21, 22, 26, 29t
inflammatory phenotypes, 268–271 Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM),
modern humans, 263–265 365–366
Neanderthals, 263–265 Paleocene epoch, 366
operational taxonomic unit (OTU), 67–68 paleodemographic reconstruction for Libben,
opsin alleles, 331 236
optimal foraging theory, 317 paleodemography, 237, 238
oral microbiome, 202 paleohistology, 479
orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus), 300 Paleolithic diet model, 248
orbital convergence, 282 paleontology, 17
orbital frontation, 282 paleoparasitology, 483
orderly life, 48 paleopathology, 10, 27, 474–475
Order Mammalia, 122 animal paleopathology, 484
Order Primates, 5, 7 assumptions and methodologies, 477–478
Oreopithecus, 394 disability and identity, 484–485
organismal selection, 49 global health, 481–482
Origin of Races, The (Coon), 24 history, 476–477
Origin of Species (Darwin), 16 infectious disease and human host–pathogen
Orrorin, 400, 402 relationships, 479–480
Orrorin tugenensis, 401–402 interpersonal violence, 485
Ortner, Donald, 479 metabolic disease, 480–481
osteoarchaeology, 27 mummy studies, and mummy science,
osteoarthritis, 133 482–483
osteoblasts, 536 paleoparasitology, 483
differentiation and bone formation, 531–532 as profession, 486
lineage cells, 534 structural violence, 485–486
osteoclastogenesis (OPG), 535 studies of ancient disease, 477
osteoclasts: transdisciplinarity, 475–476
differentiation and bone resorption, 532–534 Paleopathology Association (PPA), 27, 486
membrane-expressed factors, 537 Paleopathology at the Origins of Agriculture
osteoclast-secreted factors, 537 (Cohen and Armelagos), 481
osteocytes: Paleopathology Newsletter, 29t
communication, 538 paleoprimatology, 366
lacunar density, 538 paleosyndemics, 271
mechanotransduction, 534–535 Paranthropus, 393, 551
apoptosis, 535–536 Paranthropus aethiopicus, 410, 412
basic multicellular unit structure, 536 Paranthropus boisei, 411, 411f, 412, 514
osteodontokeratic culture hypothesis, 352 Paranthropus robustus, 410, 412, 514
osteometrics, 18, 20 parietal–frontal networks, 332
OTU. See operational taxonomic unit (OTU) Parkinson’s dementia, 134
Ouranopithecus, 393 Parkman, George, 495
overnutrition, 5, 253–254 Pasteur, Louis, 168
overpopulation, 43 pathogens, 200, 268
index  635

pathological overload window, 528 Africa and origin of modern humans,

patristic similarities, 66 447–449
pattern-based species concepts, 61 Archaic human adaptation in higher latitudes,
pattern of modern human origins, 450–451 447
Pearl, Raymond, 20 assimilation, 451–452
perikymata, 547, 548 genetic/genomic revolution, 442–443
Perissodactyla, 365 heidelbergs, 443–444
petrosal bulla, 283 isolates, 444–445
petrous bone, 213 modern human radiation, 449–450
pharmacological dementias, 134 Neandertals, 445–447
PHD2, 154 pattern of modern human origins, 450–451
phenetic coherence, 55 species issue, 441–442
phenetic species concept (PeSC), 61 subspecies, 452–453
phenogenetic drift, 48 plesiadapiformes, 7, 366, 368f
phenogenomic evolution, 52 Plesiadapis cookei, 371
phenotypic drift, 44, 48 Pliobates cataloniae, 386
phenotypic gambit, 314 Pliocene hominin evolution, 402–403
phenotypic plasticity, 302 pliopithecoidea, 385–386
Phillips, Jane E., 354 Pliopithecus, 381
phosphorous homeostasis, 147 polarization, 67
phylogenetic species concept (PySC), 61 polio, 174
phylogenetic trees, 65 poliomyelitis, 263
phylogeny reconstruction, 55 polymerase chain reaction (PCR), 88, 89, 200,
cladistic analysis, 67 216
cladistics, 66–67 polymorphisms, 268
cladograms, 68–69 Polynesian populations, 80
morphocline, 67–68 polyunsaturated fatty acids, 247
taxa, relationships among, 64–66 Pongines, 391–392
physical anthropology: Pongo, 392, 393
1960s, 1970s, and 1980s, increasing population genetics, 3, 24–25, 42, 73
specialization and development, 24–28 genetic variation, 81–82
basic themes of inquiry, 20–22 history, 75–76
in Europe, 17 human population structure, 78–79
gender and ethnic diversity in biological modern humans, 82–83
anthropology, 28–31 principles of, 74–75
journals and professional societies, 28 scope of research, 76–78
origins of, eighteenth and nineteenth century, studies of human population history, 79–81
15–17 theory, 92
post-World War II, 22–23 positive selection, 43
as profession, 20 Postcrania, 443
race in the 1950s and 1960s, 23–24 posterior parietal cortex (PPC), 332
twenty-first century, 31 postmortem damage pattern, 211
in United States, 17–20 post-orbital bars, 283
washburn, 23 pPCP1 plasmids, 204
physiological influences, bone growth and bone preaustralopithecines, 7
loss, 537–539 prefrontal cortex (PFC), 332
physiological senescence, 133 pregnancy, 195
phytoliths, grit, and inside baseball, 576–577 premature death, 184
Pierolapithecus, 392 previtamin D, 147
placental mammals, 365 primary visual cortex, 332
plague, 203–204, 266 primates, 7, 11
plant-based diet, 190 behavioral flexibility, 285
plasticity, 67 blood to brain, 292–293
pleistocene hominins, 144 brain expansion, 283–284
pleistocene human evolution, 440–441 classification, 285–287, 367t
636  index
clavicle, 281 climbing and descent, 593–595
complex social systems, 285 leaping, 590–591
decreased reliance on olfaction, 282 locomotor ontogeny, 587–588
defining issues, 277–278 major locomotor modes, 588
dentition, 283 primates, high-speed quadrupedalism in,
diurnality and color vision, 292 590
diversity, 289t–291t quadrupedalism, 588–590
forearm mobility, 281 suspensory locomotion, 592–593
fused frontal bones, 292 primate origins, 365–366
fused mandible, 292 anthropoidea, 374–375
hands and feet, 280 early euprimates
haplorhine features and distribution, adapoidea, 366–369
288–293 omomyoidea, 369–370
high-speed quadrupedalism in, 590 overview, 373–374
life history and reproduction, 284–285 plesiadapiforms, 370–372
life spans, 302 strepsirrhini, 374–375
maxillary incisors, 288 primatology, 22, 26
modern and archaic primates, 278–279 primers, 89
nails, 280–281 primitive eutherian mammals, 279–280
orbital frontation and convergence, primitive features, 66
282–283 principal components analysis (PCA), 92
order, 287f prisoner’s dilemma, 319
petrosal bulla, 283 Proconsul, 7, 388, 389, 390
postcranial features, 280–282 prognathic face and reliance on olfaction,
post-orbital bars, 283 288
post-orbital closure, 292 Prohylobates, 394
primitive eutherian mammals, 279–280 prolongation of prenatal and postnatal life,
prognathic face and reliance on olfaction, 288 284–285
prolongation of prenatal and postnatal life, Propliopithecus, 381
284–285 proportional hazard method, 237
quadrupedal idiosyncrasies, 281 prosimian–anthropoid classification, 286
rhinarium, 288 prosimians, 282
skull, 282–284 Prosimii, 286
strepsirrhine features and distribution, protein coding, 47, 50, 87
287–288 protein diversity, 91
suspensory locomotion in, 592f protein requirements, 188
tapetum lucidum and nocturnality, 288 psoriasis genotype, 270
taxa, 294t PTC taste sensitivity, 3, 96–97
toilet claw, 288 puberty, 125
toothcomb, 288 pulmonary vasoconstriction, 153
truncal erectness, 282 purgatoriidae, 370
uterus, 292 Purgatorius, 370
primate behavior, 17, 300–302 purifying selection, 43
challenges, 308–310
sex, 307 quadrupedal gait kinematics, 590
social groups, characteristics of, 302–305 quadrupedal idiosyncrasies, 281
social options, 305–307 quadrupedalism, 281, 588–590
primate brains: quadrupedal locomotion, 589f
color vision, 331 quadrupedal primates, 590
learning and problem solving, 332–333 quadrupedal walking in primates, 588
olfaction, 331 quarantine, 174
size, 6
visually-guided reaching, 331–332 race, 3, 17, 20–21
primate locomotion, 587 in 1950s and 1960s, 23–24
bipedalism, 595–597 ancestry, 111–112
index  637

category, 24 robust australopiths, 404

concept, 105 Rooneyia viejaensis, 372f
isolation, 108 Roux, Wilhelm, 528
typological characterization of human Rudapithecus, 393
variation, 15 Rukwapithecus, 386, 388f, 394
race, racism, and racial thinking, 16, 103–105 RUNX2, 531
biological and social race, 110–111
concept, 105 Saadanius, 386
health consequences, 112–115 Sahelanthropus, 400
human groups, 109–110 Sahelanthropus tchadensis, 401
race and ancestry, 111–112 salivary amylase gene (AMY1), 83
taxonomy, essentialism and psychology, Sanger sequencing, 200
106–107 SARS-CoV-1, 167
tree thinking, 107–108 SARS CoV-2 virus, 4, 167, 168, 171, 199, 475
racial categorization, 107 Schäfer, Wilhelm, 350
racial cleansing, 16, 21 Schultz, Adolph, 20
racial differences, 103, 104 science communication, 178–179
racial disparities in health, 115 scientific racism, 16
racial equality, 103, 104 semi-terrestrial baboons (Papio anubis), 300
racial purity, 17, 110 senescence, 130, 136
racial thinking, 104–105 sentinel surveillance systems, 171
radioulnar fusion, 281 serial founder effect, 144
raising metabolism, 145 severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), 167,
Rangwapithecus, 389 170
R code, 237–238 Sewall Wright’s F-statistic, 109
reassembly and reconstruction, 58 sex chromosomes, 90
recognition species concept (RSC), 61 sex hormones, 125
red blood cell groups, 76 secretion, 125
red-complex of bacteria, 202 steroid, 125
red howler monkeys (Alouatta seniculus), sex steroids, 538
306 sexual division of labor, 317
Reinforced Theistic Manifest Destiny (RTMD), Shapiro, Harry L., 28
604 Shipman, Pat, 354
relative liberalism, 16 short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), 191
Religion Among Academic Scientists study shotgun sequencing, 200–201
(RAAS), 611 sickle cell hemoglobin allele, 83
Religious Cultural Competence in Evolution Siler hazard function, 232
Education (ReCCEE), 611 Siler model, 231
remodeling cycle, 536 Simia (monkeys and tarsiers), 278
renal failure, 184 Simiolus, 389
reproduction, 122–123 Simpson, George Gaylord, 350
reproductive isolation, 48 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), 92
rescaled consistency index (RCI), 68 single-stranded DNA, 89
reserve capacity (RC), 127, 135–136 Sivapithecus, 391, 392, 393
resorption modeling, 530 skeletal biology, 22, 27
resource-defense polygyny, 304 skeletal inflammatory index (SINDEX), 272
retention index (RI), 68 skeletal senescence, 132–133
retina, 331 skin-cancer hypothesis, 150
retzius planes, 547 skin pigmentation, 147
reverse transcribed PCR (rtPCR), 200 skull, 559
rhinarium, 288 bone material properties, 559–561
Ribeirinho diet, 251, 254 craniofacial sutures, 561–562
16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA), 201 evolutionary paradox and mismatch diseases,
Ritcher, Rudolf, 349 563–564
Roberts, Derek, 25, 76, 141 experimental approaches, 564–567
638  index
masticatory–functional hypothesis, 562–563 sulfur isotope ratios, 516–517
Slatkin, M., 266 suprachiasmic nucleus of the hypothalamus
slavery hypertension hypothesis, 186 (SCN), 547
Smilodectes gracilis, 372f survivorship model, 223, 225
Smith, Samuel Stanhope, 15, 17 suspensory locomotion, 592–593, 592f
Snow, John, 168 sutures, 561–562
social conformity, 6 sweat gland formation, 144
social determinants, 187 symplesiomorphic features, 66
social inequality, 4, 104 symplesiomorphies, 68, 69
Social Life of Monkeys and Apes, The synapomorphies, 68, 69
(Zuckerman), 17 syndemics, 270
social races, 105, 110, 111 syphilis, 205
socioecological model, 173 systematics, 55
sociosexual communication, 331
solute carrier family 24-member 5 (SLC24A5) tabula rasa, 256
locus, 149 tamarins (Saguinus spp.), 303
soybean oil, 192 Tammar wallabies (Notamacropus eugenii), 122
Spanish flu pandemic, 475 Tanner, James, 26
species: tapetum lucidum and nocturnality, 288
cladistic, 66 taphonomy, 347–348, 350, 355
concepts in process category, 61 and biological anthropology, 351–355
defined, 61–62 forensic taphonomy, 357–359
homoplasic, 66 growth and diversification, 357
patristic, 66 origin story, 348–350
pattern-based species concepts, 61 in West, 350–351
taxon, 62 zooarchaeology and information gains
species-level classification, 55, 60–61 approach, 355–357
species-level taxonomic hypotheses, 55 targeted enrichment, 200
specific mate recognition system (SMRS), 61 targeted remodeling, 530
specimens: tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP), 532
comparing, 60 TAS2R38, 97
multivariate analysis, 60 Taung child, 244
univariate analysis, 60 taxon, 56
identification and comparison, 55 higher, 69–70
phylogeny reconstruction, 55 relationships among, 64–66
species-level classification, 55 Taxon indeterminate –“Burtele Foot”, 407
spider monkeys (Ateles spp.), 305 taxonomic bins, 201
Spuhler, James, 25 taxonomic hypotheses, 70
Sr:86Sr, 511 teaching evolution, 612t–614t
stable isotope ratio analysis, 510 teleology, 605
starvation, 124 temperature, 142–146
stationary life table, 226t, 238 tempo, 124
Stensen, Niels, 544 temporomandibular joint (TMJ), 559, 563
Steppe migration, 214 terminal nucleotides, 211f
Stewart, T. Dale, 21 testosterone, 538
Stochastic remodeling and lazy zone, 530 thalamus, 330
strepsirrhines, 329, 374–375 thermal homeostasis, 142
features and distribution, 287–288 thermal stress, 152
stem, 368 thermoneutrality, 142
strespsirrhines, 366 thermoregulation, 142
striae of Retzius, 546 thrifty phenotype, 189
stroke, 184 thymine, 87, 88f
strontium, 511, 516 thyroid binding globulin (TBG), 146
structural violence, 485–486 thyroid hormone, 537
subspecies, 452–453 Tibetan Plateau, 153–154
index  639

tibia and fibula, 281 Viking Fund, 23

Tinbergen, Niko, 315 Virchow, Rudof, 16
TMJ dysfunction (TMD), 564 virtual fossils, 58
Todd, T. Wingate, 17, 20 vitamin D, 147
toilet claw, 288 deficiency, 147
Toliapina vinealis, 371 folate hypothesis, 150
tongue stones, 544 receptor gene (VDR), 150
tooth, internal structure, 545f synthesis, 149
toothcomb, 288 Vogel, John, 510
tooth enamel, 57 voltagesensitive calcium channels (VSCCs), 535
tooth–tooth movements, 573 Von Economo neurons (VENs), 337
topographical changes, 537 von Linné, Carl, 15
total energy expenditure (TEE), 188
transcription factors, 50 Wallace, Alfred Russel, 2, 41, 42
transfer RNA genes, 89 Wallis, Ruth Sawtell, 28, 30f
Transient Receptor Potential Cation Channel warfare, 468–469
Subfamily M Member 8 (TRPM8), 145 Washakius, 369
transition analysis, 236 Washburn, Sherwood, 23, 26
transportation of Africans, 81 Webster, John W., 495
tree thinking, 107–108, 109 Weigelt, Johannes, 349
Treponema forsythia, 202 Weiner, Joseph, 26
Treponema pallidum, 200, 480 Wenner-Gren Foundation, 23
trichromatic vision, 331 Werner progeria, 132
Trotter, Mildred, 28, 30f Western diets, 190
TRPM8 locus, 157 Western race, 103, 108
truncal erectness, 282 white-faced capuchin monkeys (Cebus capucinus
Tsimane Amerindians of Bolivia, 169 imitator), 305, 307
tuberculosis (TB), 202–203, 263 white matter, brains, 330–331
tuberculosis pathogen (Mycobacterium Wilder, Harris Hawthorne, 495
tuberculosis), 270 wild foods to domesticated crops and animals,
Turkanapithecus, 389 247–249
type 2 (adult-onset) diabetes, 189, 191, 193 Williams, George, 315
type I collagen, 531 Willoughby, Jessica, 262
Wnt signaling, 531–532
ultra-short-echo time (UTE-MRI), 478 Wolff’s Law, 528
ultraviolet radiation (UVR), 146–151 woolly monkeys (Lagothrix spp.), 306
ultraviolet stress, 152, 153 Wright, Sewall, 75
uncoupling proteins 1 (UCP1), 145, 146f wrinkles, brains, 330–331
uncoupling proteins 3 (UCP3), 145, 146f Wyman, Jeffries, 495
undernutrition, 190
uracil–DNA–glycosylase (UDG), 212 X-chromosome, 213, 331
uterus, primates, 292 Xiongnus, 215
UVB (ultraviolet B radiation), 147 X-ray radiography, 478
X-Ray Reconstruction of Moving Morphology
vaccine hesitancy, 177–178 (XROMM), 564
vacuolar H+/ATPase (ATP6I), 532 X-ray synchrotron microtomography, 550
van der Merwe, Nik, 510 Xuchang hominins, 446
variola virus, 203
vascular dementias, 134 Yanomamo, 25
vector-borne diseases, 171, 172 Y-chromosome:
ventral premotor area (PMv), 333f DNA, 76, 90
vertebrate paleontology, 351 sequences, 10
Vespertilio (bats), 278 Yearbook of Physical Anthropology, 28, 29t
Vibrio cholerae, 168, 203 yellow baboons (Papio cynocephalus), 301f, 306
Victoriapithecus, 394 yellow fever (Aedes mosquitoes), 171
640  index
Yerkes, Robert, 22 Zika epidemic, 2016, 171
ϒersinia pestis, 203, 267 Zika virus, 172–173
ϒersinia pseudotuberculosis, 204 Zinjanthropus, 26
zooarchaeology, 351, 355–357
Zaatari, Sireen El, 577 zoonotic viruses, 170
Zaltanpithecus, 394 Zuckerman, Solly, 17
Zeberg, Hugo, 265
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