DLP No.27-28

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Dlp No.: 28 Learning Areas: SCIENCE Grade Qurter: 1 Duration:

level: 6 100 mins.
Learning Tell the benefits of separating mixtures from products in community Code: S6MT-lg-J3
Competency:  Enumerate and desecribe the benefits of separating mixture
through evaporation
Key Concepts/  The pupils can improve their analytical thinking skills by doing some experiments by separating
Understanding to mixtures though sedimentation
be Developed  They can recognize the benefits of separating mixtures through sedimentation
 Sedimentation is one of the techniques that can be used in separating mixtures
1. Objectives
Knowledge Describe the benefits of separating mixture through sedimentation
Skills Differentiate the two process of sedimentation, Decanting and Centrifuging
Attitudes Displays patience in doing experiment
Values Follow the correct procedure in executing the experiment
2. Content/Topic Tell the benefits of separating mixtures from products in community
3. Learnig TG
Resources/Material VIDEO on separating mixture through evaporation
s/Equipment Basic laboratory tools
4. Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach the lesson and indicate the no. of minutes each step will
4.1 Preparations Introductory Review:
Activity Give some ways on how to seperate mixtures?
Motivation: Answer the following activities. You may answer them wethet the substances
can be filtered or dissolved in water

What other ways we can separate mixtures?

4.2 Presentation Activity Show to the class on how to separate mixtures through Evaporation.
(20 mins)  Let the students analyze and say something about the video.

 Ask: What are the materials used in separating the salt mixture based on the
video presented?

 The teacher will introduce the instruments used in doing the experiment

1. Separating sand and salt mixture
▼ 250 cm3 Beaker
▼ Filter funnel and paper
▼ Evaporating dish
▼ Tripod
▼ Bunsen burner
▼ Gauze
▼ Glass rod for stirring.

1. Mix about 5 g of the mixture with 50 cm3 of water in a 250 cm3 beaker. Stir gently.
2. Filter the mixture into a conical flask and pour the filtrate into an evaporating basin.
3. Heat the salt solution gently until it starts to ‘spit’. Care: do not get too close. 4. Turn
off the Bunsen burner and let the damp salt dry.

SAFETY: Wear eye protection all the time

Let the students record their observation in their experiment notebook.

Analysis  What did you feel while doing the experiment?

es)  Why is the salt, sand and water mixture stirred in step 1?
 What happens when this mixture is filtered in the step 2?
 Why is the salt heated in step 3?
 Why can sand and salt be separated using this experiment?
 Is separating mixtures useful to us? Explain.

(5 minutes)  What is evaporation?
Evaporation is the slow changing of a liquid into a gas when particle vaporize
The water that evaporates is called Water Vapor and the remains is the
5. Assessment 1. Explain how you could separate mixture of gravel, iron filings and salt.
9 minutes
2. How helpful is separating mixtures through evaporation be beneficial to our
daily needs?

6. Assignment Reinforcing/ Do an experiment at home.

2 minutes Strengthening
the day’s lesson Procedure:
Put two spoonful of water in a watch glass or evaporating dish. Mix in one spoonful of
salt. Leave the mixture in a sunny spot until the water evaporates. Record how long it
takes for the water to dry up.

concluding Activity
2 minutes

Sources: www.pinterest.com/www.rsc.org/FnBScienceafieldofWondertextbook6/www.youtube.com

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