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New Delhi

Office of The Chief Engineer M.P.P.W.D Bridge Construction Zone Bhopal (M.P.)
The Executive Engineer, CD-I,
Irrigation & Flood Control Tender Notice
Department, GNCTD Opp. ESI
Hospital, Basai Darapur Office NIT No- 17/C.E.(Bridge Zone) /2022-23 Date 16.12.2022
Complex New Delhi- 110027 Online Tender for mentioned below are being invited. The Tender have been
invites on behalf of the President
of India, online percentage rate uploaded on the mptenders. system of Public Works Department on the Portal
tender from approved and www.mptenders.gov.in Tender details are as below:-
eligible contractors for the
S. Tender District Nature Name of work Call Cost of (EMD Fee/Tender
following works:- No. No. of No. Project Fee) All Tender
1. NIT No. EE/CD-I/DB/NIT/2022- work (PAC) Document &
23/115 (ID No. 2022_IFC_ (Rs. In Other Document
233276_1) H.O.A:- 4515- Plan lack) Submission
(Panchayat). Name of Work:- 1 2 4 3 5 6 7 8
Construction of boundary wall 1 2022 Sagar
Bridge Construction of Railway Over Bridge L.C. First 2800.18 Online Only
PWDRB Work No. 310 (A) in Km 980/9-10 on Malkhedi-
in Gram Sabha land Bearing
_237904_1 Karond Track on Bina- Malthone Road in
Kh.No.240(4-16) at village
Sagar District.
Dindarpur in Distt. South-West, 2 2022 Narmadapur Bridge Construction of R.O.B. at L.C.No.242, in Rly First 2263.72 Online Only
Delhi. E.C. Rs. 24,00,936/- PWDRB am Work Km No.830/25-27 on Itarsi Jabalpur Section
Earnest Money: Rs. 48,019/- _237905_1 on Narmadapuram- Jabalpur Road. SH 22
period of Completion 60 Days 3 2022 Mandsaur Bridge Construction of Submersible Bridge Second 1860.03 Online Only
(Date of submission & opening of PWDRB Work Including Approach Road Across Chambal
bid on 26.12.2022 at 3:00 PM. & _237906_1 River on Sitamou Choumbala Road in Km
3:05 PM respectively.) 13/6 District Mandsaur.
2. NIT No. EE/CD-I/DB/NIT/2022- 4 2022 Harda Bridge Construction of RO B. at L.C.No.201,in Rly First 1751.87 Online Only
PWDRB Work Km. No.655/22-24 between Itarsi Khandwa
23/116 (ID No. 2022_IFC_
_238055_1 Section on Sirali - Masongaon Rd. MDR in
233292_1) H.O.A:- 4217-Plan Harda District
(MLALAD). Name of Work:- 5 2022 Sagar Bridge Construction of Submersible Bridge across Second 930.86 Online Only
Providing and fixing 6 Nos. PWDRB Work Sonar River in Km 1/6 on Luhagar-Nareta
Multiplay Fun System at various _237907_1 Road Including Approach Road, Protection
locations in Delhi Cantt. Work and H.P. Culvert. (Distt. Sagar)
Assembly Constituency.-38. 6 2022 Dewas Bridge Construction of High L.vel Bridge Across Second 825.49 Online Only
E.C. Rs. 44,42,574/- Earnest PWDRB Work Datuni River on Fatehgarh to Melpipliya
Money- Rs. 88,851/- period of _237908_1 Road District Dewas
Completion 60 Days. (Date of Total 10432.15
submission & opening of bid on The document can only be purchased online from the above website after making
26.12.2022 at 3:00 PM. & 3:05 PM
online payment. The last date & time for purchase of Document on line is Dated
3. NIT No. EE/CD-I/DB/NIT/2022-
06/01/2023 up to (17:30) Detailed NIT and other details can be viewed on the above
23/117 (ID No. 2022_IFC_ mentioned portal. Amendments to NIT, if any, would be published on website only,
233279_1) H.O.A:- 4515-Plan and not in newspaper.
(RDB). Name of Work:-
Construction of library hall in
Kh. No. 1150 at village Rajokari Chief Engineer
in Mehrauli constituency. E.C. PWD Bridge Construction Zone
Rs. 66,12,823/- Earnest Money:-
Rs. 1,32,256/- period of
G20749/22 Bhopal
IYûSXû³ff ÀfZ ¶f¨f³fZ IYe °fe³f ¶ff°fZÔ ¶fWbX°f ªføYSXe, MXeIYf »f¦f½ff³ff, ¸ffÀIY ´fWX³f³ff AüSX A´f³ff³ff Qû ¦fªf QcSXeÜ
Completion 180 Days. (Date of
submission & opening of bid on
23/118 (ID No. 2022_IFC_
233293_1) H.O.A:- 2711-Non
Notice inviting E-Tender
Plan, Name of Work:- Sprinkling Letter No. : 6497/14M-A.C/2022 Date :- 20.12.2022
of water by deploying water 1. The Superintending Engineer Agra Circle, U.P.P.W.D. on behalf of Governor of Uttar Pradesh
tanker to curb air /dust pollution invites the percentage rate bids online from the eligible and approved registered Contractors. As
along right bank of Najafgarh The work Comprises of specialized Road work, hence contractors bidding for this work must be
drain from Kakraula Regulator Whereas complaint has been made before me that accused
registered in Road work with UP PWD. Bidders are advised to note the minimum qualification
RD 30180m to Pankha Road person namely (1) Ikram @ Arif @ Rihan S/o Abdul Gani
criteria specified in Clause 4 of the Instructions to Bidders to qualify for the award of the contract.
Outfall RD 37180m. E.C. Rs. (2) Imran @ Mobin @ Kalua s/o Sabir R/o F-6, Ballu, Wali
12,54,420/- Earnest Money:- Rs. Jhuggi No.16 Sultanpuri Delhi have committed (or is
25,088/- period of Completion 90 Sl. Name of Work Esti- Bid Cost of Time of Address of Address of Address of Cate- suspected to have committed) the offence under. case FIR.

Days. (Date of submission & No mated Security Document Comp- Executive Superin- Chief gory of No. 172/2010 u/s 25 Arms Act. has been registered at
cost (Rs. in (in Rs.) letion Engineer tending Engineer Contr-
opening of bid on 26.12.2022 at
(Rs. in Lacs) executing Engineer
P.S.Jafrabad, Delhi and it has been returned to a warrant
3:00 PM. & 3:05 P.M. respectively.) Lac) the work of arrest there upon issued that the said,(1) Ikram @ Arif @
5. NIT No. EE/CD-I/DB/NIT/2022- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Rihan (2) Imran @ Mobin@Kalua cannot be found and
23/119 (ID No. 2022_IFC_ whereas it has been shown to my satisfaction that the said,
233294_1) H.O.A:- 2711-Non Rs.2000.00
Executive Superinten- Chief (1) Ikram @ Arif @ Rihan (2) Imran @ Mobin @ Kalua
Renewal work of Engineer,

Plan, Name of Work:- Sprinkling

Kosi- Goverdhan-
03 Provincial
ding Engineer,
has absconded (or is concealing himself to avoid the
of water by deploying water 1
Sonkh-Farah Road
55.00 4.75 +300.00TC+
Months Division,
Engineer, Agra Zone,
A, B, C service of the said warrant).
tanker to curb air/dust pollution 54.00GST = Agra Circle, P.W.D., Proclamation is hereby made that the said accused, (1)
in Distt. Mathura P.W.D.,
2354.00 Agra
along right bank of Najafgarh Mathura P.W.D., Agra Ikram @ Arif @ Rihan(2) Imran @ Mobin @ Kalua of
drain from Outer ring Road RD 2 Special repair work 100.00 7.00 03 Executive Superinten- Chief Class case. FIR. No. 172/2010 U/s 25 Arms Act.registered at
40680m to Basaidarapur Bridge Rs.2000.00
of Gatholi Mainer Months Engineer, Engineer, A, B PS. Jafrabad, Delhi is required to appear before this court

STC ding
RD 45316m. E.C. Rs. 12,54,420/- Road (ODR) in
Provincial Engineer, Agra Zone, to answer the said complaint on or before 07.02.2023.
Earnest Money:- Rs. 25,088/- Distt. Mathura Division, P.W.D.,
54.00GST = Agra Circle,
period of Completion 90 Days. P.W.D., Agra
2354.00 P.W.D., Agra
(Date of submission & opening of Mathura
Sh. Bharat Aggarwal MM
bid on 26.12.2022 at 3:00 PM. & 3 Special Repair 65.00 5.25 Rs.2000.00 03 Executive Superinten- Chief Class
3:05 PM respectively.) work of Kotvan to STC Months Engineer, Engineer, A, B, C
DP/4035/NE/2022- Court matter Karkardooma Courts Delhi

Hatana Road in +300.00TC+ Provincial Engineer, Agra Zone,

6. NIT No. EE/CD-I/DB/NIT/2022- Distt. Mathura 54.00GST = Division, P.W.D.,
23/120 (ID No. 2022_IFC_ Agra Circle,
2354.00 P.W.D., Agra
233281_1) H.O.A:- 2217-Plan Mathura P.W.D., Agra
(MLALAD). Name of Work:- 4 Renewal work of 290.00 16.50 Rs.2000.00 03 Executive Superinten- Chief Class
Providing and fixing outdoor Goverdhan-Bypass STC Months Engineer, ding Engineer, A

exercise fitness equipment Road in Distt. +300.00TC+ Provincial Engineer, Agra Zone,
(open gym) on Paradise, Gyatri, Mathura 54.00GST = Division,
Agra Circle,
Manjil, Shree Radha, Royal 2354.00 P.W.D., Agra
Mathura P.W.D., Agra
residency, Serve Sanjhi, Sukh
Sagar, Sunview, Mount Everest 3. Time allowed for completion is including Rainy Season.
socities and a underground
4. Bid document with detailed terms and conditions will be available online on website
water tank in Shree Radha http://etender.up.nic.in and Prahari (http://wms.upppwd.gov.in/Prahari) From 28.12.2022 to
society in Bijwasan 03.01.2023. Bids must be submitted online only at e-tendering portal of
Constituency AC- 36. http://etender.up.nic.in and Prahari App with all documents as per GO No 14/2020/879(1)/
(BALANCE WORK). E.C. Rs. 23-7/2020/176(Àff.)/06 Dt 25-08-2020 on or before 12:30 Hours Dt. 03.01.2023. Technical Bid
12,65,500/- Earnest Money:- Rs. received online will be opened on 04.01.2023 at 12:30 Hours.
25,310/- period of Completion 90
5. The prospective bidders who do not posses Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) must get the
Days. (Date of submission &
same issued from approved agencies before submission of bids.
opening of bid on 26.12.2022 at
3:00 PM. & 3:05 PM respectively.) 6. Contractor should Quote their rates without G.S.T. which shall be paid extra as per applicable at
the time of payment.
7. NIT NO. EE/CD-I/DB/NIT/2022-
7. Labour Cess @ 1.00% will be deducted from contractor’s bill at the time of payment.
23/121 (ID No 2022
IFC_233295_1) H.O.A:- 4217- 8. Original MM-11 forms proof of royalty shall have to be produced at time of every running bill in
Plan (Develoment of Unauthorized accordance to Principal Secretary, Directorate of geology & mining utter Pradesh Letter No-
2146/86-2019-52(lk0)/2019 Dt. 30.09.2019, G.O. No- 115(1)/86-2020 dated 15.01.2020 and
Colonies). Name of Work:-
other relevant Government orders, circulars for all the materials procured from the quarries.
Improvement of Gali/streets in
unauthorized colony Narsingh 9. The bidders are required to submit Original receipt of Internet Banking of E-tender portal
Garden Regd. 1543 in Rajouri Account as per G.O. No.-742/78-2-2018-42 I.T./2017 T.C., I.T. & Electronics Section-2 Dated-
garden Assembly Constituency 03-12-2018 follows as :
AC- 27. EC Rs. 1,55,33,406/- (1) Online Tender Cost towards the cost of bid document (As per Column 6) by Internet Banking of
Earnest Money:- Rs. 3,10,668/- E-tender portal Account (Non Refundable).
period of Completion 180 Days. (2) Online Bid security (As per Column 5) in favour of designation of Column 8 by Internet
(Date of submission & opening of Banking of E-tender portal Account.
bid on 29.12.2022 at 3:00 PM. &
3:05 PM respectively.)
(Anand Kumar)
Ministry of Education, Government of India
Executive Engineer
8. NIT No. EE/CD-I/DB/NIT/2022- Provincial Division, P.W.D., UPID NO.183422 Date: 22.12.2022 SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER 5 Institutional Area, Phase-II Vasant Kunj
23/122 (ID No. 2022_IFC_ Mathura www.upgov.nic.in AGRA CIRCLE, PWD, AGRA New Delhi-110070
233296_1) H.O.A:- 4217-Plan Phone : 011-26707798, Email : [email protected]
(Development of Unauthorized
Colonies). Name of Work:-
Improvement of street/galis in
unauthorized colony Tartar Pur
Rajouri Garden Assembly
Email: [email protected] Advt. No. Estt./135/2022
Constituency AC- 27 (Regd.
386). E.C. Rs. 1,35,17,964/-
PRESS N.I.T. NO. 04 (2022-23) NBT invites applications for the post
S. Date of Published on
Earnest Money:- Rs. 2,70,359/-
period of Completion, 180 Days.
(Date of submission & opening of
No. Name Of Work
Amount Put to Earnest Money
Tender (Rs.) (In Rs.)
e-procurement portal/
Tender ID
Last date and
Time of Tender of IT PROGRAMMER on
bid on 29.12.2022 at 3:00 PM. &
1. Making trial bores at various
locations in territories of Delhi 27,05,126/- 54,200/-
22.12.2022 06.01.2023 Contract Basis (Through placement agency)
3:05 P.M respectively.) 2022_DJB_233578_1 up to 3:00 PM
9. NIT No. EE/CD-I/DB/NIT/2022-
under EE (Project) W-III.
Last date of submission of application is 15
Further details in this regard can be seen at https://govtprocurement.delhi.gov.in.
23/123 (ID No. 2022_IFC_
233287_1) H.O.A:- 4217-Plan
ISSUED BY P.R.O. (WATER) Sd/- days from publication of the advertisement in
Advt. No. J.S.V. 426 (2022-23) (Suresh Kumar Goel)
(Develoment of Unauthorized
Executive Engineer (Project) W-III Employment News.
Improvement of streets and side For further details visit
drain at U-Block, Uttam Nagar in
Matiala Assembly Constituency NBT Website : www.nbtindia.gov.in
AC-34. (Redg. No. 893). E.C. Rs.
2,81,07,920/- Earnest Money:- Rs. davp 21103/12/0068/2223
5,62,158/- period of Completion NBTI8 8hPRN(7)
120 Days. (Date of submission &
opening of bid on 29.12.2022 at ADityA birlA HOUsiNg FiNANce liMiteD
3:00 P.M. & 3:05 P.M respectively.) registered Office- indian rayon compound, veraval, gujarat – 362266
Note :- 1) Details of above mentioned branch Office- g corporation tech Park, Kasarvadavali, ghodbunder road, thane -400607 (MH)
works & eligibility criteria can be seen DEMAND NOTICE
and downloaded from the web site (under rule 3 (1) of security interest (enforcement) rules, 2002)
https://govtprocurement.delhi.gov.in sUbstitUteD service OF NOtice U/s.13 (2) of secUritisAtiON AND recONstrUctiON OF FiNANciAl Assets AND
2. Amendment(s)/ alteration(s) / eNFOrceMeNt OF secUrity iNterest Act, 2002.
corrigendum if any, will be available Notice is hereby given to the borrowers as mentioned below that since they have defaulted in repayment of the Credit facility availed by them from Aditya birla Housing Finance limited (AbHFl),
at website only. their loan accounts have been classified as Non-Performing Assets in the books of the Company as per RBI guidelines thereto. Thereafter, ABHFL has issued demand notices under section
13(2) of the Securitization and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002 (SARFAESI Act) on the last known addresses of the said borrowers thereby call-
Sd/- ing upon and demanding from them to repay the entire outstanding amount together with further interest at thecontractual rate on the aforesaid amount and incidental expenses, cost, charges etc.
EXECUTIVE ENGINEER/CD-I as stated in the said demand notices. However, the demand notice is also being served by way of publication, as per Rule 3 of the Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002 (SARFAESI Rules):
DIP/Shabdarth/0514/22-23 sl. Date of
Name and Address borrower/ co-borrower and guarantor / Amount due as per
NPA Date Demand
No co-guarantor & loan A/c No. Notice Demand Notice /as on Date
''IMPORTANT'' 1. ArUN KUMAr, House On Part Plot No. 153, Kh No. 25 Nagar Nigam No. 5c/A. P./P-153 Anjani Puram Anjali Puram rs. 25,84,874.24/- (Rupees Twenty
Whilst care is taken prior to
1 Colony Nagla Albatiya Lohamandi Ward Agra 282010. 2. reKHA House On Part Plot No. 153, Kh No. 25 Nagar Nigam No. 08-11-2022 17-12-2022 Five Lakh Eighty Four Thousand
acceptance of advertising 5c/A. P./P-153 Anjani Puram Anjali Puram Colony Nagla Albatiya Lohamandi Ward Agra 282010. 3. M/s ArUN KUMAr csP Eight Hundred Seventy Four and
copy, it is not possible to verify House On Part Plot No. 153, Kh No. 25 Nagar Nigam No. 5c/A. P./P-153 Anjani Puram Anjali Puram Colony Nagla Albatiya Twenty Four Paise Only) by way of
its contents. The Indian
Lohamandi Ward Agra 282010. 4. ArUN KUMAr C/O ARUN KUMAR CSP 153 Sbi-Csp Anjani Puram Colony, Shahaganj outstanding principal, arrears
Express (P) Limited cannot be
held responsible for such
282010. 5. M/s ArUN KUMAr csP, 153 Sbi-Csp Anjani Puram Colony, Near Shanti Vatika, Shahaganj, Agra 282010. (including accrued late charges) and
contents, nor for any loss or loan Account No. lNMrtHl_-07170033762 & lNMrtHl_-07170034819 interest till 14.12.2022
damage incurred as a result of DescriPtiON OF iMMOvAble PrOPerty)PrOPerties MOrtgAgeD: All That Piece And Parcel Of Residential House Constructed On Part Of Plot No. 153 Bearing Nagar Nigam No. 5c/A.
transactions with companies, P/P-153, Land Bearing Minjumla Khasra No. 25, Admeasuring 122.59 Sq. Yards, I.E., 102.50 Sq. Mtrs., I.E., 1103.31 Sq. Ft., Situated At Anjani Puram/Anjali Puram, Nagla Albatiya, Lohamandi
associations or individuals Ward Teh. And Distt. Agra And bounded As: North: Prop. On Plot No. 152 south: Prop. On Part Of Plot No. 153 east: Prop On Plot No. 160 & 161 West: Rasta 25 Feet Wide And Nikas
advertising in its newspapers
or Publications. We therefore We hereby call upon the borrower stated herein to pay us within 60 days from the date of this notice, the outstanding amount (s)together with further interest thereon plus cost, charges, expenses, etc.
recommend that readers thereto failing which we shall be at liberty to enforce the security interest including but not limited to taking possession of and selling the secured asset entirely at your risk as to the cost and consequences.
make necessary inquiries Please note that as per section 13(13) of the SARFAESI Act, all of you are prohibited from transferring by way of sale, lease orotherwise, the aforesaid secured assets without prior written consent
before sending any monies or of the Company. Any contravention of the said section by you shall invoke the penal provisions as laid down under section 29 of the SARFAESI Act and / or any other legal provision in this regard.
entering into any agreements Please note that as per sub-section (8) of section 13 of the Act, if the dues of ABHFL together with all costs, charges and expenses incurred by ABHFL are tendered to ABHFL at any time before
with advertisers or otherwise the date fixed for sale or transfer, the secured asset shall not be sold or transferred by ABHFL, and no further step shall be taken by ABHFL or transfer or sale of that secured asset.
acting on an advertisement in
any manner whatsoever.
Date: 24.12.2022 sd/- Authorised Officer
Place: Agra (Aditya birla Housing Finance limited)

New Delhi


16 Army men killed as truck falls SAFETY NET WITH SAVINGS


off mountain road in North Sikkim


Four injured, truck

fell while taking CHINA
sharp turn: Defence



Covid’s PMGKAY

nel including three Junior
PMLA CASE Commissioned Officers (JCOs)
were killed and four injured merged with Softening post-Covid
HC grants bail Friday when a truck carrying
them fell off a mountain road
Remains of the truck in Zema, North Sikkim on Friday. ANI In a statement, Defence
spokespersonLieutenantColonel NFSA entitlement ●
FOR THE first time, India will have a Central food
to Kappan 26 while negotiatinga sharpturn at
Zema in North Sikkim. and Home Minister Amit Shah speedy recovery.
of 5 kg per person security legislation which gives the poor a ‘right’ to receive 5 kg
foodgrains free of cost. Earlier, the poor — about 81.34 crore
months after President Droupadi Murmu,
Prime Minister Narendra Modi,
were among those who ex-
pressed anguish over the loss of
Zema is near Lachen, around
130 km from state capital
truck on 23 December 2022 at
Zema, North Sikkim, sixteen
per month people comprising 75 per cent living in rural areas and 50 per
cent in urban areas — paid a small price of Rs 3 per kg for rice

arrest, says no Defence Minister Rajnath Singh lives and wished the injured Gangtok. CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
and Rs 2 per kg for wheat. The decision softens the blow the
poor may suffer with the PM Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana being
money trail
discontinued by the end of the month. Under PMGKAY, the
government provided 5 kg foodgrains free on top of the NFSA
COMBINING FISCAL prudence entitlement of 5 kg subsidised foodgrains.
and the imperative of safety net,
the Union government Friday
Kappan to said it would provide free food- under the NFSA. Now, the Prime that scheme has been added to
be released grains to beneficiaries under the Ministerhastakenahistoricdeci- the NFSA. Now, the entire quan-
after court’s NationalFoodSecurityAct,2013, sion to provide food security to tity of 5 kg and 35 kg under the
break, says as per their entitlement, for a the poor free of cost across the NFSA would be available free of
lawyer year beginning January 2023. It country,” Union Food Minister cost. There is no need for addi-
has, however, discontinued the Piyush Goyal said briefing re- tional foodgrains.”
Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan porters on the Cabinet decisions. The NFSA covers 50 per cent
ASAD REHMAN Anna Yojana launched in April The NFSA covers about 81.35 of the urban population and 75
LUCKNOW, DECEMBER 23 2020 amid Covid-19 under crore people and Goyal said the per cent of the rural population.
which 5 kg of free foodgrains Centre would bear the entire There are two categories of ben-
MORE THAN two years after he wasprovidedtoeveryperson on cost of Rs 2 lakh crore to provide eficiary households under the
was arrested by the Uttar top of the NFSA entitlement of 5 them food security. Asked if the CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
Pradesh Police while heading to kgfoodgrainsatsubsidisedrates. government has decided to dis-
the Hathras home of a young “TheCentralgovernmentpro- continue the Pradhan Mantri
Dalit woman who died after an videsfoodgrainstopeople— rice Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana, he CABINET APPROVES
alleged gangrape, journalist at Rs 3 per kg, wheat Rs 2 per kg, said, “It has been merged (with REVISION IN OROP
Siddique Kappan was granted and coarse grains Rs 1 per kg — the NFSA). The free portion of PAGE 7
of the Allahabad High Court in a
money laundering case filed by
the Enforcement Directorate.
In his order, Justice Dinesh
Kumar Singh said “except for al- Intranasal vaccine gets clearance
Police escort Charles Sobhraj to the Immigration Department in Kathmandu after his release on Friday. Reuters

Charles Sobhraj freed after 19 years in as booster option in Covid fight

ferred in the bank account of co-


jail, deported within hours to France

bankaccountof theaccused-ap- ered without a needle through
plicant or in the bank account of ANONNA DUTT the nose, will be available in a
co-accused”. NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 23 few days at private centres
Kappan had been granted
Asthird across the country. It is expected
dose only
‘I am going straight to my family… I
bail by the Supreme Court on RAMPING UP its anti-Covid ● to be available as an option on
September 9 this year in an YUBARAJ GHIMIRE measures amid a surge in cases the Government’s vaccine man-
Unlawful Activities (Prevention) KATHMANDU, DECEMBER 23 inothercountries,mainlyChina, INCOVACC WILL be avail- agementplatform,CoWIN,from
Act case after being booked by
the UP Police for alleged links
with the radical Popular Front of
mous “bikini killer”, was Friday
hope to live for many years to come’ the Government has added
Bharat Biotech’s intranasal vac-
cine Incovacc to its vaccination
able as a booster dose only
to adults who have got 2
doses of either Covaxin or
late Friday.
This is the second heterolo-
gous booster to be included in
deported to his home country of
France, hours after his release in
the morning in Kathmandu
programme as a mix-and-
match, or heterologous, booster
dose. Incovacc is the world’s first
Covishield. It will not be
administered to any other
category, for now, includ-
the vaccination programme af-
ter Corbevax in August. Incovacc
received the nod from the coun-
where he spent close to two intranasal vaccine to be ap- ing those who have al- try’sapexdrugregulatorasapri-
THE WORLD decades in incarceration. proved as a booster dose. ready taken booster dose. mary dose in September and as
Authorities in Nepal moved RITU SARIN The vaccine, which is deliv- CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
swiftly to put the serial killer on NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 23
flight to Doha, en route to Paris, WHILE IN prison in Kathmandu,
ensuring that he spent the least CharlesSobhrajwouldmake the
possible time in the country as a occasional phone call to me — WWW.SRIRAMSIAS.COM
free man. just as he did while I covered his
Sobhraj was convicted and trial in India and during his stint
jailed in India in 1976 on the in Tihar Jail. The calls from Sobhraj in 2016; and (right) his prison cell then. Charles Sobhraj
charge of murder and was re- Kathmandu were mostly when
RUSSIA WANTS WAR leased in 1997. He landed in hewastakenoutof jailforacourt
TO END, SAYS PUTIN prison again after he came to hearing or a visit to the hospital. be published only on his release In the interview, Sobhraj
Kathmandu in 2003. A murder OnAugust15,2016,whenhis fromKathmanduJail.Sincethen, spoke about his arrest from a MORE THAN 35 YEARS OF SERVICE TO THE NATION
2 DEAD, 4 WOUNDED case from the 1970s was re- release seemed imminent, however,hisreleasekeptgetting casino in Nepal in 2003, his stint
IN PARIS SHOOTING opened and the courts awarded Sobhraj replied to questions I delayed—in2017,hehadaheart inDelhi’sTiharJailbetween1976 SRIRAM’s IAS Towers, 10-B, Pusa Road, Bada Bazaar Marg 01142437002, 9811489560
PAGE 16 himalifeterm—which,inNepal, senthimbyemail, witha caveat: surgeryandthencametheCovid and 1997, and the book and 73-75, 1st Floor, Beside GTB Metro Gate No.1, Ring Road, Kingsway Camp, New Delhi
CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 theinterview,heinsisted,should pandemic. CONTINUED ON PAGE 4


70 kids’ deaths: Gambian panel holds cough syrup INSIDE
manufacturer Maiden culpable, seeks legal action ICICI CASE: CHANDA &
Report comes after Indian authority gave clean chit, said no causal link data shared ARRESTED BY CBI
tionof fourcontaminatedsyrups BetweenJuneandNovember exporting the contaminated CYCLE POLO PLAYER,
ANONNA DUTT made by Indian pharma firm this year, 82 children were con- medicinesthat was linked tothe 10, DIES; KERALA
NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 23 Maiden Pharmaceuticals. The firmed to have suffered acute death of at least 70 children,” ac- GOVT SEEKS PROBE
committee, in its report submit- kidney injury in the Gambia. Of cording to the report. It added
A SELECT committee of the tedthisweek,hasrecommended them, 70 died. that the syrups were contami- NDTV: ROYS SELL OUR MOCK INTERVIEW PANELISTS:
GambianNationalAssemblyhas that Maiden be blacklisted, its “The Select Committee is natedwithdiethyleneglycoland 27.26% STAKE TO
concluded that the deaths of 70 productsbannedintheGambian convincedthatMaidenPharma- ethylene glycol. ADANI
children due to acute kidney in- market and legal action be pur- ceuticals Ltd. is culpable and The committee said that PAGES 10, 19
juryarelinkedtotheirconsump- sued against the company. should be held accountable for CONTINUED ON PAGE 4

Mr. PDT Achary, Former Lok Dr. M.Ravi Kanth, Mr. Yogendra Kumar, Former Dr. S.M. Mohanty
Sabha Secretary General IAS, Ex- HUDCO Chairman Ambassador & Author Former Secretary, GOI

His big brother gave up cricket for him, 23-yr-old

from Jammu repays faith with Rs 2.6-cr IPL deal Mr. Anil Trigunayat,
Former Ambassador
Mr. Kapil Kak, Former Air Vice
Mr. A.K. Pasha,
Professor(Retd) JNU
Dr. A.J.V Prasad
Addl. Chief Secretary

PAGE 1 sion paid off when Vivrant, the man and switched just to mimic Vivrant’s mother Sunita
ANCHOR 23-year-oldJ&Kleg-spinningall- my brother, and the change Mangotra is a high-school
Hyderabad for Rs 2.60 crore —
stuck,” Vivrant told The Indian
teacher who made sure that her
son chased his dream single-
13-foldhisbaseprice—attheIPL J&K was involved in a Ranji mindedly. “She has been the
PRATYUSH RAJ mini-auction in Kochi. Trophy game against Gujarat. backbone of our family. She is 4 Hour Daily Personal Sessions with Sriram Sir, who has been
NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 23 And yet, Vivrant’s day of joy Friday also marked several one of the most strong-willed guiding Civil Services aspirants for over 36 years. Daily Current
wastingedwithregret.“If myfa- record-breaking buys at the IPL women I have seen. She always
Affairs discussions, fine-tuning attitude, DAF analysis and
HE WAS once a promising bats- ther had been alive, he would with Punjab Kings shelling out told me, ‘don’t worry, just follow
man, but sacrificed his career to have been very happy. But still, anall-time highof Rs18.25crore your dream and make sure you much more. Whatsapp Access to Sriram Sir round the clock.
take over the family business af- my journey has just begun. for England all-rounder Sam reach there’,” Vivrant said.
ter his father Himanshu Sharma Papa’s demise hit us. My brother Curran. Two other all-rounders Last year, Vivrant was with
died of kidney failure in 2015. took over the business (acid and — Cameron Green (Mumbai Sunrisers Hyderabad as a net
Vikrant Sharma’s decision al- chemicals) and told me to focus Indians, Rs 17.5 crore) and Ben bowler, picked after his senior in
lowed his younger brother on cricket. He had played at the Stokes (Chennai Super Kings, Rs the J&K team, Abdul Samad,
Vivrant to pursue his cricketing inter-universitylevel.Hewasmy Vivrant Sharma was picked 16.25 crore) — also triggered shared videos of his bowling
dream. idolandIusedtocopyhisbatting up by Sunrisers Hyderabad frenzied bidding in Kochi. with the team management.
On Friday, that family deci- stance.Iwasaright-handedbats- In Jammu, meanwhile, CONTINUED ON PAGE 4

New Delhi




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In today’s episode we discuss what we
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The very Mughal SUDOKUFROMTHE ‘university’, and 72 antiques and sculptures
SCANTHISQRCODETO colours of Old Delhi’s INDIANEXPRESS set to return to India


WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM ● Charles Sobhraj freed, deported within hours to France

For 1 year, foodgrains

runs to 20 years. vulnerable to assault by the ene- killed15-20peopleinthisperiod. Sobhraj barred from speaking to thorities said the embassy
OnWednesday,theSupreme mies he had created during his Sobhraj was officially re- the media, even taking his pho- boughttheticketonlyaround90
Court of Nepal waived his re- over 19-year imprisonment. leased from the Central Jail in tograph was difficult. minutes prior to departure.
maining ten months in jail, or- Sobhraj’s notoriety earned Sundhara on Thursday. But once The French Embassy in French Embassy officials ac-

free for 81 crore people

dering his release and deporta- him nicknames such as “bikini he stepped up to the gate, his Kathmandupreparedtraveldoc- companiedimmigrationandse-
tion to France within 15 days. killer” (he targeted mostly back- lawyers asked authorities to let uments for him as he had no curity officials and put him on
The Nepal government, tak- packingWesterntouristsinAsia) him spend a night there as its valid passport or visa. The em- the aircraft around 50 minutes
ing no chance, overruled his and “serpent” (for the skill with “guest”. The jail authorities ac- bassy was in contact with immi- before take-off.
wish to spend some time with which he evaded police). cepted what seemed to be a gration authorities and both A senior government secu-
NFSA – Antyoday Anna Yojana PMGKAY stood at about 40 lakh and rice (including unmilled his family and friends — he had Hismodusoperandiallegedly scripted request. sideswereinagreementthatthe rity official said: “Our responsi-
(AAY) and the Priority metric tonnes (wheat: 7 lakh paddy)stocksintheCentralpool married a Nepali woman — by involveddrugginghisvictimsand After hisrelease in the morn- deportation should be swift. bility is over. Now it’s for the
Households. While the AAY metric tonnes and rice: 33 lakh stood at 190.27 lakh metric holding a pre-departure get-to- then killing them. It is estimated ing, Sobhraj was taken tothe im- The French Embassy blocked French authorities to transfer
households are entitled to 35 kg metric tonnes) tonnes and 364 lakh metric gether. Nepal Home Ministry that Sobhraj, who was most ac- migration office Friday under a seat on flight QR 647 leaving him to another plane at Doha
offoodgrainspermonthirrespec- The government used to re- tonnes. While the rice stock po- sources said Sobhraj was also tive between 1972 and 1976, heavy security. Not only was Kathmandu at 6 pm. Airport au- and then receive him at Paris.”
tive of the number of family ceive Rs 13,900 crore in a year sition is comfortable, the wheat
members,thepriorityhouseholds from selling subsidised food- stock is just above the buffer
get foodgrains depending on the
additional outgo, the total food
stock requirement norms.
As per the official data, the
● ‘I am going straight to my family… I hope to live for many years’
member 5 kg per month). security bill will rise to about Rs government had spent about Rs
An official told The Indian 2 lakh crore. Discontinuing the 3.45 lakh crore up to September, movie releases that he was part Was this part of some design release from jail? me. At first, he sent an envoy to Jaswant Singh. I still believed if at
Express that the NFSA would PMGKAY would, however, save and the last extension of the of then. But it was on his sup- or scheme? I am going straight back to meet me in Paris. Following that thattimethegovernmenthadac-
have to be amended and a noti- the government Rs 15,000 crore scheme–justaheadoftheGujarat posedrole in trying to securethe No, of course. Let’s say only France to my family. I have writ- meeting,andmydirecttalkwith cepted the suggestion of six
fication was expected soon. a month or about Rs 1.8 lakh and Himachal Pradesh Assembly release of the hijacked passen- that meeting was in relation to ten a manuscript with a co- Jaswant Singh, I contacted peo- months (that Masood would be
As per the latest allocation crore a year. elections – for three months till gers of IC-814 that Sobhraj was some matter linked to Pakistan. writer, Jean Charles Deniau, and ple in the Harkat ul Ansar, released in six months), most
order for December, 13.67 lakh The discontinuation of December 2022, is estimated to most forthcoming. He spoke the book will be published…I’ll Masood’s party then. They, of probably, I could have persuaded
metric tonnes of wheat and PMGKAY comes at a time when raisethetotaloutgotoRs3.91lakh about his meetings with Jaish-e- So, have things worked be busy with the promotion and course, refused to release the Harkat ul Ansar to accept it.
31.72 lakh metric tonnes of rice the foodgrains stock has de- crore. The total foodgrain alloca- Mohammad chief Masood according to plan? the making of some documen- passengers but I succeeded in Between 2000 and 2003, I
arerequiredundertheNFSA.The pleted over the months. As on tion under the scheme stood at Azhar,aboutthe “longconversa- My programme was to be in taries. I have started a second getting an undertaking from made several trips to Pakistan. I
monthly requirement of the December 1, 2022, the wheat 1,121 lakh metric tonnes. tions” with the late Jaswant Kathmandu for only a few days manuscript which I’ll complete themthatfor11days,theywould met Masood.
Singh, then foreign minister and for that meeting, and leave. But after about six months. not harm the passengers, but af-
themanwhofinallyescortedthe someone leaked to the media terthat,theywouldstartexecut- Are you in contact with
● 16 Army men killed as truck falls off mountain road terrorists to Kandahar; of the
“undertaking” he secured from
my presence in Kathmandu and
it hit the front pages. The said
Tell us about your family…
You have a daughter in Paris.
ing. I called Jaswant Singh, told
him that in my opinion, no pas-
anyone else in Pakistan?
I don’t want to say more
bravehearts of the Indian Army Commander of the Armed sonnel. Masood’spartythatthehostages news quoted the Nepal Police as Also, while in Kathmandu, senger would be harmed for 11 about it. It’s a sensitive matter.
have lost their lives.” Forces, in a Twitter post, said, “The nation is deeply grate- won’t be harmed. declaring that they had no case you married your lawyer’s days, so India had 11 days to ne-
He said the ill-fated vehicle “Anguished to learn about the ful for their service and commit- TheIndianExpresslaterspoke or file against me. I was to leave daughter. So will you return gotiate. Really, as the plane was Actor Randeep Hooda met
was part of a three-vehicle con- loss of lives of brave soldiers of ment.Mycondolencestothebe- to top intelligence sources who but someone warned me to be to France or spend time as a in Kandahar, the Indian govern- you in Kathmandu Jail. A
voy that had moved from the Indian Army in a road acci- reaved families. Praying for the said his claims were “highly ex- careful, saying Nepal was then free man with your family in menthadnochoicebuttorelease Bollywood film (Main Aur
Chatten in the morning towards dentinSikkim.Myheartfeltcon- speedy recovery of those who aggerated.” facing a Maoist insurgency and Nepal? Masood to save the passengers. Charles) has been made on
the Thangu area. At Zema, the dolences to the families of the are injured,” he said. Now that the master of guile the police and courts didn’t re- Of course, my first priority Remember what happened you. Are you part of any more
vehicle skidded down a steep deceased. I pray for the speedy Home Minister Shah ex- issettotakehisflighttofreedom spect any law or rules. willbetoreturntoFrance.Idon’t in 1994… A Pakistani outfit in film or book projects?
slope while negotiating a sharp recovery of the injured.” pressed grief over the death of at age 78, the world may finally want to say more about that… Kashmir that called themselves I don’t know, let’s see after
turn, he said. Prime Minister Modi, in a thesoldiers. “Anguished to learn gettohearfromthemanhimself You have spent time in Tihar It’s a private matter. Al Faran kidnapped six foreign- the publication of my
Soonaftertheaccident,ares- post by the PMO, said, “Pained about the tragic road accident —thechronicles,claimsandcon- Jail as well. How does that ers,decapitatedoneofthem,ask- book…There could be a future
cue mission was launched and by the loss of lives of our brave that took away the lives of our spiracy theories that make up compare with your Are you proposing a visit to ing for Masood’s release. A cou- Hindi movie. And if so, I would
four injured soldiers were air- Army personnel due to a road brave Army soldiers in Sikkim. I Charles Sobhraj. experience in Kathmandu India? pleof monthslater,AlFaranwent verymuchhave Randeep Hooda
lifted. mishap in Sikkim. Condolences express my heartfelt condo- Excerpts from Sobhraj’s in- Jail? Definitely. I want to meet my silentanduntiltoday,thewhere- to again play my role. In Charles
“TheIndianArmystandsfirm tothebereavedfamilies.Maythe lences to the bereaved families. terview with The Indian Express. Simply put, the conditions in three (friends who I consider) abouts of those remaining for- and I, he gave an excellent per-
with the bereaved families, at injured recover soon.” The injured have been provided Nepali jails are primitive, awful. sisters in Pune. eign hostages remain unknown. formance. I met Hooda last
this hour of loss,” thespokesper- Defence Minister Rajnath with every possible assistance, You were arrested in Nepal in For the poor Nepali inmates, it’s A couple of days after my re- October and I like him as a per-
son said. Singh said he is “deeply pained” maytheyrecoverattheearliest,” 2003. One wonders, why did a question of survival… life or You are known to have been porttoJaswantSingh,theycalled son. I think he’ll become one of
President Murmu, Supreme over the loss of lives of the per- he said. you take the risk of returning death.Manysleepontheground in touch with American me and said they were sitting the top actors in Bollywood.
to Nepal where you were a under the sky. Also, as the in- intelligence agencies even with Masood and asked me to
wanted man? You even matesarekeptonastarvingdiet, from Kathmandu Jail. What talk to him and try to convince You have now crossed 70
●Intranasal vaccine gets clearance ● Kappan visited a casino.
I didn’t commit any offence
the yearly incidence of death is
quite high. Recently, I filed a pe-
was the nature of your
assignment for them?
him to order his people to re-
lease the passengers. I straight-
years of age. How do you
want to spend the next few
as booster option in Covid fight anditsaffiliatesonSeptember28. in Nepal so I didn’t apprehend tition in the Supreme Court (of I don’t want to talk about it. away refused, saying Masood years of your life?
JusticeSingh,inthePMLAcase any problems. So much so, I Nepal) praying that the court in- would never agree, and again, I I hope to live for many years
a booster dose in November. a booster to those who have re- bail order, said, “Even if it is be- came on a business visa as an as- tervene.Thepetitiondraggedon Will your friends in the US told them that I was convinced to come. I’ll devote my life to my
The intranasal vaccine trig- ceived Covaxin or Covishield as lieved that part of proceeds of sistant producer for a French formonthsandfinally,onAugust intelligence be helping you in that after 11 days, they would daughter andwill probablykeep
gers an immune response in the the primary vaccine. crimewastransferredinthebank production company, 10 (2016), the court directed the your rehabilitation after startexecutingsomepassengers. myself busy with books… writ-
mucosal membrane in the nose To induce immunity, officials account of co-accused, Atikur Gentleman Films Prod. governmenttoincreasethedaily release from jail? What’snotknownisthatafter ing and business.
and mouth. “Being an intranasal said, the vaccine uses a modified Rahman,thatitselfmaynotbesuf- Moreover, when I was released food allowance. Sorry, no comment. thatcall,Ihadaverylongconver-
vaccine, BBV154 may produce chimpanzee adenovirus that ficient to prove that the accused- from India, the Indian govern- sation with Jaswant Singh and How is your health?
localantibodiesintheupperres- cannot replicate in the body to applicant(Kappan)hasdealtwith ment had asked Nepal whether How do you see Nepal’s You met Pakistani terrorist suggested to him a second solu- Prettygood.Istillhaveastrict
piratory tract, which may pro- carry the Covid spike protein. It theproceedsof crimeamounting I was wanted. On receiving a judicial system? Its prison Masood Azhar while in Tihar tion:thattheGovernmentofIndia physical and mental discipline.
vide the potential to reduce in- wasdevelopedbyBharatBiotech to Rs 1,36,14,291 which had been negative reply from Nepal, the administration? Jail. Are you still in touch with gives an official undertaking, en-
fection and transmission,” in partnershipwith Washington allegedly received by K A Rauf Government of India then in- Well, it’s quite well known him? dorsed by Parliament, that How are your finances? How
according to Hyderabad-based University-StLouis.WhiletheUS Sherif (PFISecretary).” formed the CMM (Chief that there is corruption in every Well,youalreadyknowabout Masoodwouldbereleasedwithin will you survive financially
Bharat Biotech, which also man- University developed the vector He said Kappan was entitled Metropolitan Magistrate) in sector in Nepal. In its latest re- it…AfterMasoodAzhar’srelease six months, and I would try my after getting freedom?
ufactures Covaxin. thatcarriesthespikeproteinand tobereleasedonbailasthe“pro- Delhi that I was no longer port,TransparencyInternational following the Indian Airline hi- best to negotiate with Harkat ul I won’t have any problem
Meanwhile,aspartof itsanti- evaluated it in pre-clinical stud- ceeds of crime is less than Rs 1 wanted by any country and has classified Nepal as the third jacking incident (in 1999), The Ansar on that ground. Jaswant with finance. It’s OK.
Covid drive, the Government ies, Bharat Biotech handled crore and there is no likelihood” could be released… (for) A most corrupt country after Indian Express had mentioned Singhtoldmehewilldiscusswith
will conduct a mock drill at hos- product development and man- that Kappan will “commit the planned meeting with aChinese Afghanistan and Bangladesh. my role with the Government of theCabinet.Butfinally,theychose Are you in contact with
pitals across the country ufacturing capability. same offence in future”. party from Hong Kong, a legal India at that time. Mr Jaswant theoptiontoreleaseMasood.You Indian intelligence agencies?
Tuesday. Besides, officials said Incovacc’s inclusion in the “…the fact the accused-ap- business matter. What are your plans after Singh was in direct contact with can ask for confirmation from No comment.
that from Saturday, two per cent vaccination programme comes plicant has already been in
of international travellers arriv- against the backdrop of rising prisoninpredicateoffencesfrom
ing in the country will be
screened at random.
Covid cases globally. Although
thenumberof casesinthecoun-
05.10.2020 till he was enlarged
on bail by the Supreme Court,
● Gambian panel holds pharma firm Maiden culpable ● IPL deal
Also,inameetingFridaywith tryhascontinuedtodecline,with and thereafter he is in custody of efforts were made to contact Thechildrencametohospital community” – off the shelves — in the assembly. “There are many to whom I
Health officials, states were only 153 reported a day during the ED, I am of the view that the MaidenPharmaceuticalsinIndia, with complaints of not being the “cases stopped coming.” While the report held want to express gratitude. But it
asked to ramp up testing from the week ending December 22, accused-applicant is entitled to “buttheyhavenotbeenanswer- able to urinate despite none of Of the 70 deaths, autopsy Maiden responsible for not fol- startedwithmyfriendsandteam-
the current 79 per million, and therehasbeenanincreaseinsev- bereleasedonbail,”JusticeSingh ing to their emails and calls.” them showing signs of dehydra- wasconductedinonlytwocases, lowing what it called good man- mates who played in the IPL,
increase the share of RT-PCR eral other countries such as said, directing that Kappan fur- Maiden has denied the alle- tion. as per the report. The commit- ufacturing practices, it said the which gave me belief. It started
tests. They were also urgedto fo- China, South Korea, Japan, USA, nishapersonalbondandtwolo- gations. Its manufacturing unit Accordingtoapaediatrician’s tee’s chairperson, Amadou importer Atlantic Pharma was with Rasikh Salam, then Abdul
cus on sewage, pan-respiratory France,GreeceandItaly.Globally, cal and reliable sureties each. inSonepatwasshutdownbythe testimony, the interval between Carara, admitted in the general nottoblameasitfollowedallthe Samad got picked before Umran
virus and facility-based sentinel 5.9 lakh cases were reported on Kappan’s lawyer, advocate Central Drugs Standards Control the inability to pass urine and assembly that two out of 70 “is regulations. Malik followed,” Vivrant said.
surveillance. Union Health an average every day over the Mohammad Danish KS, said his Organisation for alleged irregu- whensomeof thesesyrupswere definitely not scientific. … (but) Instead, the committee rec- “Lastyear,Iwaspickedasanet
Minister Mansukh Mandaviya past six weeks. client’sreleasefromcustodywill larities in processes. But India ingested ranged between one we conclude it’s definitely ommended steps to strengthen bowler. Spending training ses-
urged states to create awareness So far, 22.2 crore third doses have to wait until the court re- maintains that sufficient clinical and six days, with the majority linked.Hecitedlocal culturalbe- theregulatorymechanisminthe sions with the likes of Brian Lara,
for following Covid-appropriate have been administered in India, opens after the winter break. details to establish causality be- gettingthesymptomwithintwo liefs as the reason why most did country. The committee admit- Muthiah Muralidaran and Dale
behaviour, especially in view of with the booster coverage at 27 “My client was granted bail tween the deaths and the con- to three days. not give consent for autopsy. tedthattherewasnoqualitycon- Steyn,youimproveasacricketer,”
upcoming festivals. per cent across age groups, ac- in the PMLA case by the sumption of medicine hasn’t Initially suspecting an infec- However, the reports of the trollaboratoryinthecountrythat he said. This year, Vivrant had a
Earlier this week, the Union cording to data from the Health Allahabad High Court. In the been shared by the country or tion, samples from the children twoautopsiessuggestedthatthe could test the imported medi- greatwhite-balldomesticseason.
Health Secretary had asked Ministry. The coverage was UAPA case, Kappan was granted the WHO that raised an alert were sentfortesting –andmany childrenhaddiedof multi-organ cines and flagged the “urgent Hescored128runsinfourinnings
states to send all positive sam- higher at 40 per cent among bail by the Supreme Court on October linking the deaths to of them did have various failure. “Fatty necrosis explains need for a functional National in the Syed Mushtaq Ali T20
ples to the INSACOG network those above the age of 60 years September 9. Regarding the Maiden’sfoursyrups.TheIndian pathogens including certain that there was a toxin that was Medicines Quality Control Trophy, batting at No. 6 with an
laboratories for genome se- and22percentamongthosebe- PMLA case, the bail application Express sent a query to Maiden strains of E. coli that can affect causingmulti-organ failure,” the Laboratory.”Thecommitteealso impressive strike rate of 145.45.
quencing. tweentheagesof18and59years. was pending in the High Court on the report but no comment the kidneys. report said. recommendedsettingupaphar- He also picked six wickets at an
According to officials, During a high-level review after it was rejected by the spe- was received. However,thereportsaidthat Analysisof Gambiansamples maco-vigilance unit. excellent economy rate of 6.66.
Incovacc is effective for Omicron meeting Thursday, Prime cial court in Lucknow,” he said. An investigation by India’s the kidney injury was attributed at a Switzerland lab found that It said that the Medicine In the Vijay Hazare (50-over)
variants that replicate in the up- Minister Narendra Modi had Kappanandthreeotherswere drug controller said that it found to a “toxin”becauseaccording to the samples of four syrups man- Control Agency – Gambia’s drug Trophy, the J&K team promoted
per respiratory tract before en- urged the older, vulnerable pop- held in Mathura on October 5, no contamination – by ethylene a nephrologist, E.coli could not ufactured by Maiden had unac- regulator – should increase him to top of the order, and he
tering the lungs. ulation to get their third dose. 2020 while heading to Hathras. glycol and diethylene glycol – in explain the scale of the injuries, ceptably high levels of the con- background checks on compa- scored395runsineightmatches,
Thecompanyhadearliersaid A senior official said, “What While police said Kappan was the samples from the same the sheer number of those af- taminants. “We have received nies from which medicines are including a century and two
that the vaccine was found to be we have learnt in the last couple part of a conspiracy to disrupt batchexportedtoGambiamain- fected and the high fatality rate. communication from India that imported. The committee called fifties. Vivrant said he considers
“safe, well-tolerated and im- of years is that we cannot stop peaceinthearea,hislawyerssaid tainedbythecompanyasaqual- Moreover, lab reports showed they have done quality control for MCA to conduct site visits of himself a “proper all-rounder”.
munogenic” when compared to the spread, we can control it in a hewasgoingtoreportonthecase ity control measure. very high levels of creatinine, testing for some of these medi- manufacturers.“Where site visit The IPL deal has made him a
itsownCovaxininaphaseIIItrial waythatthesystemdoesnotget of the woman who died after be- As per the findings of the liver enzymes, and uric acid in- cines and they have found them isnotfeasible,theMCAcanliaise sought-after member of the J&K
of nearly 3,100 participants overwhelmed. The reason for ing allegedly gangraped. On Gambian committee, 83% of the consistent with children under fit. … but the tests that were with Gambian embassy/High team. “Abhi phone rakhta hun
across14sites in India.Ithas also preparedness at a time when September 9, while granting 82 cases of acute kidney injury the age of two. Even dialysis did- done by the Gambia govern- Commission at the exporting warna hotel ka gate tod denge yeh
conducted a trial with 875 par- cases in the country are low is KappanbailintheUAPAcase,the were in children below the age n’t help, the expert said, under- ment with the help of WHO was countrytoassignanagentforthe log (Iamdisconnectingthecall,or
ticipants to verify whether that we are looking at scenarios SupremeCourtinquiredwhatex- of three.And60.9%of thevictims lining that the moment the done at WHO accredited labs site visit and submit a report ac- they [his teammates] will break
Incovacc can be administered as elsewhere. actlyhadbeenfoundagainsthim. were male infants. drugs were “taken out of the andwehold bythat,” said Carara cordingly,” the committee said. the door of my hotel room).”

New Delhi
First-time councillor, ex-DU
prof is AAP’s MCD mayor pick aim is to make Delhi better to- Congratulating the candi-
GAYATHRI MANI gether with everyone. We will dates, Kejriwal tweeted:
NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 23 soon work by preparing a blue- “Congratulationsandbestwishes
print for cleaning the capital; we to AAP candidates ... God bless
THE AAP has named Dr Shelly will start by clearing the moun- (you) all to make our beloved
Oberoiasitsmayorcandidateand tains of garbage. All 250 council- Delhi clean.”
Aale Mohammad Iqbal, son of lors will come together to clean Meanwhile, Delhi BJP
AAP’s Shoaib Iqbal, as its deputy and transform Delhi... they have spokesperson Praveen Shankar
mayorcandidatefortheMunicipal already started working in their Kapoorsaid,“Everypoliticalparty
Corporationof DelhiFriday. respective wards.” is free to develop its leadership
A former visiting assistant BornandbroughtupinDelhi, butthenamesannouncedforthe
professoratDelhiUniversityand Oberoi joined AAP as an activist posts of mayor, deputy mayor
a first-time councillor, 39-year- in 2013 and was the party’s state and standing committee mem-
oldOberoicontestedtheelections Dr Shelly Oberoi, the mayor MahilaMorchavice-presidenttill bers of the MCD has surprised
fromformerDelhiBJPchiefAdesh candidate, contested the 2020.SheholdsaPhDinmanage- Delhiites. The party (AAP) totally
Gupta’s home turf of East Patel polls from former Delhi BJP ment studies from IGNOU’s neglected major segments of
Nagaranddefeatedthecandidate chief Adesh Gupta’s home School of Management Studies Delhi’spopulation—Poorvanchal
from there, Deepali Kumar, by turf of East Patel Nagar and is a lifetime member of the and Vaishya Samaj.”
269 votes. BJP has had a strong- Indian Commerce Association. The mayoral election will be
hold in the area so far. BesidesDU,shehasalsotaughtat held on January 6, 2023. The
Afterbeingnominatedforthe capital’ tag. “Over the next few several other universities like members nominated by the
mayorpost,OberoithankedDelhi months, we will all work to- NMIMS, IP and IGNOU. LieutenantGovernorcannotvote
Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal gethertomakeDelhithecitythat The party also announced duringthemayoralpolls.Onlythe
and his deputy Manish Sisodia, itshouldhavebeen.TheBJP,dur- names for standing committee elected councillors, 14 MLAs of
and tweeted, “Feeling honoured ing its 15-year tenure, turned members — Aamil Malik (Ward theDelhiAssemblyandMPsrep-
andbigresponsibilityontheway. Delhi into the ‘garbage capital of No 246, Karawal Nagar), resenting constituencies that
Shallgivemybestandfulfiltheex- the country’. We will work to- Raminder Kaur (Ward No 100, coverwhollyorpartlythecorpo-
pectations of the general public gether to ensure Delhi becomes Harinagar), Mohini Jeenwal ration area are eligible to vote. If
and respected party members.” cleanagainandtofulfiltheprom- (Ward No 218, Seemapuri) and the BJP does not oppose, Oberoi
Her main focus, she said, will ises made by the CM and deliver Sarika Choudhary (Ward No 142 willbecomethefirstmayorofthe
be fulfilling the 10 guarantees the 10 guarantees.” Jangpura). The names were an- reunifiedMCD.Thenewmayor’s
promised by the CM and work- She further said they will fix nouncedaftertheparty’sPolitical tenure will end in April 2023,
ing together with all councillors all problems that the BJP could Affairs Committee met at when mayoral polls will be held
to shake off the city’s ‘garbage notresolveduringtheirrule.“Our Kejriwal’s home in the morning. again with new candidates.

Sisodia writes to L-G: ‘Interfering in work’

from various departments extent statutory regime put in ted that the recent actions of
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE through their respective secre- place by the GNCTD Act, 1991 Your Excellency giving orders
NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 23 taries, chief secretaries and and, last but not the least, the directly to officers on trans-
transacting business thereon law laid down by a constitution ferred subjects bypassing the
IN A new flashpoint between such as approving the issuance bench of 5 Ld.Judges of the Council of Ministers is contrary
the AAP and the Delhi L-G, of notifications etc, completely Supreme Court in the judge- to law and orders of Hon’ble SC.
Deputy Chief Minister Manish bypassing the concerned minis- ment in state (NCT of Delhi ) v However, if I am incorrect, those
Sisodia has written a letter to ter as also the cabinet,” wrote Union of India and Anr., (2018)8 provisions may be indicated
Vinai Kumar Saxena accusing Sisodia in the letter. SCC 501.” which empower his Excellency
him of “interfering” with the The L-G House refused to HealsocriticisedtheL-Gover to issue such orders,” Sisodia
government’s day-to-day work comment on the letter. his recent decision to recall 11 wrote.
and “sidelining” elected minis- Calling the L-G’s actions “vi- filespendingwiththeDelhigov- “I therefore beseech you to
ters by giving direct orders to olations” of the Supreme Court, ernment for environment clear- reconsidertheadvisabilityof the
bureaucrats. he wrote, “I am constrained to ance. Sisodia wrote that the L-G course of action which I believe
“I am constrained to address record that this unwholesome isnotvestedwithanyindepend- has been put into motion and
the present communications to development apart from being ent decision-making authority take timely and necessary cor-
you in light of certain extremely contrary to settled tradition and in respect of any matter pertain- rective steps so as to eschew
worrying developments which practice pertaining to the trans- ing to transferred subjects and is avoidable controversy and em-
have been brought to my notice, action of business of the govern- in fact bound to act on the “aid barrassment which would
namely, that your office has of ment, is contrary to the applica- and advice” tendered to him by doubtless not be in the best in-
late, in the recent past, resorted ble constitutional provisions the Council of Ministers. terest of the residents of the NCT
to the practice of calling for files enshrined in Article 239AA, the “It is most humbly submit- of Delhi,” the letter read.

Delhi govt schools

New Delhi: Delhi government 5TH FLOOR, ISBT BUILDING, KASHMERE GATE, DELHI 110006
schools will be closed for winter
vacation from January 1-15, the
DoE said in a circular Thursday.
However, students from classes
medial classes from January 2-
14 for revision. ENS
Quality of air can be improved if we all work together!
*Actions which we can do as per Air Quality Index ( AQI)
Keep engines of your vehicles viz. cars/ bikes/ scooters etc. Avoid outdoor
properly tuned. physical activity
Maintain proper air pressure in tyres of your vehicles

POOR Keep PUC certificates of your vehicles up to date.

Do not idle your vehicle, also turn off the engine at red lights.
Do not dispose waste /garbage in the open spaces.
AQI between 201-300
Report air pollution activities through Green Delhi App, 311 App,
People to use public transport and minimize use of personal Avoid outdoor
vehicles. physical activities,
VERY especially during

Regularly replace air filters at recommended intervals in your

automobiles. morning and late
POOR Avoid dust generating construction activities during months of
October to January.
evening hours.
Remain indoor and
AQI between 301-400 keep activity levels

Choose a cleaner commute - share a ride to work or use public
transport or walk or cycle
People, whose position allow working from home, may work

SEVERE from home.

Do not use coal and wood for heating purpose.
lndividual house owners may provide electric heaters (during HEALTH ADVISORY
AQI between 401-450 winters) to security staff to avoid open burning. Avoid outdoor
Combine errands and reduce trips. Walk to errands wherever physical activities.
possible. Remain indoor and
CITIZEN CHARTER keep activity levels
Children, elderly and those with respiratory, cardiovascular,
cerebrovascular or otherchronic diseases to avoid outdoor

activities and stay indoors, as much as possible.

AQI >450


* As per citizen charter of Commission for Air Quality Management in National Capital Region and Adjoining Areas.
# For vulnerable population – Children under 5 year age, old age groups, pregnant women, predisposed

health conditions ie illness of respiratory, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular systems, outdoor working people
Health advisory of Ministry of Health & Family welfare, GOI is available at ncdc.mohfw.gov.in/cpcbaqi.php
Member Secretary
New Delhi

Very Poor Very Poor Very Poor Poor
FORECAST: December 24
355 342 373 262
0 PM 2.5 500 0 PM 2.5 500 0 PM 2.5 500 0 PM 2.5 500
MAX: 20 MIN: 5
0-50 Good 51-100 Satisfactory 101-200 Moderate 201-300 Poor 301-400 Very Poor 401-500 Severe 1.4°C belownormal 2.9°C belownormal


Bajrang Dal
Last underpass on Pragati Maidan stretch disrupts namaz
likely to be wrapped up by February-end Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw.
in Gurgaon again
THE PROJECT 6 THE UNDERPASSES* Following this, the railways gave
two blocks of six and four hours
IPMetro 1-nearDPS,MathuraRoad
Station each,insteadof theearliersingle
RingRoad BHAIRONMARGUNDERPASS 2-nearSherShahSuriRoad
THE BHAIRON Marg underpass, four-hour block, for pushing
part of the Pragati Maidan inte- Totallength Workcompleted earth below the tracks.
gratedcorridor,isexpectedtobe 110m 80% 4- SupremeCourtnear
According to an official over-
completed by the end of seeingtheproject:“Thespeedof
February next year, said officials, Whowillbenefit:Commuters BhagwanDasRoad pushing during the initial days
adding that 80% of work is com- Main travellingbetweenNoida,Ghaziabad 5-nearBhaironMargand was 10-15 mm per day. Now, it
plete. PragatiMaidan Tunnel andEastDelhitowardsCentralDelhi RingRoadTjunction has increased to 450-500 mm
This will benefit commuters Metro andSaraiKaleKhan 6- atBhaironMarg per day.”
travelling between Noida, Station PRAGATI *Part of Pragati Maidan corridor Tunnelingworkatthissitein-
Ghaziabad and East Delhi to- MAIDAN 5 volves three-lane box pushing,
wards Central Delhi and Sarai Bhairon Oldfortlake wheredesignatedboxesof earth A video grab shows the group at an open ground in
Kale Khan, who can expect a Marg underthesurfacearepushedout Gurgaon’s Sector 69, Friday. Express
smooth and signal-free com- 4 using manpower and heavy
mute.Currently,commutersuse 3 equipment like mobile cranes
the Ring Road and then take a U-
Bhagwan 2 1 androtorswhilesimultaneously come in thousands and pray
turn towards Sarai Kale Khan,
DasRoad PuranaQilaRoad MathuraRoad ensuring that the sides and roof EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE here... What happened is that a
which causes massive traffic of the portions tunneled do not NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 23 few Fridays ago, I was passing by
jams on Ring Road and Bhairon caveinbyusingRCCstrengthen- and there was a traffic jam. That
Margandotherconnectedroads. the last underpass – between faceswaterloggingissuesduring cernedto expedite the work and “80 per cent of the work is ing measures, said officials. A GROUP of Bajrang Dal mem- was when I realised namaz is of-
The Integrated Bhairon Marg and Ring Road T the monsoon. complete it by February. Official now completed but work on the “Tunnelingbelowtherailway bersdisruptednamazatanopen fered here. People come even
Redevelopment of Pragati junction – was held up. Officials said Lieutenant sources said the LG also visited remaining portion had been tracks, which is a tricky exercise ground in Gurgaon’s Sector 69 from outside for namaz here...
Maidan comprises six under- Officials said construction Governor VK Saxena recently the construction site. pendingsinceMaydue tolack of anyway, has become even trick- Friday. In videos of the incident, Humebahutghabrahathui...They
passesandonetunnel.Whilefive was delayed due to technical is- held a high-level meeting with Thetotallengthof theunder- coordination between the PWD ier at this location as the tracks Bajrang Dal members were seen are gathering here today, tomor-
underpasses and the 1.36-km suesastheunderpasspassesbe- the Public Works Department passis110metres.Workona73- and Railways," said sources. on the surface over here are tellingpeoplewhohadgathered rowsomewhereelse...Thiswhen
tunnel were inaugurated by neath a busy railway track. (PWD), the executing agency, metre-long portion has been After the meeting on curved and not straight. Besides, for the weekly prayers to leave the Haryana government has
PrimeMinisterNarendraModiin Besides, the location is also very and Northern Railways and di- completedthroughboxpushing December 20, the matter was it is very close to Yamuna which and not to pray in open spaces. said namaz should not be of-
June and are now operational, close to the Yamuna river and rected the departments con- technique, said officials. alsotakenupwithUnionRailway is also an issue," said officials. “This is not Udaipur; this is fered in open spaces.”
Gurgaon,” Amit, who is a part of Police said they had sent a
the Bajrang Dal, is heard saying team to the area and were look-
Man held for Ashram in one of the videos. He was
among those who protested
ing into the matter. No com-
plaint has been received so far,
killing live-in flyover to against offering namaz in open
spaces in Gurgaon last year as
they added. Police sources said
namaz is currently being offered

partner, be shut from

well. He told the media that the
people who had arrived to pray
at six locations in Gurgaon — at
three locations in Udyog Vihar,

were “from outside”. near water tank in Sector 43,

January 1 “It does not matter whether

they have permission to pray at
Leisure Valley and at HUDA
ground in Sector 69.
body in Kullu six locations or not. We will not ACP Sadar, Sanjeev Balhara,
for 45 days allow namaz to take place in the
open. We will scale up the
said, “Today afternoon, some
members of the Bajrang Dal
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE protests if prayers continue in started sloganeering and dis-
GHAZIABAD, DECEMBER 23 the coming weeks,” he said. rupted namaz prayers at a
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE Praveen Saini alias Praveen groundinSector69.Theincident
THE GHAZIABAD police Friday NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 23 Hindustani, district coordinator remained peaceful. The said
arrested a man for allegedly of the Bajrang Dal, told the me- ground is HUDA land and is
killing his live-in partner and FOLLOWING A meeting be- dia, “They are lying and saying among six locations where na-
dumping her body in a forested tweenDelhitrafficpoliceandthe thattheyhavebeenprayinghere maz is offered. We are yet to re-
area in Himachal Pradesh. The Public Works Department for 15 years... CM saab ke spasht ceive a complaint in the matter.
accused has been identified as (PWD) on Friday, officials said aadesh hain ki khullemein namaz If a complaint is received, legal
Raman. The victim, Divya, had that the Ashram flyover will be nahihogi(theCMhasclearlysaid action shall be taken accord-
been missing since May. shut for 45 days from January 1. that namaz will not happen in ingly.”
DCP(TransHindon)Deeksha “Keeping in mind Christmas open spaces).” Gurgaon had witnessed
Sharma said, “The mother of the and New Year’s Eve, we have One of the members of the protests over offering of namaz
deceased had complained that decided to shut the flyover from group that disrupted the namaz in public places from members
her daughter was missing since
May and suspected the accused
of being involved. He confessed
TUG OF WAR the first of next year. The dates
are proposed by the contractor
and have been finalised,” said a
is heard saying in the video, “We
did not evenknow that Muslims
of right-wing outfits and locals
earlier too.

totakinghertoKulluinHimachal Delhi Police Commissioner Sanjay Arora and senior officers play tug of war during the inauguration of the newly-constructed senior PWD official.
Pradesh. He strangled her with a
scarf and threw her body in the
jungle there. Shimla Police had
‘Commando Obstacles’ at Police Parade Ground, New Police Lines, Kingsway Camp on Friday. Praveen Khanna “Initially, it was proposed to
close the flyover between
December 25 and 31, but as it
Aaftab refuses to
recovered her body the same
month; the identity has since
beenconfirmedfromtattoos,etc Rahul’s day in Delhi Study begins on
is a week full of festivities, we
decided against it,” said the of-
take voice test,
as that of the victim.”
The contact and travel his-
tory of the accused has been ex- to span 23 km, touch real-time sources of
The flyover is one of the
busiest sections in the city as
the Mathura Road and the DND
court rejects plea
amined. Flyway both connect to it. It
missing person’s complaint
when their daughter first went
Ashram, Red Fort air pollution in Delhi sees more than three lakh ve-
hicles, including heavy trucks
and lorries, each day.
cannot go unnoticed merely be-
cause the accused is not ready to
aid in the investigation,” the
missing. In the FIR filed on The junction has been at dif- court said.
December 18, based on another
complaint by the family, they al-
THE DELHI LEG ferent stages of construction for
several years now, with the
accusedof killinghislive-inpart-
It further said there is “no
such prohibition of compulsory
leged that Divya and Raman had Delhi Metro, an underpass, and ner Shraddha Walkar, told a consent of recording accused in
a two-year-old daughter, and THE CONGRESS’S Bharat Jodo Red now the flyover construction Delhicourtthathedoesnotcon- handwriting, fingerprints im-
that Raman got married to Yatra led by Rahul Gandhi will Fort underway at the site. In the cur- sent to a voice sampling test, the pression and voice sampling
someone else despite their rela- cover a roughly 23 km stretch Daryaganj rent project, the flyover is be- court Friday rejected it by ob- test”andthatthe“voicesamples
tionship, which had led to quar- inDelhi,startingfromBadarpur ing extended to connect di- serving that even though he had procured for purpose of investi-
rels between the two. They al- border where it enters the city ITO Delhi Gate rectly to the DND Flyway. arighttoafairtrial,“itistruethat gation cannot be considered as
leged Raman and his family had fromHaryana,andculminating The Ashram flyover was fair investigation is required in testimonial compulsion”.
also insisted Divya abort their at Red Fort, with a two-hour India Gate supposed to be completed by larger public interest”. “This is only the method by
second child, which she refused. break at Ashram in the after- the end of December. The PWD Metropolitan Magistrate which investigating agency col-
Police said the vehicle used noon. It will pass through
Nizamuddin Part of the project is a mobile lab that will collect data on is yet to confirm the comple- Vijayshree Rahthor directed po- lects material against the ac-
by the accused has been recov- Nizamuddin, India Gate, ITO, pollution levels in different parts of the city. Prem Nath Pandey tion date. “We can estimate the lice to produce the accused be- cused for... attaining ends of jus-
ered.TheFIRhasbeenregistered Delhi Gate and Daryaganj.
Ashram completion date only after the fore CFSL, CBI Lodhi Colony, at tice,” it said.
underIPCsectionsrelatedtokid- After a day’s march through break) flyover is closed and the inte- 9.45 am on Saturday for the test. On December 20, police had
napping and murder. Raman is Delhi, the yatra will halt for gration work gets completed,” The court said it “can be con- moved an application for the
from Vasundhara in Ghaziabad, around 9 days before resuming Apollo EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE What the said an official. ducted even if the accused does voice sample test. Aaftab’s
said police. on January 3. hospital NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 23 study involves Officials added that people not consent to it”. lawyers could not meet him de-
Former MLA Narender coming from Noida can take ei- A voice sample is like a fin- spite the fact that one of his
Nath, coordinator for the yatra THE REAL-TIME source appor- THE study involves a su- ther Barapullah flyover to gerprint impression, signature lawyers was present during this
Minor kidnapped, in Delhi, said AICC general sec-
Badarpur Border tionment study for Delhi which persite, where equip- Pragati Maidan stretch during or specimen handwriting of an hearing and knew of the appli-
retary Priyanka Gandhi is likely is expected to help identify the ment has been set up to peak traffic hours. Barapullah accused. cation, the court said.
sexually assaulted to participate in Delhi, as is sourcesof airpollutioninthecity monitor parameters like flyover, Sarai Kale Khan, ITO, By giving the voice sample, Aaftab had told the court he
Congress president Mallikarjun ering is expected even at the in real time has begun and will particulate matter and NH-24, Mathura Road and theaccusedmerelygives‘identi- would like to consult with his
New Delhi: A minor girl was al- Kharge. Actor and Makkal Badarpur border, the second help Delhi take action to reduce other gaseous pollutants, Kalindi Kunj are expected to ficationdata’totheinvestigating lawyers. His lawyer, M S Khan,
legedly kidnapped by unknown NeedhiMaiampresidentKamal Congress leader said around pollution based on its findings, determine sources of witness heavy traffic in the agency. told the court he wanted a copy
personsandsexuallyassaultedin Haasan is also likely to join the 30,000peoplehaveregisteredto Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal pollutants in real time, coming days. Aaftab was produced via of theapplicationsincetherights
Outer Delhi. The girl went miss- yatra here, Narender Nath said. participate.Thepartyhadinvited said on Friday. and generate forecastson video conferencing before the of his client would be decided.
ing from her house on “We have been working on peopletoregisterfore-passesto The project is being imple- hourly, daily, and judgeandsaidhewillgowithhis However, the court said this
Wednesdayandwasfoundaday publicity and mobilisation. The beapartof theyatra.Chaudhary mented by IIT Kanpur, IIT Delhi, weekly basis. lawyers,whoopposedthepolice “cannotbepossibleasthenature
later. Police said they have iden- public appears to be enthusias- had said earlier this week that and The Energy and Resources application, for the test. of the application was well
tifiedtheaccusedandraidsareon tic and everybody in the party buses would be arranged from Institute (TERI), along with Delhi Special public prosecutor within the knowledge of the
to arrest him. “After raids and has been involved, including different parts of Delhi to take Pollution Control Committee They identified biomass burning Amit Prasad relied on a slew of counsel for accused”.
searches by staff and PCR teams, former MLAs and MPs,” he said. people to the yatra. The party (DPCC).Afterareviewmeetingon of wood and stubble, vehicular judgments to argue that “at the Taking note of the fact that
shewasfound.Sheisstable,”said The publicity for the yatra had also made senior leaders in thestudy,Kejriwalsaid:“Wehave emissions and construction and stageof investigationandforcol- the lawyers did not meet Aaftab,
DCP(OuterNorth)DeveshMahla. has been in full swing with charge of the yatra in each par- ordered officials to immediately road dust as other major sources lection of evidence, the accused the court said these were
Police said the minor was posters, hoardings andflags lin- liamentary constituency. take action to reduce pollution of PM2.5 over the past month. has no right to be heard”. “merely delaying tactics on part
found at a nearby park, where ing the yatra route from According to an advisory is- basedonthestudy’sfindings.The Kejriwal has directed the The court said even though of the accused”. The court relied
the accused had left her after al- Faridabad onwards. sued by Delhi Traffic police, the Delhi government will place the Environment Department and the“accusedisnotwillingtogive on a slew of Supreme Court
legedly raping her. “Doctors said AtBadarpurborder,theDelhi yatrawillcrosstheborderat6.30 analysis before CAQM the DPCC to take action to iden- voice sample for voice sampling judgments which held that ac-
she was sexually assaulted. We legoftheyatrawillbeginwiththe am, reach Jaidev Ashram near (Commission for Air Quality tify the sources and locations of test,however,Iamof theconsid- cused can be asked to give
registered a case of rape and flag being handed over to DPCC AshramChowkat10.30am,con- Management) so the Centre, too, pollution based on the informa- ered view that accused can still “handwriting,fingerprints,voice
POCSO Act,” said the DCP. president Anil Chaudhary by cluding at Red Fort about 6.30 can act upon the problem.” tionthatthestudygenerates.The be asked to give the voice sam- sample, etc. for the purpose of
Her family said she was play- Udai Bhan, president of the pm. Police anticipate heavy traf- According to a communica- projectwasapprovedbythecab- ple to investigating agency for just and fair investigation”.
ing near the house when a man Haryana Pradesh Congress fic along the route, and have ad- tion from the Chief Minister’s of- inet last year and an MoU was The Ashram flyover is being reaching the ends of justice and It said during the investiga-
came and picked her up. While Committee. With the Delhi visedcommuterstobypassitand fice,theteamfromIITKanpurin- signed by the Delhi government extended to connect also for fair investigation”. tionstage,policewillonlycollect
the father alleged police didn’t stretchconcludingintheevening, use public transport. They also formed officials at the meeting withIITKanpur. Partof theproj- directly to the DND Flyway. “True, a fair trial is a right of evidence against the accused
take their complaint seriously, Rahul Gandhi will then visit advised travellers going to ISBT, that “the secondary inorganic ect is a mobile laboratory which The PWD is yet to confirm the accused, but it is also true and present them in its final re-
policedeniedtheallegationsand Rajghat, Shanti Van, Shakti Sthal railway stations and airports to aerosols which travel long dis- will collect data on pollution lev- the completion date. that fair investigation is required port and the accused would get
saidtheyregisteredanFIRassoon andVeerBhoomitopayhomage. plan trips well in advance. tances contribute to a large pro- els to determine their sources in Abhinav Saha inlargerpublicinterestastheof- a chance to defend himself dur-
as he approached them. ENS WhileNathsaidalargegath- RELATED REPORT, P8 portion of the air pollution mix”. different parts of the city. fence cannot escape and crime ing trial.

New Delhi
Delhi court
summons New Parliament, G20 stage, Ram temple:
Kamal Nath’s
nephew in
How BJP will set stage in ’23 for Modi ’24
ated fervour for Modi after the
fertiliser scam THE NEERJA
September summit to build a
momentum for the crucial win-


CHOWDHURY ter elections due in Telengana


COLUMN and the north Indian states of
Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh
and Chhattisgarh. The BJP has a Union ministers Piyush Goyal and Anurag Thakur during a
A DELHI court on Friday sum- high stake in all these elections. briefing after the Cabinet meeting on Friday. Anil Sharma

Cabinet nod
monedRatulPuri,nephewoffor- These will set the tempo for the
mer Madhya Pradesh Chief Big Battle in 2024.
Minister Kamal Nath, in a money THE IMPOSING Taj Mahal hotel From the big picture to the
laundering case involving an al- in Mumbai was lit like a bride details, the party has been con-
leged fertiliser scam. in India’s Tricolors. So was the centrating its attention on 144

for revision in
The ED investigation stems iconic Gateway of India. The Lok Sabha seats in the last six
fromaCBIcaseinwhichaccused streets of Mumbai had been months. These are seats where
persons entered into a criminal cleaned up — at least for those the BJP came second or third in
conspiracyduring2007-14tode- three days when G-20 dele- the 2019 elections. Union min-

pensions paid
fraud IFFCO and Indian Potash gates of the Development isters were put in charge of
Limited by fraudulently import- Working group were meeting these constituencies, under the
ing fertilisers and other materi- in the metropolis, hosted by watchful eye of Amit Shah and
als for fertiliser production at in- India now the head of the G-20 JP Nadda, to examine the diffi-
flated prices and claimed higher group for a year. culties and suggest what the

under OROP
subsidyfromthecentralgovern- Of course, critics were quick party could do to win these
ment, causing loss of several to point out that slums near the The Taj Mahal Palace hotel at Colaba in Mumbai last week. Pradip Das seats. Most of these constituen-
crores of rupees. airport were hidden by large cies are in the southern states
The CBI had alleged that hoardings, as was done in and in West Bengal, where the
money was paid through hawala Ahmedabad when Donald seen Modi the Hindu hriday year 2023. Will this help in the party may scale down the con- party is not strong.
operatorsandintermediariesand Trump visited India. But it did samrat, Modi the nationalist, run up to the general elections tentious part of its agenda in But victory in some of these “Pension for those drawing
groupcompaniesofRajivSaxena, not take away from the beauty undertaking a surgical strike af- due in mid 2024? the run-up to the G-20 sum- seats could offset the loss, due EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE above the average shall be pro-
who is an accused in of the heritage buildings in ter Pulwama, Modi the wel- It is an opportunity the rul- mit—like ED raids against op- to anti-incumbency, of some of NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 23 tected.Thebenefitwouldalsobe
AgustaWestland case also, were India’s most resilient city — and farist doling out free rations ing party has seized and the ponents and aggressive attacks the 303 seats it won last time. extended to family pensioners,
used for receipt of commission a sense of feel-good it brought during Covid besides gas cylin- prime minister is pulling out all on the opposition, which have The party has added 16 more THE UNION Cabinet on Friday including war widows and dis-
from supplier of fertilisers. Puri — even temporarily to its ders. Earlier, there was the jan stops to make the September done its image damage to show seats to this list which were approved a revision in the pen- abled pensioners,” the state-
was accused by the ED of assist- residents. dhan yojana and a plethora of summit of the G20 a significant that India is a vibrant and func- won by Nitish Kumar’s Janata sionspaidtoretireddefenceper- ment read.
ingtheaccusedbyconcealingpro- After their deliberations on schemes which reached some- milestone. Two hundred events tioning democracy. Dal(U) and he is now on the sonnel and their families under The arrears would be paid in
ceeds of crime and by showing it issues of sustainable growth, thing, even small amounts, in are planned through the year There are three events other side of the fence. It is fo- One Rank One Pension (OROP) four half-yearly installments,
to be untainted property. the G-20 delegates were taken the hands of many. all over the country to show- around which the BJP narrative cusing as much on micro-man- at anannual additionalexpendi- except for those who receive
The court said there is suffi- to the picturesque, 2000-year- There is Modi the aspira- case its cultural heritage, its de- is likely to emerge in 2023. agement as on the macro tureof Rs8,450croreandarrears special, liberalised family pen-
cient material on record to take old Kanheri caves, highlighting tionalist, who sells big dreams velopment, and spruce up its These are the opening of the sweeps. of Rs 23,638 crore. sion and gallantry award win-
cognizance of the offence under India’s linkages to the Buddhist to make people feel good about cities as well as tourist destina- new Parliament due in What could upset the BJP’s At a meeting chaired by ners, who will get it in one in-
Section 3 read with Section 4 of world, not lost on the Japanese themselves despite the eco- tions; hopefully, they will in- February-March, hopefully in well-laid plans is China, Covid Prime Minister Narendra Modi, stallment.
the Prevention of Money or the Chinese. By choosing the nomic distress they may face. crease the tourist footprints. the second half of the Budget and the economy. China is try- the Cabinet approved the in- The total arrears from July 1,
Laundering Act (PMLA). Taj Mahal hotel, the scene of The OBC Modi has not yet got But what it is likely to do for session of Parliament; the G-20 ing to spoil the copybook with crease that would be applicable 2019 to June 30, 2022
The court agreed with the ED terror attacks by terrorists from full play. This, too, is expected sure is to add to an already summit in September and then skirmishes in Tawang and the from July 1, 2019. amounted to Rs.23,638 crore
allegations that Saxena trans- Pakistan in 2008, India wanted in January 2023 with the judg- larger than life image of the the opening of the Ram temple border. With the abrupt end to “Pensionof thepastpension- and this expenditure was “over
ferredtheproceedsofcrimetoin- to emphasise, subtly, — and this ment by Justice G Rohini in the prime minister who will be in Ayodhya, most likely at the China’s zero-Covid policy, the ers would be re-fixed on the ba- and above the ongoing expen-
dividualslikeSanjayJain,whowas too was not lost on the dele- ongoing case to decide the re- leading from the front, hosting beginning of 2024. Today, the upsurge is being watched care- sis of average of minimum and diture on account of OROP”, the
directlyconnectedwiththeactiv- gates — that terrorism re- distribution of quota within the world leaders from powerful mandir signifies not so much fully lest it yield a new variant. maximum pension of defence statement said.
ity of concealing the proceeds of mained the world’s collective OBC reservations—and it may nations, including US, China, the building of a long sought- How does the economic recov- forces retirees of calendar year “The government took a his-
crime by layering it through the challenge. help the most backward castes, Russia, France, UK, France and after temple in Ayodhya; its ery play out in 2023 given the 2018 in the same rank with the toric decision to implement
group of companies of Rajiv Mumbai earlier this month being wooed by the BJP. Germany. message is more about Modi — looming recession in the US? same length of service,” a gov- OROP for the defence forces per-
Saxena, Alankit group of compa- gave a foretaste of what is likely But what we are likely to see The summit will be that he delivers what he says he And what does all this mean ernment statement said. sonnel/familypensionersandis-
nies,RayonTradingcompanyand to follow in the coming year but in 2023 is Modi portrayed as watched with interest by the will do. This, too, will be part of for the Opposition? That will be The revision would be appli- sued policy letter on November
MoserBaerIndiaLtd.companyof on a grander scale. And as an- the Vishwa Guru. With India world. But it will be watched the narrative. next week’s column. For the cable to all retired defence per- 07, 2015 for revision of pension
Ratul Puri, "whereby he came to other year comes to a close, it’s the president of the G-20, for- even more closely by Indians at Interspersed between these moment, the Opposition can sonnel up to June 30, 2019, but w.e.f.July01,2014.Inthesaidpol-
acquire an amount of Rs time to look ahead, at the prepa- eign policy is likely to drive home. As it is, many, particu- events are state elections. The take comfort in the dictum pol- not including those who took icy letter, it was mentioned that
78,39,82,343 which was nothing rations the Narendra Modi-led BJP’s narrative next year. larly young Indians, say they BJP is on a shaky ground in itics rarely moves as per a pre-mature retirement till July 1, in future, the pension would be
but proceeds of crime”. BJP, and indeed the Opposition Though the leadership of G-20, are attracted to Modi because Karnataka due to go to the polls script. 2014. The government said the re-fixedevery5years.Approx.Rs
Fiveotheraccusedwere,how- parties, are making for 2023 and a powerful group of industri- he has enhanced India’s image in the summer of 2023. Since Neerja Chowdhury, revision would benefit over 57,000 crore has been spent @Rs
ever,notsummonedbythecourt for the big electoral battle that alised nations and influential globally. the G- 20 presidency lasts until Contributing Editor, The Indian 25.13 lakh pensioners, including 7,123croreperyearineightyears
due to lack of sufficient material lies ahead in 2024. developing nations, is given by It may be wishful thinking December 2023, the BJP is Express, has covered the last 10 4.52 lakh more recent retirees, in the implementation of OROP,”
against them. In the last years, we have rotation, India has got it for the but it is possible that the ruling bound to encash the newly cre- Lok Sabha elections. and their families. the statement read.


Age-old bonds turn to modern bonhomie

NDIA and Mongolia are ancient lands
of Asia and the historic and cultural
collaboration between the two coun-
tries are fascinating and unique. The link
between these two lands goes back to
when Indian culture and ideas spread to
Central Asia and Siberia. Indians consider
the Mongol’s veneration of Sanskrit a
MESSAGE matter of special privilege and hold the
country in high esteem for preserving the
GANBOLD DAMBAJAV language in translation and through man-
Ambassador of Mongolia to the Republic of India uscripts — the vast collection of the pre-
cious Sanskrit text on Indian philosophy,

M ONGOLIA and India are commemorating the 67th anniversary of the establishment
of diplomatic relations between the two countries this year.The official establishment
of diplomatic relations in 1955 was based on age-old bonds and historical, spiritual and
poetry, logic and astronomy — over cen-
According to some Mongolian scholars, the Soviet bloc to establish diplomatic re- ment. Prime Minister of India Narendra Mongolian capital Ulan Bator. Further-
cultural links that bind our nations.Today, Mongolia and India enjoy a strategic partnership, Buddhism traversed to Mongolian lations with the land. Since then, there Modi visited Mongolia on May 16, 2015, more, during PM Modi's visit in May
which gives us an opportunity to broaden our relations in all aspects of cooperation. steppes through Tibet. During the Hunnu have been numerous diplomatic visits and where he also addressed the Parliament. 2015, a $1 billion line of credit was ex-
Oil refining is one of the pioneering projects in terms of economic cooperation between State of the 3rd century BC and later dur- interactions between the two countries. He also handed over Bhabhatron equip- tended to Mongolia, for infrastructure de-
our two governments. The Atal Bihari Vajpayee for Excellence in Information & ing the period of the Great Mongol Em- India sponsored Mongolia's candidacy for ment to the National Cancer Centre in the velopment, amongst many other fields.
Communication Technology and the Mongolia-India Friendship school are the projects pire Buddhist monks, and several traders membership in the United
that will contribute to the further development of our bilateral collaboration. from India visited Mongolia. In 552 BC, Nations in 1961 despite
The Defence Ministers' visits in September and October 2022 is clear evidence of our Lama Narendrayash from the State of opposition from Taiwan
defence cooperation development. Udayana (Northern India) with some oth- and China. In 1973, Mon-
Cooperation in infrastructure, agriculture, husbandry production, education and medical ers visited Nirun state. For most Mongols, golia reciprocated the In-
sectors has many mutual benefits for both countries and we are working on the India is the land of Buddha, and therefore, dian gesture by becoming
implementation of joint projects. Lamas and students from Mongolia used the second country after
Mongolians refer to India as the Land of Lord Buddha. During his historical visit to to travel to Nalanda, which was once the Bhutan to recognise
Mongolia in 2015, Prime Minister Narendra Modi delivered a sampling of the Lord Buddha largest residential university in India to Bangladesh as an inde-
Banyan tree. The Government of India sponsored the new publications of the Mongol study Buddhism. pendent country follow-
Kanjur, which are collections of the Lord Buddha's teaching, and presented to the Former Indian Prime Minister, the late ing the liberation of
Mongolian monasteries, universities and libraries. Last June, the relics of Buddha were Atal Bihari Vajpayee, said in 1978, "The Bangladesh by Indian
brought by India’s Justice Minister Kiren Rijiju and displayed in Mongolia. Many Mongolian historic and cultural collaboration be- troops.
monks are studying in India, while many Mongolians visit India as pilgrims. These and tween India and Mongolia is most fasci- Indo-Mongolian rela-
many more spiritual interactions are reflections of how close we are- spiritually and nating and unique and is as old as the his- tions have been growing
culturally. tory of the spread of Indian culture and ever since it was resolved
According to an old legend, in ancient Mongolia, scholars and monks used to go to ideas into Central Asia and Siberia. We to elevate ties to a "new
India and on the way back, carried water from the Ganga river.They pour the water into the hold the people of Mongolia in high level of partnership" dur-
valley of one of the Eastern provinces of Mongolia.This is how the beautiful lake Ganga esteem for preserving in translation, as ing the India visit of Mon-
was created in Mongolia. In this regard, I believe that Mongolia can offer Indians a unique well as in manuscripts, the vast collection golian President Enkhba-
tourist destination.You can drive the whole day and see only wild animals and enjoy the of our precious Sanskrit text on our phi- yar. India provides
limitless vastness of the East.You can roam in the famous Gobi desert in the South, climb losophy, poetry, logic and astronomy lost technical and economic
snow-peaked mountains or hike in their foothills in theWest and stay with reindeer herders by us over centuries. In modern times, sev- cooperation to Mongolia
in the subarctic taiga forest with pure fresh-water lakes in the North of Mongolia.Hopefully, eral Mongols visited India — the land of in the fields of higher ed-
the establishment of direct flights between our capitals in the near future will make Buddhism." ucation, agriculture, infor-
difference for all of us. India established formal diplomatic re- mation and communica-
lations with Mongolia on December 24, tion technology and
1955, becoming the first country outside human resource develop-

New Delhi


Winter Session

From The Gallery

FROM THE CHAIR Winter Session concludes early amid 5 QUESTIONS


fewer disruptions, high productivity

“This brief ‘Winter Session of Parliament
Session was was not at all productive’
marked with Nine Bills introduced, seven passed; Opp says govt ran away from debates on contentious issues How productive was the durationof thesession...Iam
display of wit, Winter Session? of theviewthat elections...
Treasury benches was observed. Itwasnotatallproductiveas shouldnotaffectthe
sarcasm, SOURAV ROY BARMAN This time, the Opposition parties faras Iwasconcerned.In functioningof Parliament...
humour and NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 23 largely stuck to walkouts, re-
termsof parliamentary
democracy,theOpposition Congress MP Jairam
intellect. I hope THE WINTER Session of ing down their demands. wasnotallowedtoraise and Ramesh accused the
Parliamentendedprematurelyon The primary flashpoint was discusscertainissues,suchas government of curtailing
to experience Friday,aftera13-dayrunmarked the December 9 border clash at thestandoff betweenthe the session in light of the
more of it with by the passage of seven Bills, and Tawang,reportsofwhichsurfaced IndianandChinesearmiesat Bharat Jodo Yatra.
protests and walkouts by the on December 12. The next day, theborder.Butthe Parliamentary Affairs
greater Opposition over not being al- whentheHousecommenced,the governmentshiedaway from Minister Pralhad Joshi has
indulgence lowed to debate contentious is- Opposition members started discussingtheincident,and retaliated by saying that
sues, particularly the clash be- pressing their demands for a de- wasverysecretive Ramesh and
from tweenIndianandChinesetroops bate, leading to adjournments. aboutit... Rahul Gandhi did
experienced attheTawangsectorofArunachal
Pradesh. The session was origi-
Eventually, Defence Minister
RajnathSinghreadoutastatement The number of
not even attend
the session. What
members.” nally scheduled to end on onthematter,buttheOpposition’s functional hours are your
December 29, after 17 sittings. demand for seeking clarifications seems to have thoughts?
JAGDEEP DHANKHAR Starting December 7, the Lok wasagainturneddown. been more in this The programme of
Chairman, on the last day Sabha and the Rajya Sabha regis- Thesessionalsosawthegov- session... a political party is
of the Winter Session teredproductivityofabout97per ernment’s push to have a say on (Being) productive its internal matter.
cent and 103 per cent, respec- appointmentstothehigherjudi- is not functioning without What the ruling party and
LOK SABHA tively,accordingtoastatementis- ciary. In fact, on his very first day proper discussion, questions the parliamentary affairs
sued by the Ministry of in the post, Rajya Sabha raised or discourse. Simply minister should focus on is
“As many as Parliamentary Affairs. (From left) Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Defence Minister Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar pushing Bills through and the continued absence of
298 matters Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla Rajnath Singh and Congress leader Sonia Gandhi meet at the Speaker’s chamber on Friday. ANI flagged the Supreme Court's bulldozing the Opposition the Prime Minister in

and Parliamentary Affairs 2015 decision to strike down the on various issues does not Parliament, and not the
of public MinisterPrahladJoshisaidthede- NJAC Bill, which, he said, make a Parliament session absence of individual
importance cision to curtail the session had function smoothly and did not In his valedictory address on amounted to “compromise of productive. members in either House...

the consensus of all political par- cause disruptions... But the gov- Lackof Friday, Birla said nine Bills were parliamentary sovereignty”.
were raised ties, keeping the “demand and ernment ran away away from all roadmapor introduced,of whichsevenwere TheHousealsosawheatedar- What were your There were 82 starred
under Rule 377. sentiments of Members of
Parliament for Christmas/year-
debates,” Kharge said while ad-
dressing the party's general sec- ● festivecall?
passed, including the supple-
gumentsonthestateof theecon-
expectations from the
questions and over 1,900
unstarred questions which
Members also end celebrations”. retaries,stateunitheads,andCLP Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) plementary demands for grants. Thegovernmentseemsto received responses from
Congress president leaders on Friday. THE OPPOSITION says that Orders (Amendment) and the Onesuchexchangewaswitnessed havebeenshortof business various ministries. Has this
raised 374 Mallikarjun Kharge said the Congressgeneralsecretaryin- the Winter Session winding Maritime Anti-Piracy Bill. Big- between Finance Minister thissession.Thekindof Bills been adequate?
matters of Oppositionwantedtoraiseissues chargeofcommunicationsJairam up six days ahead of sched- ticket proposals such as the Nirmala Sitharaman, who de- thathadbeenintroduced Asparliamentarians,we
concerning the people but the Ramesh said many Opposition ule is indicative of the fact Digital Data Protection Bill, fendedthegovernment'shandling werenotsatisfactoryor raisedmanyquestions,but
urgent public government did not want to de- partieshadpointedoutduringthe that the government lacked Banking Laws (Amendment) Bill ofthemacroeconomicfundamen- robust.Thediscussionwas wedidnotreceiveproper
importance bate them. “Along with 18 other beginning of the session that the a definite road map in terms and the Higher Education tals, and TMC MP Mahua Moitra, inadequate.Moreover,the answers.Theministriesand
Opposition parties, we tried our “government does not have any of Bills and agenda. The gov- CommissionofIndia,whichwere who derided it as “pappu” to un- sessionhadanywaybeen departmentsnotonlywere
during Zero best to raise issues ranging from Bills or agenda”. “The DMK, BJD, ernment, meanwhile, in- not listed, will now not see the derlineits“incompetence”. pushedbackbecauseof the oftenshortof data,butalso
Hour.” Chineseincursiontootherissues
of public importance. The gov-
manded that the session be cur-
sists that the decision to
curtail the session was con-
light of day before next year.
By and large, the winter ses-
on Friday, both Birla and
OM BIRLA, Speaker, at ernment should have accepted tailed since it has no legislative sensual, keeping the sion had a relatively smooth run Dhankhar said agreements and ministersneededto Sometimes,wereceive
his valedictory address our demand and held a debate. business. Now they have got an Christmas and New Year comparedtothepreviousfewses- disagreements on issues may be campaigninthestate.Thisis differentrepliesonthesame
But they did not follow rules or excuse in Covid-19 and have ad- celebrations in mind. sionswhenextremeacrimonybe- reflected in debates and not notacceptableandaffectsthe issue...
precedents. We let the House journed,” he said. tween the Opposition and the through disruptions.

‘No previous govt interfered with judiciary Dhankhar defends his remarks on Sonia: I
as excessively’: Jairam writes to Dhankhar will be abdicating my oath if I do not react
Calls RS Chairman’s response to Sonia’s remarks on the issue ‘extraordinary’ “expected wisdom of the House Sabha. If the Chair comments, it
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE to be affirmatively supportive” of is unfortunate. This has never
withtheauthoritytostrikedown nextday,saying:“Thisofficecan- NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 23 him. happened.”
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE Congress legislationthatisinviolationofthe not be allowed to be dragged on “I cannot be enlisted, I assure On December 20, Sonia
NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 23 leader Constitution or executive action the partition stance. I cannot be DEFENDING HIS comments on theLeaderoftheOpposition.Ican- Gandhi, while addressing
Jairam that is simply mala fide. It is pre- enlisted either by you or them to Congress leader and UPA chair- not be enlisted either by them or Congress MPs, targeted the gov-
THECONGRESSonFridaywroteto Ramesh cisely these checks and balances delegitimise judiciary.” personSoniaGandhi’sremarkson by you to delegitimise judiciary. I ernment for entering into a con-
Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep undertheConstitutionwhichare In his letter, Jairam pointedly “anattempttodelegitimisetheju- sufferedtheallegationthatIwasa frontation with the Supreme
Dhankhar, saying he should not not being adhered to by the gov- askedDhankharifitwasnotafact diciary”,VicePresidentandRajya partofasystemtodelegitimiseju- Court and alleged that a “calcu-
“cloakthedebate”onthegovern- oughlyinthefunctioningofourju- ernment that has resulted in the that despite the Collegium’s rec- Sabha Chairman Jagdeep diciary, which means, sounding a latedattempt”was“underwayto
ment’s handling of the judiciary diciary”. “Mr Chairman, you call current state of unease,” he said. ommendations,“Thegovernment Dhankar said on Friday that his deathknellofdemocracy,”hesaid. delegitimise the judiciary”.
“intheguiseofconcernforparlia- upon us to avoid taking partisan Addressing Congress MPs as hasdelayedimportantjudicialap- “office cannot be allowed to be “Iwillbeabdicatingmyoath,I Adjourning the Upper House
mentary sovereignty”, while stances on constitutional offices. the head of the party’s parlia- pointmentsonmultipleoccasions, dragged on partisan stance”. Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar willbegettingawayfrommycon- sine die, Dhankar appealed to
terminghisresponsetoUPAchair- We agree. We also point out that mentary party, Gandhi had on knowing fully well that such de- “Searchyourheart,thedamn- in Rajya Sabha on Friday. PTI stitutional obligations, if I do not membersthatdisruptionis“anti-
personSoniaGandhi’sremarkson thisentiredebatewasinitiateden- December 21 alleged that a “cal- laysareeffectivelyadenial.” ingconsequenceof it.Animpres- react,” he added. thetical to grace, decorum and
theissueas“extraordinary”. tirely,andwithoutprovocation,by culated attempt” was “under- “...Is it not a fact that this gov- sionissoughttobeimpartedthat This came after senior sublimity” of Parliament.
In a letter to Dhankhar, the Law Minister,” Jairam wrote, way to delegitimise the judici- ernmentattemptedtoamendthe this Chair will become party to a “Ihaveappealedwithsobriety Congress leader Pramod Tiwari “This theatre of democracy is
Congress general secretary in- addingthattheargumentthatthe ary”. “Ministers and even a high qualifications and manner of ap- pernicious, sinister design at the acrossthepoliticalspectrumtoall raised a point of order on the is- under the gaze of over a billion
charge (communications) Jairam judiciarycannotdomorethanin- constitutional authority have pointment to various Judicial and instance of the government to the leaders, believing in their sue, and his senior colleague and peopleinthecountryasalsothose
Ramesh alleged that no previous terpretthelawswas“incorrect”. been enlisted to make speeches Quasi-Judicial Tribunals, such as delegitimize judiciary. sagacity and wisdom, that they LeaderofOppositionMallikarjun beyond.Theyallcherishandhope
government, since the introduc- “The power of judicial review attacking the judiciary on vari- the NGT, and had those choices Delegitimising judiciary means mustkeephighconstitutionalof- Kharge said, “If a Lok Sabha and expect that we will work to-
tion of the Collegium system, has ispartofthebasicstructureofour ous grounds,” she had said. struck down by the Supreme death-knell of democracy,” fices away from their political Member (Sonia) talks outside, it wards realising their aspirations
"interferedasexcessivelyandthor- Constitution. It vests the courts Dhankhar responded the Court?”Jairamadded. Dhankar said in Rajya Sabha. stances,” he said, adding that he should not be discussed in Rajya andfructifytheirdreams,”hesaid.

Modi spent crores to defame me: Rahul After RJD leader’s ‘desh ka Soren announces
SIT to probe
mahoul’ remark, BJP lambasts transportation of
illegally mined
Gandhi onFridaysaid that Prime
‘madrasa-like ghetto culture’ minerals by rail
Minister Narendra Modi spent condition that India is in. You
thousands of crores in the past SANTOSH SINGH can imagine what one goes PRESS TRUST OF INDIA
few years to defame him and the PATNA, DECEMBER 23 through when telling their chil- RANCHI, DECEMBER 23
Congress party, but within a dren to leave their motherland.
monthhechangedtheirnarrative SENIOR RASHTRIYA Janata Dal But such is the time now.” JHARKHAND CHIEF Minister
and “burnt” all that expenditure. (RJD) leader and former Bihar Senior JD(U) leader and en- Hemant Soren on Friday an-
Addressing a public meeting minister Abdul Bari Siddiqui ergy minister Bijendra Prasad nouncedthataspecialinvestiga-
in Faridabad on the last day of courted controversy for saying Yadav backed Siddiqui, saying, tion team (SIT) will probe the al-
Bharat Jodo Yatra in Haryana in that he told his children “India “He has expressed his concerns leged transportation of illegally
the first phase, he said, “Modi ji mein mahoul nahi rah gaya hai jo AbdulBariSiddiqui hadsaid at conditions in the country.” mined minerals by railways
spent thousands of crores to de- tumlogjhelsako(youpeoplemay he toldhischildrentheymay Hitting out at the RJD leader, from the state.
famemeandCongressinthelast not be able to adapt to the situa- notbeableto‘adapttothe BJP spokesperson Nikhil Anand Speaking in the Assembly,
6-7 or 8 years. They spread sev- tion in India right now)” and ad- situation inIndiarightnow’ said, “People like Siddiqui wear Soren said the SIT was set up to
eral lies about me, but I kept vised them to remain in the US afakesecularliberalmask.These investigate how much mineral
quiet and did not utter a word in and UK and take the citizenship peoplehave still notbeen ableto was transported from the state
all these years. Aur phir ek Rahul Gandhi during the Bharat Jodo Yatra in Faridabad on Friday. Amit Mehra of those countries. … Hamne kaha beta, beti ko, get out of madrasa-like ghetto by the railways and the extent of
mahine mein, inke hazaron While the JD(U) supported naukri kar lo udhar hi, agar citi- culture. Siddiqui's statement re- the illegal transportation.
crore rupayon ko jala diya Siddiqui’s concerns, the BJP said zenship bhi mile to le lena. India flectstheideologyof theRJDand “Trucks and tractors are
meine...becausethecountrysaw tareeka hai. On one side is BJP Rajasthan and now Haryana, said Ramesh. the RJD leader “had not yet mein mahoul nahi rah gaya hai proveshowtheRJDdoespolitics blamedforillegaltransportation
that this person only has love for and RSS and on the other is there was a tsunami,” he said. On Parliamentary Affairs come out of ghetto madrasa jo tum jhel sako. Ye baat ho sakta of religious appeasement.” of stones, sand and coal. But, it is
the nation, for the flag, for farm- Congress... Modi ji has under- He repeated that demoneti- Minister Pralhad Joshi's swipe at culture”. After his comments hai aap samajh sakte hai ki kitni Advising Siddiqui to “go to rampant through trains also.
ers, labourers... in his heart.” stood the hate, fear and violence zation and GST were “not poli- Rahul that he was “breaking ya- kicked up a storm, the 69-year- taklif se aadmi apne bal bachche Pakistan”, Anand added, And, the state government has
“...This is not Modi's govern- spreadbytheBJPandRSS,buthe cies but weapons to kill small tra to holiday abroad”, Ramesh old on Friday apologised for his ko kahega apna madre-e-watan, “Siddiqui is living in India and no interference in this,” he said.
ment... Do not have this misun- could not understand the think- businesses”. said, “Whatever he (Joshi) has comments, saying he did not apni matribhoomi chhod do. Ye eating on India's plate but On December 14, Soren
derstanding. This is the govern- ing of Congress.” Earlier in the day, addressing said,if itturnsouttobethetruth, mean to hurt anyone’s dour aa gaya hai (I have a son singing to the tunes of funda- wrote to Railway Minister
ment of Adani and Ambani...Just Emphasising the over- a press conference at Pakhal in I shall publicly apologise and if sentiments. and a daughter. My son has mentalists and trying to play Ashwini Vaishnaw seeking his
like the media is whelmingsupportthatyatrahas Faridabad, senior Congress whatheclaimsisfalse,heshould In a viral video from a func- been studying at Harvard and a victim.” attentiontowardstheallegedin-
controlled...Pradhan Mantri ke received, Rahul said that when leader Jairam Ramesh, said the apologise... the government has tion held at the Bihar Legislative my daughter is a London School On Friday, apologising for volvement of railway officials in
peeche bhi lagaam hai,” he said. theyatrastarted,theBJPclaimed “whole Covid drama” over the all our travel records.” Council on December 17, of Economics graduate. The his remarks, Siddiqui told re- the transportation of illegally
Reiterating that Congress that it would last only three days past two days had been orches- On the issue of Parliament Siddiqui, who was invited as a kind of ambience in the coun- porters, “I apologise I have hurt mined minerals.
was opening a shop of love in and would be a “flop” in trated to defame and derail the beingadjournedaheadof sched- speaker, can be heard saying: try, you may ask why I am say- the sentiments of my people. TheCMalsotoldhimaboutthe
BJP's market of hate, he said, Karnataka or Telangana and af- yatra from entering Delhi. ule, Ramesh said the reality was “Mera ek beta hai, ek beti … Beta ing so when I am myself living What I said had a context but I stategovernment’sdecisionofor-
“During elections in 2014 and ter the yatra was a “hit” in South “I don't understand what the that there was no business or abhi Harvard me padh raha hai here. I have asked my children never intended to hurt any- deringahigh-levelinquiryintoit.
2019, Modi ji gave a slogan India, they claimed it would fail controversyisallabout.If thereis agenda left to discuss and some aur beti LSE (London School of to take up jobs there and citi- one’s sentiments. But at least Soren also alleged that
'Congress Mukt Bharat'. in Hindi belt and other states. a directive to wear masks or to opposition parties had flagged Economics) se pass out kar chuki zenship, if given. I told them I there has to be a debate on it. I the BJP was using central agen-
Congress is not a political party... “But...in state after state...in maintain social distancing, we that government does not have hai. Jo desh ka mahoul hai, aap am not sure if they will be able am only advising the BJP to re- cies to destabilise the state
ye ek sochne aur jeene ka Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, will do so as per the protocol,” any bills and agenda. kahiyega aap toh khud ho yahan to adapt and tolerate the kind of frain from communal politics.” government.

New Delhi

Inter-faith love story in Jharkhand Gujarat man dies trying to

meets gory end, politics takes over cross US-Mexico border State police order inquiry to check if he had documents
tion to say that the woman had Dildaar was already married.
ABHISHEK ANGAD gone missing. But in October this year, say ments of their (Yadavs’) relatives. In the place where the 40 mi-
SAHIBGANJ, DECEMBER 23 Police have registered a case police, Reveka left with Dildaar EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE Aftergettingapreliminaryinquiry grants allegedly crossed, “they
undervariousIPCsectionsinclud- when he came to her home in a GANDHINAGAR, DECEMBER 23 done,wewillgetintouchwithour found bottles with water,
IT WAS the nail paint on a flayed ing for murder and under the tempo when no one else was counterparts in the US and women'sshoes,gloves,acigarette
limb that led to the identification SC/STPreventionofAtrocitiesAct present. POLICEINGujarathavelaunched Mexicothroughproperchannels,” case with cigars, clothes and im-
of the victim. Reveka Paharin, 22, against 11 members, including Surja says that he then con- aprobeintothereporteddeathof said Brahmbhatt. provised chairs”, the report said.
had been missing for about 24 Dildaar,hismotherNishaandnine fronted Dildaar about his daugh- a Gandhinagar man during a bid The Indian family, reports “We have received no official
hours and the police had been other familymembers,including ter.“Hetoldmethathehadrented to enter the US from Mexico by stated, were trying to reach San intimationfromanygovernment
struggling for clues when, on two of his uncles who are sus- a room for her and had kept her crossing the border wall. DiegointheUS.GujaratPolicehas yet on the death of Brijkumar
December17,theyweretippedoff pected to have hacked Reveka’s there.ItoldDildaarthatifheloved AdditionalDirectorGeneralof tried to get in touch with Yadav’s Yadav, who was allegedly cross-
about the limb, found behind an body into pieces. All the accused, my daughter, he should take her Police (CID Crime), R B familyinKalol,sourcessaid.Yadav ing the US-Mexico border a few
anganwadi in Bel Tola village in except Moinul Ansari, Nisha’s home, not keep her in some Brahmbhatt, said police have is learnt to be a migrant who was days ago and died. Whatever in-
Jharkhand’s Sahibganj district. brother, have been arrested, po- rented place. Maybe this was a takencognisanceofmediareports working in Kalol. formationwehavegotisfromthe
“We called in her husband lice said. mistake…Shesoonshiftedtohis that Brijkumar Yadav fell off the The Tijuana news website, news, social media, and local
DildaarAnsari,whosefamilyhad The shockwaves from the home,” said Surja, who has five wall while attempting his illegal quoting the National Institute of sources only,” said Amit Patel,
filedamissingpersonscomplaint murder of the 22-year-old, who Reveka’s parents and sister on a charpoy listen to BJP other children. crossing.PolicesaidYadavwasre- Migration,statedthat“theminor DeputySuperintendentofPolice,
onDecember16,andheidentified belonged to the Paharia commu- workers in Borio’s Goda Pahad area. Although the FIR states that siding in Gandhinagar’s Kalol is already with his mother in the Gandhinagar.
the limb as that of his wife. We nity, a Particularly Vulnerable RevekaandDildaarweremarried, taluka—thesameplacetheIndian US”.Theincidentwasreportedto Patel said, “We have also con-
started searching nearby areas Tribal Group in Jharkhand, have herfamilymembersdenyhaving familythatfrozetodeathnearthe Mexican authorities by Border tacted the family of Yadav, which
andfoundmorepartsstuffedinto travelled far beyond Goda Pahad, confessionalstatementsofallthe of the killing.” any information on the wedding. US-Canadaborderhailsfrom. PatrolagentsonDecember14,the livesinKalol.Theyhavenotgiven
differentpolythenebags.Reveka’s a tribal hamlet of 30 households accused, Dildaar’s mother PoliceandReveka’sfamilysay OnWednesday,a21-member AlocalreportstatedthatYadav websitesaid.Itquotedtheheadof any official confirmation, as they
family identified a ring on one of of Christian families, including MariamNishawasn’thappywith she was in a live-in relationship JharkhandBJPdelegationoftheST waswithhiswifeandthree-year- DMAM(MunicipalDirectorateof arestillcontactingtheauthorities
the fingers as hers,” said Borio Reveka’s, that is 2 km uphill from Reveka being part of their family with a fellow tribal – a common MorchacalledonReveka’sfamily. old son during the crossing at Attention to Migrants), Enrique abroadforthedeathof theirrela-
PoliceStationin-chargeJagannath Dildaar's Bel Tola village. becauseshewasaChristiantribal practice in these parts — but the Afterasmallspeechtothosegath- Mexico’sTijuana.Thewomanfell Lucero,assayingthat“themigrant tive. We will register a complaint
Pan, adding that the suspicion Sincethedetailsofthemurder while they were Muslims, and couple parted ways in 2017 after ered around the grieving Surja – onUSsoil,whileYadavfellfroma (Yadav) was travelling with a as soon as they go official.”
then fell on the Ansaris since the have come to light, the BJP has since Reveka had a child from an the birth of a child and she came on “love jihad” and how “these height of five meters on the groupofbetween30and40other InJanuarythisyear,fourmem-
police investigation had revealed been attempting to put the ad- earlierrelationship.WhenDildaar home to be with her parents. A people should not be allowed in Mexican side along with his son, peoplewhoapparentlymanaged bers of a family, including a 17-
tensioninthefamilysinceReveka ministration on the backfoot, insistedonbeingwithReveka,his few years later, she met Dildaar. the village without permission”, a Tijuana news website reported to cross into the US”. year-old girl and a four-year-old
moved in with Dildaar. holdingprotestsanddrawingpar- mother Nisha went to her broth- Sitting on a charpoy outside one of the BJP members puts a on December 15. TheplacewhereYadavdiedis boy,were foundtohavefrozento
On December 16, the day po- allelsbetweenReveka’skillingand ers and asked them to get rid of his thatched roof home, Reveka’s arm around Surja, and asks if his “Taking note of the media re- vacant land in the vicinity of the death in Manitoba province of
lice say Reveka was murdered, thatofShraddhaWalkar,whowas the woman. She also paid Rs fatherSurjaPahariyasayshetried daughterwastakenawayforcibly. ports,wehaveorderedaprelimi- TerrazasdeMendozasubdivision, Canada while trying to illegally
Dildaar’s mother Mariam Nisha killed allegedly by her partner. 20,000toherbrothersforthejob. topersuadehisdaughternottobe “No, no. They were in a relation- nary inquiry into whether the and the area was patrolled by cross over to the US. They be-
and two of her relatives had Explaining the sequence of As far as we know, Dildaar was withDildaarbecausehewasfrom shipandweretogetherwillingly,” man had a proper passport and members of the National Guard longedtoDinguchavillageofKalol
walked into the Borio police sta- events, SHO Pan said, “As per the partoftheconspiracy,butnotpart a different community. Also, says Surja. visa. We will also record state- aftertheincident,thereportsaid. taluka, which Yadav was from.


FORMER ELECTION Commissioner Ashok Lavasa last week
found himself the victim of an impersonator. In a tweet on
file pretendingtobehim.The fakeprofilewasmessagingpeo-
ple, asking for money to be sent to a mobile number based in
Uttar Pradesh. He asked anyone who received the message in
question to report it.

pened a week early, ending on Friday instead of December 29,
ence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to raise an issue in the
was brought to conclusion, Brittas raised the subject of what
he said was imposition of Hindi across the country, saying he
washappytohavespokenaboutitinthepresenceof thePrime
Minister himself.

Birbhum blast: 2 minors

injured, grandfather held
house for a few days, it is learnt.
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE A case was registered against
KOLKATA, DECEMBER 23 Jamirul Islam under the
TWO MINOR brothers were in- ious sections of the IPC.
jured critically when they were Tension prevailed in the area
playing in an abandoned house following the incident. Police
belonging to their maternal personnelcordonedoff Jamirul's
grandfather at Ekdala village of house after the explosion.
Birbhum district's Rampurhat "A case has been lodged and
sub-division on Friday morning. the house owner has been ar-
The victims' grandfather, rested. We have started an in-
identified as Jamirul Islam, was vestigation as to what exactly
arrested for allegedly keeping happened and what kind of ex-
explosives in the house, police plosives were involved in the
said. blast,” Superintendent of Police
The teenagers had come to (SP) Nagendra Nath Tripathi
their maternal grandfather's said.

36 yrs later, man, wife get

10-year jail for teen’s rape
Government Counsel, Kanpur,
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE Chandra Kant Sharma. After the
LUCKNOW, DECEMBER 23 judgment, the accused were
A COURT in Kanpur sentenced a “Thecourtreliedonthestate-
67-year-oldbusinessmanandhis ment of the victim and her
wife, 62, to 10-year imprison- mother, the complainant in the
ment in connection with the al- case. The investigating officer of
leged rape of a teenaged girl in the case and the FIR writer had
1986. The girl was 15 years old died during the trial,” the prose-
when the incident occurred. cution said.
Thevictim’smotherhadfiled In all, five prosecution wit-
a complaint against Ram nesses were examined by the
Bharosey, his wife Heera Devi court. According to the prosecu-
and two others the same year. tion, the incident took place
However, the accused were whenthevictimwasstayingata
later released on bail and had relative’s residence in Kanpur.
been out of jail since. The accused were staying at the
“Additional District and house as tenants.
SessionsJudgesentencedtwoac- When the victim’s relatives
cused to 10 years imprisonment raised the matter with the ac-
and acquitted the other two ow- cused, they threatened the fam-
ing to lack of evidence. They are ily with dire consequences, the
closerelativesoftheaccused,”said prosecution added.

New Delhi


Kerala seeks probe into cycle polo player death in Nagpur Minister: Uddhav
Official says she collapsed in hospital after being given an injection for ‘food poisoning’; father alleges medical negligence
temptofcourtpetitioninconnec- claims the Kerala High Court had Shegotbetterafterthatbutwhen sentatives also reached Nagpur.
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE tion with Nida's death. The court permitteditsteamstoparticipate shevomitedagaininthemorning, TheDhantolipoliceinNagpur

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, directed the secretaries of the inthenationalchampionshiprep- wedecidedtotakehertothehos- registeredanaccidentaldeathre-
KOCHI, NAGPUR, DEC 23 CyclePoloFederationofIndiaand resentingthestate.Theothercon- pital and took her to Shrikrishna port in the matter and recorded
Cycle Polo Association of Kerala tingentwassentbytheCyclePolo Hospital,whichwasaround200m thestatementsof allpeoplecon-
KERALA EDUCATION Minister V toappearinpersononJanuary12. Association of Kerala, affiliated to awayfromtheplacewewerestay- cerned. The police said the girl
SivankuttyonFridaysaidthestate Thebenchof JusticeVGArun theCyclePoloFederationofIndia, ingat,"Riyassaid. hadnotbeenpassingmotionsfor
government had written to acteduponthecontemptof court the national body for the sport. According to Riyas, Nida the last two days and on
Maharashtra CM Eknath Shinde, petition moved by Kerala Cycle Nida, a student of SDV walked to the hospital without Thursday, she fell ill and was
demanding an inquiry into the Polo Association. The petitioner Government Upper Primary anydifficultyanddoctorssaidshe taken to a private hospital. The ALOK DESHPANDE
death of Nida Fathima, the 10- told the court that its team, in- School at Neerkunnam near was vomiting because of food doctorsgaveheraninjectionbut NAGPUR, DECEMBER 23
year-oldgirlfromKeralawhodied cluding Nida Fathima, was per- 10-year-old Nida Fathima Ambalappuzha, was part of the poisoning. "They gave her an in- after that she collapsed and was
ataNagpurhospitalonThursday. mitted by the HC, in an order on sub-junior girls' team sent by jectionaround8ambutimmedi- declared dead, the police said. MAHARASHTRA MINISTER
Nida, hailing from December 15, to participate in Kerala Cycle Polo Association. ately after that, she started com- Inspector Prabhavati Ekurke ShambhurajDesaionFridaysaid
AmbalappuzhainAlappuzhadis- the national championship at conducted at the Nagpur The 29-member contingent, plaining of pain in her hand and said the girl's father, in his state- the State Intelligence
trict, was part of the Kerala con- Nagpur,buttheplayerswerenot Medical College on Thursday comprising 24 players, coaches vomited once more before col- ment, claimed there was negli- Department (SID) will probe
tingent that went to Nagpur to provided food or lodging by the and her body was set to be taken andofficials,hadreachedNagpur lapsing. She was admitted to the gence from the hospital. The whether former chief minister
take part in the National Cycle CyclePoloFederationof India.As to Kerala on a flight departing on Tuesday evening, said Riyas. intensivecareunitbuttheycould matter has been referred to the Uddhav Thackeray had asked
PoloChampionship,whichbegan a result, they had to be accom- from Nagpur at 10 pm. “There "Thenationalfederationrefused notsaveher.Thehospitalofficially Indian Medical Association, the then Amravati police com-
onThursday."Wehaverequested modatedinalocaldormitoryand will be a layover in Bengaluru toprovideusaccommodationor saidthedeathhappenedat10.20 whichwillascertain theveracity missionerArtiSinghtoprobethe
the Maharashtra government to Nida got afflicted with food poi- anditwillreachtheKochiairport food, saying we were not from am and shifted her body to of the allegation, Ekurke said. murder of Amravati resident Uddhav Thackeray
probe the allegation that the girl soning and died on Thursday by 9 am on Friday. From there, it the affiliated state association. NagpurMedicalCollege,"hesaid. The other contingent from Umesh Kolhe “through the an-
didnotreceiveadequatemedical morning, the petitioner associa- will be taken to the girl's house The Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh Nida's father, Shihabuddin, a Kerala, sent by the rival faction, gle of robbery”.
attentionandpromisedallco-op- tionsaidinitscontemptpleafiled at Ambalappuzha,” he added. provided us with accommoda- driver, came to know about the Cycle Polo Association of Kerala, The issue was raised by phone call be probed through an
eration from the Kerala govern- throughadvocateSanthanVNair. Twogroupsofplayerswentto tionspaceandwehadtoeatfood deathofhisdaughterattheKochi was given accommodation and Amravati MLA Ravi Rana, who, SIT,” he said.
ment," Sivankutty said in a KeralaCyclePoloAssociation NagpurtorepresentKeralainthe from outside," he said. airportwhilehewasonhiswayto otherfacilitiesbythenationalfed- along with his wife and Lok Desai, who was replying on
Facebook post. secretary Riyas, who is in nationalchampionshipbyrivalas- "Nidavomitedaround2.45am Nagpurafterbeinginformedthat eration.Curiously,theirteamsare Sabha MP Navneet Rana, have behalf of Home Minister
Meanwhile, the Kerala High Nagpur, told The Indian Express sociations.OnewassentbyKerala onThursdayandthatwasthefirst she was admitted to a hospital. alsoplayingmatchesatthecham- been at odds with Thackeray for Devendra Fadnavis, said the SID
Court on Friday admitted a con- that Nida's post-mortem was Cycle Polo Association, which sign of discomfort she showed. Two Kerala Sports Council repre- pionship. over a year. The couple was ar- will probe this aspect. “It will be
rested by Mumbai Police earlier probed as to who had called
this year after they forcibly tried whom and the report will be
NSE PHONE-TAPPING CASE to enter Thackeray’s residence presented to the state home
NEW DELHI Matoshree to recite the minister,” he said.
CBI files chargesheet Hanuman Chalisa during the
tenureof theMahaVikasAghadi
Kolhe, 54, was murdered on
he was returning from work,

June4nextyr against NSE ex-CEOs, During the discussion on

Calling Attention Motion, Rana
days after he had put up a post
on WhatsApp in support of then

former top cop Pandey

said in the Assembly that BJP spokesperson Nupur
New Delhi: The Joint Umesh Kolhe was murdered Sharma, who had made contro-
Entrance Exam (JEE) when Uddhav Thackeray was versial comments on Prophet
Advancedforadmissionto the chief minister of Muhammad. The Eknath
the Indian Institutes of Maharashtra. “The police Shinde-Devendra Fadnavis gov-
Technology will be con- MAHENDER SINGH probed this murder through the ernment had, after coming to
ductedonJune4,2023,IIT MANRAL angle of robbery. It was Uddhav power, handed over the probe
Guwahati announced on NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 23 Thackeray’s phone call to Police into the matter to the National
Friday. The institute is re- Commissioner Arti Singh to InvestigationAgency,whichfiled
sponsible for conducting THE CENTRAL Bureau of probe the murder through rob- the chargesheet in the case ear-
the examination for 2023. Investigation (CBI) has filed a bery angle. We demand that his lier this month.
The examination com- chargesheet in a Delhi court on
prisestwopapersofthree- Friday against former National Chitra Ramkrishna (left),
hour duration each. Stock Exchange (NSE) CEOs and Sanjay Pandey
Only when he stands
AccordingtoIITofficials,it Chitra Ramkrishna, Ravi
before me, I will believe
is compulsory for candi- Narain, former Mumbai police
datestoappearinboththe commissioner and former di- tion, the CBI had arrested
papers. PTI rector of iSEC Services Private Pandey, Narain and Bow Barracks area decked up ahead of Christmas in Kolkata on Friday. Partha Paul

Ltd. Sanjay Pandey and other
top executives in connection
Ramakrishna,” the spokesper-
son said. he got bail: Kappan’s wife
Pakdroneshot with the NSE phone-tapping
The CBI had booked the re-
tired IPS officerand others in the VIDEOCON LOAN CASE
downbyBSF “We have a filed a phone-tapping case on July 7. ABHINAYA HARIGOVIND
chargesheet against the private
company — M/s iSEC Services
Pvt Ltd — based in New
Four days later, the Enforcement
Directorate registered a case
Chanda Kochhar, husband held NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 23

AS MUCH as she is relieved that

Siddique is
India from Pakistan
through the International
Delhi/Mumbai, Pandey,the then
director of ISEC, Naman
on July 19; the CBI arrested him
on September 24. “The illegal
phone-tapping of NSE employ-
in Rs 1,700-cr bank cheating case the Allahabad High Court has
granted bail to her husband
Siddique Kappan, Raihana
BorderinPunjabwasshot tion security analyst of ISEC, eeswasunearthedduringthein- cent of the Rs 3,250 crore loan Siddique is worried about an-
down by the Border Jagdish Tukaram Dalvi of ISEC, vestigation of another case re- EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE (Rs 2,810 crore) remained un- other hurdle.
Security Force (BSF) on Ravi Varanasi, then executive lated to the co-location scam in NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 23 paid. The Videocon account was “In the UAPA case (in which cation process usually does not
Friday, a spokesperson of vice-president of NSE, Mahesh NSE.Itwasallegedthatunautho- declared an NPA in 2017. the Supreme Court granted bail take more than a week. We got
the force said. The un- Haldipur,thenhead(premisesof rised recording and monitoring THE CENTRAL Bureau of According to the CBI, on to Kappan in September this the Supreme Court order on
mannedaerialvehiclewas NSE), Ravi Narain, then manag- of phone calls in NSE started in Investigation (CBI) on Friday ar- August26,2009,thesanctioning year), the verification of the September9.Within10days,we
detected at around 7.45 ing director of NSE, Chitra 1997 when Narain and restedformerICICIBankMDand committee of ICICI Bank that in- sureties has not been completed provided the surety, but even
am near the Pulmoran Ramkrishna,thenDMD/manag- Ramakrishna connected call CEO Chanda Kochhar and her cluded Chanda Kochhar ap- yet. It’s been more than three three months later, the verifica-
border post in the ing director of NSE, Anand lines of employees to a digital husband Deepak Kochhar for al- Chanda Kochhar (left), and proved a loan of Rs 300 crore to months.Therewasaproblemini- tionhasnotbeencompleted.We
Amritsar sector. The Subramanian, then group oper- voice recorder providedbya pri- legedly cheating ICICI Bank of Rs husband Deepak Kochhar VIEL “in contravention of the tially of not finding anybody to will now have to see what bail
drone, the spokesperson ating officer, S B Thosar, then vate company,” the spokesper- 1,730 crore until March 2012. rules and policy”. stand surety since we needed conditionswillbeimposedinto-
said, is six feet in expanse OSD,BhupeshMistry,thenman- son said. The bank and Chanda Chanda Kochhar, the CBI al- somebody from Uttar Pradesh day’s order,” he said.
andcancarrya25kgpay- ager (premises),” said a CBI OfficialssaidiSecServicesPvt Kochhar have been under regu- Industries, for allegedly cheating leged, “dishonestly” abused her andwedidn’tknowtheplacetoo ThebailconditionintheUAPA
load. This is the third spokesperson. Ltd, a company founded by latory scrutiny after The Indian ICICI Bank of Rs 1,730 crore until official position to disburse this well. Two persons later came to case was to furnish two sureties
straight day that the bor- It was found during investi- Pandey, conducted the security Express first reported on March March2012.InitsFIR,theCBIalso loan on September 7, 2008 and us through media friends and of Rs. 1 lakh each, Dhanish said.
der-guarding force has gation that Pandey was working audit at NSE during the period 29, 2018 that Venugopal Dhoot named Supreme Energy Pvt Ltd, the very next day, her husband’s agreed to stand surety,” Raihana On Friday, the Allahabad High
shot down a drone in asapoliceofficerwhileallegedly when the co-location scam was of Videocon Group provided Videocon International firm Nupower Renewables re- said.Oneof thetwopersonswho Court granted bail to Kappan in a
Punjab. PTI managingtheaffairs of thecom- allegedly committed. crores of rupees to a firm he had Electronics Ltd (VIEL) and un- ceivedRs64crorefromVideocon stoodsuretyforKappanwasRoop Preventionof MoneyLaundering
pany, said the spokesperson. “During 1997-2009, set up with Deepak and two rel- knownpublicservantsasaccused. Industries Ltd (VIL) to acquire its Rekha Verma, former vice-chan- Act (PMLA) case.
MAHARASHTRA “The NSE ended up paying Ramakrishna with the help of atives six months after his firm It alleged that “the accused first power plant. “…Chanda cellor of Lucknow University. On the bail granted by the

Fraudsters around Rs 4.54 crore in eight

years to the private company for
some NSE employees allegedly
supervised the interception. In
got Rs 3,250 crore as loan from
ICICI Bank in 2012.
Kochhar got
gratification/undue benefit
illegal “This order (the bail granted
on Friday) will be able to tell us
Allahabad High Court, Raihana
said, “I really wasn’t expecting
dupe19people illegally tapping phone calls of
NSE employees in the name of
2009, the work of monitoring
the calls was given to the ac-
Sources said the couple was
summoned for questioning in
a criminal conspiracy with other
accused to cheat ICICI Bank”. The
for sanctioning RTL (rupee term
if suchbailconditionswillbeim-
bailsincethelowercourt hadre-
ofRs10lakh cyber vulnerability study. The cused private company being Delhi. They were arrested after case was filed under sections of loan)of Rs300croretoM/sVIEL,” will have to find somebody to It has been more than two years
call records of hundreds of NSE run by Pandey. To maintain se- the investigating officer com- the Indian Penal Code and the the agency said in its FIR. stand surety. We are hoping now of our lives, our children’s
Mumbai: The Goregaon employees were allegedly kept crecy, the work order was al- plainedthatthetwowerenotco- Prevention of Corruption Act. The CBI said that RTLs sanc- therewon’tbeanymoredifficul- lives like this. It is only when he
policeisonthelookoutfor in the custody of the private legedly issued to the private operating with the police team. The CBI said the amount was tioned to five companies of the ties,” she said. stands before me that I will be
unknown fraudsters who company and the interception company in the name of con- In 2019, the CBI lodged an FIR part of the Rs 40,000-crore loan Videocon Group between June This delay in surety verifica- able to believe that he has been
allegedlyduped19people was done without the knowl- ducting periodic study of cyber against the Kochhars, Dhoot and that the Videocon Group se- 2009 and October 2011 were “in tion is the main barrier stalling released. That is the situation
fromthewesternsuburbs edge or consent of NSE board or vulnerabilities,” the spokesper- firms, including Nupower cured from a consortium of 20 violation of the credit policy of Kappan'srelease,saidMohamed now. But even if late, we will get
Rs 10.53 lakh on the pre- its employees. During investiga- son said. Renewables and Videocon banks led by SBI. Almost 86 per the bank”. Dhanish, his lawyer. “The verifi- justice…we have now got bail.”
text of doubling their in-
vestments in 45 days. The
come up with an app,
tims to pay them. A
created for purportedly
Cow dung touch: Chhattisgarh school, hostel get fresh coat of paint
maintaining a database of (RIPA), an ambitious scheme of hoping to earn Rs 5,000 by Yojana, vermicompost, super-
the transactions. ENS JAYPRAKASH S NAIDU the Chhattisgarh government in preparing and selling this paint. compost and other products are
RAIPUR, DECEMBER 23 Charama block of the district,” The villagers are also getting beingmanufacturedingauthans
GOA she said. moneybysellingcowdungtous.” using cow dung procured at two

Leoparddies IN A first, a government school

anda hostelfortribalstudentsin
About 20 women are em-
prepared in Kanker and
rupees per kg.
The CM's initiative was ap-
aftergetting Kodagaon in Kanker district of
Chhattisgarh have been painted
tion capacity is a minimum of
500 litres of paint per day.
Chhattisgarh capital Raipur; ef-
forts are on to prepare it in other
preciated by BJP leader and
Minister of Road Transport and
trappedinsnare with natural paint made from Depending on the production of districts. The paint is being sold Highways Nitin Gadkari, who
cow dung. The initiative has the paint, all government build- atRs125perlitre,”saidagovern- tweeted,“His(Baghel's)decision
Panaji:Aleoparddiedafter been undertaken by the state's ings in the state will be painted ment official. is commendable and welcome.
getting trapped in a wired Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel in future with the “gobar paint”, The demand for the paint is Under the leadership of PM
snare on the outskirts of as part of the 'Godhan Nyaya the collector added. likely to increase as earlier this Narendra Modi I started this as
the Mhadei Wildlife Yojana'. One member of a women week all government depart- the MSME minister. The use of
SanctuaryinSattaritaluka Kanker collector Priyanka self-help group, Jageshwari mentswereorderedbytheChief natural paint will not only pro-
of North Goa, a forest de- Shukla said S.U.M. school in Bhaskar (45), told The Indian Minister to compulsorily use tect the environment but also
partment official said on Kodagaon and a hostel for tribal Express that preparing the paint cow dung paint for all govern- provide a new opportunity to
Friday.GoaForestMinister students in Kottara have got a will increased her salary from Rs ment buildings. the farmers and benefit them.”
Vishwajit Rane said “strict fresh coat of cow dung paint. 3,000 to Rs 5,000 per month. Baghel also warned of strict Replyingtothetweet,Baghel
action” would be initiated “Thispainthasbeenpreparedby Bhaskar, a resident of action against officials if they thanked the minister for ac-
againstthoseresponsible. women self-help groups (SHG) Kherkhedavillagewhotravels15 would violate the order. The knowledging his initiative and
Sattaritalukahasseensev- in a gouthan (livestock shelter) km to the unit in move is aimed at strengthening called him a “karmayogi”. He
eral such incidents of hu- at Saradhunawagaon in Kanker. Saradhunawagaon every day, rural economy and ensure envi- tweeted, “Respect for cow and
man-animalconflictinthe The cow dung paint unit has said, “We hope to earn more ronmentalprotection,saidanof- labour is a path shown by
past. PTI been built under Mahatma moneyfromthisinitiative.Iused S.U.M. school in Kodagaon of Kanker district in Chhattisgarh being painted. Express ficial. Gandhi and we are moving for-
Gandhi Rural Industrial Park toearnRs3,000amonthbutIam Under the Godhan Nyaya ward on that.”

New Delhi
‘Mastermind’ among
5 arrested in Bihar
Maoist violence, deaths down; Bijapur
2 Maoists killed in
hooch case: police
Chhattisgarh sees rise in cases
Maharashtra, Odisha, Jharkhand, Bihar report dip in Left-Wing Extremism
Maharashtra and another
bounty of Rs 5 lakh from
According to the police, she
PRESS TRUST OF INDIA suppliedspuriousliquormadeof TWO MAOISTS, a man and a is the wife of Mylarapu Adellu
PATNA, SARAN, DECEMBER 23 homoeopathymedicinesinSaran dents and 12 deaths this year, woman, were killed in an en- alias Bhashkar, a member of the
IN A major breakthrough, Bihar
district, the SP said, adding that
one of the accused had also con- MANRAL VIOLENCE INCIDENTS Madhya Pradesh there were 130 incidents and 26
counter with security forces in a
jungle in Bijapur district of
Telangana state committee and
secretary of Kumram Bhim divi-
PoliceonFridayarrestedfivepeo- sumed the same liquor, but he NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 23 FROM 2019 TO 2022 2019 2020 2021 *2022 39 deaths in 2020, and 200 inci- Chhattisgarh Friday morning. sionalcommitteeof theMaoists.
ple,includingthemainaccused,in survived after the treatment. ■ Incidents ■ Deaths 5 16 19 20 dents and 54 deaths in 2019. The police said the encounter Mylarapu, who has a bounty of
connection with the Saran hooch “Policehaverecoveredalarge WHILE INCIDENTS of violence 2 2 3 2 Rai informed Rajya Sabha tookplaceduringananti-Maoist more than Rs 20 lakh for his ar-
deathscase,aseniorofficersaid. number of empty bottles of from Left-Wing Extremism Andhra Pradesh that to address LWE holistically, operation undertaken jointly by rest, was at the spot and man-
A Special Investigation Team, chemicalsthatwereusedinman- (LWE) in the country have 2019 2020 2021 *2022 Maharashtra the central government ap- security forces of Chhattisgarh aged to escape, the police said.
constituted by the state police in ufacturing the spurious liquor droppedby77percent between 18 12 11 3 66 30 31 18 proved a national policy and ac- and Maharashtra. TheinjuredMaoistwasiden-
the incident, apprehended a ho- from Doela area of Saran. The in- 2009 and 2021, state-wise data tion plan in 2015. The incident took place tified as Lachhmayya Kuchha
5 4 1 1 34 8 6 7
moeopathy compounder, al- vestigation is on,” the SP said. showed an increase in such inci- “This policy envisages a around7aminajungleareanear Weladi, 28, from Tekameta in
legedly the mastermind of the Talking to reporters in Patna, dents in Chhattisgarh, Madhya Bihar Odisha multi-pronged strategy involv- Tekameta village in the jurisdic- Bijapur.
hooch tragedy that claimed 38 Additional DGP (HQ) Jitendra Pradesh and Telangana this year ing security related measures, tion of Farsegarh police station The joint team comprised
62 26 26 16 45 50 32 19
lives, Saran SP Santosh Kumar SinghGangwardeniedallegations in comparison to the previous development interventions, en- in Bijapur. 300 commandos from Special
said.“Policeseizedavehicle,used that the spirit kept inside one of year, and a decrease in incidents 17 8 7 1 11 9 3 10 suringrightsandentitlementsof “The location of the en- Operations Squad (C-60) from
for transporting chemicals from thepolicestationsinSarandistrict in Maharashtra, Odisha, Chhattisgarh Telangana localcommunities,etc.Steadfast counter is said to be around 10 Gadchiroli and 20 commandos
Uttar Pradesh and supplying was responsible for the hooch JharkhandandBiharamongoth- implementation of this policy km from Maharashtra border. of Chhattisgarh'sDistrictReserve
liquorsinandaroundMasrakhin tragedy. “Based on the initial in- ers, according to data provided 263 315 255 279 8 15 5 10 hasresultedinconsistentdecline One woman and one man were Guards.
Saran.Emptybottlesofchemicals vestigation, it appears that no by the Ministry of Home Affairs 77 111 101 56 2 2 0 2 in violence in LWE affected ar- killed. Another Maoist, who As part of the combing oper-
that were used in manufacturing spiritkeptinsideoneofthepolice in Rajya Sabha. The data also eas. Incidents of LWE violence was injured in the encounter, ation, the team crossed into
spurious liquor were also recov- stations in Saran was used for showed a decline in the number Jharkhand Kerala have reduced by 77 per cent was captured alive and we are Chhattisgarh from Gadchiroli
ered,” the SP said. making spurious liquor. It is sus- of deaths from LWE violence in 200 199 130 118 3 2 0 0 from a high of 2,213 in 2010 to questioning him. We have re- district in Maharashtra. The po-
The SIT had earlier arrested pectedthatsomeotherchemicals Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand as 54 39 26 12 0 0 0 0 509 in 2021,” he said. covered three weapons – two lice said the Maoists fired on
nine people in connection with mighthavebeenusedintheman- well as other states. Last Saturday, Union Home SLR and another firearm. No them first after which they first
the case. “The preliminary inves- ufacturing of liquor. We are wait- Data of LWE violence in *(Till Nov 30) Minister Amit Shah had said at one from our team suffered in- appealedthemtostopfiring.The
tigationrevealedthatthemaster- ingfortheviscerareportsofallthe Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Bihar, the 25th Eastern Zonal Council jury,” Bilaspur SP Anjneya police fired in retaliation when
mind with the help of his associ- deceased,”hesaid.“Thesewillre- Madhya Pradesh, Andhra meeting in Kolkata that LWE has Varshney told The Indian the Maoist did not stop the fir-
ates used to manufacture veal the type of chemical used in Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, Chhattisgarh, 279 incidents oc- Minister of State for Home almostbeeneliminatedfromthe Express. ing. Thegunbattlelastedaround
spurious liquor by mixing ho- making the spurious liquor. Let Telangana and Kerala showed curred in 2022, 255 in 2021, 315 Affairs Nityanand Rai said in a country’seasternregion.“Efforts While the man killed in the 45 minutes.
moeopathy medicine and sugar. the investigation complete, then that 670 incidents took place in in 2020 and 263 in 2019. Data of written reply on Wednesday. should be sustained as extrem- operation is yet to be identified, "Its for the first time the
They (accused) used to supply il- only, we will be able to comment 2019, 665 in 2020, 509 in 2021 deaths of security force person- He said deaths of civilians ism should not re-emerge in the woman was later identified Gadchiroli police has operated
licitliquorinseveralareasofSaran on anything specific.” and 483 this year (until nel and civilians due to Maoist andsecurityforceshavereduced LWE-freestates,andthesestates as Kanthi Lingavva alias Anitha, so deep outside Maharashtra
district through their vendors or Strict action will be taken November 30). violence shows that 56 were re- by 85 per cent from a high of shoulddevelopatparwithother 41, from Telangana's Laxmi borderinjointcoordinationwith
associates,” he said. against those who are found “State-wise breakup of four- ported this year, 101 in 2021, 111 1,005 in 2010 to 147 in 2021. parts of the country,” he had Sagar. She had a bounty of Rs 16 Bijapur police,” said Gadchiroli
During questioning, the ar- guilty, Gangwar said. year data shows that in in 2020 and 77 in 2019,” Union While Jharkhand saw 118 inci- added. lakh on her arrest from SP Neelotpal.

Use temple, mosque speakers to Student dies by suicide in Kota

Kota: Inyetanothercaseofsuicide the Indira Vihar area under the

wake up kids early: Haryana govt in Kota city, a 16-year-old coach-

Jawahar Nagar police station on
Friday. Police identified the de-
ceased as Aniket Kumar (18), a
speakers) so that the students ask the parents to wake up their hostelroom,takingthetotalnum- resident of Bareilly in UP. Kumar
SUKHBIR SIWACH wake up and start studying. children at 4.30 am. The parents berof suchcasesto15thisyear. had been preparing for NEET-
CHANDIGARH, DECEMBER 23 With this initiative, the students should ensure that their wards The incident was reported in UG for the last three years. PTI
are expected to get extra 2-3 are glued to books by 5.15 am.
A FEW months ahead of the an- hours for studies.” Through WhatsApp, the teach-
nual board examination of Class Director (secondary educa- ers should enquire whether the
X and XII students, the Haryana tion) Anshaj Singh has sent a let- students have woken up and are
educationdepartmenthasasked ter to the district education offi- studyingornot.If theparentsare
the principals of government cers and principals of all not cooperating, then it should
schools to approach the village government schools in the state be brought to the notice of the
panchayatstocreateaconducive asking them to take appropriate school management commit-
study environment at home, es- steps for preparations of Class X tee,” the letter stated.
pecially to motivate the children and XII examinations. The school principals were
towakeupearlyandstudyinthe A copy of the letter has also reminded in the letter that just
wee hours (at 4:30 am). been sent to state additional 70 days were left for the board
In a directive issued to the chief secretary (school educa- examinations in March 2023.
school principals on Thursday, tion), Mahavir Singh. Keepingthisinmind,theschools
theeducationdepartmentmen- According to Anshaj Singh’s should make plans to improve
tioned: “The newly elected letter, a joint planning should be the results of their institutions, North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of
members of panchayats should formulated by the parents and theletterstated.Anofficialof the
be urged to make such efforts teachers so that the students get education department told the Health & Medical Sciences,
that an environment is created
in the villages for studies during
additional hours for self-study.
“For this, the morning hours
Indian Express that the initiative
has been taken to keep the stu-
Director's Block, Mawdiangdiang, Shillong
(An Autonomous Institute under Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India)
early morning hours. Temples, are best when the mind is fresh dentsfromdifferenttypesof dis-
mosques, andgurdwarasshould and the environment is serene tractions like social media and ADVERTISEMENT NO.NEIGR-E.II/19/2004/Pt.XXVI DATED:23.11.2022
be contacted for early morning and there is no noise of vehicles. television, and to help students
announcements (through loud- And for this the teachers should focus more on studies.
Applications are invited from Indian Citizen for filling up of the following Group 'A'
SCHOOL JOBS SCAM Faculty posts mentioned below on prescribed form by the Director, North Eastern
Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Health & Medical Sciences, Shillong. A Demand
Sack 53 teachers Draft in favour of the Director, NEIGRIHMS, Shillong payable at Shillong towards
who got jobs the application fee (non-refundable fee), Rs.500/- for General & OBC category and
Rs.250/- for SC/ST category should be attached in original with the application.
illegally: HC Application fee is exempted for PWD category.
Sl. Departments No. of posts
No. Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE 1 Anaesthesiology 1 UR 1 OBC*# 3 (1 UR & 2 OBC*)
KOLKATA, DECEMBER 23 2 Anatomy 1 UR - -
3 Cardiology - - 1 OBC*
THE CALCUTTA High Court on 4 CTVS 1 UR# - 2 (1 UR &1 OBC*)
Friday ordered termination of 5 Dermatology & STD 1 UR# - 1 OBC*
service of 53 teachers in the pri- 6 ENT - 1 UR 1 OBC*
mary section of different state- 7 General Medicine - 1 OBC 3 (1 UR, 1 SC* & 1 OBC*)
run schools on charges of secur- 8 General Surgery - 1 OBC*# 2 (1 OBC*# & 1 SC*#)
ing their jobs by unfair means. A 9 Hospital Administration 1 UR# - 1 OBC
single bench of Justice Abhijit 10 Medical Oncology 1 UR# 1 UR# 2 UR#
Gangopadhyay issued the order 11 Microbiology - 1 UR -
today. 12 Nephrology 1 UR# 1 UR# 1 UR#
Earlier in the year, Justice 13 Neuro Surgery 1 UR# 1 UR 1 UR
Gangopadhyay ordered termi- 14 Neurology - 1 UR 1 OBC*#
nationof servicesof 269primary 15 Obstetrics & Gynaecology - - 1 SC
section teachers on the same 16 Ophthalmology - 1 UR# -
charges. However, the teachers 17 Orthopaedics & Trauma - 1 UR# -
approached the Supreme Court 18 Paediatrics - 1 UR -
contesting that the termination 19 Pathology - - 1 SC*
order was issued without hear- 20 Radiodiagnosis & Imaging - 1 OBC# 1 SC
ing their arguments. 21 Radiotherapy 1 UR# - 1 UR
The apex court then directed [post reserved for OH (OL)]
the same single-judge bench to 22 Surgical Oncology 1 UR# - -
hear the arguments of the 269 23 TB & Respiratory Disease 1 UR# - -
primary teachers and further 24 Urology - - 1 OBC#
asked the teachers to file affi- [post reserved for OH (OL)]
davits in this regard. Total 11 13 24
During a hearing on Friday,
*The number of vacant posts indicated above (including backlog reserved vacancies).
54 of such teachers were sup-
posed to be present before # Anticipated vacancies, subject to clearance of Revival from Administrative Ministry.
JusticeGangopadhyaywiththeir For further details regarding prescribed application form, vacancies, pay scale,
respective affidavits. However, age, reservation, relaxation, essential qualification, experience, general
53 turned up. information etc. of the advertisement are available on NEIGRIHMS, Shillong
Justice Gangopadhyay, after website http://neigrihms.gov.in. All the applicants are advised to keep visiting
review of the affidavits, ordered NEIGRIHMS, Shillong website on regular basis for any further updates.
termination of their services.
Meanwhile, he also slapped a
Interested eligible candidates are requested to email their application in the prescribed
fine of Rs 10,000 on the one form at [email protected] on or before the last date of submission of application.
teacher who did not turn up. Candidates are required to submit a sign copy of the original Application in the prescribed
Once the fine is paid, the teacher form along with attested copies of certificates (age, qualification, experience, Medical
willhavethechancetofilehisaf- Council Registration, No Objection Certificate from present employer), one recent
fidavit in the matter. passport size photograph and Demand Draft in original by Speed Post to the Director,
Welcoming the court order, North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Health & Medical Sciences,
Leader of Opposition in the state Rallis India Limited Mawdiangdiang, Shillong-793 018.
Assembly Suvendu Adhikari REGISTERED OFFICE : 23rd Floor, Vios Tower, New Cuffe Parade, Off. Eastern Freeway, Wadala, Mumbai - 400 037, CIN: L36992MH1948PLC014083
said, “This is just the beginning. First cut-off date for Rolling Advertisement: 60 days from publication of
In Pursuance to the order No. S.O.2900(E) dated 24th October, 2015, its amendment dated 30th December, 2017 and S.O. 2001 (E), dated 22nd June 2020, issued by Department of Agriculture Cooperation
In the days to come, the court and Farmers Welfare, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India, RALLIS INDIA LIMITED hereby notifies that it intends to sell/marketing new 100 % Water Soluble Mixture of Fertilizer advertisement in Employment News.
will terminate services of others grades, as per the specifications given: (1) N:P:K:S: 5:11:35:5, Total Nitrogen: 5%, Total Phosphorous as P2O5: 11%, Total Potassium as K2O: 35%, Total Sulphur as S: 5%, (2) N:P:K:S 12:19:17:6,Total
Nitrogen: 12%, Total Phosphorous as P2O5: 19%, Total Potassium as K2O: 17%, Total Sulphur as S: 6%, (3) N:P:K:S 5:39:19:5,Total Nitrogen: 5%, Total Phosphorous as P2O5: 39%, Total Potassium as K2O:
Second cut-off date : 31st May 2023
who got jobs illegally. We have 19%, Total Sulphur as S: 5%, (4) N:P:K:S 5:9:32:5, Total Nitrogen: 5%, Total Phosphorous as P2O5: 9%, Total Potassium as K2O: 32%, Total Sulphur as S: 5%, (5) N:P:K:S 10:29:14:2, Total Nitrogen: 10%, Total Third cut-off date : 31st October 2023
full faith in the judiciary, which Phosphorous as P2O5: 29%, Total Potassium as K2O: 14%, Total Sulphur as S: 2%, (6) N:P:K:S 11:21:21:3, Total Nitrogen: 11%, Total Phosphorous as P2O5: 21%, Total Potassium as K2O: 21%, Total Sulphur as
S: 3%, (7) N:P:K:S 5:15:34:6, Total Nitrogen: 5%, Total Phosphorous as P2O5: 15%, Total Potassium as K2O: 34%, Total Sulphur as S: 6%, (8) N:P:K:S 5:5:41:8, Total Nitrogen: 5%, Total Phosphorous as P2O5: For queries contact Establishment Section at Phone No. (0364) 2538020 or 2539215
is trying to weed out corruption 5%, Total Potassium as K2O: 41%, Total Sulphur as S: 8%, (9) N:P:K:S 6:0:31:7, Total Nitrogen: 6%, Total Phosphorous as P2O5: 0%, Total Potassium as K2O: 31%, Total Sulphur as S: 7%, (10) N:P:K:S 5:9:29:2,
from the education sector.” Total Nitrogen: 5%, Total Phosphorous as P2O5: 9%, Total Potassium as K2O: 29%, Total Sulphur as S: 2%, In above all grades, (a) Moisture per cent by weight, maximum.: 0.5 % (b) Total Chloride per cent by to 217.
weight, maximum.: 1.5 % (c) Sodium as NaCl, per cent by weight, maximum.: 0.5 % (d) Matter insoluble in water % by wt., maximum.: 0.5% (e) Lead (as Pb) % by weight, maximum.: 0.003% (f) Cadmium (as
The Trinamool Congress did Cd) % by weight, maximum. : 0.0025 % ,(g) Arsenic (as As) % by weight, maximum. : 0.01 %
not immediately react to the de- Email : [email protected], Web : http://rallis.co.in, Tel : 022-6665 2700, Fax : 022-6776 1634 davp 17119/12/0007/2223 Director, NEIGRIHMS

New Delhi



Opulence is the law of the universe, an
abundant supply for every need if nothing is
put in the way of its coming. — Ralph Waldo Trine

The Covid spectre again

As G20 chair, India must take the lead in the battle
against a resurgent virus, galvanise member states


Delhi should make a push for talks at the diplomatic level even
IN THE BACKDROP of the surge in Covid-19 porting a prevalence of 73.7 per cent in the The WHO states that the extent to which
as it ramps up military preparedness casesinBrazil,Japan,theUSandtheRepublic weekof 14to20November2022.Itaccounts the enhanced immune escape properties of

of Korea and, in particular, the situation un- for much of the cases in the US. This subvari- the newly emergent Omicron descendent
HE CONVENING OF the 17th round of India-China corps commander-level folding in China, India is on full alert and not antspreadsrapidlyonaccountof itsimmune variantscanleadtonewwavesislikelytode-
talks at the Chushul-Moldo border meeting point in eastern Ladakh on taking chances. The Union government has evasive property, causing infections despite pend on the “regional immune landscape,
December 20, 12 days after the clash in Tawang in Arunachal Pradesh in the reaffirmed that “Covid is not over yet”. The previous Covid infections and vaccination. the size and timing of previous Omicron
eastern sector, is a positive development. But unfortunately, it does not in- Prime Minister reviewed the preparedness The BA.2 descendent lineages follow with a waves, and the Covid-19 vaccination cover-
spire confidence about Chinese intentions vis a vis the Line of Actual Control. The last of health infrastructure and logistics, status global weekly prevalence of 10.4 per cent. At age”. For India, these conditions seem to be
of the vaccination campaign in the country present, BA.2.75 and XBB subvariants have favourable at this point in time. The lack of
roundof talkswasheldinJuly,andinSeptember,thegovernmentannouncedthatthetwo
andthepublichealthimplicationsof thecur- emerged and demonstrated increased widespreaduptakeof boosterdosesremains
sideshadfinisheddisengagingatGograHotSprings,ashadbeenagreedinthe16thround. rentsurge.Heemphasisedenhancedsurveil- prevalence in some countries in South East amatterof concernforthoseindividualswho
After that, Beijing appeared reluctant to accede to Delhi's push for another round, signal- lance, including random testing of incoming Asia and Western Pacific regions. maybevulnerableonaccountof ageorother
ing that there was nothing more to discuss about the situation in eastern Ladakh, and international passengers, and ramping up The BF.7 subvariant seems to be respon- comorbidities. While some have called for
certainly not a return to the status quo that existed before its incursions in April-May testing and genomic sequencing. Covid ap- sible for the recent surge in Beijing and pos- travel-related restrictions, these are of little
2020. A joint statement that the two sides agreed to keep talking through military and propriate behaviour was emphasised in the sibly other cities in China too. BF.7, or more practical and epidemiological relevance.
diplomatic channels toward a “mutually acceptable resolution of the remaining issues at light of the ensuing festive season. The eld- correctly BA., is a sub-lineage of the As the Union government continues to
erly and vulnerable were urged to get the OmicronvariantBA.5.BF.7andisremarkable lead the Covid-19 response at the national
the earliest” suggests that there was no outcome from this round. It is also not clear if the
boosterdoseof thevaccine.Mostimportantly, inthatitseemstohaveanexceptionalcapac- level, district and municipal level surveil-
“remaining” issues have been agreed upon by both sides. Apart from the fact that India the state governments were urged to ensure ity to infect those who have had a previous lance shall be crucial in picking up the red
now faces an altered status quo and that the PLA is rapidly building war-like infrastruc- operational readiness of clinical service, in- Covid infection, or been vaccinated or both. flags. This makes preparedness and opera-
ture on its side, for India, the “remaining” issues are the presence of Chinese troops in the cluding oxygen and ventilators and human Omicron has an average R0 of 5.08, meaning tional readiness at the local levels critical in
Depsang plains, and intrusions in the Demchok area. resources. The states, in turn, are reviewing Despite immense challenges, that one infected person will transmit the the next few weeks.
the situation and initiating specific steps. virus to about five more persons. In contrast, The current phase of the pandemic has
Just as it did with the clash at Tawang, the Chinese side chose the timing for this round
During the week of 5-11 December, the
India has responded BF.7 is reported to have an R0 value of 10 to come at a time when India has taken up the
of talksinLadakh,seekingtoprojecttheimpressionthatitholdsthecards.Thesector-wise reasonably well through the
number of new weekly cases increased by 18.6. G20presidency.Asweknow,healthsystems
compartmentalisation makes the tensions seem manageable, but the reality appears to two per cent (as compared to the previous last three years including in Whatcouldbeasourceof worryisthere- are going through the processes of recovery,
be that there is no predicting which part of the 3,500 km of the line will flare up sud- week) while weekly deaths increased by sult of a study in the US that found that BF.7 reformation, and rejuvenation and all coun-
building up capacities of
denly, as it did on the morning of December 9. Minister of External Affairs S Jaishankar over 10 per cent. Cases declined in the South was resistant to neutralisation in samples tries are recalibrating to build resilience into
East Asia region (that includes India) by a
medical countermeasures — from triple-vaccinated healthcare workers, their health services to be able to respond ef-
flagged the seriousness of the situation when he told Parliament that the Indian deploy-
ment at the LAC is at its “highest level”. third (33 per cent). The Western Pacific re- through diagnostics, as well as patients infected during the fectively and efficiently to health emergen-
Delhi should make a push for talks at the diplomatic level even as it ramps up mili-
gion (that includes China) marked a three pharmaceuticals and Omicron BA.1 and BA.5 waves. This resist- cies. Despite immense challenges, India has
per cent increase and the region of the vaccines — as well as digital anceisexplainedbytheR346Tmutation.The responded reasonably well through the last
tary preparedness. From the short statement by Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, it is Americas recorded a 27 per cent rise. At the combination of higher transmissibility and three years including in building up capaci-
unclear how prepared the Army was for the transgression at Tawang, despite the ad- country level, the US registered a 50 per cent innovations. Several G20 a higher proportion of asymptomatic carri- ties of medical countermeasures — through
vanced Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance devices that have reportedly been weekly increase and Japan and the Republic members are witnessing this ersexplainsthedifficultiesthatChinesecities diagnostics, pharmaceuticals and vaccines
installed in that area. Whatever the facts on the ground and regardless of how the ten- of Korea 13 per cent each. surge. This could be the are facing in controlling the current wave. — as well as digital innovations. Several G20
sions will unfold, the government would be well advised to take the Opposition parties TheWHOcautionsthatthecurrentnum- India moment to This is against the backdrop of a relatively members are witnessing this surge. This
into confidence at the earliest. A wide political consensus is what the country needs bers are to be interpreted with the caveat low natural infection in China. could be the India moment to demonstrate
that many countries have changed testing demonstrate both effective BF.7 has been detected in the US, UK and both effective responses as well as establish
when confronted with tensions at the borders and it is the government's task and respon- responses as well as establish
strategies which meant lower numbers be- in several countries in Europe, including greater collaboration among member states
sibility to build it. ing tested. Consequently, Covid-19 preva- greater collaboration among Belgium, Germany, France and Denmark. through a coordinated and shared response
lence surveys have often confirmed that the BF.7wasfirstdetectedinIndiabytheGujarat framework.
member states through a
notified Covid-19 cases are under-estimates. Biotechnology Research Centre (GBRC),
The BA.5 Omicron subvariant continues coordinated and shared Gandhinagar. So far two cases have been de- The writer is Professor at the Centre of Social


to be the dominant strain with the WHO re- response framework. tected in Gujarat and one in Odisha. Medicine and Community Health, JNU

Controversy over Iqbal song in UP frames deepening prejudice

and wilful cultural ignorance that impoverishes everyone


SCHOOL PRINCIPAL and a shiksha mitra in Uttar Pradesh are the latest vic-
tims of an ongoing culture war in the state. These two staff members of a
ment on Wednesday and an FIR filed against them for “hurting religious
sentiments” after a Vishwa Hindu Parishad activist filed a complaint against them.
Much needs to be done to make public buildings disabled-friendly
According to the FIR, a prayer song written by Allama Iqbal and recited by students in the
school assembly “hurt the sentiments of the Hindus” and the teachers involved in the Rahul Bajaj
recital were “preparing the students for conversion”. The 1902 song, “Lab pe aati hai dua”,
is recited in morning assemblies in hundreds of schools that follow secular curricula. The RECENTLY, CONGRESS MP Shashi Tharoor is thefollowing.S.45of the Rights of Persons ering recommendations in a time-bound
complainant, according to the FIR, was upset with the last two lines of the song — “Mere found himself confronting the accessibility with Disabilities Act, 2016 [RpwDA] states fashion on making every aspect of the
allah burai se bachana mujhko/ Nek jo rah ho, ussi rah pe chalana mujhko” (O Lord, pro- barriers that area routine feature of the lives that, as a general rule, all existing public Parliamentary process more disabled-
tect me from evil/ Guide me to the path that leads to the good). The complaint and the ad- of those of us who are disabled. Tharoor buildings shall be made accessible within friendly. The constitution of an Accessibility
slipped a step when walking in Parliament, fiveyearsof thedateof promulgationof such Committee by the Supreme Court recently
ministrative action taken on it — by the police and education departments respectively
thus spraining his ankle. He had to go to rules. The relevant Rules, namely the maybeagoodreferencepointforParliament.
— is deeply disturbing. It reveals a wilful cultural ignorance and deepening social polar- Parliament in a wheelchair early this week, HarmonisedGuidelinesandSpaceStandards Third, as Vidhi’s report again recom-
isation that, going ahead, could have an increasingly chilling effect in the teaching and as a result. Taking to Twitter to share his ex- for Barrier Free Built Environment for mends, central and state level procurement
learning of poetry and literature. perience, he wrote: "When you need to en- PersonswithDisabilitiesandElderlyPersons, laws and policies must incorporate accessi-
Iqbal, the author of Sare jahan se achha Hindustan hamara, is a leading light in the ter Parliament in a wheelchair, there's only issuedbythe Ministryof HousingandUrban bility criteriain public procurementof phys-
shared heritage of the Subcontinent. Like many poets, his poetic idiom has been shaped one entrance with a ramp, at door 9, a good Affairs, were notified in June 2017. This five- ical,digitalandtransportinfrastructure.These
four-minute trip (with the assistance of year time period, therefore, expired in June must be replicated in agreements between
also by his faith and related cultural traditions. In fact, religious texts and epics are the
helpers) to the Lok Sabha. This temporary 2022.However,itiswidelyreportedthatthis procurement agencies and bidders/contrac-
fount of much of the literatures in India; any learning of Indian language and literature disability has taught me how poorly deadline has been breached — a fact borne tors. In addition, tender documents must set
involves engagement with writers such as Tulsidas, Kambar, Basava, Thunchathu equippedwearetosupportpeoplewithdis- out adequately by the lived experiences of out applicable accessibility standards.
Ezhuthachan, Jnaneswar, Tukaram. In the case of a modern poet like Iqbal and the song abilities." the disabled living in India. Deadlines in the Fourth, the Department of Empower-
in question, the words have to be read within the larger context of the text rather than in In December 2021, I submitted a series AIC have also been repeatedly breached. ment for Persons with Disabilities (Depart-
isolation and ascribed a broader meaning instead of confining it within a religious idiom. of recommendations to the Parliamentary What, then, is the way forward? First, as ment) has released the Sugamya Bharat app
Karnataka, which is acquiring a reputation for being the laboratory of Hindutva pol- Research Institute for Democracies [PRIDE] a report by the Vidhi Centre for Legal Policy, to enable persons with disabilities to report
to make the physical and digital interface of titled“BeyondReasonableAccommodation” anybuildingthatisinaccessible.WhenItried
itics in the South, is also being roiled by a debilitating and polarising politics and pol-
Parliament more disabled-friendly. My sug- points out, the requirement to make every to register on the app as a blind person with
icy which gathers around personal choices such as dress and food — the attempts to ban gestions included having an Accessibility new building accessible before it is granted myscreenreaderontheiPhone:(a)Iwasun-
hijab in educational institutions, for instance, or the sale of halal meat. The govern- CommitteeinParliamenttoattendtotheac- an Occupancy Certificate and the relevant able to enter the date in my date of birth; (b)
ment machinery seems to take a cue from the power corridors and acts with alacrity cess needs of the disabled, providing sign provisions of the Harmonised Guidelines the button to select one’s gender was unla-
in favour of the majoritarian sentiment when such controversies erupt. In the process, language interpretation for Parliamentary Parliament must set up an and Standards for Universal Accessibility in belled; (c) the app got stuck after I pressed
in Karnataka as in UP, the cultural life of the common people is getting restricted and proceedings and ordering an accessibility accessibility committee that India,2021mustbeintegratedintolocalbye- the submit button on entering my details.
audit of Parliament’s websites. is tasked with delivering laws and state planning laws. Municipal au- Thesedeficienciesintheappshouldberecti-
Unfortunately,therehasbeennomovement thorities must have the know-how and sen- fiedsoastoenableawell-meaninginterven-
on these recommendations.
recommendations in a time- sitivity to gauge compliance with the norms tion to realise its full potential.
In December 2015, the Government of bound fashion on making to make the built environment accessible Fifth, the Department must take the lead
India launched the Accessible India every aspect of the and access to competent accessibility pro- in ensuring thataccessibility targets aremet.


Campaign (AIC) to make the built environ- Parliamentary process more fessionals who can provide appropriate in- It has the funds and the mandate to do the
ment, ICT ecosystem and transport facilities puts at every stage. The list of empanelled same. Itmustnotshirk from discharging this
more disabled-friendly. What is unfortu- disabled-friendly. The professionals maintained by municipal au- responsibility and the faith placed in it by
nately absent in the AIC is a strong enforce- constitution of an thorities must also consist of accessibility India’s disabled population.
A politician justifies a Rs 4.5 lakh purchase as patriotic duty. ment mechanism, led by people with dis- Accessibility Committee by professionals, and this requirement must be
He's not alone in trying to find an excuse for extravagance abilities and accessibility professionals, to the Supreme Court recently codified in model building bye-laws and the The writer is an attorney at Ira Law, co-

ensurethatambitiousmilestonesaresetand National Building Code. founder of Mission Accessibility and a Senior
OR MUCH OF this week, Tamil Nadu BJP president K Annamalai was under fire pursued. may be a good reference Second,Parliamentmustsetupanacces- Associate Fellow on Disability Rights at the
for sporting a watch so expensive that it is often referred to as a “timepiece”. It An example of this implementation gap point for Parliament. sibility committee that is tasked with deliv- Vidhi Centre for Legal Policy
all began when a DMK minister asked on Twitter how the BJP leader who
claimed to own only “four goats and two cows” could afford an item that costs
around Rs 4.5 lakh. The timepiece, made by French watchmakers Bell & Ross in collabo-
ration with Dassault Aviation, is manufactured using the same materials as the Rafale
jet. And it is this collaboration that gave Annamalai the excuse he needed to justify the ex- DECEMBER 24, 1982, FORTY YEARS AGO
travagance: “I wear this because I’m a patriot, and this watch is very important to me.
Since I can’t fly a Rafale jet, I’ll wear this watch until the day I die.” INDO-PAK COMMISSION total of 57.4 lakh voting their approval for
the extension of the present parliament’s
prominent members, including 15 sitting
legislators, for defying its directive to with-
The desire to spotlight the purchase of a watch worth nearly Rs 5 lakh in a country
where the per capita monthly income is around Rs 12,500 could be seen as understand- AN AGREEMENT ON the setting up of a joint life in a referendum, President Junius draw candidature against the official party
Indo-Pakistan commission marked the first Richard Jayewardene has emerged tri- nominees. December 21 was the deadline
able. Less so is the tendency of so many at the top of the pyramid to justify their luxury
day’stalksbetweentheforeignsecretariesof umphant for the second time in two months set by the APCC-I for retirement of the rebel
purchases as useful. Some insist that a car that costs seven figures is not an expensive in- the two countries. The foreign ministers will over his opponents. The life of the 168- candidates from contest against the
dulgencebutonlyawaytosavetheenvironmentandusethetraveltimemoreproductively. meetinNewDelhinextyeartosigntheagree- member parliament, due to expire in August Congress-I nominees.
Or that the high-end cellphone is better value for money than its counterparts, as though ment formally setting up the commission. next year, now gets extended till August
ahigher-qualityselfiemeansabetterlife.Andwhodoesn'thaveacolleagueorfriendwho The joint commission will tackle Indo-
Pakistan problems relating to economic co-
1989. The ruling United National Party will
be able to hold on to its majority in the par-
is a shopaholic? It is indeed tiresome to hear someone try to justify his 14th pair of shoes.
operation,trade,industries,education,health, liament till then. THE INDO-BANGLADESH JOINT rivers com-
Annamalai, like so many people who have made their fortune in post-liberalisation
cultural co-operation, tourism, visas etc. mission (JRC), which has been deliberating
India, is caught in the trap of publicly venerating austerity while privately indulging a
weakness for the more expensive things money can buy. That kind of hypocrisy is forgiv- CONGRESS EXPULSIONS on the vexed problem of augmenting the

able, even inevitable, in a country as unequal as India. But equating consumerist excess
flow of the Ganga during the lean season, is
now likely to constitute a sub-committee to
with patriotic duty is perhaps going a touch too far. WITH 31.4 LAKH Sri Lankan voters out of a tee has expelled from the party 85 of its handle this question at the technical level.

New Delhi



“The US domestic political question is whether bipartisan support [for Ukraine]
continues in January. Mr Zelenskiy’s visit was in large part directed towards ensuring
that it does. But the real issues this week will have been military and strategic. ”

Major questions
about minors
Tendency to criminalise adolescents under
POCSO Act shows an overbearing
state unaware of social change
ing anticipatory bail to a rape accusedrubs
salt on the already wounded. The state
tectchildrenfrom sexualoffencesandpar-
adoxically prosecuting the youth at the
same time. The number of juveniles (es-
pecially those between the ages of 16 and
18) apprehended under the POCSO Act in
Upma Gautam, Deeksha the country has seen a staggering jump of
B Tewari and Priya Das 180 per cent between 2017- 2021 accord-
report, ‘Crime in India 2021’. Criminalising
THE CHIEF JUSTICE of India’s message to underage sexuality (25 per cent of total
Parliament to address concerns about the POCSO cases) burdens the already-over-
age of consent under the POCSO Act is the burdened courts thereby clogging up the
C R Sasikumar culmination of a series of events. The criminal justice machinery even more.

Notes on life, love and law

Madras, Delhi and Meghalaya High Courts What has been set wrong by the legis-
have flagged matters concerning criminal- lature has been attempted to be remedied
isation of romantic relationships between by the judiciary. The Madras High Court in
or with an adolescent under POCSO. On VijayalakshmivState(2021)madeitimper-
November 12, the Delhi High Court in AK ativetodrawa linedemarcating thenature
v. State Govt of NCT of Delhi (order by Justice of acts that should not be made to fall
Jasmeet Singh) stated that the intention of within the scope of this stringent law. The
In the year ahead, let the institution of the Supreme Court become stronger. The government POCSO was to protect children below the
age of 18 years from sexual exploitation
obiter of the court that POCSO has become
a tool in the hands of certain sections of so-
should expeditiously sign off on the names sent to them by the collegium and not to criminalise romantic relation-
ships between consenting young adults.
ciety to abuse the process of law is corrob-
orated by other courts too. Prima facie the
Thisweek,thegovernmenttoldParliament judiciary seems to have a sympathetic ap-
cases like Nandini Sundar. alisation India, have more choices; they pre- that it does not have any plan to revise the proachincases —ithasreadilygranted bail
The lecture was an opportunity for fer chilli chocolate or salted caramel choco- age of consent. — where the outcome of the love affair is
Ashokbhai’s family, friends, judges and the lateor,asoursontoldusmostrecently,could Therootcauseof theproblemathandis marriage. However, courts are reluctant to
legions of lawyers that he inspired to come he have dark chocolate please? Our daugh- that POCSO conflates exploitative sexual grant bail in matters of a love affair with a
together to remember him. A closure for so ter simply says “wow” to any chocolate. I practice and general sexual expression by minor girl gone bad — X (minor) v State of
manyof usoverthepassingaway of alawyer hope for our children, the many flavours of an adolescent, and criminalises both. As a Jharkhand & anr, (2022) is a case in point.
and human being who taught us so much. In chocolate will always bring back memories result, criminal law has become an instru- In Dharmendra Singh v State Govt of NCT
attendance were his wife Suverna Desai or of parental love. ment to silence or regulate a non-exploita- (2020), the Delhi High Court has at-
Suverna Aunty for us, and his children Ami, Asa lawyer,I usethe endof the yeartore- tive consensual sexual relationship involv- tempted to increase the chances of bail of
OPENING ARGUMENT Harsh and Jai, past and present judges, and flect on the cases that were litigated and ing a minor girl, which is voluntary. The an accused in an “innocent yet unholy
the many members of his law chambers heard by the court and those that we plan Tamil Nadu police guidelines directing po- physical alliance” or where there is “tacit
by Menaka from Mumbai and Delhi. His legacy includes andpreparefor.Inthenextyear,theSupreme lice personnel to not act hastily when ar- approval-in-fact” by the girl and the “age
Guruswamy a wealth of case law that protects freedoms Court will likely hear challenges to the resting youngsters for romantic cases un- difference between the victim and the of-
inIndia,andhisformerjuniors—judges,sen- Citizenship Amendment Act, 2019, petitions der POCSO is one intervention to address fender is less”. These guidelines issued by
ior advocates and established lawyers. for marriage equality, reforms to the the Act's tendency to overcriminalise. the court pertain to close-in-age exemp-
ASTHEYEARdrawstoaclose,Ilookback,like We had all gathered to remember and Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016, lim- However, the cumulative victimisation of tions, available in statutory rape cases in
many, at the year that was. The memories of honour a man that we admired and loved ited review of its decision in the Prevention the“consenting”girlalsodeservesthelaw- most US states. Also known as the Romeo-
thelastfewweeks,infact,seemtosetthetone dearly. Many of us wear the gowns that he of Money Laundering Act, 2002 and recon- makers' attention. POCSO, MTP and the Juliet law, it provides a degree of protec-
for the year that has passed and the year gave us, and attempt to honour him by prac- sidering its own decision on the entry of Child Marriage Act create a complex socio- tion to the offender where the age differ-
ahead.Lastweekend,IwasinMumbaiforthe tising law with the integrity, joy and craft women to the Sabarimala temple. legal web that deprives the minor girl of ence between him and the victim is within
first Ashok H Desai Memorial Lecture. which he showed us. The event was for us a As we use the few days that the court the rights to dignity, liberty, sexual and re- the stipulated limit.
Ashokbhaiwasmysenior,myteacherandmy chance to say goodbye to a teacher who As a lawyer, I use the end of does not formally function to prepare for the productivehealth,andunderminesherpri- In a recent speech at the Delhi
verydearfriend.Hepassedawayinthespring taught us equally about how to live life ele- new cases to be heard, judges will use this vacy. This also feeds into a milieu of poor Commissionfor Protection of Child Rights,
of 2020aswewereunderthefirstCovidlock- gantly, and the craft to bring to the law.
the year to reflect on the time to write judgments on the cases that sexual awareness among young girls. former Supreme Court judge, Justice
down. In India, the chambers system means After I finally bid goodbye to my teacher, cases that were litigated and they heard, and more senior judges will also The legal aspects of teenage sexuality Madan Lokur talked about the need to
that litigators like myself join the law cham- I got on a flight to see my parents and spend heard by the court and those spend time on administration issues. While have undergone several changes since evolve a separate procedure for children
bers of a senior practitioner and learn from the rest of the weekend with them. Humans that we plan and prepare for. we dwell on the year ahead, we must dwell colonial times. The age of consent has in- while dealing with POCSO cases. The relief
himorher.Desaiwasalawyers’lawyer,asen- experience life in cycles, that begin and end on the institution of the Supreme Court the creased from 10 to 12 to 14 to 16 and finally accorded by a few high courts to “not so”
ior advocate, and had served as Solicitor and start afresh as if closing the loop of all In the next year, the Supreme judicial vacancies that exist, the names of to 18 years by the 2013 amendment, in or- criminal male adolescent/youth is dispro-
General and Attorney General of India. our experiences. At a shop in Hyderabad, as Court will likely hear prospective judges to be elevated that have der to bring it in conformity with the then portionate to the harm and harassment
The Chief Justice of India, DY my parents wandered about, I bought some challenges to the Citizenship been sent to the Executive. At present there newly legislated POCSO Act. The law disre- caused for the fault of falling in love with a
Chandrachud, delivered the lecture and chocolates for them and for my children. Life Amendment Act, 2019, are 27 judges working at the Supreme Court gards the likelihood of a minor girl engag- girl who purportedly is “not so”immature.
spoke on law and morality. The judge spoke atitsbeginningandtowardsthesunsetyears against a sanctioned strength of 34. At the ing in sexual activity voluntarily — it thus It would be not an overstatement to de-
eloquently on changing morality, reforming seems similar for the flavours that we hu- petitions for marriage high courts there are only 777 judges work- desexualises her. The law that criminalises scribe these “romantic” lovers in a mutu-
laws and constitutional morality in India, mans crave. Sugar, spice and saltiness. equality, reforms to the ing against a sanctioned strength of 1,108 or adolescent sexuality either ignores social ally consensual relationship as victims of
from the court’s decision in Navtej Singh My parents wanted India’s much loved Insolvency and Bankruptcy around a 30 per cent vacancy. The govern- reality or pretends to do so. According to the abuse of the criminal justice system
Johar on gay rights to honour killings, as and familiar milk chocolate flavour, popu- ment should expeditiously sign off on the the NFHS-5, for instance, 39 per cent processes. The quest for more meaningful
Code, 2016, limited review of
young couples crossed caste fault lines and larised in all our childhoodsby Cadbury. One names sent to them by the collegium of the women had their first sexual experience solutionsshouldnowcometoalogicalend
found love in each other. It was fitting that of the most enduring memories of my child- its decision in the Prevention Supreme Court, as is envisaged by the law. before turning 18. The same survey pro- before it creates greater havoc in society.
this was the theme for the inaugural memo- hood continues to be going to a store with of Money Laundering Act, On that note, wishing you dear readers videsadditionalevidenceof sexualengage-
rial lecture since Desai himself had litigated my father, him lifting me up so I could ask 2002 and reconsidering its a joyous end of the year, and a wonderful ment among unmarried adolescent girls Gautam is Associate Professor of Law
some of our country’s defining social values the shop keeper for a bar of Cadbury. You year ahead. by reporting contraception use by 45 per (USLLS), Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha
and morality cases, on censorship and ob- only had one flavour in those days — “milk
own decision on the cent of unmarried girls in the age group of University; Tewari is Associate Professor,
scenity (Sakharam Binder) and gay rights chocolate” served with a dose of fatherly entry of women to the The writer is a Senior Advocate at the 15-19 years. Department of Geography, Dyal Singh
(Navtej Singh Johar), apart from right to life love. Our children being raised in post-liber- Sabarimala temple. Supreme Court of India Therecentcriminallawamendmentin College; Das is Ph.D Scholar (USLLS), Guru
UP that imposed a blanket ban on grant- Gobind Singh Indraprastha University

On GM, follow the science LETTERS TO THE EDITOR

YATRA AND 2024 highly transferable and can be misused
Decision of government to approve GM mustard should be followed through for money laundering. They need to be
THISREFERSTOthearticle,‘Yatra,with- classified as an asset under PMLA.
out arrival’ ( IE, December 23). The Lessons can be learnt from Singapore,
Tilak Raj Sharma Bharat Jodo Yatra coming at the heels Japan and EU in this regard.
of conflict within the Congress seems Abhishek Mishra, Allahabad
THERECENTAPPROVALfortheenvironmen- which is India’s major oilseed crop. Our cur- at Delhi University’s Centre for Genetic herbicide glufosinate. But the gene has been to be energising its workers. Its reach
tal release of Genetically Modified (GM) hy-
brid mustard DMH 11 and its parental lines
rent mustard yield, at 1.2-1.3 tonnes per
hectare, is roughly half of the global average.
Manipulationof CropPlants.Theyhaveused
used, firstly, as a selectable marker in tissue
culture during the breeding process.
has been felt by the Centre as well. But,
it cannot afford to solely be an exercise
has attracted the attention of the public. We need to raise this not just for mustard, provementstobreedthehybrid.Thishasun- Secondly, the herbicide-tolerance trait in in building goodwill. A strong political THIS REFERS TO the editorial, ‘The story
There has been some criticism of the move, but all oilseed crops. In 2021-22, India spent dergone all the required regulatory testing both the Barnase female and Barstar male messageneedstobeprojectedif theya- of CTM’ (IE, December 23). The demise
including in this newspaper ('Stay with Rs 1,56,800 crore on the import of 14.1 mt of processes. DMH-11 was tested in confined lines is to be exploited only for production of traistohave massappeal.TheCongress of Ali Ahmed Aslam, often credited
Science, go slow on GM', December 22). edible oils, equivalent to nearly a third of our field trials at multiple locations. It showed hybrid seed and not in the commercial culti- needs to get its act together before the with the invention of Chicken Tikka
All the national agencies concerned with total domestic consumption. Those who around 28 per cent higher yield over the na- vation of hybrids. The GEAC has also ap- 2024 elections. Masala, is saddening. Many cooks
theareasof agriculturalresearch,health,bio- question the necessity of GM mustard culti- tional best “check” mustard variety Varuna, proved herbicide use only for hybrid seed Raja Bandopadhaya, Vadodara claimed that they were the ones who
diversity and ecology were involved in the vationshouldanswerasimplequestion:Isn’t besides being subjected to all the biosafety production. It must be noted here that ap- served it first while others insisted it
risk assessment of the product before it was
considered safe. Questioning the credentials
the current forex drain on imports of edible
oil a “compelling” reason? The doubters
tests required under the officially stipulated
proximately 15,000 tonnes of herbicide
(technical material) worth Rs 7,000 crore is
DIALOGUE’S THE WAY wasn’t a British invention at all but a
Punjabi dish. None of those stories
of scientists at the Indian Council of would have probably said the same thing in scientifically-conductedassessmentsthatthe already being applied annually by Indian THIS REFERS TO the editorial, ‘Sliding seemed to stick. What many seemed
Agricultural Research (ICAR), Indian Council theSixtieswhen Indiawas leadingaship-to- Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee farmers in rice, wheat, soyabean and other back’ (IE, December 21). The Taliban’s to remember wasn’t the famous dish,
of Medical Research (ICMR), Department of mouth existence in foodgrains. We trusted (GEAC)recommendedtheenvironmentalre- cropsevenwithoutanygeneticmodification. assault on women’s freedoms has con- but rather the man who had made
Biotechnology and other regulatory bodies the wisdom of our scientists and that lease of DMH-11 and its parental lines. So, what is new in the use of a herbicide for tinued despite hopes that the new them feel at home.
is a cynical, if not dangerous, approach. brought us the Green Revolution. It is nobody’s case that DMH-11 per se seed production? regime would be more tolerant. The re- S S Paul, Nadia
GM is a disruptive technology because it This leads to the next question: Why GM will solve India’s edible oil imports problem. GM crops are today grown in over 30 ligious argument made by the Taliban
can bring about targeted changes in crop va-
rieties that cannot be achieved through nor-
efficient male-sterility and fertility-restora-
The environmental release of its parental
lines will help mustard breeders to deploy
countries. Adoption rates of GM traits have
been more than 95 per cent in some cases
holds no water. Other states governed
by Islamic law have no qualms educat-
mal breeding of plant lines. The crops bred tion system – so that one of the parent lines the robust and versatile “Barnase-Barstar” with no evidence of adverse effects. If India ing women and girls. The UN has criti- THIS REFERS TO the editorial, ‘Listen
through this technique have to, of course, be can be crossed with the pollen from only the system to develop newer-generation mus- is at present importing GM canola oil, why cised the university ban, as have please, Imam saheb’ (IE, December 22).
safe for humans, animals and the environ- other parent, even as the resultant plant is tard hybrids with greater yield and other su- can’titsfarmerscultivatemustardbydeploy- Muslim states such as Saudi Arabia, The control over Muslim women in the
ment. In the case of DMH-11, the objective of fertile. The existing mustard hybrids have perior trait advantages. This will be a signif- ing the same technology? Qatar, Turkey and Pakistan with India name of religion is inexcusable. The
genetic modification was to make the mus- limitations of sterility breakdownundercer- icantstepforwardinaddressingtheproblem The ICAR and other publicly-funded in- also expressing its concerns. Though Indian Constitution guarantees equal-
tard crop amenable to hybridisation. tain environmental conditions, resulting in of lowproductivityinmustard,helpingbring stitutions have been working on breeding Western states are considering sanc- ity, including of opportunity, to all cit-
Why hybrids? Hybrid plants that result lower seed purity. So much so that in 2014 down imports of edible oil in the future. GM crops for different traits such as higher tions to punish the Taliban, these may izens. The Imam’s comments are in
from the crossing of genetically diverse par- the agriculture ministry relaxed the usual The doubters have questioned the safety yields, biotic and abiotic stress tolerance. It prove counterproductive, making the poor taste. If more Muslim women
entsgenerallydemonstratehigheryieldsand purity standard of hybrid seeds in rapeseed- of the three genes – Barnase, Barstar and Bar isinthewelfareinterestsof farmersandcon- group harden its position. step into the political space, as leaders
wider adaptation. This is a phenomenon mustard to 85 per cent, from 95 per cent un- – used to develop GM mustard. Extensive sumers that a positive environment is cre- Khokan Das, Kolkata and voters, they will advance the rights
known as heterosis or hybrid vigour, which der the Seeds Act 1966. studies on toxicity, allergenicity, composi- ated in the minds of our agricultural scien- of both women and Muslims in the
has been widely exploited in crops such as
The GM “Barnase-Barstar” system pro-
vides an alternative route for hybridisation
tional analysis, field trials, and environmen-
tal safety studies of GM mustard lines vis-à-
tists to conduct research in biotech crop
development. The landmark decision of the
REGULATE VDAS country. This should be encouraged
across the board. In this sense, as so
vegetables.Hybridstypicallyshow20-25per in mustard that is robust and addresses the vis their non-transgenic comparators have government to approve GM mustard should THIS REFERS TO the article, ‘A law for many others, his comments were re-
cent yield increases over conventional-bred sterility breakdown problems. This technol- established their safety. be taken to its logical conclusion. digital assets’(IE, December23).Virtual gressive.
varieties across crops. ogy has been successfully deployed in other ThefinalallegationlevelledagainstDMH- digital assets, owing to their nature, are H Upadhyay, via email
Hybridtechnologycanplayanimportant countries. 11 is that it will promote use of herbicides. The writer is Deputy Director General (Crop
role in boosting yields of rapeseed-mustard, DMH-11hasbeendevelopedbyscientists The Bar gene does confer resistance to the Science), ICAR

New Delhi

110018,changed my name to changed my name to Reena R PRADESH,have changed my COLONY PALAM VILLAGE, NEW
VIJAY LAXMI BATRA,for all Singh. 0040646540-2 name to ISHRAT JAHAN. DELHI-110045, have changed
PERSONAL future Purposes. 0040646532-6 0040646593-2 my name to PRITI SHARMA.
I,Ramadhar Prasad,S/o Late
I, Neelam Jain w/o Rajesh Gupta, I,RUCHI KANOJIA, D/O.PUNEET Munsi Ram R/o.B-16,Nangli I,Gurlal S/o Akhtiar Singh R/o. 0040646516-1
R/o B-21, First Floor, Moti KANOJIA,ADD-B-56 2ND-FLOOR, Vihar,Extension,Barpola H.No.949/29,Krishna Colony,
Nagar, New Delhi-110015, have DDA FLATS KALKAJI,SOUTH- Vihar,New Delhi-110043,have Gurgaon (Haryana)-122001,
changed my name to Neelu
Gupta, permanently
EAST DELHI 110019,changed changed my name,from have changed my name to LOST & FOUND
my name to RUCHI,for all future Ramadhar Ram to Ramadhar Gurlal Singh,for all Purposes.
0040646509-1 Purposes. 0040646532-10 Prasad,for all future purposes. 0040646540-6 I, Gaurav Jindal S/o Satya Prakash
0040646593-4 Gupta R/o A-213, RV
I, Maqsood Rahat R/o 2487 Main I,Mahesh Chand Goyal S/o- I,PRIYA,D/O CHETRAM Panchajanya, CMC Enclave,
Bazar Chitli Qabar, Delhi G.P.O, Suraj Mal R/o Flat.No-101,MIG I,Rajeev Kumar,S/O Shiv Kumar SAWARIYA R/O 1-13/1220 Kondapur, KV Rangareddy,
North Delhi- 110006, have Ashok Vihar Phase-2,Delhi- Tyagi R/O.Flat.No-103,Floor- SANGAM VIHAR SOUTH DELHI- Telangana-500084 have lost
changed my minor son’s name 110052,have changed my name 10,Block H,GT Road ,Apex 110080,HAVE CHANGED MY Original Page No.23 of Registry
from Mohammad Tahoor to Mahesh Chand Goyal to Sri Green,Sector-8,Sonipat NAME TO PRIYA SAWARIYA. of my Flat No.2104, 21st Floor,
Mohd Tahoor. 0040646520-1 Niwas Aggarwal. 0040646571-2 ,Kamaspur,Haryana,Have 0040646585-1 Block-3, Panchsheel Wellington,
I, Jitender Ram, S/o Shri Changed My Name To Rajeev Sector-1, GH-06, Crossing
Shobhnath, E85/407, J J Camp, Tyagi,Permanently. Republik, Ghaziabad, UP-201016
Anand Vihar, Near Vivekanand 0040646540-3 registered vide Book No.1,
School, East Delhi, Delhi- BAZAR NORTH-DELHI 110006, I,Rahul Khanna,S/O-Late Shri 23,ROHINI, DELHI-110085.HAVE Volume No.12784, Pages-231 to
110092, have changed my name changed my name to MOHD Parveen Khanna,R/O-H- CHANGED MY NAME TO DHIRAJ 326 Sr.1840 on 26.03.2015 at
to Jitendra Ram. 0070819028-1 MOMINEEN QURESHI,for 3/86,1st Floor,Sector-18, KUMAR SHARMA. Office of Sub-Registrar First,
all,future Purposes. Rohini,Delhi-110089,have 0040646571-9 Ghaziabad. If found contact at
I, Guraman Singh Panesar, S/o
0040646580-2 Changed my minor daughter 8800803297. 0040646521-1
Balvinder Singh, R/o HL-23, L- I,DHARMENDER/DHARMINDER
Block, Anand Vihar, Hari Nagar, name from Kanishka/Kanishka I,Saud Arshad,R/o House.No.2,
I,Jasvinder Singh,S/o Balbir BATRA, S/O.RAM BATRA,ADD-F-
ND-64, have changed my name Khanna to Shivangi Khanna. Muradabadi Pahari,Near Shahi
Singh Kohli,R/o-House No.2596, 77, IST-FLOOR, MANGAL-
to Guraman Singh. 0040646588-1 Masjid, Vasant Vihar,New
second floor,Hudson lane, BAZAAR VISHNU GARDEN,
0070819021-1 Kingsway Camp,G T B Nagar, I,Prakash Singh,S/o Phool WEST DELHI-110018,changed Delhi,have lost the original
Delhi-110009,have changed my Singh,R/o 15/158,Kalyan my name to DHARMENDER Detention Receipt.No.06439
I, Ganesh Nautiyal, F/o Gaurav
name to Jasvinder Singh Kohli. Puri,Delhi-91,declare that my BATRA,for all,future Purposes. dated-9.12.2014 issued by the
Nautiyal, R/o Block No-04,
0040646588-2 name has been wrongly- 0040646532-7 office of the Additional-
H.No-412, Khichripur, Delhi-
written in my daughter Tannu’s Commissioner of Customs, IGI
110091, have changed my name We, Raghvesh Agarwal and Mrs. I,Ashish Pandey S/o Raghunath
10th pass-certificate as Praksh Airport,New Delhi If anyone
to Ganesh Prasad Nautiyal for Sonia Agarwal both R/o Flat No. Pandey R/o B-47,B-Block,
Singh Tanwar which may be finds it,please send it to me at
all future purposes. 03182, ATS Advantage, Ahinsa Sharda Vats Enclave,Prem
amended as per my actual- my address or contact me on
0070819029-1 Khand-1, Near Swarn Jayanti Nagar-III,Kirari-Suleman-
name i.e. Prakash Singh my phone number-9718773786.
I, Chander Prakash s/o Late Park, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad, Nagar,Delhi-110086,have 0040646593-10
Chaman Lal, R/o 3/45-A, 2nd Uttar Pradesh-201014 have changed my name from Ashish
changed the name of our minor I,Poonam Kumar w/o-Parveen to Ashish Pandey for all- Lost (1)GPA by SM Johari to
Floor, Moti Nagar, New Delhi-
daughter Ria Agarwal and she Kumar R/o-20/52 West-Punjabi purposes. 0040646540-1 Sunil Jain Dated-07-April-
110015, have changed my name
shall hereafter be known as Bagh,new-delhi 110026,have 1998,Registered 13-April-1998
to Chander Parkash. I,Anshul Gupta s/o Rajender
Riya Agarwal. 0040646517-1 changed my name to Poonam (2)will by SM Johari to Ruchi
0040646550-1 Prasad Gupta,R/o H.no.35,Road
Arora,for all purposes Jain (3)DDA lease
I, Ashish Mittal S/O Vipin Kumar We Sonia Tandon,W/o-Deepak No.7,East Punjabi Bagh,New mutation,from late Ram
Mittal R/o 2701, Serangoon Tandon,S/o-Suresh Kumar Delhi-110026,have changed my Chander Shandlia to
Cghs, Plot Gh06, Sector 45, Tandon,R/o-A-161,Ashok Vihar I,Pawan Aggarwal,S/o Bhagwan name to Madhav Gupta. Smt.Shanti Devi founder may
Gurgaon, Haryana-122003 have Phase -1,Delhi-110052,have Das Aggarwal,R/o-F-102, Ashok 0040646585-6 inform Naman Jain,S/o
changed my name to Ashish changed name of our minor Vihar,Phase-1, Delhi,have Pramesh Kumar Jain,D-
I,Amarjeet alias Amarjeet
Kumar Mittal for all purposes. son Bhavya Tandon to Bhavay changed my name to Pawan 341,First Floor,Anand
Ammy Panghal S/o,Karamveer
0040646532-11 Tandon. 0040646588-3 Kumar Agarwal, for all Vihar,Delhi-110092
Singh R/o,H.No.8635, Block-67,
purposes. 0040646585-2 0040646580-10
I, Amita Chopra, D/o Brij Lal It is for general information that Gali-Firoz, New Rohtak-Road,
Chopra, W/o Sandeep Karwal, I,Mustakeem S/o-Mohd I,Parvati Goyal,W/o Sri Niwas Karol-Bagh, Delhi-110005,have ''IMPORTANT''
R/o Flat No-503-B, Hamilton Muslim,R/o 12A/126,Gali.No.- Aggarwal R/o.Flat.No-101,MIG changed my name to Amarjeet Whilst care is taken prior to acceptance of advertising
Court DLF Phase IV, Gurgaon, 9,Vijay Mohalla, Maujpur, North Ashok-Vihar Phase-2,Delhi- Ammy Panghal.
copy, it is not possible to verify its contents. The Indian
Haryana-122009, have changed East,Delhi-110053,declare that 110052,have changed my name 0040646585-10
name of mine and my-father Parvati Goyal to Uma Express (P) Limited cannot be held responsible for such
my name and shall hereafter I,Aditi Nanda,D/o Arun
be known as Amita Karwal. has been wrongly-written as Aggarwal,for all purposes. contents, nor for any loss or damage incurred as a
Mudgal,R/o B-1/68,Phase-2,
0070818975-1 Mustikim and Surya Begum in 0040646571-3 result of transactions with companies, associations or
Ashok Vihar Delhi-110052,have
my Driving Licence No. DL-
I,Parshant Saini S/O changed my name Aditi
individuals advertising in its newspapers or Publications.
I, Amit Kumar / Amit Wadhwa 0520090034257(P).The actual
s/o Charanjeet Wadhwa r/o Sumerchand Saini R/O-12-15, Mudgal for all purposes. We therefore recommend that readers make
name of mine and my father necessary inquiries before sending any monies or
Flat-52, Plot-16, Sector-12, Ward No-10,Mamchand Colony 0040646574-1
are Mustakeem and Mohd
Dwarka, Delhi-110078 have Muslim respectively which
Sonipat,Haryana Have
I,Abhishek Bhatnagar S/o
entering into any agreements with advertisers or
changed my name to Amit Changed My Name To Prashant otherwise acting on an advertisement in any manner
may be amended accordingly. Sudhir Kumar Bhatnagar R/o B-
Kumar Wadhwa. 0040646515-1 Saini,Permanently. whatsoever.
0040646580-9 8/19, Second-Floor, Krishna-
I, Aakash Sharma S/O Tilak Raj Nagar, Delhi-110051, have
I,Vimal Sharma S/o Rakesh
Sharma R/O 4571, Arya Pura, I,Nishita D/o Gopal Sharma R/o changed my name to Abishek
Subzi Mandi, Delhi-110007,
Kumar Sharma R/o-BC-10, 2nd-
RZ-98D, Gali No.8A, Sadh Nagar Bhatnaggar. 0040646585-7 DELHI JAL BOARD : GOVT. OF N.C.T. OF DELHI
Floor,Mianwali Nagar
have changed my minor Son Paschim,Vihar Delhi-110087,
Palam Colony Delhi-110045
name from Ridoy Sharma to changed my name to Nishita
Samarth Sharma. 0040646524-1
changed my name to Vimal
Sharma. 0040646574-6
Prakash Sharma. ROAD ANAND PARBAT,
I Vikas Aggarwal,S/o-Sh.Puran 0040646574-2 I,NAVEEN S/O SUBHASH R/O CENTRAL,DELHI 110005,
Mal Bansal,R/o-H.No.02, Upper VPO BHAWAR (20), SONIPAT, changed my name toANU PRESS NIT No. 96 (2022-23) M-5
Ground Floor,Pkt.11A, Sector- HARYANA-131302,have SHARMA,for all,future S. Name of Work Amount put E/Money Tender Date of release of Last date /time
KUMAR R/O 129, VIVEKANAND No. to tender (EMD) Fee (Non Tender/Tender Id of receipt of
22, Rohini, Delhi-86,Have changed my name to NAVEEN Purposes. 0040646532-8
Changed my Name to Vikas
KALIRAMNA. 0040646532-3 PUBLIC NOTICE Refunable) tender
110007.HAVE CHANGED MY I,ANIL S/O BALWAN R/O 1. Improvement of water supply by laying 6” dia. water ` 38,26,275/- ` 76,600/- ` 500/- Dt. 22.12.2022 06.01.2023
Bansal for all purpose.That I,NARINDER KUMAR S/O RAM
NAME TO USHA GUPTA. 454/31,GOHANA ROAD,MALIK PUBLIC NOTICE line from Ring Road to Shiv Mandir Dharamshala in 2022_DJB_233595_1 upto 3.00 PM
Vikas Aggarwal & Vikas Bansal 0040646571-7 NATH KAPOOR,R/O 219, WHITE COLONY,SONIPAT-131001.HAVE IT IS HEREBY INFORMED THAT MY CLIENT Naraina Village under AEE(M)-39 in AC-39 Rajender
is the one and same person. SMT. NEETA SHARMA IS THE OWNER OF THE Nagar Constituency
0040646513-1 I,Tanuj S/o-Chandi Prasad R/o FLOOR ROOF RIGHTS OUT OF PROPERTY NO.
Further details in this regard can be seen at https://govtprocurement.delhi.gov.in.
626-C, Nyay Khand-2, OUT OF KHASRA NO. 47/16, SITUATED IN THE ISSUED BY P.R.O. (WATER) Sd/- (Mohd. Idris Ali)
I Surender Singh S/o Dilip Singh 85,have changed my name to 0040646571-10 REVENUE ESTATE OF VILLAGE PALAM, RAJ
Executive Engineer (T)M-5
Indrapuram,Ghaziabad- NAGAR-II, GALI NO. 4, NEW DELHI & IN THIS Advt. No. J.S.V. 427 (2022-23)
Gurgoan 122001 do hereby 0040646593-1 HEIRS SHRI KAILASH, SHRI LAXMI NARAIN,
declare that my name and my Khankriyal permanently. I,Mudassir Husain,S/o- SIKANDRABAD, BULANDSHAHR THEIR RIGHTS IN FAVOUR OF SHRI RAM
father name mentioned in LIC 0040646540-5 raisuddin, Address. B-6,gali no- ,UTTAR-PRADESH 203205, PROPERTY TO SMT. NEETA SHARMA.
policy 116255809 as Surendra 1 karawal nagar Chand changed my name to AKASH THE AFORESAID PROPERTY, HE/SHE SHOULD
bagh,Delhi-110094,changed my SAINI. 0040646593-3 UNDERSIGNED WITHIN 07 DAYS FROM THE
that both names of Surender Ejaz Hussain,R/O-327/96,lane- DATE OF ISSUE OF THIS NOTICE.
name to Mudassir Hussain. Sd/- SUBHASH GUPTA
Email:- [email protected]
Singh S/o Dilip Singh and 10,Gaffar Manzil,Jamia- I, have changed my name from V D-446/2002 ADVOCATE
0040646585-5 125, FIRST FLOOR, ANAND NAGAR,
Surendra Singh S/o Gopal Nagar,Delhi,110025,Have Jancy to P J Jancy INDERLOK, DELHI-110035 N.I.T. No. 05 / (2022-23)
Singh belongs toone and same changed my name to Syed I,Manoj Kumar,S/o Mahesh (Punnakkattu Joseph Jancy), Sl. Name of work Amount put to tender / Earnest Date of Release of Tender Last date / time of
person 0040646583-2 Sarim Ejaz Hussain. Prasad,R/o A 4/7,2nd- for all future purposes. P J No. Money (Rs.) Tender in e- Processing receipt of tender through
PUBLIC NOTICE procurement solution Fee (Rs.) e-procurement solution
0040646532-5 Floor,Flat.No.03,DLF Ankur- Jancy (Punnakkattu Joseph BE IT KNOWN to all that my client
I Shobhana Solanki W/O, Vihar,Loni Ghaziabad- Jancy), D/o P B Joseph 1. Replacement of old 700mm dia PSC Rs. 14,62,74,759/- 23.12.2022 Rs. 1500/- 20.01.2023
Sh. Jawahar Lal S/o Sh. Jaipal Singh
Ramesh P Singh R/o 87-f, I,Sujit Kavesary Parakat,S/o water main by MS water main from Rs. 24,63,000/- Tender ID No.:- (Non- upto 3:00 PM
201102,inform that in (Punnakkattu Babu Joseph) and his wife Smt. Geeta Devi both R/o
Alipur Guest House To Sanjay Gandhi (minimum Rs. 20 lac to be 2022_DJB_233621_1 Refundable)
Pocket A-3, Lig Flats, Mayur H(16) Shampa Mirznagar H. 4, Khasra No. 627, Village & P.O.
daughter’s Xth Marksheet & R/o G-383, Alpha-2, Greater Transport Nagar(UGR). transmitted through sabpaisa portal
Vihar Phase -3, Delhi-110096 Maheshtala(M) South- Siraspur, Delhi-42 have severed all their
Certificate father mother- Noida U.P. 0070819043-1 relations with their son Sh. Naveen and balance through BG).
have changed my name to 24,Parganas,West Bengal-
name is not correct-Mother Kumar Rul and his Wife Smt. Anju D/o Further details in this regard can be seen at https://delhi.govtprocurement.com.
Shobha Solanki for all 700143,have changed my name I, WAJIHA-AQIL,W/o YASIR Sh. Rajender and have disowned and Sd/-
correct-name is Sangita ISSUED BY P.R.O. (WATER)
purposes. 0040646569-1 Sujit Nair,for all purposes. HASAN,R/o 555,GALI HAKIM JI disinherited them from all their movable
Kumari & her Father correct- and immovable properties due to their Advt. No. J.S.V. 429 (2022-23)
0040646571-6 WALI BAZAR CHURI WALAN (i) Wash Your Hands, (ii) Wear Mask, (iii) Maintain Socil Distance E.E.(Project) W-VIII
I Saroj Bala W/o Roop Chand R/o name is Manoj Kumar. unsocial and anti-family activities.
JAMA MASJID DELHI-6,HAVE Whosoever deals with said Sh. Naveen
B-24 Galli 13, Shiv Durga Vihar I,Sorabh Kumar,S/o Krishan 0040646593-9
CHANGED MY NAME TO Kumar Rul and his wife Anju in any
Lakkarpur Faridabad -121009 Lal,R/o H.No.991,Top I,MADHUKANT MISHRA S/o WAJIHA YASIR. manner whatsoever shall do so at his/her
do hereby declare that my own risk and consequences and my
Floor,Sector-40,Gurgaon CHANDRIKA MISHRA R/o- 0040646580-1 clients shall not be held liable for that.
name mentioned in LIC policy (Haryana)-122001,have Flat.No.5-C/B9,Udaygiri-2, Sd/-
116258299 as Saroj Devi. I affirm changed my Son’s name,from I, TANU DEVI W/O RAHUL GOEL R.S. MAHENDRA
Sector-34,Noida, Gautam,
that both names of Saroj Bala Aarav to Aarav Arora,for all R/O I-4/124,2nd-FLOOR, Advocate
Buddha,Nagar, UP-201301,have Ch. No. K-54,
and Saroj Devibelongs to one Purposes. 0040646540-8 SECTOR-16, ROHINI, DELHI-
Changed my minor Daughter Tis Hazari Courts, Delhi-54
and same person. 110085.HAVE CHANGED MY
I,Sonia W/o Jyyot Prashad,R/o RIDDHIMA MISHRA aged-9
0040646583-1 NAME TO TANU GOEL.
H.No-398 Sector-17,Faridabad years to SHREYANSHI MISHRA.
0040646574-7 PUBLIC NOTICE
I Sanchita D/o Sh. Sudesh Pal Haryana-121002,have changed 0040646574-5
This is to inform the public at large that my client
R/o D-403, Plot No.9, Chitrakoot my name Sonia Somastamb,for I, Sumit Kumar, S/o Anil Kumar
I,Kishore Kunal S/o Late Ram namely, Smt. Yashoda Rani, W/o Late Sh. Hari
Apartments, Sector-22, all purpose. 0040646571-5 Agrawal, R/o H.No-90, Mohalla Chand Sachdeva, R/ o H. No. 1539, Ourtam Line,
Babu Gupta R/o-108,Third- Guru Teg Bahadur Nagar, Delhi 110009, has
Dwarka, Amberhai, South West Jai, Jai Ram Gali Samar Wali,
I,Savita Kumari,W/o Ram Gopal Floor,Pocket-15 Sector- severed all her relationship and ties with her son
Delhi, Delhi-110075 have Post & Tehsil Kasganj, Uttar namely (1). Sh. Praveen Kumar Sachdeva, (2).
Singh,R/o-F-403, Mangol Puri, 24,Rohini Delhi-110085,
changed my name to Sanchita Pradesh-207123, have changed Her daughter in-law Smt. Poonam Sachdeva, W/o

Delhi-110083,have changed my changed my minor son name Sh. Praveen Kumar Sachdeva, (3). Her
Pal for all purposes. my name and shall hereafter granddaughter Ms. Gargi Sachdeva D/o Sh.
minor son’s name,from Vats to Vats Kunal.
0040646507-2 be known as Sumit Kumar Praveen Kumar Sachdeva and (4). Her grand-son

Rishabh Singh to Rishabh Bajaj. 0040646574-4 Sh. Eshaan Sachdeva, S/o Sh. Praveen Kumar
Agrawal. 0070818976-1 Sachdeva and debars them from her all movable
I, Manish S/o Nar Singh R/o 1181, 0040646585-4 I,Kishore Kunal S/o Late Ram and immovable properties/assets wheresoever and
Transit Camp, Anand Parbat, I, Shashi Kiran Mehta, D/o Durga whatsoever absolutely and forever as they are not
I,Satyanjai S/o Prithviraj Babu Gupta R/o-108 Third-
Delhi-110005, have changed my Das Bhalla and W/o Umesh in control of my client. Any person dealing with

Yadav,R/o.H.No. 293,Sector-40, Floor,Pocket-15 Sector-24, them shall be doing so at his owns risk, costs and
name to Manish Bhatt. Kumar Mehta, R/o H.No-468, consequences and my client shall not be held
Gurgaon (Haryana) -122001, Rohini Delhi-110085, changed
0040646585-8 Faridabad Sector-22, responsible for any of their acts and dealings.

have changed my name to my minor son name Varnan to Sd/-

Faridabad, Haryana-121005, Ashutosh Gupta
I Rita Varma W/o Shri Satya Satyanjai Yadav,for all Varnan Kunal. 0040646574-3
have changed my name to Advocate
Prakash Varma R/o C- Purposes. 0040646540-7 I,Karishma,W/o-Mayank Shashi Mehta.
Ch. No. 10, Western Wing,
Tis Hazari Courts, Delhi-54
316,Princess Park,Near DPS Daswal, Address- House.no- 0070819022-1
Indirapuram,Indirapuram I,SUSHMA,W/O PRAMOD SINGH
SHOKEEN,R/O H.NO.341 953,sector-23 faridabad
Shipra Sun City, Ghaziabad, I, Sudhir Kumar Rawat, S/o Shri
WARD.NO.24 ARYA NAGAR Haryana-121005,Changed my
holding the Aadhar No. Prem Singh Rawat, R/o D-226,
SONIPAT PIN CODE-131001, name to Karishma Arora.
277707207820,have changed Nehru Colony, Dharampur,
my name from Rita to Rita Dehradun, Uttarakhand-
Varma for all future purposes. SUSHMA SHOKEEN. I,Kamal S/o.Sheesh Pal 248001, have changed my
0040646571-1 R/o.H.No-34 Block-B5 Nand minor Daughter’s name from
I,SUNIL S/O BRIJ BHUSHAN Nagri, Delhi-110093, have Jiya Rawat aged 16 years to
I Manoj Aggarwal S/o-Sh.Meeta R/O.HOUSE NO.518, GALI.NO.4, changed my name Kamal Sharanya Rawat forever.
Nand R/o-H.No.251, Block-C- AMBEDKAR-NAGAR, Kumar,for all purposes. 0070819033-1
7,Sultanpuri, Delhi-83 declare- HAIDERPUR,DELHI-110088,have 0040646571-4
I, Satvir Singh Sehrawat, S/o
that name of my-Father has- changed my name to SUNIL I,KASHISH,D/O MOHD SAMI R/O Ram Saran, R/o 3-4 Shivpuri,
been wrongly-written as Mitta KUMAR. 0040646574-10 H.NO 1/189 BLOCK-H NEAR Near Harish Bakery, Gurgaon -
Nanda Aggarwal in my PAN
CARD.The actual-name of my
SINGH SETIA R/O C-574,3rd- NORTH-EAST DELHI-110053, name to Satbir Singh Sehrawat
father is Meeta Nand.
FLOOR, GALINO.8,MAJLIS- HAVE CHANGED MY NAME TO for all future purposes.
0040646512-1 KASHISH SAMI KHAN. 0070819020-1
110033.HAVE CHANGED MY 0040646532-1
I Deepanshu S/o Sh. Ved I, S Mahesh Kumar,S/o S
Prakash R/o R-91/A, Ramesh NAME TO SHARAN SETIA. I,KASHISH D/O MOHD SAMI Seshan,R/o-28-D,MIG Flats,
Park, Laxmi Nagar, East Delhi, 0040646571-8 R/O.H.NO.1/189,BLOCK-H Sheikh-Sarai Phase-I,Malviya
Delhi-110092 have changed my NEAR-SEELAMPUR Nagar,New Delhi,father of my
name to Kabir Thakur for all GURUDWARA NORTH-EAST daughter Shradha,and have
purposes. DELHI-110053,HAVE CHANGED changed,her name,to Shradha
0040646507-3 110018.HAVE CHANGED MY MY NAME TO KASHISH SAMI Mahesh,for all,purpose
NAME TO KEWAL SINGH. KHAN. 0040646532-4 forever. 0040646585-3
0040646532-2 I, Ram Suresh s/o Surender I, Reeta Rani w/o Chander
SUNDARI-ROAD I, Santosh Kumar, S/o Rajvanshi Prasad r/o H. No.-28A, Khasra Parkash, R/o 3/45 A, 2nd Floor,
DARYAGANJ,CENTRAL DELHI- Sah, R/o Village- Prasiddh no.-42/5, Mange Ram Park, Moti Nagar, New Delhi-110015,
110002,changed my name to Nagar, P.S- Vaishali, Amritpur, Near Kamal Vatika, Pooth have changed my name to Rita
MOHAMMAD ZOAD,for Vaishali, Bihar-844113, that Kalan, Delhi 110086 declare Rani.
all,future Purposes. name of my father has been that name of mine has been 0040646550-2
wrongly written as BANSI SAH wrongly written as Ram Pal in
0040646532-9 I, Ratnakar Mishra,S/o-Tara
in my 10th Class Certificate insurance policy no. 113235312,
Chand Mishra,H.no-A2690
I, Ved Prakash, S/o Satbir Singh cum Marksheet, as BANSHI 113235318, 113235319,
ground-floor near-gate.no.6
Sehrawat, R/o 3-4 Shivpuri, SAH in my 12th Class 113235321, 113234184 issued by
green field colony nhpc colony
Near Harish Bakery, Gurgaon- Certificate cum Marksheet and LIC. Ram Pal and Ram Suresh is
Faridabad Haryana-
122001, have changed my as Vanshi Sah in my B.A College one and same person. In future
121010,changed my name to
name to Ved Parkash Sehrawat Leaving Certificate cum I’m known by Ram Suresh
Ratnakar Kumar Mishra.
for all future purposes. Marksheet. The actual name of permanently.
0070819019-1 my father is Rajvanshi Sah.
0040646522-1 0040646574-9

New Delhi

If there are questions of current or contemporary relevance that you would like
explained, please write to [email protected]


The Taliban war on women

A group of over 3,000 artworks from the ancient
Kingdom of Benin that were looted by the British

Ban on women’s education is part of the Taliban push to make one half of the Afghan population socially
invisible. The world has been united in condemnation, but its leverage with the Taliban is clearly limited

— women, men, girls and boys — can live a

life with dignity and equality”. Otunbayeva
later described the ban as “devastating”.
UN Emergency Relief Coordinator
Martin Griffiths said 20 million Afghans
faced acute hunger, and millions more were
directly and critically dependent on inter-
national aid. Cutting aid to Afghanistan was
not an option, he said.
NIRUPAMA Giventhenatureof thechoice—between
SUBRAMANIAN starving Afghans and punishing the Taliban
— the limitations to what the international
community can do to ensure that Afghan
One of the Benin Bronzes returned by Germany this week, in Abuja. AP THE BLANKET ban on education for girls and women do not sink into a black hole are
women and other decisions effectively ban- painfully evident.
ishing women from public life in
EARLIER THIS week, Germany returned 20 the Benin Kingdom as well as its relation- Afghanistan, and the return of public execu- India’s shackles on itself
Benin Bronzes that were looted in the 19th ships with neighbouring states. Some of tions and floggings as punishments in keep- New Delhi reopened its Kabul mission in
century to Nigeria at a ceremony in Abuja. thesepiecesalsopointtothekingdom’sre- ing with Sharia law, has belied hopes that June with a “technical team”. Concerns over
Germany had signed an agreement with lationship with Europeans. this Taliban regime would be somehow dif- securityarethemaindriverof India’sengage-
Nigeria in July, pledging to transfer the ferent from the one of 1996-2001. A classroom that was previously used for girl students sits empty in Kabul on mentwiththeTaliban.OtherthanISISandal-
ownership of around 1,100 Benin Bronzes. Momentum for return The ban makes Afghanistan the only Thursday. The Taliban banned all girls’ and women’s education this week. AP Qaeda,Pakistani-originterrorgroupssuchas
Of late,therehavebeencallsworldwide The items looted by the British forces countryintheworldwheregirlsandwomen Lashkar-e-TaibaandJaish-e-Mohammedare
for western museums and nations to re- were subsequently scattered around the are denied access to education. reportedly present in Afghanistan.
turn artefacts plundered during the colo- world,andNigerianhistoriansandactivists The Taliban first slapped a ban on girlsat- Since Wednesday though, the denial of rights of all Afghans and ensures the equal At the December 20 Security Council
nial period to their countries of origin. In have been trying to get them back for long. tendingsecondaryschools—theysaiditwas education to women is complete. Women rights of womenandgirlstoparticipate in all briefing on Afghanistan, India’s Permanent
October, the Smithsonian Museum re- The call for returning the Benin Bronzes a “temporary suspension” — on September teachers have been banned from working. aspects of Afghan society, including access Representative to the UN Ruchira Kamboj
turned 29 Benin Bronzes to Nigeria after got momentum after French President 18, 2021, a month after they took power, and Along with the medical profession and po- to higher education”. pointedtothepresenceof 60UN-sanctioned
launching an institution-widereview of its Emmanuel Macron in a speech in Burkina twoweeksafterthelastAmerican andNATO lice, teaching was one of the few remaining But the Taliban appear unfazed, indicat- individuals in the Taliban “cabinet” and sen-
practices and ethical code. Faso in 2017 promised to return stolen or troops left the country. avenues for working women. In most gov- ing the limits to the leverage the interna- ior positions in the regime. India is the chair
looted artefacts to their countries of origin. In August this year, foreign ministry ernment offices, women employees had al- tional community has with them, and what of the Taliban sanctions committee, and
Precious artworks This was followed by another crucial spokesmanAbdulQaharBalkitoldTheIndian ready been asked to take a pay cut and show it can do to make them respect the human Kamboj also pointed to continuing close
Fromintricately decorated castplaques moment when the Humboldt Forum — Express thatdespitethe“culturalconstraints, up once a week to mark attendance. The in- right of women to education. links between the Taliban and al-Qaeda.
to animal and human figurines, the Benin considered to be the Berlin equivalent of budgetary constraints, lack of resources, lack visibilisationof womenbytheTalibanisnow Some15countries,includingIndia,China, NewDelhiseemstohopethatitspresence
Bronzes are a group of over 3,000 sculp- the Louvre or British Museum — came un- of infrastructure,lackof teachers,books”,the gathering pace. On November 9 this year, Russia, Pakistan, the US (through Qatar), and in Kabul will somehow ensure that Afghan
tures and artworks from the ancient der intense criticism for its ownership of government was “working extremely hard women were banned from visiting most Afghanistan’sCentralAsianneighbourshave soil is not used against India. With relations
Kingdom of Benin in present-day Nigeria, looted art and other artefacts, including to try to address this problem”. “Our policy”, public parks, hamams, and gymnasiums. been engaging with the Taliban through dif- between the regime and its benefactors in
that date back to at least the 16th century. about 500 Benin Bronzes. Balki said, “is education for all Afghan citi- The Taliban have also resumed the prac- feringlevelsof diplomaticpresenceinKabul. Rawalpindinotsowarmatthemoment,New
These historical pieces were looted by According to a report in The New York zens irrespective of gender”. ticeof publicpunishment,theircallingcardin But no country has granted recognition to Delhibelievesithasanopportunitytoretrieve
British colonial forces during their infa- Times, in February 2019, then German Heaccusedtheinternationalcommunity thelate1990s.Thefirstpublicexecutiontook the Taliban, making that conditional on the some lost influence in Afghanistan.
mous raid on Benin City in 1897, which re- Chancellor Angela Merkel invited a small of “weaponising” women’s education place on December 7 in the southwestern Kabulregimemeetingpreconditionsthatin- Somewhat contradictorily though, India
sulted in the city being captured and the numberof historiansandexpertstodinner against the regime in order not to return provinceof Farah—anallegedmurdererwas clude giving girls and women equal access has stopped playing to its biggest strength
Benin Royal Palace being partially de- todiscussrestitution.Thisculminatedinthe Afghanistan's financial assets banked in the shot dead by the father of his victim. There to education, and forming an inclusive and and the wellspring of its influence in
stroyed and ransacked. setting of certain guidelines for repatriat- US. He also said girls had access to second- havebeenseveralpublicfloggingssincethen. representative government. Afghanistan: the friendship of the Afghan
Several of these pieces had been spe- ingcolonial-eraartefactsthatspecifiedthat ary education in more than a dozen out of people.
cially commissioned for the kings or Obas, all the wrongfully acquired objects should the country’s 34 provinces. The world is outraged... ...Taliban are brazen While the stated objective of the reopen-
and Queen Mothers of the kingdom. The be returned to their rightful owners. Until December 20, women could attend The world has responded as one to the The Taliban are desperate for interna- ing of the diplomatic mission in Kabul was
artefacts provide insight into the culture of EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE colleges and universities, which the Taliban Taliban ban on girls’ education. Saudi Arabia, tional recognition, but they have shown that “the continuation of our engagement with
had gender-segregated with gendered the UAE and Pakistan, the three countries they won’t fulfill the conditions for it, and in- the Afghan people”, the mission does no
changes to the time table as well. After last that recognised the 1996-2001 Taliban stead hope to benefit from geopolitical rival- public outreach. In the past, education and
Covid pill molnupiravir does not cut year’s ban on secondary schooling, younger
girls whose families could afford it, attended
regime (they have not done so this time)
have condemned the ban. Turkey, Qatar, and
ries and the race among regional powers for
influence in Afghanistan.
refuge from the conflict were solid connec-
tors — but over the last year, New Delhi has

hospitalisation, death rates in many “courses” in fee-charging private schools.

Madrassas also held “Islami” classes for girls.
Indonesia have also questioned the ban.
Some countries have said it is against Islam
In the Security Councilexactly a year ago,
Russia and China successfully pushed for an
not responded to desperate pleas from
Afghans for visas. Some 3,000 Afghans who

vaccinated adults, shows large study

A network of underground “secret” schools to deny women education. exemption in the UN sanctions regime to al- were studying in India in 2021 and had gone
sprang up so that girls would at least not for- In her capacity as chair of the G7 foreign low humanitarian aid to flow into home in the months before the Taliban
get what they hadlearntin schooluntilthen. ministersthatissuedajointstatementagainst Afghanistan. At a Security Council briefing takeover found their visas cancelled.
MERCK&COINC’SCovidantiviralmolnupi- ment alone in people over 50 or those aged Even though primary and elementary the Taliban decision, German Foreign on Wednesday, hours before the Taliban an- Among the visa seekers are hundreds of
ravir speeds up recovery but does not re- 18 and older with underlying conditions. schools remained open, the ban on second- Minister Annalena Baerbock warned the nounced their blanket ban on girls’ educa- women with no education or career
duce the hospitalisation or death rate in They had been unwell with confirmed aryeducationhadachillingeffectonthem— Taliban’s “gender persecution may amount tion, the UN Special Representative in prospects in their own country, more so af-
higher-riskvaccinatedadults,detaileddata Covid for five days or fewer in the commu- andthebanwaseffectivelytotal.Hopeswent toacrimeagainsthumanityundertheRome Afghanistan Roza Otunbayeva said: “We do terthelatestanti-womenmove.NewDelhi’s
from a large study showed on nity setting. up temporarily earlier this month when the Statute,towhichAfghanistanisaStateParty”. notseeeyetoeyewiththeTalibanonanum- onlyengagementsofarwiththeAfghanpeo-
Thursday. When Merck originally Taliban allowed girl students to write high India has said it is “concerned” and reit- ber of issues, but the focus is, and should be, ple has been the evacuation of the Afghan
The drug, which prevents tested molnupiravir, it was schoolexams(thoughtheirschoolshadbeen erated its commitment to an “inclusive and onmaintainingdialogueinthehopeof abet- Sikhcommunity,whowerebeingrepeatedly
thevirusfromreplicating,gen- found 30% effective in reduc- closed for a year). representativegovernmentthatrespectsthe ter future for Afghanistan, where everyone targeted by the ISIS.
eratednearly$5billioninsales ing hospitalisations, but that
for the American drugmaker was in unvaccinated patients.
in the first three quarters of
PAPER In the latest study, led by
University of Oxford re-
Critical perspectives from a master of the movies
Preliminary data from the searchers, nearly all of the
study, carried out in the winter more than 25,000 patients in
of 2021-2022 when the Omi- the study had received at least
cronvariantwasdominant,was three vaccine doses.
unveiledinOctober.Asaresult, These results demonstrate
doctorsarealreadyconsideringlimitingmol- that vaccine protection is so strong that hood, Tarantino writes, he accompanied his the exploitation films screened in the boun-
nupiravir’s use, for instance, in Australia. there is no obvious benefit from the drug POOJA PILLAI mother and stepfather to the movies, most tifulgrindhousecinemas(whichshowedonly
The latest results offer more detail and intermsof furtherreducinghospitalisation NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 23 CINEMA of them age-inappropriate (including John low-budget horror, exploitation, and adult
have been peer-reviewed. and deaths, said study co-author Jonathan SPECULATION Boorman’s highly controversial, graphically films),shapedTarantino’scinematicsensibil-
The study, called PANORAMIC, com- Van-Tam from the University of AFTER QUENTIN Tarantino’s Pulp Fiction BY QUENTIN violent Deliverance and Don Siegal’s Dirty ities. This is evident in his films, from Kill Bill
pared the oral pill against standard treat- Nottingham. REUTERS (1994) forever changed the gangster genre Harry, which Tarantino describes as the first Vol 1 & 2, a homage to the cult Swedish re-
(or created a “sub-genre” as Tarantino once serial killer movie). vengeexploitationfilmThriller:ACruelPicture
said), cinemas were cluttered with imitators Hachette India “Iwasencouragedtoactmatureandwell aswellaskungfufilms,totheblaxploitation-
featuring stylised violence and smart-talk- 391 pages; behaved.Becauseif Iactedlikeachildishpain inspired Django Unchained.
ing gangsters, and narrated in vignettes or `899 in the ass, I’ll be left at home with a babysit- Tarantino’s analysis of Ali MacGraw’s
Drishti IAS episodes. With a handful of exceptions — in-
cluding Get Shorty (starring Pulp Fiction’s
widely-pannedperformanceinThe Getaway
Admissions Open (English Medium) comeback star John Travolta) and Lock, Stock to be included in “adult time”, so he paid for not “one-half of a the greatest bank robbing
andTwoSmokingBarrels(whichmarkedGuy ness — honed over years of watching movies the privilege with silence even as he kept his couple in crime film literature”, rather as
GENERAL STUDIES (P+M) FOUNDATION BATCH Ritchie as a would-be Tarantino) — all these of every kind — but also his disciplined, an- eyes and ears wide open, only letting his cu- “one-half of oneof thegreatestlovestoriesin
OPTIONAL SUBJECTS were duds, critically and commercially. alytical mind, with no room for loose, flabby riositygetthebetterof himontheridehome crime film cinema”. Without doubt,
Political Science & IR Sociology Public Administration Philosophy Amongtheirmanyproblemswasthefact plotlines or undercooked characters. whenthemoviewouldbeminutelydissected Tarantino’s critical perspective is wider and
Law History Geography Hindi Literature that none of their writers and/ or directors Both these qualities are on display in the and most of his questions answered. more generous in its scope than most, tak-
was Tarantino. Pulp Fiction became the phe- filmmaker’s first non-fiction book Cinema His early exposure not only to the main- ing in performances and movies that were
Karol Bagh, Delhi | Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi | Prayagraj | Jaipur
nomenon it is because Tarantino brought to Speculation,comprisingessaysthatarea mix stream cinema of 1970s Hollywood but also considered oddities or failures, but in which
8010440440 www.drishtiias.com it not only his unique referential film nerdi- of memoirandfilmcriticism.Fromearlyboy- tokungfuimportsfromHongKong,aswellas he finds gems to mine.

Recalling Iqbal, national poet of Pakistan, spotlighted in UP school row

Second time in four years 1902, and has been sung at sev- tional pride and patriotism. Bagh. The idea of Pakistan
ASAD REHMAN This is not the first instance of a school eral educational institutions in When he wrote Saare ja- In his works, the poet-philosopher pro- In his later life, Iqbal came to favour the
LUCKNOW, DECEMBER 23 head being suspended for the recitation of India and Pakistan, including haan se achchha, Iqbal was 27 moted self-hood and the intellectual and idea of aseparate nationfor Muslims,andis
Iqbal’s Lab pe aati hai dua. Three years ago, some prestigious schools in years old, and envisioned a plu- cultural reconstruction of the Islamic thoughttohavebeenthechief influencebe-
RECITATION OF Muhammad Iqbal’s prayer in October 2019, the headmaster of a gov- their morning assemblies. ralistic future for India where world. He is commonly referred to as hindMuhammadAliJinnah’sPakistanproj-
Lab pe aati hai dua in a school has once ernment primary school in Bisalpur area of AmongIqbal’smanypoems, HindusandMuslimswouldlive Allama, which is a title given to Islamic ect. It was Iqbal who influenced Jinnah to
again triggered a controversy — this time Pilibhit was suspended following a com- the most celebrated is the im- inharmony.However,hisviews scholars. return to India and take charge of the
in Bareilly district of Uttar Pradesh. After a plaint by local VHP workers who alleged mortal Saare jahaan se achchha changed with time, and he be- Iqbal’s first published collection of po- Muslim League. His confidence in Jinnah is
video of students reciting the prayer dur- thatstudentsweremadetoreciteareligious Hindostan hamaara, his beauti- came a proponent of a separate ems came out in 1923, and was titled Bang- believedtohavecomefromthefactthatthe
ing the morning assembly went viral, a prayer that is usually said in madrassas. ful ode to India written in 1904, nation for Muslims, which took e-Dara (Call of the Marching Bell). He wrote latter was the only Muslim leader with un-
Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) official in the The headmaster was subsequently re- which he recited for the first shape in the form of Pakistan. mostly in Urdu and Persian. Iqbal was also challenged national status, and without
district complained to police, and the prin- instated, but he was transferred to another time in a college in Lahore the a lawyer and appeared at the Lahore High provincial or regional ties.
cipal of the government school and a shik- school. following year. The song in- Iqbal in 1933. Life and career Court in several cases. Iqbal is regarded as the ideological
sha mitra were booked for “hurting reli- spired India’s freedom fighters, Wikimedia Commons Iqbal (1877-1938) was born After completing his BA and MA at founderof thenationinPakistan—theman
gious sentiments”. Poet and his poems including Mahatma Gandhi, to a family with Kashmiri Government College, Lahore, he went to who envisioned the state that Jinnah gave
The Uttar Pradesh Education The poem that the VHP considers to be and has remained popular over Pandit ancestry that had em- study in Europe in 1905. At Trinity College, physical shape to — and revered as its na-
Departmenthassuspendedtheprincipalof a“religiousprayer”isoftencalled“bachchon the decades — sung in schools and institu- bracedIslamintheseventeenthcentury.He Cambridge, he completed a second tional poet. The Government of Pakistan’s
the school Nahid Siddiqui, and ordered a ki dua”, and seeks guidance from God to tions and used as a marching tune by forces was born in Sialkot, Punjab (now in Bachelor’s degree, and got a PhD at the Iqbal Academy Pakistan offers courses in
probe against the shiksha mitra, walk on the righteous path without doing in uniform, and its opening words are com- Pakistan) and died in Lahore when he was University of Munich. In 1923, he was ‘Iqbal studies’ for students to understand
Wazeeruddin. any wrong or evil. It was written by Iqbal in monly employed as an expression of na- 60 years old. His tomb is in Lahore’s Hazuri knighted by King George V. his works and ideas.

New Delhi

The devolved Scottish government has voted 86 votes to 39 to pass the Gender Recognition Reform
Bill, lowering the age when people can apply for gender change from 18 to 16. The move has prompted a
clash with the Westminster government in London, which is weighing up its options to block the law.


3 dead, 3 wounded,
PutinsaysRussiawantsendtowarin in Paris shooting,
Ukraine,callsfordiplomaticsolution suspect arrested
President-elect, Luiz
Inácio Lula da Silva
US House to vote on $1.66-tn funding
PRESIDENTVLADIMIRPutinsaid Bill as shutdown deadline approaches
President-elect end to the war in Ukraine and
thatthiswouldinevitablyinvolve RICHARD COWAN
non-military programs, $68 bil-
lion over fiscal 2022.
appoints16 a diplomatic solution. & MOIRA WARBURTON Ukraine would get $44.9 bil- Zelenskyy back
ministers,taps2 Putin made the comments a
day after U.S. President Joe Biden
lion in new emergency US aid.
The debate in Congress over the
in Kyiv, Russia
Rio de Janeiro: President- hosted Ukrainian President On Friday, The US House of bill was punctuated by a visit on resumes attack
elect, Luiz Inácio Lula da VolodymyrZelenskiyintheWhite Putin at a press conference Representativesisduetovoteon WednesdaybyUkrainePresident
Silva, appointed 16 minis- Houseandpromisedhimcontin- in Moscow. PTI a $1.66 trillion bill that provides Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who Kyiv: Ukrainian President
tersonFriday,tappingtwo uedandunwaveringU.S.support. the US military with robust thankedAmericansforbolstering Volodymyr Zelenskyy
membersof hispartywho “Our goal is not to spin the funding, dispatches emergency his country's war effort against returned to his nation’s
oversaw states in Brazil’s flywheel of militaryconflict, but, wasopentotalkswithPutin,but aid to Ukraine and keeps all fed- Russia and argued the U.S. funds capital Friday following
northeasttorunthecoun- on the contrary, to end this war,” only after the Russian leader eral agencies operating through were a good “investment.” his wartime visit to the
try’s education and wel- Putin said. “We will strive for an “showedaseriousnessaboutne- September, 30, 2023. “Your money is not charity. It United States, saying his
fare systems. Lula is set to end to this, and the sooner the gotiations” and after consulta- Passage of the Senate-ap- isaninvestmentintheglobalse- forces are “working to- Protestors clash with police during a demonstration near
take office in a little over a better, of course.” tions with Ukraine and US allies. proved measure in the curity and democracy that we ward victory” even as the Rue dEnghien after the incident. Reuters
week and stillhas roughly White House spokesman Russia has persistently said it Democratic-controlled House handle in the most responsible Russia launched new
a dozen nominations to John Kirby said Putin has is open to negotiations, but would send it to President Joe way,” Zelenskiy, told a joint strikesacrossthecountry.
make. Lula’s nominations “shown absolutely zero indica- Ukraine and its allies suspect a Biden to sign into law before a meeting of Congress. Zelenskyy posted on his vation” for the shooting re-
onThursdayof sixwomen tion that he's willing to negoti- ploy to buy time after a series of midnight Friday (0500 GMT Other major spending items Telegram account that AGENCIES mains unclear.
to lead ministries — in- ate”anendto thewar,whichbe- Russiandefeats-retreatsthathave Saturday) deadline when tem- in the bill include over $27 bil- he’s in his Kyiv office fol- PARIS, DECEMBER 23 Theshootingswerea“terrible
cluding the culture, racial gan when Moscow sent troops swungthemomentumofthe10- porary funds would expire. lionforthevictimsof naturaldis- lowing his U.S. trip that drama”,districtmayorCordebard
equality, and science and into Ukraine on February 24. month war in favour of Kyiv. After weeks of haggling and asters, a major increase in fund- securedanew$1.8billion ASHOOTINGtargetingaKurdish told reporters, adding that one of
technology posts — ap- “Quite the contrary,” Kirby Meanwhile, Head of the threats of government shut- ing for those struggling with military aid package, and culturalcenter ina bustlingParis thosewoundedhadsufferedlife-
peared aimed at address- told reporters during an online RussianForeignMinistry'sNorth downs, Congress aims to com- drug addiction and funding to pledged that “We’ll over- neighborhood Friday left three threatening injuries.
ing criticism that his prior briefing. “Everything he (Putin) America department said that pleteoneof itsmostbasicduties: help carry major infrastructure come everything.”His re- people dead and three others French Interior Minister
Cabinet picks hadn’t in- isdoingonthegroundandinthe talks on security guarantees for appropriatingmoneytokeepthe projects made possible by a bill turn comes amid Russian wounded, authorities said. A69- Gerald Darmanin said the sus-
cluded any women. He air bespeaks a man who wants Russia cannot take place while bureaucracy humming, three enacted in 2021. attacks on the eastern year-old suspect was wounded pected assailant had clearly
also named his first three to continue to visit violence NATO instructors and “merce- months after a new fiscal year The4,155-pagebillwaspassed and southern fronts, and and arrested. wanted to target foreigners, but
Black ministers. Lula now upon the Ukrainian people” and naries” remain in Ukraine, and began on October 1. on Thursday in the Senate on a everywhere else in The Paris prosecutor’s office therewasnoevidenceyetthathe
has now named a total of “escalate the war.” while Western arms supplies to Around $800 billion would bipartisan vote of 68-29. Ukraine. REUTERS openedaninvestigationformur- hadpickedoutKurdsspecifically.
twenty-one ministers. Kirby reiterated that Biden the country continue. be designated for the array of REUTERS der and attempted murder. The Policecordonedofftheareain
AP Parisprosecutorsaidthesuspect Paris’ 10th arrondissement on a
had a prior police record, includ- busy street near the Gare de l’Est
Pak abolishes ing an arrest for attacking mi- train station.
grantslivingintents,andthatin- An investigation has been
PAKISTAN colonial-era law vestigators are considering a openedintomurder,manslaugh-
Oneofficer,two that penalises
possible racist motive.
ter and aggravated violence.
As evening fell, scores of pro-
militantskilled attempted suicide day at a Kurdish cultural center testerstooktonearbystreets.Riot

insuicideattack and a restaurant and hairdresser

nearby, according to the mayor
police fired teargas to push back
an angry crowd a short distance
Islamabad: One police of- for the 10th arrondissement, from the scene of the shootings.
ficer and two suspected SAJJAD HUSSAIN Alexandra Cordebard. Severalhoursafterthekilling,
militants, including a ISLAMABAD, DECEMBER 23 Speaking to reporters at the armed police were still guarding
woman of the dreaded scene, she said the “real moti- the cardon. REUTERS/AP
Pakistani Taliban outfit, PAKISTAN ON Friday adopted an
werekilledinasuicideat- amendment to the colonial-era
tack here on Friday, criminal law to abolish the pun- U.S. CAPITOL RIOTS
prompting authorities in ishment for attempted suicide.
Pakistan to issue a “red
alert” across the federal
pealed Section 325 of the Trump should be charged
for inciting riot: Probe panel
capital. The incident took Pakistan Penal Code, 1860 about
place in Sector I-10/4 in penalising suicide attempts.
Islamabad's upscale resi- Under the section, suicide or at-
dential area, located tempted suicide was an offense
barely 15km away from punishable by one year of im- KANISHKASINGH
the garrison city of prisonment, fine or both. WASHINGTON,DECEMBER23
Rawalpindi, where It states: “Whoever attempts
Pakistan's powerful mili- to commit suicide and does any THE CONGRESSIONAL panel
tary establishment is lo- act towards the commission of probing the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on
cated. such offense, shall be punished the U.S. Capitol released its final
PTI with simple imprisonment for a reportlateonThursday,outlining

term which may extend to one
year, or with fine, or with both.” DEEP FREEZE GRIPS US AMID ‘WINTER BOMB’ itscasethatformerU.S.President
NKoreafires The enacted law was completed
when President Dr Arif Alvi en- In downtown in Denver on Friday, during a period of cold weather. A deep freeze enveloping most of the United States
nal charges of inciting the riot.
TheHouseof Representatives
missilesafter dorsed the Criminal Laws combined with winter storm brewing in the Midwest leaves two-thirds of the nation under extreme weather alerts. Reuters SelectCommitteealsomadepub- Ex-US President Donald
Trump gave a fiery speech
US-SKoreadrill (Amendment)Bill2022,abolish-
ing the punishment for at-
lic the transcripts of a number of
its interviews and witness testi- on the morning of January 6
Seoul: North Korea fired tempted suicide, according to monies earlier on Friday and on
two short-range ballistic theannouncementissuedbythe COUNTRY’S STRECHED HEALTHCARE SYSTEM BRACES ITSELF Thursday.
President's House. The report, which runs to ing obstruction and insurrection,

China’s Covid cases likely to peak this week

waters on Friday, its latest Earlier, the amendment in morethan800pages,isbasedon for what they said were efforts to
weapons demonstration the law was introduced by the nearly 1,200 interviews over 18 overturnresultsof theNovember
that came days after US PakistanPeoples Party(PPP)and months and lakhs of documents, 2020electionandsparkingtheat-
and South Korean war- it was passed by the Senate in rapid transmission stage in the China reported less than aswellastherulingsofmorethan tackontheseatof government.
planes conducted joint May this year. BERNARD ORR & city with 490,000-530,000 new 4,000 new symptomatic local 60 federal and state courts. “Ratherthanhonorhisconsti-
drills that North Korea As per to the amendment’s CASEY HALL dailyinfections,whichwassetto COVID cases nationwide for Dec. Thereportlists17specificfind- tutional obligation to 'take care
views as an invasion re- objective, “the issue of suicide SHANGHAI, DECEMBER 23 increase at a rate of 10% in the 22,andnonewCOVIDdeathsfor ings, discusses the legal implica- that the laws be faithfully exe-
hearsal.Recently, the oughttobedealtwithasadisease next couple of days. a third consecutive day. tions of actions by Trump and cuted,' President Trump instead
North also claimed to and should be treated as one”. CHINA IS EXPECTING a peak in In the face of a surging spread Authorities have narrowed some of his associates and in- plotted to overturn the election
have performed major Thereislackof authenticdata COVID-19 infections within a and widespread protests against the criteria for COVID deaths, cludes criminal referrals to the outcome,” the House panel had
SouthKorea'smilitaryde- on the actual number of people week, a health official said, with its "zero-COVID" regime of lock- prompting criticism from many JusticeDepartmentofTrumpand said earlier in a 160-page sum-
tected the two missile committing suicide each year, authorities predicting extra downs and testing, China began disease experts. otherindividuals,accordingtoan mary of its report.
launches from North but according to an old report of strain on the country's health dismantlingitthismonth,becom- Zhang Wenhong, director of executivesummaryreleasedear- Trump gave a fiery speech to
Korea's capital region at the World Health Organisation system even as they downplay ingthelastmajorcountrytomove theNationalCentreforInfectious lier this week. It report also lists his supporters near the White
around 4:32 pm on (WHO), the estimated rate of the disease's severity and con- towards living with the virus. Diseases,wasquotedinShanghai legislative recommendations to House the morning of Jan. 6, and
Friday. Japan said it also suicide in Pakistan in 2019 was tinue to report no new deaths. As Chinese workers increas- government-backed news outlet help avert another such attack. publicly chastised his vice presi-
confirmed at least one 8.9 per 100,000 people. Chinese state media Qingdao ingly fall ill, more disruption is The Paper on Thursday as saying On Monday, the committee dent, Mike Pence, for not going
missile launch by North In other words, around DailylateonFridaycitedahealth Medical staff work amid expected in the short term be- China “is expected to reach the asked federal prosecutors to along with his plan to reject bal-
Korea. AP 19,331 people killed themselves officialineasterncityof Qingdao outbreak in Shanghai. Reuters fore the economy bounces back peakofinfectionswithinaweek.” charge the Republican former lots cast for Democrat Joe Biden.
in the year 2019. PTI as saying coronavirus was in later next year. REUTERS presidentwithfourcrimes,includ- REUTERS


At France’s oldest Christmas market, energy crisis lowers festive spirit

“They’re gone,” Mr. Bodein But as Europe has embarked balance magic and responsibil- Installations include glittering Russia’s invasion, France
CONSTANT MÉHEUT said, pointing a wooden spoon on an enormous energy saving ity?” said Guillaume Libsig, a gingerbread men with candy launched a sweeping plan of
STRASBOURG, DECEMBER 23 at nearby plane trees whose effort to get through a winter Strasbourg deputy mayor in canes and twinkling angels “energy sobriety” to cut energy
branches used to be festooned without Russian gas, the conti- charge of city events. hanging over a street leading to consumption by 10 percent in
THENOONCHURCHbellhadjust with garlands of lights. “It’s too nent’senergy-hungryChristmas Every December, a dozen thecity’scathedral.Fromthetop two years, including lowering
chimed on Strasbourg’s vast bad. They brought the fairy tale markets, a seasonal feature squares in the center of of thereligiousedifice,foratleast heating in buildings and scaling
Christmasmarket,brieflydrown- atmosphere.” across Europe, have been a Strasbourg, a city of nearly a few hours at night, Strasbourg back lighting. Privatecompanies
ing out the sound of carols from Strasbourg’s Christmas mar- prime target and forced difficult 300,000 residents bordering shimmerslikethesunonthesea. and public administrations have
speakers,andFranckBodeinwas ket — the Christkindelsmärik, or debates about just how much Germany,aretakenoverbymore Severalyearsago,Strasbourg’s been required to join the effort.
enveloped in fumes from a giant “Christ child market” in the local seasonalglowcitiescanaffordor than300stalls,inavibrantatmos- Christmas market switched to In Strasbourgthatmeanttar-
skillet of frying mushrooms. dialect — is France’s oldest and should indulge in. pherewherethepungentsmellof LEDlights,usingupto90percent geting the Christkindelsmärik,
Steaming pots of mulled wine largest. It has grown from a few Illuminations have been sauerkraut meets the vanilla- lesselectricitythantraditionalin- long considered untouchable.
and pans overflowing with a stalls of herbalists and ginger- rescaled back, ice rinks canceled scented aroma of baking waffles. candescentbulbs.Butthelighting In the fall, the authorities an-
gooey casserole known as tarti- bread vendors near the cathe- and outdoor heaters banned. A central square in Strasbourg, where lighting displays were And even this year, the market is budget still adds up to hundreds nouncedreducingcity-runillumi-
flette lined his stall, just as they dral in the 16th century into a Across France, many cities more muted this year but still adorned many areas. NYT not without a seasonal gleam. of thousands of euros, and Libsig nationsby1/5th;turnofflightsan
have for the two decades he has citywide extravaganza, offering have struggled to keep the year- Some30milesof lightingdis- acknowledgedthattheeventrep- hourearlier;andwrapupthelight
been working at the market. everything from roasted chest- end festive spirit while address- plays are still deployed around resented an energy burden that show a week earlier. “We used to
One key feature, however, nuts to jewelry. The city has pro- ing rising energy prices. Fears of ofspoilingaChristmasseasonthat nomic crisis marked by strikes Strasbourg, with garlands and had long been overlooked. pushbuttons,therewaslight,and
was conspicuously absent this claimed itself the “Capital of blackouts have forced local au- is often intended to cheer people and soaring costs of living. chandeliers bathing streets in a Faced with soaring gas and nobodywonderedwhereitcame
year: the Christmas lights. Christmas.” thoritiestolookforcutsattherisk up,especiallyaftermonthsofeco- “The question is, how do you pink, blue and golden glow. electric costs as a result of from,” Libsig said. NYT

New Delhi


The Assistant Director of Archaeology, Directorate of
Archaeology and Museums, Ratnagiri Division (Phone ICAR-INDIAN VETERINARY
No. 02352-234249- ([email protected]) RESEARCH INSTITUTE
invites E-Tender for the following works. IZATNAGAR-243122 (UP)
Tender Name of work Tender Cost of On Line-Interview
id Amount tender
2022_ Preparation of Rs. 1,180 Application for recruitment of SRF in the Project
TCADM Photogrammetric 1,28,28,197 “Evaluation of comparative efficacy of the natural
_860 and Lidar Survey antitick formulation against multiacaricides
Regd Office: PSEB H.O. Building, The Mall, Patiala 879_1 Plan of the State
CIN: U40109PB2010SGC033813, Website: www.pspcl.in Protected resistant ticks and its validation in field condition”
Contact Number: 96461-18773 Monuments/ sites are invited from eligible candidates. The interview
Tender Enquiry No. Q-4013/22-23/PO-T/CE-MM covering Protected,
Chief Purchase Officer/MM, Central Purchase Organization, PSPCL, will be held on 12.01.2023 through e platform.
Control Areas and
2nd Floor, Multistory Building, The Mall, PSPCL invites Short Term E-
Tender of 38,200 Nos. ISI Marked, EEL-2 Architectural The link will be provided to the candidates after
(As per Amendment No. 4 to IS 1180)/Star-2 (New), ISI Marked, 11/0.433 Drawings within scrutinizing the applications. For detailed
KV, 25 KVA, Three Phase 50 cycles, out door type, oil immersed, naturally Ratnagiri Division information regarding the Project, duration,
cooled, core or Shell type, Stack/Wound Core type construction
(Aluminium wound) CRGO/Amorphous core distribution transformers com- The details of E-Tender Displayed on website of Essential qualification, Age limit, Emoluments,
plete with fitting as per PSPCL Sepcification & Conforming to IS 1180 Part- https://mahatenders.gov.in
1 (2014) & 2026 (with latest amendements).
Sd/- etc. candidates may visit the institute’s Website
For detailed NIT & Tender specification please refer to
https://eproc.punjab.gov.in from 26.12.2022 onwards. Dr. Vilas P. Wahane www.ivri.nic.in The application should be
NOTE: Corrigendum & addendum, if any will be published online at Assistant Directorate submitted to [email protected] by
https://eproc.punjab.gov.in. Department of Archaeology,
C-486/22 19904/PB
DGIPR-2022-23/5/C4952 Ratnagiri. 02.01.2023.


BAREILLY (U.P.)-243122
Walk-in-interview for engagement of Five Senior Research Fellow
(SRF) and Two Highly Skilled Posts under NADCP-PPR & CSF project
1. Senior Research Fellow (SRF): 05 Posts
Essential Qualification: Masters degree in the discipline of Veterinary Science/
Microbiology / Virology / Immunology or Life Science with 4 years / 5 Years of
Bachelor Degree. Candidate having Post-graduate degree in Basic Sciences with 3
years Bachelor’s degree and 2 years Master’s degree should have NET
qualifications and 2 years of research experience.
Desirable qualification for the post of SRF: Working knowledge in cell culture
and traditional microbiology techniques.
Emoluments: Rs 31,000/- per month + HRA* for 1st and 2nd year & Rs.35,000/-
per month + HRA* for 3rd year.
Date, time & venue: 09-01-23 (date) at 11.00 AM in the Division of Biological
Standardization of ICAR- Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, Bareilly.
2. Highly Skilled: 02 Posts
Essential Qualification: Master’s degree in the Life Science
Desirable qualification: Working knowledge in laboratory works with expertise in
the computer and typing works
Emoluments: Rs 20,000/= PM consolidated.
Date, time & venue: 16-01-23 (date) at 11.00 AM in the Division of Biological
Standardization of ICAR- Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, Bareilly.
Name of contact person: Head, Division of Biological Standardization, Tel. No.
For detailed information visit Institute website: www.ivri.nic.in


Cinema & Music

A Cycle CIRKUS ★★■

Director:Rohit ShettyCast:RanveerSingh,VarunSharma,JacquelineFernandez,PoojaHegde,MurliSharma,SanjayMishra,JohnnyLever,MukeshTiwari,Vrajesh Hirjee,Sidhhartha
of Cliché

and Chic
Cast: LilyCollins,PhilippineLeroy-Beaulieu,

AFTER TWO seasons of making mistakes and This neo-Western science fiction
movingontomakingnewones,whilemirac- horror film, directed and written
ulously fixing every problem around her in a by Jordan Peele, features Daniel
jiffy, Emily Cooper (Collins), the perky, hyper- Kaluuya and Keke Palmer as horse-
energetic marketing executive from Chicago, wrangling siblings, trying to cap-
seems to be more adept at the Parisian ways. ture evidence of an unidentified
HerFrenchisbettereventhoughshemixesup flying object after they discover
champagnewithchampignon(mushroom).So something sinister in the skies
isherunderstandingofthepeopleandculture above their California horse ranch.
ofParis.Butthedramathatherlovelifeandca- Named one of the best films of
reer choices are supposed to roll out is tepid 2022 by several critics, Peele’s third
compared to what’s promised in the trailer. directorial outing features actors

The Slap Trap

The second season ended in a cliffhanger Steven Yeun, Michael Wincott,
finale,leavingEmilyataprofessionalandper- Brandon Perea and Keith David.
ing Emily's heavily pregnant American boss
and mentor, Madeline (Kate Walsh), livid.
While Emily can’t think of disappointing
Beaulieu) and her other French colleagues as ish,all-colours-of-the-rainbow and Joy take over the running atre when a slap rings out, because for some
theyopenanewagencyandtrytorebuildtheir SHUBHRAGUPTA Shetty tamasha, especially be- For a film which of a circus after their father strange reason, being slapped is deemed to
business. Then, there is the perennial roman- causeyouthinkRanveerSingh dies; the other pair floats be funny. In the second half, Johnny Lever
gives us two
tic dilemma in her life — should she go for CIRKUS IS fashioned as a comedy of errors, is at hand to rescue it from its around, waiting for their cue shows up in primary coloured velvet suits.
her British boyfriend Alfie (Laviscount) or the where we are able to spot each familiar slushy parts. But for a film Ranveers for to join the gang. The Roy who Vrajesh Hirjee is a monkey-capped taxi-
hotbutunavailableFrenchchefGabriel(Bravo). element Rohit Shetty keeps inserting in his which gives us two Ranveers the price of one, is the star attraction at his cir- driver with slitted-eyes. An item number in
Theseproblems,however,sortthemselvesout, comedies, from his multiple editions of for the price of one, especially cus has a wife (Hegde); the which Ranveer rocks it with Deepika
at least for the time being, in the show’s typi- Golmaal onwards. when one has been granted
Cirkus is other has a girl-friend Padukone makes you wish for more from TARAVSBIBAL
cal fashion. And, Two sets of orphaned identical twins, a the superpower of controlling surprisingly blah (Fernandez): the latter has a whence that came. But no, it’s back to slap- NETFLIX
Emily strides doctor (Murli Sharma) who plays god and electricity,Cirkusissurprisingly loudmouth father (Mishra), slap-slap.Then,of course,it’stimeforthatfi- Directed by Samar Iqbal and writ-
through the streets switches one for another, in his determina- blah. Revving up the livewire who keeps setting himself up nale with everyone crowded in the same ten by Sanyuktha Chawla Shaikh,
of Paris in her tion to prove that parvarish (upbringing) is Ranveer up with bijli ke jhatke is so extra that to be slapped. frame,wherethebichhadehueybhaiareface- this slice-of-life film features
veryhighheels,tak- moreimpactfulthanparivaar(bloodlines):it it should have induced non-stop, over-the- Buthe’snottheonlyone.InaRohitShetty to-face, of course, and the ladies, who liter- Harshvardhan Rane and Sonia
ingselfiesandpost- is just the kind of outlandish premise that top hilarity, Shetty ishtyle. But the gags don’t movie,everybodygetsslapped.Sothisbunch, allyhavenothingtodo,swooninshock.And Rathee in the title roles. Sparks fly
ing on Instagram Shetty runs with, throwing out characters land; neither does, for the most part, the which includes a trio of thieves, mousta- the film gets a chance to deliver a line about when vivacious yet sensitive Tara
incessantly. who speak loudly, background music which lead star. chioedhoteliers,elderlyaunts,jewelleryshop we-are-all-one, regardless of dharm-and- collides with reclusive charmer
Whilethestory- blares, and situations that are as slapstick Roy and Joy (Singh and Varun Sharma in owners, and sundry other folk trade slaps jaati,makingupforasnideMughalemperor Bilal in this story set in a vibrant
line remains shal- as can be. double roles), one set each, are raised in whenevertheygetachance.Whichhappens crack right in the beginning. and diverse London.
low, the wardrobe So you gear yourself up for the usual gar- Bengaluru and Ooty respectively. One Roy alot.Ididheararippleof laughterinthethe- But it isn’t enough.
of its main charac-

In the
spectacular. Other
than couture, what
makes this season

Game for
work is the atten-
tion it pays to its
supporting cast.
day by invariably

being in the right
place at the right
time. Butwegettoknowtheothercharacters
ter of a rich Chinese businessman trying to JACKRYANS3
makeitasasingerinParis,hademergedasone QUITE APART from giving Daniel Craig a PRIMEVIDEO
of the popular characters. In this season, she breakfromplayingBond,the2019KnivesOut In the new season of Tom Clancy’s
not only finds her toehold as a jazz singer but did something significant: it gave the closed Jack Ryan, Jack (John Krasinski)
getsentangledinalovetriangle.Infact,inthis door murder mystery a huge fillip. races against time to stop a rogue
season, the writers rely heavily on love trian- An old novelist lies dead in his faction within the Russian govern-
gles to create drama. Massachusetts mansion, and a gentrified ment from restoring the Soviet
We always knew that Sylvie, behind her Southern gent, who goes by the name of Empire and starting World War III.
sophisticationandsass,wasarealbadass.She Benoit Blanc, tells us whodunnit by doing His attempts to alert the CIA about
gets to bare her claws and reveal her vulnera- what Agatha Christie’s sleuths used to, back his discovery go wrong when the
bilities. Sly and intelligent, she knows how to intheday:sniffingaroundthesuspects(each agency issues a Red Notice calling
reclaim her space, literally, and dislodge one is one), reading the tea leaves, and for his extradition back to the US.
Madeline. She makes her own rules — be it smoothly smoking out the killer in front of
how to handle her agency or live her life. an assembly.
Gabriel has so far been somewhat enig- Rian Johnson’s movie was such a smash
matic, an unattainable charming chef that hit that Netflix quickly whistled up more. Brongets.Anyonethinkingofa KNIVESOUT:THE gussied-up gathering falls inviting: this is a movie trying very hard to
Emilyhasbeenpiningsinceshesetherfootin KnivesOut:TheGlassOnion,toallintentsand real-life tech billionaire with dead. At this point, Johnson skewer the rich and the famous, but Ruben
Paris. There is more to him than being a trope purposes, is a sequel which aims for bigger. similar characteristics? This
GLASSONION cleverly flips a switch, letting Ostlund got there first. Imagine getting in a
inaromanticcomedy.Gabrielhasambitionsof Mr Blanc is back. The gang this time around onehasasupersoniccarwhich ★★ us in on a secret, and just like delicious line like this: ‘everyone is so woke
gettingaMichelinstar.Heletshisguarddown is much flashier, and the location much he keeps stashed on the top of Director:RianJohnson that,weareprimedforaflash- thesedays,itisoutof control’,andnotbeing
on a drunken night and dreams of leading a fancier.MilesBron(Norton)atechbillionaire a dome (the glass onion of the Cast:DanielCraig,Edward point. It comes, and things go able to build on it.
normalfamilylife.Buttheshowneededmore who uses his sun-dappled private Greek is- title), because, he tells Blanc, Norton,KateHudson, crash,bang,crash.Andthen,of Norton, who makes up such nonsensi-
fromEmilythansnippingoffherfronthairand landasbaittoenticehisoldpals—awashed- there’s nowhere to drive it on JanelleMonae,Kathryn course, there’s the big reveal. cal words as ‘inbreathiate’ and ‘predefinite’
getting “truma bangs”. outsupermodel(Hudson),apoliticianonthe the island. Well, ha ha. Hahn,LeslieOdomJr, So, is it as much fun as the ashegoesalong,isverygoodastheguywho
Emily in Paris, in spite of being low on fasttrack(Hahn),amen’srightsactivistwith The unexpected presence JessicaHenwick, first? Having given you this preys upon others, fattening himself to the
drama and surprises, serves as a gorgeous es- athingfortattoos(Bautista),ascientistonthe of Andi (Monae), Bron’s erst- DaveBautista long-ish build up, you’d think point of bursting. Monae is excellent, as the DANGEROUSLIAISONS
capist fare, perfect as a year-end watch. Once verge of a breakthrough (Odom Jr) and their while, embittered partner, I was totally into it, like I was girlwhoistakenadvantageof,andwhothen LIONSGATEPLAY
you stop wondering about the plot and start companions — for a weekend of twisty fun turnsthelatterevenmoreunctuous.Clearly, in the first. But no: despite its good looks, tries to right things by doing the right thing. The series Dangerous Liaisons is a
paying attention to Emily’s tulle dress, knee- and games. no one loves Bron, and everyone looks dag- Knives Out is less knowing, less smart, and AndCraigisasdapperasever,hisdrawleven modern take on Pierre Choderlos
high boots or Mindy in a red latex outfit in- But,wait,whatisBlancdoinginthisgath- gers at him when he is not looking. At a din- all-round less interesting. Even though more stretched, but is made to lurk at the de Laclos’ classic 18th-century
spired by dominatrix attire, or Sylvie wearing ering? As we mull, Bron is busily revealing ner laid out in a room which wouldn’t have Hudsonisterrificasthebird-brainedmodel, edges,waitingforhismoment:heneededto novel. The period drama features
her attitude and plunging necklines with her himself as a proper little bruiser, who has beenoutofplaceinamuseum,there’snoeat- appropriately called Birdy Jay, she is not have more to do. Blanc is bland, and despite Alice Englert and Nicholas Denton
trademark aplomb, the show won’t seem so somethingonallhisfriends,anddoesn’thes- ing involved, because truth bombs are ene- someone you want to spend any time with. all its bells and whistles, so is the movie. as notorious lovers. It takes viewers
monotonous. Soak up its insouciant vibe. itate to press the screws. What Bron wants, mies of gustation. And then someone in the The rest of the ‘disruptors’ are even less SG back to 1700s Paris as the two infa-
mous characters, Marquise de
Merteuil and Vicomte de Valmont,
navigate a world of seduction and
deception in the love story that

MUSIC THIS WEEK SinghBaghelamongothers,whoseemtostick

with fantastic diction, all the nuqtas in place.
This is by far the finest piece in the album.
oscillates between love and war.

saiccompositionsthatwerecreatedduringthe ofraagDarbari,afineonethatstandsoutmore
SUKOON ★★★■ two years of Covid. All of them are just about thanthepiecesbyKhanandShail.Thelatter’s
Composer:SanjayLeelaBhansaliLyrics:Ghalib,MominKhan,AMTuraz,Siddharth-Garima nice and alright, somewhat better than the Siva tere has two versions on the album. Both
Artistes:ShreyaGhoshal,PratibhaSinghBaghel,UstadRashidKhan,ArmaanMalik,Papon, music in the current soundscape, but they do not leave much impact.
MadhuvantiBagchi,ShailHada never really find the heart of the matter. The musical identity of Bhansali also re-
ThealbumopenswithGhalibhonahaiwith mains one of his most unspoken and under-

Lull Without the Storm elements of raag Sindhu Bhairavi by Armaan

Malik and sonically follows the format of us-
ing modern instruments like guitars along
because his cinema has tried to be rooted in
singing ghazal — the love poetry. The story of with tabla, the kind followed by Jagjit Singh history; his music has never tried the same. It
SUANSHUKHURANA heartbreakanditspainwastobefeltasmuch once. While Tujhe bhi chaand by Shreya has always been entrenched in Hindustani
as the sensuality of a poem. Ghoshal is a reminder of the ’90s sweet pop, classical music and cinema of the ’60s. As for PRINCEOFDARKNESS
MORETHANhalfacenturyago,whenvocalist In the last few years, as the ghazal, which shesingsthefamedWojohummetummeqarar Sukoon, it’s gentle, nice, melancholic music. MUBI
Rita Ganguly, then in her 20s, walked up to madeittotheauditoriumsafterbeinginkothas jaan(Padmaavat),Bhansalihittheseandmore byMominKhanMomin,andimmortalisedby Theissuewiththesetunesisthattheyaren’t Directed and written by John
mallika-e-ghazalBegumAkhtar,andaskedher and courts, vanished from the soundscape at outof thepark.AtatimewhenIndiancinema Akhtarwithalotof dexterity.Eventhoughset away from the familiar kind, they aren’t glori- Carpenter, Prince of Darkness
to teach her the art of ghazal singing. Akhtar the turn of the century, especially in cinema, delivered repetitive and remixed music from toanewtune,it’ssunglikeadream,gentlyyet ous — the ache isn’t painful enough and the (1987) is a supernatural horror film
looked at her and while chewing on her paan filmmaker Sanjay Leela Bhansali attempted a the crop of current composers, Bhansali held valiantly. But the issue here is that Akhtar’s pleasurefeelssuperficial.Nothingreallyenters that follows a group of quantum
askedher,“Pyaarkiyahaibitiyakabhi?Diltoota sort of revival with some of his ‘ghazalnuma his own to deliver much musical grandeur. piece has situated itself so stealthily in the your heart, the way Akhtar demanded of the physics students in Los Angeles,
haikabhi?(Haveyoueverfalleninlove?Gone (ghazal-like)’compositions.Beitthepassion- So the idea of a debut ghazal album from crevices of the heart, that it’s hard to settle for ghazal or even the way Bhansali’s music has who are asked to assist a Catholic
throughaheartbreak?”Gangulydidn’texpect ate Laal ishq (Goliyon ki Raasleela), the twinge Bhansaliisathrillingprospect.Sukoon,thefirst another.Butthiscompositiondoescomeclose. managedinthepast.Isitbecausethisonewas priest in investigating an ancient
the interrogation, considered a tad undigni- of the wound in Muskurahat (Gangubai non-film album by Bhansali, however, is un- Har ek baat is also Ghalib’s well-known piece created without the grandeur of the cinema cylinder of liquid discovered in
fiedfor‘girlsfromrespectablefamilies’backin Kathiawadi), the impishness of Jab sayiyaan able to hold you the way his music has in the popularised by Jagjit Singh-Chitra Singh Bhansali makes and is so used to? Or because a monastery.
the day, so she merely lowered her gaze. To (Gangubai Kathiawadi), the devotion of Aayat past.Hehasusedsomeimmaculatesingers— through Gulzar’s show Ghalib. But Baghel there was no direct story or context? Hoping
Akhtar,loveandheartbreakwereessentialfor (Bajirao Mastani), and the fervour in Ek dil ek Shreya Ghoshal, Ustad Rashid Khan, Pratibha touches it effortlessly and sings it brilliantly, for some splendour in the next one.

New Delhi



`54,853 `82.86 $77.77 `69,273
Note: Gold, silver rates at Delhi spot market, gold per 10g, silver per 1 kg; Crude oil (Indian basket) as of December 21

SENSEX: 59,845.29 ▼ 980.93 (-1.61%) NIFTY: 17,806.80 ▼ 320.55 (-1.77%) NIKKEI: 26,235.25 ▼ 272.62 HANG SENG: 19,593.06 ▼ 86.16 FTSE: 7,473.01 ▲ 3.73 DAX: 13,956.54 ▲ 42.47
International market data till 1900 IST


Air passengers may NDTV: Roys

Socialmediaappellatepanelsmay get to fly free in

case of involuntary
sell 27.26%
stake to Adani

Stakeof Adanigroup

downgrade: DGCA Mumbai: Television channel

mittees (GACs). The committees eachGACisslatedtohaveachair- socialmediaintermediarywillbe RadhikaRoy,theoriginalpromot-
SOUMYARENDRABARIK arebeingformedtoofferusersan TOOFFERUSERS person and two whole time allowed to file an appeal to the ENSECONOMIC BUREAU ers of NDTV, have decided to sell
avenue to appeal decisions taken
by the grievance officer of online AVENUETOAPPEAL members appointed by the
GAC within thirty days. The GAC
their 27.26 per cent equity stake
in the company to the Adani
APPELLATE COMMITTEES that intermediaries. ■ The committees are ernment official and two “inde- and resolve it within a month. AIRPASSENGERSmaygettosoon group. With this, the stake of the
aretobeappointedbytheCentre So far, the common under- being formed to offer pendent members”. GACs can The appointment of such flyfreeincaseofaclassdowngrade Adanis in the company has gone
to handle users’ appeals against standing was that the govern- users an avenue to seek assistance from people who committees by the Centre has bytheairlinewiththeaviationreg- up to 64.68 per cent.
online intermediaries’ grievance ment-appointedgrievanceappel- appeal decisions taken mayhaveadequateexpertiseand drawn the ire of civil society ac- ulator Directorate General of Civil The Roys will sell the stake to
redressalcoulddealwithanum- late committees will only look by grievance officer of experience in a subject matter tivists. Delhi-based digital rights Aviation(DGCA)workingonapol- RRPRHoldingPvtLtd,anotherpro-
ber of issues including content after user complaints raised online intermediaries whiledealingwithusers’appeals. group Internet Freedom icy to protect passengersfrom ar- moterofNDTVwhichisnowcon-
moderation, deplatforming and aroundissuesofcontentmodera- TheGACswilladoptan“online Foundation, in a submission to bitrarydowngradebyairlines. Indira Gandhi International trolled by Adani group. While the
dataprotection,TheIndianExpress tionanddeplatforming.However, dispute resolution mechanism” MeitY in July, had said that the Asairlinesacrosstheworld,in- Airport in Delhi. File Royshelda32.26percentstakein
has learnt. The government is the remit of these committees protection,”aseniorgovernment where the entire appeal process, provisioncould“maketheCentral cluding Indian, witness a record NDTV, they will retain 5 per cent
planning to create three such could go far beyond that under- official said. fromitsfilingtothefinaldecision, Government (rather than an in- surge in passengers travelling for finalregulationshallbepublished afterthesale.TheNDTVboardalso
committees. standing.“Therewillbenorestric- “The government is working willbedoneonline.Intermediaries dependentjudicialoraregulatory holidays, there have been several andmadeapplicableafterwards. appointed Sanjay Pugalia and
In October, the Ministry of tion on the type of grievance ap- onthedesignofthesecommittees such as social media companies body) the arbiter of permissible reportsofpassengersbeingdown- Thesenewruleswillbeappli- SenthilSinniahChengalvarayanas
ElectronicsandIT(MeitY) hadno- peals that the GAC can take up. It currently in order to empower and e-commerce platforms will speech on the internet. It would graded by the airlines due to rea- cable when a passenger, who has additional directors in the capac-
tified amendments to the canbeaboutanumberofdisputes themtobeabletodealwithavar- also have to compile every order incentivisesocialmediaplatforms sons like change of aircraft, over booked his ticket on first class, ity of non-executive non-inde-
Information Technology (IT) between a consumer and an in- ied range of user appeals. So far, passed by the GAC and report to suppress any speech that may booking and unserviceable seats business class or premium econ- pendentdirectors.
Rules, 2021 where it said that the ternet intermediary including is- theconsensusisthattherewillbe themontheirrespectivewebsites. not be palatable to the govern- etc. “The amendment will allow omy, is downgraded to a lower While Roys and the Adani
government will appoint one or sueslikecontentmoderation,de- three such committees.” Anypersonaggrievedbyade- ment,publicofficialsorthosewho thepassenger,whoisdowngraded class by the airline at the time of group did not announce the cost
more grievance appellate com- platforming, and even data Under the amended IT Rules, cisionof thegrievanceofficerof a can exert political pressure”. involuntarilyfromhisbookedclass check-in due to various reasons of acquisition of 27.26 per cent
ofticket,toreceivethefullvalueof likeunserviceableseats,changeof stake, the sale could be worth
ticket including taxes as refund aircraft,overbooking,etc. around Rs 600 crore as per the

Retail industry sees 19% rise 21% Easternregion

‘Multiple factors to be fromtheairlineandtheairlinewill
carry the passenger free of cost in
These rules will, however, not
regulate voluntary downgrades,
where the airline offers the pas-
The AMG Media Network, af-
in sales during Apr-Nov
India’s retail industry saw a 19% rise in sales over pre-
periodin2019 considered on cross saidinastatement.
The statement added that the
travelsetc. Fullreport
single-largest shareholder in
NDTV. ENS Fullreport
pandemic levels during the April-November 2022 period,
Retailers Association of India said 19% NorthIndiafollowed,
border data transfer’ stakeholder consultation and the onwww.indianexpress.com onwww.indianexpress.com

30% growthcompared


duringthisperiodweretheQSR zens’righttoprivacy,lawenforce-
(quickservicerestaurant)andthe ment access to their data in cer-
footwearindustries tain situations, and “reciprocity”
Rajeev Chandrasekhar, MoS
Source: RAI/PTI playakeyroleindecidingthege-
for Electronics & IT. File
FINANCE MINISTRY’S MONTHLY ECONOMIC REVIEW under the draft Digital Personal The Digital Personal Data

‘Global developments likely to

Data Protection Bill, 2022, Protection Bill, 2022, released in
Minister of State for Electronics November,offerssignificantcon-
andITRajeevChandrasekharsaid cessions on cross-border data

complicate economic outlook’

Friday. The Ministry of Home flows,inadeparturefromitspre-
Affairs will be in charge of notify- decessor’s contentious require-
ing such geographies. ment of local storage of data
“As far as cross-border data within India’s geography.
New Delhi: Global economic de- performance through the rest of flows are concerned, the govern- According to the new draft, the
the year and by inward remit-
tances, which are expected to
IMF projects mentwillconsiderfactorslikeen-
forceability of Indian citizens’
Indian economy next year and touch$100billionthisfiscal,asper 6.8 % growth rights,reciprocityaswelooktothe Under the previous Bill, busi-
there is a need to maintain vigi- the World Bank. future of digital trade and India nesses were supposed to store a
lance on the external front, a “As we head into 2023, global Washington: Projecting a buildscorridorsoftrustwithother copy of “sensitive personal data”
Finance Ministry report said. economic developments are ex- growth rate of 6.8 per like minded countries, and law ofcitizenslikehealthandfinancial
According to the ministry’s pected to complicate the outlook cent and 6.1 per cent in enforcement agencies’ access to data within India, and the export
Monthly Economic Review for further, and therefore continued the current and the next such data in emergency situa- of undefined “critical” personal
November, the external sector vigilance is a critical aspect in fiscal respectively, the tions,”Chandrasekharsaidduring datafromthecountrywasprohib-
continues to face the headwinds maintaining India’s external re- International Monetary a public consultation on the draft ited. It was among the biggest is-
emanating from the global slow- silience,” it said. It said continued Fund on Friday said that Bill. More than 200 stakeholders sues flagged by technology com-
down.However,itsaid,thedown- commitment to macroeconomic India is navigating a “very includinglawfirms,industrybod- panies,withfirmslikeMetahaving
side to a widening current ac- stability will underpin both eco- difficult” external envi- ies,civilsocietyorganisations,and said that it could have an impact
count deficit is expected to be nomic performance and investor ronment. PTI consumerrightsadvocacygroups onitsservicesinIndia. Fullreport
limitedbyarobustservicesexport interest in India. PTI attendedthepublicconsultation. onwww.indianexpress.com

Drone insurance: What does it cover?
Insurance’ will cover large air- Whatiscovered? age to the UAS arising from the
NewDelhi:Googlehaschal- GEORGEMATHEW craft to solo flying gliders. Thepolicyisdesignedtocover risks covered, including disap-
lenged a CCI order on the MUMBAI,DECEMBER23 Coveragewillbeofferedtodrone fixedwing,rotorwingandhybrid pearanceiftheUASisunreported
techgiantabusingitsdom- owners,operatorsandmanufac- UAS that can be controlled re- after the commencement of

inant position in multiple THE NASCENT drone insurance turers. “The product provides a motely (with pilot intervention) Flight.Third-partyliabilitycover-
marketsintheAndroidmo- market in India is seeing a flurry diverse option of over or autonomous drones age will cover legal liabilities like
bile device ecosystem, say- of activity. After HDFC Ergo, ICICI 15 different add-on (withoutpilotinterven- bodily damage or property dam-

ing the verdict is a setback Lombard, Bajaj Allianz and Tata covers for customers to tion). These aircraft are age claims to third parties arising
for Indian users and will AIG, New India Assurance has pick and choose from. generally deployed for out of usage and operation of
make such devices more launched its unmanned aircraft These add-on covers military and non-mili- drones, Bajaj Allianz said.
expensive. PTI system insurance. are designed as per the ● tary applications, in-
drone industry’s re- cludingsurveillance,ge- HowbigistheDronemarket?
Sebistudy What’sonoffer?
Insurance players arenowof-
quirement. The policy covers
physical damage to the aircraft
ography and infrastructure
inspections and aerial photogra-
A recent EY – FICCI report,
Mumbai:SecuritiesandExc- fering drone coverage within the and its theft. It also provides phy, New India said. world,’ indicatedthatdronesand
hangeBoardofIndiahasini- framework set by insurance reg- cover for accidental physical in- The insurance protection of- its allied component industries
tiatedadetailedstudyoffees ulator IRDAI. jury to the third party and/or feredforthedamagetothedrone can boost India’s manufacturing
and expenses charged by According to the firm, the damage to their property due to andpayloaditcarrieswillprovide potential by approximately $23
mutual funds. The study ‘New India Unmanned Aircraft the aircraft’s operations,” New coverage for the replacement or billion by 2030. Fullreport
wouldendeavourtoprovide System(UAS/UAV/RPAS/Drone) India said. repair, accidental loss of or dam- onwww.indianexpress.com
data as input for policy for-
mulations,Sebisaid. ENS
Markets tank
Forexreserves over 1.6% on
servesdropped$571million Covid surge
in China
to $563.499 billion for the
week ended December 16,
according to RBI data. PTI
Mumbai: Domestic equity mar-
ESICscheme ketstankedbyover1.6percenton
Friday as stronger US GDP data
New Delhi: Around 11.82 heightened expectations of fur-
lakh new members joined ther monetary tightening by the
the ESIC-run social security US Federal Reserve and on global
schemeinOctober2022,ac- slowdown fears amid rising
cording to official data. PTI Covid-19 cases in China.
While the 30-share BSE
Metatosettle Sensex fell 980.93 points, or 1.61
Boston: Meta Platforms Inc NSE Nifty declined by 320.55
has agreed to pay $725 mil- points, or 1.77 per cent to close at
liontoresolveaclass-action 17,806.8. With robust economic
lawsuit accusing the social data from the US, investors have
media giant of allowing alsobeguntocontestthepossibil-
third parties, including ity of ‘hard landing’, Bank of
Cambridge Analytica, to ac- Baroda said in a research report.
cess users' personal infor- “Resurgence of Covid cases in
mation. REUTERS Chinafuelledfearsofglobalslow-
down ...” the report said. ENS

New Delhi

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67UeÔ ÀfÔ¹fbö ¸fb£¹f (d»fdJ°f) ´fid°f¹fûd¦f°ff ´fSeÃff dQ³ffÔI 30.12.2022 I û Qû ´ffd»f¹fûÔ EUÔ 31.12.2022 EUÔ
07.01.2023 I û EI »f ´ff»fe ¸fZÔ ´fM³ff dÀ±f°f ´fSeÃff IZ ³QiûÔ ¸fZÔ d³f¸³ffÔdI °f ÀfÔVfûd²f°f I f¹fÊIi ¸ff³fbÀffS Af¹fûdþ°f
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30.12.2022 09:30 ¶fþZ ´fcUfʉ ÀfZ Àff¸ff³¹f A²¹f¹f³f-´fi±f¸f ´fÂf
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IZ UZ¶fÀffBÊM www.bpsc.bih.nic.in A±fUf www.onlinebpsc.bihar.gov.in ´fS C´f»f¶²f SWZÔ¦fZÜ
C¸¸feQUfSûÔ I û OfI ÀfZ (By Post) ´fiUZVf ´fÂf ³fWeÔ ·fZþZ þfEÔ¦fZÜ
´fSXeÃff d³f¹faÂfIY,
d¶fWXfSX »fûIY ÀfZUf Af¹fû¦f, ´fMX³ff

Bid Identification No. C.C.E.J.C (R&B)-14/2022-23
No. 4996 Date. 21.12.2022
1. Nature of the work : BRIDGE & BUILDING WORKS
2. Total No. of Works : 03 (Three) Nos.
3. Estimated cost : Rs. 360.28 Lakhs to 784.61
Lakhs As per works.
4. Period of completion : 11 (Eleven) Months
5. Cost of Bid Document : Rs. 10,000/- Each.
6. Bid Security (EMD) : Bid Security Declaration
7. Class of Contractor : “A” & “Special” Class as per
cl no. 05 of TCN & according to
Financial Eligibility.
8. Date & time of availability of : From 10.00 hours of 29.12.2022
bid document in the portal to 17.00 hours of 17.01.2023
9. Last date/ Time for receipt of : 17.00 hours of 17.01.2023
bids in the Portal
10. Opening date of Bid : 10.00 hours of 18.01.2023
11. Name and address of the : Chief Construction Engineer
Officer Inviting Bid Jeypore (R&B) Circle, Jeypore
Further details can be seen from the e-procurement portal
https://tendersodisha.gov.in. Any addendum/ corrigendum/
cancellation of tender can also be seen in the said website only.
Sd/- Chief Construction Engineer
Jeypore (R&B) Circle, Jeypore

New Delhi
Pant sparkles, Iyer scores again, DAY 4 ROUND-UP Shoaib helps Andhra win a
rest dawdle but advantage India UttarakhandthrashOdisha
Abhay Negi's five-wicket haul
thriller against Tamil Nadu
helped Uttarakhand record an
innings victory over Odisha. The
medium pacer dismissed highest VENKATA KRISHNA B
ABHISHEK PUROHIT scorer Anurag Sarangi and ran COIMBATORE, DECEMBER 23
DECEMBER 23 through the tail.
Brief scores: Odisha 213 & 165 WHEN DAY 4 between Tamil Nadu and
RISHABHPANTproducedyetanothergame- (Anurag Sarangi 93; Abhay Negi Andhra began at the Ramakrishna College
turning knock in Test cricket, but also fell for 5/33) lost to Uttarakhand 477 by an Grounds on Friday, all things pointed to an
the sixth time in the 90s, before he could innings and 99 runs outright winner by the end of the day. And
reach a sixth Test century. Arriving at 72 for the favourites going into the final day's play
3, which soon became 94 for 4 with Virat
Kohli’s exit, Pant attacked the Bangladesh
VidarbhanomatchforTripura were hosts Tamil Nadu. Andhra, with a 114
run-lead had six wickets in hand and one of
spinners, who’d successfully tied down the Ganesh Sathish's big hundred and their pacers had a fractured finger. The pitch
Indian top order earlier. Along with Shreyas an all-round bowling performance just about had everything – there was
Iyer, who overcame another short-ball bar- resulted in Vidarbha's victory over bounce,turnanditwasshowingsignsofwear
rage to make 87, Pant revived the Indian in- Tripura. and tear with a few cracks in the middle.
nings with a 159-run fifth-wicket partner- Brief scores: 264 & 379/8 declared Andhra would set them a target of 203.
ship that came in just 30 overs. (Sathish 151 not out, Akshay ForTamilNadu,suchopportunitiescome
Bangladesh recovered some ground by Wadkar 88; Parvez Sultan 3/96) rare.Forallthe resources they have in white-
taking the last six Indian wickets for only 61, beat Tripura 299 & 124 (Akshay ball, in Ranji Trophy they are a side with
but an 87-run first-innings lead meant the Wakhare 4/50, Aditya Sarwate 3/45) plenty of work to do, especially with the ball
visitors were still ahead going into the third by 220 runs as taking 20 opposition wickets has been a
day on a pitch that has kept playing the odd challenge. Off-spinner Shoaib Mohammad Khan
trick, even if it seemed to have slowed down ChhattisgarhbeatServices Here, over the course of the two innings, ended with figures of 6/69. Express
a bit after the first day. Left-arm spinner Ajay Mandal's their bowlers did a splendid job. They en-
But some in the top order batted as if five-wicket haul set up a suredAndhradidn’trunawaywiththegame
strokelesssurvivalwas theonlywaytogoon comfotable win. asthevisitorsstartingthedayat162/5ended sion,TNremainedfavourites.ButasVijayand
this surface; only Shubman Gill departed Brief scores: Services 213 & 221 up being dismissed for 250 with left-arm Pradoshperishedinsuccessiveovers,thetide
playing a shot, choosing a pretty full delivery (Rahul Singh 71, Rajat Paliwal 58; spinner Ravisrinivasan Sai Kishore returning began to turn. And by the time Sai Kishore
from Taijul Islam to sweep, and missing it. Ajay Mandal 5/38, Pankaj Kumar figures of 5/88 in the second innings. And as perished to leave TN at 163/7, it was left to
KL Rahul was in that extreme hesitant This was the sixth time when Rishabh Pant fell in the 90s in Tests. AP Rao 3/48) lost to Chhattisgarh 389 & TN went back to the dressing room, they Washington to bail them out.
mode where he just does not look to score at 46 for no loss by 10 wickets were suitably boisterous. “Vihari had told us not to panic and just
all, and even his defence appears full of Little did anyone know by the time the pick those three wickets. We were confident
doubts.Hisdismissalsummeduphisinnings midwicket for four. same position on 19. A few overs later, on 21, TailsavesHaryana clock struck 4:52 PM, there would be noth- thatevenif only10 runswerethereandtheir
of 10 off 45 deliveries. He looked to reluc- The left-arm spinners Taijul and Shakib he charged out at Shakib and failed to con- A stubborn Haryana lower order ing but silence and stunned faces. Definitely tail was in, we could still win the game,”
tantly step out to defend against the immac- Al Hasan were easier to smash through that nect, but Nurul Hasan missed the stumping. prevented an outright defeat at the not at 3 PM, even when Baba Indrajith was Shoaib added.
ulately accurate Taijul, then stopped after a region, and the presence of a wide long-on Iyer has this ability to put behind such de- hands of Baroda. The last five adjudged LBW to offie Shoaib Mohammad Viharitoowasequallysmartwithhisfield
couple of short steps, and his half-hearted and deep midwicket made no difference to velopments and hit back at the bowler. Two wickets added 154 runs and faced Khan with Tamil Nadu placed at 155/4. placements. He made pacer Sasikanth bowl
bat was behind the pad when the ball struck Pant. He’d charge out and deposit five sixes ballsafterthestumpingreprieve,hecutShakib more than 52 overs in the second short and had four fielders manning the
him plumb in front. inthatareaintypicalfashion,onehandcom- for four and in the same over, stepped out to innings. Nail-bitting end boundary on the leg-side and a short mid-
At least Cheteshwar Pujara was his usual ing off the bat handle, but still imparting suf- loft him for another down the ground. That Brief scores: Baroda 615 drew with They needed only 48 more runs with six wicket in play. As the boundary remained
self, stepping out regularly to push the spin- ficient distance on the ball. loftedhit,straightorovermid-off,keptbring- Haryana 278 & 404/9 (Yuvraj Singh wickets in hand. And until Indrajith was dis- elusive for TN, and Shoaib operating a tight
ners around. He went to an excellent reflex Bangladeshhadacknowledgedhisthreat inghimruns,asdidtheswipeovermidwicket. 94, Jayant Yadav 61, Shivam missed – a debatable decision – the hosts line, Andhra surged ahead with every over.
catch at forward short leg by Mominul assoonashewalkedin.They’dbringthefield Bangladesh used the bouncer tactic Chauhan 60, Ankit Kumar 55; werecruising.Theonlybowler,whowasgiv- Whiletheoff-spinnerbowledunchanged
Haque; Taijul’s delivery had been pushed off in for Kohli, but for Pant, it would spread out, against Iyer for quite some time; seamer Jyotsnil Singh 3/50) ing them trouble was off-spinner Shoaib, a from one end and picked up six wickets, TN
theinsidehalf of thebat,notoff theedge,and even when he was in single digits. They Khaled Ahmed banged it into the body from familiar face for the Tamil Nadu players. just wilted under pressure. “We were not
was travelling fast towards the turf. weren’t ready to risk too much damage on round the wicket with backward square leg, Keralasurvive The 31-year-old plies his trade in TNCA able to put pressure on them till the ball got
Virat Kohli took 73 balls for his 24, deter- what is certainly not a high-scoring surface. squarelegandasquarishmidwicketinplace. First Division for Swaraj CC. Son of former old. Once we did, we didn’t take pedal off the
Sachin Baby and the tail saved
mined to keep defending. He then dashed But Pant would still find his ways to inflict Iyer combated the ploy safely, hooking often India hockey player late Usman Khan, who foot,” Shoaib added.
Kerala's blushes against Rajasthan.
for a non-existent single off the last ball be- punishment. throughthegapsbetweenthosethreefielders, died earlier this year, Shoaib was raised in And then there was a bit of luck too.
Set a fourth-
fore lunch, and glared at Pant, who’d rightly Given how he plays, he did offer a couple along the turf to the man at deep square leg. Chennai. When Washington and No 10 Ajith Ram
innings target of
sent him scrambling back to safety just in of half-chances, but became very watchful He will continue to get caught on the “(Hanuma) Vihari had told us to set a tar- were picking singles effortlessly and taking
395, the visitors
time. He went soon after the break, nicking inhis90s,understandablyso,havingalready creasetopitched-updeliverieswhileexpect- get of at least one run above 200 because them closer to the target – just eight short –
were reeling at
behind off Taskin Ahmed with one his need- missed five Test centuries by a whisker. But ing the short ball, but on these slow surfaces, psychologically it creates an impact. He said the former was given out caught behind off
191/6 with almost
lessdefensivepushes welloutsideoff,where it didn’t help as he fell to Mehidy again in he will mostly get away. don’t even settle for 199 and rest I will take Shoaib.Thebatter objected andtook aneter-
38 overs left before
he seems to be wanting to just feel some bat similar fashion, trying to make room, and An attempted sweep against Shakib did care. But when TN were coasting at 150/3, nity to leave. “I don’t know if I’m allowed to
Baby, Sijomon
on ball. edging behind for 93 off 105. not come off and found Iyer lbw for 87 off our shoulders were beginning to drop and say, but there was no nick. But earlier, Sai
Joseph and MD
India were 133 behind at this stage. The Iyer,meanwhile,producedhissixthscore 105. The tail took India past 300, and the luckily I removed Indrajith just before tea," Sudharsan had edged one and that wasn’t
Nidheesh saved the
morning’s batting effort had taken India of 50 or more in only 11 Test innings. He can Bangladesh openers batted out the six overs Shoaib said. given. So I got it back the moment it mat-
nowhere,buttherewasalsonowayPantand be scrappy initially, look uncomfortable possible until stumps, with some delaying "So when we had a chat in the dressing tered,” Shoaib said.
Brief scores: Rajasthan 337 &
Iyer, both with first-class strike-rates around against the bouncer, but then he counter-at- tacticsleadingtosharpreactionsfromRahul, room, I was telling the guys that it is still pos- And by the time Washington pulled
363/8 declared (Depak Hooda 155
80, were going to bat like that. tacks and goes on to score decent runs. Ashwin and Kohli in particular. sible to win. There was turn and we needed Sasikanth to the hands of the fine-leg fielder,
not out, Kunal Singh Rathore 75,
In the first Test, Pant had been bowled There was a phase on Friday where he Brief Scores: Bangladesh 227 & 7 for no only three wickets – Vijay, Washington and TNendedupeightrunsshortastheysuffered
Abhijeet Tomar 68) drew with
while backing away to cut Mehidy Hasan could have gone multiple times in a few de- loss in 6 overs (Najmul Hossain Shanto 5 Pradosh Ranjan Paul – because we knew a defeat against all prior pointers.
Kerala 306 & 299/8 (Sachin Baby 81
Miraz’soff-spinandmissingastraighterone. liveries, but he survived and prospered. batting, ZakirHasan 2 batting) vs India 314 their tail is weak. Kishore could bat, but with Brief Scores: Andhra297&250(RickyBhui
not out, Sanju Samson 69, Ponnan
Nowhemadesure he didn’tdothat;instead, SurprisedbythebounceTaskinwasgenerat- all out in 86.3 overs (Rishabh Pant 93, pressure on it is a different game, plus I was 76; R saiKishore 5/88)beat Tamil Nadu 345
Rahul 64; Manav Suthar 3/103)
when Mehidy pitched short, Pant stood his ing, Iyer jabbed one just past gully on 15, and Shreyas Iyer 87; Taijul Islam 4/74, Shakib Al goingtobowl athim(laughs)”Shoaibadded. & 194 (Washington Sundar 65; Shoaib Md
ground and whipped him off-position past was dropped next ball by Mehidy at the Hasan 4/79). So even when play began in the final ses- Khan 6/69, KV Sasikanth 4/47) by 8 runs

OVER THE HEDGE by Michael Fry & T Lewis

ARIES (Mar 21 - Apr 20) LIBRA (Sep 24 - Oct 23)
There’s no point in The way forward is
making choices not always as clear as
unless you do you’d like. Although
something about it may sound slightly
them. Decisions concerning impractical, your best course of
home or family affairs must be action may be to go for
translated instantly into action. whichever option seems to be
Otherwise you will probably the most adventurous. Keep a
forget, or just lose interest. weather-eye on delicate legal
Unexpected news may prompt issues though, as you don’t
a change of course. want disagreements at
this stage.
TAURUS (Apr 21 - May 21)
The heat has SCORPIO (Oct 24 - Nov 23)
definitely been on Of all the signs of the
lately, and only the zodiac, yours is

CALVIN & HOBBES by Bill Watterson most obstinate and

stubborn Taureans have turned
about to come closer
to discovering the
down certain dramatic truth than any other. My best
blandishments. The best advice now is to stay cool and
planetary influences relate to not be easily offended or
money, but your judgment will dismayed. A last-minute
have to be nothing less than financial rush may be good for
perfect! Now, there’s a you. Just for once, an instant
ACROSS DOWN tall order. decision might be the best.
1 Held firmly and beaten (8) 1 Scatters the pigs
GEMINI (May 22 - June 21) SAGITTARIUS (Nov 24 - Dec 22)
5 Cut down on church work (4)
You are going to You’ve done well.
(4) 2 Stretches between bends
enjoy yourself more Nobody can deny
9 We accept Henry as a member (7)
and more with every that. Having stuck to
of the school (5) 3 Court linesman (4,8)
day that passes. But your guns and made
10 Bring back old Portuguese 4 Mistakes in Latin translation
first there are certain hurdles to others realise just how tough
coins by petition (7) (6)
overcome, and these are you can be, you must now sit
11 Their impressions of countries 6 They entertain vast crowds
probably more to do with self- back and listen to them. Now is
may be valuable (5)
knowledge than with actual the worst time to imagine you
(12) 7 Meadows in unspoilt
events. In other words, if you can wind anybody up,
13 Neglect Dad’s drink surroundings delight
know what you need, then or otherwise belittle
(4,2) (8)
you’ll get what you want. their interests.
14 Possibly ride round to see the 8 Acted as stand-in and did a
journalist’s boss (6) dentist’s job MARVIN by Tom Armstrong CANCER (June 22 - July 23) CAPRICORN (Dec 23 - Jan 20)
17 Give no indication (6,3,3) There’s no reason to What takes place
(5,3,4) 12 Pauline may describe these push yourself too now could be the
20 Real setback for Ophelia’s letters (8) hard for no purpose. climax of months of
brother (7) 15 Having eye drops? (7) Time is on your side, effort. Work seems
21 Film electrician’s outright 16 Virtuous but cheats badly mainly because you’re only a to be the key to a successful day,
blunder (5) (6) part of the way through an but that doesn’t necessarily
22 Put your foot in the paste pot 18 Put oil on some crane levers enlightened ten-year cycle. mean paid employment. Just
(4) (5) Therefore, when other people make sure that, by the end of
23 Count as an old gasbag 19 Have in mind to be nasty have done their worst and given the day, there are as few
(8) (4) their best, you will still have outstanding unfinished chores
more to offer. as possible.

SolutionsCrossword4932:Across: 1Steadfast,8Aroma,9Inkwell,10Spider,11 LEO (July 24 - Aug 23) AQUARIUS (Jan 21- Feb 19)
Bellow,12Encroach,15Whistler,18Trance,20Noting,21Divorce,22Obese,23 As the weeks go by, The past few months
Midstream.Down:2Tense,3Atwill,4Fullwell,5Tamper,6Roadway,7Fairshare,11 you will come to seem to have
Baywindow,13Curtains,14Vintner,16Tandem,17Labour,19Cocoa. realise that a good coincided with
friend was perhaps better personal
not all they seemed. relationships. Other people
Hidden depths should be the have been giving you fewer
order of the day, so you may sit problems, and you seem to have
JUMBLED WORDS DifficultyLevel3s
back and let your imagination become more confident. Today

be your guide. If you do a favour you may find time to relax and
Instructions for someone now, I am sure it enjoy the fruits of your many
Givenbelowarefourjumbledwords.Solvethejumblestomakeproperwordsandmovethemto TosolveaSudokupuzzle, will be repaid ten-fold. emotional labours.
therespectivesquaresbelow.Selectthelettersintheshadedsquaresandjumblethemtoget everydigitfrom1to9

theanswerforthegivenquip. VIRGO (Aug 24 - Sep 23) PISCES (Feb 20 - Mar 20)

mustappearineachofthe There are There are so many
Everythingactualmustalsofirsthavebeen___,beforehavingactualexistence.-AlbertPike nineverticalcolumns,in
(7) extraordinarily demands on your
eachoftheninehorizontal powerful pressures energy, that it
HLWEO EEHWLS rowsandineachofthe to change, even scarcely seems
nineboxes. when you don’t want to. While possible that you’ll have any
aggravation at home may be a space to rest or put your feet up,
very powerful factor, those of or otherwise wallow in your
ADITS EEERBP DifficultyLevel you who have been time off. For once, Pisces, you
experiencing professional seem to have a purpose of your
1s=Veryeasy;2s=Easy; pressures could suddenly own! People who think you’re
3s=Medium;4s=Hard; realise that you can’t go on their unpaid servant will have
existence. - Albert Pike 5s=VeryHard;6s= as before. to back away.
Answer: Everything actual must also first have been possible, before having actual Genius

New Delhi

Liverpool manager Juergen Klopp said that the next year would be
intense for players coming back from the World Cup with the German
preparing his side for their trip to Aston Villa in the Premier League on
Monday. "For the players who played in the World Cup, the whole year
will be incredibly intense," Klopp told reporters on Friday. REUTERS

Teams go all out for all-rounders
provisionally Curran,Green,Stokes,Pooranhitjackpot;Chennai seekBravoreplacement,MumbaiaimforBumrah,Archercover
sionally suspended after testing posi-
tive for a banned substance, the
DECEMBER 23 How the cash was spent
InternationalTestingAgency(ITA)said In a tournament that has 10 teams, when Every franchise had in mind a few players as targets for whom they
onThursday.Lyureturnedthepositive it comes to the big boys of the IPL, there are were willing to go big in the auction. In contrast, some quality players
sample during an out-of-competition just two: Mumbai Indians and Chennai came into their kitty for much less than they would have expected.
testonOct.30,saidtheITA,whichover- Super Kings.
sees the bulk of the International Between them, they have 9 Indian ROYAL CHALLENGERS BANGALORE RAJASTHAN ROYALS
Weightlifting Federation's (IWF) anti- Premier League titles from 15 editions.
BARGAINBUY: A tall left-arm paceman BARGAINBUY: Joe Root (Rs 1 crore):
doping programme. Lyu, who became They have each had an all-rounder from the
is often worth his height in gold. He Class never came this cheap.
the oldest man to win Olympic gold in Caribbean, arguably the best in the format,
could provide a much-needed edge to BIGBUY: Jason Holder (Rs 5.75 crore)
weightlifting when he claimed the and ones who have been the life and face
the RCB.
81kgtitleinTokyolastyear,testedpos- of the team. MUMBAI INDIANS
itive for erythropoietin, a prohibited And after a botched-up IPL season, BIGBUY: Will Jacks (Rs 3.2crore)
BARGAINBUY: Shams Mulani (Rs 20
peptide hormone. AP where their picks at the previous auction KOLKATA KNIGHT RIDERS lakh): The Mumbai all-rounder is an
didn’t deliver the standards that they have BARGAINBUY: NarayanJagadeesan(90 unsung domestic stalwart.
Saritawinsgoldat set for themselves, they didn’t panic.
Mumbai with Rs 20.55 crore and Chennai
domesticcricket makeshimoneto
BIGBUY: Cameron Green (Rs 17.5

wrestlingnationals with Rs 20.45 crore – began on their course

Visakhapatnam:Worldchampionships For the first time since 2011, Mumbai BIGBUY: Shakib Al Hasan (Rs 1.5 crore)
BARGAINBUY: Adil Rashid (Rs 2 crore):
bronzemedallistSaritaMor(59kg)and will be without Kieron Pollard and Chennai PUNJAB KINGS A World Cup winner in two formats,
Sangeeta Phogat (62kg) retained their without Dwayne Bravo. Before the auction BARGAINBUY: Sikandar Raza (Rs 50 he has been quality operator for a long
titles at the senior wrestling champi- began, it was a given that all-rounders Ben lakh): He has been a rock for time.
onships as they cruised through de- Stokes, Sam Curran and Cameron Green Zimbabwe with bat and ball, and is a BIGBUY: Harry Brook (Rs 13.25 crore)
pleted fields, here on Friday. Sarita, an would fetch not only plenty of interest but valuable player.
RSPB athlete, got the better of Delhi's could well be the most expensive players LUCKNOW SUPER GIANTS
BIGBUY: Sam Curran (Rs 18.5 crore)
Simraninthe59kgfinalwhileSangeeta, to be sold. And Sunrisers Hyderabad with BARGAINBUY: Prerak Mankad (Rs 20
defeated Sumitra in her gold medal Rs 42.25 crores, Punjab Kings with Rs 32.20 CHENNAI SUPER KINGS lakh): A Ranji winner with Saurashtra,
match. Bhagwan Shri of Maharashtra crores and Lucknow Super Giants with BARGAIN BUY: Kyle Jamieson (Rs 1 he can contribute with both bat and
andUttarPradesh'sPoojaYadavbagged 23.35 crores were the ones expected to crore): If fit and firing, his height and ball.
the bronze medals in the 59kg weight land them. all-round ability could be invaluable. BIGBUY: Nicholas Pooran (Rs 16 crore)
category. Himachal Pradesh's Sanika Opening act left to others BIGBUY: Ben Stokes (Rs 16.25 crore)
andVaishnaviofMaharashtraclinched In the first set that involved batsmen, GUJARAT TITANS
the 62kg bronze medals. PTI Mumbai and Chennai sat back and DELHI CAPITALS BARGAINBUY: Kane Williamson (Rs 2
watched Hyderabad spend INR 13.25 crore BARGAINBUY: Ishant Sharma (Rs 50 crore): He has been blighted by injury
Lovlinacruisesinto on Harry Brook and INR 8.25 crore on
Mayank Agarwal. With only INR 20.75
lakh): The veteran could teach the
youngsters in the team a thing or two.
of late, but is capable of rising to the
quarter-finals crore in the bank now, they knew the fran-
chise that entered the auction with the
BIGBUY: Mukesh Kumar (Rs 5.5 crore) BIGBUY: Shivam Mavi (Rs 6 crore)
Bhopal: Tokyo Olympics bronze biggest purse is out of the way.
medallist Lovlina Borgohain put up a And when Ajinkya Rahane was offered Sam Curran became the most expensive player in IPL history. AP set the Champions League T20 on fire. End when Stokes' name came, Chennai didn’t
dominating display to enter the quar- at a base price of Rs 50 lakh, Chennai hap- result: Green became a part of Paltan at INR even join the race initially until the bid
terfinals of the Women's National pily took him, as he will reconnect with MS 17.50 crore. touched Rs 15.25 crores. Until then it was
Boxing Championships, here on Dhoni and Stephen Fleming again after were bluffing their way as Punjab joined And Rajasthan, Bangalore, Kolkata, Now, Chennai had only Lucknow to between Rajasthan and Bangalore before
Friday. Living up to the expectations, spending two seasons with them at the the race for Curran at INR 11.75 crore. Hyderabad were not in a position to go big. worry about as Stokes’ was auctioned. it became Lucknow vs Hyderabad.
theAssampugilistmadelightworkof now defunct Rising Pune Supergiants. Luckow threw their hat in when the bid Mumbai and Chennai only had Lucknow to Chennai are in search of a captain, who Once Chennai entered the fray, they
Puja Nayak from Odisha in the 75kg As the all-rounders set arrived, Mumbai touched INR 15.75 crore before Mumbai re- worry about. could take over from Thala. kept the paddle up to match each bid and
last-16 match. The reigning Asian and Chennai were sitting with their box- turned again and increased it to INR 18 But when Green’s name came up, Delhi To replace Dhoni isn’t an easy job by any bagged Stokes at Rs 16.25 crore as
champion was declared the winner ing gloves on. When Curran’s name – crore. At some point, these battles tend to showed interest, before Bangalore joined means and only players with a certain aura Hyderabad and Lucknow had other slots to
by Referee Stops the Contest (RSC) player of the tournament at the T20 World prick the ego and Punjab fully aware that the race and stopped as Mumbai dropped are capable of doing that. There is talk of fill. Like in 2011, when Chennai bought
verdict after just a few minutes into Cup - cropped up, Mumbai raised the pad- Mumbai can’t go beyond a level, raised in. From the outset it was clear they came Ruturaj Gaikwad being groomed for the fu- Bravo, Stokes is at a similar stage of his ca-
the first round of the bout. PTI dle before Bangalore, Rajasthan Royals, paddle once more and landed him for INR in with a target and having let go off Curran, ture, but for the time being they need an reer and brings a wealth of experience – an
Chennai joined the race. The buzz before 18.50 crore – making Curran the most ex- they had to take their chance with Green, a alternative. ingredient that the Super Kings consider
Indianamesquadfor the auction was Chennai would go big for
Curran, one of their standout performers
pensive signing ever.
His pay is higher than that of Virat Kohli,
power-hitter who could tear apart opposi-
tions and would be handy bowler at
And who better than Stokes, a World
Cup winner in 50 overs and T20, an all-
And when Sundar Raman, CSK’s con-
HockeyWorldCup in the 2020 season and one who had be-
come a fan favourite.
Rohit Sharma, Jasprit Bumrah and Rishabh
Pant. Now with INR 13.7 crore, even Punjab
Green is at a stage where Pollard was
rounder who is as inspiring as Dhoni, and
one who is redefining Test cricket and mak-
sultant tweeted “Ok va” around 7.52 pm af-
ter bagging Kyle Jamieson as well, you
New Delhi: Defender Harmanpreet Yet, little did anyone know how they were out of the race for Green and Stokes. when Mumbai bought him in 2010 after he ing it look as enterprising as T20s. But knew Chennai had arrived.

‘Iss saal darwaja tootega jaroor’: Mukesh Kumar on his IPL trials
pete at the FIH men's Hockey World
Cup, commencing on January 13 in
Odisha. Defender Amit Rohidas will
serve as Harmanpreet's deputy. for Rs 400-500. and I am living my dream. Agar zindagi
Harmanpreet had also captained the PRATYUSH RAJ In 2014, he appeared in a trial, which mey mushkiley na aati toh shayad mai ya-
side in the recent series against DECEMBER 23 changed his life. Cricket Association of haan nahi pahunch paata (If I had not gone
Australia,wherethesidefoughtbefore Bengal (CAB) was organising a ‘Vision 2020 through those hard times in my life, I would
losing the five-match rubber 1-4. PR Mukesh Kumar was one of those rare crick- programme,’ where he was spotted by have never reached here),” he added.
Sreejesh,whowillbeplayinghisfourth eters who got selected for India without Ranadeb Bose, former Bengal pacer and Mukesh feels he got lucky at every step
WorldCup-histhirdonhomesoil,has having an IPL contract. The 29-year-old was bowling coach. of his life.
been chosen as goalkeeper. PTI picked for India's home series aganist The trials were conducted with VVS Be it his father, who forced him to move
South Africa. Laxman, Waqar Younis and Muttiah to Bengal, Ranadeb Bose, who was in awe
EnglandWCwinner Although, he didn't get a game, it put
Mukesh in the limelight. On Friday, he was
Muralitharan at the helm.
Within a year, he was picked for Bengal,
after watching him bowl in nets, Manoj
Tiwari, who gave him his own kit, or Arun
Cohenpassesaway picked by Delhi Capitals for Rs 5.50 crores,
27 times more than his base price of Rs 20
and his consistent performance over the
years, helped him to get an India A call-up
Lal, who said ‘You have the potential to play
for India.’
London:GeorgeCohen,adefenderwho lakhs. against New Zealand A, where he bagged “I was very lucky. At every step, I got
played on England's World Cup-win- “Bhaiyya udhar bhi trials chal raha mera a five-wicket haul. help. My father gave me one year to make
ningteamin1966,hasdied,theEnglish kaafi saalon se, darwaja tootega jaroor (I Now a month later, he has received his a career out of cricket. And thereafter, I was
FootballAssociationsaidFriday.Hewas have been giving IPL trials for years now; maiden India call for the ODI series against fortunate enough to learn from Rano Sir
83. Cohen played every minute of hopefully, I will able to break that door),” South Africa. (Ranadeb), Manoj bhaiya (Tiwary), Arun
England's victorious campaign on he had told the Indian Express after his “It is all about the trials in my life. First Lal sir. If not for these people, I would have
homesoil.Hemade37appearancesfor maiden India call up. one in Gopalganj, where I became the dis- never made it this far,” he said. Mukesh Kumar moved to Kolkata in 2012 and started playing local matches for Rs
his national team as a right back. A Kumar, who hails from Gopalganj in trict’s best bowler and then in Kolkata, Kumar recalls when he was selected for 400-500. File
cause of death was not announced. Bihar, moved to Kolkata in 2012 to help his which changed my life,” Mukesh Kumar Bengal for the Buchi Babu tournament, he
Cohen played his entire club career for father’s taxi business, which was suffering had said. didn’t have a cricket kit.
Fulham, where he made 459 appear- losses. “There has been a struggle in my life, “Manoj bhaiya mereko bat, pad aur the Bengal camp, Kumar got a call from his 2019. He never liked me playing cricket. He
ances between 1956 and 1969. He re- But he went against the wish of his fa- but it is common. Har kisi ke saath hota hai gloves diya tha (Manoj Tiwary gave me a elder brother Dhanset, who informed him watedmetojoinarmy,IevengaveCRPFexam
tired from playing at 29. AP ther (Late Kashinath Singh), and started (Everyone goes through that phase). My bat, leg guards and gloves),” Kumar recalls. about the demise of his father. twice.TodayIjustwishmyfatherwasalive.He
playing local matches in the second league aim was to play cricket at the highest level Before 2019-20 season, when he was in “My father had a brain haemorrhage in would have been thrilled,” recalled Kumar.

I thought of packing bags and going home from CSK camp: Jagadeesan
perception turned. selfasaplayerwhocouldbepartbepartofthe
VENKATAKRISHNAB “Itisdefinitelyveryhard,”Jagadeesantells IPL this season because a) I didn't have scores
DECEMBER23 The Indian Express when asked about his time The only thing that kept me to back me. B) This year my strike-rate im-
on the bench. “There were times I felt really motivated was to keep working so provedalot,butthescoredidn'timprovealot,”
ASCHENNAISuperKingsreleasedhimintothe low.Tobehonest,Ihaveeventhoughtofpack- that you get agame. When Iwas not Jagadeesan says.
auction pool in November, N Jagadeesan had ing the bags and going home. The only thing playing, Ithought this is the time you
madepeacewithhimselfthathewon’tbepart that kept me motivated was to keep working can mentally pushyourself, you “Strike rates are over-rated”
of the Indian Premier League 2023 season. A sothatyougetagame.WhenIwasnotplaying, can't let your mind drift.” “I genuinely feel that strike-rates are over-
T20 strike-rate of 118.61 is not seen as good Ithoughtthisisthetimeyoucanmentallypush ratedinthesense,letussayweplaya20-over
enough for an opener in IPL. And Jagadeesan yourself, you can't let your mind drift. When N JAGADEESAN gameandtherearematcheswherewe(Tamil
believed he won’t fetch any interest from the youaredown,workharder.LastIPLseasonand -ON HIS TIME AT CHENNAI SUPER KINGS Nadu) have actually won and my strike-rate
teams.SohisplansfornextAprilandMaywas thepreviousoneinDubai,Itoldmyself that‘it would have been 120 or something.
to head to the UK and play league cricket. is ok not to play any matches, but make sure “When we talk about established players
Instead, as Kolkata Knight Riders bought him you work the most at the gym, at a net ses- scores) was the breaking point for me, where thestrike-ratedoesn'tcomein,butwhenyou
at the auction for INR 90 lakh, he would once sion...give full effort in the nets’ and leave the I realised it is not about scoring a lot of runs, talkaboutpeoplelikemewhoarecominginto
again enter an environment that has pushed rest to others,” Jagadeesan says. buthowyouenjoyandmoreimportantlydoit thecircuit,theytendtolookatitmorethanthe
him to the extremes. Only this time he has a “As a cricketer you don't like getting without any expectations. Of course, you can runs,” Jagadeesan said.
genuine chance of opening and keeping the dropped and in the IPL, it is like them literally dream, but you shouldn't be playing to get With strike-rate being the norm,
gloves for the two-time champions. throwing you away. You don’t want that to picked or prove anything,” Jagadeesan says. Jagadeesan like Mayank Agarwal and Dinesh
WhenCSKreleasedhimbackintothepool, happen and it was hard to take for a day. But While he went about rewriting records in KarthiksoughtthehelpofthecoachRXMurali
Jagadeesan was going through a low run of later, I realised that I have to accept that fact theVijayHazareTrophy–scoringfiveconsec- inBengalurutoimprovethepower-hittingas-
scores.Hehasbeenpartof thefranchisesince and make peace with it,” Jagadeesan tells this utivecenturiesincludingaworldrecordListA pect of the game. “What the fixation towards
2018, has played only 7 matches and in 2020 newspaper. scoreof277, andhisnamewasincludedinthe strike-ratedidwas,itmademeworkonit,add
when CSK had a season to forget, Jagadeesan With IPL teams preferring to look at his N Jagadeesan was bought by KKR for Rs 90 lakh in the IPL auction. File finallistfortheIPLauction,Jagadeesanwasstill differentshotsandpower-hitting.Theflat-bat
gotanopportunitytobatonlytwiceinthefive strike-rate more than the runs, it resulted in apprehensive. thing was new to me -- horizontal shots that
matches he played. As questions were raised him trying too hard. While the last domestic “After the SMA T20, I was convinced that I givealotmorepower.I'dtolearnthetechnique
aboutChennai’sreluctancetoplayyoungsters seasonwasaforgetfuloneforJagadeeesan,he “Rightfromunder-13daysI'vealwaysbeen gamesomuchandasIgotolderandthegame wouldn'tbepickedforIPL.LastyearIwentun- for that and Murali played a role in that. I told
more, MS Dhoni’s quip that “youngsters lack started the current domestic season also on a aplayerwhousedtosettargetsformyselfand becamealotmorecompetitiveI'dafeelingthat sold and CSK only picked me later on. I was mydadthisishowwearesupposedtodoand
the spark” seemed to include Jagadeesan in lownotebeforethetidebegantochangeatthe aggregatealotof runsandbethetoprun-get- IsuccumbedtothepressurewhereIwantedto thereoneyear,playedtwomatchesandgotre- before Mushtaq Ali, he used to chuck around
that list. No names were taken, but the public Vijay Hazare Trophy. ter.WhenIwasgrowingup,Iusedtoenjoythe be the highest run-getter. This (poor run of leasedonceagain.SoIreallydidn'tthinkofmy- 300 balls and practised that.”

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