(RV) Amer, I., A Review On Alkali-Activated Slag Concrete
(RV) Amer, I., A Review On Alkali-Activated Slag Concrete
(RV) Amer, I., A Review On Alkali-Activated Slag Concrete
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Alkali-activated concrete (AAC) has attracted considerable attention since its first use as an alternative
Received 9 August 2020 material to the well-known traditional Portland cement concrete (PCC) due to their superior properties
Revised 22 November 2020 and environmental impact. In this paper, a comprehensive review on the present knowledge about the
Accepted 13 December 2020
AAC in terms of historical background, environmental impact, constituent materials and characteristics
Available online 25 January 2021
of alkali-activated slag concrete (AASC) is presented. The following topics are reviewed in details for
AASC: historical background, environmental impact, constituent materials, reactions mechanism, hydra-
tion products, compressive strength, stress–strain behavior, elasticity modulus, Poisson’s ratio, tensile
Alkali activation
strength, bond characteristics with reinforcing steel bars and behavior under elevated temperature.
Reactions mechanism Most studies have demonstrated the superior mechanical properties of AASC and their applicability in
Hydration products the construction engineering field. Moreover, AASC exhibits bond performance and elevated temperature
Concrete resistance better than PCC. However, the review reveals that more studies and investigations related to
Mechanical properties mix design including mix proportions, mixing procedures and curing regime, with which the AASC could
Bond characteristics demonstrate the best engineering properties, are required.
Elevated-temperature resistance Ó 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-
2090-4479/Ó 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
I. Amer, M. Kohail, M.S. El-Feky et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal 12 (2021) 1475–1499
Fig. 1. PC production per year for the top five cement producing countries [4].
Fig. 3. Required electrical and thermal energies of PC production for different
countries [4].
I. Amer, M. Kohail, M.S. El-Feky et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal 12 (2021) 1475–1499
2. Historical background of AAC called ‘‘geopolymer” due to its polymeric structure [22]. Also, he
released several trademarks for the binder like Geopolycem and
The first utilize of alkali activated material was in 1930, when Pyrament [23]. Kiev National University organized two interna-
Kuhl studied mixes composed of GGBFS and alkaline solution of tional conferences on AAC in 1994 and 1999 [24,25]. Table 1 sum-
KOH. Reactivity of GGBFS by using alkaline solutions of KOH and marizes the important historic developments of some important
NaOH investigated by Chassevent in 1937 [18]. Also, GGBFS was events about AAC.
activated with NaOH solution by Purdon in 1940 [19].
In 1959, Gluskhovsky was the first who investigated producing 3. The environmental impact of AAC
binders by using low basic or free calcium alumino-silicate source
(clay) with alkaline activators [20]. He developed a new binder The greatest advantage of AAC compared to PCC is the signifi-
with name of ‘‘soil–cement’’, the soil refers to its ground rock cant improvement in the environmental impact. This is mainly
appearance and the cement refers to its cementitious ability. based on the CO2 emissions from clinker calcination process and
In 1980, also Gluskhovsky investigated the activation of GGBFS: the high consumed energy of PCC. AAC is considered as an efficient
(a) describing the hydration products which consisted of calcium concrete technology for decreasing emissions of CO2 and recycling
silicate hydrates and sodium alumino-silicate hydrates, and (b) of by-products such as GGBFS and FA without using a calcination.
reporting that the alkali-activated clay minerals formed aluminum Based on a life cycle assessment (LCA), it was reported that the
silicate hydrates (zeolite) [21]. global warming potential of FA-based AAC is about 70% lower than
In 1984, Davidovits obtained binders by mixing kaolinite, lime- that of OPC [76]. LCA is the most common established method to
stone and dolomite with alkaline solutions. The produced binders evaluate the environmental effects of materials, products, services
Table 1
Some of important historic developments for AAC.
I. Amer, M. Kohail, M.S. El-Feky et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal 12 (2021) 1475–1499
Fig. 5. CO2 footprint for different concrete types. (A) fc0 = 24 MPa, (B) fc0 = 40 MPa, and (C) fc0 = 70 MPa [81].
I. Amer, M. Kohail, M.S. El-Feky et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal 12 (2021) 1475–1499
source and alkaline activator can be pre-mixed as dry materials, S = Specific gravity of the strong solution
then this dry binder be mixed with water, aggregates to produce C = NaOH in the concentrated solution (%)
a mortar or concrete. In another way, the alkaline activator solu- D = NaOH in desired solution (%)
tion can be added to the alumino-silicate source separately, then W = Amount of added water to the strong solution.
this wet binder be mixed with additional water (in case of need
to dilute the concentration of alkaline solution), aggregates to pro- A large amount of heat released during diluting of NaOH solu-
duce a mortar or concrete. Alternatively, it is possible to produce tion, so several precautions must be considered: (1) NaOH solution
AAC by mixing alumino-silicate source, alkaline activator, water, is added to water and water is never added to the NaOH solution;
aggregates and admixtures without pre-producing the alkali acti- (2) the water should not be cold or hot water but should be warm
vated binder separately [17,175–178]. Fig. 7 presents the compo- 30–40 °C when starting [18].
nents of the alkali-activated system [82].
4.2.3. Sodium silicate (Na2SiO3)
4.2. Alkaline activators Na2SiO3 is generally produced from silica and carbonate salts by
calcination and dissolving in water according to the required
4.2.1. General ratios. Fig. 8 presents a flow chart which illustrates the production
The alkaline activators are necessary to be reacted with the process for Na2SiO3 [18].
alumino-silicate source to produce cementitious materials. Usu- Commercial types of liquid Na2SiO3 can be prepared by the
ally, alkaline salts are utilized as alkaline activators for AAC. Among mass ratio of SiO2 to Na2O from 1.60 to 3.85. So, the characteristics
of all these activators, sodium hydroxide and Sodium silicate are and structure of liquid Na2SiO3 vary with accordance to its compo-
the most widely available chemicals [83,84]. sition. Table 2 shows some physical characteristics of some anhy-
drous and hydrous Na2SiO3 [18].
4.2.2. Sodium hydroxide (NaOH)
NaOH is obtained by brine electrolysis. Four types are available 4.3. Cementitious components
commercially: solids, flakes and beads. Solids are obtained by cool-
ing molten caustic soda. Flakes are produced by passing molten 4.3.1. General
NaOH through cooled flaking rolls to obtain uniform thickness The most commonly cementitious materials that utilized for
flakes. Beads are manufactured by feeding the molten liquid into alkali activated concrete-related research are GGBFS, FA, Silica
a prilling tower carefully which produce spherical beads of uni- fume and Metakaolin (burnt clay). Fig. 9 presents a ternary dia-
form size. The chemical composition of solids, flakes and beads gram for the typical composition ranges of these materials [82].
are the same, but they are different in particle size only. Anhydrous The main characteristics of slag are described below.
NaOH has a specific gravity of 2.13 [18].
The required concentration of NaOH solution can be obtained 4.3.2. GGBFS
by dissolving an adequate amount of anhydrous NaOH. The most GGBFS is obtained from the iron manufacture. The limestone
common form of NaOH is 50% solution. In case of need to modify and coke are charged into the furnace with the iron ore to remove
the concentrated solution to a certain concentration, the concen- impurities. The slag composes from the remaining alumina, silica,
trated NaOH can be diluted as follows [18]: lime or magnesia which entered into the furnace. The molten slag
Settles above the iron because its density is lower than that of the
W¼S ð1Þ iron. So, it is easy to extract the molten slag from the liquid iron
and then leave it to cool. Production one ton of pig iron produces
where about 300 kg of slag, and the slag production in Japan exceeds 24
I. Amer, M. Kohail, M.S. El-Feky et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal 12 (2021) 1475–1499
GGBFS activity index ¼ 100 ð2Þ
Table 3
Chemical composition of GGBFS for many countries (% by mass) [82].
The released heat due to activating GGBFS was analyzed [96]. It The hydration of AAGS with NaOH was investigated at 25 °C in
was reported that the hydration process was affected by the Na2O controlled pH environments. It was found that the main hydration
content and the silica modulus value (Ms). The higher levels of product was identified as CSH, also hydro-talcite was noticed at
hydration were associated to higher Na2O and Ms. The process later stages of hydration but that in the high pH pastes. It was also
starts with destructing the GGBFS bonds Ca–O, Si–O–Si, Al–O–Al, observed that the reaction rate is dependent on the pH value of the
Al–O–Si and Mg–O, then forming a layer of Si–Al all over the GGBFS starting AS and the pH value should be higher than 11.5 to activate
particles surface and finally, forming the hydration products. GGBFS effectively [103].
Fig. 13 presents the heat evolution in alkali-activated GGBFS Hydro-talcite is identified by many researchers as tiny crystals
(AAGS). combined with the CSH gel [104–106]. Hydro-talcite starts forming
The reactions mechanism of AAGS is more complex than in about 6 h with NaOH and about 12 h with water–glass when
geopolymers because of the high CaO content, thus many investi- GGBFS contains Mg and Al [49].
gations have been performed to investigate the role of Ca in the In the system of low alkalinity only, CSH gel forms together with
process of polymerization [97–100,101]. It has been found that the geo-polymeric gel. But, in case of high alkalinity (NaOH > 7.5 M),
the Ca has a positive effect on the geo-polymeric binds strength the main phase is geo-polymeric gel with small precipitates of cal-
and has important roles in stating the reaction path and the phys- cium. If there is no a high amount of reactive Ca initially, the forma-
ical properties of the products of hydration process. Moreover, it tion of the two phases will be not observed. It was reported that is
has been reported that the Ca compounds formation of is widely no new crystalline peak associated with the alkali activation of
dependent on the Si/Al ratio and pH value. GGBFS. Therefore, it was concluded that crystalline CSH is not a pro-
duct or it is not a dominant product formed as a result of the alka-
line activation process [99]. This is in agreement with what found
5.2. Hydration products by van Jaarsveld and van Deventer that the crystalline CSH is not
formed in the high-pH environment (>14) [107].
The hydration products of AAGS are influenced by GGBFS com- One of the differences between the OPC binder and the alkali-
positions, the AS type and pH value. It was noticed that calcium sil- activated one is that in the first binder it uses water with an initial
icate hydrate (CSH) is the basic hydration product and varying neutral pH that slowly turns alkaline (12–13) as the hydration pro-
crystallinity degrees with low ratio of C/S in case of ignoring the cess undergoes a series of non-hydrated particles and several types
used activator. Moreover, a crystalline phase of AFm is identified of crystalline CSH gel, whereas the alkali-activated binder needs a
in AAGS with NaOH [49]. strong alkali solution to start the dissolution process. To achieve
The structure of the reaction products for the activated slag good physical and chemical characteristics in the final product, it
cement pastes (AAS) with different types of AS (NaOH and is necessary to add soluble silica (sodium silicate) but, as the initial
water–glass) was investigated by using XRD analysis. It was pH is high, that prevents the coagulation and polymerization of the
reported that the identified phases for the activated AAS with silicate. When the pH goes to <14 due to the dissolution of the
NaOH were CSH, calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and hydro-talcite prime materials, condensation occurs very quickly. Then a group
(Mg6Al2CO3(OH)164H2O). Whereas, the hydro-talcite was not of reactions of polysialatization, coagulation, colloid formation
detected in the AAS activated with water–glass and the identifica- and hardening occurs in a final product of undissolved aluminosil-
tion of CSH was more difficult [102]. icate species in an amorphous aluminosilicate structure [108].
I. Amer, M. Kohail, M.S. El-Feky et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal 12 (2021) 1475–1499
Fig. 12. Dissolution process: (A) H+ exchange for Ca2+ and Na+, (B) Al–O–Si bonds hydrolysis, (C) destroying of the depolymerized network, and (D) Si and Al release [95].
28 days were 56.01, 60.45 and 63.49 respectively. Also, the CS of AASC is also sensitive to the curing regime. It was recorded that
AASC was studied with three SS:SH ratios of 1.5:1, 2.0:1 and the heat-cured AASC achieved CS rapidly more than that cured at
2.5:1 [119]. It was found that the effect of SS:SH ratio was not clear. room temperature at early age [126]. Nevertheless, at later age,
The CS after one day was increased with increasing the ratio of SS: the CS of heat-cured AASC was slightly decreased Fig. 18. The effect
SH slightly, whereas the AASC with low ratio of SS:SH had slightly of different curing temperature from 30 °C to 90 °C was investi-
higher CS than that of high ratio of SS:SH at the later age. Also, the gated on the CS of AASC [115]. It was found that increasing the
similar behavior was observed by Nath and Sarker [124]. temperature of curing decreased the CS and the best value was
The influence of two mixing protocol for PCC and AASC was achieved by curing temperature 30 °C. This decrease in the CS
investigated as illustrated in Fig. 17. It was noticed that the mixing may be explained by that the high temperature results in evaporat-
protocol appeared to affect the fresh behavior of concrete (rheol- ing more water which influenced the amount of formed C–S–H
ogy) more than its strength. For AASC, both rheology and strength negatively.
improved with longer mixing time. Mixing protocol 2 had a nega- Some researches were carried out to investigate the optimum
tive effect on the rheology of both PCC and AASC, while improving AASC mixes in terms of CS. It was reported that mixes with rela-
the strength only slightly [125]. tively high GGBFS content (>=20%) can obtain a CS of 35 MPa at
I. Amer, M. Kohail, M.S. El-Feky et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal 12 (2021) 1475–1499
Fig. 13. Heat evolution in AAS: (a) Ms = 0.60; (b) Ms = 1.20; (c) Ms = 1.50 [96].
Fig. 14. CS of AASC and OPCC with different the binder contents [110].
I. Amer, M. Kohail, M.S. El-Feky et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal 12 (2021) 1475–1499
Fig. 15. Relationship between CS and GGBFS proportion in the total binder [116– 5.3.3. Modulus of elasticity (E)
Generally, the E increases with growing of CS for both AAC and
PCC. Several calculation methods of ‘‘E” were compared for AAC
with similar aggregates and test conditions [129,130]. It was
observed that the calculated E according to existing concrete stan-
dards are high compared with the experimental values of AAC as
presented in Fig. 24; it can be noticed that the given equation by
Nath predicts well the ‘‘E” of AAC. Furthermore, Nath reported that
the ‘‘E” of AAC was less than that of the PCC with the same CS. Also,
it was found that ‘‘E” of AAC was nearly half of that of the PCC at
the same CS [131]. This is in agreement with findings by Khan
et al., and Olivia and Nikraz [132,133]. The cause of this phe-
nomenon may be due to that the ‘‘E” of paste for AAC is lower than
that for PCC [129].
The ‘‘E” of AAC is about 10 to 35 GPa which is through the
expected range of concrete. Whereas, the average ‘‘E” of AASC is
about 30 GPa which does not seem to be varied with CS over the
range of 20 MPa < f0 c < 60 MPa, as presented in Fig. 25 [70]. Also,
it was recorded that the ‘‘E” of AASC manufactured by different
AS was slightly lower than that of PCC [134].
Ding et al. [71] compared the E-CS relationships that reported
by Douglas et al. [135], Yang et al. [128], and Thomas and Peetham-
paran [70] as presented in Fig. 26. Also, the relationships that pre-
Fig. 16. CS of AAFS with different GGBFS levels [119].
dicted by CEB-FIP model [136], ACI 318 [137] and the generated
equation by Yang et al. [128] are compared (Fig. 26). Douglas
et al. [135] reported that the E of AASC can be predicted by ACI
least. Thus, the mixes with GGBFS replacement of 20% to 30%, SH of
code 318. Likewise, Yang et al. [128] concluded that the E of AASC
10 M or 12 M, SS:SH ratio of 1.5:1 to 2.5:1 and AL/B ratio of 0.35 to
activated by Ca(OH)2 can be determined approximately by ACI
0.4 can be suggested as optimum mixes [119]. Whereas, the influ-
code 318; a refined formula was also proposed as presented in
ence of different factors on the CS of AASC was studied and the
Eq. (3). On the other hand, Thomas and Peethamparan [70]
contribution percentage of each factor was calculated as presented
recorded that the E of AASC varied slightly with the CS and the
in Fig. 19 [115]. It was found that the highest CS achieved at Al/
ACI code 318 fit the obtained experimental results poorly (Fig. 26).
GGBFS of 0.40, curing temperature of 30 °C and curing period of
2 days. The effect of GGBFS:PCC, Na2O ratio, Ms and W/B on the 0 1=2
Ec ¼ 4600ðWc=2200Þ1:5 ðf cÞ ð3Þ
7-day and 28-day CS of ambient cured alkali-activated slag cement
concrete (AASCC) and also the participation percentage of each Aliabdo et al. [115] concluded that the relation between the ‘‘E”
parameter was calculated as presented in Fig. 20 [112]. The most and CS for AASC as presented in Eq. (4). this relationship was
significant parameter that affects the 7-day and 28-day CS was drawn using results of testing 27 mixtures as shown if Fig. 27.
the binder ratio (GGBFS:PCC) with participation percentages of pffiffiffiffiffiffi
43.91 and 56.19% respectively. E ¼ 3:726 CS ð4Þ
with the ACI code 318 as shown in Fig. 29. Also, Chi [147] repotred
that the splitting TS of AASC agreed well with the predicted value
by ACI code 318 as shown in Fig. 29.
Thomas and Peethamparan [70] reported that the TS of AASC is
marginally higher than that of PCC. The average splitting TS of
AASC specimens was 17.0 ± 2.1% of the corresponding CS, which
is significantly higher than that for PCC specimens in the same
CS level. Where, the average TS of PCC specimens was
14.1 ± 0.6% of the corresponding CS.
Aliabdo et al. [115] reported that the relation between TS and
CS for AASC as presented in Eq. (5). This relationship was drawn
based on experimental test results as shown in Fig. 30.
TS ¼ 0:5554 CS ð5Þ
where, TS and CS in MPa.
Addition of fibers to the AAC can improve its ductility in tension
[148]. Bhutta et al. [149] determined the average TS of several
AACs with different types of fibers as presented in Fig. 31. It can
be seen from the bar chart that the end-deformed steel fiber
Fig. 18. Influence of curing temperature on the CS of AASC [126]. demonstrated the best reinforcement effect.
Fig. 20. The Participation percentage for the considered factors on the 7-day and
28-day CS of AASC [112].
Fig. 21. Axial and lateral SSR of AASC within the proportional limit [70].
the structures. Hence, several studies have been performed to
investigate the BS between AAC and reinforcement.
Most of the results that obtained from experiments have the average BS of AAFS were 10.5–14.7 MPa and 7.3–11.4 MPa
reported that the bond between AAC and steel reinforcement is for the direct pull-out and beam-end testing, respectively. Based
better than that of PCC. Many researchers attributed the high bond on the results of beam-end test, it was concluded that the recom-
strength of AAC to its micro-structure homogeneity. Scaning inves- mendations in the standards of of AS 3600 [154], ACI 318 [137] and
tigations have recorded that the ITZ between the the martix and EC2 [155] could be applicable for AAC. The EC2 provided the most
aggregate of AAC is more homogenous and dense than that in conservative results compared to experimental results, while ACI
PCC [151,152]. 318 and AS 3600 provided less conservative results. Nevertheless,
Fernandez-Jimenez et al. [131] was the first to perform the pull- they are safe to estimate the development length for AAC. Also,
out test on the AAC and recorded that the steel bar broke before Chang et al. [156] recorded that the codes like AS 3600 and ACI
occuring slippage from the AAC. In contrast, the steel bar pulled 318 provided a conservative estimation for the BS of the lap-
out and seperated from the PCC without breaking. The maximum spliced AAC beams, with test-to-prediction ratio (T/P) of about
pull-out force between AAC and the steel bar was 40% higher than 1.70. Chang et al. [156] concluded that the proposed model by Can-
that for PCC, which implying the higher BS between AAC and steel bay and Frosch [157] provided the nearest match to the experi-
reinforcement than that between PCC and steel reinforcement. mental BS of the lap-spliced AAC beams, with average T/P of 1.17.
The bond behavior of AAC through both direct pull-out and Also, the BS of AAC with steel bars was investigated by carring
beam-end testing was investigated [153]. It was recorded that out pull-out test on beam-end specimens as presented in Fig. 32
[144]. The CS of AAC, concrete cover and bar diameter were the
I. Amer, M. Kohail, M.S. El-Feky et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal 12 (2021) 1475–1499
I. Amer, M. Kohail, M.S. El-Feky et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal 12 (2021) 1475–1499
r ¼ 2:12ðf 0 cÞ
The AAFS bond with both smooth and deformed steel bars was
Fig. 29. Relationship between the splitting TS and CS of AASC [71]. studied by using the standard of RILEM pull-out test as shown in
Fig. 34 [160]. It was observed about 10% increase in the BS of
AAC comparing to that of PCC. Moreover, the BS of AAC was gov-
erend by the condition of curing, e.g., the BS of AAC specimens
cured in wet and heat conditions reported from 30% to 70% higher
than that at ambient cured condition.
Also, the BS of AAFS was investigated using pull-out test and
proposed the following Eq. (8) which produced the best correlation
with the experimental results [161]. By comparing the Eq. (8) with
the fib model (Eq. (9)), it was noticed that the constant factor for
AAC model is 53% higher than the fib model for PCC, ensuring that
the BS of AAC is greater than that of PCC. Fig. 35 presents both AAC
and fib model together with the test results. The underestimation
for the BS of AAC by fib model is clear especially for CS higher than
30 MPa.
Fig. 30. Relationship between square root of CS and splitting TS [115].
st ¼ 3:83 Rc ð8Þ
sbmax ¼ 2:5 f cm ð9Þ
studied test parameters. Generally, it was found that AAC demon-
strated higher BS than PCC for similar test parameters. This means where
that the equations used for the BS of PCC can be used for conserva-
tive prediction for the BS of AAC. The AAC showed cracking pat- st , sbmax = the ultimate BS, MPa and
terns similar to those of PCC. Both AAC and PCC specimens failed Rc, f cm = the average CS, MPa.
I. Amer, M. Kohail, M.S. El-Feky et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal 12 (2021) 1475–1499
The steel reinforcement in AAC demonstrated bond stress-slip peak value of steel bar slip in the results obtained by Yang et al.
curve (SSC) similar to that of PCC. Ding et al. [71] compared the [128] which was marginally lower than 0.6 mm that mentioned
bond stress-slip curves obtained by Yang et al. [128] and Castel in the CEB-FIP model; this value was near to the 0.6 mm reported
and Foster [160] with the predicted curve by CEB-FIP model as pre- by Castel and Foster [160].
sented Fig. 36. Yang et al. [128] investigated the behavior of bond Also, Ding et al. [71] compared the relations between the BS and
for the steel bars in AASC. The recorded SSC demonstrated that the the corresponding CS that derived by Sofi et al. [153], Sarker [144]
descending branch of the PCC and AAC were greater than that esti- and Yang et al. [128], and that provided by the CEB-FIP model (Eq.
mated by the CEB-FIP model as presented in Fig. 36). Moreover, the (10)) as presented in Fig. 37. It can be seen that the CEB-FIP model
I. Amer, M. Kohail, M.S. El-Feky et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal 12 (2021) 1475–1499
Using steel fibers in the AAC improve the bond behavior. The
bond behavior of steel fibers reinforced AAC was investigated by
using pull-out test [162]. It was found that using steel fibers turned
the mode failure from the pull-out failure to splitting. Moreover,
adding steel fibers to AAC increased the BS and the slip at free
end. The BS increased by 28.3%, 32.9%, and 38.3% with steel fiber
contents of 1.0%, 1.5%, 2%, and the corresponding slip to BS
increased by 25.5%, 30.1%, and 52.1%, respectively as shown in
Fig. 38.
Fig. 35. Comparison between AAC-model and FIB-model [161].
5.5. Elevated temperature resistance (ETR)
Fig. 38. Bonding stress-slip curves for different contents of steel fibers [162].
I. Amer, M. Kohail, M.S. El-Feky et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal 12 (2021) 1475–1499
tion of raw material, amount and type of AS, amount and type of
additives, and aggregate properties can influence the performance
of AAC after exposing to elevated temperature (ET). It is believed
that the AAC has a better ETR than PCC [164]. Several researches
have investigated the ETR of AAC.
The effect of ET (up to 1050 °C) was studied on the characteris-
tics of the cement paste with three different W/B ratios (0.23, 0.47
and 0.71) and six GGBFS contents (5, 10, 20, 50, 80 and 100%) [165].
It was found that increasing GGBFS content greatly increases the
CS under ET (1050 °C). Thus, the ETR is greatly improved when
PC is replaced with GGBFS. Moreover, increasing of GGBFS content
significantly reduced cracking.
Guerrieri et al. [166] recorded that the performance of AASC
was similar to that of PCC at ET range of 400–800 °C and the resid-
ual CS at 800 °C was 10% from the initial CS. Fig. 40. Effect of aggregates size on the performance of AAC at ET [167].
Kong and Sanjayan [167] investigated the influence of ET
(800 °C) at alkali activated paste, mortar and concrete. It was con-
cluded that the performance at ET was dependent on the size of
paste specimens (Fig. 39) because of the significant difference in
temperature between the surface of specimens and their cores
which inducing thermal cracking. Also, the aggregates size was
an effective in determining the behavior of AAC under ET as shown
in Fig. 40. AAC specimens with smaller aggregates (<10 mm) pro-
moted spalling and cracking while specimens with larger aggre-
gates (>10 mm) were more stable.
The behavior of AAFS under ET was studied [168]. It was found
that the residual CS at 800 °C is affected by the initial CS. The spec-
imens of low initial CS (<7.6 MPa) demonstrted an increase in the
residual CS up to 90% gain after exposed to 800 °C. This may be
attributed by a further hydration of the unreacted products. While
the specimens with of initial CS about 83 MPa had 90% losses in the
residual CS after exposed to 800 °C. Fig. 41 illustrares the Correla-
tion between initial and residual CS at 800 °C.
Fig. 41. Correlation between initial and residual CS at 800 °C [168].
The performance of alkali activated fly ash paste (AAF) was
investigated [169,170]. It was found that the AAF had a better per-
formance than that of PCC paste at ET as presented in Fig. 42. It is
well known that the reduction in CS of PCC paste occurs due to the
decompose of C-S-H gel at 105 °C and the dihydroxylation of Ca
(OH)2 at between 400 and 500 °C. As there is no C-S-H gel or Ca
(OH)2 in the AAF, the further hydration of the unreacted binders
at ET could illustrate the better residual CS.
Sarker et al. [171] observed the cracking, spalling and residual
strength in the AAC and PCC after exposing to ET environment
(up to 1000 °C). A severe spalling was observed in the PCC, whereas
spalling in the AAC was slight as presented in Fig. 43. By SEM
examination, it was found that the AAC microstructure had
become denser with ET as shown in Fig. 44. Moreover, the AAC
I. Amer, M. Kohail, M.S. El-Feky et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal 12 (2021) 1475–1499
I. Amer, M. Kohail, M.S. El-Feky et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal 12 (2021) 1475–1499
I. Amer, M. Kohail, M.S. El-Feky et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal 12 (2021) 1475–1499
(b) AAC
Fig. 49. Strength retention ratio of PCC and AAC after exposure to ET [174].
Fig. 48. Typical pull-out test specimen [174]. AASC exhibits Mechanical properties, bond performance better
than PCC.
The development of compressive strength for AASC is faster
Fig. 51 presents a comparison between experimental and pre- than that of PCC, whereas the compressive strength of AASC
dicted residual BS with the exposure ET for the AAC with ribbed can reach 60 MPa after one day. Moreover, AASC can achieve
steel rebars. It can be observed that the predicted results agree well after 7 days 90% of its 28-day compressive strength.
with the obtained test results. Based on the measured average compressive strength of AASC
and comparing its values with those of PCC, the AASC can be
classified as a HPC.
The compressive strength of AASC increases by increasing the
6. Conclusion
GGBFS content up to 500 kg/m3.
Decrease in AL/GGBFS ratio resulting in decreasing the com-
This paper presents a comprehensive review on the current
pressive strength of AASC.
knowledge about the AAC in terms of historical background,
Increasing the molarity of NaOH solution in the alkaline solu-
environmental impact and the constituents, and the properties of
tion up to 14 M increases the compressive strength of AASC.
AASC. Based on the data in this review, the following conclusions
The increase of SS:SH ratio from 1.75:1 to 3.25:1 causes a slight
can be drawn:
increase the compressive strength of AASC.
1- Material properties
The mixing protocol of AASC has a significant effect on its com-
pressive strength and fresh behavior. They were improved by
The development of AAC seems an eco-friendly alternative to
longer mixing time.
PCC and applicable in the construction engineering field.
The heat cured AASC achieves compressive strength rapidly
The reaction mechanism and reaction products of AASC
more than that of cured at room temperature at early age. Nev-
depend on the prime materials and alkaline activator, but
ertheless, at the later age, the compressive strength of heat
till now they are not understood exactly. However, most
cured AASC decreases slightly.
authors agree that the reaction mechanism of AASC consists
The stress–strain relationship of AASC is highly linear than PCC
of three steps which are dissolution, orientation and
and has high brittleness than that for PCC.
I. Amer, M. Kohail, M.S. El-Feky et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal 12 (2021) 1475–1499
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