SCFHS Saudi Commission Requirements List For Professional Classification and Registration

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SCFHS - Saudi Commission for Health Speciality - Requirements list for

Professional Classification and Registration

Physicians / Dentists
Classification and Registration

N Requirement Requirement Explanation

Official qualification(s) certificate issued by the awarding authority showing the following details:
Award date, graduation date, qualification title and specialty).
Qualification(s) to be
1 Provide all the qualifications required
classified on
for the requested rank. For example, requesting to be classified as a subspecialty consultant will
require the provision of the bachelor's degree, general specialty degree and subspecialty degree.

The qualification verification statement issued by the verification company recognized by SCFHS is
required for the following cases:
1. Verification Statement for the bachelor's degree if the classification request is based on the
bachelor's degree only.
2. Verification Statement for the postgraduate qualification(s) only if the classification request is
2 Qualification(s) Verification
based on that postgraduate qualification only.
The following cases are exempted from this requirement:
1. Saudi applicants who provided equivalency certificate from the ministry of education for
academic qualifications obtained from another country. 2. Recognized qualifications awarded by
academic or medical professional organizations within the Kingdom.

Ministry of education
equivalency for academic Equivalency certificate issued by the Ministry of education for academic qualifications obtained by
health Saudi citizens from another country (Bachelor - Doctor of - high diploma - Master - PhD).

Formal description of
training or passed courses
of the certification,
especially for clinical Provide academic transcript for academic Certificate (Bachelor - Doctor of - high diploma - Master -
training required for PhD ) showing program details, duration and practical training description.
4 postgraduate certificates Provide training completion certificate issued for the trainee after completing the training for
(Note: In some cases, not Professional Certificates (Fellowship, Certificate of specialization or Board) indicating the following
providing a formal program details (program duration, enrollment date and program completion date.
description may affect the
acceptance of the
classification request ).

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Valid professional registration certificate/ license issued by a relevant official authority in the
applicant's country of practice prior to arriving to the Kingdom and a verification statement issued
Registration certificate / by the SCFHS recognized company for that professional registration certificate/ license.
5 professional practice license If there is no authority providing registration certificate/ license, then the applicant should submit
with verification statement an evidence document issued by the country's ministry of health indicating that their country does
not have a such issuing authority and provide verification statement from the recognized
verification company for the experience letter only.

1- A minimum of one year of experience for non-Saudis except graduates of Saudi Universities.
2- Experience is not required from Saudis however there should be no discontinuation of
6 Experience letter professional practice for more than 2 years.
3- Written evidence of the required work experience for the requested rank should be provided
based on executive regulations of professional classification and registration.

Letter of identification: 1) issued by (personnel, human resources management or any entity

responsible for the employees within the organization) within the 3 months preceding the
submission of the application . 2) Confirms clinical practice in the field of specialization with the
mention of the professional category and the employment start date.
Employer identification Non- Saudi applicant whom are sponsored by (husband, wife, son or father) and not currently on
letter contract should submit their sponsor’s identification letter, issued from the sponsor's employer
and certified by the Saudi Chamber of Commerce for private sector employees or certified by the
employee’s affairs department for government sector employees. However, This group of
applicants will be able to acquire professional classification only, and can apply for professional
registration after their iqama ID status is changed to “authorized to work”.

First: Saudi applicants: National Identity.

Second: Non-Saudi applicants who recently arrived to the Kingdom without an Iqama ID :
1.Passport with visa indicating their health profession and employer’s name.
Third: Non-Saudi applicants holding an Iqama identity in the Kingdom:
1- Valid Passport
2-a valid Iqama Identity indicating . that applicant is permitted to work as a health practitioner
(Iqama ID status: “authorized to work”) and sponsored
by an institution OR For Non-Saudi applicants holding a valid Iqama ID but not allowed to work
8 ID) identity
(Iqama ID status: “not authorized to work”), shall submit a copy of a valid regular contract between
the recruitment company and the health institution, knowing that this group of applicants will be
able to apply for professional classification only and can apply for professional registration after
their iqama ID status is changed to “authorized to work” OR For Non-Saudi applicants holding a
valid Iqama ID but not allowed to work (Iqama ID status: “not authorized to work”) and without a
regular contract (this is limited to graduates from Saudi health specialties universities), will be able
to acquire professional classification only, and can apply for professional registration after their
iqama ID status is changed to “authorized to work”.

Mandatory for all applications except

9 Personal photo
applications made by Saudi females.

10 Medical report For applicants older than 65 years.

Providing any official document that

11 National Address
would indicate the applicant's national address, if possible.

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New qualification

Official qualification(s) certificate issued by the awarding authority showing the following details:
Award date, graduation date, qualification title and specialty).
Qualification(s) to be
1 Provide all the qualifications required for the requested rank. For example, requesting to be
classified on
classified as a subspecialty consultant will require the provision of the bachelor's degree, general
specialty degree and subspecialty degree.

The qualification verification statement issued by the verification company recognized by SCFHS is
required for the following cases: 1. Verification Statement for the bachelor's degree if the
classification request is based on the bachelor's degree only. 2. Verification Statement for the
postgraduate qualification(s) only if the classification request is based on that postgraduate
2 Qualifications Verification qualification only.
The following cases are exempted from this requirement: 1. Saudi applicants who provided
equivalency certificate from the ministry of education for academic qualifications obtained from
another country. 2. Recognized qualifications awarded by academic or medical professional
organizations within the Kingdom.

Ministry of education
Equivalency certificate issued by the Ministry of education for academic qualifications obtained by
equivalency for academic
3 Saudi citizens from another country (Bachelor -
Doctor of - high diploma - Master - PhD).

Formal description of
training or passed courses
of the qualification, Provide academic transcript for academic Certificate (Bachelor - Doctor of - high diploma - Master -
especially for clinical PhD ) showing program details, duration and practical training description. Provide training
training of the postgraduate completion certificate issued for the trainee after completing the training for Professional
certificates (Note: In some Certificates (Fellowship, Certificate of
cases ,not providing a specialization or Board) indicating the following program details (program duration, enrollment
formal description may date and program completion date.
affect the acceptance of the
classification request ).

1-A minimum of one year of experience for non-Saudis except graduates of Saudi Universities.
2-Experience is not required from Saudis however there should be no discontinuation of
5 Experience letter professional practice for more than 2 years.
3-Written evidence of the required work experience for the requested rank should be provided
based on executive regulations of professional classification and registration.

Verification of external Verification statement report for

experience external experience letter(s), if any.

Saudi applicants: National Identity.

Non-Saudi applicants:
1. Passport
7 ID) identity( 2. Valid Iqama indicating that applicant is permitted to work as a health practitioner (Iqama ID
status: “authorized to work”) and sponsored by the institution. otherwise, the applicant shall
submit a copy of a valid regular contract between the recruitment company and the health
institution or through Ajeer program.

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8 Personal photo Mandatory for all applications except applications made by Saudi females.

9 Medical report For applicants older than 65 years.

10 National Address Providing any official document that would indicate the applicant's national address, if possible.

Remove restrictions

Experience : Letter/ Letters describing the applicant's experience issued by employee’s affairs or HR
department or equivalent within the institution . This letter shall indicate the following details:
(specialty, job title, clinical practice, experience start and end date. For applicants who were
enrolled in a training program that ends with a qualification during that period, providing evidence
Experience letter/
1 of such enrolment will be sufficient.
identification letter
Identification letter proving clinical practice within the same specialty field, issued by employee’s
affairs or HR department or any party responsible for the entity's employees. Letter shall indicate
the following details: (enrollment date, medical professional rank, specialty and job title. Note that
the letter should be issued within the 3 months preceeding the application date.

If the restriction in the classification certificate is "working under a supervisor", the practitioner
shall submit in the identification or experience letter the supervisor’s following details:
2 Supervisor information (supervisor’s specialty, job title, classification and registration number) while taking into
consideration the terms and conditions of the accepted identification or experience letter
mentioned above.

Saudi applicants: National Identity. Non-Saudi applicants: 1. Passport 2. Valid Iqama indicating
that applicant is permitted to work as a health practitioner (Iqama ID status: “authorized to
3 ID) identity( work”) and sponsored by the institution. otherwise, the applicant shall submit a copy of
a valid regular contract between the recruitment company and the health institution or
through Ajeer program.

Completing experience

Experience : Letter/ Letters describing the applicant's experience issued by employee’s affairs or HR
department or equivalent within the institution . This letter shall indicate the following details:
(specialty, job title, clinical practice, experience start and end date. For applicants who were
enrolled in a training program that ends with a qualification during that period, providing evidence
Experience OR Employer
1 of such enrolment will be sufficient.
identification letter
Identification letter proving clinical practice within the same specialty field, issued by employee’s
affairs or HR department or any party responsible for the entity's employees. Letter shall indicate
the following details: (enrollment date, medical professional rank, specialty and job title. Note that
the letter should be issued within the 3 months preceding the application date.

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Saudi applicants: National Identity. Non-Saudi applicants:

1. Passport
2. Valid Iqama indicating that applicant is permitted to work as a health practitioner (Iqama ID
2 ID
status: “authorized to work”) and sponsored by the institution. otherwise, the applicant shall
submit a copy of a valid regular contract between the recruitment company and the health
institution or through Ajeer program.

Certification recognition

Official certificate(s) issued by the

Certification (s) to be
1 awarding authority showing the following details: Award date, graduation date, qualification title
and specialty).

The certificate verification statement issued by the verification company recognized by SCFHS is
required for the presented certification.
The following cases are exempted from this requirement: 1. Saudi applicants who provided
2 Certification Verification
equivalency certificate from the ministry of education for academic qualifications obtained from
another country. 2. Recognized qualifications awarded by academic or medical professional
organizations within the Kingdom.

Provide academic transcript for academic Certificate (BA, MA, PhD) showing program details,
duration and practical training description.
3 Course Transcript Provide training completion certificate issued after completing the training for Professional
Certificates (Fellowship, Certificate of specialization or Board) indicating the following program
details (program duration, enrollment date and program completion date).

Ministry of education
equivalency for academic Equivalency certificate issued by the Ministry of education for academic
health qualifications obtained by Saudi citizens from another country.

Saudi applicants: National Identity.

Non-Saudi applicants:
1. Passport
5 ID) identity( 2. Valid Iqama indicating that applicant is permitted to work as a health practitioner (Iqama ID
status: “authorized to work”) and sponsored by the institution. otherwise, the applicant shall
submit a copy of a valid regular contract between the recruitment company and the health
institution or through Ajeer program.

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Classification and Registration

Provide official qualification(s) certificate issued by the awarding authority showing the following
details: Award date, graduation date, qualification title and specialty). Provide all the
Qualification(s) to be
1 qualifications required for the requested rank. For example, requesting to be
classified on
classified as a senior specialist will require the provision of the bachelor's degree
and a master degree or equivalent based on SCFHS requirements.

Provide the qualification verification statement issued by the verification company recognized by
SCFHS is required for the following cases: 1. Verification Statement for the bachelor's degree if the
classification request is based on the bachelor's degree only. 2. Verification Statement for the
postgraduate qualification(s) only if the classification request is based on that postgraduate
2 Qualification(s) Verification
qualification only. The following cases are exempted from this requirement: 1. Saudi applicants
who provided equivalency certificate from the ministry of for academic qualifications education
obtained from another country. 2. Recognized qualifications awarded by academic or medical
professional organizations within the Kingdom.

Ministry of education
equivalency for academic Equivalency certificate issued by the Ministry of education for academic qualifications obtained by
health Saudi citizens from another country (Bachelor - Doctor of - high diploma - Master - PhD ).

Formal description of
training or passed courses
of the
certification, especially for Provide academic transcript for academic Certificate (Bachelor - Doctor of - high diploma - Master -
clinical training required for PhD ) showing program details, duration and practical training description.
4 postgraduate certificates Provide training completion certificatethe training for Professional Certificates (Fellowship,
(Note: In some cases ,not Certificate of specialization or Board) indicating the following program details (program duration,
providing a formal enrollment date and program completion date. issued for the trainee after completing).
description may affect the
acceptance of the
classification request ).

Valid professional registration certificate/ license issued by a relevant official authority in the
applicant's country of practice prior to arriving to the Kingdom and a verification statement issued
Registration certificate /
by the SCFHS recognized company for that professional registration certificate/ license.
professional practice license
5 If there is no authority providing registration certificate/ license, then the applicant should submit
an evidence document issued by the country's ministry of health indicating that their country does
verification statement
not have a such issuing authority and provide verification statement from the recognized
verification company for the experience letter only.

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1-A minimum of one year of experience for non-Saudis except graduates of Saudi Universities.
2-Experience is not required from Saudis however there should be no discontinuation of
6 Experience letter professional practice for more than 2 years.
3-Written evidence of the required work experience for the requested rank should be provided
based on executive regulations of professional classification and registration

Letter of identification:
1) issued by (personnel, human resources management or any entity responsible for the
employees within the organization) within the 3 months preceding the submission of the
2) Confirms clinical practice in the field of specialization with the mention of the professional
Employer identification category and the employment start date.
letter Non- Saudi applicant whom are sponsored by (husband, wife, son or father) and not currently on
contract should submit their sponsor’s identification letter, issued from the sponsor's employer
and certified by the Saudi Chamber of Commerce for private sector employees or certified by the
employee’s affairs department for government sector employees. However, This group of
applicants will be able to acquire professional classification only, and can apply for professional
registration after their iqama ID status is changed to “authorized to work”.

First: Saudi applicants: National Identity.

Second: Non-Saudi applicants who recently arrived to the Kingdom without an Iqama ID :
1.Passport with visa indicating their health profession and employer’s name.Third: Non-Saudi
applicants holding an Iqama identity in the Kingdom: Valid Passport .1) a valid Iqama Identity
indicating that .2) applicant is permitted to work as a health practitioner (Iqama ID status:
“authorized to work”) and sponsored by an institution OR For Non-Saudi applicants holding a valid
Iqama ID but not allowed to work (Iqama ID status: “not authorized to work”), shall submit a copy
8 ID) identity
of a valid regular contract between the recruitment company and the health institution, knowing
that this group of applicants will be able to apply for professional classification only and can apply
for professional registration after their iqama ID status is changed to “authorized to work” OR For
Non- Saudi applicants holding a valid Iqama ID but not allowed to work (Iqama ID status: “not
authorized to work”) and without a regular contract (this is limited to graduates from Saudi health
specialties universities), will be able to acquire professional classification only, and can apply for
professional registration after their iqama ID status is changed to “authorized to work”.

Mandatory for all applications except

9 Personal photo
applications made by Saudi females.

10 Medical report For applicants older than 65 years.

Providing any official document that

11 National Address would indicate the applicant's national
address, if possible.

New qualification

Provide official qualification(s)

certificate issued by the awarding
authority showing the following details: Award date, graduation date, qualification title and
Qualification(s) to be
1 specialty).
classified on
Provide all the qualifications required for the requested rank. For example, requesting to be
classified as a senior specialist will require the provision of the bachelor's degree and a master
degree or equivalent based on SCFHS requirements.

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Provide the qualification verification statement issued by the verification company recognized by
SCFHS is required for the following cases:
1. Verification Statement for the bachelor's degree if the classification request is based on the
bachelor's degree only.
2. Verification Statement for the postgraduate qualification(s) only if the classification request is
2 Qualifications Verification based on that postgraduate qualification only.
The following cases are exempted from this requirement:
1. Saudi applicants who provided equivalency certificate from the ministry of education for
academic qualifications obtained from another country.
2. Recognized qualifications awarded by academic or medical professional organizations within the

Ministry of education
Equivalency certificate issued by the Ministry of education for academicqualifications obtained
equivalency for academic
3 by Saudi citizens from another country (Bachelor - Doctor of - high diploma - Master -
qualifications PhD).

Formal description of
training or passed courses
of the qualification,
Provide academic transcript for academic Certificate (Bachelor - Doctor of - high diploma - Master -
especially for clinical
PhD ) showing program details, duration and practical training description. Provide training
training of the postgraduate
4 completion certificate issued for the trainee after completing the training for Professional
certificates (Note: In some
Certificates (Fellowship, Certificate of specialization or Board) indicating the following program
cases ,not providing a
details (program duration, enrollment date and program completion date.
formal description may
affect the acceptance of the
classification request).

1-A minimum of one year of experience for non-Saudis except graduates of Saudi Universities.
2-Experience is not required from Saudis however there should be no discontinuation of
5 Experience letter professional practice for more than 2 years.
3-Written evidence of the required work experience for the requested rank should be provided
based on executive regulations of professional classification and registration.

Verification of external
6 Verification statement report for external experience letter(s), if any.

Saudi applicants: National Identity.

Non-Saudi applicants: 1. Passport 2. Valid Iqama indicating that applicant is permitted to work as
a health practitioner (Iqama ID status: “authorized to work”) and sponsored by the institution.
7 ID) identity(
otherwise, the applicant shall submit a copy of a valid regular contract between the recruitment
company and the health institution or through Ajeer

8 Personal photo Mandatory for all applications except applications made by Saudi females.

9 Medical report For applicants older than 65 years.

10 National Address Providing any official document that would indicate the applicant's national address, if possible.

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Remove restrictions

Experience : Letter/ Letters describing the applicant's experience issued by employee’s affairs or HR
department or equivalent within the institution . This letter shall indicate the following details:
(specialty, job title, clinical practice, experience start and end date. For applicants who were
enrolled in a training program that ends with a qualification during that period, providing evidence
Experience letter/
1 of such enrolment will be sufficient. Identification letter proving clinical practice within the same
identification letter
specialty field, issued by employee’s affairs or HR department or any party responsible for the
entity's employees. Letter shall indicate the following details: (enrollment date, medical
professional rank, specialty and job title. Note that the letter should be issued within the 3 months
preceeding the application date.

If the restriction in the classification certificate is "working under a supervisor", the practitioner
shall submit in the identification or experience letter the supervisor’s following details:
2 Supervisor information (supervisor’s specialty, job title, classification and registration number) while taking into
consideration the terms and conditions of the accepted identification or experience letter
mentioned above.

Saudi applicants: National Identity.

Non-Saudi applicants:
1. Passport
3 ID) identity( 2. Valid Iqama indicating that applicant is permitted to work as a health practitioner (Iqama ID
status: “authorized to work”) and sponsored by the institution. otherwise, the applicant shall
submit a copy of a valid regular contract between the recruitment company and the health
institution or through Ajeer program.

Completing experience

Experience : Letter/ Letters describing the applicant's experience issued by employee’s affairs or HR
department or equivalent within the institution . This letter shall indicate the following details:
(specialty, job title, clinical practice, experience start and end date. For applicants who were
enrolled in a training program that ends with a qualification during that period, providing evidence
Experience OR Employer
1 of such enrolment will be sufficient.
identification letter
Identification letter proving clinical practice within the same specialty field, issued by employee’s
affairs or HR department or any party responsible for the entity's employees. Letter shall indicate
the following details: (enrollment date, medical professional rank, specialty and job title. Note that
the letter should be issued within the 3 months preceeding the application date.

Saudi applicants: National Identity.

Non-Saudi applicants:
1. Passport
2 ID 2. Valid Iqama indicating that applicant is permitted to work as a health practitioner (Iqama ID
status: “authorized to work”) and sponsored by the institution. otherwise, the applicant shall
submit a copy of a valid regular contract between the recruitment company and the health
institution or through Ajeer program.

Certification recognition

Official certificate(s) issued by the

Certification (s) to be
1 awarding authority showing the following details: Award date, graduation date, qualification title
and specialty).

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The certificate verification statement issued by the verification company recognized by SCFHS is
required for the presented certification.
The following cases are exempted from this requirement: 1. Saudi applicants who provided
2 Certification Verification
equivalency certificate from the ministry of education for academic qualifications obtained from
another country. 2. Recognized qualifications awarded by academic or medical professional
organizations within the Kingdom.

Provide academic transcript for academic Certificate (BA, MA, PhD) showing program details,
duration and practical training description.
3 Course Transcript Provide training completion certificate issued after completing the training for Professional
Certificates (Fellowship, Certificate of specialization or Board) indicating the
following program details (program duration, enrollment date and program completion date.

Ministry of education
Equivalency certificate issued by the
equivalency for academic
4 Ministry of education for academic
qualifications obtained by Saudi citizens from another country.

Saudi applicants: National Identity.

Non-Saudi applicants: 1. Passport 2. Valid Iqama indicating that applicant is permitted to work as
5 (ID) identity a health practitioner (Iqama ID status: “authorized to work”) and sponsored by the institution.
otherwise, the applicant shall submit a copy of a valid regular contract between the recruitment
company and the health institution or through Ajeer program.

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Classification and Registration

Provide official qualification(s) certificate issued by the awarding authority showing the following
details: Award date, graduation date, qualification title and specialty).
Qualification(s) to be
1 Provide all the qualifications required for the requested rank. For example, requesting to be
classified on
classified as a senior pharmacist will require the provision of the bachelor's degree and a master
degree or equivalent based on SCFHS requirements.

Provide the qualification verification statement issued by the verification company recognized by
SCFHS is required for the following cases:
1. Verification Statement for the bachelor's degree if the classification request is based on the
bachelor's degree only.
2. Verification Statement for the postgraduate qualification(s) only if the classification request is
2 Qualification(s) Verification based on that postgraduate qualification only.
The following cases are exempted from this requirement: 1. Saudi applicants who provided
equivalency certificate from the ministry of education for academic qualifications obtained from
another country.
2. Recognized qualifications awarded by academic or medical professional organizations within the

Ministry of education Equivalency certificate issued by the Ministry of education for academic qualifications obtained by
3 equivalency for academic Saudi citizens from another country (Bachelor -
health qualifications Doctor of - high diploma - Master - PhD).

Formal description of
training or passed courses
of the certification,
especially for clinical Provide academic transcript for academic Certificate (Bachelor - Doctor of - high diploma - Master -
training required for PhD) showing program details, duration and practical training description.
4 postgraduate certificates Provide training completion certificate issued for the trainee after completing the training for
(Note: In some cases ,not Professional Certificates (Fellowship, Certificate of specialization or Board) indicating the following
providing a formal program details (program duration, enrollment date and program completion date.
description may affect the
acceptance of the
classification request).

Valid professional registration certificate/ license issued by a relevant official authority in the
applicant’s country of practice prior to arriving to the Kingdom and a verification statement issued
Registration certificate /
by the SCFHS recognized company for that professional registration certificate/ license.
professional practice license
5 If there is no authority providing registration certificate/ license, then the applicant should submit
an evidence document issued by the country's ministry of health indicating that their country does
verification statement
not have a such issuing authority and provide verification statement from the recognized
verification company for the experience letter only.

1-A minimum of one year of experience for non-Saudis except graduates of Saudi Universities.
2-Experience is not required from Saudis however there should be no discontinuation of
6 Experience letter professional practice for more than 2 years.
3-ritten evidence of the required work experience for the requested rank should be provided based
on executive regulations of professional classification and registration.

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Letter of identification:
1) issued by (personnel, human resources management or any entity responsible for the
employees within the organization) within the 3 months preceding the submission of the
2) Confirms clinical practice in the field of specialization with the mention of the professional
Employer identification category and the employment start date.
letter Non- Saudi applicant whom are sponsored by (husband, wife, son or father) and not currently on
contract should submit their sponsor’s identification letter, issued from the sponsor's employer
and certified by the Saudi Chamber of Commerce for private sector employees or certified by the
employee’s affairs department for government sector employees. However, This group of
applicants will be able to acquire professional classification only, and can apply for professional
registration after their iqama ID status is changed to “authorized to work”.

1-Passport with visa indicating their. health profession and employer’s name. Third: Non-Saudi
applicants holding an Iqama identity in the Kingdom:
2-Valid Passport
3-A valid Iqama Identity indicating that applicant is permitted to work as a health practitioner
(Iqama ID status: “authorized to work”) and sponsored by an institution OR For Non-Saudi
applicants holding a valid Iqama ID but not allowed to work (Iqama ID status: “not authorized to
work”), shall submit a copy of a valid regular contract between the recruitment company and the
8 (ID) identity
health institution, knowing that this group of applicants will be able to apply for professional
classification only and can apply for professional registration after their iqama ID status is changed
to “authorized to work” OR For Non-Saudi applicants holding a valid Iqama ID but not allowed to
work (Iqama ID status: “not authorized to work”) and without a regular contract (this is limited to
graduates from Saudi health specialties universities), will be able to acquire professional
classification only, and can apply for professional registration after their iqama ID status is changed
to “authorized to work”.

9 Personal photo Mandatory for all applications except applications made by Saudi females.

10 Medical report For applicants older than 65 years.

11 National Address Providing any official document that would indicate the applicant's national address, if possible.

New Qualification

Provide official qualification(s) certificate issued by the awarding authority showing the following
details: Award date, graduation date, qualification title and specialty).
Qualification(s) to be
1 Provide all the qualifications required for the requested rank. For example, requesting to be
classified on
classified as a senior pharmacist will require the provision of the bachelor's degree and a master
degree or equivalent based on SCFHS requirements.

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Provide the qualification verification statement issued by the verification company recognized by
SCFHS is required for the following cases: 1. Verification Statement for the bachelor's degree if the
classification request is based on the bachelor's degree only. 2. Verification Statement for the
postgraduate qualification(s), only if the classification request is based on that
2 Qualifications Verification postgraduate qualification only. The following cases are exempted from this
requirement: 1. Saudi applicants who provided equivalency certificate from the ministry
of education for academic qualifications obtained from another country. 2. Recognized
qualifications awarded by academic or medical professional organizations within the

Ministry of education
Equivalency certificate issued by the Ministry of education for academic qualifications obtained by
3 equivalency for academic
Saudi citizens from another country (Bachelor - Doctor of - high diploma - Master - PhD).
health qualifications

Formal description of
training or passed courses
of the qualification, Provide academic transcript for academic Certificate (Bachelor - Doctor of - high diploma - Master -
especially for clinical PhD ) showing program details, duration and practical training description. Provide training
training of the postgraduate completion certificate issued for the trainee after completing the training for Professional
certificates (Note: In some Certificates (Fellowship, Certificate of
cases ,not providing a specialization or Board) indicating the following program details (program duration, enrollment
formal description may date and program completion date.
affect the acceptance of the
classification request).

1-A minimum of one year of experience for non-Saudis except graduates of Saudi Universities.
2-Experience is not required from Saudis however there should be no discontinuation of
5 Experience letter professional practice for more than 2 years.
3-Written evidence of the required work experience for the requested rank should be provided
based on executive regulations of professional classification and registration.

Saudi applicants: National Identity.

Non-Saudi applicants:
1. Passport
6 (ID) identity 2. Valid Iqama indicating that applicant is permitted to work as a health practitioner (Iqama ID
status: “authorized to work”) and sponsored by the institution. otherwise, the applicant shall
submit a copy of a valid regular contract between the recruitment company and the health
institution or through Ajeer program.

7 Personal photo Mandatory for all applications except applications made by Saudi females.

8 Medical report For applicants older than 65 years.

9 National Address Providing any official document that would indicate the applicant's national address, if possible.

13 / 23 For Assistance in Processing GCC Medical License, please write to [email protected] alongwith CV
FOR GCC MEDICAL LICENSING ASSISTANCE - EMAIL TO : [email protected] Updated as on 01-01-2019

Remove restrictions

Experience : Letter/ Letters describing the applicant's experience issued by employee’s affairs or
HR department or equivalent within the institution . This letter shall indicate the following details:
(specialty, job title, clinical practice, experience start and end date.
For applicants who were enrolled in a training program that ends with a qualification
Experience letter/ during that period, providing evidence of such enrolment will be sufficient.
identification letter Identification letter proving clinical practice within the same specialty field, issued by
employee’s affairs or HR department or any party responsible for the entity's employees.
Letter shall indicate the following details: (enrollment date, medical professional rank,
specialty and job title. Note that the letter should be issued within the 3 months
preceding the application date.

If the restriction in the classification certificate is "working under a supervisor", the practitioner
shall submit in the identification or experience letter the supervisor’s following details:
2 Supervisor information (supervisor’s specialty, job title, classification and registration number) while taking into
consideration the terms and conditions of the accepted identification or experience letter
mentioned above.

Saudi applicants: National Identity.

Non-Saudi applicants: 1. Passport
2. Valid Iqama indicating that applicant is permitted to work as a health practitioner (Iqama ID
3 (ID) identity status: “authorized to work”) and sponsored by the institution. otherwise, the applicant shall
submit a copy of a valid regular contract between the recruitment company and the health
institution or through Ajeer

Completing Experience

Experience : Letter/ Letters describing the applicant's experience issued by employee’s affairs or HR
department or equivalent within the institution . This letter shall indicate the following details:
(specialty, job title, clinical practice, experience start and end date. For applicants who were
enrolled in a training program that ends with a qualification during that period, providing evidence
Experience OR Employer
1 of such enrolment will be sufficient.
identification letter
Identification letter proving clinical practice within the same specialty field, issued by employee’s
affairs or HR department or any party responsible for the entity's employees. Letter shall indicate
the following details: (enrollment date, medical professional rank, specialty and job title. Note that
the letter should be issued within the 3 months preceding the application date.

Saudi applicants: National Identity.

Non-Saudi applicants: 1. Passport 2. Valid Iqama indicating that applicant is permitted to work as
2 ID a health practitioner (Iqama ID status: “authorized to work”) and sponsored by the institution.
otherwise, the applicant shall submit a copy of a valid regular contract between the
recruitment company and the health institution or through Ajeer program.

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FOR GCC MEDICAL LICENSING ASSISTANCE - EMAIL TO : [email protected] Updated as on 01-01-2019

Certification Recognition

Certification (s) to be Official certificate(s) issued by the awarding authority showing the following details: Award date,
recognized graduation date, qualification title and specialty).

The certificate verification statement

issued by the verification company recognized by SCFHS is required for the presented certification.
The following cases are exempted from this requirement: 1. Saudi applicants who provided
2 Certification Verification
equivalency certificate from the ministry of education for academic qualifications obtained from
another country. 2. Recognized qualifications awarded by academic or medical professional
organizations within the Kingdom.

Provide academic transcript for academic Certificate (BA, MA, PhD)

showing program details, duration and practical training description.
3 Course Transcript Provide training completion certificate issued after completing the training for Professional
Certificates (Fellowship, Certificate of specialization or Board) indicating the following program
details (program duration, enrollment date and program completion date.

Ministry of education
Equivalency certificate issued by the Ministry of education for academic qualifications obtained by
4 equivalency for academic
Saudi citizens from another country.
health qualifications

Saudi applicants: National Identity.

Non-Saudi applicants:
1. Passport
2. Valid Iqama indicating that applicant is permitted to work as a health practitioner (Iqama ID
5 (ID) identity
status: “authorized to work”) and sponsored by the institution. otherwise, the applicant shall
submit a copy of a valid regular contract between the recruitment company and the health
institution or through Ajeer

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FOR GCC MEDICAL LICENSING ASSISTANCE - EMAIL TO : [email protected] Updated as on 01-01-2019

Applied medical sciences

Classification and Registration

Qualification(s) to be Provide official qualification(s) certificate issued by the awarding authority showing the following
classified on details: Award date, graduation date, qualification title and specialty).

Provide the qualification verification statement issued by the verification company recognized by
SCFHS is required for the following cases:
1. Verification Statement for the bachelor's degree if the classification request is based on the
bachelor's degree only.The following cases are exempted from this requirement: 1. Saudi
2 Qualifications Verification applicants who provided equivalency certificate from the ministry of education for academic
qualifications obtained from another country. 2. Recognized qualifications awarded by academic or
medical professional organizations within the Kingdom.
2. Verification Statement for the postgraduate qualification(s) only if the classification request is
based on that postgraduate qualification only.

Ministry of education
equivalency for academic Equivalency certificate issued by the Ministry of education for academic qualifications obtained by
health Saudi citizens from another country (Bachelor - Doctor of - high diploma - Master - PhD).

Formal description of
training or passed courses
of the qualification,
Provide academic transcript for academic Certificate (Bachelor - Doctor of - high diploma - Master -
especially for clinical
PhD ) showing program details, duration and practical training description. Provide training
training of the postgraduate
4 completion certificate issued for the trainee after completing the training for Professional
certificates (Note: In some
Certificates (Fellowship, Certificate of specialization or Board) indicating the following program
cases ,not providing a
details (program duration, enrollment date and program completion date.
formal description may
affect the acceptance of the
classification request).

A minimum of one year of -1 experience for non-Saudis except graduates of Saudi

Universities. Experience is not required -2 from Saudis however there should be no
5 Experience letter discontinuation of professional practice for more than 2 years.
Written evidence of the -3 required work experience for the requested rank should be
provided based on executive regulations of professional classification and registration.

Verification of external
6 Verification statement report for external experience letter(s), if any.

16 / 23 For Assistance in Processing GCC Medical License, please write to [email protected] alongwith CV
FOR GCC MEDICAL LICENSING ASSISTANCE - EMAIL TO : [email protected] Updated as on 01-01-2019

Saudi applicants: National Identity.

Non-Saudi applicants:
1. Passport
7 (ID) identity 2. Valid Iqama indicating that applicant is permitted to work as a health practitioner (Iqama ID
status: “authorized to work”) and sponsored by the institution. otherwise, the applicant shall
submit a copy of a valid regular contract between the recruitment company and the health
institution or through Ajeer program.

8 Personal photo Mandatory for all applications except applications made by Saudi females.

9 Medical report For applicants older than 65 years.

10 National Address Providing any official document that would indicate the applicant's national address, if possible.

New qualification

Qualification(s) to be Provide official qualification(s) certificate issued by the awarding authority showing the following
classified on details: Award date, graduation date, qualification title and specialty).

Provide the qualification verification statement issued by the verification company recognized by
SCFHS is required for the following cases:1. Verification Statement for the bachelor's degree if the
classification request is based on the bachelor's degree only.
2. Verification Statement for the postgraduate qualification(s) only if the classification request is
based on that postgraduate qualification only.
2 Qualifications Verification
The following cases are exempted from this requirement:
1. Saudi applicants who provided equivalency certificate from the ministry of education for
academic qualifications obtained from another country.
2. Recognized qualifications awarded by academic or medical professional organizations within the

Ministry of education
equivalency for academic Equivalency certificate issued by the Ministry of education for academic qualifications obtained by
health Saudi citizens from another country (Bachelor - Doctor of - high diploma - Master - PhD).

Formal description of
training or passed courses
of the qualification,
Provide academic transcript for academic Certificate (Bachelor - Doctor of - high diploma - Master -
especially for clinical
PhD ) showing program details, duration and practical training description.
training of the postgraduate
4 Provide training completion certificate issued for the trainee after completing the training for
certificates (Note: In some
Professional Certificates (Fellowship, Certificate of specialization or Board) indicating the following
cases ,not providing a
program details (program duration, enrollment date and program completion date.
formal description may
affect the acceptance of the
classification request).

A minimum of one year of -1) experience for non-Saudis except graduates of Saudi Universities.
Experience is not required -2) from Saudis however there should be no discontinuation of
5 Experience letter professional practice for more than 2 years. Written evidence of the. -3) required work experience
for the requested rank should be provided based on executive regulations of professional
classification and registration.

17 / 23 For Assistance in Processing GCC Medical License, please write to [email protected] alongwith CV
FOR GCC MEDICAL LICENSING ASSISTANCE - EMAIL TO : [email protected] Updated as on 01-01-2019

Verification of external
6 Verification statement report for external experience letter(s), if any.

Saudi applicants: National Identity.

Non-Saudi applicants: 1. Passport 2. Valid Iqama indicating that applicant is permitted to work as
7 (ID) identity a health practitioner (Iqama ID status: “authorized to work”) and sponsored by the institution.
otherwise, the applicant shall submit a copy of a valid regular contract between the recruitment
company and the health institution or through Ajeer program.

8 Personal photo Mandatory for all applications except applications made by Saudi females.

9 Medical report For applicants older than 65 years.

10 National Address Providing any official document that would indicate the applicant's national address, if possible.

Remove restrictions

Experience : Letter/ Letters describing the applicant's experience issued by employee’s

affairs or HR department or equivalent within the institution . This letter shall indicate
the following details: (specialty, job title, clinical practice, experience start and end date.
For applicants who were enrolled in a training program that ends with a qualification
Experience letter/ during that period, providing evidence of such enrolment will be sufficient.
identification letter Identification letter proving clinical practice within the same specialty field, issued by
employee’s affairs or HR department or any party responsible for the entity's employees.
Letter shall indicate the following details: (enrollment date, medical professional rank,
specialty and job title. Note that the letter should be issued within the 3 months
preceeding the application date.

If the restriction in the classification certificate is "working under a supervisor", the practitioner
shall submit in the identification or experience letter the supervisor’s following details:
2 Supervisor information (supervisor’s specialty, job title, classification and registration number) while taking into
consideration the terms and conditions of the accepted identification or experience letter
mentioned above.

Saudi applicants: National Identity.

Non-Saudi applicants: 1. Passport 2. Valid Iqama indicating that applicant is permitted to work as
3 (ID) identity a health practitioner (Iqama ID status: “authorized to work”) and sponsored by the institution.
otherwise, the applicant shall submit a copy of a valid regular contract between the recruitment
company and the health institution or through Ajeer program.

18 / 23 For Assistance in Processing GCC Medical License, please write to [email protected] alongwith CV
FOR GCC MEDICAL LICENSING ASSISTANCE - EMAIL TO : [email protected] Updated as on 01-01-2019

Completing experience

Experience : Letter/ Letters describing the applicant's experience issued by employee’s affairs or HR
department or equivalent within the institution . This letter shall indicate the following details:
(specialty, job title, clinical practice, experience start and end date. For applicants who were
enrolled in a training program that ends with a qualification during that period, providing evidence
Experience OR Employer
1 of such enrolment will be sufficient. Identification letter proving clinical practice within the same
identification letter
specialty field, issued by employee’s affairs or HR department or any party responsible for the
entity's employees. Letter shall indicate the following details: (enrollment date, medical
professional rank, specialty and job title. Note that the letter should be issued within the 3 months
preceeding the application date.

Saudi applicants: National Identity.

Non-Saudi applicants: 1. Passport 2. Valid Iqama indicating that applicant is permitted to work
as a health
2 ID
practitioner (Iqama ID status: “authorized to work”) and sponsored by the institution.
otherwise, the applicant shall submit a copy of a valid regular contract between the
recruitment company and the health institution or through Ajeer program.

Certification recognition

Certification (s) to be Official certificate(s) issued by the awarding authority showing the following details: Award date,
recognized graduation date, qualification title and specialty).

The certificate verification statement, issued by the verification company recognized by SCFHS is
required for the presented certification. The following cases are exempted from this requirement:
2 Certification Verification 1. Saudi applicants who provided equivalency certificate from the ministry of education for
academic qualifications obtained from another country. 2. Recognized qualifications awarded by
academic or medical professional organizations within the Kingdom.

Provide academic transcript for academic Certificate (BA, MA, PhD) showing program details,
duration and practical training description.
3 Course Transcript Provide training completion certificate issued after completing the training for Professional
Certificates (Fellowship, Certificate of specialization or Board) indicating the following program
details (program duration, enrollment date and program completion date.

Ministry of education
equivalency for academic Equivalency certificate issued by the Ministry of education for academic qualifications obtained by
health Saudi citizens from another country.

Saudi applicants: National Identity.

Non-Saudi applicants: 1.) Passport 2.) Valid Iqama indicating that applicant is permitted to work as
5 (ID) identity a health practitioner (Iqama ID status: “authorized to work”) and sponsored by the institution.
otherwise, the applicant shall submit a copy of a valid regular contract between the recruitment
company and the health institution or through Ajeer program

19 / 23 For Assistance in Processing GCC Medical License, please write to [email protected] alongwith CV
FOR GCC MEDICAL LICENSING ASSISTANCE - EMAIL TO : [email protected] Updated as on 01-01-2019

Classification and Registration

Provide official qualification(s) certificate issued by the awarding authority showing the following
details: Award date, graduation date, qualification title and specialty).
Classification and Provide the required qualification for diplomas and other health programs issued from a
Registration governmental agency and providing a high school certificate. In addition, verification of the
approval of this programs by SCFHS is required and can be checked by visiting SCFHS website
(program accreditation).

Provide the qualification verification statement issued by the verification. company recognized
by SCFHS for the qualification: diploma, bachelor and master.
The following cases are exempted from this requirement: 1. Saudi applicants who
2 Qualification(s) Verification
provided equivalency certificate from the ministry of education for academic
qualifications obtained from another country. 2. Recognized qualifications awarded by
academic or medical professional organizations within the Kingdom.

Ministry of education
equivalency for academic
3 Not required for diploma. Required for bachelor and master.
Formal description of
training or passed courses
of the certification,
especially for clinical
training required for
Not required for diploma.
4 postgraduate certificates
Required for bachelor and master.
(Note: In some cases ,not
providing a formal
description may affect the
acceptance of the
classification request).

Valid professional registration certificate/ license issued by a relevant official authority in the
applicant's country of practice prior to arriving to the Kingdom and a verification statement issued
Registration certificate /
by the SCFHS recognized company for that professional registration certificate/ license.
professional practice license
5 If there is no authority providing registration certificate/ license, then the applicant should submit
an evidence document issued by the country's ministry of health indicating that their country does
verification statement
not have a such issuing authority and provide verification statement from the recognized
verification company for the experience letter only

One year of work/training experience for holders of bachelor degree in microbiology or

6 Experience letter

Non- Saudi applicant whom are sponsored by (husband, wife, son or father) and not currently on
contract should submit their sponsor’s identification letter, issued from the sponsor's employer
Employer identification and certified by the Saudi Chamber of Commerce for private sector employees or certified by the
letter employee’s affairs department for government sector employees. However, This group of
applicants will be able to acquire professional classification only, and can apply for professional
registration after their iqama ID status is changed to “authorized to work”.

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FOR GCC MEDICAL LICENSING ASSISTANCE - EMAIL TO : [email protected] Updated as on 01-01-2019

First: Saudi applicants: National Identity.

Second: Non-Saudi applicants who recently arrived to the Kingdom without an Iqama ID :
1.Passport with visa indicating their health profession and employer’s name.
Third: Non-Saudi applicants holding an Iqama identity in the Kingdom: Valid Passport .1) a valid
Iqama Identity indicating that .2) applicant is permitted to work as a health practitioner (Iqama ID
status: “authorized to work”) and sponsored by an institution OR For Non-Saudi applicants holding
a valid Iqama ID but not allowed to work (Iqama ID status: “not authorized to work”), shall submit
8 (ID) identity
a copy of a valid regular contract between the recruitment company and the health institution,
knowing that this group of applicants will be able to apply for professional classification only and
can apply for professional registration after their iqama ID status is changed to “authorized to
work” OR For Non- Saudi applicants holding a valid Iqama ID but not allowed to work (Iqama ID
status: “not authorized to work”) and without a regular contract (this is limited to graduates from
Saudi health specialties universities), will be able to acquire professional classification only, and can
apply for professional registration after their iqama ID status is changed to “authorized to work”.

9 Personal photo Mandatory for all applications except applications made by Saudi females.

10 Medical report For applicants older than 65 years.

11 National Address Providing any official document that would indicate the applicant's national address, if possible.

New qualification

Official qualification(s) certificate issued by the awarding authority showing the following details:
Award date, graduation date, qualification title and specialty).
Qualification(s) to be
1 For diplomas and other health programs, high school certificate is required. In addition, verification
classified on
of the approval of this programs by SCFHS is required and can be checked by visiting SCFHS website
(program accreditation

The qualification verification statement issued by the verification company recognized by SCFHS for
the qualification: diploma, bachelor and master.
The following cases are exempted from this requirement: 1. Saudi applicants who provided
2 Qualifications Verification
equivalency certificate from the ministry of education for academic qualifications obtained from
another country. 2. Recognized qualifications awarded by academic or medical professional
organizations within the Kingdom.

Ministry of education
equivalency for academic Not required for diploma.
health Required for bachelor and master.

Formal description of
training or passed courses
of the qualification,
especially for clinical
training of the postgraduate Not required for diploma.
certificates (Note: In some Required for bachelor and master.
cases ,not providing a
formal description may
affect the acceptance of the
classification request).

21 / 23 For Assistance in Processing GCC Medical License, please write to [email protected] alongwith CV
FOR GCC MEDICAL LICENSING ASSISTANCE - EMAIL TO : [email protected] Updated as on 01-01-2019

One year of work/training experience for holders of bachelor degree in microbiology or

5 Experience letter

Verification of external
6 Verification statement report for external experience letter(s), if any.

Saudi applicants: National Identity. | Non-Saudi applicants: 1. Passport 2. Valid Iqama indicating
that applicant is permitted to work as a health practitioner (Iqama ID status: “authorized to
7 (ID) identity work”) and sponsored, by the institution. otherwise, the applicant shall submit a copy of
a valid regular contract between the recruitment company and the health institution or
through Ajeer program.

8 Personal photo Mandatory for all applications except, applications made by Saudi females.

9 Medical report For applicants older than 65 years.

10 National Address Providing any official document that would indicate the applicant's national address, if possible.

Remove restrictions

Experience : Letter/ Letters describing the applicant's experience issued by employee’s

affairs or HR department or equivalent within the institution . This letter shall indicate
the following details: (specialty, job title, clinical practice, experience start and end date.
For applicants who were enrolled in a training program that ends with a qualification
Experience letter/ during that period, providing evidence of such enrolment will be sufficient.
identification letter Identification letter proving clinical practice within the same specialty field, issued by
employee’s affairs or HR department or any party responsible for the entity's employees.
Letter shall indicate the following details: (enrollment date, medical professional rank,
specialty and job title. Note that the letter should be issued within the 3 months
preceding the application date.

If the restriction in the classification certificate is "working under a supervisor", the

practitioner shall submit in the identification or experience letter the supervisor’s
2 Supervisor information following details: (supervisor’s specialty, job title, classification and registration number)
while taking into consideration the terms and conditions of the accepted identification or
experience letter mentioned above.

Saudi applicants: National Identity.

Non-Saudi applicants: 1. Passport 2. Valid Iqama indicating that applicant is permitted
3 (ID) identity to work as a health practitioner (Iqama ID status: “authorized to work”) and sponsored
by the institution. otherwise, the applicant shall submit a copy of a valid regular contract
between the recruitment company and the health institution or through Ajeer program.

22 / 23 For Assistance in Processing GCC Medical License, please write to [email protected] alongwith CV
FOR GCC MEDICAL LICENSING ASSISTANCE - EMAIL TO : [email protected] Updated as on 01-01-2019

Completing experience

Experience : Letter/ Letters describing the applicant's experience issued by employee’s affairs or HR
department or equivalent within the institution. This letter shall indicate the following details:
(specialty, job title, clinical practice, experience start and end date. For applicants who were
enrolled in a training program that ends with a qualification during that period, providing evidence
Experience OR Employer
1 of such enrolment will be sufficient.
identification letter
Identification letter proving clinical practice within the same specialty field.issued by employee’s
affairs or HR department or any party responsible for the entity's employees. Letter shall indicate
the following details: (enrollment date, medical professional rank, specialty and job title. Note that
the letter should be issued within the 3 months preceding the application date.

Saudi applicants: National Identity.

Non-Saudi applicants: 1. Passport 2. Valid Iqama indicating that applicant is permitted to work as
2 ID a health practitioner (Iqama ID status: “authorized to work”) and sponsored by the institution.
otherwise, the applicant shall submit a copy of a valid regular contract between the recruitment
company and the health institution or through Ajeer program.

Certification recognition

Certification (s) to be Official certificate(s) issued by the awarding authority showing the following details: Award date,
recognized graduation date, qualification title and specialty).

The certificate verification statement issued by the verification company recognized by SCFHS is
required for the presented certification.
The following cases are exempted from this requirement:
2 Certification Verification 1. Saudi applicants who provided equivalency certificate from the ministry of education for
academic qualifications obtained from another country.
2. Recognized qualifications awarded by academic or medical professional organizations within the

Provide academic transcript for academic Certificate (BA, MA, PhD) showing program details,
duration and practical training description.
3 Course Transcript Provide training completion certificate issued after completing the training for Professional
Certificates (Fellowship, Certificate of specialization or Board) indicating the following program
details (program duration, enrollment date and program completion date.

Ministry of education
equivalency for academic Equivalency certificate issued by the Ministry of education for academic qualifications obtained by
health Saudi citizens from another country (BA - Doctor's certificate - high diploma - Master - PhD)

Saudi applicants: National Identity. | Non-Saudi applicants: 1. Passport 2. Valid Iqama indicating
that applicant is permitted to work as a health practitioner (Iqama ID status: “authorized to work”)
5 (ID) identity
and sponsored by the institution. otherwise, the applicant shall submit a copy of a valid regular
contract between the recruitment company and the health institution or through Ajeer program.

23 / 23 For Assistance in Processing GCC Medical License, please write to [email protected] alongwith CV

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