CC PKBK 3073 1 LP

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Subject : English
Class : 3 Cemerlang
Day : Wednesday
Date : 10th July 2019
Time : 12:05 pm – 1:05 pm
No. of Students : 6 (six)
Low Level
No Name Disability Attendance
1 Alisya Binti Rosli Autism
2. Nurain Binti Razman Autism

Intermediate Level
No Name Disability Attendance
1 Muhammad Nabil Bin Yusof ADHD
2 Amir Bin Othman Slow Learner
3 Fatin Amira binti Mohd Nazrul Slow Learner
4. Farisyah Binti Zambri Slow Learner

Topic / Theme : Things Around Us

Content Standard : 1.1 Listen to and respond appropriately for a variety of purposes
Learning Standard :1.1.1 Listen to and respond appropriately based on any given stimulus.
i) Objects
Learning Objectives : By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

Low Level
1. Name at least 2 out of 6 objects from given stimulus.
2. Answer at least 2 out of 6 mix and match question based on
teacher’s instruction.

Intermediate Level
1. Name at least 3 out of 6 objects from given stimulus.
2. Answer at least 4 out of 6 mix and match question based on
teacher’s instruction
Prior Knowledge : Pupils have seen and known the familiar objects.

Element Across :
Curriculum Moral Values Attention, knowledge, bravery, confidence,
tolerance, creative
Thinking Skills Generating ideas, linking, applying, observe,
21st Century Creative, Collaborative, Communicative,

Therapy : Psychomotor, speech, arts, audio-visual, visual

Integrated Curriculum : Arts, Mathematics.

Teaching Aids : Real objects (pillow, box, gift box,book, triangle, ball), Picture
cards, video, speaker, laptop, reward board, reward coins.
Stage / Time Learning Content Activities Remarks

T.A: song, speaker,

Induction Set “Things Around Us” 1. Teacher wear a “Shape & laptop
Colour” mask and sing a
5 minutes T: What is this? song about colour and Value: Attention,
shape. knowledge
T: What is this song is about? 2. Pupils shown to all the
realia objects for that day. Therapy: audio-visual,
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s speech
4. Pupils answer a few T.S: Generating ideas
questions given by the
5. Teacher gets into the

Presentation Introduction to objects and it’s 1. Pupils shown to the realia T.A: object.
Stage characteristic objects.
2. Pupils listen to the Value: attention,
15 minutes  Ball teacher’s saying. confidence, bravery
 Pillow 3. Pupils repeat after
 Box teacher. Therapy: speech,
 Book 4. Pupils listen to teacher’s visual

 Triangle explanation on the

 Gift Box characteristic of the object T.S: generating ideas,

(colour & shape) with observe
correct pronounciation.
5. Pupils repeat after
6. Pupils speak with
teacher’s guidance.
7. Pupils try to name the
things one by one.
8. Pupils guess the object
raised by teacher.
T: What is this?
9. Pupils randomly picked to
say the name of the
T: What colour is the book? things.

T: I want A to tell me what object

is this?

Practice “Pictionary Race?” 1. Pupils listen to the T.A: picture cards,

Stage - Guess the object describe by teacher’s explanation reward board
friends. a. The pupils will
20 minutes divided into two Value: tolerance,
T: One of the pupils will pick a groups. attention, bravery,
picture card in the box. b. One pupils from confidence, knowledge
group A will be
called by the Therapy: arts, speech,
teacher. psychomotor
c. Pupils who stand in
front of the class T.S: applying, linking,
will choose a card observe
in a mystery box.
d. The pupils need to
describe the

T: The others member need to characteristic that

he/she get.
guess the object describe by
e. The others need to
respon by try to
guess the name of
T: Every correct answer will be
the object and
given points.
describe the
f. Every correct
answer will be
given points.
2. Teacher will call a pupil.
3. Points taken and put on
the reward board.
4. Pupils given guidance if

Production “Find And Show Me” 1. Pupils provided with 2 T.A: “Find And Show
Stage “Find And Show Me” Me” board, colour
Choose right answer by drawing board (each board contain pencil.
15 minutes an arrow. pictures and answer
choices). Value: confidence,
2. The teacher will give creative, attention
a) Teacher will ask them Therapy: arts,
to draw the arrow to the psychomotor, speech
correct shapes and
colours based on the T.S: applying,
correct pictures. remember, linking
3. Pupils need to put the
names, shapes and
colours based on the
correct pictures.
4. The correct answer will
get the a big coin token
5. One correct answer will
get one point.
6. Pupils give guidance if
7. Pupils given praises and
a.Well done

Closure Recall and quick quiz 1. Pupils listen to teacher’s T.A:Objects

5 minutes T: What we had learnt today? 2. Pupils answer teacher’s Value: attention,
questions on the topic. knowledge
3. Pupils take quick quiz.
a. Teacher puts the Therapy: speech
objects in front of
the class. T.S: remember
b. Teacher picks one
person to say the
name of object she
points to.
c. Pupils say the
name of the object
4. Pupils given praises and
motivation for each

Beisbier, B. (1995). Sounds great: Intermediate pronunciation and speaking for learners of

English. MA: Heinle & Heinle

David E. Freeman, & Yvonne S. Freeman. (2004). Essential Linguistics : What You Need To
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of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data.

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Khas (Asas 3M) Tahun 3, Dokumen Standard Kurikulum dan Pentaksiran.

Peter Roach. (2000). English Phonetics and Phonology. United Kingdom: The Press
Syndicate of The Universiti of Cambridge.

Rask, H. (2006). Fostering speaking and listening in foundation stage classrooms. In D.jones
& P. Hodson. Unlocking speaking and listening. (pp. 17-32). London: David Fulton.

Sue C. Wortham. (2008). Assessment in Early Childhood Education(5th ed.). United

States: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Swan, M. & Smith, B. (1987). Learner English: A Teacher’s Guide to Interference and Other

Problems. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Wong Kiet Wah, Mohamad Isa Azis, & Rafidah Ruhani. (2016.). Siri Pendidikan Guru :
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Zaidah Zainal and Tina Abdullah. (2013). Ways of Language Learning. Selngor : Universiti
Teknologi Malaysia.

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