Answer 23 03 2 02 03
Answer 23 03 2 02 03
Answer 23 03 2 02 03
(A) I would like to know if the piece is still available for purchase. It would be a great pleasure to house this
wonderful piece of art. I look forward to your reply to this inquiry.
(B) I appreciate your effort to select and exhibit diverse artwork. As I mentioned, I greatly admire Robert D.
Parker’s paintings, which emphasize the beauty of nature.
(C) Over the past few days, I have been researching and learning about Robert D. Parker’s online viewing
room through your gallery’s website. I’m especially interested in purchasing the painting that depicts the
horizon, titled Sunrise.
On opening day, Isabel arrives at the cafe very early with nervous anticipation.
(A) Looking at her handiwork, which is beautifully done, she is certain that the cafe will be a success. ‘Now,
success is not exactly guaranteed,’ she thinks to herself, ‘but I’ll definitely get there.’
(B) She looks around, trying to imagine what else she could do to make the cafe perfect, but nothing comes
to mind. Then, in a sudden burst of inspiration, Isabel grabs her paintbrush and transforms the blank walls
into landscapes, adding flowers and trees. As she paints, her doubts begin to fade.
(C) She looks around the cafe, but she can’t shake off the feeling that something is missing. As she sets out
cups, spoons, and plates, Isabel’s doubts grow.
내신 Ÿ 수능 완전 정복 - 1 -
23년 3월 모의고사 고2 단락 배열
The more people have to do unwanted things the more chances are that they create unpleasant environment
for themselves and others.
(A) If you decide to accept the fact that your task has to be done, start from recognising that your situation
is a gift from life; this will help you to see it as a lesson in acceptance.
(B) If you hate the thing you do but have to do it nonetheless, you have choice between hating the thing
and accepting that it needs to be done.
(C) Either way you will do it. Doing it from place of hatred will develop hatred towards the self and others
around you; doing it from the place of acceptance will create compassion towards the self and allow for
opportunities to find a more suitable way of accomplishing the task.
Everyone’s heard the expression don’t let the perfect become the enemy of the good.
(A) That’s what counts, that they will be safer because of your idea and your effort. Is it perfect? No. Is there
more work to be done? Absolutely. But in almost every case, helping move the needle forward is vastly
better than not helping at all.
(B) Say you’re pushing for a clean water act. Even if what emerges isn’t as well-funded as you wished, or
doesn’t match how you originally conceived the bill, you’ll have still succeeded in ensuring that kids in
troubled areas have access to clean water.
(C) If you want to get over an obstacle so that your idea can become the solution-based policy you’ve long
dreamed of, you can’t have an all-or-nothing mentality. You have to be willing to alter your idea and let
others influence its outcome. You have to be okay with the outcome being a little different, even a little
less, than you wanted.
내신 Ÿ 수능 완전 정복 - 2 -
23년 3월 모의고사 고2 단락 배열
(A) Those who embraced the technology were able to integrate it into their work styles and excel. Those who
were resistant many times found few opportunities to advance their careers and in many cases were
ultimately let go through early retirement for failure to stay relevant and update their skills.
(B) Think about the impact personal computing technology had on the first wave of executive leadership
exposed to the technology.
(C) Think about the person you knew who was once on the fast track at your company, who is either no
longer with the firm or, worse yet, appears to have hit a plateau in his or her career. Assuming he or she
did not make an ambitious move, more often than not, this individual is a victim of having failed to stay
relevant and embrace the advances in his or her industry.
What consequences of eating too many grapes and other sweet fruit could there possibly be for our brains?
(A) Another study from the Mayo Clinic saw a similar inverse relationship between fruit intake and volume of
the cortex, the large outer layer of the brain. Researchers in the latter study noted that excessive
consumption of high-sugar fruit (such as mangoes, bananas, and pineapples) may cause metabolic and
cognitive problems as much as processed carbs do.
(B) This finding was unusual, since people who eat more fruit usually display the benefits associated with a
healthy diet. In this study, however, the researchers isolated various components of the subjects’ diets and
found that fruit didn’t seem to be doing their memory centers any favors.
(C) A few large studies have helped to shed some light. In one, higher fruit intake in older, cognitively healthy
adults was linked with less volume in the hippocampus.
내신 Ÿ 수능 완전 정복 - 3 -
23년 3월 모의고사 고2 단락 배열
(A) There is nothing wrong with that. But if you do it at the expense of being who you really are, making
decisions that please others instead of pleasing yourself, you’re not going to be in that position very long.
When you start apologizing for who you are, you stop growing and you stop winning. Permanently.
(B) It’s a lot easier to move under the radar when no one knows you and no one is paying attention. You
can mess up and be rough and get dirty because no one even knows you’re there.
(C) But as soon as you start to win, and others start to notice, you’re suddenly aware that you’re being
observed. You’re being judged. You worry that others will discover your flaws and weaknesses, and you start
hiding your true personality, so you can be a good role model and good citizen and a leader that others
can respect.
British photographer Julia Margaret Cameron is considered one of the greatest portrait photographers of the
19th century.
(A) She cleared out a chicken coop and converted it into studio space where she began to work as a
photographer. Cameron made illustrative studio photographs, convincing friends and family members to
pose for photographs, fitting them in theatrical costumes and carefully composing them into scenes.
(B) Born in Calcutta, India, into a British family, Cameron was educated in France. Given a camera as a gift by
her daughter in December 1863, she quickly and energetically devoted herself to the art of photography.
(C) Criticized for her so-called bad technique by art critics in her own time, she ignored convention and
experimented with composition and focus. Later critics appreciated her valuing of spiritual depth over
technical perfection and now consider her portraits to be among the finest expressions of the artistic
possibilities of the medium.
내신 Ÿ 수능 완전 정복 - 4 -
23년 3월 모의고사 고2 단락 배열
(A) Is this berry the same shape as last time? The same size? If I know for certain it is, my brain will direct
me to eat it because I know it’s safe. And if I’m uncertain, my brain will send out a danger alert to protect
me. The dependence on certainty all those millennia ago ensured our survival to the present day, and the
danger-alert system continues to protect us.
(B) This liking stems from our ancient ancestors who needed to survive alongside saber-toothed tigers and
poisonous berries. Our brains evolved to help us attend to threats, keep away from them, and remain alive
afterward. In fact, we learned that the more certain we were about something, the better chance we had of
making the right choice.
(C) This is achieved by our brains labeling new, vague, or unpredictable everyday events and experiences as
uncertain. Our brains then generate sensations, thoughts, and action plans to keep us safe from the
uncertain element, and we live to see another day.
Robert Blattberg and Steven Hoch noted that, in a changing environment, it is not clear that consistency is
always a virtue and that one of the advantages of human judgment is the ability to detect change.
(A) The logic was that statistical models assume stable conditions and therefore cannot account for the effects
on demand of novel events such as actions taken by competitors or the introduction of new products.
(B) Humans, however, can incorporate these novel factors in their judgments. The composite ─ or average of
human judgments and statistical models ─ proved to be more accurate than either the statistical models or
the managers working alone.
(C) Thus, in changing environments, it might be advantageous to combine human judgment and statistical
models. Blattberg and Hoch examined this possibility by having supermarket managers forecast demand for
certain products and then creating a composite forecast by averaging these judgments with the forecasts of
statistical models based on past data.
내신 Ÿ 수능 완전 정복 - 5 -
23년 3월 모의고사 고2 단락 배열
내신 Ÿ 수능 완전 정복 - 12 -