2023 Ellna Primer

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ELLNA Primer | DepEd-BEA

Early Language, Literacy, and

Numeracy Assessment (ELLNA)

Department of Education
Bureau of Education Assessment
ELLNA Primer | DepEd-BEA


The Department of Education (DepEd) ensures the

continuous improvement of its systems to provide
all learners access to quality basic education. To
assess the continuous improvement of teaching
and learning processes, sound information and
data on learning outcomes are needed as proxy indicators of system
effectiveness and efficiency. In line with this, DepEd, through the
Bureau of Education Assessment (BEA), administers the Early
Language, Literacy, and Numeracy Assessment (ELLNA).

The ELLNA is an early grade assessment as per

Section 2 of DepEd Order (DO) No. 55, s. 2016
titled, “Policy Guidelines on the National
Assessment of Student Learning for the K to 12
Basic Education Program”. The results of this
assessment shall be utilized to:

a. determine if learners are meeting Grade 3 learning

b. analyze patterns in language development together with
other language, literacy, and numeracy assessments to
develop appropriate intervention programs;
c. formulate evidence-based policies and plans for Mother
Tongue Based-Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE)
instructional practices and learning environment provisions
that impact learning outcomes;
d. improve MTB-MLE instruction;
e. identify teacher training needs; and

ELLNA Primer | DepEd-BEA

f. initiate and conduct research on MTB-MLE instructional

practices and learning environment provisions that impact
student learning outcomes.

DO 55, s. 2016 laid the framework for all assessments that covers
the target clientele, purpose, design, test administration
procedures, and results utilization.

DepEd Order No. 29, s. 2017 titled, “Policy

Guidelines on System Assessment in the K to 12
Basic Education Program,” decreed ELLNA as part
of DepEd’s internal system assessment that aims
to generate reliable data for use in the planning,
monitoring, and evaluating cycles of the department. This directs
all DepEd offices to organize advocacy activities that will lead to
understanding and acceptance of, and support for the participation
in national and international large-scale assessments among
teachers, administrative personnel, learners, and education

Primer Objectives

Pursuant to DepEd Order No. 27, s. 2022 titled,

“Conduct of Rapid Assessment in School Year 2021
– 2022 for Learning Recovery as well as in
Preparation for the 2024 Baseline System
Assessment,” the purpose of this ELLNA primer is
to raise greater awareness to the DepEd field offices and schools
on national assessments and shall be used to:

ELLNA Primer | DepEd-BEA

a. share the testing framework as well as the anticipated

testing dates and sampling design through a written
document addressed to teachers and learners;
b. provide familiarization materials; and
c. facilitate information campaigns to encourage participation
and generate support from the school communities, among

This primer shall be used to facilitate school-based rapid

assessment of learning gaps and to design regional, division, or
school-level interventions. It may aid schools in helping
learners/examinees prepare the needed learner- and school-related
data/information before the examination.

The dissemination of primers and conduct of information campaigns

intend to ensure that the school-level and national-level
assessments are aligned and to identify complementary quality
standards beyond those covered by the national assessments for a
holistic evaluation of education quality. In addition, the
dissemination of the primers may provide information to parents
and other stakeholders for the appreciation of the role of
assessment in the continuous improvement of the delivery of basic
education services.

Further, this Primer provides an overview of the test design, test

administration, and data reporting and utilization. It also includes
sample test items per learning area across the 21st Century Skills

ELLNA Primer | DepEd-BEA

Test Design

The ELLNA test items measure language skills using

learning area content and numeracy skills and the
test is in multiple choice format. The test design is
progressive in nature wherein test items measure
varying levels of skills. Moreover, English, Filipino,
and Mother Tongue shall be the languages of assessment for
ELLNA. The 19 Mother Tongue languages* that are assessed in the
national level are the following:

A. Aklánon K. Mëranáw
B. Bíkol (Naga) L. Pangasinán
C. Chabacáno M. Sambál
D. Hiligaynón N. Sebwáno
E. Ibanág O. Surigawnón
F. Ilokáno P. Tagálog
G. Ivatán Q. Bahasa Sūg
H. Kapampángan R. Waráy
I. Kiniráy-a S. Yákan
J. Magindanáwon

*Source: KWF Repositoryo ng mga Wika at Kultura ng Pilipinas (2021).


Note: The 19 Mother Tongue languages in the Test Materials for SY 2023-2024 were
indicated in the DO 55, s. 2016.

ELLNA Primer | DepEd-BEA

The coverage of ELLNA is the following:

A. Language and Literacy

1. Mechanical Component
1.1. Alphabet Knowledge
1.2. Phonics and Word Reading
1.3. Spelling
2. Meaning Component
2.1. Book and Print Knowledge
2.2. Vocabulary
2.3. Grammar
2.4. Reading Comprehension
2.5. Listening Comprehension
2.6. Study Skills

B. Numeracy
1. Counting
2. Estimating
3. Calculating
4. Measuring
5. Problem Solving

Test Administration

The ELLNA shall be administered at the end of Key Stage 1 to

enrolled learners in public schools in a paper-based modality. The
census participation of regional offices, schools division offices, and
schools is implemented to collect large-scale data, monitor
achievement at the micro- or school level, and provide a balance
between the classroom-based assessment and the system-wide
assessment. On the other hand, test accommodations, as
articulated in Section 9 of DO 55, s. 2016, shall be provided for
learners with disabilities (LWDs).

ELLNA Primer | DepEd-BEA

Answer Sheet

Scannable answer sheets will be used to record the

examinees’ responses. The answer sheet contains
circles/bubbles for the personal information of the
learner, school-related variables, and a section where
examinees can shade their test answers. To manage the
shading in the answer sheet, a lead pencil will be used. At the end
of the examination, room examiners should ensure that all answer
sheets are free from any erasures or unnecessary marks.

Accurate and complete information is crucial in

producing valid and reliable data. Thus, information
to be filled in/shaded on the first page of the answer
sheet is important in the generation of assessment
data for field offices, researchers, and other
stakeholders. Room examiners should check whether examinees
are supplying the necessary information in the proper section of the
answer sheet.

Schools should inform examinees that the following information are

to be provided on the examination day:

• Name
• Learner Reference Number (LRN)
• Region and Division codes
• School ID
• Birth Date
• Age
• Type of School

ELLNA Primer | DepEd-BEA

• School Grades (English, Filipino, Mother Tongue, and

• School Classes/Program
• Sex
• Class Size
• Indigenous Peoples (IP) Community Member
• Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) Recipient
• Name and Address of School

Answer sheets retrieved from all testing centers are electronically


Data Reporting and Utilization

Test scores shall be reported in percentages.

Normative data using the measure of standard
deviations are computed based on the Mean
Percentage Scores (MPS). Results are
presented by levels of progression and proficiency level is at least

Domains are clustered according to language and literacy, and

numeracy skills. Language and literacy skills have Mechanical and
Meaning components. The Mechanical component covers Alphabet
Knowledge, Phonics and Word Reading, and Spelling, while the
Meaning component covers Book and Print Knowledge, Vocabulary,
Grammar, and Reading and Listening Comprehension. Numeracy
covers Counting, Estimating, Calculating, Measuring, and Problem

ELLNA Primer | DepEd-BEA

The data shall be presented according to the Performance Profile:

(a) test coverage, (b) school typology, (c) school location, and other
variables of interest.

Levels of Proficiency

Level MPS Description

At this level, the learners are highly capable
of spelling words, solving problems,
performing mathematical processes and
90-100 operations appropriate for their level. They
also have an excellent reading and listening
comprehension skills, a range of vocabulary
and effective study skills.
At this level, learners are skilled in spelling
words, estimating, calculating and problem
Proficient 75-89
solving. They also have a very good reading
and listening comprehension skills.
At this level, learners are able to meet the
Nearly minimum level of skills in spelling words,
Proficient reading and listening comprehension,
estimating, calculating and solving problems.
At this level, learners are able to identify
strategies in solving problems, spell simple
25-49 words but may still have difficulty in reading
and listening comprehension, estimating and
At this level, learners are able to count and
Not read but they are having difficulty in spelling
Proficient words, reading and listening comprehension,
estimating, calculating and solving problems.

ELLNA Primer | DepEd-BEA

Duties and Responsibilities of DepEd Field Offices and


As stated in DO 29, s. 2017, equally important to the successful

conduct of system performance evaluation is learners'
understanding of their role in the process. Therefore, using
developmentally appropriate methods, the field offices and schools
are directed to

a. conduct orientation activities for learners explaining to them

the relationship between their performance on the
assessments and its effect on curriculum policies and
assessment standards;
b. conduct a post-assessment debriefing session that will allow
learners to share their learning experience; and
c. inform the learners about the results and their implications
on the educational system.

ELLNA SY 2021-2022

The ELLNA was administered in school year (SY) 2021-2022 to

206,366 Grade 3 learners all over the country. The number of
examinees was lower than usual due to sampling, in accordance
with the DO 27, s. 2022, and to the limited face-to-face classes
implemented, in compliance to DO 12, s. of 2020 titled “Adoption
of the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan for School Year
2021-2022 in Light of the COVID-19 public health emergency.”

ELLNA Primer | DepEd-BEA

Learners’ Proficiency Levels in ELLNA

The proficiency levels of the learners who took the ELLNA were
compared across three school years. Figure 1 shows that there was
a significant decrease in the proficiency levels for English literacy
and Numeracy compared to the other subtests from SYs
2016-2017 to 2017-2018. However, there had been a slight
increase in the proficiency levels in these two subtests from SY
2017-2018 to SY 2021-2022. On the other hand, the proficiency
levels for Filipino and Mother Tongue literacies continued to
decline from SY 2016-2017 to 2021-2022.

Figure 1. Learners’ Proficiency Level Trend

Note: The ELLNA was postponed for SYs 2018-2019, 2019-2020, and 2020-2021 due to the
implementation of community quarantine in the Philippines.

ELLNA Primer | DepEd-BEA

Figure 2 displays the distribution of proficiency levels of the learners

in each subtest of the ELLNA in SY 2021-2022. More than 50% of
the learners reached the minimum proficiency level in English,
Mother Tongue, and Filipino literacies. More learners reached
the minimum proficiency level in Filipino (66%) literacy compared
to English (58%) and Mother Tongue (59%) literacies. However,
only 29% of the learners reached the minimum proficiency level in

Figure 2. ELLNA SY 2021-22 Learners’ Proficiency Level Distribution

ELLNA Primer | DepEd-BEA

Sample Test Items


Item 1
Domain : Grammar
Content : Word order (Sequencing)
Competency : Sequence words/phrases to form a
sensible/meaningful sentence

1. Which of the following shows the correct order of the words in

a sentence?

A. A bit dog my boy.

B. A dog my bit boy.
C. My dog bit a boy.
D. My bit dog a boy.

Item 2
Domain : Grammar
Content : Capitalization and punctuation
Competency : Write a simple sentence with proper
capitalization and punctuation

2. Which sentence uses the correct capitalization and punctuation?

A. There are also volcanoes in Luzon?

B. There are also Volcanoes in Luzon!
C. There are also Volcanoes in Luzon,
D. There are also volcanoes in Luzon.

ELLNA Primer | DepEd-BEA

Item 3
Domain : Grammar
Content : Language forms
Competency : Use pronouns in a sentence

3. Which pronoun can be used to replace the underlined words?

Mother got dresses for me and

my sister to wear for her birthday.

A. she
B. we
C. he
D. us

Item 4
Domain : Grammar
Content : Language forms
Competency : Form and use the past tense of
regular verbs

4. What is the correct form of the underlined word in the


He dance during the school

program last week.

A. dance
B. dances
C. danced
D. dancing

ELLNA Primer | DepEd-BEA

Item 5
Domain : Reading Comprehension
Content : Story/passage comprehension-
Competency : Sequence events

Item 6
Domain : Reading Comprehension
Content : Story/passage comprehension-
Competency : Infer cause and effect

For Items 5 and 6, read the story below and answer the
questions that follow.

The Man and the Van

The man has a van.

The van runs.
Then, it stops.
The man puts gas in his van.
Then, the van runs again.

5. What happened in the story?

A. The man runs. Then, the van runs.

B. The van runs. Then, the man runs.
C. The van runs. Then, the van stops.
D. The van stops. Then, the man stops.

ELLNA Primer | DepEd-BEA

6. Why did the van stop?

A. The man did not run.

B. The van had no gas.
C. The van did not run.
D. The van had no air.

Item 7
Domain : Reading Comprehension
Content : Story/passage comprehension-
Competency : Answer simple word problems

Item 8
Domain :
Reading Comprehension
Content :
Story/passage comprehension-
Competency : Predict outcomes

Item 9
Domain :
Reading Comprehension
Content :
Story/passage comprehension-
Competency : Identify meanings of content area

Item 10
Domain : Reading Comprehension
Content : Word Recognition
Competency : Determine the appropriate word to
be used based on the context of
the selection

ELLNA Primer | DepEd-BEA

For Items 7 to 10, read the story below and answer the
questions that follow.

Jane’s Pens
Ben and Jane are classmates.
Ben does not have a pen.
At first, Jane had six pens in her bag.
Then, Jane gave three pens to Ben.
In the end, Jane had only three pens left in her bag.

7. How many pens did Ben get from Jane?

A. six
B. ten
C. two
D. three

8. How do you think Ben felt?

A. angry
B. glad
C. mad
D. sad

9. In the story “Jane’s Pens”, what is the meaning of “at first”?

A. before
B. after
C. next
D. last

ELLNA Primer | DepEd-BEA

10. Which word best fits the sentence below?

Jane ______ her pen with Ben.

A. gets
B. buys
C. takes
D. shares


ELLNA Primer | DepEd-BEA


Item 11
Domain : Grammar
Content : Word order (Sequencing)
Competency : Sequence words/phrases to form a
sensible/meaningful sentence

11. Alin sa mga pangungusap ang may tamang ayos ng salita?

A. Maglaro si Karla mahilig ng bahay-bahayan.

B. Mahilig maglaro ng bahay-bahayan si Karla.
C. Mahilig maglaro si bahay-bahayan ng Karla.
D. Ng bahay-bahayan mahilig si Karla maglaro.

Item 12
Domain : Grammar
Content : Capitalization and punctuation
Competency : Write a simple sentence with proper
capitalization and punctuation

12. Alin sa sumusunod na pangungusap ang may wastong


A. Si Yolanda Payoyo ay nakatira sa Talavera, Nueva Ecija.

B. Si Yolanda Payoyo, ay nakatira sa talavera, nueva ecija.
C. Si Yolanda Payoyo ay nakatira sa Talavera, nueva ecija.
D. Si yolanda payoyo ay nakatira sa talavera, nueva ecija.

ELLNA Primer | DepEd-BEA

Item 13
Domain : Grammar
Content : Language forms
Competency : Use pronouns in a sentence

13. Piliin ang wastong salita.

Masayang umuwi si Niño

dahil _____ ang nakakuha
ng pinakamataas na marka
sa kanilang pagsusulit sa Filipino.

A. sila
B. nila
C. siya
D. niya

ELLNA Primer | DepEd-BEA

Item 14
Domain : Grammar
Content : Language forms
Competency : Form and use the past tense of
regular verbs

14. Ano ang tamang panahunan ng pandiwa na nasa loob ng


Kasama ko sina Anna at Marie

na (pasok) _________ sa
paaralan kahapon.

A. pinasok
B. papasok
C. pumasok
D. pumapasok

ELLNA Primer | DepEd-BEA

Item 15
Domain : Reading Comprehension
Content : Story/passage comprehension-
Competency : Sequence events

Item 16
Domain : Reading Comprehension
Content : Story/passage comprehension-
Competency : Infer cause and effect

Para sa bilang 15 at 16, basahin ang kuwentong nasa ibaba.

Ang Anak at ang Nanay

Yolly ang pangalan

ng nanay ni Manilyn.
Sila ay palaging nagtutulungan
sa gawaing bahay. Isang araw,
ang mag-ina ay sabay na
pumunta sa simbahan upang
magpasalamat sa biyayang
ibinibigay ng Panginoon.
Biglang bumuhos ang malakas
na ulan nang makapasok sa loob ng simbahan ang mag-
ina. Nagpasalamat sila dahil hindi sila nabasa ng malakas
na ulan.

ELLNA Primer | DepEd-BEA

15. Ano ang huling nangyari sa kuwento?

A. Biglang bumuhos ang malakas na ulan.

B. Pumasok sa loob ng simbahan ang mag-ina.
C. Sabay naglakad ang mag-ina para magsimba.
D. Hindi naabutan ng malakas na ulan ang mag-ina.

16. Bakit pumunta ang mag-ina sa simbahan?

A. upang magbigay ng donasyon

B. upang makita ang loob ng simbahan
C. para magpasalamat sa biyayang natatanggap
D. para magbigay respeto sa bagong lider ng simbahan

Item 17
Domain : Reading Comprehension
Content : Story/passage comprehension-
Competency : Answer simple word problems

Item 18

Domain : Reading Comprehension

Content : Story/passage comprehension-
Competency : Predict outcomes
Item 19
Domain : Reading Comprehension
Content : Story/passage comprehension-
Competency : Identify meanings of content area

ELLNA Primer | DepEd-BEA

Para sa bilang 17 hanggang 19, basahin ang kuwentong nasa


Ang Aklat

Ang aklat ay binubuo ng

iba’t ibang bahagi tulad ng
pabalat, pahina ng pamagat,
pahina ng karapatang-sipi,
paunang salita, talaan ng
nilalaman, nilalaman,
sanggunian, at glosaryo.

Tinatawag na pabalat ang pinakaharapan nito. Ito

ay ginawa para magbigay-proteksyon upang hindi madaling
masira ang isang aklat. Makikita sa harap ang pamagat,
pangalan ng manunulat at editor, at may makatawag-
pansing larawan para makahikayat ng mga mambabasa.

Sanggunian: Department of Education-Region XI. (2020). Filipino-Ikatlong

Baitang. Modyul 4: Paggamit ng mga Bahagi ng Aklat sa Pagkuha
ng Impormasyon. Davao City

17. Ilang bahagi mayroon ang isang aklat?

A. pito
B. walo
C. siyam
D. sampu

18. Ano ang maaaring mangyari kung walang pabalat ang isang

A. masisira agad ang aklat

B. hindi ito makakatawag ng pansin
C. hindi maisusulat ang pamagat ng aklat
D. walang paglalagyan ng pangalan ang manunulat

ELLNA Primer | DepEd-BEA

19. Ano ang kahulugan ng salitang makahikayat sa seleksyon?

A. makaakit
B. makabuti
C. makasanayan
D. makakumbinsi

Item 20
Domain : Reading Comprehension
Content : Word Recognition
Competency : Determine the appropriate word to
be used based on the context of the

20. Alin ang tamang salita para sa talata na nasa ibaba?

Mahilig mag-alaga si Maria

ng mga halamang namumulaklak.
Makikita sa kaniyang bakuran ang
makukulay na bulaklak tulad ng

A. buko
B. orkid
C. santol
D. sampaguita


ELLNA Primer | DepEd-BEA


Item 21
Domain : Problem Solving
Content : Whole numbers
Competency : Reads and writes money in
symbols and in words through
PhP 1,000.00 in pesos and centavos

21. Nais ni Juana na bumili ng regalo para sa kaniyang ina.

Mayroon siyang limampung piso. Alin sa sumusunod na
pera ang mayroon siya?





ELLNA Primer | DepEd-BEA

Item 22
Domain : Counting
Content : Rational numbers
Competency : Visualizes, represents, and
compares dissimilar fractions
22. Alin sa sumusunod ang katumbas ng ?





ELLNA Primer | DepEd-BEA

Item 23
Domain : Counting
Content : Patterns and Algebra
Competency : Determines the missing term/s in
a given combination of
continuous and repeating pattern

23. Narito ang pattern ng mga bilang: 64, 32, 16, 8, ___
Anong bilang ang dapat na nasa patlang?

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5

Item 24
Domain : Problem Solving
Content : Measurement
Competency : Converts time measure from
smaller to larger
unit and vice versa

24. Si Arnel ay nagsimulang magsanay ng pagpipiyano sa

ganap na ika-8:15 ng umaga. Nagsanay siya ng 1 oras
at 45 minuto. Ilang minuto siyang nagsanay?

A. 145 minuto
B. 130 minuto
C. 120 minuto
D. 105 minuto

ELLNA Primer | DepEd-BEA

Item 25
Domain : Problem Solving
Content : Graphs/Statistics and
Competency : Interprets data presented in a
single-bar graph

Para sa bilang 25, tingnan ang grap sa ibaba:

25. Ayon sa grap, ano ang iniinom ng mas nakararaming


A. choco drink
B. fruit juice
C. gatas
D. tubig

************** END OF NUMERACY ***************

ELLNA Primer | DepEd-BEA


English Filipino Numeracy

1. C 11. B 21. B
2. D 12. A 22. A
3. D 13. C 23. C
4. C 14. C 24. D
5. C 15. D 25. A
6. B 16. C
7. D 17. B
8. B 18. A
9. A 19. A
10. D 20. B


DepEd Order No. 27, s. 2022, Conduct of Rapid Assessment in

School Year 2021-2022 for Learning Recovery as well as in
Preparation for the 2021 Baseline System Assessment.

DepEd Order No. 29, s. 2017, Policy Guidelines on System

Assessment in the K to 12 Basic Education Program.

DepEd Order No. 55, s. 2016, Policy Guidelines on the National

Assessment of Student Learning for the K to 12 Basic
Education Program.

ELLNA Primer | DepEd-BEA

Department of Education
Bureau of Education Assessment
2F Bonifacio Bldg., DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City
[email protected]
[email protected]


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