Section C

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1 Except for the items, for which Particular Specifications are given herein or where it is
specifically mentioned otherwise in this bid document, the work shall generally be
carried out in accordance with the “CPWD Specifications - 2019 (Vol. I & II) for
Civil works or their latest version with up-to-date correction slips (hereinafter to be
collectively referred to as ‘CPWD Specifications’). Wherever CPWD Specifications are
silent, the latest BIS Codes/ Specifications, National Building Code-2016, MoRTH
Specification, Manufacturers Specifications, Sound Engineering practices or well-
established local construction practices as decided by the Engineer-in-charge shall be
2 The order of preference in case of any discrepancy as indicated in Discrepancies and
Adjustment of errors conditions no.8 under “General Conditions of Contract 2022”,
EPC project given in standard CPWD Contract form may be read as the following:
i) Minimum Requirement & Specifications for Civil Works.
ii) Conceptual Drawings & Specifications mentioned in the Drawings.
iii) Particular Specifications for Civil Works.
iv) Schedule of Quantities.
v) Additional & Special Conditions for Civil Works.
vi) Standard General Conditions of Contract (EPC).
vii) CPWD Specifications with up-to-date Correction slips.
viii) IPHS (Indian Public health standards) and MCI (Medical Council of India) Guidelines.
ix) BIS Specifications/Provisions.
x) National Building Code.
xi) Manufacturer’s specifications.
xii) Sound Engineering practices or well-established local construction practices as decided
by the Engineer-in-charge.
3 The proposed work is a prestigious project of national important and quality of work is
of paramount importance. Contractor shall have to engage well experienced skilled
labour and deploy modern T&P and other equipment to execute the work. Many
items & specialized works will require engagement of specialised agencies &
skilled workers having experience in execution of such items.
4 The tenderer shall acquaint himself with the proposed site of work, its approach roads,
working space available etc. before quoting his rates and no claim on this account
shall be entertained by the department.
5 The scope of work & specifications given herein this bid document are general but not
exhaustive and does not mention all the incidental works required to be carried out for
complete execution of the item of work. The work shall be carried out, all in
accordance with true intent and meaning of the specifications and the drawings taken
together, regardless of whether the same may or may not be particularly shown on
the drawings and/ or described in the specifications, provided that the same can be
reasonably inferred there from. There may be several incidental works, which are not
mentioned in the contract document/ specifications but will be necessary to complete
the item in all respect. All these incidental works/ costs which are not mentioned but
are necessary to complete the work shall be deemed to have been included in the
overall amount quoted by the contractor for various components of work. No

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adjustment of rates shall be made for any variation in quantum of incidental works
due to variation/ change in actual working drawings. Also, no adjustment of rates shall
be made due to any change in incidental works or any other deviation in such element
of work (which is incidental to the items of work and are necessary to complete such
items in all respects) on account of the directions of Engineer-in-charge & nothing
extra shall be payable on this account.
6 In case, some of items are missing in the scope of work or specifications in the bidding
documents same shall be taken from the specification mentioned in similar type of
items mentioned for similar type of buildings in the scope of work or shall be executed
as given in the CPWD Specifications, NBC-2016, IS Codes or according to sound
engineering practices so as to make the building including related services fully
functional. All cost of providing and making buildings with services fully complete in all
aspect unless specifically mentioned in the contract document and making buildings
with services fully functional are included in the tendered cost for this work & No claim
what so ever may be entertained at later stage.
7 The contractor shall make his own arrangements for obtaining water &
electricity connections and make necessary payments directly to the
department concerned.
8 The contractor(s) shall get himself acquainted with nature and extent of the work and
satisfy himself about the availability of materials from kiln or approved quarries for
collection and conveyance of materials required for construction.
9 The contractor(s) shall study the soil investigation report for the site, available in the
bid document (for indicative purpose only) and satisfy himself about complete
characteristics of soil and other parameters at site. However, Contractor shall carry
out his own soil investigation from a soil investigating agency approved by the
Engineer-in-Charge for the purpose of design of foundation and superstructure. In
case of any contradiction between Geo technical report appended with tender
documents and that undertaken by contractor, the report suggesting of weaker
technical conditions shall prevail. No claim on the alleged inadequacy or incorrectness
of the soil data supplied by the department shall be entertained.
10 The tenderer shall see the approaches to the site. In case any approach from main
road is required at site or existing approach is to be improved and maintained for
cartage of materials by the contractor, the same shall be provided, improved and
maintained by the contractor at his own cost. No payment shall be made on this
account. The contractor needs to take permission for the same from competent
11 The work shall be carried out in the manner complying in all respects with the
requirements of the relevant bylaws and regulations of the local body under the
jurisdiction of which the work is to be executed or as directed by the Engineer-in-
charge and nothing extra shall be paid on this account.
12 The contractor(s) shall inform/ issue notices to the Municipality, police and other
authorities that may be required as per law and obtain all requisite permission/
licenses for temporary obstructions, enclosures etc. Contractor(s) shall pay all fee,
taxes and charges which may be leviable on account of these operations in executing
the contract. He shall make good any damage to the property whether public or
private and shall supply and maintain lights either for illumination or for cautioning the
public at night.

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13 For construction works which are likely to generate malba/ rubbish, the contractor
shall reuse it at site as directed by the Engineer-in-charge or hand over to recycling
agents or dispose of at his own cost to the notified/ specified Municipal dumping
ground. No deduction on this account shall be made from the agency as well as no
extra payment will be made to agency for the same.
14 The contractor shall take all necessary precautions to prevent any nuisance or
inconvenience to the owners, tenants or occupiers of adjacent properties/ court rooms
and to the public in general and to prevent any damage to such properties and any
pollution of smoke, streams and water-ways. He shall make good at his cost and to
the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge, any damage to roads, paths, cross
drainage work or public or private property whatsoever caused thereon by the
contractor. All waste or superfluous materials shall be carried away by the contractor
without any reservation entirely to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge.
15 Utmost care shall be taken to keep the noise level to the barest minimum so that no
disturbance as far as possible is caused to the occupants/ users of building/ adjacent
16 The works shall be carried out in accordance with the Architectural drawings and
structural drawings after getting NOC from the Engineer-in-Charge. Before
commencement of any item of work, the contractor shall correlate all the relevant
architectural and structural drawings of the work and satisfy himself that the
information available thereof is complete and unambiguous. The discrepancy, if any
shall be brought to the notice of the Engineer-in-Charge before execution of the work.
The contractor alone shall be responsible for any loss or damage executing by the
commencement of work on account of any discrepancy and/ or incomplete
17 The detailed conceptual Architectural drawings given in the tender other than those
indicated in nomenclature of items are only indicative of the nature of the work and
materials/ fixings involved unless and otherwise specifically mentioned. However, the
work shall be executed in accordance with the more detailed drawings to be developed
by the contractor’s consultant after getting NOC from the Engineer-in-Charge.
18 Other agencies may also be simultaneously executing works assigned to them for this
Project and the contractor shall coordinate and facilitate for the same. The contractor
shall leave such recesses, holes, openings trenches etc. as may be required for such
related works (for which inserts, sleeves, brackets, conduits, base plates, clamps etc.
shall be arrange by the Contractor free of cost) and the contractor shall fix the same
at time of casting of concrete, stone work and brick work, if required, and nothing
extra shall be payable on this account.
19 The contractor shall conduct work so as not to interfere with or hinder the progress or
completion of the work being performed by other contractor(s) or by the Engineer-in-
Charge and shall as far as possible arrange his work and shall place and dispose of the
materials being used or removed so as not to interfere with the operations of other
contractor or he shall arrange his work with that of the others in an acceptable and
coordinated manner and shall perform it in proper sequence to the complete
satisfaction of others.
20 The rates quoted by the contractor are deemed to be inclusive of site clearance,
setting out work, profile, establishment of reference bench mark, spot levels,
construction of all safety and protection measure, earth embankments, preparatory

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works, all testing of materials, working during monsoon, working at all depths, height
and locations etc. unless specified in the schedule of quantities.
21 Royalty at the prevailing rates wherever payable shall have to be paid by the
contractor on the boulders, metal, shingle, sand and bajri etc. or any other material
collected by him for the work, direct to revenue authorities and nothing extra shall be
paid by the department for the same.
22 No payment shall be made for any damage caused by rain, snowfall, flood or any
other natural calamity, whatsoever during the execution of the work until handing
over to the client. The contractor shall be fully responsible for any damage to the
govt. property and work for which the payment has been advanced to him under the
contract and he shall make good the same at his risk and cost. The contractor shall be
fully responsible for safety and security of his material, T&P, Machinery brought to the
site by him.
23 The contractor shall deploy resources e.g. manpower, labour, T&P, Plant & Equipment
etc. as per actual requirement of work. No damages/ compensation shall be payable
on account of idle manpower, labour, T&P, Plant and Equipment and loss of profit etc.
for whatsoever reason.
24 The contractor (s) shall quote all-inclusive rates against the items in the schedule of
quantities and nothing extra shall be payable for any of the conditions and
specifications mentioned. In the tender documents unless specifically specified
25 Unless otherwise specified in the schedule of quantities the rates for all items shall be
considered as inclusive of pumping/ baling out water, if necessary, for which no extra
payment shall be made. The foundation trenches shall be kept free from water while
works below ground level are in progress. Those conditions shall be considered to
include water from any source such as inflow of flood, surface and sub-soil water etc.
and shall apply to the execution in any season.
26 The work shall be executed and measured as per metric dimensions given in the
Schedule of quantities, drawings etc. (FPS units wherever indicated are for guidance
27 Unless otherwise specified in the schedule of quantities, the rates tendered by the
contractor shall be inclusive of all costs & taxes/ levies/ royalties etc. and shall apply
to all leads and lifts and nothing extra shall be payable on this account.
28 No foreign exchange shall be made available by the Department for importing
(purchase) of equipment, plants, machinery, materials of any kind or any other items
required to be carried out during execution of the work. No delay and no claim of any
kind shall be entertained from the Contractor, on account of variation in the foreign
exchange rate.
29 All ancillary and incidental facilities required for execution of work like labour camp,
stores, fabrication yard, offices for Contractor, watch and ward, temporary ramp
required to be made for working at the basement level, temporary structure for plants
and machineries, temporary barricading or fencing around the working sites, water
storage tanks, installation and consumption charges of temporary electricity,
telephone, water etc. required for execution of the work, protection works, testing
facilities/ laboratory at site of work, facilities for all field tests and for taking samples
etc. during execution or any other activity which is necessary (for execution of work
and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge), shall be deemed to be included in rates

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quoted by the Contractor. Nothing extra shall be payable on these accounts. Before
start of the work, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer-in-Charge, a site/
construction yard layout, specifying areas for construction, site office, positioning of
machinery, material yard, cement & other storage, fabrication yard, site laboratory,
water tank etc.
30 The contractor shall maintain all portions, in perfect condition, till completion of the
entire work allotted to him. Where however, phased delivery of work is contemplated
these provisions shall apply separately to each phase.
31 All material shall only be brought at site as per program finalized with the Engineer-in-
Charge. Any pre-delivery of the material not required for immediate consumption shall
not be accepted and thus not paid for.
32 The contractor(s) shall take instructions from the Engineer-in-Charge regarding
collection and stacking of materials at any place. No excavated earth or building
rubbish shall be stacked on areas where other buildings, roads, services and
compound walls are to be constructed. The stacking shall take place as per stacking
plan however, if any change is required, the same shall be done with the approval of
33 The Contractor shall bear all incidental charges for cartage, storage and safe custody
of materials arranged by the contractor.
34 All mass Reinforced Cement Concrete work/ RCC in Structural Members shall be
design mix concrete of specified grade. The contractor shall procure RMC of all grades
from the RMC batching plant as approved by Engineer-in-charge.
35 The cost of flooring is inclusive of providing sunken flooring, if required in bath-rooms,
kitchen, etc. and nothing extra on this account shall be payable.
36 Any legal or financial implications resulting out of carriage of earth from outside or
disposal of earth shall be sole responsibility of the contractor. Nothing extra shall be
paid on this account.
37 No chase cutting/ dismantling of plaster in RCC / structural members shall be allowed,
so contractor has to execute the electrical work accordingly. The work should be
planned in a systematic manner so that chase cuttings in the walls, ceilings and floors
are minimized. Wherever absolutely essential, the chase shall be cut using chase
cutting machines. Chases will not be allowed to be cut using hammer/ chisel. The
electrical boxes should be fixed in walls simultaneously while raising the brick work.
The contractor shall ensure proper coordination of various disciplines viz. sanitary &
water supply, electrical, fire-fighting and any other services.
38 The work of water supply, internal sanitary installations and drainage etc. shall be
carried out as per CPWD Specifications, NBC-2016 and bylaws of the Municipal
Corporation or any other local body and the contractor shall produce necessary
completion certificates from such authority after completion of work wherever
39 In case of local Municipal regulations/ restrictions by client/ non-availability space at
site if huts for labour are not allowed to be erected at the site of work, the contractor
shall be required to provide such accommodation at suitable place at his own cost and
nothing extra shall be paid on this account.
40 Any cement slurry added over base surface for continuation of concerting for better
bond is deemed to have been built in the items and nothing extra shall be payable and
no extra cement considered in consumption on this account.

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41 Existing drains, pipes, cables, over-head wires, sewer lines, water lines and similar
service encountered in the course of the execution of work shall be protected against
the damage by the contractor at his own expense. In case the same are to be
removed and diverted, it shall be done by the contractor at his own expense. The
contractor shall not store materials or otherwise occupy any part of the site in a
manner likely to hinder the operation of such services.
42 The contractor shall be responsible for the watch and ward of the building complex,
under construction during the execution of his work and to safeguard materials,
equipment, fittings and fixtures provided by him against pilferage and breakage during
the period of installations and thereafter till the building is physically handed over to
the department. No extra payment shall be made on this account.
43 The contractor shall submit computerised measurement of executed work for record &
other purpose with each running bill along with theoretical consumption of Cements,
Paints, Chemicals like water proofing compound, curing compound etc. as per the
direction of Engineer in Charge.
44 The Contractor shall make available four (04) sets of computerized Standard
Measurement Books (SMBs) having measurement of all the permanent standing in a
building before the settlement of final bill.
45 The Contractor shall prepare Room wise details & design of furniture layout including
interior design.

46.1 Contractor shall provide permanent bench marks and other reference points for the
proper execution of work and these shall be preserved till the end of work. All such
reference points shall be in relation to the levels and locations, given in the
Architectural and plumbing drawings.
46.2 The contractor shall establish, maintain and assume responsibility for grades, lines,
levels and bench marks. He shall report any errors or inconsistencies regarding
grades, lines, levels, dimensions to the Engineer-in-Charge before commencing work.
Commencement of work shall be regarded as the contractor's acceptance of such
grades, lines, levels and dimensions and no claim shall be entertained at a later date
for any errors found.
46.3 If at any time, any error in this respect shall appear during the progress of the work,
the contractor shall, at his own expense rectify such error if so, required to the
satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge.
46.4 Though the site levels may be indicated in the drawings the contractor shall ascertain
himself and confirm the site levels with respect to GTS bench mark from the
concerned authorities.
46.5 The approval by the Engineer-in-Charge of the setting out by the contractor shall not
relieve the contractor of any of his responsibilities.
46.6 The contractor shall be entirely and exclusively responsible for the horizontal, vertical
and other alignment, the level and correctness of every part of the work and shall
rectify effectively any errors or imperfections therein. Such rectifications shall be
carried out by the contractor at his own cost to the instructions and satisfaction of the

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47.1 The contractor shall make at his own cost all necessary arrangements for maintaining
water level, in the area where works are under execution low enough so as not to
cause any harm to the works or problems in carrying out with the execution and the
rates for all items of work shall be considered as inclusive of pumping out or bailing
out water, if required and for which no extra payment shall be made. This will include
water coming from any source, such as rains, accumulated rain water, floods,
leakages from sewer and water mains subsoil water table being high or due to any
other cause whatsoever. The contractor shall make necessary provision of pumping,
dredging, bailing out water coming from all above sources and excavation and other
works shall be kept free of water by providing suitable system approved by the
47.2 De-watering required, if any, shall be done conforming to BIS Code IS: 9759 (guide
lines for de-watering during construction) and / or as per the specifications approved
by the Engineer-in-Charge. Design of an appropriate and suitable dewatering system
shall be the Contractor’s responsibility. Such scheme shall be modified / augmented as
the work proceeds based on fresh information discovered during the progress of work,
at no extra cost. At all times during the construction work, efficient drainage of the
site shall be carried out by the Contractor and especially during the laying of plain
cement concrete, taking levels, etc. The Contractor shall also ensure that there is no
danger to the nearby properties and installations on account of such lowering of water
table. If needed, suitable precautionary measures shall be taken by the Contractor.
Also, the scheme of dewatering adopted shall have adequate built in arrangement to
serve as stand-by to attend to repair of pumps etc. and disruption of power / fuel
supply. Nothing extra shall be payable on this account.
47.3 Sub-soil water table level may vary due to rainy season or due to dewatering etc. In
order to avoid possibility of basement floor of building being getting uplifted/ damaged
due to water pressure, the contractor shall make arrangement for lowering the ground
water table below the proposed foundation level as approved by Engineer-in-charge.
Sub soil water table shall be maintained at least 50 cm below the P.C.C level during
laying of P.C.C., water proofing treatment, laying of RCC Raft foundation/
recommended type of foundation as per structural design and beams including filling
of earth/ sand under the basement floor. The water table shall not be allowed to rise
above base of RCC foundation level until completion of outer retaining walls including
water proofing of vertical surface of walls and back filling along the walls up to ground
level and until the structure attains such height to counter balance the uplift pressure.
However, the contractor should inspect the site and make his own assessment about
sub-soil water level likely to be encountered at the time of execution and quote his
rates accordingly. Rate quoted by the contractor are inclusive of pumping out or
bailing out water. Nothing extra on this account whatsoever shall be paid to him. The
sequence of construction shall be got approved from the Engineer-in-charge
47.4 In trenches where surface water is likely to get into cut / trench during monsoons, a
ring bund of puddle clay or by any other means shall be formed outside, to the
required height, and maintained by the Contractor. Also, suitable steps shall be taken
by the Contractor to prevent back flow of pumped water into the trench. Nothing extra
shall be payable on this account.
47.5 The name, qualifications, record of previous jobs of a similar nature of dewatering of

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subcontractor personnel to be employed on the work shall be submitted to the
Engineer-in-Charge for approval. Two weeks prior to commencement of installation of
the dewatering system, Contractor shall submit to the Engineer in Charge for no
objection certificate (NOC) details and description of the dewatering system.
47.6 Approval of the dewatering system by the Engineer in Charge shall in no way relieve
the Contractor from his responsibility of satisfying the entire dewatering requirements
as specified herein.
47.7 The Contractor shall install, maintain and operate a system of wells, trenches and
pumps as required for performing the excavations for the areas and subsequent
construction of the structure and placement of backfill, in dry condition.
47.8 In case any damage is caused to the work, in the opinion of Engineer in charge, due
to inadequacy or failure of the dewatering system, in part or in whole, then the supply
of all labour, materials and plant, such damage shall be undertaken and re-done by
the contractor at his own cost.
47.9 The cost of any damage caused to the structures or other equipment’s due to the
failure of the dewatering system shall be borne by the contractor and shall be covered
by proper insurance to be provided by the contractor, in accordance with insurance
clauses mention above fore para and in the “General Conditions of Contract-2022 -
EPC Projects”. The EPC Contractor will carry out the detailed investigation from
geological expert in field to assess the impact of excavation of the site on the
adjoining structures and will make all precautions at site and stabilize the cut slopes of
the site to avoid sudden caving in, in order to safeguard adjoining structures located
in the vicinity of the site at their own cost. The legal liability in case of any damage to
the adjoining structure rest with the EPC Contractor only.
47.10 The Contractor shall not permit the accumulation of surface water within the confines
of the excavation areas. The Contractor shall control, remove and divert surface water
run-off, and water discharging from the dewatering system away from the
excavations, to a point outside the working area as required by the Engineer in
47.11 The Contractor shall perform all work including, but not limited to, the construction
and maintenance of ditches and sumps and provide, install, maintain and operate
pumps and pipelines of adequate capacity as are necessary for the effective control of
surface run-off and ground water not required to be intercepted by the dewatering
47.12 The Contractor shall make necessary arrangement for power supply which shall be of
sufficient capacity to maintain all pumps and equipment for both the Basic and
Standby systems, operating on a continuous basis.
47.13 The Contractor shall supply, install and maintain an alarm system that will alert
responsible personnel at the time of power failure and at the same time will
automatically activate the standby units.
47.14 Contractor shall obtain necessary permissions from the competent authority of local
body or regulatory body traffic, irrigation department etc at his own level to drain out
of dewatering water. The arrangement is including cost of material in respect of laying
pipes, making drains from site to the final disposal of dewatering pump out water shall
be made by the contractor at his own level and cost. No claim shall be entertained on
this account by the department.

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48.1 The Contractor shall prepare an integrated programme chart in BIM, MS Project,
Primavera software or as per the direction of Engineer-in-Charge for the execution of
work, showing clearly all activities from the start of work to completion, with details of
manpower, equipment and machinery required for the fulfilment of the programme
within the stipulated period or earlier and submit the same for approval to the
Engineer-in-Charge within ten days of award of the contract. Non-submission of such
programme shall attract the recoveries as mentioned in the Schedule-F of the bid
48.2 The programme chart should include the following:
(a) Descriptive note explaining sequence of the various activities.
(b) Network (PERT/ CPM/ BAR CHART) in BIM/ MS Project/ Primavera Software (For
small works, Bar-Chart in Excel sheet may be accepted as approved by Engineer-
(c) Programme for procurement of materials by the contractor.
(d) Programme of procurement of machinery/ equipment having adequate capacity,
commensurate with the quantum of work to be done within the stipulated period,
by the contractor.
48.3 In addition to above, the contractor shall submit shuttering schedule adequate to
complete structure work within laid down physical milestone etc. and to achieve the
progress of work as per programme, he must bring sufficient shuttering material
required for cement concrete and R.C.C. works etc.
48.4 If at any time, it appears to the Engineer-in-Charge that the actual progress of work
does not conform to the approved programme referred above, the contractor shall
produce a revised programme showing the modifications to the approved programme
to ensure completion of the work. The modified schedule of programme shall be
approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. Non-submission of such revised programme
shall attract the recoveries as mentioned in the Schedule-F of the tender document.
48.5 The submission for approval by the Engineer-in-Charge of such programme or the
furnishing of such particulars shall not relieve the contractor of any of the duties or
responsibilities under the contract. This is without prejudice to the right of Engineer-
in-Charge to take action against the contractor as per terms and conditions of the

The contractor shall submit monthly progress report to the Engineer-in-charge on the
7th day of each month, two nos. in hard copies and one on soft copy (CD). Such
progress report will include the project progress, summary, work progress (planned vs
actual), CPM chart, status of financial progress and achievement of milestone,
manpower deployment status, inventory of materials and photographs of important
activities. For delay in submission of the report, recovery as mentioned in schedule-F
of shall apply from the amount payable to the contractor.

50.1 Contractor shall submit list of measures for maintaining safety of manpower deployed
for construction within two weeks of award of work to the Engineer-in-Charge for his

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50.2 Contractor at his own cost, put up the barricading all around the construction
site for segregating the construction site and controlling the dust pollution &
other kind of pollutions as per the guidelines of NGT, Local Bodies/
Authorities & Client. Entry to the site shall also be controlled for proper
security of man, materials and to avoid accidents.
50.3 The Contractor(s) shall take all precautions to avoid accidents by exhibiting necessary
caution boards, day and night speed limit boards, red flags, red lights and providing
barriers. He shall be responsible for all damages and accidents caused to existing/
new work due to negligence on his part. No hindrances shall be caused to traffic
during the execution of the work.
50.4 In case of any accident of labours/ contractual staff’s the entire responsibility will rest
on the part of the contractor and any compensation under such circumstances, if
becomes payable, the same shall be entirely borne by the contractor and department
shall have no role on this account.
50.5 It shall be ensured by the contractor that no electric live wire is left exposed or
unattended to avoid any accidents in this regard.
50.6 Any trenching and digging for laying sewer lines/ water lines/ cables etc. shall be
commenced by the contractor only when all men, machineries and materials have
been arranged and closing of the trench(s) thereafter shall be ensured within the least
possible time.
50.7 For facia work, outer finishing and other RCC works etc. double steel scaffolding
having two sets of vertical supports with steel staircase for inspection of works by
engineer in charge shall be used. The supports shall be sound and strong, tied
together with horizontal piece over which scaffolding planks shall be fixed.
50.8 In the event of the contractor(s) committing a default or breach of any of the
provisions of the Central Public Works Department, Contractor’s Labour Regulations
and Model Rules for the protection of health and sanitary arrangements for the
workers as amended from time to time or furnishing any information or submitting or
filing any under the provisions of the above Regulations and Rules which is materially
incorrect, he/ they shall, without prejudice to any other liability, pay to the
Government of Rs.25,000/- per day for each day of default subjected to a maximum
of 5 percent of the estimated cost of the work put to tender. The decision of the
Engineer-in-Charge shall be final and binding on the parties.
50.9 The Contractor shall display all permissions, licenses, registration certificates, bar
charts, other statements etc. under various labour laws and other regulations
applicable to the works, at his site office.

51.1 Contractor has to follow the security requirement of the campus and obtain necessary
entry passes for the labour and vehicles and follow security checks at entry/ exit
gates, restriction on movement of vehicle, restricted timings of working etc. The
Department however shall assist the contractor in obtaining such passes for
movement of vehicles and labour. No claim whatsoever shall be entertained on
account of delay in entry of vehicles and labour including restrictions in working hours,
if there is any.
51.2 The contractor shall employ only Indian Nationals after verifying their antecedents and
loyalty. The contractor shall, on demand submit list of his agents, employees and work

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people concerned & shall satisfy antecedents of such people.
51.3 The contractor & his work people shall observe all relevant rules regarding security
promulgated in which work is to be carried out by the Controlling Administrative
Authority of the campus/ area (hereinafter referred to as “Administrator”).
51.4 The contractor, his representative, workman shall be allowed to enter through
specified gates & timing as laid down by the controlling authority. They shall be issued
an identity card or an individual pass in accordance with the standing rules &
regulations and they should possess the same while working. The contractor shall be
responsible for the conduct & actions of his workmen, agents/ representatives.
51.5 For completing the work in time, the Contractor shall work in two or more shifts
(including night shifts). Normally contractor shall be allowed to carry out work & move
in/ go-out material/ vehicles etc. between 6 PM to 8 AM as the site of work is near to
the Hon’ble courts which function during 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM on working days.
However, he may also be allowed for the same beyond 8 AM & up to 6 PM, if the site
conditions/ circumstances so demand with prior written permission from the
“Competent Authority”. Movement of material/ vehicles at work site will be strictly
prohibited during court working hours unless specific permission is obtained from the
“Competent Authority”. If the work is carried out in more than one shift or at night, no
extra claim on this account shall be entertained not with-standing the fact that the
contractor may have to pay extra amounts for any reason, to the labourers and other
staff engaged directly or indirectly on the work according to the provisions of the
labour and other statutory bodies regulations and the agreement entered upon by the
contractor with them.
51.6 During the court hours 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM work should be done without any loud
noise. No work should be done during court hours which may create noise, makes
disturbances in the functioning of Hon’ble Court
51.7 In case if a separate entry has been allowed, the contractor has to make all
arrangement for making a separate entry gate and barricading of the working area to
segregate/ separate the same from other areas. All these have to be done by the
contractor at his own cost including safeguarding any untoward incident in the
restricted area due to separate entry gate and barricading arranged by the contractor.
No extra amount on this account shall be payable by the department.
51.8 In the event of any restrictions being imposed by the Security agency, CPWD, Traffic
or any other authority having jurisdiction in the area on the working or movement of
labour/ material etc. in the campus/ site and may require issuing identity cards to all
persons authorized by contractor to do work/ visit the work site, the contractor shall
strictly follow such restrictions. The loss of time on these accounts, if any, shall have
to be made up by augmenting additional resources whatever required and nothing
extra shall be payable on this account.
51.9 Work will be executed in High security Zone of Supreme Court of India. There may be
some delays due to VIP movement, security checks etc. in movement / work of
labour, transportation of material etc. No extra time will be allowed for this purpose.
51.10 No space for labour hutment shall be provided in Supreme Court Campus. The
Contactor has to arrange the labour hutment anywhere else at his own cost and no
extra payment in this regard will be given to contactor.

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52.1 Before commencing the execution of work, the Contractor shall, without in any way
limiting his obligations and liabilities, insure at his own cost and expense against any
damage or loss or injury, which may be caused to any person or property, at site of
work. The Contractor shall obtain and submit to the Engineer-in-Charge Contractor
All Risk Insurance Policy for an amount equivalent to the contract amount for
this work with Engineer-in-Charge as the first beneficiary. The insurance shall be
obtained in joint names of Engineer-in-Charge and the Contractor (who shall be
second beneficiary). Also, he shall indemnify the Department from any liability during
the execution of the work.
52.2 Further, he shall obtain and submit to the Engineer-in-Charge, a third-party insurance
policy for maximum Rs.10 lakh for each accident, with the Engineer-in-Charge as the
first beneficiary. The insurance shall be obtained in joint names of Engineer-in-Charge
and the Contractor (who shall be second beneficiary). The Contractor shall, from time
to time, provide documentary evidence as regards payment of premium for all the
Insurance Policies for keeping them valid till the completion of the work.
52.3 The Contractor shall ensure that Insurance Policies are also taken for the workers of
his Sub-Contractors/ specialized agencies also. The contractor including
subcontractors shall provide comprehensive group insurance cover for all the workers
and their supervisory staff deployed at site. The details of insurance cover to be
provided shall be submitted by the contractor/ associate agencies within 20 days of
date of start.
52.4 In case of a default, appropriate policy shall be got done by Engineer-in-charge and
double the fee of the policy shall be recovered from the next bill of the contractor.
52.5 Without prejudice to any of its obligations and responsibilities specified above, the
Contractor shall within 15 days from the date of letter of acceptance of the tender and
thereafter at the end of each quarter submit a report to the Department giving details
of the Insurance Policies along with Certificate of these insurance policies being valid,
along with documentary evidences as required by the Engineer-in-Charge.
52.6 No work shall be commenced by the Contractor unless he obtains the Insurance
Policies as mentioned above. Also, no bill payment shall be made to the Contractor on
expiry of insurance policies unless renewed by the Contractor. Nothing extra shall be
payable on this account. No claim of hindrance (or any other claim) shall be
entertained from the contractor on these accounts.

53.1 The contractor shall ensure quality construction in a planned and time bound manner.
Any sub-standard material/ work beyond set out tolerance limit shall be summarily
rejected by the Engineer-in-Charge.
53.2 The contractor shall ensure quality control measures on different aspects of
construction including materials, workmanship and correct construction methodologies
to be adopted. He shall have to submit quality assurance programme within two
weeks of the award of work. The quality assurance programme should include method
statement for various items of work to be executed along with check lists to enforce
quality control.
53.3 The contractor shall depute Quality Manager exclusively for enforcement of
quality control. Such Quality Manager should be a qualified engineer with

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minimum Eight years of similar experience. For other staff to be deployed for
quality assurance, the contractor may refer to clause 36 (i) under schedule
“F” attached.
53.4 Wherever work is specified to be done through specialized agencies, their
names shall be got approved well in advance from the Engineer-in-charge.
Failure to do so shall not justify delay in execution of work. It is suggested
that immediately after award of work, contractor should negotiate with
concerned specialist agencies and send their names for approval to Engineer
in charge.
53.5 All materials obtained from Govt. Stores or otherwise shall be got checked by the
Engineer-in-Charge or his any authorized supervisory staff on receipt of the same at
site before use.
53.6 The contractor shall provide at his own cost suitable weighing and measuring
arrangements at site for checking the weight/ dimensions as may be necessary for
execution of work. The sealed samples are to be handed over to the testing lab by
contractor in the presence of the Junior Engineer/ Assistant Engineer-in-
Charge/Assistant Executive Engineer of work.
53.7 Samples of various materials required for testing shall be provided free of charges by
the contractor. Testing charges, if any, unless otherwise provided shall be borne by
the contractor. All other expenditure required to be incurred for taking the samples,
conveyance, packing etc. shall also be borne by the contractor himself.
53.8 The contractor or his authorized representative shall associate in collection,
preparation, forwarding and testing of such samples. In case, he or his authorized
representative is not present or does not associate him, the results or such tests and
consequences thereon shall be binding on the contractor.
53.9 For certain items, if frequency of tests not mentioned in the CPWD Specifications and
then relevant IS code shall be followed and tests shall be carried out as per the
frequency specified therein.
53.10 If any load testing or special testing is to be done for any sample whose strength is
doubtful, the cost of the same shall also be borne by the contractor.
53.11 Samples of all materials and fittings to be used in the work in respect of brand
manufacturer and quality shall be got approved from the Engineer-in-Charge, well in
advance of actual execution and shall be preserved till the completion of the work. If
a particular brand of material is specified in the item of work in Schedule of Quantity,
the same shall be used after getting the same approved from Engineer-in-Charge.
Wherever brand/ quality of material is not specified in the item of work, the contractor
shall submit the samples as per approved list of brand names given in the tender
document/ additional specifications for approval of Engineer-in-charge. For all other
items, materials and fittings of ISI Marked shall be used with the approval of
Engineer-in-Charge. Wherever ISI Marked material/ fittings are not available, the
contractor shall submit samples of materials/ fittings manufactured by firms of repute
conforming to relevant specifications or IS codes and use the same only after getting
the approval.
53.12 In case of non-availability of material of the brands specified in the list of approved
materials, an equivalent brand may be used after getting written approval of the
Engineer-in-charge giving details to indicate the brand proposed to be used is
equivalent to the brands mentioned in the agreement. Decision of the Engineer-in-

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charge shall be final and binding in this respect.
53.13 To avoid delay, contractor should submit samples as stated above well in advance so
as to give timely orders for procurement. If any material, even though approved by
the Engineer-in-Charge is found defective or not conforming to specifications shall be
replaced/ removed by the contractor at his own risk & cost.
53.14 The contractor shall get the source of all other materials, not specified elsewhere in
the document, approved from the Engineer-in-Charge. The contractor shall stick to the
approved source unless it is absolutely unavoidable. Any change shall be done with
the prior approval of the Engineer-in-Charge for which tests etc. shall be done by the
contractor at his own cost. Similarly, the contractor shall submit brand/ make of
various materials not specified in the agreement, to be used for the approval of the
Engineer-in-Charge along with samples and once approved, he shall stick to it.
53.15 The contractor shall get the water tested with regard to its suitability and conforming
to the relevant IS Code. The contractor shall obtain written approval from the
Engineer-in-Charge before he proceeds by using the same for execution of work. The
water testing charges shall be borne by the contractor. If tube well water is not
suitable, the contractor shall arrange Municipal water or from any other source at his
own cost and nothing extra shall be paid on this account. The water shall be got
tested at frequency specified in latest CPWD Specifications/ BIS Code.
53.16 The Stone aggregate/ Coarse Sand/ Stone sand shall be brought from any quarries
subjected to the said materials conform CPWD specifications.
53.17 The gradation of fine sand to be used in plaster work shall be strictly as per CPWD
Specifications 2019, conforming to IS:1542-1977. The plastered surface shall be fairly
smooth without any undulation of any kind for applying paint/ white wash.
53.18 The contractor shall submit shop drawings of staging and shuttering arrangement,
aluminium work and other works as desired by Engineer-in-charge for his approval
before execution. The contractor shall also submit bar bending schedule for approval
of Engineer-in-charge before execution.
53.19 The contractor shall invariably prepare the samples of finishing items i.e.
flooring of different types, external & internal finishing i/c colour scheme of paint, tiles
in dado, flooring in platforms & staircase, water supply & sanitary fittings and any
other item as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. The contractor shall proceed with
further finishing items only after getting the samples of these items approved in
writing from Engineer-in-charge. Court Room, Judge’s Chamber, Registrar Chamber,
Toilets etc. one sample room complete in all shape for each category, shall be
prepared by the contractor and got approved from Engineer-in-charge in writing. The
contractor shall be allowed to proceed with further work only after getting the sample
room/ Chamber/ Toilet etc. approved in writing from the Engineer-in-charge. No extra
claim whatsoever beyond the payments due at agreement rates will be entertained
from the contractor on this account.
53.20 The construction joints shall the provided in predetermined locations only as decided
by Engineer in charge. The cost of shuttering for these construction joints shall be
included in item of Concrete work/ RCC work and nothing extra shall be payable on
this account to the contractor.
53.21 Water tanks, taps, sanitary, water supply and drainages pipes, fittings and accessories
should conform to the specifications provided in bidding documents. The contractor(s)
should engage approved, licensed plumbers for the work and get the materials

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(fixtures/ fittings) tested, by the municipal Body/ Corporation authorities, wherever
required, at his own cost. The Contractor(s) shall submit for the approval to the
Engineer-in-Charge the name of the plumbing agency proposed to be engaged by him.
53.22 All the hidden items such as water supply lines, drainage pipes, conduits, sewers etc.
are to be properly tested in presence of Engineer in charge or his authorised
representative as per the design conditions submitted before covering.
53.23 The contractor shall give a performance test of the entire installation(s) as per
standing specifications before the work is finally accepted by making his own
arrangements for water supply, electricity etc. and nothing extra whatsoever shall be
payable for the same.
53.24 Door/ window frames/ shutters and other factory-made materials shall be procured
from reputed and approved manufacturers or their authorized dealers. Decision of the
Engineer-in-charge in this regard shall be final and binding.
53.25 The contractor shall render all help and assistance in documenting the total sequence
of this project by way of photography, slides, audio-video recording etc. nothing extra
shall be payable to the contractor on this account.
53.26 The work shall be carried out in accordance with the drawings after getting NOC from
the Engineer-in-Charge. Before commencement of any item of work, the contractor
shall correlate all the relevant drawings, nomenclature of item and specification etc.
issued for the work and satisfied himself for the information available there from is
complete and unambiguous. The figure and written dimension of drawing shall be
superseding the measurement by scale. The discrepancy if any, shall be brought to
the notice of the engineer-in-charge before execution of the work. The contractor
alone shall be responsible for any loss or damage occurring by the commencement of
work on the basis of any erroneous and/ or incomplete information and no claim
whatsoever shall be entertained on this account.

53.27 Product Delivery, Storage and Handling of Chemicals:

i) The contractor shall construct storage space for Chemicals materials to ensure that
the storage conditions are as recommended by the manufactures.
ii) All the materials shall be procured and delivered in sealed containers with labels
legible and intact.
iii) All the chemicals (polymers, epoxy, water proofing compound, anti-termite chemicals,
plasticizer, polysulphide, SBR based elastomeric, APP (Atactic Polypropylene Polymer),
all exterior and interior paints, polish etc.) shall be procured in convenient packs say
20 litres/ Kgs. capacity packing only or as approved by the Engineer-in-charge, and
not in bigger capacity containers, say 200 litre (Kgs.) drums unless otherwise
specifically permitted by the Engineer-in-charge. One sample from each lot of the
chemical procured by the contractor shall be tested in a laboratory as approved by
the Engineer-in-charge.
iv) All material required for the execution of the work shall be got approved & procured
with the consent of Departmental supervisory staff. The materials shall be kept in joint
custody of the contractor and the Department. The watch and ward of such material
shall, however, remain to be the responsibility of the contractor and no claim,
whatsoever, on this account shall be entertained. Different containers of each chemical
shall be serially numbered on packing and also consumed in that order. Day-to-day

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account of receipt, issue and balance shall be regulated by the Department and proper
account shall be maintained at site of work in the prescribed form as per the standard
practice by the contractor.
v) All the chemicals shall be procured by the contractor directly from the manufacturer.
In exceptional circumstances, the contractor may be allowed to procure the materials
from the authorized dealers of the manufacturers, if specifically permitted by the
vi) The original copies of challan/ cash memos towards the quantity of various chemicals
procured shall be made available by the contractor at the request from the Engineer-
in- Charge and a copy of the same shall be kept in record.
vii) The Name of manufacturers, manufacturer’s product identification, and manufacturer’s
mixing instructions, warning for handling and toxicity and date of manufacturing and
shelf life shall be clearly and legibly mentioned on the labels of the each container.
viii) The contractor shall submit for the chemicals procured, manufacturer’s and/ or
authorized dealer’s certificate regarding supplying and verifying conformance to the
material specifications, as specified.
ix) All filled containers shall be handled in safe manner and in a way to avoid breaking
container seals.
x) Empty containers of the chemicals should not be removed from site without the
written approval of the Engineer-in-charge or his authorized representative.
xi) All arrangements for measuring, dosing and mixing of material/ chemicals at site have
to be made by the contractor.
xii) Contractor shall suitably advise his site Engineer and all the workers as regards safe
handling of chemicals. Necessary protective and safety equipments in form of hand
gloves, goggles etc. shall be provided by the contractor and be also used at site.
xiii) All incidental charges of any kind including cartage, storage and wastage and safe
custody of material etc. shall be borne by the contractor and no claim, whatsoever,
shall be entertained on this account.
xiv) The chemicals shall be tested in an independent laboratory as approved by the
Engineer-in-charge at the frequency as specified. If required, more samples may have
to be tested as per the directions of the Engineer-in-charge and the cost of such tests
shall be borne by the contractor.

53.28 Testing of Materials:

(i) Laboratory at site: The contractor shall establish a testing lab at site and provide
testing equipment and materials for the field tests mentioned in the list of mandatory
tests given in CPWD Specifications 2019 Vol. 1 & 2. Nothing extra shall be payable to
contractor on this account. The representatives of the department shall be at liberty to
inspect the testing facilities at site and conduct testing at random in consultation with
the Engineer in charge. The contractor shall provide all necessary facilities for this
Not less than 90% tests for material be performed at site lab and at least 10% testing
of materials shall be got done from external laboratories. However, for the tests to be
carried out by the external laboratories (approved by the Department i.e. CPWD), the
contractor shall supply free of charge all the materials required for testing, including
transportation. The cost of all tests shall be borne by the contractor including the tests
which were to be conducted in the site laboratory, are conducted in other laboratories

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for any the reasons.
(ii) Other Laboratories: The contractor shall arrange carrying out all tests required
under the agreement through the laboratory as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge
and shall bear all charges in connection therewith including charges for
testing for all materials including cement for which separate condition is provided
in the tender document.

(iii) Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Method of Test for RCC: Pulse velocity method of test of
concrete is to be conducted for CPWD works as a routine test. The acceptance criteria
as per the above table will be applicable which is as per IS 13311 (part-1): 1992.
From the above “Good” and “Excellent” grading are acceptable and below these
grading the concrete will not be acceptable.
The under lying principle of assessing the quality of concrete is that comparatively
higher velocities are obtained when the quality of concrete in terms of density,
homogeneity and uniformly is good. The consistency of the concrete as regards its
general quality gets established. In case of poorer quality lower velocities are
obtained. If there are cracks, voids or flaws inside the concrete which come in the way
of transmission of pulse, lower velocities are obtained.

Note: In Case of “doubtful” quality it may be necessary to carry further tests. 5% of

the total number of RCC members in each category i.e. beam, column, slab and
footing may be tested by UPV test method for establishing quality of concrete. It is
suggested that test be conducted on RCC beam near joint with column, on RCC
column near joint with beam, on RCC Raft foundation/ recommended type of
foundation as per structural design. On RCC foundation a suitable grid can be worked
out for determining number of tests. In addition, doubtful areas such as honeycombed
locations, locations, where continuous seepage is observed, construction joints and
visible loose pockets will also be tested.

The test results are to be examined in view of the above acceptance criteria “Good”
and “Excellent” and wherever concrete is found with less than required quality as per
acceptance criteria, repairs to concrete will be made. Honeycombed areas and loose
pockets will be repaired by grouting using Portland Cement Mortar/ Polymer Modifies
Cement Mortar/ Epoxy Mortar etc. after chipping loose concrete in appropriate
manner. In areas where concrete is found below acceptance criteria and defects are
not apparently visible on surface, injecting approved grout in appropriate proportion
using epoxy grout/ acrylic Polymer modified cements slurry made with shrinkage
compensating cement/ plain cement slurry etc. will be resorted to for repairs. (refer
relevant chapters from CPWD Hand Book on Repairs and Rehabilitation of RCC
Buildings). Repair to concrete will be done till satisfactory results are obtained as per
the acceptance criteria by retesting of the repaired area. If satisfactory results are not
obtained dismantling and relaying of concrete will be done.

53.29 Removal of Rejected/ Sub-standard Materials: The following procedure should be

followed in case of removal of rejected/ sub-standard materials from the site of work.
(i) Whenever any material brought by the contractor to the site of work is rejected, entry
thereof should invariably be made in the site order book under the signature of the AE
or authorized representative of Engineer in Charge giving approximate quantity of

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such materials.
(ii) As soon as the material is removed, a certificate to that effect may be recorded by the
AE or authorized representative of Engineer in Charge against the original entry,
giving the date of removal a mode of removal i.e. whether by truck, carts or by
manual labour. If removal is by truck, the registration number of the truck should be
(iii) When it is not possible for the AE to be present at the site of work at the time of
actual removal of the rejected/ sub-standard materials from the site the required
certificate should be recorded by the Junior Engineer or authorized representative of
Engineer in Charge and the AE should countersign the certificate recorded by the
Junior Engineer or authorized representative of Engineer in Charge.

53.30 Maintenance of Site Registers:

(i) All the Site Registers including Tests registers for tests to be carried out at
construction site or in outside laboratories shall be maintained by the contractor which
shall be issued to the contractor by Engineer-in-Charge in the same manner as being
issued to CPWD field staff.
(ii) The various registers to be issued to the contractor are:

a) Materials at site account register.

b) Cement register.

c) Master test registers.

d) Cube test register.

e) Paint register.

f) Inspection register.

g) Drawing register.

h) Site Order Book

(iii) All the entries in the registers will be made by the designated engineering staff of the
contractor and same should be regularly reviewed by the JE/ AE/ EE or authorized
representative of Engineer in Charge.
(iv) All samples of materials including cement concrete cubes shall be taken jointly with
contractor by the JE and out of this at least 50% samples shall be taken in presence of
the AE in charge. If there is no JE, all samples of materials including cement concrete
cubes shall be taken by AE or authorized representative of Engineer in Charge jointly
with contractor. All the necessary assistance shall be provided by the contractor. Cost
of sampling & testing are to be borne by the contractor and he shall be responsible for
safe custody of samples to be tested at site/ outside laboratory.
(v) All the tests in field lab at construction site shall be carried out by the Engineering
staff deployed by the contractor and shall be 100% witnessed by JE and 50% of tests
shall be witnessed by AE-in-Charge. At least 10% of the tests are to be witnessed by
the Executive Engineer or his authorized representative. Minimum 10% of all samples
should be tested in outside approved laboratory/ Govt. Engineering colleges.
(vi) Submission of copy of all test registers, material at site register along with each
alternate running account bill and final bill shall be mandatory. These registers should

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be duly checked by Engineer in Charge or his authorized representative in division

53.31 Inspection of Work: In addition to the provisions of relevant clauses of the contract,
the work shall also be open to inspection by the senior officers of CPWD in addition of
the Engineer-in-Charge and his authorized representative. The contractor shall at
times during the usual working hours and at all times at which reasonable notices of
the intention of the Engineer-in-Charge or other officers as stated above to visit the
works shall have been given to the Contractor, either himself be present to receive the
orders and instructions or have a responsible Site Engineer duly accredited in writing,
to be present for that purpose Senior Officers of CPWD Authorities shall be inspecting
the on-going work at site at any time with or without prior intimation.

53.32 Third Party Quality Assurance:

In order to achieve a high standard of quality, it shall be required to go for Third Party
Quality Assurance. For this purpose, a separate agency shall be appointed by the
CPWD who will carry out independent testing of materials and checking and ensuring
overall quality procedures. The contractor shall be required to fully co-operate with
agency and facilitate them in taking samples, transportation and examination of
various activities including documentation at no extra time and cost to the owner. In
case of any adverse findings by the agency, the contractor shall do the needful
rectifications at no extra time and cost to the owner. The Engineer-in-charge shall be
at liberty for getting quality assurance work done through agencies like IIT, NIT or any
other agency approved by competent authority at its own cost. (Cost of
appointment of TPQA shall be borne by department. However, charges for
testing of material shall be borne by agency). The successful tenderer shall
include the provisions of Quality Assurance while framing the proposed methodology
for tests.


(i) On completion of work, the Contractor(s) shall submit Six (06) sets of “As Built
Drawings” which shall include Building Drawings (Architectural & structural drawings)
and services drawings like drainage, sewerage, water supply, road and electrical
installations of the completed buildings/ services. These drawings shall have details of
layout with diameter of soil waste pipe and vertical stacks, ground and invert levels of
all drainage pipes together with locations of all manholes and connections, layout of all
water supply lines with diameters, locations of control valves, access panels etc. The
agency shall also submit at least 2 sets of above drawings in soft copy (generated
through BIM) in Pen drive.
(ii) Contractor shall submit literatures, manuals, warranty certificates etc. of various
fittings, fixtures and equipment and specialized items installed in the completed
building/ services.
(iii) Final bill will not be paid, and Security Deposit shall not be released until submission
of as built drawings as above.

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54 ADVANCE PAYMENTS: Contractor shall not divert any advance payments or part
thereof for any work other than that needed for completion of the contracted work. All
advance payments received as per terms of the contract (i.e. mobilization advance,
secured advance against materials brought at site, secured advance against plant &
machinery and/ or for work done during interim stages, etc.) are required to be re-
invested in the contracted work to ensure advance availability of resources in terms of
materials, labour, plant & machinery needed for required pace of progress for timely
completion of work.

55 PANDEMIC & GRAP RESTRICTIONS: Contractor shall comply all the Conditions,
Procedures, Guidelines issued time to time by authority of Central/ State Govt. in case
of pandemic situations (e.g. COVID-19) and emergency measures imposed under
Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP) to prevent deterioration of air quality. The
Contractor shall quote the rates considering all these factors and nothing extra shall
be paid on this account.

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1.1 The contractor shall not store/ dump construction material or debris on metalled road
and shall keep the construction material on the physically demarcated space by the
1.2 The contractor shall get prior approval from Engineer-in-charge for the area where the
construction material or debris can be stored beyond the metalled road. This area
shall not cause any obstruction to the free flow of traffic/ inconvenience to the
pedestrians. It should be ensured by the contractor that no accidents occur on account
of such permissible storage.
1.3 The contractor shall take appropriate protection measures like raising wind breakers of
appropriate height on all sides of the plot/ area using CGI sheets and/ or other similar
material to ensure that no construction material dust fly outside the plot area.
1.4 The contractor shall ensure that all the trucks or vehicles of any kind which are used
for construction purpose or are carrying construction material like cement, sand and
other allied materials are fully covered. The contractor shall take all necessary
precautions that the vehicles are properly cleaned and dust free to ensure that
enroute their destination, the dust, sand or any other particles are not released in air/
contaminate air.
1.5 The contractor shall provide mask to every worker working on the construction site
and involved in loading, unloading and carriage of construction material and
construction debris to prevent inhalation of dust particles.
1.6 The contractor shall provide all medical help, investigation and treatment to the
workers involved in the construction of building and carry of construction material and
debris relatable to dust emission.
1.7 The contractor shall ensure that C&D waste is transported to the C&D waste site only
and due record shall be maintained by the contractor.
1.8 The contractor shall ensure compulsory use of wet jet in grinding and stone cutting.
1.9 The contractor shall comply all the preventive and protective environmental steps as
stated in the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) guidelines 2010 with up-to-
date amendments.
1.10 The contractor shall carry out on road inspection for black smoke generating
machinery. The contractor shall use cleaner fuel.
1.11 The contractor shall ensure that all DG sets comply emission norms notified by MoEF.
1.12 The contractor shall use vehicles having pollution under control certificate. The
emissions can be reduced by a large extent by reducing the speed of a vehicle to 20
KMPH. Speed bumps shall be used to ensure speed reduction. In cases where speed
reduction cannot effectively reduce fugitive dust, the contractor shall divert traffic to
nearby paved areas.
1.13 The contractor shall ensure that all the building material responsible for pollution shall
be brought from sources & stacked at site, covered by tarpaulin and shall take all
precautionary measure to ensure that no dust particles are permitted to pollute the air
quality, failure of which Agency shall be liable to pay damages as decided by
Engineer-in-Charge. The decision of Engineer-in-Charge shall be final & binding.
1.14 The paving of the path for plying of vehicles carrying construction material is more

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permanent solution to dust control and suitable for longer duration projects.


The building/ project is proposed to be constructed and obtain 5 Star rating
certification from GRIHA. Whereas provision for various items/ technology to achieve
the said level of green building certification has been made in the contract, the
contractor shall also be required to strictly adhere to the following conditions as part
of his contractual obligations so that green building certification is obtained for the
building/ project.
2.1 SITE: The contractor shall ensure that adequate measures are taken for the
prevention of erosion of the top soil during the construction phase. The contractor
shall implement the Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (ESCP) provided to him
by the Engineer in Charge as part of the larger Construction Management Plan (CMP).
The contractor shall obtain the Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (ESCP)
Guidelines from the Engineer in Charge and then prepare working plan for the
following month activities as a BIM generated drawings showing the construction
management, staging & ESCP. At no time soil should be allowed to erode away from
the site and sediments should be trapped where necessary.
2.2 The contractor shall ensure that all the top soil excavated during construction works is
neatly stacked and is not mixed with other excavated earth. The contractors shall take
the clearance of the Engineer in Charge before any excavation. Top soil should be
stripped to a depth of 20 cm from the areas to be disturbed, for example proposed
area for buildings, roads, paved areas, external services and area required for
construction activities etc. It shall be stockpiled to a maximum height of 40 cm in
designated areas, covered or stabilized with temporary seeding for erosion prevention
and shall be reapplied to site during plantation, landscaping etc. of the proposed
vegetation. Top soil shall be separated from subsoil, debris and stones larger than 50
mm diameter. The stored top soil may be used as finished grade for planting areas.
2.3 The Contractor should follow the construction plan as proposed by the Architect/
Engineer in Charge to minimize the site disturbance such as soil pollution due to
spilling. Use staging and spill prevention and control plan to restrict the spilling of the
contaminating material on site. Protect top soil from erosion by collection storage and
reapplication of top soil, constructing sediment basin, contour trenching, mulching etc.
2.4 No excavated earth shall be removed from the campus unless suggested otherwise by
Engineer in Charge. All subsoil shall be reused in backfilling/ landscape, etc as per the
instructions of the Engineer in Charge. The surplus excavated earth shall be disposed
of by the contractor at his own cost for reuse after approval from Engineer in Charge.
A certificate of reuse as required by the Engineer-in-Charge shall be submitted by the
2.5 The contractor shall not change the natural gradient of the ground unless specifically
instructed by the Engineer in Charge. This shall cover all-natural features like water
bodies, drainage gullies, slopes, mounds, depressions, etc. Existing drainage patterns
through or into any preservation area shall not be modified unless specifically directed
by the Engineer-in-charge.
2.6 The contractor shall not carry out any work which results in the blockage of natural
2.7 The contractor shall ensure that existing grades of soil shall be maintained around

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existing vegetation and lowering or raising the levels around the vegetation is not
allowed unless specifically directed by the Engineer-in-charge
2.8 Contractor shall reduce pollution and land development impacts from automobiles use
during construction.
2.9 Overloading of trucks is unlawful and creates the erosion and sedimentation problems,
especially when loose materials like stone dust, excavated earth, sand etc. are moved.
Proper covering must take place. No overloading shall be permitted.
2.10 The dismantle material/ building rubbish received from dismantling/ demolishing shall
be dumped to the dumping ground in properly covered truck with precaution. Agency
shall submit the hard copy of photograph showing the properly covered truck
disposing the dismantles material/ building rubbish. Failure of which shall be sternly
dealt and a penalty @Rs.1000/- per trip of truck shall be levied and the decision of
Engineer-in-Charge shall be final & binding.
2.11 There shall be no burning of leaves, plastic etc. at construction site.
2.12 CONSTRUCTION PHASE AND WORKER FACILITIES: The contractor shall specify
and limit construction activity in pre-planned/ designated areas and shall start
construction work after securing the approval for the same from the Engineer in
Charge. This shall include areas of construction, storage of materials, and material
and personnel movement.
shall ensure that no trees, existing or otherwise, shall be harmed and accident to
roots should be prevented during trenching, placing backfill, driving or parking heavy
equipment, dumping of trash, oil, paint, and other materials detrimental to plant
health. These activities should be restricted to the areas outside of the canopy of the
tree or, from a safe distance from the tree/ plant by means of barricading. Trees will
not be used for support, their trunks shall not be damaged by cutting and carving or
by nailing posters, advertisements or other material. Lighting of fires or carrying out
heat or gas emitting construction activity within the ground, covered by canopy of the
tree is not to be permitted.
2.14 The contractor shall take steps to protect trees or saplings identified for preservation
within the construction site using tree guards of approved specification.
2.15 Contractor should limit all construction activity within the specified area as per the
Construction Management Plan (CMP) approved by Engineer in Charge.
2.16 The contractor shall avoid cut and fill in the root zones, through delineating and
fencing the drip line (the spread limit of a canopy projected on the ground) of all the
trees or group of trees. Separate the zones of movement of heavy equipment,
parking, or excessive foot traffic from the fenced plant protection zones.
2.17 The contractor shall ensure that maintenance activities during construction period
shall be performed as needed to ensure that the vegetation remains healthy.
2.18 Contractor shall be required to develop and implement a waste management plan,
quantifying material diversion goals. He shall establish goals for diversion from
disposal in landfills and incinerators and adopt a construction waste management plan
to achieve these goals. A project-wide policy of nothing leaves the Site, should be
followed, in such a case when strictly followed, care would automatically be taken in
ordering and timing of materials such that excess does not become waste. The
Contractor ingenuity is especially called towards meeting this prerequisite/ credit (as
per IGBC LEED India, New Construction v 1.0 & GRIHA, MNRE). Consider recycling

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cardboard, metal, brick, acoustical tile, concrete, plastic, clean wood, glass, gypsum
wallboard, carpet and insulation. Designate a specific area(s) on the construction site
for segregated or commingled collection of recyclable material, and track recycling
efforts throughout the construction process. Identify construction haulers and
recyclers to handle the designated materials. The diversion may include donation of
materials to charitable organizations and salvage of materials on-site.
2.19 Contractor shall collect all construction waste generated on site. Segregate these
wastes based on their utility and examine means of sending such waste to
manufacturing units which use them as raw material or other site which require it for
specific purpose. Typical construction debris could be broken bricks, steel bars, broken
tiles, spilled concrete and mortar etc.
2.20 The contractor shall provide potable water for all workers.
2.21 The contractor shall provide the minimum level of sanitation and safety facilities for
the workers at their camp/ labour site. The contractor shall ensure cleanliness of
workplace with regard to the disposal of waste and effluent; provide clean drinking
water and latrines and urinals as per applicable standard. Adequate toilet facilities
shall be provided for the workman within easy access of their place of work. The total
no. to be provided shall not be less than 1 per 30 employees in any one shift. Toilet
facilities shall be provided from the start of building construction operations,
connection to a sewer shall be made as soon as practicable. Every toilet shall be so
constructed that the occupant is sheltered from view and protected from the weather
and falling objects. Toilet facilities shall be maintained in a sanitary condition. A
sufficient quantity of disinfectant shall be provided. Natural or artificial illumination
shall be provided.
2.22 The contractor shall ensure that air pollution due to dust/ generators is kept to a
minimum, preventing any adverse effects on the workers and other people in and
around the site. The contractor shall ensure proper screening, covering stockpiles,
covering brick and loads of dusty materials, wheel-washing facility, gravel pit, and
water spraying. Contractor shall ensure the following activities to prevent air pollution
during construction:
(i) Clear vegetation only from areas where work will start right away
(ii) Vegetate/ mulch areas where vehicles do not ply.
(iii) Apply gravel/ landscaping rock to the areas where mulching/ paving is impractical
(iv) Identify roads on-site that would be used for vehicular traffic. Upgrade vehicular roads
(if these are unpaved) by increasing the surface strength by improving particle size,
shape and mineral types that make up the surface & base. Add surface gravel to
reduce source of dust emission. Limit of fine particles (smaller than 0.075mm)-10 to
(v) Water spray, through a simple hose for small projects, to keep dust under control.
Fine mists should be used to control fine particulate. However, this should be done
with care so as not to waste water. Heavy watering can also create mud, which when
tracked onto paved public roadways, must be promptly removed. Also, there must be
an adequate supply of clean water nearby to ensure that spray nozzles don’t get
(vi) Water spraying shall be done on:
a) Any dusty materials before transferring, loading and unloading.
b) Area where demolition work is being carried out.

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c) Any un-paved main haul road.
d) Areas where excavation or earth moving activities are to be carried out

(vii) The contractor shall ensure that the speed of vehicles within the site is limited to 10
(viii) All material storages should be adequately covered and contained so that they are not
exposed to situations where winds on site could lead to dust/ particulate emissions.
(ix) Spills of dirt or dusty materials will be cleaned up promptly, so the spilled material
does not become a source of fugitive dust and also to prevent of seepage of pollutant
laden water into the ground aquifers. When cleaning up the spill, ensure that the
clean-up process does not generate additional dust. Similarly, spilled concrete slurries
or liquid wastes should be contained/ leaned up immediately before they can infiltrate
into the soil/ ground or runoff in nearby areas
(x) Provide barricading of not less than 6 meter or higher as per direction of Engineer-in-
charge, along the site boundary, next to a road, around batching plant, if any or other
public area.
(xi) Provide dust screens, sheeting or netting to scaffold along the perimeter of the
(xii) Cover stockpiles of dusty material with impervious sheeting
(xiii) Cover dusty load on vehicles by impervious sheeting before they leave the site
2.23 Contractor shall be required to provide an easily accessible area that serves the entire
building and is dedicated to the separation, collection and storage of materials for
recycling including (at a minimum) paper, corrugated cardboard, glass, plastics, and
metals. He shall coordinate the size and functionality of the recycling areas with the
anticipated collections services for glass, plastic, office paper, newspaper, cardboard,
and organic wastes to maximize the effectiveness of the dedicated areas. Consider
employing cardboard balers, aluminium can crushers, recycling chutes, and collection
bins at individual workstations to further enhance the recycling program
2.24 The contractor shall ensure that no construction leachate (e.g. cement slurry etc.), is
allowed to percolate into the ground. Adequate precautions are to be taken to
safeguard against this including, reduction of wasteful curing processes, collection,
basic filtering and reuse. The contractor shall follow requisite measures for collecting
drainage water run-off from construction areas and material storage sites and
diverting water flow away from such polluted areas. Temporary drainage channels,
perimeter dike/ swale, etc. shall be constructed to carry the pollutant-laden water
directly to the treatment device or facility (municipal sewer line).
2.25 Staging (dividing a construction area into two or more areas to minimize the area of
soil that will be exposed at any given time) should be done to separate undisturbed
land from land disturbed by construction activity and material storage.
2.26 The contractor shall comply with the safety procedures, norms and guidelines (as
applicable) as outlined in the document Part 7 Constructional Practices and Safety,
2005, National Building code of India, Bureau of Indian Standards. A copy of all
pertinent regulations and notices concerning accidents, injury and first-aid shall be
prominently exhibited at the work site. Depending upon the scope & nature of work, a
person qualified in first-aid shall be available at work site to render and direct first-aid
to causalities. A telephone may be provided to first-aid assistant with telephone
numbers of the hospitals displayed. Complete reports of all accidents and action taken

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thereon shall be forwarded to the competent authorities.
2.27 The contractor shall ensure the following activities for construction workers safety,
among other measures:
(i) Guarding all parts of dangerous machinery.
(ii) Precautionary signs for working on machinery

(iii) Maintaining hoists and lifts, lifting machines, chains, ropes, and other lifting tackles in
good condition.
(iv) Durable and reusable formwork systems to replace timber formwork and ensure that
formwork where used is properly maintained.
(v) Ensuring that walking surfaces or boards at height are of sound construction and are
provided with safety rails or belts.
(vi) Provide protective equipment; helmets etc.
(vii) Provide measures to prevent fires. Fire extinguishers and buckets of sand to be
provided in the fire-prone area and elsewhere.
(viii) Provide sufficient and suitable light for working during night time.
2.28 The storage of material shall be as per standard good practices, Storage, stacking &
Handling practices, NBC 2016 and shall be to the satisfaction of the Engineer in
Charge to ensure minimum wastage and to prevent any misuse, damage,
inconvenience or accident. Watch and ward of all Construction materials and site/ Area
shall be his own responsibility. There should be a proper planning of the layout for
stacking and storage of different materials, components and equipment with proper
access and proper manoeuvrability of the vehicles carrying the materials. While
planning the layout, the requirements of various materials, components and
equipment at different stages of construction shall be considered.
2.29 The contractor shall provide for adequate number of garbage bins around the
construction site and the workers facilities and will be responsible for the proper
utilization of these bins for any solid waste generated during the construction. The
contractor shall ensure that the site and the workers facilities are kept litter free.
Separate bins should be provided for plastic, glass, metal, biological and paper waste
and labelled in both Hindi and English with suitable symbols.
2.30 The contractor shall prepare and submit state prevention and control plans before the
start of construction. The contractor shall clearly state measures to stop the source of
the spill, to contain the spill, to dispose the contaminated material and hazardous
wastes (include pesticides, paints, cleaners, and petroleum products) and stating
designation of personnel trained to prevent and control spills.
2.31 Contractor shall collect & submit the relevant material certificates for materials with
high recycled (both post-industrial and post-consumer) content, including materials
like RMC mix with fly-ash, glass with recycled content, calcium silicate boards etc. and
rapidly renewable materials such as bamboo, wool, cotton insulation, agrifiber,
linoleum, wheat board, strawboard and cork etc.
2.32 Where possible, the contractor shall select materials/ vendors, harvested and
manufactured regionally, within a 800-km radius of the project site.
2.33 The contractor shall ensure that a flush out of all internal spaces is conducted prior to
handover. This shall comprise an opening of all doors and windows for 14 days to vent
out any toxic fumes due to paints, varnishes, polishes, etc.
2.34 Contractor shall make efforts to reduce the quantity of indoor air contaminants that

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are odorous or potentially irritating harmful to the comfort and well-being of installer
and building occupants. Contractor shall ensure that the VOC (Volatile Organic
Compounds) content of paints, sealers, coatings, adhesives & sealants, primers etc.
used must not exceed the VOC content limits mentioned in CPWD Specification and
relevant IS Codes.
2.35 Wherever required, Contractor shall meet and carry out documentation of all activities
on site, supplementation of information, and submittals in accordance with GRIHA
program standards and guidelines. Towards meeting the aforementioned building
environmental rating standard(s) expert assistance shall be provided to him up on
(i) Contractor should spray curing water on concrete structure and shall not allow free
flow of water. Concrete structures should be kept covered with thick cloth/ gunny bags
and water should be sprayed on them or curing compound can be used for the curing
of concrete structures. Contractor shall do water ponding on all sunken slabs if any,
using cement and sand mortar.
(ii) The Contractor shall remove from site all rubbish and debris generated by the Works
and keep Works clean and tidy throughout the Contract Period. All the serviceable and
non-serviceable (malba) material shall be segregated and stored separately. The
malba obtained during construction shall be collected in well-formed heaps at properly
selected places, keeping in a view safe condition for workmen in the area. Materials
which are likely to cause dust nuisance or undue environmental pollution in any other
way, shall be removed from the site at the earliest and till then they shall be suitable
covered. Glass & steel should be dumped or buried separately to prevent injury. The
work of removal of debris should be carried out during night.
(iii) The contractor shall provide O & M Manuals wherever applicable.
(iv) The contractor shall make himself conversant with the Site Waste Management
Program Manual and actively contribute to its compilation by estimating the nature
and volume of waste generated by the process.
(i) Contractor will produce wherever feasible, certificate regarding distance of the source
of the relevant material.
(ii) Unless otherwise stated cement used at site for reinforced concrete, precast members,
mortar, plaster, building blocks, etc. shall be PPC (Portland Pozzolana Cement). The
PPC must meet the requirements of IS 1489 (Part I) as regards to fly ash content in
cement The contractor shall obtain from the PPC manufacturer the certificate
regarding fly ash content in the PPC in each batch of consignment.
(iii) The contractor has to comply as per MoEF issued notification S.O. 763(E) dated 14th
Sept.1999 & latest notification of 25 th January 2016 containing directive for greater fly
ash utilization.
(iv) The contractor shall ensure that all paints, polishes, adhesives and sealants used both
internally and externally, on any surface, shall be Low VOC products. The contractor
shall get prior approval from the Engineer in Charge before the application of any such
(v) All plumbing and sanitary fixtures installed shall be as per the direction of the
Engineer in Charge and shall adhere to the minimum LPM (litres per minute) and LPF
(litres per flush) mentioned. The contractor shall employ 100% zero ODP (ozone

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depletion potential) insulation; HCFC (hydro-chlorofluorocarbon)/ and CFC
(chlorofluorocarbon) free HVAC and refrigeration equipment and/ halon-free fire
suppression and fire extinguishing systems.


(i) The contractor shall ensure that the water and electricity is not wasted during
construction. The Engineer in Charge can bring to the attention any such wastage and
the contractor will have to ensure that such bad practices are corrected.
(ii) The contractor shall install necessary meters and measuring devices to record the
consumption of water, electricity and diesel on a monthly basis for the entire tenure of
the project.
(iii) The contractor shall ensure that all run-off water from the site, during construction is
collected and reused to the maximum.
(iv) The contractor shall use treated recycled water of appropriate quality standards for
construction, if available.


(i) Contractor shall ensure that wastage of construction material is within the specified
limit as per CPWD Specification.
(ii) All construction debris generated during construction shall be carefully segregated and
stored in a demarcated waste yard. Clear, identifiable areas shall be provided for each
waste type. Employ measures to segregate the waste on site into inert, chemical, or
hazardous wastes.
(iii) All construction debris shall be used for road preparation, back filling, etc, as per the
instructions of the Engineer in Charge, with necessary activities of sorting, crushing,
(iv) The contractor shall recycle the unused chemical/ hazardous wastes such as oil, paint,
batteries, asbestos etc.
(v) No construction debris shall be taken away from the site, without the prior approval of
the Engineer in Charge. If and when construction debris is taken out of the site, after
prior permissions from the Engineer in Charge or his authorized representative, then
the contractor shall ensure the safe disposal of all wastes and will only dispose of any
such construction waste in approved dumping sites.

i) The contractor shall, during the entire tenure of the construction phase, submit the
following records to the Engineer in Charge or his authorized representative on a
monthly basis:
a) Progress report
b) Water consumption in litres
c) Quantum of waste (volumetric/ weight basis) generated at site and the segregated
waste types divided into inert, chemical and hazardous wastes.
d) Inventories of materials used in the work i/c fly ash, fly ash bricks etc.
e) Digital photo documentation to demonstrate compliance of safety guidelines as
specified here and in the Appendix on Safety Conditions.
f) No. of different categories of labours deployed at site for work (shift wise).
g) Quantities of material brought into the site, including the material issued to the

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contractor by the Engineer-in-charge.
h) Quantities of construction debris (if at all) taken out of the site.
ii) The contractor shall submit a document after construction of the buildings, a brief
description along with photographic records to show that other areas have not been
disturbed during construction. The document should also include brief explanation and
photographic records to show erosion and sedimentation control measures adopted.
(Document BIM generated drawings showing site plan details of existing vegetation,
existing buildings, existing slopes and site drainage pattern, staging and spill
prevention measures, erosion and sedimentation control measures and measures
adopted for top soil preservation during construction).
iii) The contractor shall submit to the Engineer in Charge after construction of the
buildings, a detailed as built quantification of the following:
a) Total materials used,
b) Total top soil stacked and total reused
c) Total earth excavated
d) Total waste generated,
e) Total waste reused,
f) Total water used.
iv) The contractor, before the start of construction shall submit a site plan along with a
narrative to demarcate areas on site from which top soil has to be gathered, designate
area where it will be stored, measures adopted for top soil preservation and indicate
areas where it will be reapplied after construction is complete to the Engineer in
v) The contractor shall submit a detailed narrative (not more than 250 words) on
provision for safe drinking water and sanitation facility for construction workers and
site personnel to the Engineer in Charge.
vi) Provide supporting document from the manufacturer of the cement specifying the fly
ash content in PPC used in reinforced concrete.
vii) The contractor shall submit the following information to the Engineer-in-charge at the
end of construction, for all material brought to site for construction purposes, including
manufacturer’s certifications, verifying information, and test data, where Specifications
sections require data relating to environmental issues including but not limited to:
a) Source of products: Supplier details and location of the supplier.
b) Project Recyclability: Submit information to assist Owner and Contractor in recycling
materials involved in shipping, handling, and delivery, and for temporary materials
necessary for installation of products.
c) Recycled Content: Submit information regarding product post-industrial recycled and
post-consumer recycled content, Use the Recycled Content Certification Form, to be
provided by the Commissioning Authority appointed for the Project.
d) Product Recyclability: Submit information regarding product and products component’s
recyclability including potential sources accepting recyclable materials where ever
e) Provide final certification of well-managed forest of origin to provide final
documentation of certified sustainably harvested status: Acceptable wood, certified
sustainably harvested, certifications shall include:
f) Clean tech: Provide pollution clearance certificates from all manufacturers of materials
g) Certifications from manufacturers of Low VOC paints, adhesives, sealant and polishes

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used at this particular project site.
h) Certification from manufacturers of composite wood products/ agro fibre products on
the absence of added urea formaldehyde resin in the products supplied to them to this
particular site. Provide total support to Engineer in Charge and Green Building
Consultants appointed by the Engineer in charge in completing all Green Building
Rating related formalities, including signing of forms, providing signed letters in the
contractor’s letterhead whenever required.


i) The contractor is expected to go through all other conditions of the GRIHA rating
stipulations. Failure to adhere to any of the above-mentioned items, without approval
of the Engineer in Charge, shall be deemed as a violation of contract and the
contractor shall be held liable for penalty as per terms of the agreement.
ii) In case any penalty is imposed by any Hon’ble Court, NGT or any other authority due
to non-compliance of any statutory order, or law or guidelines or pollution control or
environmental norms, the same will be borne by the contractor and noting extra shall
be payable in this regard.
iii) The contractor shall submit the detailed action plan for control of pollution and for
adherence to all the environmental guidelines/ Laws/ statutes/ Court Orders/ NGT
orders/ orders of pollution control authorities through the entire period of construction
at site. The detailed action plan shall be submitted to the Engineer-in-Charge within
15 days of the stipulated date of start of work and shall be got approved from the
iv) The contractor shall arrange for control measures of all dust/ noise/ emission from the
construction activities at site of work and shall install screens/ curtains/ covers/ dust
trappers etc. as per guidelines/ orders of the NGT/ Court of law/ statutory authorities
etc. No hindrance shall be allowed, arising out of any stay/ stopping of work from any
court/ statutory authority/ NGT/ Govt. Authorities as a consequence of the contractor
not adhering to any pollution control guideline/ law/ order of the state bodies during
the construction period. Nothing shall be paid to the contractor on account of
expenses for any dust/ pollution/ emission control measures at the site of work or any
delay in work due to any orders passed by any court/ statutory authority/ Govt.
Authorities during the period of construction.
v) The contractor is strongly advised to study all dust/ Noise/ emission/ pollution control
norms/ laws/ Court Orders before bidding for the work and quote his rates accordingly
for any liability which may arise on this account during the period of construction.

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Minimum Requirements and Technical Specifications for execution of work shall be

as given below. However, the work being executed on Turnkey basis i.e. EPC
Mode-I, the contractor has to plan, design & execute complete work including
missing fittings/ fixtures/ finishing items etc. not mentioned here as per direction
of Engineer-in-Charge to make the building/ services to the full use & functional
and nothing extra shall be paid on this account.
The user requirements and specifications provided herein are indicative only and not
comprehensive. The contractor’s consultant shall work as per detailed conceptual
Architectural Drawings and Specifications, Schedule of Finishes based on functional
requirements of office Building and Services to complete the building and services in
all respects. The specifications or fittings & fixtures, finishes etc. not specifically
mentioned shall also be provided by the contractor based on user requirements &
specifications provided for similar functional spaces. Also, the finishing items not
specifically mentioned herein shall be provided based on modern office Buildings and
matching with the theme of Architectural Design as provided in the 3-D Views of the
Buildings and similar internal finishing items proposed herein this document. All such
provisions are included in the scope of work of the contractor and nothing extra shall
be paid.


1.1 As per the requirement of user the architectural design of the complex with elevations
have been developed based on a Modern/ Contemporary/ Architectural Concept and
attached herewith in this bid document. The contractor will be required to prepare
more detailed architectural drawings, detailed Structural design & drawing as per
scope of work and specifications provided in this bid document and thereafter
construction, installation, testing and commissioning accordingly.
1.2 The building consists of Two Basements + G+5 floors in Phase-I and Two
Basements +G+5/4 floors in one portion & Two Basements + G+3
floors in another portion of Phase-II as detailed in table under para 1.4
1.3 The work, in general, has to be executed as per architectural drawings and
services design attached with this bid document. Structural design and drawings
to be prepared by the EPC contractor/ agency as per specifications, NBC 2016 and
relevant BIS codes. Building shall comply with all features of Accessible India.
Agency has to submit pre-audit report (for accessibility) to department for
approval. Agency has to execute all items required under accessibility norms and
submit post audit report and certificate for accessibility after completion. Nothing
extra shall be payable on this account.
1.4 Built-up Plinth area, Floor Height and Functional Spaces/ Utilities to be
provided in the buildings shall be as given below:

NOA : NIL NOI : NIL Page-133

S Descriptio Area in Floor Functional Spaces/ Facilities Proposed
No. n Sqm height
(Tentative (Tentative
area as Height as
per per
conceptual conceptual
architectu architectur
ral al
drawings) drawings)

A. BASEMENT (i/c RCC Raft foundation/ recommended type of foundation as per structural

1. Basement-1 6589.73 5.10 m Car Parking, Electrical Rooms, Fan Rooms, Lawyer's and
Litigant's Lobby, E&M Control Room, NDMC Meter Room,
Lift & Stair's Near NDMC Meter Room, E&M Control Room &
Lawyer's and Litigant's Lobby, DG Room, SCADA Panel
Area, Raw & Fire Water Storage Tank, LT/HT Panel Room,
Pump Room, other Passenger lifts and Ramps etc. as per
Conceptual and architectural Drawings.

2. Basement-2 6368.46 5.10 m Car Parking, Electrical Rooms, Fan Rooms, Lawyer's and
Litigant's Lobby, Fire & DW Pump Room, AC Plant Room,
Lift & Stair's Near Fire & DW Pump Room, AC Plant Room &
Lawyer's and Litigant's Lobby, DG Room, Raw & Fire Water
Storage Tank, STP/ ETP Room, Passenger lifts and Ramps
etc. as per Conceptual and architectural Drawings.

Total Built-up Plinth Area of BASEMENT = 12958.19 sqm (A)

B. SUPER-STRUCTURE (i/c Foundation Except where Basement is provided)

3. Ground 4049.76 4.50 m Canopy of main entrance, Lawyer's and Litigant's Corridor
Floor & Lobby, Judges Lobby, Stair's Near Judges Lobby &
Lawyer's and Litigant's Lobby, Escalators in Lawyer's and
Litigant's Corridor, Server Room/ LV, AHU, ACC/ Gender
Neutrality Toilet, Male & Female Toilet, Canteen & Kitchen,
Ladies Bar Room, Senior Advocate Lunch Room, Library,
Consultation Room, SCBA & SCORA Executive Meeting
Room, SCBA & SCORA Office rooms (President, Vice
President, Office Secretary Room), Electrical Utility Room
etc. as per Conceptual and architectural Drawings.

4. First Floor 4178.02 4.50 m Lawyer's and Litigant's Corridor & Lobby, Stair's Near
Lawyer's and Litigant's Lobby, Escalators in Lawyer's and
Litigant's Corridor, Server Room/ LV, AHU, Male Toilet,
Female Toilet, ACC/ Gender Neutrality Toilet, Judge’s
Lounge With Attached Toilet, Court’s Office, Judge’s Lobby,
Electrical Utility Room, Stairs Near Judge's Lobby, Court
Rooms (Typical)- 4 Nos etc. as per Conceptual and
architectural Drawings.

5. Second 4178.02 4.50 m Lawyer's and Litigant's Corridor & Lobby, Stair's Near

NOA : NIL NOI : NIL Page-134

Floor Lawyer's and Litigant's Lobby, Escalators in Lawyer's and
Litigant's Corridor, Server Room/ LV, AHU, Male Toilet,
Female Toilet, ACC/ Gender Neutrality Toilet, Court Master
Office With Attached Toilet, Judge’s Lobby Stair's Near
Judge's Lobby, Court Rooms (Typical)- 4 Nos, Electrical
Utility Room, Judge's Circulation area.

6. Third Floor 4178.02 3.90 m Lawyer's and Litigant's Corridor & Lobby, Stair's Near
Lawyer's and Litigant's Lobby, Escalators in Lawyer's and
Litigant's Corridor, Server Room/ LV, AHU, Male Toilet,
Female Toilet, ACC/ Gender Neutrality Toilet, Judge's
Assembly Hall With Attached Toilet, Judge's Lobby, Stair's
Near Judge's Lobby, CJI Chamber, Hon’ble Judge’s
Chamber-8 Nos, Electrical Utility Room, Judge's Circulation

7. Fourth 4178.02 3.90 m Lawyer's and Litigant's Corridor & Lobby, Stair's Near
Floor Lawyer's and Litigant's Lobby, Escalators in Lawyer's and
Litigant's Corridor, Server Room/ LV, AHU, Male Toilet
Female Toilet, ACC/ Gender Neutrality Toilet, Committee
Room- 2Nos., Judge's Lounge, Judge's Lobby, Stair's Near
Judge's Lobby, Hon’ble Judges Chamber-10Nos, Electrical
Utility Room, Judge's Circulation area.

8 Fifth Floor 4178.02 4.50 m Lawyer's and Litigant's Corridor & Lobby, Stair's Near
Lawyer's and Litigant's Lobby, Escalators in Lawyer's and
Litigant's Corridor, Server Room/ LV, AHU, Male Toilet,
Female Toilet, ACC/ Gender Neutrality Toilet, Judge's
Lobby, Stair's Near Judge's Lobby, CJI's Lounge,
Constitutional Court Infrastructure, Court Room (Typical)-
2Nos. and Constitutional Court Room-1No. (height -
7.20Mtr) , Electrical Utility Room, Judge's Lounge, Judge’s
Circulation area.

9 Sixth Floor/ 354.30 2.70m Lawyer's and Litigant's Lobby, AHU, Male Toilet, Female
terrace/ Toilet, ACC/ Gender Neutrality Toilet, Judge's Lobby,
Mumty Electrical Utility Room, Waiting Area on Terrace.

10 Dome - 5.50 m Over Constitutional Court of height -7.20Mtr.

Total Built Up Plinth Area of SUPER STRUCTURE = 25294.16 Sqm (B)

C. BASEMENT (i/c RCC Raft foundation/ recommended type of foundation as per structural

1. Basement-1 8938.16 5.10 m Car Parking, Electrical Rooms, Fan Rooms, Lawyer's and
Litigant's Lobby, Lift & Stair's Near Electrical Rooms, Fan
Rooms & Lawyer's and Litigant's Lobby, other Passenger
lifts and Ramps etc. as per Conceptual and architectural

2. Basement-2 8938.16 5.10 m Car Parking, Electrical Rooms, Fan Rooms, Lawyer's and
Litigant's Lobby, Lift & Stair's Near Electrical Rooms, Fan
Rooms & Lawyer's and Litigant's Lobby, other Passenger

NOA : NIL NOI : NIL Page-135

lifts and Ramps etc. as per Conceptual and architectural

Total Built-up Plinth Area of BASEMENT = 17876.32 sqm (A)

D. SUPER-STRUCTURE (i/c Foundation Except where Basement is provided)

3. Ground 3822.56 4.50 m Judge's Lobby, Stair's Near Judge's Lobby, Server Room,
Floor Lawyer's and Litigant's Corridor & Lobby, Stair's Near
Server Room, Toilet & Lawyer's and Litigant's Lobby,
Female Toilet, Male Toilet, ACC/ Gender Neutrality Toilet,
Janitor Room, AHU Room, Security Personnel, Lawyer's
Utility, Escalators in Lawyer's and Litigant's Corridor,
Electrical Utility Room, SCBA Lounge, Driver's Room,
Judges Drop off Area, CCTV & EPABX Room, Fire Control
Room, Fan Room.

4. First Floor 7390.54 4.50 m NJDG Room, Server Room/ LV, Stair's Near Server Room/
LV, Judge's Lobby, Stairs Near Judge's Lobby, Escalators in
Lawyer's and Litigant's Corridor, Electrical Utility Room,
Female Toilet, Male Toilet, ACC/ Gender Neutrality Toilet,
Janitor Room, AHU Room, Lawyer's and Litigant's Corridor
& Lobby, Stair's Near Lawyer's and Litigant's Lobby,
Judge's Circulation, Court Room (Typical)- 8Nos., Hon’ble
Judges Chamber- 8Nos.

5. Second 7390.54 4.50 m Conference Room, Judge's Lobby, Stair's Near Judge's
Floor Lobby, Escalators in Lawyer's and Litigant's Corridor,
Electrical Utility Room, Female Toilet, Male Toilet, ACC/
Gender Neutrality Toilet, Janitor Room, Server Room/ LV,
Stair's Near Server Room/ LV, AHU Room, Stair's Near
Judge's Lobby, Lawyer's and Litigant's Corridor & Lobby,
Judge's Circulation, Stair's Near Lawyer's and Litigant's
Lobby, Electrical Utility Room, Stair's Near Toilet, Judge's
Circulation area, Court Room (Typical)- 8Nos, Hon’ble
Judges Chamber-8Nos.

6. Third Floor 7390.54 3.90 m Hon’ble Judges Chamber-4Nos, Registrar Office and Record
Room, Escalators in Lawyer's and Litigant's Corridor,
Server Room, Stair's Near Server Room/ LV, Judge's
Lobby, Stair's Near Judge's Lobby, Female Toilet, Male
Toilet, ACC/ Gender Neutrality Toilet, Janitor Room, AHU
Room, Lawyer's and Litigant's Corridor & Lobby, Electrical
Utility Room, Judge's Circulation, Registrar Court- 4Nos.,
Court Master Office, Stair's Near Lawyer's and Litigant's
Lobby, Stair's Near Toilet, Registrar Chamber- 16Nos.,
Judge's Circulation area.

7. Fourth 3204.34 3.90 m Hon’ble Judges Chamber- 4Nos., Rooms-1, Rooms-2,

Floor Server Room /LV, Stair's Near Server Room/ LV, Judge's
Lobby, Stair's Near Judge's Lobby, Female Toilet, Male
Toilet, ACC/ Gender Neutrality Toilet, Janitor Room, AHU
Room, Electrical Utility Room, Judge's Circulation area,

8 Fifth Floor 680.42 4.50 m Court Rooms-2Nos. Judge’s Circulation.

NOA : NIL NOI : NIL Page-136

9 Terrace/ 550.34 2.70m Lawyer's and Litigant's Lobby, Judge's Lobby.

Total Built Up Plinth Area of SUPER STRUCTURE = 30429.29 Sqm (B)


i) The areas of the buildings mentioned above are as per detailed conceptual
architectural drawings. Consultant of contractor has to plan and design the
buildings as per scope of the work given in the NIT.

ii) Area of Canopy at Entrance/ Porch shall be measured 100% in Built up Plinth
Area at Ground Floor.

iii) Actual Built-up Plinth Area of Buildings shall be measured as per provisions of
CPWD PAR-2023 (Annexure-II) for payment.

iv) Superstructure includes foundation except where Basement is provided

v) Cost of RCC Raft foundation/ recommended type of foundation as per structural

design is included in the Basement cost.

vi) Area of Basement Entry/ Exit Ramps shall be measured in Basement. The Water
Tanks, LT Panel room, Lift Lobbies, Staircases, Pump Rooms etc. and other Rooms
provided in the Basement shall be part of Basement and thus will not be measured
separately and their cost is included in the Basement

vii) Any projections/ facade features, Terrace Projections or other elevation features
shall not be considered in plinth area measurement.

Item Description Brief Specification/ guidelines


1.0 General 1.1 All the items of Delhi Schedule of Rates are in the scope of work against
Specification/ the tender, as may be applicable, according to the design developed by
the contractor and discharged by the Engineer-in-Charge by way of
Good for Construction drawings.
1.2 CPWD Specifications Vol-1 and Vol-ll as amended from time to time and
relevant IS Codes shall be applicable for all the items to be executed as
per Good for construction drawings.
1.3 Provisions contained in Harmonized Guidelines & Standards for Universal
Accessibility in India 2021 (available on CPWD Website) of Ministry of
Housing and Urban Affairs, Government of India shall be complied with
while preparing drawings.
1.4 Contractor shall submit detailed Architectural working drawings to
Engineer-in-Charge. The Engineer-in-Charge shall get it examined from
the designated Architect of the project and issue NOC for taking up
1.5 Contractor shall submit Good for construction drawings (structural,
services, MEP etc.) to the Engineer-in-Charge. Work shall be executed
only as per NOC issued for Good for construction drawings (structural,
services, MEP etc.) by the Engineer- in-Charge, for which he shall take
prior internal approval from the authority competent to accord technical
1.6 Contractor shall carry out his own soil investigation from a soil
investigating agency approved by the Engineer-in-Charge for the
purpose of design of foundation and superstructure. In case of any

NOA : NIL NOI : NIL Page-137

contradiction between Geo technical report appended with tender
documents and that undertaken by contractor, the report suggesting of
weaker technical conditions shall prevail.
1.7 Type of cement to be used in the work shall be as per provisions of IS:
456 with regard to exposure conditions including Sulphate attack.
1.8 C&D waste products and recycled aggregates to the extent provided in
IS codes shall be used as per extant provisions of Green Building
1.9 The water used by the contractor(s) shall be fit for construction
purposes to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge.
2.0 Earthwork, 2.1 Scope of work includes all items of DSR as contemplated in the Sub Head
foundation and Earthwork of DSR (including bailing and pumping out water, strutting etc.)
as may be applicable to the work as per design and drawings submitted by
the contractor and as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge and are to be
executed as per CPWD specifications.
2.2 Surplus excavated earth shall be disposed of by the contractor after
remittance of due royalty to concerned authority, as applicable, by the
2.3 Filling available earth or earth brought from outside shall be done as per
requirement to level the ground as per approved drawings.
2.4 Plinth filling shall be done as per the recommendation of the soil
investigation report or with earth suitable for plinth filling including filling of
sand of grading zone IV as per CPWD specifications and thickness as per
drawing or as per the direction of the Engineer-in-Charge.
2.5 Appropriate ground improvement or soil stabilization measures as per the
soil investigation report and structural design, if any recommended shall be
carried out.
2.6 Appropriate foundation system Including RCC Raft foundation with pre
stressed soil anchor or otherwise/ recommended type of foundation as per
structural design & soil investigation report containing borehole data,
seasonal variation of subsoil water table, and as per structural design
conforming to relevant Indian Standard Codes shall be provided.
2.7 Anti-termite treatment as per the necessity of ground shall be carried out as
per relevant Indian standard codes/ CPWD specifications or as per the
direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
2.8 Structural/ Non- Structural Grade slab as per the necessity at site/ design
requirement and as per the functional requirement of supported flooring
shall be designed & provided accordingly.
2.9 Damp proof course shall be provided wherever required as per CPWD
specification or as per the direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
2.10 Basement shall be designed as an integral part of superstructure and
integrated with foundation system with suitable water proofing system and
measures for collection, pumping and disposal of any water.
2.11 Basement beyond footprint of the Superstructure shall be designed and
integrated with foundation system and its roof slab designed to carry all
loads including fire tender load as required.
2.12 Drainage and Plinth protection along the perimeter of the buildings shall be
provided as per CPWD specifications or as per specific functional requirement
or as per the direction of Engineer-in-Charge.

3.0 Superstructure 3.1 Structural system for the superstructure shall be adopted as per the
technology mentioned in the tender document and in line with the list of
structural system technologies circulated vide OM No.
17/SE(TAS)/BMTPC/2022/105-H dated 24.03.2022 as amended from time to
time. The latest guidelines should be made part of tender document.
Structural design shall be carried out conforming to relevant Indian Standard

NOA : NIL NOI : NIL Page-138

codes. Building shall be designed based on latest IS codes and should have
seismic resistant provisions as per IS codes. The materials like concrete,
steel, centering and shuttering shall be as per the approved technology and
as per CPWD specifications/ IS codes. Minimum M-40 grade design mix
concrete shall be used for RCC work. Minimum Fe-550 D grade low alloy
steel as per provisions contained in Note-3 of Para 4.2 of amendment
number 3 to IS 1786 shall be used in the work.
All the horizontal, vertical, inclined projections of the structure like porticos,
slab projections, staircases, mumty, machine rooms, water tanks, any other
architectural features shall be designed as integral part of the structure and
3.2 Expansion joints/ seismic separation joints shall be provided as per the
vetted structural drawing and shall be treated & covered as per CPWD
specifications/ manufacturer specifications.
The Structural Steel shall be made at least 2 hrs fire resistant by using
Intumescent Fire Paint/ Vermiculite coating as per manufacturer's
specifications and by applicators approved by them in case measures
stipulated in NBC 2016 are not possible to adopt.
3.3 External walls and internal partitions/ walls shall be provided as per
Schedule (Civil) No.1.

4.0 Flooring 4.1 Flooring shall be provided as per Schedule (Civil) No. 2.
4.2 Wall flushed skirting/ Skirting minimum 100mm high to be provided as per
functional and architectural requirement.
4.3 Levelling course to be provided on the top of RCC slab before laying flooring
as per site requirement, if required.

5.0 Door, windows 5.1 Doors, windows, ventilators including fittings fixtures and glazing shall be
ventilators, provided as per Schedule (Civil) No 3.
fittings & 5.2 Windows along with glazing shall be designed for wind loads applicable to
fixtures the area/ location as per relevant IS codes.
5.3 Wherever required for security concerns grills in windows (aluminium/
Stainless steel grills of SS 316 grade) as per design after getting NOC
shall be provided.

6.0 Internal Internal finishing Painting, Wall Panelling, Dado, False ceiling
finishing 6.1 Internal finishing like Painting, Wall paneling, Dado, False ceiling, Cubicles,
Stone wall lining etc. shall be provided as per Schedule (Civil) No. 4.

7.0 External External finishing Painting, Stone cladding, Structural glazing

finishing 7.1 External finishing including stone cladding, Structural glazing, Painting shall
be provided as per Schedule (Civil) No. 5.
7.2 Structural glazing/ cladding system shall be designed for applicable wind
loads, thermal expansions and seismic movements.

8.0 Internal water 8.1 Dual piping system shall be provided as per Schedule (Civil) No. 7 wherever
Supply, recycled water is used for flushing. Separate pipe lines for hot and cold-
water supply shall be provided. Pipe lines and their accessories shall be of
Sanitary lines
preferred make as per the preferred make list.
and Fittings &
8.2 Plumbing shall have provision for Geysers, Water purifier, Washing
machines, Dish washers, Cage washers or any other equipment as per
functional requirement as per Schedule (Civil) No. 7.
8.3 In toilets and other waste water disposal areas sanitary pipe lines shall be
suspended from the floor slabs i.e. the floor slabs should not be depressed
on account of accommodating sanitary lines. These overhanging sanitary
lines shall be camouflaged by moisture resistant false ceiling.
8.4 Plumbing system shall be designed and provided as per the functional
requirements of the buildings.
8.5 Double stack system shall be followed. All sewerage to be connected to one
stack and all drainage to be connected to other stack.

NOA : NIL NOI : NIL Page-139

8.6 Water supply and sanitary fittings shall be provided as per the functional and
architectural requirements.
8.7 Exposed pipes shall be placed over saddle duly fixed to the wall by bracket,
if any.
8.8 For high rise buildings (Buildings whose height is more than 15m) - the
stacks shall be provided in shafts and the shafts shall have accessible on
each floor for maintenance and shall be covered with weather proof doors.
8.9 All drainage in balconies, Terrace shall have their inlets in plan and shall be
connected to Rain Water Harvesting.
8.10 Utility balcony drainage shall be suitably treated and shall be not connected
to Rain Water Harvesting System.

9.0 External Water 9.1 External water supply & sanitary installation fittings and fixture shall be
Supply & provided as per Schedule (Civil) No. 7.
Sewage 9.2 Dual piping system shall be provided, as required, where recycled water is
Pipelines, used for flushing, Horticulture, firefighting purposes and for cooling towers
for chiller units
Fittings &
fixtures 9.3 Inspection chambers/ manholes/ gully chambers/ valves and other
Chambers accessories of approved specifications and make as per the preferred make
list shall be provided considering all the site conditions and reduced level as
per design parameters. As far as possible green and recyclable materials
shall be preferred, as per drawings after getting NOC.

10.0 Service 10.1 Transformer yard, DG set yard, Substation building, pump house, fire pump
buildings room shall be provided as per drawings and design after getting NOC from

11.0 Roads Roads pavements, Footpaths, Kerb stones, Parking, Signages, Boundary
wall & gate, Rain water harvesting:
11.1 Wearing course minimum 200mm thick of M-30 Grade of Concrete with
nominal reinforcement, Dry lean concrete minimum 150mm of M-15 Grade
of Concrete and base course minimum 250 mm thick of WMM or More
thickness to be provided as per design considering actual ground conditions
and traffic load or as per the direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
11.2 Footpaths shall be provided as per requirement and design with 80mm thick
factory-made interlocking paver blocks of M-40 grade or as per the direction
of Engineer-in-Charge shall be provided.
11.3 Factory made Red Sand Stone Kerb stones of required sizes along the sides
of roads and footpaths or as per the direction of Engineer-in-Charge shall be
11.4 Retro-reflective sign boards shall be made of Stainless-steel sheet supported
on epoxy painted SS frame work. Road markings shall be with thermoplastic
reflective paint
11.5 Entrance gates of Stainless-Steel Grade SS-316 with RCC support structure
as per architectural/ structural drawing.
11.6 Boundary wall of required height in RCC framed structure with filler Brick
masonry wall, MS grill in panels and sand Stone in cladding and copping as
per the vetted architectural drawing and structural design.
11.7 Rainwater harvesting system shall be designed and provided as appropriate
to the site and as per Municipal byelaws and Central Ground Water Board
11.8 Roof top rain water has to be harvested.
11.9 Storm water drains shall be provided wherever required with HDPE pipes as
per approved development plan and site conditions.
i) NP2/ HDPE pipe of required diameter including testing of joints as per
specification shall be provided at road crossings.
ii) Manholes of required dia and depth shall be provided with brick wall (with

NOA : NIL NOI : NIL Page-140

Sewer Bricks/ CD-100 bricks) as per CPWD specifications or IS codes. In ad-
verse sub soil conditions, manholes and sewer lines pipes shall be
appropriately designed and provided.

12.0 Waterproofing 12.1 Waterproofing treatment shall be done as applicable and as required on
treatment terraces, sunken slabs, if any, toilet slabs, lift pits, basement RCC foundation
& walls, water tanks, UG sumps, OHTs and any other liquid retaining
structures as per Schedule (Civil) No. 6 Water stops shall be provided in
construction joints of liquid retaining structures.

13.0 Railings & 13.1 Railing Stainless steel of grade SS 304 grade/ Aluminium and grills shall be
grills provided as per architectural design in Balconies, staircases, steps, Ramps
corridors and in other common circulation areas as indicated in drawings and
in accordance with provisions of NBC 2016.

14.0 Facade/ Jalis 14.1 CNC cut 40mm thick Red/ white sand stone jali to cover balcony all around
of shafts building, exposed Rain water pipe shafts, Toilet shafts and other areas as
directed by Engineer-in-Charge shall be provided as per requirement. The
sections for fixing of such jalis shall be designed as per codal provisions to
withstand wind loads, seismic movements etc. as per Schedule (Civil) No. 8

15.0 Miscellaneous 15.1 All shafts (Civil and E&M) shall be appropriately closed horizontally and
covered with appropriate door system vertically. This arrangement may be
augmented as per fire requirements.
15.2 Kitchen should be so designed so as to ensure that various gadgets ducts
are conveyed to service ducts for example ducting for electric chimney.
15.3 Accessible roofs shall have parapets as per architectural/ structural drawing.

NOA : NIL NOI : NIL Page-141

SCHEDULE (Civil) – No. 1
Schedule of Walls

S.No. Location Description of item / Brief Specifications

(A) External Walls

1. All walls of upper & Lower Basements, RCC Walls, specifications of walls shall be as per
Basement Ramps, Lift Wells, Walls of the structural drawings after getting NOC from the
Underground Sumps, Overhead Tanks and Engineer-in- Charge.
other walls of structural related.

2. Walls at all floors other than those of at Light weight autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC)
Sr. No. 1 Blocks of Grade-1 and FPS bricks in selected
locations specially in wet areas or wherever
required as per the direction of the Engineer-in-

(B) Internal Walls (Dry Areas)

3. Walls of UG sumps, Basement ramps, RCC Walls, specifications of walls shall be as per
Pump room, Lift wells at any floor the structural drawings after getting NOC from the
Engineer-in- Charge.

4. Walls at all floors other than those of at Light weight autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC)
Sr. No. 1 Blocks of Grade-1 and FPS bricks in selected
locations wherever required as per the direction of
the Engineer-in-Charge.

(C) Internal Walls (Wet Areas)

5. All common toilets, attached toilets, FPS bricks or Fly ash bricks & Light weight
handicap toilets, Kitchen with wash area, autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) Blocks of
Male and Female toilets, Drinking water Grade-1 in selected locations wherever required as
area per the direction of the Engineer-in-Charge.

SCHEDULE (Civil) – No. 2

Schedule of Flooring:

S.No. Location Description of item / Brief Specifications

1. Both Lower and Upper Basement Flooring, M-30 CC Vacuum Dewatered Flooring (VDF),
Basement ramps, All Area for car parking Marking for car Parking with hot Thermoplastic
(B2) material
2. Electric Services area, AHU, Electrical 25mm thick Pre-polished Kota stone ready to fit
Room, NDMC & E&M Control Room, Fan slab flooring and corresponding skirting.
Room, SCADA Panel Area, DG Room double
height, STP/ ETP Room, AC Plant Room,
Fire Pump & DW Room, Area for services
3. Lawyer's and Litigant's Corridor, Canteen, 18mm thick mirror polished/ Granite stone in
Kitchen & Lobby, Ladies Bar Room & Senior various pattern
Advocate Lunch Room, Consultation Room,
NJDG Room, Terrace in Phase-I, Waiting
Area on Terrace Phase-I

NOA : NIL NOI : NIL Page-142

4. Stair's Near Lawyer's and Litigant's Lobby 30mm thick Single piece Granite stone in flooring
& Server Room / LV, Stairs Near Judges in tread & riser with 18mm thick dado of matching
Lobby permanent finish specification.

5. Library 18mm thick Leatherette finish Granite stone

6. Toilet: ACC, Male, Female & Gender 600 mmX600 mm Anti-skid Vitrified Tile
Neutrality Toilets, Janitor Room (J.R.).

7. CJI's Lounge/ Toilet, Judge's Chamber/ 18mm thick premium quality Italian marble stone
Toilet/ Lounge/ Assembly Hall/ Lobby/ with Brass inlay Pattern
Circulation area,

8. Registrar Chambers, Committee Room 1 & 18mm thick premium quality Italian marble stone
2, CJI's Chamber Toilet, Judge's Chamber

9. SCBA/ SCORA Executive Meeting Room, 18mm thick mirror polished Granite stone in
Office President Room, Office Vice various pattern
President Room & Office Secretary Room
10. Court’s Office, Court Master Office, 800mmX800 mm Vitrified Floor Tile with 5mm
Registrar Office and Record Room, Room 1 Spacer & fill the gaps with matching silicon
& 2 (Court Master)
11. CJI's Chamber, All Courts, Constitutional 22mm thick Premium Quality Hard Wood Flooring
Court, Conference Room, Registrar Courts in various pattern
12. Constitutional Court Infrastructure 1200 mmX1200 mm Vitrified Floor Tile
13. Terrace, Mumty/ Rooftop 300x300x20mm Heat Resistance Tile
14. Security Personnel, Driver’s Room 600mmX600 mm Glazed Vitrified Floor Tile
15. Porch, Entrance foyer 30mm thick flamed finished Granite Stone.
16. Ramp under Porch M-30 CC Vacuum Dewatered Flooring (VDF),
Marking for car parking with hot Thermoplastic
17. Green area Grass
18. Courtyard Cement concrete Grass grid Paver/ plain paver

SCHEDULE (Civil) – No. 3

Schedule of Door windows, ventilators including fitting and fixtures and

glazing details

(A) Doors
Door Room/ Space/ Location Size Description of item/ Brief Specifications

FD Lawyer's and Litigant's Corridor/ Fire check door Assembly. (Reference –

Lobby, Stair's Near Lawyer's and Particular Specification).
Litigant's Lobby, Stairs Near
Judges Lobby, Electrical Room,
Judge's Lobby/ Circulation area As per vetted
D1 Server Room/ LV, AHU, Toilets: - Architectural Single leaf 35mm thick flush door in teak
Male, Female, ACC & Gendre Drawing wood finishing with superior class Natural
Neutrality, Toilet Partition with Burma teak wood frame of all size as per
Door as shown in drawings at all Architectural drawing.
floors, Consultation Room, CJI's
Chamber/ Lounge Toilet, Janitor

NOA : NIL NOI : NIL Page-143

Room (J.R.), Registrar Office and
Record Room, Security Personnel,
Driver's Room
D2 Canteen, Ladies Bar Room, Senior Double leaf 35mm thick flush door in teak
Advocate Lunch Room, Kitchen, wood finishing with superior class Natural
SCBA Executive Meeting Room, Burma teak wood frame of all size as per
SCBA Office President Room, SCBA Architectural drawing.
Office Vice President Room, SCBA
Office Secretary Room, SCORA
Executive Meeting Room, SCORA
As per vetted
Office Secretary Room, SCORA
Office Vice President Room, SCORA
Office President Room, Committee,
Conference Room, SCBA Lounge
D3 Court's Office, Court Master Office, Double leaf 35mm thick superior class
Library, Committee Room 1 & 2, Natural Burma teak wood panelled door with
Constitutional Court Infrastructure superior class Natural Burma teak wood
frame of all size as per Architectural
D4 All Courts (Front), Constitutional Double leaf 70mm thick superior class
Court, Registrar Courts, CJI's Natural Burma teak wood ornamental
Lounge, Judge's Lounge/ Assembly panelled door with superior class Natural
Hall NJDG Room, Room 1 & 2 Burma teak wood frame of all size as per
As per vetted
(Court Master) Architectural drawing.
D5 CJI's Chamber, Judge's Chambers, Single leaf 70mm thick superior class
Registrar Chamber, All Courts Natural Burma teak wood ornamental
(Backside) panelled door superior class Natural Burma
teak wood frame of all size as per
Architectural drawing.

(B) Windows/ Ventilators

Size & Sill Description of item/ Brief Specifications
W/ V Room/ Space/ Location
WE All Windows on External walls Powder coated Aluminium frame (fixed) with
Double Glass unit in aluminium shutter.
WI All Windows on internal walls and 35mm thick superior class Natural Burma
Library, CJI's Chamber, Judges teak wood fully glazed shutter with superior
As per vetted
Lobby/ Lounge/ Circulation/ Architectural class Natural Burma teak wood frame of all
Assembly Hall, Court Rooms etc. Drawing and size as per Architectural drawing.
as per the direction of Engineer in Particular
V All ventilators on internal/ external superior class Natural Burma teak wood
walls frame of all size as per Architectural

(C) Details of Glazing

D/ Room/Space/Location Description of item/ Brief Specifications
FD Fire Doors at Lift Lobbies and Metal Fire check glazed door Shutter. (Reference –
corridors Particular Specification).
WE All Windows on External walls Double glass unit i.e. outer & Inner toughened glass 6mm
thick & 8mm thick respectively each with 12mm thick air

NOA : NIL NOI : NIL Page-144

WI All Windows on internal walls and Double glass unit i.e. outer & Inner toughened glass 6mm
Library, CJI's Chamber, Judges thick & 8mm thick Respectively each with 12mm thick air
Lobby/ Lounge/ Circulation/ gap.
Assembly Hall, Court Rooms etc.
as per the direction of Engineer in
V At all floors, Location as shown in Glazed ventilators with 6mm toughened glass
(D) Fittings and Fixtures

Fitting & Fixtures for all Windows shall be as per the table attached below this schedule table.
Brass Handle Everite Model

Everite Model EBSLRH9625

Six Point Locking System

10x600mm or equivalent

10x200mm or equivalent
SS Friction Everite Model

Tower Bolt Everite make

Tower Bolt Everite make

Brass Eye Hooks Everite

150mmX25mmX3MM or
EFS10 10”or equivalent
EMPLS6P or equivalent
(Black) Everite Model

Self-Lubricated Brass
Windows (in each

Model EBTRHF10600

Model EBTRHF10200

Railway Butt Hinges

150mmX6mm or
6” or equivalent


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

External Windows

WE 1 1 - - 1 - -

Internal Windows

WI - - 2 2 2 8 2


V - - - - - - -

NOTE: The above details of Door & Window schedule and fittings are only indicative.
Contractor has to provide additional doors/ windows of similar specifications and
fittings as per requirement at similar locations or as per functional requirement after
getting NOC from Engineer-in-charge and nothing extra shall be payable as scope of
work includes providing doors/ windows & fittings as per functional and other

Fitting & Fixtures for all doors shall be as per the table attached below this schedule table.

NOA : NIL NOI : NIL Page-145




Door Closer Everite Model Grace91HHHD

universal weight capacity 120 Kg or equivalent

Door Closer Everite Model Grace91HHD


universal weight capacity 80 Kg or equivalent

(A) Plastering
Door Closer Everite Model Duke Concealed


HHHD weight capacity 120 Kg or equivalent


Door Cordinator set Complete Everite or equivalent

floors of building.
Panic Bar set with Trim lock etc. Complete


Everite or equivalent make

Single Leaf Flush Doors

Dado and False ceiling

Double Leaf Flush Doors
Fire Doors (Double Leaf)
Self-Lubricated Brass Railway Butt Hinges


Everite Model EBSLRH831


200mmX31mmX4MM or equivalent

building (excluding wet areas).

Self-Lubricated Brass Railway Butt Hinges


Everite Model EBSLRH631

150mmX31mmX4MM or equivalent
Floor Mounted Brass Door Stopper Everite



Model EBDS1 100mm Heavy or equivalent

Tower Bolt Everite make Model EBTRM12200



16x900mm or equivalent
Tower Bolt Everite make Model EBTRM12200



12x200mm or equivalent
Tower Bolt Everite make Model EBTRM12900


12x450mm or equivalent

D Shape Brass Pull Handle Everite make




25mmx450mm or equivalent

D Shape Brass Pull Handle Everite make

Double leaf superior class Natural Burma teak wood panelled door

as toilet, Water storage Tanks etc. at all cement: 6 coarse sand).

25mmx600mm or equivalent

Sliding Door Bolt Everite make Model EBVAD



19mmx450mm or equivalent

coat gypsum lightweight plaster.

Sliding Door Bolt Everite make Model EBVAD



Single leaf superior class Natural Burma teak wood ornamental panelled door
19mmx600mm or equivalent
Double leaf superior class Natural Burma teak wood ornamental panelled door

Mortise Lock set complete Everite make i/c




Cylinder of Model Cat no. 1620 & Handle of
model ADAM or equivalent of approved shade

Schedule of internal finishing including Plastering, Painting, Wall panelling,

Mortise Lock set complete Everite make i/c



Cylinder of Model Cat no. 1620 & Handle of model

Description of item / Brief Specifications

SCHEDULE (Civil) – No. 4

All Internal masonry walls in wet areas such 12mm average cement plaster of mix 1:6 (1
All Internal masonry walls at all floors of 12mm thick (average) premixed formulated one
GLITTER or equivalent of approved shade

3. All concrete walls and exposed ceiling 6mm cement plaster of mix 1:3 (1 cement: 3
surfaces at all floors of building excluding coarse sand).
wet areas.
(B) Painting, Wall Panelling, Cladding and Dado
1. Internal wall and ceiling surfaces of lower and Acrylic Emulsion paint
upper basements, Ramp side walls, Pump
room, LT panel room, Electrical Sub-station
2. Lawyer’s and Litigant’s Corridor, Lawyer’s and 18mm Granite up to the height of 1.20m with
Litigant’s Lobby 18mm moulded Granite on top & Plastic emulsion
paint on remaining wall surface
3. Stair's Near Lawyer's and Litigant's Lobby, 18mm Granite up to the height of 0.90m with
Stairs Near Judges Lobby, 18mm moulded Granite on top & Acrylic Emulsion
Paint on remaining wall surface
4. Server Room/ LV, AHU, Electrical room, Acrylic Emulsion Paint
Janitor Room (J.R.), Security Personnel,
Driver's Room
5. Toilet: ACC, Male, Female & Gender Readymade Modular toilet Cubical & 300x600mm
Neutrality Toilets Vitrified tiles (Glossy) on Remaining walls
6. Court's Office, Court Master Office, Registrar 18mm Granite up to the height of 1.20m with
Office and Record Room, Canteen 18mm moulded Granite on top & Acrylic emulsion
paint on remaining wall surface
7. Library Plastic emulsion paint
8. Kitchen 600x600mm Vitrified tiles (Glossy) Full Height
9. Judges Lobby, Judge's Circulation area, Superior Class Natural Burma Teak Wood
Committee Room 1 & 2, Room 1 & 2 (Court panelling up to the height of 0.90m with Superior
Master) Class Teak Wood moulding on top & Plastic
Emulsion Paint on remaining wall surface
10. SCORA/ SCBA Executive Meeting Room, Natural Teak Veneer panelling on 12mm thick
SCORA/ SCBA Office President Room, SCORA/ wooden ply up to the height of 1.20m with
SCBA Office Vice President Room, SCORA/ Superior Class Teak Wood moulding on top &
SCBA Office Secretary Room, Ladies Bar Plastic Emulsion Paint on remaining wall surface
Room, Senior Advocate Lunch Room,
Consultation Room
11. All Courts, Constitutional Court, Registrar Superior Class Natural Burma Teak Wood
Court, Conference Room panelling up to the height of 0.90m with Superior
Class Teak Wood moulding on top & Acoustic
panels on remaining wall surface up to full height
12. Judge's Assembly Hall Combination of 12mm thick Polymer Based Acrylic
Solid Surface stone, Decorative MDF Board,
Premium Quality Wall Paper & Plastic emulsion
13. CJI's Chamber 12mm thick Polymer Based Acrylic Solid Surface
stone up to the height of 1.20m with 12mm
moulded Polymer Based Acrylic Solid Surface
stone on top and Combination of Premium Quality
Wall Paper & Plastic emulsion paint on remaining
wall surface
14. CJI's Chamber Toilet 18mm thick premium quality Italian marble up to

NOA : NIL NOI : NIL Page-147

15. Judge's Chamber 18mm thick Italian marble up to the height of
1.20m with 18mm thick moulded Italian marble
on top. Premium Quality Wall Paper & Plastic
emulsion paint on remaining wall surface.
16. Constitutional Court Infrastructure Superior Class Natural Burma Teak Wood
panelling up to the height of 1.20m with Superior
Class Teak Wood moulding on top & Acrylic
Emulsion Paint on remaining wall surface
17. Terrace, Mumty/ Rooftop, Courtyard Apex paint
18. Registrar Chamber Natural Teak Veneer panelling on 12mm thick
wooden ply up to the height of 1.20m with
Superior Class Teak Wood moulding on top and
Combination of Premium Quality wallpaper &
plastic emulsion paint.
19. Porch, Entrance foyer 30mm Thick Flamed Granite Stone
20. All Windows and ventilators at all floors 18mm thick polished granite stone slab jambs at
all four sides with 2cm projection from wall face in
approved pattern, shade and design as approved
by Engineer-in-charge.
(C) False Ceiling

1. Both Lower and Upper Basement Flooring, Basement ramps, Acrylic Emulsion paint
All Area for car parking (B2), Surface parking space, Stair's
Near Lawyer's and Litigant's Lobby, Server Room/ LV, AHU,
Kitchen, Electrical Room, Security Personnel, Driver's Room,
Janitor Room (J.R.).
2. Lawyer's and Litigant's Corridor/ Lobby, Judge's Corridor/ Combination of Gypsum,
Lobby/ Circulation area, Committee Room 1 & 2 Aluminium Open Cell Ceiling/
Aluminium Baffle Ceiling
3. Toilet: ACC, Male, Female & Gender Neutrality Toilets, Calcium Silicate/ Metal False
4. Canteen Fire and Moisture Resistant
Gypsum Boards with GRG Tiles
5. SCBA Executive Meeting Room, SCBA Office President Room, Combination of Gypsum Board with
SCBA Office Vice President Room, SCBA Office Secretary Calcium Silicate/ GRG Tiles False
Room, SCORA Executive Meeting Room, SCORA Office ceiling
Secretary Room, SCORA Office Vice President Room, SCORA
Office President Room, Court's Office, Court Master Office,
Constitutional Court Infrastructure, Conference Room,
Registrar Office and Record Room, Room 1 & 2 (Court
Master), Ladies Bar Room, Senior Advocate Lunch Room,
Consultation Room, NJDG Room
6. CJI's Chamber, Judge's Chamber, Judge's Assembly Hall, Combination of POP Ceiling and
CJI's Lounge Gypsum Board with texture Paint.
7. All Courts, Constitutional Court, Registrar Court, Conference Acoustic False Ceiling
8. CJI's Chamber Toilet No - 1 Combination of POP Ceiling and
Gypsum Board with texture Paint
9. Registrar Chamber Combination of Gypsum False
Ceilings with texture paint.

NOA : NIL NOI : NIL Page-148

SCHEDULE (Civil) – No. 5

Schedule of External finishing including Cladding and structural glazing

(A) Finishing/ Facade

S.No. Location Height Description of item / Brief


1. Front Elevation, Left Side As per Combination of 40mm thick Red/ White Sand
Elevation, Right Side Elevation, Architectural Stone dry cladding and Structural Glazing of
Rear Elevation on wall Drawings Double Glass unit (6-12-8mm).
2. Boundary wall Combination of 40mm thick Red/ White Sand
Stone wet cladding, MS Grill and Exterior Paint

SCHEDULE (Civil) – No. 6

Schedule of Water Proofing

S.No. Location Height Description of item/ Brief

1. Below RCC Raft foundation/ As per Pre-applied, Flexible, fully bonded
recommended type of foundation as per Specification pure HDPE Membrane of minimum 2.5
structural design attached in mm thick.
2. In RCC for foundation, CC below Particular Integral Crystalline Concrete
Foundation, RCC for Superstructure, UG Specification admixture (Permeability Reducing
Tank etc. Admixture for Hydrostatic conditions)

3. For Basement Retaining As per Making of Gola at junction of Raft slab & Retaining
Walls (vertical Areas) Specification wall, Single component, high solid, high tensile and
attached in high elongation moisture cured modified Polyurethane
Particular based cold applied elastomeric liquid-membrane
Specification coating, Dimple Protection board over PU Coating
4. For Construction Joints In Horizontal: Swellable Waterbar, Vertical: Preparing
U-Grove and filling/ treating with high strength
crystalline mortar
5. For Expansion Joints Polymer modified mortar, Expanded polyethylene
Backer Rod, Polyurethane sealant, Polysulfide Sealant,
EPDM strips
6. For Toilets, Balcony/ Two Component Polymer Modified Cementitious
Pantry, AHU Rooms & Coating
Other Wet Areas With/
Without Sunken
7. For Podium Terrace Single Component Polyurethane Based Waterproofing
Membrane, Geotextile Layer (Protective & Cushioning
Layer), Dimple raised molded polypropylene sheet.
8. For Terrace Single Component Polyurethane Based Waterproofing
Membrane, Sealer Coat, Geotextile Layer (Protective
& Cushioning Layer).

NOA : NIL NOI : NIL Page-149

9. For Underground Water Integral Crystalline Coating, Protection layer of
Tank cement mortar, Food Grade Non-Toxic Epoxy coating.
10. For STP / ETP Tank 2 component Coal Tar Epoxy Coating, Protection layer
of cement mortar
11. For Tie Rod Integral crystalline slurry
12. For Rock/ Soil Anchor Polyurethane flashing, Crystalline Admixture with non-
shrink grout based crystalline cementitious grout
13. For Pipe Non shrink micro concrete, Polyurethane based
Waterproofing system
14. For Pressure Release Pipe Cement slurry grout mixed with crystalline admixture,
High strength crystalline mortar

Note: - Detailed specification & procedure for waterproofing are mentioned in Particular Specification in

SCHEDULE (Civil) – No. 7

Schedule of Internal & External Water Supply

Drinking water Supply Pipes Concealed & Exposed Stainless Steel Pipe of all diameter
and fitting of grade ‘A’ ISI 316 as per
JIS standard 3448 as required

External water Supply Pipes Concealed/ S&S centrifugally Cast (Spun) iron
underground pipe (Class LA) Conforming to IS:
1536 of all diameter as required

External water Supply Pipes Exposed GI Pipe of all diameter as required

Note: - 1. A SMC tank of 4.0 Lakh Litre capacity shall be provided & commissioned by the agency
(including laying of necessary water pipeline to connect the existing grid of water supply line,
construction of foundation and all structural work etc. complete as per the architectural & structural
drawing and as per the direction of Engineer-in-Charge) as the substitute of the underground water tank
to be demolished during the construction of new building in Phase-I. The tank shall be constructed to
fulfil the demand of Drinking water, Fire etc. of the existing building of Supreme Court of India till the
completion of Phase -I.

2. The agency shall construct & commission an underground RCC water tank of 7.0 Lakh Litre capacity in
the basement of Building to be constructed under Phase-I (including laying of necessary water pipeline to
connect the existing grid of water supply line).

3. The SMC tank shall be the property of the Supreme Court of India after the completion of Phase-II as
it will also be used to cater the water demand of other areas.

(a) Schedule of Waste Pipe and Sewer Line

Soil Waste Concealed & Exposed Cast iron Pipe/ HDPE pipe of all
diameter as required
Kitchen Waste Concealed & Exposed Cast iron Pipe/ HDPE pipe of all
diameter as required
Storm Water Concealed & Exposed HDPE pipe of required diameter.

NOA : NIL NOI : NIL Page-150

Sewer Line Concealed & RCC pipes (NP-2 class, Heavy Duty)/
Underground DI Pipe of all diameter as required

(b) Sanitary Installation fittings and fixtures

S.No. Location Description of item/ Brief Specification

1. Common EWC: Providing rimless wall hung W.C. with UF soft close slim seat cover with
(Male, all hinges/accessories) similar to code: K-30438IN-0 of Kohler make or
Female) equivalent with all necessary fittings and making good walls etc.

Toilets at all Flush Valve: Providing and fixing metropole flush valve with dual flow
compatible with above EWC similar Kohler make or equivalent with 32
mm/40mm size as per plumbing pipe (concealed body) with exposed shut off
provision & round flange (3.0/6.0 litre per flushing) with all necessary fittings
and making good walls etc.
Hand Shower (Health Faucet): Supply and fixing Health Faucet similar to
code no: K-98100IN-CP of Kohler or equivalent with 8mm dia. 1.2 m long
Flexible tube and wall hook (compatible) fitted with two-way bib cock
(compatible) of Kohler make or equivalent. Health faucet shall rest on wall
bracket (compatible) of Kohler make or equivalent with all necessary fittings
and making good walls etc.
Toilet Paper Holder: Providing and fixing CP brass Toilet paper holder
similar to code no.: K-25070IN-CP of Kohler make or equivalent with all
necessary fittings and making good walls etc. complete as per directions of
Bib Cock: Providing and fixing CP brass Bib cock similar to code no.: K-
16093IN-4-CP of Kohler make or equivalent with all necessary fittings and
making good walls etc. complete as per directions of Engineer-in-charge.
Wash Basin: Providing and fixing under counter wash basin oval shape
similar to code: K-5373IN-0 of Kohler or equivalent make of minimum size
605 x 430 x 200 mm, pillar cock auto closing similar to code: K-22539IN-4-
CP of Kohler or equivalent make, 32mm C.P brass waste and bottle trap
(compatible) and Floor Drain similar to code: of K-7275IN-CP of Kohler make
or equivalent make i/c painting of fittings & brackets, cutting and making
good the walls wherever require etc complete in all respect. Counter shall be
prepared using 18mm thick granite stone slab supported on 2 vertical granite
stone slabs of approved shade.
Angular Stop Cock: Providing and fixing CP brass Angular stop cock similar
to code: K-11568IN-7B-CP of Kohler make or equivalent with all necessary
fittings and making good walls etc. complete as per directions of Engineer-in-
Connection Pipe: (For flush tank, Geyser, wash basin etc.) Supply and fixing
Connection pipe of Kohler make or equivalent 450/ 600 mm long braided
hose with two 15mm nuts & rubber washers’ and with all necessary fittings
completed as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.
Urinals: Providing and fixing Urinal similar to code: K-20713IN-ER-0 of
Kohler or equivalent with urinal valve auto closing system WITH BUILT-IN
CONTROL COCK & WALL FLANGE (compatible) of Kohler make or equivalent
with all fixing accessories.

NOA : NIL NOI : NIL Page-151

Urinal partition shall be of 8mm thick frosted toughened glass fixing with SS
fittings of Kohler make or equivalent as required and as per directions of
Soap Dish & Dispenser: Providing and fixing CP brass Soap Dish &
Dispenser similar to code: K-5634IN-CP & K-10712D-CP of Kohler make or
equivalent with all necessary fittings and making good walls etc. complete as
per directions of Engineer-in-charge.
Mirror: Providing and fixing Minimum 8mm thick mirror with min. 50x25mm
Superior Class teak frame ornamental wooden beading with melamine finish
of preferred make and design covering full wall width (from 1st wash basin to
last wash basin) of height min. 750 mm over min. 6mm wooden ply of
approved design.
Double Hook: Providing and fixing Double Hook similar to code No. K-
11375-CP of Kohler make or equivalent.
2. Universal EWC: Providing and fixing EWC with COUPLED WC with PP soft close seat
Toilet: cover with all hinges/accessories of Kohlar or equivalent make fitted with
(dual flushing system) with trap 220mm.
Flush Valve: Providing and fixing metropole flush valve with dual flow of
Kohlar or equivalent make with 32 mm/40mm size as per plumbing pipe
(concealed body) with exposed shut off provision & round flange (3.0/6.0 litre
per flushing).
Hand Shower (Health Faucet): Supply and fixing Health Faucet of Kohlar
or equivalent make with 8mm dia. 1.2 m long Flexible tube and wall hook of
Kohlar or equivalent make fitted with two-way bib cock of Kohlar or
equivalent make. Health faucet shall rest on wall bracket of Kohlar or
equivalent make.
Toilet Roll/ Paper Holder: Providing and fixing toilet roll holder with SS flap
of Kohlar or equivalent make fixing with SS screws and other required fittings
all complete.
Wash Basin : Providing and fixing Wall Hung Basin with Fixing Accessories of
Kohlar or equivalent make, Florentine Pillar Cock with Extended Lever Handle
of Kohlar or equivalent make, 32mm C.P brass waste of Kohlar or equivalent
make, Bottle Trap (with Internal Partition) 32MM size with 300MM & 190MM
long wall Connection Pipes & Wall Flange of Kohlar or equivalent make, Floor
Drain of Kohler make or equivalent i/c painting of fittings and brackets,
cutting and making good the walls wherever require etc complete in all
respect. Counter shall be prepared using 18mm thick granite stone slab
supported on 2 vertical granite stone slabs of approved shade.
Angular Stop Cock: Providing and fixing Angular stop cock of Kohlar or
equivalent make with all screws, flanges and other required fittings of SS
Connection Pipe: Providing and fixing connection of Kohlar or equivalent
make 450/600 mm long braided hose with two 15mm nuts & rubber washers
and all other fittings in complete.
Wall Mixer: Providing and fixing concealed body for single lever diverter
40mm cartridge with button assembly, cartridge sleeve (button on top) but
without exposed parts of Kohlar or equivalent make, single lever exposed
parts kit of diverter consisting of operating lever wall flange (with seals) &
button only (compatible with item) or equivalent, over head shower single
flow 100mm dia (ABS CP) of Kohlar or equivalent make, over head shower

NOA : NIL NOI : NIL Page-152

single flow 100mm dia (ABS CP) of Kohlar or equivalent make all fixing with
SS screws and SS fittings.
Urinals: Providing and fixing Urinal of Kohlar or equivalent make with urinal
valve auto closing system WITH BUILT-IN CONTROL COCK & WALL FLANGE
(compatible) of Kohlar or equivalent make with all fixing accessories such as
Grab Bar etc. as per specification.
Urinal partition shall be of 8mm thick frosted toughened glass fixing with SS
fittings of Kohlar or equivalent make as required and as per directions of the
Liquid Soap Dispenser: Providing and fixing CP brass Liquid Soap Dispenser
of Kohlar or equivalent make with all necessary fittings and making good
walls etc. complete as per directions of Engineer-in-charge.
Kohlar or equivalent make.
Double Hook: DOUBLE HOOK of Kohlar or equivalent make
Grab Bar: GRAB BAR VERTICAL SWING, SATIN of Kohlar or equivalent make.
Grab Bar: GRAB BAR (Handle) 692MM LONG, SATIN of Kohlar or equivalent
Mirror: Providing and fixing Minimum 8mm thick mirror with min. 50x25mm
Superior Class teak frame ornamental wooden beading with melamine finish
of preferred make and design covering full wall width of height min. 750 mm
over min. 6mm wooden BWP ply of approved design.
3. Hon’ble EWC: Providing rimless wall hung W.C. with UF soft close slim seat cover with
Judge’s all hinges/accessories) similar to code LXS-WHT-67953NBIUFSM of ARTIZE
Chamber make or equivalent.

Toilet: Flush Valve: Providing and fixing metropole flush valve with dual flow similar
to ARTIZE make or equivalent with 32 mm/40mm size as per plumbing pipe
(concealed body) with exposed shut off provision & round flange (3.0/6.0 litre
per flushing).
Hand Shower (Health Faucet): Supply and fixing Health Faucet ARTIZE or
equivalent with 8mm dia. 1.2 m long Flexible tube and wall hook ARTIZE or
equivalent fitted with two-way bib cock ARTIZE make or equivalent. Health
faucet shall rest on wall bracket of ARTIZE make or equivalent.
Toilet Roll/ Paper Holder: Providing and fixing toilet roll holder with SS flap
of ARTIZE make or equivalent fixing with SS screws and other required
fittings all complete.
Wash Basin: Providing and fixing table top basin to code no (KAS-WHT-
49901) of ARTIZE KAVALIER or equivalent make, single liver basin mixture
without pop-up waste system similar to code no (KAV-CHR-49011B) of
ARTIZE KAVALIER or equivalent make. 32mm CP brass waste of ARTIZE
KAVALIER or equivalent, bottle trap (with internal partition) 32mm size with
300mm & 190mm long wall connection pipes & wall flange of ARTIZE
KAVALIER or equivalent, Floor Drain of ARTIZE KAVALIER make or equivalent
i/c painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making good the walls
wherever require etc complete in all respect. Counter shall be prepared using
16 mm thick Gang saw cut, pre-moulded and pre-polished leatherette
finished granite for vanity counter, window sills, facias at similar location with
white cement, mixed with matching pigment, epoxy touch up, i/c rubbing etc.
Angular Stop Cock: Providing and fixing CP brass Angular stop cock of code:
KVA-CHR-49053 of ARTIZE KAVALIER or equivalent with all necessary fittings

NOA : NIL NOI : NIL Page-153

and making good walls etc. complete as per directions of Engineer-in-charge.
Connection Pipe: (For flush tank, Geyser, wash basin etc.) Supply and fixing
Connection pipe similar to ARTIZE KAVALIER make or equivalent450/600 mm
long braided hose with two 15mm nuts & rubber washers and all necessary
fittings complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.
Mirror: Providing and fixing Minimum 8mm thick mirror with min. 50x25mm
Superior Class teak frame ornamental wooden beading with melamine finish
of preferred make and design covering full wall width of height min. 750 mm
over min. 6mm wooden ply of approved design.
Glass Shelf: Glass Shelf 600mm long of similar to code no (DUO-CHR-
62771) ARTIZE KAVALIER or equivalent make
Soap Dispenser with Glass Bottle: Soap Dispenser with Glass Bottle
similar to ARTIZE KAVALIER or equivalent make
Towel Ring: Towel Ring Round with Round Flange similar to ARTIZE
KAVALIER or equivalent make
Single Towel Rack: Single Towel Rail 600mm Long, Stainless Steel similar
to code no (DUO-CHR-62781) ARTIZE KAVALIER or equivalent make.
Double Hook: Providing and fixing Double Hook make ARTIZE KAVALIER or
Concealed Stop Cock: Providing and fixing concealed stop cock of similar to
code No. (KAV-CHR-49089) of ARTIZE KAVALIER make or equivalent
Shower Arm Ceiling Mount: Providing and fixing Shower Arm/ 3” Ceiling
Mount of ARTIZE KAVALIER or equivalent make.
Showerhead: Providing and fixing Traditional Round Rain Showerhead of
ARTIZE KAVALIER or equivalent make.
Hand shower: Providing and fixing Bancroft MULTI-FCTN Hand shower of
ARTIZE KAVALIER or equivalent make.
Shower Hose Pipe: Providing and fixing Shower Hose, 1.5 M of ARTIZE
KAVALIER or equivalent make.
4. Toilet of EWC: Providing and fixing Modern Life Edge WH Toilet with UF Seat of Code
Hon’ble No. (K-27902IN-SS-0) of Kohler or equivalent make.
Chief Justice Connector Accessory Pack: Providing and fixing Connector Accessory Pack
Chamber: of Code No. (K-1524926) of Kohler or equivalent make.
Flush tank: Providing and fixing INSTAFIT+ NXT Gen-Mech in wall tank of
code No. (K-26353IN-M-NA) of Kohler or equivalent make.
Faceplate: Providing and fixing Note Faceplate Brushed Bronze code No. (K-
75891IN-M-BV) of Kohler or equivalent make.
Health Faucet: Providing and fixing Elate Health Faucet Code No. (K-
97258IN-BV) of Kohler or equivalent make.
Square Angle valve: Providing and fixing Square Angle valve in Brushed
bronze Code No. (K-80158IN-9-BV) of Kohler or equivalent make.
Toilet Tissue Holder: Providing and fixing Accent Toilet Tissue Holder code
No (K-25346IN-BV) of Kohler or equivalent make.
Single Robe Hook: Providing and fixing Accent Single Robe Hook code No.
(K-25349IN-BV) of Kohler or equivalent make.
Floor Drain: Providing and fixing Floor Drain code No. (K-7275IN-BV) of
Kohler or equivalent make.
Shower Arm Ceiling Mount: Providing and fixing Shower Arm/ 3” Ceiling

NOA : NIL NOI : NIL Page-154

Mount code No. (K-7394-BV) of Kohler or equivalent make.
Showerhead: Providing and fixing Traditional Round Rain Showerhead Code
No. 13693-BV) of Kohler or equivalent make.
Hand shower: Providing and fixing Bancroft MULTI-FCTN Hand shower code
No. (K—22163-BV) of Kohler or equivalent make.
Shower Hose Pipe: Providing and fixing Shower Hose, 1.5 M code No (K-
12067IN-BV) of Kohler or equivalent make.
Artifacts WM Supply Elbow: Providing and fixing Artifacts WM Supply Elbow
code No. (K-72796-BV) of Kohler or equivalent make.
Hand shower slide Bar Trim: Providing and fixing Hand shower slide Bar
Trim code No. (K-8524T-BV) of Kohler or equivalent make.
Autosense + 235 Valve: Providing and fixing Autosense + 235 Valve code
No. (K-20740IN-A-NA) of Kohler or equivalent make.
Autosense Thermostat REC B & S Round Trim: Providing and fixing
Autosense Thermostat REC B & S Round Trim Code No. (K-20741IN-9FP-BV)
of Kohler or equivalent make.
Purist LAV Faucet: Providing and fixing Purist LAV Faucet Code No. (K-
14406-4-BV) of Kohler or equivalent make.
LADENA 591 X 410mm under counter Lavatory: Providing and fixing
LADENA 591 X 410mm under counter Lavatory Code No. (K-2215IN-2-0) of
Kohler or equivalent make.
Grid Drain: Providing and fixing Grid Drain code No. (K-45432IN-BV) of
Kohler or equivalent make.
Bottle Trap 300mm: Providing and fixing Bottle Trap 300mm code No. (K-
7314IN-BV) of Kohler or equivalent make.
Liquid Soap Dish/ Dispenser: Providing and fixing brass Liquid Soap Dish/
Dispenser similar to code: K-5634IN-AF & K-10712IN-AF of Kohler make or
equivalent with all necessary fittings and making good walls etc. complete as
per directions of Engineer-in-charge.
Glass Shelf: Glass Shelf 600mm long of similar to code no: K-5636IN-AF of
Kohler or equivalent make.
Mirror: Providing and fixing Minimum 8mm thick mirror with min. 50x25mm
Superior Class teak frame ornamental wooden beading with melamine finish
of preferred make and design covering full wall width of height min. 750 mm
over min. 6mm wooden ply of approved design.
Towel Ring/ Bar: Towel Ring/ Bar Round with Round Flange similar to code:
- K25348IN-AF of Kohler or equivalent make.
Vanity: Vanity similar to code: - K-30457IN-PSH, VANITY TOP K-2749T-1-0
of Kohler or equivalent make.

SCHEDULE (Civil) – No. 8

Schedule of Stone Jali

1 Balcony and shafts all All Floors CNC cut 40mm thick White/ Red Sand Stone Jali.
around the building

Note: In case any location is not specifically mentioned in the Schedule of finishes, finishing
shall be done considering over all Architectural theme of the building and functional

NOA : NIL NOI : NIL Page-155

requirement or as provided in locations with similar functional uses and nothing extra shall be
paid on this account as scope of work includes finishing the entire building as per functional,
aesthetic and other requirements. Equivalent make means the market rate of a similar
item doesn’t deviate by more than 10%.

SCHEDULE (Civil) – No. 9

Schedule of Misc. Structures/ Features

1. RCC Dome in Phase-I Sixth Floor As per architectural & structural


2. RCC Stub Column and Sand Stone All Floors As per architectural Drawings.
Cornice & 70mm thick wet sand stone
Cladding over RCC stub Column.

3. Shade over Basement Ramps & Ground Floor As per architectural Drawings.
Waiting Area at terrace in SS Frame & Terrace

4. MS Structural Framing on RCC Column Terrace As per architectural & structural

for Solar Panels (Requirement as Drawings.
mentioned in Section-D)

5. Signage (as per NBC 2016) All Floors i/c As per architectural Drawings.
External Area

6. Other Architectural Features All Floors As per architectural Drawings.

7. Road Pavements, Surface Parking External M-30 Vacuum Dewatered Concrete (VDC)
Area with nominal reinforcement, Marking with
hot Thermoplastic material & as per
Particular specification.

NOA : NIL NOI : NIL Page-156


1.1 Except for the items, for which Particular Specifications are given herein or where it is
specifically mentioned otherwise in this bid document, the work shall generally be
carried out in accordance with the “CPWD Specifications - 2019 (Vol. I & II) for Civil
works or their latest version with up-to-date correction slips (hereinafter to be
collectively referred to as ‘CPWD Specifications’). Wherever CPWD Specifications are
silent, the latest BIS Codes/ Specifications, National Building Code-2016, MoRTH
Specification, Manufacturers Specifications, Sound Engineering practices or well-
established local construction practices as decided by the Engineer-in-charge shall be
1.2 A reference made to any Indian Standard Specifications in these documents, shall
imply to the latest version of that standard, including such revisions / amendments as
issued by the Bureau of Indian Standards up to last date of receipt of tenders. The
Contractor shall keep at his own cost all such publications of relevant Indian Standard
applicable to the work at site.


2.1 The work shall be done in accordance with CPWD Specifications - 2019 - Vol. I & Vol.
II and National Building Code 2016 with up-to-date correction slips.
2.2 Excavation shall be undertaken to the width of the Basement/ Retaining wall footing
including necessary margins for construction operation as per drawing or directed
otherwise. Where the nature of soil or the depth of the trench and season of the year,
do not permit vertical sides, the contractor at his own expense shall put up the
necessary shoring, strutting and planking or cut slopes with or without steps, to a
safer angle or both with due regard to the safety of personnel and works and to the
satisfaction of the Engineer.
2.3 Contractor shall make, at his own cost, all necessary arrangements for
maintaining water level low enough in the area where works are under execution,
so as not to cause any harm to the works or problems in carrying out with the
execution and the rates for all items of work shall be considered as inclusive of
pumping out or bailing out water (as per bid document), if required, for which no
extra payment shall be made. This will include water coming from any source,
such as rains, accumulated rain water, floods, leakages from sewer and water
mains subsoil water table being high or due to any other cause whatsoever. The
Contractor shall make necessary provision of pumping, dredging, and bailing out
water coming from all the above sources and excavation and other works shall be
kept free of water by providing suitable system approved by the Engineer-in-
2.4 The existing water level is mentioned in the soil investigation report attached for
reference (for indicative purpose only). The water level may vary due to rainy season
or due to dewatering etc. in order to avoid possibility of basement floor of building
being getting uplifted/ damaged due to water pressure, the contractor shall make
arrangement for lowering the ground water table below the proposed foundation level
as approved by Engineer-in-charge. Sub soil water table shall be maintained at least

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50cm below the P.C.C. level during laying of P.C.C., water proofing treatment, laying
of basement RCC foundation and beams including filling of earth/ sand under the
basement floor. The water table shall not be allowed to rise above base of RCC
foundation level until completion of outer retaining walls including water proofing of
vertical surface of walls and back filling along the walls up to ground level and until
the structure attains such height to counter balance the uplift pressure. However, the
contractor should inspect the site and make his own assessment about sub-soil water
level likely to be encountered at the time of execution and quote his rates accordingly.
Rate of all items are inclusive of pumping out or bailing out water, if required. Nothing
extra on this account whatsoever shall be paid. The sequence of construction shall be
got approved from the Engineer-in-Charge.
2.5 The proposed site of work for Expansion of Supreme Court Building is very close to the
part of existing building. The construction work shall be as per layout plan attached
with bid document. The space for movement of heavy construction machineries or the
space for open earth excavation by trenching in steps or in slope may not be
available. A temporary earth retaining structure like soldier pile etc. with strutting or
soil/ rock anchors shall be required for the safety of existing building before taking up
deep basement excavation work for the construction of proposed expansion.
2.6 The design shall be based on the actual soil properties/ characteristics and shall be
able to withstand the surcharge of existing building, dynamic loads of vehicles
movement and vibrations caused by construction machineries and equipment. The
strutting or the anchors and the waler beam etc. shall be as per the structural design
and analysis.
2.7 The Analysis, Design & Drawing of temporary earth retaining structure shall specify
details like the spacing, type, size, unit, weight, material, elastic section modulus of
members, depth of embedment, specifications for wooden lagging, waler beams and
anchors etc.
2.8 Soldier piles/ Sheet piles and appurtenant materials shall be tested and certified to
meet the specified chemical, mechanical and sectional properties requirement prior to
delivery at site, as per relevant IS codes.
2.9 The safety of the adjacent existing buildings is to be ensured so that no settlement or
damage due to settlement, land slip etc. because of deep basement excavation work
is caused. For the safety, the Contactor shall install required apparatus/ equipment for
close monitoring any settlement or crack development, damages in the nearby
buildings at his own cost. The contactor shall provide all necessary equipment/ gauges
for measurements of deformation/ settlement in the adjacent buildings as directed by
Engineer-in-Charge. Monitoring instruments are to be maintained in good working
conditions throughout the construction period and shall be the responsibility of
contactor. Weekly reading of instruments shall be recorded and got checked by the
authorized representative of Engineer-in-Charge. Checking/ analysis of settlement (at
least once in a month or whenever required) shall be done by an experienced
independent agency appointed by contactor with the approval of Engineer-in-Charge.
All expenditure incurred on this independent agency shall be borne by the contactor.
The contractor shall be liable for all damages on any account including defective
installation, execution and removal of earth retaining structure.
2.10 All the major excavation shall be carried out by mechanical excavator. No extra
payment shall be made for that.

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2.11 Any trenching and digging for laying sewer lines/ water lines/ cables etc. shall be
commenced by the contractor only when all men, machineries and materials have
been arranged and closing of the trench(s) thereafter shall be ensured within the least
possible time.
2.12 The rates are inclusive for all depths & nothing extra shall be paid for additional lift
2.13 Preliminary Soil Investigation report is indicative only and detailed soil
investigation to collect desired data on soil strata and SBC etc. for design of
foundations shall be done by the contractor.
2.14 Earth work, by mechanical and manual means in excavation for foundation,
Basement, roads, footpaths, drains and trenches etc. in all kind of soil/ strata/
ordinary rock/ hard rock as per terrains and drawings. Boring for pile (if required)
as per structural drawings. In case of very hard rock where excavation using
machinery is not possible or taking lot of time, hydraulic splitters or chemical can
be used for rock fragmentation for which nothing extra shall be paid.
2.15 Filling in foundation with available excavated earth (excluding rock) in trenches,
plinth, sides of foundations, roads, drains and footpaths etc. in layers not
exceeding 20 cm in depth, consolidating each deposited layer by ramming and
watering. Additional earth, if required for the filling, for the work shall be procured
from outside of the campus at his own cost. Only earth shall be used for plinth
2.16 Top layer of plinth filling just below PCC shall be minimum 100mm thick with
Jamuna sand/ local available sand.
2.17 Any other excavation or filling required at open areas other than building like
landscaping works, road works etc. for completion of work as per drawings (after
getting NOC from Engineer-in-Charge) shall be in the scope of work.
2.18 The surplus or unusable earth/ boulder/ stone etc. received in excavation shall be
property of the contractor and their disposal up to any lead shall be responsibility
of the contractor and nothing extra shall be paid towards the same.
2.19 Black cotton soil (if present) shall be removed at all places where permanent
structure will be constructed.
2.20 Any other type of earthwork not specifically mentioned herein up to the
completion of project shall be in the scope of work.


3.1 The work shall be done in accordance with CPWD Specifications - 2019 - Vol. I & Vol.
II with up-to-date correction slips.
3.2 Only M.S. centring/ shuttering and scaffolding material unless & otherwise allowed
shall be used for all R.C.C. work to give an even finish of concrete surface. Foam
Sheet/ Jointing tape shall be used in the joints of shuttering to ensure no leakage of
cement slurry. Nothing extra shall be payable on this account.
3.3 Steel shuttering as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge shall be used by the
contractor. Minimum size of shuttering plates shall be 1200mm x 600mm x 2.5mm
except for the case when closing pieces required completing the shuttering panels.
Dented, broken, cracked, twisted or rusted shuttering plates shall not be allowed to be
used on the work.
3.4 Contractor shall adopt chemical compounds for shutter/formwork releasing which does

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not spoil the surface finish and characteristics of concrete and also avoid deformation
of formwork/shutter during releasing. The contractor shall take prior approval of
Engineer-in-charge for shutter/formwork releasing chemical to be used for the work.
3.5 Nothing extra shall be paid for the centring and shuttering, circular in shape whenever
the formwork is having a mean radius exceeding 6m in plan.
3.6 Nothing extra shall be paid for grid beams and the corresponding slabs having clear
span more than 1.20 metres.
3.7 In order to keep the floor finish as per architectural drawings and to provide required
thickness of the flooring as per specifications, the level of top surface of R.C.C. shall
be accordingly adjusted at the time of its centring, shuttering and casting for which
nothing extra shall be paid to the Contractor except the places where different type of
flooring is provided in the same room.
3.8 As per general engineering practice, level of floors in toilet/ bath, balconies, shall be
kept 12 to 20mm or as required, lower than general floors shuttering should be
adjusted accordingly. Nothing extra is payable on this account.
3.9 The shuttering plates shall be cleaned properly with electrically driven sanders to
remove any cement slurry or cement mortar or rust. De-bonding compound such as
“Reebole” of FOSROC or equivalent shall be applied on the surface of the shuttering
plates in the requisite quantity before assembly of steel reinforcement. Nothing extra
shall be paid on this account.
3.10 Concreting of upper floor shall not be done until concrete of lower floor has set at least
for 14 days but form work and reinforcement can be taken up after the concrete has
set atleast for three days.
3.11 Double steel scaffolding having two sets of vertical supports shall be provided for
external wall finish, cladding etc. The supports shall be sound and strong, tied
together with horizontal pieces over which scaffolding platform shall be fixed.
Scaffolding shall have steel staircase for inspection of works at upper levels. Nothing
extra shall be paid on this account.
3.12 Providing joint filler of required thickness in position to substrate using either double
sided foam adhesive tape or neoprene synthetic rubber adhesive. When forming
expansion joint with the Board in in-situ concrete, joint sealing slots can be readily
formed in the following manner-
a) Before installing, simply cut off a strip of the required depth. Then install the filler
flush with the finished surface.
b) Prior to sealing, the top strip can then be pulled easily from the joint to provide an
uncontaminated sealing slot ready for preparation and sealing.
c) The joint filler shall be resilient closed cell expanded polyethene and non-tainting
manufactured by Supreme Industries Ltd. or equivalent
Double steel pre coating/ pre painted scaffolding having two sets of vertical supports
shall be provided. The supports shall be sound and strong, tied together with
horizontal pieces over which scaffolding planks shall be fixed as specified in the CPWD
Specifications – 2019 Vol-1 & II with up-to-date correction slips and related IS Code.

5.1 The contractor shall procure 43/ 53 grade Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC)
conforming to IS:8112 or Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC) conforming to IS: 1489

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(Part-I) as required in the work, from reputed manufacturers of cement as specified in
preferred make list or from any other reputed cement Manufacturer having a
production capacity not less than one million tonnes per annum as approved
by the ADG/ SDG for the Sub-Region/ Region.
The tenderers may also submit a list of names of cement manufacturers which they
propose to use in the work. The Engineer-in-charge reserves right to accept or reject
name(s) of cement manufacturer(s) which the tenderer proposes to use in the work.
No change in the tendered rates will be accepted if the Engineer-in-charge does not
accept the list of cement manufacturers, given by the tenderer, fully or partially.
Supply of cement shall be made in 50kg bags bearing manufacturer’s name and ISI
marking. Samples of cement arranged by the contractor shall be taken by the
Engineer-in-Charge and got tested in accordance with provisions of the relevant BIS
codes. The cement shall be used in the work only after satisfactory test results have
been received. The cost of tests including its transportation cost to test laboratories
shall be borne by the contractor. In case the test results indicate that the cement
arranged by the contractor does not confirm to the relevant BIS code the same shall
stand rejected and shall be removed from the site by the contractor at his own cost
within a week’s time of written order from the Engineer-in-charge to do so.
5.2 The cement shall be brought at site in bulk supply of approximately 10 tonnes or as
decided by the Engineer-in-Charge.
5.3 The cement godown of the capacity to store a minimum of 750 bags of cement shall
be constructed by the contractor at site of work for which no extra payment shall be
5.4 The contractor shall obtain Manufacturer’s Test Certificate (MTC) stating the process of
manufacture, chemical composition, and test sheet giving result of each test
applicable to the material purchased and submit it to the Engineer-in-charge. Each
test certificate shall indicate the number of the batch to which it applies corresponding
to the number or identification mark to be found on the material.
5.5 The Engineer-in-charge shall get each consignment tested for both chemical and
physical properties as specified in CPWD Specification & relevant IS code from
approved labs as per CPWD Works Manual 2022 Para 5.7.2 as amended from
time to time.
5.6 The actual issue and consumption of cement on work shall be regulated and proper
accounts maintained as provided in the contract. The theoretical consumption of
cement shall be worked out as per procedure prescribed in clause 38 of the contract
and shall be governed by conditions laid therein. Less than theoretical consumption of
cement shall not be allowed and in case of excess consumption, no cost adjustment
shall be paid.
5.7 The cement brought to site and the cement remaining unused after completion of the
work shall not be removed from site without the written permission of the Engineer-
5.8 The damaged cement shall be removed from the site immediately by the contractor on
receipt of a notice in writing from the Engineer-in-Charge. If he does not do so within
three days of receipt of such notice, the Engineer-in-Charge shall get it removed at
the cost of the contractor.
5.9 Cement bags shall be stored in separate godowns to be constructed by the contractor
at his own cost as per sketch (which is only indicative and actual size will depend on

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the site requirements) given in CPWD specifications with weather proof roofs and
walls. Each godown shall be provided with a single shutter door with two locks.
5.10 Separate cement registers showing the receipt of the OPC and PPC shall be
maintained at site. The contractor shall construct separate godowns for storage of OPC
& PPC at site and nothing extra on this account shall be payable.
5.11 In order to have an effective control over the issue of cement, the following drill
should be observed:
(i) Double lock provision shall be made to the door of the cement godown. The keys of
one lock shall remain with the Engineer-in-charge or his authorized representative and
the key of the other lock shall remain with the contractor. The contractor shall be
responsible for the watch and ward and safety of the cement godown. The contractor
shall facilitate the inspection of the cement godown by the Engineer-in-Charge at any
(ii) The pages of the Cement Register should be as per Annexure-30 of SOP for CPWD
Works Manual, machine numbered and each page initialled by the Executive Engineer.
(iii) Periodical checking of cement godown. The cement godown and the Cement Register
should be checked by the Assistant Engineer/ Executive Engineer in-charge of the
work as per following schedule:
a) At least weekly or fortnightly, respectively, in case of works at the headquarters of the
Assistant Engineer/ Executive Engineer.
b) Whenever they visit the site of work in case of works that are located outside the Sub-
Divisional/ Divisional headquarters.


6.1 The Contractor shall procure IS marked TMT reinforcement bars of Fe 550D grade
conforming to IS:1786 - 2008 (Indian Standard Specification for high strength
deformed steel bars and wires for reinforcement) for reinforced cement concrete or
pre-stressed concrete works from Reputed Steel manufacturers as specified in
preferred make list.
6.2 The contractor shall obtain manufacturer’s certificate stating the process of
manufacture, chemical composition and test sheet giving result of each mechanical
test applicable to the material purchased and submit it to the Engineer-in-charge.
Each test certificate shall indicate the number of the cast to which it applies
corresponding to the number or identification mark to be found on the material.
6.3 Reinforcement work for RCC including supplying, straightening, and cutting, bending,
placing in position and binding including Reinforcement Coupler/ Mechanical Splice &
testing all complete shall be done as per CPWD Specification Vol. I 2019 with up-to-
date correction slips for both sub-structure and super-structure. Reinforcement
coupler shall be approved (if used) before execution of work.
6.4 The Engineer-in-charge shall get each consignment tested for both chemical
composition and physical properties (including bend and re-bend test) as specified in
IS:1786 from approved labs as per CPWD Works Manual 2022 Para 5.7.2 as
amended from time to time.
6.5 In case the test results indicate that the steel arranged by the contractor does not
conform to the specifications, the same shall stand rejected, and it shall be removed
from the site of work by the contractor at his cost within a week time or written orders
from the Engineer-in-Charge to do so.

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6.6 The steel reinforcement bars shall be brought to the site in bulk supply of 10 tonnes or
more as decided by the Engineer-in-charge.
6.7 The steel reinforcement shall be stored by the contractor at site of work in such a way
as to prevent distortion and corrosion and nothing extra shall be paid on this account.
Bars of different sizes and lengths shall be stored separately to facilitate easy counting
and checking.
6.8 For performing Physical Test and chemical tests, specimen of sufficient length shall be
cut from each size of the bar at random frequency not less than that specified in the
CPWD Specification under clause 5.1.3 and relevant IS code.
6.9 The contractor shall supply free of charge the steel required for testing including
transportation to testing laboratories. The cost of tests shall be borne by the
6.10 The actual issue and consumption of steel on work shall be regulated and proper
accounts maintained as provided in the contract. The theoretical consumption of steel
shall be worked out as procedure prescribed in clause 38 (As per schedule F) of the
contract (Schedule F) and shall be governed by conditions laid therein. Less than
theoretical consumption of reinforcement shall not be allowed and in case of excess
consumption, no cost adjustment shall be paid.
6.11 Steel brought to site and steel remaining unused shall not be removed from site
without the written permission of the Engineer-in-charge.
6.12 Steel bars brought by the contractor for use in the work shall be got checked from the
Engineer-in-Charge or his authorized representative of the work on receipt of the
same at site before use.
6.13 In case the contractor brings surplus quantity of steel the same after completion of
the work will be removed from the site by the contractor at his own cost after
approval of the Engineer-in-Charge.
6.14 Reinforcement including authorized spacer bars and overlaps shall be measured in
length of different diameters, as actually (not more than as specified in the drawing)
used in the work, nearest to a centimetre. Wastage and unauthorized overlaps shall
not be measured.
6.15 Tolerances on Nominal Mass (individual sample) shall be referred to as in Table 5.1
under para in CPWD Specifications for works 2019 Vol. 1
6.16 The standard sectional weights referred to as in Table 5.4 under para 5.3.4 in CPWD
Specifications for works 2019 Vol. 1 will be considered for conversion of length of
various sizes of Steel Bars into standard weight.
6.17 Records of actual sectional weight shall also be kept dia-wise & lot-wise. The average
sectional weight for each diameter shall be arrived at from samples from each lot of
steel received at site. The decision of the Engineer-in-Charge shall be final for the
procedure to be followed for determining the average sectional weight of each lot.
Quantity of each diameter of steel received at site of work each day will constitute one
single lot for the purpose. The weight of steel by conversion of length of various sizes
of bars based on the actual weighted average sectional weight shall be termed as
derived actual weight.
6.18 If the derived weight as in para 6.17 above is lesser than the standard weight as in
para 6.16 above, the derived actual weight shall be accepted. If the derived actual
weight is found more than the standard weight, then the standard weight as worked
out in para 6.16 above shall be accepted.

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6.19 Mixing of different type of steel/ different grades of steel shall not be allowed in the
same structural members as main reinforcement to satisfy clause 26.1 of IS:456.
6.20 The item reinforcement in RCC work includes all operations including straightening,
cutting, bending, welding, binding with annealed steel or welding and placing in
position at all the floors with all leads and lift complete shall be done as per CPWD
Specifications - 2019 - Vol. I & Vol. II with up-to-date correction slips.
6.21 To avoid displacement of bars in any direction and to ensure proper cover, only
factory-made round type/ rectangular cover blocks shall be used by the contractor.
Nothing extra shall be payable on this account.
6.22 The steel reinforcement bars shall be stored by the Contractor at site of work as per
the CPWD Specification and in such a way as to prevent their distortion and corrosion,
and nothing extra shall be paid on this account. Bars of different sizes and lengths
shall be stored separately to facilitate easy counting and checking.
6.23 Cover Block: Contractor shall use factory made precast CC cover blocks of approved
shape and strength for all RCC works to avoid displacement of bars in any direction
and to ensure proper cover. Alternatively, the contractor may manufacture the cover
blocks as per approved methodology by Engineer-in-charge. The grade of concrete
shall be same or higher grade as of concrete in which they will be used. The concrete
in cover blocks shall be fibre reinforced concrete with 6mm downgraded aggregate.
Shape & size shall be as decided by Engineer-in-charge. For horizontal surfaces CC
cover blocks may be used, and vertical surfaces CC or high strength plastic circular
spacers may be used, as approved by Engineer-in- Charge.
6.24 For slabs of all diameter rebars, spacing may be kept at 70 cm with two minimum
number of spacers per sqm of area. The spacing requirements are indicative only and
subject to structural drawings and approval of the Engineer-in-charge.
6.25 Binding of Reinforcement bars: Contractor shall adopt machine-based binding of
reinforcement bars i.e. rebar tying machine, unless otherwise approved by engineer-
in-charge for specific locations. Contractor shall use specialised binding wire required
for machine binding of reinforcement bars, as approved by Engineer-in-charge.
6.26 Reinforcement coupler/ Mechanical splice: - Reinforcement couplers that shall be
supplied for this work shall conform to Class ‘L’ of Indian Standard IS 16172-2014:
Reinforcement Couplers for Mechanical Splices of Bars in Concrete – Specification. The
nominal sizes of reinforcement couplers based on their internal diameter shall
correspond to the nominal sizes of bars covered under IS 1786. The couplers are to be
procured from Preferred make list as specified in the agreement. All the couplers
should be manufactured in a factory which is ISO 9001:2008 (or higher revision)
certified for “Manufacturing of Mechanical Steel Rebar Couplers & Accessories” and
also be certified for “Site Management of Threading & Processing of Rebar including
Sales and Distribution”.
Item Description: Parallel threaded couplers/ reducer conforming to IS :16172 on
“Reinforcement Couplers for Mechanical Splices of Bars for Concrete Reinforcement -
Specification”, to reinforcement bars including threading, enlargement at connection
by forging, protecting the prepared reinforcement bars and related operations as
required to complete the works per direction of Engineer-in-charge. Position of coupler
shall be approved by Engineer-in-charge. Mechanical Splicing System with parallel
threads shall be used.
a) Reinforcement couplers shall have adequate strength, length and internal threads as

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per manufacturer’s design to be able to meet the performance requirements as
mentioned in IS 16172-2014. All reinforcement couplers shall be finished smooth and
shall be free from burrs, cracks and other manufacturing defects. The threads shall be
cleanly formed and shall be free from imperfections.
b) Testing of Mechanical Splicing System:
The reinforcement couplers shall meet the performance requirements as prescribed In
the Indian Standard IS 16172-2014 namely:
a. Static Tensile Test
b. Slip Test
c. Cyclic Tensile Test
d. Low-Cycle Fatigue Test
The test results shall be submitted to the Engineer-in-Charge for acceptance and use
of couplers before execution of work. The number of samples for each test, sampling
and criteria for conformity shall be as per Annex F of IS 16172-2014.


7.1 The work shall be done in accordance with CPWD Specifications - 2019 - Vol. I & Vol.
II with up-to-date correction slips.
7.2 If the quantity of cement actually used in the work is found to be more than
the theoretical quantity of cement including authorized variation, nothing
extra shall be payable to the contractor on this account.
7.3 For non-scheduled items, the decision of the Engineer-in-Charge regarding theoretical
quantity of the cement which should have been actually used shall be final and binding
on the contractor.
7.4 All type of shuttering shall be designed by contractor and submitted to Engineer-in-
charge along with design calculations (if required) for approval. Shuttering shall be
executed as per approved shop drawing and design calculation.
7.5 Reinforcement for RCC elements (as suggested by Engineer-in-charge) shall be lapped
by using mechanical coupler.
7.6 Rate shall be inclusive of dewatering (pumping or bailing out water/ mud and
removing slush) while any construction activity in under water condition and Cost of
transportation of concrete from plant to site and within site.
7.7 Rate shall be inclusive of providing grooves, drip moulds, pockets, cut-outs etc. and
co-ordination of insert sleeves, insert plate (cost of insert sleeves/ plate shall be paid
separately), encasing if any wherever required while casting for all level all height.
7.8 PPC (Pozzolana Portland Cement) shall be used for all concrete work having minimum
30% fly ash content as per Green building norms except in self-compacting concrete
(SCC) unless otherwise mentioned.
7.9 Shuttering shall be compatible for self-compacting concrete (SCC) work, wherever
7.10 Only factory-made cover block of required strength and size shall be used after prior
approval of Engineer-in-charge.
7.11 Fine aggregate shall be natural sand or manufactured sand as approved by Engineer-
7.12 100 mm thick Lean Concrete under foundation, plinth, footpath, ramp, and any other
place as required of M-15 grade (design mix with minimum cement content 240

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kg/ cum) shall be provided and laid in position ready mixed cement concrete using
coarse aggregate and fine aggregate derived from natural sources, Portland
Pozzolana/ Ordinary Portland, admixtures in recommended proportions as per IS:
9103 to accelerate / retard setting of concrete, to improve durability and workability
without impairing strength; including pumping of concrete to site of laying, curing,
carriage for all leads.
7.13 Lean Concrete of M-15 grade as specified above shall be executed on ground and
above all floor below flooring to accommodate ducts/ Raceways etc. required for
laying LAN cables, wires etc. with thickness of PCC as per actual requirement to
accommodate all ducts, wiring, LAN cables, Raceways etc.
7.14 In case of small quantity, 1:4:8 (1 Cement: 4 coarse sand (zone-III): 8 graded stone
aggregate 40 mm nominal size derived from natural sources) as per CPWD
specifications may be done with prior approval of Engineer-in-Charge.


7.15 For All floor, all level, all height/ depth machine vibrated, design mix Ready mix Self
Compacting Cement Concrete (SCC) produced in fully automatic batch mixed plant of
M-40 grade as per IS- 10262, approved design mix using Ordinary Portland cement
with adding cementitious material like fly ash, Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag
(GGBFS)/ Alccofine/ silica fume etc. shall be provided if required. Design mix shall be
approved by Engineer-in-charge. Slump flow, viscosity, pass ability, shall be as per
IS10262 for fair finished reinforced cement concrete work including transportation of
concrete through transit mixer to site of laying, pumping by any means, finishing,
curing, vibrating(if required) for all leads, all floor, all levels, all height/ depth,
admixtures conforming to IS9103 as per designed proportions to accelerate, retard
setting of concrete, improve workability without impairing strength and durability as
per direction of Engineer-in-charge. The Mix design shall comply with IS4926, IS456,
IS- 10262 design parameters and IS 516 & BS EN 12350 testing parameters (for
parameters mentioned) and shall be got approved by Engineer-in-charge before
execution of the item. The rate shall include cost of all specified materials and
operations at all levels and heights, cost of centering, shuttering and reinforcement


7.16 All RCC works shall be with ready mixed cement concrete for reinforced cement
concrete work (Minimum M-40 Grade with minimum cement content 360 kg/
cum), Portland Pozzolana/ Ordinary Portland, admixtures in recommended proportions
as per IS: 9103 to accelerate/ retard setting of concrete, to improve durability and
workability without impairing strength; including pumping of concrete to site of laying,
curing, carriage for all leads as per direction of the Engineer-in-charge.
7.17 RCC in column, beams, shear walls, retaining walls & slabs shall be as per the vetted
structural drawings with design mixed concrete (RMC) with permissible admixtures,
centering, shuttering & reinforcement. Suitable Centering/ shuttering and scaffolding
material unless & otherwise specified shall be used for all R.C.C. work to give an even
finish of concrete surface. However, concreting will be done after inspection and
approval of the centering/ shuttering by the Engineer-in-charge. The detailed
dimensions & design mix for building structural elements to be adopted shall be as per

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provisions of IS: 456, IS:1642, IS: 1893, IS: 3792, IS: 6073, IS: 13920, IS: 11447,
IS: 15916, IS: 15917.
7.18 The RCC work shall be done with Design Mix Concrete unless otherwise specified in
the nomenclature of items, wherever letter M has been indicated, the same shall imply
for the Design Mix Concrete. The Design Mix Concrete will be designed based on the
principles given in IS: 456, IS: 10261 and SP 23. The concrete mix shall be designed
for specified target mean compressive strength in order to ensure that the work test
results do not fall below the acceptance criteria specified for the concrete mix. The
contractor shall design mixes for each class of concrete indicating that the concrete
ingredients and proportions will result in concrete mix meeting requirements specified.
In case of use of admixture, the mix shall be designed with these ingredients as well.
The specification mentioned herein below shall be followed for Design Mix Concrete.
The sources of coarse aggregate, fine aggregate & water to be use at RMC Plant for
concrete work at site shall be reported to the Engineer-in-Charge by the contractor.
He will satisfy himself regarding their conforming to the relevant specification & their
availability before getting the same approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.
Water, Fine & Coarse Aggregate: As per requirements laid down in IS 456-2000 &
CPWD Specifications.
Cement: Cement arranged by the contractor will be Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC)
conforming to IS:8112 or Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC) conforming to IS: 1489
(Part-I), If for any reasons, cement other than that specified in this para, the issues
like payments rate as well as the quantity to be used in the design mix concrete will
remain unchanged.
Admixtures/ Plasticizers: Admixtures shall be used as per the design mix or as per
approval of Engineer-in-charge. Wherever required, admixtures of approved quality
shall be mixed with concrete to accelerate/ retard setting of concrete & achieve the
desired workability within specified water cement ratio without impairing strength
and durability as per direction of the Engineer-in-charge. Admixtures to be used in
recommended proportions as per IS: 9103. The chloride content in the admixture
shall satisfy the requirement of BS: 5075. The total amount of chlorides in the
admixture mixed concrete shall also satisfy the requirements of IS: 456-2000.
The contractor shall not be paid anything extra for admixture required for achieving
desired workability without any change in specified water cement ratio for RCC/ CC
7.18.2 WORKABILITY: The Concrete mix will be designed for minimum workability as
specified in para 7 of IS: 456-2000. Workability of Concrete (Unless otherwise
specified elsewhere or as decided by Engineer-in-charge. The recommended values of
slump for various members are given below:
(i) Columns - 25 to 35 mm, (ii) Beams - 30 to 40 mm (iii) Slabs – 30 to 50 mm.

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7.18.3 GRADE OF CONCRETE: The compressive strength of various grades of concrete shall
to be given as below:

Compressive Minimum Maximum
Grade strength on 15 cm cement water
designation cubes min. 7 days quantity (Kg. cement
strength at 28 days
(N/mm2) per cum) ratio

M 15 As per design 15 240 0.60

M 25 As per design 25 300 0.50

M 30 As per design 30 320 0.45

M 35 As per design 35 340 0.45

M 40 As per design 40 360 0.40


i) In the designation of concrete mix letter M refers to the mix and the number to the
specified characteristic compressive strength of 15cm – Cube at 28 days expressed
in N/mm²

ii) For attaining the specified strength/ workability of concrete as mentioned in above
table, Fly Ash/ GGBS can be added up to a maximum limit of 25% of cement (by
weight) with OPC.

7.18.4 MIX DESIGN: The concrete design mix with or without admixture will be carried out
by the contractor through IIT/ Approved Laboratories as directed by the Engineer-in-
charge at his own expenses for designing the concrete mix in accordance with relevant
IS Codes and to conduct laboratory test to ensure the target strength and workability
criteria for a given grade of concrete.
The various ingredients for mix design, laboratory tests shall be sent to the Approved
Laboratories as directed by the Engineer-in-charge immediately after award of work at
his own cost without any extra payment and the samples of such ingredients/
materials i/c admixture (if used by contractor) sent shall be preserved at site by the
The contractor shall submit the mix design report from any of above approved
laboratories for approval of Engineer-in-charge within 30 days from the date of issue
of letter of acceptance of the tender.
In case of change of source or characteristic properties of the ingredients used in the
concrete mix during the work, a revised laboratory mix design report conducted at
laboratory established at site shall be submitted by the contractor as per the direction
of the Engineer-in-charge.
7.18.5 APPROVAL OF DESIGN MIX: The mix design for a specified grade of concrete shall
be done for a target mean compressive strength Fck = fck + 1.65s
Where fck = Characteristic Compressive Strength at 28 days
s = Standard deviation which depends on degree of quality control.
The degree of quality control for this work is “good” for which the standard deviation

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(s) obtained for different grades of concrete shall be as per IS 456: 2000.
Out of the six specimens of each set, three shall be tested at seven days and
remaining three at 28 days. The preliminary tests at seven days are intended only to
indicate the strength to be attained at 28 days.
7.18.6 CHARGES FOR DESIGN MIX: All cost of mix design and testing connected therewith
including charges payable to the laboratory shall be borne by the contractor.
7.19.1 PROPORTIONING CONCRETE: In proportioning cement concrete, the quantity of
both cement and aggregates shall be determined by weight. The cement shall be
weighed separately from the aggregates. Water shall either be measured by volume in
calibrated tanks or weighed. All measuring equipment shall be maintained in a clean
and serviceable condition. The amount of mixing water shall be adjusted to
compensate for moisture content in both coarse and fine aggregates. The moisture
content of aggregates shall be determined in accordance with IS: 2386 (Part III).
Suitable adjustments shall also be made in the weights of aggregates to allow for the
variation in weight of aggregates due to variation in moisture content.
7.19.2 PRODUCTION OF CONCRETE: The concrete shall be produced in a central batching
and mixing plant with, computerized printing for contents and admixture dosage,
producing at least 15cum concrete per hour. The batching plant shall be fully
automatic. Automatic batcher shall be charged by devices which, when actuated by a
Single starter switch will automatically start the weighing operation of each material
and stop automatically, when the designated weight of each material has been
reached. The batching plant shall have automatic arrangement for dispensing the
admixture and shall also be capable of discharging water in more than one stage. A
print out from the batching plant for every lot shall be submitted. A batching plant
essentially shall consist of the following components:
 Separate storage bins for different sizes of aggregates, silo for cement and water
storage tank.
 Batching equipment
 Mixers
 Control panels
 Mechanical material feeding and elevating arrangements
The compartments of storage bins for aggregates shall be approximately of equal size.
The cement compartment shall be centrally located in the batching plant. It shall be
watertight and provided with necessary air vent, aeration fittings for proper flow of
cement & emergency cement cut off gate. The aggregate and sand shall be charged
by power operated centrally revolving chute. The entire plant from mixer floor upward
shall be enclosed and insulated. The batch bins shall be constructed so as to by self-
cleansing during drawdown. The batch bins shall in general conform to the
requirements of IS: 4925.
The batching equipment shall be capable of determining and controlling the prescribed
amounts of various constituent materials for concrete accurately i.e. water, cement,
sand, individual size of coarse aggregates etc. The accuracy of the measuring devices
shall fall within the following limits.
Measurement of Cement : ±1% of the quantity of cement in each batch
Measurement of Water : ±1% of the quantity of water in each batch

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Measurement of Aggregate : ±2% of the quantity of aggregate in each batch
Measurement of Admixture : ±3% of the quantity of admixture in each batch
7.19.3 MIXING CONCRETE: The mixer in the batching plant shall be so arranged that
mixing action in the mixers can be observed from the operator's station. The mixer
shall be equipped with a mechanically or electrically operated timing, signalling and
metering device which will indicate and assure completion of the required mixing
period. The mixer shall have all other components as specified in IS: 4925.
from the batching plant shall be transported to the point of placement by transit
mixers or through concrete pumps or steel closed bottom buckets capable of carrying
0.6 cum concrete. In case the concrete is proposed to be transported by transit mixer,
the mixer speed shall not be less than 4 rev/ min. of the drum nor greater than a
speed resulting in a peripheral velocity of the drum as 70 m/ minute at its largest
diameter. The agitating speed of the agitator shall be not less than 2 rev/ min. nor
more than 6 rev/ min. of the drum. The number of revolutions of the mixing drum or
blades at mixing speed shall be between 70 to 100 revolutions for a uniform mix, after
all ingredients, have been charged into the drum. Unless tempering water is added, all
rotation after 100 revolutions shall be at agitating speed of 2 to 6 rev/ min. and the
number of such rotations shall not exceed 250. The general construction of transit
mixer and other requirements shall conform to IS: 5892.
In case concrete is to be transported by pumping, the conduit shall be primed by
pumping a batch of mortar / thick cement slurry through the line to lubricate it. Once
the pumping is started, it shall not be interrupted (if at all possible) as concrete
standing idle in the line is liable to cause a plug. The operator shall ensure that some
concrete is always there in the pump-receiving hopper during operation. The lines
shall always be maintained clean and shall be free of dents.
Materials for pumped concrete shall be batched consistently and uniformly. Maximum
size of aggregate shall not exceed one-third of the internal diameter of the pipe.
Grading of aggregate shall be continuous and shall have sufficient ultra-fine materials
(materials finer than 0.25mm). Proportion of fine aggregates passing through 0.25mm
shall be between 15 & 30% and that passing through 0.125 mm sieve shall not be less
than 5% of the total volume of aggregate. When pumping long distances and through
hot weather, set-retarding admixtures may be used. Admixtures to improve
workability can be added. Suitability of concrete shall be through pumping shall be
verified by trial mixes and by performing pumping tests.
CONFIRMATORY TEST AT FIELD LAB: The contractor shall make the cubes of trial
mixes as per approved Mix design at site laboratory for all grades, in presence of
Engineer-in-charge using sample of approved materials proposed to be used in the
work prior to commencement of concreting and get them tested in his presence to his
entire satisfaction for 7 days and 28 days. Test cubes shall be taken from trial mixes
as follows.
For each mix, a set of six cubes shall be made from each of the three consecutive
batches. Three cubes from each set of six shall be tested at age of 7 days and
remaining three cubes at age of 28 days. The cubes shall be made, cured, transported
and tested strictly in accordance with specifications. The average strength of nine
cubes at age of 28 days shall exceed the specified target mean strength for which

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design mix has been approved, the evaluation of test results will be done as per IS:
7.20.1 TEST SPECIMEN: Work strength test shall be conducted in accordance with IS: 516
on random sampling. Each test shall be conducted on six specimens, three of which
shall be tested at 7 days and remaining three at 28 days. Additional samples shall be
prepared, if required, as per direction of Engineer-in-charge for testing samples cured
by accelerated method as described in IS: 9103.
7.20.2 TEST RESULTS OF SAMPLE: The test results of the sample shall be the average of
the strength of three specimens. The individual variation shall not be more than +/-
15 percent of the average. If more, the test results of the sample are invalid. 90% of
the total tests shall be done at the laboratory established at site by the contractor and
remaining 10% in the laboratory of Central Designs Organization, CPWD or in any
other laboratory as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
7.20.3 STANDARD FOR ACCEPTANCE: Standard of acceptance shall be same as specified in
clause 16 of IS 456-2000.
7.20.4 Measurement - As per CPWD specifications.
7.20.5 Tolerances - As per CPWD specifications.
7.20.6 RATE: The rate includes the cost of materials and labour involved in all the operations
described above including for the cost of cantering, shuttering and reinforcement. In case of actual average compressive, strength being less than specified strength
which shall be governed by para “Standard of Acceptance” as above the rate payable
shall be worked out accordingly on pro-rata basis. In case of rejection of concrete on account of unacceptable compressive strength,
governed by para ‘Standard of Acceptance’ as above, the work for which samples have
failed shall be redone at the cost of contractors. However, the Engineer-in-charge may
order for additional tests (like cutting cores, ultrasonic pulse velocity test, load test on
structure or part of structure etc.) to be carried out at the cost of contractor to
ascertain if the portion of structure wherein concrete represented by the sample has
been used, can be retained on the basis of results of individual or combination of these
The contractor shall take remedial measures necessary to retain the structure as
approved by the Engineer-in-charge without any extra cost.
7.21 Curing of RCC: For vertical surfaces of RCC members, contractor shall adopt curing
of concrete using chemical compounds, in accordance to CPWD specifications and as
approved by Engineer-in-charge. Nothing extra shall be payable for the contractor on
this account. For horizontal surfaces of members, various curing techniques,
conforming to CPWD specifications shall be adopted by contractor.
8.0 PRE STRESSED SOIL ANCHOR: Pre-stressed soil anchors of 4T/ 5T/ 6T (prestress
tendons) with 80mm HDPE sheathing, at required spacing for the length as per vetted
design & drawing with pre stressing tendon and necessary sheathing having free &
bonded length as per vetted design and drawing for diaphragm walls, to be grouted in
soil with resin grout (with cement and non-shrink/ plasticizer admixtures). The
contractor rates including boring in soil for anchors of minimum 150mm dia.,
providing pre-stressing tendons, spacer blocks, HDPE sheathing, sand, epoxy coating
over bonded length, VC sheathing over unbonded length, grouting with resin grout,
stressing tendons, anchorage block/ bearing plate, wedges, MS sleeve with insert

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plate of required size in wall and providing dowels at prescribed locations, spirals etc.
as mentioned above in description complete and at later stage on completion of
prescribed design stage, releasing of pre-stressing tendons in appropriate sequence as
per vetted structural design and drawing by Engineer-in-charge.


9.1 Seismic/ separation/ expansion joints shall be provided where shown in the drawings
and as per CPWD specifications and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. They shall be
constructed with in gap between the adjoining parts of the works of the width
specified. Gap of the expansion joints shall be provided as proposed in the structural
design of the building. Specifications of the Expansion joints shall be as below.
9.2 The contractor shall ensure that no debris is allowed to enter and be lodged in
seismic/ separation/ expansion joints.
9.3 The expansion joint shall be cleaned and made dry completely. All loose materials
shall also be removed. The joints gap shall be made uniform in width and depth after
cleaning the joints. The backup materials of best quality shall be provided in position
in order to produce thoroughly together in required proportion as prescribed by
manufacture specification, so that a uniform mixture obtained. The mixed solution
shall be applied to two sides of the joint that it covers the sides complete. Disturbed
edges of RCC members near expansion joints shall be finished with rich mortar
without any extra work includes providing required width of expansion board in the
joints and measurement of expansion board only shall be taken.
9.4 This item is to be executed as per the details mentioned in Item no. 5.44, 5.45 & 5.46
of CPWD DSR 2023 with up-to-date correction slips and as per the direction of


10.1 Pre-cast reinforced concrete units shall be of grade or mix of M-40. Provision shall be
made in the mould to accommodate fixing devices such as hooks, flats etc. and
forming of notches and holes. Each unit shall be cast in one operation. A sample of the
unit shall be got approved from Engineer-in-Charge before taking up the work.
10.2 Pre-cast units shall be clearly marked to indicate the top of member and its locations.
10.3 Pre-cast units shall be stored, transported and placed in position in such a manner
that these are not damaged.


11.1 Basement shall be constructed with RCC Raft foundation with pre stressed soil
anchors or otherwise / recommended type of foundation as per structural design . The
foundation for other buildings (if any) without basement shall be as per structural
11.2 Masonry work below plinth as and wherever required shall be executed with AAC
Block of Grade-I/ Fly ash bricks of CD-10 grade with ready mix polymer modified
cement mortar in Dry area and common burnt clay F.P.S. (non-modular) bricks of
class designation 7.5 in wet area with ready mix polymer modified cement mortar or
as per the Direction of Engineer-in-Charge in foundation and plinth.

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11.3 If any additional Retaining wall required to be constructed as per site condition and as
per direction of Engineer-in-charge, shall be executed by agency without any extra
11.4 Provision of adequate number of holes by core cutting in RCC Raft foundation/
recommended type of foundation as per structural design along with proper drainage
facility up to pit/ sump provided in basement for taking out rain water is to be
made for release of uplift pressure due to rise in water table during construction in
rainy season.

12.1 Earthquake resistant structure for Court/ office building by using one of the
Construction Technology/ methods mentioned in schedule ‘F’ to be proposed by
working agency.
12.2 Earthquake resistant structure designed based on relevant BIS/ IS Codes and NBC
2016, including Basement by using the proposed technology of construction. In
case of RCC Framed structure, Minimum grade of concrete shall be M-40.
12.3 Walls: 200mm thick AAC blocks work (confirming to IS 2185 Part III of grade I)
shall be laid as per IS:6041 in super structure and terrace with RCC band at sill
level and lintel level, fixed with approved block laying polymer modified adhesive
mortar all complete as per CPWD specifications and direction of Engineer of in-
charge. AAC Block shall be of grade-I having density between 651 to 750 kg per
cum as per table I of IS 2185 Part III. All internal walls (Partition Walls) shall be
minimum 150mm thick constructed with AAC Blocks of Grade-I/ Fly ash bricks of
CD-10 grade with ready mix polymer modified cement mortar. Common burnt clay
F.P.S. (non-modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 shall be used in wet areas with
ready mix polymer modified cement mortar as per the Direction of Engineer-in-
12.4 Beam Depth shall be designed in such a way that the clear height from top of the
finished floor level to the soffit of the false ceiling shall be as per Architectural
drawing. However, wherever the desired clear height as mentioned above is not
achievable due to provision of various service ducts, then in that case the False
Ceiling level shall be kept at different levels as approved by the Engineer-in-charge.
12.5 Dome: RCC monolithic dome is to be constructed on and along with the roof of
Constitutional Court as per the approved architectural & structural drawings.


13.1 Making plinth protection (wherever required) of 70mm thick Sand Stone over a base
of 20mm thick ready-mix polymer modified cement mortar and firm base of lean
concrete M-15 Grade of thickness 100mm. Width of plinth protection shall be as per
the site requirement and as decided by the Engineer-in-Charge.


14.1 The work shall be done in accordance with CPWD Specifications - 2019 - Vol. I & Vol.
II with up-to-date correction slips.
14.2 Ready mix polymer modified cement mortar shall be of preferred make, complies with
IS2250, technical parameter as per specification and as directed by Engineer-in-

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14.3 The compressive strength of ready-mix mortar shall be minimum 7.5 MPa. (Sand shall
not be added in ready mix mortar for use).
14.4 Fly Ash cement brick should have minimum 40 percent fly ash content.
14.5 Masonry work shall be carried out for all floor, all level, all height, all places including
loading, unloading, stacking, transporting, hoisting, erecting by any means
(mechanical or manual).
14.6 Masonry work shall generally be executed with Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Blocks
(AAC) blocks of grade-I having density between 651 to 750 kg per cum as per table I
of IS 2185 Part III except otherwise desired such as wet areas etc.
14.7 Specifications of AAC blocks shall be conforming to IS:2185-1984
14.8 The Blocks wherever used shall be of minimum 200 mm thickness except partition
walls where 150mm thickness may be allowed.
14.9 Band/ lacing course of RCC 1:2:4 (1 cement: 2 coarse sand: 4 graded stone
aggregate 20 mm nominal size) of minimum thickness 100mm at window sill and
200 mm at lintel level with 2 nos. 12mm bar at top & bottom at every one (01)
metre interval in vertical plane shall be provided by the contractor in the masonry
walls as a part of scope of work as per CPWD specifications 2019 (Vol-I & II).
14.10 Ready-mix polymer modified cement mortar shall be used for construction of masonry
walls as per the approval of Engineer in Charge and manufacturer’s specifications.
Adequate mesh mechanism of membrane fabric as per manufacturer specification will
be necessary to avoid ingress/ transgress of thermal cracks in the joints of the
14.11 For Low height Masonry Walls, RCC Coping shall be provided of required sizes as per
drawing and direction of Engineer in charge.
14.12 The blocks shall not be soaked in water and instead they shall be dipped in water and
taken out immediately to have only moist surface.
14.13 Bed joint 2 Nos. 6mm dia reinforcement bars may be placed in the joints after every
3rd course to have good lateral stability.
14.14 It shall be ensured that the lintels rest at either end of window opening only on full
block and not on half or part blocks. Reinforcement shall be placed in the sill course of
window openings in two successive horizontal joints and extend the same at least to
600 mm on either side of the jamb surface.
14.15 At a RCC column interface an MS anchor ("L" shape), of size 50x4 mm, 300 mm long
out of which 100 mm length of L fixed on column using minimum two SS screws with
PVC sleeves and 200 mm side of L embedded in masonry, be placed and fixed with
screws at every 4th course so as to anchor the wall with RCC column for better lateral
14.16 Curing of the masonry shall be done only by spraying water and no flooding shall be
done by water jets/ buckets.
14.17 Where brick work is proposed, FPS (non-modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 with
ready-mix polymer modified cement mortar shall be used in all items of brick work as
per the direction of Engineer-in-Charge. The classification of bricks brought by the
contractor shall strictly conform to CPWD Specifications – 2019 Vol-1 & II with up-to-
date correction slips or as specified. The work shall also include for leaving chases/
notches for dowels/ cramps for all kinds of cladding to come over brick work.
14.18 Fly ash brick of CD-10 Grade with ready-mix polymer modified cement mortar

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conforming to CPWD Specifications – 2019 Vol-1 & II with up-to-date correction slips
shall also be used in internal partitions for dry area as per the direction of Engineer-in-


15.1 General: The Contractor shall be responsible for the waterproofing design, proper
installation and performance of waterproofing systems to make the sub-structure and
super-structure completely watertight and free from leakages/ seepage. The water
proofing work shall carry 10 (Ten) Years guarantee to be reckoned from the date of
completion of the entire work under the contract against faulty workmanship,
finishing, unsound materials, efficiency of water proofing treatment, any leakages with
joint and other related problems in the agreement between main contractor and
associated specialized agency.
15.2 The work in general shall be carried out as per the BIS 16471, BS-8102, ACI-3R-212-
2010 & CPWD Specifications with up-to-date correction slips.
15.3 Water proofing system shall be provided at various locations in the building with
specifications, method of applications and other terms and conditions as provided in
the Particular Specifications.
15.4 The Contractor shall engage a qualified waterproofing specialist sub-Contractor,
preferably manufacturer’s authorized applicator to carry the water proofing in
accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations & approved water proofing
15.5 For the Quality assurance and quality of workmanship, waterproofing specialist
applicator should be proficient in handling and installing water proofing membrane /
crystalline compound etc. Construction Industry Development Council (CIDC) certified
and trained applicator to be preferred.
15.6 Waterproofing specialist applicators should have a proven track record, technical
reliability, capability to supply full technical assistance, expert supervision during
installation and performance guarantee. The Contractor shall submit the name of his
Specialist Waterproofing Contractor (waterproofing applicator) for approval along with
work experience details.
15.7 The waterproofing compounds shall be in accordance with preferred make of materials
annexed in the contract agreement. The contractor shall get the waterproofing product
and its make approved by the Engineer-in-charge. However, this approval shall not
exempt the Contractor from responsibility for the success of waterproofing treatment
done by him.
15.8 Total quantity of the water proofing compound required shall be arranged only after
obtaining the prior approval of the make by Engineer-in-charge in writing. Materials
shall be kept under double lock and key and proper account of the waterproofing
compound used in the work shall be maintained. It shall be ensured that the
consumption of the compound is as per specified requirements.
15.9 The contractor shall prepare a sample for demonstration to the Engineer-in-Charge.
15.10 The finished surface after water proofing treatment shall have adequate smooth slope
as per the direction of the Engineer-in-charge.
15.11 Before commencement of treatment on any surface, it shall be ensured that the outlet
drain pipes / spouts have been fixed and the spout openings have been eased and
rounded off properly for easy flow of water.

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15.12 The Contractor shall get water proofing work done checked by engineer-in-charge or
his authorized representative by flooding of water for sufficient duration as directed by
Engineer-in-charge. However, this approval shall not exempt the Contractor from
responsibility for the success of water proofing treatment done by him.
15.13 The Contractor, for the work of water proofing, will have to execute a guarantee bond
on non-judicial stamp paper of value Rs.100/- or more in the prescribed Proforma in
this bid document for removing any defects in waterproofing done by it in this contract
for 10 years after completion of entire work in the contract agreement.
15.14 Material to be supplied with manufacturer's Data sheet, Label, MTC and Method
statement. The Engineer-in-Charge has the right to inspect the manufacturing facility
of the original manufacturer.
15.15 All manufacturers to provide material test certificate of each lot. Material test
certificate of original manufacturer only acceptable, Material statement to be provided
b manufacturer.
15.16 In addition to above, 10% (Ten percent) of the cost of “Water Proofing Works” shall
be retained as additional security deposit (in addition to 2.5% security deposit
deducted from Contractor’s bill) from the bills towards guarantee as per decision of
Engineer-in-Charge whose decision will be final and binding. However, half of this
withheld amount would be released after five years from the date of completion of the
work, if the performance, as required, is satisfactory. The remaining withheld amount
shall be released after 5 years from the date of completion of work, if the
performance, as required, is satisfactory. If any defects are noticed during the
guarantee period, it shall be rectified by the Contractor within seven days of issue of
notice to the Contractor, temporarily, to the satisfaction of the CPWD/ Client
Department or any other authorized representative of client department and within a
period of one month the permanent rectification of the defects/replacement of
defective materials should be carried out by the Contractor. If not attended to, the
same shall be got done through other Contractor at the risk and cost of the Contractor
and the cost, which shall be final and binding on the Contractor, shall be recovered
from the amount withheld towards the guarantee as mentioned above or any other
amount due to the Contractor. However, the amount withheld as guarantee can be
released in full against irrevocable bank guarantee from a Schedule/Nationalized
Banks, of the same amount, for the guarantee period is submitted by the Contractor
in favour of Engineer-in-charge.
15.17 Water Proofing to all RCC concrete (i/c CC below Raft foundation) with
Integral Crystalline Concrete Durability Admixture: Integral Crystalline concrete
Durability Admixture shall be added to all concrete (CC below Raft foundation/
recommended type of foundation as per structural design/ RCC of Substructure &
Superstructure: structural concrete for Raft foundation/ recommended type of
foundation as per structural design, footing, grade slab, retaining wall, Water retaining
structures (UG/ OH tanks, STP/ ETP etc.) columns, podium, roof terrace slab etc. as
per the direction of Engineer-in-Charge) as waterproofing solution to self-waterproof,
enhance the concrete durability and increase the life of RCC component of the
building. The crystalline admixtures shall be added at the time of batching at the
batching plant or in the drum of the transit mixer, when the concrete arrives the point
of pouring.
Providing and mixing integral crystalline admixture for waterproofing treatment to RCC

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structures like basement Raft foundation/ recommended type of foundation as per
structural design, retaining walls, basement roof (deck), tunnels/ subway and bridge
deck etc. at the time of transporting of concrete into the drum of the ready-mix truck,
using integral crystalline admixture @0.80% (minimum) to the weight of cement
content per cubic meter of concrete or higher as recommended by the manufacturer's
specification in reinforced cement concrete at site of work. The material shall meet the
requirements as specified in ACI-212_3R-2010 i.e. by reducing co-efficient of
permeability of concrete by more than 90% compared with control concrete as per
DIN 1048 -5 by carrying out 4 cycles each of 5 bar Hydrostatic Pressure for 72 hours
and drying for 48 hours between the cycles and calculated as per Valenta Equation/
Darcy formula and resistant to high hydrostatic pressure of 16 Bar, when tested as per
DIN1048. (Preference to be given to the material showing maximum reduction in
coefficient of permeability as close as possible to ZERO permeability at the
recommended dosage rate). The Crystalline Admixture shall be capable of Self-healing
cracks up to a width of 0.5mm. Material must possess a "U-Sign" approval from
appropriate authorities, as per DIN V 18998, with Chloride content less than 0.1%,
alkali content less than 9.3% and no corrosion effect on reinforcement steel as
specified in DIN V 18998. The crystalline admixture shall possess CE approval &
reduce chloride diffusion coefficient by minimum 45% when tested as per ASTM C-
1556-4. It shall be nontoxic & confirm to NSF-61 & meet all the requirements of CPWD
Specification. Integral Waterproofing admixture should be SINGLE part cementitious
powder consisting of hydrophilic chemicals. When added to plastic mix, will
permanently create impermeable hardened concrete by developing insoluble needle
like crystals to seal the pores, capillaries and micro-cracks in the whole mass of

The integral crystalline waterproofing admixtures of hydrophilic in nature shall confirm

to the following requirements:
a) Dosage @0.8% by weight of cement + cementitious material (Or such dosage as
desired to meet durability criteria).
b) The material shall fulfill the requirements of American Concrete Institute Guidelines
ACI-212- 3R-10 Chapter 15 or European norms EN 934-2-T2 and fall under PRAH
(Permeability reducing Admixtures for HYDROSTATIC conditions) and shall be capable
of withstanding/resistant to 16 bar hydrostatic pressure and reduce Coefficient of
Permeability of concrete by more than 90 % (Preference to be given to the material
showing maximum reduction in coefficient of permeability as close as possible to ZERO
permeability at the recommended dosage rate) , when compared to controlled
concrete and tested as per DIN 1048 Part 5 or EN 12390-8 by carrying out 4 cycles
each of 5 bar hydrostatic pressure for 72 hours and drying for 48 hours between the
cycles. The co-efficient of Permeability calculated as per Darcy’s Formula/ Valenta
equation by incorporating penetration values obtained at the end of fourth cycle
c) The crystalline admixture shall be compatible with any other concrete admixture
confirming to ASTM C494, EN 934-2 or IS 9103.
d) The performance of the crystalline admixture must not be restricted by water-cement
ratio of concrete mix. In other words, the crystalline admixture must perform at any
water-cement ratio of the concrete mix.

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e) The integral crystalline admixture shall possess CE approval as per EN934-2 and shall
be procured from CE approved manufacturing unit. It shall also possess approval
certificate from any national apex institution mandated to issue design codes. The
product shall be mandatorily approved by MORTH for durability enhancement. The
product has no corrosion effect on reinforcement steel according to test norm
DINV18998. The maximum chloride content less than 0.1% and maximum alkali
content less than 9.3%.
f) The integral crystalline admixture must reduce Chloride diffusion Co-efficient by
minimum 45% when tested as per ASTM C 1556-4 and compared with the controlled
concrete, thereby prolonging the durability & service life of the treated concrete
g) The integral crystalline admixture must be capable of self-healing of cracks up to a
width of 0.5mm.
h) The integral crystalline admixture performance shall not be affected by wear abrasion
of the treated concrete surface and crystalline treated concrete shall not require
protection layer.
i) The integral crystalline admixture shall be non-toxic and shall confirm to NSF-61 USA.
It must be certified as per NSF 61 guidelines
j) The integral crystalline admixture when used in the concrete will have no detrimental
side effect in terms of Alkali Silica Reaction (ASR) and corrosion of steel reinforcement
etc. as per the requirements of DIN 18998 / or its equivalent.
k) The integral crystalline admixture must demonstrate minimum reduction of 40% in
shrinkage cracks as compared to control compared to control concrete when tested as
per standard BS ISO 1920-8:2009& no internal expansion under Sulphate attack,
when tested as per SWISS standard SIA 262/1-D. As per the guidelines of the central
government (India), the product must be green product, must be EPD verified as per
ISO 14025 & EN 15804 and must possess Green Guard Gold Certification from
California Department of Public Health (CDPH).
l) The crystalline admixed concrete must meet the following durability criteria, when
tested at a reputed laboratory.
m) In addition to recognizing the use of Integrate Crystalline Admixtures. ACI 212-3R-10
has also provided some guideline in para 15.3- “Selection and Evaluation” to select the
best quality PRAH’s materials as maximum permeability reducing admixtures at
maximum Hydrostatic Pressure. Para 15.3 stated that the effect of the admixture can
be evaluated by testing the permeability of concrete both directly and indirect
methods. The US Army Corps of Engineers CRC C48-92 (1992) test method is a direct
measurement of concrete permeability resistance during exposure to water under 200
psi or 13.8 bars or 1.38 MPa of hydrostatic pressure.

1. Chloride Migration Coefficient

Coefficient D of migration of D < 2.00E- Exposure Class XS3 as per BS-EN 206-1 (sea
chlorides tested as per Swiss 12 water splash, spray)
Standard SIA 262/1-B:2013

Coefficient D of migration of D 4.00E-12 (Saline Fog)

chlorides tested as per Swiss
Standard SIA 262/1-B:2013 m2/s

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2. Carbonation Resistance
Coefficient K of migration of CO2 K < 4.5 Rain/ River/ Lake water (permanantly
tested as per Swiss Standard SIA immersed or cyclically wet and dry) exposure
262/1-I:2013 Mm/I0.5 class XC3, XC4 as EPR BS: EN 206:1

3. Water Absorption (Self-Healing performance)

Water Absorption ratio (Self- Rwp 0.2 < Where: RWP (0.2, 0.4) – ratio between water
Healing performance evaluation) 0.2 &Rwp absorption at 28 days of pre-cracked*
ALL EXPOSURES TO WATER concrete samples with crystalline water-
(SALINE & FRESH) AND 0.4 < 0.3 proofer and water absorption at 28 days of
ATMOSPHERE pre-cracked concrete samples of the baseline
mix (without water-proofer) when tested in
accordance to EN 13755 (Determination of
water absorption at atmospheric pressure).
*Flexural pre-cracking according to EN 197-1
of 40x40x160 mm prisms of concrete with 2-4
kg/m3 of structural PP fibers to control crack
opening. Controlled cracks width of :0.2+0.05
mm, and 0.4+0.10 mm respectively.

Testing Parameter for Integral Crystalline Product: -

Point Technical Parameter & Description


1 Material must fulfil the requirements of ACI-212-3R-10 Chapter 15 or European

Norms EN 934-2. Reduction in permeability of concrete should be more than
90% (Preferably ZERO Permeability), when compared with control concrete as
per DIN 1048.
2 Integral crystalline admixture must be compatible with any other concrete
admixture. Confirming to ASTM D494, EN 934-2 or IS 9103
3 The crystalline admixture must perform at any water/ cement ratio of the
concrete mix. Performance report on crystalline admixed concrete to conclude
it has no side effect on slump, workability, strength on any other compatibility of
4 The integral crystalline admixture shall possess CE approval as per EN 934-2

5 Resistance to Hydrostatic pressure up to 16 bar

6 RCPT Test - The material must reduce chloride diffusion coefficient by minimum
45% as compared with control concrete As per ASTM C 1556-4
7 Self-Healing of cracks Up to 0.5mm. Note: The test certificate should be from
National/ International lab.
8 Crystalline admixture shall not be affected by wear abrasion of the treated
concrete surface and crystalline treated concrete shall not require protection
9 Crystalline admixture shall be non-toxic and shall confirm to NSF-61 USA
(Potable water Compatibility)
10 Product must possess third party assurance confirming that the product when
used in the concrete will have no detrimental side effects in terms of alkali silica
reaction (ASR) corrosion of steel reinforcement

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11 Manufacturer shall produce national/international test report of scanning
electrons microscopic (SEM) Photographs dandified & mature crystal formation
to plug all the capillary tract & pores of the concrete. SEM analysis from repute
laboratory for self-healing of cracks in concrete

Quality Assurance:
a) A Firm/ Vendor or product shall not be blacklisted/ banned by any Govt. Dept, Public
sector undertaking/ Government of India undertaking/ enterprise. The firm/ vendor
must submit undertaking regarding this matter.
b) Manufacturer’s Qualification: A firm shall be able to provide test reports for
parameters complying CPWD Specification 2019 from Govt. laboratory of CBRI/
NCCBM or any other Govt. laboratory as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge and
other necessary qualifying documentary evidence such as approvals etc. for the
proposed product at the recommended dosage showing compliance with specified
performance characteristics, and able to provide on-site technical representation to
advise on installation.
c) Installer Qualifications: Applicator Firm should be having minimum experience of 15
years in approved crystalline products. Specialized executing waterproofing agencies
as recommended by manufacturer should produce satisfactory completion certificate
of having successfully executed work of same nature/volume. Waterproofing specialist
applicator should have the proven track record, technical reliability, capability and
agreement to supply full technical assistance, expert supervision during installation
and performance guarantee.
d) Before incorporating the crystalline admixture into the project, it is imperative that a
comprehensive testing process shall be initiated. The performance evaluation of the
product shall be tested, before product application on site for M25/M30 grade mix,
irrespective of the design mix of the project. The contractor must procure a sample of
the crystalline admixture through vendor and submit a detailed test report as specified
in CPWD Specification 2019 prior to the commencement of the project. This evaluation
should adhere to the following parameters as specified in CPWD Specification 2019.
e) The testing procedure should include an assessment of permeability during the initial
phase, comparing it with the control concrete. To ensure the authenticity of the test
report, the testing process must be conducted in the presence of the Client, Project
Management Consultant (PMC), Contractor, and Vendor representative. Samples for
testing shall be strictly prepared before Engineer-in-Charge on parameters as specified
in CPWD Specification 2019. Only reports generated through this witnessed procedure
will be considered valid and accepted for project implementation.
f) The engineer-in-charge shall have the authority to accept or reject the dosage of
product, based upon the test carried out in compliance to CPWD Specification 2019,
before finalizing the product for the project.
g) As per the guidelines of the Central Government (India), the Product must be a Green
Product, to fulfil IGBC requirements. The product must be EPD (Environment Product
Declaration) verified as per ISO 14025 & EN 15804.

h) Guarantee: Combined Guarantee of the Manufacturer & Specialized Executing

Waterproofing Agency: A triparty warranty agreement shall be signed by
manufacturer, the specialized Executing Waterproofing Agency & Client's

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representative after completion of work. The Contractor shall engage a single qualified
waterproofing specialist subcontractor for both crystalline as well as membrane
waterproofing work to ensure quality and single point responsibility for basement and
retaining walls confirming to BS 8102:2009 guidelines, -the application of the
appropriate waterproofing barrier to the walls and the base slab should be such that
the entire envelope of the structure below ground is protected against water ingress,
hence the envelope or tanking protection of the underground structure shall be
installed by single applicator for crystalline & membrane in order to achieve
accountability for water tight basement.
Applicator shall produce satisfactory completion certificate of having successfully
executed work of same volume. Waterproofing specialist applicator should have
proven track record, technical reliability, capability and agreement to supply full
technical assistance, expert supervision during installation and performance
guarantee. The contractor shall submit the name of his specialist waterproofing
contractor (waterproofing applicator) for approval from ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE.
An MOU between Civil Contractor and waterproofing applicator shall be submitted,
before execution of work to be treated as an agreement and has legality as per Indian
Contract Act (amended up to date) and the department (CPWD) can enforce all the
terms & conditions of the agreement for the execution of the work. In case of any
dispute mediation/arbitration by the CE, CPWD / Engineer-in-Charge CPWD shall be
final and binding on both Civil Contractor & Waterproofing Applicator.
i) The agreement shall bond the waterproofing agency & manufacturer for waterproofing
installation against defects caused by faulty workmanship or materials for a period of
10 years from Date of Substantial Completion. The guarantee will cover the surfaces
treated and will bind the agency to repair, at his expense, any and all leaks through
the treated surfaces which are not due to structural weaknesses or other causes
beyond applicator’s control such as fire, earthquake, tornado and hurricane.

Preparation of Mix:
Mix 3 parts crystalline admix powder with 2 parts water by volume to form very thin
slurry. Pour the required amount of material into the drum of the ready-mix truck and
mix for at least 5 minutes to ensure even distribution of crystalline admix throughout
the concrete. In case of a fully automated batching plant, crystalline admixture shall
be mixed in the dry form (in the required premeasured quantity) to the rock and sand
while the same is being fed to the batching plant through the conveyor belt.

Special Consideration:
When incorporating “Crystalline Admix”, the temperature of the concrete mix should
be above 40˚F (4˚C).

Storage / Shelf Life:

Crystalline Products must be stored dry at a minimum temperature of 45°F (7°C).
Shelf life is one year when stored under proper conditions.
The quantities of crystalline admix as per the dosage recommended by the
manufacturer. The total weight of the cement is to be calculated as per the mix design
on per cubic meter basis.

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15.18 Waterproofing treatment to Base slab (Basement RCC Raft foundation/
recommended type of foundation as per structural design): Waterproofing shall
consist of a fully bonded HDPE membrane system applied to a blinding concrete layer
and concrete with Integral crystalline admixture.
HDPE MEMBRANE: Supplying and installing positive side waterproofing treatment
for Raft foundation Slab/ recommended type of foundation as per structural design by
using 2.5 mm thick pre-applied, fully bonded flexible sheets consisting of HDPE carrier
sheet coated with a pressure-sensitive adhesive, and a trafficable, weather and dirt
resistant non-absorbent coating. Sheet shall be durable and robust, manufactured
using only virgin HDPE polymers before casting of the base RCC slab. The membrane
shall form a continuous and permanent adhesive bond to poured concrete to prevent
lateral water migration at the interface of the membrane and structural concrete.
Continuity between adjacent sheets is assured using hot welded sealing, using
multiple adhesive layer tape at end laps or cut edges. Pre-applied membranes shall be
smooth faced to avoid clogging or contamination and easy to clean prior to concreting
to ensure intimate bonding to concrete. The membrane shall be capable of UV
exposure without additional protection for a maximum of 56 days (42 days for Hot
climates) prior to concrete pouring. The roll size of the membrane should not be less
than 2.4 mtr X 20/10 mtr to minimize the joints. This membrane shall be continued
over the vertical surface up to the top of raft slab and fixed as per recommendation
and directions of Engineer-in-Charge.
The membrane shall form a continuous and permanent adhesive bond to poured
concrete to prevent lateral water migration at the interface of the membrane and
structural concrete. Pre-applied membranes shall be smooth faced to avoid clogging or
contamination and easy to clean prior to concreting to ensure intimate bonding to
concrete. The membrane shall be capable of UV exposure without additional protection
for a maximum of 45 days (42 days for hot climates) prior to concrete pouring.
Side overlaps shall be 75mm on the selvedge and overlaps of minimum 75 mm. The
item shall include base preparation which include wire-brushing the concrete/ masonry
The membrane shall be chemically resistant, does not activate prematurely due to wet
conditions and is unaffected by ground settlement beneath slabs.
The fully bonded HDPE membrane shall be specially formulated to allow application in
hot climates and aggressive soils, with the following typical property values: -

Technical Properties:
a) Lateral water migration resistance: Pass in both directions at 90 m (9 bar) of
hydrostatic head pressure, ASTM D 5385 modified.
b) Peel Strength to Poured-in-Place Concrete after 7 days of water immersion:
>1600N/m – ASTM D 903.
c) Lap peel adhesion at 22°C: 1408 N/m; ASTM D1876The fully bonded HDPE sheet
waterproofing membrane.

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d) Tensile strength must be 36 MPa (ASTM D412) & Puncture resistance- 2000N (ASTM
e) Elongation at break.
f) Adhesion to concrete.
g) Service Temperature: -30°C to 90°C as well as root and UV resistant as per UNE
53420 & EOTA TR-010.

Quality Assurance:
a) External test report from approved Govt. laboratory (local or international) should be
submitted on Lateral water migration resistance as per ASTM D 5385M:
b) Proposed membrane has to be proven in local condition and project references should
be submitted.
c) All detailing components of the system has to be compatible with the proposed
waterproofing membrane and has to be manufactured and supplied by the
manufacturer of waterproofing membrane.
d) Quality, durability, purpose/use of the proposed membrane & complete system should
have an external agreement certificate such as BBA or equivalent.
e) For quality Assurance waterproofing membrane shall have CE marking.
f) For traceability of the product, original manufacturer's MTC has to be included in the
documents, prior to start of the work. EPC Contractors should produce test results
from independent laboratory after every 25000 Sqm ensuring compliance to properties
of waterproofing materials as mentioned above from NABL accredited (Preferably IIT
or Govt. Laboratories- NCCBM/ CBRI ROORKEE).

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g) Membrane should be applied in strict accordance with original manufacturer's
instructions & contractor should produce method statement from original product
manufacturer for quality assurance.
h) The work shall be carried out by specialized executing waterproofing agencies as
recommended by manufacturer.
i) A singular waterproofing agency is to be engaged for the execution of waterproofing
membrane installation and the application of crystalline admixtures with the
recommendations of the manufacturer and with accepted good practice in the trade.
Proper accessories such as anchor strips, pipe collars, outside & inside corners, steel
laminated plates etc. shall be used for the correct and secure application of the
waterproofing system.
j) The entire waterproofing treatment should be guaranteed by the principal
manufacturer as a system for 25 years
k) Note: ''Mechanically bonded membranes or membrane with mesh or geotextile layer
on top not permitted''. A pre-applied fully bonded HDPE sheet membranes with
sanded/particulate layer on top of pressure sensitive adhesive are also not permitted''.
l) No Primer required enabling membrane application in damp & dusty condition
m) No protection screed required over the membrane.
Surface Preparation:
a) The area for waterproofing should be protected with proper barricades.
b) The entire area shall be taken up for thorough surface preparation and mechanical
removal of debris, laitance, protrusions, etc.
c) Ground water level needs to be kept under the PCC level, continuous dewatering to be
done till completion of concreting.
d) Large honeycombs and surface undulation has to be treated as per standard
e) All concrete surfaces to be completely cured and surface to be given to receive
waterproofing system as per Consultant’s approval.

Application Procedure for Horizontal Surface:

a) HDPE are supplied in rolls 2.5 m wide with a selvedge on one side to provide self-
adhered laps for continuity between rolls.
b) Unroll the HDPE, white HDPE film side to the substrate. Leave plastic release liner over
selvedge area in position until overlap procedure is completed. Place the preformed
weld able HDPE membrane, 2.5 mm thick with HDPE film side facing onto the
consolidated earth and sand finish facing towards the concrete pour.
c) Ensure the underside of the succeeding sheet is clean, dry and free from
contamination before attempting to overlap. Accurately position succeeding sheets to
overlap the previous sheet 75 mm along the marked selvedge.
d) Accurately position succeeding sheets to overlap the previous sheet 75mm along the
self-adhesive selvedge.
e) The underside of the succeeding sheet and top of release liner should be clean, dry
and free form contamination before attempting to bond overlap.
f) Roll ends and cut edges -- Overlap all roll ends and cut edges by a minimum 75mm
and ensure the area is clean and free from contamination, wiping with a damp cloth if

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g) At Non-selvedge laps, the unique novel particulate layer should be scrapped-off by
75mm width using hot air and the subsequent sheets are overlapped and adhered with
double / single sided tape and firmly rolled to ensure security of the system. During
damp conditions (e.g. water spillage), the selvedge can be gently warmed using a hot
air gun or similar to remove moisture or condensation and improve initial adhesion.
concrete pouring of the raft slab, care shall be taken by main civil contractor to protect
the membrane from pressured needle vibrators.

Repair with
over size patch

Damaged Membrane Repair Procedure:

Check membrane after finishing bottom bar laying & rectify any damage & Puncture.
Damaged areas to be repaired with an oversize patch of same membrane applied to a
clean, dry surface fixed with double sided tape. Minor damages like scratches can be
directly repaired using Single Side Self-Adhesive Tape placed centrally on the
damaged surface. Recheck the membrane after finishing reinforcement cage for the
raft & rectified for any puncture or damage.

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Termination of HDPE on Vertical Substrate:
Mechanically fasten the membrane vertically using fixings (i.e. fasteners) appropriate
to the substrate with the adhesive/ coated side facing towards the concrete pour. The
membrane may be installed in any convenient length. Secure the top of the
membrane using a batten such as a termination bar or fixing 50 mm below the top
edge. Fixings can be made through the selvedge so that the membrane lays flat and
allows firmly rolled overlaps. Any additional fixings must be covered with a patch of
Tape. Ensure the underside of the succeeding sheet is clean, dry, and free from
contamination before attempting to overlap. Roll firmly to ensure a watertight seal.

15.19 Water Proofing Treatment to Retaining Wall/ External Wall: - Providing and
applying Pure Polyurethane based liquid applied single component seamless coating,
applied in 2 coats by brush/roller over one coat of semi-rigid solvent-free P.U primer,
at a total consumption of min. 2.3-2.5 Kg/Sqm to achieve a min. DFT of 1.5 mm
having an elongation capacity of over 800%. The product should have solid content of
min. 85% as per DIN 53213. Polyurethane coating shall be of highly permanent,
elastic, cold applied and cold curing, one component polyurethane product, which
should provide excellent mechanical, chemical, thermal and UV resistance properties.
Cured liquid applied polyurethane waterproofing coating shall comply with/ possess
below properties as:

Technical Properties:
a) Tensile Strength > 4N/mm ²as per DIN 52455/ASTM D 412.
b) Crack bridging capacity up to 2mm as per EOTA TR-008.
c) Adhesion to concrete > 2 N/mm2 as per ASTM D903.
d) Resistance to water pressure up to 1m water column as per DIN EN 1928.
e) Service Temperature: -30° C to 90° C as well as Root & UV resistance as per UNE
53420 & EOTA TR-010.
f) Elongation at break > 650% as per ASTM D412/ DIN 52455
g) Color: White

The product should have the following features & benefits:

a) Have high build capacity
b) Should have high water permeability - low risk of blistering > 25 gr/m2/day as per
ISO 9932:91
c) Be root resistant per UNE 53420
d) Should be UV resistance or have solar reflectance as per ASTM E 903-96, ASTM E408-
71 & EOTA TR-011
e) Should be thermoset and hence does not soften at elevated temperatures and also
remains elastic at low temperatures.

Application should include cleaning and brushing the concrete surface, grouting the
porous area with cement grout if required & treating all construction joint with
polymer mortar. Thereafter providing and applying of single coat of PU primer followed
by 2 coats of Polyurethane coating at a total consumption of 2.2-2.3 Kg/ sqm to
achieve a minimum thickness of 1.5 mm.

Membrane Protection on Vertical RCC Wall:

Providing & laying 8 mm thick dimple board over PU Coating with the help of suitable

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adhesive or with the help manufacturer’s specification.
All Products shall be supplied and installed by the same waterproofing manufacturer's
recommendations, etc. complete and as directed by Engineer in-charge.

Membrane Termination:
Making 20mm x 20mm chase/rebate on the vertical wall @ 300mm from ground or
150 mm from podium/ roof level, for termination of the Membrane the aluminium
flashing of 50mm to 70mm wide strip with non-corrosive fasteners and sealing the
chase/rebate with Pu Sealant.

Surface Preparation:
a) All tie rod holes shall be filled with Crystalline Mortar, lay Cement sand fillet at the
external corner of RC Wall & toe junction and 25 x 25 mm chamfer to be done at the
external corner of toe.
b) All surfaces shall be dry having moisture content less than 7%.
c) The surfaces to be waterproofed shall be cleaned with a stiff brush to provide uniform
and clean surface, free from sharp protrusions, hollows and nails.
d) Apply primer, to all surfaces that are to receive the PU Coating system by brush, roller
or airless spray.
e) Only apply primer to substrate that will receive membrane within 24 hours.
f) PU Coating shall be applied in 2 coats at average rate of 2.2-2.3 kgs/m² to produce a
DFT of 1.5 mm.
g) PU Coating shall be applied to all primed surfaces around penetrations, into corners
and onto turn-ups and edges and shall allow to cure. It shall be applied to all surfaces
in multiple coats to achieve desired DFT, allowing first coat to dry for 8-10 hours
before applying 2nd coat. Apply successive coats in a cross-direction to the previous
h) Minimum 100 mm overlapping on the bonded membrane shall be provided.
i) Adhesive Tape is to be applied on the HDPE Face for facilitating overlap with PU
j) Protect freshly applied PU Coating/ from site damage and rain for 8 hours.
k) Allow membrane to air cure for minimum period of 48 hours before making area
available to access by other trades.
Making of Watta/ Gola at Junction of Raft Slab & Retaining Wall at Floor
Level: Making of Watta/ Gola at junction of slab & wall 75x75 mm in cement mortar
(1:4) admixed with integral waterproofing compound as per standard design and
finishing with cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement:4 fine sand) as per standard design.

Membrane Protection on Vertical Surface against Backfilling:

Protection of PU membrane shall be done with spot bonding 8 mm thick dimpled
protection board with spun bonded geotextile on top spot bonded with liquid mastic or
other adhesive onto protection board.

All the stage wise inspection shall be carried out as per approved Manufacturers’
method statement & QC Checklist. Applicator will give final clearance by signing QC
a) It is recommended to do backfilling in stages (150-300) mm and within 2-3 days of
fixing protection board to avoid damage to the membrane waterproofing.

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b) All systems to be installed as per manufacturer's recommendations, etc. complete with
all lead and lift for all materials and labour and as directed by Engineer in-charge.
c) Angle fillet/ watta (50mm x 50mm) of cement sand mortar mixed with integral
waterproofing compound at all intersections between vertical and horizontal surfaces
shall be made by main Contractor.
d) Waterproofing shall be provided of single component Polyurethane membrane in
combination of Integral Crystalline admixture.

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15.20 Water Proofing treatment to Construction joints: Construction Joints in
Horizontal slabs shall be treated with swellable type water stop tape.
Swellable Waterbar: Providing and applying of swellable type water stop tape,
19mm x 25mm thick in linear meter (expansive nature) for construction joints
treatment of RCC structure such as raft slab, retaining walls, and at the junctions of
raft slab with the retaining walls etc. After cleaning the surface, one coat of required
primer for swellable water stop tape shall be applied throughout the length of the joint
@3.78 litre per 240 running meter. Over the primed surface swellable type water stop
tape shall be placed along the center of the concrete section prior to the placement of
the adjoining concrete of the raft slab. The work shall be carried out all complete as
per specification and the direction of the engineer-in-charge.
Treatment to Construction Joints in Vertical Walls: For vertical walls, the method
of preparing U-Grove and filling/ treating with high strength crystalline mortar shall be
followed. For sealing cracks & faulty construction joints, routed out or making U-shape
groove size 25x25mm and then primed the area with integral crystalline slurry @ 0.05
kg/running metre. Once crystalline mortar is touch dry then finally apply two coats of
integral crystalline slurry @ 0.05 kg per running metre per coat.

15.21 Water Proofing treatment to Tie Rod hole points/ Rock/ Soil Anchors:
Tie Rod hole points: For patching of tie rod holes, preparing tie rod hole surface and
then priming the area with integral crystalline slurry @0.070kg/sqm and while the
surface is tacky repair and then filled the tie rod holes with crystalline mortar
@0.040kg per hole. The crystalline mortar should be tightly rodded into tie rod holes
or packed tightly (For 25x25x25 mm tie rod hole, use 0.040kg to fill the hole. Cutting
of Tie Rod & making chase of 25mm X 25mm around the Tie Rod shall be in the civil
contractor scope).

Rock/ Soil Anchors: Rock Anchoring Work (In scope of Rock/ Soil Anchoring
Agency): Installing the 150 mm dia rock anchors prior to carrying out HDPE
membrane waterproofing treatment. Further grouting of anchor cables shall be done
by specialised rock anchor agency.
Waterproofing Contractor Scope:
a) Polyurethane flashing to seal HDPE membrane over rock anchors :- Roughening the
external periphery surface of the anchor sleeve, using sand paper so as to create a
proper key, for bonding the subsequent layers as well as concrete and thereafter
Providing & sealing all Passive Anchors, at the base junction & Waterproofing
membrane with liquid applied Bitumen modified Polyurethane flashing or rubber
modified bitumen flashing, with reinforcing mesh embedded between the two coats of
Polyurethane flashing as required at site, all as per manufacturers specification, etc.
b) Grouting the periphery of anchors: Periphery of anchors in Raft will be grouted
wherever required at active leakages, by injecting crystalline admix + non shrink
grout based crystalline cementitious grout material etc. complete. Carrying out
grouting to the nozzles using cement slurry grout, admixed with crystalline admix @
400 gm per bag of cement and non-shrink grout at the dosage rate of 225 gms per
bag of cement to full saturation, using hand operated pressure grout pump etc.
complete and top plugged and further sealed & finished with high strength mortar
crystalline mortar.

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c) Making Pedestals for stiffening of anchors at PCC interface: Providing and Making
Pedestal of 300mmx 300mm size & 50mm thick shall be made with micro concrete for
stiffening the anchors at PCC interface - after laying of HDPE membrane on horizontal

Preference to be given to the material showing maximum reduction in coefficient of

permeability as close as possible to ZERO permeability at the recommended dosage
rate. Integral crystalline admixture with durability approvals shall be preferred. The
manufacturer must produce relevant test certificates from reputed laboratories,
confirming that the product when added at the recommended dosage rate, meets
the above requirements.
Quality Assurance:
a) Checklist to be prepared for ensuring the addition of crystalline compound in each
batch of concrete to be signed by Contractor, PMC & Manufacturer's representative
b) The specimen of casted concrete shall be tested for permeability in initial
phase, randomly at frequency of every 3 months from IIT, NIT laboratories.
c) Client shall reserve the right to approve or reject the product proposed by the
contractor based upon the credentials of the manufacturer and applicator, as
submitted by the main contractor.

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15.22 Water Proofing treatment to Expansion Joints (For 50 to 80 mm width):
a) Breaking existing concrete over expansion joint, removing lowering down and carting
away the debris etc. complete - For Horizontal Areas both side (Up to 400-500 mm
b) Providing and making nosing and edges on both sides of the expansion joints using
polymer modified mortar in (1:5:15) mix using polymer: cement: quartz sand etc.
complete (Including Steel Cutting)
c) Providing and filling the expansion joints using expanded polyethylene Backer Rod of
up to 50 mm size etc. between the adjacent concrete/brickbat/tile flooring.
d) Providing and filling the expansion joint of 25 mm x 40 mm size using polyurethane
sealant, Polysulfide Sealant as per manufactures specifications etc. complete.
e) Providing and applying high performance expansion joint waterproofing 1.5 mm thick
& 300 mm wide EPDM strips, placed by both ends sealed with advanced adhesion.
(epoxy saturant chemical), all as per manufacturers specifications etc. complete.
f) Providing and fixing aluminium plate having thickness 1.5 mm and 300 mm to 400
mm wide over Joint tape, as a protective layer.

15.23 Water Proofing treatment to Pressure Release Pipe Penetration/ treatment to

Pipe Entry or Exit Locations:
Pipe Entry or Exit Locations: Sealing the remaining annular gap between pipes and
the cutouts in the slab and wall using non shrink micro concrete and thereafter

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applying Polyurethane based Waterproofing system or equivalent around the
periphery joints of the pipes, as per manufacturer's recommendation etc. complete.
Pressure Release Pipe: Providing and fixing 25 mm dia G.I. “B” class pressure
release pipes embedded with PCC layer and extended above the raft slab up to 150
mm above F.F.L. and grouting the same subsequently with cement slurry grout mixed
with crystalline admixture @ 400 gram per bag of cement + non-shrink grout @ 225
gram per bag of cement to full saturation etc. complete. Grouting the pressure release
pipes shall be taken up after sufficient dead load on the raft slab is attained and
thereafter the pipe shall cut flush with the top surface of raft and sealed with High
strength crystalline mortar.

15.24 Water Proofing treatment to Podium to receive Landscape/ Hardscape with

Single Component Polyurethane Based Waterproofing Membrane:
1. Single Component Polyurethane Based Waterproofing Membrane: Providing and
applying Pure Polyurethane based liquid applied single component seamless coating,
applied in 2 coats by brush/roller over one coat of semi-rigid solvent-free P.U primer,
at a total consumption of min. 2.3-2.5 Kg/ Sqm to achieve a min. DFT of 1.5 mm
having an elongation capacity of over 650%. The product should have solid content of
min. 90% as per DIN 53213. Polyurethane coating shall be of highly permanent,
elastic, cold applied and cold curing, one component polyurethane product, which
should provide excellent mechanical, chemical, thermal and UV resistance properties.
Cured liquid applied polyurethane waterproofing coating shall comply with / possess
below properties as:

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Technical Properties:
a) Tensile Strength > 4N/mm ²as per DIN 52455/ASTM D 412;
b) Crack bridging capacity up to 2mm as per EOTA TR-008;
c) Adhesion to concrete > 2 N/mm2 as per ASTM D903;
d) Resistance to water pressure up to 1m water column as per DIN EN 1928;
e) Service Temperature - -30° C to 90° C as well as Root & UV resistance as per UNE
53420 & EOTA TR-010.
f) Elongation at break > 650% as per ASTM D412/ DIN 52455
g) Color: Black

The product should have the following features & benefits:

a) Have high build capacity
b) Should have high water permeability - low risk of blistering > 25 gr/m2/day as per
ISO 9932:91
c) Be root resistant per UNE 53420
d) Should be UV resistance or have solar reflectance as per ASTM E 903-96, ASTM E408-
71 & EOTA TR-011
e) Should be thermoset and hence does not soften at elevated temperatures and also
remains elastic at low temperature.
Application should include cleaning and brushing the concrete surface, grouting the
porous area with cement grout if required & treating all construction joint with
polymer mortar. Thereafter Providing and applying of single coat of PU primer followed
by 2 coats of Polyurethane coating at a total consumption of 2.3-2.5 Kg/ sqm to
achieve a minimum thickness of 1.5 mm. The minimum reinforcement of 4-inch width
strip of 60gsm PP geotextile on typical locations like wall & floor junctions, chimneys
etc. shall be embedded between two coats as per manufacturer's specifications. The
treatment includes necessary treatment along the vertical surfaces and inverted
beams up to 300mm. (above the FFL, or as directed by Engineer-in-Charge), ponding
with water for 3 days to test water tightness etc. complete.
2. Geotextile Layer (Protective & Cushioning Layer) Over Pu Membrane:
A layer of 150 gsm is loose laid over the membrane coating. The geotextile fabric
must be overlapped for 75 mm. The overlapping joint may be secured by stitching or
bonding adhesive as required or instructed by Engineer-in-Charge.
3. Soil filter cum surface drainage system for areas to receive landscape:
Installation of Soil Filter cum surface drainage System consisting of dimple raised,
molded polypropylene sheet bonded to a high strength polypropylene geotextile fabric
this geotextile fabric composite allows passage of moisture through fabric while
preventing fine soil from entering to drainage channel. It should a compressive
strength of min. 600 Kg/Sqmt. for a thickness of 11 mm. and minimum flow rate of
4.6 L/s/m. The Drain board is factory fitted with 110 gsm polypropylene geotextile.
The drain boards are unrolled on top of substrate with overlaps of minimum 100mm.
Turn the Drain minimum 200mm on the vertical edges. Now drain boards are ready
for soil filling. The filter fabric is bonded to each dimple and prevents soil particles
from entering the flow channels while allowing water to freely enter the drainage core
from one side. The collected water flows to designate exits including overlap,
necessary joinery complete as per drawing and as directed by ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE
(Rate to include laps).

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4. In addition to other measure Integral Crystalline concrete Durability Admixture shall
be mixed in RCC to increase the life of RCC component of the building: Item is same
as in Para 18.17.
a) Concrete substrate compressive strength should be minimum 25 Mpa.
b) New concrete surface needs to cure for at least 28 days and moisture content should
be less than 8 %.
c) Concrete slurry, existing coatings, dirt, fats, oils, organic substances etc. need to
remove by suitable grinding machine.
d) Possible surface irregularities need to be smoothened.
e) Careful surface preparation is essential for attaining the optimum properties.
f) Chasing open the construction joints, cracks and honey combed area etc. and grouting
them with cement slurry grout admixed with expandable grout additive @ 225gm /
bag of Cement, to full saturation using gravitational pressure, wherever required as
per our judgement.
g) Providing all around the Podium small waterproof wattas (fillets) in C.M. (1:4) with
small brickbats embedded, and admixed with waterproofing compound 200 Ml per bag
of cement, at junctions of horizontal and vertical surfaces.
h) Providing and applying Seamless Membrane, consisting of liquid applied, one
component, elastomeric, moisture curing polyurethane based waterproofing
membrane, applied in 2 coats, to a total DFT of 1.5mm, with elongation capacity of
over 650% on the R,C,C, Slab and on the walls up to 300mm ht. above FFL, and
ponding the surface with water for 3 days to test for water tightness.
i) On prepared concrete surface apply PU Primer. Apply the primer in one coat as per the
application guideline and coverage @ 5-6 m2/ltr. Allow the primer to cure for 4-6
j) Apply the polyurethane waterproofing membrane, when the primer is tack free or
before 24 hours from application of primer. In case if it exceeds 24 hours, then a thin
coat of primer is recommended. The waterproofing membrane to be applied to form a
minimum system thickness of 1.5mm in two or more passes in both directions. The
waterproofing membrane shall be terminated on the vertical surface. The membrane
shall be terminated either by creating a "U" shaped groove of approx. 10 mm x 10
mm size within the wall, tucking the membrane within the groove, followed by sealing
the groove with polyurethane sealant/ epoxy mortar.
k) Horizontal Slope & Protection: Laying minimum 75 mm thick at drainage point
protective concrete screed of M20 grade of average 100 mm THK with slope 1:100
reinforced with Poly propylene fibre @ 0.9 kg / per Cum. After the application of
screed, provide control joints by using a saw cutting machine attached with a 3 mm
blade within 18-24 hrs. of application of screed. The panel size for providing joints
should be up to max 15 Finishing. etc., complete.
l) Protection on Vertical Surface: Providing and laying 20 to 25 mm thick Waterproof
plaster in C.M (1:4) admixed with waterproofing compound @ 200 Ml per bag of

15.25 Water proofing Treatment to Terrace:

1. Waterproofing Membrane of Single Component Polyurethane Membrane on RCC Slab:
Item is same as in Para 18.23 sub-para 1.

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2. Application of Sealer Coat Over Spray: Providing and applying over the surface of
spray applied PUFF, two coats of water based Polyurethane coating @ 1.5 Kg/Sqm
applied by brush/ roller over the horizontal area and extend to wall up to 300 mm
above FFL. The coating shall be self-cured for 4 days thereafter ponding test for 48
Technical Properties:
a) Tensile Strength > 2N/mm ²as per DIN 52455/ASTM D 412;
b) Crack bridging capacity up to 2mm as per EOTA TR-008;
c) Adhesion to concrete > 2 N/mm2 as per ASTM D903;
d) Resistance to water pressure up to 1m water column as per DIN EN 1928;
e) Service Temperature - -30* C to 90* C as well as Root & UV resistance as per UNE
53420 & EOTA TR-010.
f) Elongation at break > 300% as per ASTM D412/ DIN 52455
g) Color: White
h) Solid Content > 80%
i) Water Absorption <5% as per IS 13826 Part 3
j) UV Stability: Excellent.

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The product should have the following features & benefits:
a) Have high build capacity
b) Should have high water permeability - low risk of blistering > 25 gr/m2/day as per
ISO 9932:91
c) Be root resistant per UNE 53420.
d) Should be UV resistance or have solar reflectance as per ASTM E 903-96, ASTM E408-
71 & EOTA TR-011.
e) Should be thermoset and hence does not soften at elevated temperatures and also
remains elastic at low temperature.
3. Geotextile Layer (Protective & Cushioning Layer) Over PU Membranes: A layer
of 120-150 gsm is loose laid over the membrane coating. The geotextile fabric must
be overlapped for 75 mm. The overlapping joint may be secured by stitching or
bonding adhesive as required or instructed by ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE.
4. In addition to other measure Integral Crystalline Concrete Durability Admixture shall
be mixed in RCC to increase the life of RCC component of the building: Item is same
as in Para 18.17
a) Surface Preparation: The substrate must be free from dust, oil, grease and loose
b) The substrate must be thoroughly cleaned, preferably with mechanical means to get
rid of the dust and loose particles. The oil and grease on the substrate must be treated
de-greased with suitable solvents. d Any surface cracks and undulations cracks and
crevices must be treated with sand and cement mortar mixed with latex polymers.
c) Cleaning and preparation of surface with the help of wire brush or grinder. Wash the
roof with clean water. Remove all loose concrete, grease, oil using wire brush, and
scrubber. All visible horizontally and vertical cracks in concrete more than 0.50mm
width should be cut and open up to 25x25 mm groove in U shape and fill with polymer
modified sealant. Sealing the pipe inserts, annular space, bore pack around G.I. / PVC
pipes etc. in the floor & walls with Polyurethane coting. Grouting the gaps with non-
shrink grout or Micro Concrete. The concrete should be completely cured (concrete
curing takes typically 28 days) and surface moisture content should not be more than
d) Construction joints and angle fillet: Cleaning and making necessary surface
preparation to remove any dust and laitance etc., chasing open the construction joints
and sealing the same to form a U shaped groove of approx. 25mm width and 25mm
depth, using polymer modified mortar, carrying out injection grouting at the
construction joints, honeycombs, etc., by injecting cement slurry grout admixed with
expandable grout additive to full saturation wherever necessary, including corner
treatment at all locations by cutting grooves of approx. 25 mm width and 25 mm
depth, cleaning and filling with polymer modified mortar.
e) Waterproof coating at the RCC mother slab: Provide and apply 2 coats of a single
component PU based cold applied seamless waterproofing membrane over the above
the primed surface with PU/ Epoxy primer Layer, coverage at the rate 2.3 - 2.5 kg/m2
in 2-3 coats to achieve DFT of 1.5 mm. The PU membrane shall be terminated 300mm
above FFL, self-curing for 5 days, then ponding with water for 24 Hrs. to check water
tightness up to 50 mm. The Waterproofing material shall have Solids > 90%.

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f) Waterproof coating cum sealer coat: Provide and apply 2 coats of, a single component
PU based cold applied seamless waterproofing membrane over the above the primed
surface with PU/ Epoxy primer Layer, coverage at the rate 1.5 kg/m2 in 2 . The PU
membrane shall be terminated 300mm above FFL, self-curing for 5 days, then ponding
with water for 24 Hrs. to check water tightness up to 50 mm. The Waterproofing
material shall have Solids > 90% .
g) Separation or Cushioning Layer: Supplying & laying 150 gsm Geotextile (non-woven
polyester) over the entire membrane on horizontal areas maintaining proper overlaps.
h) Horizontal Slope & Protection: Laying minimum 75mm THK at drainage point
protective concrete screed of M20 grade of average 100 mm THK with slope 1:100
reinforced with Poly propylene fibre @ 0.9 kg / per Cum. and waterproofing compound
@ 200 Ml per bag of cement. After the application of screed, provide control joints by
using a saw cutting machine attached with a 3 mm blade within 18-24 hrs. of
application of screed. The panel size for providing joints should be up to max 15 Finishing. etc., complete.
i) Vertical Protection: Over the waterproofing membrane apply a coat of Epoxy bonding
Agent conforming to Shear Bond strength as per ASTM C 881. Sprinkle fine sand over
the primed surface at 2 – 3Kg/sqm when the bonding agent is wet. Allow it to dry to
form firm key for the plaster. Providing & laying 15mm THK protective plaster of C: M
– 1:4 admixed with integral waterproof compound conforming to IS 2645:2003, @
220ml per bag of cement, over the waterproofing membrane including sprinkling of
sand to create key for the plaster.

15.26 Water Proofing Treatment to Toilet/ Balcony/ Pantry, AHU Rooms & Other
Wet Areas With/ Without Sunken:
Two Component Polymer Modified Cementitious Coating: Providing and applying a
two-component polymer modified cementitious waterproofing directly on mother slab
in bathrooms and balcony. Cementitious waterproofing shall be applied after proper
surface preparation, treating construction joints, making coving at junctions, repair of
cracks in concrete wherever required. Coverage: as per manufacturer’s specs.
Waterproofing shall be applied in two coatings in right angle to each other followed by
Polymer modified protection plaster to follow. Ponding test to be done for 72 hours.
Acrylic Polymer-Modified Flexible Cementitious Membrane Coating shall be applied at
the consumption of 1.7 Kg/ sqm. or as specified by the manufacturer’s technical
literature for thickness not less than 1.5 mm and shall comply with / possess below
properties as:
Technical properties:
a) Tensile Strength > 1.75N/mm ²as per ASTM D 412.
b) Crack bridging capacity up to 2mm as per ASTM C 836.
c) Adhesion to concrete > 2 N/mm2 as per ASTM D4541.
d) Elongation > 250% as per ASTM D412.
e) Colour: Grey.
f) Water vapour transmission: <15gr/m2/24 Hrs as per ASTM E 96.
Method: Floor Area:
a) Cleaning the surface of the slab to remove all loose material dust and laitance and
ponding the slab with water to identify the existing leaking spots for subsequent

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b) Chasing open the construction joints, junctions, cracks and honeycombs and grouting
them with cement slurry grout admixed with expandable grout additive @ 225 gm/bag
of cement to full saturation using gravitational pressure as per our judgement.
c) Providing small preliminary wattas at the junction of floor and walls in Cement Mortar
(1:4) with coarse aggregates embedded, admixed with waterproofing compound @
200 ML per bag of cement.
d) Making the surface of the floor wet prior to application of polymer modified
cementitious coating.
e) Providing and applying two coats of a two-component polymer modified cementitious
coating over the wet surface of floors slab in the form of slurry at a total consumption
of 1.7 Kg/ Sqm etc. Complete.
f) Mixing of cementitious waterproof coating Hydrocem:
i. Polymer modified cementitious coating is supplied in 2 components. To generate a
consistent slurry, pour the liquid component into a pail followed by adding in the
powder component gradually, to stir the mixture until the mixture is free from
ii. Take note of the consistency of the slurry. The consistency of the slurry can be
altered by reducing or adding, the powder component so as to get a brush able
iii. No water or other material should be added in the mixture.
g) Ponding shall be done for 3 days to test water tightness.
h) Providing and laying 50 mm thick waterproof screed in Cement Mortar (1:4) admixed
with waterproofing compound @ 200 ML Per bag of Cement or equivalent, coving at
the junction, finished smooth and curing and ponding with water for 3 days to test for
water tightness.
i) Annular gap between cutout and slab in the slab to be filled by Micro concrete and
further necessary grouting and patching by chemical coating to be done.
Wall Area:
a) Cleaning the surface to our requirements.
b) Providing and applying two coats of a two-component polymer modified cementitious
coating over the wet surface applied in 2 coats in the form of slurry at a total
consumption of 1.7 Kg. / Sqmt. on the walls to a height of 1 mtr. Above FFL and for
shower areas up to full height or as specified etc. complete.
c) Providing and applying waterproof and protective plaster of avg. 20 mm thick in
Cement Mortar (1:4) admixed with waterproofing compound @ 200 ml per bag of
cement, keeping the surface rough to receive further finishing, curing for 7 days etc.
Complete to be applied to a height of 1.0 Meter above FFL and for shower areas up to
full height or as specified etc. complete.
d) Sunken Filling to be in Civil Contractor’s scope.
i. Normal procedure of sunken filling :
ii. Laying 10 mm thick bedding mortar in Cement Mortar (1:4), admixed with
waterproofing admixture.
iii. Laying half cut bricks or broken light weight blocks of required size over green
mortar pad admixed with waterproofing admixture.
iv. Laying 10 mm thick top screed mortar in Cement Mortar (1:4), admixed with
waterproofing admixture and kept rough finished to receive flooring etc.
Important Notes:

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e) It is important that any pipe inserts or sanitary fittings should have been fitted
grouted with non-shrink grout from the well before taking up the application.
f) Grout pipe inserts using Seal tape and grout material.
g) It is mandatory that all works of plumbing & sanitation must be complete before
taking up application of waterproofing membrane.
i. If the toilets do not have any sunken areas and the R.C.C. slab of the entire floor is
continuous in nature, to ensure that the water does not flow out from the toilet portion
below the door sill though the bedding mortar of the tiles etc., at the door sill level a
separate stone sill shall be provided below the decorative stone sill and this particular
stone sill shall be sealed at the junction with the screed layer provided over the
waterproof coating, by application of polyurethane sealant at the junction.

15.27 Waterproofing Treatment to Overhead/ Underground RCC tanks & Other

Water Retaining Structures:
Water proofing for Honeycombs, voids etc. in swimming pools, UG Tanks, Overhead
Tanks, etc. (wherever required) - Providing and injecting approved grout in proportion
recommended by the manufacturer into racks/ honey-comb area of concrete/ masonry
by suitable gun/pump at required pressure including cutting of nipples after curing etc.
complete as per directions of Engineering- Charge.
Stirrer mixed SBR Polymer (of preferred make) modified Cement slurry made with
Shrinkage Compensating Cement in concrete/ RCC work.
Repair to Cracks & Construction Joints (wherever required): For sealing cracks & faulty
construction joints by preparing the surface, making U-shape groove size of 25x25mm
and then priming the surface with integral crystalline slurry @ 0.05 kg per running

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metre and while the surface is tacky then filling the groove up to top edge with
crystalline mortar @ 1.5 Kg Per running meter. Once crystalline mortar is touch dry
then finally applying two coats of crystalline slurry @ 0.05 Kg per running meter per
coat on treated surface
Making of Watta/ Gola at Junction of RCC Floor Slab & RCC Wall at Floor Level: Making
of Watta/ Gola at junction of slab & wall 75x75 mm in cement mortar (1:4) admixed
with integral waterproofing compound as per standard design and finishing with
cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement:4 fine sand) as per standard design.
Integral Crystalline Coating from Internal (i.e. Positive) side of Water Tanks: The
waterproofing layer shall consist of integral crystalline admix mixed in concrete by in
depth crystalline coating from inside i.e. positive side.
Providing and applying integral crystalline slurry of hydrophilic in nature for
waterproofing treatment to the RCC structures like retaining walls of the basement,
water tanks, roof slabs, podiums, reservoir, sewage & water treatment plant, tunnels/
subway and bridge deck etc., repaired by mixing in the ratio of 5 : 2 (5 parts integral
crystalline slurry : 2 parts water) for vertical surfaces and 3 : 1 (3 parts integral
crystalline slurry : 1 part water) for horizontal surfaces and applying the it from
negative (internal) side with the help of synthetic fiber brush. The material shall meet
the requirements as specified in ACI- 212-3R-2010 i.e. by reducing permeability of
concrete by more than 90% compared with control concrete as per DIN 1048 and
resistant to 16 bar hydrostatic pressure on negative side. The crystalline slurry shall
be capable of self-healing of cracks up to a width of 0.50mm. The work shall be
carried out all complete as per specification and the direction of the engineer-in-
charge. The product performance shall carry guaranteed for 10 years against any
leakage. Ponding test to be done for 72 hrs.
For horizontal & vertical surface two coats @0.70 kg per sqm per coat.
Protection Layer: Providing and laying a protection layer of 25-50 mm thick cement
mortar (1:4) admixed with integral waterproofing compound as per IS 2645.
Food Grade Epoxy Coating for Potable Water Tanks: Providing & applying two
coats antibacterial antifungal food grade coating with an interval of 6-8 hrs between
each coat over the cured plastered surface as per manufacturer’s instruction.
Epoxy coating should be 100% (volume of solids) solvent free epoxy resin system
designed for potable water retaining structures. Minimum recommended rate of
application is 0.5 lit/sqm to achieve a total DFT of 300 microns.
Product shall be CFTRI approved and cured film shall comply with the requirements of
IS: 9833 - 1981. System includes surface preparation and application as per
manufacturer’s methodology.

The coating shall have following typical properties:

Product Test Standard Results
Nature Two components
Mixing ratio, By weight 1:1:1
(Base: Hardener: Water)
Adhesion strength ASTM D 4541 2.5 N/
Food grade certification CFTRI as per 21 CFR 175 - 300 of US - Passes

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In addition to other measure Integral Crystalline Concrete Durability Admixture shall
be mixed in RCC to increase the life of RCC component of the building: Item is same
as in Para 18.17.

15.28 STP/ ETP Tanks – Coal Tar Epoxy Coating: Providing & laying 2 component Coal
Tar Epoxy in two coats at a consumption of 3-4 sqm/ Kg for 2 coats @ 200–250
micron DFT as complete as per manufacturer's instructions. Pitch extended epoxy
amine adduct, two pack system, specifically designed to provide a tough, impermeable
and corrosion resistant film. Minimum mixed volume solid content is 65% and material
shall be applied @ coverage rate of 1.80 - 1.90 m2/ litr in two coats to achieve a total
DFT of 350 Microns. By virtue of two component faster rates of application are
possible using airless spray equipment maintaining minimum nozzle pressure of 140
bar with an orifice size of 0.65 - 0.79mm is suitable for application.

The coal tar epoxy coating shall have following typical properties:
Property Test Standard Results
Bonding / adhesion, N/MM2 ASTM: D 4541 1.2 - 1.4
Flexibility, Mandrel test ASTM: D 522 - 93 No cracking of film
Chemical resistance, ASTM: C 868 Passes
immersion in dilute acid alkali
& salt solutions – 7 days

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Method of Application:
a) All RCC shall be mixed with crystalline compound as per manufacturer’s specification.
b) Ensure a properly clean, sound & levelled substrate, as they should be free from oil,
grease, dust & debris. Ensure that the moisture content is less than 10%.
c) Make surface smooth, even & free from local depressions with sand –cement mortar
modified with SBR latex and cure it for minimum 3 days.
d) The slurry to be grouted is prepared as per the mixing instructions with non-shrink
compound for cementitious grout.
e) Carry out injection grouting either by gravity or with grouting pump using the mixed
f) Clean the surface again thoroughly to make free from dirt, dust laitance etc and
saturate the cleaned concrete surface with ample amount of water.
g) Apply first coat of crystalline coating on all the surfaces as per instructions & cure it
for 6-8 Hrs. 

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h) Apply the second coat of crystalline coating over the properly cured first coat and let
the complete treatment air cure for 48 hours followed by moist curing for 3-4 days.
i) Provide a protection layer over the waterproofing treatment with a 15-20mm sand
cement plaster admixed with integral waterproofing compound as per instructions &
cure it for 7 days.
j) Mix the components of food grade coating as per the instructions given & apply two
coats on all the plastered surfaces by brush with an interval of 6-8 hrs between each

Protection treatment for waterproofing systems:

a) All vertical waterproofing membrane/coating treatment to be protected with 1:4
cement mortar (1 cement: 4 fine sand) plaster admixed with approved waterproofing
compound @ 200 ml per bag of cement.
b) The sunken portions in toilets shall be filled with Light weight AAC Coba or Brickbat
Coba mixed with integral waterproofing compound, finishing the top with screed 10-12
mm thick in C.M (1:4), keeping the top surface broom finished to receive further tile
finish etc. as directed by Engineer-in-Charge and testing for water tightness for 72
hours etc. complete to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-Charge.
c) All horizontal membrane/coating treatment (except for HDPE membrane in Raft) shall
be protected with M20 grade RMC screed OR Light weight AAC Coba OR Brickbat Coba
in required thickness admixed with approved waterproofing compound @ 200 ml per
bag of cement and kept broom finished for finishing the top surface as per
Architectural drawings and as directed by Engineer-In-Charge.
d) Terrace floor to be finished with Heat Resistant Terrace tiles (300mm x 300mm x20
mm) with SRI (solar refractive index) >78, solar reflection > 0.7 and initial emittance
>0.75 on waterproof and sloped surface of terrace, laid on 20 mm thick cement sand
mortar in the ratio of 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) and grouting the joints with mix
of white cement & marble powder in the ratio of 1:1, including rubbing and polishing
of the surface up to 3 cuts complete, including providing skirting up to 150 mm height
along the parapet walls in the same manner.
e) Coves (Watta): Make a minimum 75x75mm cove/ watta at all 900 interfaces in
concrete surfaces where waterproofing is carried out, without fail.
f) Surface Preparation before application of waterproofing system : After surface
preparation i.e repairs to construction joints, cracks, honeycombs, tie holes etc. have
been completed in accordance with manufacturer's product data and as specified
herein, apply/ provide the waterproofing material as supplied in the manufacturer's
technical and application data sheet to concrete surfaces. Application rates,
thicknesses and locations shall be as indicated in the drawing. When brushing, work
slurry well into surface of the concrete, filling surface pores and hairline cracks. When
spraying PUR foam hold nozzle close enough to ensure the product gets well into the
surface of the concrete, filling pores and hairline cracks.

System performance requirements:

a) All work shall be carried out as per relevant items of CPWD schedule of rates 2023 &
prevailing CPWD specification Vol.II 2019 along with necessary components etc. All
the items whose specification references have been made to DSR 2019 shall be made
fully functional along with all the necessary accessories, components etc., If not

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covered in these documents IS codes/NBC 2016, ECBC 2018 shall also be followed for
new & innovative technologies.
b) All Waterproofing works shall be guaranteed for 10 years from the completion of work.
This Guarantee shall outlive the contract and include that any defect noticed &
intimated to the Contractor during the said Guarantee period shall be rectified free of
cost and in case of Contractor failing to do so within a reasonable time given by
ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE, the Owner shall reserve the right to get the same done at
Contractor’s' risk & cost. Cost shall include reinstating / replacing finishes for
rectification of the water proofing.
c) Technical data sheets along with test certificates from Govt. Lab preferably
CBRI/NCCBM to be provided by contractor for approval of the following –
i. Crystalline Chemicals
ii. Polyurethane Water Proofing Coating
iii. Integral waterproofing compound Compound
iv. Epoxy Coating
v. PUFF Insulation
vi. Swellable Waterbars
vii. Drainage Boards
d) Procurement of the material shall be done after proper approval of by the Engineer-in-
e) No extra payment shall be entertained for any other non-scheduled work which
requires to be done in order to complete the work defined in the bid document.
f) The item descriptions are generic. Contractor has to submit details of the approved
names / brands of materials for use, in a separate attachment for all the works.
g) The vendor shall also submit the list of all projects (completed & on-going) where the
same materials and methodologies have been employed with satisfactory results.
h) The Contact / Reference Names of the Project Heads to whom the reference can be
made are to be attached.

Guarantee: Combined Guarantee of the Manufacturer & Specialized Executing

Waterproofing Agency:
A triparty warranty agreement shall be signed by manufacturer, the specialized
Executing Waterproofing Agency & Client's representative after completion of work.
The Contractor shall engage a single qualified waterproofing specialist subcontractor
for both crystalline as well as membrane waterproofing work to ensure quality and
single point responsibility for basement and retaining walls confirming to BS
8102:2009 guidelines, -the application of the appropriate waterproofing barrier to the
walls and the base slab should be such that the entire envelope of the structure below
ground is protected against water ingress, hence the envelope or tanking protection of
the underground structure shall be installed by single applicator for crystalline &
membrane in order to achieve accountability for water tight basement.
Applicator shall produce satisfactory completion certificate of having successfully
executed work of same volume. Waterproofing specialist applicator should have
proven track record, technical reliability, capability and agreement to supply full
technical assistance, expert supervision during installation and performance
guarantee. The contractor shall submit the name of his specialist waterproofing
contractor (waterproofing applicator) for approval from Engineer-in-Charge.
An MOU between Civil Contractor and waterproofing applicator shall be submitted,

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before execution of work to be treated as an agreement and has legality as per Indian
Contract Act (amended up to date) and the department (CPWD) can enforce all the
terms & conditions of the agreement for the execution of the work. In case of any
dispute mediation/ arbitrations by the SE cum PD, CPWD/ Engineer-in-Charge CPWD
shall be final and binding on both Civil Contractor & Waterproofing Applicator.
The agreement shall bond the waterproofing agency & manufacturer for waterproofing
installation against defects caused by faulty workmanship or materials for a period of
10 years from Date of Substantial Completion. The guarantee will cover the surfaces
treated and will bind the agency to repair, at his expense, any and all leaks through
the treated surfaces which are not due to structural weaknesses or other causes
beyond applicator’s control such as fire, earthquake, tornado and hurricane.

16.0 SAND/ MARBLE/ GRANITE STONE WORK (i/c Cladding, Flooring, other than
Masonry etc.)
16.1 General: The execution of stones work shall be in general as per CPWD Specifications
- 2019 - Vol. I & Vol. II with up-to-date correction slips.
16.2 Contractor shall submit methodology statement with all detail in illustrative sketch
form and get approved from Engineer-in-charge before start of work. He shall prepare
& submit shop drawing based on concept drawing along with design calculation (to
with stand wind pressure as per IS 875 (part - 3) and as per category of seismic zone,
all calculation, reports regarding system for wall lining/ cladding (for all type of stone
cladding/ wall lining including details of framing work and clamp)) of the supporting
arrangement and its fixing arrangement shall be vetted by approved agency of the
Engineer-in-Charge before execution. All shop drawing shall be approved by Engineer-
16.3 All type of stone sample shall be approved by Engineer-in-charge before mock-up.
Mock up shall be prepared as per vetted shop drawing and got NOC from Engineer-in-
charge before execution of work.
16.4 All type of stones shall be cut to size with help of water jet cutting/ laser cut/ CNC
machine/ Gang saw cut according to the design and shape for best workmanship as
per shop drawing and as per the direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
16.5 Contractor shall provide groove, drip mould etc. as per design for which nothing extra
shall be paid.
16.6 All adhesives and sealants shall be with low VOC and lead free with acceptable VOC
content as per Green Building requirements.
16.7 Stone work shall be carried out for all floor, all level, all height, all places including
loading, unloading, stacking, transporting, hoisting, erecting by any means
(mechanical or manual).
16.8 Structural stability of stonework shall be responsibility of contractor.
16.9 Contractor shall make necessary provision for any services cutout/ other required
provision, co-ordinate with all services work and making good etc. complete.
16.10 For any type of stonework, the contractor shall identify the quarries from which the
stone is intended to be brought, within 3 months of date of start of work or as per the
time schedule approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. The contractor may have to
choose more than one quarry, to ensure quality of stone conforming to the
a) The Contractor shall provide stones to match approved samples.

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b) All stones used on one face of the work/ one area shall be from the same lot and shall
be of uniform colour, quality, texture, grain and as per approved sample.
c) Any type of sandstone shall be hard, sound, durable and free from weathering decay
and defects like cavities, cracks, lines, stains, white spots of efflorescence, flaws, sand
holes, injurious veins, patches of loose or soft materials and other similar defects that
may adversely affect its strength and appearance.
d) All stone shall be even in shade for all kind of stone work and sorted for colour and
grains before laying. All visible surfaces of stone shall be in same finish and texture.
The matching of grains/ colour shall be carried out as approved by the Engineer-in-
e) Feature stones shall be marked for identification with drawings.
f) All work shall be executed as per design, detail, pattern, colours, sizes and dimensions
given on the approved drawings. Any modifications and variations at site shall be with
prior approval of the Engineer-in-charge.
g) Before any work is to be taken up, the sizes and the pattern of stones shall be laid
out, together with the location of electrical, sanitary outlets and any other services
and approval shall be sought from the Engineer-in-Charge.
h) All joints, rebates, nosing, corners, edges shall have square, curved or shaped
moulding shall be as per the approved drawings
i) Machine cutting shall be adopted instead of hand cutting for all stonework unless
otherwise approved Engineer-in-charge. The sides of machine cut stones shall have
perfect right angles and of uniform texture. Stones with round/ broken corners shall
not be used unless required specifically for the work.
j) The mortises, sunk, perforations and notches for cramps/ dowels/ corbel/ plates/ nibs
shall be carefully formed, avoiding damage to the stone and ensuring line and level of
stone work, in accordance with approved drawings.
k) All holes, rebates, recesses etc. for fixing inserts shall be pre-drilled and precise in
location, shape and dimensions, avoiding damage to the stone and ensuring line and
level of stone work, in accordance with approved drawings.
l) Contractor shall ensure before commencement of any stone work that the base
structure/ material is having required strength, finish, level and alignment. If not,
contractor shall do all needful works to achieve the same.
m) Contractor shall avoid/ minimize unsightly cutting of stone and ensure truly horizontal
or vertical joint lines.
n) Contractor shall ensure, before commencement of any stone work that the base
surface is free of loose particles, material splashes, vegetation growth, fungus/algae
growth, efflorescence, seepages/ leakages/ grease/ oil stains etc.
o) Contractor shall ensure the impression of mortar/ fixing material/ grout used to fixing
stone does not tarnish the natural appearance of stone on visible face.
p) The contractor shall prepare sample of items of stone work for approval of Engineer-
in-charge. If the sample is not satisfactory and not approved, contractor shall prepare
new samples for the approval of Engineer-in-charge. Approved sample shall be
retained at site for reference till the full period of execution of said item at work site.
q) The Contractor shall also prepare sample of stone-based articles/ elements like
signages, stone bench, bollard, kerb stone, planters and catch basin covers and other
such elements for the approval of the Engineer-in-charge.
r) Any stones found to have variation with respect to the majority of the stonework shall

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be removed and replaced before any further work is taken up.
s) Regardless of the acceptance of an item of work at intermediate stages by the
Engineer-in-charge, the final acceptance shall be accorded only when the entire work
of the item in one area is complete.
t) The contractor shall apply two coats of approved Stone Impregnation silicon-based
water repellent sealer coat on all faces and all edges (after cutting and finishing of the
stone as per size) of stones as directed by Engineer-in-charge, for which nothing extra
shall be paid and shall protect the natural finish and appearance of stone work by
temporary protective measures as approved by engineer-in- charge, till the final
handing over of the project.
u) Contractor shall apply Oil, water and stain repellent fluorocarbon-based sealer coat on
exterior face of stone used in any type of wall cladding, exposed stone work and
flooring. He also shall clean and wash the stone works to remove dust, splashes of
protective material, mortar or any such material etc., and take necessary action to
restore the natural finish and appearance of stone as approved in the sample.
v) Stone shall be free from any waviness and shall have truly vertical & horizontal
surface as required. The exposed face and sides of stones forming joints shall be such
that the straight edge laid along the face of the stone is in contact with every point on
it. All the visible angle and edges shall be square and free from chipping. The dressed
stone shall be of the thickness specified with permissible tolerance of ± 2 mm.
w) When necessary double scaffolding for fixing the stone at greater heights, jib crane or
other mechanical appliances shall be used to hoist the heavy pieces of stone and
placed them into correct positions. Care shall have to be taken that corners of the
stone are not damaged. Stone shall be covered with gunny bags before tying chain or
rope is passed over and it shall be handled carefully. No pieces which have been
damaged shall be used that work.
x) Staking and Storing: Stone slabs are thin and brittle and should never be stacked flat
across timber supports. They should therefore, be stacked on edge on timber or like
runners. Packing pieces inserted between the slabs may be rope or timber. Slabs shall
be well covered with plastic sheeting to protect them from any possible staining.
y) Testing of Stones:
i. Test for compressive strength shall be carried out as laid down in IS 1121 (Part I).
ii. Test for water absorption shall be carried out as laid down in IS 1124.
iii. The frequency of testing of Stone shall be one test per every 100 Sqm of Stone used.
iv. The following tests shall have to be carried out and the test results shall have to be
submitted to the client without fail.
 Density – average 2400 kg/ Cum (Variable subject to selection of stone)
 Compressive strength – minimum 300 kg/ cm sq
 Water absorption - Not more than 2.5% by mass for sandstone and as specified in
IS 1123.
 Transverse strength - Not less than 7 N/ mm2 (70 Kgf/ cm2) for sandstone and as
specified in IS 1123.
16.11 Dry Stone Cladding:
Material: Designing, providing, fabricating and fixing Dry stone cladding system with
minimum 40mm thick any type of Sand Stone of White/ Red/ Beige/ Yellow or similar
shade, of sand/ shot blasted, polished, plain or any other approved finish in any size,
as per drawing and as per approved sample, fixed on concrete/ masonry (on wall,

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rectangle/ square column, window jambs, soffit, etc.) with approved SS316 Cramp
and MS structure Frame or other approved cladding system. Cladding pattern shall be
as per approved drawings, in single size or in combination of different sizes and finish
of stone. All exposed edges shall be finished same as front face of stone.
Stone shall be fixed to MS structural frame by using system of SS316 cramp and
SS316 anchor fastener for concrete, masonry work and structural steel work, SS316
nuts, bolts, washers, required accessories, fastener sand fixtures etc. as
recommended by manufacturer and design calculations. Installation, testing and the
setting instructions shall be strictly followed as per approved manufacturer’s
The size & shape of the cramps shall be as per drawing and as per directions of
Engineer-in- charge. The samples of steel cramps should be approved in advance
before starting the stone cladding work. The cramp shall be attached to top and
bottom of the stone. The cramps shall have inbuilt adjustment for vertical and
horizontal alignment. The cramps used to hold support and transfer the load of stone
unit to the supporting structured steel shall be designed by the manufacturer and
approval of the same shall be obtained from the Engineer-in-Charge.
The minimum number of clamps required shall be as per requirement of design to
carry the load of individual stone slabs. The cramps shall be spaced not more than 60
cm horizontally and vertically along the stone side for insertion of pins / bolt attached
with the steel cramps. Adequate cutting in stone shall be made with precision
instrument to hold the cramps pins at the joints.
Stone shall be secured with clamps with high quality workmanship. The walls shall be
carried up truly plumb. All the courses shall be laid truly horizontal and all the vertical
joints truly vertical. The sequence of execution for cladding work shall be approved by
the Engineer-in-Charge.
Joints horizontal and vertical shall be filled with weather sealant of make as approved
by Engineer-in-charge with the help of pouring gun for filling the sealant. Before filling
the joint with sealant, masking tape are required to be fixed on stones surface on both
edges of joints of the stones, so that sealant may not spoil the surface of the stone.
When all the joints are filled and sealant has dried, the masking tape may be
Work shall be protected from rain by suitable covering. The work shall also be suitably
protected from damage and rain during construction.
Structural steel frame work and Cramps for dry stone cladding:
Specification for structural steel frame work for dry stone cladding is same as
mentioned in Item No. 8.21 & 8.22, CPWD DSR 2023 and as per CPWD Specification
Rate quoted shall be inclusive of materials (Stone, SS 316 Cramp/ any other type of
anchor/ other anchoring system as approved for fixing, anchor fastener, pins, nut and
bolts, washers, metal framing system etc. and any other approved framing system for
stones), labour, machinery, tools, tackles, special equipment, scaffolding, sealer coat
on all sides and edges, wastage of all material etc. complete for all level all height as
per specification and as directed by engineer in charge.

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16.12 Wet cladding with sand stone of 70mm over RCC stub column: Stone work
with 70 mm thick Sand Stone of White/ Red/ Beige/ Yellow or similar shade exposed
face machine cut and rubbed with rough backing for circular column cladding up to 10
metre height, backing filled with a grout of average 12 mm thick cement mortar 1:3
(1 cement: 3 coarse sand) including pointing in white cement mortar 1:2 (1 white
cement: 2 stone dust of same stone) with an admixture of pigment matching the
stone shade. Sand stone cladding to be secured by means of Stainless-steel rings of
required size and shape shall be provided for stone cladding over circular column for
securing in cement mortar 1:2 (1 cement: 2 coarse sand), including making the
necessary chases in stones and holes in walls wherever required.
Angular stone (angle of any degree with equal or unequal flange) and arch stone shall
be cut from stone block with wire cutting/ box cutting machine in required thickness
as per design (thickness may be varying and not paid extra for the same). At the
corner (building corner, column, wall, sill, jambs, lintel, ceiling etc), angular stone
shall be fixed, so joint line is not visible at corner. Arch shape stone shall be fixed at
circular shape wall and or column.
Note: Nothing extra for circular column/ pillar work shall be paid separately. Circular
cladding is required to be done over RCC column of size around 60 to 80cm dia.
Cladding work shall be done in two pieces as per the approved design & size. Work
shall be got executed through approved specialised agencies only.
Following aspects shall be adhered by the contractor:
a) Relevant specifications shall be followed as per CPWD.
b) The Contractor shall consider the development area while planning, detailing etc. and
not treat any face or part thereof in isolation.
c) The stones shall be soaked in clean water for at least 30 minutes.
d) The rendering shall be damped just sufficiently to prevent excessive water absorption
from stones.
e) The bedding surfaces of small units shall be well wetted, and the units stood on a full
bed of mortar and tapped home.
f) For very large or heavy units, a mortar bed shall be levelled up to 20mm from the
face, before the stone is lowered into place. All joints shall be as completely filled as
possible. Sufficient mortar shall be spread to bed each stone.
g) It shall be ensured that there are no hard lumps in the mortar that could prevent even
h) Spacer dabs of appropriate mortar can be used to achieve resistance against inward
movement of the stones. Mortar shall be of such consistency and size that it remains
in permanent contact with the back of the cladding stone and the structure. It is
essential to ensure that such mortar dabs do not bridge the movement joints.
i) It shall be ensured that stones are flat and true by means of a straightedge.
Adjustments necessary shall be made within 10 minutes of fixing.
j) Temporarily support, bracing, scaffolding shall be provided as per site condition for all
k) The stone shall be fixed with consistent joint width by correct use of spacer lugs to
provide hairline (maximum 1 mm thick) joints. All joints shall be filled solid with
mortar as specified in item except for projecting members of overhanging cornices
which may be provided with hollow bedding as approved by the Engineer-in-charge.

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Excess mortar shall be cleaned off immediately so that no mortar is visible on the face
of stone cladding. The stone/ cladding shall be properly cured for at least 7 days.
l) All stones shall be secured to the backing by means of stainless-steel cramps, pins,
anchors, fasteners and expansion bolts as shown on the "Good for Construction"
drawings and approved shop drawings and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. All
cramps, dowels etc. shall be fitted and grouted solid as the work proceeds. The fixings
shall be secured to concrete backings using expansion fasteners and bolts.
m) No stone shall bridge the expansion/ separation gap provided in the structure.
n) The stone joints shall be grouted using mortar & pigment as specified in CPWD
specification. Grout shall be mixed with an approved bonding agent in the proportion
as recommended by the manufacturer and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
Grouting shall be done after the stones are firmly fixed but before any dirt or
contamination can enter the gap behind cladding stone. Grouting materials shall be
mixed to correct consistency and applied before hardening commences. The grout
should be filled in gaps between the stone and the backing until space is completely
filled. When the grout has set, the surplus material shall be removed and the joints
shall be tooled to required profile. After the grout has hardened, the stones shall be
washed with water and rubbed with a gunny cloth. If any hollowness is detected by
tapping the stones, defective cladding shall be taken out and re-laid.
o) The sectional size of a cramp shall not be less than 25mmx6mm and the pins used for
securing adjacent stones shall not be less than 75mm long and 6mm diameter or as
approved. The minimum thickness of stone behind a cramp mortise shall be 37mm
and the minimum depth of slot for a corbel plate shall also be 37mm as approved.
16.13 Wet Cladding with Sand stone (other than stub column, if required): Providing
and fixing Sand stone cladding with 50mm thick Sand stone of any shade, any size, of
gang sawcut finish (without impression of cutting blades, machine etc.) and
mechanical wet system for all height in required design and pattern as per drawing.
Stones shall be laid over with mechanical clamp system and the backing filled with
average 40mm thick in cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3coarsesand) grout, joints
treated with white cement, mixed with matching pigment/ cementitious grout of
matching shade, epoxy touch-ups, including rubbing, curing, moulding and finishing to
exposed edges to same finish etc. Exposed surface of stone shall be with gang sawcut
finish (without impression of cutting blades, machine etc.) as approved. Stone shall be
champhered at edges as per drawing (if required). At the corner, corner stone shall be
fixed, so joint line can't appear at corner. Cladding shall be secured to the backing
(additional strengthen) by means of SS316 cramps/ pins (at minimum 300 mm
centres along the length of stone) as per requirement and as directed by Engineer in
charge. Contractor shall prepare shop drawing based on concept and get approved
from Engineer in charge. Rate shall be inclusive of all material (stone, sealer coat on
internal side sand edges, adhesive, SS316cramps/ pins, cement mortar grout etc),
corner stone and water, oil, stain repellent flourocarbon-based sealer coating, labour
for fixing, rubbing, curing, finishing, cleaning, protection, scaffolding etc. all complete
as per approved shop drawings, and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
16.14 Solid sand stone work: Providing and fixing machine cut plain solid stone work
(without carving) made out of any type of sand stone (Red, White or any shade) from
approved source, in various type of stone elements i.e., solid stone facade and band,
copings, window sill, solid steps, corner stone, solid seating, bench, kerb, light

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fixtures, light pole, any type of pole, bollards or other similar elements, in required
size, any shape, sand/ shot blasted/ polished/ plain or any other approved finish as
per approved drawing and approved sample, fixed on concrete/ masonry stone shall
be chamfered at edges as per drawing if required.
Stone shall be fixed with white cement mortar with matching pigment/ stone fixing
adhesive/ epoxy with mechanical strengthening SS 316 cramp and pins, anchor
fastener for concrete and masonry work, nuts, bolts, and washers, required
accessories, fasteners and fixtures etc.) as suggested by Engineer in charge and as
per design. Pointing with resin based cementitious grout of matching shade/ white
cement mortar 1:2 proportion with an admixture of pigment matching the stone shade
and as directed by engineer-in-charge.
16.15 Solid Granite stone work: Providing and fixing machine cut plain solid Granite stone
work (without carving) made out of any type of Granite stone in various type of stone
elements i.e. kerb, coping, solid steps, bench, solid seating, etc. and other similar
elements in required size and thickness as per approved drawing and approved
sample. Exposed surface of stone shall be with machine cut finished/ flamed finish/
sand blasted/ river washed as per drawing and as approved. Stone shall be chamfered
at edges as per drawing (if required). Any type of stone elements shall be fixed
cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand)/ ready mix mortar/ stone fixing
adhesives, including making joints with or without grooves and jointed with cement
mortar and matching pigment, mechanical systems, if required ( like stone dowels,
SS316 anchor fastener, cramps and pins), including pointing with resin based
cementitious grout of matching shade/ white cement mortar 1:2 (1 white cement :2
stone dust of same stone) with an admixture of pigment matching the stone shade.
Rate shall be inclusive of material labour transportation hoisting (by any means), all
type of fixing material and fixing system, pointing, scaffolding, Civil work (i.e.
excavation, base PCC) for base and extra for kerb having curvature (radius less than
6m) in plan etc. complete for all floor all level as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
16.16 Sand stone Jali work 40 mm thick: Providing, fabricating, transporting, hoisting
and fixing in position good quality 40 mm thick sand stone jali of any shade, any
finish, both side finish and both sides carved in any shape, any pattern for all level all
height. The jali shall be made as per design with different process of i.e. carving
(manual/ by machine), ornamental work, traditional work, CNC cutting, water jet
cutting, machine molding etc. The tender drawings for the Jali shown are indicative/
tentative and may vary to the extent of pattern/ design/ carving etc. as shown in GFC
Contractor shall prepare shop drawing base on concept design/ drawing and get it
approved from Engineer in charge. Sample/ mock-up shall be approved before
The stone jali to be fixed in line, level and plumb in all respect with the use of metal
framing work, SS 304 anchor fastener, screws, white cement mortar with matching
pigment, epoxy and/ or stainproof, waterproof cementitious grout of preferred make
and shade as per drawing and as approved by the Engineer in charge. Jali shall be
secured to the back and sides of stone (additional strengthen) by means of SS 316
cramps, pins as per requirement and as directed by Engineer in charge.
Rate quoted shall be inclusive of materials (stone jali, anchor fasteners, screws, white
cement mortar, epoxy, grout, SS 316 cramps, pin etc), labour, machinery, tools,

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tackles, scaffolding, sealer coat on both side and edges, wastage of all material,
scaffolding etc. complete for all level all height as per specification.

16.17 Mural work with carving in Sand stone:

Providing, fabricating, transporting, hoisting and fixing in position mural with carving
in sand stone of minimum thickness of 80 mm or as per the drawing, made of good
quality sand stone of any shade, any finish for all level all height. The mural shall be
made as per design with different process of i.e. carving (manual/ by machine),
ornamental work, traditional work, CNC cutting, water jet cutting, machine molding
etc. The mural work shall be of any size as per the drawing.
The stone elements to be fixed in line, level and plumb in all respect with the use of
metal framing, SS 316 cramp/ anchor as approved, adjustable aluminium bracket,
clamps, SS 316 anchor fastener of required capacity, nut bolt and washer, dowels,
pins, white cement mortar with matching pigment etc as required, as per site
condition and as directed and approved by the Engineer in charge.
Contractor shall prepare shop drawing base on concept drawing along with fixing
arrangement of the supporting arrangement and its fixing to any type of surface.
Contractor shall be responsible for stability of sand stone mural and fixing
arrangement. Rate quoted shall be inclusive of materials (Stone, anchor fasteners,
screws, white cement mortar, epoxy, grout, SS 316 cramps, pin etc.), labour,
machinery, tools, tackles, scaffolding, sealer coat on both side and edges, wastage of
all material, scaffolding etc. complete for all level all height as per specification.


17.1 All flooring, skirting, dado and window sill works will be done in accordance with CPWD
specifications 2019 Volume I & II with up-to-date correction slips till last date of
submission of tender documents. The provision of IS Codes listed in CPWD
specifications shall form a part of this document with all latest codes. In case any
location is not specifically mentioned in the Schedule of Finishes, Flooring shall be
done as per functional requirement or as provided in locations in similar functional
uses and nothing extra shall be paid on this account as scope of work includes
providing floor finishes in all areas within and outside of Buildings as per functional,
aesthetic and other requirements.
17.2 Stones shall be free from cracks, lines, stains, white spots of efflorescence and even in
shade for all kind of stone work.
17.3 All natural stones shall be selected and sorted for uniform colour, figure and thickness
and approved by Engineer-in-charge prior to procurement.
17.4 Stone shall be from same lot and/ or source (stone quarry) for same kind of work and
as approved by Engineer-in-charge.
17.5 All type of loose and laid sample of flooring shall be approved by Engineer-in-charge.
17.6 Contractor shall apply approved Stone Impregnation primer/ sealer coat on both sides
and all edges (after cutting and finishing the stone as per size) of stones. Stone
Impregnation primer/ sealer coat shall be of water based with pH value 7 to 10 in
minimum two coat as per manufacturer's specification and as directed by Engineer-in-
charge. Nothing extra shall be paid for the same.
17.7 Contractor shall co-ordinate and execute for all services in flooring and wall lining/
cladding work i.e. making openings/ cutouts for any services (i.e. elevator operating

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panel in lift wall cladding, race way in flooring, junction box etc), and making good as
per satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge.
17.8 All stone shall be cut to size with help of with water jet cutting/ laser cut/ CNC
machine according to the design and shape for best workmanship and chipping of
edges joints etc for composite designer pattern flooring as per shop drawing.
17.9 All adhesives and sealants shall be with low VOC and lead free with acceptable VOC
content as per Green building requirements.
17.10 Finished floor surfaces shall be protect with 12mm thick POP sheet over a 500 microns
LDPE sheet till handling over of the project. Tread of stair shall be protected with
metal angle so as to avoid the damage the edges of tread. POP shall not be directly
(or with use of paper) applied on flooring.
17.11 Screed below flooring/ base mortar thickness shall be as per drawing. Rates are
inclusive of any type of stone/ tile shall be fixed with adhesive and total thickness of
base mortar/ screed.
17.12 All stone shall be factory cut and factory finished. Polish on any stone shall be as per
satisfaction of Engineer in charge.
17.13 Tile shall be with 5-10% recycle material as per green building norms.
17.14 Cement mortar shall be have minimum 25% fly ash content except white cement
17.15 All the tile/ stone adhesives shall be provided as per IS 15477.
17.16 Flooring work shall be carried out for all floor, all level, all height, all places.
17.17 Rate shall be inclusive of all type of wastage of all material.
17.18 Various types of flooring, skirting & dado pattern shall be carried out by the contractor
referring the Minimum Requirements & Specification, Schedule of finishes/ floor
finishing layouts as per architectural drawings. Contractor needs to refer room data
sheet/ schedule of finishes and material palette attached with tender document. The
joints for all flooring to run in a straight line and level. Window sills shall be provided
as per detailed architectural plans prepared by contractor.
17.19 Contractor will submit all material or finishing samples to Engineer in charge for
approvals before executing the respective job.
17.20 Contractor shall need to protect the finished floor surface during execution of other
activities using Cello or approved equivalent bubble guard of minimum 500 GSM thick
(minimum size 8’ x 4’), fixing the same over floor surface with mastic tape or another
approved adhesive. Removing protective layer during handing over, disposal of all
debris out of site, cleaning the entire covered flooring area as directed by the
17.21 Top of the dado shall be fixed with same material used in dado or 18mm thick granite
with nose moulding projected 1cm outside the dado.
17.22 18mm thick Granite Flooring: Providing and laying 18mm thick mirror Polished
Granite stone of any shade, any size for flooring in required design and patterns, in
linear as well as curvilinear shape, as per the drawings, laid over existing bedding
(cement mortar bedding/ concrete screed), fixed with minimum 6mm thick stone
fixing adhesive as per IS-15477 of preferred make and jointed with spacer/ groove, if
required, of up to 5 mm wide and grouted with epoxy grout of preferred make and
shade in total thickness with use of PVC spacer, abro-tap etc, including protecting,
rubbing, curing and polishing etc. all complete as specified and as directed by the
Engineer-in-Charge : Rate shall be inclusive of granite (as per approved sample and

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finish), adhesive for fixing, polishing, all labour, filling epoxy grout in joint spacer/
groove etc. complete.
17.23 Granite Flooring/ Paving 30mm thick - Providing and laying 30mm thick textured
finish Granite stone flooring (stone of required size, shape, of approved type, shade
and finish) for drive way, walk way, plaza, tread of stair, coping and other similar
elements with even thickness at exposed edges or similar, over 40mm (average) thick
base of cement mortar1:4(1 cement : 4 sand), side buttered with cement mortar 1 : 2
(1cement : 2 sand) including provision of groove of minimum 5 mm size, admixed
with pigment to match the shade of stone and pointing with same mortar. No mortar
is to be visible on the surface. Exposed edge of stone shall be with rounded corner
treatment in even thickness and finished same as slab finish as per drawing and as
approved and directed by Engineer-in-charge.
17.24 Providing and fixing on floor stainless steel 316 Grade modular tactile warning studs of
size 25mmØ at top and 35mmØ at bottom and 5mm raised of preferred make and
pattern in required finish (Concentric rings, Crosshatch Diamonds, carborundum
Insert) and as per "CPWD manual on Accessible Built Environment”. Stud shall be solid
type (not hollow back type) fixed with anchoring (drill and fit with adhesive) in any
kind of flooring/ heavy duty self-adhesive or as per manufacturer's specification.
Sample shall be approved by Engineer-in-charge.
17.25 Providing and fixing on floor stainless steel 316 Grade modular tactile guiding strip of
size 280mm x 25 mm and 5mm raised of preferred make and pattern in required
finish (Linear Grooves, Crosshatch Diamonds, carborundum Insert) and as per "CPWD
manual on Accessible Built Environment". Strip shall be solid type (not hollow back
type) fixed with anchoring (drill and fit with adhesive) in any kind of flooring/ heavy
duty self-adhesive or as per manufacturer's specification. Sample shall be approved by
17.26 18mm thick Granite Riser: Providing and fixing 18 mm thick polished Granite stone
slabs of any size, any shade in risers of steps (in single piece), dado and pillars (for all
heights above floor) laid in any pattern over plaster / base coat, fixed with minimum
6mm thick stone fixing adhesive as per IS-15477 of preferred make and jointed and
jointed with cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slabs,
including rubbing, curing and polishing etc. all complete as specified and as directed
by the Engineer-in-Charge : Rate shall be inclusive of granite (as per approved sample
and finish), adhesive for fixing, cement slurry, matching pigment, polishing, all labour,
base coat/ plaster etc complete.
17.27 30mm thick Granite Tread: Providing and laying 30 mm thick polished Granite
stone of approved shade in treads of steps (in single piece), coping, seating, window
sill - jambs, etc in required size, in linear as well as curvilinear shape, as per the
drawings. Granite stone slab having pencil corner and same polished at exposed edge
in even and uniform thickness and laid over existing cement mortar bedding/ screed
or plaster, and fixed with minimum 6mm thick stone fixing adhesive as per IS-15477
of preferred make, and jointed with cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the
shade of the slabs, including rubbing, curing and polishing etc. all complete and as
directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. Rate shall be inclusive of granite (as per approved
sample and finish), adhesive for fixing, cement slurry, matching pigment, polishing etc
complete. Granite shall be used in single possible length for staircase tread.
17.28 18mm thick Granite Skirting: Providing and fixing 18mm thick polished Granite

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stone slabs of any size, any shade in skirting (flush with plaster/ gypsum board), laid
in any pattern on any type of levelled surface (masonry, RCC, Gypsum partition,
plaster, ply etc), fixed with suitable stone fixing adhesive as per IS-15477 of preferred
make and jointed with provision of groove of up to 5 mm wide and grouted with epoxy
grout of preferred make and shade in total thickness with use of PVC spacer, abro-tap
etc, including providing 6 to 10mm wide grove between skirting and plaster,
protecting, rubbing, curing and polishing etc. all complete as specified and as directed
by the Engineer-in-Charge. Length of stone for skirting shall match the joint and
pattern of flooring or as per design. Shade of skirting must be match with flooring
stone. Rate shall be inclusive of granite (as per approved sample and finish), adhesive
for fixing, provision of groove between skirting & plaster, polishing, all labour, filling
epoxy grout in joint spacer/ groove etc. complete.
17.29 25mm thick Kota Stone Flooring: Providing and laying 25mm thick machine cut
polished Kota stone of any shade (even shade), any size for flooring in required design
and patterns, in linear as well as curvilinear shape, as per the drawings, laid over
existing bedding (cement mortar bedding/ concrete screed), fixed with minimum 6mm
thick stone fixing adhesive as per IS-15477 of preferred make and jointed with grey
cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slabs, including rubbing,
curing and polishing up to the satisfaction and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
Rate shall be inclusive of Kota stone (as per approved sample), adhesive for fixing,
cement slurry, matching pigment, polishing etc complete excluding cement mortar
bedding/ concrete screed.
17.30 25mm thick Kota Stone Skirting: Providing and fixing 25 mm thick polished Kota
stone slabs of any size, any shade in skirting (flush with plaster or adjoining surface),
laid in any pattern on any type of levelled surface (masonry, RCC, Gypsum partition,
plaster, ply etc), fixed with suitable stone fixing adhesive as per IS-15477 of preferred
make and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of
the slabs, including providing 6 to 8mm wide grove between skirting and plaster or
adjoining surface, rubbing, curing and polishing up to the satisfaction and as directed
by the Engineer-in-Charge. Length of stone for skirting shall be as per design to match
the joint and pattern of flooring. Shade of skirting must be match with flooring stone.
Rate shall be inclusive of Kota stone (as per approved sample), adhesive for fixing,
cement slurry, matching pigment, polishing etc. complete.
17.31 Rough strip: Providing roughened strip 2.5 cm wide to form antiskid surface on
treads of stairs in any type of stone including forming straight deep curved gishi
(groove), 6 mm wide & 4 mm deep on two sides of the roughened strip, etching/
blasting/ hammering/ chiselling between two groove, polishing the edges, sides and
bottom of gishi etc. complete as per sample approved. All process for roughen strip
shall be done at process unit/ work shop only.
17.32 Full Body Vitrified Tile Slab Flooring (all sizes): Providing and laying Vitrified
floor tiles in different sizes (superior quality tiles) with water absorption less than
0.08% and conforming to IS: 15622, of preferred make, in all colours, shades, finish
(antiskid/ satin/ polished etc), laid over existing cement mortar bed or screed, fixed
with cement based high polymer modified quick-set tile adhesive (water based)
conforming to IS: 15477, in minimum 6 mm thickness including provision of groove
up to 5 mm wide with PVC spacer, abrotap etc and grouting with Epoxy grout of
preferred make and shade. Rate shall be inclusive of vitrified tile (as per approved

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sample), adhesive for fixing, Grouting of the groove etc. complete. With full body,
homogeneous, unglazed and uncoated vitrified tile of sizes 600x600, 800x800,
1200x1200mm etc. all sizes as per the direction of Engineer-in-Charge of minimum
12mm thick.
17.33 Full Body Vitrified Tile for wall (all sizes): Providing and laying Vitrified tiles for
wall in different sizes (superior quality tiles), with water absorption less than 0.08%
and conforming to IS: 15622, of approved brand & manufacturer, in all colours, shade
and finish (satin/ polished etc) in wall tile/ dado, skirting, riser of steps, laid on
masonry/ plaster/ RCC/ gypsum board in any pattern with suitable cement based high
polymer modified quick set tile adhesive (water based) conforming to IS: 15477, in
average 6 mm thickness, including provision of groove up to 5 mm wide with PVC
spacer, abrotap etc and grouting with epoxy grout of preferred make and shade.
Skirting shall be flushed with plaster or adjoining surface, with provision of 6 to 10mm
wide grove between skirting and plaster or adjoining surface. Joints/ groove of flooring
and skirting/ dado shall be matched. Shade of skirting must be match with flooring
stone. Rate shall be inclusive of vitrified tile (as per approved sample), adhesive for
fixing, plaster and grouting of the groove etc complete. With full body, homogeneous,
unglazed and uncoated vitrified tile of sizes 600x600, 800x800, 1200x1200mm etc. all
sizes as per the direction of Engineer-in-Charge of minimum 12mm thick.
17.34 12mm thick Engineered stone (Marble, Corian, onyx etc.): Providing and fixing
minimum 12 mm thick Engineered marble stone of any shade, any finish, any type as
per approved sample by Engineer-in-Charge and of preferred make for wall cladding in
required design and pattern wherever required, on plastered surface with minimum
2.5 mm thick PU adhesive (Type-5 as per IS 15477) for stone fixing, of preferred
make, filling the joints with approved filler material of matching pigment, corner
treatment, plaster etc all complete as specified and as directed by the Engineer-in-
17.35 22mm thick Hard Wood Flooring: Wooden flooring to be provided in the Court
Rooms, Constitutional Court etc. and wherever required as per the direction of
Specification: Providing and fixing 22mm x 129mm x 3700 mm hard wood flooring
with 1st class (A grade) One/ Two strip solid hardwood of premium collection
(sylvared) make of Juncker or equivalent and Lacquer polished as approved by
Engineer- in-Charge, having length of planks not less than 1500 mm and width of
strips not less than 125 mm (same as existing pattern) with tongued and grooved
joints, fixing with clips and necessary nails/ screws wherever required including
cleaning and preparation the surface in true level by filling up the minor gap with
underlayment of 4mm thick extended polyethylene foam sheet having density 40
kg/cum over prepared surface etc. all complete and as per direction of Engineer-in-
charge. (sample to be got approved from Engineer -in-charge before execution of
Note: For the raised floorings portion (300 mm to 1000mm) in the court rooms (Dias/
Hon’ble Judges Sitting Area and Court staff area), 25mm thick wooden ply of preferred
make, fixed on Mild steel tubular section frame (as per approved structural drawings)
shall be provided in the base of wooden flooring. The hollow raise platform shall be
filled with the light weight material like PU expandable foam or any other appropriate/
suitable material as per structural design and approval of Engineer-in-Charge.

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17.36 18mm thick Granite kitchen Platform/ Vanity/ Wash Basin counters etc.:
Providing and fixing 18 mm thick gang saw cut, mirror polished, premoulded and pre-
polished, machine cut Granite of any colour, shade and size for kitchen platforms,
vanity/ wash basin counters, window sills, fascia’s and similar locations of required
size, approved shade, colour and texture laid over 20 mm thick base cement mortar
1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand), joints treated with white cement, mixed with
matching pigment, epoxy touch ups, including rubbing, curing, moulding and polishing
to edges to give high gloss finish etc. complete at all levels as directed by Engineer-
in- charge.
17.37 40mm thick machine cut Sand stone (if required): Providing and laying Minimum
40mm thick machine cut Sand stone of any shade (red/ white/ yellow/ beige/ pink or
as required), any size, any finish, any texture for flooring, coping, seating, window sill
- jambs (coping, window sill - jambs-soffits, flooring, seats) in required design and
patterns, in linear as well as curvilinear shape, as per the drawings, laid over existing
bedding (cement mortar bedding/ concrete screed), fixed with minimum 6mm thick
stone fixing adhesive as per IS-15477 of preferred make and jointed with cement
slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slabs, including curing, cleaning
up to the satisfaction and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
Rate shall be inclusive of sand stone (as per approved sample), adhesive for fixing,
cement slurry, matching pigment, polishing/ finishing, Cement mortar 30mm thick
machine cut Sand stone bedding/ concrete screeding as approved etc complete.
17.38 18mm thick Granite stone leather finish: Providing and laying 18mm thick Granite
stone texture finished (leather finish, Lennon finish or similar finish.) of any shade,
any size for flooring, tread, riser, coping in required design and patterns, in linear as
well as curvilinear shape, as per the drawings, laid over existing bedding (cement
mortar bedding/ concrete screed), fixed with minimum 6mm thick stone fixing
adhesive as per IS-15477 of preferred make and jointed with provision of groove of up
to 5 mm wide and grouted with epoxy grout of preferred make and shade in total
thickness with use of PVC spacer, abro-tap etc, including protecting, rubbing, curing
and cleaning etc. all complete as specified and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge :
Rate shall be inclusive of granite (as per approved sample and finish), adhesive for
fixing, PVC spaces, grouting, all labour etc complete.
17.39 Sand Stone Flooring: Providing and fixing 60 mm thick Sand stone flooring
(machine cuts and stone of required size, shape, finish and specified shade) over
40mm (average) thick base of cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 sand), side buttered
with cement mortar 1:2 (1 cement : 2 sand) including provision of groove of minimum
5mm size, admixed with pigment to match the shade of stone and pointing with same
mortar as per drawing and as approved and as directed by Engineer-in-charge. No
mortar is to be visible on the surface.
17.40 Removable raised/ false access flooring: Providing and fixing removable raised/
false access flooring with system and its components of preferred make for different
plenum height with possible height adjustment up to 50 mm, comprising of modular
load bearing floor panels supported on G.I. rectangular stinger frame work and G.I.
Pedestal etc. all complete, as per the architectural drawings, as specified and as
directed by Engineer-in-charge consisting of:
a) Providing at required spacing to form modular framework, pedestals made out of GI
tube of thickness minimum 2 mm and 25mm outer diameter, fully welded on to the

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G.I. Base plate of size 100mm x 100mm x 3mm at the bottom of the pedestal tube,
G.I. pedestal head of size 75mmx75mmx3.5 mm welded with GI fully threaded stud
16mm outer diameter with two GI Check nuts screwed on the stud for level
adjustment up to 50mm, locking and stabilizing the pedestal head in position at the
required level. The pedestals shall be fixed to the subfloor (base) through base plate
using epoxy-based adhesive of preferred make or the machine screw with raw plug.
b) Stringers system in all steel construction hot dipped galvanized of rectangular size 570
x 20 x 30 x 0.80mm thick having holes at both ends for securing the stringers on to
the pedestal head using fully threaded screws ensuring maximum lateral stability in all
directions, the grid formed by the pedestal and stringer assembly shall receive the
floor panel, this system shall provide adequate solid, rigid support for access floor
panel, the system shall provide a minimum clear uninterrupted clearance between the
bottom of the floor for electrical conduits and wiring etc. all complete as per the
drawings, as specified and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
c) Providing and fixing Access Floor panel of 600x600x32 mm medium grade Filled Steel
anti static high-pressure Lamination of 800H grade (FS800H). Access Floor panel shall
be steel welded construction with an enclosed bottom pan with uniform pattern of 64
hemispherical cones. The top and bottom plates of Steel Gauges: top 0.6 mm and
bottom 0.7 mm fused spot welded together (minimum 64 welds in each dome and 20
welds along each flange). The panel shall be corrosion resistant epoxy coated for
lifetime rust protection and cavity formed by the top and bottom plate is filled with
Program non-combustible Portland cementitious core mixed with lightweight foaming
compound. The access floor shall be factory finished with Anti-static High-Pressure
laminate with Non Warp technology up to 1mm thickness for superior adhesion and
Surface flatness within 0.75mm. The panel is to withstand a Concentrated Load of 363
kgs applied on area 25mm x 25mm without collapse in the centre of the panel which is
placed on four steel blocks. The panel will withstand and Uniformly Distributed Load
(UDL) minimum 1250 kg/sqm and, an impact load of 50kg all complete as per the
approved manufacturers specification and as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge.
All specification must be printed on the side of the panel to ensure the quality of the
product. Finished Floor Height (FFH) more than 200 mm up to 600 mm.
d) Full Body Vitrified Tile Slab Flooring (min. size 800 x 2400 mm & Thickness
15mm) (if required): Full Body Vitrified Tile Slab Flooring (min. size 800 x 2400 mm
& Thickness 15 mm) shall be provided in Entrance Lobby, Corridors, Waiting Areas and
Other similar heavy movement common areas in the buildings with following
Providing and laying full body vitrified floor tiles slab polished/matt finish using tile
slabs of min. size 800x2400mm and min. thickness 15mm with water absorption less
than 0.08% and conforming to IS:15622, of approved brand & manufacturer, in all
colours and shade, laid with min. 6mm thick Polymer modified Quick Set Tile adhesive
(water based) conforming to IS:15477 and with 4mm size spacers including grouting
the groove/joints with Epoxy Grout of matching shade etc. complete. The tiles must be
cut with the zero-chipping diamond cutter only. Laying of tiles will be done with the
notch trowel, plier, wedge, clips of required thickness, levelling system and rubber
mallet for placing the tiles gently and easily.
e) Full body Vitrified Tile Flooring (Polished) (if required): Full body Vitrified Tile
Flooring (Polished) shall be provided in Rooms & Other similar areas where flooring

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not specified in any other sub-para in all the floors with following specifications:
Providing and laying full body vitrified floor tiles polished finish using tile of min. size
800x800mm (thickness to be specified by the manufacturer) with water absorption
less than 0.08% and conforming to IS:15622, of approved brand & manufacturer, in
all colours and shade, laid with min. 6mm thick Polymer modified Quick Set Tile
adhesive (water based) conforming to IS:15477, and with 4mm size spacers including
grouting the groove/joints with Epoxy Grout of matching shade etc. complete. The Tile
should be Germ Free and confirm to JIS Z2801 2010. The tiles must be cut with the
zero-chipping diamond cutter only. Laying of tiles will be done with the notch trowel,
plier, wedge, clips of required thickness, levelling system and rubber mallet for placing
the tiles gently and easily.
f) Full Body Vitrified Tiles (Matt/ Antiskid Finish): Full Body Vitrified Tiles Matt/
Antiskid Finish shall be provided in Toilets / Wet Areas with following specifications:
Providing and laying full body vitrified floor tiles matt/anti-skid finish using tile size of
600x600mm (thickness to be specified by the manufacturer) with water absorption
less than 0.08% and conforming to IS:15622, of approved brand & manufacturer, in
all colours and shade, laid with min. 6mm thick Polymer modified Quick Set Tile
adhesive (water based) conforming to IS:15477, and with 3mm size spacers including
grouting the groove/joints with Epoxy Grout of matching shade etc. complete. The
tiles must be cut with the zero-chipping diamond cutter only. Laying of tiles will be
done with the notch trowel, plier, wedge, clips of required thickness, levelling system
and rubber mallet for placing the tiles gently and easily.
17.41 Heat Resistant Tiles (Any Colour/ Finish): This item is to be executed as per the
details mentioned in Item no. 12.55 of CPWD DSR 2023 with up-to-date correction
slips and as per the direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
a) 18mm thick Italian Marble with or without brass in-lay (Any Colour/ Finish)
for flooring: This item is to be executed as per the details mentioned in Item no.
11.52.1 of CPWD DSR 2023 with up-to-date correction slips and as per the direction of
b) 18mm thick Italian Marble with or without brass in-lay (Any Colour/ Finish)
for Skirting/ Dado/ Wall lining: This item is to be executed as per the details
mentioned in Item no. 8.11.1 of CPWD DSR 2023 with up-to-date correction slips and
as per the direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
c) Vacuum Dewatered Flooring (VDF): M-30 grade design mix concrete to be used
for laying vacuum dewatered concrete with nominal Reinforcement in roads,
basement, ramps to basement or any other area as specified in architectural drawings.
The work shall be carried out as per CPWD Specifications- 2019 Vol.-I & Vol. II with
up-to-date correction slips.
i. VDF flooring shall be provided in the whole basement area including the ramps of
basement with minimum thickness of 200mm over the RCC raft. The areas where
there is no RCC raft, VDF flooring shall be provided over the firm base prepared by
preparing the sub-grade with proper rolling and laying 150mm thick PCC using M-15
grade of concrete. Minimum 200mm thickness of VDF flooring shall be provided in
such areas.
ii. Providing and laying C.C. pavement of mix M-30 with ready mixed concrete from
batching plant. The ready mixed concrete shall be laid and finished with screed board
vibrator, vacuum dewatering process and finally finished by floating, brooming with

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wire brush etc. complete as per specifications and directions of Engineer-in-charge.
iii. Flooring shall be laid in the areas as shown in the architectural drawings with required
thickness as per design requirement to sustain load of 20 tonne fire tender vehicle
movement and other impact load as per the location.
iv. Flooring shall have hard top on the concrete base. Flooring shall be laid in panels as
per the direction of Engineer in charge, expansion joint shall be provided as per
requirement. Specification for RMC and cement will remain same as mentioned
Particular specifications in contract/ RCC sub head.
v. Concrete shall be vacuum dewatered for removing the voids. The whole concrete
surface shall be levelled, compacted by ramming and trowelling. Prepared surface
shall be allowed to set.
vi. Hard top to be prepared as per the specifications with hardener admixture and one
part of dry cement, the hard top shall be provided over concrete base immediately
after it is set, compacted and levelled with a steel trowel. The surface shall be
trowelled to bring the hardener coat to a levelled Surface. Excessive trowelling shall be
avoided. After the initial set, further compaction shall be done by steel trowelling.
Final brushing where required (to achieve desired surface finish shall be made before
the floor top becomes too hard. Curing shall be done as per CPWD Specifications:
d) Cutting of joints shall be done within 24 hours of laying of concrete as per the width &
depth of joints and panel size approved by Engineer-in-charge.
e) The joints shall be filled with polysulphide sealant within one month of laying of
concrete after proper cleaning of joints and fixing backer rod.
f) Marking: Line marking with hot thermoplastic material as per the layout pattern in
approved colour and allow it to dry.
g) Cement Concrete flooring with Concrete hardener: Providing and laying C.C.
flooring of mix M-30 with ready mixed/ batch mixed concrete (with PPC cement) from
batching plant with required finish (broom/ smooth finish). The ready mixed concrete
shall be casted in panel and finished with screed board vibrator, vacuum dewatering
process and finally finished by floating, brooming with machine, etc. complete as per
specifications, for all heights and lifts and directions of Engineer in charge. If trimix
concrete shall be laid over on existing concrete surface, bonding agent shall be applied
before laying of concrete. Reinforcement if required shall not be paid. The rate shall
include cutting of grooves and filling them with poly sulphide sealant and baker rod
Note: Minimum cement content of 330 kg/cum. Nothing extra shall be payable to the
contractor for cement content beyond minimum cement content stipulated for the
item. This item shall also include cost of transportation of concrete from plant to site
and within site.
h) Skirting: 100 mm high skirting matching the floor material unless Wall Lining/ Wall
Tiles/ Dado is specified.


18.1 The wood work, Factory made wooden flush door and panelled shutters work in
general shall be manufactured & carried out as per CPWD Specifications - 2019 Vol. I
& II with up-to-date correction slips.
18.2 The samples of species of timber to be used shall be got approved and deposited by
the contractor with the Engineer in Charge before commencement of the work. Timber
shall be of specified species, good quality and well-seasoned. It shall have uniform

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colour, reasonably straight & closed grains and shall be free from knots, cracks,
shakes and sapwood. The contractor shall produce cash vouchers and certificates from
kiln seasoning or/ and chemical treatment plants about the timber section to be used
on the work having been kiln seasoned or/ and chemically treated by them.
18.3 Wood work shall not be painted, oiled or otherwise treated before it has been
approved by the Engineer-in-charge. All portion of timber including architrave abutting
against masonry, concrete, stone or embedded in ground shall be painted with
approved wood preservative or with boiling coal tar.
18.4 Only Superior class wood shall be used for any kind of woodwork. All wood (kiln
seasoned and termite treated) and wood base material shall be treated with anti-
termite treatment as per relevant IS before use and after installation. The guarantee
shall be furnished for 10 years in the prescribed format as directed by Engineer-in-
18.5 Plywood (BWP grade IS – 710), laminate or other composite wood-based products
shall be free of urea formaldehyde.
18.6 All veneer, wood shall be FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) & Green Guard Certified.
18.7 All loose sample of materials shall be approved by Engineer in charge.
18.8 All manufactured products shall conform to Green building norms.
18.9 All adhesives and sealants shall be with low VOC and lead free with acceptable VOC
content as per GRIHA requirements.
18.10 Contractor shall prepare shop drawing based on intent/ concept drawing and get
approval from Engineer-in-Charge. The contractor shall prepare mock-up doors,
windows and other elements with all required hardware and approved by the
Engineer-in-Charge before execution of work.
18.11 Work shall be carried out as per the final approved shop drawing and approved mock
up. Contractor shall responsible against stability, safety, leakage, etc all complete.
Testing work shall be carried out by Contractor as suggested by Engineer in charge.
(If required).
18.12 All type of locks shall be with computerized 4 No. keys (SS 304/ brass) and master
keys. Grouping of master keys shall be as suggested by Engineer-in-Charge. Nothing
extra shall be payable for master key provision.
18.13 Glass for external doors and windows shall be with desired parameters as per Green
building requirement.
18.14 Contractor shall provide test certification for all fire rated items.
18.15 Contractor shall make provision for access control system and other mechanical/
automation devices, co-ordinate with other services work and making good etc
18.16 All Doors, windows and other elements shall be fabricated and finished at the factory/
workshop, and only fixing and final finishing shall be executed at site, unless
otherwise approved by Engineer-in-charge.
18.17 Door, window and other elements work shall be carried out for all floor, all level, all
height, all places including loading, unloading, stacking, transporting, hoisting,
erecting by any means (mechanical or manual).
18.18 All silicone sealant shall be grey in colour or as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
18.19 For DGU glass, silicone, tape, spacer shall be grey in colour or as directed by
18.20 In case, model specified in bid document of any hardware item is changed/ not

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available with the manufacturer, the alternate equivalent or superior model of same
company can be considered with the prior approval of Engineer-in-charge and nothing
extra shall be payable for the same. In case of any mismatch between item
specifications and the specified make and model, the make and model as approved by
Engineer-in-charge shall be adopted.
18.21 Door Frames and shutters shall be provided as given in the Schedule of Doors. All
door frame/ Shutters are included in the scope of work even if not included in the said
Schedule of Doors and specification of such doors shall be as per specifications of
doors at similar locations and functional use of the area.
18.22 Factory made shutter as specified shall be obtained from factories approved by the
Engineer in charge. The contractor shall inform well in advance to the Engineer-in-
charge the names and address of the factory from where the contractor intends to get
the shutters manufactured. The contractor will place order for manufacture of shutters
only after written approval of the Engineer-in-charge in this regard is given. The
contractor is bound to abide by the decision of the Engineer-in-charge and recommend
a name of another factory from the approved list in case the factory already proposed
by the contractor is not found competent to manufacture quality shutters. Shutters
will however be accepted only if this meets the specified tests. The contractor will also
arrange stage wise inspection of the shutters at factory to the Engineer-in-charge or
his authorized representative. Contractor will have no claim if the shutters brought at
site are rejected by Engineer-in-charge in part or in full lot due to bad workmanship/
quality even after inspection of factory. Such shutters will not be measured and paid,
and the contractor shall remove the same from the site of work within 7 days after the
written instruction in this regard are issued by Engineer in Charge or his authorized
18.23 All fittings and fixtures shall be got approved from the Engineer-in Charge before
procurement well in advance and the approved samples shall be kept at site till
completion of the work.
18.24 The shape and size of beading shall be as per drawings. The joints of beading shall be
18.25 Glazing for toilets shall be of translucent type.
18.26 The contractor shall propose well in advance to Engineer-in-Charge, the names and
address of the factory where from the contractor intends to get the shutters
manufactured along with the credential of the firm. The contractor shall place the
order for manufacturing of shutters only after obtaining approval of the Engineer in
Charge whose decision in this case shall be final & binding. In case the firm is not
found suitable he shall propose another factory. The factory may also be inspected by
a group of officers before granting approval; shutters shall however he accepted only
if these meet the specified test.
18.27 Contractor will arrange stage wise inspection of the shutters at factory by the
Engineer-in- Charge or his authorized representative. The contractor will have no
claim if the shutters brought at site in part or full lot are rejected by the Engineer-in-
Charge due to bad workmanship/ quality. Such defective shutters will not be
measured and paid. The contractor shall remove the same from the site of work within
7 days after the written instruction in this regard are issued by the Engineer-in-
18.28 Doors Fittings and Fixtures: Fittings and Fixtures, Hinges in all doors shall be of

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Brass of high quality. Design (size & thickness) of the Fittings and Fixtures shall be as
per Schedule Doors Fittings and Fixtures and same shall be approved by Engineer in
The shutters should be brought at site without primer / painting.
18.29 Designer wooden Door (Single Leaf/ Double Leaf): Providing and fixing 35mm
thick designer wooden door (as per requirement & Door/ Window Schedule) made of
well-seasoned superior class Natural Burma Teak Wood of uniform color and straight
grains as per approved design and pattern made etc. complete as per direction of
engineer-in-charge. The rate includes preparation of shop drawing and approval of the
pattern there of by the engineer-in-charge.
18.30 Decorative wooden Door (Single Leaf/ Double Leaf of all sizes): Providing and
fixing 70mm thick decorative designer wooden door (as per requirement & Door/
Window Schedule) made of well-seasoned superior class Natural Burma Teak Wood of
uniform color and straight grains with superior class teak wood beading/ corners of all
sizes as per approved design and pattern made etc. complete as per direction of
engineer-in-charge. The rate includes preparation of shop drawing and approval of the
pattern there of by the engineer-in-charge.
18.31 Factory made and pressed laminated/ veneer finish 35mm thick flush door
shutter (Single Leaf/ Double Leaf): Providing and fixing factory made and pressed
laminated/ veneer finish 35mm thick flush door shutter excluding thickness of veneer/
laminate, made of ISI marked non decorative type flush door shutters conforming to
IS:2202 (Part I), core of block board construction with frame of 1st class hard wood,
pine filler and well matched commercial 3 ply veneering with vertical grains or cross
bands and face veneers on both faces of shutters having laminates/ veneer of
preferred make, shade, finish (which paid separately) as approved by Engineer-in-
charge on both faces of shutter fixed with phenol formaldehyde synthetic resin type
adhesive conforming to IS 848 including providing and fixing 6mm thick peripheral
external lipping made out of superior class teak wood, on all edges of door shutter
with specified polishing on all exposed faces of lipping including fixing shutters etc
complete for all floor all level as per drawings and as directed by Engineer-in-charge.
Door frame shall be with suitable acoustic peripheral door seal of preferred make and
shade at three side of frame.
Rate shall be inclusive of flush shutter, lipping, veneer/ laminates, all required
hardware, polishing, necessary consumable, accessories etc. complete for all height as
per drawing, design & direction by Engineer-in-charge.
18.32 Vision panel (if required): Providing and fixing vision panel made out of 5 mm thick
toughen glass of any shape any size in all type of flush doors (for non-fire rated door).
Glass shall be fixed with superior class teak wood beading on both side the door of
required size as shown in drawing and direction of Engineer-in-charge. Rate shall be
inclusive of the cost of making opening in door, provision of glass, superior class teak
wood beading both side, extra batten support required around periphery of opening,
cost of PU polishing etc complete.
18.33 Frosted Film (if required): Providing and fixing in position PVC Frosting Glass film
of 100-to-130-micron thickness preferred make (of any pattern, shade and type) on
glass partitions and doors for internal use. Film shall be pasted on glass without any
appearing air bubble. The rates shall be for all shapes and all heights with necessary
scaffolding complete as per the architectural drawings and manufacturer's

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specification & instructions as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. Film shall be with
10 years warranty.
18.34 Mirror with wooden frame: Providing and fixing 6mm thick extra clear mirror (with
low iron content) of approve make in any shape and sizes with kiln seasoned termite
treated superior class teak wooden frame of size up to 100mm x 38mm and as per
drawing. Wooden framing shall be with some carving, molding work as per intent and
water based exterior grade PU polished. Cement bonded particle board/ cement fiber
board of minimum 6 mm thickness shall be fixed to wall with SS 304 screw/ fastener
in proper plumb and level. Mirror shall be fixed with silicon sealant/ double sided tape
on cement board. Wooden frame shall be fixed at periphery of glass in good
workmanship manner etc. complete at all floors, all levels, all heights as directed by
Engineer-in-charge. Rate shall be inclusive of mirror, cement bonded particle board/
fiber cement board, wooden framing including moulding, carving, adhesive, double
sided tape, screw, fasteners, PU polish and all required accessories.
18.35 Metal/ Glazed Fire Check Door Shutter/ Window/ Partitions: Contractor shall
be responsible for obtaining “No objection Certification from Fire Department for the
executed work. Accordingly, metal/ glazed fire check door/ window/ partition shall be
executed in all Staircase, Passage, Lobby, Electric shafts and anywhere else required
in the building as per requirement of as per requirement of Fire safety Norms,
Provisions of NBC-2016 guidelines, IS 3614-2021 (with up-to-date amendments). The
Item should be executed by a specialized agency. Necessary shop drawings for
the fire door/ window/ partition shall be prepared by the specialized vendor and
submitted to Engineer-in-charge for approval. Only after approval, the specialized
vendor goes ahead with procuring and installing the doors, windows & partitions etc.
The work shall be done in accordance with CPWD Specifications - 2019 - Vol. I & Vol.
II, norms of fire department and IS:3614-2021 (with up-to-date amendments). Fire
check doors shall be of 2-hour fire rated and shall satisfy the performance criteria of
Fire Resistance - Stability, Fire Integrity and Insulation as per IS:3614 (Latest edition)
as below:
Stability: The fire check door should not collapse during the rated period of fire under
the specified fire conditions. The fire check doors provide safe access to the escape
route in the building namely protected corridors and staircase.
Integrity: The fire check doors should not allow the passage of hot gases or the
flames or the flames through the rebate or the gap between the door frame and
shutters for the duration of its fire rating.
Insulation: In accordance with prevailing guidelines of IS:3614-2021 (latest edition)
or Particular specifications given in the bid document whichever is more.
Testing: One door assembly shall be selected at random out of the entire lot, one for
single leaf and one for double leaf and shall be tested for two hours fire rating. The
testing shall be got done from CBRI, Roorkee, Certi-fire labs, or TUV. The cost of
materials, for testing and transportation/ packing, testing charges and other incidental
charges, shall be borne by the contractor. In case the door fails to meet the
requirement, the entire lot shall be rejected.
18.36 Insulated Hollow metal fire doors (Powder coated): Providing and fixing of
medium duty hollow metal fire rated doors as per IS 3614: 2021, for 120min integrity
& 30min. insulation. Pressed galvanized steel confirming to IS 277 with the following
specification. Recommended fire door shall be tested to IS 17518 (Part 1): 2022/ ISO

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3008-1: 2019 from CBRI lab and manufactured in ISO 9001: 2015 certified company
for quality management. ISI labled fire door shall be with fire rated hardware and
vision panel all as a complete assembly and shall not be more than 58kg/Sqmt in
weight. Proper label confirming the type of door and the hourly rating is mandatory.
NOTE- Doors tested in latched condition cannot be replaced with unlatched doors
(Deadbolt & Handle) in actual site condition. Need independent testing for both
latched and unlatched doors. Ref Page No-8 & 10, Sec: 7.2.9 & 7.3.6 of Builder's
Hardware IS3614: 2021.
Door frame shall be step rebate grooved profile of size 125 x 75mm made out of
1.20mm (18gauge) minimum thick galvanized steel sheet. Frames shall be mitered
and field assembled with self-tabs. Frames to have inbuild grooved sealing system for
taking fire rated seals. All provision should be mortised, drilled and tapped for
receiving appropriate hardware. Frames should be provided with back plate bracket
and anchor fasteners for installation on a finished plastered masonry wall opening.
Frames shall be filled with fire rated puff.
Door leaf shall be minimum 60mm thick fully flush double skin step design door,
insulated with or without vision lite. ISI labelled Door leaf shall be manufactured from
1.2mm (18guage) minimum thick galvanised steel sheet. The internal construction of
the door should be rigid reinforcement pads for receiving appropriate hardware. The
infill material shall not be less than be 120kg/m³ high density mineral wool insulation
material. Intumescent seals 15 x 1.5mm to be provided. All ISI labelled doors shall be
factory prepped for receiving appropriate hardware and provided with necessary
reinforcement for hinges, locks, and door closers. The edges should be interlocked
with a bending radius of 1.4mm. For pair of doors integrated astragals has to be
provided on the meeting stile for both active and inactive leaf. Vision lite wherever
applicable shall be maximum 200 x 300mm (or max with clear borosilicate
fire rated glass of 6mm. Glass shall be fixed with suitable gasket and with clip-
on arrangement.
Door and frames shall be finished Pure Polyester Powder coated and shall have passed
minimum 500 hours of salt spray test. Rate shall include supply and installation of
frame, shutter as a complete assembly including all hardware, seals &
glass with tapes.
18.37 Un-Insulated Hollow metal fire doors (Powder coated): As per IS 3614: 2021,
for 120min integrity & 30min. insulation. Pressed galvanized steel confirming to IS
277 with the following specification. Recommended fire door shall be tested to IS
17518 (Part 1): 2022/ ISO 3008-1: 2019 from CBRI lab and manufactured in ISO
9001: 2015 certified company for quality management. ISI labled fire door shall be
with fire rated hardware and vision panel all as a complete assembly and shall not be
more than 34kg/ in weight. Proper label confirming the type of door and the
hourly rating is mandatory. NOTE- Doors tested in latched condition cannot be
replaced with unlatched doors (Deadbolt & Handle) in actual site condition. Both
latched and unlatched doors need independent testing.
Door frame shall be single rebate grooved profile with one side architrave of size 125
x 70mm made out of 1.20mm (18gauge) minimum thick galvanized steel sheet.
Frames shall be mitered and field assembled with self tabs. Frames to have inbuild
grooved sealing system for taking fire rated seals. All provision should be mortised,
drilled and tapped for receiving appropriate hardware. Frames should be provided with

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back plate bracket and anchor fasteners for installation on a finished plastered
masonry wall opening. Frames shall be filled with fire rated puff.
Door leaf shall be 46mm thick fully flush double skin door, sandwiched panel un-
insulated with or without vision lite. ISI labelled Door leaf shall be manufactured from
1.2mm (18guage) minimum thick galvanised steel sheet. The internal construction of
the door should be rigid reinforcement pads for receiving appropriate hardware. The
infill material shall not be less than be 120kg/m3 shall be honeycomb core. All ISI
labelled doors shall be factory prepped for receiving appropriate hardware and
provided with necessary reinforcement for hinges, locks, and door closers. The edges
should be interlocked with a bending radius of 1.4mm. For pair of doors integrated
astragals has to be provided on the meeting stile for both active and inactive leaf.
Vision lite wherever applicable shall be maximum 150 x 750mm (or max
with clear borosilicate fire rated glass of 6mm. Glass shall be fixed with suitable
gasket and with clip-on arrangement.
Door and frames shall be finished Pure Polyester Powder coated and shall have passed
minimum 500 hours of salt spray test. Rate shall include supply and installation of
frame, shutter as a complete assembly including all hardware, seals &
glass with tapes.
18.38 Insulated glazed fire door & Partition (E/EW120, E130): Providing and fixing of
insulated glazed fire door for stability, integrity (E/EW 120) & Insulation (El 30).
Pressed galvanized steel confirming to IS 277 with the following specification. Glazed
door shall be tested as per IS 16947, IS/ISO 3009-1 for integrity & insulation (E/EW
120) from CBRI/ TBW/ Exova Certifier for maximum rating of 120mins with 30Mins
insulation and manufactured in ISO 9001: 2015 certified company for quality
management. Test certificates should be made available for max door size tested as a
complete assembly including assessment report for side partition for max glass size.
Proper label confirming the type of door and the hourly rating is mandatory.
Providing and fixing of insulated glazed fire door for stability, integrity (E/EW 120) &
Insulation (El 30). Pressed galvanized steel confirming to IS 277 with the following
specification. Glazed door shall be tested as per IS 16947, IS/ISO 3009-1 for integrity
& insulation (E/EW 120) from CBRI/TBW/Exova Certifier for maximum rating of
120mins with 30Mins insulation and manufactured in ISO 9001: 2015 certified
company for quality management. Test certificates should be made available for max
door size tested as a complete assembly including assessment report for side partition
for max glass size. Proper label confirming the type of door and the hourly rating is
Door frames and partitions shall be single rebate frame profile of size 125 x 60mm
made out of 1.60mm (16gauge) minimum thick galvanized steel sheet. Frames shall
be butted/mitered and with mandatory provision for smoke seal and field assembled
with self tabs. All transom profiles and side panels shall be from similar profile and
should be as per the tested specimen. For partitions, glass should be held in its place
with 1.2mm Gl clip-on beading 19mm height with ceramic tape of size 4 x 13mm as
per test evidence. Concealed screws shall be of size 8 x 19mm, self tapping and fixed
inside the beading at every 250 m c/c. Door frames shall be with back plate bracket
and anchor fasteners for installation on a finished plastered masonry wall opening.
The top support for mounting shall be included as per design requirement. Once frame
installed should be filled with PUF as recommended by the manufacturer or engineer.

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Door leaf shall be fully glazed SH100 profile of size 60 x 100mm profile step box
section for taking glass elements. Door leaf shall be manufactured from 1.2mm
(18guage) minimum thick galvanised steel sheet. Glass should be held in its place
with 1.2mm x 19mm Gl clip- on beading with a ceramic tape of size 4 x 13mm as per
the test evidence. Concealed screws shall be 8 x 19mm, self tapping and fixed inside
the beading at every 250 m c/c a. Doors shall be 60mm thick and the internal
construction of the door should be rigid reinforcement pads for stability of profile &
infill of high density mineral wool. All provision should be mortised, drilled and tapped
for receiving appropriate hardware. For pair of doors integral astragals has to be
provided on the meeting stile. The glass shall be fire rated, ultra clear, interlayered
minimum 11mm thick pyran fusion, for (E) 120 minutes integrity & (El 30) 30minutes
insulation with light transmission of minimum 89% as per EN1363 and EN1364. Glass
shall have a impact resistance of 1B1 as per EN 12600 and sound insulation of 37db.
Glazing kit to be provided along with steel beading and ceramic tape.
All doors and frames shall be finished Pure Polyester Powder coated and shall have
passed minimum 500 hours of salt spray test. Rate shall include supply and
installation of frame, shutter as a complete assembly including glass,
hardware and smoke seals
18.39 Insulated automatic sliding glazed fire door & partition (E/EW120, E130):
Providing and fixing of fire rated automatic sliding door FSD 120 (E/EW 120, El 30)
with dormakaba operator ES 200 STD - Type F, tested to IS 16947/IS/ISO 3009-1 for
integrity & insulation. Tested doors shall be manufactured in ISO 9001: 2015 certified
company for quality management. Pressed galvanized steel confirming to IS 277 with
the following specification. Automatic glazed sliding door shall be tested for maximum
rating of 120mins integrity and 30mins insulation as a complete assembly.
Assessment reports shall be provided for side partitions from reputed international lab
for max glass size.

Frames and side partitions shall be single rebate frame profile of size 125 x 40mm
made out of 1.60mm (16gauge) minimum thick galvanized steel sheet. Sliding door
leaf shall be fully glazed with minimum 60 x 85mm profile step box section
manufactured from 1.2mm (18guage) minimum thick galvanised steel sheet. The
glass should be clear fire rated borosilicate interlayered 11mm thick pyran fusion, for
(E) 120mins integrity & 30mins insulation (EI 30) with light transmission of minimum
89% as per EN1363 and EN1364. Glass shall be held in position with clip on beading
and concealed fasteners. Glass shall have a impact resistance of 1B1 as per EN 12600.
The operator shall be type tested for fire rating with dormakaba ES 200 Std-Type F,
compliant with European standards and produced according to the guidelines for
power-operated windows, doors and gates, BGR 232, the UVV and the VDE
regulations. TÜV design tested for 1 Million Cycle of operation in accordance with low
voltage guidelines of IEC/EN 60335-2-103 and fulfils EN 16005 and DIN 18650-1/DIN
18650-2 standards & also compliance with ASR A 1.7:2009. The profile finish should
be silver anodized or black anodised with operator dimensions (H x D) not exceeding
150 x 180 mm. SS hinges to connect the main profile with cover profile. The five
position program switch has an option to switch between following modes: automatic,
Exit only, partial opening, always close and always open. Activators - dormakaba
2nos. Nemo combination sensor - (Motion and Safety in single radar), Electro

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Mechanical lock for Fail safe/ Fail Secure, program switch with Knob, Inbuilt battery
pack. The Weight Carrying Capacity per panel is 2 X 160 Kgs for double sliding doors.
The system shall have constant power supply 230V+5%, 50Hz, AC. Supports and
studs required for mounting the system from top shall be included as per site
condition (cost of which will be paid extra)
All doors and frames shall be finished Pure Polyester Powder coated and shall have
passed minimum 500 hours of salt spray test. Rate should include supply and
installation of door and operator 5.1 including glass and glazing as a complete
assembly max track length 4.15 Mt.
18.40 Fire Rated Rolling Shutter: Providing and fixing of single skin fire rated rolling
shutter FRS120 as per IS3614 Part-1 and tested to ISO 834-1 or BS 476 Part 22.
Slats shall be made from galvanised steel 0.9 to 1.2mm (22/18 gauge) as per IS 277
of size 109mm of preferred make. Rolling shutter shall be Certified labelled and
approved for fire rating for 120 minutes, stability and integrity. Construction of the
slats shall be of 0.9 to 1.2mm thick GI sheet forming to the door height, the bottom
edge of the door shall be 100mm bar fabricated from Steel angle of required size and
thickness, The side guides will be 3mm thick single piece GI guide rail. The shutter
box shall be welded standard steel pipe with double flange steel shafts supported by
enclosed bearings. Box cover shall be minimum 0.8mm thick steel box casing cover
and side guides painted in any colour. Motor capacity shall be min 3hp, connecting
volt shall be 220Volt 50Hz 1 phase, and 415V 50Hz 3 phase for bigger sizes. One unit
Push Button Switch (Up, Stop, Down) IP 65, Current rating will be 9 Amp for the sizes
mentioned. The fusible link shall be 24V solenoid release. Contractor shall provide
electrical supply 16A, 3 pin, industrial male socket with required length of cable along
with controller.
Rolling shutter finish shall be Galvanized and painted in any shade for both side.
Minimum head room shall be 700mm to 1000mm based on door sizes, including motor
side 200mm and bearing side 150mm. Shutter box and guide rail shall be integrated.
Rate shall include all material, labour, hardware, E & M components and connections
etc all complete for all level, all floor and as directed by Engineer-in-charge.
18.41 Acoustic door: Providing and fixing of medium duty acoustic door as per IS 16074 &
IS 4351 made of pressed galvanized steel confirming to IS 277 with the following
specification. Door shall be suitable for 39db, STC rating and manufactured in ISO
9001: 2015 certified company for quality management.

Door frame shall be single rebate step grooved profile of size 125 x 75mm made out
of 1.60mm (16gauge) minimum thick galvanized steel sheet. Frames shall be mitered
and field assembled with self-tabs. Frames to have inbuild grooved sealing system and
shall be site fitted with PVC gasket as standard. All provision should be mortised,
drilled and tapped for receiving appropriate hardware. Perimeter seal of preferred
make Athmer/ Legancy to be provided on all three sides of the frame jamb. Frames
should be provided with back plate bracket and anchor fasteners for installation on a
finished plastered masonry wall opening. Frames shall be filled with puff.

Door leaf shall be 60mm thick step design fully flush double skin door, insulated
without vision lite. Door leaf shall be manufactured from 1.2mm (18guage) minimum
thick galvanised steel sheet. The internal construction of the door should be rigid

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reinforcement pads for receiving appropriate hardware. The infill material shall be
120kg/ high density rockwool/ mineral wool material. All doors shall be factory
prepped for receiving appropriate hardware and provided with necessary
reinforcement for hinges, locks, and door closers. The edges should be interlocked
with a bending radius of 1.4mm. For pair of doors integrated astragals has to be
provided on the meeting stile for both active and inactive leaf. Door shall be equipped
with additional seals like auto door bottom.
All doors and frames shall be finished Pure Polyester Powder coated and shall have
passed minimum 500 hours of salt spray test. Rate shall include supply and
installation of frame, shutter as a complete assembly. All hardware and seals cost will
be paid extra as per the hardware schedule
Following standards shall be applicable for partition system.
i. Structural stability test accordance to BS 5234: Part2:1992 & EN 1991-1-1:2002
ii. Acoustic test for sound insulation in accordance to DIN EN ISO 10140-2 ASTME - E90
iii. All aluminium profile shall be extruded and manufactured and tested in accordance to
EN573-3, EN755-2, DIN EN 12020 T2, non-dimensions manufacturing tolerance
deviation DIN ISO 2768-1 or DIN 18202, DIN 1249 DIN EN ISO 12543.
iv. Contractor shall prepare shop drawing including fixing arrangement based on concept
drawing. If adjoining surface is not available to fixed the partition, the contractor shall
provide fixing arrangement of partition as per manufacture's recommendation without
any extra cost.
v. Contractor shall prepare mock-up (for one module with infill, shutter and hardware)
for approval.
vi. Partition system shall be fixed on any type of surface i.e. masonry, RCC, dry wall
system, metal work etc.) with required capacity of anchorage as per manufacturer's
specification. Stability of partition system shall be responsibility of contractor.
Contractor shall coordinate and execute any type of services in partition system.
vii. Work shall be carried out as per approved shop drawing, as per approved mock-up
and as directed by Engineer-in-charge.
viii. Rate shall be inclusive of cost of minimum 50 micron polyester powder coated/ colour
anodized aluminium framing system, fixing accessories, SS 304 fasteners, gaskets,
sealants, in fill material (glass, plywood, veneer), flush door shutter, glazed door
shutter, hardware and MS for fixing the partition (if required) etc. all required to
completely install the system.

18.42 2hr Fire Rated Partition/ Windows: Glazed Fire Rated Doors/ Partitions/ Windows
shall be as per Specifications of Frame, Shutter and Glazing as provided in CPWD
specifications for Fire Rated Doors.
Supply and installation of tested fully glazed fire rated fixed partition system including
swing type latched double shutter door/ sliding type double leaf door with 120 minutes
of integrity and radiation control (EW 120) and Insulation of 30 minutes (EI 30) with
symmetrical (Bi-Directional) fire protection. The frames for partitions as well as doors,
shutter, beading shall be made out of cold rolled/ pressed galvanized steel profiles as
per EN 10327 or IS 277. The door frames are cold rolled/ pressed galvanized steel
from minimum 1.5 mm steel sheet to form a profile. Frame shall have minimum
48mm width and face width maximum 125mm and as per manufacturer’s
specification. The doors frame profiles shall have groves to incorporate fire resistant

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gaskets. The system shall be tested as per EN 1634-1/ / ISO 834-1/ ISO 3009/ IS
16947:2019 in FRL CBRI or an accredited laboratory as approved by Engineer-in-
The glass shall be clear with minimum 13 mm thickness and 120 min fire rated for
Integrity, radiation control (EW 120) and partial insulation (EI 30), non wired,
interlayered with a light transmission of minimum 85%, and a sound reduction of 37
(±2) dB and manufactured in UL & TUV audited Facility.
The glass for partitions as well as for doors shall be held in its place with the help of
minimum 1.2 mm cold rolled/ galvanized steel beading and ceramic tape as per the
test evidence. Beadings for doors and partitions shall be clipped using SS self-tapping
screws. The glass panes in doors and partitions shall be supported on non-combustible
6 mm Calcium Silicate setting blocks. All provision shall be mortised, drilled and
tapped for receiving appropriate hardware.
The door frame profiles and partitions shall be fixed to the supporting construction by
means of M10 or bigger SS 304 steel fastener as per system requirement. Partition
system shall be fixed on any type of surface i.e. masonry, RCC, dry wall system, metal
work etc. with required capacity of anchorage as per manufacturers specifications.
Stability of door and partition system shall be responsibility of contractor.
Contractor shall prepare shop drawing including fixing arrangement based on concept
drawing. In case, surface/ member is not available abutting the partition and door
system for fixing, contractor shall design and propose a subsystem/ MS frame for
fixing arrangement as per manufacturers recommendation. Contractor shall prepare
mock of system with all hardware for approval.
All exposed system profiles shall be finished pure polyester powder coated and shall
have passed minimum 500 hours of salt spray test. The specimen shall be tested in
FRL CBRI or international test lab like TBWRL / IFTS / DMT.
Rate shall be inclusive of frame and glass for fixed partition system (including side and
top fixed panel of shutter), fasteners, finishing and all required accessories, swing
type latched door shutter, sliding door shutter, required hardware and automatic
system, shutter (including shutter frame and glazing), MS work for subsystem/ fixing
arrangement (if required), all hardware and automatic system etc. complete.
a) Providing and fixing Sal wood (as approved by Engineer In- Charge) in frames of
doors, infill in dry wall partition, windows, jambs, and framing for any type of work
(i.e. ceiling, wall panelling, flooring if required), wrought framed and fixed in position
with hold fast lugs or with dash fasteners of required dia & length etc for all floor, all
level all height as per drawing and as directed by engineer in charge.
b) Providing and fixing in position superior class Natural Burma teak wood work in door,
window and fixed panel frames; jambs, skirting, louver, grill, cornice, pelmet, hand
rail for railing, skirting, wooden band, wooden batten panelling, panelling, ceiling,
fixed panel of door and framing and any type of interior work, wrought framed and
fixed in position with hold fast lugs or dash fasteners of preferred make, required dia
& length etc for all floor, all level all height as per drawing and as directed by engineer
in charge. Rate shall be inclusive of all type of consumable, accessories, fastener and
any type of corner treatment (i.e. chamfering, pencil corner, bevelling etc.).
c) Windows: The Windows shall be provided in the building as per detailed conceptual
architectural drawings. The windows shall be planned to meet guidelines of NBC and
as per details in the detailed architectural Drawings. All the windows, Ventilators,

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Fixed Glass window etc. shall be of Aluminium/ Wooden as per Technical


19.1 The work shall be carried out as per CPWD Specifications- 2019 Vol.-I & Vol. II with
up-to-date correction slips.
19.2 All painting material shall be brought to the site of work in the original sealed
containers. The material brought to the site of work shall be sufficient for at least 30
days of work. The material shall be kept under the joint custody of contractor and
representative of the Engineer-in-Charge. The empty containers shall not be removed
from the site without the permission of the Engineer-in-Charge.
19.3 All adhesives and sealants shall be with low VOC and lead free with acceptable VOC
content as per Green building requirements.
19.4 Ready mix polymer modified cement mortar shall be of preferred make, technical
parameter as per specification and complies with IS 2250. (Sand shall not be added in
ready mix mortar for use). The compressive strength of ready mix mortar shall be
minimum 7.5 MPa
19.5 Rate shall be inclusive of any type of groove and drip mould in all type of plaster work.
19.6 The rate shall be for all floor, all height, all level in any shape.
19.7 Contractor shall provide GI chicken mesh/ glass fiber mesh (with alkali resistant
coating) at all junctions, corner, services cut-out/ chasing, doors window joints etc. as
per specification and as directed by Engineer in charge.
19.8 If plaster thickness is more than mentioned in bid document, contractor shall provide
GI chicken mesh/ glass fiber mesh (with alkali resistant coating) in entire area at no
extra cost. Gypsum suitable for spray application shall only be used.
19.9 All type of plaster work shall be applied and finished mechanically using mortar spray
machine and mechanical trowel/ finisher as per manufacture's recommendation and as
directed by Engineer in charge. Plastering using traditional manual method shall be
done only with prior approval of Engineer-in-charge, at locations where mechanised
plaster is not feasible.
19.10 Nothing extra shall be paid for adding water proofing material (Integral liquid water
proofing compound in the mortar, plastering on circular area and using spray

19.11 PLASTER:
a) 12 mm Plaster: Providing and applying 12 mm Plaster by using spray machine
(smooth or wire finished plaster) with Polymer added ready mix cement mortar,
finished with trowel. GI hexagonal chicken mesh of size aperture 20 mm x 20 mm of
22 gauge and minimum 200 mm wide at RCC & masonry junctions or between
different materials and 145 GSM of minimum 150mm wide fiber glass mesh with alkali
resistant coating shall be fixed at plumbing and electrical work chasing areas, at
corner and doors and window joints as per manufacturer's specifications with GI nails,
hacking of concrete/ application of bonding agent, finishing, curing, scaffolding for all
floor, all level, all height etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. Rate shall
be inclusive of all labour and material including hacking of concrete/ bonding agent,
chicken mesh, glass fiber mesh, provision of groove/ drip mould as per drawing,
incidentals etc. complete and as directed by Engineer-in-charge.

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b) 18 mm Plaster: Providing and applying 18 mm Plaster in two coats by using spray
machine under layer 12mm thick finished with a top layer 6 mm thick polymer added
ready mix cement mortar, finished with trowel. GI hexagonal chicken mesh of size
aperture 20 mm x 20 mm of 22 gauge and minimum 200 mm wide at RCC & masonry
junctions or between different materials and 145 GSM of minimum 150mm wide fiber
glass mesh with alkali resistant coating shall be fixed plumbing and electrical work
chasing areas, at corner and doors and window joints as per manufacturer's
specifications with GI nails, hacking of concrete/ application of bonding agent,
finishing, curing, scaffolding for all floor, all level, all height etc. complete as directed
by Engineer-in-charge. Rate shall be inclusive of all labour and material including
hacking of concrete/ bonding agent, chicken mesh, glass fiber mesh, provision of
groove/ drip mould as per drawing, incidentals etc. complete and as directed by
c) 6 mm Plaster: Providing and applying minimum 6 mm cement plaster by using spray
machine with polymer added ready mix cement mortar finished with trowel including
application of bonding agent/ hacking of concrete to receive the plaster, finishing,
curing, scaffolding for all floor, all level, all height etc. complete and as directed by
d) 12 mm thick (average) gypsum lightweight plaster: 12 mm thick (average)
premixed formulated one coat gypsum lightweight plaster having additives and light
weight aggregates as vermiculite/ perlite respectively conforming to IS: 2547 (Part - I
& II) 1976, applied on smooth/ uneven background such as bare brick/ block/ RCC
work on walls/ column etc of any shape any size at all floors, all height and locations,
finished in smooth line and level including provision of 145 GSM glass fiber mesh with
alkali-resistant coating as per manufacturer's specifications, scaffolding etc. complete.
Hacking of concrete or Bonding agent shall be applied on concrete surface before
plastering work. Fiber glass mesh shall be fixed between two different material,
plumbing and electrical work chasing areas, at corner and doors and window joints.
Gypsum plaster shall be done using spray machine and using gypsum suitable for
spray application. Rate shall be inclusive of all labour, spray machine, material and
including hacking of concrete/ bonding agent application, glass fiber mesh, gypsum
plaster finished in smooth line and level, provision of groove as per drawing, and
scaffolding, incidentals etc. complete and as directed by Engineer-in-charge.
e) 8 mm thick (average) gypsum lightweight plaster (if required): Providing and
applying minimum 8 mm thick (average) premixed formulated one coat gypsum
lightweight plaster having additives and light weight aggregates as vermiculite/ perlite
respectively conforming to IS: 2547 (Part - 1 & II) 1976, applied on hacked RCC work
on ceiling, soffit and side of beam, soffit of waist slab etc at all floors, all height and all
levels, finished in smooth line and level, scaffolding etc. complete. Hacking of concrete
or Bonding agent shall be applied on concrete surface before plastering work. Gypsum
plaster shall be done using spray machine and using gypsum suitable for spray
application. Rate shall be inclusive of all labour, spray machine, material and including
hacking of concrete/ bonding agent application, gypsum plaster finished in smooth line
and level, glass fiber mesh at join of two different material, provision of groove/ drip
mould as per drawing, incidentals etc. complete and as directed by Engineer-in

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f) 12 mm Cement Plaster (if required): Providing and applying average 12 mm
Cement Plaster on brick work with 1:4 (1 Cement: 4 Coarse Sand) including finishing,
curing, scaffolding etc complete as per directions of Engineer- in charge for all floors
and all heights.


a) All adhesives, sealants & paint shall be water based, with low VOC with acceptable
VOC content as per Green Building Norms requirements and lead free.
b) Paint shall be applied after thoroughly brushing the surfaces, free from mortar
dropping and other foreign matter, preparing the surface even and sand papered
smooth etc, after applying every coat of putty and primer complete.
c) Contractor shall furnish warranty paper, wherever applicable.
d) If necessary more coats shall be applied till the surface presents a uniform appearance
without any extra cost.
e) Paint shall be applied with any means (i.e. roller, spray etc)
f) Contractor shall prepare sample of minimum three shades as suggested by engineer in
charge for approval.
g) The rate shall be applicable for all floor, all level, all height by any means of
h) Putty: Providing and applying white cement-based putty of average thickness 1mm,
of approved brand and manufacturer, over the any surface to prepare the surface
even and smooth all complete as per the direction of Engineer-in-Charge as per
schedule given in this Bid Document.
i) Primer: Applying priming coats with primer of approved brand and manufacture,
having low VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) content: Modified acrylic, water-based
alkali resistant primer with having low VOC as per schedule given in this Bid
j) Providing and applying water based, low VOC, breathable and biodegradable, water,
oil and stain repellent transparent fluorocarbon based coating with anti-graffiti
property on natural stone cladding (suitable product according to sand stone/ marble/
granite) of preferred make having fluoro carbon based nano technology at all heights
& lead sand wherever instructed by Engineer-In-Charge. The treatment shall be in two
coats wet-on wet or as recommended by approved manufacturer including preparation
of surfaces by cleaning, curing, protecting, independent double legged scaffolding etc
complete. The rate includes the cost of all materials, its application by specialized
applicators by spray coating with air less sprayer, cleaning the substrate of all
laitance, construction dust, contaminants, double scaffolding, labour etc., all complete
and at all levels, leads and heights as per particular specification & directions of
Engineer-in-Charge. Guarantee Bond in the prescribed proforma shall be executed by
the contractor for the satisfactory performance of the application for 10years. The look
and feel of the natural stone surface shall not be affected by coating.
k) Acrylic emulsion/ Plastic emulsion/ Texture paint: Providing and applying Acrylic
emulsion/ Plastic emulsion/ Texture paint (superior quality) of interior grade, Two
coats of interior grade Acrylic emulsion/ Plastic emulsion/ Texture paint of preferred
make and shade with highly washable, Anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, scratch resistant
and scrub resistance property, having VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) content less
than 50grams/ litre of approved brand and manufacture, on wall/ ceiling/ false ceiling/

NOA : NIL NOI : NIL Page-233

partition etc. wherever required as per the schedule given in NIT including applying
additional coats wherever required to achieve even shade and colour.
l) PU Polish: Providing and applying exterior grade water base Polyurethane (PU) clear
matt finish/ glossy finish/ semi-gloss finish polish of preferred make and shade for
external/ internal wooden & veneered surfaces. Polish work shall be carried out as
i. Surface preparation with sand papering with different grade of sand paper up to
satisfaction of Engineer-in-Charge.
ii. Base coat application with compatible wooden primer.
iii. Stainer coat application of approved shade (for polish with shade)
iv. Minimum Three subsequent coat of PU polish followed by sand papering with fine
sandpaper. Polish application shall be for all floor all level all height as per
manufacturer's specification and as per drawing and as directed by Engineer in charge.
Sample shall be approved by Engineer-in-Charge.
m) Wallpaper on Gypsum/ any type false ceiling: Note: Dimensions shall be
coordinated with the onsite team. Contents are for design intent reference purposes
only and to be read along with technical specifications & plan. The location & sizes are
to be cross checked from relevant approved supporting drawing. Specifications
proposed by contractor shall be similar or equal to the specification mentioned in the
approved drawings by the Engineer-in-Charge.
Specification: Providing and fixing decorative Wall Paper/ Non-Woven/ Solid Sheet
Vinyl/ Easy-Walls/ Vinyl Coated Paper etc. of preferred make and as per approved
sample on gypsum partition. The wall paper adhesives used must be designed for
fixing the wallpaper coverings & strictly follow the environmental and safety
standards. The wall paper shall be fixed in any shape, length & size match to pattern
continued across the width of the wallpaper and the pattern shall continue across the
seam and matched to the same point of the pattern on the next strip. Seamless joint
shall be provided between two rolls of wallpaper


a) Contractor shall prepare consolidated shop drawing based on concept drawing/ design
for all false ceiling, panelling and partition work, co-ordinate with all type services and
get approved by Engineer-in-charge before execution of work.
b) All veneer, the wood shall be FSC (Forest Steward ship Council) & Green Guard
c) All Manufactured products shall be with at least 5% recycled content.
d) Sample of all loose material and mock-up shall be approved by Engineer-in-charge
before execution.
e) Contractor shall co-ordinate and execute all services inwall panelling/ partition/ ceiling
work i.e. making openings for light fittings, switch board, electrical points, grills,
diffusers, cut-outs for any services, provision of addition framing member for
strengthen, making good as per satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge.
f) Any wood/ wood base material/ plywood/ MDF Board shall be treated with anti-termite
treatment as per relevant IS without any extra cost.
g) Any type of finish on plywood shall be factory pressed.
h) Rate shall be for all floor, all level all height for all elements in any shape, any size.
i) GI Framing for wall panelling Providing and fixing of Close stud / C stud type wall

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panelling framing system of preferred make, All member of framing system shall be as
per IS513, AZcoating150GSM. System includes 48x0.6mm closed/ C stud shall be
placed at 600mmc/c in 50x0.5mm floor and ceiling channel. Floor channel shall be cut
& bend and braced with Wall and closed stud at every900mmc/c vertically. Floor &
Ceiling channel is anchored to the floor & True ceiling using Rail plug of
sizeØ8x45mm/ required size of anchor fasteners of preferred make having Pull-Out
Load-7.5kNat600mm c/c in centre line manner. Noggin channel made of 48x0.6mm
closed stud/ C stud shall be provided at the horizontal joints of the two boards and top
of the board in case the top board is not going up to the ceiling/ beam bottom and
installed with L angle cleat of required size. Screw fixing is done only mechanically
either with screw driver or drilling machine with suitable attachment. Contractor shall
co-ordinate the services work in framing as per drawing and as directed by engineer in
charge. Total framing system shall be in plumb, line and level to receive the ply or
other sheet for panelling work. Rate shall be inclusive of framing system of wall
panelling, cost of provisioning of extra member around the perimeter of cut out (as
prescribed by system provider) suitably fixed and any additional members, support
members, fasteners, fixing details etc as provided in standard systems of approved
manufacturers etc complete for all level all height.
j) Providing and fixing 12mm thick ply BWP grade (IS–710) of preferred make having,
density minimum 650Kg/m3, emission levels as per E-1 formaldehyde, for plain lining/
cladding/ ceiling work, on flush door shutter/ pelmet or any interior work in any
design, any pattern, any shape with necessary screws, for all height all level etc
complete as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. Rate shall be inclusive of 6mm thick
peripheral beading of all around to ply (width of beading as per ply+finish surface) as
per drawing.
k) Providing and fixing 19mm thick ply BWP grade (IS–710) of preferred make having,
density minimum 650Kg/m3, emission levels as per E-1 formaldehyde, for plain lining/
cladding/ ceiling work, on flush door shutter/ pelmet or any interior work in any
design, any pattern, any shape with necessary screws, for all height all level etc
complete as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. Rate shall be inclusive of 6mm thick
peripheral beading of all around to ply (width of beading as per ply+finish surface) as
per drawing.
l) Providing and fixing 9 mm thick flexi ply of preferred make having, for any type of
curvature elements of interior work in any design, any pattern, any shape with
necessary screws, for all height all level etc complete as directed by Engineer-in-
Charge. Rate shall be inclusive of 6mm thick peripheral beading of all around to ply
(width of beading as per ply + finish surface) as per drawings .
m) Providing and fixing 4 mm thick one side decorative veneer (factory pressed with door
shutter or plywood) conforming to IS: 1328 (type-1), for lining/ cladding/ ceiling
work/ on flush door shutter/ pelmet or any interior work in any design, any pattern,
any shape, any size etc as per drawing with necessary screws, adhesive including
priming coat on unexposed surface. The veneer shall have minimum 0.3 mm thick
slice (of natural veneer) and back up ply BWP grade (IS – 710) with density 650
Kg/Cum. Veneer shall be fixed with or without groove as per drawing. Sample shall be
approved by Engineer-in-charge. If required, perforation shall executed as per drawing
(on ply+ veneer surface.
n) Providing and fixing decorative high pressure 1.0 mm thick standard laminates

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(factory pressed with door shutter or plywood) in plain/ wood grain in gloss/ matt/
suede/ satin finish of preferred make and shade with high density protective surface
layer and reverse side of adhesive bonding quality conforming to IS : 2046 Type S,
including cost of adhesive of approved quality. Laminated shall be applied on door
shutter, wall panelling, ceiling, pelmet or any interior work in any design, any pattern,
any shape, any size etc as per drawing. Sample shall be approved by Engineer-in
o) Gypsum panelling (if Required): Providing and fixing wall lining includes tapered
edge 12.5mm thick Fire Resistant Gypsum Board having density minimum 790 kg/m3
(conforming to IS 2095 Part 1 : 2011/ EN520:2004, TYPE-F/ ASTM C1396, TYPE X) of
preferred make fixed with drywall screws of 25mm at 300mm centres to 80 x 26 x 51
x 0.5 mm GI Ceiling Section having AZ 150GSM placed at 600mm centre to centre
horizontal fixed on existing metal member/ GI framing with the help of metal to metal
screw/ dry wall screw with joints staggered to avoid leakage through joints. Finally
square and tapered edges of the boards shall be jointed and finished so as to have a
flush look which includes filling and finishing with Jointing compound and Joint Paper
tape as per recommended practices of manufacturer for all floor all level etc and as
directed by Engineer in- charge. Rate shall be inclusive of board with above mentioned
p) Dry Wall Panelling in Toilet (if required): Providing and fixing up to 200 mm thick
dry wall panelling in toilets for any height, forming a cavity space to hide the services,
with GI C-stud and single layer of tapered edge 12.5mm thick mold resistant paper
less gypsum board with glass fibre reinforcement & inorganic coating on surface, with
enhanced moisture, mold & termite resistance and enhanced special hydrophobic
treated glass mat liners, pre-primed for tiling or decoration. The 12.5mm thick
gypsum board shall have mold resistance confirming to ASTM D3273, water resistance
Confirming to EN520 type H1 or equivalent. The gypsum board shall conform to IS
2095 (Part 1) EN 15283-1 (Type GM - FH1), having flexural strength – {Longitudinal
> 540N & transverse > 210N}, density between 840 to 850 kg/m3 and of size 1200 x
2400mm single shutter swing door is screw fixed to C-stud. C-stud of required size (in
single or multiple members) shall be placed at maximum 400mm c/c distance on floor
channel of required size. Floor channel shall be fixed horizontally with drywall screw &
bracing with stud. Floor & ceiling channel shall be anchored to the floor & true ceiling
using anchor fasteners of preferred make at maximum 600mm c/c spacing in zigzag
manner on either side of centreline. C stud, floor channel and other framing material
shall be minimum 0.5mm thick and as per IS 513, having Y/S-300Mpa, and finish -
AZ150 (IS 15961), Floor channel shall be wrapped with 70μ self adhesive LDPE
moisture barrier film to further improve corrosion resistance performance. Gypsum
boards shall be screw fixed with suitable screws of 25mm at minimum spacing of
600mm at centre and 300mm at periphery. Square and tapered edges of the boards
are to be jointed and finished so as to have a flush look which includes filling and
finishing with moisture resistant and hydro jointing compound, joint paper tape, angle
beads at corners or fiber tape.
The junction of the partition with masonry & all penetration through the partition shall
be treated with suitable acoustic sealant. Contractor shall prepare shop drawing based
on concept drawing including services and prepare mock-up of dry wall in toilet before
start of work, for approval of engineer-in-charge. Dry wall system shall be fixed on

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any type of surface i.e. masonry, RCC, dry wall system, metal work etc. with required
capacity of anchorage as per manufacturer's specification. Stability of dry wall system
shall be responsibility of contractor. Contractor shall provide design and drawings for
fixing arrangement for all elements, which to be fixed in dry wall system. MS supports
shall be provided for fixing the toilet fixtures i.e. WC, wash basin, urinal as per
manufacturer's specification. In case surface/member is not available abutting the
door system for fixing, contractor shall design and propose, a sub-system/MS frame
for fixing arrangement as per manufacturer's recommendation.
Rate shall include the cost of making openings for light fittings, switch board, any
other services cut-outs made with frame of perimeter member suitably fixed, MS
support work, if required, for fixing the toilet fixtures, cost of painting work etc.
complete for all level, all height and as directed by the Engineer in Charge. All
Openings cut outs & periphery shall be treated with Fire & acoustical sealant.
Horizontal framing member shall be provided as per architectural requirement and as
suggested by Engineer in charge. Any additional GI stud members/ support members,
fasteners, fixing details etc. required to provide in designed dry wall system approved
by Engineer-in-charge, shall also include in the rate of this item and nothing extra
shall be payable for the same.
q) Wooden Patta with Carving (if required): Providing and fixing superior class
Natural Burma teak wood carving panel as per concept design. Minimum thickness of
panel is 15 to 20mm but it shall vary as per design. Contractor shall prepare shop
drawing (scale - 1:1) based on concept design for approval. Contractor shall prepare
sample/ prototype as per approved shop drawing and shall be approved by Engineer-
in Charge. Carving shall be prepared with CNC machine/ manual according to the
design. Carving panel shall be fixed on wall panel or similar. Carved panel shall be
fixed with adhesive, nails, SS 304 screws without appearing any impression in vision.
Polishing, adhesive, nails and SS 304 screws etc. are included in the rates.
r) 25mm thick MDF Board panelling: Providing & Laying CNC cut/ Laser & engraving
on 25mm tick MDF panel fixed on 19mm ply wall cladding base with a backing frame
work of 12mm ply 600mm C/c 12x75mm fixed to wall with adequate hardware/ fixing
arrangements as per architectural drawing etc. all complete as per direction of
s) Solid Wooden batten panelling: Providing and fixing solid wooden batten acoustic
wooden panelling as per following provision:
1) Metal framing/ GI close stud Framing system.
2) 19mm thick backing ply, BWP grade (IS – 710) ply.
3) Acoustic panel with fabric/ veneer shall be fixed on ply wood with superior class
teak wood beading at end of panel of required size.
4) Finished 25mm x 40mm size superior class teak wood strips/ battens @ 50mm c/c
shall be fixed on fabric panel/ veneer as per drawing with required screws, nuts,
fastener, adhesive etc complete. Length of batten shall be as per approved drawing
for joint.
5) All exposed surface of wooden strips shall be polished as per specification.
Rate shall be including of framing, plywood, fabric acoustic panel, veneer, polishing
Contractor shall prepare shop drawing with coordination of services and get approved
from Engineer In-Charge. Mock-up shall be carried out as per approved shop drawing.

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Fabric Faced Acoustical Panel (0.9 NRC): The acoustic boards to be used for
Panelling should be of preferred makes. They shall be cladded with fabric. The
installation work of this Section shall be performed by an authorized applicator,
licensed by the manufacturer. Install materials in accordance with manufacturer’s
instructions, and comply with governing regulations, fire resistance rating
requirements, as indicated, and industry standards applicable to the work. The
technical details for the board to be as per the following.
Providing and fixing of Fabric Acoustical Wall Panelling with square edges made of
Rockwool with Glass wool Tissue substrate 25mm thick and wrapped on the front side
with an acoustically transparent and fire-resistant fabric with an option of colors as per
the choice of the Architect/ Engineering- in charge of size 600x1200 or 600x600 mm
providing a minimum sound absorption level of 0.90 NRC. The GI stud system includes
G.I Stud having Size 48 mm X 36 mm X 34 mm X 0.50mm, length 3600mm, and Floor
Channel Size 50 mm X 32 mm X 32 mm X 0.50 mm, length 3600 mm is fastened
vertically/ horizontally at every 600mm filled with 50mm 1000GSM non-woven
thermal bonded polyester wadding. Then 8 mm HDMR perforated Board Make should
be Screwed to the GI frame with the help of 25 X 6 mm metal screw 25mm thick
fabric acoustical panel should be pasted on the 8 mm HDMR perforated Board with the
help of rubber base Adhesive of Pidilite or equivalent make as per drawing and design
of Engineer-in-Charge. Manufacturer Company MTC along with NRC certificate would
be required at the time of installation.
CUBICLES: Modular toilet cubicles of preferred make as per manufacturer's standard
specifications and as per Direction of Engineer-in-Charge. Toilet cubicles should be
free standing without any support from bottom. All intermediate panels, pilasters,
doors shall be made up of Solid Compact Laminate (Phenolic Core Board) as per IS
2046 based on thermosetting resins, homogeneously reinforced with cellulose fibres
making cubicles impervious to Water, resistant to Fire, etc. Compact laminate should
be GREENGUARD and IGBC certified.
Hardware & Fixtures: All Hardware, fixtures & accessories shall be of Grade 316
stainless steel except Aluminium top rail and door stopper channel. The pilaster is
slotted & affixed to the top rail and secured from the top of the top rail. Its top rail
shall be extruded anodized or Epoxy powder coated grade 6063 T5-15-microns
Aluminium of dimensions 125mmx70mmx5mm thick. The top rail shall be fixed to the
wall on both sides using SS-wall brackets. The intermediate panel shall be anchored to
the wall and pilasters with SS 316 grade U channels with doors fixed to pilaster.


For Court Rooms, Judge’s Chambers, Judges Lobby, Judge’s Circulation Area,
Judge’s Assembly Hall etc. or as directed by Engineer-in-Charge: - 4mm thick
veneer (using veneer basic rate is not below Rs. 325/ sqft.) of approved quality &
make conforming to IS: 1328 (type-1), pasted over 12mm thick commercial ply
conforming to IS:1328 BWR/ BWP type (or as per the direction of Engineer-in-Charge)
for plain lining / cladding/ ornamental work with necessary screws/ adhesive etc all
complete or superior class teak wood panelling as per design and drawing or as
directed by Engineer-In-charge.

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For Area except Court Rooms, Judge’s Chambers, Judges Lobby, Judge’s
Circulation Area, Judge’s Assembly Hall etc. or as directed by Engineer-in-
Charge: - Plywood 4 mm thick, one side decorative veneer conforming to IS: 1328
(type-1), pasted over 12mm thick commercial ply conforming to IS:1328 BWR/ BWP
type (or as per the direction of Engineer-in-Charge) for plain lining / cladding/
ornamental work with necessary screws/ adhesive etc all complete as per design and
drawing or as directed by Engineer-In-charge.
Panelling: - Panelling on GI/ MS/ Wooden frame work on wall with 12mm thick
commercial ply conforming to IS:1328 BWR/ BWP type of preferred make fixed to the
existing frame work using SS Screw (grade AISI 304) of suitable size at 600mm
centre to centre both way or part thereof including fixing 4mm thick veneer of
preferred make, design and pattern to 12mm thick commercial ply pasted with
suitable adhesive and ornamental superior class teak wood beading as per the
approved drawings with all the edges jointed with 45 degree as per detail including
cutting for electrical fixture, making grooves, Melamine polish in desired shade and
finish as described below etc. all complete with required materials of preferred make
for all floor heights.
Melamine Polish: This item is to be executed as per the details mentioned in Item
no. 13.116 of CPWD DSR 2023 with up-to-date correction slips and as per the
direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
w) LACQUERED CLEAR GLASS (if required): Providing and fixing 8mm thick coloured
lacquered clear glass panelling and lacquered as per approved shade and colour,
edges should be machine types grinding (MTG) of approved shade and colour having
18mm thick MDF board (Exterior grade-I conforming IS 12406:2003) of preferred
make fixed over existing frame work, using SS Screw (grade AISI 304) of suitable size
at 600mm centre to centre both way or part thereof and glass fixed with black powder
coated (minimum 50 micron) 2mm thick aluminium concealed channel of size
20x30mm at floor level and 20x50mm size at top level including suitable EPDM gasket
for proper fixing of glass unit at top and bottom level and 12x15x3mm brushed finish
stainless steel Angle of 316 grade at floor level fixed with araldite or approved
equivalent to cover silicon joint. The glass to be fixed on MDF backing with suitable
neutral silicon sealant of preferred make including sealing of joints on all edges with
non-staining clear silicone sealant etc. all complete with required materials of
preferred make, for all floor heights.

19.14 False Ceiling:

a) Points to be taken care of by contractor before selecting a manufacturer from
preferred make list: Board/ tiles/ panel, grid system, suspension system and all
accessories shall be from a single vendor and from the same make unless otherwise
approved by Engineer-in-charge.
b) Points to be taken care of by contractor before installation: Contractor shall corelate
all services drawings from different installers and prepare a clash free shop drawing as
per architectural drawings for RCP, with all services integration vis a vis HVAC, FFTG,
PLUMBING, ELE, ELV & any other services planned and part of design.
c) The methodology statement for execution of all services coordinated with ceiling
execution shall be submitted by Contractor for approval of Engineer-in-charge before
commencing execution work at site.

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d) Quality check and sequence of execution along with relevant documentation to be
ensured by the site project team for inspection and quality checks.
e) Installation to be carried out by an approved and certified installer of manufacturer.
Contractor to submit manufacturer approved certificate of installer to Engineer-in-
charge before commencing work.
f) Points to be taken care of during installation: False ceiling work to be strictly
supervised for alignment, line level and overall quality of installation and contractor to
strictly follow approved methodology statement.
g) False ceiling suspension work shall be strictly from mother slab or secondary support
installed for false ceiling and not from any other services suspension members.
h) Trap door to be fixed in line & level with false ceiling, with separate suspension system
from mother slab, not with false ceiling member. Groves around trap doors should be
uniform on all sides.
i) All service equipment & light fixtures, curtains etc to be fixed with a separate
suspension system from mother slab, not on false ceiling tile or false ceiling member.
j) In gypsum ceiling, contractor shall provide perimeter channel at periphery of all
services cutout for strengthening the system. All cutout in board shall be finished with
tape, angle skimming coat etc as per manufacturer's specification.
k) If required, additional supports to be provided for fixing the false ceiling (in case of
special shape, more height etc).
l) In case the height of suspension system is more than recommended by manufacturer,
separate MS work to be provided from mother slab and false ceiling to be suspended
from MS work. Design and shop drawing for MS fabrication work and connections with
structure members shall be submitted by contractor for approval by Engineer-in-
charge. MS frame work to be designed to accommodate other services if required to
be submitted on the same frame. Sequence of execution of different services to be
aligned with RCP to avoid any rework. Movement joints/ groove to be provided in
board or grid ceiling system in large span area.
m) Points to be taken care of post execution: Warranty for false ceiling system to be
provided by installer & manufacturer to ensure that work is completed as per
specification (material and workmanship) and methodology statement. Completion
certificate to be provided by installer & to be signed and verified by manufacturer with
respect to tender specifications and approved shop drawing. All test reports are to be
submitted by the contractor for performance.
n) General Notes: Contractor to quote the rate considering all points mentioned in the
o) False ceiling in different locations shall be done as per Schedule of Finishes and
specifications given below. In case any location is not specifically mentioned in the
Schedule of finishes, false ceiling shall be done considering over all Architectural
theme of the building and functional requirement or as provided in locations with
similar functional uses.
p) Gypsum False ceiling: This item is to be executed as per the details mentioned in
Item no.12.45.1/ 12.45.2/ 12.45.3/ 12.45.4 of CPWD DSR 2023 with up-to-date
correction slips and as per the direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
This ceiling shall be provided for making borders etc. wherever required as per the
direction of Engineer-in-Charge. The Engineer-in-charge reserves the right to select
any of the item from the above-mentioned gypsum false ceiling.

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q) POP ceiling: Providing and fixing factory made, factory finish, pre-moulded/ pre-
fabricated Glass Fiber Reinforced Plaster of Paris (gypsum anhydrous) precast panel
for curvature shape ceiling in approximate minimum 12mm thickness and 1.2 mt in
length with required metal framing system, necessary fasteners of required capacity,
screws etc. for all height. POP curvature precast panel shall be fixed in metal framing
system with required SS 304 screws, nut, washer etc. Head of screws shall be covered
with POP. Glass fibre mesh shall be provided at joint of two precast panel. Rate shall
be inclusive of Metal Framing system, pre-casted POP curvature panel, transporting,
hoisting, fixing at site, with all required accessories, glass fiber mesh etc complete for
all level all height as per drawing and as directed by engineer in charge. Contractor
shall prepare shop drawing base on concept drawing and get it approved before
starting the work.
r) Metal ceiling: This item is to be executed as per the details mentioned in Item no.
12.52.2/ 12.54.2 of CPWD DSR 2023 with up-to-date correction slips and as per the
direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
This ceiling shall be provided for Toilets, wet areas etc. wherever required as per the
direction of Engineer-in-Charge. The Engineer-in-charge reserves the right to select
any of the item from the above-mentioned gypsum false ceiling.
s) Glass Fibre Reinforced Gypsum (GRG) Tiles ceiling: This item is to be executed
as per the details mentioned in Item no. 26.26.2 of CPWD DSR 2023 with up-to-date
correction slips and as per the direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
All work shall be done with fully perforated 12 mm thick micro tegular edged or 10mm
thick square edge GRG false ceiling tiles.
t) Calcium Silicate Tiles ceiling: This item is to be executed as per the details
mentioned in Item no. 26.22.2 of CPWD DSR 2023 with up-to-date correction slips
and as per the direction of Engineer-in-Charge. Light Weight Calcium Silicate (Anti-
Microbial Bio-Safe Coated) False Ceiling.
All work to be done with 15 mm thick tegular/ butt edged with or without perforation
plain/designer light weight calcium silicate Anti-Microbial Bio-Safe coated false ceiling
tiles Confirming to JIS-Z2801and ASTM G-21.
u) Aluminium Open Cell ceiling: Providing & fixing of Aluminium hangable open cell
ceiling (any Shape/ Colour/ Finish) with cell size of 100mm centre to centre made
from 0.4mm thick aluminium sheet. The assembled cell ceiling panels shall be in size
of 600x1200 or as per the site requirements made from blades in 9mm (W) x 40mm
(H). The assembled cell ceiling panels shall be clipped into U-94 carriers of 0.50mm
GMS, coated in black enamelled finished at 1200mm c.c. Wire clips shall hold the cell
ceiling panels into the U-94 carriers. Once the U-94 carriers shall be installed then
primary angles made from 1.20mm GMS, type U1040 are cross connected to the U-94
carriers at 1200mm c.c. for lateral bracing The whole ceiling shall be suspended by M6
threaded rods installed 1200mm c/c. All panel modules must be hinge able through
wire clips. The planks shall be manufactured on advanced equipment which includes
several levelling stages in manufacturing process. The plank ends will be raised with
pips & stops to ensure accurate fixing & demounting of individual panel.
Finishes of ceiling planks shall be coil coated base. The spacing of the grid angles is
according to the requirements of DIN 18168 and DIN EN 13964 and quality controlled
to ISO 9001:2008 approved by TUV & LEED certification by Indian Green Building
council (IGBC). All the required facia panels will be included in these rates also. All

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properly levels & finishes completes as per approved pattern /design and direction of
Engineer in charge. Total suspension system and installation method shall be as per
manufacturer's standards and will be approved by Engineer-in-charge on submission
of shop drawings.
v) Baffle False Ceiling: Providing & fixing of Aluminium baffle ceiling (any Shape/
Colour/ Finish) consisting of panel size 50mm width X 100mm deep minimum 0.6 mm
thick. Baffle ceiling shall be installed at 100 mm C/C distance. Individual baffle lengths
between 300 and 3000 mm can be selected. Baffle ceiling shall be supplied with the
end cap matching the similar finish of baffle. Tolerances according to TAIM, DIN EN
13964 and quality controlled to ISO 9001:2008 approved by TUV. Substructure for
Vertical baffle system consisting of U shaped galvanized slotted carriers 1.00mm thick
installed perpendicularly to U profiles at maximum 1200mm centres using cross
connectors. The primary profiles must be connected to one another with longitudinal
splice connectors. The entire ceiling module shall be suspended with 6mm diameter
galvanized steel threaded rods from the true ceiling officially approved anchor
fasteners maximum at 1200mm Centres as per the requirements of DIN EN 13964
and the statics of the system. Ensure horizontal and flush alignment during
installation. Baffle will be electrostatically powder coated with minimum 60-micron
coating thickness. All ceiling shall be Green pro/ TAIM Certified: For LEED certification
by Indian Green Building council (IGBC). The system will meet Fire retardant standard
of BS 476: Part 6 & Part 7. Installation to be carried out by Trained Installation team &
Installation should be carried out as per approval and directions of Engineer-in-
Charge. The Baffle along with suspension system used together shall carry a 10-year
warranty against manufacturing defect and manufacturer shall provide a warranty
certificate. The supply shall be backed by a Manufacturing Test Certificate. Contractor
shall prepare shop drawing with coordination of all services and opening/ excess of
baffle. Sample, shop drawing and mock up shall be approved by Engineer-in-charge.
w) Acoustic Ceiling: In Court Room and as per the direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
Rock Wool (Bio-Safe) Acoustical (NRC-0.8) Tegular Edge False Ceiling Tile:
Providing and fixing Rock Wool (Bio-Safe) Acoustical (NRC-0.8) Tegular Edge False
Ceiling Tile (White or any color as per the Architectural Drawings) at all heights of size
595X595mm of approved texture, design and pattern. Rock Wool Tile should have
Acoustical Tissue Paper on the top face and harden edge to achieve NRC-0.80 as per
ASTMC-423/ISO 354. The tiles should have Anti-Bacterial coating & Passed the Test
Method as per JIS Z 2801: 2010, Should passed resistance to fungal attack test as per
ASTM: G21- 15. Relative Humidity (RH) more than 85%, Fire Performance as per
Vertical flammability test (UL94) Classification V1 (Flame extinguishes within 30
seconds with no dripping) in true horizontal level suspended on interlocking T-Grid of
hot dipped all round galvanized iron section of 0.30 mm thick (galvanized @120 gsm)
comprising of main T runners of 15x32 mm (center Black) of length 3000 mm, cross T
of size 15x32mm (center Black) of length 1200 mm and secondary intermediate cross
T of size 15x32 mm (centre Black) of length 600 mm to form grid module of size
600x600 mm suspended from ceiling using galvanized mild steel item
(galvanised@80gsm) 50 mm long 8mm outer diameter M-6 dash fasteners, 6 mm
diameter fully threaded hanger rod up to 1000 mm length and L-shape level adjuster
of size 85x25x2 mm, spaced at 1200 mm centre to centre along main ‘T’. The system
should rest on periphery walls /partitions with the help of GI perimeter wall angle of

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size 22x19x3000 mm made of 0.40 mm thick sheet, to be fixed to the wall with help
of plastic rawl plug at 450 mm centre to centre & 40 mm long dry wall S.S. screws.
The exposed bottom portion of all T-sections used in false ceiling support system shall
be pre-painted with polyester baked paint, for all heights. (OEM Test Certificates will
be required from contractor). The work shall be carried out as per specifications,
drawings and as per directions of the engineer-in-charge.: With 15 mm thick Rock
Wool (Bio-Safe) Acoustical (NRC -0.8) Tegular Edge False Ceiling Tile.
19.15 ACP shade and cladding: Providing and fixing Rain screen system made of 4mm
thick FR certified Aluminium Composite Panel (ACP) of preferred make and shade with
0.5mm coated coil of Aluminium grade AA 3105 on top and bottom. The top sheet
shall be coated with PVDF coat by continuous coil coating process in accordance to
ECCA norms and shall be of 25 - 28-micron thickness passing AAMA 2605 standard for
10 years warranty. The bottom Aluminium sheet shall have service coat. The ACP shall
confirm to class B s1 d0 of EN 13501-1. The ACP sheet shall have density 7.5
Kg/Sqm, mineral content >70%. The ACP cladding shall be executed for chimney of
liner and curvilinear shape as per drawing for all level, all height. Cladding system
shall be installed with Aluminium Extrusion in bracket, main, male and female profile
Aluminium Alloy 6063 T5/T6. Extrusions shall be coated with PVDF coating (matching
to ACP shade) of 45 to 60 microns having 10year warranty in accordance to AAMA
The cladding shall be so designed that all the expansion joints are open (up to 10mm
wide groove) and in accordance to linear thermal expansion of the alloy in horizontal
and vertical. Only on the last end joints weather silicon seal shall be used to pack the
system and not allow any water seeping through the ends.


20.1 Work shall be carried out as per CPWD Specifications - 2019 - Vol. I & Vol. II with up-
to-date correction slips.
20.2 All adhesives, sealants & paint shall be with low VOC with acceptable VOC content as
per GRIHA requirements and lead free.
20.3 Contractor shall prepare shop drawing base on concept design/ drawing for any type
of fabrication work and get approved from Engineer-in-Charge.
20.4 Contractor shall prepare mock-up/ prototype (as suggested) as per approved shop
drawing for approval. Work shall be carried out as per approved shop drawing,
approved mock-up/ prototype and as suggested by Engineer in charge.
20.5 Rate shall be for all floor, all level all height.
20.6 The rate shall include cost of all types of fasteners (ETA approved) to be used for
20.7 Structural stability shall be responsibility of contractor for all kind of metal work.
20.8 All elements shall be factory fabricated and finished, only final finishing to be made on
site with all precautions.
20.9 Contractor shall coordinate all services work (cut-outs and provisions) in metal work.
All cut-out and services provisions shall be finished at factory/ work shop to be
provided as per requirement of the work and as approved by Engineer-in-Charge in
final working drawings.
20.10 Contractor shall prepare & submit shop drawing with design for support of facade
structure, Solar PV Panel, lift machine room, structure of domes (if any), Raised

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platform for court rooms, Rolling Shutter, Frame work for dry stone cladding, UG/ OH
Tank Ladders etc. and other such works as per functional requirements of the Building
and Services.
20.11 As and where the Structural Steel work is proposed, the same shall be done as per
approved structural design using Tubular Sections (round, square or rectangular
hollow tubes etc.), Single Section (fixed with or without connecting plate), including
cutting, hoisting, fixing in position or riveted, bolted or welded Built up Sections
including use of chequered plate wherever required, all complete.
20.12 Stainless steel work for gratings & similar works: Providing and fixing stainless
steel (Grade 316) gratings, bollard, frames, guard bar, ladder, brackets, corner guard,
skirting, kick plate, manhole cover, floor raceway cover, threshold and similar works
made of Hollow tubes, channels, angles, flats, plates etc. including welding, bending,
grinding, buffing, polishing and making curvature (wherever required) and fitting the
same with necessary stainless steel nuts and bolts complete i.e. fixing with necessary
accessories & stainless steel 316 dash fasteners and adhesive, suitable neoprene
rubber gasket for water tightens in Manhole cover, stainless steel bolts etc., of
required size, on the top of the floor or the side of waist slab with suitable
arrangement as per approval of Engineer-in-charge. Contractor shall submit shop
drawing as per intent drawing for all structural elements. Contractor shall get approval
of shop drawing before execution of work. Item shall not be executed for railing
system. Rate shall be inclusive of fixing accessories and all type fasteners, fixing
accessories such as nuts, bolts, fasteners etc.
20.13 Stainless steel work for railings & similar works: Providing and fixing stainless
steel (Grade 316) Railing and baluster modular system of preferred make stair railing,
hand rail, bump rail, guard rail, supporting member for cable railing system or similar
with knock down system in liner or curvilinear shape made of Hollow or solid section
i.e. tubes, square, flat, plates, bar etc with base plate, cover cap, finishing
accessories, in-filled holding brackets, fixing accessories etc. for any type of design,
shape (plain/ curvature), size and finish as per drawing. Railing shall be top mounted
or side/ wall mounted. Railing shall be fixed with SS 316 grade anchor fastener of
required size and as per fixing position of preferred make. Any kind of welding or
fabrication shall not be allowed on site. Sample shall be approved before execution.
Contractor shall submit the shop drawing base on concept drawing. As per approved
shop drawing, contractor shall arrange mock-up of railing system (2 or 3 no) in
required length as directed by Engineer in charge. Contractor shall protect railing
system up till handing over the project. Rate shall be inclusive of fixing accessories
and all type fasteners, fixing accessories such as nuts, bolts, fasteners etc.
Side mounted Stainless-Steel Railing shall be provided in Staircase and other Similar
locations as per approved architectural Drawings with following specifications:
Providing and Fixing Side mounted SS 316 Grade Stainless Steel Modular Weld Free
Railing System Railing as per attached drawing and comprising of (i) ø 50mmx1.5mm
thick Pipe Handrail containing high grade Stainless Steel Bushings at every Bend/Joint
of Railing to provide extra strength, fixed on top of Baluster with the help of Hand Rail
Connectors (as per detail given in Railing drawing) and M5 X 12 mm Handrail
Clamping Screws (ii) ø 40x40mm x 1.5mm thick Stainless Steel Square Baluster with
c/c spacing of 1000 to 1200mm to provide railing height of 875 mm above floor finish
level mounted to side face with 125x100mm x 8mm thick specially designed

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investment casted Base Plate secured by Anchor Fasteners (for extra strength Bolt
should be with Zinc coating of size M10 X100 (SS 316 Grade) concealed with SS 316
grade cover Cap to conceal the mounting anchor fasteners (iv) 4 Nos.ø 16 mm x
1.5mm thick Midrails connected to the side of Baluster with ø 25mm Midrail
Connectors, for Providing strength to the Connectors, brass bushes should be used
and bolted with high precision investment casted T Bracket having brass bushes.
The Handrail, Midrails, Balustrade, Connectors and in-fill members should be of Matt
Finish of 420 grit done with minimum 4 times finishing process in automatic polishing
machine to achieve smooth and long-lasting hairline finish. On site welding strictly not
allowed, all components shall be developed in factory only & wherever welding
required, it should be in factory only with TIG weld process with accurate precision &
invisible of joints.
20.14 Steel Work in rolling shutters as per functional requirements shall be done as
Supplying and fixing rolling shutters of preferred make, made of required size M.S.
laths, interlocked together through their entire length and jointed together at the end
by end locks, mounted on specially designed pipe shaft with brackets, side guides and
arrangements for inside and outside locking with push and pull operation complete,
including the cost of providing and fixing necessary 27.5 cm long wire springs
manufactured from high tensile steel wire of adequate strength conforming to IS:
4454 - part 1 and M.S. top cover of required thickness for rolling shutters using
80x1.25 mm M.S. laths with 1.25 mm thick top cover, including ball bearing for rolling
shutters, mechanical device chain and crank operation for operating rolling shutters,
grilled rolling shutters manufactured out of 8 mm dia M.S. bar instead of laths as per
design approved by Engineer-in- charge.
20.15 All structural steel work and steel work shall be done with applying a priming coat of
approved steel primer and painting with epoxy paint, as per design approved by
Engineer-in-Charge including any cutting, hoisting, welding, placing bolts, washers,
cleats, erection etc. required for completion of work.
20.16 Accessibility Compliant SS Wall mounted Hand Rail & SS Top Mounted Railing
for Ramps shall be provided in Entrance Porch, Ramps, Internal Ramps and other
Similar locations as per guidelines of “CPWD Manual on Accessible Built Environment”
with following specifications:
Top Mounted SS Railing on open sides : Providing and Fixing Side mounted SS
316 Grade Stainless Steel Modular Weld Free Railing System Railing as per guidelines
of “CPWD Manual on Accessible Built Environment” and comprising of (i) ø
50mmx1.5mm thick Pipe double Handrails containing high grade Stainless Steel
Bushings at every Bend/Joint of Railing to provide extra strength, fixed on top of
Baluster with the help of Hand Rail Connector (as per detail given in Railing drawing)
and M5 X 12 mm Handrail Clamping Screws (ii) ø 40x40mm x 1.5mm thick Stainless
Steel Square Baluster with c/c spacing of 1000 to 1200mm to provide railing height of
875 mm above floor finish level mounted to side face with 125x100mm x 8mm thick
specially designed investment casted Base Plate secured by Anchor Fasteners (for
extra strength Bolt should be with Zinc coating of size M10 X100 (SS 304 Grade)
concealed with SS 316 grade cover Cap to conceal the mounting anchor fasteners (iv)
4 Nos. ø 16 mm x 1.5mm thick Midrails connected to the side of Baluster with ø
25mm Mid-rail Connectors, for Providing strength to the Connectors, brass bushes

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should be used and bolted with high precision investment casted T Bracket having
brass bushes.
Wall Mounted SS Hand Rail on wall side: Providing and Fixing wall mounted SS
316 Grade Stainless Steel Modular Weld Free Railing System Railing as per attached
drawing and comprising of ø 50mmx1.5mm thick Pipe Handrail containing high grade
Stainless Steel Bushings at every Bend/Joint of Railing to provide extra strength, fixed
on top of Wall Bracket made from 16mm dia SS Bend Rod which is connected to dia
72mm & 8mm thick Wall Plate secured on wall by Anchor Fasteners (for extra strength
Bolt should be with Zinc coating of size M10 X100 (SS 304 Grade) concealed with SS
316 grade cover Cap to conceal the mounting anchor fasteners
The Handrails, Midrails, Balustrade, Bracket, Connectors and in-fill members should be
of Matt Finish of 420 grit done with minimum 4 times finishing process in automatic
polishing machine to achieve smooth and long lasting hairline finish. On site welding
strictly not allowed, all components shall be developed in factory only & wherever
welding required, it should be in factory only with TIG weld process with accurate
precision & invisible of joints.
20.17 Top Mounted Stainless Steel & Toughened Laminated Glass Railing: Stainless
Steel & Toughened Laminated Glass Railing shall be provided in double height
Courtyard and other Similar locations as per approved architectural Drawings with
following specifications:
Providing and Fixing top mounted SS 316 Grade Stainless Steel & Toughened
Laminated Glass Modular Weld Free Railing System Railing as per attached drawing
and comprising of (i) Two Nos. ø 50mmx1.5mm thick Pipe Handrails containing high
grade Stainless Steel Bushings at every Bend/Joint of Railing to provide extra
strength, one of them fixed on top of Baluster and other on side of Baluster with the
help of Hand Rail Connectors and M5 X 12 mm Handrail Clamping Screws (ii) 80mm x
10mm Stainless Steel Flat Baluster with c/c spacing of 1000 to 1200mm and height of
1100 mm above floor finish level mounted on Top of Floor Finish with 150x150mm x
10mm thick specially designed investment casted Base Plate secured by Anchor
Fasteners (for extra strength Bolt should be with Zinc coating of size M10 X100 (SS
304 Grade) concealed with SS 316 grade cover Cap to conceal the mounting anchor
fasteners (iv) 13.52 mm thick (6+1.52+6) & 1100mm high Toughened Laminated
Glass mounted on side of the Balusters with connectors, for Providing strength to the
Connectors, brass bushes should be used and bolted with high precision investment
casted T Bracket having brass bushes.
The Handrail, Balustrade, Connectors and in-fill members should be of Matt Finish of
420 grit done with minimum 4 times finishing process in automatic polishing machine
to achieve smooth and long lasting hairline finish. On site welding strictly not allowed,
all components shall be developed in factory only & wherever welding required, it
should be in factory only with TIG weld process with accurate precision & invisible of
joints. The glass railing should be fixed above CC parapet of 0.23 m high (230mm
thick) with plaster, granite top & side cladding as per approved drawings.
20.18 SS Fittings for disabled Toilet: Providing and Fixing top mounted SS 316 Grade
Stainless-Steel Drop-down support grab bar, Wall mounted horizontal grab bar, wall
mounted vertical grab bar and other necessary fittings in toilets as per “CPWD Manual
on Accessible Built Environment” available on CPWD website, “Harmonised Guidelines
and Space Standards for Barrier Free Built Environment for Persons with Disability and

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Elderly Persons” issued by Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs, Govt. Of India.


21.1 The work shall be carried out through an approved specialized agency, who shall
furnish all materials, labour, accessories, equipment, tool and plant and incidentals
required for providing and installing aluminium doors, windows, cladding work, wall
panelling, partition, louvers, false ceiling work, or any other interior work as called for
on the drawings. The specialized agency for the Aluminium work shall be got approved
from the Engineer-in-charge, well before actual commencement of the item of work.
Necessary performance certificates in respect of agencies proposed to be engaged
shall be submitted within 30 days from the date of issue of acceptance letter to
substantiate technical capability and experience of the agency for prior approval of the
21.2 The drawings and specifications cover the major requirement only. The supplying of
additional fastenings, accessory features and other items not mentioned specifically
herein, but which are necessary to make a complete installation shall be a part of this
21.3 General: Work shall be carried out as per CPWD Specifications- 2019 Vol. I & Vol. II
with up-to-date correction slips.
21.4 Aluminium doors, windows etc. shall be of sizes, section details as shown on the
drawings. The details shown on the drawings indicate generally the sizes of the
component parts and general standards. These may be varied slightly to suit the
standard adopted by the manufacturer. Before proceeding with any manufacturing,
the contractor shall prepare and submit complete manufacturing and installation
drawings for approval of the Engineer-in-Charge and no work shall be performed until
the approval of these drawings is obtained.
21.5 Shop Drawings:
The contractor shall submit the shop drawings of doors. Windows, louvers, cladding
work, wall panelling, partition, louvers, false ceiling work, any other interior work and
other aluminium work, based on approved architectural drawings, to the Engineer-in-
Charge for his approval. The drawings shall show full size sections of doors, windows
etc. thickness of metal (i.e. wall thickness), details of construction, sub frame/ rough
ground profile, anchoring details, hardware as well as connection of windows, doors
and other metal work to adjacent work. Samples of all joints and methods of fastening
and joining shall be submitted to the Engineer-in-Charge for approval well in advance
of commencing the work.
21.6 Samples: Samples of doors, windows, louvers etc. shall be fabricated, assembled and
submitted to the Engineer-in-Charge for his approval. They shall be of sizes types etc.
as decided by Engineer-in-Charge. All samples shall be provided at the cost of the
21.7 Sections: Aluminium doors and windows shall be fabricated from extruded section of
profile of detailed on drawings. The sections shall be extruded by the manufacturers
approved by the Engineer-in-charge. The aluminium extruded sections shall conform
IS designation 63400-WP (HV9WP Old designation) with chemical composition and
technical properties as per IS:733 and IS:1285. The permissible dimensional tolerance
of the extruded sections shall be such as not to impair the proper and smooth
function/ operation and appearance of doors and windows.

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21.8 Fabrication: Doors, windows, etc. shall be fabricated to sizes as shown at factory and
shall be of section, sizes combinations and details as shown in the Architectural
Drawings. All doors, windows etc. shall have mechanical joints. All members shall be
accurately machined and fitted to form hairline joints prior to assembly. The joint and
accessories such as cleats, brackets, etc. shall be of such materials as not to cause
any bimetallic action. The fabrication of doors, windows, etc. shall be done in suitable
sections to facilitate easy transportation, handling and installation. Adequate provision
shall be made in the door and window members for anchoring to support and fixing of
hardware and other fixtures as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.
21.9 Powder Coating: All aluminium sections shall be Polyester powder coated 50 microns
minimum to required colour as specified in the item and as per direction of Engineer-
in-Charge. Polythene tape protection shall be applied on the powder coated section
before they are brought to site. All care shall be taken to ensure surface protection
during transportation, storage at site and installation. The tape protection shall be
removed on installation. The samples will be tested in the approved laboratory and
cost of samples, cost of testing, shall be borne by the contractor.
21.10 All types of coating (polyester powder coating, anodizing and PVDF coating for
aluminium work shall have 20 years of life).
21.11 Protection of Finish: All aluminium members shall be wrapped with approved self-
adhesive non- staining masking tapes.
21.12 Handling and stacking: a) Fabricated materials shall be stacking in an approved
manner to protect the material against any damage during transportation. The loading
and unloading shall be carried out with utmost care, on receipt of materials at site,
they shall be carefully examined to detect any damaged pieces. Arrangements shall be
made for expeditious replacement of damaged piece/ parts. Materials found to be
acceptable on inspections shall be repacked in crates and stored safely.
a) In the case of Composite windows and doors, the different units are to be assembled
first. The assembled Composite units should be checked for line, level and plumb
before final fixing is done. Units may be serial numbered and identified as how to be
assembled in their final location of situation so warrants.
b) Where aluminium comes into contact with masonry brickwork, concrete, planter or
dissimilar metals, it shall be coated with approved insulation lacquer, paint or plastic
tape to ensure that electro- chemical corrosion is avoided. Insulation material shall be
trimmed off to a clean flush line on completion.
c) The contractor shall be responsible for assembling Composite, bedding and filling the
groove with backup roads polysulphide sealant inside and outside, placing the doors,
windows etc. in their respective opening. After the doors/ windows have been fixed in
their correct assigned position, the open hollow sections abutting masonry concrete
shall be fitted with approved polysulphide sealant densely packed and neatly finished.
d) The contractor shall be responsible for doors, windows, etc. being set straight plumb,
level and for their satisfactory operation after fixing is complete.
21.13 Installation: a) Just prior to installation the doors, windows etc. shall be un-crated
and stacked on edge on level bearers and supported evenly. The frame shall be fixed
into position true to line and level using adequate number of expansion machine bolts,
anchor fasteners of approved size and manufacturer and in an approved manner. The
holes in concrete/ masonry members for housing anchor bolts shall be drilled with an
electric drill.

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b) The doors, windows assembled as shown on drawings shall be placed in correct final
position in this opening and marks made on concrete members at jambs, sills and
heads against the holes provided in frames for anchoring. The frame shall then be
removed from the opening and laid aside. Neat hole with parallel sides of appropriate
size shall then be drilled in the concrete members with an electric drill at the marking
to house the expansion bolts. The expansion bolts shall then be inserted in the holes,
struck with a light hammer till the nuts is forced into the anchor shell. The frame shall
then be placed in final position in the opening and anchored to the support through
cadmium plated machine screws of required size threaded to expansion bolts. The
frame shall be set in the opening by using wooden wedges at supported and bar
plumbed in position. The wedges shall invariably be placed at meeting points of
glazing bars and frames.
21.14 Neoprene Gaskets: The contractor shall provide and install Neoprene gaskets of
approved size and profile at all locations as shown and as called for to render the
doors, windows etc. absolutely air tight and weather tight. The contractors shall
produce samples of the gaskets for approval and procure after approval only.
21.15 Fittings: Hinges, stays, handles, tower bolts, locks and other fittings shall be of
excellent quality and manufacturers shall be approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.
21.16 Manufacturer’s Attendance: The manufacturer immediately prior to the
commencement of glazing shall adjust and set all windows and doors and accept
responsibility for the satisfactory working of the opening frames.
21.17 Mastic Cement: The gaps between frames and supports and also any gaps in the
windows section shall be raked out as directed and filled with mastic cement of
approved colour and make to ensure complete water tightness. The mastic cement
shall be of such colour and Composition that it would not stain the masonry/ concrete
work, shall receive paint without bleeding, will not sag and shall not set hard or dry
out under any conditions of weather. The samples of mastic cement to be used for this
purpose shall be got approved by the Engineer-in-Charge before its actual use.
21.18 Sealant:
a) Use modified silicone for joint subject to movement and in glazing.
b) Surfaces to receive sealant shall be properly prepared, cleaned, primed and excess
sealant removed from finished surfaces.
c) Sealed joints shall be neatly tooled and surfaces smoothed.
d) Follow the instruction of the sealant manufacturers.
e) Colour of the sealant shall be approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.
21.19 Glazing:
a) Glazing shall generally be accomplished from the inside of building.
b) The glazing system shall be designed to this end use a continuous EPDM compression
gasket on both sides (Present Gasket on one side of glazing pocket and roll in gasket
on another side). A continuous wet seal shall be employed to ensure a complete water
c) Maintain a minimum glazing bite, edge clearance and surface clearance depending on
the glass as recommended by the glass manufacturer.
21.20 Sealant and Gasket Application:
a) Sealant and gasket shall be provided wherever shown in the drawings or required for a
permanently weather tight installation. The sealing mechanism is necessary but is not
indicated, it shall be of type recommended by the sub- contractor and approved by the

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b) All adjoining surfaces shall be protected to receive sealant against staining by masking
and/ or other methods.
c) Joints and joint surfaces shall be clean, dry, and free of any material that may have an
adverse effect on the bonding and/ or seal of the sealant and gasket materials.
d) Apply sealant and gasket under the conditions recommended by the manufacturer(s).
Prime all surface to receive sealant and gasket unless recommended otherwise, use no
sealant that has started to set in its container or a sealant that has exceeded the self-
life published by the manufacturer.
e) Fill all joints continuously and completely with sealant, forming a neat, uniform,
concave bead. Finish the material flush with adjoining surfaces unless shown on the
drawings. All sealant surfaces shall be tooled smooth.
f) Tensile or shear stress in structural silicone sealant joint shall not exceed 1.4 kg/ sqm.
21.21 Protection & Cleaning: The contractor shall adequately protect all components and
accessories from damage during shipments, storage at job site, erection and after
completion of the work. At such time as may be directed, the sub-contractor shall
remove all protective tapes or coating, thoroughly clean all anodized aluminium and
glass surfaces with suitable cleaning agent, make final adjustments to all ventilators,
etc. and hardware leaving all in first class working order.
21.22 Details of Tests: The various tests on aluminium sections shall be conducted in
accordance with the relevant IS codes.
a) The minimum number of tests for powder coating and corrosion resistance shall be as
given below:

S. No. Details No. of Tests

1 Doors, Windows & Ventilators 5% of Nos. manufactured.

b) The samples of major member of each unit of doors/ windows shall be selected at
random by Engineer-in-Charge as such that all the aluminium section be got tested.
c) The cost of samples, carriage or the samples and testing charges, if any, shall be
borne by the contractor.
21.23 Acceptance Criteria: The Aluminium sections shall conform to the various provisions
of the relevant items.
21.24 Rates: The rates shall include the cost of all materials, labours and inputs required
factory made glazed Steel/ Aluminium Doors, Windows & Ventilators shall be
manufactured in a approved by the Engineer-in-charge.
21.25 Aluminium Door/ Window/ Louver: Providing and fixing aluminium work for
louvers, frame for louver, door and fixed window, for shutters of doors, windows &
ventilators including providing and fixing hinges/ pivots etc. with extruded built up,
standard tubular sections/ appropriate Z sections, sheet, flat bar and other sections of
preferred make conforming to IS:733 and IS:1285, having polyester powder coating
(minimum thickness of polyester powder coating 50 micron), fixing with SS 304 dash
fasteners of required dia and size, including necessary filling up the gaps at all around
and both side, i.e. at top, bottom and sides; with required EPDM rubber/ neoprene
gasket etc. Aluminium sections shall be smooth, rust free, straight, mitered and
jointed mechanically wherever required including cleat angle, pressure cleat, crimping
angle, aluminium snap beading for Double glass unit type glazing/ panelling, SS 304

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screws etc. all complete as per approved shop drawings and the directions of
Engineer-in-charge. Contractor shall prepare shop drawing based on architectural
drawing and get approval from Engineer in charge before execution. Contractor shall
also prepare mock-up with all required hardware as suggested and approved by
Engineer in charge. Item shall be executed after prior approval of Engineer in charge.
Rate shall be inclusive of PVC shims minimum 5mm thick, with backer rod and silicone
sealant (both side), dash fastener, all aluminium section, all required hardware (such
as handle, lock, friction stay etc.), Double glass unit type glazing, necessary
consumable, accessories for fixing glass etc. complete for all height as per drawing,
design & direction by Engineer-in-charge.

DGU Glazing: Providing and fixing glazing in door, window, ventilation, fixed glazing
and partitions etc. with EPDM rubber/ neoprene gasket etc. complete as per drawings
and directions of Engineer-in-charge. Glass shall be of any shade, any size, any shape
as per Drawing and conform to IS:2835 or IS:2553. Sample shall be approved before
execution the work.
DGU Glass - 6mm thick solar reflective heat strengthened glass+12mm air gap+8 mm
thick clear toughened glass with following parameter:
U Value (Maximum): 2.2 W/m2K
SHGC (Maximum): 0.25
Visual Light Transmission: more than 45%

21.26 Aluminium Frame work: Providing and fixing aluminium work for stone cladding
work, wall panelling, partition, false ceiling work, or any other interior work with
extruded any type of built-up sections/ bracket (specially designed for dry stone
cladding)/ other sections of preferred make conforming to IS: 733 and IS: 1285. All
aluminium member shall be anodized finished of preferred make and shade (anodized
transparent or dyed to required shade according to IS: 1868, Minimum anodic coating
of grade AC 15). The aluminium frame shall be fixed with adjustable aluminium
member and SS 316 nuts, bolts and washer. The aluminium member shall bend for
curvature shape column cladding of required dia and in required part. The aluminium
quality shall be as per grade 6063 T6 and BS 1474. Framing system shall be as per
approved shop drawing. Framing shall be fixed with RCC/ masonry work or other
metal work with required size and type of anchor fastener of preferred make.
Aluminium sections shall be smooth, rust free, straight, metered and jointed
mechanically wherever required. Rate shall be inclusive of all of all heights & levels, all
kind of anchor fastener, screw, accessories and consumable. Contractor shall prepare
shop drawing (which is part of cladding/ panelling/ ceiling work etc.) for approval
before execution.


22.1 External finish shall be done with Plastering, Painting, Texture Finish, Stone Cladding,
ACP Cladding, Structural Glazing and other Façade works as shown in Conceptual
Architectural Drawings and 3D Views of the Buildings. In case any location is not
specifically mentioned / seen in the Conceptual Architectural Drawings and 3D Views
of the Buildings, finishing shall be done considering over all Architectural theme of the
buildings. Detailed External elevation is to be designed/ developed by the architect

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appointed by agency using mix of all these external finishings as per over all
Architectural theme of the buildings. Specification of various external finishing items
shall be as follows.
22.2 Plastering: All External wall surfaces shall be Plastered with polymer added Ready-
Mix mortar containing recron fibre @ 5 to 10% of thickness 15 mm on the AAC/
masonry work to achieve smooth plastered surface Including provision of GI chicken
wire mesh 22 gauge at RCC-masonry junctions and 65 GSM fibre glass mesh (as per
manufacturer specification) with Alkali Resistant coating at locations of conduits, pipes
etc. with necessary nails/ screws at junction of concrete and masonry work (AAC or
concrete block) or between different materials, hacking of concrete/ application of
bonding agent, finishing, curing etc. complete as per BIS/CPWD/Manufacturer
22.3 Dry Stone Cladding: Mentioned in Stone Work Head in this bid document
22.4 Wet cladding with sand stone of 70mm: Mentioned in this bid document under
stone work head.
22.5 Natural Texture Finish: External surfaces as shown in Architectural Drawing/3D
views shall be finished by Exterior Natural Texture Finish (Granito Atellio of Ultratech
Texture Paints or equivalent) over plastered surface as approved by Engineer-in-
charge on such external surfaces not covered with Exposed Concrete Texture
Finish/Cladding/Structural Glazing as per following specifications.
Providing and applying surface Natural Texture finish with natural ceramic chips and
granite stone textured finish of approved shade comprising of water-borne,
penetrating, water repellent Exterior masking primer with water-based Fluorocarbon
resin and silicon resin dirt and dust resistant protection coat which shall be highly
water repellent, Anti-algae & anti-fungal in nature to external wall surface. The
coating shall also cover hairline cracks with application method which includes 2 coats
of External masking Primer, 2 coats (Simultaneously) of 100% natural Ceramic &
granite crushed stone, all in approved colour and texture including preparation of
surface, appropriate primer coat etc. applied as per manufacturer's specifications
complete with all scaffolding, staging etc. as required. It also includes all necessary
grooves cutting etc. The finish shall be natural colour/ non pigmented, water repellent,
resistant to condensate formation, ultra violet, covers hairline cracks/ crazing, UV &
alkali resistant & ensure good breathability for the substrate all to complete as per
direction of Engineer-in-charge.
22.6 Acrylic Smooth exterior paint: Finishing walls with 100% Acrylic Smooth exterior
paint with exterior primer for New work (Two or more coat including priming coat of
exterior primer as per manufacturer's specification) of preferred make and shade -
Product having minimum 7 years warranty (Two or more coat applied @ 1.67 ltr/10
sqm over and including priming coat of exterior primer applied @ 2.20 kg/10 sqm),
having VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) content less than 50 grams/ litre of required
22.7 Structural Glazing: This item is to be executed as per the details mentioned in Item
no. 25.1, 25.2, 25.3 & 25.4 of CPWD DSR 2023 with up-to-date correction slips and as
per the direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
22.8 WPC Fluted Louvers (if required): WPC Fluted louvers with shade, pattern and
design approved by Engineer-in-charge shall be provided in building elevations as
shown in 3-D views with following specifications:

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Providing and fixing factory made 25 mm thick single extruded WPC (Wood Polymer
Composite) solid plain board panelling up to false ceiling comprising of virgin polymer
of K value 58-60 (Suspension Grade), calcium carbonate and natural fibres (wood
powder/ rice husk/wheat husk) and non toxic additives (maximum toxicity index of 12
for 100 gms) having minimum density of 650 kg/cum and screw withdrawal strength
of 1800 N (Face) minimum compressive strength 50 N/mm2, modulus of elasticity 850
N/mm2 and resistance to spread of flame of Class A category with properties of being
termite/borer proof, water/moisture proof and fire retardant, placed at the bottom of
the wall at 0.9 m high or as per requirement at site with corner profile (1"x1") of
same shade with necessary stainless steel fasteners and SS screws etc., all complete
as per direction of Engineer-In- Charge
22.9 Painting on Steel work including Rolling Shutters: Painting with Epoxy paint of
required colour to give an even shade with Two or more coats prepared and applied
as per manufacturer’s specifications including appropriate priming coat, preparation of
surface, etc. complete.
22.10 Painting of exposed soil/ waste and water supply Pipes: Painting with synthetic
enamel paint of required colour to give an even shade with Two or more coats over a
coat of suitable steel primer as per CPWD specifications.
22.11 Column Guard: All column corners of the basement area shall be guarded by using
column guard up to a minimum height of 1.5m with following specifications:
Providing and fixing column and corner guard in parking with extruded thermos e-
polymer having minimum sizes: 76mm x 76 mm with PVC reflector strip on both
flanges. Minimum outer wall thickness of 3mm and supporting beams thickness 4 mm
having minimum tensile strength 83 Kg per cm (as per ASTM E8), elongation 140%
as per (ASTMD 1149), hardness 70+/-5 shore A (ASTM D414), Impact Resistance –
PASS (as per ASTM D 25690 B) , Class A Fire Rating (as per ASTM D 543) with
excellent UV resistance (as per ASTM D 4262-05) along with effective ROHS
Compliance test (as per ISO 17025) and water resistance including two PVC reflector
strip of 17mm width on the top of profile Including Rigid PVC reinforcement bar of size
4.5 mm wide x 12mm long to hold the 6mm steel Anchor fastener. All fixing and
fitting shall be done as per manufacturer’s specifications. Color and design shall be
approved by engineer-in-charge.
22.12 Parapet on Terrace: RCC parapet wall of height and thickness as required to support
the projected elevation element as per the approved drawings and design. Finishing of
the same to be done as per the schedule of external finishing.
22.13 Polycarbonate Sheet with Truss Support
Basement Ramp and Ducts shall be covered with Poly-carbonate Arch/ Dome as per
approved drawings and specifications given below:
Supply and Installation of polycarbonate multi-layered, Multicell Connectible modular
panel system for curved Dome Application, a complete assembly of coextruded UV
protected polycarbonate panels incorporated into a complete system. Standing seam
polycarbonate panel system of minimum 25 mm thick (Min.) with min 1200mm (min.)
width. Panels with bigger width will be preferred for reducing number of joints in the
roof. Panels shall be with grip lock double tooth locking mechanism with interlocking
connectible connectors running lengthwise at both sides of the panel. Panels shall be
fixed on Purlins of MS structure with 3 numbers of self-drilling screws and specials
Trapezoidal Heavy-Duty Fastener to ensure a pull-out load of min. 7000N (7KN)

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tested as per ISO 6892:1998 and IS 1608: 2005. Panels shall be solo opaque type in
opaque and translucent clear combination with seven layers for required lux level
along with all fixing accessories to ensure best performance for wind uplift, vibration,
oil canning and visual appearance. Panels with more layers will be preferred for better
insulation and improved shading coefficient. Prices includes All accessories including
Aluminium profiles with EPDM Gaskets, at alternate edges with taper cutting to
achieve the required profile, aesthetics and performance criteria. U value shall not be
more than 1.6 Watt/m2K as per EN ISO 1077-2:2018 and respective third-Party test
certificate shall be produced before procurement. Panels must satisfy Dart drop impact
test as per IS 14443-97 shall show no sign of breakage on Polycarbonate sheets which
have been exposed to UV for a min. of 500 Hours as per ASTM G 155.Panels shall not
have Yellowness Index as per ASTM D 1925 of 15 units when tested on a sample
exposed to UV for 500 Hours as per ASTM G 155. Panel shall be with additional End
cap/Aluminium U/F profile/ Glazing Bar for ends as required. Panel shall be fixed over
MS structural steel/MS purlin conforming to the detail technical specifications as per
approved architectural drawings. Trained and factory authorized labour with
supervision to complete the entire panel installation as per drawing and direction of
the engineering in charge. (PVC Pigeon net should be provided on vertical gaps and at
first floor slab level).


23.1 The work in general shall be carried out as per CPWD Specifications- 2019 with up-to-
date correction slips.
23.2 Work under this section shall consist of providing and fixing and installing all sanitary
fittings/ fixtures, Brass fittings and accessories as per Minimum Requirements &
Specifications and schedule of finishes.
23.3 The contractor shall furnish all labour, materials and equipment, transportation and
incidental necessary for supply, installation, testing and commissioning of the
complete Plumbing/ Sanitary system as described in the Specifications and as shown
on the drawings. This also includes any material, equipment, appliances and
incidental work not specifically mentioned herein or noted on the Drawings/
Documents as being furnished or installed, but which are necessary and
customary to be performed under this contract.
23.4 The contractor shall be responsible for the protection of the sanitary and water supply
fittings and other fittings and fixtures against pilferage and breakage during the period
of installation and thereafter until the building is handed over.
23.5 Whether specifically mentioned or not all fixtures and appliances shall be provided
with all fixing devices, nuts, bolts, screws, hangers as required.
23.6 The work shall be in conformity with the Bye-laws, Regulations and Standards of the
local authorities concerned and prepare shop Drawings accordingly.
23.7 These shop drawings shall contain all information required to complete the work such
as details of construction, size, arrangement, operating clearances, performance
characteristics and capacity of all items of equipment, also the details of all related
items of work by other contractors. Each shop drawing shall contain tabulation of all
measurable items of equipment/ materials/ works and progressive cumulative totals
from other related drawings to arrive at a variation in quantity statement at the
completion of all shop drawings. Minimum 4 sets of drawings shall be submitted after

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final approval along with CD. When he makes any amendments in the above drawings,
the contractor shall supply two fresh sets of drawings with the amendments duly
incorporated along with check prints, for approval. The contractor shall submit further
four sets of shop drawings to the Engineer-in-Charge for the exclusive use by the
Engineer-in-Charge and all other agencies. No material or equipment may be delivered
or installed at the job site until the contractor has in his possession, the approved
shop drawing for the particular material/ equipment/ installation.
23.8 Shop drawings shall be submitted for approval four weeks in advance of planned
delivery and installation of any material to allow the Engineer-in-Charge ample time
for scrutiny. No claims for extension of time shall be entertained because of any delay
in the work due to his failure to produce shop drawings at the right time, in
accordance with the approved programme.
23.9 Samples of all materials like valves, pipes and fittings etc. shall be submitted to the
Engineer-in-Charge prior to procurement for approval and retention by Engineer-in-
Charge and shall be kept in their site office for reference and verification till the
completion of the Project. Wherever directed a mock-up or sample installation shall be
carried out for approval before proceeding for further installation without any extra
23.10 Approval of shop drawings shall not be considered as a guarantee of measurements or
of building dimensions. Where drawings are approved, said approval does not mean
that the drawings supersede the contract requirements, nor does it in any way relieve
the contractor of the responsibility or requirement to furnish material and perform
work as required by the contract.
23.11 All materials and equipment shall conform to the relevant Indian Standards and shall
be of the preferred make and design. Makes shall be in conformity with list of
approved manufacturers as per approved list and samples.
23.12 Balancing of all water systems and all tests as called for, in the CPWD Specifications,
shall be carried out by the contractor through a specialist group, in accordance with
the Specifications and Standards. The installation shall be tested and shall be
commissioned only after approval by the Engineer In-Charge. All tests shall be carried
out in the presence of the representatives of the Engineer-in-Charge and without
additional cost to the department.
23.13 The contractor shall submit completion plans for water supply, internal sanitary
installations and building drainage work within 15 days of the date of completion.
These drawings shall be submitted in the form of two sets of CDs and four portfolios
(300x450mm) each containing complete set of drawings on approved scale indicating
the work as installed. These drawings shall clearly indicate complete plant room
layouts, piping layouts and sequencing of automatic controls, location of all concealed
piping, valves, controls and other services. In case the contractor fails to submit the
completion plans as aforesaid, security deposit shall not be released, and these shall
be got prepared at his risk and cost.
23.14 The CCI/ CI/ PVC pipe and GI pipe etc. wherever necessary shall be fixed to RCC
columns, beams etc. with rawl plugs and nothing extra shall be paid for this.
23.15 The contractor shall bear all incidental charges for cartage, storage and safe custody
of materials and shall construct suitable godowns, yards at the site of work for storing
materials so as to be safe against damage by sun, rain, fire or theft etc., at his own
cost and also employ necessary watch and ward establishment for the purpose at his

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own cost.
23.16 All fixtures and fittings shall be provided with all such accessories as are required to
complete the item in working condition whether specifically mentioned or not in the
Schedule of Quantities, specifications, elsewhere in this tender document & drawings.
The quoted rates shall be deemed to be all inclusive for a complete item fit for use
including all materials, labour, T&P, specials, equipment, testing & commissioning etc.
Accessories shall include proper fixing arrangement, brackets, nuts, bolts, screws and
required connection pieces. Nothing extra whatsoever shall be payable on this
23.17 Fixing screws shall be half round head brass screws with washers where necessary or
otherwise as provided in the item.
23.18 Porcelain sanitary ware shall be glazed vitreous China of first quality free from warps;
cracks and glazing defects and shall conform to relevant BIS codes. Colour of sanitary
ware shall be specified or as selected by the Engineer-in-Charge. Nothing extra shall
be payable on this account.
23.19 Horizontal pipes running along ceiling shall be fixed on structural adjustable clamps of
approved design. Horizontal pipes shall be laid to uniform slope and the clamps
adjusted to the proper levels so that the pipes fully rest on them and are properly
23.20 Contractor shall provide all nuts, bolts, welding material and paint the Clamps with
one coat of red oxide and two or more coats of black enamel paint.
23.21 Slotted angle/ channel supports on walls shall be provided wherever shown on
drawings. Angles/ channels shall be of sizes shown on drawings or specified in
schedule of quantities. Angles/ channels shall be fixed to Masonry walls with bolts
embedded in cement concrete blocks and to RCC walls with suitable anchor fasteners.
The spacing of support bolts horizontally shall not exceed 1 m.
23.22 Wherever M.S. clamps are required to be anchored directly to brick walls, concrete
slabs, beams or columns, nothing extra shall be payable for clamping arrangement
and making good with cement concrete 1:2:4 mix (1 cement: 2 coarse sand: 4 stone
aggregate 20mm nominal size) or as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
Cleaning and Disinfection of Pipelines: On completion of hydraulic tests and before a
pipe is disinfected, it shall be proved to be free from obstruction, debris and sediment
by scouring or by any other process which the Engineer-in-charge may prescribe.
Upon satisfactory completion of testing and cleaning, the pipelines shall be disinfected
as order. Chlorine solution shall be applied at the charging point as the pipeline is
being filed and dosing shall be continued until the pipeline is full and at least 50 parts
of chlorine per million parts of water have been made available and distributed evenly.
If ordinary bleaching power is used, proportions will 150 gms of powder to 1000 litre
of water. If a proprietary brand is used, the proportion shall be as specified by the
manufacturer. The treated water shall be left in pipeline for a period as directed but
not exceeding 24 hours chlorine residual tests shall be taken at various points along
the pipeline. The disinfection process shall be repeated until the sample of water taken
from the pipeline are declared fit for human consumption by a recognized laboratory.
23.23 Stainless Steel Pipe & Fittings (Grade 316L): Dual plumbing system to be
considered. Plumbing system is to be designed as per CPWD Specification/ NBC 2016/
relevant IS Code and approval of Engineer in Charge. All external exposed plumbing
line should pass though duct/ shaft. No line should be visible in elevation. Potable,

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Flushing Water, Soft Water and RO Water inside the toilets, kitchens etc. shall be
concealed Stainless Steel 316 Grade pipes sizes of dia shall be properly designed by
the agency and approved by engineer in charge. Pipes shall be Stainless Steel 316
Grade with properties and dimensions conforming EN:10312, Series 2, including all
bends, tee, union, coupling, adaptor, etc. Pipes shall have a smooth outer surface,
with external weld bead removed. Pipes to be brought with ends capped to prevent
ingress of deleterious material. Pipes shall be horizontally marked with Brand,
Standard and Size (outer dia & x thickness). Pipe fittings like bends, tees, union,
coupling, adaptors etc. shall also be of stainless steel 316 Grade with press ends and
shall be made as per relevant code suitable for hot and cold water applications and be
capable of withstanding pressures up to 16 bar.
This item is to be executed as per the details mentioned in Item no. 18.85A to
18.102A of CPWD DSR 2023 with up-to-date correction slips and as per the direction
of Engineer-in-Charge.
23.24 External GI Pipe & Fittings: This item is to be executed as per the details
mentioned in Item no. 18.12 & 18.13 of CPWD DSR 2023 with up-to-date correction
slips and as per the direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
23.25 Ductile Iron (DI) Pipe (if Required): For Water Supply Line from Municipal
connection to UG storage Tanks, Pipe lines shall be laid in trenches/ underground. Pipe
shall be of DI class K-9 of required dia and size as per drawing/ design necessary
fittings like union collar bends and tees with tital joints etc. The technical specification
of ductile iron pipe confirm to Indian standard IS:8329-1994, IS:2531-1998 and


24.1 Sanitary fittings and fixture shall be of premium quality of preferred make, minimum
as per indicative schedule of finishes and Architectural drawings, requirement of
space, location complete in all respects including accessories, labour, workmanship
etc. Colour shade, shape, size shall be selected and approved by Engineer-in-Charge.
24.2 All appliances, fixtures and fittings shall be tested before and after installation. Water
seals of all appliances shall be tested. The Contractor shall block the ends of waste
and ventilation pipes and shall conduct an air test with a pressure of 38mm water
gauge for minimum of 3 minutes in accordance with BS: 5572.
24.3 Fitting and fixtures in Toilets/Bathrooms shall be provided as given below. In case any
bath room is not covered, fittings shall be provided as per fittings provided in the
similar functional use areas. The list given herein includes only main fittings, however
the scope of work includes all fittings/fixtures to make the bathrooms functional. All
CP fittings in toilets/ bathrooms shall be of same series of the manufacturer.
24.4 Urinal Partitions: 12mm thick frosted toughened glass urinal partition of required
curved shape and size (900mm high and 450mm wide average dimensions) of Kohlar
or equivalent make including S.S. 316 grade bracket/ clamp with required fasteners
etc. complete as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
24.5 Kitchen: Piller Cock for Kitchen SINK: Providing and fixing Piller Cock for Kitchen SINK
Kohlar or equivalent make.
24.6 Concealed Stop Cock: (Provided in each Toilet block, every floor at every inlet pipe to
control the water for maintenance works) Providing and fixing Concealed Stop Cock of

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Kohlar or equivalent make.


25.1 Location of pipe should be such that distance between two pipes is not greater than
30.00m. Also, pipe should not be visible in elevation (all side) and should be properly
hidden in ducts.
25.2 Rain water pipe line from terrace/ roof, balconies, fire refuge floor, VRV outdoor &
indoor units, condensate drain shall be fixed on wall face using low noise system rain
water pipes made of mineral reinforced Poly Propylene (PP) push fit (Rubber Ring)/
Solvent Weld type piping system conforming as per EN 1329 with minimum dia of 160
mm or more if required as per approved design and drawing and noise measured as
per EN14366 including all fittings, grating at inlet face of bend/ Tee, Clamps in the
vertical lines should be between 1-2 mtr and as recommended by the manufacturer
and direction of Engineer-in-charge.
25.3 Roof drainage system: Roof Drainage system that employs the principles of siphonic
action to drain rainwater swiftly and effectively from roofs. The Roof Drainage system
must be designed using Certified software to obtain hydraulic calculations and
dimensioning of siphonic roof drainage system.
Negative Pressure: The certified software must calculate the maximum negative
pressure in the siphonic rainwater system and show that the maximum negative
pressure does not exceed the pressure at which deformation in pipes can occur.
The maximum negative pressure of 80 kPa for the HDPE pipes and fittings systems
must be considered HDPE pipes and fittings should conform to withstand following
negative pressure values For PE 80 HDPE pipes d40–160 = - 800 mbar = - 80 kPa For
PE 80 HDPE Pipes d200–315 = - 450 mbar = - 45 kPa For PE 80 PN4 HDPE Pipes
d200–315 = - 800 mbar = - 80 kPa HDPE pipes and Fittings in accordance with DIN
EN 1519-1: 2019-07 and conforming to building material class B2 in accordance with
DIN 4102-1:1998-05 and building material class E in accordance with EN 13501-
1:2018 system must be used for the design of siphonic roof drainage installations. The
Siphonic roof drainage system must conform to Q+ quality certification. Butt welding /
electrofusion / Expansion socket/ Flanged Connection jointing methods must be used
to install siphonic roof drainage system.
Siphonic Roof Drainage Fastening and Supports: Following Fastening Methodologies
must be considered for siphonic roof drainage system installations.
Horizontal Fastening: Horizontal fastening system must not transfer thermally induced
change in length directly to the building/ Structure. The thermally induced change in
length must be absorbed by the fastening system and transferred to the support rail
system with tension wedges. The fastening system must be used for mounting
surface-mounted, horizontal rainwater pipes.
Vertical Fastening: Vertical fastening system must not transfer thermally induced
change in length directly to the building/ Structure. The thermally induced change in
length in vertical pipes must be absorbed by the expansion socket. It must be
controlled by the pipe fixation with anchor points using fusion tape/ grooved fittings/
electrofusion couplings. and sliding points.
Additional Supports: The additional support system must be provided to the fastening
system in the event of unfavourable framework conditions, such as turbulence,
pressure changes or stalls in the form of lateral support and side support.

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Emergency overflow system: Roof drainage system must be design taking into
considerations Emergency overflow system on all roof areas. Emergency overflow
system must be provided as per EN 12056 & DIN 1986 100. The minimum height of
the emergency overflow system should be the height of the water level next to the
roof outlets at the design rainfall calculation.
Roof Outlets: roof outlet should be single piece and factory tested and should be
flanged type with EPDM gasket / contact sheet type. Should be easy to install. The
installation of outlet grating, and function disc must be tool free and the outlet must
be easy to maintain
Specification: Pipe fastening by means of zinc-plated pipe brackets for individual
fastening to wall and ceiling in accordance with static requirements. Product material:
PE, polyethylene halogen-free, Linear expansion: 0.17 mm/m*K (minimum reset of
only 1 %), Density - 0.95 g/cm3, Temperature resistance: up to 80 °C, short-term
100 °C, building material class: DIN 4102-B2, normally inflammable, UV resistance:
The addition of approx. 2% soot largely protects the product material against ageing
and embrittlement from sunlight.
HDPE Electro Fusion Coupling, all required joints should be welded by Electrofusion
coupling with yellow indicator to confirm the complete fusion welding process.
Roof drainage outlet for different type of roofs and water proofing.
HDPE Expansion Socket
Support rail, rail connection element, pipe bracket, tension wedge, support set, base
plate, threaded rod & threaded pipe


26.1 The soil, waste system above ground has to be planned as “Two Stack System”
[Double Stack System] as defined in IS:5329 having separate pipes for waste of wash
basins, showers, kitchen sink and separate pipe for soil discharge. All piping work shall
be executed as per CPWD specification and shall got tested. All soil waste, vent, pipes
& fittings shall be minimum 150mm or if required more diameter as per design and
approved drawing and shall be hubless centrifugally C.I. pipe/ HDPE Pipe.
i. Centrifugally CI Hub-Less Pipe: Soil, waste, vent, anti-siphon age pipes, fittings and
accessories like P-traps, bends, ‘Y’, elbows, Tee’s, swept tee’s etc. shall be of CI Hub
less. All pipes shall be straight and smooth and their inside free from irregular bore,
blow holes, cracks and other manufacturing defects. CI Hub less Pipes and Fittings
shall be conforming to IS: 15905 or EN-877, EN-681-1, EN13501-1, EN 13823, EN
ii. Floor trap to vertical waste pipe shall be CI. Floor drain to floor trap shall be CI pipe,
Wash basin to floor trap shall be CI IS 3989 and urinal to urinal trap shall be CI IS
3989. Balcony drain to vertical rain water pipe shall be CI IS 3989.
iii. All vertical stacks shall be 100 mm away from the wall by providing adjustable
clamps/angle etc. whichever required as per NBC Code No. 2016.
iv. All pipes support and clamps shall be as per specifications and recommendations of
the manufacturer.
26.2 HDPE Pipe for Soil waste: - Supply of HDPE PIPE for drainage systems in the
dimension d 32–315 mm in accordance with EN 12056 (Primary/ secondary ventilation
system/ single stack system) in conjunction with DIN 1986-100 and EN 752.
Discharge pipes made of tempered PE pipes with minimum reset of only 1 % - Density

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- 0.95 g/cm3 and fittings with smooth ends, for discharge pipes inside and outside
buildings. HDPE meets the requirements of EN 12666-1 for buried discharge channels
and pipes. HDPE Pipe need to supply along with necessary fittings such as, 45 deg. or
88.5 deg. bends, Tee’s, Y's, access pipe and reducers. All pipe to pipe and pipe to
fittings should be Butt welded as per requirement. Laying as per manufacturer
guidelines in accordance with EN 12056 and DIN 1986-100, as well as EN752 and EN
1610. Other fittings shall be used in the work as per the specification are as follows:
a) Supply of HDPE Electro Fusion Coupling of size d 32–315 mm, all required joints
should be welded by Electrofusion coupling with yellow indicator to confirm the
complete fusion welding process.
b) Supply of HDPE SOVENT fitting size as per design and requirements having discharge
capacity of 12 Liters per second.
c) Supply of HDPE Swept entry size as per design and requirements having discharge
capacity of 5.2 Liters per second.
d) Supply of HDPE Branch ball size as per design and requirements Fittings having
discharge capacity of 4.0 Liters per second
e) Supply of HDPE Expansion Socket, Ring seal Socket, Multi Floor Trap with 50 mm
water seal size as per design and requirements.


Contractors should follow norms of Barrier free built environment as per “Harmonized
Guidelines & Standards for Universal Accessibility in India-2021” published by MoHUA,
GOI and available on, with correction slips up to last date of
submission of bid.

28.1 RCC Slabs in Shaft and Duct Area: RCC slab shall be provided as per approved
drawings and directions of Engineer-in-charge including providing necessary sleeves
for pipes, cables etc.
28.2 Working Platforms for Maintenance of Plumbing and Drainage Systems in
Shafts: Suitable platforms in MS frame work shall be provided at suitable levels for
ease of maintenance of toilet shafts with ease of access.
28.3 Cable Trenches in Basement: Location of cable trenches is not limited to location
mentioned. As per Elec. provision, there is requirement of cable trenches at any other
location which is not mentioned here, agency shall provide the cable trenches as per
given specifications.
Cable Trenches shall be with 200 mm thick cement concrete block masonry as per
drawings using polymer modified adhesive mortar and RCC bands of minimum 100
mm thickness including centring and shuttering and reinforcements including internal
12 mm thick Ready- Mix plaster, MS Cover shall be 8 mm chequered plates fixed to
MS frame of 40x40x6mm angle iron including painting with two or more coats
synthetic enamel paint of required colour over approved steel primer as per the
approved drawing.
Wherever cable is to be laid beneath road / pathways etc., Cables shall be provided
inside RCC NP2 pipe of dia 250 mm or more.
28.4 Basement Ramp: The RCC Ramps for Entry & Exit for Basement Floor shall be done
as per the approved designs/ drawings, Architectural drawings, Technical

NOA : NIL NOI : NIL Page-260

Specifications mentioned in the Bid document and as directed by Engineer-in-charge.
Basement ramp is a part of building hence nothing extra shall be paid for the same.
28.5 Floor Marking in Parking Area in Basement : Providing and applying 2.5 mm thick
road marking strips (retroreflective) of specified shade/ colour using hot thermoplastic
arterial by fully/ semi-automatic thermoplastic paint applicator machine fitted with
profile shoe, glass beads dispenser, propane tank heater and profile shoe heater,
driven by experienced operator on road surface including cost of material, labour, T&P,
cleaning the road surface of all dirt, seals, oil, grease and foreign material etc.
complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge and accordance with applicable

29.1 Internal Signages:
Signages should be multilingual as per Accessible India norms wherever required and
as per specifications & direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
a) Building Identification Signage: These Signage shall be made of 3D channel Letter,
made from Following:
Front: Front is to be made of 3.5 mm Acrylic and 3M/Avery/LG Cast vinyl of desired
shade as per approval.
Side: Signage made of CNC channel bending machine made of extruded alloy 6063
thickness of 1.00mm confirming to BS 1474-1987. 125 to 130 mm as side of 3D letter
extruded alloy profile with front edge and border with provisioning of housing front
Acrylic inside. Back of the extrusion must be provided with built in weatherproof layer
to prevent dust, moisture etc. Alloy to be anodize to 18 to 20 microns in copper/
bronze/ silver colour of approval shades.
Illumination & Timer: As per the direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
Back: Back is to be made of 4mm thick ACP with 0.5 mm thickness Aluminium Foil on
both sides.
Quantity & Size: As per specifications, Architectural drawings & direction of
(ii) Hkkjr dk loksZPp U;k;ky;
b) Reception/ Enquiry Desk Signage: Providing and fixing Signage made of SS 316
(brush finish) 1mm thick sheet for Logo and letters with raising (letter depth of
50mm). Including all fittings, accessories, fixtures, fabrication. The signage will be
front illuminated / hollow illuminated either back or front of the signage to be made of
4 mm thick acrylic. 3M/Avery/LG cast vinyl for desired colour fixed on the wall with
necessary fixtures.
Illumination & Timer: As per the direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
Quantity & Size: As per specifications, Architectural drawings & direction of
c) Prohibition/ Instructions Signages: Signage to be made of stainless-steel sheet of
1 mm thick 316 grade brush finish including engraving/ etching of letters of required
size filled with colour as desired by engineer, fixing with ss screws on walls. Signages
to be bilingual/ trilingual language.
Quantity & Size: As per specifications, Architectural drawings & direction of

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i. No smoking
ii. No Littering
iii. Instructional signs
d) Area Identification Signs: Curved Signages made of extruded 6063 grade alloy
confirming to B.S. 1474-1987 with copper/brass finish anodizing in 18-20 microns.
Minimum 1.5mm wall thickness of extrusion with provisioning of housing print and
1mm protective sheet in front side. Fixing arrangement made of anodized aluminium
in Brass/ Copper shade to be fixed at back side with Fastener. Alloy to be anodized to
18 to 20 microns. Side caps with 3 mm Thickness in moulded PVC of matching colour
as that of anodizing without paint, side caps to be fixed to main plate using SS L key
screws or same colour coated L key screws as anodising. Signages to be bilingual/
trilingual language with pictograph as required.
Quantity & Size: As per specifications, Architectural drawings & direction of
i. Court Rooms/ Chambers identification
ii. Department identification
iii. Washroom (Wall mounted)
iv. Room No.
v. Lift Lobby
vi. Lift No.

e) Directory Signs: Curved Signages made of extruded 6063 grade alloy confirming to
B.S. 1474-1987 with copper/brass finish anodizing in 18-20 microns. Minimum 1.5mm
wall thickness of extrusion with provisioning of housing print and 0.8-1mm protective
sheet in front side. Fixing arrangement made of anodised aluminium in Brass / Copper
shade to be fixed at back side with Fastner. Alloy to be anodized to 18 to 20 microns.
Side caps with 2mm aluminium anodised in same colour as main profile, side caps to
be fixed to main plate using SS L key screws or same color coated screws as
anodising. signages to be bilingual/trilingual language with pictograph as required.
Quantity & Size: As per specifications, Architectural drawings & direction of
i. Service Directory
ii. Floor Directory

f) Internal Signs: Curved Signages made of extruded 6063 grade alloy confirming to
B.S. 1474-1987 with copper/brass finish anodizing in 18-20 microns. Minimum 1.5mm
wall thickness of extrusion with provisioning of housing print and 1mm protective
sheet in front side. Fixing arrangement made of anodised aluminium in Brass / Copper
shade to be fixed at back side with Fastner. Alloy to be anodized to 18 to 20 microns.
Side caps with 3 mm Thickness in moulded PVC of matching color as that of anodising
without paint, side caps to be fixed to main plate using SS L key screws or same color
coated L key screws as anodising. signages to be bilingual/trilingual language with
pictograph as required.
Quantity & Size: As per specifications, Architectural drawings & direction of
i. Wash room (Wall Projected double side)

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ii. Way Finding (Celling Hung Double Side)
iii. Waiting Lobby (Celling Hung double side)
iv. Reception & Help desk (Celling Hung Single side)
g) Parking Way Finder Sign for Basement: Double sided signage will be fabricated
using 12+12 mm thick twin ultra slim edge modular aluminium extruded profile of
copper/brass shade anodising in 18-20 microns with approved ACP as base duly fixed
over on both sides and retro reflective vinyl duly digitally cut and pasted on ACP
panels on both side. Signage will be hanged using SS cable/ SS chain with fasteners.
Quantity & Size: As per specifications, Architectural drawings & direction of
i. Double Sided
h) Entry Sign for Basement with Height Limit: Single Sided signage will be fabricated
using 12+12 mm thick twin ultra slim edge modular aluminium extruded profile of
copper/brass shade anodising in 18-20 microns with approved ACP as base duly fixed
over on single sides and retro reflective vinyl duly digitally cut and pasted on ACP
panels on single side. Signage will be hanged using SS cable/ SS chain with fasteners.
Quantity & Size: As per specifications, Architectural drawings & direction of
i. Single sided

i) Poster Frame: Poster Frame made of alloy 6063 heavy copper/ bronze anodizing, clip
on arrangement for easy change of insert. Use 2mm clear acrylic as a protection layer
in the front.
Quantity & Size: As per specifications, Architectural drawings & direction of

29.2 External Signages:

a) Building Branding Signage: Signage is made of 3D channel Latter, made from
Front: Front is to be made of 3.5 mm Acrylic and 3M/Avery/LG Cast vinyl of desired
shade as per approval. Dual color vinyl film in desired day shade to be of cast acrylic
without printing the face of vinyl.
Side: Signage made of CNC channel bending machine made of extruded alloy 6063
thickness of 1.00mm confirming to BS 1474-1987. 125 to 130 mm as side of 3D letter
extruded alloy profile with front edge and border with provisioning of housing front
Acrylic inside. Back of the extrusion must be provided with built-in weather-proof layer
to prevent dust, moisture etc. Alloy to be anodize to 18 to 20 microns in copper/
bronze/ silver colour of approval shades.
Illumination & Timer: As per the direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
Back: Back is to be made of 4mm thick ACP with 0.45 mm thickness Aluminium Foil.
Quantity & Size: As per specifications, Architectural drawings & direction of
b) Campus Directional Signage : Double Sided Signage will be fabricated using ACP
panel size 800x1200 as base duly fixed over modular aluminium extruded ultraedge
section frame of 50mm depth of brand 247Sign/Vista System/ASB Neon having no
screws visible outside powder coated to 40-50 microns. Text & Graphics will be in 3M
HIP grade prismatic Retro-reflective self-adhesive sheet duly digitally plotter cut and

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pasted on base on both sides as per design. Signage will be grouted to RCC pedestal
using MS Pole of 100X100x3000 mm with base plate size 300x300x10 mm duly
powder coated of 40-50 microns in approved shade.
Quantity & Size: As per specifications, Architectural drawings & direction of
c) Traffic Regulatory Signage (Drop off/ Speed Limit / No Horn/ Basement
Entry/ Exit):
Post: Signage is to be made of 100x100 mm 1800 mm High MS pole, Base Plate of
size 250x250mm of thickness 10mm is to be used. Duly powder coated 50 microns in
the desired colour.
Panel-1: Panel size 400X110X1200 mm is to be made of 50x50x2 mm internal MS
frame duly powder coated to 40-50 microns with ACP 4 mm thick, 0.5 mm aluminium
foil. 3M / AVERY Prismatic Retro reflective sheet and approved color Overlay film on
top having desired text and pictographs on both side post.
Panel-2: Panel size 600X600 Sq/round with ACP 4 mm thick, 0.5 mm aluminium foil,
3M / AVERY Prismatic Retro reflective sheet and approved color Overlay film on top
having desired text and pictographs.
Quantity & Size: As per specifications, Architectural drawings & direction of
d) Totem Signage:
Internal Frame: Fabricated out of 75mm ISMC with cross supports and frame for
alloy made of 50x50x2 mm MS SHS. Structure shall be duly surface treated with
primer and two coats of Enamel paint.
Corner Profile: Made of 75x19 mm Extruded 6063 alloy of minimum 2mm wall
thickness with anodising in dark colour.
Front & Back: ACP of approved colour 4mm thick having 0.45mm aluminium foil both
sides, duly housed in the corner Profile. Text and Pictographs CNC cut in the ACP.
Logo + Text: 3D letters with translucent vinyl of make 3M/LG/AVERY on 10mm
acrylic, 5mm inside and 5mm outside of ACP.
Sides - Sides of Totem 300mm width to have white/ approved color illumination
Illumination & Timer: As per the direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
Base Plate: Base plate of size 400x400mm twin plates of thickness 10mm in to be

Quantity & Size: As per specifications, Architectural drawings & direction of



a) Formation of road alignment as per approved drawing including cutting and
embanking as per profile, rolling and preparing the sub-grade fit for laying road as per
design considering actual ground conditions and traffic load or as per the direction of
b) Black cotton soil shall be removed from the surface and replace with well compacted
moorum for the preparation of sub-grade. Moorum shall be filled and compacted in
layers not exceeding 200mm.

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c) 2 (Two) Wet mix Macadam layers of 125mm thickness each shall be laid as per
MORTH specifications. 1 (One) layer of 125mm will be laid first and then after
checking of field density/ compaction, 2nd layer will be laid.
d) 150mm thick M-15 layer will be provided over WMM. M-15 shall be laid with proper
side shuttering etc.
e) 200mm thick M-30 grade vacuum dewatered concrete as per DSR 2023, Item No.
16.43 with nominal reinforcement (8mm dia. @200mm C/C in one layer) in both
direction and proper shuttering with the provision of grooves (6mm wide and 50mm
deep) to accommodate expansion/ contraction shall be provided over M-15. Grooves
shall be filled with poly-sulphide sealant compound etc as per direction of Engineer-in-
f) Necessary provision to cross the sewer lines, drainage line, service line shall be
provided in road as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
g) Kerb channel shall be provided along the lower edge of road and before kerb stone.
Kerb channel shall be 30 cm wide and 50 mm thick with cement concrete 1:2:4 (1
cement: 2 coarse sand:4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) over 75mm
bed of dry brick ballast 40 mm nominal size, well rammed and consolidated and
grouted with fine sand, including finishing the top smooth etc. complete and as per
direction of Engineer-in-charge.
h) Details Specification of road work: CPWD Specifications 2019, Vol. I and II with up to
date correction slips shall be followed.
30.2 Kerb Stones, car stopper, dustbin base, solid cover, foundation base etc.:
Providing and laying at or near ground level factory made precast kerb stone, car
stopper, dustbin base, solid cover, foundation base, concrete block for base of any
landscape elements of M-25 grade cement concrete of any shape, any size in position
to the required line, level and curvature, jointed with cement mortar 1 : 3 (1 cement :
3 coarse sand)/ ready mix mortar, including making joints with or without grooves
(thickness of joints except at sharp curve shall not to more than 5mm), including
making drainage opening wherever required complete etc. asper direction of Engineer-
in charge. Precast elements shall be approved by Engineer-in-charge. Contractor shall
make provision in dustbin base for fixing dustbin metal structure as per design.
30.3 Road Markings: Providing and applying 2.5mm thick road marking strips (retro
reflective) or graphic/ letter/ arrows etc of specified shade/ colour using hot
thermoplastic material by fully/ semi-automatic thermoplastic paint applicator machine
fitted with profile shoe, glass beads dispenser, propane tank heater and profile shoe
heater, driven by experienced operator on concrete/ tar road surface including cost of
material, labour, T& P, cleaning the road surface of all dirt, seals, oil, grease and
foreign material etc. complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge and accordance
with applicable specifications.
a) Glow studs of size 100x20 mm made of heavy-duty body shall be molded ASA (Acrylic
styrene Acryloretrite) or HIP (High impact polystyrene) or ABS having electronically
welded micro- prismatic lens with abrasion resistant coating.
b) Marking parking places, road surface marking, road edge marking and lane marking
with adequate no. of coats to give uniform finish with ready mixed road marking paint
conforming to IS: 164, including cleaning the surface of all dirt, scales, oil, grease and
foreign material etc. complete.
c) Necessary lettering as per CPWD Specifications.

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All the above operations are included in this rate and nothing extra shall be paid on
any account.

30.4 Footpath/ Paver Block Area:

a) Precast Cement Concrete Paver Block Providing and laying factory made chamfered
edge, sandblasted finish, M-40 grade, 80 mm thick cement concrete paver block of
preferred make, in any colour, any size, any shape (non interlocking type) in walkway,
footpath, driveways, parking area etc. as per drawing. Paver block shall be laid over
50mm thick compacted bed of sand in required grading, including compacting,
through vibratory compaction by using plate vibrator, filling the joints with sand and
cutting of paver blocks by machine in required size and pattern, finishing and
sweeping extras and etc. complete and as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge. Sample
and mock-up shall be approved before execution.
b) Footpath shall be provided as per approved architectural drawing. Footpath shall have
cross slope of 2.5% towards kerb channel to drain the water.
c) 100mm thick PCC shall be laid before filling sand and placing paver blocks. Any black
cotton soil shall be removed and replace with moorum before M15-PCC.
d) Grass Paver block Providing and laying precast concrete grass paver blocks of any
size, any shape, any shade, any pattern with minimum 75 mm thick and minimum M-
40 grade of preferred make with sand blasted finish. Grass paver block shall be laid
over 50 to 80mm thick average bedding layer of coarse sand in required grading with
Geotextile membrane of 120GSM. Laid paver block shall be mechanically compacted.
Cutting of paver block by machine cut only. Gap of grass/ grid paver shall be filled
with average 50 mm thick mixture of garden soil, manure and sludge for lawn
plantation and also including supplying and planting specified carpet lawn as required
and as per specification. Rate shall be inclusive of grass paver, sand bedding,
geotextile membrane, cost of lawn and mixture of garden soil, farmyard manure,
e) Precast RCC drain, drain covers 100mm thick and misc. items Providing, hoisting and
fixing Precast Concrete of M-40 grade with PPC cement with minimum cement content
of 360kg/ cum- for all work up to Plinth level, for all heights including basement in
precast RCC drains, drain covers, lintels, beams and bressummers, including cost of
required centering and shuttering and setting precast members in position with
Polymer added ready mix cement mortar and sealing the joint for water tight,
including provision for perforation in drain cover for water drainage, if required,
provision for edge stiffener with MS plate/ angle in drain covers and drain all complete
as per direction of Engineer-in Charge.

30.5 Construction of Boundary Wall and Provision For Security Gates:

The agency shall construct new boundary wall after demolishing the existing boundary
wall as per the architectural and structural drawing based on the conceptual drawing.
Boundary wall shall be constructed by using RCC frame with brick infill. Construction
of security gates/ entry-exit gates for Court/ Office complex shall be the part of scope
of work. The design and drawings of these gates shall be prepared by agency and
agency will get the approval of the same from Engineer-in-charge before execution.

30.6 Storm water drain (road side drain):

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The agency has to plan, design, prepare the drawings/invert levels for Storm water
drain shall be combination of Pipes (in place of road crossings) and open drain sand
get the same approved from Engineer-in -Charge before execution.
a) RCC drain (minimum M25) of minimum opening 450mm wide and min.450mm deep
shall be provided with necessary excavation required. Depth of drain shall be variable
as per terrain of the road and Invert Level decided during execution of work. Drain
shall be covered with factory made precast RCC perforated drain covers, having
concrete of strength not less than M-25, of size sufficient to cover the drain opening
and proper bearing on edges reinforced with 8 mm dia. four nos longitudinal & 9 nos
cross sectional T.M.T. hoop bars, including providing 50 mm dia perforations @ 100 to
125 mm c/c, including providing edge binding with M.S. flats of size 50 mm x 1.6 mm.
b) Base & Walls: The base & walls of drain shall be of RCC in M-25 grade as per
approved design.
c) Plastering/ Finishing: 12mm ready mixed cement plaster with neat finish in side
and top of the drain. Sides of the storm water drain shall be neatly packed, dressed
and the surplus excavated earth shall be utilized for filling low level or green belt
d) Culverts: Pipe culverts shall be provided at road crossings of required dia as per
approved drawing with parapet up to 1200 mm height on either side of culvert.
e) RCC Pipes: NP2 RCC pipe of 150mm dia shall be laid to carry water from kerb
channel to road side drain. NP2 pipe shall be fitted with kerb stone with proper bell
mouth entry.
f) Road Gully Chambers: The masonry road gully chamber of required size and depth
with masonry wall in cement mortar including precast R.C.C. horizontal/ vertical
grating with frame completes as per standard design, as per CPWD Specifications and
approved drawings.
g) Connection: The Storm water drain, pipes shall be connected to municipal drains as
well as to the harvesting recharge pits/wells as per local body/ Environment etc.
h) Contractor shall submit a shop drawing for approval to engineer in charge and other
specification shall be as per CPWD.

30.7 External Sewerage System

I. RCC pipes (NP-2 class, Heavy Duty): This item is to be executed as per the details
mentioned in Item no. 19.6 of CPWD DSR 2023 with up-to-date correction slips and as
per the direction of Engineer-in-Charge. Size of pipe shall be finalised as per the
design based on user requirement & as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.
II. DI Pipe:
a) Planning, Designing and Construction for Providing and laying Sewer lines with double
flanged (screwed/ welded) centrifugally (spun) ductile iron class K-9 pipes (min.
250mm dia.) including manholes of required size, shape and depth complete and as
per direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
b) The agency has to plan, design, prepare the drawings for Sewerage system and get
the same approved from Engineer-in -Charge before execution the competent
c) The sewerage lines of individual building shall be considered in buildings up to and
including first manhole.

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d) Waste & waste water from kitchen shall not be directly discharged in the sewerage
system. For garbage a separate storage bin shall be provided. For pre-treatment of
waste water Gully Trap, screen chamber, Grit Chamber shall be designed and
e) This item is operated from the first manhole to the Sewage treatment plant includes
the following operations.
i. Excavation of trench for laying Pipes and refilling after laying pipes as per CPWD
ii. Earth excavation for Man holes and refilling after construction.
iii. Providing and laying Sewer lines with double flanged (screwed/welded)
centrifugally (spun) ductile iron class K-9 pipes (min. 250mm dia.) for sewage
disposal over M15 grade PCC bed of 100 mm thick as per approved design and
drawing by the Engineer-in-charge.
iv. Constructing Manholes, drop manholes of required size (shape based on depth,
gradient and interval) etc., as per CPWD specifications including construction of
gully trap, grit chamber, screen chamber etc., complete including plastering on
external surface of all manholes and chambers. Manholes, drop manholes, gully
trap, grit chamber of required size and depth as per CPWD Specifications with fly
ash wall in cement mortar 1:4 (1 Cement: 4 Coarse sand), foundation concrete
M15, ready mixed cement plaster, floating coat of neat cement inside & outside
cement plaster and DI covers as per approved drawings. The manholes on the
main sewer line shall be placed at not more than 30-meter length.
v. Making connection from and to the manholes wherever required.
f) The sewer line shall be connected to the municipal sewer line.
g) Generally, all flow shall be flown by gravity up to the final disposal points, wherever
gravity flow from the discharging units into the external sewer line is not possible (i.e.
toilets & wet areas in basements etc.), a local sewage pumping system shall be
provided either directly to the final disposal point or in to the nearest manhole of
external sewer line.

30.8 Garden Hydrant System:

a) Work consists of providing and fixing, materials, equipment and appliances required
installing garden hydrants system as per direction of engineer in charge. The pipes
shall be GI of required diameter by considering the size, shape, location and
requirement flow of gardening purposes.
b) Garden hydrant Pipes & Fittings: Garden hydrant main pipe shall be of G.I. Pipes
Class 'C' (Heavy grade) conforming to I.S. 1239 with G.I. Fittings conforming to IS:
1879 (Part I to X) such as tees, crosses, plug, socket, elbows, reducers, flange, check
nut, flanges & clamps, hanger, structural steel supports as required/directed at Site
including PYPKOTE (pipe line corrosion resistant tape) wrapping al-round etc.
c) Pipe Colour Code: The colour on pipe lines identification colour shade code shall be as
per IS:2379.


a) Under Ground Sump (Minimum capacity 7,00,000 litre for Fire water, Raw
water, Potable/ Drinking water etc.)

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i. Planning, Designing and Construction of RCC Under Ground Sumps, including pump
rooms, with necessary partitions for domestic & firefighting etc. including preparation
of preliminary & detailed working drawings, structural analysis & design, planning,
designing & execution of all services including providing and laying pipe lines up to
first manhole etc. by incorporating stipulated specifications and integrating all services
with External Development works all complete as per directions of Engineer- in-
Charge. The minimum capacity given above is indicative only and if higher capacity
requirement works out as per design, the same shall be provided by the contractor
and nothing extra shall be paid.
ii. The agency has to plan, design, prepare the drawings for Under Ground Sumps as per
required capacities and the same shall be got approved from the Engineer-in-Charge
before execution.
iii. Structural analysis and design of Under Ground Sumps shall be based on the relevant
Indian & American codes using E-TABS/ computer software, preparation of
general arrangement drawings, working & shop drawings and the complete design
system shall be get approved from the Engineer-in-Charge before execution.
iv. The foundation for Pump sets and other E&M equipment’s shall be as per
manufacturer’s specifications and approved drawings by Engineer-in charge.
v. Water proofing of the UG tanks shall be done as specified in the water proofing sub-
head. The RCC work in UG tank shall be mixed with Crystalline Water Proofing
vi. Food Grade Epoxy paint on steel works for cover and frame wherever required. Food
Grade Epoxy paint shall also be done inside RCC UG Tank wherever required and as
per the direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
vii. Foot rests of approved quality shall be provided to get in to the tank and sufficient
number of CI Doors with locking arrangement shall be provided.
viii. Necessary vent pipes, over flow pipes with protection mesh to prevent entry of insects
and birds shall be provided and nothing extra shall be paid on this account. Freeboard
of min. 500mm to be provided. Tank capacity measurement will be below the free
board level.
ix. Collection pit of sufficient size at bottom shall be provided for cleaning the sumps.
x. Foot rests of approved quality shall be provided to get in to the sumps and sufficient
number of man holes with locking arrangement shall be provided.
xi. After completion of the construction work, the underground tank and pipe lines shall
be fully disinfected before commissioning. All expenditure in this regard shall be borne
by the contractor.
xii. Disinfection: All water supply lines and water tanks shall be disinfected. Disinfection
to be done using bleaching powder @ 0.5gm/litre of water and cleaned with fresh
water operation to be repeated minimum 3 times as per CPWD specifications or
method approved by the Engineer-in-charge. All expenditure in this regard shall be
borne by the contractor.
b) Overhead SMC Water Tank: Overhead SMC Panel Water storage tank for drinking
purpose to be provided on terrace as per NBC 2016. Overhead SMC water tank should
be provided with following Specification:
SMC panel tanks for water storage as confirming with IS 14399: 1996 and as per NBC
code 2016. The material to be confirming as per IS 4249:1967 for fire retardant,
required capacity of suitable size including fixing and assembling / erecting the tank

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complete as per direction of engineer in-charge. The tanks to be leak proof after
installation and having following specifications. Standard Non – Insulated SMC Panels
Hot pressed moulded UV stabilised made from Sheet Moulding Compounds (SMC)
composing of glass fibre and formulation of selected resin.
The sizes of panel should be: ROOF PANELS: 1000 X 1000 MM, SIDE PANELS: 500 X
1000 MM, 1000 X 1000 MM, Bottom Panels: Convex shape 1000 x 1000 mm, Drain
Panel: 1000 x 1000 mm at bottom for complete drain of water Manhole Panel dia.
600mm lockable lid of hot pressed moulded made from SMC. Non-Toxic PVC foam
sealant gasket sealant tape: 3 mm thick with high level of resistance to ageing and
superior recovery from compression (Make: Nor seal by Saint Gobain, Made in USA or
equivalent). Fasteners utilized for the panel joints of 8.8 grade Steel HDG Bolts nuts
M12X 40mm. External reinforcement C channel at every 1-meter except in the corner
of steel with anti-corrosive paint and it is tie with top external tie rods. (If tank height
is more than 1 meter). Internal roof supports should be of FRP/ GRP 5 mm thick
hollow square section. Air-vent dia 100mm with mosquito proof mesh insect proof.
Aluminium body water level indicator with clear tube type and brass nozzle (For Tank
height more than 1 Meter) Internal FRP ladder with wall mounting arrangement inside
(For Tank height more than 1 Meter). External G.I. ladder with complete fixing
arrangement outside.
i. Total Capacity of Overhead SMC Panel Water storage tank is 80000 Ltrs. The overhead
SMC Panel Water storage tanks are to be installed in Parts as per the requirement &
direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
ii. Gun metal Control valve shall be installed in each tank. Tanks to have inspection doors
on top for access to tanks.
iii. Structural analysis and design of Over Head Water Tank shall be based on the relevant
Indian & American codes using E-TABS/ STAAD pro computer software, preparation of
general arrangement drawings, working & shop drawings and the complete design
system shall be get approved from the Engineer-in-Charge before execution. All the
MS structural frame work and supports shall be provided as per the architectural and
structural drawing. Work shall not be executed before the approval of drawings from
iv. Ladders of approved quality shall be provided to get in to the tank and sufficient
number of inspection doors with locking arrangement shall be provided.
v. After completion of the construction work, the overhead tank and pipe lines shall be
fully disinfected before commissioning. All expenditure in this regard shall be borne by
the contractor.
vi. All works shall be carried out as per CPWD specifications 2019 with up to date
correction slips and direction of Engineer in charge.
vii. Food Grade Epoxy paint on steel works for cover and frame wherever required. Food
Grade Epoxy paint shall also be done inside and over the SMC Pannel Tank wherever
required and as per the direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
viii. Disinfection: All water supply lines and water tanks shall be disinfected. Disinfection
to be done using bleaching powder @ 0.5gm/litre of water and cleaned with fresh
water operation to be repeated minimum 3 times as per CPWD specifications or
method approved by the Engineer-in-charge.

30.10 Rainwater harvesting tanks.

NOA : NIL NOI : NIL Page-270

Under Ground Sump-2 Nos. (Minimum capacity 1,00,000 litre each) – other
specifications will be same as mentioned in para for underground sump for potable

30.11 Tube Wells/ Borewells: This item is to be executed as per the details mentioned in
Sub head: 23.0 of CPWD DSR 2023, with up-to-date correction slips and as per the
direction of Engineer-in-Charge.

NOA : NIL NOI : NIL Page-271


This agreement made this.................... day of ................. Two Thousand ………………

between ....................................M/s ...............................................(hereinafter called
the GUARANTOR on the one part) and the President of India (hereinafter called the
Government on the other part)

WHEREAS THIS agreement is supplementary to a Contract No. ……….. dated

................... (Hereinafter called the Contract) and made between the GUARANTOR ON THE
ONE PART AND the Government on the other part whereby the contractor inter alia
undertook to render the work in the said contract structurally stable, workmanship, finishing
and use of sound materials.

AND WHEREAS THE GUARANTOR agreed to give a guarantee to the affect that the
said work will remain structurally stable and guaranteed against faulty workmanship,
finishing and materials for 10 years to be reckoned from the date after the expiry of
maintenance period prescribed in the contract.

NOW THE GUARANTOR hereby guarantee that work executed by him will remain
structurally stable and defect free for minimum period of 10 (Ten) years to be reckoned
from the date after the expiry of maintenance period prescribed in the contract.

During this period of guarantee, the guarantor shall make good all defects to the
satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge calling upon him to rectify the defects failing which the
work shall be got done by the Department by some other contractor at the Guarantor’s cost
and risk. The decision of the Engineer-in-Charge as to the cost payable by the Guarantor
shall be final and binding.
That if the guarantor fails to make good all the defects, commits breach there under,
then the guarantor will indemnify the principal and his successor against all loss, damage,
cost expense or otherwise which may be incurred by him by reason of any default on the part
of the GUARANTOR in performance and observance of this supplementary agreement. As to
the amount of loss and/or damage and or cost incurred by the Government, the decision of
the Engineer-in-Charge will be final and binding on both the parties.
IN WITHNESS WHEREOF these presents have been executed by the obligator
....................... and ........................................ by ................................. for and on
behalf of the President of India on the day, month and year first above written.
SIGNED, sealed and delivered by OBLIGATOR in the presence of:
1. ................................................ 2.

Signed for and Behalf of the President of India by ................................... in the presence

1. ............................................... 2.

NOA : NIL NOI : NIL Page-272


This agreement made this.................... day of ................. Two Thousand ..............

between M/s ..................................(hereinafter called the GUARANTOR on the one part) and the
PRESIDENT OF INDIA (hereinafter called the Government on the other part)

WHEREAS THIS agreement is supplementary to a Contract No. ……….. dated ...................

(Hereinafter called the Contract) and made between the GUARANTOR on the one part and the
Government on the other part whereby the contractor inter alia undertook to render the building
and structures in the said contract completely water and leak-proof.

AND WHEREAS THE GUARANTOR agreed to give a guarantee to the affect that the said
work will remain water and leak proof, for Ten Years from the date of completion of the work
under the contract.

NOW THE GUARANTOR hereby guarantee that work executed by him will render the
structures completely leak proof and the minimum life of such water proofing treatment shall be
Ten Years to be reckoned from the date of completion of the work under the contract.

Provided that the guarantor will not be responsible for leakage caused by earthquake or
structural defects or misuse of roof or alteration and for such purpose:

(a) Misuse of roof shall mean any operation which will damage proofing treatment, like chopping
of firewood and things of the same nature which might cause damage to the roof;
(b) Alteration shall mean construction of an additional storey or a part of the roof or construction
adjoining to existing roof whereby proofing treatment is removed in parts;
(c) The decision of the Engineer-in-Charge with regard to nature and cause of defect shall be final.

During this period of guarantee, the guarantor shall make good all defects and in case of
any defect being found render the building water proof to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-
Charge calling upon him to rectify the defects failing which the work shall be got done by the
Department by some other contractor at the Guarantor’s cost and risk. The decision of the
Engineer-in-Charge as to the cost payable by the Guarantor shall be final and binding.

That if the guarantor fails to execute the water proofing or commits breach there under,
then the guarantor will indemnify the principal and his successor against all loss, damage, cost
expense or otherwise which may be incurred by him by reason of any default on the part of the
GUARANTOR in performance and observance of this supplementary agreement. As to the amount
of loss and/or damage and or cost incurred by the Government, the decision of the Engineer-in-
Charge will be final and binding on both the parties.

IN WITHNESS WHEREOF these presents have been executed by the obligator

....................... and ........................................ by ................................. for and on behalf of
the PRESIDENT OF INDIA on the day, month and year first above written.

SIGNED, sealed and delivered by OBLIGATOR in the presence of:

1. ................................................ 2. ...........................................

Signed for and Behalf of the President of India by ................................... in the presence of:

1. ............................................... 2. ..........................................

NOA : NIL NOI : NIL Page-273


This agreement made this.................... day of ................. Two Thousand ………………

between ....................................M/s ...............................................(hereinafter called
the GUARANTOR on the one part) and the President of India (hereinafter called the
Government on the other part)

WHEREAS THIS agreement is supplementary to a Contract No. ……….. dated

................... (Hereinafter called the Contract) and made between the GUARANTOR ON THE
ONE PART AND the Government on the other part whereby the contractor inter alia
undertook to render the work in the said contract structurally stable, workmanship, finishing
and use of sound materials.

AND WHEREAS THE GUARANTOR agreed to give a guarantee to the affect that the
said work will remain structurally stable and guaranteed against faulty workmanship,
finishing and materials for 10 years to be reckoned from the date after the expiry of
maintenance period prescribed in the contract.

NOW THE GUARANTOR hereby guarantee that work executed by him will remain
structurally stable and defect free for minimum period of 10 (Ten) years to be reckoned
from the date after the expiry of maintenance period prescribed in the contract.

During this period of guarantee, the guarantor shall make good all defects to the
satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge calling upon him to rectify the defects failing which the
work shall be got done by the Department by some other contractor at the Guarantor’s cost
and risk. The decision of the Engineer-in-Charge as to the cost payable by the Guarantor
shall be final and binding.

That if the guarantor fails to make good all the defects, commits breach there under,
then the guarantor will indemnify the principal and his successor against all loss, damage,
cost expense or otherwise which may be incurred by him by reason of any default on the part
of the GUARANTOR in performance and observance of this supplementary agreement. As to
the amount of loss and/or damage and or cost incurred by the Government, the decision of
the Engineer-in-Charge will be final and binding on both the parties.

IN WITHNESS WHEREOF these presents have been executed by the obligator

....................... and ........................................ by ................................. for and on
behalf of the President of India on the day, month and year first above written.

SIGNED, sealed and delivered by OBLIGATOR in the presence of:

1. ................................................ 2.

Signed for and Behalf of the President of India by ................................... in the presence

1. ............................................... 2.

NOA : NIL NOI : NIL Page-274


This agreement made this.................... day of ................. Two Thousand ………………

between ....................................M/s ...............................................(hereinafter called
the GUARANTOR on the one part) and the President of India (hereinafter called the
Government on the other part)

WHEREAS THIS agreement is supplementary to a Contract No. ……….. dated

................... (Hereinafter called the Contract) and made between the GUARANTOR ON THE
ONE PART AND the Government on the other part whereby the contractor inter alia
undertook to render the work in the said contract structurally stable, workmanship, finishing
and use of sound materials.

AND WHEREAS THE GUARANTOR agreed to give a guarantee to the affect that the
said work will remain structurally stable and guaranteed against faulty workmanship,
finishing and materials for 10 years to be reckoned from the date after the expiry of
maintenance period prescribed in the contract.

NOW THE GUARANTOR hereby guarantee that work executed by him will remain
structurally stable and defect free for minimum period of 10 (Ten) years to be reckoned
from the date after the expiry of maintenance period prescribed in the contract.

During this period of guarantee, the guarantor shall make good all defects to the
satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge calling upon him to rectify the defects failing which the
work shall be got done by the Department by some other contractor at the Guarantor’s cost
and risk. The decision of the Engineer-in-Charge as to the cost payable by the Guarantor
shall be final and binding.

That if the guarantor fails to make good all the defects, commits breach there under,
then the guarantor will indemnify the principal and his successor against all loss, damage,
cost expense or otherwise which may be incurred by him by reason of any default on the part
of the GUARANTOR in performance and observance of this supplementary agreement. As to
the amount of loss and/or damage and or cost incurred by the Government, the decision of
the Engineer-in-Charge will be final and binding on both the parties.

IN WITHNESS WHEREOF these presents have been executed by the obligator

....................... and ........................................ by ................................. for and on
behalf of the President of India on the day, month and year first above written.
SIGNED, sealed and delivered by OBLIGATOR in the presence of:
1. ................................................ 2.

Signed for and Behalf of the President of India by ................................... in the presence

1. ............................................... 2.

NOA : NIL NOI : NIL Page-275


This agreement made this.................... day of ................. Two Thousand ………………

between ....................................M/s ...............................................(hereinafter called
the GUARANTOR on the one part) and the President of India (hereinafter called the
Government on the other part)

WHEREAS THIS agreement is supplementary to a Contract No. ……….. dated

................... (Hereinafter called the Contract) and made between the GUARANTOR ON THE
ONE PART AND the Government on the other part whereby the contractor inter alia
undertook to render the work in the said contract structurally stable, workmanship, finishing
and use of sound materials.

AND WHEREAS THE GUARANTOR agreed to give a guarantee to the affect that the
said work will remain structurally stable and guaranteed against faulty workmanship,
finishing and materials for 10 years to be reckoned from the date after the expiry of
maintenance period prescribed in the contract.

NOW THE GUARANTOR hereby guarantee that work executed by him will remain
structurally stable and defect free for minimum period of 10 (Ten) years to be reckoned
from the date after the expiry of maintenance period prescribed in the contract.

During this period of guarantee, the guarantor shall make good all defects to the
satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge calling upon him to rectify the defects failing which the
work shall be got done by the Department by some other contractor at the Guarantor’s cost
and risk. The decision of the Engineer-in-Charge as to the cost payable by the Guarantor
shall be final and binding.

That if the guarantor fails to make good all the defects, commits breach there under,
then the guarantor will indemnify the principal and his successor against all loss, damage,
cost expense or otherwise which may be incurred by him by reason of any default on the part
of the GUARANTOR in performance and observance of this supplementary agreement. As to
the amount of loss and/or damage and or cost incurred by the Government, the decision of
the Engineer-in-Charge will be final and binding on both the parties.

IN WITHNESS WHEREOF these presents have been executed by the obligator

....................... and ........................................ by ................................. for and on
behalf of the President of India on the day, month and year first above written.

SIGNED, sealed and delivered by OBLIGATOR in the presence of:

1. ................................................ 2.

Signed for and Behalf of the President of India by ................................... in the presence

1. ............................................... 2.

NOA : NIL NOI : NIL Page-276


Preferred makes of materials to be used in the work are as given in the table below.

S.No. Material/Items Preferred Makes

1 Anti - Termite Pesticides Bayer, FMC India, Hindustan Insecticides.
2 Ordinary Portland Cement / Portland ACC, Ultratech, Ambuja, J.K. Super
Pozzolana Cement. Cement, Wonder Cement.
3 White Cement Birla White, J K White
4 Construction Chemicals/ VMA/ Mineral Fosroc, Pidilite, MC Bauchemie, Weber
Additive (Saint Gobain), Sika, MYK Arment,
Alccofine (Ambuja).
5 Super Plasticizer/ Plasticizers/ Fosroc, Xypex (I) Pvt. Ltd., Sterling
Admixtures Technotrade Pvt. Ltd., Tikidan, Penetron
6 Concrete Curing Compound Master Builder, MYK Arment, Pidilite,
Fosroc, Sika, Weber (Saint Gobain), MC
Bauchemie, Mapei, Tikidan, Penetron
7 TMT Reinforcement Bars SAIL (TMT HCR), Tata Tiscon (CRS), RINL
(CRM/HSCRM), JSPL (Jindal Panther CRS),
JSW (Neo Steel CRS)
8 Mechanical Couplers for Reinforcement Dextra, Halfen, Sanfield, TATA
9 Anchor fastener, Rebar Chemical/ Hilti, Fisher, Bosch, Wuerth
Mechanical Fastener, Expandable
10 Ready Mix Cement Concrete ACC, Ultratech, RMC India.
9 Poly-sulphide Sealant/ PU Sealant for Pidilite, Sika, Dow Corning, Fosroc,
Joints Ferrouscrete, Master Builder
10 Expansion Filler board-Premoulded Supreme, STP
compressible (non-Bituminous)
12 Core cutting machine Hilti, Fischer, Wurth
13 PVC water stop Jyoti rubber, Maruti rubber, Fosroc, Sika,
Master Builder, Kantaflex
C Water Proofing Work
14 Integral Crystaline Waterproofing Penetron (I) Pvt. Ltd. Zypexx (I) Pvt. Ltd.,
Compound Xypex (I) Pvt. Ltd., Sterling Technotrade
(I) Pvt. Ltd.
15 Crystalline Waterproofing Coating Penetron (I) Pvt. Ltd. Zypexx (I) Pvt. Ltd.,
Xypex (I) Pvt. Ltd., Sterling Technotrade
(I) Pvt. Ltd.
16 Water swellable hydrophilic waterstops Penetron (I) Pvt. Ltd. Zypexx (I) Pvt. Ltd.,
tape (Bentonite Based) for Xypex (I) Pvt. Ltd., Sterling Technotrade
Construction Joints (I) Pvt. Ltd.
17 High Strength Crystalline Mortar Penetron (I) Pvt. Ltd. Zypexx (I) Pvt. Ltd.,
Xypex (I) Pvt. Ltd., Sterling Technotrade
(I) Pvt. Ltd.
18 Waterproofing Self-adhesive & Penetron (I) Pvt. Ltd. Zypexx (I) Pvt. Ltd.,
(HDPE) Membrane Xypex (I) Pvt. Ltd., Sterling Technotrade
(I) Pvt. Ltd.
20 Polymer Modified Cementitious Grout Fosroc, Xypex (I) Pvt. Ltd., Sterling
Technotrade Pvt. Ltd., Tikidan, Penetron

NOA : NIL NOI : NIL Page-277

22 Double Component Liquid PU Fosroc, Xypex (I) Pvt. Ltd., Sterling
Elastomeric Membrane (spray applied) Technotrade Pvt. Ltd., Tikidan, Penetron
23 Acrylic Cementitious Coating Fosroc, Xypex (I) Pvt. Ltd., Sterling
Technotrade Pvt. Ltd., Tikidan, Penetron
24 Elastomeric Acrylic UV resistant liquid Fosroc, Xypex (I) Pvt. Ltd., Sterling
applied coating Technotrade Pvt. Ltd., Tikidan, Penetron
25 Double Component Liquid PU Fosroc, Xypex (I) Pvt. Ltd., Sterling
Elastomeric Membrane (spray applied) Technotrade Pvt. Ltd., Tikidan, Penetron
26 Expanded polystyrene sheet (EPS) Fosroc, Xypex (I) Pvt. Ltd., Sterling
and Extruded Polystyrene Sheet Technotrade Pvt. Ltd., Tikidan, Penetron,
(XPS)/ Dimple board / Drainboard
27 Food Grade Epoxy Coating Fosroc, Xypex (I) Pvt. Ltd., Sterling
Technotrade Pvt. Ltd., Tikidan, Penetron
28 Non-Toxic Epoxy Coating Fosroc, Xypex (I) Pvt. Ltd., Sterling
Technotrade Pvt. Ltd., Tikidan, Penetron
29 Bituminous Epoxy Coating Fosroc, Xypex (I) Pvt. Ltd., Sterling
Technotrade Pvt. Ltd., Tikidan, Penetron
30 Backer Rod Fosroc, Xypex (I) Pvt. Ltd., Sterling
Technotrade Pvt. Ltd., Tikidan, Penetron,
31 PUFF Insulation Spray Applied Fosroc, Xypex (I) Pvt. Ltd., Sterling
Technotrade Pvt. Ltd., Tikidan, Penetron
D Masonry Work
32 AAC Blocks ACC, Tata Tiscobuild, Ultratech,
Ferrouscrete, Magicrete
33 AAC Block adhesive/ Ready mix Ultratech, Ferrouscrete, Weber (Saint
polymer cement mortar Gobain), Magicrete, MYK Arment, Fosroc
E Steel Work
34 Structural Steel Sections / Tubular SAIL, Tata Steel, RINL, JSPL and JSW,
Sections APL Apollo tube
35 Dash Fastener/Rawl plug/Anchor Hilti, Fischer, Wuerth, Mungo, Bosch
Fastener, Rebar, Chemical/ Mechanical
fastener, Expandable fasteners
36 EPDM Gasket Schuco, Hanu, Raven, Anand
37 Metal deck profile sheet Ezydeck of TATA / Lloyd Superdeck, JSW
38 Roofing Steel Sheet (Precoated) Tata Bluescope Steel Ltd., Jindal Steel,
JSW Steel
39 Polycarbonate Sheet GE-LEXAN, Polygal, Tuflite, Coxwell
F Aluminium Work
40 Aluminium Extrusions Hindalco, Jindal, NALCO, BALCO
41 Anodised Aluminium Hardware (Heavy HARDIMA, EVERITE, Alu Alpha, Hindalco,
42 Aluminium Door & Window Systems Schuco, Technal, Eternia-Hindalco, AIS
Windows, AluK, Axsys
43 Aluminium Glass Facade & Structural Schuco, Technal, Eternia-Hindalco, Dow,
Glazing Systems Lindner AG, Art N Glass, AIS Window
44 Aluminium Composite Panels/ Alucobond, Alstone, Aludecor, Alstrong.
Honeycomb Composite Panels/
Aluminium-HPL Panels
45 Silicone Sealant / Weather Sealant / Alstone, Dow, Choksey, Hilti, Wuerth
Fire Sealant / Polysulphide Sealant/ (Promat), GE Plastics, Pidilite, Fosroc,
Structural Silicon sealant/ Pre Wacker, Corning, Momentive (GE), Mapei,
pigmented Weather Silicone Tremco, MC Bauchemie (I), Bostik

NOA : NIL NOI : NIL Page-278

46 Metal (Aluminium) Facade Panels Hunter Douglas, Dwall Metallic, Lindner
AG, Anakon, Hindalco
G Flooring
47 Vitrified Tiles (All tiles i.e. Antiskid/ Kajaria, Somany, RAK, Orient Bell.
Matt/ Glossy shall be
procured from fully owned factory of
the manufacturer and not from JV/
48 Tiles/ Stone fixing Adhesive (Only MYK- Latricrete, Saint Gobain-Weber,
High performance, polymer Roff, Ultratech, Ferrouscrete
modified, non-slip adhesive)
49 Epoxy Grout/ Cementitious Grout Ardex Endura, MYK- Latricrete, Saint
for Flooring Gobain-Weber, Roff, Ferrouscrete
50 Polyurethane Concrete Flooring, Fosroc, Ardex Endura, MYK Arment, Saint
Epoxy flooring, Self-levelling Gobain – Weber, Hygie
51 Engineered Hard wood flooring and Juncker, Tarkett, Parador, Pergo, Kahrs
52 Wooden Laminated Engineer Flooring Action Tesa, Pergo, Apex, Lamiwood,
Kronotex, Greenlam, Greenply, Floormax,
53 PVC Flooring Armstrong, Unitex, LG, Tarkett, Tremco
54 Vinyl Flooring (Gym Flooring) LG, 3M, Tarkett, Armstrong, Tremco
55 Floor hardener Ardex Endura, Weber (Saint Gobain), MC
Bauchemie, Ferrouscrete
56 Carpet Flooring Interface, Shaw, Welspun, Milicon, Flotex
57 Marble/ Stone flooring Continental marble, Stonex, A Class
58 Tile trim & Threshold Genesis, Surfaces, Genotek
59 Engineered Marble Stone NITCO, Kalinga, AGL, Haique, HR Jhonson
H Roofing/ False Ceiling/ Partition EPF/ Wall Panelling works
60 GRG (Glass Fibre Reinforced Gypsum) Diamond Ceilings, Saint Gobain, USG-
false ceiling with GI grid system Boral, Gyproc
61 Calcium Silicate / Mineral Fiber False Saint Gobain, Aerolite, USG Borals,
Ceiling Tiles and frame work Armstrong
62 Gypsum Board False Ceiling/Partition Saint Gobain Gyproc, Gyptech, Anakon,
and frame work Dexune, Western, Armstrong
63 Metal false ceiling i/c framework Durlam Ceilings, Hunter Douglas,
Armstrong Ceiling
64 Gypsum Panelling/ Dry wall Saint Gobain, USG Boral, Knauf Danoline
65 U-Baffle / Open Cell / Wooden Durlam Ceilings, Hunter Douglas,
Laminated false ceiling i/c framework Armstrong Ceiling, Lindner AG
66 Plywood Greenply (green Gold), Century (Club
Prime), Merino Laminates
67 Veneer/ Decorative Veneer Greenlam (Decowood), Century,
Greenply, Merino Laminates
68 Exterior Grade – MDF/ Particle Board Greemlam, Action Tesa, Century
69 WPC DOORS & FRAMES Alstone, Rajshri, Greenply, Century
70 Acoustic panel Silence Panel, Anutone, Techno Ceiling,
Saint, Gobain, Knauf Armstrong,
Himalayan, Ecotone, Gyptech

NOA : NIL NOI : NIL Page-279

71 Cement Fiber Board/ Cement Everest, NCL Industries (Bison Panel),
bonded particle board Shera Board, Visaka Industries (V- Next),
Century (Zykron), Saint Gobain
72 Access panel in False ceiling Saint Gobain, USG Boral, Knauf Danoline,
73 Rock wool/ Glass wool Insulation UP Twiga, Rockwool India, Roxul
Rockwool India
74 Extruded Polystyrene Insulation Board Du Pont, Dow Corning, Supreme, Texas,
Analco, Unitech-ikk
75 Heat Resistant Tiles Kajaria, Somany, Johnson
76 Soft board Jolly board, Kanpur Company (Kani Soft
77 Vinyl Sticker 3M, LG
I Door/ Window/ Wood Work
78 Flush door shutter (With pine block Greenply (Green), Century (PRO), Merino
board infill) (All flush doors shall be Laminates
procured from fully owned factory)
79 Ply Wood / Block Board Greenply (Green), Century (PRO), Merino
80 Air transfer grill Ruskin Titus, System Air, Trox
81 System Aluminium Window Schuco, AluK, Technal, Reynaers, Axsys
82 Curtain Wall System Schuco, AluK, Technal, Reynaers, Axsys
83 Aluminium glass partition system Dormakaba, Lindner, Kubik, Otic, Deko,
Red Plus, Axsys Solutions
84 Glass Saint Gobain, AIS, Modiguard, Sisecam,
85 Fire seal, Fire smoke seal 3M, Hilti, Promat, Fischer, Dormakaba,
Lorient, Kilargo, Raven, Athmer, STI
86 Floor spring, door closer &
door Dormakaba, Assa Abloy (except Enox),
automation Hafele, IR Briton, Yale, Everite or as
specified in schedule of door window
87 All type of Door lock including Dormakaba, Assa Abloy (except Enox),
Mortice locks Geze, Hafele, IR Briton, Yale, Kich,
Godrej, Everite or as specified in schedule
of door window fittings.
88 SS 316 Door Hardware (other than Dormakaba, Assa Abloy (except Enox),
Floor spring, Closer, Locks) Geze, Hafele, IR Briton, Yale, Kich or as
specified in schedule of door window
89 Double Action Hinge Dormakaba, Assa Abloy (except Enox),
Hafele, Magnum, IR Briton, Yale, Everite
or as specified in schedule of door window
90 Concealed automatic drop-down Raven, Athmer, Dormakaba, Lorient,
seal/ Acoustic Seal or any other Kilargo, Hafele, 3M, IR Briton
type of Door seal
91 Wooden Fire rated Doors Promat, Navair, Narsi Interior, Ardor,
Shakti Hörmann
92 Metal Fire rated Doors Assembly & Shakti Hörmann, Navair, Tata Pravesh,
Vision Panel with Accessories & Fittings IHMS
93 Fire Rated Hardware & System Dormakaba, Assa Abloy (except Enox),

NOA : NIL NOI : NIL Page-280

Hafele, Geze, Shakti Hörmann

94 Brass Hardware Magnum (Mukund Overseas), Artistick's

(Artistic Art Froum), EPPW, Décor,
Palladium, Everite
95 Fire rated rolling shutter Shakti Hörmann, Gandhi Automation,
IHMS, Avian, Ferco, Toshi Automation
96 Fire rated Glass Vetrotech (Saint-Gobain), SCHOTT,
Pyroguard, Shakti Hörmann, Glaverbel,
97 Fire rated Insulated Glazed door Saint Gobain, Shakti Hörmann, Navair,
(Swing, Sliding & Automatic Sliding IHMS, Schott
98 Modular Toilet Cubical Greenlam, Merino, Fundermax
99 Laminates/ Compact laminate Greenlam, Merino, Century, Royal Touche,
sheet/ High Pressure Laminate Formica
100 Polyester Powder coating/ PVDF Jotun, AkzoNobel, Asian PPG, Nippon
101 Wood Adhesive Fevicol, Araldite, Kerakol, Astral, 3M
102 PVB/SGP Laminate film, Sentry Dupont, Saflex, Estman, Kuraray, XDS,
Film LG, 3M, Saint Gobin
103 Frosted film LG, 3M, Garware, Dupont, Saint Gobin
J Finishing Works
104 Gypsum Plaster / Ready Mix Plaster/ Saint Gobain Gyproc (Elite 90), Ardex
Polymer modified self-curing Mortar Endura, Pidilite, FOSROC, Ferrous Crete,
Berger, Birla White.
105 Cement Primer BP White (Berger), Decoprime WT(Asian),
White primer (ICI)
106 Cement Based & Acrylic Wall putty Birla, JK White, Asian paints, Ferrous
Crete, Magicrete, Weber (Saint Gobain)
107 Oil Bound Washable Distemper Asian paints, Berger, Dulux ICI
108 Dry Distemper Asian paints (Professional Acrylic
Distemper), Berger (Bison Acrylic
Distemper), Dulux ICI (Maxilite)

109 Acrylic Distemper (washable/ Real Asian paints (Tractor Aqua Lock Paint),
mix/ Low VOC) Berger (Commando) or equivalent paints
of Dulux.
110 Acrylic Emulsion Paints Asian paints (Professional Premium
Interior Emulsion Paint), Berger (Rangoli
total care), ICI-Dulux (Super Cover)

111 Texture Finish Ultratech Texture Paints, Armour coat,

Oikos, Heritage, Spectrum, Berger
112 Exposed Concrete Texture Finish Asian paints, Berger, ICI-Dulux, Berger
113 Synthetic Enamel Paint Asian (Apcolite Premium gloss enamel),
Berger (Luxol Hi gloss), ICI- Dulux (Gloss
Synthetic Enamel)
114 Steel Primer (Red Oxide Zine Asian paints, Berger, ICI-Dulux
Chromate Primer)
115 Paint- Texture Concept Paints Asian paints, Ultratech Texture Paints,
(Interior) Berger
116 Paint- Anti carbonation paint Fosroc, Pidilite, BASF, Asian pants, Sika,

NOA : NIL NOI : NIL Page-281

117 Wood Primer Asian paints, Berger, ICI-Dulux
Melamine Polish for wood work Asian Paints Melamine Gold, Wudfin of
118 Pidilite, Timbertone of ICI-Dulux, MRF
119 PU Polish for wood work ICA, MRF, Asian, Berger
Epoxy Paint Asian, Berger, ICI, Kansai Akzo Nobel,
120 Weber (Saint Gobain)
Fire Resistant Paint Asian paints, Akzo Nobel Coatings India
Ltd., Viper.
K Water Supply & Sanitary Works
122 Stainless Steel pipe and fitting of SAIL (Salem Steel), Jindal, TATA, Geberit
grade AISI 316 as per JIS standard
3448 for water supply line &Fittings.
123 G.I. Pipe SAIL, Tata, Jindal, APL-Apollo
124 GI Pipe Fittings Unik, Zoloto, Surya, Jindal Pipes, Tata
125 U-PVC pipe and Fittings Supreme, Finolex, Astral, Prince, AKG,
Birla HIL
126 C-PVC pipe and Fittings Supreme, Finolex, Astral, Prince, AKG,
Oriplast, Birla HIL
127 M.S. Black Pipes Tata, Jindal, SAIL, Surya
128 CP Fittings (Premium range) Kohler, ARTIZE, Geberit
129 Sanitary ware / Fixtures / Fittings Kohler, ARTIZE, Geberit
(Premium range)
130 Concealed PVC Cistern Kohler, ARTIZE, Geberit
131 Urinal Frosted Glass partition Kohler, ARTIZE, Roca
132 Gun Metal Valves/Sluice Valves/ Air Zoloto, Audco (L&T), Leader Valves, Sant,
Release Valves Honeywell, Kirloskar
133 Sluice Valve/ Pressure Reducing valve/ Zoloto, Audco (L&T), Leader Valves, Sant
Non-Return valve/ check valve/ Butter /Honeywell/Kirloskar
fly valve/ ball valve

134 Glass Shower Partition Kohler, ARTIZE

135 Insulation for external / exposed hot KAIFLEX, ARMAFLEX, CAREFLEX
water pipes
136 Pipe protection for external water PYPKOTE, ARMAFLEX, AKPOLYKOTE
supply pipes
137 Brass stop & Bib Cock Zoloto, Sant, L&K, Leader,
138 Brass Ferrules Dhawan Sanitary Udyog (PRIMA),
Annapurna, Kalsi
139 Glass Mirror Saint Gobain, Modi Guard, Atul,
Pilkington, Cera
L Drainage
140 Soil Waste / Vent Pipes and Fittings:
a) Hubless Centrifugally Cast Spun NECO, SKF, Saint Gobain
Iron Pipe and fittings
b) Centrifugally (Spun) CI Pipes Class Kesoram, Electro Steel Castings Ltd.,
'LA' / Ductile Iron Pipe NECO
C) HDPE Pipes & Fittings Geberit, Cosmoplast, Valsir, Sooson
141 C.I. Manhole covers, frames & GI NECO, BIW, RIF, Crescent Foundry,
Gratings DUDHI

NOA : NIL NOI : NIL Page-282

142 Unplasticized Non-Pressure Polyvinyl Supreme, Astral, Finolex, Ashirvad
Chloride (PVC-U) Pipes underground
conforming to IS: 15328-2003 &
143 Low noise system rain water pipes and Supreme, Astral, Finolex, Ashirvad
fittings made of mineral reinforced
Poly Propylene
144 Drainage AC/HDPE Pipes Jain Pipes, Oriplast, Reliance, MAZZA AC
Pipes, Supreme.
145 Siphonic Roof Drainage System Geberit, Hydromax, Saint Gobain, Astral,

146 DI Pipes & Fittings Supreme, Electrosteel, Jindal, TATA

147 SFRC/ FRP Drain Manhole covers & KK, JAIN, DUDHI, NITCO, UNISTONE
148 Level controller & Indicator Auto Pump, Cirrus, Engineering, Technika,
Pumptrol, Pune Techtrol, Lehry
149 Water flow switch Honeywell, Johnson Control, Seimens,
150 Actuators Rexroth, Avcon, Honeywell, Billimo, Lehry
151 Pressure Gauge Feibig/ H.Guru/ Emerald/ Waaree/ Wika/
Zoloto/ Castle
152 Grease Trap ACO, Kessel, Wade, MIFAB
153 Y – Strainer Zoloto/ Honeywell/ Emerald/ Sant / VTM/
154 Dismantling Joint Viking Johnson, Anant Engg., Victaulic
155 Flexible Joint/ Rubber Bellows Resistoflex/ Kanwal (Easy flex)/ Cori /
Flexionics/ Vimpa
156 Anti Vibrating Mounting Resistoflex/ Kanwal (Easy flex)/ Cori /
Flexionics/ Vimpa
157 C.I pipe Joint Acqua Bond, Drip Seal, Mega Seal
158 G.I pipe sealant Henkel-Loctite 55, Holdtite
159 Polymer concrete drain channel ACO, Kessel, MEA, MIFAB
(SS grating, slotted grating)
160 FRP Gratings Dudhi, R.X., Crescent Foundry
161 Floor Clean out plug/ clean out Chilly, ACO, Neer, GMGR, Kessel, MEA,
plug/ Floor Trap/ Floor drain/ Geberit, MIFAB, Kich
Cockroach Trap
163 PVC/ SWR/ Agri- Drainage pipes Finolex/Supreme/Ashirwad/Astral
164 Gully trap (stone ware)-IS 651 Perfect/ Rajura/TACEL/Mysore Stoneware
165 Foot rest (PVC incapsulated) OM plastic, KGM
M Stainless Steel & Glass Works
166 Modular SS-316 Grade / Glass Railing Dormakaba, Jindal, GEZE, Q-Rail,
with SS-316 grade Hardware Technorail, Kich,
167 Stainless Steel Sink (Out of Salem
Neelkanth, Niralli, Jayna, Silver shine
168 Saint Gobain Glass India Ltd., Emirates
Float Glass Glass LLC, AIS Glass Solutions Ltd.,
Pilkington, Modi Guard, Glaverbel

NOA : NIL NOI : NIL Page-283

169 Saint Gobain Glass, Pilkington, Guardian,
High Performance Glass
Emirates Glass LLC, Glaverbel, AIS Glass.
170 Saint Gobain Glass, AIS Glass, Art N
Lacquered Glass
Glass, Guardian
171 Art N Glass, Shankar Tuff, Sheeshmahal,
Glass Processor for making
Shivshakti, GSC, Kaimapnat Glass, SK
Tuff, AIS Glass
N External Development Work
Precast Concrete elements (Grass KK Manholes & Gratings, Nimco, NTC,
172 paver, paver block, cobbles, kerb, car NITCO, UNISTONE, ULTRA TILES, KJS
KM Green Vision, Ovilite Industries, Eco
173 HDPE Grass Paver Block
Vision Industries, UNISTONE
Prosafe, Eminent Overseas, Prarthana
174 SS Tactile
technical services pvt. ltd., Jindal, Everite
Thermoplastic Paint Asian, Berger, STP
175 Miscellaneous

176 SS Dry Cladding Anchor with SS Clamp Hilti, Fisher, Wuerth, Trixel

Dupont, LG Himacs, Neonnex, Hanex,

177 Solid Acrylic Surface Boards
GMGR India
Modular Expansion / Seismic Joint Herculus, Sanfield, Vexcolt, MigUA,
System Katanaflex, Inprocorp, Bizzar
179 Polymer Based Acrylic Solid Surface Dupont, Neonnax, LG, Samsung
180 Fire Sealant Hilti, 3M India, Wuerth, Fischer
Retas Enviro Solutions Pvt Ltd, Bantair Pvt
181 Modular Rainwater Harvesting system Ltd, Adwyn Impex Pvt Ltd, Life green
system Ltd

182 Precast GRC/ Sand Stone Jali (Screen) Unistone, Birla GRC, Sanderson, NITCO

D'décor, Lifencolours, India Circus, Ego,

183 Wall Paper Vescom, Nilaya by Asian Paints,
Muraspec, Marshalls
Wall Guard/ Column Guard/ Corner
184 Wallpro, C/S Group, SPM International
Ovidrain, Tikidan, Technonicol, Virendra
185 Drain board
textile, Soprema
Vexcolt International Ltd, Construction
186 Expansion Joint filler / Joint covers Specialities, Sainfield, Hercules, MIGUA,
Mapei, Balco India, Z-tech, Inprocorp
1. The grouping of various items in above table is only for convenience purpose.
2. Preferred makes for items shall be applicable anywhere in the contract work.
3. All materials and products shall conform to the relevant standards (IS, EN, BS, ASTM,
ISO, AS/NZS) and shall be of preferred make and design.
4. The Engineer-in-charge shall give the approval of a make of material to be used for the
work only after review of the sample/ mock-up. In case the same is not available in the
market or in case of change in trade name or renaming of manufacturer then an
equivalent make shall be used with the approval of Engineer-in-charge.
5. Engineer-in-charge reserves the right to select any of the preferred make from the
above list.

NOA : NIL NOI : NIL Page-284

6. Only “First” class quality materials shall be used.
7. Specification of manufacturer’s item shall be checked against BOQ item and
specifications before selecting any product or brand name. In case of any discrepancy
item/ specifications shall prevail.
8. In case of any item/ product neither covered in this list nor having a BIS specification,
the contractor shall submit the proposed item/ product along with technical details/
specifications (as per bid), test certificates etc. and other credentials of the
manufacturer for approval by Engineer-in-charge.

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