Acceptance Aniket Jamwal

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Unconditional Offer
Aniket JAMWAL (61417)
BA (Hons) Business and Marketing
9 October 2023

Congratulations Aniket,

I am delighted to inform you that your application to study at HIC has been successful and I have great pleasure in enclosing your
Unconditional Offer of Admission. Your Student ID to be used in all correspondence with us is 61417.

Course BA (Hons) Business and Marketing

Exit Level RQF 6

Start date 22-Jan-2024

End date 31-May-2026

Mode of study Full Time

Location University of Hertfordshire, College Lane Campus, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, AL10 9AB, United Kingdom

Course Provision and Fees

Location Start Date End Date Stage Course Level Length Price
HIC 22-Jan-2024 24-Aug-2024 Stage 2 First Year Degree Two Semesters £16250*
University of Hertfordshire 18-Sep-2024 31-May-2026 Stage 3 Second Year Degree One Academic Year £15500✝
University of Hertfordshire Stage 4 Third Year Degree One Academic Year £15500✝

* Once the Applicant has accepted his or her offer in line with term 2.5 of the Terms and Conditions, the amount of Tuition Fees for the first year of your Programme is fixed. Fees for any subsequent
years of study before Progression are reviewed annually and will not usually increase by more than 5% (five percent) per year. Such increases may reflect increases in the Consumer Price Index;
increases resulting from changes in any applicable taxation; changes by regulatory, professional or academic bodies; and ensuring parity with Partner University tuition fees. The College will give as
much notice as possible of any such Tuition Fee changes. The College has no control over or responsibility for fees payable to third parties, which may include (without limitation) accommodation fees
where the accommodation is not provided by a Navitas Group Company.

† Partner University tuition fees that apply to a Student after Progression are determined by the Partner University and published on the Partner University’s website

What Happens Next

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

Read this Offer carefully, Ensure that the applicant Ensure that the applicant has Pay your tuition deposit of
including the the attached completed the Acceptance checked the Provisional CAS (£8,125.00)
→ → →
Terms and Conditions form. Respond to the Offer statement included in the
and upload this document to offer and any ammendments
the Agent Portal. needed have been sent to
How to Make Your Payment
Payment of your tuition fee deposit is made to the College directly, unless you are approved on an approved government sponsorship scheme.
This deposit is taken as payment towards the full amount. The College Terms and Conditions, including payment and refund information, can
be found at The University terms and conditions can be found at

Payment can be made directly by telegraphic transfer to the following account

Account Name: HIBT Ltd

Account Number: 12082500
Sorting Code: 185008
IBAN: GB45CITI18500812082500
Bank Address: Citigroup Centre, Canada Square, Canary Wharf, E14 5LB

Payment can also be made online at!/

If you elect to pay by Telegraphic Transfer (TT), you MUST fax/email a copy of the transfer advice from your bank to the College so that we can
confirm that payment has been made. Please ensure that you state your name and your Student ID number as reference for payment to your
account at the College. Your Student ID number can be found on your Unconditional Offer of Admission.

Please note that you are responsible for any bank charges or fees that arise from this transfer.

If you have any questions please contact the admissions team at [email protected]

I look forward to welcoming you to Hertfordshire International College

Best wishes,

Sarah Liu
College Director/Principal
Hertfordshire International College
University of Hertfordshire, College Lane Campus,
Hatfield, Hertfordshire, AL10 9AB, United Kingdom
T: +44(0)1707285590
E: [email protected]
Acceptance Form
Programme: BA (Hons) Business and Marketing Student ID: 61417

Personal Details:
Student Information Amendment

Name: Aniket JAMWAL

Date of Birth 21 October 2001

Passport Number U3129668

Citizenship INDIA

Email [email protected]

Telephone Number 8626909035

I confirm that all of the information I have provided to the College, including I understand that this offer, whilst unconditional, can be withdrawn by the
the table within this Acceptance Form is correct and up to date, and where College at any time before I accept it, in particular in the event that the
they are not, the changes stated within the table are correct. I also confirm College/University Partner deems that by continuing to support the offer
that no information requested, or other material information, has been either party could be in contravention of UK law and/or that I may not be
omitted by me, my referee/parent/guardian or by any person acting on my successful in my visa application.
behalf. I understand that progression and continuation of my studies is subject to the
I understand that by completing this Acceptance Form I have read, progression criteria contained within the College’s Terms and Conditions –
understood and agreed to the terms contained in this Acceptance Form,
terms and conditions of the College, which can be found at: Requirements of Payment and by its privacy policy which can be found
at; I understand that any Offer of Admission and acceptance is made subject to
I understand that I have the legal right to cancel my acceptance of this offer the Terms and Conditions of the College (that can be found on College’s
within 14 days following the day that the College has received all of the website and the Terms and Conditions of the
following: (i) this completed and signed Acceptance Form; (ii) the deposit (or University, that can be found on University’s website –
satisfactory evidence of sponsorship; and (iii) if I am an international on the date that the unconditional offer is made to the Student, a copy of
applicant payments for the Navinsure Premium or satisfactory evidence of each being attached to the Unconditional Offer Letter.
an alternative insurance policy, and this cancellation entitles me to a full or I understand that any refund of payments made pertaining to the programme
partial refund, in accordance with term 3 of the terms and conditions of the of study and confirmed as received by the College, will usually only be made
college. to the person making the original payment in source country of the payment,
I understand that in circumstances whereby a programme has been as explained in the College’s refund policy set out in term 8 of the College’s
cancelled; the following options will be available: terms and conditions.
If I am a Home or EU Applicant that will be funded by Student Finance, I
Transfer to a similar programme within the College
confirm that I will provide evidence of my Letter of Entitlement prior to
Whereby you are unable to transfer to a similar course within the
Enrolment with the College, and that I remain liable for ant fees should my
College you will be eligible:
Student Finance application be unsuccessful or if Student Finance do not pay
to defer enrolment to an alternative semester; or to transfer to
my fees to the College.
another College course where a similar course is running
I understand that if I am a self-funding applicant, I must make payment to the
for a refund in accordance with our refund policy set out in term
College of a minimum of the deposit stated on the Unconditional Offer Letter
8 of the College's terms and conditions.
or evidence of satisfactory financial sponsorship, prior to any CAS assigned
I understand that whilst enrolled with the College all appeals, complaints and
(if applicable) and prior to my acceptance being complete.
grievances will be processed through the College Learning and Teaching
I accept that any NavInsure Premium, deposit or advanced payment, or
Board and/or the Navitas Academic Registry, however they may be referred
accommodation fees that I do not pay will not be accepted by the College for
to the University Partner in some instances and that in the first instance, I
the purpose of CAS assignment unless it is accompanied by a signed copy of
should raise any appeal, complaint or grievance with a Director of the
this Form and any other requirements requested to be fulfilled by the College.
College in line with the College Complaints Procedure.
I understand that College tuition fees are revised every year, but will not
usually be increased by more than 5% per year, and that I will be provided
I understand that upon successfully completing the programme at the
with as much notice as possible of any fee increase.
College and successfully progressing to the University, that I will be bound
If I am a self-funding applicant, understand and confirm that I will be able to
by the rules and regulations of the University Partner.
meet, and at the appropriate time, if required, show evidence that I can meet:
the applicable costs of studying at the College and the University
I acknowledge that whilst enrolled at the College, I will comply with the
Partner and
College’s Policies and Regulations
associated living costs.
If I am an International Applicant, I understand that I must comply with the
conditions under which any visa is issued to me by The Home Office (should
I require a visa)and details can be found at Further, on early cessation of my
studies, I understand and I agree to provide the College and University
Partner with all requested evidence pertaining to either:
my onward studies with another provider in the UK
any other changes to my circumstances whilst remaining in the UK
my departure from the UK
Not for Visa purposes

9 October 2023

Please be aware that while not all of the information below will be included on your CAS, we would like you to take this opportunity to ensure
that the information we hold about you is correct. Please notify us if any details are not correct.

We strongly recommend that you consider the guidance provided at before making your visa application.

You should also be aware that students from certain countries may be subject to a 'credibility interview' by the UK Embassy/High Commission
as an important part of the visa process.

Sponsorship Licence NOT FOR VISA PURPOSES Amendments

Number (SLN)
Offer of Admission Unconditional
Student Number 61417
Partner ID Not yet available
Personal information
Student Family Name JAMWAL Amendments
Student Given Name Aniket
Student Passport U3129668
Student Citizenship INDIA
Student Date of Birth 21 October 2001
Gender male
Himachal Pradesh
INDIA, 176403
Email [email protected]
Mobile 8626909035
Country of Birth INDIA
Domicile INDIA
Course information
Course Title BA (Hons) Business and Marketing Amendments
Course Level RQF 6
Awarding Institution University of Hertfordshire
Course Start Date 22-Jan-2024
University Progression 18-Sep-2024
Course End Date 31-May-2026
Full Time Course Full Time
Previous UK Study NA
Evidence in Support of an Unconditional Offer of Admission
Senior Secondary(Plus Two) Examination Certificate Cum Detail of Marks. 2020. Awarded body Himachal Pradesh Board of School
Education. We have assessed the English language ability of this applicant with their recognised English Language test and
confirm that it is equivalent to CEFR Level B2 or higher in each of the four components of language learning. No documents are
required to be submitted as evidence of this. (Student and Child Student guidance refers). This course will be taught at our partner
institution, Hertfordshire International College (HIC).

We require you to inform us of any changes that need to be made at this stage – any course changes must be requested now as it may not be
possible to add/delete/amend any details once the final CAS has been issued.

For more information related to supporting documents on visa application, please follow the UKVI guidance
Acceptance Declaration Form
Aniket JAMWAL |Student ID: 61417|BA (Hons) Business and Marketing
To accept your offer, please complete the form below and return to [email protected]

Declaration of Criminal Convictions
I have read the College's privacy policy:
Please note that this is mandatory. Confirming that you have a relevant criminal conviction or punishment will not exclude
you from the application process and is collected to help us to consider the suitability of
I consent to the College and the Partner University collecting, storing and applicants for the courses to which they have applied and to reduce the risk of harm or
processing my medical information in accordance with their privacy injury to students and staff caused by the criminal behaviour of other students.
statements/privacy policies, where I provide this information to support my
absence from classes or examinations or to show mitigating circumstances for You do not need inform us of any spent convictions (as defined by the Rehabilitation of
my performance in examinations or coursework. I can choose whether to give Offenders Act 1974). If you are not sure whether you should tell us about previous
this consent and provide this information, but I understand that if I do not, the conviction, you should seek further advice from a solicitor or advisory body.
College will not be able to take the information into account when considering
my absences or performance.
Do you have an unspent criminal conviction?
I consent to the College and the Partner University sharing my medical
information with my next of kin, in the event of a medical emergency. Yes No

I consent to the College sending me marketing information by mail. Please sign and date the below signature box to acknowledge that
I consent to the College sending me marketing information by e-mail. you accept your offer and confirm the declarations as outlined
I consent to the College contacting me by telephone for marketing purposes.
Applicant Signature: (Must be the same signature as in your passport)
Provisional CAS Declaration
I confirm that the details on the Provisional CAS document listed above are
I confirm that the details on the Provisional CAS document requires
amendments and they have been noted above on the Provisional CAS

Student Travel Insurance Declaration

You have confirmed that you will take out adequate insurance or have
already taken out adequate insurance elsewhere and do not require
support from Navitas in purchasing student travel insurance.

If you have changed your mind and wish to purchase student travel insurance
(NavInsure - at a cost of £380 please notify
admissions as soon as possible.
Hertfordshire International College
University of Hertfordshire, College Lane Campus,
Hatfield, Hertfordshire, AL10 9AB, United Kingdom
T: +44(0)1707285590
E: [email protected]
International College

Navitas University Partnerships Europe

Terms and Conditions

This document sets out the College’s (as defined below) terms and conditions, which together with the terms contained in the Offer Letter, the
Acceptance Form, website information and in any documents or policies referred to in these Terms and Conditions (as defined below), will form a
contractual relationship between the College and you under which the College agrees to enrol you on one of the College’s programmes and
provide you with education and pastoral support services and you agree to progress your studies on a programme at the College.
Upon confirming acceptance of an offer of a place on a Programme (as defined below) and providing the items set out in term 2.5 below, a
contract will be formed between you and the College. Therefore, before accepting the offer, you should carefully read and make sure you
understand these Terms and Conditions and any terms contained in the Offer Letter, the Acceptance Form and in any documents or policies
referred to in these Terms and Conditions.
In particular, please note the College’s limitation of liability under Term 9.
If you do not understand any part of these Terms and Conditions, or any terms in the Offer Letter, Acceptance Form or in any other document
mentioned in these Terms and Conditions, please contact our admissions team at [email protected] before accepting an offer.

1. Definitions and Interpretation Home Applicant: an Applicant that is not Partner University: the university associated
subject to immigration control within the UK with the College, as confirmed in in your Offer
1.1  The definitions set out below apply in
and has the right to study in the UK without a Letter.
these Terms and Conditions:
visa. Financial Sponsor: the individual or
Acceptance Form: the form sent by the
International Applicant: an Applicant that is organisation that has agreed to pay part or all
College to the Applicant within the
subject to immigration control within the UK your Tuition Fees, accommodation fees and/or
Unconditional Offer Letter, to be used by the
and will therefore require a Tier 4 visa to study any Additional Costs.
Applicant to confirm acceptance of the Offer.
in the UK with the College unless they already Programme: means the programme offered
Additional Costs: has the meaning set out in hold another visa that permits study within the by the College, as detailed in your Offer Letter.
term 5.17. UK and is deemed to be acceptable by the
College. Progression: where the Student has met the
Applicant: the person applying to study on a
progression criteria, as detailed in term 6.16
programme offered by the College. International Student: a Student who and has enrolled to study on a programme
Application: the formal request made by an requires a Tier 4 visa to study in the UK. with the Partner University, and “Progress”
Applicant, on the Application Form, to study Navinsure Policy: the College’s approved shall be construed accordingly.
on one of the programmes offered by the insurance policy available to International Semester: each period of time in an
College. Applicants. academic year, as confirmed by the College to
Application Form: the application form Navinsure Premium: the insurance premium you by during which classes for the
located at cost for a fixed period of insurance coverage Programme will take place.
Business Day: any day, other than a Saturday, under the Navinsure Policy, as detailed in the Subsequent Tuition Fees: the Tuition Fees
Sunday or public holiday in England, Scotland Unconditional Offer Letter (where applicable to minus any Deposit paid by or on behalf of the
or Wales. the Applicant). Student.
CAS: Confirmation of Acceptance for Study Navitas Group Company: Navitas Limited Student: the person that, following receipt of
assigned by the College or the Partner (Australian Company Number 109 613 309) an Unconditional Offer Letter, accepts a place
University. and all and any companies that are a to study on a Programme in accordance with
subsidiary or holding company of Navitas term 2.5.
College: the College, as confirmed in your
Limited from time to time, and any subsidiary
Offer Letter, being a wholly owned subsidiary Terms and Conditions: these terms and
from time to time of a holding company of
of Navitas Holdings Limited (company number conditions, also available online at
Navitas Limited, including Navitas UK Holdings
Limited (UK Company Number 06009965).
Conditional Offer Letter: the letter sent to Tuition Fees: the fees payable by the
Offer Letter: the letter sent to the Applicant
the Applicant offering a place on a Applicant or Student (as applicable) to the
offering a place on a Programme, being either
Programme, setting out conditions that need College for the Programme as detailed in the
a Conditional Offer Letter or an Unconditional
to be met before being considered for an Unconditional Offer Letter.
Offer Letter.
Unconditional Offer Letter.
Online: the instructional method used to Unconditional Offer Letter: the letter sent to
Contract: has the meaning set out in term the Applicant offering a place on a
deliver the Course whereby the course content
2.6. Programme, containing the Acceptance Form.
and learning materials are made available only
Deposit: the initial Tuition Fee payment online, as opposed to through face to face 1.2 Unless the context otherwise requires, words in
required to accept the offer as stated on the delivery. the singular shall include the plural and words in
Unconditional Offer Letter. the plural shall include the singular.
Other Fees Paid: any fees or charges paid to
Entitlement Letter: a valid letter of the College under the Contract (including, 1.3 Term headings do not affect the interpretation of
entitlement from Student Finance England or without limitation, accommodation fees where these Terms and Conditions.
Student Finance Wales, confirming the funding such fees have not been collected on behalf of 1.4 Any words following the terms including, include,
to which the Student is entitled. and transferred to a third party in particular, for example or any similar
EU Applicant: an Applicant that is not subject accommodation provider in accordance with expression shall be construed as illustrative and
to immigration control within the UK and has the Student’s instructions or where the shall not limit the sense of the words,
the right to study in the UK without a visa. College has provided the student with Terms description, definition, phrase or term preceding
and Conditions specifically covering an those terms.
Face to Face: the instructional method used
accommodation contract), but not including
to deliver the Course whereby course content
Tuition Fees.
and learning materials are taught in person,
typically on-campus.
5.5 It is the Student’s responsibility to ensure that
2. Application and Offer Stage 3. Cancellation
the Tuition Fees, accommodation fees and any
2.1 Following the selection of a desired programme 3.1 The Student has the legal right to change his or Additional Costs are paid in full and on time.
of study, the Applicant should complete an her mind and cancel the Contract without giving
5.6 If a Financial Sponsor is paying the Tuition Fees
Application Form and submit it to the College a reason within 14 days starting from the day
on behalf of the Student, the Student must
together with the relevant documentation after a binding contract has been formed under
ensure that the Financial Sponsor is made aware
requested in the Application Form. term 2.6 (the “Cancellation Period”). Subject to
of these Terms and Conditions before the
2.2 The College reserves the right to accept or reject term 3.2 below, the College will refund any
Student accepts an offer. The Student is
any Applications in its absolute discretion, Tuition Fees paid to the College and any other
responsible for payment of the Tuition Fees even
subject to its legal obligation not to discriminate. fees or charges paid to the College by the
if the Student has arranged for a Financial
Student or on the Student’s behalf. Any refund
2.3 Where the College accepts an Application, the Sponsor to pay these on his or her behalf.
payable under this term will be paid within 14
College will issue a Conditional Offer Letter or an days of the Student cancelling the Contract. 5.7 Where a Programme is longer than one Term, the
Unconditional Offer Letter to the Applicant. College will inform the Student by no later than
3.2 If the Student accepts an offer for a Programme
2.4 Where an Applicant receives an Unconditional on the day of enrolment of each Term, of the
which starts during the Cancellation Period and
Offer Letter, an Acceptance Form will also deadlines for the Subsequent Tuition Fees to be
the Student cancels the Contract during the
accompany this. paid.
Cancellation Period but after the Programme has
2.5 In order for an Applicant to accept an started, the Student must pay for the part of the 5.8 If the Student is paying the Tuition Fees his or
Unconditional Offer, the Applicant must: Programme that has been provided by the herself and if he or she fails to pay all or any part
2.5.1 complete and sign the Acceptance College until the time the College is informed of of the Tuition Fees for any reason, the College
Form and return it to the Student’s decision to cancel the Contract, in reserves the right (provided the unpaid amount is
[email protected]; accordance with term 3.3 below. more than trivial and relates to the Tuition Fees
and not accommodation costs or other
2.5.2 if the Applicant is self-funded, pay the non-academic costs) to take one or more of the
Deposit. The Deposit paid to the College will 3.3 This term provides information on how to cancel following actions:
be deducted from any Tuition Fees that the Contract within the Cancellation Period: The
become payable; 5.8.1 suspend or withdraw the Student from
Student must let the College know by a clear
his or her Programme;
2.5.3 if the Applicant is to be financially statement that the Student wishes to cancel the
sponsored, provide to the College satisfactory Contract. The Student may use the form at 5.8.2 withhold the Student’s results and not
(in the College’s opinion) evidence of such to permit the Student to graduate and/or
sponsorship; and notify the College, but the Student is not obliged Progress;
to do so. If the Student would like to use this 5.8.3 in relation to International Students,
2.5.4 if the Applicant is an International
form, the Student must print it, complete it as withhold any documentation required for a visa
Applicant, pay the Navinsure Premium or
indicated and send it by post or email to the extension;
provide satisfactory (in the College’s opinion)
address provided on the form. The College will
evidence that such Applicant holds an 5.8.4 take legal action against the Student to
promptly acknowledge in writing receipt of the
acceptable alternative insurance policy. recover the Tuition Fees payable to the
Student’s cancellation.
2.6 A binding contract (the “Contract”) will be College, plus the College’s reasonable
formed when the College has received all of the expenses for the costs of taking such an
items listed in term 2.5 above. The College will 4. Fee Status action; and/or
promptly confirm receipt by email. 4.1 In order to ensure that the Applicant is charged 5.8.5 terminate the Contract immediately on
2.7 The Student must notify the College at the time the correct Tuition Fees in relation to The Student written notice.
of application of any disability, whether a mental Fees (Qualifying Courses and Persons) (England) Prior to taking any action listed in this term
or physical condition, that will have or is likely to Regulations 2007 and The Education (Student 5.8, the College will try to contact the Student
have a significant adverse effect on the Fees, Awards, Qualifying Courses and Persons) to request payment and discuss how the issue
Student’s ability to participate in a Programme, (Wales) Regulations 2013, the College will assess may be resolved.
including all ancillary activities associated with his or her fee status based on the information
provided in or with his or her Application and any 5.9 Where Subsequent Tuition Fee payments are
the Programme, or where it is likely to mean that made after the deadlines provided by the
special arrangements will be required (for additional documentation requested by the
College and/or the Partner University. College, without the prior approval of a Director
example in relation to access, accommodation, of the College, a £150 late payment fee will
travel). In performing its obligations under the 4.2 If the Applicant’s fee status is unclear from the apply.
Contract, the College will comply with the information provided with his or her Application,
the College will ask the Applicant to provide 5.10 All payments shall be made by online payment,
Equality Act 2010 and any associated applicable
further information. bank transfer or bank draft only. Cash payments
laws, statutes, regulations and codes from time
will not be accepted.
to time in force. In particular, the College will 4.3 Where uncertainty remains, a final decision will
comply with its obligations to make reasonable be made by the Partner University. 5.11 All payments are subject to the following
adjustments to alleviate the effects of a conditions:
Student’s disabilities. To assist the College to 5.11.1 the payee is authorised to use the
make any such reasonable adjustments, the 5. Payment and Fees payment method used;
College must have full disclosure from each 5.1 A breakdown of applicable Tuition Fees and,
5.11.2 a payment must be confirmed as having
Student of any such disability (as described at where applicable the Navinsure Premium, is
reached the College’s bank account for it to be
the beginning of this clause). If the Student fails provided in the Unconditional Offer Letter.
deemed as a payment; and
to notify the College of any such disability at the 5.2 Once the Applicant has accepted his or her offer
time of application and the College subsequently 5.11.3 where a card provider declines or
in line with term 2.5 above, the amount of Tuition
determines that it cannot support the Student refuses a payment or where incorrect details
Fees for the first year of his or her Programme is
despite its ability to make reasonable have been provided by the payee and a
adjustments then the College may: (iii) refuse payment does not reach the College’s bank
the Student’s application; (iv) withdraw any offer 5.3 Fees for any subsequent years of study before account, the College has no obligation to
that has been made; or (v) where an offer has Progression are reviewed annually and will not notify the payee or the Applicant or Student
been accepted, withdraw the Student from the usually increase by more than 5% (five percent) (as applicable)and accepts no liability for any
Programme and terminate the Contract. per year. Such increases may reflect increases in losses.
the Consumer Price Index; increases resulting
from changes in any applicable taxation;
changes by regulatory, professional or academic
bodies; and ensuring parity with Partner
University tuition fees. The College will give as
much notice as possible of any such Tuition Fee
changes. The College has no control over or
responsibility for fees payable to third parties,
which may include (without limitation)
accommodation fees where the accommodation
is not provided by a Navitas Group Company.
5.4 Partner University tuition fees that apply to a
Student after Progression are determined by the
Partner University and published on the Partner
University’s website
Student Loans and Fee Liability 5.17.1 administration charges for any late or 5.23 Where a Student is required to retake a module
5.12 Where a Home/EU Applicant that has had his or dishonoured payments of £150 (see term 5.9 and is Home or EU fee status, the Student may
her fee status assessed as Home or EU, intends above); be eligible for a fee discount for those modules
to fund his or her studies through a Tuition Fee 5.17.2 assessment re-sit administration fee of as determined within the Retake and Resit
loan through either Student Finance England or £150 (see term 5.24 above); Policy of the College located at
Student Finance Wales, the Student must
5.17.3 fees for additional, non-timetabled
produce a correct Entitlement Letter, before tuition hours provided by the College [or a 5.24 If College management approves a re-sit
completing the enrolment process. If the Partner University] to support any assessment assessment, an administration fee of £150 will
Entitlement Letter has not been received prior to re-sits (fees will vary depending on the be charged to the Student. Additional tuition
enrolment at the College, the Student may enrol Programme and the individual Student needs, hours if required can be provided and will be
at his or her own risk and will be responsible for but are typically charged at between £40 and invoiced at an additional cost (see term 5.17.3
any Tuition Fees owed should the application for £75 per hour); above). Re-sits and retakes will be considered in
a Student Loan be unsuccessful. Applicants and accordance with the current Immigration Rules
Students are expected to comply with 5.17.4 module re-take fees, such fees to be and Policy Guidance documents located at
reasonable requests by the College or Partner calculated in accordance with term 5.22;
University as to the status of his or her finance 5.17.5 Programme transfer fees (see term 6.14
application. To be clear, if the Student enrols at below);
his or her own risk and is not successful in
6. The Programme of Study
5.17.6 appropriate materials to support the
gaining a Tuition Fee loan, the Student will be 6.1 The offer of a place to study with the College
Student’s studies such as text books, course
liable to pay his or her Tuition Fees for the is based on the key information which can be
materials, art and design consumables,
duration of his or her Programme. found on the relevant page of the programmes
software, stationery, and photocopying costs;
section of the College website
5.13 Once enrolled, the Student must renew his or her 5.17.7 transport costs when travelling to and
application with Student Finance for each from the College;
subsequent year of study and produce a valid 6.2 The College shall provide education services
5.17.8 accommodation (where not already appropriate to the mode of delivery for the
Entitlement Letter supplied by Student Finance
included in the Student’s Offer); Course, whether Face to Face or Online
prior to the start of his or her re-enrolment with
the College and/or Partner University. 5.17.9 general living costs such as food and (Programme delivery, tuition, supervision and
drink; assessment), as well as ancillary services
5.14 If, after enrolling with the College and/or Partner
5.17.10 if the College takes legal action in (academic/learning support and resources,
University, the Student withdraws or is withdrawn
accordance with term 5.8.4 (unpaid Tuition careers support and pastoral support) with
from his or her Programme, Student Finance
Fees), the reasonable costs incurred by the reasonable skill and care.
might not pay the Student’s full Tuition Fee
liability. In such circumstances the Student will College in taking such action; and 6.3 Subject to term 6.5, classes will normally be held
be liable for the difference in payments as set 5.17.11 costs associated with any English Monday to Friday between the hours of 08:00
out in the table in term 5.16. Language assessment (see term 6.16.3). and 19:00 during the Semester.
5.15 Students should also be aware that depending 5.17.12 Costs associated with accessing 6.4 Subject to term 6.5, examinations will normally
on the date of his or her withdrawal, his or her Online materials and delivery, such as internet be held Monday to Saturday between the hours
maintenance payments from Student Finance and device costs. of 08:00 and 19:00 except where scheduling
may also be impacted. requires them to be held outside these times. In
5.18 No CAS will be assigned to an International which case the College will take all reasonable
5.16 Tuition fee liabilities for: (i) Students with Tuition Student until he or she has accepted his or her steps to schedule the examinations at a time and
Fee loans; or (ii) self-funded Home/EU Students offer in accordance with term 2.5. and where the place so as to minimise any inconvenience to
that withdraw from a Programme under term 8.8, institution is confident that the course is able to affected Students, notifying the Student as early
are set out in the following table: take place through Face to Face delivery. as possible.
Payment 5.19 Where an accommodation reservation deposit 6.5 Class and/or examination times or locations
Confirmed Fee Required Upon has been paid to the College which is then may need to change due to unforeseen
Withdrawal Date Liability Withdrawal transferred to a third party (provider of actual circumstances, the College will notify the
accommodation) with the approval of the Student as early as possible to inform them of
Up to two weeks 0% No tuition fees due Student or parent/legal guardian, the deposit is the change to minimise impact.
after Partner then subject to the terms and conditions for
University Semester refund of the third party and the College has no 6.6 Students must enrol on and at the time and date
A commences further liability or responsibility for any refund. provided by the College. For Face to Face
delivery, students must additionally arrive prior to
On or after two 50% Student Finance to 5.20 The College reserves the right to return to source the start date stated on the Unconditional Offer
weeks after the first pay 25%, student any excess payment consisting of more than Letter.
day of Partner to pay 25% three Semesters advanced payments. Such
refunds will be subject to a £150 administrative 6.7 Whilst the College expects all Students to arrive
University Semester
fee. on time for Face to Face delivery, it is understood
A commences
that there can be unavoidable delays such as
On or after the first 50% Student Finance to 5.21 Except: (a) where a Student is funded by Student visa delays. Students must notify the College of
day of University pay 50% Finance, as stated in terms 5.12 to 5.16 above; their expected arrival and enrolment date as
Partner Semester B (b) where a Student cancels as set out in term 3 soon as they become aware that they may not
commences above; or (c) where a Student withdraws in arrive or enrol on the stated start date. In no
accordance with term 8.8, once a Student has instance will a Student be permitted to enrol
On or after four 100% Student Finance to enrolled for a given Semester, Tuition Fees paid more than 10 working days after the first day of
weeks after the first pay 50%, student for that Semester are no longer eligible for refund teaching without the written permission of a
day of University to pay 50% from the College, as the College will be unable to Director of the College. If the Student fails to
Partner Semester B recoup its loss. Where the Course’s mode of enrol on or before 10 Business Days after the
commences delivery is Online and the Student withdraws first day of teaching, without written permission
On or after the first 100% Student Finance to during the first week of teaching within the first from a Director of the College, the College may
day of University pay 100% Semester, the student may defer their studies suspend or withdraw the Student from his or her
Partner Semester C and relevant Tuition Fees paid to the next Programme (in such cases the Contract will
commences available semester where Face to Face delivery is terminate immediately on written notice to the
available at no cost, but may be required to make Student and neither the Deposit nor the
up any difference in cost. If the student Subsequent Tuition Fees paid to the College will
Weeks end at 5.00pm on the Friday and the subsequently does not choose to enrol, in the be refundable as the College will be unable to
subsequent week starts immediately. next available semester where Face to Face recoup its loss)
Additional Costs delivery is available, then no refund of Tuition
Fees will be refunded. 6.8 Where a Student is studying a pre-sessional
5.17 Students should be aware that there may be English Programme, late arrivals must be
other costs associated with his or her 5.22 Where a Student is required to retake a module, approved in advance by a Director of the College.
Programme that are not stated on the Offer but the applicable fees payable will be invoiced on a
per module basis with the fee determined by the 6.9 No discount or refund of fees due to the
which may be payable by the Student to the Student’s late arrival will be provided.
College or to a third party (“Additional Costs”). weighting of the module as a proportion of the
Additional Costs may consist of: total Programme, subject to any discount that 6.10 Students are required to re-enrol at the start of
may apply under term 5.23 below. each Semester and will be advised upon
enrolment of the subsequent Semester’s
enrolment deadline. If the Student fails to reimburse the Student for any reasonable costs disrepute. In such cases the College will
re-enrol prior to the deadline for that Semester incurred by the Student in relation to the provide an appropriate refund taking in to
without written permission from a Director of the Programme, such as visa fees and travel costs account the proportion of the course already
College, the College may suspend or withdraw directly relating to the Programme, and: completed, less: (i) any costs incurred by the
the Student from his or her Programme in such 6.13.1 if the Student withdraws prior to the College; and (ii) the administration charge of
cases the Contract will terminate immediately on Programme start date, the College will provide £150 (set out in term 8.3).
written notice to the Student and neither the a full refund of the Tuition Fees paid to the 6.18 The College may revise and amend these Terms
Deposit nor the Subsequent Tuition Fees paid to College and any Additional Fees paid to the and Conditions from time to time and will give
the College will be refundable as the College will College; or the Student prior notice of any such changes. In
be unable to recoup its loss. Where a Director of the unlikely event that any amendment
the College permits the late re-enrolment of the 6.13.2 if the Student withdraws on or after the
Programme start date, the College will provide substantially changes the Contract, the Student
Student, a £150 late enrolment fee will be may choose to withdraw from his or her
charged. the Student with an appropriate refund taking
into consideration the proportion of the Programme and terminate the Contract by
6.11 The College and Partner University reserves the Programme completed and the costs of written notice and the College will provide the
right to make changes to the Programme. accommodation provided to the Student at Student with an appropriate refund taking into
Reasons for changes can include and are not the time of termination of the Contract. consideration the proportion of the Programme
limited to, the following reasons: completed at the time of termination of the
6.14 The Student does not have the automatic right to Contract.
6.11.1 to meet the requirements of an change his or her Programme once he or she has
accrediting, professional, statutory and/or accepted his or her offer (in accordance with 7. Deferral
regulatory body; term 2.5), however where possible, the College 7.1 Requests for the deferral of either a Conditional
6.11.2 to reflect changes in the applicable laws will aim to facilitate the Student’s request. If the or Unconditional Offer prior to enrolment are
and regulations; Student wishes to make a change to the considered on a discretionary basis and
6.11.3 to respond to sector good practise or Programme, the Student must contact the deferrals can only be requested twice before the
quality enhancement processes; College at the earliest opportunity. The Student offer is withdrawn and a new Application must be
will be informed whether the change will be made. Where a CAS has been assigned by the
6.11.4 to keep programmes contemporary by possible and any additional fees this might incur.
updating practices or areas of study; College/Partner University to the Student and he
6.15 Failure to meet the stated progression criteria, or she has gained a student visa on this basis,
6.11.5 Events Outside the College’s Control; detailed in term 6.16 below, of a stage of study deferrals will only be approved where the
6.11.6 non-availability of venues; within the set time frames and according to Student can provide binding evidence that:
6.11.7 sickness or absence of tutors; the requirements of the Programme, as well as 7.1.1 the Student is not in the UK; and
the current requirements of the Immigration
6.11.8 where a change to the Programme or 7.1.2 the request/reason for deferral is fully
Rules for International Students located at
module needs to be made where the minimum supported by documentary evidence.,
number of students needed to ensure a good 7.2 If the deferral request is as a result of the
may result in the Student being unable to
educational or student support has not been Student receiving a visa refusal, the deferral will
complete his or her Programme.
met. be subject to the approval of a Director of the
6.16 The progression criteria are:
In making any such changes, the College or Partner College.
University will aim to keep the changes to the 6.16.1 to meet all pass criteria for each
module/stage as required by individual 7.3 Requests for the deferral of studies after
minimum necessary and will usually notify and/or enrolment, including those under 5.21, are
consult (depending on the nature of the change) with Programme requirements;
considered on a discretionary basis and must be
affected Students in advance about any changes that 6.16.2 to attend all classes, examinations made in line with the
are required. and meetings in line with the Attendance
6.12 If the College or Partner University intends to and Monitoring policy of the College
withdraw a Programme or make a material; 8. Refunds
change(s) to the Programme after the Student 6.16.3 achieve the specified English Language 8.1 Anti-money laundering rules in the UK require
has accepted the offer, the College or Partner standard, where applicable, required by both that any payment made to and confirmed as
University will consult with the Student and take the College and the Partner University, and received by the College will only ever be
reasonable steps to obtain his or her consent where applicable, pay any costs associated refunded to the person who made the original
and minimise the impact of any such changes. with any English Language assessment; and payment in the source country from where the
The College will inform the affected Students if payment originated, except;
6.16.4 continue to have the Right to Study
the College implements the change(s) or according to the Immigration Rules, where 8.1.1 where the refund amount is up to a
withdraws a Programme. If the Student did not applicable. maximum of £250. In which instance, the
consent to the change and the College’s payment may be paid in to the Student’s UK
implementation of the changes causes the 6.16.5 to successfully demonstrate the Right
bank account where they are an enrolled
Student detriment or hardship the College will, to Study according to the Immigration Rules,
Student at the College, no more than once in
where appropriate, work with the Student to try where a change in the mode of delivery from
any given six month period; or
to reduce the adverse effect on the Student and Online to Face to Face requires a change of
immigration status. 8.1.2 where the Student has provided evidence
try to find an appropriate solution, for example by
of an offer from another UK institution. In
offering suitable alternatives which may include 6.17 The College reserves the right to terminate the
which instance, the payment may be made to
transfer to a similar programme within the Contract in the following circumstances:
that institution.
College, deferred enrolment to a later Semester, 6.17.1 prior to enrolment where either (a) the
transfer to another Navitas Group Company 8.2 In the event that the Student has:
Applicant/Student requires a CAS and the
College. Some examples of a material change College believes that the issuance of a CAS 8.2.1 at any time during his or her studies with
include: would breach the relevant Immigration Rules; the College or with the Partner University
6.12.1 a change of award or programme title; (b) the College believes that the Applicant/ provided to the College or the Partner
Student’s visa application will be unsuccessful; University fraudulent, untrue or misleading
6.12.2 a change to the availability of or
or (c) the College believes that the information and/or documents;
discontinuance of a core module; or
performance of the Contract would bring the 8.2.2 deliberately withheld or omitted
6.12.3 a change to the overall type of College or Partner University in to disrepute. In information that might be relevant to the
assessment for the Programme, for example by such cases the College will provide a refund of Student’s Application;
exams, coursework or practical assessment (or Tuition Fees paid to the College and Other
combination of these). 8.2.3 been refused a CAS or visa on the
Fees Paid less: (i) any costs incurred by the
suspicion of the provision of fraudulent
6.12.4 a change to the mode of delivery of the College; and (ii) the administration charge of
documents; and/or
course, or part of the course. For example, £150 (set out in term 8.3).
from Face to Face to Online. 8.2.4 at any time during his or her studies with
6.17.2 during the Course of study where either
the College or with the Partner University,
6.13 If any change the College makes pursuant to (a) the Applicant/Student requires a CAS and
provided to the College or the Partner
term 6.11 and/or term 6.12 above materially the College believes that the issuance of a
University work, materials or other
affects the Student, to the Student’s detriment, CAS would breach the relevant Immigration
documentation that is plagiarised, not the
the Student may withdraw from the Programme Rules; (b) the College believes that the
original work of the Student (without an
and terminate the Contract immediately by Applicant/ Student’s visa application will be
appropriate credit), or committed a serious
written notice and, unless the change is due to unsuccessful; or (c) the College believes that
breach of the College’s or the Partner
Events Outside the College’s Control (in which the performance of the Contract would bring
University’s code of conduct or disciplinary
case term 10.2 shall apply), the College will the College or Partner University in to
rules, the College may withdraw the Student
from the Programme and terminate the 8.7.1 a CAS number has been applied for or a Programme prior to the date of re-enrolment,
Contract immediately by notice in writing to CAS Statement assigned by College/Partner no refund of Tuition Fees for semesters studied
the Student and the Student will be entitled to University to a Student and he/she has gained to date will be due however any Tuition Fees
a refund as follows: a student visa on this basis; and for Face to Face elements of the course paid
(a)if the College withdraws the Student four 8.7.2 such Student has enrolled but is no in advance will be available for a refund, except
weeks or more prior to the enrolment date, longer undertaking study with the College and where the actions of the Student instead fall
the College will provide a refund of the this is an approved withdrawal from the under term 8.2.
Tuition Fees paid to the College and Other Programme by a Director of the College; a
Fees Paid less:(i) the Deposit; (ii) the refund of any Tuition Fees for future Semesters 9. Liability
administrative charge of £150 for dealing of the Programme paid to the College or Other
9.1 Nothing in this Agreement shall exclude or limit
with the refund; and (iii) all reasonable Fees Paid for future Semesters can only be
in any way the College’s liability:
costs incurred by the College in applied where a Student has provided
investigating and dealing with the satisfactory evidence that: 9.1.1 for death or personal injury caused by
circumstance that led to the withdrawal the College’s negligence;
(i) the Student is no longer in the UK and
and termination. his or her student visa has been cancelled; 9.1.2 for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation;
(b) if the College withdraws the Student or or
less than four weeks prior to the enrolment (ii) the Student has successfully gained a 9.1.3 which cannot be excluded or limited
date or any time after the enrolment date, place at another UK institution; and under the laws relating to discrimination,
neither the Deposit nor the Subsequent occupier’s liability or health and safety.
Tuition Fees will be refundable as the (iii) the Student attended 85% of timetabled
classes, submitted all required assignments 9.2 Subject to terms 9.1, if the College fails to comply
College will be unable to recoup its loss.
and was present at all scheduled with the terms of the Contract:
8.3 After the Cancellation Period, if a Student notifies examinations in accordance with College 9.2.1 the College’s total liability for loss or
the College that he or she wishes to withdraw Academic Policies and Regulations located damage the Student suffered as a foreseeable
from the Programme (a) prior to enrolment (in the at result of the College’s failure to provide the
case of Students that do not require a visa to
If the request for refund is approved on the Programme, either at all or to a reasonable
study their course, which may include those
above noted conditions then it will be standard or in accordance with any
studying Online) or (b) prior to receiving a
subject to a £150 administration charge. pre-contract information provided to the
Provisional CAS Statement or CAS (in the case of
Tuition Fees for the Semester in which the Student/Applicant, shall not exceed the total
International Students), he or she will be entitled
Student withdraws cannot be refunded as Tuition Fees payable to the College and any
to a refund of Tuition Fees paid to the College and
the College will be unable to recoup its reasonable costs already incurred by the
Other Fees Paid less the administrative charge of
loss. Student in relation to the Programme, such as
visa fees, accommodation costs and travel
8.4 All refunds of payments made pertaining to the 8.8 For Home or EU Students: where the
costs directly relating to the programme; and
Programme and confirmed as received by the Cancellation Period has ended and:
9.2.2 the College shall not be liable for any loss
College, will only be made to the person making 8.8.1 the Student has enrolled on the
or damage that is not foreseeable.
the original payment in source country of the Programme but is no longer undertaking study
payment. with the College; and Loss or damage is foreseeable if it is obvious that
it will happen or if, at the time the Contract
8.5 Where a CAS number has been applied for or a 8.8.2 this is an approved withdrawal from the
between the College and the Student was made,
CAS Statement issued by College/Partner Programme by a Director of the College, any
both the Student and the College knew it might
University on behalf of a Student and the Student fee liability will be in line with the table at term
fails to gain a student visa; then, if the 5.15 and the College will refund to the Student
Cancellation Period has ended and the Student any self-funded amounts paid to the College in 9.3 Where the Student is an International Student
has not enrolled, a refund of Tuition Fees paid to excess of this fee liability, less any other fees and the College or Partner University loses its
the College and Other Fees Paid, will only be outstanding to the College or Partner ability to sponsor International Students (or has
applied where: University, and the administrative charge of its Tier 4 licence restricted or downgraded or its
£150. CAS allocation reduced, meaning the College
8.5.1 the Student has provided a copy of the
cannot provide its tuition services to
refusal or rejection letter received from UK 8.9  Where a Student has enrolled on the Programme
International Students), the College’s liability to
Visas and Immigration and evidence that the but is no longer undertaking study with the
such Student shall be limited to refunding all
visa application was made within time and College, and where attempts to formalise the
Tuition Fees paid to the College for the academic
valid application conditions; and Student’s withdrawal have been unsuccessful,
year in which the College loses its sponsor
8.5.2 information submitted by the Student or this is an unapproved cessation of studies. If the
licence and any reasonable costs already
agent is not suspected of being fraudulent or Cancellation Period has ended, then the Student
incurred by the Student in relation to the
deemed as purposefully misleading (in which will not be entitled to any refund as the College
Programme for that academic year, such as visa
case term 8.2.3 will apply). The refund of will be unable to recoup its loss.
fees, accommodation costs and travel costs
payments made pertaining to the Programme 8.10 Where a Student has enrolled on to a Programme directly relating to the Programme.
and confirmed as received by the College, will that is delivered Online, is later due to progress
9.4 The College accepts no responsibility for any
be subject to a £150 administrative charge. on to Face to Face elements of their Programme
miscommunication that may arise where the
8.6 Where the Cancellation Period has ended and: as stated in their Offer;
Student/Applicant (as applicable) has provided
8.6.1 a CAS number has been assigned by the 8.10.1 Where a student that requires a visa to incorrect or out of date contact details or has not
College/Partner University to a Student and study Face to Face opts to no longer progress kept his or her contact details up to date. It is the
the Student has gained a student visa on this to the Face to Face elements of their Student/Applicant’s (or parent/guardian’s if the
basis; and Programme or is unsuccessful in gaining the Student/Applicant is under 18 years of age)
requisite visa to allow them to progress to the responsibility, to provide and confirm, when
8.6.2 the Student fails to enrol or re-enrol, or Face to Face elements of their Programme in asked to do so, correct contact details (and to
transfers to another establishment within the time and therefore withdraws from the keep those contact details up to date) for
UK; the Student is not entitled to a refund of Programme prior to the final date of the communication purposes. The College reserves
any Tuition Fees paid to the College or Other re-enrolment period, no refund of Tuition Fees the right to correct any such details or omissions.
Fees Paid, unless the Student notifies the for semesters studied to date will be due,
College at least four weeks before the however any Tuition Fees for Face to Face
enrolment date that he or she will not be elements of the course paid in advance will be
enrolling at the College. In such cases the available for a refund minus a £150
College will provide a refund of Tuition Fees administration charge, except where the
paid to the College and Other Fees Paid less: actions of the Student instead fall under term
(i) the Deposit; and [(ii) the administration 8.2.
charge of £150 (set out in term 8.3).
8.10.2 Where a student that does not require a
8.7 Where the Cancellation Period has ended and: visa to study Face to Face opts to no longer
progress to the Face to Face elements of their
Programme and therefore withdraws from the
10. Events Outside College Control 12. Intellectual Property 14. General
10.1 The College will not be liable or responsible for 12.1 The copyright, design right and all other 14.1 If any court or competent authority decides that
any failure to perform, or delay in performing, any intellectual property rights in any Programme any of the terms of the Contract are invalid,
of the College’s obligations under the Contract materials and other documents or items that the unlawful or unenforceable to any extent, such
caused by an event outside the College’s College prepares or provides in connection with term will, to that extent only, be severed from the
reasonable control (“Event Outside the College’s any programme taught by the College or the remaining terms, which will continue to be valid
Control”), including: (i) terrorist attacks or Partner University will belong to the College or to the fullest extent permitted by law.
security threats; (ii) industrial action by College the Partner University, or our licensors, 14.2 If the College does not insist immediately that
staff or third parties; (iii) damage or interruption absolutely. the Student do anything he or she is required to
to buildings, facilities, or equipment; (iv) fire or 12.2 The Student may not use the materials, do under the terms of the Contract, or if the
flood; (v) severe weather conditions; (vi) civil documents or other items detailed in term 12.1 College delays in taking steps against the
disorder; (vii) changes in applicable laws, for any commercial purpose. Student in respect of the Student breaking the
regulations, actions or delays by any government Contract, that will not mean that the Student
authority; or [(viii) refusals by any such authority does not have to do those things and it will not
to grant any necessary licence. 13. Notices prevent the College taking steps against the
10.2 The College’s obligations under the Contract will 13.1 Any notice or other communication given to a Student at a later date.
be suspended for the period that the Event party under or in connection with the Contract
14.3 A person who is not party to the Contract
Outside the College’s Control continues, and the shall be in writing and shall be delivered, to the
(including any person who is responsible in whole
time to perform these obligations shall be address mentioned below, as follows:
or part for the Student’s Tuition Fees) shall not
extended for the duration of that period. The 13.1.1 by hand; have any rights under or in connection with it.
College will take reasonable steps to find a
13.1.2 by pre-paid first-class post or other next 14.4 Subject to terms 6.16, 6.5, 6.11 or 6.12, no
solution by which the College’s obligations under
working day delivery service; or variation of the Contract shall be effective unless
the Contract can be performed despite the Event
Outside the College’s Control. If the period of 13.1.3 sent by email; it is in writing and signed by the Student and the
delay or non-performance continues for four College.
College: Hertfordshire International College
weeks, either the Student or the College may Address:
terminate the Contract immediately by giving 15. Governing Law and Jurisdiction
written notice to the other party, without liability. University of Hertfordshire, College Lane
Campus, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, AL10 9AB, 15.1 The Contract and any dispute or claim (including
United Kingdom non-contractual disputes or claims) arising out of
11. Withdrawal by the College Email address:
or in connection with it or its subject matter or
11.1 The College may withdraw the Student from the formation shall be governed by and construed in
[email protected] accordance with the laws of England and Wales.
Programme and terminate the Contract
immediately by notice in writing if: Student: the correspondence address and/or email 15.2 Each party irrevocably agrees that the courts of
address provided in the Student’s Application Form (or England, Wales and Scotland shall have exclusive
11.1.1 the College or the Partner University
any other address the Student notifies to the College). jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim
decide that the Student may not continue as a
Student due to a breach of the Student Code (including non-contractual disputes or claims)
of Conduct and/or Student Handbook. arising out of or in connection with the Contract
13.2 Any notice or communication shall be deemed to
or its subject matter or formation.
11.1.2 the Student fails to meet the have been received:
progression criteria detailed in term 6.16. 13.2.1 if delivered by hand or sent by pre-paid
11.1.3 the Student’s behaviour represents a first-class post or other next working day
serious risk to the safety, health and/or delivery service, at 9.00 am on the second
welfare of him or herself or others; or Business Day after posting or at the time
recorded by the delivery service; or
11.1.4 the Student commits a material breach
of the terms of the Contract, where such 13.2.2 if sent by email, at 9.00 am on the next
breach is irremediable or (if such breach is Business Day after the time of transmission
remediable) the Student fails to remedy that unless a notification of non-delivery is
breach within a period of 30 days after being received by the sender.
notified in writing to do so. In such cases the 13.3 This term does not apply to the service of any
College will provide a refund of Tuition Fees proceedings or other documents in any legal
paid to the College for future Terms, and Other action.
Fees Paid less the administration charge of
£150 (set out in term 8.3) and any costs
incurred by the College.

Hertfordshire International College University of Hertfordshire, College Lane Campus,
Hatfield, Hertfordshire, AL10 9AB, United Kingdom
T +44 (0)1707 284 389
E [email protected]

HIC is part of the Navitas Group. Hertfordshire International College (HIC) Company Number 5163612. Registered in England and Wales. NAVUK180226-1549 0420_Online_AW

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