HKDSE Physics Exercises - MEC - 01E

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Position and Movement Exercises:

e.g.1 Done in class

David travels from A to D along the path (solid line) as shown. AB and BC are
semicircles of radii 30 m and 20 m respectively, CD is a straight line of 20 m.
Find the distance and displacement traveled.

Distance: 177m.
Displacement: 102m (N 78.7  E).

e.g.2 Done in class

“Displacement is always smaller than Distance.”

Comment the above Statement.

Distance can be equal to the Displacement if it travels directly / in a straight line

to the destination.

Distance  Displacement

e.g.3 Done in class

In a 1800-meter running competition, Peter start at point S and finish at point

a. What is his distance traveled?
b. What is his displacement traveled?
a. Distance: 1800 m
b. Displacement: 119 m (N 57.5 E)

In the diagram below,  ABC is a right angle. Peter walks from A to B and
then from B to C in 20s. Find
a. Peter’s speed in the whole journey. (2 marks)
b. Peter’s velocity in the whole journey. (2 marks)
c. Are the speed and velocity found in part a and b the same at every moment
in the journey? (2 marks)

a. Speed: 0.7 ms 1
b. Velocity: 0.5 inmsthe
b.1/2m/s N(from
53.13ºAE to C)
c. No. velocity and speed are different in this case

A car travels the first 100 m with a speed of 10 m s-1 to the right. It then travels
the next 100 m with a speed of 20 m s-1 to the same direction. What is its average
speed and average velocity for the whole journey?
Average speed: 13.33 ms 1
13,1/3 m/s E
Average velocity: 13.33 ms 1 (To the right)

Cissy takes 30s to walk 80m towards the west. She then takes 10s to run 60m
towards the north. Which of the following statements is/are correct?
(1) The magnitude of cissy’s displacement is 140m.
(2) Cissy’s average speed is 4.3 ms-1
(3) The magnitude of cissy’s average velocity is 2.5 ms-1
(1): False. 140m is distance, displacement is 100m
1) Incorrect
(2):2)False. 3.5 ms 1

Billy takes 30s to walk from point A to point B along a straight road, where AB
= 120m. He then takes 30 s to run backwards to a point C, where BC = 100m.
Find Billy’s average speed and average velocity for the whole journey.
Average speed: 3.67 ms 1
Average speed: 3,2/3 m/s
Average velocity:
Average 0.33m/sms 1 (from A to C)
velocity: 1/3

In the 1996 Olympic Games in Barcelona, Linford Christie won the 100 meters
race in 9.96 s.

a. Write down the equation for calculating his average speed.

b. Calculate Linford Christie’s average speed for the 100 meters race.
c. In the 1996 Olympic Games in Athens, the 100 meters race was won by
Thomas Burke in 12.0s. Calculate his average speed.
d. Suggest one reason why the winning time is less in 1996 than that in 1896.
e. The 100 meters freestyle swimming even in the 1996 Olympic Games won by
Alexander Popov in 40.02 s.
i. Calculate his average speed.
ii. Suggest why this time is greater than Lindord Christie’s time for running
the 100 meters race.

a. Speed = distance
a. Total distance//Total
timetime b. 10.04 m/s c. 8.33 m/s
b. 10.04 m/s (2dp) e. i. 2.50 m/s (2dp)
d. Better training techniques/
c. 8,1/3 m/s diet / footwear
ii. His speed is less than Lindord
The winning time is less as over the years Christie’s as water resistance is a lot
i. 2.49 m/s stronger than air resistance
techniques would have been refined in a
e. ii. more
Resistance of water
competitive is greater than resistance of air and the resistance will
slow the swimmer.

e.g.9 Done in class
The graph below shows the distance travelled (m) against time (s) for Andy and
Ruby riding their bicycles to school from their home.

a. How far is their home to school?

b. Who sets off at the faster speed?
c. What has happened to Andy marked in period PQ?
d. Calculate Ruby’s speed for the first 400 seconds.
e. What happens at time = 500 s?
f. Who arrives at school first?
g. Calculate Andy’s average speed for the whole journey?

a. 2000 m b. Andy c. Andy is taking a rest d. 1.25 m/s

e. Ruby overtakes Andy f. Ruby g. 2.5 m/s

e.g.10 Done in class

For each graph shown below: draw the other graph(s) for the same motion
correspondingly. Given:

d-t graph is displacement-time graph

v-t graph is velocity-time graph
a-t graph is acceleration-time graph


e.g.11 Done in class

A van and a car start to move at the same position.

When will they meet again?
Time = 40s

In a 110-meter hurdles race, Patrick’s displacement-time graph is shown below:

Stretch a graph to represent the relationship between Peter’s velocity and time.

Stretch the Velocity-Time (v-t) graph for an uniformly accelerated motion.

Stretch the Velocity-Time (v-t) graph for an uniform motion.

Stretch the Acceleration-Time graph for uniformly accelerated motion.

e.g.16 Done in class
How to define 怎樣決定 the motion is acceleration 加速 or deceleration 減速
from v-t graph?
a v acc / dcc
+ + acc
- - acc
+ - dcc
- + dcc
Same Signs  Accelerate!
Opposite Signs  Decelerate!

e.g.17 Done in class
The diagram below shows the variation of the acceleration of an object, which
initially at rest. Stretch the correct velocity-time graph and displacement-time
graph to describe the motion of the object.


The motion of Peter’s BMW is recorded by the following velocity-time graph.
Describe its motion from A to E.

A-B: Peter’s BMW is accelerating at a constant rate in one direction
From t = BMW
Peter’s A to thas
= B, Peter’s
reach BMW
a constant accelerates
velocity while stilluniformly
going in onefrom rest
C-D: Peter’s BMW is deaccelerating at a constant rate and going back in the
opposite direction, Peter is reversing
 From t = B to t =brakes
D-E: Peter’ BMW C, it moves
and the with uniform
car stops, velocity.
therefore the velocity is zero

 From t = C to t = D, it decelerates uniformly to the rest.

 From t = D to E, it accelerates uniformly from rest to the opposite direction

The following is a displacement-time graph of a particle.

Describe the whole motion of the particle.

0-A: Displacement steadily increases as in a curve implying at a sort of angle as the gradient
 From t = 0 to t = A, thebeing particle
like adecelerates uniformly to rest.
non-linear equation
A-B: The particle moves back closer to the point where its displacement will decrease
B-C: The particle moves back to its original position at c therefore having zero displacement
 From t = Particle
C-D: A to t =goes
B, itdownwards
accelerates or touniformly from
the left having rest in
negative an opposite
D-E: The particle moves back to its original position again showing no displacement

 Form t = B to t = C, it moves with uniform velocity along the previous


 From t = C to t = D, it decelerates uniformly to rest.

 From t = D to t = E, it accelerates uniformly from rest in an opposite



The velocity-time graphs of two cars, A and B, are plotted on the same graph

Peter says: They have the same average acceleration during the time interval t =
0 to t = T.

Kelly says: A and B will meet at time = T.

Ricky says: A and B have the same average velocity during the time interval t = 0
to t = T.

Billy says: A and B travel the same displacement during the time interval t = 0 to
t = T.

Comment the above statements.

1) Peter is right as average acceleration is final velocity minus initial
velocity divided by time, we know that both lines intersect at line T and
they initial velocity is 0 while their time at line T would be the same
 2)Peter is incorrect
Kelly is right. as they spend different amounts of time at different
velocities so they would have different displacement
3) Ricky in incorrect as because the displacement of the two lines are
not the same and the time is theFinal
sameVelocity - Initial
the average Velocity
velocities will not be
Average Acceleration  equivalent
Total Time Taken
4) No as if they would have a differing displacement as said in 2 they
would not meet together at time T so they don’t have the same
Final Velocity of A = Final Velocity of B

Final Velocity of A = Final Velocity of B

Total Time Taken of A = Total Time Taken of B

 Average Acceleration of A = Acceleration of B

 Kelly is wrong.

Total Displacement = Area under the curve of v-t graph

At time T, Area under the curve A  Area under curve B

 Total displacement of A  Total displacement of B

 Ricky is wrong.

Average Velocity = Total Displacement / Total Time Taken

Total Displacement = Area under the curve of v-t graph

 Area under the curve A  Area under curve B

 Total displacement of A  Total displacement of B

 Average Velocity of A  Average Velocity of B

 Billy is wrong.

Total Displacement = Area under the curve of v-t graph

Area under the curve A  Area under curve B

 Total displacement of A  Total displacement of B


Peter’s BMW travels along a straight line from A to B. Its speed is u at the
instant when half of the journey time from A to B is elapsed while its speed is v at
the mid-way of A and B. State the condition where
a. u is always smaller than v.
b. u is always larger than v.
c. u is always equal to v
a. Where he goes fast for the first half of the duration of the journey
this would mean that u would be less in terms of speed than v
a.b.acceleration b. deceleration c. constant velocity
Where he goes slow for the first half of the duration of the journey
this would mean that u would be greater in terms of speed than v
c. Peter’s BMW stays at a constant speed for the entire journey, u
and v in terms of speed are equivalent


Given Y-time graph is a straight line passing through zero. Do Y represent the
following situation? Explain your answers in details.
a. the speed of a car starting from rest under constant velocity.
b. the distance travelled by a car at constant speed.
c. the acceleration of a car running with uniform acceleration.
a. No.
a. Y represents displacement
b. Y represents distance
c. Y represents velocity
 If Y represent the speed and it moves with constant velocity, then the curve
would be a horizontal line as follows:

b. Yes

 Since the slope of a s-t graph is the speed. The slope of a straight line is
constant, therefore the speed is constant.

c. No.

 If it moves with uniform acceleration, the curve should be a horizontal line

as follows:


A boat starts from rest at time t = 0s and travels along a straight line. In the
graph above, it shows the velocity-time graph of the boat from t = 0 to t = 250s.

*a. Describe the motion of the boat from t = 0 to = 250s (5 marks)

b. Find the acceleration of the boat in the first 50s. (2 marks)

c. Draw the acceleration time graph of the boat from t = 0 to t = 250s.

d. Find the distance travelled by the boat in the first 50s. (2 marks)

e. An island is located 17000m ahead of the starting point of the boat. Explain
whether the boat will pass the island during its motion as shown in the v-t
graph above. (3 marks)

a. 0-50: From 0 to 50 seconds the boat in accelerating
50-150: From 50 to 150 seconds the boat is traveling at a constant velocity
Answer: The boat turns around and with its velocity decreasing until its velocity is 0m/s
200-250: The boat starts to go back closer to its original position
a. 250: The boat brakes and stops 250s into the journey
 From
b. 2m/s t = 0s to 50s, the boat accelerates uniformly with a = 2 ms .
c. On the graph
 Forme. No t = 50s to 150s, it moves uniform velocity at v = 100 ms 1

 From t = 150s to 200s, it decelerates uniformly with a = -2 ms 2 .

 From t = 200s to 250s, it moves backward and accelerates uniformly with a

= 2 ms 2
b. 2 ms 2

d. 2500 m
 The boat is farthest away from the starting point at t = 200s,
Distance = (200  100)(100)  15000m  17000m , so the boat will not pass
the island


The above tape charts represent the motion of a trolley coasting downhill on
different slopes. The frequency of the ticker-tape timer remains unchanged.
Arrange the tape charts in ascending order of the accelerations of the trolley
Answer: (3) < (2) < (1)


The above paper tape is obtained from a trolley moving with uniform
acceleration. The frequency of the ticker-tape timer is 50 Hz. Find the
acceleration of the trolley.
Answer: a  1 ms 2

The following figure shows the positions of a ball when t = 0 s, 1 s, 2 s and 3 s.
What is the average acceleration of the ball?


a  0.02ms 2


Answer: D
A. Wrong
Area under curve in v-t graph = Displacement
B. Wrong
C. Wrong
D. Correct

Peter is diving from a 10-meter platform with uniform acceleration. Stretch the
a. s-t graph (1 mark)
b. v-t graph (1 mark)
c. a-t graph (1 mark)

Take upward direction as postive.

Displacement Velocity




e.g.29 Done in class

Sherman steps out in the path of a car in a busy street.

The graph shows how the speed of the car changes from the moment the driver
sees the child until the car stopped saefely before the child was harmed.
a. What is the driver’s reaction time in seconds?
b. Calculate the deceleration of the deceleration of the car while the brakes are
being applied.
c. Calculate the distance travelled by the car from the moment the driver saw
the child.
Answer: a. 1.2 s b. 6.43 m/s2 c. 89.1 m

Done in class
Peter and Kelly are riding two bicycles P and Q respectively along a straight
horizontal road respectively. At time t = 0, they both see a dog in front of them
and then apply the brakes to stop the bicycles. Which of the following
statements is/are correct?

(1) Both two bicycles are decelerating uniformly with same deceleration after
apply a brake.
(2) The reaction time of them are the same.
(3) The braking distance of Peter is larger than that of Kelly.

Answers: (2) and (3) only

e.g.31 Done in class
An object is accelerated uniformly at 2 ms-2 from rest. Find the velocity when its
distance traveled by 4 m.
(4 marks)
v 2  u 2  2as
v 2  0 2  2(2)(4)
v  4 m s 1 or v  4 m s 1 (Rejected!)

v  4 m s 1

Peter finishes a 100-metre journey in 9.77s. Assume that Peter starts from rest
and moves with a uniform acceleration.
What is Peter’s acceleration throughout the journey?
(2 marks)
Answer: a  2.10
2.10 m/s(square) (2dp)

A Body is dropped from rest down a cliff on a planet A. After falling for 1s. it is
4m below the starting point.
What is the displacement will it be after a further 4 s. (5 marks)
1 1
 utdisplacement=100m
By sFinal  at 2 By s  ut  at 2
2 2
1 1
 4  (0)(1)  a(1) 2 s  (0)(4  1)  (8)(4  1) 2
2 2
a  8 s  100m or s  100m
(Below the starting point.)

e.g.34 Done in class

The above graph shows the variation of the square of Peter’s velocity v 2 with
the displacement s of a particle moving along a straight line.
What is Peter’s acceleration?
(4 marks)
By v 2  u 2  2as ,
v 2  2as  u 2
Comparing y  mx  c
m  2a
2a 
a  0.5ms 2

Done in class
A car undergoes uniform deceleration along a straight road. Its velocity
decreases from 30 m s-1 to 20 m s-1 after traveling a distance of 100 m. How
much further will the car travel before it comes to a rest?
(5 marks)
By v 2  u 2  2as , 20 2  30 2  2a(100) , a  2.5
By v 2  u 2  2as , 0 2  20 2  2(2.5) s , s  80m

A body, starting from rest, has an acceleration of 5ms -2 . After travelling
for 160m, find its velocity and the time taken.
(4 marks)
v 2  u 2  2as , v 2  0 2  2(5)(160) , v  40 m s 1
By Velocity=40m/s
By v  u  at , 40  0  5t , t  8s

A car travels with velocity 60 ms -1 and is brought to rest by a brake in
200m distance.
a. What is the acceleration of the car? (2 marks)
b. Find the time taken. (2 marks)
Acceleration=-9m/s (square)
a. By v 2 Time=6,
u 2  2as
2/3 s
0  60  2a(200) ,
2 2

a  9 m s 2 or a  9 m s 2 (Deceleration!)

b. By v  u  at ,
0  60  (9)t
t  6.67 s

A car travelling at 20 ms -1 decelerates at 2 ms -2 .
a. How far does it travel before it come to rest? (2 marks)
b. How long does it take to come to rest? (2 marks)
b.10sv  u  2as
2 2
a. By
0 2  20 2  2(2) s ,
s  100 m

b. By v  u  at
0  20  (2)t
t  10 s

Stretch a s-t graph, v-t graph and a-t graph to represent a bouncing ball.
(3 marks)

A plane starts from rest and accelerates at 2 m s -2 . If the minimum
take-off speed is 60 m s -1 , find
a. the minimum distance travelled by the plane before it takes off. (2
a. the minimum time travelled by the plane before it takes off. (2 marks)
a. 900m
 u 2  2as , 60 2  0 2  2(2) s , s  900m
a. b.v 230s

b. v  u  at , 60  0  2t , t  30 s

A stone is projected upwards with an initial speed of 10 m s-1 from the roof of a
building. It takes 6 seconds to reach the ground.
a. What is the height of the building? (2 marks)
b. What is the speed of the stone on striking the ground? (2 marks)
a. 120m
b. 30m/s
1 1
a. By s  ut  at 2 , s  10(6)  (10)(62 ) , s  120 , i.e. the height = 120 m
2 2

b. By v 2  u 2  2as , v 2  102  2(10)(120) ,

v  50 m s 1 (Rejected) or v  50 m s 1

v  50 m s 1 or v  50 m s 1 (Downwards)

The figure below shows the velocity-time graph of a block after it has been
ejected upwards along a smooth inclined plane. Done in class

*a. Describe the motion of the block from t = 0 to t = 6s. (3

b. Find the deceleration of the block up the inclined plane. (1
c. What is the acceleration of the block on its way down? (1

a. From t = 0s to t = 3 s, the block is decelerates uniformly from v  2 m s 1 to
From t = 3s to t = 6 s the block is accelerates uniformly from v  2 m s 1 to

b. By v  u  at ,
0  2  a(3)
a m s 2
Deceleration = m s 2

c. By v  u  at ,
 2  0  a(3)
a m s 2
Acceleration = m s 2

 Remember: a and v: Same Signs  Accelerate!

 Remember: a and v: Opposite Signs  Decelerate!

A space probe is launched into outer space from a certain planet. At first, the
space probe starts its engine and it rises vertically from the surface of the plane.
After 10 seconds, the engine is switched off. The graph below shows how the
velocity of the probe varies with time from the instant of lift off. (upward is
taken as positive, downward as negative)
a. Describe briefly the motion of the probe at

i. time = 10s,
ii. time = 25 s,
iii. time = 45 s

(5 marks).
b. Find the greatest height above the surface of the planet reached by the
probe. (1 mark)

c. Calculate the acceleration due to gravity on the planet. (2


a. i. 10s the space probe has finished accelerating, turning of the probes’s boosters but
a. has reached the peak of the space probes velocity
ii. 25s the space probe the velocity of the space probe is now 0 and the probe has
reached its highest point and now is accelerating towards the ground surface
iii. 45s
i. At 10 thes,
space probe hits
the space the ground
probe start toasdecelerate
the velocity is 0 when itbecause
upwards touches the ground
there is no
b. 750 m
upward force anymore, only the
c. -2.4 m/sweight provide the downward force
making it decelerate.

ii. At 25 s, the space probe is momentarily at rest. Since it attains the highest
position and the velocity is zero. it will start to accelerate downwards next

iii. At 45 s, the space probe start to decelerate downwards to zero.

b. The greatest height = Area under curve from t = 0 s to t = 25 s =

(25  60)
 750m

c. Acceleration due to gravity of the planet

0  60
= Slope of the straight line from t = 10 s to t = 43 s =
25  10
 4 m s 2 or 4 m s 2

A car is slowing down uniformly along a straight road. It slows down to 20 m s-1 after
travelling a distance of 100 m, and runs 80 m further before it comes to a stop.
What is its speed at first?
(5 marks)
 By v 2  u 2  2as , 0 2  20 2  2a(80) , a  2.5

 By v 2  u 2  2as , 20 2  u 2  2(2.5)(100) , u  30 m s 1 or

u  30 m s 1 (Rejected)

 Speed = 30 m s 1

A ball is projected upwards from the ground with an initial speed of 20 m s-1 on
the Earth surface. At what time(s) after it is projected will the ball reach a
height of 15m above the ground? (2 marks)
By s  ut  at 2
15  (20)t  (10)t 2
30  40t  10t 2
10t 2  40t  30  0
t 2  4t  3  0
(t  3)(t  1)  0
t  1s or t  3s


Kelly uses the following method to examine Peter’s reaction time:

Kelly holds a graduated ruler upright with the zero mark starting at the
bottom. Peter lines up his finger near the bottom of the ruler. Without any
warming, Kelly releases the ruler and Peter grips the ruler with his finger as
fast as possible. It is found that Peter grips at the 20 cm mark of the ruler.
a. Show that Peter’s reaction time is 0.2s. (2 marks)
b. If a heavier ruler is used, how would the result of the above test be affected?
Explain your answer. (2
c. Kelly marks the other side of the ruler as shown below:

Explain whether Peter’s scale for the reaction time is correct or not. (3 marks)

1 a. 20=0+5xt(square)
a. By s  ut  at 2 2=t
2 2/10=0.2
b. It wouldn’t be affected because even when objects have
  0.different
2  (mass10)t 2they still fall at the same speed
2 as it takes 10 times more time than the
c. It is correct
reaction time in order to get it
 t  0.04

 t  0 .2 s

b. No Change.
It is because the acceleration of the ruler (i.e. acceleration due to gravity) is
independent of its mass.

1 1
c. Since s  ut  at 2  s  at 2
2 2
i.e. Displacement should be directly proportional to the square of time or
s  t2 .

An apple falls from a tree at 3 m above the ground on the Earth surface.

a. How long does the apple travel in air? (2 marks)

b. Find the speed of the apple when it just reaches the ground. (2 marks)

c. Sketch the velocity-time graph of the apple when it travels in air. What is the
physical meaning of the slope of the graph? (4

d. A heavier apple falls from the same height and another speed-time graph is
obtained. What are the differences, if any, between this speed-time and the
one in (c)? (1 mark)

1 2 1
a. By s  ut  at ,  3  0  (10)t 2 , t  0.78s
2 2

b. By v 2  u 2  2as , v 2  2(10)(3) , v  7.75 m s 1


d. No Difference.
Acceleration due to gravity is independent of the mass of the object.

Andy, a sky-diver, start the dive without opening the parachute. After 30s, he
open the parachute. 3 more minutes later, he land on the roof of his tutorial
center safely.
Stretch the a-t graph of a sky-diver from t = 0 to t = 30s.
(5 marks)

A object is thrown vertically upwards from a point A. It travels to the highest
point B and then falls back to A. Neglecting air resistance, which of the
following statements is / are true?
(1) The total displacement of the object is zero. (2 marks)
(2) The acceleration of the object is constant throughout the motion. (2 marks)
(3) The time for the upward motion is longer than that for the downward
motion. (2 marks)
(1) is true.
(2) is true.
(3) is false.

Peter lands on the moon and finds that his weight is about one-sixth of that on
Kelly says: If he throws an object upwards on the moon, it will reach a higher
level than throwing the object with the same speed on earth.
Ricky says: If he releases an object on the moon, it will take a shorter time to
reach the ground than releasing the object from the same height on
Comment Kelly’s and Ricky’s statement.
(3 marks)
Kelly is right.

a moon  1.67 m s 2 , but a Earth  10 m s 2 .

By s  ut  at 2  On Moon, Decelerate slower  Higher Level!

Ricky is wrong,

a moon  1.67 m s 2 , but a Earth  10 m s 2 .

By s  ut  at 2  On Earth, Accelerate Faster  Shorter Time!

Peter dive from a 10-meter stage into a diving pool of 5-meter depth.
a. What is his acceleration when achieving the highest point? (1
b. What is his acceleration when he just above the water surface? (1
Answer: a = constant =  10ms 2 (Free Fall Body!)

Describe the principle of a parachute (降落傘原理) on how it decrease the speed
of a man (減速) and let a man landing on the ground safely (安全降落).
(10 marks)

The magnitude air resistance depends on two factors: Surface Area and Speed

As the man is falling down, the air resistance acting on the man is small since
the man’s speed is slow.

By Newton’s 2nd Law, Mg  f air  ma , therefore, the acceleration is large.

As the man’s speed increase, the air resistance acting on the man will increase.

Therefore, the acceleration of the man decrease.

The above process will repeat and repeat again until the air resistance is equal
to the man’s weight.

By Newton’s 1st Law, Net force = Zero, the man will move with uniform speed.

This is so-called “Terminal Speed”. This speed is very large (about

50  60ms 1 ).

At this moment, if the man open the parachute, the surface area on the man will
suddenly increase.

This make the air resistance acting on the man suddenly larger than the weight
of the man.

The Net force is point upwards (i.e. f air  mg ), it makes the man decreases in

When the man’s speed decreases, the air resistance acting on the man decreases
and so the deceleration of the man decreases.

When the air resistance is equal to the weight of the man, it attains the “2nd”
terminal velocity, which is much more smaller than the “1st” terminal velocity.
Only about 1  2ms 1 .

Therefore, a man lands on the ground safely!

Peter throws a pen vertically upward and it experiences an air resistance
opposing its motion with magnitude proportional to its speed.

a. Sketch the graph, the variation of the acceleration, a, of the pen with time, t,
starting from the moment when the pen leaves his hand up to the time when
it returns to the ground. State the time, tmax , where the pen reach the highest
point. (Take downward as positive.) (4 marks)

b. *Explain, with an aid of free body diagram(s) of a pen, why the curve is
sketched as shown above. You have to show numerical calculations about
the acceleration of the pen. (13 marks)

1A: Curve above the time-axis
1A: t = 0s, a > g slightly
1A: t   , a  0.
1A: t = tmax , a = g.

As the beginning, its velocity is upwards and maximum, so the air resistance is 1A
downwards and maximum.
Therefore, the resultant force acting on the pen is F  W  f air , By Newton’s 2nd Law, 1M
F  ma
ma  W  f air
mg  f air
f 1A
a  g  air
m 1A
Therefore, at the beginning, the acceleration is slightly larger than g.
As the pen rises, due to the weight and air resistance, the pen will experience a
downward resultant force and decelerates. 1A
The air resistance acting on the pen decreases with the velocity of the pen, so the
deceleration of the pen will decrease. 1A
When the velocity of the pen decreases to zero, the air resistance acting on it will be
zero. The acceleration of the pen is g only. 1A
This is the highest position of the pen.

As the pen is falling down from its highest position, the air resistance will act on it 1A
upwards to oppose the motion. by Newton’s 2nd Law of motion,
F  ma
ma  W  f air
mg  f air
f (1A
a  g  air
m or
Therefore, the pen will accelerate downwards with acceleration less than g. 1A)
The acceleration of the pen will decreases as the air resistance will increases with the 1A
When the air resistance increases and equals the weight of the pen, the pen will no 1A
longer accelerate and it will keep moving down will constant velocity.
This is so-called Terminal Velocity. 1C


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