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AMD - 3171925 Syllabus (GTURanker - Com)

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Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3171925
Advanced Machine Design
Type of course: Departmental elective

Prerequisite: None

Rationale: The course aims to impart basic knowledge of fracture mechanics, surface failure and
failure of machine elements under creep ,fatigue and multiaxial stresses.

Teaching and Examination Scheme:

Teaching Scheme Credits Examination Marks Total

L T P C Theory Marks Practical Marks Marks
ESE(E) PA (M) PA (V) PA (I)
3 0 2 4 70 30 30 20 150

Sr. Topics Teac
No. hing
Fracture Mechanics:
Introduction, Rise in stresses due to crack, Crack tip opening displacement, LEFM: Effect of
1 crack on strength of ductile and brittle material, Crack opening modes and Griffith
theory,Conceptof SIF and K Crack Tip Plasticity, Use of K in design and analysis, Determination
of plastic zone, size and shape, Limitations ofLEFM.

2 Surface Failures:
Friction: Rolling, Effect of roughness, velocity and lubrication on friction, Wear: Adhesive,
Abrasive and Corrosive, Lubrication: Hydrodynamic, hydrostatic and elasto hydrodynamic
lubrication, Surface Fatigue, Contact Stresses: Spherical, Cylindrical, General and Dynamic,
Surface Fatigue Strength, design to avoid surface fatigue.

3 Creep and Damping:

True stress and true strain, Creep phenomenon, Creep Curve, Creep parameters, time-temperature
parameters and life estimate: Sherby- Dorn and Larson-Miller, Stress relaxation. Stress-Strain-
Time relation, Creep deformation under varying stress, Component stress- strain analysis, Energy
dissipation in materials.

4 Fatigue Failure:
Fatigue test and stress life (S-N) approach, Factor Influences on S-N Behavior, Life Estimating
using S-N curve, Fatigue from Variable Amplitude Loading, Spectrum Load and Cumulative
Damage, Cumulative Damage Theories, Cycle Counting Methods, Life estimation using Stress
Life Approach, Life Estimation using Strain Life Approach, Crack Growth and Life Estimation
5 Multiaxial stresses :
States of Stress and Strain and Proportional versus Non proportional Loading, Yielding and
Plasticity in Multiaxial Fatigue , Stress-Based Criteria, Equivalent Stress Approaches, Sines
Method, Examples Using the Stress-Life Approach , Strain-Based, Energy-Based, and Critical
Plane Approaches, Strain-Based and Energy-Based Approaches, Critical Plane Approaches and
the Fatemi-Socie Model, Example of Non proportional Loading, Fracture Mechanics Models for
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w.e.f. AY 2018-19
Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3171925
Fatigue Crack Growth, Notch Effects and Variable Amplitude Loading.

6 Housings :
The Function of Housings, Materials for Housings, Design of Housings , Housings Split through
the Axes of Shafts, Design of Mounting Feet, Design of Lifting Elements, Housings Split at Right
Angle to the Axes of the Shafts, Non-split Housings, Deformations and Stiffness Problems,
Housing Seals, Sealing of Rigid Connections (Static Seals, Sealing Movable Joints ,Noncontact
Seals, Contact Seals, Combined Seals.
Reference Books:
1. Mechanical Behaviourof Materials: Engineering Methods forDeformation Fracture an Fatigue 4\e
N E DowlingPearson.
2. Machine Design: An Integrated Approach 3\e R L Norton,PearsonEducation.
3. Fundamentals of Machine Design 5\e R C Juvinall&K M Marshek,WileyIndia.
4. Mechanical Design of Machine Elements and Machines: A failure prevention perspective J ACollins,
H Busby and G Stabb,WileyIndia.
5. Metal Fatigue in Engineering R I Stephens, A Fatemi, R RStephens and H O Fuchs,John-Wiley.
6. Elements of Fracture Mechanics,Prashant KumarMcGraw-Hill.
7. Engineering Design Dieter, GMcGraw-Hill
8. Machine Elements Life and Design, B M KleBanov, D M Barlam, F E Nystrom, CRC Press

Distribution of marks weightage for cognitive level

Bloom’s Taxonomy for Cognitive Domain Marks
% weightage
Recall 10
Comprehension 10
Application 30
Analysis 40
Evaluate 10
Create -

Course Outcome:

After learning the course the students will be able to:

Sr. CO statement Marks %

No. weightage
CO-1 Make use of fracture mechanics, surface failure and creep in design 35
of machine components.
CO-2 Demonstrate time dependent failure of machine components. 10
CO-3 Examine life of machine components based on fatigue failure. 30
CO-4 Construct the housing for gearboxes. 10
CO-5 Determine multiaxial stresses in machine components. 15

List of Experiments:

Students should be assigned work to design machine components/mechanisms and case studies which covers all
topics mentioned in content. Examples:
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Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3171925
1. Design of machine components subjected to fatigue loading, creep.
2. Design of mechanical components subjected to multiaxial stresses.
3. Failure analysis based on fracture mechanics.
4. Case study based on surface failure considerations, contact stresses for mating surfaces.

Major Equipment:

1. Computational facility and drawing hall facility.

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