Me208: Fundamentals of Machine Design CREDITS 6 (L 4, T 0, P 2)
Me208: Fundamentals of Machine Design CREDITS 6 (L 4, T 0, P 2)
Me208: Fundamentals of Machine Design CREDITS 6 (L 4, T 0, P 2)
3 Design Of Joints: 18
Types of welded joints, Stresses in welded joints, Design for various loading
conditions in torsion, shear, or direct load, Eccentrically loaded welded joints
Basic types of screw fastening, Cap and Set screw, Bolt of Uniform strength,
locking devices, Terminology of Screw thread, Designation of screw threads
as per IS:4218, Bolted Joint: Simple and Eccentric loading, Torque
requirement for bolt tightening, Elastic analysis of bolted joints.
Miscellaneous Joints:
4 Power Screws: 04
Design of solid and hollow shaft for transmission of torque, bending moment
and axial forces, Design of shaft for rigidity and stiffness. Design of different
types of keys, Concept of rigid and flexible couplings, Design of Rigid
couplings, Design of Flexible couplings.
Unit Topics Teaching
No. Hours
Introduction to GD & T:
List of References:
1. V B Bhandari, “Design of Machine Elements”, Tata McGraw Hill publishing Co.
2. Farazdak Haideri, “Design of Machine Elements”, Nirali Prakashan.
3. P C Sharma and D K Agrawal, “Machine Design”, S.K. Kataria & Sons.
4. S G Kulkarni, “Machine Design - Solved Problems”, Tata McGraw Hill publishing Co.
5. William Orthein, “Machine Component Design” (Vol. I & II), M/s. Jaico publishing.
6. P C Gope, “Machine Design: Fundamentals and Applications”, PHI.
7. R C Juvinall, “Fundamentals of Machine Component Design”, Wiley.
8. Shigley, “Machine Design”, Tata McGraw hill publishing Co.
9. R L Norton, “Machine Design: An Integrated Approach”, Pearson
10. Sham Tickoo, “AutoCAD”, and CENGAGE learning Indian Edition.
11. IS SP 46, 2003.
Course Outcomes (COs):
At the end of this course students will be able to …
1. Apply the principles of strength of materials to design the components subjected to various
mechanical loads.
2. Design columns and struts with different end conditions
3. Identify and design welded / riveted / threaded joints.
4. Design and analyze power screw for mechanical application.
5. Design and analyze shafts, keys and couplings.
6. Apply preliminary methods to generate and interpret assembly and production drawings.