Gujarat Technological University: Semester - VI Subject Name: Design of Mechanisms
Gujarat Technological University: Semester - VI Subject Name: Design of Mechanisms
Gujarat Technological University: Semester - VI Subject Name: Design of Mechanisms
Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3162001
Semester – VI
Subject Name: Design of Mechanisms
Rationale: The course aims to impart basic skills of force and stress analysis for design of machine
elements. With the help of drawing various elements of mechanism students can enhance their ability of
drawing and visualization.
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w.e.f. AY 2018-19
Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3162001
5 Power Screws and Threaded Joints 07
Forms of thread, Single and Multiple threaded screw, Terminology of power screw,
Torque requirement of lifting/lowering, Self-locking, Efficiency of threads, coefficient of
friction, design of screw and nut. Basic types of screw fastening, Cap and Set screw, Bolt
of Uniform strength, locking devices, Terminology of Screw thread, Bolted Joint: Simple
and Eccentric loading, Torque requirement for bolt tightening.
6 Power Transmission Mechanisms 12
Design of solid and hollow circular shaft subjected to torque and combined loading for
rigidity and stiffness; Design of Keys and splines, Types of coupling, Design of Muff
coupling, Clamp coupling, Rigid flange coupling and Bush pin type flexible coupling,
Design of Flat belt and CI pulleys
7 Rolling contact bearings** 04
Types of rolling-contact bearings, Selection of bearing type, Static load carrying capacity
of bearing, Dynamic load carrying capacity of bearing, Equivalent bearing load, Load-life
relationship, Selection of bearing from manufacturer’s catalogue, Bearing with probability
of survival other than 90 percent, Design for cyclic load
8 Design of Spur gear ** 05
Classification of gears, Selection of type of gears, Standard system of gear tooth, Force
analysis, Gear tooth failures, selection of material, Beam strength of gear tooth, Wear
strength of gear tooth
Note: This specification table shall be treated as a general guideline for students and teachers. The actual
distribution of marks in the question paper may vary slightly from above table.
Reference Books:
w.e.f. AY 2018-19
Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3162001
Course Outcomes:
CO-3 Design and dissect mechanisms for strength and improve their life. 30
CO-5 Select and evaluate appropriate bearings and gears for mechanisms. 10
List of Experiments:
1. Detail and assembly drawing which includes various standards, tolerances, fits and manufacturing
2. Material selection, force and stress analysis of components like Joints, Levers and curved beams.
3. Design of power transmission mechanisms.
4. Design of machine elements under fluctuate loadings.
5. Design of spur gears and selection of bearings.
6. Design of hoisting mechanisms.* (only in practical)
Major Equipment:
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w.e.f. AY 2018-19