Husam Hijjawi, Human Resources, Group
Husam Hijjawi, Human Resources, Group
Husam Hijjawi, Human Resources, Group
Shekhan Technical Institute, Duhok Polytechnic University, Duhok, Kurdistan, Iraq, [email protected]
President of Al-Kitab University, Alton Kupri, Kirkuk, Iraq, [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Nowadays, heart diseases are considered to be the primary reasons for unexpected deaths. Thus, various medical devices have been
developed by engineers to diagnose and scrutinize various diseases. Healthcare has become one of the most substantial issues for both
individuals and government due to brisk growth in human population and medical expenditure. Many patients suffer from heart
problems causing some critical threats to their life, therefore they need continuous monitoring by a traditional monitoring system
such as Electrocardiographic (ECG) which is the most important technique used in measuring the electrical activity of the heart, this
technique is available only in the hospital which is very costly and far for remote patients. The development of wireless technologies
enables to build a network of connected devices via the internet. The proposed ECG monitoring system consists of AD8382 ECG
sensor to read patient's data, Arduino Uno, ESP8266 Wi-Fi module, and IoT Blynk application. The implementation of the proposed
ECG healthcare system enables the doctor to monitor the patient's remotely using IoT Blynk application installed on his smartphone
for processing and visualizing the patient's ECG signal. The monitoring process can be done at any time and anywhere without the
need for the hospital.
Received: June 25, 2020 / Accepted: July 28, 2020 / Online: July 31, 2020
I. INTRODUCTION The phrase "Internet of Things" IoT was used for the
The heart diseases are the main reason for the sudden first time in 1999 by Kevin Ashton during his works at
deaths and causes a high mortality around the world yearly. MIT's Media Center [5]. This concept is used to express the
Unfortunately, heart diseases patients are obligated to stay connection between the machines and computers through
at their home without making any potential that stress the sensors and using the internet as a mean to accept control
heart. However, most of the patients die before they get any commands and reporting status [6]. IoT is around for a long
treatment because they do not feel sick until the disease time but without a name, machine-to-machine (M2M) was
become at a critical stage [1]. Therefore, the physician has available for many decades and is the nearest concept to IoT.
to monitor the physical status of the patient’s heart There are many other names for IoT such as Ubiquitous
continuously to prevent any urgent relapse in heart status computing and internet of everything [7]. Generally, the
and then reducing the deaths. It is difficult to keep all heart term (IoT) refers to a dynamic and global network
patients in the hospital to monitor their status. Instead, infrastructure which consists of a large number of network
developing real-time monitoring healthcare system based on connections and computing capabilities extend to objects,
wireless technology is an effective solution for the physician sensors and everyday items not normally considered
to monitor their patients remotely [2]. computers [8]. These devices are allowed to generate,
consume and exchange data with a little human intervention.
The Electrocardiogram is physiological wave signal that The large-scale implementation of IoT transforms many
describes the electrical activity of the heart. It is generated aspects to the products such as home automation, energy
as a result of pumping and squeezing blood between the atria management devices, networked vehicles, intelligent traffic
and chamber inside the heart [3]. ECG enables the and health monitoring devices [9]. IoT brings great
physicians to determine the medical state of the heart by convenience to the healthcare field, especially for patient
measuring the time needed for the electrical signal to be monitoring and tracking management. Accelerated
travelled through the heart. ECG signal is measured using a development of the internet, cloud computing and Internet
set of electrodes that are placed non-surgically on the body integration of medical monitoring and management
surface to obtain information about the electrical activity platform provides new opportunities for the hospitals and
produced by the heart [4]. care centers to
Hasan and Ismaeel / Journal of Applied Science and Technology Trends Vol. 01, No. 03, pp. 106 –111, (2020)
improve access and interconnection of devices used in first part is smart medical service, it collects data from the
healthcare [10]. Embedded technologies have an important sensors and analyzes it by raspberry pi then displaying the
role in delivering healthcare to people in separated and far results on the monitor.
locations by providing them with a monitoring system
which presents a continuous stream of accurate data for P.Kalaivani, et al. [16] aimed to provide a healthcare
better healthcare decisions. As the technology is to collect, system by designing a wireless patient monitoring system
analyze and transmit data, IoT continues to improve; the consisting of IR sensor for measuring the saline level and
IoT-driven healthcare applications and systems emerge [3, AD8232 ECG sensor to read the electrical activity of
11]. This paper utilized the IoT Blynk platform to present a patient's heart. Both sensors are connected to the Arduino
cost-effective, remotely used, easily equipped, and real-time Microcontroller, Arduino processes the data read by sensors
healthcare system for monitoring the ECG of the heart then display the result of saline level on LCD while the ECG
patients using Arduino Uno and. This system provides output signal can be visualized through a serial plotter or can
optimal solutions for heart patients that are living in remote be transmitted via Bluetooth module to be displayed on a
regions and having limited income. smartphone.
The rest of the paper is organized as follow. Section two Z. U. Abideen and M. A. Shah. [17] designed a robust
healthcare module consisting of five layers. The IoT sensors
focuses on the related works, and Section three describes the
system from three aspects: the system components, its data layer collects the data from sensors connected to the
acquisition, data processing, data transmission and data patient's body then sent it to the upper layer through the
visualization parts. In Section Four, we present the 6LoWPAN border router (6LBR) works as a gateway.
implementation steps and result visualization. Section five Network layer uses the advantage of 6LBR with wi-fi
discusses the obtained results and comparison with some interface, when the patient's wi-fi turned on, the 6LBR will
related works. Section Six gives the conclusions and future be connected directly to the internet via patient's smartphone
works. wi-fi to transmit the collected data to the server.
A. Kubal and C. K. [9] used the raspberry pi board with
II. RELATED WORKS four sensors to design an E-Health monitoring of the patient.
A. G. Ismaeel and E. K. Jabar. [12] intended to reach m- It collects patient's health data from these sensors through
health by designing a health care system for pregnant the configured GPIO port, then processes the data to get the
women using Mobile GIS. This system enables the pregnant health data on the graphical user interface webpage. This
woman which needs advice, revision and succoring (from page is locally hosted by raspberry pi, the page is displayed
their home) to register in maternity care center via the web when the healthcare provider connects to the raspberry pi
interface by sending SMS to the system server including her local IP address, therefore the doctor can monitor the health
ID, phone number, name, age, as well as locating the state of the patient easily on the internet browser.
position using a mobile built-in GPRS technique.
In summary, the related works discussed previously
B. M. Lee and J. Ouyang. [13] designed an intelligent don’t present an ECG healthcare system that has the four
service model for healthcare. A collaboration protocol has main features: real-time, low-cost, easy equipped and
been proposed to send and receive the factors related to the remotely used. Any healthcare with these four features will
risks between IoT healthcare devices. The collaboration be satisfied for the low-income and remote living heart
protocol is an application protocol consisting of many patients. The proposed healthcare system assists the
events which are applied to organize the flow of data physicians to follow the physical status of their patients at
between IoT's devices, the boot event initializes all the IoT's anytime and anywhere on using mobile phone or laptop.
devices in the system by broadcasting join message.
A. Ahamed et al. [14] implemented a low-cost ECG
monitoring system. This system consists of four units, an
ECG acquisition unit senses the patient's ECG data signal
by using the Bio Protech T716 electrode, this data is
transferred to the amplifier input. Signal conditioning unit
uses the AD620 amplifier as well as many other techniques
to get a pure data signal by amplifying the data signal and
reducing the noise.
B. Padmavathi and S. T. Rana. [8] designed and
implemented a framework for IoT based healthcare solution
based on cloud computing. This framework includes five Fig. 1. Flow Diagram of the Proposed System.
layers. Data processing layer identifies and locates the data
from sensor-based technology by using RFID, ZigBee, III. MATERIALS AND METHODS
NFC, Barcode technologies and digital cameras.
The proposed system consists of a set of hardware and
S.LAVANYA et al. [15] proposed a healthcare system software components that are interacted together to build the
based on IoT to collect the medical data of patient such as overall system. These components can be divided into four
heart rate and blood pressure using Raspberry Pi units, the data collecting unit that is responsible for reading
microcontroller. The heartbeat of the patient is measured heart activity signals from the human body, Arduino Uno
every 10 minutes at home. In case of an emergency, this microcontroller that processes the received data from ECG
system will send an alert to the patient's doctor by SMS in a probe, ESP Wi-Fi module that transmits the produced
fast and reliable way. This system consists of three parts, the information to the remote API application, and finally,
Hasan and Ismaeel / Journal of Applied Science and Technology Trends Vol. 01, No. 03, pp. 106 –111, (2020)
Blynk IoT application that displays the received information of the value. AD8232 is connected with the Arduino Uno
on the mobile screen. Figure 1 shows the main four units microcontroller as illustrated in fig.3(b).
for the proposed system.
The proposed system performs the reading data,
processing data, sending data, and displaying data according
to the following flowchart shown in Figure 2.
a- AD8232 Module
b- Pins Layout
Hasan and Ismaeel / Journal of Applied Science and Technology Trends Vol. 01, No. 03, pp. 106 –111, (2020)
to the internet. The user has to be careful about the so that variation of the ECG data signal of the patients can
connection between the ESP8266 module and Arduino be visualized. The software is designed for performing this
UNO microcontroller. Figure 5 illustrates that TX and RX task. Figure 7 illustrates the experimental application of the
pins of ESP8266 module are connected to the digital pin proposed system components.
number 2 and 3 respectively in Arduino Uno. The power is
provided for ESP8266 module via the VCC 3v and GND
pins from of the Arduino Uno.
Hasan and Ismaeel / Journal of Applied Science and Technology Trends Vol. 01, No. 03, pp. 106 –111, (2020)
[14] focused on heartbeat reading from remote patients. monitor the patient’s status data locally. Our proposed
Most of the systems have used Arduino Uno and Raspberry system achieves a significant task by monitoring the remote
Pi microcontroller because of its effectiveness and cost- patient’s data using IoT Blynk application. However, Table
effective. With the use of the internet as a transmission I illustrates the main differences between the proposed
media, most of the systems achieve unlimited distance system and other related systems.
monitoring except [13] and [15] that used Bluetooth to
Proposed A. Kubal and C. K. A. Ahamed et al. S.LAVANYA et al. P.Kalaivan et. al. Z. U. Abideen and M. A.
System [9] [14] [15] [16] Shah. [17]
Hasan and Ismaeel / Journal of Applied Science and Technology Trends Vol. 01, No. 03, pp. 106 –111, (2020)
[14] A. Ahamed, K. Hasan, and S. Alam, "Design and Implementation of [16] P.Kalaivani, T.Thamaraiselvi, and G. V. P.Sindhuja, "Real Time
Low-Cost ECG Monitoring System for the Patient Using ECG and Saline Level Monitoring System Using Arduino UNO
Smartphone," presented at the (ICEEE), Rajshahi, Bangladesh, Processor," A J A S T, vol. 1, no. 2, p. 5, 2017.
2015. [17] Z. U. Abideen and M. A. Shah, "An IoT Based Robust Healthcare
[15] S.LAVANYA, G.LAVANYA, and J.DIVYABHARATHI, Model for Continuous Health Monitoring," presented at the
"REMOTE PRESCRIPTION AND I-HOME HEALTHCARE Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Automation &
BASED ON IoT," presented at the I C I G E H T ’17, Coimbatore, Computing, Huddersfield, UK, 7-8 September 2017, 2017.
India, 02 November 2017, 2017.