Prospectus 2024 2025

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GRADE ‘A’ (2021)

2024 – 2025

In concordance with our Founder Mary Ward's core values of jus ce, freedom, sincerity, truth
and joy, our goal is to form women alive to the needs of our world, with the knowledge which
gives them power to act, mo vated by the love which gives them purpose and wisdom in their
ac on. We believe that:

• every woman who is empowered to her best poten al proclaims the Glory of God

• our ins tu on must be a dynamic en ty, to discern changing needs and re-adjust structures
and ac vi es in response

• this demands high levels of awareness at the administra ve level so that educa on becomes
a con nuous process involving staff, students and parents

• the college is a place where social jus ce and equal access contribute to the quality of our
na on

• our ins tu on priori zes the prac ce of important human values and encourages the
students to gain confidence and ini a ve even as they commit themselves to academic

We, in Higher Educa on, aim at forming informed and empowered women who respond to the
needs of the universe with competence, conscience, compassion, and who persevere in ‘re-
searching' for relevance and authen city in a changing world.

An ins tu on of higher educa on in India today, Loreto College, Kolkata has been re-accredited
in 2021 by the Na onal Assessment and Accredita on Council (NAAC) with grade 'A' (2021), for
the 4th cycle. The B.Ed. Department, founded in 1913, is recognized by the Na onal Council for
Teacher Educa on (N.C.T.E.) and was awarded the B++ grade by NAAC in 2003. The Department
was re-accredited as a part of the college in 2009 and was awarded an ‘A’ grade.

Loreto College was established in 1912 and is managed by the religious order of the Ins tute of
the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is a Chris an Minority college aided by the Government, commi ed to
providing the highest quality educa on for women to enable them to develop their intellect and
talents and to par cipate effec vely and fully in society. This ins tu on, which is now 113 years
old, has been awarded ‘Heritage’ status cer fied by the KMDA. Loreto College is an affiliated,
undergraduate college of the University of Calcu a. In 2016 the college received sanc on from
the University of Calcu a to begin a post-graduate Master's Course in English and a Master’s
Course in Psychology is due to commence from 2024.

Loreto College's vision of holis c educa on and a commitment to high academic standards has
culminated in it being awarded the status of CPE (College with Poten al for Excellence) for the
3rd cycle in 2014. It has also been ranked by NIRF (Na onal Ins tu onal Ranking Framework),
Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India.

The college has a centrally located campus of 2.75 acres with commendable infrastructure that
includes spacious classrooms, a concert hall, an auditorium, health services, a computerized
open-shelf library, a canteen, two staff rooms and two common rooms for students.

Loreto College has been innova ve and crea ve in its approach to educa on and has an ac ve
Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) that con nuously strives to raise the ins tu onal
standards and ensure the best possible educa onal quality. Student-teacher rela onships are
nurtured and cherished and there is an effort towards evolving new evalua on pa erns for the

Value Educa on has been and con nues to be a major thrust area for this ins tu on. The
students a end one session of Value Educa on per week where they are encouraged to cherish
the Loreto values of love, freedom, jus ce and sincerity even while they strive to a ain academic
excellence and develop self confidence. Special emphasis is placed on sensi vity, inclusivity and

responsibility. Students are also made aware of gender issues, HIV and substance abuse and
cancer preven on, among other issues. Compulsory Community Service is an essen al
component of Value Educa on.

All stakeholders, including management, faculty and students engage in a form of governance
that is par cipa ve and decentralized. The ins tu on has highly qualified faculty members in
keeping with UGC norms. It has a healthy research culture with scholarly publica ons of faculty
members in na onal and interna onal journals. Students are also strongly encouraged to publish
guided research papers and projects.

Loreto College has changed much since its founding in 1912, but throughout its history there
have been certain enduring factors: an uncompromising defence of academic and intellectual
freedom, an a en on to the interface between college educa on and the larger issues of world
order and human dignity, and a concern for the rights and privileges of women. Today the college
con nues to benefit from a dynamic rela onship between innova on and tradi on and while
Loreto's basic curriculum of the humani es, arts and sciences s ll flourishes, the college also
responds to the intellectual needs of today‘s women by offering new courses and preparing
students to fulfill their responsibili es to the local, na onal and global communi es in which they

The courses offered in this college include B.A. (Major & Honours) in Economics, Educa on,
English, History, Poli cal Science, Psychology & Geography; B.Sc. (Major & Honours) in
Psychology, Geography, & Economics; and Minor/Elec ve in Film Studies, Human Rights,
Mathema cs, Sociology, Journalism & Mass Communica on, Bengali, Hindi and Sta s cs. The
college follows the CCF and CBCS systems under the University of Calcu a.

The college has a self-financing Computer Centre, which aims to inculcate computer literacy and
proficiency. Internet access is available in the Academic Building.

Extra-curricular ac vi es are encouraged by the college, through the ac ve and popular student
socie es. The college hosts 'SAMAGAM’, an annual inter-collegiate fest.

An inclusive ins tu on, Loreto College aims to develop not only high academic standards but also
to inculcate values of leadership, commitment and selfless service for sustainable development.
In its endeavour to prepare students to face global requirements while encouraging them to
contribute to the development of the na on and serving the needs of society, the college has an
ac ve NSS unit as well as a Leadership Training Service Society and a Social Service Society. A
Women's Cell was opened in 1996 by commi ed staff members (re red and current) as well as

students and friends of the college: this provides an adult literacy programme for young
disadvantaged women.

The college popula on represents a healthy and heterogeneous social atmosphere. It facilitates
all-round personality development. The teaching methods adopted promote mul -disciplinary
research with a high degree of interac on between the teachers and the students. The following
facili es are available:

• Mentoring sessions
• Remedial classes
• Career Counselling Cell
• Placement Cell
• Gym and The Stella Lahiry Wellness Centre
• Alumnae Associa on

Personal Counselling is an integral part of the college. Personal counselling is offered by

designated counsellors.

The Career Counselling Cell organizes lectures and conducts interac ve sessions with
professionals in diverse fields, where students are informed about various career op ons.

The Placement Cell organizes on campus recruitment drives from well established companies
and corporate houses. It provides informa on regarding job prospects and opportuni es for
progression to higher study in India and abroad. Campus presenta ons and interviews are
regularly conducted. Final year students are encouraged to register for enrolment opportuni es.

Loreto College has an An -Ragging Cell, an Internal Complaints Commi ee (ICC) which
addresses sexual harassment, a Women's Development Cell and a Grievance Redressal Cell.

Library & Informa on Resources

The Loreto College Library is fully computerized and is an open access lending library containing
over 50,000 books on various disciplines. Each department also has a large collec on of subject
specific books in its Departmental Seminar Library. The Main Library subscribes to a wide range of
journals, periodicals and newspapers, including the Times Literary Supplement. A rich range of e-

resources in the form of e-books and e-journals are available and students have access to
INFLIBNET. A CD collec on of movies and documentaries is also available.

The Mary Ward Computer Centre

The Loreto College Mary Ward Computer Centre was set up in 1986 for computer literacy, skill
enhancement and proficiency in the latest computa onal languages. The curriculum is designed
with the objec ve of impar ng basic knowledge of computers on the latest version of Windows
opera ng system, the MS Office package and Internet Applica ons. All students of Loreto College
are eligible for the IIT Spoken Tutorial, a collabora on with IIT, Bombay. The Computer
Department also conducts op onal training in advanced applica on packages such as
Photoshop, HTML & Web Designing, Python Programming and an Advanced Computer Course.

Enrichment Courses
Students may avail of a wide range of op onal self-financed courses offered by the ins tu on:
• Ar ficial Intelligence
• Calligraphy / Cursive Wri ng
• Edi ng and Publishing
• French / Spanish
• Geographic Informa on Systems (GIS)
• Guitar / Piano
• Human Rights Empowerment
• Legal Awareness for Women
• Life Skills Training
• Logical Reasoning & Data Interpreta on
• Mathema cs for Compe ve Examina on (Basic and Advanced levels)
• Python Programming
• Self – defence

Student Council

Each year the students elect a Student Council, which consists of

• The Student President and Vice-President

• Presidents, Vice-Presidents and Treasurers of Student Socie es
• Class Representa ves and Sub-Representa ves from each year

All extra-curricular ac vi es in the college are coordinated by the Student President and
Vice-President and organized by the various Society Heads. Each Society is guided by Staff
Advisors. Students hold their own Society mee ngs and Council mee ngs. Sugges ons and
representa ons are made through the Student President and Vice-President.

Student Socie es

• All India Catholic University Federa on (AICUF)

• Arts & Cra Society
• Cine Society
• Deba ng Society
• Drama cs Society
• Eastern Cultural Society
• Games Society
• History Society
• Informa on and Communica on Technology (I.C.T.) Society
• Library Society
• Literary Society
• Leadership Training Society (LTS)
• Media Society
• Na onal Service Scheme (NSS)
• Poli cal Science Society
• Psychology Society
• Social Service Society

• Society for the Promo on of Indian Classical Music and Culture Amongst Youth (SPICMACAY)
• Western Cultural Society
• Wildlife and Environment (WE) Nature Society

Recrea on Facili es

The objec ve of Loreto College is to facilitate the all-round development of the students and to
enable them to lead healthy and stress-free lives. Students are provided with a large, fully
furnished and well-ven lated common room with table tennis and carrom tables as well as a
piano. One of the hubs of the college is the Canteen on the ground floor. Students enjoy outdoor
games such as basketball, throwball and badminton, at courts shared with Loreto House School
and rowing (at the University).


The Loreto College Alumnae Associa on (LCAA) was formally registered as a Society in January,
2000. While one of its main objec ves is to disseminate the basic ideals of a Loreto educa on and
encourage community work, the associa on strives to assist its Alma Mater in various ways. Over
the past years, LCAA has donated prizes to encourage meritorious scholars, granted scholarships
and s pends to deserving yet needy students in the college, made dona ons for books and
medicines to other Loreto schools and contributed to the college Roof Fund.

Illustrious alumnae of Loreto College include award-winning writers like the late Bhara
Mukherjee, the poet Zilka Joseph and television journalist and author Shreya Sen Handley;
editors Sulagna Cha opadhyay (Geography and You) and Anjum Katyal; Honorary Consul General
of Denmark, Smita Bajoria; former Chairperson of IICP, Uma Ahmed; philanthropists Rajashree
Birla and the late Lady Aruna Paul; former Chief Jus ce of Himachal Pradesh and the first woman
judge of the Delhi High Court, the late Leila Seth; eminent journalist Bachi Karkaria; founder of
Apne Aaap, Ruchira Gupta; former interna onal table tennis player Indu Puri; television anchor
and news reader, the late Gitanjali Aiyar; one of the pioneers in Corporate Public Rela ons, Rita
Bhimani; Execu ve Director of the Cra s Council of West Bengal, Ruby Palchoudhuri, and
performing ar stes like the eminent Classical dancer Amita Du and actresses Moon Moon Sen
and Anashua Majumdar.

Sr. (Dr.) Chris ne Cou nho, M.Sc., Ph.D

Ac ng Teacher-in-Charge
Sr. (Dr.) A. Nirmala, M.Sc., Ph.D

Department of Economics Department of Geography

• Rupa Ghosh, M.Sc., B.Ed, M.Ed., Ph.D. • Sushma Sahai, M.A., Ph.D.
• Suranjana Mitra, M.Sc., B.Ed., Ph.D. • Sharmila Ray Kuman, M.Sc., M.Phil.
• Mainak Bha acharjee, M.A., M.Phil. • Sabiha Sethwala, M.Sc., B.Ed.
• Nilavo Roy, M.Sc. • Kaustuva Banerjee, M.Sc., B.Ed., M.Ed.,
• Debasree Sinha, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Department of Educa on
• Alpana Goswami, M.A. (Lab Instructor)
• Sukanya Mullick, M.A., B.Ed., M.Phil.
• Neeta Dang, M.A., B.Ed., Ph.D.
Department of History
• Debika Guha, M.A., B.Ed., Ph.D.
• Krishnokoli Hazra, M.A., B.Ed., Ph.D.
• Archita Roy Biswas, M.A., B.Ed
• Suparna Ghosh, M.A., B.Ed., Ph.D, M.Ed
• Ranjita Dawn, M.A., M.Phil, Ph.D.
• Srijita Chakravarty, M.A
• Tania Mondal, M.A., B.Ed.
• Anindita Bandyopadhyay, M.A., M.Phil,
B.Ed., Ph.D.
Department of English
• Sukanya Mitra, M.A., M. Phil, Ph.D.
• Sukanya Dasgupta, M.A., Ph.D.
• Mangala G. Chakraborty, M.A., PGCTE
Department of Poli cal Science
• Sumita Banerjee, M.A., Ph.D., B.Ed.
• Sayoni Choudhuri Patra, M.A., M.Phil.
• Sanghita Sanyal, M.A., B.Ed., M.Phil, Ph.D.
• Sharmila Mitra Deb, M.A., M.Phil, B.Ed.
• Subhasree Basu, M.A., Ph.D.
• Sreeparna Dasgupta, M.A.
• Sulagna Cha opadhyay, M.A.
• Sumedha Verma, M.A., Ph.D

Department of Psychology Department of Mathema cs
• Jhelum Podder, M.Sc., Ph.D • Satyabrota Kundu, M.Sc., Ph.D.
• Sayantani Cha erjee, M.Sc., Ph.D.
• Dinaz R. Jeejeebhoy, M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D. Department of Sociology
• Shankhabela Mukherjee, M.A., B.Ed., • Aratrika Dey, M.A.
• Nayanika Saha, M.Sc.
Department of Sta s cs
• Shreemoyee Chakraborty, M.Sc.
Department of Bengali
• Daita Lahiri, M.Sc (invited faculty)
• Amrita Dasgupta, M.A., Ph.D.

Counselling & Helpline

Department of Computer Studies
• Prajna Du a, M.A. (Psychology), Diploma
• Chandrani Sengupta, M.C.A., PGCACS, (Art Therapy), Cer ficate (Clinical
CBM Counselling)
• Chinmoyee Ray, B.Tech, B.Ed.
Department of Film Studies • Bonny Ghosh, M.LISc, M.Phil., Ph.D
Management Post • Debalina Mukherjee, M.LISc, M.Phil

Department of Hindi Library Staff

• Priyanka Kumari Singh, M.A. • Swa Mukherjee Sengupta, B.A., B.Ed.
• Susmita Gomes, B.A.
Department of Human Rights
• Management Post Office Staff
• Mary Naskar, B.A.
Department of Journalism & Mass • Ingrid Rozario, B.A.
Communica on
• Soumya Du a, M.A., Ph.D.

Accounts Office Support Staff
• Abdul Javed, B.Com. (Hons.), MBA • Amol Bagh
• Subir Das, B.Com. • Sambhu Sharma (Psychology Laboratory
• Donna Chung, B.A.
• Bimal Dey
• Anne Biswas, B.Sc.
• Parimal Mallick
• Sanjay Balmiki
Electrician cum Care-taker
• Chandan Mondol
• Siddhartha Sankar Dasgupta
• Biraj Malik
• Raj Kumar Singh
• Rupam Nayak
• Edwin Seddon
• Kiran Das Mahanta

Course of Studies under the Curriculum and Credit Framework (CCF), 2022
University of Calcu a

Disciplines of Major & Minor subjects for B.A./ B.Sc.:

(i) Humani es & Language Discipline: History, English, Bengali, Hindi, Poli cal Science,
Sociology, Educa on, Journalism & Mass Communica on, Human Rights, Economics,
Mathema cs, Geography, Psychology, Film Studies.

(ii) Science Discipline: Economics, Sta s cs, Mathema cs, Geography, Psychology, Film

Nomenclature of degrees:

1. Students taking up the Major and the Minor subjects from the Science Discipline shall
pursue a B.Sc degree course.

2. Students taking up the Major and the Minor subjects from the Humani es & Language
Discipline shall pursue the B.A. degree course.

3. In case the Major & the Minor subjects taken by a student are included in both the
disciplines (Science and Humani es & Language discipline) the student shall pursue a B.Sc

Dura on of the Programme:

The B.A./ B.Sc. Programme shall be for a minimum dura on of Eight (08) (with an exit op on a er
comple on of 2nd/4th/6th Semesters) consecu ve semesters of six months each, i.e. the odd
semester will start ordinarily in the month of July and the even semester in the month of January
of every year.

Eligibility for Admission:

A student who has passed the Class XII Examina on from the All India Boards/Councils in four
recognized subjects including English is eligible to seek admission to the 1st Year of the B.A./B.Sc
(Single-Major) Course of Studies. 3 years Major candidates must obtain a minimum of 60% in the
subject/related subject.

• A student who has passed the Higher Secondary (10+2) or its equivalent Examina on is
eligible to seek admission to the 1st year of the B.A./B.Sc. (Single-Major) Course of Studies
provided the candidate has also passed in English having full marks not being less than 100.
However, no student shall be allowed to take admission a er a lapse of more than 3 years
from the year of passing the previous qualifying examina on.

• Students who have passed the Higher Secondary (10+2) Examina on or its equivalent from
the All India Boards/Councils (i.e. CBSE, ISC and Na onal Ins tute of Open Schooling) are not
required to submit the Migra on Cer ficate for ge ng Registra on under this University.

• For the purpose of determining eligibility for admission to the B.A./B.Sc./ (Single-Major)
Courses, aggregate marks shall be calculated by adding the marks in top-four subjects in
order of marks secured by a student. Marks in compulsory Environmental
Educa on/Studies shall not be taken into account for calcula on of aggregate marks.
However, if the subject “Environmental Science” is studied as an elec ve subject of 100
marks, it may be taken into account for the purpose of determining the aggregate marks.

• A student taking up a Major Course in a subject must have obtained:

- A minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate and 45% marks in the subject or related subject
at the previous qualifying examina on.
- 55% marks in the subject or related subject at the previous qualifying examina on.
- 50% marks in the aggregate when the student has not studied the subject in his/her
previous qualifying examina on provided all other clauses are sa sfied.

The Major, Minor and IDC subjects must not be iden cal.
Film Studies, Human Rights, Sta s cs & Sociology are self- financing courses

B.A. (Honours with/without Research)

A candidate wishing to apply for a B. A. degree must choose her Major subject from any ONE of
the following:

• Economics

A Student shall be allowed to take up Major in Economics if the candidate has passed in
Mathema cs at the H.S. Examina on (10+2) conducted by the West Bengal Council of H.S.
Educa on or its equivalent examina on in Mathema cs/ Business Mathema cs/ Applied
Mathema cs. Students who have passed Business Economics including Business
Mathema cs in H.S.(10+2) level from West Bengal Council of H.S. Educa on are also eligible
for admission with Economics as the Major subject. Students of Economics Major have to
take up Mathema cs as one of the Minor subjects.

• Educa on

If the student has not studied Educa on as a subject in the previous qualifying examina on
then Psychology/ Philosophy/ Mathema cs/Sociology/ Economics/ Poli cal Science/
History /Sta s cs /Physics /Chemistry /Biology be treated as related subjects.

• English
• Geography
• History
• Poli cal Science
• Psychology

A candidate wishing to apply for B. A. Major must choose two Minor subjects from the following.
Minor courses will be chosen from two subjects of same broad discipline as Major (Minor 1,
Minor 2).

Humani es and Language Discipline - B.A.

Against every Major Subject in Column A
MAJOR a candidate has to choose two Minor subjects from the IDC
SUBJECTS op ons given below
Permissible combina on of Minor subjects (“/” between two or more
subjects indicates that only one of the op ons may be selected)

ECONOMICS 1. Mathema cs /Educa on/Journalism & Mass

(Mathema cs Communica on/History/Poli cal Science/ Bengali
is compulsory 2. Poli cal Science/ Human Rights/ Journalism & Mass
either as Minor 1 Communica on/ English/ Bengali/ Mathema cs/Hindi/
or Minor 2)
1. Economics/ Geography/ History/ Journalism & Mass
Communica on/ Poli cal Science/ Psychology/ Bengali
EDUCATION 2. Bengali/ Economics/ Geography/ Hindi/ Journalism & Mass
Communica on/ Poli cal Science/ Sociology/Psychology/
English Poli cal
1. Economics/ Educa on/ Film Studies/ Geography/ History/ Science /
Journalism & Mass Communica on/ Poli cal Science/ History /
ENGLISH Psychology/ Bengali Psychology /
2. Bengali/ Economics/ Film Studies/ Geography/ Hindi/ Human Mathema cs /
Rights/ Journalism & Mass Communica on/ Poli cal Science/ Sociology /
Sociology/Psychology Geography /
1. Poli cal Science/Economics/Sociology/History/ Journalism & English / Hindi
GEOGRAPHY Mass Communica on/Educa on/ Film Studies / Bengali /
2. Human Rights/ English / Poli cal Science Economics /
1. Economics/ Educa on/ Film Studies/ Geography/ Journalism & Science/Journa
Mass Communica on/ Poli cal Science/ Psychology/ Bengali lism/ Film
HISTORY 2. Bengali/ Economics/ Film Studies/ Geography/ Hindi/ Human Studies
Rights/ Journalism & Mass Communica on/ Poli cal Science/
Sociology/Psychology/ English
1. Economics/ Educa on/ Film Studies/ Geography/ History/
POLITICAL Journalism & Mass Communica on/ Psychology/ Bengali
SCIENCE 2. Bengali/ Economics/ Film Studies/ Geography/ Hindi/ Human
Rights/ Journalism & Mass Communica on/
Sociology/Psychology/ English
1. Economics/ Educa on/ Film studies/ Geography/ History/
PSYCHOLOGY Journalism & Mass Communica on/ Poli cal Science/ Bengali
2. Bengali/ Hindi/ Human Rights/ Journalism & Mass
Communica on/ Poli cal Science/ Sociology/ English

B.Sc. (Honours with/without Research)
A candidate wishing to apply for B. Sc. degree must choose her Major subject from any ONE of
the following:

• Economics:

A Student shall be allowed to take up Major in Economics if the candidate has passed in
Mathema cs at the H.S. Examina on (10+2) conducted by the West Bengal Council of H.S.
Educa on or its equivalent examina on in Mathema cs/ Business Mathema cs/ Applied
Mathema cs. Students who have passed Business Economics including Business
Mathema cs in H.S.(10+2) level from West Bengal Council of H.S. Educa on are also eligible
for admission with Economics as the Major subject. Students of Economics Major have to take
up Mathema cs as one of the Minor subjects.

• Geography

• Psychology

A candidate wishing to apply for B.Sc Major must choose two Minor subjects from the following:

Science Discipline - B.Sc.

Against every Major Subject in Column A
MAJOR a candidate has to choose two Minor subjects from the IDC
SUBJECTS op ons given below
Permissible combina on of Minor subjects (“/” between two or more
subjects indicates that only one of the op ons may be selected)

ECONOMICS Poli cal Science

(Mathema cs / History /
1. Mathema cs/ Film Studies/ Geography/ Sta s cs Psychology /
is compulsory
either as Minor 1
2. Sta s cs/ Film Studies/Psychology/Geography/ Mathema cs Mathema cs /
or Minor 2) Sociology /
Geography /
1. Economics/Film Studies/ Mathema cs/Psychology/ Sta s cs English / Hindi /
2. Sta s cs/ Film Studies/Psychology/Economics/ Mathema cs
Economics /
1. Economics/Film Studies/ Mathema cs/Geography/ Sta s cs Library Science
PSYCHOLOGY / Journalism /
2. Economics/Film Studies/ Mathema cs/Geography/ Sta s cs Film Studies


Semester 1: ENVS and Cons tu onal Values and Fundamental Du es

Semester 2: ENVS and Lifestyle Diseases and their Preven on

A student will have to study Discipline Specific Core Courses (DSCC), Minor Courses, Ability
Enhancement Courses (AEC), Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC), Common Value Added Courses
(CVAC) and Interdisciplinary Courses (IDC). All courses other than AEC and CVAC will have one
Prac cal/Tutorial. There will be a Summer Internship in the 2nd or 4th or 6th semesters.

Research/Disserta on

• Students obtaining CGPA equivalent to 75% marks a er successful comple on of all the first
6 semesters may opt for Honours with Research Degree Course in the 7th and 8th Semesters.

• Students choosing a 4-year Bachelor’s degree (Single major with Research course) are
required to take up research projects under the guidance of a faculty member in the 7th and
8th semesters.

• Students pursuing a 4-year Major Degree without Research will have to study an addi onal 1
DSC/Core paper of 4 credits in the 7th Semester & 2 DSC/ Core Papers of 4 Credits each in the
8th Semester.


Dura on of the Programme

The B.A./ B.Sc. Programme shall be for a minimum dura on of six (06) consecu ve semesters
(with an exit op on a er 2nd and 4th) of six months each, i.e. The odd semester will start
ordinarily in the month of July and the even semester in the month of January of every year.

Nomenclature of degree:
A student taking up Mul disciplinary Courses of Studies for the B.A. Degree shall study:
i) Both the core subjects and the minor subject from the Humani es discipline.
ii) Any two of the three subjects (two core and one minor subjects) from the Humani es
Discipline and the other from the Science/ Home Science discipline.

A student taking up Mul disciplinary Courses of Studies for the B.Sc. Degree shall study:
i) Both the core subjects and the minor subject from the Science/ Home Science discipline.
ii) Any two of the three subjects (two core and one minor subjects) from the Science/ Home
Science discipline and the other from the Humani es discipline.

Disciplines of Mul disciplinary courses for B.A./B.Sc.:

(i) Humani es Discipline: History, English, Bengali, Hindi, Poli cal Science, Sociology,
Educa on, Journalism & Mass Communica on, Human Rights
(ii) Science Discipline: Geography, Economics, Sta s cs, Mathema cs, Psychology, Film
(iii) Home Science Discipline: Library and Informa on Studies.
A student is required to choose NOT MORE THAN ONE SUBJECT FROM ANY OF THE GROUPS
men oned hereunder:

Group-I: Educa on, Film Studies, Human Rights
Group-II: History, Mathema cs
Group-III: Sociology
Group-IV: Economics
Group-V: Poli cal Science, Library and Informa on Studies.
Group-VI: Geography, Psychology, Journalism & Mass Communica on.
Group-VII: Sta s cs, English.
Group-VIII: Bengali, Hindi.


GEOGRAPHY History/ Human Rights/
Poli cal Science / History/
Poli cal Science/ History/ Educa on/
Psychology / Mathema cs/
Sociology Sociology
Sociology / Geography/
EDUCATION History/ Journalism & English / Hindi / Bengali/
Poli cal Science/ Mass Economics / Library
Journalism & Mass Communica on/ Science / Journalism &
Communica on/ History/ Mass Communica on /
Sociology Psychology/ Film Studies


GEOGRAPHY Economics/ Film Studies/ Poli cal Science/ History/
Film Studies Sta s cs/ Psychology/Mathema cs/
Economics/ Sociology/Geography/
Mathema cs English/Hindi/ Bengali/
Economics/Library Science/
Journalism & Mass
MATHEMATICS Economics Sta s cs/ Communica on/
Psychology Film Studies

Those op ng for a Mul disciplinary Course of Studies will have to study Core Courses,
Minor Courses, SEC, AEC, CVAC and IDC courses. There will be a Summer Internship.

A number of prizes, medals, cer ficates and other awards are given annually for academic
excellence, commendable effort & proficiency in co-curricular ac vi es. Any student may earn a
special cer ficate by successfully comple ng a project of her choice under the guidance of a
faculty member.
Special Awards
• Madhumita Mitra Memorial Prize • Best Student in the General Course Medal
• Ashoke Cha erjee Memorial Prize • Loreto College Alumnae Associa on Prize
• Sarojini Du a Memorial Prize • Dr. Neelu Singhvi Sanche Memorial
• Pulin Krishna Cha opadhyay Memorial Award
Prize • Debabrata Guha Memorial Gold Medal
• Jaycee Prize for Love of Literature • Gouri Guha Memorial Gold Medal
• Nirmal Sharma Memorial Prize • Anita Bha a Computer Award
• Special Prize for Elec ve Bengali • Loreto College Award for Ac ve
• Rodricks Prize Par cipa on in Special Ac vi es
• Geography Faculty Prize for Excellence • Medal for Outstanding Academic and
• Mandira Das Memorial Prize Research Abili es.
• Shakuntala Satsangi Prize • Medal for Excellent Academic
• Sunita Sharma Memorial Prize
• Medals for -Achievement in Sports,
• Dr. P. C. Ghosh Memorial Prize Contribu on to Drama, Skill in Music,
• Maitreyee Dasgupta Memorial Award Dance
• Dr. Asrubala Dasgupta Memorial Prize • Satyawa Memorial Scholarship
• Kamala Sircar Cha erjee Medal • Anita Bha a Scholarship
• Prof. Gurudas Bandyopadhyay Medal • Michelle Lobo Scholarship
• Special Prize awarded by the History • Cherry Agarwal Award
Department • Sr. Stella Lahiry Award Rolling Trophy
• John Maynard Keynes Silver Medal • Sisir Kumar Mukherjee Gold Medal
• Renuka Du a Memorial Medal • Sri Satyendranath Cha erjee Memorial
• Psychology Department Medal Gold Medal
• Poli cal Science Dept. Award • Enid La Fond Medal & Scholarship
• Ratan Das Gupta Memorial Gold Medal • Dr. Asok Kumar Som Rolling Trophy
• Sarla Das Memorial Medal • Principal's Medal
• N. C. Roy Memorial Medal • Loreto Medal
• D. K Du a Memorial Prize • Harmehar Kaur Greawal Undaunted Spirit
• Mary Ward Medal (B. Ed) Award
• Manju Mahli Memorial Prize • K. N. Jain Memorial Gold Medal

At the me of admission the student will sign a declara on that she will abide by all the rules and
regula ons of the College, and accept the decision of the Principal in all ma ers as final.

1. All students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner based on respect for the
dignity and rights of individuals and personal and academic honesty.
2. Chris an students are expected to avail of the special facili es provided to them to enrich
their lives as Chris ans.
3. The language and conduct of the students are expected to be in conformity with the Vision
and Mission statements of the college.
4. A endance at college func ons is compulsory.
5. Absence from college must be jus fied in wri ng and if illness is the cause, a medical
cer ficate is to be submi ed. 75% a endance as on the last day before the Internal
Assessments is mandatory as per Calcu a University norms.
6. Absence from Mid-term tests, Internal Assessment tests or End-semester examina ons
must be jus fied in wri ng and in case of illness, by a medical cer ficate. These le ers and
medical cer ficates with a covering le er from the parent or guardian of the student are
separate from those intended to jus fy absence from college at other mes.
7. Although illness or other serious circumstances may be considered valid reasons for
absence from lectures, tests, tutorials, examina ons, etc, the minimum a endance
requirements of the University of Calcu a have to be met. The qualifying mark for all
internal tests /assignments/tutorials/examina ons is 40%.
8. Students leaving the city for any of the holiday periods are expected to make their
arrangements according to the college calendar.
9. Students who have low a endance will repeat the semester as per University norms
10. Ragging of any sort and sexual harassment is strongly prohibited.
11. Those who use unfair means at examina ons will face disciplinary ac on.
12. All students are expected to dress modestly.
13. The use of mobile phones in the Academic Building is not permi ed.

Fees are to be paid for twelve months of each year, July to June inclusive, according to University
regula ons. No student may send in an applica on for admission to a University examina on
unless her fees have been paid in advance ll the end of the year. If a student withdraws from
college, one calendar month’s no ce must be given in wri ng and fees paid to the end of the
academic year. Fees once paid will not be carried over for future sessions.

A limited number of deserving students will be admi ed at a reduced fee on due considera on of
the circumstances of their parents. The privilege is granted for one term only, and will not be
renewed for the next term if the student has failed to give sa sfac on with regard to
applica on, conduct or a endance.


Admission Fees Rs. 3000.00
University Regn. (Migra on) Rs. 200.00
University Regn. (Non-Migra on) Rs. 100.00
University Sports Fees Rs. 40.00


Geography Rs. 1000.00

Psychology Rs. 1000.00
Film Studies / Human Rights Rs. 1000.00
Journalism Rs. 1000.00


Tui on Fees Per Semester (150 x6) Rs. 900.00

Semester Fees Rs. 15000.00
Film Studies/ Human Rights / Sociology / Rs. 6000.00
Sta s cs (Self- Financing)

For further assistance contact the College Office
Time : Between 9.30 a.m. to 11 30 a.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday


7, Sir William Jones Sarani, (formerly Middleton Row), Kolkata-700 071, Ph.: (033) 4005 5712
Email : [email protected]/[email protected] |

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