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2.1.2023 / 15.2.

It is a natural process for animal species to become extinct. There is no reason
why people should try to prevent this from happening. To what extent do you
agree or disagree with this statement?
The extinction of animal species has been a part of Earth's natural history, with
various species vanishing throughout time. This is why some people claim that we
should stop trying to safeguard threatened species from extinction and just let
nature take its course. In this essay, however, I will challenge this thinking.
First, while some people argue that extinction is a natural process and should not be
interfered with, this viewpoint overlooks the fact that human activities have
accelerated the rate of extinction in recent times. Habitat destruction, pollution,
overexploitation, and climate change caused by human actions have led to the
decline and disappearance of many animal species. Deforestation for agriculture
and urbanization, for instance, has destroyed the habitats of countless species like
bornean orangutans, leaving them vulnerable to extinction. It is thus essential to
recognize the human role in this process and take responsibility for our actions.
Not only is [a]the preservation of animal species an ethical responsibility, but it also
has practical implications for the survival of human societies. Undoubtedly, there is
an inextricable link between wildlife and the human race. In other words, if one
animal is missing from the ecosystem, it may disrupt the whole food chain,
potentially affecting human wellbeing. For example, Australian blue-banded bees
play a crucial role in pollinating crops, so if they became extinct, it could take a toll
on our agricultural production, giving rise to far-reaching problems like food
shortages. Furthermore, the loss of biodiversity can also impact human health, as
many medicines are derived from plants and animals that may be at risk of
extinction. For these reasons, protecting endangered species is in our best
interest for the sustainability of our planet.
In conclusion, although extinction is indeed a natural process, human actions have
significantly contributed to the rapid decline of many animal species. It is our moral
and practical responsibility to take action to prevent further loss of biodiversity. By
preserving endangered species, we are not only protecting the delicate balance of
ecosystems but also ensuring a sustainable future for generations to come.
Word count: 341 – Written by Thanh Nguyen
Some people find advertisements amusing or annoying and they are not
influenced by this when they shop. To what extent do you agree or disagree
with this statement?
Advertising has become omnipresent in this day and age, surrounding consumers
with messages and images promoting various products and services. Whilst some
individuals claim that advertisements do not impact their purchasing decisions and
are simply amusing or irritating distractions, I would argue that advertising is, in fact,
influential on a subconscious level for most consumers.
Admittedly, it is true that some people remain unaffected by advertising, either
finding the ads entertaining or simply ignoring them altogether. For instance,
individuals with strong brand loyalty or specific preferences may not be swayed by
advertisements promoting competing products. However, it is important to note that
this group of people represents only a portion of the consumer base, and it would
be short-sighted to dismiss the impact of advertising on the broader population.[b]
Moreover, the primary goal of advertising is to persuade and influence consumer
behavior. To this end, advertisers employ various tactics, such as emotional
appeals, humor, and celebrity endorsements. Old Spice, a men’s grooming brand,
for example, often employs absurd scenarios and witty dialogue in their commercials
to grab the audience’s attention and create a positive association with their products.
While some viewers may find these ads entertaining and not consciously feel
influenced, the advertisement has effectively captured their attention and planted a
seed of awareness. This awareness often influences their decisions later, even if
they do not realize it.[c]
In conclusion, while some individuals may find advertisements amusing or annoying
and claim not to be influenced by them, I would contend that the impact of
advertising on the general population should not be underestimated. Marketing
strategies, in fact, often employ psychological techniques that appeal to a wide range
of consumers, effectively influencing their purchasing decisions.
Word count: 284 – Written by Thanh Nguyen
Rich countries often give money to poorer countries, but it does not solve
poverty. Therefore, developed countries should give other types of help to
poor countries rather than financial aid. To what extent do you agree or
disagree with this statement?
In an attempt to alleviate poverty, richer countries often provide financial aid to
impoverished ones. This approach, nonetheless, has been deemed insufficient by
some, myself included, who argue that alternative forms of support would be more
Granted, one might argue that providing monetary support to poorer countries can
directly boost their economies and improve living conditions as a result. However,
they fail to factor in [d]such problems as corruption and mismanagement that often
lead to the misuse of funds, resulting in minimal impact on poverty reduction. For
example, financial aid allocated for infrastructure projects or social programs might
end up in the pockets of corrupt politicians or administrators, depriving those
in need of the intended benefits.
Rather than giving money, developed countries should consider offering practical aid
and advice to poorer nations. One way to achieve this is through sharing knowledge
and technology to help these countries establish sustainable industries and improve
their agricultural practices. For instance, seasoned agricultural experts from
developed nations can collaborate with farmers in less affluent countries, introducing
modern farming techniques and technology to increase crop yield and improve
food security.
Additionally, richer countries can offer educational programs and training
opportunities for individuals from poorer nations, equipping them with skills that can
be applied to their own communities. Not only does [e]this approach foster
self-reliance, but it could also contribute to long-term economic growth, considering
how it could give rise to a more skilled and educated workforce.
In conclusion, while financial aid has been a traditional means of support for
impoverished countries, its effectiveness is limited due to issues such as corruption
and mismanagement. Developed countries should focus on providing practical aid
and guidance in areas such as technology and education to help poor nations
achieve sustainable growth and ultimately break the cycle of poverty.
Word count: 299 – Written by Thanh Nguyen
Some countries achieve international success by building specialized facilities
to train top athletes instead of providing sports facilities that everyone can
use. Is it a positive development?
In recent years, certain nations have sought to achieve international recognition by
investing in specialized sports facilities designed to train elite athletes, rather than
constructing sports centers accessible to all citizens. While this approach has
resulted in some notable successes on the world stage, I would argue that it is a
negative development, primarily due to the exacerbation of social inequality and
the neglect of public health.
One significant drawback of focusing on the development of exclusive sports
facilities for top athletes is the perpetuation of social inequality. This strategy
often involves channeling considerable financial resources towards a select group
of individuals, thereby inadvertently marginalizing the majority of the population
who lack access to quality sports amenities. For example, in countries like China and
Russia, state-sponsored sports programs have yielded numerous Olympic
champions, but at the expense of allocating resources that could have been used to
create more inclusive sports opportunities for the wider public.
Another detrimental consequence of this approach is the neglect of public health. By
prioritizing the training of elite athletes, governments may inadvertently undermine
the importance of promoting physical activity and well-being among the general
population. The absence of accessible sports facilities can deter people from
engaging in regular exercise, contributing to the prevalence of sedentary lifestyles
and associated health issues such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular
In conclusion, while the pursuit of international sporting success through specialized
facilities may confer prestige upon a nation, I believe it is ultimately a negative
development, considering how it can exacerbate social inequality and neglect
public health.
Word count: 260 – Written by Thanh Nguyen
Some people think the money spent in developing the technology for space
exploration is not justified. There are more beneficial ways to spend this
money. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Much has been debated over the allocation of resources for space exploration, with
some arguing that the expenditure on developing technology for this purpose is
unwarranted and that there are better ways to invest these funds. While
acknowledging the reasons for this thinking, I would contend that it would be impolitic
to overlook the benefits of investing in space exploration.
Granted, critics of space exploration might argue that the enormous sums of money
allocated to this endeavor could be better spent on addressing pressing global
issues such as poverty, limited access to healthcare and education, and
environmental problems. Investing in these areas, they say, would have a more
immediate and tangible impact on people's lives, leading to a more equitable and
prosperous society. For instance, the resources devoted to space exploration could
be redirected towards developing sustainable energy solutions, combating climate
change, or enhancing social welfare programs that support vulnerable
However, it should be noted that investing in space exploration is nowhere near
unjustifiable, as this field has yielded numerous scientific advances and
technological innovations that have profoundly benefited humanity. The development
of satellite technology, for example, has revolutionized communication, weather
forecasting, and navigation, improving the quality of life and safety for millions of
people worldwide. What’s more, space exploration also fosters international
collaboration and drives scientific curiosity, encouraging nations to work together
towards a common goal.
In conclusion, while it is true that there are many crucial areas that require financial
support, I believe this is not to say that the investment in space exploration is
wasteful, given how fruitful the latter can be in terms of scientific discovery,
technological innovation, and international collaboration.
Word count: 276 – Written by Thanh Nguyen
14.1.2023 (1)
Video records are a better way to learn about the way other people in the world
live rather than written documents. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Opinions remain divided over the efficacy of video records and written documents as
a means of learning about the lifestyles of people in other societies, with some
claiming that the former is superior to the latter. In my opinion, however, both forms
of media are important in their own ways and contribute significantly to our
understanding of diverse cultures and ways of life.
One of the most significant advantages of video records over written documents is
their ability to convey visual and auditory information simultaneously. This
enables viewers to immerse themselves in the sights, sounds, and emotions of the
subjects being portrayed, providing a more holistic understanding of their
experiences. For instance, documentaries can capture the nuances of body
language, facial expressions, and tone of voice, which are often difficult to convey in
written form. Also, video records can provide a more engaging experience, as the
dynamic nature of the medium captures the attention of the viewer more effectively
than static text.
On the other hand, written documents hold their own merit in the realm of
understanding other societies. In-depth written accounts, such as novels, essays, or
anthropological studies, can confer a more profound understanding of the
historical, social, and cultural contexts that shape a particular community. For
example, a well-researched historical book can provide an extensive analysis of a
society's customs, values, and beliefs, which may be inadequately captured in a
video record. What’s more, written documents can offer an opportunity for
introspection and critical thinking, as readers have the time and space to analyze,
interpret, and reflect upon the information presented.
In conclusion, both video records and written documents have distinct advantages
when it comes to learning about the lifestyles of people from different cultures. While
video records offer an engaging and visually rich experience, written documents
provide deeper insights into the historical, social, and cultural contexts that shape
societies. Rather than prioritizing one form of media over the other, it is crucial to
acknowledge and appreciate the unique contributions that each medium offers in
enhancing our understanding of the diverse world we live in.
Word count: 347 – Written by Thanh Nguyen
14.1.2023 (2)
Interviews form the basic selecting criteria for most large companies.
However, some people think that the interview is not a reliable method of
choosing whom to employ and there are other better methods. To what extent
do you agree or disagree?
Traditionally, interviews form the cornerstone of most hiring processes. Some
people, myself included, however, argue that interviews are not a reliable method of
determining the best candidate for a position and that alternative methods need
One of the primary criticisms of interviews is that they often measure a candidate's
ability to perform well in an interview, rather than their ability to excel in the job they
are applying for. Interviewees may provide well-rehearsed answers, and their
presentation skills may overshadow their actual competence in the role. Worse still,
interviews can be subject to interviewer bias, with the hiring decision potentially
influenced by factors unrelated to job performance, such as appearance or
personal prejudices.
Given the aforementioned limitations, organizations should turn to alternative
selection methods that focus on a candidate's skills and aptitude for the job. One of
these is to employ aptitude tests, which objectively measure a candidate's
problem-solving abilities and other relevant skills. In addition to this, work sample
tests, wherein candidates are asked to complete tasks relevant to the job, can
provide a more accurate assessment of a candidate's ability to perform in the role.
For example, a software developer might be asked to write a piece of code, while a
graphic designer could be asked to create a design mockup.
In conclusion, while interviews can provide valuable insights into a candidate's
interpersonal skills and personality, they may not be the most reliable method of
selecting the best candidate for a job. Alternative methods, such as aptitude tests
and work sample tests, can offer a more objective and comprehensive
assessment of a candidate's suitability for a role.
Word count: 270 – Written by Thanh Nguyen
Some people believe that it is wrong to keep animals in zoos, while others
think that zoos are both ecologically and educationally important. Discuss
both views and give your opinion.
Opinions still remain divided over the ethical considerations surrounding the
existence of zoos. While some argue that zoos are detrimental to the well-being of
animals, others maintain that zoos serve vital educational and conservation
purposes. This essay will closely examine both viewpoints, before showing my final
On the one hand, opponents of zoos often cite the unnatural environment and
confinement as major concerns. In many zoos, animals are confined to small
enclosures that fail to replicate their natural habitats, leading to stress and
abnormal behavior. For instance, the pacing of big cats in captivity is a
well-documented sign of distress. Worse still, zoos are often lamented for prioritizing
entertainment over the welfare of the animals, exploiting them for financial gain.
On the other hand, proponents of zoos emphasize the ecological and educational
benefits they confer. Many modern zoos have shifted their focus to conservation
efforts, participating in breeding programs for endangered species and supporting
wildlife rehabilitation. For example, the San Diego Zoo has played a critical role in
the successful reintroduction of the California condor into the wild. What’s more,
zoos serve as educational resources, offering visitors the opportunity to learn about
the animals and their ecosystems. This exposure can foster empathy and awareness
of conservation issues, encouraging the public to take action and protect wildlife.
In my opinion, zoos can be beneficial when managed responsibly, with a focus on
conservation, education, and animal welfare. By implementing spacious enclosures
that closely mimic natural habitats, providing appropriate mental and physical
stimulation, and prioritizing conservation efforts, zoos can play a crucial role in
preserving biodiversity and fostering environmental awareness.
Word count: 268 – Written by Thanh Nguyen
Today, many people do not know their neighbors. What problems does this
cause? What can be done about this?
In today's fast-paced society, it is increasingly common for individuals to remain
unfamiliar with their neighbors. This lack of connection can lead to decreased
safety and social isolation; however, the local authorities’ intervention can help
reverse this trend.
The absence of neighborly relationships could have several negative
repercussions. One primary concern is the decline in neighborhood safety. A lack
of familiarity among residents can result in fewer people looking out for one another,
making it easier for criminal activities to occur unnoticed. Another problem that
arises from not knowing one's neighbors is the increased risk of social isolation. As
social beings, humans thrive on interpersonal connections, so the absence of these
can take a toll on people’s mental health, leaving them susceptible to depression
and anxiety.
In order to encourage interaction and connection among neighbors, the
following measures should be implemented. First, local governments should mount
more community events, such as block parties or neighborhood clean-ups, which
can provide a platform for residents to meet and build relationships. In tandem with
this, the emphasis should be placed on providing more shared public spaces, such
as parks and community centers, where neighbors can gather and interact. Also, the
creation of online neighborhood forums and social media groups can facilitate
communication and foster a sense of belonging.
In conclusion, the breakdown of neighborly relationships could give rise to
decreased safety and increased social isolation. By investing in community events,
shared public spaces, and online forums, residents can be encouraged to form
connections with one another.
Word count: 253 – Written by Thanh Nguyen
Businesses always aim to make more sales. What are some of the methods to
do this? Which one is the best method?
In today's competitive market, businesses are constantly striving to boost their
sales in order to maximize profits. To this end, various methods are employed,
with each having its own merits and limitations. This essay will discuss three
common strategies and argue that the most effective approach depends on the
specific circumstances and goals of the business.
The first commonly used method is to improve the quality and variety of products or
services offered. By enhancing the value proposition to customers, businesses can
attract a broader audience and foster greater loyalty. For example, Apple's
continuous innovation and focus on user experience have contributed to its strong
sales growth and long-lasting customer loyalty.
Another popular strategy to increase sales is through effective marketing and
advertising campaigns. By raising awareness and generating interest in their
products, businesses can reach new customers and persuade existing ones to make
additional purchases. A classic example of this approach is Nike's iconic "Just Do It"
campaign, which helped to position the brand as an industry leader and significantly
increased its market share.
Businesses can also focus on improving their sales channels and customer
service to facilitate a more convenient and satisfying purchasing experience.
This often involves optimizing online platforms, offering better after-sales support,
or implementing loyalty programs. Shopee, for instance, has built a reputation for
exceptional customer service and efficient delivery, which has played a key role in its
remarkable sales growth.
While each of these strategies has proven successful in certain contexts, there is no
universal "best" method for increasing sales. The optimal approach depends on the
nature of the business, its target audience, and market conditions. A company with a
strong product portfolio may prioritize marketing efforts, while another with a less
differentiated offering might focus on improving customer service.
In conclusion, businesses can employ various methods to increase sales, including
enhancing product quality, investing in marketing campaigns, and optimizing sales
channels. The most effective strategy depends on the specific circumstances and
objectives of the business. By adopting a tailored approach, companies can
maximize their sales potential and achieve lasting success.
Word count: 346 – Written by Thanh Nguyen
The best way to teach children to cooperate is through team sports at school.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
In today's society, teaching children the valuable skill of cooperation is indeed of
paramount importance. Some people argue that the most effective way to instill this
skill in children is through participation in team sports at school. While
acknowledging the benefits of team sports, I believe there are other better
approaches to teaching cooperation.
Proponents of using team sports to teach cooperation argue that these activities
inherently require participants to work together towards a common goal, thereby
promoting teamwork and communication. For instance, in games like soccer and
basketball, players must constantly coordinate their movements, share resources,
and strategize together to achieve victory. Through this process, children learn to
appreciate the value of cooperation, as well as the importance of supporting and
relying on their teammates. However, this argument fails to consider that not all
children are athletically inclined or interested in participating in team sports. In
such cases, it would be difficult to instill in children a sense of collaboration.
In my opinion, the following methods of teaching cooperation are more effective. One
such approach is engaging students in collaborative classroom projects, where they
work together on tasks such as research, problem-solving, or creative assignments.
This allows children to learn cooperation in a more academic and inclusive
environment. For example, a group project on environmental conservation might
require students to research and present solutions as a team, fostering collaboration
and communication skills. In tandem with this, other extracurricular activities, such as
drama, debate clubs, or community service projects, can also effectively teach
cooperation. These activities provide diverse opportunities for children to collaborate
and develop their interpersonal skills, catering to a wider range of interests and
In conclusion, while team sports can certainly play a role in teaching children
cooperation, it is crucial to recognize that alternative approaches can be more
suitable for some individuals. By offering a variety of collaborative experiences in
both academic and extracurricular settings, schools can help children develop the
vital skill of cooperation.
Word count: 329 – Written by Thanh Nguyen
The increase in the production of consumer goods results in damage to the
natural environment. What are the causes of this? What can be done to solve
this problem?
The rapid growth of consumerism has led to a significant increase in the production
of consumer goods. This, however, has had detrimental consequences on the
natural environment. This essay will first outline the underlying causes of this
environmental damage, before proposing some viable solutions to improve the
The environmental degradation resulting from the increased production of consumer
goods can be attributed to two main factors. First, the extraction of raw materials
required for manufacturing these products often involves deforestation, mining, and
other harmful activities that lead to habitat destruction and biodiversity loss. For
example, the production of smartphones requires the mining of rare earth elements,
which can cause soil erosion, water pollution, and other environmental issues.
Worse still, the energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions associated with
the manufacturing, transportation, and disposal of consumer goods exacerbate
climate change. This is evident in the fast-fashion industry, where the production
and disposal of clothing items generate significant carbon emissions and contribute
to landfills.
To mitigate the environmental impact of consumer goods production, the following
steps should be taken. One of these is for manufacturers to adopt sustainable
production methods that minimize resource extraction and waste generation.
This can include using renewable energy sources, recycling materials, and designing
products with longer life cycles. For instance, some companies like Fairphone have
already started to produce modular smartphones that can be easily repaired or
upgraded, reducing the need for frequent replacements. In tandem with this,
consumers should be encouraged to adopt more sustainable consumption
habits. This can be achieved through public awareness campaigns, implementing
eco-labeling systems, and incentivizing the purchase of environmentally-friendly
products. By promoting a circular economy, consumers can contribute to reducing
waste and preserving natural resources.
In conclusion, the increased production of consumer goods poses significant
threats to the natural environment, primarily through resource extraction and energy
consumption. By adopting sustainable production methods and promoting
environmentally-conscious consumption habits, society can work together to
mitigate the negative impacts of consumerism on the environment.
Word count: 328 – Written by Thanh Nguyen
28.1.2023 (1)
If a product is good or it meets people’s needs, people will buy it, so
advertising is unnecessary and no more than entertainment. To what extent do
you agree or disagree?
The role of advertising in today's consumer-driven society has been a topic of
debate, with some individuals arguing that if a product is of high quality and meets
people's needs, advertising is unnecessary and serves merely as entertainment. In
this essay, however, I will challenge this thinking, arguing that advertising plays a
crucial role in product promotion and market competition.
Those who view advertising as unnecessary entertainment believe that a good
product will naturally attract customers due to its inherent quality and ability to meet
consumer needs. Word of mouth and customer recommendations, they say, are
more effective in promoting a product than advertising, which they might see as
superficial and misleading. For example, some people claim that successful
products such as Tesla cars have thrived primarily due to their innovative
technology and reputation, rather than the impact of advertising campaigns.
However, this perspective overlooks the importance of advertising in a highly
competitive market. Advertising serves as a means to create awareness about a
product, highlight its unique selling points, and differentiate it from competitors.
This is particularly true in today’s globalized economy, wherein consumers are
exposed to a vast array of products, making it challenging for them to discern the
best options. Advertising, therefore, helps companies communicate their offerings,
enabling consumers to make informed decisions. For instance, Apple's advertising
campaigns have effectively differentiated the brand by emphasizing its innovative
designs, user-friendly interface, and premium quality, thereby establishing a loyal
customer base.
Moreover, advertising is essential for building brand identities and fostering customer
loyalty. By using creative and engaging advertisements, companies can create
memorable experiences for consumers that reinforce their brand image and foster
long-term relationships. An example of this is Coca-Cola's advertising, which often
focuses on evoking positive emotions and creating a sense of community
among consumers.
In conclusion, advertising is far more than mere entertainment, as it plays a vital role
in informing consumers, differentiating products, and shaping brand identities.
Dismissing advertising as unnecessary undermines its significant impact on
consumer choices and the overall success of businesses in a highly competitive
Word count: 337 – Written by Thanh Nguyen
28.1.2023 (2)
Some people think that people who choose a job early and keep doing it are
more likely to have a satisfying career life than those who frequently change
jobs. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
The path to a satisfying career has been a topic of debate, with some people
believing that those who choose a job early and remain committed to it are more
likely to achieve a fulfilling career than individuals who frequently change jobs.
While acknowledging the reasons behind this thinking, I would argue that it would be
imprudent to overlook the role of job-hopping in helping individuals find satisfaction in
their career.
Advocates of committing to a job early might argue that it allows individuals to gain
expertise, develop a deep understanding of their chosen field, and advance within
their profession. This approach may lead to a higher level of job security and the
opportunity for promotions, which can contribute to a sense of satisfaction. For
example, someone who enters the medical field as a junior doctor and
progressively advances to a senior position is likely to feel a sense of
accomplishment and pride in their career.
However, it must be recognized that changing jobs can be beneficial and lead to a
satisfying career for many individuals. In today's rapidly evolving job market,
where skills and knowledge often become obsolete, job-hopping can enable
individuals to learn new skills, stay up-to-date with industry trends, and
acclimatize to changing circumstances. This adaptability can lead to increased job
security and satisfaction.
Furthermore, changing jobs can provide opportunities for personal growth and
self-discovery, allowing individuals to explore different fields, roles, and work
environments. This process can ultimately help people identify their passions and
strengths, leading to a more fulfilling and satisfying career. For instance, an
individual who transitions from a corporate job to a nonprofit organization may find
greater personal satisfaction in working towards a cause they genuinely care
In conclusion, while committing to a job early may lead to a satisfying career for
some, I would contend that frequently changing jobs can also contribute to career
Word count: 314 – Written by Thanh Nguyen
28.1.2023 (3) (IDP Korea)
More and more students at university today are not choosing to study science.
Why is this happening? What are the effects of this?
In recent years, a discernible decline in the number of university students pursuing
science degrees has raised concerns among educators and policymakers alike. This
essay will outline the underlying causes of this trend, as well as showing its potential
ramifications for society.
There are two main factors influencing students' reluctance to pursue science
degrees. The first reason is the perception that these fields are highly challenging
and require significant dedication to excel. The rigorous coursework, demanding
laboratory work, and intense competition for academic and professional opportunities
may deter some students from venturing into scientific disciplines. This is coupled
by the burgeoning interest in other areas of study, such as business, technology,
and the arts, which may offer more immediate job prospects and lucrative career
paths. These fields often benefit from a greater degree of flexibility and creativity,
making them more appealing to students with diverse interests and aspirations.
The decline in the number of students studying science at the university level could
have several adverse repercussions. Firstly, it could lead to a shortage of skilled
professionals in vital sectors, such as healthcare, environmental protection, and
research and development. This shortage may hinder scientific progress and
stifle innovation, ultimately taking a toll on the global economy and overall
well-being. Worse still, a lack of diversity in the scientific community could
exacerbate existing disparities in representation and access to resources, with
certain groups remaining underrepresented and marginalized within these fields.
This lack of diversity may further limit the scope of scientific inquiry and impede
the development of innovative solutions to complex global challenges.
In conclusion, the decreasing number of university students opting for science
degrees can be attributed to the perceived rigor of scientific disciplines and the
allure of alternative fields. This trend is generally negative, with all the
consequences of giving rise to potential skill shortages and a lack of diversity within
the scientific community.
Word count: 314 - Written by Thanh Nguyen
Some people think that the government should ban dangerous sports, while
others think that people should have freedom to do any sports. Discuss both
views and give your opinion.
It is widely recognized that extreme sports are gaining traction. However, there have
been calls for a ban on sports of this kind. While there are good grounds for this
proposal, I believe people should be given the autonomy to play any sports they
Proponents of imposing a ban on dangerous sports often emphasize that if any
technical problems occur when people are playing these, it will inevitably lead to
injuries or even cost their lives in the worst-case scenario. Nevertheless, it should be
noted that extreme sports participants must undergo rigorous training in advance,
not to mention that they must be armed with proper protective gear. In other words,
these supposedly ‘dangerous’ sports are actually relatively safe. Skydiving fatalities,
for example, are extremely rare, thanks in large part to stringent safety protocols and
the use of specialized equipment. For these reasons, it would be unjustifiable to
impose a blanket ban on extreme sports.

At the same time, there is a strong case to be made for entitling people to their
freedom to play any sports. Clearly, everyone has the right to do whatever they want,
provided that their actions are not illegal or harmful to others. Therefore, if the choice
of sports does not violate the laws or jeopardize any lives, it will be absurd for the
government to interfere with it. It is also noteworthy that depriving people of their
freedom to do the sports they want could instill in them a sense of resentment, which
might even escalate into social discontentment on a grander scale.
In conclusion, while there are justifications for advocating for a ban on extreme
sports, I would contend that these reasons are generally shallow, and that everyone
should be given the leeway to engage in the sports of their preference.
Word count: 298 – Written by Thanh Nguyen
4.2.2023 (China)
Some people think that people can use fresh water as they like. Others believe
governments should control the use of freshwater. Discuss both views and
give your own opinion.
While one school of thought holds that individuals should be allowed to use as much
fresh water as they please, others advocate government control over it. This essay
will first examine both viewpoints, before showing my final thought.
One might argue that individuals should have the freedom to use as much fresh
water as they see fit, without government intervention[f]. This view is often predicated
on the belief that using water is a basic human right and that limiting its use would
infringe on personal freedom. Proponents of unrestricted water usage might also add
that people are generally responsible and can be trusted to use water wisely, without
the need for government regulations.
On the other hand, those who believe that the government should control the use of
fresh water often emphasize that regulation is necessary to prevent
overconsumption and depletion of this vital resource. Uncontrolled water use, they
say, can lead to serious environmental consequences, such as the drying up of
rivers and the depletion of underground aquifers. For example, water scarcity has
become a major issue in regions like the Middle East, where unsustainable water
usage has exacerbated existing water shortages.
In my opinion, while government regulation of fresh water use can ensure its
sustainable use, implementing such controls would be easier said than done, as
there would be an uphill task of monitoring each person’s daily use of water, not to
mention the extreme opposition of many to this policy. A more feasible approach
might be to educate people on responsible water consumption, thereby encouraging
conservation and sustainable practices at the individual level. This could help ensure
the sustainable use of freshwater, while not directly limiting people’s personal
To summarize, the debate surrounding the use of fresh water encompasses both
individual rights and environmental concerns. While government regulation can
prevent overconsumption, I would contend that education and awareness campaigns
are a more practical solution for promoting responsible water usage and ensuring the
sustainable management of this vital resource.
Word count: 331 – Written by Thanh Nguyen
Directors of large organizations earn much higher salaries than ordinary
employees do. Some people think it is necessary, but others are of the opinion
that it is unfair. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
In today's corporate world, the disparity in income between top executives and
ordinary employees has been a subject of heated debate. Whilst some argue that
such pay discrepancies are unfair, others, myself included, believe the high salaries
of company directors are justified.
Critics of high executive salaries argue that the substantial wage gap is unfair for two
primary reasons. First, they contend that ordinary employees contribute substantially
to an organization's success through their hard work and dedication, so the fruits of
their labor should be more equitably distributed among all staff members. Opponents
of high director salaries also add that the vast pay discrepancy contributes to social
inequality, perpetuating a divide between the wealthy and the poor. This can
exacerbate social issues and prevent economic mobility for those at the lower end of
the income scale.
Despite the aforementioned concerns, there are more compelling reasons to justify
the higher salaries of directors in large organizations. The foremost reason would be
that these individuals possess a unique combination of skills, experience, and
expertise that enables them to steer a company towards success, so their high
compensation is a reflection of the value they bring to the organization. Plus,
directors often bear significant personal risks and liabilities in their roles, and their
elevated pay serves as a form of compensation for these risks. It is also noteworthy
that the competitive nature of the global market necessitates attracting top talent and
offering attractive remuneration packages is a crucial aspect of securing the best
In conclusion, although some people may perceive the high salaries of directors in
large organizations as unfair, it is essential to recognize the unique skills,
experience, and personal risks involved in their roles. Their earnings reflect the value
they bring to the organization and the competitive nature of the market. It is therefore
justified that directors of large organizations earn much higher salaries than ordinary
Word count: 321 – Written by Thanh Nguyen

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