Fluid Dynamics: Fluid Motion
Fluid Dynamics: Fluid Motion
Fluid Dynamics: Fluid Motion
Fluid dynamics:
• Fluid dynamics is the science of fluid motion.
• Fluid flow is commonly studied in one of three ways:
– Experimental fluid dynamics.
– Theoretical fluid dynamics (Analytical).
– Numerically: computational fluid dynamics (CFD )
compliment design
Experimentation be reducing total effort
Cost required for experimentation and data acquisition
- Domain: are regions of space in which the equations of fluid flow or heat transfer are solved
- Only the mesh components which are included in a domain are included in simulation.
- Domain is discretized into a finite set of control volumes or cells. The discretized domain is called the
“grid” or the“mesh.”
- General conservation (transport) equations for mass,momentum, energy, etc., are discretized into
algebraic equations.
- Meshing (discretization): Fluid region of pipe flow discretized into finite set of control volumes
Convection/Diffusion Example
This example is intended to demonstrate how the different terms interact.
Imagine a room where red gas is going to be released. Initially, all of the gas in concentrated towards one
corner, as is shown in figure a. If the gas is allowed to just diffuse (no convection or sources are present),
then it will spread out fairly evenly, as is shown in figure b. If instead, we turn on a fan in the room that
blows the air towards the opposite corner, then the red gas will spread out as is shown in figure c. Here, the
red gas is both diffusing and convicting
-Do not proceed with CFD calculation until you have generated a highly-quality grid
- The process of creating a good grid (mesh) is a very important process and it should take the
appropriate time and effort
-Design and create the grid:
• Should you use a quad/hex grid, a tri/tet grid, a or hybrid grid?
• What degree of grid resolution is required in each region of the domain?
• How many cells are required for the problem?
• Will you use adaption to add resolution?
• Do you have sufficient computer memory?
Hybrid mesh example:
• Valve port grid.
• Specific regions can be meshed with different cell types.
• Both efficiency and accuracy are enhanced relative to a hexahedral or tetrahedral mesh alone.
How many cells are required for the problem?
Grid Sensitivity
1. No solution should be accepted unless it is grid independent. This means that a computer run is
repeated with finer and finer grids until the results at all points in space do not change anymore.
2. The effective grid size means it is small enough to minimize errors from dissipation due to grid and
big enough to save computing source.
3. The grids required vary according to the case.
4. To get a reliable simulation results, grid convergence study should be performed prior to looking
deep into flow.
Lec 9
-Flows which are directed into the element produce an increase of mass in the element and get a
positive sign and those flows that are leaving the element are given a negative sign
-Net force in the x-direction is the sum of all the force components in that direction.
-DNS : a research tool for basic flow problems which is highly accurate results
Lec 10
-Any variable in a turbulent flow can be represented as sum of mean value plus fluctuating value:
-There are various turbulent models available in order to represent Reynolds Stresses in terms of
mean quantities.
-The fundamental flow equations are derived in FVM using integral approach
-Instead of considering a differential volume, we will consider a finite volume of arbitrary shape
-When flow passes through the finite volume, the rate of increase of quantity inside the finite
volume will be same as flux in minus flux out plus generation of quantity
-Volume integrals are approximated as volume of cell multiplied by average value of quantity at
centroid of cell