13 Flux Faraday Solutions

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Worksheet 13 - Flux and Faraday’s Law Solutions

Note: This worksheet exploration of magnetic flux and Faraday’s Law is complemented
by the lab after spring break. Top Hat asks Questions 2, 5a and 5b.

Part 1 - Flux

In physics, we define flux as the net number of field lines passing through a specified
surface area. In PY 106, we will always be referring to flux as magnetic flux -- the
number of magnetic field lines going through a specified area.

The formula for magnetic flux (𝚽B) is…

𝚽B=BA cosθ

Where θ is the angle between the field lines and the surface's area vector.

Question 1: Let us assume Planet X's magnetic field

has a magnitude of 3.0 × 10-3 T. An astronaut is
stationed on Planet X and is looking out of her
spacecraft’s window. The window is a perfect circle
with a diameter of 20 cm. The net magnetic flux, from
Planet X’s field, through the window, is 3.0 × 10-5 T
m2. What is the angle between the window and Planet
X’s magnetic field?

Area of window = 0.1 *0.1 * pi = 0.031412 m2

3.0 * 10-5 T m2 = 3.0 × 10-3T * 0.031412 m-2 * cos (theta)
Theta = 71.439°

Part 2 - Comparing Flux

Here’s a uniform magnetic field, B. Four circle loops A, B, C, and D are placed in the
magnetic field. The planes of loops A and B are oriented perpendicularly to the direction
of the field; the planes of loops C and D are oriented parallel to the field.

Loops A and C are the same size, with radius r.

Loops B and D are the same size, with radius R.
Note that R > r.

Question 2: List the circles in order of magnetic

B > A > C = D. Circles C and D are both parallel to
the field which makes their flux 0. Circle B has a larger
radius, a larger area, and thus a larger flux than A.

Question 3: List the shapes in decreasing order of magnetic flux. Assume all three
shapes are in a uniform magnetic field pointing into the page. Each of the blue grid
squares has a width and height of 1cm.

Compare the areas of the three shapes since the field is uniform. square=36, triangle=18,
circle=9pi approx 27...

____Square____ > ____Circle____ > ____Triangle_____

Part 3 - Faraday’s Law
ε = − 𝑁 ∆𝑡

Question 4: What does epsilon (𝛆) stand for?

[ ] induced flux [ ] induced current [ ] induced force [ X ] induced emf

Question 5: Use the graph above for the following questions (a) and (b). Assume that
the graph above shows the magnetic flux through one loop in a coil that is made up of
50 such loops.

(a) Calculate the magnitude of induced emf |ε| at t = 2s.

Faraday’s law says that induced emf = - the change in flux over time multiplied
(proportionally magnified) by # of loops. So what is the change of flux over time? The
graph shows flux versus time. The change of flux over time is the slope of the flux vs
time graph. This question happened to ask the magnitude of emf at t =2 s. But when we
look at the graph we notice that at ANY time greater than 0 s and LESS than 3 s, the
change of flux (slope) is the same. So the emf would be the same. We are looking for
the magnitude, so |emf |: 50 loops * (0.5 / 3) = 8.3333 V. We will deal with what the
minus sign means in Faraday’s Law in the next class… that’s an entirely other law.

(b) Calculate the magnitude of induced emf |ε|at t = 5s.

Since our slope is zero, there is no induced emf.

Part 4 - Faraday’s Law Simulation (Optional)

Load this PhET simulation into your browser and answer the questions below:

In the simulation, check the two checkboxes, to show the voltmeter and the field created
by the magnet. To start with, just use one coil. Don’t worry about whether you’re
correct or incorrect here. Mostly, just explore the simulation and make
observations, think of the field lines and what we have just learned about in Parts
1-3 and in class. We will explore more of this in the next class and worksheet.

Question 6: In this simulation, there are essentially two main ways that you can induce
a voltage in the coil. One is by moving the magnet either toward the coil or away from
the coil. What is the second thing you can do?
See Part 3. We change the induced voltage (or emf) by a change in flux (i.e., changing
the number of field lines through the loop. Based on your observations, were you able to
change the flux by moving the magnet up and down in the coil, for example?

Question 7: Does it matter how quickly you move the magnet? If so, how does the
speed of the magnet affect anything, and why might we expect this?
Yes it does. Faraday’s Law: ε = − 𝑁 ∆𝑡
The induced voltage is indeed proportional to rate of change of magnetic flux.

Question 8: When you move the magnet from one side of the coil all the way through
the coil and out the other side, which of these is true when the center of the magnet
passes through the center of the coil?

[ X ] the voltage is zero [ ] the voltage is maximum

What is the explanation for this?

At this point in the exact center, the magnetic flux is exactly balanced. Field lines coming
out from the N (out of the loop) are balanced by field lines coming into the S (into the
loop). We will explore this phenomenon in the next class.

Question 9: Does it matter what the polarity of the magnet is (that is, which end the
north pole is) when you bring the magnet toward the coil? If so, what is the impact of
reversing the polarity of the magnet?
Yes. Hmmmm… seems when N is moved into the loop, there’s an initial negative voltage
and when the magnet is reversed and S is moved into the loop, there’s an initial positive
voltage. Good observational skills!! Again, we will discuss why next class… Can you
make some predictions, though, as to why based on the field lines?

Question 10: Now, click on the button that allows you to use two coils, a 2-turn coil and
a 4-turn coil. Is there any difference between these? Why might we expect this?
Yes. Hmmmm again… Look at the field lines! What’s happening in each loop?

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