Private Story Oct 1977

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OCT. 1977


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VOL. 2 NO.1 OCTOBER 1977

A Nurse's Anguish: Will Vaginal Cancer Destroy

My Sex Life?— Nurses are human, and this young nurse
undergoes a torture that almost destroys the man she
loves. Read her story to see if she survives for a happy
ending - 6

An Airline Nurse Describes Sex In The Cockpit — My Husband Says I'm Too Hot To Handle— This
A young nurse is accepted for training as a stewardess young wife has a husband so afraid of a heart attack he
and learns that there's more to the trade than a smile won't have sex with her. How she resolves this dilemma
and a cup of coffee. But it's how she learns and how makes for a very interesting story. 26
she uses what she learns that's important 10
My Doctor/Lover's Wife Cut Off His Penis— An
Held Prisoner To Satisfy Sex Urges Of Interns — enraged wife discovers her husband and his nurse in a
One bad experience, expecially the first one, can ruin a compromised situation, and reacts violently. This is a tragic
young girl's life. Four interns mistakenly thought they story of mutilation, mental illness and, surprisingly, an
could correct that problem for this young nurse. How ending that's not far from downright happy 30
would you have reacted in the same situation'? 14

My Boyfriend Watched My Rape . . . Without Lift-

ing A Hand— This young woman undergoes a horrify-
ing ordeal only to discover that her boyfriend could have
stopped it at any time, but he didn't! Would you do the
same thing she did afterwards? 18

A Doctor Confesses: I Raped My Patients—A doc- Dr. Anne Rice Answers Your Sex Questions—Dr.
tor, a new practice, an oversexed nurse: all the ingredients Rice, a noted authority on the problems of intimacy,
necessary for an explosive situation. Whether the dy- has agreed to serve as our consultant and discuss every-
namite goes off depends on whether this young doctor day, always present, sex problems with you, our readers.
can keep his head. Read his story to see if he does 22 Her article begins on page 4.

Stephen Barrows Gregory Mason MeL Lenny


John Simmons Dr. Anne Rice Tony Isolcli


PRIVATE STORY is published hi-monthly by Stories, Layouts & Press, Inc., editorial and executive
offices at 257 Park Avenue South, New York, New York 10010. All manuscripts and/or
photographs must be accomplished by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Publisher assumes no
responsibility for unsolicited material. Copyright C. 1977 by Stories, Layouts & Press, Inc. All rights
reserved under International and Pan American Copyright Conventions. Reproduction in whole or
in part without written permission of the publisher is strictly forbidden. Single copy price: $1.00.
Printed in USA.
Or. Anne ace
answers Jour
ige.r duestion8
Dear Dr. Rice: for dates, but frankly, with so much
A friend of mine recently had an promiscuity among teenagers today, I
operation called a "Vulvectomy ." I am afraid to let her go out with boys.
haven't the vaguest idea what that is, This is causing a great deal of tension
and I hate to come right out and ask around our house, as Julie thinks I am
her, but I am concerned. I understand being very unfair. My husband stays
there was cancer involved. busy with his work and leaves the
Ms. K.K. decisions concerning our children to
Toledo, Ohio me, so I make the rules. I feel I have
quite a burden upon me at this point,
Dear Ms. K.K.: and I would like your opinion as to
A "Vulvectomy" is an operation by what to do. Is 14 too young for my methods being used were less-reli-
which the labia are surgically removed daughter to begin dating? able—such as the condom, douche
from both sides of the vagina. It is a Mrs. L.H. and withdrawal.
mutilating procedure, • done for cancer Miami, Fla. And, surprisingly, the girls inter-
and the precancerouS conditions leu- viewed stated that sexual activity took
coplakia and kraurosis. If cancer is Dear Mrs. L. H.: place in a home—either the girl's or
already present, then the glands in the ANY age is too young for a girl to the boy's—or the home of a friend or a
groin are also removed. begin dating if she has not received relative. So the day of the backseat
Dr. Rice proper sex education. Due to the setting for romance seems to be a thing
brevity of your letter, I cannot ascer- of the past.
Dear Dr. Rice: tain the development of your daugh- Yes, Mrs. L.H. , teenagers are more
What are the symptoms of breast ter's sexual maturity. promiscuous today. If a girl fancies
cancer? You are, however, right in stating herself in love with a boy, she sees
N.G. there is much promiscuity among nothing wrong in giving herself to him
Raleigh, N.C. teenagers today. According to a sexually. All her friends are doing it, so
national survey conducted in the first she believes. She knows, too, that if
Dear H.G. months of 1977, more unmarried she does not give in to the boy, there is
A physician should be consulted American teenagers are active sexually always another girl waiting who will. It
without delay if any of the following now than in 1971. BUT—there are is a difficult era for teenagers, and
conditions are present: A painless fewer illegitimate births due to effective perhaps even more so for the con-
lump in the breast; a lump with pain or use of birth control, the most popular cerned parent.
tenderness; secrection from the nip- being the pill and the IUD. On the The first thing you need to do is
ple, whether bloody, opaque or clear; average, teenagers having illegitimate determine how sexually mature your
pain or discomfort in the breast, even births in 1971 was 89 per 1,000. This daughter is. Talk to her, find out if she
without abnormality; and any localized figure dropped to 69 per 1,000 in is aware of all the facts in the boy-girl
puckering in the skin of the breast. 1976 sex relationship. Too many times
Since there has been so much The survey also showed a 30 parents make the mistake of saying
publicity about breast cancer detect- percent increase in the proportion of "Don't"—without explaining the rea-
ion, every woman should realize she unmarried teenagers who are sexually sons. Does she know about birth
needs to have a general physical experienced. Questioned were more control? Venereal. Disease? Do you
examination every year, with special than 1,800 never-married women think she could handle herself in a
attention to the breasts. If the breasts from ages 15 through 19. Thirty-five sticky situation with a determined boy,
are normal, the doctor will demon- percent stated they had sexual inter- (Continued from page 42)
strate and teach the patient how to course at least once. In 1971, the
examine herself each month. figure was twenty-seven percent. Letters to Dr. Rice should be ad-
Since you have written to ask me However, since the number of teens in dressed to PRIVATE STORY, 257
the symptoms of breast cancer, then our population has also increased Park Avenue South, New York,
you must be worried that you may since the older survey, the total New York 10010. Due to the
now have this dreaded disease. Please number estimated to be sexually volume of mail and Dr. Rice's
get in touch with your doctor at once. experienced has increased by heavy schedule, she cannot an-
Dr. Rice forty-seven percent.
swer letters personally. Please
Forty-five percent stated that they
Dear Dr. Rice: specify if you do not want your
used birth control in '71. Now the
name and address used in the let-
I am the mother of a well-developed figure is up to sixty-three percent, with
ters she submits for publication.
14-year old girl_ Julie has many offers one-third on the pill and IUD. Other
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Taking nly hand, he guided it

beneath The sheets to the bulge in
his c h that pulsated against
my fi nips.

was in the nurses lounge, coming in that late and old Miss

1 pressing gauze pads to my

eyes, when Janice
Carraway walked in and
cried: "What on earth are you doing,
Thompkins is going to kick you out."
"Suits me fine," I said, taking the
pads away, then splashing cold water
on my face. "Dave and I are thinking
about getting a place together anyway.
"Soaking my eyes in Witch Hazel," I Getting booted out of the dorm would
answered, removing the pads to blink only speed things up, that's all. And
my bloodshot, puffy eyes at her. "It's why are you staring at me like that?
supposed to make me look fresh and Have I shocked you? I'm a big girl,
bright. Boy, this 7 a.m. shift is mur- Janice, and so are you. We've both
der." I put the pads back on my eyes had our share of lovers."
and tilted my head back. "I guess it's hard for me to believe
"It's murder when you don't get in you went and got yourself hooked,"
till 4 in the morning," she said with an she sighed, reaching for one last
accusing tone. I didn't answer, and cigarette before time to report to work.
she rushed on to say she wasn't prying "We've always been so cool and
into my business, but, after all, she did sophisticated, never getting
have the room right across the hall in emotionally involved, you know?"
the nurse's dormitory, and she heard "Sure," I agreed, "but it was bound
me slip in. - "You're going to get caught to happen sooner or later. I've thought

of his girlfriends sure gave me icy
Then, the night before he was to be
discharged, I went to see him to say
Later there would be time for goodbye. "Goodbye?" he yelped, sit-
lingering foreplay, when his lips ting up in bed. "You think I'm going to
and tongue would drive me into a check out of here tomorrow and not
frenzy. see you again? Not on your sweet life,
I was in love a dozen times, but never baby. I've already had my spies
like this, Janice. Believe me, Dave working, and I know where you live,
Giddens and I are meant for each me before that Dave says you drive that you're single, and I think you're
other. If we weren't still a bit leery of him up a wall ... ," beautiful and have the best-looking
legal ties, we'd go ahead and get "Sometimes sex is the basis for pair of tits I've ever seen on a woman.
married. But 1 predict that within a love," I said tightly, then I turned to Hell, no, I'm not letting you go."
year from now we will be waltzing up pin my white cap on. "Someday, Then, despite the fact he was still
the aisle." maybe you'll know the feeling." weak, he reached for me with un-
"He's so good-looking," she said She mumbled something and believably strong arms and pulled me
thoughtfully. "I mean, Robert Red- hurried out, and I hated myself for down on the bed, his lips crashing
ford could eat his heart out when it being so catty, but she had sort of down on mine in a kiss that left both of
comes to Dave. And he's got that asked for it. 1 thought the world of us trembling. Then, his warm blue
terrific job — owns a sportscar and a Janice, but 1 knew she was jealous eyes burning into mine, he took my
boat. He's just too good to be true, about me and Dave being so crazy hand and guided it beneath the sheets
you know? And before the two of you about each other. So far, she'd only — to the bulge in his crotch that
became a 'thing', he was always scored with interns who were out for a pulsated against my fingertips. "See
squiring some rich society brat around good time. I was starting to think about what you did?" he teased me. "Now
town." a permanent arrangement, a future, isn't that a horrible thing for a nurse to
"What you are trying to say," I you know? do to her patient? Just what do you in-
smiled at her tightly, "is that I should It was the luckiest day of my life when tend to do about it? If you leave me
wonder why a dream boat like Dave Dave's appendix ruptured. That like this, have a horrible stomach
wants to be tied down to me when I'm sounds mean, but I was the Florence ache, and that would be bad, me get-
not Ann-Margaret,right? Well, the an- Nightingale who nursed him back to ting over surgery and all . . . ."
swer is simple, honey. It's a four-letter health, spending hours beside his bed I couldn't resist him, and darn it all, I
word, spelled L-O-V-E." when I was off-duty, because he wanted it as much as he did. I got up
Janice might have been my best charmed me right off my feet. He kept and propped a chair in front of the
friend but she really made me flash telling the swingers who visited him door. It wouldn't do much more than
with anger when she smiled cattily and that he never wanted to go home, make noise if someone started in, but
said, "Are you sure it isn't a three- because he was falling in love. Of at least it might give us time to get un-
letter word, spelled S-E-X? You told course, he said it with a grin, but some scrambled. Besides, I doubted anyone
8 iti
would be checking. It was after visiting scream for mercy . . " And then his goodnight, and I hurried to the dorm,
hours and patients were supposed to head jerked back, and his hips began praying that I hadn't made a fool of

be asleep. moving up and down, in spite of me myself, that he would call me, that he
I walked back io the bed and slid warning him to be still. "Ahhhh, that's would want to see me again.
down my white panty hose, stepping good ... faster . . . faster . . . ." And he did—the very next day.
out of them, then I crawled on top of And I felt the spasms of his rod, And we had been together constantly
him, pulling back the sheet and knew that he was' climaxing. I ever since. 1 loved Dave, and I was
scooping his penis out to squeeze it squeezed myself harder, moving sure he loved me, and we were going
lovingly. He sighed deliciously, then around in slow gyrations, knowing to be happy together for the rest of our
began to unbutton my uniform top. that both of us were wanting to bounce lives. I just knew it.
"Hey, we can't get too naked," I warn- up and down wildly. But there would That day sped by. Usually I didn't
ed him. "Someone might come in." be time for that later, I knew. Right like working on the surgical floor,
"Right now I don't care," he said then, I wanted only to satisfy him, give because the patients were pretty
huskily. "I've got to see those knockers uncomfortable right after an operation.
of yours." Lately, though, I worked with a smile
He finished unbuttoning my top, I don't want a sick girl on my hands. on my lips, a song in 'my heart, and
then yanked my bra up so that my I'll keep you in bed morning, one eye on the clock, as I counted the
breasts fell forward. "Come here," he noon and night so you get that hours till I could be with Dave again.
commanded. "I've got to lick lovely box of yours in shape. As soon as I got off work, I hurried
them , . . kiss them . suck to the dorm and showered, and at five
them . . . " his eyes were half-closed, o'clock, he was there to pick me up.
his voice quivering with emotion. I "I've found the perfect apartment for
leaned forward, and he sucked in one him pleasure, without hurting his us," he said excitedly, after kissing me
nipple, then turned his head to fasten wound . soundly and running his hands over
his lips on the other. He murmured, Afterwards, he held me tightly my body possessively. "A buddy of
"Delicious . delicious . . . best thing against him, wanting to finger me to a mine is going to Europe to study for a
I've had to eat since I checked in this climax, but I told him it was too risky, year, and he's willing to let me
damn place. . . . " that I'd been in his room far too long as sub-lease it. He gave me the key so we
I had to be very gentle, because it was. With one last kiss, we said could check it out tonight. He's out of
Dave was not yet healed. 1 raised up, town visiting his folks to say goodbye.
holding his penis in my hand, pointing I've even got steaks and wine, so we
it towards my vagina, and then I slid can play house."
my hips down upon it easily. "Ahhh," The apartment was small,
he gasped, "Baby, you do it so good." but cozy, and I loved it the
I couldn't bounce up and down, the moment we walked in the
way I ached to do, so I squeezed my door. "Let the steaks
vaginal muscles in a steady rhythm wait," Dave said with
that sucked at his penis eagerly. His a growl, scooping me
eyes flew open. "That's great. I. . up in his arms and
never had it feel that good before, heading for the
Cheryl, honey. You're something bedroom. "I've
else, you know that?" got a
"Just lie still," I told him firmly. "Let hard-on
me do the work. You'll have your turn that
later, when you're all healed." (Continued
"Oh, yeah. I'll make it up to you, on page 38)
luv. I promise that. ball you till you
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I love to be undressed. I love to

lay back like a queen and let the
man do all the work.
-,..... –
mall white circles blossom- wide open beaver which I was sure
ed on my full brown was glistening pink like a skinned fish
breasts from the pressure in the sun. I spread my legs as far as 1
of Mark Ward's kneeding could.
fingers. I was fascinated. My boobs Sometimes I'm jealous of men.
had turned a creamy chocolate color They get such a glorious view of a
from nude sunbathing in Hawaii, and woman's cunt. But I imagined what
everywhere Mark pressed, little white Mark saw as he stared at me. I
patches would momentarily appear, imagined how sexy my clit looked
then fade back into my tanned flesh. tucked in its pink pocket of juicy flesh.
I turned my attention back to Mark's And I imagined how my clit quivered
lips. They were leaving light, wet in it's jellied mass.
kisses down the fleshy undersection of Apparently Mark was a voyeur just
my breasts as his hands deftly hiked up like me, because.he spread my beaver
my stewardess skirt. even further until I felt my labia draw
I closed my eyes and listened to the away from my clit skin.
sounds of zippers, rustling material, "You have the prettiest clit," he
and my own quickening breath. I murmured with a gourmet's good
love to be undressed. I love to lay taste. "It's so plump, juicy and
back like a luxurious queen and let the suckable."
man do all the work. Hot jets of fluid seemed to coarse
Nothing left but my panties now. through my every vein as Mark's
Mark gently tugged at the elastic, and I mouth suddenly drenched my clit with
lifted my hips slightly upwards to help additional wetness. My hips swiveled
him get them off. Mark's breath to press my mound deeper into his
practically matched my own, coming mouth.
in quick short gasps. Who would have dreamed that the
Of course, that was because he was mild mannered man on Flight 506 out
staring at my bush. My bush has an of Seattle—who politely said "please"
extraordinary effect on most men— and "thank you" with each request—
they gasp at the sight of it. could eat out a woman with such
I raised my head slightly to watch finesse?
the action below deck. Mark's fingers Hocked my legs tight around Mark's
were brushing my light brown pube head. His tongue did a fast waltz
hairs back and forth like fur. I half around my clit. It dippled and glided
expected to see little sparks of and lead my body into a dizzying
electricity fly out—that's how high finale. My rear did a tailspin into the
voltage I felt. . mattress. There was no holding back
Suddenly I had this overwhelming —I crashed into his mouth and
urge to give Mark a good look at my released all jets.
As far as I was concerned, that was instead of my aching pussy. "Open up! might say. You knew that stewardess-
just round one. Now I ached for some It's me. Carrie. Our flight leaves in 45 es were as notorious for their promis-
good old fashioned fucking. But as minutes!" cuity as bunnies, but my dears, you
Mark raised himself, his upraised penis I heard some whispering and rustl- haven't guessed the half of it.
thrusting towards my ripe target, my ing inside, and soon the door opened. First, taking myself as a case in
head looked to one side, and came My disheveled sister stewardess peer- point, you must understand what
face to face with the clock. ed at me through heavy lidded eyes. tremendous pressure a stewardess is
"My lord," I cried, staring hard, but "Jesus, Carrie," she breathed, "My under. I graduated from stewardess
not quite believing the luminous dial. watch must have stopped. I had no flight training school four years ago at
"It's three o'clock. My flight takes off in idea of the time." the ripe old age of twenty-three.
one hour." Beneath Ann's hastily thrown on Before that, I had gone all the way
Fortunately, Mark literally rose to shirt I could see her bountiful boobs, through nursing school and had fully
the occasion, because it would have and beyond their silhouette, a man earned the right to call myself a
stirred about in the rumpled bedsheets. registered nurse. That, I suppose, was
Suddenly Ann and I began giggling
helplessly. Partners in crime, we'd
"You have the prettiest clit," he been in similar jams before.
murmured with a gourmet's good "I'll call a cab," Ann said, recovering Beneath our starched uniforms,
taste. "It's so plump, juicy and first. "You call the bellboy. Don't there's enough fire to launch a
suckable." worry, we'll make it." 747 clear to Tokyo.
"Roger," I said. Then I stopped.
raised two fingers in a V, and gave
been dreadful to leave him in that Ann my big flight attendant grin. why the airline was so eager to hire me
state. His face contorted into a Yes, the stewardess that shows you in the first place. Centuries ago, back
grimace, his hand flew to his penis, to your seat, the one that asks "coffee in the 30s and 40s, every stewardess
and white streams of sperm shot or tea" might be none other than Ann had to be a registered nurse first.
across my entire belly. or me. We're polite and friendly. Nowadays, of course, they don't have
"Thank goodness you're quick," I We're wholesome looking enough to that requirement, but they still jump at
breathed, jumping out of the bed. be invited to your grandmother's the opportunity when it's presented.
"Because I've got to get moving." garden party. But beneath our smiles, As a newcomer. I was initially allowed
I threw on a robe, disregarding the beneath our starched uniforms and to work only on trans-American
sperm dribbling down my belly, and arrow straight stocking seams, there's flights. There's a hierarchy up in the
raced down the hall to Room 12. enough fire to launch a 747 clear to bright blue, and it dictates that new
"Ann, Ann," I cried, pounding on Tokyo. stewardesses go only interstate. The
the door like the hotel was burning Why, you guessed it all along, you (Continued on page 42)

If you have problem hair, read this—
otherwise, it might very well grow right down past
my waist.
As it is, I keep my hair exactly 23 inches long.
And it's still so thick and so strong that I can
hardly force a comb through it. And it has so
much life and shine that, when l recently did a
treatment for your face.)

Then We Go On, To Remove The Hidden

Causes Of Brittle, Easily-Breaking Hair...
TV,commercial for a leading hair company, the
producer asked one of the staff to lightly pat face- Believe it or not, and I'll prove this to you
powder on it, so it wouldn't blind the camera. on page 8, I have made one tiny change in the
way friends comb and brush their hair, and
that hair has Immediately stopped breaking.
Most 18-Yearads Don't Have Hair This Even with women whose hair has been "hope-
Healthy. But I've MADE IT That Way. And less" for years—one hour was all if wok to give
So Can You... If You'll PO! Follow My them the "body" they had dreamed about'
And also, incidently, while we're talking
Five "Golden Rules" For he Kind about your comb and brush, did you know
DI Hair Your Man Can't Resist. that right now they are the villains that are
taking the shine right out of your hair—almost
As you may have read on these pages before, every, single time you use them.
even at 41, beauty is my business. I sell the way Let me repeat this fact, because it's so ter-
look, as a model and as a beauty expert, And ribly important: Forget about spending a single
as I grow older and older, more and more penny on any commercial product whatsoever
women begin to believe my essential message— 10 put a glorious shine in your hair. First, as
that you can make yourself beautiful, and keep 'oon as you get my Hair Guide, turn to page 8,
yourself beautiful, despite any number of years. altd make the one simple change I tell you.
Nowhere, but nowhere, does this hold more II your hair doesn't "knock you out" in a single
true than with your hair. Because other women week with its new glow—then lust send back the
can look at me, and excuse their own appear- Guide right there and then for your money.
ance by saying that I was "born lucky" as far
as keeping my face and figure trim and young And Now We Go On To Perhaps The Moat
(which is not at all true, incidently). Bur when Important Discovery Of All—Not Only How
they' reailte that I have been a two-process
blonde for over 20 years that I both bleach To Swell The Shaft Of Each Hair On Your
and color my hair — and my hair STILL looks Head, And Thus Increase Its Width, But
like this...then they KNOW That I've discov- Also Make New Hair START GROWING
ered something that Con work for THEM too.
(And that may, incidentally, give them some Where It Just Wasn't Growing Before.
of the most delightful romantic moments of their It takes less than five minutes to learn this
life.) procedure only one evening to put it to
So let nee put it as bluntly as this — work for You. It cpuld save, not only your hair
and your scalp, but your complexion, as well.
It Took Me 20 Years To Find Out How To And there's so much more in this Guide,
Make Your Hair Thicker, Longer, Faster- which I don't have space to detail for you here.
Including: The natural way to make your hair
Growing. With Such Dazzling Life And soft and manageable ... how to restore flexi-
Shine Thal Your Man May Not Be Able To bility and bounce and strength. especially to
Keep HI, Hands Off It. And I Can Teach over-processed or aging hair ... what you must
immediately check If bald spots or thinning hair
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t was my first day of about unbuttoning that cute little trying to paw and feel up the student

I hospital duty as a student

nurse, and I was so ex-
cited. It was like a dream
come true. At last, I could go away
from the stuffy classrooms and text-
uniform and letting me have a real
"Are you crazy?" I managed to get
out of his arms, whirling around to slap
him soundly a_ cross his face. "Just who
nurses. Well, this is one you can forget
about. I'm studying to be a nurse, and
I'm not interested in any of your silly
games. And you can spread the word,
buster. I'll report the first guy that fries
books and actually enter the place do you think you are mauling me this anything. You dig?"
where it all happened. . _where I was way? You keep your dirty hands off "Oh, 1 dig, all right, sweetie," his
needed. Of course, the work was me or I'll report you to the super- eyes narrowed and his lips were a thin
routine, as we'd been told it would visor. . ." line. "But I don't think you do."
be—empty bedpans, change linens, For a moment, he just looked at me. I was still mad when I got back to the
give backrubs. But it was a start, and I Then he blinked his eyes and nurses station, and Audrey Petty was
knew that in time I would be a real chuckled, "Well, little Miss 'Touch-Me- standing there looking at a patient's
nurse, fulfilling my life's dream. Not,' I honestly think you would." chart, but I guess I still looked mad,
And then Rich Gibson slipped up "You bet your sweet life I would," I because she said: "What's wrong with
behind me in the linen closet and snapped, straightening my wrinkled you? You look like you could bite a
grabbed me. "Hey, they ARE real," he uniform as best I could. I was fuming nail in two."
laughed, squeezing my breasts while I with anger. "I've heard about you I told her I was just that angry. Then
struggled against him. "Nice, too. How smart-aleck interns, how you're always I told her about Rich Gibson, and, to
14 Satistg
His lips trailed little kisses down
my throat, finally fastening on
one taut nipple and sucking

my surprise, she _just laughed at me. once? Don't let it mark you for life, dating someone else, and when I
"What are you so upset about? Dr. honey. We all have those now and threw my pride to the winds and
Gibson was just having fun. This is my then. You just can't be bitter about it. begged him to tell me what I had done
first day, and so far I've been mauled And if you were to report one of the wrong, his eyes flicked over me like I
three times. I don't mind a bit. I've got interns, they'd all hate you. Nobody was a bothersome pest. and he sort of
a date with Dr. Ryder tonight." ever reports an intern. sneered at me as he said, "Well, baby,
"Well, maybe YOU like being "Just leave me alone, please," I you just ain't got it, you know? I mean,
pinched and pawed, but not me," I pressed my fingertips to my temples, you go through the motions, but
snapped. "And the next one that tries, turning away I was grateful when I you're not all that terrific in the
gets reported. Dr. Gibson can spread heard her skirts swish, going on down backseat."
the word. I'm interested in doing my the hall. It was none of her business. It "I've tried," I said quickly, anxiously.
job, and that's it." was none of anyone's business. What "Deke, I have really tried, but I'm new
She continued to stare at me, happened between Deke and me was at sex. You know I was a virgin when
shaking her head from side to side. my secret—one 1 wanted to keep you took me, and I just don't know a
"While we're on the subject, Marisue, forever locked inside of me. whole lot. -
just what is it with you? You never 1 was only 14, but I had loved him "Yeah, but when I try to teach you,
date. You freeze guys out. Yet, you're with all my heart. I gave myself to him you freeze up. I ain't got time to beg,
a pretty girl, and you get plenty of wholly and completely, but it was not baby. There are too many chicks
offers. What was it? A bad experience enough. Within a few weeks, he was around who know the score and like to
ball, you know? Come back when you with a flashlight, the beam moving up He cursed me, yelled that I'd
get a little older." and down my body as he made little promised to loosen up, and I was
"Please," I begged shamelessly. smacking noises of approval with his going to do it to him whether I liked it
"Please give me another chance, lips. "I think for tonight," he said finally or not. His grip on my head tightened,
Deke. I'll do anything you say." clicking off the light, "I'll teach you to and he kept pushing himself at me
"Well," his tongue moved around give head. . ." until I was forced to open my mouth.
his lips slowly as he looked at me I didn't know what he was talking And then he plunged inside—and he
through half-closed lids. "Okay. I'll about, and the next thing I knew he kept plunging until he satisfied himself.
pick you up tonight, and I'll give you was straddling my chest, his hands And afterwards, he slapped me until
one more chance. You loosen up that fastening on the back of my head and my head was ringing, and he left me
tail of yours, or I'm through. You got pulling it forward. Then I felt it—the there in the woods and told me I could
it?" slick, hard object thrusting at my walk home. It was a horrible experi-
I thought I did, but I was not mouth. "Take it," he commanded.
prepared for what he asked me to do "Take it and do it good, baby."
that night. We drove to the woods, Panic-stricken, I started jerking my
and he told me to take off all my head from side to side, struggling, Being a student nurse, I'd seen
clothes and lay down on the ground. screaming, "No, no, I can't. Please, my share of naked men, but this
This, I did. Then he stood over me Deke, no. . ." one was one man I really liked
looking at.

ence, and it turned me off of men from

then on. It was branded upon my soul
that they only wanted to abuse a
woman sexually, and they were selfish
slobs. I decided to become a nurse and
have a career I could dedicate myself
to. No man would ever use me again.
A few days went by without
incident, but then I was in the supply
room again, and this time it was Tom
Saunders who grabbed me. He wasn't
as rough as Rich had been, but
certainly as obnoxious. He ran his
hands up and down my hips, as his
lips tried to close on mine as I tried to
twist away from him. "Hey, don't be
that way," he whispered coaxingly.
"You're the best-looking student nurse
we've got this year, you know that? I'd
like to get to know you better„ . ."
One hand moved to my breast and
the other grabbed me between the
legs, and l opened my mouth to
scream, but his came down in a
tongue-melding kiss to silence me. I
was no match for his strength, and he
easily got my skirt up and my panty
hose down, and he began fingering
me as I continued to struggle.
In desperation, I bit his tongue.
"What the hell. . ." he jerked his head
back, his hands moving away from
I was jerking at my hose, straighten-
ing my uniform, and I was shaking
with fury. "I warned you bastards I'd
report you," I hissed at him. "This is
the last straw. All of you are going to
learn that Marisue Bishop is not going
to put up with your molesting."
"You report me to the Chief, and
you'll pay baby," he snarled. "I
promise you that. . ."
I ignored his threat, storming out of
{Continued on page 45)
ollar Really
ange Your Life?
At last, the secret of the Morgana Candle revealed.
The strange true story of
Some People Have It All Jeffrey Prescott For You
Ever notice how some people seen, to have And now here's the opportunity for you
their days filled with life's riches? They to share in this blessed flame of happiness.
travel, have money, are healthy, own big
homes, have 'good jobs, family happiness. A Simple Offer
Ever been surprised that these people often Send me two dollars and I'll send you
are no smarter, harder working or better two Morgana Candles... And the prayer.
educated than you?
Absolute Guarantee
The Secret Burn one candle. If your life isn't notice-
The secret is something that we call ably better just return the other one. I'll re-
"luck." The Indians call it "Karma," the fund the money you paid far BOTH candles
tribes of South America call it "Ritpla." But even though you've returned only one. What
what is this... and can it be changed? could be fairer? Of course, no one can guar-
antee you love, health and wealth but you
.My Story have nothing to lose!
A few years ago my life was average... An invitation to Joy,
or a little worse. l had a low paying job, lots About Me
of bills, and frequent unexplained stomach
Health and untold I don't know why I was chosen but let me
pains. I spent a good deal of time wondering Wealth. tell you a few interesting facts. Since dis-
how I could really make my life work well. coverihg the Morgana Candle my life is per-
How I too could experience the joys of life. My Friend Reappears fect. I have all the money I need. Money,
I tried study, magic amulets. changing jobs. love, good health seem strangely attracted
But the more "tried" the more things About a month later I was sitting in a to me. I want you to know I'd Iike to share
stayed the same. movie theatre enjoying my new found joy. it all with you, on a no risk offer. But if you
Suddenly I turned to my right and he was don't want it it's really okay with me. I love
Then A Strange Happening there again. This time clutching a slightly everyone and I love you just as you are re-
One bleak night I was walking in down- larger hag, He told me a story so amazing gardless of whether or not you'd like a Mor-
town New York. The snow was a foot deep I'm frightened to repeat it. As he softly gana Candle.
and I was feeling depressed. I suddenly smiled he talked in almost a whisper," Jeffrey,
tripped. fell face down in the snow. 'Ihe next I want to share the secret of the Morgana Why It Works?
thing I knew a slim old man was helping me Candle... and I want you to share it with the Many ask why the Morgana Candle works
up. The gentleness of his face overwhelmed world." On a piece of yellowing paper was and who the old man was. Frankly I don't
me; yet the strength of his hand was fabu- the place to buy candles. He said to say noth- know. I only know that it works.
lous. ing when I went to buy candles and sell it to
Very Strange anyone that was sincere in improving there Buy More Than Two
there life. He told me Never charge more
If you'd like more than two (For your
As I got up he greeted me by name. I than A Doflar for a candle and be sure to
own life or for gifts) the same guarantee
asked how he knew my name. he only give each buyer the secret prayer. Then he
applies. Burn the first one...if it doesn't
smiled, Then he handed me a brown paper smiled gently and added "Burn a Candle
work return the other candles for a full
bag. He said there is something inside for when you feel the need. For some a candle
refund including the first.
me. We walked together for a few blocks will last a lifetime for others one a month
without saying anything. It all seemed is perfect...they will know."
strange to me As we turned a corner sud-
My Sales Begin You Have Nothing
denly my new "friend" wasn't there, I
looked around. As mysteriously as he _ We both sat quietly for the rest of the
To Lose
arrive he was gone, movie. I got up and left. The next day I went Order today... a new world may be
to the address an the slip of papers and got waiting for you.
Then a Miracle a supply of candles. Most of my friends SIM MP =I ME MI
When I got home I opened the paper bag scoffed but a few had seen my new life
and I found a small candle with a note. The begin. JEFFREY PRESCOTT
note advised me to burn the candle and re-
peat a two sentence prayer. At first I was
One Startling Event 516 Fifth Avenue Dept 0 45
going to throw it away. Somehow I was After Another New York, N.Y. 10036
overcome with a strong desire to follow the The first buyer called me the next morn-
instructions. I burnt the candle, repeated ing and told me of his cured arthritis. Here
the prayer and promptly fee! asleep. When Yes. I want to try the Morgana Candle'
are some actual other stories over the last on your absolute money-back gqarantee.
I awoke I felt great... In fact better than I years
ever felt in my life, ❑ Enclosed is $2.00 [Ms 50h postage and I
• A•sehool teacher finds money for a new handling) Send two candies and the prayer. •
Instant Success house. Encloked is $5.00 (Plus 51.00 postage and 1
• A businessman's company increases 10 handlingl Send six candles and the privet.
My life, from that night on just seemed to
fold in one year.- Please do Not order more than six candles..
get better and better. That day I got a huge
• An elderly woman finds love the first
raise. a total surprise. My health seemed time.
perfect. I was in absolute tune with the Name
• A young housewife has new joy from
her husband.
One Lucky Thing • A "C" student starts getting "A"
After Another ■ A senior citizen finds his debts disap- City State Zip
Day after day things seemed to get bet- pear.
ter. income tax refunds, family harmony, • A married couple find their marriage
start to work.
I New York residents must add tax .
Cdl 1976 Jell rey Prescott
big job offers. It was like a dream.
11.11=MM ■ IMIIM=11= ■ .111
MY 13017F1?101
Without Lifting
A Hnd!
His white, thick shaft protruded from a curly forest of dark hair.
Smitten with desire. my legs parted of their own accord.

arvin. Marvin Bialystoker. Unfortunately, Marvin wasn't a-

1\4 1 know that name means

nothing to you. But for
years I couldn't hear those
two proper nouns without becoming
eligible for a cardiac arrest. Yes, 1 was
round to witness my marvelous trans-
formation. After graduating he sped
off to college, and for years no one
heard from him.
1, too, pursued my own life. After
completely, madly and hopelessly in finishing high school, I enrolled in our
love with Marvin Bialystoker. local theatrical institution to follow
Hopeless. That was the one adjec- another life-long obsession—acting!
tive I could do nothing about. As a was more successful here than with
scrawny thirteen-year-old with mousy Marvin. After one year of daily classes
brown hair, I was of no interest to the and four leading roles in repertory
captain of the football team, the head productions I was told to go east.
of the junior class and the idol of the "You've the makings of an excellent
teenage set. So I had to content myself actress," my kindly instructor told me.
with the dubious rewards of the "But by staying in Iowa you'll only
lovesick—catching glimpses of Marvin work yourself into a rut. Go to New
between classes, watching his charging York! Experience life! Experience love!
form during football practice, and my And really learn how to act!"
fantasies. So at age 20 I packed my clothes,
My fantasies were most nourishing. careful to include my snapshot of
In my fantasies 1 was a dazzling beauty Marvin (no longer foremost in my
queen. Marvin and I would romp mind, he still played a starring role in
through fields of golden wheat. He'd my dreams), said good-bye to my
rescue me from the arms of an skeptical parents ("don't ride in any-
over-ardent lover. There wasn't a thing but Checker taxis," my father
romantic cliche that my dreams didn't warned. "All the rest are a bunch of
cover. thieves!") and headed for the Big
The years passed. Despite my Apple.
steadfast conviction that 1 would perish At first New York was totally
without Marvin, I didn't. Instead, I overwhelming. Adrift in a jumble of
grew up into a woman. With a little sights, smells and sounds, I was
help from a beautician and a bottle of completely disoriented. But eventually
rinse, my hair took on a flattering I got my bearings; 1 rented a small
golden color. And with the help of studio in Greenwich Village and
Mother Nature my body blossomed enrolled in the HB Acting Studio.
into a voluptuous hourglass Well, 1 was experiencing life—daily
figure-36-23-35, to be exact. existence in the city took care of that. I
■ .

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was earning' t o act. an a er about ' But ' ''''
four months I was experiencing love. you Ma'am" type. His tongue...
Well, physical love, anyway. ';,.--s-:„ihegan licking me all over--it ran down
There was a real cute guy in my • neck, circled my swelling breasts,::: --
class. He wasn't Marvin Bialystoker, grazed my belly. thighs and ankles. It
but then again, who was? But my went everywhere except my eager
fellow student was nice—beautiful. pussy. Leave it to Rodney to leave the
brown hair framed an impish face, his best part for last.
body was muscular and compact and Finally, when I thought I'd explode,
boy, could he act. I was certain that his head dove for my crotch. He
he'd be the next Al Pacino. opened my hungry lips with his, and
One day our assignment was a his tongue burrowed deep into my
scene from Bell, Book and Candle. snatch.
and Rodney (that's his name) and I Fiercely. I swiveled my hips around 'i e.
had been told to work together. his pulsating tongue. The most in-
That evening we went back to my credible feeling spread out from the
apartment to rehearse. I played Kim small of my back, Yes, that was it. I
Novak's role in the film version—a was coming. Like a darn breaking
beautiful witch. And Rodney played loose, my love juices surged into his
the man with whom she falls in love. In sucking mouth.
our scene they kiss—long passionate Rodney still wasn't finished. Neither
embrace. Rodney, a stickler for au was With a quick upward thrust his
thenticity, ignited a firecracker. cock replaced his tongue. Again, my
"You're beautiful," he whispered, body went berserk. All - those years of
completing a 'kiss which left me pining for Marvin had left me a very
breathless. "And you've got me rd• altaC unfulfilled woman. My hands dug into
bewitched." his asscheeks and pressed hard. I
Now those lines were definitely not wanted his prick to scorch my very
in the script! But Rodney's probing depths. At last, our bodies heaving,
tongue worked magic. I wasn't a His tongue ran down my neck, our breaths corning in short strangled
witch. I couldn't turn him into Marvin circled my swelling breasts, gasps, we climaxed!
Bialystoker. But nevertheless, my grazed my belly, thighs and For the next several days, my feet
body was ready for sex. "Yes," my ankles — everywhere except my barely touched the pavement. I felt
fingers stroked the little hairs on the eager pussy. exhilarated and free, Rodney wasn't
back of his neck. Marvin Bialystbker. but nevertheless,
There was no need for further talk. our sexual experiences gave me this
Body language sent my message marvelous liberated feeling. And I did
across. My breasts swelled against his like Rodney. Perhaps not with the
shirt. His crotch bulged against my passionate intensity of my Marvin
thigh. fantasies. But that was alright. Now, I
Tenderly, Rodney undressed me. ' also had my acting.
Attentively. he removed my blouse So life progressed. Naturally not on
and bra with the same fiery concentra- the same exalted plane as those first
tion he lavished on a role. He days (after all, this was life on earth,
marveled at my breasts' suppleness. not in heaven), but they went along
"They're treasures," he murmured, quite nicely. Rodney and I spent a lot
testing their weight with gentle but of time together—quiet little dinner
ardent fingers. He drew one nipple '.1 dates, working on our ,4.C.n?es, and
then the other into his mouth. • study_ Study: Study. Stuitl9lRodriey
"Jewels," he said, his lips sucking my and I both wanted to be tops.
nipples into hardred rubies. At last we were ready. "Acting is like
When he:40,45-: finished with my life," our instructor told us. "You can
treasure chSti-aIhe seemed to put it) never stop learning. But it is time to
his hands caressed their way down to step out into the world," First New
my:waist. He eased off my skirt, then York, - then the world. Life was
sJO.Wly unrolled my panties. Taking my expanding!
nine and trembling body into his Which leads me to phase two of my
- he pressed me to my mattress. education. The audition.
Then he quickly stripped. I wasn't If I was walking on a pink cloud
disappointed. He looked great without before. now I was living out the dark
clothes. A wide hard chest expanded underbelly. I hated to audition. Oh. I
into rippling muscular arms. And his didn't mind so much doing a scene for
cock! A tribute to his sex! A white thick strangers. That I could handle. But
shaft protruded from a vigorous forest what I really hated was being judged.
of black hair. Smitten with desire, my No you're too short. No you're too
legs parted of their own accord. tall. No, you re not right, we need an
20 ---- --- ---
Irish girl. It was nerveracking! Didn't t.
those boobs know that as an actress, I
could act a role. It didn't matter that I ,,,,, .84 '•
wasn't born to look exactly like the
Rodney did his best to comfort me.
"Don't let it get you down," he'd
soothe. "There are a lot of actresses
trying for that same role. That's why
the producers can be so choosy
Rodney was certainly correct on that
count. Not until I left school did I
realize how many other actresses were
around. Every audition hall was
stocked with actresses—all waiting for
that one big break.
"It's alright for you to talk,"
answered petulantly. "You've got a
part." Naturally when I'd heard the

His tongue explored my mouth,

skirting my gums, flicking under
my tongue, and extended to the
back of my mouth.

news I was delighted. The chance for

Rodney to play Biff for a six week run
at a regional theater in Chicago. It was
wonderful! Just the kind of meaty role to be proud of me. He was so "Of course." Marvin's grin was filled
Rodney loved. But now it would be successful (he mailed me rave re- with self-importance. "It's been years."
me, fighting the mob alone. views), I wanted to be on top. too. I He firmly grasped my elbow. "Let me
"Don't worry," Rodney encouraged dreamed of surprising him by sending buy you lunch. tell you all about it."
me. "You're too good to go un- him good notices. But nothing hap- Soon I was accompanied to an
noticed. Just keep plugging. Some- pened. My days were filled with expensive restaurant. As I sat across
thing will happen." loneliness and dejection. from Marvin, I could hardly believe
Well, after a teary farewell, 1 tried to Enter a phantom from my past. You this was all real. We gossiped about
keep Rodney's words close to my guessed it—Marvin Bialystoker! folks back home, but although I
heart. Everyday, pictures and resume One rainy day I was busily skirting mouthed the proper answers, my
in tow, I'd pound the pavement with puddles when I heard someone call mind was in the clouds. The way
the rest of the young hopefuls. With my name. "Sherry. Sherry Danner. Marvin's eyes glistened at me, like hot,
Rodney gone, though. each day Don't you remember me? We went to dark coals, And I? I didn't know what I
became more and more depressing. high school together." felt. My head swam in a murky sea of
Now I didn't have anyone to compare I lifted my umbrella, which blocked confusion.
notes with, no one to work over a my view, and there he was—clear as "So what brings you to Fun City?"
scene. And no one to laugh with and day. Marvin was asking.
make it all a big joke. Yes, as the days I was too shocked to respond, so I hadn't intended to say all I did. But
drew on, I realized how much Rodney Marvin kept talking. "Christ you've soon the words came pouring out.
had come to mean to me. I missed changed." His eyes assessed me How I was a struggling actress. My hack
him. And yes. I think I loved him. approvingly. almost didn't recognize of offers. Everything.
My letters now began with "Dear- you. But I saw your name on that Sparks went off in Marvin's eyes.
est." The endings were signed "All my package." His eyes swept to the brown "That's fantastic!" he exclaimed.
love." The impossible had happened. folder in my grasp where my name "What timing! I happen to be a film
Rodney had replaced Marvin Bialy- was e.mblazened in big red letters. producer. And you're perfect for my
stoker in my heart. Rodney was my Marvin had changed, too. Oh, he leading lady."
real boyfriend, now. was still attractive, but he'd put on I almost fainted dead-away. Could it
Nevertheless, love did not soothe weight, and even though he was be? Marvin Bialystoker was actually
my aching heart, nor my aching feet. expensively dressed, there was some- going to rescue me? The prince from
for that matter. I still hadn't landed any thing almost tacky about his appear- my past was going to change my entire
roles. Not even a walk-on part. And I ance. "You've changed, too," I told life?
wanted so badly to act. Not only for him, naturally omitting that it was for "I have a script right here." Marvin
myself, but for Rodney. I wanted him the worse. (Continued on page 48)
I was a doctor, a professional. My
old balling days as an intern were
over now.

r. Slocumb slapped me on So, here I was. And, even though I

D the back and said,"Well,my

boy, how do you like our
offic'es? Great, aren't they?
Modern, up-to-date. You couldn't ask
for a better facility."
was a bit nervous about getting
started, despite all my training, I was
looking forward to it.
Just then Kaye Wesley, the office
nurse, came in to tell me that Dr.
I nodded appreciatively and grate- Slocumb had an emergency at the
fully. To graduate and walk right into a hospital. "He said for you to take over.
set-up like this was unreal. I turned to I have Mrs. Jennings set up in
the aging doctor and reached to shake Examination Room Number Three."
his hand. "Thank you, sir," I said She handed me the woman's chart,
earnestly. "You don't know how much and as we walked down the carpeted
this means to me, and believe me, I'm hallway, Kaye filled me in. The
going to give you my best." woman was having spotting between
"Well, you'll be putting in a lot of periods, bleeding after intercourse,
hours," he sighed, pulling out a pipe to some pain. I looked through the chart
begin packing it. "I've got more and saw that she had no chidren but
patients than I can handle, and I'm was trying to get pregnant.
getting old. I want time to spend on Kaye brushed against me as we
the golf course, so I'll gradually be entered the room, and I wondered if it
turning more and more responsibility was intentional. Her breast had
over to you. And, when I retire one rubbed against my arm, and as I
day. we'll work out an agreement, and glanced at her, she gave me a very
this practice will all be yours." inviting smile. It HAD been intention-
Ms. Casey, the office receptionist, al, and Kaye was some babe, but I
stepped to the doorway and told Dr. reminded myself my old balling days
Slocumb the hospital was trying to as an intern were behind me now. I
reach him. He left to go to the phone, was a doctor, a professional, and I
and I just walked around touching wasn't about to get involved with the
things. unable to fully grasp what an office nurse.
opportunity had been placed right in The patient was lying on the
my lap. While other new doctors were examination table, legs up in the
struggling to set up their own practice, stirrup and covered with a drape. I
buy equipment, or being forced to take walked around the side to greet her,
staff jobs till they got on their feet and that's when I blinked in surprise
financially, Dr. Slocumb was offering and gasped, "Judy! Judy Brewster.
me a solid future. I liked my home- My God, girl. I haven't seen you since
town of Pinehurst, where I'd grown graduation."
up. Sure, it was a small town, and like "Terry Bennett" her pretty face
all young guys, I wanted to get out and smiled up at me. "I'd heard Dr.
see the world. As it turned out, Dr. Slocumb was taking in an associate,
Slocumb was a life-long friend of my but I never dreamed it was you."
father's, with no children of his own, We chatted for a few moments
and he was only too eager to offer a about our high school days, people we
partnership to his best friend's son. had known, We laughed about the few
dates we'd had before her "then no comment, I turned to see that her
boyfriend" and "now" husband had face had turned pale, and her eyes
stolen her away from me. Kaye stood wide with fear. "Hey, it's nothing to
there looking very bored, finally get excited about," I jumped up and
reminding me that we had other went to stand beside her and hold her
patients waiting. Judy looked em- hand. "It's a very simple, minor
barrassed, and I made a mental note operation. You'll be asleep, and most
to let Ms. Wesley know that in the of the time, there's no discomfort
future she was not to speak to me in afterwards."
such a way at any time, particularly in She raised those violet eyes that
front of a patient. I might be a used to haunt me in my dreams.
fledgling. . a beginner, but by God. I "Terry, will you do the operation? I'll
was due some respect. feel better knowing I have you there."
It was only when I positioned myself "Well, sure." I said, braver than I
between Judy's parted thighs that the felt. If I had my way. I'd never look at
feeling hit me. A flash went through her vagina again—not as long as she
my mind of a night when I had her was married. but what else could I say?
panties off, my finger moving up and After she had gone, the day whizzed
down between her legs, her vagina by in a flurry. I had several more
sticky against me. I had begged her to women to examine, and it bothered
give it to me, but she had refused, and me that I kept getting an erection each
I knew she wanted it every bit as much time I poked around in the privates of
as I did. a patient who was particularly attract-
ive and appealing_ Sure, I'd done
pelvic exams in school, but there were
This girl and I used to pet and kiss always professors and other doctors
and drive each other wild — and around. This was different. Only Kaye
here I was poking around be- (Continued on page 50)
tween her legs.

I casually moved the drape back and

there it was, staring me right in the
face—the vagina I had once so
desperately wanted to ram my penis
in. And it was not my imagination now
that her body was trembling. I cleared
my throat and said, "I see by your
chart that you're having some spotting
and bleeding after intercourse."
Her voice was barely audible as she
said, "Yes, and I'm naturally worried
about cancer. And Chuck and I want a
baby so badly. We've been trying for
over three years without any luck."
She chattered on, and I let her,
knowing it was helping her to get
through such a tense moment. I mean,
good grief, maybe a lot of time had
passed, but this girl and I used to pet
and kiss and drive each other to a
frenzy—and here I was poking around
between her legs.
I slid the instrument into her vagina.
widening it, so I could see inside her. I
felt the rising in my trousers, hoped my
coat would hide it, prayed that my
hands would not tremble. I took the
swab Kaye handed me and got the
necessary smear for the Pap test, then
the examination was over.
I instructed her to sit on the edge of
the table, while I glanced over her
chart, then said we would need to
schedule a "D & C" to obtain tissue for
laboratory analysis. When she made
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No vibrator in the world could
compare to Mel's hardness filling
me to the point where I thought I
could burst. 9;a7aa ;fat
ou're killing yourself just as to believe. A little romp in the hay First I would drive down to the
surely as if you were certainly wasn't as dangerous as marketing survey office and collect my
holding a loaded shotgun working your fingers to the bone every samples. This week I was supposed to
to your head!" The words day at a demanding job. test imitation sausage. Mr. Clements,
I'd screamed at Mel earlier that I melted whenever I thought of his my boss, was going to give me the
morning still seemed to hang in the air. lean, hard body, still in shape even area I should work in and the number
He'd slammed the back door behind though he was 43, and his chest and of homes I had to reach.
him on his way to work and I was thighs and the hard insistence of his It was harder than I thought it would
instantly guilty. In his condition I knew manhood. I could feel myself getting be. My feet were aching when I got
it wasn't a good idea to get emotional. wet inside my panties and I just had to home, but I couldn't stop to rest. I had
He might have another heart attack. do something about it. No vibrator in to change and get dinner so Mel
But somebody had to talk sense into the world could compare to Mel's wouldn't know what I'd been up to.
him. He was working his way to an hardness filling me to the point where I I stood at the sink, chopping
early grave. He wouldn't listen to me, thought I would burst. And although I cabbage for cole slaw and reflecting on
though. Him and his male chauvinist could bring some release by touching my day. It wasn't easy to convince
ideas! myself, it just wasn't the same peak of people I wasn't trying to sell anything
"When can I go back to work?" ecstacy I used to have with my and some people were so busy they
Those were his first words when he husband. Maybe working would take wouldn't stop to talk to me, even
opened his eyes in the hospital room. my mind off my problems. though I was giving them free imitation
And sure enough, as soon as the I stacked up the questionnaires and sausage. It would get easier, though,
doctors would let him, he was back on checked my makeup in the mirror. and I did have some apartment
the job doing contracting estimates.
"Lauren," he'd said, "if anything else
should happen to me, I want you to be
well taken care of."

I felt as if a hand was pushing my

head down to tongue his nipples
and bite them . . .down his chest
to his navel.

I appreciated his sentiments. I

mean, I didn't want to be widowed
and poverty-stricken, but he still
wouldn't relent about my taking a jOb.
Mel had never wanted me to work. He
said that it went against his principles.
Well, I'd rather be a wife with a real
husband than a rich widow any day.
I went to the linen closet and dug
out a fat manila envelope from
beneath the stack of towels. I was
going to begin working, and if it was so
much against his principles, Mel just
didn't have to know about it. I planned
to bank the money and then tell Mel a
rich aunt died and left it to me. Maybe
then he would stop working so hard
and act like a husband should act.
Doing marketing research would be
good for me. I could set my own hours
and all I had to do was go from door to
door and give away samples of
products. A week later I'd return and
ask the people how they liked what I'd
given them. I'd always gotten along
with people. The whole thing sounded
like fun.
I had to do something. Being at
home alone all day with nothing but
the TV made me climb the walls—es-
pecially since Mel had lost all interest in
sex. He was afraid of having another
heart attack, he said. I found that hard
buildings so I didn't have to walk as I knew it was hopeless and said to his waist. No, I couldn't! If I followed
much as I might have. nothing. You couldn't argue with him the instincts of my body I would blow
One man had been very friendly. when he had his mind made up. it. I tried to think of something boring,
He lived in a singles complex and he'd Maybe that was where I'd gone wrong. like dinner, so I could shut off the
even given me a cup of coffee. I I argued with him about the sex thing; desire for a while, so I wouldn't
wondered what he had on his mind. even the doctor had argued with him, pressure him.
Probably the same thing I had on mine saying it was good for his heart I guided him to the bed and lay
all the time. I pushed against the condition. Maybe a little friendly beside him, rubbing the muscles of his
counter and felt the throbbing begin, persuasion would work. "Dinner won't back until I felt him let go of the tension
the wetness between my legs, the be ready for half an hour. Why don't he carried there.
burning down there. The tears started you lie down on the bed and I'll give Then I let my fingers gently trail
coming then and I don't think it was you a real back rub?" along his smooth skin, tickling and
from the onions I was chopping. I felt "Sure! That I can't refuse." tracing patterns into his back. The
dumb and horny as hell. Marriage was warm smell of his skin was one of the
supposed to be different—not rubbing most potent aphrodisiacs I'd ever
yourself up against a counter and known. I could feel my nipples
I could tell that this guy was
having fantasies about what you growing erect beneath my thin sweat-
hung, and he was starting not to
couldn't have, er, and as I tickled his back I let my
hang if you know what I mean.
"Hi, Hon." Mel was home. He gave arm gently brush against them, re-
me a kiss and flopped down on a membering the light touch of Mel's
kitchen chair. "How was your day? fingers.
Mine was awful." Slowly I unbuttoned his shirt, "I'm hungry, Mel." I moaned.
"Oh, it was just the usual," I said, revealing the silver tinged black hair He rolled over to face me. "You
hoping to cover up. I dried my hands that matted his broad chest. I pulled know I can't do anything about that."
and went oven and began rubbing the thin material back over his His eyes were filled with hurt. "I'm
Mel's shoulders. "Maybe you could shoulders and off his arms and kissed sorry if I'm not the man you imagined
take a vacation, even just a couple of him gently on the throat. I felt as if me to be, but when you married me
days off," I suggested. there was a hand pushing my head you knew I was older."
"Not a chance in the world!" 4he down to tongue his nipples and bite "But 1 don't want you to run in the
snapped. "There's a dozen younger them. . down his chest to his navel. Olympics and you don't even have to
men out there ready to take my job if I That used to drive him wild, when I do anything but touch me a little."
let down for a minute." would nibble around. . . down, down (Continued on page 54)

Will you try my
for just one month
entirely at my risk, without your gambling
a penny?
Why Do I Call It My "Age-Less Diet"? Because
20 Years Ago, I Learned How To Build A Diet
Let roc repeat this fact. Its so incredibly important that THIS WOMAN IS
l must say it again:
AL the same time that pounds and inches are literally drain-
ing nut of your body with this diet 5 Of 10 or even more years
seem to be evaporating right out of your face. Look at her 41-year'old face. Look at her 4I-year-old
This is why I call it the "Age-Less Diet". Because not only body. And then ark wurself whether its worth your
your body suddenly looks so young. But your face also begins to while to fey the "Age-Lets Diet" that has KEPT her
look so young at exactly die same time. looking like this for over 20 years?
And both your body and your face suss that way. Perma- This phrito is completely unrctouched. A notary public
nently. For 20 years so far-in my case. Because that 5 exactly has attested to the fact that she was 41 years, 9 months
as long as my face has stayed the same on this diet And exactly
and 14 days old when it was taken!
as long as my body ham t gained a single ounce on this diet,
For 20 full years-SO far.
Which is another reason I call it my "Age-Less Diet". Be-
cause MCC YOU RO on it, and stay on it, then from that moment
on you actually seem to be ageless, not going to take away a single dish you Love. I'm even going
have for 20 years. And you can too, or it won't cost you to include two candy snacks a day- Otherwise, you'd only be
a penny. able to stay on this diet for three weeks to a month-nist like
oil the others you've tried More-and then jOhrll go right hark
to swelling up your body all oser again'.
But You Must Understand WHY This Diet Seems To "So you can eat what you want", he said. - You can go
Smooth Years Out Of Your Face, At The Same Time right hack to the foods you love-because they're the exact
It Melts Pounds Right 011 Your Body! loads that are hest for your .face."'
"But" - and his face grew fatherly and stern-"Yodve got to
And I mean it melt', pounds AND pounds right off your eat them now the titian way. The scientific way. In exactly the
body. Because Ise never found a reducing diet-anywhere- way 1 tell you. And exactly at the times I tell you."
that could take off as musty pounds. as quickly and easily and "And once you eat them this way", he said, "you talc the
permanently, as this diet. And actually do II by including, every 'fat-poisons' tight nut of them. You turn them into face-foods
day, sugar laden and Lit-laden foods. Plus the fact that you instead of fat-foods. And I canpromise you this: do exactly
must "indulge yourself' in two candy snacks every single 'day what I tell you, and one month from now you'll kiss your im-
as swell. age in the mirror for joy."
Let me tell you how I discovered it: 'And 20 years from now, you'll look just about the same as
Twenty years ago, when I started modelling, I also starred you do today. Decatur duet puts more age In Mg patients' laces
housewifing, and cooking my first meals for my husband and than rime does. And this way of eating won't let you 'diet-age'
myself. And I think you can guess exactly what happened. I at all."
was happy. I'm a good cook, And I started to gain weight like
mad. So This Ad Is A Tribute To That Great Man.
This frightened me even more than it frightens the ordinary He Cool Read It Now. But I've Spent 20
woman. Because my career as a model depended on my stay- Years Proving It. And Now I want Ta Pass
ing slim And so I went on the usual crash dirt_ And in two
weeks my fate looked like someone had pumped all the muscle On What He's Given me TO YOU.
right out of it. So this is my offer to you:
So what was it to be for the rest of my life? A fat figure? If you think I have a 41-year-old looking body, turn this page
Or a haggard face? I was smack up against the same horrible Row.
puzzle that confronts eiery woman as soon as her body begins If you think I have a 41-year-old looking face, turn this page
to put on too much weight. right now.
But most women make one great mistake when they reach But if you'd like to have this kind of body, and this kind
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their face second. below.
I couldn't. Because I was a mock!. And l didn't have to You'll get the full diet-everything he told me-everything
(thank goodness) because ny family doctor in Miami, Florida that kept me looking like this for 20 full years-yours to prove
-20 years ago-told me a medical secret that most women still to yourself, at my risk, for as long us you wish.
don't have the slightest inkling about. nee today. This is a simple diet plan that turns fat-foods into face-foods.
So that you cat what you want, but eat it smart this time. And
"Why Not Eat FACE MEALS", He Said, And Then since you're feeding your face, at the same time you're slim•
BODY MEALS? That Way, Your Face Stays Young ming your body, you become more and more bet:mind as you
lose more and more weight.
and Beautiful-Almost Ageless-WHILE YOUR It's a serious diet. It's a rigid diet-despite the fact that you
BODY JUST WON'T TOLERATE ANY MORE FAT!" still eat every food you love. Despite the fact that you must
Your face, this wonderful man told me, needs certain foods- have two candy snacks n day.
mainly sugars and fats-which, if rho" re eaten at the wrong But it's also an easy diet, once you set used to eating smart.
time and In the wrong way, simply blow your body up like a Thai's why you can stay on it-happily-for 20 years, as I've
balloon. done.
But if you cut out these vital sugars and fats from your diet- That's why it keeps you looking young, for so long_
and almost every reducing diet he'd seen did just that-then you
ruined your face by stoning it to death. And you aged that
That's why I call it my "Age-Less Diet".
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fate as much as two years for eiery two weeks you were on 1) Try it at my risk for a month. See exactly how much
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on a torture diet like this. And no the body became fatter If you're not delighted, return it to me then for every cent of
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N Gentlemen: Please rush me a ropy of Oleda Baker's
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Confidential Report AGE-LESS DEBT. 1 understand
But, said this doctor, what if you are those face-sugars and 21 Then stay on it for as long as you like. Six months. A year
Two years. Five years. It doesn't matter. if it ever fails you, that the Report is mine for only 19.90 and that after
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So the next step is up to you. I know you've tried other re-
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Single Food You Love. So All You Trim Off Is It did this for me. It can do the same for you. ADDRESS
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good to be true when I first sketch it out for you. Because I'm 380 Mad ison Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016 1

After working side by side all day,
it was no wonder we were so
eager for mutual satisfaction at
the end of the day.

You make him sound like a
woman-chaser, but he's not that
way. He loves me. I know he

can't pin-point the exact think of some excuse. Finally, I grab-

I time when I stopped

being "just" Dr. Ronald
Franks' office nurse.
Maybe the awareness between us was
there from the day he hired me, fresh
bed up some empty urine specimen
bottles and said, "I'm going to wash
these before I go, Laura. I get tired of
coming in on Monday with things all
messed up . ."
out of nursing school. I don't know. I It sounded feeble, and 1 realized
only know that we became lovers, and painfully that both of us knew it. I
he was everything in the world to me. could feel her eyes burning into my
1 waited anxiously for the last of the back, then I heard her suck in her
patients to be cleared out of the office, breath and say, "I know it's none of
then I hung around, straightening up my business, Toni, but you're playing
things. The insurance secretary. Laura with dynamite. She's never going to
Midler, seemed in no hurry to leave, let him go. She's mean and vicious,
and I thought I would lose my mind. and . ."
The sweet ache in my loins was I whirled around to face her, and
making me tremble, and I knew that didn't see condemnation in her eyes
the moment Laura was gone, I could — only pity. "I don't know what
rush into Ron's office, and he would you're talking about," I lied. "If you
be waiting to satisfy that hunger. are insinuating . . . ."
"Well, we're through for the day," "Oh, don't try to fool me, honey,"
Laura sighed, finally reaching for her she shook her head slowly from side to
bag. "Thank goodness, it's Friday. side. "I've been working for Dr. Franks
What would people do if they didn't for three years, ever since he set up his
have weekends to recuperate? I don't practice, and I've seen too many nur-
think I could stand it." ses like you come and go, not to men-
I mumbled something, politely - tion the gals at the hospital. Paula
agreeing with her, not daring to show Franks always wins out. I imagine she
my disappointment over Friday rolling knows about you, too, and she's just
around again. I hated the weekends biding her time, giving you some rope,
when I sometimes could not be with then she'll tighten the noose with you
Ron as much as I liked. At least Mon- like she did all the others."
day through Friday, I knew we had the "Why ... why are you telling me
sweet. passionate hours together once all this?" I felt sick.
the office was closed for the day. "Because I like you. I think you're a
Then Laura unloaded a bombshell. sweet kid. I also think you're too
"Toni, my car is at the garage, about young to get hurt like I've seen some
five blocks from here Could you give of his women hurt."
me a lift? It's right on your way." "You make him sound like a
"Uh . '. ." I was hedging, trying to woman-chaser," I cried, close to tears.

ego elf Xis anist

"He's not that way, Laura. He loves wonder we were in a stupor at the end the point of orgasm, then moving
me. I know he does." of each day, wanting satisfaction. His away, rubbing the whole area with the
Her laugh sounded brittle. "He lips closed on mine as he expertly un- palm of his big, strong hand.
loved them all, in his way. Ron would buttoned the top of my uniform. With "Oh, Toni. Toni . ." he mur-
love any woman who was kind to him. a gentle movement, he scooped my mured, both of us tumbling easily to
You've never met Paula. I hope you breasts from my bra, fondling them the floor with its thick, shag carpeting.
never do. She's a cold, hateful, eagerly, then pausing to rub each nip- " . .got to have you . ." He was
nagging witch, and she's made his life ple to tautness. He lowered his lips, fumbling with his trousers while I
hell. Haven't you ever wondered why sucking each in turn, and then his waited expectantly, knees bent, thighs
he doesn't just go on and get out?" hands were moving downwards, spread and ready to receive him. I
"I . . . I don't want to hear pulling up my skirt. sliding down my watched as his swollen, hard penis
anymore." I picked up the urine bot- white pantyhose. He began to leaped forward, coming towards me,
tles and ran into the bathroom, locking massage me between my legs, and, and I cried out loud with joy as he en-
the door behind me. I didn't come out tered me, rocking to and fro, filling me
until I heard Laura leave. Then, when with his wonderful manhood.
I stepped out, Ron was standing there, Ron knew just how to take both of
He began to massage between my
so handsome in his white coat, his us to the very edge of the pit of
legs and, my whole body trem-
dark hair curling about his neck and fulfillment, only to slow his move-
bling, I parted my thighs to give
ears, warm brown eyes filled with con- ments, sometimes stopping altogether,
him easier access.
cern. waiting . prolonging that exact,
"I thought I heard someone wonderful moment of release. My
crying . Then he took a look at my fingers dug into his back, and I arched
face and gathered me in his arms. my whole body trembling with flames, my body to meet his every thrust. And
"Darling, what on earth? What hap- I voluntarily parted my thighs, giving then he slammed into me,
pened?" him easier access. fast . . . fast . . .faster. I was boun-
He led me into his office, sitting Ron was a skilled,- considerate cing up and down on the floor, crying
down on the leather sofa to pull me in- lover. I hadn't been a virgin when we out loud, sobbing with ecstacy as my
to his arms. He began to rain kisses on met, but the few interns I'd had brief climax squeezed down upon me.
my face, and his hands started to affairs with had been selfish and "Ron . . . Ron . . . I love
wander. Both of us caught fire quickly. greedy, thinking only of their own you . . . I sobbed. "Never
After working side by side most of the needs. But not Ron. He slid his finger stop . . . oh, dear Lord ... never
day, our eyes sending secret messages up inside my vagina until I was in a stop ."
of desire, our bodies brushing against frenzy . then he moved to He came into me like a pile driver,
each other now and then, it was no delicately massage my clitoris just to (Continued on page 58)
How to make others secretly DO YOUR BIDDING
with the astonishing power of
Here's how to get started in just 3 minutes ...
Dear Friend: your neighbors won't say . . your boss keeps
New power is about to leap into your life . quiet about . . . ALL BROUGHT INTO THE
an astonishing way to control the thoughts and OPEN JUST FOR YOU!! They'll tell you all
actions of others without their knowing it . their secrets, but they won't know wily.
no matter how much they may nor want to fEl- Hold on now, because I haven't told you yet
low your instructions, they carry them out to a about the best part of "Automatic Mind-Com-
"T" every time! mand."
With "Automatic Mind-Command" you'll be You may have to bolt your door to keep peo-
running the show. Make a wish, turn on The ple from overwhelming you with love, gifts, fay-
Power, and watch those around you drop every- ors. rewards! Perfect strangers will be walking
thing and do what they're told. up to you and asking, "How are you'! Can I do
And nobody will even have the faintest idea anything for you?" They will never suspect that
that you're behind it all. That's the beauty of "Automatic Mind-Command" is impelling them
"Automatic Mind-Command"—you are the only to like you, please you . . and automatically
one who knows what's going on—y -ou alone de- want to help you.
cide when things should start . . . stop . . .
CONTROL YOUR FRIENDS OR STRANGERS! At first, I couldn't believe it, And yet I know
this to be true from my own personal experience
You can use it to control your friends or . time after time. For example .
strangers, one at a time or in large numbers, at A STRANGER HANDS HIM 3500—Harry
any time, and ANY WAY YOU LIKE. G., a low-paid factory' worker, wanted to start a
For example: Yoi4 go into a bank for a loan. business of his own. All he needed was cash to
The credit man smiles but says "Sorry_ You get started, but no one would give hint the
don't qualify for a loan right now: however, if money. Finally someone told hint how to use
there's anything else I can do for you, I'd be "Automatic Mind-Command"---and }-Itirry laugh-
glad to ," Then in a flash, his tune changes ingly tried it. A short time later, a perfect stran- contacting her by letter or phone. From far away
when you let loose your "Automatic Mind-Com- ger handed him 5500—saying he'd heard about . . he began using "Automatic Mind-Com-
mand" He continues, ''In fact, we'll be glad to Harry's plan, and was eager to help hint get mand!" In that instant, his girlfriend knew what
give you 51,000 more than you asked for. And started! she had to do. She dropped what she was doing,
any time you want more, just see me personally! Unusual? Not at all . things happen every excused herself and hurried to visit him, Arriv-
Thank you so much for coming by!" day with "Automatic Mind-Command." ing in record time—she hugged and kissed him,
Impossible'? You'll be doing things like that RECEIVES NEEDED CASH QUICKLY:— explaining that "something" told her he wanted
every day without even thinking about it. As Mrs. Thelma J. reports, "I needed money badly." and needed her, and what could she do for him!
soon as you need-something done, it's done! The Her husband hadn't worked in months, and their Now here's a most fantastic use of "Auto-
people who do these things for you will remem- sayings were running out. Then she discovered matic Mind-Command"—one I'm sure you'll
ber what they did, but not why: "Automatic Nlind-Command"—and turned on agree proves that here is a power which staggers
the power immediately! the next morning she the imagination!
FUN POWER—TOO! received a package containing several hundred For example, cases of health-symptoms re-
You can have a lot of fun with this power, too. dollars front friends and well-wishers site never lieved with "Automatic Mind-Command!" John
Look how Evelyn C. used it at work . . . One knew existed! C. reports that his hearing now seems normal
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quired why she had to make so much noise—and have recognized "Automatic Mind-Command." sharpened, and now seems normal! Lydia E. says
scolded her in front of everybody. Evelyn said The rest, who do not use it. pay the penalty in her arthritic symptoms of soreness and stillness
nothing, but smiled to herself—for she had just suffering, wishing, hoping, dreaming _ . Now I in the fingers were relieved when nothing else
turned on the "Automatic Mind-Command - say to you; Wish no more! seemed to help, and Mrs. M. S. was surprised
Suddenly the boss apologized for bring a scoun- when her leg pain disappeared. Bella S., who
drel. "Please I'm sorry," he said, in front of HOW TO GET STARTED IN JUST 3 MINUTES! complained of "ulcerative colitis" with stomach
everybody. "I'd like to make it tip to you!" And minute 1—Fill out the No-Risk Coupon and cramps and diarrhea, obtained fast relief .
he told her what a wonderful person she was! mail it to us. And others report relief from complaints of high
When Evelyn turned the power oil, the boss just Minute z, 2—When you receive a package in blood pressure, heart symptoms, "migraine"
stood there with an open mouth, wondering what the mail from us, open it. headaches, weakness, dizziness, fatigue, and
made him say all those things. Minute :73—Litt the front cover, and let the more,
Think what this power can mean in your life. secret feed itself in to your mind automatically.
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an cichild

source of constant irritation between

me and Crystal. She lets that kid get
There were kisses and sweet away with anything. He may be just
caressing words. It was all three years old, but he's a holy terror
acon was sizzling in the fry at times. All she does is play with him.
a dream. This delicious feel-

B pan, and biscuits were

browning in the oven,
when my son-in-law
stumbled sleepily into the kitchen. He
took one look at the table and his
ing was not real.
You can tell by the shape this house is
in that nothing else gets done "He took
a deep breath and hesitated, as though
wondering whether to go on. Then he
blurted, "To be perfectly honest with
drooping eyelids flew open as he you, Mona, I didn't want another
cried: "I don't believe it! Are we having baby. Not now. Not till Crystal gets
company or something?" He took two herself together. I think it's great she
or three steps backwards, clutching his likes kids, you know? But they're not
chest in a mock heart attack. supposed to monopolize a couple's
"Wayne, what are you talking life. She won't go on any of my trips
about?" I laughed, then surveyed the with me, because she doesn't want to
table myself. There was nothing out of leave Chuckle with a sitter, and I'm not
the ordinary, just a table set for dragging him along to whine and cry
breakfast. the whole time. Hell, we can't even go
"Well, I hate to talk about your anywhere around here. She wants to
daughter, Mona," he sighed, sliding stay with him. How do you think it's
into a chair, "but in the first place, she going to be now that there's another
never cooks breakfast—says she one?"
doesn't have time because of messing "Twice as bad, probably," I said,
with Chuckie. And when she does lifting the bacon and spreading it on a
cook, it's sort of thrown together, you paper towel to drain. Then I broke
knoW? She doesn't even set the table eggs into the skillet to fry. "I had no
this nice for dinner!" idea she had let herself, and her
"She wasn't brought up that way," marriage, go this way. You know, with
I said, my voice stiff. "I always tried to you kids in Hawaii, and you in the Air
set an attractive table. They say it's Force, and me back in New York, I
good for the digestion to sit down to a didn't get to see you, and I had no
pretty table. As for Chuckie, he's a way of knowing what was happening.
handful, but he's also quite spoiled. I probably couldn't have helped,
What do you two do? Give in to him anyway. Crystal would've said I was
all the time? He wants constant interfering."
He nodded, a grim expression on I set his breakfast in front of him.
his handsome face. "I'm afraid that's a "Cheer up. You have a beautiful
healthy daughter, and in a few days
you'll have your family back together
and your mother-in-law out of your
"Now I'd be happy to have you
hang around forever." He smiled, his
hand covering mine. I knew it was
meant to be a friendly gesture, but a
shiver went through me just the same.
I told myself I was being ridiculous, but
I jerked my hand away a bit too
quickly, and I saw the questioning look
in his eyes.
Wayne left to stop by the hospital on
his way to work, and I got busy around
my daughter's house. It was a disaster!
Filth and disarray were everywhere,
and I couldn't believe that Crystal had
turned into such a slob. But—when I
had arrived a week before, I couldn't
believe she had let her own looks go so
badly, either. True, she was swollen
with her pregnancy, but I saw the extra
fat on her thighs and arms and hips
that did not cornd; from being preg-
nant. Her hair was limp and greasy,
and her complexion, horrible. And she
had once been such a beautiful young
girl. When she married Wayne, I
thought he was the handsomest man
I'd ever seen. They seemed made for
each other. So why had she let herself
go this way??
About mid-morning, Crystal called
from the hospital to ask about Chuck-
le, and I told her he was doing just
fine. "I've asked the nice lady next
door to sit with him this afternoon so I
can come visit you and my grand-
Well, she had a fit over the thought
of leaving Chuckie with anyone. I got
angry and told her that I thought she
was spoiling him, and being unreason Crystal and me, and I was 23 years old
able. before I married again. Believe me, 1
After I hung up the phone, I started It had been so long since a took my time. Howard Ward was
wondering about the past years and man's peter had been inside everything a woman could ask for in a
whether or not things might have me. Now, a white-hot flame husband. The difference in our ages-
turned out differently for Crystal had pulsated throughout my body. 20 years—never mattered, till he died
we lived closer to each other. She and two years ago of a heart attack, leaving
Wayne moved to Hawaii immediately, me a widow at 37. Now I doubted if I
and this was the first time I had seen would ever marry again. I was well-off
her in four years. But maybe if we had doing anything except marrying Craig, financially, had a nice circle of friends
lived next door, things would still have and by then, he didn't want me in New York and I stayed busy. In fact,
happened the same way. Who could anymore than I wanted him. He I was itching to get back there, even
say? Maybe I failed her somewhere walked out on me while I was in the though I enjoyed seeing Crystal after
along the way. God knows, I tried not hospital giving birth to Crystal, and I such a long time.
to. I tried to be a good mother, despite never heard from him again. When Wayne came in from work,
my youth and the unfortunate, un- At 16, desperate for love and help he asked how 1 had liked his daughter.
happy broken marriages along the in raising my baby, I foolishly married I had to tell him I hadn't been to the
way. Johnny Trainer. That lasted two years, hospital. Naturally, he wanted to know
I was only 14 years old the spring which were hell—him drinking heavily, why, and when he heard, he ex-
that Craig Musser talked me into the chasing women and knocking me ploded. I tried to calm him down, but
backseat and took my virginity. I around. Thank God I'd wised up and he was furious, marching straight to
wound up pregnant, and my staunch, made sure I didn't get pregnant again. the phone and calling Crystal to chew
moralistic parents wouldn't hear of me I managed to find a job and support (Continued on page 63)
Now—enjoy a life of unbelievable riches, lasting love and constant
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Mrs, YVONNE FROST, A.A., D.D., with her husband
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Witchcraft can bring your heart's desire' You can use it to heal and publishing Survival , the newsletter of the Church of
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"Cross Not My Path" ritual, for people who are having neighbor WITCH'S MONEY JAR-now all he has to do is dip in, for it tection from evil, or anything else, the magic power of witchcraft
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With these amazing Witchcraft secrets, other people will look up her last dollar on the table, and worked the MONEY MAGNET • HOW TO SEE INTO THE FUTURE!—Would you like to be
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tiny, and never have, to apologize to anyone for anything! - Hank was perpetually broke. One night he got together with water. Then use the chant on this page, and you 'WM be able to see
Whatever you want or need, whatever frustration is bothering some friends, and they decided to cast the MONEY SPELL. The many things. One man uses it to read tomorrow's newspaper. YOU
you. Witchcraft will helpyou. It is not evil-nor is it Black Magic. very next day. Hank received in the mail a check for some $250 can use it to check the stock market or that important horse race!
Like electricity, it is simply a power given by nature for the use of worth of insurance. (He had never heard of the company that sent • MAKE TIME RUN BACKWARD OR FORWARD!—A
men, to make life easier. the check, he was not insured with them, and had never even made Witch uses ancient methods to make time stand still or to run it
a claim-but he accepted the money.) Another member of the backward or forward! To make your face look young or old at
You'll see how to--get paid without working ... how to get ex- group that used the spell, a 40-year-old secretary, received an auto- will, all you need is some morning dew, and the instructions on
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and spend weekends at an expensive ski lodge in the mountains,
Now! Let This Amazing Witch Book Bring You where she met a wonderful man! How Ruth L, a widow-with noth-
handshake that Witches often use, revealed on page 62. With this
INFINITE WEALTH, FINE POSSESSIONS, ing but a small pension, and a little savings-received her dream
house, by using a simple 5-minute ritual on page 38 of this book!
secret, you can implant a thought in someone's mind! You can use
this Witchcraft power to dominate others! Control your bassi Make
A COMFORTABLE NEW HOME, FINANCIAL Using the same Witchcraft secrets, YOU can achieve peace of someone love you! Leave your enemies groveling in the dust! There
mind and freedom from money worries for the rest of your life!
SECURITY, LOVE, CONTROL OVER OTHERS, is even a gazing technique Witches use on page 45, for identical
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sometimes the pills made a girl spot. Cheryl, I'm sorry," she cried. "But
But I saw no more staining until Dave they'll get it in time. I know they will."
and I had sex again. And the same I forced myself to sit up, and in a
thing happened. I'd also started having voice that was barely audible, I asked
mild cramps in my abdomen, too. her when the surgery was scheduled.
"I can't believe there's anything "Tomorrow morning," she said, her
wrong," I told Dave. "I've always been voice breaking. "Oh, Cheryl, do you
very healthy. My periods have never want me to tell Dave or do yoti think
givin me any problem." you can do it? He's called twice
"Just the same, I think it's time for a wanting to know when you're getting
check-up," he said firmly. "We're off work."
going to be moving into our apartment My mind began whirling. Dave!
I in a few weeks, and I don't want a sick Dave_ could not know. I looked at
girl on my hands. 1 plan to keep you in Janice, then reached out and gave her
bed morning, noon and night, so you a vicious shake. "You listen to me.
get that lovely box of yours in shape, Dave is not to know, do you
(Continued from page 9)
okay?" understand?"
won't keep, baby, and it's all for So, reluctantly, I went to a gyne- "Not to know?" she blinked. "He'll
you. . . ." cologist on the hospital staff. I told him have to know, Cheryl. The guy loves
He dumped me on the bed, my problem, and he did a full workup you, and he's already sounding pretty
laughing when I bounced, and I and examination, also doing a routine suspicious about why you can't come
scrambled out of my clothes while he pap smear. Two days later, he called to the phone."
hurried to get out of his. Then, me back to his office with a grim Think! I commanded myself. Think?
completely naked, we immediately expression on his face. "I can't think of Finally, I took a deep breath and
started making love, our hands roam- any way to break this gently, Cheryl. turned to her and said, "Janice, 1 don't
ing over each other like ants at a I'm sorry, but the lab test came back want Dave's pity. If my vagina is to be
picnic. Then, I knew he could wait no positive. We are going to have to do a removed, then I'll have nothing left to
longer. Later, there would be time for biopsy now." give him. My sex life will be over. That
lingering foreplay, when his lips and A wave of nausea passed over me, isn't fair to Dave."
tongue would drive me into a frenzy. and for a moment I thought I was "Don't you think that should be his
For the moment, we both had to have going to faint. I gripped the edge of the decision?" She cried. "And how do
immediate release, and l spread my chair and fought to hang onto you propose to keep him from finding
legs wide to receive every beautiful consciousness as I stammered, out? If he calls again and can't get hold
inch of him. "You.. , you think it's cancer, don't of you, he's going to march right into
I winced with a stab of pain, but it you?" this hospital."
quickly subsided as soon as he was He was silent for a moment, then Frantically, I searched my brain for
inside and moving in a steady rhythm. said, almost apologetically, "We have an answer, and then it hit me. Dave
Lately, I had noticed a bit of to find out, Cheryl. I've scheduled the knew my family lived several hundred
discomfort, but l thought nothing biopsy for first thing in the morning." miles away, but he didn't know exactly
about it. Dave got a bit rough in his I couldn't let Dave know. Dear God, where. "When he calls," l instructed
passion once in awhile, and I didn't I had to keep him from finding out. I Janice. "You tell him I received a call
mind. wanted his love, not his pity, and if I saying my father had a serious heart
He climaxed quickly but kept grind- had cancer, 1 would forever wonder if attack, that I had to rush home. He
ing into me until l reached my own he stayed with me out of a feeling of won't know how to contact me."
shudder of ecstacy, then he pulled duty. Not that he owed me anything, She leaped to her feet, eyes blazing
back, and I saw the look of shock on but I didn't want to tie him down for with anger. "You can't do this to that
his face. "Honey, I thought you had any reason other than love. Not Dave. guy. He has a right to know the truth."
your period last week." He was too special to me, our love too "You do as I say," I said through
"I did," I said, puzzled, raising my wonderful to be shadowed by any- clenched teeth. "It's my business, my
head to look down, and then I gasped thing. decision. How can you condemn me?
at the large blood stain. "Oh, good I told him I had to work a double Do you know what's like to be told
grief. It must have something to do shift, that the hospital was under- they're going to remove your woman-
with the pills. Right now. I've got to get staffed. He didn't ask questions. The hood? Good God. Janice, I love the
this sheet washed. What will your biopsy was done early that morning, guy with all my heart. And I'm only 22
friend think?" and by mid-afternoon, I had the years old. My life is over. . . . "
So, while Dave fixed dinner, I went verdict. "Cancer," Dr. Ward told me, I started crying, and I couldn't stop,
to the laundromat in the basement and his eyes filled with compassion. You and Janice rang for someone to give
ran the sheet through the washer and have vaginal cancer, Cheryl. We have me a shot, but 1 wouldn't let them
dryer. We laughed about it later, to remove the vagina, and we feel we knock me out till she promised me she
saying it was just a freak period, and should go ahead and remove all your would lie to Dave for me. He couldn't
instead of making love after dinner, we female organs at this time in case of know. That was the one thing burning
just watched tv and snuggled on the the cancer cells have spread. . . within me so fiercely at that moment.
sofa. Dave said he was worried about I fainted. And the next thing I knew, Dave could not know!
me and wanted me to see a doctor. I was lying in a hospital bed, and Janice came into my room the next
Well, I did think it had something to Janice was bending over me, tears morning, and it was she who ad-
do with the pills, because 1 knew streaming down her face. "Oh, God, ministered the pre-op shots that would
relax me. Groggily, I asked her to tell miles away. But before I left, I went in
me about her conversation with Dave. search of Janice, wanting her to know
"He believed me," she said in a that I didn't want us to part mad.
pain-filled voice. "He's concerned and "I guess you heard about Dave,"
wishes he knew how to contact you, she said tonelessly, when I found her
but he's waiting patiently. What do in the lounge reading a book.
you intend to do, Cheryl? You can't "No," I said quietly, an unexplain-
keep hiding." able feeling of terror knotting in my
Things were getting blurry. The throat. Somehow, I sensed that I
door opened and I saw the white-coat- didn't want to hear what she was about
ed orderlies rolling in the stretcher that to tell me.
would take me down to the operating "He hurt his leg playing tennis," she
room. "I'm going to leave town." I said kept staring down at the book. "The
in a slurred voice. "Yes, that's what I'll doctors discovered he has bone
do, as soon as I'm strong. I'll leave, cancer. He has to have his right leg
and Dave will never find me, and I'll amputated above the knee. . . "
never have to face his pity. . ." "Oh, God, no. . . "my hand went
And then blessed oblivion took me to my throat, and my body swayed.
away from the harsh reality of life. Janice leaped to her feet to help me
When I awoke, my abdomen was sink onto the couch or I would have
swathed in bandages, and my whole fallen. "Where is he? Oh, Janice, I
body trembled with pain. I wanted to have to go to him. He. . .he needs
be brave, to stay awake and make my
plans, but 1 had to keep asking for
shots to take away the pain—and I
slept—only to awaken once again to
I me, 1 know he does. . . . " •
"Get hold of yourself," she said in a
tight, strained voice "he's in the
hospital. Surgery is scheduled for
the white-hot searing pain. ing a patient's personal records. I'll see tomorrow morning. You got here just
On the third day, Dr. Ward stood you fired. . . in time."
over my bed and told me that they She ran from the room crying, and I Wobbly legs carried me to the
were sure they had gotten all of the sank back onto the pillows and gave hospital, and I thought I would faint
cancer. "In a few weeks, you'll feel like way to the tears that were aching for several times before I reached my
a new person." release from my own eyes. There was destination, I pushed the door to his
"What kind of person?" 1 cried, tears no other way. I would not see Dave room open, and there he lay, propped
stinging my eyes. "You take away my tied to me out of pity. Not my up on pillows, staring at the ceiling
womanhood, so what am I now? handsome, virile Dave, who could with the saddest expression on his
Man? Woman? Or just a 'person'?" have his pick of any eligible young face. Then he saw me, and his whole
"We'll talk when you're stronger," woman in our town, face lit up, only to dissolve into a
he said gently, signaling for the nurse Janice did not visit my room for grimace as he hissed, "Get out of here, I
to give me another shot. "1 know this is three days, so, when I was able to get don't need you. I don't need any-
a great shock to you. Cheryl, but up and walk around a bit, 1 made my body."
you're a mature young woman. I way slowly and painfully out to the "Dave, listen to me... " I rushed to
believe you can handle it," nurse's station. "Why haven't you the side of his bed, reached for his
been in to see me?" I asked her, when hand, but he drew it away from me.
On the fourth day, Janice came in.
none of the other nurses were around. "Dave, it isn't the end of the world."
and I was awake enough that I could
She was writing on a chart, and she "Isn't it? I won't be a real man,
carry on a normal conversation with
didn't look up as she said crisply. "I anymore, will I?" he cried angrily.
her. Right away, she demanded to
thought it best. We don't agree on "You think I want your pity? That's all
know if I still planned to go through
things, and you're recuperating from it is, pity. How can you want me when
with what she called my 'ridiculous,
major surgery. You don't need to be I'm not all man, anymore?"
martyr-like' scheme."
upset." "But it won't matter, Dave, not to
"Call it what you will," I said
I turned and went back to my room, me. I love you. Don't you see that?
wearily. "I only know that I love Dave
hating that our friendship was now You need me. What is love, anyway,
too much to saddle him with a love
strained, but I did not feel that it was if not standing by someone when they
based on pity. He deserves a real
my fault. After all, my health and my need you?" I was babbling almost
woman, a whole woman, who can
life was my business—not hers. hysterically, but I had to make him see
give him sex, children—things I can no
When I was discharged from the that amputation of his leg did not
longer give any man. At least I have
hospital, my parents were there to take matter. He needed someone—he
my career. I can still be a nurse."
me home to recuperate fully. I tried to needed a shoulder to lean on. Pity had
"I still think Dave deserves to know pretend to them that I was in good nothing to do with it. Love motivated
the truth. I think he should have the spirits. 1 did not want to worry anyone. me now—my love for him that was
right to make his own decision. . . . " All 1 wanted to do was get my strength pounding through my veins with every
"He would base that decision on back and move on to a new town and beat of my heart.
pity," 1 screamed at her then. "And if a new life. He gave me a long, searching look,
you tell him, Janice. I'll hate you Six weeks later, I returned to get my then turned his face to the wail and
forever. I mean it. 1'11 also go to the things, having been accepted for a whispered, "I think I just want to die."
hospital authorities about your divulg- nursing position in a city two hundred "Oh, Dave, you can't mean that.
You're just wallowing 'in self-pity. I me, Cheryl, and when you supposed- And I blushed, despite the happy
love you. Why won't you let me help ly left without saying goodbye, I had moment, because, after all, Dr. Ward
you?" enough faith in you that I didn't buy was listening, and he laughed. But I
And then his eyes met mine, boring the explanation that was given to me. didn't really mind. How could I when
into me. I felt as though he were Janice finally broke down and told me my reason for living had just been
looking straight into the depths of my the truth, and then I went to Dr. Ward given back to me? Oh, I don't mean
soul. And when he spoke, his words and badgered him into leveling with having sex. I mean my love for Dave,
were like ice in my face. "Why didn't me, too. He was afraid you had gone my future with him. Suddenly., my
you let me help you, Cheryl? You're off the deep end, just like Janice. world was right again.
standing here saying all the things to Between the three of us, we came up I had the surgery done a month
me that I would have said to you, if with this little scheme to make you see later, when the doctors felt that my
you had trusted me enough to confide things clearly." body had healed from the original
in me. I love you. No matter what the "But I'm still not a woman any- operation. It was a long procedure,
surgeons did to your body to rid it of more," I reminded him, my heart and I was in the operating room nearly
cancer, I love you. You were afraid I breaking all over again. "Dave, they ten hours. Afterwards, there was a lot
would stick with you out of pity, yet took out my sex organs—my vagina. I of pain and discomfort, and once
you stand here now and make a can't have intercourse with you... " again I was sedated. But I didn't
hypocrite of yourself. Love is trust, He gave me a gentle shake. "Right complain so much this time. I knew
isn't it?" now, we're going to keep an appoint- every bit of suffering was worthwhile.
I could only stare at him, shocked, ment with Dr. Ward, and I think he's
as the realization hit me: HE KNEW! going to put your mind at ease about a
"What if we were married? Would I lot of things, young lady."
walk out on you then? Hell, no, I'd He led me down to the elevator,
stick by you. Thanks a lot, Cheryl, for holding me tightly in his arms as we
Dave, they took out my sex
letting me know just how much you organs— my vagina. I can't have
rode to the first floor. Then we walked
believe in me, in the love I have for hand in hand to Dr. Ward's office. He
intercourse with you anymore.
you." was waiting for us, and he grinned as
we entered and said, "Well, I see our
He deserves a real woman, a scheme worked."
whole woman. Not me. All I have "Yes, it did," Dave told him. "Now, Dave and I both agreed that we
left is my nursing career. I'm not a please, tell her what you told me didn't need any time living together to
woman anymore. before she goes off the deep end and find out if we loved each other enough
runs off again." to get married. "With what you've put
Dr. Ward explained that he had me through, woman," he teased me,
"I don't understand," I shook my made inquiries about my type of "I'm not about to let you get away
head from side to side. "How did you radical surgery, and he found that again."
find out. ." there were cases where artificial So we were married the day I was
And then, my eyes almost bugged vaginas has been constructed. The released from the hospital. Janice was
out of my head as he yanked back the procedure would be similar to those my maid of honor, and we were
bedsheet and leaped to his feet. used in sex change operations. Of married right in the hospital chapel. Of
"There's not a damn thing wrong with course, you can never have children, course, we had to wait awhile for our
my legs," he roared. "It was all a trick, Cheryl, but that's a small price to pay "real" honeymoon, because there was
rigged with the full cooperation of your when you still have your life, when we a lot of healing yet to be done in my
friends here at the hospital to bring you will be able to provide you with a "new" vagina. But when I was
out of your world of self-pity and make normal sex life. Lots of women can't completely well, Dave and I fell into
you realize, damnit all, girl, that I love have children who have never had a each other's arms and made love
you, no matter what. I love you!" hysterectomy, so you shouldn't let that wildly and with complete abandon.
I could only stare at him incredu- get you down." "I can't tell a bit of difference," he
lously as it all hit me. By making up the "And we can adopt," Dave smiled, told me afterwards. "Everything is just
story about having his leg amputated, giving my hand a squeeze. the same. You can even use those
he had made me see that love won out "But you took out everything," I muscles like you used to."
over pity, and I had begged for a said, bewildered. "Even with an Yes, everything did seem the same.
chance to stick by him, forgetting artificial vagina, how could I enjoy I felt fortunate, blessed—both in the
about myself. "Dave," I whispered, sex?" skill of the surgeons and the faith and
stumbling towards his quickly out- "We're going to have you on love of Dave. I can't leave out Janice,
stretched arms, "Can you forgive hormones to replace those that your either, who cared enough to make my
me?" ovaries would have produced. As for life her business, keeping me from
He rained kisses all over my face as your pleasure zones, we had no ruining my future happiness.
he smiled down at me, hugging me. reason to remove your clitoris, and we I had vaginal cancer, but my sex life
"There's nothing to forgive, darling. can, through surgery, connect nerves isn't over, and I give thanks daily—for
You were just a very confused girl for from the clitoris into the vagina, and medical science—and for a wonderful,
awhile, and I can understand why. I'm you should be able to enjoy a loving guy like Dave, who cared
just glad that I was suspicious enough completely normal sex life." enough to fight for me and make me
that I didn't fall for that lie- you had "You see, honey?" Dave grinned see what a fool I was.
Janice tell me. You see. . . " he took mischievously, "I'm going to wear you And I thank God for giving me
a deep breath, "I believed you loved out, yet." another chance at life. •


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CARLSON WADE is a medical writer/ keep your slender shape! Enzyme Foods are available on almost
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He is the Editor of the Parker Natural for you to eat your cake and have it, toot
Health Bulletin, Medical Editor of Pageant No complicated formulas to follow. No special foods to prepare.
Magazine, and a member of the American PRAISED BY A MEDICAL DOCTOR! No counting calories or carbohydrates with every
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only. Explain to your daughter that brings you and make sure she is on the
you are not trying to be a strict, heavy pill or an IUD. Protect her from
parent. You only want to be sure that pregnancy, teach her to keep a close
she is capable of handling herself check for signs of VD. and remember,
before you give her full reins on her once she has crossed over that line to
relationships with the opposite sex. womanhood, casting her virginity to
Now, let me emphasize one point. If the winds, then you can do nothing
you go ahead and give your daughter but let her know that you are there if
the okay to date, then you find out she she needs you.
is having sexual intercourse with It is regretable that your husband
someone, do not panic. Do not puts such a burden on your shoulders.
scream and rant and rave and forbid Parents should work together to make
her to go out with the boy, or attempt decisions regarding their children. My
to punish her. In this day and time, if a advice to you is to first get to know
(Continued from page 4)
girl wants to have sex with a boy, she is your daughter better, then proceed
if she were saying to his going to. She will find a way to keep from there and hope she is mature
advances? from getting pregnant, and if she does enough to enter that great, big,
When all these questions are an- get pregnant, she can easily obtain an promiscuous world out there.
swered in your mind, then I would say abortion. Back in the '50s, girls were And please, don't worry. . . .it's not
14 is not too young for your daughter scared of pregnancy, knowing it meant really that bad. It is not the end of the
to date. I would suggest that you keep their reputations were ruined forever. world. It is only nature, and if we look
tabs on her activities. Know the boys Now, it is not that big a deal among the upon it in that light, we spare
she goes out with. Where are they teenagers if they "get caught," but ourselves, as parents, much heartache
going on their dates? Who are the most of them, it seems, are wise and worry.
young people they are associating enough to try to make sure they don't. Dr. Anne Rice

Sex In The Cockpit! mendous weight on my shoulders. up and motorbike right over. But, this
And I knew that every time I was in the time our nerves were frazzled from a
sky, I increased my chances of particularly difficult flight. We wanted
becoming a casualty myself. men, but couldn't face the prospect of
So let's face it. Enough pressure man hunting.
leads to steam. And what better place We found an isolated beach. It was
to let off steam than on the stop-over? totally hidden from view and we were
Also, consider the nature of the surrounded by nothing but sand, rock,
stop-over. Sometimes it's only for one and the incredible blue azure of the
or two hours. You barely have time to sea.
climax before you're back up in the air. Naturally, we stripped off our bikinis
But as I gained seniority, my stop- and sunbathed in the nude. Our
overs left me off in some of the most towels were spread side by side, and
romantic places. lay next to statuesque Barbara.
Now just imagine, if you will, what Soon I became fidgety. The sun was
it's like to be in some strange beautiful having an incredible effect on my
place without a man. Don't imagine, warm nesting place and I raised my
I'll tell you. It's unbearable. Therefore, head to look at the others.
(Continued from page 12)
isn't it only natural that stewardesses The sight that greeted my eyes was
European junkets, the fabulous jaunts don't waste time pussyfooting around erotic enough to have the Pope
to the Caribbean and other exotic like the rest of our uptight population? foaming at the mouth. Three pairs of
islands are strictly reserved for those There are only two stops on the well oiled breasts were jutting towards
with seniority. stewardess Sex Express. Man and the sun. Three mossy mounds were
And so I made my little trips. Buffalo bed. It's as simple as brewing a cup of soaking up the sun's rays. The
to Pittsburgh. Columbus to Lexington. instant tea. mountains and valleys of womanhood
All piddling flights to unexciting places. Of course, things aren't always ideal —we all possessed the mandatory
No matter. The airline doesn't care in Flightland. Sometimes, you're stuck great bodies necessary for our pro-
that you're not having a grand time. without enough men. fession.
You're still responsible for lives! If For instance, I remember a time not I flopped over on my stomach and
anything should happen—if the plane so long ago, when there were four of moaned. My body cried out for sexual
should stall or take a nose dive — us lovely maidens stranded on a fulfillment. "Barbara," 1 finally said in
you're responsible for all those pass- Bermuda beach. I say stranded be- frustration. "Will you lotion my back?"
engers' lives! A stewardess must put cause our hotel was situated miles The cool lotion soothed my shoulder
her passengers before herself. So here from the convention center in South- blades but the hands applying it
I was—flying to some of the loneliest hampton. Now ordinarily this wouldn't caused a stirring in my cunt. I
places on the map—with this tre- be a problem. We'd just pick ourselves manuevered my body on the towel
until I'd formed a small mound of sand workout from Barbara's wonderful you for this flight. "Afterwards well
beneath my cunt. Soon, I was slowly tongue that I couldn't deprive Jackie of see."
grinding into it. I knew that Barbara the same. I spread her buttocks far I went to my station, little rivulets of
might notice, but I had to take that apart and thrust my tongue deep into sweat trickling from my armpits. If 1
chance. her cunt. were grounded, that would be the
Barbara's hands circled wider and Our climaxes became a chain end. But just as I was stacking plastic
wider. The circles grew to include my reaction. I erupted, then Barbara, then cups for cocktails Ann came rushing
buttocks. I closed my eyes and bathed Marge, and finally Jackie's juices in.
in sweetness. Somehow, with my eyes gushed into my mouth. "Guess what " she gushed, her eyes
squeezed tight I could forget about the When it was over we went for a flashing like the Fasten Your Seat Belt
others. If I couldn't see them, they swim without embarrassment. We sign, "I've found in First Class?"
weren't there. That was my sun-struck were highly sexed women, and we "A dildo?" As I said, my mood was
philosophy. had just done what felt natural at the pretty rotten.
I wasn't sure if Barbara would dare, time. "Sourpusses always finish last," Ann
but I spread my legs to signal that I But back to my story. Ann and I pushed my sarcasm aside. "But I'll tell
welcomed any intrusion, barely made it on time. We were, you anyway. Seat No. 12 just happens
Mercifully, Barbara's fingers grew actually, a few minutes late. The to be occupied by the president of the
bolder.'With each circular motion, her captain, who was a son of a bitch airline."
fingers grew closer to my swelling slit. because he had a wife and four kids Ann didn't have to continue. The
At last, I felt a cool finger stroking and was too uptight to cheat, was president of the airline is, needless to
my outer lips. I could no longer hopping mad. say, a very influential fella. If somehow
pretend nothing was happening. I "I will not tolerate tardiness," he Ann or I could get into his favor, our
raised my head to look at Barbara's stormed. "I should have you ground- grounding problems would be solved.
face. ed." Ann and I exchanged very But just as my brain was churning,
I found myself gazing into a pair of worried looks. If we were grounded, Cherry, another stewardess, appear-
deep gray eyes. Little flecks of blue no flying and no paycheck. ed. Cherry was Miss Kiss Ass, Goody
danced in them and her pupils seemed "We got stuck in traffic," Ann tried Goody Airline Hostess 1977 and the
to glint in the sun. Barbara nodded as to make excuses. "There was nothing captain's favorite. Cherry was one of
if to say "Yes, it's okay," while the we could do." the few stewardesses I could easily
nipples on her heaving breasts stood The captain's lip curled into an ugly have shoved out of the emergency
erect and tilted towards the sky. sneer. "Don't try to lie to me." The hatch without a parachute. She was
Something seemed to snap, crackle words seemed to ooze from his awful new and, of course, bucking for
and sizzle between us because sudden- mouth. "I know the way you girls are." seniority. This meant if any stewardess
ly we cared nothing for the others. 1 Ann and I just nervously shuffled got grounded or left for any reason,
rolled over on my back, and in about, We were completely at this Cherry would be next in line for those
moments Barbara's full lips alighted on monster's mercy. trans-Atlantic flights. As it was, she just
my nipples. She again insinuated her "Well," he finally conceded. I need happened to get on this one as a fluke.
"Hi girls." She threw us a smile
usually reserved for the wealthier
looking passengers, "I just want to tell
There are only two stops on the you that I've been assigned to First
stewardess sex express— man and Class. The Captain didn't know If
bed. It's as simple as brewing in- you'd be making it or what."
stant tea. My heart dropped to my waist. Of
all the lousy breaks. Thankfully, I have
a quick mind. I gave Ann a very
hand between my thighs, and when meaningful glance so she'd catch on.
her fingers found my gilt, which by "That's great," I shrugged. "Because
now was as slippery as a clam, a loud Ann and I have to take care of
groan escaped my lips. someone very important in Economy."
Naturally, if they hadn't noticed Cherry's eyes bulged her outrage at
before, this certainly drew the attention being gipped, but her hand fell

of the other stewardesses—Marge and defiantly on her hip. "Who important
Jackie. is going to ride Economy?" she
And that's when our incredible sneered.
menage a quatre began. Marge began I stared at Cherry as if she were an
stroking Barbara's ass. Barbara buried idiot. "Just someone who doesn't
her head in my pussy. Jackie buried want to be recognized."
her finger in Marge's pussy. We were a Cherry bit the bait. "Really. Who?
train. Everyone was fingering or eating Tell me!" she begged.
someone else. "Well I'm not supposed to breathe a
And then, our train became a word," I lowered my voice. "Only
circle—in a daisy chain, for the more Ann, myself and the pilot knows."
crude minded. Jackie pivoted her Cherry looked as if she'd thrown a
body so her rear was in my face, and tantrum. "Look,"she breathed hastily,
my own pussy was receiving such a "I know you're in the doghouse with
the Captain. If you tell me I'll help you "I'm so glad you noticed," I replied, turned off their lights and fallen asleep.
work something out" hoping he would pick up on my I unzipped Mr. P.'s pants, and
I lowered my voice until I could flirtatious tone, manuevered out his cock. It was a
hardly hear my own voice. "The Mr. P. chortled like he'd heard a large healthy specimen. Mr. P.'s hand
owner of the airline," I told her. "He's good joke. "Can't help but notice pressed my head towards his erection.
riding Economy seat #115 so he won't someone so pretty," he responded. "Suck on it," he said simply.
be recognized." Great! I was making headway. But I clasped his cock between my lips
Naturally anyone with any brains in just as I opened my mouth to utter and licked the rim. I was in heaven.
their heads wouldn't have bought my some more choice syllables Cherry His fingers had worked their way up
story at all, but I never said brains was appeared. me, and my hips madly swiveled
one of Cherry's strong points. If she "I have to prepare the dinner trays," around them.
had any she would have never had the she apologized. I felt his member grow rigid and
nerve to make her next remark. Nothing more to do for now. I stiffer. It strained against my throat, as
"Would you care to switch," she swiftly retreated to help Ann load trays Mr. P. pumped harder and harder.
asked. "It's much easier to work First for Economy. Finally—yes that was it—Mr. P.
Class." "It's too bad you can't watch," Ann ejaculated into my mouth.
Of course I would have liked broke into gales of laughter when I It was then I heard the commotion.
nothing more than to have answered returned to our station. She explained An old craggy voice was yelling in
yes, but I couldn't chance arousing the that the man in Economy 115 was Economy.
Captain's suspicions. Cherry might about eighty years old and hard of "Get your hands off me, young
have been missing the grey matter, but hearing. Cherry was making an ab- lady," the voice was yelling as I raced
the Captain wasn't entirely without it. solute ass of herself trying to get his to the back. I almost fell to the ground
No, I'd just have to count on Cherry's attention. laughing. Cherry had been trying to
overeagerness.., "That's great," I smiled. "But make give the old gent a hand job.
sure she stays back there next time." Apparently, he wasn't appreciative at
Ann and I took our sweet time all. Cherry came racing up the aisle,
removing dinner trays. The more we embarrassment crimsoning her face.
Her hand slipped between my had left, the more we'd need Cherry's "You bitch," she spat, when she saw
legs. When her fingers found my help. As predicted Cherry soon re- me.
clit, by now as slippery as a clam, turned. "I'll help you with that," she Well, there was no way Cherry
a loud groan escaped my lips. said, practically tearing a tray from my could get out of that. When the old
hand. man complained to the Captain,
Quietly, I sneaked back into First Cherry was immediately suspended.
Class. "I thought you had deserted Ann and 1 received another fate. As
"I really couldn't do ihat," I said. "I me," Mr. P. greeted me. "It's nice to it turned out, Ann had made a big
have my orders. But of course," I have you around. That other steward- mistake. The man I'd so intimately
paused for dramatic effect. "No harm ess seems like she's in a terrible rush." attended in First Class was not the
in you coming back to help." I laughed inwardly at Cherry's folly. president of the airline, but a business-
Cherry looked like she would kiss "Well," I smiled. "I couldn't imagine man on a pleasure trip (which he
me which would have been truly anyone deserting you." Sure, I was certainly got), And, because the
disgusting but instead, she gave me a laying it on thick, but I had to make a captain had allowed Cherry to work
big thank you and rushed off. dent. First Class, he was demoted to
Ann said I was crazy not to accept I succeeded. In the next moment inter-state flights.
the switch, but I had my plan. And Mr. P. was asking me to sit with him. So, in the end everything worked
sure enough, no sooner than we'd As soon as I was seated Mr. P.'s out fine, My wings are still spread for
finished our Mae West safety demon- hand was on my knee. He was a real flying. But my activities are more
strations and passed out cocktails, smoothie. As he asked me about my professional. •
Cherry came flying into Economy. job his hand deftly slid up my leg. It
"There's nothing to do in First Class," traveled up my thigh. He toyed with
she complained. "Maybe 1 could help my stocking elastic—then his hand
you out." graduated to the silky crotch of my
Good Samaritans that Ann and 1 panties. I was getting very aroused, in
were, naturally we let her help clean spite of everything at stake. Contrary
up. As Cherry was busy twitching her to popular belief, few stewardesses
butt in front of Seat 115, I rushed into ever make it while they're flying, and
First Class. the prospect excited the hell out of me.
Luck was with me. No one else Mr. P.'s finger had slid my panties
occupied the president's row, and aside, and now he was fondling my
there was just a small smattering of moistened clit. He placed my hand
people in the cabin. over the bulge in his pants. "I want you
I walked to Mr. P., leaned over, and to touch it," he said softly.
in my huskiest tone drawled, "Excuse If you're wondering how we were
me sir, can I get you another cocktail?" able to manage this without attracting
Mr. P. was a balding,paunchy man, attention, the answer is simple. There
but not entirely without charm. "Oh, was no one else in our aisle, and I
you're a new one," he smiled. believe the few other passengers had
Held Prisoner limbo that he can't afford to be in, and
he also has a mark on his record that
follows him. Why didn't you come to
me, Miss Bishop?"
She went on to tell me that interns
making passes at student nurses was
almost a tradition, and there were
more mature ways of handling the
situation than running to the Chief of
Staff, who had no choice except to
suspend the interns. "I could have
helped you understand," the super-
visor said in a strained voice. But
you've gone too far now."
"I don't care," I cried, angry that she
was condemning my action. "Maybe
YOU see nothing wrong with having a
(Continued from page 16) man grab your breasts and between
your legs,. but I do, and I won't tolerate
the supply room with my chin up. it."
Then Wes Hartford passed by and Her face tightened with anger, but I
pinched my bottom, and I turned didn't care. "Miss Bishop," she said
around and hissed at him angrily, "I'm finally, "I am not condoning what the
tired of you, too, Dr. Hartford. Your interns did. I am merely saying you
name will be turned in also." could have handled it in a different way
He just stood there, bewildered, and I assure you, other girls do. Now, you
as I rounded the corner I saw Tom will have to face the consequences
stepping out of the supply room and alone. I can't help you."
knew he would be filling him in on I asked what she meant by "face the
what was happening. consequences," but she wouldn't com-
I marched straight into the Chief of ment. I kept on asking, but she finally
Staffs office, and I put my palms down snapped, "Back to your duty, Miss
flat on his desk and leaned forward Bishop. Haven't you wasted enough
and said indignantly, "I want to know time for one day?"
if being a student nurse at your It was all over the hospital by the
hospital means I have to put up with time my shift ended. Other interns
molestation by your interns, doctor, glared at me with open hostility. Even
Perma Tweez is a simple electrolysis in-
because if that's a requirement, then I the other student nurses gave me
strument that PERMANENTLY removes unde-
demand to be transferred elsewhere." angry looks. What had I done but sirable hair from all areas of the face, arms
He raised an eyebrow. "Someone report something that needed report- and legs at home in total privacy. An exclu-
molested you?" ing, I thought defensively. Those guys sive U.S. patented safety feature allows you
"More than one, doctor," I snapped, needed to be taught a lesson. If they to do this without puncturing the skin.
and I want to make formal charges. I were here to become doctors, they
want to teach these goons a lesson." had no business molesting student AN EXPERT'S APPROVAL
I named Tom and Rich and Wes, nurses. Perma Tweez has been clinically tested by
and then I went ahead and told him In the days that followed, I might as a university professor of dermatology and
about Bob Prentice and Ralph Franklin proven to be safe and effective. Over 15 thou-
well have been on the moon. No one
sand instruments in use by doctors—over one
—they had made suggestive remarks. had anything to do with me—not the
million sold to people like yourself. Save hun-
"I want it stopped," my voice rose students—not the interns—doctors- dreds of dollars on salon electrolysis by doing
shrilly. "I want to stay here and regular nurses—the whole staff of the it yourself.
become a nurse, but I refuse to be hospital just ignored me. If I were
treated so indecently." given an order, it was snapped to me. 14 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE
He nodded and said he would take Many times I blinked back tears, $19.95 --Send check
Good Housekeeping •
care of things. I went back on duty, but wondering why they were punishing or money order. %,44 , nmse ,0 0,et
that afternoon the Supervisor of me this way. I was not the one who
Nurses called me into her office for a had done wrong—it was those creepy, GENERAL MEDICAL CO., Dept. 2663
conference. If I thought she was going hot-blooded interns. 3B0 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017
to commend me for my action, I was I was glad when Friday of that week E COD requires $4.00 deposit_ Balance in-
in for a big surprise. She sailed right came. I asked for a pass to go home, a cludes COD charges and $1.00 handling.

into me, crying: "Do you realize that ❑ I enclose $19.95 in full payment.
hundred miles away, and it was
because of you five interns have been ❑ BankAmericard/Master Charge
granted. I had my bag all packed,
suspended for 90 days? Do you know ready to hurry to the bus station the #. Exp. dare

what that means to a young man moment my shift ended. Then—five Name
struggling to become a doctor? He minutes before punch-out time,
loses time in training. He loses what Audrey said I was supposed to go to
little pay he gets. He's in a state of the sub-basement supply room. One CIS Zip

of the nurses coming on duty for the them who laid a hand on me.
next shift had an order she wanted The others walked out of the room,
picked up. and I was frankly puzzled as Rich led
"SUB-basement?" I made a face. "I me over to the mattress. "They'll be
didn't know anything was down there back," he said as he laid down and
except the morgue." pulled me down beside him. "They
"I'm just giving you the message," figured it would make you uncomfort-
she said cooly, turning away. able if they watched."
Well, there was nothing for me to do "How considerate," I snapped.
but go down there. I took the elevator He ignored my sarcasm, pressing
to the main basement, then walked his lips on mine, warm, seeking, and
down the long hallway to the steps despite my anger, 1 felt myself heating.
leading downward. The hospital His hand moved to my breasts, gently
morgue had been located as far away milking each in turn. Then his lips
from activity as possible, and I'd only trailed little kisses down my throat,
been there once on a tour of the finally fastening on one taut nipple to
hospital, and I couldn't remember suck eagerly. I felt a hand moving up
seeing a supply room. But, I reminded my thigh, his knee forcing my legs
myself, I'd been in such a hurry to apart. He caressed between my legs,
leave that I probably hadn't noticed. chuckling with satisfaction to find moist
I walked quickly by the two stainless eagerness when he plunged his middle
steel doors with the lettering finger upwards. He began to work in
"M-O-R-G-U-E," and then I spotted and out, then sliding upwards to touch
another door at the end of the hall. I on. It's up to you. There is no way out my clitoris in a spark of fire that made
pushed inside, blinking at the dark- of here. All the plans are made for me tremble.
ness. f was about to look for a light food being brought in—our minds are "Now, touch me," he murmured,
switch when I heard a clicking sound made up." drawing my hand down to his swollen,
behind me. 1 was being locked in! And "I'll report you," I said through throbbing penis. "Stroke it gently... .
before I could open my mouth to gritted teeth. "So help me, when I get sex is giving pleasure to each other,
scream in terror, the room was flooded out of here, I'll go to the police, not — luv You please me, and I'll please
with light—and I found myself staring you.. .
into the angry faces of Doctors Rich I touched him with stiff, frightened
Gibson, Tom Saunders, Wes Hartford, Liking sex did not mean that I fingers, but then he was rubbing my
Bob Prentice, and Ralph Franklin! would enjoy it with all clitoris again, and I felt a warmth
"It won't do you any good to men—there had to be something gushing over me. Instinctively, I began
scream, Marisue," Rich spoke in an else, that something that made to stroke him. and I felt his body tense
amused tone. "No one will hear you." sex a shuddering, joyful experien- with pleasure. Against my will, I was
I looked about wildly, and I saw the ce. enjoying this madness, and when at
mattress on the floor, and I cried, last he entered me, I received him
"Look, you guys are in enough trouble eagerly, my hips rocking up and down
as it is. If I report you again, you'll be on the mattress. 1 climaxed, mu legs
suspended permanently. You'll never just the Chief of Staff. You'll all go to squeezing tightly against his back,
become doctors. No hospital would prison." pulling him even closer, and then he
have you when they hear how you His lips came down on mine, and bit came, spasmodically jerking inside
raped a student nurse. . . ." his tongue, and then he slapped me, both of us gasping in wonder and
They started laughing, and I felt me—hard. "Now, get something joy.
even more terrified. "Now who said straight," he said, eyes glittering like But it was over quickly. I came back
anything about RAPE, Marisue? We steel. "No cute stuff. You try to resist, to earth with the force of a punctured
wouldn't dream of hurting you." and believe me, we'll get rough. We balloon, and I shoved him roughly
He came closer, and I backed all the want to make it pleasant for you, to away from me. "I'll give you awhile to
way to the wall, and he leaned against make you realize sex isn't all that rest, and then it's Tom's turn. There's
me, his breath warm on my face. I terrible, but if we have to, we'll make it a Coke for you in that little refrigerator
flinched as his fingertips trailed down tough on you. Now take off your if you want it."
the side of my cheek, but he only clothes or we'll rip them off, and when He fixed his clothes and left. Just
smiled. "Marisue, honey, we got to Monday comes, you'll walk out of here like that! I could not believe this was
talking, and we decided that you've naked." happening. How could I call it rape
got a problem. Maybe we came on too I did as I was told. It was obvious to when I had enjoyed it? Even though I
strong. You see, the way we figure, me that it was all set up. Audrey had hated myself, hated to admit it, it had
you had a bad experience once upon a known about it, and that's why she been good. Deke had never taken
time. It's made you bitter. We think it's sent me down to the sub-basement. such time and patience to make me
a great waste for a chick with a body There was no telling how many people receive pleasure. I didn't know any
like yours. So, we're going to spend knew. I was helpless, and I told myself man would—that is just how bitter I
this weekend teaching you a thing or there was nothing to do but submit and was.
two. Now, you can either cooperate go along with them. But, when I drank the Coke and lay back on
and relax and enjoy it, or we're Monday came, I vowed I would file the mattress, trying to sort out the
prepared to tie you down and carry charges against every single one of confused thoughts that were zipping
through my head. Then, the door unfamiliar sweetness spread through making little satisfied moaning sounds.
opened, and Tom Saunders walked my loins like liquid fire. I felt myself I could picture doing this with a man
in. He smiled at me, then began taking coming, and he sensed this, and whom I really and truly loved, and
off his clothes. I stared at him, began sucking harder. And when my how good it would make me feel to
watching in fascination as he came orgasm ended, he continued to devour give him pleasure in such a way. My
towards me naked. He had a beautiful me down there, using his tongue for a revulsion and disgust had come from
body. His penis was well-shaped, penis as he darted in and out of my Deke forcing me in such a vulgar
smooth, erect, and I could not help vagina, bringing me to a second, more manner. Now, gently and smoothly, it
noticing what perfectly-formed testicles intense release. was just a natural act.
he had. Being a student nurse, I'd "1. . .1 never knew it would feel so Oh, I could realize so much all of a
seen my share of naked male patients, good," I gasped when he was beside sudden. Deke had been a creep, a
but this was one man that I liked me once again. "I knew lots of women selfish, egotistical slob who used
looking at! enjoyed oral sex, but I thought it was women. And I had been young and
He lay down beside me, and he disgusting." impressionable, and it made me turn
began kissing me, saying they had no "Well, we're going to find out how bitter towards ALL men at an early
intentions of tiring me out. "After we disgusting you think it is when you do age. Now, thanks to Wes and the
do our thing, Marisue, I'm going to it to me," he smiled, rolling over on his others, I was realizing that sex is a
take you across the hall to a shower, back. "Go to it," he commanded with wonderful thing.
and then we'll let you rest till supper. a grin. "Hey. . . .I'm gonna go. . ." Wes
Wes will spend the night with you." Memories of Deke holding my said hoarsely. "You better stop and let
With skilled, eager fingers, he head, voilently shoving his organ in me finish up inside you. . . ."
brought me to another fever pitch of and out of my mouth, came flashing But I didn't stop. I was too grateful
desire, but he said he wanted to teach back. Shaking my head from side to for this wonderful knowledge he and
me a new way. He told me to get on side, I whimpered, "I can't. I just the rest had given me. Now I was truly
my hands and knees, then, with a firm can't. . . ." a woman, capable of loving and
hand, he scooped up my tummy to feeling and living a normal life
bring me back towards his penis, and, sexually! 1 took him into my mouth,
with his other hand, he parted my I arched my back as unfamiliar and I sucked until he ejaculated in
buttocks. "I'll be gentle," he said softly. sweetness spread through my great spasms, his whole body contort-
'I won't hurt you." loins like liquid fire. ing with ecstacy.
And it didn't hurt—much, and Afterwards, he held me tightly in his
whatever pain I felt was off-set by the arms and told me how great 1 was.
sweet spasms of joy that rippled And then we slept, warm and close.
through me as he rubbed between my "Try it," his voice was gentle, When we awoke, he made love to me
legs while he thrust himself in and out coaxing. "Just try it for a few minutes, once again, and then Bob Prentice
of my anus. I climaxed just before he and if you don't like it, I won't press was there with a breakfast tray. Sadly,
did, and then he gripped my thighs to the issue, okay? Won't you at least it was time for Wes to leave me.
really pound himself against me. Both try?"
of us slumped down on the mattress, I stared at him, saw that he was After I'd eaten, 1 was allowed to take
spent. trying to be kind. It hit me then that another shower, and then Bob wanted
He took me for a shower, then told these guys weren't really trying to his turn. He said he was extremely
me to take a nap before dinner. Then punish me for reporting them. They horny, because he hadn't had a
Wes came in some hours later with a felt sorry for me—pitied me because I woman in over three weeks. He made
tray from the hospital dining room. He became so indignant and irate over love to me right away, climaxing
made small talk while I ate the food, them touching me. They knew that quickly, and then he was ready to
and when I'd finished, he produced a somewhere in my past was an ugly play. He wanted to try different
bottle of wine. We drank, then he shadow, and they were trying to erase positions, and he, too, wanted oral
started kissing me, and I did not resist. that shadow. They weren't being sex. We performed it on each other
"You have a beautiful body," he mean to me—only showing me what I simultaneously, and he complimented
said, smiling down at my nakedness. was missing in life. me on being such a fast learner.
"The first time I saw you walking down Slowly, I began to move down- "You're good, baby, good," he grin-
the corridor, I knew it'd be great to see wards. "It won't bike," Wes teased. ned. "I hope when this is all over you
you without any clothes on. Your tits "Just lick it a few times, and then you'll won't be so mad you'll turn me down
stick straight out. . .you don't even want to put it in your mouth. Go on, when I ask you for a date. I think I'd
need a bra. . ." honey, try it, please. . . ." like balling you again."
He leaned down and began to suck, My tongue darted out, running up Well, Bob was nice to me, but he
and then his lips moved lower.. one side of the erect member, and 1 was a bit blunt and almost gross. He
lower. . .and I felt myself tensing. jumped back when it actually quivered used a lot of four-letter words while we
"I've got to eat you," he said, his voice in my hand. "Hey, don't be scared," were having intercourse, and he
shaking with excitement. "I told the Wes chuckled. "It just felt good. That's grunted and groaned a lot, and while
guys I had to eat this sweet cunt. . ." why it jumped. Now try it again." he did bring me pleasure, I found him
He pulled my legs apart roughly, And once again I licked, up one side to be a bit coarse. I realized something
then burrowed his face between my and down the other, and to my else with him—that just because I had
legs. I felt his fingers yanking my vulva amazement, I realized it wasn't repul- learned to like sex did not mean that I
open, exposing me to his eager, sive. It was bringing him great pleas- would enjoy it as much with all men.
probing tongue. I arched my back as ure. . .he was almost writhing in joy, There had to be something else—that
indefinable something that made sex a "That's great," he hugged me told her, and then we all laughed over
shuddering, joyful experience. tightly. "It will probably work, too. He the whole incident. And, while Aud-
Bob stayed with me till lunch, and I told us when he passed sentence that rey's eyes bugged out, Wes kissed me
was exhausted. He really was sex- he hated doing it, but if he didn't, you soundly right there at the station, and I
starved, and I was so weary when he might get hysterical and go to the wrapped rn9 arms around his neck
finally left me that I just fell asleep board. I think he'll lift the suspension." and returned that kiss fervently. It was
instantly without eating the meal that Tears stung my eyes as I murmured, the beginning for us. We were going to
was brought to me by Ralph Franklin. "How can I ever thank all of you? have a wonderful happy relationship
He politely said he would come back You've saved me from a very lonely, —and who knows? One day we might
later that evening. unhappy life." decide to make it permanent, but for
After supper, Ralph made love to a grin spread across his face, the moment, we were going to take
me. He was stiff, reserved, not at all and I realized what a terrific-looking our pleasures where we found them.
like the flirting, grinning, pinching guy he was. He went on, "I don't give "This is a hospital, not a massage
intern I knew from upstairs. It hit me a damn about the others, but as for parlor," the supervisor of nurses said
then that he was basically shy, and I me, I'd like to get to know you better, crisply, walking up. Wes and I sprang
figured he probably hadn't wanted in Marisue." apart, expecting a good chewing-out.
on this action in the first place but was And, with a singing heart, I told him Instead, she smiled and winked as she
cajoled into it because I had reported I'd like that, too. said, "Now, Miss Bishop, would you
him and caused his suspension also. Monday morning, I went to the get some clean linens from the supply
He only took me once, then left. I Chief of Staff's office and recited my closet? And since Dr. Hartford doesn't
lay there on the mattress, wondering plea. He said he understood how seem to be busy at the moment,
what would happen next. Would student nurses sometimes become perhaps he would like to help."
everyone come in for seconds? emotional, getting adjusted to hospital And, laughing like children, we
Then the door, opened and Wes life, and they over-react. He thanked hurried towards the supply closet,
walked in. "Well, you can go now," he me for coming in and said he would stepping inside and locking the door. I
said quietly, handing me my clothes. _ immediately reinstate all the interns, yanked up my white skirt, and Wes
"We never intended to keep you all and nothing would be put on their quickly dropped his white trousers—
weekend. We were each to have our records about the incident. and we made love standing up—and it
turn, then let you go, Marisue. What I When I reported to my duty station, was wonderful.
want to know, thoUgh, is did we help Audrey looked away sheepishly, figur-
at all? Are you still a man-hater?" ing, I suppose, that I was going to start With one last kiss, we knew we had
"No," I said quite honestly. "I'm screaming at her. I walked right to her to get back to work, but Wes caught
not. You guys have done me a favor. and placed my hand on her shoulder me and held me tightly against him,
You've shown me that sex can be and said, "Thanks. You did me a whispering, "You're mine now, baby.
enjoyable, and how I was wrong to let favor." The word is out. You don't have to
one bad experience sour me to all worry about any more interns pinching
men." Then I told him how I was going "I did?" she swallowed hard. "You and pawing."
to go to the Chief of Staff on Monday mean you aren't mad?" "Just you?" I asked teasingly.
morning and ask that he lift their Just then Wes walked up, grinning "Just me," he grinned.
suspension. I would tell him that I from ear to ear, and she asked him And with one last pinch—we return-
over-reacted. what he was doing back on duty. He ed to the world. •

My Boyfriend Watched small town girl who comes to New everywhere—skirting my gums, under
My Rape . . York to seek her fortune. Why, it my tongue. His tongue explored my
practically paralleled my life! I was mouth as if he would devour me!
ecstatic. A role tailor-made for me. "That's enough," I said, pulling
Certainly, 1 knew this character from away.
the gut. The more Marvin talked, the But now Marvin was breathing
more excited I became. "Oh, let me heavily. "Why, we're just beginning,"
read the script now," I pleaded. he said hoarsely. I tried to wriggle out
But Marvin didn't seem to hear. He of his grasp, but Marvin held firm.
put his arms on my shoulders. "The "Your body drives my crazy," he said,
more I look at you, the more right I his hands running up and down my
know you'll be," he said. hips.
Before I could say anything his lips There was no escape. No one
descended on mine. would hear my screams. And while
Kissing Marvin was something I'd Marvin's arm held me in a viselike grip,
dreamed about for years. But now, I the other was rummaging beneath my
picked up a large briefcase. "I'd like didn't know. Somehow, it didn't seem clothes. I pleaded and cried, but
you to read it. Do you know any place right. But could I push him away and Marvin was oblivious. His hands were
quiet?" ruin everything? I let his tongue slide stripping machines. My blouse was
"We could go to my place," I into my mouth. Well, just one kiss, I torn off, then my skirt and of course
volunteered. thought. That wouldn't hurt. my panties.
Once back in my apartment, Marvin But Marvin's kiss wasn't merely two Soon we were on the floor. 1
told me a little about the film. It was a lips touching. His tongue extended to wrestled and kicked, but that only
story about an aspiring actress—a the back of my mouth. It went ignited Marvin's passion. "What a little
tigress you turned out to be," he
laughed. "Yes, you're just perfect for
this part."
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Marvin's chest heaved hard against
mine. He was hurting me so much. My
breasts were squashed flat against him,
and my vagina—a poor receptacle of
Now is the time for LOVE!!
pain. But Marvin. Marvin was in his Ladies and mens stylized message and time watches.
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flowed. And he had come bearing
■Spells out message
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being ridiculous. The damage was
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done—his penis was deep within my
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his back until I came to his butt. ■ Solid State
Applying pressure on the little ass • Electric
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Marvin's response was immediate.
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the minute I laid eyes on you."
Now that my escape no longer Message appears Line
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seemed possible, Marvin stopped . simulated.
pumping. Instead he issued orders.
"Grab my balls," he said. 7-
I let my hands drop past his asscrack
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As if my actions deserved some watch(es). I understand all watches are warranteed for 1 full year
reward, he paid more attention to me.
He raised himself on his hands to Account no_
relieve the pressure on my chest. Then
he wet his finger and circled my Name
nipples. Gradually, his hand grazed
down my belly, which was damp with
sweat. His fingers played with my CityrStaterZip
ca......insigenfsaad sales ta,
pubic hairs, while his cock maintained
a strong steady rhythm. My body was woman. I had to explain to Rodney standing like a waif, the flowers
responding. His fingers had set off a what happened. cradled in my arms, tears filled his
rocket deep within me. In spite of The next scene was just another eyes. "Why did you do it?" he
myself, my hips-rotated hard to meet nightmare. I did catch up with whispered. "Why?"
his exploring fingers. Then with soft Rodney, but when I grabbed his arm With tears cascading down my
fingertips he played with my clit, he just drew it away. "Rodney," I Cheeks, slowly I got the whole
squeezing and pinching until I was on cried. "Let me explain. It was rape!" gruesome story out. "1 know, I'm not
the brink. My confused mind no longer But Rodney just looked at me like I blameless," I finally finished. "In the
resisted—my body was swept away by was the sorriest woman on earth. end—I did succumb. It just seemed
the pleasures of the flesh. His cock Then he kept on walking. He wouldn't useless to resist." I hung my head in
began pumping harder. I was over- answer anything I called after him. He shame. "And I wanted that part so
whelmed. The feeling in my womb wouldn't even talk to me! bad."
spread, until it saturated my entire When I got back to the apartment Rodney came to me; his arms
body. With convulsions so deep they Marvin was gone. The only bright spot cradled me like a protective womb.
seemed to shake the entire room, we in a day of horror. I didn't care about "You poor baby," he whispered.
climaxed together. the script, the part, anything! I never "What you've been through." His
Marvin collapsed on me like a heap wanted to see him again. voice turned hard. "I could kick
of lumpy clay. I looked at his head, myself. To think I just stood there,
But 1 did want to see Rodney. I
which was matted with sweat. And I while you were raped."
longed for him. Pined for him. But
wanted to cry! This man was a Rodney owed me an apology and I
Rodney seemed to have disappeared
monster. Sure, I'd eventually given in got one. "I should have listened to
off the face of this planet. Like a
to his demands, but now I felt nothing you, 1 know," he explained. "But I had
detective I tried to track him down,
but revulsion. Preying on my despera- taken a leave of absence just to visit
haunted the places where he liked to
tion, he had dangled a movie role you. And when I saw you with that
hang out. I staked out his apartment.
before me like a carrot in front of a guy, well I just was so hurt. But then
But he was nowhere,
donkey. And then he raped me! again, we never took a vow of
might have behaved like a
Suddenly I heard a noise on the far chastity. You had the right to do
detective, but in my desperation I
side of the living room. My eyes whatever you wanted."
wasn't very clever. Finally, it struck me
widened in horror. It was Rodney! "Or whatever I didn't want," I added
that he might have gone back to
He lounged- against the doorway grimly.
Chicago. •
looking very tired and very sad. "That Well, happy days are here again. A
was quite a performance," he said This time I used my smarts. Instead number of struggling actresses are hit
softly. "But don't stop on my ac- of calling Rodney direct, I called the with the old casting cduch routine.
count." Before I could say a word, he company he was acting with. "Yes," Mine was a sad and bizarre variation.
was out the door. they told me. "Rodney Calvin is But thankfully 1 haven't been scarred
"Rodney!" I screamed. 'Marvin was performing tonight." for life. Just the victim of a painful
now up on his feet. "Who the hell was It was a long shot, but remember lesson.
that?" he grumbled. how desperate I was. Using a good My trip to Chicago was a winner in
"My boyfriend," I cried, brushing chunk of my savings I booked a flight more ways than one. I got Rodney
past him so I could catch my true love. out. And when the curtain came and I got a part! One of the actresses
Marvin was yelling something after down, I was waiting in Rodney's took ill, and who do you think was
me, but I wasn't listening. I threw on a dressing room. With flowers! asked to substitute? Sherry Danner or
robe and scrambled for the door. Now I must have presented a pretty to be more accurate, Mrs. Rodney
I was sobbing and wailing like a mad forlorn sight. When Rodney saw me Calvin. •

Raped My Patieht! good grief, I'd had at least a dozen Four—and there, with legs up in the
erections, and I was horny as hell. But stirrups and spread wide, her fingers
that seemed so childish. I decided pulling open the lips of her vulva to
would just finish up the day, take expose herself to me full-view, lay
myself out for a few drinks, and see Kaye. She raised her head to smile at
what I could pick up at the local singles me. "It's all yours, honey, and don't
bar. Hell, as horny as I was, I was even say you don't want some. Believe me,
willing to pay for a piece. I've seen that cock of yours swell up all
Ms. Casey left for the day, and I was day long, and just looking at it drove
about to, when I heard Kaye on the me wild."
inter-cam saying, "One more patient, I didn't stop to rationalize. All I saw
doctor, Room Four." was a giant vagina staring me in the
"Oh, hell," I muttered, putting my face, juicy and ready. I unzipped my
white coat back on. Doc had been at pants and stepped between her thighs.
the hospital most of the day, then, I "I've got nice tits, too, doc," she
(Continued from page 24) suspected, he'd slipped off to the golf grinned, yanking the sheet all the way
was in the room—and she ceased to course. leaving me with all the work to off. And I saw that she did have large
exist when 1 had my finger up inside do, and I was tired—plus, I was still breasts—fleshy, but nice. She began to
some woman's vagina. horny. My first day hadn't been all that roll her hips around on the table.
I thought about going into the great after alt. "Come on, fuck me, doc. I've been
bathroom and masturbating, because, I shoved open the door to Room wanting it all day and so have you.
Stick it in and work it out. . . ." into her vagina and began rocking
I gave her what she wanted, my herself against it. All I had to do was
hands gripping her breasts and squee- lay there, and in a few moments, I felt
zed. She writhed and twisted beneath her moistness squeezing down on me
me, finally removing her legs from the as she climaxed.
stirrups to wrap around my waist and "That wasn't bad," she stood up and
pull me even closer to her. I gave her padded around the room naked,
everything I had, and she cried, "Oh, looking for a cigarette. "You're going
doc, baby, you're good. Damn, oh to have to control yourself better,
damn. . .keep on. . .never stop. . .fill though, doc. I can't stand it when a
it up. . . harder, harder, that's good, guy comes before I'm ready for him to.
that's ahhh. . " Now I like to use my tongue and my
And then she was jerking and rolling lips, and I'll make it good to you, but
and I had to grip her buttocks tightly to really, you've got to control your-
hold her against me so I could get my self. . ."
own climax off. I came in great, She kept blabbing, and I got up and
heaving thrusts, and I could feel my quickly dressed and said I had to go.
semen spurting mightily. It was good. She protested, wanting to go again,
She was good, and I was exhausted! but I said I really had to get to sleep.
"Doc, I swear, that's the best I've "Well, remember I staked you out,
had since nurse's training," Kaye minute 1 laid eyes on you, and me and doc," she yelled from the door of her
grinned, sliding off the table and you are going to have one hell of a apartment. "I've got my brand on
reaching for her clothes. "There's fucking good time." you."
something about you doctors, and I The woman was unreal. Stunned, I The next morning I cornered ur.
can't quite figure it out. Are you good let her lead me into the bedroom Slocumb long enough to ask him
in bed because you get so sexed up all where she shoved me down on the about Kaye. His eyes crinkled suspi-
the time poking around in women's bed and started undressing me. I guess ciously as he snapped, "What about
pussies, or is it all that free poontang I should have protested and gotten the her? What are you getting at?"
you get in training with the nurses?" hell out of there, chalking her up as a "She. . . ." I turned away, em-
"I never thought about it," 1 said, nympho, but I was single and never barrassed. Hell, how could I put it into
feeling sheepish now that it was all sure where my next piece was coming words. Miserably I said,"She comes on
over. I watched her dress. Kaye wasn't from, and I made it a policy not to turn kind of strong, you know?"
an unattractive woman, but she was down any free stuff. So, I just let her "She's all heart, that girl," he smiled
far from pretty. She was also on the do her thing, and within seconds, she then, patting me on the back. "Best
plump side. I could have accepted all had me moaning. The damn woman nurse I ever had. Best lay, too, if you
of that, I suppose. It was her crudeness could do things with her mouth that want to know the truth. Trouble is, I
that turned me off. Still, she offered drove me crazy. She went right down still want it as much as I ever did, just
herself to me when I needed sex the and gobbled up my penis like it was a not as much of it." He threw his head
most, and I was grateful; so when she lollipop—sucking and licking and act- back and laughed at his joke.
said, "How about if we have dinner ually lifting ,my hips up off the bed "Why do you keep her here?" I
together?—how could I turn her when she really put the pressure on. asked bluntly.
down? "Why?" he blinked at me stupidly.
We went to a seafood restaurant, "Because I like to screw her once in
where Kaye consumed a bottle of wine awhile, that's why. She's also a good
Are you good because you get nurse, like I said. Now don't worry. I
all by herself. Afterwards, she insisted sexed up from poking around in
that I take her home so she could show know she's a little wild-cat, but you're
women's pussies, or is it the young. You should be able to handle
me her apartment. "I fixed it up poontang you get from the
myself. It's right on the waterfront. yourself. Relax and enjoy it. If I were
student nurses?
You'll love it." younger, I'd keep her satisfied, but I'm
Well, I went, and I had to admit it an old man, so I'm giving her to you as
was a pretty place, moonlight spilling a present, with my compliments."
down upon a palm-lined balcony. She She lifted my testicles, one at a time, Then he picked up his golf bag and
fixed us a frosty drink, then I said I had very gently, sucking them into her left me with an office full of patients. At
to be going. "We've got a heavy mouth while her fingertips moved like least I didn't spend all day walking
schedule at the office tomorrow." thousands of fluttering butterflies up around trying to hide an erection.
"Oh, no, you can't leave me yet." and down my thighs. She spread my Kaye had taken care of my horny state
She leaped to her feet and I watched buttocks and moved her tongue down, the night before. But evidently I hadn't
in amazement as she started stripping down, down. . . .flicking inside my taken care of hers. During a break,
out of her clothes. Then she stood anus. And that's when I explod- she walked right into our little lounge
before me naked. "We're going to ed—the semen spurting from me as area and came to me and squeezed
screw some more, doc, in my big my orgasm hit me full-blast. my cock in her hand and whispered,
king-sized bed. I'm going to give you "Oh, damn," she cursed, realizing "Tonight, doc, my place. I've got two
head. . .I'm going to take you around what had happened. "I haven't gotten steaks, champagne—we'll have a ball,
the world. , .I'm going to make you mine off yet. Oh well... " a real ball. . ." and she giggled.
blow your rocks like they've never And then, incredulously, I watched Suddenly, I felt nauseated. There
been blown before. I liked you the as she took my finger and inserted it she stood, boobs rubbing against my
chest, her hand squeezing my penis, And Kaye stood there grinning the me downwards, her lips raised for a
and instead of looking forward to whole time I made my examination. kiss. And, God forgive me, but I lost
rolling her that night, 1 felt revulsion. "I Finally, when it was over, I told Judy control, and I did kiss her. I pressed
can't make it," I said quickly, pushing to sit up on the edge of the table, and 1 her back on the examination table,
her away. "I've made other plans." snapped to Kaye that she could leave. and she automatically placed her feet
She blew up, said a lot of things she "But she isn't dressed yet, doctor," in the stirrups once again, opening
should have been fired for saying, then Kaye said in a syrupy voice. "It isn't herself for me. "Make me feel like a
stormed out of the lounge, almost ethical for a nurse to leave the room woman, Terry, please. Do to me now
knocking Ms. Casey over, who was when a female patient is naked." what you wanted to do back in high
just coming in. "Well, that love affair "Get out of here, will you?" 1 school. Make love to me. Make me
didn't last long," she laughed. snapped, running out of patience with your own. I love you now, and 1 think
"Now you're taking a lot for her sarcasm. "I'm not going to rape I've always loved you. . "
granted," I said indignantly. her." I unzipped my fly, and my penis
"Are you kidding, doctor?" She With a frozen face, she whipped out leaped forward eagerly. I shoved it
grinned at me saucily, "I've seen Kaye of the room, and when the door against her cunt, entered her, wham-
seduce men patients and give them a closed, Judy whistled and said, ming her with all I had. In that
blow job on the table. Oh, she didn't "Wow, what was that all about?" moment, I was not a doctor with a
know I saw—but I did. She's not very hysterical patient-1 was a high school
discreet. I figured it was just a matter of kid trying to score with the first girl that
time till she got her hooks into All I had to do was lay there and had ever turned him on. I pushed and
you—but the first day? Wow, she's a in a few moments I felt her shoved against her, my hands squeez-
faster worker than I thought." moistness squeezing down as she ing her breasts, not caring that she was
My eyes flicked over her, annoyed, climaxed. whimpering in pain. I forgot about her
but I couldn't help but like what I saw. recent surgery, the fact that she might
She didn't have a pin-up type body, be sore. I had to have her, had to fill
but she had nice tits and a firm, her up, because there might never be a
rounded tail. Her nose was turned-up "Never mind," 1 said gently, not next time.
saucily, and she had a great smile. I wanting to be rude but not wanting to I wished I were twenty inches long. I
liked her hair, too—strawberry blonde. talk about Kaye, either. Then I looked wished I could plunge so far into her
Boldly, 1 said, "How about you? at Judy's chart and told her that she that I came out of her mouth. I'd
You're single, aren't you? Have you was in fine shape and should have no wanted that sweet ass of hers for so
been seducing our patients?" trouble getting pregnant. "Some wo- many years, and now 1 was driving It
"Not me, doc," she held up her men get pregnant right after a ❑ & C, on home. Good. . damn, it was
hands defensively, still laughing. "1 like anyway." good. .. tight, sweet, wet, hot. . .it
sex as well as the next gal, but I've got "Well, that's not important any- was the best piece I'd ever had.. .
to get all sticky and be emotionally more," she said quietly. I turned "No.. " she was moaning. "No,
involved, you know? I've got to feel around to stare at her, saw that she stop, you're hurting me. Stop. "
that It means something. Kaye is out was crying. "Chuck and I are separa- But I wasn't about to stop. I was
for kicks, and if that's her thing, fine, ted." steadily drilling into her, and I'd
but a friendly word of advice—don't "Oh, Judy, I'm sorry," 1 was on my already climaxed once and was about
get her too riled up. I've always had feet and rushing to her side. "Is there to go again, and nothing was going to
the feeling she could be mean if she anything I can do to help?" make me stop now... I wanted to go
wanted to be." Her arms went around me, clutch- on and on and stay inside her forever
She turned and walked out, and I ing me wildly. The sheet fell away, and and ever..
made a mental note to ask her out to I was holding her naked body. "What the hell is going on here?"
dinner one evening soon. But she was Instantly, my penis was throbbing, Kaye's voice bounced off the walls.
right, I had to watch out for Kaye. straining, wanting her. "Just hold me," Instantly I pulled out of Judy, and
Kaye kept making passes at me in she cried. "Oh, Terry, Terry, I couldn't Judy began shrieking and screaming,
the days that followed, but I turned her help myself. When I saw you that first clutching at the sheet, drawing her legs
down. If It hadn't been for Doc day, it all came back, the way we used up to her chin. Kaye ran over to put
Slocumb, 1 would have fired her on to feel about each other. 1 wish I'd her arms around her protectively,
the spot. As it was, I just did my job never married Chuck. He wasn't the guy yelling, "My God, doctor, you've
and tried to ignore her. I thought he was. He was brutal and raped a patient. How could you? What
Judy had her D & C, and selfish, and he drinks, and, oh, dear kind of monster are you?"
everything te.rned out okay, and then God, I wish I'd given myself to you Judy continued to scream, and I
she came back for her six weeks back then. Hold me, please. . .don't was busily putting my instantly soft
check-up, and I cursed myself for the let me go. . ." penis back into my trousers, yanking
erection that popped up the minute I She was on the verge of hysteria, up the zipper, catching it in my pubic
walked into the examination room and and I could do nothing but hold her hair and cursing as I wrestled with the
saw that pretty little twat staring me in against me and let her cry it out. If I'd confounded thing.
the face. I think Kaye deliberately had a decent nurse to depend on, I Nancy Casey came running in, her
draped her that way—so instead of me would have called for help, but I didn't eyes widening at the sight that greeted
walking up to throw the sheet back dare bring Kaye and her smart mouth her. Finally I had my pants fixed, and I
when I was ready, I would be hit with a in to witness this scene. So I just kept turned to her helplessly and said, "It's
full-view from the start, with no time to holding her. not what it looks like, believe me."
get hold of myself. Slowly, very slowly, her arms pulled "I'm calling the police," Kaye cried,

"Nancy, you see to this woman. She's you, doctor?" he hissed at me. "How "I've got a few things to say, and I
in a state of shock and needs a could you screw a patient right here in don't care if I lose my job, I'm going to
sedative. call Dr. Slocumb and try the office? It's against every ethic. If say them."
to get him here. Oh, this is awful, that woman presses charges, you'll "Ms. Casey," Dr. Slocumb stood
simply awful." lose your license, and how do you up, holding out a nervously twitching
Then she looked at me, an evil think it's going to make me look? It hand. "Please, don't„ . "
gleam of triumph in her eyes. She happened in my office." "Oh, yes, I am," she snapped. "I've
was getting her revenge for my I could only look at him and shake sat back and watched that tramp all I
rejection of her—in the worst way my head in apology. It had happened, intend to. I've seen her give head to
possible. Pushing by me, she dis- and there was nothing I could do male patients. I know she's been
appeared down the hall. Nancy had about it now. having sex with you for years, and
moved to Judy and was shaking her, They took Judy home, and then the that's the only reason you keep her
telling her to get hold of herself. police came back and told me she on. I know she threw herself at Dr.
I had the presence of mind to find a wasn't going to press charges. She Bennett, and I also know that he was
sedative and hand it to Nancy with a calmed down and said she did throw it only human and took her up on what
cup of water, and she, in turn, gave it at you- the burly detective said she offered. But then he saw her for
to Judy, who was calming down. "It's around a slimy cigar. "But the thing is, what she was, and he dumped her.
not what you think," 1 said, running that nurse out there is screaming to She couldn't stand it and wanted
nervous fingers through my hair. high heavens, and we won't be able to revenge. As for what happened
"Judy and I are old friends. We used keep this thing quiet. She's even between him and the patient today,
to date in high school. She and her saying you balled her, too, doc. Even can't say, because I wasn't there. But I
husband have separated, and she was if the other woman wants to just forget do know that she told me when she
upset, and she kissed me, and oh, it, I think the nurse is going to make all calmed down that it wasn't his fault,
God. . . ." I groaned, knowing what it kinds of waves. You're in a lot of that she still had a school-girl crush on
looked like. trouble." him, and her husband had left her,
I made my way to my office to wait "Oh, no, he isn't!" and she was desperate for affection.
for the police, and they were not long We all turned to see Nancy Casey She wanted to get things going with
in arriving. Dr. Slocumb came, too, standing in the doorway, a tight, set her old boyfriend, so she offered
and I told him my story as he glared at look on her face, her hands on her herself to him. It was later that she got
me with blazing eyes. "How could hips as she looked at us with disgust. hysterical and started screaming. I'm

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no psychiatrist, but I think she needs tives have gone now. There will be no Well, as for Judy, she did go for
professional counseling." charges filed. I talked to Kaye, and she therapy, and she and Chuck both
She paused to take a breath, then knows she had better keep her mouth went to a marriage counselor. She's
rushed on, "If anyone is to blame, it's shut. I also fired her." happy now, and their marriage seems
YOU, Dr. Slocumb, for not firing that He sat down, sighing wearily. "As solid. I examined her just the other day
tramp years ago. Dr. Bennett's crime is for you," he looked at me. "I think you and gave her the happy news that she
in not exercising self-control. He has should learn to control yourself, son. is expecting a baby. She kissed
not raped anyone." You've got a long life ahead of you, me—but it was a kiss of gratitude, and
Dr. Slocumb cleared his throat staring up into women's vaginas, the new office nurse smiled her
self-consciously, then gave me a wave manipulating their breasts as you look approval.
of dismissal. "I'd like to talk to the for lumps, seeing them naked. Maybe Kaye? Well, we haven't heard from
police alone, if you don't mind." you should get married. A single her again, thank goodness. But it's a
Gratefully, I hurried out of the doctor has it rougher than a man who sure bet she's somewhere balling
room, and the minute we were has sex on a regular basis." somebody—and causing someone a
outside, I tried to thank Nancy, but she It was over. Miraculously, I had lot of worry.
wouldn't let me. "I just don't like to see been saved from crucifixion. Dr. As for me and Nancy—well, we
anyone crucified," she said, still angry. Slocumb left, and I turned to Nancy didn't waste any time. She's my wife
"They were going to railroad you, and and said, "Don't argue with me. I'm now, and she makes sure that 1 have
I wasn't about to let it happen." taking you out for dinner. Right now, no reason to get aroused in the
We went into the little lounge and you're the only person in the world examination room. She keeps me
had a cup of coffee, both of us that I trust and want to be with." satisfied, and I try to keep her fulfilled,
nervous, waiting to see what would SFfe smiled saucily and said, "Am I also.
happen next. If Kaye decided to safe? After all, doctor, you've got a It's a wonderful world—but for
charge me with rape, then everything pretty rough reputation, you know." awhile there, 1 was about to go off the
was lost. I laughed, and it was a good feeling. deep end. Thank goodness Nancy
About fifteen minutes later, Dr. "Just don't let me get you on the bailed me out. I'll always be grate-
Slocumb walked into the room looking examination table, and your virtue ful—and she knows it—because I
very old and very tired. "The detec- should be safe." remind her every day! •

Too Hot To Handle! ran from the bedroom. If that was the —those who were home. 1 guess
way he wanted things to be, then he most of the residents were working.
could live with it. Maybe it was time I There was no way I could go back after
should start to think about myself and five. My heart began to grow heavy at
my needs. my lack of success.
Mel and I managed to struggle Finally a door opened when I rang
through a silent dinner. That night I the buzzer. A man who appeared to be
slept beside him, but I didn't touch him in his mid-30s answered. I almost
again. From now on I would be dropped the sausage when I saw he
content to find my pleasures in other was wearing only a towel, and it wasn't
ways. There was no reason in the fastened too securely around his waist.
world why our 20 year age difference "Uh, Hi," I said, not knowing where
had to break us apart, no reason to look. "My name's Lauren and I'm a
except Mel's stubbornness. sausage tester. I mean, I work for this
(Continued from page 28) The next morning 1 succeeded in firm. Oh, wow!" I blushed. Everything
pushing back my anger, but not my I said was coming out the wrong way. I
He closed his eyes and began frustration. As soon as Mel left for took a deep breath and started over
stroking my body through my clothes. work I had to hurry and get ready for again. "I'd like_ to leave a package of
I could feel the longing rise until it my job, so there was no time to this vegetable protein sausage with
caught in my throat. I wanted to feel indulge in my ritual of going back to you and come back in a week to ask
his naked skin against mine. He made bed and caressing myself to an you some questions about it."
no move to undress me, though, and orgasm. It was a lonely pleasure, but it
just continued stroking me absent- kept me going. He laughed. "I've heard of chicks
mindedly like you would pet a dog or I resolved to do a real good job with selling encyclopedias, but this is too
a cat. the sausage tests. If you got a high much. Come on in and tell me about
Suddenly he stopped and sat up. "I number of returns, they gave you it.
can't go on with this. It's torture!" bonus money. I would make as much I glanced at the towel and decided I
I looked down and saw him bulging as I could and then Mel could take it needed another person. I could tell
firmly against his pants. Slowly I easy at work and divert his energy to that this guy was really hung, and he
reached out with my fingers and began our bedroom. was starting not to hang—if you know
to massage what for so long had been That morning, as I walked from what I mean.
the instrument of my pleasure. "Stop apartment to apartment handing out "Okay," I said in a very businesslike
it, Lauren!" He pushed my hand away the product and talking to people, I way. "Only for a minute. I'm on a very
as if I had hurt him. "You're trying to began to feel better. I was doing the busy schedule."
kill me. Don't you care?" second half of the swinging singles "Look, I'm sorry for shocking you, if
"Yes, I care!" I screamed at him. "I complex and contrary to the image, I am," he said. "I just got out of the
care about us and I care about you." I the people there were really nice shower." I followed him into the
apartment and he nodded his head in person in his apartment. It helped that "When you come back I'LL be ready to
the direction of the sofa. he was so charming and was built like answer your questions. Will you be
I chose to . sit in a chair. That, I a Greek god. As he bent toward me ready?"
figured, was safer. and handed me a sandwich I could 1 blushed. "I don't know."
He sat opposite me with his legs smell the scent of warm skin, soap and "We'll see." He flashed me his
slightly apart, just enough so I kept after shave lotion. The old familiar seductive smile and slowly closed the
getting glimpses of what 1 shouldn't throbbing began. door.
have been looking at. "You seem so "You're so pretty. You should be I had to stand leaning against the
nervous," he joked. "I don't bite. At behind a desk as a receptionist. You'd building for a couple of minutes to
least not all the time." He gave me a make more money. Would you like for catch my breath. The whole thing had
wink. "Are you new at this?" me to ask at the agency?" to be fate. Somehow I'd been sent this
I explained to him that I was just "My husband won't let me work." gorgeous man right when 1 needed
starting the job and then I went into my blurted out before I could stop myself. him the most and even though I loved
speech about sausage. There was no cause to bring up Mel Mel more than anyone in the world, I
"Hey, it's almost noon," he broke now, not that I wanted this man to was ready. Yes, I was more than
in. "1 was just about to make some think I was single. but it wasn't any of ready.
lunch. Would you like a sandwich or his business. The rest of the afternoon dragged
something?" "Oh, one of those." He smiled on forever as I trudged from door to
I shook my head. "No, really, I've knowingly and patted my knee. "I door trying to get people to take
got to get back to work." imagine there a lot of other things he samples of the product. The clouds
"But you look so tired." His voice won't let you do either." seemed to hang swollen in the sky and
smoothed over me like satin. I looked remembered the night before when the sun was suspended like a metallic
into his deep brown eyes. They were Mel and 1 had been in bed and said disk. My whole body was on edge with
the color of teak wood. "You look like nothing. desire and my conscience chafed and
you need a little rest." "Well that's not our worry right burned like the heat rash I could feel
I let myself be persuaded. "Only if now," he continued. "Let me get you beginning to cover my skin.
you promise to try the sausage for relaxed so you can beat the pavement What I had felt was purely animal.
breakfast sometime this next week and again this afternoon." He removed my There was no lone or caring about it.
answer some questions about it when 1 shoes and began rubbing the soles of He had liked the way I looked and I
come back." my feet in firm circles. It felt like was ready for a man, any man. Desire
"It's a small price to pay, Lauren, for heaven and 1 was helpless to protest. to feel someone stroking me in all my
your company." most intimate places blazed through
I put up my feet and looked around me like a prarie grass fire. But didn't I
the apartment while he prepared our I could smell the scent of warm still owe my allegiance to Mel? After all
lunch. It was different than the other skin, soap and after shave lotion he was my husband and I did love
ones in the complex. It had the same and the old familiar throbbing him.
white walls and square box like rooms, As I rang door bells and filled out my
but thiS mystery man had certainly pink papers with statistics 1 remember-
stamped his personality on it. The ed how we had met. Mel had been a
walls were hung with paintings and the friend of my father's before he died.
chair and sofa were covered in a sky I closed my eyes and imagined how Somewhere along the line Daddy had
blue velvet-like material. His place he would look without the towel. I saw done my husband a favor and helped
looked like something in a magazine. myself with nothing on either and him him get an apprenticeship in the
He came back, this time wearing a sitting there stroking my feet as he building trade. Mel made it higher than
robe, and bearing a tray with sand- became more and more erect. finally Daddy, but he wasn't too proud to
wiches and a bottle of wine. He set it standing almost straight up from the come back and visit. He'd been one of
down in front of me on the coffee table. dark brown ringlets I'd seen earlier. He the ones at my father's bedside when
"You must be really wealthy to be was long and hard and smooth and he he died emaciated from a terrible
able to fix your apartment up like this. I touched Me ever so gently, but I lingering cancer. Mel promised to look
like it." I said. shivered under his touch. after me and he did.
He looked up at me. "I'm glad. Most Suddenly he stopped rubbing my He took me out to lunch and
of the neighbors are so plastic, they feet. "What are you thinking about?" advised me about what subjects 1
don't even notice." I jumped at being caught in the should take in my senior year in high
"1 did. It looks like a home rather middle of a fantasy. "Nothing." I said. school and about what I should do
than a motel room." smoothing my skirt down past my after I graduated. Soon his fatherliness
"There are apartments in this build- knees. and my fondness for him had turned
ing that do look like that." He smiled "It doesn't take much to make you into a deep trusting love for each
and showed a set of white even teeth happy, then. - From the way he was other. Four years after Dad's death it
behind his full and sensous lips. "As looking at me I knew that he had come seemed only natural to everyone that
for being rich, I'm not that. I work for a close to reading my thoughts. "You we should marry.
talent agency. We book musicians so haven't eaten yet. If you're in a hurry, Now I was driving home to the
my hours are late and the work is you'd better get started." prison of, a house that I shared with
frustrating, but someday, someday 1'11 I picked up the sandwich and began him. The place cried out for the loving
make it to the top." eating, but I wasn't hungry, at least, we had once shared to again soften its
I felt like I was in a dream. Here I not for food. When l finished he walls. I remembered the times of
was sitting talking to an almost famous walked me ta the door. discovery we had embarked upon nn
and, after our honeymoon, the thrill of figured if I was going to lay all of my singles apartment building. I could
the touch of his hand on my cards on the table I might as well create hear laughter drifting from the pool
breasts—the exploratory strokes of his a good impression on him first. area. This was where I belonged in a
hands on my stomach and the tickling "You're the best wife any man could place that was filled with life, not
sensations as his fingers brushed possibly have," he said to me, his preoccupations with death. I pulled
against the sensitive skin on my inner voice almost breaking with tenderness. my clipboard from work from where
thighs. That was all over now. He "I love you, Mel." I took a deep I'd hidden it under the seat. My hastily
didn't want to even look at me for fear breath and could feel the blood rising jotted note said: "Apartment 297 B."
of sending his heart into another to my cheeks. "But I don't feel like a That was where I was headed, to 297
spasm, but he was willing to spend wife anymore. I feel more like your B and a new life.
many hours a day arguing with his sister." Timidly I knocked at the door and
boss and contracting suppliers, finagel- He came to me and rubbed the back when it didn't open I banged louder.
ing bids on jobs, going without lunch, of my neck. "You've had it rough, "Just a minute you don't have to break
not even getting enough sleep from kid." the door down!" The muffled voice
the pressures of his work. And he was "I've had it more than rough, seemed disturbed.
doing it all to make sure I was going to honey. It's hard to quit when you're I panicked. Maybe I'd written down
be a well set widow. With the used to making love three or four the wrong address. The door opened
economy the way it was, I wasn't sure times a week." and my fantasy lover stood there in his
if I'd be sell set. I was sure that Mel was "I know you've been climbing the bathrobe tied loosely about his waist.
going to make me a widow. walls." He paused. "Lauren, I've "Oh, it's you." he said in a less than
thought about this a lot lately. You friendly voice. "No, I didn't try the
should find a younger man, someone sausage."
He was long and hard and smooth who can satisfy you like I can't.
and he touched me ever so gently, Someone good who will take care of
but I shivered under his touch.
you when I'm gone " Desire to feel someone stroking
I looked at him amazed. "You're me in all my most intimate places
saying you want me to play around?" blazed through me like a prairie
I couldn't bear to have it happen "I love you so much and I want to grass fire.
again, to have the second man who spend the rest of my days with you.
was the light of my life dead. It would You're young and you have normal
be too much like seeing my father womanly desires. If I don't give you "I didn't come about sausage," I
slowly waste away. I wanted Mel. I some freedom, I'll lose you." said. "I came because I'm leaving my
longed to convince him to take it easy It sounded to me like he was giving husband."
and begin to really take advantage of up, that he was admitting he would "I thought you'd wait for a few days
the position he was in, in his 40s, never make love to me again. "Mel," I and come in the afternoon. That was
comfortably set and married to a pleaded, "I want you. What if I fool our arrangement. Listen I have com-
young woman who desired him with a around and I just happen to fall in pany. I never meant for you to leave
passion. That would take time. The love? What will we do then? For God's your old man over me. Broads!"
man in the well decorated apartment sake go back to the doctor. Listen to I began to cry big choking sobs.
was waiting for me to come to bed with him, Mel. Heart patients don't have to There was no place for me to go. l'd
him. My body cried out for one thing turn into monks." loused up my marriage and the man I
while my heart cried out for another. "I'm terribly afraid of dying," he said went running to hadn't even taken his
I made Mel's favorite supper that slowly. "A person your age just flirting with me seriously.
night, carefully substituting ingredients doesn't understand that." "Look, come in, but just for a
that had a low cholesterol content. "You're not afraid enough to lay off minute," he said. "I want you to
When I was finished the beef strogan- the work bit," I hurled at him. Tears of collect yourself and then cal! your old
off was a masterpiece. You could anger and frustration began to fill my man to say you're coming home." I
hardly tell the recipe had been eyes. "For your information, I do have followed him into the living room and
changed. I opened a bottle of red wine a lover," I said in a tight voice, thinking collapsed on his sofa. He poured me a
and set the table with candles and of the man I'd met earlier that day. "I drink and roughly pushed it toward
fresh flowers cut from my garden. If met him on my job, Mel, the job I took me. "Listen," he began. "We didn't
this was going to work, I had to create because you were so full of self pity even make it, so where do you get off
the proper atmosphere. and wouldn't let me work and you leaving your husband over me?"
It wasn't fair, I know, but in my heart wouldn't even touch me." The hurt "Because you acted like you cared
I decided that if Mel didn't come just poured out of me. about me."
around tonight, if he at least didn't His face turned a greyish color and "Listen, Babe, I thought you were in
agree to talk again to his doctor about he sat down. "So this is it? It sounds the mood for a little fun, that's all. A
having sex with me, I would go to bed like you're telling me to kiss off." bored housewife out to have some
with the man who wanted me. I could "You'd better believe it," I spat. kicks. You're all alike, you know. I can
wait no longer. "You can just work your way to an smell you a mile off."
When Mel walked into the house early grave paying alimony. The way A woman poked her head out from
that night, his eyes lit up with you are, I think you're perfect for the what I guessed was the bathroom. She
admiration for my skill as a housewife. part." I slammed out of the house and had nothing on and as she walked
His eyes opened even wider when he got into the car. toward us her full breasts bounced. I
saw me in the bright paisley jumpsuit The sun was just beginning to set as tried not to look, but my eyes strayed
he'd bought for my birthday. I'd I pulled into the parking lot of the to the dark curly patch of hair that
sharply contrasted her pale blond tried to move Brad on top of me. me back now, but I wanted him more
waves hanging to her shoulders. He resisted and instead gently than ever. This time I would be a
"What have we here?" she asked. pushed me to the floor and positioned woman instead of a little girl and I
"is she for me or for you, Brad?" She himself over my mouth. I eagerly would treat the physical side of what
sat on the sofa beside me and began sucked and licked him, feeling him went on between us like a woman and
running her long manicured fingers up grow harder. Then I could feel a not like a little girl grabbing candy bars
and down my leg. tongue moving between my legs and rides on the ferris wheel.
"Who knows?" He gave me a look slowly and gently at first but then As I took off my shoes and padded
of pure disdain. "I patted it's head this faster. It entered me and then worked through the darkened living room
afternoon and it followed me home. in circles around the outside. I knew it toward our bed, I knew I wouldn't
I'm afraid to feed it, I'll never get rid of was the woman, but I didn't care. My blame him if he wouldn't take me
body screamed out for pleasure. I back. I'd hurt him and hurt him bad.
"Down, Rover." The woman gave came then and it was like a rush of I'd only heard his offer to help me get
Brad a lazy sensuous smile. "Can't you warm water come to put out the fire. I my satisfaction, but I hadn't listened to
see the lady needs a little comforting?" could feel Brad's contractions begin as his fears about his brush with death. I
She reached into a small box on the finally he withdrew from my mouth wanted to begin to listen, to stop doing
coffee table and pulled out a hand and sat up. things behind his back.
rolled cigarette. As she lit it I could "It's Karen's turn," he said. "Go When I saw the covers bunched up
smell the sweet pungent odor of down on her, Lauren." and Mel beneath them I sighed a
marijuana. "Here." She handed it to I shook my head. "No, I'll be sick. I breath of relief. The regular movement
me and I inhaled and choked. "That's feel sick from the grass and the drink. told me he was alive. I took off my
sweet," she said, "and innocent." Can't I use my hand?" clothes and crawled into bed beide
Brad looked me up and down. "She him. "I'm home, Mel."
is cute. She must have some redeem- "You didn't make me sick. Didn't He rolled over to face me. in the
ing qualities." He looked at me again. anybody teach you the golden rule?" dim light from the hallway I could see
"Just what are your redeeming quali- Karen asked and Brad pushed my his questioning eyes. "Did you have a
ties?" head down toward the dark curly good time?"
The woman, Brad's friend, snugg- patch of hair. "A terrible time. I grew up In a
led up against me and began to lightly hoped to get it over with as soon as couple of hours and it hurt."
brush and then pinch my nipples I could, but Karen held back and it "Me, too," he said. "I was thinking
beneath the thin jumpsuit. I tried to seemed that I was working on her for about how scared I was to have sex
pull away, but the room swayed crazily hours. My tongue ached and my heart and how I just wouldn't talk about it or
and I had to close my eyes to stop it. ached as I thought of Mel and how I face it. When I told you to take a lover,
"See, she likes it." The woman's longed to be at home in bed curled up I didn't mean it."
voice seemed to come from far away. beside him. I remembered his grey "I know." I took him in my arms.
"Stop it. I'm not a. . .I mean, I just face when I'd told him about my "When I said I already had a lover 1
don't like women," I said, my eyes still mystery man and the tears began to didn't mean that either."
closed. I hoped 1 hadn't offended her. roil down my cheeks. I wasn't grown We hugged each other and cried for
Things were so different in this place up. I was acting like a teenager out to a white. We didn't make love in the
than they had seemed earlier. I might get sex kicks and hurt her parents. No physical sense that night, but the
have dreamed about making love with wonder Mel always talked about our hugging and crying brought us closer
Brad, but never with a woman. I was age difference. l pushed him and together than we ever had been.
frustrated, but not that frustrated. picked at him in my impatience. I Slowly we're working our lives
Then Brad moved over .beside me wanted my way or else. 1 was just a together out. Mel started talking to his
on the sofa and began to stroke my spoiled brat. doctor about his problems and fears
breasts while the woman moved her And MeI worked so hard because he and he began going to a counselor,
hands downward. was afraid that I couldn't take care of too.
I held tightly to her hand to stop her, myself. I sure hadn't proven that I was When he realized that he was
but Brad reached down and moved responsible. I'd flung words of hate at drowning himself in work to escape
my hand away. "This is a package him and maybe even killed him. I going to bed with me, he cut back his
deal," he murmered huskily. "You choked and sat up. "I have to go hours and let me keep my job. He was
can't have one of us without the home," I said. I was afraid they would desperately afraid that he'd have
other." He kissed me full on the lips keep me in the apartment by force. another attack if he exerted himself
and his tongue moving against mine "You want to take, but you won't physically. The doctor suggested we
sent shivers through my body. I could give anything back!" Karen grabbed for start slow and have Mel be completely
feel her slowly unzipping the front my head, but I resisted. passive. When he had his first orgasm
opening of the jumpsuit and hands "That's just it," I threw over my and didn't die, he couldn't believe it.
were all over me. The feelings were so shoulder as I grabbed up my pocket- That was okay with me, because we've
intense I couldn't sort out who was book and headed for the door. "I'm proved it over and over again to each
doing what. The fingers moving over selfish. I have to apologize, but not to other.
my breasts made the nipples hard and you." I found out that if I acted like a
sensitive and the hands moving on my I drove quickly over the deserted woman, patient and loving, instead of
legs, up to the patch of hair between streets toward home not even taking an anxious rebellious teenager, Mel
them, and finally to the center of my time to comb my hair before I used my acted like a husband instead of an old
pleasure, were driving me insane. I key to let myself in the front door. I father. I wish it hadn't taken apartment
moaned with the desire to be filled and didn't know whether Mel would have 297B to prove it to me.
on an office nurse, don't P" all the rest, you know, conniving to get
My Doctor/Lover's "Shut up, Paula," Ron surprised me a rich doctor. Have you asked her if
by screaming. I'd never seen him mad she'll live in poverty?"
or upset. He was always so sweet, so He turned anguished eyes upon
gentle. "I'm not going to listen to your me. "I'm sorry, honey," he said
wise-cracks. So now you know. Just quietly. "1 know this has hit you right
what do you think you're going to do between the eyes. I'll explain
about it? I'm not backing off this time, everything to you later."
you see." Then he turned back to Paula and
She lost her cool veneer at once, pointed towards the door. "Get out.
and her eyes widened. I thought 1 saw You've said what you came to say."
a flicker of fear in their gaze as she "I happen to own this building," she
snapped, 'What the hell do you hissed between clenched teeth, "and
mean, you aren't going to back off? I'll stay as long as I like. YOU get out
(Continued from page32) You'll do as I say, and you'll do with — and don't come back. I'll have the
her what you've done with the others place pad-locked by morning,
frenzied in his own orgasm. Quick, when I finally found out who they I'll . ."
jerking jabs as he gripped my thighs for were. You'll fire her, and I might add She kept screaming, but Ron had
leverage to pull me even closer to I'm getting a bit tired of this. For grabbed my arm and was steering me
meet his assault. Slowly, very slowly, punishment, your allowance will be past her, outside, into the parking lot.
he came back to earth, slumping for- suspended for awhile. Let's see how He shoved me into his sports car, and
ward as he always did, to suck my you manage ... ." as we roared away, she ran outside,
breasts gently for long, precious Allowance? What was she talking still yelling, waving her arms in the air.
moments, .:while I stroked his curly about? I looked at Ron, who was run- I couldn't speak. I was too shocked
hair, my heart warm . . . my body ning nervous fingers through his hair. by all that had just taken place. Ron
full. "I am not going to let her go," he said started talking, telling me how he had
"Oh, this is touching . ." A voice then. "I've had jt, Paula. I can't live signed an agreement with Paula, but
sliced into the air and hands clapped under your conditions anymore. I he had no other choice. "I had a burn-
together in applause. We sprang apart don't love you, and I don't think I ever ing desire to be a doctor, but no
wildly, terrified, and I saw an im- did . . . ." money. And she wasn't like she is
maculately-groomed woman leaning "Oh, you loved me when you now. I have to be honest and say that I
against the doorway, an acid-sweet needed my daddy's money to put you did love her, but she had this thing
smile on her carefully made-up face. through medical school, you bastard," about doctors walking out on the
"And just think, 1 got to see it free. she screamed at him, and I saw her wives that had put them through med
Why, I hear they're charging ten fingers arch into claws, as though she school. I thought her little "contract"
dollars a seat for the sex shows over would spring on him at any moment. was funny and cute at the time, but
on the seamy side of town!" "And you thought you loved me when dear God, I had no idea that it was so
Ron was the first to come out of you signed an agreement turning over binding. I've tried to break it, but I've
shock. He got to his feet, and by the every penny yciu ever made in your been told that's impossible without a
time he turned to face her, he had his practice to me . ." messy court case that would injure my
clothes in order. "What's the meaning "That was a fatal mistake, his voice practice and my reputation."
of this, Paula?" he asked in 'a voice sounded very old, very sad. I saw his "I'm not concerned about that," I
that told me he wasn't as calm as he hands trembling. "I wanted to be a said bitterly, tears stinging my eyes as I
pretended to be. doctor. more than anything in the fought to keep control. "I want to hear
Then it hit me. "Paula ," he had world, and I had no money, no family about the other women, Ron. Right
said. This was his wife. 1 yanked down to help me. I let you trap me into that before we made love today, Laura
my uniform, coming alive. I shoved agreement. ." had told me I was a fool, that I wasn't
my breasts back into my bra, started "Yes, because I was a nurse, damn the first."
buttoning my top. you, and I had watched too many
"Now, I think that's my line," doctors fooling around, seen them He sighed, reaching for me after we
walk out on the wives that worked to
Paula's voice was crisp, harsh. 1 watch- had parked 'beside a sleepy little lake,
ed as she pulled out a cigarette and put them through medical school, but I stiffened and pulled back. "There
lit it slowly, very cool. "You seem to leaving them with a broken heart, all have been others, darling. I won't lie
forget that I've been playing this rolealone, while they walked off into the to you. But they meant nothing. They
for years, darling. I know every word sunset with their tramps, who shared were only flings. I never made them
by heart." their wealth. Well, I was never going any promises. And, when Paula found
She looked at me as though I were a to let it happen to me." out, as she always seems to do, she
piece of lint on the carpet. "Where'd "You honestly think you can con- ran them off. Until now, I haven't
you find your latest slut? I knew you tinue to hold that agreement over my cared. But I happen to be in love with
had a new office nurse, but after head, Paula?" he asked her, actually you."
Angie, I thought you'd be somewhat smiling. "It won't work. I'll give up my I searched his eyes and saw only
more discreet this time around. You practice and find a job doing truth.
know, it's harder for me to pin-point something else . . ." "Do you love me?" he asked
your latest flings when they work at "For her?" Paula pointed a crimson- quietly.
the hospital, There are so many for tipped finger at me. "Have you asked And, God forgive me for throwing
you to choose from, but I zero right in her how she feels about this? She's like my pride to the winds, but I had to
open my heart and tell him that I did
love him. Now — with this sensational new electric
"And you won't let her run you bust massager kit ...
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I sighed, wondering if I was making you can have a
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her run me away."
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The days that followed were ■Special introductory Price of 57.95 for CITY STATE __ZIP __
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visited his lawyer, who told him that

he could take the whole situation - to
:ourt and fight it, but, he was quick to
yarn him, Paula would bring out his
ast affairs. She had hired detectives
.ho had photographs, proof, and
he, herself, had been an eye witness
D our having sex in his office. "She
ould ruin you," the lawyer said blun-
tly to Ron. "Even if you won the case,
It would ruin you professionally."
"I don't care about that," Ron told
him adamantly, "I'll move somewhere
else, where I'm unknown—but I've got
to get out from under that woman."
LARGE llx 14
The conferences went on, and
For a limited this ontg. oar
finally Ron came to me and said that tow ri famous artists art
he had made his decision. "I've got to now Frailabla al this low
have you, darling. If I lose everything 1 rats. The sum snits who
heal tiatchad many lamas
have . . . if I lose my license to prac- plonk in the past can now
tice medicine and wind up digging dit- snub a striking charcoal
ches to make a living, then so be it. drawing d $1, for just
We have to be together. If you will $5.0)
promise that you are with me to the Mall Te:
end, then I'm ready to fight." 1A Pare Aye. Multi. N.Y.C. IMIO
,1 all aariesint SS.Col and ■ IsbatoIrsIM
And, without hesitation, I vowed la be WM/ ter a rearmed portrait
with all my heart to stand by him. I (Re CO.O.)

loved him just that much. NAME Don't miss out on having a beautiful
Ron moved out of the house, and CITY AND STATE 11x14 charcoal portrait drawn
he would only say that it was an ugly PILL IN:

scene with Paula. "I don't want to

by our staff of famous artists.
think about how nasty it was," he said -COLOR OP NAIR

with gritted teeth. "I'm just thankful I have a' transfusion ready. surgery is
finally had guts enough to get out. standing by. Why did you do it?"
She's shocked right now. I don't think His question caught me off guard,
she ever realized I would walk out on and for a moment, I could only stare
her. But give her time to let it soak in, mutely. Then I began to shake my
and I'm afraid we're In for it." head from side to side, whispering,
And I shuddered just thinking "You don't think I did it . .oh. God, I
about it. love him . . . I didn't ... I
I stopped working for Ron. His couldn't . ."
lawyer said that would be best. I went They exchanged looks, and I could
on the thtee to eleven p.m. shift at the tell they didn't believe me. But then we
hospital, for that was all that was were pulling into the emergency room
available at the time. Ron moved into entrance, and the back doors were
interns' quarters, so Paula couldn't say opening, the stretcher being pulled
we were "shacking up" somewhere if out. They were taking Ron from me. I
he had his own apartment. I continued tried to follow, but a policeman was
living at the nurses dormitory. So, the grabbing my arm, steering me to a
only time we had together was when I corner to ask me for the details of what
could slip into his office after i got off happened. Between shuddering sobs,
work. We didn't dare go to a motel, I choked out the whole, sordid story,
for fear of being followed. As it was, "You mean it was his wife?" the
we. were extremely careful'when we ning from the room, laughing policeman blinked incredulously. "She
met in his office, not turning obi a light, maniacally. chopped his thing off?"
parking blocks away and walking in "Help me," Ron was clutching him- I grimaced at the description, then
the shadoWs to slip inside. self between his legs. "Get an am- said bitterly, "Yes, she did. She was
One night we were lying side by side bulance. I'm bleeding to death . . . ." hiding behind the drape. We
in the darkness, naked on the floor . "I For a moment, I was frozen. There, were ... making love," my voice
want to see your body," he murmured in his hands, he was clutching his trailed off, then I told myself it was
huskily. "I love to look at your mutilated penis, slashed by Paula's okay, we loved each other. Ron had
breasts . . :your smooth thighs, and it knife. I couldn't believe it. Dear God, left his wife. She was the one who
drives me wild to spread you open and this had to be a nightmare. And the forced us to sneak. "Paula came run-
feast upon your vagina, knowing that blood — it was everywhere. ning from where she was hidden with a
all of it belongs to me . ." "For God's sake, do something," knife, and she slashed out and then
"We don't dare turn on a light," 1 Ron screamed, bringing me out of my ran out screaming."
reminded him, "but believe me, I want stupor. "She's cut me, and I'm going "Whew . . ." he whistled. "The
to as desperately as you do, Ron. to die if you don't get help . • . ." papers are going to love this one."
Your body drives me up a wall, too, Somehow, I was able to will my But I didn't care about the publicity.
you know?" frozen legs to move, to get to the Right then all I cared about was Ron
"Orie quick peek," he said phone, to dial the operator and living. He had to live, because 1 loved
teasingly, and before I could stop him, scream for an ambulance. Ron had him with all my heart. If he died, then I
he had reached for the lamp at the end lain down' in the fetal position, knees had no reason to live, either.
of the sofa, bathing the room in light. bent up against his chest. I found some A few of the nurses passed by and
His eyes devoured me, and I stared towels in the supply room, stuffed gave me sympathetic, but curious
hungrily at his beautiful penis, hard, them against him, but the blood con- stares. But the story quickly spread.
erect, thrilling in the knowledge that it tinued to flow. Then, sobbing wildly, I Everyone was finally aware of the fact
was for me and me alone. managed to get into my clothes just as that I was not the guilty party. I asked
"Spread your legs, darling," he the sound of the ambulance's sirens everyone who passed for news of Ron
whispered. "Spread them wide. Let me pierced the air. Then the room was but was always given the same answer
see that venus of beauty before I filling with people. Ron was being lif- — he was still in surgery. No one knew
plunge into it. . . ." ted onto an ambulance, a blanket anything more.
And, feeling deliciously wicked, thrown over him, an attendant saying I didn't even glance up at the sound
parted my legs as far apart as I could, he had to be taken to the emergency of another siren. Then I heard a
spreading the lips of my vulva with my room at once. "Hell, we can't do a familiar voice shrieking, "No, no,
fingertips. "Ohh, that's beautiful," he thing here. His penis is almost com- damn you, let me die . . ." and my
moaned. "I've got to have it, all of it, pletely hacked off . . ." head jerked up to see them wheeling
now . . . ." No one tried to stop me when I Paula in on a stretcher, her wrists
He was positioning himself on top of climbed into the back of the ambulan- bound in blood-soaked bandages. She
me, both of us lost in our passion. We ce. Through dizzy, tear-filled eyes, I was taken into a treatment room, and
didn't realize what was happening — it recognized the two attendants who the same policeman who had
came like a flash — there was a pier- were riding in the back. Their eyes questioned me came over to say that
cing, hysterical scream, like that of a were fixed on me curiously, and I when he went to her house he found
lunatic — a figure streaking from ignored their stares and cried, "Is he she had just slashed her wrists.
behind the drapes — the glimmer of going to live? Can they save him?" "She'll pull through," he said mat-
steel — a swishing sound — blood — "Yeah, he should make it," one of ter-of-factly. "She hasn't lost that
my screams—Ron's anguished shriek them said drily. "He's lost a lot of much blood. I imagine she'll go
of pain — then the sight of Paula run- blood, but we've already radioed in to straight to the booby hatch. The
woman is insane."
The hours of waiting seemed end-
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doctor appeared. "He's going to make FACE LIFT!
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replied, "Not till tomorrow. He's
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He lost a lot of blood. Go home and
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physical anguish. But my last thought cigarette, eyes not meeting mine. "It's For a moment, he didn't speak, and
as I drifted away to sweet oblivion was unpleasant to think about'. but, like I we just stared at each other, then his
the bitter knowledge that when 1 said. I had a friend check the records voice came out tremulously as he said,
awoke, the pain would still be there. and Paula succeeded in severing half "You don't understand, Toni, half of
I opened my eyes. Laura was sitting of Ron's cock. It's quite a blow for him my penis is gone."
beside the bed, compassion in her to take, and I don't imagine he had "And YOU don't understand," I
eyes. I started to sit up as it all came any intentions of telling you. It was cried. "1 don't give a damn if, it's all
flooding back, but she pushed me easier to just say goodbye and handle gone. 1 still love you. I still want you.
down on the pillows gently. "You've it himself," And if you send me away again,
been asleep almost 24 hours, honey, - But . . . but that doesn't matter," I hate you till I die . " and I collapsed
and a lot has happened since then. Do cried, throwing my legs to the side of against him in heartbroken sobs, but
you want to listen to what I have to the bed and standing up, looking he did not send me away. He held me
say. or go into hysterics again?" about wildly for my clothes. "I've got against his chest . and we both
I blinked at her in silent consent to to go to him, make him realize that it cried.
listen to what she had to say. doesn't matter to me if she cut ALL of As it turned out, the surgeon told
it off — I've still got to spend my life Ron that he would be able to function
loving him ... because without Ron, sexually with what he had left, that
I was bobbing up and down on the I don't HAVE any life . • ." they had joined all the tubes and veins
floor, crying out loud, sobbing "I believe you mean that," she said together. He would just be a bit short.
with ecstasy as my climax in awe. "So do you mind a guy that can't get
squeezed down. up over a couple of inches?" Ron
"I do." I started throwing on my asked me. knowing full well what my
clothes. "With all my heart." answer was going to be.
"1 went to the hospital and got some "Then good luck, honey, - she gave
friends to check records. They've me a sympathetic smile, "because
It drives me wild to spread you
already shipped Paula to state you're going to have one hell of a time
open and feast upon your vagina,
hospital. Her mind is completely gone. convincing Ron of that fact. He's a
knowing that all of it belongs to
I also talked to Ron's lawyer and found man, honey, and he's just lost half of
out that this will give him a solid case the thing that makes him a man, you
now. He can break that agreement she know?"
had him sign before they married." I didn't waste any time arguing with scratched my chin thoughtfully,
"But that doesn't matter anymore," her. I rushed to the hospital and pretending to be deep in thought.
I cried, my heart breaking in remem- pushed by nurses who reminded me Finally, I said. "Well, I don't know,
brance. "He told me he wants to stand visiting hours had not yet begun. I Ron, we'll just have to see how good
by her now, that it was all his fault." walked right into Ron's room to find you are with what you have .. ."
She paused to light a cigarette. him lying still, staring at the ceiling. His "You just wait," he growled hap-
staring at me as though wondering eyes widened when he saw me, and I pily. "And I'll make you beg for mer-
whether or not to go on. Finally, she marched right to his bedside and said cy.
took a deep breath and said, "Honey, in a shaking. tearful voice. "You listen And he. did — time after time.
what do you expect a man to say to to me. Ron. I don't care if she cut ALL Maybe Ron is a bit on the "short" side,
the woman he loves when he's lost of it off. You made me promise to but that doesn't matter to us. He still
half his penis?" stand by you no matter what, and I satisfies me in a way that no other man
This time I sat up and she didn't try made that promise, and now you're ever could — because I love him. and
to push me back down. "What did you not giving me a chance to keep it. Is he loves me.; .
say?" that what love means to you? Is that all As for Paula, she'll probably always
"You heard right," she drew on the I mean to you?'' be where she is right now, lost in that
world of the pitifully insane. Ron had
no problem breaking that contract,
but, for the sake of his practice, and to
escape all the publicity and gossip, we
left town to make a new life in a state a
thousand miles away.
For now, we are living together.
When Ron's divorce is final, we'll
make it leoal and be married. But we
could love each other no more than
we do now — and just last night, after
three orgasms in one love-making
session, I told Ron if he was any
bigger. 1 didn't think I could handle
"Maybe I try harder," he laughed,
hugging me against him.
Yes. it was near tragedy and heart-
break for a time, but thanks to a deep,
lasting love, we made it! •
I don't remember much about the Immediately he rolled over on his
ride home, or the babysitter leaving. I side and looked down at me with
weaved my way back to the room blazing eyes. "When I first met you,
where I slept and got my gown off Mona, I thought you were gorgeous,
before I flopped sleepily on the bed. I the sexiest, most desirable woman I'd
remember kisses. . .sweet, caressing ever met. I loved Crystal, yes, but had
words. It was all a dream. This feeling I 1 not been sent to Hawaii, I would
was having was not real. probably have been at your door,
"Mona, Mona. . ." a voice was trying to get you in bed. You just had
whispering huskily against my ear, and that effect on me. Crystal was the next
I felt eager fingers pulling at my bra. best thing, or so I thought. And then
My breasts tumbled forward, and I felt she started letting herself go. I used to
a quiver as sweet moisture sucked and dream of you. I used to hold her in my
licked at my nipples. "Mona, I've got arms and make love to her and
to have you. . . ." pretend it was you. And now it is you,
Dizzily, I tried to push him away. and by God, nc ig is going to take
(Continued from page 36) This was wrong. I was lying naked in you away from me. . ."
the arms of my daughter's husband! I was trembling when he finally left
her out. "Your mother isn't like you," "Wayne, we musn't," I protested me to take a shower. This was unreal;
he yelled. "She doesn't have to be tied feebly. But he kept sucking at my I thought with panic. It can't be
down to a screaming kid 24 hours a breasts, and I felt his hands sliding happening. My daughter's husband
day to be happy. Well, get this, down my hips, then moving to explore had told me he loved me and intended
sweetheart, I'm taking her out tonight between my thighs. to have me, and he wouldn't bat an
for dinner, and Chuckie will stay with a "Got to have it," his voice was a eye at walking out on his family. 1
sitter. And when•you get home, we're snarl. "Got to have some of that couldn't believe it. Maybe Crystal had
going to sit down and get a few things you're a tough woman, Mona. . .and let herself go, and maybe she wasn't
straight, or you can have both kids and you need a man. . .a man like the perfect housewife, but she was a
I'll get out." me. . . ." good mother to Chuckie, as she would
He hung up the phone, then, and He rolled on top of me, roughly be also to her new baby. And I had no
despite my protests, called a baby- yanking my legs apart and shoving doubt but that she'd been faithful to
sitter, telling me to get dressed to go them up towards my chest. Then. with Wayne. She certainly did not deserve
out on the town. "And don't say no, one quick motion, I felt his swollen to have this happen to her!
please," he said, a haggard expression shaft plunge into my vagina. He began Wayne came back into the room, a
on his face. "I need this, too, Mona, to push in and out, while his head bent towel wrapped around his waist, his
believe me. And it's good for Chuckle forward so that his tongue could flick strong body glistening with beads of
and teaching Crystal a lesson, too." in and out at my breasts. I clutched his water. "I want you to shower with
I had thrown a gown in my suitcase shoulders, moaning, unable to resist me," he said in a forceful tone. "We
when I packed, not figuring I would him any longer. It had been so don't have a lot of time to enjoy each
need it, but always wanting to be long—so terribly long—since I had felt other before Crystal comes home,
prepared. I stared at my reflection in the sweetness of a man's swollen penis Mona, and we have to take advantage
the mirror and liked what I saw—a tall, inside me. A white-hot flame pulsated of it. Later, when she's got her
shapely woman with perfectly-dyed throughout my body, and my hips strength back, we'll make our plans to
blond hair, who looked like she was in were rocking to and fro, matching his be together."
her mid-twenties, not late thirties. I still every movement. "Wayne, listen to me," I said on my
weighed the same as when I got I felt myself building to a climax, and feet, the sheet wrapped around my
married the first time, though my I could not suppress the little scream naked body. "This is crazy. What
figure had matured and blossomed that escaped my lips when it finally happened was a mistake. We were
over the years. consumed me. Wayne plunged into both a bit tight from all we'd had to
When Wayne saw me in the clinging me harder, faster, his own pleasure drink, and both of us starved for sex. It
blue dress, his eyes widened. "Oh, peaking as he grunted away almost shouldn't have happened but it did,
pardon me, but I think I married the brutally—two bodies, rocking in .ec- so now let's go on from here and not
wrong sister," he said gaily. stacy, and in that moment, nothing make the same mistake again. You
"You're trying to flatter an old lady," mattered but that it go on forever. love Crystal, and so do I, and we can't
I teased back, taking his arm. But nothing does last forever, and hurt her. . . ."
He countered with, "Mona, you'll finally we held each other in limp "I said 1 wanted you to take a
never grow old. You just aren't the arms, gasping for breath. After a few shower with me," a shadow crossed
type." moments, Wayne rolled away from his eyes, and his lips were trembling
Well, we went to dinner in a swanky me, and I opened my mouth to speak, with anger. "Now shut up and come
restaurant and had wine, then brandy, but he said, "Don't say anything, with me."
and then we went into a club for more Mona, unless you want to talk about Well, I don't scare easy, and I've got
drinks and dancing. As the evening how great it was. I don't want to hear some backbone, so my dander got up
wore on, I found myself curling up you condemn either one of us for what and I told him I wasn't about to shower
closer to Wayne as his arms held me happened. It was meant to be, that's with him now or any other time. "And
tighter. And the drinks made things all." if you don't get out of here, I'll pack
warm and fuzzy, and my head was "That doesn't make it right," I my things and go to a motel, and you
spinning. protested. can explain things to Crystal."
He grinned, and he looked so evil said anything about marriage? We'll she looked up at me with swollen,
with his lips twisted that way that I just live together." He made it sound reddened eyes and whispered, "Mom.
shivered helplessly beneath his gaze. so simple, and I was getting more and What are you doing here? Who has
He walked over to where I stood, more infuriated with him. The whole Chuckie?"
yanked the sheet away, then lifted me situation was ridiculous. "Your neighbor," I answered, pull-
into his arms. I struggled, but he "I don't want to live with you," I ing up a chair to sit down. "And
snapped, "Shut up or you'll wake up cried, standing up and stomping my you've got to quit being so fussy about
the kid. When I want something, I get feet. "I don't want you to touch me leaving him with a sitter."
it, and I happen to want you. So why ever again. Do you hear me? Now, I "I know," she said quietly, a tear
play games with me, Mona? You am leaving. . . ." sliding down her cheek. "But he's all
enjoy it as much as I do." I turned to go, but he grabbed me I've got, Mom, and I guess I'm just
He shoved me into the shower and and yanked me back and down into overprotective with him. Now I have
turned the water on, then he began his lap. With rough hands, he pulled another baby to love, but I'll probably
lathering me with soap. I stood there my robe open, reaching to squeeze my be the same way with her. My children
like a statue, petrified and not knowing breasts like melons, testing for ripe- are all I have, Mom."
what to do. Then he turned me ness. "You are not going anywhere," I pretended to be stunned, and I
around and made me bend over, and I he said, between clenched teeth. "I kept silent as she poured her heart out
don't want to hurt you, Mona, but if to me. "Wayne and me just don't get
you continue to be stubborn, I may just along. I've tried to stick things out
I used to hold her in my have to throw you down on the floor because of Chuckie. I didn't want to go
and show you who's boss. And through what you did, raising a child
arms and pretend it was you. remember one thing—it's up to you alone. Mom, I know it was hard. I
Now it is you and nothing whether or not Crystal is embarrassed remember what a struggle you had. So
can take you away from me. and hurt over this." I looked the other way when Wayne
I looked at him, a chill going
through me. "What. . .what do you
mean, it's up to me?"
couldn't believe it when 1 felt him "I'll just tell her I've been transferred I felt him spreading my but-
spreading my buttocks to insert his to New York, and she won't care," he tocks and inserting his penis
penis from the rear. I tried to pull explained. "As long as she gets her
away, but his fingers dug into my flesh check each month, she won't mind at into my rear while he made
painfully, and he told me to be still or all. She'll have her precious children .
me stand there bent over
he would have to hurt me. But if you give me a hard time and try and helpless.
As he began working himself in and to fight this thing, I'll tell her about us .

out, one hand crept forward to start And she'll hate you till she dies."
massaging that special place that sent "You wouldn't," I cried, horror- started running out on me, and I
my whole body into involuntary stricken. "You wouldn't stoop that turned to Chuckie."
shivers of pleasure. He pressed on my low." "Why did you let yourself go?" I
clitoris and rubbed, hard. . .hard. "Wouldn't I?" He gave me that evil asked bluntly.
harder. .and he shoved into me so grin again. "Don't try me, Mona. I She shrugged. "I was alone so much
hard that I was shaking all over. His don't want to hurt Crystal, but I will, if I of the time, and there was nothing to
fingers worked me into a climax that have to." do except play with Chuckie and eat. I
made me jerk with spasms of delight. He let me go then, and I hurried to did both to excess, I'm afraid. I just
Then his own pleasure came, and I felt my room and closed the door behind didn't care about my looks, or about
as though a pile driver was vibrating me. Sleep did not come. I was still the house."
into me, as he roughly worked off his staring out the window when dawn I shook my head in disdain. "If you
orgasm. streaked the sky, trying to figure out knew your marriage was in trouble,
When he had finished with me, I how to handle this mess I'd gotten why did you let yourself get pregnant
showered once again, then put on a myself into. I didn't think Wayne again? Now you have two children to
robe and tried to talk to him. He would actually tell Crystal what had raise."
laughed at me, saying we couldn't happened. What would he gain if I'd "I don't know," hervoice broke, and
fight what had happened to us. "We already walked out? He was just she looked so sad that my own heart
are meant to be together, Mona, threatening me. I could take a plane constricted with pain. "I guess I
honey, so relax and enjoy it. All out that very morning, and nothing thought with two babies to love, I
Crystal wants is her children. Well, else would be said. But Crystal was still wouldn't hurt so bad when I finally lost
she'll have them. I'll ask for a transfer my daughter, and I loved her, and Wayne. Despite what he's done to
to the New York office, and I'll go back now I was worried sick because she break my heart, I still love him."
with you and send her a nice support was married to a monster, and I had to "Crystal, listen to me. . ."- but
check. That's all she wants me for help her. before I could go on, the door opened,
anyway—money to support her kids." Wayne got no breakfast on a pretty and Wayne stood there with that evil
I couldn't believe I was awake. This table that morning. I stayed in my smile on his lips, his eyes smoldering
had to be a nightmare. No matter what room till I heard him leave, then I and dangerous.
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don't want to marry you," I finally her to keep Chuckie. As soon as I mommy? Leave Chuckle with a sitter?
screamed at him in exasperation. could get ready, I left for the hospital. Now you know Crystal doesn't allow
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my women satisfied, particularly you,
because right now, you're my favorite
woman. Feels good, doesn't it? Where realized that it had been a relief to me
is that little clitoris. . .ahh, right here when she married, for I had struggled can't help but feel good, can so hard for so many years to get her
you. . . let me slip my finger inside, raised. I could see where I just turned
and I'll bet you're about to come.. . her over to Wayne without question,
yeah. . .there you are. . .relax, baby, never attempting to make sure her
go with it. . . ." choice of a husband had been a wise
And even though I fought it, I did one, or whether or not she was happy.
climax, with one of his fingers rapidly 'called her at least once a week, in
massaging my clitoris, the other the mornings, when I could be
pushing in and out of my vagina, and reasonably certain Wayne would be at
the whole time, he laughed, further work. I could tell she was hiding the
humiliating} me. truth, trying to pretend everything was
"Now, Ive got to get back to the working out. But I had done all I could
office for awhile," he said matter-of- do. I could only pray she would come
factly. "I'm going to take a quick to her senses.
shower and go back to work, but Each time I thought about what
tonight, we're going to have ourselves Wayne and I had done, it made me
a time. You get a couple of steaks and sick to my stomach, and I tried not to
cook them nice and juicy, and we'll dwell on it. Brent Hayes helped to
have dessert in bed." He laughed like erase my memories, because he came
he'd told a big joke and went into my life like a thunderbolt and
swaggering down the hall. And it was swept me off my feet. He made me
all I could, do to keep from pouncing laugh when I thought of my vow never
on him in my fury, to claw and slash to marry again, because he showed
and try to hurt him as he had hurt me quite easily that love and happi-
me—and my daughter. ness was not behind me.
As badly as I hated leaving my want you to give serious thought to And the only thing that kept me
grandson, I again asked the sitter to making a new life for yourself, without from being blissfully happy was think-
come, and just before it was time for Wayne." ing about Crystal, wondering if things
Wayne to come home from work, i left "Mom," she cried, shocked. "How would ever work out for her.
the house and checked into a motel. A can you say such a thing?" Then one morning there was a
short while later, I called him, and he "It's your life, and you have a right knock on my door, and I hurried to
was furious. "What the hell do you to be happy," I said, I wanted to shake answer, calling, "ls that you, Brent?"
think you're doing? You get back over her, make her see the wisdom of my "No, it's me," Crystal called back,
here, or I'll tell Crystal." words. "I was married to a sorry man sounding happy, and I flung open the
"You just do that," I said furiously, once, too, remember? And I put up door to see her standing there holding
"and I'll scream that you raped me. with it because I was stupid. The day I Chuckle by the hand and baby Angie
Now who do you think she'll believe? I walked out was the best thing that ever in her arms.
already know the two of you have happened to me." My eyes took in her new slender
been having problems, that you've She shook her head sadly, tears figure, her fashionable dress, attractive
had other women. So stop threatening rolling down her cheeks. "But I still make-up and stylish hairdo. She
me, Wayne, or I'll make more trouble love him, Mom. In spite of everything, looked lovely. "I had to prove to
than you'll ever be able to handle." I still love him." myself that it wasn't only me that made
I heard him suck in his breath, then I nodded and said I was afraid of our marriage go sour," she explained
he hung up. My next move was to go that. "But take this just the same." once she was inside. She sounded
to the hospital: and see Crystal. I pressed the envelope in her hand. very composed and sure of herself.
explained to her that a very dear friend "What's this for?" She blinked, "So, I bent over backwards to try and
of mine in New York was ill, and I had looking down at it. make things work out. They didn't, so
to leave right away. She seemed "Call it a trust fund. If you need it to here I am, ready to start on that new
distressed, saying she didn't know how leave Wayne, then use it. Otherwise, life you talked to me about."
she'd cope when she got home. "Just put it in the bank for the children. And Laughing, we hugged each other
make Wayne help you, my dear," I don't argue with me. Howard left me happily. Everything would work out. I
said firmly. "Those are his children, well-fixed financially." just knew it. I had not turned my back
too. Put your foot down. Quit kicking When I left her, she was crying, and on my daughter, and she was going to
yourself around and find some pride." 1 prayed she would never know about have a chance at a happy future, just
"I've been thinking about things," Wayne seducing and raping me. It was as I was. . despite all the shadows of
she said quietly, "and maybe 1 have something I would not easily get over, the past.
been letting him use me for a doormat. but at least I had left her with financial "But please, God,"I prayed, "never
But, when you're dependent on a backing to get her out of the mess she let her find out just how big a monster
man, you don't have much choice." was in, and that was the only comfort her husband really was. .or how
"There's no reason for a woman to had. There was much pain to try and weak I was. Grant me that much. . . ."
be absolutely dependent on a man any forget. And, somehow, I believe with all my
longer, Crystal," I told her firmly. I went back to New York, back to heart, that God, in His infinite mercy
"And when you get over having this my friends, but I could not get my and wisdom, will answer my prayers.
baby and get your strength back, daughter out of my mind. Now I We have all suffered enough. ■
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"We've Beat InfIation
found an untaPped GOLD MINE
"ReCycling"Mscarded Furniture in YOUR
'recycling discarded furniture
.. took in $60,000 last year"
.. writes Paul Bryan
"We started our
hobby/ business by joining
Furnishing Stylists Guild .. with GUILD MEMBERSHIP & M.U.I. HOME TRAINING the
and training at home with Bryans Eliminated Inflation & Recession Worries
yu1Lt1Eg5y414 CARD
M.U.I. (Modern Upholstery Forever! ... YOU can do it too!
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corner of our garage ... Navy pension. They became student-members of the Furnishing Stylist
total capital about $15" ... Guild and the M.U.I. home training program. Within ONLY TWO YEARS they
writes Helen Bryan were grossing $60,000 a year! Now they are opening TWO furniture
reupholstering shops in Ohio, with MALL and Guild assistance and advice.

Re-upholstering, cu STERN
• Second Income For You NOW .. . When YOB Nerd It!
refinishing JUST ONE •-.3.•
Membership in the Guild, tied in with the MAU home
CHAIR can pay you as much as Pr/fa instruction plan, shows you, quickly, easily in a practical
your present weekly paycheck ... • , do-•-yourseli way, how to re-upholster & restore furniture you
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no need to quit your present job or pick up in funk shops almost "for free." You can clear a profit
give up present income ... learn •
of as much as $100 on a single chair ... $10 to $16 an hour
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(Before WHOLESALE SOURCES! Everyone knows the cost Of good covering
FOR 12 YEARS iebnp. !zurniahing Stylists Guild Members get top quality fabrics
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you "euPhOister 'urn .16,-e your customer pays you regular retail prices
OUR STUDENT- NOW INCLUDED! Io• mesa materials 1C2°. extra profit for you on fabric

MEMBERS HAVE Everything needed to complete

• A magnificent
ase' 5a, t g 555 or recc.-ng your own i,ri.tura 700 ,
loolembershie in the Furnishing glyliStS Guild gives yea
and after)
DISCARDED FURNITURE... • An elegant L..:tWEST who. e•ossle or.ces an everything you'll ever need for fumiture

and "recycling" and restoring it into valuable, BOUDOIR CHAIR Our own giant warehouse. Membership is Included
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MAKE $300 OR MORE ... CLEAR PROFIT TO YOU! r COVER! including ▪ L.1 I. home instruction plan not only shows you how to restore
finishing fabric in :or,enr ■ oral labrio-covered furniture, but vinyl and leather covered
The Bryans, and nearly all of our the pattern of terns subject to bums. cuts. !ears can be repaired alien in MINUTES
student-members, had NO previous experience in wnen M U I shows you how. VAN CUSTOMIZING is a HUGE new
any form of furniture restoring. "We were shown
your choice! business lay' Get YOUR share of this new, enormous profit pre!
how to do re-upholstering and everything right at
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M.U.1." write Paul & Helen Bryan. "M.U.r training
methods make it so easy to learn with photos, OUR FREE 32 PAGE BOOK ON RESTORING & UPHOLSTERING
diagrams, detailed step-by-step illustrations, and FURNITURE FOR FUN & PROFIT, FREE 3 MONTH SUBSCRIPTION TO
especially the six kits of real furniture that PA.U.I. "HERE'S HOW," THE "HOW-TO" PUBLICATION, FILLED WITH FACTS
sends every student member. We now use M.U.1.
methods to train our own employees." ON HOW TO MAKE & SAVE MONEY! SEND NOW!
The U.S.A. is an upholstered nation ... homes, apartments, hotels, WORTH $300 OR MORE TO YOU! M.U.I. and the Guild shows
offices, autos, vans, boats, planes. restaurant booths, bars — ALL you how to renew and re - do furniture EXACTLY the way they
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much of it is discolored, burned, ripped, torn and worn out every
single dayl Yes, Furniture recycling is a NECESSITY OF kils yru7Z ' hiLtrnet? =a+
LIFE in America, with enormous job, business and hobby "recycling" job will be too hard for you
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we show you now 10 do them all —evert
education ... regardless ol inflation, depression. layoffs! 7tiA cur. burned or torn vinyl, leather, or
,S6v4 Van customising .
Read What Student-Members Say About M.U.I. FULLY
Mill's Furnishing Stylists Guild... AUTHORIZED SY
"I wish I had known about you 20 years ago. when I SUPERINTENDENT
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you I have found one of the most useful and happiest
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WAY! Send for
-I'm driving a truck full time during the day. And for FURNISHING STYLISTS GUILD of Modern Upholstery Institute, Dept. HG the FREE Anti-
the past few years I have been making about $4.000.00 1205 W. Barkley. Box 16, Orange, California 92668 Inflation Fact
a year on the side, with business getting better all the em interested in beating ine high cost or living now! Please send me
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FURNISHING STYLISTS GUILD of Modem Upholstery Institute, Dept. HGI
1205W. Barkley, Box 16. Orange, California 92668
I Approved for Vets, Non Vets & Vocational Rehabilitation

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