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Region V
Division of Camarines Sur
San Fernando, Camarines Sur


2nd Semester, SY 2023-2024
Name: ____________________________________ Grade & Section: ____________ Date: ___________ Score: ___________
GENERAL INSTRUCTION: Read and understand each item carefully. Write your answers in a one (1) whole sheet of paper. Do not forget to write
your name, grade level, section and the date today. Do not write anything in this paper.
A. Modified True or False *Describes a written text as a connected discourse
DIRECTIONS: Evaluate each statement. Write TRUE if the statement is correct. If not, write the word/phrase that makes the
statement incorrect. Then, write the correct word/phrase beside it to make the statement true.
1. Exemplification illustrations in order to further clarify or explain the concept or subject matter.
2. Critical reading is reading beyond understanding the text.
3. A text is made up of utterances having the property of coherence.
4. To inform, to persuade, to entertain and to create are the types of a discourse.
5. A sort of description that the author would normally use to “paint a picture” of how he sees a character, or how
he wants the reader to see a character

B. Identification *Distinguishes between and among techniques in selecting and organizing information
DIRECTION: Identify what is being asked in each statement by filling in the gaps with the correct words inside the box.

Free Writing Brainstorming List Graphic Organizer T-Chart Venn Diagram Sequence Chart
Cubing Researching Concept Map Topic Outline Sentence Outline

6._________________ simply involves listing ideas about a particular topic and is appropriate to textual people.
7._________________ helps organize ideas into two columns and examine two components of an object or concept.
8._________________ use to compare and contrast two or more groups of things by visually displaying their similarities and
differences in two or more circles that overlap.
9. _________________ presents a series of steps or events in order.
10. ________________ an informal way of generating topics to write about, or points to make about your topic.
11. ________________ a visual and graphic display that depicts the relationship between facts, terms, and or ideas.
12. ________________ allows someone to work without inhibitions.

C. Reading Strategies Explains critical reading as looking for ways of thinking.

DIRECTION: Read the given text. Then, answer the following questions by scanning the text for the words in bold.
Cities on Caribean Islands often have new and expensive flats in the center. Cheaper houses are normally further out, around the
edge of the city.
In Barbados, wooden houses built on stone blocks are called chattel houses. They can be moved to different places because
they are not built into the ground. Chattel houses are often painted in pale colors to help keep them cool. The oldest chattel house
were built more than 200 years ago.
13. Which types of houses are in the center of the cities? _________________________________
14. Which island has chattel houses on it? _____________________________________________
15. Why might some families live near the edge of the city? ______________________________

D. Multiple Choices *Distinguishes between and among patterns of development in writing across disciplines.
DIRECTION: To test your reading skills, distinguish the pattern of development in writing as described.
16. This pattern gives a concept, idea or term clarity by providing its meaning and some limiting or distinguishing characteristics
that sets it apart from other.
a) Narration b) Description c) Definition d) Exemplification /Classification
17. It is a pattern used to tell about a significant human experience in chronological order. If one wants to relate about an event or
episode in one’s life, this pattern is appropriate.
a) Narration b) Description c) Definition d) Exemplification/Classification
18. This pattern helps the reader to create a picture as the writer provides details, sharing his or her experience about a particular
a) Narration b) Description c) Definition d) Exemplification /Classification

19. This pattern sort out or arrange subjects to groups or categories based on their common and shared characteristics or creates an
illustration to the readers by developing a general statement – the topic, with one or more examples to support it
a) Narration b) Description c) Definition d) Exemplification /Classification
20. The main purpose of this pattern is to bring the readers to agree on an idea or thought that writer suggests as true and correct.
a) Comparison and Contrast b) Cause and Effectc) Problem-Solution d) Persuasion
21. With this pattern, you may see a chain of connected occurrences and how something may happen as a consequence of a
preceding one. It poses the cause and result of an action or incident.
a) Comparison and Contrast b) Cause and Effectc) Problem-Solution d) Persuasion
22. It is a pattern used to identify the similarities and differences between or among the compared concepts.
a) Comparison and Contrast b) Cause and Effectc) Problem-Solution d) Persuasion
23. This kind of pattern discusses certain problems or issues and provides specific and attainable solutions to these.
a) Comparison and Contrast b) Cause and Effectc) Problem-Solution d) Persuasion

24. A method of developing a paragraph or essay that uses information from the five senses
a) Narration b) Description c) Definition d) Exemplification /Classification
25. This pattern of development can be used in explaining an idea, term or phrase using distinguishing characteristics.
a) Narration b) Description c) Definition d) Exemplification /Classification


A. Narration *Distinguishes between and among patterns of development in writing across disciplines.
DIRECTIONS: Visit your memory on the given topic. Write what happened first down to the last. Use the format below.
Topic: What you did when you got home yesterday?
26. First: _________________________________________________________
27. Second: _________________________________________________________
28. Third: _________________________________________________________
29. Last: _________________________________________________________

B. Definition *Distinguishes between and among patterns of development in writing across disciplines.
Word Genus Differentia
30. Spaghetti
31. Lipstick
32. Discipline
30-31. DIRECTION: Define the following words by completing the table below. Write the genus and differentia of each word.

C. Outlining *Distinguishes between and among techniques in selecting and organizing information
33-36. DIRECTION: Complete the Idea Map below by adding your own idea; base your answers on the given topic.

D. Determining Errors *Identifies properties of a well-written text

DIRECTION: Look for the part of the sentence that contains error/s.
37. At the start of school Dora was afraid of her new teacher.
38. Mrs. Davis seamed nice, but she had so manny rules for the class to follow.
39. As the school year continued, Dora begun to understand how the teacher come up with the rules.
E. Proofreading *Identifies properties of a well-written text
DIRECTIONS: Below is a paragraph that is full of errors. There may be spelling, punctuation, capitalization, or grammar errors.
Rewrite the paragraph correcting all the errors.

i went camping with my family. We went fishing and I catch a big fish. I also went swimming with me brother.
We had a camp fire at night. The camping trips was lots of fun.

F. Making Inferences *Explains critical reading as looking for ways of thinking.

DIRECTION: In not less than 3 sentences, write what you think will most likely to happen next.
45-47. It had been a beautiful sunny day. Now George saw the clouds begin to roll in. The gentle breeze of the day started blowing
steadily. In the distance the blue sky was now a dark, angry purple. Far away, but coming closer, George saw something that scared
him. He ran to the house to tell his mother that they needed to get into the storm cellar right away

G. Essay
DIRECTION: In not less than 5 sentences explain the importance of reading and writing skills for you as a student.

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:


Subject Teacher Subject Group Head School Principal
1. A definition text usually describes the character
a certain thing.
7. Completeness, unity and orderly movement of ideas are the complete characteristics of a well- written text.
8. Critical reading is reading beyond understanding the text.
9. Exemplification illustrations in order to further clarify or explain the concept or subject matter.

10. A sort of description that the author would normally use to “paint a picture” of how he sees a character, or how
he wants the reader to see a character.

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