Q4 W6 DRAFT SANITARY AND STORM DRAINAGE (Drafting Storm Drainge Plan According To Plumbing Code)

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Draft Sanitary and

Storm Drainage
(Drafting storm drainage plan
according to Plumbing Code)
Learner’s Module in TLE
ICT-Technical Drafting
Quarter • ModuleWEEK 6 4
3 • Week

Department of Education • Cordillera Administrative Region
Republic of the Philippines
Cordillera Administrative Region
Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet

Published by:
Learning Resource Management and Development System


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This material has been developed for the implementation of K-12 Curriculum
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This module is a project of the DepEd Schools Division of Baguio City through
the Curriculum Implementation Division (CID) which is in response to the
implementation of the K to 12 Curriculum.

This Learning Material is a property of the Department of Education, Schools

Division of Baguio City. It aims to help Grade 9 students improve their performance in
Technology and Livelihood Education specifically in ICT-Technical Drafting 9.

Date of Development May 2021

Resource Location DepEd Schools Division of Baguio City
Learning Area TLE-ICT
Grade Level 9
Learning Resource Type Module
Language English
Quarter/Week Q4/W4
Learning Competency Code TLE_ICTTD9SP-IVc-d-2
LO 2. Draft sanitary and storm
Learning Competency
2.2 Draft storm drainage plan
according to Plumbing Code
2.3 Draw details and symbols
according to sanitary and
plumbing requirements


The developer wishes to express his gratitude to those who helped in the
development of this learning material. The fulfillment of this learning material would
not be possible without them.

The developer would like to thank his colleagues in Pines City National High
School, particularly to the TLE teachers, for sharing their knowledge and expertise in
the development of this learning resource. The developer would like to thank also the
office of DepEd Division of Baguio City for giving the opportunity to teachers to
discover their skills as module writers.

Development Team
Developer Ariel L. Mayocyoc
Layout Artist Ariel L. Mayocyoc
Illustrator Ariel L. Mayocyoc

School Learning Resources Management Committee

Whitney A. Dawayen Principal III
Paul F. Colingan Head Teacher VI- TLE
Geraldine D. Sumipit School LR Coordinator

Quality Assurance Team

Mary Jane N. Malihod EPS – EPP/TLE/TVL
Lourdes B. Lomas-e, Ed.D. PSDS – District 6

Learning Resource Management Section Staff

Armi Victoria Fiangaan EPS – LRMDS
Christopher David G. Oliva Project Development Officer II – LRMDS
Priscilla A. Dis-iw Librarian II
Lily B. Mabalot Librarian I
Jerichko Bauer Laroco Division Illustrator
Jesse Lance Dawaton Admin. Assistant



Chief Education Supervisor – CID

Asst. Schools Division Superintendent


Schools Division Superintendent



COPYRIGHT NOTICE ............................................................................................... ii

PREFACE ................................................................................................................. iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT............................................................................................ iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................................v
What I Need to Know ............................................................................................ 2
What I Know ......................................................................................................... 3
What’s In .............................................................................................................. 5
What’s New .......................................................................................................... 5
What is It .............................................................................................................. 6
What’s More ......................................................................................................... 8
What I Have Learned ............................................................................................ 9
What I Can Do .................................................................................................... 10
Assessment ........................................................................................................ 11
Additional Activities ............................................................................................. 13
Answer Key ........................................................................................................ 14
REFERENCES ....................................................................................................... 15

Draft Sanitary and
Storm Drainage
(Drafting storm drainage plan
according to Plumbing Code)
Learner’s Module in TLE
ICT-Technical Drafting
Fourth Quarter • Module 3 • Week 4


Department of Education • Cordillera Administrative Region

What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you
familiarize the basics of drafting storm drainage plan according to Plumbing Code. The
scope of this module permits it to be used in many different learning situations. The
language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are
arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course.

The lessons in this module is designed in a way that student may recognize the
most appropriate design and to be familiar to the different materials needed in the
construction of a storm drainage system.

This module is divided into the following parts, namely:


This contains the learning objectives
What I need to know
which you need to accomplish.

This evaluates what you know about the

What I know
lesson you are to learn.

This connects the current lesson with a

What’s In
topic necessary in your understanding.

This introduces the lesson through an

What’s New

This contains a brief discussion of the

What Is It
learning module lesson.

These are activities to check your

What’s More
understanding of the lesson.

This summarizes the important ideas

What I have Learned
presented in the lesson.

This is a real-life application of what you

What I Can Do
have learned.

This is a post assessment of what you

have learned.

This is an activity that will strengthen your

Additional Activities
knowledge about the lesson.

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. Identify and describe the components of a storm drainage system;

2. draft residential storm drainage layout; and
3. observe the plumbing code and drafting standards when drafting residential
storm drainage layout.

What I Know

Instruction. Read each statement and choose the best answer. Write only the letter
of your chosen answer on the space provided in your answer sheet.

_____ 1. Which removes excess water?

A. Sanitary system C. Cold water line
B. Electrical system D. Drainage system

_____ 2. Which system helps whisk water away from walkways, driveways, and roofs
to avoid flooding?
A. Public sewer system C. Sanitary plumbing system
B. Clean water supply line D. Residential drainage system

_____ 3. Which drainage system contains shallow ditches dug in a parallel pattern,
which act as canals for run-off water.?
A. Surface drainage systems C. Slope drains
B. Subsurface drainage system D. Downspout and Gutter systems

_____ 4. Which is also known as a French drain which require the digging of deep
ditches and the installation of underground pipes.
A. Surface drainage systems C. Slope drains
B. Subsurface drainage system D. Downspout and Gutter systems

_____ 5. What drainage system allows water to flow downward from a structure with
the aid of pipes moving down a slope?
A. Surface drainage systems C. Slope drains
B. Subsurface drainage system D. Downspout and Gutter systems

_____ 6. Which residential storm drainage system is laid out within the residential unit?
A. Inside storm drain C. Outside storm drain
B. Surface drainage system D. Downspout and Gutter systems

_____ 7. When drafting house hold plumbing system, the storm drainage lines are
represented on a plan by what kind of line?
A. Two dashes C. Hidden lines
B. Visible line and two dashes D. Bold continuous line

_____ 8. Which is NOT a component of below-ground storm system?

A. Drain pipes C. Catch basins
B. Trench drains D. Down spouts

_____ 9. What component of the storm drain system catches water discharges from
the roof and conveys it to the storm drainage line? It also serves as a manhole for
A. Drain pipes C. Catch basins
B. Trench drains D. Down spouts

_____ 10. Which collects water from gutters and divert it to the ground?
A. Drain pipes C. Catch basins
B. Trench drains D. Down spouts

_____ 11. Which pipe is commonly used for area drain?

A. PVC C. Concrete pipes
B. Steel pipes D. Galvanized iron pipes

_____ 12. Which collects water directly from the roof and directs it to the downspouts?
A. Gutter C. Catch Basins
B. Downspouts D. Public sewer line

_____ 13. The storm drainage system is part of the __________________.

A. Auxiliary system C. Plumbing system
B. Electrical system D. Mechanical system

_____ 14. Residential excess water such as storm and clear water or surface water
wastes are directed to __________________.
A. Septic vault C. Other residential areas
B. Public storm sewer system D. House hold water tanks

_____ 15. Residential drainage systems are very important as they prevent the
following, EXCEPT?
A. Rotting C. Mold
B. Structural damage D. Surface water accumulation

What’s In

Recall what you have learned from your previous lesson. Accomplish the
activity below.

Arrange Me
Instruction. Arrange the steps in drafting household sanitary layout using numbers.
Number 1 for step 1, 2 for step 2, and so on. Write your answer in your answer sheets.

__________ 1. Write down also the material specification for the fixtures used
including the legend.
__________ 2. With the given floor plan, indicate first where you would locate your
septic vault outside the building.
__________ 3. Indicate the location of the different sanitary fixtures by drawing their
abbreviations or symbols on the area where they are best located.
__________ 4. After drawing the layout, indicate the different pipes and fittings used
by drawing their symbols on the sewer line layout.
__________ 5. Draw the layout using with line connecting all these fixtures and to the
septic vault with the sewer line connecting to the street sewer.

What’s New

Resolve Me
Instruction. Answer the given questions below in two to three sentences only. Write
your answer on the space provided in your answer sheet.

1. What causes flooding? ______________________________________________


2. How to prevent flooding? _____________________________________________


What is It

Residential Drainage Systems

Residential drainage systems remove excess water from residential areas. This
system helps whisk water away from walkways, driveways, and roofs to avoid flooding.
Residential drainage systems are very important as they prevent rotting, mold, mildew,
and structural damage in buildings from a buildup of water

The types of residential drainage systems are:

1. Surface Drainage Systems

Surface drainage systems contain shallow ditches dug in a parallel
pattern, which act as canals for run-off water. Theses ditches lead the water
into the main drain to avoid water pooling and flooding.

2. Subsurface Drainage Systems

A subsurface drainage system is also known as a French drain.
Subsurface drains are placed beneath the top layer of soil to remove excess
water at the root level. Subsurface drains require the digging of deep ditches
and the installation of underground pipes. A large collector drain is installed to
collect water from the pipes.

3. Slope Drainage Systems

Slope drains allow water to flow downward from a structure with the aid
of pipes moving down a slope. A pipe is installed and anchored into a small
incline, which causes water to flow through the pipe and away from the

4. Downspout and Gutter systems

Downspouts collect water from gutters and divert it to the ground. A
downspout is typically connected to a gutter system on a building and carries
water away from the roof down to the ground. Downspouts empty out the water
on a slope so that the water does not pool at the base of the downspout.

The Storm Drainage System

The sanitary drain only receives discharges of sanitary and domestic wastes
only while the storm drain receives storm, clear water or surface water wastes. The
storm drainage system consists of pipes, fittings, catch basins, area drain and is
intended for getting rid of water from the building roof and its surrounding and is
conveyed to the public sewer system.

The storm drainage is considered part of the plumbing system. Like the sanitary
system, the pipes used for storm drainage most common to homeowners and
contractors are the plastic pipe or Polyvinylchloride (PVC) pipes and the concrete pipe
for area drain.

The storm drainage system is of two kinds: the inside storm drain and the
outside storm drain. Layout of the two is shown in the following illustrations.

When drafting house hold plumbing system, the clean water lines are
represented on a plan by a visible line and two dashes, while sanitary lines are
represented by a bold continuous line. The fixtures are indicated by their common
symbols. Storm drainage lines are drawn with two hidden lines that run parallel to
each other. While vent pipes are bold hidden lines.

The Catch Basin

The catch basin catches water discharges from the roof and conveys it to the
storm drainage line. It is more or less of the same use as the area drain. It also serves
as a manhole for cleaning.

What’s More

Compare Me
Instruction. Compare and contrast sanitary drain system and storm drain system
using the Venn diagram below. Simply fill the blanks with the write word or words that
best describe the similarities and differences of the two. Write your answer on the
answer sheet provided.

What I Have Learned

Complete Me
Instruction. Fill in the blanks with the correct word or words to complete paragraphs
given. Choices are given in the box below. Write your answer in the answer sheet

polyvinylchloride pipes surrounding storm drain

concrete pipe storm sewer system building roof

plumbing system sanitary drain steel pipes

The (1)_________________ only receives discharges of sanitary and domestic

wastes only while the (2)_________________ receives storm, clear water or surface
water wastes. The storm drainage system consists of pipes, fittings, catch basins, area
drain and is intended for getting rid of water from the (3)_________________ and its
(4)_________________ and is conveyed to the 5)_________________

The storm drainage is considered part of the (6)_________________. Like the

sanitary system, the pipes used for storm drainage most common to homeowners and
contractors are the plastic pipe or (7)_________________. and the
(8)_________________. for area drain.

What I Can Do

Draw Me
Instruction. Copy exactly the layout of a simple storm drainage system shown below.
Do your drawing on the space provided in your answer sheet.

Tools and Materials

a. drawing table or any flat surface
b. sharp pencil (medium), eraser and sharpener
c. ruler and triangles

Scoring Rubrics
10 8 6 4
the output is 1 to 3 errors are 4 to 6 errors are 7 or more errors
Accuracy accurately done observed on the observed on the are observed on
output output the output
has no visible has 1 to 3 has 4 to 6 has 7 or more
erasures and erasures or erasures or erasures or
unnecessary unnecessary unnecessary unnecessary
marks marks marks marks
all pieces of all pieces of all pieces of all pieces of
information are information are information are information are
completely legibly printed legibly printed not legibly
indicated and but some are but some are printed and
legibly printed. missing. missing and words are
misspelled. missing and


Instruction. Read each statement and choose the best answer. Write only the letter
of your chosen answer on the space provided in your answer sheet.

_____ 1. Which system helps whisk water away from walkways, driveways, and roofs
to avoid flooding?
A. Public sewer system C. Sanitary plumbing system
B. Clean water supply line D. Residential drainage system

_____ 2. Which removes excess water?

A. Sanitary system C. Cold water line
B. Electrical system D. Drainage system

_____ 3. Which is also known as a French drain which require the digging of deep
ditches and the installation of underground pipes.
A. Surface drainage systems C. Slope drains
B. Subsurface drainage system D. Downspout and Gutter systems

_____ 4. Which drainage system contains shallow ditches dug in a parallel pattern,
which act as canals for run-off water.?
A. Surface drainage systems C. Slope drains
B. Subsurface drainage system D. Downspout and Gutter systems

_____ 5. When drafting house hold plumbing system, the storm drainage lines are
represented on a plan by what kind of line?
A. Two dashes C. Hidden lines
B. Visible line and two dashes D. Bold continuous line

_____ 6. Which is NOT a component of below-ground storm system?

A. Drain pipes C. Catch basins
B. Trench drains D. Down spouts

_____ 7. What drainage system allows water to flow downward from a structure with
the aid of pipes moving down a slope?
A. Surface drainage systems C. Slope drains
B. Subsurface drainage system D. Downspout and Gutter systems

_____ 8. Which residential storm drainage system is laid out within the residential unit?
A. Inside storm drain C. Outside storm drain
B. Surface drainage system D. Downspout and Gutter systems

_____ 9. Which collects water directly from the roof and directs it to the downspouts?
A. Gutter C. Catch Basins
B. Downspouts D. Public sewer line

_____ 10. Which pipe is commonly used for area drain?

A. PVC C. Concrete pipes
B. Steel pipes D. Galvanized iron pipes

_____ 11. Which collects water from gutters and divert it to the ground?
A. Drain pipes C. Catch basins
B. Trench drains D. Down spouts

_____ 12. What component of the storm drain system catches water discharges from
the roof and conveys it to the storm drainage line? It also serves as a manhole for
A. Drain pipes C. Catch basins
B. Trench drains D. Down spouts

_____ 13. The storm drainage system is part of the __________________.

A. Auxiliary system C. Plumbing system
B. Electrical system D. Mechanical system

_____ 14. Residential drainage systems are very important as they prevent the
following, EXCEPT?
A. Rotting C. Mold
B. Structural damage D. Surface water accumulation

_____ 15. Residential excess water such as storm and clear water or surface water
wastes are directed to __________________.
A. Septic vault C. Other residential areas
B. Public storm sewer system D. House hold water tanks

Additional Activities

Instruction. In a short bond paper, make a sketch of your own residential storm
drainage system. Refer to the given drawing in “what I can do” as your example.

Scoring Rubrics
10 8 6 4
the output is 1 to 3 errors 4 to 6 errors are 7 or more errors
Accuracy accurately are observed observed on are observed on
done on the output the output the output
has no visible has 1 to 3 has 4 to 6 has 7 or more
erasures and erasures or erasures or erasures or
unnecessary unnecessary unnecessary unnecessary
marks marks marks marks
all pieces of all pieces of all pieces of all pieces of
information are information information are information are
completely are legibly legibly printed not legibly
indicated and printed but but some are printed and
legibly printed. some are missing and words are
missing. misspelled. missing and

Answer Key

What I know What’s in

1. b
15. D 5. 3
2. c
14. B 4. 4
3. a
13. C 3. 2
4. b
12. A 2. 1
5. a
11. C 1. 5
6. b
10. D
7. a
9. C
8. c
8. D What’s new
9. a
7. C -Answer may vary
10. b
6. A
11. a
5. C What’s more
12. a
4. B -Answer may vary
13. d
3. A
14. b
2. C
15. d
1. D

What I have learned What I can do

- drawings will be evaluated using
8. concrete pipes
the rubrics given
7. polyvinylchloride pipes
6. plumbing system
5. public sewer system
4. surrounding
3. building roof
2. storm drain
1. sanitary drain

Assessment Additional Activities

15. B - drawings will be evaluated using the
14. D rubrics given
13. C
12. C
11. D
10. C
9. A
8. A
7. C
6. D
5. C
4. A
3. B
2. D
1. D


Gregorio. Mario S., Alexander M. Latoga, Mirasol F. Dasig, Ariel F. Maglalang,

Conrado C. Casulla, Rolando V. Inay and Percival Magaway. 2009.
Competency-Based Learning Material: Drafting Technology. Marikina City.

Basic Types Of Residential Drainage Systems. Schoolofpe.Com.2017.


Residential Water Drainage Techniques. Home Guides SF Gate.


For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:
Department of Education-Cordillera Administrative Region
Schools Division of Baguio City
No. 82 Military Cut-off Road, Baguio City
Telefax: 442-7819
Email Address: [email protected]
Social Media: faceboof.com/DepEdTayoBaguioCity

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