Internet Based Highly Secure Data Transmission System in Health Care Monitoring System

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International Journal of Reconfigurable and Embedded Systems (IJRES)

Vol. 13, No. 3, November 2024, pp. 681~686

ISSN: 2089-4864, DOI: 10.11591/ijres.v13.i3.pp681-686  681

Internet based highly secure data transmission system in health

care monitoring system

Gubbala Bhaskar Phani Ram1, Shankar Thirunarayanan2

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu, India
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Annamalai University (Deputed to Government College of Engineering,
Srirangam, Trichy), Tamil Nadu, India

Article Info ABSTRACT

Article history: The health care systems in our contemporary countries are advancing rapidly
in terms of maturity and professionalism. In an effort to alleviate the current
Received Aug 2, 2023 burden on the public health system and boost the popularity of regular health
Revised Mar 30, 2024 self-checks, this method has been developed for producing prediagnoses that
Accepted Apr 19, 2024 are easier to use, quicker, and more accurate. To ascertain how well the heart
is circulating oxygen throughout the body, a pulse test, a painless
examination that measures an individual's degree of oxygen saturation, is
Keywords: used. It can be used to evaluate the state of any patient with a disease,
particularly those with pulmonary problems. Diseases in these patients could
Heartbeat sensor need ongoing observation and care. Our system comes to the rescue in order
Internet of thing to resolve this problem. This portable system is simple to use and may be
LM35 module taken anywhere by the subject. The internet of things (IoT) will update the
Saturation of peripheral oxygen pertinent parameters. This health monitoring system's controller is made up
WIFI module of an adaptor, a saturation of peripheral oxygen (SPO2 ) sensor (a blood
oxygen meter), a temperature sensor, a heart rate sensor, a WiFi module, and
a liquid crystal display (LCD).
This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.

Corresponding Author:
Gubbala Bhaskar Phani Ram
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Annamalai University
Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu, India
Email: [email protected]

People with chronic diseases are becoming more prevalent, and a variety of things, such as food
decisions, alcohol consumption, and physical activity, may be to fault. Numerous symptoms and medical
interventions can be used to treat chronic disorders [1]. Patients' health screening must be continuously
maintained for the early identification and diagnosis of potentially fatal conditions including heart attacks
after they are released from the hospital and are taken home [2]. Researchers found that 30% of people with
coronary heart disease received rehabilitation at least once every 90 days, with study rates between 25% and
54% within 3-6 months [3]. A cheap solution to these kinds of needs is being provided in the form of health
monitoring devices. In such a system, physiological data is stored, processed, and communicated via a local
device like a smart phone, and a personal computer. Such systems should adhere to stringent standards for
long-term real-time operation, dependability, safety, and security [4]. The advancement of technology has
long captivated our attention. We also found that there aren't many comprehensive researches on the use of
computer technology to hospitals' needs for an internet of things (IoT) based patient monitoring system [5].
All physical objects are connected to the internet through a network called the IoT using various sensors, and
devices. IoT is a clever technique that can reduce the need for human effort and involvement [6]. The IoT,
which has given us new ideas like smart parking, smart homes, and smart cities, has fundamentally altered

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682  ISSN: 2089-4864

the way we live today [7], [8]. There are numerous useful uses for IoT in hospital administration. They joined
us as we began reading the published piece and local developments. In the present day, medical knowledge is
expanding daily [9], [10]. On the basis of this generating method, people are creating more significant logical
accessories, such as a belt that can detect persistent breath and electro dermal movement sensors that may
gradually reveal seizure physiology indicators at night [11]. The patient monitoring system is easy to use,
comfortable, and painless [12], [13]. The present project's objectives are as follows:
− Because it demonstrates how all data and information are obtained only over the internet, it will be a
highly useful tool. The burden and stress placed on the patient's family members who work outside is
thereby reduced.
− By connecting with the IoT healthcare system, professionals may get all the required patient data,
improving the precision of their diagnoses. Simply put, it enables ongoing and remote patient
− By using this method, we may roughly estimate the outcome based on patient health. Furthermore, it
will outperform human performance in terms of accuracy, data gathering speed, and error.
− When a patient receives home-based medical therapy in real time, a needless doctor or nurse visit is
avoided. Particularly with this strategy, hospital stays and readmissions are less expensive.
− Because of IoT, doctors and family members can confidently carry out their specific responsibilities
because they can remotely monitor the patient's health. Every time a certain health parameter raised or
fell outside of the predetermined range, the system would also send out alarms. Additionally, family
members and medical professionals can act appropriately after getting an SMS alert. Not least among its
benefits is that it can assist save lives in an emergency.
According to my assessment, there is a dearth of basic healthcare for the populace in rural areas.
Additionally, they cannot find adequate medical care. After the illness or fever becomes too severe, a large
number of people receive treatment. Numerous rural residents cannot afford treatment when the cost is taken
into account. Therefore, this project is being designed to make the first part of the treatment procedure easier.
Since the goal of this study is to provide a key metric for disease diagnosis. Lack of administration and
resources make it difficult for developing nations to address the concerns of individuals. A regular person
cannot afford the costly daily health checks. Numerous systems that provide simple and reliable care have
been created for this aim. With properly handled equipment, this technique cuts down on time. This social
contribution will be highly valuable. Because people can identify the body's improper behavior before
developing any significant diseases. With the aid of IoT, the person who is more concerned about any other
loved one can take care of and monitor his health while sitting in any location in the world.

In order to provide better healthcare, the IoT is being frequently used in the medical industry. IoT is
a key element of providing patients with better healthcare facilities and assisting hospitals and professionals
as well. The ability of this system to collect and exchange data is improved by the IoT network connectivity
of connected devices, software, and sensors [14], [15]. The routine monitoring of a patient by reviewing a
range of parameters measured and delivered by the sensors attached to the patient's body is the specialty of
IoT in the healthcare system [16]. Hospitals are furnished with a large variety of sensor-enabled devices,
even in conventional medical systems [17]. In areas where the disease is prevalent, it is always preferable to
monitor these people using remote health monitoring technology.
A health monitoring system built on the IoT is the current solution for these kinds of problems [18].
By enabling patient observation outside of typical healthcare settings (such at home), such a remote patient
monitoring setup improves access to human services offices while reducing costs [19]. There have been
reports of numerical models for IoT in healthcare and the prediction of various diseases using various
Kadarina and Priambodo [20] developed a smart chair that recognises non-constrained bio-signals
and can be monitored with a system similar to the one they had established. The smart chair was used to
develop a system for sensing physiological signals in sitting posture, such as electrocardiogram (ECG) and
ballistocardiography (BCG). This is a prime illustration of how the IoT is being applied to the medical field.
A framework was developed by Butt et al. [21] to protect the clinical information that must be transmitted
over the internet for electronic patient record systems. Incorporating public key infrastructure, smartcard, and
biometrics technologies into a multi-layered framework is what they advise [22].
An IoT-based platform was developed by Ding et al. [23] to let persons with disabilities research
and find IoT developments in the healthcare sector that can help them and their community. To examine the
most advanced IoT technology and its applications, which can primarily be used for the disabled, they chose

Int J Reconfigurable & Embedded Syst, Vol. 13, No. 3, November 2024: 681-686
Int J Reconfigurable & Embedded Syst ISSN: 2089-4864  683

two use cases. Almotiri [24] looked into the potential and technical aspects of IoT in healthcare in order to
make it a reality and uncover opportunities. After that, they put out a cloud-based conceptual framework that
would establish a network between the patient, hospital, physicians, labs, and other parties, enabling the
secure transfer of patient medical data and information with the patient's and their family's permission [25].

Here, we make use of several hardware and software needs, including an IDE, project factory web
server, a controller, a heartbeat sensor, a saturation of peripheral oxygen (SPO2 ), an ESP8266, an LM35, and
a heart rate sensor. The controller is a board designed for projects that require a maximum amount of random
access memory (RAM), additional input and output pins, and sketch memory. For projects that need
additional input and output pins, this board is suggested since it has 54 digital I/O pins, 16 analogue inputs,
and more room for the sketch. This keeps the Raspberry Pi platform simple while providing a tone of
potential for applications. A low-cost controller module that can be utilized for IoT project development is
the ESP8266 module. In order to communicate with the ESP8266 module, a set of AT instructions are used.
The integrated circuit (IC) temperature sensor LM35's output voltage is linearly proportional to the measured
temperature in °C. For projects that are appropriately built plug-and-play heart rate sensors for Raspberry Pi,
heart rate sensors are utilized. The sensor clamps onto a fingertip or earlobe and can be connected to a
Raspberry Pi using some jumper cables so that we can measure the victim's heart rate. The Raspberry Pi
integrated development environment (IDE) is a piece of free software used mostly for creating, editing, and
compiling code into the Raspberry Pi module. An open source platform known as project factory web server
offers a variety of services primarily intended for creating and developing IoT apps for diverse projects [26].
It offers the capability of gathering and displaying real-time data as graphs or charts.


Users are able to interface with gadgets that can connect to the internet thanks to the Ruby
application known as project factory. By giving social network websites and mobile devices an application
programming interface (API), it simplifies data access, retrieval, and logging. On the left, you can see the
intelligent objects (also known as "things" in IoT) that are situated at the edge of the network [27]. A few
examples of devices that gather data include wearable technology, manufacturing floor equipment, wireless
temperature sensors, heart rate monitors, and hydraulic pressure sensors. Data from several sources in the
cloud can be quickly and effectively gathered using an IoT analytics platform designed for this purpose. The
graphic below illustrates how the IoT application's algorithm was developed [28]. A data scientist or engineer
tries to understand the obtained data by doing historical analytics on it in this scenario. Data is gathered from
the IoT platform and brought into a desktop software environment to allow the engineer or scientist to
prototype algorithms that may eventually operate in the cloud or on the smart device. An IoT system is made
up of all of these parts [29]. The cloud portion of the diagram's platform, which is offered by project factory,
enables quick data collecting and analysis from internet-connected sensors. The Figure 1 gives clear idea of
IoT secured server model.

Data Server for Storing Internet

these values

Doctors and Relatives Monitor

Patient Health Status using Internet

Project Factory

Figure 1. IoT secure server model diagram

The skin in these places has a substantially higher vascular density than, say, the skin on the chest
wall. Pulse oximeters probe the finger, nose, ear lobe, and forehead for this reason. The two most common

Internet based highly secure data transmission system in health care … (Gubbala Bhaskar Phani Ram)
684  ISSN: 2089-4864

types of pulse oximeter probes are the reusable clip probes and the single-patient sticky probes (finger,
forehead). Reusable clip probes have the advantages of being simple to use, permitting sampling of numerous
body sites when low amplitude waves are present, and being economical in outpatient settings where multiple
patients can be measured sequentially with a single probe since only one SPO2 reading is necessary. Pulse
oximeters may be used in a variety of situations that need the monitoring of oxygenation and pulse rates. The
use of pulse oximeters increases patient safety by alerting medical staff to hypoxia before, during, or after
surgery. Oximeters indicate that the oxygenation during mechanical ventilation is adequate. A device known
as a temperature sensor is designed to measure how hot or cold an object is. How well a temperature sensor
works is determined by the voltage put across the diode. The relationship between the diode's resistance and
temperature change is perfect. Temperature drops cause a decrease in resistance, and vice versa.


A great platform for IoT-based projects is project factory. Using the channels and web pages given
by project factory, we can retrieve our data and monitor our system using the thing speak website. For project
factory, we have to register. The system then needs an API key in order to function after we've set up what
we need on a new channel. This key is required for data setup and programming changes. After the API has
been created, the outcome will be shown on a 16×2 liquid crystal display (LCD) display and stored on the
project factory server. Users can access the data from that point, examine the findings, and manage their
health. Data is gathered by hardware from a variety of sensors and uploaded to a cloud server for the project
factory server. The graphical representation of captured data that of temperature, heart beat and SPO2 is
displayed on the server is shown in Table 1. This data can be processed further and utilized to predict the
patient's health. This is helpful for those who require daily care and those who are unable to leave the
hospital for doctor advice. The variation of temperature, heart beat and SPO2 levels can also be observed in
the form of graphs which are as shown in Figures 2 to 4 patient measurement.

Table 1. Output results with respective of time

S. No Temp HB SP𝐎𝟐 Date
1 57 0 0 2022-01-10 10:11:36
2 322 55 96 2022-01-06 14:44:39
3 74 75 96 2022-01-02 17:35:46
4 81 0 0 2022-01-02 17:34:27

Figure 2. Body temperature levels with respective of time


Figure 3. Heart beat levels with respective of time

Int J Reconfigurable & Embedded Syst, Vol. 13, No. 3, November 2024: 681-686
Int J Reconfigurable & Embedded Syst ISSN: 2089-4864  685


Figure 4. SPO2 levels in IoT server

This project is focused on using internet technology to develop a system that would interact via the
internet for better health because of how widely utilised the internet is. The IoT is king across many
industries, but it reigns supreme in the healthcare sector in particular. The goal of the current project is to
develop a smart IoT-based controller-based patient health tracking system. Before transferring the
information to the cloud over the internet, this uses a temperature sensor to calculate the temperature and a
pulse rate sensor to measure the heartbeat. This data is additionally delivered to the LCD display so that the
patient can fully comprehend their health situation. In an emergency, a buzzer also sounds to warn the carer
and an alert message is sent to the doctor's phone. By noting the specific website or IP address, the doctor can
examine the supplied data. As a result, a system for ongoing patient observation was developed.

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Gubbala Bhaskar Phani Ram received his M.Tech. degree in electronics and
communication engineering, specialization as embedded systems from JNTU Hyderabad, India
in 2011 and currently pursuing Ph.D. degree in internet of things from Annamalai University,
Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu State. Currently, he is an assistant professor in Department of
Electronics and Communication Engineering, St. Peter’s Engineering College, JNTU HYD.
His research interests include embedded systems, internet of thing, artificial intelligence, and
machine learning. He has total 14 Years of teaching experience. His teaching experience
includes teaching subjects like – artificial intelligence, machine learning, embedded systems,
internet of things, microprocessors and microcontrollers, real time operating systems, antennas
and wave propagation. He has guided B.Tech. and M.Tech. level projects. He can be contacted
at email: [email protected].

Dr. Shankar Thirunarayanan received his B.E. (electronics and communication

engineering), M.E. (PCI), and Ph.D. electronics and communication engineering from
Annamalai University, Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu, India. Presently, he is working as an
assistant professor (Deputed from Annamalai University) in the Department of Electronics
and Communication Engineering at Government College of Engineering, Srirangam, Tamil
Nadu, India. He has published 28 research articles in reputed international journals and
presented reasearch work in various international conferences. His area of interest includes
image and video processing, wireless sensor networks and internet of things. He can be
contacted at email: [email protected].

Int J Reconfigurable & Embedded Syst, Vol. 13, No. 3, November 2024: 681-686

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