DLL - Mapeh 3 - Q1 - W4
DLL - Mapeh 3 - Q1 - W4
DLL - Mapeh 3 - Q1 - W4
A. Content Standard Demonstrates Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of body Demonstrates understanding of the
understanding of the lines,texture,shapes and shapes and body actions in importance of nutritional guidelines
basic concepts of rhythm. depth,contrast (size, texture) preparation for various movement and balanced diet in good nutrition
through drawing. activities. and health.
B. Performance Standard Perform simple ostinato Creates an artwork of people in the Performs body shapes and actions Consistently demonstrates good
patterns/simple rhythmic province/region. properly. decision-making skills in making
accompaniments on food choices.
classroom instruments
and other sound sources
to a given song.
C. Learning Clap, Tells that in a landscape the nearest Identify nutritional problems- Summative Test
Competency/Objectives taps,chants,walks,and object drawn is the foreground,the Creates Body Shapes and Actions undernutrition
Write the LC code for each. plays musical instruments objects behind the foreground are - Describe the characteristics, signs
in response to sound with the middle ground,while the and symptoms, and effects of the
the correct rhythym . farthest objects are the various forms of malnutrition -
3.1 in measures 2s,3s,and background. undernutrition, specifically protein-
4s. A3PL -Id energy
MU3RH –Ia –c-3 malnutrition.
Beats in 2s, 3s, and 4s. Landscape Drawing Let’s Sit and Create Shapes Minerals for Life
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages CG p.18 of 63 CG p. CG p.20 of 69. Cg p.17 of 66
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Laptop, copy of the
LearningResource song,speaker
B. Other Learning Resource
C. Reviewing previous lesson or Sing “ Leron –Leron What is visual texture? Checking of Attendance What are the vitamins that we Recall the standards
presenting the new lesson Sinta”.while marching. Warm – Up Exercises learned in the previous lesson? when taking a test
D. Establishing a purpose for the Sing the song “ Soldier’s Ask the pupils to show the pictures Show a chair to the class. Let them Aside from vitamins,what else does Test proper
lesson March”. of land formation they brought to say about it. our body need to function
Pupils may the class.Let them say something normally?
clap,tap,chant,walk,or about it.
play rhythmic
instruments while
E. Presenting examples/Instances Divide the pupils into 3 Tell the pupils that there are Show pictures of sitting positions. Arrange the jumbled letters. Checking
of the new lesson groups.Each group will famous landscapes and land OINR
play musical instruments formation in the Philippines. DOINIE
such as clappers, CLUIACM
drums,tambourines, - What do minerals give to our
while singing “ Soldier’s bodies?
F. Discussing new concepts and What did you do to show What objects in the picture nearest - What different sitting positions did What minerals do we need to Recording
practicing new skills # 1 the pulse of the song? to the viewer? you perform? perform our duties at home and in
- What are the musical - Did you perform the sitting positions school better?
instruments used? correctly?
- Why is it important to know the
different sitting positions?
G. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills # 2
H. Developing mastery
(leads to Formative
Assessment 3)
I. Finding practical application of Let the pupils sing and Refer to TAKE THE CHALLENGE ,LM Siiting Relay ( Group Work) Form the pupils into 3 groups. Form the pupils into 3
concepts and skills in daily move to the rhythm of I –Iron Deficiency groups.
living the song “ Rocky II – Iodine Deficiency I –Iron Deficiency
Mountain”. III – Calcium Deficiency II – Iodine Deficiency
III – Calcium Deficiency
J. Making generalizations and Marching is the best How is balnce shown in the picture? What are sitting positions? I can avoid iron/iodine/calcium I can avoid
abstractions about the lesson movement that matches deficiency by _______________. iron/iodine/calcium
the sounds grouped by deficiency by
2s. _______________.
K. Evaluating learning Assess them based on the .Refer to BE PROUD , LM. . Using the same group,demonstrate Answer Let’s Check on LM. Answer Let’s Check on
performance of singing “ the body positions that you have LM.
Rocky Mountain”. learned.
L. Additional activities for Compose a song made of .Search a land formation and Let the pupils practice different sitting Cut pictures rich in minerals like Cut pictures rich in
application or remediation measures 2s. landscapes in your place.Draw it. positions at home. iron , iodine ,and calcium. minerals like iron ,
iodine ,and calcium.
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?