DLL Mapeh3 Q1 W1-8
DLL Mapeh3 Q1 W1-8
DLL Mapeh3 Q1 W1-8
Teacher: ELIZA T. MANIPON Learning Area: MAPEH
Teaching Dates and
Time: Aug. 28 – Sept. 1, 2023 (WEEK 1) Quarter: 1ST QUARTER
Reviewing previous HOLIDAY Drill: Review; Daily Routine: Show 3 pictures of boys.
lesson or presenting the Clap the stick notations posted on What are the elements of arts? Warm up activities These three pictures show children who
new lesson the board or shown on the PPT Describe each element. may or may not be healthy. If it shows a
Review: healthy child raise had if not points your
Sing “Leron, Leron Sinta” and move thumbs down.
to the rhythm of the song.
Establishing a purpose Give examples of sounds that you Show a picture with people of Intoduce the song “I’m a Littele Tea Activity 1: Who is Healthy?
for the lesson hear. different sizes. Pot” and the action or if the pupils are Ask
Can we move without making any Ask: familiar with the song tell them to Why do you think is Lee healthy?
noise? What have you observed in the sing with you.. Why do you think Rod and Romy are not
What are the sounds that making picture? Ask: healthy?
any noise? Let the children notice the sizes of What actions did you perform while
What are the sounds that you love to the persons in the drawing. singing?
hear? What shapes were you able to
How did you do it?
Presenting Study the following rhythmic In a drawing composition, the sizes Activity 1: popcorn Activity 2: Eating Properly
examples/instances of patterns and do the movements of objects differ because of their Tell the pupils to do the following: Show a picture.
the new lesson indicated in each beat. distance from the viewer. There is A. Pop- stand with arms upward Describe the pictures.
Write the stick notations below the overlapping of objects and less B. Corn – stand with arms sideward
images. detail as image seems farther away C. Papara – stand with arms on the
from the viewer. This is how side
PERSPECTIVE is shown in a D. Papap – side lunge
drawing. Ask;
What actions did you perform?
What parts of your body move?
Discussing new What images in the rhythmic pattern What is a PERSPECTIVE? Activity 2: Mirror revision wall Ask:
concepts and practicing were used to represent the sounds Teacher will demonstrate the hand Who do you think is eating properly? Why
new skills #1 that you heard and the sounds that and feet movement and the pupils will did yu say so?
you did not hear? follow. Ask the pupils to get a partner
The symbol I shows the sound that and together they will do the action as
we hear whils ___ shows the sounds if one is reflection of the other.
that we do not hear, but could be Ask: What can you say about the
felt. movements?
Discussing new What were the movements used to Show a picture of a community and Activity 3; Sing and Move Say: People who do NOT eat properly
concepts and practicing show the sounds that we heard and talk about it. Choose a song and let the children suffer from wrong nutrition is
new skills #2 the sounds that we did not hear? Artworks of Fernando Amorsolo move by doing while watching it malnutrition.
We can also use body movements to (local artist) move. Ask:
show sounds heard and the sounds Edgar Degas (foreign artist) Who among the boys are suffering from
that we do not hear. malnutrition?
Developing mastery Look at the illustration. Ask: Do the game MERRY GO ROUND Tell the pupils that there are two kinds of
(leads to Formative Identify which symbols are with What elements of art did you use? malnutrition. Over nutrition and under
Assessment 3) sound which are not heard. How did you show distance in your nutrition.
drawing composition? Look at the pictures. Identify which
Group the children to see who got Did you enjoy the activity? picture of children are suffering from over
them correct. Why? or under nutrition.
Finding practical Group the class into four. Each Art Activity 1. Refer to LM. Using the base method. Group the Answer LET’S DO THIS on LM
applications of group will perform the rhythmic pupils into four. Let them form the
concepts and skills in patterns using the given movement shape assigned in each base. They
daily living while singng “Ang Alaga Kong should form the shape at the end of
Pusa” the song “Twinkle, Twinkle Little
Star” and move to the next base using
the prescribed locomotor movement.
Making generalizations What symbols were used to How will you show distance in your What have you learned on today’s What is malnutrition?
and abstractions about represent the sounds that we heard drawing? lesson?
the lesson and the sounds that we did not hear?
What movements were used to show
What were used to show silence?
Evaluating learning Put a check (/) on the appropriate Assess the output of the pupils Do the FOLLOW THE LEADER Answer LET’S CHECK on LM.
box. based on the RUBRICS. activity.
See LM Use the appropriate column that
correspond to the activity.
See TG p.215 for the checklist
Additional activities Create appropriate movements that Bring a picture or drawing of your Let the pupils practice the different Draw what you eat in a week. Observe if
for application or could be used to accompany a song. community. body shapes and body actions learned you are healthy or you are under or over
remediation at home nutrition.
List down five exercises that shows
The learner The learner The learner demonstrates WEEKLY
The learner
Content demonstrates demonstrates understanding of the TEST/OUTDOOR
Standards understanding of the understanding of body importance of nutritional ACTIVITY/PORTFOLIO
understanding of lines,
basic concepts of shapes and body guidelines and balanced DAY
texture, shapes and
rhythm. actions in preparation diet in good nutrition
depth, contrast through
for various movement and health
The learner performs The learner performs The learner consistently
Performance simple ostinato body movement shapes demonstrates good
Standards patterns/simple and actions properly. decision making skills in
The learner creates an
rhythmic making food choices
artwork of people in the
accompaniments on
classroom instruments
and other sound sources
to a given song.
Learning Maintains a steady beat
Competencies/ when replicating a Shows the illusion of
Objectives simple series of space in drawing the Describe body shapes Explains the concept of
Write the LC rhythmic patterns in objects and persons in and actions malnutrition
code for each measures of 2s, 3s and different sizes. PE3BM-Ia-b-1 H3N-Iab-12
4s. A3EL-Ib
Moving with the Beat Illusion of Space Body Shapes and Form of Malnutrition
1. TG p. 6-8 , MELC TG pp. 134-136, MELC TG pp.210-215 TG pp. 355--357 ,
Teacher’s MELC
Guide pages
2. Learner’s LM p. 8-14 LM pp. 167-173 LM pp. 246-256 LM pp. 445-447
3. Textbook
4. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)
Reviewing 1. Drill Ask the children to A. Routinary Let the pupils recall the WEEKLY
previous a. Tonal Drill ( s – so look at the picture Activities: nutrients they learned in TEST/OUTDOOR
lesson or , m – mi ) they drew in the 1. Checking of Grade 2. ACTIVITY/PORTFOLIO
presenting the DAY
b. Rhythmic Drill previous lesson. Let attendance and PE
new lesson
2. Review them examine the uniform (appropriate
Sing “Ang Alaga picture, the sizes of attire for physical
Kong Pusa” while objects, the distance activities)
tapping the steady etc. 2. Warm-up activities
beat of the song.
Establishing a B. Lesson Proper Show pictures. Ask your pupils to Read and understand the
purpose for the 1. Motivation Let the pupils give their recall the different BACKGROUND
lesson Show the cla What is own opinion or idea on body shapes and INFORMATION read
the sizes and distance by the teacher. .Study
the man doing? actions and perform
of pictures A and B. what is Protein-Energy
(the man is building these. Malnutrition.
a house/fixing the
What do we call the
man who builds a
What is his
What does a
carpenter do? (A
carpenter builds
Aside from houses,
what other things
does he do?
(He makes tables,
cabinets, and
chairs)ss a picture of
a carpenter.
Presenting “Mang Kiko” Say: Ask the pupils to Say: We will play a
examples/insta (chant) The illusion of space is sing the song Word Association
nces of the Do the following a technique or process Magtanim ay Di Biro Game. I will write a
new lesson used by an artist to word and call a pupil
activities: with actions
show distance and who will quickly give a
a. Clap/tap the beat depth. related word.
of “Mang Kiko”.
b. Clap/tap the beat
while chanting.
c. Do other
movements such as
walking and
marching at different
speeds while
chanting to
show and feel the
steady beat.
Discussing What is the chant all Show an example of a (Note to teacher: Do Write
new concepts about? picture of objects and the warm–up “MALNUTRITION” on
and practicing (It is about a or people that shows activities here) the board and call a
new skills #1 illusion of space. pupil who will give a
carpenter making a (The procedure
Show them the artwork word related to
chair.) of Manuel Baldemor
should be delivered “malnutrition” as fast as
What did you do to (local artist) in MTB) possible. Call about five
show the pulse of Activity 1: Ready children. If there are
“Mang Kiko”? Get Set Go doubts about the
(We tapped, clapped, Directions: relationship of the
marched, and Group the words, ask the pupil to
walked.) class into four explain how the word is
We used different columns. Ask the related.
movements while pupils to do the
chanting to show the following
pulse. These positions.The pupils
movements can be must wait for the
fast or slow. teacher’s Go signal
and freeze for five
Groups who did the
positions correctly
will move 1 step
forward until a group
reaches the finish
line. (Note to the
teacher: Use the
Discussing How were you able Show Edgar Degas What body parts are Show the table to the
new concepts to maintain the pulse (foreign artist) with used in bending and class categorize as
and practicing while works that emphasize stretching? Symptoms and Signs,
new skills #2 perspective about Effects and
singing/chanting? How did you do it?
Cityscape. Prevention/Control
(by continuously
moving to the regular
beat up to the end of
the song)
Developing Do the Let’s Try on Answer Activity 1 on Bending and Activity 1: A story of
mastery (leads LM p.15-16 LM.p.142 stretching are Two Children
to Formative movements that 1. Tell the pupils that
Assessment 3) they are going to read
improve flexibility.
two stories about
The proper way of malnutrition
doing these 2. let the pupils read the
movements can stories silently.
prevent injury. 3. Ask the pupils to
answer the questions
A flexible person orally after each story.
can do many
movements safely
and assume good
posture at all times.
Finding Group the class into Answer Activity 2 on Travelogue GUESSING GAME
practical 5. Let the pupils LM p.143 Divide the class into
applications of practice steady beats Directions: Group four small groups. Tell
concepts and the groups to guess the
using the song pupils into three big
skills in daily name of the nutrient
“Colors at School”. groups or small after you will write its
Ask the pupils to do groups with 3 first letter on the board.
the members each.Ask Let the groups take turns
following: them to perform the in answering.
activity written on P, C, D, V, M
the activity cards. As
the teacher claps
eachgroup will
transfer to the next
base in a counter-
clockwise manner.
Making What is steady beat? How will you show Bending and Call some pupils to read
generalizations (Steady Beat is the distance in your stretching are aloud their endings to
and pulse we feel in drawing? movements that the statements.
music. It can be slow improve flexibility.
about the
or The proper way of
fast.) doing these
We use movements movements can
to show the pulse in prevent injury.
music like
marching, tapping, A flexible person
clapping, walking, can do many
and playing musical movements safely
instrument. and assume good
posture at all times.
Evaluating See page TG-page 8 Make your own artwork See page TG-page Answer LET’S CHECK
learning Put a check in the about landscape. 222 on LM.
correct box. Use the rubrics on TG
p. 133 in assessing the
output of the pupils
based on the rubrics.
Additional Bring improvised Bring picture or A. Practice the Divide the class into
activities for musical instruments drawing of your different exercises small groups and assign
application or for the next lesson. community. learned. to bring different kinds
remediation of food rich in vitamins.
B. List down five
walking movements
using body shapes.
No. of learners WEEKLY
who earned TEST/OUTDOOR
evaluation DAY
No. of learners
who require
activities for
Did the
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have
caught up with
the lesson
No. of learners
who continue
to require
Which of my
worked well?
Why did these
difficulties did
I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
innovation or
materials did I
which I wish
to share with
other teachers?
School: Grade Level: III
Teacher: ELIZA T. MANIPON Learning Area: MAPEH
Teaching Dates and
Time: Sept. 11-15, 2023 (WEEK 3) Quarter: 1ST QUARTER
The learner The learner demonstrates WEEKLY
Content demonstrates understanding of the TEST/OUTDOOR
The learner demonstrates understanding of body
Standards understanding of lines, importance of nutritional ACTIVITY/PORTFOLIO
shapes and body actions in preparation for various
texture, shapes and guidelines and balanced DAY
movement activities
depth, contrast through diet in good nutrition
drawing. and health
The learner consistently
The learner creates an
Performance The learner performs body movement shapes and demonstrates good
artwork of people in the
Standards actions properly. decision making skills in
making food choices
Learning Explains that artist
Competencies/ create visual texture by Identifies nutritional
Performs body shapes and actions.
Objectives using a variety of lines problems
Write the LC and colors. H3N-Icd-13
code for each A3-PL-Ic
II. CONTENT Visual Texture Let’s walk and sing Vitamins for Life
1. TG pp. 137-139 TG pp. 223-227 TG pp. 358-360
Guide pages
2. Learner’s LM pp. 144-146 LM pp. 265-273 LM pp. 448-450
3. Textbook
4. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)
Reviewing Ask: Warm up activitie Read the WEEKLY
previous How illusion of space is Daily exercise BACKGROUND TEST/OUTDOOR
lesson or shown in a drawing? INFORMATION with ACTIVITY/PORTFOLIO
presenting the the class DAY
new lesson If a child lacks vitamins,
he/she will suffer from
the following nutrition
Establishing a Distribute sets of jigsaw Ask the pupils to perform any movement based on Let pupils bring out the
purpose for the puzzles to groups of the Song: Tong, Tong, Tong Pakitongkitong” food assigned to them.
lesson pupils. Let each group
assemble the puzzle.
What picture was
formed by the puzzle?
Does it show texture,
lines and colors?
Identify them.
Presenting Tell the pupils that Ask: What animal can you think of in the song? Show pictures.
examples/insta visual texture is defined Can you create actions for the song? Ask who has
nces of the as the texture perceived experienced any of these
new lesson without touching it. nutritional deficiencies.
Look at the picture.
What have you
observed in picture A?
in picture B?
Discussing Discuss further the use Do the following activities. Activity 1
new concepts of cross hatch lines and Activity 1: Spot the Difference Group the pupils. Let
and practicing dots (Pointillism) to them brainstorm and
new skills #1 create visual texture in discuss the different
a Still Life drawing. vitamin deficiencies by
Show illustrations showing pictures of
showing children with specific
“crosshatching” of a vitamin deficiencies on
pencil stroke. LM.
Discussing Refer to THINK Activity 2: Walking All the Way
new concepts ABOUT THIS on LM. Let pupils answer
and practicing Activity 2 on L,.
new skills #2
Developing Ask: Do the activity on LM. Answer Activity 3 on
mastery (leads How will you value Wring the Dishrag LM.
to Formative your artwork and of
Assessment 3) others?
Finding Art Activity: Closing activity Ask: How can we avoid
practical Refer to BE Sing the song Maliliit na Gagamba with actions vitamin deficiencies?
applications of CREATIVE on LM Group the children.
concepts and “Still Life Drawing Prepare set of pictures or
skills in daily with Cross Hatch Lines plastic fruits
living or Dots” representing the four
Let the pupils show vitamins.
their artwork to the Play games like “Maria
class. Went To Town”, the
group with most correct
answer wins.
Making What is VISUAL Walking properly in different directions is an What will happen if we
generalizations TEXTURE? enjoyable activity that will help the proper do not get enough
and functioning of our body system vitamins?
about the
Evaluating Refer to BE PROUD on Look at the table. Check under the column which Instruct pupils to answer
learning LM. picture shows correct proper body mechanics. LET’S CHECK on LM.
Additional Bring a picture of land A. Assume proper body mechanics while walking Draw pictures of fruits
activities for formation. B. Practice flexibility that you have learned in you have to eat to have
application or school Vit. A – Vit. B – Vit. C
remediation – Vit.D
No. of learners WEEKLY
who earned TEST/OUTDOOR
evaluation DAY
No. of learners
who require
activities for
Did the
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have
caught up with
the lesson
No. of learners
who continue
to require
Which of my
worked well?
Why did these
difficulties did
I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
innovation or
materials did I
which I wish
to share with
other teachers?
The learner WEEKLY
The learner demonstrates
Content demonstrates TEST/OUTDOOR
The learner demonstrates understanding of body understanding of the importance
Standards understanding of lines, ACTIVITY/PORTF
shapes and body actions in preparation for various of nutritional guidelines and
texture, shapes and OLIO DAY
movement activities balanced diet in good nutrition
depth, contrast through
and health
The learner consistently
The learner creates an
Performance The learner performs body movement shapes and demonstrates good decision
artwork of people in the
Standards actions properly. making skills in making food
Learning Discusses what
Competencies/ foreground, middle Describes the characteristics,
Objectives ground and background Performs body shapes and actions. signs and symptoms, effect of
Write the LC are all about in the PE3BM-Ic-d-15 the various forms of
code for each context of a landscape. malnutrition.
A3-PL-Id H3N-Ief-14
Landscape Drawing
II. CONTENT (Foreground, middle Let’s Move and Bend Our Knees Minerals for Life
ground, background)
1. TG pp. 140-141 TG pp. 228-231 TG pp. 360-366
Guide pages
2. Learner’s LM pp. 147-150 LM pp. 274-280 LM pp. 451-453
3. Textbook
4. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)
Reviewing What is visual texture? Follow the figures shown. Review the different kinds of WEEKLY
previous Do the exercise correctly. Count 1-16. food rich in vitamins. TEST/OUTDOOR
lesson or Figures A to D. Ask the pupils: ACTIVITY/PORTF
presenting the What are the vitamins that we OLIO DAY
new lesson learned in the previous lesson?
Establishing a Ask the pupils to show Activity 1: I can Do This Aside from vitamins, what else
purpose for the the pictures of land Show pictures. Let the pupils imitate the picture. does our body need to function
lesson transformation they Ask whether it is easy or not. normally?
brought to class. Let Ask the pupils to aarange the
them say something jumbled letters and form a word.
about it. a. O I N R
Introduce a guessing B. D O I N I E
game of land C. C L U I A C M
transformations and
landscapes by
describing their
Presenting Tell the pupils that Introduce the different kneeling position. Activity 1
examples/insta there are famous Let them practice for a while Post the following description
nces of the landscape and land Challenge them to add arm movements around the room:
new lesson formation in the Unlock the words.
Philippines. Introduce Ask them to form groups based
some of these with the on this and share their
aid of pictures. experiences.
Discussing Ask: The teacher will ask guide questions to guide the After their sharing, unlock the
new concepts What objects in the pupils in forming the concept. three nutritional deficiencies
and practicing picture appear nearest and explain further.
new skills #1 to the viewer?
What objects in the
picture appear farthest
to the viewer?
Discussing Compare their sizes. Show more examples of kneeling movements. Tell Show the pictures on the board o
new concepts Refer to THINK them that this exercises can focus on flexibility. r thru power point presentations.
and practicing ABOUT THIS on LM. Let the pupils describe the
new skills #2 picture of each deficiency.
Developing Art Activity: Landscape Activity 2: Kneeling Challenge Activity 2: Let’s Match!
mastery (leads Drawing In a group of 5, let pupils create an exercise using Discuss ways on how to prevent
to Formative Show your artwork to various kneeling positions. mineral deficiencies.
Assessment 3) your classmates and In 2 minutes, let them practice these exercises with After discussion, form three
share your experience arm movements. groups and give each group task
while doing the After 2 minutes, let them perform by group. cards with questions. They will
activity. draw their answers on a manila
Refer to Be Creative on paper.
Finding Refer to TAKE THE Do a Half Kneeling Challenge, but performing the Let them do Activity 1 on LM
practical CHALLENGE on LM. kneeling position with arm movement while
applications of singing “BAHAY KUBO”
concepts and
skills in daily
Making How is balance shown What have you learners on today’s lesson? Describe each mineral
generalizations in the picture? deficiency in one sentence.
about the
Evaluating Refer to BE PROUD Do the movements on each pictures shown. Ask the pupils to answer LET’S
learning activity on LM. After doing the activities put a check (/) if the CHECK on LM.
picture shows proper kneeling and put a cross (x) if
it does not.
Additional Draw a landscape of A. Let the pupils identify situations when kneeling Cut out pictures of what you
activities for your house or is used. should eat to avoid mineral
application or community. B. Let them practice flexibility exercises that have deficiency from Vitamin A to D.
remediation learned in school.
No. of learners WEEKLY
who earned TEST/OUTDOOR
evaluation OLIO DAY
No. of learners
who require
activities for
Did the
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have
caught up with
the lesson
No. of learners
who continue
to require
Which of my
worked well?
Why did these
difficulties did
I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
innovation or
materials did I
which I wish
to share with
other teachers?
School: Grade Level: III
Teacher: Learning Area: MAPEH
Teaching Dates and
Time: Sept. 25-29, 2023 (WEEK 5) Quarter: 1ST QUARTER
The learner The learner WEEKLY
The learner The learner demonstrates
Content demonstrates demonstrates TEST/OUTDOOR
demonstrates understanding of the
Standards understanding of the understanding of body ACTIVITY/PORTFOLIO
understanding of lines, importance of nutritional
basic concepts of shapes and body DAY
texture, shapes and guidelines and balanced
rhythm. actions in preparation
depth, contrast through diet in good nutrition
for various movement
drawing. and health
The learner performs
The learner shows a
Performance simple ostinato
work of art based on
Standards patterns/simple The learner consistently
close observation of The learner performs
rhythmic demonstrates good
natural objects in body movement shapes
accompaniments on decision making skills in
his/her surrounding and actions properly.
classroom instruments making food choices
noting its shape and
and other sound sources
to a given song.
Learning Play simple ostinato
Describe ways of life of
Competencies/ patterns with classroom Performs body shapes Discusses ways of
people in the cultural
Objectives instruments and other and movements preventing the various
Write the LC sound sources. PE3BM-Ic-d-15 forms of malnutrition
code for each MURH-Id-h-5 H3N-Ief-15
Ostinato Landscape Drawing Let’s Sit and Create
II. CONTENT Shapes Are you Over Eating?
1. TG p. 20-22, MELC TG p. 140-143 , MELC TG p. 232-235 , MELC TG pp. 367-368
Guide pages
2. Learner’s LM p. 32-36 LM p. 147-150 LM p. 281-288 LM pp. 454-455
3. Textbook
4. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)
Other Learning activity sheets
Learning www.lrmds.com
Resources www.common.com
Reviewing Drill: What is visual texture? Routinary Warm up Activity 1: A letter For WEEKLY
previous Tap the following Activities My Friend TEST/OUTDOOR
lesson or rhythmic patterns. 1. tell the children that ACTIVITY/PORTFOLIO
presenting the Let the pupils perform they are going to read a DAY
new lesson Review: the different kneeling letter.
a. Tap/clap the chant positions learned. 2. Ask them to read the
b. Read the chant letter aloud.
c. Read the chant while 3. Let them answer the
tapping the rhythmic questions orally after
pattern. each story.
Establishing a Show a picture. Ask the pupils to show Tell the pupils to look Show pictures of
purpose for the Ask: the pictures of land at the pictures and do children eating food. Let
lesson What can you say about formation they brought the following activities. the children describe
the pictures? to class. Let them say Activity 1: Sing and each pictures.
Have you been in the something about it. Move with Me
background? Introduce a guessing Activity 2: Look At Me
What do you play in the game of land
playground? transformations and
Sing “See-Saw” while landscapes by
clapping/tapping the describing their
steady beat. characteristics.
Presenting Clap the rhythmic Tell the pupils that Demonstrate the correct Activity 2: Eat All You
examples/insta pattern repeatedly until there are famous execution of the Can!
nces of the pupils become familiar landscape and land different sitting Ask the pupils to get a
new lesson with it. formations in the positions: piece of paper and
Sing the song while Philippines. Introduce Let the pupils observed draw/write all their
clapping/tapping/walki some of these with the and imitate the position favourite foods. Give
ng the rhythmic pattern. aid of pictures. demonstrated. them three minutes.
Discussing How did you show Ask: Did you perform the Ask:
new concepts steady beat? What objects in the different positions with A. Is it okay to eat food
and practicing What rhythmic picture appear nearest correct body as much as we want?
new skills #1 instruments can be used to the viewer? mechanics? b. What will happen if
to accompany the song? What objects in the Yes/No? we eat food more that
picture appear farthest Why? the right amount?
to the viewer? c. Do you think it was
the reason why the
friend in the letter
became fat?
Discussing What did you notice Refer to THINK What particular sitting Write the word
new concepts with rhythmic pattern ABOUT THIS on LM position did you find OBESITY on the board
and practicing that we used while difficult? and tell them that it is a
new skills #2 singing? kind of over nutrition
where there is excess of
body-building and
energy-giving nutrients
in the diet.
Developing Group Activity Art Activity: Do Activity 3 on LM Study their answers on
mastery (leads Group A – children will Refer to BE CREATING BODY the activity given.
to Formative sing the song CREATIVE on LM SHAPES Give them sets of foods
Assessment 3) Group B – children will Use the Rubric to rate and let them identify or
do the ostinato pattern the performance of each choose which food they
Group C – childrenwill group. should eat.
do the ostinato patterns
using rhythmic
Finding Do the performance Refer to TAKE THE Group Work: SITTING Answer Let’s Remember
practical activity on LM. CHALLENGE on LM. RELAY on Lm
applications of
concepts and Show your artwork and
skills in daily share your experiences
living while doing the
Making How do you create an How is balance shown What have you learned What have you learned
generalizations ostinato? in the picture? on today’s lesson? on today’s lesson?
about the
Evaluating Draw a star for best, Refer to BE PROUD on Let the pupils sing a Answer LET’S CHECK
learning smiling face for better LM song “LOOK AT ME” on LM
and triangle for good with actions
Additional Make a simple ostinato Draw the traditions in Let the pupils practice Make a list of food you
activities for pattern to accompany your community. different sitting eat for the whole week
application or the song “Mga Alaga Show your artwork to positions at home. using the table given by
remediation Kong Hayop” the class on the next the teacher.
No. of learners WEEKLY
who earned TEST/OUTDOOR
evaluation DAY
No. of learners
who require
activities for
Did the
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have
caught up with
the lesson
No. of learners
who continue
to require
Which of my
worked well?
Why did these
difficulties did
I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
innovation or
materials did I
which I wish
to share with
other teachers?
School: Grade Level: III
Teacher: Learning Area: MAPEH
Teaching Dates and
Time: Oct. 2-6, 2023 (WEEK 6) Quarter: 1ST QUARTER
The learner The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates WEEKLY
Content demonstrates understanding of lines, understanding of body understanding of the TEST/OUTDOOR
Standards understanding of the texture, shapes and shapes and body actions in importance of nutritional ACTIVITY/PORTF
basic concepts of depth, contrast through preparation for various guidelines and balanced diet OLIO DAY
rhythm. drawing. movement activities in good nutrition and health
The learner performs
Performance simple ostinato The learner shows a
Standards patterns/simple work of art based on The learner consistently
The learner performs body
rhythmic close observation of demonstrates good decision
movement shapes and
accompaniments on natural objects in his/her making skills in making
actions properly.
classroom instruments surrounding noting its food choices
and other sound sources shape and texture
to a given song.
Learning Play simple ostinato Creates a geometric
Competencies/ patterns with classroom design by contrasting
Performs body shapes Discusses the different
Objectives instruments and other two kinds of lines in
and movements nutritional guidelines
Write the LC sound sources. terms of type or size.
PE3BM-Ic-d-15 H3N-Ief-16/17
code for each MURH-Id-h-5 A3PR-IF
Nutritional Guidelines for
II. CONTENT Creating Ostinato TEXTURES AND Stretching Challenge Filipino
1. TG p. 23-25, MELC TG p. 142-143, MELC TG p.236-241 , MELC TG pp. 369-371
Guide pages
2. Learner’s LM p. 37-40 LM p. 151-153 LM p. 289-301 LM pp. 459-462
3. Textbook
4. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)
Other Learning activity sheets
Learning www.lrmds.com
Resources www.common.com
Reviewing Drill: Ask: Review: Review past lesson about WEEKLY
previous Rhythmic dictation. What kinds of lines can Show pictures of different over eating. TEST/OUTDOOR
lesson or The teacher will clap be used to create body shapes and actions in ACTIVITY/PORTF
presenting the rhythmic patterns in 2s, geometric designs? sitting and let the pupils OLIO DAY
new lesson 3s, and 4s and the perform simultaneously
pupils will draw the the body shapes and
stick notation. actions while singing the
Lubi-lubi song.
Establishing a Clap the rhythmic Show different kinds of Do Activity 1 Show the background
purpose for the patterns using the real flowers. Let the Let the pupils sit on the information about the
lesson rhythmic syllables. pupils take turns to floor and sing the action lesson. Read it with the
examine and identify the song. class.
texture and shape of the
Presenting Present the song Bring the children Assign the pupils to the Show a food pyramid to the
examples/insta “Bayang Sinta”. outside to observe the pupils a day before to class.
nces of the a. Pupils read the lyrics flowers, plants and trees bring a half meter of Eating Plan for a Healthy
new lesson of the song. in the garden. Allow rubber or garter to be used Living for 7-12 years old
b. Teacher will sing the them to touch and in the discussion. children or can be shown
song. Teach it through discover the different Present a piece of garter thru Plate Method.
rote singing. textures and shapes of and show it to your pupils.
c. Class sings the song. the leaves, stems and
flowers of plants and
Discussing What is the song all Ask: Ask: Ask the pupils their
new concepts about? What are the different 1. what is the character of favourite food for breakfast,
and practicing Give examples of texture and shapes you a garter? lunch and dinner.
new skills #1 natural resources/ observed in the plants? 2. What will you do to Let them draw the food they
beautiful spots found in Let the pupils give/share increase/decrease its like on the PLATES.
the Philippines. their experiences about length?
the different textures and 3. Are we flexible?
shapes of the plants.
Discussing Why do you love to live Refer to RHINK Let’s do the LIMBO Ask:
new concepts in the Philippines? ABOUT THIS on LM ROCK 1. Are the food you draw
and practicing for the discussion of new Let us test your flexibility. healthy?
new skills #2 information. 2. Ask about their favourite
food that they draw on their
3. is it okay to eat too much
or too less? Why?
Developing Do the following Refer to BE CREATIVE Do the flexibili ty exercise Activity 1
mastery (leads activities. on LM. in Sitting Position. 1. Ask the pupils to recall
to Formative a. Read/Clap patterns Draw a plant, a flower or about forms of malnutrition.
Assessment 3) using rhythmic a tree. 2. Tell pupils that it is
syllables important to eat just right to
b. What rhythmic avoid malnutrition.
syllables were used in
the rhythmic pattern?
Finding Group Activity Refer to TAKE THE Do the flexibility exercises Answer Activity 2 on LM.
practical Let the pupils create CHALLENGE on LM. using rubber band/garter, Using the food pyramid
applications of simple ostinato song. slippers or by simply doing Guide in the LM, ask each
concepts and Play the rhythmic stretching exercise. pupil to work with a
skills in daily pattern while singing classmate.
living the song “Bayang
Making What is ostinato? What elements are to be What is flexibility? What is a food pyramid
generalizations emphasized in sketching What are the two kinds of guide?
and natural objects like flexibility?
abstractions plants, flowers or trees? How do you perform each
about the kind of flexibility.
Evaluating Group the class into 4. Refer to BE PROUD on Self-assessment using Answer LET’S CHECK on
learning Each group will create LM. RUBRICS in doing the LM.
an ostinato pattern. Flexibility Exercises.
Do the ostinato patterns
through body
movements while
singing the song.
Additional Choose a song from the Let the children draw Let the pupils practice the Picture the food you eat for
activities for list. using recycled materials different movements a week and collage them on
application or Create an ostinato found at home or in their learned. a bond paper.
remediation pattern to accompany community. Let them draw
the chosen song. symmetrical and
1. Tiririt ng Maya asymmetrical shapes in
2. Colors their notebook.
3. Ang Alaga Kong
No. of learners WEEKLY
who earned TEST/OUTDOOR
evaluation OLIO DAY
No. of learners
who require
activities for
Did the
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have
caught up with
the lesson
No. of learners
who continue
to require
Which of my
worked well?
Why did these
difficulties did
I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
innovation or
materials did I
which I wish
to share with
other teachers?
School: Grade Level: III
Teacher: Learning Area: MAPEH
Teaching Dates and
Time: Oct. 9-13, 2023 (WEEK 7) Quarter: 1ST QUARTER
The learner demonstrates WEEKLY
The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates understanding of
Content understanding of the importance TEST/OUTDOOR
understanding of lines, texture, body shapes and body actions in
Standards of nutritional guidelines and ACTIVITY/PORTF
shapes and depth, contrast preparation for various movement
balanced diet in good nutrition OLIO DAY
through drawing. activities
and health
The learner shows a work of art
The learner consistently
Performance based on close observation of
The learner performs body movement demonstrates good decision
Standards natural objects in his/her
shapes and actions properly. making skills in making food
surrounding noting its shape and
Learning Sketches the on-the-spot to draw
Competencies/ a plant, flowers or a tree
Objectives showing the different textures Describe ways of maintaining
Performs body shapes
Write the LC and shape of each part, using healthy lifestyle.
and movements
code for each only a pencil or black crayon or H3N-Ij-19
1. TG pp. 144-146 TG pp. 242 - 245 TG pp. 375-385
Guide pages
2. Learner’s LM pp. 154-157 LM pp. 302-307 LM pp. 467-472
3. Textbook
4. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)
Reviewing Review: Warm up exercises Review: WEEKLY
previous Why is sketching important Ask the pupils. TEST/OUTDOOR
lesson or before you do the final drawing? What is a food pyramid? ACTIVITY/PORTF
presenting the Let the pupils recall what they OLIO DAY
new lesson did during their previous art
Establishing a Ask: Show pictures to the pupils. Read the background
purpose for the What do you mean by the word Ask: information with the class.
lesson occupation? 1. What can you say about the pictures?
What do you want to be when 2. Can you describe the movements shown
you grow up? Why? in the pictures?
Tell the children to act out or 3. What other body parts can you use as
show a pantomime about what base of support?
they want to be when they grow
Presenting Look at the picture of some Explain to the pupils the meaning of the Read and understand the safe
examples/insta works of Ben Cabrera (local following words: food rules posted on the board.
nces of the artist) and Ron C. Guthrie Symmetrical Shape
new lesson (foreign artist), pointillism was Asymmetrical Shape
used in creating daily life
Discussing Show the painting of Fernando Activity 1: TRAVELOGUE Let them sing the song to the
new concepts Amorsolo entitled, “Planting Guide the children in doing the activities tune of Row, row, row your
and practicing Rice”. from Station 1 – 4. boat!”
new skills #1 Ask: AsK:
What kind of work or What is the message of the song?
occupation is shown in the
Are there also farmers in your
How important are their works
to the community?
Discussing Activity 1 LM. Ask: Activity 1
new concepts Group Artwork: What body positions did you perform in Let the pupils observe the
and practicing Distribute the activity cards to station 1-4? pictures.
new skills #2 two groups. After a five-minute What other body parts did you use as a Ask:
group discussion and base of support other that both feet? What’s wrong with the things in
preparation, pupils should the picture?
present their group output. Do you want to eat in this place?
What can we get from eating in
dirty places? Eating with dirty
Developing Answer Activity 2 on LM. Show again the pictures to the class. Form 5 groups.
mastery (leads Ask: Assign one picture for each
to Formative Which body action symmetry/asymmetry? group to work on.
Assessment 3) Let the group do Activity 2 on
Finding Let them make their ART Let the pupils get a partner and let them Instruct the pupils to answer
practical ACTIVITY using their pen and do the activity. Activity 3 on LM.
applications of pencil. Creating Shapes
concepts and
skills in daily
Making What are the works or What is symmetrical/asymmetrical What are the ways to have clean
generalizations occupations of the people in shapes? and safe food?
and your province or region? Why do we need to eat clean and
abstractions safe food?
about the
Evaluating Refer to BE PROUD on LM. Closing Activity: Ask the pupils to answer LET’S
learning Let the pupils form two separate circles. CHECK on LM.
Let them sit like an Indian.
Additional Ask the help of your family Let the pupils collect pictures that show Write a reflection with 5-10
activities for members to list down works or symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes and sentences about what you have
application or occupations of people in your paste them in your notebook. learned on today’s lesson.
remediation region or province.
No. of learners WEEKLY
who earned TEST/OUTDOOR
evaluation OLIO DAY
No. of learners
who require
activities for
Did the
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have
caught up with
the lesson
No. of learners
who continue
to require
Which of my
worked well?
Why did these
difficulties did
I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
innovation or
materials did I
which I wish
to share with
other teachers?
The learner
The learner demonstrates
Content demonstrates The learner demonstrates
The learner demonstrates understanding of the
Standards understanding of body understanding of the
understanding of lines, importance of nutritional
shapes and body importance of nutritional
texture, shapes and depth, guidelines and balanced
actions in preparation guidelines and balanced diet
contrast through drawing. diet in good nutrition and
for various movement in good nutrition and health
The learner shows a work of
Performance art based on close The learner consistently The learner consistently
The learner performs
Standards observation of natural demonstrates good demonstrates good decision
body movement shapes
objects in his/her decision making skills in making skills in making food
and actions properly.
surrounding noting its shape making food choices choices
and texture
Learning Designs a view of the
Competencies/ province/region with houses Evaluates one’s lifestyle. Adopts habits for a healthier
Objectives and buildings indicating the Performs body shapes H3N-Ij-20 lifestyle.
Write the LC foreground by the size of the and movements H3N-Ij-21
code for each objects. PE3BM-Ic-d-15
Flexibility on Trial Health with Clean and
II. CONTENT Historical Houses and Safe Food
III. Maintain Healthy Lifetime
Guide pages
2. Learner’s TG pp.147-148 TG pp.246-250 TG pp.373-374 TG pp.375-385
3. Textbook LM pp. 158-160 LM pp.309-317 LM pp.463-466 LM pp.467-42
4. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)
Other Learning Activity Sheets
Learning www.commons.ph.com
Resources www.lrmds.com
lesson or
presenting the
new lesson
Establishing a What art materials did you Warm up activities Read and understand the Read the Background
purpose for the use in making a sketch of Do the following background information Information with the children
lesson the occupations of people In exercises refer to on TG. and talk about it.
your community? Lesson 1 in the LM
Presenting Show pictures of historical Echo Song: Toe Touch Puzzle Game Tell the pupils to stand and
examples/insta houses/ buildings found in Sing the command Ask the pupils to look for get ready to exercise.
nces of the the province/region. song to the tune of nutritious foods found in Sing the song “Mag Exercise
new lesson Ask: “Dance Boggie the puzzle. Tayo Tuwing Umaga” with
Where can these Woggie” and let the Ask pupiils: the pupils.
houses/buildings be found? pupils repeat the What kinds of foods are
command while doing these?
the movements. What do they give the
Discussing Present pictures of historical Activity 1: Let’s Think Answer Activity 1 on LM. Show video of the activity.
new concepts houses and buildings Show pictures: Ask the pupils, “Why do (Exercise)
and practicing famous in the country like Ask the pupils to guess we need to eat more Ask:
new skills #1 the museum and ancestral the words associated vegetables, fruits and root What does the song say about
house of Pres. Manuel with the pictures crops? exercise?
Quezon in Aurora. shown. Is exercise important? Why
1. m __ ___ c ____ e or why not?
2. ____ 0 ____ y
Discussing Show pictures of historical Show the class another Ask the pupils, “What are Ask the pupils to list down
new concepts houses and building in the set of illustrations of other examples of food their favorite activities.
and practicing region. exercises. that we should eat more Let them play an active game
new skills #2 Let the children say Seated L everyday?” the class is mostly interested
something about the picture. - Seated straddle in.
- Seated toe touch
- Bear Hug
- Crossed-leg Stretch
- Run/Match in Place
Developing Discuss with them the In the illustrations Guide the pupils to answer After the game, ask:
mastery (leads historical importance of the presented which Activity 2 on LM. What parts of the body were
to Formative structures. movement or exercises used/exercised/stretched well
Assessment 3) shows conditioning in the game?
and flexibility What did you feel after doing
exercise? the game?
How about non- Did you enjoy playing?
conditioning flexibility Do you get the same feeling
exercise? when you exercise?
Finding Let the pupils do BE Activity 2: Flexibility Ask the pupils: Let them read their listof
practical CREATIVE on LM. Check How often do you eat these favorite activities. Let them
applications of “Drawing of Houses or 1. Let the pupils make foods? check which activities give
concepts and Buildings with Designs” four columns. Is it okay to eat too much them same benefits as
skills in daily 2. Demonstrate the of these? exercise and playing active
living movement first and let What may happen if we eat games.
the pupils follow. too much of these? Ask:
Ask the ff. What should they do to have
-What flexibility Discuss the effects of a more active lifestyle?
exercise did you eating too salty, sweet and
perform? fatty foods.
-Which body parts
were used in the first
and second exercises?
Making Let the pupils describe the Let’s Move! Ask the pupils to complete Divide the class into two
generalizations kinds of lines and shapes Leap and Stretch! the sentence. groups.
and they used to make their Form 4-5 equal groups Group A will read Story A
abstractions drawings of historical each on a straight line. I should eat more _______ and Group B for Story B on
about the houses or buildings unique Collect bottle caps because _________. LET’S DO Activity 1 on LM.
lesson and different. equivalent to the
number of group I should eat less ______
members. because _______.
Draw a starting and
end line 6-7 meters
At a given signal, each
starter player leaps
toward the end line.
The first group to
finish wins the game.
Evaluating What have you learned in What have you learned What are the ways of
learning our activity? on today’s lesson? maintaining a healthy
Why are they important?
Additional Refer to TAKE THE Let the pupils form a Answer LET’S CHECK on Instruct the pupils to answer
activities for CHALLENGE on LM. big circle. LM. Activity 2 on LM.
application or Let them do the sitting
remediation position with an open
legs which is not too
Let them sing the song
learned (Toe Touch)
with actions.
V. REMARKS Write in 3-5 sentence the Let the pupils practice at Instruct the pupils to make a
importance of preserving home the proper “one-day vacation” plan for
historical houses/buildings. execution of their family. It should include
conditioning and flexib the following:
ility exercises that you a. The foods to eat for the
learned in your lesson. day.
Let them study about b. Activities to do during the
locomotor and non- day.
locomotor movements
on personal and general
No. of learners WEEKLY
who earned TEST/OUTDO
80% in the OR
evaluation ACTIVITY/PO
No. of learners
who require
activities for
Did the
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have
caught up with
the lesson
No. of learners
who continue
to require
Which of my
worked well?
Why did these
difficulties did
I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
innovation or
materials did I
which I wish
to share with
other teachers?