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Kadi Sarva Vishwavidyalaya

Faculty of Engineering & Technology

First Year Bachelor of Engineering (All Branches)
(With effect from: Academic Year 2017-18)

Subject Code: CC102-N Subject Title: Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Course Objective:
 To present a problem oriented introductory knowledge of Electrical Engineering Fundamentals.
 To focus on the study of electrical parameters & different engineering application based principles.
 To address the underlying concepts & methods behind Electrical Engineering.
 To focus on the calculation of energy consumption of the residential building.
 To focus on study of electronics components with their suitable application.

Teaching scheme EvaluationScheme

Theory IE CIA Pract. Total
L T P Total Credit
Marks Marks Marks Marks
Hrs Hrs Hrs Hrs Hrs Marks
04 00 02 06 05 03 70 30 20 30 150

Outline of the Course:

Sr. Minimum
Title of the Unit
No Hours
1 An Introduction to D.C. Circuits 8
2 Work, Power and energy 4
3 Electrostatics & Capacitance 8
4 Electromagnetic 8
5 AC Fundamentals 8
6 Analysis of A.C. Circuit 8
7 Polyphase Circuits 8
8 Basics of Electronics: 8
Total Hours (Theory): 60
Total Hours (Lab): 30
Total Hours: 90
Kadi Sarva Vishwavidyalaya
Faculty of Engineering & Technology
First Year Bachelor of Engineering (All Branches)
(With effect from: Academic Year 2017-18)

Detailed Syllabus
Sr. Topic Lecture Weight
N0 Hours age(%)
o An introduction to D.C. Circuits:-
1 Introduction, Modern electron theory, Electric Potential and Potential difference,
Resistance, Computation of Resistance, Conductance, Effect Of Temperature upon
Resistance, Computation of resistance at different temperatures, Computation of α 8 14
at different temperature, Ohm’s law, Solutions Of series, parallel in brief, star-delta
combination of Resistances, KVL & KCL for Resistive circuit.
2 Work, Power, Energy : -
Heating Effect of Electric Current and Joule’s law – Thermal Efficiency- Electrical
4 8
Units of Power and Energy - Mechanical Units of Force- Torque & Power - Calculation
of Power & Energy – Energy Bill.
3 Electrostatics & Capacitance:-
Definitions of Electrostatic, Coulomb’s law, types of capacitors, series, parallel
8 10
combinations & related circuit calculations in brief charging & discharging of
capacitor. Energy stored in capacitor.
4 Electromagnetic:-
Faraday’s law, lenz’s law, Magnetic Circuit, Comparison Between Electric And
Magnetic Circuits ,Series/Parallel Magnetic Circuit Calculations, Magnetic Hysteresis,
Hysteresis And Eddy Current Loss, Magnetic Materials, Electromagnetic induction,
Statically And Dynamically Induced E.M.F.S in brief, Fleming's Right hand rule-Left 8 16
hand rule, Coefficients Of Self And Mutual Inductances , Coefficient Of Coupling,
Series/Parallel Combinations Of Inductances, Rise And Decay Of Current In Inductive
Circuits , Force Experienced By Current Carrying Conductor Placed In Magnetic Field.
5 AC Fundamentals:-
Introduction, Definitions, generation of Alternating emf, equation of alternating
voltage (emf), different forms of emf equation, Avg. value, RMS value, form factor, 8 14
crest factor, phase and phase difference, Vector representation of alternating
6 Analysis of A.C. Circuit:-
Purely resistive, Inductive and capacitive circuits. R-L series circuits, Power in a.c.
circuits, R-C series circuits, R-L-C series circuits, resonance in R-L-C series circuits, 8 14
solution of parallel circuits. Resonance in parallel a.c. circuits.
7 Polyphase Circuits:-
Generation of Poly phase Voltages, 3, Phase System, Phase Sequence, Inter
8 14
Connection Of 3 Phases, Voltage, Current And Power Relationships In Balanced Three
Phase Circuits , Power Measurement In Single Phase And 3 Phase Circuits.
8 Basics of Electronics:-
Electronic Systems: Introduction, Modern Electron Theory, Forward and reverse bias
of PN junction diode, zener diode as voltage regulator, Rectifiers: Half wave, full
8 10
wave – bridge and centre tap, L and C filters for smoothing, Transistor: Bipolar
junction transistor, construction and biasing, configuration, transistor as a switch and
amplifier. CRO and its application.
Kadi Sarva Vishwavidyalaya
Faculty of Engineering & Technology
First Year Bachelor of Engineering (All Branches)
(With effect from: Academic Year 2017-18)

Total 60 100
Instructional Method and Pedagogy:
 At the start of course, the course delivery pattern , prerequisite of the subject will be discussed
 Lecture may be conducted with the aid of multi-media projector, black board, OHP etc.
 Attendance is compulsory in lectures and laboratory, which may carries five marks in overall evaluation.
 One internal exam of 30 marks is conducted as a part of mid semester evaluation.
 Assignment based on course content will be given to the student for each unit/topic and will be evaluated at
regular interval. It may carries a weight age of five marks in the overall internal evaluation.
 Surprise tests/Quizzes/Seminar /Tutorial may be conducted and having share of five marks in the overall
internal evaluation.
 The course includes a laboratory, where students have an opportunity to build an appreciation for the
concept being taught in lectures.
 Experiments shall be performed in the laboratory related to course contents.
Learning Outcome
On successful completion of the course
 The student can be acquired the basic knowledge of electric circuits, electrical fundamentals, thus being
prepared to pursue any area of engineering spectrum in depth as desired.
 The students will be able to effectively employ electrical systems and lead the exploration of new
applications and techniques for their use.


 Vincent, Del Toro, Electrical Engineering Fundamentals, PHI

 Theraja, B L, Electrical Technology: Vol I, S. Chand
 Mittal, V.N. & Mittal Arvind, Basic Electrical Engineering, TMH, 2nd Edition
 Bobrow Leonard S., Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering, Oxford Uni. Press
 Sharma, Mulukutla, Introduction to Electrical Engineering, Oxford Uni. Press
 Basic Electrical Technology-Version 2, IIT Kharagpur
 Bird John, Electrical and Electronic Principles and Technology, Newnes, (3rd Edition)
 Christopher Robertson, Fundamental Electrical & Electronic Principle, Newnes, (3rd
 Edition)
 Principle of Electrical and Electronics Engineering by V. K. Mehta, S. Chand publication.
 Principle of Electronics by V. K. Mehta, S. Chand publication.
 Fundamentals of Physics by Resnick, halliday, walker, wiley publication.
Kadi Sarva Vishwavidyalaya
Faculty of Engineering & Technology
First Year Bachelor of Engineering (All Branches)
(With effect from: Academic Year 2017-18)

List of experiments:

Name of experiment

1. To observe the effect of temperature on resistance of winding.

2. Verification of Kirchhoff `s laws using resistive circuits.

3. To observe series and parallel combination of Resistor.

4. To observe series and parallel combination of Inductor.

5. To observe series and parallel combination of Capacitor.

6. To observe charging and discharging of Capacitor.

7. To observe rise and decay current in inductor.

8. To Obtain the Hysteresis Loop of a Magnetic Material.

9. Measurement of Inductance and Power factor in an R-L Series Circuit.

10. Measurement of Capacitance and Power factor in an R-C Series Circuit.

11. Measurement of Power factor in R-L-C series circuit.

12. Measurement of resonance frequency in R-L-C series circuit.

13. Measurement of the electrical power in a single phase AC circuit by using Wattmeter.

14. Verify the relationships between line and phase quantities in Star and Delta connections.

15. To observe wave form of Half wave rectifier.

16. To observe wave form of Full wave rectifier.

17. To observe Zener diode as voltage regulator.

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