MDEP Ethanol Spill Response Report
MDEP Ethanol Spill Response Report
MDEP Ethanol Spill Response Report
Prepared for:
Prepared by:
July 2011
The project team instrumental in the development of this document includes the following from
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP): Nick Child, Central
Regional Office, Chief Emergency Response; Dan Crafton, Southeast Regional Office, Chief
Emergency Response; Kingsley Ndi, Northeast Regional Office, Chief Emergency Response;
David Slowick, Western Regional Office, Chief Emergency Response; Albe Simenas, Boston
Office, Chief Emergency Response; and the following from Shaw: Joanne Perwak; Guy
Gallello; Vikas Tandon; Dorothy Small; and Charles Schaefer.
MassDEP would also like to acknowledge the support and assistance of numerous government
agencies and other parties in the development of this report.
Local Level
Blackstone Fire Department, MA
Blackstone Emergency Management, MA
Fitchburg Fire Department, MA
Everett Fire Department, MA
Woonsocket Fire Department, HazMat and Training Divisions
Providence Fire Department, RI
New London Fire Department, CT
Mystic Fire Department, CT
State Level
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, Emergency Response
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, Field Assessment Support Team
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, Office of Research and Standards
Massachusetts Department of Fire Service, Hazmat
Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency
Massachusetts State Police Hazmat/Tactical Operations/IMAT
Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation, Emergency Response
Massachusetts Water Resource Authority, Emergency Response
Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources, Alternate Transportation Program/Mass Clean
Massachusetts Fish & Wildlife
Massachusetts State Emergency Response Commission
Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management, Emergency Response
Rhode Island Emergency Management Agency
Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, Emergency Response
Connecticut Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security
Connecticut Fire Academy
Connecticut State Emergency Response Commission
Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (state), Emergency Response
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, Emergency Response
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (state), Emergency Response
USF&WS, Environmental Contamination Program, Illinois, USF&WS
Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, Emergency Response
USEPA Region 1, Emergency Planning and Response
USEPA Region 1, Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act
Mike Brazel, NIMS/HazMat Coordinator, US FEMA
Federal Railroad Administration, HazMat Division US DOT
US Coast Guard, Marine Safety Lab
US Coast Guard, Waterways Management, Sector Boston
US Coast Guard/National Office of Atmosphere Scientific Support Coordinator, Sector Boston
Private Sector/Other
Renewable Fuels Association
Providence & Worcester Railroad, Rules and Safety
Motiva Providence, New England Complex
Husky Energy Refinery - NW Ohio, Emergency Response
ExxonMobil, Everett, MA
Central Mass Homeland Security Advisory Council
Table of Contents________________________________________________
Executive Summary
1.0 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.1 Objectives............................................................................................................................. 1-1
1.2 Scope of Document .............................................................................................................. 1-1
2.0 Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Ethanol/Gasoline Blends ............................................... 2-1
2.1 Physical/Chemical Properties ............................................................................................... 2-1
2.2 DOT Placards ....................................................................................................................... 2-3
3.0 Summary of Case Studies .............................................................................................................. 3-1
4.0 Fate and Transport Characteristics ................................................................................................. 4-1
4.1 Ethanol Migration Pathways ................................................................................................. 4-2
4.2 Ethanol Degradation Rates .................................................................................................. 4-2
4.3 Methane Generation in Soil/Groundwater ............................................................................ 4-3
4.4 Ethanol Partitioning Between Environmental Media ............................................................. 4-3
4.5 Media Fate and Transport Characteristics............................................................................ 4-3
4.5.1 Soil .......................................................................................................................... 4-3
4.5.2 Groundwater............................................................................................................ 4-5
4.5.3 Surface Water ......................................................................................................... 4-8
4.5.4 Air/Vapor ............................................................................................................... 4-11
5.0 Health Effects and Environmental Risks ......................................................................................... 5-1
5.1 Environmental Risks – Fire and Explosion ........................................................................... 5-1
5.2 Potential Exposure Pathways in Spill Situations ................................................................... 5-2
5.3 Human Health Effects........................................................................................................... 5-2
5.3.1 Short-Term (Acute) Effects ...................................................................................... 5-2
5.3.2 Long-Term (Chronic) Effects ................................................................................... 5-3
5.3.3 Health Protective Concentrations ............................................................................ 5-4
5.4 Environmental Effects........................................................................................................... 5-5
5.4.1 Aquatic Systems...................................................................................................... 5-5
5.4.2 Terrestrial Systems.................................................................................................. 5-7
5.5 Health and Safety Considerations for Responders ............................................................... 5-9
5.5.1 Recognizing Product Spilled .................................................................................... 5-9
5.5.2 Exposure Limits ....................................................................................................... 5-9
5.5.3 Protective Clothing ................................................................................................ 5-10
5.5.4 Other Health and Safety Considerations ............................................................... 5-10
6.0 Spill Assessment and Delineation ................................................................................................... 6-1
6.1 Field Sampling ...................................................................................................................... 6-1
6.2 Screening Methods............................................................................................................... 6-2
6.3 Analytical Methods ............................................................................................................... 6-6
7.0 Response Options .......................................................................................................................... 7-1
7.1 General Description .............................................................................................................. 7-1
7.1.1 Short Term Response Priorities .............................................................................. 7-1
7.1.2 Longer Term Response Priorities ............................................................................ 7-2
7.2 Media Specific Options ......................................................................................................... 7-2
7.2.1 Soil .......................................................................................................................... 7-2
7.2.2 Groundwater............................................................................................................ 7-5
7.2.3 Surface water .......................................................................................................... 7-6
7.2.4 Wetlands ................................................................................................................. 7-9
7.2.5 Marine Areas ......................................................................................................... 7-10
8.0 References ..................................................................................................................................... 8-1
Table 1-1 Ethanol and Blends and Their Uses _____________________________________________ 1-2
Table 2-1 Chemical/Physical Properties of Ethanol _________________________________________ 2-1
Table 2-2 Comparison of Properties for Ethanol/Gasoline Blends ______________________________ 2-2
Table 3-1 Ethanol Spill Incident Summaries _______________________________________________ 3-1
Table 4-1 Comparison of Fate and Transport of Neat Ethanol with E-Blends______________________ 4-1
Table 4-2 Fate of Ethanol after Major Release _____________________________________________ 4-2
Table 4-3 Effect of Ethanol on Gasoline Fate and Transport in Groundwater _____________________ 4-6
Table 5-1 Human Health Effects of Ethanol _______________________________________________ 5-3
Table 5-2 Health Protective Concentrations _______________________________________________ 5-4
Table 5-3 Water Quality Benchmarks for Ethanol ___________________________________________ 5-5
Table 5-4 Ethanol Concentrations Able to Deplete Stream Dissolved Oxygen _____________________ 5-6
Table 5-5 Ethanol Effects on Wildlife (Select Results) _______________________________________ 5-8
Table 5-6 Ethanol Wildlife Benchmarks (Based on No Observed Effect Levels) ___________________ 5-8
Table 5-7 Occupational Limits for Ethanol in Air ____________________________________________ 5-9
Table 5-8 Health and Safety Recommendations for Spills of Fuel Grade Ethanol and E85 __________ 5-10
Table 6-1 Sampling Techniques ________________________________________________________ 6-2
Table 6-2 Ethanol Spill Screening Techniques _____________________________________________ 6-3
Table 6-3 Analytical Methods __________________________________________________________ 6-7
Table 7-1 Response Options for Surface Soil Spills _________________________________________ 7-4
Table 7-2 Response Options for Spills Impacting Groundwater ________________________________ 7-5
Table 7-3 Response Options for Surface Water Spills _______________________________________ 7-6
Executive Summary
In the last ten years, the production of ethanol has increased dramatically due to the demand for
ethanol-blend fuels. Current production (2010) in the United States is 13 billion gallons.
Denatured ethanol (approximately 95% ethanol, 5% gasoline) is largely shipped from production
facilities by rail and is now the largest volume hazardous material shipped by rail.
Large volumes of ethanol are commonly shipped by unit trains, up to 3.2 million gallons, and the
larger barges can transport up to 2.5 million gallons. In Massachusetts, two to three ethanol unit
trains currently travel through the state per week, as well as an ethanol barge per week. The
number of trains and barges transporting denatured ethanol (95% - 98% ethanol) through the
state are anticipated to increase in the future, especially if the use of higher ethanol blends
becomes more prevalent. The high volume of ethanol transported and the differences in the
chemical properties, and the fate and transport of ethanol as compared to standard gasoline, led
to the need for additional consideration of spill response actions. In particular, this document
considers the assessment and response actions for rail and barge spills of denatured ethanol.
Ethanol is a flammable colorless liquid; a polar solvent that is completely miscible in water. It is
heavier than air, and has a wider flammable range than gasoline, with a Lower Explosive Limit
(LEL) to an Upper Explosive Limit (UEL) range of 3.3% to 19%. The flash point for pure
ethanol is 55°F, and for denatured ethanol it is much lower (-5°F). Ethanol is still considered a
flammable liquid in solutions as dilute as 20%, with a flash point of 97°F. At colder
temperatures (below about 51°F), the vapor pressure of ethanol is outside the flammable range.
Denatured ethanol is shipped with a flammable liquids placard and North American 1987
A number of large volume ethanol incidents have occurred. Some of these have resulted in
significant fires, most of which have been allowed to burn. Water has been used in some
incidents, primarily to protect nearby structures or tanks. Alcohol-resistant foam has also been
used, primarily to extinguish fires within tanker cars. Sampling and analysis of environmental
media that has occurred in connection with spill response activities have shown impacts related
to these spills, although they are generally of relatively short duration. The most significant
documented impact was a large fish kill that occurred in Kentucky as a result of a bourbon spill.
This effect was related to oxygen deficiency resulting from ethanol biodegradation, rather than
direct toxicity. Another fish kill was observed subsequent to a spill in Illinois, but it has not been
definitively attributed to the spill.
One of the greatest hazards of ethanol is its flammability. Ethanol can conduct electricity, so
electrocution hazards and possible ignition hazards are present during transloading operations.
Human exposure to ethanol during spill situations could occur by inhalation, contact with the
skin, or ingestion if ethanol reaches water supplies (surface water intakes or groundwater). The
odor threshold for ethanol is 100 ppm in air. No significant acute effects have been observed
upon exposure to ethanol in air at 1000 ppm, and this is the OSHA Permissible Exposure Level.
Effects have been observed from concentrations in air ranging from 3000 ppm to 10,000 ppm,
including headaches, and eye and respiratory system irritation. Acute ingestion doses of 0.1 to
0.5 g/kg body weight are considered the threshold for central nervous system effects. Chronic
effects associated with ethanol exposure are well documented, primarily associated with alcohol
abuse. A dose of 0.2 g/kg body weight/day is considered the threshold for neurological effects in
fetuses, and liver effects are observed at doses of 2 g/kg/day. In addition, the consumption of
both alcoholic beverages and ethanol have been identified as carcinogenic in humans by the
World Health Organization. However, chronic exposures to ethanol are unlikely to occur as a
result of a spill, due to the rapid biodegradation of ethanol and the monitoring associated with a
typical spill incident.
Water quality benchmarks (for the protection of aquatic life) have been developed: 63 mg/L for
the protection against chronic effects, and 564 mg/L for acute effects. However, modeling has
suggested that oxygen depletion can occur at lower concentrations. This is supported by the
Kentucky spill, where the fish kill was attributed to oxygen depletion, rather than direct toxicity.
The occupational exposure limit for ethanol is 1000 ppm in air (general industry), and the
concentration deemed to be Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health (IDLH) is 3300 ppm,
which is 10% of the LEL. Self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) is necessary for spill
response. For large spills with fire, evacuation of about ½ mile in all directions should be
Methods for assessment and analysis of ethanol are somewhat limited due to its high solubility.
A simple open flame test can be used to determine the presence of ethanol at relatively high
concentrations. A hydrometer can be used to determine approximate concentrations of ethanol in
water. The best option for screening is a portable Fourier Transform Infared (FT-IR)
spectrometer that has relatively low detection limits and can specify ethanol. A relatively recent
analytical method (SW-846 8261) has been developed that provides low detection limits for
Consideration of past ethanol incidents provides some insight into fate and transport in a spill
situation, as well as response activities that have been effective. Consideration of these
incidents, as well as conducted and possible response actions leads to the following conclusions:
In some cases, ethanol rail incidents result in fire. In many cases, these fires have been
significant, involving multiple rail cars and large volumes of ethanol;
First responders generally have been local fire fighters that have focused on necessary
evacuations, containing the fire, and protecting nearby structures and/or tanks;
In most cases, if not all, ethanol fires have been allowed to burn, although most have not
occurred in highly populated areas. Cooling water has been used to protect structures,
tanks, and uninvolved rail cars;
In some cases, where large amounts of water usage were necessary, run-off to nearby
streams occurred. In one case, the stream was subsequently dammed, and 500,000
gallons of impacted water were removed for disposal;
Alcohol resistant foam (AR-AFFF) has had limited use in these large spill and fire
situations, probably due to the limited volume generally available to local fire-fighters
and concerns with migration and/or recovery of the foam/ethanol. Most use has been to
extinguish specific breached and burning cars that were blocking passage, or to
extinguish fires inside tankers prior to removal of the contents and movement of the
tanker. The use of AR-AFFF has been effective in these circumstances;
The fires have consumed large volumes of ethanol, thus limiting impacts to
environmental media;
The most significant impacts related to ethanol spills have been to surface water. In some
cases, surface water impacts have resulted in fish kills several days after the spill as a
result of oxygen depletion. These impacts have occurred some distance from the site of
the original spill;
Due to concerns of surface water impacts, response activities have more recently
involved efforts to prevent discharge to surface water through damming. Aeration of
small creeks and large rivers has also been used to improve dissolved oxygen content;
Migration of spilled ethanol from the surface through soil to groundwater is also of
concern, due to possible groundwater contamination and discharge to surface water, as
well as methane generation. Where possible, spilled material has been recovered by
pumping. In some cases, spilled material was not identified, and migration to
groundwater and surface water occurred. In cases where groundwater impacts have
occurred, ethanol has degraded relatively rapidly, although gasoline constituents have
been more persistent.
Contained burning is an effective response to an ethanol spill incident. It has been used
in numerous spill incidents, albeit they have not generally occurred in highly populated
The use of cooling water may be necessary to protect structures, tanks, or uninvolved rail
cars. Runoff from water use should be contained and/or recovered to the extent possible
to prevent infiltration to groundwater and impacts to surface water;
The local fire department stocks of alcohol resistant foam could be increased, as its use is
effective. When used where the ethanol/foam can be recovered, environmental impacts
will be limited. Foam not recovered and reaching surface water can increase the
biochemical oxygen demand loading to streams. In addition, foam use on unpaved
surfaces does not limit the migration of ethanol to groundwater;
Ethanol impacts to surface water are a significant concern. Ethanol spills reaching
ditches or small creeks can be addressed by damming, thus allowing time for
biodegradation and preventing releases to larger water bodies. Aeration of these smaller
water bodies can be used to improve their dissolved oxygen content and enhance
biodegradation, but these actions may not reduce ethanol content sufficiently prior to
discharge to a large water body;
Once ethanol is discharged to a larger river, response options are limited. Monitoring of
both dissolved oxygen and ethanol should be conducted in order to determine whether
concentrations are approaching anoxic or toxic levels. Barge aerators can be used to
improve dissolved oxygen levels; and
Ethanol incidents in the marine environment have been rare, with none of a significant
volume occurring in harbors or near-shore areas. Response options in such cases are
similarly limited to the use of aeration to improve dissolved oxygen levels, although this
would only be effective in smaller areas, such as inlets.
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Objectives
In the last ten years the production of ethanol has increased dramatically due to the demand for
ethanol-blend fuels. The US currently has 204 biorefineries in 29 states, and produced more than
13 billion gallons of ethanol in 2010 (Dinneen, 2011). This is up from 10.6 billion gallons in
2009 (RFA, 2011).
In 2009, 75% of the nation‟s gasoline was blended with gasoline as 10% ethanol and 90%
gasoline (E10). Denatured ethanol is largely shipped from production facilities by rail (70%),
and is now the #1 hazardous material transported by rail (Rudolph, 2009). As a result of this
increased production and transportation, several ethanol incidents have occurred in the United
States since 2000, including 26 significant fires, 5 train derailments, and 3 ethanol tank fires
(Rudner, 2009).
As a result of concerns related to the increased prevalence of rail transport of ethanol, and the
potential magnitude of spills, the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
(MassDEP) requested that Shaw‟s Environmental and Infrastructure Group (Shaw) prepare a
document containing information on the environmental impacts of and emergency response
techniques for ethanol and ethanol blends. Shaw, in consultation with MassDEP, and with
information provided by Ohio DEP, Illinois DEP, and Pennsylvania DEP, assembled the best
information, research, and field techniques available. The anticipated users of this document are
local, state, and federal responders.
This document focuses on larger volume releases of denatured ethanol or ethanol blends during
transportation by rail or barge. In Massachusetts, it is estimated that there are 2-3 ethanol unit
trains traversing the state per week, as well as an ethanol barge every other day. This document
does not specifically address releases during production, storage, transfer, or during smaller
volume transport by highway cargo tankers, although much of the information presented is also
relevant to these types of releases.
Table 1-1 shows the most common ethanol blends and their uses. There are also mid-level
blends (20%, 30% and 40% by volume), although these are less common than those shown
below. As shown in the table, the ethanol blends are commonly referred to as E-blends, with the
numbers indicating the percentage of ethanol in the blend.
E100 100% ethanol, also known as neat Used in the production of blends, not
ethanol or fuel grade ethanol generally transported in large
E95 – E99 95% - 99% ethanol, balance gasoline, Transported in large quantities to bulk
also known as denatured ethanol terminals for production of general use
Health effects and environmental risks associated with ethanol and blends (Section 5.0);
Spill assessment and delineation, including screening and analytical methods (Section
Response options for ethanol spills by environmental medium (Section 7.0); and
The vapor density of 1.59 indicates that it is Boiling Point •173 F (78.5 C)
heavier than air and will seek lower
Melting Point •-173 F (-114 C)
altitudes (tend to collect closer to the floor
level) (IFCA, 2008). Its specific gravity Liquid Density •0.79 at 20 C
indicates that it is lighter than water, but it
Vapor Density •1.59
will thoroughly mix with water. Once
mixed, it will not separate. It has a wider Flammable Range •3.3 - 19%
flammable range than gasoline, has a blue Solubility •Miscible in water and organic solvents
flame, and does not produce visible smoke
Vapor Pressure •59.3 mm Hg at 25 C
(IFCA, 2008) unless denatured with
gasoline. Flash Point •55 F (13 C)
Ethanol blends will have properties affected by the percentage of ethanol in the blend. A
comparison of some of the relevant properties is found in Table 2-2. This table shows the flash
point for both ethanol and gasoline. As shown in Table 2-2, once gasoline is added to ethanol for
denaturing (E95), the flashpoint decreases dramatically from 55°F to -5°F. The flash point
continues to decline with a greater content of gasoline.
Flash Point 55°F (12.8°C) -5°F (-20°C) -20°F- -5°F -45°F (-43°C) -45°F (-43°C)
(-29°C- -20°C)
Source: HSDB (2011), Speedway (2004),NRT (2010), IFCA 2009
Properties are also affected by temperature. Figure 2-2 shows the vapor pressure of ethanol as it
varies with temperature. This figure also shows the flammability range at standard pressure. As
shown in Figure 2-2, at colder
FIGURE 2-2 ETHANOL VAPOR PRESSURE VS. temperatures (below 10.7°C
TEMPERATURE (51°F), the vapor pressure of
ethanol is outside the
Vapor Pressure, mm Hg
flammable range. As
UEL = 19% discussed above, the addition
100 41.3°C (106°F)
of gasoline would change this
Flammability Range
graph, decreasing the
LEL = 3%
temperature at which, for
10 10.7°C (51°F)
example, E95 would be
outside the flammable range.
-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Temperature °C
Although ethanol has been produced and transported in large volumes for several decades there
have been relatively few incidences involving its catastrophic release into the environment.
There have been several occasions of leaking of underground storage tanks containing ethanol
fuel blends, some for very long periods. These have involved E-10 type fuels which are not the
focus of this report.
Most of the high-concentration ethanol is moved from production plants to blending terminals by
rail. Consequently, the majority of the event data is from rail incidents, several of which will be
discussed in detail in Appendix A. The other well-documented sources of ethanol impact to the
environment have been the result of fire incidents at distilleries. Two very significant events
occurred in Kentucky in 1996 and 2000. There have been few marine incidents. Some of the
more significant incidents that have occurred involving ethanol are summarized in Table 3-1.
More detail is presented in Appendix A.
This section provides information regarding the fate and transport of ethanol in various
environmental media, including soil, ground water, surface water and air. Information is
provided here in summary form, with further detail included in Appendix B.
Ethanol may be released to the environment as pure (also referred to as neat) ethanol or a blend
with various percentages of gasoline and ethanol (also referred to as an E-blend fuel). Accidents
that occur during large volume transport of ethanol via rail cars and marine tankers or as a result
of structural failure at ethanol bulk storage terminal terminals are possible sources of the release
of neat or denatured ethanol. Tanker truck accidents, splash blending of ethanol with gasoline,
and leaks and spills at retail and non-retail gasoline stations may release moderate to small
volume E-blend fuels into the environment. The release of neat or denatured ethanol into the
environment results in fate and transport issues that can be different than those from an E-blend
release, as shown in Table 4-1.
Source: NEIWPCC, 2001
Characteristic Neat Ethanol, E95 or Denatured E-Blends (E85 and lower)
Release Type Large volume, surface soil and water spill Moderate to small volume, surface or subsurface
Release Source Rail cars, marine tankers, bulk storage Trucks, retail gas and blending stations
Transport Surface spreading until reaching surface Nominal surface spreading, followed by soil
Paths water body; soil infiltration and leaching to infiltration and leaching to groundwater
Media Soil, groundwater, lakes, wetlands, rivers, Primarily soil and groundwater. Localized impacts
affected harbors, shorelines, and sewers. Explosion to lakes, wetlands, rivers and sewers if located
potential if large volumes flow in confined immediately adjacent to accident site.
spaces such as sewers.
Environmental Rapid biodegradation of ethanol in soil or Rapid biodegradation of ethanol in soil or
fate groundwater. There are multiple variables groundwater, more predictable rates
and uncertainty associated with predicting
degradation and extent of migration after
surface spill.
Co-solvency of Co-solvency not prominent at Ethanol may extend the length of benzene plume
other gasoline uncontaminated locations. When neat in groundwater due to co-solvency of gasoline
ethanol is released into a soil where gasoline components in ethanol and reduced natural
components contamination has already occurred (such as attenuation of benzene
bulk terminals) the mobility of gasoline can
be increased.
Some important fate characteristics of ethanol are described below – migration pathways,
degradation rates, methane generation, and partitioning. This discussion is followed by a
discussion of fate and transport characteristics by environmental medium.
larger (5 to 10 days). In surface water following a pure ethanol spill, ethanol is predicted to
quickly biodegrade with half-lives ranging from 0.25 to 1 day. Due to rapid loss of ethanol
through photo-oxidation in air and biodegradation in soil and water, ethanol is unlikely to
accumulate in the soil, air, surface water, or groundwater. This is consistent with reports of
monitoring results from spill situations (see Section 3.0 and Appendix A). There is a great deal
of uncertainty as to how these estimated rates of ethanol loss (and other literature values) will
apply in realistic field conditions. Therefore, these rates represent generic order-of-magnitude
estimates and may not be applicable for site-specific releases.
Air/Water Partitioning: Ethanol has a tendency to remain in the aqueous (liquid) state.
Therefore, atmospheric ethanol is likely to partition into water vapor droplets. Ethanol in
surface water and groundwater is likely to remain in the aqueous phase. As a result,
ethanol volatilization from surface water or off-gassing from groundwater are not likely
to be significant mechanisms for ethanol mass loss from water.
Soil/Water Partitioning: Ethanol is not strongly adsorbed to soil particles, and is likely to
migrate at the velocity of the groundwater. Adsorption to aquifer materials in the
subsurface or to sediments in surface water is not likely to affect the fate of ethanol in the
compared to other gasoline components because it does not preferentially adsorb to the soil
During the process of infiltration through soil, a fraction of ethanol and gasoline components are
retained in the pores (soil vapor or soil moisture) or adsorbed to soil grains. The fraction that is
not retained in the unsaturated soil will reach groundwater. As discussed above, ethanol tends to
partition to the water phase (soil moisture) in preference to the air in the soil pores or adsorption
to the soil grains. The fraction of ethanol retained in the unsaturated zone depends greatly on the
volume of soil impacted by the release, the water content of the soil, and the rate at which
gasoline infiltrates through the subsurface. The fraction of ethanol that infiltrates to groundwater
goes into solution because of high water solubility of ethanol. The gasoline component of the E-
blend fuel floats on water because it is less dense than water, however these constituents will
also dissolve and migrate downward.
For E-blend spills, the presence of ethanol results in gasoline hydrocarbons being able to enter
smaller pore spaces and drain more easily from unsaturated soils into the groundwater.
Therefore, the presence of ethanol can result in mobilizing existing soil contamination.
As discussed earlier, ethanol has a short half life in soil. Therefore, ethanol present in soil vapor
or soil moisture will rapidly biodegrade. Some volatilization from moist soil surfaces is
expected although the majority of ethanol is expected to be retained in the soil moisture and be
lost through the process of biodegradation. In dry soils, some volatilization is expected to occur
(HSDB, 2011).
Neat ethanol releases at distribution terminals can affect the behavior of previously released fuel
hydrocarbons in the following ways:
Ethanol dissolves and mobilizes light non aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) that was
previously entrapped in the unsaturated and saturated zones.
Ethanol creates a capillary fringe depression on top of the water table into which all
nearby LNAPL can drain.
other alcohols or hydrocarbons, the groundwater flow rate, and other site-specific characteristics.
One study of a neat ethanol spill indicated that methane was present in groundwater 15 months
after the spill occurred, and concentrations began to increase dramatically within 3 to 8 months
of that time. From these field observations and the laboratory studies, it can be concluded that
methane generation will generally not start for several months in an environment that is initially
under aerobic conditions. Once methane is present in groundwater, it will volatilize from
groundwater into soil gas. In the field study described above, a methane survey taken 23 months
after the spill showed methane concentrations in soil gas above the LEL at a depth of 4 feet
below the ground surface. This could pose a hazard for construction or monitoring activities in a
spill area, and if the methane in soil gas were to migrate to a confined space, it may lead to an
explosion hazard
After an ethanol spill, the following conditions must be met for an explosion hazard to occur
from methane:
Methane gas migration. Migration of methane gas from soil and groundwater to
underground utility pipes, drains, conduits or through natural or man-made subsurface
preferential migration pathways; and
Methane vapors can be produced over an extended period of time and persist in soil gas for a
long time at levels that could pose an explosion hazard.
4.5.2 Groundwater
Like other alcohols, ethanol is hydrophilic (attracted to and soluble in water) whereas standard
gasoline is hydrophobic (repelled by water). Ethanol partitions preferentially into the aqueous
phase. Ethanol is completely miscible in both gasoline and water at all concentrations. The
presence of ethanol, therefore, affects the fate and transport mechanisms of E-blend fuels. In
presence of ethanol, the behaviors of water and gasoline are modified as follows:
The release of ethanol can impact groundwater after infiltrating through the soil. An ethanol
plume in groundwater may result, depending upon TABLE 4-3 EFFECT OF ETHANOL ON
the volume of ethanol spilled on the surface, the GASOLINE FATE AND TRANSPORT IN
thickness of the unsaturated soil column (depth to
groundwater), and the conductivity of the soil. •Inhibits the
degradation of more
Once ethanol reaches the groundwater, it will toxic components in
Depletion of
dissolve and disperse rapidly. oxygen and gasoline (e.g. BTEX)
nutrients • May make the
dissolved BTEX
Ethanol tends to dissolve completely into the plume longer
groundwater and move with the groundwater in
the direction of groundwater flow. In case of E-
•Causes gasoline
blend fuels, the soluble components of gasoline Surface components to
Tension Effect spread laterally
that include benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and
xylenes (BTEX) will partially dissolve, while
ethanol will dissolve completely. Unlike the
gasoline components, ethanol does not adsorb to • Makes other
Co-solvency gasoline
the saturated soil and therefore moves with constituents more
groundwater faster than the BTEX components. soluble
In general, the impacts of neat ethanol with respect to the contamination of groundwater are less
severe compared to E-blend fuels. When neat ethanol is released into the groundwater it can be
degraded rapidly by microorganisms until the necessary electron acceptors are depleted, unless
the ethanol volume and concentrations are so high that they restrict microbial activity. On the
other hand, an E-blend gasoline release to groundwater enhances the groundwater transport of
benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes (BTEX) in gasoline, especially benzene. The
environmental effects of ethanol on the gasoline components of E-blends are summarized in
Table 4-3.
The rapid biodegradation of ethanol first depletes the oxygen content of groundwater and then
the anaerobic electron acceptors (e.g., nitrate, sulfate), and therefore could potentially reduce the
rate of biodegradation of the BTEX constituents. The presence of ethanol in E-blend fuels can
cause the BTEX compounds of gasoline to travel farther than a standard gasoline blend without
ethanol. Some recent studies contradict this and suggest that ethanol may actually enhance the
rate of benzene biodegradation, thereby reducing benzene plume length and persistence.
The rapid biodegradation of ethanol has a side effect on the groundwater transport. Ethanol acts
as an energy source and stimulates the growth of aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms in
groundwater. This may in turn result in the growth of biofilms on aquifer material, mineral
precipitation and the generation of nitrogen and methane gases, processes which alter the
hydraulic properties of the aquifer such as reduction in porosity and hydraulic conductivities.
The rapid biodegradation of ethanol may also lead to a significant accumulation of volatile fatty
acids which are potential degradation products of ethanol and that could decrease the pH to
levels that inhibit further bioremediation. The rapid consumption of oxygen by ethanol means
the groundwater will become anaerobic quickly. Anaerobic biodegradation of BTEX and
ethanol typically occurs much more slowly than aerobic biodegradation, although the rates of
anaerobic biodegradation of ethanol are still fast enough (in days) that ethanol is not expected to
persist for a long duration. Empirical data from a case study of an ethanol spill at a Pacific
Northwest terminal (presented in Appendix B) indicates that for most spills the ethanol in
groundwater is expected to be degraded and not be of concern in a year or two. In comparison,
BTEX constituents have been measured in groundwater for several years and sometimes even
decades after a gasoline spill.
The enhanced anaerobic microbial activity caused by the presence of ethanol in groundwater
leads to methanogenesis, which is the production of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) by
biological processes. Details of the chemistry behind the methanogenesis and the volumetric
estimation of methane generation from ethanol are provided in Appendix B. There is potential
for ethanol-induced methane production to restrict groundwater flow and to pose an explosion
hazard, as discussed in Section 4.3.
Empirical data regarding the persistence of ethanol generated methane in soil and groundwater
was collected at a bulk fuel terminal in the Pacific Northwest, where 19,000 gallons of neat
ethanol were accidentally released from an above ground storage tank in 1999. Further details of
the spill and spill monitoring are provided in Appendix B. Over time, the ethanol plume
concentrations declined and high methane concentrations were measured in the area of the
ethanol plume. This empirical data suggests that methane related hazards will extend to the area
occupied by the ethanol plume in groundwater, and will extend to a distance that can be
estimated from the groundwater velocity and the time since the release. The extent of the
groundwater plume will provide the upper bound for the extent of methane impacts, except for
any preferential pathways such as utilities that may provide further spread of the methane in soil
When neat ethanol is spilled at locations where petroleum contaminated soil and groundwater
plumes already exist (e.g., oil terminals), the ethanol can remobilize the gasoline components
and cause lateral spreading of liquid petroleum and several fold increases in the concentration of
benzene and other constituents of gasoline. This may result in contamination of groundwater
and nearby water supply wells. Ethanol can also facilitate iron reduction and sulfate reduction,
which can have significant impacts on groundwater quality. The potential for contamination of
water wells or degradation of water supply depends on several factors, such as the volumes and
the concentrations of ethanol and gasoline components at the release site, the local
hydrogeological conditions, and the location of the spill relative to the area of groundwater
capture for the water supply well.
2. Direct discharges from land surface (from accidental spills) – immediate and severe
impacts after spill, serious threat to environment, high concentrations and volumes of
ethanol expected, sudden and severe depletion of dissolved oxygen because of the
biodegradation of ethanol with acute toxic effects potential such as fish kills.
3. Direct discharges from land surface to drainage features or small creeks, which may
discharge to larger surface water bodies – Less severe impacts immediately after spill, but
still may result in severe depletion of oxygen.
4. Marine cargo tanker / barge accidents – short term impacts after the spill, high
concentrations and volumes of ethanol expected intitally, impacts to near-shore coastal
marine environment likely, ethanol is expected to be lost rapidly due to dilution and
dispersion in marine waters. Oxygen depletion may occur in coastal areas with less
surface spill to the surface water body and other factors such as the degree of
biodegradation and natural attenuation during transport in groundwater, the
hydrogeologic settings, the hydrology of the surface water body, and the volume of the
After a large volume surface spill, neat ethanol or E-blend fuel will flow over pavement and soil
until reaching a point of discharge into storm sewers, wetlands, lakes, and streams. During the
overland flow over soil and pavement, ethanol will partially volatilize into the atmosphere. As
the ethanol flows over soil, some of the ethanol will infiltrate the soil and reach the groundwater,
which may discharge to a surface water body. The remaining ethanol could reach a wetland or a
surface water body directly. Upon reaching a surface water body, either as groundwater
discharge or surface flow, ethanol will rapidly mix with the water and go into solution because
ethanol is completely soluble in water.
Once ethanol reaches fresh water, whether it is a flowing water body such as a stream or a
standing water body such as a lake or wetland, ethanol is not expected to volatilize quickly.
While volatilization from water surfaces does occur, the estimated volatilization half-lives for a
model river and model lake are 3 and 39 days, respectively, which are significantly larger than
the biodegradation rates for ethanol in water (few hours to a day). Ethanol is also not expected
to adsorb to suspended solids and sediment in the surface water bodies. Hydrolysis of ethanol
and photolysis in sunlit surface waters are not expected to reduce ethanol concentrations.
Ethanol is therefore expected to remain in solution in the water while biodegradation is
High concentrations of ethanol may occur in the immediate downstream area of a spill with little
biodegradation, especially after a large volume spill into a surface water body. The high
concentrations of ethanol would rapidly deplete the dissolved oxygen content of the fresh water
bodies that have low aeration rates (e.g., lakes, ponds, lakes and large rivers with little
turbulence), leading to the possibility of a fish kill from oxygen stress. As discussed in Section
3.0 and Appendix A, in May 2000, a 500,000 gallon release of Wild Turkey bourbon that
contained 50% ethanol (250,000 gallons) into the Kentucky River caused the worst fish kill in 50
to 60 years. This fish kill was attributed to depletion of dissolved oxygen and not the direct
effects of ethanol.
Biodegradation will begin to reduce ethanol concentration shortly after release as long as the
water is warmer than 10°C (50°F). It is important to note that this temperature is approximately
the same as the threshold for ethanol‟s flammability; at colder temperatures below 10.7°C (51°F)
the vapor pressure of ethanol is outside the flammable range (see Figure 2-2). Therefore, even
though the flammability risk following an ethanol spill is reduced in cold weather, the impacts to
surface water may be greater due to limited biodegradation.
Ethanol has been shown to biodegrade under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. If the
temperature ranges are appropriate, the biodegradation of ethanol in surface water proceeds
rapidly, with half lives ranging from hours to a day. Therefore, in warm waters ethanol is
unlikely to persist for an extended time. In cooler water bodies, ethanol will mix rapidly and
migrate with water without much loss except for dilution. If conditions favorable to
biodegradation are not present, ethanol may persist for several months.
Large volumes of ethanol, up to 2.5 million gallons, may be released into marine waters from the
rupture of a marine tanker or a barge carrying bulk ethanol. Due to the infinite solubility of
ethanol in water, it will tend to distribute near the water surface because it is less dense than
water. Marine ethanol spills pose a threat of being toxic to the ecological receptors in direct
contact with the release and could impact the surface aquatic ecosystem. Ethanol released to the
marine environment is not expected to persist for a long duration because ethanol in the surficial
marine environment will be lost by the processes of dispersion and dilution as well as
biodegradation, resulting in the rapid natural attenuation of the marine ethanol spills. Near-shore
releases of ethanol are of greater concern to the proximity of sensitive receptors and the
possibility of reduced flushing in some locations.
The salinity of the marine water is expected to have minor effects on the fate and transport of the
ethanol. Environmental degradation in salt water may be slower than freshwater. For E-blend
fuels, the higher salinity of marine waters will tend to further reduce the solubility of the gasoline
components, ensuring that the gasoline components continue to float on water and are less
readily available to marine organisms that inhabit the deeper marine environment. In some
marine estuaries, the higher density salt water may form a wedge at the deeper parts of the
estuary. Such a wedge tends to slow the mixing of ethanol and E-blend fuels with the deeper
waters (NRT, 2010).
Another consideration in the fate and transport is the energy level of the surface water body that
receives the spilled ethanol. In flowing or fast water such as rivers, streams, marine environment
with breaking surf, the high mixing energy of the receiving water body will result in rapid
mixing of ethanol with the entire water column. Ethanol concentrations will decrease due to
rapid dilution and also due to the high aeration rates as compared to still water bodies like ponds
and lakes (NRT, 2010)
4.5.4 Air/Vapor
If released to the atmosphere, ethanol disperses rapidly in the vapor phase. Ethanol vapor is
denser than air, and will eventually settle in low lying areas. If there is moisture in the
atmosphere, the atmospheric ethanol is likely to partition into water vapor droplets. Ethanol in
surface water and groundwater is likely to remain in the aqueous phase and degrade at a rate that
is faster than the rate of volatilization. As a result, ethanol volatilization from surface water or
off-gassing from groundwater are not likely to be significant contributors to ethanol in the
In the atmosphere, the half life of ethanol is similar to that of other alkyl ether oxygenates,
including methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE). Vapor phase ethanol is degraded in the
atmosphere by reaction with photo chemically-produced hydroxyl radicals, and in summer
conditions, half-lives are on the order of days.
Ethanol can impact the air quality and lead to a safety hazard. Some examples are as follows:
Ethanol vapor has the potential for formation of explosive mixtures. Ethanol surface
flow into a confined space, such as a storm sewer, may create an explosive situation
when vapors of the ethanol collect in air pockets in the sewer;
The methane vapors are produced over an extended period of time and persist in soil gas
for a long time, at levels exceeding the upper explosive limit (19% by volume).
Biodegradation of ethanol and E-blends has the potential to expedite vapor intrusion of BTEX
compounds. The methane originating from the anaerobic degradation of ethanol in groundwater
undergoes aerobic biodegradation in soil pores and consumes the available oxygen from the soil
gas. This oxygen would otherwise be available to degrade benzene and other gasoline
constituents introduced to soil gas from an E-blend spill. The aerobic degradation of benzene is
therefore limited in presence of ethanol. The lack of benzene degradation caused by the
consumption of oxygen by methane results in increased persistence of benzene in soil gas.
Ethanol is also completely water soluble unlike gasoline which floats on water. Large amounts
of water are required to dilute ethanol to the point where it no longer supports combustion, as
discussed in Section 2.1. If released as an E-blend fuel into water, gasoline will float on a layer
of an ethanol-water solution, and the resulting ethanol water solution will still be flammable.
While smoke from burning gasoline is thick, black and toxic, pure ethanol burns without visible
smoke and a has a hard-to-see blue flame. In denatured (E-95) form, a slight orange flame and
some smoke may be visible. Because ethanol is flammable, and burns with a virtually invisible
flame, such a fire would be especially hazardous to emergency responders. Anecdotal evidence
from Indy motor races suggests that the invisibility of ethanol flame is a hazard requiring the
maintenance crew to use a corn broom to detect the ethanol flame, unlike gasoline fires that can
be visually detected due to the smoke.
Ethanol and some ethanol blends can conduct electricity; therefore improper grounding and
bonding during transloading operations could lead to electrocution hazards and possibly ignition
of the fuel.
Ethanol vapor has the potential for formation of explosive mixtures. Uncontrolled impingement
of ethanol tank cars after a fire can result in a boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion
(BLEVE). Ethanol has a high upper explosive limit and therefore ethanol will burn, or explode
even in conditions where oxygen is not readily available, such as within tank cars or in sewers
where small airspaces may be present. If released to the soil or groundwater, anaerobic
biodegradation of ethanol will produce methane, which can present an explosion hazard if it
reaches a confined space.
Ethanol is irritating to eyes and the respiratory system at concentrations of 5,000-10,000 ppm in
air. Headaches and other early signs of intoxication were observed in humans when exposed to
air concentrations of greater than 3000 ppm for 2 hours, although significant neuromotor effects
were not observed in humans exposed to up to 1000 ppm for 6 hours. Similarly, stumbling and
lack of coordination were observed in animals after exposure to 4000-10,000 ppm for 8 hrs.
Inhalation of 10,000-30,000 ppm for extended periods (8 hrs or more) is lethal to rats. Ingestion
of ethanol has caused death in humans, but inhalation of ethanol is unlikely to be lethal.
Rats exposed to E85 at 6130 ppm ethanol and 500 ppm gasoline showed growth effects after 4
weeks of exposure. Recovery was complete by 4 weeks after exposure was stopped. Increased
kidney weight and liver and blood effects were observed primarily with gasoline only exposure.
Combined exposure resulted in an additive effect on growth suppression. Inflammation of the
upper respiratory tract was observed only with combined exposure.
Data suggest that the threshold for acute alcohol effects following ingestion is in the range of
0.1-0.5 g/kg (corresponding to a blood alcohol level of 0.01%-0.05%). Increased motor activity
in rats and increased aggressiveness in monkeys has occurred at these doses. At higher doses,
effects on fine motor control and coordination have been observed. Exposure of rats or mice to
20,000 ppm of ethanol in air
resulted in significant TABLE 5-1 HUMAN HEALTH EFFECTS OF ETHANOL
performance effects, while the ACUTE EFFECTS
lowest dose (12,000 ppm) had
borderline effects. To put these 100 ppm in air Odor threshold
exposures in context, rats 1000 ppm in air No significant neuromotor
exposed to 16,000 ppm resulted effects
in an alcohol blood level of 3000 ppm in air Headaches and early signs
0.05%, a level at which human of intoxication
performance effects are 5000 – 10,000 ppm in air Irritating to eyes and
commonly observed. respiratory system
0.1-0.5 g/kg ingestion (0.01- Threshold for central
5.3.2 Long-Term (Chronic) 0.05% blood alcohol) nervous system effects
Subchronic and chronic effects 0.2 g/kg/day ingestion Threshold for neurological
associated with alcohol abuse effects in fetuses
are well documented, and are 2 g/kg/day ingestion Liver effects
characterized by progressive
liver dysfunction and cirrhosis 0.5 g/kg/day (50 g/day) Increased incidence of
Alcoholic beverage and cancer of the oral cavity,
with chronic ingestion of 2
ethanol ingestion pharynx, esophagus,
g/kg/day. Inflammatory and colorectum, and female
degenerative changes to the breast
heart have also been observed. 20,000 ppm in air No significant effect on
Neurologic degeneration and fetuses after exposure of
effects on the brain structure female mice and rabbits
have been observed after long during pregnancy
term high level exposure; however no exposure thresholds for severe effects are available.
WHO (2010) concluded that alcoholic beverages and ethanol in alcoholic beverages are
“carcinogenic to humans”, or Group 1. This category is selected when there is sufficient
evidence of carcinogenicity in humans. They concluded that several types of cancer are caused
by alcohol consumption. They also concluded that acetaldehyde, which results from the
metabolism of ethanol, contributes to malignant esophageal tumors. WHO (2010) concluded
that there is sufficient evidence in experimental animals for the carcinogenicity of both ethanol
and acetaldehyde; however, other components of alcoholic beverages may contribute to the
observed carcinogenicity. When ethanol was administered in conjunction with other known
carcinogens, the carcinogenic effect was enhanced.
Some studies in humans and rodents indicate that ethanol induced genetic effects result from
moderate to high levels of ethanol exposure. Rats and mice receiving liquid diets of 5-10%
ethanol for 5 or more weeks showed adverse physical and functional effects on testes. Other
studies showed that consumption of drinking water containing 15% ethanol or inhalation of
20,000 ppm during pregnancy
had no significant effect on
fetuses of mice and rabbits.
Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) 53 ppm (100 mg/m3) California Draft Value for protection of
is well known to result from public health – based on acute irritancy
excess alcohol ingestion effects but protective of chronic effects
Chronic – 7.9 ppm Minnesota Ethanol Sector Specific
during pregnancy. More
(15 mg/m3) Interim Exposure Values, for screening
subtle neurological changes in Acute – 95 ppm purposes at ethanol facilities only –
fetuses have also been (180 mg/m3) based on irritancy
observed. A threshold for DRINKING WATER
these effects has been 1100 mg/L California Draft Value based on the
identified as 0.5 oz per day minimum reporting concentration for
ethanol in food (0.5%)
(about one drink per day or
6500 mg/L NH did not develop drinking water
0.2 g/kg/day). value, but provided value equivalent to
drinking 1 beer (13,000 mg ethanol)
5.3.3 Health Protective 0.4 mg/L NEIWPCC value for comparative
Concentrations purposes, unlikely to increase ethanol
A number of states and in blood over baseline blood
regions have developed concentrations of about 10 mg/L
0.05 mg/L New York state standard for
health-protective oxygenates
concentrations of ethanol in
the environment. These have been developed for various purposes, but none have been
promulgated as standards. These concentrations and their bases are summarized in Table 5-2.
Table 5-2 shows a wide range of concentrations in drinking water. Both the California and New
Hampshire levels are based on exposure by other means that are considered generally acceptable.
The California level is based on a concentration in beverages and food of 0.5%, above which
ethanol must be reported, and an assumption that 0.5 kg of the daily diet contains this amount.
This dose is converted to an equivalent drinking water concentration. Similarly, New Hampshire
derived the level shown in Table 5-2 by developing a drinking water concentration equivalent to
drinking one beer. Neither of these criteria are based on effects data for ethanol. The New York
level is a general level used for oxygenates, and is not specific to ethanol. The NEIWPCC level
is based on a drinking water concentration that is unlikely to result in an increased ethanol
concentration in blood, and incorporates an uncertainty factor to account for sensitive
A large number of studies have been conducted on the effects of ethanol on various species, and
considering different types of effects. NEIWPCC (2001) evaluated the data available at the time
of their report and developed water quality benchmarks for ethanol using EPA Tier II procedures
(EPA, 1995). This approach is intended to derive acute and chronic water quality benchmarks
for aquatic organisms in cases where data is not
sufficient to develop an EPA Water Quality TABLE 5-3 WATER QUALITY BENCHMARKS FOR
Criteria. They calculated water quality
Acute 564 mg/L
benchmarks using available data for aquatic
invertebrates (daphnia species), rainbow trout, Chronic 63 mg/L
and the fathead minnow as shown in Table 5-3.
Source: NEIWPCC 2001
In order to determine whether additional aquatic
toxicity information has been generated since the time of the NEIWPCC (2001) evaluation, a
search of EPA‟s ECOTOX (EPA, 2011) database was conducted for 2001 to the present. Little
information was found for the species identified above. Olmstead and LeBlanc (2003) did report
that a concentration of 0.5% (5000 mg/L) ethanol had no effect on the production of male
progeny in Daphnia magna over a chronic exposure period of 21 days. Two additional reports
were identified for other species (Chen et al., 2011 and Quinn et al., 2008), but none of these
results would change the benchmarks shown above.
Oxygen depletion is also a concern with spills to aquatic environments. NEIWPCC (2001)
conducted modeling to evaluate potential oxygen depletion effects upon spills to different
environments. They used the Streeter-Phelps model to estimate the amount of ethanol required
to use up the dissolved oxygen in the stream. This model considers biodegradation and
reaeration rates considering small average and large rivers and assuming an initial dissolved
oxygen concentration of 7 mg/L. Modeling showed that the oxygen demand needed to
biodegrade the benchmark (acute and chronic) levels of ethanol (see Table 5-3) is greater than
the amount of oxygen in the stream. Therefore,
TO DEPLETE STREAM DISSOLVED OXYGEN oxygen depletion in a stream appears to be a
Small Stream 56 mg/L more critical impact than direct toxicity of
ethanol to aquatic organisms. For comparison
Average River 32 mg/L purposes, NEIWPCC (2001) calculated ethanol
Large River
concentrations capable of depleting in stream
13 mg/L
dissolved oxygen, as shown in Table 5-4.
Source: NEIWPCC 2001 These values are based on the assumption of an
initial concentration of dissolved oxygen
concentration of 7 mg/L. However, rivers and streams are considered unimpaired if they have
somewhat lower concentrations. For example, in Massachusetts, 314 CMR 4.05 indicates that
dissolved oxygen shall not be less than 6 mg/L in cold water fisheries and 5 mg/L in warm water
fisheries. If a receiving stream had concentrations lower than 7 mg/L, the concentrations shown
in Table 5-4 would be lower.
NEIWPCC (2001) noted that a lower concentration of ethanol is needed in a larger river to
deplete the dissolved oxygen because the typical reaeration rate of a larger water body is lower
than a smaller water body. They also indicated that if the same volume of ethanol was released
to the three environments, the large water bodies would be less impacted than the smaller ones
due to increased dilution.
This table indicates that complete oxygen depletion is likely to occur at concentrations lower
than those expected to have direct toxicity. In addition, effects on aquatic organisms as a result
of low dissolved oxygen will occur prior to complete oxygen depletion. EPA (1986, 2000) has
set minimum dissolved oxygen values (over a 24 hour period) at 4 mg/L for freshwater cold
water fish and 2.3 mg/L for saltwater aquatic organisms from Cape Cod to Cape Hatteras.
Sample et al., (1996) derived a TABLE 5-5 ETHANOL EFFECTS ON WILDLIFE (Select
toxicological benchmark for wildlife Results)
based on oral (ingestion) exposure to Douglas fir Applied ethanol concentrations of
Seedlings 10% and greater lethal within a
ethanol. These benchmarks were used
week, effects also observed with 5%
to develop concentrations of ethanol in
and 1% solutions
environmental media that would not be Japanese Ethanol at 2% in drinking water had
hazardous. Due to the lack of Quail significant effects on blood, brain
availability of wildlife data, their weight and growth after 7 day
benchmark was based on reproduction exposure
effects in rats. They derived a Lowest Honey bees Bees fed solutions of ethanol (5%
Observed Adverse Effect Level and greater) showed behavioral
(LOAEL) of 319 mg/kg/day, and effects, and mortality with solutions
of 50% ethanol.
developed a No Observed Adverse
Little brown LD50 of 3.9-4.4 g/kg
Effect Level (NOAEL) of 31.9
mg/kg/day by incorporating a 10 fold Source: USEPA 2011 ECOTOX Report
safety factor. These values were
adjusted for a variety of wildlife species and then benchmarks developed for food, water, and a
combined food and water benchmark for aquatic feeding species. In the absence of empirical
data, these values are useful for providing an insight into concentrations in the environment that
could result in effects on wildlife, as TABLE 5-6 ETHANOL WILDLIFE BENCHMARKS (Based on No
shown in Table 5-6. Observed Effect Levels)
Food 117 to 471 mg/kg (ppm) depending
The concentrations in water shown on species
in Table 5-6 are above Water 137 to 521 mg/L (ppm) depending on
concentrations that are predicted to species
result in oxygen depletion (Table 5- Food and water 123 to 169 mg/L (ppm) depending on
4) or result in chronic effects on combined (for species
aquatic feeding
aquatic organisms (Table 5-3).
Therefore, it appears that ethanol in
Source: Sample et al. 1996
water is a much greater concern for
aquatic organisms than terrestrial organisms. The hazards to wildlife associated with ingestion
of food containing ethanol are likely to be low since it is volatile, and does not accumulate in
fatty tissue.
As shown in Section 2.2, a different placard is used for E10. However, this placard is the same
one used for gasoline. This is significant, because E10 requires the use of alcohol resistant foam,
as discussed in Section 7.2, while gasoline does not.
OSHA Permissible Exposure 1000 ppm (1900 mg/m3) None, 1 ppm for benzene
Limit (PEL)
NIOSH Immediately 3300 ppm (6237 mg/m3) None, 500 ppm for benzene
Dangerous to Life or Health (10% of the LEL)
OSHL PEL. PELs are time-weighted average concentrations that must not be exceeded for any 8
hour work shift of a 40 hour week. NIOSH has established a concentration that is deemed to be
Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health (IDLH). In the case of ethanol, this concentration is
10% of the LEL, which is 3.3%. In the case of ethanol, the IDLH is based on the LEL because
acute toxicity data do not indicate that the IDLH should be set at a lower value. In comparison,
there are no occupational limits for gasoline due to its variable composition. Instead, the PEL
and IDLH are shown for benzene, which are substantially lower than those for ethanol.
The general spill assessment and delineation process for ethanol and ethanol blend release events
is similar to that utilized for petroleum fuel releases. In fact, the characteristics, relative low
ecological toxicity and non-visible properties of ethanol dictate that any early assessment and
delineation efforts focus primarily upon the more evident and detrimental gasoline components.
Nonetheless, there are readily available methods of detection and screening for ethanol which,
especially in the event of high concentration blend releases, can be utilized to assess the extent of
impact and monitor for ethanol itself. In addition, since the preferred methods are also capable
of simultaneously detecting and determining “typical” gasoline components such as BTEX, these
methods can effectively delineate and assess the impacts of all components in the event of a
The assessment and response phase includes visual observations of impact evidence, screening
of ambient air for component detection, and collection of grab samples from impacted matrices
for both screening and confirmatory analyses. The list below summarizes the types of
observations and/or samples which may be needed to assess the extent and impact of a release.
Details on the actual screening tests and analyses are discussed in Sections 6.2 and 6.3,
Visual Observations - look for evidence of sheen from gasoline components, evidence of biota
impacts (dead fish, stressed vegetation, etc.). Ethanol is colorless and water-soluble and cannot
be seen in water. Wet spots on soils or solid surfaces should be investigated and screened for
properties such as flammability to determine if they are spilled product. Pooled liquids and even
surface waters can be quickly screened for flammability and/or ethanol content, as a percentage;
see Section 6.2 for details.
Collection of Samples from Environmental Media - grab samples can be collected of site
soils, sediments, surface waters, and groundwater, depending upon the extent of release and
exposed media. Since ethanol is rapidly biodegraded, water samples intended for off-site
shipment must be preserved at a pH<2. Soil and sediment samples for confirmatory analysis
must be collected using acceptable VOC sampling and preservation methods.
direct aqueous injections. The available screening methods for ethanol are summarized in Table
6-2, and discussed below:
Color Tube Air pumped through reactive Ethanol-1000 ppm Need separate tubes for each
sorbent-color change occurs based Benzene-5-40 ppm analyte
upon concentration Ethanol tube requires the
volume of a 1-hr sample to
achieve limits
One-time use
Real-time monitoring w/PID Air pumped into chamber with a Ethanol-50-100 ppm Non-selective
photo-ionization detector- Benzene- 5-20 ppm C F =10 for 10.6ev lamp
calibrated versus isobutylene CF = 3.1 for 11.7ev lamp
Response to gasoline
components (BTEX) greater
than ethanol
Real-time monitoring w/FID Air pumped through chamber, Ethanol-50-100 ppm Non-selective
detected via flame ionization Benzene- 5-20 ppm
Real-time monitoring w/FT-IR Air pumped into chamber where it Ethanol-25 ppm Selective and can screen
is subjected to excitation and the Benzene- 200 ppb simultaneously since bands for
resulting infra-red spectral bands ethanol (3500 cm-1) and BTEX
are detected. FT-IR peaks are (2500-2000 cm-1) are separated
unique to particular compounds Ethanol and BTEX in compound
Screen for impact in surface Dissolved oxygen probe 0.5 mg/l dissolved oxygen Can be used to identify impact
water bodies biochemical oxygen demand, to surface water and monitor
chemical oxygen demand per recovery
standard methods
Headspace with GC using Measured volume of sample with Ethanol-5-100 mg/l Ethanol is water-soluble, will
detection by FID, PID, or known headspace is allowed to Benzene- 5-50 ug/l not enter the headspace well-
MS equilibrate and a volume of the resulting in the high limit of
headspace injected for comparison detection
to similarly prepared standards Ethanol is a poor responder to
the PID
Direct injection onto a GC with Known volume injected onto the GC Ethanol-5 mg/l Ethanol is a poor responder to
detection via FID, PID, or and the compounds separated and Benzene-250 ug/l the PID
MS detected. Comparison to standards
Portable GC with Purge & Trap Known volume sparged through a Ethanol-200 ug/l Ethanol is water-soluble, and
system-detection via PID, sorbent media which is then Benzene- 5 ug/l exhibits low purge efficiency
FID, or MS backflushed under rapid heating to resulting in the high limit of
force trapped compounds into the detection
GC. Comparison to standards Ethanol responds poorly to PID
One of the simplest ways to ascertain whether or not ethanol and/or blends are present in media
is via a simple open-flame burn test. This can yield valuable information, especially when
performing the visual observation/delineation phase of spill site assessment. There are two basic
means to perform a quick flame test.
Place a very small volume or mass of the material into a shallow container such as a
watch glass or even a small pie tin and wave a lighted match or a propane torch above the
sample; or
Make a small loop in a length of copper wire, dip it into the sample, and then place it into
an open flame.
In either case, if the sample (or wire) burns, sparks, or otherwise supports combustion the spilled
product is present in the test sample.
A quick estimate (percentage) screen for ethanol can be performed via a simple hydrometer test,
like those used in ethanol plants and distilleries. A sample of sufficient size is placed into a
container and the hydrometer floated into it. The percent ethanol can be read as the point on the
hydrometer scale that intersects the liquid meniscus. The reading will be biased low if gasoline
is present. Although the hydrometer is calibrated at 60°F, the actual correction to the reading
varies by less than 1% as temperature falls to 0°F and 6% (adjust higher) at an ambient
temperature of 120°F. Therefore, for purposes of screening for gross concentration the method is
viable without correction. A field SOP, based upon the ASTM Method (1250) is provided in
Appendix D.
Color-indicating tubes are available for ethanol. These will provide rapid single analysis for the
compound. However, the air volume required to meet the stated detection limits requires a 1-
hour collection time at standard input flows, making use of a color indicating tube a poor choice
for real-time data needs. Ethanol is a poor responder to a PID. It does respond to a portable
FID, this detector also responds to other volatile organic compounds, including methane. If real-
time and simultaneous detection of ethanol and gasoline components is necessary, the best
available technology is a portable Fourier Transform Infared (FT-IR) spectrometer, available
from several manufacturers. These instruments are capable of low ppm detection in air, contain
pre-loaded compound libraries which include ethanol, and can simultaneously screen for up to 25
compounds including the major components of gasoline. Detection and quantitation of ethanol is
accomplished by using the response at the wavelength corresponding to the O-H stretch at
approximately 3500 cm-1. The BTEX components are evaluated via the aromatic ring
wavelengths at 2500-2000 cm-1. Thus, the method can provide absolute selectivity and separate
screening data even in low ethanol blend events.
Environmental matrix samples can be field-screened using typically available portable gas
chromatographs (GCs). Detection via FID or mass spectrometry (MS) is preferred as ethanol is a
poor responder to a PID. Detection limits will be elevated in most of these systems due to
ethanol‟s solubility in water and its poor purge efficiency. This is because most field portable
GC systems use headspace or purge and trap sample introduction methods and are not designed
for direct liquid injection onto the GC column. Although gasoline components volatilize easily
into sample headspace and are also readily purgeable, ethanol is water soluble, less likely to
quickly enter sample headspace and difficult to purge. These properties result in elevated
detection limits (see Table 6-2) for ethanol compared to benzene, for example. However, even
this elevated detection limit data can be useful in assessing impacts. If a field portable GC
system capable of accepting direct liquid injections is available, detection limits will be similar
to those reached in fixed-based laboratories utilizing published methods, as shown in Table 6-3.
Air - Both the NIOSH (1400) and OSHA (100) methods rely on collection onto an adsorption
tube, extraction via desorption solvent, and GC-FID quantitation. NIOSH 1400 uses an activated
charcoal collection tube and a dimethyl formamide/carbon disulfide extraction system. The
OSHA method (100) uses an Anosorb™ collection tube and desorption. Commercial
laboratories which perform both analyses are readily available.
Although, air samples may also be collected and analyzed using SUMMA canisters, like other
polar and water-soluble analytes, ethanol tends to “stick” to the canister and valve surfaces under
typical analysis conditions resulting in poor efficiency and elevated detection limits.
Water, Soils, and Sediments - the most prevalent methods for determining ethanol in
environmental matrices utilize direct-injection techniques and GC-FID using wide-bore capillary
columns coated with highly polar stationary phases designed for separation of alcohols.
Laboratories usually refer to these methods as 8015M when citing procedures. Direct injection
methods yield detection-limits in the low ppm range for both waters and soils/sediments.
Laboratories may also analyze samples for ethanol by GC/MS using the purge and trap
techniques (methods 5030A and 5035A). Due to ethanol‟s solubility in water and low purge-
efficiency, detection-limits are in the 100-250 ppb range for waters and soils/sediments.
Newer EPA Methods - during the 1990‟s EPA began looking at ways to improve detection
limits for polar organics such as ethanol. There were two alternative extraction methods
published in SW-846. Method 5031 utilizes azeotropic distillation methods and allows for
analysis of the extracted analytes by GC or GC/MS. Method 5032 uses vacuum distillation and
was also developed for use with either GC or GC/MS quantitation methods. Both methods were
developed by the EPA laboratories and required substantial equipment set-up and in some cases
construction of the required apparatus. These methods were, therefore, slow to be recognized by
the environmental analysis community and manufacturers. To date no commercial company has
produced an instrument for performing Method 5031. Recently, instruments became available to
perform vacuum distillation. EPA in 2007 published Method 8261 which is a vacuum
distillation GC/MS procedure. Ethanol is specifically listed as a potential target analyte in this
method (see Table 6-3).
First responders must utilize techniques and products that will counter both the water-
solubility and flammability of ethanol. In many cases, fires result during spill events, and
containment of such fires is often an effective response strategy (contained burn). As
discussed in Section 3.0 and Appendix A, burning in many large spill situations has
greatly reduced the mass of ethanol that reached environmental media. The products of
ethanol combustion are carbon dioxide and water. Under ideal conditions of wind
direction and speed, ground cover, proximity to structures, and other site-specific
elements, the best approach may be to conduct a controlled burn.
While water can be used to cool structures and misting can be used to keep vapors down,
the application of water to an ethanol fire, unless in sufficient volume, does not
substantially decrease the flammability of ethanol. The use of water also results in an
increased potential for migration of ethanol solution to storm and sanitary sewer lines,
groundwater, and surface water, unless it is recovered.
Fire-fighting foams can be effective, but must be alcohol resistant (AR-FFF), or rapid
degradation and loss of the foam blanket can occur. Unless recovery of the foam/ethanol
occurs, the potential for migration to storm and sanitary sewer lines, groundwater and
surface water is still present. The foam and ethanol mixture will result in increased
Any efforts by first responders to control or prevent migration of ethanol will have
benefits in reducing future response actions to address groundwater or surface water
impacts. Recovery of ethanol from soil or other surfaces will eliminate a flammability
hazard, and reduce impacts to groundwater and surface water. Physical barriers, such as
booms or plastic-lined earthen dams, can be effective in preventing flow of ethanol to
larger surface water bodies. Booms for such purposes must be designed to absorb water-
soluble materials. Physical barriers are only effective in blocking progress into water
bodies or ditches and afford little control once the ethanol has entered a water body.
Contained/Controlled Burn
Under ideal conditions of wind direction and speed, ground cover, distance from
structures, and other site-specific elements, the best approach to eliminating the
flammability hazard and minimizing movement of ethanol through soil may be to allow
the product to burn and/or conduct a controlled burn of the spilled product. Unlike
methanol, ethanol does burn with a visible flame, especially when denatured with low
percentages of gasoline. Contained/controlled burns must be conducted with the
oversight, guidance and approval of the local fire officials and appropriate precautions
must be taken to protect areas outside the burn zone and conduct sufficient monitoring to
both protect and satisfy the public. Monitoring should include both chemical and
physical elements; such as particulate matter in smoke.
This method actually leaves little waste and there is no need to dispose of any residuals;
all of the ethanol and/or ethanol blend is thermally destroyed. The risk associated with
this method include unexpected changes in wind direction and/or speed causing the burn
profile to shift, public exposure to the smoke and byproducts, and the overall perception
of an outdoor burn of a chemical spill.
As described in Section 3.0, this method has been used effectively in several ethanol
incidents that have occurred, including the New Brighton, PA and Arcadia, Ohio spills.
However, in both cases, releases to surface water also occurred. In the case of New
Brighton, PA, tank cars entered the river resulting in a direct release of ethanol to surface
water. In the case of Arcadia, OH, however, some of the ethanol released to the surface
did not immediately burn. Evidently pooled product permeated the snow and ice blanket,
entered the underlying soil, and migrated to the field drainage systems resulting in
impacts to the drainage water.
Because of the significant volumes of water that the method requires, this process is best
for smaller spills and in soils near POTW intakes. It is also better suited to surfaces such
as gravel, hard-pan soils and clays that will not produce large volumes of wet mud when
flushed with water. Obviously, it is a poor choice in areas near surface water bodies that
could be negatively impacted by the run-off from the flushing process.
potentially flammable liquids are present. Disposal options include landfill, bio-
treatment, or low-temperature thermal treatment. However, none of these options is
applicable to soils which are flammable (FP<140°F). Therefore, any soils which have
this potential issue must have their flammability lowered either through natural
evaporation or wetting of the matrix.
In-Place Mixing/Evaporation
For very large impact areas where controlled burning is not possible and off-site disposal
is not feasible, the only option may be to physically mix and manipulate the soils, thus
enhancing the natural volatilization of the ethanol. The objective of this approach is to
safely encourage sufficient volatilization to reduce the concentrations to the point where
the matrix is no longer toxic and natural bio-degradation is supported. Vapor suppression
methods such as water misting should be employed and the work zone must be controlled
and monitored for flammability. In large spills, the work area can be divided into
working grids and each grid screened for residual ethanol through flammability testing;
such as a simple open flame burn test. Soils containing insufficient ethanol to burn will
rapidly biodegrade if left to do so.
7.2.2 Groundwater
If a release of a high ethanol content material impacts the groundwater, the same
properties of ethanol that limit clean-up in surface water bodies apply. Response options
for groundwater impacted by an ethanol or ethanol blend spill are summarized in Table 7-
2. Ethanol will rapidly dissolve and
disperse into groundwater. It may TABLE 7-2 RESPONSE OPTIONS FOR SPILLS
also increase the mobility of any
Method Issues with Approach
gasoline components present in the Water treatment Carbon has limited
blend. Being water soluble and with sand/GAC effectiveness on ethanol
mobile, there are few immediate Will address gasoline
response options available. However,
Air sparging Ethanol has limited sparge
bio-degradation will commence efficiency
quickly as the plume concentration is Works well on gasoline
reduced. In zones of higher
Bio-augmentation Both ethanol and gasoline
concentrations, groundwater treat- Bio-venting components respond well
ment options are limited to sparging Will not work in high ethanol
and pump and treat methods using concentration systems
Monitored Natural Ethanol is highly and
carbon. These methods have limited Attenuation naturally biodegradable
efficiency due to the high solubility of
ethanol, but they can be used to reduce high concentrations to more treatable levels by
other means. In situ methods other than bio-augmentation are not applicable and the bio-
degradation process is inhibited at high concentration levels.
the matrix. Being water soluble and quickly biodegraded, reduction in dissolved oxygen
can result in fish kills. Such effects will continue until sufficient dilution has occurred to
reduce toxicity. Response options depend upon the types of surface water structures
impacted and are discussed in the next several sub-sections.
If the spill is confined to a ditch with slow-moving water, the best response is to dam the
ditch down-stream of the site or just up-stream of any threatened water body. Earthen
dams can be effective in preventing migration
Impacts to Stream to surface water. In cases where flow cannot
Painesville, Ohio be prevented, rip-rap can be used in the
Source: Ohio EPA 2007
construction of earthen dams to increase
turbulence and aeration. Typical emergency
response dams such as those made of hay
bales will not stop movement of the ethanol
since it is water-soluble. Booming is
ineffective for the same reason.
Pond aerators can be placed within the ditch to perform the sparging. Active water
treatment consisting of typical skid-mounted sand/carbon systems will remove both the
ethanol and gasoline components, although removal of ethanol will be limited.
Below is shown a simple aeration system implemented at the Bryan Ohio spill. The liner
Aeration of Stream, Bryan,
is used to prevent infiltration to
Ohio groundwater. Aeration is used over
Source: Ohio EPA short stretch of the stream to increase
oxygen content.
progress or to simply allow it to run its course until dilution eliminates impacts. Aeration
can be used to reduce or restore oxygen depletion. Any blocks/dams must be constructed
to block or significantly impede water or dissolved ethanol will not be controlled.
Large Rivers
Aside from keeping spills from entering larger rivers by blocking progress through
smaller streams and tributaries, there is little that can be done if material enters or is
released into a large river. Any downstream municipal plants must be notified of the spill
so that they may shut-off intakes and avoid reduction of loss of biological activity in their
wastewater treatment processes. Down flow industrial facilities which are using the
source for process water should also be notified in case ethanol could react negatively
with their process. In extreme cases, treat and release systems may be required upstream
of water plants to protect them from harmful concentrations of ethanol. In some cases,
aeration may be used to prevent or improve anoxic conditions resulting from the
biodegradation of ethanol. This was used in the case of the Wild Turkey Distillery
release to the Kentucky River, although only after a significant fish kill occurred. In may
be difficult to use such techniques to prevent such effects due to difficulties with the
deployment of such equipment in a sufficiently timely way.
Aeration of Kentucky River after Fish Kill, Source: U.S. Coast Guard 5/24/2000
and follow any underwater currents. If the spill occurs into a smaller body such as a farm
or residential pond, techniques such as aeration can be deployed to reduce concentrations
and oxygen depletion. Active pump and treat systems can also be employed. In larger
water bodies these methods would have limited influence and aside from preventing
additional release from the spill source there is little that can be done aside from allowing
the ethanol to dilute to a non-toxic level so that natural degradation can begin. As
discussed above, aeration techniques can be used, but the timeliness of such techniques is
7.2.4 Wetlands
Spills occurring in wetland environments pose unique challenges. Response options will
depend upon factors such as size and depth of the wetland/marsh, proximity to larger
open water, and in the case of tidal marshes, the tide stage and resulting water levels.
Ethanol impacts fresh and salt water in the same way and will rapidly dissolve into both,
as well as into brackish waters in estuaries and tidal rivers. Thus, options are once again
constrained by the rapid dispersion of ethanol and its solubility in the water.
Freshwater Marsh/Wetland
Response to spills in freshwater marsh/wetland areas depends upon factors such as the
size and depth of the impacted area. Spills in small shallow marshes are most likely to
result in high toxicity conditions as the dilution effects are greatly reduced. In these
cases, aeration, using typical pond aerators can help reduce ethanol concentrations and
avoid oxygen depletion. Although ethanol is soluble in water and actually forms an
azeotrope, it can be sparged from the water. The low efficiency will allow for aeration to
be utilized without fear of creating a flammable environment within the vicinity of the
marsh. This method can even work in larger/deeper marshes if the number of aerators
necessary is practical.
If a spill happens during low-water conditions there are more options including those
similar to response and clean-up of soil spills. If the low-tide marsh condition leaves
pockets of water or a low flow surrounded by wet exposed ground, the ethanol will not
Inner Harbor
A release which occurs in the calmer and less current influenced waters of an inner
harbor allows a more targeted response. As in fresh-water systems, any gasoline
components will float and can be controlled with booms and removed by skimming if
required. The ethanol will enter solution rapidly and also consume dissolved oxygen as it
either assimilates into the water or follows whatever currents are present. Since removal
of the alcohol from a large water body is almost impossible, the only options available
include 1) letting the material dissolve and disperse and 2) supplementing dissolved
oxygen by means of barge mounted air compressors and lengths of perforated pipe. This
proved effective and restored dissolved oxygen values to habitable levels in the Kentucky
River several years ago following a massive bourbon spill.
Outer Harbor
A spill which occurs in the outer harbor areas will be more difficult to respond to,
especially in dealing with the ethanol component. Outer harbor zones are deeper and
contain stronger currents. Recovery of the BTEX component if the material was
denatured with gasoline can be accomplished via booms and skimming. The ethanol will
quickly dissipate in currents and is virtually impossible to control. Addition of dissolved
oxygen is difficult as the “dead zone”, if present, will be guided by currents and may
even be confined to certain depths within the thermocline.
Open Ocean
There are no real response options in the open ocean. The deeper waters, stronger
currents and larger waves will serve to quickly dilute the material and make any sort of
recovery or dissolved oxygen supplementation virtually impossible. Any response efforts
should be focused on the gasoline components, if present, and any fuel oil released from
the craft involved.
8.0 References
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Volume 3, Water Resources and Associated Health Impacts. July, 2001.
Ohio Environmental Protection Agency. 2007. Report of the Painesville, Ohio train derailment.
Incident # 0710-43-3825. Found at:
Appendix A
Case Studies
Although ethanol has been produced and transported in large volumes for several decades there
have been relatively few incidences involving its catastrophic release into the environment.
There have been several occasions of underground storage tanks containing ethanol fuel blends
leaking, some for very long periods. These have involved E-10 type fuels which are not the
focus of this report.
Most of the high-concentration ethanol is moved from production plants to blending terminals by
rail. In fact, the majority of the event data is from rail incidents, several of which will be
discussed in detail. The other well-documented sources of ethanol impact to the environment
have been the result of fire incidents at distilleries. Two very significant events occurred in
Kentucky in 1996 and 2000. This section summarizes incidents that have occurred involving
ethanol. In many cases, the information presented lacks detail due to the very limited
information available.
Recently, with the rise of many more corn to ethanol plants across the Midwest Corn Belt, rail
road incidents involving ethanol have begun to occur. Trains can carry upwards of eighty 30,000
gallon capacity tank cars. Even so, considering the amount of ethanol which travels over the
nation‟s rails, there have been only a few major incidents and the environmental impacts have
been limited in the majority of these, primarily due to the resulting fires consuming most of the
New Brighton, PA
On October 20, 2006 an eastbound Norfolk Southern train derailed consisting of eighty 30K
gallon tank cars of 95% ethanol denatured with gasoline. The incident occurred at
approximately 10:30 pm and while the train was traversing the bridge over the Beaver River just
west of the city of New Brighton. A total of twenty-three (23) tank cars derailed. Three cars
ended up in the river and the other twenty were scattered along the bank and the rails at the
eastern end of the bridge with approximately 17 being compromised.
There were fortunately no deaths or injuries. The resulting explosion and fire warranted the
evacuation of all persons within a several block radius, which amounted to approximately fifty
people since the incident occurred in a largely commercial section of town. The fire was
controlled and then allowed to burn itself out. This action consumed the bulk of the material and
limited release to the soil and water. The three cars which actually entered the river were not
punctured and the product did not leak from them in any significant quantity.
The fire consumed most of the product and although an estimated 60,000 gallons may have
entered the river there was little impact on the environment noted. The Beaver River is a large
and fast flowing (18,000 cfs at the time) system and no fish kill or any other impact was noted.
Trace levels of ethanol and gasoline components were detected downstream of the site. The
nearest public drinking water supply intake was located 11 miles downriver and was not
impacted from the spill.
Painesville, Ohio
On October 10, 2007 approximately 30 cars of a CSX train derailed outside Painesville, OH. Of
the thirty cars that left the tracks, five
Painesville Ohio Spill, From City of were tankers containing denatured
Painesville Fire Department ethanol. The other cars contained bio-
diesel, phthalic anhydride, and butane.
Several of the ethanol cars exploded and
burned. Fire fighters used copious
amounts of water to cool the butane car
and the resulting run-off carried spilled
ethanol into a nearby stream.
remove approximately 500,000 gallons of impacted water for disposal. When it became evident
that ethanol had impacted a second stream it was aerated to minimize the loss of dissolved
oxygen. Samples were collected from the streams and the nearest outlet stream. In addition,
water quality checks were performed on a regular basis at locations along both impacted streams
and their outlets. Visibly impacted soils from the area of the derailed cars were removed and
samples collected.
Luther, Oklahoma
In August 2008 eight cars of 110-unit train derailed in central Oklahoma, outside the small rural
community of Luther, OK. Seven of the cars were tank cars containing denatured ethanol or
crude oil. The resulting explosions and fire forced evacuation of all persons within a 1-mile
radius of the incident. There were no injuries or deaths. The fire was allowed to burn itself out
and there was minimal environmental impact.
Rockford, Illinois
On June 19, 2009 14 tank cars of denatured ethanol derailed while traversing a crossing near the
city of Rockford, IL. Twelve of the tanker cars caught fire, and one motorist was killed and nine
others injured from the resulting explosion and fire. Approximately 600 homes were evacuated
and the fire was allowed to burn itself out, which took approximately 24-hours. Approximately
360,000 gallons of ethanol were consumed in the fire, and 55,000 to 75,000 gallons released in
soil and unnamed creek. The unnamed creek is a tributary to the Kishwaukee River, which
drains into the Rock River.
Approximately 1400 tons of soil were removed from the site, and runoff water was controlled. A
nearby drinking water supply was also sampled, with no ethanol detected. Air monitoring was
conducted at the site and surrounding community from June 21 through July 2, and no elevated
volatile organic compound concentrations were identified.
On June 20, a fish kill was observed on the Rock River over a 50 mile area. This area is about
35 miles downstream of the spill location, and has not definitively been related to the spill.
Surface water sampling was initiated on June 21 in the unnamed creek, and the Kishwaukee and
Rock Rivers, but ethanol was not detected (EPA 2009). Dissolved oxygen levels were
determined to be normal, although the time of sampling was not specified.
Soil borings and monitoring wells were installed and sampled at the site. In addition, several
private wells in the area were sampled. The results for all soil and water samples were either
non-detect or below applicable screening criteria (EPA (2009b). However, the analyses may
have been limited to BTEX and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) – Gasoline Range
Organics (GRO). Fish tissue samples were also analyzed, and both ethanol and acetaldehyde
were detected (EPA 2009b).
Knoxville, Tennessee
On September 15, 2009 five tank cars hauling ethanol overturned in Knoxville, TN. The
derailment occurred while the train was slowing to off-load and as a result no fire resulted.
Approximately 6000 gallons of ethanol are believed to have been released from the two cars that
were compromised. Approximately 1000 gallons were recovered from visible pools once the
cars were up-righted.
Arcadia, Ohio
On February 6, 2011 at approximately 2:15 am, a Norfolk Southern train with 62 tank cars all
loaded with denatured ethanol (95%) derailed approximately one and a half miles outside the
village of Arcadia, OH. Thirty-four of the cars derailed and two immediately exploded and
burned. Thirty-two others became involved due to the heat. Two cars were intact and later
transferred to semi tankers and reloaded on train cars to be delivered. Local volunteer fire-
fighting crews concentrated on the safety of nearby residents, preventing access to the area.
Numerous fire departments staged in Arcadia in the event it was determined that protection of a
nearby Farmers Co-op was needed.
First-responder actions concentrated on Arcadia Spill
evacuation of approximately 20 houses Source: OhioEPA
and maintaining a secure perimeter.
The fires were essentially allowed to
burn, involving other cars within the
crash pile for several hours. Once the
major fires had subsided sufficiently to
permit site entry, railroad salvage
workers began to separate uninvolved
the tank cars. Salvage and product removal operations continued for several days with the last
burning car extinguishing by late Monday evening. The tracks were replaced and re-opened by
Tuesday afternoon. An estimated 780,000 gallons of denatured ethanol were either burned or
spilled in the incident. Relevant response approaches and observations are summarized below:
During the response, air-monitoring was conducted primarily for BTEX using portable
PID systems. Ethanol was not directly monitored other than through LEL readings.
Product and cooling water spilled onto the track area, onto two tiled farm fields bisected
by the tracks and into a small bar ditch located below the tracks and a storm catch basin
directly under the derailment site. Cooling water potentially mixed with denatured
ethanol also entered a storm drain located at the Co-op. Both the storm water drain and
creek empty into the South Branch of the Portage River.
The creek was first dammed approximately half a mile from the derailment to protect this
resource and to allow recovery operations to proceed along the creek. Due to the weather
conditions, the creek was frozen which caused the ethanol to migrate downstream under
the ice. A second dam was place approximately a mile from the derailment and ahead of
the migrating ethanol. At the ethanol migrated downstream it melted the surface ice and
open pools were seen along the creek. The liquid was vacuumed from the creek in three
locations and transferred into fractionation tanks for off-site disposal. Vacuuming
continued for several days until the melt and rains made it impossible. By that time
aeration systems had been place in the creek at three locations and activated carbon was
en route to be staged near the dams. The dams remain in place and aeration of the creek
is continuing at the time of this report. Pools of water onsite continue to be collected due
to high levels of ethanol.
No visible fish kill was noted. Soil remediation actions did not commence until all of the
cars were removed from the tracks and are continuing at the time of this report. These
consist of removal of visibly impacted areas and post removal sampling.
State and Federal environmental agencies directed sampling for BTEX and ethanol in
soils. Benzene was determined to be the site action-level driver, as there is no clean-up
level for ethanol defined in Ohio regulations. Ethanol concentrations were determined
for informational purposes only. In the
creek and South Branch of the Portage
Arcadia Spill
Source: OhioEPA River samples were collected and analyzed
for BTEX, ethanol, and water quality
parameters including biochemical oxygen
demand, chemical oxygen demand, and
dissolved oxygen. Residents‟ groundwater
wells were also sampled for ethanol and
BTEX. No groundwater samples indicated
Aside from incidents in transport of fuel ethanol, large volumes of ethanol have entered the
environment as a result of distillery fires. Two incidents in Kentucky were found. The first in
1996 occurred at the Heaven‟s Hill‟s Distillery in Bardstown, KY. In the case of this fire the
location of the buildings, distance from a water body, and intensity of the fire limited the
environmental impact. This particular fire occurred during a very windy day (55 mph winds)
and as such, a total of seven storage/aging buildings, each holding 900,000 gallons of bourbon
and thirteen other buildings were destroyed. However, the intensity of the flames and the terrain
caused more pooling and burning of the liquids and limited damage outside the fire zones. The
second incident, at the Wild Turkey Distillery in Lawrenceburg, KY did not result in the same
limited impact to the environment.
They concentrated on protecting the other distillery structures and controlling any spot fires in
the woods, but did not block the flow of burning alcohol.
Once it was discovered that alcohol was indeed entering the river, at a point upstream of the city
of Lawrenceburg‟s drinking water plant intake, the plant was shut down to keep the alcohol from
entering the treatment process. Fire-fighters then used shuttle tankers filled in the river to bring
cooling/protection water to the fight. The fire burned and cooling/protection activities continued
through the night. The city water plant was back on line within 24-hours.
Initial assessment from the state environmental agency was that the incident had resulted in
limited impact to the environment and that possibly 20-percent of the alcohol had actually
entered the river. State officials figured that this volume (approximately 200,000 gallons) would
have limited impact on a large river system such as the Kentucky River. A couple of days later,
the morning of May 11th, the city of Frankfurt, located 14-miles downstream from the site
reported a sweet smell in the river and a massive fish kill. Other reports soon followed in what
would be the largest chemical spill induced fish kill in the history of the state. At its peak the
area of “dead water” stretched five to six miles in length and traveled approximately five-miles
per hour downstream.
Officials were surprised that the movement of the material through the various locks and dams
did not serve to eliminate the alcohol and aerate the water. On May 18th, when it became
obvious that the zone of dead water was not subsiding, EPA began to oxygenate the dead water
area as it reached the confluence of the Ohio River. They did this by using six barges equipped
with air-compressors connected to lengths of perforated pipe. Aeration continued until dissolved
oxygen levels reached at least 5 ppm, and ended on the 25th of May.
The Coast Guard monitors ethanol spill statistics. They reported (USCG 2010) that there have
been only two ethanol spills over the last six years while loading or discharging, and both were
less than five gallons. They also report that waterfront facilities have averaged one spill a year,
but only one of these was over 100 gallons.
Below are the descriptions of two documented incidents from marine transport of ethanol and
ethanol blends. One occurred in the open ocean (not included in statistics above), and the other
during on-loading activities in port. In both instances no response actions were targeted to the
ethanol itself.
Appendix B
Fate and Transport Literature Review
This appendix provides a review of the fate and transport of ethanol in soil, ground water,
surface water and the atmosphere. The information provided here is presented in summary form
in Section 4. This review uses information from numerous sources, including peer-reviewed
literature, industry publications, and agency presentations.
The New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission (NEIWPCC, 2001) report
summarizes the fate and transport issues associated with a release of neat ethanol into the
environment and compares them with the issues related to ethanol blends. A spill that releases
large volumes of neat or denatured ethanol into the environment, such as an accident involving a
unit train or a marine tanker carrying ethanol, or an accident at a bulk ethanol storage facility,
would result in a large surface spill migrating rapidly over the land surface. This spill would
eventually reach a surface water body such as a pond, stream, river or the ocean; or it may
infiltrate into the soil and reach the groundwater. In comparison, E-blend releases, such as E10
or E85, are expected to be smaller in volume, as these releases often occur during splash
blending of ethanol with gasoline, tanker truck accidents, or at retail gasoline stations. Unlike
gasoline spills, the sampling and analysis of ethanol following E-blend releases have been
limited. Some studies have indicated that the presence of ethanol in gasoline can inhibit BTEX
(benzene, ethyl benzene, toluene, and xylenes) biodegradation in groundwater systems, resulting
in enhanced BTEX plumes (Powers et al., 2001; Deeb et al., 2002). In contrast, other studies
have suggested that the presence of ethanol in gasoline can reduce the persistence of benzene in
E-blend releases due to increased biomass growth facilitated by the ethanol (Gomez and Alvarez,
This section describes some of the important fate processes that affect ethanol in the
environment, including biodegradation, partitioning and methane production. The following
sections (4.0 through 7.0), discuss fate and transport processes by medium.
electron acceptors and nutrients available to degrade the ethanol. Degradation rates of ethanol
are higher than gasoline, with half lives ranging from hours to days (Malcolm Pirnie, 1998;
HSDB, 2011). Due to the rapid loss of ethanol through photo-oxidation in air and
biodegradation in soil and water, ethanol is unlikely to accumulate in the soil, air, surface water,
or groundwater. Degradation rates have been estimated using field and laboratory studies;
however, there is a great deal of uncertainty as to how these estimated rates of ethanol loss will
apply in realistic field conditions. Therefore, rates discussed below are considered to represent
order-of-magnitude estimates and may not be applicable for site-specific releases.
Under aerobic conditions, biodegradation of ethanol in fresh and salt water with filtered sewage
seed resulted in 5-day theoretical biochemical oxygen demand values ranging from 37% to 86%,
at concentrations of 3 to 10 mg/L (HSDB 2011). In a microcosm using sandy aquifer material
and groundwater, a half life for ethanol with a starting concentration of 100 mg/L, was reported
to be 3 days in samples prepared with 20 mg/L of benzene, toluene or o-xylene under aerobic
conditions (HSDB 2011). Using the same microcosm setup, but under anaerobic conditions, the
half-life was reported as 1.5 days (denitrifying conditions, and 5 days (iron-reducing conditions).
Air/Water Partitioning
The air-to-water partitioning behavior of ethanol is governed by Henry‟s Law and described by
the Henry‟s Law constant, which represents the equilibrium ratio of a contaminant‟s
concentration in the air to its concentration in the water. The value of the dimensionless Henry‟s
Law constant for ethanol is approximately 2.5 x 10-4 at 25o C (Malcolm Pirnie, Inc., 1998). This
relatively low value of the Henry‟s Law constant for ethanol indicates that ethanol has a strong
affinity for the aqueous phase compared to the vapor phase. As a result, ethanol volatilization
from surface water or off-gassing from groundwater are not likely to be significant mechanisms
for ethanol mass loss from water. It is noted, however, that the Henry‟s Law constant is a
function of temperature, and that this constant, and the affinity for ethanol to partition into the
vapor phase, will increase with increasing temperature.
Soil/Water Partitioning
The partitioning of ethanol concentration between the soil and water is described by its soil/water
partition coefficient Kd. Kd values can be estimated by the following:
Kd = Koc foc
where Koc is the partition coefficient for the target species (ethanol) and soil organic carbon, and
foc is the fraction of organic carbon present in the soil. HSDB (2011) reports a Koc for ethanol of
1, resulting in low partitioning of ethanol to most soils. This indicates that ethanol will generally
migrate with groundwater, and adsorption onto soil or sediment are not likely to be significant
fate and transport mechanisms (Wood et al., 1990; Zogorski et al., 1996)..
After an ethanol spill, the following conditions must be met for an explosion hazard to occur
from methane (ASTDR, 2011):
Methane gas migration. The methane gas must be able to migrate from soil and
groundwater to underground utility pipes, drains, conduits or through natural subsurface
preferential migration pathways present in the geologic media.
Collection in a confined space. The methane gas must collect in a confined space to a
concentration at which it could potentially explode. A confined space might be a
manhole, a subsurface space, a utility room in a home, or a basement. The concentration
level at which gas has the potential to explode is called the explosive limit. The potential
for a gas to explode is determined by its lower explosive limit (LEL) and upper explosive
limit (UEL). The LEL and UEL are measures of the percent of a gas in the air by volume.
However, an explosion hazard may exist if a gas is present in the air between the LEL
and UEL and an ignition source is present. For methane, the LEL is 5% by volume and
the UEL is 15% by volume. At concentrations below its LEL and above its UEL, a gas is
not considered explosive.
The introduction of fuel ethanol to groundwater stimulates anaerobic microbial activity leading
to methanogenesis, which is the production of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) by
biological processes. The chemistry behind the methanogenesis from ethanol is as follows:
For example, 46 mg/L ethanol can produce 16 mg/L methane (Wilson and Adair, 2007). At
higher concentrations (near 1000 mg/L) ethanol rapidly ferments to methane at a rate near 20 to
60 mg/L per day (Jewell, et al., 2010). At an average groundwater temperature of 15°C, and an
atmospheric pressure of 1 atm (atmospheres), 0.73 liters of methane gas will be produced per
gram of ethanol (Powers et al., 2001).
Methane vapors are produced over an extended period of time and persist in soil gas for a long
time, at levels exceeding the lower and upper explosive limits for methane (5% and 15% by
volume, respectively (Wilson and Adair, 2007).
The methane originating from the anaerobic degradation of ethanol in groundwater first
undergoes aerobic biodegradation in soil pores and consumes the available oxygen from the soil
gas (assuming oxygen is initially present). This oxygen would otherwise be available to degrade
benzene and other gasoline constituents introduced to soil gas from an E-blend spill. The aerobic
degradation of benzene is therefore limited in presence of ethanol. One part methane will
consume two parts oxygen. Considering that air is 20% oxygen, the biodegradation of 10%
methane by volume can consume all of the oxygen in soil gas and stop the aerobic
biodegradation of benzene. The lack of benzene degradation caused by the consumption of
oxygen by methane results in increased persistence of benzene in soil gas and poses a fire and
explosion hazard (Jewell et al. 2010).
The production of methane, accumulation and potential for explosion is of concern to emergency
responders following an ethanol spill. Specific issues of concern are addressed below:
Timing of methane generation: The time elapsed after an ethanol release until methane
generation begins, and the rate at which it occurs, will be very site specific. Methane
generation typically will not occur until available electron acceptors (i.e., oxygen, nitrate,
iron, and sulfate) are consumed. Water with high levels of these compounds prior to
ethanol exposure will typically take longer to generate methane. Waters previously
exposed to hydrocarbon or alcohol contaminants might also have higher microbial levels,
thus able to more rapidly consume ethanol and generate methane. In laboratory
experiments (Schaefer et al., 2010), it took about 6 weeks before methane was generated
in anaerobic microcosm experiments. Chen et al. (2008) observed methane generation
after about 10 weeks.
Based on these rates, it appears that there is a lag time of 6 to 10 weeks between the
ethanol spill and generation of methane. The lag time is adequate for an environmental
response to be initiated and actions taken to contain the ethanol spill, recover a large
percentage of the spilled ethanol, provide aeration to the waters if necessary, and thereby
eliminating the source material for methane production. If these actions are taken, the
explosion hazards from methane generation will be minimized.
The general presumption is that at sites with sandy soil, steep topographic gradients (used
as indicator of subsurface hydraulic gradients), and presence of nearby surface water
bodies to which groundwater may discharge, groundwater is likely to be aerobic and
moving rapidly. The potential for methane generation and accumulation of methane in
soil gas is lower in such environments. At sites with flat topography, clay, peat or other
soils with high organic matter, water logged or swampy conditions, it is expected that
groundwater flow is not as rapid and anaerobic conditions favoring the generation of
methane may occur. If the ethanol spill occurs in an area where hydrocarbon or alcohol
contaminants from previous environmental releases may be present, these areas might
also have higher microbial levels, thus able to more rapidly consume ethanol and
generate methane as compared to remote areas with no prior contamination history.
Anaerobic conditions may also already be present in such areas.
order rate constant for ethanol under methanogenic conditions can range from about 0.08
to 0.3 per day while the first order rate constant for methane is in the 0.16 to 0.6 per day
range. The corresponding half life of ethane ranges from 2.3 days to 8.7 days; which
means that in approximately 2 to 9 days after methanogenic conditions have been
reached, half of the ethanol spilled and introduced to the groundwater will be converted
to methane. The volumetric rate of methane produced depends upon the dissolved
ethanol concentration and the first order rate constant discussed above. There is an upper
limit to ethanol biodegradation, and thus methane generation, as a result of ethanol
toxicity. Some of the methane produced will be transported in groundwater, while the
remainder may escape as soil gas. The accumulation of methane vapors in the subsurface
will likely depend upon the rate at which methane vapor escaping from the water (either
surface or subsurface) can be dissipated. For surface spills, wind and diffusion will likely
prevent any substantial methane accumulation. However, in enclosed areas, in subsurface
environments, or where subsurface soil gas can impact things like basements or utilities,
accumulation can occur. Providing electron acceptors (oxygen, nitrate, sulfate, etc.)
should limit methane generation.
Therefore, while methane will be generated after an ethanol spill, the potential for an
explosion hazard is dependent upon the accumulation of methane gas in a confined space
to a potentially explosive concentration. As discussed previously, the potential for a gas
to explode is determined by its LEL and UEL (5% and 15% by volume), respectively,
measured as the percent of gas in the air by volume. An explosion hazard may exist if a
gas is present in the air between the LEL and UEL and an ignition source is present. For
methane, the LEL is 5% by volume and the UEL is 15% by volume. Powers et al. (2001)
indicate that after an ethanol spill, at an average groundwater temperature of 15°C and an
atmospheric pressure of 1 atm, 0.73 liters of methane gas will be produced per gram of
ethanol. The methane gas is produced over an extended period of time and will persist as
soil gas for a long time, at levels exceeding the LEL and UEL (Wilson and Adair, 2007).
If this soil gas is vented to the atmosphere, an explosion hazard is unlikely to exist;
however, the confinement of the methane in soil gas in subsurface structures like a
manhole, a subsurface space, a utility room in a home, or a basement could lead to an
explosion hazard.
Empirical data from large volume ethanol spills: Empirical data regarding the
persistence of ethanol-generated methane in soil and groundwater was collected at a bulk
fuel terminal in the pacific northwest, where 19,000 gallons of neat ethanol were released
from an above ground storage tank in 1999 (Buscheck et al. 2001). High ethanol
concentrations (exceeding 20,000 ug/L) were measured at distances over 250 feet
downgradient from the spill location. The groundwater velocity in the spill area was
estimated to range from 300 to 400 feet per year. Within three months of the spill, ethanol
concentrations in groundwater of up to about 16,000 mg/L were measured. Groundwater
concentrations declined dramatically, and by July 2001 ethanol was not detected in the
two wells that previously had the highest concentrations.
Tousignant and Evrard (2009) also reported the results of a spill of approximately 27,000
gallons of denatured ethanol (containing 2% to 5% gasoline) as a result of a rail collision
between Montreal and Ottawa, Canada on May 2, 2005. Impacted surface soil was
removed (12 inches), however, the spill resulted in impacts on groundwater. Surface
application of a quick reacting oxidizer (RegenoxTM) was initiated to reduce ethanol
levels (toxic to bacteria) at the spill location (July 2006). Additional treatment consisted
of surface application of a slow release oxidizer (ORC advancedTM) at the spill location
(September 2006), application of ORC down-gradient of the spill location in
infiltration/interception trenches (November 2006), and ORC injection to groundwater in
the plume area to treat BTEX contamination (August 2008). Concentrations of ethanol in
the source area were as high as 46,000,000 ug/L, but were reduced to non-detect in all
locations by February 2008. BTEX compounds were more persistent, even with the ORC
application, substantiating the longer half lives of BTEX compounds and therefore slower
degradation rates as compared to ethanol. The authors observed methane in groundwater,
but its generation was likely inhibited by the addition of oxidizers. Methane was also
observed in some non impacted wells. The authors attributed this observation to the
degradation of ethanol by-products, but may have been a result of the continued
migration of methane in groundwater.
Extent of methane related hazards: The empirical data from Buscheck et al. 2001
suggests that methane related hazards will extend to the area occupied by the ethanol
plume in groundwater, and will extend to a distance that can be estimated from the
groundwater velocity and the time since the release. The extent of the groundwater
plume will provide the upper bound for the extent of methane impacts, except for any
preferential pathways such as utilities that may provide further spread of the methane in
soil gas. Numerical estimates of the ethanol plume impacts can be made using software
such as FOOTPRINT (EPA, 2008). In general, for most spills, the ethanol in
groundwater is expected to be degraded and not be of concern in a year or two (Wilson
and Adair, 2007).
As previously discussed, neat ethanol or E-blend fuels can infiltrate into the subsurface. The
liquid will then percolate through the subsurface vadose zone soils, moving through the gas-
filled pore spaces, until it ultimately reached the water table. Due to its affinity to reside in the
water phase, migrating ethanol will partition into soil moisture; this partitioning can slow the
downward migration of ethanol (McDowell and Powers, 2003). Dissolved ethanol present in
soil pore water typically is subject to biodegradation, which can further attenuate the rate of
ethanol migration to the water table.
The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL, 1999) report discusses how the presence
of ethanol in E-blend fuels affects the migration and distribution of gasoline in the unsaturated
zone by reducing the capillary forces and altering the pore structure of some minerals. In the
presence of ethanol, gasoline components can enter smaller pore spaces and drain more easily
from unsaturated zone soils. At bulk terminals and other locations where unsaturated-zone
hydrocarbon contamination may pre-exist, the introduction of ethanol may mobilize the existing
contamination. The depth and the area of hydrocarbon pool on top of the water table may be
altered by the presence of ethanol which reduces the capillary forces and therefore reduces the
height of the capillary fringe.
Once ethanol reaches the groundwater, its fate and transport is governed by the groundwater
flow rate and natural attenuation processes such as biodegradation, adsorption, dispersion and the
partitioning of ethanol between soil, water and air. Biodegradation is the primary mechanism for
the loss of ethanol from the groundwater system. The aerobic and anaerobic degradation of
ethanol mechanisms were previously discussed in Section 3.1, while the attenuation caused by
adsorption and partitioning of ethanol among various media was discussed in Section 5.2 of this
Appendix. Although there are non-toxic intermediate byproducts of ethanol degradation such as
acetate and hydrogen gas, the final product of aerobic degradation of ethanol is carbon dioxide,
while ethanol degrades anaerobically to yield methane and carbon dioxide.
Unlike the standard components of gasoline which are hydrophobic, ethanol is hydrophilic. The
LLNL (1999) report and NEIWPCC (2001) identified the following characteristics of ethanol
and E-blend fuel fate and transport in groundwater:
Ethanol degrades rapidly when released to the environment under favorable conditions;
The presence of ethanol in E-blend fuels will affect the dissolved concentrations of
benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes (BTEX) in groundwater if the ethanol
concentrations are high;
The presence of ethanol in E-blend fuels will increase the residence time of fuel
hydrocarbons in the groundwater;
The presence of ethanol in groundwater will increase BTEX plume lengths, from 1.1 up
to 2.5 times farther than without ethanol. This is because ethanol alters the processes of
sorption and retardation of gasoline components in groundwater and its biodegradation
reduces the rate of BTEX biodegradation. Some studies (Gomez and Alvarez, 2009)
suggest that ethanol may actually enhance the rate of benzene biodegradation, thereby
reducing benzene plume length and persistence;
If spilled as a neat product, ethanol can remobilize the gasoline components of pre-
existing contaminant plumes and cause lateral spreading of liquid petroleum and 10-fold
increases in the concentration of BTEX; and
The introduction of ethanol may affect aquifer porosity and hydraulic conductivity due to
bio-film growth, mineral precipitation or dissolution, and nitrogen or methane gas
When ethanol is introduced to groundwater as an E-blend fuel, the behaviors of water and the E-
blend fuels change as follows (LLNL, 1999):
Interfacial tension between the water and the gasoline phases is reduced.
After a large volume surface spill, neat ethanol or E-blend fuel will flow over pavement and soil
until reaching a point of discharge into storm sewers, wetlands, lakes, and streams. During the
overland flow over soil and pavement, ethanol will partially volatilize into the atmosphere. As
the ethanol flows over soil, some of the ethanol will infiltrate the soil and reach the groundwater,
which may discharge to a surface water body. The remaining ethanol could reach a wetland or a
surface water body directly. Upon reaching a surface water body, either as groundwater
discharge or surface flow, ethanol will rapidly mix with the water and go into solution (Malcolm
Pirnie, 1998).
As discussed above, due to the low Koc for ethanol, ethanol in surface water is not expected to
partition onto suspended solids or sediment (HSDB 2011). Also as discussed above,
volatilization from surface water is not expected to be a significant fate and transport
mechanism. HSDB (2011) identified a bioconcentration factor (BCF) for ethanol of 3, indicating
it has a low potential for accumulation in aquatic organisms.
The primary fate and transport mechanism in surface water is expected to be biodegradation.
With concentrations greater 10°C, Malcolm Pirnie (1998) reported half lives ranging from hours
to days.
Malcolm Pirnie (1998) reported that the half life of ethanol in the atmosphere is in the order of
days, especially in summer when ethanol undergoes rapid reactions with hydroxyl radicals.
Appendix C
Health Effects Literature Review
This appendix provides a review of health effects of ethanol, which is summarized in Section 5.0
of the report. This review uses abstracts and reviews to the extent possible, as well as original
studies where available. The focus of this review is on inhalation exposures, with a limited
discussion of ingestion exposures. There is a large body of literature on the effects of alcohol
consumption on human health. This is not discussed in detail here, as exposures of this
magnitude and duration would not be expected in a spill situation. This review includes
discussions of uptake and metabolism, acute toxicity, chronic toxicity, teratogenicity,
developmental/reproductive effects, and carcinogenicity.
Ethanol is completely absorbed orally, and about 60% is absorbed via inhalation (NHDES 2009).
CIREP (2008) reports that absorption of ethanol occurs through the skin, but doesn‟t affect the
skin barrier, or result in very high internal concentrations. However, they also report that ethanol
can enhance the absorption of other substances through the skin.
Nadeau et al. (2003) reported that absorption of ethanol from the lungs was about 75% upon
exposure to ethanol in air for six hours at 1000 ppm, somewhat higher than that reported by other
authors. They found that ethanol concentrations in expired air reached steady state after three
hours of exposure.
Hardman et al. (2001) reported that most ethanol (90% to 98%) is metabolized primarily in the
liver to acetaldehyde (the rate-limiting step), and subsequently to acetate and ultimately to
carbon dioxide and water. The balance is excreted as unoxidized ethanol in urine, sweat, and
expired air. They reported that the oxidation of ethanol by a 70 kg person occurs at the
approximate rate of 120 mg/kg per hour. Bingham et al. (2001) reported that at an ethanol air
concentration of 8000 ppm and a ventilation rate of 15L/min, the rate of alcohol uptake was
equal to the rate of metabolism. Based on review of the literature, EPA‟s (1997) recommended
ventilation rates for short term exposures of adults range from 7 L/min for adults at rest to 53
L/min for heavy activity. Bingham et al. (2001) concluded that a continuous rise in ethanol
concentrations in blood would not result from exposure to 1000 ppm in air (Bingham et al.
2001). This conclusion is consistent with that reported above by Nadeau et al. (2003).
descent are deficient in ALDH, making them at higher risk of esophageal cancer (Baan et al.
NEIWPCC (2001) identifies an odor threshold for ethanol of 100 ppm in air. Ethanol vapors
cause irritation of mucous membranes of eyes and respiratory tract at concentrations of 5000-
10,000 ppm, although such effects were not observed at concentrations less than 5000 ppm
(Lester and Greenberg, 1951). Stupor and sleepiness have also been observed at these
concentrations (Lester and Greenberg 1951). More severe effects were observed at
concentrations of 16,000 to 21,000 ppm. Headaches and other initial signs of intoxication were
reported in humans exposed to concentrations greater than 3000 ppm for 2 hrs (OEHHA 1999).
Nadeau et al. (2003) evaluated neuromotor effects (reaction time body sway, hand tremor and
rapid alternating movements) in healthy males exposed to 0, 250, 500, and 1000 ppm ethanol in
air for six hours. Ethanol was not detected in blood or alveolar air at exposures up to 500 ppm,
but at 1000 ppm, blood and alveolar air were 0.443 mg/100 ml, and 253.1 ppm, respectively.
Neuromotor tests did not show conclusively significant differences between the exposed and
control conditions.
Narcosis, ataxia and incoordination were observed in animals after exposure to 4000-10,000 ppm
for 8 hrs (Hobbs et al. 1996). Exposure of rats or mice to 20,000 ppm of ethanol resulted in
performance effects, although the lowest dose (12,000 ppm) had marginal effects. The alcohol
blood level of rats exposed to 16,000 ppm was 0.05 % - the point at which decrements in human
performance have been most clearly documented. Inhalation of 10,000-30,000 ppm for eight
hours or more is lethal to rats (HEI 1996). Inhalation of 10,000-30,000 ppm for extended
periods (8 hrs or more) is lethal to rats. Ingestion of ethanol has caused death in humans, but
OEHHA (1999) concluded that a lethal dose by inhalation was unlikely (OEHHA 1999).
Pastino et al. (1997) developed a pharmacokinetic model for ethanol uptake by inhalation in rats
and mice. They concluded that after exposure to 600 ppm ethanol for six hours, maximum blood
ethanol concentrations were less than 10% of the concentration reported as the threshold for
behavioral effects.
NEIWPCC (2001) concluded that overall data from human studies suggest a threshold for acute
neurological effects in blood alcohol range of 0.01-0.05%. Acute ingestion of about 1 g/kg
alcohol approximates 0.1% blood alcohol levels, suggesting a 0.1 to 0.5 g/kg as the lowest
human observable adverse effect level (LOAEL) for acute ethanol neurotoxicty in humans.
Gleason et al (1969) summarized the following effects associated with blood alcohol levels:
Effects on laboratory animals appear to occur at similar ethanol doses, and with similar
symptoms. Ethanol doses of 0.1-0.5 g/kg resulted in increased motor activity in rats and
increased aggressiveness in monkeys. At higher doses, incoordination was observed (HEI 1996).
Acute lethal doses in dogs range from 3-10 g/kg, with death resulting in respiratory failure and
death within 12 hrs (Reese and Kimbrough 1993). The oral LD50 for adult rats (lethal dose to
50% of the population) ranges from 11.5 to 17.8 g/kg, while younger rats were more sensitive
(LD50 of 6.2 g/kg) (OEHHA 2000).
NEIWPCC (2001) reported the results of several researchers that identified effects of chronic
exposure (generally oral) to ethanol on blood cellularity and function, particularly white blood
cells (Malik and Wickramasinghe, 1986 and Marietta et al. 1998), although the effect of these
changes on immune function is unclear. NEIWPCC (2001) indicated that the dose response data
is limited in such studies, and it is unclear whether such effects are relevant to low environmental
One study (Chu et al. 2005) considered the effects of inhalation exposure of rats to ethanol and
gasoline separately, as well as combined. They exposed rats to 6130 ppm ethanol, 500 ppm
gasoline, and 85% ethanol gas (6130 ppm ethanol and 500 ppm gasoline) for 6 hours per day,
five days per week for four weeks. They found that female rats treated with the mixture showed
growth suppression, which was reversed after four weeks in filtered air. They also observed
increased kidney weight and liver effects, including increased liver weight and enzyme activity,
with the most significant effects associated with gasoline exposure. Combined exposure resulted
in additive effects on growth suppression. While other researchers have identified inflammation
of the upper respiratory tract with acute ethanol exposures of this magnitude, Chu et al. (2005)
observed this effect only with combined exposure suggesting irritating effect when combined.
They concluded that inhalation of ethanol and gasoline at the concentrations tested resulted in
mild, reversible, biochemical hematological and histological effects, with some indications of
interactions when combined.
NEIWPCC (2001) indicated that there are some studies in humans and rodents that support
ethanol induced genetic effects resulting from moderate to high levels of ethanol exposure
(Froines et al, 1998). Findings have related ethanol exposure to chromosomal abnormalities in
miscarried pregnancies and sperm, and dominant lethal mutations in mice and rats. They
suggested that the mechanism may involve exposure to acetaldehyde as well as ethanol. (Froines
et al. 1998) also reports that a variety of studies have shown that exposure of prepubertal rats and
mice are exposed to ethanol can result in delays development of male reproductive tract,
although dose response data are insufficient to identify specific effects.
OEHHA (1999) reported that rats and mice on liquid diets of 5-10% ethanol for 5 or more weeks
showed adverse effects on the testes. They also identified that some studies show effects on the
fetus, including growth retardation, malformations, and death in rats and mice fed diets
comprised of 15-35% ethanol (by calories). However, other studies showed no effects on mice
and rabbits given drinking water containing 15% ethanol.
Human fetal alcohol syndrome is a well known result of alcohol abuse during pregnancy
(OEHHA 1999). Effects observed include retardation of growth and development, physical
malformations, and behavioral and cognitive problems. In addition, more subtle neurological
changes in fetuses have been observed, such as performance on neuropsychological tests,
hyperactivity, and lowered intellectual capacity (HEI 1996). HEI (1996) suggested a threshold
for fetal alcohol effects of 0.5 oz per day (about one drink per day or 0.2 g/kg/day) for most
neurological endpoints, based on the work of Jacobson et al. (1996). They also concluded that
this threshold is supported by animal data. Neuromotor effects were observed in monkeys at 1-3
g/kg/d, and some effects occurred at maternal doses of 0.25 g/kg/day (HEI 1996).
C4-3 Cancer
In 2007, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) reassessed the carcinogenicity
of alcoholic beverages. The results of their evaluation are provided in WHO (2010), and
summarized in Baan et al. (2007). The conclusion of this evaluation was that alcoholic
beverages and ethanol in alcoholic beverages are “carcinogenic to humans”, or Group 1. This
category is selected when there is sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in humans. They
concluded that “occurrence of malignant tumours of the oral cavity, pharynx, oesophagus, liver,
colorectum, and female breast is causally related to alcohol consumption”. They also concluded
that acetaldehyde resulting from the metabolism of ethanol contributes to malignant esophageal
WHO (2010) also concluded that there is sufficient evidence in experimental animals for the
carcinogenicity of both ethanol and acetaldehyde. Their overall conclusions regarding the
carcinogenicity of ethanol are based on epidemiological data indicating that cancer effects are
not dependant on the type of alcoholic beverage, the information indicating ethanol causes
cancer in experimental animals is sufficient, and the evidence that acetaldehyde contributes to
the incidence of esophageal tumors. WHO (2010) provides an extensive discussion of possible
mechanisms for ethanol-induced carcinogenicity, and concludes that the mechanisms are
complex and not well characterized. They also indicated that the identification of ethanol as a
carcinogenic component of alcoholic beverages does not preclude the possibility of other
components contributing to carcinogenicity. Baan et al (2007) reported that in most studies
where ethanol was administered in conjunction with a known carcinogen, the carcinogenic effect
was enhanced.
An earlier evaluation of the carcinogenicity of ethanol (NTP 2005) also lists consumption of
alcoholic beverages as known to be a human carcinogen based on sufficient evidence of
carcinogenicity in human studies. They found consumption of alcoholic beverages as causally
related to cancers of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, and esophagus. They also concluded that
animal studies indicated that the ethanol component may not solely be responsible for cancer
incidence resulting from alcohol consumption.
Appendix D
Draft SOP
Field Hydrometer Gross Measurement of Ethanol and/or
Denatured Ethanol
Hydrometers have been used for many applications to determine the specific gravity of materials,
including ethanol. It is used by ATF to quickly identify the approximate concentration of
The use of hydrometers with temperature correction for ethanol and water can provide a
concentration of ethanol and water with good approximation, as long as the liquid is a mixture of
ethanol and water. When other materials are also in solution, the resulting specific gravity and
therefore the reading from the hydrometer will result in a reduced level of accuracy. When
ethanol has been denatured, this will be the case.
It is expected that the use of a hydrometer in the field for a release situation, will provide a gross
measurement of the concentration of ethanol, dependent on the level of other contaminants in the
A proof hydrometer with a range from 0 to 200 proof (0-100%) and hydrometer jar.
Indelible pens
For purposes of having a reference material, a known high proof liquid should be used to
calibrate the use of the hydrometer and thermometer using the following steps:
Fill the jar with a liquid volume that will allow the hydrometer to freely float the
hydrometer without overflowing when the hydrometer is placed in the liquid.
Place the hydrometer in the liquid, letting the hydrometer settle it‟s movement in the
liquid. Record the raw reading as shown in Figure 2.
After the hydrometer reading has been recorded, remove and place the thermometer in
the liquid.
Take the temperature reading of the liquid allowing time for the temperature reading to
equilibrate. Record the temperature.
The reading is typically adjusted for temperature, but for this gross reading, this
adjustment is not necessary.
This result should be within 5 proof (2.5%) of the labeled proof of the liquid (not considering the
presence of other contaminants).
The hydrometers used are graduated to read the proof of aqueous alcoholic solutions at 60
degrees Fahrenheit; thus, they read, 0 for water, 100 for proof spirits, and 200 for absolute
alcohol. Because of temperature-density relationships and the selection of 60 degrees Fahrenheit
for reporting proof, the hydrometer readings will be less than the true percent of proof at
temperatures below 60 degrees Fahrenheit and greater than the true percent of proof at
temperatures above 60 degrees Fahrenheit. However, the differences are relatively small and not
necessary for a gross screening.
catch the filtered liquid. Then proceed to the steps for calibration to estimate the proof of the
Figure 1 Figure 2
When the ethanol has been denatured there will be a skewing of the resultant proof reading (if
still in solution) because the denaturant has a different density. In the case of gasoline, the
specific gravity is lower than ethanol or water, therefore the apparent proof reading will be
higher than it actually is. Because of this, realize that the proof reading could be as much as 10%
lower than the reading given on a proof hydrometer.
To ensure proper readings, it is important to keep the hydrometer and thermometer in a case after
cleaning both after each use.
Any debris left on the hydrometer will result with incorrect readings. Check the condition of the
hydrometer and thermometer before each use to ensure there is not brakes in the glass. If there
are any cracks, the hydrometer of thermometer must be replaced.
D4-4 Documentation
Project name
Source and location of the measurement or test sample (e.g., monitoring well
identification number, outfall number, station number or other description)
Temperature of sample