Lesson Plan Properties of Exponents

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Hackett 2011 Teacher Candidate: Jacob Trinkle Lesson Plan Template Date: 12/5/11

Unit Title: Exponents/Roots Subject: Mathematics Grade Level: 8 Essential Question(s): With so many BIG numbers in the world, and really no limit to how big they can get, how are we supposed to express these numbers without all of the zeros?

Lesson Title/Number

Properties of Exponents / Lesson 2

State Standards and CC8.EE.1: Know and apply the properties of integer exponents to generate equivalent numerical expressions. For example, Performance 32 35 = 33 = 1/33 = 1/27. Indicators CCMP8.1: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. CCMP8.7: Look for and make use of structure.

Lesson Objectives
(Blooms Taxonomy)

Students will be able to 1. Define the properties of exponents; be able to explain why the properties work based on their structure. 2. Solve expressions with exponents by applying these properties.

---------------------Acceptable Evidence
*Could be collected for accountability/auditing purposes.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Evidence that students have achieved objective # 1 1. Students will follow along filling in the guided notes provided and will be asked questions frequently. 2. Students will complete the closure and the homework assignment to be handed in the next class period.

Hackett 2011

Bell Ringer and Prior Knowledge Tap

This can be together or separate. Also may be called: set induction, anticipatory set, introduction/review

On the power point will be four warm up problems that act as review from the lesson learned the previous day. This will make sure their minds are warmed up and that they recall what was previously learned. The teacher will quickly go over the problems with the students then transition into the lesson.


________________________________________________________ *The teacher willThe students will 1. The teacher will start of the lesson by handing out the guided notes for the day with holes punched already in it (RBIS: Guided Notes). 2. The way the power point is set up you will be teaching the students one property at a time, through examples you will guide the students in solving the problems on the guided notes. 3. Firstly you will show the students how factors of a power can be grouped in different ways. Make sure they notice the relationship of the exponents in each product. This is that you get the same answer in the end even when the factors are grouped in different ways (auditory, visual). 4. Reveal to the students the property of multiplying powers with the same base. Explain to them that this is the same concept they just saw because they have the same base; therefore you can just add the powers instead of having them grouped separately. On the power point and the guided notes you will provide the definitions in words, numbers, and algebra (auditory, visual, RBIS: multiple methods). 5. Solve the first two practice problems and provide guided practice for the next two problems. Be sure to be walking around the classroom and checking that students understand the concept (CFU). 6. Next move into the property of dividing powers with the same base. Model to the students how when you divide a power by the same base the lower powers cancel and youre left with the difference. Therefore you can just subtract the powers when dividing powers (visual, auditory, RBIS: Modeling).

Teacher input, development, instructional method(s), modeling, guided practice, independent practice, and/or activities

*Accommodations for learning modalities are required. Labelvisual, auditory, and kinesthetic

7. Solve the first two practice problems and provide guided practice for the next two problems. Be sure to be walking around the

Hackett 2011 classroom and checking that students understand the concept (CFU). 8. The final property to teach the students is multiplying a power by a power. Tell the students that you just keep the base the same and multiply the powers. Also make the students aware of what it is like to read this expression; have the students recite how (94)5 should be stated correctly (Auditory). 9. Solve the first two practice problems and provide guided practice for the rest of the problems. Be sure to be walking around the classroom and checking that students understand the concept (CFU). 10. Give the students an opportunity to present the last four problems on the whiteboard/smart board. Provide lots of positive reinforcement for the students who have the courage to present their answers (kinesthetic). 11. Before ending the lesson, review some main ideas such as the bases have to be the same. Ask the students how each property is performed. Teacher: What do I do when multiplying powers with the same base? Students: You add the powers! (Auditory, RBIS: Review). 12. Next reveal the end of lesson quiz and have students use the remainder of the class to finish up the quiz. If they finish early they can get a head start on their homework which is provided at the end of the guided notes (RBIS: Practice). 13. The end of lesson quiz will be collected as an exit slip for the students to leave. Make sure the students know the homework is to be done on a separate sheet of paper and will be collected at the beginning of tomorrows class. 14. Remind the students you will be here after school if anyone has any problems with the homework you would be more than happy to help. 1. The teacher will be constantly asking questions to various students while each property is taught. Checks for Understanding Label: directions, procedures, routines, and/or content (formative) 2. When the students are working on the guided practice portion of the lesson, the teacher will be making sure students are doing the work and will provide assistance to those in need of help. 3. There will be an end of lesson quiz that will be collected, it wont count towards a grade, but will be graded for check for understanding purposes.

Hackett 2011 4. Homework will be assigned and is to be completed for the next days class. 1. There will be an end of lesson quiz that will be collected, it wont count towards a grade, but will be graded for check for understanding purposes. 2. Homework will be assigned and is to be completed for the next days class. This is to be graded and will help the teacher with gauging students progress.

Assessment Type and purpose

(sometimes called evaluation)


There will be an end of lesson quiz that will be collected, it wont count towards a grade, but will be graded for check for understanding purposes.

Accommodations and/or Interactions with Support Staff

Guided notes, Power point, Dry erase markers. Resources/Materials 50-60 minutes Time Required

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