1MRK511013-BEN en REOR 100 RCRA 100 3
1MRK511013-BEN en REOR 100 RCRA 100 3
1MRK511013-BEN en REOR 100 RCRA 100 3
RCRA 100*3.0
1MRK 511 013-BEN
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Issued June 1999
Changed since July 1998
Data subject to change without notice
Application Disturbance recorders REOR 100 and To present the recorded data in a useful way
RCRA 100 form a part of the Panorama sys- to the operator the disturbance recorder has to
tem. The Panorama system includes a com- be connected to a printer and/or connected to
plete range of flexible object terminals, a PC equipped with supplementary programs
functional substation control and substation depending on the specific application.
monitoring systems. The blocks in Panorama
can be used as stand alone protection units or A local printer can be connected to an RS232
as building blocks in a complete monitoring serial port on the rear of the recorder. The
and control system. printout is made on ordinary fan fold paper
with excellent durability for permanent filing.
Disturbance recording is a very effective tool The printouts are intended for direct reading,
for the operating and design personnel to ana- i.e. gives the analogue channels in primary
lyze the performance of the power system and values and utilizes automatic scaling. It also
related equipment during and after a major gives station, line and channel identities in
disturbance. By promptly detecting any prob- clear wording.
lems and initiating the corrective measures,
maximum operating reliability and availabil- For more sophisticated disturbance recording
ity of the power system is achieved. Distur- systems supplementary PC software packages
bance recording also improves the from the SMS 010 (Substation Monitoring
understanding of the behavior of the power System) are available. Programs are available
system and associated equipment, contribut- for setting and monitoring of the disturbance
ing to design improvements of future installa- recorder, manual or automatic collection of
tions. disturbance files and tools for post-fault anal-
ysis and evaluation. The tools comprise both
REOR 100 or RCRA 100 can be used an evaluation program, with file conversion
depending on the application. routines between different formats, and an
expert system for automatic disturbance
REOR 100 is used as a stand alone distur- analysis.
bance recorder, complete with dedicated data
acquisition and recording modules. The local communication link between the
recorders and the PC comprises an optical
RCRA 100 consists only of a recording mod- SPA-bus with suitable modems. The SPA-bus
ule and provides the best cost benefit combi- is arranged in a loop configuration. The fibres
nation when disturbance recording is used as can be either of plastic or glass, depending on
a complementary function to the numerical the length required.
distance relay REL 100.
The recorded disturbances can be transferred
In this case, the already converted digital sig- on the SPA-bus either to a PC in the station,
nals developed within REL 100 can readily and/or remotely to a PC in for example an
be used for disturbance recording. The data office. The communication in the latter case
acquisition and A/D conversion is common to is performed by means of telephone modems
the numerical distance relay and the distur- on the public switched telephone network
bance recorder. (according to CCITT) or on a packet switched
network (X.25).
REOR 100 and RCRA 100 provides com-
plete disturbance recording for one bay and is
able to record 10 analogue channels, 16 digi-
tal channels, and one frequency channel.
Design Type REOR 100 disturbance recorder con- can easily be removed. External connections
sists of a data acquisition module and a are made with standard COMBIFLEX termi-
recording module, as shown below. nal sockets and DB9 or opto contacts.
REOR 100 is provided in a 19” equipment
frame with 6U (10.5”) height. A mother Human-machine-communication is per-
board is mounted in the back of the equip- formed by the RTIA unit plugged into the
ment frame. The units are of plug-in type and front of the recording module.
Disturbance recorders REOR 100/
RCRA 100*3.0
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When intended as a complement to REL 100, The data acquisition module is the same as
the disturbance recorder consists of the used in the numerical distance relay
recording module with type designation REL 100. It comprises:
RCRA 100. RCRA 100 is delivered in a cas-
sette intended for mounting in an equipment Transformer unit RLHB 100
frame and occupies 6U-modules (266 mm) of Input unit RLKD 100
height and 21 TE-modules (107 mm) width
of RL system. A/D converter unit RLLB 100
An optic fiber and a modem are included for The recording module comprises:
connection of the data acquisition module of
REL 100 to RCRA 100. Memory unit RLGE 101
Relay and
Equipment frame with necessary mounting dc/dc converter unit RLKH 100
details is available as an optional item. HMC unit RTIA
Bus connection unit
Transformer unit, RLHB 100, is used to rent inputs enter through a plug and socket
reduce the analogue inputs to a suitable level which automatically short-circuits the CT
for use in the A/D conversion. The internal inputs if the unit is withdrawn.
transformers are provided with electrostatic
shields to minimize the effect of surge inter- Input unit RLKD 100 contains 16 optocou-
ference. pler inputs which allow recording of digital
signals. A regulated dc/dc converter is also
The current signals are passed through resis- included which provides stabilized dc voltage
tive shunts to provide voltages proportional to to the electronic circuits.
the input currents. The transformer unit cur-
Disturbance recorders REOR 100/
RCRA 100*3.0
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Design (cont’d) A/D converter unit RLLB 100 converts the 16 digital input channels or by any of the
analogue signals from the transformer unit local level detectors for the analogue chann-
into digital signals. The dynamic range of the els.
current signals is increased by using a serial
resistive shunt which gives two outputs, one When the disturbance recorder is triggered
for use on low currents and one for use on the storage of new data is moved to another
high currents. allocated area in the RAM, outside the cyclic
buffer, and the storage continues as long as
The 15 analogue signals (10 currents and the start conditions prevail, plus a preset post-
5 voltages) are filtered in analogue antialias- fault time. The post-fault time is divided into
ing filters before passing together with the 16 two parts. The first part (tp1) starts when the
digital signals through a multiplexer to the start condition disappears. During this period
A/D converter. The multiplexed signals pass all samples are stored (1000 samples/sec) and
through a “hold” circuit which permits the the print-out will be made with normal paper
A/D converter to process each signal sequen- speed. The second part (tp2) starts when tp1
tially. The A/D process time enables a repeti- expires. During this period only every second
tion rate for all signals of 2000 samples per sample (500 samples/sec) is stored and the
second. print-out will be made with reduced paper
speed. Both periods are independently setta-
The signals are then fed to the microprocessor ble. Should a trigger not reset within an
where skew adjustment and a reduction of expected time interval, the total recording
samples to 1000 samples per second is per- time will be determined by a third time set-
formed. Low-pass digital filtering is per- ting (tlim). Pre-fault, fault interval and post-
formed and the information is then converted fault data are thus available.
from parallel mode to serial communication
mode and is further transmitted to the record- The data is stored in compressed form in
ing module. A green LED on the front panel order to utilize the memory capacity in the
is lit when the unit is in service. best way. Depending of the complexity of the
recorded signal the required amount of mem-
The serially coded signals are also available ory differs. With full accuracy approximately
for test purposes through a special output 120 seconds can be stored. By selecting a
intended for an optical cable connection, lower accuracy, between 90 and 100%, con-
located on the front of the RLLB 100 unit. siderably longer recording times can be
When the disturbance recorder is used as a obtained, up to 900 seconds. The memory is
complement to REL 100, the digital informa- of non-volatile type, using a capacitor for typ-
tion is transmitted from the data acquisition ically 24 hours back-up during power failure.
module of the numerical distance relay to the
disturbance recorder RCRA 100 through an Frequency monitoring can be included in the
optical fibre. REOR 100 as an option. This means that the
frequency is continuously calculated and
In the memory unit RLGE 101 the encoded stored as an 11th analogue channel in the
signals transmitted from the A/D converter memory. When installed, this option makes
are first decoded and then fed to a start pro- triggering on over and/or under frequency
cessor. A control of the transmission is per- possible.
formed, the start conditions are checked and
the signals are converted back from serial to The disturbance data can now be processed
parallel form. A control processor will then by the control processor for oscillographic
transfer the data continuously for storage in presentation. A header containing the identi-
an allocated part of the RAM which operates fication of the power system item monitored
as a cyclic buffer. New data arriving from the such as the name of the station, line, date,
data acquisition module are continuously time and relevant pre-fault and fault values of
written into the buffer, replacing old data. The currents and voltages is created. Automatic
size of this cyclic buffer corresponds to the scaling of the analogue channels is provided
set pre-fault recording time (tpre). and the recording can now be presented on a
Recording of the monitored inputs is initiated
by a power system disturbance. The distur- The HMC unit, RTIA, is plugged into the
bance recorder can either be triggered by front of the memory unit, RLGE 101. The
external start, mutual start or by any of the means for dialogue, setting and programming
Disturbance recorders REOR 100/
RCRA 100*3.0
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of the disturbance recorder are available in On the rear a bus connection unit with two
the RTIA unit. It consists of a simple keypad galvanically isolated ports for serial commu-
and a back-lit LCD (2 lines, 16 characters/ nication is mounted. One of the ports, an
line). The communication is menu driven and RS232 (DB9), is intended for connection to a
the possible operating modes in the menu are dedicated printer. The other port is intended
easily reached by cursor movements and key to be connected to a PC equipped with SMS
strokes. programs. In the standard design, this port is
also an RS232 (DB9) which makes all infor-
For easier setting of the REOR 100 and mation in the REOR 100 accessible, i.e. self
RCRA 100, the SMS software module SM/ supervision status, change of setting, and also
REOR 100 is available. This possibility sim- collection of disturbances. Optionally, the
plifies the setting of the unit since much bet- port intended for PC connection can be deliv-
ter overview and handling can be provided by ered as a fibre optic port for connection to a
a PC screen, especially the entering of text for SPA-bus, thus making integration in a Substa-
naming inputs. Monitoring of the unit is also tion Monitoring System possible.
included, with system digital lists and service
values of trigger status. The PC can be con- In case of RCRA 100, the signal transmission
nected either directly on the back of the unit from REL 100 is via an optical fibre. For this
(galvanically isolated RS232, DB9) or via a reason RCRA 100 also includes an optical
fibre optic network, in an SMS configuration. receiver mounted on the rear. Furthermore an
optical fibre and the appropriate transmitter to
Self-supervision is performed continuously be mounted on the rear of REL 100 is
and includes: included.
- Checking of the digitalized signals to be For presentation and evaluation of the distur-
within set limits bances recorded by REOR 100/RCRA 100
the following possibilities are available:
- Checksum verification of all signal
1. Local print-out
- Read-Write-Read-Write cycling of
memory cells and internal registers One RS232 port on the REOR 100 is dedi-
- Check of the availability of dedicated cated for a local printer connection. On the
local printer if connected local printer all 16 digital channels and 8 of
the analogue channels are printed. Which
Green and yellow LEDs are provided on the analogue channels to be printed is selected
front for continuous indication of the status of when setting the REOR 100.
the disturbance recorder. The four yellow sta-
tus LEDs on front of the RLGE 101 board The printer-type to be connected is a standard
indicates the status on Mode, Recording, matrix printer. The REOR 100 contains
Warning, and Communication, respectively. printer routines for IBM Proprinter and
Output signals are provided by 5 output relay Epson.
contacts accessed from the back of RLKH
100 unit. 2. Temporary PC connection
Three inputs are accessed at the back of the A local PC, equipped with SMS programs
RLKH 100 unit. One input is available for can temporarily be connected to the second
external start, e.g. by contacts of protection RS232 port. This facilitates setting and moni-
relays, one for mutual start, e.g. having sev- toring of the disturbance recorder along with
eral REOR 100 starting simultaneously and collection of disturbances, but only for one
one for time synchronization by external recorder at a time. The PC programs required
pulse. Alternatively, time synchronization can are SM/REOR 100 and SMS-BASE. For
be performed via the serial communication more information please see the Buyer’s
port (SPA-bus). Guide on SMS 010.
Following ports are provided for serial com- 3. SMS supporting software
Disturbance recorders REOR 100/
RCRA 100*3.0
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Design (Cont’d) With the PC communication port being deliv- The operator can then make a comprehensive
ered with fibre optic connection instead of analysis with the evaluation program REVAL,
RS232 (DB9), it will be possible to integrate running under Microsoft Windows. As an
several REOR 100 units in an SMS configu- alternative, the expert system RESDA can per-
ration. Data collection program RECOM is form an automatic analysis of the disturbances.
used for automatic or manual data collection
from the disturbance recorders. The software
module SM/REOR 100 is used for setting and
monitoring of the disturbance recorder.
Technical Data
Table 1: Recording capacity
Number of analogue channels 10 + optional frequency channel
Number of digital channels
REOR 100 16 freely selectable
RCRA 100 8 freely selectable + 8 pre-defined by REL 100
Memory Approximately 120 s of full data amount and 100%
compression accuracy
REOR 100
Fibre optic loop SM/REOR 100 SM/REOR 100
RESDA Station RESDA Central
REOR 100
(RCRA 100)
REOR 100
(RCRA 100)
converter Telephone Telephone
Minute pulse from station clock modem modem
Configuration example. Several REOR 100 (up to 40 units) interconnected in an SMS configu-
ration with monitoring and setting of the disturbance recorders, disturbance collection and dis-
turbance evaluation in both the station and a central office. The expert system in the station
performs an automatic analysis of each disturbance, which is collected by the PC in the central
office, to be used for statistics and maintenance planning.
Disturbance recorders REOR 100/
RCRA 100*3.0
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REOR 100 is a stand-alone disturbance recorder, equipped with two communication ports for connection
to printer and/or PC:
Ordering Number: 1MRK 000 094-AA Quantity:
Basic data:
Frequency, fr 50/60 Hz
Ac voltage, Ursec 100/110/115/120 V
Basic data to specify:
Rated current, Ir 1A 5A
Interface dc voltage, RL
Auxiliary dc voltage, EL 48/60 V dc 110/125 V dc 220/250 V dc
Bus connection unit:
Transmitter/receiver Select one of the following:
A RS232 (DB9) electrical
B RS485 (DB9) electrical
C glass/glass
D plastic/glass
E glass/plastic
F plastic/plastic
Options: Select:
Frequency monitoring
RCRA 100 is a complementary disturbance recorder for line protection terminal REL 100, equipped with
two communication ports for connection to printer and/or PC:
Ordering Number: 1MRK 000 097-AA Quantity:
Basic data:
Frequency, fr 50/60 Hz
Ac voltage, Ursec 100/110/115/120 V
Ac current, Ir 1/5 A
Basic data to specify:
Interface dc voltage, RL
Auxiliary dc voltage, EL 48/60 V dc 110/125 V dc 220/250 V dc
Bus connection unit:
Transmitter/receiver Select one of the following:
A RS232 (DB9) electrical
B RS485 (DB9) electrical
C glass/glass
D plastic/glass
E glass/plastic
F plastic/plastic
Options: Select:
Frequency monitoring
Sample The disturbance recorders shall be designed A communication program for manual and
specification for a distributed system with dedicated automatic collection of disturbance files to a
recorders for each object. The disturbance PC shall be available. The automatic function
recorders shall include 10 analogue inputs shall poll the stations the number of times per
with 12 bit AD conversion and a minimum of day that is specified by the user. When new
16 digital inputs. The dynamic range shall be disturbance recordings are available they
at least 0.01-2.0 x Ur for the voltage inputs shall automatically be transferred to the PC.
and at least 0.01-60 x Ir for the current inputs.
A disturbance evaluation program shall be
The recorder shall employ data compression available and run under Microsoft® Window-
with selectable accuracy. The memory capac- sTM, including functions such as time, ampli-
ity of each recorder shall correspond to at tude, and angle measurement. Also zooming
least 100 seconds with full accuracy, but con- in the time scale and independent magnitude
siderably longer times if a lower accuracy is scaling of each signal shall be included.
selected. It shall be possible to select which Merging of disturbance files shall be possi-
channels to be recorded for optimal utiliza- ble, and the program shall be able to handle
tion of the memory. The memory shall be 33 analogue and 48 digital signals in one
non-volatile and the handling cyclically with recording. Furthermore, the program shall
continuous monitoring. accept the standard disturbance file format
COMTRADE (IEEE standard) and perform
It shall be possible to trig the recorders on any conversion between different formats. It shall
analogue input (over and/or under voltage/ use templates for presentation on the screen
current) and on any digital input. External and for printouts.
contacts shall be available for external or
mutual trig. Output contacts for various An expert system for automatic evaluation of
alarms, e.g. memory almost full and recorder disturbances shall also be available and
out of service, shall be available. Optionally include functions for handling of statistics,
frequency monitoring and corresponding trig- and accurate fault location calculation using
gering function shall be available. an algorithm including load compensation.
Creation of reports shall be supported by an
It shall be possible to connect a local printer function for exporting files to commercially
to each recorder, printing at least 8 analogue available programs such as MS Excel and MS
signals (selectable) with automatic scaling Word.
and 16 digital, along with a header with
explanatory text regarding the station, line, All hardware required for building up the dis-
triggering time, and inputs. turbance recording system shall to the highest
possible extent consist of standard equip-
A local HMI shall be included in each ment, e.g. PCs and telephone modems. The
recorder with possibility to perform all set- communication within the station shall be
ting. For simplified commissioning and main- performed by means of a fibre optic network,
tenance a PC based software package shall be for maximum interference immunity.
available for setting and monitoring.