Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 5

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Grade Level: 5
LESSON Teacher: REBECCA R. FALOGME Learning Areas: Science
Teaching Date & MAY 31, 2023 / 2:00-3:00PM Quarter: 4

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

A. Content Standards The Learners demonstrate

understanding of…

the phases of the Moon and the beliefs

and practices associated with it

B. Performance The Learners should be able to…

Standards debug local myths and folklore about the

Moon and the Stars by presenting pieces

of evidence to convince the community


C. Learning Infer the pattern in the changes in the

Competencies/ appearances of the Moon;

Objectives 1. Identify the different phases of the

Write the LC code for moon;

each 2. Appreciate the importance of

moon to the mankind

S5FE-IVg-h- 7/ Page 78 of 203

II. CONTENT Phases of the Moon


A. References Science in our World, K to 12 5


1. Teacher’s Guide

pages Curriculum Guide 5

2. Learner’s Materials


3. Textbook pages - Science for Daily Use 4 (TX/TM)

- Science and Health 5

4. Additional Laptop, video, activity sheets, Oreo

Materials from Cookies, Tarpapel

Learning Resource

(LR) portal

B. Other Learning



A. Reviewing A. Preliminary Activities

previous lesson or 1. Greetings

presenting the new A science-terrific day to all of A scienceterrific day to you

lesson you my Grade – V Pupils! Ma’am and dear visitors!

How are you today?

I hope you’re doing fine and

very good.
I am your Science Teacher,

Teacher Bec and I will be your

“tour guide” as we EXPLORE

and DISCOVER the Science

around us.

2. Prayer

Before we start our lesson, (Pupil’s are praying)

may I request everyone to

stand up. Let us ask the

guidance of our Almighty


(Video Presentation)

3. Checking of Attendance

4. Energizer

Now, join me as we sing the (Pupil’s are singing)

song “Phases of the Moon”

while clapping our hands


(Play a video)
B. Review

Now let’s have a review about our

topic yesterday by playing the

game “4 pics 1 Word”

Direction: Guess a word based

on four pictures that are related to

the word. Answer it weather the

scenario happens before, during

or after the typhoon.

(Show picture 1)

During Typhoon

After Typhoon
Before Typhoon

(Show picture 2)
(Show picture 3)

Alright! I was so amazed that you

all mastered our lesson


B. Establishing a A. Engagement:
purpose for the (Post a picture of a moon)


 What can you say about the The pictures shows a moon.


Yes, that’s right!

 Have you seen this during night Yes!


 If there is a moon at night, what The majority of what we do at

did you do the most? night when there is a moon is

play hide & seek outside.

That’s correct!

 What else? When there is a moon at night,

my family and I spend the most

of our time listening to and

sharing folktales like the

tikbalang and encanto.

Yes, that is true. Your answers are

typical activities that people engage in

when there is a moon at night.

Now, let’s take a time to unlock some

vocabulary words.

Directions: Find the meaning of the

following words.

1. Young children will often attempt

to imitate their parents, which is

why you shouldn’t do anything you

wouldn’t want your child to do

while they’re watching.

A. To follow

B. To avoid

C. To forget

2. My classmates went to school

without breakfast and felt-light-

headed and dizzy, so she was

brought to the clinic.

A. Dizzy

B. Headache

C. Stomach ache

C. Presenting Now, let me tell you a short story and this

examples/instances story is a delightful glimpse of an often-

of the new lesson feared creature of local mythology. But

telling this story has a twist. If you hear

all the action words in the story, you’re

going to act or do it.

Is that clear? Alright!

“The Tikbalang if the moon is full”

By: Virgilio S. Almario

When the moon is full at night, the

tikbalang will sit in the kalumpang tree

and look for another animal to play hide-

and-seek, block-and-catch, or patintero


The tikbalang also immitate the vicious

kapre by smoking hard ash. Up until he

coughs, feels lightheaded, and smoke

starts to pour out of his head. He will sit

on the hill of a cranky nuno, he is sad

that there is no one to play with him.

He pretended to be a ghost or aswang

and used his long tongue to steal the

baby's liver until it was cut off by a sword.

The Tikbalang, who was bit up to the

neck, will be played by a tiyanak who is a

traitor's offspring. He played jumping

over thorns or luksong tinik all by himself

while hopping and dancing among the

stars and clouds. Up until he ran into

another person who was also hopping


And so, if the moon is full, the tikbalang

is delighted to see another tikbalang

playing with him next to the kalumpang


Subject Integrated: (English, Arts) The main character in the story is

the Tikbalang.

Comprehensive Questions:

1. Who is the main character in the The story happened at the

story? province.

That’s right!

2. Where did the story happened? The creatures that tikbalang had

encountered was the kapre,

Yes, that’s correct! nuno, aswang, and tiyanak.

3. Based on the sequence of the

story? Who were the creatures

that tikbalang had encountered? In order to fit in and make the

kind of friends we wish to have,

4. What lesson does the tale teach the author wants to show us that

us? we don't have to change who we

are. Just be yourself and do what

your heart desires as long as you

don't hurt anyone else.

No, because I would rather be

Well said!
true to my self than to imitate or

copy others in order to fit in or

5. If you were the tikbalang, would
you do the same?
make friends.
Very Well said…

The tale we read or heard is merely one

of the mythological or folktale tales about

tikbalang that we were told by our elders

or by our forefathers. The tikbalang are

having a good time playing by the large

trees at night while the moon is full.

D. Discussing new My dear pupils, I know just like

concepts and everybody, you must be curious to solve

practicing new skills the mystery behind our moon’s

#1 superpowers. So in today’s topic, let me

take you through the different phases of

the moon and shed some light on the

reasons behind it.

To continue the fun in learning our

lesson, I’ll be presenting an animated

video about it.

All you have to do is to identify and

answer my question after the


But before that, please do remember to

follow the rules or standards while I am


Standards during the Presentation

Pupils are expected to:

1. Listen carefully to the instructions.

2. Understand the idea of its


3. Take down notes of important or

unfamiliar word.

(Play a short video clip about phases

of the moon) The presentation is about the

- What have you noticed about the different phases of the moon.


Yes, that’s correct! We have 8 phases of the moon.

- How many phases of the moon

does we have?

Very good! The new moon, waxing crescent,

- What are the 8 phases of the last quarter, waxing gibbous, full

moon according to its moon, waning gibbous, first

chronological order? quarter, and waning crescent.

Good job!

We can say that it is a new moon

- When do we say that the moon is phase when the moon is

in new moon phase? between the earth and the sun.

That’s right! We can say that it is in waxing

- When do we say that the moon is crescent phase when its shape

in waxing crescent phase? curved like a banana and the

light of the moon is growing.

Great! We use the term waxing when

- What is the term do we use when the moon is gaining light or

the moon is gaining light or expanding.

expanding its illumination?

Nice, answer!

We can say that it is in a first

- When can we say that the moon is quarter phase, when we can see

in the first quarter? the half of the moon.

When more than half of the

- How about in the waxing gibbous moon is visible.


Yes, excellent answer! We can say that it is in the full

- When do we say that the moon is moon phase when full side of the

in a full moon phase? moon is facing the earth gets


Perfect! We use the term waning when

- What is the term that we used the moon is losing light or

when the moon is losing light or decreasing illumination.

decreasing illumination?

Goof job! We can say that it is in a waning

- When do we say that it is in the gibbous when the visible lighted

waning gibbous phase? part of the moon becomes


Splendid! We can say that the moon is in

- When do we say that it is in the its last quarter phase when the

last quarter phase? amount of lighted part that is

reflected to Earth becomes



We can say that the phase of the

- When do we say that the phase of moon is in waning crescent when

the moon is in waning crescent? only a small portion of the lighted

part facing the Earth can be


Very good class! You did really listen to

the video presentation.

Now, give yourselves a Good Job Clap!

E. Discussing new Group Activities:

concepts and Okay class, let’s have a group activity.

practicing new skills First group will perform the:




1. Gently separate the Oreos so all filling

is on one side.

(Be careful as you separate your Oreos,

full moon and new

moon are already done when you pull

apart your Oreo).

2. Scrape off filling to resemble each

phase of the moon.

3. Place Oreo phases in the plate

(correct order) in relation

to the earth and sun.

4. Label the Oreo phases starting with

the new moon.

5. Once you finished your work, clap 5

times. (In order for your teacher to know

whose group finished first).

6. Finally, think a good way in presenting

your work infront of the class.

For the second group,

Directions: I have here a 2 envelopes,

inside of 1 envelope are the picture of

different phases of the moon and on the

other envelope are its corresponding

label. You’re going to identify all phases

of the moon and label it correctly

according to its corresponding phase.

Paste your work in the front and make a

yell indicating that your group is already


Before doing your group activities we

have a rubrics for group presentation.

Your group will be graded according to

this criteria, in order for you to do your

best as a group.

After the presentation of the group

works, the students will be ask)

 Were you able to follow the

instructions correctly?

Yes, we did!
 Is it very important that you follow

the instructions correctly? Why?

Yes! It is important to follow the

Yes, that’s right! Well said! instruction in order for us to avoid

making mistakes.
F. Developing Directions: Identify the 8 Phases of the

mastery (leads to Moon. Choose your answers on the word

Formative bank below.

Assessment 3)
G. Finding practical

applications of (Show the picture of lunar calendar)

concepts and skills in

daily living

Subject Integration: (EPP)

It determines when to plant crops
 What do you think the significance
and fertilize them. It also helps
of this lunar calendar is,
farmers know when to water their
particularly for our farmers?
crops, harvest them, or do other

farm chores related to the lunar


Yes! Very good! Nice answer you got

Helping farmers with their crops

can be done in a variety of ways.

 What can you offer or propose to
assist our farmers with their One strategy is to offer farmers

crops? technical help, which can make

implementing new farming

techniques more feasible and


Let’s appreciate all the farmers because

it is isn’t the farm that makes a farmer,

it’s the love, hard work, and character.

Subject Integration: (ESP)

H. Making Now let’s go back, what are the 8 phases The 8 Phases of the Moon are:

generalizations and of the moon? New Moon, Waxing Crescent,

abstractions about First Quarter, Waxing Gibbous,

the lesson Full Moon, Waning Gibbous, Last

Quarter and Waning Crescent.

Excellent Answer!
I. Evaluating learning Match Moon Phases Assessment

Direction: Match the description with the

corresponding moon phase and features. A. Waning Gibbous Moon

Write the correct letter of your answer at B. First Quarter Moon

the space provided before the number. C. Full Moon

_____1. It is the phase of the moon D. New Moon

when we can see the half of the moon. E. Waxing Gibbous Moon

_____2. It is a phase of the moon when

more than half of the moon is visible.

_____ 3. It is a phase when full side of

the moon is facing the earth gets


_____ 4. It is the phase of the moon

when the visible lighted part of the moon

becomes smaller.

_____ 5. It is a phase of the moon when

the moon is between the earth and the


J. Additional activities Directions: Observe the shape of the

for application or moon every night for two weeks, then

remediation draw the moon’s shape each night in a

chart similar to the one shown below and

write your observation.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Week 1

Week 2



A.No. of learners who

earned 80% in the


B. No. of learners

who require

additional activities

for remediation.
C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of

learners who have

caught up with the


D. No. of learners

who continue to

require remediation

E.Which of my

teaching strategies

worked well? Why did

these work?

F. What difficulties

did I encounter which

my principal or

supervisor can help

me solve?

G. What innovation or

localized materials

did I use/discover

which I wish to share

with other teachers?

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