Ancon Unilift Lifting Systems
Ancon Unilift Lifting Systems
Ancon Unilift Lifting Systems
sales in
60 30+ 3000
locations countries people worldwide
Unilift Systems
Unilift is the ideal lifting and handling system for a wide variety of
precast concrete products, particularly in civil engineering applications.
The system is typically used for lifting panels, pipes, pits, manholes,
road barriers, bridge beams, planks, sound walls, culverts etc.
4 L ocking Klaw can be connected with the 4 E asy to train operators how to use the
tail towards the load and the tail away system with minimal supervision.
from the load preventing unsafe situations 4C
omponents of different load groups are
caused by mis-engagement. not interchangeable for maximum safety.
4 S tandard load classes of 1.3, 2.5, 5, 10, 20 4U
nilift Locking Klaws and Anchors exceed
and 32 tonnes available.
the requirements for lifting systems in
4 F ast, efficient handling of products in the AS 3850.1:2015 - Prefabricated
factory, during transport and on the job-site. Concrete Elements
nique, patented design of the Unilift 4 A nchors are hot-dip galvanised for superior
Locking Klaw prevents disconnection corrosion resistance.
between clutch and anchor.
Cw Ch
Unilift Lifting Systems
Articulating Steel
Recess Former
Steel Recess with Rubber Retaining Ring Unilift / Anchor Diameter Recess Ring
Featuring a replaceable rubber retaining ring, WLL (Tonne) (mm) Part Code Part Code
these steel recess formers offer a long service 1.3 60 SRF01 RR01
life and are an economical alternative to rubber 2.5 74 SRF02 RR02
recesses for production precasting. 5.0 94 SRF05 RR05
10.0 130 SRF10 RR10
d Halfen Magnetic
Recess Formers
Worldwide contacts for Leviat:
Email: [email protected]
General Enquiries
Tel: 1300 304 320
Email: [email protected]
Imagine. Model. Make.