DIN 976-1-2016-09 ENG (英文)

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September 2016

DIN 976-1
ICS 21.040.10; 21.060.10 Supersedes
DIN 976-1:2002-12

Fasteners –
Stud bolts –
Part 1: Metric thread,
English translation of DIN 976-1:2016-09

Mechanische Verbindungselemente –
Gewindebolzen –
Teil 1: Metrisches Gewinde,
Englische Übersetzung von DIN 976-1:2016-09
Fixations –
Tiges filetées –
Partie 1: Filetage métrique,
Traduction anglaise de DIN 976-1:2016-09

Document comprises 12 pages

Translation by DIN-Sprachendienst.
In case of doubt, the German-language original shall be considered authoritative.

© No part of this translation may be reproduced without prior permission of English price group 8
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany,
has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).
05.17 2655930
DIN 976-1:2016-09

A comma is used as the decimal marker.


Foreword .................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction............................................................................................................................................................................... 4
1 Scope ............................................................................................................................................................................. 5
2 Normative references ............................................................................................................................................. 5
3 Dimensions ................................................................................................................................................................. 6
4 Technical delivery conditions ........................................................................................................................... 10
5 Designation .............................................................................................................................................................. 11
6 Marking ..................................................................................................................................................................... 11
6.1 Property class or steel grade ............................................................................................................................. 11
6.2 Colour coding .......................................................................................................................................................... 11
Bibliography ........................................................................................................................................................................... 12

DIN 976-1:2016-09

This standard has been prepared by Working Committee NA 067-00-08 AA Verbindungselemente mit
Sonderformen und aus Kunststoff of DIN-Normenausschuss Mechanische Verbindungselemente (DIN Standards
Committee Fasteners).

The DIN 4000-160-12 tabular layout of product properties applies to stud bolts covered in this standard.

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights without these having been identified here. DIN [and/or DKE] shall not be held responsible for
identifying any or all such patent rights.


This standard differs from DIN 976-1:2002-12 as follows:

a) the standard has been editorially revised;

b) normative references have been updated;

c) Figure 1 has been brought in line with DIN EN ISO 225;

d) the symbol l in Figures 1 and 2 and Table 1 has been replaced by lt according to DIN EN ISO 225;

e) for limit deviations and geometrical tolerances in Table 2, product grade C has been specified instead of
product grade A, and for stud bolts with a property class of < 8.8, the tolerance for the thread has been
specified as 8g instead of 6g.

Previous editions

DIN 975: 1970-01, 1986-09

DIN 976: 1970-01, 1986-09
DIN 976-1: 1995-02, 2002-12

DIN 976-1:2016-09

Stud bolts with metric thread are designed to perform functions similar to those of double end studs
(clamping type or interference-fit type). This standard covers stud bolts with threads produced to tolerance
6g which is customary for bolt/nut assemblies of thread engagement group N as specified in DIN ISO 965-1.

DIN 976-1:2016-09

1 Scope
This standard specifies dimensions and technical delivery conditions for stud bolts with metric thread made
of steel, stainless steel or nonferrous metal.

2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references,
the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

DIN 267-2, Fasteners — Technical delivery conditions — Design and dimensional accuracy

DIN 962, Bolts, screws, studs and nuts — Designation, types and finishes

DIN EN 26157-1, Fasteners — Surface discontinuities — Bolts, screws and studs subject to general

DIN EN 26157-3, Fasteners — Surface discontinuities — Bolts, screws and studs subject to special requirements

DIN EN 28839, Mechanical properties of fasteners — Nonferrous metal bolts, screws, studs and nuts

DIN EN ISO 225, Fasteners — Bolts, screws, studs and nuts — Symbols and descriptions of dimensions

DIN EN ISO 898-1, Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel — Part 1: Bolts,
screws and studs with specified property classes — Coarse thread and fine pitch thread

DIN EN ISO 3269, Fasteners — Acceptance inspection

DIN EN ISO 3506-1, Mechanical properties of corrosion-resistant stainless steel fasteners — Part 1: Bolts,
screws and studs

DIN EN ISO 4042, Fasteners — Electroplated coatings

DIN EN ISO 4753, Fasteners — Ends of parts with external ISO metric thread

DIN EN ISO 4759-1, Tolerances for fasteners — Part 1: Bolts, screws, studs and nuts — Product grades A, B
and C

DIN EN ISO 10683, Fasteners — Non-electrolytically applied zinc flake coatings

DIN EN ISO 10684, Fasteners — Hot dip galvanized coatings

DIN ISO 965-2, ISO general purpose metric screw threads — Tolerances — Part 2: Limits of sizes for general
purpose external and internal screw threads; medium

DIN ISO 8992, Fasteners — General requirements for bolts, screws, studs and nuts

DIN 976-1:2016-09

3 Dimensions
See Figures 1 and 2 and Table 1.

Symbols and their descriptions are specified in DIN EN ISO 225.

u (incomplete thread): max. 2P

Figure 1 — Type A, with RL type thread end as in DIN EN ISO 4753 (notation)

u (incomplete thread): max. 2P

Figure 2 — Type B, with CH type thread end as in DIN EN ISO 4753 (notation)

Other thread ends are permissible and shall be ordered according to DIN 962.

DIN 976-1:2016-09

Table 1 — Dimensions
Dimensions in millimetres
M2 M2,5 M3 (M3,5) M4 M5 M6 M8 M10 M12
Thread size, d – – – – – – – M8×1 M10×1,25 M12×1,25
– – – – – – – – M10×1 M12×1,5
Nom. Mass (7,85 kg/dm3) kg per 1 000 units
min. max.
5 4,76 5,24 0,09 0,15
6 5,76 6,24 0,11 0,18 0,27
8 7,71 8,29 0,15 0,24 0,35 0,48 0,62
10 9,71 10,29 0,19 0,30 0,44 0,60 0,78 1,24
12 11,65 12,35 0,22 0,36 0,53 0,72 0,93 1,49 2,12
(14) 13,65 14,35 0,26 0,42 0,62 0,84 1,09 1,73 2,47
16 15,65 16,35 0,30 0,48 0,71 0,95 1,24 1,98 2,82 5,10
(18) 17,65 18,35 0,34 0,54 0,79 1,07 1,40 2,23 3,18 5,73
20 19,58 20,42 0,37 0,60 0,88 1,19 1,55 2,48 3,53 6,37 10,0
(22) 21,58 22,42 0,41 0,66 0,97 1,31 1,71 2,72 3,88 7,01 11,0
25 24,58 25,42 0,47 0,75 1,10 1,49 1,94 3,09 4,41 7,96 12,6 18,2
(28) 27,58 28,42 0,52 0,84 1,24 1,67 2,17 3,47 4,94 8,92 14,1 20,3
30 29,58 30,42 0,56 0,90 1,32 1,79 2,32 3,71 5,29 9,56 15,1 21,8
35 34,5 35,5 0,66 1,05 1,53 2,09 2,71 4,33 6,18 11,1 17,5 25,5
40 39,5 40,5 0,75 1,20 1,74 2,39 3,10 4,95 7,06 12,7 20,1 29,1
45 44,5 45,5 1,35 1,94 2,69 3,49 5,57 7,94 14,3 22,5 32,7
50 49,5 50,5 1,50 2,15 2,99 3,88 6,19 8,82 15,9 25,1 36,4
55 54,4 55,6 2,36 3,29 4,27 6,81 9,71 17,5 27,5 40,0
60 59,4 60,6 2,58 3,59 4,66 7,43 10,6 19,1 30,1 43,7
65 64,4 65,6 3,89 5,05 8,05 11,5 20,7 32,5 47,3
70 69,4 70,6 4,20 5,44 8,67 12,4 22,3 35,2 50,9
75 74,4 75,6 5,83 9,29 13,3 23,9 37,7 54,7
80 79,4 80,6 6,22 9,91 14,2 25,5 40,2 58,2
(85) 84,3 85,7 10,5 15,1 27,1 42,7 61,8
90 89,3 90,7 11,2 15,9 28,7 45,2 65,5
(95) 94,3 95,7 11,8 16,8 30,3 47,7 69,1
100 99,3 100,7 12,4 17,7 31,9 50,2 72,8
110 109,3 110,7 19,5 35,1 55,2 80,0
120 119,3 120,7 21,3 38,3 60,2 87,3
130 129,2 130,8 41,5 65,1 94,6
140 139,2 140,8 44,7 70,1 102
150 149,2 150,8 47,9 75,1 109
160 159,2 160,8 51,1 80,1 117
170 169,2 170,8 85,0 124
180 179,2 180,8 90,0 131
190 189,075 190,925 95,0 138
200 199,075 200,925 99,9 146
220 219,075 220,925 160
240 239,075 240,925 175
1 000 995,5 1 004,5 19,0 30,0 43,0 59,8 77,6 124 177 319 502 728
2 000 1 992,5 2 007,5 38,0 60,0 86,0 120 155 248 354 638 1 004 1 456
3 000 2 989,5 3 010,5 57,0 90,0 129 179 233 372 531 957 1 506 2 184

DIN 976-1:2016-09

Table 1 (continued)
Dimensions in millimetres
(M14) M16 (M18) M20 (M22) M24 (M27) M30 (M33) M36
Thread size, d
(M14×1,5)M16×1,5(M18×1,5)M20×1,5(M22×1,5)M24×2 (M27×2) M30×2 (M33×2) M36×3
Nom. Mass (7,85 kg/dm3) kg per 1 000 units
min. max.
30 29,58 30,42 29,8 40,0
35 34,5 35,5 34,8 46,6 57,9
40 39,5 40,5 39,8 53,3 66,1 83,3
45 44,5 45,5 44,8 60,0 74,4 93,7 115
50 49,5 50,5 49,7 66,6 82,7 104 128 150
55 54,4 55,6 54,7 73,3 90,9 115 141 165 213
60 59,4 60,6 59,7 80,0 99,2 125 154 180 232 284
65 64,4 65,6 64,6 86,6 107 135 166 195 251 308 378
70 69,4 70,6 69,6 93,3 116 146 179 210 271 332 407 482
75 74,4 75,6 74,6 100 124 156 192 225 290 355 437 516
80 79,4 80,6 79,6 107 132 167 205 240 310 379 466 550
(85) 84,3 85,7 84,5 113 141 177 218 255 329 403 495 585
90 89,3 90,7 89,5 120 149 187 230 270 348 427 524 619
(95) 94,3 95,7 94,5 127 157 198 243 285 368 450 553 653
100 99,3 100,7 99,5 133 165 208 256 300 387 474 582 688
110 109,3 110,7 109 147 182 229 282 330 426 521 640 757
120 119,3 120,7 119 160 198 250 307 360 464 569 698 825
130 129,2 130,8 129 173 215 271 333 390 503 616 757 894
140 139,2 140,8 139 187 231 291 358 420 542 664 815 963
150 149,2 150,8 149 200 248 312 383 450 580 711 873 1 032
160 159,2 160,8 159 213 265 333 410 480 619 758 931 1 101
170 169,2 170,8 169 226 281 354 435 510 658 806 990 1 169
180 179,2 180,8 180 239 298 375 461 540 696 853 1 048 1 238
190 189,075 190,925 190 252 315 396 486 570 735 901 1 106 1 307
200 199,075 200,925 199 265 332 416 512 600 774 948 1 164 1 376
220 219,075 220,925 218 291 366 456 563 660 851 1 043 1 281 1 513
240 239,075 240,925 237 317 400 496 614 720 929 1 138 1 397 1 651
260 258,95 261,05 256 343 434 535 665 780 1 006 1 232 1 513 1 788
280 278,95 281,05 275 369 468 575 716 840 1 083 1 327 1 630 1 926
300 298,95 301,05 395 502 615 767 900 1 161 1 422 1 746 2 064
320 318,85 321,15 421 536 655 818 960 1 239 1 517 1 862 2 202
340 338,85 341,15 570 694 869 1 020 1 317 1 612 1 978 2 340
360 358,85 361,15 604 734 920 1 080 1 395 1 707 2 094 2 478
380 378,85 381,15 774 971 1 140 1 473 1 802 2 210 2 616
400 398,85 401,15 815 1 022 1 200 1 551 1 897 2 326 2 754
420 418,75 421,25 1 073 1 260 1 629 1 992 2 442 2 892
440 438,75 441,25 1 124 1 320 1 707 2 087 2 548 3 030
460 458,75 461,25 1 380 1 785 2 182 2 674 3 168
480 478,75 481,25 1 440 1 863 2 277 2 790 3 306
500 498,75 501,25 1 941 2 372 2 906 3 444
1 000 995,5 1 004,5 995 1 330 1 650 2 080 2 560 3 000 3 882 4 744 5 812 6 888
2 000 1 992,5 2 007,5 1 990 2 660 3 300 4 160 5 120 6 000 7 764 9 488 11 624 13 776
3 000 2 989,5 3 010,5 2 985 3990 4 950 6 240 7 680 9 000 11 646 14 232 17 436 20 664

DIN 976-1:2016-09

Table 1 (continued)
Dimensions in millimetres
(M39) M42 (M45) M48 (M52) M56 (M60) M64 (M68) –
Thread size, d
(M39×3) M42×3 (M45×3) M48×3 (M52×3) M56×4 (M60×4) M64×4 (M68×4) M72×6
Nom. Mass (7,85 kg/dm3) kg per 1 000 units
min. max.
80 79,4 80,6 654
(85) 84,3 85,7 694
90 89,3 90,7 735 847
(95) 94,3 95,7 776 894
100 99,3 100,7 817 941 1 091 1 235
110 109,3 110,7 899 1 036 1 201 1 358
120 119,3 120,7 980 1 131 1 310 1 482 1 758 2 034
130 129,2 130,8 1 062 1 224 1 419 1 605 1 905 2 203 2 552 2 895
140 139,2 140,8 1 143 1 318 1 528 1 729 2 052 2 372 2 748 3 118 3 547
150 149,2 150,8 1 225 1 412 1 637 1 852 2 198 2 542 2 945 3 341 3 800 4 289
160 159,2 160,8 1 307 1 506 1 747 1 976 2 345 2 711 3 141 3 563 4 054 4 575
170 169,2 170,8 1 389 1 600 1 856 2 099 2 491 2 881 3 337 3 786 4 307 4 861
180 179,2 180,8 1 471 1 695 1 965 2 223 2 637 3 050 3 533 4 009 4 560 5 147
190 189,075 190,925 1 552 1 789 2 074 2 346 2 784 3 219 3 729 4 232 4 814 5 433
200 199,075 200,925 1 634 1 883 2 183 2 470 2 931 3 389 3 926 4 455 5 067 5 719
220 219,075 220,925 1 797 2 071 2 401 2 716 3 224 3 728 4 319 4 901 5 574 6 291
240 239,075 240,925 1 961 2 260 2 620 2 963 3 517 4 067 4 712 5 347 6 080 6 863
260 258,95 261,05 2 124 2 448 2 838 3 210 3 810 4 406 5 104 5 793 6 587 7 435
280 278,95 281,05 2 288 2 636 3 056 3 457 4 103 4 745 5 497 6 239 7 094 8 007
300 298,95 301,05 2 451 2 824 3 275 3 704 4 396 5 084 5 889 6 682 7 600 8 579
320 318,85 321,15 2 614 3 013 3 493 3 951 4 689 5 423 6 282 7 127 8 107 9 150
340 338,85 341,15 2 778 3 201 3 711 4 198 4 982 5 762 6 675 7 572 8 614 9 722
360 358,85 361,15 2 941 3 389 3 930 4 445 5 275 6 101 7 067 8 017 9 121 10 294
380 378,85 381,15 3 104 3 578 4 148 4 692 5 568 6 440 7 460 8 462 9 627 10 866
400 398,85 401,15 3 267 3 766 4 366 4 939 5 861 6 779 7 853 8 908 10 134 11 438
420 418,75 421,25 3 430 3 954 4 585 5 186 6 155 7 118 8 245 9 354 10 641 12 009
440 438,75 441,25 3 593 4 142 4 803 5 433 6 448 7 457 8 638 9 799 11 147 12 582
460 458,75 461,25 3 756 4 330 5 021 5 680 6 741 7 796 9 030 10 245 11 654 13 154
480 478,75 481,25 3 919 4 518 5 239 5 927 7 034 8 134 9 423 10 690 12 161 13 726
500 498,75 501,25 4 082 4 706 5 457 6 174 7 327 8 473 9 816 11 136 12 667 14 298
1 000 995,5 1 004,5 8 164 9 412 10 914 12 348 14 654 16 946 19 632 22 272 25 334 28 596
2 000 1 992,5 2 007,5 16 328 18 824 21 828 24 696 29 308 33 892 39 264 44 544 50 668 57 192
3 000 2 989,5 3 010,5 24 492 28 236 32 742 37 044 43 962 50 838 58 896 66 816 76 002 85 788
Stud bolts are generally manufactured in the sizes for which a value of mass has been specified.
Lengths between 500 mm und 1 000 mm shall be graded in 20 mm increments.
Bracketed sizes should be avoided if possible.
If no mass is given, it indicates that the type is not commercially available.

DIN 976-1:2016-09

4 Technical delivery conditions

See Table 2.

Table 2 — Technical delivery conditions

Material Steel Stainless steel Nonferrous metal
Standard DIN ISO 8992
Threada class
Standard DIN ISO 965-2
d < 3 mm d < 3 mm CuZn = copper-
Subject to agreement. Subject to agreement. zinc-alloyc
3 mm ≤ d ≤ 39 mm 3 mm ≤ d ≤ 24 mm Al = aluminium
Mechanical class 4.8, 5.6, 5.8, A2-70
properties (material) 8.8, 10.9, 12.9 A4-70
d > 39 mm d > 24 mm
Subject to agreement. Subject to agreement.
Standards DIN EN ISO 898-1 DIN EN ISO 3506-1 DIN EN 28839
Limit Product
deviations, grade
tolerances Standard DIN EN ISO 4759-1
As processed. Plain As processed.
DIN 267-2 applies with regard to surface roughness.
DIN EN ISO 4042 applies with regard
to electroplating.
DIN EN ISO 10683 applies with
Surface finish — Coating regard to non-electrolytically applied – –
zinc flake coatings.
DIN EN ISO 10684 applies with
regard to hot dip galvanizing.
Additional requirements, other surface finishes or coatings are to be agreed
between the supplier and the customer.
DIN EN 26157-1 applies with regard
to limits for surface discontinuities
for property classes 4.8, 5.6, 5.8, 8.8
Surface condition and 10.9. – –
DIN EN 26157-3 applies with regard
to limits for surface discontinuities
for property class 12.9.
Acceptance inspection DIN EN ISO 3269
a It cannot be assumed with certainty that stud bolts with lengths of engagement larger than those in thread engagement group
N are fully calibrated.
b 8g for property class < 8.8; 6g for property class 8.8 or greater (see also DIN EN ISO 4759-1). Depending on the selected
coating system, another tolerance position prior to the application of the coating may be necessary, see DIN EN ISO 4042,
DIN EN ISO 10683 and DIN EN ISO 10684, for example.
c CuZn = CU2 or CU3 grade copper-zinc-alloy (according to DIN EN 28839) at the manufacturer’s discretion.
d Al = AL1 or AL2 grade aluminium alloy (according to DIN EN 28839) at the manufacturer’s discretion.
e Length tolerance deviates from product grade C as specified here:
 for stud bolts with nominal length < 1 000 mm: js15 (corresponds to product grade A);
 for stud bolts with nominal length ≥ 1 000 mm: js17 (corresponds to product grade B).

DIN 976-1:2016-09

5 Designation
Designation of an M10 stud bolt of type B, with a nominal length, l, of 80 mm, of property class 8.8:

Stud bolt DIN 976-1 – M10 × 80 – B – 8.8

6 Marking

6.1 Property class or steel grade

Steel stud bolts of size M5 or greater (d ≥ 5 mm) shall be marked at one end with the symbol denoting the
property class according to DIN EN ISO 898-1. Stud bolts of property class 4.8 are not required to be marked.
It is not required that stud bolts be marked with the manufacturer’s symbol.

Austenitic stainless steel stud bolts of size M5 or greater (d ≥ 5 mm) assigned to property class A2-70 or
A4-70 shall be marked at one end with the symbol denoting the material grade (A2 or A4).

Marking of nonferrous metal stud bolts is not required.

6.2 Colour coding

As an alternative to marking as in 6.1, stud bolts may be marked at one end with a colour code as in Table 3.
The marking shall not impair proper use of the bolt.

Table 3 — Colour codes for marking stud bolts

Property class 4.8 Marking not required.
Property class 5.6 Chestnut brown RAL 8015a
Property class 5.8 Gentian blue RAL 5010a
Property class 8.8 Traffic yellow RAL 1023a
Property class 10.9 Oyster white RAL 1013a
Property class 12.9 Traffic black RAL 9017a
Stainless austenitic steel
A2-70 Traffic green RAL 6024a
A4-70 Flame red RAL 3000a
Nonferrous metal
CuZn, Al Marking not required.
a Colours as in RAL 840-HR.
Obtainable from RAL gemeinnützige GmbH, Siegburger Straße 39, 53757 Sankt Augustin

DIN 976-1:2016-09


DIN 4000-160, Tabular layout of product properties — Part 160: Fasteners with external thread

DIN ISO 965-1, ISO general purpose metric screw threads — Tolerances — Part 1: Principles and basic data


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