12 Week Essential Ankle and Hip Mobility

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Welcome to the 12 Week Essential

Sprinters mobility system!

This program was put together to help you improve sprint faster by improving your joint
mobility and range of motion, muscle flexibility, and to help you maintain the health of your
body. Mobility has always been something that I have cared about. However, I didn’t realize just
how important it was until I tore my ACL in 2019 and had to complete change my training for at
least 2 years. After my injury, my training shifted completely as it went from trying to beat my
best 40-yard dash time of 4.54 seconds to training to regain full range of motion in my knee and
the ability run again. Eventually, I was able to regain the ability to do anything I want and now I
am able to play rugby without a knee brace. This experience taught me a lot about the
importance of mobility and body maintenance and was my inspiration to focus much more on
this topic and to put this program together.

As you go through this program you will find a mobility program that will get more intense
every 2 weeks. The 2-week interval is important because it gives your body time to adapt and
improve before we move on! Now, I do want to make it clear that if you are currently in pain,
this program is not made to cure all of your pains and injuries. It is near impossible for me to put
together a program for your injury without doing various tests and talking to you about it. This
program was put together to help you stay healthy, reduce how often you get injured and
increase your joints mobility or maintain your joint mobility.

Why Mobility is Important!

Mobility is a term used to describe the ability of a person's joints to move through their full range
of motion. This is an important aspect of athletic performance, as it allows athletes to perform a
wide range of movements with ease and without pain or discomfort.

Having good mobility can help athletes in a number of ways. For one, it can help them to
perform movements more efficiently, which can improve their athletic performance. For
example, a runner with good hip mobility may be able to move their legs through a greater range
of motion, allowing them to take longer strides and run more quickly.

Good mobility can also help to reduce the risk of injury. When a joint is unable to move through
its full range of motion, it can lead to overuse injuries, such as tendonitis or bursitis. By
improving mobility, athletes can help to prevent these types of injuries and stay healthy.

In addition to these benefits, good mobility can also help athletes to recover more quickly from
workouts and competitions. When a joint is able to move freely, it can help to increase blood
flow and promote the healing process. This can help athletes to recover more quickly and be
ready for their next workout or competition.

Overall, mobility is an important aspect of athletic performance. By improving their mobility,

athletes can improve their efficiency, reduce their risk of injury, and recover more quickly from
workouts and competitions.

Mobile vs stable joints

The ankle and hip are both mobile joints, meaning that they are able to move through a wide
range of motion. This is important for athletic performance, as it allows athletes to perform a
variety of movements with ease and without pain or discomfort.

While both the ankle and hip are mobile joints, the knee is a stable joint. This means that it is
able to support the body's weight and maintain balance during activities like running, jumping,
and cutting. The stability of the knee is important for preventing injuries and maintaining balance
during athletic activities.

In contrast, the ankle and hip are not stable joints. They are primarily mobile joints, allowing for
a wide range of motion, but they do not provide the same level of stability as the knee. This is
why injuries to the ankle and hip, such as sprains and dislocations, are relatively common in

Overall, the ankle, hip, and knee are all important for athletic performance, but they have
different roles. The ankle and hip are mobile joints, while the knee is a stable joint. By
maintaining good mobility and stability in all three joints, athletes can improve their performance
and reduce their risk of injury. Although it is important to mention that even though the hip and
ankle are mobile joints it is still important to make sure you can maintain adequate levels of
satiability. If you are so mobile that you cannot control your ankles and hips this will also lead to

Consistency is the key with Mobility

Consistency is important when it comes to mobility training for several reasons. First and
foremost, consistent mobility training is necessary to see improvements in flexibility and range
of motion. The body adapts to the movements and positions that it is consistently exposed to, so
practicing mobility exercises regularly is key to increasing flexibility and range of motion.

In addition, consistent mobility training can help to prevent injuries. When the body is able to
move through its full range of motion, it is better able to absorb the impact of physical activity
and reduce the risk of overuse injuries. By practicing mobility exercises regularly, athletes can
help to keep their joints healthy and prevent injuries.

Furthermore, consistent mobility training can help to improve athletic performance. Good
mobility allows athletes to perform movements more efficiently, which can enhance their speed,
power, and endurance. By practicing mobility exercises on a regular basis, athletes can improve
their athletic performance and take their training to the next level.

Overall, consistency is key when it comes to mobility training. By practicing mobility exercises
regularly, athletes can improve their flexibility and range of motion, prevent injuries, and
enhance their athletic performance.
Using the program
When you look down at the mobility workouts you will see that the workout will change every
two weeks. I am going to give you the task to do each workout twice a week for 2 weeks so you
should do each workout program at least four times and take at least 2 weeks before moving on
to the next one.
There will be some exercises in this mobility system that will require you use weight. You do not
want to use a weight that is going to extremely challenging and leave you with fatigue.
Remember this is a mobility system not a strength and conditioning workout. The weight is there
to assist your mobility and to add some strength to the newfound mobility you will have. Now
let’s get into the workouts!
Some of these exercises use a resistance band in this mobility system. I would strongly
recommend using a resistance band as it has many benefits that I explain later in this mobility
system. However, if you do not have access to a resistance band it is okay to do the movement
without a band but again, I would strongly recommend you use one.
Week 1 and 2 Over the first 4 weeks we are going to focus

Sets/reps on 2 things.
Exercises or time
The first is going to be soft tissue
Ball Roll Glute mobilization of the tissues around your hips
and Piriformis 30sec and ankles. Soft tissue mobilization is a type
of self-care technique that involves using
Ball Roll Calf 30sec
your hands other tools or exercises to apply
Kneeling Tibialis
Anterior Stretch 2x30sec gentle pressure and movements to the soft

Kneeling tissues of your body, such as your muscles,

Plantares tendons, and ligaments. The goal of this
Fasciitis Stretch 2x30sec
technique is to improve the mobility and
Deep Squat
with Reach 2x7reps range of motion of the tissues, reduce
muscle tension and stiffness, and promote

Week 3 and 4 healing and relaxation. We are going to

Sets/reps work on mobilizing your soft tissue.

Exercises or time
The second thing is that we are going to
Ball Roll Glute
introduce gentle weighted mobilizations.
and Piriformis 30sec
These mobilizations are used to take
Banded Ankle
Mobilization 2x7/side advantage of the mobility created by the soft
Kneeling tissue mobilization to help build and
Fasciitis Stretch 2x30sec maintain your newfound mobility through

2x10 of relevant movement patterns. The additional

each weight will help you sink deeper into the
Hip Rock Series movement
movement and the weight will help build
Deep Squat with
strength through the new range of motion
Reach 2x7reps
you have access too.
Week 5 and 6 From week 5 to 8 we are going to still use

Sets/reps soft tissue mobilizations and gentle weighted

Exercises or time mobilizations but there is also going to be an
Ball Roll Glute increased use of banded mobilization.
and Piriformis 30sec
Banded Ankle
Mobilization 2x7/side Banded distraction mobilizations work by
applying gentle and sustained tension to a
2x10 of
each joint or group of joints using a resistance
Hip Rock Series movement band. This tension stretches the soft tissue,
2x10 of such as the muscles tendons and ligaments
Weighted Knee each
Drive Lunge movement around the joint. The band can also help to

Deep Squat shift the bone into the proper position to

with Weight 2x7reps help improve the range of motion and
mobility of an area. You can adjust the
Week 7 and 8 tension on the band to change the amount of
Sets/reps force that is being applied by the band. You
Exercises or time
want to have enough tension that you feel

Couch Stretch 2x30sec the effects of the band, but you do not want
Banded Ankle the band to cause pain. The sustained
Mobilization 2x7/side tension that is provided by the band can also
2x10 of reduce stiffness and pain while promoting
healing and recovery in the targeted area.
Hip Rock Series movement
2x10 of
Seated Sumo each
Good Morning movement
Max Range Stiff
Leg RDL 2x7reps
Week 9 and 10 As you can see in weeks. 9-12 we have now
put a large focused on weighted mobility
Sets/reps exercises so let’s talk about more benefits of
Exercises or time them! These exercises also benefit greatly
from soft tissue and banded mobilizations
2x10 of
and that is why we focus on them last
Weighted Knee each
Drive Lunge movement
Weighted mobility exercises are a type of
Banded Ankle technique that involves using weights, such
Mobilization 2x8/side as dumbbells or kettlebells, to add resistance
Seated Sumo to movements that are designed to improve
Good Morning 2x7/side the flexibility and range of motion of a joint
or group of joints. This type of exercise can
ATG Split Squat 3x8/side be beneficial for a variety of reasons. Some
2x10 of of the potential benefits of weighted
mobility exercises include:
Deep Squat each
with Weight movement
1. Improved flexibility and range of
motion: Adding weight to a mobility
Week 11 and 12 exercise can help to increase the
Sets/reps intensity of the movement, which
can lead to greater improvements in
Exercises or time
flexibility and range of motion.
2x10 of 2. Reduced stiffness and pain:
Weighted Knee each Weighted mobility exercises can
Drive Lunge movement help to reduce stiffness and pain in
the affected area by increasing blood
Banded Ankle flow and breaking up scar tissue.
Mobilization 2x8/side 3. Enhanced functional movement:
Seated Sumo Improving the flexibility and range
Good Morning 2x7/side of motion of a joint can help to
enhance functional movement, like
ATG Split Squat 3x8/side
the movements found in your sport
2x10 of 4. Adding a weight into the
Max Range Stiff each mobilization will also help you build
Leg RDL movement strength through your newfound
mobility. Building strength through
new range of motion is important for
maintaining this new range of motion
and preventing injuries because if
you build mobility without strength,
you will get injured

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