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Department of Education 1


Senior High School
Humanities and Social Science

Maximizing Productivity and Achieving Academic Success:

the Plight of Senior High School Achievers


Presented to
The Faculty of Libertad National High School
Senior High School
Surallah Municipality


In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for Practical Research I


Joan Demasuay1, Jhon Mark Ferin2, John Mark Gazo3, Alexis Juadiong4,

Charmelle Lago5, Princess Grace Paragoso6

JUNE 2023


This research study “Maximizing Productivity and Academic Success: The Plight of Senior

High School Achievers” has passed the standards set by the Libertad National High School,

Senior High School Department.





Member Member


Member Member

ACCEPTED in PARTIAL FULLFILMENT of the requirements in Practical Research I


Principal IV


We would like to express our gratitude towards the people who helped us in order to finish

our research paper entitled “Maximizing Productivity and Achieving Academic Success: The

Plight of Senior High School Achievers”.

First of all, we would like to express our deep and sincere gratitude to our school’s

Principal MR. STEPHEN S. SALAZAR for allowing us the opportunity to conduct our

research among the grade 11 achievers. Also to our research adviser MR. HENRY O.

ALPERITO for providing us invaluable guidance throughout this research. To the Senior High

School Teachers who have given their consent for the full participation of our selected

respondents, we are very much pleased.

Our thanks and appreciations, also go to our respondents who willingly helped us with

their full cooperation which has made our research study achieve its smooth completion. We

would also like to give thanks for the time and knowledge that they had given us to conduct our



We dedicate this study to the resilient and driven senior high school achievers who

tirelessly pursue their academic goals and strive for excellence. Your unwavering dedication and

determination in the face of challenges are an inspiration to us all.

This research is dedicated to understanding your unique plight and uncovering strategies to

maximize productivity and achieve academic success. May our findings shed light on the hurdles

you face and provide valuable insights to empower you in your educational journey.

We extend our deepest appreciation to the participants who generously shared their

experiences, knowledge, and perspectives. Your willingness to contribute to this study has been

instrumental in its success.

To the educators and mentors who tirelessly guide and support senior high school

achievers, this dedication is for you as well. Your dedication and passion for fostering academic

growth and success deserve our utmost admiration.

Lastly, we dedicate this study to the families and communities who provide unwavering

support and encouragement to senior high school achievers. Your love, understanding, and belief

in their abilities play a vital role in their achievements.

May this research contribute to a better understanding of the challenges faced by senior

high school achievers and serve as a catalyst for positive change in educational practices and

policies. Together, let us strive to create an environment that nurtures productivity, fosters

academic success, and empowers senior high school achievers to reach their fullest potential.

Table of Contents

Preliminaries Page

Title Page 1

Approval Sheet 2

Acknowledgement 3

Dedication 4

Table of Contents 5

List of Figures 6

List of Appendices 7

Abstract 8

Chapter I – Introduction

Background of the Study 1

Theoretical Lens 3

Research Questions 4

Significance of the Study 4

Scope and Delimitation of the Study 5

Definition of Terms 6

Chapter II – Review of Related Literature

Factors affecting the effectiveness

of study skills among senior high school students.

Strategies for improving study skills and maximizing productivity.

Examining the correlation between study skills and academic success.


Chapter III– Methodology

Research Design

Research Participants and Sampling Technique

Research Instruments

Locale of the Study

Data Gathering Procedure

Data Analysis

Ethical Considerations

Chapter IV – Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

Schedule and Task Prioritization

Time Management Techniques

Goal Setting and Focus

Time Management

Mindset and Perseverance

Developing and Maintaining Positive Relationships

Transparency and Openness

Managing Stress and Developing a Positive Mindset

Chapter V – Summary of Findings, Conclusion, Recommendations

Summary of Findings




Online Sources


Curriculum Vitae

List of Figures

Figure Title Page

1 Map of the Locale of the Study

2 Data Gathering Procedure

List of Appendices

Appendix Title Page

A Interview Guide Questionnaire

B Letter of Permission

C Letter of Validation

D Letter of Validation

E Letter of Validation

F List of Participants

H Curriculum Vitae


This study examines the effectiveness of study skills among senior high school students

with the goal of maximizing productivity and achieving academic success. The study aims to

identify and analyze the study skills commonly used by senior high school students, as well as

evaluate the effectiveness of these skills in improving academic performance. The research

methodology involved a mixed-methods approach, including surveys, interviews, and academic

assessments. Results indicated that effective study skills include time management, goal setting,

note-taking, test-taking strategies, and self-regulated learning. The findings of this study provide

insights into how senior high school students can enhance their study skills to achieve academic

success, which can assist educators and parents in providing effective support and guidance to

improve student learning outcomes.


Chapter I


This chapter provides an overview of the research topic, its significance, and the research

question. It sets the context for the study and explains its purpose and objectives.

Background of the study

The pursuit of maximizing productivity and achieving academic success is a

paramount concern for senior high school achievers. In today's competitive educational

landscape, students face mounting pressures to excel academically and perform at their best. This

pursuit entails a multifaceted endeavor that encompasses effective time management, strategic

study techniques, and the cultivation of essential skills. By delving into the study of maximizing

productivity, senior high school achievers strive to navigate the demanding challenges of their

academic journey while aiming to reach their full potential. Through this arduous pursuit, they

seek to overcome obstacles, unlock their intellectual capabilities, and lay the foundation for a

prosperous future.

Examining the effectiveness of study skills among senior high school students is an

important research topic. It can help maximize student productivity and achieve academic

success. In this day and age, studies show that students often face difficulty in mastering their

study skills. Some students lack strategies to use to achieve success in their studies. With

increased competition among students to excel academically, it is essential to examine the

effectiveness of the study skills they use. This research paper is an attempt to explore the

effectiveness of senior high school student’s study skills and how they can be used to maximize

productivity and achieve academic success. For many high school seniors, mastering study skills

requires a great deal of dedication and determination. Students must have efficient resources and

reliable strategies for research, analysis, and presentation. At the same time, students must also

understand how to manage their time effectively, learn how to take notes effectively, and

comprehend their material thoroughly (Myers, 2017).

This research aims to understand how these study skills are implemented by senior high

school students, what effective study practices they possess, what changes they need to make to

be more successful in their studies, and how they can maximize their productivity and achieve

academic success. To explore the effectiveness of study skills among senior high school

students, this research will use a qualitative approach to gather data. Senior High School students

often face time constraints due to their academic workload, extracurricular activities. Therefore,

it is essential to examine how students manage their time and prioritize tasks to maximize

productivity (Jones et al. 2018). Semi-structured interviews will be conducted with students in

order to gain insights into their study process. Interviews will focus on factors such as the

student’s experience with their current study habits, the techniques used for researching material

effectively, methods for taking notes of lectures, approaches for analyzing material efficiently,

preferred strategies for preparing for exams, and the various tips used by them during exams

(Thorne and Reinhardt, 2019).

In addition to interviews data will also be gathered through observations of classrooms.

This observational data will enable us to gain an understanding of what techniques teachers are

using to teach in order to enable their students to master their study skills better. Analysis of data

from these observations will enable us to identify challenges faced by teachers with respect to

teaching senior high school students, evaluate their key teaching strategies deployed while

teaching a particular subject and so on. The purpose of this research is twofold; firstly it seeks to

gain an understanding of current study habits employed by senior high school students and

secondly it aims at offering insights into what changes need to be brought in order to maximize

productivity and achieve academic success. This research will also help student educators and

teachers formulate strategies based on empirical evidence as opposed to intuition in order to

helping students gain excellence in their studies. It is hoped that this research will help generate

evidence which could inform future interventions with regards to student’s study skills that can

be undertaken by schools and higher educational institutions worldwide. The study on the

usefulness of study skills in senior high school students emphasizes the need for customized

interventions that enhance productivity and foster academic achievement, eventually giving

students the tools they need for lifelong learning. According to a study conducted by the

American Psychological Association, "students who experience high levels of stress and anxiety

are more likely to have academic problems, including lower grades, decreased motivation to

learn, and a higher likelihood of dropping out of school" (American Psychological Association,

2018). This study is beneficial for those students who want to be academic achievers. They will

know what different strategies and struggles academic achievers face day by day to have

academic success. the reason why researcher conduct this study to know exactly what is the

procedure they do to gain the target grade they want be a achiever.

Theoretical Lens

The theoretical framework used to examine the effectiveness of study skills of senior

high school students could be based on Multiple Intelligence Theory by Dr. Howard Gardner.

This theory suggests that students have different patterns and profiles of intelligence which are

best met through a variety of instructional and assessment strategies (Garner, 1999). According

to this theory, students have eight intelligence's which can be used to help them to meet their

academic goals, including: linguistic intelligence, logical-mathematical intelligence, spatial


intelligence, bodily-kin aesthetic intelligence, musical intelligence, interpersonal intelligence,

intrapersonal intelligence and naturalistic intelligence. Through utilizing Multiple Intelligence

Theory, this research project would attempt to assess how the utilization of the various types of

intelligence's can lead to greater academic success and productivity amongst senior high school


Additionally, this research could attempt to measure the impact of incorporating study

skills such as organizing materials, goal setting, and time management into student learning

plans in terms of academic achievement.

Research Questions

This study aims to know the perspective of Senior High School Students of Libertad National

High School on the effects of study skills.

Specifically, the study aims to answer the following:

1.What are the study skills of senior high academic achievers?

2.How does study skills help senior high school students?

3.What are the strategies that students use to maximize productivity and

achieving academic success?

Significance of the Study

The significance of this study lies in its potential to contribute to the improvement of the

overall academic performance of senior high school students by identifying effective study skills

that can maximize their productivity and help them achieve academic success. Furthermore, the

research can also provide insights for educational policymakers in developing programs and

policies that can support the development of study skills among senior high school students,

which can lead to better academic performance and higher educational attainment.

Finally, the study can also contribute to the existing body of knowledge in the field of

education by providing empirical evidence on the effectiveness of various study skills and their

impact on academic achievement.

To the students, study students will be able to do better academically. In addition, this

would be the best way to boost their self-esteem and confidence.

To the teachers, this study will help them on how to properly guide their children in

terms of achieving academic success; additionally, it can be the way that children may learn

different strategies for learning.

To the researchers, this study would serve as a guide in developing and implementing

effective study strategies that can enhance students learning outcomes.

Scope and Delimitations

The scope of this research focuses on the effectiveness of study skills of senior high

school students in maximizing productivity and achieving academic success. This study only

cover senior high school students, specifically the Grade 11 students in a public high school in a

specific location. The research will also be limited to the study skills and techniques used by the

students in studying different subjects, including time management, note-taking, and test-taking

strategies. Delimitation: The study aims to examine the effectiveness of the study skills of senior

high school students. However, it is important to note that the study will only cover a specific

location and a single school. This may limit the generalizability of the results to other schools or

regions. Additionally, the study's focus on senior high school students means that the results may

not apply to other levels such as junior high or college students.

Conceptual Definition of Terms

Academic Performance- It refers to the demonstrated level of achievement, competence, or

mastery of academic tasks and requirements, such as grades, test scores, and overall academic

accomplishments. In the context of the research, it pertains to the academic outcomes and results

of senior high school achievers.

Academic Success- It refers to the attainment of desired educational goals, including high

grades, academic achievements, and personal growth. In the context of the research, it focuses on

the experiences and factors that contribute to the academic success of senior high school


Effectiveness- It refers to the degree to which something, such as study habits, techniques, or

strategies, achieves the desired goals or produces the intended outcomes. In the context of the

research, it relates to how well senior high school achievers' study habits and strategies

contribute to their academic success and productivity.

Examining- It refers to the process of closely investigating, analyzing, and exploring a particular

topic, phenomenon, or set of experiences. In the context of the research, it involves an in-depth

exploration of the study habits, strategies, and challenges faced by senior high school achievers

in their pursuit of academic success and productivity.

Learning- It encompasses the acquisition, understanding, and application of knowledge, skills,

and attitudes through various educational experiences and activities. In the context of the

research, it focuses on the learning experiences, challenges, and strategies employed by senior

high school achievers to maximize their productivity and achieve academic success.

Maximizing Productivity- It pertains to the process of optimizing one's efficiency, output, and

utilization of resources to accomplish tasks and goals. In the context of the research, it explores

the strategies and approaches employed by senior high school achievers to enhance their

productivity in studying and academic endeavors.

Senior High School Achiever- It refers to a student who is currently enrolled in or has

completed the senior high school level, typically the last two years of secondary education. In the

context of the research, it focuses on the experiences and challenges faced by these students in

maximizing their productivity and achieving academic success.

Strategies- These are deliberate plans of action or approaches used to achieve specific goals or

desired outcomes. In the context of the research, it encompasses the various study techniques,

time management methods, and other approaches employed by senior high school achievers to

enhance their productivity and academic success.

Study- It refers to the process of acquiring knowledge, understanding, and skills through focused

reading, research, and practice. In the context of the research, it explores the study habits,

techniques, and experiences of senior high school achievers in their pursuit of academic success.

Study Skills- These are the specific techniques, methods, and approaches used by individuals to

enhance their learning and academic performance. In the context of the research, it refers to the

study habits, time management, note-taking, and other strategies employed by senior high school

achievers to optimize their productivity and achieve academic success.

Operational Definition of Terms


Academic Performance- refers to the measurable outcomes and achievements of students in

their academic pursuits. It includes factors such as grades, test scores, class participation, and

completion of assignments.

Academic Success- encompasses the overall achievement, progress, and attainment of

educational goals by students. It includes factors such as high grades, consistent learning, active

engagement in academic activities, and successful completion of educational milestones.

Effectiveness- refers to the degree to which study habits, techniques, or strategies yield desired

results in terms of improving academic performance and productivity. It involves the ability to

achieve intended goals and objectives efficiently.

Examining- refers to the process of closely investigating and analyzing study habits, techniques,

and strategies used by senior high school achievers to maximize productivity and achieve

academic success. It involves in-depth exploration and understanding of the methods and

approaches employed by students.

Learning- refers to the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, and understanding through

educational experiences. It involves the assimilation and integration of new information,

concepts, and abilities that contribute to personal growth, development, and academic


Maximizing Productivity- refers to the intentional use of strategies, study habits, and

techniques to enhance efficiency and output in academic activities. It involves optimizing time

management, prioritization, and focusing on tasks that contribute to achieving academic goals


Senior High School Achiever- refers to a student who has demonstrated notable academic

performance and success during their senior high school education. These students have

exhibited high levels of achievement in their studies, typically reflected in grades, test scores,

and overall educational progress.

Strategies- refer to the specific plans, methods, or approaches utilized by students to enhance

their study habits, manage time effectively, and improve academic performance. These can

include techniques such as goal-setting, task prioritization, self-monitoring, and self-reflection.

Study- refers to the active and intentional engagement in learning and acquiring knowledge,

typically through reading, researching, reviewing materials, and practicing concepts or skills. It

involves the application of study skills and strategies to comprehend and retain information


Study Skills- refer to the specific abilities, techniques, and strategies that individuals employ to

enhance their learning and comprehension. These skills include effective note-taking, time

management, critical thinking, organization, concentration, and self-regulation.


Chapter II

Review of Related Literature and Studies

In this chapter, relevant literature and studies related to the research topic are reviewed. It

examines existing research, theories, and concepts to establish the theoretical foundation for the


Factors affecting the effectiveness of study skills among senior high school students.

According to Tan et al. (2018), academic performance was often higher among students

with active learning approaches and productive study routines. Adu and Osei-Kwasi (2017)

stated that the academic achievement of senior high school pupils was significantly predicted by

time management and motivation. In order to improve their academic performance, the study

advised students to cultivate good time management techniques and motivation. Dauda and

Abubakar (2019) also stated that parents’ support and participation in their children’s education

had a big impact on how well they did in school. In order to improve their children’s academic

performance, parents should give them the necessary support and direction. Akinoglu and

Cakiroglu (2015) also indicated that the most important indicators of academic accomplishment

were students' attitudes toward learning, their perception of their control over their learning, and

their learning practices.

Correspondingly, Rahman and Alam (2020) said that socioeconomic status is one of the

most studied and hotly contested factors that affect pupils’ academic achievement. The idea that

students’ socioeconomic background has an impact on the caliber of their academic performance

is the one that is most frequently heard. Furthermore, Cheng (2015) also said that academic

stress negatively affected students’ learning outcomes, including their use of effective study

skills. Students who reported higher levels of stress were less likely to engage in effective study

practices such as time management, note-taking, and active learning.

Kachru et al. (2017) provided that, the two most crucial aspects that influence how

successfully senior high school students use their study skills are time management and self-

regulation. Students who effectively controlled their time and had strong self-regulation abilities

were more likely to succeed academically. Moreover, Chen and Li (2016), also said that

students’ motivation to learn and attitude toward learning were important variables that

influenced the effectiveness of study skills among senior high school students. Students who

were motivated to learn and had a positive attitude toward learning were more likely to use

effective study skills and perform better in their studies.

Apart from this, Gade and Akkoyunlu (2015), said that the effectiveness of study skills

among senior high school students was also significantly impacted by learning style preferences

and meta cognitive awareness. The study discovered that students were more likely to employ

efficient study techniques if they had a better awareness of their preferred learning styles and

were conscious of their meta cognitive processes. Lee and Chen (2017), indeed found that

teacher support and the classroom environment also played a significant role in influencing the

effectiveness of study skills among senior high school students. Students were more likely to

employ effective study techniques and achieve better in their studies when they had assistance

from their teachers and a favorable learning environment.

Although Nguyen et al. (2017) provided that, study skills among students were

significantly predicted by their learning environment, learning style, and motivation. The authors

recommended that teachers take these elements into account when creating study skill lessons for

seniors in high school.


Further, academic achievement is typically higher for students with stronger study habits.

Additionally, the researchers found a number of study techniques, including time management,

taking notes, and critical thinking, that are particularly effective in enhancing academic

achievement (Sánchez-López et al., 2020). Jaafar and Othman (2019) stated that students in

Senior High School showed a favorable correlation between effective time management and

good study skills. Teachers can support their students in making appropriate time management

choices in order to improve their academic success.

In spite of this, Saralyn Smith and Kasey Pohlman (2019) said that active reading, taking

notes, and self-testing were the best study techniques for seniors in high school. The study also

found elements including a lack of desire and ineffective time management that have a negative

impact on learning abilities.

Strategies for improving study skills and maximizing productivity.

According to Aşıksoy et al. (2021), technology can be a powerful tool for improving

study skills and productivity, using educational technology such as online learning platforms,

digital note-taking tools, and mobile apps can help students better organize their work,

collaborate with peers, and access learning resources more easily. Hegarty (2017) state that,

creating a schedule that balances study time with leisure time is beneficial for academic success.

Anyanwu and Anaduaka (2018) examined the relationship between study skills,

motivation and academic achievement in science and technology among senior high school

students in Nigeria. The results revealed that study skills and motivation significantly predicted

academic achievement in science and technology. Meyer (2015) also stated that summarizing

and note-taking improved students’ recall and comprehension.


Dignath et al. (2018) indicated that, senior high school students who engaged in meta

cognitive strategies, such as setting learning goals, monitoring their own progress, and evaluating

their own learning, were more likely to achieve academic success

Alternatively Kuo and Ho (2016), said that the learning environment can also have an

impact on academic success. One study found that senior high school students who study in a

quiet environment, free from distractions, are more likely to achieve better academic results.

Rosário et al. (2016) said that, students who study in groups or with a study partner are

more likely to succeed academically. Moreover, Dweck (2016) also said that mindset strategies

refers to the belief that one’s abilities can be developed through hard work and dedication. One

study found that senior high school students who have a growth mindset, as opposed to a fixed

mindset, are more likely to be successful in their studies.

Correspondingly, Alimboyoguen and Cawas (2019) said that students’ reading of notes

and textbooks, note-taking, and note-reviewing were the three most prevalent study techniques.

The lack of enthusiasm, poor concentration, and poor time management were also common

complaints among students. Similarly, Kim and Lee (2021), also said that students in senior high

school can increase their productivity by creating healthy sleep patterns. They discovered that

obtaining enough sleep and keeping a regular sleep schedule can aid students in remaining

attentive, focused, and productive when studying.

Furthermore, Huang and Chang (2017) explored the relationship between self-regulated

learning, meta cognitive awareness, motivation, and academic achievement in senior high school

students. The results indicated that self-regulated learning had a positive effect on academic

achievement. Again Bayazit et al. (2019) showed that the use of concept mapping as a study

strategy helped senior high school students improve their comprehension and retention of subject

matter. Huda et al. (2018) found that the use of the Pomodoro technique (a time management

strategy that involves working for 25 minutes and taking a 5-minute break) improved the

productivity and academic performance of senior high school students.

Examining the correlation between study skills and academic success.

According to Sari and Kartal (2015), senior high school students who had higher self-

efficacy and self-regulation skills were more likely to have better academic performance. Akbari

et al. (2018) indeed found a significant positive correlation between study skills and academic

achievement in senior high school students. The authors suggested that improving study skills

should be a priority for educators and students. Soltani et al. (2020) stated that, they found that

study skills were significantly correlated with academic performance in senior high school

students. They suggested that schools provide students with training in study skills to enhance

their academic achievement.

Kwek and Dzulkifli (2017) also stated that, study skills were positively correlated with

academic success among Malaysian senior high school students. They recommend that teachers

should incorporate study skills training in their curriculum to help students develop effective

study habits.

Wong et al. (2021), also indeed found that time management, note-taking, and self-

regulated learning skills were positively correlated with academic success among Hong Kong

senior high school students. They recommend that teachers should incorporate these skills in

their curriculum and provide students with opportunities to practice them.


Moreover, Adomako and Oduro (2015), found that there was a significant positive

relationship between study skills and academic performance among Ghanaian senior high school

students. They recommend that schools should provide study skills training to students in order

to improve their academic achievement. A study by Yang and Jiang (2015) examined the

relationship between study skills and academic achievement among Chinese senior high school

students. They found that students who had higher study skills had better academic achievement

than those with lower study skills.

Although Kusuma and Kurniawan (2020) examined the correlation between learning

styles, study skills, and academic performance among senior high school students in Indonesia.

The study revealed that students who utilized active study skills, such as summarization and self-

testing, had higher academic achievement than those who relied on passive study skills.

Similarly, another study by Asare and Antwi (2017) investigated the relationship between study

skills and academic achievement among senior high school students in Ghana. The study found

that students who possessed effective study skills, such as time management and concentration,

were more likely to achieve higher grades.

Furthermore, a study conducted in the Philippines found that senior high school students

who received study skills training had significantly higher academic achievement than those who

did not receive such training (De Villa and Reyes, 2019).

Apart from this Latif and Ullah (2015) examined the relationship between study 12 skills

and academic performance among senior high school students in Pakistan. The study found that

study skills were positively correlated with academic performance, and that time management

was the most important predictor of academic performance among the study skills examined.

Erturk and Cakiroglu (2018), was discovered that among seniors in high school, time

management abilities and academic achievement were positively correlated. According to the

study’s findings, pupils who were able to manage their time well had a higher likelihood of

succeeding academically. Shahid, Riaz, and Abbas (2019) revealed that senior high school

students’ academic performance and study habits were positively correlated. According to the

survey’s findings, pupils with good study habits are more likely to get better grades and have

higher GPA’s.

Chapter III

Research Methodology

This chapter outlines the research design and methodology employed in the study. It

discusses the research approach, participants, data collection methods, and data analysis


Research Design

The research approach on this study is on a case basis where the characteristics of a

particular phenomenon is examined. In order to satisfy the objectives, the type of research

applied is qualitative research. According to DeFranzo (n.d.), qualitative research is primarily

exploratory research used to gain an understanding of underlying reasons, opinions and

motivations. Due to the restrictions brought by the pandemic, the case study in the research is

based from the answer provided by the participants in an in-depth questionnaire distributed by

the researchers to gather data and help in the development of theoretical propositions. According

to Yin (2014), a case study is an empirical inquiry that investigates a contemporary phenomenon

and context are not clearly evident.

Research Locale

The researchers conducted their study at Libertad National High School as the locale of

their study for it is the scope and delimitation of their study. Libertad National High School is a

prominent educational institution located in Surallah, South Cotabato, Philippines.


Figure 1. Locale of the study

Research Instruments

The researchers used semi-structured interview guide as their research instrument to

gather in-depth information from participants to gain insight into the study of how senior high

school achievers maximize their productivity and achieve academic success. In a semi-structured

interview, the interviewer follows a general interview guide but has the flexibility to explore

additional topics or probe for more details based on the participant's responses. This type of

interview allows for both pre-determined questions and spontaneous, unscripted conversations,

providing a balance between standardized data collection and the opportunity for participants to

share their perspectives and insight (Rubin H., Rubin I 2012).

Research Participants and Sampling Technique

The participants in the research study will be senior high school students. The researchers

selected Grade 11 students from Libertad National High School who achieved a particular level

of academic performance in the last 1st semester, specifically those with high honors. The

researchers used purposive sampling to select the respondents, as they are more likely to know

about different study habits and how to maximize productivity during the school year 2022 -

2023. Purposive sampling is a non-probability sampling technique in which participants are

selected based on specific criteria or the purpose of the study (Patton, 2015).

Data Gathering Procedure

Data collection is the process of collecting data from study participants. In a qualitative

way, it is important to use a rigorous data gathering procedure that allows for the collection of

rich and detailed information about students’ experiences, perceptions, and behaviors.

In order to obtain the desired information, the researchers asked participants questions

related to their experiences as achievers and how they maximize productivity and achieve

academic success. To gather data using the interview method, the researchers identified potential

participants who had achieved a particular level of academic performance. An interview is a

qualitative research method that involves a systematic and purposeful conversation between a

researcher and the participants or a group of participants (Kvale and Brinkman, 2009).

The participants were SHS achievers of Libertad National High School. The purpose of

using this data gathering procedure method was to gather rich, detailed information about

participants' experiences with maximizing productivity and achieving academic success. This

information could be used to analyze the maximization of productivity in achieving academic

success. The data could also be used to support the study’s validity and provide insight into the


The tables below show the exact and sequential manner of data gathering and procedure.

Head most, the research get the permission from the office of the principal to conduct the
research study in Libertad National High School

Letter of Approval seeking permission to conduct the study to those Senior High School

Selecting of participants who can provide insights into the research questions

Obtaining consent from the participant/respondent

Interviewing the Senior High School Achievers of Libertad National High School

Gathering data and formulating a summary, conclusions and recommendations of the study

Figure 2. Data Gathering Procedure. LINHS. 2023

Data Analysis

The researchers analyzed the data using thematic analysis. Thematic analysis is a method

of analyzing qualitative data that involves identifying, analyzing, and reporting patterns (themes)

within the data. Therefore, the researchers used that analysis by the presence of interviews within

thematic analysis (Braun and Clarke, 2006).


Ethical Considerations

Ethical considerations in qualitative phenomenological research encompass several key

aspects, including informed consent obtained from all participants, ensuring their voluntary

participation and confidentiality. Firstly, researchers establish a respectful and collaborative

relationship with participants. This involves in-depth interviews and other forms of engagement

with participants, and it is crucial to ensure that their rights, dignity, and well-being are upheld

throughout the research process. Participants' identities will be anonymized, using pseudonyms

or assigned codes, to protect their privacy. Data storage and security measures will be

implemented to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of the collected data.

Confidentiality and privacy are paramount in qualitative research. Researchers ensure

that all data collected is securely stored and accessible. This involves ensuring that participants,

or their legal guardians if they are minors, fully understand the purpose, procedures, potential

risks, and benefits of the study. When reporting the results, researchers use anonymized data to

protect the identity of participants, ensuring that no individual can be identified. Respecting the

confidentiality of participants is crucial for protecting the well-being and rights of the

participants involved.

Chapter IV

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

The purpose of conducting a thematic analysis in this study was to identify common

themes and patterns in the experiences of Senior High School Students who have achieved

academic success.

Moreover, the research aimed to explore the effectiveness of Senior High School students

study skills and how they can be used to maximize productivity and achieve academic success.

Furthermore, the research can also provide insights for educational policy makers in

developing programs and policies that can support the development of study skills among senior

high school students, which can lead to better academic performance and higher educational


Demographic of Participants

The results of this study were based on interviews, where the researchers conducted data

collection from the participants Moreover, the respondents in this research study was the grade

11 senior high school achievers from Libertad National High School.


Theme 1: Schedule and Task Prioritization

Participants in this theme emphasized the importance of scheduling and task prioritization as

strategies for effective time management. By organizing their tasks and allocating specific time slots for

different subjects or activities, they aimed to prevent confusion, maintain focus, and ensure the

completion of tasks without mixing them up.

Participant #1: “The strategies employ involves arranging my task according to a schedule. The

purpose of this scheduling is to prevent activities from getting mixed up… I prioritize all the

tasks related to math to ensure that they are not mixed with other subjects.”

Participant #4: “In my schedule, I allocate time for different activities… That’s why it’s

important to establish a schedule with designated time frames… During a specific time slot, you

focus on a particular subject to better comprehend the lessons and be more effective.”

Participant #8: “One of the time management strategies I use is to sometimes set a schedule to

ensure that I don’t forget what I need to do… I have a clear and planned view of what I need to


The participants recognized the benefits of having a schedule and prioritizing tasks. By

allocating specific time slots to different activities or subjects, they could dedicate focused

attention to each one, reducing distractions and improving their overall time management. Clear

task prioritization within subjects or areas of study helped them maintain organization and

enhance productivity.

Theme 2: Time Management Techniques

Participants in this theme discussed various time management techniques they employed

to optimize their productivity and study efficiency. The Pomodoro technique, characterized by

focused work sessions followed by short breaks, was commonly mentioned as a helpful approach

for managing study time without exhausting themselves.

Participant #2: “When it comes to academic time management, I use the Pomodoro technique…

By doing this, you can understand the topics that might appear on the exam and increase the

probability of them being included.”

Participant #6: “The one I personally use is called the Pomodoro technique… I allocate a

specific time to work on a particular activity with complete focus. After that, I take a short break

and then start another session. I repeat this cycle to prevent myself from getting too drained or

burned out.”

Participants highlighted the benefits of time management techniques like the Pomodoro

technique, which helped them maintain focus and avoid burnout. By breaking study sessions into

manageable intervals with built-in breaks, they could sustain their concentration, improve their

understanding of academic topics, and prevent exhaustion or mental fatigue.

Theme 3: Goal Setting and Focus

The theme of goal setting and focus explores the strategies and approaches employed by

senior high school achievers to manage their time effectively and maintain their concentration on

academic tasks. Participants emphasized the importance of setting specific goals, following

structured frameworks such as the SMART rule, utilizing time management strategies,

prioritizing tasks, and creating to-do lists.

Participant #3: “Based on my experience, what I do is, first, I set specific goals… I always follow

a rule called the SMART rule… This approach helps me avoid getting stressed.”

Participant #7: “I use some effective time management strategies for myself… If you have an

organized and systematic process, you know what to prioritize so you won’t make mistakes or be


Participant #10: “I prioritize the most important task first and make it my top priority… I also

create a to-do list so I won’t forget anything and I can see what I should do first.”

The participants’ statements highlight the participants’ awareness of the importance of

goal setting and its impact on their productivity and stress levels. The utilization of the SMART

rule allows participants to set specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound goals,

providing them with clarity and direction in their academic pursuits. This approach enables them

to structure their time effectively and avoid becoming overwhelmed by their workload.

Theme 4: Role of Time Management in Academic Success

The theme of time management explores the participants’ views on the importance of

allocating time effectively to balance academic work with other tasks. They emphasize the need

to prioritize academic responsibilities and avoid cramming.

Participant #2: “When it comes to time management, you should allocate a significant amount of

your time to academic work… know when to allocate time for studies and for other tasks.”

Participant #7: “The rule of effective study habits and techniques plays… managing time for

activities or assignments… avoiding cramming.”

The participants recognize the critical role of time management in achieving academic

success. They highlight the need to allocate sufficient time for studying and prioritize academic

tasks over leisure or other activities. By managing their time effectively, participants strive to

avoid last-minute cramming and create a balanced schedule that allows for dedicated study

periods. These quotes and discussions underscore the participants’ awareness of the importance

of time management in maximizing their study routines and avoiding overwhelming workloads.

By allocating time wisely, participants create a conducive environment for focused learning and


Theme 5: Mindset and Perseverance

The theme of managing stress and developing a positive mindset explores the

participants’ perspectives on coping with stress, maintaining a positive outlook, and building

resilience in the face of challenges.

Participant #4: “I don’t let stress occupy my thoughts… I tell myself that I’m not stressed… I

don’t allow it to dominate my mind… I approach difficulties with a positive mindset… I don’t let

others’ opinions or perceptions affect me.”

Participant #6: “The role of having a study habit and using techniques is to make things easier.”

Participant #10: “Identifying effective study habits… greatly contributes to academic success…

enhances productivity when you know what techniques work for you.”

The participants’ responses collectively highlight the significance of managing stress and

developing a positive mindset in the context of academic success. Participant #4 emphasizes the

importance of not allowing stress to dominate one’s thoughts and approaching difficulties with a

positive outlook. They stress the need to believe in oneself, not be influenced by others’

opinions, and view challenges as opportunities for growth. These perspectives align with the

understanding that a positive mindset can help individuals navigate academic stress and setbacks

more effectively.

Theme 6: Developing and Maintaining Positive Relationships

This theme emphasizes the importance of developing and maintaining positive

relationships with both peers and family members to support academic goals. Participants

highlight the significance of support, understanding, and open communication within these


Participant #1: “We also maintain a positive relationship with both of my parents and my

siblings. They are very supportive of my academics and they don’t impose any specific course

for my future.”

Participant #2: “It’s not just about focusing on academics, but also about spending time to bond

with your friends and family so that we can have a bond that cannot be broken.”

Participant #10: “When I focus on my studies, it’s great because my friends and family are there

to support me academically. They won’t get angry or upset if I study instead of

doing the dishes, for example.”

The participants emphasize the supportive and understanding nature of their relationships

with family and friends. They highlight the importance of having a support system that

encourages their academic pursuits without imposing specific expectations. Open

communication, bonding, and maintaining a healthy balance between academics and personal

relationships are key aspects of this theme.

Theme 7: Transparency and Openness

This theme emphasizes the significance of transparency and openness in relationships to

support academic goals. Participants discuss the importance of clear communication, being

transparent about one’s feelings and struggles, and seeking support from others.

Participant #4: “If you have any problems or something bothering you, you should have

someone you can open up to. It’s important to have someone you can communicate with and feel

comfortable with because they can support you and act as your supporter and comforter.”

Participant #6: “Establishing healthier communication with peers and having a stronger

relationship with family members are essential.”

Participant #7: “It’s about finding a balance so you can have time for both your education and

your family.”

Participants highlight the importance of open and transparent communication in

relationships, enabling them to seek support, share their challenges, and alleviate their burdens.

They acknowledge the significance of establishing healthier communication patterns and

developing stronger bonds with peers and family members. Finding a balance between academic

commitments and personal relationships is also emphasized.

Theme 8: Managing Stress Developing a Positive Mindset

This theme explores the importance of managing stress and cultivating a positive mindset

to excel academically. Participants emphasize the need to overcome stress, maintain a positive

self-esteem, and approach challenges with resilience and optimism.

Participant #4: “I don’t let stress occupy my thoughts… Approach difficulties with a positive

mindset… Don’t let others’ opinions or perceptions of you affect you.” This participant

highlights the importance of managing stress, maintaining a positive mindset, and not allowing

external factors to impact academic performance.”

Participant #4’s response highlights the participant’s approach to managing stress and

developing a positive mindset. The participant consciously refrains from acknowledging stress

and its potential negative impacts on their academic performance. By refusing to allow stress to

dominate their thoughts, they create a mental space conducive to continued excellence in their


Chapter V

Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation


This chapter presents a summary of the findings from the thematic analysis conducted in

this study, focusing on the experiences and strategies of Senior High School students who have

achieved academic success. The study aimed to explore the effectiveness of study skills and time

management techniques employed by these students and their impact on productivity and

academic achievement. The data was collected through interviews with grade 11 senior high

school achievers from Libertad National High School. The analysis revealed several common

themes, including the importance of schedule and task prioritization, time management

techniques such as the Pomodoro technique, goal setting and focus, the role of time management

in academic success, mindset and perseverance, developing and maintaining positive

relationships, transparency and openness, and managing stress and developing a positive

mindset. The study addresses the following research questions: What are the study skills of

senior high school achiever?; How does study skills help senior high school achiever?; and What

are the strategies that students use to maximize productivity and achieving academic success?

The research design adopted for this study is qualitative research, which aims to gain in-

depth understanding and insight into the complexities and nuances of human experiences,

behaviors, and social phenomena. By conducting in-depth interviews with senior high school

achiever, the researchers gain to know their perspectives and experiences. Thematic analysis was

employed to identify themes and patterns in the interview data, providing a comprehensive

understanding of the research questions. The next section will present the key themes that

emerged from the analysis of the interview data, providing a summary of the findings related to

how these study skills are implemented by senior high school students, what effective study

practices they possess, what changes they need to make to be more successful in their studies,

and how they can maximize their productivity and achieve academic success.


Based on the findings, it can be concluded that effective time management, task

prioritization, and the utilization of time management techniques are crucial for maximizing

productivity and achieving academic success among Senior High School students. The

participants recognized the benefits of having a schedule and allocating specific time slots for

different tasks, as well as employing techniques like the Pomodoro technique to maintain focus

and prevent burnout. Goal setting, adherence to the SMART rule, and creating to-do lists were

identified as effective strategies for maintaining organization and managing workload.

Furthermore, the participants emphasized the importance of time management in balancing

academic responsibilities and avoiding cramming. Developing a positive mindset, managing

stress, and cultivating supportive relationships were also identified as key factors contributing to

academic success.

The research question number 1; What are the study skills of senior high school achiever?

Was answered by theme 1, theme 2, and theme 3. Participants in this theme emphasized the

importance of scheduling task and prioritization as a senior high school achievers study skills.

By organizing their tasks and allocating specific time slots to different activities or subjects, they

could dedicate focused attention to each one, reducing distractions and improving their overall

time management. Another research question 2 is ; How does study skills help senior high school

achiever? That was answered by theme 6 and theme 7. Participants emphasizes the importance of

developing, maintaining positive relationship, transparency and openness with both peers and

family members. They highlight the importance of having a support system that encourages their

academic pursuits without imposing specific expectations. Open communication, bonding, and

maintaining a healthy balance between academics and personal relationships are key aspects of

this theme. And lastly the research question number 3; What are the strategies that students use

to maximize productivity and achieving academic success? That was answered by theme 4,

theme 5 ,and 8.Partcipants highlights the need to allocate sufficient time for studying, stress the

need to believe in oneself ,not be influenced by others ' opinions, and views challenges as

opportunities for growth . By allocating time wisely, participants create a conducive environment

for focused learning and productivity also positive mindset can help individuals navigate

academic stress and setbacks more effectively.


Based on the findings of this study, the following recommendations are suggested:

Educational institutions should incorporate time management and study skills training programs

into the curriculum for Senior High School students. These programs can help students develop

effective strategies for scheduling, task prioritization, and utilizing time management techniques

like the Pomodoro technique. Teachers and educators should provide guidance and support to

students in setting specific goals and following structured frameworks like the SMART rule.

This can enhance students’ clarity and direction in their academic pursuits. Parents and family

members should maintain supportive and understanding relationships with students, encouraging

their academic goals without imposing undue pressure or expectations. Open communication and

bonding should be promoted to create a conducive environment for academic success. Students

should be encouraged to seek support from peers, family members, and mentors when facing

academic challenges or experiencing stress. Transparency and openness in relationships can

provide emotional support and alleviate burdens. Further research can be conducted to explore

additional strategies and techniques that promote effective time management and academic

success among Senior High School students. Longitudinal studies can provide insights into the

long-term impact of these strategies on educational attainment and career outcomes. By

implementing these recommendations, educational policy makers, institutions, teachers, parents,

and students can work collaboratively to enhance study skills, time management, and overall

academic success among Senior High School students.



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Appendix A. Interview Guide Questionnaire

Research Title: Maximizing Productivity and Achieving Academic Success: The Plight of Senior High School

Research Questions:

o What are the study skills of senior high school achievers?

o How do study skills help senior high school achievers?
o What are the strategies that students use to maximize productivity and achieve academic success?

Thank you for agreeing to participate in this research study. The purpose of this study is to maximize productivity
and achieve academic success. All information provided will be kept confidential and anonymous.

Demographic Information

o What is your age?

o What is your gender?
o What was your grade point average during the first grading period?

Main Questions:

o What are some effective time management strategies that you can use to balance your academic workload
and other commitments?
o As a senior high school achiever, what roles do effective study habits and techniques play in productivity
and academic success?
o How can you develop and maintain positive relationships with peers and family members to support your
academic goals?
o How do you manage stress and anxiety related to academic performance?

Probing Questions:

o Can you give me a scenario that you experienced during the problems you encountered?
o Can you describe the feelings you felt when you experienced those problems?

Closing Questions:

o Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience as a senior high school achiever?
o Do you have any suggestions for how maximizing productivity could be more effectively applied in
achieving academic success?

Thank you and Contact Information Thank you for taking the time to participate in this research study. If you have
any questions or concerns, please contact Princess Grace P. Paragoso at 09637510052.

Appendix B. Letter of Permission


Appendix C. Letter of Validation


Appendix D. Letter of Validation


Appendix E. Letter of Validation


Appendix F. List of Participants


Appendix G.

Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae

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