A Deeper Look at Machine Learning-Based Cryptanalysis

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Anne Canteaut

Fran(yois-Xavier Standaert (Eds.)


S)Nl Advances in Cryptology -

40th Annual International Conference on the Theory
and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques
Zagreb, Croatia, October 17-21, 2021, Proceedings, Part I
A Deeper Look at Machine
Learning-Based Cryptanalysis

Adrien Benamira1C区), David Gerault1,2, Thomas Peyrin1,

and Quan Quan Tan 1

1 Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Singapore

{adrien002,quanquan001}@e.ntu.edu.sg, thomas.peyrin©ntu.edu.sg
2 University of Surrey, Guildford, UK

Abstract. At CRYPT0'19, Gohr proposed a new cryptanalysis strat-

egy based on the utilisation of machine learning algorithms. Using deep
neural networks, he managed to build a neural based distinguisher that
surprisingly surpassed state-of-the-art cryptanalysis efforts on one of the
versions of the well studied NSA block cipher SPECK (this distinguisher
could in turn be placed in a larger key recovery attack). While this
work opens new possibilities for machine learning-aided cryptanalysis, it
remains unclear how this distinguisher actually works and what infor-
mation is the machine learning algorithm deducing. The attacker is left
with a black-box that does not tell much about the nature of the possible
weaknesses of the algorithm tested, while hope is thin as interpretability
of deep neural networks is a well-known difficult task.
In this article, we propose a detailed analysis and thorough explana-
tions of the inherent workings of this new neural distinguisher. First, we
studied the classified sets and tried to find some patterns that could guide
us to better understand Gohr's results. We show with experiments that
the neural distinguisher generally relies on the differential distribution
on the ciphertext pairs, but also on the differential distribution in penul-
timate and antepenultimate rounds. In order to validate our findings, we
construct a distinguisher for SPECK cipher based on pure cryptanaly-
sis, without using any neural network, that achieves basically the same
accuracy as Gohr's neural distinguisher and with the same efficiency
(therefore improving over previous non-neural based distinguishers).
Moreover, as another approach, we provide a machine learning-based
distinguisher that strips down Gohr's deep neural network to a bare
minimum. We are able to remain very close to Gohr's distinguishers'
accuracy using simple standard machine learning tools. In particular, we
show that Gohr's neural distinguisher is in fact inherently building a
very good approximation of the Differential Distribution Table (DDT)
of the cipher during the learning phase, and using that information to
directly classify ciphertext pairs. This result allows a full interpretability
of the distinguisher and represents on its own an interesting contribution
towards interpretability of deep neural networks.
Finally, we propose some method to improve over Gohr's work and
possible new neural distinguishers settings. All our results are confirmed
with experiments we have been conducted on SPECK block cipher (source
code available online).
©International Association for Cryptologic Research 2021
A. Canteaut and F.-X. Standaert (Eds.): EUROCRYPT 2021, LNCS 12696, pp. 805-835, 2021.
https://doi.org/10.1007 /978-3-030-77870-5 —28
806 A. Benamira et al.

Keywords: Differential cryptanalysis·SPECK·Machine learning·

Deep neural networks·Interpretability

1 Introduction

While modern symmetric-key cryptography designs are heavily relying on secu-

rity by construction with strong security arguments (resistance against sim-
ple differential/linear attacks, study of algebraic properties, etc.), cryptanalysis
remains a crucial part of a cipher's validation process. Only a primitive that
went through active and thorough scrutiny of third-party cryptanalysts should
gain enough trust by the community to be considered as secure. However, there
has been more and more cipher proposals in the past decade (especially with
the recent rise of lightweight cryptography) and cryptanalysis effort could not
really keep up the pace: conducting cryptanalysis remains a very tough and
low-rewarding task.
In order to partially overcome this shortage in cryptanalysts manpower, a
recent trend arose of automating as much as possible the various tasks of an
attacker. Typically, searching for differential and linear characteristics can now
be modeled as Satisfiability /Satisfiability Modulo Theories [17] (SAT /SMT),
Mixed Linear Integer Programming [18] (MILP) or Constraint Programming [25]
(CP) problems, which can in turn simply be handled by an appropriate solver.
The task of the cryptanalyst is therefore reduced to only providing an efficient
modeling of the problem to be studied. Due to the impressive results considering
the simplicity of the process, a lot of advances have been made in the past decade
in this very active research field and this even improved the ciphers designs
themselves (how to choose better cryptographic bricks and how to assemble
them has been made much easier thanks to these new automated tools). One
is then naturally tempted to push this idea further by even getting rid of the
modeling part. More generally, can a tool recognize possible weaknesses/patterns
in a cipher by just interacting with it, with as little input as possible from the
cryptanalysts? One does not expect such a tool to replace a cryptanalyst's job,
but it might come in handy for easily pre-checking a cipher (or reduced versions
of it) for possible weaknesses.
Machine learning and particularly deep learning have recently attracted a
lot of attention, due to impressive advances in important research areas such
as computer vision, speech recognition, etc. Some possible connections between
cryptography and machine learning were already identified in [21] and we have
seen many applications of machine learning for side-channels analysis [16]. How-
ever, machine learning for black-box cryptanalysis remained mostly unexplored
until Gohr's article presented at CRYPT0'19 [11].
In his work, Gohr trained a deep neural network on labeled data composed
of ciphertext pairs: half the data coming from ciphering plaintexts pairs with a
fixed input difference with the cipher studied, half from random values. He then
checks if the trained neural network is able to classify accurately random from
real ciphertext pairs. Quite surprisingly, when applying his framework to the
A Deeper Look at Machine Learning-Based Cryptanalysis 807

block cipher SPECK-32/64 (the 32-bit block 64-bit key version of SPECK [2]),
he managed to obtain a good accuracy for a non-negligible number of rounds.
He even managed to mount a key recovery process on top of his neural distin-
guisher, eventually leading to the current best known key recovery attack for
this number of rounds (improving over works on SPECK-32/64 such as [6,24]).
Even if his distinguisher /key recovery attack had not been improving over the
state-of-the-art, the prospect of a generic tool that could pre-scan for vulnera-
bilities in a cryptographic primitive (while reaching an accuracy close to exiting
cryptanalysis) would have been very attractive anyway.
Yet, Gohr's paper actually opened many questions. The most important,
listed by the author as an open problem, is the interpretability of the distin-
guisher. An obvious issue with a neural distinguisher is that its black-box nature
is not really telling us much about the actual weakness of the cipher analyzed.
More generally, interpretability for deep neural networks has been known to be
a very complex problem and represents a key challenge for the machine learning
community. At first sight, it seems therefore very difficult to make any advances
in this direction.
Another interesting aspect to explore is to try to match Gohr's neural dis-
tinguisher /key recovery attack with classical cryptanalysis tools. It remains very
surprising that a trained deep neural network can perform better than the
scrutiny of experienced cryptanalysts. As remarked by Gohr, his neural dis-
tinguisher is mostly differential in nature (on the ciphertext pairs), but some
unknown extra property is exploited. Indeed, as demonstrated by one of his
experiments, the neural distinguisher can still distinguish between a real and a
random set that have the exact same differential distribution on the ciphertext
pairs. Since we know there is some property that researchers have not seen or
exploited, what is it?
Finally, a last natural question is: can we do better? Are there some better
settings that could improve the accuracy of Gohr's distinguishers?
Our Contributions. In this article, we analyze the behavior of Gohr's neural
distinguishers when working on SPECK-32/64 cipher. We first study in detail
the classified sets of real/random ciphertext pairs in order to get some hints on
what criterion the neural network is actually basing its decisions on. Looking for
patterns, we observe that the neural distinguisher is very probably deducing some
differential conditions not on the ciphertext pairs directly, but on the penultimate
or antepenultimate rounds. We then conduct some experiments to validate our
In order to further confirm our findings, we construct for 5, 6 and 7-round
reduced SPECK-32/64 a new distinguisher purely based on cryptanalysis, with-
out any neural network or machine learning algorithm, that matches Gohr's
neural distinguisher's accuracy while actually being faster and using the same
amount of precomputation/training data. In short, our distinguisher relies on
selective partial decryption: in order to attack nr rounds, some hypothesis is
made on some bits of the last round subkey and partial decryption is performed,
eventually filtered by a precomputed approximated DDT on nr —1 rounds.
808 A. Benamira et al.

We then take a different approach by tackling the problem not from the crypt-
analysis side, but the machine learning side. More precisely, as a deep learning
model learns high-level features by itself, in order to reach full interpretability
we need to discover what these features are. By analyzing the components of
Gohr's neural network, we managed to identify a procedure to model these fea-
tures, while retaining almost the same accuracy as Gohr's neural distinguishers.
Moreover, we also show that our method performs similarly on other primitives
by applying it on the SIMON block cipher. This result is interesting from a cryp-
tography perspective, but also from a machine learning perspective, showing an
example of interpretability by transformation of a deep neural network.
Finally, we explore possible improvements over Gohr's neural distinguishers.
By using batches of ciphertexts instead of pairs, we are able to significantly
improve the accuracy of the distinguisher, while maintaining identical experi-
mental conditions.
Outline. In Sect. 2, we introduce notations as well as basic cryptanalysis and
machine learning concepts that will be used in the rest of the paper. In Sect. 3,
we describe in more detail the various experiments conducted by Gohr and the
corresponding results. We provide in Sect. 4 an explanation of his neural distin-
guishers as well as the description of an actual cryptanalysis-only distinguisher
that matches Gohr's accuracy. We propose in Sect. 5 a machine learning app-
roach to enable interpretability of the neural distinguishers. Finally, we studied
possible improvements in Sect. 6.

2 Preliminaries

Basic notat10ns. In the rest of this article, 令 /\ and 田 will denote the
eXclusive-OR operation, the bitwise AND operation and the modular addition1
respectively. A right/left bit rotation will be denoted as>>> and<<< respectively,
while al lb will represent the concatenation of two bit strings a and b.

2.1 A Brief Description of SPECK

The lightweight family of ARX block ciphers SPECK was proposed by the US
National Security Agency (NSA) [2] in 2013, targeting mainly good performances
on micro-controllers. Several versions of the cipher have been proposed within
its family, but in this article (and in Gohr's work [11]) we will focus mainly on
SPECK-32/64, the 32-bit block 64-bit key version of SPECK, which is composed
of 22 rounds (for simplicity, SPECK-32/64 will be referred to as SPECK in the
rest of the article).
The 32-bit internal state is divided into a 16-bit left and a 16-bit right part,
that we will generally denote li and ri at round i respectively, and is initialised
with the plaintext (lollro) +---- P. The round function of the cipher is then a very
simple Feistel structure combining bitwise XOR operation and 16-bit modular
1 The modulo will be stated explicitly if it is not clear from the context.
A Deeper Look at Machine Learning-Based Cryptanalysis 809

addition. See Fig. 1 where ki represents the 16-bit subkey at round i and where
a= 7, (3 = 2. The final ciphertext C is then obtained as C +-- (l22llr22). The
subkeys are generated with a key schedule that is very similar to the round
function (we refer to [2] for a complete description, as we do not make use of the
details of the key schedule in this article).

l, Ti

ZH1 = ((li»> a) 田兀) EB ki

Ti+l = (ri«< (3) 由 li+l ki

li+l r;+1

Fig. 1. The SPECK-32/64 round function.

2.2 Differential Cryptanalysis

Differential cryptanalysis studies the propagation of a difference through a
cipher. Let a function f : IF~---+ IF~and x, x'be two different inputs for f
with a difference L'.lx = x E9 x'. Let y = f (x) and y'= f (x') and a difference
L'.ly = y 令 y'. Then, we are interested in the transition probability from L'.lx to
L'.l y (L'.l X 上 L'.ly):

f #{xlf(x) 令 f(~ 击 L'.lx) = L'.ly}

胪 (L'.lx -----+ L'.l y) :=

One classical tool for differential cryptanalysis is the Difference Distribution

Table (DDT), which simply lists the differential transition probabilities for each
possible input/output difference pairs (L'.lx, L'.ly). The studied function f is usu-
ally some Sbox, or some small cipher sub-component, as the DDT of an entire
64-bit or 128-bit cipher would obviously be too large to store.
Since SPECK is internally composed of a left and right part, for a ciphertext
C we will denote by Cz and Cr its 16-bit left and right parts respectively. Then,
for two ciphertexts C and C', we will denote L'.lL the XOR difference Cz 令 g
between the left parts of the two ciphertexts (respectively L'.lR = C飞 C~for the
right parts). Moreover, for a round i, we will denote by¼the difference between
the two parts of the internal state¼= li E9 厅

2.3 Deep Neural Networks

Deep Neural Networks (DNN) are a family of non-linear machine learning clas-
sifiers that have gained popularity since their success in addressing a variety of
data-driven tasks, such as computer vision, speech recognition, etc.
810 A. Benamira et al.

The main problem tackled by DNN is, given a dataset D = {(x0, y0) …
(x九, Yn)}, with Xi E X being samples and Yi E [O, ... , l] being labels, to find
the optimal parameters 0* for the D N Ne model, with the parameters 0 such
0* = argmin 区 L(yi, DNN0(xi)) (1)


with L being the loss function. As there is no literal expression of 0*, the approx-
imate solution will depend on the chosen optimization algorithm such as the
stochastic gradient descent. Moreover, hyper-parameters of the problem (param-
eters whose value is used to control the learning process) need to be adjusted as
they play an important role in the final quality of the solution.
DNN are powerful enough to derive accurate non-linear features from the
training data, but these features are not robust. Indeed, adding a small amount
of noise at the input can cause these features to deviate and confuse the model.
In other words, the DNN is a very unbiased classifier, but has a high variance.
Different blocks can be used to implement these complex models. However,
in this paper, we will be using four types of blocks: the linear neural network, the
one-dimensional convolutional neural network, the activation functions (ReLU
and sigmoid) and the batch normalization.

Linear neural network. Linear neural networks applies a linear transforma-

tion to the incoming data: out= in.AT+ b. Here we have 0 = (A, b). The linear
neural network is also commonly named perceptron layer or dense layer.

0 ne- d"1mens10nal convolut10nal neural network. The 1D-CNN applies a

convolution over a fixed (multi-)temporal input signal. The 1D-CNN operation
can be seen as multiple linear neural networks (one per filter) where each one is
applied to a sub-part of the input. This sub-part is sliding, its size is kernel size,
its pitch is the stride and its start and end points depend on the padding.

Activation functions. The three activation functions that we discuss here are
the Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU), defined as ReLU(x) = max(O, x), the sigmoid,
defined as Sigmoid(x) = cr(x) = 1 十 exp(-x) and the Heaviside step function,
defined as H(x) =½+ sg~(x). This block, added between each layer of the DNN,
introduces the non-linear part of the model.

Batch normalization. Training samples are typically randomly collected in

batches to speed up the training process. It is thus usual to normalize the overall
tensor according to the batch dimension.

3 A First Look at Gohr's CRYPTO 2019 Results

Since its release, the lightweight block cipher SPECK attracted a lot of external
cryptanalysis, together with its sibling SIMON (this was amplified by the fact
A Deeper Look at Machine Learning-Based Cryptanalysis 811

that no cryptanalysis was reported in the original specifications document [2]).

Many different aspects of SPECK have been covered by these efforts, but the
works from Dinur [6] and Song et al. [24] are the most successful advances
on its differential cryptanalysis aspect so far. Dinur [6] studied all versions of
SPECK, improving the best known differential characteristics (from [1, 3]) as well
as describing a new key recovery strategy for this cipher. In particular, he devised
a 4-round attack for 11 rounds of SPECK-32/64 using a 7 round differential char-
acteristic, that has a time complexity of 246 and data complexity of 222 (chosen
Later, at CRYPT0'19, Gohr published a cryptanalysis work on SPECK-32/64
that is based on deep learning [11]. Gohr proposed a key-recovery attack on 11-
round SPECK-32/64 with estimated time complexity 238, improving the previous
best attack [6] in 246, albeit with a slightly higher data complexity: 214·5 cipher-
text pairs required. In this section, we will briefly review Gohr's results [11].
Overview. In his article, Gohr proposes multiple differential cryptanalysis of
SPECK, focusing on the input difference .din = Ox0040/0000. In this setting,
the aim is to distinguish real pairs, i.e., encryptions of plaintext pairs P, P'such
that P 击尸=主 from random pairs, which are the encryptions of random
pairs of plaintext with no fixed input difference. Gohr compares a traditional
(pure) differential distinguisher with a distinguisher based on a DNN for 5 to 8
rounds of SPECK-32/64 and showed that the DNN performs better.
Pure differential distinguishers. Gohr computed the full DDT for the input
difference .din, using the Markov assumption. Then, to classify a ciphertext pair
(C, C'), the probability p of the output difference C EB C'is read from the DDT
and compared to the uniform probability. Let .d。ut = C EB C', then

Classification = { Real if DDT(L'.,n ----, ,1。ut) > 2sL1

Random otherwise

These distinguishers for reduced-round SPECK-32/64 are denoted Dnr, where

nr E {5, 6, 7, 8} represents the number of rounds. The neural distinguishers are
denoted as N叮
Gohr's neural distinguisher. We provide in Fig. 2 a representation of Gohr's
neural distinguisher. It is a deep neural network, whose main components are:
1. Block 1: a lD-CNN with kernel size of 1, a batch normalization and a ReLU
activation function
2. Blocks 2-i: one to ten layers with each layer consisting of two lD-CNN with
kernel size of 3, each followed by batch normalization and a ReL U activation
3. Block 3: a non-linear final classification block, composed of three perceptron
layers separated by two batch normalization and ReL U functions, and finished
with a sigmoid function.
The input to the initial convolution block (Block 1) is a 4 x 16 matrix,
where each row corresponds to each 16-bit value in this order: C1, Cr, C{, c;,
812 A. Benamira et al.


1 3 x1

Fig. 2. The whole pipeline of Gohr's deep neural network. Block 1 refers to the initial
convolution block, Block 2-1 to 2-10 refer to the residual block and Block 3 refers to
the classification block.

a convolution layer with 32 filters is then applied. The kernel size of this 1D-
CNN is 1, thus, it maps (Cz, Cr, C{, C~) to (filter1, filter2, …, filter32). Each
filter is a non-linear combination of the features (Cz, Cr, C{, C~) after the ReLU
activation function depending on the value of the inputs and weights learned by
the 1D-CNN. The output of the first block is connected to the input and added
to the output of the subsequent layer in the residual block (see Fig. 3).
In the residual blocks (Blocks 2-i), both 1D-CNNs have a kernel of size 3,
a padding of size 1 and a stride of size 1 which make the temporal dimension
invariant across layers. At the end of each layer, the output is connected to the
input and added to the output of the subsequent layer to prevent the relevant
input signal from being wiped out across layers. The output of a residual block
is a (32 x 16) feature tensor (see Fig. 4).

32 Shortcut
x OR

Fig. 3. Initial convolution block Fig. 4. The residual block (Blocks 2-i).
(Block 1).

The final classification block takes as input the flattened output tensor of
the residual block. This 512 x 1 vector is passed into three perceptron layers
(Multi-Layer Perceptron or MLP) with batch normalization and ReLU activation
functions for the first two layers and a final sigmoid activation function performs
the binary classification (see Fig. 5).
A Deeper Look at Machine Learning-Based Cryptanalysis 813


Fig. 5. The classification block (Block 3).

Accuracy and efficiency of the neural distinguishers. For each pair, the
neural distinguishers outputs a real-valued score between O and 1. If this score
is greater than or equal to 0.5, the sample is classified as a real pair, and as a
random pair otherwise. The results given by Gohr are presented in Table 1. Note
that N7 and N8 are trained using some sophisticated methods (we refer to [11]
for more details on the training). We remark that Gohr's neural distinguisher
has about 100,000 floating parameters, which is size efficient considering the
accuracies obtained.

Table 1. Accuracies of neural distinguishers for 5, 6, 7 and 8 rounds (taken from Table 2
of [11]). TPR and TNR denote true positive and true negative rates respectively.

Rds Distinguisher Accuracy TPR TNR

5 D5 0.911 0.877 0.947
Ns 0.929 士 5.13 X 10-4 。 .904 土 8.33 X 10-4 。 .954 士 5.91 X 10 —4
6 D6 0.758 0.680 0.837
N5 0.788 士 8.17 X 10-4 。 .724 土 1.26 X 10 —3 0.853 士 1.00 X 10 —3
7 D1 0.591 0.543 0.640
N1 0.616 士 9.7 X 10-4 0.533 土 1.41 X 10 —3 0.699 士 1.30 X 10 —3
8 Ds 0.512 0.496 0.527
Ns 0.514 士 1.00 X 10 —3 0.519 土 1.41 X 10 —3 0.508 士 1.42 X 10 —3

Real differences experiment. The neural distinguishers performed better

than the distinguishers using the full DDT, indicating that the neural distin-
guishers may learn something more than pure differential cryptanalysis. Gohr
explores this effect with the real diffi吓ences e兀periment. In this experiment,
instead of distinguishing a real pair from a random pair, the challenge is to
distinguish real pairs from masked real pairs, computed as (C EB M, C' 击 M),
where M is a random 32-bit value. These experiments use the Nnr distin-
guishers directly, without retraining them for this new task. Table 2 shows the
accuracies of these distinguishers. Notice that this operation does not affect
A 。ut = C EB C'= (C 由 M) 由 (C'EB M) and thus the output difference distri-
bution. However, the neural distinguishers are still able to distinguish real pairs
814 A. Benamira et al.

from masked pairs even without re-training for this particular purpose, which
shows that they do not just rely on the difference distribution.

Table 2. Accuracies of various neural distinguishers in the real differences experiment.

Rds Distinguisher Accuracy

5 N5 0.707 士 9.10 X 10-4
6 N5 0.606 士 9.77 X 10-4
7 N1 0.551 士 9.95 X 10-4
8 Ns 0.507 士 1.00 X 10 —3

4 Interpretation of Gohr's Neural Network:

A Cryptanalysis Perspective

Interpretability of neural networks remains~highl~researched area in machine

learning, but the focus has always been on 1mprovmg the model and computa-
tional efficiency. We will discuss more about the interpretability in a machine
learning sense in Sect. 5. In this section, we want to find out why and how the
neural distinguishers work in a cryptanalysis sense. In essence, we want to answer
the following question:

What type of cryptanalysis is Gohr's neural distinguisher learning?

If the neural distinguisher is learning some currently-unknown form of cryptanal-

ysis, then we would like to extrapolate the additional statistics that it exploits.
If not, then we want to find out what causes Gohr's neural distinguishers to
perform better than pure differential attacks, and even improve state-of-the-art
attacks. With this question in mind, we perform a series of experiments and
analyses in order to come up with a reasonable guess, later validated by the
creation of a pure cryptanalysis-based distinguisher that matches the accuracy
of Gohr's one.
Gohr's neural distinguishers are able to correctly identify approximately
90.4%, 68.0% and 54.3% of the real ciphertext pairs (given by the true posi-
tive rates) for 5, 6 and 7 rounds of SPECK-32/64 respectively (see Table 1). We
will try to find out what these ciphertext pairs are if there are any common
patterns and see whether we are able to identify and isolate them.
Choice of input difference. As a start, we looked into Gohr's choice of input
difference: Ox0040/0000. This difference is part of a 9-round differential charac-
teristics from Table 7 of [1]. The reason given by Gohr is that this difference deter-
ministically transits to a difference with low Hamming weight after one round.
Using constraint programming and techniques similar to [10], we found that the
best differential characteristics with a fixed input difference of Ox0040/0000 for
5 rounds is Ox0040/0000 一 Ox802a/d4a8, with probability of 2-13. In contrast,
A Deeper Look at Machine Learning-Based Cryptanalysis 815

when we do not restrict the input difference, the best differential characteristics
for 5 rounds is Ox2800/0010 一 Ox850a/9520, with probability of 2-9. However,
when we trained the neural distinguishers to recognize ciphertext pairs with the
input difference of Ox2800/0010, the neural distinguishers performed worse (an
accuracy of 75.85% for 5 rounds). This is surprising as it is generally natural for
a cryptanalyst to maximize the differential probability when choosing a differ-
ential characteristic. We believe this is explained by the fact that Ox0040/0000
is the input difference maximizing the differential probability for 3 or 4 rounds
of SPECK-32/64 (verified with constraint programming), which has the most
chances to provide a biased distribution one or two rounds later. Generally, we
believe that when using such neural distinguisher, a good method to choose
an input difference is to simply use the input difference leading to the highest
differential probability for nr — 1 or nr — 2 rounds.
Changing the inputs to the neural network. Gohr's neural distinguishers
are trained using the actual ciphertext pairs (C, C') whereas the pure differential
distinguishers are only using the difference between the two ciphertexts C EB C'.
Thus, it is unfair to compare both as they are not exploiting the same amount of
information. To have a fair comparison of the capability of neural distinguishers
and pure differential distinguishers, we trained new neural distinguishers using
C 击亿 instead of (C, C'). The results are an accuracy of 90.6% for 5 rounds,
75.4% for 6 rounds and 58.3% for 7 rounds. This shows us that when the neural
distinguishers are restricted to only have access to the difference distribution,
they do not perform as well as their respective N nr, and similarly to Dnr 2 as
can be seen in Table 1. Therefore, this is another confirmation (on top of the
real differences experiment conducted in [11]), that Gohr's neural distinguishers
are learning more than just the distribution of the differences on the ciphertext.
With that information, we therefore naturally looked beyond just the difference
distribution at round nr.

4.1 Analyzing Ciphertext Pairs

In this section, we limit and focus the discussions and results mostly to 5 rounds
of SPECK-32/64. We recall that the last layer of the neural distinguisher is a
sigmoid activation function. Thus, its output is a value between O and 1. When
the score is 0.5 or more, the neural distinguisher predicts it as a real pair or
otherwise, random pair.
The closer a score is to 0.5, the least certain the neural distinguisher is on the
classification. In order to know what are the traits that the neural distinguisher is
looking for, we segregate the ciphertext pairs that yield extreme scores, i.e. scores
that are either less than 0.1 (bad score) or more than 0.9 (good score). For the
rest of this section, we label the ciphertext pairs as "bad" and "good" ciphertext
pairs and refer to the sets as B and G respectively. As we were experimenting
with them, we kept the keys (unique to each pair) that are used to generate the
2 Note that the new neural distinguishers are trained with 107 pairs, the same number
as in [11].
816 A. Benamira et al.

ciphertext pairs. The goal now is to find similarities and differences in these two
groups separately.
As we believe that most of the features the neural distinguishers learned is
differential in nature, we focus on the differentials of these ciphertext pairs. To
start, we did the following experiment (Experiment A):

1. Using 105 real 5-round SPECK-32/64 ciphertext pairs, extract the set G.
2. Obtain the differences of the ciphertext pairs and sort them by frequency
3. For each of the differences <5:
(a) Generate 104 random 32-bit numbers and apply the difference, <5 to get
104 different ciphertext pairs.
(b) Feed the pairs to the neural distinguisher N5 to obtain the scores.
(c) Note down the number of pairs that yield a score~0.5

In Table 3, we show the top 25 differences for 5 rounds of SPECK-32/64

with their respective score from the above experiment. Out of the first 1000
differences, each records about 75% of the pairs scoring more than 0.5. Also,
there exist multiple pairs of differences such that one is more probable than the
other, and yet, it has a lower number of pairs classifying as real (e.g. No. 21
in Table 3). Thus, there is little evidence showing that if a difference is more
probable, then the neural distinguisher is necessarily more likely to recognize it.

Table 3. The top 25 differences (5 rounds of SPECK-32/64) in G with their respective

results for Experiment A as a percentage of how many pairs having a score of~0.5
out of 104 pairs. Cnt refers to the number of differences obtained in G.

No. Difference Cnt Percent. No. Difference Cnt Percent.

1 Ox802a/d4a8 116 75 14 Ox883a/dcb8 45 75
2 Ox802e/d4ac 81 76 15 Ox801e/d49c 45 75
3 Ox803a/d4b8 73 74 16 Oxa026/f4a4 42 75
4 Ox8e2a/daa8 73 75 17 Oxbe1a/ea98 41 75
5 Ox822a/d6a8 72 75 18 Ox821a/d698 41 76
6 Oxb82a/eca8 67 75 19 Oxbe26/eaa4 41 75
7 Ox882a/dca8 65 75 20 Ox83ea/d768 40 75
8 Ox801a/d498 62 75 21 Ox8626/caa4 40 38
9 Oxa02a/f4a8 62 75 22 Ox886a/dce8 40 75
10 Oxbe2a/eaa8 62 75 23 Oxa06a/f4e8 40 75
11 Ox806a/d4e8 59 74 24 Ox8e1a/da98 39 75
12 Ox8e26/daa4 47 75 25 Ox8226/cea4 38 37
13 Ox8026/d4a4 46 74

Since the neural distinguishers outperform the ones with just the XOR input,
we started to look beyond just the differences at 5 rounds. We decided to partially
A Deeper Look at Machine Learning-Based Cryptanalysis 817

decrypt the ciphertext pairs from G for a few rounds and re-run Experiment A on
these partially decrypted pairs: for each pair, we compute the difference and for
each difference, we created 104 random plaintext pairs with these differences and
encrypted them to round nr using random keys. The results are very intriguing,
as compared to that of Table 3: almost all of the (top 1000) unique differences
obtained in this experiment achieved 99% or 100% of ciphertext pairs having a
score of~0.5.
We can see that the differences at rounds 3 and 4 (after decrypting 2 and 1
round respectively) start to show some strong biases. In fact, for all of the top
1000 differences at rounds 3 and 4, all 104 pairs x 1000 differences returned a
score of 乏 0.53 . With that, we conduct yet another experiment (Experiment B):

1. For all the ciphertext pairs in G, decrypt i rounds with their respective keys
and compute the corresponding difference. Denote the set of differences as
2. Generate 105 plaintext pairs with a difference of Ox0040/0000 with random
keys, encrypt to 4 rounds
3. If the pair's difference is in Diff5-i, keep the pair. Otherwise, discard.
4. Encrypt the remaining pairs to 5 rounds and evaluate them using N5.

When i = 2, we obtain 1669 unique differences with a dataset size of 89,969.

97.86% of these ciphertext pairs yielded a score~0.5 (i.e. by this method, we
can isolate 88.04% of the true positive ciphertexts pair). Using i = 1, we have
128,039 unique differences and the size of the dataset is 74,077. While we could
get a cleaner set with 99.98% of these ciphertext pairs obtaining a score of~0.5,
we only managed to isolate 74.06% of the true positive pairs. Comparing with
the true positive rate of N5 from Table 1, which is 0.904 土 8.33 x 10-4, the case
when i = 2 seems to be closer.
We also looked into the bias of the difference bits (the ih difference bit
refers to the lh bit index of C5 — 2 击 C归 where Cnr —i refers to the nr round
ciphertext decrypted by i rounds. Table 4 shows the difference bit biases of the
first 1000 (most common) unique differences of ciphertext pairs in G and B
after decrypting two rounds. We assume that the neural distinguisher is able to
identify some bits at these rounds because they are significantly more biased,
though both the set B and G are from the real distribution.
Now, we state the assumption required for our conjecture, which we will
verify experimentally in Sect. 4.3 .

Assumption 1 Given a 5-round SPECK-32/64 ciphertext pair, N5 is able to

determine the difference of certain bits at rounds 3 and 4 with high accuracy.

Conjecture 1. Given a 5-round SPECK-32/64 ciphertext pair, N5 finds the dif-

ference of certain bits at round 3 and decides if the ciphertext pair is real or

3 The differences were obtained experimentally.

818 A. Benamira et al.

Table 4. Difference bit bias of ciphertext pairs in G and B after decrypting 2 rounds.
A negative (resp. positive) value indicates a bias towards'O'(resp.'1').
bit position 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
G 0.476 -0.454 -0.355 -0.135 0 045 0.084 -0 009 0.487 -0 473 -0 426 -0 300 -0 050 0.006 0 019 0.500 -0 500
B -0.002 0.018 0.008 -0.011 0.044 0 002 0.023 -0 022 0.010 -0 002 0.013 -0.004 0.006 -0 005 0.103 0 072
bit position 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 。

G 0.476 -0.454 -0.142 -0.006 0.025 0 084 -0.009 0.487 -0 473 -0 426 0.165 0 094 -0.006 0.019 -0 500 -0.500
B 0.031 -0.009 -0.015 -0.007 -0.014 -0.024 0.025 0.026 0.034 -0.005 -0.018 -0.021 0.006 0.009 0.079 -0.065

Interestingly, the difference bit biases after decrypting 1 and 2 rounds are
very similar (in their positions). We will provide an explanation in Sect. 4.2 . The
exact truncated differentials are (* denotes no specific constraint, while O or 1
denotes the expected bit difference):

3 rounds: 10 * * * * * 00 * * * * * 00 10 * * * * * 00 * * * * * 10
4 rounds: 10 * * * * * 10 * * * * * 10 10 * * * * * 10 * * * * * 00
We refer to these particular truncated differential masks as T D3 and T D4 for
the following discussion. Using constraint programming, we evaluate that the
probabilities for these truncated differentials are 87.86% and 49.87% respectively.
In order to verify how much the neural distinguisher is relying on these bits, we
perform the following experiment (Experiment C):
1. Generate 106 plaintext pairs with initial difference Ox0040/0000 and 106 ran-
dom keys.
2. Encrypt all 106 plaintext pairs to 5 —i rounds. If a plaintext pair satisfies the
TD5 —i, then we keep it. Otherwise, it will be discarded.
3. Encrypt the remaining pairs to 5 rounds and evaluate them using N5.

Table 5. Results of Experiment C with TD3 and TD4. Proport. refers to the number
of true positive ciphertext pairs captured by the experiment.

5-i Trunc. Diff. Dataset size Acc. Proport.

TD3 87741 99.277% 87.11%
TD4 50063 99.996% 50.06%

Table 5 shows the statistics of the above experiment with 5 rounds of SPECK-
32/64. The true positive rates for ciphertext pairs that follow these are closer
to that of Gohr's neural distinguisher. Now, there remains about 3% of the
ciphertext pairs yet to be explained (comparing the results of T D5_2 with N吐
The important point to note here is that the pairs we have identified are exactly
the ones verified by the neural distinguisher as well, by the nature of these
experiments. In other words, we managed to find what the neural distinguisher
is looking for and not just another distinguisher that would achieve a good
accuracy by identifying a different set of ciphertext pairs.
A Deeper Look at Machine Learning-Based Cryptanalysis 819

4.2 Deriving TD3 and TD4

With an input difference of Ox0040/0000, which has a deterministic transition

to OxS000/8000 in round 1, the difference will only start to spread after round 1
due to the modular addition in the SPECK-32/64 round function. The inputs to
the modular addition at round 2 are Ox0100 and Ox8000 (cf. Fig. 6). While there
are two active bits, only one of them will propagate the carry (as the other is
the MSB), resulting in multiple differences. Assuming a uniform distribution, the
carry has a probability½of propagating to the left. This causes the probability
of the various differentials to reduce by½as the carry bit propagates until b31
(bit position 31) is reached and any further carry will be removed by the modular

Out. Diff. Prob.

Ox8100 2-1
Ox8300 2 —2
Ox8700 2 —3
Ox8f00 2-4
Ox9f00 2-5
OxbfOO 2 —6
OxffOO 2 —7
Ox8100,0x8300,0x8700,0x8f00 Ox7f00 2 —7

Fig. 6. The distribution of the possible output differences after passing through the
modular addition operation.

In Fig. 7 and Fig. 8, we show how the bits evolve along the most probable
differential path from round 1 (OxS000/8000) to round 4 (Ox850a/9520). As
it passes through the modular addition operation, we highlight the bits that
have a relatively higher probability of being different from the most probable
differential. The darker the color, the higher the probability of the difference
being toggled.
Figure 7 and Fig. 8 show us why T D3 is important at round 3, and how
the active bits shift in SPECK-32/64 when we start with the input difference of
Ox0040/0000. In every round, b31, (the leftmost bit) has a high probability of
staying active. This bit is then rotated to b24 before it goes into the modular
addition operation. In each round, b26 has a½chance of switching from 1 一 0 or
the other way round. b21 and b2s have a¾and 忐 chance respectively of switching.
This makes them highly volatile and therefore, unreliable. On the other hand,
the right part of SPECK-32/64 rotates by 2 to the left at the end of each round.
Because of the high rotation value in the left part of SPECK-32/64, low rotation
820 A. Benamira et al.

<< 2 << 2

11 lol ol olol 010111 olol ol olol 01010 I 1110101 olol 010111 ol olol 0101011 lol 111 olol ol 010101010 Iolol ol 0101 olol 111 ol 0101011101 olol ol olol 11o111 ol

Fig. 7. The left (resp. right) part shows how the active bit from difference Ox8000/8000
(resp. Ox8100/8102) propagates to difference Ox8100/8102 (Ox8000/820a). The darker
the color, the higher the probability (斗) that it has a carry propagated to.

111010101011101110101010111011101 111010111o11101110101110101010101

Fig. 8. Showing how the active bit from difference Ox8000/820a propagates to differ-
ence Ox850a/9520. The darker the color, the higher the probability (2': ¾) that it has
a carry propagated to.

value of the right part of SPECK-32/64, and the fact that the left part is added
into the right part after the rotation, it takes about 3 to 4 rounds for the volatile
and unreliable bits to spread.
A Deeper Look at Machine Learning-Based Cryptanalysis 821

4.3 Verifying Assumption 1

To verify if Gohr's neural distinguisher is able to recognize the truncated differ-

ential, we retrain the neural distinguisher with a slight difference (Experiment
1. Generate 107 plaintext pairs such that about½of the pairs satisfy T D3 (these
are the positive pairs)
2. Encrypt the plaintext pairs for two rounds
3. Train the neural network to distinguish the two distributions, and validate
with the same hyper-parameters as in [11], with a depth of 1 in the residual

After retraining, the neural distinguisher has an accuracy of 96.57% (TPR:

99.95%, TNR: 93.19%) This shows that the neural distinguisher has the capabili-
ties to actually recognize the truncated differential with an outstanding accuracy.

4.4 SPECK-32/64 Reduced to 6 Rounds

We perform Experiments C for 6 rounds of SPECK-32/64 as well. Table 6 shows

the comparison of the true positive results of rounds 5 and 6. While the results
are not as obvious as for the case of 5 rounds, we can still observe a similar trend
for 6 rounds.

Table 6. Results of SPECK-32/64 reduced to six rounds for Experiment C. Proportion

refers to the number of true positive ciphertext pairs captured by the experiment.

6-i rds Truncated Differential Size of dataset Accuracy Proport.

10*****10*****10 10*****10*****00 49902 99.41 % 49.6%
10*****00*****10 11 *****01 *****OO 6884 99.927% 6.88%

4.5 Average Key Rank Differential Distinguisher

Taking into consideration the observations we presented in this section, we intro-

duce a new average key rank distinguisher that is not based on machine learning
and almost matches the accuracy as Gohr's neural network for 5, 6 and 7 rounds
of SPECK-32/64. Here are the key considerations used in our distinguisher:

— The training set of Gohr's neural network consists of 107 ciphertext pairs.
Thus, we restrict our distinguisher to only use 107 ciphertext pairs as well.
— If we do an exhaustive key search for two rounds, the time complexity will be
extremely high. Instead, we may need to limit ourselves to only one round to
match the complexity of the neural distinguishers.
822 A. Benamira et al.

— If we know the difference at round i, the i — 1 round difference for the right
part is known as well, since ri —1 = (Zi EB ri) 衾 2

With those pointers in mind, we created a distinguisher that uses an approx-

imated DDT (aDDT); that is, a truncated DDT that is experimentally con-
structed based on n ciphertext pairs. In this distinguisher, we use n = 107 to
ensure that both our distinguisher and the neural distinguishers have the same
amount of information. The idea of the distinguisher is to decrypt the last round,
nr, using all possible subkey bits that are relevant to the bits we are interested
in. Then, we compute the average of the probabilities of all partial decryptions
for a given pair, read from aDDT(nr — 1), to get a score. If the score is greater
than that of the random distribution, the distinguisher will return 1 (Real) and
0 (Random) otherwise. The bits we are interested in can be represented as an
AND mask, that is, a mask that has'l'in the bit positions that we want to
consider the bit and'O'for those we want to ignore. The mask value we have
chosen is Oxff8f/ff8f rather than the expected Oxc183/c183 as we believe the
truncated differential they are detecting is at nr — 2 rounds. Thus, other than
the bits that are identified earlier in this section, we decided to include more bits
to improve the accuracy. With the look-up table to the aDDT, we do not just
only match the data complexity (of the offiine training) of the Gohr's neural
distinguishers, but at the same time, include the correlations between bits as
The pseudocodes for creating the aDDT and the average key rank distin-
guisher can be found in the long version of the paper that can be found on
eprint. We applied the distinguisher for 5, 6 and 7 rounds of SPECK-32/64 and
the results are given in Table 7. It shows that our distinguisher closely matches
the accuracies of Gohr's neural distinguishers.
Degree of closeness. We now study the similarity between our distinguishers
and Gohr's neural distinguishers. In particular, we are interested in whether the
classifications of the ciphertext pairs are the same for both distinguishers. To
verify this, we gave a set of 105 5-round ciphertext pairs (approx. 50,000 from
real and random distribution each) to both our average key rank distinguisher
and N5, and measured how many times did they have the same output. The
results for nr = 5 are shown in Table 8. We can see that about 97.6% of the
ciphertext pairs tested have the same classification in both distinguishers. For
nr = 6, we achieved 94.98% of the pairs with the same classification.
Comple戒ty comparison. In our average key rank distinguisher, for each pair,
we perform the partial decryption of two ciphertexts, and a table lookup in
aDDT. In the partial decryption, we enumerate the 212 keys affecting the right-
most 13 bits of 8lnr —1 covered by our mask. Therefore, the complexity of our
distinguisher is 213 one-round SPECK-32/64 decryptions, and 213 table lookups.
Comparing its complexity with Gohr's distinguishers is not trivial, as the oper-
ations involved are different. Gohr evaluates the complexity of his neural key
recovery by their runtime and an estimation of the number of speck encryptions
that could be performed at the same time on a GPU implementation. We pro-
A Deeper Look at Machine Learning-Based Cryptanalysis 823

pose to use the number of floating point multiplications performed by the neural
network instead. Let I and O respectively denote the number of inputs and out-
puts to one layer. The computational cost of going through a dense layer is I• 0
multiplications. For 1D-CNN with kernel size ks = 1, a null padding, a stride
equal to 1 and F filters, with input size (I, T) the cost is computed as I• F• T
multiplications. With the same input but with kernel size ks = 3, a padding
equal to 1, the cost is I• ks• F• T Applying these formulas to Gohr's neural
network, we obtain a total of 137280:::::: 沪 7-07 multiplications. Note that we do
not account for batch normalizations and additions, which are dominated by the
cost of the multiplications. Using this estimation, it seems that our distinguisher
is slightly better in terms of complexity.

Table 7. Accuracy of the average key Table 8. Closeness of the outputs of N5

rank distinguisher with a mask value of and average key rank distinguisher.
Nr output
N5 Accuracy TPR TNR
乏 0.5<0.5
5 92.98% 90.76% 95.22%
AKR Dist 1 46.6% 1.48%
6 78. 79% 72.53% 85.07%
0 0.953% 51.0%
7 60.28% 55.31 % 65.24%

4.6 Discussion

Even though Gohr trained a neural distinguisher with a fixed input difference, it
is unfair to compare the accuracy of neural distinguisher to that of a pure differ-
ential cryptanalysis (with the use of DDT), since there are alternative cryptanal-
ysis methods that the neural distinguisher may have learned. The experiments
performed indicate that while Gohr's neural distinguishers did not rely much on
difference at the nr round, they rely strongly on the differences at round nr —1
and even more strongly at round nr — 2. These results support the hypothesis
that the neural distinguisher may learn differential-linear cryptanalysis [13] in
the case of SPECK. While we did not present any attacks here, using the MILP
model shown in [9], we verified that there are indeed many linear relations with
large biases for 2 to 3 rounds.
Unlike traditional linear cryptanalysis, which usually use independent char-
acteristics or linear hull involving the same plaintext and ciphertext bits, a well-
trained neural network is able to learn and exploit several linear characteristics
while taking into account their dependencies and correlations.
We believe that neural networks find the easiest way to achieve the best
accuracy. In the case of SPECK, it seems that differential-linear cryptanalysis
would be a good fit since it requires less data and the truncated differential
has a very high probability. Thus, we think that neural networks have the abil-
ity to efficiently learn short but strong differential, linear or differential-linear
characteristics for small block ciphers for a small number of rounds.
824 A. Benamira et al.

4. 7 Application to AES-2-2-4 [7]

We are also interested in the capabilities of the neural distinguishers on a

Substitution-Permutation Network (SPN) cipher. We chose a small scale variant
of AES from [7] with the parameters: r = 2, c = 2, e = 4. We chose this cipher
as it has a small state size, which could be exhaustively searched through. AES-
2-2-8 would be a good choice as it also has a state size of 32-bit, however, our
distinguishers are not able to learn anything significant. We trained AES-2-2-4
with 215 pairs, starting with an input difference of (1, 0, 0, 1). This input dif-
ference was chosen such that only after two rounds, all S-boxes will be active.
We trained them for 3 rounds and obtained an accuracy of 61.0%. In contrast,
we use the same number of pairs, we trained an aDDT distinguisher and we
obtained an accuracy of 62.3%.
To show the possibilities of relying purely on differences, we perform an
experiment similar to Experiment A. With the trained neural distinguisher, we
exhaust all possible 16-bit differences and we generate 100 random pairs for
each difference. Next, we feed the pairs to the neural distinguisher and count
the number of pairs in each basket of score: [0.0 —0.1), [0.1 —0.2), …, [0.9 — LO].
Our result shows that for each differential, the 100 random pairs form a cluster
about a center similar to a Gaussian distribution. These results seem to suggest
the nature of the neural distinguisher for AES-2-2-4 is one that relies fully on
differential: giving a confidence interval based on just the difference.

5 Interpretation of Gohr's Neural Network: A Machine

Learning Perspective

In this section, we are exploring the following practical question:

Can Gohr's neural network be replaced by a strategy inspired by both

differential cryptanalysis and machine learning?

We will demonstrate here that this is possible. First of all, it should be

emphasized that DNNs often outperform mathematical modeling or standard
machine learning approaches in supervised data-driven settings, especially on
high-dimensional data. It seems to be the case because correlations found
between input and output pairs during DNN training lead to more relevant
characteristics than those found by experts. In other words, Gohr's neural dis-
tinguisher seems to be capable of finding a property P currently unknown by
cryptanalysts. One may ask if we could experimentally approach this unknown
property P that encodes the neural distinguisher behavior, using both machine
learning and cryptanalysis expertise. With this question in mind, we propose
our best estimate with a focus on 5 and 6 SPECK-32/64 rounds where the DNN
achieves accuracies of 92.9% and 78.8% in a real/random distinction setting and
where the full DDT approach can achieve accuracies of 91.1 % and 75.8%. In our
best setting, we reach accuracy values of 92.3% and 77.9%.
A Deeper Look at Machine Learning-Based Cryptanalysis 825

Section 3 discusses in detail how Gohr's neural distinguisher is modeled in

three blocks. Our objective here is to replace each of these individual blocks by a
more interpretable one, coming either from machine learning or from the crypt-
analysts'point of view. This work is thus the result of the collaboration between
two worlds addressing the open question of deep learning interpretability. In the
course of the study, we set forth and challenged four conjectures to estimate the
property P learned by the DNN as detailed below.

5.1 Four Conjectures

Conjectures 2 & 3 aim to uncover Block 3 behavior. Conjecture 4 tackles Block

1 while Conjecture 5 concerns Block 2-i.

The DNN can not be entirely replaced by another machine learning

model. Ensemble-based machine learning models such as random forests [4]
and gradient boosting decision trees [8] are accurate and easier to interpret than
DNNs [14]. Nevertheless, DNNs outperform ensemble-based machine learning
models for most tasks on high-dimensional data such as images. However, with
only 64 bits of input, we could legitimately wonder whether the DNN could be
replaced by another ensemble-based machine learning model. Despite our small
size problem, our experiments reveal that other models significantly decrease the

Conjecture 2. Gohr's neural network outperforms other non-neuronal network

machine learning models.

应periment. To challenge this conjecture, we tested multiple machine learn-

ing models, such as Random Forest (RF), Light Gradient Boosting Machine
(LGBM), Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP), Support Vector Machine (SVM) and
Linear Regression (LR). They all performed equally. For the rest of this paper,
we will only consider LGBM [12] as an alternative ensemble classifier for DNN
and MLP. LGBM is an extension of Gradient Boosting Decision Tree (GBDT)
[8] and we fixed our choice on it because it is accurate, interpretable and faster
to train than RF or GBDT. In support of our conjecture, we established that
the accuracy for the LGBM model is significantly lower than the one of the DNN
when the inputs are (Cz, Cr, C{, C匀, see third column of Table 9.

Table 9. A comparison of the neural distinguisher and LGBM model for 5 round, for
106 samples generated of type (Ct, Cr, C{, C饥

N5 Ds LGBM as classifier for LGBM as classifier for the LGBM as classifier for the
theoriginal input 512-feature 64-feature
92.9% 91.1% 76.34% 士 2.62 91.49% 士 0.09 92.36% 士 0.07
826 A. Benamira et al.

The final MLP block is not essential. As described above, we can not
replace the entire DNN with another non-neuronal machine learning model that
is easier to interpret. However, we may be able to replace the last block (Block
3) of the neural distinguisher performing the final classification, by an ensemble

Conjecture 3. The MLP block of Gohr's neural network can be replaced by

another ensemble classifier.

Experiment. We successfully exchanged the final MLP block for a LGBM model.
The reasons for choosing LG BM as a non-linear classifier were detailed in the
previous experiment paragraph. The first attempt is a complete substitution
of Block 3, taking the 512-dimension output of Block 2—10 as input. In the
fourth column of Table 9, we observe that this experiment leads to much better
results than the one from Conjecture 2, and even better results than the classical
DDT method D5 (+0.39%). To further improve the accuracy, we implemented
a partial substitution, taking only the 64-dimension output of the first layer of
the MLP as input. As can be seen in the fifth column from Table 9, the accuracy
with those inputs is now much closer to the DNN accuracy. In both cases, the
accuracy is close to the neural distinguisher, supporting our conjecture. At this
point, in order to grasp the unknown property P, one needs to understand the
feature vector at the residuals'output.

The linear transformation on the inputs. We saw in Sect. 3 that Block 1

performs a linear transformation on the input. By looking at the weights of the
DNN first convolution, we observe that it contains many opposite values. This
indicates that the DNN is looking for differences between the input features.
Consequently, we propose the following conjecture.

Conjecture 4. The first convolution layer of Gohr's neural network transforms

the input (C1, Cr, C{, c;) into (L1L, L1V, V0, 忆) and a linear combination of those

缸periments. As the inputs of the first convolution are binary, we could formally
verify our conjecture. By forcing to one all non-zero values of the output of this
layer, we calculated the truth-table of the first convolution. We thus obtained
the boolean expression of the first layer for the 32 filters. We observed that eight
filters were empty and the remaining twenty-four filters were simple. The filter
expressions are provided in the long version of the paper that can be found on
However, one may argue that setting all non-zero values to one is an over-
simplified approach. Therefore, we replaced the first ReL U activation function
by the Heaviside activation function, and then we retrained the DNN. Since the
Heaviside function binarizes the intermediate value (as in [28]), we can estab-
lish the formal expression of the first layer of the retrained DNN. This second
A Deeper Look at Machine Learning-Based Cryptanalysis 827

DNN had the same accuracy as the first one and almost the same filter boolean
Finally, we trained the same DNN with the following entries (L:1L, L:1V, V0, Vj让
Using the same method as before, we established the filters'boolean expressions.
This time, we obtained twenty five null filters and seven non-null filters, with the
following expressions: L:1L, Vo I\ V1 , L:1L, L:1L, Vo I\ V1 , L:1L I\ L:1 V, L:1L I\ L:1 V. These
observations support conjecture 4. Therefore, we kept only (L:1L, L:1V, V0, 忆) as
inputs for our pipeline.

The masked output distribution table. With regards to the remaining

residual block replacement, our first assumption is that the DNN calculates a
shape close to the DDT in that residual block. However, two major properties of
the neural distinguisher prevent us from assuming that it is a DDT in the classical
sense of the term. The first property, as explained in Sect. 3, is that the neural
distinguisher does not only rely on the difference distribution to distinguish real
pairs as presented in Table 2. The second specificity is that the DNN has only
approximately 100,000 floating parameters to perform classification, which can
be considered as size efficient. Our second assumption is therefore that the DNN
is able to compress the distribution table. We introduce the following definitions.

Output Distribution Table (ODT). We propose to compute a distribution table

on the values (.:1L, .:1V, V0, Vi) directly, instead of doing so on the difference
of the ciphertext pair (Cz EB C{, Cr 击 C~). We call this new table an Output
Distribution Table (ODT) and it can be seen as a generalization of the DDT.
The entries of the ODT are 64 bits, which is not tractable for 107 samples. Also,
the DNN has only 100,000 parameters. The DNN is therefore able to compress
the ODT.

Masked Output Distribution Table (M-ODT). A compressed ODT means that

the input is not 64 bits, but instead hw bits, where hw represents the Hamming
weight of the mask. Let us consider a mask ME Mhw with Mhw the ensemble
of 64-bits masks with Hamming weight hw and M = (M1, M2, M3, M4), with
Mi a 16-bit mask. Compressing the ODT therefore means applying the M mask
to all inputs. In our case, with I = (.:1L, .:1V, V0, 忆), we get IM = (.:1L I\
M1, .:1V I\ M2, Vo I\ M扣忆/\ M4) = I I\ M, before computing the ODT. By
calculating that way, the number of ODT entries per mask decreases. It becomes
a function that depends only on hw and on the bit positions in the masks. It
is therefore a more compact representation of the complete ODT. However, it
turns out that if we consider only one mask, we get only one value per sample to
perform the classification: P(Real 心), while the DNN has a final vector size of
512. We considered several masks. Thus, by defining the ensemble RM EM 匠
the set of relevant masks of Mhw, we can calculate for a specific input I =
(L!L, L'.1 V, V0, Vi) the probability P(Real 心), \/ME RM. Then, we concatenate
all the probabilities into a feature vector of size m = IR矶 We get the feature
F for the input I: F = (P(ReallIM1) P(ReallIM2) … P(ReallIMrn)) . We are now able
to propose the final conjecture.
828 A. Benamira et al.

Conjecture 5. The neural distinguisher internal data processing of Block 2-i can
be approached by:

1. Computing a distribution table for input (L\L, L\V, Vo, Vj让

2. Finding several relevant masks and applying them to the input in order to
compress the output distribution table.

We abbreviate M-ODT this Masked-Output Distribution Table. Thus, the fea-

ture vector of the DNN can be replaced by a vector where each value represents
the probability stored in the M-ODT for each mask.

This approach enables us to replace Block 2-i of the DNN. Though, we still
need to clarify how to get the RM ensemble.

Extracting masks. Based on local interpretation methods, we can extract these

masks from the DNN. Indeed, these methods consist of highlighting the most
important bits of the entries for classification. Thus, by sorting the entries accord-
ing to their score and by applying these local interpretation methods, we can
obtain the relevant masks.

5.2 Approximating the Expression of the Property P

From our conjectures, we hypothesized that we can approximate the unknown

property P that encodes the neural distinguisher behavior by the following:

— Changing (C, C') into I= (L1L, L1V, Vo, 忆).

— Changing the 512-feature vector of the DNN by the feature vector of proba-
bilities F = (P(ReallIM1) P(ReallIM2) … P(ReallIM1n)) .
— Changing the final MLP block by the ensemble machine learning model

These points stand respectively for Block 1, Block 2-i and Block 3.

5.3 Implementation

In this section and based on the verified conjectures, we are describing the step-
wise implementation of our method. We consider that we have a DNN formed
with 107 data of type (.dL, .dV, V0, Vi) for 5 and 6 rounds of SPECK-32/64. We
developed a three-step approach:

1. Extraction of the masks from the DNN with a first dataset.

2. Construction of the M-ODT with a second dataset.
3. 飞aining of the final classifier from the probabilities stored in the M-ODT
with a third dataset.
A Deeper Look at Machine Learning-Based Cryptanalysis 829

Mask extraction from the DNN. We first ranked 104 real samples according
to DNN score, as described in Sect. 4.1 , in order to estimate the masks from these
entries. We used multiple local interpretation methods: Integrated Gradients
[26], DeepLift [22], Gradient Shap [15], Saliency maps [23], Shapley Value [5],
and Occlusion [27]. These methods score each bit according to their importance
for the classification. Following averaging by batch and by method, there were
two possible ways to move forward. We could either assign a Hamming weight
or else set a threshold above which all bits would be set to one. After a wide
range of experiments, we chose the first option and set the Hamming weight to
sixteen and eighteen (which turned out to be the best values in our testing).
This approach allowed us to build the ensemble RM of the relevant masks.

Implementation details. We used the captum librar沪 which brings together

multiple methods on local interpretation. The dataset is divided into batches
of size about 2,500 and grouped by scores. The categories we used were: scores
from 1 to 0.9 (about 2,000 samples), scores from 0.9 to 0.5 (about 500 samples),
scores from 1 to 0.8 (about 2,100 samples) and scores from 1 to 0.5 (about 2,500
samples). This way, one score per method could be derived for each bit of each
sample. We then proposed several methods to average these importance scores
by bit of category: the sum of absolute values, the median of absolute values
and the average of absolute values. Then, we took the sixteen and eighteen best
values and we obtained a mask. There is one mask per score, one per local inter-
pretation method and one per averaging method. On average, for 5,000 samples
we generate about 100 relevant masks. Finally, with the methods available in
scikit-learn [20], we ranked the features and so the masks according to their per-
formance. After multiple repetitions of mask generation and selection at every
time, we obtained 50 masks that are effective: they are provided in the long
version of the paper. The final ensemble of masks is the addition of those 50
effective masks and the generated relevant masks.

Constructing the M-ODT. Once the ensemble RM of relevant masks is deter-

mined, we compute the M-ODT. (Algorithm can be found in long version of the
paper) describes our construction method which is similar to that of the DDT.
The inputs of the algorithm include a second dataset composed of n = 107 real
samples of type I= (LlL, LlV, V0, Vi), and the set of relevant masks RM. The
output is the M-ODT dictionary with the mask as first key, the masked input
as second key, and P(ReallJ /\ M) = P(Real 心) as value.
The M-ODT dictionary is constructed as follow: first, for each mask M in
RM, we compute the corresponding masked-dataset 加 which is simply the
operation 压 =II\ M for all Jin'D. Secondly we compute a dictionary U with
key the element of D M and with value the occurrences number of that element
in D M. Then, we compute for all element 压 in 加 the probability:

4 https://github.com/pytorch/captum.
830 A. Benamira et al.

P(I汇 Real)P(Real)
P(Real 心)=
P(I汇 Real)P(Real) + P(I汇 Random)P
with P(Real) = P(Random) = 0.5, P(I汇 Random)= 2-HW(M), HW(M) being
the Hamming weight of M and P(I叭 Real) =卢 x U[JM]- Finally we update
M-ODT as follow: M-ODT[M] [IM] = P(Real 心).

Training the classifier on probabilities. Upon building the M-ODT, we

can start training the classifier. Given a third dataset V = {(input0, y0) …
(inputn 如) }, with inputj a sample of type (C, C'), transformed into (L\L, L\V,
Vo, Vi) and the label Yi E [O, 1], with n = 10气 we first compute the feature
vector Fj = (P(Realll1/\Ml) P(Realll1/\M2) … P(Realll1/\Mm) 广 for all inputs and for
m = IR矶 Next, we determined the optimal 0 parameters for the ge model
according to Eq. 1, with L being the square loss. Here, the g。 classifier is Light
Gradient Boosting Machine (LGBM) [12].

Implementation details. Feature vectors are standardized. Model hyper-

parameters fine-tuning has been achieved by grid search. Results were obtained
by cross-validation on 20% of the train set and the test set had 105 samples.
Finally, results are obtained on the complete pipeline for three different seeds,
five times for every seed.

5.4 Results

The M-ODT pipeline was implemented with numpy, scikit-learn [20] and pytorch
[19]. The project code can be found at this URL address5. Our work station is
constituted of a GPU Nvidia GeForce GTX 970 with 4043 MiB memory and
four Intel core i5-4460 processors clocked at 3.20 GHz.

General results. Table 10 shows accuracies of the DDT, the DNN and our M-
ODT pipeline on 5 and 6-round reduced SPECK-32/64 for 1.1 x 107 generated
samples. When compared to DNN and DDT, our M-ODT pipeline reached an
intermediate performance right below DNN. The main difference is the true
positive rate which is higher in our pipeline (this can be explained by the fact
that our M-ODT preprocessing only considers real samples). All in all, our M-
ODT pipeline successfully models the property P.

Matching. Table 11 summarizes the results of the quantitative correspondence

studies for the prediction between the two models. We compared the DNN
trained on samples type (.:1L, .:1V, Vo, Vi) to our M-ODT pipeline. On 5 rounds,
we obtained a rate of 97.5% identical predictions. In addition, 91.3% were both

5 https://github.com/ AnonymousSubmissionEuroCrypt2021/ A-Deeper-Look-at-Mac

A Deeper Look at Machine Learning-Based Cryptanalysis 831

Table 10. A comparison of Gohr's neural network, the DDT and our M-ODT pipeline
accuracies for around 150 masks generated each time, with input (L1L, L1V, Vo, 忆),
LGBM as classifier and 1.1 x 107 samples generated in total. TPR and TNR refers to
true positive and true negative rate respectively.

Rd Distinguisher Accuracy TPR TNR

5 D5 91.1% 87.7% 94.7%
Ns 92.9% 土 0.05 90.4% 土 0.08 95.4% 士 0.06
M-ODT (Ours) 92.3% 土 0.08 95.5% 土 0.09 89.1% 土 0.2

6 D5 75.8% 68.0% 83.7%

N5 78.8% 土 0.08 72.4% 土 0.01 85.3% 土 0.1
M-ODT (Ours) 77.9% 士 0.1 85.2% 土 0.1 70.6% 土 0.2

identical and equal to the label. On 6 rounds, matching prediction reduces down
to 93.1%.
We thus demonstrated that our method advantageously approximates the
performance of the neural distinguisher. With an initial linear transforma-
tion on the inputs, computing a M-ODT for a set of masks extracted from
the DNN and then classifying the resulting feature vector with LGBM, we
achieved an efficient yet more easily interpretable approach than Gohr distin-
guishers. Indeed, DNN obscure features are simply approached in our pipeline
by F = (P(RealllM1) P(RealllM2)···P(Realll厂)) . Finally, we interpret the per-
formance of the classifier globally (i.e. retrieving the decision tree) and locally
(i.e. deducing which feature played the greatest role in the classification for each
sample) as in [14]. Those results are not displayed as they are beyond the scope
of the present work, but they can be found in the project code.

Table 11. A comparison of Gohr's neural network predictions and our M-ODT pipeline
predictions for around 150 masks generated each time, with input (.:1£, L1V, Vo, 忆),
LGBM as classifier and 1.1 x 107 samples generated in total.

Nr Model Accuracy Matching Matching & equal to label

5 N5 92.9% 97.5% 士 0.06 91.3% 土 0.08
M-ODT (Ours) 92.3%
6 N5 78.8% 93.1% 士 0.07 75.3% 土 0.11
M-ODT (Ours) 77.9%

5.5 Application to SIMON Cipher

In order to check whether our approach could be generalized to other crypto-

graphic primitives, we evaluated our M-ODT method on 8 rounds of SIMON-
832 A. Benamira et al.

32/64 block cipher. Implementing the same pipeline, we enjoyed a 82.2% accu-
racy for the classification, whereas the neural distinguisher achieves 83.4% accu-
racy. In addition, the matching rate between the two models was up to 92.4%.
The slight deterioration in the results of our pipeline for SIMON can be explained
by the lack of efficient masks as introduced in Sect. 5.3 for SPECK.

5.6 o·lSCUSSIOilS
From the cryptanalysts'standpoint, one important aspect of using the neural
distinguisher is to uncover the property P learned by the DNN. Unfortunately,
while being powerful and easy to use, Gohr's neural network remains opaque.
Our main conjecture is that the 10-layer residual blocks, considered as the
core of the model, are acting as a compressed DDT applied on the whole input
space. We model our idea with a Masked Output Distribution Table (M-ODT).
The M-ODT can be seen as a distribution table applied on masked outputs,
in our case (.1£, .1V, Vo, 忧), instead of only the difference (Cz EB C{, Cr 由切).
By doing so, features are no longer abstract as in the neural distinguisher. In
our pipeline, each one of the features is a probability for the sample to be real
knowing the mask and the input. In the end, with our M-ODT pipeline, we
successfully obtained a model which has only — 0.6% difference accuracy with the
DNN and a matching of 97.3% on 5 rounds of SPECK-32/64. Additional analysis
of our pipeline (e.g. masks independence, inputs influence, classifiers influence)
are available into the project code. To the best of our knowledge, this work is
the first successful attempt to exhibit the underlying mechanism of the neural
distinguisher. However, we note that a minor limitation of our method is that it
still requires the DNN to extract the relevant masks during the preparation of the
distinguisher. Since it is only during preparation, this does not remove anything
with regards to the interpretability of the distinguisher. Future work will aim
at computing these masks without DNN. All in all, our findings represent an
opportunity to guide the development of a novel, easy-to-use and interpretable
cryptanalysis method.

6 Improved Training Models

While in the two previous sections we focused on understanding how the neural
distinguisher works, here we will explain how one can outperform Gohr's results.
The main idea is to create batches of ciphertext inputs instead of pairs.
We refer to batch input of size B, a group of B ciphertexts that are con-
structed from the same key. Here, we can distinguish two ways to train and
evaluate the neural distinguisher pipeline with batch input. The straightfor-
ward one is to evaluate the neural distinguisher score for each element of the
batch and then to take the median of the results. The second is to consider
the whole batch as a single input for a neural distinguisher. In order to do so,
we used 2-dimensional CNN (2D-CNN) where the channel dimension is the fea-
tures (L'.1L,L'.1V, V0, 片) . We should point out that, for sake of comparability with
A Deeper Look at Machine Learning-Based Cryptanalysis 833

Gohr's work, we maintained the product of the training set size by the batch size
to be equal to 107. Both batch size-based challenging methods yielded similar
accuracy values (see Table 12). Notably, in both cases, we enjoyed 100% accuracy
on 5 and 6 rounds with batch sizes 10 and 50 respectively.

Table 12. Study of the batch size methods on the accuracies with (.::1£, .::1 V, Vo, V1)
as input for 5 and 6 rounds.

Rounds 5 6
Batch input size 1 5 10 1 5 10 50
Averaging Method 92.9% 99.8% 100% 78.6% 95.41 % 99.0% 100%
2D-CNN Method 99.4% 100% 93.27% 97.7% 100%

Considering these encouraging outcomes, we extended the method to 7

rounds. As the 7-round training is more sophisticated and the two previous
methods are equivalent, we decided to only apply the first method (the averag-
ing one), because it requires to train only one neural distinguisher. Results given
in Table 13 confirm our previous findings: with a batch size of 100, we obtain
99.7% accuracy on 7 rounds. This remarkable outcome demonstrates the major
improvement of our batch strategy over those from earlier Gohr's work.

Table 13. Study of the averaging batch size method on the 7-round accuracies with
(.dL, .dV, Vo, V1) as input.

A~::::i~;:e:::d 161.~ % 73~5% 8:.~% 96~~% 9~~70%


In this article, we proposed a thorough analysis of Gohr's deep neural network

distinguishers of SPECK-32/64 from CRYPT0'19. By carefully studying the clas-
sified sets, we managed to uncover that these distinguishers are not only basing
their decisions on the ciphertext pair difference, but also the internal state differ-
ence in penultimate and antepenultimate rounds. We confirmed our findings by
proposing pure cryptanalysis-based distinguishers on SPECK-32/64 that match
Gohr's accuracy. Moreover, we also proposed a new simplified pipeline for Gohr's
distinguishers, that could reach the same accuracy while allowing a complete
interpretability of the decision process. We finally gave possible directions to
even improve over Gohr's accuracy.
834 A. Benamira et al.

Our results indicate that Gohr's neural distinguishers are not really produc-
ing novel cryptanalysis attacks, but more like optimizing the information extrac-
tion with the low-data constraints. Many more distinguisher settings, machine
learning pipelines, types of ciphers should be studied to have a better understand-
ing of what machine learning-based cryptanalysis might be capable of. Yet, we
foresee that such tools could become of interest for cryptanalysts and designers
to easily and generically pre-test a primitive for simple weaknesses.
Our work also opens interesting directions with regards to interpretability of
deep neural networks and we believe our simplified pipeline might lead to better
interpretability in other areas than cryptography.

Acknowledgements. The authors are grateful to the anonymous reviewers for their
insightful comments that improved the quality of the paper. The authors are supported
by the Temasek Laboratories NTU grant DSOCLl 7101. We would like to thank Aron
Gohr for pointing out that the differential characteristics mentioned in the attacks
of Dinur's[6] have been extended by one free round, thus, our previous suggestion of
extending Dinur's attack by one round is invalid.

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