Hostel Application Form 20122011

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Date: ./..../..... To, Project Head, Central Hostel Allotment Dept. Lovely Professional University Reason for Allotment:



Detail: Seater:__________

Food facility



Laundry Facility ________________



Signature of the Student (With Date) Name of the student: ............................. Regd. No./ID:.................................... Programme/Dept: .............Sem..... Contact detail:.

Sig.. of the Training Co-ordinator of the concerned deptt. wih U.ID

Sig. of the HOD of the concerned deptt. wih U.ID

Signature of the Dealing Official (with Date & UID):

Signature of the Project Head (with Date & UID):



I, the undersigned, _______________________S/D/o ________________________aged about______years R/o ___________________________________________________________________, applying for admission to the Lovely Professional University, Phagwara (hereinafter referred to as the University) do hereby declare that: 1) All information submitted to the University vide the Admission Application form(s) or otherwise in any manner, is complete, factually correct and accurate to the best of my knowledge and is authentic and in case it is found at any time that I have concealed, suppressed or distortedany information/fact which would have rendered me ineligible for admission, my admission to the University shall stand canceled and I shallhave no claim for refund of fee or otherwise whatsoever against the University. 2) The University reserves the right to reject my application form(s) in case not found fit by the University. 3) I have read and understood all the contents of the Prospectus 2011 and agree to abide by all the terms and conditions for my study and stay at the University as in force from time to time. 4) I will adhere to the provisions of the Lovely Professional University Act and Statutes, Regulations, Ordinances and Rules made thereunder;and further Orders, Instructions, Guidelines, Codes, Policies, Directions, Standing orders etc. (hereinafter jointly referred to as Rules & Regulations) as enforced from time to time by the University and its constituent(s), affiliate(s), sponsoring body, associate(s), successor(s),sister concern(s) and other units, as applicable. Failure or default or ignorance on my part with regard to adherence of Rules and Regulations in any manner shall entitle the University to impose penalty and/or punishment and/ or to take any other action against me and in that eventuality I shall have no claim for refund of fee or any other right against the University. 5) The University shall be entitled to make mandatory for me to take hostel, laptop and other learning aids as well as to participate in various academic, co-curricular, extracurricular and other activities including but not limited to research, training, industrial visits, seminar, studytours, placements and other activities at State, National or International level, on payment of such fee and charges or otherwise as and when deemed fit by the University. 6) The University reserves the right to introduce, alter or withdraw at any time, any programme or facility and also to revise the fees and other charges in respect of any programme or facility as deem appropriate from time to time. 7) Confirmation of my admission shall be subject to the satisfaction of all the eligibility conditions and other requirements as prescribed by the University. Failure or default on account of submission of fee(s) or any document(s) or fulfilment of any condition(s) as prescribed by the University shall entitle the University to cancel my admission and/or to impose any penalty or to take any other action against me and I shall have no claim for refund of fee or otherwise whatsoever against the University. 8) I shall be liable to pay for any damage caused by me to the property of the University either alone or jointly with others, apart from any disciplinary action(s) imposed on me by the University. 9) All tangible and intangible materials developed by me (individually or jointly with others) during my study at the University including but not limited to books, software, new technologies, formulae, notes, slides, papers, CD's, Formulations, Drawings, Paintings, Photographs, Sculptures, Designs, Models, audios, videos, films etc. will invariably be the property of the University and all rights including copyrights, patents, trademarks, intellectual property rights, publishing, selling, transferring, parting with, assigning to, broadcasting, telecasting, printing etc. shall lie with the University without any compensation to me unless otherwise decided by the University. The University shall be entitled at all times to use my personal and other information available with the University in any form for such purposes as deemed appropriate, for which no further consent is required. 10) Failure or any sort of default or ignorance with regard to submission of any information or fulfilment (compliance) of any condition or requirements including signing or attestation of any documents(s) as required by the University, whether deliberately or unintentionally shall not relieve me or my parents/guardian of the implication thereof and the decision of the University will be binding for all the matters concerned. 11) I am medically fit and have no communicable and serious diseases including fits, any sort of attacks or otherwise which would have rendered me in eligible for my study or stay at the University, however, in case any expenditure is incurred by the University on my treatment for any illness or disease or personal injury or otherwise, it shall be paid/reimbursed by me or my parent/guardian. 11) I shall study at the University for the complete duration of the programme and if due to any reason, I leave /withdraw at any time before the completion of programme, I shall be liable to pay the fee for all the successive terms and other pending dues, unless otherwise prescribed by the University. 12) I will not carry out any business activity in the University Campus either on my own or jointly with any student(s)/staff member(s) or any other person unless specifically permitted in writing by the University. 13) I will not promote or engage in or participate in any kind of social, ritual, religious, political or such like other activities in and outside the precincts of the University, unless specific ally permitted in writing by the University.

14) Delay or default in making any provision in respect of my study, residential facility, transport facility or any other facility will not entitle me to claim any compensation or refund or any other right from the University. 15) In case I am an International Applicant, it shall be my responsibility to get visa and to abide by the laws and fulfil all required formalities of India and other country (as applicable) for my stay and study at the University, apart from the conditions laid down by the University from time to time. (16) In case I have applied for and allotted Hostel Facility,i. I shall retain the hostel accommodation for the full academic session and if due to any reason I leave/withdraw the hostel facility during the academic session, I shall have no claim whatsoever for refund of fee or otherwise against the University. I shall also be liable to pay the hostel fee and all other charges prescribed for the purpose of hostel facility for full academic session and other pending dues, if any,unless otherwise prescribed by the University. ii. I understand that the University may provide me hostel facility/residential accommodation, at its own or through other arrangement, in or outside campus, as deem fit. iii. I shall not be entitled to claim hostel facility as a matter of right. iv. I will vacate the hostel in case of any requirement of the University for some specific period(s) for any reasons including accommodating guests, delegates, participants of any event, for maintenance work etc., as and when prescribed by the University. v. In case it is found at any time that I am subject to be declared ineligible for appearing in any examination due to shortage of attendance in a particular term after due consideration of all the classes to be conducted for that term or in case I am detained at any time on account of disciplinary misconduct or any other reason whatsoever, I will be liable to vacate the hostel as and when directed by the University. Allotment of hostel facility in the next term/semester shall be solely at the discretion of the University. vi. the University reserves the right to get the hostel evacuated at any time either partially or in full on account of any emergency or any unforeseen circumstances arising within or outside the University. vii. the University shall reserve the right to carry inspection of my room, bags, almirahs or any of my personal belongings at any time during day and/or night. viii. the University shall reserve the right to make changes in hostel, room allotted and various provisions and facilities in the hostels as deem appropriate from time to time. ix. the entrance of outsiders in the hostel will be restricted and entry and/or stay of my parents/guardian and any other visitor (if authorised ) will be subject to the permission of warden and other concerned authorities of the University; and if permitted, parents/guardians/visitor while being on campus will ensure that they behave decently and in orderly manner; any mis behaviour or unwarranted act on their part shall entitle the University to take any action against them and/or any disciplinary action against me. x. I shall myself take precautions against insect-bites, dog-bites, snake-bites, animal-bites, plant-bites and such other infections and diseases and the University shall not be liable for such infections and diseases. However, in case of falling sick or any sort of infections,diseases or personal injury or otherwise, I shall inform the hostel authorities and my parents instantly; and shall be liable to pay/reimburse for any expenditure incurred by the University and/or hostel authorities on my treatment for any illness or disease or personal injury or otherwise. xi. I shall not make any unauthorised use of electricity by using any electrical gadgets including iron, heater, audio player, convector and immersion rod. xii. I agree that the hostel fee includes the charges for usage of fixed electric units as prescribed by the University and in case the utilized units exceed fixed units, I will pay the charges for usage of units exceeding the fixed units. xi. I agree that CFL once issued shall not be replaced in case of damage due to default on my part and in that case it shall be my responsibility to get it replaced at my own cost. xiii. I shall not paste any poster or painting on the walls of rooms or at other places in and outside hostel premises. xiv. I agree that the hot water supply shall be available in winter only for fixed timings as prescribed by the University. xv. If I absent myself from the hostel without permission or violate any guidelines or policy or instructions of the University, the University shall be entitled to take any disciplinary action against me including rustication/expulsion from the hostel and/or the University. xvi. I agree that the University shall reserve the right to withdraw or change any hostel facility and/or to revise fee or any other charges prescribed for the purpose of availing any hostel facility.

xvii. I shall be liable to pay for any damage caused by me to the hostel either alone or jointly with others apart from any action(s) as decided by the University. xviii. Warden or other competent authority of the University may check about my whereabouts and other details as and when required. (17) In case I have applied for and allotted Transport Facility, i. I shall avail the transport facility for the full academic session and if due to any reason I leave/withdraw this facility during the academic session, I shall have no claim whatsoever for refund of fee or otherwise against the University. I shall also be liable to pay the transport fee and all other charges prescribed for the purpose of transport facility for full academic session and other pending dues, if any; unless otherwise prescribed by the University. ii. I agree that the University may provide me transport facility, at its own or through other arrangement, as deem fit. iii. I shall not be entitled to claim transport facility as a matter of right. iv. I shall board the transport vehicle from the assigned boarding point/location only. v. I agree that the University shall have the full authority for the inspection of the transport vehicle or any of my personal belongings during transit or otherwise in or outside the University at any time. vi. I agree that the University reserves the right to withdraw or to change the transport vehicle allotted and various provisions and facilities in the vehicle from time to time, as deem appropriate by the University. vii. I shall carry the transport identity card all the time while being in the transport vehicle and shall be liable to produce the same as and when the concerned authorities ask for. viii. I agree that the University shall not be liable for any damage, loss, accident, and/or mishappening caused to me or my belongings while being in the transport vehicle or otherwise. ix. I agree that in case the University is not able to arrange for transport facility for specific period due to any reason whatsoever, I shall make my own arrangements for the transport facility at my own cost; and I shall not be entitled to claim any compensation from the University. x. I shall be liable to pay the transport charges/fee for the industrial visits, tours, bridge courses, workshops, practical, training,placement visits or for visiting such other place/events as may be specified by the University from time to time, in addition to the transport fee for the academic session(s). xi. In case it is found at any time that I am subject to be declared ineligible for appearing in any examination due to shortage of attendance in a particular term after due consideration of all the classes to be conducted for that term or in case I am detained at any time on account of disciplinary misconduct or any other reason whatsoever, I shall not avail this facility. Allotment of transport facility in the next term/semester shall be solely at the discretion of the University. xii. I agree that the transport fee and related charges are subject to revision from time to time as decided by the University. xiii. I shall be liable to pay for any damage caused by me to the transport vehicle or provisions therein either alone or jointly with others and shall also be subject to face disciplinary action(s) as decided by the University. xiv. I agree that the University reserves the right to frame, amend, revoke, repeal and enforce the Rules & Regulations, as and when deem fit and it shall be my responsibility to keep myself well versed and updated with the Rules & Regulations applicable from time to time; the University shall not be responsible for informing me separately in any manner. (18) I agree that the University reserves the right to frame, amend, revoke, repeal and enforce the Rules & Regulations, as and when deem fit and it shall be my responsibility to keep myself well versed and updated with the Rules & Regulations applicable from time to time; the University shall not be responsible for informing me separately in any manner. 19) In case of any dispute on any matter or for any unforeseen issues arising, that are not covered in the Prospectus or otherwise, the decision of the University shall be final and binding on me and others concerned. (20) I agree that the Courts only in Kapurthala district shall have the jurisdiction over all disputes arising in relation to my admission, study and stay at University or in respect of any other matter pertaining to the University in any respect. Signature of the Applicant Date:

VERIFICATION I, above named applicant do hereby verify that all the contents of this undertaking are true and correct to best of my knowledge and nothing has been concealed therein. In case any deviation is found, I myself shall be responsible for the consequences thereof

Place : Date: INDEMNIFICATION(by Applicant)

Signature of Applicant

I the undersigned, ____________________________________________ S/D/o _____________________________________________do hereby indemnify the University and its constituents, affiliates, sponsoring body, associates, successors, sister concerns and other units, as applicable against; 1. all actions, causes, suits, proceedings (including civil and criminal), accounts, claims, liabilities (including statutory liabilities),penalties,demands and costs (including without limitation legal costs), awards, damages, losses and expenses, whatsoever, arising on account of my study or stay at the University or otherwise and against all consequences arising thereof. 2. all rights and claims by my above said myself, my dependants, next of kin or other legal representatives for compensation for any mishappening in terms of death, suicide, disability, infections, diseases, loss or damage of any kind caused to me in person or otherwise during my study and stay at the University in any manner due to any reason throughout the duration of the programme of study, including but not limited to industrial visits, trainings, tours, conduct of practical, working in laboratories or workshops, stay in hostel, traveling in the transport or otherwise, within or outside the precincts of the University; and for any loss or damage of cash or valuables or my personal belongings of all kinds including mobile phones, PC, laptop, jewellery or any other personal belongings; and 3. all the consequences arising, in case anything goes wrong or against the contents of the Undertaking given or to be given to the University; and I myself shall be responsible for all consequences whatsoever; and the University shall not be liable in any regard. Place: Date: Signature of the Applicant

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